#Aquarius Projects
aquariusindia · 6 months
Aquarius Projects | Contact Us with Water Treatment Experts
Aquarius Projects is a trusted partner for water treatment, offering innovative technologies, project discussions to ensure efficient, sustainable & solutions
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reality-detective · 1 year
Timeline resets using Project Looking Glass, Currency resets, future timelines and our consciousness, time line resets and time travel.
David Wilcock has spoken about the project lööking Glass and many other things. This is a war on humanity and our children's future. So you better ask yourself; "Where do you stand in this movement?" 🤔
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Astrology Observations (Based on my experience)
Remember, this is just my observations from my interactions with others and reading charts. If this doesn't apply to you, that's okay!!
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Scorpio Risings struggle with being liked by those around them. This could be due to the fact that they reflect others unhealed wounds back to them, causing their colleagues to avoid them. They also appear intimidating, but they're honestly one of the most pure and beautiful placements in astrology (imo). They have big hearts and are full of love they want to give to everyone.
Cancer placements won't listen to anyone, but themselves. They always try to mother everyone around them, but they won't let others do the same in return. They often channel this unmet need in their romantic relationships, evading care from family and friends by pouring everything into their romantic relationships. (Please, let others take care of you. You need a break)
12th house synastry gets a bad rep, but it's not always a bad thing. Those with 12th house synastry learn a lot from each other and often float in and out of one another's lives repeatedly. They never forget one another. If they haven't done the necessary healing work though, it can be quite catastrophic. (But they always find their way back again somehow)
Heavy pisces/12th house placements accidentally astral project. A lot. They have wild dreams and often end up in places they shouldn't be in the astral. Most of them don't even realize that this is what's happening. They also tune into other dimensions and channel ideas when they create.
12th house stelliums have a difficult childhood and seem to thrive for a short period of time, before they struggle again. The fears developed in childhood usually lay within their natal chart. They spend a majority of their mid-late 20s conquering these fears so they can continue thrive after their Saturn return.
Sag moons have severe road rage. They can go from cruising to honking their horn and right back to cruising in seconds.
Aquarius in the 2nd house struggle to find their path in life, but once they do - success is abundant. This is because they usually take a non-traditional route. Think HGTV jobs. They'll be a cake tester making hundreds of thousands a year. No one knows how they manage it. They don't even know. It just works.
Scorpio in the 7th house is a tough placement. These individuals struggle with building and maintaining familial relationships.
Scorpio stelliums struggle with letting people in. They're incredibly stubborn and will ice others out to prove a point. They take time to warm up to new concepts and will often live in a state of denial until they can no longer do so. However, once they lean into the transformation, they do great! They exert more energy trying to avoid the transformation than just going through it.
Capricorn risings are thought to always have it together, but most of them are just out here winging it the best they can. If they don't have a goal to achieve, they'll find one on their way. They can walk into any situation and point out exactly what needs to be fixed. The downside to this is that employers/bosses will often find them intimidating, fearing that they may take their jobs. This is why they often go into entrepreneurship. It's to avoid all of the obstacles that stand in their way. (coming from a cap rising)
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apollokyler · 6 months
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course paper defending goes like--- 🦢hyoga's line, in russian: "просто поставьте зачёт..." (= "just give me a passing grade...")
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peachiecure · 1 month
[Project: SFA]
Oceanic Kingdom Brochure🌊
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Wanting a vacation? Look no further than the Oceanic Kingdom! Beautiful crystal waters and relaxing waves await!
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Here are the main visuals for King Aquarius, Princess Azura and Queen Cordelia. They’ll be getting proper intros in the future!
Bonus little doodle with Larissa & Peach:
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deliciest · 2 years
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✨Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries✨
This is a project I started for my Patreon postcard club this year, a zodiac pinup collection!
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aethyrmazz · 21 days
Cosmic Doors P. 1
Something we can agree on is that there are secret doors within yourself that you can use to access the cosmic planes.  
The mind is the most powerful tool we’ll ever use. It can be hacked, and IS often. Mind can be manipulated through “mental cheat codes” in order to summon these doors and pathways. Often this is being used against you without your knowledge, through media outlets, guiding you through innocently entrancing pathways with destructive and chaotic destinations. But with guidance and wisdom it can work FOR you.  
There are 7 known Cosmic Planes 
Etheric (earth) 
Astral (water) 
Mental (air) 
Causa (fire) 
Spiritual (spirit/union) 
These planes can be accessed through mediation, slowly unlocking each door in order. However I don’t recommend doing that since greed, vanity, and seduction are typically a persons motivation behind doing it.  
I suggest doing what comes naturally for YOUR specific order of operation (yes, I’m talking about your Astrological makeup. You are a multidimensional stardust golem. Get over it!) For example water elementals are born within the cosmic hour of water. Therefore they have a natural understanding of the astral plane since they move, think, and breathe in alignment.  
Water dominants will be able to utilize the astral plane in divination. Don’t force it, let it happen naturally. Literally the trick is to relax and go with the flow, otherwise you’ll be moving outside of your natural order like a malignant cell. When you’re ready, or if it’s absolutely necessary, it will come to you. The astral door often comes in form of sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming. 
-Follow for part 2. I will be posting once account reaches 100 followers <3
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chiekodivine · 5 months
new york city is a shit show right now and not because of the students peacefully protesting. i’m so sick of fucking cops. research the history of the police force in america. tear-gassing students and snipers on rooftops. we all know this will escalate. it’s just when. it’s ironic, when you grow up with school shootings and no gun laws you become pretty desensitized. if the government thinks a shooting will scare people then they’re just plain stupid. ivy league students being shot at on the grounds of campus. all i can think about is the kent state massacre. everyone attending protests please be safe and mask up!!! those not attending, if you can, drop off food and water to protestors fighting for our rights. you don’t need to be palestinian to care about the genocide in gaza, you just need to be human. they don’t just want to ban tiktok because of the mass spread of unregulated information. they want to ban tiktok because of the mass spread of empathy. billions of videos depicting the human experience. i have cried so many tears and laughed until my stomach hurt all for strangers i’ll never meet. when we care about each other more than we care about the dollars in our pockets it scares them. it scares them because they feed and live off of human suffering and exploitation. they’ve manipulated our minds so much we believe we are dependent on them when really they are dependent on us. they’ve divided us so much we’ve forgotten what it’s like to love each other. they’ve allowed so much violence and so much hatred that it’s become all we know. but a heart full of empathy and love will always want to share that love. that’s what they fear. capitalism is just a circle jerk of who has the deepest pockets and billionaires can’t exist without the exploitation of the working class. calculate how many hours you’d need to work earning minimum wage in order to be a billionaire. look up the recent layoffs of thousands of hiring recruiters across the country. research the nationwide implementation of AI that accepts your résumé based on buzzwords and not actual experience. did i mention homelessness is illegal and i’m pretty sure social security is like gone now? How many hours would it take to be billionaire?
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My name is Jelli! my image color is strawberry pink and my zodiac is Taurus ♡ I was born in Japan and moved to southern california during primary school. I was always into idols when I was in middle school but didn't really understand what they were outside of "JPop" I just liked the music and costumes and even sang idol covers online back in the early 2010's. I joined the group because I wanted to perform with my friends and create music and art that was true to ourselves. I do feel like sometimes I can be the "frosting?" to the cake that is Aqu♡rius. I do a lot of the design and brand work. My specialty is marketing so I want to make sure our group story is communicated well. I LOVE light and simple desserts like strawberry cake, shortbread cookies, and strawberry chocolates. I also love Siopao which is a filipino steamed meat bun... so comforting, everything you need in one package. My favorite part about being in the group is performing together! I love being able to perform on stage with my friends, I can't describe the feeling better... we work so hard and being able to come together on a stage is exhilarating. I enjoy laughing and brainstorming together when working with Aqu♡rius. We all are so unique and have so many different ideas for the group and having it all come together is like one huge melting pot of gold! My dreams for the future are to perform overseas with Aqu♡rius. Ideally I would love if we all are able to go to Japan together and perform. For myself I want to also create more solo music and show everyone what Jelli can do!
Hello~ I am Lily! My image color is princess pink and my symbol is a princess crown. My sun and moon is a scorpio and my rising is a sagittarius. I was born in one of the more diverse cities in Southern California. Growing up Filipino, we love our karaoke! I would sing all the time at the parties when I was little. I remember wanting to become a popstar, like Hannah Montana. When Aqu♡rius was still an Aqours cosplay dance group, I was, actually, a part of their very first cover, Koi ni Naritai Aquarium in 2016. However, I was just subbing in at the time. In 2018, I temporarily joined Aqu♡rius again to be their Ruby for their Awaken the Power music video. When I did my last performance with them, I remember crying because I had such an amazing time hanging out, practicing and performing with them. It felt like I fit right in, and it saddened me that it was only for a short time. Later in 2019, they officially recruited me as a member to play Ruby. Of course, I said yes and joined! I feel like I am the organizer of the group. I help a lot with setting dates, making schedules, and help keep the group on track! I also love making the lyrics distribution and formation. Especially when we have to adjust a 10-person choreo to 7. It feels like I’m solving a puzzle and I love solving puzzles!! I am such a foodie! I have my holy trinity of food that makes me happy: Shabu Hot Pot, Sushi, and Seafood boil. I also love anything spicy. I think I have the highest spice tolerance amongst my members. My favorite part about being in Aqu♡rius is performing with a great group of friends. I’ve always wanted to perform, ever since I was a kid. I thought that life was impossible until I met them. I feel the most at-home when I am on stage doing what I love. I love how we are consistently trying to improve ourselves and each other. We get to see each other grow. It’s such a rewarding feeling. My dream for the future is to perform overseas with Aqu♡rius! Maybe..Japan…at Tokyo IdolFest…? Haha! My personal goals for myself is to make more original songs and content!
Hello everyone! My name is Haley and I am the berry purple member of Aquarius. My birthday is on November 24th and my zodiac sign is Sagittarius. I was born and raised in Southern California where it has always has been hot and anytime it rained it was like the streets are drowning. I grew up pretty much my whole life in a small town kind of in the middle of nowhere. I do like my little town life and I really prefer that over the big cities.Through out my childhood I have always been active and I tried several different sports and activities such as softball, volleyball, etc. and then in high school I did cheer. In terms of hobbies, I was introduced to anime and cosplay by my best friend Ko in middle school and that is how I ended up meeting Aquarius later on after I graduated high school. Speaking of Aquarius, I joined the group after being introduced to the other members of Aquarius through Ko and I have been a part of the group since. I joined the group because I was interested in continuing to perform since in high school I did cheer and I loved performing and doing something in that realm. I thought this would be a great opportunity to do something new, fun and exciting with a group of wonderful individuals who have the same interests. I also wanted to make new friends and meet new people. My role in Aquarius is pretty much I offer to do whatever is needing to be done. As in if anyone needs help doing anything I try to offer up. My favorite foods honestly include a lot of desserts or sweets. I just love making and eating sweets. I got more into baking recently and for the first time I made my mom’s recipe for lemon bars and they turned out amazing even if they were not perfect. In terms of savory foods, I love sushi and pasta/noodle dishes.
My favorite part about being in the group is just being with such amazing, talented, lovely people and just making something amazing together. It was honestly so cool and amazing to make Racketball together and just seeing how everything came together in the end. I cannot wait to make more music and create more with Aquarius! What I enjoy most about working with Aquarius is that sometimes things can be stressful, but we still know how to have fun together because in the end we are a group of friends that found each other and now we are one big family. My dream for the future is to make more music with Aquarius and I think it would be cool to travel more together as a group and perform.
Hey! It’s Shooting Star Idol, J! ✨✌🏽 My image color is Golden Yellow and my pronouns are they/he/siya (siya is a gender-neutral pronoun in the Tagalog that can used to refer to anyone)! I was born in SoCal and raised by my Filipino migrant family. The culture I was raised in influenced me to care a lot about music, dance, food, and history! I was exposed to anime and manga at a young age (lol), and through my own internet rummaging, I ended up hyper-fixating on Vocaloid, K-On!, and idols from all over the world!
Joining Aqu♡rius at the end of 2017 was a surprise! I had only gotten to know Aqours in October of that year and my baby gay dream of joining a full Love Live cosplay group came true soon after. I was eager to incorporate singing to our covers since then so I’m not surprised that Aqu♡rius has shifted to the direction it has gone now! I think I am the music guy a lot of the time for the group, but I also lead in teaching and cleaning the singing and dancing lessons. Some of my favorite foods right now are stone fruits like mangoes, peaches, nectarines, and plums!
My favorite part about working in a group is actually flourishing and developing each other’s creativity! Working on things collectively makes the results of our hard work more valuable and special since we all contributed to its development :) It’s also cool that we all have many talents and a huge majority of our work is self-produced! One goal for me is that I want to get to know all of you more! I’ve met so many people through idol activities who have shared with me their passions and optimisms and I want to be able to help uplift those who want to build community with others. As for Aqu♡rius specifically, it would be really exciting to eventually have a setlist full of only our original music!
Helloo! I am Eggy (she/they), the cherry red member of Aqu♡rius. My birthday is on April 4th, which I think its quite fitting that my sun sign is Aries (the red imagery is burned into my soul ♥). I am also a socal native, and growing up I was always an artsy kid- loved doing any arts and crafts and creation that I could get my hands on. That artistry eventually led me to anime (I was obsessed with the art style of course), then to cosplay, and that slippery slope led me to where I am now. The Love Live to Idol pipeline is real, and I'd like to personally thank my girls Umi and Yohane for helping me along the way. Originally, I was kind of the one who started what would become Aqu♡rius, through a Love Live cosplay group that eventually evolved and led to us becoming what we are today. Because I had never had any formal training in dancing, and especially singing before, it took a little while for me to sort of ruminate on the idea of being kaigai idols when Jelli suggested we switch over from Love Live cosplay dance covers to doing what we do today, but I couldn't see myself doing this with any other group of people, and am so thankful I took the plunge. It was rather stifling being contained in a character's box, so being able to deviate from that by doing whatever we want, and ultimately just being more creative with the whole process has been amazing. As for my role in the group,,,, I have a hard time putting an exact word to it. Honestly, I feel like my strengths are in the ideas I have. I get smacked on the head with inspiration when I'm with everyone and just want to design and create faster than I can realistically keep up with. I love making art for our concepts and visuals, as well as designing when I can. I cannot lie to you guys, ice cream cannot be beat for me, I love it so much. My top tier flavor is rose, but that's hard to get so other favs are pistachio, and strawberry. Besides ice cream, I absolutely love börek, and highly recommend trying it if you haven't yet. The best thing about being a part of Aqu♡rius is just being able to be with everyone. I genuinely love and care about everyone so much and it's actually so insane to me that we have been able to create this and come so far from where we started. It's an honor to surround myself with such wonderful and inspiring people that choose to dedicate their time and energy into this project of ours. My dream for us is to continue creating- new songs, dances, events, ideas- whatever it may be. I hope one day we can host our own event with multiple original tracks (coughs I think everyone having a solo song would be so incredibly cool) and create a space for other idols in the community to do what they love to do. As for myself, I just want to continue improving, so I can be proud of every performance I do.
Hallooo everyone!! It’s Tuna! My image color is sage green and my zodiac sign is Gemini sun, Aquarius moon and Virgo rising. I grew up in a small suburban town in Socal. I was the token weird anime kid growing up. I started cosplaying in 2011, a passion that led me to finding Eggy in 2013 at a local cosplay meetup. As my passion for anime grew, it sparked an interest in Japanese music. I found Vocaloid and quickly became a devout fan to producers and then utaites. Joining aqu♡rius was really something that basically was just a long term manifestation... I was always longing for a cosplay group. Even more, I wanted friends to sing with, a secret passion I had after finding out what a nico nico chorus was. I would have never imagined to find both in the same wonderful group. I would probably consider myself the glue of aqu♡rius. Which is to say, I am the goof that keeps us together and laughing. In reality, my range of contributions is wide, I love being a multi disciplinary artist and my contributions are eclectic and a result of random inspiration. My main focus is writing lyrics and costume construction and misc design. My favorite meal lately has been eggs in a basket toast, and favorite fruits are donut peaches and cherries! My favorite part about being in Aqu♡rius is the simple ability to create together. Aqu♡rius has inspired so much growth and change within myself and has taught me so much about how to manage my time and resources. I am so grateful for our shared experience and promise to do my best in the future too! My dream for us as a group is to travel internationally together… As for myself, I want to make more friends in this community! I also desire to keep growing my musical practice, I want to learn to play an instrument!
Hi! I’m Eden, the shiny knife idol of AQU♡RIUS! So knife to meet you all!! You might recognize me as the pearl gray member (that’s white on your penlights!) I’m a Sagittarius sun with a Scorpio moon :) I’ve been into vocaloid since I was a wee little butter knife, I’m pretty sure when I was still in elementary school.. Then it evolved into Love Live!! And that’s where I started my idol journey! I already loved dancing since the Luka★Luka Night Fever flash mobs were popularized, and baby Eden just loved watching little dances from then on out. (I still bop to Mascara Blue Jeans often hehe)
I initially joined for a Love Live!! Cosplay group, and we just started performing.. Then added singing.. And wow here we are! Popped out like a fresh egg. I love my friends so it was really easy to get the ball rolling with everyone’s reassurance. My role? I really contribute what I can without stepping on anyone’s toes! My specialty is doodling for merch, and sometimes being the comedic relief when needed. It’s really cool seeing my drawings be made into little charms and keychains!!
My favorite food is cheesecake… I LOVE cheesecake.. I could eat a whole cheesecake by myself in an hour if I could.. Any type of pasta is also a comfort food, so is sinigang (filipino sour soup). Any rice is good.. I just love my carbs..
My favorite part about being here is the fact that it’s really just a group of my best friends performing together! They’re all such wonderful people that It makes me feel so incredibly lucky to have met all 6 of them at the time that I did. They all know how to make me laugh or reassure me of something that I need clarification on. I don’t think I could really achieve that with just a group that didn’t start as friends first. I don’t really have any specific dreams at the moment..! I just follow where the waters take us. Performing with AQU♡RIUS is already a dream in itself.. As for me, I’m always improving little by little, it’s not always linear, but that just makes me want to work harder. One day I’ll be completely proud of myself! I’ll get there with everyone!!
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x-ieatboyz-x · 1 month
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Made this cute lil keychain! Inspo from my Sonny🍓
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aquariusindia · 6 months
Aquarius Projects | Our Esteemed Water Treatment Clients
Aquarius Projects a water treatment company, partners with diverse industries to provide innovative solutions to meet their specific requirements, performance
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acid-static · 2 months
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found on unsent project
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ladymacabrebeth · 2 years
I don't take it personally when people misinterpret or misunderstand me. Most of the time, that's them projecting.
Lady Macabre Beth
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thegoddesswater · 9 months
hey!! this is chance and here’s week 5’s prompt. your oc suddenly gets transported to a mall. what store(s) would they go in? would they buy anything? what would they think? tell me about the experience.
Hey Chance! Took my sweet time on answering this one, but OH WELL.
Decided to use the power trio from my sorta-cyberpunk dystopia for this, so we've got Glenn, Evadne, and Cal on this trip. Also, malls are a thing in their setting, so I'll ignore the 'suddenly transported' bit of this prompt.
The boys (moreso Cal than Glenn) have dragged Evadne to the mall against her will. Shopping? Boring! She can order everything she needs online and get it cheaper there too. The only thing that she wants to do is hit up the coffee shop for an overly sweet, excessively caffeinated drink - Cal's treat, of course. Her tolerance for this pointless excursion to the outdated pantheon of consumerism will last only about half an hour longer than that drink will.
Glenn is much more inclined to split off from Cal and Evadne so he can meet back up with them at the food court at a designated time. He's got errands to run and isn't entirely sure that he wants to have his friends watching him scouring the discount/bargain store for the cheapest, but least crappy, pair of new work boots he can find. He will spend twenty minutes debating with himself whether he should get the higher-quality, half-size too small pair that he can "probably stretch out with wear", or whether he should go for the slightly less robust, but in his actual size, pair that is the same price and won't leave him hobbling while he tries to break them in. He will pay for his boots in cash, holding up the line, and confusing the cashier who will require their floor supervisor to come verify that the bills and coins that Glenn has handed over are, in fact, legal tender.
Cal is at the mall for fun. He likes to browse. And looking at the clothing displays reminds him that he's got a family function coming up and sure, he doesn't need a new suit jacket, but his current one is from last year and certainly needs to be updated. He'll bring Evadne with him to help him pick out a new jacket from the high end shop - where he will also pay for custom tailoring of the new jacket without giving it a second thought. He will not notice the salesman giving Evadne the stink-eye for bringing her drink into the store. Once he and Evadne have met back up with Glenn, Cal will insist that they get lunch, and then stop by the kiosk that sells cinnamon rolls, before he will even entertain the possibility of leaving.
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monkeylucy · 2 years
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I don’t know if I figure out Sf fashion yet - but they better figure out women’s pockets:v
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vexx-ation · 8 months
365 Albums in 365 Days: 18/365
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Date: Thursday January 18th Album: Age of Aquarius Artist: Villagers of Ioannina City Released: 2019 Genre: Rock Review: I am starting to run out of shorter albums in my initial list, which means I am frequently running into a problem where I check to see when an album is going to be over, only to realize I am less than halfway through. That happened here. While good, I don’t know enough about harder rock to make more than vague passes at the quality of this album. I found the instrumentals quite good— layers of drums, bass, and guitar that filled the room and gave new things to pick apart in each song— but without a lot of variation between tracks. I didn’t find the lyrics to be particularly inspired nor the music itself to break many norms, but that’s not to say that the album was bad, just a little commonplace. It’s a fun rock album— helped me get through vacuuming at the very least. Favorite Track: Father Sun
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