#Ballot Fraud
kinialohaguy · 26 days
Liberté Perdue
Aloha kākou. Liberté Perdue. Once the government controls the free flow of information, nothing else exists except approved state-run propaganda. When Marxist democrats say President Trump is a threat to democracy, but then restricts free speech upon others, then their definition of free speech comes into question. There are very few social media sites that allow free expression on their…
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reality-detective · 1 month
Just to be clear:
Monkeypox or bird flu don’t actually have to be legitimate threats in order for the Deep State to accomplish their goals.
They just need an excuse to put more mail-in ballots in circulation.
They just need a “global health emergency” on paper, in order to enact emergency powers and Democrat governors can send out millions of mail-in ballots to every registered voter. They harvest the ballots, stop the counting in the swing states at 3:00 AM on election night, then deliver the harvested ballots to Democrat districts in contested swing states, and the steal is on.
That's how it's done. 🤔
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ophilosoraptoro · 1 year
2020 Voter Fraud EXPOSED
Remember those names:
GBI Strategies
Gary Bell
Black PAC
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walks-the-ages · 2 months
Anyways, Pro-Palestine friends in the USA:
if you want a third party candidate who is Pro-Palestine and wants to end the genocide, please do not get fooled by Jasmine Sherman (they/them) 's big claims of having Ballot Access in 48 states!
They've been claiming 48 state access for at least three months now (thanks, timestamps on Reddit), which means they've been claiming to have ballot acces in 48 states since April or May of 2024......
.....but on checking various state voter websites, Jasmine Sherman is on none of the ballots they claim to be, let alone under "the Unicorn Party" which doesn't even officially exist, let alone on a ballot anywhere.
I've checked, and the one state election website I found that mentioned then was Florida .... Except further reading shows that's from 2022 and while their status is still 'active'..... They still haven't been Qualified for the state's ballot, either!
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Feel free to check your own, individual state government websites as well to confirm!
So yeah, if you're voting for a Free Palestine this November, vote for Jill Stein, someone who actually knows what she's doing and actually follows the regulations needed to actually be on Ballots when the election rolls around, not just claiming to have ballot access in 48 states out of 50 starting NINE MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION which is literally impossible for third party candidates!
Want someone who's an actual real candidate and not a grifter on tiktok?
Vote Jill Stein.
Want someone who actually takes the time to write their actual platform on their website (instead of copying random news article links and hoping no one will notice)?
Vote Jill Stein.
If you're wanted to buy Jill Stein merch such as bumper sticker or yard sign, they have ones that are specifically in support of Palestine, and all profit goes directly to UNRWA!
So you can help spread the word about Jill Stein's campaign (and maybe convince some friends, family, and neighbors to vote for change!) , while all the money goes to aid!
If you've got the money, please also try to support the vetted fundraisers at
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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jangillman · 2 months
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jackassdemocrats · 5 months
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lasseling · 5 months
Federal Court Upholds Major Ruling In Swing-State Mail-In Ballot Case
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nando161mando · 17 days
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Don't you just hate it...?
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kinialohaguy · 3 months
Les Fraude Électorales 2.0
Aloha Lāpule. Remember all those past posts where I rambled on about the Marxist democrats attempting to steal the elections by granting illegal aliens voting rights? The Fake News Media kept saying there was no evidence of voter fraud back in 2020, but today the Marxist democrats are openly trying to allow illegal aliens to vote in the 2024 federal elections. In some blue states, illegals can…
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Video footage released Friday night showing armed individuals sitting near a ballot drop box in Mesa, Arizona is heightening alarm over right-wing intimidation efforts as early voting kicks off across the United States.
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office told a local ABC affiliate that it is investigating several individuals who were watching a Mesa voting location on Friday. The department confirmed that two individuals at the site were armed.
A clip posted to social media by ABC reporter Nicole Grigg shows two masked people dressed in tactical gear observing the ballot drop box.
"This is obviously totally incompatible with liberal democracy and an open society," MSNBC's Chris Hayes wrote in response to the video.
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Maricopa County, the largest county in Arizona, emerged as a key election-denial flashpoint in 2020 as Trump supporters baselessly accused local officials of engaging in fraud to deny the former president a second term. President Joe Biden narrowly won the state in 2020, a victory that was subsequently confirmed by a GOP-led review of the vote count.
Two years later, in the midst of the critical midterm election season, Arizona is once again drawing national attention as right-wing groups animated by false fraud narratives mobilize and harass voters. Making matters worse, election deniers are running for key posts in the state, including governor and secretary of state.
Earlier this week, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs referred to the U.S. Justice Department a report from a Mesa voter who said that a group of people gathered near a ballot drop box filmed and photographed him and his wife as they attempted to vote.
The person said he was accused of "being a mule," a reference to a ballot-stuffing conspiracy theory that's become popular in right-wing circles.
Justin Heywood, a spokesperson for the Maricopa County Recorder's Office, told VICE that "the county supports the referral to the Department of Justice on this potential case of voter intimidation."
"We have received four reports forwarded by the Arizona Secretary of State's Office," Heywood said. "We encourage any voter who feels threatened, harassed, or intimidated to report it. It is unacceptable and unlawful to impede any voter from participating in the election."
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In another complaint that Hobbs forwarded to local election officials, a voter said there were "camo-clad people taking pictures of me, my license plate as I dropped our mail-in ballots in the box."
"When I approached them asking names, group they're with, they wouldn't give anything," the complaint continued. "They asked why I wanted to know, well it's because it's a personal attack."
One individual who was watching a ballot drop box in Maricopa County earlier this week said he was with a group called Clean Elections USA, which declares on its website that it is "asking every patriotic American citizen to join us as we organize to safeguard our elections with a legal presence at every ballot box in each and every state that has them."
The organization's about page features an image of a person submitting a ballot crudely labeled "dead person's vote."
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Concerns about right-wing voter intimidation efforts reach well beyond Arizona.
"While poll watching has been an element of electoral transparency since the 1800s, the practice grew in prominence in the 2020 election cycle due to former President Donald Trump's unfounded allegations of voter fraud," the Associated Press reported in August. "Trump's debunked claim that the 2020 presidential election results were fraudulent has motivated thousands of his supporters to scrutinize elections operations nationwide, intensifying concerns of voter intimidation."
"A survey of county elections directors in late May found violations in 15 North Carolina counties, where officials observed poll watchers harassing voters and attempting to enter restricted areas to view confidential voting records," the outlet noted.
In addition to intimidation efforts at polling sites, recently released police bodycam footage shows cops arresting people accused of voter fraud as part of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' newly formed Office of Election Crimes and Security.
While a Miami judge on Friday dropped charges against one 56-year-old man who was arrested for supposed fraud, rights groups have warned that such arrests could have a chilling effect on voter turnout.
As Politico reported, the man "was among 20 mostly Black defendants arrested in August as part of a voter fraud crackdown led by the Florida Office of Election Crimes and Security. The first wave of arrests, which were announced during a high-profile press conference in mid-August, focused on people previously convicted of felonies who voted despite not having their voting rights restored."
"Yet since those arrests, new information was uncovered showing that most of the defendants were told by state officials that they could vote," Politico added. "In each case, the defendants registered to vote without issue. Election officials with the DeSantis administration processed the voter registrations, which caused confusion among the defendants who believed they were legally allowed to vote."
The ACLU of Florida said in a Wednesday statement that "the timing of these arrests and the respective announcement in August, less than a week from the primary, made clear then that the purpose of this office is to investigate and intimidate Florida voters."
In other key states such as Georgia—which could determine control of the U.S. Senate—voters are running up against barriers established by Republican officials and lawmakers as part of a nationwide voter suppression push.
"Under the state's new Election Integrity Act, Georgia citizens can challenge a voter's eligibility on the state's voting rolls an unlimited number of times," The Guardian reported Saturday. "Right-wing groups, spurred by baseless claims that the 2020 election was rife with voter fraud, have mounted thousands of organized challenges across the state, putting even more pressure on the election process for voters, poll workers, and election officials."
"While most have been dismissed already," the newspaper observed, "more challenges cropped up ahead of early voting."
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tittyblade · 1 year
Oh ya I’ve heard Türkiye is having some elections today, how’s that going? :D
it’s on sunday!!! ive spent the entirety of this morning crying over election coverage LOL. this is the single most important event of my life. yk how every politician says the next election is the most important one so everyone should go out n vote? thats the situation here but quite literally.
on one hand you have islamic extremists (erdoğan. one of the “parties” that support him is literally formed from an extremist cult. the only reason they haven’t all been put on trial is bc erdoğan supports them and he’s only got the extremists’ support left. and also bc years back he declared a nationwide state of emergency and quickly passed multiple laws in succession where. he’s no longer the prime minister but “the sole leader” of turkey. yeah)
and on the opposition there’s a coalition of 6 parties, literally all the major left parties with some nationalists, with their joint candidate kılıçdaroğlu. CHP (the main opposition party) has been center left lately, but its the actual fuckin party that first turned turkey into a republic from a sultanate. its huge. compared to US politics the average left wing party is actually pretty fuckin left here LOL. and they havent won the govt since 1950s (last peaceful n prospering decades of turkey) AND. THEY ACTUALLY STAND A CHANCE. all the polls point towards kılıçdaroğlu winning the elections
and you have no idea how bad it’s been here for the last few years. god. there’s so many shit thats wrong in the country because of the current government. civillians getting arrested for tweets criticizing erdogan, not being able to afford anything, being unable to pay your rent, erdogan (WITH HIS SINGULAR DECISION) withdrawing from the istanbul convention, the femicides being the highest it has ever been since the entire history of the turkey, murdered religious minorities and murdered journalists, tens of thousands of people left alone to die after the earthquakes back in february. its pretty fucking scary living here unless you’re a cishet sunni muslim man.
everyone i know that can afford it has been fleeing the country. sometimes it feels like thats the only option you have unless you want to get killed as a 20 something year old trying to make ends meet. i’m only 20 yo myself and the past 8 years has brought me and everyone under 30 to such a place where the only thing we feel about the future is hopelessness. i feel like ive aged 10 years in the last year alone and i bet anyone thats lived under a similar govt can relate. my countrys politics alone has been robbing me of my youth and my will to live.
AND. DESPITE ALL OF THAT. i have hope for the very first time. i have hope for a better future now bc of the opposition candidate and i have faith in him to deliver his promises. everything thats happened since january he’s been dealing with with grace, and him + mayors from his party actually do shit.
so yeah. the entire course of turkey is gonna change this sunday. if we were to lose this would be the last democratic elections held (the last elections held, period) before erdoğan fully converted the country into an autocracy, and when kılıçdaroğlu wins its gonna become a socialist state, as socialist as it’s ever been since the 1950s. pretty fuckin big stakes
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Bring back paper ballots
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My grandparents warned me when they brought out the machines that election fraud would be too easy. They were too right.
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joe-england · 2 years
Let's talk about a voting PSA....
Listen. This could be important.
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cowboyponobay · 2 years
Nothing to see here
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