#Because he doesn’t know Verosika is a demon
Rival Singers
Ember McLain and Verosika Mayday were singers in two different genres with different target audiences and overall styles. So it was very confusing to most people that the two beauties were so vocal in their hatred of each other.
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
Reason’s why I gradually started to hate Stolas from Helluva Boss
So some time ago there was a friend that asked me why I hated Stolas so much. At that time, I couldn’t think of a valid reason, mostly because it was just very few reasons. To them, those reasons weren’t valid enough. This was back when episode 2 season 1 was uploaded, but now that we’re already in season two and we’re about to get our 4th episode, HB has now given me PLENTY of reasons to despise Stolas and call him a bad character. So allow me to make a list. I can go from the first to the latest episode;
EP 1 S1, Murder Family
-- Stolas was watching Blitzo in a scuffle through his bath bubbles, which means he knew Blitzo was in danger, but still decided on calling him at the worst time! “Oh, when isn’t it a bad time, Blitzy~~~?” Umm, I dunno.... Maybe when some crazy psychopath is NOT chasing him with a gun!!! Did he even consider that he would’ve gotten Blitzo killed, and all just to make some stupid deal???  And besides, from what I’ve seen in episode 6 (which I’ll get into later) Stolas was so upset that Blitzo and the rest of IMP got caught by humans, he dropped an f-bomb. And now looking back in ep 1, he doesn’t even seem to care when Blitzo is chased by humans. If getting in trouble on earth like that is such a big deal, why couldn’t Stolas just wait to talk with Blitzo until after his job was done? 
-- Speaking of said deal, Stolas agreed that he would let Blitzo keep the book in exchange for taking it back to take care of whatever was necessary and agreeing to spend one night each month having sex with him.
Alright, there are two things wrong with this. So, first off... Stolas decided on making a deal like this while seemingly knowing fully well Blitzo didn’t want anything to do with him. He knows how uncomfortable Blitzo is around him, about how disgusted and disturbed he is by his flirting but will still make Blitzo agree to this deal because he’s just that horny for him, regardless of how creeped out Blitzo’s is. And he knows Blitzo didn’t have much of a choice in that moment because, well he’s stuck in a predicament while on the phone with Stolas. I guess he might as well just go ahead and make it a deal so he could get the call over with (Or just frikin hang up on him). And also because Blitzo really needs the book to make it to the living world to finish his job.
.....And we’re supposed to believe Stolas actually “cares” for Blitzo?
And here’s the second problem; Looking back on it, this deal is completely pointless now!!! As it turns out, the grimoire isn’t the only access to the living world. In episode 1 of season 2, it’s revealed that there are magical crystals that demons could use to appear on earth anytime and any place they want. So in a way, Blitzo DID have a choice. He could’ve used those Asmodean crystals to go to the living world to continue his business. And sure, maybe it wouldn’t be that easy for him to get his hands on one. But even if that were the case, why not hire someone who does have Asmodean crystals?? Like - I dunno... a succubi perhaps???
Heh! No wonder Verosika and her peers we’re able to travel to earth so easily. Asmodean crystals are willingly given to succubi, which means that they also can go to Earth anytime they want with no issue. Blitzo could’ve at least just hired a succubus or something to help him have access to the living world. Why not do that, instead of having to agree to this deal where you have to have to continuously give the book back and get laid on the same night with a horned-up demon prince, especially when you don’t want to, which would only make your job harder than easier???
(And before some of you bring this up if you’re gonna, I know Blitzo has no room to feel uncomfortable with Stolas making advances towards him since that was kinda his fault. HE was the one that came onto him and decided to go through with sleeping with him outta pity. Even if it was to just to distract him so he could steal the book and leave, he still did it. And now that it happened, he has Stolas continuously flirting with him. I only brought up that Blitzo was feeling uncomfortable about it because that’s what the show made it seem like to us at that time. It wasn’t even hinted that Blitzo was the first to make a move. They just totally retconned that fact. I’m only just stating these based off of how I saw it at the time the episodes were aired.)
My whole point about this is, Stolas is pretty much taking advantage of Blitzo, manipulating him into agreeing to this deal, knowing full well that Blitzo (kinda) doesn’t have any choice in the matter since it would cost him to keep his business going and Stolas could drop this deal and never let Blitzo keep the book. 
 -- Calling Blitzo “My little Imp”. It’s not cute...
-- Him describing how he’ll screw Blitzo (eg. every time his words are bleeped out). This was supposed to be comedic, and while I did smile slightly the first time it happened, all it did was make me feel awkward and disturbed. Those were just the start of my disdain for Stolas. Believe me, it doesn’t end there. So, moving on....
EP 2 S1, Loo Loo Land
-- “I can not believe you slept with an imp! IN OUR F*CKING BED!!!”
“It was unexpected! I didn’t have time to book for a motel.”
Dude - what do you mean it was unexpected? That makes no sense, especially now that we learned you invited Blitzo into your room instead of having him kicked out. Even when he tried to make advances toward you, you still could’ve prevented that from happening. You had the full authority to make him stop and kick him out. I don’t care how drunk you were when it happen. And you didn’t have time for a motel?? More like you weren’t planning on it!! And besides, you’re a demon prince!! I’m pretty sure you could’ve opened up a portal to teleport into another location when you wanted.  All this man is doing making excuses to cover his feathers and they’re not even valid!!
-- Stolas, as I may have established more than a few times already, is a terrible father!! There are a few reasons for this, but one of them being that he doesn’t listen to his daughter. And it’s almost sad, because he’s actually trying to bond with her (sorta). He suggested that he and Octavia go to Loo Loo Land because she liked it when she was a kid. But she’s 17 and doesn’t really care for that anymore, so she tells him no. But he still insists on taking her there, not even hearing her out!
“Let’s go to Loo Loo Land!”
“I’d rather kill myself.”
“That’s the spirit, anything better than staying in this house. Let’s go!”
It’s like he completely brushed off what she was telling him!! I don’t know if this was just for comedic effect or not, but this would count as a good example of Stolas being a bad father as he doesn’t listen to his daughter and is inconsiderate of her feelings.
-- Notices that his imp butler is injured (due to Stella’s rage) and doesn’t even bat an eye at it. Once again, probably for comedic effect, but this just goes to show how non-caring Stolas is of the imp race. The only reason why Blitzo is an exception is because he’s good at sex.
-- Didn’t Stolas just say, “Why don’t we go to Loo Loo Land? Just the TWO OF US?” Which would only imply that he intended to spend some time only with his daughter and nobody else?? Well, he just lied straight to her face!
-- The so-called Demon Prince wants to arrange for security for him and his daughter. He knows damn well he don’t need no security, but Blitzo is the one he decides to call for this arrangement. I think we all know why he really called him specifically.
-- “We’re rich and our hot.”
Referring to your 17-year-old daughter as “hot”. Can’t leave that outta my Stolas sh*t list. Not really something you should say in front of her. Or especially about her.
-- “I’m going to call the only man who can f*ck me.” 
“Hello my big-d*cked Blitzy~~”
Again, not something you should say in front of your daughter!!!
-- Y’all I can’t stress this enough, but this is one of his main issues. The whole time he’s supposed to be spending time with Octavia and putting his attention on her, he’s flirting with Blitzo. Making sexual remarks at him, touching him, trying to get his attention while he’s working, “Blitzy” this, “Blitzy” that, “Blitzy” blah blah blah. Not only is he hardly paying attention to her, he’s doing all of this IN FRONT OF HER!! Not even noticing her grudging reactions or bitter behavior! It’s like he thinks she’s totally okay with her father being a flirt in public, especially with the man he cheated with on her mother.
-- Stolas can’t tell the difference between tears of joy and tears of terror with his daughter’s reaction to Robo Fizz.
-- Is saved by Moxxie and Millie, even though he didn’t need to be, and expects to be body-guarded like he’s a damsel in distress.
-- “Where’s Blitzy? He’s my night and shining armor! Not you... little-o ones!”
Bro-? Shut up and go find your daughter!
-- Doesn’t realize Octavia is feeling bad until she’s crying about it.
-- Makes excuses for his actions, but the show is gonna go ahead and make Octavia forgive him and just be worried about him leaving her so we could be okay with his actions and move on.
-- Decides now he wants to go ahead to turn somebody into stone even though he could’ve done it with a flick of a wrist tons of times before. I know he invited Blitzo to be his bodyguard and he was already doing most of the work, but he only invited him just to have him around and be a flirt like he always is. He really didn’t care about Blitzo protecting him. So yeah, he still could’ve protected himself and his daughter at least once before now.
Ep 5 S1, Harvest Moon Festival
-- Father of the Year here is gonna go right back to continuing his affair with Blitzo!!! That whole conversation between him and his daughter was just in one ear and out the other because the writers are just so desperate to want this ship to happen. And we just HAVE to have fanservice.
-- “My Grimoire shouldn’t be lent out to itty bitty imps, like yourself.”
Then maybe you could... I dunno... Drop the deal and stop exchanging the book????
He mentions that his grimoire is oh so important as if it shouldn’t be in the hands of just anyone, but has no problem willingly giving it Blitzo because he’s just that down and dirty. What does he even need that book for anyway??? We rarely see him use it!! When he does have it, he’s mostly just holding it... and that’s it. And we only see him use it for magic that one time at the festival. He doesn’t read it or even study it. If this book is so valuable to you sir, then ACT LIKE IT!! He could’ve used it as a study guide for Octavia, who’s supposed to be the next heir to the throne. If he’s not even gonna use it for himself, he could teach his daughter how to use it or cast spells with it. And no - a stupid Instagram post is NOT gonna cut it (especially when it’s not even canon).
-- Uses Blitzo’s horns to put out a cigar.... not cool.
-- Stolas invites Blitzo to the harvest moon festival for no reason other than to see him there and flirt with him. He says that it will be fun, as if the last time he invited Blitzo somewhere with him was a blast, but nobody was having fun but him. And the whole idea was for him to spend time with his frikin daughter!!
-- The whole time Stolas is talking to Blitzo, it doesn’t even seem like he’s flirting or being cute with him. He’s more or less just mocking him. (eg. pinching his cheeks and using his horns to put out a cigar.) Seriously, why does everyone act like this character is such a saint and is just as sweet as Charlie from hazbin?? He’s frikin awful!! He doesn’t care in the slightest about imps! He’s not even nice to Moxxie or Millie and he hires imps as his servants/slaves.
-- Don’t get me wrong, if y’all wanna love Stolas, then by all means, frikin ADORE HIM!! I don’t want to offend or insult anybody who does like him. But there is no way you can look passed all the bullsh*t he pulls and just act like he’s so sweet. Viv says that Stolas is flawed and is trying to get better and that’s how we’re supposed to see it. But all I see is a character being a selfish douche and staying a selfish douche while acting like the victim of a heinous crime and trying too hard to make us feel bad for him simply by “caring” about his daughter even though he neglects her and pretending he genuinely loved Blitzo all along and simply wants love from him too, even when he doesn’t deserve it because all he ever did was manipulate him and take advantage of him, seeing him as a sex toy and not a person with feelings! And what pisses me off about this is that he rarely gets reprimanded for his actions. When he does, he’ll start crying while feeling bad for himself and the show tries to make us feel bad for him. What’s worse about this is that he never learns either!! For real though, no matter how bad Stolas’s character is, most people in the fandom won’t even take the time to realize it or will probably look past it, as long as Stolas gets his happy ending with Blitzo. Like I said, I don’t wanna offend anyone, but if y’all think the relationship is anything along the lines of healthy or innocent, then your definition of love must be twisted.
-- “I hereby welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor.”
I’m not gonna hear this from a dude who uses his imp servant as a stress ball.
-- Lol! Bro just keeps stealing the microphone from Wally and interrupting him.
-- He reads a book about how to f*ck imps at dinner while his daughter is still at the table. And no, it doesn’t matter if she didn’t notice, it’s still not very appropriate.
Ep 6 S1, Truth Seekers
-- Stolas only had like less than a few seconds of screen time. He might as well not even show up.
-- Jumps in to save Blitzo and the others. That’s good, but then he adds on “My Impish little plaything” Reminding us that he sees Blitzo as a sex toy.
-- “Are you little creatures not being careful. If you get in trouble, then I get in trouble! We don’t want that, do we?”
Then maybe you shouldn’t have waited until the last minute to save them???? I mean - we all know you we’re watching Blitzo the entire time like a damn stalker. And besides, YOU’RE the one who agreed to lend them the book. If you’re so worried about them getting in trouble, then you could just FORGET about the deal so they could figure out another way to travel to earth, they could get in trouble on their own, and it wouldn’t be your problem anymore! And if you were just gonna get that irritable about it, why didn’t you jump in to try and save Blitzo the first time he almost got killed on earth.
-- Why doesn’t he go ahead and kill the agents?? Why would he let them live?? Since you don’t want to get in trouble so badly, wouldn’t it be necessary for you to kill them. I didn’t think that DEMON PRINCE would be this big of a softie.
-- Bro uses his hands to open up a portal..... (why does he need his book again?)
-- Expected a “thank you” from Blitzo for saving him. This dude’s life was in jeopardy just now, and you’re asking for sex? Very appropriate of you sir. And why is Blitzo reciprocating this lust for him all of a sudden??? The entire season, all he’s ever done was reject Stolas, back-talking him, and showing him attitude. He responded to his constant flirtatious remarks with disgust. He didn’t even like him and was uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping with him just to keep the book. And now he’s suddenly getting turned on??
Obviously, this scene was only written in this episode by Viv as an excuse for more Stolitz fanservice. 
EP 7 S1, Ozzies
-- Stolas is feeling all sad and lonely, watching some corny soap opera while relating to the fact that the guy he has feelings doesn’t love him back...... Honey, ask me if I care. Blitzo would always tell you to f*ck off and you would respond with giggles and mockery. You should already know how uncomfortable he feels about you and most of the time, you don’t even care. What’s with the sudden depression??
-- Speaking of that, why does he suddenly have genuine feelings for Blitzo anyway?? You can’t tell me that he’s just now starting to love him out of the blue. You can’t even tell me he loved him at all this entire time!! The only emotion he’s ever had about Blitzo was nothing but pure lust!! He simply just wanted his d*ck. Not to mention he would look down on him like he does all the other imps.
-- The whole time during their date, Stolas is trying to converse with Blitzo, which is honestly surprising since the only time he ever talks to him is when he’s being a flirt and harassing him. You’d think I’d actually applaud him for that, except I can’t. Cuz, once again, where did this come from??? We didn’t get to see no type of development with Stolas at all. We didn’t get any episode of him slowly progressing to fall in love with Blitzo. Just more lust talk getting turned on.
-- How did Stolas not realize Asmodeus owned Ozzie’s? I think the title on it’s own should’ve implied as much. And besides, he should know that Asmodeus is a demon that represents lust and they’re in the lust ring.
-- Stolas sees Blitzo is pretty much getting laughed at and humiliated during the whole musical number and does nothing about it. Well, Blitzo kinda had it coming for not keeping his mouth shut and also spying on Moxxie and Millie, but I’m just proving a point that Stolas doesn’t even care about Blitzo like we’re supposed to think. He even hides behind his menu after getting called out by Asmodeus.  We are supposed to feel bad for him here right?? Because the writers are just showing me he doesn’t deserve it.
-- While we’re on that subject, why is he hiding behind his menu? Why is he feeling embarrassed about being seen with Blitzo and Ozzie telling everyone his business about it?? This was NOT the only time he was seen in public with Blitzo!! There was episode 2 at Loo Loo Land and episode 5 at the festival, and he openly flirted with Blitzo in public in BOTH of those episodes!!! Hell, he was holding Blitzo’s hand in front of that guard and the other demons waiting in line!! He was sitting at a table in the open where one or two people could’ve taken a glance at him talking to Blitzo!!! He has NO RIGHT to feel humiliated about getting laid with him! 
-- Trying his best to comfort Blitzo by holding his hand, talking to him, and inviting him in his home. He thinks that now would be the best time to cuddle with him after he tried to hide away from being seen with Blitzo. I don’t care what none of the fans say, Blitzo had every right to turn down Stolas and call him out on his bullsh*t. Most fans would say something like “NOO BLITZO!! DON’T BE LIKE THAT!!! STOLAS DOES CARE!! HE DOES LOVE YOU!!” Where the hell was this “love” you speak of the first few episodes these two were seen together??? No amount of cute nicknames, flirtatious remarks, and nightstands are ever going to sell the fact Stolas loved Blitzo.
-- He sits on his porch and starts to cry. We’re meant to feel bad and pity him, but all I’m doing is rolling my eyes.
EP 1 S2, The Circus
-- I don’t care how cute, uwu, or innocent they try to make little Stolas. Nothing in the world is ever going to make me change how I feel about him. He could be under three years old. Viv is pretty much just trying to force cutesy wutsey stuff onto the audience so we could side with Stolas and feel bad for him. All the writers are trying to do at this point is make excuses for his actions and use this whole episode to say Stolas had every right to cheat on Stella and that he actually really loved Blitzo when he really didn’t.
-- It makes no sense that Blitzo and Stolas are around the same age anyway. I don’t fully understand how the whole age and birth thing works with demons in hell, but first off, Blitzo was initially supposed to be in his twenties, meanwhile, Stolas has lived for a LONG A** TIME. Like he was probably born in 4000 BC. He still would’ve been an adult even before the time Blitzo was born. But now they retconned it to Stolas being the same age as Blitzo and them meeting as children just so Viv could force this ship to happen.
--  No way in hell he fell in love with Blitzo at first sight. Viv and writers are really trying too hard to make this childhood friendship cute.
-- Goes along with Blitzo’s game to steal everything in the mansion and completely falls for his trick (did he ever get grounded for that?). 
-- Instead of having Blitzo kicked out because he should be nothing but a stranger to him at this point, he instead invites him to his room so the two can... catch up. Did Stolas ever find out about what Blitzo did when they were children?? If so, then why are you even being nice to this guy?? You cannot be that down and dirty for him.
-- It has been frikin TWENTY-FIVE YEARS since the last time these two have seen each other. Why’re they talkin’ like they’re old friends? They had that one playdate and never saw each other ever again. If anything, I don’t even think they should remember each other.
-- “I know it’s been a long time, but I have a very good memory.”
“What are you doing? I don’t even remember you’re name.”
“Wait, didn’t your name end in an “O”? I remember...”
-- We jump into this softcore scene way too fast. Kinda goes to show you how rushed this show is.
-- For a demon so powerful with standards, he seems to have no problem being submissive and letting Blitzo seduce him. Stolas is shown to be uncomfortable, continuously walking away from Blitzo when he's pursued and I'm sitting here like....you could just...stop him. Why do you keep running away from him when you can throw him out the window?? He's acting like some shy teenage girl who's about to have sex for the first time but secretly craves it and I couldn't help but cringe!! And the first time he did it was with his wife, which apparently wasn't as good. Like I said, I really don't care how drunk he was at that time. He is such an idiot.
-- These two haven’t seen or talked to each other in over twenty years, but suddenly this kinky owl is all for sleeping with him because he’s drunk and got bit in the neck. 
-- “It means so much that the one who wants me is my first-ever friend~~~”
First off, ew.... Second off, you two were never friends. You met him once, had that one playdate, and never saw each other again until now in your thirties.
-- Back in the second episode of the first season, when Stella found out about the affair, she confronted him about it and he tried to appease her and being submissive, saying that what happened with Blitzo was unexpected and making excuses, all the while being a little nervous at her rage. But in THIS episode, Stolas has the balls to rub it in Stella’s face and laugh, marking the affair as the first action of the divorce.
-- Even though he brought up said divorce, for some reason, these two are still living in the same house. Not even divorced yet!! What was the point in you laughing at her face like that if you weren’t even gonna go along with it??
-- He should’ve known that his book was stolen by the time Blitzo left! This means he should’ve realized that Blitzo only slept the night with him to take it and leave. Why are you even catching feelings for this dude?? He manipulated you twice!!!
-- Literally, screw this musical number....
-- Sings, “Was what we had all a comfortable lie?” or something like that. Basically, he’s saying, “Was your love for me all a lie?” Was it all a lie??? He certainly wasn’t playing hard-to-get, dumbass!! Blitzo was shown multiple times to be disgusted with you! He didn’t love you at all, and I’m sure you knew that!
-- Reads about Asmodean crystals. Possibly planning to give it to Blitzo so he could drop the deal. But he never does.
-- “The only reason why I put up with your constant cruelty was for that girl (Octavia) to live a normal life.”
Says the guy who had an affair and continues the affair, making the drama in his family much worse than it already was. What was the point in you two keeping up an image for Via? You already fight in front of her and that was bad enough. It should’ve been obvious to her from the get-go that you to hated each other. It doesn’t even seem like she cares at all about the divorce after this episode, so this could’ve been done a long time ago.
-- Decides NOW he wants a divorce even though it should’ve been done already.
EP 2 S2, Seeing Stars (are they even trying with these titles)
-- Makes a promise about something to his daughter and breaks it.
-- Doesn’t take the time to listen to Octavia when she’s trying to talk to him and instead wants to continue bickering with Stella over the phone like they’re a couple of middle-school ex-lovers. I mean, he could just hang up on her. He probably never even wanted to talk to her anyway.
-- “Via, can we talk about this later? Your mother is being a real B-I-T-C-H.”
-- Didn’t realize Octavia was gone until he was called about it and even somewhat blamed IMP for her taking the book and leaving instead of taking responsibility since he is the father and wasn’t paying attention to her. If I had to assume, he was probably still on the phone with Stella at the time and only decided to hang up because Blitzo was calling him, not when his daughter is trying to grab his attention.
-- Has the ability to turn into a human, but is useless without his book when it comes to other magic which sounds like total bullsh*t. He can turn people into stone, make portals, use telekinesis, fly, and turn into a giant bird demon. All WITHOUT a grimoire. He even says he can’t remember a spell for turning other demons into a human, but didn’t he say “I have a very good memory.” back in episode 6? Stolas is only useless when the plot wants him to be.
-- The entire episode, he spends more time with Blitzo and helping him with his issues instead of trying to look for his daughter. She had the possibility of getting into danger, but he’s more concerned with his friend with benefits and what he got going on? Some father.....
-- Is back... to flirting... with Blitzo. Clearly, he didn’t learn a damn thing in the last season. What exactly was he even singing about in the last episode?? They didn’t even talk anything out after the whole Ozzie’s incident!! And of course, the writers are gonna have Blitzo get all flustered and gain feelings for Stolas because they and the fans want this ship to happen soo badly.
-- When Blitzo is in danger, what’s the one thing the powerful demon prince does to save him?
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-- Decides NOW to continue looking for Octavia?? Literally, f*ck off!
-- Octavia is forced to forgive Stolas despite his selfish behavior for the second time. Because neglecting your daughter, whether it be for your ex-lover or your walking booty call, is just very forgiving.
-- Screw this happy a** ending...
That’s pretty much the gist of why I think Stolas is a terrible character and why I hate him. I haven’t forgotten the recent episode that was just uploaded a couple of days ago. Believe me, that will be saved for another post I’ll be making soon.
So yeah, Stolas is a terrible character, a terrible person, and a terrible father. I don’t care how innocent or pitiful Viv or Adam make him out to be. At this point, all they’re doing is making excuses for his actions, making every other character around him terrible to make him look good, and forcing the Stolitz ship to happen without any progress or build-up. And God forbid Stolas is ever reprimanded for his actions! If he does, the writers will just butcher that in a way where Stolas is the victim and making him feel all bad for himself while not taking responsibility. Is this enough for you, anon???? I hope so, cuz at this point, it’s enough said.
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everlastlady · 6 months
Can we have Verosika with a cute and shy mute reader (any gender is fine)🙏
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Sweetest Treats
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✘- Author's Note: Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✘- Word Count: 2186
✘- Story Contains: Verosika Mayday, Male Reader, Sweet treats, Reader is mute, & Baking.
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(Name) still remembered the day when he, his boss, and co-workers defeated Verosika and her crew on the beach over a parking space. His boss was serious about that parking space and hating Versoika since they used to date. But ever since that day. They still remembered how he and Verosika exchanged glances. Verosika looked mad at everyone else that worked at I.M.P but for some reason whenever Verosika looked at (Name), her expression would turn soft, her face would heat up and she would have this feeling that she swore she got rid of after Blitzo had hurt her. Something about (Name) made Verosika feel like her body was on fire and that her head was spinning. Maybe it was (Name’s) (E/C) or the way they would smile or laugh whenever Millie told a joke which made Verosika jealous. She bet that she could make (Name) laugh way longer than that country Imp. It also made them wonder why (Name) even working for Blitzo, (Name) may not be a sex demon but she knew that (Name) would do so much better in her crew, (Name) could even be her assistant, and she wouldn’t let her crew flirt or touch them. After eventually escaping the police, those damn gullible pigs. Verosika hoped to run into (Name) again, Verosika’s wish did come true because in a cafe` in the Pride ring. (Name) sat at the table eating, while reading a book. Verosika stared at (Name) for a while, trying to think of how to approach them. Verosika never had to deal with this, people usually approached her. People usually felt this way about her - but here she was getting all weak over someone that was associated with her ex, but she couldn’t blame (Name) for that. She knew that he probably doesn’t know what Blitzo did to her, maybe (Name) would do the same to her or maybe (Name) wouldn’t. She had never heard (Name) speak unlike the others that worked for Blitzo, it made her curious wondering what you sounded like. She grabbed her smoothie after the counter and took a deep breath and walked over there. (Name) was on their laptop looking at job applications. He didn’t want to tell Blitzo and the others that he was looking for a new job, he felt like the assassin business wasn’t for him. Mostly because he wanted to open a business of his own, a bakery, (Name) always loved bringing baked goods to his co-workers that he became passionate about, but he wanted to find a job that dealt with baking so he can gain more experience. He jumped a little when he heard someone clear their throat, he looked up to see Verosika, her white hair tied up in a high ponytail. As she was wearing white turtleneck with a matching skirt and boots. The drink held in her hands tightly, if she held it any tighter the drink would burst all over her.
(Name) tilted his head confused on why Versoika was standing in front of him. Was she still upset about what happened at the spring break beach party? No, she didn’t look upset. “ Can I sit with you? “ Verosika asked him, she stared while her fingers played with the straw of her drink. (Name) smiled shyly and nodded his head. Verosika smiled and quickly pulled out the chair to sit down. She sipped on her drink while (Name) hid their face behind their laptop. Wondering why some pop star who hates their company wants to sit with him. “ It’s (Name), right? “ Verosika sked, hoping she got his name right. (Name) looked up from his laptop, a crimson blush painting their face and he nodded his head. “ It’s good to see you again, last time we weren't on good terms. “ Verosika said while laughing. But she saw that (Name) wasn’t laughing. “ But! That wasn’t your fault or the hellhound or those little Imps. It’s your boss Blitzo, he’s my ex and he broke my heart, tries to act like he did nothing wrong but he truly hurt me, listen I’m not trying to ask for a pity party or for you to hate him just wanted you to understand why I hate him and just him. “ Verosika said looking at (Name) and hoped they would understand. (Name) nodded their head, Verosika was starting to feel nervous, he hadn't said a word; did she say too much. She watched him quickly type on his laptop. Was he messaging Blitzo from his laptop? (Name) quickly turned their laptop around and Verosika read the message on the document. “ I understand, I heard how you screamed at him that day in the parking lot. Sorry that I’m not talking, I’m a mute but It’s really nice to meet you again Verosika <3 Do you know sign language? “ The text wrote. Versoika blushed from seeing the heart after her name that it took a while for her to snap out of her thoughts. “ Y-Yeah! I know sign language when you have a lot of people who you fuck sometimes you have to know these things. “ Verosika laughed while setting down her drink. “ So what were you doing on that laptop other than trying to communicate with me? “ Verosika asked. (Name) began signing with their hands. “ Looking for job applications for bakeries in Pride, I don’t really want to work at I.M.P, I want to be a barker one day and have my own shop of baked goods. “ (Name) smiled and looked away as he continued to sign. “ S-Sorry if that sounds stupid. “ (Name) dropped his hands.
Stupid? Of Course that isn’t stupid Verosika thought to herself, she was glad that he was quitting I.M.P because someone as great and handsome as (Name) shouldn’t be working for that assassin wreck of a circus. This would mean she could visit him without having to hear Blitzo’s mouth but this also made her worry what if he falls in love with one of his co-workers wait what if he already has a partner, Verosika didn’t even think about it and she didn’t want to to straight out ask if he had a partner, she had to play her cards right. “ That isn’t stupid, I’m sure your parents or partner supports you. “ Verosika with a sly smile. Yes! She hoped her question was sneaky enough. “ My parents support me, and my partner… “ (Name) said, trailing off while blushing. Oh no, he’s blushing this made Verosika’s heart break a bit, she was hoping he didn’t have one. “ My partner… It wouldn’t matter because I don’t have one, I never really dated, always been too shy to go up to people like my friends would, or people who flirted with me, got too frustrated because of how shy I was. “ (Name) signed and picked up their drink. Verosika was in awe, he was such a cutie that she would take her time to get to know him, those who clearly can’t wait didn’t deserve him. “ People need to realize that getting to know someone takes time, I wouldn’t get frustrated if I wanted to date… you. “ Versoika blushing. Both her and (Name) looked away blushing. “ So do you bake a lot ? “ Verosika looked back at (Name). He nodded his head and smiled, pulling out his phone and unlocking it to access his gallery. He showed Verosika the different types of baked goods he made. Cookies shaped like hearts or ghosts. Cakes of different flavors like chocolate, lemon, and red velvet. All these looked delicious and Verosika wanted to try them. “ Those all look delicious and the designs are clean and cute. Do you think you can make me something tasty, like a strawberry dessert? “ Verosika asked. (Name) blushed and nodded their head, he went into his contact list and pushed his phone towards Verosika. She was quick to add her number, wanting to put her name as girlfriend with a pink heart, she pushed that thought aside and just settled with putting her name with a pink heart and kiss. She handed his phone back. “ Can’t wait to see what you’ll make for me. “ Verosika smiled and then looked at the clock on the wall, she sighed. “ (Name), I have to I have a performance tonight at Ozzie’s “ Verosika said while standing up. Oh, Ozzie’s? (Name) remembered that Moxxie said that he would be taking Millie there.
(Name) smiled and signed. “ It was nice to meet you again and on good terms. I’ll be sure to make you something super tasty. “ (Name) dropped his hands into his lap. Verosika smiled wanting to say something like do you want to go on a date or I think you are cute but Verosika didn’t want to scare him off, she knew was shy and that’s what she liked about him. “ I can’t wait to see what you make me. “ Verosika gave one last smile before leaving the cafe`. (Name) sat there for a few minutes smiling. Verosika wasn’t that horrible as his boss made her out to be, she was actually sweet and beautiful. Made him wonder why did Blitzo let her go. But (Name) felt way you of Verosika’s league. After (Name) finished his drink, he left the cafe’ to head home so that he could think about what he’ll be making for Verosika. Sitting at home on the couch, he was flipping through his recipe book looking at different strawberry treats like roasted strawberry tart, waffle cookies with strawberry buttercream, mixed strawberry cobbler, and strawberry coconut crust cheesecake. He smiled to himself trying to decide what he could make but all these looked delicious. He decided he’ll make all four for her to try. (Name) stood up and walked to the kitchen, he opened his fridge and looked inside then opened the cabinets to look inside of them. He nodded his head, he would need to buy some of the ingredients for the baked goods he wants to make for Verosika.
After a week Verosika stood outside of (Name’s) home and looked at the door. She let out a sigh, her heart was hammering against her chest. She was wearing a strawberry top and pink tight jeans. She was holding some black and pink roses that she had got for (Name). “ Got I got this. “ Verosika knocked on the door and stepped back. She could hear footsteps and the door opened revealing (Name) who was dressed all nice and had a sweet smile. (Name), hey there cutie, these are for you. “ Verosika stepped inside while handing (Name) flowers, which he gladly took them and smelled them. Verosika looked around (Name) everything looked lovely and clean, unlike Blitzo’s place. Verosika shook her head, no you are at (Name’s) home and you are hoping to have something with (Name) no need to think about that annoying shithead Blitzo. “ Thank you. “ (Name) signed to Verosika and gestured for her to follow him into the kitchen. “ Oh, please close your eyes first please. “ (Name) signed. Verosika smiled and nodded as she closed her eyes. (Name) reached out and took her hand into his which made the succubus woman blush. She followed behind (Name), he let go of Verosika’s hand and went to go fill up a vase with water. Verosika opened her eyes, a small gasp escaped her lips seeing different baked goods. “ (Name) these all look delicious! “Verosika’s mouth was starting to water. (Name) set the vase on the table and looked at Verosika. “ They all are strawberry-like desserts. “ (Name) signed. “ Really? I can’t believe it, you remembered what I wanted. “ Verosika smiled. (Name) already had the sweet treats on a plate. (Name) pulled out a chair for Verosika. She smiled and took a seat.
The two of them chatted while trying the desserts. “ And then I fell into the pool taking Apple in with me, after that I swore when I drink again to get drunk somewhere that’s by a pool. “ Verosika laughed. As (Name) snickers and takes a bite of the tart. Verosika watched him eat for a while until he stared at her and tilted his head. “ Is something wrong? “ He asked signing to her . Verosika shook her head as she a crumb on the corner of his mouth. Verosika reached over and used her thumb to wipe away the crumbs. (Name) blushed and looked into Verosika’s eyes. The two stayed like that for a while before leaning towards each other for a kiss, pulling away for just a bit then kissing again. Her soft lips pressed up against (Name’s) lips. “ I like the taste of your lips against mine. “ Verosika said in between the kisses. She placed her hands on (Name’s) waist. After the two pulled away. “ (Name) do you want to go on a date with me? I know this really beautiful restaurant in Sloth. (Name) smiled and nodded their head. “ I would really love that Verosika. “ (Name) signed while grinning. Verosika squealed with happiness and pulled (Name) in for another kiss. " This is the sweetest treats right here~ " Verosika said, smirking, pointing towards (Name's) lips.
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phddyke · 9 months
What Blitz doesn’t know:
1. Stolas’s marriage is abusive
* He might not even know it’s bad. All he’s seen is royal portraits of their happy family together as he’s been led through the halls, and the Hellhound security team brought him in after Stella finished her rant. Based on his expression after Ozzie implies their affair ruined Stolas’s marriage/relationship with his daughter, he feels guilt about that. Maybe he feels like a homewrecker.
* I’m not entirely sure he knows Stolas asked for a divorce immediately after their one-night stand. Based on the pilot, he ran away with the book too fast to hear him.
* And, by that token, he doesn’t have a clue Striker was hired by Stella to not only kill Stolas but torture him first (and he never told Stolas Striker was a danger because he didn’t think he was especially unique, and now feels bad about that, I’m sure).
2. That his reaction in Ozzie’s was about being humiliated in front of so many people, not actually because he was ashamed of Blitzø.
3. By that same token, Stolas only responding with “okay” when Blitz says that their relationship is clearly only about “wanting me to fuck you” was NOT actually confirmation that Blitz’s suspicions were correct.
4. Stolas’s text messages were him trying to reassure Blitz he doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want—he just became really unclear about what he wants in the process, which makes it look like he doesn’t want him to visit.
5. That he improved Stolas’s life, he didn’t ruin it. Because of Blitz, he got the closest he ever did to telling his daughter the truth about his relationship, asked for a divorce, and even after Ozzie’s he stood up for himself and DEMANDED the divorce! Not to mention Blitz clearly gave him the only happiness he had in a while.
6. The only pictures Stolas has on his phone of them make it look like Blitz is constantly annoyed by his presence.
7. He has absolutely no clue whatsoever about Blitzø’s feelings. None.
8. Striker made fun of him about the fact that Blitz didn’t come to save him.
9. He probably offered for Blitz to be his bodyguard because Stella said “Can you imagine if he didn’t have money!”, so he doesn’t think anyone will have sex with/hang out with him if money isn’t involved.
10. Stolas isn’t actually racist or classist, it’s more like he says things thoughtlessly and is blinded by privilege in many aspects. But he doesn’t have some weird fetish for imps.
11. Stolas loves him!! We all know he’s a horny motherfucker but he does deeply love Blitz so much.
What Stolas doesn’t know:
Oh man, where do I start.
1. Blitzø’s biggest fear is dying alone.
2. He’s afraid to get close to Stolas because of commitment issues and the “eventually everyone goes” mentality, BUT also because of the race/class difference he’s scared to lose his freedom and basically become one of Stolas’s servants.
3. He comes toward Stolas in the hallucination anyway. Away from everyone else and toward him. (Crawls toward him, in fact.)
4. That he stole Verosika’s car, ran three rings to Wrath, maxed her credit cards on shitty horseback-riding lessons, and left her to pay for the hotel room while they were dating. (He does know that Blitz was a selfish lover to her and broke her heart, though.)
5. He’s in awe of Stolas. You can see it when he sees his demon form when Stolas saves him, when he puts on his human disguise, and when he’s being trampled on the ground and sees Stolas’s tail feathers as he’s being carried away above him. He’s put him on such a pedestal that 1) he can’t believe Stolas would ever love him back and 2) he’s forgotten that Stolas is mortal and can be hurt, both emotionally and physically.
6. Blitzø has no idea of Stolas’s feelings toward him—since episode 2 we’ve been aware that he’s operating under the assumption that “no one” loves him, and since Ozzie’s we know Blitzø thinks that Stolas makes it clear “all the time” that their arrangement doesn’t go deeper than fucking. Therefore, when he invited him to the date at Ozzie’s, he wasn’t cruelly playing with his feelings; he had no idea said feelings existed (though, he probably should’ve been honest that he wanted to spy on M&M). Even when Moxxie says, “He seems to like you, sir,” Blitzø responds with “Okay, my dick is GOOD—but it is not that good,” misinterpreting Moxxie’s observation of Stolas’s feelings for him as Stolas’s sexual interest in him.
7. His “oh yeah…I guess it is, huh” when Stolas called Ozzie’s their first “real” date wasn’t him being like “ew I don’t wanna go on a date with this guy,” but more like “Oh right…this is our first real date and I’m using it to spy on M&M, this isn’t really how I wanted our first ‘real’ date to be.”
8. Blitzø’s obsession with M&M stems from his own desire to have a happy, healthy, monogamous marriage like they do, despite constantly mocking them about it.
9. Blitzø has a picture of Stolas asleep and himself looking happy to be cuddled up with him forefront on his phone.
10. Blitzø has scratched himself out of every picture of himself, his friends, his daughter (and twin sister) on his walls.
11. The betrayed look on his face—the “I knew this was going to happen but I was hoping it wouldn’t” when Stolas covered his face at Ozzie’s.
12. How concerned he looked when Stolas said “I seem to have been stolen by your little cowboy friend,” how much MORE concerned he looked when Striker spoke to him directly, that he was so furious he broke his phone AND damaged his car after that before he started driving recklessly and seemed to be seriously contemplating going for Stolas himself. He even grilled M&M on their ability to do so, rushed through the doctor’s appointment, vented about it in the waiting room, and looked so happy when he thought they’d brought Stolas back safe and sound. (Didn’t even correct the doctor who called him “Bingo,” just wanted to get out of there.)
13. The look on his face and the genuine surprise when he said “he can get HURT?” Not to mention the “Stolas got what?” and the crack in his voice when he said “how?”
14. When he said “If you promise this isn’t some fuck-fest invite it does sound like a blast and a half,” he wasn’t annoyed with Stolas, he was annoyed that the only thing he thought Stolas cared about was sex with him.
15. That he changed the screaming sound of Stolas’s ringtone to a cute bird one and presumably changed the contact name from “Creepy Mouth (aka one night stand bird dick)” to his actual name. Not to mention, his ringtone for Loona is a dog one—what does it say that he made Stolas’s a bird one?
16. When Blitzø is giving Stolas that weird look when they meet as children, he’s not finding kid!Stolas weird or annoying, he’s weirded out because Stolas’s father is there acting like a jackass and hitting him in front of Blitzø. (It took me multiple rewatches to notice that one, actually.)
17. That despite saying “We ain’t bodyguards. That was a one-time thing we did badly,” he saved Stolas from Striker the first time without 1) being asked or 2) paid to do it. He just did—and didn’t tell him afterwards in order to receive any type of accolades. He saved him quietly.
18. He didn’t actually deny that Stolas was his boyfriend when that’s what Millie called him.
19. Striker was the first person outside of I.M.P. to call Blitzø on his feelings for Stolas—and mock him for them.
20. “I’ll take the first watch” and “You guys better go make sure Stolas is okay” in Loo Loo Land.
21. Blitz tried to get his attention when he was attempting to break into Stolas’s room. That’s gotta mean something, idk what.
22. Blitzø lied to everyone, including himself, that he had to sleep with Stolas to get the Grimoire when he actually did that AND spent the entire night with him of his own free will (which actually jeopardized his mission, let alone helped it).
23. Blitz remembered him for over two decades—Stolas had forgotten him until he showed up again, it seems.
24. Blitzø had a chance to go home with Cash Buckzo but he stayed and played with Stolas instead.
25. He was about to say something when Fizzarolli called his love life “a pile of shit” before Verosika cut him off. He also looks at Stolas and back when Fizz sings, “Some nerve you’ve got to comment on a relationship.”
26. He cried after Ozzie’s.
* He got wasted off his ass after Ozzie’s.
* He said he could drink Queen Bee-lzebub under the table because “you have no idea what kind of night I’ve had” and told Loona he had “a really shitty day.”
* He was gonna have sex with a dude who looked like Stolas but in the end got rid of him—and requested a man by the same name as the lead in the soap opera Stolas also watches.
* He made out with, at minimum, four strangers (if Dennis was in the five-person makeout).
* He cried that Fizz was right that he was gonna die alone again.
* Even though he couldn’t remember Dennis’s name when they’d been making out ten seconds ago, the last word on his lips before he fell asleep was “Stolas” (he also seems to have gone in increasing order of importance with the names he muttered).
27. That he slept with Chaz, but said he was terrible in bed, used him for information, and snuck out as soon as Chaz was asleep instead of staying beside him all night.
28. That Blitzø was paid to hang out with him that day (though thankfully neither of them know that he was only worth $5 and a slim-fit condom to Cash Buckzo), and he didn’t want to steal from him.
29. How scared Blitz looked when he was being led back to Stolas’s room after he said “I will deal with him accordingly.”
30. He’s almost definitely reading Stolas’s apologetic and “only if you want!” texts as lack of interest.
31. How hurt/annoyed Blitz is every time Stolas thoughtlessly says something about imps, which is especially prevalent in “Harvest Moon Festival.”
32. Despite the persona he puts on and what Stolas probably believes because of that persona, Blitzø is clearly struggling with self-hatred and self-worth issues in general.
33. How much it’s going to hurt Blitzø when he reaches out and Stolas rejects him (or what he’s going to see as Stolas’s rejection when he gives him the crystal)—because that’s exactly what happened with his sister. For all we know, Stolas isn’t even aware that Blitzø has a twin sister.
34. He loves Stolas with everything he has and deep down he’s aware of that, even if he’s lying to himself about it.
Conclusion: AHHHHHH
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seramilla · 1 month
Lucifer is hosting a party for the general public so some of the sins are innvited and the overlords are invited. Verosika goes to see her Odette and to hang out with Ozzy, after a while no one can find either of the carmine girls, charlie, or vaggie . Carmilla had brought Emily and sera as her plus ones and they can’t find Emily so it’s worrying everyone where Charlie,Emily, the carmine girls or vaggie.
In reality, the girls had gotten a little tipsy and decided the party was boring. So they went eat a random dinner then Clara had gotten the genius idea to fly around since most of them were angels or half angels. Expect Charlie doesn’t have wings so instead Charlie hangs onto Odette as they fly around crazily.
Meanwhile at the party sera, verosika, Carmilla and Lucifer are all worried because they can’t find the girls.(verosika is only worried about her Odette)
I accept this scenario, and raise you the following: Emily isn't a big drinker, and she more or less follows the others to make sure they stay out of trouble. When they're done eating, Charlie is showing them around the new hotel, and they go out onto the roof. Clara has the idea to go night flying with Emily and Vaggie, but Emily is against it and refuses. But Odette reveals that, surprise! She has started to gain some control of her angelic abilities, and can bring out her wings, with a little concentration and effort.
She only realized she could control them better after the nightmares started getting worse, and they are easier to bring out when she's tipsy or her inhibitions are low. Charlie decides to hold onto Odette, literally, but Odette has a lot of false bravado and almost faceplants Charlie into the hotel garden because gosh darnit, she drank too much and can't fly straight. They've all made less-than-responsible choices that night. It's not an excuse for nearly dropping Charlie, though.
Luckily, Charlie isn't hurt. She's starting to master her own demon capabilities, so a fall from a few stories up doesn't really faze her. Though, the force of her landing leaves a decent-sized crater in the ground outside, which everyone can hear from the hotel, and it scares the shit out of Lucifer. He's looking his daughter up and down, making sure she's okay, and she's just laughing hysterically at their stupidity, assuring him she's fine.
Verosika is a little concerned, because Odette hadn't yet told her she was trying to get control of her wings. She didn't even know she could bring them out on her own when she's awake. Odette didn't want to worry her, but Verosika's definitely starting to worry now.
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My Criticisms For The Released “Missing” Eight Episode
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While it was great seeing the episode finally released, it’s no wonder it’s called filler and only partially calls back to the fall out to the previous episode. Like how Bee overflows on empty calories, so does this episode. It also calls into questions things that contradict the worldbuilding. 
* While it’s a nice call back to “Die Young” her being partially hellhound really brings up questions as well. Mostly because if the hellhounds are the lowest level of citizens then why is a Demon Lord like her respected. 
* Bee-Lzebub in my opinion should have been a total insect instead of a hellhound because of the fact it just makes her look so much generic rather than unique. I know hybrid monster but again Vizie seems obsessed with playing designs too safe. I like her hellhound designs, but I totally think Bee should have been a full insect. 
* Also does Vox work for Verosika when he’s dating a Demon Lord. It doesn’t make sense. 
* Also if it’s a bad look for a demon noble to sleep with an imp then why isn’t she getting flack for being with a mere hellhound. And in a future episode we will see Asmodeus get in trouble for it. 
* Also I noticed in the episode that again a lot of these so-called nobles who are supposed to be enjoying their sinful embodiments are the safe type of edgy. Like Bee is against Blitzo overindulging himself because he’s miserable, instead of fulfillment but if she was a true lord of gluttony she wouldn’t care. And again it’s a product of watering down hell into a magical dimension instead of a place of all out vice.
* There is Loona where the emphasis is the relationship but from the episodes next season so far everything goes back to her being a bitch to Blitzo like nothing was learned and it feels even more pointless. 
* And again more of the drama. But at this point it’s expected because the show has strayed far as heck about being an agency hunting down humans for clients. 
And again it does seem this episode shows a lot of issues people are having with season 2 which seems to stem from here and it’s probably not going to get much better due to the fact that we are getting so many character episode instead of pertaining to the og premise. It really feels draining and you don’t really connect and just roll your eyes. I do believe by the next episode those criticism will be back in full. 
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Something that bugs me about the designs and world building is what differentiates a hell born and a sinner? Like hellborns and sinner have humanoid designs especially the women, (Verosika, the succubi women, Charlie, Vaggie and other Hazbin’s characters that are women) have human womanly figures and features they’re just painted a different color, only the men both hellborn and sinners have cartoonish designs but other than that there’s not a difference. Like what makes someone a hellborn and a sinner? sinners can’t travel the other rings? Why? What was the point of introducing 7 or 9 rings of hell if your main series will never have the main characters go to those other rings (the ONLY one in the main cast that can travel to different rings is Charlie but I’m pretty sure all the villains, her dad and Helsa will come to her so she never has to leave the hotel) why isn’t Asmodeous in charge of the porn industry if he’s the literal embodiment of lust and rules over a ring dedicated to sex? Why isn’t Mammon in charge of entertainment? If again he is the literal embodiment of greed and would be the one to own everything and charge hellborns and sinners a lot of money to to be entertained? Does Valentino and Vox ONLY rule in Pride? I get it’s the old money vs new money theme going on but Asmodeus and Mammon can easily destroy Vox and Valentino. Is Pride gonna be the biggest ring compared to all the other rings? Yeah i get It’s overpopulated but is it really more overpopulated than 6 other rings combined? Why are sinners considered the worse if you have a civilization of natural born species that were born in HELL and exist to cause trouble for humans and the sociology is being evil and shitty is the norm in hell? The imps make sense since they all have the same design red skin, horns and tails so they’re easy to identify as hellborn. I just wish the varied in variety when they’re born in different. This is why people were saying everyone looks the ame because it’s the same designs being overused over and over again. Where’s Jane so she can design characters? One of these shows are gonna hurt badly because of the poor world building and have a feeling it’s gonna be HB because they’re retcon things so things make sense in Hazbin.
I don’t know the answer to the majority of these questions my guy, you got me LOL. I agree, for starters I still think it wasn’t a good idea to make all the sinners trapped in one single location of Hell. I get that this is Viv’s interpretation so she doesn’t need to go by Dante’s Inferno completely or whatever other religion or mythology, but like you said…yeah, what IS the point of having all these other rings if you’re just going to have the characters (and Hazbin as a whole) take place in ONE location? Hazbin could have been the perfect opportunity to explore the world as a whole since again….Charlie is literally the Princess of Hell, they never said she and her plan only applied to sinners and ever since it was revealed that sinners can’t even go outside of the Pride Ring, I’ve been confused and upset. How are going to say all of Hell is overpopulated when all the sinners are in ONE damn location? What about the rest of hell? The way Charlie spoke made it sound like she was talking about ALL of Hell, and now you’re saying it’s only the Pride Ring? I get that Vivzie wanted to create Helluva apparently to explore the lore OUTSIDE of the Pride Ring and it’s demons, but choosing that for a show that should be more about the HUMAN society doesn’t help. I don’t understand why Helluva even needed to be centered around the rest of Hell when in reality it was SUPPOSED to be about demon assassins going to earth to kill people. I feel like Vivziepop really had no idea what she truly wanted Helluva to be because she kept flip flopping it’s concepts and purposes. Hazbin could have easily explored Hell just as well, the concept of demons coming from all around the globe is very interesting, instead of a bunch of demons cramped into a city that looks exactly like our world. I just feel like the idea of sinners only being in one location makes this entire thing more complicated than it really needs to be. It also ruins Charlie’s idea as well, she says she wants to rehabilitate demons and is tired of her people being slaughtered, but then you realize all the other demons in the rings outside of the Pride Ring AREN’T sinners, so what would happen to the Hellborn demons? Did Charlie ever think of that, or should I say Vivzie?
Also yeah…I definitely wish there was a more distinct difference between the Hellborn species and sinners. Part of the problem is that in Viv’s version, she sees “sinners” and “demons” as the same thing, and I think it would have been better if a “sinner” was labeled as a human who got damned to hell, and then a “demon” are the Hellborn species. Visually however, it is a little complicated. On one hand we are able to see clearly what Imps look like, but the problem is that with Viv’s sinner designs, they can be freaking anything. You could be big, small, have a mouth, have teeth, have horns, be an animal, be a floating ghost like thing- heck…even if I were to look at a Succubis, I would have just said it’s another sinner because the designs are just a human body with horns and a tail. So far the imps are the only Hellborn species that stand out from the sinners, even the HELLHOUNDS could be regular sinners for all we know.
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Like…most of these designs were clearly just something Viv could come up with at the top of her head, and yeah, it also didn’t help that most of the background demon designs in the pilot are way more complicated and detailed than the main cast…and look more INTERESTING than the main cast. All I can say is that I hope Viv really branches out each hellborn design compared to the sinners when the actual show comes out, it would be easier if she had her own RULES to what a sinner looks like compared to a hellborn demon, cause she clearly didn’t have any for the pilot. Also the whole “most sinners resemble how they died or who they were”- thing that she pulled in most of her livestreams are a load of bullshit because they clearly don’t, ESPECIALLY for the main cast Lmao.
As for how the overlords rule “all of Hell” apparently even though they’re not allowed outside the pride ring and it was established that the seven deadly sins rule each location, I have no idea, that’s the confusing thing. Like….for all the people saying “Why isn’t Ozzie ruling the Porn industry since he’s literally the embodiment of lust”- you’re exactly right. Like…it makes no sense, at least to me. Like, Vivzie keeps saying how Vox is able to control all of television across Hell, how Alastor broadcasted his radio across hell, how Val controls all of the porn industry across hell, ect but like…how? How exactly does that work? If sinners aren’t allowed to be outside the pride ring, how are they able to be powerful enough to control and manage their work across the rest of Hell? Every time I look back at the pilot, I just get more and more confused, especially since Vaggie states that there were overlords who had been “dominant for centuries” and describing then as “Our worlds most ancient and destructive evils” and I’m just……does Hell have laws when it comes to the sinners? What about the Seven Deadly sins? What about Lucifer? Were they just sitting around while all this shit was going down? The issue is that not only is it confusing on how exactly these rankings work and how an overlord ruling differs from a Deadly Sin, but it seems like just about ANYONE can easily become an overlord. There seems to be nothing from stopping the sinners from toppling over, because there seems to be no RULES for the Pride ring. It’s just…all over the place and very confusing, and I pray to god that once Hazbin comes out, it’s storytelling improves compared to the pilot, because right now everything in Helluva just makes the world building for Hazbin confusing.
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marithlizard · 11 months
Helluva Boss s1e8: first impressions
The visual style for this episode looks really different from usual, based on the teaser images.  I don't mind it, but I do wonder why. 
-  Loona's phone image for Blitzo makes him look like a squashed frog.  :) - Loona's so nervous, I feel for her.  (Did she have anyone to help her pick out that very nice dress? Probably not.) - Oh, I think I get it.  The look is so different because it's the Envy ring. Yellow sky tinting everything, on top of the architecture and whole general vibe.    Greed, Lust, Wrath and Sloth had their own styles too but none of them made me instantly go "oh wow we are NOT in Pride" the way this does. - (Will this make the people who complain about "too much red" any happier? Don't be silly.) - Loona's tension is shown so well. Her posture, the way she's clutching her arm and clenching her fist, the way her smile doesn't just drop as soon as Tex is out of sight but turns to active unhappiness.  She doesn't even sound glad at the prospect of a drink, when we know she drinks frequently on the job. - Oof. How many times has she tried to fit in to hound social groups before, that the Mean Girl finds her so memorable? - Ooh, yeah, living with Blitzo does not exactly give one a reliable sense of acceptable language, does it.  - Oh I SEE,  "Bitch" in hound circles is one of those weaponized “selectively problematic” terms.  Can’t imagine why the writers would have that concept in mind.
- Is that a major demon sigil? Sure looks like it. So we may get to see the ruler of this Ring.
- Right, it's Gluttony, thus the food theme. - Loona’s totally unreceptive to the song and actually looks betrayed to see Tex so into it. She’s hunching into herself defensively as though she expects to be attacked.  Does she know this singer? - I thought the singer was a hellhound at first, but she has to be a sinner. Hounds don’t have extra arms.  (Do I even want to know what she means by "making honey"?)
 - Can anyone make out what Loona is mouthing at 4:41?  She is REALLY not happy with this song, and I have to agree the force-feeding is a bit disturbing, and has me wondering if the treats are drugged.
- Okay, Loona, I'm on your side in general here, but you don’t have moral high ground to be disgusted by crude remarks. Your moral ground is practically underwater. - Bee does seem friendly, and not intentionally patronizing. In fact she seems like everything I would have thought Loona wants to be - confident, glamorous, popular, decadent.  But instead of fangirling, Loona’s defensive and borderline hostile. - Bee sure does like to name-drop.  She must be a pop star like Verosika if she’s able to hobnob with Belphegor and Satan.  - SHE’S Tex’s girlfriend?   Ooooh.  Dating one pop star and bodyguarding another. Maybe I'm beginning to guess how some of these people know Blitzo. - Does Loona maybe realize that she has a problem with alcohol, and that’s part of why she’s so unhappy and convinced she can’t stay despite the welcoming vibe from Tex and Bee?
- Ah, Blitzo. Finished his cry, changed his shirt, got himself some ice cream and settling in to sulk all night on the couch. A very relatable post-date strategy.
- He doesn’t hesitate an instant when he sees Loona needs him. Nothing but concern when he greets her either, not even a hint of annoyance or guilt-tripping at the inconvenience.   Good dad.
- Interesting, this guy seems to like and admire Blitzo.  We're so used to thinking of him as a fuckup.  
- That was a lightning-fast 180 from "oh god please get me out of here" to "canwestaycanwestay", Loona. The power of hormones. Also she clearly feels much safer at the party with her dad’s support. - Blitzo does not look at all impressed or intimidated by Bee.  And he's so obviously happy to be in his element, doing something he knows he's good at, even if it's a gross something like binge drinking. - AWWWWW Loona being publicly proud of her dad!  He looks so happy! So dorky! So drunk.  Oh, Stolas, if you had only realized what he needed in that critical moment, flipped Asmodeus off and announced to the club that you love this imp and Verosika dear he’s clearly just not that into you because with ME he’s an insatiable stallion... if you’d done that, you could’ve had your beloved looking at you like this:
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The face of romance, truly. - Bee and Tex suddenly look worried. I wonder why.  Are they actually concerned for his health,  or that he's upstaging her in her own club, or ? - Aww, they are concerned. They're both pretty decent people in their way.
- Whoa, she's got power. Is Bee something like an Overlord? - And Loona's ready to throw down with her - it's the sight of Tex looking unhappy that makes her reconsider. 
- pfft.  Okay, favorite line of the episode.  "I'm not fucking a Dennis tonight. I need a Monica or Alejandro in here, stat!"
- Loona being protective and caring. And really quite patient, considering. But she’s not going to sit around and listen to his woes and he doesn’t expect her to. -”Fizz was right, I’m gonna die alone..”  AUGH.  Blitzo’s mumbling confession of loneliness and despair. :(  It’s not just that he includes Stolas in his list. It’s that  M&M, Loona and Stolas are the only names in his list.   He doesn’t have anyone else left in his life, after the mess he’s made of his previous relationships. That was satisfying, with all the wholesome father-daughter moments I could’ve hoped for.  Good stuff. Catchy credits song, too...But no Hazbin cameo, so what was the reason for the delay?
.... Wait.  “Queen Bee”.  As in BEELZEBUB? Tex is dating a SIN?  Voiced by KESHA??? I literally did not figure any of this out until the end credits, and am sitting here flabbergasted.  If Stolas needs moral and social support for dating an imp,  he’s now got two high-profile examples of loving relationships across an even bigger class gap. This isn’t just thematic, I have a feeling it might be part of the plot before all is said and done.   The Goetia may be rigid snobs, but the Sins clearly aren’t.
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Theory response: why Stolitz might actually be Stockholm syndrome
In regards to Helluva Boss, I believe that Stolitz is in fact an unsettling example of Stockholm syndrome (a hostage or prisoner falling in love with their captor) ever since I saw the hallucination in “Truth Seekers” which has Blitz blushing while Stolas holds him on a chain, as can be seen in the image below (keep in mind that this is Blitz's honest mindset under the influence of truth gas).
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@stolitzy, a (now ex-) friend of mine, has made a rebuttal of this view which, while an interesting read, does not in my opinion actually invalidate or disprove it. I’ll go through some of the main points of their post and address them one by one. “There is NO kidnapping and no falling in love with the captor” – while this is true in the literal sense, by effectively holding Blitz’s company (and his life’s dream) hostage through the sexual arrangement, Stolas can be seen as trapping him in the arrangement, which could be seen as a figurative form of captivity and thus Blitz falling in love with him could still count as a form of Stockholm syndrome. It's also a MAJOR misinterpretation of my argument – as Stolas is the one who came up with the arrangement and forced Blitz into this arrangement, he would be the one holding Blitz captive, not the other way around. “[H]e’s had a lot of hardships in the course of his life and the whole show is about dysfunctional relationships and what real life is all about” – again, Blitz is the victim of the Stockholm syndrome, not the captor. “Stolas saw it as “oh wow the love of my life came back after decades of disappearing and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him” and you can even see it in his compassionate face; we can see he’s not the hurtful type as Blitz portrays him as” – Just because Stolas isn’t intentionally nurturing Stockholm syndrome within Blitz’s mind doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it at all. “But what we do know is that Stolitz is her favourite ship; so of COURSE she wouldn’t do anything to harm with it since it will be canon and claimed as a healthy relationship” – While Viv is a great artist, she’s (IMO) an AWFUL writer; examples of this are: . Her giving Verosika only 1 set of lines in “Ozzie’s” (the episode she should have WAY more prominence in had since it’s set in the Lust Ring and she’s a lust demon) in order to make episode 8 (as far as I understand from Viv’s statements and the footage that she released of it) about random hellhounds we’ll in all likelihood never see again rather than making the Lust Ring stuff a 2-parter in which Verosika is more important. . Going straight from the tragic lament of “Stolas Sings” in “the Circus” to business as usual (flirting and all) in “Seeing Stars” at the expense of all narrative consistency in order to support said ship.
As such, it’s VERY possible that Viv accidentally wrote a Stockholm syndrome ship without realising it and is now frantically backpedalling (if she’s even noticed it at all and isn’t just carrying on like nothing is wrong). “What IS unhealthy is shipping Blitz with Verosika; which was a been there done that type of relationship; if they had gone back they’d only be a recipe for disaster and go back to square one again” – while I agree that getting them back together right NOW is a terrible idea, I genuinely think that once Blitz has grown as a person and he and Verosika fully articulate the hurt they are harbouring inside to each other, they would be a FAR better couple than Stolitz since they (as far as I am aware) genuinely loved each other as the result of an organically developing romance rather than the transactional mess that is Stolitz. For more information why I think Blitzika is a better ship than Stolitz, check out my video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q2GV6hvjVU “I mean if you really think about it if Blitz had Stockholm syndrome and if it was really THAT bad then why the FUCK would there unlimited fan art of Stolitz being TOGETHER?! Having a child together!” Do not underestimate the fucked-up elements of fandoms… Why are there people idolising the clearly abusive relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker? Why is there art of people shipping Hazbin and Helluva characters with Valentino? Combine that with how much it’s being pushed by Viv and the team in as positive a light as possible and a large amount of the fandom’s lack of critical thinking (as evidenced by protagonist bias making people automatically side against Verosika simply because Blitz is the protagonist despite her clearly being the INNOCENT party in their relationship) and well… that’s why. Stolitzy also cites the following source: https://doodle-empress66.tumblr.com/post/660206487268982784/i-need-to-direct-everyones-attention-to-the-fact?_branch_match_id=link-1152086027557405904 As far as my understanding of Stockholm syndrome goes (and I know I’m not a professional psychologist, so this will probably not be as in-depth as if I was), a key part of Stockholm syndrome is the captive coming to believe (whether of their own accord or through the captor’s manipulation) that the captor is protecting them from a hostile outside world that they could not survive without them (a bit like how Judge Frollo in Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame convinces Quasimodo to stay in the cathedral by telling him that the people of Paris will hate him, though this example may not strictly qualify as Stockholm syndrome due to the former being the latter’s parental figure). As such, this source doesn’t do anything to disprove my theory. Stolitzy also cites numerous other sources showing Blitz’s romantic/sexual affection towards Stolas that, again, does NOTHING to disprove my theory; remember that Stockholm syndrome is all about the victim falling in love with their captor and so all the examples of “heart eyes” and Blitz’s human form kink could be equally argued to represent his Stockholm syndrome towards Stolas taking hold as the show goes on. Viv’s writing makes it even worse, since the way the show goes from “Ozzie’s” and “the Circus” straight to “Seeing Stars” makes it look like Blitz went to get some space only for his burgeoning Stockholm syndrome to make him come crawling back like a beaten wife and hide that anything was wrong. So remember, just because all the creepy elements are glossed over and Blitz gets lovey-eyed doesn’t mean there isn’t any Stockholm syndrome; if anything, that’s the version of reality the victim’s (in this case Blitz’s) mind is conjuring to convince themselves that their situation isn’t abusive when it clearly is.
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Thoughts I had during Seeing Stars
Ho ho that opening (I really need to sit through one of Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s videos)
Another flashback with Baby!Via Aaaahhh!
Aand 12 years later again! That was a good transition
She remembered!
She wears boots!
Here’s hoping Stolas doesn’t keep treating that poor Imp servant like his Ex Wife.
OOOOHHHH!!! Sass her back Stols!
That’s not good.
There goes the stargazing
Ok I legit thought Blitz was gonna have a Birds and Bees talk with her
It’s a good thing we’re seeing more of Blitz and Loona’s relationship in this ep
She’s using her feathers as a ninja mask!
And Loona’s like “S’up” or “Just go on in”
1 2 3 4 Oh come on Blitz
WOAH HO HO HO! Her eyes are glowing!
It occurs that she wasn’t too specific
“God hates you personally” “Demons walk among us” That whole mob may or may not be related to DHORKS.
Oh That was another really good transition
Still not over from Ozzie’s I see.
That was the best transition ever!
Oh Via that’s not gonna be helpful.
Sees him clutch his top hat crown like: SO IT ISN’T METAL?!?!
So glad I don’t live in LA
“New study finds LA water to be 2% sewer overflow and 98% literal acid. NO DON’T OBVIOUSLY DRINK THAT SHIT! TOP SCIENTISTS SAY” Well that ain’t good
WOAH HO HO! Human Stolas!!! I’m sketchin’ tonight!
So Imps can have human disguises!
He stole some glasses!
This is what happens when you don’t pay your coworkers Blitz!
Moxxie is just terrible with cash. I just know it.
Squirrel! Couldn’t help myself as a Die hard Up watcher
She sounds like Agent 2!
“USA: 2021”
The tour guide from the CHERUB ep!
Those ears.
Hehehe Brennon Ragers, Brandon Rogers, I almost thought she said Brendon
Oh dear is right
He’s not photogenic!
Hehehe Elmo + Barney = Elmosaur… Barmo, Elmey???
We gotta duet! M&Mers rise up!
Heh. Holly’s Wood.
He’s making it rain!
XD A Painting!
Verosika Mayday keychain!
I legit thought that was an actual Pop up Ad!
This is lowkey a kidnapping scene with the way he holds out that fruit gummy
He dropped his baby!
The guy from Spring Broken!
Since when do Agents dress like that?
He has a type
Someone in the paparazzi/crowd: He did that with his head?!
Yeah typical Loona
That was a waste of time
She walked right through a crime scene XD. It’s a good thing it wasn’t an open manhole
Star Owl awesome!
Wonder what she bought!
They’re not gonna question his clawmarks
“God please kill me” HAH!
He has stagefright!
Well that got him pumped.
Filmed in front of a live audience
Oh No!
“To the viewers at home, We apologize for the fruity language.”
Love how Stolas is the only one laughing
Me @ Stolas’ thirst and remembering the health warning: DON’T DRINK THAT!
Classic Loona
She chose Octavia!
Octavia lookalike (and probably has better parents)
The chase is on!
Via went to the observatory now it all makes sense!
How long is this Sitcom Ep?
I think that guy’s dead
Obligatory Cats don’t dance reference
Another flashback!
That is no orphanage
Yeah I wouldn’t give her the dog either.
Oh yeah truth.
Is that the Oblongs?
He tripped!
Stolas yeets a water bottle like: THAT’S IT?!?!?!?!
Oh right 98% acid.
“Let it burn”
Hah “Panic”
That explosion
I’m the random survivor in the studio filming Blitz holding Stolas ;3
There she is
They’re finally interacting YES!
Ugh haze is the worst
Starfire I get it!
Her small hoot coughing
It’s because of their arranged marriage.
Heh Not topic
Hahahaha she kicked him good.
Fathers and daughters reunited T w T
Oh that show is totally cancelled.
That’s why you don’t take a ton of it.
This was a great treat.
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just-being-leonest · 2 years
My Review of Helluva Boss season 1
Disclaimer: Yes this is my opinion. No I’m not forcing you to agree with it. I am ignoring the pilot episode for this review
Episode 1: Murder Family
Plot Summary: When the I.M.P get hired to take out a heroic homicide survivor, things sure do happen.
Review: It... was okay. It showed off how the personalities and characters were going to be treated during the season. For example, Blitz is a complete asshole with no regard for his employees, Millie has no personality except hot murder wife, Moxxie is treated like shit and has no spine, and Loona has a bad attitude and is largely forgotten.   Some things that bothered me the most was how the hell Mayberry knew Martha survived and got all the cash. Like... in this hell isn’t it impossible for the average demon to know what the fuck is happening on the surface? Also the ending. The ending was complete shit. First with the police bombing the house. It was... very abrupt? Like yes police brutality is very much a thing but there are better ways to illustrate it. Also the laughing and “lesson learned” part felt very forced and awkward. It wasn’t natural, Helluva Boss itself doesn’t parody children’s shows so why at the end have it parody that? The humor doesn’t hold up. At all. It’s all shock value stuff and it’s only funny on the first viewing. Rewatches just don’t add up. There’s no good build up for most of the gags imo, nor is the follow through very strong. 
Rating: 5/10
Episode 2: Loo Loo Land
Plot Summary: When Stolas hires I.M.P as bodyguards on a trip to Loo Loo Land, things sure do happen.
Review: It was better than the first episode but still shows off very early problems in the story. First of all, it highlights how selfish Stolas is, completely ignoring what Octavia is saying to go and flirt with some asshole she probably doesn’t even know. A minor issue I had was with Millie’s character, or lack thereof. Why did she act like an idiot in this episode, hell even missing a shot she could’ve easily made considering her background in being a literal assassin.  And this episode, when compared with all the others just doesn’t add up. It shouldn’t have been released that soon.
Rating: 6/10
Episode 3: Spring Broken
Plot Summary: When Blitzo's ex girlfriend steals his parking spot things sure do happen.
Review: Disclaimer. Yes I’m asexual. Yes I find an abundance of sexual themes uncomfortable. But I also know someone who isn’t asexual (and a very sexual person) who found the abundance of sexual themes in this episode uncomfortable.  Now, I will give the show some credit, the scene with Blitz saying “I love this song” and then fucking up the lyrics is hilarious.  I’m going to be honest... the part where Moxxie got sexually assaulted rubbed me the wrong way. In episode 1, Blitz threatened to fuck him and Millie, in a way that didn’t seem so keen towards consent. So right now that’s at least two rapey jokes in a show that’s supposedly sex positive.  Also the whole part about Blitz stealing Verosika’s credit card and maxing it out while Blitz just dismisses it (maxing out a credit card is a very valid reason to be pissed at somebody-) makes me wonder “why the fuck am I supposed to care about this asshole?”  In episode 1 Stolas mentioned that he was letting Blitz in the human world illegally. Why is Verosika allowed to go to the human world and run around, probably becoming very popular, which we can assume by that one dude with her name painted on his chest, and I.M.P isn’t? Also what purpose are they serving by being on the surface? They’re fucking humans big whoop. Are they damning them to hell? For having sex outside or marriage or some shit?? Because if that’s the cause then it’s not really that sex positive lmao.  Also how old is Loona supposed to be? Because the show and Blitz treat her kinda like some emo teen but I’ve heard that she’s in her twenties??? Also the “I adopted you so you should care about me” angle Blitz is trying to push on Loona reminds me of parents who tell their kids “I birthed you therefore you should put up with my shit”. Also funny how none of the songs seem to be catchy at all or stick in my head, and I’m usually one to get songs stuck in my head easily.
Rating: 3.5/10
Episode 4: C.H.E.R.U.B
Plot Summary: When Cherubs and Imps clash over the life of a shitty old man, things sure do happen.
Review: Full disclaimer. I hate this episode. I hate this episode with a passion. Like first of all, why the hell are people even questioning where the billionaire is gonna end up.  This episode contributed nothing. All it did was show me how little Viv cares about her source material. And how needlessly crass she can be. The unneeded gore, the uncalled for pedophile joke, the frankly childish pessimism... it all contributes to showing how horrible that episode is. Also that fucking ending grinded all my gears. Honestly, it proves that Charlie is wrong and that demons can’t be redeemed.  I need to pray after this episode.
Rating: 2/10
Episode 5: The Harvest Moon Festival
Plot Summary: Blitz sees a horse. Things sure do happen!
Review: Ah love how not even a full minute in, Stolas talks down on Blitz. And Blitz invades the privacy of Moxxie and Millie. Why are we supposed to like him again?  I wish we saw more of Moxxie nerding out over weaponry. I also wish they talked more about how it’s supposedly impressive that an imp started his own business?  Also why is Millie acting childish??? Sallie Mae is the only character I like and that’s because she only has like three lines. (and I’d like to mention how she gets so little screen time and yet Viv pumps out merch of her). Why is Striker even singing? There’s no need for him to sing at all, it adds nothing to the plot. I kinda wish they had kept Striker for on longer, have him slowly gain the trust of everyone and get closer only to stab them in the back. But oh well. Then that would mean actually writing a character arc. Also that Loona entrance was dumb as fuck, it genuinely felt like the writers had no idea how to get out of killing Striker. For a show with a lot of death, they seem hesitant to kill off characters we give a shit about. Although I will give credit where credit is due, it’s an okay episode. Better than most Helluva Boss episodes even if it is mediocre. 
Rating: 6/10
Episode 6: Truth Seekers
Plot Summary: Characters talk, and things sure do happen!
Review: Ohhh boy this episode has some major issues. First of all, saying they are killing specifically targeted people is just wrong. It doesn’t look like that at all. They killed (from the PUBLIC’S point of view) a heroic woman, a bunch of college students, and an old billionaire. That doesn’t look like they are killing specifically targeted people. Again, giving credit where credit is due, that scene where Moxxie and Blitz annoy the shit out of the agents (especially Moxxie’s fake drink order) was genuinely funny and enjoyable, even if it went on a beat too long. Why do the agents in the hallways have swords???? Also during that whole truth serum drug trip, the agents didn’t ONCE ask them any questions! It’s almost like this was a way to force character development onto Blitz.  The song was okay at best. Blitz saying he gives Moxxie a hard time because he believes in him is bullshit. All Blitz does is insult him over usually nothing. That’s not pushing him to be greater, that’s Blitz being a dick. Also, genuinely, that scene where Stolas pulled Blitz by a chain to come to him, with Blitz’s expression? That disgusted me. Helluva Boss is fetishizing a toxic relationship. I don’t care if a show has a toxic relationship on screen, especially if it’s an adult show, but to pretend it’s healthy? It ain’t nowhere near healthy.  Blitz was given character development without having to work for it. Are there going to be any consequences for the imps literally killing a bunch of people on the surface? For being caught? Millie has no personality except for “badass wife” as per usual. Stolas literally calls Blitz his “impish little plaything”. How is that a healthy uwu gay relationship again? Also he’s being a condescending asshole, joy. Just kill the agents why didn’t they kill the agents-
Rating: 4/10
Episode 7: Ozzie’s
Plot Summary: Things sure do happen!
Review: Any character development from the previous episode? Gone! He’s full on stalking and crossing boundaries that Moxxie explicitly set. And he’s using Stolas to help with the stalking. And why was Stella insistent on killing off Stolas if she’s going to take Octavia away regardless? (Which really should’ve been shown on screen) Having Blitz and Stolas being called out was sorta satisfying but there are better ways to have them face the consequences of their actions.  Nothing much to comment on mainly because I want to be done with this review lmao.
Rating: 5/10
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godzillamaster1 · 1 year
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As the limo pulls up to the hotel, Vaggie groans in annoyance as she sees who's standing in front of it. "Oh great, she's here," Vaggie says. I look out the window to look at what she's talking about, a van saying 666 News, a blonde woman with porcelain white skin and a red outfit, and someone who's wearing a gasmask and holding the camera. Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench, if I remember correctly. "How did she get here so quickly?" Charlie asks. "It doesn't matter, what matters is getting back into the hotel without that bitch noticing we're here." Verosika leans across me to look out the window, "Well, it looks like she's too interested in the sound of her own voice to really pay attention to what's going on. We might be able to sneak by without her noticing." --- Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Verosika and Vortex were able to enter the hotel without either Katie or Tom noticing, but as I try to sneak by, I nearly jump as I was grabbed by the arm and pulled closer to the two, with Katie sticking a microphone in my face. "What do you say about the rumors of a human staying in the princess's hotel?" Katie asks, a cheerful smile on her face. Before I arrived down here, I probably would've found Katie to be attractive, if rather thin and stick-like. But I saw the interview with Charlie, I talked to her and Vaggie, and I know what Katie's like. She's mean, cruel, quick to violence, homophobic, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was racist too. If Katie was still alive, she'd undoubtedly be working for Fox News. If I wasn't tired from dealing with Valentino earlier, I might have been willing to talk to Tom if he was the one interviewing me, since he seemed rather decent. But Katie Killjoy is trying to interview me instead, and I don't want to deal with her under any circumstances. "Uh..." I start to back away from her, my panicking mind drawing up what little I can remember from high school Spanish, as well as what I picked up from Vaggie and a few Owl House fics, "No hablo inglés, perra." I do a one-eighty and rush into the hotel, slamming the door behind me. ----- Tom Trench just stood there, stunned not only by how Katie Killjoy didn't recognize a human standing right in front of her, but by how he literally got away with calling his vicious co-host a bitch because she doesn't understand Spanish. "Pretty sure that was the human," he said. "Shut the f*ck up, Tom," Katie snaps, angry that she came all this way over to the Hazbin Hotel and has nothing on what could be the biggest story in all of Hell. "That was clearly a demon."
Little preview on how meeting Katie would go
Commissioned artwork by Herenzuki on deviantart
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
I want to have a calm discussion with you about Stella. I want to make it clear that I am not upset that Stella turned out to be the villain. It was obvious from the beginning that we are not supposed to like her.
However, I am mad that Stella wasn’t given more depth than what we got. I guess that I expect Stella to be similar to Belos in a way.
I know that might not make sense, but I only ask that you let me explain.
In the show, Owl House, Belos is meant to be characterized as a irredeemable person. We are supposed to hate him. Despite all of that, the writers manage to write Belos in an interesting way. He is capable of showing multiple different emotions with different other characters. We even see him being nice to Hunter. Throughout the show, the audience can see Belos as a monster, but they can also understand that why he acts the way he does.
Belos is not the only character make complex. Many of the villains in Helluva Boss are often shown to be horrible people. Although, they kinda have a good reason to hate the protagonists. Verosika, Asmodeus, and Fizzarolli are also shown with multiple different emotions and problems of their own.
I know that Helluva Boss can still make Stella more complex. However, this episode does not give me hope. Like, the writers did everything they could to make the audience hate Stella in every way possible. The episode felt like they wanted us to root for Stolas x Blitzo no matter what. I am not against Stolas x Blitzo being canon. However, I just hopped that the relationship between Stolas, Blitzo, and Stella would be more complicated than what it turned out.
You can still make Stella an abuser, but maybe she is more manipulative and smart.
Currently, in Helluva Boss, Stella is not only just an evil monster. She is also really dumb.
Like, despite not wanting a divorce, she didn’t do anything to try to convince Stolas not insist on a divorce, at least until she killed him. She didn’t try to use Octavia to manipulate him into staying. Why did she sent a bunch of imps to kill Stolas despite imps being extremely weak? Why did she have a party insulting Stolas if she cares so much about appearance? This happened while they are still married. Doesn’t she realize that ruining Stolas’s reputation could hurt her’s ?
Why is marriage so important in a society where demons like to cheat on each other anyway?
I don’t know. That is my take on the situation. I am sorry if this came off as rude.
Thank you for your time!
....Demons like to cheat on each other? Where did you get that from? House of Asmodeus is showing and telling you that what Stolas did was wrong. Not only that but Fizz and Verosika also gang up on Blitzo, who rightfully gets called a dick for his behavior. Heck, in the same song, when Verosika climbs up on a couple's table, the guy starts taking pictures of her and his girlfriend/wife is clearly pissed. Once again, Helluva Boss is showing you that this behavior isn't acceptable AT LEAST around Hellborns.
Why didn't she manipulate Octavia? Because Via doesn't like her. Again, we see this subtly with Loo Loo Land and Via expressing specific concerns about Stolas leaving, even in the beginning of the ep, she has a nightmare of her dad no longer being in the castle. Why would she suddenly care for Stella? If anything, I think Octavia would immediately take his side.
Why was Stella talking shit about Stolas at the party and risking ruining his rep? Well, considering that people showed up and some laughed along with her......something tells me that he doesn't have the best reputation. I mean, Paimon got away with calling his son a bitch and an idiot. So, it's probably quite normal for Goetians to be assholes. Also, Stella likes having parties and tormenting Stolas...so it's a win-win.
Why did Stella hire imps to kill Stolas? Because it's easier to place the blame on those lower than you? Also, did you forget Striker has angelic weaponry? So, he's not at a disadvantage against Stolas. He can easily kill him. However, if he deals the final blow, I wouldn't be shocked if she immediately calls the police on him. Not only would Striker be committing treason but he also has illegal weaponry on him. Plus...people hire hitman irl...why is that hard to believe?
Finally, that comparison with Belos and Stella is horribly surface-level and dumb. You compared a character that has had seasons worth of development....versus one who has been seen in a couple eps. Maybe, you know....wait until we have more than just a few eps to base her character on???
Also, she's not manipulative? "How dare you!? What do you think the rest of the Goetia family will think? Andrealphus-" This alone shows that she's being manipulative. For her to bring it up so easily, this means that she's used that before against Stolas. Same with her getting shocked that Stolas blocked her smacking him.
A lot of you seem to want Helluva to do the exact opposite of "show don't tell". It does a fantastic job of dropping in subtle hints of what's to come or how a character reacts. Some not-so-subtle like Ozzie talking about hating love songs, and yet is also loving Fizz at the same time. So, where you guys see bad writing...it's not bad...it's just kinda been shown before or it has yet to be said.
So, yeah, maybe wait until we have more than like 3 eps that feature Stella lol
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dapperrandorandom · 2 years
Well ive been seeing swap aus
between hazbin hotel and helluva boss
so here’s my own 2 cents that no one asked for
Moxxie and Millie would be Charlie and Vaggie
with a few changes, namely while Moxxie is the pacifist, he’d have about Vaggie’s level of patience when it comes to certain things
Millie would have Charlie’s patience, but Vaggie’s temperament when you get her mad
Moxxie is trying toi prove redemption is possible for anyone, including Hellborn (for the sake of this we’ll say it’s possible)
Loona would be Husk, brought along by Blitzo later on who is in Angel Dust’s place
It’s Millie who recruits Blitzo and Moxxie reluctantly gives him a chance since redemption is for everyone
After being brought to the hotel Blitzo has texted Loona to meet him there and he introduces his daughter
she lives in an apartment near the studios, owned by Valentino (yeah i’m leaving him in the same role as a sack of crap)
so she gets “protection” but she is absolutely used as leverage against Blitzo
Stolas is Alastor, its unknown why he supports the hotel, but Moxxie is high key suspicious
I have no idea for Nifty
Octavia sometimes will be at the hotel, Stella’s and stolas’ relationship is...neutral at best
together for show, and an inability to divorce for reasons, but not really in love
but no screaming or infidelity, or at least none that the other care about
that haven’t slept together in a long time, and typically find other partners to satisfy that itch
and anyone who comments on it? well let’s say there are WAY more demon statues around (and it’s why Moxxie is wary, given the family’s nature to not exactly be merciful)
There’s definitely flirting between stolas and blitzo but it doesn’t really go anywhere do to Blitzo being afraid of Val finding out he has a “sugar daddy”
and because he knows Val hates stolas and vice versa
Likewise on stolas’ end he finds blitzo fascinating but isn’t willing to bed him (yet) cause of his connection to val
maybe octavia can be kind of nifty, like some of stolas’ servants keep the place clean and running but maybe octavia helps with social media or something idk
Blitzo is a drug addict, and loona an alcoholic
Fizz and Verosika are in the role of cherri bomb, with both working for Ozzy still
On the other end
Imp company (maybe called Hazbin instead) is run by Angel Dust, with Nifty and Husk and Vaggie
The book is owned by Alastor, and the deal is that angel dust has to bring back souls and bodies of Alastor’s choosing (I'm respecting that alastor is ace)
I'm thinking for Verosika and fizz it could be angel’s family members, and since they’re mostly bound to pride (save for earth travels) all episodes take place there
that or we negate that rule
Striker is still striker
Im not sure on how  Charlie would fit in though
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snorkling-in-sodasea · 10 months
Blitz-Related Thoughts
That being said, this is NOT for Blitz fans and I guess not for Stolitz fans, either, since I’ll be touching on his relationship with Stolas down this post. Regardless, any fans of what I’m about to talk about, Blitz and Stolitz, you probably wanna pass on reading this. You all have been warned.
In any case, this is ultimately just me wanting to put down my thoughts because sometimes you just wanna let it out, especially where you would like people to have taken the time to check it out.
So Blitz is apparently a loved character amongst the fanbase. I at least read some fanfics that seriously. Then again, there’s bound to be plenty who don’t like him and I land hard in that camp. That’s probably why some of other people’s versions of Blitz is written in high regard. I even know a fanfic writer who really likes the guy and, not that it’s bad, I still enjoy reading their stuff, but I feel that their version of Blitz is better than canon Blitz. Like it’s not really Blitz, but someone else with the name, face, and backstory but not the same personality or something like that, thanks to their love for this character that I just do not have. Maybe, for the lack of a better way of saying this, but there’s versions of Blitz that’s nobler or kinder than the real Blitz
At the start, as in the pilot, it was like, okay, he’s an asshole but I tolerate this fine. I’ll just need to see how this goes. Then the first episode of the series proper comes on and I’m like, ‘what the fuck is with that threat at the end!?’. Then I tried reasoning that he’s a demon, he’s not supposed to be good. Except that’s probably trying to still like the show on my part.
Then the show went on and I grew to dislike him less and less and reasoning that he’s a demon doesn’t make his shit easier to stomach for me. Biggest offenders is the constant breaking ins despite how much Moxxie doesn’t like it, the verbal abuse and humiliations on the guy, even insulting his wife at times. Honestly, the fact that Moxxie’s MY favorite character and I’m mostly watching it for him by now doesn’t help with my feelings towards Blitz (although Unhappy Campers did have Moxxie be cringe-worthy as fuck, I can’t ignore that even if that was the whole point from the writers). But anyways, there’s ensuring that Verosika doesn’t let go of her grudge with his behavior all the while being pissed off that she hasn’t let it go, being way too lenient but also invasive with Loona and seemingly intending to rely on a young kid to pursue a fantasy of a wholesome family if the flashback in Seeing Stars is anything to go by, being rather hypocritical in being upset that Stolas just sees him as something to get off on. A means to an end, basically (I read a post saying all about how Blitz had the right to be upset with Stolas’s behavior, I fully agree with it, and I’ll get to Stolas in a bit but it’s still hypocritical on Blitz’s part thanks to The Circus)
I guess the difference is, despite knowing that I can’t hold Blitz to human standards because he’s not human, Vivienne still put qualities in him so that we can actually relate to him, right? We’re investing our time to watch new episodes so we need protagonists that you actually want to follow as they go about their journey. For anyone and everyone who likes Blitz, good for them, since I eventually learned that Blitz is one of the fucking stars of the show. But hey, at least Moxxie gets a good chunk of screentime so it’s not all that bad for me. (Granted, I would have liked Millie to get more screen time and they’ll answered with Unhappy Campers. Never bought into it much because I felt like the episode was written and cast in a way that made me feel like the writers wanted me to feel something. Like it was a cue for a certain emotion)
The writing for Blitz got so bad for me that he’s crying on the couch after being at Ozzie’s and I’m thinking ‘finally, he feels like shit'. Because yeah, it was obvious the writers wanted me to feel bad for Blitz only for it to completely fail me for me because he was such an unrepentant douchebag most of the time. I see Queen Bee and I still never gave a shit when he’s all ‘I’ll die alone’ when Loona takes him back to their apartment. And this is after seeing Exes and Oohs where I was finally starting to view Blitz as tolerable thanks to the flashback to when they first met. By the way, I was so happy to finally see why Moxxie never ditched Blitz as early as the start of season 1; I always knew there had to be a special reason and there was
My feelings for Blitz only go as far as wanting him to be better so that he can stop being such a fucking douchebag. Because yeah, people rarely ever get better on their own so they need people’s help and Blitz needs people who won’t abandon them (fuck, I pity them). But I’m incapable of looking at Blitz crying on the couch and think ‘poor thing, he deserves comfort’. I can never like someone who acts like a raging jerkass to those they claim is family. Being a jerkass to outsiders is one thing but to your own family? Nope. And I got no indication that Blitz wants to actually do anything about his problems. Just find new people - or even past people, if Barbie is any indication - to latch onto and be jerkasses towards them until they go away and rinse, repeat, and all that shit. If someone is in a cage and they can get out but don’t because it’s too hard, then it’s their own fault that they’re in the fucking cage. To put it another way, Blitz may not like dealing with feelings but if he really has to be dragged through the process kicking and screaming, then I’m eventually gonna stop caring that he’s tortured. Provided I still cared at this point
And speaking of Barbie, I read another post about how Blitz is just as much fault as her. (I think I have put likes on the two posts I mentioned so far, too, so maybe they’re easy enough to find if you can find my likes and go through them). Anyways, Blitz is just as bad and I couldn’t care that Barbie didn’t want anything to do with him because of two reasons. One, Blitz never cared about what Barbie wanted or needed, it was just him who mattered in the grand scheme of things. And two, I know shit about Barbie that I haven’t already found out like being an addict who has a history with rehab and having a rocky relationship with her brother at best. So I don’t feel as negatively strongly towards Barbie as I do towards Blitz, since the former has only a little over three minutes of screen time while I’ve followed the latter since the damn start of the show. That means I don’t really know how bad, exactly, Barbie is. I know shit about their shared past, too, so there’s that factor put into consideration
The thing is, I eventually wondered just what made Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog or Dan from Dan Vs. so different, since those are definite jerk characters. Yet the former I found tolerable and even funny at times and the latter I enjoyed every single second he was on screen. I think the difference is, with Eustace, the writers made sure he got as much shit as he gave. I guess there’s seeing his mom and brother, too, so there’s an understandable reason for Eustace being a jerkass. For Dan, there was something about the writing that I loved it every single second he was on screen. Maybe it’s because the world Dan lives in is so batshit insane that I can’t help but want to root for for a perpetually angry bastard. Even when he’s clearly not the good guy like wanting to blow up an animal shelter from across the street, there’s something about the writing and the acting that makes me love it. Plus, the situations are so crazy I want to know more about what can happen; seriously, I already came across cookie stealing ninjas and dental-themed supervillains and dancing zombie-like monsters and I love it all
So yeah, bottom line, repeating for clarity, the most concern I can give Blitz is wanting him to get better so that his current family will be better off. Otherwise, I can’t care if he’s just as awful towards family as he is towards anyone else and I can’t care about people who don’t actually try to help themselves, especially if it’s because they don’t want to deal with their problems and take literally any other method than the one that would work if it means avoiding the heart of the matter
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Helluva Boss S2E2 Spoilers!
I wanted to just make a whole post discussing little details I noticed that I don’t think have been talked about yet! All under the cut!
Do we have any backstory outside of the episodes on why Blitzo has a collection of those bloody and ripped playing cards, specifically the Aces of each suit? (And wondering if there is an intentional mistake with the Ace of Spades in the frame with 3 cards. It's not supposed to be a red card and it appears as a black card in the other frame where it is by itself so...) Just curious because it's a weird thing to have framed in your office, I guess.
The calendar has a lot going on and anyone can pause and read that but I wanted to point out the date of the full moon with Stolas written on it with the ?? I guess because Blitzo doesn’t actually know if stuff between them is still happening maybe they haven’t even talked up until this episode. It’s hard to know. Then the day after was a “fuck day” don’t know what that means but it was scribbled out and the only things scribbled out are things that did not happen. Maybe Stolas related maybe not.
I am realizing the small detail of everyone thinking that they are wearing "Demon costumes". Then at 8:13 in the episode you can see that the costume in the shop is very much meant to resemble Stolas. Wondering if the video of all of them from S1 went public and also viral. But instead of it being taken as real and serious it's mostly being looked at like an analog horror game of some sort. Then we see the protestors and I think maybe instead of just funny general protest statements the specific "demons walk among us" may come from the few who are willing to believe this stuff is real and are very against those who "dress up" and probably think people who do could be real demons. Hence, the hate directed at Via? (We later see Blitzo’s shadow in a newspaper clip referred to as possibly being an alien lol)
9:06 not hard to miss but tiny human Verosika keychain is cute.
Stolas genuinely being tickled by Blitzo’s specific brand of comedy (an acquired taste) is perfect and even more perfect because it came after the reveal that Stolas has always been the only one to genuinely laugh at Blitzo’s jokes in episode 1. Cue Stolas not being able to contain his crush and it hurting me a little because the genuine fondness he has for Blitzo is so apparent they act like a married couple the whole damn episode lol I wont point out too much more of it because people have already covered it pretty well. (15:46 though this poor man didn’t stand a chance after all that.)
13:08 must be a reference to the Ars Goetia?? There are a lot of them so I really don’t know which one is specifically being mentioned here. Via does not look happy, but I can’t make out the hashtag so if someone wants to point out what it says, please do!
Again this isn’t hard to miss or anything, but I love Loona and Octavia having a good sister moment. And then them with their dads. Wholesome, I needed it.
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