starheirxero · 4 months
blasts you with my super cool lazer gun
( unrelated and batshit out of nowhere but i love. robot gore )
- 📦
is blasted with your super cool lazer gun and is exploded. dramatic style.
(and on an unrelated but agreeing note, ghod yeah tell me about it <3)
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huntinglove · 1 year
How to get away from antiship spaces (mostly)
Warnings: Long post, antis mention, mentions of pedophilia, rape, self harm and gore (none show, not descriptive)
Have you recently learned that you align yourself with the proship label? Would you like to get away from antis as safely as you can? Here's what I've learned, as an ex anti:
1. It may be hard, but try to get rid of/abandon your accounts where you used to interact with antis.
This is one of the hardest steps because having a lot of followers can be discouraging, but it's the safest approach in this situation, because if antis see you following or interacting with proshippers they WILL question you about it and depending on how you tackle their asks they'll throw you to the wolves and publicly "warn" people about you so people can mass report your account/harass you
This applies to anything; Tumblr blogs, Twitter profiles, Discord servers, if you've interacted with antis block them and delete your account if you decide to adopt the proship label
Antis constantly claim that they don't harass people but as soon as someone drops the anti label they dogpile them and call them "traitors" as well as their usual buzzwords to catch people's attention, it's better to pull the plug directly than just rebrand your account
1.5. If you REALLY want to keep your account because you've used it for a long time or because it works as a portfolio, please create a different account to post about proship content
If you make a new account remember to block your anti mutuals/followers from your main account before you start posting, art styles can be very unique and easy to spot similarities in, as well as typing patterns and reoccurring emojis/symbols
If there's the option to, keep your profile private until you've built a steady environment for yourself, if you prefer to keep your profile private permanently that's also a good option!
Remember, your safety matters more than numbers on a screen!
2. This one should go without saying but, please don't share much of your trauma/mental health issues/triggers with people online in general, but especially not with antis
I used to talk about my struggles and vent publicly a lot, antis would stalk my accounts and send me all types of fucked up content.
I've had people send me rape videos and threats, people telling me I deserved the abuse I went through, people would send me gore and self harm images, as well as suicide tutorials.
They can and will use all of it to their advantage, they're restless and will dig up even decade old posts if they feel it'll be useful for them. It can and will take a toll on your mental health, so please save yourself the trouble and only open up with people you genuinely trust and feel safe talking to!
You're not alone, but please don't let dangerous people take advantage of you when you're at a bad spot
3. Keep an eye on your followers, especially if your profiles are public. There are always some things to look out for to make sure your followers aren't antis pretending to be proshippers
According to my personal experience, here's some red flags to look out for:
A.Antis think that the word proship means problematic ship, so they'll refer to pairings as "a proship"
Most proshippers dislike this terminology because it comes from an incorrect definition and usually avoid it
B. TikTok antis specifically come up and use a lot of emoji combos, creating meanings for them and usually adding one or two combos that are actually known to proshippers, along with some never seen before
A lot of the time they use it to identify themselves, a sign that means "I'm not actually a proshipper, just baiting"
I've also seen antis use the clover emoji in combos, inspired by the "clovergender/cloversexual" scam that 4channers came up with, to make it seem like the LGBTQ+ community was welcoming to offending pedophiles. Antis do this because they assimilate the proship label with problematic ships, mostly age gaps/underage content
C. Their account is brand new but they already follow a lot of proshippers. This is usually because they'll follow proshippers who've been posted on a blocklist, usually in the exact order that they've been listed too
If they're on Tumblr, they'll usually keep the people they follow public, so that other antis can find and harass those proshippers
D. Keep an eye on their follow list. Like stated above, they'll usually keep it public and 9 times out of 10 there will be an out of place antiship account, it's most likely their main profile/account/blog
E. They'll use their usual buzzwords on their own posts
For example, if they're trying to mimic a proselfship account they'll post pictures of underage characters and caption it things like "omg i'm such a pedo" and tag their post with proship related tags
Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, so it's always important to take context into consideration, as well as how many of these red flags may apply.
And lastly, please remember that the block button is your friend.
If someone's interacting with you and something about them seems/feels off, block and move on
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Attention TADC fans!
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I'm officially opening requests for characters! Below the cut will be my base list of rules in regards to requesting and that sort of thing!
To everyone who followed me for creepypasta, do not fret! Creepypasta is still this blogs default and I'm not going to stop writing it for the forseeable future, I will still be responding to creepypasta based asked in the meantime
oh also, im adding this right before i post this but i do have fluff alphabet requests open for creepypasta, but to my TADC fans, how do you guys feel about the possibility of me reposting that list and letting you guys ask for it? im still kinda itching to do alphabet stuff... let me know ! ill probably do it anyways but i want yalls input!
without further delay:
please do not spam requests, i know it will be hard to enforce this on my end since i want to keep anon enabled since i know it can be intimidating to ask for stuff non-anonymously
since the main cast + caine only totals to 7 characters i will allow people to request the entire cast in any given request, WITH THE KNOWLEDGE that the more characters the shorter their list of hcs will be
please do not pester me to answer your request, i will very likely answer your initial ask. consistent breaking of this boundary will result in warning, and if further boundary breaking takes place, the request will be terminated
^SHOULD NOTE! sometimes tumblr eats the requests you guys send in so simply asking if your request made it through is 100% totally fine!! I'm specifically talking about people who try to pressure me to answer sooner, I want to make that clear because I do not want to discourage anyone from reaching out about that sort of thing
Reader is GN by default, you can request a specific gender but know it likely wont be important due to my writing style
SFW, angst, comfort, hcs, short imagines and scenarios!
As mentioned I will do all characters, asides Bubble since I don't think there's much that can be done for them
Poly, LGBT, readers with disabilities and/or disorders (will let it be known here that i am in no way well versed in every disability/disorder, however i will attempt to do basic research for the request)
I am also comfortable with writing platonic requests and found family dynamics! I am not limiting myself and you guys to romantic stuff!
reader abstracting, while this may seem contradictory to some of the things in my will not write segment I have written about grief and loss before and I don't think it fully fits the category of what I won't write + death in general, so it shall get a pass
really there isnt much i will turn down that comes to mind, if something is breaching a line or making me uncomfortable i will let you know
reader inserts, ocs, and the like are all welcome here! im not too confident with oc x character stuff due to the simple fact that i fear i may interpret your oc wrong but i am still willing to try!
general problematic stuff is an immediate no
^so like, straight up abuse and abuse adjacent topics since as far as Im aware all the characters in TADC are adults (if I have that wrong please please correct me!!)
i am also iffy on yandere requests, this one is more on a case by case basis so please be sure to specify the intensity of it, since that will really be a make or break for whether or not if the request is accepted
NSFW, this blog is for the most part SFW. I occasionally vague certain aspects, however nothing is ever explicit. That's how far I'm willing to go with these things and I want to keep it that way
Full fledged fanfics; a lot of my scenarios/imagines tend to border on that just on a much shorter scale and in a slightly different format, but I am not totally confident in my ability to write proper fics :(
no graphic depictions of gore or self harm, and i ask that you keep that out of my inbox in general. topics like SH are allowed, however covering requests for the act of it as its happening is an automatic no (IE if you ask me to walk in on a character walking in during an act of self harm), the same applies to suicide
i have a nasty habit of not proofreading my stuff, so grammar and spelling mistakes are bound to happen unfortunately. this tends to be a worse issue when im posting on mobile (which i am doing less and less since i like typing on a keyboard more)
^ on top of that i struggle with writing, english is my first language but i have a hard time getting stuff out right on top of having dyslexia so please be patient
i typically tend to respond to requests fairly fast, typically within a day or two, though i do have some periods where it may take longer. (possible) same day delivery YAHOO!!
back to a forewarning, i have a habit of rambling and adding additional ideas and concepts into a request though for the most part i think i remain on topic (that just means you get a little extra content for your request ueueue)
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Alright we're gonna do our first big compilation of my longass notes for a friend of the blogs fic, obviously we mUST start with The Thunder Answered Back by @spicymiilk
Fair warning, I would read the whole fic before reading my notes and laughing/crying along with me. I do think you can go chapter by chapter if you wish. Also a fair warning, I usually cull my notes before posting a fic comment; I really let myself go wild here. Proceed with caution.
Chapter one I didn't have too many notes bc I was deep in it and also there wasn't too too much cringe. Idk if this is well known about me, but I can watch like, hardcore porn or gore and not flinch. I used to watch Animal Planet vet shows while eating cheese its when I got home from school, just munching away while they did surgery on little puppies. But if you write even a tiny bit of cringe it takes me like 5 business days to recover. I fully cannot look at the screen. I will leave the room if an awkward conversation happens in my tv show. I also can't not react to cuteness as well. These notes were mental escapes a lot of the time in this fic, like mother of GOD I want to die even imagining these conversations. Mortifying. Anyways.
Unhinged things I would say on the google doc but here!
DIALOGUE, dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. It can make or break a piece and it CARRIED in this one. It's so very cringe and realistic lol. Dialogue is usually the hardest for writers but I don't think our man here has this problem lol.
Great setting as well, I can feel the heat. A setting you can physically feel is so immersive, it sucks you right in, and my ass has never been to Italy but I've been on a dock and I've been in a hot thunderstorm and I can feel it all.
Obsessed with the way Spider steps into the house and Neytiri's like "dinner, gayboy??" like she was on his ass instantly skskskks. HER LITTLE SLIGHTS AT HIM?? EXPLAIN, LOL. WHAT DID THE CHILD DO? Reminds me of the time my friends mom asked me to stop calling her Chris and I didn't understand why and just blurted back "Okay, Chris." It's just so funny to me when she hates Spider in modern fics, because there's no systemic context it's just her beefing with a small child oddly lol. Having read the whole fic now, it's just Quarich's racism connection, I believe.
I am obsessed with the plight of the boys. Obviously Spider needs to leave, but I'm hoping Lo'ak escapes the military industrial complex lol. I'm so torn. I had Sully fam on the brain, and I wanted Spider's continuing relationship with them all so badly. Maybe I simply need for them to ask Spider to stay with them? Like "live with us for a year buddy, get yourself ready for college. You can do anything king but also ur part of the family, now go deflower our son."
Here is that clarifying question I asked: Did Kiri and Spider have sex??? Or did Mandy tell her about Spider's dick? OR BOTH? I simply could not figure that out. Also missed opportunity to name that character Ninat for the lols. The next generation of Ninat's beefing with and over Sully men.
Now that you've given me my answer, truly hilarious comedic content for everyone around.
Kiri, at night: want to hear about Spider’s dick?
Lo’ak, charcoal and paper out, ready to create an impressive sketch: ew, no, go ahead.
Chapter two, FUCK OFF Jeytiri flirting karaoke is adorable, that’s hilarious. The whole scene made my heart happy bUT NOT HAPPY ENOUGH not enough comfort I need more of it.
Spider turning to Lo’ak who's aLREADY LOOKING AT HIM cause they’re both like “oh you mentioned love, let me look at my best friend,” I’ll die.
Lo’ak literally BEGGING Spider to sing so he can swoon in the corner. I love this headcanon that seems to be cropping up of Spider being like a really good singer, it's very interesting to me.
JAKE UNDERSTANDING SPIDER I’ll die. Jake’s adopted that child you can’t convince me otherwise. Dude, even Neytiri fucking sees him as part of the family, I’ll scream. The tooth gem thing??? Iconic. Loved it. She’s giving Spider specifically cookies??? I’ll die. She's included him in all their shit. Not just anyone can do family game night karaoke. The karaoke, I am obsessed. Adorable. The Kiri and Lo’ak banter means the world to me. Their limp wrist agenda, the limp wrist bullying. What will he do when he can’t hold that against her? She must be unbearable to him in return when Spider isn't there. We love a homophobic gay. It's like what I said about my roommate i slept with twice (who follows me on here and we all better hope doesn't perceive this post); "I only get offended when SHE calls me slurs because I know then it comes from a place of true homophobia."
Kiri is literally begging Spider to understand Lo’ak wants him. BEGGING LO’AK TO UNDERSTAND SPIDER WANTS HIM. Kiri trying not to die at how obvious they both are. Kiri, going to beat the shit out of Lo’ak for asking about Mandy of all people bc of how far he's gone to avoid learning about that. I STILL AM UNCLEAR AS TO IF HIS ASS ACTUALLY DIDN'T KNOW SPIDER BROKE UP WITH MANDY OR HE WAS JUST BEING AN ASS.
Also fuck u for underestimating the importance of Tuk to Spider, he wants Tuk to remember him please I swear.
Also I have noted you have hinted at Spider’s praise kink. I can see it clearly. Nothing more will be said on that topic, but sometimes a praise kink simply makes sense for a character.
'IT COMES OUT MORE LIKE GAY' that was just for me, I know. So was Ninat's kid, obviously. Now that it's cONFIRMED for me I love to know that I am the target audience of all locorro fics ever.
Spider: *calls Lo’ak baby and gets embarrassed*
Lo’ak: *rebooting*
Lol Spider punching Lo’ak for saying slurs is so funny. Lo’ak's like if I say it I ain’t it, and that's on falling for the guy that is punching me for saying the slurs.
This little "I knew" reveal was CERTAINLY not what I was expecting. Not at all. A delightful little twist huh? A little trope subversion? AN EXPLICIT DRUNK CONFESSION IS SO HEART-WRENCHINGLY AWFUL OH MY GOD. WHAT HAPPENED THEN WHAT DID THEY D O I MUST KNOW. "It’s not a big deal bc I… like u too obviously lol." That's the end of the sentence and the end of the communication. I was driven insane by that, I just finished XO Kitty, worst show ever, and I was reminded how much I despise when communication would solve legit every problem but it's handled realistically here. Communication is so hard for the boys Kiri will throw hands. And I brought your inhaler with me obvs cause I’m in love with you.
I’m sad about an asthmatic fist fight but it’s so appropriate. I am sad tho. I am a hurt/COMFORT bitch where is my COMFORT. I don't think my body is ready for a nocorro fic from u @spicymiilk my blog is about to become all comforting headcanons and we're going to ignore the plethora of Hunger Games ones I got today.
Now we have to sit here in this world where Lo'ak thought Spider was emotionally(?) cheating on Mandy with him if he thought they were still dating, the fucking clown idiot fool.
FINALLY, for the third and final chapter, with some bonus answers Andrei has given to my demanding all caps questions.
I’m so mean, I’m laughing at the idea of Kiri waking up at an ungodly 7:34am to Lo’ak ugly crying over Spider’s fake bed on the floor like he’s gone off and died in the war. She’s just like the pizza box community meme like uhhhh. Now I know this must happen oFTEN so I again figure that she must have gotten really good at sleeping through his ugly sobbing.
JHUST FUCKING LEAVE QUARITCH THIS IS SO ANNOYING GET OUT OF MY PLOT I’M TRYNA SEE KIRI’S TEXTS, ugh I'm so biased I despised how much he was in this chapter he should choke I wish asthma was contagious. Although, for some reason Quaritch calling Spider Lo’ak’s wife did things to me personally, The sweet homosexual love line then took me out back and popped me (I mean this in a like, Italian mafia putting me down outside way and not like, doing poppers outside a club although for some reason both are giving the same energy).
Neytiri murdering Spider for both turning her son gay and also making him sad can be something so personal. I still am in denial of every universe where she doesn't like him, and in this one I just love the idea of them slinking back to Italy having eloped or some shit where Spider now has to build that relationship but now having deflowered and stolen her son in the night. Hilarious. They must bond over talking about how stupid he is. They're so similar, how can the people with Jake and his clone not be.
Lol I also forgot Lo’ak got a black eye, that makes Kiri’s texts earlier so much funnier. Kiri was like they made out so hard he was struck with love. Developed a bruise. His gayness punched him in the face.
Oh my god the crying was all a lie, a fantasy, I’m so disappointed. More realistic, sure, but still. I am unclear as to if it was rEAL.
I had the cunt thing spoiled for me when I was catching up on posts I missed; never did I imagine lol. Almost as hilarious as Lo’ak telling Spider to die because he didn’t look at him, gay.
Spackle covering the hole in the wall, hmm, I wonder who punched that there?? Also abusive Quaritch giving romantic advice is making me want to puke up all my organs. I know Andrei says say the hole in the wall was nothing, but you can't have an abusive dad character and then mention a hole in the wall and nOT have us thinking that Quaritch punched a hole in the wall. Every reader is gonna think that.
Lol those Kiri texts and what she says is sO MEAN god I totally get why she did it but omg way to ruin a man over something that is not his decision or his fault. She’s just so so mad about the gays being dumb. Can’t believe she finally coughed up this info. Also the way Quaritch could probably hear all this through the wall makes me wanna die.
Speaking of Quaritch, what an interesting portrayal of their relationship. As a Quaritch hater, there's very few fics where I don't just fully skip long interactions with him. I gotta have really been sucked into the world, and I was with this one. I can't tell what of my feelings on the characters have made me biased on the relationship and what are my feelings on what the text portrayed. The feeling of too late in their relationship is there, overwhelmingly and devastatingly, but part of me found myself unconvinced by the attempts from Quartich. I literally can't tell if it's my own bias (most likely) or if it's my own lack of explicit background knowledge.
What we do learn of the past we learn in fragments, passing lines from Spider's internal monologue. They aren't the focal point of the story, but they are deeply important to the world created, and it leaves me with a feeling like I'm in an unfinished paint by numbers; I don't quite have the full picture. (Again, as I always say to you in my beta notes Andrei, these are incredibly harsh comments for fic. It's just good enough I'm treating it as though it's more lol (bc it can be)).
As to why everyone is finding Kiri mean; yeah she's neurospicy and we do clearly get the vibe that they talk to each other in this way, this casual banter that doesn't really mean anything. That being said, casual "kill yourself" or like "this is all your fault" and shit like that when the character is clearly upset and angry comes across as serious. Knowing Kiri as a character I didn't think she was, but reading it took me aback because as a standalone I don't have that context. In arguments and serious moments those words pack a punch, especially to a reader in such close third as we are with Spider in this one. We are WITH him and seeing only his thoughts and perspectives, his hurt is front and center so it's easy to feel hurt and defensive as a reader. I digress.
Lo’ak’s like every man in a crime show calling his wife to hear her voice one last time before he goes to to the dangerous mission and almost dies. He's like "I'll hear Spider's breathing and then know the US military is the way for me." Spider, the barrier between Lo’ak and the goddamn US military. That’s so funny to me. This is another reason to feel confused by Kiri's vitriol; it's not Spider's fault what Lo'ak chooses to do with his life and it is unfair to blame him. One line of her doing it I get, but she does it several times and the only excuse we get for her is from Spider.
Kiri is better than me I’m an awful secret keeper. But also maybe she could’ve coughed that bad boy up earlier, huh?
Tbh tho, on a serious writing note; it’s so well written because from the beginning we know exactly what is happening. They both like each other and Kiri knows both sides. That was obvious to me. You tell us from the get go that Spider is leaving when he turns 18, and that Lo’ak is leaving to join the military, WE KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN. And yet the train chugs on and each event sets it in motion instead of derailing it, leaving us with an inevitable tragedy we all saw coming. Well done. If I was giving line edits on a publishable work, I’d say speed up the timeline. Make the whole fic (so excluding prior events like the party) all happen like. A few days before Spider leaves. I want to feel it all in real time, up close, as it happens. No breaks in time. I also want that memory convo with Lo’ak earlier lol, so that the realization of it can hit later. And honestly, if it wasn’t fic I’d leave it with the Kiri and Spider convo. No happy ending. BUT NOW LET ME GO READ MY WELL DESERVED HAPPY ENDING. U would've been SICK for not including one.
Extremely uncommon fanfiction Jake Sully W here. It should be more common I am an unapologetic stan.
Them going to find each other is so funny to me. Kiri was personally sending them on a wild goose chase as revenge.
OH THERE IT IS THE COMMON JAKE SULLY L. Although driving your gay ass son to do an airport rom com moment at 5:45am is actually quite the parenting w, where the fuck was Neytiri she would’ve been much more efficient. I mean she wouldn't have let him go, but she would've been efficient about it.
The idea of Lo’ak making his final decision to go to the military earlier in the day and then not actually doing it until he wakes Jake up at 2am makes me cackle. Jake: you go get that dick son, your mother can kill us both later.
ALSO WHY’S HE PULLING HIS SHIRT COLLAR SO HIGH, HMMM, ANDREI??? Showing up to meet his grandmother absolutely dEFILED. Does Lo'ak even have a change of clothes, that monster.
It’s 2:18am (when I originally write this), I have work tomorrow as I do literally every day of the week, and I’m just smiling to myself at this shit. Criticism: not enough of them being happy and also I didn’t get to learn what depraved things Spider wanted to do to Lo’ak that he drunkenly told him about that Lo’ak then had to live with torturing himself (and Kiri) over for months.
Andrei's response on what Spider drunkenly said to Lo'ak for the people: The depraved things are as follows— spider sat his ass in Lo’ak’s lap, completely and utterly gone, and waved poetry about Lo’ak’s long and strong fingers for at least ten minutes. He also made sure to mention his borderline tank top kink. Lo’ak definitely did not internalize that
Lo'ak, stumbling into his and Kiri's room: Spider confessed his love for me and said... depraved things.
Lo'ak: He said he likes my tank tops... I can barely speak of it out loud.
Kiri: Oh. 🙄
Also lowkey Kiri has to be enraged they’re normal now that they’re away from her. ALSO DOESN’T THAT BITCH LO’AK HAVE SCHOOL?? Hilarious all around. Lo’ak brings Spider back because they cannot be apart and then keeps him in his and Kiri’s room for the next year until he finishes high school. They see how long they can go without Quaritch finding out Spider’s nearby. Kiri hates them so much, especially now that they fuck in her space.
Andrei said in response to this: Lo’ak finished school in Florida!! Pulled a fast one on the school system and said hey I’m smart enough to finish like two classes here. Kiri didn’t speak to EITHER of them for months. Neytiri would call to check up and Kiri would be whining in the background about how she’s betraying her
They make up when Spider saves up to get her a ticket to visit them for a summer 🤸
The idea of Lo'ak never returning is so funny to me in so many ways. First of all, Spider dropping him off and picking him up like he's the sexy older boyfriend in every romcom ever. Second, the idea of Spider bullying him for having to go to school still. Three, they just squat with Spider's grandma, and she's like god I expected one gay loser not TWO. Four, Neytiri calling to check up just resulting in her and Spider both bitching about Lo'ak and Kiri respectively here is how the Neytiri and Spider fanboys can win-
Also, the idea of someone having to tell Neteyam about this makes me want to cry real tears of laughter. He’s in his first semester of college someone free him.
Andrei said: Let neteyam live in blissful ignorance. He knew Lo’ak was a raging homosexual for their entire lives and the second he saw spider he was like. Oooohhh okay. And then he never looked again the mental strength required to deal with it was just too much
Kiri, on facetime: so Lo'ak followed Spider-
Neteyam, opening a textbook in his Harvard dorm room or some shit:
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"Howdy folks! Take your seats please and get ready, cause It's Showtime!"
Welcome to It's Showtime! The tumblr ask blog for the BATIM inspired story of the same name! Here we have the characters in the studio, before the events of the story take place, ready to answer your questions and get into all kinds of antics! Want to learn more about the characters/story of It's Showtime? Check out its wiki/site right here! Or check out it's Gamejolt page if you want to see the game being made for it!
This blog is run by two mods, mod Whirly who goes by They/Them/It/Its and mod Roddy who goes by any pronouns! Below there is more information such as an FAQ which should help you with any question you have and elaboration on the content within the story! But if we missed anything please feel free to send asks about the project and ask blog!
It’s Showtime Is A Bendy And The Ink Machine Inspired Story That Completely Rewrites The Events And Timeline Of The Games. With The Same Characters Put Into Brand New Contexts And Relations To One Another. It Has A Character Focused Narrative And Focuses On Themes Of Abandonment, Grief, Family And Trauma, With Heavy Influences From The New York 1930s Setting.
The story follows Henry a retired animator, who after ten years comes back to his old workplace to find the place abandoned and staff missing. The walls are soaked with ink and the entire place smells of death and misery. Despite that, Henry journeys deeper and deeper into the dark abyss below, discovering what remains of his coworkers and the way grief can tear people apart…
But not even the shadows of his past, clawing at him from the dark puddles is enough to deter Henry from his attempt to find out what happened to his family and making things right…
Assuming he’s not too late to do so…
This story is meant to be rated R, the warnings below elaborate on this.
Warning this project contains: Cursing, blood, gore, body horror and death. Themes of internalized bigotry, depression, discrimination, abusive family members, grief, trauma and self hatred. Mentions of nsfw topics, alcohol and recreational substances. Traumatic flashbacks and panic attacks are depicted but abuse, suicide and self harm are discussed/implied. It should be known the ask blog may not contain these things but the story and larger project does.
Who are the mods? The mod team is me, Mod Whirly and my romantic partner, Roddy, we’ve been together for years and are very in love with this project and story! We have our own art blogs for personal art, but keep in mind art shown off here, even if it contains characters from It’s Showtime, should not be considered official art. Anything not posted by this blog regardless of who drew it, is considered non-canon to Showtime. If you want to look into supporting us as artists and creators you should check those out though! Obviously for legal reasons, we can’t advertise any ways to support us in a monetary sense on this blog <3. Roddy’s art blog is here and Whirly’s art blog is here!
What is this project for? It’s Showtime is currently beginning development as an indie horror game, no promises on scale or when it will come out as we are both very busy, Roddy with school and me with figuring out post high school life stuff, but I have been learning 3D animation and modeling in preparation for it. All work I’m doing currently isn’t really game ready or worthy, but every small step in development makes me more excited to one day maybe make this project a reality <3 Currently the plan is to build it in Unreal Engine. [at first it was gonna be Unity but well… If you know you know.]
Are you okay with fanart? We love fanart! If you tag us in any of your fanart we are sure to share it on the blog and sing its praises! It’s so flattering how much fanart we have already received and it makes us so happy and excited to work on Showtime when we see how beloved our designs are! If you want to make fanart please do! We would love to see it!
Who did the character designs? Who made the site? Mod Roddy did all the refs you see on the site and on the blog! They are based on my old character designs and notes I made on changing them, but overall they are very much the creation of my wonderful darling! It was the work of Whirly however to make the actual website! It’s a bit rough but I do like it a lot <3 I hope to expand it and make it better with time but for now I am very happy with it as a wiki for It’s Showtime.
What is Encore? Encore is the catch all name for all stories based on the world of It's Showtime, currently there is a BATDR inspired story we are also writing called Curtain Call that doesn’t take place in the normal timeline of It’s Showtime. So Encore is just the general name for this universe! Think of it as the franchise name.
I still have a question after reading this? Send us an ask! We’re almost sure to answer it and the more activity in the inbox the more activity in the project as well! Don’t ever feel bad for sending us questions or inquires! We like to talk to you guys!
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pillatedcompills · 8 months
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Welcome to my Blog folks, a very wacky blog! My interests range from medias such as Pikmin, Fnaf, Tsp , Adventure Time, Owl house, Gravity Falls, Murder Drones, Bugbo Object Shows and 🎵Music🎵such as Will Wood , Tally hall, Dermot Kennedy , Passenger, and a lot more. You could say this is the "PNF404 / Gay parable blog!
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General Rules for this blog is that,🙅🏽🚫 IN NO WORLD 🚫🙅🏽will there be any Nsfw accounts, Proship smuck, Losers,Creeps,Pedos, Anyone under 12, and forms of blatant bigotry allowed on this blog. If you fit any of those , see your way OUT of my blog. PS If you come to my blog, and want to talk to me dm me DO NOT send me an anon ask. Do not come on my blog if you think you're going to tell me to stuff, or to give unwanted advice. Any of that behavior will be rewarded with a BLOCK.
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( Some info about me ) Im Blasian and a lesbian. My name is Charlie Com Shroom Pillated -Pills Pik William Spiral Miller . I have autism, and adhd, ( diagnosed btw 👿) I have a lovely girlfriend whos name is Juno, you might see her under my posts from time to time. I HATE THE NARRATOR FROM TSP /HJ and if you like him I WILL HUNT YOU DOWNNNN. I love 432 and Curator sm :)
My pronouns are Its/It only!!
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Interests that I have that I don't usually talk about are Clowns, Memes, Commentary ,Singing, Dancing, Writing, Documentaries, Internet History , Gore and a whole lot more. My dms are ALWAYS open, so please don't be afraid to dm me. Please do not get me involved in online drama, if you have an issue with me make it known before hand .
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Please respect my boundaries, if I tell you to not do something I expect you to do so. Do not question my wellbeing or anything else on here, as I do not need it. Warnings for this account are somewhat suggestive content, gore, awful humor, cursing and violence. I would quite frankly prefer 14+ but I don't mind younger folks. Respect my opinions and ships as well, if you don't like what I post go away.
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https://www.tumblr.com/lxvesizk ( my girlfriends blog PLS FOLLOW HER!! )
( HERE IS MY ALT TUMBLR ) And here is my youtube channel as well! Thanks for reading my intro, anyways have a wonderful day!
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v-cain · 2 years
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I posted 405 times in 2022
That's 405 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (16%)
342 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 79 of my posts in 2022
#supernatural - 9 posts
#sam winchester - 8 posts
#xmen - 7 posts
#dean winchester - 6 posts
#castiel - 5 posts
#moon knight - 5 posts
#criminal minds - 4 posts
#spn - 4 posts
#toothless!reader - 4 posts
#tumblr milestone - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#why isnt underlining a word an option?? i wanted to do that multiple times now and evry time i get stuck with the bold word thing
My Top Posts in 2022:
im not even 5 minutes into rewatching moonknight when i realized... if marcs mum is dead..does that mean he was writing steven postcards and leaving them their for him?
31 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
"A Leap Of Faith"
Fandom: Xmen
Pairings: Logan Howlett x gn!teen!reader, Hank McCoy x gn!teen!reader, Scott Summers x gn!teen!reader, Kurt Wagner x gn!teen!reader, Jean Grey x gn!teen!reader, Jubilation Lee x gn!teen!reader
Warnings: Crying, Swearing, Alcohol, Implied Gore
A/N: holy fucking shit this took ages to make. so proud of it though!! the flying part was my favourite part to write, plus scott and logans relationship with the r.
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"Ok, Scott, truth or dare?" Jean grins at Scott. He looks terrified, which you find hilarious, and he quietly says "Truth?" You look at him with your mouth agape "Damn, Summers, you've got some balls!" Scott rolls his eyes and looks over at Jean, Kurt and Jubilee discussing what they should ask- apparently your questions were 'too lame' so you got kicked. So rude.
Jubilee turns around suddenly and asks "Have you ever taken alcohol from Logans cabinet?" Scott quickly anwsers "Fuck no! I don't have a death wish!" You open your mouth to comment on that but Jubilee turns to you brightly and says "Y/N! Your turn! Truth or Dare?" You smirk, "Well, unlike Summers over here, I'm not a pussy. Dare." Scott threw his hands up in the air "What the fuck, dude?", and you promptly ignore him, instead intently staring at the group in front of you. (Scott got kicked out of the group too, because his dares were deemed too risky.)
After a solid 5 minutes, Kurt turns to you and says "We dare you to fly off the roof!" You instantly pale. "Guys, I'd wake the entire mansion up. Can't you think of something better?" you try reason, but Scott jumps in and quips "What, too much of a pussy?" You glare at him and he shrinks back a bit. "Oh, come on Y/N, it'll be fun! Besides, we've never seen you fly before!" Jubilee chines in.You feel your face start to heat up and your hands shaking.
All too quick, you stand up and stumble over an excuse of needing the bathroom. Jean frowns at you as you scurry out the room, opening her mouth to interfere but Scott has already started truth or dare again.
You rush down the halls, ignoring the looks of any onlooking students. You just wanted to get outside and sit in the garden, and cry a little bit, because of your stupid fucking-
You whack into someone tall and stagger back a little, mumbling a small 'Sorry' and continuing on your way. You run over to your spot and finally break down. Tears stream down your face, and all you can think is 'Why did it have to be me? Why me?'  You curl up into a ball, your wings encasing you in a cold shell.
Why me?
Logan was walking down the halls after a very, very tiring day- also known as Hank used him as his 'assistant' in the lab. Personally he thought this was payback for drinking all the good whiskey, but hey, could you blame him? Anyway, as he thinks about how damn good that whiskey was, he slams into some kid. Taken aback, he looks down to see a very distraught Y/N, who quickly runs away. "What the fuck?" he mutters, immediately turning to follow them.
A good ten minutes of running to catch up with this kid pass, and Logan slows down as he approaches soft crying. He cautiously walks around the tree.
The snap of a tree branch makes you whip your head towards the noise and growl- only to start crying again once you realize it's just Logan. He awkwardly sits down beside you and wait for you to start talking.
Some time passes and your cries slowly quite down to just sniffles and the occasional hiccup. You rub your eyes and look over at Logan, who simply asks "What happened, kid?" You sigh and look at the ground for a moment, before pulling your tail halfway into your lap and stare at your missing fin. "When I first got my mutation, my parents weren't.." you pause and glance over for a moment "Well you can imagine how they'd react to their kid growing wings and a tail." Logan softly hums beside you.
"Anyway, they realized that I wouldn't be able to fly if I didn't have one of my fins, so they.." you trail off and stare at your tail. Logan takes a sharp intake and breaths out "Jesus, kid I'm sorry." You stare at your tail for another moment and continue "Me and the others were playing Truth or Dare and they dared me to fly off the roof. I didn't have the confidence to tell them I couldn't, so.." you vaguely gesture to the field surrounding you two. Logan is silent beside you, thinking deeply.
"Well," Logan starts "We could always talk to Hank about making prosthetic fin?". You turn and stare at him, prompting him to continue "Think about it. People get prosthetic hands and legs all the time, why would it be different for you? Just means Hank would have to make it and not some corporation." You start to process what he's saying- you could be able to fly! You grin at Logan who returns it immediately.
*Two Weeks Later*
After two weeks of Professor McCoy doing measurements and fitting prototype prosthetics on you, it's finally time. You're going to fly. Which sounds so much easier in your head.
You peer over the edge of the roof, cringing at how high you're up. You step back and weakly joke "Hey, if it doesn't work do I get a refund?" Professor McCoy huffed a laugh, and said reassuringly "Trust me, it's going to work." You hum and mutter under your breath "Yeah, like the last two did." Logan claps a hand on your back, "C'mon kid, it's just a leap of faith. The second you jump you'll be fine." You glance at him and step back again, rolling your shoulders back. It's just a leap of faith, that's all it is.
You take a deep breath, and take a running leap off the roof. For a moment you're plummeting towards the ground, wind blurring your eyes and whipping through your hair. Then you pull up your wings and suddenly you're soaring through the air, faster than light itself. You start laughing maniacally- you're fucking flying! You turn around and fly over Professor McCoy and Logan. You can just hear Logan yelling "Fuck yeah, kid!"
You pull yourself upwards into the clouds and slow down, admiring the view. You swoop down to the clouds and fly through them, soaking your clothes. Oops. You twirl around in the air, feeling free as can be.
Eventually you return to Logan and Professor McCoy, and you immediately hug the latter mumbling a "Thank you Professor." He smiles and returns the hug, responding warmly "No problem. Remember to tell me if you have any problems with it." He nods to Logan, and walks downstairs.
You grin at Logan, "Did you see me up there? I was so fast! I was in the fucking clouds, Logan! The clouds! And- and it was so cool! I was so cool!" Logan laughs at your excitedness, wrapping an arm around you as you continue to ramble about how awesome flying was and how you could bring him up there someday.
32 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
"What The Fuck?"
Fandom: Xmen
Pairings: Logan Howlett x gn!teen!reader, mentioned Kurt Wagner x gn!teen!reader
Warnings: Swearing, Falling on your ass.
A/N: crack fic with minor foreshadowing ooh spooky. anyways theres a lil heartfelt moment in there cuz im a loser who likes heartfelt moments. enjoy. (lmk if i missed any warnings)
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Last night, you got to spend your first night in your own room! This may not seem like huge thing to most, but when you've been sharing with a group of twelve year old boys..you loose your mind a bit.You sit up and stretch with a huge yawn. For once in your life, you've managed to get a peaceful nights sleep, which meant you could probably do something productive with your evening. You go to your dresser and choose a lovely f/c outfit that compliment your scales beautifully, and then walk to your door so you can go downstairs and eat some food. Maybe you would even do today's homework-
You stumble backwards, nearly falling on your ass. What the fuck? You try and walk forwards once again before you realize the problem: your wings. Sometimes your wings wouldn't fold if you kept them folded for too long, which has never proven to be a problem because you could always squeeze through the doors. This is apparently not the case in your new room. You stare at the door before trying to turn sideways and walk through the door- except your room wasn't big enough to turn fully with your wings expanded.
What the hell do you do? Do you yell for Kurt to get his ass in here and teleport you out? Or do you wait for Logan to realize you're not in class and go looking for you? You stand there for ages before eventually looking out the window. The stars were out tonight, which meant you would be able to convince Logan to skip class and look at the stars instead. If you could get out of your god forsaken room-
Logan sighed for what felt like the hundredth time this minute. Y/N was late for class by an hour, which by itself was unusual, but no one has seen Y/N all day- they usually at least try to leave their room during the morning. He gave up on waiting and decided to look for them- first thing first, their bedroom. They could've just overslept and are still tangled in about a million blankets (Logan commented that it looked like a nest, and Y/N's response had been "Fuckin' duh.")
He reached their room and knocked three times, and immediately heard an exasperated "Fucking finally! Open the door!" Clearly confused, Logan opened the door to reveal Y/N standing on their bed with their wings expanded, taking up most of the room. "Kid...what the hell happened?" the teen grinned at him and shrugged, simply responding "I got stuck here for two hours 'cause my wings wouldn't fold. Can you get Kurt to teleport me out?"Logan nodded and took one last glance at them before heading off to the end of the hall where Kurt was.
"..So, that's what happened to my wings earlier. It doesn't really hurt, but keeping them folded up all the time does." the teen said nonchalantly. Logan looked at them with a raised eyebrow, "You would think you would have the common sense to stretch them or, you know, fly, but I guess not." You shift uncomfortably and laugh a little " Yeah, I probably should stretch more often." The older man looks at you for a moment but decides to not comment on your wording.
The pair sits in silence for the next while, quietly admiring the stars. You look at Logan momentarily, wondering how different your life would be if you hadn't come to the school. You would probably be deep in a forest, far away from any civilisation. You wouldn't have your amazing friends, any good role models...you would be alone.
Thank fuck you're not.
34 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
"Guard Dog"
Fandom: Xmen
Pairings: Charles Xavier x teen!reader, Hank Mccoy x teen!reader, Kurt Wagner x teen!reader, Scott Summers x teen!reader, Jean Grey x teen!reader, Jubilation Lee x teen!reader
Warnings: Bullying
A/N: this came to me months ago and now im cool enough to write it down. go follow my friends @book-place @bringinsexybackk69 (this is set when everyone other than the teachers are teens! ;] )
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You drag yourself out of bed and lazily put on a hoodie, not even bothering to change out of your pajamas. Scott had convinced you to wake up at lunch time so you could eat with your friends, which would usually get a solid "Fuck no."...but there was a promise of chocolate chip cookies. So fucking up your sleep schedule it was!
Walking down the stairs, you catch a few staring eyes and shoot a glare at them. They immediately scramble away  much to your happiness.
You easily spot your friends under a tree and walk over to them, enjoying the afternoon you rarely get to see. Scott spots you and cheers "Sup Snow White!". You roll your eyes playfully "Oh hardy har har Summers." you sarcastically snark as you plop yourself down beside Kurt.
Everyone launches back into conversation, and you find yourself calmly smiling at the mess of a group you call family friends. Then, the fire nation attacked.
"Hey, freak! Did you force them to sit with you? Or do they just feel bad?" Your attention is turned to some random teen you've seen in passing- he was mocking your wings. Not a pleasant guy. Jean just rolls her eyes at him, while Kurt sits looking uncomfortable. Jubilee and Scott are glaring at him, and you're- well...
"Oi! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" you holler at him. This garners the attention of some nearby students who are now whispering to each other. The teen scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Oh, is this your little guard dog? How cute!" he mockingly coos. Your mind is racing a mile a minute but you keep yourself under control, and calmly walk over to him. The students are gathering closer now, curious to what's going to happen next.
The teen sizes you up and gets in your face, "You mad, doggy? What're gonna do about it? Bark?" You smile sweetly at him, and then swing you're tail underneath his legs. He immediately falls backwards but you catch to collar of his shirt and bring him close, "If you ever, and I mean ever" you bringing him closer "come near my friends again, I won't be here to catch you. Got it?" He nods vigorously. You smile sweetly and let him stumble backwards. "There's a good doggy." you mock as you turn back to your friends.
Sadly, the universe was not on your side, as Professor McCoy calls for you and the teen to follow him to the headmasters office.
...Well, shit.
School sucks, you think as you walk to the office. One moment you're defending your friend against some dickwad and the next you're being escorted to the headmasters office, which is complete bullshit! Sure Jean could handle herself on her own, but she shouldn't have to! Everyone deserves a friend who has their back. And maybe a little bit of your reaction was because you were sick of being treated like an animal, but who could blame you?
Before you realize, Professor McCoy is knocking on the Professors door- you wonder if they had to battle for who got the title of "The Professor"- and he opens it, closing it after the three of you are inside. Professor Xavier looks up blindly before a flash of recognition sparks in his eyes, so he sits up straighter and looks more serious. Glancing beside you, it looks like the teen (who's name you learn to be Doug) is playing the innocent lamb while you get the part of the Big Bad Wolf. Lovely.
"Can anyone care to tell me why you're here?" the Professor asks, looking between you two. Doug responds scarily quickly "Yeah, that asshole attacked me for no fucking reason!" Your eyebrows raise a bit- he couldn't have tried made his story a bit believable? The Professor sharply turns to him "Mr. Carol, I do not appreciate that tome of voice." Doug squirms a bit where he stands as the Professor continues "Now please, could you elaborate?"
Doug starts to tell a story how he was leaning against a tree reading a book, when you walked up to him and got up in his face and pushed him to the ground. Which is complete bullshit, but you wouldn't let that show. The Professor takes this in and the  turns to you, and tells you to recount your side of the story. You glance at Doug and start "Well, I was sitting with my friends, when Doug walked by and called Jean a freak. I got mad at him and shouted at him, so he called me a dog multiple time, so I told him to leave me and my friends alone and went to sit back down- that was when Professor McCoy interfered.
Doug glares at me while the Professor frowns. He exchanged glances with the other professor who come to some sort of silent agreement. "It seems clear who is in the right. Doug, you will attend detention during lunchtime for the next two weeks-" Doug turns red and immediately storms out the office, slamming the door on his way out. Dramatic.
The Professor raises an eyebrow and turns to you "Y/N, you will be in detention after school today. I understand wanting to defend your friends, but that wasn't the way to go about it. You may leave now." You nod and turn for the door, pausing and turning back. "Professor, I'm sorry for acting out. It won't happen again." He smiles and you softly and responds "I know, Y/N. Now go, I can hear your friends thoughts from here." You giggle and walk out the door.
You practically sprint out to your friends, who are still waiting for you to come back. Jubilee grins at you and hugs you tightly "That was freaking awesome!" you blush and meekly smile at her. Everyone starts asking if you're ok, but through all the chaos you catch Jeans eye and give her a smile that she returns.
Yeah, you probably shouldn't have done that, and yeah you're fucking exhausted, but it's worth it to see the smile on their faces.
Late at night, you sit up straight on the couch you were lazing on and exclaim to youself "Damn Summers never gave me my fucking cookies!"
62 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"You'll Have A Family"
Request: OOH X-MEN?? How about a shy gn!teen reader meeting characters of your choice for the first time and they’re all really supportive and nice :) Sorry if that’s kinda weird 😭😭 No worries if not!!
Fandom: Xmen
Mutation Explanation: Dude, imagine toothless except he's a human. R hides their wings and tail with a cloak because they dont like showing them off.
Pairings: (all platonic) Charles Xavier x gn!teen!reader, Logan Howlett x gn!teen!reader, Kurt Wagner x gn!teen!reader
A/N: what? no this wasn't requested in august wdym *sweats nervously* hope you enjoy @book-place !!! <333 (please ignore anything that doesn't make sense, not feeling the best recently so i get a pass on bullshit)
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You walk up to the gate, hugging your cape closer to your body. The sign on the gate read 'Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters'. Recently, your family had contacted the headmaster of the school asking if they could enrol you as soon as possible. The school had agreed, and your family had sent you off the next week- they weren't very fond of your mutation.
As you approach the front door, you can't help but overthink all the possibilities of what could happen. What if everyone hates you? What if they turn you away?Where would you go? Why couldn't you be normal-
Before you know it, you're standing in front of the door. You raise your hand to knock, and...stand there for ten minutes deciding whether or not to walk away and live in the woods for the rest of your life.
Inside, Charles was leaving his office as he was expecting the arrival of a new student soon. He was heading down to the common area when he heard some frantic thoughts coming behind the front door. He stopped and turned his attention to it. He moved towards the door and opened it to find the new student.
You blink and look down to see a man sitting in a wheelchair with a kind smile. "Hello! I'm Professor Charles Xavier, the headmaster of this school. Please, come in." You awkwardly shuffle in the door and close it behind you. Charles noticed that you have yet to take off your cloak, but he wouldn't push you to.
You look around the mansion, that you realize you'll be living in from now on. It reminded you of a tour you took in a castle when you were young-it was probably smaller than this place. Your attention is brought back to Charles as he explains that a student would be meeting you soon to take you on a tour around the mansion.
You nod slightly and rub the sleep out of your eyes, which reminds you of something your parents didn't tell the school. "Uh, sir?" He turns back to you with a small smile. "Yes? And Professor is just fine." You hum in return, and continue "I don't think my parents mentioned this to you, but I have a nocturnal sleeping pattern, so how would I attend classes?" Charles paused for a second, why wouldn't your parents mention this? Brushing the thought off, he responds "We can discuss this later in my office in more detail, but I'm sure we can work around it."
Just as he finished speaking, a teen showed up our of nowhere, scaring the shit out of you. You shriek and jump back, causing your wings to flair up in defence. The teen raised his hands up, "Uh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" You stood back, wings still up, and took in his appearance. He had blue skin, blue hair, yellow eyes and a blue tail thatwas swishing around. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a TV show logo you didn't recognise.
Slowly, your wings lowered back down but you were still nervous. The teen awkwardly glances at the Professor before holding his hand out to shake. "My name is Kurt. What's yours?" You hesitantly shake his hand, responding quietly "Y/N L/N..." He smiles at you, and then explains how he would be giving you the tour of the mansion. You nod and bid your goodbyes to the Professor, who smiles and returns to his office.
A few hours later, Kurt has shown you where classes are, bathrooms, bedrooms, the kitchen, the common area...and you are exhausted. All you wanted to do was flop down on your bed and sleep, but the universe had other plans. Right at the end of your tour, Kurt and you ran into some of Kurts friends. They introduced themselves as Scott, Jean and Jubilee. You nod at them but say nothing in response. You all stand there for a moment before Jean suggests everyone goes outside because it's a nice day outside.
"Um... I'm actually pretty tired after travelling all night... I think I'm gonna lie down for a while." You awkwardly smile. Jean smiles at you kindly and responds "Yeah, that's chill, have a good nap!" And with that, the group were off. You stand still for a moment and then head upstairs to the bedrooms. You get there, and finally fall asleep.
When you wake up, you find that you've slept through dinner. You shrug off your cloak and walk downstairs, your tail dragging on the ground. You always felt more relaxed during the night time- there wasn't anyone around to judge you, and you could look at the stars in peace and quiet.
You walk down to the kitchen without getting lost- total win- and rummage around in the cupboards for some food. One of the best parts of your mutation is the fact you can see perfectly well in the dark, so you've never had to use lights during the night.
You find a packet of your favourite chips, hopping up on the counter to eat them.
Lost in your own world, you failed to notice a new arrival in the kitchen.
Logan walked down the hallway in the mansion, with the intention of getting some beer from the kitchen. He walked in, and noticed someone sitting on the counter. They had yellow eyes- holy shit were they glowing?- black scaly wings and tail, and scattered scales across their arms, face and legs. They had claws for hands and feet, which looked scarily sharp. What caught his eye the most, though, was that clutched in their hands were his chips.
"Hey kid-" The stranger didn't get to finish his sentence because you, once again, got the shit scared out of you and fell off the counter. The man tried to come and help you up but your wings shot up protectively and a fireball started in your throat. The man steps back slowly and raises his hands up in defence, "Woah, kid, I'm not gonna hurt you. 'Was just gonna say you were eatin' my chips." You continue to stare at him for a moment, trying to determine if he was telling the truth. You backed down and picked up the chips, eating them again.
The man raises and eyebrow at you, "That's mine." You narrow your eyes at him and growl, to which he rolls his eyes and breaks the lock off a cabinet beside the sink. He reaches in and pulls out a can of beer. You peer at the cabinet, curious. He notices and thinks for a moment. "You want one?" Your eyes shoot up to him and you nod immediately. He chuckles and grabs one for you too.
See the full post
91 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dueling-jesters · 2 years
🂡 Ace 🂱 23 🃁 ⚧They/Them, He/Him⚧🃑
Please read before you follow!
I mainly post about:
Spy vs Spy
Spy x Spy
My Spy-persona, or Spysona as you will
Character Tags: Black spy, White Spy, Grey Spy
Fanart, headcanons, and ramblings about these silly little blorbos abound.
General Content Warning: Cartoon violence and antics, usually slapstick but may also feature blood and angst. Mild cartoonish gore may appear rarely, but nothing too graphic or realistic. All public accounts are SFW, but will occasionally be suggestive to a small extent.
If you need me to tag anything with specific content warnings, please send me an ask to let me know and I will list what to filter here!
I will occasionally post about things which are off-topic, as my accounts are semi-personal. Resources regarding current events and issues are sometimes reblogged as well.
⌧ Basic DNI criteria applies. Racism, sexism, misogyny, antisemitism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. are not welcome. Bigots, nazi/genocide apologists, pro-forced-birth/anti-abortion, pedo/zoo/necro, proship/anti-antis, and the like will be blocked. I'd prefer if NSFW-heavy accounts do not interact with my SFW accounts. If you fetishize marginalized peoples or are into rape, incest, and/or ageplay, do not interact with me. I block very generously.
If you're here to defend someone I've aired my grievences about in the past, go away. Some actions of theirs are inexcuseable and I want nothing to do with them. Please leave me alone about either circumstance.
I will not list my own specific personal triggers here due to the chance of that knowledge falling into the wrong hands.
I have every right to protect my internet safety, privacy, and mental health. This is non-negotiable. ⌧
May I share your SvS fanart?
Absolutely! I cannot control what you do, but I'd appreciate being credited if you happen to share. I would prefer you to ask first, but won't have a problem unless you do something egregious with it or if I am uncomfortable with where it is being shared.
Is there anywhere I can purchase something with any of your fanart printed on?
Unfortunately, no. Not only might that cause legal issues, but it wouldn't feel right for me personally to do so. Full answer can be read here.
Do you take commission?
Not under these accounts, sorry. If you have any ideas you'd like to send my way, please do so! However, I cannot guarantee I will respond to every ask.
Why did you make the spies gay and trans?
Because I'm gay, trans, and can do what I want. In all seriousness though, I've made a couple of posts about these headcanons at the very start of my blog, but I could've gone a lot more in-depth.
Why haven't you been active for [insert amount of time here]?
I tend to take breaks from social media due to stress and other mental health issues. I'm also autistic and have a chronic health condition, so there's always a chance I might not have the spoons to be active on here, make fanart, or immediately respond to direct messages. Other than that, I do have a personal and professional life completely separate from my SvS fan accounts.
Is there anywhere else I can find you?
Other than this blog, you can find me on twitter. (Or my private Twitter, but I must warn that it is exclusively 18+.)
As mentioned before, I keep this completely separate from the rest of my life and work, so I will not disclose any of that information. Please don't ask if I'm [insert artist's online handle here] or ask any artist if they're Ace Dueling-Jesters. If any user claims to be me (other than, obviously me on my blog, public twitter, or private twitter), do not trust them. If something ever happens to all of my known accounts, my boyfriend will confirm any new, genuine accounts of mine.
What's up with those funky red glasses?
They're therapeutic lenses! I draw them slightly different from how mine are irl to protect my privacy.
What is your gender/sexual orientation?
I'm bigender, or more specifically, a transmasculine nonbinary person. Please refrain from asking which body parts I do or don't have. I'm gay and Trans4Trans, but also somewhere on the asexual/aromantic spectrum. It's complicated. I'm in a closed, committed, and very loving relationship.
Why are your posts so long-winded?
It's the autism, babey! *finger guns*
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
Whumping Safely 101
Many people in this community have mental health problems, face various types of discrimination, and have complicated relationships with some parts or types of whump. In particular, I aim this at people who care about the experience of survivors and others with triggers – partially because I am an abuse survivor who often flirts with triggering content as part of my love of whump.
Keeping your blog safe is difficult, takes effort, and is never a perfect process. But as the community grows and grows, it’s really important that we hold ourselves to a high standard. I would argue that this is a responsibility of all content creators, but especially those of us in the messy playground of whump.
I’ve got three sections in here: content warnings, writing with care, and community interaction. I’ve tried to make it navigable. It’s about 1.8k words. Shorter than a lot of drabbles! I welcome good-faith criticism on this topic and further questions on my own views.
Content Warnings
The biggest responsibility, in my opinion, is empowering your reader to make their own decision on whether they want to expose themselves to your writing. This also happens to be by far the easiest way to help people whump safely.
What to warn
This is a big and ever-changing topic. Some things you should warn for as a rule of thumb are anything NSFW, pet whump and box boy whump, drugs and alcohol, medical and hospital content, graphic gore, intimate partner violence, and animal harm. It can be tricky to draw the line of what counts – what needs a warning? If you’re in doubt, just warn it anyway. It doesn’t hurt.
If someone requests a trigger be warned for, even if it’s something that feels obscure or tame, show compassion and agree to the request. This is someone who cares enough about being able to read your writing that they wrote in! They want to be able to read it and enjoy it. You’re being complimented.
Otherwise, look at what other blogs tag for. You’ll see some variation in styles and levels of detail, but it’s a good way to gauge what people think is warn-worthy, when we’re often writing stuff that would already be R-rated in mainstream media.
Read Mores
The easiest way to make sure people don’t see your triggering content is to use a cut. Tumblr is not a very functional website and likes to delete cuts, but a cursory check of your posted content will usually tell you whether it’s worked. With asks, cuts are very spotty, so don’t be afraid to post an ask response separately with a screengrab of the original question. People often then respond to the ask itself with a link to the post, especially if it’s a whole drabble. Tumblr is weird and bad so just do your best.
Content notices
I.e., a quick summary before the drabble, usually in bold, to state what will be coming. I like to distinguish between using content notes (CN) and trigger warnings (TW) to indicate severity. Others might use the old phrase ‘dead dove do not eat’ to indicate this is a heavy piece, and often you will see qualifiers like ‘intense’, ‘mild’, ‘mention’, ‘referenced’ (i.e. it is discussed but not actively happening), and ‘implied’ (as the opposite of ‘explicit’). I’ve also seen a couple of people use ‘vibes’, which is a really nice way of demonstrating that it’s there, but not the focus. A quick paragraph like this, or just a line, lets people make a quick risk assessment on their reading.
This is also important if you’re sending in asks or requests to people. If you want to ask about something triggering, send an inquiry first about whether the blog is okay to hear it.
Tagging is a chore, but it’s your primary way of warning people about your content. The main benefit of tagging is that you can be as detailed as you want, because can be tagging for content in general, not just triggers.
In a best case scenario, you’d tag the kind of whump you’re doing, tag triggers, tag characters, and even your ‘verses, because tagging is your index for your blog. If you tag reliably, you help your future self and your readers find stuff, and you also make your blog really dang safe. People who have unusual triggers can blacklist tags, and will pick up on your content tags to help them.
Don’t just tag your own writing. Tag your reblogs, tag your prompts, tag your asks. Yes, edit your asks to add the tags. Tag your images and gifs. Tag your images as images and your gifs as gifs.
If you aren’t up for detailed tagging for whatever reason, just tag for triggering content, and add stuff to that list if you’re asked to. My usual technique is to make a mental note of tags while I’m formatting and editing before posting.
Be aware that your first five tags will be used in search results. If you’re using tags that are associated with kink too, such as ‘shibari’, you might want to rethink your tag order if you don’t want interaction from those blogs. Also think about what tags might come up in non-whump contexts, such as ‘collar’ or ‘PTSD’. Some tactics for getting around this I’ve seen are adding ‘whump’ after the content or writing the tags in past tense (i.e., ‘collared’).
It is also a good idea to watch out for when you might be reblogging something whumpy that is intended as kink / porn / fetish, especially in images. Tagging these as spicy / nsfw / kink is a sensible move.
Writing with Care
Okay, now for the harder stuff.
I mean here to lay out some guidelines for how to write in a way that helps your reader build good faith. This is a much more nuanced topic, and it’s different for everyone. There will always be differing opinions on what should and shouldn’t be written about, what a good depiction of a sensitive topic is, and how to discuss that topic. I tried to strip this back into absolute basics that I hope we can all agree on.
Maybe your whump involves abuse. Maybe it’s gaslighting. Maybe it’s severe mental health problems, or addiction, or slavery, or you write about or analogise real-world issues. Whump deals with the dark stuff, and that’s a big part of its appeal. But don’t ever forget you’re writing the dark stuff.
(Try to) Know what you’re doing
Some of us play fast and loose with plots, medical accuracy, worldbuilding, and other things that get in the way of the pain we crave. This is all well and good, but when we start using whump that speaks true to people’s lived experiences, we shouldn’t be careless with it. I’m particularly talking about things that get represented poorly in mainstream media, such as abusive relationships, issues around marginalisation, mental illness and disability.
Be critical of media that you’ve consumed. Think about how its depicted things that you want to depict in turn. Look for opinions on fictional representations of those issues. Be aware that you might be more ignorant of things than you realise.
Look at how others are writing these issues, particularly if they’re writing from a perspective different to yours. If you haven’t personally experienced what you’re writing about, e.g., if you don’t have PTSD and you want to depict a character who does, seek out stuff written from or with experience. Listen to the experts.
If you’re looking for stuff about representation specifically, I recommend this collection of posts about ‘Braving Diversity’ cultivated by Writing With Colour, who are in themselves a fantastic resource for this topic, and have recommendations for other blogs that deal with intersecting issues.
Listen to others
Missteps are inevitable. Nobody is perfect. If constructive criticism is offered, that’s also a compliment to your writing. Someone read your work and thought about it, and thought you’d care about improving it. They’re offering themselves as a resource for helping you see your work in a new light.
Criticism is hard and sometimes hurtful, but even if we don’t think it’s accurate, there’s often a grain of truth in it. If someone tells you that your writing is harmful, think about why they’ve said that, not whether or not they’re correct. This is an opinion! Opinions are subjective! But what drove someone to send that in?
You don’t have to respond to all your criticism and definitely don’t respond straight away. Being respectful to those who are trying to help you means taking the time to consider it properly. Sometimes, they don’t need a response. Others, you might want to learn more about what they think before deciding. You might have already discussed the topic, in which case, you might just want to reblog your previous posts.
If it’s sent in bad faith or is outright hateful, you’re well within your rights to just delete it and move on. You might get the same criticism over and over again, and that’s exhausting, and you don’t have to retrace your steps for everyone.
But if it’s new, even if it puts your hackles up, you can always stop and wonder why someone felt that strongly about your work.
Take a step back
One of my better-known characters is a pet whumper who conditioned his victim to adore and depend on him. It’s not always easy to represent how deeply messed up that is within the text – though I think that’s part of the challenge – but in meta-commentary, I am always describing him as a creeptastic bastard lacking compassion and self-reflection. I hope to always give the reader the confidence that I know just how wrong it is.
This is a really simple thing you can do just to give readers good faith in you. Show that you know what you’re writing is dark and messed up. Show your understanding for the issues you’re handling and that they’re complicated. It might seem self-evident, but when you’re writing the really dark stuff, or unhealthy relationships, or institutionalised whump, you can inadvertently create the impression that you just think it’s fun. The fact that it’s fiction does not automatically absolve you. Show that you care about doing it right.
Community Interaction
I’m going to keep this one short and sweet because I will almost entirely be preaching to the choir here.
Be polite to others. Imagine saying what you’re saying to their face.
Don’t send anon hate. Just don’t. If you can send criticism off anon, do so.
Nobody is obligated to interact with you.
Nobody is obligated to monitor their own reader base.
If someone says do not interact, do not interact.
If someone says do not interact, why they’ve said that is none of your business.
You don’t need to spread the word about someone’s bad politics.
Ask yourself if your input is needed, or if what you’ve said has already been said.
You don’t have to take a side.
Take care of yourself. Take breaks. Remind yourself that whump is a small part of the world.
That’s all from me, folks. Stay safe.
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About the Reviewer: Q & A
Who are You?
My name is Stephanie, aka Gleeful Darren Criss Fan. I'm a wife, a mother of two, a teacher, and an aspiring author. I am also an avid crafter who makes jewelry in my spare time. If it sounds like I'm busy, that's because I am. I like staying busy. however, it does mean I don't always update my fics regularly.
Why did you start this blog? I started this blog because we have a huge fandom, with many fics out there for us all to devour. As a reader, I love having all of the options. However, as a writer myself, I know how much we love people to see and consume our creations. But because there are so many works out there, some of the lesser known authors are lost in the shuffle. I'm one of those. I'm ok with that now, but it was hard at first.
I started writing to get feedback. I also was suffering from severe depression. I just wanted to feel like I was good at something, and I wanted to share my stories and put smiles on my readers faces. Nothing makes me smile more than knowing I brought joy to others. This is another way I felt I could bring joy to readers. Because I suck at updating my own fics, I wanted to share fics that you guys would like and bring joy and recognition to their authors as well. It's a win-win.
What kind of fics should we expect to see recommended on here?
Ultimately, I am an avid reader and a writer myself, so I plan to spotlight well-written fics. Some will be well-known while others will be more obscure but still high quality. Basically, I love when a story ensnares me in the plot so deeply that I get lost in the world the author created. I hope to spotlight both older and newer fics, but I hope to focus on fic writers who are still active in the fandom.
I read a wide variety of tropes from canon to Alternate Universe, but my favorites are Best friends to lovers, fake dating, Writer Blaine or Writer Kurt, Actor Blaine or Actor Kurt, Musician Blaine or Musician Kurt, Designer Kurt, Model Blaine or Model Kurt, Artist Kurt or Artist Blaine, Daddy Kurt or Daddy Blaine, and Enemies to lovers. I have to say though that although I love these tropes, I love all kinds of fics and I try not to be closed-minded on what I read. You should see a variety of fic types recommended here.
What kinds of fics will we probably not see?
This is a Klaine endgame blog, so you will only see fics where Klaine are endgame. No Kurtbastian, SeBlaine, Kadam, Kelliott, or any other ships that are endgame. You will also not see recommendations from me of fics that have polygyny Kurt or Blaine, D/S fics, BDSM, MPREG, or Dark Kurt or Blaine. You will probably not see Gore, Extreme violence, or Underage Kurt or Blaine either. I'm not condemning these types of fics. I've read fics that fit into these categories. However, these are not tropes that I normally seek out. I also don't like reading infidelity fics.
However, I'm not saying you won't find these kinds of fics on here. Any Klaine fan who reads fic and wants to post a review on here is welcome to do so. So if you are someone that enjoys these types of fics, you are welcome to review them on here as long as Klaine is endgame. I do reserve the right to remove fic recommendations that don't adhere to the guidelines.
What kinds of fics do you write?
I love writing alternative meeting fics, particularly where Bkaine and Kurt meet online and don't know who they are talking to. I also love writing early Klaine, Alternate Universe, Writer Kurt or Blaine, and recently crack or humor fics. I also like to throw in some angst and humor in all of my stories. I will do a link to my fics if you all are interested.
How do I recommend a Fic?
First, review these guidelines:
1. You must've read the fic.
2. It must be Klaine-centric or at least feature Klaine heavily. No Seblaine, Kelliott, Kurtofsky, Kadam, Blainofsky, or other ship as endgame. It is ok if they start in a different relationship or have a midgame relationship as long as Klaine is endgame.
3. Make sure that your rec gives the following information: Fic name, author, Summary, Rating, Warning or triggers, Status (complete or WIP) and your review. Don't forget to include a link to the fic.
4. Try not to give spoilers for the fic.
5. Let's keep these reviews positive. My intention is so that authors are given another place so their work can be seen, and to help readers discover great fics.
Here's the format I use for my reviews.
Fic Name:
Fic Author(s):
Fic Summary:
Fic Trope(s):
Fic Length (Word Count):
Fic Rating:
Fic Warnings or Triggers:
Fic Status:
My Review:
Fic Link:
Do I need to contact you before I do a fic recommendation?
You don't have to contact me. I'll get a notification when you post.
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intruality-overlord · 4 years
Why Are We (Best) Friends?
Warnings: excessive swearing, alcoholism, mentions of drugs, drug use, suggestive humor, implied sexual content (no smut), some gore descriptions. Generally, Remus stuff.
Taglist: @blogging-time @veraisnotfine @littlestr @jessibbb @broken-pens @hi-its-tutty @idkanameatall @moxiety--sanders101 @theyluna-womoon
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist! Last update Wednesday/Thursday. Second to last chapter! Damn nearly over already.
Chapter Seven: Fuck Me
The Present.
Patton flug Remus’s door open so fast there was briefly a void where it bluntly cut through and the air was too slow to refill the space.
And he caught the doorknob quickly before it knocked a hole in the wall because he wasn’t actually going to trash his friend’s place. That would be a dick move.
Patton made a beeline for Remus’s bed. Pulling out the mini fridge tucked underneath, not yet pausing to properly acknowledge Remus.
“What happened?”
“What do you think.”
Patton tipped his head back and—
Remus snatched it from Patton’s hands and promptly poured the unholy liquid on his carpet. What? Do you really think he cares more about a stain on his stupid carpet than his best friends mental breakdown? Shame. Shame on you.
Patton mournfully watched it sink into the carpet. There was a look in his eyes Remus knew meant he was mentally debating. “If you lick that off the floor I will disown you,” he snapped him out of it.
Coming to settle beside Patton, he rested a hand on his shoulder. “Tell me what happened, Puppy,” Remus carefully told him. He applied a warm, gentle pressure with his palm to Patton’s shoulder, who subconsciously leaned into the touch, knowing it helped ground him. The poor touch starved soul. Patton was ravanis for touch.
“Don’t call me Puppy. I’m not in the mood,” Patton quipped.
“Stop avoiding the question.”
“I got rid of my fake friends, happy?”
“You— you w-what?” Remus stammered, his grip briefly wavering, yet Patton collapsed further into him. Remus quickly braced him with his other hand as well. The faintest of smiles grace Patton as his eyes fluttered closed for a second. “So what? I’ve got you.”
“But why even are we friends, Patton?” Remus said, desperately confused. “They’re not wrong, you’ve said so yourself. I’m a bad influence on you.”
“You say that as if I’m any better of an influence on you,” Patton chided, slurring slightly, but he suddenly felt incredibly, painfully sober. The hopeless hurt in Remus’s voice felt like an ice cube sliding down his back.
“Seriously, Patton!”
Patton bit his tongue to repress a comment about Remus being a very un-serious person, or a, “Logan, is that you?” Instead he tried deflecting with a half/mostly-truth.
“It doesn’t matter. It never has, we just are what we are and I’m happy with us, aren’t you?” He said earnestly.
“It does matter if you’re going to give up your life as a light side for me— ditching all your friends— for me! Me, of all people,” Remus said, feeling like he was talking to a brick wall. “W-wha— what—” his hysterics muddled his words, “What kind of nutter does that?!”
“A nutter who has thought it’s tea time for the past couple years I suppose…” Patton dropped his eyes to his knotted fingers, a dead chuckle on his lips. Patton tripped into thinking of what he’s really just done.
(Patton didn’t have nearly as strict of a moral code as he used to. It’s only natural: Morals are completely subjective and change all the time. Currently, his moral code had been stripped down to two rules. Very lenient rules at that. One, as long as you’re not hurting others, it’s okay. This rule used to include “or yourself” but that part of the rule had been overwritten by his second rule. Don’t be a hypocrite.
Rule number two, don’t be a hypocrite, was the most important rule and it took prominence over every decision he made. It’s the rule that ultimately dissolved every other rule he’d ever made for himself and Thomas. As he kept breaking his own rules, he’d have to cross them off the list.
An identity crisis would be a polite way to describe Patton’s mental state. The subjectivity of morality, combined with his ultimately inconsequential feelings, shattered his entire selfhood. (See, his vobaculary consisted of some fucking brobdingnagian words.) But he didn’t mope about it. If his feelings didn’t matter to anyone else, why should they matter to him either?
Patton would also say that “treat others how you would like to be treated” was a rule he lived by too, but what he really means is “treat others how they treat you” which is, fundamentally, very different. It was also the rule he ended up justifying his words with (not that they needed justification. That’s not something truth requires). Patton had hurt them. He knew he did, and he knew it was wrong. Yet, he couldn’t seem to summon the energy to bother with apologies. They had treated him like shit. They talked down to and stepped all over his emotions and opinions. He had every right to do the exact same as far as he was concerned.
He was supposed to be morality, after all. He decided what was good and bad or inbetween. If the others disagreed, too bad, he was right by default.)
This is all a long way of saying fuck you. Fuck them. I’m fucking done.
(Fuck was Patton’s favourite word, if you couldn’t tell. It just felt so, well, fucking good to say. Fucking liberating. Fuck was a word he could always rely on for proper fucking emphasis, and to fill fucking awkward silences. Patton would never be speechless again, even when he’s too drunk to conceptualise language, now that he has Fuck to fill that void. Totally didn’t have anything to do with the fact Fuck rhymes with duck, something so innocent. So far away from each other while simultaneously being separated by only one letter. Patton could relate to that on a spiritual level.)
Meanwhile, as Patton slipped into spiraling thoughts that would inevitably lead him to, “Would it be better to have a flashy but painful death, say, via explosion, or a boring but less painful death like gorging himself on sleeping pills?” And so on, Remus watched on with due drop round, doe eyes. Tears wedged his eyelids wide open, sclera reddening with the strain. He knew the look on his companions face and it was never good. Under the influence of too many drinks and Remus’s room wasn’t a good combination.
Maybe if the others hadn’t hindered Patton maturing naturally, Patton might not have completely rejected his inherent childness. (Who knows, that’s just Remus’s opinion.) Doesn’t matter now. It wasn’t exactly something you could grow back like fingernails to hang on your chalkboard.
Remus presented him with a glass of water.
Patton, regardless of his mental state, looked unimpressed.
“Did you just summon that?” He said, eyeing it suspiciously.
“Just drink it,” Remus said, exasperated.
“Everything you summon tastes awful! And it’s water that’s all I’ll be able to taste,” Patton cringed, leaning back with folded arms.
Remus scoffed. “As if anything you summon is any better.”
“Excuse me, but I’d rather bitter honey over pickle juice so salty it makes your tongue feel dry,” he argued.
Glass insistently was pressed against his lips. Remus’s eyelids dropped into a deadpan stare, which Patton tried to glare into submission. Remus didn’t relent. Slowly, Patton’s resolve weakened and slipped from him in a sigh that parted his lips. Glass was simultaneously shoved past his teeth. Patiently, Remus tipped the glass, assisting the pickle-water to flow, until Patton’s timid hands had a good hold. Their touch lingered before Remus relented.
Despite the taste, the drink (let’s face it, it’s hardly water) settled the crashing waves inside his bones, sobering him somewhat.
“Just because they’ve known me longer doesn’t mean they know me better,” Patton eventually said.
“You're not the one sheltering me supposedly for my own good. You’re not the one making decisions for me, talking down to me, making me feel dumb. You’re not the one making me pick sides, putting pressure on me. You’re the one who lets me be myself. You're the one who I can spill my guts out to. I don’t have to worry about judgment, with you. You’re my real friend.
And if they won’t let me be around you, then so be it. They’re not my friends anymore.”
“I’m— I-I’m not worth it, Patton.”
“Yes! You are! Remus, you’re worth everything!”
A rabbit heart hopped in the silence.
“…I love you…” Patton whispered. His eyes widened. He was realising for the first time. “Love love.”
“You… you what?” Remus was in shock.
“I wouldn’t spend every speck of my free time with someone I didn’t love. I wouldn’t do favours for someone I didn’t love. It took me a while but I— shit— god-fucking-damnit I fucking love you,” Patton whimpered. The realisation smacked him over the head like a mace. Him and his foolish heart knew perfectly well that Remus wasn’t interested in dating whatsoever. Why must he fall for the one person who can’t return his feelings?
“I’m so fucking sorry,” dispair warped Patton’s words, squeaking past his narrowing throat, into a beg. A beg for it to not be true? A beg for forgiveness? A beg to please not hate him?
“It doesn’t have to have a label. We’ll… figure it out as we go.”
Nervously, Remus reached out a hand to Patton’s cheek. His touch was feather light.
Lightly pressing their skin flush so his emanating warmth seeped into him, Patton held Remus’s hand to his cheek. He briefly imagined his hands slipping up into his hair and locking them in a secure grip so Remus could have his way with him in a way that made sense. Not in this gentle, and caring, and unimaginable way. Either way, Patton was more than willing— eager— to give himself. Whichever way he wanted, Patton would pour his love into him.
Patton and Remus had always shown each other their love (platonic or otherwise) in a language they could understand, and Remus wasn’t going to stop now.
“Maybe we don’t love each other in the same way, but we still love each other, right? That’s what matters.”
Then Patton chanced a glance at Remus’s eyes. A glance turned into a mesmerized stare when Remus’s hazel framed, paradoxically glimmering blackhole pupils pulled his gaze in.
Patton had never seen anything like it, but he didn’t need to to know exactly what it meant. It was unmistakable. A glimpse into the innermost depth of his being where only the most precious tenderness could reside. It didn’t leak into his body language, facial expressions, or even corrupt his words with stutters. It pooled solely in his pupils that had been pumped full of the ebbing love. What breed of love it was didn’t matter, Patton would cherish it.
Patton saw past the event horizon.
That’s when he realised he'd never seen anything like it within any of the others. Never was there any substance to their charade. He should have known, the fool he was.
Before Patton could react (which in reality was quite slow, but Patton’s mind was working at the pace of dragging your feet through mud), Remus scooped him up in his arms.
“I can still walk.”
“I know.”
Patton felt like he was pushing his luck, but he still had to ask, “Stay?”
“Of course.”
Next Chapter:
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“→ R ・U ・L・ E ・S  { last UPDATE - 03/21/2020 }
x-  I’m currently indie but selective. please know that it’s very unlikely that I will start a rp with you if I’m not interested. I will however, always try to answer everything I can ic; and eventually ooc; When I reblog memes, feel free to send me some it can be either ic, on anon or off. I will definitely try my best to reply to each ask. Excluding some I find nonsense or not fitting or impossible to be answered ic; If you want to reply to an ask or meme , then please post a new thread tagging me in it. I don’t like reblogging asks.
x- posts&&;threads
I can write starters but not particularly fond of doing so. I think I’m not skilled enough to come up with an interesting intro. Sometimes I’ll post starters however…but very rarely. You likely see me go with some memes for starters ,if even.
x- RP’s and ;threads might be SHORT
Please note: Hibari is someone who likes being aloof, That means regardless of whom I rp with, chances are that our RP’s and threads are rarely long due to Hibari’s character. It might be different. if we decide on a multi rp, but that’s unlikely to happen very often because I rather write those I’m good with and not other characters. However I may agree to it if other characters involved in our rp are written like NPC’s or if I just need to explain what they do and not write and speak as them.r 
Tumblr media
x- About my muse:  I can be a battle maniac and bastard in rp and my muse will often say “kamikorosu”  aka.. “I’ll bite you to death”; honestly it might be a bother within a while to read that all the time.. but if you don’t like it ,then know that I don’t care because Hibari says it a lot and doing that is only in character. And  I care way more about an accurate  portrayal than some possible complains.
furthermore be aware that due to my headcanon this hibari is a yakuza son and hitman. I know a lot about the yakuza traditional and modern ones. And that’s why I think it’s obvious that Hibari is definitely related to that. As I mentioned already my muse is a battle maniac. that means fighting situations can and very likely will happen a lot in our RP. I do not expect you to be a great writer at T-1 tho, so please don’t worry about detailing.
x- About my RP style
my writing style differs via mode. Sometimes I write a lot, sometimes not. My preferences are para-semi and novella. There is absolutely no need for you to do the same in return. But if we have chosen a semi para rp I ask kindly that you refrain from sending a single line as reply. I always allow this for asks and crack rps tho. I’m not a professional writer so please expect me to have writing flaws. English is not my native language after all. 
I approve of M!A’s but I have a right to refuse them when I don’t like them, or think of them as too ooc;If you are part of a MMOFRPG group and would like to rp with me, don’t be afraid to approach me. I used to rp at MMOFRPG for an entire year and I don’t mind roleplaying with you just because you’re part of a group.
If you think I missed your reply, hit me up pls. I try my best to make each roleplay enjoyable for my roleplay partner, chances are , I’m trying even to meet your way of writing, to please you. I can be very slow with replies, please be patient.Threads come and go. Don’t take it badly when I drop our thread, we can always start a new one. or maybe our preferences of writing just doesn’t match, in that case I’m still willing to interact ic; via asks and similar but long threads are out of question.
   Everything my character thinks or quotes is often posted like this:    //nuisance.// or (( pathetic ))    everything dark,sadistic or masochistic he thinks is striked though and posted like this ”interesting.”
Planning to kill my character? Notify me first and we’ll discuss it.
Want to RP with younger Hibari?: Ask me, I might agree to it.
this blog will have trigger warning contents. RP’s can get quite dark, angsty, psychotic and bloody. Trigger warning content such as gore, homicide, torture, self-harm, can or will happen, but will be tagged accordingly.
x- Any japanese in RP?
that is possible, for one mun rena here studies japanese since several years, and for another using japanese in my rp’s always makes me feel more ic; But alas, before you think now. “oh great but I don’t understand anything then?” , let me reassure you that, unless upon common agreement, I will never write in hiragana and katakana throughout our rp, and merely use some easy things to know and in romaji, like “kamikorosu” or “shine” “aa sou,  souka.” I never use anything that may seems hard to be understood. So please do not let this be of a disturbance to you , If you ever want to know what I’m saying however, please just mention it in your tags.
x- NSFW?
Mun is over 18 years old and Personally, when it comes to smut, I prefer dub and noncon themes. I do not mind ERP, upon common agreement. I prefer ERP in DM tho, but if happening in a dashboard RP, I will put it under read more and tag accordingly.  Also please know Hibari is more of a sadomasochist. Also I’m ironically not a fan of yaoi but when it comes to Hibari, I definitely do not mind multiships. 6918/1869, 691827,1896/9618,1827/2718,1006918 even others. Well I mean. I simple ship what I ship.
x- mun&IMPORTANT details Please note that what I write has nothing to with the real me. And as for me.. well my real name is Rena.  I did rp Hibari once before , and for quite a long time, I was best known as hibari-kyoya-skylark. It was actually one of my most liked muses along with Rena Ryuugu and Shogo Makishima. The real me also used to do shin kendo and iaido, I’m an INTJ-A.. quite a JP lover, and I’m actually cute but picky and not very open hearted but when we are getting along well, I can be your best friend. I’m also quite aloof,sarcastic like my muse and I’m often way too honest and blunt. I have a sideblog that I use mainly to reblog and post all kind of stuff and moe culture. As a maid while in my role as neko meido. I’m an actress, who is mainly moe and cute and obviously not my full real persona.
my personal sideblog:  @maid-rena​
Discord: 竜宮 レナ#7777
x- Formating Edits, Icons and Layout are made by myself unless otherwise stated. Most of my icons are edited and cleaned by me, please don’t use them. I made over 1k icons before but unfortunately. I lost many, likely I will make new icons again.the mun faceclaim here for myself is ofc rena I’m not the best editor however and I really suck making themes so chances are low that I will update my theme often. However if you’re skilled and talented in editing and making themes, then you’re absolutely free to help me out, Like, totally  ~
I sometimes use scripting and sometimes not, it’s always up to my laziness and mood and it often depends on me being mobile or using my laptop.
Lastly: last time I did rp hibari like now was 7years ago, as such I’m now catching up on things I forgotten, until I remember everything my rp activity is likely one themed and nothing special.
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kaisooficrec · 5 years
Hi mods, thanks for opening up the Ask box! It's my first time doing this :/ hope I do it right… Can I ask for recs of long fics (say more than 50k? can be chaptered/one-shot) that the mods like but think are underrated? They can be any genre, and they can be from any writers (even some of the older ones who wrote more before 2017?) Thank you!!
Hi lovely anon! You rang the right bell because we have TONS of long fics to rec!! There are old fics but also a lot of recent ones, many different AUs and they’re all above 50k! ! we also made sure to rec fics that are underrated and need more recognition. It will probably take a long time to read all of those so TAKE YOUR TIME AND ENJOY
Amuse-Bouche - hehe this was recced not too long ago but its place on this list still stands! Chefs AU, very unique fic and extremely realistic! a true gem. (139k words)
Legends: The Chosen Twelve - this is an oldie! it was recced back in 2014 but still is pretty underrated and such an amazing fic! it’s ot12, MAMA AU. enjoy ^^ (151k words)
All is Said and Done - another oldie! BFFs!kaisoo that fall in love. it’s angsty c: (70k words)
Common Ground - also from 2014, this is a fantasy/ghost AU that doesn’t disappoint! (84k words)
Start Over - High School AU, lots of drama :’) originally posted in 2012, deserves so much more recognition! (65k words)
Lapis Lazuli - Fantasy + (School of) Magic AU, originally written for the exordium fest in 2015! ot12 although Kaisoo are one of the main pairings. There are adventures and action, it’s very entertaining, a good read c: (55k words)
If Only for Tonight - College AU, pretty angsty (warnings: violence, character death). Police officer Kyungsoo meets gangster jongin :-) (56k words)
French Lilac - Artist AU, jongin loves kyungsoo’s voice, but he’s already married. angst + smut. (50k words)
Trust You The Most - Cat Hybrids AU!! we need more of those . Soo ran a shelter for hybrids and he ends up (accidentally) keeping one for himself. (52k words)
Dear You - Kyungsoo really, really tries to get over Jongin. It’s not that easy. (sorry for all the angst o/) (59k words)
EXODUS - Supernatural AU, Kyungsoo meets a creature that makes him feel safe and cherished (55k words)
Beautiful Butterfly - CEO!Jongin and HS student!Soo, nini tries dealing with all the confessions thrown his way. Read on AFF. (63k words)
hearts and bones - High School AU, swimmer!jongin and photographer!soo meet, and the unexpected happens. (68k words)
Mixed Feelings - College AU, soo has a crush on his straight roommate jongin. pretty fluffy (50k words)
Fly With Me - Fantasy and Fae AU, jongin wanted an escape from reality but he didn’t intend to meet a bunch of men with wings on their backs. (warnings: slight gore, character death) (50k words)
Moon-Child - Fantasy AU, Kaisoo find themselves caught in a fairy tale. (warnings: character death). smutty too (51k words)
Save Yourself - Fantasy & Magic AU, Hybrids AU, War AU. Jongin is a cat hybrid and Kyungsoo’s just trying to make the spell that could save them all work. (68k)
The Stars, Our Saviour - Space AU (+ Royalty AU) + Bounty Hunter AU. Very impressive and unique fic! also smutty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (77k words)
Close To Home - a kai-centric fic, kaixeveryone but mainly/endgame kaisoo. Soulmates AU + Aliens AU. very smutty. (warnings: alien dicks?? alien sex, tentacles and knotting) (53k words)
Across - Assasins + Hitman AU, dark themes. (WARNINGS!: mental illness, mental instability, blood, violence, gore, murder, unhealthy relationship, mental and physical abuse.) Jongin has a crush on hitman!soo. Things don’t turn out as he planned. If you like freaky stuff, this is for you. (69k words)
Ghost of You - Future + Robots AU. Robots VS Humans. Kaisoo. A love story. (59k words)
Monster - VAMPIRE AU YES!!!! I can’t believe this isn’t as popular as it should be! one of my absolute favorites, it’s vampires VS vampire hunters, a fic where jongin realizes vampires aren’t all bad (especially kyungsoo). OT12 and definitely underrated. (115k words) (warnings: unhealthy to healthy relationships, blood (obviously), murder, psychopath killer, attempted rape)
Bugs and Space Elves - LOVE LOVE LOVE! !! this was originally posted for the happyendingexo fest, but the author decided to rewrite some old parts and continue with the story and i’ve never been more thankful. IT’S SO UNIQUE AND WELL WRITTEN AND MINDBLOWING! i really love this. Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Space AU, human kyungsoo helps elf jongin on his quest to save the universe! worth the read, i promise. (96k words)
The Gates of Horn and Ivory - married!kaisoo are taken into a world of darkness that they probably should’ve avoided. Dark fairy tale elements. (135k words)
The Boy Next Door - kyungsoo finds out his neighbour is a pornstar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) very funny, fluffy and smutty. PERFECT TRIO! (53k words)
The War. (226k words) + The One After Ten Years. (149k words, on-going) (sequel) - WHERE DO I EVEN START? these are MONSTER fics! OT12, High School AU and Slice of Life AU in the sequel, but also includes their powers from MAMA era. Kaisoo is one of the two main pairings and honestly, these two fics gave me so much feels. It’s not underrated per se but has been only recced once on the blog and i wanted to fix this! 
Kim Jongin’s Must Kiss List - College AU, kyungsoo embarrassed himself in front of nini a few years back and he’s still bitter and hateful about it, but jongin won’t stop running after him. (66k words)
2088 - Sci-Fi + Dystopia AU, kyungsoo has a mission to find a mutant boy after the war, but he realizes too late that they’re all just pawns part of a bigger plan. THIS IS HIGHLY UNDERRATED! (122k words)
I Feel Awake (This Time) - Hotel manager jongin and detective kyungsoo : truly a concept! the story of how jongin did his best to win the love of do kyungsoo. THIS FIC DESERVES SO MUCH LOVE! (57k words)
Being Brave - Non AU + Slice of Life AU. cute and smutty stories of kaisoo :-) (95k words)
Perfection - College AU, ballet dancer!jongin is going through a rough time. will singer!kyungsoo be able to save him and give him hope? (53k words)
Through Fire and Ashes - this was originally posted for the exoggedon fest but deserves so much more recognition!! Post-apocalyptic AU + Zombies AU. Basically humans VS zombies, established!kaisoo are ready to help defend their town. (warnings: blood, gore, side character death, PTSD) - ALSO MY FAVE - J
BITE - Vampire + Werewolf AU, both species are rivals (kind of like a twilight parody). Kaisoo and Chanbaek are both the main pairings, Baeksoo are vampires who find their soulmates in werewolves Chankai. Very interesting story! ! worth a shot :D (50k words, on-going)
Admin Macaroon at your service 💜
Mirrors - Youtuber AU, College AU, 132k and ongoing!!! kyungsoo makes covers a popular songs on yt and his fans get into a fight with fans of an idol named kai. it’s minty-pixie whew!
Horizon - 63k. one of the less known works of jongnugget imo! they have soo many fics over 50k wow :’) jongin is a new student at his hs and meets boy that changes his life
Kiss and Cry - 93k, figure skating au. jongnugget did it again
Enamoured - 96k. age gap with teacher soo and bad boy jongin, who is a lot younger than soo. soo always helps him and jongin likes him but they can’t be together for many reasons obvi. happy ending!
Bus Rides & Sleepy Misses - 133k, ot12 with main kaisoo ;) both meet on a bus ride and immediately catch each other’s attention! soft and fluffy :) 
Two Sugars / AO3 - 57k, ongoing jfjsjf this is so good ;) a lot of smut, fluff, comfort a bit drama whew! fashion editor soo falls in love with a cute barista by day, sexy dancer by night jongin and when they are together it’s very…cute and sexy :p
Lackadaisical Blue + White Night of Silence- 53k and 61k, kingsman au, with spy exo, also ofc there’s kaisoo too, and this is absolutely well-written!!! if you know And the Rose Said to Me, you’ll understand the quality of these stories!!
Growing Seasons: A Universe of Us - Farmer AU, farmer jongin finds an unknown bloodied man passed out in his cabbage field and decides to take care of him, not knowing this man will change his life forever. (warnings: blood, PTSD, mentions of murder) (77k words) - Adm. Ginger
- Admin J
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Black Eyes & Bloodlust - Chapter 10
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My Masterlist
Black Eyes & Bloodlust Masterlist
Summary: Dean has never met his Omega, never even thought there could be one waiting for him–but she’s out there, and they’re connected in ways they could never have imagined.
Characters: DeanxReader, Sam, Cas, a few OC’s
Warnings: SMUT so typical A/B/O warnings, Slow burn (and I mean it. SLOW BURN GUYS.) Language, depictions of mental illness, Gore and Violence. (Warnings will apply to all chapters just to cover all the bases.)
Chapter Warning: This one has a bit that could be considered necrophilia. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED.
Word Count: ~5600
A/N: There’s a decent amount of canon in this chapter. :)
Unbeta’d for reasons, if you find mistakes feel free to message me!
“Oh my god…” Lane’s hand covered her mouth in shock as she opened the door to Y/N’s apartment. The escorting officer took one look at the blood on the floor and called for backup before producing his gun.
“Ma’am wait, please,” Officer Bishop called quietly as Lane took a step though, her foot landing right into a tiny puddle. “I need you to step back.” His voice was soft but urgent, catching her attention. As she looked up he placed his finger over his lips, silently shushing her.
“Wha–” Officer Bishop moved quickly, cutting her off as he maneuvered her into the hallway and stepped into the apartment in one movement.
“Colorado state police, is there anyone here?” Lane jumped slightly at his booming voice, so caring before, but now full of authority. He was met with silence and stepped into the living room,  carefully avoiding the mess of broken items scattered across the floor. “If there’s anyone here I need you to come out with your hands up!”
Again, silence was the only response and he backed his way out, pulling the door closed behind him.
“What are you doing? I need to go in there.”
“I’m sorry ma’am, I can’t let you do that.”  Officer Bishop had the decency to look remorseful as he shook his head. He planted himself in front of the doorway and produced a plastic bag. “I need you to put your shoes in here…you stepped in the…you stepped in some evidence.”
Lane cried noisily for a few minutes, standing in her socks and feeling as though everything good had been stripped from the world. The blood stains on her shoes glared at Lane from their plastic prison, mocking her until a team of officers and a forensic unit were clomping up the steps. They had no trouble herding Lane against the wall as they opened the door, immediately sweeping the apartment.
Y/N’s home was officially a crime scene.
After the initial sweep, a tech handed Lane a pair of plastic booties, signaling to Bishop that they were allowed to enter once she’d slipped them over her feet..  
Lane’s tears renewed as Officer Bishop escorted her through the rooms. Each space held as much damage as the last, as if a tiny tornado had had swept through upending everything her sister owned. The events of the past week tumbled into a harsh reality, .
Y/N had been pissed… maybe even hated her, because Lane had made an executive decision she’d known Y/N couldn’t make for herself…and now Y/N was missing while a serial killer was still on the loose.
Lane collapsed to the floor in her grief, a choked sob escaping as she buried her face in her hands and imagined all the terrible things that could be happening to her only sister. She pictured Y/N lost, mentally broken, and physically tortured…cut open and bled out like all those other Omegas. A soft hand caressed the span of her shoulders. It was Officer Bishop, awkwardly trying to offer comfort as she broke down. Each thud of booted feet traipsing through her sister’s house was a bullet to the gut, each broken item a remnant of their shattered trust, and suddenly it was all too much.
Lane shot to her feet, ignoring Officer Bishop’s pleas for her to stop as she raced toward the front door, zigzagging around small yellow evidence markers, broken glass and blood stains. She didn’t stop until she was halfway down the steps.
“Ma’am,” the young officer panted as he reached the landing, “Ma’am you can’t leave…we have to take you back and get your statement.” Lane stared up through watery eyes, trying to find some semblance of understanding in his earnest gaze. Instead, she found the worry he was trying to hide. The tears still hadn’t stopped, and she sniffled as she wiped at her cheeks with the back of her hand. Her gut told her something really bad had happened, never mind the mess in the apartment, and she contemplated calling Doctor Cameron. He’d been very understanding while dealing with Y/N so far, and she was his patient. He’d want to know…
“I’m not going anywhere…I just couldn’t be in there anymore.” The officer nodded, looking skeptical. Lane watched the struggle in his eyes. She could see his vain attempts to pretend like he didn’t already know where this was headed.
“How about I go ahead and take you to the station, you’ve seen enough here. The faster we get the paperwork done the faster we can find your sister.” Officer Bishop tried to smile reassuringly, but it fell flat in the face of her pain. He waited for Lane to head down the stairs before frowning, his real feelings making themselves known. He couldn’t tell her, but he had little to no hope of finding Y/N alive…the smell of death permeated every inch of her apartment. Officer Bishop was glad Lane had agreed to leave so quickly. His short experience in the force told him the team would find Y/N’s body soon, another victim of the brutal slaughter they couldn’t seem to stop…and he didn’t think it would be right for Lane to be there when that happened.
The long, concrete hallway was well-lit, save for the bulb that flashed out as you suddenly appeared. You had no control as your feet propelled you forward, lights overhead flicking into darkness one by one as you reached them. On either side, locked doors to what appeared to be cells moved by, your hands lightly rattling chains that held smaller doors shut like some kind of old-school ghost.
Each room seemed to be empty…until you found the one that wasn’t.
In a blink you were inside, and inwardly you screamed. It was always something nuts with these nightmares.
You were thrashing helplessly against the bindings of you body, furious that you were trapped yet again.
Before you stood Tommy Tolliver, dressed in his white prison uniform. You recognized him from the endless news cycles discussing his pending execution for the murders he’d committed.
You were disgusted with yourself, with your illness, and with the satisfaction warming your chest.
“Who the hell are you?” He demanded as he whipped around, obviously shocked at your sudden appearance. “How’d you get in here?”
It seemed Tommy wouldn’t be making it to his state scheduled execution as you started to speak.
“I’ve been called many things in this life. The father of murder is one of them.” What the fuck? Like always, you were left with more questions than answers as  the dream took you where it wanted. ”And by the State’s count, you’ve taken six lives yourself Tommy. Although by my count…it’s nine.”
The voice rumbling in your head and leaving your mouth was smooth, calm, and utterly terrifying. How you were even able to feel fear after everything you’d seen was a mystery, but it was there and you couldn’t escape it.
Tommy’s hand searched the desk behind him frantically, grasping for anything that would save him from you. Experience told you that wouldn’t happen.
“Oh come on, you aren’t one of those ‘it wasn’t me’ type fellas, are ya? Because i know you’re a killer…just like me.” You shuddered inside your foreign skin as Tommy’s fist balled up. He squared his shoulders and started to grin, his too large teeth making you cringe.
“Yeah, I did it,” he said, trying to appear like he wasn’t just as terrified as you.
“Honesty. That’s good.” You saw his move before he made it, catching Tommy’s fist before it collided with your face while growling, “That’s the spirit!” His hand was crushed as you twisted it downward. Tommy grunted in pain, but had enough sense to try again with his other hand.
Instead of grabbing it, your hand came up, thick fingers making a strange motion that forced his arm down without touching him.
Fuck. First a demon and now I’m magic?
“Now I bet you’re wondering what I’m doing here. Did I come to punish you, or save you?
Well…” Your hand slid under the coat, grasping the handle of a knife sticking out from it. You leaned forward to whisper into his face, gagging mentally at the smell of his fetid breath. “The truth is, Tommy…I’m here to do both.”
You plunged the long blade deep into his gut, a wave of satisfaction starting at the mark on your arm and traveling your veins like white lightning.
You shot awake, flailing around the back of your car as you rolled onto the floor. A loud groan escaped as you tried to work your way back up into the seat. Your arm brushed the scratchy material as you moved, making you cry out in pain. The rash had been aggravated since you left Biggerson’s, and it was only getting worse.
You figured it was just the fever you’d been fighting as a small but painful tremor ran through your midsection. As you climbed between the seats and into the front you thought about the day’s goals.
Meeting up with Tex, the sketchy guy you’d found online who claimed to know about the Winchesters, was task one. You turned the car on before fixing your hair into some semblance of respectability. The sun was high in the sky, warming the inside of your vehicle against the chill outside.
You’d driven for a day and a half to get to Iowa, the last known location of the elusive Winchester brothers. In every city you’d been desperately posting in the personals section on Craigslist when you stopped for gas or rest in the hopes that someone would know something. It was a long shot, but finally Tex had emailed you with some ominous message about knowing who they were, and even possibly where they might be and your heart had leapt into your throat.
Honestly, you’d never expected it to work and you still weren’t sure, so you’d bought a straight edge flip-knife from a dodgy convenience store just in case.
You rolled the windows down and sprayed pheromone covering body spray in the hopes of hiding your scent. An Omega on the cusp of a heat was like open season for any jackass Alpha without a sense of self control. You were praying that Tex wasn’t one of them, but it was a risk you were forced to take.
No amount of risk was too high when it came to finding your Alpha.
Dean grabbed his shotgun from the wall and frowned at it. “When he gave me the Mark, Cain said that this day would come…that after I killed Abaddon, I would have to come and put him down.” And he had been right. Cain was executing everyone in his bloodline, and it was up to them to stop him. Since Cas had actually found Cain, he knew he had to pause his pining over Y/N and get a move on…but that didn’t make it any easier.
“Great. So you’re taking orders from a madman.” Sam snorted.
“No,” Dean corrected stoically, “he wasn’t mad then.”
Castiel watched the hunters from the doorway, wondering if he should tell them he’d heard Y/N praying again. It had been faint, but the darkness swirling around her was so similar to Dean’s he couldn’t deny any longer that it was her. That she was real, and something had changed for her. He decided to keep it to himself for the moment, not wanting to take their attention from the deadly situation with Cain.
There was much to do, and they could sort out the issue of Dean’s Omega later.
“Cain resisted the Mark for a long time, then I came kicking up trouble about the Blade. I sent him down this path. This is on me.” Castiel inwardly sighed, hating how his friend always took so much on. How he made himself responsible for the actions of others, things he had no business blaming himself for.
“It doesn’t mean you have to be the one to go after him,” Sam cried. Dean rolled his eyes. Wasn’t this exactly what Sam had wanted? What they’d been searching for? The sooner they took care of Cain, the sooner his brother and Castiel would take him seriously and help him instead of hindering him.
“Yes, it does Sam. And there’s only one thing that can kill him.” Sam’s eyes widened at the suggestion.
“The Blade?” He was ready to protest when Castiel stepped in, stopping the brewing argument between the brothers.
“Dean’s right,” Castiel offered grudgingly. There was no way to kill Cain without the First Blade. It was a calculated risk they had to take.
“Dean, wielding the Blade against Cain himself…” Sam trailed off uncertainly, fear for his brother overtaking logic. His eyes followed as Dean’s hand came to rest over the Mark, a pained look crossing his face for a second. “…win or lose, you may never come back from that fight.” When Sam finished, his voice almost a whisper. He searched Dean’s eyes for any sign of hesitation, any sense that he would be able to talk his brother out of this…but he found nothing.
“I know.” Dean’s resolute tone turned Sam’s stomach into knots as he looked to Castiel for help. There was none to be found. The Angel was staring sadly at Dean, but there was stone in his gaze.
“What’s a sweet little Omega like you looking for the Winchesters for? You a hunter too?”
Tex turned out to be a middle-aged Beta more interested in your story than your body. He’d bought you to a hole in the wall bar and tucked the two of you into a secluded corner when he’d felt the waves of stress rolling off your body.
“A what?” you asked, wondering what hunting had to do with serial killers.
“Guess not…don’t worry about it sweetheart. The Winchesters, girl…they’re dangerous. What do you want with ‘em?” His warm eyes so full of concern pulled you right in, making you feel safer than you had in months. He was handsome even though he had quite a few years on you.
Your arm tingled as you pulled your long sleeve lower to cover it, suddenly self conscious of the growing redness.
“Well uh…” you peered around suspiciously. An odd sense of being watched had come over you after praying and you couldn’t shake it. “I’m writing a paper, and all of the websites I found are conflicting on whether or not they’re actually dead. I mean…serial killers who keep coming back? That’s the stuff of horror movies, I just wanted to find for myself if there’s more to the story.”
The well rehearsed story had Tex raising a brow has he sipped his beer, making you feel like he didn’t believe you.
He didn’t, but he wouldn’t tell you that. He could see by the haunted look in your eyes there was more to the story. Your body was withered under the large clothes you wore, and he hadn’t missed the rash you’d tried to hide. As a hunter himself, he knew more of the truth than most people and it didn’t take a skilled one to notice the signs of the supernatural. It was up to him now to keep you safe from whatever crazy mission you were really on.
“Well, last I heard they died at the police station down the road a few years ago. I don’t think anyone’s heard from ‘em since, but I wouldn’t put it past ‘em to have slipped away somehow. I’ve got some contacts, whadda’you say you come take a nice long shower at my motel room while I put some feelers out?”
Your eyes lit up at the suggestion, all caution thrown to the wind at the slightest chance of finding Dean and a shower.
“You’d do that for me? Help me find them?” Tears swam as Tex flashed red before your eyes, and you saw a vision of him slumped back against the seat, throat slit and blood leaking from the wound to soak his shirt.
Just as quick as it came the image was gone, and you wiped the tears away. They didn’t even bother you anymore, you just wanted to find your Alpha.
When he had you wrapped in his arms everything would be fine again.
“Sure thing little lady. But I’m gonna be with you the whole time if we find ‘em. Not lettin’ you around serial killer Alphas without protection or you’ll end up just another victim. You can get your story and we’ll get out…if they’re even still alive that is. Seen enough innocents get chewed up and spat out by this world. Especially Omegas.”
“I’m not your responsibility Tex,” you chuckled softly, “but thank you.”
Dean was nervous. It started with the soft music in his head like it always did, but now his heart was pounding to the beat of the symphony screaming in his skull.
After all this time…after everything, it was time to kill Cain. The man he’d destroyed as surely as the Mark was destroying him. Everything happening was his fault, and he was ready to accept the responsibilities that came with that.
His eyes lingered over Castiel and Crowley before landing on Sam.
Sweet Sammy, the boy who’d grown into a man under his watch. The man who’d had his back in a thousand situations and the little brother who just wanted his family to stay whole. Dean didn’t think staying whole was an option any longer as he felt the pull between the First Blade and the Mark coursing angrily through him.
Rage roiled against his resolve as he tried to hold himself calm enough to accept the cursed knife from Crowley without plunging it into the Demon King’s gut and ending him forever.
“Dean, look, we want to help–” Sam started, but Dean cut him off.
“No. No, with you in the ring, it’d just be a liability.”
“Dean?” Castiel frowned, stepping forward. This hadn’t been part of the plan. He didn’t want Dean to be alone.
“I’d be too worried about what he could do to you… Or what I could. Plus, I need you three out here to take out whatever comes out of there. And I’m serious, I mean whatever comes out.” Dean’s eyes implored them to understand, but he saw the struggle Castiel and Sam were having with his decision.
“Happily,” Crowley offered, an honestly solemn look on his face as he held up the First Blade. Dean steeled himself against the urge to rip it from Crowley’s hand. “What guarantee do I have that you’ll give it back when you’re done?” The King asked, wanting to hear the words. Wanting Dean to make the promise he’d return it instead of murdering them all.
“If I survive and I come out of there and I don’t give it back, you’ll all have a much bigger problem on your hands.” It wasn’t the answer he wanted, but it was one Crowley could accept as he handed the blade over. He could see the waves of Dean’s curse wafting from his aura; knew how badly Dean was faring in his fight against the Mark…but Cain had to be killed, and Dean was the only one who could do it.
Dean’s eyes clenched shut as his fist closed around the bone handle. Everything in his head went silent, the only thing left being the primal drum-beat of his urge to kill something.
“Dean?” Sam asked uncertainly, snapping Dean out of his trance. The urge was still there, but with Sam looking at him like that, he knew he could hold on for a while longer.
Dean eyed the barn doors, inhaling deep. The smell of lemon and honeysuckle came from nowhere, coating his raw emotions like a salve and giving him the strength he needed to do what he had to. With a final glance at his assembled crew, he dipped his head. “I’m good.”
Showering had been amazing. You’d spent an hour and a half under the freezing spray, letting it wash away the grime of the road and the sweltering heat teasing under your skin.
After dressing you had sat down on the edge of Tex’s bed, adjusting the knife in your bra until it sat comfortably under you left breast. Talking to Tex was easy, and you found yourself opening up to him about the crazy dreams you’d been having for months, how they’d ruined your perfectly normal life and giving him the half-truth that they had inspired you to find the Winchesters so you could learn how to start a new life.
You could tell he thought you were full of shit, but you’d listened to him make the calls he’d promised to make, and even found a witch who claimed she knew how to get in touch with the Winchesters…for a fee.
A witch! You’d laughed heartily at that, almost unable to believe that he was playing into your insanity. Or maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he’d faked all of the calls and was really waiting on the police to come pick up the crazy girl he’d found searching for serial killers on Craigslist.
Something told you he was being honest, but that didn’t stop you from wondering anyways.
A witch. You snorted, shaking your head and eyeing the man that was being so helpful for no reason.
“Why are you helping me, Tex?” You asked softly. His soft brown eyes met yours from the chair as you stood, crossing the room to stand over him. As you walked, a small cramp locked in your gut and you collapsed.
He caught you under your arms and hauled you halfway into his lap. It was incredibly intimate for two strangers, but Tex didn’t feel like a stranger anymore. He hadn’t ridiculed or laughed at your dreams. He hadn’t called you crazy…
You were so tired of feeling crazy.
Your eyes glanced up and caught the lust in his. Your upper body was across his legs and you took advantage of that by twisting down and settling to your knees. He stopped your hands as they ran up his jeans towards his hips.
“Alright girl, that’s enough of that.” You pouted up at him, flinching as another cramp twinged and your arm pulsed with increasing intensity.
“I just want to thank you for being so helpful…” You couldn’t help the sudden lust clouding your thoughts as your temperature spiked again. “because now I need a different kind of help.”
He took a nervous breath in, scenting your heat in the air without all your body spray to cover it.
“I’ve been fighting it,” your hands slid up again as his hold loosened. “And the suppressants are barely working…maybe if you help me, I won’t be in so much danger when we find m–the Alphas I’m looking for. Don’t you want to help me?” The shift in your attitude didn’t go unnoticed by him, but he decided this might be okay. It would be okay to help you…wouldn’t it?
It was the right thing to do.
He wasn’t an Alpha by any means, but your scent was strong enough for him to be affected by it, for it to make him want you in a way that hadn’t crossed his mind before.
You couldn’t remember how it happened, but your next memory was of him under you, both of your upper bodies still clothed while his hard cock pounded into your pussy and his thumb circled your clit frantically.  His eyes were closed as you bounced on him, moaning like a porn star.
He felt good, but your body was demanding more. Demanding a knot. Your hips slammed down as you tried to pull him deeper, push yourself higher, rolling against his fingers and fighting the guilt of sleeping with someone who wasn’t Dean.
Your right arm was tingling as a deep drum started in your ears.
It felt like someone had cut a line from your rash to your palm as you bucked wildly against Tex’s ministrations. You were reaching desperately for an orgasm that was right there, but just out of reach when your palm started to burn.
Your hand clenched, and you expected your nails to bite into the skin, but they didn’t.
In place of that pain, you felt the satisfying contour of the bone blade that had been haunting you. It felt right, so perfect, as your thumb traced the surface. Your eyes squeezed tighter as your clit started to pulse and the drums raised in volume.
It was so close, but rage was building alongside the pressure of your climax and your right arm was arcing before you could stop it. Tex’s hand spasmed against you, finally sending you over the edge. You cried out as your eyes snapped open, letting the pleasure consume you even as you saw what you’d done.
Your left hand came down, grabbing his and pressing it back to your mound as you used it ride out the twitching bliss, reveling in Tex’s gurgles as the open gash across his throat stole his life.
The First Blade slid from Dean’s hand and straight under Cain’s foot as Dean watched from the floor.
How had he let that happen?
Flashes of Y/N fucking some stranger were distracting him from the deadliest fight of his life, that was how.
Dean’s heart pounded in his chest as he forced himself to focus, to ignore the visions and figure out a way to get the blade back.
“Oh, it’s been too long.” Cain’s reverent tone helped bring Dean back to the moment. “That old feeling makes me wonder how I ever had the strength to resist.”
Dean let his rage take over. He ran at Cain, but the man snatched him up by the throat easily, tossing him to the ground and knocking the air from his lungs.
“This may be hard to believe, in light of what I’m about to do to you, but I care about you, Dean. I truly do. But I know I’m doing you a favor. I’m saving you.” Dean glared from his spot on the ground, searching for his moment as blood roared in his ears.
“Saving me from what?”
“From your fate,” Cain stated, as if it were obvious. “Has it never occurred to you? Have you never mused upon the fact that you’re living my life in reverse? My story began when I killed my brother, and that’s where your story inevitably will end.”
“No. Never,” Dean growled. He wouldn’t let that happen. He would never hurt Sammy.
“It’s called the Mark of Cain for a reason!” Cain yelled, circling Dean slowly. “First … first, you’d kill Crowley. There’d be some strange, mixed feelings on that one, but you’d have your reasons. You’d get it done, no remorse. And then you’d kill the angel, Castiel. Now, that one…that I suspect would hurt something awful. And then your Omega!” Cain lunged to the ground, snagging Dean’s shoulder as he pinned him with the First Blade at the hunter’s throat. Dean felt the pull, he felt the blade singing to him, begging him to bleed for it.
“I can see her, you know…begging for you. Calling out for you. Shedding blood for you. When you find her, you’ll kill her too.” Cain grinned, no shred of mercy in his violently blue eyes. “You’d think that would destroy you but no, that just opens the door for the murder you’d never survive. The one that would finally turn you into as much of a savage as it did me.”
“No!” Dean struggled against Cain’s hold, the blade cutting slightly into his neck. His eyes fell to the knife sticking out from Cain’s coat as he fought the truth of Cain’s words, the confusion and hatred they brought. An idea formed as he stilled, fighting the tears of rage in his eyes.
“Your brother, Sam. The only thing standing between you and that destiny is this Blade. You’re welcome, my son.”
When Cain’s hand came up, Dean moved with all the swiftness the curse had given him. The knife slid easily from its hidden sheath, and in one swift movement Cain’s arm was gone, the First Blade clattering to the floor alongside the severed limb.
Dean stood on shaky legs as Cain cried out, staring at the place his arm had been. It had been a long time since he’d seen his own blood, and there was an oddly welcome sense of peace as he realized that, somehow, Dean had won. His now empty eyes followed Dean as he grabbed up the First Blade.
“What’s the matter?” Cain asked, dropping to his knees in defeat.
“Tell me I don’t have to do this. Tell me that you’ll stop. Tell me that you can stop!” Cain almost laughed at the hunter’s begging. They both needed this. He wouldn’t tell Dean otherwise.
Maybe Dean could survive after all. Maybe Dean would do what Cain couldn’t, and beat the Mark once he was gone.  Cain’s only regret was not getting to see how it all played out in the end.
“I will never stop.” Cain closed his eyes, welcoming the peace of death after a long, bloody, life.
Dean cried out in agony of his own as he plunged the blade down into the back of Cain’s neck, a surge of power racing through his arm and into his heart.
You sat completely still, straddling the dead body of a man who’d done nothing but try to help you. His soft cock had slipped out of you minutes ago, but you hadn’t moved. Your body was buzzing, power you didn’t understand ripping through flesh and into your soul.
There were no words to describe your emotions as you watched the blood flowing from Tex’s neck drizzle to a stop. You raised your right hand and were only mildly shocked to find the straight razor you’d bought clenched inside your shaking fist and coated with blood.
You’d killed him.
A sudden, random, fit of rage in the middle of an orgasm, and you’d killed him.
With a calm you didn’t feel inside, you removed yourself from his body and started cleaning. Somehow, you knew exactly what to do. It was automatic as you gathered a towel, soaked it with soap and water and cleaned his body anywhere your DNA would linger.
Dean’s hands shook as he handed the First Blade to a relieved Castiel. Crowley scowled at Dean’s blood spattered face.
“You lied to me.” Dean nodded with effort at Crowley’s betrayed tone.
“It’s not the first time today.” A sense of relief came over him at the feeling of telling Crowley the truth and showing him just exactly how the Winchester felt about him. “Cain’s list … you weren’t on it.”
In a blink Crowley and Castiel were gone, and Dean collapsed into Sam’s arms, exhausted beyond possibility as the rage from the Mark drained from him, leaving only her song softly tinkling in the back of his thoughts.
“Hey, hey, hey. You did it. Dean, you did it.” Dean closed his eyes at Sam’s words, wishing he could feel Sam’s relief. Wishing the darkness would stop trying to swallow him up.
Inside your head, you were screaming–panicking and raging–but outside, you moved with the precision of someone who had done this a dozen times before. Tex’s glassy eyes were locked to the ceiling, and you respectfully closed them before gathering the towels.
A dispassionate expression met you in the mirror along with pupils so large your eyes looked black, and you couldn’t figure out what was happening. You were in control, but you weren’t.
Your arm throbbed, a violent twitch rocking through it as your palm clenched around nothing even though it felt like the blade was still there. This felt like a nightmare, but you knew it wasn’t. Something terrible had happened to you, overcome who you were and made you into something new. Something you didn’t understand…
Maybe Dean would know.
You grabbed your things, Tex’s phone, and the trash bag of towels on your way out the door, and locked it behind you.
No one saw you slip into the night, and no one found Tex until the body started to stink.
“Dean, um, you know, what you did back there, it was incredible. You know, if you can do that without losing yourself…” Dean eyed Sam as he sipped his coffee feeling devoid of anything. Y/N’s face covered in blood was haunting him, and he couldn’t tell Sam or Castiel. They wouldn’t understand. They would lose the hope this event had given them. “…that’s cause for hope, even without a cure.” Dean smiled humorlessly.
“Yeah. Maybe.” His eyes shot to Castiel as the Angel entered. “So, where’s the Blade?”
“Somewhere safe,” Castiel said, knowing he couldn’t tell Dean. Not where the blade was, and certainly not the new information he had about Y/N.
“Good. Well, if you guys will excuse me, I think I’m gonna go sleep for about four days. Then, we find Y/N.” Dean patted Castiel’s shoulder as he walked by, not seeing the Angel’s concerned gaze.
“How is he?” Castiel asked once Dean was out of earshot. “Sam?”
“Cas…” Sam started, looking to his angelic friend with tears hiding behind his eyes. “Dean’s in trouble.”
“That’s not good…because I have news.”
“Not good news, I take it?” Sam’s voice cracked as he dropped his head into his hands over his coffee.
“It’s not…Sam, I, um…I think Y/N killed someone.”
Questions? Comments? Incoherent screaming?
Bring it on!
Story Tags:
@allaboutbailey @alligator210 @amarokofficial @antiscocialfanwarrior​ @bodhi-black @deanna-s-winchester @deliciouslydisturbed365 @edensparks​ @erinmcd1234 @faith901t-blog @fangirl-and-medstudent-help​ @fangirlanotherjust​ @flamencodiva @getnaildbyme @hennessy0274-blog @hotterthanfire-colderthanice @jodibullock1 @karouwinchester​ @katkit73 @kbl1313​ @kittenofdoomage​ @mannls​ @mbbevans @mistress-sassafras @ne-gans @pickleporkupine @rainbowkisses31 @secretlysage​ @shatteredabby @spnskinnyballs​ @starfirerules​ @tamtamlov @tgwge @thatrandomredheadchick @tumbler-tidbits @ultrahviolent @violentmommabear42 @weepingwillowphoenix @whisperingwillows @wildsageleon @winchesterprincessbride @witchyhoeski​
4ever&ever Tags:
@ain-t-bovvered @bamby0304 @curly-haired-disaster @dean-winchesters-bacon @ldyhawkeye @justcallmeasmodeus @maddiepants @mogaruke @mrs-meghan-winchester @stormy-skies-1997 @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @waywardbaby
Dean Tags:
@adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278 @bobasheebaby @paranoiadestroyah
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laufire · 5 years
Some things I’ve received during my hiatus, and that it’s related to some worrying patterns I’ve seen recently on tumblr, have made me want to clarify a point. I’ve debated whether to put some of it behind a cut, since +1000 is on the longish-side, but fuck it. I think it’s important --or at least, important that you know this about me--, it makes me angry, and you’ll just have to scroll past it. And it’s a topic I’ll probably talk more about in the future, since it genuinely concerns me, even if not specifically in the same way or focusing on the same things I do here, so you might wanna be mindful of that *shrugs*.
I do not give a single fuck about whether B*llarke is “problematic”, or toxic, or abusive, or “immoral to ship” in any way. And the same can be said about literally every pairing. And if you ever try to harass anyone with those arguments (or any other, but I hope that goes without saying) --including shippers of my NOTPs--, I guarantee you, you won’t have me on your side.
Sure, I don’t like seeing it (and plenty of other ships) on my dash; that’s what filters are for. There are ships whose existence I prefer to ignore in its entirety, and I plan on forgetting them for the rest of my life.
In BC’s case, in particular, I –obviously, if you’ve read this blog– don’t want it to become canon. The way I see it, it’s a crack-ship (and not a very interesting one, AFAIC) between a character I like and a character I dislike, that’s entirely based on misrepresenting canon. Why would I care? But IMO the writers dislike the ship itself, so why would I worry either?
On top of that, I’m rooting for Bellamy’s narrative to be the dominant narrative (not as much for Bellamy himself –thought that’s a nice bonus–, but because it inevitably benefits my favourite characters: Raven, Murphy, Emori, Echo and Octavia), and the show has proven that’s antithetical to Clarke’s narrative prevailing (there’s a reason why every single season has put them at odds, in ways that effectively risk each other’s happiness, health and life). Historically speaking, things don’t end well for male leads that are put in romantic situations with women they haven’t chosen and put moves on by their own accord, and there’s plenty of evidence in canon that Bellamy doesn’t see Clarke in a romantic light –and it’s telling that, in fact, the writers CHOSE to cut out the one moment that could’ve hinted at it, back in season one.
Lastly, as I said, I think the writers themselves dislike the ship; not just aren’t interest in writing it, but actively dislike it. The first piece of evidence (if you plan on ignoring everything they’ve said about it, which already backs this opinion) is, frankly, that it hasn’t happened. Ships well-liked by the writers and supported by the narrative happen fast; lightning-fast in some cases. They likely don’t stay together, because narratives tend to follow a path of separation before the last-minute endgame (which might not happen; endgames aren’t a guarantee, even if there clearly are ships with better odds than others; BC, IMO, is the LEAST likely endgame possible out of all of them), but you better bet that dude is making his interest known ASAP.
Of course, writers in all of history of TV have written ships that they disliked, or at least ships that they only saw as filler and not “endgame material” (though I’m struggling with remembering another one that has the writers feeling so apathetic tbh). So yeah, there’s a very, very small chance of it happening, sure.
But have you ever tried to write a romance for a ship you hate? You probably haven’t, because the very idea it’s ridiculous. But imagine if you had. You would have hated every minute, I bet. And I don’t think any fans of that ship would find your story even remotely satisfying. Professional writers are exactly the same.
Even if the writers felt so worn down that they decided to go for your ship (which, IMO, would be a giant warning sign on itself; it’d be a mere symptom of their disinterest on their own story, and the show would be on its lasts breaths), what makes you think it’d make for a good story? They would half-ass it at best (and probably use it to troll you, out of spite), it would never get the genuine ~feeling that their preferred ships enjoy because, well. They don’t want it. They don’t believe in it. You can’t write with passion about something you don’t believe in, and passionless writing sucks literally every damn time.
And even all that? All that play-by-play essay I just gave you about why I don’t like the idea of canon BC? That still isn’t enough to make me hate on the ship. This can be said about plenty of ships across shows, books, etc., and I don’t talk about any of them because I don’t even remember them after I’ve moved on to the next thing.
But you know what I hate about BC? ITS FUCKING FANDOM.
They’ve proven to be one of the most dishonest ship-doms I’ve ever encountered, and probably one of the most numerous at that, which obviously only makes them worse (one day I’m going to talk about how these type of ships seem to attract assholes that know they can get away with shit due to the numbers and the attitude of those fanbases, but that’s another story).
Their numbers allow them to control the narrative within the fandom (and since canon doesn’t support them, they’ll outright lie about it), to the point were dissenting voices are ignored, disbelieved, and actively ridiculed and silenced, even when we’re pointing out actual scenes that support OUR reading and contradict THEIRS. They routinely act like characters like Echo or Raven don’t matter, while in fact feeling threatened by their relationship with Bellamy, and go into their tags full of condescending concern-trolling or outright hate. They harass other fans that dare to disagree with them, and they harass the actors and the creators of the show on a semi-regular basis.
A.K.A., they’re hurting real, living human beings.
There are hundreds of “toxic” ship out there (and am I the only one who, thanks to fandom, feel like many of these words have completely lost meaning? I truly hope that I am) that I never think or talk about, even if *I* personally didn’t care for or disliked them. By virtue of their small numbers (since a lot of those ships tend to be fringe interests in the already fringe medium that is fandom), most of the shippers usually mind their own business and simply go on with their lives, which I find to be the right attitude. Shipping (and character/show-stanning) isn’t activism, it’s born out of the fucking opposite impulses, IMO. Fiction is a place to explore anything and everything we wouldn’t even imagine doing in real life; there’s a reason why horror is such a popular genre, ffs. (and that’s mainstream, which means it has a bigger outreach and potential real life consequences (even if they don’t happen the way people think they do; fiction mostly reflects and maybe reinforces reality; it can’t create anything out of thin air). I cannot stress how few people read fanworks and how little they impact the real world).
If anything, those shippers have all my sympathy, because 9 times out of 10, THEY are the ones getting the brunt of the harassment. Like, I don’t give a single fuck about Reylo in one way or the other, to name one example (I’ve only watched TFA, which means I’ve missed the ~meaty part of their relationship, for one; but even if I remedied that, I thought both characters were deeply uninteresting, and I find KR painfully unattractive inside and out, so it’s likely I still wouldn’t ship it); but I’ve seen how its shippers got sent anti-Semitic slurs and gore pictures and were compared to school-shooters, and how its antis have effectively shielded a confessed rapist in their midst (and all that without getting into the general pattern of harassment/violent threats/suicide baiting that plagues the purity culture movement in this site; I can send you sources, if you don’t believe me), so those antis can go fuck themselves, tbh.
THAT shit is what I take issue with: hurting actual people. That’s ALWAYS going to matter more than the feelings of some fucking fictional construct, and I can’t believe that somehow became a controversial opinion. Bellamy or Rey or whom-the-fuck-ever doesn’t exist, they can’t get hurt, and the idea of their “feelings” taking precedence over the well-being or real people is fucking insulting.
(btw, don’t bother with any “but what about THIS gross ship/type of ships? you support THAT too?“ I’m not going to answer that and make myself a target for that bullshit, and I think this post proves this situation goes a little beyond something as clear-cut as “support” or “condemn” --among other issues, who am I to “aproove” or not any ship wtf--, but if you mean “are you against people who like it being attacked because their interests in fiction somehow prove they have ~nasty morals?”, then the answer is a resounding “yes”. What the fuck do you know about their life anyway)
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
Tumblr media
> I do not own this character nor am I affiliated with the company/franchise this character comes from. This character belongs to SEGA and all properties of the canon lore also belongs to them.
> Some of my icons come from Olrassonicicons , Planetwiisp , and Holoska while the majority of them are created by me, along with graphics added to them. Please do not steal these icons, as I take my time out of the day to make dozens of them.
> However, anything of the matter of alternate realities/universes that I have created, headcanons I’ve made, and plots that I have brainstormed all belong to me; the creator of those things. I do not condone any of those to be stolen nor reblogged. The only person who reblogs them is me personally and probably a mutual of mine that’s in regards to our ship or interaction with our characters. Thank you.
> Hello! This is the mun. I am known as Zaynah; female and uses she/her pronouns. However, you are free to refer to me as they/them if you don’t know me personally.
> My age is currently 21 years old. This isn’t a big deal or anything, but this is just me stating out that this is my actual age.
> I am introverted, shy, and reserved. It’s not to say I’m afraid of approaching new people or people I know/care about, but it’s just I’m not the kind of person to jump at the gun when it comes to things. My communication may come small at first, but if we get along really well and known each other for a while, I turn out to be very outspoken, excitable, and ready to talk to.
> I know that this is mentioned in my mun section of my blog, but my sexuality is all platonic (aroace in fact). My feelings towards something is just entirely that: Platonic. I don’t feel any romantic or sexual attraction towards people. When I say “I love you” it’s more familial in that regard.
> Here’s the biggest kicker in regards to me: I have terrible, terrible anxiety. I know that a lot of people have anxiety, but I need to point this out anyway because it’s important. The smallest of things can render me into a full blown panic and honestly, most of it isn’t personal and I don’t wish others to take it personally. I get triggered really easily when it comes to the triggers I have and it makes me prone to anxiety/panic attacks incredibly easily. I do have a list to blacklist these triggers, but I want you guys to be aware of this because this is something I cannot control.
> I don’t like speaking personally about this, but there’s a piece of it that needs to be addressed when it comes to threads: I am born with a condition that makes my emotions go haywire on me and causes me to overstimulate very easily. I usually have to tend at things at my own pace or I immediately freak out and have mental breakdowns. I cannot be rushed. I do apologize if responding to threads is a slow progress when it comes to me, but this is how I can make this hobby fun rather than mentally taxing. Again, don’t take this personally.
> I am a multi-verse and multi-ship kind of blog. Interactions and ships are their own separate reality unless discussed with the muns in question. I don’t mind any ships that are love triangles or unrequited, but again, they are usually their own universe unless it’s discussed.
> It’s primarily SFW, but I won’t hesitate to darker themes as long as there isn’t grotesque details of gore of any kind. I will accept subtle details of it to an extent, however. This also means I don’t do any smut. With that in mind, I don’t mind at all that you guys do NSFW on your blog, as long as it’s tagged.
> My blog is independent yet selective. I would say private as I interact with mostly mutuals, but most of the time, I’m very lenient to just following a blog whether it’s from interest or if they’re willing to interact.
> Reblog Karma: Listen, I don’t mind if you reblog a meme from me. I get that for the meme, not every meme is going to apply to your muse. That’s understandable. The thing is; I don’t want it to be excessive. I’ll really appreciate memes being sent to me. If you spam reblog memes from me without sending anything in, that bothers me. I don’t like to used as a meme archive. Please don’t use roleplay blogs as meme archives. It’s disrespectful.
> I am lover of crossovers and AUs, so I am fine with all that in my book.
> I also welcome in OCs, whether they’re fandomless or not.
> This is probably the longest section of the batch but this is severely important to me: If there’s any user out there who is being toxic/manipulative/etc. To a close friend of mine and stirring up drama for whatever reason, I won’t hesitate to block them and even report them if it gets far worse. I like to get healthy relationships with others and I know that not everyone I meet is gonna be a ray of sunshine, but this is something to keep in mind. Drama isn’t good for my health and it’s not good for anyone’s health. It’s something I don’t tolerate and it can spike up my anxiety very badly.
> That said: I don’t get involved into drama unless it’s something in the matter of my friends. I won’t get involved if I’m told not to get involved. If it doesn’t concern me and if the mun doesn’t want me to get involved, then I’ll respect their wishes. I will defend a friend though if necessary.
> Furthermore, do not follow nor interact with me if you’re the type of person that loves to stir drama. It’s fine if you’re calling out someone who’s dangerous to the roleplay community, but if it’s just out of spite and not warning people? Then you’re blocked.
I do not point fingers, but I also don’t like to stand around when people are being harmed by one toxic individual. I know people out there are anti-drama and that’s okay if you want to focus on your mental health; that’s perfectly fine. But if you’re someone who sees drama as one big hullabaloo then, I’m sorry, but there are people out there who cause harm to others and sometimes, they need to be called out.
> However, there are people who are harmful to others in a way that needs to be called out upon. And by that, I mean, please don’t follow nor interact with me if you associate with or follow user Grusel-high. She has been proven to show ableist, homophobic, and transphobic behaviors in such a disgusting way that feels unreal. Here is the callout post here that explains what she has done and is backed up by good evidence. If you see her around, stay safe folks.
> There is also another person (who interacts with the person above still) known as ..astra-hero../.battle.fcrgcd. who’s been causing great anxiety to one of my dearest, closest friends, and I can’t help but get anxiety at the sight of this person’s urls. There is a post here that explains mostly of what he did and why it bothers so many of my friends here. So, please, don’t interact with me if you support this user or any of his supporters; thank you.
> And finally, don’t follow me if you interact with With.out-Worr.ies. They were banned off of Tumblr for a reason. He is disgusting and doesn’t respect people’s boundaries. Here are posts here and here explaining what he’s done. 
> No god-modding or info-modding involved. God-modding is a form of controlling another person’s muse in a certain shape or form that makes it hard for that person to control their own muse. Info-modding is when someone’s muse knows about another’s muse, but they aren’t supposed to. For example, Spid.er Man shouldn’t know about Bat.man’s secret or of what happened to his parents unless pre-established by the muns in question. I hope this explains it well enough.
> That said in regards to muses in general, mun doesn’t equal muse. I do not condone the terrible actions my muse can do, and the muse will not be glorified or romanticized for that manner. If there’s anything I’ve written that is uncomfortable to you, please don’t keep me in the dark and let me know.
> Personal blogs: I don’t mind your presence here. I don’t mind it at all. However: Please don’t reblog my threads or spam my likes. I don’t want roleplayers spamming my likes either. It’s not only a hassle, but it clogs up my activity and makes it hard to see any notifications for, well, anything really.
> Guilt-tripping? Is a severe no-no from me. I’ve been a victim of guilt-tripping, and I know people out there who are also victims of that. Guilt-tripping is something I don’t condone and I do not tolerate. Using the victim card? Also a no-no. If you’ve done something wrong, you shouldn’t twist the words to make it seem like you’re the victim. You must take responsibility for your actions.
> All I really ask from followers is to please respect me. I know it shouldn’t be a thing labeled on here, but to me, it’s important that people are respectful to me and those I befriend.
> Even though I don’t do smut, here’s something on the matter of smutting; don’t lie about your age to me. I don’t care if you’re a minor, it’s not right to do. Doing underaged smut is illegal and can get people in jail. So, please, don’t follow me if you’re someone who does that or someone who follows someone who does that.
> We must plot or have chemistry first with our characters before our ship can sail.
> I like to be asked if an ask can be turned into a thread. Most of the time I say yes, so don’t be shy!
> Roleplayers do not have to have icons in their posts, but it’s more preferred in my case.
> Please cut your posts; I beg of you.
> No politics unless it’s something major.
> This should be obvious but: Don’t harass anybody because of their race/sexuality/culture/ etc. We are just people who just want to play our favorite characters. Let’s leave it at that.
TRIGGERS (that need to be tagged):
> Gore
> Incest
> Pedophilia
> Anything that has to do with needles
> Jumpscares
> Child porn
> Spiders
> Epilepsy
> Bright lights/neon colors
> This Sonic is Modern Sonic/3D era of Sonic and follows the lore of him throughout Sonic Adventure 1 all the way to Sonic Forces and so on. Sonic Boom, and Sonic Mania/Classic Sonic are all different alternatives universe according to my blog.
> My AUs are most likely lore-heavy with the backstories but with plotting, threads can be worked out.
> While this blog sticks to the canon of the games, there are some hints of canon-divergence due to my headcanons.
> Every now and then I will post drabbles that explain the world of Sonics AUs or where I’m going with Sonic in his canon verse. That includes IC (in-character) updates.
> You have reached the end of my rules! Usually I don’t have any keyword to this, but please, either let me know via IM or inbox. Although, if you like to send a keyword for it to be much easier, put in “Never gonna fear the fall.” I’m sorry if this is incredibly long but it needed to be done. Thanks to those who have read this! <3
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