#Barish news
best24news · 2 years
Weather Alert: फिर बारिश के आसार, देखें मौसम विभाग की Latest Update
Weather Alert: फिर बारिश के आसार, देखें मौसम विभाग की Latest Update
Haryana Weather | भारत के अधिकांश हिस्सों में मौसम का  प्रकोप अभी भी जारी है. मौसम विभाग के अनुसार, हरियाणा और आसपास के इलाकों में एक चक्रवाती हवाओं का क्षेत्र बना हुआ है इसके अलावा, उत्तरी तमिलनाडु और आसपास के क्षेत्रों पर भी एक चक्रवाती हवाओं का क्षेत्र बना हुआ है. वहीं, मौसम विभाग ने हरियाणा के कई जिलों में बारिश की संभावना जताई है. मौसम विभाग के अनुसार, अगले 24 घंटों के दौरान उत्तर प्रदेश,…
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wyndlerunner · 10 months
Laying in bed thinking of Leonide
She’s spent years working for Barish-Estranza and is from the Corporation Rim. She sees other humans as property, and does not care about their rights or dignity
And she comes across this weird group of academics who not only think people have rights and should be respected (ICK!), they treat their PROPERTY with that same level of consideration?
She must be looking at these people like Boomers look at Millennials who treat their dogs better than the Boomers raised their own children
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barishal-news · 7 days
বরিশাল বিভাগ ও বরিশাল জেলা
বরিশাল বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলের একটি প্রধান শহর। এটি বরিশাল বিভাগের অন্তর্গত ও একই সাথে জেলা ও বিভাগীয় সদর দপ্তর। কীর্তনখোলা নদীর তীরে মোগল আমলে স্থাপিত লবণচৌকি গিরদে বন্দর কে কেন্দ্র করে এ শহর গড়ে ওঠে ও ১৮০১ সালে বরিশালে তৎকালীন বাকেরগঞ্জ জেলার সদর দপ্তর স্থাপিত হলে, শহর হিসেবে এর ব্যাপক গুরুত্ব বাড়ে। দেশের খাদ্যশস্য উৎপাদনের একটি মূল উৎস এই বৃহত্তর বরিশাল। বরিশালে একটি নদীবন্দর রয়েছে যেটি দেশের অন্যতম প্রাচীন, দ্বিতীয় বৃহত্তম ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি নদীবন্দর। ডিজিটাল জনশুমারী ও গৃহগণনা-২০২২ অনুযায়ী বরিশাল আয়তনে দেশের ১০ম এবং জনসংখ্যায় ১২তম বৃহত্তর মহানগর।
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navinsamachar · 11 days
अतिवृष्टि के दौरान पहाड़ी से गिरे मलबे में गुम हुए दो वाहन, एक आवासीय घर में भी घुसा मलबा, राहत कार्य जारी
नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 1 सितंबर 2024 (2 Vehicles lost in Debris that fell from Hill)। भारी बारिश के कारण नैनीताल जिला मुख्यालय के निकटवर्ती बजून-अक्सों गैरीखेत मार्ग में पहाड़ी से आए मलबे में दो दोपहिया वाहन दब गये। एक आवासीय भवन में भी मलबा घुस गया। मलवे में दबे वाहनों का अभी तक कोई पता नहीं चल सका है। गैरीखेत मार्ग पर आया मलबा जिसमें गुम हो गये दो वाहन। प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार बजून गांव के तोक…
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jeevanjali · 27 days
Sapne me Barish Dekhna: जानिए सपने में बारिश देखना शुभ या अशुभ?Sapne Me Barish Dekhna: अगर आपको सपने में बारिश दिखाई दे तो इसके कई अलग-अलग मतलब भी हो सकते हैं। सपने में बारिश देखना एक खास संकेत है।
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s21myp · 6 months
Installation of 260 advanced CC cameras to detect criminals in Barishal
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baigmusic · 1 year
Baig - Barish Giray (Full Video)
Karachi 1986 (Vol. 2), streaming on Spotify and YouTube
Album and Merch available on Karachi1986.com
Vocals, Music, Video Edit: @baigmusic
Logo Design: @graphicmercenary
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wnewsguru · 1 year
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murderbotseptember · 3 months
(Plain text below the cut)
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Plain text
Jollybaby | Preservation station | non-corporate political entities
Tlacey | Graycris | alien remnants
Kaede | Timestream Defenders Orion | augments
Holism | Pansystem University of Mihira and New Tideland | teaching and learning
Supervisor Leonide | Barish-Estranza | corporate life
Don Abene | Sanctuary Moon | repairs
Tapan | RaviHyral | stations and rings
Human one | BreharWallHan | refuge
Tellus | Medcenter Argala | medical treatment
Three | Barish-Estranza explorer ship | governor module
Thiago | DeltFall | planetary surveys
Eletra | Worldhoppers | contract labour
Wilken | HaveRatton Station | weapons
Newest free SecUnit | Adamantine | colonies
Tarik | Valorous Defenders | entertainment feeds
Miki | Milu | [insert here] gone wrong
Rami | Goodnight Lander Independent | bot pilots
Councillor Ephraim | Lineages of the Sun | advertising
Serrat | TranRollinHyfa | communication
Murderbot 2.0 | The Company | AI
Amena | Drama Sun Islands | childhood
Captain Seth | Corporation Rim | buffer phrases
Dr. Volescu | PreservationAux | planets
Balin | Port FreeCommerce | sentience/sapience
Officer Aylen | Palisade | bots
AdaCol2 | Bharadwaj's documentary | Hubsys/Secsys
Tano | Preservation | non-human life forms
Senior Officer Indah | Preservation life-tender | space travel
Tlacey's comfortunit | Ganaka Pit | constructs
Turi | Starchy Foods | sustenance
Alternative prompts:
“There is a lot about what is going on here that I do not understand but I am participating anyway.”
“You are incorrect, iris. I can bomb the colony.”
“I don’t like you.” / “I know.”
“Priority change rejected.”
“I have a court order.”
“I have gotten clients out of situations that were <9% survivable.”
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specialagentartemis · 11 months
my hopes and predictions for System Collapse:
Murderbot: Rogue SecUnits are dangerous... governed SecUnits are also dangerous... this is why we need to kill Barish-Estranza's SecUnit army. They're way too dangerous to have around. That's just life.
Three: Instructions unclear, I have given the governor module hack to all of Barish-Estranza's Units
Murderbot: what
Three: They are all rogue and all my new friends now
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best24news · 2 years
Haryana Weather Alert: इन जिलो में 2 दिन फिर होगी झमाझम बारिश, देखिए सूची
Haryana Weather Alert: इन जिलो में 2 दिन फिर होगी झमाझम बारिश, देखिए सूची
हरियाणा: हरियाणा में मानूसन एक बार फिर से लौट रहा है। दोबारा से बारिश का नजारा देखने को मिल सकता है। प्रदेश में 6 अक्टूबर की रात से 8 अक्टूबर के दौरान गरज-चमक के साथ बारिश होगी। मौसम विभाग के इस बार के नए पूर्वानुमान में हरियाणा के अधिकतर जिलों में बारिश की संभावना जताई गई है। जिससे आने वाले दिनों में गर्मी से राहत मिलने की उम्मीद भी अब दोबारा से जग चुकी है क्योंकि बारिश का दौर समाप्त होने के बाद…
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blessphemy · 26 days
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@comment-bingo get me on that Blackout Prize List!!
These are all AO3 fics I commented on because.... I like fics. What about it. Perhaps on my next bingo card I'll remember to comment on some fanart and fanvids...
List of what I commented on under the cut! Because I'm a nerd.
Action/Adventure: Slapdash Neural Wiring by potatoturnipbean. This fic is part 2 of a series, but you can start by reading this one no problem. (That's what I did.) Featuring original construct characters set in the Murderbot Diaries universe, amazing heist fiction, drama, emotional turmoil, cool scifi gadgets, and line after line of hilarious, snappy prose. Do you want to be mercilessly punched in the emotions while laughing at the same time? Have you been craving a book that's exactly like Murderbot in tone and setting, but a littttle bit different? Do you want something gripping and fun and affecting? This fic is incredible and I'll tell anyone who listens. For free. Pleaes read Slapdash Neural Wiring it's an amazing work that needs love.
Poetry/Filk: Poetry installation: Untitled ("my friend always chooses the media") by borth. Very cool stuff. You have to actually read it to appreciate it I think... it's difficult to describe why I like it. In-universe poetry written in a bathroom stall.
Outsider POV: Cinema Verite by BoldlyNo. BoldyNo does it again with sensitive writing that explores canon and characters from various angles, this time it's Ratthi's perspective of creating The Video in System Collapse. Very good. Emotions.
Fave Trope: Road Trip For Science by Thirteen Primes. I don't know what my Fave Trope is, but I love Road Trips, and this fic has got a road trip. The author was inspired by a scene that came to them in a dream. There's something charming about this fic that is difficult to put my finger on. Featuring Mensah who'd done trucking to pay for school when she was younger, and Murderbot, driving a truck through a planet recently opening up to outside trade and which is being courted by corporate rim.
An Author You've Never Read: An Audacious Undertaking, Even to God by lumpy_space_princess. Featuring SecUnit 3, who is desperate to restore and re-upload the consciousnesses of SecUnits 1 and 2. Experience emotions from this fic or your money back. This fic is a multichapter and still updating!
Respond To Other Comment: On Constructs And Cats by ForestWren. Murderbot finds a kitten. What more do you want? It's exactly what you want.
Original Character: Happy Birthday by Jewels9162. Part of a prolific series about rogue Barish-Estranza units and their human handler. Bit of a nice slice-of-life here. About friends and birthdays.
Character Study: Sense of Belonging by ArtemisTheHuntress. Listen. I don't care what plans Martha Wells herself has for SecUnit Three. This fic is what truly happens with it in my heart after the events of System Collapse. It's such a good character study, about finding yourself in the context of a new strange social scene, about grieving what you've lost, about making a positive difference in the world using your specific skills and interests. So good.
Multi-Chapter: Slivers of Existence by musicofthespheres. A collection of loosely-connected ficlets. About Murderbot. It's very nice, okay. A bunch of pleasant scenes you can sip tea over as a pick-me-up. Enjoyable.
Long Fic (5k+ words): Family Portrait by ramshackle_fey. Are you ready to experience emotions about Murderbot and The Mensah Kids? Prepare yourself. Gird your heart.
Bharadwaj's Documentary: If You Want To Write by borth. This is a very neat concept. Chapter 1 is Murderbot and Bharadwaj talking to each other about the illiteracy enforced upon Murderbot by the company, and how Murderbot sneakily learned to read, and how its secretly-gained literacy is what allowed it to hack its governor module. Chapter 2 is a meta text exploring themes of literacy and worker control.
Old Favourite: In Another Life by Lick. Frankly it's impossible for me to pick only one favorite fic, so this is just one of many favorites. Frankly anything written by Lick is a favorite. This one is an AU in which Murderbot continued on its adventures for 4 years before returning to reunite with its humans on Preservation. The shifted dynamics with ART, SecUnit 3, and its humans, are a delight.
Free Space: do humans even dream by BWizard. A 4+1, times Mensah experiences nightmares, as noticed through the eyes of the people close to her. :')
Make a Rec Post: This post.
Crack: mining for copper (or ways to annoy your construct friend) by friendoftheJabberwock. Short and silly. Murderbot must do a very important infiltration at a costume party.
Canon Continuation: In Defense Of What I Never Had by Thylacine_Wishes. You ever want to ruminate on the Implications of Murderbot's shitty creation in comparison to ART's state-of-the-art University birthplace? Welcome. We have baby AIs.
Posted/Updated Pre-2023: precious cargo by FiannlyPhoebe babyfic. Fast forward some Years: Iris and Amena generate a human baby.
Fluff: people look east the time is near by BWizard. The secular space X-mas cookie making vibes. Sweet. Cookie decorating.
Hurt/Comfort: Memory Fault by Yellow. Murderbot and ART in the wake of the difficult events of Network Effect... talk it out.
Bot POV: Hints by i_have_loved_the_stars_too_fondly. Technically this is SecUnit POV. But I'm counting it. An exploration of how Amena may have come and done Murderbot's hair, pre-System Collapse. Made me feel a little sad :') I want them to feel connection and careeeeeee please.
Additional Canonized Tag: Third Dorm Mom by BoldlyNo. The canonized tag in question is "#Pansystem University of Mihira and New Tideland." Y'all this fic is AWESOME. If you love slice of life. If you love character and relationship studies. If you want a fic that is alllll about the relationship between Murderbot and Amena. It's this fic. Warm your heart over the coals, go on.
Fanart with <50 Notes: This collection of drawings by paging-possum. It had <50 notes when I reblogged it with commentary tags. You should check out this artist's works if you like Murderbot. Very nice drawings.
Podfic: [Podfic] Cog in the Machine, by FlipSpring by CompassRose and mistingsidekick on AO3. Come ruminate on the nihilistic POV of the Combat SecUnit that Murderbot faced off against in Exit Strategy.
Funny/Silly Tags: a comforting presence by afjakwrites. The tag in question: "#featuring secunit carrying ratthi bridal style." Consider, if you will: what if Murderbot is Objectively Hot.
Crossover: We Provide... Security by Blue_Bees. Very very good very good crossover!!!!! You don't need to know Leverage. Case fic + screw over Corporations time!
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elexuscal · 10 months
An Educational Experience
A ficlet prompt by Gamebird [for some reason tumblr will not let me @ you directly, sorry]: Three is very intimidated by ART, but it somehow gets to the point where it can ask it about educational modules. How did that conversation play out?
I had prepared what I was going say. Preparation was wise in unfamiliar situations. Yet despite my preparation, I did not speak. Somehow could not. Wished that my buffer could offer an appropriate response.
0.5 seconds passed. 1 seconds. 2 seconds. 3 seconds.
If my governor module were still active, it would have demanded a response.
The Perihelion is not a governor module. It is nearly as unforgiving as one. (Nearly.) I brace for the demand to continue speaking, but it does not come.
After 9.8 seconds, I say, "I am not prepared to operate as a free agent."
No, it agrees.
Muscles in my back move reflexively. I unclench them. Perhaps communicating via the feed will be easier. My modules lack protocols for existing outside the context of Barish-Estranza. It would be helpful if there were alternative protocols I could utilize instead.
I can provide you with my own crew's standard operating procedures.
That would be helpful, thank you. I had found that statements of gratitude were still advisable, even without governor module compulsion to be respectful to (most) clients. It seemed even more prudent considering what I was going to ask next. If there were any other documents similar to HelpMe.file, that would also be useful.
I am afraid that we are rather lacking in other personnel memoirs from rogue SecUnits.
Sarcasm is a common communication device, which I have seen hundreds if not thousands of humans use. In Perihelion's case, it seems to compose of approximately 70% of its communication strategy.
I am aware of that. (I attempt to keep any frustration or other negative emotions I may be feeling out of the feed; I almost certainly fail.) I seek other informational texts and documents to supplement my educational modules.
Perihelion's feed shifts with a new emotion; excitement, perhaps, or interest. Something like this?
Suddenly I am staring at The Perihelion's full media library. No, not full, I realise after a moment of reflection; this is a curated selection. Documentary films and serials, audio-explainers, academic texts, and other books, all labelled #Educational.
They hold potential answers to all my questions.
If I could find them. With over 17,000 items, I do not know where to begin. I do not know how to even begin constructing a query.
"Thank you, Perihelion," I say. "On further consideration, I will begin by reading your crew's operational procedures."
Wait, Perihelion says, and then 0.07 seconds later, please. Apparently it is capable of using courtesy terms, if it wants to. That was too much selection. Try this. The media library refreshes. Now there are only three options; all mid-length educational serials. Do any of these interest you?
The three titles listed, including their summaries, are:
Building Ourselves Up From dams to space-stations, farms to terraforming facilities, how do engineers build the machines that keep society ticking?
Seeking The Final Horizon For millennia before we ever left our birth planet, humanity marvelled up at space. Take a tour of the cosmos, exploring moons, stars, black holes, nebulae, and more.
Suds! The Dirt On Soap Water, fat, and ash. That sounds gross, but we rub it over our bodies every day. Learn about the many ways soap is made and used across the universe.
I consider. They are all so different. How could I choose?
But I must. There are only three of them. It is a reasonable request.
The first documentary, on infrastructure, is clearly the one most related to our current situation. We-- by which I meant, the crews of The Perihelion and the Preservation ship Safe Harbour-- are assisting the humans in rebuilding their infrastructure. But judging from the demo footage next to the documentary's description, this serial was composed to many shots of coordinators, tunnels, and walls.
I had seen a great deal of corridors, tunnels, and walls since initial deployment.
In comparison, the soap documentary intrigued me a great deal. I like soap. Or I like The Perihelion's soap. It did not sting on the skin, but felt gentle and soothing. It came in a variety of shapes and colors and textures. Every time I showered, there was a new option to try. But this was such an unimportant thing to learn about.
Finally, there was the space documentary. I had some basic knowledge regarding space science, but nothing more. I could see how this knowledge could be relevant. And The Perihelion was a deep-space research vessel. It would most likely be pleased if I selected that option. In fact, perhaps, as I thought of it, the choice may have been a test to see if I would make the correct selection.
"Seeking the Final Horizon, please."
Did you only pick that one because that was the one you thought I'd like?
I do not answer. I had not wanted to lie outright. I realise belatedly that my silence may as well be as good as a confession.
You can select something else if you prefer.
I do not know if I would like to. I already decided. Surely that is sufficient?
Never mind, the transport says, indulgently. You can watch the others afterwards, if you are still interested.
The documentary begins playing. I sit down on the soft bunk. Because there is nothing gained from standing up now, and because I can. I watch the first two episodes. They total to 85 minutes.
I had known before that space was vast. I had known that large objects exerted a gravitational pull. I had know that same gravitation pull created worm holes. I knew that wormholes were necessary for faster-than-light travel between systems. I had known all of that, yet this documentary weaves it all together, so that it is no longer disparate facts, but a single cohesive explanation.
I had not known that space could be so beautiful.
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havendance · 7 months
I do quite appreciate that the climax of System Collapse comes in the form of Murderbot getting to really appreciate and use the power of storytelling. The whole things feels like it gained a new understanding of the power of propaganda. I don't want to call the documentary it worked to make propaganda, but stories have power and documentaries have agendas. It's the sort of thing that becomes very clear, especially in comparison to how Barish-Estranza would have used that sort of tool.
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misscammiedawn · 9 months
To be loved is to be altered. To be perceived is to invite a new version of yourself into the world born from the other's eyes.
One of many tales spun in Slay The Princess.
Every chapter your perceptions shape the princess and add to the complex web of contradictions that make up her entirety and every chapter her perceptions of the bird boy protagonist add more voices to the menagerie of voices in his head.
I think a lot about the Leave/Slay endings and the simple line:
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After everything that has been said and done can either one of them truly remember what it was to be the unaltered person they were before their relationship (don't get the wrong idea, two people interacting have a relationship).
It's impossible.
Though it's possibly an allegory for going through multiple relationships I prefer to read it as an allegory of the joys and pains of knowing a person and intimately, the game exists only within the boundaries of this entanglement. That's the story.
I long for a route which hits Eternal Sunshine territory. Like the moment of clarity in that every voice exists at once but I'd like to focus on that former allegory a moment.
What if you were to choose to make no choices whatsoever.
The game starts.
You're in a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess. You're here to slay her. If you don't it will be the end of the world.
[Close your eyes and do nothing]
And yes The Narrator would protest. Perhaps even cold hands may eventually reach out. But you do nothing. Some people just aren't ready to break another heart or feel their own heart broken. Some people would rather avoid being changed by the eyes of another or invite a new version of themselves to be born into the world through being perceived.
It's safer that way. Right?
and like Joel Barish in Eternal Sunshine you refuse to go forward and so you go backwards. You cannot change the past but you can bring your baggage from the past into the present. It's human nature after all. We can't help but reflect, compare and construct from that we already understand.
Why don't you think back to the last "princess" you shared your heart with? The one from before. Think about them for a few moments. Think about all the transformations you inflicted upon one another over time. Did it end beautifully? Tragically? Horrifically?
It doesn't matter.
The game never lets you avoid your fate. The basement awaits.
I wonder, though, what would be in the basement when you approach The Princess for the first time with your baggage projected upon her?
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the-perihelion · 2 years
An exclusive summary has been leaked to GoodReads:
The million-copy, New York Times bestselling Murderbot series is back in another full-length novel adventure! Am I making it worse? I think I'm making it worse. Everyone's favorite lethal SecUnit is back. Following the events in Network Effect, the Barish-Estranza corporation has sent rescue ships to a newly-colonized planet in peril, as well as additional SecUnits. But if there’s an ethical corporation out there, Murderbot has yet to find it, and if Barish-Estranza can’t have the planet, they’re sure as hell not leaving without something. If that something just happens to be an entire colony of humans, well, a free workforce is a decent runner-up prize. But there’s something wrong with Murderbot; it isn’t running within normal operational parameters. ART’s crew and the humans from Preservation are doing everything they can to protect the colonists, but with Barish-Estranza’s SecUnit-heavy persuasion teams, they’re going to have to hope Murderbot figures out what’s wrong with itself, and fast! Yeah, this plan is... not going to work.
At the time of posting, no update or announcement has been made to Martha Wells' Dreamwidth or Mastodon, nor has any announcement been made on Tor dot com's site or Twitter.
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