hekatiane · 2 years
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I just love Syndra she's my little meow meow Also the little meow meow: *Has family trauma, anger issues, omnipotent power and defies God in multiple universes*
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I absolutely love your analysis of the gerudo and Ganondorf because they put into words what bothers me about how TOTK portrays Ganondorf. That being they remove his agency as a character in favor of having some great evil against the good guys.
[Major story spoilers ahead for the end of the game]
At the end of the game, when you’ve defeated Ganondorf, he swallows the secret stone and becomes a dragon, like Zelda, fully knowing the consequences of what happens when that happens. And it’s just kinda left me with a bitter taste in my mouth? In the context of the story it makes sense, he’s portrayed as a egomaniac who just wants to destroy Hyrule. But compared to other versions of him, this one just feels more openly biased against him and the gerudo, with no reason or justification other than “he’s evil, hate him.” As far as I can tell… They never really show us that he’s done anything horrible or deserving of being feared before the show of fealty cutscene, other than not submit to Hyrule, attack them once, and generally have bad vibes. It feels forced how much they want us to hate him and the people who follow him. I’m not saying character in video games always have to be nuanced or complex but comparing like, Wind Waker Ganondorf next to TOTK Ganondorf…. 🙃 Waste of an excellent design imo.
Heyyy sorry for being a billion years late with this ask!! I was busy finishing the game!!! among other things!!! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm super happy it resonated with you in that way!
I mean, the whole draconification plot beat doesn't really work for me. Like yeah, sure it's sad that Zelda is now a giant dragon and it's cool to have her soaring above your head while you have no idea where she actually is (a situation that isn't nearly tapped into enough in the narrative imo, like it gets obvious way too fast if you happen upon the wrong memory, etc), and I actually think the whole sequence of you removing the Master Sword from her head was the best scene in the entire game in terms of mood and emotions --even THOUGH it would have been so much better with a stronger story and stronger stakes-- BUT. How does that build up thematically?
I think what doesn't work for the Zelda side of this plot point (I'll get to Ganon next) is that... she doesn't make that choice. It's not like she's being tempted by an easy way out and decides to sacrifice herself for the sake of Hyrule or Link or whoever: she has no choice in the matter. Her powers activate (?? somehow? once and never again also, talk about dropped plot threads), she finds herself in the past, is the passive witness to a bunch of shit that only tangientially relates to her --it's like she's visiting estranged family in a foreign country and watch their drama awkwardly before being dragged into it against her will even though she was just trying to renew her passport and get back home (if there had been any callback to her relationship with her father it would have landed better, but it's just completely ignored so vOv). Then her relatives all die or corrupt or something, and she still can't get back home. What is she meant to do besides draconify? Grow old and die in the past? What would that accomplish?? Her adventures in the past are just basically about solving a shrine puzzle with a particularly weird solution --but the game treats it like a huge sacrifice when it's basically her only way out, and she lost absolutely nothing making that sacrifice (and then she... cries about the weird family drama? sure. Honestly I think it would have worked better if the tears were Rauru's, it's his bullshit everyone is dealing with right? He's the one who feels broken and aggrieved by the whole thing.)
So, if we ignore the draconification precedent builds up to zero thing thematically beyond cheap drama that reveals nothing about neither the characters nor the world, I think Ganondorf's case is a little more compelling because he does make a choice here: dying as he tries to achieve his weird lofty goals (and fail), or postpone his victory eternally by sacrificing his objectives but reject death and defeat --while also barring himself from victory. In a better crafted story, this could be utterly excellent and it feels very Ganondorf to me. BUT, my beef with that plot beat isn't that he chooses the second option, making him kinda active for the first time in the entire game (and makes an appropriate hideous smile: *loved* this second one, the first one didn't land for me but this one really captures the ecstatic insanity and transcendance and desperate madness of the act --I have nothing against Ganondorf offputting smiles and cackles when they feel earned, and the Sonia one just... doesn't to me, it just feels like weird rigging and mesh deformation choices getting out of control).
My problem is that his existence as a dragon contradicts everything we knew about dragons before --both for him and for Zelda. I thought the big issue with draconification was that you'd lose yourself to the act entirely, and would become this sort of organic landmark of infinite power and eternal life but without will to act on your precedent goals and understanding of yourself. But the second the big man becomes an evil dragon, suddenly Zelda zips in to the rescue (apparently remembering who you are? understanding she's meant to fight Ganondorf? I mean, this kind of works emotionally as a climactic ending and the power of love or whatever, again it would have worked better in a better story), and Ganondorf is still very much into destroying the world as well as you and Zelda.
Also, he's very definitively mortal (and he has the stone on his head again? And so if you destroy it you destroy his immortality? why???)
So... What I dislike here is the suggestion that he was somehow so evil and rotten and bad that all of these rare moments of interesting worldbuilding and ambivalence gets completely swallowed in the bossfight logic, making his choice (and Zelda's) completely meaningless in retrospect.
also: let Zelda remain a dragon you cowards, that way Hyrule gets any sort of chance to escape and reimagine its horrying eternal monarchy instead of re-establishing it even harder than before!!!
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ghosthermione-reads · 10 days
The Golden Enclaves, by Naomi Novik
Saving the world is a test no school of magic can prepare you for in the triumphant conclusion to the New York Times bestselling trilogy that began with A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate.
The one thing you never talk about while you’re in the Scholomance is what you’ll do when you get out. Not even the richest enclaver would tempt fate that way. But it’s all we dream about, the hideously slim chance we’ll survive to make it out the gates and improbably find ourselves with a life ahead of us, a life outside the Scholomance halls.  And now the impossible dream has come true. I’m out, we’re all out–and I didn’t even have to turn into a monstrous dark witch to make it happen. So much for my great-grandmother’s prophecy of doom and destruction. I didn’t kill enclavers, I saved them. Me, and Orion, and our allies. Our graduation plan worked to perfection: we saved everyone and made the world safe for all wizards and brought peace and harmony to all the enclaves of the world.  Ha, only joking! Actually it’s gone all wrong. Someone else has picked up the project of destroying enclaves in my stead, and probably everyone we saved is about to get killed in the brewing enclave war on the horizon. And the first thing I’ve got to do now, having miraculously got out of the Scholomance, is turn straight around and find a way back in. 
The first two books in this series were the fun and entertaining kind, an inclusive take on the magical school genre - the kind of schools where the heroine is a bisexual indian-british sorceress and trans kids just need to buy a couple of spells in lieu of gender confirming surgery. So, a nice refreshing change from the, uh, main reference in the genre.
It also dealt with the trauma of being The Chosen One(s) and the implications of having to fight all kinds of monsters when you're just a kid, and trying to stay alive while the adults around you do nothing. So, while fun, the series always had a depth to it.
The third and final book in the series brings a lot more to this universe, as El is finally out of the school and free to roam the real world. And, apparently, save it from itself.
As we learn how enclaves are built, and El struggles with intricate ethical questions, Novik asks us to contend with what one would do to protect one's children, and what price is too much. And above all, never to trust prophecies.
I was truly moved by this book. I was reading at a coffeeshop at one point and had to stop, and go home to finish, because truthfully I did not feel like crying in public. El, our narrator, remains as wry and sarcastic as in the first two books, but the conclusion to the story is also a lot more complex and emotional under that layer of humour. Besides the ethics aspect, the characters are really well fleshed out and you can't help but care for them. Not just from a life and death perspective, but that this ptsd-riddled heroine, who did not trust anyone 2 books ago, learns to trust and rely on and help her friends in turn? Yeah, that did something to me.
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khorai · 6 months
This Fandom exhausts me…
I've had more than enough of some (many) of them reducing the characters to a single aspect of their personality and then having the total nerve to complain about it.
I swear to God, if I see one more post about Sakura accusing her of having a personality revolving essentially around Sasuke and then going on to accuse Kishimoto of sexism, I'm going to lose it.
It's certainly not Kishimoto's fault if their messed-up minds have fundamentally reduced a character like Sakura, a young girl with dreams, aspirations, doubts, insecurities, steely determination, and a warrior attitude, to some kind of appetizer for Sasuke.
It's not Kishimoto's fault if they took her insecurities, her pain of always being left out, her low self-esteem, her guilt about her team, her relentless struggle to measure up to her teammates, and minimized it to fit their absolutely absurd headcanon of her.
It's not Kishimoto's fault if they reduced a character like Sakura to her love for Sasuke. It's a part of who she is but by no means all she is.
And it's certainly not his fault if they have fundamentally built a Fanon version of her in their heads that has absolutely nothing to do with her real character. The worst part is that when she doesn't meet their exaggerated expectations, they are the first to scream sexism and bad writing (which always go hand in hand).
The only sexist thing I see here is that they have turned a balanced, credible, and highly interesting character in my opinion into a one-dimensional character who lives only for a guy, and it's more than frustrating.
Sasuke has been the catalyst for Sakura's change, that's an undeniable truth and you'd have to be really stupid to deny it, but so what?
Which important character in Naruto hasn't been influenced by someone at some point?
It's literally one of the themes of the story at this point.
Naruto himself wouldn't have become half of what he is now if it weren't for Sasuke's existence, but apparently when it comes to Sakura fucking Haruno, it becomes "her life revolves around a guy".
I'm sure if it had been Ino (or any other woman for that matter) to whom Sakura had shown such a level of dedication, the tune would have changed.
The Fandom would have been like "aww their love is so beautiful" or "they are so cute" but since Sasuke has a pair of balls, the author is called crappy, sexist, homophobic, and full of other garbage like that because he didn't adhere to their headcanon.
As for Sasuke, it's the same.
The next asshole who talks about Sasuke as a cold, lonely, emotionless individual that half of this damn fandom wants him to be will face my bitchy attitude. Sasuke is not without emotions, on the contrary, he loves too much, feels too much (it's almost a curse for the Uchiha).
And what's with this bullshit about "Sasuke is a bootlicker for Konoha"?!
Because he decided to sacrifice years of his life to keep those he loves safe? (namely his family and his damn best friend?)
Because he didn't meet the screwed-up expectations that some of his fans and antis had/have for him, he's Konoha's dog now?
This fandom has turned Sasuke into at times some kind of non-conformist anti-Konoha rebel, at times into a selfish asshole, abusive and sexist slash shitty father (depends on which part of the Fandom you enter), when he is none of those things. They have removed (trampled on) all the complexity of his character just to advance their own dubious agenda and then have the complete audacity to insult Kishimoto?
Oh yeah, something else…
…In which manga is Sasuke dependent on Naruto? In fact no, in which manga is Sasuke even dependent on anyone…?
At what point is it declared - even implicitly in the manga - that Uchiha fucking Sasuke could be forced to do something he didn't want to do?!
The only person who has managed to manipulate Sasuke, even just a little, is his older brother, but besides him, who else can claim to have this right?
Absolutely no one.
Sasuke is a great character with agency and incredible character development, thank you very much. I don't care about people's ideas about him, I don't care if they ship him with this or that character or if they don't ship him at all, I couldn't care less about their fantasies about his sexuality, I just wish they would keep their personal grudges and their absurd headcanon away from his canon character, in other words his real character.
I don't see why some people are trying to turn his character into something he's not. If they are not satisfied with him as he is, good for them but they should stop twisting the official canon to fit their fantasy.
Sasuke is complex in many ways, but not so complex that it warrants adults to get his character characterization completely wrong. If they really want to overanalyze a manga for 12 year olds, they should at least do it well.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 4 days
Okay, I'm sorry, but I gotta know. Not now, but one day off into the distant future perhaps.
What do you think would deeply touch or even just fluster (in a good way) each of the Dorfs? (Because I'm an obsessed romantic. I own up to my flaws.)
Just something that would get each of them to go all moony-eyed & think to himself, "I'm going to make this woman my queen."
Like, obviously, each one would be different, but I'm just very curious.
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Ooo thats a good question! To be honest, I don't see any of the dorfs really getting moony eyed or flustered just because of the core personality of Ganondorfs (they too stony, grumpy, and harsh tbh)
-though I do see Windwaker Ganondorf being softer, maybe a hidden romantic himself. He's got that melancholic, sad old man vibes. He would totally get soft for someone who would tell stories of old Hyrule, perhaps if he saw them make an old recipe or hand make a cloth with symbols of the Gerudo. It would make him imagine a more romantic life with them. I did ask ChatGPT however and here is what they came up with:
Given the different personalities of the Ganondorfs from "The Legend of Zelda" series, each would be deeply touched or flustered by specific actions or qualities that align with their individual characteristics. Here’s what might make each Ganondorf go all moony-eyed and determined to make the woman his queen:
Ganondorf from "The Wind Waker"
Reflective and Melancholic:
Deep Connection: Sharing a moment of deep introspection about their lives, dreams, and the hardships they've faced would touch him profoundly. If she demonstrates a genuine understanding of his melancholic nature and offers comfort without judgment, it would mean a lot to him.
Cultural Appreciation: If she shows a heartfelt appreciation for Gerudo culture and history, perhaps by performing a traditional Gerudo dance or singing an ancient song, it would deeply move him.
Moment: One evening, she softly sings a Gerudo lullaby, a song from his homeland, while looking out over the ocean with him. Her voice, filled with emotion and understanding, would make him realize how much she means to him.
Quote: "In a world filled with darkness, you bring a light I never thought I'd see again. You are the queen I never knew I needed."
Ganondorf from "Ocarina of Time"
Proud and Domineering:
Unwavering Loyalty: Demonstrating unwavering loyalty in a moment of crisis, where she stands by his side against all odds and without hesitation, would deeply touch him. Her ability to match his strength and determination would make him see her as his equal.
Recognition of His Power: If she openly admires his power and ambitions, expressing a desire to rule alongside him and help him achieve his goals, it would appeal to his pride.
Moment: During a fierce battle, she fights valiantly beside him, taking down enemies with unmatched skill. Afterwards, she looks at him with fierce determination and says, "Together, there's nothing we can't conquer."
Quote: "In you, I see my equal, my partner in conquest. With you by my side, I am unstoppable. You shall be my queen."
Ganondorf from "Twilight Princess"
Ruthless and Calculating:
Strategic Brilliance: Demonstrating a keen strategic mind and coming up with a plan that outsmarts their enemies in a critical moment would earn his respect and admiration. Her ability to see through complex situations and provide insightful solutions would touch him deeply.
Shared Ambitions: If she articulates a shared vision for their future, showing that her ambitions align with his, and that she is willing to be as ruthless as necessary to achieve them, it would impress him greatly.
Moment: During a council meeting, she presents a brilliant strategy that turns the tide of a looming conflict, impressing all present. Later, in private, she looks into his eyes and says, "Together, we can achieve anything. I believe in our shared destiny."
Quote: "Your mind is as sharp as your blade. With you, I see a future where we can achieve greatness. You will be my queen, and we will shape the world together."
Ganondorf from "Hyrule Warriors"
Aggressive and Assertive:
Warrior Spirit: Showing incredible bravery and skill in battle, fighting alongside him with fierce determination, would touch him deeply. Her ability to hold her own and even save him in a critical moment would earn his admiration.
Boldness and Confidence: If she boldly declares her intentions and admiration for him, displaying confidence and a strong will, it would resonate with his assertive nature.
Moment: In the heat of battle, she saves him from an ambush, standing back-to-back with him as they fend off enemies together. After the fight, she looks him in the eye, with a confident smile, and says, "Together, we're unstoppable."
Quote: "Your strength and bravery match my own. You fight with the heart of a true warrior. You shall be my queen, and together, we will conquer all."
Wind Waker Ganondorf: Deeply touched by cultural appreciation and emotional understanding, making him realize her unique value.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf: Flustered by unwavering loyalty and shared ambitions, seeing her as his equal in power and determination.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf: Impressed by strategic brilliance and shared ruthless ambitions, recognizing her as a key ally in achieving greatness.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf: Admiring boldness and warrior spirit, appreciating her bravery and strength in battle as a perfect match for his own.
Each Ganondorf’s reaction reflects his personality, emphasizing what would touch him deeply and make him see the woman as his queen, combining admiration, strategic thinking, and the inherent challenges of dealing with a partner who matches his power and intelligence.
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eternally--mortal · 2 years
So I’ve seen a couple comments lately specifically associated with the ever-growing comment chains of @buggachat’s bakery enemies au where some fellow readers are claiming that a lot of us are hating on Marinette.
It’s not a lot of comments, but it’s enough that I wanted to say something. You don’t have to listen. That’s ok. You can scroll if you want to, but the thoughts are here if you wanted or needed them.
Here’s the thing:
When you write a realistic character, or adapt a character realistically from a tv show, there are going to be moments of pain and frustration on all sides. Yes, Marinette is allowed to feel her own pain and frustration, but We as an audience are Also allowed to have second-hand frustration based on her actions.
I’m allowed to like Marinette and acknowledge and validate her frustration while still Also Being Frustrated at her. That being said, I understand that We can see the whole story and She can’t. Even apart from that knowledge, I am allowed to have compassion for her and Still Disagree with the way that she handles things. That is not me being a Marinette salter or me hating on Marinette. That is me recognizing that this very human response of Marinette’s is placing Adrien — and herself — into unhealthy situations.
People aren’t good and bad all the time. You don’t have to love them all the time. And even if you Do still love them, you don’t have to agree with them.
I’m not trying to start a fight, but I wanted to put all of this out there because . . . I’ve read through the comments. And I haven’t really seen a great deal of people genuinely trashing Marinette. They’re just responding to the direct situation with their very-normal emotional reactions. Which is sort of part of the point, isn’t it?
And I’m sorry @buggachat . I know I tagged you. It’s mostly to give context to this post. I’m not trying to pull you into the discussion or force you to comment on it or pick a side. Please continue on with your beautiful life and enjoy torturing us every 24 hours. You’re doing great, sweetie. This post isn’t really for you unless you want it to be. I don’t know. You might not even agree with me. And that is your right as a human being.
To everyone who feels this Does apply to them, I just wanted to say, here are some general facts of life that the world continues to beat into us, whether we like it or not:
Good people can do terrible things. In fact, some of the worst things are Genuinely Awful to that degree because they were done by good people. Just look at Adrien’s situation. He’s seen how Marinette has So many friends who love her. He’s seen that she’s capable of being an absolutely wonderful person. To him it looks like she’s choosing to be a terrible person to him specifically. Real people go through this in the real world, too. When a good person does something horrible, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re still a good person to Someone out there — maybe to multiple someone’s. They’ve just chosen not to be a good person to You. Or chosen to be a Bad person to you. And that Hurts. And it’s Worth acknowledging and talking about. (This is the real tragedy of evil, in my opinion. It’s why children of abusive and negligent parents often struggle so deeply with the question of why they still feel a need to earn love from their parents and whether they should leave them behind.)
People are constantly experiencing growth and change. There’s something great called the Theory of Positive Disintegration that describes the process. It’s super cool. Look it up. It’s healthy to acknowledge that we all make varied choices as our worldviews change and as we experience new things. People we see as ‘bad’ don’t have to stay that way and likely aren’t what we expect. People we see as ‘good’ are not always strictly good. (Besides this, How many people do we call “Good” because of whom they decided to be evil to? Who gets to decide who the enemy is anyway?)
Literature is designed with complexity in mind. Stories are often made with fleshed out human beings. Sometimes stories are written Specifically to show us questionable behavior so we can see the world through a new lens and decide for ourselves whether we agree with that person. Just take a look at Restoration Drama if you have any doubts. Old white men debated for ages about whether or not their audiences were smart enough to notice questionable behavior in cases of, for instance, rape or cheating or manipulation. Did they ever ask the audience? Not really. But the point is that we Do sometimes get suckered into blindly supporting characters without really watching what they’re Doing. It doesn’t mean we’re not smart enough to notice or talk about it. The danger comes when we try to shut that conversation down by Never showing evil or Never acknowledging it when it’s there. —No one is perfect. So we have flaws. So what? That’s normal. It’s human. It’s normal to empathize with a character. It’s ok to openly express second-hand embarrassment or frustration for their actions. If you don’t want strangers on the internet to point out Marinette’s flaws, then maybe You shouldn’t be pointing out the flaws of strangers on the internet.
I’m not trying to attack anyone in particular. Or anyone at all. I just wanted to put some of this into perspective. Some of you making these comments might be joking! I can’t really read emotional subtext on the internet. Some of us are bad at reading it in real life, too. This is just me putting some thoughts out there to remind you that we all have complex emotional lives, and that discussing a person’s flaws isn’t the same thing as hating them or rejecting them or making them out to be the enemy. If no one ever talked about the bad parts of good people, we wouldn’t have compelling stories.
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antivanwine14 · 2 months
Thoughts on Unicorn Overlord now that I finished, both positive and negative (long post):
The graphics are beautiful. The models are great and it was a very pleasant game to play in that sense. I also appreciated the fact you can skip the battles when grinding or just doing minor battles.
Game play: the tactics and team building was a lot of fun and challenging. I really enjoyed building the squads and experimenting with different builts.
Characters: I enjoyed a lot of the interactions and thought the characters really carried it. The rapports were good and there were several times where I wish there was more. Some of them were very funny and others really did a lot of world building.
Drakenhold: By far the best developed of the lands. It is a very strong second area to go to and really builds on a lot of things. The story rapport with Gilbert and Alain is actually some of the best and shows a different side of the relationship between Cornia and Drakenhold which I liked a lot. Even though Drakenhold is supposed to be worse than Cornia, things actually have complexity and I enjoyed it.
The story is middling at best. At the start I enjoyed it and I thought the time spent in Cornia was actually decent if not very close to a middle tier Fire Emblem Story. Drakenhold was good and I wanted more of that. Ellheim was alright but very predictable with nothing interesting going on. But then we got to Bastorias and it was literally a filler arc. There was no real reason to go there besides being curious on how they were handling things. The plot in Bastorias was not related to anything else and none of the main central characters really had anything to do with the area. By the time we got to Albion I was pretty over the repetitive story beats (bad person who really isn't SOOO bad and no we are really best friends) and I thought Albion's bad guy reasoning of ‘I did it to protect the church’ was the weakest. I have no issue with him being against you but I almost wish they had just gone mind control on him rather than his weak reasoning.
Also the amount of times a scene ended with everyone laughing was ridiculous and I don’t understand it. This isn’t an after school special, not everything has to end with a laugh. Let there be emotions besides happy. It would have been nice for there to be more conflict in the areas we have been too besides just clearing out Zenoira. Like, if Zenoira went back and tried to take places or something. It was all just one and done and the war was both pretty easy and happy. A big set back would have been appreciated.
Plot hole: Fun fact, if you accidentally missed the Tatiana quest in Cornia, like I did when I went into Drakenhold, you are going to be absolutely baffled by Hilda’s stuff because characters are going to talk like you’ve been there and dealt with that plague and people.
Character design- oh boy is that something. The female design is so unfortunate and what makes it worse is there are elements of good. Some of the outfits are just fine and not all the body shapes are thin and tiny, which is always nice to see. I don’t mind some level of fan service (Hades did it very well) but SOOOOOO many of the women in UO are just designed to be sexual. To make it worse they try to excuse it with Yahna being like I want to dress like this (completely fine, if this didnt mean ALL the witches had to be dress like her) and then the elves can’t wear metal because of the fae which is interesting in concept but why are most of the lady elves in their underwear but the male elves are fully clothed? PS, Scarlet's boobs bobbing ALL the time got really annoying quickly.
Alain- he isn’t allowed to have almost any emotion except mild and happy and that is unfortunate. This is a character who has been through a lot and he should have been super interesting. I know he is supposed to be stoic but there is more to stoicism than being mild all the time. Let the man have character. I almost wish they made him a little more like Alear (good personality, shows their youth) or even something along what Intsys wanted to do with Byleth (very stoic and closed off in the beginning, starts to open up as the story goes along)
Male Romance- they were cowards and very few of the men can even hint at something more than friendship. You can marry your cousin but can barely get anything from a man. Some of the rapport's show some promise and funny enough some of the most random characters have decent romantic rapports. Rolf has almost no connection to the plot or other characters but is one of the best ones. I am fine with not all the men being romantic (Josef's extremely sweet father son stuff being some of the best and not romantic at ALL), but it would have been to see more done with them.
Romance in General- honestly, I know they would have taken out all the guys but they should have not made every character available for Alain. It takes away from their individual stories. I honestly wished they picked a handful of characters (men and women) and allow them to build the story and romance with Alain and allow the other characters to form their own relationships without worrying about Alain. Sharon and Ochlys have something going on and it really annoys me that they can up with Alain.
I had fun and it definitely kept my attention, but I don't know if I can recommend it. Maybe get it on sale.
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
I just followed you recently and i find you keep talking about your ocs
Can you give me a basic run down on them?
Or a detailed explanation if you wanna
Ohhhh yeah I'd totally forgotten most people probably don't know the characters I talk about shfgiwehfni I'll give you a quick rundown of most of them (and then I'll probably pin this so others who are curious can see). I'll talk about my FHS since that's my main series- yeah, cringe, I know.
Under the cut for those who don't to see me ramble.
Raymond (Often nicknamed Rayray or just Ray): He's my Eakwynn (Eak x Owynn) fankid, and also the first OC I made for this fandom. Basically, he was an oops baby born when his parents were just out of highschool and in a unstable relationship so... Yeah. Because Owynn has an habit of disappearing from his life for months without explanation, Eak raised him as a single parent (with Cami and Towntrap for help) so he's very attached to Eak. He's autistic with a special interest in insects, and also plays the saxophone- he started being interested in music just to get attention from Owynn but eventually grew to actually like it. I have some drawings of him here and here.
Jason: He's a member of a gang that's rivals with the Nightmares, and had a serious case of self destructive tendencies (mainly alcoholism and fighting) and undiagnosed mental illness thanks to a bunch of childhood trauma. He's basically in the middle of his downward spiral when he mets Onnie, who he sees as too weak to bother attacking and instead decides to just play with a little. This backfires horribly for him, because he ends up finding Onnie a bit charming and funny and gets totally attached to him. So, he decides to betray his gang and almost gets himself killed! It ends fine for him tho- they get married and have three children. Haven't drawn him in a while, but have some picrews so you'll get an idea of what he looks like.
Derek Zephyr: Another fankid, this time for Red (Shadow Fox) and Gold (Shadow Golden) in an AU in which the shadows have their own body. He grew up pretty poor, but his parents always took great care of him (despite both being a bit fucked in the head). He's very punk and projects an image of a guy who's super tough + rebellious but he's actually pretty far from an actual bad boy- listens to his parents, doesn't drink/do drugs, is afraid of motorcycles... Besides the fact that he sometimes gets into fights, he's a calm dude. Wants to become a rockstar; plays guitar and sings (sometimes even writes his own songs). He and Ray are great friends. I also have art of him here and here.
Ezekiel: Frededdy fankid. He's a special case in that he wasn't actually born- he just appeared out of thin air thanks to shadow magic. Basically, he's a human/shadow hybrid, which means he looks mostly human but has a few weird quirks in the form of a black sclera and a weird personality. He's got a surprisingly clinical mind, a lack of emotional expression and a strong attachment to the supernatural. Has a very good voice courtesy of his parents, but he's not particularly musical. He's also a friend of Ray and Derek.
Tristán and Gabriela: These two are twins, and they're from a pretty dark AU that started as kind of a trauma exploration of mine, so trigger warning for incest and abuse for this part, skip to the next if it makes you uncomfortable. Basically they're Joy and Golden fankids, a fact that is kept a secret from them until they're teens and they learn the whole story behind their birth. Long story short- Joy forced Golden to have kids with her and abused him for many years under threat of taking the kids away from him. This ends up with both of them having issues to work through- Tristán ends up with a serious guilt complex that eats him alive and makes him feel like a freak of nature. Gabri meanwhile becomes a bit of a recluded mess, having a hard time opening up to anyone or showing herself as anything but happy because she worries her past is too horrible to even begin to face. They have issues.
Luca, Piper and Zachary: And to end of, Onnie and Jason's triplets. Let's keep this short since this list is already too damn long- Luca is a hotheaded bastard that has a huge trouble managing his emotions, Piper is a money hungry daddy's girl who loves to stick her nose into things that she shouldn't, and Zach is the deaf kid who always manages to get into trouble even when he very much would prefer not to get into trouble. Basically, they're a lot, especially for a pair of poor parents who didn't have any previous experience with children, but they're happy. They're a big, chaotic, happy family.
Besides that I also have Luna and Deyanira, but they're a bit of newer OCs so I still don't have much about the two of them. All you need to know for now is that Luna is Derek's younger half sister (his parents have an open relationship) and Deya is Derek's daughter. Derek kind of grew as an OC since I've been using him for roleplay and expanding him a lot, so he's kind of getting his own little cinematic universe lol. Hope that's enough explanation!
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not-your-bro · 1 year
Asking for until dawn for the questions is obvious but I am genuinely curious
hey, nothing wrong with the obvious choice!
❤Favorite character: imagine if i got real ooc and didn't say josh LOL. nah, it's gotta be him. not just my favorite UD character but probably my Character of All Time. i love a self-loathing, self-destructive, become-the-villain type, and he ticks all those boxes. extra points for masking his vulnerabilities with charisma and humor. MWAH. what a chef's-kiss of a character.
👿Least favorite character: ashley. i love & respect that people fuck with her for her dark streak, and i think that makes her more interesting than she otherwise would be, but i don't really see why she's like that. many of the UD characters act in sort of...hate-able ways, but it's stated - or i can infer - what internal/external issues lead them to behave that way. with ash i'm like idk girl, kinda just seems like you're mean sometimes! more power to her, but not for me.
💐Comfort character: i know this is gonna come as a big surprise but........it's josh. guy's lived in my head rent-free for 7 years and i don't think he's ever moving out.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on: i'm past the age of having crushes on these characters, but in 2015-16, my ass was not immune to josh. his outdoors look, with the vest and the beanie - it's a good one.
🤝Character you relate to the most: chris. maybe i'm projecting lmao but his class clown vibe screams 'compensating for extreme social anxiety' to me, and that's something i relate to, especially in group situations.
🔥Character you think is overrated: i don't feel too strongly about this now, but if you asked me years ago, i would've said mike. some of the mike love at the height of the fandom went hand-in-hand with emily hate, and i didn't like that he seemed to skirt criticism just because he was funny.
🧨Character you love to hate: mike again. do i love to hate him? do i hate to love him? my relationship with him is complex and unknowable, even to myself. what i do know is that i derive great pleasure from shoving his fingers in that bear trap.
🙈Character you always forget exists: matt. nice guy, but his lack of screen time dooms him to being forgettable, and he honestly doesn't seem like he knows anyone that well. personally, i'd prefer if matt was Some Hot Guy emily found so she wouldn't have to show up alone, and that last-minute addition to the group is partly why josh sends them on a wild bag chase.
🐰Favorite non-human character: i don't have much choice besides handigo here, but thankfully handigo fucking rules. i love that hannah's association with the butterfly is not just an obvious nod to the butterfly effect but a symbol/foreshadowing of her later transformation. i love how brutally she destroys everyone, that her inclusion means UD is still a revenge story, but not the revenge story you thought it would be at the beginning. i don't think any piece of hannah is still in there - i think she's just a monster running on the fumes of residual emotions she doesn't even comprehend - but i don't think that makes her any less rad.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better: josh. while i can appreciate that the game is sympathetic towards him, it's simply not a good look to make him the only person who can't survive (in human form). i get that not being able to control his fate is The Point, but it's not worth feeding into the tired, bleak message that horror has a history of sending to those who are mentally ill.
(ask game here)
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papirouge · 1 year
I'm the anon who sent you the message about pitbulls.
Yeah, I completely agree with you! I hate when pitbull owners just have to take a picture of their ugly ass pitbull beside their sleeping babies to get some internet attention and to show people just how sweet and loving their mutt is. Literally leaving your baby with any animal unsupervised is super dangerous. I read once a story of a man who was taking care of his niece, and he had his Pomeranian in bed alongside the babygirl, he left for a moment to prepare her some milk, and when he returned the Pom was mauling his niece! Unfortunately she passed away from the injuries. So yeah, dont leave your animals, even the small ones, near your babies...
And yeah, a lot of dog owners put up with their dogs filth and smell, and even sleep with them. I have nothing against dogs, theyre nice and all, but i think some people are just too obsessed with them. Like i dont think its necessary to bring them to restaurants or the market, yet they insist on bringin them. I feel like a lot of people idolize dogs to worrying levels...
Have you noticed how a lot of them absolutely despise children? I was reading a discussion the other day about dogs on restaurants, and most said they loved seeing dogs, and wished they banned children from restaurants and airplanes and other places. Or they say things like they'd save a dog over a child in an emergency...
Maaaan.....even Pomeranians..? 😰 I always thought that small dogs where the exceptions but I guess they can be as much dangerous, especially around babies...
I knew a girl who had a baby dog and for no reason he bit her in the cheek. It wasn't too bad, but she ended up having a visible scar... :/ What's weird is that just after attacking her , the dog snapped out of it and started licking her wound, as if he realized and regretted what he had just done.... Maybe dogs can have mental problems too (was he sckyzophrenic?) :/
I remember that post saying that the reasons some people loved animals over humans was because animals were wired to never question you, obey what you told them do, love you unconditionally, etc. When humans are more complex and challenging to get along with. I also know there's a study linking excessive animal love with narcissism... Tbh it all makes sense when you see how those people act like what they have with their animal is much better than any other inter-human relationship...🙄
I don't mind having dog around outside, as long as they're on a leash, AND their owner collect their poo. Here in Paris we have an epidemic of dog poo littering the ground because Parisians/French are filthy and it's really a pain in the butt the stroll in the streets. I hate dog owners exporting their filthiness outside. They should all be fined and shoved in a pit of dog poo as a punishment💩
Trying to ban children from planes is ridiculous 💀 Sure having noisy children around for hours is annoying, but come on....are we really going to separate families traveling for that? Make planes dedicated for families? (family wagons in train are great though) Sorry but it's not that deep.
Oh and there's this running joke in the Black community about White people being more emotional when a dog dies than when a Black person does, and it's totally true. Even when a dog got killed bc he represented a menace, there's always ppl who are like "oh, was it really necessary? 🥺" people went to an uproar when Kim Kardashian shown pictures of her garage and internet sleuths assumed that was were she kept her animals (there's nothing shocking in putting a kennel in a garage idc). White people have this weird defensive stance with dogs they never have with fellow humans from other races. They'll see an unarmed black man being killed on tape and find all the excuses in the world to argue it was okay, but a dog mauling children being shoot down? "maybe there were other options 🥺"..........demonic behavior
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gaykarstaagforever · 24 days
New Animation Review
an ill-advised series where I talk about newish animated shows, and will inevitably get swarmed by angry stans for not 100% liking a thing the way they like it.
I'll watch the premiere episode of a thing, then a more recent one, at time of publishing. That should give me a fair view of a thing.
No I don't. You're just trying to get me to inflate the watch numbers so you get a second season of your blorbos doing kissing. That's not my problem, and is very much yours.
(Also I'm not getting into any associated problematic shit or drama surrounding the creators of these things. Studio animation immediately implies grossly exploited labor anyway, and...apparently we don't care about any of that, because we shrug and demand product-as-escapism either way. And I yell into the void enough about that on here. I'm just going to evaluate the artistic results of the projects with this.)
(...I actively boycotted Amazon for FIFTEEN YEARS after I stopped working for them, and that led to Jeff Bezos becoming a trillionaire while I eat 75 cent cans of beans. In the dark. And most of you just got another pile of Smiley Boxes delivered as you were reading this. So don't whine at me for not virtue-signaling properly about how cartoons are made. That monkey rides YOUR backs, not mine.)
Let's get started, shall we?
Hazbin Hotel
I watched the 4-year-old "indie" premiere, and the 7th episode of the Amazon series.
The design work is consistent and good, and the shot composition is effective and smart. I don't prefer the hyper-distorted style, with its over-the-top character facial reactions to everything, that is going on here. But that's a personal preference, and the show does what it's doing well. Even with my bias, I still liked a lot of the scenes and character designs.
If only the writing were as solid. It is okay, but not great. Charlie as the protagonist is self-righteous and whiney, and I cannot be bothered to care about her. Some of that is because I don't find the whole "Disney princess as Queen of Hell thing" interesting after exactly 7 minutes of that gag, but most of it is because she is a shallow character with no clear emotional motivation for anything she does besides "I am doing this because I think I'm important."
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She ends up being the least interesting part of whatever is going on, and that's not what you want from your main character. Also - and I hate bringing this up because it is such a troll comment at this point, but - she is UTTERLY a Mary Sue. Like, hardcore. Any motivation or appeal she is supposed to have is a fanficky mess that demands you know who created this and who they see themselves as, as a person. And I thought that BEFORE I read a thing where the creator got all personal about how that is 100% true.
Her weird abrasive-for-no-reason girlfriend / bodyguard fits the same bill, because she was also created to be just that. VivziePop has admitted as much. Charlie and Vaggie are the two "sides" of her, that are here, and dating. Which is...well. It is what it is. And what it is is obvious and flat.
There IS good stuff here. The other characters, messy demon bitches with messy personal motivations, are sharp and funny and compelling. And that carries the show. And I don't HATE Charlie and Vaggie, I just think their motivations aren't as complex or intriguing as they need to be. They come across as less well-defined than Sir Pentious, a comedy snake-demon character with political pretentions and an army of sycophantic egg creatures. And that shouldn't be happening.
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The voice cast is great in both "versions," and the songs are fantastic. The whole plot scheme may be a little too complicated for the situations and gags, a common problem with "new" Weatern animated stuff that is clearly aping anime-style conceits but doesn't understand why any of that worked (Steven Universe being the most egregious example). Like, I get that you have a story to tell that is important to you. But it still needs to work hand-in-hand with the character beats, and in the end should primarily serve as setup for intereating scenes, be they comedy or tragedy. Think Berserk. Instead, the fun here has to keep stopping to deal with plot crap that is, necessarily, emotionally secondary.
This is a hard thing to nail down, so I'll be kind. But it's still a problem.
As are the random bursts of weirdly regressive politics...?
This is set in Hell, and that always leads to the problem of, How dark do you get to effectively show what Hell is like, but stop before it stops being fun and starts being inappropriate? That's a tough problem (I know, because 20 years ago I did a comedy webcomic about a guy whose brother was the Antichrist; no, you can't see it). This show handles it by nonchalantly dropping in queer relationships and lots of cuss words.
And, fine. That's a solution. But then there are weird sexist and racist things, and sexuality-shaming things that clearly come from inverting standard American Christian ethics. And again, I understand why, in concept. Christian hell would indeed be filled with gay sluts!
But is this Christian hell? It doesn't seem to be. And why, at any rate, would the people who live there care that someone was a gay slut? This is what we do here! And yet they seem to.
The race stuff makes even less sense. Again, sure, racists would be in Hell. But would Hell itself be racist? What race even are any of these demon monsters? It would seem a moot point down here.
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These really are minor quibbles with what is, overall, a pretty good show. I really like the musical numbers and quirky cast of sneaky weirdos, and there is some great, classic 2D animation work here. I might watch more of it.
Solid B.
(The title is awkward and doesn't really fit the central plot. "The Happy Hotel" would have worked better, and has story justification. Hazbin Hotel seems like shoehorning SEO / branding contrivance into it.)
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What are underrated tropes you would like to see more in books?
Personal Q&A: Underrated Tropes I'd Like to See More Often
1. Secret Identity - my favorite trope in the world is when a character is hiding their true identity from everyone around them. It's so much fun watching them interact with other characters who HAVE NO IDEA who they're really interacting with (a princess, a superhero, a celebrity, a supernatural being), and waiting for the big moment the secret finally comes out.
2. Hiding a Big Secret - for me, this is actually a subset of the Secret Identity trope, but it's a little different because whereas "secret identity" usually happens when a character is hiding their true identity from new people, "Hiding a Big Secret" is more about hiding something big from people they already know. One of my favorite examples is the TV show Alias with Jennifer Garner, or at least the early episodes. She's a regular girl who discovers she was secretly programmed to be a super spy, so she's off doing super spy stuff in disguise, beating up dangerous villains and risking her life, and then she goes and meets her BFF for coffee and he has no idea she was in Barcelona last night recovering stolen plans for the CIA. (I mean, that's not an exact example, but you get the point...)
3. Beauty and the Beast - I think this trope is underrated because although it's been done, it's rarely done well. Too often writers don't want to sacrifice a "hot" main character for the "beast" role, so they default to problematic behavior instead. And it's so unnecessary. You can put a character in the beast role without having them engage in problematic behavior. And you can even use physical aspects without doing something problematic in your portrayal. I'd love to see more of that.
4. Found Family - I think this one has taken off a lot, so it's maybe not that underrated anymore, but I love found families and would still love to see more. Especially really unusual, complex found families in unusual situations, who forge their family bond while making the best of a non-ideal situation. Strong friendships in general are great!
5. Siblings - I'm thoroughly disheartened to look at my shelf of completed novel first drafts and find that only 4/10 of my characters have siblings. And in one case, it's step siblings. Looking at my book shelves, the situation is much the same with my favorite books. Siblings are so often either missing entirely, or if they exist, they're just minor characters. But I LOVE stories where at least two of the main characters are siblings, or where the protagonist's sibling/s play more than a minor role in the story. Especially when the sibling is supportive of whatever the protagonist is doing and they have a healthy and realistic sibling relationship.
6. People Who Feel Things - I don't mind unemotional characters when it's a specific and thoughtful portrayal of a character living with a mental illness that suppresses emotion, but I'm really over writers who create unemotional characters because they think they're edgy, or because they want another character to "fix" them. I'm so much more taken with characters who are allowed to actually feel things, especially when they're people who put on a stoic outward appearance either because they have to or think they have to, like someone in a military position or position of authority. I love it when a character you'd describe as tough, gritty, hard-as-nails, no-nonsense, etc., can still be giddy over love, melt into a puddle over a cute animal, or scoop a friend into a hug when they're having a hard day.
7. Healthy Committed Relationships - It sometimes feels like the only healthy committed relationship in a story is the one that makes up the romantic story line, but somehow the couples around them are divorced, bickering, "on again off again," or otherwise "it's complicated..." I really love it when other characters in the story, besides the romantic pairings, have happy committed relationships.
Those are the ones off the top of my head! ♥
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troquantary · 3 years
Edward Cullen: That Boy Ain’t Right
So I was doing a reread of @therealvinelle 's collection of Twilight metas, as one does, and in "Edward, Denial, and a Human Girlfriend" she mentions that she doesn't believe Edward is sane. I thought, "ha, yeah, he's definitely not," and also, "but wait, what does that mean exactly, please say more about that." But since she's already inundated with asks, I've decided to use my own head-muscle and explore this idea. (TL;DR: I start out more or less organized, synthesize some points Vinelle has made across several posts (and have hopefully linked to them all where relevant but please tell me if not), touch a little on narcissism, then take a hard left into the negative effects of being a telepath.)
Just a couple things to note at the outset, though. Theses have been written already (probably) about Edward as an abuser. Edward being insane doesn't negate that at all; he's definitely an asshole and just...a disaster of a human being. (I find it more funny than anything, but YMMV.) I'm also going to try to avoid talking specifically about mental illness and how it relates (or doesn't relate) to abusive behavior -- that's territory I'm not really equipped to discuss, like at all. My starting point is "Edward has a deeply warped perception of reality," not "Edward has X disorder."
So: deeply warped perception of reality. The evidence? Goes behind a cut, because my one character trait is Verbose.
Vinelle provides a great example of it in the post linked above, which I'll just quote because she does words good: "[Edward] keeps acting like his romance with Bella is a romantic tragedy, and all the cast of Twilight are actors on a stage making it as sublime as possible." Edward's the one to pursue Bella, but he does so with the full belief, from the very beginning, that it will never last; Bella will "outgrow" him, go on her human way, and he can spend the rest of eternity brooding magnificently over his too-short romantic bliss. [Insert premature ejaculation joke.] Turning her is never an option, even though Alice, Noted Psychic, says that romancing Bella will either end with her dead (exsanguinated) or dead (vampire).
This framing, where he's a dark anti-hero in love with -- but never tainting! -- the pure maiden and eventually leaving her in a grand, tragic sacrifice to preserve her soul? It's fucking bonkers. Bella isn't a person to him in this scenario. As Vinelle points out, Bella's never really a person to him at all; he falls in love with his own mental construct, cherry-picking from what he observes of her behavior and her responses to his 20 (thousand) Questions to convince himself that she is the ideal woman.
Bella's not the only one who gets the projection/cardboard-cutout treatment. Edward sees everything and everyone through a highly particular, personalized lens. He filters his entire reality, which we all do to an extent, but the thing with Edward is that he starts with his conclusions and then only pays attention to the evidence that supports those conclusions. Often that evidence consists of what he admits in New Moon are only "surface" thoughts -- but recognizing that limitation doesn't keep him from taking those thoughts as representative of what people are. Edward then becomes absolutely convinced by his own "reasoning" and won't be swayed from what he has decided is Objectively True. It's obvious with Bella; it's also painfully obvious with Rosalie. (Vinelle explains this and brings up Edward's raging Madonna/Whore complex in the same post, so refer to that again -- she's right.)
He also catastrophizes. Everything. Bella's just vibing in her room, rereading Wuthering Heights for the 87th time? She's gonna be hit by a meteor, better sneak into her room while she sleeps. Bella's going to the beach with the filthy mundanes their human classmates? She's gonna fall in the ocean. Jasper's cannibal pals are stopping by for a visit, but know not to hunt in the area? DISASTER, DEFCON 1, ALSO FUCK YOU JASPER FOR EVEN EXISTING IN MY AND BELLA'S SPHERE YOU UNSPEAKABLE BURDEN. Edward must believe that Bella is vulnerable and in near-constant peril, to support the reality he has created in which he is the villain turned protector and maybe?? hero??? (!!!) for his beloved. So when the actual, James-shaped danger arrives, he goes berserk, snarling and flipping his shit and generally not helping the situation. His fantasy demands that Bella remain human, so instead of doing the very thing Alice, Noted Psychic, assures him will neutralize the threat (and not just a threat to Bella, either, but to Bella's family and any other human James might decide to include in the "game"), he vetoes it immediately, no discussion. Bella Must Not Turn, and he sticks to those guns despite James nearly reducing her to ground beef, despite leaving Bella catatonic with depression (but human! success!) in New Moon, despite Aro's order and his family's vote and, let's not forget, Bella's clearly and repeatedly stated desire to be a vampire. It's going to happen. But he doesn't accept it until Renesmee busts out of Bella like the Kool-Aid man and the poor girl's heart finally, unequivocally stops.
Sane people don't behave this way. I don't want to slap labels on Edward, but I can't help but note that he comes across as highly narcissistic. He's the only real person in his universe, the lone player among us NPCs. That probably has a lot to do with him being frozen in the mindset and maturity of a seventeen-year-old boy, but I think it's also just...him, on some fundamental level. His failure to connect with others and recognize them as full, independent beings with their own wants and priorities isn't like Bella's failure -- she's badly depressed. Edward is...something else, and I get the sense that his sanity has been steadily deteriorating over time. And a cursory google of narcissistic traits turns up some familiar-looking stuff. He's self-loathing, yes, but also grandiose; he hates himself for the monster he is (and hates most vampires besides Esme and Carlisle for their monstrosity, too) but still feels superior to humans, to the extent that he felt entitled to human blood and resented Carlisle for depriving him of his "proper" diet. He eventually returns to Carlisle, but he's far from content -- the beginning of Midnight Sun finds him in a state of ennui, bored and dismissive of (if not outright disgusted by) everyone around him, that has apparently persisted for years and years. He doesn't play the piano, he doesn't compose, he doesn't enjoy anything...at least until Bella comes along and then he becomes obsessed to a disturbing degree with her and his new, romantic tragedy spin on reality.
[Next-day edit: I’m not sure where else to fit this in, but the way Edward casually contemplates violence against people who have, at best, mildly annoyed him is...chilling. I have a hard time writing off his strategizing how to murder the entire Biology class as a result of bloodlust -- it’s so calculated, nothing like the blackout state of thirst Emmett describes when he encountered his own “singer,” and that is probably the default for when a vampire is extremely thirsty. But even ignoring the Biology class incident, Edward still does things like consider, with disturbing frequency, how he might grievously injure or kill Mike Newton, all because...Edward considers him his romantic rival (despite Bella barely giving the kid the time of day). He thinks about slapping Mike through a wall, which might be an amusing slapstick image, except as a vampire Edward’s actually capable of turning this boy’s skeleton to a fine powder. So it’s, y’know, kind of sick when you think about it.
But even worse than that, when Bella tells Edward about how she flirted with Jacob to get at that sweet, sweet vampire lore, Edward chuckles and then, after dropping Bella home, flippantly observes that now that the treaty’s broken, why not genocide? I’m not even kidding, it’s right there in Midnight Sun; he seriously thinks about the fact that he’d be technically justified now in wiping out the entire tribe because a teenager tried to impress a girl with a spooky story. That is fucked. Remember, Edward was there with Carlisle when the treaty was first established. He knows how remarkable it is that they even came to a truce in the first place, that it was only ever possible because Carlisle is...well, Carlisle, and that it marks a pretty significant moment in supernatural history. He doesn’t care; he doesn’t respect it, or he’d never think something like “Ha ha, if I went and killed them all, I wouldn’t even be wrong. I mean, I won’t do it, but I’m just saying, I wouldn’t be wrong.”
Again: not the thought process or behavior of a sane person. (Or a person that respects life in general -- sorry Carlisle, big L.)]
Finally, whether he's a narcissist or not, I think the fact that Edward has constant, unavoidable access to everyone's thoughts is a powerful contributing factor to his instability. He can tune out the mental noise to an extent, but he can't stop it -- so he comes to rely on it like another sense. This causes issues with disconnect and lack of empathy, of course, but there's another facet to this shit diamond: he's basically experiencing a ceaseless flow of intrusive thoughts. His narration in Midnight Sun suggests that he "hears" the words people think, can "see" what they visualize in their mind's eye, and can sense the emotional "tone" and intensity of their thoughts. Therefore, perceiving Jasper's thirst through his thoughts makes Edward more aware of his own, "doubling" the discomfort. This would be a lot to deal with even from just his immediate coven members, but Edward gets all of this pouring into his head like a firehose on a day-to-day basis because the Cullens live right alongside humans. I know Meyerpires have galaxy brains or whatever, but that's a ton to process.
Besides the compounding effect on his own thirst when he "feels" the thirst of others, Meyer never suggests that Edward has difficulty separating his own thoughts from other people's; even when he was newly turned, he recognized Carlisle's "voice" in his head as Carlisle's. That would create a whole different host of issues around identity, but it looks like Edward's escaped that particular torment. However, I can easily imagine that what he does experience is just shy of unbearable nonetheless, with an eroding effect on his sanity over decades. He can't sleep to escape it; he's on a dishwater diet and probably (like the rest of his family) experiencing a perpetual, low-grade physical discomfort due to his thirst never being fully satisfied; and he's around far more people than is the norm for vampires -- even discounting all the humans, his own coven is unusually large -- meaning more noise.
Honestly, it would be weirder if he were all there, considering.
And even though I feel like I lost a sense of structure around where I started ranting about telepathy, I've written like 1.5k words about Edward fucking Cullen and I think that's enough for one post.
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ladyniniane · 3 years
Favorite Chinese dramas 2020 edition
I’m a bit late, but here are my favorite Chinese dramas among those I watched in 2020, in no particular order.
-The Story of Yanxi Palace
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My favorite cdrama so far and one of my favorite shows as well. This drama is fast-paced and has a perfect balance between emotion and light-hearted moments. It’s a bittersweet story, yes, but never too dark. There’s always a glimmer of hope. The protagonist is awesome, she’s clever, angry, vengeful and yet fallible. Watching her overcome the obstacles in the palace is delightful. I also liked the emphasis put on female friendship and sisterhood. 
-Legend of Lu Zhen/Female prime minister
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I liked this drama for its message about women’s professional independence. For once, it doesn’t follow concubines, but working women in the palace. The cast is dominated by complex and powerful female characters, who serve as foes, rivals or mentors to the heroine. The romance between the two leads is also very cute. This shows takes a lot of liberties with real-life history, though, so it may not be for you if you want a drama that strictly follows reality.
-Oh my general
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I admit that I wasn’t totally hyped by the beginning of this drama, but it did improve quite a lot and it’s now one of my favorites. I especially like the relationship between the two main characters : Ye Zhao and Yujin don’t fit in the traditional gender roles of their time. Yet, none of them is asked to change. They love and support each other as they are. Yujin isn’t a warrior, he’s elegant and delicate, but is also clever and observant. Besides, this drama has many awesome female characters who team-up together to save the realm. 
-Maiden Holmes
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This show has a perfect balance between cute moments and a dynamic story. The plot isn’t the most original or complex, but it’s highly entertaining. It’s short and it never drags. The characters are likable and the friendship between them is very sweet. The female characters are determined and competent. I have to say that I was sad when it ended because I wanted more!
-Arsenal military academy
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This drama is the proof that you can have a story set in a male-dominated environment and still have awesome female characters. The female lead is, for instance, a badass, courageous and determined young lady. I especially liked the aesthetic of this drama, the action scenes and the feeling of camaraderie between the characters. The love triangle takes a bit too much place in my opinion, but thankfully that didn’t prevent me from enjoying this drama. 
-Legend of Fu Yao
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Another drama with an awesome female lead! Fu Yao is a total badass and her fight scenes are amazing. I loved watching her grow from a slave to a confidant young woman. I liked the fact that the plot took the characters to explore different locations, it was like a whirlwind of action and adventure. The only reproach that I have is that the ending felt a bit rushed. 
-Legend of Zhen Huan/Empresses in the palace
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A classic among palace dramas. This is for you if you want schemes, a cruel and dangerous environment under an appearance of refinement and diverse and nuanced female characters. The drama is slow-paced and depicts the transformation of its protagonist particularly well. I nonetheless felt that the story was a bit draggy sometimes. This is also a somewhat depressing and heavy show, though the ending is quite cathartic. 
-The legends
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Another fantasy/martial arts drama I liked very much. The CGI may not be that great and some costumes look a bit cheap, but it’s a very entertaining story otherwise. The drama has plenty of strong female characters, I mean look at the gif above, with diverse personalities. Each character has furthermore a story to tell. 
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20moonchild21 · 3 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 15
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JK x female!oc, Bunny!JK x human!female!oc, Jin x female!oc, Leopard!Jin x human!female!oc, Jimin x female!oc, white Tiger!Jimin x human!female!oc, Taehyung x female!oc, black Tiger!Taehyung x human!female!oc, Hobi x female!oc, Fox!Hobi x human!female!oc, JK x Jin x Jimin x Taehyung x Hobi x female!oc
none, just a lot of fluffy fluff
I hope you all are doing fine! Finally, it’s moving forward in the story and I am so excited what you think about it.
Important information:
For the next few weeks, I will only upload new chapters each Sunday, because I will take my final exams in two weeks, and it would be too much to learn and write at the same time. I am sorry for that, it��s just for about 3 or 4 weeks💜I hope you can understand
If you need more and can’t wait for next updates, you will definitely have to check out Inferiority complex written by @starlightauroras-writes. Her story is super cute and inspiring. Plus, she puts a lot passion and effort into her story, so please, leave likes and messages under her chapters!
Make sure to also leave under this chapter a like or comment! It would make my day!
Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 14 ||| chapter 16]
“Are you excited for the day, Kookie?” Hope asked happily, as she walked around the car.
A few days ago, she had promised Jungkook that they would spend a day on their own, because with all the boys home it could get really hectical sometimes. Together, they wanted to go to the park, walking around and maybe making a picknick somewhere. Luckily, Jin had prepared them a few sandwiches this morning.
“Yes, I am.” The bunny stepped out of the car and stretched his arms in the air.
The weather was actually really beautiful, because it was a little bit sunny and warm, but not too warm for wearing a beanie. Like this, Jungkook could hide his ears with no one noticing. When he opened his eyes again, he looked happily at the girl, before he reached for her smaller hand and both of them began to walk towards the park.
As they were walking, Hope noticed for the first time how other people would see them. Since they were holding hands, the people passing by would probably think that the two of them were together in a relationship. Her cheeks went red when she thought about that.
Her gaze fell onto the boy next to her. Jungkook had his eyes closed, as the sun fell right onto his face, letting his skin glow. He looked so healthy and happy, nothing left from the shy, skinny boy she had found in the alley several month ago. She caught herself watching the shape of his nose and lips closely, bringing up the memory of that night where they had almost kissed into her head.
But still, there was one thing missing in the picture of his beautiful face. The poor boy still had to hide his long floppy ear that the girl loved so much. She loved to driver her fingers through the soft, grey fur, all the way up from the base towards the white tip and that back towards his dark hair. In that moment, she wanted to pull his beanie form his head so bad, showing all the people the true boy, but she knew that Jungkook would feel uncomfortable.
“Are you enjoying this?” He suddenly asked and turned his head down towards her, catching Hope completely off guards. “Just walking around, I mean.”
If it was possible, her face became now even more red when she realized that he didn’t meant her staring. She quickly cleared her throat and ripped her gaze away from his face.
“Y – Yes, I do enjoy it.” She said, trying to steady her voice. “It has been a long time since I have found the time to do something like that. But it is nice to actually clear my head like this.”
The boy just nodded, before he squeezed her hand a little bit tighter.
“Me too.” He eventually said after a few seconds of silence. “Especially with you. Doing something simple like this is anything I have ever wished for. Even though I have to hide my ears, I don’t care.”
Hope gripped his hand tighter when he spoke, pulling herself closer to press her face against the soft fabric of his jacket. Even though she had no extra senses to fully smell the boy’s scent, she caught catch at least the slightest hint of his masculine smell. Immediately, her heart began to beat faster.
Together, they kept walking a little while longer, talking about anything that came into their minds, until Hope spotted an empty bank. Both of them agreed to take a seat and take their picknick there. Jungkook placed the backpack he had insisted to carry, because it would be ‘heavy’, in between them, and both began to eat their sandwiches.
“Did I actually tell you that I have a job interview soon?” She swallowed the last piece of bread down and cleaned her mouth with a tissue.
She had told Jin a few days ago, that she applied to that lawyer firm in New York that were standing up for Hybrid rights in front of the judge. Jungkook’s eyes went wide, before a large smile formed on his beautiful lips.
“Are you serious?” He breath out, reaching over and grabbing her hand carefully. “That is great. I am so happy and proud at you.”
Hearing him saying that he was proud of her was making her cheeks blush again. She tried to hide it with a few giggles, making the boy giggling as well. But suddenly, Jungkook stopped and looked pretty serious into her eyes.
“But will you still have time for us once you will have started working?” He asked in a small voice.
“Of course, I will.” The girl slide a little bit closer towards him, giving attention to not let their hands go of each other. “I will always have time for you, Kookie. You guys are my number one priority.”
Jungkook was still not looking up into her eyes. He kept his head down and carefully slide his thump over the soft skin of the back her hand.
“But what if you will find a boyfriend.” He almost whispered. “Will there be space for us anymore?”
Hope chuckled slightly. It was cute how worried and protective the bunny was about his brothers, but inside in, she had known for a long time now, that there would not be a stranger boyfriend in her life. It were the simple things that would make her heart beat faster, like Jin hugging her from behind while she was cooking, or Jungkook holding her hand and sliding his thumb in small circles over her skin.
Lately, she even had taken Jimin and Taehyung into her heart, even though they hadn’t know each other for long. Those boys had made their way into her life and straight into her heart, making it difficult for her to organize her emotions. Could it be possible that she was developing feelings for all 4 of them at the same time?
“I don’t think I will find myself a boyfriend so quick.” She tried to overplay her awkwardness. “But what is about you? Should we find you a cute bunny girl?”
Immediately, Jungkook’s head shot up, and sharp eyes were looking into hers. He squeezed her hand even tighter, before he shook his head wildly.
“I don’t want a cute bunny girl.” He stated with a steady voice, making Hope think that she might had overstepped the border. “Besides, I already have a mate.”
The last part he mumbled more to himself, but Hope could clearly understand the word ‘mate’ from which she didn’t know what it meant. She wanted to ask the boy, but she decided against it, not wanting to upset Jungkook more. It should be a happy day for both of them.
She leant her head against Jungkook’s shoulder an closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun that was shining into her face. Both stayed like that for another few minutes, before Hope felt Jungkook’s nose nuzzling into her hair. She opened her eyes again and looked upwards.
It was just now that they found themselves once again int the same position like they had been a few days ago in her bedroom. Their faces just inches apart, noses almost nuzzling against each other, but this time, there was nothing that could interrupt them.
Slow-motion-like, Jungkook face came closer, until she could feel his hot breath on her lips. Hope could swear that her heart would spring out of her chest any second. Never in her life had she been that close to someone, but in that moment, there was no one she would rather be in that situation as with Jungkook.
Time seemed to stop when their lips met properly for the very first time. Carefully, Hope started moving them after a few seconds, exploring Jungkook’s mouth while steading herself by pressing her free hand against his chest.
A million questions were racing through her head, as Jungkook started to move his lips more passionately against hers. What would happen after this kiss? Would their relationship change now? Would they be together? What would be about the other boys that had a place in her heart?
All those thoughts faded away and her mouth escaped a small gasp when they both pulled away, facies staying close. Both were now looking into each other’s eyes, cheeks red and not knowing what to say.
“Look at those two.” They suddenly heard an older lady say towards her husband, as they were passing by. “Isn’t young love beautiful?”
Jungkook and Hope were looking back at each other, breaking out in small laughers. The boy wrapped his arms around Hope, pulling her closer and leaning his head against her hair. Both of them stayed like this the rest of the day.
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“Out of the kitchen, woman!” Jin pretended to scare the girl away with his wood spoon, before she fake-whined and quickly walked out of the kitchen. “I have to concentrate in here!”
She turned her head back and stuck out her tongue, before she looked around for something else to do while Jin was preparing the dinner. She spotted Taehyung, Hobi and Jungkook sitting on the sofa with their fingers sliding over the controllers wildly, while they screamed some comments from time to time.
It was amazing how fast the boys had accepted Hobi in their circle. Just after a few days, they were already joking along with the older boy, laughing and playing together like they had known each other for years. It made her happy. Hobi was a great person, always funny hand happy.
When her gaze fell onto Jungkook, her cheeks redden. The memory of earlier came into her mind, but she had to remind herself that drooling now wouldn’t be suitable. She sighed and was about to sat down next to them, when she noticed that there was one boy missing.
Jimin was nowhere to be found in the living room or in the kitchen, which was quiet strange, because normally, he loved to hang out with his brother and Jungkook, and if he wasn’t with them, he usually would be with Jin.
She walked down the hallway when she already heard a soft humming coming from the two tiger’s room. Hope slowly pushed the door open a small gap, peeking her head into the room. Jimin was laying back down on the bed, his eyes were closed the small ear buds she had given him a few days ago in his ears.
He must have smelled the girl coming inside, because he suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the doorway. When he spotted the small human, he pulled out the ear buds and smiled wildly at her.
“Hello, Hope.” He sat up straight, as she walked closer towards the bed. “Come and sit down with me.”
Jimin was always a warm and welcoming person. Every time she saw him, he had his wide, beautiful smile on his face, making his eyes from into half-moons and her knees weaken. When she sat down on the bed next to him, he laid himself back onto his back and with his head into her lap.
“Why aren’t you with the others?” She carefully asked him, before she began to slide her hands through his thick hair.
Jimin hummed a little bit, before he closed his eyes again and pushed his hands further into her hands.
“I wanted to listen to some music.” He simply said. “Thank you again for the MP3 player, Hope. I love it.”
They stayed in that position for a little while longer, just enjoying the moment together. She had grown attached to Jimin really quick. His sweet and lovely personality made it hard for someone to not love him.
“Did you had a great time with Jungkook today.” He suddenly whispered into the dimmed room, not trying to hide the smile in his tone.
Hope was glad that the room was a little bit darker, because for the thousandths time that day, her face went red as a tomato. She awkwardly laughed and shifted around the mattress before she could find her voice again.
“I – “ She stuttered, not knowing if she should tell him or not, but it wanted to come out of her. “We – ehm – we kissed.”
She was giggling like a little school girl while talking, trying to cover her embarrassment. Jimin was now chuckling as well.
“I know.” He confessed, and she could practically see the smirk on his face. “You smelled more intensive like him when you came home earlier. I could tell straight away that something happened.”
A gasp escaped her mouth when he told her about that. If he smelled it, the there was no doubt that the rest of the boys had smelled it too. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her away forever.
Before she had the chance to think about it further, Jimin had already pushed himself up from her lap, and was now wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close towards his chest. Instinctive, she placed her head onto his shoulder while he snuggled his head into the creak of her neck, moving it carefully around. This gesture didn’t stay unnoticed by Hope, because she knew this gesture form Jungkook.
“Jimin?” She slightly chuckled as his breath tickled her sensitive skin. “Are you scenting me?”
The white tiger hummed a little bit, causing a wave of shover over her spine, before he pulled away. For a moment, they were just looking into each other’s eyes, before Jimin moved his hands to screech his neck.
“I am sorry.” He quietly whispered, pressing his ears flatly against his head. “It’s just – you smell so strongly like Jungkook and that just triggered my – my instincts. I am sorry.”
Hope chuckled at his cute stuttering. Though they had known each other for a few weeks now, Jimin would still get shy over the simplest things sometimes.
“It’s okay, Jimin.” She said, before he laid his head back into her lap.
As she drove her hands through his thick hair, she sunk back into her thoughts. She had never thought about the boys actually having animal-like instincts. Of course, she knew that their ears and noses were really sensitive, but she had also heard about other – needs – that Hybrids would develop while living together with a girl. Her cheeks blushed immediately when she thought about that.
“What are you thinking about?” The boy in her lap suddenly asked, looking up at her.
With redden cheeks, she quickly tried to find an answer when suddenly that one question popped up in her mind.
“How – how do I smell actually?” That question had been burning in her head ever since she had met the boys. “Do I smell – okay? I mean, do I smell like sweat or something, because if I did it – “
“Do you smell okay?” Jimin had abruptly pushed himself up from her lap and was now facing her directly. “Your scent is absolutely….amazing. You can’t imagine it, but a scent isn’t comparable to – sweat. I don’t know how to describe it, but every time you enter the apartment your scent is flashing me and the other boys. It smells so sweet and clear but also natural at the same time. Just amazing.”
With every word Jimin was using to describe her scent, her cheeks would blush more and more. She would have ever guessed that the boys enjoyed smelling her. Not knowing what to do, she began to twirl a strand of her hair around her finger while starting to laugh awkwardly.
“O – okay.” She eventually stuttered between her giggles. “Thanks, I guess?”
Though it was an uncommon way to compliment someone, she somehow felt proud to hear those words from the male. Never in her life had some boy made a compliment to her. Only her mother had told her often that she was a beautiful, but that was different.
Since she had been living with the boys, she had got a lot of compliments. Jin would often tell her that she was beautiful or that she would be cute when she couldn’t reach the top shelf, because she was tiny. Jimin had told her that he liked her scent, but he had often told her that he liked to hug her, because he felt comfortable around her. Taehyung was another thing. Though their relationship had made much process, he was still more reluctant when it came to compliments. Jungkook on the other hand made a lot of compliments. What she loved that most was that they all really meant what they said, not just like telling a phrase.
When she thought about Jungkook, her thoughts drifted back towards the scene where both of them had been sitting on the bank in the park together. Jungkook had seemed to be pretty upset when she had joked about finding him a bunny girl, before he had said something about ‘finding his mate’.
“Jimin.” It was just now that he realized that she had said his name pretty often today. “What is a mate? I heard Jungkook talking about it, but I didn’t know what he meant by that.”
Jimin cocked an eyebrow up, his ears standing up high in attention.
“He told you about it?” He asked, his voice was holding a hint of surprise and confusion.
“He just told me that he already has a mate.” She quickly answered. “Whatever that means.”
The white tigers chuckled slightly, before he sighed and scratched his neck, obviously looking for the right words.
“A mate is something like – what do you call it – marrying someone?” He began, before he sat up straight across from her. “Or more like a soulmate! You met a special person you love and with whom you want to spend your whole life together. You have no influence on the time you will meet your mate, under which circumstances or who he or she is.”
Jungkook had a mate? Someone he loved? Somehow, that hurt her more than she thought. It was not like she was not happy for him, because everything she wanted was that her boys could feel happy in their lives.
“But – but –“ Her mind was suddenly filled with thousands of questions. “ – what do you mean by who he or she is?”
“It means that there are no rules for finding one’s mate.” While he was talking, a small smile was forming on his face. “Age, gender, religion, race, breed – it doesn’t matter, everyone is just equal. Boys mate with boys, girls mate with girls, Christians mate with Muslims, Hybrids mate with human. Love has no definition in that point. There are even cases where Hybrids have more than one mate.”
Her heat shot up at that statement and her heart was suddenly pounding in her chest. On the one hand, it should make her happy that it was possible for Hybrids to find their mates in a human – like her – because in her heart she had known for a long time that she like her boys very much, but on the other hand, was there actually a chance all of them would feel the same for her too?
“What if one partner doesn’t want to be the mate of the other?” Her voice got quieter and quieter.
“Usually, mates are destined for each other, but of course, there are cases where one partner doesn’t accept his mate.” Jimin began to talk again, and Hope could tell that he was pretty serious about that topic. “It’s one of the worse cases ever. Losing our mate is like someone rips out a part of your heart. It’s very hard to get over the pain.”
Hope gasped slightly. She knew how much it hurt to loose someone you love deeply, but she didn’t know if that was comparably with losing your mate.
“How do you know who your mate is?” She almost didn’t dared to ask more question, not wanting to step on Jimin’s nerves, but somehow she got more and more interested with every new detail about that topic.
“I don’t know about you humans.” Jimin lifted his hand to scratch his neck, a slight tone of red was somehow covering his cheeks now. “But we Hybrids, we can smell it. It is the best feeling ever when you find your mate. It feels like you have thousands of butterflies in your stomach every time you see her – or him! Yeah – ehm – and you just want to be with your mate all the time, hugging him, marking him and just be together. It’s great.”
“Marking?” Hope had the feeling that with every word she got more and more confused.
“Hmm.” Jimin hummed. “It means that you bite your mate somewhere on his neck or shoulder to leave a mark there. When you mark your mate, it means that you will be together forever.”
Every word Jimin was using, she could hear the passion and love he put behind it, just like he had already felt all of that. She wanted to feel that too.
“Did – did you already find your mate?” Actually, she didn’t want to hear his answer, knowing that it would probably hurt her.
Jimin hesitated for a while, before he bent his head to the side, smiling almost unnoticed by her.
“I would say that Tae is my mate in some way.” His eyes sparkled slightly when he talked about his brother. “We are just clicking with each other and I love to hug or to cuddle with him, but yes, I – I think I also have another mate somewhere.”
When he showed her his perfect smile, Hope just couldn’t destroy his happiness by showing him that it hurt her. She just leant forward and hugged the boy tightly, burring her head into his neck.
“I am so happy for you, Jimin.” She whispered.
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“Okay, gentlemen.” Jin looked at the 4 boys in front of him, who were sitting on the sofa in a row. “You all know that Hope has her job interview today, which is pretty exhausting for her. Therefore, we will make this evening as relaxing as possible for her. I – “
The leopard was interrupted by Hobi, who was carefully holding up his hand in the air, gesturing that he wanted to say something. He patiently waited for the older boy to give him a nod so he could start talking.
“What is a job interview?” The younger boy asked innocently.
Before Jin could answer his question, Jimin had already bent forward from the other side of the couch to look at Hobi.
“People are asking her a lot questions to see if she is suitable to work in their company.” He simply answered.
The fox cocked an eyebrow up, but eventually, he nodded after a few seconds and turned his attention back towards the oldest boy.
“Exactly, Jimin.” He showed Jimin a smile, before he was about to start talking again, when suddenly Taehyung was interrupting him. “That’s why –“
“Why are you even talking like that.” The black tiger asked with a smirk on his face. “Are we some kind of soldiers now?”
Jin just rolled his eyes. Though Taehyung had laid off his bratty attitude some days ago, he still loved to teas and provoke the people around him.
“Because –“ He locked eyes with every one of them, before he continued. “ – I want you to understand the importance of the situation. Hope is doing everything for us. It would only be fair from us to support her whenever we can. She will be pretty exhausted when she is coming home, and that’s why we will cheer her up with the apartment already cleaned, the laundry washed and a prepared meal. Do you understand? Okay, then let’s go!”
Without any protest, all the boys stood up from the sofa and began to do their job. While Jin and Jimin went towards the kitchen to prepare dinner, Jungkook and Hoseok went towards the storage to get the vacuum cleaner and cleaning stuff, and Taehyung began to collect all the used clothes into a basket to sort and wash them.
When two hours had passed by, all the boys met up in the living room again.
“It looks pretty good.” Jungkook stated, as they were all staring at the set up table. “I think she will like it.”
The other 4 boys agreed with the youngest. They had really put all their effort in preparing a nice evening for them and especially the girl. They didn’t even had to wait long, because all of them were still standing in the middle of the living room when they heard the front door being pushed open.
“I am ba – “ The girl stopped in her mid-sentence when she saw all 5 boys turning around at the same time. “What are you guys doing? Oh no, did you break –“
“Hope!” Jungkook was the first one to break out of his staring.
He almost ran over towards the small girl and threw his arms around her, quickly followed by Jimin who pressed himself between the bunny and the girl. Jin on the other hand waited patiently for the younger ones to let go of Hope, before he pulled her into a tight hug himself.
Hobi and Taehyung watched the scene in front of them in very different ways. While the fox Hybrid stood a little awkward and dumb folded there, not knowing what to do or how to behave, Taehyung held his typical smirk on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.
“Hello, human girl.” He smirked, before he stretched out his hand towards her.
“Hello, Tae.” The girl just rolled playfully her eyes but eventually, she shook the taller boy’s hand slightly. “Hello there, Hobi.”
She happily waved at the older boy, before she placed her purse and coat onto the sofa. She took a deep breath and turned back towards the boys.
“Hope, you look sad.” Jimin carefully took a step forwards, while he fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “Did you not get the job?”
Hope didn’t answer for a moment. She took another deep breath, before she looked up with her big eyes, making the boys believe that Jimin guessed right.
“I – ehm – “ She cleared her throat, before her face suddenly changed and a scream left her mouth. “I got the job! I did it!”
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[inspirations ||| recommendations]
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Daniel and YN part 9 🌗🌗
“Sensei, I think we have a lead on Daniel and YN.” “Tell me more, Tomura.” Shigaraki’s spine tingles when his master speaks.
His father figure, his sensei. Desperate to please, he pulled up the file his rat in the police station grabbed. “Last week there was an incident at the cafe in the pink district. There were several vases destroyed from an unknown explosion. The windows were cracked from trembling so hard. Almost all the footage tapes were melted, melted in the camera holder. When examined, the broken materials were giving off radiation. Radiation so bad it left a cop in the hospital.” “Interesting… you said almost all the footage?” “Yes. My rat got me the only tape that survived. When I watched it, I think I saw them.” AFO tilted his head. It was progressing faster than planned, but of course he was prepared for that possibility. Daniel seemed to be more subject to his emotions than his sister. Over the years AFO did not see an improvement on his mental development. It seemed that he would need to intervene sooner than expected if he did not want to lose his child to a hero. “Sensei. There’s also news that All Might and his protege are investigating the incident.” Now that was a complication. All Might and his other child should not be allowed total influence over the two. It was time to enact a different plan. One that involved seeing his past wife. “Thank you Tomura. I want you to keep an eye out for them. They are not to be harmed. I have to make arrangements. When you find them make sure you keep a nullifier on hand. In case Daniel needs to be calmed down.” With that, AFO hung up and opened a portal to the Midoryia household. He hasn’t gone by Midoryia for a long time, but even so he did not expect a warm welcome from his past wife. And when she opened the door to him, the look of worry on her face confirmed his suspicions. “They’re not here. Izuku is out trying to find YN. You can’t lash out at him or All Might. They’re-” “I plan to find them first. Izuku is not capable of handling Daniel’s quirk if they upset him. And you underestimate YN. She is very adept at hiding and defense.” “How would you know?” “Because I keep a watchful eye on all my children.” “All your..?” “Four years before we conceived Izuku, I donated my DNA for a little… experiment. The mother had a minor quirk involving radiation. From that pregnancy cane Daniel. Four years later, months after we conceived Izuku, I had my DNA donated again. YN was born from that.” “They 're just experiments to you?” “At first, yes. I did not plan to get attached. But I did. And I have been attached since. I was there when Daniel first displayed reminances of a quirk. I was there when YN learned to balance herself on a high wire. I found them when they were lost. I arranged for her mother’s job to move her to this district and apartment building. I’m the reason you gained custody of them if you recall the deal we made.” “I…” “My point is I may not have been there for Izuku’s life but I have been there for my other two. And I don’t plan to relinquish my children to All Might or those heroes. Is that understood, All Might?” Inko turned around to see her son and his mentor standing in the doorway. Both were glaring at the villain. Ready to ounce at him if need be. But without him she would lose the children. “Mom get away from him.” “Is that any way to speak to your father Izuku?” “YOU LEFT!” Before the fighting could get any worse Inko stood between them. “My baby, my love.” She turned to All Might and Izuku. “We may not like it but he is their father. And he probably would be useful to returning YN and Daniel safely. We have to sit down and figure this out. For them.” So with great tension, Two rivals sat across a dinner table along with a green haired boy and a troubled mother. All discussing the custody of two individuals that didn’t belong to them. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 10 🌗🌗
Sometimes YN wished she had made more of an effort to make friends. Yes Daniel was her best and closest friend, but it would be nice to have a girl or boy her own age to talk to. Someone that she could talk about stupid crap with. She tried being friends with Izuku when she and her brother officially moved in with the Midoryia’s, but they never saw her or Daniel as their own people. Izuku never really cared that YN was great at math. The best in her class. That she had a tiny interest in math because the answers were always exact and never had to be debated. He didn’t bother to care that YN liked reading romance and horror stories, that she really liked cheesy murder mystery movies with a twist villain hidden in plain sight. Izuku knew those things about her, but he just wrote it down in his notebook and filed it away like she wasn’t a person. They were no better to Daniel either. He was treated like an incompetant child. Like he was stupid and a baby. Sure he was disabled but he wasn’t incapable of everything. If they bothered talking and treating him like a person they’d see how complex he was. They’d see that he was so talented when he painted, that he could find a focus on the small important details. That Daniel, while he couldn’t understand complex emotions, could create beautiful things. Daniel had a delayed mind, but he loved figuring out puzzles. Daniel loved pinwheels and painted windmills, loved when they spun to beautiful colours. But did they care, no they saw only a child that needed to be coddled and kept away from how beautiful the world could be. YN couldn’t help but tear up as she held her knees to her chest. Why? Why couldn’t Izuku have been the friend she needed when her parents died? Why didn’t she try harder to make friends when she was at public school? Why did she act so introverted and angry at everyone? Just as she was about to cry, YN felt two long arms wrap around her. “Why you sad?” “It’s nothing really. I just… I really miss momma and pop. I really wish they were here.” “....Me too.” So the two hugged tightly. For tonight and every night that will come, they’ll have each other. In another place, a skinny blue haired villain placed a severed hand on his face. Determined to please his master, his father figure, Shigaraki set out to find the two troubled teens. They couldn’t be hidden forever. Besides, AFO should be allowed to see his children. He was their father, by blood. Shigaraki wasn’t an idiot though. He knew that the incident caused a commotion for those hungry for power. Ready to use quirk off the Boy. Shigaraki made sure to send some of his underlings out to gather intel and report whether or not other crimelords had their sights and claws on the teens. He had to be careful not to cause a scene and bring the heroes upon them. As the cold night blew his hair slightly, Shigaraki pondered the situation. Sensei had a wife, and three children? But not all share the same mother. He didn’t raise his three children, but he looked after them. But out of all of them Sensei chose to raise Shigaraki. He felt special. Sensei wanted to be near him. Nonetheless, these two were family. His sorta siblings. And he would bring them home. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 11 🌗🌗
Young Izuku had the foundations to be a great hero. He was kind, string in heart, brave, and a little stupid. Toshinori knew that he would make a fine owner of OFA. And when he trained the boy he saw the makings of a new symbol of peace. Inko was a beautiful woman, even if she was too anxious to notice. He felt this urge to love and protect her. And over the months with her and Izuku, they formed a genuine love. Toshinori was a little concerned at first when he met YN and Daniel though. He did not really understand why they were kept so sheltered and why they were so babied. YN seemed like a capable young woman. But like with Izuku and Inko, the more time he spent near them, the more he felt protective, loving, obsessive. “Ah, good morning young YN. How was your night?” “What do you think. You stole my switchblade.” Inko seemed to bristle a bit at YN’s angry tone. “Sweetie.. We just thought that you could get hurt. It’s for the best. You know that w-” “That you only want the best for me. Yea I heard the same argument over and over again. And each time it’s still bull.” Before either could reprimand her, she stomped to her room slamming the door. Mornings usually weren’t so great. Especially when the night before they had to make big decisions regr=arding her safety. On All Might’s days off he would spend time with the Midoryia’s, sometimes it would go smoothly and sometimes the mood couldn’t surpass a funeral. All Might felt that he should’ve noticed the signs that YN was going to run away sooner. Perhaps then he could have intervened and then the whole family could air out why things were the way they were.
The first signs had to be when YN kept interfering with the way Inko felt was right to take care of poor Daniel. “Come on Daniel, It’s time to go to the learning center.” “Oh sweetie, I forgot to tell you that we pulled Daniel out of the center classes.” “What?” When YN’s face turned, All Might could see that a screaming match would begin, well not really a match considering young YN would be doing all the screaming. He was just here to pick up young Midoryia but he couldn’t help but stop in. “Well it’s just that Daniel learns so much better at a home, and the center is full of so many people that would be mean to him. Besides, he doesn’t really need to be at the center when I can take care of him.” “Yes he does! How is he gonna learn to cook and clean and manage any type of money if you refuse to let him learn!?!” “Daniel’s mind can’t handle all the new information. He might start to panic and his quirk might-” “YOU don’t know a GODDAMN thing about him! About what is best for him! You wanna do what’s best for my brother?! Than STOP treating him like he’s completely incompetent!” Before she could yell another word All Might stepped in with his trademark ‘I AM HERE’ . “Now young YN that’s no way to speak to your foster mother. She just believes that someone more personal should be teaching Daniel these things. That's not so bad is it?” “But-” “IS IT?” “Fine.I’ll get my school work done early so that I can teach Daniel in the afternoon.”
With that the argument was resolved. If only that was the last time she lashed out at them. If only he prevented the biggest fight that broke out between Izuku and YN. “Will you stop pestering him about his quirk?! It obviously makes him uncomfortable!” YN had walked into the room seeing Izuku asking Daniel all sorts of questions about his quirk and how he used it. It would’ve been fine had he stopped at the first two questions, but he kept going on and on. Wouldn’t stop asking about the destructive qualities, or about how his mind sometimes couldn’t comprehend his own quirk. Izuku didn’t notice how uncomfortable Daniel was getting. “I was just asking him some questions!” “You were being a jerk!” Before Izuku could yell at her again, the table and the mirrors broke. Both turned to see Daniel staring furious and scared, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Don’t scream at my sister!” He spoke angrily. He was so brave, so ready to defend his baby sister. Daniel could’ve brought the whole room down, had All Might in his ultimate form not stepped and stopped him. All Might should’ve known not to grab him and held him down. He should’ve known that the constriction made Daniel panic. Made him destroy more things to make it stop. The screaming continued, until YN grabbed her brother and calmed him. They barricaded themselves in her room that night. And in the morning, the three tried to act like it didn’t happen. All Might took the kids out for the day. Celebrating Izuku’s placement in the hero program. The signs were there that day. The signs that they were going to run. That they were going to leave. If only All Might had seen the signs. If only Toshinori hadn’t gotten attached to them. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 12 🌗🌗
Toshinori was a good man. He wasn’t perfect but he was a good man. He had a moral code and knew right from wrong. Though selfish desires sometimes took his attention more than the moral desires. He knew it was wrong to smother and coddle Daniel and YN, but he couldn’t help wanting to protect them. Even if they didn’t want it. He felt like Izuku, YN, and Daniel were like his children. He felt just as protective over Izuku as he was over YN and Daniel. But he couldn’t coddle him like the other two. He had a duty to Nana to pass on OFA, Izuku had to live up to that power now. And he was so dedicated to being a hero. Toshinori wanted to do right by all the kids. He felt that it was his duty to find his missing kids, and bring them home. Let YN know that he didn’t feel angry that she left. Let Daniel know that he was sorry. So before he could work with his arch enemy, he decided to learn more about the two. So that when they were found again, he could show them that he was ready to be a real mentor figure, a guardian. When he entered YN’s room, it was not what he expected. He thought the sullen looking problem child would have grunge posters, a dirty room, torn up clothes and what not. Imagine his surprise when he saw colourful mini lantern lights strung over the walls. A math book along with several romance and horror storybooks. Her bedspread was a mix of several pillows and a giant comforter. Something that he’s sure would look inviting after a long day. There was a fluffy rug that cushioned his feet. The curtains were dark and cut out all light. On her bookshelf there was a collection of old murder mystery and comedy movies. When he popped one into the small tv player, he felt a stronger connection than before with her. Laughing at the cheesy twists and overacting. She was more than just a quirkless victim. She felt like a daughter to him. Toshinori never understood why he never went into Daniel’s room before. Of course Inko was there. Holding Daniel’s favorite pillow. This room, like the other, was a window into someone that Toshinori never actually knew. For some reason he thought Daniel would have soft light wall colors and some doodles on the wall. But the walls were an earthy dark blue. His blankets were patterned with prints of old paintings. There were canvases of unfinished pieces of art littered around the desk and bed. Notes and papers of unconnected thoughts all tucked away in a drawer. He spotted a framed photo of what he assumed were Daniel’s parents. Hidden under his pillows. When he saw the ceiling, it was a mix of a starry night sky but had handprints all over. In various colors. Touching his own hand to the print, Toshinori felt a connection to the boy. It was like a click happened. He wasn’t just a boy struggling with his developmental disability. Daniel saw the world in colors and was just frustrated that no one could understand those colors. Daniel wasn’t an emotionally compromised person with a violent quirk, he was a boy who wanted to be happy and understood. That day, Toshinori finally felt the wall that was preventing him from really understanding these two was finally lifted. And had he been listening to his moral side he would’ve known to not pursue them. But his selfish side won that fight. With his new understanding came an ugly obsession. A protective instinct to hold and protect them even more. Whilst quirkless YN might be strong and smart, she was too emotional and easy to provoke. Daniel might not be safe out there either. He loses control when people don’t understand. But Toshinori understood now. He would keep his children safe. Izuku, Daniel, and YN. Even if he had to work with the devil. “I’ll bring you home. Everything will be okay. Because I am here.” 🌗🌗
Amazing work as always moon anon! The story has become quite interesting! Its inspiring me to write for platonic AFO, something that I've not talked about for quite a while. Him and well, Erasermic
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