#Badass OC
astronova-00 · 1 year
My take of the ‘Mudblood’ situation with my oc Eden. Lily is like a user and only takes what she wants (in this oneshot).
“ENOUGH!” She yelled as the Great Hall went silent. “I am sick and tired of hearing you apologise to her when she doesn’t want to hear it. Severus you are better than this.”
“But nothing! Lily is being a bitch.”
“How dare you..!” Lily interrupted, as she got up from her seat next to James Potter and started to walk up to the black haired girl near the professor’s table. (Lily glared at her boyfriend to not do nor say anything and he angrily nodded his head).
“Shut up Lily! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE! Not everything is about fucking you!” Eden yelled as she glared into her second oldest friend’s green eyes.
“Do you know what he called me?” Lily asked as her face flushed with anger, finally they were talking about the incident that happened a few weeks ago.
“Do I know what happened? Yeah, I was there. Your little dick of a boyfriend hung Severus upside down and made him choke on fucking soap and the best fucking part? Stripped him naked in front of everyone! ISN’T THAT AWESOME? YOU KNOW WHAT’S EVEN GREATER?” Eden panted as she closed her hands into fists and stepped closer to Lily until their noses were barely touching, “You smiled. You smiled and laughed. Laughed like he wasn’t your best friend, like he was some laughing stock instead of helping him. You laughed as they stripped him and everyone saw his privates. You laughed as THE FUCKING MARAUDERS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HIM IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!” She gestured widely with her arms and she grabbed the front of Lily’s red and yellow stripped vest.
“You smiled along the joke…smiled at the fact that it was Severus’ own spell that was used to have him up there in the sky. But you think it’s okay to break off with him because he called you a ‘Mudblood’? Breaking news, he’s a halfblood so the word applies to him too, to the three of us. But that doesn’t matter right? Now you have the perfect excuse to stop hanging around him, around us just because everyone told you to. You are such a bitch that you couldn’t stand the fact that you might not be in the spotlight unless you dropped the dead weight. You saw the opportunity to grab James Potter’s attention before he got bored of you. You disgust me Evans. Never fucking talk to Severus or I.”
Eden grabbed Severus’ hand and stormed out the Great Hall with a smile on her face and could hear the breath of relief behind her.
“Holy shit.”
Once they reached the stairs, the two turned to one another. “Holy shit indeed.”
“You are quite stupid and idiotic for doing that. Although I must say I appreciate it.” Severus thanked as they began to walk down them.
“Jesus Sev, it’s just me. You ain’t gotta put on the Queen Lizzie accent. And you dropped your little shy boy act.” Eden said with a cheeky smile as she punched Severus’ arm.
“It wasn’t a act, and no I must sound proper at all times. You sound like Tobias when you speak like that.” He rolled his eyes and casted them down.
“I don’t sound like no drunk.”
“Point proven.”
“…Shut up.”
The conversation died down as they walked down the dungeons and stopped upon the dorms’ entrance, “Alright smart guy, what’s the password?”
“Ferit aliquando anguis.” The door slid open and the pair made their way inside.
Inside was fairly empty with a few first years lingering around and chatting by the windows. The pair decided to take the warmest couch rarest away from the windows and sat together for a while.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime Sev.”
It wasn’t until later when dinner was over, and Narcissa (along with Barty, Evan, William, Bruce, and Regulus) came down to the common room, that the pair realised they forgot their bags.
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alittlebit0fmayhem · 2 years
The quotes below are all things she will say in the fanfic I'm working on, enjoy...
“Question my parentage as you please uncle, I can proudly claim my mother isn’t a usurperous cunt who must stand behind her status for protection. Can you?”
"Touch me with those filthy hands one more time, and they will hang on my wall."
"...You are my brother, killing for you is obligatory."
"...For you, I'd burn them all."
"You'd be wise to consider how much you value your life next time you attempt to humiliate the first born daughter of Daemond Targaryen."
"Wondrous speech that was uncle, may I have a go?"
"...I, Visenya Targaryen, second of my name, daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Daemond Targaren, princess of Dragonstone, protecter of women, have heeded your demands, and thus I respond with only three inspiring words. Go. Fuck. Yourself."
"And must I remind you mother, I despise men. The whole lot of them, no matter they be handsome or ugly, rich or poor. Their breath's smell of dragon piss all the same."
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Am I only one who feels like if you draw ASOIAF anything you get this arty style specific to nearly all other ASOIAF artists?
Ngl I need get more references to Clegane's keep.
I actually wanted just to colour n shade and go to next in my drafts folder, but as someone who was art representative of school as child, perfectionism is forged in my brain too deep so here we are.
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The Air She Feeds Me Is Damned - Chapter 5 (a Barry/HBO AU Fanfic)
It's been three years since Barry bolted, leaving LA after the breakup, disappearing before Moss started asking questions. Now, he's living on the East Coast, under a new name, working a string of shitty, under-the-radar jobs. Oh, he's still quietly falling apart, but at least his hands are clean. Barry Berkman's perfectly fine, thankyouverymuch, until he witnesses a murder - and he can't stop fantasizing about the woman who committed it.
If you haven't been here from the jump (and you wanna), the story starts here at AO3: Clickity Click Click
Otherwise, so-far readers, read on.
Chapter 5
He’s in her car when he passes out. Well, he isn’t quite sure it’s her car—there’s a stone-silent driver in the front seat of the white compact who is heavyset and bald and wearing sunglasses (at night…Barry sings in his addled head)—but Barry makes it about five minutes after being shoved into the cramped backseat before his adrenaline drops and he starts slurring. 
The streets outside his window swim past in a frantic, blurry haze, and he grips the empty passenger’s seat in front of him with his uninjured side, to steady himself.
“Where are we goin?”
His tongue feels thick, and his arm feels as though it’s been set on fire. He smiles stupidly, bitterly, thinking—you sleep in the anthill, Barry. You got the fire ants.
Blood runs from his now-soaked sleeve, down the center of his palm, dripping off of his index and pointer fingers and onto the seat beside him—the empty seat between them. He watches it collect from a single drop, to another, and another, until a small puddle forms. He can’t tear his eyes away from the spreading crimson, touches his finger to the pool every time a new drop trembles at the tip of his fingernail, releasing just a little more of what is left of him. Funny, funny, funny. What is there, really, that’s left of him? Barry watches as his blood spreads in minute degrees across the cheap vinyl, soaking down the fabric front of the upholstery. 
She hasn’t answered him, so he swivels his head toward her, swallowing against the dizziness that comes along with the movement. He wishes she hadn’t put the mask back up. He wants to see her here, up close. But she’s covered up, as always, and she’s staring out the window opposite him, her hand on a 9mm that’s holstered at her near hip.
“Ssssorry ’bout your sssseat,” he whispers. Darkness edges his vision as she turns toward him.
“No worries,” she says, as though he is apologizing for spilling soda, and not an alarmingly increasing amount of plasma that would be better kept inside of him. “This car’s seen more blood than just yours.”
He wants to laugh, but the pain in his shoulder is tightening his chest muscles, making it hard to draw even the shallow breaths he’s managing. “Not, um”—he winces—“exactly a mobster’s typical getaway car.”
Her eyes, the only thing that he can see, flash with something like anger, but the muted amber depths cool quickly. Oh, she has more than one mask, he croons in his head.
“Movies ruined the black SUV for bad guys,” she says with a shrug, her lashes fluttering as she drops her gaze to where her bullet had pierced him. She leans over, reaches across the seat and over him, and pulls the seatbelt across his chest, clicking it into place once she’s pulled it down diagonally to where the receptacle peeks from beside his own hip. “It’s a shame. Those things were like apartments on wheels. Now, you drive one, everyone thinks you’re The Family or The Feds.”
Barry stares at the seat belt buckle. “You can get in trouble for impersonating a Fed,” he deadpans.
“The Family was sick of getting mistaken for them,” she quips. “Plus, do you know the gas mileage on those giant motherfuckers? Astronomical. Costs a fucking fortune to park them, if you can find a decent spot in the city. The whole thing was a logistical nightmare. My father’s solution was this.” She waves a gloved hand at the compact.
Barry’s breath is getting quicker, shallower. His angel leans over again, whispers conspiratorially. “But, you see, he doesn’t exactly know that I borrow the cars. These little run-ins we’ve had are just because you have an uncanny way of being around for my extracurriculars.”
Her hand is flat on the seat, an inch from the puddle of his blood. As the seat cushion dips, the new incline makes a tiny rivulet of red run down, kissing the tip of her gloved ring finger. Barry’s mouth runs dry—but that could be the blood loss.
“Princess,” Barry says, realization dawning. “Not an angel. You’re a princess.”
He wishes he could see her smile, but all he gets is the suggestion of it in her eyes. “You could say,” she agrees. “And I’m taking you back to my tower. Dig that lead out of you. Talk about how you can be useful, since you’re too stubborn to keep to ground. Sound good?”
Three more lines of red streak down the vinyl to wet her fingers. Barry inches his own hand closer to hers, heedless of the blood, aching to lace his fingers with hers.
The compact hits a particularly egregious pothole. Barry snaps forward, and the seatbelt locks, catching him.
Pain lances through his shoulder like wildfire, and the same seatbelt keeps him from slumping sideways as the blackness that has been threatening makes good, and Barry succumbs.
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Trauma Henderson Masterlist (Steve Harrington/Emilie Henderson)
Emilie Henderson was damaged. Everyone knew what happened to her. Or at least, they knew enough. When she was thirteen she went camping with her father and they both went missing for nearly two weeks until Emilie was found barely alive with deep wounds from an unknown origin and her father was found with his eyes caved in and his bones cracked.
She was in a coma for thirteen weeks when she came back she had no memory of what happened. Doctors said the trauma was so great that the young girl blocked it out. But ever since then, she kept having nightmares of a place. Like this world but cold and dark. She lived with the Byers as she became friends with Jonathan and was like a daughter to Joyce until her brother and mother were able to move to Hawkins with her due to complications.
She's now known at the traumatized girl of Hawkins High with the freak brother, yet somehow she is Steve "The Hair" Harrington's best friend albeit their relationship has gotten rocky. She deals with normal things along with her nightmares and trauma-school, bullies, insecurities, and being in love with her best friend.
But when Will Byers goes missing and odd occurrences start happening, Emilie's memories start coming back.
Pre-Season One:
Prologue (Early to Mid September of 1979)
Season One/November 6, 1983 to December 12, 1983:
Season One Cast
Emilie Henderson 1983 Bio
The Vanishing of Will Byers (November 6 to November 7 of 1983)
The Weirdo On Maple Street (November 7 to November 8 of 1983)
Holly Jolly (November 8 to November 9 of 1983)
The Body (November 10 of 1983)
The Flea and the Acrobat (November 10 to November 11 of 1983)
The Monster (November 11 to November 12 of 1983)
The Bathtub (November 12 of 1983)
The Upside Down (November 12 to November 13 of 1983 + Epilogue taking place on December 12 of 1983)
Post Season One/Pre-Season Two
Season Two Prolouge: Summer of 1984
Season Two/October 29 to December 15 of 1984)
Season Two Cast
Emilie Henderson 1984 Bio
MADMAX (October 29 to October 30 of 1984)
Trick or Treat, Freak (October 31 of 1984)
The Pollywog (October 31 to November 1 of 1984)
Will the Wise (November 1 to November 2 of 1984)
Dig Dug (November 2 to November 3 of 1984)
The Spy (November 3 to November 4 of 1984)
The Lost Sister (November 3 to November 4 of 1984) ???
The Mind Flayer (November 4 to November 5 of 1984)
The Gate (November 5 of 1984 + Eplilogue taking place on December 25 of 1984)
Season Three/June 28 to Unspecified Time Between September or October of 1985)
Season Three Cast
Emilie Henderson 1985 Bio
Suzie, Do You Copy? (June 28 to June 29 of 1985)
The Mall Rats (June 30 of 1985)
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (July 1 of 1985)
The Sauna Test (July 2 of 1985)
The Flayed (July 3 of 1985)
E Pluribus Unum (July 3 to July 4 of 1985)
The Bite (July 4 of 1985)
The Battle of Starcourt (July 4 to July 5 + Epilogue Taking Place on Unspecified Time in September or October of 1985)
Season Three Epilouge Flashback/Prologue: May to June of 1985: Camp Know-Where (Flashback)
Season Four/March 21 to March 29 of 1986)
Season Four Cast
Emilie Henderson 1986 Bio
The Hellfire Club (March 21 of 1986)
Vecna's Curse (March 21 to March 22 of 1985)
The Monster and the Superhero (March 22 to March 23 of 1986)
Dear Billy (March 23 to March 24 of 1986)
The Nina Project (March 24 to March 25 of 1986)
The Dive (March 25 to 26 of 1986)
The Massacure at Hawkins Lab (March 26 to March 27 of 1986)
Papa (March 27 of 1986)
The Piggyback (March 27 of 1986 + Epilogue Taking Place on March 29 of 1986)
Season Five (Rumored to Air in Late 2025 or early 2026; Time Jump Length Currently Unknown)
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skelevall · 2 months
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a hoonter must hoont
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dogontwolegs · 9 months
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wulf the wolf
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roadwanderer · 2 months
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save me chinese stealth armor… chinese stealth armor save me…
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kabewski · 11 months
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Draw your squad like this
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arcxus-of-altihex · 4 months
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Ruan ref!! Or well, I wanted to revamp his design for 2024 so here he is.
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alittlebit0fmayhem · 2 years
Merciless Devotion
Finally finished the first chapter of my HOTD fic!!!
I am only gonna be updating on Ao3 because these chapters a SUPER long and the format just doesn't really work for Tumblr.
However I'm uploading the summary as well as some of the first chapter here and the link to my Ao3 for those interested!
Also ya'll better not give me shit for my username I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY OKAY?
Details listed below:
Pairing: Fem!Targaryen!Oc x Aemond Targaryen. (It may come off as an X Aaegon at first but it is NOT)
It was a dark and bloodied secret, one shrouded by girlish pain, and a longing for something that many believed could never have been; Rhaenyra Targaryen had always wanted a daughter.
By the time of her 17th nameday, Visenya Targaryen is know to Westeros as a dragon forged from blood. As a girl she is the very essence of joy and mischief, as a woman she is scorned and broken. Aemond Targaryen knows he shouldn't want her, and she hates herself for wanting him. For wanting the man that would one day kill her brother. They are both well aware of their limitations, but in the throws of war and desire they care to uphold them with same amount of strength as a string about to snap.
Warnings: General 18+ smutty shenanigans happen later, but all the specific warnings are on my Ao3.
Enjoy this little snip. <3
--- --- ---
Full chapter available here.
It was a dark and bloodied secret, one shrouded by girlish pain, and a longing for something that many believed could never have been; Rhaenyra Targaryen had always wanted a daughter. 
When she was a girl, and would fly on the back of Syrax all day, and feast on candied fruits all night, it was a sister she yearned for. That was before, before her father had selfishly droven her mother to the stranger all for his plight for a rightful heir. 
Before she was forced to call her best friend mother, and before she realized that the life of luxury given by her forefathers was a pit of snakes disguised as dragons. 
As a woman grown, with the world praying nightly for her downfall, all due to the sex that sat between her legs, she wished in a different style.
There were few women in her life she could call friends, even less she could call family. She wished for a girl that would love her unconditionally. A girl who would sit still, and let Rhaenyra braid her hair, and fill her ears with the words she wished her father had been brave enough to tell her. And selfishly in her own right, she wanted nothing more than to watch the bastards of Westeros weep, as their lady queen named another woman heir. 
Through anguish and sacrifice, through perseverance and damage, she would attain her wish. And even then, she would come to learn its pay off would have its challenges. 
Screaming painted the walls of the Red Keep the night Visenya Velaryon drew her first breath. 
The maesters and ladymaids alike flurried around the birthing chamber as Rhaenyra roared. Many would recount that it was not unlike that of a dragon. 
Rheanrya was a young mother, not as young as her stepmother had been when she birthed her brother Aegon, but young regardless. Visenya’s birth alone nearly killed her, and Rhaenrya herself was convinced it would have, if the gods hadn’t willed it so. 
There was intention behind Visenya’s namesake, in a faroff past, it had been what Rhaenrya had wanted to name a sister. Her reasoning changed with age, at first she gave worship to Visenya’s name because she wanted a warrior, now, she needed a queen. 
When she heard the word “girl” uttered in regards to her baby's sex, she wept even harder from the joy alone. That joy didn’t diminish, not even when she laid eyes on her, and realized Visenya would be like no other child. 
Visenya Velaryon, had the skin and face of her mother, it was her hair that drew a gasp from her Rhaenyra's lips. 
Not only was Visenya given hair as dark as a certain Strong lord, but the front chunk of which framed the left side of her face, was silver as steel. 
That day forth, she was dubbed a freak by many who’d never dare say it to her face. A twisted combination of dragon and warrior, with pointed blue eyes, and a rouge smirk. 
Straight from birth, she had a pit of enemies. She was under a year younger than her aunt, Princess Haelena. And to her Uncle Aegon, whom was two years her senior, she was a direct threat. 
Even as a toddler he was reminded of that fact daily, whether it be by his mother, or his grandfather. They were conditioning him, training him to hate the little girl who might one day become her mother’s heir. 
And yet, when he stood over her cradle that same night, and peered at the babe no bigger than a bear cub who laid next to a scalding dragon egg, he felt differently. 
Unlike many other newborns, she peered up at him with an almost unsettling focus, blue eyes clashing with violet ones. It was that same moment a seed in Aegon’s heart would plant, that would prohibit him from ever truly hating the girl who’s mother wanted his crown.
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mimi0mizu · 6 months
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damn forgot abt tumblr- anyway drew rouge for ace’s bday cuz i dont like him ♥︎
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henneseyhoe · 6 months
Milk Marie
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Unique x BLACK!FEM!reader
WARNINGS: unprotected seggs(wrap before you tap!), dirty talk, after care, soft(ish)!Unique, pussy whipped!Unique, kinda short, das it(I think)
SUMMARY: Unique figures if he can’t get over her, he’ll get under her instead.
Girl, I want everything that come with you. Even if you got stretch marks and even two children. I can’t blame you, girl.
It seemed like he always ended back up here. Right here. In this bed. With this woman. Wrapped up in her sheets with his hands touching all the parts only the luckiest of men got the pleasure of even seeing. He swore they were meant to be, and she almost thought so too. He treated her so well, like the beauty she was, and she couldn’t be more grateful.
They had known each other since the sandbox, his mother always offering to watch her while her mother was at work and since that first time they met, they were connected at the hip.
No matter if they fell out and swore to stop fuckin’ with each other, they always ended right back together. No matter how many times she attempted to leave, he’d just find her again.
He hoped by the last time she left he’d be too tired of her bullshit to follow after her, but he was more resilient than he thought, and withdrawals are a muthafucka. Now he knows how the people he serves feel.
That first taste he had of her? It was like a babies first lick of sugar, addiction waiting to happen. The first time he came was like floating in outer space with no destination or desire to be anywhere else. And as ironic as it was, she looked innocent on her knees for him.
Her mouth worked its way down on him until the tip of her nose touched his stomach and her eyes began to water, her throat capturing his entire length. With no problem, she bobbed her head up and down on him, her mouth so sloppy that spit escaped from her lips and trailed down to his balls, making him shudder.
She took her hand and began spreading the spit around his heavy sack, massaging as she felt him throb in her mouth, the taste of precum already being prevalent on her tongue. He occupies his hands and digs his fingers into the couch cushions, knowing that she would stop and he’d be fucked if he reached for her freshly done silk press that was wrapped in a silk scarf, secure for those rough times.
Flashes of white appeared behind his eyes like stars as that familiar pull in the bottom of his stomach appeared once again, a warm sense of feeling covering his body as he came down her throat for the first time in months since he found out where she had been hiding. Which just ended up being her childhood home in the city over.
It took unique all but a mere few seconds to recover before he was pulling her up from her knees and into his strong hold, giving her that kiss of death before he got to doing his own damage. As he stood from the couch with no care about the jeans and belt still around his thighs, their tongues danced together in sync. Unique could taste every bit of both of them on her tongue, but he was never one to fuss about kissing after head if it was with her. He welcomed it if anything.
Tossing her body onto the bed, he takes a second to admire how the room hadn’t changed one bit since she became an adult. A doll house sat in the corner with dolls still inside, a memory of the last time she had played with them. Teddy bears that had eventually fallen off the bed when she was sat. Pink walls with brown, white, and gold for the future. A color pallet reminding him of something else in particular.
“Nique~” She moaned sweetly, her hands gripping the sheets underneath her as the man above her pushed his hips onto her ass, his piece sinking into her ever so slowly. The stretch was always the same, the thickness of him leaving a burning sensation at her entrance the more he pushed into her, but it only stayed for a few seconds as she adjusted to his size, which was nothing average.
The thrusts were sensual and loving until he leans up off of her and pulls out just a bit further than usual, giving her the room to pull her ass up in the air and put a perfect arch in her back. She began bouncing herself back onto him, gaining speed and momentum as he meets her ass with his hips.
“Oh fuck..” He groans quietly.
His eyes were trained on the motions of her soft skin jiggling with every collide of their bodies. His thrusts only got harder from there, segments of moans falling from the girls lips. He didn’t even have to tell her how wet she was, the squelching sounds erupting from where they connected told her all she needed to know.
Switching the angle of his thrusts, he places one knee onto the bed and leans into her, his hands placed in the middle of her back just to make sure she wouldn’t be able to run from the lethal position. And running, she did not do, couldn’t do because of how he was holding her. Suddenly the bed dipped under them both with the strong force of his thrust making her collapse on her stomach, leaving the girl breathless after calling out to the highest one she worshipped.
“You feel that, baby? I’m in it?” He asks with his breathing unsteady, his balls tightening and her toes curling.
“Yes, Nique!”
She was in shambles trying to keep up with him. She could feel the tip of his dick pressing against her g spot, constantly slamming into it like a button, like he’d get some kind of prize if he pushed it correctly. He fucked her so hard, sweet compliments being the only things that contradicted the rough strokes. She could hear the belt buckle of his pants jingling around his ankles, remembering that they had barely been undressed fully before Unique got impatient and just shoved his pants down and her nightgown up before pushing her to her knees.
As Unique continued on with damn near breaking this girls childhood bed, he thought to himself. This was the pussy that niggas killed for. The type pussy that’d have you bussing back to back without a second thought about a condom. This was the pussy he thought about on those lonely nights when she was mad at him, when he had to take matters into his own hands and desperately jerk himself off, his mouth agape and muscles flexing as he cums all over his stomach to the beautiful thought that was her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She whimpers. At this point she could feel him poking at her stomach and being pressed against the mattress helped nothing. He would probably fuck her through the cushion if he could.
“Uh-huh. Cum on this dick, Princess. Lemme feel you wet this dick up, show me how good I make this pussy feel” He spoke, punching nothing but a thick 9 inch pole into her spine. The man gave her no choice but to scream and give him exactly what he wanted, which was her release.
Between her thighs were messy and wet, coated with a layer of white cream that was from both of them. Unique gently wiped her down with a wet towel, careful not to swipe over her sensitive clit too fast or harsh.
“Shhh—“ She hissed, her thighs almost closing in on his hand. Unique’s eyes flickered from her core up to her expression. “My bad” He simply apologized before tossing away the dirty rag in a hamper next to the bed. Laying next to her on his back, he sighs. “you gon’ learn to stop running from what you love”
She smiles, turning her head to look at the side of his face, getting a view of that nearly perfect profile. “Who says I love you, Unique?”
He smirks. “I don’t need a second opinion on a fact”
And the cycle continues…
Woke up and remembered I forgot the taglist chile! LMFAO(some tags aren’t showing up, dk why!)
🏷️ @thatone-girly @notapradagurl7 @swavydadon @miyahmaraj @planetblaque @msinterlude @milkiboo @bloodripleygal @stevelacyballs @naj-ay444 @blackelysian @shaolyninferno
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kurakuradon · 9 months
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💀🏛️ 𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖉𝖘 🏛️💀
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cupophrogs · 4 months
I'm running backwards up a halfpipe/pos
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Welcome to the game, Daneilla (Danny)Darling! I’m still working on her main-world design, so her Space Riders fit is all I have for now. I’m almost done though! I think y’all will like her!
Anyways, Danny is a young Aerospace Welder and Engineer, and lives on the Intergalactic Emergency Sub-Station: a company, and space station dedicated to preserving life and safe travel through the cosmos. When she’s not traveling with other crews as an on-call engineer for dangerous voyages, Danny is dispatched across worlds to complete maintenance checkups on passing ships and other space stations.
Personally, Danny is a flexible, relaxed young woman with a steady hand and a quick mind. She loves her job, and she’s not working or napping, she enjoys dancing and debating silly questions like weather there are more wheels or doors in the world (she will always say wheels). She isn’t put on the front lines often, considering her lack of supernatural abilities, but her cunning and resourcefulness always keeps her opponents guessing. Her favorite drink is Horchata!
(Space Riders au belongs to @onyxonline)
Alt ref and close ups!
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