#Viktor Ahmed
oraculoediciones · 1 year
VIKTOR AHMED, las dimensiones del dibujo (2023) El dibujante y animador Viktor Ahmed, nos habla sobre sus orígenes en el dibujo, su paso por la gráfica, la animación y los videojuegos. Pasado, presente y futuro de un artista multifacético y pujante.
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ot-hoe-me · 1 year
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Hopping on the picrew bandwagon and am presenting my MCs for three of Dakota’s IFs.
Top Left: Alina Rhys from @fallenlightsif - is primarily an illusionist mage, and is on the Florian/Emil poly as well as the Florian/Orion poly (haven’t decided which is her ‘canon’ route though.) ((Outfit isn’t accurate but it was the closest I could get rip))
Top Right: Sana Ahmed from @disenchantedif is a nephilim with raven-coloured wings who is in love with both of her best friends, Viktor and Theodore.
Bottom Left: Juliana Coppola is also from @disenchantedif and is a siren whose gills are always visible, and shifts to have a blue and green mermaid tail and scales in water. Lucia is her ex-girlfriend, and Avery is her ‘canon' endgame boyfriend. Her primary nickname is Julia, but she’ll answer to any diminuative of her first name.
Bottom Right: Evandra Vailia is from @reapersbayif along with being the last remaining heir to House Vailia, and the rightful crown princess to the Navran throne; Evandra has also cultivated a reputation as an informant of repute over the years as well as honing her skills with a blade and pistol - although she much prefers the latter. Her sole goal in life is to avenge her family, and doesn’t give much thought to her own fate or Navra’s after everything is said and done - at least, not at first. Andra is on the Kai/M!Finn, Kai/Adrianus, and Kai/Laurie poly routes. I don’t know which will be her ‘canon’ route yet, so I’m just going to have to wait and play first to be able to decide. ((’scuse the outfit not being period accurate, the clothing options were mostly modern so I had to choose according to vibes lol.))
My Unseelie MCs will be in a separate post once I figure out names and all the routes I’ll be playing.         
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halidaia · 3 months
Are band names accurate?
There’s this guy on YouTube that does a series about country names, whether or not they’re accurate. For example, China came into English from the Farsi word ِچِین, pronounced Chini, and named for the Qin Dynasty, so obviously that’s not accurate anymore, because China is not still in the Qin Dynasty. Meanwhile, Bahrain was named for the Arabic word for the sea, بَحْر, pronounced baħr, and since Bahrain is on the Persian gulf, which is a big body of water, that is an accurate country name
I want to do a similar thing with band names
Late Verlane is not an accurate band name because he’s still alive, so not “late”, and his name is not Verlane [it’s Viktor Persson]
Team Shanghai Alice, the Touhou developer, is not accurate, because it’s just one man who is named Jun.ya, so neither a team nor an Alice, and based in Japan, so Shanghai is not accurate either
Elton John, Kate Bush, Billy Joel, and Hall & Oates, Muhammad al-Muqit, Muhammad al-Omary, and Ahmed Bukhatir, among others, are all accurate, because these musicians go by their own names
Enya is somewhat accurate. Her name is Eithne, but Irish follows a different spelling system from English, so Eithne is actually pronounced Enya
Celtic Woman is somewhat accurate. It’s a group of [mostly if not entirely] women of Irish descent, but the Celtic Woman herself does not exist. She is a model. An archetype. She stands for indigenous culture/language and your ancestors. She stands for tradition and heritage. She stands proud and is not ashamed to be Irish, no matter what the [British] oppressors and enslavers think of her. The Celtic Woman will tell you not to conform; instead, to go back to your roots, discover yourself and find out what makes you you, and be the best version of yourself that you possibly can be. She encourages us to make the world a better place, and she is an inspiration to us all. Just as Goncharov is the greatest movie never made, Celtic Woman is the greatest woman to never walk this earth
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londonfalling-rpg · 8 months
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I hate the world. Everything comes into it so clean and goes out so dirty.
Congratulations to the following applicants, your characters have been accepted into London Falling. We’re excited to start writing with you!
Alexander Heathecote-Browne (The Black Quill) - Matthew Goode FC
Asa Holland (Hook; OC) - Andrew Scott FC
Bilal Manihar (Inkognito) - Riz Ahmed FC
Bora Davutoglu (Shadow) - Engin Öztürk FC
Charlotte Astor (La Petite Mort) - Olivia Cooke FC
Eilidh O'Dea (The Fool; OC) - Natasha Liu Bordizzo FC
Eira Blanchard (Cinderella) - Lily Collins FC
Hector Garcia (Prime Minister) - Raul Esparza FC
Gabriel Morelos (Jack of Clubs) - Alex Meraz FC
Javier Morata (Tick Tock; OC) - Daniel Brühl FC
Jules de Saint Gervais (The Hand of God) - Suraj Sharma FC
Kaan Kalaycı (Underdog) - Aras Bulut İynemli FC
Kamile Kaplan (The Campaign Manager) - Melisa Asli Pamuk FC
Lorenzo Arcangeli (Firefly) - Luke Pasqualino FC
Mikala Seabrooke (Dr. Frankenstein) - Keanu Reeves FC
Miodrag Gajić (Crosshair) - Robert Pattinson FC
Nikolaj Beck (Night Fox) - Avan Jogia FC
Sage Sheridan (Scorsese) - Hunter Schafer FC
San Romi (Judgement) - Kim Hieora FC
Taís Morelos (The Empress) - Débora Nascimenta FC
Valentine Dupont (The Whistle) - Robert Sheehan FC
Viktor Liddell (The Crimson Monarch) - Aaron Tveit FC
Please read the New Member’s Guide here (x) and follow the instructions. You have 48 hours to send in your account. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the admins!
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futsal-blogat · 11 months
AC Vienna 2020 (Saisonvorschau 2023)
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Werbung
Statistik 2022/23
Tabelle ⌀ Tore pro Spiel ⌀ Gegentore pro Spiel Zuschauerschnitt Eingesetzte Spieler 4. 7,6 (4.) 5,7 (5.) 37 (13.) 26
Die Stärken
Am Toreschießen lag es nicht, dass die Truppe von Coach Roman Fankhauser schlussendlich nur den enttäuschenden vierten Rang in der Tabelle einnahm. Staffelübergreifend belegt man damit Rang 4, wird nur von drei Spitzenteams Pharaohs, Klessheim und LPSV Kärnten übertroffen. In den Heimspielen zeigte man dabei starke Auftritte – vier Siegen stehen nur zwei Niederlagen gegenüber, wobei man gegen die Pharaohs und den Zweitplatzierten Oberndorf trotz guter Leistung in der ersten Halbzeit nur knapp an einem Punktgewinn vorbeischrammte.
Die Schwächen
Was eklatant auffällt: besonders im zweiten Durchgang baute man durchgängig ab. Im staffelübergreifenden Vergleich positionieren sich die Wiener, würde man nur die zweite Halbzeit zählen, auf Rang 9. Auswärts verlor man so z.B. die Matches gegen Oberndorf und die Allstars Wiener Neustadt, obwohl man nach dem ersten Durchgang noch führte. Insgesamt sprangen in der Fremde nur zwei Siege raus – einer davon gegen die sehr schwachen Seestädter.
Spieler im Fokus
Keeper Kristijan Basic ist ein Urgestein des österreichischen Futsals. Bereits vor 13 Jahren hütete der Schlussmann für eine Saison den Kasten bei Futsal Tirol, ehe es ihr für 6 Spielzeiten zu Futsal Schwaz zog, mit denen er auch den Meistertitel in der Bundesliga feiern konnte. Danach zog es ihn nach Wien, wo er für Stella Rossa, Polonia FC und PFC Liberta Legion seine Fäuste hinhielt. Seit letztem Jahr spielt der 36-jährige Routinier im Kasten des AC Vienna. Insgesamt 75 Bundesligaspiele absolvierte Basic, wobei ihm für einen Keeper beachtliche 3 Tore gelangen.
Vorgängerverein FC Internazionale Wien wurde in der Saison 2016/17 zum ersten und einzigen Mal Meister der 2. Liga. In knapp bemessenen 10 Saisonspielen musste sich die Truppe nur einmal geschlagen geben – gegen die AKA St. Pölten. Damals standen mit Jonas Auer und Robert Ljubicic, der auch den Siegtreffer zum 2:1 schoss – zwei spätere Fußball-Bundesliga-Profis am Parkett. Den Titel feiern durften dabei unter anderem Spieler wie Ronald Mertinger, Alexander Kukolja, Viktor Kozo oder Patrick Varga, die auch letzte Saison für AC Vienna 2020 auf der Platte standen.
Der AC Vienna 2020 gleicht diese Saison einer Wundertüte – zahlreiche Zu- und Abgänge prägen das Bild der Mannschaft. Diese wurde definitiv verjüngt, schließlich verlassen einige Routiniers das Team. Mit ihnen verlieren die Wiener einiges an Routine und auch Toren – mit Krammer, Wollmann, Fend und Jusits verlor man die vier besten Torschützen an die Konkurrenz. Ob die Neuzugänge im Kollektiv oder einzeln diesen Umstand auffangen können, wird sich weisen. Gelingt es der Mannschaft schnell Fuß zu fassen, ist ein Platz im Aufstiegs-Playoff möglich.
Vorläufiger Kader 2023/24
NEUZUGÄNGE: Muhammet Özdemir (Stella Rossa Juniors), Brian Brem (Cafe Hegelhof), Gheorge Dani (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Marko Zivkovic (MNK Posavina Orasje), Emilio Iljas Kaya (Neuanmeldung), Josip Habula (Neuanmeldung), Anes Jakupovic (Neuanmeldung), Nikola Djordjevic (Neuanmeldung), Aleksandar Radosavljevic (Neuanmeldung), Mathias Svoboda (Neuanmeldung), Melih Alici (Neuanmeldung), Emir Sahin (Neuanmeldung), Mustafa Güllü (Neuanmeldung), Florian Bachmann (Neuzugang) ABGÄNGE:  Thomas Jusits (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Mathias Wollmann (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Patrick Varga (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Christopher Fend (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Patrick Krammer (Pharaohs FC), Ahmed El-Baali (Pharaohs FC), Viktor Kozo (Inter Futsal Club Vienna), Philipp Reinisch (1.Fortuna Wiener Neustädter SC)   Trainer: Roman Fankhauser Position Name Geburtsjahr Nat. L-spiele/T im Verein seit Letzter Verein BL-Spiele/T 2.BL-Spiele/T Tor BACHMANN Florian 2004 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Tor BASIC Kristijan 1987 AUT 2022 Stella Rossa 75 / 3 28 / 0 Feld ALICI Melih 2003 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld BREM Brian 1993 AUT 2023 Cafe Hegelhof 24 / 17 0 / 0 Feld DANI Gheorge 1988 AUT 2023 Allstars Wiener Neustadt 2 / 1 8 / 3 Feld DJORDJEVIC Nikola 2003 SRB 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld FEJZIC Mirsad 2002 AUT 2022 Futsal Tulln 21 / 10 Feld GÜLLÜ Mustafa 2000 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld HABULA Josip 2003 CRO 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld IACOB Leonard 1995 AUT 2021 Dynamo Triestingtal 26 / 14 25 / 26 Feld JAKUPOVIC Anes 2003 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld KAYA Emilio Iljas 2000 GER 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld KUKOLJA Alexander 1990 AUT 2020 Stella Rossa Juniors 1 / 1 39 / 60 Feld MERTINGER Ronald 1989 AUT 2014 - 5 / 0 49 / 4 Feld ÖZDEMIR Muhammet 2000 TUR 2023 Stella Rossa Juniors 4 / 2 5 / 5 Feld RADOSAVLJEVIC Aleksandar 2005 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld SVOBODA Mathias 1996 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld ZIVKOVIC Marko 1999 BIH 2023 MNK Posavina Orasje 0 / 0 AUT = Österreich, BIH = Bosnien & Herzegowina, CRO = Kroatien, GER = Deutschland, SRB = Serbien, TUR = Türkei
Starting 5
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kneedeepincynade · 11 months
The belt and road initiative is unifying the world and bringing nations closer than ever
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Ciò che sta accadendo a Pechino è meraviglioso 😍
🥰 Decine e decine di Capi di Stato, provenienti da tutto il Mondo, sono arrivati in Cina, per partecipare al Terzo "Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum", dal Tema 高质量共建‘一带一路’,携手实现共同发展繁荣 - ovvero: Costruire congiuntamente una Nuova Via della Seta di Alta Qualità (高质量), per raggiungere uno Sviluppo Comune (共同发展 e la Prosperità (繁荣) 💕
⭐️ Oltre al Forum, ognuno di loro incontrerà Delegazioni di Alto Livello del Partito Comunista Cinese. L'obiettivo è quello di rafforzare la Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio (合作共赢) nei Rapporti Stato-Stato, e firmare Accordi Bilaterali per il Commercio:
一 Incontro Li Qiang - Viktor Orbán | Cooperazione tra Cina e Ungheria nell'ambito della Nuova Via della Seta 🤝
🇨🇳 La Cina, ha dichiarato il Compagno Li Qiang, è disposta a collaborare con l'Ungheria per sostenere congiuntamente la sovranità, la sicurezza e i reciproci interessi di sviluppo, allineando 一带一路 con la Politica di Apertura ad Est del Governo Ungherese, per promuovere la cooperazione economica e la costruzione di infrastrutture, come la Ferrovia Budapest - Belgrado 💕
二 Incontro Ding Xuexiang - Delegazione del Turkmenistan | Partenariato Strategico e Cooperazione Energetica 🤝
三 Incontro Zhao Leji - Gabriel Boric | Il Cile è il primo Paese dell'America Latina ad istituire un Meccanismo di Cooperazione Legislativa con la Cina, per attuare il Consenso raggiunto dai due Capi di Stato, e fornire garanzie legali per la Cooperazione nell'ambito della Nuova Via della Seta 🤝
四 Incontro Xi Jinping - Qasym-Jomart Toqaev | Rimanere fedeli all'Aspirazione Originaria secondo il Principio «不忘初心», trasmettere lo Spirito di Amicizia e Buon Vicinato di generazione in generazione e rafforzare il Partenariato Strategico Sino-Kazako 🤝
五 Incontro Xi Jinping - Abiy Ahmed | Cooperazione Sino-Etiope e Sinergia tra le Strategie di Sviluppo dei due Paesi:
💬 «Propongo di elevare la Relazione tra Cina ed Etiopia a Partenariato Strategico "per tutte le stagioni", per rafforzare l'Amicizia, approfondire la Cooperazione e godere di uno Sviluppo Comune (共同发展)» - Xi Jinping 🚩
😍 Questi sono solo cinque esempi, il viavai è impressionante. Tutto è in moto e pieno di vita! 💕
🤩 Sempre più Capi di Stato e leader politici stanno arrivando o sono arrivati, come il Presidente Vladimir Putin e il Presidente Võ Văn Thưởng ❤️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 What is happening in Beijing is wonderful 😍
🥰 Dozens and dozens of Heads of State, from all over the world, arrived in China to participate in the Third "Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum", with the theme 高质量共建'一带一路',携手实现共同发展繁荣- that is: Jointly building a New High-Quality Silk Road (高质量), to achieve Common Development (共同发展 and Prosperity (繁荣) 💕
⭐️ In addition to the Forum, each of them will meet High-Level Delegations of the Chinese Communist Party. The goal is to strengthen Mutual Benefit Cooperation (合作共赢) in State-State Relations, and sign Bilateral Trade Agreements:
一 Li Qiang - Viktor Orbán meeting | Cooperation between China and Hungary as part of the New Silk Road 🤝
🇨🇳 China, said Comrade Li Qiang, is willing to cooperate with Hungary to jointly support sovereignty, security and mutual development interests, aligning 一带一路 with the Hungarian Government's Eastward Opening Policy, to promote economic cooperation and the construction of infrastructure, such as the Budapest - Belgrade Railway 💕
二 Ding Xuexiang - Delegation of Turkmenistan meeting | Strategic Partnership and Energy Cooperation 🤝
三 Zhao Leji - Gabriel Boric Meeting | Chile is the first Latin American country to establish a Legislative Cooperation Mechanism with China, to implement the Consensus reached by the two Heads of State, and provide legal guarantees for Cooperation in the context of the New Silk Road 🤝
四 Xi Jinping Meeting - Qasym-Jomart Toqaev | Remain faithful to the Original Aspiration according to the "不忘初心" Principle, transmit the Spirit of Friendship and Good Neighborhood from generation to generation, and strengthen the Sino-Kazakh Strategic Partnership 🤝
五 Xi Jinping - Abiy Ahmed meeting | Sino-Ethiopian Cooperation and Synergy between the Development Strategies of the two Countries:
💬 «I propose to elevate the Relationship between China and Ethiopia to an "all-weather" Strategic Partnership, to strengthen Friendship, deepen Cooperation and enjoy Common Development (共同发展)» - Xi Jinping 🚩
😍 These are just five examples, the comings and goings are impressive. Everything is in motion and full of life! 💕
🤩 More and more Heads of State and political leaders are arriving or have arrived, such as President Vladimir Putin and President Võ Văn Thưởng ❤️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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nottinghillhq · 1 year
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welcome to notting hill kit we’re super excited to have you here, you’ve got twenty-four hours to send in your account!
⸻  DAVID HARBOR. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of GLORY DAYS by bruce springsteen, well, it describes VIKTOR ALLERDYCE to a tee! the forty-eight year old, and OWNER of THE PIT STOP & MECHANIC was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more grumpy or more OBJECTIVE instead? anyway, they remind me of the faint smell of car grease, flip-phone attached to his belt, shirts with front pockets, dad rock playing on an old radio, and empty brown beer bottles and cans on the counter, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ KIT ]
⸻  RIZ AHMED. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of GROWING SIDEWAYS by noah kahan, well, it describes SAMAR ‘SAM’ KHAN to a tee! the thirty-seven year old, and MANAGER OF SAINSBURYS was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more resentful or more ANALYTICAL instead? anyway, they remind me of quiet contemplation in the corner of a crowded room, a cochlear implant device, steady hands, thoughtful reminders and mantras, and adult coloring books , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ KIT ]
⸻  ROSS LYNCH. HE/THEY. / have you ever heard of DOWNHILL by lincoln, well, it describes KAI PORTER  to a tee! the twenty-seven year old, and COOK at HAWTHORNE HOUSE was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE/THEY are/is more co-dependant or more GENTLE instead? anyway, they remind me of limping when the barometer makes a major change, fidgety hands, constant hesitations, laughing at inappropriate times, and getting bored too quick, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ KIT ] *filling Narcissa's on again/off again ex-boyfriend
⸻  MEDALLION RAHIMI. SHE/HER / have you ever heard of GODLESS, LAWLESS, & NON-MONOGAMOUS by new here, well, it describes YASMIN HAJI to a tee! the thirty year old, and SALES ASSOCIATE at MEMORY LANE was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more tactless or more SPUNKY instead? anyway, they remind me of a collection of old medical/lab equipment, vintage clothing, small gardens on apartment balconies, saturdays at the farmer’s market, and screaming in the car, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ KIT ]
⸻  MATTHEW GRAY GUBLER. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of CAR RADIO by twentyonepilots, well, it describes NEPTUNE 'too many nicknames' MOREAU to a tee! the thirty-five year old, and OWNER of OLYMPUS CLEANING & FORENSIC CLEANER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more a know-it-all or more QUIRKY instead? anyway, they remind me of dark jokes, an eidetic memory, getting lost in the beats and lights at a rave, constant hand washing, disheveled appearance yet well-spoken, and an addiction to fresh baguettes, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ KIT ] *filling wc for Val's ex-boyfriend
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nonsense000 · 2 years
This could be long, this could be short but I can now come full circle with a thought.
Ever since I got to know this actor Page (because honestly I don't remember their dead name now) it felt off. In Juno, it was so nooot okay for their character to be pregnant, I felt kind of like them and hell that movie felt weird for me. Later on we have The Umbrella Academy.
Viktor (then Vanya) was different from the comics but that was not the point. When this guy...ahm...the boyfriend showed up...it felt WRONG again and I don't know if it was me or I felt what Elliot was feeling but that was unpleasant (even worst when they are the most sensitive character and get blamed for everything).
Fast forward; We officially have Elliot Page and you could feel him finaly being ALIVE, in contrast to his previous version who was hanging in there with pain. And now Viktor Hargreeves, I love how they developed his character from shy away to actually taking action and eventually the guys asking him "what's the plan" and Vik giving ideas.
In this essay I will say, as a transgender person who at first thought was a lesbian and went through several internal changes until reaching the person I am today. I see myself in Elliot/Viktor and hell I am sure those roles and plots were so wrong and traumatic. So happy to see our man smile and shine ✨️
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k1nky-fool · 2 years
Basic moment, I'm here for Switchblades (idc if it's July and Pride Month is over, these two are milfs who should be loved), Pepper/Silco, and Devo/Viktor
Ahm/Mae/Kugo for serious because they are very hot
23 but its a full bed and not a king, 25, 15, 18, 16
25, 3, 22, 24, 21, 16
25, 20, 48, 18, 16
(PS: For Switchblades you don't have to do Ahmya's cause its not your OC, if you want to just to Maeko and Kugo you can and I'll think of it myself)
Maeko, Ahmya, Kugo
I haven't actually decided if I'll place Ahmya in What's Left Unsaid just yet. I likely won't have enough space to add a whole extra love story, but I would love to make her canon in my story, even if just briefly.
23. Your OCs are on a trip and there’s only one bed! What do they do?
Bro, these bitches stack. Kugo's got big enough tiddies to have a pillow for both of his wives. But when they wake up in the morning, Kugo has somehow been pushed to the opposite side of the bed, and Ahmya is wrapped around Maeko like a koala.
It's safe to say that they're not wasting any time arguing about this one.
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
I think it's safe to say that Maeko's type is spots. Not that she has a specific habit of dating exclusively people with black and white spots, but somehow not one, but BOTH of the spouses she settles down with have some spots. But yea, she adores the patterns on both Kugo and Ahmya's skin.
Ahmya is a little more subtle when it comes to Maeko. She likes to play around with Maeko's quirk, because she likes to see her wife's eyes change colors. She finds it so cool, to the point where she'll tease Maeko into activating it, only to have her eyes turn purple. For Kugo, she's unapologetically obsessed with his hands. Big ass hands and he's not even vaguely bad with his fingers? That's just a weakness for her.
Kugo would never outright say exactly what physical attributes of his wives' he likes most. Because he knows, no matter what he says, he's a dead man. These two women will make it their personal mission to target his biases. However, he is secretly a thigh man, and he will take that to the grave.
15. What names are they saved as on each other’s phone?
Maeko: Ahmya = Babes. Kugo = Seafood
Ahmya: Maeko = Mommy. Kugo = Big Sakamata
Kugo: Maeko = Detective Wife. Ahmya = Little Sakamata
18. How are they like on a road trip together?
Kugo drives most of the time, and he is the best multitasker. He also keeps changing the radio station because he is very picky about songs. Ahmya fell asleep watching a movie after she ate all of the zebra cakes while he was driving.
Maeko is the best driver out of the three of them, but she can't multitask for shit. Radio is off, and while she won't stop anybody from carrying on a conversation, if she yells "shut up!" It's because she needs to focus for a brief moment, and they can't afford her losing her mind or else they find themselves wrapped around a tree.
16. What would they consider quality time?
Maeko just likes when people hang around her. They don't even need to be talking to her for her to consider it quality time. Like, Kugo and Ahmya might just come chill at her office while she works, and that's good enough for her.
Ahmya needs a little more attention, but her spouses are more than happy to give it to her. No shame in wanting some more engagement for quality time. Ahmya's love language is cooking, so she likes making meals for her spouses and having conversations with them. Also compliments about her food are the fastest way to make her light up.
Kugo is a touchstarved motherfucker (pun intended). A hug goes a long way with him, but any chance he can get to either have a spouse cuddling up to him or laying on him is good quality time for him. While they're cuddled up, conversations are appreciated, but so is comfortable silence. It doesn't matter if they're on him and focusing on something else or if he has their full attention.
Pepper, Silco
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
I don't think it's a surprise that Pepper loves his hands. He touches everything like it's made of gold, but she also knows the strength they hold. She also loves his nose, but she won't elaborate on that one.
Silco doesn't know exactly what he'd say if he had to pick one, but he learned some things about himself the first time she wore a holster for her revolver that had both a belt and a thigh strap.
3. It’s late at night and your characters want food, what do they order/find in the fridge?
Pepper will go out and find some 24 hour take out place with the most unhealthy food she can find. Anything fried all to hell and covered in some spicy sauces.
Silco made a habit of eating shredded cheese late at night when he was hungry. It's usually the easiest thing to take out of the ice box and finish off. If he's a little more hungry, he'll make some kind of sandwich and just go back to bed.
22. Do they ever share clothes?
One time, Pepper woke up before him, because Sevika was banging on the door, saying Finn was here and refusing to leave until he had a meeting with Silco. The man was knocked the fuck out from exhaustion, and definitely not waking up for love, money, or threat of death.
Pepper couldn't find her shirt, so she just borrowed Silco's vest to fix the problem herself. Suddenly, Finn wasn't as confident as he initially thought. Silco found them in his office, and Finn went quiet, only for Silco to say "No, please continue. Unless it wasn't important enough to have woken me up at some ungodly hour of the morning. And alone, no less."
He also tells Pepper that she should wear that number more often.
As for Silco, not much of Pepper's clothes will fit him. But she does have a sleep shirt that he has stolen on more than one occasion.
24. What do your characters think about marriage? Are they for or against it?
I don't think either of them have much of an opinion on it. Marriage in the undercity is more like partners in crime. Really, the closest thing to a marriage in Zaun is love plus turning down someone offering money or other prizes and lying to them to protect your own significant other. And Silco and Pepper do it very frequently for each other.
To be fair, in order for it to really mean something, it has to be more valuable than what they're already receiving. So someone offering Pepper a better job, or more money than she gets from Silco in exchange for betraying him would be a rare occurrence, and Silco can't even think of any offer that would be worth more than Pepper.
However, they get double marriage points, because when offers like that do come up, they'll take it, and then go tell the other so they can double cross the bastard together.
21. Who is better at games? Does the loser take it graciously?
Pepper and Sevika used to make a bag cheating at cards in various gambling establishments, but she had to learn to play very well in order to pull off these schemes. She can fuck Silco up in any card game. Board games are a fucking nightmare for her. She is a sore loser.
Silco takes game losses very graciously. He's good at not taking competition too seriously and he typically uses games to pass the time. Usually he plays with Jinx when she's not busy, or when they both need a distraction, but playing with Pepper is usually very entertaining, because it's the only time he's ever seen her get so flustered.
16. What would they consider quality time?
Pepper likes talking about things. Nothing and everything. Deep conversations or smalltalk. It's all quality to her.
Silco won't ever admit it, but he likes when Pepper comes up late at night, past closing and just distracts him with whatever. Sometimes it's a drink and conversation, other times she just wants to sit in his lap and just fall against his chest just so she can say she's happily not working.
Devoan, Viktor
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
Devo can't explain it, or even come to a logical conclusion about it. But something about his shoulders is just very distracting. She can't tell if it's his posture, or how he expresses emotions with them, but it's something she can't seem to stop noticing.
Viktor has his own troubles. Devo has very long hair, and he's not sure he can say it's her hair he finds attractive, but she will often take small pauses to slide her hands behind her neck, and flip it out for some relief from the heat. But his favorite thing to see is when she's finally had enough of the annoyance of it, and she'll take a few moments to gather herself to tie it up. She has definitely noticed how he always watches when she does this.
20. What are they like when sharing a bed?
Devo is a furnace, and Viktor is usually very cold. He usually takes more blankets, and the two often wake up either very close to each other, or cuddling up like they planned this. However, Viktor's occasional habit of blanket hogging is perfect revenge for Devo's unfortunate habit of starfishing and taking up most of the space.
48. Do they get on well with each other’s family? Is family important to them?
Devo doesn't realize until quite a ways into their relationship that she actually knows Viktor's mother. Both of them having grown up in the undercity, they didn't have much attachment to the idea of marriage, but when Jayce brings it up, their knee-jerk reaction was to say there was no way in hell they had the money for a wedding.
Jayce reminds them, "Guys, we're making money off of the most profitable company in Piltover's history."
And they both just kind of click like "shit, we have the money for a wedding!" Only for them to think on it for a few seconds more Devo just shakes her head. "I don't really want to get married." And Viktor shrugs in agreement like they both just considered taking an early lunch.
Jayce is not only surprised, but almost offended. He convinces them to at least have some kind of party if they choose to move in together, so they do. Several people bring gifts, and have a few drinks. But they also get a gift with a note "I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I couldn't get the time off of work. I guess some metalsmiths just don't get what's really priceless, but I'd love it if you two could visit some time. With love, Leah."
Devo is very confused that the woman she used to sell pickpocketed goods to was giving a gift for her housewarming party. But Viktor takes the note saying "Leah would be my mother."
After some brief clarification, they do indeed realize that Viktor's mother, and Devo's only means of work as a child were one in the same. The gift she gave were two personally designed necklaces for the two of them. Leah seemed to understand that this was their social equivalent to getting married in Piltover, and understood the assignment. They visit her the next month and it turns out that many of the items that Devo procured that couldn't be used would go to Viktor for him to build various things.
As for Devo's family, she states that Grayson was as close to a mother as she's ever had. But Grayson and Viktor aren't permitted much time to meet under the circumstances of their connection to Devo.
However, Viktor does meet Mita, who is very much like Devo's aunt. It's easy to say he was a little intimidated by her. But Mita's only words in regards to her opinion of him and his relationship with Devo was "If I didn't like you, you'd be a lot more scared of me."
So he considered that he's getting along a little bit with Devo's family.
18. How are they like on a road trip together?
Absolute chaos. Modern AU! Devo and Viktor are a nightmare to everyone except each other. This is the car that you are next to for like four hours on the highway, their windows are rolled down and they're blasting some Allstar by Smashmouth… for four hours… on loop. And you actually think one of them is asleep somehow. Turns out it's just Devo trying to figure out what it takes to wake up Viktor after he passed out. It takes four hours of that and Devo carefully placing pennies on his face while she drives before he wakes.
Devo is a great driver, only because she knows there's illegal shit in there, and if they get pulled over, they're both doing 15.
Viktor is also a good driver. But he also isn't quite as cautious of other cars as Devo. Occasionally he'll pull some bullshit and she'll ask "was that legal?" Only for him to say "eh.. probably."
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monarchyrp · 4 years
Bajo el read more quedan enlistados los nombres de cada uno de los padres, con su título y blog en el que estarán disponibles para que puedan consultarlo como directorio.
NOTA: A partir de la sección marcada, hay datos que no hemos recibido en administración, (nombres de algunos padres y en qué blog serán llevados en caso de tener hermanos) recuerden que no es necesario hacer el edit familar, con un post o ask que incluya los nombres y blogs es suficiente para agregarlos. Por favor envíen la información faltante lo más pronto posible para que pueda ser editada.
Bonita noche a todos! me quedo por aquí para seguir editando esto, si hay algún error por favor infórmenme. 
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—Admin Reina.
DANTE: ( @hrhdante )
Padre: Ignacio Alfaro, Rey de Estados Unidos. 
Madre: Helena Knox, Reina de Estados Unidos.
HÉCTOR: ( @arteagah )
Tutor (hermano mayor): Elías Arteaga Xilagatl, Duque de Veracruz.
EMMANUELLE: ( @unaprincesa )
Padre: Luis Javier de Vilarnau-Borbon, Rey de España
Madre: Maria Sofía I, Reina de España.
SEBASTIAN Y DEXTER: ( @iashawke , @dexhawke )  
Padre: Jon Hawke, Duque de Estados Unidos. Llevado por @dexhawke y @iashawke  
Madre (Sebastian): Ginebra Carter Bowes-Lyon, ex Duquesa de Estados Unidos. Llevada por @iashawke 
Madre (Dexter): Natalie Hawke, Duquesa de Estados Unidos. Llevada por @dexhawke
ARIADNA, MIGUEL Y CAMILLA: ( @aricdna​ , @migvngl​  , @camillapdl​ ) 
Padre: Felipe Ponce de León, Duque de México. Llevado por @camillapdl​
Madre: Ava Ponce de León, Duquesa de México. Llevada por @aricdna​
WILLIAM: ( @lwdax )
Abuela (tutora): Victoria Bochner, Reina de Canadá.
ANNELIESE: ( @annelicse )
Padre: Rey Dominic ll de Liechtenstein
Madre: Reina Genevieve de Liechtenstein
DAVIDE: ( @lordavide )
 Padre: Massimiliano Sforza, Duque de Milán.
FABIOLA: ( @monvrchie )
Hermano (en representación): Carlos Emilio de la Garza, Príncipe de México.
PAULINE Y DIDIER: ( @lwdax , @monvrchie )
Padre: Nicholas Grimaldi II, Rey de Mónaco. Llevado por: @lwdax 
DENAHI: ( @monvrchie )
Padre: Keokuk Vernette, Marqués de Texas y Nuevo México.
Madre: Vaitiare Adams, Marquesa de Texas y Nuevo México. 
MICAELA Y GIUSEPPE: ( @monvrchie , @mxnarques )
Padre: Massimo Salvatore Bianchi, Rey de Italia. Llevado por @monvrchie  
Madre: Galatea Bianchi, Reina de Italia. Llevada por @mxnarques  
EYDIS: ( @icelandey )
Padre: Viktor Valdimar Jósteinn, Rey de Islandia. 
Madre: Katrin Sunneva Jósteinn, Reina de Islandia.
ALEKSANDER: ( @aleksanov )
Padre: Dimytrus Artem Ivanov, Rey de Ucrania.
Madre: Aleksandra Darina Ivanov, Reina de Ucrania.
FREDERIK: ( @rcyalsss )
Abuela: Margarita II, Reina de Dinamarca.
MAYELLA: ( @rcyalsss​ )
Hermano (en representación): José Yupanqui, Príncipe de Perú. 
PAULO: ( @rcyalsss )
Padre: Ilsinho Dos Santos, Marqués de Brasil 
Madre: Paula Dos Santos, Marquesa de Brasil
VINCENS: ( @mxnarques )
Padre: Achille, Duque de Francia
Madre: Maëlys, Duquesa de Francia
CAMDEN: ( @mxnarques ) 
Padre: Nathaniel Singh, Rey de Australia
Madre: Harper Singh, Reina de Australia
OPHELIA Y OLIMPIA: ( @windscrprincess , @xcrownlcss )
Padre: Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, Príncipe de Wales. Llevado por @xcrownlcss
Madrastra: Camilla Parker, Duquesa de Cornwall. Llevada por @windscrprincess 
Abuela: Elizabeth II, Reina de Reino Unido. Llevada por @windscrprincess
LEÓNIDAS: ( @leonidastat )
Padre: Andronikos Stathakis, Rey de Grecia.
Madre: Lysandra Stathakis, Reina de Grecia.
FREYJA: ( @frcyjx )
Padre: Asbjørn Vilhjalmsson, Rey de Noruega.
Madre: Margrethe Vilhjalmsson, Reina de Noruega.
ANASTASYA: ( @vcmpyre )
Madre: Nicoleta Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Reina de Rumanía.
Madre: Mihaela Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Reina de Rumanía.
OLIVIER y MADELEINE: ( @tobecrowncd , @madsfrxnce )
Padre: Frédéric, Rey de Francia. Llevado por @tobecrowncd
Madre (Olivier): Aurélie, Reina de Francia. Llevada por @tobecrowncd
Madre (Maddie): Jolie Bélange Blanc, socialité. Llevada por @madxfce​ 
ERIKA: ( @erikaslvk​ )
Padre: Julian Habsburg, Marqués de Eslovaquia
SYRENNE: ( @xcrownlcss​ )
Padre: Willem Andreas de Orange Nassau.
HANA: ( @hcna​ )
Padre: Ahmed Mehbari, Rey de Irán.
Madre: Zhila Rahbar-Mehbari, Reina de Irán. 
LINA y NIKOLAI: ( @nvtroyals , @xcrownlcss )
Padre: Konstantine Andrei Romanov, Rey de Rusia. Llevado por @nvtroyals​ y @xcrownlcss​
Madre: Cyzrine Leena Romanova, Reina de Rusia. Llevada por @nvtroyals​ y @xcrownlcss​
EMIL y EMIR: ( @nvtroyals , @emirv )
Padre: Ekaraj Ezhuthachan, Rey de India. Llevado por @nvtroyals​ y @emirv​
Madre: Ekani Ezhuthachan, Reina de India. Llevada por @nvtroyals​ y @emirv​
CHARLES y ALANNAH: ( @nvtroyals , @tobecrowncd )
Padre: Charles Philip Joseph IV Ó Cléirigh, Rey de Irlanda. Llevado por @nvtroyals​ y @tobecrowncd​
Madre: Arlene Noreen Ennis Ó Cléirigh, Reina de Irlanda. Llevada por @nvtroyals​ y @tobecrowncd​ 
ALBA: ( @lwdax )
Padre: Leopoldo Javier Sanz de Santamaría, Marqués de España.
Madre: Lucía Sanz de Santamaría, Marquesa de España.
ADELINA y AIDEN: ( @adelinavk , @aidcnvk ) 
Padre: Adaliya Von Kleve, Marquesa de Alemania. Llevada por @adelinavk​ 
ISTVAN: ( @istvnn​ )
Padre: Lars Valten Ibsen
Madre: Kaira Seren
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humanrightsupdates · 5 years
Urgent Action: Ahmed H. must be allowed to return home (Hungary)
Ahmed H. has been separated from his Cypriot wife and two daughters for almost four years. In September 2015, he was imprisoned in Hungary and wrongfully convicted for “complicity in an act of terrorism” in a blatant misapplication of Hungary’s counter-terrorism laws. Ahmed H. was conditionally released on 19 January 2019 and is being held in immigration detention in Hungary. As he is a Syrian national he is at risk being forcibly returned to Syria, a country that is not safe. Cyprus must allow his return home to be reunited with his family.
Ahmed H. lived in Cyprus since 2006 with his Cypriot wife. They have two young daughters. In August 2015, he left his home in Cyprus to help his elderly parents and other family members escape Syria. Upon arrival at the Hungary-Serbia border on 16 September 2015, they found themselves among hundreds of refugees stranded there after police fenced off the crossing with Serbia. 
Clashes broke out as some refugees attempted to get through. Hungary’s police responded with tear gas and water cannon, injuring dozens. Some people threw stones, including Ahmed H. But news footage also clearly shows Ahmed H. using a megaphone to call on both sides to remain calm. For these acts, he was arrested and eventually convicted of “complicity in an act of terrorism” under Hungary’s overly broad and vague counter-terrorism law. 
Amnesty International closely followed the criminal proceedings, including monitoring the trial hearings, and concluded that the application of terrorism-related charges and Ahmed H.’s subsequent conviction for “complicity in an act of terrorism” were manifestly unfounded. The conviction rests entirely on the allegation that Ahmed H. attempted to induce the Hungarian police to open the border fence, and that he threw some objects during the disturbance at the border. 
While delivering the final judgement on 20 September 2018, the judge acknowledged that Ahmed H. had in fact tried to calm the crowd and mediate between the police and the crowd. 
The government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Hungary has sought – without evidence to back up their claims – to establish an inextricable link between refugees and migrants and the threat of terrorism. The misapplication of terrorism-related charges to Ahmed H.’s case was part of a wider effort to label refugees and migrants seeking safety as “terrorists” and threats to national security. 
Amnesty International has also documented statements by Hungarian government representatives that publicly pronounced Ahmed H.’s guilt before his trial even ended. Such statements compromised the fairness of the proceedings against Ahmed H. in violation of international fair trial standards, which include the presumption of innocence. 
The right to private and family life is enshrined in Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Cyprus is a party to both these international human rights treaties. Any restrictions on this right must be in the interests of “national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others”. The conviction of Ahmed H. in Hungary for “complicity in an act of terrorism” does not fall within the national security exception to the right to family life because of the mis-application of terrorism charges to his case and the violations of Ahmed H.’s right to fair trial during the criminal proceedings in Hungary.
 If Hungary were to return Ahmed H. to Syria it would be in violation of the principle of non-refoulement. This international human rights law principle guarantees that no one should be returned to a country where they would face torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and other irreparable harm.
Take action - please write to the authorities in Hungary before 9th August 2019
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futsal-blogat · 1 year
Transferübersicht 2. ÖFB Futsal Bundesliga
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LPSV Kärnten
ZugängeAlan Halilovic (SFK Libero Graz), Seid Zukic (Neuanmeldung)Abgängekeine
Carinthia Flamengo Futsal Club
ZugängeYoussef Helal (Futsal Klagenfurt), Hasan Kupinic (Futsal Klagenfurt), Mateo Brisevac (Futsal Klagenfurt)AbgängePetar Maric (Karriereende)
Panthera Graz
ZugängeDaniel Simic (SV Hausmannstätten), Denis Muratovic (SV Andritz Team Future), Edin Ibric (SFK Libero Graz), Georg Grasser (SFK Libero Graz), Nicolas Kreuter (FC GRZ), Dominik Wagner (Neuanmeldung), Tevfik Yalcin (Neuanmeldung)AbgängeSadik Dizdarevic (Karrierepause)
FC Steyrer Kickers
ZugängekeineAbgängeMatija Durdek (Karrierepause)
AC Vienna 2020
ZugängeMuhammet Özdemir (Stella Rossa Juniors), Brian Brem (Cafe Hegelhof), Gheorge Dani (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Marko Zivkovic (MNK Posavina Orasje), Emilio Iljas Kaya (Neuanmeldung), Josip Habula (Neuanmeldung), Anes Jakupovic (Neuanmeldung), Nikola Djordjevic (Neuanmeldung), Aleksandar Radosavljevic (Neuanmeldung), Mathias Svoboda (Neuanmeldung), Melih Alici (Neuanmeldung), Emir Sahin (Neuanmeldung), Mustafa Güllü (Neuanmeldung), Florian Bachmann (Neuzugang)AbgängeThomas Jusits (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Mathias Wollmann (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Patrick Varga (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Christopher Fend (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Patrick Krammer (Pharaohs FC), Ahmed El-Baali (Pharaohs FC), Viktor Kozo (Inter Futsal Club Vienna), Philipp Reinisch (1.Fortuna Wiener Neustädter SC)
1. FC Murexin Allstars Wr. Neustadt
Zugänge Thomas Jusits (AC Vienna), Mathias Wollmann (AC Vienna), Patrick Varga (AC Vienna), Christopher Fend (AC Vienna), Devran Tiskaya (Dynamo Triestingtal)AbgängeGeorghe Dani (AC Vienna 2020)
1. FSV Wels
ZugängeDino Coralic (Ljuti Krajisnici), Emir Muminovic (Ljuti Krajisnici), Almin Huskaric (Diamant Linz), Nihad Porcic (Diamant Linz)Abgängekeine
SC Vienna Walzer
ZugängekeineAbgängeLukas Grill (1.Fortuna Wiener Neustädter SC), Samir Delalic (Pharaohs FC), Deni Stoilov (Pharaohs FC), Erkut Tekinsoy (Pharaohs FC), Miroslav Milosevic (Inter Futsal Club Vienna)
FC Seestadt
ZugängeMahdi Peiwandi (Neuanmeldung), Mirwais Shirzad (Neuanmeldung), Ali Khodadadzada (Neuanmeldung)Abgängekeine
Pharaohs II
ZugängeEkiz Mehmet-Talha (Neuanmeldung), Dasdemir Denis (Neuanmeldung), Valentin Nikolic (Neuanmeldung), Abdelrahman Shousha (Stella Rossa Juniors)Abgängekeine Read the full article
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theartistxroxy · 3 years
THE PARTNER: @dracvlc​
Planejar a festa havia sido um trabalho não somente fácil (por ser expert em comemorações!!), mas também muito divertido. E ela não diria que fora de todo ruim o fato de ter passado algum bom tempo nos últimos dias perto de Cain, resolvendo aquelas questões da tal festa que, de acordo com ele, Viktor amaria. Enquanto corria com os preparativos, mal tivera tempo de pensar no que ela mesma usaria para a festa, e portanto precisou decidir um dia só antes do evento. De alguma forma, nenhuma de suas roupas parecia boa o suficiente, e depois de um conselho muito esclarecedor de Edward (“na dúvida, compre coisas novas!”) optou por buscar em algumas lojas uma opção interessante. Como se pudesse ouvir a própria implorar para ser adquirida, ela teve a certeza de que o vestido azul royal que vira logo no começo de sua busca era a escolha perfeita. Verdade fosse dita, ela nem pensou muito em conectar a vestimenta à ocasião — só havia mesmo se apaixonado pelo estilo e pela cor. E agora fazia sentido, pois sentia-se linda naquela peça. Estivera na mansão de Godric algumas horas antes, ajustando últimos detalhes, mas não pudera esbarrar com Drácula ainda naquele dia, o que a deixava um pouco ansiosa, percebeu. Talvez devesse diminuir a quantidade de tempo que passava com ele, já que sempre ficava um pouco estranha quando se aproximava demais. Quando finalmente chegou no lugar, tudo parecia correr perfeitamente, e ela estava mais do que satisfeita pelo bom trabalho, ainda mais percebendo que todos se divertiam. Distraiu-se em uma mesa repleta de conhecidos; tomando em mãos um copo de bebida e iniciando uma conversa animada sobre como a casa era enorme e bem decorada, e como era surpreendente que alguém deixaria algo naquele nível ser utilizado para reunir diversas pessoas com música e álcool. Ha! Mal eles sabiam que estava tudo bem, claro! Godric com certeza gostaria. Vladimir havia garantido. E foi justamente ao pensar nele por um instante que os olhos imediatamente o viram se materializar ali, e ela pode jurar que ele havia aparecido em questão de segundos. Sorriu pra cumprimentá-lo, mas se distraiu um momento analisando sua imagem. Nossa, como ele estava bonito! “Ahm… oi.” Havia uma timidez muito não característica em sua voz, mas o que podia fazer? Era assim que ficava perto dele.
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mywords-myworld · 3 years
Libri che voglio leggere:
L'ultimo oracolo di James Rollins
Hanno sete di Robert R. McCammon
Le ragazze di Emma Cline
Rainbow republic di Fabio Canino
Memorie di una geisha di Arthur Golden
Carmilla di Sheridan Le Fanu
Rivoluzione Z di Giulia Blasi
 Il grande dio Pan di Arthur Machen
Le parole segrete di Jin-Shei di Alma Alexander
Club godo di Jüne Plã
Dalla parte delle bambine di E. G. Belotti
Le visionarie di A. e J. Vandermeer
Il mondo che vogliamo C. Rackete
Elegia americana J.D. Vance
Ikigai di B. Lemke
Solo per sempre tua di L. O' Neil
Eroine di M. Pierri
Le ragazze stanno bene di Perona e Cuter
Il linguaggio segreto del corpo di A. Guglielmi
La città delle ragazze di E. Gilbert
Maschi in crisi? di S. Ciccone
King Kong theory di V. Despentes
Perché non sono femminista di J. Crispin
Ragazze elettriche di N. Alderman
Pianeta Terra l'ultima arma di guerra di R. Bertel
Senza tabù di Violeta Benini
Vengo prima io di R. Rossi
Diventare uomini di L. Gasparrini
Dì la verità anche se la tua voce trema di D. C. Galizia
Ho 16 anni e sono fascista di C. Raimo
Living a feminist life di S. Ahmed
The organized mind di Daniel J. Levitin
101 essays that will change the way you think di Brianna Wiest
Daring to take up space di Daniel Koepke
Don't fucking panic di Kelsey Darragh
Get out of your head di Jennie Allen
Single. Dating. Engaged. Married di Ben Stewart
12 regole per la vita. Un antidoto al caos  di Jordan B. Peterson
L'uomo in cerca di senso. Uno psicologo nei lager e altri scritti inediti di Viktor Frankl
Selfie: how the west became self-obsessed di Will Storr
Love experiment di Shannon Kaiser
La vita invisibile di Addie LaRue  V. E. Schwab
92 Little tricks for big success in relationship di Leila Lowndes
Falli soffrire  di Sherry Argov
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Feminists don't wear pink and others lies di Scarlett Curtis
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Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism di Amanda Montell
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La psicologia dei soldi di Morgan Housel
Il corpo accusa il colpo di Bessel Van  Der Kolk
Ballata dell'usignolo e del serpente di Suzanne Collins
Ciclo di Dune di F. Herbert (4 libri)
Trilogia del ponte di W. Gibson
Trilogia dello Sprawl di W. Gibson
Trilogia Half Bad di S. Green
Trilogia shiver di M. Stiefvater
Le sette sorelle di L. Ripley (7 libri)
Trilogia Leviathan di S. Westerfield
Trilogia Grisha di L. Bardugo
Duologia sei di corvi di L. Bardugo
Trilogia della Xenogenesi di Octavia E. Butler
L'attraversaspecchi di C. Dabos (4 libri)
The Witcher  (2/6)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who: Previous Guest Stars Who’d Be Great as the New Doctor
It’s not unusual, in the world of Doctor Who, for the same actor to play more than one role on screen. From classic to modern Doctor Who, Nicholas Courtney, Ian Marter, Lalla Ward, Jaqueline Hill, Jean Marsh, Adjoa Andoh, Eve Myles, Naoko Mori, Vinette Robinson and more have all played multiple parts in the whoniverse. Before she debuted as companion Martha Jones, Freema Agyeman was a Torchwood employee who fell foul of the Cybermen in series two’s ‘Army of Ghosts’. Karen Gillan was a seer in series four episode ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ before she recurred as Eleven’s companion Amy Pond. Even the Doctor has had test runs. Colin Baker played a Gallifreyan commander in season twenty before taking over from Peter Davison. Peter Capaldi appeared in ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ as well as playing John Frobisher on Torchwood before taking up residence in the TARDIS.   
In the search for the new Doctor then, it makes sense to rifle through those actors the show already picked once to see who might be asked back. Continuity can be handled if need be – just do what Russell T. Davies did and make up something about spacial genetic multiplicity, or what Steven Moffat did and pretend it was all part of the Doctor’s plan to remind him to be a good man. In a few cases, the shared genetics wouldn’t even be an issue as the actor in question’s first appearance was either solely as a voice, or beneath too many layers of prosthetics to matter.
Gliding over a few previous guest stars whose current filming commitments likely take them out of the running (Andrew Garfield, Carey Mulligan, James Norton, Felicity Jones, Gemma Chan and Gugu Mbutha-Raw are probably all tied up…), here’s a choice selection of guest actors since 2005 who could all make fantastic, and very different, Doctors.
Chris Addison
Played: AI interface ‘Seb’, who greeted the recently deceased to Missy’s Nethersphere. Appeared in: Two-part Series Eight finale ‘Dark Water/Death in Heaven‘. Watch his stand-up and there’s a real Tenth Doctor energy about writer-director-producer-comedian-actor Chris Addison (The Thick of It, In the Loop, Veep). That probably means his time has come and gone on Doctor Who, as the show isn’t likely to want to repeat itself at this stage. Addison also has his plate full with the third series of Sky/FX’s excellent comedy-drama Breeders, but you could definitely picture him at the TARDIS console, couldn’t you?
Arsher Ali
Played: Bennett, a bookish recent military recruit to a Scottish underwater mining facility in 2119. Appeared in: Series 9 two-parter ‘Under the Lake/Before the Flood‘ Part of a large crew (initially at least) we didn’t see loads of Arsher Ali in his Doctor Who role, but what we saw was enough to convince that he has the presence and bearing of a potential Doctor. He was great as the lead in BBC’s Informer and as a conflicted journalist in the first series of The Missing, as well as in supporting role in Line of Duty‘s best series. Add all that to his breadth of stage experience and he’s a highly intriguing prospect.
Percelle Ascott
Played: Delph, a member of the Ux, humanoid aliens who live for thousands of years and have the power of telepathic inter-dimensional engineering (they can teleport planets). Appeared in: Season 11, Episode 10 ‘The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos‘. Not the only entry on this list with a Doctor Who-adjacent role in his back catalogue (see also: Anjli Mohindra in The Sarah-Jane Adventures), as a teenager, Ascott played science geek Benny in Russell T. Davies’ Wizards Vs Aliens. He was great then, but really showed his range in cancelled-too-soon Netflix supernatural drama The Innocents, where he stole the show. When he popped back up opposite Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor as the wise and conscience-led Delph, it was hard not to imagine what he might do in the Doctor’s role.
Zawe Ashton
Played: Lieutenant Journey Blue of the Combined Galactic Resistance, a solider on the Aristotle. Appeared in: the Ben Wheatley-directed Series 8 episode ‘Into the Dalek‘. A regular on ‘Next Doctor’ wishlists for some time now, Zawe Ashton is a terrific actor who came to fame as hedonist Vod in Channel 4 student comedy Fresh Meat and who’s recently been seen in Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale. In ‘Into the Dalek’ she played a ‘shoot first ask questions later’ soldier, but Ashton has the range for serious, absurd and very funny – in short, everything required to make a great Doctor.
Maxim Baldry
Played: Dr Polidori, a nineteenth century character who was part of Mary and Percy Shelley’s social circle. Appeared in: Series 12’s ‘The Haunting of Villa Diodati‘, about the summer Mary Shelley conceived her famous science-fiction novel Frankenstein. Baldry’s scored a role in Amazon Prime Video’s new mega-money Lord of the Rings TV series, so his dance card is likely full for now, but he’s just the sort of actor to breathe fresh life into the role of the Doctor, much in the way Matt Smith did back in 2010. He’s probably best recognised right now as Viktor, the asylum-seeking boyfriend of Russell Tovey’s character in Russell T. Davies’ future-predicting Years and Years, but the Russian-British actor has been acting in films since he was a child.
Sanjeev Bhaskar
Played: UNIT’s Colonel Ahmed, a colleague of Kate Lethbridge-Stewart in the fight against Missy’s Cybermen-from-corpses wicked plan. Appeared in: Series 8 finale ‘Death in Heaven‘. This Doctor Who role was just not enough of Sanjeev Bhaskar, an actor-writer-comedian whose role as DS Sunny Khan in ITV detective series Unforgotten has elevated him to the status of national treasure (partly because of his backpack, but mostly because of his decency and warm humour). Bhaskar is playing Cain opposite Asim Chaudhry’s Abel in Netflix’s forthcoming The Sandman series, and there’s series five of Unforgotten on the way, but wouldn’t he be great as the Doctor? As would another member of his family (see below)…
Mark Bonnar
Played: 22nd century miner Jimmy Wicks in the one with the ‘ganger’ clones. Appeared in: Series 6 two-parter ‘The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People’. No, of course they won’t let another funny, clever, slightly scary Scot with a brilliant face be the Doctor so soon after Peter Capaldi, but in a parallel universe, Mark Bonnar would make a very fine Doctor – something that hasn’t escaped Big Finish. He’s got it all (funny, clever, slightly scary, brilliant face) and frequently steals whichever show he’s in. Watch this two-parter, Catastrophe, Unforgotten series two and the brilliant Guilt (series two of which is approaching) for evidence of that.
Kevin Eldon
Played: Ribbons of the Seven Stomachs, a trader in the ‘Antizone’ obsessed with the Doctor’s “tubular” (or Sonic Screwdriver), and the voice of companion Antimony in an animated online adventure. Appeared in: Series 11’s ‘It Takes You Away‘ and 2001 webcast ‘Death Comes to Time’. It just seems a waste for the multi-talented Kevin Eldon to only play just one (or technically two, but just one on-screen) role on Doctor Who. And because his series 11 appearance was under a faceful of prosthetics, it wouldn’t even cause any continuity errors for him to come back in the role of the Doctor. Or a companion. Or another alien. Whatever it is, just give us more Eldon please.
O-T Fagbenle
Played: ‘Other Dave’, an engineer on an expedition to The Library who was eaten by the Vashta Nerada but brought back to life in the computer core. Appeared in: Series 4 two-parter ‘Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead‘ Fagbenle has recently been seen as Natasha’s fixer in Black Widow, June’s husband Luke in The Handmaid’s Tale, and as the lead character in sitcom Maxxx, about a washed-up former boy band member. The man has dramatic and comedy range, a very good American accent (not necessarily relevant here) and excellent screen presence. He’d rock the role of the Doctor.
Siobhan Finneran
Played: 17th century landlady/witch prosecutor Becka Savage/Morax queen Appeared in: Series 11’s ‘The Witchfinders‘. If the new Doctor’s going to be a woman in her early fifties, then it should really go to Jo Martin, but if she’s busy, how great would Siobhan Finneran be? The Happy Valley and Downton Abbey actor’s a treat in everything. She can be equal parts funny and imperious, and you can easily imagine her running circles around alien fiends and having a load of fun doing it.
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Doctor Who: Ranking the Master Stories – Which is the Best?
By Andrew Blair
Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels Are Perfect Horror Monsters But Are They Returning Villains?
By Zoe Kaiser
Tamsin Grieg
Played: the Nurse who inserts Adam’s infospike on Satellite 5. Appeared in: Series 1 Simon Pegg-starring episode ‘The Long Game’, alongside Anna Maxwell-Martin (who might also deserve a place on this list come to think about it). Tamsin Grieg would make such a good Doctor it almost makes you angry she’s never played the role. She has the dramatic chops to deliver all the world-saving speeches, and the comedic skill to give it all a sparkling light touch. She was chilling in her small Series 1 role, but it only showed a tiny portion of what she can do. Also, wouldn’t she look great in a signature coat.
Suranne Jones
Played: Idris, into whom the ‘soul’ of the TARDIS was poured, making her the ship incarnate until her body died. Appeared in: Series 6 episode ‘The Doctor’s Wife‘, written by Neil Gaiman. Perhaps a bit too similar to Jodie Whittaker to be a likely successor, but you only have to see Suranne Jones in BBC/HBO drama Gentleman Jack to know that she’s made of Doctor material. As nineteenth-century landowner and famed lesbian Anne Lister, she’s cleverer and faster than everybody else, with a fierce sense of boundary-breaking why-not-ness, and plenty of emotion. Look at most of Jones’ roles, including that of the TARDIS itself, and she’d be great in the part, especially if her regular collaborator Sally Wainwright is enticed into the showrunner gig.
Paterson Joseph
Played: the venal Rodrick, who competed against Rose Tyler in The Weakest Link on the Game Station. Appeared in: Series 1 two-parter ‘Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways’. Paterson Joseph was famously up for the role of the Eleventh Doctor that ultimately went to Matt Smith, and has been a stalwart entry in ‘Who next?’ lists of this sort ever since, so… this isn’t going to happen, but wouldn’t it have been great if it had? The Peep Show, The Leftovers, Noughts + Crosses actor and Big Finish voice artist is currently showing off his commander chops in BBC One submarine thriller Vigil.
Ralf Little
Played: Steadfast, one of the few crew members of an off-world colony ship who weren’t murdered by nano-bots. Appeared in: Series 10 episode ‘Smile‘. He’s currently solving baroque murders on a fictional Caribbean island in Death in Paradise, but none of that lot ever last long, which could free Little up for another spin in the TARDIS. Little has been a familiar face on British TV for years, after playing feckless teenager Anthony on The Royle Family and starring in a BBC Three sitcom that spanned the entire noughties, but now a little older, with plenty of experience under his belt, it could be Ralf Little’s time.
Susan Lynch
Played: Pilot Angstrom, a competitor in an intergalactic race who meets Thirteen on her second ever adventure. Appeared in: Series 11 episode ‘The Ghost Monument’. You don’t need telling why Susan Lynch would make a great Doctor, just watch any decent British drama from the last decade and she’s in it, showing you. From Save Me to Unforgotten to Happy Valley to Killing Eve to any number of TV and film roles, she’s a scene-stealer who can play mystery, tragedy, power… everything the role calls for.
Daniel Mays
Played: Alex, the unwitting foster dad of a Tenza-in-human-form son, George. Appeared in: Series 6 episode ‘Night Terrors‘ written by Mark Gatiss. RADA-trained Danny Mays can do comedy, drama, has some serious dance moves, and was a Line of Duty guest star, so we know he’d have no problem at all learning the Doctor’s long speeches. If the TARDIS wanted to cast a Gallifreyan Doctor by way of Essex, he’d be top of the list.
T’Nia Miller
Played: The General, Military Commander of the Time Lords, in their Twelfth Regeneration. Appeared in: Series 9 finale ‘Hell Bent’. The Years & Years and Foundation star played a Time Lord in her Doctor Who debut and can even already tick ‘Regeneration’ off the to-do list. Miller clearly has the bearing and gravitas required of the Doctor, looks great even in impractically massive armour, and was the absolute stand-out in Netflix’s 2020 horror series The Haunting of Bly Manor. If they could work out the continuity for a reappearance, she’d rock the role.
Lucian Msamati
Played: Guido, the father of Isabella, a new enrolment at Rosanna Calvierri’s school for girls. Appeared in: Series 5 episode ‘The Vampires of Venice.’ Since appearing in this 2010 Doctor Who episode, Msamati has gone on to appear in major series, from Game of Thrones to Gangs of London and His Dark Materials. He’s an experienced stage actor too, who’d be sure to bring dramatic heft to the role of the Doctor.
Anjli Mohindra
Played: the Scorpion-like Queen of the Skithra, a species that relies on other species for their engineering. Appeared in: Series 12 episode ‘Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror‘. Anjli Mohindra already has a long history with Doctor Who, having appeared under layers of prosthetics and make-up in Series 12, provided the voice of the Mechanoid Queen for animated Time Lord Victorious series Daleks!, and playing the recurring role of Rani Chandra from series two of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Would that preclude the Vigil and Bodyguard star from stepping behind the TARDIS console in the top role? Nah.
Sophie Okonedo
Played: Elizabeth X of The United Kingdom aka Liz 10 of Starship UK. Appeared in: Series 5 episodes ‘The Beast Below’ and ‘The Pandorica Opens’. One of our finest actors, Sophie Okonedo not only played the future queen opposite Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in Doctor Who, she was also the voice of the Shalka Doctor’s companion in the BBC’s ‘Scream of the Shalka’ animated webcast, way back when. She’s currently starring in Amazon’s Wheel of Time adaptation and voices the key role of angel Xaphania in His Dark Materials, so probably has too full a plate to step into the TARDIS, but casting her as the Doctor would be a no-brainer.
Read more
Who Will Be Doctor Who’s Next Showrunner?
By Jamie Andrew
Doctor Who: Why Jo Martin’s Ruth Should Be The Next Doctor
By Amanda-Rae Prescott
Tom Riley
Played: Robin Hood. Appeared in: 2014 Series 8 episode written by Mark Gatiss ‘Robot of Sherwood’. Tom Riley played a legendary genius and multi-hyphenate over three seasons of Da Vinci’s Demons so taking on the role of the Doctor wouldn’t really be a stretch. The actor is currently playing Augie in HBO/Sky drama The Nevers, which started life as a Joss Whedon-created supernatural fantasy before the showrunner left the project after the first six episodes.
Danny Sapani
Played: Colonel Manton/Runaway (depending on your perspective). Appeared in: Series 6 episode ‘A Good Man Goes to War’. The River Song/Melody Pond revelation overshadowed much else that happened in ‘A Good Man Goes to War’, but nonetheless, seasoned Brit actor Danny Sapani made an impression as enemy of the Doctor, Colonel Manton, who conspired with Madame Kovarian to kidnap Amy and Rory’s baby. Sapani’s enjoying a long career on screen and stage, with stand-out TV roles in Penny Dreadful, Harlots and Killing Eve, as well as the upcoming part of Captain Jacob Keyes in video game adaptation Halo.
Amit Shah
Played: Rahul, brother to missing person Asha Chandra, both victims of Tzim-Sha. Appeared in: The Series 11 opener ‘The Woman Who Fell to Earth‘. A skilled comedic actor who has a habit of stealing scenes, even in serious supporting roles like this one, or last year’s turn as a doctor experimenting on children in His Dark Materials, Amit Shah would be a great surprise to find in the TARDIS. Experienced but not yet a household name, there’s a Matt Smith vibe about this one. Revive him as a companion, at the very least?
Peter Serafinowicz
Played: the voice of alien warlord The Fisher King (though the character’s screams were provided by Slipknot front man Corey Taylor). Appeared in: Series 9 episode ‘Before the Flood‘. Likely not the photo of Peter Serafinowicz his Nan keeps on the mantelpiece, this is the villain he voiced in a Series 9 two-parter. It’s Serafinowicz out of the make-up and prosthetics though, who’d make an intriguing prospect as the Doctor. Great voice(s), great face, serious presence, humour, loads of experience… what else do you need?
Nina Sosanya
Played: Trish Webber, mother of Chloe Webber, the little girl endowed with the psychic powers of an Isolus. (And in Big Finish audio adventure ‘Aquitaine’ Captain Maynard’). Appeared in: Series 2 Olympics episode ‘Fear Her‘. A regular RTD collaborator, with previous roles in Casanova and Wizards Vs Aliens as well as Doctor Who, Nina Sosanya is a joy to see in any cast, which must be why she’s (thankfully) in everything. She’s great in comedy (Good Omens, WIA, Staged, Nathan Barley) and in drama (Last Tango in Halifax, Killing Eve, His Dark Materials, Little Birds) and would no doubt make a very convincing centuries-old two-hearted big-brained Time Lord. Get her a statement coat and get her in the TARDIS.
Meera Syal
Played: Dr Nasreen Chaudhry, the scientist in charge of an ill-fated deep drilling mission in a Welsh village. (As well as voicing audio stories and audiobook Borrowed Time). Appeared in: Series 5 two-parter ‘The Hungry Earth’ and ‘Cold Blood‘. Actor-writer-comedian Meera Syal, CBE, had a fair crack of the whip in Series 5 Silurian two-parter, but would always, always be welcome back for more. As well as comedic talent, she has the dramatic presence, brains and stature to play the Doctor. Her husband Sanjeev Bhaskar (see above) will just have to fight her for the role.
Joivan Wade
Played: Bristol graffiti artist Christopher Riggens aka Rigsy. Appeared in: Series 8’s ‘Flatline’ and Series 9’s ‘Face the Raven‘. Joivan Wade is currently starring as Victor Stone in Doom Patrol for the MCU, so it may be a while before he returns to the UK, but his two appearances in Doctor Who proved him to be a charismatic talent who’d energise the TARDIS if welcomed back.
Harriet Walter
Played: British Technology Secretary and later, Prime Minister Jo Patterson. Appeared in: Series 12’s ‘Revolution of the Daleks‘ (as well as voicing the role of Beatrice in audio story ‘The Boy That Time Forgot’). Having a Dame in the TARDIS would be quite something; that Dame being Harriet Walter would be off the charts brilliant. Just look at her – the face, the voice, the hard-to-define quality that means the moment she opens her mouth, everybody shuts up and listens. Harriet Walter, stage and screen star of Killing Eve, Succession, The Crown, Downton Abbey and so much more, would make a very fine Doctor indeed.
Marc Warren
Played: Elton Pope, co-founder member of LINDA, a group of humans who meet to swap stories on their encounters with the Doctor. Appeared in: Little-loved Series 2 episode ‘Love & Monsters‘. A very familiar face on British screens, with regular roles in hits including Hustle, Mad Dogs, The Good Wife and The Musketeers, there’s always been something about Marc Warren that makes you think he’d make a really great alien. See him as The Gentleman in Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, or Mr Teatime in The Hogfather, and you’ll agree. Top Doctor potential.
Gemma Whelan
Played: the voice of loads of characters for Big Finish audio adventures, but never (yet) on screen. Appeared in: ‘Ninth Doctor Adventures’, ‘Dalek Universe’, ‘Counter-Measures’ and more. Always a treat wherever you find her on screen, actor-comedian Gemma Whelan is best recognised as warrior leader of the Iron Islands, Yara Greyjoy in Game of Thrones but she’s been great in Killing Eve, Gentleman Jack, Upstart Crow, The End of the F***ing World, and recently, a killer episode of Inside No. 9. If Doctor Who is looking for another late-thirties Yorkshire lass to take on the Doctor’s mantle in future, go Whelan or go home.
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Doctor Who Series 13 will air on BBC One and BBC America this autumn.
The post Doctor Who: Previous Guest Stars Who’d Be Great as the New Doctor appeared first on Den of Geek.
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kaoskakibanyuwangi · 3 years
Update transfer resmi Premier League musim 2021/2022. Hingga Jumat (20/8/2021) siang WIB, Aston Villa menjadi klub yang lebih boros dibanding Liverpool.
Liverpool sejauh ini baru membeli satu pemain baru. Liverpool mengeluarkan 36 juta Pounds untuk mendapatkan jasa Ibrahima Konate. Sedangkan, Aston Villa mengeluarkan 93 juta Pounds untuk membeli pemain baru.
Aston Villa mendapatkan sembilan pemain baru. The Villans bisa belanja besar karena mereka juga mendapat pemasukan besar. Villa melepas Jack Grealish ke Manchester City dengan harga 100 juta Pounds.
Lantas, seperti apa pergerakan transfer klub-klub Premier League musim 2021/2022? Simak daftar lengkap transfer resminya di bawah ini ya Bolaneters.
1 dari 20
Bek anyar Arsenal, Ben White, saat menjalani laga lawan Chelsea, Minggu (01/08/2021). © arsenal.com.
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Nuno Tavares (Benfica) Albert Sambi Lokonga (Anderlecht) Mika Biereth (Fulham) Ben White (Brighton)
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2 dari 20
Aston Villa
Striker Southampton, Danny Ings merayakan gol ke gawang Liverpool, Selasa (5/1/2021) © Pool Getty via AP Photo
Pemain baru:
Emiliano Buendia (Norwich) Ashley Young (Inter Milan) Josh Feeney (Fleetwood Town) Finn Azaz (West Brom) Tim Iroegbunam (West Brom) Leon Bailey (Bayer Leverkusen) Danny Ings (Southampton) Axel Tuanzebe (Man Utd) Pinjaman Caleb Chukwuemeka (Northampton)
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3 dari 20
Brentford sukses mengalahkan Arsenal 2-0, Sabtu (14/8/2021) © AP Photo
Pemain baru:
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4 dari 20
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6 dari 20
Striker Chelsea, Romelu Lukaku © CFC
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7 dari 20
Crystal Palace
Andros Townsend saat mencetak gol tendangan roket ke gawang Man City. © CPFC
Pemain baru:
Jacob Montes (Georgetown) Michael Olise (Reading) Remi Matthews (Free) Marc Guehi (Chelsea) Joachim Andersen (Lyon) Conor Gallagher (Chelsea) Pinjaman Nathaniel Clyne (Free) Jake O’Brien (Cork City)
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8 dari 20
Demarai Gray © AP
Pemain baru:
Andros Townsend (Crystal Palace) Asmir Begovic (AFC Bournemouth) Demarai Gray (Leverkusen)
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9 dari 20
Leeds United
Junior Firpo resmi bergabung dengan Leeds United © Leeds United Official
Pemain baru:
Amari Miller (Birmingham) Jack Harrison (Man City) Junior Firpo (Barcelona) Sean McGurk (Wigan) Lewis Bate (Chelsea) Kristoffer Klaesson (Valerenga)
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10 dari 20
Leicester City
Boubakary Soumare © AP Photo
Pemain baru:
Patson Daka (RB Salzburg) Boubakary Soumare (Lille) Ryan Bertrand (unattached) Jannik Vestergaard (Southampton)
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11 dari 20
Ibrahima Konate. © LFC
Pemain baru:
Ibrahima Konate (RB Leipzig)
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Liam Coyle (Dilepas) Joe Hardy (Dilepas) Abdi Sharif (Dilepas) Jack Walls (Dilepas) Adam Lewis (Livingston) Pinjaman Georginio Wijnaldum (PSG) Free Sepp van den Berg (Preston) Pinjaman Remi Savage (Newcastle) Paul Glatzel (Tranmere) Pinjaman Kamil Grabara (Copenhagen) Liam Millar (Basel) Marko Grujic (Porto) Taiwo Awoniyi (Union Berlin) Harry Wilson (Fulham) Jakub Ojrzynski (Caernarfon Town) Pinjaman Leighton Clarkson (Blackburn) Pinjaman Ben Davies (Sheffield United) Pinjaman
12 dari 20
Manchester City
Gelandang Manchester City, Jack Grealish © AP Photo
Pemain baru:
Scott Carson (Derby) Free Jack Grealish (Aston Villa)
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Sergio Aguero (Barcelona) Free Eric Garcia (Barcelona) Free Louie Moulden (Wolves) Free Taylor Harwood-Bellis (Anderlecht) Pinjaman James Strafford (Accrington) Pinjaman Gavin Bazunu (Portsmouth) Pinjaman Lewis Fiorini (Lincoln) Pinjaman Jack Harrison (Leeds) Callum Doyle (Sunderland) Pinjaman Lukas Nmecha (Wolfsburg) Ben Knight (Crewe Alexandra) Pinjaman
13 dari 20
Manchester United
Pemain Manchester United Jadon Sancho. © AP Photo
Pemain baru:
Jadon Sancho (Dortmund) Tom Heaton (Aston Villa) Raphael Varane (Real Madrid)
Pemain keluar:
Sergio Romero (Dilepas) Joel Pereira (Dilepas) Jacob Carney (Dilepas) Iestyn Hughes (Dilepas) Arnau Puigmal (Dilepas) Max Taylor (Dilepas) Aliou Traore (Dilepas) Nathan Bishop (Mansfield) Pinjaman Johan Guadagno (Copenhagen) Mark Helm (Burnley) Reece Devine (St Johnstone) Pinjaman Tahith Chong (Birmingham) Pinjaman Will Fish (Stockport) Pinjaman Charlie McCann (Rangers B) Di’Shon Bernard (Hull City) Pinjaman Facundo Pellistri (Deportivo Alaves) Pinjaman Axel Tuanzebe (Aston Villa) Pinjaman Ethan Galbraith (Doncaster Rovers) Pinjaman Ethan Laird (Swansea City) Pinjaman
14 dari 20
Newcastle United
Joe Willock resmi meninggalkan Arsenal dan bergabung dengan Newcastle United secara permanen. © NUFC
Pemain baru:
Charlie Wiggett (Chelsea) Remi Savage (Liverpool) Cameron Ferguson (Tranmere) Joe Willock (Arsenal)
Pemain keluar:
Owen Bailey (Dilepas) Oliver Walters (Dilepas) Jude Swailes (Dilepas) Yannick Toure (Dilepas) Oliver Marshall (Dilepas) Ludwig Francillette (Crawley) Florent Indalecio (Dilepas) Kyle Scott (Dilepas) George Rounsfell (Dilepas) Lucas Gamblin (Dilepas) Lewis Brannen (Dilepas) Tom Midgley (Dilepas) Josh Gilchrist (Dilepas) Josh Harrison (Dilepas) Tai Ebanks (Dilepas) Lewis Cass (Port Vale) Pinjaman Florian Lejeune (Alaves) Elias Sorensen (Esbjerg fB) Yoshinori Muto (Dilepas) Jake Turner (Colchester) Pinjaman
15 dari 20
Norwich City
Winger Werder Bremen, Milot Rashica. © Bundesliga
Pemain baru:
Kenny Coker (Southend) Milot Rashica (Werder Bremen) Angus Gunn (Southampton) Flynn Clarke (Peterborough) Ben Gibson (Burnley) Dimitris Giannoulis (PAOK) Billy Gilmour (Chelsea) Pinjaman Pierre Lees-Melou (Nice) Liam Gibbs (Ipswich) Louis Thompson (Dilepas) Josh Sargent (Werder Bremen) Christos Tzolis (PAOK)
Pemain keluar:
Alex Tettey (Dilepas) Mario Vrancic (Dilepas) Jordan Thomas (Dilepas) Zach Dronfield (Dilepas) William Hondermarck (Dilepas) Louis Lomas (Dilepas) Ethen Vaughan (Dilepas) Emiliano Buendia (Aston Villa) Philip Heise (Karlsruher) Reece McAlear (Inverness CT) Pinjaman Orjan Nyland (Dilepas) Moritz Leitner (Dilepas) Marco Stiepermann (Dilepas) Josh Martin (MK Dons) Pinjaman Daniel Barden (Livingston) Pinjaman Sebastian Soto (Porto) Pinjaman Josip Drmic (Rijeka) Pinjaman Akin Famewo (Charlton) Pinjaman Sam McCallum (QPR) Pinjaman Gassan Ahadme (Portsmouth) Pinjaman Danel Sinani (Huddersfield) Pinjaman Tyrese Omotoye (Leyton Orient) Pinjaman Rob Nizet (Lecce) Dan Adshead (Gillingham) Pinjaman
16 dari 20
Theo Walcott © Everton FC
Pemain baru:
Theo Walcott (Everton) Romain Perraud (Brest) Dynel Simeu (Chelsea) Tino Livramento (Chelsea) Armando Broja (Chelsea) Adam Armstrong (Blackburn)
Pemain keluar:
Ryan Bertrand (Leicester) Jake Hesketh (Dilepas) Josh Sims (Dilepas) David Agbontohoma (Dilepas) Lucas Defise (Dilepas) Pascal Kpohomouh (Dilepas) Kingsley Latham (Dilepas) Kameron Ledwidge (Dilepas) James Morris (Watford) Thomas O'Connor (Dilepas) Tommy Scott (Dilepas) Wesley Hoedt (Anderlecht) Kayne Ramsey (Crewe) Angus Gunn (Norwich) Jake Vokins (Ross County) Pinjaman Alex Jankewitz (Young Boys) Dan Nlundulu (Lincoln) Pinjaman Callum Slattery (Motherwell) Mario Lemina (Nice) Will Ferry (Crawley) Pinjaman Danny Ings (Aston Villa) Jannik Vestergaard (Leicester)
17 dari 20
Cristian Romero gabung Tottenham © THFC
Pemain baru:
Pierluigi Gollini (Atalanta) Pinjaman Bryan Gil (Sevilla) Cristian Romero (Atalanta)
Pemain keluar:
Danny Rose (Watford) Free Paulo Gazzaniga (Dilepas) Enock Asante (Dilepas) Chay Cooper (Dilepas) Keenan Ferguson (Dilepas) George Marsh (AFC Wimbledon) Rodel Richards (Dilepas) Jack Roles (Dilepas) Aaron Skinner (Dilepas) Kazaiah Sterling (Dilepas) Shilow Tracey (Dilepas) Juan Foyth (Villarreal) Erik Lamela (Sevilla) Toby Alderweireld (Al-Duhail) Troy Parrott (MK Dons) Kion Etete (Northampton) Pinjaman Joe Hart (Celtic) Jubril Okedina (Cambridge United) Dennis Cirkin (Sunderland) Alfie Whiteman (Degerfors IF) Pinjaman TJ Eyoma (Lincoln City)
18 dari 20
Juraj Kucka © TK
Pemain baru:
Kwadwo Baah (Rochdale) Mattie Pollock (Grimsby) Imran Louza (Nantes) Ashley Fletcher (Middlesbrough) Free Danny Rose (Spurs) Free Emmanuel Dennis (Club Brugge) Dapo Mebude (Rangers) Peter Etebo (Stoke City) Pinjaman Joshua King (Free) Vincent Angelini (Free) Josh O’Brien James Morris (Southampton) Juraj Kucka (Parma Calcio) Ozan Tufan (Fenerbahce) Pinjaman
Pemain keluar:
Achraf Lazaar (Dilepas) Carlos Sanchez (Dilepas) Jerome Sinclair (Dilepas) Mamadou M’Baye (Dilepas) Ben Wilmot (Stoke) Ignacio Pussetto (Udinese) Pinjaman Adalberto Penaranda (Las Palmas) Pinjaman Tiago Cukur (Doncaster) Pinjaman Myles Roberts (Concord Rangers) Pinjaman Adam Parkes (Dover) Pinjaman Daniel Phillips (Gillingham) Pinjaman Alfie Marriott (Kings Langley) Pinjaman Dapo Mebude (Wimbledon) Pinjaman Dante Baptiste (Farnborough) Pinjaman Pontus Dahlberg (Doncaster) Pinjaman Philip Zinckernagel (Nottingham Forest) Pinjaman Tom Dele-Bashiru (Reading) Pinjaman Stipe Perica (Maccabi Tel Aviv) Joseph Hungbo (Ross County) Pinjaman
19 dari 20
West Ham
Fulham resmi dapatkan Alphonse Areola untuk musim 2020/21. © twitter.com/FulhamFC
Pemain baru:
Thierry Nevers (Reading) Pierre Ekwah Elimby (Chelsea) Armstrong Oko-Flex (Celtic) Free Alphonse Areola (PSG) Pinjaman
Pemain keluar:
Oladapo Afolayan (Bolton) Fabian Balbuena (Dilepas) Sean Adarkwa (Dilepas) Olatunji Akinola (Dilepas) Samuel Caiger (Dilepas) Alfie Lewis (Dilepas) Joshua Okotcha (Dilepas) Joseph Anang (Stevenage) Pinjaman Felipe Anderson (Lazio) Nathan Trott (Nancy) Pinjaman Frederik Alves (Sunderland) Pinjaman
20 dari 20
Rui Patricio © AP Photo
Pemain baru:
Yerson Mosquera (Atletico Nacional) Louie Moulden (Man City) Free Francisco Trincao (Barcelona) Pinjaman Rayan Ait-Nouri (Angers) Jose Sa (Olympiacos) Bendeguz Bolla (Fehervar)
Pemain keluar:
Sadou Diallo (Dilepas) Cyriaque Mayounga (Dilepas) Hong Wan (Dilepas) Toti Gomes (Grasshoppers) Pinjaman Ruben Vinagre (Sporting Lisbon) Rui Patricio (Roma) Leonardo Campana (Grasshoppers) Pinjaman Bendeguz Bolla (Grasshoppers) Pinjaman Dion Sanderson (Birmingham) Pinjaman Renat Dadashov (Desportivo de Tondela) Pinjaman Theo Corbeanu (Sheff Wed) Pinjaman Taylor Perry (Cheltenham Town) Pinjaman Joe Young (Runcorn) Pinjaman
*Data diambil pada Jumat, 20 Agustus 2021, pukul 13.00 WIB
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