cherry-bomb-ships · 4 months
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lace-coffin · 10 months
Hi! Can I ask how the slashers would feel if they ever accidentally hurt their s/o? Gender and everything is up to you!
How slashers would react to Accidently hurting their S/O
Thank you so much for my first ever request ah! I hope you enjoy 💖
Requests are open!
Warning for blood/injury - mild sexual content/reference to sexual activity and power dynamics -unhealthy relationships (I think?)
Reader is gender neutral!
Bubba sawyer
Most likely happened via Bubba playing too hard and Accidently pushing you over or being a bit too heavy handed with you. If it’s a case of them mistaking you for a victim and catching you with their chainsaw before being able to stop then they’ll be even more in inconsolable : (
Stops and stares for a minute to process what’s happened before devolving into full blown panic.
She’ll drop whatever she’s doing to carry you back to the house, even if that means letting the victim escape and having Drayton yell at her.
Will hurriedly explain in rushed sign to either Choptop or Nubbins to go take care of the victim as he’s busy caring for you.
Checks you over frantically. Please explain you’re going to be ok and help them calm down.
Once he knows you’re not in any danger he’ll feel absolutely awful about it and whine apologies to you even if you tell him that it’s ok and it wasn’t their fault.
Please comfort them once you feel better and reassure them.
Will insist you come up with a verbal and nonverbal sign to give if they’re accidently messing around to hard.
Will make you agree to stay in the house out of the way when victims are around so you don’t Accidently get hurt again.
Thomas Hewitt
After another night of Hoyt berating him for things out of his control, Tommy storms off to the basement to cool off. You follow after him, intending to comfort and wanting to help. You place a hand on his shoulder without thinking, forgetting he doesn’t enjoy physical touch without warning, thinking it might help. Whipping around he grabs your wrist a little too hard, causing you to wince.
He snatches his hand back as soon as he realises what he’s done.
Tommy will bring you to Luda may to have her check you over and assess the damage.
Once he knows you’re safe he’ll confine himself to the basement for a few days, only coming out to eat but even then it’s tense.
He’s truly sorry and feels like all those people who called him a monster and an animal were right, he hurt the one he cares about most, after all.
After a few days apart, a lot of hushed words of affirmation and kisses/nose bumps he’ll feel comfortable being with you again.
You know to let him cool off by himself and come to you when he’s ready after a heated argument now.
Michale Myers
You jump out at Michael thinking it would be funny to catch the shape off guard for once and not the other way around. Unfortunately this backfires and he swings his knife at you, thinking it may be an intruder since you’ve never pulled something like this before, You manage to jolt out of the way but the knife still catches you in the shoulder. Thankfully, it’s only superficial and will heal, but it still looks like it needs medical attention.
Initially Michael looks at you unamused, granted it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling underneath the mask. He gives you a kind of “well If you weren’t being dumb this wouldn’t have happened” attitude. However this is a front for the actual panic he refuses to show on the surface.
Having a few cuts and scratches isn’t super uncommon when your with Michael considering his tastes involving knives in bed ; )
Usually hurting others comes naturally and without remorse to Michael, so it shakes him to his core that he’s actively worrying about your wellbeing instead of feeling the usual indifference.
It disturbs him that he actually cares about someone enough to feel remorse for his actions.
After unceremoniously pulling your shirt off and looking the wound over he forces you go to A&E, practically marching your ass out the door.
Since he’s basically an escaped criminal he can’t exactly casually walk in the hospital with you, however he will stalk you the entire time, lurking close by to make sure you arrive and leave safely.
Although he usually has his guard up he vows to try be a little less bristly with you from now on if it means he doesn’t have to see you hurt and feel that awful tug of regret/worry in his chest.
Jason voorhees
You went out looking for Jason one night after he hadn’t returned to the cabin by his usual time. You were worried he’d been overpowered by a group of trespassers or caught in a trap and didn’t have any way to communicate that to you. The woods were beautiful but so dense and vast, getting lost or injured in the thick of them may as well be a death sentence.
Whilst searching for your missing partner you get your leg snagged in a bear trap he had set out previously for the trespassers. You howl in pain as you hear the sickening snap of your ankle between the traps jaws.
Jason was trudging his way back to the cabin when he heard it. Knowing that wasn’t a rougue teen as he’d cleared them out already, alarm bells went off in his head. He stormed to scene as fast as he could.
He could have sworn his undead heart stopped for the second time as he saw you sitting there in agony, murky blood seeping into the forest floor.
He rushes to your side and looks frantically between the trap and your teary face, he knows he’s going to have to disengage the traps and for you it’s going to be..less than pleasent.
He signs for you to grip onto his arm for support. Since he’s already dead and regenerates fairly quickly he feels it’s the least he can do to let you grip his arm for dear life as he wrenches the trap from your shattered ankle. If you cause any damage to his arm (which is very unlikely) it will heal up in no time anyway.
Once he’s carried you back to the cabin he’ll be frantically following Pamela’s directions in his head for what to do and how to clean/ wrap it.
If the damage is extensive he’ll relent and let you go to the hospital, only if a trusted friend takes you though, he’ll be sitting by the window of your shared cabin every minute until you return back to him.
You’re no longer aloud to be out in the woods after dark alone if he’s set traps. You both carry whistles now so if he’s not home and you need to know he’s safe you can whistle to each other and feel more at ease.
Billy Lenz
Interacting with Billy when he’s having an episode is never a good idea. You thought it would be fine to just be in the room though, providing you stay out of his way. As you enter, Billy is in the midst of trashing his attic once again, the disgusting feelings bubbling in his chest too much to bear. You enter just as he’s angrily thrown an old glass christmas ornament at the floor that the sorority had kept in storage. It shatters and flecks of sparkling glass scatter along the floor. One piece catching you in the hand in a nasty glass splinter. You swear under your breath and rush off to take care of it.
Billy doesn’t even realise what’s happened until you return to him, him now having exhausted himself and you knowing it’s safe to try do some damage control. You bring him a sandwich and juice knowing he’ll need it after all the energy and tears he just used up.
Your hands touch as he’s accepting the plate from you with a muted “thank you” and he notices the bandage.
Billy essentially bristles up like an angry cat at the idea of someone hurting his piggy and demands to know who did it and what happened.
Once you tell him it was actually from the ornament he feels horrible. He doesn’t even remember it happening with the state he was in.
He snuggles into the crook of your neck and mumbles apologies into your skin.
Billy will place sloppy kisses over it as an apology until you forgive him. (Not exactly hygenic since it’s an open wound but i mean…you’re dating the attic rat)
Brahms Heelshire
When living with Brahms there isn’t usually much to injure yourself on considering the estate is fairly out of the way from the rest of the village. You most likely caught yourself on a pair of sheers. Brahms is being stubborn about you being out of the house and slings the sheers in your general direction from the door frame when you ask for them. You don’t even notice you sliced your hand when catching them until you see a patch of blood soaking through your gardening gloves about ten minutes later.
You come in to grab a tea towel to wrap your bleeding finger in, not really fazed as it’s only a small cut. Brahms was lurking from the window as you tended to the hedges, not wanting to be away from you but not yet brave enough to tempt leaving the house he’s been in all these years.
As soon as he sees it he’s panicking, it’s only a little cut and you’re not concerned in the slightest but to Brahms you may as well have just came in with an arm missing. He’s instantly flittering around you asking if you’re ok and if you need a hospital.
You stifle your laugh at his over the top concern, you find it rather sweet, it’s not his fault he’s a little bit sheltered.
After cleaning the cut and bandaging it, it’s totally fine. If anything Brahms needs more reassuring and coddling than you do to get him to settle.
He apologises a thousand times for his attitude because he knows If he hadn’t been stroppy about you leaving the house and passed the sheers nicely then you wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place. He promises to try be more composed when he starts getting antsy.
He may need some ✨punishment✨ in order to encourage his behaviour change and to feel forgiven.
He begrudgingly lets you back outside to garden after about a week.
Asa Emory
If you’re the pet of Asa then it’s likely that most of your injuries are purposefully given from him and are no mistake. You’re poked and prodded often considering your residency in the collection. Wounds from experiments and correctional punishments when you disobey or refuse to submit are not uncommon at all. So it doesn’t bother him since he inflicted them. This also assures he cleans them with clinical precision. If you were anyone else he would leave the wounds to fester, if you died from a complication then that was just inconvenient. Not you though, you’ve caught his attention and heart. He loves you in his own domineering way.
If the wound was created by him on accident then he would give himself a hard time, chastising himself for his carelessness.
For example, if he had more trouble with law enforcement than he thought and that led to you to spending way more time in the trunk than you usually do, causing you to develop a sore from sitting in one cramped position for too long.
Asa would realise you’re injured once you’re let out of the trunk, hissing in pain as you stretch. He makes you show him where you’re hurting so he can inspect over it.
Despite Asa’s stony face his stomach is actively sinking. He knows you’re hurt because of him and it wasn’t purposeful or measured like it would be during a punishment. He sees this as failure in his pet care and it takes a blow to his god complex. Gods don’t make mistakes, but here he is, hurting his dolly by being so out of it.
He’ll make sure to clean it for you and even stop putting you in the trunk for a while. This does however still mean you’ll be attached to him via leash or chain connected to the ring sitting on his belt. Just because you’re hurt and his favourite toy, doesn’t mean he will except anything less than your complete and total submission.
He’ll be more tender and soft handed with you than usual for a while after. Punishments will be withheld until you heal. Then it’s back to normal routine as expected.
You were wearing a new perfume you’d picked up at the market during the day, You were only supposed to be getting meats and maybe a new fur for the bed but once the alien at the stand had convinced you to sample it you fell in love with it.
Your mate picks up on an unknown scent entering the house, hackles raising and stalking towards it. As soon as they catch the heat signature they throw a wrist blade in warning.
Their eyes widen in horror, rushing to the door as they catch scent of your tangly blood dripping onto the hardwood floor of your shared home.
The new perfume masked your familiar scent from them, making them believe the house was in danger and being intruded on. If their face could loose colour it would, cringing as they see the wrist blade sticking through your palm, groceries discarded at the door.
They start talking at you in rapid clicks before they realise you can’t actually understand. After making sure to keep the object in your hand so you don’t bleed out and that you’re not going to pass out on them, they insist on carrying you their medic instead of going to an ooman one.
They argue that their medicine is far more advanced and will heal your wound much more efficiently then your “ primitive ooman medicine”
Thanks to yautja medicine being far more advanced, It will heal like nothing ever happened in around two weeks. The wound stitched shut and given some kind of injection.
Your mate purrs and clicks for you deep from their chest the entire time you’re having the blade removed to try calm you.
They beg for forgiveness despite it literally being an accident and will need some reassurance that they haven’t failed you as a mate. Once you’re all healed up they’ll bring back an impressive skull from a hunt as an apology even if you’ve already forgiven them.
Whilst it’s healing you’re probably going be kept in the nest of furs and pulled tightly against them whilst they purr and sooth you.
My requests are open if you’d like to send any prompts or ideas for me to write!
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iconicstoner · 6 months
I read your love bites and apologies story and I was thinking something similar but opposite!! Reader loves the hickeys and can't get enough of them! Like reader is always covered in hickeys!!! Maybe there's a situation with reader's parents or something, and reader uses it as a way to rebel or something! Idk! Just do whatever you want!!!
If you don't want to write this, that's totally cool!
a/n: Thank you so much for this request! It was so fun to write and I hope you like what I came up with lol. I also am really glad you enjoyed one of my other stories!
marked up
gn!reader x jasper hale (smut)
words: 910
summary: you decide to rebel against your parents by letting Jasper mark you all over, but it quickly turns to even more than that.
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“Woah darlin’, calm down now,” Jasper tells you, keeping one hand in your hair. Your mouth is on his icy cold neck, leaving kisses everywhere. He doesn’t have blood, so he can’t get hickeys, but if he could then he would’ve been covered by now. He tried again to tell you to calm down, but all he could focus on was your warm breathe on his neck.
“You always cover me in hickeys, so maybe it’s my turn,” you tell him with a smirk. You’re sitting in his lap, the two of you on his bed, and despite the fact you’re looking down at him, he’s in full control.
  “You don’t like when I leave marks on you?” he asks, already knowing the answer. He gives that perfect smile that’s been burned into your memory. 
“I love it,” you whisper sensually in his ear. You hear a low moan in the back of his throat as he grabs you by the waist. He lifts you up and roughly places you down on the mattress below him. 
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna leave you covered by the time we’re done here. Everyone will know you’re mine,” he tells you. 
“I was hoping you’d say that,” you respond. 
“Why’s that?” he asks with a grin. You think back to the fight with your parents you’d had before you’d left home. You fell asleep without a shirt on, your parents noticed one of the hickeys on your chest, and they were not pleased. You assured them that it was fine. You still had amazing grades, great relationships with your friends, and your own hobbies, but they hated the idea you were having sex, especially not with someone they didn’t trust, like Jasper.
Jasper lifts up your chin, kissing you your jaw, bringing you back into reality.
“My parents and I are fighting about you again,” you say between breathy moans, “they think you’re a bad influence.”
“I am,” he said while slipping his hand under your shirt. You wanted to listen to his thick southern accent forever, hearing him call out your name in it. You tugged at his shirt, lifting it up. He quickly took it off, and you did the same with your own. Your chest was now exposed and he began kissing you all over. He left hickeys up and down your chest, your waist, your neck, everywhere. Anywhere he could reach your soft, warm skin he pressed his tongue to it. He knew neither of you would be satisfied until you were fully covered in hickeys.
He pulled away from you, slowly unbuckling his pants just to tease you. He unbottoned your pants next and pulled them off you, leaving kisses along your hips. He pulled down your undewear just enough to expose you and began to kiss you there. He licked your bare skin slowly, causing you to buck your hips with excitement. 
He moved back up to your neck, kissing and leaving hickies there again, but he kept a firm grip on your hips. His mouth trailed down to your collarbones, and left more marks there. You knew he was trying to tease you. As he pulled away to let you gasp for air you looked noticed a tent in his boxers, and you knew you craved him. He began to slowly grind against you, his hard pressing up against you in the most satisfying way, causing you to beg for him.
“Please Jasper, I need you,” you moaned out. He began to kiss and suck one of your nipples. You jumped in pleasure as he put one of his cold hands between your thighs, roughly spreading them open. He stopped kissing your chest, and began to kiss you. His tongue was in your mouth, his hard cock was rubbing against you, and you were in pure bliss. He pulled away from the kiss and pushed a few strands of hair out of your face.
“Oh darlin’, I’m not even done with my tongue yet,” he told you before moving back down between your thighs. He grabbed you by the hips and began to tease you with his tongue. He traced it along your inner thighs, causing your hips to jump again.
“Please, Jas,” you begged. You saw him smile up at you before begining to give you head. His tongue moved in the most perfect ways. He kissed and licked you everywhere, and you had never felt more pleasure. His hands were firmly gripped on your thighs, and his tongue moved swiftly. You let out shaky mones as your got closer to your climax, but his movements never faltered. Before you could even register the thought, you had already came. Your legs were shaking from the pleasure.
He sat up, brushing more hair out of your face. He wiped some sweat off of your face before gently kissing your forehead. It was hard to tell if you liked him more gentle and sweet or rough and dominating. You sat up, resting in his arms. The two of you peacfully laid there, skin to skin, for what could’ve been forever. He shifted and got out of bed, having to force himself to let go of your hand. 
“It’s getting late,” he told you as he gathered both of your clothes. “You should get home before it’s dark, or else I might have to punish you next time,” he whispered seductively as he left a final hickey on your neck. 
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bleedingoptimism · 10 months
Steve likes to watch youtube videos of a guy who restores old consoles. It soothing to him, it relaxes him. He likes watching how he restores them, fixes them, makes them look brand new.
He also enjoys watching him work for… other reasons. Weirdly, he thinks the guy is kind of hot, even if he never shows his face. He looks fit, with the way his shirts stretch over his chest and are loose on his tiny waist and he’s always wearing cool belts, black leather with studs or chains. He likes the way he moves around, manic and a little clumsy but incredibly precise when necessary.
Steve especially likes watching his hands, thick strong fingers, bony wrists, noticeable veins, and short clean nails that sometimes have chipped black polish adorning them.
He sometimes thinks about those hands when he's alone, but, well… no one needs to know about that.
Eddie has a fairly popular youtube channel… And a huge crush on his next-door neighbor. He simply cannot decide if the dude is cutter than hot or vice-versa.
'He sure is nice, though,' he thinks, when one day he gets a large package of replacement parts that he’s struggling to get inside and the guy walks up to him, asks if he needs any help, and takes the heaviest box with no effort at all.
He says his name is Steve and then stares at Eddie's hand for a really long time when Eddie extends it for him to shake after getting the boxes inside his studio.
He hears Steve’s little 'oh', under his breath and then sees him blush prettily before mumbling ‘He needs to go, now.' And stumbling out of Eddie’s place.
Eddie chuckles to himself as he watches him leave, definitely cute AND hot in equal parts.
A few weeks later Steve's mom tells him she needs help getting rid of some of his nonno's old things and he finds a LOT of cool stuff that look just like the ones Eddie restores on his channel.
He and Eddie have been slowly getting friendlier over these last couple of weeks and he’s been dying to have an excuse to talk to him more, so he takes the items home and then goes to Eddie's and very nervously tries to offer them to him but doesn't know how to explain he knows he's a youtuber without looking like a weirdo because Eddie’s never shown his face.
He stumbles and blushes a lot, barely making any sense and Eddie mistakenly thinks he's trying to ask him out and says, 
"I'd love to go on a date with you," Smiling and hiding his dimples behind a lock of hair he's been playing with since the moment Steve started stuttering.
Steve completely forgets what he was trying to say or do and says he'll pick him out at 6.
The date is amazing, it feels like they are meant to be. They get along so well, talking, laughing, and already making fun of each other as if they’re old friends. And they are definitely attracted to one another. If the way Eddie practically tackles Steve with his rush to get his mouth on him when they get back, it’s any indication.  
Steve is very on board with this and he enthusiastically kisses him back. They kiss desperately as he fumbles with his door handle to get it open. When he succeeds, he walks them backward into his place not wanting to stop kissing Eddie, but stumbles and falls flat on his ass.
When Eddie turns on the light he sees Steve sprawled on top of a bunch of boxes full of old technology. A lot of emotions go through his face, ‘he’s so expressive’ Steve thinks a little enamored, having still not realized how much trouble he’s in.
But Eddie looks confused, then shocked and scared, and finally, angry,
"Steve, what the fuck?"
‘Oh, shit…’
“I can explain!” he says immediately, standing up and walking toward Eddie as he backs away,
“I didn’t want to ask you out-” Steve starts but interrupts himself when Eddie huffs, turns, and starts walking towards his own apartment, “Shit, fuck! No- That’s not what I meant, Eddie! Wait-”
He turns again and glares at Steve but then his eyes go wide, “Steve,”
“Please, let me explain-”
“I did- do! Want to ask you out! I like yo-”
“Steve!” Eddie screams and Steve stops, shocked, and finally focuses. Eddie is staring at him and he’s so pale even his freckles have changed color. But no, wait. He’s not staring at him, he’s staring at his arm and Steve looks down to see… a lot of blood.
“Oh,” he says faintly. He must have cut himself on a sharp edge when he fell. Too worried about Eddie, he hadn’t even noticed the pain, but now that he’s seeing the cut, it fucking hurts.
“Oh,” he says again, realizing he’s feeling kind of dizzy, ‘that's way too much blood,’ he thinks.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie huffs, takes off his flannel shirt and wrapping it around Steve's arm, he pulls Steve by his other hand toward his van.
“Oh no, your cute shirt,” he mumbles and hears Eddie snort before he slams the door of the passenger seat and goes to the driver’s one.
They go to the hospital in silence. It's tense. Steve tries to explain himself but Eddie shuts him up harshly, tells him to save his energy.
Even so, when they get there, Eddie still holds him gently by his good arm as he helps him inside. He tells the nurse what happened because Steve is having a hard time focusing right now and then tells him he’ll wait outside for him.
He gets stitches and a tetanus shot just in case because he doesn't remember when was the last time he got one and gets weird looks when he refuses painkillers, but no arguments. He’s given a little juice box and is told he can't get up until he finishes it.
A few seconds after the nurse leaves, the door opens and Eddie walks in. Steve looks up and smiles at him, but Eddie doesn’t smile back and Steve shrinks a little on himself.
Eddie sits on the chair facing the overbed table Steve is perched on and sighs, moving his hand in little circles motioning like, ‘Well go on. Explain yourself’
Steve looks around the room and thinks about where to start. He can't look Eddie in the eye, so he stares at the little juice box in his hands. It's got a cartoon orange in the front. The drawing it’s awful and kind of scary.
Taking a deep breath, he starts, “I've been watching your videos for a long time now. I have- I am- I-”
He fumbles for what to say, even if this date is already ruined…it's not exactly a good first date topic, is it? How fucked up he’s inside.
In a flash, images of his father’s violence, running from home with his mom, going to live with his nonno, taking care of him as he slowly lost his mind with age while his mom worked her ass off to feed them, getting cheated on, losing his “friends” because he didn't want to bully freshmen, working as a babysitter and getting almost beat up to death by his kid’s stepbrother… he shakes his head and shrugs,
“I've been through some…stuff” is what he says in the end, looking up at Eddie. He doesn't look mad anymore, his expressive eyes look concerned. Steve worries about what was it Eddie saw in his own expression, but it surprises him how easily he read him. He’s usually so good at hiding it. 
He breathes in again and keeps going, “Your videos, they calm me down when I've, sometimes I get anxious and-” he clears his throat, again, not wanting to tell Eddie about the panic attacks, the nightmares.
But it seems he doesn't have to, Eddie looks at him like he gets it.
It makes Steve want to keep talking, “Watching you work, seeing you fix things, leave them like new, no sca- marks, no problems, just working again and beautifully clean. It makes me feel better.” 
Eddie gives him a small smile and Steve returns it, “I really like your hands…” he blurts out and then closes his mouth quickly, blushing furiously.
Eddie’s eyes go wide and then he smirks and stands up slowly walking up to him and taking Steve’s hands on his own, they both stare at their joined hands for a while, the touch feather-like and soft.
“You recognized me because of my hands?” Eddie asks him a little incredulous.
Steve giggles, “I saw the logo for your channel on your studio that day I helped you with the boxes,” he clarifies sheepishly.
Eddie blushes and opens his mouth in a silent ‘oh,’
Steve draws small circles on Eddie's knuckles with his thumbs, “When I came over today, I was just trying to offer you those stuff at my place, they were my grandfather's” he explains, “I didn’t know how to say I knew who you were without looking like a weirdo and I got nervous and you thought I was going to ask you out and I wasn’t planning to but you are so beautiful I-
Eddie kisses his cheek and Steve shuts up and looks at him surprised,
“I’m sorry I freaked out,” Eddie says, “I thought- I don’t know what I thought- I was just upset you didn’t actually like me.” 
And Steve immediately answers, “I like you” a little too excitedly.
Eddie smiles at him so warmly it makes his heart rate pick up, “Good. I like you too.”
He blushes and looks down at their hands again unsure, “Do you really? Even tho I’m…”
“What?” Eddie asks, squeezing his hands reassuringly.
“Broken?” Steve whispers.
Eddie hums and drops his hands to hold his face, “Not broken, baby” he says lovingly and kisses the crease between Steve’s brows, the top of his eyelid, his nose, and the corner of his mouth. Then hugs him and Steve buries his face on Eddie's neck, and breathes him in.
A minute goes by or an hour, Steve is not sure, and Eddie leans back enough to kiss him again softly and whispers, “Some things don't need to be fixed Steve, just held.” 
coffee? a hug? ☕🥐💕
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comet-forgot-you · 7 months
Hii girlie, I wanted to thank you for feeding us every day🙏🙏 your fics are so good and I really appreciate that you make effort to post everyday(but don't overwork yourself!). I'd also like to ask if you could write anything for Sam Carpenter?? Thank you bb, ur awesome!!💖💖
sam carpenter x reader
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summary: the drummer of your brother's band is hot.
warnings: 18+ pls, smut, thigh grinding, mentions of previous events, fingering, marking, biting (just like once), almost caught but def not, i think thats all lmk if theres more. 
a/n: HEY GUYS DID U MISS ME??? enjoy this one in a million occasion of me writing for someone other than a mikey madison character😱😱 this is my first time writing for sam dont bully me im just a girl. do not repost for any reason.
your brother and his stupid band. the same one that gathered in the garage every saturday and played the same music every time. you usually never minded the music, but you were frustrated. the house was hot, the air conditioner was being worked on and the heat was really starting to get to you.
you were laid on the couch in the living room, stripped down to your sportsbra and shorts hours ago, trying your best to cool yourself down. the glass doors leading to your backyard were wide open, a small breeze flowing in. you didn't understand how they did it. how they practiced in the small, hot garage. it was much hotter in there than it was in the house, opening the garage door hardly helped cool it down.
the sound of the music stopped and a few minutes passed before the door leading to the garage opens and your brother walks out. you sit up slightly, looking over at him as he grabs his keys.
"where you goin'?" you ask, eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"to get a fan, it's hot as fuck in that garage," you brother mumbles, walking back to the garage. "why, need somethin'?" you shake your head, falling back onto the couch. the door closes and you let out a sigh of relief at the quiet house.
the sound of drums interrupt the silence and you can’t help the giddy feeling that washes over you. sam was still here, of course she was. you pull yourself off of the couch and walked towards the garage, eyes landing on her the second you opened the door.
she was hot, you knew it, she knew it, but right now? with the way sweat coated her body, her arms on display due to the sleeveless shirt she wore? it forced a wave of heat to pulse through you. her muscles flexed with every beat of the drum, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. she looks up at you, slowly coming to a stop. she pries a headphone out, nodding up at you. "hey," she says loudly. she cringes at the volume of her voice, “sorry, what’s up?”
a smile tugs at your lips. "hey, sam. didn't want to go with my brother?" you ask, stepping into the garage. sam shakes her head, grabbing the almost empty bottle of water sat next to the bass drum.
"nah, already hot as it is, didn't want to sit shoulder to shoulder in his small ass car with all of em'." she pulls her headphone case out, taking her other headphone out before stuffing it back into her pocket. you could feels sam’s eyes on you as you move to stand next to her, head tilting slightly as you look over the drums.
"want me to teach you how to play?" she asks. you down at her, biting the inside of your lip.
"sure," you mumble, taking the sticks she offered you. you stood awkwardly next to her, waiting for her to get up, but her hands find their way around your hips, pulling you to sit down on her lap. she holds onto the backs of your hands, moving them to beat against the drums softly.
her breath is hot against your neck as she whispers instructions. you try to listen, you really do, but the way her hands hold onto you, the way you can feel her chest flush against your back, it was so fucking distracting.
sam shows you how to play a small piece before she lets go of your hands completely. you miss it almost immediately. she bounces her leg slightly in an attempt to get you to repeat the motions she had just showed you, but the feeling of her thigh pressing into your clothed cunt has you surpressing a whine. you shakily reach out to beat against the drums, repeating what sam had just showed you.
"yeah, just like that," she mumbles. she holds onto your hips, the feeling driving you insane. her leg bounces against your cunt so nicely with every beat against the bass drum. you're overwhelmed, the feeling of her pressed against you, the way she unknowingly pressed into your cunt so perfectly, it was all so much and so so fucking good.
"fuck," you let out a quiet whine as sam's leg grinds against your cunt again. you lean back against the girl, drum sticks gripped tightly in your hands, your head resting on her shoulder. sam's arms move to wrap around your waist, a fake look of worry plastered on her face.
"you okay?" she asks.
you roll your hips against her thigh. "don't act innocent, sammy," you whine. sam traces her fingers across the exposed skin of your stomach. “you know what you’re doin’," you mumble. sam smiles, finger dipping into your waistband before pulling it back to let it smack against your skin. you arch into her touch, drumsticks falling to the ground.
“can’t help it, you look so pretty.” you pry her hands from around your waist before turning in her lap. a small smile paints her lips as she looks up at you, eyes blown with lust. her hands find their place on your hips again, yours holding her shoulders for support.
seconds pass before your lips are pressed against each other, sam guiding your hips to grind down on her thigh. quiet moans fall from your lips and sam’s quick to take advantage, pushing her tongue into your mouth. your hands tangle into her hair, tugging lightly to separate the two of you.
“need y’so bad, sam,” you mumble against the skin of her jaw. sam’s grip on your hips tightens ever so slightly when you suck a deep mark in her neck.
“your brothers gonna see that,” she mumbles in, pushing her hand into your shorts. “he probably saw the last ones, too,” you groan, memories of sam’s head buried between your thighs flashing through your head.
“shut up,” you whine, pulling away from her ever so slightly. “living room, need you so bad, please?” sam lets out a quiet groan, nodding her head. you smile, taking her hand into yours as you pull her into the cooler house.
you can barely make it to the couch, sam’s hands wandering all over your body. you push the brunette onto the couch, straddling her lap almost immediately. sam’s lips trails up and down your neck, pausing every once in a while to suck marks into your skin. she pushes a hand into your shorts and you quick to grind down against it, needy moans falling from your lips.
sam rubs your clothed clit, “just fuck me already, sammy, need it.” sam pulls your underwear to the side, swiping a finger through your soaked folds.
“fuck,” she groans. her hand holding your hip moving to wrap around your waist. “so wet, all for me?” you nod frantically, needy moans falling from your lips when sam prods your entrance with her fingers.
“yeah, all for you, promise. js’,” you pause for a moment, bucking your hips into her hand, “please.”
sam sinks two fingers into your cunt, curling them slowly, before pulling out completely, spreading your wetness to your clit. you let out quiet whimpers at the stimulation, her fingers gently teasing your pulsing clit. you call her name in a quiet whisper. its a plead you can’t help but let out. her actions send waves of heat surging throughout your body.
“hmm?” she hums against the skin of your neck, pulling you impossibly closer to her as her fingers sink back into your cunt. she’s gentle despite the aggression she took out on her drums mere minutes before.
she thrusts her fingers into you rhythmically, curling them to hit the spot that has you biting your lip to suppress the noises that threaten to slip out. sam’s free hand moves to cradle your haw, thumb tugging at your lip. she tsks, “none of that, you wanted me, let me hear you.” the demanding tone in her voice draws a whine from you. sam’s thumb grazes your clit and your hips jerk at the feeling.
its not long before you’re teetering on the edge of your orgasm, sam’s thumb rubbing tight circles around your clit, finger’s pumping in and out of your dripping cunt so deliciously. the sound of your brother’s car has you whining against her neck, “better hurry up before they come in. wouldn’t want them seein’, hmm?” you let out a loud moan, biting her shoulder in an attempt to keep yourself quiet. sam lets out a hiss at the feeling. “unless thats what you wanted. wanted em’ to see you all slutted out for me.”
“no! no, please, fuck, no don’t want em’,” your sentence is cut off when sam’s fingers curl into you.
“come on then, cum for me,” she mumbles. your orgasm hits you seconds later, loud moans muffled in her neck. same pulls out of you, bring her fingers up to her mouth and licking them clean. the motion has you stifling a moan that threatens to escape. the sound of the large garage door opening has you pushing yourself off of sam’s lap, still struggling to catch your breath.
“go,” you mumble, cheeks warm from your previous activities. sam doesn’t move, her lips twitched up into a teasing smirk.
“why? don’t want em’ to see how much of a slut you are for me?” you roll your eyes, heat building in your core.
“shut up, sam. go.” sam smiles, pushing herself off of the couch.
“same time next week?” she jokes, walking back to the garage. you roll your eyes at her, a soft smile etching its way onto your lips.
“idiot,” you mumble beneath your breath.
reblogs much appreciated :D
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redbullgirly · 7 months
HI BARBIE! HI KEN! [part 2, LH44 smau]
Lewis Hamilton x reader
Masterlist & Hi Barbie! Hi Ken! [part 1, LH44 smau]
Summary: Lewis and his "real life Barbie" girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N, are enjoying each others company during winter break. February brings unexpected drama when the seven-time World Champion decides to leave his team... though is that the only surprise waiting for the fans?
Warnings: Little cliffhanger at the end, but don't worry, I plan on making part 3 soon enough :).
Author's Note: This is continuation of the Lewis x barbie!fashion!icon!reader request, hope you'll all like it. This time there wasn't so much of "barbie content", but I'm sure you won't mind. I honestly love this series, plus there are still many photos for me to use, so stay tuned and let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! :)
lewishamilton posted on instagram
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liked by susie_wolff, yourusername, charles_leclerc and 1,210,564 others
tagged: yourusername and fencer
lewishamilton Happy holidays from our little trip to mountains 🏔
view all 6,928 comments
user1 I swear to God this is the first time I see Lewis in snow
user2 ikr? like can he even sky? isn't it dangerous for him as an f1 driver??😭
yourusername merry christmas everybody, love u!!🎄🫶
liked by the author
user3 Very happy and merry Christmas to you too Y/N🥰
user4 yeah yeah... but where's the usual christmas post y/n?!
user5 that's what I wanna know user5 😥
user6 She always posts the hot pics with their tree... and this year nothing ☹️
yourusername omg sry guys, i didn't think you'd care sm! i was actually sick on the christmas eve and didn't feel like celebrating 🙈💖
user4 ohhh that's totally okay y/n!!!!
user7 Thanks for replying, hope you'll get better soon!❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc I see you're copying my training now😉
user8 lol charles just try not to fall on your face on ski
user9 no but can you imagine if we got Charles & Lewis training together in the mountains 😩
user10 It wouldn't even have to be in the mountains... I'd actually prefer them training somewhere hot so they don't have to wear shirts🤭
user9 i love your way of thinking girly
user11 King 👑
roscoelovescoco Mom's and dad's playing's in's the snow's ❄️
liked by the author and yourusername
user12 they left you home alone Roscoe?
roscoelovescoco Of course's not's... my auntie's watched's me's ☺️
user13 This is so adorable🥹🥹
user14 y'all don't understand how much I love their little family
user15 😘🖤✌️💯🌟
user16 y/n's ski suit looks so cool
fencer Good times man!
liked by the author and yourusername
user17 You are my God, Lewis Hamilton❤️
mercedesamgf1 Enjoy your holidays and don't break anything please!⛷🤍
yourusername trying!! 😊🌨
user18 lmfao
user19 Imagine if their best driver broke a leg or smth💀
user20 as a Lewis fan that'd be the last straw of my depression xd
user21 It's enough they couldn't build him a decent car last two years 🥲
user21 you & y/n are the best couple ever!🥰❤️
user22 Why's Lewis in red tho?
user23 sus 🤨
user24 some of you are truly bored and delusional🤣
user25 He probably has it so Y/N can see him on the slope and watches over him tbh
user26 idk where the narrative of lewis being bad at skying came from but i love it 😭
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yourusername posted on instagram stories
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seen by lewishamilton, haileybieber, danielricciardo, emmawatson and 562,983 others
lewishamilton replied to your story: Love you so much baby!❤️
yourusername love u too!!!💞
lewishamilton You are my brave girl, aren't you?
lewishamilton It's great you share your experience with others Y/N and trust me when I say I'll always be there for you 🫶🏾🫶🏾
yourusername awww lew, i know and i'll be always so grateful for it 🥰
lewishamilton Anything for my Barbie yourusername reacted with ❤️ to this message
user1 replied to your story: You and Lewis are just soooo cute omg
alexandrasaintmleux replied to your story: forever y/n!!🤍🌺
yourusername ofc!!!
yourusername you're probably the only reason i hope the negotiations w ferrari will work out 🙈🤭
alexandrasaintmleux oh yeah, it'd be great to have you in the garage next year 💕
yourusername yeah, let's see what happens in few weeks!
user2 replied to your story: so prettyyyyyy i wanna be u
user3 replied to your story: THE IT GIRL
landonorris replied to your story: The question isn't if you'll be at every gp but if you'll come to McLaren hospitality for one of them😏
yourusername pretty sure mercedes wouldn't be happy about that 🫣
landonorris Oh c'mmon Y/NNNN
landonorris You promised me like ten years ago you'd come
yourusername you were a literal baby ten years ago lando...
landonorris But a cute baby who deserves to have you in McLaren hospitality!!!
yourusername okay okay, i'll come for a visit this year 😽
yourusername what?? 😭
landonorris I decided my life goal is to get you, Roscoe and Lewis to be my fans 😁😁
landonorris Lewis can wait till retirement ofc 😁😁
yourusername idk if i hate you or love you mr. worldwide
landonorris 🤷😙
user4 replied to your story: Mommy and daddy fr
user5 replied to your story: 😍
user6 replied to your story: Hope you'll heal soon if you're still sick!!!
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by bellahadid, lewishamilton, alexandrasaintmleux and 683,912 others
tagged: lewishamilton and roscoelovescoco
yourusername my job is beach 🦀🐬🐚🪸☀️ (btw how many emojis is too much??)
view all 4,068 comments
lewishamilton Isn't that supposed to be Ken's line darling?
yourusername theoretically... but i think i look better on the beach, don't you? 🤭🤷‍♀️
lewishamilton Well of course, your fashion taste when it comes to bikini is hard to beat ✨🫶🏾
yourusername damn are you saying i look hot in that bikini mr. hamilton? ☺️💞
lewishamilton It's Sir actually
yourusername oh shut up lew, i knew you're gonna bring it up 😭
landonorris I just witnessed Lewis openly flirting through instagram comments... the world won't ever be the same. I need to bleach my eyes 😓
yourusername yeah u should learn from my bf lando norizz
landonorris Heyyy this is online bullying, someone stop it
yourusername 😘😘
landonorris 🫤
user1 i have no idea what just happened but i loved every second of it
user2 It looks like when Lewis finally interacts with someone on instagram, it can get WILD
user3 not y/n using lando norizz 💀
user4 she's one of us now
user6 Y/N living her best life and I'm here for it
francisca.cgomes enjoy!🌴
liked by the author
yourusername thx kika, you too!!💓
user7 On my knees for you🛐🛐🛐
roscoelovescoco The fruit's on's the plane's was yummy's 😋🥗
yourusername i definitely agree, let's thank dad for spoiling us!💖
lewishamilton My favourites deserve only the best 😉
user8 AWWWW so cute
user9 I'll never understand why rich people torture their pets like this... c'mmon, why would you give fruit to a dog? He needs meat and dog food. 🙄😤
user10 tf user9 you clearly don't know them at all if you think they're torturing Roscoe... this dog has better life than most of us lol xd
yourusername i'd just like to make it clear to everyone that me and lewis take the best care of our dog we possibly can, give him the food he wants and needs and love him dearly. it feels very offending for someone who doesn't see into our private life to assume we're "torturing" roscoe. you'll be blocked user9 and goodbye
liked by lewishamilton
user11 You know you fucked up when queen Y/N herself writes smth like this to you 🫢
user12 tell them girl!!! you & lew are literally the best parents to roscoe ever!!!❣️
user13 🔥😍
kellypiquet Wow, the dress is so beautiful!💝
yourusername aww kelly thank you sm! definitely have to see each other soon 💕🫶
kellypiquet Can't wait for the girls talk!
user15 omg imagine listening to y/n y/l/n and kelly piquet casually having girls talk w each other 😫😫
user16 The tea has to be hot between the wags
user17 OMG, gorgeous as always 💖
user18 this couple has me in a chokehold
user19 RIGHT?! why is nobody talking about the 4th pic
user20 They're so hot fr 🥵
user21 and cute too🥺
user22 Love you Y/N 💋
lewishamilton posted on instagram
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liked by nicolashamilton, naomischiff, tomholland2013, landonorris and 1,983,022 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton It's always important to focus on happy memories and remember the good moments with your loved ones. Couldn't ask for better people around me 🤞🏾💫
view all 11,239 comments
user1 funny how he talks about positivity and then in the first picture he's holding middle fingers up lmfao XD
user2 Maybe he took Daniel's F.E.A. rule to his heart🤣
user3 what's that???
user2 Fuck 'em all
yourusername so lucky to have you around me lew! 🥰💗
liked by the author
user4 stoppp I love her
user5 I wanna have what they have😩
charles_leclerc 🤞💫
user6 Ariana what are you doing here?!
user7 Beautiful 🙌❤️
user8 ohhh lew w his dad it's so cute
user9 His dad and Y/N in the same post... we are getting fed rn
neymarjr Amen brother!🙏❤️
liked by the author
user10 I love their their friendship
user11 it's so unreal how the world is small and my fav football player is friends with my fav driver🤭
user12 THE MAN
user13 the second pic is adorable 🥹🥹
user14 I'm jealous but I don't know if I wanna be him or her
user15 honestly i wanna be the third person in their relationship... imagine dating y/n y/l/n & lewis hamilton all at once😩
user16 OMG REAL
user17 boyfriend lewis is my favorite 🫡
1st February 2024
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by scuderiaferrari, lewishamilton, maxfewtrell, t22felton and 3,340,276 others
yourusername guess it's time to change colours ❤️🍓🌹🏎
view all 29,650 comments
scuderiaferrari Welcome to the team, Y/N!❤️‍🔥🏎
user1 you'll make our fav wag depressed next year lol
user2 Ferrari made a master move here 👏
user3 welcome y/nnnnn 🥰
user4 I'm still shocked
user5 me too sis😭
user6 We all are 😃
user7 🔥🔥
user8 when the gf is posting about it, we know it's not just a joke anymore😥
user10 omg me & y/n y/l/n will be fans of the same team!!!!
user11 literally the only good thing about this
alexandrasaintmleux red looks gorgeous on you 💋💋
yourusername on both of us babe 💋💋
user12 BESTIES
user11 okay this is another good thing about the whole lewis situation xd
user13 Y/N and Alex will be so iconic next year 🙇‍♀️
user14 literally life goals to be like them😍
user15 So excited for this🤩 favorite driver and favorite team and favorite wag🤝
user16 idc about ferrari, but y/n in red slays
user17 omg yessss she's so hot in that dress🥵
charles_leclerc And now you can't make fun of me and my therapist 😘
liked by the author
user18 LOL
user19 not him admitting he goes to therapy bc of ferrari💀
user20 What about Carlos?? You said you come as a package 😡😪
user21 so true user20 it's so disrespectful towards carlos
user22 Guys calm down, this is their job and it's known for brutal driver switches. You'll have to deal with it, it's not personal business 🤷‍♂️
user23 yeah i don't think they're such good friends anyway... it was all for pr and marketing lmao
user24 I agree that it's just a sport, but pls don't do this to my charlos heart... their friendship HAS to be real😓
user25 Always support u and your boyfriend😉😉😉🙌🙌🙌
user26 Carlos deserved so much more!
user27 yes but she can't do anything about it girl, she's literally just dating Lewis 😐
user28 "Everybody is a Ferrari fan. Even if they say they're not, they are Ferrari fans." Vettel❤️
user29 i did not think it was real
user30 I need Lewis to comment something about this other than his statement pls 😭
user31 yeah i had high hopes bc he always comments and interacts w y/n's posts...
user32 Guess not this time😒
user33 Y/N unleashing more waves of chaos
user34 and we love our barbie for that 🤭
messages between Y/N and Lewis
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading this! I'll appreciate likes, reblogs, comments, follow and any other way of support. Also, I started my taglist, so if you want to be added or removed, let me know! That way you!ll be first to know that another smau or story came out :). Sorry for the cliffhanger at the end, but don't worry, I plan on making another part. Have a great day!
Taglist: @namgification @bloodyymaryyy
854 notes · View notes
kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
What kind of suggestive piercings they'd have pt. 1 - Tokyo Rev Headcannons
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If this sweet boy was ever going to have a piercing that's not on his ears, I think he'd have nipple piercings
And you would happily take advantage of this because he's so so soooo much more sensitive now
Playing with his chest was fun before, but now? He turns into a whimpering mess with tears rolling down his sweet cheeks if you touch his chest
It's hard not to tease him too. His reactions are just too cute! Squealing and squeaking, whimpering and moaning, even when you don't catch him by surprise he still jumps at the contact every time now
Honestly? I can picture him with a belly button piercing. He just gives me those vibes
But also nipple piercings because they'd look so damn cute on him
Flashy bars decorating his perky little buds while you pinch them, ripping a shrill moan from Mikey 💛
This would also give him an excuse to go shirtless around you more often or wear cropped shirts and hoodies for you 👀
Dick piercing. Full stop
Maaaayyybbeeee nipple piercings too? I can picture him with both
But definitely a dick piercing. And yes he's eager to see what it feels like when you suck him off now
The first time your tongue swirls around the cold metal situated near the tip, Draken throws his head back so far he nearly falls over
You definitely don't use this newfound sensitivity to your advantage.... no siree, wouldn't even dream of it 😏
Also dick piercing. Also full stop
And yes he is going to take advantage of the fact that this turns you on
But don't worry, Mitsuya melts pretty quickly when you're stroking his dick and fucking into him
Taking the opportunity to tease him about his cute new jewelry as he keens from your ministrations
Hmm...perhaps a tongue piercing? Possibly nipple piercings too though
For sure he is going to tease you with his tongue. Honestly he'll be pretty insufferable about it, but you don't really mind
It feels so fucking good when he sucks you off/rims you/eats you out... 🤤
And Baji fucking loves doing that so, win win situation right?
Now about Baji with pierced nipples... 👀
Sensitive as fuck. Literally begs you to play with his chest sometimes
I think he'd be fascinated by nipple piercings
They look super cool and he enjoys teasing you soooo :)
Wears tight tank tops so that the bars are clearly visible, tempting you to touch them and suck on his chest
You do, of course. Pushing him up against the wall or down onto the nearest surface, lifting up his shirt roughly and latching onto his cute tits
Kazutora whines the entire time, hands tangled in your hair, occasionally tugging at the roots while you moan around his nipples
Listen...we can all agree that Koko has Big Slut Energy, ok? He'd want any and every suggestive piercing and tattoo placement
Koko with a tongue piercing is the most obvious, I think. Every time he sticks out his tongue there's a pretty little rod sticking through it, flashing as the light bounces off of it
Nipple piercings because he knows that he has a pretty little chest. You know you want to touch them, so just come over here and play with him to your heart's content 💖
A belly button piercing that entices you to grab his slim waist whenever you catch a peek of stomach whilst Koko stretches
A dick piercing that he shows off whenever possible. Letting the head peek out of his underwear and hoping you'll notice and touch him
If Koko has any combination of these he's going to be very sore from all of the rough fucking that's going to come of it. It's not your fault that you can't keep your hands off of him when he's always tempting you anyways!
Nipple and dick piercings 100%
Honestly he gets a little shy when you stare so much, though he knows how attractive you find him
He was gorgeous before, now he has shiny jewelry in the most sensitive places and you're just... not supposed to lick your lips at the mere sight? 🤔
Sorry, Inupi. Prepare to have your chest groped from behind and a hand down your pants often
His sounds spur you on even more too. Inui whimpers a lot and it's one of the hottest sounds, especially when you know it's because of your touch 🥵
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
563 notes · View notes
pink-sparkly-witch · 10 months
Girls Night
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Summary: Jensen’s girlfriend comes home a bit drunk after a girls night and tries to seduce him.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, implied sexy times to come.
Words: 0.7k
A/N: I’m so proud that I set out to drabble and succeeded! 🥳 I’m a wordy bitch, so usually, when I set out to drabble, I fail epically 😅 All mistakes are my own.
Consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite or leaving a comment. It really does fuel a creative’s muse. If you’re too shy or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM. 💖
My Masterlist     AO3    Ko-Fi
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“It’s been far too long since we last did this!” you declare, slamming another empty shot glass onto the wooden table.
“I know! And we say this every time, but we shouldn’t leave it so long next time,” Fiona shivers violently at the aftertaste of the tequila.
“Well,” Robin smirks, “if y’all put hoes before bros every now and then, we’d see each other a lot more often!”
“Excuse you,” you feign outrage. “If I remember right, you,” you point your finger for good measure, “are the one who didn’t come last time so you could ‘Netflix and Chill’ with Scott. I hadn’t seen Jensen in six weeks, and I came!”
“Oh, I came, alright!” Robin grins when you and your closest friends descend into laughter.
The familiar intro of Lionel Richie’s “Dancing on the Ceiling” begins, and you and the girls quickly make your way onto the dance floor. 
You spend the rest of the night cutting your best moves, singing at the top of your lungs and drinking tequila.
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Walking into the hallway with your heels in your hand, you try to be as quiet as possible. Jensen has been working hard at the brewery and had been learning a script for a movie that starts shooting next week, so you knew he was likely sleeping at this late hour.
You carefully hold onto the handrail and climb the stairs, shushing your shoes every time the heel hits the wooden rail. 
Once at the top of the stairs, you frown when you see the bedroom light still on. You walk with heavy feet towards the door, peeking your head through the gap.
“Hey, baby,” Jensen smiles as he looks up at you. “Did you have a good time?”
“It was the best! We drank and talked and danced and drank. Did I already say that part? I think I already said that part. Anyway, we danced and sang. My throat will hurt tomorrow,” you stumble over to the bathroom and drop your shoes haphazardly on the floor. “But it was worth it,” you giggle.
“I’m glad,” Jensen grins. He always says you’re adorable when you’re drunk. Always so happy and carefree.
“What are you doing still up?” you ask.
“Gotta learn this script, baby. I’ve put it off too long,” he rubs at his tired eyes and smiles wide as you leave the bathroom in your underwear. “What are you doing, sweetheart?”
You climb on the bed—surprisingly gracefully, given your drunken state—and crawl up Jensen’s body. Straddling his waist, you run your hands under his shirt and up his stomach and grin as you feel his muscles twitch under your touch.
“Been thinking about you all night, Jensen. How much I wanted to be here with you, how you make me feel. I want you so bad, baby.”
“As much as I wanna say yes, baby girl, you’re too drunk,” Jensen says as his hands slide up your thighs.
“I’m not that drunk,” you pout more than complain.
“Even so, I think it’s best we just cuddle,” Jensen soothes.
“Ugh, fine!” you huff, throwing yourself off his lap and onto the bed. “But I want your A-game tomorrow!”
“When have I ever not brought my A-game?” Jensen laughs as you pull at the bed covers and ungracefully try to get into bed.
“Uhm, when I wore that dress to the 300th episode party? You barely lasted ten seconds!” you laugh.
“Excuse me! You looked really fucking hot that night! You knew I’d been ready for you since you’d stepped out of the hotel bathroom wearing that thing! And I made it up to you!”
“Yeah, you did!” you giggle. “Alright,” you say as you finally tuck yourself under the duvet. “What about the thirty second fumble on Jared’s boat?”
“Really? You really want me to explain to you how incredibly sexy it was rubbing sun tan lotion all over you and the idea that anyone could have seen me fucking you that day?”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one too,” you yawn and lie down, shuffling into his side and twisting your legs around his. “Just promise me you’ll bring you’re A-game in the morning.”
Snuggling further into him, you lay your head on his chest and your hand on his collarbone. Jensen wraps an arm around your shoulders and pushes the script he was reading to the floor.
“I promise. Good night, baby, I love you,” he chuckles softly as the heavy breathing tells him you’ve fallen asleep.
“Not that drunk, my ass!” he whispers as he kisses your head and turns out the bedside lamp.
Tags: @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles  @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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devilat-thedoor · 1 year
What Is and What Should Never Be(teaser)
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@interstellar-shores and @sanguinebats convinced me to just share it… I wrote this scene for a chapter in my upcoming Twin fic ‘What Is and What Should Never Be.’ I’m sososo excited about this one and I want everyone to be excited with me🥹 but to avoid spoiling any of the plot, I’ve left this at just pure smut. The only context I will give is that Jake calls her ‘peach’ because she was wearing a shirt like this when he met her, and Olivia (OC) is another employee at the twin’s record store. I’m adding the taglist, but you don’t have to read if you don’t want to! I’m aiming to have Chapter 1 out this week💖 but as always, feedback is welcome🤍🤍
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI absolutely no plot, just filth. Dom!Jake/Toxic!Jake. Oral(m receiving). Degradation kink. Unprotected Sex. Reader Discretion Advised😁
The only thing you could focus on was the way his lips moved over your skin, leaving a wet trail in their wake. You grasped at his shirt, trying to pull him closer as he slowly walked you backwards. The back of your thighs hit the mattress and his lips found yours again, kissing you hard as he pushed you to lay on your back and crawled over you. “Why does your bed sit so high?” The question came as he broke away to yank your shirt over your head, exposing your bare breasts to the cool air in his room.
He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your leggings, peeling them down slowly. “No panties either?” He tsked, “And you went to work like this?” You bit your lip with a shrug, curious as to what he might do. Once he had you fully nude, he stepped back to gaze upon you. Your eyes flicked down, locking on the bulge in his jeans, his cock begging to be freed. Jake snapped his fingers, regaining your attention, “You really wanna know why my bed is this high, peach?”
You sat up on your elbows and cocked an eyebrow at him, giving him your brattiest attitude, “Why else would I have asked the fucking question, Jake?” His face dropped and you watched his eyes darken. The warning look he was giving you was enough to set your insides on fire, but you kept going, egging him on, “Are you just gonna stare at me or is there a point to this conversation?”
His lips twisted into a menacing smirk as he walked around to the other side of the bed. You were still laying across the mattress, only moving your head to follow his path. Jake stopped, standing behind you now as you looked up at him. Suddenly, his hands were gripping you under the arms, pulling you towards him until your shoulders were at the very edge of the bed and your head was hanging off the side, upside down. He chuckled as you let out a small gasp and stared up at him.
“Jake… What are you doing?” You watched him unbuckle his belt and pop the button on his jeans, abruptly aware of the position you were in. He pushed his pants down, kicking them to the side and revealing his hard cock. You licked your lips as he wrapped his hand around himself, giving a few pumps.
He brought his free hand up, fingers dancing along your jaw with a light touch, “Do you trust me?” Jake inched closer, the head of his length brushing against your parted lips. You mumbled a quiet ‘yeah’ and flicked your tongue out, tasting him. “I need to really hear you say it, peach.” His hand went to the back of your head, lifting it so you could meet his eyes, “Tell me you trust me, baby.”
“I do, Jake. I trust you.” A smile tugged at his lips at your admission.
He crouched down, gently letting your head dangle again, and pressed his lips to yours. It was awkward being upside down, but your tongues licked against one another and the way he bit down on your bottom lip made you clench your thighs in need. “If it’s too much,” Jake grabbed your hand, nipping the tip of your index finger between his teeth, “tap my leg with these pretty little fingers, okay?”
You couldn’t contain the excitement coursing through you, “Okay.” The anticipation had your chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Open up for me.” He dropped your hand as he stood up, stroking himself again. You obeyed, holding your mouth open. He guided his tip past your lips and halted as his opposite hand flattened across your sternum, “Relax. You gotta slow your breathing, Y/N.” Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to focus enough to gain a shred of composure. Once he was satisfied he pushed himself a little further, gliding along your tongue. “Softer than the finest silk…” He drew out carefully and dove back in, muttering obscenities as you allowed your tongue to roll over his hot flesh. His palm lifted from your torso and you could feel his fingertips ghosting upwards, between your breasts, dipping into the hollow of your neck. Jake finally bottomed out, his cock nestled snug in your throat while his fingers continued their trail, stopping at your neck. He remained still, buried in your mouth, as his thumb stroked down the length of your esophagus. You fought the gag that threatened its way up, swallowing it back down. His hand curled around your throat as it fluttered around his dick, “I can feel myself right here, peach…” Jake added the smallest amount of pressure to your neck, “Remember what I said if it’s too much.” He pulled out almost fully, holding your face in both of his hands now, and drove his cock back into your mouth with force. He set an unrelenting pace, completely enveloped in the wet warmth of your mouth. The blood was rushing to your head as your eyes rolled back and you hummed against him, letting your tongue vibrate over his length. He leaned over you, his hands moving to your tits to squeeze them. “You’re doing so fucking well…” A strangled grunt caught in his chest, “Swallowing my cock like a good little whore.” He punctuated the last word with a sharp thrust and the gag you’d been fighting had finally ripped free as your throat spasmed around his head. If you could see his face, you’d have caught the proud grin spreading over it as he repeated the action. Another hard snap of his hips, met with a gag and a cough that sent a gush of thick saliva through your lips, coating his dick and dripping down your face. The added spit allowed him to slip in and out of your mouth with ease. Your chest was heaving as you fought to catch your breath but Jake didn’t slow his rhythm. “Can’t make those bratty remarks while you’re choking on me, can you, peach?” His cocky attitude sent a flood of arousal to your core as you writhed on the bed, fists gripping at the duvet. Your vision was cloudy and you weren’t sure if it was from the blood filling your head or the mixture of tears and spit in your eyes. Jake pushed himself the whole way in until the prickly shaved patch of hair met your chin, “Take it. Fucking gag on it.” He stayed in place, feeling your throat pulse around him with every gag. He was so close, his cock twitching against your tongue, but the throbbing in your head was too much to bear anymore. “God, you feel like fucking heav-.” His words were cut short by your hand shooting up and tapping against his thigh. He pulled himself from your mouth without hesitation and slid his hands under your shoulders, lifting you into a sitting position. Jake climbed onto the bed to sit beside you, rubbing his hand down your back as you coughed through gasping breaths. “You alright?” He asked once you were calmed down. You answered with a meek nod, wiping at your face with the backs of your hands. He pulled his t-shirt off, offering it to you to clean the rest of your face and you took it, swiping away the remnants of spit and tears. “You couldn’t hold on just a little longer?” He joked as his hand slid along your thigh, stopping just before his fingers could reach your cunt.
You responded with a laugh, “Oh gee, I’m sorry I didn’t just let myself pass out so you could finish in my throat, Jake. My bad.” You pushed his hand from your body and turned your back to him with a smirk, knowing your attitude would get under his skin. “Maybe you’d enjoy this more with Olivia… or what is it you called her?” You looked back at him over your shoulder, “Your gold star?”
He was clenching his jaw as you looked away from him again, “Cut the fucking brat act and c’mere.” His aggressive tone clashed with the gentle way his hand circled your wrist. You let him pull you towards him, “Liv is a solid bronze compared to you, peach.” You crawled into his lap, straddling him as he praised you, “You’re fucking golden…” His hand weaved into your hair, guiding your mouth onto his. The kiss deepened and you reached between your bodies, adjusting your position and grasping Jake’s cock to align it with your entrance. He disconnected from your lips, dropping his gaze to where you hovered over his length, and his cocky demeanor was back, “Y’gonna keep running that smart mouth or are you gonna be a good girl and fuck me?” You answered his inquiry by sinking onto him slowly, feeling him stretch your pussy. He sucked in a sharp breath when you were fully seated on him.
Giving yourself a moment to adjust to his thickness, you pushed his hair from his face with a sweet smile, “You love my smart mouth, baby…” You raised yourself up only to drop back down on his throbbing dick. He leaned back on his hands, watching you go to work on him. The way your tits bounced as you rode him and the noises your bodies made with every drop of your hips, he couldn’t get enough of it. He was in pure ecstasy, his head thrown back, jaw hanging open as he fought back the moans that wanted out. You moved faster, grabbing his shoulders and opting for a grinding motion, “Suddenly you don’t have much to say, Jakey…” You eyed him with a mischievous glint.
His head snapped up at your comment, “And suddenly, I’m sick of hearing you talk.” In a flash, he had you on your back. You hit the bed with a thud as a squeal rippled from your mouth. Jake hooked your right leg around his waist, holding it there while his right hand came up to your chin, fitting three of his fingers against your tongue. You couldn’t contain the whimpers and whines that bubbled out around his digits as he took control, driving you into the mattress with each powerful thrust. He let out a low laugh, “Yeah, you just keep making those sweet, pathetic sounds while you take my cock.” His fingers kept you mute of all words, not that you’d be able to form a coherent sentence anyway. You squeezed around him, causing his movements to stutter, and he pulled his hand from your mouth to support his weight as he leaned over you, fucking you deeper.
You pulled your left leg up, spreading wider for him, “F-fuck. Right there, baby.” His hand left your leg, traveling downward to grasp your hip. “Jake…” You gasped his name, your voice oozing with desperation. His eyes met yours, his brows drawn together in a questioning gaze. Your hands cupped his face, pulling him closer to you as you held eye contact, “Finish in me.”
Jake began to slow his hips, unsure if he’d heard you correctly, “Y/N…”
You wrapped your legs around him, holding him tightly against you as you repeated yourself, “Finish in me so I can go back to work with the reminder of who owns me. Who owns my pussy…” His lips were crashing into yours fervently as his hips started moving with more power.
He was panting hard as he hovered over you, “God, You make the dirtiest words sound so fucking pretty.” Now he was really moving, deep grunts leaving his throat with each mind blowing stroke. “You gonna go back to work with no panties on? Just letting my cum leak down your thighs like a filthy slut?” His thumb found your clit, rolling over the sensitive bud with just enough pressure to push you to the edge. Your hands went to his back, nails dragging over his flesh as you clenched around him. “Shit, baby… Keep squeezing me like that and you’ll get exactly what you want.” Jake was gritting his teeth and you could tell he was fighting his climax off. His thumb moved quicker over your clit and you squeezed his cock again, “Let me fucking have it, peach. I know you’re right there, I want it.” He pulled his hips back, almost removing himself from your cunt, and slammed back in, surely hitting your cervix.
All the air left your lungs in a second as your eyes rolled back. You clawed at Jake’s skin, your mouth hanging open as your orgasm hit. The way your pussy fluttered around his length, soaking him, he couldn’t hold it together anymore. His head dropped to the crook of your neck as he came, his sticky release coating your walls. He was murmuring against your skin while your hands mindlessly rubbed down his back, easing him into a state of calm. A smile broke over your face but when you opened your mouth to speak, your phone began ringing on the bed beside you. You glanced at the screen and then the digital clock on Jake’s nightstand, a panic rising in your chest, “It’s Josh… My lunch break was over 15 minutes ago, get up, Jake.” He groaned, the sound muffled against your skin, but made no attempt to move. You pushed at his shoulders and wiggled beneath him, trying to buck his body off of your own, “Jake, I have to go, I can’t afford to lose my job.”
@ohgodthefeeling-gvf @ignite-my-fire @sanguinebats @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @ieatedsammy @twistedmelodies @dropdeadalyx31 @ageofbajabule @becinabubblegvf @literal-dead-leaf @laneygvf @myleftsock
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hi mousey! i hope ur having a good day! :]
if it’s not too much to ask, may i request the farmer reacting to haley (or the bachelorettes) wearing their clothes?
Sorry, dear anon, but your ask confused me a bit. Farmer's reaction? That's probably not what you meant, as everyone has their own individual OC Farmer who will react differently to a situation. I mean, Farmer (in game) kinda have a canon but still... Maybe you meant like "the bachelorettes react to the Farmer catching them in their clothes"? Hope I got it right. Thanks for the ask! 💖
Penny didn't understand why she did it. She finds it hard to explain the logic of her action, but the feel of the Farmer's clothes on her body, their scent helps the ginger girl not feel so alone. Their long t-shirt gives Penny a reminder that her Farmer will be back from their adventures soon, that they'll be okay, that they love her, and she'll always be waiting for them to come back. "I'm home, love." And when did Farmer have time to return so soon? Or had the young teacher been so engrossed in her book that she hadn't noticed how quickly the time had flown by. From the Farmers' smile and their stares, Penny immediately realized what they were trying to say. Her cheeks flushed, but she would no longer hide her face in embarrassment behind the pages of her book, no. Instead, she would look her spouse in the eye, and with all the tenderness and love she could muster say, "I missed you..."
The first time Farmer caught their blonde wife in their clothes was in the kitchen early in the morning. Haley was standing at the stove making an omelette for breakfast, and she was wearing Farmer's shirt, which was a size too big for her, but she didn't really care. The cloth was soft and nice, and it smelled like her partner (thankfully not like the grass she was allergic to). When Haley heard her spouse's voice from the other room, she pretended to be heavily absorbed in making breakfast. Finally the Farmer walked into the kitchen to ask if Haley had seen their shirt, but immediately stopped when they found what they were looking for. "Breakfast is ready, dear" the blonde said, giving the most innocent look, but her cheeks still poured a slight blush under Farmer's gaze. It would seem, what was so special? But Haley, their beautiful, smart and funny Haley, dressed in their clothes, with a smile on her face and red cheeks, were to Farmer the most beautiful sight they had ever seen.
Abigail's eyes just glistened with delight when she saw the new adventurer's uniform on Farmer. Comfortable, leather armor, long red cloak, lots of belts with a holder of small elixirs, long boots with shields... So cool! Oh, and Farmer looks good~ The purple-haired girl knows that Farmer needs these clothes to keep themself safe in the Mines, but she was so eager to try them on, which she did sneakily while her spouse was in town on business. Abby admires herself in the mirror from every angle, now and then posing and getting into battle stances with her steel sword. "You look wonderful," Abigail almost dropped the weapon from her hands in surprise, turning around to the source of the voice. Farmer stood near the door, arms crossed, clearly enjoying the sight before them. Abigail began to feign indignation about someone peeking, to which Farmer smugly remarked, "someone took their clothes." But as they joked lightly with each other, Farmer pulled a something out of the bag and handed it to Abby. It was another adventurer's outfit, and she showered Farmer with hugs and kisses.
Since Leah moved to the farm after her marriage, she has never known what it's like to be cold without in her small cabin. But it's a winter right now, and you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket or a cozy sweater and drink a cup of hot coffee. The coffee is ready, but there is no blanket nearby. Leah's violet eyes immediately focused on Farmer's sweater that was lying on the chair. She reached for the cloth and immediately put it on. Usually sweaters are scratchy, but this one was so cozy and soft that the artist closed her eyes at the pleasant feel of the fabric against her skin. When the Farmers entered the living room half an hour later and placed their cup of tea on the table, they sat down beside a sleepy Leah, gently tucked her ginger curl behind her ear, and smiled warmly. "I'll never see that sweater now, will I?" "Yep." But Farmer didn't mind that at all.
Every day Emily's mind is filled with new sewing ideas. How many different dresses and shirts she can create, how many new accessories can come out from under her sewing needle. So many good ideas! Almost all of the items that Farmer's wear are handmade by their hardworking wife. The quality of the fabric is always the best, the selection of colors always harmonious, clothes for all occasions. At times, she glances a newly sewn thing and her soul can't get enough of how perfect and successfully she has created these clothes. She even wonders if she should switch up her look this week, like the Farmer's clothing style? She tries on their clothes and examines herself closely in the mirror. Oh yeah, it's not bad at all! So - she needs to sew again, but this time for herself. Emily didn't immediately notice that the Farmer had been watching her for about five minutes now, and the adoration with which they were looking at the always positive Emily. "That sure looks good on you."
Oh, no... Her latest invention got machine oil all over her clothes. Now Maru needs to wash them. But the rest of her clothes are also washed and not yet dry. Now what to do? Hmm... Although, what is there to think about - Farmer's shirt and pants are lying on the bed, so the young inventor doesn't need to worry any further. Maru figured that Farmer wouldn't mind, since she was in such trouble. Speaking of the Farmer, here they were, standing in front of Maru. The girl immediately explained the situation and asked if the Farmer minded? Mind? By the look of their red cheeks, they're all for it! Farmer has to admit that the Maru look so good in their clothes that they even think about faking a random event with machine oil again.... What? Ah... probably shouldn't have said that out loud, as Maru raised an eyebrow questioningly. But then she said, "The clothes are comfortable and I don't mind to wear, so no need to ruin the rest of your stuff with machine oil."
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Could you please do a Dominant!Reader X Melissa Schemmenti? 🥺 your writing style is so comforting 💖💖
Since you were so nice and said please, how can I refuse?
Though in case it doesn’t become clear from reading this – dominance isn’t exactly my area of expertise (she says like she has any areas of expertise), but I did enjoy the challenge of writing this. 
Warnings - NSFW and light bondage/soft dominance?
In my head this follows on from ‘We Can’t Do This Anymore – It’s Too Dangerous’ which makes mention of the arcade but it can be stand alone too.
Hope you enjoy and still like my writing style!
-The Winner Takes It All-
You know Melissa has asked for this.  She’s specifically said that this was what she wanted, but it’s new, and the balance between the two of you is still settling.  It makes you nervous and excited all at once.
On the ride home from the arcade, she’s taunting you, taking great relish in regaling how she absolutely trashed you at air hockey. 
“You distracted me!” you say in an attempt to defend yourself.
She drops her gaze down to her own cleavage for a moment.  “These old things?” she smirks.
You glare at her as she turns her attention back to the road.
The door isn’t even closed before you’re backing her up against it, your lips on hers as it slams shut in it’s frame.  Your hands smooth over her curves before sliding into her hair, pulling slightly to expose her neck to your mouth, allowing you to kiss and nip and suck the sensitive skin there.  A particularly well placed graze of your teeth pulls a sinful moan from her lips and brings a smirk to yours. 
“Bed,” you whisper in her ear.  “Now.”
She doesn’t need to be told twice.
Laying before you on the bed, Melissa is eagerly unbuttoning her shirt as you move to unbuckle her belt.  It’s such a simple thing but you find it stupidly sexy.  Pulling it from her belt loops, you hold the warm leather in your hand, trying to fathom when exactly you began to associate that particular sensation with Melissa.  You blame her extensive collection of leather jackets, but most of all, those sinful leather pants. 
You’re quickly distracted from your thoughts, however, as she succeeds in ridding herself of her shirt and bra.  You’re only mortal, after all.  Leaning over her, you pepper her neck and chest with kisses, being more a help than a hindrance in removing her pants and underwear situated between her legs as you are, but that doesn’t deter her, and as soon as her own are over her hips, you feel eager fingers unbutton your own. 
Batting her hands away, you quickly back off the bed, taking her pants with you before kicking off your own.  You look down, focused on unbuttoning your shirt, only to be once again distracted by Melissa as she crawls her way to the edge of the bed, kneeling to meet you.  Her hands reach for the open sides of your shirt, pulling you too her. 
It’s inelegant as you stumble forward, your momentum carrying you both back down onto the bed.  She grins as you land between her thighs, bracing yourself on your hands.  Beneath the palm of one hand you feel the cool leather of Melissa’s belt.  Leaning back to kneel between her legs, you turn the belt over in your hands, eyes flicking to hers.  She must see the indecisiveness on your face because in the next moment she’s offering you her hands, extending her arms in front of her, wrists pressed together.
There’s excitement in her eyes, a glint in her unwavering gaze that tells you she trusts you enough to offer this.  It’s taken a long time for Melissa to hand control over to you like this and even now, you know it only takes a moment for her to feel like she has to snatch that control back again.  You don’t hold it against her when she does.  Afterall, there’s no point in either of you doing this if you can’t be comfortable with who you are and with your partner.  It's only fun if you’re both enjoying it. 
It's a long way from where you started, when she could barely let you touch her.  The fear of you seeing her so vulnerable was hard for her to bear.  She’d taken control of any given sexual encounter, bringing you endless waves of pleasure and taking her own pleasure from you on her terms. 
You loop the belt around her wrists, holding it in one hand as you tighten it enough to hold her hands together.  You gently tug the leather until she raises her arms and allows you to raise them above her head as you lean over her.  You can’t help but lick your lips.  She looks divine laid out beneath you. 
“Keep your hands right there,” you tell her, a whisper in her hear before you press a kiss to her cheek.
She watches as you leave the bed, moving to put on the harness and strap.  You can see her eagerness in the way her eyes never leave you and she squirms in anticipation on the bed.  Crawling back onto the bed, you pause on your way back to her lips to taste her.
Feeling her hands in your hair, you stop, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow.
You see the moment she realises and you smirk as a shuddering breath leaves her as she slowly and deliberately raises her hands above her head once more. 
“Fuck,” comes the strangled whisper as you return your attention to her soaked core.  You take your time, teasing her, making her even wetter.  Her hips buck beneath you, seeking more, and you smirk as you finally pull back with one last kiss to her clit. 
Moving up the bed, you position yourself so that the tip of the toy teases her entrance.  “You want me to fuck you?”
All those months ago you could never have been so brazen, but you’ve learned a few things since then.  One of which is how you saying the word ‘fuck’ affects the red head. 
“Fuck yes, baby,” she replies almost instantly.  She moans as you push into her, and you revel in the sound.  You keep your movements slow, letting her get used to the stetch.  Her hands once again come up to touch you and again you still, making her whine.  Taking her hands in yours, you carefully place them above her head once more, only then moving your hips again. 
She begins to shift her hips, raising them to try and meet your thrusts. 
“You need more?” you ask, grinning at the frantic nod you get in reply.  Picking up the pace a little, you test the waters.  Positioned as you are, you are perfectly placed to meet her already bruised lips in a sloppy kiss.
“Harder,” she whispers against your lips.
Sitting up, you raise an eyebrow.  “Sure?”
“You asked me if I wanted you to fuck me,” she says a little breathlessly.  “My answer was and is yes, baby.”
You hear the whimper crawl up your throat before you can stop it and enjoy the grin it brings to her face.  Melissa Ann Schemmenti is the sexiest woman alive.  You’re not sure if it’s public knowledge, but it sure as hell is official.  Leaning down to capture her lips in a bruising kiss, you thrust into her once more, lending more weight to your thrusts and groaning as you feel the strap bottom out.  Your own moans join hers as your movements have the strap nudging your clit.
As good as it feels, you keep your attention on Melissa.  You feel her nails scrape down your back, but right now, you don’t care where her hands are.  Well, that’s not entirely true, you like what she’s doing with them, and you’re certainly not going to scold her for the fact she’s failed to follow your instructions. 
You can feel her breath hitching as she gets close, and you expect her to flip you both over at any moment.  To take back control and ride you to her climax.  She doesn’t however, instead looping her hands behind your neck and pulling you down into a bruising kiss as her hips stutter and she finally falls to pieces beneath you.
You help her ride out her orgasm, drawing our her pleasure as long as you can.  Sitting up to let her catch her breath you take in the sight before you.  Melissa has a lazy smile on her lips, her hair fanned out around her head.  You drink it in, your fingertips tracing nonsensical patterns across her skin as she comes to.
“I think air hockey just became my new favourite game,” she chuckles. 
You raise an eyebrow.  “You think I’ve letting you off that easy?” you ask with a smirk.  “On your hands and knees.”
Although it’s not phrased as a question, the gentle stroking of your hand on her thigh add the question mark.  She spark in her brilliant green eyes and the eager way she scrambles to reposition herself, however, gives you no doubts that this is what she wants.  You smirk at the wiggle of her hips as you settle behind her.  Leaning over her, your front pressed to her back, you pause, pressing a kiss to the back of her shoulder. 
She nods once, sensing the unasked question and pushing her hips back into your own.  Slipping the toy inside her, you fill her, pushing in all the way to the hilt and earning a deep moan from the red head.  You give her a moment to adjust before you begin to move inside her, spurred on by the sound of your skin coming together as you move, chasing your own climax as well Melissa’s, your moans mingling with hers. 
She falls forward on her elbows, and you ease off, reaching for her hair, not to pull it tight, but to guide her back up as you slide your other arm around her waist.  You urge her up until she’s on her knees, her back pressed closely to your front.  The position keeps you deep within her, but allows you the freedom to kiss and nip as her back where her head is thrown back against your shoulder.  One hand slides down to find her clit, the other to tweak at her nipples. 
“You look so good like this,” you say, your voice low as you speak close to her ear.  “Taking this so well,” you go on, earning a whimper. 
“You like it when I fuck you?”  This gets you a frantic nod, the sounds falling from her lips becoming more high pitched and desperate as she gets close.  “You gonna cum for me?”
And she does.  She shatters in your arms with a cry, her hands reaching behind her, nails digging into your hips as she shudders through her release.  You slowly fuck her through it, holding her close as she trembles, burying your head into her neck as your own release tears through you thanks to the friction on your clit. 
Taking a moment to breathe, you move slowly, guiding her back down to lie on the bed.  There’s a hiss as you finally pull out, quickly ridding yourself of the harness and tossing it on the floor beside the bed.  You settle in next to her, gathering her in your arms as you tug the blankets over you both.  She shifts until she can settle against your chest, throwing a leg over your own.
You feel her jerk as her clit brushes your thigh and hear the sharp intake of breath.  “You okay?”
“Oh hon, I’m good.  You make me feel so good,” she replies, still a little breathless. 
You can’t help but smile.  “Winner takes it all, huh?”
“Don’t ruin it by quoting Abba at me,” she grumbles against your chest.  “I was just beginning to like you.”
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cobiehaven · 8 months
SKZ — Acts of Intimacy.
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fluff (💖) // funny (🤡) // drama (💋) // angst (🌧️) // horror (🥀) // smut (🍷) // suggestive (❣️) // tw (‼️) // short story (☕️) // requested (💌)
chan — tending to your hair 🌧️
“i’m really proud of you, babe.”
“psh, for what?”
you giggle at him as he gently brushes through your hair, you always loved it when he did, it always seemed to hurt less rather than doing it yourself. the damaged knots in your hair was always a pain to rip through.
“showing me how much you love me gave me courage to love myself, so i want to give you the courage to love yourself too.”
he gave you a kiss on the top of your head, his fingers raking through your thick strands, comfortingly.
minho — rubbing your legs under the table ❣️
you whispered his name as a warning, your hand prompted firmly on his wrist as his hand continued to caress your thigh beneath the table. you knew what he was doing, the small touch had become a big one the more his hand traveled from your knee all the way up to your inner thigh. you couldn’t say you didn’t like it, on any normal day you would be begging for him to stop teasing you, but today was a special day, your parents were over.
“fine but you’re going to take responsibility later.”
changbin — holding your hand 💖
“you really think i wouldn’t remember?”
changbin parked right in front of your favorite fast food restaurant, the two of you stepping out of the car and immediately locking hands as that seemed to become a habit every time you two went somewhere. inside the small business, you could hear your stomach growling at the displayed items on the menu, changbin casually ordering your favorite meal.
“no way you memorized my order too.”
“of course i did.”
hyunjin — cuddling you 💖
“hyunjin, it’s hot!”
you whined as you tried to pry him off of you, the blanket plus his body heat making you sweat uncomfortably under your thin t-shirt. the movie was a faint sound in the background as you were too focused on your giant boyfriend bear hugging you and not letting go. you tried telling him that you were starting to sweat but he insisted that he didn’t care about that, throwing the blanket off of the two of you and letting the cool air touch your skin.
“i like having you in my arms, it feels so right and complete.”
“okay, no need to flatter me, just let me cool down
felix — baking for you 💖
“you’re going to make me have a sugar rush! stop!”
you giggle as felix continues to hand over the batch of brownies the two of you made together. they ended up coming out messy from how many times the two of you bumped into each other or accidentally forgot something when you got distracted with a kiss or two.
he cut the brownies, ready to be put into a container for safe keeping but instead he insisted on helping you eat all of the small batch.
“lix, we can just eat some later.”
“but i like wiping away the chocolate from your lips.”
jisung — singing you to sleep 💖🌧️
“i could… play you a song before you go to sleep.”
you shook your head.
“then how about i just sing you to sleep? that way i can lay right next to you?”
you nodded your head, waiting for him to get comfortable next to you in the bed, your body pushing itself closer to him and taking in his, all too familiar, fresh, laundry scent. nights like this would come up often between the two of you, whenever you had too much anxiety, he would sing or play guitar or sometimes even plaster you with kisses to make you forget your problems. you loved those nights the best. whenever he was having anxiety, you would play with his hair until he fell asleep just as he was doing to you now.
“i love you.”
seungmin — teasing you 💖
“i already brought you food and you still want mine?”
seungmin pulled his plate away from you as you tried to naw at the pieces you wanted. you had already finished your plate but you were still hungry for more, your period taking a major toll on your appetite. after realizing you weren’t going to get what you wanted, you sighed and rested your head on his shoulder.
“give up already?”
he slid over the slices, lifting your head to look at him confusingly. he just pressed a small kiss on your forehead and patted your head.
it was a guilty pleasure to tease you without verbal reason, although he would never admit that he liked your reactions.
jeongin — sharing clothes 💋
“hey, isn’t that jeongin’s?”
one of your classmates asked, placing his hand on your shoulder and forcing you around so he could get a better look, he didn’t recognize it from your usual fits, though he could recall your boyfriend wearing the hoodie one or two times before. you opened your mouth to say something but you were immediately caught of breath when you saw jeongin marching his way over to you, his eyes glaring deeply at your friend. you warned him to be nice but he didn’t comply.
“it is mine, actually, and not for you to touch.”
he pushed the guys hand off of you and pulled you closer to him, you could feel the hard muscle he had been building up for weeks, under his shirt.
“and neither is she.”
© cobiehaven 2024
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what if the tf2 mercs went to see Barbie? Ik its not relevant right now but this is critical information to tf2 lore and I'd love to see your take on it
TF2 Mercs Go To The ✨️Barbie✨️ Movie!
Who cares if this is like two months late, I certainly don't. You're right it is critical lore and, dare I say I'd be wrong not to speak my truth on how these grown adults show up to the Barbie movie.
Mutual appreciation comment: You're so cool and silly for being a mutual, love you for that 💖
Normally, I'd write a prompt like this merc by merc. Not today, these guys are all going together, this is getting written like the amusement park and beach headcanons.
No spoilers! I think? I mean everyone's probably seen the movie, but still I tried to keep this spoiler free!
So to start, we have various reactions.
Medic, Pyro, and Engie are the only ones outwardly and inwardly excited. Like we'll get to the dress-up shenanigans in a minute but these guys are hyped. Medic and Pyro more so than Engie, he's only excited because he's never seen Pyro this excited.
Heavy and Sniper both don't particularly care, but Heavy is more happy to go just to hang out with everyone.
Solider and Demo wanted to go to Oppenheimer, and the other mercs told them the Barbie movie was Oppenheimer. Hilarity ensues. (More on this later.) I'm also half kidding, these guys wouldn't complain about going to Barbie, they just also wanted to see Oppenheimer.
Spy and Scout are secretly so fucking excited for this movie. But outwardly hate the idea or complain about it. Oh, it's a girly movie for little kids? Okay Scout, keep saying that while you find some thinly veiled excuse to dress up for the movie. This is a waste of time and money? Sure Spy, keep telling yourself that while you pick out your outfit, I'm sure you just so happened to have a pink dress, like everyone else so obviously does.
My Everyone's favorite part! Dress up time!
Don't get me started on Medic. He was prepared weeks in advance. Bedazzled his boots and gloves, found an extra lab coat, and dyed it neon pink. Ordered a boa and everything. He went all out and killed.
Pyro and Engie don't dress up nearly as much, but they both still dress up! Pyro finds anything pink they can, and even has Medic help with bedazzling. Engie finds one single pink shirt, and decides to call that good, but then is promptly drug off by both Medic and Pyro to help him come up with a better outfit.
Heavy and Sniper are quickly descended upon by Medic and Pyro. These two are hellbent on dressing everyone up. Pyro's busy covering Sniper with pink glitter while Medic's trying to convince Heavy that the bedazzling gun is safe to use on skin! (It's not). Both Sniper and Heavy feel deeply changed after their time with Pyro and Medic.
NOW HEAR ME OUT. Demo and Soldier would dress up in a full Barbie outfit for fun, and I'm willing to die on that hill. Like you do not have to convince them to put on something pink and sparkly, they would do that for laughs/fun. Demo is more to do it for a laugh, and Soldier is the type to do it because he likes having fun and being pretty :,) They are the only two to not be accosted by Medic and Pyro that night.
Scout is getting ready and he's so hyped, like this man has an entire outfit planned, but he's got to play it cool, you know. He spends at least an hour going in and out of his room, pretending he can't find anything and pretending to borrow things from the other mercs, until he finally gets cornered by Pyro, and dragged off to the lab for his Barbie movie makeover, complaining the entire way. (He wanted this outcome).
I'm so glad that I started writing this post-Spy Dress. I needed validation that he serves, slays, whatever, just fucking rocks a dress. Wears a pink dress 100% No question. Sequence, lace, boas, hot pink boots, it's so over the top but it's amazing. Medic just rolls his eyes when Spy claims he just had it lying around.
Movie reactions!
Medic had so much fun oh my god. He was so enamored with the movie. Could, and would rant for hours about this movie if you gave him the chance. Didn't cry like most of the others, but he still genuinely loves the message and just everything about this movie! See's Scout crying and immediately rushes up to half comfort him and half use this as an opportunity to rant, "Well, Scout you see, zhis movie is supposed to make you cry, because if you look at ze-" type vibes
Pyro didn't really pay attention to the other themes, was just obsessed with the pink, glitter, anything Barbie and happy was all they focused on. Ask them about the movie afterwards and they'll just make happy noises and try and explain what they thought of the movie through muffled noises. It's clear they loved it though.
Engie was entertained by the movie enough, he got the message and really liked the music. He's just so happy to see Pyro and Scout having a good time, is a little worried about the other team members sobbing, but he tries his best to comfort them while having a very excited Pyro ranting something he can't understand.
Heavy cried. No doubt in my mind. Also loved just having a good time and being with the other mercs and just. Had to listen to Medic ramble for weeks afterwards but didn't care, was just happy his friend's all had a good time.
Sniper's reaction was to be expected. Indifference, got why everyone was hyped about the movie, he thought it was an alright movie and he wouldn't be opposed to going again, but enjoyed being out more than being at a movie.
Demo was told this was Oppenheimer and rolled his eyes, but he did keep hearing explosions from Oppenheimer playing next door and was so confused. He was hyped the first time thinking Barbie was about to get violent, but then realized where it was coming from, took a swig of his drink and settled back down to watch the rest of the movie. He didn't hate it, didn't love it. Had more fun getting ready.
Soldier was told this was Oppenheimer and believed it. The fact that you could hear explosions was also helping the other mercs case of genuinely trying to convince him it was Oppenheimer. I wish I could say he bought it and was totally fooled into watching Barbie under the guise of it being a totally differently movie but honestly I think it's funnier to have him pretend that the other mercs really got him when this man knows more about American history than anyone else here. Makes a joke about Oppenheimer being a very beautiful woman, and freaks the other mercs out a little bit.
Scout will have you wondering, can a two hour movie really help you work through all your internalized issues? For Scout it can! He went from being woefully misinformed on the way women are treated, (Not on purpose/with hate but just with that whiteboy has never seen the effect society has on women.) to crying in the first half an hour and changing his entire out look on things. It's one of his favorite movie now, he is no longer afraid of admitting that.
Spy is not crying, fuck off. He's just so bored that's why his eyes are watering. Man is sobbing. He loves this movie. Not that he will ever admit that. Loved the soundtrack most. He also had to try and fix his makeup (yes he wore makeup, I'll die on this hill.) in a dark theater so no one would know he was crying, and I think that's really funny.
Bonus! Favorite Songs! (I listened to all the songs on the playlist to do this. I felt glitter melting from my ears, (/hj) you're welcome &lt;3
Medic- Dance The Night. PLEASE HE WOULD SLAY DANCING TO THIS! DANCE WITH HIM! He's so silly, he want's to just have fun dancing to the entire soundtrack but this song in particular. You will hear this song blasting from the lab at least twice a day for about a month. (No this headcanons isn't based on the fact that this is one of my favorite Barbie songs).
Pyro- Speed Drive. I like the idea that Pyro just really likes upbeat music. This song makes me feel like I just did a line of coke so I'm assuming that they'd feel the same way, and they love that feeling! They also like songs with a lot of reptation so they can remember it better. ALSO,
"She my best friend in the whole world
On the mood board, she's the inspo
And she dressed in really cute clothes
Kawaii like we're in Tokyo
Devon Lee smile, teeth a white row
Got a classic, real deep, Van Gogh
She got loyalty, she says, "I love you, girl"
I love her more"
They sing that either out loud in a muffled voice or think it in their head about Engie, All. The. Time. They're besties yk?
Engie- Hey Blondie. Please, I'm sobbing. He thinks this song is so cute. He loves how sweet it is. He just immediately loves everything about it. Plays this so much when he's working, sings it a lot without noticing.
Heavy- Journey To The Real World. Honestly? He just really likes mostly instrumental music, and he also just likes short songs! I think he just likes the spacy vibe of this song.
Sniper- Forever & Again. Not going to lie. He was half paying attention to the movie and then this song dropped and it hit him like a ton of bricks for no reason. He was just super chill and then BOOM. Immediately having a silent sob/crisis. (He's okay, Scout comforted him, Scout was also crying too at this point).
Demo- Barbie Dream. He's not ashamed. He loves it. It's fun, it's silly, he's fun, he's silly. They we're made for each other. Likes the simplicity of the song. Hated how it got stuck in his head.
Soldier- Choose Your Fighter. I can't express how much I think this man would love Ava Max. Like it's insane. But that's also not the main reason. He likes how upbeat it is, and how confident it makes him feel. Like you can't tell me he didn't hype himself up with this song after the movie.
Scout- I'm so torn on this one, like I feel like he'd belt I'm Just Ken, but also, like I can imagine him also singing Barbie Girl, BUT THEN ALSO MAN I AM???? He likes the entire playlist. He liked everything, the movie, the soundtrack, this movie has him in a chokehold.
Spy- What Was I Made For? SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP. I honestly don't think I can let this man be happy in my headcanons😭But that doesn't matter! I heard this song and was like, oh yeah Spy from TF2 vibes hit hard with this song. Nobody else knew what I was talking about lmao.
Ah! This was super fun to write, but it took me so long to write for some reason, (I've been putting off real-life work.) But that's neither here nor there. Also I had this finished, and then went, Oh! I should add their favorite songs, and it took another hour.
(I did a word count for fun, 1766 words, only counting the actual headcanons and not the preface and what I'm writing here and now. Also in times new roman, 12 point font, and double spaced this takes up 6 pages 😭)
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alexablissmark · 1 year
jumpscare (hook x reader)
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hook tries to keep his cool while you revisit your childhood. gn reader, fluff 💖
"are you sure this is a good idea?" he asked as you booted up your computer.
"i played this when i was nine, it's not that bad," you said.
ah, childhood nostalgia. it hit you hard when you clicked on the game and heard that familiar static sound that gravitated the hearts of many in 2014. many, not including your current boyfriend.
Tyler wasn't really into the "cringey shit," as he called it. but you insisted the hit indie horror game franchise "Five Nights at Freddy's" was far from cringe. horrifying monsters, spooky atmospheres, heartbreaking and terrifying stories, complex and in-depth lore... it was everything your nine year-old self could've ever dreamed of. and with the movie on the horizon, and Tyler promising to take you, you found yourself back in the same position nine years later.
only this time, you had the tough boyfriend next to you, one who would surely let you hide into his chest when Bonnie crept into your office, or when Freddy sang his song in the doorway when you used too much power. except, that did not happen.
infact, it was quite the opposite.
it was the 2nd night, 3AM. you were obviously rusty when it came to actually playing, and you had used too much power. you lifted the camera to find both Bonnie and Chica had moved. Freddy is still on the stage. Foxy is not much of a problem. Chica was right outside your door. Bonnie is in the dining area.
you lifted the camera screen down. and with it came your power supply. then, the lights.
"oh, shit.." you said under your breath. Tyler gave you a look, a slight fear in his eyes. a familiar tune started to play, and the outline of Freddy's face flashed in the dark corridor.
"what the fuck?" Tyler said, confused.
the music stopped. Tyler's face inched closer to the screen. possibly trying to make out the office in its now low lighting. and then... a scream. two screams.
"ah! w-what the fuck!!?" Tyler exclaimed, he jumped back in his chair, and fell to the floor.
you laughed really hard.
"oh my god- are, are you okay?" you said while laughing.
he got up.
"shut up! what the fuck was that?"
"fuck Freddy! ill beat his fucking ass!" he said, trying to be tough. to prove his point, he stood up and took off his shirt in one swoop. you blushed a little bit. it was actually kind of impressive.
"you can't! we died!"
"piece of shit! stupid fucking game! jesus christ..." he exclaimed whole trying to catch his breath. he sat next to you after setting his chair back up, and you touched his shoulder, which was now bare.
"yeah right, you got us killed!"
"it's okay," you giggled. "ill protect you from all of them."
"well, do you want to play, Tyler?"
"fuck no."
"that's what i thought," you said, as you reloaded another night.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
monthly wrap-up :: june 2023
Welcome to the June 2023 wrap up! I didn't expect that I would be reading so much for other characters but putting this list together made me realize I may have been whoring on the side for some other characters (potentially actors too because I can't lie those pics of Seb at the Loewe event did things to me full stop--).
The year's halfway through and I honestly can't believe how this year feels like it's flying by but also not moving fast enough because honestly I swear on my life I was just working on the 14 Days project a few weeks ago but also apparently it over four months ago?? Nothing makes sense 🥴
Anyways, here's all the stories I've made and consumed over the last month. Please go and shower these authors with all the love, they're amazing and deserve the world. 💖💛
Everything under the cut…and here's probably the best way to summarize what June 2023 was like in a single photo:
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Loki x Reader
Coins and Revenge by @fictive-sl0th
The entire premise of this story had me dangerously bouncing at the edge of my seat. The tension and the yearning just created this amazing high-stakes tender love story in the making between future King of Asgard Loki and Forsaken Princess/Assassin YN. And pls the way he looked for her by combing through the minds of the city dwellers?? Pure unmitigated dedication right there. 👏👏
Filling a Void by @lokisgoodgirl
Ragnarok!Loki x Reader x President Loki is a threesome dynamic I didn't realize I needed in my life but now it's just got me staring at the ceiling thinking all the thots about it 🥴
Imagine: Tony tricking Loki into taking Viagra… by @sserpente
Shameless smut with a side of fluff? Sign me tf up 🥴👏👏 Honestly is there a queue for the "seven hours in Valhalla with Loki" experience because I would very much like to sacrifice my sanity for that--
Tropical Tension by @lokis-dark-queen
Besties to lovers on a vacation in Aruba, body shots, and some tender yet filthy smut?? Sign me tf up. I'm usually such a slow reader it's embarrassing, but I ate this up!
Teasing the Dragon by @sarahscribbles
All I can say is do not read before bed or you will go to sleep with horny…unless that's what you want. Edging for nearly an hour followed by overstimulation?? Restrained by Loki's magic?? Loki ripping your shirt with his bare hands?? Lemme know where I can sign up for this 👀 💳💥💳💥
You're Late by @lokisgoodgirl
Intentionally making herself late and playing a dangerous game with Loki? When I tell you my brain was running so many laps at the end of this piece just imagining how he kept her up all night 🥴🫠
Resurrected Love by @holdmytesseract
This story managed to put me in the strange position of sad and thirsty at the same time over the image of Loki having stubble. The angst with the flashbacks hurt me right in the feels but everything else had me squealing and melting and cheering at the end. 🥹💖
Wash Day with Loki by @mysecretlittlelibrary
Peak domestic bliss vibes in this piece, I can't say anything other than I love how cozy it all felt 🥹
Close to You by @michelleleewise
I'm still hurting over this ngl 🥲 Miscommunication trope and the subsequent lashing out gave angst that hurt so good but Loki better be treating her like a queen after this or else we're gonna have words 🙂
keeping Loki waiting in Sakaar ask by @sarahscribbles
It is borderline criminal for a drabble this short to have me staring at the ceiling from the smut 😩
Altar by @chubbyreaderchan
When I tell you this is peak banger after banger smut, and that title has more meaning than you think 🥴🫠
Too Darn Hot by @lokis-little-fawn
Triggering Loki's breeding kink and also some peak use of his naturally colder Jotun anatomy for some creative ways to cool down in the hot Asgard summer? When I tell you I sprinted laps after this--🥵
The Ceremony by @smolvenger
Loving fiance-turned-husband Loki and some bedding ceremony smut. No you heard me right. Bedding ceremony. With chanting. God help me I needed to run a few kilometers when I finished this--🫠
A Gentlemen's Bond by @lokisgoodgirl
Listen. When LGG posts something you know you're in for a good time. But this was…above and beyond. This absolute queen wrote a foursome smut shot with the same Loki & Agent from 'A Gentlemen's Agreement' and had me clutching walls and screeching at an ungodly hour of my mornight. 🥵🥵🥵 …And also still has me wondering if Steve has something he'd like to share with the class 😂😏
Asgard by @oliwrites
A besties to lovers with an adorable love confession and a smut scene that had a line that shot me out of a cannonball and straight dead into the water 🥴🫡
Behind the Pollen by @hollyiswritinglokiagain
This one took me all the way OUT 🥵😮‍💨 Soft doting boyfriend Loki turned horny boyfriend Loki with size kink and back again?! I wasn't ready and I'm still thinking about the bit with the stomach bulge HELP--
Spicy by @lotsoflokilove23
Soft smut with a 'willing to wait until you're ready' vibes Loki that was just the softest horny lil muffin the entire way through goddamn I'm still soft over this one--
King Henry V x Reader
Arise Fair Sun by @smolvenger
Mutual pining + a balcony confession + A KITH??? Disney take notes because this is how you write a love confession scene that will have your audience outright swooning 🫠
Magnus Martinsson x Reader
petting zoo drabble ask by @ladyfluff
Just the image of the precious meow meow being a dad is enough to have me melting, but mix that in with a petting zoo setting? I am a puddle because it's so fluffy 🥹
Thomas Sharpe x Reader
Reading While He Works by @foxgloveprincess
Peak adorable domestic bliss vibes in the Victorian Era with Thomas being a reassuring lil meow meow that just wants to have his wife around even if they just sit in comfortable silence? Lemme just…melt real quick 🫠
Coriolanus x Reader
The One I Desire by @five-miles-over
The grumpy x sunshine was so strong in this and the way this gave us a feisty sunshine reader was just the ultimate vibe for me 👏👏 And the dream?? 🥵 Yet another story that has me wanting more of this couple 💖
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Falling Star by @mochie85
Tom being immediately infatuated with YN and seeing her as a calming presence on such a nerve-wracking night? Yes pls sign me all the way up. And that ending omg 🥴🫠
For England by @lokischambermaid
Soccer Aid Hiddles smut. Latex dress. A touch of potentially years long pining from Tom's end. I'm not kidding I needed to sprint a good 3km after reading this and I still didn't cool down. "Then bend" has me in a chokehold and I may or may not be putting on my running shoes again just thinking about it 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Bucky x Reader
Safe and Sound by @witchywithwhiskey (part 2 here)
Pretty sure this is the part where I shamelessly tell y'all I have a thing for the dbf trope 🥴🫡 And the way that this delivers and then some 👏👏 Part 1 had me melting for how he just comforted her without hesitation, and Part 2 had me kicking my feet and squealing and squirming from the dirty talk and how he checked in with her and the love confession 🥵🫠
Wanderlust by @mochie85
A pining best friend Bucky agreeing to go on a potential months long road trip with Reader to make sure she keeps safe?? And also resisting the urge to touch and kith the dimple?? The pining is immaculate in this drabble and has me wanting more 🥹💖
Pure of Heart by @rookthorne
Another best friend Bucky and this was so full of tender lil moments all before the fluffy ending that had me hitting the pillow from how cute these two were. And to top it all of: doggos!! 💖🫠
no more losers by @witchywithwhiskey
Face riding + they were roommates?? Scorching hot smut with a reveal at the end that gave this just the right amount of fluff that had me melting into my seat 👏👏
On the Edge by @sidepartskinnyjeans
I was living for the slutty banter between these two while they were edging each other with her wand 🥵🥵🥵 Honestly thank goodness I started reading Bucky stories otherwise I wouldn't have found this masterpiece of filth 👏👏
Devour by @frostironfudge
Mafia boss vibes with vacation hornies really had me clutching pillows and staring at the wall. It should be illegal for drabbles to be this hot honestly 🥵😮‍💨
Sherlock Holmes (Cavill) x Reader
drunken sex ask by @imyourbratzdoll
Drunk, tender, and feral Sherlock got my brain cells struggling to do anything except conjure up many many thots 🥵
Fingerprints by @tadhana-writes
A flustered Sherlock and a story where the case details have me wanting more 👏👏
Clark Kent/Superman x Reader
You're My To-Do List by @hannibals-favourite-meal
Domestic bliss with hornies…and it's Cavill's Superman, do I really need to say more 🥴🫡
Ari Levinson x Reader
her lifeguard ask by @imyourbratzdoll
Loyal bf Ari entertaining thoughts of drowning the people making his lil baby feel insecure and then proceeding to fuck the insecurities out of her?? On the beach?? Where anyone could walk by and see them?? I'm weak 🫠
be quiet for me ask by @imyourbratzdoll
dbf!Ari with a touch of fluff got me weak. (and also got me realizing I have the biggest soft spot for this trope aaaaaaaa 🫠)
her favorite truckdriver and his favorite camgirl ask by @imyourbratzdoll
This had me moving up a book with a similar trope (OF Creator FMC x Single Dad MMC) a good few spots on my book TBR because holy fuckque it's so good and I need more 🥵🫠
You Said I Was Your Favorite by @frostironfudge
The angsty start of this had me clutching the wall from the hurt omg, but the smutty ending had me just staring at the ceiling for a good while 🥴🫡
Stepdad!Ari showing you adult movies ask by @evansbby
Conflicted reader having an internal war between her hornies and her rational thinking really got me on this one. Like I'm living for her intrapersonal dynamic and I'd love to see which side would win out in the end 😳🫡
Kraven x Reader
The Hunter by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Primal kink. Forest smut. If this is the type of top shelf smut content we get from just the trailer, I better ready some ice water and new running shoes for October when we get the entire movie 🥵🫠
You Better Run by @cockslutpadalecki
Primal kink and restraints?? I wouldn't wanna be taken off his list, either 🥵🫡
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Thomas Sharpe x Reader
the final Lady Sharpe part 3: unorthodox signals
Loki x Reader
what makes a princess
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
a sizing mishap a tale of ice baths and hot sauce
idek what this is except crack
the best view in Old Trafford (aka Grass POV)
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codename-adler · 2 months
for the wip game: dtyfstdf always & forever!!!! NEED an update ‼️ been reading/following since the beginning 💖
you get the first draft of chapter 21 because it has been completely scrapped! (instead of starting in the pool, the boys will have already trained and are now hitting the showers...) this is still ok i think? just not to my liking / not inspiring me no more. thank you for your unwavering support with this slow fic, this is the best <3
Aaron did not want to know what Kevin had said to convince Wymack to get the keys to the pool from the swim coach, and he didn’t ask Kevin how Wymack got said keys from said swim coach either. It did not matter. Not now, when Aaron was floating in the largest body of water he’d ever had the chance to approach. He tried not to think about how that was probably another thing he had in common with Josten, sheltered asocial bastard that he was. He tried not to think of the asshole, end of the line. No matter the hours that had passed since their fight, no matter how ensconced the pool made him feel, Josten’s words rang from wall to wall inside his skull. 
What good are you, then?
What good are you?
Be useful.
Do something!
Resident coward.
What good are you?
What good are you?
What good are you?
What good are you?
What good are you?
“Five minutes are up, stop trying to morph into a starfish. We do two other reps like this one, then we move on to weights,” Kevin snapped at Aaron.
“Weights? I’m not doing weights in the pool, Day,” Aaron  bit back before pulling away into his second rep the set they’d just done. He swam as fast as he could, head above water in a disgraceful; attempt at front crawl, his leg muscles killing him after such disuse. 
“You body can’t handle the pressure otherwise! It’s the only way!” Kevin yelled after him, using his hands to amplify his voice.
Your body can’t handle the pressure.
Your body can’t handle it.
You can’t handle it.
You can’t handle it.
You can’t handle the pressure.
Aaron swam away faster, shoulders rolling, feets kicking, anger fuming. Kevin let him be. He watched Aaron’s form carefully, trying to spot any weakness or any pain through his motions. The waves and splashes didn’t make his job easy, but he’d rather be right here in the pool, standing in the shallow end, than outside on the ground, or up on the lifeguard post. He had to show Aaron they were in this together. Kevin didn’t take this unusual training lightly. He wanted to show Aaron he was in this, with him. He also had to admit that the water did wonders to cool off his temper. 
They never had swim training in the Nest, probably because drowning a teammate or two would be far easier than killing them on the court. He’d heard the swim team was pretty strong, though. The Ravens could have done with some pool time, though, if Kevin was being honest with himself. The rhythm of the water, however irregular it may be, was a constant, just like a ball hitting the plexiglass; the water relaxed things, people, even those as wound up as Kevin. It put things in perspective, too. How your body suddenly became something else entirely, how your perspective suddenly shifted on all matters. That was more likely to have been the reason behind the strict no-pooltime rule the Master had implemented. On the court, everything needed to be in focus, all your skills honed for a single purpose, your mind and eyes zeroed in on a single thought: win. In the pool, you were small, free, and weightless. There was no win or lose. Only the water, and whether you let it carry you or drown you.
As Aaron passed him for the 30th and last time, he followed him to the edge. Aaron readjusted his long-sleeved shirt again as it floated up and away from his abdomen. Kevin hadn’t questioned that choice, but his own shirtlessness was enough to convey his comment. Hydrodynamics and all that jazz. Aaron saw Kevin about to continue arguing about the weights thing again so he cut him off before the words tumbled out of his mouth.
“I’m not doing weights in the pool, Kevin, I’m not. We don’t even have weights right now. You thought you could just leave me here and what, run to our gym in your swim trunks? Barefoot? What would the press say, huh?” he said.
“Aaron, it’ll be a cool down exercise. Sort of. I’m sure the swim team has some pool weights in the back room,” Kevin replied.
“A cool down exercise? We are in the water. How much more cooling do you need?” Aaron deadpanned.
“Aaron. You promised.”
Aaron glared, but relented. “I did.”
Kevin nodded and gracefully got out of the pool in one pull up. As he watched him walk away, Aaron was reminded again of the long way he had to go. He used to bench press Kevin’s weight before. Now he had to use the stupid ladder to get out of the shallow part of a pool. 
Unsurprisingly, Kevin didn’t have access to the pool’s material, and so he walked back empty handed, discarding his previous plan unfazed and already making multiple new ones in his head. Slowly approaching as to not break his damn neck on the wet floor, he watched Aaron who, lost in his thoughts, had resumed his floating around.  
find dance 'til you find someone to die for on my ao3
i swear it's updating really soon!!!
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