#Argentinean animation
oraculoediciones · 1 year
VIKTOR AHMED, las dimensiones del dibujo (2023) El dibujante y animador Viktor Ahmed, nos habla sobre sus orígenes en el dibujo, su paso por la gráfica, la animación y los videojuegos. Pasado, presente y futuro de un artista multifacético y pujante.
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creatives-argentines · 7 months
We called for argentinean artists, writers, animators, graphic designers and musicians to send us their work to boost them in the international market, and here we all are!
Because of our country's political decline in the hands of a fascist government we are in need of help.
We are in need of visibility and financial aid, so everyone that you see here is open for commissions, and the masterpieces you see are what you can look forward to.
We will update this post every month according to the entries we might get in the future, until the end of June. On the 15th of July there will be another masterpost, hopefully with more people!
Also, we will be reblogging their pieces so stick around and see what they'll do in the future, and please consider reblogging anything you like from us or from them directly, it goes a long way.
Lastly, we're trying to keep it bilingual, so if you see an image that has writing in just one language (or both!), check the ALT TEXT, it will have both spanish and english versions.
Convocamos a artistas, escritores, animadores, diseñadores gráficos y músiques argentines a que nos envíen sus trabajos para potenciarlos en el mercado internacional, ¡y aquí estamos todos!
Debido al declive político de nuestro país en manos de un gobierno fascista necesitamos ayuda.
Necesitamos visibilidad y ayuda financiera, así que todes los que ven aquí estamos abiertes a encargos, y las obras maestras que ven son lo que pueden esperar de nosotres.
Actualizaremos esta publicación todos los meses de acuerdo con la cantidad de fichas que podamos recibir en el futuro, hasta finales de junio. El 15 de julio habrá otro masterpost, ¡esperamos que con más gente!
Además, rebloguearemos sus obras así que quedate por acá para ver qué hacen en el futuro, y por favor considerá rebloguear cualquier cosa que te guste de nosotres o de elles directamente.
Por último, estamos tratando de mantenerlo bilingüe, así que si ves una imagen que tiene la escritura en un solo idioma (¡o ambas!), fijate en el ALT TEXT, tendrá las versiones en español e inglés.
Without further ado, enjoy~
Escritores / Writers:
@fatheriimaginedyoutaller (they/he - elle/él)
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Escritor/e de 21 años. Especializado en relatos cortos y cuentos. Con pasión por el género realista y la fantasía. Inspirado en el estilo de George R.R Martin, Suzanne Collins, Liliana Heker y Kafka. Ofrezco servicios como ghostwriter y como escritor/e propiamente dicho. También puedo desempeñarme como escritor de blog y columnista de opinión en revistas online. Manejo bien el idioma inglés, con nivel bilingüe. Siendo capaz de traducir textos Trabajo en remoto. Mis tarifas oscilan entre $10 y $17 (EN PESOS) por palabra, dependiendo de la complejidad y longitud del texto comisionado. Mi obra más reciente "Pueblo Crepúsculo" fue publicada en la antología Purapalabra 2023. ________________________ 21 year old writer. Specialized in short stories and tales. With a passion for the realism and fantasy genres. Inspired by the style of George R.R Martin, Suzanne Collins, Liliana Heker and Kafka. I offer services as a ghostwriter and as a writer myself. I can also work as a blog writer and opinion columnist in online magazines. I am fluent in English, with a bilingual level. I am able to translate texts. I work remotely. My rates range from ARS$10 to $17 per word, depending on the complexity and length of the commissioned text. My most recent work "Pueblo Crepúsculo" was published in the anthology Purapalabra 2023. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @fatheriimaginedyoutaller Email: [email protected]
@mearpsdyke (she/her - ella)
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Tengo 20 años, soy del NOA y me podés llamar Zee. Soy una escritora freelance, me especializo en narrativa aunque también incursiono en la poesía. Para proyectos pequeños (o sea: historias cortas) mi tarifa es de ARS$800 por cada mil (1000) palabras. Para proyectos grandes que involucren un conteo de palabras más alto, podemos charlar el precio por privado. Me especializo en el género de romance: las imágenes visuales y descripciones de emociones son lo que mejor se me da, pero también puedo escribir otros géneros como el misterio o historias más introspectivas con respecto a la psicología de los personajes. Tengo un blog de escritura bastante nuevo que empezaré a usar como portafolio, el link está abajo. Estoy dispuesta a escribir de todo por el precio justo. ________________________ I'm 20 years old, I'm from NOA and you can call me Zee. I'm a freelance writer, I specialize in narrative although I also dabble in poetry. For small projects (i.e. short stories) my rate is ARS$800 per thousand (1000) words. For international clients, my rate is USD$1 per fifty (50) words. For larger projects involving a higher word count, we can discuss pricing privately in both cases. I specialize in the romance genre: visual imagery and descriptions of emotions are what I'm best at, but I can also write other genres such as mystery or more introspective stories regarding character psychology. I have a fairly new writing blog that I will start using as a portfolio, the link is below. I'm willing to write anything for the right price. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Blog: https://servilletaliteraria.blogspot.com/ Email: [email protected] Discord: mearpsdyke
Artistas gráfiques / Graphic artists:
(they/them - elle)
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Denwenai (elle) es une artista y diseñadore multimedia que realiza ilustraciones digitales de personajes y entornos con distintos niveles de detalle. Su estilo es fluctuante: según el objeto a retratar oscila entre las terminaciones definidas o bocetadas, un aspecto tradicional o plano, la reminiscencia con un cómic o un concept art. En cuanto a diseño, se especializa en el armado de piezas editoriales y la creación de marca. Ofrece servicios de vectorizado (tanto piezas ya existentes como de diseño propio), edición de video y motion graphics. ________________________ Denwenai (they/them) is a multimedia artist and designer who creates digital illustrations of characters and environments with different levels of detail. Their style is fluctuating: depending on the object to be portrayed, they oscillate between defined or sketched finishes, a traditional or flat look, reminiscent of a comic book or concept art. In terms of design, they specialize in the creation of editorial pieces and branding. They offer vectorizing services (both existing pieces and their own design), video editing and motion graphics. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @denwenai Instagram: @denwenai Relevant links: https://linktr.ee/denwenai
(any pronouns - cualquier pronombre)
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Sunny es un artista cordobés, se especializa mayormente en la figura humana (retratos, fichas de personaje) o antropomórfica en general. Se destaca en entornos de fantasía y diseño de personaje. ________________________ Sunny is an artist from Córdoba, they specialize mostly in human figures (portraits, character tokens) or anthropomorphic in general. They excel in fantasy environments and character design. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @sunnysideup1847 Relevant links: https://www.atom.bio/sunny_sides_up/
(they/she/he - elle/ella/él)
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Aifas vive en La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dibuja en su mayoría fanart de franquicias que le gustan, ¡pero también le encanta hacer retratos de mascotas! Últimamente ha estado probando animación cuadro por cuadro y diseño con el OpenShot Video Editor e Inkscape, respectivamente. Se especializa en el arte pop. ________________________ Aifas lives in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They draw mostly fanart of franchises they like, but also love doing portraits of everyone's pets! Lately, they have been trying their hand at frame-by-frame animation and design with OpenShot Video Editor and Inkscape, respectively. They specialize in pop art. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @aifastic Instagram: @aifastic
(he/him - él)
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Dibujos en técnica tradicional desde lápices, marcadores o acuarelas. Con diferentes niveles de estilización y juego con las texturas. Hago dibujos e ilustraciones, diseño de personaje y mini cómics. Me inspira la gente, los detalles únicos y la versatilidad de lo morbo. Hace un par de años ya que hago arte por encargo, me dedico principalmente al diseño de personaje. Trabajo con texturas, buscando una representación un poco más única de cada uno. Dentro de ello, puedo trabajar a detalle, puedo utilizar gore, puedo retratar con más realismo o mayor estilización; se adapta a la esencia de cada obra. ________________________ Drawings in traditional technique, from pencil, markers or watercolors. With different levels of stylization and play with textures. I do drawings and illustrations, character design and mini comics. I'm inspired by people, unique details and the versatility of morbid things. It's been a couple years since I've started doing commissioned art, I mainly do character design. I work with textures, seeking a more unique representation of each one. Within this, I can do detailed work, I can utilize gore, I can portray with more realism or more stylization; it adapts to the essence of every piece. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @localshoulderdevil Discord: dm me for it
(he/they - él/elle)
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Soy artista profesional, investigador y profesor. Me apasionan el horror y los mundos fantásticos. Mis fortalezas son el diseño de criaturas y personajes, obras emotivas, y arte conceptual en diversos estilos; tanto digital como traditional. Me enorgullezco de mi educación en grabado y arte impreso: soy excelente iterando y experimentando. Para mi trabajo digital utilizo Photoshop y Clip Studio Paint. En lo que respecta al arte tradicional, uso pinturas al óleo, gouache, acuarelas, lápices de colores y tintas de varios tipos. También hago grabado xilográfico y serigráfico. Ilustré dos libros, uno de ellos también escrito por mi. Trabajo en comunicación constante con mis clientes y permito pagos flexibles y en cuotas. ________________________ I’m a professional artist, researcher and professor with a passion for horror, and fantasy worlds. My strongest suits are creature and character design, emotional pieces, and concept art in diverse styles; both traditionally and digitally. My background as a printmaker is my pride: I excel at iteration and experimentation. For my digital artwork I use Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint. When it comes to traditional work, I use oil paint, gouache, watercolors, colored pencils and various forms of ink, as well as block and silkscreen printing. I’ve illustrated two books, one of which was written by me as well. I work in close communication with my clients and allow for flexible payment plans. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @orfeoarte Instagram: @orfeoarte Twitter : @orfeoarte Illustrated books: https://issuu.com/orfeoarte
(she/her - ella)
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Soy una artista tanto tradicional como digital. Estoy estudiando Filosofía y Artes Visuales en la universidad. En mis pinturas, amo usar colores vivos y disfruto dibujar animales y personas (principalmente personajes ficticios). ________________________ I’m both a traditional and digital artist. I’m studying philosophy and visual arts at university. For my paintings, I love using vibrant colours and I enjoy drawing animals and people (mostly fictional characters). Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @tomicaleto Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tomicaleto?l=es Discord user: @tomicaleto
(they/he - elle/él)
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Ilustrador argentino de 23 años. Me gusta mucho el diseño de personajes y principalmente enfocarme en diseños de fantasía inspirados en D&D. Mis inspiraciones principales son cosas inspiradas en sueños, música de Vocaloid, caricaturas, anime y arte de otros artistas. ________________________ 23-year-old Argentinian illustrator. I love character design, mainly D&D-inspired fantasy designs. My main inspirations are things like dreams, Vocaloid music, cartoons, anime, and other artist's pieces. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @ramadejazmin BlueSky: momomottaro.bsky.social Gmail: [email protected] Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/RamadeJazmin
(she/her - ella)
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Starrynightsoversunflowers es una artista argentina que se enfoca en los dibujos digitales, fanarts y retratos. Su estilo se basa en el uso de colores brillantes y en técnicas que emulan la pintura tradicional.  ________________________ Starrynightsoversunflowers is an argentinian artist that focuses on digital drawings, fanarts and portraits. Her style is based on the use of bright colours and techniques that emulated traditional painting. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Instagram: @starrynightsoversunflowers Gmail: [email protected]
(they/he - él/elle)
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Ilustrador argentino nacido en 1996. Trabajo principalmente mezclando los primeros pasos en tradicional para realizar y terminar en digital. Los programas que más uso son PT Sai, Photoshop y Krita. Aparte de hacer arte en digital también hago bordados y pintura en acuarela. Encuentro inspiración en dibujos y animaciones de los 90s y 00s. Aprendiendo a dibujar nsfw. ________________________ Argentinian ilustrator born in 1996. I mainly work with mixed media, combining traditional sketching and inking with digital painting. My preferred programs are Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop and Krita. Besides doing digital works, my favorite mediums are embroidery and watercolors. I take inspiration from cartoons and animes fom the 90s and 00s, fashion, and cute stuff in general. Im learning how to draw nsfw to add to the repertoire. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Instagram: @twiginthecreek
(she/he - ella/él)
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Palluniskillas (ella/él) es una artista de 20 años que se especializa en dibujo e ilustración digital de personajes y personas, en un estilo de dibujo estilizado. En su mayoría trabaja temas como el amor, el cariño, la moda y la naturaleza. ________________________ Palluniskillas (she/he) is a 20 year old artist who specializes in digital drawing and illustration of characters and people, in a stylized drawing style. She mostly works on themes such as love, affection, fashion and nature. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Instagram: @pallunis_killas
(she/her - ella)
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Nita es una artista argentina que se enfoca en dibujos digitales de animales en un estilo “chibi”. ________________________ Nita is an argentinean artist that focuses on digital animal art in a “chibi” style. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Tumblr: @nitadraws Redbubble: NitaDraws.redbubble.com Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/nitadraws
(he/it - él/eso)
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Arián es un ilustrador del norte argentino que saca inspiración de videojuegos y medios de terror. Estudió diseño gráfico por 3-4 años y es un artista autodidacta desde su adolescencia. El juego que lo envió a perseguir el sueño de convertirse en un artista conceptual para videojuegos es Journey, y los que lo impulsaron son Spiritfarer, la saga Uncharted y la trilogía de Dark Souls, especialmente su segunda instalación. Sus inspiraciones actuales son DnD, Vocaloid y Bleach. ________________________ Arián is an illustrator from northern Argentina that takes inspiration from videogames and horror media. He studied graphic design for 3-4 years and has been a self taught artist since his teenage years. The piece of media that sent him chasing the dream of becoming a concept artist for videogames is Journey, and the ones that pushed it further are Spiritfarer, the Uncharted saga and Dark Souls trilogy, especially the 2nd installment. His main current inspirations are DnD, Vocaloid and Bleach. Contacts and relevant links / Contactos y links relevantes: Email: [email protected] Instagram: @arian.v.art Relevant links: linktr.ee/azover Patreon: patreon.com/Azover
Image ID for writers under the cut / ID de impagenes para escritores debajo del corte
@fatheriimaginedyoutaller (En discord y Tumblr) They/he - Elle/él
Pueblo Crepúsculo Resumen: Un hombre afroamericano se encuentra varado en las sienas cordobesas cuando su auto le falla. Allí el es plagado por la visión fantasmagorica de su abuelo, quien fue asesinado por el Ku Klux Klan.
Devin no creía en las maldiciones, era un muchacho de ciencia, de las sociales, pero de la ciencia al final del día. Pero si, uno "podría" decir que todo había empezado con su abuelo. Si decidía darle crédito al poder de las coincidencias. A Devin JI lo habían colgado de un árbol miembros del Klan, y si, era porque se le había roto el auto en el pueblo equivocado. Pero si creía en el miedo. Y no en cualquier miedo. Pero ese que viene de tus antepasados, que parece transmitirse por una mera gota de sangre en el mar que son los seres humanos. Como el temor a nadar en una pileta profunda, no por el agua en sí. Si no porque alguien podría venir y verter ácido en ella en cualquier momento."
Caballito de Mar Resumen: Un hombre transgénero reflexiona sobre unas noticias inesperadas
"Cuando por fin te hayan atendido primero les preguntaras cómo estuvieron sus respectivos días, porque sí te quedó alguna de las cosas con las que te criaron seguro son esos modales católicos. Luna te hablara de su madre, Sam de su padre. Trataras de contener tu entusiasmo mientras aprendes de las experiencias de tus novias. Esas cosas únicas de ellas. Sus relaciones, sus manías, sus sueños … "
Diccionario Resumen: Un hombre hace dedo hasta su casa luego de la marcha por la vuelta de Perón
"Má siempre decía que había dos mundos, el de Uno y el del Otro. Nunca supe que quería decir hasta que se me rompieron la suelas de los zapatos entre Avenida Rivadavia y Callao. La mayoría de la gente ese día estaba en El del Otro, donde lo importante era el movimiento y que no había ningún sacrificio demasiado grande; mientras yo estaba en el Mio, donde lo único que me preocupaba era mi Tana que estaba en casa sola con el pibe. Cuando llegué a Balvanera ya se me había partido el alma en dos. Me paré en una esquina y extendí mi brazo con el pulgar arriba. No sabía para qué .La ciudad estaba vacía y no inspiraba confianza mi cara de indio. El simpático siempre fue Carlitas, mi medio hermano. Él sí parecía recién bajado de la parte de arriba del barco."
La Luna Resumen: Un cacique de Puerto Iguazú, desprotica contra la luna por haberse llevado a su hijo.
"Hola ¿Cómo estás.? Perdóname que te deje este recado por medio del dueño del almacén. Vos sabes que nuncafuí muy bueno con lo emocional, los sentimientos _ Soy el hijo de mi padre en ese sentido. Cuando ya hayamos llegado a la luna, será el momento de la verdad, sabremos por fin si un lobizón sobrevive allí en el espacio. Vos nunca entendiste porque me gustaba tanto la luna. Era una obsesión infantil, capaz todavía lo sea. La verdad es que: Siento que tengo un propósito, de devolverle algo a la humanidad, porque la amo demasiado. La amo con sus defectos, sus manías, y si, con sus personas.
Twilight Town
Summary: A man finds himself stranded in the Cordovan siennas when his car breaks down. There he is plagued by the ghostly vision of his grandfather, who was murdered by the Ku Klux Klan.
Devin did not believe in curses. He was a man of science, the social kind, but science at the end of the day. But yes, one "could" say it had all started with his grandfather. If he decided to give credence to the power of coincidences. Devin II had been hung from a tree by Klan members, and yes, he was Klan members, and yes, it was because his car had broken down in the wrong town. in the wrong town. But he did believe in fear. And not just any fear. But the kind that comes from your ancestors, that seems to be passed down through a mere drop of blood in the sea that is human beings. human beings . Like the fear of swimming in a deep pool, not because of the water itself. But because someone might come and pour acid into it at any moment."
Summary: A transgender man reflects on some unexpected news.
"When they've finally taken care of you first you'll ask them how their respective days were, because if you have any of the things left that they raised you with I'm sure it's those Catholic manners. Luna will tell you about her mother, Sam about his father. You'll try to contain your enthusiasm as you learn about your girlfriends' experiences. Those unique things about them. Their relationships, their quirks, their dreams…"
Summary: A man hitchhikes home after the march for Perón's return.
"Má always said there were two worlds, that of One and that of the Other. I never knew what he meant until the soles of my shoes broke between Avenida Rivadavia and Callao. Most people that day were in El del Otro, where the important thing was the movement and that there was no sacrifice too big; while I was in El Mio, where the only thing I was worried about was my Tana who was at home alone with the kid. When I arrived at Balvanera, my soul was already broken in two. I stopped at a corner and extended my arm with my thumb up. I didn't know why, the city was empty and my Indian face didn't inspire confidence. The nice one was always Carlitos, my half-brother. He did look like he just got off the top part of the boat."
The Moon
Summary: A cacique of Puerto Iguazú, reproaches the moon for having taken his son.
"Hello, how are you? Forgive me for leaving you this message through the owner of the store. You know I was never very good with emotions, feelings _ I am my father's son in that sense. When we have reached the moon, it will be the moment of truth, we will finally know if a werewolf survives out there in space. You never understood why I liked the moon so much. It was a childish obsession, maybe it still is. The truth is: I feel I have a purpose, to give something back to humanity, because I love it too much. I love it with its flaws, its quirks, and yes, with its people.
@mearpsdyke She/her - Ella
-La canción del mar
Le sostiene la mirada, preguntándose por las ciaturas que alberga, por los naufragios y cadáveres que reposan en el fondo de sus aguas. Se pregunta si, tal vez, el mar tiene consciencia y los humanos no lo saben, si la melodía de las olas que se estrellan contra las rocas son en realidad palabras que usa para llamar su nombre, diciéndole que se adentre en sus aguas, prometiendo unas rocas cómodas para que su cadáver pueda reposar. Los peces se remueven, peleando por una libertad que no llegará. Pronto se quedarán sin oxígeno y morirán lenta y dolorosamente. A Kika a veces le gusta jugar a que es un Dios y los peces son su creación agonizante, quienes esperan el dulce alivio de la muerte. Ve cómo la vida abandona sus ojos y dice una oración antes de guiar el cuchillo por sus entrañas.
-Cliffs Edge
Cuando la luna está llena y es la hora donde las penas y arrepentimientos te sofocan, tiene el impulso de tomar su auto, manejar hasta la casa de Gina y pedirle que se den una segunda oportunidad, que hará bien las cosas esta vez. Pero entonces recuerda el anillo que Gina porta en su dedo anular en cada partido, y se obliga a volver al presente y dejar el pasado en el pasado. Le parece cruel que su familia la quiera más que al nuevo prometido de Gina, que aún la inviten a la casa donde tienen fotos de las dos jugando partidos juntas, en reuniones familiares, en fiestas y hasta en Navidad. Nunca encuentra el coraje para decirles que se olviden de ella para poder pasar página; la casa Zelarayán es su casa lejos de su verdadero hogar, allá en Jujuy.
Buscas en el recoveco más profundo de tu alma, alguna pasión que salve tu gris existencia, pero solo encuentras eco y telarañas sin moscas. Y cuando entruentras algos a lo que aferrarte, no es lo suficientemente serio para el resto, ¿y realmente importan los insultos ya? ¿Qué le hace una cicatriz más al guerrero, un clavo más a Jesús en la cruz, otro volcán a Pompeya? Así que te envuelves en tu capa más roja, pelas los dientes cual animal acorralado y hieres a todo lo que oza cruzarte.
-La tierra del nunca
Persigo un atardecer que no existe, espero un día que nunca fue y escucho palabras que nunca pronunciarás en cada mirada tuya. Vivo el mismo día todos los días esperando que alguien se apiade, a que Te apiades, y las palabras salgan como balas. Porque es más piadoso morir por obra y mano tuya a que la incertidumbre me consuma.
-The Sea’s Song
She holds its gaze, wondering about the creatures it houses, about the shipwrecks and corpses that rest at the bottom of its waters. She wonders if, perhaps, the sea has consciousness and humans don't know it, if the melody of the waves crashing against the rocks are actually the words it uses to call her name, telling her to enter its waters, promising some comfortable rocks so that her corpse can rest. The fish stir, fighting for a freedom that won’t come. They will soon run out of oxygen and die slowly and painfully. Kika sometimes likes to pretend that she’s a God and the fish are her dying creation, waiting for the sweet relief of death. She watches the life leave their eyes and says a prayer before guiding the knife into their insides.
-Cliffs Edge
When the moon is full and it’s the time when sorrows and regrets suffocate you, Nerea has the impulse to take her car, drive to Gina's house and ask her to give each other a second chance, promising to do things right this time. But then she remembers the ring Gina wears on her ring finger to every game, and forces herself to return to the present and leave the past in the past. She finds it cruel that Gina’s family loves her more than Gina's new fiancé, that they still invite her to their house where they have photos of the two of them playing games together, at family gatherings, at parties and even Christmas. She never finds the courage to tell them to forget about her so she can move on from her; the Zelarayán household is her house far from her real home, back in Jujuy.
You search in the deepest corners of your soul for some passion that saves your gray existence, but you only find echo and cobwebs without flies. And when you find something to hold on to, it's not serious enough for the rest, and do insults really matter anymore? What does one more scar do to a warrior? One more nail to Jesus on the cross? another volcano to Pompeii? So you wrap yourself in your reddest cloak, you bare your teeth like a cornered animal and you hurt everyone who dares to cross you.
-The land of Never Ever
I chase a sunset that doesn’t exist, I wait for a day that never was and I hear words that you’ll never say in every look of yours. I live the same day every day waiting for someone to have mercy, wait on you to take pity, and let the words come out like bullets. Because it is more pious to die by your work and hand before uncertainty consumes me.
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“catra is a complex poc” fuck that. here are some ACTUAL poc animated characters who are just as, if not more complex than catra. (pt. 2)
mako (the legend of korra) • mixed (japanese and chinese)
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min-gi park (infinity train) • korean-canadian
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zuko (avatar the last airbender) • japanese
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caitlyn kiramman (arcane) • bi-racial (east asian and presumably scottish)
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miles morales (spiderverse) • puerto rican, afro-latino
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amaya (the dragon prince) • east asian (ambiguous)
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marshal lee (fionna and cake) • half-black (technically, marceline is black too but i figured marshal would be considered better representation)
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carmen sandiego (carmen sandiego) • hispanic (argentinean-mexican)
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toph (avatar the last airbender) • chinese
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callum (the dragon prince) • half asian (ambiguous)
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giuseppe-yuki · 10 days
I feel like Ollie did have something to do with it (he bribed the F1 drivers to come watch Princess Paul)
Speaking of Zac! He's such a smiley and fast guy, I feel like his s/o would be something like a capybara...
Oh, and someone (looking at u Jack Doohan) probably has a gf who's a tasmanian devil...
AND AND let's talk about Franco! He probably has an Argentinean bird, like a toucan. Bonus points if she's a Pokemon fan and preens because she considers herself Toucanon 🤣
I feel like the F2 shapeshifting wags are more open to each other? Like they're all friends with each other, and they go on girl dates and stuff!
- 🐺
no matter how much paul accuses ollie, the latter would always act innocent (he definitely did bribe them)
my thoughts under the cut (i don't want to clog the feed lmao)
LMAO i don’t know why the first zac i thought of was zac brown and i was like oh-! um…. then i realized you meant zac o’sullivan haha
anyways i feel like a capybara would be a complete opposite of zak yk? in all those capybara vids they’re always so nonchalant and dare i say- demure. total opposite of zac’s outgoing and smiley personality. but like they say, opposites attract 🤷🏻‍♀️ you can find zac energetically walking around the paddock with his capybara held like a baby in his arms. one place you’ll never find her though- anywhere near the ice baths. if you even suggest getting near one she’ll be sure to pummel you, because we all know capybaras love their hot spring baths.
tasmanian devil? sure thing. she's not afraid to get aggressive if she sees someone bothering her bf. better watch out when she starts baring her teeth and hissing, because she will not be holding back on that bone-crushing bite. only jack sees her soft and cuddly side where she noses his arms when she is feel particularly clingy and looking for some love.
mhm, a toucan would be interesting! other animals that are native to argentina would be possible too, like chinchillas and boobies (the bird). from the interviews i've seen with franco being super charismatic, i feel like his girlfriend would get jealous easily and maybe give him a peck or nibble when she's feeling a little envious of where his attention is going. (i also see your toucanon reference but i'm not super familiar with pokemon, sorry 😭)
yes! the f2 wags are definitely well-acquainted with each other, due to their common attendance at their boyfriends' races. some of the girls have known each other for years, due to their boyfriends' connection throughout karting to the formula series. new wags are welcomed too- they never exclude anyone! sleepovers and double dates at coffee shops are commonly seen :)
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Cartoon Network (2013?)
It's hero time! Ben Tennyson and Beast Boy (of Teen Titans fame) morph-off in an epic battle of pure epicness!
I conceived and produced this spot and was lucky enough to work with a number of talented people. The animation was done by Hook-Up an Argentinean based animation house. The music was composed by Noh Ghani of Turntable Music in Singapore. Catherine Ho oversaw the art direction and the spot featured the voices of: Tara Strong (as Ben and Raven), Greg Eagles (as Grim), Fred Tatasciore (as Ripjaws), Meagan Smith (as Gwen Tennyson), Richard McGonagle (as Four Arms) and Greg Cipes (as Beast Boy).
This spot aired on Cartoon Network across the Australasia region.
Source: Vimeo
(images via YouTube)
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fly-pow-bye · 4 months
The Lost Blossom Shampoo Commercial Part 2
After my first post about this, I decided to contact an animation studio that I suspected had something to do with this commercial. I can now confirm that the animation of the commercial was done by Hook Up Animation, an Argentinean studio that has done a ton of work for various companies, including Cartoon Network Latin America. It was a pretty easy guess to make; if anyone was going to animate the Powerpuff Girls for a Latin American commercial in 2010, it was going to be them.
A lot of my earliest unique GIFs came from animation made under Hook Up Animation from videos their animators have posted on Vimeo and YouTube, like this one with Blossom with Numbuh 1's shoes, this parody of King Kong with Mojo Jojo and Miss Bellum, and now I can add that Blossom GIF to the list! I love to highlight these rarities.
That's all for now. Honestly, the history of Hook Up Animation and their various works for even just Cartoon Network and Disney Channel can be an article to itself; there's a lot of animation that the US did not get to see.
< Part 1 - Part 3 >
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 2 months
I got a comment on the one YR fic I posted, from another swede who told me this was the only YR fic they have read, simply because they knew I was swedish and were afraid that non-swedes would fuck up swedish words if they wanted to include them or get something wrong about just swedish culture in general.
And I really got where they came from, because once it is about your country you get really gatekeepy about it and be more afraid someone would write something "inaccurate". Because it can just itch in your fingers when you see something you know is wrong and you just wanna go correct it but you can't.
But I also need to realize that 98% of the fics that I write do not take place in Sweden at all, but in completely other countries, some of which I have never even been in. Especially in regards to dcla fics - I love writing for them, but I also do have to realize I am coming from the other end of the world when I write them. I don't share a culture with any of the characters. I love them and I know them well, but I can still tend to write from a foreign perspective. Sure, most fics is just focused on the characters in situations that really can happen anywhere in the world, but sometimes I also need to double check with research about Argentinean culture, especially regarding school systems, and very often weather - Argentina is in the southern hemisphere and Sweden is in the northern hemisphere, which means it's the opposite season there. So I know that I cannot write that it snows in January, because it doesn't over there, even if it does where I live. They have summer vacation in January over there. I even research for media references; I had to google if the moomins anime ever aired in LATAM so that I could know if I could let the characters reference it or not (the answer was, YES, it did, but only in the 90s. Which means, the Violetta characters might have been more familiar with it, while the SL characters might have not, unless they owned it on VHS. I have yet to confirm if they did get a vhs or dvd release, but due to spanish dubbed eps being easy to find I assume so. That, or people just taped it. However, the european characters from the shows might have known about it more).
And I am sure that, just like I always feel hesitant when non-swedes write fics about a place taking place in Sweden, I am sure some argentineans and latin americans in general can feel the same about me when I write a fic taking place in Argentina.
Also, while I try to carefully research when it comes to most countries, I do not care a single bit when I write fics taking place in America. I legit just let the characters use the metric system and celsius because I refuse to use anything else. I also don't really care if something is "not a thing" there, because it is now in my fic! And it's possible I display a very inaccurate description of american culture because of that. The thing is, I would be a bit peeved if someone did that in a fic taking place in Sweden, so it's very hypocritical I'd do that specifically with America in this case. Even if, you could argue, it's very different as America is everywhere all the time, and... Sweden is this small country in Europe that a lot of non-nordic people don't know that much about. But still.
And that's also a thing: Sometimes when you write a fic taking place in another country, you get the idea that characters would do something that is "not a thing" over there, but you just wanna put those characters in that scenario anyway. And that's ok! In the end, we write what we ourselves are familiar with. Every time I write a fic where someone goes on vacation, they go on vacation to places I've personally been to myself, just so I can accurately portray it. I remember seeing something about YR, where someone imagined a scenario at the school and how the characters would handle it. And the person started it by saying "I think this probably is not a thing at swedish schools, but-", and I remember still itching my fingers because I was like "yeah, it is not!! It's inaccurate, it would never happen!!!" - but then I realized... hey, it's just a scenario? It doesn't have to be accurate to how it is irl. Especially as they started with saying "I think this is probably not a thing there". We all go from our own experiences. I have references to media that might not at all been popular in the countries of the fics I write, but I personally thought it would be funny to reference it. And sometimes you might not feel like researching (especially with media references), because you just want to decide that a character somehow knows it anyway.
I made this post mostly to tell myself this, but it's really for everyone who has felt similar to me in fics taking place in their country: I know it's so easy to be afraid that foreigners will not portray it accurately, especially when there's not that many things from your country that is that popular to begin with. You wanna make sure it's made right. But it's also just fanfiction. And you do the same thing when you write fics taking place in other countries. People may not always portray it as accurately, but it's JUST A FIC. They had an idea they wanted to explore, just let them do it. We shouldn't gatekeep people from writing just because it doesn’t take place somewhere they have been to. It should be fun to write fics.
I also want to assume that, if there's something someone is unsure of, they might not put it in. And if they do, then there's a high chance they have tried to research it as good as they could. Unless they actively disrespect a culture or intentionally write something offensive, just let them have fun (although, if they write something offensive or disrespectful, even if it wasn't the intention, do call them out)
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huariqueje · 1 year
Taki ongoy II (English lyrics)  MERCEDES SOSA  (Argentinean, 1935 - 2009)
Taki Unquy (also, Taqui Ongoy, Taki Oncoy, etc.) was an indigenous movement of complex dimensions which arose in the Peruvian Andes during the 16th century (c. 1564 - c. 1572) in opposition to the recent Spanish invasion. The movement combines political, religious and cultural elements that make its classification under western criteria difficult. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taki_Unquy In Quechua, a Native American language of South America, a huaca or waqa is an object that represents something revered, typically a monument of some kind. The term huaca can refer to natural locations, such as immense rocks. Some huacas have been associated with veneration and ritual. Andean cultures believed every object has a physical presence and two camaquen (spirits), one to create it & another to animate it. They would invoke its spirits for the object to function.
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anchorandrope · 1 year
hiii beautiful people, im fifi aka sofía and i created a louies & harries account dedicated to argentinian fans (@larriesargentas)
the project came about because of the current situation in argentina. louis and harry inspire me every day to improve and grow as a person and mi would like to help others on their behalf as a way to show the good impact they have on the fans. In argentina the political, economic and social situation is not good, 43.4% of the argentinean population lives below the poverty line, two out of three children in argentina are poor or deprived of basic rights. i could give billions of examples of how living in this country while being economically stable is a privilege, but i don't want to depress you, let's get to the point.
"Louies & Harries Argentinas" was created with the aim of one day being as close as possible to a charity or non-profit organisation. i created the project at the beginning of september, so im still organising, looking for administrators and working and saving so that in the (hopefully near) future we can help community kitchens, animal shelters, old people's homes, etc. also, as we are aware of the bad situation of the country, we promote for free your enterprise/business/service/job so that you can find a way to survive.
we are also a fandom community that safely connects fans of the same culture and tradition to make them feel at home. we plan to stream movies, games and activities both online and on parks to have a safe place to escape the harsh realities of everyday life.
we plan many things, and im proud to say that the way things are going, many of them are going to come true. i know that many people in other countries won't care about this, but if you boost i can reach someone who needs it. ♡
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tomicaleto · 2 years
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English: I've recently downloaded Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and decided to create two OCs inspired by local Argentinean species (inspired by this tumblr post). They are girlfriends and they are a broad-snouted caiman (the yellowish one) and a yacare caiman (the brownish one)
Spanish: Recientemente descargué Animal Crossing Pocket Camp y decidí crear dos OCs inspiradas en especies locales de Argentina (inspiradas en este post de tumblr). Son novias y son una yacaré ñata (la de tonos más amarillos) y una yacaré negra (la de tonos más marrones)
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mashounen1945 · 8 months
I watched Season 3 of The Mandalorian
The added world-building was very appreciated, and I don't think Bo-Katan has been taking the spotlight away from Din Djarin as much as some people have complained. The only real problem I noticed was the pacing, which the critics had already pointed out as far as I saw.
Also, this season, the second-to-last episode of Season 2, the entire Manda-Lore (sorry for the pun) ever since Mandalorians were named on-screen and debuted on the 3D-animated Clone Wars TV series... All of this is hitting pretty close to home (perhaps closer than it probably should) for me as an Argentinean in 2024.
No, I'll not elaborate.
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New August Masterpost
If you are unaware of the situation in our country, the argentinean government is fucking up the economy with their "chainsaw" plan, and getting rid of human rights in the process, among other things. The prices are up, including public transport, and the salaries aren't rising with them.
This masterpost was made in order give our artists the opportunity to enter the international market since our currency is plummeting, so if you like what you see please consider commissioning us. If you aren't able to, reblog this post please, WE NEED THE VISIBILITY. Alt texts are in English and Spanish. ____________________________ Si no conocés la situación en nuestro país, el gobierno argentino esta haciendo mierda la economía con su plan "motosierra", y deshaciéndose de derechos humanos en el proceso, entre otras cosas. Los precios suben, incluído el transporte público, y los salarios no suben con ellos. Este masterpost se hizo para darles a nuestres artistas la oportunidad de entrar en el mercado internacional ya que nuestra divisa va cayendo en picada, así que si te gusta lo que ves considera comisionarnos. Si no podés, rebloguea el post por favor, NECESITAMOS VISIBILIDAD. Textos alternativos (alt text) están en inglés y español.
@lucianinsanity (he/they - él)
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An is an artist that works primarily on character design, including small sprites in pixel art. They can also paint backgrounds or landscapes and scenes. They work with watercolors, acrylics, pencils and digitally. ________________________________ An es un artista que se dedica principalmente al diseño de personajes, incluidos pequeños sprites en pixel art. También puede pintar fondos o paisajes y escenas. Trabaja con acuarelas, acrílicos, lápices y en digital. Contacts/Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucianinsanity/ Tumblr: https://lucianinsanity-only-art.tumblr.com/ https://lucianinsanity.tumblr.com/ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/lucianinsanity YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lucianinsanity
@aifastic (they/she/he - ella/él)
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Aifas is an artist whose work revolves primarily around characters, backgrounds and animals (generally pets). They like making goofy art, cartoons, animations and pictures where colors pop! They have worked on several fanzines, including the TF2 Sona Zine and Rocket Science! A TF2 Helmet Party Zine as an artist, and Wanted - An A Way Out Zine as both an artist and graphic designer. ________________________________ Aifas es una artista cuyo trabajo se concentra principalmente en personajes, escenarios y animales (generalmente mascotas). Le gusta hacer arte gracioso, caricaturas, animaciones y piezas en los que los colores saltan a la vista. Trabajó en numerosas fanzines, incluyendo TF2 Sona Zine y Rocket Science! A TF2 Helmet Party Zine como artista, y Wanted - An A Way Out Zine como artista y diseñadora gráfica. Contacts/Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aifastic/ Tumblr: https://aifastic.tumblr.com/ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/aifastic E-mail: [email protected]
@denwenai (they/them - elle)
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Denwenai’s areas of expertise are multimedia design, photography and art; therefore, their pieces are a living example of the convergence of these disciplines. They work on both digital and physical media, and although their pieces are often inspired by film, literature & popular culture, many are a product of their restless imagination. Among the services they provide are illustration, vectoring, editorial layout, branding video & photo editing and motion graphics. ________________________________ Denwenai se dedica al diseño multimedia, la fotografía y el arte; por lo que sus piezas son ejemplo de la convergencia de estas disciplinas. Trabaja sobre soportes tanto físicos como digitales, y sus piezas a menudo encuentran inspiración en el cine, la literatura y la cultura popular, aunque muchas son producto de su inquieta imaginación. Entre los servicios que puede brindar se incluyen: ilustración, vectorizado, maquetado editorial, branding, edición de foto/video y motion graphics. Contacts/Links: Linktree: https://linktr.ee/denwenai
@tomicaleto (she/her - ella)
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On the internet, I go by the pseud Tomicaleto and I'm mostly called Tomi. I'm currently studying Philosophy and Visual arts in university. On my Tumblr I share mostly fanarts from different fandoms and my digital artwork. I've participated in fanzines along with other artists and on weekly and monthly events as well (such as the bingo format events, for example). I've also begun to sell my drawings as stickers, illustrations and t-shirts, participating in local events when possible (Currently only in Argentina). ________________________________ En internet me muevo bajo el pseudónimo Tomicaleto y muchas veces me dicen Tomi. Estoy estudiando Filosofía y Artes Visuales en la universidad. En mi Tumblr comparto mayormente fanarts de diferentes fandoms y mi trabajo digital. Participé en fanzines junto con otros artistas y también en eventos semanales y mensuales (el formato bingo, por ejemplo). También comencé a vender mis dibujos como stickers, ilustraciones y remeras, participando en eventos locales cuando es posible (Solo en Argentina por el momento). Contacts/Links: Tumblr: https://tomicaleto.tumblr.com/ ->Art tag: Tomi's art
@palluniskillas (she/he, ella/él.)
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Pallu is an artist that focuses on the creation of illustrations and portraits, as well as character creation. She mostly Works digitally. Her primary pallete is made up of warm colors and tones. ________________________________ Pallu es un artista que se enfoca en la creación de ilustraciones y retratos, como también la creación de personajes. Mayormente ella trabaja digitalmente. Su paleta principal está compuesta de colores y tonos cálidos. Contacts/Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pallunis_killas/ Tumblr: https://palluniskillas.tumblr.com/
If you want to support the admin, go to @artzover
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hellsitesonlybookclub · 6 months
Tongues of the Moon, Philip Jose Farmer
The Argentinean straightened up from his weary slump and summoned all the strength left in his bleeding body. He spoke in Russian so all would understand.
"We told you pigs we would take the whole world with us before we'd bend our necks to the Communist yoke!" he shouted.
At that moment, his gaunt high-cheekboned face with its long upper lip, thin lipline mustache, and fanatical blue eyes made him resemble the dictator of his country, Félipé Howards, El Macho (The Sledgehammer).
Panchurin ordered two soldiers and the doctor to take him to the jail. "I would like to kill the beast now," he said. "But he may have valuable information. Make sure he lives ... for the time being."
Then, Panchurin looked upwards again to Earth, hanging only a little distance above the horizon. The others also stared.
Earth, dark now, except for steady glares here and there, forest fires and cities, probably, which would burn for days. Perhaps weeks. Then, when the fires died out, the embers cooled, no more fire. No more vegetation, no more animals, no more human beings. Not for centuries.
Suddenly, Panchurin's face crumpled, tears flowed, and he began sobbing loudly, rackingly.
The others could not withstand this show of grief. They understood now. The shock had worn off enough to allow sorrow to have its way. Grief ran through them like fire through the forests of their native homes.
Broward, also weeping, looked at Scone and could not understand. Scone, alone among the men and women under the dome and the Earth, was not crying. His face was as impassive as the slope of a Moon mountain.
Scone did not wait for Panchurin to master himself, to think clearly. He said, "I request permission to return to Clavius, sir."
Panchurin could not speak; he could only nod his head.
"Do you know what the situation is at Clavius?" said Scone relentlessly.
Panchurin managed a few words. "Some missiles ... Axis base ... came close ... but no damage ... intercepted."
Scone saluted, turned, and beckoned to Broward and Nashdoi. They followed him to the exit to the field. Here Scone made sure that the air-retaining and gamma-ray and sun-deflecting force field outside the dome was on. Then the North Americans stepped outside onto the field without their spacesuits. They had done this so many times they no longer felt the fear and helplessness first experienced upon venturing from the protecting walls into what seemed empty space. They entered their craft, and Scone took over the controls.
After identifying himself to the control tower, Scone lifted the dish and brought it to the very edge of the force field. He put the controls on automatic, the field disappeared for the two seconds necessary for the craft to pass the boundary, and the dish, impelled by its own power and by the push of escaping air, shot forward.
Behind them, the faint flicker indicating the presence of the field returned. And the escaped air formed brief and bright streamers that melted under the full impact of the sun.
"That's something that will have to be rectified in the future," said Scone. "It's an inefficient, air-wasting method. We're not so long on power we can use it to make more air every time a dish enters or leaves a field."
He returned on the r-t, contacted Clavius, told them they were coming in. To the operator, he said, "Pei, how're things going?"
"We're still at battle stations, sir. Though we doubt if there will be any more attacks. Both the Argentinean and South African bases were wrecked. They don't have any retaliatory capabilities, but survivors may be left deep underground. We've received no orders from Eratosthenes to dispatch searchers to look for survivors. The base at Pushkin doesn't answer. It must...."
There was a crackling and a roar. When the noise died down, a voice in Russian said, "This is Eratosthenes. You will refrain from further radio communication until permission is received to resume. Acknowledge."
"Colonel Scone on the United Soviet Americas Force destroyer Broun. Order acknowledged."
He flipped the switch off. To Broward, he said, "Damn Russkies are starting to clamp down already. But they're rattled. Did you notice I was talking to Pei in English, and they didn't say a thing about that? I don't think they'll take much effective action or start any witch-hunts until they recover fully from the shock and have a chance to evaluate.
"Tell me, is Nashdoi one of you Athenians?"
Broward looked at Nashdoi, who was slumped on a seat at the other end of the bridge. She was not within earshot of a low voice.
"No," said Broward. "I don't think she's anything but a lukewarm Marxist. She's a member of the Party, of course. Who on the Moon isn't? But like so many scientists here, she takes a minimum interest in ideology, just enough not to be turned down when she applied for psychological research here.
"She was married, you know. Her husband was called back to Earth only a little while ago. No one knew if it was for the reasons given or if he'd done something to displease the Russkies or arouse their suspicions. You know how it is. You're called back, and maybe you're never heard of again."
"What other way is there?" said Scone. "Although I don't like the Russky dictating the fate of any American."
"Yes?" said Broward. He looked curiously at Scone, thinking of what a mass of contradictions, from his viewpoint, existed inside that massive head. Scone believed thoroughly in the Soviet system except for one thing. He was a Nationalist; he wanted an absolutely independent North American republic, one which would reassert its place as the strongest in the world.
And that made him dangerous to the Russians and the Chinese.
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harleiquina · 1 year
All TV series I've ever seen II
Let's see how many I remember from this time period.
1940 - 1970
1980 - 2000 (this post)
2010 - Now
1983 - V
Aliens have come to Earth but they are nice and willing to help us... or so they say.
Everybody remembers Diana eating rats, the dramatic face reveal of any reptilian, Freddy Krueger beeing a good guy (this time) and I'm sure Stephenie Meyers wish that Reneesme/Jacob had the same level of acceptance than "the child from the stars" (name given in Latinoamerica, don't know if it was also used in the original show) and whats-his-name.
Saw it on TV but we also bought the bootleg DVD because my mom and aunt never saw the ending of the show as kids.
1985 - Amazing Stories
I hardly remember anything (I was too young when it was played on TV) but I do remember beeing traumatized by Christopher Lloyd's severed (and reattached) head.
It was created by Spielberg, some stories land better than other ones. Maybe I should try and rewatch some?
1986 - Sledge Hammer
Is he sexist, violent, gun-lover and conservative AF? Yes... but he's also hilarious! This is satire people! Don't be like the NRA that gave somekind of award to this fictional character because they have the same level of comprehension than a brick.
Saw it on TV but it is also available on Youtube.
1986 - ALF
Alien finds himself on a typical american family house and chaos begins.
Do you live under a rock? Don't you know who ALF is? Just go watch it.
It was on TV when I was growing up, I'm pretty sure you can find it anywhere.
1989 - The Simpsons
I will keep on saying it, we argentineans speak in 3 languages: Spanish, Lunfardo (a Buenos Aires dialect but each province has their own as well) and Simpsons' quotes (latin spanish obviously, everyone agrees that it's the definitive Simpsons). Earlier seasons are better, we all know that... they kind of lose us when the original latin dubbers were replaced (it would seem that Disney brought them back but I hardly watch TV now, so I don't know)
1989 - Eureeka's castle.
I don't remember a THING about it but my family says that I was obsessed. It's a Muppet-style show of a young witch apprentice and her friends.
Upon further looking, it was co-written by R. L. Stine? So I didn't got into Goosebumps as a child but got this... who knows?
1989 - Agatha Christie's Poirot
I haven't watched everything just yet (it's been on for 20 years, people!) but I do like David Suchet's Hercules Poirot (my family disagrees because for them Poirot will always be Peter Ustinov). Hey, at least it's not Albert Finney!
1990 - Caloi en su tinta (Caloi in his own ink - Argentina)
It wasn't a series properly said... it didn't have a story to follow. Caloi was a very important artist in my country (his character Clemente became a staple in our comics just like Mafalda) and he had this TV show where he curated animations of all kinds, from all over the world. I remember seeing a stop-motion version of Barber of Sevilla and I think that I also saw Queen's Innuendo videoclip for the first time in here.
Some stories were funny, others melancholic, elegant or grotesque... but all of them were Art, with a capital A.
1990 - Twin Peaks
I don't understand the hype around this show. The only thing that I though was cool was to have a season and a half to find the killer.
Before someone tells me "you have to think how ground breaking it was in the time it came up" or "it's high end art, open your mind to it" trust me I can do that... it doesn't change the fact that I don't see why so many people like it so much.
I'll grant it a few points for showing us David Duchovny as a trans woman FBI agent that saves the day on the episode she shows up. I did like the character.
1993 - The Nanny
What would happen if instead of María taking care of Von Trapp's children in the Alps, we had a jewish it-girl from Flushing, Queens? That was Fran Drescher's pitch, the rest is history.
I got to confess I usually get bored with sit-coms but this is the only one that I can watch over and over again (and the final episode still brings single tear in my eye). Yeah, the whole plot of Fran trying to get pregnant was dragged for too long, but still it's like 3 or 4 episodes, no biggy (unless my memory fails, it's been a while).
1993 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
For whatever reason a alien (?) race decided that teenagers are the appropiate warriors so they choose 5 Angel Grove locals to kick Galactic-Witch Rita's ass. Monsters that grow size but still look like rubber suits, the Rangers use spandex but for whatever reason they release sparks when a blade touches them. Still sweet little 4 year old me loved this show.
I checked a few episodes on Youtube not too long ago and I was pleasently surprised by the fact that each monster represented a struggle the Rangers where having on their civilian life... so facing and defeating them actually helped these kids in their ordinary life. A nice message that I completely forgot while self-convincing myself that this show was a lot dumber than I remembered.
Oh! By the way when it was on TV I watched -maybe- up to season 2. When the movie came out I was shocked that Jason, Trini and Zack were not in it.
1993 - The X Files
The most recognizable tune ever, the OG monster-of-the-week format, a skeptic + a believer, some comedy, another bit of drama and , in ocassions, straight-up horror = one of the greatest TV shows ever made.
Regardless what people think I preffer Agent Dogget (there, I said it!!) to Mulder, but of course that sunflower-seed eater, porn aficionado, spooky guy will always be loved either way.
Of course I didn't watched on TV (my mom and aunt had that privilege, I was literally a baby) but I got the whole series on bootleg DVD.
1993 - Frasier
I only watched a few mixed up episodes and I have the first 4 seasons on bootleg DVD but it was my aunt who liked it the most.
A psicologyst with a radio TV show has to live with his dad and his brother visits very often.
You might recognize them as Sideshow Bob and his brother as well.
1994 - Friends
Watched it on cable when I had it, mixed up as usual but still... for whatever reason sitcoms bore me... and this is not the exception. Again, I don't understand the hype.
1995 - Xena: Warrior princess
Ancient Greece, a female warrior... my (probably by the time we got it in Argentina) 6 year-old self loved this show. Until certain fling with Hercules... I didn't liked romance then (or now, but I'm a little more tolerant as an adult) and it ruined the show for me.
Yes, now I see certain undertones that my youngself didn't. I get it. Leave me alone!
1995 - Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
Yeah... I didn't liked Hercules but I watched a few episodes either way. I always liked a good fight on TV.
1996 - Sabrina, the teenage witch
Who didn't wanted to have magical powers growing up becuse of her?
I can't really tell how many season I've watched because, as I said, in Argentina you were lucky if the TV channels bought more than 2 season to repeat on end. Still... I didn't quite liked it as much once she left for collage. Kinda lost its magic *wink, wink*
1996 - Millenium
The year 2000 was upon us and the promise of the end of the world, so Chris Carter decided to play a little bit with it.
Frank Black is a retired agent that has a peculiar way of getting into the mind of the criminals (the audience is the only one that knows that he can see what the criminals see... live) so he is called over an over again to help on different cases.
It ended too soon (got cancelled I believe) but it has its final episode in season 9 of The X Files (if I'm not mistaken). It deals a lot with religion (mostly Christianity) and its a lot darker than Mulder & Scully's adventures (with the exception of that one episode where 4 demons get together in a coffe shop -desguised as old men- and tell their latest works done).
1997 - Meego
I got to be honest with you... I hardly remember anything from this TV show. It was basically ALF but with a human playing an alien instead of a puppet. Still we remember it fondly at home so I guess it was good enough?
1998 - Charmed
Argentina beeing Argentina, I saw a few seasons... maybe... I do remember that I liked more the original 3 sisters.
It's fun... sometimes cheesy... as any tv or film of that time.
1998 - Will & Grace
As I said, sitcoms end up becoming boring and repetitive. But that doesn't take away that sometimes jokes are good... some are very 90, but ah, well...
2000 - Dark Angel
Maybe I saw 2 season on TV but I was obsessed.
Typical supersoldiers experiments developed this superhuman creatures that got tired of beeing an experiment and broke out the facility when they were children, so now as grown ups live in our society. The lead Max (Jessica Alba) has a job as a courrier but every now and then steals, that's how she meets Logan a journalist with vigilante tendencies that needs someone to do the dirty work.
2000 - CSI (later known as Las Vegas)
Have I ever watched a show just to laugh at it? Yes, and it was called CSI, the original (I saw a lot of Miami as well).
I had a few glimpses here and there from this procedural that were the definition of Deus-ex-machina and later I decided to give it a shot just to see if, within this universe, it made sense. And nope.
If one of mom's doctors dissed House for his nearly-impossible diagnosis... I'm pretty sure some forensics did the same with Grissom's team.
Side note I really love Ted Danson, that guy is awesome.
2001 - Law & Order: Criminal Intent.
At first I thought it was a yet another The Brain + Person that explains him like many others... but Goren and Eames are the best detective duo. PERIOD.
You get to see them investigating (so Goren, mostly, doesn't know everything off the bat... he does go to the library, kids) and Eames is not just a blank space for the audience to jump in and have Goren explain everything to her. My favourite moments are when she can add up to his theory by just having the female side of things.
Goren isn't the typical I-only-think kind of detective (like, let's say Poirot) he can -and will- get into dangerous situations when needed.
You have to watch for D'onofrio's performance.
I like Jeff Goldblum as well... but his season was kinda... meh
2002 - Los Simuladores (The Pretenders - Argentina)
What if there was a group of people to solve any kind of situations? And what if this situations are quite basic, borderline stupid, like meeting the in-laws, giving a hard exam at the end of the year and such?
This is it, that's the plot.
This was a huge hit back in the day but it took me a decade (almost) to watch because if you knew argentinean tv and film as I do... you wouldn't believe that there are actually some good ideas burried very very deep in the mud.
2002 - Monk
A detective with OCD is soooo good at his job but cannot be a detective again because of it (it got worse once his wife died in a attack). Fun and wholesome... maybe it did dragged for too long.
And no matter what... we are Sharona stans in this house!
2002 - CSI Miami.
Just like CSI I watched it just to make fun of it (and because in cable they will put all CSIs together in one afternoon so it was easier to compare them).
At least this one didn't take itself too seriously!
2003 - Tru Calling
Med student has a weird ability where dead people can reach her and make her repeat the day to try and save their lives.
It ended too soon on a great cliffhanger that we will never see resolved. Damn it!
2004 - Lost
We all know Lost... it started great... and it ended.
Luckily for me the TV channel where I was watching it stopped after season 4 and I never bothered to try and catch up again.
2004 - House MD
Sherlock Holmes goes to med school and instead of solving crimes, he solves impossible diagnostics.
Gotta give it to Hugh Laurie for beeing a lovable a-hole the whole time.
It did lasted too long for me, I didn't watch the final seasons but I did watched a few mixed up episodes in cable so I kinda know what happens after, lets say... season 4? (the final one I've watched, maybe).
2004 - CSI New York
Same as the others. Just watched for Gary Sinise and Edward Furlong's guest appearence.
2004 - Miss Marple
I was never a fan of Miss Marple in writting... but on TV she is less annoying.
How come she is never suspicious? She's always around when a crime happens!
2005 - Invasion
Does anybody else remembers this TV show set after the Katrina hurricane that, apparently, also uncovered a race of aliens living underwater that have a body-snatching way of taking over the world? It's only 1 season, got cancelled I believe and I watched it on TV at 6 or 7 AM while getting ready to go to school. Ah, old times!
2005 - Mosca & Smith (Argentina)
(Mosca can be translated as "Fly" -the bug- but in this case is the character's Last Name so I'll leave it as it is)
Buddy cop with two overly eccentric characters. A silly comedy with some really in-depth meta humor of argentinean justice system. Some jokes are in poor taste... and I think it got raunchier in it's second season (I didn't watched it because one of the leads was replaced and the 2nd actor didn't had the same punch)
2005 - Bones
A forensic anthropologyst helps the FBI to solve crimes.
This is the BrainTM taken to an extreme. Dr. Temperance Brennan just can't be good at eeeeeverything. This kinda changed as seasons passed but still... who says smart people is always entirely clueless about how to be a normal human? And why so egocentric? (Most truly smart people are usually super-humble because they know that there is a lot more to learn).
In any case, it is fun. Watched on TV (earlier seasons) and continued on bootleg DVD.
2006 - Ugly Betty
The main reason why I didn't listed Betty, la fea in here it's because it is a telenovela (soap opera) everybody in Latinoamérica watched it. Some things are not so good (maybe I'll write about it one day) but overall it had a good story.
Those dubious things got changed in the U.S version... and it changed the whole story. It was easier to create something new than trying to bring people on board using a name that is well beloved to a certain ethnicity... just saying.
2007 - El Hombre que volvió de la muerte (The man that came back from Death -Argentina)
Think of a mash up of The Count of Montecristo and V for Vendetta.
It was a remake of a TV show done in the 60s... 70s? By Narciso Ibañez Menta, a Spanish actor that was naturalized as argentinean and was our very own mix of Boris Karloff (with his love for make up) and Vincent Price (he did a lot of Edgan Allan Poe stories as well). The original story was about Elmer Van Hess, who was subject to different experiments. The lab caughts on fire, he's inside and survives. For whatever reason his organs end up being given to other people so he embarks on a quest to retrieve them.
The remake also had Elmer Van Hess who was a happy fool about to get married, his boss and associates set him up and ends up in prision for fraud. Not happy with that, his boss strikes a deal with a Doctor so Elmer can be his human guinea pig (in order to do so, he asks other inmates to torture him while in prision so his only escape would be to go with the Doctor). He's experimented on as results he gets superhuman strenght and, of course, the chemicals affect his brain turning him into a very dark and blood-lust creature. The lab is set on fire, everybody thinks he died but he comes back 10 years later ready to take revenge on all of them. He was very cruel and his idea of revenge was very Saw-like... but deep down he's still in love with his almost-wife and she's the only one that can sort of ease him in the worst moments.
For an argentinean fiction it was very good.
2008 - Fringe
The X Files but even crazier? You got it.
Mom and I did got lost after season 4... but we still have the bootleg DVDs, it's just that we should start all over again and we don't have a lot of time 😝
2008 - The Mentalist
A guy is so good at reading people that decides to ripp them off saying that he's a medium. He got the wrong guy, this guy kills his family so now it's personal!
Patrick Jane's quirks might be amusing in the early episodes but after a while you, just like everyone else on the show, will want to punch him in the face.
From my little corner of the Earth I scream: Justice for Cho!! He also deserved a happy ending!
2009 - Doll House
A bunch of people got their memories wiped and now they receive other memories (fabricated sometimes) to take on dangerous tasks.
Dubious consent galore... but overall the premise was engaging. It lasted 3 seasons, the third one included a time-jump... the end didn't quite landed for me but... meh! It's entertaining at least.
2009 - Flashfoward
The entire world fainted at the same time. Everybody had visions of the future... so now some things need to be prevented for whatever reason.
Only one season, got cancelled. I don't remember a thing except the tribute to one of Jorge Luis Borges stories (El Jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan/ The garden of paths that bifurcate) and another to David Bowie's song Scary Monsters and Super Creeps. That's all I remember, I swear.
2009 - Modern Family
Sitcom that broke some barriers on what a typical family looks like. It's fun...but yeah, it also bored me.
Note to everybody: not all latinos sound like Sofía Vergara... not even Sofía Vergara sounds like Sofía Vergara the whole time.
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toonabby · 1 year
10 years of Metegol!
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Today marks the 10th anniversary of the film Metegol, a 3D animated Argentinean film created by Juan J. Campanella. The film is loosely based on the short story Memorias de un wing derecho (Memoirs of a Right Winger) by the late Roberto Fontanarrosa, a fact I only mentioned much later funnily enough, and spun-off into a 2D cartoon by Mundo Loco CGI under the title of Underdogs United, which aired on Discovery Kids Latin America in March 7, 2022. The latter show was ironically my introduction to the movie, since I initially thought it was an original IP due to how little it has in common with the film. I only recognized it was an "adaptation" when going on the show's page on the Dubbing Database.
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cffabioblog · 8 months
Musical Con Aguile en Lira 46 Studios
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( © de Massara Pino / Emi Odeón Argentina SACI / Universal Music / Iswjdigital. All Rights Reserved.)
Since from the 2 Auditorioum of Lira Street Studios, The Argentinean Singer Luis Aguile sinning "Me Permite Señorita", wearing the Merida's Sword, with a conjunte of couples of dancers dacing the song melody.  The Cavernan guy is performed by the great SI Ramón  Valdez.
Note: it is the firsth part of the performance in the studio.
Director type villan (Crayon Shin Chan)
© TV Asashi. All Rights Reserved.
© DreamWorks Animation. All Rights Reserved.
Jim Resse (Clarence)
© Cartoon Network / MaxDiscovery. All Rights Reserved.
Miriam Mendelsohn and Tyler ( Turning Red)
© Pixar / Domee Shi. All Rights Reserved.
© Nickelodeon / Viacom / John K. All Rights Reserved.
Mr. Fumble
© Richard Scarry. All Rights Reserved.
Ty Lee (Avatar)
© Nickelodeon / Viacom / Dinamartino / Konyesco. All Rights Reserved.
Wee Dingwall
© Pixar / Brenda Chapman. All Rights Reserved.
Hiraku Shidou
© CLAMP. All Rights Reserved.
Cotton Hill (King Of The Hill)
© Disney / FOX / 21'Th Century / Micke J. All Rights Reserved.
Jon Arbluckle
© Viacom / Nickelodeon / Jim Davis. All Rights Reserved.
Ungenio ( Condorito )
© WorldEditords / Pepo. All Rights Reserved.
Karmi and Hiro Hamada
© Disney / Marvel / Man Of Action. All Rights Reserved.
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