mothric · 5 months
i'm multiple years late to this wagon but mob psycho 100 is so good actually. i want to yell about it to everyone but everyone's already yelled about it ages ago. i can't believe it took me this long. mob is my dear sweet son and a good good kid. if anyone is mean to him you'll catch these hands. thank you
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tio-trile · 1 year
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Noi Noi Noi
Another life drawing session I bought from Zeet Studios! I watched Dorohedoro a while ago and loved it, and Noi is actually my favorite character...so when I saw that Zeet was doing a Dorohedoro themed figure drawing session featuring Noi I had to get it. These are 4 mins, 10 mins, and 20 mins respectively
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abybweisse · 6 months
Do you think UT would truly allow any harm to come to Our!Ciel? And do you think he cares for him at all? He appears to be actively working against him in the story currently alongside Real!Ciel, and Our!Ciel is working to shut down his bizarre doll operations. But, at the end of the day he is still a member of the Phantomhive family, and Vincent’s son, no less. The contrast between his dedication to the Phantomhive family and his constant conflict with Our!Ciel makes me question what his real end goal here is. What do you think it is?
Undertaker's feelings and plans
1. He might allow it. Depending on how you define "harm"... he might even plan on doing some, though I don't think he would see it as harm.
2. Yes, I do think he cares about our earl. It's just that his methods for trying to save the remaining Phantomhives are highly questionable. Undertaker seems to be losing touch with reality, in some ways, probably due to some interruption or halt in his grieving process... which is rather ironic, given his choice of profession as an undertaker.
3. There are many ways this could go, but the way he sees the twins as essentially the same -- it doesn't matter too much to him which is which -- he might think it's perfectly reasonable to combine them and make them "one", as if he's putting two halves together to make a whole. Our earl has a soul, but his body is sort of weak from recurring bouts of asthma. Real Ciel would have a strong body (once Undertaker perfects his reanimating techniques), but he no longer has a soul. Combining our earl's soul with real Ciel's body might strike him as some sort of perfection. The Ultimate Bizarre Doll -- or Ultimate Doll -- if you will. This would, in his mind, have the added bonus of removing our earl's soul from a body that's marked with a demon contract. He might think that doing this would make the contract null and void. I don't think it would work as well as he would hope....
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64-jungle-planks · 6 months
Night at the Museum: Redesigning Characters (Bonus)
Character profile: Napoléon "Le Petit Caporal" Bonaparte
This character is based off of and takes inspiration from the historical Napoleon Bonaparte.
Real Name: Napoléon Bonaparte
Nickname and Meaning: Le Petit Caporal - A term of affection from his soldiers
Age: 40-41 (Late 1809, early 1810)
Time Period: Napoléonic era frace
Family: Josephine de Beauharnais (ex-wife), Marie Louise (wife)+ seven siblings none of which were brought back besides Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte- his nephew
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(Headcanons under the cut)
Based on/taken from History:
Very overly confident.
Egotistical. He hasn’t seen his own downfall yet and feels he can win more.
On December 2, 1805, in his greatest victory, he defeated the combined Austrian and Russian armies in the Battle of Austerlitz.
signed treaties that created the Grand Duchy of Warsaw
Late 1809, early 1810, Napoléon’s roughly around 40-41
Still loves Josephine, but planning to divorce.
Upset she wasn’t remade alongside him
From Napoléon's memory, Joseph Bonaparte is king of Spain, but isn’t doing well.
Stupidly cute smile
+ Sensitive + Honest + Intelligent - Nepotist - Aggressive - Forgets other people have feelings
My own silly headcanons:
Has put on weight, he’s not used to fighting with it.
Napoléon likes to steal pop-it’s and water wigglers from the gift shop. He always has to have something in his hands to fidget with- normally it’s his gloves or a snuff box or taking apart and cleaning his pistol. Now that he has access to modern fidgets, he likes to taking the green ones.
He also really likes clicking mechanical pencils
He loves inventions that make life better in little ways. Canning food was invented in his life (he’s actually the one who offered a prize of 12,000 francs to improve the food preservation methods that existed at the time which led to canned food being invented) but there was no simple way to open the cans. He loves can openers- taking them with the promise of returning them to just take apart and put back together.
If your gossiping, he obviously eavesdrops. Napoléon cans and will butt into your conversation about someone and listen like you’re saying the most interesting thing in the world. If he can’t come over to you, he will do the lead paint stare at you.
Still acts like he’s emperor.
Originally thought the average height of humans gained a lot of height. He was envious up until he learned whoever created his mold got his height wrong and he’s 5’2”, not 5’7”, then, Napoléon was just pisssed off.
He loves to infodump about his victories and will call over his men to help act them out, sneaking small fibs in to make himself look even better than he already does. If you ask him about his losses, you’ll only get a stare in return and a quick “Non”. (Credit @frombottlealleytotheharbor)
“Hey, do you remember [insert battle he lost]? What was it like?” “…Non.” “But… weren’t you there?” He starts walking away. “Non.” “But—“ “NON!”
He gets into fights with Al because Al is someone who clearly doesn’t respect him. The Capone trio love to tease him - especially Frank and Al. Ralph watches with a grin, which is somehow even more infuriating to Napoléon.
Sometimes getting out of his box, he looks like a well-loved stuffed animal. It takes him a moment to get himself together.
Loves watching true crime and reality TV shows. Isn’t the biggest fan of Horror movies.
Somehow got his hands on a cigarette, absolutely died after one puff. Napoléon threw it onto the ground and stomped off coughing, vowing to never do it again.
He’s so very envious that Al and Ralph had even a bit of time with their sons while they were alive. François Charles was born after the time he was made, and it makes Napoléon feel so homesick and want his kid- one that he doesn’t even know. He absolutely adores Louis Napoleon, who he only met a few times.
Loves ABBA, originally he disliked, but he's grown to like it now that he knows the meaning
I gave him his Laurel wreath just because I thought they were cool and also to show that he's still very pompous and full of himself.
Unfortunately no doodles, I haven't had time!
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Étienne Champenois belongs to @lidensword and Gustave Bréant belongs to @all-yn-oween
Frank, Al, Ralph
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pixiecaps · 7 months
oh he was on edge on edge qroier was so:( he was afk and came back to bobby pushing him into the water and he immediately goes “bobby what were you trying to do? bobby? bobby by chance were you trying to kill me? were you by chance trying to eliminate me bobby?” bobby then starts shaking his head no and roier says “because that looked like you were trying to drown me bobby. were you sent by spreen or quackity? no?” bobby then places a bed and goes go sleep while roier approaches him sleeping.. pulls out his sword and looms over bobby for a moment before switching to his regular joyous tone and says “nah you’d never hurt me, right? i love you bobby:3 lets sleep together mimimi.” and falls asleep next to him like ok ok ok oh ok. then he wakes up and says “right you’d never betray me bobby? you’d never do anything bad to your father. you love me right bobby? ive been good to you. perhaps it was a misunderstanding with the water.”
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blue-thief · 6 months
wdym ego, isagi, and noa all have their bdays on consecutive dates
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
palette for the name faolan please ?
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6d8b79 || #c1bea8 || #a98d7c || #a87656 || #673d32
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mikeywayarchive · 2 years
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San Jose Civic Auditorium // Apr 2nd 2008
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Assume they have access to ikea furniture
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darkcreamz95 · 6 months
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I got a job
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doriansbutt · 6 months
I’m on Spotify now! 🥰
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abybweisse · 5 months
Ch211, Spoilers part 2
Artie and Theo had gone back into the water to get Finny. Maybe he thought he'd been left behind, and they had to reassure him they wouldn't do that? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Finny might have thought he was a goner for sure this time, but Oliver hugs Finny to thank him. Theo isn't wasting much time and gets to thinking about the jars of organs, perhaps the fact they don't have them anymore. What are they going to use as evidence, if they get to the authorities?
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Theo says something else, then they look back to the orphanage.
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Finny looks at the nearby windpump and is reminded of when he and Snake arrived. Then he starts to cry.
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The chapter isn't over just yet. Ultimately, I hope Finny and the others figure out a way to break the windpump and flood the underground facilities, along with any staff that might still be down there.
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64-jungle-planks · 6 months
Night at the Museum: Redesigning Characters 2/4(?)
Character profile: Al "Scarface" "Snorky" Capone
This character is based off of and takes inspiration from the historical Al Capone.
Real Name: Alphonse "Al" Gabriel Capone
Nickname and Meaning: Scarface - He earned this nickname because of the three scars on the left side of his face, two on his cheek and one on his neck. Embarrassed by them, Al hates the nickname and never shared the real story of how he got them, siting that he actually got them fighting in WWI.
Snorky - Snorky was slang for sharp dresser. Al loved expensive, flashy clothes. Only close friends used it for him
Age: 26 (January 17, 1899)
Time Period: America's Prohibition in the 1920s, around mid-1925 Johnny Torrio, Al's boss, stepped down and let Al take over the Outfit.
Family: James "Jimmy" Vincenzo Capone, Raffaele "Ralph" James Capone, and Salvador "Frank" Capone + Three younger brothers and one sister that wasn't brought back.
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(Headcanons under the cut)
Based on/taken from History:
Can play Banjo and Mandolin, prefers Mandolin
involved in the Five Points Gang with mobster John Torrio as a kid. John Torrio mentored him and gave him the role as the Chicago Mob leader
Only got into the mob for the money to care for his family
Can go from 1 to 10 very quickly
Played in a semi-pro team in Brooklyn as a kid/teen with Ralph. They were known as the Al Capone Stars
+ Intelligent + Generous + Confident - Overdramatic - Attention seeker - Petty
My own silly headcanons:
A little twerp, Al doesn’t respect authority
Feels that he’s better than Ivan and Napoleon because he’s from a newer generation and knows more.
“Okay boomer” vibes
Acts like he hates Napoleon and Ivan (mostly Napoleon), but likes them secretly. They are two men in history that did grand things- in fact he liked learning about Napoleon in school! Al just thinks he had a too big of a head.
Only has one tone of voice- really loud
Swears every other word
He’s a basically still a kid, one with too much power. Al knows his way around the mob, he’s been in it since he was around 15, but now he’s been given power over the Outfit and hasn’t come down off that high yet of being in charge.
Hes happy to have Frank back, they were four years apart in age and were extremely close. He’s missed Frank the year he’s been dead
Was extremely tempted to play baseball using the Einstein’s as balls. He doesn’t like them.
On that note, Al is slightly unnerved around the miniatures. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself around them.
He likes sitting at the bench in middle of the hall of miniatures just watching them. Al liked Cowboys and liked playing cowboys and robbers with his brothers as a kid. Some part of him wishes he could be part of their group.
After finding the Sinatra songs made after Al died, he’s constantly found humming them and making up his own lyrics to go along with them. He likes That’s Life the best.
Al somehow acquires a camcorder and films the whole night that they’re trying to take over the world, making himself a big star and part of the plan. He wants that stardom, he loved it when he was alive – he was just getting a part of it when he was alive
Really loves making up nicknames and short stories for people around him. One of his favorite things to do with Ralph is people-watch.
Al: I don’t like Napoleon! He’s a fuckin’.. fuckin’ bitch! A short ass goblin! Ralph: Yeah.. goblin’ that dick. Frank: MMHHEHEHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! Al: What.
Makes jokes about Napoleon and his boys being gay because he's frightened about questioning his own sexuality. He knows he likes women, but he's got that good ol' "1910's Christian beat the gay away" ideal still stuck in his head. It takes a bit for Al to realize he's bi
Loves giving gifts
He likes having at least one of his brothers by his side. Historically it's been Ralph, but during the events that take place during NATM 2, Al kept Frank close because he was frightened of loosing him again.
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Frank, Ralph, Napoleon
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gardenerchance-v2 · 5 months
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Just sprouted grasses protected from today’s spring snow
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shimomcdragon · 5 months
oc doodles
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
A color palette representing a dark, mysterious creature. Perhaps with some purples. The creature is mysterious and sometimes unsettling or discomforting, but otherwise gentle and beautiful.
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513346 || #9d8d9b || #6b526b || #351933 || #180d22
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