#Apparently it's 1900s slang?
thatoneluckybee · 5 months
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God Bless the English Language
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rollsoffthetongue · 4 months
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Idiomatic Meaning: The point at which a theory or idea is put into practice and tested in real-world conditions; the phrase can also refer to a situation becoming serious or challenging;
Literal Meaning: The exact spot on any road where some rubber (usually a tire) touches it.
Usage: Informal spoken or written general American English. Alternatives are “When the rubber hits the road” and “where/when the rubber hits the road.”
Origin:  Early 20th Century – American English –The phrase is believed to have originated in the early 1900s, after the invention of the rubber tire by John Dunlop in 1888. The earliest reference of the idiom in print comes from the Mt. Vernon Register News in 1956. However, it was popularized through advertising for the US tire company Firestone. The advertisements emphasized the importance of quality tires in driving, stating that their tires were where the rubber met the road. This idiom is often used in the context of project implementation, testing, or when a situation becomes serious. “Moment of truth” is a similar expression.
Why is this funny?  In the photo, we see a woman and man walking in the street next to the sidewalk. The man is throwing prophylactics into the street and the woman asks what he thinks he’s doing. His answer is that he is having a moment of truth. A slang term for a prophylactic is “rubber”. He has apparently decided he no longer needs or wants to use prophylactics or rubbers. This decision coincides with his throwing them on the street or road. It’s “where the rubber meets the road!”
Sample Sentence: Election Day in the US in November 2024, is “when the rubber will meet the road”.
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freckleslikestars · 3 years
we can’t be together but let’s make the most of the night before we have to go our separate ways, maybe watch the stars as we talk about how we would have gotten married, how many kids we would have had, if the odds had been in our favor
For the angsty prompts again, but for Lily and Selden maybe 👉👈🥺
I absolutely love you for this prompt! I've been wanting to write something set around the Monte Carlo time for so long, but couldn't figure out what. And now, I have done it!
Also I am kind of slightly just a little bit tipsy so...😬
The other prompt you sent I have started, I just need to figure out where I am going with it.
Under the Stars
1300 words, Read here at AO3
‘I cannot turn up on their doorstep this late; Gwen would send news to Aunt Julia, and then it would not only be in Monte Carlo that I have no place to sleep. It is best everyone believe I resided in a hotel for the night,’ her voice was choked, cracking under the weight of her burden, ‘else...else I will be so far into disrepute that any prospects I do still cling onto are sure to be lost, and I cannot afford for that to happen.’
‘Then what will you do?’ he studied her as she put on a brave face, the subtle trembling of her body that betrayed her fear. Taking her arm in his own he guided her from the dining room, heart aching every time her step faltered.
‘I am sure I can find a secluded bench on which to sleep. The night is mild enough.’
‘No. Lily, I cannot allow this.’
She looked up at him, mask slipping, her face dissolving into a hopelessness that consumed her and threatened to drag him down with it, ‘what else would you have me do, Dear Lawrence?’
‘I...I...’ he searched desperately around him as if the answer would appear from thin air, ‘stay with me, Miss Bart. In my hotel room.’
‘I cannot, and you know it,’ she murmured, her mind already imagining it, the warmth of his body pressed into her side. She leant in closer to him, far closer than was appropriate, in an attempt to simulate the safety and comfort she imagined him giving her.
‘I am not propositioning you, Lily. It would be safer and spark far fewer rumours for me to sleep outside than for you. I will pass it off as having been to a casino after I walked you to your cab, and then having drunk too much.’
She looked up at him, aghast, ‘no. No, I will not let you sacrifice yourself for me.’
At an impasse, they continued on into the night, walking past bench after bench, Lily keeping a keen eye out for the most ideal for her to make camp on for the night. Finally they drew up to one secluded enough that she felt comfortable nobody would recognise her, whilst in the open enough that she perceived nobody would hurt her. Putting on the most cheerful voice she could muster, she untethered herself from her companion and sat, patting the bench and saying ‘yes, yes I think this will do quite well.’
‘Miss Bart, I must insist-‘
‘Stop, Lawrence. This is my only viable option. Now, if you will excuse me- what do you think you are doing?’
‘Sitting. That is, of course, what benches are for,’ he murmured, closing the gap between them again as he joined her, ‘and I will not let you stay out here alone.’
‘Very well,’ she muttered, trying not to sound as relieved as she was that he wasn’t abandoning her completely. She said no more, knowing if she did she might cry from how terrible it all was, and instead looked up to the stars. They shone so clearly in the dark blanket of night, and she felt she might float up into them, if only life amongst the stars was as peaceful as their steady twinkling promised.
‘I wish I could take you away from it all,’ Lawrence whispered, so quiet that she doubted for a moment he had said anything at all. ‘I wish you didn’t have to lead such a life.’
‘What a fruitless wish that is,’ she sighed. ‘I too wish it, though, despite knowing it can never happen.’
‘I’d marry you in a heartbeat if I knew it was what you wanted. If I knew I could make you happy I’d take you to the courthouse tomorrow. Or today, as it is now, I guess. I know I can never offer you enough, but we’d have a comfortable life. You would be safe and warm and would never go wanting.’
She was biting back tears, desperate for him not to see how much she yearned for such an impossibility of a future. For the life of her she could not remember why she resisted this man so, only that she must. She trembled and whether he took it as her being cold or not, he wrapped an arm around her, pulled her to him as if she were. She laid her head on his shoulder, looking out to the night sky with him, ‘tell me about our life together.’
‘We’d have a little house, out in the country. I’d move my practice to the outskirts of the city so I could commute more easily, and still be home in time for tea. I could never promise you a big house, but it would be enough, with bedrooms for the children, and perhaps a guestroom for visitors.’
‘Mmhm. Two. Maybe three. You’d be hesitant of the idea at first, worry constantly when we discovered you were pregnant, because you fear change. But I would hold you and tell you how beautiful you were, and promise you that when we had our beautiful little baby to hold you would love them as much as I love you,’ his shoulder was wet from her tears, his own cheeks glistening too. ‘We’d have a little girl, first, I reckon. God, Lily, she’d be so beautiful. She’d have your eyes, and your nose, and such curly red hair. You’d never mistake her for anyone’s child but your own,’ his voice broke and he grit his teeth together to stifle a sob.
‘Go on.’
‘She’d be so soulful, Lily. So serious, but when she laughs, oh it would be the most wondrous sound. And then we’d give her a little brother. And he would grow up to be her protector, despite being younger. And we would teach them all about love, Lily. We’d show them the world, and we’d love them so, so much.’
‘You said three children. Tell me about the third?’
He chuckled through his tears, nodded and pressed a kiss to her forehead, ‘our third would be a surprise. She’d be a few years younger than her siblings, and she’d be an angel. She’d be quick to laugh and quick to love.’
‘A dog. We should have a dog, too. I always wanted a dog.’
‘Yes,’ he nodded, ‘we’d have a dog. Something big, to chase around the garden with the children, that will sleep in front of the fire in the winter, and protect you should I ever have to stay in town. Of course, you wanted a smaller dog at first, but this dog, the dog we have, you found as a puppy. He was the pup of the grounds keeper’s dog, the runt of the litter. Far more hassle than he was worth. But you were walking one day and ran into them, fell in love.’
She was quiet for a while before she murmured ‘if we were not us, Lawrence, it would be the most perfect life.’
‘But we are us.’
‘And we could never work.’
‘No,’ he lied, lapsing into silence as she settled further into his side, ‘if only the fates had aligned.’
She hummed sleepily, her hand finding his, twining their fingers together.
They sat, in the quiet of the night, each absorbed in their own fantasies, until he gazed up once more at the star-studded sky, ‘look, Lily. A falling star. You must make a wish.’ But when she didn’t respond he looked down to find her fast asleep on his shoulder and smiled sadly. He made a wish instead, not taking his eyes off her tear-stained face in the moonlight as he did so.
He stayed with her through the dark of night, keeping vigil and watching as the sky changed into the greying light of dawn until the first of the city woke up for their day.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
since we know how starkingly different marceline and bonnibel are, do you think they share any similarities?
Well yeah. Theyre not actually complete opposites.
Forrrr example theyre both immortal teenagers. At varying degrees of immortal.
PB actually has way more practical survivability than Marceline because she can be put back together majin buu style from the smallest of leftovers as long as they have her heart/brain, and she's not weak to this thing we call "the sun", but if they started fighting, say, a giant molten lava dragon, Marceline would survive a good while whereas it'd be instadeath for Peebs if she got hit. Marceline also instantly regenerates. In "Stakes" she survived getting cut in half, and apparently she can't get poisoned. Marceline is a heavy hitter, and if she's hit, she can get back up straight away. The reason Peebs thinks she's going to die prematurely is because she has a huge kingdom to protect which, due to the narrative forces of the show itself, keeps drawing disaster after disaster. Including the Lich that one time. She's usually left unprepared for whatever attack, which is why Finn and Jake do so much - theyre good at improv. Lots of candy people straight up died in the show, even the guardians - It's a miracle Pb, Finn and Jake survived so long. I guess that's the OTHER narrative forces keeping them alive ;) Marceline meanwhile had ONE near death experience in the entire main show - Stakes. Well two if you count the Simon and Marcy flashback. She's never really in danger as a vampire. Except for the sun!!!!!
Im aware you didnt ask me how their apparent immortality differs or what impact being a cartoon character has on death rate so I'll just go into their other similarities
They talk similarly. A little bit. They both use heavy Adventure Time slang. Marceline uses it slightly less, because most of her dialogue is more serious and straight to the point.
They both have a fondness for music. They both love rock, and songs - PB was always big on Marcie's stuff, after all. Marceline has the skill to make this type of music. PB isn't the sing-out-your-feelings type so just makes "experimental" music instead. She also likes music from the 1900s, whereas Marceline prefers modern rock.
They're both very creative. Marceline expresses her creativity through music while PB expresses it through science. It's why the science experiments tend to be a bit unstable or impractical....
Very fashionable. If you look towards the end of the series theyre often seen wearing clothes that work well together. Especially in episodes like "Broke his Crown", "Seventeen" and "Obsidian". They also wear each other's stuff sometimes. Marceline stole PB's sweater AND jacket.
Theyre both older than Finn by a few (biological) years and see him as the little brother type, but grow to respect him as a peer of sorts by the end.
Theyre both super badass. Theyre powerhouses. Marceline has her crazy vampire powers while PB has her god tier technology. If you remove Marcie's powers and PB's tech, theyre both still really strong and resourceful in a fight. They are also potentially the two strongest magical beings in Ooo, besides Sweet Pea - PB won the Elements power struggle, and Marceline resisted her magic with sheer willpower. Marceline hasn't unlocked all of her vampire abilities yet. PB obvs hasn't gotten too familiar with elemental magic and tends to fuck up. If we caught up to them in a thousand years, who knows what theyll be capable of?
EDIT: Crap I nearly forgot - They both survived in the early years of the apocalypse as scavengers who had to fight in self defense. Where they differ is their coping mechanisms - Marceline had parental figures on and off in her life, who kept leaving her or letting her down, and she kept feeling rejected by the human soiciety, so once humanity left for the islands and she had to split from them for being a vampire, she decided to be all by herself.  PB originally started in a hivemind full of very innocent naive gum creatures, but ended up as a small kid with no support whatsoever, so she decided to make relatives, but also tried to be in charge of them, because she has a need to be in control. Once they turned on her, the resentment led to her taking on her uncle’s dream and building a kingdom with some sturdy defenses, so she could have “safer” company and nobody would mess with her. 
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anarmorofwords · 2 years
Anaaaaaaa 🧡
4. What is your comfort trope?
16. Is there a fic of yours you would absolutely love to see fanart of?
18. Be honest. How many WIPs do you have at the moment?
20. What is something that you know more than you will ever need to because you’ve done copious amounts of research about it for a fic?
No pressure and no rush dear <3
hi Lola!
4. probably friends to lovers or fake dating.
16. out of the already published ones, not really, but Circus au... (I'm working on it I swear, it's just,,,,,, apparently life happens in the meantime). the huge inspiration for this story was the atmosphere of it, and that's mostly rooted in visuals - the point of a circus is to create a show, and with magic involved here, it's truly spectacular, at least in my brain. not to mention, the colours are an important distinction between the circuses that reflects their other characteristics, and I played a lot with opposites and just,,,, yeah, I'd kill for that fanart. or, you know, save up and comission something.
18. (I actually went and counted) TLH fanfic only - 15, I think, excluding the few that are just ideas and no part of them is written yet.
20. probably love songs/ballads of the 1900s-1910s time period, and Edwardian slang lol
thanks for the ask <3
<fanfic ask game>
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I haven’t been very inspired lately to write.  But I sat down and wrote this ficlet today for the event, so that makes me proud even if it’s super short.
Theme: Historic Prompt (Lyric):“Sweet vale of Avoca! how calm could I rest In thy bosom of shade, with the friends I love best, Where the storms that we feel in this cold world should cease, And our hearts, like thy waters, be mingled in peace.” —The Meeting of the Waters
1890s/1900s PodSquad AU Roswell New Mexico Ficlet
“This is stupid, Max.  What if Mom and Dad wake up?”  Despite her protest, Isobel clung to the back of the tricycle Max was pedaling along the dirt road.  She’d refused to let him go alone when he’d insisted on following the feeling that had awoken him for the third time in as many weeks.
“There’s something out here, Isobel, I’m telling you.”  Max insisted.  The bicycle lamp lit the area with it’s red and green side lights, and in the near darkness there was something almost eerie about the way the colors shaded the landscape around them.
“But we don’t know....” Isobel trailed off, spotting something ahead.  Sitting on the fence of the ranch was a young preteen boy about their age with a head of wild curly hair.
He turned at the sound of their approach, hopping his perch and pulling a switch knife out of his pocket.  “Stay back.”  He snarled.
Max could feel it - the pull to the young man in front of him.  This was why he’d been waking up.  The third child from his memories.  “It’s you!  Do you remember us?”  Max stopped the tricycle, hopping off the seat.  Isobel stepped down off the back wheel bars reluctantly, eyeing the boy suspiciously.  He was barefooted and dirty - his clothes worn in comparison to the nice clothing the Evans kept Max and Isobel supplied with.  When he didn’t respond, Max pressed on.  “I’m Max, and this is my sister Isobel.  I don’t remember your name, but I remember us being together in the green place-”
“I don’t remember you.”  The boy cut him off, keeping the knife trained on them.
“You’re fibbing.”  Isobel accused.  “I can tell.”
“Isobel.”  Max lectured.
“What?  You honestly don’t believe a word of it either.”
“Why don��t you tell your Church Bell to shut her sauce-box?”  The boy snapped at Max.
“Why don’t you try and make me you pigeon-livered-” Isobel began.
“Hey, hey, c’mon.”  Max kept himself between them.  “Look, what’s your name?”
“What’s it matter to you?”  The boy replied.  “You're clearly living the high life.  What’s some guttersnipe off the orphan train matter to you?”
Max couldn’t help but feel hurt at his words.  He remembered waking up in the caves - somewhere green and damp.  The three of them had survived for a time alone in the woods, until they’d gotten too close to town.  Then they’d been taken to the Orphanage.  He hadn’t liked it - it had been crowded and noisy and dirty.  Then the Evans had come to take him and Isobel away with them.  He’d never known what happened to the other boy until now.  Couldn’t have imagined that someone hadn’t taken him in - but apparently they hadn’t.  He’d heard of the orphan trains - kids brought out to be auctioned off to the farms and ranches for work.  “But… you’re like us.  I know you can feel it.”
“I don’t need you.  I don’t need anyone.”
Isobel huffed.  “Bully for you.  We’ll just go then.”  She stormed back to stand next to the tricycle..
“Will you at least tell me your name?”  Max tried one last time.
“... it’s Michael.”
Max hesitated, before pulling out a small bag from his pocket.  “I have some gum drops-”
“I don’t need anything.”
“I’ll just leave them here, and you can take them or not…”  He set them on the fence post, before going back to the tricycle where Isobel was pretending to not watch the exchange.  Michael didn’t say anything more as he turned the tricycle around and head back up the road.
“Waste of good gumdrops, bet he doesn’t even take them.”  Isobel huffed once they were far enough away to be out of earshot.
“I’m coming out again next week.”  Max told her.  “You can come or not.”
“Don’t be daft, of course I’m coming.”
Max felt something settle in him at her words.  Because somehow he knew this was right.  Three of them.  There had always been meant to be three of them.
Notes:  This is meant to be set in the late 1800s/Early 1900s. Essentially, my thought process was for the crash to have happened out east, and they’d all been brought to New Mexico.  Michael more recently than Isobel and Max.
Some of my research was super quick, so I’m not positive if the orphan trains went to Roswell or not.  I know they went to Texas.
Bicycles and Tricycles were experiencing a boom in the late 1800s, and - yes, they did have non-electric bike lamps. Some with colored glass.  They’re pretty neat looking in pictures!
Slang: Church Bell - A talkative woman Sauce Box - Mouth Pigeon-Livered - Lily-livered
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qt-caity · 3 years
Star Trek Secret Santa 2020
A fic for @saritaadam for @startreksecretsanta for the prompt of “TOS Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura on their own adventures.” Thanks to @that-one-curly-haired-chick and @wreckx for looking it over for me.
“I’m still not sure I get it, “Chekov whispered under the latest round of applause and laughter.
Sulu was already prying the Russian’s communicator out of his hand and sliding it towards the middle of the table. “Not much to ‘get’ here, pal. Just hope you aren’t unlucky.”
Moments ago, when Chekov had been hovering in the doorway of the recreation room to see a group of senior officers huddled around a ring of communicators on a table, his first impressions were those of a cult. The deck officer who glanced up and immediately asked “You in?” did little to assuage that. Yet Chekov was smart enough to know that you could hardly afford to alienate other crewmembers in the early days of your first assignment. If the four hundred something people on this ship were all members of some secret cult, well, it was time for him to learn its laws.
Luckily, Lieutenant Sulu had recognized him and immediately waved him over to sit by him, persuading the others to let him have one round to watch before joining in the fun.
Unfortunately, Chekov was still confused as to what this fun was.
“Is this something for all in Starfleet? A game everyone plays?”
Sulu smiled and shook his head. “Only we’ve got Uhura. It’s basically a free show, Pavel. The price is just—” His words faded as the bosun whistle on the wall panel sounded.
“Kirk to Sulu.”
“Shit.” Sulu groaned.
Uhura rose gracefully to a chorus of cheers and groans, which quieted as she reached the panel.
“Kirk to Sulu.”
“Nyota, be kind,” Sulu begged before he was promptly shushed by the rest of the table.
Uhura gave a wink before extending a graceful finger to the comm. “Sulu here.”
Chekov blinked. The last round that he’d witnessed, he’d assumed Uhura was just answering comms in silly voices for fun. Knowing that her voice was now a perfect impersonation of Sulu’s. . . well, apparently that was the price of the show.
“Sulu, regarding our course to Agaron PrimeI. If we were to make a stop at the Canopus  first, how much would that delay our arrival?”
The table exploded into a muted explosion of giggles as every eye turned expectantly towards Sulu, who had sprung into action. Two fingers, then six, then four. A jabbing finger. Eight fingers. His hands held close together, then spread far apart.
Chekov looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. Uhura kept her cool gaze. “Did you say Canopus, Captain?”
Two, six, then four fingers. Three jabbing motions. Eight fingers, A decidedly frustrated and sarcastic spreading of the arms.
“Yes, Canopus. How long, Sulu?”
A pause. “I’m sorry sir…I’ll need time to work that out.”
“Hmmm. I see. See that it doesn’t take you too long to find a calculator, Lieutenant. Kirk out.”
“Don’t tell her, laddie,” chuckled Scotty as the rest of the table burst into laughter. “Sounds to me like you’ve got a call to make.”
Sulu slumped in his chair and dejectedly sipped his drink. “One more round. The captain already thinks I can’t do warp equations at the ready. Five more minutes won’t damage my reputation any further.”
“I’d spend that time practicing your charades,” Uhura added lightly as she came behind Sulu’s chair. “No sun? No days? I’m not a mind reader, you know.”
“Just a life ruiner,” Sulu muttered darkly, but his mouth twitched as he brought his glass to his lips again.
“I do think that I’ve only one more round left in me, so before you all—" Uhura frowned as one of the communicators on the table buzzed with its whistle. “Is that…Pavel’s?”
Chekov’s heart sunk. “Da.” His shiny communicator stood out in the ring of dingy dull devices. “Yes, it’s mine.”
Everyone else reached out to pocket their device, murmuring in surprise as Uhura stayed put behind Sulu.
“That’s not fair to me, he’s only just got here!”
“You’ve had seven days, Nyota! You mastered Klingon barroom slang in half that time.”
“We do tell everyone you’re the best at this, you know.”
Uhura crossed her arms. “I’ll have you know Klingon barroom slang is quite easy to pick up once you’ve mastered one particular expletive. I’ve hardly gotten to spend any time with Pavel so far!”
“Yes, give the lady a break, please. It’s not like I have any noticeable accent to copy,” Chekov added helpfully, wondering why so many people broke out into snickers again.
“Sorry, Nyota. Your own rules, after all,” said Sulu firmly, gracefully reaching across and holding the communicator over his head towards Uhura.
“Sore loser,” Uhura muttered, but opened the communicator anyway and took a deep breath. “Chekov here.”
A mutter of approval circled the table at the reveal of Uhura’s first Russian accent. Not half bad, Chekov admitted to himself. She did sound like she came from St. Petersburg instead of Moscow, but he could take that up with her later.
“Ensign Chekov, this is Mister Spock.”
Whispers of excitement now. Sulu glanced over in time to see Chekov’s mouth beginning to open, and quickly slapped his hand across it. “Rules, Pavel.”
“Yes, Mister Spock.”
“Ensign, I am calling regarding our latest discussion that we had about the—”
Uhura’s eyes met Chekov’s, which were widened in shock. Hurriedly, she cut Spock off. “Da.”
“You know to what I’m referring?”
“And you are prepared?
A muffled scream came from behind Sulu’s hand, and other officers had to lean forward to keep Chekov from thrashing out of his chair. Uhura grimaced. “Vell, actually…”
“All can be arranged in more detail the next time we meet, Ensign. I look forward to seeing you at 1900 hours. Spock out.”
Sulu quickly withdrew his hand before it could be bitten off as the Russian threw himself out of his chair and gestured wildly towards the whole table. “CRAZY, ALL OF YOU. INSANE!”
“I tried to keep it neutral! I said ‘Da!” Uhura offered defensively.
“A WERY IMPORTANT ‘DA.’” Chekov broke down into a string of Russian which, if Uhura’s face was any clue, followed a drastic line of thought.
“Pavel, Pavel…” Sulu awkwardly stood next to the frantic ensign and grabbed his shoulder. “I know you just got here, and Mister Spock can seem…well, he’s a lot at first. But whatever you promised, Uhura can help you with it.” He looked up to meet Nyota’s glare. “Uhura and I can help you with it.”
    Sulu broke into what he hoped looked like a nonchalant jog as he followed Chekov down the hall. Uhura was keeping a much more leisurely pace behind, taking the time to greet every crewmember they passed. 
 ��  “Pavel,” Sulu hissed after having to apologize to the fourth redshirt that Chekov nearly plowed into. “You said that you--Uhura--agreed to present your research to Mr. Spock tonight. We can help you finish, you’ve got plenty of time!”
    Chekov slowed in front of a laboratory door, nervously looking up and down the corridor, and even taking a peek into an adjacent Jeffries Tube. Uhura gracefully ducked her head to hide her smile. “Research is done, only....too much.”
    “Pavel, I don’t--” the door whooshed open and behind him, Sulu heard a particular Klingon expletive.
    “Pavel, you’ve only been here a few days!” Uhura cried in dismay, looking at the parts spread across the floor. “This looks like you spent months dismantling this!”
    “Well, I guess I can’t make fun of Riley for his lab accident anymore,” Sulu said lazily, picking up a piece of circuitry to inspect. “Remind me to never introduce you to him.”
    “This is serious!” Chekov was practically vibrating between the different corners of the room. “I was finishing my research and the machine was slow, so I try to improve it, but then it jammed, and I thought if I took it apart I could find problem--”
    “You know who would be best equipped to fix this?” Sulu murmured to Uhura. “One Mister Spock.”
    “Oh, hush,” Uhura scolded over Chekov’s wounded cry. “There’s always Mr. Scott. He was just with us, I can go--”
    “No, no, no!” Chekov pleaded, his eyes wide. “No senior officers. Nobody important. I cannot risk having the first thing on my record be a demerit!”
    “Or an invoice,” Uhura added lightly.
    “Thanks for the compliment, Pavel. But neither of us are engineers.”
    “Speak for yourself.” Uhura plucked the circuit out of Sulu’s hands. “I’ve done emergency surgery on my array to at least hide most of the damage here.”
    “Fix it enough so that some other poor soul will come and break it next. Sneaky.”
    Chekov looked as though he were about to faint. “It’s not my intention to--”
    “We’re just kidding, Pavel. Grab a hyperspanner. If we’re going to let Mr. Spock in here in time, we’d better hustle.”
    When Mr. Spock entered the environmental sciences lab at 18:58, he found a more sociable scene than he was anticipating. 
    “Lieutenant Uhura. Mr. Sulu,” he nodded. “What brings you to this part of the ship?”
    “Just getting to know the new Ensign, sir. We’ll be out of your way now. Uhura, would you like to join me for dinner?”
    “Of course, Hikaru.” Uhura grasped Chekov’s hand for a moment, before placing it firmly on the center of the console plate, giving it an extra press before leaving to follow Sulu. “STAY confident, Pavel, and good luck.”
    Sulu waited until they were a whole corridor away before letting his head roll back with a sigh. “He’s going to be trouble.”
    “All the good ones are.” Uhura and Sulu reentered the same rec room as before just as a bosun whistle sounded from the wall panel. 
    “Uhura! I’ll wager my Enolian spice wine that you can’t fool whoever’s on the other end of that one!”
    Uhura only paused for a moment before shrugging and making her way over. Sulu shook his head, dumbfounded. “You never learn, do you?”
    “Be a dear and fetch my dinner and I’ll share some of the wine with you.”
    “Yes, ma’am” Sulu saluted and made his way over to the replicators. He was about to punch in his order when he saw a figure duck behind a receptacle. Curious, he peeked around.
    Captain Kirk was hunched over his communicator. “Ensign, you sound unwell. Should I call Sickbay?” 
    Kirk looked up to glance across the room and immediately met Sulu’s gaze. He smirked, put a finger to his lips, and winked before speaking again. “You really sound congested, Ensign. Don’t make me make this an order.” He then leaned away from the communicator to whisper to Sulu, “Keep quiet about this and I’ll keep quiet about the spice wine.”
    “Aye, sir,” Sulu whispered back and turned back to the replicator. The new Ensign might be a handful, but he would fit right in on this captain’s ship.
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slangcards · 3 years
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Hi guys! Our slang word of the day is ”Zip,“ which means “nothing, zero.”⠀ Etymology: 1895-1900; Americanism; apparently an expressive word, with z- of “zero.” You need example sentences with pronunciation? Try our app for learning English slang - click the link onelink.to/ewf6kr Special offer! Get 40% off our slang dictionary and other dictionaries! Coupon code: 40OFF (use at checkout) - https://learzing.com/slang
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tyk-tyk-tyk · 4 years
🍁 The Lodger’s Origin Country + Time Period
This theory is definitely a bit of a stretch but I’ve been looking forward to sharing it since its discovery. 
As usual, lots of rambling under the cut.
Something in particular bothered me when rereading the diary pages found by The Lodger’s door. On the very first page, an event is referenced. To quote:
“The first time we learned about the “Program” was in the fall, about six months after the unrest.”
Something about ‘the unrest’ bothered me. I had never heard of it before, whether in slang or passing. A few years ago, I had wondered if it was associated with The Russian Sleep Experiment creepypasta, it was the first thing that came to mind. However, this accusation made absolutely no sense. Knock Knock was a game that was built from the ground up via an anonymous person who accordingly based it on a true story, it’s unlikely they were browsing the internet looking for cool references to slide in. I did happen to make a mistake when going to search for ‘the unrest’. My mind wanted to slip the word ‘great’ in. This was completely accidental, but what I found made my jaw drop. When searching for “The unrest”, you typically get a bunch of unrelated movies, terms, phrases. Nothing important to pin to or look into. The Great Unrest, however, was a real event that happened in the 1910′s. Specifically located in the United Kingdom. This wasn’t just a tragedy or an interesting tale, this was a pretty big deal. 
When looking into The Lodger as a character, I always assumed he was Russian. Knock Knock came from a game company in Moscow, so why would he be anything different? Europe is, however, an entire continent. It’s easy to be someone in the UK and email someone in Russia. It’s easy to be anywhere in the world and email someone in Russia, in fact. Some things started to make sense. I had joked with a friend when he was playing through Knock Knock, I said “His babbling sounds kind of British, doesn’t it?” Someone dug through Knock Knock files and had a rough rip of a ghost saying an old nursery schoolyard taunt, called “Tell-tale Tit”, which apparently originated from England.
Not only does this give us a general location, but it gives us a general time period. The 1910′s would have been a completely reasonable time to own things like gramophones and radios. With the diary writer moving out of the city to live in the woods, it can be logical for The Lodger to own these items after three generations*. So many ghosts reference that the world has ‘changed’, the world is ‘different’, and I’d say we as humans did a buttload of technological advancement through the 1900′s. 
The basis of this theory is a little shaky. We lack a lot of knowledge of the game’s location, surroundings, and heritage. But that’s what makes Knock Knock so interesting, so scary and intimidating. The Lodger is an unreliable narrator, he contradicts himself and talks himself in circles. It’s an intentional design to make it creepy. We feel helpless, we want to know more, and that’s the charm of what drew me in to the game in the first place.
This may shift my focus from more Slavic fictional entities to more English based ones. I’ve been pretty biased with it, and I need to come at this game with an open mind. As I’ve said before, influence could have come from anywhere. 
* It’s specifically mentioned on almost every store page that lodgers have been living in that house for three generations, I didn’t just pull this out of thin air I promise
If you have any more knowledge or commentary on the theory, feel free to leave an ask or reply. I’ve been looking for ways to word this for about two days now, initially I had started talking about a bunch of theories on the diary. That’ll be in a separate post at a later date. Thanks and congratulations for making it to the bottom.
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kurokoros · 4 years
Okay, this is a genuine question, but is “simp” actually AAVE, or does it just come from “simpleton” the same way “pussy” comes from pusillanimous? I’m only asking because 1) “simp” seems to be the root of a few words that have to do with being foolish (simpleton, simple (as a noun), and simper), 2) apparently “simp” has been used since the 1900s (?), and 3) usually with AAVE being appropriated for internet slang it’s being used in a way to intentionally make yourself sound more aggressive or “unintelligent”, but with “simp” (at least on tumblr) it’s basically just being used as a more polite way of saying you’re a slut for X character.
Again, only asking because I don’t want to be using it if it is AAVE, but I haven’t seen anyone mention it as AAVE before today (unlike words like “sis” or “chile” which I’ve seen brought up before), and this is tumblr where people will take misinformation and roll with it.
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veinclerk05-blog · 4 years
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Similar to slowcoach, slowpoke's rhyming quality strengthened adoption into usual speech as well as proceeding use. People like to say things that trip off the tongue pleasantly as well as, in a way, musically or poetically. slipshod - careless, messy - messy originally indicated wearing sandals or loose footwear, from the earlier expression 'slip-shoe'. The careless/untidy meaning of loose is stemmed from 'down-at-heel' or used shoes, which was the first use of the expression in the sense or low quality. The very early reckless meaning of slapdash referred to shoddy look. A lot more just recently the expression's definition has expanded also to reckless actions or initiatives.
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More than one session may be needed to achieve a person's desired results. If more than one treatment sessions is needed, the next session can't be performed until 6 to 8 weeks after the first session. This is because it can take this long for damaged fat cells to be eliminated from the body.
The publishing finishes with the recommendation that an old Italian expression 'a tredici' definition 'at thirteen' could be gotten in touch with the beginnings. offer the pip/get the pip - make weak or uneasy or upset - Pip is a disease impacting birds characterised by mucous in the mouth as well as throat. The expression seems initially to have appeared in the 1800s, yet given its much older beginnings can quickly have been in use before after that. Surprisingly while the pip expression describes the bird illness, the roots of the definition really take us full-circle back to human health and wellness.
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weak breath/baited breath - distressed, pregnant - the previous spelling was the original variation of the expression, but the term is currently usually incorrectly damaged to the last 'baited' in modern use, which incorrectly suggests a various beginning. Lots of people appear now to presume a significance of the breath being metaphorically 'baited' rather than the original non-metaphorical original meaning, which simply described the breath being interrupted, or stopped. The expression shows up in Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice, which dates its beginning as 16th century or earlier. Words bate is a reduced type of abate, both bring the same definition, and also initially showed up in the 1300s, prior to which the past tense kinds were baten as well as abaten. turn it up - quit it, stopped talking, no chance, stop doing that, I don't believe you, etc - Cassells Jargon Thesaurus recommends the 'transform it up' expression relates to 'stop doing that' and that the very first use was as very early as the 1600s.
According to Bartlett's, the expression 'Too look for as needle in a container of hay' shows up partly III, chapter 10. ' Container' is an old word for a package of hay, taken from the French word botte, meaning package. Maker (dictionary and alterations) lists the complete expression - 'searching for a needle in a container of hay' which informs us that the term was first used in this type, and was later on adapted throughout the 1900s right into the contemporary form. Mum has absolutely nothing to do with mommy - it's merely a phonetic spelling and metaphorical word to signify closing one's mouth, so as not to utter a sound. The exact same sensible onomatopoeic derivation likely produced the words mumble, murmur and mumps. Just as in modern-day times, war-time governments then threw away no possibility to exaggerate risks and dangers, so as to instill respect amongst, as well as to preserve authority over, the masses. So there you have it - mum's words - possibly a product of federal government spin.
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CoolSculpting is known for “freezing” fat cells, but there's much more to the process. During your treatment, your provider uses a small applicator that also sucks out some of the frozen fat cells. However, applying ice at home only freezes your skin and doesn't get rid of any fat cells.
The 'rock pip' would certainly seem to be a distortion/confusion of merely giving or obtaining the pip, most likely due to misconstruing the meaning of pip in this context. The word pip in this expression has nothing to make with rocks or fruit. The pituitary gland lies in the brain as well as is in charge of specific bodily features, but in the late middle ages, around 1500s, it was believed to manage the circulation of mucus or phlegm to the nose. Phlegm had long been thought to be among the crucial 4 'humours' establishing life equilibrium and also character. So while the present expression was based initially on a bird illness, the origins ironically connect to seminal concepts of human health and wellness. Variants still discovered in NZ and Australia from the early 1900s include 'half-pie', as well as 'pie' suggesting great or expert at something.
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Regretfully this really appealing alternative/additional derivation of 'take the mick/micky' appears not to be supported by any main resources or references. If any person can refer me to a reputable reference please allow me understand, until such time the Micky Bliss cockney rhyming theory stays the most famously sustained beginning. The crazy bird's name came into English from a different origin, Scandinavia, in the 1800s, and also probably had a larger impact in the United States on the expressions crazy as a crazy, and additionally drunk as a crazy. The highly bad slang loony container, describing a mental home, first appeared around 1910.
Nowadays, despite still being https://datchet.lipofreeze2u.co.uk/ according to English thesaurus, resolving a blended team of people as 'promiscuous' would not be a very suitable use the word. pernickety/persnickety/pernickerty/ persnickerty - fussy, picky, fastidious - pernickety seems currently to be the most usual contemporary type of this odd word. The variants happen possibly because no clear derivation exists, offering no apparent recommendation indicate anchor a punctuation or enunciation.
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CoolSculpting is clinically proven to produce permanent results. Once the treated fat cells have been frozen through cryolipolysis, they die. The body's natural reaction is to remove these dead fat cells through its natural elimination process.
Buck stems from thaler, which is an old German word for a coin, from earlier Low German 'dahler', whose necessary root word 'dahl' suggests valley. Dahler, later on ending up being thaler, is a 500-year-old acronym of Joachimsthaler, a very early Bohemian/German silver coin. Words Joachimsthaler actually described something from 'Joachim's Thal'. This was Joachim's Valley, which now equates to Jáchymov, a medical spa community in NW Bohemia in the Czech Republic, close to the boundary to Germany.
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Share on Pinterest Researchers have found CoolSculpting to be relatively effective. Research generally points towards CoolSculpting being a relatively safe and effective treatment for removing some areas of fat. A 2015 review published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery analyzed 19 previous studies of cryolipolysis.
The word appears first to have actually been videotaped between in Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language, in the form of pernickitie, as an extension of a Scottish word pernicky, which is maybe a much better idea to its beginnings. This is all conjecture in the lack of trustworthy recorded origins.
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On which direct a combination of the words certain and fussy might have been a factor, particularly when you consider the earlier pernicky type. Odds meaning the various opportunities of contenders, as made use of in gambling, was very first recorded in English in 1574 according to Chambers, so using the 'can't probabilities it' expression might possibly be very old without a doubt. Cassells and various other trusted jargon resources say that 'take the mick' is cockney poetry slang, c. 1950s, from 'Micky Bliss', rhyming with 'take the piss'. No-one appears to know who Micky Happiness was, which probably indicates a little weak point in the derivation. Conversely, and possibly in addition in the direction of the adoption of the expression, a less well-known opportunity is that 'mick' in this feeling is a shortening of words 'micturation', which is a clinical term for peeing.
Partridge says initially tape-recorded regarding 1830, but suggests the expression could have remained in use from perhaps the 1600s. This is definitely feasible given that board indicated table in older times, which is the association with card video games played on a table. It was previously bord, deducible to Old Saxon, likewise implying guard, constant with similar international words going back to the earliest beginnings of European language.
This table sense of board likewise offered us the board as put on a board of directors and also the conference room. slowpoke - sluggish individual or employee - slowpoke is USA slang first recorded in print according to Chambers. Possibly from cowpoke - words originally utilized to define the men that prodded cattle onto slaughterhouse trains. Poke represented the picture of job, being based on an usual job activity of the moments, as did punch.
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This to a specific extent explains why a lot of English words with French beginnings occur in way of living as well as social language. Incidentally the word French, to explain individuals or things of France and also the language itself, has existed in English in its modern kind since concerning 1200, prior to which it was 'Frensch', and also earlier in Old English 'frencisc'. This derived from Old High German frenkisc and frenqisc, from and also straight pertaining to the Franks, the early Germanic individuals who conquered the Romans in Gaul around the fifth century. The name of the Frank individuals is also the root of the word France and the Franc money. The most enticing theory for the ultimate origin of words Frank is that it originates from a comparable word for a spear or lance, which was the favoured weapon of the Frankish people. whatever drifts your boat - if it makes you happy/it's your decision/it's your option (although I don't always agree as well as I uncommitted anyway) - a fairly modern expression from the late 20th century with oddly little known beginnings.
Do you poop when you die?
The body may release stool from the rectum, urine from the bladder, or saliva from the mouth. This happens as the body's muscles relax. Rigor mortis , a stiffening of the body muscles, will develop in the hours after death.
In the late 1400s, silver ounce coins were produced from silver extracted at Joachim's Valley, Bohemia, by a regionally powerful family, the Matters of Schlick. These very early local European coins, called 'Joachimsthaler', shortened to 'thaler', were typical silver because region, which would nowadays extend into Germany. The high quality and also online reputation of the 'Joachimsthaler' coins consequently triggered the 'thaler' term to spread as well as be made use of for more main generic versions of the coins in Germany, as well as elsewhere as well. Later, from the 1580s, the term was additionally made use of in its adapted 'buck' form as a name for the Spanish peso (additionally called 'item of eight'). Clergy as well as clerics and also clerks were consequently among the most able and very valued and also valued of all 'workers'.
For such a well-used as well as widely known expression the information of beginnings are oddly thin, and a generally not referenced at all by the normal expressions and also etymology resources. Other pointers refer to feasible links with card video games, in which showing up a card would reveal something concealed, or mark the end of a flow of play. It's specifically tough to guess regarding the origins since words 'turn' has so many different meanings, especially when combined with various other really adaptable words. If you can include anything to assist identfy when as well as where and exactly how the 'transform it up' expression developed please contact us. The initial phrasing was 'tide nor time tarrieth no male' (' tarrieth' meaning 'awaits'). taxi/taxicab - fare-charging auto, although taxi can be a fare-charging watercraft - taxi and also taxicab are words which we tend to take for approved without thinking what the derivation may be.
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As a matter of fact the beginning of taxi is the French 'taximetre' as well as German equivalent 'taxameter', integrating taxi/taxa and also metre/meter. Taximeter appeared in English around 1898, at which time its use was transferring from horse-drawn carriages to automobile. Taxi is an acronym of another French word cabriolet, which came into English in the 1700s, and also it shows up in the complete French taxicab equivalent 'taximetre cabriolet'. Taxicab showed up in English meaning a steed attracted carriage in 1826, a heavy steam locomotive in 1859, and an electric motor cars and truck in 1899. Chambers suggests that the French taximetre is in fact stemmed from the German taxameter, which remarkably gave rise to an earlier similar but temporary English term taxameter videotaped in 1894, applied to horsedrawn taxicabs. sweep the board - win everything - based on the allegory of winning all the cards or cash risk in a game of cards.
Do fat cells die when you lose weight?
Once fat cells form, they might shrink during weight loss, but they do not disappear, a fact that has derailed many a diet.
Mojo possibly derives from African-American language, describing a talisman or witchcraft appeal, and is close to words 'moco', indicating withccraft, used by the Gullah of the United States South Carolina coastline and also islands. Words as well as the definition were popularised by the 1956 blues tune Got My Mojo Working, initially made famous by Muddy Seas' 1957 recording, and also subsequently covered by nearly all blues artists ever since. The term gave the origin for words mobster, suggesting mobster, which appeared in American English in the very early 1900s. Hitch used in the feeling is American from the 1880s although the basic hitch definition of relocation by drawing or jerking is Old English from the 1400s hytchen, and also prior, icchen meaning move from 1200.
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brigdh · 6 years
Reading Definitely Not Wednesday
Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey. A space opera set in the relatively near future. Humans have colonized Mars and the asteroid belt, and a few scattered populations make due on the moons of planets further out. There is, however, no faster-than-light travel, no contact with any solar system beyond our own, no sentient AIs, and no aliens. A major theme of the book is the culture clash between those who live on Earth or Mars – the superpowers of this future – and those who live in the Belt, where mining is the preeminent economy and life is the hardscrabble sort where even water and oxygen have to be imported, never mind concepts like justice and equality. Different characters move from one place to the other or switch allegiances, but their origins are as baked in as we would regard ethnicity or nationality. As one character puts it, "A childhood spent in gravity shaped the way he saw things forever." Corey (who is actually two separate dudes writing under a penname) does a wonderful job of fleshing out the background worldbuilding. I loved references to fungal-culture whiskey, Bhangra as the default elevator muzak, hand gestures exaggerated to be seen through a spacesuit, and largely unintelligible localized slang (“Bomie vacuate like losing air,” the girl said with a chuckle. “Bang-head hops, kennis tu?” / “Ken,” Miller said. /“Now, all new bladeboys. Overhead. I’m out.”). It feels like a more detailed world than a lot of sci-fi does. Which is good, because the characters are not all that compelling. The two POVs are Jim Holden and Detective Miller. Holden is the second-in-command on an unimportant spaceship that works as a freight hauler, moving ice back and forth between the Belt and Saturn. Things change dramatically when a mysterious someone attacks their ship and kills everyone except for Holden and a few others, and he finds himself centrally involved in the runup to war. He has the most generic action-movie-hero personality I can imagine, with no discernable characteristics except 'idealistic' (and I really only know that because other people keep telling him he is), kinda nervous about being suddenly thrust into command but doing a good job, a womanizer (but see, it's okay because he just keeps genuinely falling in love with so many women!), and earnest. He's fine. He's not even objectionable, just incredibly boring. He comes with a crew of entirely indistinguishable followers that I couldn't keep straight, but that's all right because most of them get killed off so I no longer had to try to remember who was who. He also develops a romance that is 100% unbelievable, but I suppose that's what action-movie-heroes do, so who's even surprised. Miller is a detective on Ceres, the largest city in the Belt, who's been hired by a rich family to track down their anarchist, slumming daughter. Miller is an incredibly cliche noir protagonist - alcoholic, divorced, not as good as he used to be, cynical, a little bit corrupt but underneath it all he still remembers his good intentions – but at least that means he has more of a personality than Jim, even if it's a personality you've seen a thousand times before. On the other hand, Miller becomes obsessed with this dead/missing girl in a way that is painfully stereotypical Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Two things kept this from ruining Leviathan Wakes for me. One, Miller is at least somewhat self-aware about it: This was why he had searched for her. Julie had become the part of him that was capable of human feeling. The symbol of what he could have been if he hadn’t been this. There was no reason to think his imagined Julie had anything in common with the real woman. Meeting her would have been a disappointment for them both. And two, there's a twist near the end that allows Julie to finally have her own voice in the text, and not exist solely as Miller's imagined dependance on her. It takes almost half the book for Miller and Holden to finally cross paths, at which point the missing-girl mystery and the war plot combine and take a twist for a direction I DID NOT SEE COMING. I am ambivalent on whether to spoil this; on the one hand, I read it unprepared and it was incredibly awesome to experience it that way. On the other hand, I suspect this is information that will be a determining factor for many people on whether they want to read it or not. So: halfway through, Leviathan Wakes takes a wild jump and becomes about a zombie outbreak. I would not have previously thought that 'space opera' and 'zombie apocalypse' are two genres that should be combined, but the tension and excitement skyrocket once the book takes this turn, transforming it from average quality to 'I CANNOT STOP READING, MUST FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT'. So, good choice! The sequence with Miller and Holden trapped on a small space station trying to sneak their way past zombie hordes is one of the most thrilling I've read in ages. Leviathan Wakes is the first book in a series (apparently it was originally supposed to be a trilogy, but there's currently eight books out with at least one more planned, along with a batch of short stories) and has also become a show on the Syfy network that I haven't seen. I feel like I've spent a lot of this review complaining, but honestly I mostly enjoyed the book and am planning to read the sequels. The fact that people seem to like the characters from future books more than these ones certainly doesn't hurt! Pig/Pork: Archaeology, Zoology and Edibility by Pia Spry-Marques. A nonfiction book about everything remotely related to the farming and eating of pigs. I expected from the subtitle and the author's personal background that archaeology would be the main focus, but it turns out that's really only the first two chapters, which cover the Paleolithic hunting of wild boar and the original domestication of pigs. The other chapters turn to topics as diverse as experiments on feeding farmed pigs leftovers from restaurants, the spread of foot-and-mouth disease, a special Spanish ham called ibérico de bellota which can only be fed acorns, genetically modifiying pigs so their manure would contain less phosporus, sunburn in pigs, minature pet pigs, organ donation between humans and pigs, the terrifying tapeworms to be acquired from eating raw pork, why pork is a 'white' meat, how to make sausages, theories on why pork is neither halal nor kosher, the use of an enzyme from pig pancreases in wine production, EU food-safety regulations on traditional pork dishes, Cuba's 'Bay of Pigs', the Pig War between the US and Canada in 1859, and Oliver Cromwell's favorite pig breed. Basically if it has the remotest connection to the title, Spry-Marques has included it. She even includes recipes for each chapter, though some of them are clearly more for amusement than actual consumption – I can't imagine anyone having just finished a chapter on how eating raw pork will give you cysts in your brain is eager to try figatellu, a type of uncooked sausage from France. And it would take a braver foodie than me to taste "Asian-inspired pork uterus with green onion and ginger". In fact, as is probably not surprising for any book which touches on factory farming however briefly, you will probably come away not wanting to eat pork at all for a while. Spry-Marques's writing is breezy and conversational, which kept me turning the pages even when the structure was a bit scattered. I wish it were more focused, but it's a great book for anyone who enjoys popular science, history, or food writing. I read this as an ARC via NetGalley. Song of Blood & Stone by L. Penelope. A YA fantasy novel with some unusual elements. Rather than being set in vaguely medieval England or a dystopian sci-fi future, we're in a country where the technology seems to be around 1900: cars and electric lights exist, but they're restricted to rich cities, and someone coming from rural poverty might well have never seen either. Magic exists, but comes from one's heritage; you're either born with it or not. In Elsira, where our story is set, it's rare to the point of nonexistence. Our heroine Jasminda, however, does have magic, due to her father having been a refugee from the neighboring country of Lagrimar, where magic is common. Elsira and Lagrimar have been constantly at war for hundreds of years, but are separated by a magical Barrier which allows no one to pass through, except on rare occasions when a temporary breach happens and violence erupts. Elsirans are light-skinned and Lagrimari are dark-skinned, so Jasminda has dealt with fairly severe racism throughout her life. The story starts when Jasminda runs across Jack, a Elsiran soldier just back from spying in Lagrimar who has super important information that must get back to the capital as soon as possible; unfortunately Jack has just been shot and is closely pursued by a troop of Lagrimari soldiers. Jasminda and Jack team up, fall in love, and try to prevent the coming outbreak of war. The most revealing thing I can say about Song of Blood & Stone is that it's very, very YA. (As you could probably guess, what with its title that fits exactly into the pattern of the 'YA title' meme currently going around tumblr.) Almost everything that happens is easily predictable from the back cover (Jack's long-withheld backstory is clearly supposed to be a shocking twist, but it's obvious from the moment he appears), the prose is mediocre but fine, good and bad guys are clearly signalled, the real world parallels (racism, treatment of refugees, domestic abuse) are good-hearted but extremely Social Justice 101. On the plus side, the beginning was the worst part and it got better and better as it went along; several developments near the very end were so interesting that I'm tempted to read the sequel, despite my initial boredom. Overall it's not a bad book, but I'd only recommend it to people who are extremely affectionate of the most repetitive tropes of the YA genre. I read this as an ARC from a GoodReads giveaway.
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awaytoday · 3 years
was i the only person who thought the words bimbo and himbo were relatively new slang words??? apparently bimbo started being used as american slang in the early 1900s (and originally referred exclusively to men), and the earliest record of himbo was in 1988
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stormmall27-blog · 4 years
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The modern-day OED listings 'couth' as a 'funny' word, implying cultured or improved, as well as a 'back development from words 'rude' significance crude, which by the 1500s had become a much more commonly used definition of tacky. This 'back formation' applies to the recent definitions, not the word's beginnings. Originally, concerning 1300 years ago 'couth' suggested acquainted or known. It was stemmed from the previous participle of the old English word cunnan, to understand. An old variation of tacky, 'uncuth', implying unknown, is in Beowulf, the significant old English text of c. 725AD.
This definition appears to have actually assembled with the Celtic words 'Taob-righ' (' king's celebration'), 'tuath-righ' (' partisans of the king') as well as 'tar-a-ri' (' come O king'). They began calling themselves 'Conservatives' in 1832, but the Tory name has continued to stick. toe the line - comply with regulations or policy, act as called for - from very early 1900s, initially originating from army usage, related to ceremony drill, where soldiers' foot placements were called for to line up with an actual or imaginery line on the ground. tit for tat - retaliation or revenge, an exchange disrespects or strikes - 'tit for tat' evolved from 'pointer for faucet', a center English expression for impact for strike, which also meant a profession of spoken disrespects.
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These mottos, words and also expressions beginnings as well as derivations show the ever-changing complexity of language and communications, and are excellent free materials for word problems or tests, as well as team-building video games. Cliches and expressions are provided alphabetically according to their keyword, as an example, 'save your bacon' is provided under 'b' for bacon. Some expressions with 2 keywords are detailed under each word. worth his salt - a valued member of the team - salt has long been connected with a man's well worth, since it made use of to be a far more beneficial commodity than now.
What are the negative effects of CoolSculpting?
Some common side effects of CoolSculpting include:Tugging sensation at the treatment site. Pain, stinging, or aching at the treatment site. Temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity at the treatment site. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia at the treatment site.
Hike is English from around 1800, whose beginnings strangely are unidentified prior to this. The alliterative quality of words hitchhike would certainly have encouraged popular usage. walking - elevate or require up sharply - according to Chambers, hyke as well as heik initially showed up in colloquial English c. 1809 significance walk or march vigorously. The definition encompassed hitching up a pair of pants/trousers during the mid-late-1800s as well as was first taped in 1873. And also prolonging from the above, around 1904, walking was initial recorded being used in the sense of greatly raising incomes or prices. The same usage is initial recorded in American English around 1930.
What is the best procedure for neck tightening?
Top 4 treatments to lift, tighten and rejuvenate your neck 1. Thermage® or Ultraformer III – to tighten and lift skin. 2. Laser Genesis™ – to smooth wrinkles. 3. Chin sculpting injections – to reduce a double chin. 4. Anti-wrinkle injections – to reduce platsymal bands.
Tat evolved from tap partly because of the alliteration with tit, but additionally from the spoken disagreement element, which made use of the impact of the Center English 'tatelen' implying prattle, which likewise gave rise to tittle-tattle. ( eg 'tip as well as run' still defines a bat and also ballgame when the gamer hits the sphere as well as runs, as in cricket). Tit for tat was absolutely in operation in the mid-late 16th century. As with lots of these old expressions, their use has actually been reinforced by comparable appearing foreign matchings, especially from N.Europe, in this instance 'dit vor dat' in Dutch, as well as 'tant pour tant' in French. Skeat's 1882 dictionary of etymology references 'tit for tat' in 'Bullinger's Works'.
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Ironically much of this usage is as an alternative for the word rude, as an example in referring to crudity/rudeness/impoliteness as "not extremely couth", and also similar variants. Alternative poetry vernacular are cream crackers and also cream crackered, which gave rise to the expression 'creamed', suggesting tired or defeated. a feline might view a king/a pet cat might take a look at a king/a cat may make fun of a queen - humble individuals are entitled to have and also to express opinions about apparently 'premium' individuals. The different variations of this very old proverb are based upon the initial variation, which is very first referenced by John Heywood in his 1546 publication, Adages. The origin is unknown, yet it stays a superb instance of how reliable sayings can be in conveying rather complicated meanings making use of very couple of words. is usually that no-one is actually above objection, or immune from having fun poked at them by 'minimal' individuals for behaving wrongly, irrespective of their standing.
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The expression stems as far back as Roman times when soldiers' pay was given in provisions, consisting of salt. learn more about Lipo Freeze 2 U expanded from the one Maker recommendations in 1870, 'real to his salt', meaning 'faithful to his company'. tories - political Conservative party and also its members - the initial tories were a band of Irish Catholic outlaws in Elizabethan times. The word stemmed from the Irish 'toruigh', from 'toruighim', implying to invade suddenly.
on tenterhooks - really distressed with expectation - an allegory from the very early English cloth-making process where cloth would certainly be stretched or 'tentered' on hooks placed in its seamed sides. ' Tentered' derives from the Latin 'tentus', meaning stretched, which is also the origin of the word 'tent', being constructed from extended canvas. teetotal - avoiding alcohol - from the very early English tradition for a 'T' to be included after the names of individuals who had pledged to stay away totally from alcohol. Likewise, people who had actually signed the abstinence promise had the letters 'O.P.' (for 'Old Pledge') included after their names. If anybody understands anything regarding the abstinence pledge from early English times please tell me.
Maker in 1870 suggests for 'tit for tat' the referral 'Heywood', which should be John Heywood, English dramatist (not to be confused with another English dramatist Thomas Heywood ). According to James Rogers dictionary of quotes and also mottos, John Heywood made use of the 'tit for tat' expression in 'The Spider and also the Flie' 1556. thunderbolt - fictional strike from above, or a massive shock - this was old mythology as well as astronomy's effort to discuss a lightening strike, prior to the appreciation of electrical power. The initial ancient expression was 'thunderstone' which originated from perplexing rumbling as well as lightening with meteor strikes and also shooting celebrities, as well as was later superseded by 'thunderbolt' (' screw' as in the brief arrowhead discharged from a cross bow). Words 'thunderbolt' offered increase directly to the a lot more recent saying indicating a huge surprise, 'screw from the blue'.
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Which is better Emsculpt vs CoolSculpting?
While Emsculpt can disrupt adipocytes (fat cells) leading to a reduction in circumference, the golden standard for non-invasive fat reduction remains CoolSculpting. Furthermore, CoolSculpting can target bulges from a double chin down to fat pockets above the knees.
Thirdly, and probably extra probably, double cross originates from an old significance of words cross, to defraud or fix a horse race, from the 1800s (the term evidently shows up in Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair', to define a fixed competition). Dual cross specifically explained the method of pre-arranging for a steed to shed, yet after that breaking the fix as well as enabling the equine to win. couth/uncouth - these words are very interesting because while words uncouth remains in popular usage, its positive and coming from opposite 'couth' is not popularly used. Many individuals think it is no longer a 'correct' word, or don't know that words 'couth' ever existed whatsoever. In fact 'couth' is still a completely reputable word, although it's not been in typical English usage given that the 1700s, and also was noted in the 1922 OED as a Scottish word.
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Neither 'the knees', nor 'big as a knee' appear in 1870 Maker, which shows that the expression grew or became prominent after this time. Based Upon Nigel Rees' well investigated and reliable dating of 1923 for first recorded use, it is likely that earliest real usage was perhaps a couple of years prior to this. The money slang area contains money jargon and word origins as well as meanings, as well as English cash history. Cliches and also expressions provide us many terrific numbers of speech as well as words in the English language, as they develop through use and mis-use alike. Numerous cliches as well as expressions - and words - have remarkable as well as unexpected beginnings, as well as numerous prominent presumptions regarding significances as well as derivations are mistaken.
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It's worth keeping in mind that playing cards were a really significant element of enjoyment as well as enjoyment a few hundreds of years ago prior to TELEVISION as well as computers. cake walk, piece of cake/takes the cake/takes the biscuit/takes the bun - very easy task/wins - from the custom of giving cakes as prizes in rural competitions, and also most likely of US origin. Brewer informs of the custom in USA enslavement states when slaves or totally free descendents would walk in a procession in sets around a cake at a social gathering or party, the most elegant set being granted the cake as a prize. The variants of bun and biscuit most likely mirror earlier meanings of these words when they explained something closer to a cake. On which factor, I am recommended that the American variation expression 'triumphes' probably comes before the British variation of 'takes the biscuit'. Maybe, maybe not, because 'takes the biscuit' seems to have a British claim going back to 1610 (see' takes the biscuit '). This all increases additionally interesting questions concerning the different as well as altering significances of words like biscuit and also bun.
How much weight can you lose with fat freezing?
CoolSculpting can naturally diminish between 20-25% of the fat cells in the areas it covers. It will not help you lose weight, however, it can improve the shape of your body, making it appear as though you've dropped pounds. This is because a 20-25% reduction can make a huge impact on the appearance of stubborn bulges.
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Contributing also to the meaning of the cliché, black dogs have have for centuries been fiendish as well as threatening symbols in the superstitious notions as well as mythology of numerous cultures. Bees have long been a metaphorical symbol due to the fact that they are icons every person can acknowledge, equally as we have lots of expressions consisting of similarly appealing icons like pet cats and also pet dogs.
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he's/ she's a card - an uncommon or remarkable person - opinions are split on this set - almost certainly 'card' in this sense is based on based on playing cards - indicating that a person is a challenging one (' card') to play. Brewer describes that the full expression alike use at the time (mid-late 1900s) was 'card of your house', indicating an identified person. If the Shakespearian origin stands this definition probably blended with and also was subsequently more popularised by the having fun card metaphor. Interestingly Brewer checklists numerous other currently out-of-date expressions likening individuals and circumstances to cards.
Wilde kept names of bad guys in a publication, and also together with those that made his defense by providing him with beneficial information or paying adequately he marked a cross. When they ceased to be of usage Wilde added a second cross to their names, as well as would certainly transform them in to the authorities for the bounty. Apparently Wilde was at some point betrayed and also mosted likely to the hangings himself. Another explanation is that it associates with the name of a British intelligence team in The second world war, took part in tricking German spies to issue.
Biscuit in America is a different thing to biscuit in Britain, the latter amounting the American 'cookie'. Bun to many individuals in England is a straightforward bread roll or cob, however has many older organizations to sweeter baked rolls as well as cakes. Early Scottish use of words cadet, later caddie, was for an errand child.
The original definitions of couth/uncouth (' known/unknown and also 'familiar/unfamiliar') modified over the following 500 years to ensure that by the 1500s couth/uncouth referred to polite as well as well-mannered as well as crude as well as awkward. At some phase in this procedure the words ended up being much rarer in English. Their usage was protected in Scottish, which made it possible for the 'back formation' of rude right into typical English use of today. Unfortunately throughout the 1800s and 1900s couth shed its popularity, as well as its condition as an 'official' word according to some dictionaries. Technically couth stays a proper word, meaning cultured/refined, but it is not utilized with excellent confidence or sentence for the factors offered over.
brass neck/brass-neck/brass necked - daring or impudence/audacious, disrespectful, 'cheeky' - brass neck as well as brass necked are combinations of two metaphorically utilized words, brass and also neck, each independently indicating impudence/impudent, audacity/audacious. As pertains to brass, Brewer 1870 lists 'brass' as indicating insolence. Several of these definitions connect to brass being a low-cost replica of gold. A few of the significances additionally relate to brass being a really hard and also resistant material. Phonetically there is likewise a resemblance with brash, which has comparable meanings - impolite, vulgarly self-assertive. At some phase throughout the 20th century brass as well as neck were incorporated to create brass neck as well as brass necked. black canine - anxiety or sullen mood - an expression incredibly old beginnings; the saying was made famous in current times by Britain's WWII leader Sir Winston Churchill describing his own anxieties.
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hengame5-blog · 4 years
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The Native culture has a deep regard for the Mimi spirits, thinking them to have instructed the forefathers their customs such as just how to repaint and also hunt. Mimi spirits are evidently likewise renowned for their hoax - they go away right into rock, leaving their darkness behind as paintings - as well as for their sexual appetite and journeys.
We see this broader definition in cognates of the word sell as they created in other languages. Associated with these meanings, the Old Slavic word sulu was a word for a messenger, and also the Latin suffix selere lugs the feeling of taking counsel or suggestions. The initial derivation is normally traced back to the ancient Indo-European language, in which the words sel as well as sol meant to take. It is just in fairly current times that selling has concentrated on the vendor's benefit as well as revenue. When marketing does this, it is rarely operating at its most lasting degree. Selling is really sustainable - as a career, a profession, and a company task - when it focuses mainly on the consumer gaining from the partnership.
Shrieking Mimi initially looked like a member of the gang in Marvel's Two-In-One # 54 in August 1979. But what of the actual root origin of words meemie, or mimi? ' Mimi' is an ancient word from Australian Aborigine society in the western Arnhem Land, on the north of the North Region close to Darwin and also one of the most mythologically rich area of the country. Mimi spirits were/are believed to live in rocky surface, hiding in caves and also gaps or even within the rocks, emerging at night-time by blowing holes through the rocks to make entrances.
Can you poop out of your mouth?
It's possible to poop out of your mouth It's called fecal vomiting, and aside from being utterly disgusting and terrifying, it's an indicator of a major health problem. Though if you're vomiting your own poop, you probably know you have a major health problem.
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A number of these are discovered in languages of the Celtic individuals and also as a result are very old, yet no apparent connection with mud or clay exists here either. If you recognize of any kind of Celtic/Gaelic link in between clay or mud and also pygg/pig please tell me. Maker's 1876 vernacular dictionary considerably does not refer to piggy bank or pig financial institution, however does clarify that a pig is a bowl or mug, and also a pig-wife is a slang term for a crockery supplier. All this even more rationally suggests a link in between pig and vessels or receptacles of any product, instead of specifically or essentially clay or mud.
Coolsculpting Fat Freezing treatment Kings hillside, Kent.
Do cold showers burn fat?
Cold showers may help boost weight loss Some fat cells, such as brown fat, can generate heat by burning fat. They do this when your body is exposed to cold conditions like in a shower.
In this feeling words cart related to the trolley-wheel assembly linking the vehicle to the overhead high-voltage line, not to the car itself. Cart automobiles and also buses were very first established in the UK as well as U.S.A. in the 1880s, and also development of improved trolley auto mechanics continued with the very early decades of the 1900s, which gives some indication as to when the expression most likely began. The above trolley remained in past times not specifically reputable. It required overviews to maintain it on the cord, however the overviews might never ever be huge sufficient to survive heavy bumps considering that they would certainly after that run into the structural assistances for the cord.
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The Wellfield Skin clinic.
Significantly also, the term piggy financial institution was not actually taped in English until 1941. A certain but probably not special beginning describes United States railroad slang 'clean the clock' suggesting to apply the airbrakes as well as quit the train quickly, whereby the air scale reveals absolutely no as well as is hence 'cleaned up'. Extending this description, clock has actually long been jargon meaning an individual's face and to hit somebody in the face, rationally from the allegory of a clock-face as well as specifically the timeless photo of a grandfather clock. Words tidy has various other vernacular significances in the feeling of personal or material loss or defeat, as an example, clean up, clean, as well as just the word tidy. While these clock as well as tidy significances are not beginnings in themsleves of the 'clean the/his/your clock' expression they most likely urged the term's all-natural adoption and also usage.
There is a feeling of being possessed by devils, which are the meemies. The Shrieking Mimi movie was a Columbia Studios dark mental thriller, soon withdrawn after launch but now taken into consideration by in advance of its time by 'film noir' followers. It starred Swedish starlet Anita Ekberg as a traumatised knife-attack shower target who ends up being institutionalised, tormented and afterwards exploted as a sensual dancer, by her medical professional. The mental-case assaulter re-appears as well as terrorises the professional dancer, now called Yolanda. The 'Shrieking Mimi' in the movie is in fact a statuary of a mad shrieking woman together owned by each of the enemy's targets. In more current years, the Wonder Comic 'Thunderbolts' team of super-criminals (also known as and also originally 'The Masters Of Wickedness') have actually a character called Screaming Mimi, which will certainly additionally have assisted to maintain the charm use the expression.
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It's not possible to claim exactly just how as well as when the word was grabbed by the British or Americans, yet the likelihood of this being the primary root of the 20th century 'howling mimis' expression is very solid. Plebescite later acquired broader definition in English referring to the vote or collective sight of the masses, for instance videotaped in commentary of the (French individuals's) preferred approval of the 1851 French successful stroke d'état. Partridge Slang furthermore mentions mid-1800s English beginnings for pleb, significance, a tradesman's kid at Westminster College, together with 'plebe', a novice at West Point military college in New York state. The intended 'pygg' jar or pot was after that translated in significance and pot design right into a pig pet, causing the pig shape and 'pig financial institution', later evolving to 'piggy financial institution', presumably due to the fact that the idea appealed strongly to kids. Some descriptions also state that pygg was an old English word for mud, where the pig pet word likewise advanced,. Traditional etymology resources indicate different vessels being called pigs however do not sustain the pygg clay or mud theory. There appears no clear recorded proof that pygg was once a word for mud or clay, nor of it being the root of the pet's name.
This ingenious process Tones, tightens Up as Well As Firms The Skin On The Face.
Where cart lorries have continued being used or been reintroduced the trolleys have normally been changed by 'pantagraph bars' (named after the item of illustrator's tools that they look like). The shares soon enhanced in worth by 10 times, yet 'the bubble ruptured' in 1720 as well as destroyed hundreds of people. 1870 Brewer confirms the South Sea Bubble term was utilized to describe any plan which reveals promise and afterwards counts on spoil.
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How long does fat freezing last?
Frozen, dead fat cells are excreted out of the body through the liver within several weeks of treatment, revealing full results of fat loss within three months. Some people who do CoolSculpting opt to treat several parts of the body, usually: thighs. lower back.
bring something right into solid alleviation - highlight or emphasise something - this expression is an instance of many sayings that are typically used however not noted in thesaurus of jargon and expressions, in publications or on the internet resources. This is due to the fact that the expression is not slang or any type of other type of distortion - the expression is simply based in a literal correct meaning of the word. The literal word-meaning of relief below is a three-dimensional comparison or a physical feature that stands out from an or else level surface area or aircraft - something that literally 'stands apart', to put it simply. ' Solid relief' in this feeling is a metaphor based upon the actual meaning of the word relief, as an example as it connects to three-dimensional maps as well as distinctive surface areas of various other types. That this is typically achieved by suitably lighting the topic obviously includes extra relevance to the allegory. Just like many other expressions that are based on actual yet less generally made use of meanings of words, when you consider the meanings of words worried in a completely normal dictionary you will comprehend the significances and also the origins. Also, fascinatingly words promiscuous was the most requested definition for the Google internet search engine as at May 2007, which perhaps states something of the contemporary globe.
At what temperature do fat cells die?
The optimum temperature for fat cell death is actually just above freezing at 39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. The threshold for damage to your skin and other tissues is a much lower temperature that CoolSculpting machines will never reach.
The vendor is an enabler, a carrier, a facilitator - a giver. Fascinatingly, the background of the word sell educates us just how finest to represent and also establish it.
The expression 'to have the yelling meemies/mimis' defines hysterical or paranoic practices in a basic sense, or certainly a 'shrieking meemie/mimi' would be a person behaving in such a way. After that as currently the prefix 'screaming' is optional; the 'meemies' alone additionally implies the very same, as well as is the older use.
Which is better for double chin Kybella or CoolSculpting?
Kybella and CoolSculpting each have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. Kybella can treat small areas of fat, does not require a capital investment, and can be done in a small exam room. CoolSculpting, by contrast, can debulk bigger necks, treat lateral areas, and involves less downtime than Kybella.
The beginnings of words are from the Latin, promiscuus, and also the root miscere, to mix. The sexual definition seems initially to have actually gone into English around 1865 in the noun kind promiscuity, from the French equivalent promiscuite, or promiscuité, extra exactly. Words promiscuous had actually previously been presented into English around 1600 yet referred then merely to any type of baffled or combined circumstance or group. The adoption of the sexual meaning of promiscuity then crossed over to the adjective form promiscuous, which thought its modern sexual significance by concerning 1900.
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The very early origins of words nevertheless remind us that offering in its purest feeling ought to intend to benefit the purchaser more than the seller. This strong focus on attaining a positive result for the purchaser features strongly in great contemporary selling methodologies, where compassion, stability, trust fund, and also sustainability are main to the sales procedure. The English word sell is a very old word with even older origins. Before regarding 1200 the word was sellen, evolved from sellan, which shows up in the old English epic Beowulf, initially discussed 725 AD.
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South additionally has the meaning of relocating or taking a trip down, which helps the ideal 'feel' of the expression, which is frequently a consider an expression becoming well established. sell - supply or move a service or product to somebody in return for cash - to many people these days the notion of marketing suggests influencing or encouraging a person to purchase, with an emphasis on the vendor making money from the deal.
Websters and also the OED state that pig was pigge in Middle English (). The OED and also Chambers state pig was picga as well as pigga in Old English (pre-1150). No reliable sources describe pygg as an origin word of pig, nor to pygg clay. There is nonetheless clear taped 19th century evidence that clay and earthernware pots as well as jars, and also buckets as well as pitchers, were called different words based on the pig word-form.
These are uncommonly extremely British English vernacular words, which according to Cassells and also Partridge appeared reasonably just recently in the English slang vocabulary. Lipo freeze that wanker is an insulting term, basically implying what it does today - a pinhead, or someone thought about to be useless or an inflammation - dating from the 1800s in English, however uses no beginning. Partridge additionally recommends that up until the 1970s wank was spelt whank, yet this seems a little inconsistent and also once more is not supported by any more information. Exactly how wank as well as wanker came into English remains uncertain, however there is maybe a response. Partridge, neither any individual else seems to have found the obvious link with the German word wanken, implying to drink or wobble. I have definitely no other evidence of this possible German etymology of the wank words, however in the lack of anything else, it's the only origin that attracts attention. The car - commonly a bus or a tramcar - that was powered through this a trolley-wheel electrical connection was called a trolley car, or streetcar or trolley bus.
Trolleys would certainly therefore usually polish off the cable, bringing the car to an unexpected halt. Being 'off the trolley' typically suggested impaired or busted, which offered an apparent allegory for mad behavior or craziness.
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slangcards · 4 years
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Hi there! Our slang word of the day is ”Zip“, which means “nothing, zero.” ⠀ Etymology: 1895-1900; Americanism; apparently an expressive word, with z- of “zero.”
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