#Batman/TMNT 2 (Comics)
Donation Writing
Inspired by @spnyuri's amazing work, I'm offering 100 words per dollar donated to one of the Palestinian families represented in , or one of these organizations:
Operation Olive Branch
Sudanese American Physicians' Organization
Crips for eSims for Gaza
Action Kivu (DRC)
Help Sudan Tarada Initiative 
You can DM or askbox proof of donations (with names blacked out) with your prompt.
I'm in an Avatar (movies) phrase rn, but have also written for TMNT and DC, along with a long list of other fandoms and original work (you can see my writing and on ao3 here, I'll put as many of the fandoms I've written for in the tags as I can) If you've got a fandom not on the list send me a description of characters and I'll se what I can do.
I don't have any personal limits on dead dove stuff (as long as the recipient isn't a minor), but I will also happily write gen. Thank you for reading!
Tagging some people who might be interested--if you've already donated and/or can't donate, please consider spreading this around!
@mayfriend @kayjaydee17 @bl00dw1tch @ibenholt @midnight1404 @freshairforrabbits @crow-dog @taishenkai @alcorian @honeyhobi @makitesuli @pleasesendfrogs @birdgeon
Edit: I've already gotten proof of multiple donations because of this and I am so grateful.
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90ssuperheroes · 6 hours
My Top 10 Superhero/Comic Book Movies
What are your's?
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burritello3000 · 3 months
Batman/TMNT Comics 2 Scene
You know that one scene in the Batman/TMNT 2 comics where Donnie is almost killed by that foot soldier and he starts doubting himself and that starts the whole thing off? Well, it’s that scene but Riseified. I couldn’t get this idea out of my head but I didn’t want to write a whole fic so I decided to just write this one scene. (PS: I apologize in advance if your name is are Daryl or Wilbur) This takes place during Season 1, after Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man but while Baron Draxum has just taken control of the Foot Clan.
“Cowabunga!” Mikey yelled, as the turtles rode one of Donnie’s new inventions, the Sewer Slider, down the subway tunnel. The guy that had run away from them screamed and sprinted off into the darkness.
“I think we gave that guy a heart attack or something,” Leo called out from Donnie’s left. Wind whistled past the purple-masked turtle’s tympanum, whipping the slider’s words away immediately.
“It’s his own fault for walking through the subway with the lights out,” Raph pointed out. “And he should h— MIKEY IS THIS REALLY THE BEST TIME FOR A SNACK?!”
“You know what the ancient proverb says about pizza on a bagel,” Donatello’s little brother replied, snacking on said pizza bagel and pulling farther ahead of Leo and Donnie. 
“That’s from a commercial,” the snapper growled, his forehead creasing. “Remember, no eating on missions. We need to stay alert and vigi—”
“No fair,” Leo whined, interrupting him and pulling up alongside Mikey. “I want some! You gotta share little brother or I’ll take Raph’s side in the argument…”
The sharp wind carried Mikey’s response away as Donnie rolled his eyes. “Sigh, guys remember what I said about focusing when riding highly dangerous experimental machinery at eighty miles per hour?”
Only after Raph echoed Donnie did they quiet down. Dumb-dumbs, Donnie mentally grumbled. Why do they only listen to Raph? They should at least listen to me regarding my tech, right? … Right?
Donnie’s self doubt pity party was interrupted by a familiar raspy voice. “We agreed to leave! Why does Draxum want us dead?!” The far away conversation echoed down the tunnels, allowing the Mad Dogs to eavesdrop.
“You and Brute are not fit to lead us, Lieutenant,” an unfamiliar person responded. “In fact, you don’t even deserve those titles anymore, Daryl and Wilbur.”
“Daryl and Wilbur,” Leo snickered. “I would keep Lieutenant and Brute. Oh man, I’m totally going to tease them after we save their butts.”
A roar of rage echoed down the tunnel. “I think that we should hurry,” Donnie snapped, before more petty squabbling could break out between his brothers. 
“Donnie’s right!” Raph shouted, his bright red ninpo lighting up the dark tunnel. “Mad Dogs, ahoy!”
“I thought we agreed to save that for ship-based adventures, pal,” Donnie reminded his older brother. “Please don’t make me say that again; the viewers don’t like repetition.” ——————————————————————They were going so fast that tears stung at Leo’s eyes. They sped down the tunnel just in time to see some bulked up foot soldiers kick Lutentiant out of the ragged subway car. “No!” Brute yelled, just missing his friend’s out-stretched hand.
“Leo!” Raph barked.
“Already on it,” the slider said with a wink, picking up speed and catching Lutentiant on his Sewer Slider. “Hey, Wilbur!” He crowed smugly. “Need a lift?”
“YOU!” Lutentaint screeched, struggling out of Leo’s grip. “I had him! I do not need the help of children!” The flames on his head blazed with anger. “Also, how dare you suggest that my name is Wilbur, it is Daryl.”
Leo laughed, a smirk on his face. “Whoa, harsh, I thought we were pals. Well, not pals, but I thought that we were done trying to kill each other with this Baron Draxum thing happening. At least for now. Enemy of my enemy and all that jazz!”
Lutentiant finally freed himself from the blue-masked turtle’s hands and straightened, brushing himself off before pointing an accusing finger at Leo. “You turtles started this mess! It’s your fault that Draxum got the armor piece at the Botanical Gardens instead of us. Not to mention the fact that he is obsessed with you.”
Leo just rolled his eyes and surfed towards the subway car. “Whatever dude,” he called over his shoulder. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go save your boyfriend.”
The wind drowned out the former Lutentaint’s hoarse protests as he raced after his brothers. 
Leo arrived just in time to watch the show. “Hey losers!” Mikey called, jumping into the car, surprising and wrapping up the soldiers, paper and real, with his kusari-fundo. 
“I think this is your stop,” Raph finished, tearing up the paper soldiers. In the snapper’s haste, a few real foot soldiers broke out of the chain and fell out of the subway car.
“Hey, Raphie?” Leo called, joining them and dodging a hit. “I think one of the dudes that fell out of the car was the leader, the one with the freaky mask. Didn’t we leave Donnie back there?” He opened a portal, causing the paper soldiers that one of the human ones made teleport somewhere else. “Do you think…”
“Don’t worry, Leo!” The red-masked turtle responded, smashing a soldier into one of the walls and knocking her unconscious. “Donnie’s smarter than the rest of us put together. I’m sure he’s got something up his sleeve…” ——————————————————————Donnie equipped his newest invention to the train tracks, thrill at getting to test it out sparking through him. His weapon charged up as his quarry stumbled down the tunnel. “Y’know you guys should watch where you step down here,” he mused, his new invention making a buzzing noise and warming up in his hands. “The third rail can be quite deadly.”
He pointed the purple painted gun at them, artwork courtesy of Mikey, with a smug smile on his face. “And I only need a fraction of its power to charge this taser rifle I designed last night.” The tunnel lit up with electric green light, a sign that it was powered up and ready. “One hit, and you’ll be out for hours. Who wants to go first?”
His confidence vanished immediately as the ninja in the lead gave him a look of contempt that Donnie could see even through his weird mask. “Foolish child,” he spat, picking up his weapon and moving faster than the softshell could blink.
Donnie fired the taser, but it was too late. “You face ninja,” the foot leader sneered, nimbly leaping out of the way with his companion. They threw a couple of shuriken, one piercing Donnie’s shoulder and the other cutting through his power supply.
“Oh that’s not good,” the softshell yelped, trying to salvage his invention. “I can fix this! I can fix this! I CAN TOTALLY FIX THIS—” Donnie’s rambling was cut off as he took a blow to his plastron, flinging him across the tracks. “You know it turns out I cannot fix this…,” he finished weakly.
“You are not true ninja.” Pain ripped through his jaw as Mask Guy bashed his foot into his face. “You mask your deficiencies with cheap tricks. That is the way of the weak. You cannot best true strength and skill!”
“Scoff! I’m just smart enough to use every tool at my disposal,” Donnie retorted, pulling out his tech-bo. “Now eat plasma!”
The purple-masked turtle expected to use his battle shell to fly up into the air and blast the foot soldiers with his tech-bo. However, to his dismay, his battle shell gave a rumble and then fell off, exposing his vulnerable shell. His tech-bo short circuited and fell apart in his hands. “NO!”
“We have tools of our own,” Mask Guy continued triumphantly. His partner threw two more shurikens at the softshell. Donnie hissed in pain as one embedded itself in the edge of his shell. “Tools that our forebearers have mastered over centuries. Elevating the skill of their use into an art form. I can’t imagine what the great Lou Jitsu must think of you.”
Mask Guy’s words cut into Donatello’s heart, opening old wounds and bringing back long buried insecurities. His words hurt so much that the softshell didn’t see the chain that swept his legs out from under him. He let out a cry of pain as his shell hit the hard ground, gravel digging into it. The rail probably interfered with my tech! Donnie realized as he feebly attempted to block more shurikens as they cut into his arm.
He tried to activate his panic button, but Mask Guy knocked it out of his weak grip. Blood flew from his mouth as he took another hit to the face. “Perhaps this is mercy,” Mask Guy said maliciously, pointing his spear at Donnie’s throat. Panic clouded his senses as he stared at the sharp point as it lunged downwards…
His twin’s voice cut through his stupor. “GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Leo put Mask Guy in a headlock, his eyes narrowed with fury. 
Mask Guy grabbed the slider and threw him, smashing him into the opposite wall. “Don’t you see, boy? I am freeing you!” Fear sent Donnie’s heart racing as he turned back to him, his spear ready to strike again. “Imagine how strong you would be if you never had to protect the runt of your litter.”
Raph appeared out of the darkness, his face twisted with anger and fear. He punched Mask Guy in the face, so hard that he was sent flying farther down the dimly lit tunnel. “I’m plenty strong enough already,” he snarled, baring his teeth.
Leo helped Donnie up as Mikey turned towards the unconscious ninja, pure rage flashing across his face. “Just because Donnie’s as good a fighter as the rest of us, doesn’t mean that he’s not a million times better than bad guys like you!”
He then turned back to Donnie, his eyes wide with concern. “D, are you okay?! We totally thought you were a goner for a second there. Thank pizza supreme in the sky that we got down here in time!”
“Y-yeah,” Donnie stammered, shock still slowing his thoughts. “Thank pizza supreme in the sky…” ——————————————————————When they got back to the lair, Leo patched up his wounds as he and April chewed him out. “You’re lucky we got there,” Leo growled, not looking up from his wrapping. “You could have died, Donnie.”
“Ooooo I wish I was there,” April ranted. “I would have taught those jerks a lesson they would never forget! But seriously, D, you need to be more careful.”
“I know,” Donnie mumbled again, unable to meet his sister’s gaze. “I’m sorry.”
Her face softened. “We’re just worried about you, Donnie.”
“I know,” the softshell repeated, shifting around so his twin could treat his shell.
As April fell silent, the only noises for a few minutes were Raph and Mikey stuffing their faces with pizza. “Don’t listen to what that guy said,” Leo advised, putting the rest of the bandages away. “You don’t slow us down, Donnie. You’re all set, just no training for you for the next few days.”
As his twin and April retreated for pizza, Donnie was left alone with his thoughts. Leo might not believe it, he thought, shame burning a hole in his heart. But I do slow us down. He just doesn’t want to admit it. Dad probably is embarrassed by me, I bet all he said at that Demolition Derby was just another thing to get me to let him control the tank. Don’t worry, he comforted himself. That's all going to change soon, because I have a plan…
I thought about making this into a whole fic but I don’t want to. I feel like Donnie would try to become stronger by building a giant robot to help him fight. But the robot becomes sentient and almost destroys New York. Donnie would use more robot parts to try and stop the giant robot but the AI almost takes over his brain, forcing Donnie to believe in himself to break the control. He would also need the help of his brothers and FINALLY get even more approval from Splinter. Anyways, thanks for reading :)
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ghastbutlikegay · 11 months
Omg you talked about 2012 TMNT and I suddenly remembered how much of that show I watched when I was younger,,, oh the nostalgia. I don't remember all too much from it now but I remember loving it. I've never watched rottmnt but like. I probably should if it's as good as everyone has been saying it is
honestly i only watched a little bit of 2012 as a kid, i was never super into that style/genre of cartoon so i only watched it if it happened to come on hjsdghj
rottmnt is SO good. it's very very different to 2012 in a lot of ways, but the art and the writing and the voice acting are all sososo good. the characterization for all the turtles is super different as well so if youre used to a snarky Raph and a. well. a Rob Paulsen Donnie. you might not vibe with Rise at first
but thats one of the things i really love about the entire franchise, each version keeps the core concept (four mutant turtles raised by a rat are trained to be ninjas) and most of the characters the same while also all being really unique and having different takes on all the characters. i enjoy this aspect of the franchise to the point that im making my own fan reboots and everything hjksdhg
the main reason i initially watched Rise was because i heard Donnie was really good autistic rep and i have to agree, ive never connected with a character this much before hgjsdhg hes also a really good example of low empathy imo, and i very much feel like my own experience with low empathy is being represented here
the art is something i see people complain about a lot when theyre coming from a background of watching 2012 or 2003, and i definitely felt like the art was kinda weird at first, but it's also so fun and striking and as you get used to it and start picking up on little details it gets better and better
a lot of classic TMNT villains dont make appearances in Rise, and the ones who do are WAY different to the older versions, but they also have a whole ton of new villains who are super cool and compelling as well (Draxum and Big Mama my beloved <3)
the movie can technically be watched as a standalone but i highly recommend saving it til youve watched both seasons because HOLY FUCKING SHIT. THE EMOTIONS. the scene that always makes me cry probably wouldnt hit me the way it does if i didnt have all the background of the seasons
notes on where to watch though: netflix has season 1 and the movie, but i dont actually know how to legally watch season 2, and the site i used for it unfortunately shut down so i can provide links :(
oh god this got really long can you tell tmnt has entered special interest territory for me
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bontwisty · 1 year
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Raphs and Wrestling (2/3) ❤️🐢
All the Raphs get to see a match! And a new Raph joins the party! I watched Batman vs the TMNT sometime ago and have gotten questions about them and decided they deserve to be in this crossover as well <3 so because I watched it afterwards they showed up a bit late traveling from Gotham lol. This Raph also made me realize another thing a lot of them have in common: motorcycles so stay tuned for the next part!!
This has the same continuity as the bandanna bow Mikeys comic where all the other turtle iterations have been dropped into the Rise universe and they all hang out and vibe <3
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 month
You write unhinged Leo so well, and I really like how you write him. I was wondering if you had tips on unhinged characters 😂, or do you just get inspro from existing characters 👀
aksdakjsdh thank you so much ;w;
And honestly???? I’m not totally sure how to give tips— but I love, love, love unhinged characters in media, so I’ll use them as examples
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(long rant below lol)
I’ve always been a big fan of silly, ‘crazy’ characters in animated movies and cartoons. I grew up on Batman the Animated Series and the original Teen Titans, which were full of silly, fun tragic characters.
Don’t get me wrong, i love a good edge-lord— but as a tot i thought the colorful, theatrical, insane bad guys were more fun to watch than the big scary serious ones (ESPECIALLY if they had a good villain song. A+ good shit)
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(From left to right: Ratigan from Great Mouse Detective, Joker from Batman the Animated Series, Mumbo Jumbo from Teen Titans, Martin from Secret of Nimh 2, Bill Cypher from Gravity Falls, and Spinel from the Steven Universe movie)
And not just bad guys!! There are a ton of unhinged good/neutral characters that i absolutely adore.
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(From left to right: King Bumi from ATLA, Clara from Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun, and, of course, our silly 2018 turtle boys)
((There are many more characters in both categories, but I’ll slide these examples in here for now))
My personal brand of “Unhinged” or “Crazy” characters definitely leans on comedy. That’s what i enjoy seeing and reading! I personally like it because it can help keep a story fresh and interesting. There’s an element of surprise and unpredictability with what a character might do, and i love that!!
I also really enjoy a touch of feral behavior in my unhinged characters. The lack of clarity and the danger that imposes can be a very fun tool to use, no matter the character’s moral compass. (I’m feral for feral behavior lol)
And impulses. Whether a character has a few screws loose or is generally a goober, they like to act on impulses. This often goes hand-in-hand with comedy, and that’s something I enjoy!! We get a lot of moments like that in Rise, and that was one of my favorite parts of that TMNT iteration.
But as far as writing goes, it’s been tricky for me. All of the characters I grew up or love have been visual— trying to find a good balance for reading has been a puzzle I’ve been figuring out as I go.
I read a lot manga (lol nerd) and comics, and I love how thoughts/dialog are depicted. Especially the really dramatic or impactful moments. (I’d add examples but I’m already at the Tumblr image limit LAME)
As strange as it sounds, I try to capture that “impactful visual” style in my writing. If I had ANY advice on writing unhinged characters, pay attention to pacing—
Short. Fast. A calculating thought. Perhaps a run on sentence that lacks punctuation to represent the rushing and disorganized thought process. A question? An answer with little thought. Is this moment amusing; describe how. Is it upsetting; describe how. Are the thoughts starting to scatter? M aybe s o…
Big moment statement.
Action or plan of next big move. Flow should never seem too uniform. Even in normal writing. Don’t be afraid of accentuating— but don’t overdo it. Remember, unhinged characters are impulsive. Have fun with that.
Just as a quick and dirty summary— when it comes to unhinged characters, I like to use comedy, feral behavior, and acting on impulses. I also like to keep it as visually appealing as possible for characters to give the eyes a little treat after reading walls of text. I like to use fun text formatting to help with the fun too (But don’t overdo it! Don’t make it feel like a chore to read) (<- says the girl who goes into way too much details sometimes lmao whoops)
But ultimately— have FUN!!! Unhinged characters are fun, so make sure you have fun writing/drawing/creating them!!
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majachee · 6 months
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1. Theres a TMNT 2012 and Batman crossover. How many Batman crossovers does that make?? 4??? 5????
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watchmorecinema · 8 months
Something I don't like about the current state of the MCU (and DCU) is just how much work it all is. Some pretentious European movie from the 70's didn't require 30 other movies to provide context. You can pretty much watch any James Bond film in any order, there's not a lot of continuity to deal with. LOTR is an incredible series with a long plot but it's still only 3 movies; you only had to watch 2 other movies before Return of the King.
But with the MCU there's just so much! I think most people were following along fine until Endgame, but then it started to branch out too much. We get a new show every week, the multiverse idea just means that there are more and more threads to deal with and I just don't feel like it's working towards anything at all. Like, is She-Hulk required viewing before The Marvels? What context am I missing if I watch Quantumania but I didn't see any of the movies beforehand? Before Endgame there was certainly an issue with too many of the movies feeling like Origin stories, but at least they didn't require a lot of context. But now I'm so far behind that it just feels like a chore to catch up.
DCU has it worse since they keep rebooting everything. If your movie is meant to setup 5 future films and those films never come, then your movie isn't even good on its own. Apparently the next Avengers movie is going to be a soft reboot the MCU, so it's like why bother?
The films have finally grown all the same issues the comics had. Too many plotlines going on at once, constant retconning, and a focus on big events instead of just telling good stories one at a time. I would be so happy if we just kept getting standalone films that didn't really tie into each other so I could just watch them whenever. If they just made a new Batman each year with no plot carrying over I'd watch them all. Why did Columbo get popular again out of nowhere? There's 70 episodes and no plot to carryover so you can just watch one and get a complete story. Literally the best comic book projects to come out recently were fairly standalone or at least didn't need a lot of context. Werewolf by Night, Across the Spiderverse, The Batman and TMNT didn't need 30 movies of backstory and they didn't spend a lot of time just introducing characters for future movies. Spiderverse of course is different in that it is a sequel and a 3rd film is coming to finish the story but 3 movies is a reasonable number of movies to carry a plot over!
And what really gets me is that I did like the MCU a lot up to Endgame. I was pretty much watching them all as they came out in theaters. It was so much easier to do then. I think there are good stories to be told in the comic book superhero genre, but I don't think Hollywood can carry a plot over 40 films and have it work.
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raphaelesbian · 7 months
Whenever someone refers to raph as "the little one"/"the small one"/"the short one">>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just read the 2012 TMNT/Batman crossover comic and 1) it's so good 2) the art is fantastic 3) Batman calls Raph small and it made me grin. Short Raph is just PEAK okay
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The upcoming 2024 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Masters of the Universe toy line from Mattel. This version of the turtles will be known as Turtles of Grayskull, under the title of; The Masters of the Universe Origins Turtles of Grayskull.
These have been designed by Freddie Williams II, who has worked on may comic cross overs, such as Batman Vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Wave 1 will be available from January 2024, and will be part of the celebration of TMNT's 40th anniversary.
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Wave 2 will include Raphael and Shredder, and other Masters of the Universe characters.
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Here is the full list of known figures so far;
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Here is the cover of the mini comic book that comes along;
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Amazing that Freddie Williams II was finally able to make these. It looks so cool!
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Guide to TMNT media
{A mostly-comprehensive list by a lifelong fan who’s seen/read basically everything tmnt}
Mirage Comics
Original source, black and white
Nice stories, fun visually
Iconic moments
62 issues were published before the og creators passed true series to a different team
TLDR truly entertaining classics for comic fans
1987 cartoon
10 seasons
Created more iconic characters like Bebop and Rocksteady
Gave the turtles their colored bandanas
So fun, so so ridiculously funny this one is a guaranteed laugh every time
Fun voice acting
TLDR such an amusing cartoon if you want something that’ll have you cackling
1990 movies
Darker than the cartoon, but still family-friendly
Fun action, funny comedy
The films slowly go down in quality but they’re all pretty fun
Three films
TLDR iconic part of the franchise that balances a dark and light tone
Urban Legends comics
The grittiest tmnt comic series
Characters lose limbs and turn into cyborgs, etc.
Series was discontinued, but IDW recently brought it back and the story was complete
TLDR good for comic fans who love gritty comics
Next Mutation show
One season, live action
Introduced Venus de Milo, the female turtle
Retconned it so the brothers aren’t blood related so they can have a love triangle with Venus
Has elements of mystic powers
(I’m sorry I only watched the first episode so I can’t give a TLDR)
2003 cartoon
7 seasons + straight-to-dvd film
Follows the Mirage storyline
Darkest tmnt series in tone
Many fans don’t care for the last two seasons after the art style changed and the tone got lighter
Donnie has many excellent episodes, and Leo has an arc centered on ptsd in s4
TLDR has a darker tone and has a good consistent story
2007 film
CGI animation
The writing is meh but overall keeps you entertained
Has the famous Raph vs Leo scene
15-year old animation still holds up
TLDR very fun, has an iconic scene, good for Raph fans
IDW comics
Is currently on issue 136 at the time of this post, longest-running tmnt comic series
The tmnt were reincarnated
Covers a vast variety of characters, villains, and genres
Each turtle gets the spotlight
Standout arc has to be City Fall, with Dark Leo
Added Jennika to the roster a few years ago (she’s the female turtle with the yellow bandana)
TLDR excellent storyline, a lot of reading but honestly you can pick and choose where you want to jump in
2012 cartoon
5 seasons
CGI animated
A good compiling of all the tmnt media that came before
Has moments that are dark and serious, but also has a nice humor side
Has problematic ships
TLDR well-rounded action, drama, comedy and summation of tmnt lore with its own twists
Bayverse films
2 live action films (with cg turtles)
Produced by Michael Bay, very Transformers-esque
Entertaining if you like action movies
Leo kinda sucks tho lol
TLDR fun action movies
Rise of the TMNT
Animated series
2 seasons and a film on Netflix
Reinvented much of the tmnt lore
Raph is the oldest and leader, instead of Leo
Leo goes through a character arc tho
The lightest of the tmnt series up until the season finales and the movie (The movie is very dark)
Very fun and dramatic animation
Deals with magic
TLDR beautiful animation, comedic with its own dark moments
Batman vs TMNT film
Based on the comic
Follows the comic very closely, actually
Fun for both fandoms
TLDR fun takes on the characters, and total fan service (in the most positive sense)
The Last Ronin
Graphic novel
For mature readers
Basically all the tmnt die except for one of them
Good, emotional story, with pretty art
A prequel/sequel is coming out soon
TLDR an emotional darker comic that you can get through pretty quickly
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thegayhimbo · 2 months
Stranger Things The Voyage Review
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WARNING: The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS from the comic!
Stranger Things Reviews/Theories
Stranger Things Comics/Graphic Novels:
Stranger Things Six
Stranger Things Halloween Special
Stranger Things The Other Side
Stranger Things Zombie Boys
Stranger Things The Bully
Stranger Things Winter Special
Stranger Things Tomb of Ybwen
Stranger Things Into The Fire
Stranger Things Science Camp
Stranger Things “The Game Master” and “Erica’s Quest”
Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons
Stranger Things Kamchatka
Stranger Things Erica The Great
Stranger Things “Creature Feature” and “Summer Special”
Stranger Things Tales From Hawkins
Stranger Things x TMNT Crossover
Stranger Things Tie-In Books:
Stranger Things Suspicious Minds
Stranger Things Runaway Max (Part 1 of 3)
Stranger Things Runaway Max (Part 2 of 3)
Stranger Things Runaway Max (Part 3 of 3)
Stranger Things Darkness On The Edge Of Town (Part 1 of 3)
Stranger Things Darkness On The Edge Of Town (Part 2 of 3)
Stranger Things Darkness On The Edge Of Town (Part 3 of 3)
Stranger Things Rebel Robin Book and Podcast (Part 1 of 2)
Stranger Things Rebel Robin Book and Podcast (Part 2 of 2)
Stranger Things Hawkins Horrors Review
Stranger Things Flight Of Icarus
Stranger Things Lucas On The Line
Stranger Things Episode Reviews:
The Vanishing of Will Byers (Part 1 of 2)
The Vanishing of Will Byers (Part 2 of 2)
Synopsis: When Captain Jacoby Cunningham (no relation to Chrissy Cunningham) is approached by Russians for an "off-the-books, no questions asked" sea voyage to Kamchatka, he reluctantly take the job in exchange for much-needed compensation. However, tensions immediately begin to brew between his crew and the suspicious passengers. When a storm hits and a crew member goes missing, Jacoby begins to realize that not only is he way in over his head, but his employers may have brought an unwelcome and deadly passenger onboard without his knowledge.........
Back in September (Has it really been that long?) when I did my review of Stranger Things Kamchatka, I predicted that The Voyage (which had yet to debut at that point) would likely follow the same plot threads of Ridley Scott's Alien. Guess who turned out to be right on that call?
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And when I say similar plot threads, I mean eerily similar:
A commercial crew is out in the middle of nowhere (space in Alien, the sea in The Voyage) having picked up cargo they know nothing about. Said cargo turns out to be a creature (Xenomorph/Demogorgon) that gets loose on the ship and begins picking off the crew members one-by-one. The remaining crew eventually come to understand that this wasn't a happy accident, and that their employers (Weyland-Yutani/The Soviets) arranged for this to happen for their own purposes. Realizing they've become expendable, the crew is forced to fight for their lives, with their chances of survival looking slimmer by the minute. All of which culminates in a highly tense showdown.
Both the Stranger Things comics and novels have traditionally drawn inspiration from (or in some cases, paid homage to) famous movies from the 70s and 80s. Science Camp did it with the Friday the 13th Franchise. Tomb of Ybwen did it for The Goonies. Darkness on the Edge of Town drew heavily from Escape from New York (as well as the comic Batman The Cult). The Voyage follows a similar trajectory, so it's not unique in that regard, but it does add its own twists and turns (similar to the other comics/tie-ins I just mentioned) to keep things engaging without becoming a blatant rip-off. There were times I didn't know what direction the story was going, even though I had some general idea of how it might end (i.e not well). It's the same feeling I had two years ago when we were all waiting for Vol 2 of Season 4 to come out, and it helped me stay invested in this comic.
Speaking of which, The Voyage takes place between seasons 3 and 4, and acts as a prequel to Stranger Things Kamchatka. Unlike that comic, which was stylized as a Cold War thriller with science-fiction elements sprinkled in, this comic is straight science-fiction horror, with a major emphasis on the horror aspect:
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There were genuinely scary moments in this comic, and a sense of dread and unease with each turn of the page. This is a comic that does an excellent job keeping you on edge.
I know I previously said that Stranger Things Kamchatka was a violent comic (even by the standards of the show) that didn't shy away from depicting graphic scenes. While I still stand by that, this comic arguably takes those graphic scenes up to eleven. Some of the deaths at the hands of the Demogorgon are the kinds of moments you'd expect to see in a gory R-Rated film:
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Major props to the writers and artists for making effective use of lighting, shadows, colors, and the Demogorgon's vicious nature to truly emphasize the terror of being trapped in an isolated location with a monster that wants you dead.
On top of that, I appreciate how, even with the Demogorgon running around and causing chaos, the writers were able to keep tensions high during the scenes between Captain Jacoby's crew and the Soviets. Every interaction between these two groups was ripe with paranoia and mistrust, and I'm glad that the comic didn't beat around the bush in spelling out that the Russians were the antagonists. They even brought back a familiar face from the Kamchatka comic to emphasize this: Dr. Karine.
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The moment she appeared in this comic is the moment I realized that, in spite of being the villain, this was her story. Captain Jacoby is initially set up as the main character, but the comic subverts this towards the end by turning him into a false protagonist who is doomed to die.
In fact, with the exception of one other character whose fate is left up in the air (and who could potentially appear in a sequel should the writers choose to pursue that), guess who ends up being the main survivor by the end of this?
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Like I've said, the parallels to Alien (1979) are uncanny. However, instead of heroic final girl Ellen Ripley surviving the Xenomorph's carnage, we get villainous Dr. Karine managing to remain alive and come out on top. Since this comic is a prequel to Kamchatka, it isn't much of a spoiler to point out that she doesn't die (though interestingly enough, we never find out if the Demogorgon she smuggled onboard also survived the explosion).
The only other character who gets fleshed-out in any meaningful way is Captain Jacoby. Bit by bit, we are shown glimpses of his past as a disgraced military veteran, and find out he'd initially been an illegal gun-runner for the U.S. army, up until he accidentally led his men into a horrific ambush that cost them their lives:
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When he tried to inquire into how things went wrong so quickly, he was dishonorably discharged (with the implication that his superiors threw him under the bus in an attempt to cover their asses), and it led to him regretting poking his nose in other people's businesses. This in turn led to him suppressing his curiosity in favor of taking shady jobs to survive. Unfortunately for him, and to the detriment of his crew, not only did this attitude cause him to take Dr. Karine's deal to ferry them to Kamchatka, but it also resulted in him missing some major warning signs that she and her people were not to be trusted. Everything went downhill from there.
Captain Jacoby and Dr. Karine's exchanges were interesting in that they provided humanizing moments for both characters, and also gave brief but unique insight into Dr. Karine's motivations:
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I remember not caring that much for Dr. Karine in the Kamchatka comic since she came off as little more than a generic evil mad-scientist, but this comic turns that around with this conversation she has with Captain Jacoby. Regardless of what kind of person Dr. Karine is, she has enough self-awareness to recognize that, at the end of the day, she is merely a pawn for her government and their agenda, and that she could easily become expendable in the name of "The Motherland" or whatever self-serving cause her superiors decide to inevitably sacrifice her to. She isn't lying in this scene: You can practically sense the bitterness and resentment in her tone, intertwined with her clumsy attempt to empathize with Jacoby's backstory.
This gives more depth to her fascination with the Upside Down and the Demogorgon: It isn't just about harnessing its power; it's an escape for her. An escape from being under her governments fist, and an escape from the "forced conformity" of being an obedient citizen to a collapsing empire.
Come to think of it, when you look at many of the Russian characters in both the comics and the show, from Agent Frost to Alexei to Enzo/Dmitri to even Yuri, there's a recurring theme of these characters either growing disillusioned with the Soviet Union, or recognizing how shitty it is living in Russia, and doing everything they can to climb out of that hole before they're buried underneath.
I don't know if any of the characters in the comics will make an appearance in the final season of the show (my money is likely on it not happening), but if the Duffer Brothers are planning on bringing back the Russian arc for Season 5, and are looking for an antagonist to fill that role, then they might as well incorporate Dr. Karine. They've already written two comics around her character, establishing her as a credible threat and a compelling villain, and it would be a lot better than introducing another generic forgettable Russian Authority Figure** in lieu of what we've gotten for the past two seasons:
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(**Can anyone even tell me their names without Googling them?)
I know some fans aren't eager to revisit the Russian arc return in S5, but considering the show's already spent 2 seasons on it and there are still unanswered questions (i.e. Who was the mole at Hawkins Lab that informed the Russians about El opening the gate? How did the Russians get that piece of the Mind Flayer, and what do they know about it? Are there other Russian facilities keeping UD monsters in captivity? Do the Russians plan to come back to America to either capture more monsters, or take revenge against Hopper, Joyce, and Murray for ruining their plans? Etc, etc.), they might as well wrap this up and give it a satisfying conclusion. Last thing I want to see are more story arcs left unresolved (*cough* Kali Prasad *cough*).
In regards to the other characters in the comic, I don't have much to say about them since they're not really developed. The remaining Soviets on the ship are either generic dumb-muscle or yes-men to Dr. Karine, and the rest of the crew don't have memorable personalities that make them stand out. Considering this is a monster story where most of the characters are going to be killed off anyways, the lack of development doesn't bother me.
Things That (Somewhat) Tie Into The Show:
The Voyage does provides a reasonable, albeit mundane, explanation for how the Soviets got the UD monsters out of Hawkins across the sea to Russia: They found people they could bribe to look the other way and not ask any questions while they smuggled their cargo (and presumably themselves and Hopper) to Kamchatka. Unlike Dr. Karine's Demogrogon, I'm assuming they found a way to keep the monsters anesthetized and hidden better so they wouldn't cause problems or attract unwanted attention.
On top of that, the device Dr. Karine was pursuing in the comic Kamchatka makes an appearance again, except with a different purpose: Instead of it being used to keep the Demogorgon alive, it's used by her to control the Demogorgon and hunt down Captain Jacoby's remaining crew in the climax:
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While this is a Retcon from how the device was said to work in the previous comic, it's one I don't mind because the explanation here at least makes sense. The device allows Dr. Karine to mentally connect with the Demogorgon and control it, similar to how Vecna uses the Mind Flayer to possess people/UD monsters and control them. It also gives insight into how the Russians planned to weaponize the Demogorgons and Demodogs to do their bidding without having to worry about the monsters turning on them. While we don't see this particular aspect play out on the show (if anything, the Russians in S4 treated their Demogorgon like an attack dog with barely any restraint), it's an avenue the Duffer Brothers could explore should they choose to continue with the Russian arc in S5.
Overall, this was a grisly and dark comic, but one that kept me invested. For that, I give it a high recommendation.
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britt-kageryuu · 8 months
So in reflection of making my Rise Donnie costume, I was wondering how many people would actually get it, since while my older siblings are old enough to actually have (possibly) watched the 87 cartoon and maybe the live action stuff. My siblings kids, who didn't really watch any TMNT but kinda get pop culture, didn't quite get it.
Meanwhile I felt nostalgic of the fact that while I only have a few fuzzy memories of the 87 cartoon, and live action stuff/movies, I still knew who the turtles were if only vaguely.
The thing that got me fully into TMNT was those mixed memories, and the announcement of the 2003 show on TV (I can't remember if it was called Fox Kids then, or if it was called something else)
Though I didn't quite understand the whole alternate timeline/universe thing when it came to how things were done, like the comics having next to nothing to do with the cartoons. So I actually thought the 2007 movie was a weird continuation of the 2003 series, and not a separate time line.
I didn't really get into the 2012 series if only because I couldn't keep track of what time it came on with all the other shows on Nickelodeon seeming to get more attention. Didn't watch Bayverse until recently, need to watch that Batman crossover sometime soon.
When Rise was first airing I wasn't watching live TV very often anymore, and all I had to go off of was the quite bad, slightly off model advertisements for the show that I didn't like. It wasn't until the Rise movie that I gave it a chance, and regretted not picking it up sooner (like everyone else apparently!) I didn't know there was only 2 seasons when I got into Rise, I just thought it was just a cool season transition movie to get past a huge plot that would take like 4 episodes, at least, to cover.
And with the Mutant Mayhem movie, and the announcement of the spin off show I can't wait to see where that goes. And I am among many who wish for the return of Rise, especially with many of the dropped plots that really could have been epic!
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The Private Library
... Of Fictional Men Mistress
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Welcome! This post serves as my digital private library... my most beloved collection. None of these works are mine, and all credit is due to the lovely and incredible minds that created these works of art; (which you will find next to their titles, once you choose a category). This is the home to my personal most favorites, and most beloved stories and fanfictions and blog posts I have read. I think about these daily... I adore these. They've made my life better. They've changed my life. They've kept me going during my lowest points in life, and I mean that. I reccomend all of these. These were written by the best writers in the world; true to character, perfectly immersive, so imaginative, feels like you are there.
All of these fanfictions, stories, character & show analysis, random tumblr posts, headcannons, and beloved writings of all types, will be listed in no distinct order, inside their categories. Please Enjoy; explore them all! 🖤🗝☕🥂
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The Majorety of these reccomends are for mature audiences, 18+, so if you are a minor, please DO NOT read through these reccomends yet.
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Choose a vinyl playlist!
What genre of fandom writing do you want to spin on the turntable???
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• Favorite STARWARS Reccomendations: (The Clone Wars, Prequels, Sequels, The Bad Batch) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite BTS Reccomendations: (mostly Taehyung, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jin, Hoseok) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite TMNT Reccomendations: (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bayverse Turtles, 80s, 2003 TMNT, Rise of the TMNT, 2007 TMNT) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite MARVEL Reccomendations: (MOON KNIGHT, WandaVision, LOKI, Loki Laufeyson, Avengers, XMEN, Wolverine, VENOM) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite LIE TO ME* Reccomendations: (Dr. Cal Lightman, Tim Roth *actor*) Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite THE BOYS Recommendations: (Billy Butcher, The Boys Team) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite MY HERO ACADAMIA Reccomendations: (Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Enji, Dabi) Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Good Omens Reccomendations: (Anthony J. Crowley *The Demon*, Aziraphale A.Z. Fell *The Angel*) Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfictions 🖤
• Favorite "Warden" Hwajin Na *Get Schooled Webtoon* Reccomendations: Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfiction / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Tom Hiddleston Reccomendations: (Tommy Hiddles *actor*) Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite What We Do In The Shadows Reccomendations: (Vladislav The Poker, Viago Von Dorna Schmarten Scheden Heimburg, Deacon Bruke, Stu, Nick "Twilight", Anton The Werewolf, Nandor The Relentless, Guillermo De La Cruz, Lazlo Cravensworth, Nadjia of Axtapos, Colin Robinson) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite SHERLOCK Reccomendations: (Sherlock Holmes *BBC*, John Watson, classic sir arthur conan doyle books) analysis / fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite DC COMICS Recommendations: (BATMAN, The Batfamily, Nightwing, Robin, The Teen Titans) analysis / fanfictions 🖤
• Favorite Impractical Jokers Reccomendations: (The Tenderloins comedy troupe, Brian "Q" Quinn, Sal Vulcano, James S. "MURR" Murray, Joe Gatto) Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Portal Recommendations: (Portal, Portal 2, Wheatley, Chell, the Cores) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Ghostbusters Reccomendations: (Dr. Egon Spangler, Dr. Ray Stanz, Dr. Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddermore) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite AVATAR (Na'vi) Reccomendations: (Jake Sully, Neteyam Sully) Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Stranger Things Reccomendations: (Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington) Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Tumblr Posts: (random, deep & intellectual, movie, life, advice, or most comedic posts, that make tumblr the greatest platform of all) 🖤
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 11 months
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While he is often joked to be the gay one on the team, he is actually abrosexual who currently switches between bisexual and or pansexual.
His favorite singers are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Arianna Grande and at times will listen to Justin Bieber.
His favorite comics are DC and his favorite is the Flash and also enjoys Kid Flash. He also loves Beast Boy because he finds him funny.
Leo knows how to cook and bake. Though doesn't really do it often. He does it when he is hungry or bored. Or simply when Mikey can't make them any food.
He has actually babysitted Senor Hueso's son a few times. Mostly taking him out for ice cream, arcade and also buy him whatever he wanted.
Leo enjoys finding any poster or anything with some kind of picture on paper and hanging it on his walls in his room. He also enjoys at times just getting another copy of a comic he already has and cutting out pages and plastering them on his wall thinking it looks cool.
He enjoys collecting action figures and will actively snatch one he finds even if it came from the trash can.
Donnie judges Leo's outfit choices on many occasions and Leo learnt to deal with it. Though then he would just trash Donnie's clothes and make a mess whenever he gives him the most hurtful judgement.
When he is dealing with stress or feeling depressed he will shut his door, plop headphones on, get cuddled and put on his favorite movies and admire characters who he can relate to.
He jokes being a blonde girl after 'Bad Hair Day' episode.
He doesn't like cream the best. Despite that, he will devour cream cake anytime.
Whenever he wants to vent, he looks at a mirror and puts a photo of one of his family members or friends and start venting to them. He would eventually after the events of the movie start to communicate properly and start to genuinely vent to his close ones. He felt as if it was better then to bottle his emotions.
While he is seen as the type of guy to swear on a daily, he actually swears the least along with Donnie. Only when he is fully in-raged and in need of using curse words to express his rage or any other emotion of his. I'd say he is the 3rd to swear.
He actually sneaks out a lot with April to skateboard at a roller skating park at night.
If he had an Instagram, most of his pictures would be of his brothers sleeping or just fails or pranks.
He sliced a rabbit in half... (I feel like certain shippers are gonna come for me or start making jokes about that one rabbit character TMNT has crossovers with lmao-)
For absolutely, NO REASON, he begged Draxum to film him doing a very dangerous stunt with his tentacles. That day he broke 75 limbs and 2 of his ribs and lost 100 pounds of blood (not really but he broke a lot of bones)
He's a sci-fi nerd. Besides, Jupiter Jim, his favorite sci-fi movies are Star Wars, E.T., Monsters VS Aliens, Batman VS Superman.
He loves poor quality movies because he can then make fun of them. That's why him and Raph stopped watching live-action Disney movies-
He developed massive claustrophobia when Raph sacrificed himself for him and got in the pod.
Clings onto Raph after the movie and they both put a leash on each other 24/7 to make sure they are safe. Also since Leo is aware of the tracking devices, he always asks Donnie where Raph is. The same is with everyone else.
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Comparing TMNT Poll 2
I'm working on turtle scale comparison and turtle shell comparison.
Please reblog to make sure this gets to everyone that would like a say.
Here are the versions this applies to:
1980 cartoon
2003 show
2007 movie
2012 show
IDW comics
Bayverse movies (focusing on 2016)
2018 show/movie
TMNT vs Batman movie
2023 movie
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