#Autistic human and robot relationship
pearl484-blog · 1 year
Majestia's backstory in Replay
On a separate post, we got excited and overindulged on explaining an aspect of Replay again, so we're putting it on a separate post as well for clarity. If this is against proper etiquette, let me know.
Majestica is a magical interdimensional alien who was raised in a world where everyone has magic. Her arrival on Earth, however long ago (my notes are a mess and I didnt list it in the quick notes) caused New York to be a massive hot zone of magical activity.
Never aging, she grew lonely and made herself a child combining technology and magic so she'd have a child who, like her, never knew à life without magic.
At first, she used the magick-tech of supervillains, but then she met à revolutionary and brilliant mage, Miss Jones, who claimed they had found a new magic. It was more volitile and uncontrollable than Majestia was used to, but it had potential, and Majestia was intrigued. She incorporated a small amount into her daughter's design, but not too much, fearing the instability it brought as well.
Slowly, the two worked on improving the technology. Although both were brilliant inventors, Miss Jones proved stronger in the fundamentals of the magic needed, and Majestia was better at the AI. As the project continued, and the two began spending all their time together, Majestia, a sapphic disaster, fell hard.
Before she could confess her feelings though, Miss Jones suddenly went missing. She wasn't at home. She wasn't at her job. She wasn't returning her calls. Majestia grew worried. This wasn't like Miss Jones, not at all. So, she contacted her friend KnightOwl, a detective from a long line of detectives, to find out the truth.
She'd already known KnightOwl of course. They were both single moms raising two superhero daughters and preparing them for their world, their life, but the two had, to an extent, been avoiding each other except on professional matters.
Majestia had been the one to start the trend of superheroes with open identities, while KnightOwl had always been the biggest advocate for the privacy of superheroes and was one of the few heroes who still maintained a secret identity.
It wasn't that Majestia was opposed to secret identities. She felt that heroes should go public with their identities whenever they were ready, but KnightOwl took it too far in her opinion. She had donned, not only a secret identity, but an entire personality that had been made by generations of heroes before her, keeping up a charade that she was ageless, invulnerable, and a man.
Majestia didn't understand it.
This was the modern era. KnightOwl could be a woman if she wanted. She could do her own thing. She didnt have to fit herself into literally becoming her mentor, and she didn’t have to pressure her own child to do that either, but KnightOwl was stubborn. About legacy, and the strength of an unbroken line.
Behind closed doors, KnightOwl's gender was an open secret, and her role as a legacy hero was hardly news to anyone. In public, however, Majestia was to pretend as though KnightOwl was the same person she'd invited to join the United HeroeZ all those years ago.
It was infuriating, but Majestia knew better than to push. Yet she hoped one day KnightOwl would see the light. The world didn't need an unbreakable hero. They already had that in Majestia, but they would do so much better with seeing KnightOwl and Sparrow, the real KnightOwl and Sparrow as they truly were behind closed doors. The parts of themselves they hid away for the sake of their charade and their stupid legacy.
Only, now, Majestia needed KnightOwl for their legacy. She needed that detached professionalism as they learned the truth. Miss Jones, a minor superhero in her spare time, had last been seen fighting a powerful ghost. And she hadn't been seen or heard from since.
The news had been heartbreaking. Majestia had warned Miss Jones not to do it, not to fight an enemy who didn't follow the unspoken agreements that most villains nowadays did. Her enemies had always been mindless, but they had no limits, no desire to pull their punches, and Miss Jones had always been so very fragile.
But Miss Jones had insisted that she was the only one who could do it. Most of the other heroes didn't have the magic to fight them, and even if they did, they didn't have the tech or the know-how to contain them. Even Majestia's magic wasn't compatible enough to really do some damage.
And Majestia could understand that, really she did, but she had never understood why Miss Jones had always insisted on fighting alone, why she'd always been so protective of her research, like she was afraid might steal it at any moment. Majestia knows she should've fought harder, should've insisted that her love never work alone. But she'd always loved the stubborn ones.
It's why she falls for KnightOwl. It's why she lets KnightOwl comfort her, let's KnightOwl see her vulnerability as she falls apart. It's why together the two decide to enroll their kids in the same school, for the convenience of covering for each other at first, but later because the two are so close, separating them seems cruel.
And KnightOwl loves her back. She loves Majestia more than she knows how to handle. She loves her effortless strength. She loves her passion. She loves how Majestia writes her name with delicate little swirls over her giant rack of ribs in the staff fridge. She loves how Majestia treats Sparrow like her own daughter. She loves how Majestia totally hogs the bed without an ounce of shame.
That's why KnightOwl makes one of the most selfish decisions she's ever made. When she gets wind of a new hero team, one using tech that could only have been made using Miss Jones's ideas, KnightOwl says nothing. No, she not only says nothing. She deliberately takes steps to keep the United Heroez away from them.
Because Majestia loves with her whole heart, and KnightOwl is afraid of losing to Majestia's lost love. As a result, Majestia never learns that Miss Jones survived. She never learns that Miss Jones has gone into hiding to prevent anyone from knowing just how far she's truly fallen. Struggling with her new, changed body, her mind not nearly as sharp and focused as she once was, and reliant on the creatures she hunts to keep surviving. Guilty about the kids she's managed to convince to fight her battles for her. The kids she loves so dearly, they might as well be her own.
Majestia never learns about Glowboo, Uncanny Valley's little brother, a glitchey mess compared to other AI, who's programming is slowly being implemented little by little to give his system time to adjust.
Majestia never learns about the friends Glowboo makes, and his overwhelming desire to protect them. She never learns about Glowboo's insecurities that he may never overcome his glitches. She never learns about his friendship with Mike, and how human Mike helps him feel.
But if she ever did, she might just hate KnightOwl forever.
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cybertron-after-dark · 6 months
I was gonna ask a question but i honestly forgot it 😅 so just tell me something you want to rant about
If you do happen to remember what you were gonna ask feel free to do so, do not worry about spamming my inbox bc I live for that shit.
As for the rant
Transformers Rescue Bots had some of the best, kindest, and most respectful representation of neurodivergence I have ever seen in media and I'm tired of pretending it didn't.
While there are obvious complaints to be made about neurodivergent traits (especially autistic traits) usually being portrayed in media by inhuman characters like aliens or robots, this being a case of both, I feel like thats a pretty negligible sin given just how human the show makes the robots feel. (Also it was like 2011 and we were STRUGGLING for any scraps of rep anyway)
But like. The behaviors all these robots exhibit are all shit that I do that was always deemed unacceptable when I was a kid and seeing it portrayed with the level of kindness and gentleness they do in that show has me fuckin crying a little man. I wish I had actually watched it when I was younger and it was first airing because maybe if I did I would've had an easier time explaining what the hell was going on with my brain a LOT sooner.
Blades being anxious, overly sensitive, and WHOLEHEARTEDLY queer (which they had the absolute unparalleled balls to just casually confirm by having him swoon over "hunky vampires" in one episode and NOBODY commented on it. Fucking iconic) and getting so so deeply invested in the shows and movies he loves that he acts out the roles with enough passion to steel his nerves and completely flourish.
Boulder getting really confused at concepts that are basic and intuitive for most people, but still being so fucking intelligent, and never being made to feel stupid for the mix-ups, as well as just being so wholely, unabashedly in love with the planet he's found himself on, even if he doesn't understand all of it (Also apologizing to inanimate objects when he knocks them over 😭)
Chase being obsessed with rules and law because he NEEDS the structure to not fall apart at the seams, even feeling the need to fabricate a minor crime to justify using the emergency line to get a hold of the firehouse when he can't find the other bots. As well as just fully not understanding comedy (BUT TRYING HIS DAMNEDEST), taking things super literally, and having a lot of trouble with tone and expressions (even though you know just how deeply he feels All The Time).
Heatwave being desperate for attention and recognition, but completely allergic to asking for it. And honestly allergic to showing any genuine emotional responses other than aggression. The constant sarcasm and sass and defensiveness that he POORLY maintains because everyone knows that underneath that tough guy front is the loneliest robot on earth that wants to be loved SO bad but would rather jump into unicron's mouth than voice it because if he lets his guard down who knows what will happen to him or the people he cares about.
Just. All of it man. Seeing them exhibiting all these behaviors and quirks that all too often get met with poor reactions from people who don't want to deal with what they don't really get, but here they're met with patience and understanding?? It's got me fucked up. They get to be functional adults that struggle with what they have going on but still push through. They get to have unconditionally loving relationships with people that treat them with respect. And that's the kind of shit that gives me a lot of hope for folks like me because maybe some neurotypical kids that watched it picked up on what's helpful when their friend who acts like one of the bots is going through it. And maybe some neurodivergent kids watched it too and for the first time they just felt SEEN.
Okay rant over, I'm gonna go cry over some plastic robots 👍
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turtle-trash · 7 months
Bender is the character to ever tbh. He’s an alcoholic. He’s 4 years old. He’s straight. He’s gay. He starred in an episode about a thinly veiled gay marriage analogy. He’s cis. He’s trans. He canonically detransitioned (you don’t want to know the context). He sleeps in a closet. He wants to kill all humans. He has a homoerotic relationship with his best friend who’s a human from the 2000s. He became a god at least twice. He met god. He’s autistic but not in the way robots are usually considered autistic. He’s Mexican. He beat up robot god (who is different from the previously mentioned god). He has a detachable ass. He’s 40% everything. He has hammerspace in his chest cavity. He is a horrible person. He is universally loved to the point that when people got so upset that Hulu considered replacing his VA because they didn’t want to pay him, they decided to keep him
Look at him
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gaykarstaagforever · 17 days
I'm fascinated by the idea that, as a socially-disabled person, Data's thing is largely him mimicking the behavior of the people around him to fit in, whether he understands it or not.
That's why in the first season of TNG he is routinely smug and smarmy. Like, he was around jerkass people before he got to the Enterprise-D, so he was emulating that. He was on the Trieste for like 12+ years. Maybe they were just sarcastic jerks.
He also was basically a baby with an adults' access to information when he was first found, and TNG established that in his early days, he was so awkward and viciously bullied BY STARFLEET PERSONNEL, that he contemplated suicide. Like, they were apparently pranking him and excluding him at the Academy, which does not sound very Space Utopia of them. And this was on top of people like Bruce Maddox classifying him as a robot and actively trying to kick him out of Starfleet the whole time.
But then, after being around Picard and these other formal, pompous nerds for awhile, he adopted a very flat, emotionless set of behaviors.
Which is also kind of his natural state? And these people become his close friends, which finally gives him the freedom to explore his complex relationship with human behavior.
Data is literally an autistic person who was lost in a swamp of adopted survival strategies for like the first 20 years of his life, until he finally found a place and a group of people who accept him for who he really is, and actively try to help him achieve what he wants to achieve because they love him.
And then his deranged brother and selfish dickhead father and Starfleet itself keep showing up and try to drag him down again. And he has to learn how to stand up to that. With a little help from his friends.
These people in the 80s / 90s accidentally created a realistic portrayal of a neurodivergent person's complicated life.
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defectivegembrain · 1 year
I hate when people seem to misunderstand Troy and Abed's relationship as being actually like what Vice Dean Laybourne tried to make them think it was. He didn't understand them, he understood just enough to present a simplified, stereotypical version of what they have. Like yes Abed was initially a little inconsiderate in his response to Troy, but honestly as an autistic person, I understand very well the frustration of having something planned out, being very focused on it, having an agreement with someone, and then they suddenly want to change it. People exaggerate how stubborn he was, he was literally about to give in before Laybourne manipulated him.
And he actually does that quite a lot. In the initial buildup of their friendship, he does things like take cues from Troy's behaviour and try to "mess with" him, because that's what Troy teaches him friends do. He's trying to connect on Troy's level. He plays basketball with him, engaging in interests he doesn't necessarily share, he tolerates Troy's competitiveness and lets him win the race to make him happy. It's Troy who has to get past the attitude that friends only do things for him and not the other way round.
And he does learn to be a good friend, but the idea that Abed doesn't show up for him just as much is bizarre. In Epidemiology, he's insistent that if only one of them survives, it should be Troy. He listens and supports him with the AC repair vs plumbing thing, and it is Troy who decides that he just wants to watch tv with him. When Troy goes to the AC repair school, Abed doesn't try to talk him out of it, even though he's devastated. He's upset when Troy and Britta get together, but he doesn't put that on Troy himself.
He listens to Troy about the impersonator thing, despite deep fears of being controlled, and honestly seems more concerned about their friendship than his own safety. He goes along with the body swap bit at a moment's notice, goes to a restaurant he previously said he couldn't go to, puts up with the waiter badmouthing one of his favourite movies, and breaks up with Britta for Troy. When he's so upset about Troy leaving that he hallucinates lava, he jumps into said lava in order to let him go.
And I especially hate when people, just like Laybourne, use the Inspector Spacetime thing to argue that their relationship is unequal. Like sorry, in other instances, Abed is more than willing to play the villain (Kickpuncher, Alien) or love interest (Kickpuncher) or sidekick (their shadow puppets) to Troy's hero. They do Bert and Ernie, who are equal partners. When they do Calvin and Hobbes, yes he's Calvin, but that's notably something only Troy has expressed an interest in him doing before.
Yeah Inspector Spacetime is a more frequent thing for them, but it's pretty clear that's a really special character for Abed. In Virtual Systems Analysis we can see him use the character to express how he's different from other people. Which, yeah, an autistic person connecting with what is essentially the Doctor...go figure.
Like, look at when he lists characters he thinks are like him: "Data or Johnny 5 or Mork or HAL or K.I.T.T. Or K9 or Woodstock and/or Snoopy. Spock goes without saying." None of those are human. Several robots. Most are not the main character. One is an antagonist. It's probably not often that Abed feels this deep a connection to a character who is undeniably the hero, and while not human, still shows human characteristics. And there's no way Troy is unaware of that.
And by the way, Troy never seems remotely unhappy about playing Constable Reggie until Laybourne talks him into it. And never again afterwards. In fact, when Abed is full on trying to act "normal" at Shirley's wedding rehearsal, Troy talks him into playing Inspector Spacetime...with this ridiculously tender look of love on his face.
It's just...it's a severe mischaracterisation of them both, articulated by a clearly manipulative character, and it bothers me when I see people fall for it.
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Propaganda under the cut
Jeff Andonuts
-Overall characterized as pretty awkward, the kid first introduces himself by listing his flaws (including “I’m very nearsighted” among them, the silly, that’s a neutral trait!) and then saying he wished they could be friends when he literally just saved people that called him over there telepathically with the phrase “friend we never met” in there! Almost like he was rattling off a memorized script in a way and I say this in the most awww look how hard he’s trying way possible. He’s pretty implied to be nocturnal as he works during the night and his specialty is fixing busted technology. He’s very good at it too! His dad was also a scientist but their relationship is interesting? Anyway, tldr his dad was always so absorbed in his work that they hadn’t seen each other in 10 years while Jeff was at boarding school and for context, Jeff is 13. Relationship with mother unknown. Do not ask. We don’t know either. Anyway, he’s got the autistic swag in the tbh stares at you blankly way. You can’t even see his eyes in most official art, so he’s just peak -_- to me right behind Frisk Undertale. Did anyone submit them too? Maybe I will if I have the energy.
-saved my life while i was playing this game also he has guns and can make a lot of gadgets he cannot crit but also cannot miss and hes super genius
-pathetic below average guy at the beginning of the story, everyone treats him like shit. then he gets possessed by an angel and he has to go kill god. he meets two guys and he falls in love with one of them and through the power of love and friendship and gay people they save the universe and also peter kind of becomes god. anyways its never outright said that hes autistic but he very clearly is and ive never met a single person in the fandom who disagrees. his special interest is rocks and he used to have a job sorting them at the rock factory. he has a pet lizard named lizard. hes still a pretty below average guy throughout all of the god killing stuff also but hes pretty nice and his humanity single handedly changed the narrative. he had gay sex
-autism swag . he likes rocks
-OHHHH BOY. Peter Sqloint was just a dude with a lizard until the archangel of retribution Exandroth possessed him. then he met Rumi (WHO HE WILL LATER HAVE SEX WITH AND MARRY BECAUSE OF HIS AUTISTIC SWAG) and Thanatos (big robot bitch who likes the lizard and hates Gods) (they all hate gods) (they kill gods). Anyway Peter Sqloint is THE Autistic with a Bowl Cut ever :3 OH he beats exandroth in a battle in his mind after he's stabbed by Thanatos (it wasnt his fault, a god put a spell on him). He comes back though, so it's chill
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girlwiththegreenhat · 1 month
hey when they wrote "knight behind bars" and they wrote kitt helping a couple get together and they gave him the line "Some day, it will be my turn" [to find love]. did they know what they were doing. did they know that in some 40 years some gay autistic robot-obsessed little freak on tumblr would not stop thinking about it for weeks and write literal dozens of paragraphs screaming about it on discord. did they know they were going to ruin Me, Specifically, with this concept that feels like the culmination of everything kitt has gone through through the show and such a fascinating thing to think about in regards to michael and kitt's relationship,
one of the themes of knight rider is kitt developing as a Person, developing a line between the Knight Industries Two-Thousand, and Kitt. discovering humanity, his own emotions, the joys of the seemingly and logically pointless, and often through the lens of his own driver, his partner, his friend, Michael - his primary guide through all these experiences, his reference for those human things he doesn't understand. and as much as he initially claims to not be capable of experiencing emotions, of understanding feelings, he learns to. he experiences a wide range of emotions through the show even while claiming he doesn't, he even learns fear and insecurity. perhaps it's only natural a robot would learn to love, or at the very least be terribly curious about it and wonder if such a thing could ever exist for Him
the majority of people are not exactly kind to kitt. they talk about him like he's not there, they talk about him like he's a machine, a novelty, some people are even scared of or disturbed by him when all he's trying to do is make polite conversation and company. he's always Othered - there's no other cars like him (at least not anymore), but there's no other person like him either, he doesn't truly belong among humans or vehicles. some of the technicians at FLAG don't even seem to fully respect him as a person, at least they don't based on my vague recollection of how they talk about him in Junkyard Dog. when Michael asks him after KARR is destroyed if it feels good to be one of a kind again, he doesn't say yes or no - he only says it's a "familiar feeling." it may be familiar, but it's surely also isolating, and i think that's something he'd realize as he slowly picks up this curiosity about love. where could he even find it when so few people see him as an equal person to begin with?
and then there's michael. oh my god, and then there's michael. no matter what flavor you choose to read it in, the whole show is about their relationship, they're a duo, a set Not to be separated, they're Partners. they work together, they worry about and look after each other (forever insane about when kitt was a melted shell, Michael stuck around the garage for hours, waiting for any news like a worried spouse, constantly checking on him every opportunity he got... encouraging him to recover, and even helping paint back on his protective coating... kitt always looks after michael, but for once, it's michael's turn to look after Him), in a way they were Made for each other - Kitt more literally, being programmed for Michael and holding his namesake, but Michael was also made in a sense for the pilot program, hand picked and given a second life to work for the foundation and with this strange supercar. and even if they had a rocky start, michael comes to view kitt as a person - car, TV set, or computer core, Kitt is his partner, his buddy. he helps him find himself, guides him and teaches him about these things that make us human, and in a way, kitt becomes human - but his entire experience is still through the perspective of an AI in a car, it's still very unique and isolating, and I think he sort of grows into his own limitations, he's finally brushing against the walls that define him.
he learns of love, and then he learns to dream Of love. these things he sees in the movies, that michael tells him about, that he so often sees michael Partaking in that he gets so oddly jealous of, doesn't it all seem so wonderful? he's very curious. but who could ever love steel and circuitry, who could ever see him as an equal let alone a partner in a romantic sense? who would ever love a car and all the limitations That comes with? it's a problem for a hypothetical hopeful Some Day, in the meantime stuck between two worlds where he doesn't perfectly belong to either, where no car Can love him and no human seemingly Would love him...
and michael loves him anyway. before either of them really realize or talk about it, in spite of everything, in any form, regardless of the fact it wouldn't be a typical relationship by absolutely any means, michael loves him anyway. kitt is as much a person to him as bonnie or devon or RC, and that person is someone he loves and cares for deeply. the feeling is mutual, kitt's world revolves around michael, he's one of the most important people in kitt's life, and he'd do anything to protect him.
and it is michael that will finally teach him to love, and what it means to feel loved in turn, to be loved as the person he undoubtedly is.
#liz blogs#kr#knight rider#michael knight#kitt#robots#gay#this isnt writing. its rambling. its very insane rambling.#WHAT is the ship tag. i dont even know. fuck it we ball#michael x kitt#sure#knight rider spoilers#i saw someone make up a really good one but i cant remember what it was-- oh my god was it MK2000. was it. was that iT-#mk2000#retroactively gonna go tag all the fruity posts with that i dont care#do not even get me started on michael learning to love for the first time in This lifetime. ... literally dont get me started i havent seen#the last stevie episode yet. thats next weeks crying fit. but i feel like that's a piece i need#but stevie was michael Long's girl. part of His life. michael Knight can't go back to that. and maybe he Shouldn't#listen. its about michael teaching kitt to love. and kitt Letting him learn to love Again. something real besides his weekend flings#i need a lobotomyyyyyyy i need an ice pick to the brain i need to stop being completely fucking insane about robots#IF BEING INSANE ABOUT FICTIONAL ROBOTS WAS A JOB I WOULD BE A MILLIONAIRE#anyway michael is bisexual and a dashboard smoocher thanks for coming to my ted talk#homosexuality is rampant in the military jerry. thats a bisexual if ever i saw one. have you seen the way he dresses. he calls his car baby#if you dont watch knight rider and you read this i'm sorry i must look deranged#this ship is queer flavored even besides the fact its two guys. there's like four levels of queer flavoring in this bitch
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the-ravenist · 1 year
My Angel
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Warren Worthington x Black!GN!Reader
This happens after Apocalypse, but takes place in this era(like 2019+), Warren is alive, no metal wings or tattoos, implied that Warren plays the guitar, mentions of scars, established relationship, you/your/you're pronouns used, reader is mentioned to be an elemental mutant(ex. poison ivy) is mentioned, reader is black and has locs, def ooc Warren, reader, and warren speak Greek, google translated Greek, warren is heavily devoted to reader, reader is selectively mute, Warren does bird-like things, and reader could be described as autistic
The sound of rain hitting the window fills the dark bedroom, besides the yellow glow that the strawberry-scented candle on the nightstand gives off. The room doesn't really have that much, well besides the guitar and amp in the corner by the window, a couple of cacti, venus flytraps, and butterwort plants sitting on the shelves.
A bouquet of giant white feathers sitting on the desk along with a couple of vintage robot toys and a jar full of shiny rocks and trinkets, a giant beanbag with a gray weighted blanket on it in the corner closest to the closet door, a king-size bed in the center of the largest wall of the room, with a nightstand on either side, a frame of feathers with a date under each one hanging above the bed.
In the middle of the bed is a little hut made up of a pair of white wings, the sound of muffled dialogue is heard from the little hut. Let's move inside the hut, shall we?
Warren's arms are wound tightly around your abdomen, the pressure would feel suffocating to some, but that's how you like it, the pressure gives you comfort.
Both wearing matching loungewear, black long sleeves, and dark gray sweatpants, the only thing different is your sleep socks, yours are black high socks while Warren's are white ankle socks. You are sitting in between his legs, slightly rocking to and fro, eyes watching AFV on the tablet, Warren is sitting behind you his head resting on your shoulder blonde hair resting on your light blue bonnet eyes focusing on the screen letting out a few laughs when something funny happens on screen.
"Do you feel better εραστής," he asks quietly.
Only a couple of hours ago you were training with Ororo, Professor Xavier had pushed saying that "your powers are upgrades of the ones before, so you need control" or something like that.
Now you were already overstimulated beforehand, noises were too loud, you had woken up late, it was your turn to wash dishes and someone had ripped your gloves so you had to touch wet food.
Yeah, the day was terrible, especially after Ororo had accidentally electrocuted you with her lightning, immediately sending you to the medics. You know it was an accident but that doesn't mean you weren't upset.
Warren being the fantastic boyfriend he is, had immediately sensed your distress when Hank told him to come to get you. He wouldn't admit it but, he could feel his heart breaking at the site of your watery eyes and your wrist smacking against each other, they weren't the ones you do when you're happy stimming.
This stimming was harsh, it had left your wrists throbbing, and your right wrist sprained a brace on your said wrist is proof. Yeah, being stronger than a normal human isn't the best part of being a mutant.
"Πως νιόθεις άγάπη μου," Warren whispers the question.
Not taking your eyes off the screen, you murmured an answer.
"Είμαι καλά, πεινάω λίγο." Warren hums in response.
"Μπαστούνια μοτσαρέλα," he asks. You let out a noise of affirmation, you needed your comfort snack right about now.
Warren murmurs a small okay and reaches for his phone, the feeling of one of his arms leaving your body brings a chill to your body. Warren knew that Peter, Ororo, Jean, Scott, and Kurt were downstairs in the kitchen, something about making I'm sorry cookies. Even though it was a bit mean to ask them, well Scott, to make his infamous mozzarella sticks. He didn't really care, he knew Jean would convince him to make them, she always knew how.
As Warren is messaging the small group chat, you started playing with his feathers that were in front of your face. Mind you that Warren's wings are sensitive when it comes to touch, so reactions like flapping it out of fright are completely normal, unless to people who aren't used to it. Warren has learned to control his reactions, yes, but sometimes, most of the time you dear reader catch him off guard.
So when a hum, closely resembling the coo of a bird comes from behind you, followed by a small cough. The tapping of his fingers against his phone continues.
"...did you just coo?"
"Yes, yes you did," you remark as you tickle the feathers in front of your face.
"Okay, o-okay if I agree that I did," he laughs. "Will you let me get you your mozzarella sticks?"
You immediately stop your tyrant as you heard his statement.
"Fine," you speak through muted giggles.
The sound of fingers tapping against the phone screen resumes shortly after. Your attention returns to the show in front of you, and your rocking returns at a much gentler pace.
You don't realize that Warren had successfully gotten Scott to make his infamous mozzarella sticks, and placed his phone back on the charger.
"You know how much I love you right," Warren murmurs close to your ear.
"You tell me any chance you can," you whisper with a small smile.
"Well," he begins to tease. "I love you," a small kiss was placed behind your ear. "I love you," then one on your neck.
"I love you," top of your spine.
"I love you," the top of your blue bonnet.
"I love you," your right shoulder.
"I love you," your left shoulder.
The small kisses never stopped for a while, until he got to your lips. You were left a snorting and giggling mess, your tv show forgotten and tossed onto the other side of your large bed.
Even with your bonnet sliding off your head, showing the retwist of your (h/c) locs, face scrunched up in a mid-laugh cringe. Warren had thought that you are by far the most beautiful person he's met. And that's saying a lot.
You had the same thought as you looked at Warren. His golden curls splayed in an unruly fashion. His cheeks flushed with a shade of pink, lips parted in a slightly large smile. You swear that you had the perfect embodiment of a romanticized angel. His wings spread out don't really help.
You swear that you feel the tension building. Warren's body slightly leans toward your lips. You meet in the middle with a small kiss, which turns into more. Then the next thing you know, you'll and Warren are making out on your shared bed.
There's no sexual heat behind your kisses, it was just pure love and passion. No clashing of teeth or tongue just pecks and little nibbles.
Yet you have to breathe, so you pull away from each other's lips. With foreheads resting on one another, eyes half-lidded but smiling with joy.
"Σ' αγαπώ, λουλούδι μου," Warren mumbles as he rubs his nose against yours.
"Από τον Αγάπο, αγγελέ μου,," you mumble, as you place a small kiss on his lips.
Well, let's just say the makeout session resumed and Jean, Ororo, Scott, Peter, and Kurt leave their hard worked snacks on the floor near the door. Now scared by the sesh that they had just witnessed.
If they had experienced a love like you and Warrens maybe they'd understand.
But Professor X was very upset when he had seen a whole flower garden outside your bedroom window the next morning.
Just maybe...
εραστής - lover
Πως νιόθεις άγάπη μου - how are you feeling my love
Είμαι καλά, πεινάω λίγο - I'm fine, I'm a little hungry
Μπαστούνια μοτσαρέλα - Mozzarella sticks
Σ' αγαπώ, λουλούδι μου - I love you, my flower
Από τον Αγάπο, αγγελέ μου, - From love, my angel
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halsaph · 10 months
alright whats this artdrone killbot thing
hi. You will regret asking this
The Murderbot Diaries is a series of books about a human-bot construct that was designed to essentially exist as an enslaved security guard / piece of sentient spyware. It's like if Alexa had half a human brain and a gun. We're introduced to Murderbot (the murder alexa) roughly 3 years after it's hacked the piece of hardware in it's brain that forces it to obey commands. In those 3 years it hasn't changed much about it's life except now while working as a subhuman slave it watches tv when no one is paying attention. As a series TMBD largely is about themes of personhood and discovering yourself when you have largely spent your life being denied the right to a sense of self. They also don't shy away from addressing the trauma that Murderbot has experienced from having it's autonomy stripped of it for most of it's life, with the second novella and most recent novel most heavily featuring that as an element. (Although that is a core aspect of Murderbot's character that informs its decisions throughout the entire series).
Murderbot as a character is bitingly sarcastic and witty, deeply paranoid and ultimately filled with the constant low level anxiety it doesn't know what it's doing (not necessarily moment by moment but overall, with it's freedom, with it's life). It's an excellent unreliable narrator because it only tells you exactly what it thinks is important in a scenario, relationships between other characters, physical features of itself and the people around it, it's own emotions and reactions often being completely brushed over with only occasional clues, and often outright misinterpreting people's actions, most often it's own. It has this ever present self loathing in the first several books where it constantly explains it's actions away in the least charitable interpretation possible even though we see time and time again that at it's core it deeply wants to help and protect the people around it. And we see over the course of the books as it starts learning how to make choices for itself and interacting with people who treat it with respect and develops a support system as it starts to move away from that mindset (with the exception of the most recent book but to be fair to MB System Collapse is about it being forced to confront it's PTSD and it's backsliding alot from recently being thrown back into a situation from its worst nightmares). I said before its a human-bot construct to explain that it isn't purely an inorganic being but Murderbot is a deeply inhuman character and openly has no desire to be human, and it's perspective as something that is made to be a security system and enmesh into both digital and hardwired surveillance is fascinating to read. As you know I deeply deeply love robots, they're my favorite kind of 'inhuman but still a Person' kind of character and Murderbot perfectly strikes the balance between a starkly in human way of thinking and deeply relatable emotions that draws me to robots as a whole, especially as an autistic person (and Murderbot was intentionally written with autistic traits but in a subversion of the typical ableist depiction of autistic robots so that EXTRA rings true lmao)
seeing as you mentioned it I will also explain ART as a character, ART is one of the reoccurring characters in the series (the first 3 novellas all have completely different casts outside of Murderbot itself as it hops from place to place trying to decide what it wants and who it is before in the fourth novella and beyond bringing back in previous characters and having them start to overlap throughout the rest of the series). It was introduced in the second book and is arguably the character that has the greatest impact on Murderbot as a person although I say arguably bc I would personally still say that's Mensah. Unarguably tho it is one of the most important people in Murderbot's life and has been described multiple times now by the author as the love of its life (although not necessarily in a romantic sense as Murderbot is both within text and confirmed via word of god acearo). ART (Asshole Research Transport) also known as the Perihelion (although not until the 5th book/first novel bc Murderbot doesn't bother to tell tell the readers its name until then, instead deciding its a dick so its gonna exclusively call it by an insult) is a spaceship's pilot AI, made to be sentient instead of the usual smart GPS as an experiment by the university is was made by. It was raised like a child by a pair of scientists who are now part of its crew (along with its sibling Iris) and now is a teaching vessel for students learning about deep space and also anticorporate espionage worker (don't worry about it). It's a giant pushy asshole unless you're a child (the only character we've ever seen it meet on screen it didn't in some way immediately threaten was a 16 yo). It can't watch tv without having to pause at the suspenseful bits to calm down. We're introduced to it by it threatening to melt Murderbot's mind and then pouting when it's scared shitless. It then a month later asks to do surgery on it. It fully intends to blow up a planet to get Murderbot back from a group of colonists that captured it until someone talks it out of it because that isn't effective hostage negotiation.
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orawyra · 30 days
please please please tell me ur robots headcanons ☹️☹️ pleeeeeaseeeee
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ok so
-i think i hc most of the lead cast being biracial. yeah
-fender has a prosthetic leg as a human that he's had basically his entire life. he also has freckles like his sister and a tooth gap :3
-piper is a collector of all things music from physical media to magazines and old concert flyers. oh and also pocket knives.
-diesel uses sign language, lug is his interpreter but also speaks a little brazilian portuguese. both piper and fender speak spanish, cappy speaks japanese.
-bonus: all of them try teaching rodney these languages post-movie, with sign being the one he's clung to the most.
-fender was a theater kid and class clown growing up because he liked making people happy. post-movie he does stand up comedy and drag on the side.
-crank, cappy, loretta and ratchet all smoke.
-lug enjoys cooking and helps aunt fanny with making dinner sometimes.
-rodney gets sick very easily and will stay sick for weeks and weeks on end.
-aunt fanny used to be a teacher and now home schools piper.
-pipers low key a weeb and kawaii metal was literally designed for her.
-fender is 1000% a stoner. he and crank have a sour relationship but the only thing they bond over is getting high.
-diesel likes riding on top of lug's shoulders and back.
-fender has separation anxiety and is very quick to grow attached to other people, as well as adhd. he may or may not have a shit ton of trauma.
-cappy has a cat named mono (もの), literally translates into "thing". he's strange.
-after her crush on rodney wore off piper developed a huge secretive one sided crush on cappy (oh no cancel me)
-lug, diesel and rodney are all autistic.
-aunt fanny wears glasses bc i said so fuck you.
-fender is deathly afraid of bugs and blood/guts. and also the dark, especially when in a small space.
-rodney has a habit of chewing on his straws as a stim.
-diesel likes art, and his style is very abstract and avant-garde. he also enjoys old video games.
-bigweld and gasket used to date.
-cappy and loretta were friends in high school.
-piper is effectively wonderbot's aunt and babysitter.
-i thibk ratchet needs therapy.
-i think most of these characters need therapy.
-i think rodney needs a nap.
i have a shit load more but that's all i feel comfortable sharing publicly lol
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johannestevans · 2 years
rewatching M3gan with a friend and considering like... the theme of parenting and caregiving and people's desire to not take responsibility for caregiving and social responsibility and delegate those tasks to technology
like I don't feel that M3gan is actually hugely anti-tech compared to a lot of other films and tv series in this space, but its criticism is so much keener and like.
is all about distance between people, lack of community and responsibility
like just the fact that cady in the car with her parents, the mother and father are arguing right in front of her, but the mother is going about limiting screentime and the father's basically going "Oh but if she didn't have that, she wouldn't shut up"
the purpose of the toy and the ipad is not to bring their daughter joy or to entertain her or anything else in the dad's mind - the purpose of the toy is to keep her occupied so that they, her parents, can think about her and her care as little as possible
esp bc the aunt is such an irresponsible person who like... makes toys for kids, but doesn't see kids as full human beings and doesn't care about the ethics or study of them? like, eavesdropping on kids w a machine learning model is unethical
but she obviously doesn't give a fuck about that, and it's obvious the way she talks to cady and about her, the way she snaps about toys, doesn't purchase anything for her or plan ahead bc she's focused on work etc, like. there's no consideration
she's rude af to her neighbour but also like. the conversation where she goes "control your dog" and the neighbour goes "i just spend 80 dollars on a shock collar"
aka, i spent money on a device that doesn't train or care for my dog for me
shock collars, like pretty much any negative reinforcement, doesn't work on dogs or cats outside of specific situations, and electro shocking your dog just randomly when it is "bad" ISN'T training it. it's just teaching your dog sometimes it will be tortured, randomly
but it's a stopgap used by irresponsible, unethical owners who want to make their dogs "good" as fast as possible without learning about dog behaviour or training, and ideally not paying attention to them
and cady is. an incredibly mild-mannered and self-effacing child. she sits placidly and obediently when she has NO TOYS in the house, watching TV, bc she doesn't know or feel confident playing or exploring otherwise
like when she says "It's okay" to her aunt about not having anything is ridiculous bc it's NOT okay
i think the child protection agent has a horrible attitude, esp when she makes a judgy comment about someone being in their PJs in their own house
but also when she goes "i just unpacked them this morning, i don't think she plays with them anymore" about cady having toys is SUCH a lie but like... it's once again about not taking responsibility for her actions as a caregiver
also the fact that nicole was homeschooling this poor fucking girl like. no wonder she's frighteningly self-effacing and not at all wilful as a child, and why she's so utterly LONELY
like it's interesting seeing her play with the toys and robotics stuff and how engaged Cady is because it is her like, actively teaching her about the subject and engaging, and the thing is like
I don't think gemma is inherently bad or cold for having collectables or not having books in her house, her home is quite soulless but she's obviously into this kind of stuff and that's not nbd
what sucks is that like. she's terrible at socialising with anybody, not just her niece, but EVERYONE - she's a stereotypical autistic in tech, and i think it's easy to criticise her more bc people assume that bc she's a woman she has to be More Maternal or whatever but like
it's not just her relationship with Cady that's distant, it's her relationships with everyone EXCEPT technology - because technology she can control, she can shut down whenever she feels like it, she doesn't have to consider respect or autonomy, let alone giving them grace to make mistakes or learn and develop, or learn about her as she's learning about them
it's one-sided and she gets to control the entire thing, which is the opposite of a caregiving relationship
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overnight my brain has been taken over. It started with the news that Keanu Reeves will voice Shadow for the third sonic movie (so hYPED), but then also confirmation that Jim Carrey’s returning as eggman, and suddenly remembering those funky gay people (stobotnik) is all I can think about.
We’ve got head over heels adhd superior suck up, and loudly prefers robots over humans autism that still keeps the other around. They are gay.
(idk abt the adhd headcanon for agent stone but i just rlly like the adhd/autistic relationship dynamic of both being neurodivergent in such different way but both ostracized from general society)
Ik the third movie is still many months away, but maybe when it’s closer I’ll revisit + go thru my list of predictions (and unrealistic wants) for what might happen in the third movie that I made over a year ago after rewatching the second movie and haven’t touched since.
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ssaseaprince · 11 months
I swear anyone who says Hannibal and Will aren't canon just didn't watch the show. It's not implied, it's not hinted, it's not subtext. It's incredibly romantic and is explicitly said so. The moment and embrace they shared at the end of season 3 was so powerful to me. Just because they didn't kiss or say "hehe want to be my boyfriend?" like they're in some teen romcom doesn't mean they aren't a canonical pairing. They got together at the END of the show after it being stated several times that they love each other and can't live without each other and want each other more than anyone. Lines like wanting to run away together and hungering for each other and "is Hannibal in love with me" are, apparently, completely platonic in some people's eyes or just wishful thinking or, christ, queerbaiting (a point I hope no one has made because it's ridiculously stupid). I'm quite happy with the end of season 3, but I'd hope for a 4th season if only, so they can be a couple on screen and people can stop being dumb about the canon of their relationship
I am so sorry that I have taken forever to reply to this, I lowkey forgot that my inbox was a thing 😅
You are completely right. I want to call it a lack of media literacy, but I'm not sure that's the best phrase. As an autistic person, I completely understand struggling with subtext and needing to have things presented in a straightforward, blunt way. However, with Hannigram, you don't even need to rely solely on subtext. Like you pointed out, Will flat out says, "Is Hannibal in love with me?" And then you've got the entire cast, the showrunner, writer, producers, etc, all saying that they are canonically in love.
And because of that, I really struggle to give people the benefit of the doubt when they say that Hannigram isn't canon or that their relationship is "open to interpretation." Because if you were solely confused due to issues with understanding subtext, then you wouldn't get all up in arms about people pointing out that Hannigram IS CANON.
This honestly leads me to believe that the very vast majority of people who will fight tooth and nail to convince everyone that Hannibal and Will aren't in love is because of homophobia.
We are not used to seeing queer relationships in media. There is maybe a handful of movies and TV shows that revolve around queer relationships. So it is people's knee-jerk reaction to assume that every character is straight and that only heterosexual relationships are canon, and it's because of this bias that they will fight against all queer representation and only accept it when the characters are physically affectionate, and even then they will find reasons to claim it's not valid.
Cishet people are a lot like white people, and men, and basically every other majority, in the way that they feel the need to relate to every single main character, otherwise they can't enjoy the show/book/movie etc. Hannibal and Will have been confirmed as canon, in and out of the show. But these people will fight against it because, whether consciously or unconsciously, the second that their characters are confirmed as queer, they immediately can't relate to them and therefore can't enjoy the show.
They see queer people and queer relationships as so *other* that queer representation literally ruins it for them. Maybe this is an extreme analogy, but it's like watching a movie about humans, and then halfway through finding out that they're robots, and all of a sudden, these aren't people that you're familiar with, they are something other. The knowledge that a character is queer is genuinely so incomprehensible to them that they will do anything to deny it.
And I think that kind of thinking is the biggest problem. It's not always done with bad intention, and it's not always conscious, but it's there. You can see actors and actresses who do the same thing. They have such a visceral reaction to the idea that their character might be queer, that they immediately shut it down. Because if the character is queer, the character isn't relatable, and if the character isn't relatable somehow, the show isn't enjoyable.
By relatable, I don't just mean, "They're straight, and I'm straight." I mean that they genuinely see queer people as completely other from them, and they just cannot grasp the existence of queer relationships as actual relationships and not just vague ideas. Yes, they know that queer relationships are real, but they genuinely can not look at a queer relationship or a queer person and actually have any level of deeper empathy and understanding. They see queer relationships are something completely different then cishet relationship, so the second that a queer relationship becomes the focus, they disengage.
This all relates back to people refusing to acknowledge any kind of queer relationship as canon unless physical affection is apparent.
Obviously, not all straight people do this, but it's an issue that's a lot more prominent than what most people think. As soon as you start looking for it, you see it everywhere. I'm not saying these people hate queer people or don't want queer representation, but this kind of homophobia is just so widely accepted and normalized that it's a knee-jerk reaction, and unfortunately, it's so normalized that people don't even realize they have these biases that they need to get rid of.
Sorry this reply is so long and late coming! I appreciate the ask and love hearing your opinions ❤️
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Autistic Anime Girls Group 1 Round 2 Match 3
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Athena -
"She has super sensitive hearing and wore headphones as a child and missed school due to sensory overload issues. She is incredibly sensitive to emotions in people's voices. As a child, she made friends with robots her mom made, and could not understand the differences between robots and humans; if a robot was injured, she would try to treat them with first aid like a human. She became a lawyer at a young age due to being highly motivated and interested in psychology and law. She's incredibly upbeat and motivated and an absolute delight!"
Shouko -
"She’s got canon social anxiety which has a high comorbidity with autism and the whole show is about her forming real relationships with people and her dream of having 1000 friends despite her fears. She’s often misunderstood as aloof or rude when she’s actually made unable to speak by her anxiety, and her bestie and possible love interest (haven’t finished the manga yet) helps her to communicate with people."
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(Murder Drones Episode 5 spoilers!)
Okay there's just a bunch of dead Drones standing around. That's cool I guess. (It's not.)
Big brother??? Big brother N????? Oh, so many toxic shippers are gonna try to brush this off whilst simultaneously attacking all us poor defenseless NUzi truthers with that stupid "IT'S A SIBLING RELATIONSHIP" garbage.
They put lines of code in the programming that turned the freakin' robots autistic.
What if there isn't actually some weird memory corruption or something turning the humans into shadow demons, this is literally just how they look in this universe. Also Tessa's parents officially suck.
Okay I'll concede, the fandom was right, 4th Worker is in fact Cyn. Also guess they were right about her being a Yandere, albeit more towards Tessa than to N.
Supportive Parent Khan!!! We love to see it :D
Ayo Tessa might actually be one of the good guys??? J REDEMPTION ARC????
Cool button tho, you're gonna make a lot of Coraline fans go nuts.
A'ight I mean this in the nicest way possible, please do not put more fuel on the Envy fire. The toxic shippers are bad enough as is, we really don't need this right now. I may have survived the nightmare that was Star vs. the Forces of Evil but I do not need to experience a shipping war of that magnitude again.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) vs Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
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Reagan Ridley is a Roboticist!
Futaba Sakura is a Computer Scientist and Hacker/Programmer!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Reagan Ridley:
"She is my blorbo <333 my specialest little girl <3333 she is going to take over the world with the power of daddy issues, superiority complexes and SCIENCE <333"
"Mommy and daddy issues. In her 30s. A REALISTIC woman witn features that a normal (?) freaking human could have. She's so girlboss and girlfailure at the same time. Just a fucking loser. Nice non-romantic relationship with (male) her BFF (business friend/family forever)."
"guhh shes so cool. emotionally neglected autism lady (also implied bisexual). she made a robot replica of a guy on a dating app to practice date him so she didnt fuck it up. also she works for the deep state. "Who's the weirdo now? Not the girl who invented robot arms to hug strangers! Oh my god I sound insane""
"I don’t think she’s in a specific field other than conspiracy theories. Maybe robotics. She built a robot boyfriend and robot president both of which developed sentient AI, and she built herself a set of robot arms. But she also created a giant sentient frog, like a real frog not a robot, when she was in fifth grade. Autism swag. She goes to the moon and hears that there are moon nazis and goes “have you tried shooting them? It works for earth nazis”"
"she skrunkly, never sleep, tragic backstory babygirl"
"neurodivergent girlboss"
"She is girlboss and she’s cringefail. She made an AI robot president. She made a robot replica of her date. She was uhhh “tweaked” in the womb to be more like her dad (who is also a scientist.) She would prefer to engineer literally anything over dealing with her problems directly. She is everything. Justice for inside job getting cancelled"
"She is absolutely insane, and also relatable. She is severely undervalued in her corporate deep state work environment, deals with the worst situations imaginable on a regular basis, and also cares deeply for the people around her. She is easily the smartest person in any given room and yet she is still very insecure."
"its because shes just like me fr. one small caveat is that i think she's straight in canon. oh well cant have everything"
Futaba Sakura:
"shes a 15yo autist who can take down the in-universe equivalent of anonymous in an afternoon. she has mommy issues"
"she is a silly goofy girl who can also pull insane feats of programming. she can hack into anything. she set up her own giant computer rig. she can remotely tap into people's phones."
"She is so blorbo! She’s very smart and funny, could use her powers for evil (and occasionally causes mischief) but uses them for good, cool character arc, just a silly little guy :)"
"she's silly i like her tetris shirt and she speaks in dorky references"
"technology (shes a hacker??) with a side of science (she has an interest in her mothers work in the field of cognitive "psience" as its referred to in-game!!) uhhh cant really explain stuff well but shes really epic and truly the hackergirl ever. shes cool enough that i partially based a character i recently made off of her tbh"
"Futaba is a traumatized shut-in that hates getting out of her room and interacting with people. She first contacts the heroes by hacking their group chat, asking for them to consider changing the heart of ""Futaba Sakura"".
Once they do, Futaba manages to confront her feelings and trauma and heal. She makes peace with the survivor's guilt she feels after the unfair death of her mother, who was a researcher/programmer before her.
Futaba does a lot of hacking for the sake of her friends, the Phantom Thieves. This also reflects in her Persona Necronomicon. She's the navigator/mission control of the group, not having combat abilities but being able to scan enemies to show their weaknesses.
Futaba's hacking also helps save the protagonist's life at one point. Like that's literally a huge plot point in the True Ending of Persona 5 and 5R. She's amazing."
"She is very good with computers and she helped the Phantom thieves with her hacking abilities"
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