#Beidou matchup
genshinimpactlife · 1 year
Saw your matchup requests were open and I was quite intrigued by the idea for a while now so I thought I’d send one in <3
I am a non-binary person and my preferred pronouns are they/them, although I’m quite alright with being called he/him, it/its and xe/xem too! As for my sexual orientation, I’m bisexual (although with a small preference for men).
I’d like a sfw and nsfw match-up please!
My favorite colors are grey/blue/white and my favorite seasons are autumn and winter, along with spring. My favorite music artist are cigarettes after sex, d4vd, tame impala and coldplay! I like to wear anything pretty, if socially perceived as feminine or masculine doesn’t matter to me. I wear what I feel amazing in and if someone has a problem with that then they can go cry in a corner :P
I have quite the sharp tongue, usually saying things as they are and being as direct as you could possibly be. Although I have my moments when I try to sweet talk things, so the other party doesn’t get hurt. I don’t like to present myself as a good person, I’m actually trying the best in my ability to get people to hate me, as it’s easier being hated by someone you don’t have a connection with rather than being hurt by someone that one has grown a connection with.
The warmth of physical touch is something I can’t stand, at least when it comes to family. I am an ambivert, and while I like to remain unseen to be able to mind my own business without interruption, interaction with others that I can imagine a conversation with is of interest to me. While I’m usually the quiet friend as I tend to remain in my own thoughts being a great thinker, I can have my moments. In said moments I tend to crack quite a plentiful of jokes and laugh to the occasion. One might actually forget how reserved and silent I was just a few seconds ago. My jokes are mostly lewd or sarastic, although most funny things consist of things I accidentally say and has people laughing for hours after…
I am an open minded person, just think it’s a necessary trait that no one should get praised for as it is the bare minimum. I’m quite open to hear anyones opinion. I like to stick to the facts and first-hand experience, so coming with some otherworldly stuff that has no retraceable evidence or just plain ignorance will be enough to get my interest in you to zero, though. I am terrible at dealing with emotions and while I will always be there to lend you a helping hand in the best of my ability and listening to your troubles, I am not capable of giving proper comfort.
Physical affection is my biggest love language in giving and receiving (although only with my s/o), with words of affirmation being the one I love receiving (also only with my s/o). Being touch and love starved from events in my childhood seem to have created a huge need for it in romantic relationships now. I hate to admit that I can’t handle certain things on my own and asking for help or a favor is very difficult for me. While I have been in romantic connections before, they were never too special so I fell out of love all too quickly again. I am always too worried that I’m too distant to my lover, that I’m not giving them enough/the equal amount of love and affection, especially in polyamorous relationships.
I am a hopeless romantic and I drown myself in romantic scenarios, daydreams and stories (mostly tooth rotting fluff in fanfictions). My favorite genre in published books is mostly mystery and dark-fantasy, along with queer novella.
I have been hurt many times in my life, which has lead me to setting my emotions on ice for most and protecting myself by creating a rough exterior. I would like someone in my life who can see (or conclude to) the reason why I am so distant and try to come close to me. Someone who is persistent but knows when to take a hint. Someone who is quite a bit more of the opposite of my own demeanor, someone good with words and a great spirit, one that is kind and free-willed and might go watch the sunset or the sky full of stars with me.
Interests of mine include drawing, painting, daydreaming, writing, true crime, marine life and questions of philosophy, along with music and the practice of living in solitude.
I enjoy browsing about new things that I didn’t know about before and listen to music all day long, it mostly accompanying me on my daily activities.
My favorite weather is cloudy, best if it rains along with it in medium intensity.
For the nsfw part:
I am a switch. I love giving to no end, I want to show my partner how beautiful they are to me and how much I love them. Kissing is one of my favorite things, if on the lips or anywhere else, as long as it’s with them, I’ll love it! I have a couple of kinks some of them being voyeurism, praising and degrading. Above all, vanilla sex is my preference as it is the most intimate, though I also don’t mind bdsm themes as long as it’s not the main practice. When I’m receiving, I tend to be quite needy and touchy, wanting their tongue in my mouth as much as possible and their chest flush against mine. I am quite vocal, with the intention of telling my beloved just how good they make me feel.
I absolutely adore, both in giving and receiving, creampies, along with overstimulation and edging, hair pulling, marking and nipple play. In addition to that I like being blindfolded and fingered, also getting additional stimulation from things like tiny vibrators.
My partners voice has to be honeyed, for I love dirty talk, whispers in my ear and a melody of beautiful moans and whimpers just for me.
I went a bit out on this one, I hope you don’t mind how long it is and thank you <3
I would match you with...
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I know you said you have a slight preference for men, but Beidou was just screaming for this matchup.
100% Playful Enemy to lovers situation
Beidou has just as sharp of a tongue and can dish back what you serve.
When you two start growing close, and you show more of your funny and joking side, she starts falling for you.
She is never phased by your lewd or sarcastic comments. She throws them right back with a smirk.
She takes her time with you as she can sense your hesitation and the walls you have put up. She is the one who will take the time to chip away at them.
Your first date consisted of curling up under the stars while Beidou points out each one of importance. After a life at sea under the stars, she knows a surprising amount.
She doesn't have an issue with your being touched starved. She will always have an arm around you, a hand on your thigh, and cuddles with you in private.
She randomly reassures you when she senses your anxiety about how much she loves you, and how wonderful of a partner you are. NSFW Below
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Beidou is also a switch.
She could kiss you for hours just because she loves the way your lips feel against hers.
She's big on degrading you and then immediately praising you after.
"Can you not keep up, pretty thing?
Beidou is good with both intimate vanilla sex or fucking.
She loves being on top, slowly fingering you as you two make out, chest to chest.
Beidou loves using toys on you. She loves watching you squirm as she overstimulates you.
Beidou is very vocal, especially when you are the one in control. Lots of moans and whines and asking you for more
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I love how long it is!! it makes it easier for me to write these! I hope you enjoy <3
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in2thenewworld · 5 months
Hello! I'd like a genshin matchup please :)
I'm a girl, I use any pronouns and I don't mind getting matched with any gender!
I'm a Capricorn!
Appearance: I'm 5'4 and half, I have blue hair (blue microlocs) and I wear glasses. My fashion style is pretty all over the place, I'll put a link of my pinterest board! https://pin.it/25wJU40. I'm always seen wearing gold hoop earrings and a necklace that has my name on it :)
Personality: I'd describe my self as independent, passionate, reserved (most of the time), sarcastic, I'm always making snarky comments! I'm a chill person, I'm not that loud but it just depends who I'm with 🤷🏾‍♀️. If I'm really comfortable with someone I will flirt left and right, but I'll also bully them (not in like a mean way or serious way, I just like to make fun of people that I know won't actually take me seriously). I'm not someone who likes to ask for help (that's a flaw of mine), I will struggle but I like to do things my self and on my own so it's uncomfortable for me to ask for help. When I'm really comfortable with someone, that's when I'll start to be a little loud. When I'm with people I'm comfortable with I'm assertive, confident and outgoing. I'm also a really honest person, i like to tell people how it is and not sugar coat. I'd like to say I'm strong willed, I belive what I believe and it's not often that I'll let someone change my opinion but many times I will not speak up and keep my opinion to myself but that doesn't mean my opinion will change (y'know what I mean??). I'm also easy-going, I'm a person that's easy to get along with as long as you're not a bad person or annoy me or smth.
Interests: I'm a dancer! I love dancing, reading, playing the guitar, and playing video games. I like greek mythology, history and philosophy! I listen to many artists but my favorites are the cure, the smith's, and Tyler, the creator. I enjoy listening to persona music as well :) I like chess (even though I'm not good at all). I'm fluent in french!
In a partner/love language: my love language is quality time, I'm not someone who is big on physical touch but if I'm comfortable with someone I'll let it slide. I'd say my secondary love language is acts of service! I don't have any specific dates I'd like to go one, anything is fine with me mostly. An aquarium date, Musem date, late night drive, restaurant, staying at home, it's the thought that counts. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I belive that's it! Thank you and take your time!
hi!! another very easy choice for me hehe, i hope you enjoy c:
loading your match! *✧₊✪͡◡ू✪͡
your match is…
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Beidou first notices you, as shallow as it is, because of your looks. More specifically, your fashion sense and your hair. She only initially sees you from a distance but she is totally captivated.
Ever her forward self, the captain approaches you with a rather cheesy introduction, something about having an eye for treasure.
Speaking of as much, once you two are together she’s always keeping an eye out for new jewellery pieces she can get you to add to your collection. It’s not the only gift she’ll give by any means- you’ll notice this is a huge love language of hers- but it’s certainly her favourite to.
Quality time is also massively important for Beidou, and she’ll be so thankful for any little favours you do for her.
A variety of dates is exactly what you’ll get with Beidou. Teyvat is vast and constantly brings her on new adventures, so she’ll quickly rack up a list of places she wants to bring you everytime you two are apart. You’ll find yourself in quiet and serene wonders you never even knew existed, as well as lively towns bursting with life.
Her mind is quite the vault, and she always has a story to tell. She would love to hear of your interests in things like history and mythology especially. She’ll talk with you forever about that kind of thing.
You’re both so easygoing, it’s typical for you both to go with whatever is thrown your way. Impulse plans are far from uncommon whenever you’re with Beidou, but that’s what makes being with her so exhilarating!
Beidou adores your humour and sarcasm. Your minds exist on the very same plain. She’ll 100% bring out your more loud side whenever you’re together. She’ll poke fun at you, just as much as you do her.
She’s also highly observant, so although you’re an independent character, she can tell when you’re feeling down. Yet, she also understands the want to not ask for help because she’s always trying to prove herself strong and reliable. You can always rely on each other though, and you have this mutual understanding where no one makes a big deal, which is much more comforting than the alternative.
I can imagine once you’re more comfortable with Beidou’s friends and crew, you’d have lots of game nights, sat round a table. Or, you could always play one on one. You say you’re not very good at chess, but you’re bound to impress a few people at least. You’d be surprised.
They’d also love if you played some music for them! Beidou feels like the definition of a proud girlfriend just watching you. 😌
Your honesty and refusal to sugarcoat things resonates a lot with Beidou. She’s someone who would always much rather be met with the truth. She can’t stand being lied to, even if it’s with good intend and she understands it. She’s grateful you’re comfortable enough with her to let her know even when she’s out of line or you disagree about something.
Despite your nature to usually stand alone, Beidou can’t help but have a protective streak. No one lays a hand on her girlfriend, or they’ll have to go through her! You’ll assure her you can handle yourself. She trusts you entirely, yet there’s just something in her that loves to play the hero once in a while. (She’ll never want to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable though! She’ll always step back when asked, it’s just another way she tries to show her love is all.)
Overall, I think you both fit each other really well, and you’d get on perfectly. C:
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hello i'd like to get a matchup for genshin and bsd!
some facts abt my appearance lol: im 4'9 (i am fr), kind of chubby, brown, dark brown hair. also. i am small lesbian. and im an istj.
in terms of personality, im naturally quiet lol i can't help it. even when im around ppl i like, im still on the listeners side. my jokes are mean so im kind of afraid to joke around unless ik they can argue back jokingly.
i like helping ppl out, actually. i like feeling appreciated by others. tbh, it's why im aiming to become a nurse if i pass the exams. if i don't, i still want something along those lines.
likes : coffee, any hot drink, reading (currently pride and prejudice. yes this is a book rec), ghost hunting videos, history docs, romance but with awkward fmcs. and... pink.
dislikes : cluttered spaces, crowded and noisy places, non specific instructions, and not submitting stuff on time bc its embarrassing
this is all i can think of 😭 thank you! stay hydrated 🚰
Hi! I've been wanting to read Pride and Prejudice for so long and I finally managed to get a copy the other day! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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You and Beidou are the femme fatale power couple. People respect you both more than fear you, but they certainly do their best to not get on your bad sides.
If you’re on her crew, there will never be issues with non-specific instructions. Beidou has had years of practice and is very good at giving clear directions.
She knows what she wants and how to get it done efficiently and properly. Usually, she gives you tasks like cleaning the ship. It usually gets pretty cluttered after parties or shopping trips.
Getting you to organise everything is a good way of making sure the ship doesn't stay cluttered.
The Crux can get a bit loud sometimes but Beidou knows all the best places to get away from the noise.
During parties, she likes to sneak off with you to get away from the noise for a bit. She likes the peace that comes with relaxing with you, the faint noise of her crew in the distance.
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Another femme fatale power couple! You and Akiko are the pairing that scares everyone you come across to some extent.
Since you’re a people pleaser, you may take the role of assuring people that Akiko won’t harm them…well, hopefully she won’t…
Akiko is a reasonably organised person. Due to her medical background/profession, she tends to keep things neat and tidy so she knows exactly where everything is.
She appreciates your quiet nature. The other members of the Armed Detective Agency can get very boisterous sometimes so you’re a nice change of pace.
She seems like the kind of person who would enjoy watching ghost hunting videos. She doesn’t really take a lot of time to relax but she finds those sorts of videos entertaining.
Loves coffee dates with you! She knows some really good cafes around town and she’s got your order memorised so she’ll always pick something up for you if she’s just passing by.
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ethereal-moonglow · 2 years
┊ ┊ ┊. ➶ ˚
┊ ┊ ┊ ˚✧
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁
Destiny Willow takes you to your destiny
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@chokolou's match is Beidou!
"Oi, Sweets, make sure to keep some energy for later, yeah? The crew is celebrating and you're the life of the party. Or would you prefer just you and me, huh?"
Beidou didn't expect this, she thought she would never find someone. And yet here she is with them in her arms. She doesn't really understand fully how she got so lucky to have them. Honestly, she thinks she doesn't deserve the love they give. Nevertheless, she was grateful to have someone like you by her side.
She merely smiled as she saw you talking to Kazuha. She immediately went towards you both and sling her arms around them. She then looked at them, with a slight glint of mischief in her eyes. "So, training later? You and me?" Beidou asked. "I'm too lazy~" Beidou's lover replied. The pirate merely laughed and hugged her beloved. "C'mon~ we can go gliding after?" She insisted. "And maybe a kiss~" She added to entice further. "Fine~" Her lover replied.
Kazuha merely chuckled at the interactions. "Well you two go along now. We have to leave by the sun rises," He reminded before leaving the two of you.
"Well then shall we go love?" Beidou then said
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reficu1 · 1 year
Hii! How have you been? So, may I ask you a genshin matchup?
Name: Keiko
Sexuality: Panssexual
Gender: I'm gender fluid, accept all pronouns
likes: Video Games, Music, Art, pizza, SNOW!!! cosplays, black I love black, black is my fav color, I love using dark clothes, but sometimes I like dressing pink or white… Or a sexy red dress idk… OR BLACK, I LOOOOOVE TRAVELLING FR, I love raining days, I love cats, I love dogs AND FOXESSSSSSSSSS, I really love acting AND, I REALLY LOOOOOOOVE SPICY FOOD
dislikes: Math, domestic services, waking up early (Have exceptions), cake, beans (I'm a brazilian and I hate beans).
Hobbies:I like drawing, (digital and traditional), singong, dancing, watching tv, sleeping, playing video games, watching gameplays ( like dangaronpa ), reading fanfics and SOMETIMES writing.
Personality: 1-low energy, tired, lazy, ow self esteem, "cold" and irritable personality; 2- CHAOTIC, chatty, super iflated ego, happy all the time personality; 3- calm, overthinking, quite, shy, antipatic ( with the people Idk) simpatic ( With people I know), equilibrate personality. (I'm a introverted person ok, I just act more energetic w the closest :))
Insecurities: My height (5'1) and weight (52kg)
my english is bad srry. Have a great day/night!
I match up for you...
Hi, I've been thinking about three people for a long time. But now I feel like Kaye would be a comrade/friend. Since he is bound by his service in Monstadt, he would not be able to share your passion for travel.
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Beidou. In this case, she will definitely share a love of travel together. Beidou has a higher level of energy than you, and at times you may find that her enthusiasm overwhelms you. It may be important for you to set boundaries and let them know when you need space and silence. Her main focus is on enjoying the moment. She's just looking for a companion to accompany them on this crazy journey called life. You can fall into the listener role by default. Since she is more extroverted than you, they usually speak faster and have more to say.
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zenki-soukokq · 1 year
Is it fine If i ask for a matchup???? I apologize sincerely if it's not open.
Matchup for genshin! Romantic >:]]]
My personality is basically the epitome of a drunk dude in a fever dream, literal chaos itself. I am extremely weird, && basically alternate between a calm && rational person to a complete chaotic idiot. I am obsessed with crabs && spade cards! Literally all i talk about is crabs, in my mind it's only crabs. and pirates and as a pirate:::
I am one foul mouthed motherfucker, i have a habit of cursing, either regular swear words or the most absurd sounding swear words come out of my mouth. (E.G. : “you blithering feculent shithole” “primitive fuckjam” “putrid shitsmoking cretins” “you dickreeking undulating fuckass” “fucksquatting pain in the waste chute” “heinous ravaging trash" “reprehensible sanctimonious jitterfuckery.”) I am completely incapable of uttering a single word without fucking cursing. I also create weird mash of words like:: ("diddlesnob" "smiddlewat" etc.)
I have no mental filter whatsoever i say weird shit like::: ("you smell like carbonated cucumbers on a hot summer night" "you seem like a kneecap consumer" "what if i just shat out amoxicillin" "it tasted like Mario was inside of your ass himself with a blow-dryer" "that was the most toe-wetting knee-curling thing I've ever seen" && "this feels like crunchy water") complete crackhead shit one of my famous quotes is "Ye be a fucking chitinous douchecrunching swiddlewanker razzmatazz of hot fairyshit on a friday morning at Taco Bell"
Alongside my weird swears i often say stuff like::: "If jumping jacks take turns while jumping, how is a water fountain like a solid desk?" "Why is a croquet set like a baseball club?? " && "Why are writing pens like a cabinet??" "If bacteria eat chicken legs but not candycanes, why does a lamppost achieve the theory of evolution????" Basically some twisted unanswerable riddles && questions. What can I say? The confusion of others amuses me. i also often use pirate lingo, way too often.
I am considered a bubbly person, i am often called a ray of sunshine personality-wise. I try my best to make everyone happy, and I'm just overall goofy and giddy, plus i have a permanent smile on my face!
My aesthetic is::: Full on metalhead style; a black jacket, a black turtleneck, black spiked collars and grey chains, black spikey platform boots, black spikey gloves, black puffy pants with chains, black leather spiked cuff on shoulder, corpse paint [metalhead makeup] ear piercings Even though it contrasts widely with my considered 'bubbly' personality and my room [my room is pink with an exaggerated amount of cute plushies, funko pops, pink room decorations etc.] I'm just a chaotic mess :]
Hello! My matchups aren't open, but I can still give you a fairly short one. I hope you enjoy!
You have been matched up with...Beidou!
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General Relationship Headcanons:
There are two parts to this relationship: chaotic, and slightly-more-contained chaotic
Her personality is quite extroverted and outgoing, and I feel like she'd really like your personality
Beidou would probably be quite entertained by the things you say, whether they be near incomprehensible or something she can bounce off of
Whether or not you're a member of the Crux fleet, she always finds time to relax and hang out with you
She'd most definitely be appreciative of your more outgoing and cheerful personality
Since you mentioned crabs, I can't get the thought out of my head that one of her primary gifts for you are crabs
Happy birthday! Here's the same amount of crabs as your age
She probably has active access to more crabs than anyone could reasonably count, so she definitely has you covered on that front
Overall, I think your relationship would be filled with a lot of (good) chaos
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actiniumwrites · 2 years
Hi, so I saw a post about your 1k followers event and if it's still open, can you match me? My name is Serenity (you can call me Ren) and I'm female.
I am loud, energetic (yet somehow have very low stamina), silly, friendly, sometimes bossy, creative, childish, and emotional. I am a Gemini and an ENFP. I love stories, music, and bright and pastel colors. My hobbies are reading stories, listening to music, and designing characters. I kin a couple characters and my top kin is Luz Noceda from The Owl House. There's also Hu Tao and Fischl from Genshin Impact, and Akko Kagari from Little Witch Academia.
My ideal date... depends on the person and how far in the relationship we are. Picnics are nice! or a restaurant. Will say, movies are a horrible first date.
I am mostly into boys, but I don't mind being paired with girls. My type is someone who is a good listener. Someone who preferably is patient, and at some point in the relationship, I'd prefer if they would be okay with late-night cuddles.
Thank you!
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you and beidou had known each other for awhile, seeing as you were part of the crux fleet and all
at first, you were just another crewmate—someone she saw as family
but the longer time went on and the more she got to know you, she slowly noticed things about you; things that got her heart racing
she loved the way you were so lively and energetic, someone who got along well with the crew. beidou absolutely adored the energy you brought to the crew and the aura you had that just seemed to brighten up people’s days, especially her own
you, on the other hand, liked beidou just as much as she liked you
the way her energy frequently matched your own was something that really stood out to you
you just hoped she felt the same way
one night, the stars were super bright and most of the crew had gone to sleep already, but you and the captain were still up
it was mostly silent for a bit, but then things just came spilling out. the second beidou registered your confession, she instantly embraced you
the rest of the night was filled with stargazing among the deck, resting upon the one you loved most
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aethxr-ash · 2 years
⊱┊appearance matchup for @remforshort !
you're so beautiful oh my gosh (/p) ! i hope you enjoy this and i'm sorry for the delay ^^
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⊱┊bungou stray dogs
agatha christie !
runner-up: sigma
✧ a pretty person + a pretty person
✧ very charming couple !
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⊱┊genshin impact
beidou !
runner-up: kazuha
✧ the vibe is just. there, personally, it's so fitting
✧ beautiful people !!
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It's here!
Say hello to the Ultimate Genshin Bracket!
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Due to the number of playable Genshin characters, there are a few...non-traditional matchups.
I am also fully aware that the image is borderline impossible to read, so you will find a full list of the Round 1 matchups under the cut.
Side A:
Navia vs. Amber
Heizou vs. Sayu
Wriothesley vs. Venti
Kujou Sara vs. Xinyan
Noelle vs. Neuvillette
Chevreuse vs. Barbara
Mika vs. Klee
Xiangling vs. Ayaka
Yae Miko vs. Yun Jin
Thoma vs. Lumine
Freminet vs. Charlotte
Side B:
Itto vs. Raiden
Beidou vs. Arlecchino
Baizhu vs. Layla
Kazuha vs. Qiqi
Yanfei vs. Collei
Yaoyao vs. Ganyu
Hu Tao vs. Furina
Candace vs. Tighnari
Xingqiu vs. Kirara
Lynette vs. Alhaitham vs. Jean
Side C:
Dori vs. Keqing
Razor vs. Bennett
Wanderer vs. Eula
Kaveh vs. Chiori
Dainsleif vs. Shenhe
Dehya vs. Aether
Diluc vs. Rosaria
Sigewinne vs. Faruzan
Kokomi vs. Kaeya
Sucrose vs. Chongyun
Side D:
Yoimiya vs. Nahida
Xianyun vs. Diona
Yelan vs. Fischl
Sethos vs. Tartaglia
Lisa vs. Gaming
Mona vs. Albedo
Ayato vs. Lyney
Zhongli vs. Ningguang
Cyno vs. Clorinde
Gorou vs. Nilou
Kuki Shinobu vs. Xiao
All matchups were completely randomized to avoid any sort of bias!
Round 1A will be coming to a Tumblr near you tomorrow! Don't forget to submit propaganda for your favorite characters here!
I highly encourage sharing this bracket with all your Genshin-loving friends to help with sample size <3
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Polls will be released every hour throughout the day (10 am - 7 or 8 pm EST) for the next week
Submit character propaganda or descriptions at any time via ask box or reblogging
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Round one matchups under the cut!!
Bracket 1
Ruby Rose (RWBY) vs. Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
Mello (Death Note) vs. Rhaenyra Targaryern (House of the Dragon)
Kuga Yuma (World Trigger) vs. Kiki (Kiki’s Delivery Service)
Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog) vs. Dracula (Castlevania)
Kai Satou (Your Turn to Die) vs. Ladybugs/Ladybirds (real life)
Zuko (Avatar: the Last Airbender) vs. Kuro (Katamari)
Kate (Shadows House) vs. The Cat (Ghost Trick)
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Marvel comics) vs. Red X (Teen Titans)
Elric of Melniboné (The Elric Saga/Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion Multiverse) vs. Naomi Armitage (Armitage the Third)
Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate) vs. Keith Kogane (Voltron: Legendary Defenders)
Lance (Sym Bionic Titan) vs. Panpeus (Gitaroo Man)
Six-Eared Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid) vs. Flick (Animal Crossing)
Watchdog (Jupiter-Men) vs. Crowley (Good Omens)
Eye of Sauron (Lord of the Rings) vs. Ylfa Snorgelsson (Dimension 20: Neverafter)
Razer (Jak X: Combat Racing) vs. Kieran Valentine (Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love?)
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed/MDZS) vs. Giant Horse (Breath of the Wild)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Black Sonichu/Blake (CWC’s Sonichu)
Sailor Mars (Sailor Moon) vs. The Toy Soldier (The Mechanisms)
Ada Wong (Resident Evil) vs. Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
Tophat (The Nightly Manor) vs. Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
Parr Family/The Incredibles (The Incredibles) vs. Pioneer 9 (17776 and 20020)
Guilmon (Digimon) vs. Julian Devorak (The Arcana)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) vs. Sundancer (Worm - Parahumans)
HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Oddyssey) vs. Eas (Fresh Precure)
Harley Quinn (DC comics) vs. Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Scorpia (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Redcloak (Order of the Stick)
Scarlet Kingsnake (real life) vs. Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Maka Albarn (Soul Eater) vs. Toa Tahu (Bionicle)
Thorn (Scooby Doo and the Witch’s Ghost) vs. Litten (Pokémon)
Maned Wolf (real life) vs. Orko (He-Man)
Rebecca Rubin (American Girl Dolls) vs. Lucifer (Obey Me)
Death the Wolf/The Wolf/Lobo/Death etc. (Puss in Boots: the Last Wish) vs. Joker (Persona 5) Bracket 2
Miles Morales/Spiderman (Marvel comics) vs. Cynder (Spyro)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem franchise) vs. Sanguine (The Elder Scrolls)
Artegor Nexus (Galactik Football) vs. Beidou (Genshin Impact)
Barb (Trolls) vs. Mao Mao (Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart)
Wrathion, the Black Prince (World of Warcraft) vs. Vox Akuma (Nijisanji En)
Romeo (Minecraft: Story Mode) vs. Hua Cheng (Heaven Official’s Blessing/TGCF)
Sharkface (Red vs. Blue) vs. Ashley (WarioWare)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) vs. Beatrice (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
Claire Stanfield/Felix Walken (Baccano!) vs. Deathgripper (How to Train your Dragon)
Default Mii Brawler (Super Smash Bros Ultimate) vs. Silver (Pokemon franchise)
Joui Jouki (Ordem Paranormal) vs. Banica Conchita (Evillious Chronicles)
Dreadking Rathalos (Monster Hunter Generations) vs. Black Widow Spider (real life)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa) vs. Gira/Kuwagata Ohger (Ohsama Sentai: King Ohger)
Garnet (Steven Universe) vs. Black Knight (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Scott Summers/Cyclops (X-men) vs. Heather Chandler (Heathers)
Lon (Sendokai champions) vs. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Darth Maul (Star Wars) vs. Defective Turret (Portal 2)
Easthies (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Grim (Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
Zagreus (Hades) vs. Freddy Kreuger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
Black Rose Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs. Marian Hawke (Dragon Age 2)
Michael Burnham (Stark Trek franchise) vs. Mapo Tofu (Food Fantasy)
Flapjack (The Owl House) vs. Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
Red-winged Blackbird (real life) vs. Pucca (Pucca)
Overblot Riddle (Twisted Wonderland) vs. Quattro Bajeena (Mobile Suit Gundam franchise)
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill) vs. Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder)
Sigmund Sinclair (The Reckoning) vs. Vash the Stampede (Trigun 98/Trigun Maximum)
Ranma Saotome (Ranma ½) vs. Valerie Gray (Danny Phantom)
Mephone 4s (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Regina (Doki Doki Precure)
Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy) vs. Sideswipe (Transformers G1)
Satan (Lil Nas X’s Montero music video, and also Christianity or something) vs. Zealot Carmainerose (Epic 7)
Zero (Code Geass) vs. Yor Briar (Spy x Family)
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy franchise) vs. Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
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The winner of this round will be implemented into Round 3, on Side A, in a randomized 3-duo matchup.
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summernightsdawn · 3 months
MATCHUP TRADE WITH @imjustabeanie
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hi starr !! thank you for the offer, and sorry so much for the wait (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ this is my first match up trade, i'm grateful you chose to come to this blog !!
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« beneath a youthful and carefree demeanor lies a heart that hides a great many burdens from the past »
:; before settling for KAZUHA, i had originally chosen heizou as your match -- alongside him, al haitham. it was only when you said you didn't want to be matched with heizou, i immediately had a change of plans and went to kazuha.
personally, i just felt as though you and kazuha would've gotten along with time! your description of an ideal partner seemed to fit him, and when i took your personalities into depth and consideration, i found him to be a great match.
personalities, how do they correlate?
. the reason why i chose him was because of nature; kazuha is reflective and thoughtful. you also mentioned liking a partner that could keep up with you, kazuha could very well do that. he's patient and honest as well, which is another trait you mentioned liking.
. kazuha is very understanding and polite about everything -- whenever you isolate, he'd try his best to understand and approach you only if you say so or if he sensed it. he's patient, and would understand whenever you needed time alone.
. i think kazuha can be a bit petty as well. whenever i see him, i always go back to when he threatened the treasure hoarder after he had stolen the vision -- he could always switch to that petty side, only if the other was deserving of it.
. and then, you mentioned being flirtatious around friends. i don't think he'd mind your flirting much, and he'd rather accept it. there would be times where he returns it, albeit unintentionally ( or is it? )
. kazuha firmly believes that everyone is entitled to their hopes and dreams and that no one has the right to take them, not even a god. you mentioned wanting to work in space-related studies and currently study electronics, and while kazuha has no relation to those topics, he'd be supporting of your work and find it fascinating.
. you mentioned having a habit of bottling your feelings -- again, in a relationship, kazuha would be very patient and understanding to his partner. whenever you're ready, he'd listen, and he'd be glad to have you listen as well to his stories and retellings of his life before the crux.
spending time with kazuha
. kazuha is definitely a quality time guy. since he's always off traveling with the crux, he wouldn't have much time for his lover, and therefore cherishes anytime you're together. whenever you're together, kazuha would like to indulge in your hobbies.
. he likes to give you trinkets and souvenirs as well, " for good luck. " to keep in your pocket. he would give you flowers as well, or anything you asked of him, really.
. since you're interested in space and astronomy, i think he'd at least try to make the effort to study a bit in the subject. he wants to make you happy. in the seas, the stars are all clear and galaxies are visible, so in any case you were in the mood for stargazing, he'd invite you under beidou's permission.
. you mentioned taking an interest in fighting sports -- he's a samurai, and he has many sparring experiences. there are instances where kazuha might invite you to spar with him ( or other way around )
. let's say kazuha is in a more modern au -- in terms of your interest in video games, he would likely join you for sessions. single player or not, if it's single player he'll just watch you play!
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i'm a bit rusty now that i haven't written in a while ... my school work definitely got in the way a bit huhu . so happy you chose me though !! stay safe and have fun in unii<33
I ALSO GOT SICK IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING SO I TOOK A SHORT BREAK UNTIL I FELT BETTER HUHUU SORRY22 i feel like i'm going to be modifying this work,, maybe like pretty soon huhu.
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sako-mii · 1 year
matchup for.... @burned-out-match
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Kaedahara Kazuha
Being in beidou's crew can be overwhelming at times, huh? It's not because you don't like them, but because can't handle this many people.
Of course, the others are very considerate of you and give you your space. Crew mates have each other's back after all. Especially kazuha, he looks out for you the most.
His calming nature made you comfortable around him which is why you're closest to him.
You hung out with him the most and from time to time you two grew closer and closer
He took you to all kinds of places for your hobbies and also made sure you're alright.
You're mostly very calm and fun, so he was surprised when your mood changed so sudden. He was concerned, asking if something is wrong but you didn't know how to tell him.
You thought that your sudden episodes might make him grow tired of you which is why you avoided him for a while.
Eventually he picked up and held you gently in his arms, trying to help you feel better. He assured you that you shouldn't feel bad for it and that it'll work out.
After that you two only grew closer. You even made matching bracelets for him and yourself, he never took it off to say the least.
He wrote many poems for you and made sure to let you know what place you have in his heart.
Since beidou didn't let him drink, you often sneaked some wine for you two to drink. You love seeing kazuha being childish in a way when he gets drunk. You thought it's adorable. You would tease about ut when he's sober. He tries his best not to be flustered but fails.
Rather than having fancy dates, you both prefer quality time. You two snuggle up almost every night for star gazing and just talk about all kinds of topics.
Both of you feel complete in each other's presence. It's like a gentle breeze had brought you together.
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Hello~ I apologize for the delay :') but I hope you like it! I hope I will satisfy your excitement ;=>=
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imjustabeanie · 3 months
Hi hi hello! I'm not sure if your normal matchup is open or not. I hope I don't misunderstand! If I do, though, feel free to ignore me!
I'd love to request a normal matchup please. For Genshin Impact! My pronouns are she/her, I'm in my 20s, what else... Oh, and I don't have a no-no character!
For my appearance... Recently I dyed my hair purple! I have long hair, I'm kinda tall but not too tall? I have crooked teeth. I'm the type that looks like a goody two shoes who is calm and reserved, until I open my mouth!
For my personality... I love bantering with people! However, I'm not the sassy kind, not at all. I'm the one who makes witty remarks, using loopholes in your argument, and makes childish, aggravating remarks until you are lost for words! My friend once called me an annoying brat that's a pain to be around (but somehow he still sticks around, weird).
I know my limits, though! I don't want to anger people much, because angry people scare me off. So I think, how to shut me up is to show that you're angry with me.
I am childish, and people may see me as someone with no care or worries. That is... Not true! I have my own problems, too. But I tend to keep quiet about it and shoulder it alone. Making me talk about my problems is almost impossible. Bribing me might work, though.
I can be... Dramatic at times. I'm loud. I literally don't care about what people think about me. I will screech in public if I want to, and I will wear the gaudiest outfit out there if I want to.
I'm not very ambitious! I tend to live a slow-paced life. Though, that doesn't mean I shove my responsibilities away.
I don't think I have listed my... Good qualities. Hmm. I think I'm... Honest? If I don't like someone, I won't pretend that I like that person. I'll show that, yes! I dislike them. I don't know if that's a good quality or not, though! I think it's more like a problem.
I love singing. Classical music. Cats. Sweets. Waltz dance. Novels. Sewing.
I don't like angry people. Bugs. Difficult topics like physics or how to maintain a good relationship between two nations.
This is getting too long... Very long. I'm so sorry! I hope this is not too confusing to read, though. Thank you so much~ Stay healthy and happy!
Your genshin match is Itto!
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Beidou was a close second but a golden retriever boyfriend is better for an easy going gal like you!
You two are always arguing for fun. Your arguments are silly and always make you (and some people around you) laugh. Itto doesn't see you as childish, he sees you as fun and awesome. You two always feed each other ideas/pranks to the delight of Kuki (sarcasm here).
Itto always takes you to fun dates, compliments you and is often seen hugging you close! He's very public with his love. He tries to make true romantice gestures but sometimes it messes up and you two have a good laugh over it. His favorite dates are probably the ones at festivals where you two can dance till your feets hurt.
He does try to get you gifts but besides sweets it's Kuki who picks out the good novels. He'll keep his bug away from you and the onikabuto festivals will be remplaced by others because Itto can't have a good festival when you're not here.
Itto isn't very good at noticing things. When you have problems he'll mostly focus on making you laugh. If you do open up he'll take it personally and tries his best to help you out. You two always seem to be in the honeymoon phase.
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chandeliermichel · 9 months
Hi hi!! May i please request a romantic genshin matchup? I prefer to be matched with a boy <3
My pronouns are she/her and Im a girl. im 4'10 (i havent grown since i was 12 so uhm😭😭😭) My MBTI is INTP, 4w5.
My friends describe my personality to be cat-like. i bite people i like for example on their arm, cheek, neck etc etc. i like knocking things over, being affectionate, and am sleepy.
i like getting into trouble in and out of school (i may or may not be banned from a few places ahaaaa-) i can be stupid and reckless uhmmm.. im definetly not smart.
My mood changes very, very quickly. i can go from 0-100 real quick. i am not afraid to say what i want. Im quite loud around the people i like and dont like affection from people im not close with.
My aesthetic is best described as the downtown girl aesthetic. My hair is basicaly like ochako urarakas from MHA soo theres that. i have brown eyes and my skin is a light brown.
My favourite color is purple. i LOVE purple so much its such a pretty colour i could talk about it forever.
i love drawing, photography, baking, watching anime and k-dramas, listenin to music and shopping!! im definetly more of a nighttime person and i love animals. animals over people anyday.
I don’t like school… I’m not a very good student and the best part of school is seeing my friends, for sure. i never pay attention in class and end up walking out the class, zoning out or drawing allover my notes or on the table. i skip classes sometimes too.
ink's note. hi!! tysm for requesting ^^ i hope you like this
i match you with...
he would be very surprised to see someone like you... because you are very much like a cat. good for you! he loves cats <3
kazuha is a very welcoming person with a calm personality, much like the cool breeze that ruffles your hair while travelling on the crux fleet. from the first moment he saw you, he was curious to say the least.
i can see you both bonding very well from the start and falling in love in no time! (beidou shipped you both from the start. true shipper 10/10 XD)
he will definitely call you stuff like 'my love', 'my dearest', etc. because he's smooth like that. kazuha won't mind your flaws one bit, after all, you are human. what are humans without flaws? they aren't perfect.
cute reading dates!! or just him reading you the poems he wrote (about you) :D adorable dates fr
kazuha: beidou, what?
Your song: Rude
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kaedescara · 10 months
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@sangokokomis ; “i don’t even care what u do for my matchup but i’m ur gonna do right by me … sniveling. I AM SO PROUD OF U WAAAAAAAAHHHHH CONGA RATS !!!!”
— bunny. u are a doof. but ur cute n silly ((: luff u soo much i’m circling around ur lap like a cat n purring.
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the stars have fated you with… beidou!
aries + aquarius… “a special understanding of one another’s idealistic, enthusiastic outlook on life.” *
baby bun woodrow getting taken care of by pirate mommy beidou. ur so welcome. i think beidou would spoil u whole, making u sail the seas with her. she wants to take u all over teyvat, she wants to see her precious lil thing light up when he sees all the sights. she’d do anything to protect u!!!! idk, i just think u two would get along real well and maybe she bought u a drink n u made her laugh n maybe u ended up in her bed at the end of the night. who knows. ur both freaks and in a very complimentary way. have fun <3
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other matchups below the cut!
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hold on.. you’re fated with xiao too?
aries + aries… “bound to be fireworks. if they learn each other, their partnership can be extremely powerful.” *
ya i’m biased. what ab it. i am a sucker for sunshine x moonlight duos and as i’ve gotten to know u it’s become very clear u are a sunshine. i think u would make him feel so comfortable n make him feel like it’s ok to be himself. he’d become sooo obsessed w being around u and the feeling in his tummy when u smile at him or say his name. he waits for u to call to him. another freak. <3
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woah! wait, there’s a third! is that.. gorou?
aries + taurus… “partnership is a natural union of love and passion.” *
AGAIN. I’M BIASED. you made me see gorou in a whole new light. he belongs to you. he’s your lil dogboy. another one that’s obsessed w you. goes crazy over u. doesn’t even realize how much he needs u until he whines when he smells u after not seeing u for a couple days. he was embarrassed but u thought it was hot and definitelyyyy wanted to hear him do that again. lil bunny boy w lil puppy boy, playful n snuggly. two precious lil guys with hearts in their eyes n hard-ons in their pants <3
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the stars thank you for your submission!
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