#Basically Cortney
1. "I can get through this."
Emotional resilience is associated with mental toughness. There is an understanding that we have to be strong and overcome adversity without letting it break us.
2. "Even though I was a victim in this situation, I won't let it define me or ruin my future."
Being resilient means that when you experience the pain of mistreatment, you shift your perspective from "I'm a victim and powerless to help myself" to "How can I grow from this?"
3. “I won't always be happy with how things play out. But it's part of the journey."
Resilience is associated with a basic acceptance that life isn't always fair, and that we all experience emotional hardships. Accepting this truth helps people to not take things as personally when undesirable events happen.
4. "This, too, shall pass."
Resilient people believe that setbacks and challenges can feel horrible in the moment, but that nothing in life is permanent. It doesn't mean that the pain will go away entirely, but it does mean that we can work to make them less traumatic and damaging to us over time.
5. "What can I learn from this?"
Openness to experiences and the ability to shift your perspective from "Why did this happen to me?" to "What can I take from this to help me grow?" can help you better navigate through life's inevitable ups and downs.
6. “I'm feeling a strong emotion, so I'm going to take a moment and pause before I respond or make any big decisions."
A key component of resilience is emotional flexibility, or the ability to regulate your feelings and reduce their intensity in a given situation. Mastery over this can help us feel empowered during challenging times.
7. "I still have things to be grateful for."
We're hardwired to notice threats to our well-being. But people who are resilient find a way to turn towards the positive, even in times of difficulty.
8. "I have to see reality for what it is, even if it's not what I want, so I can move forward."
The key to resilience is not denying reality or seeking out a reason that makes us feel better about why something happened. When we arrive at a place of radical acceptance, the situation has less power over us.
9. "I'm letting this go."
Staying mired in resentment, wanting retribution, or focusing on payback keeps us holding on to past pain. Developing resilience requires getting to a place where we can see difficult life circumstances for what they are and actively choosing to let them go.
~ Dr. Cortney S. Warren, PhD
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liloskull343 · 1 year
After watching island of the slaughtered this is an au idea I had of the aftermath
Mainly based on Chris having a daughter
I apologize if these ideas sound dumb
Here's what I had so far
The reason I think Chris would hunt after his daughter is mainly due to her being the last thing he did care for
It's probably been like 2 months since her father did leave
She's been waiting for him
So she took a boat to the island (she had to sneak pass chef who refused to let her leave)
Once there she starts encountering the spirits
She manages to at least survive for now
After all the boat stopped working
It's only a matter of time until she can hear that same old lullaby she was sung to as a child
She manages to at least survive for now
After all the boat stopped working
It's only a matter of time until she can hear that same old lullaby she was sung to as a child
The only spirit that seems to be the least hostile is DJ
Mainly due to the daughter feeding a lil squirrel
The daughter is basically forced to survive a month on the island until help arrives
The daughter is basically forced to survive a month on the island until help arrives
Heather is the most hostile as well as Cortney
This is simply due to the daughter having a similar appearance of her father
Same hair same eyes etc
Of course how I end the au is obviously like father like daughter
Aka basically getting caught by Chris who proceeds to hug her and not let go
Accidentally crushing her ribs
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axolozzy · 6 months
had an insane dream about TUMBLR so i thought it was my obligation to share (warning for murder and horror movie like stuff i guess)
so there was this old tumblr creepy pasta that was really popular back in the day and it took place on a blog called “cortney’s blog” spelled exactly like that. it was weird because it was the only blog that had a space and apostrophe in the name.
the main antagonist was this tiny really ugly wrinkly pink creature that looked like a 3D puppet of that one shrimp character from smiling friends, and it’s name was The Numbler. iirc Cortney was i think the stereotypical popular high school girl but in secret she was the only one who could see and talk to The Numbler (or the only one The Numbler allowed to see and talk to it) and basically carried out murders for it. she had pale skin and long brown hair and wore a heavy metal band t shirt
(also like halfway through the dream, i realized it was a dream and thought i’d wanna write it down and post about it when i wake up LOL so the way i thought to remember The Numbler’s name was thinking about the word “mumble,” “number” and “the riddler” all combined into The Numbler. and it worked)
also it’s weird because the dream kinda kept going back and fourth from present days and flashbacks, so it’s kinda hard to get the timeline right. so i don’t know exactly how The Numbler started or came to be, because i didn’t see that far back yet before i woke up. i also don’t know how the dream ended either
anyway from what i can remember, the stuff put on cortney’s blog years and years ago was in the form of really well drawn webcomics that told the story of each murder Cortney committed, most of them involving her luring people away from their friends and murdering them. but people didn’t exactly know or think it was real because they were just comics. somehow, people caught on that the stuff the blog was posting was actually based on real murders taking place at the same time, but nobody could find the bodies or the person running the blog, so it was kinda just left as a creepypasta and forgotten about as time went on and it stopped posting.
and when i say forgotten about, like really forgotten about. nobody really knew it had existed unless you were on tumblr like a decade ago and saw the whole thing go down yourself, otherwise the posts became kinda lost to time and were never talked about.
years later, i was at my grandma’s house just kinda hanging out lol and i went upstairs to this really weird room we were never really allowed in. the room was dark and looked like a concrete basement and there were all sorts of writings on the walls that looked written out of dried blood or black paint. there was a giant rectangle slab in the middle that was basically a bed i think but it looked more like a tomb or coffin. apparently this was where cortney committed her last murder (which. apparently was my grandpa LOL???) and after that, her spirit became trapped in that room for years until the door was finally opened by ME. oops
now cortney’s spirit is loose and i’m freaking out and trying to find out soo much lore about her blog to find a way to stop this. i looked through all the cortney’s blog tumblr posts and read all the comics. it was a weird moment because suddenly, everyone on tumblr was coming across those posts again and reblogging them saying they were part of the tumblr greats and stuff. as i was binging the comics, i also reblogged them to show my mutuals because they were genuinely interesting and a good story and thought they’d like it. apparently there had also been a horror movie adaptation of cortney’s blog back in the day so i watched that movie to find out more.
the movie didn’t reveal much except i think it’s how i figured out where The Numbler was left. anyway during all of this, cortney’s blog had started posting AGAIN and people were really excited because they thought it returned for some kind of arg creepypasta and they didn’t think it was actually Real.
my time was limited to find The Numbler and destroy it before Cortney came back and killed me, so i began my search. here’s the part where it gets confusing and i feel ends very abruptly. i went outside by the woods that don’t exist irl and found three wooden crates that looked like they had been there a really long time. they were all weathered down and had plants growing around them and stuff.
anyway me and my friend (dunno who it was they kinda showed up outta nowhere) opened the crates and found some stuff. the first one had a red piece of yarn in it and and ohhh shit i think i forgot something else important. so! sometimes i get these weird lucid deja vu dreams where during the dream, i realize im dreaming and that i’ve actually had the same exact dream before! but that’s a lie, i’ve literally never had those dreams before but my brain made me think i did? so i knew some extra information that was just given to me at the start i think. that information was that The Numbler had more friends. there was a red piece of yarn that could take shape of a little stick man person and stuff. then there was a rag that was also a little guy idk. they were just little fucked up creatures that were part of the cortney’s blog lore and were The Numbler’s companions.
after The Numbler was abandoned all those years ago when Cortney’s spirit was trapped in my grandpa’s room, it and its friends were basically trapped in those crates and abandoned for years. my friend and i had now just opened them and saw the remains of those guys, now just the lifeless objects they were based on. the red yarn was just a piece of yarn and the wash cloth was just that. but The Numbler was nowhere to be seen. fuck
we ran back into the house after seeing a creepy fucking shadow man staring at us from across the lawn. it was creepy as hell and was now IN THE HOUSE CHASING US. this house was not my grandma’s anymore either it was just a random house i’ve never been in before, i think it was suppose to be my mystery friend’s house actually.
anyway i just stayed in the kitchen and my friend and their family were being chased by the shdadow man and allll of The Numbler’s friends. yep. they were back to life now, must’ve been playing a trick on us in those crates, and now they were like running in a circle around my friends doing some sort of weird ritual thing. all of a sudden they became humanoid and their personalities also reminded me of the starkid lords in black, both the weird monster forms and the human forms.
anyway i was hiding under a really small table and could see into the room were they were terrorizing my friends. i made eye contact with one of the creatures. shit
i was found, they all surrounded me, then i woke up. i have no idea what happened to The Numbler or Cortney but their friends were doing some sort of ritual on us and they probably completed it. Cortney probably continued her reign of terror and fed our bodies to The Numbler who knows. it was a crazyyy dream i hope u all found it entertaining :) now who wants to make The Numbler the new tumblr sexyman
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honeymochibubbletea · 7 months
Howdy! Can we get more of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fic? Also, did you intend it to be this Charlie
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If so that’s funny. (This is from jencil’s blog btw, I’m sure you know just wanna credit the artist)
Hi! Sorry for the late reply! 😅
As for your question: yes and not exactly, let me explain:
Since i’m going to make some changes on the fanfic to suit better the world of Telltown and the characters it would be basically be like this:
The main cast:
Cortney as Charlie (you know, the protagonist of the chocolate factory and not our dear hero Charlie)
Phantasmo as Willy wonka
Barron as Charlie’s grandpa (sorry, forgot his name. And also, Barron would still be an adult, not an elder person. Just wanted to clarify this, lol)
And as for the other children… let’s just say that… it’s going to be a “special guest” surprise~ ;) (they may or may not be from other fandoms, hehehe >:3)
Also as for the “yes”: when i was writing the fanfic, i only noticed in the middle of it that there was this coincidence. Yeah, it’s a funny coincidence that our Charlie has the same name as the protagonist from the film/book! Lmao
(Also, cool/sad “fun” fact: did you know that the original author of the book intended for Charlie to be a black kid? He only didn’t do that because he thought that not many people would buy his books if he placed a black protagonist… yeah… racism sucks… that’s the bummer part about it… But! Now there is going to have a black protagonist! :D (well, one of the protagonists, but a protagonist nonetheless!))
And don’t worry! The fanfic is 85% almost done! I promise to post it very soon! ;D
(And one more thing: if you want to send me requests to write, i’ll gladly accept them! (Really, i am accepting anything) be it one-shots, snippets, headcanons, anything at all!)
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opinated-user · 1 year
We should probably keep in mind: Cortney knew of Lily long before she came out, and chances are the most prominent memories in Cortney's mind would be many of the times Lily presented as her agab and was abusing her.
Recounting what happened to her at all can very well be re-traumatizing. People who are having trauma based reactions are not typically going to be the most composed or thoughtful.
I think the bare minimum Cortney should be given is the basic human compassion one would give to all SA survivors, and to allow her a voice regardless if we agree with how she conducts herself or addresses her abusers in-the-moment.
indeed. thank you, anon, you explained it much better than i could.
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biblebitch-666 · 1 year
August 5, 2023- entry
today I finally hung out with poly, he looked like how he does on snap and whatnot. I was just really irritated at first because it mainly seemed like we were gonna hang earlier in the day, but we ended up going to applebees at 9:30 Pm. I mean I could have hung out with chona and sandy if I'd known that , damn. I was about to just say that we can hang a different day because it was already getting so late, and I was waiting a little too long. To be honest I wasn't in the exact mood to hang out, i was a little upset that it was seeming like we weren't gonna hang out when we talked and planned for it before. I suppose I was a little upset because it seemed like it was a chore for him to hang out with me, like something to get over with so I could finally shut up and stop asking him to hang. This is likely me projecting my inner doubts and insecurities tho, I mean I was never one to not jump to conclusions. Idk, I hope that I made a decent impression tho, again, im not sure if I made a good one, one that would make someone want to hang out with me again. I had a good time, though the food at applebees was questionable, I'll eat any kind of pasta.
I guess idk, maybe this will be the last time we hang out, I mean if he offers to hang of course I'll hang out. But that's the thing, im not sure if they'll ask to hang out again. I probably won't ask. Not because I don't want to, but because of how I am. If I don't think that someone wants to hang with me, then I won't ask them too because I don't want to bug people and annoy them. I always have this problem of assuming other people's thoughts and feelings towards me, and usually they're not good assumptions. when meeting new people, I always feel like i'm annoying them when I ask to like hangout and stuff. I just hope I made a decent impression that they'll want to hangout again, or at least not ignore me completely.
On a more positive note, tomorrow im going to hang out with cortney in the morning and go get coffee together. I love cortney so obviously I'm excited about thattttttt. Maybe it'll take my mind off of the other stuff that's been upsetting me. I wanna get other books to read to have something to dooo. Maybe I'll read red white and royal blue, that seems sooo basic but i want a fun reading experiene. Okay i think im gonna end the diary entry here, i feel way better rn, goodnightttttt.
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tonkicertified · 2 years
Cortney hendrix and jason carrion
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This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In a sweet post last week, she said they are “always stronger together” and Jason shared a quote that said “alone we can do so little together we can do so much.” Awh! I’m So happy we gave this a real shot and are now The Hehners together!! I love you! Happy 1 year anniversary to our Decision Day!Īfter overcoming some challenges in the first season of The First Year, Cortney and Jason also seem to be doing great. Douglas, thanks for loving me when I was weak and scared. I gained a huge, amazing family and so many amazing moments with my wonderful husband. I would’ve never guessed I’d grow to fall in love and then renew our vows and change my last name. We had known each other less than 2 months. Looking back it’s crazy to think of all we’ve been through since then. Jamie even marked the first anniversary of the MAFS finale on Instagram today with this post… Unlike Married at First Sight co-stars Monet and Vaughn and every couple from the second season, the First Year duos still seem to be doing great.Ī photo posted by Jamie Otis on at 7:40am PDT Pepper Schwartz, will check in with the couples and offer advice and guidance post experiment. Married at First Sight trusted sociologist, Dr. Jason’s childhood friend, Neph Rodriguez, will also share his journey of navigating the dating world post-divorce. With new adventures on the horizon, the couples share their most personal struggles and joyous occasions. In season two of Married at First Sight: The First Year, viewers will follow the two couples as they encounter new ups and downs in married life – from renovating a new home, to talk of babies, to reconnecting with a long lost relative. Although it’s still called Married At First Sight: The First Year, we’ll get a look at the second year of Cortney Hendrix, Jason Carrion, Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner’s married lives on the FYI channel this October.
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scopophobia-polaris · 2 years
Okay gf said this shit is kinda funny in a way I can't even describe besides the victim blaming I guess???? I feel like I'm using buzz words but uHHHHHHH the merge is real I guess?
Look I swear I go back to buissness soon I just need to post the bullshit I've been going through because I wasn't trying to say she's a pedophile to anyone, I tried to say she did this and I got worried like mf this wasn't about revenge I got legit worried 🤦‍♂️
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Lord in heaven help I cannot believe this shIt hAPPENED
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saltypiratepunk · 2 years
Character Headcanons
I needed to do some important shit this week, therefore, instead I made a very long list of my favorite characters in every fandom I could recall. Thanks, brain.
Of course, it’s not just a list of my faves, as you  might thought, no. This is the list of my aspec/non-binary/bi and/or neurodivergent character headcanons.  And I thought - why not share it - so here we are.
Overall, it’s basically me pulling the “there was no mention of their sexuality, romantic attraction or gender so they’re this cause I said so” card. Plus characters that give off neurodivergent vibes. Just because I can do it and no one could stop me. 
The list is not complete, so if you have any suggestions, go ahead, I’ll gladly hear them out. Note that this is purely my opinion and if you disagree - that’s your right. 
Good Omens.
Aziraphale (Ace/Aro/NB) (Neurodivergent)
Crowley (Ace/Aro/NB) (ADHD)
The Witcher Games.
Regis (Ace/Bi)
Detlaff (Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Dandelion (Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Avalac'h (Aro/Ace/Bi/NB)
MCU + Sony.
Elena Belova (Aro/Ace/Bi) (ADHD)
Spider-man Noir (Aro/Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Dr. Stephen Strange (Aro/Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Clint Barton (Aspec/Bi) (ADHD)
Bruce Banner (AceSpec) (Neurodivergent)
Nick Fury (Aspec)
Karol Danvers (Aspec/Bi/NB)
Michelle Jones (Ace/NB) (Neurodivergent)
Tony Stark (Bi) (ADHD)
America Chavez (ADHD)
Deadpool (ADHD)
Loki (Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Peter Parker (Bi) (ADHD)
Peter Quill (Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Peter [Pietro] Maximoff (Aspec/Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Scott Lang (Bi) (ADHD)
Kate Bishop (Aspec/Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Kamala Khan (ADHD)
Phil Coulson (Aspec/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Melinda May (Aspec)
Castiel (Aro/Ace/Bi/NB) (Neurodivergent)
Jack Kline (Aspec/NB/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Gabriel (Bi) (ADHD)
Doctor Who.
The Doctor (Aspec/Bi/NB) (Neurodivergent)
Donna Noble (Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Rory Williams (AceSpec/Bi)
[I think there’s actually more, I just can’t remember]
ArrowVerse [CW DC].
The Shade (Aro/Ace/Bi)
Dr. McNider (Aspec/Bi)
Beth Chapel (Aro/Ace/Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Cortney Whitmore (Aspec/Bi/ some also headcanon her as trans and I like it) (ADHD)
Brainy (Aro/Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Rip Hunter (Aspec/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Harry Wells (Aspec) (Neurodivergent)
Eobard Thawne (Aro/Ace/Bi)
Barry Allen (AceSpec/Bi) (ADHD)
Felicity Smoak (Bi) (ADHD)
Leonard Snart [Earth -1] (Aspec/Bi) (since actor has autism, I headcanon that Snart has it too)
Stranger Things.
Eddie Munson (Aro/Ace/Bi/NB) (ADHD) [He’s all of it, fight me]
Will Byers (AceSpec)
Dustin Henderson (Aspec) (ADHD)
Jane 'Eleven' Hopper (Ace/Aro/Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Steve Harrington (Bi) (ADHD)
Robin Buckley (Aspec/NB) (ADHD)
Max Mayfield (Bi + she’s also headcanoned as trans and I’m all for it) (Neurodivergent)
Jonathan Byers (Aspec/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Nancy Wheeler (Bi)
[Tbh, there are no straight people in ST, imo]
Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Aang (Aspec/Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Sokka (Bi) (ADHD)
Uncle Iroh (Aspec) (ADHD)
Zuko (Aspec/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Toph (Aro/Ace/NB/Bi) (ADHD)
Harry Potter Universe.
George and Fred Weasley (Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Newt Scamander (Aspec) (Neurodivergent)
Neville Longbottom (Aspec/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Luna Lovegood (Aspec/Bi/NB) (Neurodivergent)
Remus Lupin (Aspec/Bi)
Severus Snape (Aro/Ace)
Charlie Weasley (Aro/Ace)
Star Wars.
Han Solo (Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Leia Organa (Aspec/Bi) (ADHD)
Mace Windu (Aspec)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Aspec/Bi)
Basically any Jedi as Aspec/Bi/NB is my religion
The Mandalorian (Aro/Ace/Bi)
Edmund [Narnia] (ASpec) (ADHD)
Sherlock Holmes (Aro/Ace/Bi)
Sheldon Cooper [The Big Bang Theory] (Aro/Ace)
Willy Wonka [Charlie and The Chocolate Factory] (Aro/Ace/NB) (Neurodivergent)
Shaggy [Scooby-Doo] (Aro/Ace/Bi) (ADHD)
Bilbo Beggins [The Hobbit] (Aro/Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Gendalf [The Hobbit, Lord Of The Rings] (Aro/Ace) (Neurodivergent)
Kaz [Shadow and Bone Netflix series, Six of Crows] (Ace)
Jasper [Shadow and Bone Netflix series, Six of Crows] (ADHD)
Elsa [Frozen] (Aro/Ace/Bi)
Alec Hardy [Broadchurch] (Aro/Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Ellie Miller [Broadchurch] (AceSpec)Merlin [Merlin series] (Aro/Ace/Bi) (ADHD)
Hanzo Shimada [Overwatch] (Aro/Ace/Bi)
Connor [Detroit: Become Human] (Aro/Ace/Bi/NB)
Elijah Kamski [Detroit: Become Human] (Aro/Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Gavin Reed [Detroit: Become Human] (Aro/Ace/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Peter Hale [Teen Wolf] (Aro/Ace/Bi/NB)
Stiles Stilinski [Teen Wolf] (Aspec/Bi) (ADHD)
Malia Tate [Teen Wolf] (Aspec/Bi/NB) (ADHD)
Spock [Star Trek] (Aro/Ace)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy [Star Trek] (Aspec/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
James Kirk (Bi) (ADHD)
Jughead Jones [Archie Comics] (Canon Aro/Ace)
Merida [Brave] (Aro/Ace)
Bruno Madrigal [Encanto] (Aro/Ace) (Neurodivergent)
Mirabel Madrigal [Encanto] (Aspec/Bi) (Neurodivergent)
Percy Jackson [Percy Jackson books] (ADHD)
Jake Peralta [Brooklyn 99] (Bi) (ADHD)
Chandler Bing [Friends series] (Bi) (ADHD)
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littlelegend · 3 years
So basically.
AUs are the only thing I am good at so I decided to make one with Total Drama characters. What I have is simple but fun.
World of Sword and Magic AU!
Everyone from TDI are members of one guild. All of them have their own special skills.
Chris is the Guild Master.
Here are the things I figured out so far:
Noah - scholar
Alejandro - knight
Owen - paladin
Eva - barbarian
Izzy - barbarian
Harold - samurai
Duncan - thief
Cortney - healer
DJ - druid
Gwen - witch
Leshawna - elementalist
Heather - necromancer
Trent - bard
Justin - sexy bard
Brittney - contractor
Jeoff - gun weilder
Beth - warrior maid
Lindsay - noble
Tyler - guard
Ezekiel - werecreature
Cody - wizard
Sierra - journalist
Chief - second in command
Not much, I know. I still have a lot of work to do. I am thinking of actually drawing a few designs and making a post for each character. Stay tuned, I guess :P
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luridsims · 3 years
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cortney is already an elder and is very much taking on the ‘goofy wine aunt’ vibes. she never got married or had kids, so she’s basically just living her best life.
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heathersgameoftag · 4 years
Read last chapter. You great, as always😁 But i started to question: How aware people in 80s were about LGBT? In previous chapters, Betty was one, who educated people about gender and sexuality. With her background it was understandable that she knows. But now Cortney uses word "Queer" (not sure she knows the definition, but still). And Heather saying "LGBT-comuniti" (might be wrong, but it's first time somebody mentions it), tho she appears as most ignurant about this sort of thing.
in the same ways older lgbt+ generations would have been able to connected !!! yeah there was no internet but there was literature and queer spaces and political movements - a lot of political movements. I imagine Betty gets her knowledge from there; keep in mind, her dad is a bisexual punk anarchist, so any spaces she cant enter as a busy school student, he can. tbh i think most of her knowledge initially came from him, and the rest she educated herself through magazines, documentaries etc. similarly to what Mac does.
anyway, when Courtney said 'queer' she was using it as a slur, which would have been just as common back then (if not more) than it is now. she doesnt really see it as a gay identity of any sort, she just knows it means 'someone who is lgbt' and therefore sees it as an insult.
as for Chandler, she is pretty uneducated, but keep in mind for her speech she spent a lot of her time researching areas of the lgbt+ community she wasn't aware of/didn't know much about. she's since picked up on terms and even found a label for herself, and is basically a lot more involved in a community she initially didn't want to be apart of
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professorpski · 4 years
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Sew News December 2020/January 2021
The theme of this issues is all things sparkly and furry. So you see the synthetic, panne velvet dress on the cover which illustrates a feature on using velvets by Bianca Springer. That dress is McCalls 7999, a current pattern, but the cowl sleeves are from an out-of-print pattern McCalls 7998.
Then you see some furry accessories. The ubiquitous cowl is redone as a rectangle of fur with a zipper (If you saw my January 24, 2014, you have heard of chin-chins, a kind of fur collar that went over a coat, buttoned or hooked, and both warm and flattering, very popular in the 1910s and well worth reviving). Cortney Swayne designed this cowl with a separating zipper, a good first project if you have never worked with fake fur, but have put in a zipper. Then Erin Weisbert designed the fur toque, she calls it a pillbox which is a little harder as you must connect the rounded seamline of the crown to the sides.
A very simple shiny project is the sequinned scrunchie which is offered along with a simple clutch and a headband by Sadie Fox Mettler.  These would be good for learning how to work with sequins which need to be removed from the seam allowances before you sew, and before you take on a larger project like a top or dress.
There are other simple patterns including for a stocking, applique pillows, and more, plus technical advice on zipper basics, on serger basics, on making a simple furry jacket, and on fitting garments, including on improving mask fit. The columns on new products and interviews with makers.
You can find it in your local fabric store or here online: https://www.sewdaily.com/sew-news-magazine/
On chin-chins, go here: https://professorpski.tumblr.com/post/74385752343/vogue-jezebel-lena-dunham-and-fashionable
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honeymochibubbletea · 7 months
Hello my cuties! Sorry about that last post: i know, it was a bit gloomy…
But, but, but! Right now, i am going to show you guys another (i know, i have too many shelved ideas, BUT HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE-) fanfic that i’m writing! :D
Here’s a preview without context:
““Please uncle Barron! It’s going to be fun! Imagine: me, you and Charlie going to the chocolate factory!”
Cortney pleaded for her uncle to come along with her to the chocolate factory. Since she was the lucky kid who happened to acquire the last golden ticket to where her uncle once worked… She knows that when he was fired, he… didn’t took it very well… but now it was an opportunity to visit again where he worked! …right…?
“Cortney, my dear niece… why don’t you invite Squirt or Carter to go with you?”
Barron signed tiredly. He really hated that place, especially the owner… all the things he made him do… and when he was fired… that bastard really did that on purpose just to fuck with his mind…
“Uncleeeeee, you know that Carter is traveling with Daisy! And i also offered Squirt to come with me but then… he would probably get into trouble in the factory because he’s a glutton, then we both agreed that it would be better to take some pictures of there and i would bring him some sweets… So there’s only you and Charlie to come with me! And don’t tell me to invite mom or dad because i can’t choose between them!”
The little brush child made a pouty face, which only made her uncle sigh even more…
“. . .Fine. . .”
“Yay! I promise, if you feel uncomfortable to be there, we can ask your ex-boss if you could go home!”
While his niece cheered, happy that her uncle would come along, Barron was having a bad feeling about this… but wanted to make his niece happy…
(. . .)
The owner of the factory finally arrived: the famous Mr. Phantasmo himself! He was wearing a fine brown suit, pink and golden goggles with white spirals on them, a white shirt below his suit and wearing no pants because he’s a ghost, and legs are basically useless for ghosts, right? (Don’t worry, he’s not naked below the waist, he still has his ghost tail)
He announced the welcoming to the visitors with pride and full confidence. The visitors clapped (with exception of Barron and Charlie) and Phantasmo bowed elegantly while grinning and winking at Charlie, who only reacted with disgust at the “ex-mad scientist” (like she would believe that…)”
As you guys probably noticed while reading this, i am writing a “Charlie and the chocolate factory” fanfic! (But, you know, with Jencil’s and Fluffpillow’s OCs :D)
Probably the fanfic will be divided into 3 or 5 parts depending on how long this is going to be.
And that’s it! Hope you guys are just as excited as i am for this! Bu-byeeee!
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wait i haven't been online all day what happened with chrissy?
*trigger warning*
Old tweets resurfaced about her going after Cortney Stodden basically telling her to kill herself. And she told a 12 year old to die.
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seenalready13 · 5 years
Broken bridges (part 1 of series)
Hey, @kannra21 I made a short series with our ocs thought you might enjoy, tell me what you think.
I’m bored and have too much time on my hands, so have this story born from my boredom. Misao Ningyo belongs to Kannra21 and Cortney Tan belongs to me if you liked this story, then check out Heart of a hero a new era, for more of them and their classmates. 
So my first semester at U.A has been a very time…interesting to say the least; I’ve found out some secrets about my classmates, family, teachers. Been forced to defend my life against a bunch of villains, several times by the way, and fell in love with a boy. 
The boy in question, however, is Misao Ningyo, our class jackass. He’s an attention whore, always want everyone eyes on him, a trickster with a sharp tongue and an even sharper mind. I thought he was also a womanizer, one of the people I hate the most when I saw him talking to the other girls in our class. 
Back in junior high, I was known as the White Wolf because of my mostly white hair, my ferocious aura, my love of fighting and protecting others. I was a big deal so big in fact that I had a fan club and received countless requests from both boys and girls to go out with me. Most were looking to use the fact that I’m their girlfriend to scare people and receive protection or the key to control the school,  Some were only interested in my body, I’m bigger than the average Japanese girl, bigger in every sense of the word; height, weight, especially in the breast department, I have to wear wraps underneath my clothes so they don’t flop around. 
Wait, what was I going on about? Right, love life, nobody was in love with me, Cortney Tan, only the White Wolf, so when Misao tried to charm me I wasn’t having any of it. He was so confused when his charms failed him, it was really funny to see him get frustrated, so I thought, “You know what, I‘ll stick around to how far he goes for me.” Thus began my game seeing Misao try and fail to charm me to see his frustrated little face, at some point, I started to tease Misao, first, it was only after every lost but then I figured out I could skip the fails and started to tease the living fuck out of Misao, harmless at first but then I started going overboard then just started pissing him off.
The turning point was when I flashed Misao, thankfully I just showed him my bra and it was just us, he even told me to stop but I just wanted to see him frustrated didn’t matter what type of frustration along as long as it was frustration. 
The final straw was when I said several things about him and his parents in class, one of the fastest ways to piss Misao off, he had enough and exploded, he said he was finished with the teasing, he even told them what I did, finishing with he has had enough with me and never wanted to talk or see me again before leaving before class had started. 
I was awoken to just how terrible I was to Misao, all for what? A dumbass thrill, I became the thing I hate the most, I saw Misao as an object for my amusement and not a person. For about a week, I tried to apologize to Misao but the second he caught sight of me, either ignored what I had to say or turned around and took another route as time went on, I became worse and worse, it all acuminated with me banging on Misao’s door and him refusing to open. 
My heart couldn’t handle the failure and it finally broke. I started crying, clawing at Misao’s door, apologizing until my fingers started to bleed and my voice horse to the point that I could no longer form words. Misao opens his door to look at Cortney, the girl who rushes into danger to save her friends will do anything she can to help them, including teaching them how to fight, the girl who holds an unbreakable spirit, but has to look down to find the dirty, sobbing, bleeding, and unintelligible remains of the once thought to be unbreakable girl in front of his door. 
I was so focused on apologizing that I ignored my own basic needs and hygiene so much to the point I looked like a different person, my hair was such a mess that you couldn’t see my highlights and my skin was also covered in dirt and cuts from falling over trying to catch an in vain chance to attempt to talk to Misao. 
I’m so broken that I can’t see Misao attempt to clean me up with a handkerchief until he said the two words that I will forever remember, “Apology accepted.” 
I open my eyes upon those words being said and see Misao with a very messy handkerchief cleaning my face, I end up with crying again in happiness. However, with everything I did to Misao, it would be some time before I could fully repair the bridge I thoughtlessly destroyed.                                        
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