applekyocom · 8 days
【watchOS 11】不具合バグ修正情報・新機能・変更点・いつ公開・インストール時間・やり方など
watchOS 11 配信開始日は2024年09月17日 火曜日 (日本時間) 更新履歴 2024年09月17日 火曜日 (日本時間) 記事公開 OSリリース情報 今回 今回2024年09月17日 火曜日 (日本時間)に最新のOS、watchOS 11 がリリースされました。 今回のアップデートは「秋の超大型アップデート」です。「このアップデートは秋の超大型アップデートなので不具合が見込まれるので人柱になってもいいと思う方以外のアップデートは避けた方がいいです」不具合があることを了承した上でアップデートをしてください‼️ 参考前回2024年08月20日 火曜日 (日本時間)に一つ前のOS、watchOS 10.6.1 がリリースされました。 情報は公式ページにも公開中 Appleの公式サイトはこちらです 大きな不具合報告 2024年09月17日 火曜日…
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yikekitchen · 3 months
Fried apple rings | easy apple dessert recipe
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sgi1118 · 1 year
⚠️必ずチェック⬆️⬆️⬆️タップ🔺 一閻浮提広宣流布おはようございます。今日のJapanese SEIKYOです。
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祈り🙏合掌 2024 .3.16『広宣流布記念日』おめでとう御座います㊗️
Buddhism was first expounded by Shakyamuni Buddha. The Lotus Sutra, the essence of Mahayana Buddhism, clearly illuminated the way for all living beings to attain enlightenment. Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, revealed the fundamental Law that is the heart of that sutra as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. He went on to establish the means for the enlightenment of all humankind into the eternal future by giving concrete expression to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the Three Great Secret Laws. He also called for the realization of worldwide kosen-rufu.
The Soka Gakkai was founded on November 18, 1930, by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda, his disciple with whom he shared a complete unity of purpose. They served as the organization’s first and second presidents, respectively. The Soka Gakkai is a religious organization fulfilling the unique mission of actualizing the Daishonin’s call for worldwide kosen-rufu, in exact accord with his teachings. It is the sole organization that embodies the vast compassion of Nichiren Daishonin and is spreading the Law amidst the challenging realities of life in the Latter Day of the Law. It was for this reason that Toda Sensei declared that it would be recorded as “Soka Gakkai Buddha” in the Buddhist scriptures of future ages.
Through a profound karmic connection, Makiguchi Sensei started to practice Nichiren Buddhism. He came to see it as a guiding principle for daily life and a source of value creation. Together with Toda Sensei, he began to actively propagate Nichiren Buddhism in order to achieve kosen-rufu. During World War II, Makiguchi Sensei remonstrated with the militarist government that had implemented a policy of compulsory worship of State Shinto. As a result, he was persecuted and imprisoned by the authorities, and ultimately died in prison. By laying down his life for his beliefs, Makiguchi Sensei left for future generations an example of the spirit of selfless dedication to propagating the Law.
Toda Sensei was imprisoned along with his mentor and, while in prison, awakened to the truth that the Buddha is life itself and realized his identity as a Bodhisattva of the Earth. After the war’s end, he set to work on rebuilding the Soka Gakkai. Propounding the principle of human revolution, he began the task of reviving and renewing the significance of Nichiren Buddhism in the contemporary world based on his understanding of the true nature of life. When he was inaugurated as the second Soka Gakkai president, he vowed that the Soka Gakkai would without fail accomplish kosen-rufu. He initiated that effort by enshrining at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters, as “the banner of propagation of the Lotus Sutra,” the gohonzon (object of devotion) bearing the inscriptions “For the Fulfillment of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu through the Compassionate Propagation of the Great Law” and “To be enshrined permanently within the Soka Gakkai.” Achieving his lifetime goal of 750,000 member households, he established the foundation for kosen-rufu in Japan.
Third Soka Gakkai president, Daisaku Ikeda, declared his intent to take the leadership in kosen-rufu as a disciple fully sharing the spirit of Toda Sensei and initiated a dynamic new phase in the development of the organization.
In Japan, Ikeda Sensei achieved unprecedented growth in terms of propagation and membership, building a new popular force comprised of individuals awakened to their mission for kosen-rufu. He also realized all the plans and visions set out by Makiguchi Sensei and Toda Sensei, creating a wide-ranging and multifaceted movement for peace, culture, and education based on the principles of Nichiren Buddhism. Through undertaking pioneering initiatives in diverse spheres, he has established the Soka philosophy of value creation as a leading presence in society and the era, thus making kosen-rufu a tangible reality.
Immediately following his inauguration, Ikeda Sensei began to travel the globe, sowing the seeds of the Mystic Law, fostering capable individuals, and building the foundations for worldwide kosen-rufu. On January 26, 1975, he established the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) as an international association of the Soka Gakkai, comprising constituent organizations in countries and territories across the globe. At the same time, he began engaging in dialogues based on Buddhism with leading world thinkers, delivering addresses at renowned universities, and authoring peace proposals, all in the effort to pursue a universal philosophy of humanism and build a network of people of good will committed to peace. Ikeda Sensei’s achievements in opening the great path of worldwide kosen-rufu are without precedent in the history of Buddhism.
The three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai—Makiguchi Sensei, Toda Sensei, and Ikeda Sensei—are the eternal mentors of kosen-rufu, having appeared in this world with the mission to realize the Daishonin’s call for worldwide kosen-rufu. The spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple and the practice of selfless dedication to propagating the Law demonstrated by the founding presidents represent the “Gakkai spirit” and serve as a timeless model for all Soka Gakkai members. The Soka Gakkai, originating in Japan and now encompassing the entire world, embodies this spirit in every endeavor.
Ikeda Sensei proposed building a center of faith and practice for the Soka Gakkai in Shinanomachi, where Toda Sensei had led the movement for kosen-rufu and the enduring place of origin for the Soka Gakkai’s efforts for kosen-rufu imbued with the mentor-disciple spirit of the three founding presidents. He named this the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu.
On November 5, 2013, Ikeda Sensei presided over the enshrinement of the Kosen-rufu Gohonzon at the official opening of the Hall and offered prayers for the realization of the great vow for worldwide kosen-rufu throughout eternity in the Latter Day of the Law. In this way, he offered a model and example to his disciples worldwide of making a profound pledge to propagate the Mystic Law globally and into the eternal future.
Members from throughout the world, regardless of differences of nationality, gender, or age, gather in the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu and—uniting in spirit with the three founding presidents, eternal mentors of kosen-rufu—pray for the happiness and prosperity of humankind, for world peace, and for their personal human revolution, pledging together to advance worldwide kosen-rufu.
Ikeda Sensei has expressed the identity and mission of the Soka Gakkai in a calligraphy as “Nichiren Sekai-shu Soka Gakkai” (Nichiren World Religion Soka Gakkai), indicating that the Soka Gakkai is the organization carrying out the Buddha’s intent and decree, fulfilling the unique mission of widely propagating Nichiren Buddhism throughout the world.
Looking to the future of worldwide kosen-rufu into the twenty-third century, Ikeda Sensei shared his grand vision of establishing Shinanomachi as the Soka Gakkai’s global headquarters and entrusted its realization to his disciples throughout the world, under the leadership of each successive president.
Honoring the three founding presidents as the eternal mentors of kosen-rufu, the Soka Gakkai is committed to fulfilling the great vow for worldwide kosen-rufu with faith that manifests the spirit of “many in body, one in mind,” and in accord with the global, future-oriented vision that Ikeda Sensei has set forth.
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myonbl · 2 years
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2限・3限は「情報機器の操作Ⅰ(食物栄養学科)」の4週目、今日は PowerPoint の仕上げ、教科書の復習用問題を課したが、予想していた以上にみな頑張ってくれた。
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takahashicleaning · 1 month
空間(によるスペイシェル)Webの最適化 - Apple Vision Pro
2010年代に流行した3Dメガネをかけて3D映画館で見た感覚に近い感じがします(この場合、3DメガネがApple Vision Pro)
W3Cが2018年にImmersive Web WGを発足してGoogle, Microsoft, Mozillaなどのメンバーが中心となって推進しているのが、JavaScript APIによるXRの標準化仕様であるWebXRです。
さらに、Apple Intelligenceなどのジェネレーティブ人工知能でWebサイトをアプリにする機能も拡張することで
Apple Vision ProやiPhoneへ写真も3D生成してデスクトップアプリに仕上げてくれそうなインスピレーションがきました。
サードパーティー製のスマホケースのようにApple Vision Proと一体化したヘルメットもデザイン上相性が良いかもしれません。本体の重さを全体に分散します。
visionOSにおけるスクリーンから飛び出すインタラクティブな体験の設計 - Apple Vision Pro
WebXRによる3Dイマーシブなインターネット体験の構築 - Apple Vision Pro
実用に向けた大規模言語モデルApple インテリジェンス 2024
Apple Vision Pro 2024
ジェームス・キャメロン: 「アバター」を生み出した好奇心
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esoterics-posts · 2 years
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#真我実現 #世界平和
#光のテクノロジー #音のテクノロジー
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lingyunxi · 1 month
Self-use Sims 3 CC Tutorials List
Here is a list of tutorials from which I learn to convert/create sims 3 cc in a few months (and as a poor English speaker). I think it might help someone who also wants to try making things for sims 3 but doesn't know where to start, though it's been 15 years from the game release and even Inzoi is coming hahah.
The list covers objects, clothes, hairs and eyes. I know there're lots of tutorials not listed here, that's because I haven't tried them in my projects by hand. But The list will be updated with new things I learn. Most tutorials are in English. Thanks to all these creators for sharing their precious knowledge!
Sorry for the miserable format, cause I wrote them in Patreon and paste here. You can also read it there, free of course.
Where I find tutorials
sims 3 tutorial hub
ts3 creators cave and its discord
Mod the sims tutorial wiki and the forum
pis3update tutorials tag
CC basic concepts by nightosphere (for clothes, most knowledge is shared with objects)
TSRW guide by apple (for objects, most knowledge is shared with clothes)
shortcut by Blender Guru
beginner tutorial for version 2.5, 2.8, 3.0, 4.0
3.5入门教程 (youtube / bilibili)
设置切换语言快捷键 change language shortcut settings
Mesh ToolKit with Seam Fixer for all ages
Topaz gigapixel AI guide / higher quality texture
Nicer bake / bake in blender 2.78
Bake in blender 2.93
Make normal map
small size blank texture
Reasons for black blocks on baked image
Adjust texture color without losing quality
clone obejcts with S3OC
Functional Objects
Functional bed
TSRW setting
Combining Textures for Objects with Multiple Textures
Add normal map to objects
Introduction to slot categories
Add slots in TSRW
Edit in-door shadow or occluders in TSRW / Talks about 3 kinds of in-game shadow by Pocci
4t3 by nightosphere
Reduce polycount / fix seams, holes, shadows or normals
Bone reference rule
Avoid milkshape workflow / adjust bone assignment and morphs in blender
Convert between ages/body meshes
TSRW check list
Fix long clothes clip with body
Fix holes on morphs (easier in blender)
Extrude collars
Create texture in PS
Avoid TSRW workflow / CTU tutorial
Avoid milkshape and TSRW workflow / delete backfaces / handmade morphs / DABOOBS guide
Keys pointing to in-game blank textures to save file size (for DABOOBS not TSRW)
Reduce polycount
Fix weird seam lines on hairs from s4s
Fix pigtail issue
Convert contacts to default eyes
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kkimura · 3 months
I haven’t made any videos in the past 6 months since I’ve been too busy working!! 😢
I might start making one soon though….Any request what you want to watch?? 🐾 (besides kitty!, He will definitely be in it!)
Here is my favorite video of mine if you haven’t watched it yet! 😉🐈‍⬛
Flourless Oatmeal Apple Banana Cake| Healthy Dessert! Protein Rich Recipe.
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Azran Legacy Guidebook: Page 28
Previous Page: Page 27
Next Page: Page 29
Outside the University
Gressenheller University is the place the intellectuals of London gather. It was built with a neo-Baroque-style exterior, which over the past 20 years, has only become more distinguished-looking.
Excite your curiosity by visiting this centre for learning Universities are places for students to study, however Gressenheller University is also open to everyday citizens and tourists. Tours can be taken in some of the laboratories, giving you the chance to see the world’s most cutting-edge archaeological research up close. Keen professors and students from all places visit so that they can see the results of this research.
It is also possible to visit the office of the esteemed archeologist Professor Layton. But take care not to trip over the books on the floor.
Hint Coins:
At the end of the chimney on the left, where the two chimneys are
In the plants at the centre of the courtyard
At the circular part of the bus stop notice board
Brenda: Layton’s old university friend, and Luke’s mother. She’s very close to her husband, Clark. “My husband also works at the university, so he comes here often. It seems like Layton is the same as ever.”
Emmy’s Snapshot: Green Apple
Layton’s Office
The archaeology professor’s office is lined with archaeological artefacts and rare items. It is rumoured that if you look in his mirror on the wall, you will see an image of your ideal self.
Hint Coins:
Teapot on the stove
The books on the floor
The coral on the highest shelf on the righthand side
The right drawer of the green cupboard
Miniature Laytonmobile
(Note: The japanese is more like ‘a particular beloved car’. But the game's English translation kept it more literal.) Located in the cardboard box atop the central bookcase in Layton’s office. A miniature of Layton’s beloved car, which supposedly appeals to an English gentleman.
大学前 ロンドンの頭脳が集うグレッセンヘラーカレッジ。ネオバロック様式で建てられた外観はい 20年の時を経てその威厳を増している。
探究心を刺激する学術の中心へも足を延ばして 大学といえば学生の勉強の場だが、このグレッセンヘラ-カレッジは市民や観光客にも門が開かれている。一部の研究室は見学もでき、世界最先端の考古学研究の姿を間近に見られるチャンス。その研究成果を見学するため、各地から熱心な教授や学生たちが、絶えす訪れている。
左側に並んだ 2 本のうち奥の煙突の先/中庭の植え込み/バス停の表示板の丸い部分
ブレンダさん 夫が大学の関係者なので、来ることも多いんです。レイトンもあいかわらずみたいですね
レイトンの元学友であり、ル ー クの母親。夫のクラ ー クと仲よし。
レイトンの研究室 考古学教授の研究室には、研究中の出土品など、珍しい品 々 が並ぶ。壁にある鏡で自分の姿を見れは、理想の自分が見えるというウワサも。
こだわりの愛車 レイトンの研究室の正面にある本棚のダンボ ー ルの中から見つかる。レイトンの愛車のミニチュアで、英国紳士の心をくすぐるという
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Celtic beliefs in trees (20)
Q for Quert (Apple) - September 2nd - September 29th
“Fruit of love - 10th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Star: Venus: Gemstone: emerald,; Gender: female; Patrons: Gaia, Aphrodite, Venus, Hera, Pomona, Nemesis, Astarte, Ishtar, Ceridwen, Olwen, Gwen, Arwen, Shekhinah, Freyja, Iðunn; Symbols: faith + gratitude, love + trust, tolerance + Abundance, self-respect, the work of fate.
The original species of apple is the crab apple. The crab apple belongs to the rose family and has short, flower-bearing young branches with thorns. The fruits are firm, round, acidic and vary in colour from yellow to crimson. September is the apple month, when the flowers bloom in late spring, the sweet fragrance is released and the fruit ripens.
Hazel, oak and apple are all legendary magical fruits, and it is believed that the three fruits together will fulfil all the needs of life. Birch, alder, willow, oak, holly, hazel and apple are designated as sacred trees in ancient Irish law. Of these, the apple and hazel were especially considered sacred trees, so much so that anyone who deliberately cut them down was punished with death.
In classical Western mythology, the 'Paradise Island', a paradise of fruit trees, was thought to contain the Tree of Wisdom, which bore three sacred apples. It is important to remember here that the apple, the fruit of love, was the food of the Celtic gods and they ate apples.
The apple tree, a favourite parasite of mistletoe, was regarded as sacred, especially by druids (Ref2). According to Druidic teachings, holy drops from heaven spilled over into the cauldron of Ceridwen, and the three drops that splashed out of the cauldron became the source of wisdom for the three apples that grow on the Tree of Wisdom. These three drops symbolise the three pillars of the Tree of Life in the Hebrew mystical philosophy of Kabbalah. These three pillars represent the masculine and feminine principles respectively, with the central pillar representing the union of the two. These also coincide with the most sacred symbol of the Druids, the 'three rays', each representing the power of vision, the power to manipulate letters and symbols, and the power to understand them. These strange three drops can be seen as a spiritual energy that gives life energy to all living things.
Legend has it that the Otherworld is a magical land of thickly growing apple trees, and that visitors from the Otherworld often come to this world carrying apple branches. Wearing a piece of apple wood is said to bring about a loved one and a long life, and is an essential part of good luck charms and spells. Apple trees were often planted in gardens in the British Isles, as they were believed to protect the home and bring love to it.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (20)
QはQuert (リンゴ) - 9月2日~9月29日 
『愛の果実 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第10月』
星: 金星: 宝石: エメラルド、; 性: 女性; 守護神: ガイア、アフロディテ、ヴィーナス、ヘラ、ポーモーナ、ネメシス、アスタルテ、イシュタル、ケリドウェン、オルウェン、グウェン、アルウェン、シェキナ、フレイア、イドゥナ; シンボル: 信仰+感謝、愛+信頼、寛容+豊穣、自尊心、運命の仕業
リンゴといえば、原種となるのがクラブアップル (ヤマリンゴ)。クラブアップルはバラ科に属し、花をつけた短い若枝には棘がついている。果実は堅くしまった球形で、酸味が強く、色は黄色から真紅色までさまざまだ。晩春に花が咲き、甘い香りを放ち、果実が熟す9月はリンゴの季節である。
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applekyocom · 8 days
【iOS 18】不具合バグ修正情報・新機能・変更点・いつ公開・インストール時間・やり方など
iOS 18 配信開始日は2024年09月17日 火曜日 (日本時間) 記事のアップデート情報 2024年09月17日 木曜日 (日本時間) 記事公開 OSリリース情報 今回 2024年09月17日 火曜日 (日本時間)に最新のOS、iOS 18 がリリースされました。 今回のアップデートは「秋の超大型アップデート」です。「iOS 18は、iPhone体験をカスタマイズしたり、特別な思い出をよみがえらせたり、みんなとつながったりするための新しい方法を提供します。このアップデートは秋の超大型アップデートなので不具合が見込まれるので人柱になってもいいと思う方以外のアップデートは避けた方がいいです」不具合があることを了承した上でアップデートをしてください‼️ 参考前回2024年09月17日 火曜日 (日本時間)に一つ前のOS、iOS 17.7…
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lingpaopao · 5 months
🫐🍍🥝 𝘍𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍊🥭 🥥
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Berries 🍓 Blackberry - 黑莓 (hēi méi)
Blackcurrant - 黑醋栗 (hēi cù lì) Note: literally translates to 'black vinegar chestnut'.
Blueberry - 蓝莓 (lán méi)
Cranberry - 蔓越莓 (màn yuè méi) Note: literally translates to 'creeping berry'.
Raspberry - 树莓 (shù méi) Note: literally translates to 'tree berry'.
Strawberry - 草莓 (cǎo méi) Note: literally translates to 'grass berry'.
Açaí - 巴西莓 (bā xī méi) Note: literally translates to 'Brazilian berry'.
Mulberry - 桑葚 (sāng shèn)
Elderberry - 接骨木莓 (jiē gǔ mù méi)
Goji berry - 枸杞 (gǒu qǐ) Citruses 🍎 Blood orange - 血橙 (xiě chéng)
Tangerine - 柑橘 (gān jú)
Grapefruit - 西柚 (xī yòu) Note: literally translates to 'Western pomelo'.
Kumquat - 金橘 (jīn jú) Note: literally translates to 'golden tangerine'.
Lemon - 柠檬 (níng méng)
Lime - 青柠 (qīng níng) Note: Chinese people have a name for a blue-green colour: 青色 which is 'cyan' in English. Technically, limes in Chinese literally translate to 'cyan lemons'. However, you may not recognize limes as particularly blue/cyan. Chinese people have a slightly different understanding of colour because historically, they didn't separate between green and blue, which is common amongst many East Asians in general. Nowadays they obviously do but may disagree with non-Chinese people on what constitutes 'green' or 'blue'.
Yuzu - 香橙 (xiāng chéng)
Orange - 橙子 (chéng zǐ)
Pomelo - 柚子 (yòu zǐ) Melons 🍉 Cantaloupe - 甜瓜 (tián guā) Note: it's hard to find a direct translation for the cantaloupe and honeydew as some translate 甜瓜 into muskmelon and 哈密瓜 into hami melon. Others translate cantaloupe or honeydew into 洋香瓜 (foreign fragrant melon).
Honeydew - 哈密瓜 (hā mì guā)
Watermelon - 西瓜 (xī guā) Misc. 🍒 Apricot - 杏 (xìng)
Cherry - 樱桃 (yīng táo)
Peach - 桃子 (táo zǐ)
Banana - 香蕉 (xiāng jiāo)
Durian - 榴莲 (liú lián)
Starfruit - 杨桃 (yáng táo)
Asian pear - 苹果梨 (píng guǒ lí) Note: literally translates to 'apple pear'.
Passionfruit - 百香果、热情果 (bǎi xiāng guǒ, rè qíng guǒ) Note: most people will use the first translation but the second is more fun.
Coconut - 椰子 (yē zi)
Dragonfruit - 火龙果 (huǒ lóng guǒ) Note: literally translates to 'fire dragon fruit'.
Grape - 葡萄 (pú táo)
Nectarine - 油桃 (yóu táo) Note: literally translates to 'oil peach'.
Pomegranate - 石榴 (shí liú) Note: people typically do not pronounce the last character with a tone so you probably don't have to bother either.
Kiwi - 猕猴桃 (mí hóu táo) The reason why kiwis have such a strange name is because of a story (unsure of veracity): mountain people in China originally thought the fruit was poisonous. Thus, they didn't eat it until they saw macaques (猕猴) eating them. That's why they're called 'macaque fruits' (猕猴桃). Uncommon Fruits 🍅 Cactus pear - 仙人掌梨 (xiān rén zhǎng lí)
Calabash - 葫芦 (hú lú)
Date - 枣 (zǎo)
Fig - 无花果 (wú huā guǒ) Note: literally translates to 'flowerless fruit'.
Jackfruit - 菠萝蜜 (bō luó mì) Note: literally translates to 'pineapple honey'.
Lychee - 荔枝 (lì zhī)
Mangosteen - 山竹 (shān zhú)
Plantain - 大蕉 (dà jiāo) Note: literally translates to 'big banana'.
Persimmon - 柿子 (shì zǐ) Fun fact: tomatoes were probably first brought to China in the 1600's and lots of people thought they were strange and foreign. Thus, tomatoes were called 'foreign persimmons' (洋柿子)or 'foreign eggplants' (番茄) depending on location. Eventually, the 'foreign persimmons' term changed to 西红柿, or Western red persimmons.
Guava - 番石榴 (fān shí liú) This is a similar story for guavas which are called 'foreign pomegranates' (番石榴).
Rambutan - 红毛丹 (hóng máo dān) Example Text
各种挑水果技巧 看完你也是专家了 -> the skill of picking various types of fruits, after reading, you will also become an expert Pomelos 看外形,水滴状的最好 -> look at its external appearance, teardrop-shaped is best. 摸果皮,挑表皮光滑的 -> touch the fruit peel, pick one that has a smooth peel. 掂一掂,重量大的口感好 -> weigh it, the heavier ones have the best taste. Grapes 3招教你挑对葡萄 -> three-pronged lesson on picking the right grapes. 一看果梗。新鲜的葡萄果梗为绿色 -> first, look at the fruit stem. Fresh grapes will have green stems. 二看果皮和种子色泽 -> Secondly, look at the colour of the fruit peel and seeds. 三尝风味。葡萄成熟时,应该呈现品种固有的风味 -> Thirdly, taste the flavour. When grapes are mature, they should show a variant-distinct flavour. Oranges 3招挑出最甜的橘子 -> a three-pronged approach to choosing the sweetest orange. 一看:大小和颜色。橘子个头以中等为最佳... 颜色越红,通常熟得越好,味道越甜 -> first, look: size and colour. Oranges that are medium-sized are the best-tasting... the redder the colour, typically the more mature the orange and the greater sweetness. 二摸:光滑程度. -> Secondly, touch: smoothness. 三捏:测试弹性... 用手捏下去,感觉果肉结实但不硬,一松手,就能立刻弹回原状 -> thirdly, pinch: test the elasticity. Use your hand to pinch it, feel the fruit flesh as firm but not hard, once you let go, it immediately bounces back. Apples 苹果听声 -> listen to the sound of the apple. 敲敲看,如声音不脆,表示不新鲜 -> knock on it, if the sound isn't crisp, it means it's not fresh. Pineapples 菠萝看叶片 -> look at the pineapples leaves. 若叶片呈深绿色,表示日照良好,甜度和汁液都很多 -> as leaves display a dark green colour, it shows that the fruit received a good amount of sun exposure, both its sweetness and juiciness will be great. Strawberries 草莓看果蒂... 新鲜的草莓果蒂鲜嫩,呈深绿色 -> Look at strawberry stems... fresh strawberries will have freshly tender stems, displaying a deep green colour.
Bananas 香蕉看表皮 -> look at the banana's peel. 表皮有许多黑色斑点,且色泽深黄的香蕉成熟,这样的才最可口 -> mature bananas have a peel with many black stripes/spots and a deep yellow colour, this way they will be tastiest.
一年四季水果自然成熟时间表 -> A list of natural fruit ripening times within a year's four seasons.
现在市场上一年四季基本上都能够买到新鲜的水果,大家对于水果正常的成熟季节并不太了解了,其实吃应季水果对身体更加健康,今天就给大家说说一年四季水果自然成熟时间表,大家可以照着时间表去购买应季水果。 In today's market, it's possible to buy fresh fruit practically all year round, people are no longer that familiar with the natural ripening seasons of fruits. In reality, eating season-appropriate fruits are healthier for your body, today I will share with everyone a list of year's worth of fruit ripening times, readers can consult this list to buy season-appropriate fruit. 1、春季(3~5月)
[1] Spring (March ~ May) Pineapple, mango, cherries, mangosteen, lychee, mulberry, strawberry, fresh dates, loquat, nectarines, plums, durian, bananas etc.
芒果、樱桃番茄、荔枝、番石榴、牛奶蕉、西瓜、桃、香瓜、柠檬、莲雾、火龙果、油梨、芒果、龙眼 、百香果、 菠萝蜜、观赏南瓜 、日本甜柿、 西瓜、 黑提子、柠檬等。
[2] Summer (June ~ August)
Mangoes, cherries tomatoes, lychee, guava, finger bananas, watermelon, peaches, cantaloupe, lemon, wax apple, dragonfruit, avocado, mango (again...?), longan, passionfruit, jackfruit, ornamental pumpkins, Japanese sweet persimmons, watermelon (again o.O), black grapes, lemons (again...) etc.
[3] Fall (September ~ November)
Hawthorne, pomelo, kiwi, grape, pear, persimmons, big dates, apple, pomegranates, autumn pears, persimmons (2x), mandarins, honeydew, tomatoes, dragonfruit etc.
[4] Winter (December ~ Feburary)
Sugarcane, apple, winter dates, pear, pomelo, oranges, persimmons, kiwi, sugar apple, hawthorne etc.
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東京テディベア (Tokyo Teddy Bear) • ロストワンの号哭 (Lost One no Goukoku) • アブストラクト・ナンセンス (Abstract Nonsense • 延命治療 (Enmei Chiryou) • グッバイ、ロックンロール (Goodbye, Rock'n'Roll) • かなしみのなみにおぼれる (Kanashimi no Nami ni Oboreru) • オーヴァースレプト (Overslept) • 21世紀イグゼンプリファイ (21 Seiki Exemplify) • 優しい人になりたい (Yasashii Hito ni Naritai) • 再教育 (Saikyouiku) • 少年少女カメレオンシンプトム (Shounen Shoujo Chameleon Symptom) • ガラクタ・パレード (Garakuta Parade) • 小生劇場 (Shousei Gekijou) • ハウトゥー世界征服 (How-to Sekai Seifuku)
Apple Music ♪ YouTube
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sgi1118 · 1 year
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おはようございます。今日のJapanese SEIKYOです。
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lastscenecom · 3 months
ほとんどの生徒が授業のほとんどを無益で退屈だと感じているという事実は、生徒 1 人あたりの期待値がプラスではないことを自動的に意味するわけではありません。私は高校でコンピューター サイエンスのコースを受講し、それが私の人生とキャリアの方向を変えましたが、同じコースはクラスの他のほとんどの生徒にとってはおそらく退屈で無益なものだったでしょう。 私の叔父は高校でフランス語を学び、大学時代に1学期パリに行き、そこで女性と出会い、成人してからの人生のほとんどをフランスで過ごしました。クラスの他のほとんどの生徒にとってフランス語はおそらく時間の無駄だったでしょうが、私の叔父にとってはそれは大きなことでした。 あなたの叔父さんのような人一人につき、フランス語を学んで不幸しか得られない学生が少なくとも 10,000 人いると思います。それは本当に「ファット テール」なのでしょうか? スティーブ・ジョブズがカリグラフィーを学んだのは、まさに「ミッキーマウス」のような授業でしたが、彼はそれを Apple コンピューターの設計に活かしたのです。ジョブズが言うように、「前を向いて点と点をつなげることはできません。つなげられるのは後ろを向いてのみです」個人レベルでは、人生を変えるような授業を 1 回受ける機会が、他の退屈で役に立たない授業を 30 回受ける価値があるでしょうか? おそらくそうでしょう!
*教育反対論*: 改革者への応答
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takahashicleaning · 1 month
カスタム環境でのよりイマーシブなマルチメディア視聴体験の実現 - Apple Vision Pro
2010年代に流行した3Dメガネをかけて3D映画館で見た感覚に近い感じがします(この場合、3DメガネがApple Vision Pro)
Docking Region、Reverb、Virtual Environment ProbeなどのReality Composer Proのコンポーネントを使用して、より多彩なマルチメディア視聴体験を拡張できます。
Reflections、Tint Surroundings Effect、SharePlay、Immersive Environment Pickerを活用して、あなたのイメージ次第で、より多種多様で表現可能なイマーシブ体験を実現する方法を確認しましょう。
サードパーティー製のスマホケースのようにApple Vision Proと一体化したヘルメットもデザイン上相性が良いかもしれません。本体の重さを全体に分散します。
visionOSにおけるスクリーンから飛び出すインタラクティブな体験の設計 - Apple Vision Pro
実用に向けた大規模言語モデルApple インテリジェンス 2024
Apple Vision Pro 2024
ジェームス・キャメロン: 「アバター」を生み出した好奇心
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