#Being Neurodivergent
moonastrogirl · 4 months
Astrology and neurodivergence
Have you ever wandered if astrology can tell if someone is neurodivergent ? Well it surely can.
For instance neurodivergent people’s mind is always all over the place but they also are really good at problem solving and the more complex the issue is the easier it is for them to solve it. Yet they kinda struggle to work efficiently in their daily life or follow through daily deadlines. (This doesn’t apply for those who can and are great at organising their daily life).
If their mind works differently, it’s best to look at the planets which rule the mind and the sign that rules it. The moon and mercury both rules over the mind and the thoughts. Aries is the sign which rules the brain and the head and the ruler of Aries is the planet Mars. Aries also rules over the first house.
Now in a chart, we gotta analyse the position, the strength and the aspects to moon, mercury, mars, 1st house and Aries house.
Here are some aspects which will tell if someone is neurodivergent :
Moon conjunct or aspect NN/Rahu or SN/Ketu
Moon conjunct or aspect a retrograde planet
1st house lord in retrograde motion
Mercury in retrograde motion
Mars conjunct or aspect a retrograde planet
A retrograde planet aspect Aries house
Lots of retrograde planets in the chart
Pisces moons (especially Sidereal Aquarius moons)
Neptune and Uranus aspecting 1st house, ascendant lord, mars or moon
Why retrograde planets ? Because they make us go inward, channeling our own energy, being introspective. A lot of neurodivergent are introverts, they live in their own little world and only share it with those who align with them. They create their own ideas too making them great inventors and innovators in their field of work.
Why Uranus and Neptune? Because they create an out of this world kinda way of thinking, futuristic, extraterrestrial. These planets make someone get interests into all that is subcultures and also trying new things. Really being outside the norm whether through their thoughts/expansion/knowledge/beliefs (Neptune which is the energy created after the mastering of Jupiter) or through their actions/innovations/ideas (Uranus which is the energy created after the mastering of Saturn).
Being a neurodivergent is a superpower embrace it if you are one. Much love and thank you for reading me ❤️
If you have more aspects related to being neurodivergent you can comment and I’ll add them. 💛
It’s been a long time I haven’t posted anything I was really busy happy to be back 😁💚
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shadowbrightshine · 9 months
Alright! Here is my autism comic. I'll share this one first and see if anyone is interested in the other one. I lost one of them, my bad day working at dairy queen, but I made one about joining Tumblr I'll share if people like this one. Sorry I can add close ups but I wanted to do this soon. @marvelmaniac715
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Just to say. I'm an adult, but we went to occupational therapy and I cannot have better handwriting up to a certain threshold. And I'm not very good at drawing, but I found that making myself the shape gave me much more control over fun facial expressions.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Many of our neurodivergent kids have ‘spiky profiles’. This means that their brightest, strongest skills are high- often way above those of other kids their age. Their big skills are BIG. And if you were to compare these big skills to the skills that they struggle the most with, the gap might be quite substantial. Hence the ‘spike’.
I’m talking our ND kids working way above grade level at school. Maybe they are brilliant at maths, or writing, or perhaps their verbal communication skills would have you believing that they’re a good five years older than they are. They also struggle with things.
Adults often make the mistake of seeing this kid’s brilliant academic skills, and assume that this child should be equally as brilliant in every other aspect of their life. That means executive functioning, ‘social skills’, life skills, daily tasks, emotional regulation, etc. Adults often expect that this kid should be just as great at everything else as they are at maths.
When this 7-year-old child struggles with something ‘simple’ like getting dressed, parents might turn around and say things like ‘I just watched you do 5 pages of long division- stop being ridiculous. This is EASY compared to that.’
The thing is, it isn’t. Not for this kid.
Maths was simple for them, the way that getting dressed might be simple for you. Conversely, getting dressed is hard for them, the way that maths might be hard for you.
We need to meet them where they’re at.
We can marvel at their mathematical brilliance, wonder how on earth they can do those complex equations. And then after, we can help them clean up the milk they spilled, and comfort them about the mess. We help them regulate when their feelings are so big about the bits of cereal on the floor, and the drops of milk that landed on their shirt. We work alongside them to pack their bag in the morning. We help them work through the huge sadness of losing a game to their brother.
We do all that.
And we know that we are supporting them where they need the support.
And we are are still there, in their corner, when they don’t.
Point is, they know that we are there no matter what. That connection and that trust is essential.
People need to understand that The brilliance we have in one area is not necessarily transferable to different things. And suggesting it is is unreasonable and distressing.
So let’s not, yeah?
Em 🌈🌻✌️
From this Facebook page by NeuroWild, which I can't link to directly.
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martian-mellow1 · 1 year
Job application: do you have a reliable mode of transportation?
Me: *flashbacks to when I walked through a blizzard to the bus stop to get to my college class* yes :)
Tbh i don’t really understand what that question means? Like if you’re asking if I have a car the answer is no because I can’t drive (and even if I could drive owning a car is too expensive). And honestly I’ve walked through horrible weather to my current job (a mile from my house) and ended up being the only one who’s shown up because “the weather is too bad to drive in”. This question should be eliminated from job applications because it makes no sense.(plus I’m sick of having to hide from potential employers that I don’t have a car because the bus is “not a reliable source of transportation”). 😑
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theredhoodedcryptid · 4 months
On tonight’s episode of : Am I hearing electricity or is it tinnitus….
It’s tinnitus, something I can’t fix🫠
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redd956 · 7 months
I think very frequently about my drab dead inside look I rocked all of high school, and it's pairing low expressiveness. Ignoring neurodivergent reasons to keep a still and stern face...
Be me, plays viola for seven years and is in the high school orchestra
Become first chair through being the longest playing violist
Loves it, plays passionately and attends every performance
Wins a few awards participating in a quartet on the side
Lose several violist to graduations
New violist is tone deaf and non self aware
New violist is annoying af, but she got the spirit
We do our performance tests to reset the chairs for the semester
I am given second chair, and the LITERAL tone deaf person is given first chair
Other first chairs complain because the tone deaf person is also rhythm deaf and the violas start off to many songs, so now we're always starting off beat
New first chair goes into every solo late and is always out of tune
I ask the teacher what I was lacking to be demoted
The teacher informs me I play perfectly, but didn't have a passionate enough expression or movement, and the new viola looked to be loving every minute
Be me, daily nightmare disorder since age five, actively homeless with abusive mother, dirt poor, chronic pain, severely underweight, just lost my favorite family member (my fourth close family to die in under three years), and neurodivergent
Experiences skill regression from this very moment
Never plays instruments again
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answer2jeff · 1 year
another extremely lonely feeling that comes with being on the spectrum ; wanting everyone to be interested in what you're fixated on, while also wanting to keep it niche and "to yourself," and being seen as dramatic for doing so.
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hannah08 · 7 months
I feel that the world hates me and will never accommodate or understand me because, well, the world hates neurodiversity. If I were to get a diagnosis for autism it would cost me an arm and a leg, but even if I did, I wouldn’t be accommodated. I’ve already been fired from a job because of who I am, told I wasn’t good at socialising with others despite my work being good.
I’ll never be accepted. It doesn’t matter how smart I am or how capable, the world will never accommodate for me. I’ll never be able to achieve anything because I’m tired all the time, living in a world where I either have to pretend in order to get by or be criticised for being me. Not to mention the fact, because I’m higher in functioning no one believes me and calls me crazy for thinking this way. I am tired of living in a world that hates me for who I truly am.
I am so tired.
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v01dbug-s1nr0se · 4 months
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Im not in the mha thing or whatever but i LOVE your takes on it and want to hear you talk more about rei and endeavor and how you would change the narrative of the story. Take this as incentive to go nuts talking about it :3
It upsets me cause we could have had something GREAT with them, the fact that shes such an after thought and isn't a part of her children/husband story until like close to the end just sets me off, her other kids got more screen time then her, when shes taken out of the "fridge" shes just there to like info dump about Touya and how this all happened, NOT ONCE does she ever get to express her feelings or go into how she dealt with all this, the pain she went threw AND THEN HAVE HER GO
"Yeah it was kind of my fault too cause I didn't try hard enough to stop my son who is clearly mentally ill and my husband wasn't helping at and when I "failed" I got pushed down and hit for it :("
and then also have the kids go
"Yeah even though I was 11 or something I should have stopped my brother or told an adult who probably wouldn't believe me because I'm a child, shouldn't have been scared of my parent cause they're bigger and have power over me :("
And have the fandom go; "Wow that's really deep, Dabi really brought the family together " MAKES ME WANNA PULL MY HAIR OUT
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I think what sets my brain off is that I REALLY REALLY do like Enji's character and I love the writing they have for him and his arc started out so good AND THEN THEY FUMBLED THE BALL WITH WHATS HAPPENING RN it upsets me cause it was SO GOOD
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vizthedatum · 6 months
Just had an intense therapy session (it was great).
Insight about relationship anarchy (RA) and me sometimes being "purist" with my thoughts on it all:
I *am* poly by orientation - and for me, queerness and RA means that I don't need to conform to society's expectations of what a relationship is or what it means to me. Especially if that relationship is not just friendship. (I will just be talking about romantic-type relationships in this post.) (Ugh, even assigning a "type" to relationships makes me feel weird)
Being RA doesn't mean that I ignore my own needs, even if my own needs don't necessarily fit into my paradigm of what love *should* be or what RA *should* be.
It also doesn't mean that I try to conform to what *cue neurodivergent expectations of what patterns I've picked up OR what I think would help the people around me while ignoring what I need/want* I think I should do.
Maybe I can literally do RA the way I want to - even if it means that... I don't date unless I feel that magical feeling of love and alignment (with life goals... but also *that feeling that I would go to the ends of the Earth with you, in any circumstance (unless you abuse me) - that I would transcend time with you - I want to see you thrive/flourish/grow while I grow beside you*).
I think I've gathered a lot of information on how to sustain relationships and be loving.
"Love" still confounds me because... well, for me at least, "love" is random and terrifying. The people I've fallen head over heels, madly in love with... there was no rhyme or reason - it was that spark, that vibe. I have fallen in love with people without even trying. I have fallen in love with people when it was deeply inconvenient in my life to do so.
Love isn't about control, and sustaining loving relationships isn't about that either.
The only people I'm in love with currently... well, it's just me. (I know I'm still grieving and moving on from a past person/situation - the situation is over, and we are both different people now, presumably... but I fell in love with them in the past, and I didn't mean to. I felt that spark. I felt the magic. I felt the randomness. I felt that pull. (I freaked out almost the entire time. I should have saved my own heart and tried to gracefully end things, but I didn't. I don't regret the love, I suppose. It wasn't what I had envisioned, and I didn't want to chase that feeling. I don't. But I need to remember that falling in love is outside of my control.))
I don't need to have a reason to not want to date someone or be in a friendship/relationship with someone if I'm not feeling it. (The "it" that is the love I seek... CONFOUNDS me. It doesn't compute - yet it's what I want)
I yearn to feel that way again with someone. I don't want to "logic" myself into a relationship with someone I feel like I *should* be in love with (I think that's what was tripping me up). I love many people, but romantically, I think it's different. Even sexually these days, it feels different. (And I'm only just processing all of this now in my thirties, sigh. Being trans has a lot to do with this, I think)
So hmm, where am I at currently? Here it is:
I don't *love* any of my exes. I have love for many of them - the ones who are my friends - I will tell them I love them. But I am not in love with them in this significant romantic way. I don't feel that *love* (I hate that I'm characterizing this love but here I am. And I feel good about it too, ugh.).
I don't have anyone in my life right now who would want to work towards my own personal relationship/life goals with me: nesting and having a baby together; long-term companionship; autonomous but comingled living.
I do love myself, and I'm working on understanding that relationship to myself EVERY DAY.
My heart is open, but I cannot love, date, or commit to anyone unless I have already fallen in love with them AND I feel that love that's beyond love (as mentioned above) AND I am not going to be madly in grief about how they fit into my life within my life goals. I have decided that if you date me, you automatically date me AND my current/future children - full stop - if I become a parent and we're in a significant *love* relationship, you are signing up to be a co-parent even if you're not the biological parent (even if you didn't intend to be a parent, even if there are multiple people involved, etc.). I can't back down from that, and I am going to be a parent as soon as I financially, logistically, and physically can be.
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luxanderreal · 2 years
So I had an interesting phrasing occur to me yesterday with regards to having a disability like ADHD: Having ADHD makes me less of myself. Like I have a very strong work ethic, I care about details and getting everything right. I'm honestly a bit of a perfectionist in ways that can be detrimental. ADHD eats away at this part of me, makes me drop the ball on things that I really do care about and probably even had plans to follow through on. I am literally not able to be myself fully because something in my brain just doesn't work the way you'd expect it to. Instead I get to feel stupid and unreliable, as though those are choices I made, as though that speaks to my character. It makes me want to cry tbh.
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brightlotusmoon · 2 months
The Social Language Theory of Neurodivergence — Trauma Geek
We the neurodivergent are genetically different. We experience the world through a hypersensitive nervous system which informs every aspect of our thinking, our behavior, and our social values.
The dominant social group labels our way of being in the world as disordered because they don’t understand us. Even though they don’t understand, the dominant culture controls the narrative about our differences.
Society believes the experts who are not part of our culture, who see brokenness where there is order. We gradually start to believe the myths ourselves and lose all sense of self-esteem. We come to hate ourselves for being different.
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martian-mellow1 · 1 year
Hey, this seems to have to be said since I got into an argument about it recently, but being neurodivergent, or disabled doesn’t give you the excuse to order your SO around or be ungrateful towards them. If you don’t like something they cooked for you, there are several alternatives for food such as frozen meals or prepped meal services. Your SO is NOT your caretaker (unless they state otherwise), using your disability/neurodiversity as an excuse to be abusive or an asshole is NOT ok!
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theredhoodedcryptid · 4 months
There's nothing quite like laying awake at night trying to figure which electric thing is making the awful screaming sound that apparently only I can hear and makes it impossible to sleep.
(It was the nightlight, the one I can't sleep without)
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littlehermitvamp · 4 months
Sorry I used all my spoons for the day on a 5 minute phone call. Try again tomorrow
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