moonlitlunas · 11 months
do not separate my mary jane and peter for ur silly old man yaoi !!!
HOWEVER ... have we considered a throuple instead?
mj introducing them like "this is my husband peter and his boyfriend miguel who is also my boyfriend" like april in that one scene in parks and rec
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rueclfer · 20 days
neopet graveyard // shigaraki tomura
when you two always end up working the night shift together.
a/n: all together now! "finaaallllyyyyy" we collectively say. i love shiggy sm this fucking loser is the loml. <3
my smau warm up for this fic here too
@bbluefllame hehe
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12:37 AM the buzzing analog clock sitting on the counter glared back at you. Long and slow shifts like tonight's were agonizing to get through. You may have been getting paid to sit around and flip through dusty catalogs and sort through old video game discs, but you often wondered if you'd rather be at home broke and asleep right now.
"Hey Shigs," You call out, breaking his attention away from his phone. "Tits or ass?" You hold up the vintage Playboy magazine up to his direction from across the store.
"You have neither." He replies, leaning forward and slightly squinting in your direction. "I can't see that far. What are you showing me?"
"It's a fucking porn mag, you dick." You call out, throwing a pen in his direction, letting it bounce off the glass counter beside him and landing among the cardboard boxes behind the register.
"Freak, where the fuck did you find that?" He cocks an eyebrow at you, setting his phone down.
"In bossman's desk." You shrug. "Quite a collection he's got in there, actually. Answer the question."
Tomura stops for a moment, leaning against the glass counter behind the register as he deeply thinks about his answer. Given his stoic and apathetic personality, you were half expecting him to tell you to fuck off and eat shit.
"Loser-" You began, getting ready to shoot him the most annoyed eye-roll you could muster.
"-And ass." He cuts you off with a smirk before returning to his phone.
You chuckle, tossing the magazine back in the desk drawer with the others before slamming it shut.
You make your way over to the opposing side of the glass counter where he stood, peering over to see him playing clash of clans on his phone.
"I'm bored. Dying of it, actually." You exacerbated, blowing a breath of air into the pale strands of hair hanging over his forehead "Put your phone away and entertain me for the last hour that we're here."
"Piss off and perish." He mutters, eyes still glued to his screen.
You pout at his coldness. You had spent the day cleaning, reshelving, wiping down any counter you could find, and now at this ungodly hour, you've been left with nothing you could possibly do except wait for the minutes to go by until the end of the shift.
"Wanna make out in the back room?" You prop your elbow on the counter and rest your head in your palm, staring up at him with a flirty smile.
His thumbs pause on his screen, eyes snapping over to meet your own, annoyance flash across them the moment he sees your cheeky grin and fake-innocent eyes staring back at him.
"What?" A faint blush dust over his cheeks as he avert his gaze from your own.
"You heard me." You playfully lean back on your heels, swinging yourself back and forth. "All this alone time, you're not itching to take my clothes off? A little fun, Shigs? Something to help you loosen up?" You inch your face closer to his.
More often than not, you ended up on the schedule with Tomura for the most brutal hours of 6:30pm-1:30am for most nights of the week. Your boss says it's to stay available for the nightcrawlers of the city, but business is always dead by 11:00pm. For those excruciatingly slow last few hours, you cherished spending them terrorizing Tomura for his flustered reactions and the amusement of annoying him.
The pink of his cheeks bloom into a bright red, causing him to hide his face in his forearm, covering it with a cough.
"Just kidding, Shigs." You lean back and playfully shoving his shoulder from across the counter. "I'm just being silly, no need to get your panties in a twist."
"I fucking hate when you do that." He runs a hand through his hair, pushing back the strands that always end up falling back in his face.
"Do what, exactly?" You cock your head to the side.
"You know what. You're worse than Dabi." He huffs. "Start doing your closing work or something if you're bored." He turns his back to you and leans back against the counter, frantically scrolling through twitter- obviously not reading any of the words on screen, but just trying to avoid you for long enough so you lose interest in bothering him.
"I finished those an hour ago." You whine. "Crazy idea, but what if we close early? There's only less than an hour left and these cameras have been out of service for the past 2 months."
He looks back at you, and takes a scan at the state of the store- cleaned, restocked, inventory logged, everything seems to be in order. It wasn't like the store's upkeep was any hard work, anyways. In fact, the owner barely ever came in and you were half sure that he used this old comics and game store for money laundering purposes.
"That might actually be the smartest thing your dumbass has said all shift."
The night breeze blew right through your sweater, causing a chill to crawl up your spine.
"Alright, Shiggy, I'll see you when I see you, then?" You squeak out, rubbing your arms for the heat friction.
"Hold on." He mutters, cigarette hanging from his lips as he wiggles the door to make sure it's properly locked. "I'll walk you home."
"I do this walk multiple times a week, Shigs." You smile at the sentiment. "I'll be fine. I live close by."
"I know you'll be fine. I just don't want to go back to the apartment yet. Dabi's throwing a party and I'd rather not deal with a group of drunk idiots right now." He shrugs, taking a drag of the cig before passing it over to you in which you gladly accept from his fingers, letting the intoxicating smoke warm you from the inside.
"Oh, that's right. He invited me when I saw him during the shift change." You exhale, blowing the smoke behind you, starting to lead him towards the direction of your home.
"Shouldn't we head that way, then?" He stops in his tracks.
"Well, I'd only go if you were there to keep me company, but if you're not feeling it then probably not."
"Parties aren't really my thing, but if you're there, then it'll be fine. I can tolerate it." He mutters, kicking a pebble to the side. "I can always just lock myself in my room, I'm sure they'll be too shitfaced to notice, anyways."
"What? I'd notice." You pout.
"I'll lock you in with me, duh." He coughs, hiding a smile while sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
He nods his head in response.
"Sounds like you like my company a lot more than you give off, Shigs." You smile, redirecting your walk back towards his apartment now.
"Heavy on the tolerate." He meets your eye for a moment before returning them down at his feet.
It had been an especially cold winter night. Hoodies and knitted sweaters were always a staple in Tomura's wardrobe, in any weather, but tonight he sported a dingy old leather jacket over his usual hoodie for the extra warmth. The cold air nipped the apples of his cheeks and tip of his nose into a rosy pink, and if he didn't have his hood over his head, you were sure the tip of his ears would be under the same condition.
You naturally ran hot, but your favorite part of a chilly walk home from work was the blast of warm air hitting your face and defrosting your fingertips the second you walked into your apartment- which fortunately also motivated you to get quick with your pace.
"I think Twice and Toga live this way too." You mumble, starting to recognize the surrounding structures.
"They do. We walk together if we're scheduled together, which is almost never, but a couple times a month, maybe."
"Do you ever think about quitting?" You turn to him and ask.
"Only when the general population is being extra stupid. Other than that, not really. You?"
"Sometimes. I have an existential crisis about what I'm doing with my life every now and then, but I like working with everyone."
"With everyone? You mean just me?" He chuckles, earning him a scoff from you.
"I just tolerate you, actually. I live for those 5 minutes in between shifts where I say hi and bye to my people."
You catch the end of an eye-roll.
"What do you get so existential about?"
"You know, the typical stuff every twenty-something year old goes through. Progressing in life and all that bullshit?" You sigh.
"Get specific, dumbass." He takes a long drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke fog around you. "I'll grant you some of my wisdom."
"Lately, it's a lot of if my kid-self would like my adult-self, if working at the shop is just me trying to hold onto my childhood, dropping out of college, never having my first kiss, miss being taken care of, and probably a million more things." You list off, counting on your fingers.
"Damn. I'd hate to be in your brain." Tomura mutters. "Shit happens and we all die. Better to not stress about it."
"Great wisdom, dipshit." You chuckle, nudging him with your elbow.
"If it makes you feel better, I also dropped out and haven't had a first kiss."
"No education I can tell-"
He flips you off.
"-but no first kiss?" You dramatically gasps "I don't believe that. You're so cute!"
"And you're not?"
Your mouth gaped open at the subtle hit of flirtation from him. The coldness on your neck and cheeks were quickly replaced by an unfamiliar rush of heat.
"Shut up." You mutter, snapping your head forward to hide your blush. "I guess people don't like cute now-a-days."
"Guess not."
After coming up on his apartment building, you two halted to a stop. You two spent most of the walk in silent solitude, passing back and forth the same innocent subtle glances with every puff of the shared cigarette.
"You ready?" He steps out the butt of the cigarette and shoves his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
"Can't wait to see that crusty dusty reddit-incelified gaming set up of yours." You tease.
"Just wait 'til you see the jar." He retaliates, causing you to scowl in disgust and slapping him across the bicep.
For a second, you could almost make out the softest glimpse of a smile on his lips, but you decided to let that be something you keep to yourself, locking it away in your memories.
You follow him into the apartment complex and up the dingy and loud humming of the elevator that replaced the need for conversation. From a few steps outside of the door you could hear the trashy garage band music emitting from the inside- definitely Dabi's kind of party.
You watch Tomura fumble with his keys for a moment before swinging the door open, letting a rush of hot air mixed with the fumes of stale cigarette smoke and beer slap you in the face.
You two cram into the doorway, almost back to back as you kicked off your shoes and shed off unnecessary layers.
You take a step into the living room to see many new and familiar faces huddling in small circles around the apartment, sporting flushed cheeks and drink in hand.
"Dabi's wasted." Tomura leans down and whispers, lips lightly grazing the shell of your ear, sending a shudder up your spine. "Watch out or he might claim your first kiss. He's a stupid affectionate drunk."
Unfortunately for you, your eyes instantly caught onto Dabi's from across the room, causing him to bum rush his way over to you guys, throwing his arms around you two into a hug, crushing your body together against Tomura's.
"I told you." Tomura mouths down to you with an annoyed expression.
"Fuckers, you're late." He slurs into your shoulder. "I shoulda burnt that fucking store down to get you here earlier."
"Aren't you scheduled for the morning?" You cock an eyebrow at his drunken state.
"That's tomorrow-me's problem, sweets." He says with a lopsided grin. He grabs Tomura's head and presses a wet kiss to his temple before slapping one on your forehead. "You kids mingle and go get something go drink."
Once Dabi returns back to the party, you turn to Tomura with a laugh. After wiping off the side of his head with his sleeve, he places a hand on the back of your head, and uses his other to swipe across your forehead, wiping off the remnants of Dabi's drunken kiss.
"Fuckin' gross." He mumbles to himself.
You two spent a little less than an hour making your rounds around the party, a shot here and there when the other coworkers demanded one from you, but with the nod of his head towards the hallway, you knew his social battery had been drained.
"Handling your alcohol?" He asked, pulling you towards his room by the sleeve of your sweater, slightly stumbling over the carpet.
"Of course." You mutter. "You?"
"Couple shots got nothing on me."
The second the door clicked shut behind you, you audibly sighed from the sweet relief of a moment of silence after a full shift of the same work playlist on repeat and the party's music following you around the apartment.
"Finally." Tomura groans, reaching up behind his neck, lightly tugging on the back of his hoodie.
You took a seat on his gaming chair, hugging a knee up to your chest as your eyes scan across the walls of his room, glancing over at his various superhero posters, and bookshelf of collectables until it locked on his pale lower torso that exposed itself from his t-shirt riding up with the hoodie as he yanked it off over his head.
"Uhh." You begin, swiveling your chair around and averting your attention towards his gaming setup. "You stream? You got a webcam."
"Do you care?" You feel a hand grip the head of the gaming chair, swiveling you back around to face him, who is now leaning over you. "Thought you didn't care about all that shit."
"It's different if it's you." You smirk up at him, letting the alcohol boost your suave facade that had originally faltered upon seeing a few inches of his naked torso.
"Relentless flirt." He brings his hand down to flick your forehead before taking a seat on his unmade bed, leaning back against the headboard with his hands behind his head.
You accidentally knock the mouse cursor with your elbow, waking the monitor. Staring back at you in a bright red blocky font was 2:39AM, suddenly sobering you up.
"Oh shit, it's getting pretty late." You check your phone to confirm. "I should get going."
"Uh, isn't your apartment in the opposite direction from work?"
He only had to look you up and down one time to know that you weren't sober enough to make the walk by yourself. He wouldn't even think about letting you leave this apartment at this hour, anyways.
"Yeah? So what?" You cock an eyebrow at him.
"I mean...you think you should stay the night?" He starts, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "If you want, I don't care."
"Do you want me to stay the night?" You shoot him a daring smirk.
"Do you want to stay the night?" He retaliates.
"Sounds like you want me to. So fine, I guess, if you're begging for it."
"Fuck off and get eaten by the coyotes." He scowls in irritation, pulling his phone out to divert his attention.
You hop onto the bed next to him, catching his panicked expression the moment he realized how close you two were now. On the same bed. Alone. Along with the new question of where you would be sleeping- something that he had not thought about until now.
"C'mon Shigs! It's no fun when I'm the one that's always doing the chasing, babe. You have to want me as much as I want you, that's what makes it fun." You jokingly sigh.
"Who says I don't?"
Your eyes go wide. You were so used to him deflecting all of your useless attempts to fluster him, so you weren't sure how to handle your short circuited brain the second he finally returns the same energy.
"Uhhh. Okay, I take it back. Don't do that again." You press your lips together in defeat.
"I say four words and you start losing it?" He chuckles. "Think I got you beat at your own game."
"I guess tonight will test that, won't it?"
You were slowly eating your words with every second that passed. Your alcohol induced fake confidence had slowly dwindled down to nothing and now here you are sharing a bed with Tomura with your heart beating out of your chest, when you probably should've just offered to take the floor.
You two were lying on your sides facing one another with the covers pulled up to your chin. You were desperately trying to fall asleep, but you could hear his soft inhale and exhales and feel the air brushing past your cheeks as a constant reminder that he's right next to you, sharing the same bed, sharing the same air, all under the same blanket.
You slightly opened your eyes to peer through your lashes to see him wide awake and looking right at you, the back of his hand pressed against his cheek and soft eyes scanning over your face.
You open your eyes to meet his own.
"You're awake?" He whispers, slightly taken aback.
"How can I sleep when your stare is burning into my soul?" You tease. "Go to sleep, Shigs."
You never were able to get this close to Tomura without him flinching back or turning his head away to avert your gaze, but he stayed right here, letting you fully take in his presence. You almost wanted to reach your hand out and touch him, feel the softness of his cheeks, and tuck the stray hairs behind his ears.
"You don't think I'm trying?" He huff "It's fucking freezing in here. Dabi has daddy's money to always have the AC running even in the Winter."
"You should've said something earlier. We've been lying here for the past 30 fucking minutes." You start throwing apart the pillow wall that he put up between you two to prevent any 'funny business.'
"What are you doing?" He furrows his brows.
You say nothing, but instead grabbed the fabric of the t-shirt and pulled him in to close the gap between you two. His eyes widen at the sudden closeness. Your faces were mere inches away from each other, your leg shoved its way in between his, and your arm snaked its way around his waist.
"This okay?"
"A warning would've been nice." He mutters under his breath, stiffly letting his arm hang over your body, landing his hand in the middle of your back.
"I like the essence of surprise." You chuckle, looking up at him. "Better, though?"
He sighs in confirmation. "You're like a fucking furnace." He groans into your hairline.
"And you're like a popsicle."
"This would be nicer if you didn't talk."
"And this would be nicer if you'd relax and stop being so stiff." You pat the area between his shoulder blades, motioning him to let his arms loose. "I've seen you and Spinner cuddle it out on the couch in the backroom all the time, so don't act like you don't know how to do this."
"It's different." He mumble, reluctantly letting his body relax and mold against your own. "It's you."
"You dislike me that much?" You sigh, pressing your cheek against his chest, tapping your fingers against his back in content. "Do it for the purpose of survival, then."
"The opposite."
Your breathing hitches.
"Huh?" You tilt your head up to look at his face.
"Yeah." He presses his lips together, eyes darting around the room.
"You're saying 'the opposite' as in you do like me?"
"Fuck off. Don't make me say it again." His eyes finally lowered to meet yours.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Say what again? You quite literally did not say anything."
"I think this is the worst fucking time to have this conversation. Go to sleep and talk later."
"No!" You pout. "I'm not tired anymore. Let's talk now. What did you mean by that?"
A moment of silence fell between you two. With your face against his chest, you could hear his heart pounding. You suffered from the same feeling. Your throat goes dry from the anticipation of a potential confession that you'd been silently hoping for since you first met him.
"I thi-" He begins, stopping for a moment to swallow down his nerves. "So fucking awkward." He groans. "I do like you. As if it wasn't obvious, you dumbass."
"Obvious?" You scoff. "I'm obvious. Me. You on the other hand, definitely not."
"You obvious? You flirt to fuck with me."
"I flirt with you because I like you." You bite the inside of your cheeks. "Also to fuck with you, but because I like you."
You two were rendered speechless as you're left to stare at each other with wide eyes, digesting this dual confession.
"So.." He begins, trailing off into nothing.
"So.. is this where we have our first kiss?" You awkwardly laugh, trying to cut through the tension.
"Are you joking?"
"Yes if you're not, but no if you are? I don't know? Not like either of us have done this before." You say through clenched teeth, cringing at yourself as your poor attempt to lighten the mood.
"Okay, then."
"Are you serious?" Your eyes widen at the sudden permission. "That easy? You're not going to tell me to fuck off?"
He disregards your hesitation and props himself on his elbow, looking down at you with a look in his eyes you've never seen before.
"On your back." He instructs.
Your body suddenly goes hot and numb as you slowly turn over onto your back, looking up at him looming over you sporting the same pair of flushed cheeks.
"This is unexpected." You whisper, balling fistfuls of the comforter in your hands. "What the hell is possessing you right now?"
"You, I think." He sheepishly smiles, cautiously bringing a hand down to cup your cheek, his cold hand absorbing your body heat. "It's what you wanted wasn't it? All those times when we're alone at the shop? Asking me to join you in the backroom? You did just say it wasn't just because you were fucking with me."
Just like that, the last 6 months of night shifts spent tormenting Tomura had come to bite you in the ass.
"Okay." You squeak out, reaching up to lay one hand over his, and the other on his shoulder. "I guess you're right. You're not freaking out, though? This is fine for you?"
"Definitely am freaking the fuck out. But I've been waiting for this, so I don't care." He mutters, running his thumb across your lower lip.
"This okay?" He mutters, inching closer to your face.
"Yeah." You whisper a moment before his lips grazes your own.
He finally closes the gap between you, letting the stray strands of his hair drape onto your face, tickling your forehead. For a second, the kiss was stiff with anxiety, but it wasn't even a second until your lips melted into each other's. It was almost suffocating- the sweet gentleness of it all.
Your hand traveled up his shoulder to the nape of his neck where you entangled your fingers in his hair, lightly tugging on the mass. His own hand made it down to your waist, flushing his palm against its curve.
When you broke apart, he collapsed on top of you, hiding his face in the crevice between your neck and shoulder before you two burst out in fits of childish giggles.
"Okay my turn. Get on your back, slut." You laugh, trying to shove him off of you.
"Hell fucking no. You want to kill me? We're done, go to sleep." He buries his face deeper into your neck, releasing a deep sigh of content. "Deal with everything else tomorrow."
"Talk tomorrow." You agree, turning over and entangling your body with his own.
You couldn't help but admire the look of his swollen-kissed lips and sleepy eyes staring back down at you. One last time before you two went off to sleep, you pressed a tender kiss to his lips before melting back into his body.
bonus scene:
your hands were lazily attached to one another's during another chilly quiet walk to your apartment the morning after your confessions and kiss.
"you didn't have to walk me home." you mutter, shyly peering over to him.
"i wanted to." he shrugs, tightening his grip on your hand. "the least i could do for keeping me company last night."
you hum in agreement. "no probs. thanks for letting me hang out. we should do it more often."
"the hanging out or..." he tugs down the collar of his knitted sweater to reveal an array of purple and red bruises on his collarbones and shoulder that conspired that early morning of more playful kisses and giggles.
"you see, i don't know how the hell that happened." you press your lips together, suppressing a smile. "must've been a ghost."
"must've been." he smirks, looking on ahead.
once you arrive at your door, he leans his shoulder against the wall as you dig through your bag for your keys.
"you're off tonight, yeah?"
"i am." you glance up at him before pulling out your bundle of keys. "you're kicking it with toga tonight?"
"mmhm. think i can come by after work? we're getting the new volume of terror tales tonight, so i can snatch one for you before it sells out?"
"already planning out the next time you can see me, shigs?" you smile, inserting the key into the door knob.
"i mean, i can let you scour ebay and pay triple for it too, see if i care." he rolls his eyes.
you grab the collar of his sweater and pull him in, connecting your lips for a brief moment.
"it better be in mint fucking condition." you mutter against his lips. "see you tonight."
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 5/7
is it silly that this is my favorite in this series? i really enjoyed writing kaya and I wanna do it again at some point :')
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] panel 2: Kaya: Oh! Dr. Law! I didn't expect to find you in our library.
panel 3: Law: K-Kaya-ya!
panel 4: Law: Uh. Ahem. Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your books.
panel 5: Kaya: Oh of course not! I'm just shocked to hear we have books you don't! What are you studying?
panel 6: Law: UHHHHH
[pg2] panel 10: Kaya: Oh! Is someone on your crew pregnant? Ikkaku??
panel 11: Law (thinking): She doesn't know Ikkaku is trans. Does she not know that I am?? I just assumed Nose-ya would have mentioned it. But that makes sense. If Straw Hat didn't already know Nose-ya was trans it's not like I would have told him.
panel 12: Kaya: ...?
panel 13: Law (thinking): Fuck, I've been quiet too long. I can't throw Ikkaku under to bus. Just say something.
panel 14: Law: No. Kaya: Oh. Then why...? Law (thinking): Wait, shit
[pg3] panel 15: Law: My, uh...brother...'s...wife. Yeah, we're taking him back to Zou soon...because his wife is pregnant...and I...want...to help...?
panel 16: Kaya: Oh, how sweet! Congrats "Uncle Law" hehe. If you have any questions I could help with let me know!! I specialized in traumatic injury, but I did deliver a few babies in Syrup Village! On smaller islands like that you wear a lot of hats.
panel 17: Law: And you've...been pregnant. Kaya: Well, yeah, but I wasn't my own doctor! Could you imagine if I had tried to deliver the twins myself? Even a doctor needs a doctor, you know that.
panel 18: Law: ...right.
panel 19: Law: ...what...what was it like?
panel 20: Kaya: Oh, my pregnant patients were actually pretty fun! I suppose it makes sense that as a pirate ship doctor you wouldn't have had to know obstetrics. But it was always so lovely to hand a parent their--
[pg4] panel 21: Kaya: ...newborn...baby...?
panel 23: Kaya: ...I'm sorry, Dr. Law. If there's context I need you'll have to give it to me. I'm not good at guessing.
panel 24: Law: What do you mean, I just gave you context. Kaya: With all due respect, you're full crying. It's a new sight for me!
panel 25: Kaya: You can tell me what's going on! I'm told I'm a very good listener
panel 26: Law: ...You Straw Hats sure are a pain Kaya: Sorry, hehe
panel 28: Law: ...I...ahem...so number one, if you didn't know...I'm...I'm trans.
panel 29: Law: But not like your husband. He got the works from Ivankov-ya...I never felt the need to seek that out.
[pg5] panel 30: Kaya: ...I see
panel 31: Kaya: How far along are you? Law: ..12 weeks, give or take. Kaya: Well, I've provided obstetric care of all kinds. So whatever questions you're researching here...why don't you ask me instead of being your own doctor?
panel 32: Law: ...Same question. What was it like?
panel 33: Kaya: Being pregnant was a horror show!
panel 34: Law: A glowing review. Kaya: Oh, sorry! I can lie if you'd prefer!
panel 35: Kaya: I was just so sick my first trimester! Law (speaking over her): KAYA-YA I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR TWO WEEKS WHEN WILL IT STOP I CAN ONLY EAT RICE.
panel 36: Kaya: It's different for everyone. By the end it wasn't quite so bad for me, though. And I love my kids so much. They were such cute newborns!! So I was alright being uncomfortable for awhile. Because that's what we wanted, you know?
panel 37: Kaya (off screen): What do you and Luffy want, Dr. Law?
[pg6] panel 38: Law: ...We haven't decided yet. We're giving it to the end of the week. I'm trying to think about it rationally. But I just keep getting emotional any time I talk about it. It's strange.
panel 39: Kaya: An emotional decision and a bad decision aren't inherently synonymous, you know.
panel 40: Law: ...your bedside manner is impeccable, Dr. Kaya-ya. Kaya: Well, thank you! Next time let's meet in the infirmary, mine or yours.
panel 41: Kaya: I'll be your doctor through this, okay?
panel 42: Law: ...Okay...Thank you. Kaya: Of course!
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zombie-bait · 20 days
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We're being self-indulgent again, folks! Here's a Shadowheart 'fit inspired by Slovak Kroj. This is actually completely unrelated to the Miku art challenge going around rn lol I drew Karlach in traditional Slavic clothes months ago (also posted on here) and I'm hoping to get through all the companions at some point 'cuz I think it'd be a fun challenge for myself. I'll put some detail shots/info under the keep reading for anyone interested.
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Her flower crown has night orchids in it hehe. Also I only just realized she doesn't have a lot of freckles in the real game but I added them to the last Shart fanart I did so fuck it, we're committing. (also I had to learn how to actually render a braid for this rip)
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The center of her sash is designed after her headband in the game. I went for a star + plant motif for the designs to connect back to Selune/Shar. Also, in my first playthrough I got kinda annoyed with her so I only dressed her in swampy colours, gave her the wood woad shield and called her 'Swampheart' so she's a green plant girlie to me forever and always.
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Here are a few of my references. I tried to play around with the visuals a bit. White, red and blue tend to be the classic colours for Kroj but I've seen some very beautiful black and green ones out there. I also think the darker colours just fit her vibe better. When working on designs like this I tend to take some elements directly from references and others I use as inspiration to come up with my own designs so I'm not just copying outfits 100%. At some point I might try drawing her in a more traditional looking Kroj but for now I had fun being a bit silly and artsy with the designs :))
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kimmi-iii · 10 months
Hey klee!! I just finished RE4R but somehow I can't stop thinking about RE2 Leon!!! Help!! Got any ideas for some fluff (or smut hehe) surrounding college-boyfriend!Leon?? It might be a little niche but it's consuming and rotting my brain I can'ttt I have a couple thoughts but I'm wondering if you have any headcanons or drabbles on how he'd ask you(or reader) out, would you get to see him between classes (maybe he's in the academy, or maybe he's in college w/ you), hmmm maybe what it'd be like if you were sharing a place... idk something wholesome!! (or maybe a lil spicy but I don't really have any ideas about that besides Leon being a switch/sub)
Omg I'm so into Leon being a switch leaning towards sub :3
Here are my takes/headcanons about Leon Kennedy being your silly college bf!!
-We're most likely talking about RE2R Leon so I could totally see him doing something super cheesy like bringing you roses, face masks, and hugs from behind
-He's 5'8" aka 172cm so he's a pretty tall guy. So hes just 10x taller than you but is such a softie.
-This man can cook!!! Not much to really work with in a college dorm (I'd say so at least but I'm not a chef) but Leon would definitely have a few cooking tricks up his sleeves that are simple and easy to do
-The typa guy to stay up with you to cuddle and watch movies. Depending on the day he might not even pay attention ;)
-Might be a slight self insert, but if you're in a performance arts major/in the school's plays, Leon is definitely there to support you and would go to every show you're in.
-he gives off "beauty and brains" kinda guy. He definitely played some sort of sport in high school. Probably baseball or lacrosse. And he definitely has mostly As and Bs. This man is just so damn good in school--and he looks good? Dream come true
-Since he's in college, he's younger. And since he's younger Leon, he's definitely a sub-leaning switch.
-He's most likely not a virgin but he practically has no experience. So you could definitely pretend he is one
-Just imagine him whimpering and whining on the bed in your dorm room. His poor pink tip leaking precum while he waits for you to stop teasing him.
-"F-fuck--please please please! I-I need-i need you so so bad..." He says as you're kissing all over his body except the thing that needed the most attention
-and when you actually do touch it? Oh the pretty boy is so relieved. You're giving the head of his cock kitten licks as you jerk off the rest.
-but when you start giving the sloppiest blowjob or begin riding him? He's on cloud nine. His cock twitching from the warmth wetness if your mouth--or he's whining and gripping onto your hips and thighs from your tight, wet pussy as you ride him.
-This man probably has the best cum shots. After you climax, you pull off of him and immediately begin to jerk him off. That alone has him gripping at the bed sheets and bucking his hips into your hand as cum spills all over his torso.
-Since he's inexperienced, you either fall asleep next to each other after, or you help clean him up for aftercare
-did I mention he makes the more prettiest noises and cutest faces when you dom him? His little mouth hangs open, his face is flushed and hair sticks onto his forehead
(I would do some for when he's top but I'm in a femdom mood)
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mncxbe · 1 year
Something similar to the post where Chuuya dragged Akutagawa out to a night club/bar, however Reader insists they go with them (keep an eye on Chuuyas drunk ass) and basically Chuuya walks off, leaving reader alone with Akutagawa and Chuuya ends up talking a lot with a girl that by pure coincidence looks almost exactly like reader. So she's just sat there jealous, like even the bartender starts being like "uh.. You okay, this is the 15th shot of vodka in the row—" or she just completely ignored the guy behind that just tried to grab her wirst (she ends up riding Chuuya for hours on end back at home overstimming both of them—) (maybe that reader and Akutagawa have a sibling like relationship)
Omg yes I absolutely love this idea anon and I had so much fun writing this. I also got a bit silly with it hehe. Hope you enjoy♡
𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡
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"What ya doing darling? Really think I'm gonna let you cum this easily after what you did tonight?" you slurred your words as you bounced up and down your boyfriend's cock, manicured nails digging deep into his shoulders.
Beneath you, Chuya let out a low groan. "Please baby just need to cum I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Your slender fingers travelled to the nape of his neck, entangling in his scarlet locks. "Well too fucking bad" you said as you swiftly tugged at his hair, ripping a moan from his parted lips.
What was supposed to be a fun night at the club with your boyfriend and best friend ended up being a complete shitshow. Within half an hour from entering the club Chuya got drunk and vanished in the crowd. A few minutes later you spotted him lounging on one of the red velvet round sofas, chatting with a woman.
"Do you fucking see that?" you asked Akutagawa, who was mindlessly gazing around the room. He's always hated clubs; with their roaring music that blasted through the speakers, sending vibrations through his entire body and the sweaty swarm of people that never ceased dancing.
"Huh, see what?"
You pointed in Chuya's direction and he followed your finger, his silvery eyes landing on your boyfriend.
"Oh damn. That's awkward" he said, squinting his eyes. "She kinda looks like you tho."
You took a moment to examine the woman; indeed, she had fairly the same built as you and the shade of her silky hair was alike yours.
"I can't believe this" you huff as you grabbed Akutagawa's arm and dragged him towards the bar. "Come on drink with me"
"Aren't you gonna talk to him about..?"
"Fuck no. If he wants to cheat I won't bother to stop him" you chimed in.
Taking a seat on one of the high chairs at the glowing bar, you ordered ten shots of tequila. The bartender raised a brow in surprise upon hearing your order but hurriedly poured the light-gold liquor in small glasses, topping them with a perfectly cut slice of lime.
He placed the ten shots between you and Akutagawa with a little smile.
"Oh thank you sir. Put them on Chuya Nakahara's tab, will you?" you cooed, flashing him a sweet smile before dividing the drinks between you and Akutagawa. "Here you go. Five and five. Cheers!"
With a grace that only comes from practice you downed the first shot, taking a bite of lemon right after. Your body shook a little.
"Wow that was strong" you laughed, urging Akutagawa to drink his shot too.
Three minutes after all the glasses were empty; your glassy gaze slid to the place where your boyfriend was, still talking to that woman. His brows were slighly furrowed, eyes half-lidded as he leaned in to whisper something to his companion. The girl chuckled lightly and pat his shoulder with an exaggerated saccharine gesture.
"Tch... Bartender! Another round please and a negroni."
Akutagawa's eyes narrowed in your direction.
"Hey I think that's enough for tonight"
"Nonsense. Just five more each and then we can stop. We're having fun!"
Ten tequila shots and a cocktail later your head started spinning. The flashing lights that danced around the room only made your headache worse, a feeling of nausea taking over you. Akutagawa left a few minutes ago so you were all by yourself.
Chuya was still talking to the woman and they were closer now, his hand loosely sliding up and down her tight. A wave of jealousy washed over you when the woman leaned in, placing a kiss at the corner of Chuya's mouth.
"Oh fuck this. This is enough"
You got off the chair and marched through the crowd, shoving away a man who attempted to take you to dance.
"What the hell are you doing, Chuya?" you asked in a low voice, arms crossed over your chest.
The man shook upon hearing your voice. "Huh? What?" he slurred as his gaze moved from you to the other woman.
"Wait... you're not my girlfriend" he eventually concluded, pointing at the girl next to him. A loud slap landed across his face.
"You didn't tell me you had someone asshole" she screamed in a high pitched tone before getting off the sofa and disappearing in the crowd.
Chuya held a hand to his reddened cheek, his skin hot under his touch. "Sorry baby I'm really drunk right now." he said as he got off the couch, struggling to stand straight.
"Nah you don't say" you spat, gripping his wrist as you pulled him towards the exit.
Half an hour later you were back home, hips grinding against his as you pushed your boyfriend closer to his high. His head was thrown back, lips slightly parted as little whimpers and lewd sounds fell off them; tufts of his red hair clinged to his damp forehead.
"Please baby I'm sorry" he moaned lowly, eyes shut tight.
"You don't fucking say." you utter between ragged breaths, riding him at a relentless pace; You felt his dick pulsate again and suddenly ceased your motion, hovering your hips just above his length. Your boyfriend let out a huff at the loss of touch; his hands gripped your hips in attempt to pull you onto him again.
"I'm so close love it's been too long. I can't anymore."
"I also waited while you talked with that woman tonight so stop bitching around."
His deep blue eyes met yours again. They were glossy and blurry, tears threatening to spill at any moment.
"I'm so sorry my love. You know I'd never cheat on you. You're my one and only and I'm so so sorry I was so drunk I didn't realize..."
You instantly lowered your hips onto his, causing him to groan.
"Please angel please." he moaned, his desperate sounds causing a knot to form inside you.
"Promise me you'll never do this again" you said between sobs of pleasure.
His expression suddenly softened and he cupped your face with his calloused hands, gently brushing his thumb over your lower lip.
"My love I'll never do this again. Never gonna make you feel like this. Please forgive me and let me make it up to you." His words were so sweet they caused you to squeeze tightly around his length.
"Mm come on baby just cum on me. Make yourself feel good." he stuttered, gripping your hips as his nimble lips trailed feathery kisses along your neck.
Slowly but surely the two of you reached your high, panting. Your head came to rest on his heaving chest; his arms snaking around your body.
"I love you Y/N. Please forgive me." he whispered softly, your name falling off his lips like a prayer.
"Of course I forgive you Chu. I love you too much to stay mad at you."
He chuckled lightly, the tips of his digits gently tracing loose cricles along the expanse of your back; goosebumps rising on your wet skin. The alcohol lulled the two of you in a deep slumber and you fell asleep entangled with one another, your heartbeats syncing as you breathed in the same slow rhythm.
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userkatekane · 15 days
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hi here is part one of my idiot crew
how they look is super subject to change because this is the first time ive drawn most of them and they're all in goofy sketches and it's weird reclaiming something so many spoiled for you but!!! work doodles!!
we're back baby!!!!!
- lil info on them and the tag list below 💛
haylin - idiot, milo's best friend, ren's safe place, benedikt's ward, nari's biggest fan, arlo's flame, 'adopted' sister of leon and aleks, elias' favourite daughter, elena's favourite pet. is the main character, the final girl and the most dangerous user of the term 'ah fuck it what's the worst that can happen?????'
ren - the second smartest kid in the room, haylin's most loyal, thinks of leon like a father, thinks aleks and milo are morons, loves nari to the moon and back in a platonic way, is of the opinion that arlo should fuck right off, also thinks benedikt should get a grip, is probably the only one besides ben and haylin to not be afraid of elena, is a thorn in elias' side. he's not fond of people, he's super athletic, he will do anything for a bag of sour patch kids
leon - everybody's big brother, the drunk dad figure, detective dumbass but not really. will not let you drive. will insist on pizza for dinner. he will be there for you no matter what. no matter what
nari - mischief maker. elias' biggest headache. if elena has no haters then it means nari is ded. cannot be left alone with milo bc they cannot be trusted to behave. if you look at aleks wrong she might stab you in the knee. has adopted ren as her baby brother. somehow gets her way with ben all the time???? anyway she's a thief, protect your pockets
benedikt - cursed. elena's favourite soldier. haylin's everything. has not known peace in about 600 years. is not a vampire but leon still calls him edward. aleks punched him once and broke his fist. ben is a tired old man, yall. but he will take care of you, i promise
aleks - youngest adams brother. the other smartest kid in the room. has a mind that is constantly on the go. he's the science bro. he's also the temperamental bro. he and milo are best friends. and best friends kiss sometimes, okay?????
milo - goofball. hyperactive. would follow haylin into hell if he had to. short king bc all the size went into his heart. has a cat called mr meowcolm. makes ren do his dirty work for a bag of sour patch kids
elias - old man. 700+ years old. is only alive bc his twin sister wont let him die. has decided he is responsible for everyone. he is the softest man alive and he will accept you and all of you and do all in his power to make sure you know you are loved. also he is fighting for his life everyday against the family curse but yknow, just another day
elena - elias' twin. final boss. only behaves bc of elias. doesnt have a heart ( literal ). she's neither good or evil but most people only see the evil. she's the auntie ethel of the game. she eats people. no, really, she does. her jaw comes loose. it's great
arlo - elena's favourite toy. he is the dark romance option. he's also v handsome. he handles being dead and trapped by elena better than anyone. he is also madly in love with haylin. he will scare you for fun. also, he is silly i just wanna bully him
i still need to do harper, felix, jj, zeke, grey and all the other idiots in my lil d&d chaos build but hehe this is the first time ive drawn some of these guys and finally!! finally taken them back from poor treatment from others and people who made me feel bad!!
@romirola @hylfystt @greenecreek
@pinksparkl @hibernationsuit
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littlesislovesyou · 2 days
Awww you're welcome~ I'm glad I can help and make you a needy, naughty mess for me my darling mutual...so sorry I can't help but be a little TOO depraved stuck in my own head yk? But I'm sure you don't mind it either way with how I'll inspect your panties and find them soaked and ruined just for me...You're just as perverted as I am but you're partly the cause for my 'healthy' amount of obsessiveness and perversion, can you truly blame me sweetheart~? 💗💗🖤
I missed you so much too hehe...and oh? You know I kind of get so tunneled visioned in on pleasing you and making sure you feel as good as I do when we interact sometimes I forget we have an audience that can see all...not that I mind either way. Just means they can all see how you clearly belong to me on body, heart and soul and how I'll take proper care of you~ I'll protect you forevermore and always while doing unspeakably filthy things to you in private and carving my initials near your perfect chest...(holy fuck you CANNOT be dropping the titty at 1am I can't deal with it LOL I cannot stop staring and if we were siblings I'd be unable to hide my stare while feeling guilty about it and if I were married...I'd be stealing glances when I can before being scolded by my wife 😅🥵 beautiful and perfect and I want to mark it and all over your irresistible and ethereal body...worshipping you all over so you feel loved, desired, lusted and perversed over too. Showering you in attention >< C'est magnifique <333) and of course I'll loan you out with your consent to all the pent up and married or dating men, young and old...dads and studs. Maybe a few girls would like some fun with you too, dominating you... I won't mind~
But I'll always make sure they never hurt you and keep a watchful eye and when I'm alone with you...I'll reclaim and remind you that you're MINE every single day and every time...pounding your soaking wet cunt...this tight, young pussy that no one else will get to feel but you and me....and you happily submit and accept that every part of you is mine as I breed and fuck your silly little brains out and turn you into a mindless whore...MY mindless whore; all MINE! 💓💕 Always~ 🤭🔪
But I'm sure that blog has noticed the tension (both sexual and otherwise lol) and our desire to speak to one another~ And trust me once I build up the will. As long as you'll have me. I'll always message you when I can and hell I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule recently so we can talk mayhaps earlier in the day (not as easy as it looks with insomnia but I'm trying XD) but I just have a healthy obsession with my darling mutual who I'll cherish and check in on to make sure you're safe and healthy and well it's not like I'm scoped in and looking at you from you open window to check to confirm that you're well too because my heart is reassured just as much seeing you safe and sound too 💞
Jdidossi shhhhhh you teasing little brat...but yes. I admit to checking often. I can't post it here but there's a funny emote called CAUGHT. I'd resemble that in this moment lol but so what if you caught me stalking you... Gotta make the chase a little more interesting with surprises too~ <333 you're just so distracting and hell if I looked down and saw your top about to pop out or fall off to flash me your tits with that knowing and seductive look in your eye...like cat that's cornered it's playmate and you go in for the kill and licking your lips and asking for my attention in such a pleading tone with that stare...hhh how is anyone supposed to resist that, resist YOU?! 😭
I'd fold so fast but make you regret aggravating and arousing me so quickly and effectively leaving my game on pause and like Netflix asking if we're still there...there'll be no response as I've manhandled you into bed and am too focused and skullfucking you with my booted foot keeping your head down as I mercilessly ravage and fuck your holes until they're leaking my seed...and fucking them further in until my balls are empty <3 and then laying down beside you to cuddle as we share kisses before you pass out in my arms~
You need to start tightening that tight little pussy around ME I am so serious ; p I need to feel you sucking my dry and urging me to fill your pussy up to the brim with my cum... 🖤 Let your masked stranger knock up your soaking wet cunny, yeah? That's my good little girl...I love how you're always wet and needy for me <3333
Awww it'd be adorable watching you squirm and doing your best not to move...it's a risky play hoping I get to punish you for being such a teasing brat because I have to will myself to not to give into our temptations faster than you...all I can say to your question is will YOU survive...because if you don't. I win. And you won't feel your legs the next day and you'll be ditzy brained, warm and fuzzy in my arms the whole day...and if I lose...well. You'll be dealing with a feral beast making you hump its gun with safety off...the anxiety of me ravaging and almost potentially killing you mixing with the shameful arousal you feel at being held at gun point and made to degrade yourself against my weapons before I finally break you in and turn you into my obedient, dumbed out fuckdoll that cries and begs for mercy while I have a gun to your head and a knife to your throat... 🥰
I think either way. We both win. But also we both lose...it's fun? I think thats what matters in the end berween us <333
I respect your honesty and I'll respond in kind by saying I wouldn't be able to resist your teasing and I'd totally be that guy looking back at another girl (you) while the wife is like wtf LOL you're too good at what you do I can't even explain it 🤫 My eyes are looking...respectful (and disrespectfully while fucking my hand and wishing my cock was wrapped around something else...)
You know I fucking will...picking you up and bending you over my desk...spanking your ass under your teasing skirt and pushing your panties aside so I can annihilate and make that needy pussy of yours mine again and again whole pulling your tits out from your top and groping them roughly and admiring how pretty and irresistible they look as I pinch and rub your nipples while hissing praising yet harsh degrading words in your ear...sweet nothings mixed with filthy ramblings of all the fucked up shit I'm gonna do to you and all your blanked out mind can do is conjure up one response...
"Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOUUUU!!!" Crying out my name on your pretty lips as I inspect and practically violate your cunt until my cum is secured deep inside after fucking it further and further in...then raping your ass to my heart's content~
That's my girl
Always my mutual...mine~ 👀💗
I won’t even lie you did soak my panties I checked for you ☺️💗 heh.. you’re definitely right about the perverted part, I thought I was already bad but you’ve definitely made me a lot worse~ so it’s safe to say I enjoy all your depraved thoughts and actions;’) 💗 I suppose we both just have that effect on one another, each fueling our own fantasies and perversion;’) I could never blame you💗 ahhh your obsession and possessiveness absolutely drive me wild<333 🖤
And no you don’t mind hm?;’) I suppose that is a very good reason~ it is true after all my scary, cute masked stranger;’) 🖤 I would honestly let you do anything you wanted~ just let you explore your fantasies till your hearts content, breeding me night after night<3 we’d never be able to keep our hands off each other you know?💗
Also I don’t even mind either;’) I’m honestly not thinking of anything but you but I thought it was just interesting although I suppose we don’t keep it subtle no? 👀💗☺️
Ahhh how do you manage to be so sweet and yet so dirty at the same time?~ 💗 I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures though;’) too bad I couldn’t send you the ones that didn’t make the cut hm~ if only hehe 💗 I’m just teasing you, also I can’t help but wonder if we’re in the same timezone?;0 I did post that at 1 hm
Heh also subtly not waiting at all for your reaction to the pictures 👀💗 I definitely had you in mind for sure~ also your initials would look so pretty carved into my tits, how else are you going to let everyone know I’m yours hm?☺️💗
I won’t lie you have me wanting to hump my pillow like a dumb puppy in heat 🥺💗 god, If I was around you I’d probably be just soaking all the time~
Also not me having a fantasy of you being all dressed up and masked and just taking me while a camera records it all~ it’ll record all my cries and whimpers, the way your knife or gun presses against my head, and the way my pussy tightens around you<333 I just can’t help it, hhhh maybe you’d take your knife and cut my shirt open just exposing my tits for the camera to see<333 ahhh 🥺 god you really bring it out of me<3 just all my sick fantasies and dreams hhh
Awww ;’) I think it’s cute you can’t resist me~ too tempted by lust and just having me bent over or on my knees for you, it’s just all too much hm?💗💗💗💗 heh
I won’t be touching myself to this or anything like that 🥺💗
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randomwriteronline · 2 months
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Do you think love can bloom even despite Greg Farshtey if we don't have mouths between two sets 15 years apart?
so a friend got me a g2 Kopaka--
Mata Pohatu was a gift from my beloved beautiful chum @cantankerouscanuck and when i went to pick up my other boy my friend n i ended up doin a lil photoshoot at their house bc i couldnt resist trying to make them kiss, which was Fucking Hard due to the mata build's terrible posability but thank god Pohatu's got at least one loose leg and Kopaka has many more joints and is so stable. homeboy was holding this whole thing together all by himself like the gallant gentleman he is
my only regret is not having a proper camera with cool lenses and all to properly devote an insane amount of effort to this stupid thing... have a documentation of our tribulations under the cut instead XD
first problem we incurred in (aside from my shaky ass hands making some pictures blurry) was the height difference.
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it doesnt look terrible bc kopakas got his knees bent in the photo but effectively the only way pohatu got to his face was by standing on his tippy toes, and while his steel toed boots did give him the added cms necessary they did NOT let him stand on his own, so either we held him up or he fell over even when propped against a wall. we tried pinning him to the wall with kopaka but he still slipped so both cute ideas had to go down the drain
(we also tried a classic kabedon pose but kopakas fucking pauldrons SUCK for arm mobility so tragically, that was also scrapped)
the good news was however that they COULD hold hands! sorta. kinda. im still counting it. the mata hands have axels for fingers, so they fit snugly in the handpieces the 2015 gang has :)
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only problem with it is that
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straight in the tits.
(me trying to browse a tag in peace but overly horny fanart pops up)
BUT ANYWAYS. the hand holding did provide some stability and so we started trying out poses by seeing how far we could tilt pohatu while keeping him standing - this because he has another problem, that being that his head bobs up and down with no way to keep it up or down on its own, so we had to work with gravity
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came out a lil foreboding, like kopaka is threatening him. but we're getting closer!
thankfully me being a big ol sap helped in figuring out how to make the whole thing more tender bc i love that shit. so we decided to push pohatu's loose leg out to balance him and one of his arms up, like he was reaching for kopaka's mask, which was also very good bc kopaka's hand lodged itself right between pohatu's tiny elbow and hip so he looked like he was wrapping it around his waist. then we adjusted them a lil bit, teaked them here n there, and
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we had to uh. briefly stop. and laugh really hard for a second bc pohatus entire head fell off. i dont have photos for that but it was so sudden and unexpected that we had a fit of hysteric giggles
as you can see however, their faces are Not touching. this is due to the aforementioned problem with the Mata neck, plus the fact that kopaka couldn't bend further down to close the gap on his own, though tbf cut him some slack hes already holding the both of them up as best as he can
so we meddled a lil bit to pull pohatu more upright and strengthen kopakas pose so they wouldnt topple over, considered a maskless version, scrapped it bc they looked VERY silly, and THEN. AT LAST
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from as many angles n lightings as possible bc im Unwell
AND a cool version from the hand-holding side bc the transpieces look great and i find it very sweet :)
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but yeah that was a fun time :D it was great and the lads have been untangled and retired on a shelf where theyll stay nice and tight hehe
hope yall enjoyed these, they were great fun to make and i think they came out really well despite my shitty hands and cameras. maybe ill do more or not, who knows ahah wait what was that.
that sound... its like. plastic smacking plastic... to mimic kissing...
you dont think... the bionicles... they couldnt... no...
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oh... oh good heavens. oh theyre canoodling in there
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starfayy · 6 months
Writeblr Intro (cuz i forgot about this)
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AYUP everyone my name's Fleur, i'm a 19 years old woman, im cishet and painfully neurodivergent (AuDHD and MADD). Im also brazilian and christian so there's that! (Trilingual beast coming at ya!)
I've been a writer since who knows when, started to write fanfiction in the worst fandom i could've started (...the beatles), went to an amazing fandom -that turned out to not be that amazing but my writing and storytelling evolved exponentially so im grateful- to now being more focused in original works
I'm currently writing a book with my friend (@serenity-of-waffles)*, and i might probably work in scripts for comics, animations and maybe games????? Let's see-
yeah im an artist too hehehe
Genres i enjoy reading/writing: Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Horror, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Here comes the lists of things i like to see in a book and that i tend to write it in my own stuff:
A good well written romance sometimes doesn't kill ^.^ (im a cliché beast, careful)
Tragic Backstory? Sign me in
Supernatural ocurrences and creatures. Analog Horror, Psychological Horror as well
Super heroes? Yes
Mythological metaphores
I write for both Youth and Adult (im a sucker for children's books they can get so dark suddenly and is amazing)
Mystery elements yesyesyes a good suspense
Deep relationships
Consequences. I love consequences.
Historical plots and period inspired fiction
Super powers, creatures, magic, a whole well made worldbuilding (Tolkien wannabe)
SOOOO what am i looking for??
FRIENDS! People to rant about my silly stories and worlds!
More writers to follow and engage and and- ykwim
Current WIPS? hmmmmm
• Eden Fables: The Inkweaver's Diary - (*NOT WRITING ALONE) So this one i won't give much detail, just know that me and my friends we're going absolutely insane over this book and the entire possible series and is our child, you're not fucking ready. The best fantasy book i ever written in my life TRUST ME. Blame Tolkien and C.S Lewis for inspiring us so much- (sorry for the vague synopsis muahahahah) A story of a boy displaced in time and space as he finds his heart and returns to his throne, finding a family along the way while dealing with the craziest adventures.
• Boreal City (future comic :O) - A retrofuturistic cyberpunk super-hero universe about many different points ot view and adventures that are actually connected (like the Marvel Comics universe or DC comics). Its being one of my favorites so far im having so much fun doing it hehe
Its very inspired by many superhero and retro-cyberpunk media, i cant count here how many hehe Synopsis (for at least one of the stories): From a family of superheroes, turned into a villain by his own demise, and disappearing for 5 years, GlitchWave makes his stupendous comeback in an unexpected redemption arc, and it all starts when he meets his brother again.....
• Gritia's Great Mystery - An amazing story about a corrupt kingdom trying to hide all evidence that god exists, aside from other...cruel crimes against certain groups of people. The aesthetic is a mix of enlightnment era, renassaice and victorian age, all together mixed with elements of thriller, romance, mystery and BIG drama. Maybe one of my most serious stories, since i wont hold back in the critics n shit
The Crown Family of Gritia, for centuries, tries to make the existence of the Mighty King, aka god, a tabboo, or even erase him from all existence, alongside his followers. Anything that goes astray the status quo is suscetible of punishment (or worse....)
That makes Spencer's life a bit complicated, even if he doesnt know abt the Mighty King's existence, he's part of a secret society...lets see where this goes right?
OOF DAMMT I SPOKE A LOT HUH SORRY IM A TALKER! Hope to find more writer friends along the way ^.^
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Fable 3, fuck Logan, lil bitch
Game: do u want to be Prince or Princess?
Me: I'd like to be the third secret sex
Game: what?
Game: y-yes that's-
Game: that's what the sex-
Me: gotta go girl, boys are so obvious, he's gonna be all proper
Game: have u ever met a man...?
Me: girls are so badass, just look at Buffy
"Ready to see my man... the bastard Reaver"
"Damn, the city sure got bigger in like 20? Years"
"The hen tried to fly but couldn't but they can actually fly so we were all lied to"
"Damn, children working..."
"I cant remember this part of my castle"
"Holy shit it's fucking huge omg"
"Hehe that's what she said"
"That feather had plans"
"Ew look at that hat"
"Damn my dog could've been prettier"
"Pff, do u wanna look princess-y or cool"
"Obviously I'm picking the short and movable one"
"I fucking LOVE Jasper"
"I'm standing still, I wanna hear his comments to it"
"What happens if I try to leave in my pjs"
"He just went 'are u sure?' "
"Damn, he just threw a word at me that idk what means, but I think its like 'silly' "
"I look so pretty- wtf is that hair?"
"Jasper said avoid my brother, but what kind of sister would I be if I did?"
"I'm glad the princess can talk"
"Lmao I just had like the most gangsta handshake with a guard love it"
"I'm so happy I get to pet my dog, not a fan of how she sounds tho"
"Oh wait, I think maybe since I'm playing 3rd on xbox one, but did the 2nd on 360, maybe I won't have the queen but default king..."
"I'm just walking around shaking people's hands"
"Elliot is such a.... name, and- wait... who's gonna be the girl if I'm playing as him???"
"Next time..."
"I will be EVIL and idk why that's a guy"
"Hohoho I kissed the man"
"The city doesn't look like my city :( or... are we not in bowerstone, was that the name? Jesus, I've played the 2nd game for so long and I've forgotten"
"I love we're holding hands"
"I love Walter"
"Oh no my Prince, he ran away"
Walter: I want u to fight me, like your life dependent on it
Me: wow, that doesn't sound like a tutorial at all
"I'm gonna fuck up the buttons"
"Hell ye I did not"
"Damn, thought I should end the game here so I could sleep, but apparently you can't until a spesific place in the game... oh nooo, I have to do my fave hobby? Terrible:)"
"Running with my bois<3"
"There were NOT this many doors in my castle"
"The default is king :/"
"Imo king is so vanilla, like you don't give the same respect as a queen"
"All my hard work of being a queen just gone"
"Basically next time I'm doing it all on xbox one"
"Right, war room"
"Listening in"
"Damn, I'd be upset too if I was Logan, if I had that haircut"
"Oh, same throne at least"
"Ah... here comes the choice"
"Well, as the queen... I'm a good person... until I charge rent ofc haha"
"Bye baby :("
"He loves me😭"
"My MOTHER'S daughter, thank u very much"
Game: the hero was your dad
Me: what was that?
Game: I said the her-
Me: sounded like the wind
Game: tHE HE-
Me: whatever it was, it was saying bs... I miss my queen
Game: u know what? Fuck it.
"Run run run- Where's my dog btw?"
"Oh nevermind"
"Ugh, we're gonna look at the imposter, the king"
"I mean technically, Reaver IS a hero, he's just a bad one"
"Did Logan also go through the whole grab seal, end up in front of Theresa?"
"The seer of the SPIRE???"
"The queen would've fucking whipped Logan's ass if she knew"
"I'm sensing the fanfic energy... not from that Logan thing but for Reaver"
"I'm such a simp"
"For these terrible men...
"And my queen"
"You guided my MOTHER"
"What does Theresa even do in her spare time? I bet she crochets"
"I got a glove that let's me use magic... can anyone say Link? Cuz im getting Link vibes"
"Do I get to name my hero? Or am I cursed to see 'hero' every time she speaks?"
"Do I get to name my dog?"
"Isn't the dog supposed bark when there's treasure close by? Cuz I only found that key cuz of my own memory"
"Jasper is scared of bats, he'd make a terrible batman"
Walter: did u see that Jasper???
Jasper: indeed your MOTHER would've been very proud
"Why can't I run"
"Did the queen make these tunnels?"
"What happens if I don't buy the castle in the second game?"
"Can I slut around in this game too?"
"Like mother like daughter, or is it like daughter like mother? I honestly don't know"
"What's with the gift in the symbol in the corner?"
"Thought all the transportation gates were all gone, I'm pretty sure I'm on one"
"Oh wow, look at all that winter. Just like norway"
"I can make friends by shaking hands"
"I'm gonna make everyone love me with how great I am with my hands"
"For handshakes, I meant handshakes"
"I forgot I had to go back to sanctuary to change, which is much better than just changing out into the open imo"
"Oh hell yea! Look at all those gifts!"
"Bleh the outfit is... yeah"
"Dog potion? For what?
"Pink poodle"
"White poodle... who wants a poodle?"
"Clockwork dog potion??? What does that even mean???"
"Setter dog potion??? What"
"Five star dog potion...?"
"That's all the gifts, i wanted a gift for myself"
"should be something fun-.... hehe"
"Betcha u can guess"
"I'm giving 10 coins to everyone, I have 129 left"
"Damn, 20coins left"
"Gotta talk to the man with the small fish name"
"What are those jester shoes"
"My mom, the queen, was busy for like 20 or something years..."
"Oh! I'm getting more gifts!"
"They better be for me istg"
"I went into a sink hole water thing and found a wedding ring"
"I think a fish is proposing to me"
"Ooo, dye"
"Are all my packages dye?"
"Tattoo set, nothing says rebel as much as this, I just got out of the castle"
"Bushy hairstyle"
"Bowerstone soldier uniform...???"
"Yule costume lmao"
"Silly outfits, dye and hair types, oh and that tattoo set"
"Out to explore more!"
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fate-defiant · 1 year
I'm only like six episodes in (been trying to average out about an episode a day but it's an uphill battle my executives are dysfunctioning ok) but I have some Initial Thoughts on Utena I want to share so here's some Initial Thought on Utena:
I didn't look much into the marketing of the show but I do wonder how people initially responded like.... this was airing once a week right? I wonder how people responded to the first few episodes. If you're going in completely blind it really comes off as a particularly batshit shoujo. It's not hard to figure out that it's meant as a parody of sorts but still. What an Experience lmaoooooo
I know that rn we're only scratching the surface but still I like the things it sets up
Like that scene where Utena shows up in the boys uniform and Totally Owns The Teacher is like. Farcical. Category five and-everyone-clapped moment. There's already plenty in that alone.
Also Utena not being able to clearly recall how her desire to be a prince started being immediately being juxtaposed to Wakaba's recollection of a silly childhood memory. Something something the way this shit takes root and the absurdity of it all...
I know this is all baby level stuff don't laugh at me established Utena scholars
"Uuum this whole duel thing is so dumb you guys are like dumb" said Utena, taking no actions to like. Take off the ring. Refuse to participate.
Obviously it's not as simple as saying Nah but her protests still ring hollow
We get it she's lost in the sauce. She's lost in the sauce she needs to get outta that damn sauce or like properly examine how and why she's in the sauce and then at least like navigate her way toward the shallow end of the sauce.heh You see what I did there I totally did a metaphor there I'm so good at this hehe--
You know a big problem with examining systems of oppression is how they can trap you just by making you overthink how steeped we all are in them it's like an eldritch horror It's Literally Everywhere. Hard to focus on fighting back when you're also fighting the fucking. The despair the fatigue the confusion
It's like trying to root out a blackberry bush what the fuck this shit is neverending
That kangaroo really said fuck them kids
We haven't even scratched the surface of the incest and I'm already banging my head against the table. Why are they all like this.
And that is It so far thank you fir joining me on my journey towards expanding my horizons. Also look see I've been a Good Girl I've been doing my supplemental reading.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
thungo thursday pt2
ep 6 (put it under a cut because this one is LONG)
fukuchi be like 'the agency couldn't possibly be smart enough to- oh wait nvm i forgot ranpo existed lol' like more than once and i think that is testament to the fact that RANPO BEST BOY
'have you forgotten? we're terrorists' ICONIC BEHAVIOUR
man and i complain about doing one 37 hour work week. after this one week the agency needs to take a NAP. AND THE MAFIA TOO. imagine there's like just no criminal activity or anything for like three days and everyone's like ?? but on day 4 atsushi and akutagawa are fighting to the death at the port and everyone is like 'ah. business as usual' lmaoooo
omg every time the hunting dogs song comes on i get so hyped lmao im like yESSS ACTION
'that man, that demon, the evillest most scawy man ever in the world....etc etc' and its just some guy doing the most coy babygirl pose a guy can possibly do
taneda btw deserved none of this he was just some nice old dude and then sigma fucking stabbed him lmao
dazai is like the personification of the perjury mechanic in drv3. 'go on lie. you gotta. lie now. cmon pussy you wont'
my god fyozai is so fucking babygirl. also wdym dazai?? if the two of you were the last ones on earth you should just have gay sex. its not that hard smh
oh no dazai falled down through the flore
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dm me if you want to receive a free 2min audio file of me laughing about this (i have a headache from laughing. my throat fucking hurts so bad. i'm pretty sure it's actually bleeding. my eyes are moist with tears. BESTIE???????)
do you even needa ask why i'm here?? ⭐️❤️☺️ *voice drops 6 octaves* i'm here to murder you 👹👹👹
and then after that fyodor was just like 'teehee he's so romantic x' like bro
dazai: *turns to the camera like he's on the office* waow
i love mykola's little laugh it's so silley
omg they're actually animating him so well. bones must've seen the reception from s4 and decided to step it up 💀
dazai and fyodor are simultaneously evil grown men and bimbo highschool girls and it's such a look. 'omg ur friends are so cute <3' 'omg right???' also mykola my beloved i want to be yours forever pls
i love how bram's acting all tough like aya can't just open the casket and leave and render him thoroughly powerless lmao
omg the official anime aya and bram sillies begin. we've been waiting for this for months folks so far so good
it was already pretty funny that aya is carrying bram like a backpack but actually seeing her running with him on her back is like a billion times funnier especially since this shit is life or death. but she just got a whole entire vampire on her back no problem sjhsksjssjhj
sigma: watashi wa shiguma me: fucking superb you funky little toddler
imagine if it was a fucking prank this whole time and mykola just injected them with a slow-working sedative or something that would be so funny. like all of this for nothing sksjksjsjks and then he just stabs fyodor or something the end. boom world save
oh ok nvm the vampires can talk just fine i guess lmao. also i genuinely cant tell if im supposed to be taking this episode seriously or not. one second people are being brutally slaughtered next moment silley little guys??? such is the way of bsd i guess
'you're a failure of a woman' my dude she is literally 10 years old she is nowhere close to being a woman shut your misogynistic ass up lmao
OKAY BECAUSE ok ok listen i was wondering what music they were gonna use for bram and when i heard the ending music i was like 'ok a little anticlimactic but i understand' and then it TRANSITIONED into the ACTUAL ENDING??? 10/10
hehe. bestie
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aerospectrum · 3 months
ooc kinda important
but not for reasons i can explain well under cut for dash sanity and possible content triggers
i need to be weird for a second.. I can’t really tell if I want to post this or not because idk. maybe this will sit in my drafts forever. Idk. I guess I’m worried people are going to think I’m being stupid? But part of me doesn’t want to post this either because when it happened to me; everyone brushed it off, everyone I trusted and counted on didn’t give a fuck and made it seem like it was normal. and everyone told me you could’ve just said no- but that was the thing I couldn’t when it happened and it happened and I do a pretty normal job of not talking about it ever and i can even allude to things in writing now that beforehand I couldn’t or felt like I couldn’t process the happenings in written form. i kinda bleh i don't know, i kinda really felt uncomfortable with 4x6. For me it just felt like there was this weird loud undertone of oh yeah we're gonna sa the main character and chalk it up to "hehe silly goofy mood" vibes- again that's just my personal interpretation and it felt really bad to see it portrayed very nonchalant and it just fucking went on for so long and yeah im minimally grateful the character was actually vocally upset about it but it was like a brush off the shoulders type thing- they gave more time to the assault than the trauma it inflicted and I guess im mad about that because i think i needed to know there's people who recognize the normalcy of sa in shows is actually fucking traumatic for people who’ve been through stuff that did get completely brushed under the rug, but idk it made me really uncomfortable just as like...bleh ok not to get personal and shit on main but something something traumatic personal experiences something something cough cough who what when where why how whatever anyway.
i guess i just didn't like the episode and i feel weird about it rn. and I don’t feel like there’s anyone I can actually talk to about this because idk maybe they all didn’t see any thing wrong with the episode or maybe it didn’t affect them in a personal way. and also because I just feel like way too big of an annoyance to even reach out to anyone who might listen or be willing to hear so. Yeah. im just idk. I’m trying to be here but feeling agonizingly invisible and it sucks. yeah that’s all. Just sucks I guess. im not going to delete this because I feel like maybe someone somewhere will see this and feel not so alone in their own trauma.
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fireflysprincess · 4 months
Submitting in 15 and 74 for the ask game,, (:
[ @juugahusband ]
f/os ask game
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F/O CHOSEN: Haruto Asuka !
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Okay this one doesn't have deep deep lore but my s/i is ya know, director for mankai bc I love when games give me an easy way to insert myself !!
Anyways ! Yeah me and haruto do not get along at first it's a lot of bickering hehe, different companies and all that! However! We have to work together eventually and get closer !!!!! And well. Goes crazy from there
Hehe I call him Haruru and he fucking hates it but it's CUTE idc
Basically, I'm annoying and he deals with me 🤷
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F/O CHOSEN: Jason Todd !
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So this one is going to be super interesting bc my s/i is actually also an oc! I made Drew before I started making full of s/is, so they were quite literally just ocs but still. Exactly like me LMAO
Buckle up lads there is so much lore here but for times sake I'm gonna be giving a general rundown rather than discussing differing lore depending on which comic run we're talking about.
Drew and Jason are actually childhood friends! .. and also once fought against each other it's fine!
Basically Drew was given up for adoption as a baby due to mysterious powers she seemed to have, and a woman who heard about this took her in and raised her to essentially be a villain.
See Drew is capable of mimicking just about anything as long as she is able to see or hear it. People's voices, movements, actions, even other people's powers though to a much lesser degree. Nothing she replicates there would end up being as strong but it is still possible so long as she sees it happen. So of course being raised in the wrong hands she basically did anything her "mother" desired her to, telling the child that she was in the right and anyone who tried to stop her were villains attempting to break their family apart.
Eventually this all comes to a head, and she's stopped by Bruce and Jason, and Drew realizes what's been going on this whole time they are able to finally break through to her.
She ends up being taken in and raised by Dick's friend El (@eijihino 's oc !!!) and becomes best friends with Jason! She even makes them friendship bracelets that Jason reluctantly wore despite how cutesy it was lol
But uh. Then the bad thing happens and oh. Oh boy. That sure is fucked! And things go wrong. Jason's death fucked up Drew BAD and even though she keeps moving forward, it became incredibly hard for her to.
Then of course there's his eventual comeback, where Drew actually realizes pretty quickly it's him because well. He still has their friendship bracelet, causing ANOTHER breakdown but it's fine it's fine eventually things are mostly okay !
Boy does it still take a few good years after that though for the two to actually end up together they both have a lot of issues to work through, but even before then, their friendship quickly goes back into place once the two actually talk again.
It's also funny because the two enjoy so many antics and banter and they frequently annoy each other in light hearted silly ways. I adore them so much I've had Drew for such a long time and she always will mean the world to me.
And I Adore Jason so so so SOOOOOO much y'all don't even know !!! But yeah uh.. wow this was long.
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onlyhereforangst · 2 years
Who fucked the fandom I'm confused? The person who wrote the article?
oh absolutely not, from what i can tell @shelbbswrites is a lovely person & writes about some of my favorite ships & i'd like her to keep writing so i can spiral about jiara in the near future.
as for who fucked the fandom, well. girl. the blog whose gif was linked, @/opponentsheir, is the one who knowingly, willfully fucked the fandom last summer.
it was circa mid-late May 2022 and here was the jiara tumblr fandom, struggling to get through the drought by the scraps of bts we'd scrounge up from filming. blurry ass photos that make you concerned for a tourist's ability to hold their water as they drink, random selfies that tell you next to nothing, and then the occasional "omg this is BIG how does this make sense how does it fit in but omg it's BIG" crumb.
times were rough, bts were tight, and the unsuspecting jiara tumblr fandom was hungry. unbeknownst to us in comes OH who decides. let's have some "fun" let's liven up the jiara fandom because it's clearly dead (false) and idk im bored besties let's play a hehe silly joke! at first, a few handpicked jiara blogs get random anonymous post submissions and each blog has like 2-3 different posts that are all supposed bts leaks. it's never-before-seen photos of what we can only presume are s3 bts. almost all of these blogs were in a jiara discord server together so the photos weren't shared because wtf who is trusting us with these clear leaks we don't want them to stop though. so we sit on these, we get excited, we spiral, all that fandom stuff that we had already. been. doing. but yeah here's a few more bts crumbs to have fun with. then a few weeks later when, to OH's surprise, the fandom hasn't reacted like she wanted, freaked out over her "leaks," hasn't posted them on every platform ever to give her the attention she feels she deserves, she decides oooh let's send more! this isn't sociopathic at all!! and then bam there's a second round of anonymous post submissions followed up by an anon ask sent to one of the blogs saying "you can post them, this is the last you'll get because i've reached my max photoshopping ability do not contact again" (also pardon but how tf are we supposed to contact you if you're anonymous).
ANYWAYS the leaks: we're talking blurry, random characters - sarah, pope, rose, jj and pope, kie, a random dude by a fire, and then jj having his beat-up face held by hands that look just like kie's hands.
and sure enough, we spiral! an actual face hold??? on our screens??? fuck yeah! cannot wait for s3!!! jokes on us we're getting so much more but yeah!!! we're theorizing we're writing whole ass fics we're speculating we've got a discord emoji we've got everything. a few hours later the leaks make it to jiara twt and THEY go wild too. i mean who tf wouldn't? you're starving for content and some mysterious source decides to drop you leaks. like yeah hindsight is 20:20 and who was going to potentially violate an NDA for this, but still.
fastforward several months and now OH is back because i guess she got desperate for attention again and feeling "important" or whatever. she goes on anon and says hey btw those leaks were fake ha ha isn't that funny, here's the photos i used linked here and here and omg isn't this just hilarious bestie such a good time man i love the jiara fandom being active again because god i was so BORED and man i just wanted more fics and edits and omg look it worked i mean i've done it before and i'd do it again (or some shit like that idk i dont have the wherewithal to go look it up and get it 100% correct but yeah, she admitted to doing it for funsies)
rightfully so, the fandom is fucking pissed. it isn't *fun* to get manipulated, it isn't *fun* to get manipulated into making new content???? that we don't get fucking paid to make???????? fuck you?????? you don't manipulate an entire group of people for SHITS AND GIGGLES that's literally sociopathic shit babe, go get help please. so yeah she fucked the entire fandom over Summer 2022 and did it because "i'm bored i want content" like fuck all the way off.
oh and side note: another anonymous poster tried to say oh i know who it is, but also i'm not going to tell you because you guys are clearly mad at her and i don't want you to take it out on her, i know her and it's ok she's ok. like i'm sorry. the fuck? don't insert yourself into this stupid sociopath's deranged manipulative plan. because guess what bitch, we've got detectives in this fandom and while OH never came off anon like the coward she is, the fandom was able to put it together & not only determine her tumblr but also her twt so when she tried a fucking round three several months later with "oh i found these on reddit but the post disappeared hehe" we all saw through that shit a mile away.
in a nutshell, @/opponentsheir fucked the fandom over with her manipulative bullshit & does not deserve a fucking drop of attention from anyone in this fandom.
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