#Bamf elrond
I like to think Elrond has punched Sauron in the face. Specifically during the whole Annatar period of time. I feel like Sauron definitely tried to convince Elrond to work with him. Being a part Maia through Luthien (who Sauron definitely still holds a grudge against) would be enough but he’s also one of Fingolfin’s descendants not even to get started on the Edain side of things. And then he sees him fight and the style is almost identical to that of Maedhros Feanorion. So Annatar almost definitely approached him.
And when he tries this he probably tries to probe at all Elrond’s issues. There are a lot of issues to probe at. But Elrond just gets angry. How dare this sketchy motherfucker start trying to convince me my parents didn’t care about me. That’s my emotional trauma and I’ll work through it myself thank you very much. He also knew something was up with this guy the second he met him. Every single bone in his body was telling him to slit this guy’s throat where he stood. He restrains himself purely to avoid causing an incident for Gil Galad to deal with. He settles for decking him and then walking away. He is very much done with enchanted jewellery made by sketchy people coming to elf lords in disguise. He had enough of that in the first age.
I just feel like the Council of Elrond gets way funnier if when Elrond’s doing his recap he just drops in ‘and then I broke darkness personified’s nose,’ before continuing as if he hadn’t said anything. Sauron maintains a healthy wariness of Elrond into the third age. Yes Arwen looks like Luthien and that’s scary but she also looks like a combination of her father and Galadriel and if that’s not terrifying nothing is.
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lucigoo · 7 months
Weekly Roundup: 18th - 25th Feb 2024
Okey Dokey, weekly roundup. Not done to much reading or writing this week. Turns out to many kids bday parties in February wears you the F out... So, I did manage to write 7,826 words this week, with 4 fics (one wip for the first time) upladed. This also includes my 100th Fic uploaded on A03 since last April so im pretty proud of that. So, recs first, then my fics.
I don't belong (and my beloved, neither do you) - FrozenBrownie - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, mpreg, its heartbreaking and beautiful and a hea all rolled into one)
Au Pif - YumeNouveau, sreka - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, misunderstandings, mutual pinning and Wolfstar being idiots, the way we love them. Its very cute)
Wings from Ravens - IShipGayShit_SueMe - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, BAMF Bilbo, with wings. Need I say more)
Wild Wings - DomesticGoddess - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, As always everythign DG worites slaps so hard. This was my first ever wing fic read and i became obsessed its that good)
A Black-feathered Omen - birdkeeperklink (speculating) - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another wing fic, and sad, loely Thorin who needs a hug, or a hobbit...)
Let The Waking Morning Find - sunryder - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, this is legit one of my fav Bagginshield fics ever, its clever and emotional and the thought of the One Ring gaining a body and becoming fixated on Bilob is spine chilling)
So, now for mine
I want you right here, where you belong:Home with us - The Hobbit & Harry Potter (Bagginshield - Wolfstar crossover fic. This is my only wip up, its a special crossover for my 100th fic)
2) Between the forest and the sea, I leave my heart with thee - Lucigoo89 - The Lord of the Rings (An Elrond centric fic where he has seen Arwen die alone, as a father his heart is borken to leave her, as a husband his heart is broken if he stays, part of my KCAWS Writing BIngo 2024)
3)One more hour with you - Lucigoo89 - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, MCD, Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt "Hour of Denial)
4)A heart of stone and Fire in his soul - Lucigoo89 - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, I listened to Ghost of a King by The Grey Havens and this was the result. The pinetree scee from Bilbo's pov, with BAMF Bilbo and hobbit magic)
Hope someone fids something they enjoy and everyone have a great week <3
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Hello! Could you tell me if Sauron got wrecked by a dog before or after he created werewolves?
Sauron made them first! What follows is a recap about the creation of werewolves, the story of Huan, and why the fight is important.
Sauron bound a "fell spirit" into a wolf body, creating Draugluin. Draugluin isn't the most powerful werewolf though as that is his son Carcharoth who Morgoth handfed people meat to like he was an oversized pet. For the record to people reading this: Morgoth is Sauron's boss, who is essentially LotR's Lucifer.
It's not exactly clear what Draugluin was before getting stuffed into a wolf but it is fair to assume he was originally another fallen and corrupted Maiar. But it's possible thanks to his title as "necromancer" that Sauron shoved a dead evil human soul in there if only to match the linguistic origins of "werewolf" as "man wolf".
Sauron also could turn into a wolf himself - which was part of the Epic Fight with the Dog. The dog being Huan, who protected Luthien and helped her and Beren fight off... a whole lot of enemies overall.
Huan was literally just a dog. A dog the "size of a small horse" that was showered with a nice package of blessings so he was functionally an elf in dog form. Immortal but could be killed. Prophesied to die after speaking three times. Orome really liked that dog. Which is to be expected of the Valar Archangel God of the Hunt. Note: this is specifically hunting Morgoths's monsters, not wild animals. He likes wild animals and dogs and horses.
Why Luthien and Beren had the epic journey adventure is under the cut. As is the summary of the journey, the actual fight, and the aftermath.
Luthien's father got together with a Maiar named Melian, who was basically a one woman force of nature who protected an entire city-state kingdom by making an Unpassable Location. The kingdom Doriath was basically Hidden and Safe and Amazing and probably had a few dumb policies as is wont to happen when you're isolated and cut yourself off from the world's problems.
Beren... somehow finds his way to the forests around Doriath. Sees her. They fall in love (echoing what will later be Aragorn and Arwen and part of why Elrond is sort of Freaking Out because he knows how this story goes and while he doesn't wanna be Thingol... ).
Beren can't get killed off by Thingol's orders because Luthien managed to get him to promise not to, or to imprison him for the Audacity, so Thingol manages to get him to go along with a deal: "come back with one of the Noldor's stolen Silmarils from Morgoth's crown and you may have my daughter's hand in marriage."
This is meant to be a Solo Thing but Beren asks Finrod for advice. Finrod is a bamf and one of the big brothers to Galadriel and kicks all kinds of ass. He remembers all the drama of the Silmarils and was one of the Noldor who opposed the Oath to cross the artic ice for revenge to get them back... look there's a huge mess with the Silmarils and why Oaths are Bad and why no one trusts the Noldor or especially not Feanor or his sons. I don't want to get into it right now, their creation, or why specifically Galadriel's brother getting involved is a big thing. Like I get the reasons because that's Feanor's creation and Morgoth egged him on before swiping them, but god damn. But Finrod wasn't gonna go with them but then he didn't want to get cut off from his friends who did so he went along.
So hearing "I promised to get the Silmarils back" probably wasn't a happy moment for Finrod to hear coming out of Beren's mouth. Thank god no Grinding Ice was involved though because that was a massacre unto itself. It took around 25-30 years to cross that, or like 9 'years' as known by their calendar then. Even for an elf that's a long time.
Finrod gathered up a bunch of people but most of them got killed and captured and the survivors were taken to Sauron's island where he was still breeding Werewolves for some unholy reason. The probable meta reason is to ensure the existence of Wargs later on.
Luthien sensed Problems so she dashed out to find Beren and ran right into two of Feanor's sons and their dog Huan - who was given to one of them by Orome back when Feanor's family weren't being Ultra Stupid about the fancy cursed yet hallowed gems. And for reasons I can't remember clearly on why, they took Luthien prisoner and locked her up in Finrod's fort. Where she got chummy with Huan and Huan helped her escape (and spoke for the First time).
They got there in time to try and avenge Finrod's death. Sauron was like "oooh that Maia's spawnling. I'll be richly rewarded by my master if I bring you to him in chains" and cue the werewolf attack that Huan bamfed his way through kicking their asses. This included the father werewolf by the way, so you know Huan is a beast (affectionate).
And then Huan and Sauron fought! Sauron took the form of a wolf first and lost, but Huan got him in a chokehold with his teeth and just REFUSED to let go! No matter what form Sauron took, no matter what he did or tried to do...
Sauron got his ass kicked by a dog and it was only because of Luthien letting him go (probably laughing the whole time) so she can move on to more important things.
If you're curious about the rest of that story: Beren and Luthien snuck into Morgoth's hellish current capital by disguising themselves as his top vampire messenger/servant and the dead father werewolf. Luthien, when Morgoth tore off the illusion/disguise, continued to be a BAMF and bewitched the whole capital/fortress into falling asleep so they can pry one of the gems from the Iron Crown. Sadly Morgoth started to stir when something hit him by accident so they panicked and ran out with the Silmaril.
(Fair warning: nothing mortal can touch the Silmarils. Nothing EVIL can touch the gems either. This was by holy decree and blessing. So how Thingol expected Beren to take a Simaril back I have no idea.)
But remember when I mentioned Carcharoth, the son of the first werewolf? He woke up first because, as the guard dog who got suspicious as all get out over his "father" having "survived" (word reached him of his death), they had to first cast him to sleep before slipping into the place. Beren tried to use the Silmaril to scare him off by waving it in the air and instead he got his hand bit off for the trouble.
And then Carcharoth went nuts for a whole new reason: agony in the belly. He was put out of his agony sometime later to get the gem, but this is the best part I swear:
When Thingol saw Beren and Luthien rock up seemingly empty-handed... Beren told him to his face "even now I have a Silmaril in my hand".
Rest of the story short, Beren and Luthien got together, the wolf with the Silmaril in his belly showed up (probably was tracking them) and tried to get Thingol only for Beren to get in the way. Huan got the wolf, the wolf got Huan, Huan died with his head in Beren's other hand. Thingol got the gem, Luthien... died at some unclear point in time and convinced the Archangel Valar God of the Dead to change Beren's fate and let them be together in death if not in life. They got reborn as humans and got a happily ever after together - she gave up certain peace for an uncertain life with him..
Meanwhile, skipping over the hot mess that is Turin's life and why Thingol adopted him, Thingol got killed off by Dwarves who found out that not only did he have a Simaril but he put it in a famous Dwarven necklace "gifted" to him by Turin's blood father Hurin over how his son's life went (LONG story short: a terrible combination of Morgoth cursing people, Morgoth's dragon cursing people, Morgoth capturing Hurin and cursing him, and also Arrogance and Pride on Turin's part, and lots of soap opera drama) to create one insanely priceless artifact. This lead to the Sacking of the kingdom and a lot of death and destruction, as is wont to happen when Simarils are involved.
Honestly, Beren and Luthien should've decked Thingol when he first brought up the damn rock.
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Season 2, Episode 4 liveblog notes (spoilers behind the cut)
So much r-roll flexing. I'm jealous.
Flexing the pretty scenery again, alrighty.
Elf OCs!!!
Gal is handling Elrond leading really well /s
Tree: *nom*
Hey Mr. Bombadil. Care to do anything or...?
j'scuse are we suddenly breaking up the Harfoot wife ship? Roodt
Aaaah Stoor food spotted!
Child stoors!
ilu Poppy
Ah the Hermit sign is Tom. That explains it.
Is the Dark Wizard a Blue? Who is heee?
Adorable lamb!
Tom lore!
Well this is gonna kick off a Dark Wizard x Sauron ship, ain't it
Barrow Wight Time!
Elves about to get murked
Daemor nooooooo we barely knew ye
Elrond fighting time yasss
Elrond saving Galadriel oho
Theo better be okay ffs. Don't torture Arondir more.
But is Berek okay? May I see Berek?
Scenes are so darrrk. Let me see shit!
Handyman Isildur!
Oh boi Estrid x Isildur vibes are strong here. Flirrrrting.
Arondir is suspicious.
Well that subplot got resolved quickly. At least this kinda puts the Shelob shifter theory to rest.
Oh this is awkward.
Is Arondir gonna talk to the Ents first? If so, I love that for him. Call back to his S1 talk of being a Grower.
Maxim wasn't joking about the mud for him this season.
Ah fuck quicksand, my childhood fear! Glad he still has plot armor
Y'all better be okay!
What the fuck was that. What the actual fuck.
Ok food note: Giant snake thing. Survival food time!
Shire foreshadowing!
Don't you touch her, you asshat.
More hiding behind things at night!
Lol that's an awkward reveal for that show photo of Estrid and Isildur we all saw this summer.
Theo and Arondir hug I'm gonna cry ;_;
Ohhh this is even more awkward for the Estrid x Isildur shippers. RIP. (Look we all thought Hagen was dead. It's fine.)
Aronwyn theme :(((
Lord of Pelargir but alas I have a bad feeling about what that might foreshadow, oh dear.
Gotta bring back the Nampat theme somehow I guess.
Don't let that be Berek :(
I thought Elrond would have a healer moment but nope, Galadriel healer time.
Elrond having to hold a ring, fascinating! Explains a lot.
Galadriel BAMF stuff, love to see it!
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dynamicdiplomacy · 3 months
New Fic Alert!
The Mirth and Melancholy
Fandom: Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion
Characters: Elrond, Celebrían, Glorfindel, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Turgon, Melian, Thingol, Maiar
Relationships: Elrond/Celebrían, Glorfindel/Ecthelion of the Fountain
Summary: They've sailed out of the harbour, they're on their way. So why does it feel like there is more than just an ocean in the way of peace. Why does it feel like there's a whole lifetime?
Elrond, Glorfindel, and Ecthelion have left Middle Earth for the glorious homecoming they have been promised in Aman. But the path is never easy, not when there's a ghost involved.
The Sequel to The Tragic and Peculiar
Tags: Ghosts, Ghosts in Aman, Hurt/Comfort, Sign Language, Mute Character, BAMF Elrond, Friendship, Whump, Fourth Age, Angst with a Happy Ending, Can't spell Hurt/Comfort without 'ouch', Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Flashbacks, Grief/Mourning, Fall of Gondolin
This fic is fully completed and will be updated weekly.
Available on AO3:
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hazelmaines · 1 year
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The Chain Chapter 15: Sworn
Palantir Skyping is hard. Isildur doesn't know when to STFU. And Elrond continues his campaign for Ultimate BAMF in Middle Earth.
Mature - WIP - 78k Words
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If anyone is interested in reading a RoP fic, I started writing one <3
The elves will fade from existence without the mithril that dwarves can provide. And Elrond has all but lost hope that they will find a solution in time.
Durin and Disa on the other hand are determined to keep Elrond on this side of the sea as long as they can. Unfortunately things don't quite go to plan and Elrond is injured in the process. Elrond and his friends struggle to get through the aftermath. But even through all the pain and suffering, Elrond might just find a reason or two to stay.
If you like sweet RoP Elrond, Elrond whump, and Durin and Disa being BAMF'S, then this ones for you <3
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
Blooming in the moonlight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/QcDrV3v
by LadyPessi
Bilbo has been given a second chance. This time things will be different.
Bilbo gets sent back in time and upon waking up he that they sent him further back than he thought they would. 10 years before the Quest for Erebor. That should give him plenty of time to make sure that things will not end like they did last time. With the help of his mother Bilbo decides to save his dwarves and quite possible the whole of Middle Earth.
Words: 1715, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Balin (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Belladonna Took, The Thain, Orc(s), Galadriel | Artanis, Elrond Peredhel, Mirkwood Elves, Beorn (Tolkien), Frodo Baggins, Aragorn | Estel, Original Hobbit Character(s), Bard the Bowman, Fortinbras Took II, Isumbras Took IV, Frerin (Tolkien), Smaug (Tolkien)
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins & Bungo Baggins & Belladonna Took, Bilbo Baggins/Dwarf | Dwarves, Fíli/Ori (Tolkien), Dís & Fíli & Kíli & Thorin Oakenshield
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Battle of Five Armies - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, BAMF Hobbits, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Dwarven Ones | Soulmates, Dwarf & Hobbit Cultural Differences, Hobbit Courting, Dwarf Courting, Slow Romance, Slow Burn, Thorin Is an Idiot, Fíli and Kíli Are Little Shits, Bilbo is So Done, Consort Bilbo Baggins, Mpreg, Language of Flowers, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Bilbo Baggins, Hurt Thorin, BAMF Belladonna Took Baggins, Heartbreak, Happy Ending, Work In Progress
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/QcDrV3v
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
An Arrow of Glistening Gold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/N0RfvnI
by leaf_n_sky
"A moment of silence lingered between us. The elf’s eyes scanned my features, as if judging my trustworthiness.
He released a scoff before staring upwards, thinking carefully about his next words.
'Evil still lingers here, mortal,' he whispered. 'It creeps in the shadows of every village, every forest, and every kingdom...'"
  As dark forces seep back into Middle Earth, a fate encounter intertwines two beings of very different backgrounds together.
Words: 627, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Elrond Peredhel, Original Female Character(s), Ereinion Gil-galad, Minor Characters, Original Characters
Relationships: Elrond Peredhel/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Original character is y/n coded, Canon is broken when we feel like it, Many Original Characters - Freeform, Vague evil force, Elf/Human friendship, original female character is human, first person POV, Violence, Slow Burn, No fr VERY slow ur welcome, Btw "Throndir" is def "Thondir" but we develop him more and made his name more slay, He's our favorite character now, Giving ao3 the Throndir and Elrond content it needs, BAMF!Elrond, BAMF!Original female character, Original character is in her late 20's, attempts at humor, Attempts at dialouge, Attempts at writing, Angst, Hyperfixation on elves' open collars, first fic, Two authors who desire each other carnally, ok maybe not, Might be cringe but that's ok, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/N0RfvnI
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Of Rings and Other Things
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/X0TzQIY
by Kingsword
He’d left. Mairon, dutiful, loyal Mairon had left.
Or: Mairon discovers nuclear fission and flees Angband, terrified of what could happen should anyone at all (especially Melkor) get a hold on his discovery.
Words: 139, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Sauron | Mairon, Celebrimbor | Telperinquar, Galadriel | Artanis, Melian (Tolkien), Narvi (Tolkien), Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor, Maglor | Makalaurë, Nerdanel (Tolkien), Celebrían (Tolkien), Elrond Peredhel
Relationships: Celebrimbor | Telperinquar/Sauron | Mairon, Celebrimbor | Telperinquar & Narvi, Galadriel | Artanis & Melian, Melian & Sauron | Mairon, Celebrían/Elrond Peredhel
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Nuclear Weapons, Minor Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor/Sauron | Mairon, Past Abuse, Moria | Khazad-dûm, BAMF Dwarves, The Ainur - Freeform, Sauron Being an Asshole, Awesome Galadriel, Melian is absolutely done with these idiots, Celebrimbor Makes Bad Life Choices, Melkor’s are worse tho, Women Being Awesome, Mental Instability, Psychopathology & Sociopathy, Knives, Rings of Power, not the show, can’t take bezos’ racist ass mkay, Cats, The Valar, Weddings, Queerplatonic Relationships, main character is in a shit place for most of this ngl, it’s okay tho he’ll commit murder and feel better, Slow Burn, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/X0TzQIY
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keendaanmaa · 3 months
Splendid found family dynamic, sweet romance(s), so much angst/whump but also plenty of fluff, SALT AND LIGHT!
AU Hobbit quest setting with a masterful blend of book and movies, plus several gender-bends, quite a bit of worldbuilding into the gaps left by Tolkien, and some fairly discussion of depression and recovery (if any of those are a no-go for you)
10/10 DEFINITELY recommend
(Author's original tags and summary under the cut)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Relationships: Fíli & Kíli & Thorin Oakenshield, Fíli & Kíli (Tolkien), Dwalin & Thorin Oakenshield, Balin & Dwalin (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins & Gandalf | Mithrandir, Bilbo Baggins & Fíli & Kíli, Bilbo Baggins & Kíli, Bilbo Baggins/Kíli, Bilbo Baggins & Dwalin, Belda & Dwalin (Parental), Fíli/Ori (Tolkien), Belda & Beorn, Bilbo Baggins & Beorn, Bilbo Baggins & Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel, Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel, Dwalin/Nori (Tolkien), Bard the Bowman/Bard the Bowman's Wife, Bard the Bowman & Tauriel, Bard the Bowman's Wife & Tauriel, Kíli (Tolkien) & Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Fíli (Tolkien) & Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Belda & Ori, Belda & Nori (Parental), Bard the Bowman’s Wife & Fíli & Kíli, Bard the Bowman & Fíli, Bard the Bowman & Kíli, Bard the Bowman & Tollak, Bard the Bowman’s Wife & Tollak, Nori & Ori, Ori & Dori, Bilbo Baggins & Radagast, Belda & Radagast, Rûna & Rosteth, Fíli & Ori (Tolkien)
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Thorin's Company, Fíli (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Elrond Peredhel, Beorn (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Mirkwood Elves, Bard the Bowman, Bard the Bowman's Wife, Tollak (OC), Nori (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Rosteth (OC)
Additional Tags: fem!Bilbo, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Quest of Erebor, Eventual Romance, fem!Fili - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Bilbo Has Issues, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Hurt Bilbo Baggins, Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Hurt No Comfort, Shapeshifter Bilbo Baggins, Dragon Bilbo Baggins, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Pining, Parental Dwalin, Romantic Fluff, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Mutual Pining, Dwarven Ones | Soulmates, Love Confessions, (sort of), fem!Nori, Starvation, Exhaustion, Isolation, When Will I Let Belda Be Happy?, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bard is a Good Dad, Parental Nori, dwalin is a good dad, Nori is a Good Mom, Gold Sick Thorin, kilbo - Freeform, Gold Sickness (Tolkien)
Published: 2018-10-23 Completed: 2020-10-17 Words: 400,793 Chapters: 80/80
Erebor's time has finally come, now that Thorin has gathered together enough loyal Dwarves to make it to the Lonely Mountain alive. Dwalin just wishes they weren't a cursed number.
Oh, and that the irritatingly bull-headed Halfling Tharkûn found in the Shire would go home already. The Wilds are no place for a half-starved, girl-child gentleHobbit who can neither fight nor fend for herself.
Belda's time to escape has finally come, now that she's managed to convince (read: emotionally blackmail) Gandalf into agreeing to let her come on the quest thingy he seems to be on, as well as convince the annoyingly bull-headed leader of the Dwarven pack to let her join them until Rivendell, at least. She only hopes she can earn their respect.
Especially his second-in-command.
Oh, and that they won't kill her when they find out the truth. She might not be their Burglar yet, but she regrets lying to them anyway.
Other than Thorin. The stupidhead.
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ao3feed-barduil · 1 year
Ancient but Never old
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CWU9FD4
by Mahizli
“I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.” Waking up more than fifty times made him wish that he said none of those words, he doesn't want an adventure anymore; he's too tired, too old. And yet he forces himself on his toes and eagerly runs out the door along with his dwarves; quickly with every step, he believes more and more that he won't be able to escape this loop . . . or at least that's what he thinks.
Or; an ancient hobbit who knows way, way too much is clinging to the edge of sanity while he runs into the wild again; but this time, the dwarves are oddly more protective and the meddling wizard acts more like an old grandfather than anything.
Words: 2348, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Fortinbras Took II, Elrond Peredhel, Lindir (Tolkien), Galadriel | Artanis, Rivendell Elves, Mirkwood Elves, Thranduil (Tolkien), Thranduil's Deer, Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Dís (Tolkien), Dwarves of Erebor, Dwarves of the Iron Hills, Vala | Valar
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Glóin/Glóin's Wife, Bombur/Bombur's Wife, Balin/Dori (Tolkien), Dwalin/Ori (Tolkien), Bifur/Nori (Tolkien), Fíli/Legolas Greenleaf, Elrohir/Kíli (Tolkien), Elrond Peredhel/Lindir, Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Additional Tags: Tags May Change, Tags Contain Spoilers, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Time Loop, no beta we die like smaug, Confused Dwarves, Worried Dwarves, Thorin Isn't Always an Asshole, Balin is Not Amused, Dwalin is a Good Friend, Glóin's A+ Parenting, Óin is Concerned, Fíli and Kíli Are Little Shits, Bofur is a Sweetheart, Bifur Is a Sweetheart, Bombur likes Cooking, Mother Hen Dori (Tolkien), Nori stalks Bilbo (in a good way), Ori Is A Sweetheart, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Hurt Bilbo Baggins, Overprotective Bilbo, Thranduil Not Being An Asshole, Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel Friendship, Angry Elrond (at Gandalf), Gandalf Does Not Know All, Everyone Ships Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo helps everyone with relationships, Angst with a Happy Ending, (attempted) Heavy Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CWU9FD4
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allthingsbilbofur · 2 years
An Only Slightly Unexpected Journey
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NVpmWn8
by Long_Legged_Flea
Bilbo Baggins was a regular Hobbit going about his life in his home, until the infamous Disturber Of The Peace showed up at his doorstep and invited him to a quest. That was how he found himself here, on the road to a long forgotten mountain on the other side of Middle Earth. It was also how he found himself having to burgle a shiny gem from a Dragon. This was not how he had planned his winter.
This story is based on a headcanon of mine, where Hobbits are actually closely related to rabbits, hence their large feet and ears, their short height and the hair that grows on their feet. They also have the abilities to run really fast and far, jump very high, smell things that Men, Dwarves and Elves can not, and more. They also can sense cursed objects and they really like finding them and examining them, since the curses don’t work on Hobbits. The last part is based on a one shot but I can't remember who wrote it.
Words: 1784, Chapters: 1/50, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bombur (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin's Company, Bifur (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Beorn (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Bard the Bowman, Smaug (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Hamfast Gamgee, Elrond Peredhel
Relationships: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Thorin Oakenshield & Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins/Bofur, Bilbo Baggins & Fíli & Kíli, Bilbo Baggins & Bofur, Bilbo Baggins & Bombur, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Fíli & Kíli (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins & Bifur & Bofur & Bombur
Additional Tags: Thorin Is an Idiot, Uncle Thorin, King Thorin, BAMF Bilbo Baggins, Possessive Thorin, Thorin Has No Sense Of Direction, Bilbo is So Done, Sassy Bilbo Baggins, bilbo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NVpmWn8
This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Bilbo Baggins/Bofur tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Bilbo and Bofur will be the main characters in any given fic, nor the only ship. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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raointean · 3 years
Half-elven week: Day 4 - Power
Elrond parried a great blow from Grond II. How had it come to this? He had lead a small group of warriors from Rivendell in hopes of defeating the orc armies all the more swiftly.
The hobbits had completed their task honorably. Barad-dûr had crumbled and Thorondor had gone to rescue Frodo and Sam from certain death as a token of Manwë's gratitude. That should have been the end of it!
But no. Sauron himself had entered onto the battlefield, his helm tall and black, his breastplate broad and unassailable. Many great warriors had attempted to defeat him and were batted away like flies. His band from Rivendell was scattered across the field. Glorfindel was half a mile north doing battle with one of the Nazgûl, his hair tied in three great braids. Elladan and Elrohir were to the west holding the line between the battle and the city and driving the orcs ever backwards towards Osgiliath.
He swung around and attempted to stab the enemy in the back but his blade met nothing but empty air. He felt anger well up within him. Sauron and his master were responsible for the disappearance of his father, mother, and wife into the west. He was responsible for the death of Gil-Galad, his friend and for the torture of Maedhros, his foster-father. And for that he would die.
Elrond sprang at him with a yell from eight different throats, beautiful and terrible to hear. The ground shook beneath them as they fought. Back and forth, one wounding the other, neither taking notice.
Elrond felt his mind connect with the world around him, the stone beneath his feet sang loud in his ears. He felt his muscles writhing beneath his skin, begging to be released. He felt his teeth lengthen and sharpen and his hair begin to thrash around his head.
He felt alive.
Sauron's helm lay several feet away, crushed by the shifting earth. His face, once beautiful, was now misshapen and loathsome to look upon.
Elrond took a deep breath, the stone around them quieting. He cast down his sword and spoke, the voices of Melian, Lúthien, Dior, Eluréd, Elurín, Elwing, Elros, Vardamir, Tindòmiel, Manwendil, Atanalcar, Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen intertwined with his own. "You shall die this day, oh Putrid One. You shall die and the world shall be free. YOU SHALL DIE!"
Sauron was frozen in shock and horror. Surely this was one of the Valar in disguise. It surely could not be one of the Firstborn!
He had hardly finished his thought when he felt a fist collide with his nose. He felt his bones creak and turn in on themselves. He felt a sharp stabbing pain in his head, and then he felt no more.
Elrond felt the power that had been sustaining him throughout this battle recede and all of his many wounds made themselves known. He deemed that his shoulder was probably dislocated his arm was definitely broken, several of his ribs were broken or cracked, he felt several lacerations, and his head hurt. The most worrying of all his wounds however, was the knife buried in his side. He should probably get that seen to.
"Lord Elrond!"
The battle had ended some time ago and Elrond was still unaccounted for. Glorfindel had managed to pry it out of a wounded elf that he had last been seen in this area of the battlefield, standing alone against Sauron himself. Glorfindel had immediately reported this to Elrohir, who decided to leave Elladan in the capable hands of the healers so he could go search for their father.
Glorfindel did not hold much hope for the fate of his lord, but he hoped at least to find a body. "Glorfindel, over here!"
He turned quickly and saw what Elrohir had called his attention to. Slumped against a rock was Elrond. Elrohir knelt by his side and checked to see if he lived or not. Glorfindel prayed to any Vala that would listen for Elrond’s survival.
Elrohir let out a sob and Glorfindel looked up, fearing the worst. "He lives!" Elrohir was grinning, tears streaming down his face.
"We must get him back to the healers' tents if he is to live yet longer. Quickly, are there any wounds that would keep us from moving him?"
Elrohir wiped his tears and gave his father a cursory examination. "There is only this knife. I have brought bandages with me so I can stabilize the knife."
Glorfindel nodded, surveying the area to find the easiest way back. "Good. Do so with haste."
It was three days later when Elrond awoke. He lay still a moment, trying to remember exactly what happened and what was still injured. His arm was wrapped tightly, as were his ribs, but everything else was just a dull ache.
He opened his eyes to see his sons fast asleep on the bed next to him. He turned his head slowly and saw his friend in a chair by his bedside, reading a book by candlelight. "Glorfindel..."
Glorfindel's head snapped up at the weak whisper. "Elrond! You are awake!" He whispered.
Elrond nodded slowly, still disoriented. "Yes... did we win?"
Glorfindel chuckled. "Aye, we won. Thanks mostly to you I believe."
Elrond hummed. "That was quite the fight."
"To put it mildly." Glorfindel laughed incredulously. "I am told you made the very ground shake and vanquished Sauron with a blow of your HAND! There will be many songs of your feats that day."
Elrond yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open. "Perhaps, but for now, I will rest."
"You have earned your rest my friend. Many times over." Glorfindel's words fell on deaf ears. Elrond was already asleep.
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runawaymun · 3 years
reading Elrond fanfic is such a russian roulette lmao. I always go into it asking myself ‘hm what wildly different interpretation of Elrond will it be this time?’ 
Everyone sees him SO differently depending on what parts/types of media of Tolkien’s works they’ve consumed, how closely they relate to Arwen, and what age they are lol. Like, have you read the Silmarillion? Elrond is gay babie. ONLY LOTR or The Hobbit? Elrond is so wise. Possibly a babie. Mostly wise, though. A Good Dad(tm). Only seen the movies (excluding the hobbit movies) and/or are pretty young? Elrond is STERN. Has never told a joke in his Entire Life. Not a shred of humor. Maybe kind underneath the prickles? Maybe just a complete and total killjoy aka Triton from the Little Mermaid (who also, as you age, seems more and more reasonable). Mostly prefer the Hobbit movies? Elrond is HOT. Probably In Love with Lindir. BAMF. Little Shit.
Honestly most of these are so valid lmao. (Except the Stern ‘i have never told a joke in my entire life’ Elrond. Also Bad Dad Elrond??? NEVER VALID. NEVER HEARD OF HIM. WHO????) 
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dynamicdiplomacy · 1 year
New Fic Alert!
A Song of Sciamachy
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, The Hobbits, Boromir, OC Elf Character(s), Gandalf, Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond and Sons, Glorfindel, Boromir, Haldir, and many others
Relationships: Aragorn/Arwen, Elrond/Celebrían
Summary: Gimli’s fingers clench around his axe-haft. “How many things does she have in her past? Who has she killed, what has she seen? How many pages must we turn until we can finally trust her?”
He smiles a bitter thing tinged ugly by grief and memories of brothers sundered afar. “Perhaps you should not trust her, Master Dwarf… Many who have, died for it.”
Tags: The Fellowship, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Adventure, Grief/Mourning, BAMF Galadriel, Aragorn vs. Sleep, Everyone vs. Aragorn's Self-Destructive Behaviours, Canon-typical Violence, Humour, Platonic Relationships, Aragorn & Legolas are Best Friends, Gandalf is Fed Up with Everyone
This fic is fully completed and will be updated weekly.
Available on AO3:
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