#Being boring would imply they aren't able to do something they want to be doing or are lacking in something
People: Katniss chooses the boring option because of all she's been through!
Katniss and Peeta, in actual fact: Create games and books together(CF and again in MJ), practice skills together (flower crowns in CF) Tease and generally lightheartedly rib one another and laugh a lot together.
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
I read your recent post about the Hantengu clones and they are my favorite so I was happy and wanted to order something with them in a poly relationship with a top male readwr (can include the main body if you like). It doesn't have to be anything sexual, but I wonder how the reader would deal with such different personalities in a so unic relationship.
What about Zohakuten, in your view would he be seen as a cute and angry little brother who would refuse to admit to liking the reader or simply hate him for considering him a "distraction"?
I will do about Hantengu clones only since it's clearly Anon's preference. Nobody judging from me and everyone here has better things than complain. 100% sure I owe an apology of how long it took to get this done (I don't even remember when this was sent to my Inbox, sorry. I'm a disaster.) Also, I made reader human for an specific content.
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Polyamory Hantengu Clones x Male Human Reader dynamic + Platonic Zohakuten
Warnings: Slight referenced sexual content (Karaku dirty talks and there is implied content too), Implied self-cest (I will put nothing of that here but you know, a poly with clones), Sekido being Sekido.
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The four clones are very different to each other, having different needs and interactions, it's actually more surprising the fact that you are their type, not that you will complain about it. You love them all the same, though, so you are glad you all could solve it without making you choose. Still, not everything is a walk in the park, specially since you have them living in your home.
Urogi is always the one to wake you up in the morning, having your house custumed for them to roam around during day, he is almost like a cat, sleeping over you an hour or two only for the sake of cuddles before getting annoyed and start waking you up. "Y/N! Wake up! Wake up! I'm bored!" This is how you start your day more often than not, with Urogi whining with his full weight over your chest as he curls himself there. And mind you, he is the heaviest one, having two extra limbs does that.
"I'm awake... I'm awake..." you start weakly as he starts to nibbles your face when realizing you are up. It's early, but not an hour to be unreasonable to wake up. You sit on your bed the second Urogi get's off. " Good morning, Baby Bird." Urogi giggles as you call him the pet name as he takes your hands and holds them against his face, rubbing them against his cheeks. He moves his wings happily as he is given ALL of your attention, only to whine when the door opens, sound making him aware he has to share you.
"My~ Aren't you two comfortable?" Karaku basically purrs in a cheeky grin, making Urogi open his wings to block you of his sight. "No! It's my turn! Y/N is having fun with ME!" Karaku laughs from it and turns around, letting the Joy clone relax a bit, wings moving down, showing the Pleasure clone twisting his body in a way that highlights his hips as he looks at you from the side. "Aizetsu is making you breakfast, handsome. You should go before Sekido burns your kitchen without even using it. You know how he hates having our soft boy winning favor." He says before leaving while laughing. He is the least jealous among the clones, so it's reassuring to have him taking Sekido's place of the one making sure everything is working, because the anger clone is the most jealous of the group.
Then again, Sekido is also the one who needs the most space, so it makes a good balance of him taking his distance and then taking you all for himself. Still, Karaku is right, better not taste today's humour of the red-eyed clone. Urogi follows you from behind as you step into the kitchen, Aizetsu in front of the stove, cooking book open, following the recipe step by step to make sure to get it right. He won't be able to tell is it's good by taste, and the last thing he wants to do is to poison you. It would make him sad. "Y/N, you are awake. Good morning."
He greets, turning around to see you once he heats you enter the kitchen before focusing on his task again. Being the little shits they are, Karaku and Urogi approach you from behind, each mouth behind your ear. "Well, isn't Aizetsu being way too kind? I think he wants a reward!" Urogi starts, being loud enough for Aizetsu to hear, you can see from here his ears becoming red as he hesitates some moves before deciding to simply ignore the two. Karaku, instead, whispers. "Aizetsu deserves a "thank you" for trying to cook for you like a good wife, don't you think? Will you step in like a good husband, handsome?"
That is when he pushes you, making sure Urogi stays behind with him, towards Aizetsu. Karaku laughs a bit more before taking a seat on the table and urging the Joy clone to do the same. The Sorrow clone sighs but doesn't protest as he finish cooking, turning down the fire. You hug him from behind as you lean on his shoulder, checking what he did. Soup, Miso if your nose is right, eggroll and now is cooking ham on the heat left in the pan. "It looks good. Smells good too." You say, making Aizetsu blush, less than before but still blushing, and look away. "It's not a big deal." You smile before kissing his ear as a thank you, making Aizetsu stop what he is doing before leaning his face against you. "I hope you like it. I will be sad if you don't." You laugh as you take some chopsticks, willing to eat while cuddling him a bit. At realizing this, the sad clone starts to tremble with a crooked smile, but leans more of his weight into you as he can.
For a second you fear Urogi will jump in to take your attention again, but Karaku starts to talk to him, as they both start to speak behind Sekido's back. As always. And, as always again, thet is the clue of Sekido to come in. "Say that again, Karaku?" Oh, well. As usual, Karaku is hit by the staff, having to regenerate his shoulder and forearm. "What was that for?! Y/N! I need some love to heal!" He says as he dramatically walks towards you before doing a trust-fall on you, you catch him in time. He is the lighteast of the clones, so he is easy to handdle into a more comfortable position, making the Pleasure clone grin teasingly to the others. "I'm going to need you to take care of me~. How about you take me to bed and... give a good piece of meat~? Get me full of- AHGH SEKIDO! I'M ON SOMETHING RIGHT NOW, BITCH! Don't act as if you didn't want to get dicked to-" He screams as he is hit again, blood splashing on you.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, KARAKU!" That violence doesn't stop him from pulling you away from Karaku and using a piece of clothe to clean the blood of your face while fumming. He is gentle, as much as he can with you. Urogi would have teased if he hadn't just saw Sekido blow Karaku's head up with a hit. Aizetsu, deciding he has done his part, decides to leave to your room to see if your bed still has you body temperature. He doesn't need to sleep and unlike Urogi he likes to respect your space, but to lie in your bed, as dirty and messy as it gets, it's comforting. Karaku decides to leave too in order to not be the third wheel, "I'll be in the bathroom, handsome. I'll oil myself up good if you want to come, babe~ Don't bother knocking." and he HAS to tease before. "You need to stop letting these two do whatever they want." He scolds you as the winged clone gets bored, so leaves to follow Aizetsu.
"I think it's fine. I like it when you all are comfortable, and I'll admit it's cute to have you like this." He blushes as he looks away, it's nice to have them around. They all need their time to have both space and attention, balancing it it's basically your responsibility in the relationship, but they try to make it easy for you (as much as they actually can, because most of the time Urogi wants to play or cuddle while Aizetsu wants to relax, while Karaku wants to have sex while Sekido wants you to calm him down, they are all rather needy). But still, this was a good day.
And to be honest you would take a bad day over dealing with Zohakuten. Long story short a Hashira found your house, because of the clones he though you were a demon too and in a desperate meassure Sekido absorved the others. it was an overkill, but you get the guys got scared when they lost you in the forest with an enemy around. But now... "Hey kid..."
"Fuck you. I was brought here just to save you? Against one Hashira? What a waste of time." You see, Zohakuten doesn't want you to die, just like the rest of the clones he will protect you with his life. Unlike the other clones, Zohakuten loves the others more than he loves you, from his point of view they are family, and you are not. And so, while the other clones are protective and even possessive of you, the kid feels that way about them. "Just let me get rid of that damned slayer. I could easily kill several, now I am stuck between one and you." It's cute and funny to see him wanting to protect the other clones from you, or it would be if he wasn't so rude about it. Then again, he is a teen.
He finishes fast, a wooden dragon crushing the Hashira in it's throat, as it was expected from him, so you go and pat his head to congratulate him. You know he doesn't like to show it, like any boy of his age, but Zohakuten appreciates the contact. Not that he lets it linger, moving away "What are you doing?! Don't touch me, you weirdo!" You laugh it off nerviously, seriously this kid is something else, and not really in the good way. "Thanks for the help." You try to be as nice and gentle as you can, even with him starting to insult you in almost every turn. It's like a little brother fighting off his sister's fience or something, and you have no idea how you should feel about it. "Sure. Whatever."
Less aggressive, that is good. Still, you hope you can get your four lovers by tomorrow. Please. You are not built for this. Please.
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so this post is inspired by a person who sent an ask to @my-nitpicking-self (i hope you don't mind me tagging you), who mentioned the confrontation between katara and zuko in atla, in reference to glimmer's and catra's relationship in spop. i thought it was an interesting comparison, so i'm going to expand on it.
so two very similar scenes in atla and spop: katara and zuko being stuck together in crystal catacombs and glimmer and catra being stuck together in horde prime's ship. two things to note here - zuko was beginning to heal at this point and had almost completely given up his mission of capturing aang, while catra has just finished conquering salineas and was neck-deep in villainy.
as soon as katara sees zuko, she becomes outraged. keep in mind, zuko did not kill katara's mother. but she still had a valid reason to be mad at him. she holds him accountable for everything he has done.
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K: Why did they throw you in here? Oh, wait, let me guess. It's a trap. So that when Aang shows up to help me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches!
K: You're a terrible person! You know that? Always following us! Hunting the Avatar! Trying to capture the world's last hope for peace! But what do you care? You're the Fire Lord's son. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!
Z: You don't know what you're talking about.
K: I don't? How dare you! You have no idea what this war has put me through! Me personally! The Fire Nation took my mother away from me.
here, zuko doesn't try to argue with katara until she implies that violence and aggression is an inherited thing, because he's from the fire nation. zuko accepts his mistakes but he is also aware that being a fire nation citizen or even royalty alone doesn't make you a bad person. even then, he doesn't raise his voice or lash out at her, he just calmly disagrees.
after katara mentions her mother, he apologizes and sympathizes with her.
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Z: I'm sorry. That's something we have in common.
K: I'm sorry I yelled at you before.
Z: It doesn't matter.
K: It's just that for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face.
katara also apologizes but zuko understands that it was completely in her right to blame him. and then we get to the crux of the issue. katara's mother was killed years ago but she still hasn't been able to move on from the grief.
now, of course, zuko again turns back to villainy but this was an important confrontation. and it wasn't the only one. as you all know, after zuko's official redemption, the gaang still doesn't trust him and katara is the last person to forgive him. she is still upset and disappointed by the way he betrayed her after they had begun to bond in the catacombs. and zuko has to prove his loyalty before katara could forgive him.
now let's come to glimmer and catra. catra DIRECTLY caused the death of glimmer's mother. and it was recent. glimmer had been grappling with her grief in the last season, to the point where she spirals into a small corruption arc. s4 of spop does NOT forget angella's death.
so obviously, you would expect there to be a confrontation between glimmer and catra in s5, especially since they were alone together in a confined space. but let's see what happened.
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Glimmer: You again. Why do you keep coming back here?
Catra: Just...bored, I guess.
Glimmer: No, I mean, Horde Prime told you not to talk to me. He's gonna catch you eventually. Why risk it? ...You're lonely, aren't you?
so far, no confrontation, no apology.
Catra: What do you know? You're the prisoner here. I can go where I want. So, stay here by yourself for all I care.
Glimmer: Okay, okay, you're right. It...helps having someone to talk to. Even if you're the last person I'd ever want to be stuck here with.
Catra: Trust me, Sparkles, the feeling is mutual.
and just like that, they're on better terms now. glimmer doesn't bring up angella's death, she doesn't bring up the way catra treated adora, how she and bow were kidnapped by catra, nothing. they seem more like casual rivals than enemies here. catra doesn't seem guilty in the slightest, she just has to threaten to leave and glimmer immediately makes her stay.
and not just that, they joke about adora's paranoia that was rooted in her trauma, as if it's just a fun quirk. at this point, it's clear that the writers are not even trying to make it seem like they don't favor catra over all the characters.
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and the one time glimmer somewhat confronts catra—
G: Please, Catra. Do one good thing in your life!
C: Don't talk to me like you know me! You don't know anything about me!
of course, catra shuts her down immediately. and afterwards, even when catra saves glimmer, she makes it clear that she's only doing it for adora. while on the surface, this might still come off as a good deed, it's clear from her later behaviour that catra's goal wasn't to help either adora or glimmer. my best guess is that she was practically awaiting death at that point and didn't expect to face the consequences of her actions, so she wanted to go out with one good deed, much like shadow weaver.
it's crazy how zuko, who was just an antagonist and has done very little to directly hurt the gaang, faced the consequences of his actions and got a drawn out and detailed redemption; while catra, who spent the entire series hurting the protagonists out of her own interest, gets off scot-free.
any time her past actions are brought up, they are mentioned in the vaguest terms possible i.e. “she made some mistakes” or “shs hurt people”. it's so clear that the writers were hoping that if the other characters forgot everything that catra did, the audience would do the same. and the worst part is that they're right. 90% of the fandom were willing to accept catra's redemption because no one in the show ever holds her accountable or confronts her properly.
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floydsglasses · 6 months
𝙒𝙖𝙮 𝙊𝙪𝙩 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 - Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia (A Quiet Place AU)
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Pairing: Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x AFAB Black!OC/Jasmine
SUMMARY: Monster's aren't the only thing that survivors of the quiet world have to worry about now, the people though they are hunted are the biggest threat of all. Two survivor's out of options agree to help each get out of the vacant city to safety.
Tags: Mention of blood/wounds, post apocalyptic setting, use of ASL, Alien creatures. Drug Use,mentions of death, Stranger's to lovers, Implied Smut, Angst, Swearing, Fluff,
A/N: I based this loosely off the Lord Huron Song, Way Out There, check it out when you can its so good.
ALONE,That’s how he felt. Everything was gone and he is one out of many survivors, sometimes he thinks he is the last survivor. He will be walking through an abandoned neighborhood, seeing the ruined car’s and nature taking over it will make him miss everything he had taken for granted, and being able to make a sound.
He missed people, talking to them. He was a person who thrived off social interactions. Always finding a way to include people in the conversation even if it was a small conversation. The only thing he talked with now was the voice in his head, which sometime’s was loud enough that it made him think that it was someone there.
He had no real plan, he just wanted to make it to the next sunrise. Having been living in anywhere that seemed stable till he got bored or had to move. It was lonely spending each day wondering and not having any idea of what to do.
Today was a ‘moving day’. He left a motel six he had been walking since the sun had risen, he thought it would be nice to try and live in one of the high rise’s by the marina. He passed the turned over car’s, vine’s growing into the tire’s and out of the engine.
That was a nice car, he thinks. He bet if he went back to the naval base the F18’s will be overgrown with nature. He looked down sadly, he missed his job, and his RIO. His flat shoes crunched softly, the bottom’s worn out from the use.
He stopped, his hand resting over his knife holster. His brown eyes scanned around him, his heart racing in his ear’s searching for the cause of the sound.
CLINK! He panted as he ran to the other side of an overturned car, his back pressed firmly against the hood of the car, he unsheathed his blade from his leather holster. He inhaled deeply to slow his heart rate. The clinking noise came again.
He bit his lip, hoping that whatever made the noise stopped soon. He didn't know what exact noise the monster’s didn't like. He licked his lip’s gulping. A few minutes later, the noise had gone away at least he thought.
He stepped on the sidewalk, continuing his walk past abandoned shop’s and firm’s, not sure which part of San Diego he was in. He could see some factorie’s, he guessed that he was close to the sea from the gull’s crying.
A sharp pain shot throughout his entire body. He gasped as he fell back into the brick wall, clutching his shoulder, he pant’s stifling a scream that desperately wanted to leave his mouth. He snapped his head, a short black stick with a neon green end stuck out of his shoulder.
“Shit.” He mouthed.
CLINK, he snapped looking up. Two men wearing bandanas covering their faces carrying crossbows in their hand’s look at him. He grunted holding his shoulder as he started to run.
The tip of the arrow dug deep into him as he bolted, their footsteps not far behind him. His backpack weighed him down, slowing his escape from the masked figure. What did they want from him?
He turned a corner down an alleyway. He gasped as he forced against something, a clothed hand clamped down over his mouth, he grunted against the stranger’s hold on him. Stop it, they whispered.
His shoulder ached as he moved his arm’s. A cold metal touched his temple, his brown eyes widened at the circular pressure against his forehead, the stranger's grip on his mouth tightened as the two men ran past.
The warm body of the person behind him warmed his back, what were they gonna do with the gun? Shoot him, or shoot up leaving him as monster bait. The stranger grunted as they removed the cold metal from his forehead, their hand clamped tight over his mouth.
They leaned to their left moving him with them, their free hand gripped a glass bottle tossing it down the alleyway with a shatter. His eye’s widen as a inhuman roar filled the air. Sorry for this, the stranger whispered in his ear before his world turned dark.
A MUFFLED sound filled his ears. He groaned softly as his eye’s slowly opened, his arm still ached with a sharp pain. He could make out he was surrounded by brick’s, a factory-like place. He grunt’s softly grabbing at his shoulders. 
“Shit thought you were out longer.” A voice grumbled in a whisper. He pant’s in fear as he move’s his arms, a hand stops him.
“Don't move.” They whisper to him, he grabs at their hand. Their face covered by a floral bandana, their hair tucked inside of a baseball cap. Their brown eyes being the only part visible to him.
“Ow.” A female voice muffled by the cover say’s. 
He raised his brows. “How?” He signed, she pointed up at the ceiling.
“Three foot concrete they cant hear.” She signed her motion’s fast, he only knew basic asl. 
“What?” He signed, she shook her head.
“They can't hear,we are too far underground.” She whispered to him, she moved his jacket sleeve off his arm. He furrowed his brow. 
“What are you doing?” He whispered, she didn't answer. He shook his head irritated, his finger’s pulled down her bandana. Her eyes widened at him.
She glared at him as he stared at her for a moment. He hadn't seen another person in so long it was comforting to see someone, especially someone as pretty, what he did not expect was the look of anger. 
“Am I gonna have to handcuff you?” She fumed, she pulled his hand away from her.
“Sorry.” He apologized, she pulled out a needle,thread, alcohol,. 
“What are you doing?” He asked her again, and she looked up at him. “Sewing you up.” She says bluntly, she leaned over grabbing a white rag, his hand pat around his shoulder where the arrow used to be. 
“You removed it?” He asked her. She shrugged, soaking the rubbing alcohol into the rag. 
“Yeah now I'm gonna have to sew you back up.” She  tells him. His brown eyes widen in fear.
“What.wha sew me up?” He stammered. 
“Yes, Unless you would prefer to bleed out.” She joked with a dry laugh, he shook his head. She grumbled under breath, she at him. 
“You don't happen to have vodka on you, do you?” The girl asks him.
“What?” He said, confused, she shook her hand. “What about bleach?” She ask’s. He shook his head. 
“No, What are you talking about?” He wonder’s, she bit her lip, she poured the alcohol into a plastic butter container.
“I'm almost out of alcohol so look’s like I'm using the rest on you.” She says to him. 
She set the thread in the liquid, leaning over to him. “Can you roll this out of the way?” She asks him, gesturing to his gray long sleeve shirt. 
“You want me to do it for you?”She wondered. He shook his head. He groaned as he slowly pulled his sleeve down, lifting it up over his head, his black curl’s falling back down. She flicked on her bright pink lighter with a duck on the side. 
She removed the sewing needle from her bag, moving the flame under her needle. “What are you doing?” He asked, his heart racing. 
“Sterilizing it.” She state’s, he leaned back. He wasn't sure what he was even laying on, just that it was safe for him to talk.  “If blood loss doesn't kill you, infection will.” 
“No offense but.” He gulped as she threaded the needle. The sharp end made his heart drop to his stomach. 
“Your bedside manner suck’s.” He chuckled weakly, she rolled her eye’s. “My exe’s might think differently.” She mumbled under her breath, she got on her knees to his side. 
She inhaled deeply.”I'm gonna tell you now this is not gonna be pretty.” She warns him, he nodded his head. 
“You can hold my hand if you want.” She suggests to him, he whipped his head looking at her. She picked up his shirt, wrapping it tightly and handing it back to him.
“Bite down on this.” The girl ordered him. He pants, taking it from her, putting the gray henley in his mouth, gritting his teeth against it. She grabbed the warm needle hovering over his wound. 
“Take a deep breath.” She says, she closed her eyes as she prepared herself. She winced as she began to thread through his skin. He screamed in agony, his cries muffled from the cloth against his mouth. 
Hot tears escaped his eyes flowing down his face,she winced at the man in pain. His finger’s gripped against her free arm as she continued to work to patch him up. 
HE PANTED, staring at the concrete above him. The pain in his shoulder diminished thankfully, though he could still feel it. She walked between the wood table set against the wall, she pulls out a shirt from her milk crate. She walked back over to him.
“Should fit.” She tells him, lightly tossing him a dark green henley shirt. He grabbed at it, slowly sitting up against the carseat, he groaned pulling the shirt over his head, being mindful of his patched up wound.
“Who were those guy’s?” Mickey wonder’s, she pulls her plaid shirt close to herself.
“San Diego bandits.” She answers. He furrowed his brow’s. “Who?” he ask’s.
She sighed irritated. “You don't know do you?” She says, she crossed her arms turning around to look at him.
“Their a group of radical’s killing anyone in the city who makes a sound.” She explained to him, he raised a brow. “Why would they do that?” He wondered, she shook her head.
“Because they think that by silencing anyone, they are appeasing god and that he will take the monster’s back.” She explained.
“So that’s why they tried to kill me, to stop me from making noise?” He ask’s her, she shrugged.
“That or they were gonna auction you off.” She says, his heart dropped. “Auction me? Like fucking cattle?” He ask’s, she shrugs.
“In a way, yes.” She answered. She puts her hand on her hip’s. “Some people they keep alive, other’s they drag out, and leave them as a sacrifice.” She explains.
He shook his head. “How do you know so much about them?” He wonder’s
“Because I used to be one of them.” She tells him. She sighed leaning back. “That was two months ago.” She clarifies. His brows furrowed.
“I've been in the city for two years, and never met them.” He tells her, and she shrugged again.
“They did not form till a year ago, and they didn't become violent till six months ago.” She informs him. He shook his head in shock. He was lucky they hadn't found him yet. They could have killed him at any chance.
“And I have some bad news for you.” She speaks up. He looked at her, she inhaled through her nose. “This thing isn't over for you.” She tells him.
“What? What are you talking about?” He ask’s her.
“When they dont silence someone, they will do everything they can to make sure you don't come back.” The girl explained to him, he ran his fingers through his curly black hair, his heart began to race.
“Are you serious?” He ask’s her, she nodded. He swore under his breath as he began to pace back and forth. “But.” She started, he crossed his arms looking at her, not expecting something good.
“I won't let them get to you…if you help me.” She says to him. His mouth parted agape. “Is that why you saved me?!” He wondered, he took a step forward.
“Just because you need someone to help you?” Mickey ask’s, she shakes her head.
“I saved you because I'm not an asshole.” She state’s bluntly.
“Really?” He says with a brow raised. “So you holding a gun to my head makes you less of one.” He remark’s rolling his eyes. Her jaw dropped, shaking her head.
“You mean me holding a car lighter to your head.''The woman tells him. She shook her head again.
“Baby the closest I have ever gotten to being violent with another human was when I held my hand over your mouth.” She declared, he wiped his mouth, regretting his choice of words.
“Look if you wanna go back out into that city and risk the chance of actually losing your life.” She sneered, she gestured up. “Be my guest.”
She step’s forward, her eye’s darkened as she glared at him. “But if you wanna get out of this god forsaken city..then you will help me.” She stated.
He takes a deep breath, collecting himself. “Fine.” He conceded.
“Okay then.” She smirked, she turned around grabbing a small blue book in bold font, San Diego County Map, tabbed with different colors. She placed the book on top of metal table.
“A month ago, I went down to the old coast guard sector, I tried to get on one of their boat’s to work.” She explains opening the small book, opening a map part of the book, pointing at the word’s in sharpie.
“As you can see it clearly didn't work, and I sure as shit dont know the first thing about fixing boat’s.” She admit’s with a weak laugh. “And what makes you think I know how to fix a boat?” Mickey wonder’s.
She reached into her front pocket, a jingling of metal peaked his interest. From her finger’s dangled a chain with a small metal plate at the bottom. He held out his palm as she placed the cold misc on it.
He turned the plate over, reading. Mickey Garcia, Fanboy. US NAVY.He looked at her in shock. “You went through my bag?!” He exclaimed in anger, she shook her head.
“It fell off your bag.” She says, she shook her hand. “You were in the military? So you have some type of knowledge about mechanic’s right?” The girl wonder’s.
He stammered for a moment. “I mean yes, I flew onto boat’s I didn't.” He stuttered, she shook her head.
“Yes or no, can you help me?” She asks him. He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Yes I can help you.” He tells her, her lips formed a thin line.
She extends her hand out. “Shake on it.” She ordered.
“I always shook hands with client’s, it's a sign of trust.” She explains to him, he nods his hand. Gripping her hand in a hand shake. “You have a name?” She ask’s. His brow rose.
“Don't you already know it?” He wonder’s, she shrugged. “I do but you should tell me it yourself.” She admits.
“Mickey.” He tells her. She smirked, impressed. “Jasmine, my friend’s called me J.J.” She says to him, she takes her cap off her head, her curly pixie cut shaking it off.
“I'll take you to the depot in the morning, it's about a three mile walk.” She list’s off to him, she bent down to the plastic crate by her legs pulling out a can of beefaroni. “I'm gonna heat this up,and you.” she points at him.
She rummaged through her pink crate, pulling out a red book. She grunt’s tossing it over to him. He read the title. Sign Language for Everyone: Basic Course.
“There is a safety shower in that back corner, it has only one setting that is lukewarm, I have another hammock you can set up.” JJ tell’s him.
“Oh I don't wanna be a bother.” He told her, and she shook her head.
“Trust me you dont wanna sleep on that seat.” JJ say’s to him. “Okay then.” He says, she smirked turning around, grabbing a chisel popping the can open.
THE BOAT gently rocked back and forth. She sat at the back of the response boat, gripping her large knife. She covered her face with the bandana again, her short curly hair hidden away in her green baseball cap.
Her brown eyes scanned all over for any threats. Conversation between the two was limited, only because he didn't know ASL as well as she did, and that he was busy fixing up the mistake she had made with the boat.
When she first found it she had tried to find the owner’s manual, she guessed the military didn't leave that out in the open. She sighed bored, she claimed she was an introvert, she usually preferred the comfort of her underground fortress.
Even before the world ended she was happy to be left alone in her crowded apartment. There were point’s where she practically thrived off of how quiet things were now, before the world was to be overrun with noise.
Now actually talking with someone after so long, made her think. A soft grunt’s pull’s her out of her thought’s. She looked up at him, his curly black hair pulled back into a tight ponytail.
“How is it?” She signed fast. His lips parted as he thought of what she might have said. She shook her head standing up carefully getting up walking inside the cabin. She grunted unhooking a whiteboard.
Day’s without an incident, 28 days. She quickly wiped away the black dry erase getting on her purple windbreaker.
“How is it?” She write’s down, he nodded his head taking it from her, wiping away her previous words.
“Should be fine. Some parts are missing though, do you know where I can get parts?” He asked her, and she bring;s out her book from her jeans pocket. Flipping through finding a directory.
She takes the whiteboard from him. “There’s a hardware store one mile up the road.” She tells. She pretends to write on her arm.
“Make a list.” She sign’s, he nodded his head understanding, he took the whiteboard from her, holding it back up.
“Did you break something in there?” He ask’s.
Her eyes widened, embarrassed. She leaned over taking it from him. “I got mad and kicked the panel.” She write’s.
He covered his mouth to stifle his laugh, She rolled her eyes at him. “I'm sorry.” He signed to her, she shrugged.
“What did you do before this?” He asks on the whiteboard. She smirked, taking from him, drawing a stick figure of a man with a gavel and robe.
“You were a judge?” He write’s.
She shook her head. “Lawyer.” She corrects him. He nodded his head, so that’s what she meant when she said client’s. He thinks’.
“What were you?” She asks him, he smirks, taking the whiteboard from her. “Fighter Pilot.” He tells her, she nodded impressed.
“Have you ever shot a plane down?” JJ asked him, he took the board from her quickly writing down. “I have.”
“How did you get the name ‘’Fanboy’?” She wonder’s, he rubbed the back of his neck, looking at the cabin of the boat.
He take’s the whiteboard from her. “I will tell you later, I can't explain this way.” He says, she shrugged.
“Cool, are you almost done for the day?” She asks him, he leaned back thinking. “A few more checks, should be good.” He write’s.
“Get to it.” She signed, he furrowed his brow at her signing.
She sat up pointing to the cabin again, he nodded his head standing up walking back inside. She sighed again. She glanced over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of his henley slowly moving with his muscle’s. She cleared her thoughts quickly looking away.
THE BIT OF stray sunlight shines above the steel mill, the small amount of lights dim lit the basement. She marked off on her notebook, sitting on the bottom half of a bucket. She kept a mental note of which tool she would have to take with them tomorrow.
He laid down on the car seat, boredly reading through his ASL book. He had at least memorized ten word’s, the silence air between the both of them was gnawing at him. She wasn't the most talkative person, he could tell.
He sighed loudly. She shook her head, as she returned her attention to her writing. He dropped the book on his chest, dropping his head looking at her. She drops her pencil, turning around looking at him.
“Alright pretty brown eyes, what do you want?” JJ teases him. He resists a smirk at her nickname, he sits up closing his book.
“I'm bored.” He says bluntly.
She shrugged. “Find something to do.” She gesture’s around, he shakes his head.
“Do what? I don't know what this place is,or even who you are.” He point’s out, she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Look I just..want something to do, and I will leave you alone till then.” He proposed.
Her brows furrowed as she thought. She sighed defeated. “Fine, you want something to do?” She repeated his answer, he nodded.
“Follow me.” She orders him, standing up quickly at a fast pace down the hall.
“Come on pretty boy.” She urged, he got to his feet following her down a hallway. She unclipped the flashlight from the wall as the light from above faded away. She pulled her arm’s closer to herself as they kept walking.
“So what is this place?” He asked her, she inhaled.
“Ryan & Edward’s steel mill, founded in 1939, at the tail end of the depression when World War || was starting.” Jasmine explained to him.
“Ran until 1988, Steel Crisis shut them down for good, and it didn't help that the place was a walking death trap at point’s.” She explains, he nodded listening to her smooth voice. She stops at a room with cabinet file’s and a desk.
“If it’s such a death trap why are you here?” Mickey wonder’s leaning against the door frame. She chuckled weakly.
“I don't think I really care if inhaled spores kill me, it would be better than..well you know.” Jasmine admit’s, she shivered as she walked in the office.
She walked over to the desk, pulling on the cabinet with a tug. She grunted, it didn't budge. She peaked over the desk.
“Can you help over here?” She asked him, he dropped his arm’s getting next to her, his grip on the desk handle tight.
“Ready?” He asked. The both of them grunt in effort, the draw came unloose. She stumbled back against him, she put her hand against his chest stopping herself, she cleared her throat turning around, getting on her knees digging through.
“What are we looking for?” Mickey ask’s, she holds the flashlight in her mouth, mumbling to him.
“What?” He ask’s, she rolled her eyes pulling it out.
She wiped the back off, handing the tool to him. “I came in here a month ago, it was late and found these old journal’s down here.” Jasmine tell’s him.
“I found a lot of thing’s down here too, kid’s used this place as a hangout so there is stuff littered here from each decade.” She explains to him, her arm’s covered in goosebumps as she rummages through the drawer.
“Look in one of those file cabinets, you can find some old stuff.” She tells him, he nodded his head, he easily opened it digginging through the past.
“You don't mind me asking.” He speaks up, he looked over his shoulder at her.
“How do you know so much about this place?” He wonder’s.
“Well on top of being a partner with a law firm, I had to study up on lawsuit’s.” She recall’s to him, he furrowed his brow.
“What happened here then?” He asked.
“Funny enough, it was a guy smoking, and reading a porno magazine on his break, he fell over the railing breaking his leg, and he sued his foreman.” She tells him, he shook his head with a smirk.
“That is so dumb, how did it end?” He ask’s, she shrugged again. “They settled out of court for 6, 000, which in the 1950's was a lot I guess.” She chuckled.
She pulled out a bundle of photos, and a journal. “Find anything?” She asked him.
“Old magazine’s, couple photos and…. no way.” He gasped in surprise, he pulled out a plastic baggy with green twigs and dirt, she raised a brow as he smiled in excitement.
“How old do you think that is?” Jasmine ask’s him. He flipped the bag examining it. “I don't know.” He is excited.
“You wanna find out?” He challenged, she shook her head, his shoulder’s slump.
“Oh come on, please.” He pleaded with her.
“It's probably not even good.” She tells him. He steps forward, a cockeyed smile at the edge of his lip’s. “Won't know till we try it.” He says.
“Oh so it’s we now?” She wonder’s. He shrugged, with a soft grin. She inhaled looking away from his stare.
“Okay, if I find paper, we can roll one.” She tells him, he smirks. She turned around, opening the sliding desk top. Basic supply’s of an office, a rectangular object catches her attention.
“Huh?” She says out loud. Mickey raised a brow.
“What is it?” He wonder’s leaning against the filing cabinet, she holds it up. On the paper line of the tape written in faded marker. Hollywood’s Classic Mix, and some more. she smirked.
“I found a radio.” She says to him.
Oh fuck yeah.” He agreed, she chuckled softly at his excitement. He walked out of the room with an extra step in his pace. She picked up the journal and photos following him out of the room.
THE TWO OF them laughed, after she had cooked up an old can of beef broth with carrots, the both of them rolled a joint sharing it. She scrunched her nose as she slowly inhaled the plant, she no doubt knew it was gonna stink up the space they occupied with their cots. 
“Ugh this stuff suck’s.” Jasmine coughed, leaning over handing it back to him. He chuckled at her reaction. 
“So where are you from?” Mickey asked her, she chuckled looking down at her feet in her Tom’s.
“West Virginia.” She answered. He nodded his head. 
“Alright, how does a girl from West Virginia get in a place like this?” He teased, she smirked, she messed with the coils at the back of her neck. 
“My parents.” She says. 
“Were they lawyer’s too?” He wondered, she shook her head. “Mom was a doctor, Dad was an auto mechanic.” She tells him 
“Yeah really broke the mold on that one.” She remark’s, he inhaled the joint. Coughing holding his chest as he handed it back to her. 
“What about you, pretty boy? Where are you from?” JJ asked him, he smirked. 
“Florida.” He answered. She scoffed. “Not surprising.” She tells him. He raised a brow. 
“What does that mean?” He wonder’s, she shrugged. “You seem like the kind of person who lived in ‘Happier State’.” She states. He smirked, his cheek’s growing warm. 
“Right there.” She point’s, his smirk turned into a grin at teasing.
“What?” He ask’s between his laughs. 
“That..that..your million dollar smile, like how do you do that?” She wonder’s, her lips parted trying to stop her smile. 
“The world has ended, and you still are smiling like everything is good.” She admits. 
He shrugged. “I don't know..I just always smile.” Mickey guessed, she shook her head. 
“They may have taken our sound..but they can't take away our smile’s.” He state’s, he chuckled lightly. 
The soft glow from the barrel fire illuminated an orange hue on his face, his teeth practically shining in the light. Her lip’s formed a soft smile as she gazed on him, on his face she could see smile lines at the edge of his lip’s. 
She looked down. “You're kind of right on that one.” She mumbled, she inhaled on the joint again letting out the same cough.
She leaned over the car seat to him, giving him the joint. She shivered, bringing her arm’s closer to herself. It was March outside, the cool would creep down on some night’s from the shaft above that gave access to the soundproof basement. 
She gasps from surprise at the sudden feeling of someone hand on her skin, goosebumps flooding her arm’s as warm cloth wrapped around her. On both of her shoulders, a navy blue zipper jacket laid unzipped. She glanced at him, he smiled softly.
“Thank you.” She whispers while signing to him. He moved hand back and forward, and away from his chest. Jasmine smirked impressively at the man.  Your Welcome
“Your signing is better.” She commented, he looked away as his face no doubt became redder at her complimenting. He looked down at the joint in his hand. 
“Are you even feeling anything from this thing?” He wondered, looking at her brown eyes, she looked down at herself. She shook her head.
“80’s weed sucks.” He remarked, he tossed it into the fire. 
The both of them leaned back in the car seat, the soft sound of the fire cracking blending with music that slowly played from a radio beside her feet. She closed her eye’s, she fought against the tiredness in her body desperately, she couldn't sleep, she needed to take watch. 
“Fuck.” She mumbles, rubbing her eye’s. He glanced at her, the warm light bringing out her dark features. “What?” He whispered. 
She shook her head.  “I'm trying not to sleep.” JJ admits her voice is quiet.
“Why?” He whispered, she looked over at him. Her dark brown eyes soften.
“I’m supposed to be on watch, remember to protect you.” She tells him, he sits up. 
“You can sleep, I’ll take the first watch.”Mickey reasure’s her, she shook her head.
“No, you're my responsibility.” JJ state’s, his heart skipped a beat at her determination. 
He shook his head. “Well you can't protect me if you are tired.” Mickey chuckled, she shook her head no again. 
“I'll be fine.” She reassured him, stubborn. She stands up to her feet, walking past him. “Jasmine.”
He says, his calloused hand reaching out grabbing her wrist. Her stomach went wild at the warm contact from his hand, his touch gentle as he looked up at her. 
"Sorry.” He apologized, her breath hitched in her throat as she looked at him.
“You've done enough..just sleep.” He says to her in a whisper. Her heart began to race as he pleaded with her, his soft brown eyes practically beginning to concede. She pant’s nodding her head. 
“Okay.” She says. She grabs at the jacket around her shoulder, handing it to him.
“No, you take it for tonight.” He assured her. She smiled softly. 
“Um..good night then.”JJ say’s to him, tripping on her word’s. She walks away slipping her arm’s through the hole’s of the dark clothing item. She lays on her cot that is laid across from his, she brings her nose to the navy fabric of the jacket.  
Deeply inhaling the scent, she could smell hints of the earthy and bit’s of what she thought was apple, she smirked against the cloth as she nuzzled herself into her sleeping bag. Her mind raced with many thoughts.
SHE STUCK her arm out bored as she walked along the dock. The last two days she had been playing guard to him as he fixed the coast guard boat. She was also doing the most she could to not share the same room with him for as much as she could.
She had been wrestling with herself over the obvious crush that was forming. She knew exactly why she was growing feelings so fast and she hated it. The world had ended and she had been starved of human contact for so long, and clearly anyone who was as lonely as she was would enjoy the company of someone happy like him. 
She spun on her heels, walking back. She twisted her wrist with a knife. The boat rocked back and forth as he walked out of the cabin. He leaned over, lightly tapping the wood making her turn around to face him. 
“What’s up?” She sign’s, he smirked, glancing back into the captain’s cabin. She raised a brow at his grin. He was always smiling. This time was different.
“Is it done?” She asks him. 
He nodded his head. She put her knife back into her sheath, she excitedly walked back to him, being mindful of the noise her feet would make if she jumped onto the boat. She reached out her hand for him to help. 
He guided her onto the docked boat. She gasped as her foot slip’s off the edge, almost touching the water. She sighed in relief, thankful he had a hold of her arm’s. She glanced up at him, quickly looking away as the heat rushed to her face. 
He led her inside. “It should work.” He signed slowly, she nodded impressed.
He reached out to touch the ignition key, her eyes widened as she gripped his hand tight. He whipped his head around, confused at her action. 
“Too Loud!” JJ signs, his lips parted nodding his head. “Sorry.” He says she released her grip on him. 
“Tomorrow.” She promises him.
“We leave tomorrow.” She swears, he nods his head. 
“Let’s get out of here.” JJ signs, he furrows his brow again. He watched her leave, picking up her backpack as she pulled herself back up onto the dock, he smirked to himself. 
They quietly walked next to each other, looking around at the desolate San Diego. She looked down sadly passing by shop’s that were overgrown with vines and leaves. She had moved to the city when she was fourteen, she hated her parents for it. 
She couldn't stand the crowdedness of the inner city, and she hated how close they were to the ocean. Did Not help people made fun of her for being from the south, and how she looked. She guessed the joke’s on them now since she is still alive. 
He tap’s her shoulder. “You okay?” Mickey asked her, she nodded her head. 
“Just thinking.” She signed slowly, gesturing to her head.  “About?” He ask’s her, she shrugged. 
She grabs the whiteboard from her bag, writing with the expo quickly. “How everything is gonna change soon.” She writes. 
He took the whiteboard from her. “Where are we going?” Mickey wonder’s. She bit her lip at the use of we, sighed, taking it back from him. 
“There is an island, rumored to be filled with survivors, about five mile’s south of the marina.”  She wrote in bold, his brows furrowed at her explanation. 
“Is it true?” He write’s, she shrugs, taking it back from him. “I don't know.” She admitted. 
“We are gonna find out right?” JJ asks him, her question mark on the end big for him. He smiled warmly at the use of we. “Yes.” He signed to her. 
SHE DUG THROUGH her bag, rolling her eye’s frustrated, they had finished off the final can of spaghettios she had. He looked up from his book over at her, his brow rose. He sit’s up placing his book on his knee. She grunted frustrated, as he kept digging.
“What are you doing?” He ask’s her, she looks over her shoulder at him. She sat on the dirty floor showing her backpack.
“I'm looking for something i was saving for a rainy day.” JJ tell’s him.
“You have better weed in there?” Mickey teased, she rolled her eyes playfully.
“No pretty boy, I have alcohol in it.” She says bluntly, his eyes widened at her snark.
“I was saving it for when I.” She stops mid-sentence, she pat’s her leg. “When I got out of here.” She stammered, he nodded his head.
She looked at her plastic container on the ground, she could see the orange lid covering the top of the brown liquid. She smirked.
“Found it.” She whispered. She ripped out a bottle of whiskey, the labeled ripped half way that he couldn't tell what brand it was.
“I thought you were kidding.” He laughed at her, she shook her head.
“No, I've been saving this bad boy for two month’s.” She says excitedly.
“Bad news is we have to share it, so don't expect guests.” JJ tell’s him. She grunt twisted the cap breaking the seal of the liquor. She leaned her head back as the ripe fruity taste went down her throat.
She scrunched her nose up. She pulled the dark green button down closer as she walked over to him, sitting on the opposite side of the car seat, handing the drink bottle over to him.
The radio softly played the mixtape she had found. Occasionally a voice would play from the tape, saying who requested what song and why it's there.
“Ill take my chances.” He tell’s her, he leaned his head back taking a swig of the fruity drink. His nose scrunched up closing his eyes. “Wow.” He say’s.
“How old is this?” He ask’s her, she shrugged taking it from him. “How far into the apoulpse are we?” JJ ask’s him.
“Two years.” He guessed, she smirked. “Two years old.” She remarks, she laughs as she takes another drink.
She gagged, holding her mouth. “You know what, don't know why I thought this was a good idea.” She grumbled, handing the drink back to him.
“So Fanboy.” She speaks up, drawing out his callsign. He perked up
“Enlighten me, how did you get a name like that?” She ask’s, he rubs the back of neck licking his lips.
“Thought you would have figured it out?” He says, she shakes her head, running her fingers through her curly hair.
“I'm not that smart.” She admits.
“Bullshit!” He exclaimed with a laugh. Her face grew red at his compliment. “Sorry.” He apologized to her.
“I kind of have a tendency to get loud.” He explains, she raised a brow.
“Like I'm the one who gets everyone hyped up.” He tells her, she smiled nodding her head.
“That makes sense, I mean you can't even talk up there, and you say so much.” She say’s to him, she furrowed her brow. “Hope that makes sense.” JJ mumbled.
“It did.” He says. He leaned his back again taking a swig of the alcohol. He groaned holding his mouth. Jasmine laughs at him.
“What about you?” He ask’s her, her heart skipped a beat. “What about me?” She wonder’s, he sits up handing it over to her.
“What were like before this all started?” Mickey wondered, she shook her head.
“I was quiet, I never really went out, I only hung out with some friends.” Jasmine recall’s.
“Actually, funny enough my favorite people to hang out with were my parent’s.” She chuckled warmly, biting her lip.
“My dad was always good with people and my mom, she was funny.” She recall’s.
“Aren't all mom’s?” He wonder’s. She shook her head.
“I guess but they weren't my mom.” She says to him, she looks down as her arm’s become cold. She sighs heavily.
“What about you? What were you like?” Jasmine wonder’s, she takes the drink from him, taking a swig from the alcohol.
“How was your family?” She asks him. He laughed and leaned back against the car seat. The Radio playing a soft rock song filling the air.
“Honestly..I wish I was able to stop, like there were point’s everyone told me to shut up.” Mickey admit’s. He sighed, his eyes looking down at the cold concrete.
“But I didn't used to be that way.” Mickey says to her, she listens intently at his confession.
“Believe it or not, I wasn't everyone’s favorite person in middle school.” He recall’s.
Her eyes widened at him. “No way.” She says, he nodded.
“Yeah I was either too loud or too quiet, it really messed me up.” He says to her. She looked down sadly.
“And girl’s didn't want to go to the dance with the boy who rode the bench all year.” He recalled.
“My a’ma though, you would have liked, she was always good with people, and making them happy.” He smiled softly. Her lips began to form a smirk at seeing him, a glint of a tear in the corner of his dark brown eyes.
“She had this crazy horse laugh, and she was so tough but she always meant well.” His voice broke at the end, his breath shook as he leaned over taking the alcohol from her. His face mute as he took a swig from it.
“You know what fucking suck’s about this world now?” His voice grim, she looked down at her finger’s as cold wash over her body. He shook his head as his lip’s formed a thin line.
“I have never felt so alone in my entire life.” He admitted, turning his head to face her.
“This world is so goddamn lonely… it’s suffocating.” His breath shook at his last word’s.
She hadn't thought about it. How it must have been for someone like him, to go from having everyone to having no one. Living in a world where you once thrived off social interaction and now all that’s left is living to die.
The radio scratched over as a voice began on the other end.
“This next song Slider suggested, who knew he was the romantic type?” A male voice teased, static on the radio play as grunt is heard on the other end.
“Shut up Hollywood.” Another voice scolded me.
“I'm just saying you have taste, don't be so harsh.” The man proclaimed. A soft piano began to play as the voice on the other end faded out. A soft old motown song she recognised from the moment she heard it. Bring It On Home To Me.
Jasmine look’s to the man on her left. His smile was gone as he stared down the bottle in his hand. She sighed, getting to her feet.
“Dance with me.” She says to him, her voice clear. He looked up at her, his brow’s furrowed.
“What?” he asked, confused. She took a deep breath. “I'm giving you what middle school you didn't get.” She says to him, extending her hand.
“Now get your ass up.” Jasmine teased him. He sighed in defeat, extending his hand, she pulled him up from his spot. He sat the bottle down.
She smirked, placing her hands behind his neck. His hand’s practically engulfed both sides of her waist, her heart raced in her ear’s as the blood rushed to her face at his actions. The both of them began to sway gently to the music.
it didn't seem like danger was near. It was just the both of them,that what only mattered was this moment with the two of them. The heat of the barrel fire illuminated their shadow’s onto the factory pillar’s. The figure’s on the wall are copying their slow movement’s.
“So this is what I missed out on huh?” He teased in her ear, vibrating against her skin. She scoffed softly.
“More or less.” She whisper’s.
He removed one of her hand’s from his neck, taking it his own. Leading their dance away from her control. She could swear her heart almost stopped.
“Alright Swayze, you got move’s.” Jasmine teases him softly. She chuckled, the feeling of his finger’s laced with her own sent shockwaves through her. Smile peaking through, radiating with a sense of peace.
“Oh I've got a lot move’s, baby.” He flirted, she bit her lip shaking her head. He took their tangled hand, spinning her around. A laugh left her as she twirled back to him.
“You are so lying about not going to a dance.” Jasmine say’s between her laugh’s. He shook his head.
“I didn't say I stopped dancing.” He point’s out, their chest touching as the song slowly began to end. Their brown eyes locked, Her breath hitched in her throat as goosebumps flooded her body.
His eyes glanced at her lip, his gaze so soft it made her stomach flutter. His hot breath peppered her face as the gap between them started to diminish. She panted as she slowly pulled away.
“Should be sleeping.” She whispered to him, clearing her throat. The heat rushed to her face as she rubbed the back of her neck. His black brow’s furrowed, puzzled.
“Long boat ride tomorrow.” She chuckled weakly.
“Yeah.uh, I should get to it.” Mickey say’s, copying the same false laughter as her. She picked up the bottle from the ground, putting it back in her crate.
You are such a coward, she scolded herself. She shook her head as she put away stray objects, and grabbed her knife from her holster. She changed her clothes in the corner she deemed her makeshift closet with her clothe;s hung to dry. She slipped her black shirt over her head, pulling her adida’s sweatpants that had been ripped at the knee.
Of course a guy who clearly wanted to kiss you, you didn't even kiss him. Her eye’s closed as she shook her head. She walked back to where both of their cot’s lay near one another, their sleeping bag’s unmade from the night before.
She sighed as it creaked with the weight of her body, she tucked herself into a sleeping bag, holding her arm’s close to herself. Still wearing the jacket he gave her, basking in its sweet earthy smell. She closed her eyes as she tried to shut her brain off.
The sound of light scratched across the floor fill’s the dead air, the familiar creaking of the cot made her heart race in chest. Heat began to rise against her spine, the warmth made her shiver. She turned her body over, her brown eye’s fluttering open.
They stared at each, neither daring to state the obvious between the both of them. His hand caressed her bare arm slowly trapsing to her face.
Her heart dropped as she finally leaned in, closing the gap between them. His hand gently held the side of her face as their lips moved with one another.
Jasmine inhales deeply as her fingers toy with small hair she could feel. His hands began to wonder at her body .
She ran her fingers to the hair tie that held back his curls. His hands gripped both sides of her hip's, pulling closer to him.
She finally pulled away, panting as she tried to catch her breath leaning her forehead against his. She could feel him smiling.
Jasmine looked him in his eyes, his hot breath peppering on her face. She unzips her sleeping bag, crawling over to him.
His hand holding her as her legs staddled his waist, he sits up the cot creaking with their weight shift. She inhaled deeply as she continuing to kiss him, their body's rocking with each other.
Jasmine's hand snagged the tie in his hair pulling it out with on hand. Running her fingers through his dark curls, gently pulling at them.
His hot breath grazed her as his lips began attacking her neck. She gasped closing her eyes as he held her with both his hands.
Her fingers ran down his back down to the hem of his grey t shirt, trying pull it over his head, he pulled back for a moment removing it for her. She contained her shock at his shirtless appearance.
She had seen him without it before, only she tried to be respectful as she was trying to patch up his wound. She caressed his face as she brought lips back to his.
Her heart raced in her chest. She bit her lip stifling a moan he worked down her neck, sucking on the loose skin of neck, for sure leaving a hickey.
His hand snuck under her shirt, his touch sending shockwaves through her. She pulled back, quickly as she could pulling her shirt over her head, leaving her in a purple brallete.
He looked her up and down. His brows furrowed as he looked at a dark pink fragment on her side. An almost perfect bullet. She panted glancing down seeing where is eyes were looking.
"How..did? He whispered, she shook her head. "it doesn't hurt." She reasures him.
His thumb grazed across the scar. "Are you sure..I don't wanna do if you-" She cuts him off by bringing her lips to his.
Quickly pulling back. "I'm okay." She says, him. His brown eyes are dark with a glint of danger.
"Just don't stop." She orders him with a mischievous smirk. With the go ahead he followed her commend. The fire still illuminated their shadows.
THE SUN gleaned down at the entwined couple. He held her from behind with his arm draped across her waist, his grip had been iron tight before he fell asleep. She had been awakened before he was, her mind racing with the night’s event and what was happening today. She sighed.
She moved her hand to remove his from her waist, trying to roll to her own cot. He mumbled into his pillow, she pulled his arm off her again as she tried to get away again. His grip tightened as he pulled her back to him.
“Five more minutes.” He mumbled. She shook her head, her finger’s grazing him. “The Sun is out.” Jasmine whisper’s to him.
“So?” He asked, his voice vibrating her shoulder. She bit her lip.
“We are gonna lose daylight, and that's not good.” Jasmine say’s, he grumbled some word’s into her shoulder.
“Why do we have to leave now? Can't we just stay here?” Mickey wonder’s, his voice deepened from sleep. She sighed sadly. “Not if you're being hunted, remember.” She says.
He sighed defeated. “It's a nice thought though, but this isn't a home.” She reminds him.
“Make it one then.” He suggests, she shook her head, she took his hand in her own, kissing his knuckles. “You are kind of cute like this.” She comment’s.
“Kind of? What is that supposed to mean?” He teased, his hand snagged the end of her hips, she flinched from the tickling of his fingers across her bare skin.
“Stop please.” She begged between her laughs.
“Mick, I'm serious.” She playfully elbowed his chest. He groaned. “Fine.” He whispered in her ear, she grinned as he kissed her shoulder.
The weight of the cot shifted as he got up, she could hear him shuffling around, the sound of his clothes being pulled over him. Jasmine brought her nose to his pillow, inhaling his scent as much as she could from the cloth. Her skin felt like it was buzzing from the nights event’s, she had gone a while without the comfort of another human it was like she was awakened.
She sits up, shuffling around for her bra and underwear. She pulled her henley over her t-shirt, her black sweatpants slid up over her legs. She looked over to her makeshift table, he stood over the wooden table, his shoulders tense as stood looking down.
She stood up, holding her arm close to herself as she strided over to him. “Are you making breakfast this time?” She ask’s him, he didnt respond.
Her brow’s furrowed. “Mick?” She speak’s up, chuckling. He didnt speak up, simply sighing deeply.
“Mickey?” She ask’s, he turns around leaning against the table. His face stone cold as he stared her down, his brown eye’s dark in anger.
“You lied to me.” He spoke, his voice flat. Her heart dropped at the venom in his words. He holds up a single piece of paper, in the middle was a hand drawn image of herself with the word’s underneath. Wanted Dead or Alive, Murder.
Her heart sank to her stomach. His breath shook as he lowered his hand, his jaw tensed.
“Mick, I can explain.” She stammered, he shook his head.
“Who did you kill?” He demanded, she lifted her hand’s up. “I.I didn't kill anyone.” She stuttered.
“Then why does it say that? Why is your face on a wanted poster?” He asked, his voice angry. She shook her head. “Have you been lying to me this whole time, who is looking for you?” He ask’s.
“My ex-fiance!” She exclaimed, his mouth parted agape at her answer. She crossed her arms as her body grew hot.
“The leader of the bandit’s.” She tells him.
“What?” He whispered confusedly, she nodded her head. “Yeah…and the person I ‘killed’ ..he was the one who did it.” She confessed.
“So yes, I am a liar.” Her voice was flat with anger.
“Sorry to disappoint you, pretty boy.” She smeared. She turned around to walk away.
“Wait!” He says, she stopped at the sound of his voice breaking.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered to her.
“Tell me everything.” He says, she turned around facing him. His face had softened as he gazed at her.
“Please.” He pleads with her, she sighed as her arm’s tightened. They both walk over to the car seat that serves as a couch. She sat opposite side of him, her breath shake as she runs her fingers through her hair.
“A few months ago my parents and I found this group of survior’s lead by a preacher.” Jasmine starts off, she leaned back against the seat.
“And it was fine, we all lived in this nice community of people, we were happy.” She recall’s.
His brows knitted as he listened to her. “Until the man leading it began to say that the alien’s were sent from God, and that we failed him.”
“My Fiance, before this world he was someone who was easy to anger, and he proposed the idea of appeasing them.” Jasmine admits, his brows furrowed.
“Appeasing.” He say’s.
“You mean sacrificing?” He corrected, and she nodded her head. His heart skipped a beat as his blood ran cold.
“I thought he was just saying it because he was terrified, saying what he thought would be right.” She tells him, her chest heaved as her heart dropped.
“The leader of the group refused, and the next day, Ronan found him hanging in the courtyard.” She tells him.
“Did he do it?” Mickey ask’s, she shakes her head.
“Honestly I don't know.” her voice shook.
“Ronan became the leader, and he started making good people do terrible things, corrupting them and twisting their mind’s.” She says, her brown eyes grim.
“They started to round up survivors, some they would take and auction off, people would become a part of the killer’s, some entertainer’s.” She tells him, she licked her lips, wiping her face.
“Other’s they would take out and leave for bait, drag them out to the river, and force them to scream so the monster’s would hear them.” She sighed, he blinked in disbelief.
He was counting himself lucky he never met them before she saved him. What they would have done to him if they found him.
“That's awful.” He says, shaking his head. She wiped away a tear. “I wanted to leave, and so did my parent’s.”
“And I didn't fully agree with the idea of leaving until he…auctioned off a child to become a sacrifice.” Her voice broke, his fingers laced with her as he held it in comfort. She gulped as she counted on.
“My parents rounded up a group of survivors, and we left in the middle of the night heading for the marina. My mom had heard talk of an island run by a naval man.” She recounted.
“Right when we got to the water, Ronan and his cronies found us, he forced my father and I on our knees.” She looked up at the dirty ceiling, the sunlight reflecting the tears that were starting to fall.
“He forced my mother to choose between us, if she chose my father then I would be forced to stay with Ronan and be compliant with everything he asked of me.” She bit her lip, making it bleed. The copper tasted filling her mouth.
“Or choose me, and my dad would be auctioned off, mostly likely as a sacrifice.” Her heart pounded as a lump formed in her throat.
“And my mom she was always so selfless.” She recall’s, the past tense of her word’s made chill’s run down his spine.
“She turned around and told everyone to run before she..” Her voice broke again as tear’s stained her brown cheek’s. She licked the blood away from her lips.
“Before she screamed.” Mickey’s jaw dropped agape. She covered her mouth as she held back the tears that flooded her.
“That’s not even the worst part.” She croaked.
“Me and another girl, we were running together away from him, and he shot her with an arrow right through the heart.” Jasmine’s pant’s as her mind flashed with image’s.
“He shot me too, but I got away after I made a noise.” She wiped her eye’s again, the tear’s didnt stop. “So they aren't hunting you Mickey.” His name rolled off her tongue.
She turned to face him. “They are hunting me.” She admits.
His arms wrapped around her bringing her into a tight embrace. His finger’s held the back of her curl’s as another arm held her shoulders. His body radiated with warmth as he whispered soothingly into her ear. The tears fell from her face dying his shirt.
“I’m so sorry.” His voice says softly in her ear. She sniffled, Ronan had not shown her that comfort in so long, she had forgotten what it was like for someone to care about her.
“That's why you need to leave.” She whispers to him. His brows knitted in confusion. “What?” He pulled away holding her shoulders.
“You should leave me, take the boat, leave me to deal with Ronan.” She state’s, he shook his head.
“Not happening.” He declares.
“You stay with me, you will die, and I can't let another person die because of me.” She stated, he shook his head.
“Jasmine I'm not leaving you.” He says to her, he is filled with determination.
“I made a promise to you, I will get you out of here.” He stated.
“I swear on my life.” Mickey start’s.
His hands running down to arms.” Nothing or nobody will fucking lay their hand’s on you.” He promised her, her lips parted as she embraced him once more. Both holding each other as the morning sun shone.
THE BOTH OF THEM WALKED next to each other, their backpacks filled with everything they could carry. She carried most of her own thing’s to make it easy on him. He writes on the whiteboard hold it up to her.
“How was it?” It read, she furrowed her brow’s in confusion. “What?” She asked.
He smirked, writing down more. “What we did last night.” he wrote, her face grew red.
“The sex?” Jasmine asked him, he nodded his head. She rolled her eyes at his question.
“That’s really what crossed your mind?” She jokingly asks him. His brows furrowed
He write’s again. “Good or bad?” He wondered, she shook her head. She takes it from him. “You're a dork.” She write’s. He smiled, taking it from her.
“It was that good then.” He Jokes, she rubbed her face. She fought the smirk on her lips. She was almost thankful he found her wanted poster, the weight on her body was gone and she didn't feel like she had to hide again.
She took it from him. “Dork.” She wrote in bold letters, his face grew red as he took it from her.
Before heading to the boat they needed supplies from a boat shop right by the marina, only a swim from their boat. She wasn't sure how much gas was in the boat. She knew it would take a good amount of gas to get to the island.
Her feet scraped to a stop, the water rocked softly against the concrete. Jasmine turned to look at him, taking the whiteboard again.
“Look for anything that we can use.” She orders him, he nods his head.
“What about you?” He signs, she smirks in approval at his signing.
“Find what I can.” She says to him, he nod’s walking inside. She walked on the other side of the garage letting her hand traipse across.
He grabbed a bottle of lighter fluid, tucking it away into his bag. Items left behind were still on the shelves. He guessed that people didn't really care about supply’s in the apocalypse, he hoped that he could find a type of radio to play music for her again. Seeing it was something made her happy, he liked seeing her smile at least.
A creaking sound pulled him out of his thought’s, he looked around him, his finger’s grazing over the leather of his knife holster. He slowly walked into the store, the hair’s on his neck raising as light footsteps patterned around him. Didn't sound heavy enough to be Jasmine.
He unsheathed his knife, looking down at the concrete, the shadow of someone casting through the isle’s. He pant’s as rounded the corner ready to face someone. His brown eyes drifted down to a smaller teen, their face hidden behind their long hair. Holding their knee’s close to their chest as they rock back and forth.
Mickey’s brow furrowed in confusion. They whispered to themselves continuing to rock. He couldn't ask if they were hurt, he sat his knife back in his holster. Bending down to their level.
“Hey, it's okay.” He whispers softly, they didn't look up. He put his hand on their shoulders to comfort them. “Are you hurt? He wonder’s.
Their blue eyes meet his, a smirk paint’s their face. He gasped for air as something around his throat restricts his breathing. He clawed at his neck as a tight scratch object tightened more and more forcing him up.
Jasmine’s ears perked up at quiet choking noise. She bend’s down hiding behind an aisle, seeing silhouettes casting above onto the metallic ceiling, the choking growing closer to her. She rolled onto her knees, sliding across the floor.
Hiding against a rack of scent tree’s, she peaked her head around the corner. Her heart stopped as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. His neck wrapped with a rope, being held back by three men, another circling him like a lion to its food.
He grunted against the rope. Jasmine turned around, holding her heart as it raced in fear. She looked around her fearfully. Mickey panted as his brown eyes widened fearfully, the three men’s mouth’s covered by bandana’s hiding their identities.
“Where is she?” Red Bandana asked him, he could only understand the last half. He shook his head pretending to be confused. He could see the fabric move from a smirk underneath.
“Ronan isn't gonna be happy, you and his wife.” Red tell’s him, he grunted in anger at the last word. She wasn't anyone's, not even his.
“What do you fella’s say we do?” He asks the three men, they look at their hostage and their mock leader.
“Kill? Or take it to the boss.” He asks them.
“He laid with his woman, he won't take that.” Blue banana sign’s. He towered over most of them, holding the rope tightly with one. Yellow bandana raised his hands.
“What use is he then?” He wonder’s. Red bandana shrugged in response. “Fucking nothing, we kill him, find the wife.” He order’s.
“How?” Blue wonder’s, red look’s to the water behind them, he gestured with his hands around the post. He nod’s as he pulls the black haired man to the ground, Mickey grunted as he fought against the tightrope that drug him to the water.
Blue wrapped the rope around a post. He picked up the former pilot by his shirt collar. He smeared at his helplessness. Mickey grunt’s as he leaned his head back colliding it with the head of the man who held him back. Blue stumbled back holding his nose as crimson flowed from it.
A bottle rolling on the ground catche’s their attention. Yellow furrowed his brow, walking over picking up the bottle examining it. A Hiland milk bottle, the white liquid beginning to fizz up in his hand, furrowed his brow.
It pop’s for a moment, it combusts in his hand with a boom sending him back, yelling in agony as his skin burns, his crie’s cutting with an inhumane cry that filled the once dead air. Blue bandana stumble’s back holding his eye in pain, in his blind stumbling he colluded with the tied up man, he yelped as he fell back into the cold water.
He grunted as he flayed his arm’s in the water, he choked as his lung’s ached for air. The sound’s above are muffled from the water. He panicked, kicking against the water, his chest aching as he fought desperately to kick to the surface. Pain shot through his entire body as the rope dug deeper into throat, he jolted as the strength began to leave him, slowly the sunlight that reflected on him disappeared as the world turned black.
MUFFLED GRUNTING fills the air, he could feel a pressure on his chest, plea’s from a person. His eye’s shot open as he coughed up water, gasping for air. He coughed water as the world around him began to form. Metal that rocked softly back and forth.
“Your okay, your okay breath.” A voice soothed him, she sat him up. Her curly hair soaked with water, her henley clung close to her body. She glanced back and forth between him and the cabin of the boat.
“Don’t move, I'm getting you out of here.” Jasmine order’s him, she grunt’s holding her side as she stumbles to stand up.
“Are you hurt?” he whisper’s weakly, she groans in response walking back into the cabin. JJ grunt’s as she fumbled with the gear’s of the boat, putting it reverse. Holding her side as she got herself out of the bay as fast as she could, she grunted as she turned hard.
The wind whipped against the boat as she got further away from the city. She looked at the mirror seeing him leaning back against the seat. He coughed as he looked up at the sky that raced away. He held his side trying to catch his breath.
“Come on, Come on.” She mutters under her breath. The city began to fade from her view, she sighed thankful. She removed her hand from her side looking down at her hand’s, her fingers covered in blood, she grunt’s placing her hand back.
The boat began to sputter. Her brown eyes widened in annoyance. “No, No no please no.” She begged for the machine. It groaned and sputtered coming to a stop, Jasmine exclaimed, hitting the wheel.
She limped out of the captain cabin, she slid next to him. She groans holding her side as she let out a sigh of relief.
“What happened?” He ask’s her, and she blinked slowly. She looked over at him, her chin cut up with blood leaking.
“They tied you up, I made a bomb.” She recall’s, his brow’s furrowed. “You made a bomb?” Mickey asked her, and she nodded her head.
“I took AP Chem for fun, it came in handy now.” She chuckled weakly. He shook his head, pounding from the impact of falling in the water. “Are you okay?” He ask’s her.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” She assure’s him, with her free hand she laced her fingers with his. Leaning on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.” she whisper’s.
“I didn't know they were watching us, we should have filled up yesterday.” Jasmine says to him, he shook his head. “You didn't know, it's okay.” He tells her.
“No it's not because we are now stranded.” She points out, gesturing to the boat. “Better than dead.” He reminds her, she scoffed.
“Well you were technically dead.” Jasmine tell’s him, his heart dropped at her words. “What?! I was dead?!” He exclaimed.
“You were under the water for a whole minute.” She tells him. His mouth parted agape, he couldn't recall much after he passed out in the water.
“The alien’s took two of them out, and tried to get me when I was getting you.” She explains, he looks over to her side, her hand held tightly on her side. Bit’s of crimson shining off of her hand.
“Did they hurt you?” Mickey asked in concern, she shook her head. “Its a flesh wound.” She grit’s, he shakes his head.
“You're bleeding, you're not okay.” He says to her, she shakes her head again. “I've been through worse.” She assure’s him.
“We..we shouldn't be far from the island, I think.” She mutter’s, she shuts her eyes as she slowly sits up straighter. “We can fire a.” She sway’s,
“Jasmine.” He says in concern, she lets go of his hand, standing up slowly. Holding her side tightly. “I'm fine.” She lie’s.
He stands up watching her, she grunt’s limping into the captain’s cabin. Pulling out a white first aid box, removing an orange gun.
“Fire the flare gun.” She mumbled, her eye’s rolling in her head as she swayed around. He quickly got to her side, catching her as she fell over. Gently laying her on the chair, he takes the gun from her hand.
“Jasmine you got to stay awake, okay, eyes on me.” He soothed her, her eyes opened and closed, struggling to keep up. “It’s okay.” She whisper’s.
He grabbed the first aid kit, pulling out gauze and wraps. He lifted up the hem of shirt, ripping off the cover. A long straight gash the size of his middle finger, blood leaking down staining her jeans. He holds the cotton to her wound, holding it tightly.
He takes her hand putting on her own wound. “Hold that there.” He says to her.
“Okay, how did you know that bomb was gonna work?” Mickey asked her, she leaned her head back, her eye’s on the verge of closing. “Hey!” He speaks up, his voice clearer.
“How did you make that bomb?” He wonder’s, she grunt’s. “It was milk and chlorine.” She answers. He chuckled.
“You just carry that on you?” He ask’s, she shrugged.
“Doesn't every girl.” She laughs weakly. He grabs the medical tape, ripping it off with his teeth. Placing it around each square of the bandage. She groaned, gritting her teeth in pain, he looked her up and down. She panted, closing her eye’s.
“Hey, don't do that.” He soothed, lightly patting her face. She shook her head, he smiled softly at her. “You don't get to die on me not now.” He declared, she smirked faintly.
“Didn't plan on it fanboy.” She tells him, he nodded his head. She squinted her eye’s looking out at the water. He turned to see what she was looking at, a faint shadow in the distance, the silhouette of what seemed like two people.
He grabbed the flare gun from her side, taking three of the flares placing one in his pocket.
“I’ll be right back, keep pressure on that.” He ordered her, he brought his lip’s to her forehead. He stood up walking back outside. He aimed the orange weapon up at the sky.
As he pulled the trigger it popped as the flare launched high in the sky, illuminating the midday overcast. His brown eye’s fall to the shadow in the distance, two bright light’s flash in his direction. He smirks. He turned around, getting to her side holding her hand as the shadow slowly got closer to the two survivors.
NO PRESSURE Tagged: @cowboysandpilots @bobfloydssunnies @sugarcoated-lame @sorchathered @fairyheart @swiftsgirlfriend @nouis-bum @senawashere @cottagecori @sebsxphia
27 notes · View notes
accirax · 4 months
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 9)
Time to shoot my shot at nailing a perfect score for the next elimination. Something tells me that the power rankings game is about to change, though...
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings ( 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ), the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Tess' Elimination
Current Point Total: 34 acquired/53 total
Um. Oops.
Needless to say, Tess wasn't the only one blindsided this episode. I guess putting Tess in the direct middle point of my rankings wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things, but I'm pretty sure it is my worst call of the season thus far. I had the right idea about Gabby being able to somehow eliminate one of the Cyan heroes, even if the "advantage" I was picturing was entirely different from the team-combining that wound up happening. Thanks a lot for throwing that one on me out of nowhere, Kristal.
Like I said in my initial thoughts, I do sort of wish that Aiden would have been the one to go home instead of Tess. However, I also feel like some opinions I've seen around have been... overestimating the extent to which Tess was a good character this season, in my opinion. I do think Tess' portrayal in All Stars is probably superior to S2, just because her arc wasn't solely hinging on Hunter. However, her portrayal this season was getting a little boring, at least to me. She was kind, patient, a good friend, super strong, great at claw games... what are her flaws supposed to be, again?
It was definitely supposed to be her indecisive nature; she needed to choose whether she should stick with her friends or do what's best for her game. Then again, that decision was kind of made for her by Ellie acting more villainously, such that Tess never needed to make a judgment call. (She got to stand by her friends and do what was better for her game.) I was starting to worry that she would just coast to the finale as a very likeable yet fairly bland hero-- sort of like what the show makes fun of S2 Aiden for being, but at least he wasn't solely solving others' problems as he went.
I don't want to make this sound like I'm some huge Tess anti. I like Tess! I'm sad she had to go! I found her indecision and commitment to kindness relatable, and I enjoyed her interactions with Ally and Ellie especially. I just don't fully understand all of the people bemoaning the fact that the DC writers sent some phenomenal, lynchpin character home ahead of her time when I think she served her purpose as a mid-game exit nicely. Even if you disagree, I hope you can respect me sharing my thoughts.
Trailer Analysis
Here's the big one out of the way-- it's finally the merge! Between the shared tent and everyone being present at tribal, there's really no way to argue around that. Finally, I don't have to try to anticipate when the merge is going to happen to predict where characters might go. Of course, this opens up the new can of worms that is trying to predict how everyone will act now that they're at the same camp. I feel like it should be easier, but... we'll see...?
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Here's Gabby following after the villain's alliance. The fact that she's trailing behind them could imply that they aren't fully including Gabby in their proceedings, but... I genuinely don't know why they would do that? With 10 people at the merge, six votes is a majority, so it's super important for the villains to work with Gabby to have at least five in numbers. This is probably more that the former Yellow Team goes off to do something and Gabby follows behind them, making it obvious where her allegiances lie.
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Tom and Jake are having a chat... again. Now that these two are on the same team again, this is gonna happen a lot, isn't it?
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Looks like the merge color might be black, which makes sense as the K to their CMYK. Yul has some purple paint on his chin, which may be the result of Kristal demonstrating the paint gun on him. Or, the ammo might not be paint, but instead the blueberries we see throughout the trailer-- same point either way. Also, Ashley (and maybe Grett) is the only morning person. Tracks.
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The challenge is something involving paint guns, not sure what. We don't see any footage of people covered in paint, which possibly means that shooting other people isn't part of the challenge? Or, maybe they're just trying to hide who doesn't win immunity. I imagine that, whatever it is, Ashley will be pretty good at it. Ally too. All of the guns and gear are the same color, so it seems like there aren't any inherent teams, but it is a challenge in which allies seem to be working together to some capacity.
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Everyone at tribal! Very fun. Unlike Survivor, there's no immunity necklace, so we can't tell who may be immune at this vote. People are still sitting with their tribes, but I don't think that has any meaning beyond people sitting by those they're aligned with.
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"Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will have to leave for the Bus of Losers immediately!"
The dialogue is the standard thing that Kristal says before every vote reading, so nothing particularly special there. However, what I want to look at is who was shown reacting in the flashes before the votes are read. Can they give us hints as to who is in danger? Here's who was shown in every All Stars episode prior to this one:
(no votes)
Fiore + Hunter + Ashley/Jake
Gabby/Tom/Aiden + Tess/Lake/Ellie*
Riya/Grett/Alec + Miriam/Connor/Yul*
Ashley + Hunter/Ally + Fiore
Yul/Grett + Connor/Alec/Riya*
Fiore/Ally + Jake/Ashley*
Ellie + Tom + Gabby
Tess/Aiden/Tom + Riya/Yul/Alec/Grett + Gabby*
Okay, that wasn't actually as helpful as I thought, just because 5/8 rounds showed every person on the team, which guarantees 100% chance of showing the boot. Still, in the three cases that they didn't show everyone, 2/3 showed the boot, and 3/3 of them showed people who received votes. This could imply that some of Ally, Yul, Alec, and Jake could be major vote-getters, or the eliminated person, in the tribal council.
I hoped it would help me out more, because, with unofficial lines drawn between five heroes (Ashley, Ally, Jake, Tom, Aiden) and five villains (Alec, Riya, Yul, Grett, Gabby), I think this tribal could be fairly unpredictable. Will a villain ascend to heroism, or will a hero fall into villainy? Here are my thoughts.
Power Ranking
#1: Gabby
(I guess if the merge team's color is black, I just have to leave the name black.)
She finally did it! Gabby is #1 in my power rankings!!! What could be behind much a major shift in position?
Well, the merge, basically. Not from an edit position, though: this is a direct result of her swing-voting her way to safety. Gabby was the most recent addition to the decently tight villains alliance, so it stands to reason that, if the heroes are looking for a sixth to bring to their side, they would want to work with Gabby, not vote her out. Not to mention, the villains have no reason to target Gabby at the moment, because they desperately need her vote. Sounds like no votes will be cast in Gabby's name, eh?
As the cherry on top, Gabby was the merge boot in S1, and I would imagine that they wouldn't want to give her that exact same placement again. In my mind, there's basically no way that this episode will result in Gabby's elimination.
#2: Grett
My highest placed choices this time were chosen based on the logic, "which of the heroes would be the least likely for the villains to target, and which of the villains would be the least likely for the heroes to target?" Out of all the potential threats in the villains alliance, I see very little reason why the heroes would view Grett as the biggest.
While last challenge did prove that she is a baller, Grett isn't exactly known as being a huge challenge threat. (The one individual immunity she won in S1 was basically handed to her by Alec and Fiore.) She's not a strategic mastermind or leader, and most of the relationships she had coming out of S1 lean negative. The heroes would only target her to diminish the villains' numbers, but if you have the chance to diminish the villains' numbers, why wouldn't you target someone scarier?
Grett appears to still be in the middle of her character arc, and, at this point, I see her arc ending with Yul exiting the game before she does. That hasn't happened yet, so I imagine that Grett will be camping for a little while longer yet.
#3: Jake
Listen up, 'cause this next piece of reasoning is going to be important for the rest of my power rankings this week. I think that, if the villains are looking for a sixth vote to recruit, they're going to be looking to Jake as their most likely addition. Alec already manipulated Jake once this season to vote out James and save Fiore, so Jake would probably be at the forefront of Alec's mind when coming up with plans to eliminate heroes and save villains again. Jake is also... teetering on the edge of hero and villain this season, narratively speaking, so it would make sense if he had to face that music at some point.
Whether Jake flips on the heroes or not, if the villains want to work with him, he won't be their target. And, even if he isn't their object of recruitment, why Jake? The man is a hot mess! His mere presence causes conflict between the heroes, both on the Ashley/Ally end and the Tom/Aiden end. The villains should be trying to keep him around for as long as possible.
Despite my glowing(?) words, there is one way that I could see Jake going home. If Ally, Aiden, or whoever was so sick of Jake that they were willing to work with the villains just to take him out, the villains could exploit that and eliminate him on an "at least it's not me" basis. However, I don't think that would be the plan, because I don't think Ally or Aiden would really want to agree to it, and I don't think it makes much sense narratively. I don't think Jake will be eliminated. That's why he's #3.
#4: Alec
I believe that, if the heroes could somehow magically eliminate the villain of their choosing, Alec would be the smartest option for them to shoot for. He's their leader, and without them, the alliance might crumble (such as, if Yul and Riya start going for each other's throats again).
He's also proven to be pretty good at immunity challenges. Yes, he only actually won 1/5 individual immunity challenges in S1, which was the scorpions in the cave challenge. But, let's look at a breakdown of what actually happened. Alec had mastery of both the questions and cages challenge and the zombie apocalypse challenge, handing off the win to his teammates (Grett and Fiore) for strategic reasons. While it's not a guarantee, it's definitely possible he could have won the medals in the rain challenge if he didn't forfeit the win to Ellie. And, it took active sabotage on Ellie's part to prevent him from winning the final four paired challenge. Add all that together, and... there's a possibility that Alec could have won every individual immunity challenge based on pure skill if no strategy was involved. He's scary!
However, that's only what the heroes would do ideally. In reality, I have no idea how they would bring the votes together to land on Alec. I don't know if all five heroes could count on all five of their votes to coalesce on Alec, much less pulling in one of the villains, who all seem to respect him.
For these reasons, maybe I should have put Alec even higher up on the list. I don't think it would make much narrative sense for him to go home at this point, either. However, I do understand why people would want to attempt to vote him out, which I can't say for Gabby, Grett, or (for the most part) Jake. Thus, Alec lands in spot #4... just like in S1. Smh.
#5: Yul
Kind of similarly to Jake, I think that the main reason why Yul would be voted out would be if the heroes were able to convince the villains (Alec and Riya at least) to flip Yul because he's just that annoying. However, this would be an incredibly bold move to make when the heroes have very little information as to the inner workings of the former Yellow team. As far as they know, Yul and Grett are still a happy couple. I also see Alec willing to give up one of his numbers at this point even less than Ally or Ashley, so the whole plan seems unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely.
Anyways, Yul is still obviously involved in a plotline with Grett and the rest of Yellow, but that could be resolved in one episode at any point now, imo. I just think that's probably still coming a few episodes down the line, to break up the villains then instead of now. Yul should be thanking his lucky stars that Yellow never went to tribal again after voting out Connor. I guess he probably thinks that he is his own lucky star. Yul should be thanking himself. Yeah, that tracks with Yul's thought process.
#6: Riya
With Riya being placed here, I think you can pretty clearly tell that I think the villains are going to win this round, sending a hero home. I just think it makes more sense with my projected arc for the rest of the season. The villains will stick with their alliance and kick out a hero or two, but just when all hope seems lost for the heroes (for instance, when there are three of them left) the villains will turn on each other and start cannibalizing themselves. Therefore, at the end, we can have a mix of surviving heroes and villains for the finale. That's what makes most sense to me at this point, although I acknowledge that I'm not factoring in the status quo shakeup of a returning player. Mostly because I don't know when they're coming back. Oops.
Anyways, in the case that I'm wrong, I think Riya would be the most likely villain to be eliminated. This is mostly because of Aiden's vendetta against her. I'm not saying that Aiden would necessarily be the hero alliance's leader or anything, but in the case that no one else has any strong opinions on who to take out, we know that Aiden has a strong preference for taking out Riya. Tom would probably back him up, too.
Riya is in a weird spot narratively because what she has right now is, "friends with Alec, enemies with Aiden, friends and enemies with Yul." She clearly has some important relationships, but... she isn't really undergoing any kind of character development, as far as I can tell? Like, they aren't delving as deep into her character as they are with Gabby, Grett, Ally, etc. It's possible that could spell mid-game boot for her? Still, I don't think that will be now, because the villains seem far less shakable than the fractured heroes at this point. I was pretty wrong about Tess last time though, so, there's certainly a possibility that I'll be cashing in 6 points for Riya at the end of this episode.
#7: Ashley
Now that we've reached the merge, Ashley doesn't have that same sort of shield that I felt she had pre-merge. It's definitely possible that the villains would choose to snipe Ashley for the same reasons that the heroes would love to snipe Alec: she's strong and tough, as well as a calming/uniting factor between Jake and Ally. She's the most heroic hero. Take Ashley away, and the prospects of the heroes mustering any kind of alliance grow even dimmer.
However, because Ashley is so well liked, it would be really hard for the villains to convince one of the heroes to vote with them to take her out. Like, no shot Ally takes that deal, and Aiden and Tom would have to realize that it'd be a bad move for their games to do so. There's a small chance that they could manipulate Jake's jealousy to convince him to do it, but 9 times out of 10 that manipulation would result in an Ally boot instead.
Furthermore, there's a high chance that Ashley will win immunity in this country-ass shooting challenge, rendering this entire train of thought pointless. Ashley is probably still fine, but I could see her role in the narrative no longer being necessary at this point as well. It's that that landed her down here, instead of higher on the list.
#8: Tom
These next three are the ones who I believe are seriously at risk of going home. Like I said, I think that Jake is going to (temporarily) continue his chain of character degradation by letting his jealousy land him on the villains team, taking out one of the players he's been complaining about these past few episodes. And, boy, has he been complaining about Tom...!
Tom is a decently big physical threat, so I see no reason why the villains wouldn't agree to take him out if that's what they managed to get Jake on board for. If Tom, say, decided to tell Jake that he was lying about having a boyfriend in their chat on that rock, Jake could grow so fed up with Tom that he just wants Tom out. That could lead to a Tom elimination, as a result of his lies.
However, part of me still believes that it's still too early to pull the trigger on sending Tom home. Both Tom and Jake have still privately admitted that they really care about the other, and if that's how Jake really feels, he might have a hard time actually putting pen to paper. They haven't been on the same team all season thus far. Couldn't Jake still feel guilty about idoling Tom out with his own totem last time, and not be able to write Tom's name down...? I feel like there are still other characters more expendable than Tom, but I wouldn't be shocked if Tom went here.
#9: Ally
Ally is one of the people that Jake could wind up targeting, for sure. Voting Aiden out might make Tom dislike him even more, whereas, theoretically, if Ally were gone, Ashley would have no choice but to make Jake her closest partner. That could be appealing for Jake.
Whether or not Ally would stick around in a narrative sense is... difficult. Now that Tess has been eliminated, I feel like the writers would want to keep Ally around as a representative of that relationship/plot point of S2. However, without Hunter or Tess still in the game, the potential for future Ally-centric plotlines has also been slightly kneecapped.
For whatever reasons, it seems to me like the writers didn't really like the HunTessAlly relationship in general? All three of them had pretty radical personality changes since S2, and Hunter and Tess were both eliminated somewhat randomly in favor of characters who made it further the first time (Fiore and Aiden). Out of the three, I think that changed-Ally both had the most care put into her and emanates the most potential. But, it could be that all three of them were brought back into the season with minor "improvements" (subject to viewer interpretation whether they are improvements-- I think Ally is better, Hunter is worse, and Tess is a draw) mostly as plot devices/stepping stools for other, more important characters.
(I don't hate Ally, either. I like Ally. I just think that the way the HunTessAlly relationship has been handled this season has been less than ideal. I get it, because the writers wanted to prioritize other relationships, all of which I've been enjoying, but I still wish they could have gotten more focus time for themselves and not just as props to other characters. Maybe I'm explaining too much. I don't like being negative :( )
However, I also think Ally could win this challenge with her pro gamer skillz. So, there's that. Besides, I can't help but feel like there's someone Jake wants out of the game even more than Ally or Tom...
#10: Aiden
Aiden makes the most sense as the next elimination for a lot of reasons. Or, namely, the lots of people who want him out may all come together to make him the next elimination. It's striking.
The villains alliance wants a sixth vote to establish the majority, for which they will probably turn to Jake. Jake wants Aiden out of the game because he kissed Tom and they now have a rivalry. That's one person pitching Aiden's name.
The villains alliance also wants to ensure that they keep Gabby on their side-- even if they can pull in Jake, it doesn't matter so much if Gabby flips back to the heroes because she, like, doesn't want to vote out Ally or whatever. Well, no matter. Gabby wants revenge on her former Cyan tribemates, Tom and Aiden. Gabby wants to vote Aiden out. That's a second person pitching Aiden's name.
But, what if the villains themselves don't actually want to vote Aiden out...? Haha, no. Riya very clearly wants to establish dominance over Aiden once again, and even already threw out his name last episode. And, even though Yul insisted that Aiden wasn't a threat last time, it's not like he likes Aiden, either. It was James' refusal to poison the man that got Yul eliminated and really sick in S2. I'm sure he'd be happy with Aiden leaving from a karma standpoint, if not a strategic one. That could be people three and four pitching Aiden's name.
If the villains want to remain united, throwing all their votes on Aiden makes the most sense. I don't think he would win this challenge, and, still, no totem has been announced, so if he gets six votes, I think he's just toast. This is my guess as to the dominant strategy of the episode, so we'll see if I'm on the mark.
Also, I want to acknowledge that I'm aware that it doesn't have to be a 6-4 (or even 5-5) vote at Tribal council. The villains could, for example, scheme to get Ashley, Ally, and Jake to vote out Aiden, and Aiden and Tom to vote out Ally, while the villains put four votes on Ashley (4-3-2 vote). However, due to the difficulty of executing that plan, I find it unlikely that that's what's going to happen. I feel like Disventure Camp usually sticks to pretty standard voting schemes (like a four person vote going 3-1 instead of 2-1-1 or whatever), so I'm working off of that assumption. I think they did some fancier stuff with Fiore in S1, though, so it's not totally off the table.
Anyways! Those are my power rankings for this week. This episode is going to be really important for establishing the key characters and plotlines moving forward in the post-merge, so I'll surely be keeping my eyes out.
Also, this week is the season finale of the actual Survivor 46! Not really related to DC, but I'm really excited about it, so I'm mentioning it here. I'm gonna be swimming in exciting game show content this week >:) I hope you all have a nice week, too! Bye!
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michaelmilligan · 11 months
Archangel Week: Michael Home is where your grace is
For the first day of @spnarchangelweek - let's celebrate our favourite celestial guys (gn). 🥳
(Midam, 4.1k post-canon fix-it, also on AO3)
When Michael wakes up in Heaven, the first thing he notices is that it's both too bright and less so than he remembers. The second thing he realises is that he's not dead.
It should be a good thing, not being dead, but Michael only too clearly remembers his grace boiling, and his Father's annoyed, but also almost bored expression as he ripped him apart. What he sees now isn't all that comforting either: Castiel is glaring at him, his wings splayed aggressively, while the nephil just looks at him calmly.
It takes Michael a moment to realise that the child is not just a nephil anymore. It takes him even longer to accept it, and as he eventually feels grief wash over him, he realises that it's not for his Father per se, but for who He once was, or at least who Michael thought He was.
When Michael asks why he was brought back, Jack says the most incomprehensible sentence in the history of the world: “You deserved a second chance.”
“I betrayed your fathers,” Michael says, and glances at Castiel. “All of them.”
“For your own father,” Jack says, and it's surreal to see God hesitating, but it happens anyway. “I know how tempting it is to be loyal, to want to be loved... even by a bad father, who made you because he was bored, or who played at loving you to then discard you, and who doesn't deserve your love.”
Again, it takes Michael a moment to understand, but the child's golden wings are too much like Lucifer's for him not to know who he's talking about. It hurts to think that Michael's father is similar to Lucifer, the son who rebelled and who Michael had to cast out.
Back then, it broke Michael's metaphorical heart to carry out his father's order, but he would have torn his own grace out to be the good son, the one most deserving of his father's love.
Looking at Jack, he is starting to see now what Adam meant all the times he implied that being ready to do anything for one person, no matter how harmful, isn't a sign of a healthy relationship. The nephil might not have done anything for his biological father, but he still sacrificed everything for the Winchesters and Castiel.
He's not a child anymore, and God's power ebbs and flows around him like water dragged about by gravitation and wind – a powerful force, the ocean, and able to destroy entire cities within moments, but never by its own volition, always steered by forces outside of its own control.
Michael calms his thoughts. While he can't use Adam's trusty techniques in his True Form – difficult to steady your breathing when you have no lungs or mouth or nose – he can still make himself focus, and make his grace pulse regularly.
It's then, when he concentrates on himself, that he notices it. There's something wrong with his grace – it's subtle, but unsettling now that he realises it, and he directs his eyes to inspect every part of his True Form. It's difficult to see himself, of course, with eyes that are on him, but he finds out quickly enough, anway.
There is indeed something wrong with his grace. It's imperfect – a lot of spots aren't as smooth or continuous as they should be, and his eyes move with great difficulty over those places.
Jack's expression softens at Michael's rising panic, and he holds up a hand of the human form he still seems to favour. “It's okay. You're okay.”
“I'm broken,” Michael says, so loud that Castiel moves in front of Jack, as if a seraph could ever hope to protect God.
“I'm sorry,” Jack just says, coaxing Castiel back to his side. “I think when you died, a few shards of yourself were scattered over Earth.” His brows knit together as he concentrates. “I can still feel their presence in the US. Some were flung further, but not many.”
Michael is silent for a long moment. His father ripped him apart so violently that pieces of him broke off.
“I'm broken,” Michael repeats, much more quietly. He still doesn't understand why he, of all angels, was brought back. He also can't bring himself to ask any questions. While he's almost sure that Jack brought back humanity, that doesn't mean that he returned every single soul who was taken by God.
After all, Adam had no body to return to after Michael got it exploded. Adam had nothing and no one to return to.
If Michael asks, and Adam is dead and gone, then he will have lost everything too. If he asks and Adam is alive, then... well, why would Adam want to see him? Michael is the one who ruined his life, the one who had him pulled from his Heaven with lies and had his underling use him as bait. The one who had him tortured, and who then possessed him, and landed him in Hell for ten – or a thousand – years.
If Adam is back, then he is free for the first time in forever. Free to do what he wants, and to go where he wants, and to eat and sleep like a normal human being.
Free to be with other humans, to share his body and his life with them, instead of having a sun burning in his chest. Free to go to college, now that he doesn't have an archangel inside of him.
Yes, Adam is free, and Michael is alone, and if that's the punishment for all that he has done, then he will gladly take it.
Jack is talking again, about other angels he has brought back, and rebuilding Heaven, but Michael is barely listening. How is he meant to face the host when he is broken like this, and when the father whose rules he enforced with an iron fist over millennia has turned out to be a lying, pity creature who destroys his own creation at a whim?
No, it's better for Michael to leave Heaven and search for the pieces of him that are missing. If he's lucky, it will take a long time.
That last part, he doesn't say, but Jack still looks so sympathetic that Michael thinks he may have heard it anyway.
He finds the first shard easily. It's in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere between South Carolina and Morocco, and Michael spends some time with the local deep sea squids, who not only found the shard and seem to revere it, but who also appear to realise that it rightfully belongs to Michael.
He is almost certain that both males and females are trying to court him, but they always hastily withdraw when they get too close and get the tip of a tentacle burned.
The squids seem sad when Michael leaves, but he's not on Earth to make friends, not even among such friendly creatures.
The shard of grace slots seamlessly back into him, closing one of the cracks in his True Form. That's all he wants from this trip – to feel a little more like himself.
Whatever or whoever 'himself' is. Michael tries not to think about it too much, fearing that he'll find out he's irreparably bad or useless.
The next shard, according to the images Jack passed onto Michael, came down in Carmichael's Village, Bahamas. Michael tries not to be disquieted by the name, or by the fact that it's on land and there are humans all around.
The thought of taking a vessel makes Michael feel sick – sidling up next to a human soul that isn't Adam's seems wrong, almost obscene. So for the moment, hidden in the mid-day sun in a cloudless sky, Michael just shifts above Lake Killamey, reaching out for the shard.
He doesn't feel it. Down in the ocean, once he was in the general vicinity of the shard, he could feel it reaching for him, longing to be part of the whole again.
But here, there is nothing. Michael doesn't believe that any human could hide a piece of himself from his senses, so the most logical explanation is that the shard is gone.
After all, Jack didn't tell him where the shards are now. He just passed on images of where they landed after Michael was exploded. Michael doesn't understand why – shouldn't it be easy for Jack to figure out the current locations of the shards? Is he making this intentionally difficult for Michael, so he'll take longer? But if so, why tell him where they used to be at all?
Deep in contemplation, Michael pulls himself away from the Bahamas and towards the next spot from Jack's memories. It's supposed to be in Tate Hell's State Forest, and again, Michael tries hard not to bristle.
Again, there are humans there, and with some clouds in the sky, it's more difficult for Michael to hide his bright True Form. Not that he even stays for long – again, he can't feel the shard here, even when he's pretty sure he's drifted right over the spot where it's supposed to have fallen.
He moves on, mystified. Are the pieces of him so obvious that humans find them and carry them away? Perhaps they are – the squids found that piece of him, too, and the only reason they didn't move it seems to have been out of respect.
Humans aren't exactly known to be respectful.
The next few places are a bust, too. Winchester, Kentucky. Marysville, Michigan. Michael's Bay, Ontario Canada.
The names are starting to grate at him, and the fact that none of his pieces are where they fell doesn't bode well.
Best case scenario, the humans have brought his shards all to the same place, like a museum. Worst case scenario, they're all in different places, and it will take him ages to figure out where.
Though maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Wasn't he hoping for a long search before?
The next spot is one Michael thinks about putting last on his list, but then he tells himself not to be a coward. St. Michael, Minnesota, is only about 150 miles from Windom, but the chances of Adam being in either place are slim. That is, assuming he is even alive.
At first, Michael thinks he's done it – hovering over the so aptly named town, he can feel the presence of some of his grace. Maybe the townspeople have recognised what they have, like the squids, and revere it in the church. But then he realises that the pull doesn't come from the church, and not even from the town. It's from somewhere further away, and is just stronger than what he felt from the one shard he found so far.
It might be a collection of pieces, then, he thinks as he moves in that direction. It leads him south west of Minneapolis, and for a crazy moment he thinks that he will land in Windom after all, but then he realises that the pull comes from a place near Titlow Lake. Not the town right next to the lake, but a piece of woods.
There aren't any humans there, he thinks, and drifts lower to scout it more closely. Has someone hidden his grace here, thinking no one would find it? But where?
Finally, Michael finds a clearing, and on it, a little cabin with a vegetable garden out the back and patches of herbs in the front. It might belong to a witch, Michael thinks, and descends further. He has no love for witches, and who knows what they want to use his grace for. Better to burn out the human's eyes and melt their brain than to let them continue.
Birds are startled into flight when Michael comes down onto the cabin, which shakes and rattles. Michael isn't above a little property damage or manslaughter to get what he wants, so he just surges right in, pooling in the room where he feels the pull the strongest.
A human is standing there, next to a chair that has fallen over, and a frightened voice intones a spell when-
“Michael?” the human asks, their voice and body shaking.
The spell breaks, and through the dissipating magic, Michael recognises Adam.
He's older, Michael realises, and it suddenly hits him that he never asked how long he was dead. It must have been ten years at least, judging from Adam's changed physique. He's no longer a puny nineteen-year old. There's stubble on his chin, and his features are sharper, more developed. His cheekbones are more visible, and his shoulders seem broader, and-
Adam has grown up. Without Michael, his body has grown older, and it has changed with his diet and exercise.
“Michael?” Adam asks again, his eyes still wide. “What- I don't-”
HELLO, ADAM, Michael finally says, and only remembers how loud his True Voice is to humans when Adam winces slightly. I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO DISTURB YOU.
Michael thinks that for a moment, hurt flashes over Adam's face, but then his expression is guarded.
“What are you talking about?” Adam asks. “I thought- Sam and Dean said you were dead. I- There were pieces of your grace...”
Adam looks away, closing his eyes for a moment. When he looks back at Michael, his expression is almost pleading.
Only then does Michael realise that Adam must have been the one to collect his shards. He must have gone all over the US and beyond to get them, and he brought them here, to this cabin.
YOU WENT TO THE BAHAMAS FOR MY GRACE? Michael asks, stunned.
They never went to the Bahamas, in the time between the Cage and Adam being taken from him. They talked about it, and Adam mentioned how he always wanted to go, but never could.
“Yeah.” Adam shifts on his feet. His Adam's apple bobs up and down. “That was so much freaking work. I even had to ask Sam to get me a fake passport. It really sucks being legally dead. And Canada was almost worse, you know.”
What little Michael knows about international travel, he gleamed from jokes Adam made when they were out of the cage. How an archangel flying him was so much more convenient than taking a plane, and how he didn't even need to go through customs.
Michael doesn't think that Adam ever flew anywhere in his old life, back before the ghouls, so his knowledge would have been second-hand at best. But apparently the horrors of travelling via plane are real.
YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT, Michael says, saddened that Adam has apparently wasted his time searching for pieces of him. He's not sure how much he knew about where those were, but judging from how old he is now, it may have taken a long time. Ten years, maybe more, if he started collecting right away.
“Yeah, well,” Adam says, and it sounds defensive, “I didn't know you were alive, so.”
I WASN'T. NOT UNTIL THREE DAYS AGO, Michael tells him. He explains a bit about his quest to be complete again, and Adam just listens, tension seeping from his shoulders when he understand how little time has passed for Michael.
“It's been fourteen years, Michael,” he then says, quietly, an explanation and an accusation rolled into one. “I- I thought you weren't coming back.”
A REASONABLE ASSUMPTION, Michael says, because he doesn't know how to deal with the tears in Adam's eyes, or with the ache in his own grace.
It's not the cracks that are aching, except maybe they are, in a way that the rest of his grace longs to be reunited with – with what? The shards of grace that Adam has somewhere in this cabin? Adam's soul?
He knows that he won't get the latter. Like Adam said, it has been fourteen years, and Adam has a life without him now.
WOULD YOU GIVE THEM TO ME? Michael asks. He knows he doesn't have to right to demand anything from Adam. Even though the shards are from his grace, he knows that he won't pressure Adam if he doesn't want to give them back.
He painstakingly collected them, which is far more than Michael could have ever hoped for, and even if he only wants to use the grace for spells, that's alright.
Michael would like to be complete, but hurting Adam is not an option. The last time he betrayed him – betrayed his memory – it literally broke him.
“I'm sorry,” Adam says, and he really does sound sorry, but the implication is clear.
THAT'S ALRIGHT. For a moment, Michael made himself believe that Adam collected those shards for him, and not for some spell. Delusion is a powerful thing, he thinks.
“I thought you weren't coming back,” Adam says again, and his expression is pleading, as if willing him to understand something. Michael just isn't sure what, yet. “I mean, I collected all those pieces of you, and- and for years, I put them in this enchanted box. It can't break, you know, I'm still storing stuff in there... But five, six years in... I don't know, it's stupid, but it felt almost like your grace was calling out, like... like it was asking not to be alone anymore. Fuck, that's so stupid.”
NO. Michael thinks of how his grace seemed to yearn for him, pulling him close. Maybe there were still traces of him in Adam, he thinks, and a part of him wants to smile at the thought, even though he doesn't have a mouth to do that with. WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT?
“I, um... You know, there's lore about people absorbing grace, or some other power, and I think you came in that way when you possessed me and...” Adam trails off, and his eyes are wide when he says: “I drank it.”
Michael blinks at him. YOU DRANK MY GRACE?
“Yeah. I- I'm sorry, I think it might be in my soul, or, uh, near it, and I don't know if we can get it back out.” Adam puts a hand on his chest as he speaks, and Michael looks at him more closely.
His soul is still bright and beautiful, maybe even more so with the inhuman blue glow that emanates from parts of it. It looks like cracks were filled with a somewhat off-colour – Adam's soul is already blue, but a little lighter than Michael's grace, and not as shiny.
Adam filled his cracked soul with Michael's grace to be complete again.
Or maybe Michael's grace invaded his soul, Michael thinks with horror, burning into it.
DID IT HURT? he asks, shaken.
Adam seems surprised. “No, not it was like...” He gulps. “Almost like you came home.”
Home. Michael's grace settling in Adam's soul felt like him coming home.
“I'm so sorry, if I had known you'd come back for those pieces...”
Adam's lower lip wobbles. “Michael, you were dead,” he says, his voice choked up and eyes wet.
YES, AND IT'S MY OWN FAULT. IF I HADN'T HELPED MY FATHER- Michael stops, a burning shame in his grace because he regrets saying it. Not because it's incorrect – it's not – but because he doesn't want Adam to know.
But Adam just nods. “Yeah, I know what you did. And I also know that it's exactly what Sam and Dean wanted. Those assholes were using you the whole time.”
OH, Michael makes. He never thought that the Winchesters could have been manipulating him. Historically, he has been the one to do the manipulating.
“Yeah,” Adam says, his expression grave.
If they were still together, Michael thinks, he would be able to hear Adam's thoughts, and feel what he feels. It would be a lot easier to navigate both their feelings, then, with them pressing grace to soul, and helping the other unravel his tangle of emotions.
But they're not together like that anymore, and Adam already filled his cracks, has become whole again.
ADAM, Michael says, and then doesn't know how to continue. That one word would usually be enough to convey everything, but Adam's soul is so far away, and it has been fourteen years. Finally, Michael adds: CAN I COME BACK?
“What?” Adam blinks at him.
Adam stares at him with an expression that Michael can't read. Finally, he shakes his head. If Michael had a stomach, it would plummet now.
“Michael, are you anxious?” Adam asks. Maybe he means it to be playful, but it comes across as accusing.
“You don't do basic courtesy,” Adam says.
I would for you, Michael thinks.
“You know I can't read your thoughts right now,” Adam says, and sighs. “I mean, we haven't talked to each other without being in each other's head for what, a thousand years?”
MORE, Michael says, and thinks back to their first meeting, back in the Green Room. Adam said yes surprisingly quickly, still a wide-eyed teenage Christian boy at the time, despite having already been manipulated by angels.
If Adam knew back then what would happen, would he have said no?
Would Michael have asked him if he knew what Adam would mean to him some day?
“Point is, I can't tell what you really mean this way,” Adam continues. “Do you really want to stop by every now and then, or do you just feel guilty about everything and think you have to repent? If I tell you what I really want, are you going to laugh at me, or are you going to go along with it out of shame and pity?”
Michael brings more eyes to rest on Adam, even though it's still difficult to manoeuvre them over the cracks in his grace. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU REALLY WANT?
The sentence makes Michael think of a song that Adam sang in the cage sometimes. It said 'I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want.' and then... well.
Michael doesn't think what Adam wants is like in the song.
“Okay, so, promise me you won't make any rash decisions, but... I'd like you back. In here, with me.” Adam puts a hand on his chest.
YES, Michael says.
“Dude, I just said no rash decisions! It's just... you know, I think maybe that's the only way to get that grace back to you, or maybe at least get you close enough to it to feel complete again? I don't know, we were pretty close before, my soul and your grace-”
YES, Michael says again.
Adam bites his lip. “Can you just... take a moment to think about it?”
WHY? Michael asks. This is everything he wants in this world – to be back with Adam, curled around his soul, knowing exactly what his best friend thinks and wants. He wants to talk to him, and have petty squabbles with him about whether Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne is better, and hear him bitch about how there are too many Pokémon nowadays.
He wants to fly Adam to three shitty diners in a row, complaining the whole time how that greasy, salty stuff he eats isn't good for him, but keeping his body in prime condition as they speak. There's nothing in the world he wants more than to sit and watch a sunset with him, only to then fly to another time zone and watch the next sunset there.
“Are you kidding me? I literally drank your grace to have at least a piece of you back with me,” Adam says, and when he puts it like that...
SO WILL YOU LET ME IN? Michael asks.
“Yes.” It's almost a sigh, but it's clear enough, and Michael is careful as he filters into Adam's body, filling him with so much more grace than those few shards he found.
It's exciting when he finds his place next to Adam's soul again, and before he knows it, Adam presses against him – and then slides into the cracks in Michael's grace like he belongs there.
ARE YOU ALRIGHT? Michael asks, alarmed even in his exaltation. Is Adam spreading himself thin like this? Will he loose himself in Michael's grace?
But Adam only radiates happiness and content.
I'm great, he says in their shared mind-space. You're home.
I'M HOME, Michael repeats, and holds Adam tightly, feeling him sink a little more into his grace. WE'RE HOME.
He feels Adam do the equivalent of a smile. Yeah, we're both home.
In their body. Inside each other.
This is where they belong.
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karingu · 1 year
lol i hate viz (mao spoilers ch 197)
I had enough bro... I'm not a Yurako apologist but Viz is doing her character a disservice... (p.s. Viz sux)
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Viz is definitely leaning into the "ex-lover super drama" route a liiittle too much, like on purpose, and it's uhhh really annoying...
Do they have this stereotype that English speakers think a story would be boring if there isn't some trashy nuance, so they create some just to spice it up?... -_-
Yurako is manipulative and possibly scheming something in both languages. But in Japanese she's very clever, coaxing and gentle with her words.
She uses sweet words with an air of good intention. She drops dat くれる (kureru) like crazy — constantly implying how much Mao has done for her that she is so grateful for, that she's in an inferior position to him.
Here are some rough translations of what's she's been saying and how I interpret her tone (as it would be said in English):
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(Ch 196) "Don't say it... I know you can't give me an answer. But I've always wanted to convey this to you. You did me a favor and saved me, Mao.
"I'm grateful you taught me what it means to have a human's heart. I'm glad for meeting you..."
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(Ch 197) "I can't live normally (if I leave the Gokou clan). You can understand that for me, can't you? Or... do you feel that you'd be able to be by my side... for me?"
When Otoya slashes through Yurako's darkness to meet Mao and he accuses her of deceiving him:
"You're still saying that about me, aren't you... Byouki told me he would teach me Taizanfukun, the life-prolonging technique that the Gokou clan needs... That's why I submitted my ayakashi to him."
"Byouki swore he would absolutely not hurt you. Please believe me... I am only thinking of you, Mao..."
(And then she disappears into the air, lol.)
Yurako is still sketchy in the original language, but she's not annoying.
I'm genuinely not sure what she's saying is true or false. She talks in a flowery, non-asserting way that makes me sort of confused as well...
So it's completely understandable to me why the tenderhearted Mao is lulled by her words.
But in Viz's translation? ...She's another run-of-the-mill damsel in distress and Mao is a complete, gullible dummy. (With his soft heart he can be, but Viz is making him look downright STOOPID lol)
Yurako's shining characteristic/power is being scary good at verbal manipulation. You can't trust her, but she's not detestable. But Viz took her shining trait and went "nahhhhh"
like c'mon man...
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mamamittens · 1 year
Hi! i'm a avid reader of fanfic and I recently saw some post about purity culture. What is purity culture?
This is a bit... Of an odd ask for me, but I'll try my best as someone who has grown up in the Bible Belt of America where purity culture is thick.
Uh, content warning for purity culture, rape, rape culture, and sex. It's complicated and quite unpleasant to get into, but I'll try not to drag down the conversation too much. It'll be a bit messy though, because it is a very large topic and I likely won't be able to cover a lot of it here without it being unwieldy or heavy to read.
Purity culture is in reference to... Well, it's a bit complicated and expansive, but at its root it's at least associated with Abrahamic faith practices based on sex and virginity.
Depending on where you live, you've likely already seen or experienced instances of it. Typically applied almost exclusively to girls and women, in fact.
Where it's viewed as an inherent value of a person based on their sexual activity (even perceived sexual activity). Wherein any 'sexual' act devalues someone, even if they don't quite say it so openly.
Like girls who have had a lot of boyfriends or are rumored to 'put out' a lot or are 'easy'. They're usually looked down on more than, say, the pious good girl that waits till marriage for sex. Depending on the extent, even kissing or thinking about romantic/sexual relationships are seen as sinful and requiring penance to 'earn back' their once 'pristine' purity.
This standard is rarely, if ever, applied to men and boys by the way.
An example would be the weird conference my school took us on at the end of elementary. It had a few seminars about self defense, the D.A.R.E program (say no to drugs thing), and the ending was a big speech about abstinence. Which is the most common way to perpetuate purity culture instead of education about sex, safe sex, and pregnancy.
There, there was what I believe to be a pastor, who gave a demonstration about why it was important to save yourself for marriage.
His chosen metaphor was a bar of chocolate (others include chewing gum or even cars), where the point he was trying to get across was that you wouldn't want a chocolate bar a lot of people have handled. That it gets gross and melts and is generally unappealing--he hilariously had to lick it cause the boy he chose to help demonstrate didn't give a shit about bare hands touching the chocolate bar.
There was also some weird part about how things get boring the more you do them and you naturally want to eventually get further and further. From holding hands until, before you know it, you're having sex cause you just can't get that rush from holding hands anymore.
I don't know. It was weird all around.
Anyway, my mom was horrified when I told her and that was all I needed to know it was bullshit.
In hindsight, the obvious conclusion is that the pastor was implying that people will think you're gross and won't want to be around you if you sleep with someone you're not married to.
On the surface it doesn't seem so bad, but the toxicity only grows when you realize things are rarely ever so simple.
Because there aren't exceptions in purity culture for abuse or rape. Or for the very real case where a relationship you thought was forever turns into just... A few years. If that. You're not suddenly lesser because you were sexually abused or thought you'd be with someone for the rest of your life.
But purity culture insists you must be. You, typically in this case, being a girl or woman because "boys will be boys" and "men have needs". Because your body, your purity and virginity, was supposed to be a "gift" to your husband, not something to be passed around lightly. Your body was, in the eyes of purity culture, never really yours to do with as you please.
For the unfortunate, purity culture is a toxic downward spiral you won't ever be viewed compassionately through. And for those that play along, they turn into commodities and vilified for not giving into their partners "urges" in many cases. Being called a prude, frigid, or uptight.
It's contradicting and unfair, toxic even for the men that barely need to worry about it to start with. Because sex in purity culture is a hot commodity and a need which mystifies a very common aspect of human relationships. Leading to unwise decisions or unfortunate circumstances such as teen pregnancy, rape, and sexual abuse in extreme cases.
Because purity culture also doesn't like to... Talk about sex in even the basic terms. "Leads to sin" as it were, but if you don't know anything about sex, how do you know you've had it? How are you supposed to realize you can get pregnant or contract an STD? If all you know is that sex is "something for husbands and wives to share" involving "special parts" how can you know when your naivete is being taken advantage of? How can you ask for help if you only know to call your parts (dick, vagina, whatever equipment you're working with) vague pleasantries like "butterfly" and "fishing pole" or whatever? So saying someone touched your "butterfly" or "fishing pole" sounds so innocuous, why would they be alarmed?
And it doesn't have to be just sex, by the way. Clothing and style choices also can be judged harshly in purity culture. I've seen girls be called whores for using tampons, dying their hair, reading romance novels, having guy friends, or wearing tank tops. Anything viewed as "promiscuous" or even vaguely "sexually appealing" can be used as an excuse to denounce your value under purity culture. Depending on how uh... Conservative in their belief they are. Hell, some girls are considered whores just for who their family is.
Or even your sexual attraction/orientation but that's like, an even bigger and more complicated can of worms based on where/when/and what type you're talking about.
I hope this helps and I absolutely encourage you to research more on the topic because I am only one person from a fairly laid back household on the topic of religion and sex. I know there are at least TedTalks on the matter, and even documentaries but fair warning, it can get pretty dark pretty quick.
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sadistic-softie · 1 month
Absolutely wild quotes from last night's dream recorded in my dream journal because the dream version of me and the people in my dreams are incredibly unhinged.
"In a big fashion/beauty product store-There was a mannequin in the more open section that they excitedly told me had a special feature. You could look up her skirt. I asked if it had genitals and they said yes, she had very detailed genitals."
"I said “aren't we going the wrong way?” to which the lady rolled her eyes and responded by saying a bunch of things that I couldn't really hear or make out because she was talking so fast, but I noticed that what she had said was written on her light pink shirt in small white text for no reason, so I was trying to stand in front of her to read it and ask her to repeat herself"..."This made her really uncomfortable and I was getting frustrated to the point where I eventually lied and said I was deaf and had an automatic subtitle generator installed into my eyes that would tell me what people were saying, but that it was slow, so I was struggling to understand her. She stopped feeling uncomfortable and started to treat me like a child instead, but didn't repeat herself"
"I had noticed a bug peeking out of the checkout counter and got excited because I like bugs, to which the lady that was guiding me around and the lady who was standing around at the tech area made jokes about me, assuming I was autistic (I'm not autistic in my dreams or in real life), infantilizing me, and laughing at me. I ignored them because I hated them and I was too busy playing with the bug anyways"
"got bored and headed back to the fashion area. And they were working on the mannequin. I started to yell at them, covering the genitals so I don't see, and saying it better look good because I don't wanna see it being worked on, but rather i wanna be able to look at it under the skirt. I quickly changed my mind and looked at it. It was in very low detail, which pissed me off."
"it is heavily implied that I was half naked for the whole entire dream and didn't notice, nor did anyone point it out"
"They laughed about how I was gay, and told me I need to try fucking my college roommate and trying on her clothing, to which I had no idea who they were referring to, because I didn't go to college"
Here's some from another dream I had a few days before:
"In the back area of this, is the kitchen with chefs and storage maintenance staff very much struggling. Food storage conditions are hideous. Staff are knocking things over, spilling food all over the floor and putting it back, and fucking everything up. Gordon Ramsey would have fainted."
"The bar top is dirty and despite the smug staff with their guise of luxury and elegance, nobody else is at the restaurant besides me and whoever I bring because it, in universe, sucks."
"there's another building at the head of the table, but it's an outline because it was demolished. Used to be a pizza place but it sucked harder than the fancy place."
"Had a little group there in the pizza place. I think my mind based them off the cast from one of the Saw movies I watched and decided to make me their friend. I was fucking around making fun of the place. One person in the group asked me something and I answered, to which they responded that it's impossible for  me to lie, also implying that I'm some sort of magical type of honest, to which I responded “I don't understand? What do you mean? I just started a simple fact.” "
"and proceeded to make fun of it all by being way too brutally honest to the staff, saying in these exact words, “well, i need to go home so i can piss and jerk off” to which the staff smiled and responded “there’s bathrooms here" and pointed to the bathrooms. i grinned and said “here? I can do all that here? Ooooooh~” and started running my hands all over their big fancy display screen saying “i can do a lot here! That makes me want to stay!”
"this place sucks and the pizza sucks. I only come for the party and because the building looks amazing, which is unfortunate because nobody ever comes here”
"This dream seems to also subtly hint in my dream subconscious that I have a penis"
"i remember saying something along the lines of the following while unzipping the parachute device slowly while we were in grave danger because it was being difficult but eventually did open: “sometimes, in a dream, you need to do things slowly to get what you want…because if you rush, you fuck it up and you die” it wasn't those exact words, but i remember it was something like that. He looked extremely confused and concerned in response"
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unhumanrights · 1 year
A fanfic realization
While in that morning state between sleep and wakefulness, I just realized something I can do while writing fanfiction. If I don't want to do something, I don't have to do it! I can gloss over ANYTHING I don't care about! I can literally write "and then Rutherford said some extremely technical things that explained the problem and gave them something to do to SAVE THE SHIP." It may not be as good as being able to write about the extremely technical thing, but I am not stressing out about that.
I've said it before, but even though I would love to write something more adventurous and exciting sometimes, most of the time I will be writing fluff. Or perhaps it would be better described as low-stakes? Might not always be as happy as fluff implies, but I'm more interested in "smaller" stories most of the time. "Cozy" fiction, you know? I don't know if low-stakes also has to be cozy, but it's the word I see most often to describe what I'm getting at. I don't want to write about the fates of galaxies or quadrants or entire Federations.
I'll probably end up bringing a sitcom energy to my work. Gotta love a good sitcom.
You know that one scene from a Lower Decks episode, I don't remember which one, where the Four are in a shuttle bay or a storeroom or something, and it's quiet and they are doing boring work, and then when someone goes to open the door, there's like a full red alert going on outside and they didn't hear it because Rutherford turned off the klaxon in the room? I feel like that's a metaphor for the sort of thing I'm going to write. All the BIG Star Trek stuff is happening outside of that door, mostly unheard and unnoticed, while the story is in the quiet room.
I am spending way too much time writing ABOUT writing lately, aren't I? I know. I should start my Lower Decks character dossiers. I know I could find all the information I'm gathering by just searching for it online, but I want to do it myself because 1) it gives me a chance to rewatch the series again, and 2) it's developing a skill I want to have (information gathering and organization). And maybe nobody else has all the information in one place, and certainly not my interpretation of it. Oh, I have to come up with a format for my dossiers. Probably won't be anything too complicated since the show hasn't given us every single fact about them, but I need at least some broad categories. I'm off! LLAP, humans.
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Now, Saeyoung Choi is my soulmate (no offense), but I can understand why Vanderwood gets upset when he procrastinates or doesn't listen. Co-workers who do Not communicate clearly are currently the bane of my existence.
In Vanderwood's defense, their lives are on the line. The hammer is thrown every time they don't do their work fast enough to please the bosses and the clients. Vanderwood is the one with the gun against their head and warns Saeyoung multiple times that this shit needs to get done or it's their heads that will roll, not the target. In some ways, I think they're taking the heat first because they're in charge of what Saeyoung does. They're supposed to be his mentor and partner, but mainly his lead that makes sure that he follows orders.
If a certain procrastinator decides that he wants to spend all of his time making a robot dog that breathes fire instead of running a case that involves getting rid of someone in high power... well, you can see why Vanderwood is pissed off all the time. Personally, I think most of the procrastination that comes from Saeyoung isn't simply a fact that happens because he's bored or lazy.
I genuinely think that he puts off so many of his projects because he knows that someone bad is going to win from this. He purposefully is making it harder on people to win after they put dirty money into the agency to succeed. It seems like something he would do because he definitely doesn't agree with most of the work projects that are given to him.
With Saejoong Choi implying in the After Ending that people like him pay into agencies for dirty work, I can only assume that it's someone like Saeyoung who has to look at that and either turn their head away or stomach whatever awful thing they gotta do. Most of them likely do turn their head away, knowing that agents value saving their asses and livelihood more than caring about the morality of all these things they do.
Vanderwood doesn't care about morality. They do whatever it takes to stay alive. Whereas, Saeyoung only went into this thinking that it would protect his brother... and if he wants to do that, you know he's damn determined to make sure that the world is a good place, trying to minimize as much of these shady people's dealings as he can. The chance of him being able to stop it is low, but he can minimize and it is one way he bites back and rebels against the agency.
Make note: He only started to procrastinate AFTER Rika showed him proof that Saeran was okay. So, he started to change his tune and the way he reacted to things knowing Saeran was as "Happy" and "Safe" as he could be. Vanderwood is the one that tells us that, given that it was annoying for them after Saeyoung transformed from "quiet and does his fucking work" to "masking and building procrastination bots that try to kill me."
But, in a true workplace, you know, the ones that aren't built on life or death? People need to communicate with each other and find means to get things done in a way that works. Make the adjustments, add accommodations for people, and talk to each other. That's the key to making a truly welcoming place to work that allows workers to feel understood and respected, instead of begotten and ignored by the management and their co-workers.
May Saeyoung lend you his fire-breathing dog.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. xxi - sleepless
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??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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With Hongjoong's last sent text, you threw your blanket off and tippy-toe your way to his bedroom that he shared with Seonghwa.
You slowly open his door and peek inside to scan the room first before going in. There were two beds at each corner of the room with two study desks in between the beds. Seonghwa seemingly dead asleep in his bed in the left corner as Hongjoong was at his study desk, back towards you as he is immersed in his work. The room was dark as one of them is asleep but the study lamp on Hongjoong's desk is on, illuminating the room with a pretty golden glow.
Hearing the door open, Hongjoong looked back and grinned widely at the sight of you, "hey, come on in," he said, nodding his head to the side to tell you to come in.
You walk into their room, closing the door quietly before walking towards Hongjoong's side to peek at what he's working on. The laptop screen showed that he was working on his paper, being a double major must've been hard.
"Have you been working on this since we finished dinner, Joongie?" you asked while leaning down so your head's next to his to skim at the paper he's writing.
Nodding his head, you see that he was pursing his lips, "yeah, I just want to finish this as soon as possible so I can finally get a fucking rest," he muttered. He then paused to look at you, smiling before reaching his hand to hold your arm, "you can lie down in my bed, get yourself comfortable as I work,"
HAutomatically, your eyes peer down onto his bed. His comfy looking bed with fluffy pillows and a thick blanket. You can only imagine how good his bed smells.
So without wasting any more time, you plop down belly-first onto Hongjoong's bed, squealing happily, making Hongjoong chuckle at how you're acting. You took your time settling in, tucking yourself under his blanket and propping your head on his pillow before taking your phone out and began scrolling.
As Hongjoong work, you scroll through Instagram while talking with him. He would ask for your opinion on his paper, whether or not what he was implying is expressed correctly and asking for fancy vocabulary to, as he said "put pizzazz in that miserable professor's life,"
An hour passed and you started to feel bored. So you put your phone on Hongjoong's table next to his laptop and sat up to watch his pretty fingers dance on the keyboard of his laptop. God, how can a person's fingers look so aesthetically pleasing?
"Joong, Joongieeeeee," you whined as you began tugging on the sleeve of his sweater. He slowly peels his eyes off the laptop to look at you which was a huge mistake because you're looking at him with eyes so sad and pout so deep that it almost literally melt his heart away.
As hard as he tried, he couldn't help but reach a hand forward and gently move your hair away from your face, "yeah? What is it?" he answered, eyes focusing on trying to fix your slightly messy hair.
With your pout still on, you whined at him, "am cold," you said. Hongjoong raised an eyebrow at you, "you're literally wearing a blanket around you, (Y/N)," he said, the side of his lips quirking upwards in amusement.
To be honest, you didn't really wanna tell him what you actually want in case he'd feel that you're too annoying or whiny. If only you knew he has a soft spot for whiny, clingy brats. That's the only reason why Wooyoung still hasn't been kicked out yet.
Lips jutting forward, you suck your pride in to tell him what you actually want by not literally saying what you actually want. "I was promised a hoodie if I come here," you muttered.
It took Hongjoong ten whole seconds to realize what you meant. Laughing lightly at your adorableness, he pats your head before standing up from his desk to walk towards his wardrobe on the side of his room to retrieve one of his favourite hoodies.
"You know, you can just say you want it or even get it on your own," he said as he returns to you and drops the hoodie on your lap, making you squeal in delight. "I could tell you, but where's the fun in that? and besides, I'm not the type to just randomly go through my friend's wardrobe," you answered him.
For some reason, you weren't thinking straight as you suddenly hold the ends of your shirt and lift it off of you, leaving your bra-clad chest visible to a frozen Hongjoong.
Usually, Hongjoong's a gentleman. He'd avert his eyes when he thinks he's seeing something inappropriate. But for some reason, he couldn't avert his gaze away from your chest.
Realizing that Hongjoong had gone silent, you look up only to find him staring directly at your boobs. You blushed slightly when you realized what you had done, so you immediately cover yourself up with the hoodie that he had lent you.
"Sorry, I tend to change my clothes in front of Mingi and Jongho without thinking," you said, voice breaking Hongjoong's trance as he shook his head slightly to regain his senses back.
When he saw that you're so preciously swallowed by his hoodie, he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness from deep within him.
"Lucky them for being able to see and feel you whenever they want," he said. You immediately sense the change of tone in his voice, realizing that he might want in on what Mingi and Jongho has.
You raised an eyebrow at him, daringly lifting one side of the hoodie to show one of your bra-clad boobs, "wanna touch 'em?"
There was a long pause between you two. Half of your chest still exposed to the cold air. But the silence was too much, neither of you was moving at all for a while and it made you worried.
Had you read the signs wrong?
Is Hongjoong not into this?
Luckily, Hongjoong snapped out of what seemed to be his trance and practically pouncing on you. He had managed to straddle your hips and pin your arms on the sides, the blanket that was covering you thrown to the side to expose you fully to him.
Your eyes lock on his and you can feel how affected he was by you. Hongjoong leaned his face down to the side of your neck and began leaving soft pecks around, making you exhale shakily.
"Tell me what's on the table," he mumbled against your skin, the vibration of his voice that had dropped low sending tingling feelings down to your core.
"Anything you want," you answered. Your eyes fluttered close as his kisses move lower until it stops at your cleavage. His lips stayed there momentarily before his tongue poked out and began licking at the hem of your bra, going along the line across your breasts on both sides before suddenly biting at your nipple through the fabric of your bra, making you gasp and arch your back at the sudden impact.
Hongjoong smirked at the reaction you gave him. He used the opportunity of your back arching to reach behind and unclasp your bra, flipping it upwards so he's face to face with your bare chest.
A low groan rose from his throat before latching his lips at your left nipple, tongue licking at the bud and teeth taking turn grazing and tugging on it. While his mouth was busy on your chest, his left hand slides south to rub at your clit through your sleeping shorts using his thumb.
"A-ah, Joongie," you moaned, feeling your arousal increasing each passing second. Your legs began to spread wider to accommodate his body and to invite more of his ministrations.
Feeling a bit braver, you guide his hand that was rubbing on your clit to slip inside your sleeping shorts and panties to make direct contact. When you feel his bare fingers rubbing your pussy gently, you let out a shaky breath as you slightly shudder.
The feeling of his mouth coating your boobs with his saliva and his fingers teasing your hole was amazing. Your eyes flutter close to enjoy the pleasure he was giving you.
Neither of you realized that the other person in the room had been watching the whole thing unfold, starting from when Hongjoong pounced on you. He decided that he wants in on the fun.
Hongjoong was the first to notice Seonghwa walking towards both of you. He let his mouth detach from your nipple for a second to peer at Seonghwa with a smirk on his face, "glad to see you up, we were just about to have fun," he teased.
You open your eyes when you hear Hongjoong spoke. That was when your eyes met Seonghwa's lust-filled ones, gasping in shock when you finally registered that he's watching his roommate frolicking. His usually twinkling eyes dimmed down to showcase a desire from within him.
Hongjoong slipped his hand that was in your panties out, making you whine in protest at the loss of contact. It wasn't until he held his fingers up for Seonghwa to lick that your mouth hung open. The way Seonghwa's tongue circles around Hongjoong's fingers only drove you to imagine what he can do to your pussy.
You want it.
And you want it now.
You push yourself slightly upwards and joined Seonghwa in licking Hongjoong's fingers clean of your arousal. Both of your tongues occasionally bump into each other and your eyes were locked with one another.
"Fuck, you're turned on by this, aren't you?" Hongjoong growled at the sight. He pulled his fingers away from you both and once the barrier between you two disappeared, Seonghwa reached for your face and began to fully make out with you.
As Seonghwa's mouth kept you busy, Hongjoong made himself useful by moving to the side so you can access Seonghwa better. He slowly moved behind you and let his legs trap you in the middle. His hands slipped into the hoodie you're wearing and trailed up to squeeze at your boobs harshly, making you gasp which gave Seonghwa the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth.
Hongjoong fondled your boobs for a bit before unlatching your straps off so he can slip your bra off and fling it to Seonghwa's bed, all the while keeping his hoodie on you. He then proceeded to slip your sleeping shorts and panties off in one swift motion.
The cold air hitting your core sent shivers down your spine. When he felt you shiver, Seonghwa unlatched his lips from yours momentarily to look down. The sight of your glistening pussy, illuminated by the warm glow from Hongjoong's study light greeted him.
Seeing his friend eyeing your core, Hongjoong pulls your legs apart widely. He bent his knees to make sure that your legs will stay open before hooking both of your legs around his.
"God, Joong, you must see how fucking pretty her pussy is," Seonghwa said before kneeling by the bed so his face is directly in front of your pussy.
Hongjoong wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest before trailing his right hand to your pussy and began circling your clit with his fingers.
"I will, all things in due time," he said smugly while pinching your bud, making your hips jolt upwards in surprise.
As Seonghwa began peppering kisses in your inner thighs, Hongjoong nibbled on your earlobe while his fingers never stopped playing with your entrance. "Fun fact for you, little lady," he said as his other hand dropped down to spread your pussy lips, "Seonghwa here is the resident pussy addict, and I'm pretty sure that after tasting yours, he's not gonna want any other pussies,"
That was the last thing you hear before suddenly Seonghwa surges forward and began eating you up like a starved animal. You let out a high pitch moan at the feeling of his tongue probing at your hole, he was tongue fucking you relentlessly all the while his sharp nose was nudging your clit.
Seonghwa's hands were placed on your inner thighs, fingers teasingly pinching at the skin to send jolts of shock. Meanwhile, Hongjoong had returned to rubbing at your clit and pinching them slightly.
True to what Hongjoong said, Seonghwa is a pussy maniac. He was practically making out with your pussy at this point. When you take a peek at him, you see that he has his eyes closed, seemingly enjoying eating you out more than you're enjoying being eaten out.
It didn't take long for you to feel your climax approaching. Your back arches against Hongjoong and your whines turn to pleas. Seonghwa noticed that you're so close so he let his tongue fuck you deeper and even flick at your clit.
"Come on baby, come on, cum for us," Hongjoong growled right next to your ear. One of his hands moves to pinch and roll your nipple while the other rubs at your clit quicker, even delivering a couple slaps at your clit to add to the pleasure.
Seonghwa switched his attention to your clit, he practically pushes Hongjoong's hand away and began sucking on it messily, he even used his teeth to tug at your bud while slipping two fingers inside you to urge your cum.
With a final tug, suck, and stroke, you came hard on Seonghwa's mouth. Squealing his name loudly as your hips lift high and thighs shake at the feeling.
You drop back down, panting slightly with a grin on your face. Seonghwa pushed himself up to your eye level, a smug smirk on his face as he darts his tongue out to clean off the last bit of your slick from the corner of his lips.
"You, my handsome friend," you said, pausing to look at Seonghwa in the eyes and grab at his chin to pull him into you, "deserve the title of resident pussy addict," you finished before crashing your lips together again.
Feeling slightly neglected, Hongjoong rolled his eyes and deliver a harsh smack to your pussy to get your attention. You yelped and detach yourself from Seonghwa at the sudden feeling, "hello? I was the one who initiated things with you?" Hongjoong pouted.
You cooed at Hongjoong's whining, thinking that for someone who has such a big influence, he sure can be a baby. You turn your body around and loop your arms around Hongjoong's neck, "I'm sorry Joongie," you said as you began pressing soft kisses around Hongjoong's face, "but I gotta say, jealousy and possessiveness look really good on you," you muttered against his lips, nibbling on his bottom lip slightly.
Whilst you give Hongjoong's lips the attention they deserve, your hands began tugging his sweatpants and boxers down. You detach yourself from Hongjoong's lips to look at Hongjoong's cock. Feeling your gaze on his exposed dick was arousing enough, so when your finger drag on the underside of his cock to his leaking tip, he couldn't help but shudder.
Seeing Hongjoong smirk really boosted your ego, you feel like you have control over him. Looking back, you see that Seonghwa had rid himself of his shirt and pyjama pants, allowing you to toggle at his sculpted body and hardened cock that stood proud.
"Damn you two really know how to spoil a girl," you said, licking your lips. You turn your head to Hongjoong for a bit and tug on his sweater while batting your eyelashes, "can you please take this off for me?"
The way you asked him so sweetly made his dick twitch. Not wanting to disappoint you, he began ridding himself from his sweater and sweatpants, maintaining eye contact with you as one of your hands began stroking Seonghwa from his abs down to graze lightly at his cock, making the man moan.
Once both of them were completely naked, you ushered them to sit at the edge of the bed while you kneel in front of them after taking Hongjoong's hoodie off of you. You leaned back for a second, relishing the visual in front of you. Hongjoong was raising an eyebrow at you in a challenging manner, whereas Seonghwa had begun to stroke himself slowly.
"You both really do have pretty cocks," you confessed, finally propping yourself properly before reaching for their dicks in each of your hands. You began slowly stroking them all the while watching what kind of reaction you'd get from them.
Seonghwa had his head thrown back, moaning from the pleasure that you're giving them whereas Hongjoong's directly staring at you, a smirk plastered on his lips to show his amusement.
You leaned forward and began taking Seonghwa in your mouth, you let your mouth envelop his tip. "Oh fuck, baby- I-," Seonghwa moaned, breath hitching as you began to suck his tip. You occasionally let your tongue ran along his slit, collecting his leaking precum.
As your mouth gave its attention to Seonghwa, your hand never stopped pleasuring Hongjoong. You felt proud that you're able to multitask on two dicks at the same time, how when your mouth suck and let Seonghwa push himself into your mouth deeper, your hand that's pumping Hongjoong's dick would squeeze him with the perfect amount of pressure that made Hongjoong groan.
When you think that Seonghwa's cock had had enough attention from your mouth, you move to suck on Hongjoong's cock while pumping Seonghwa.
"Shit, (Y/N), you really know your- Ah! way with t-two dicks," Seonghwa sputtered, one of his hands reaching to move your hair away from your face so he could see you sucking on Hongjoong better. Your eyes flit to Seonghwa for a second and you decided you wanna tease him. With eyes locked with each other, you let your tongue out and drag it from Hongjoong's base, dragging on his veins, to his tip. Seonghwa's eyes darken at the sight.
He was about to help you drive him even closer to his climax but you saw his hand reaching to fondle with his balls so you slap his hand away. Detaching your mouth briefly from Hongjoong's cock, you leaned over to Seonghwa and bit his inner thigh and squeeze his dick harder.
"Oh fuck!" Seonghwa exclaimed, almost jolting up at the sudden feeling of pain that turned into pleasure. Your eyebrows shot upwards to warn him to not try you, to which Seonghwa just smirked amusedly.
You went on to switch between sucking Hongjoong and Seonghwa all the while never stopping pumping them. You'd occasionally play with their balls and even let your mouth play around down there.
"(Y/N), f-fuck! I'm close! I'm sooooo fucking close," Seonghwa moaned, hips starting to buck to the rhythm of your hand that's pumping his dick. You licked your lips hearing that, you went over to nibble at Hongjoong's tip, "are you close too, Joongie?" you mumbled against his cock.
The vibration of your voice shot right to his dick and he nodded frantically, hips starting to move against your hand as well.
Seeing them so close, you began pumping them harder, urging them to cum.
"Come on, cum for me, please," you moaned for them, "please give me your cum, I want your cum," you continued, pushing them even further to the edge.
Finally, Hongjoong came first out of the both of them. His hip stuttered before halting to a complete stop as his cock spurt out cum, painting his abs and thighs so beautifully.
Hongjoong drops himself back to lie on his bed, catching his breath after getting his release. Which is perfect since you got the chance to give Seonghwa full attention. You begin sucking him while using one hand to pump him and the other to tease his balls.
After one final squeeze, Seonghwa came in your mouth while letting out a choked moan. You swallowed all and let your tongue out to show Seonghwa that you took all of him in without letting a single drop go to waste.
"That's got to be one of the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life," he said as he watched you with pure amazement and adoration. You giggled at his compliment before going over to Hongjoong and lick his cum clean. As your tongue glided over his skin, Hongjoong moaned and tug on your hair with one hand.
Once you feel like your job is done, you stood up and squeeze yourself in between them. As if on command, they both suddenly reached to each wrap an arm around your waist, making you giggle.
"Usually I'd be pissed at whoever disturbed my sleep," Seonghwa paused to kiss the corner of your lips, "but I honestly didn't mind this at all," he said, lips still pressing against your skin as you can feel him smiling.
Hongjoong sat up slightly to look between you and Seonghwa with a satisfied grin, "well, as much as I'd love to stay here and chat, I think we better go to sleep so some of us wouldn't be late for class tomorrow," he said before sitting up and grabbing his hoodie that you wore previously and tossing it for you to wear.
Seonghwa followed suit, sitting up only to help you put the hoodie back on as if you were a child. When you're covered, he suddenly hoisted you up and carried you over to his bed, dropping you first before jumping to the empty spot next to you.
"Wait, I don't have my panties or bra on," you said when Seonghwa began to cover you with his blanket while simultaneously pulling you closer to him. He only raised an eyebrow at you, "what for? Better without them, if you ask me," he shrugged nonchalantly. He then proceeds to nuzzle his face into your hair to mumble something to your ear, "better access for morning activities,"
Your eyes widened and you can't help but smack the arm that was wrapped around your waist, causing the man to laugh and Hongjoong to mutter something along the lines of 'cheeky, thieving bastard'.
Before Hongjoong could turn the light on his study desk off, you called out to him, "good night, Joongie," you smiled.
He smiled back at you, chuckling at how adorable you looked bundled up even if it's in the arms of his best friend.
"Good night, (Y/N), sleep well,"
Then the lights were off.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @rae-baby @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic
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visbiscuit · 2 years
𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑎 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑚 (saga masterlist)
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Floriography is a language, the language of flowers. Floriography is an art that only true artists know how to embrace. Floriography has always been a lover's best friend and the power it holds can be far greater than the one of words. When furtive glances, lips raised in embarrassed smiles, and intertwined hands aren't enough, there's always a petal to act as a messenger to two young lovers. The challenge is to understand the message and live to receive another or perish in the desire to escape it.
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MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR! Hello everyone and welcome to "Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom" a.k.a. the Bridgerton x Marvel crossover nobody needed. This is an idea that has been consuming me for weeks now and I decided to give it a try. In this Masterlist, you'll find various stories featuring some Marvel Men x Fem!Reader insert. They are all in the same Universe, so you'll find some easter eggs in them. You do not have to read every story in order to understand them all but if you do, you'll be able to get some insight on the main characters here. There is Lady Whistledown, but it's not who is in the series and books, I've got a nice surprise planned! This masterlist is under continuous updates and I plan to have a lot of stories here. Hopefully, this all comes together the way I've imagined it. Thank you for being interested in this project and happy reading!
DISCLAIMER! I am NOT responsible for your media consumption. This blog is intended for a mature audience as are the stories on it. So if you are not at least 18, I suggest you read something else. If you recognize any name or characters, that means that I have no copyright on them, but their actions in this work of fiction are mine as is the plot. This is a no-profit written work and I don't condone republishing it or copying it. Please, if you want to support me, reblog/like or comment.
GENERAL WARNINGS! I am not an English native speaker. All stories contain the following: angst, fluff, smut (18+ !), sexist ideas, external links to pinterest, spotify, youtube, etc. These stories do not wish to be historically correct in any way. There are no description of ethnicity and body type, the images used are just for aesthetics and the best I found to fulfill my purpose. If you notice any physical description that implies a certain body type or/and ethnicity, please underline them to me and I'll correct them ASAP!
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The Friends to Lovers trope.
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Alstroemeria, or Peruvian Lily, symbolizes devotion, a gift for a friend who has remained supportive through the ups and downs.
Lady Y/N Maximoff was afraid of what her past held. That's why she always looked to the future, running away from the memories that obliterated her mind at night. She was looking for a safe place to curl up and try to move forward. She would never look back again. Viscount Steve Rogers lived as a function of his past. Every action, every thought, every slightest change of opinion was due to what he tried to hide in his shattered heart. Lady Y/N only wanted a friend by her side who would not judge her and who would turn a blind eye to her pain. Lord Steve just wanted someone who would love him wholeheartedly, someone who would also love his past.
pairing: Viscount!Steve Rogers x Dowager(Mom)FemReader general warnings: heavy angst, death, sexist behavior, fluff, smut, pietro maximoff is dead, wanda is younger than pietro, pregnancy
The Enemies to Lovers trope.
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(2) CAPE JASMINE. [ unpublished ]
Gardenia, or Cape Jasmine, holds various meanings. Perhaps, the most fitting is the one of "secret love", along with "purity"
Duke James Barnes was deeply bored. Bored with everything around him. Even the companies that had supported him for years were starting to get to him. The magic of love had captured all of his closest friends and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His only goal was to find something to keep him going and not die in his own adrenaline craving. Y/N Y/L/N was a simple woman with an unconditional love of high class and a keen talent for writing. Mixed with a bit of curiosity, the one desire she had in her life was to write a book, inspired by the strong women of her time, including Lady Whistledown. The only way she could find material to include in her writing was to crash the endless balls that would occur during that social season. How to do it and what would have happened if she had succeeded?
pairing: Duke!James Barnes x Lower Class!FemReader general warnings: angst, sexist behavior, love/hate relationship, smut, fluff, fluffy-haired bucky, comedy
The Beauty and The Beast trope. ( partial plot thanks to @loving-barnes )
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(3) HONEYSUCKLE. ( unpublished )
Lonicera, or Honeysuckle, represents devoted affection, bonds of unprecedented love.
The Honourable Y/N Fury had always lived in the shadows of every member of her family. Her mother had been a perfect dancer, she seemed to have two left feet. Her father had been a man who was always dedicated to his work, she always had her head somewhere else. And her twin sister, oh her sister Nicolette, was just…incredibly and annoyingly flawless. Everything she did came across as graceful and genuine, from a simple smile to a twirl. Once they entered society, Y/N knew she would always be second best and would certainly not find a husband when she debuted. Part of her hoped that someone would look in her direction and not get trapped in Nicolette's magnetic eyes, but it was a pipe dream and, more importantly, unattainable. At least that's what she believed. Then, one look caressed her entire figure and Y/N burned.
pairing: Prince!Loki Odinson x The Honourable!Fem Reader general warnings: heavy heavy heavy angst, slowest burn ever, death, shameless smut, fluff, sexist behaviour
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Translations (Part 1?) (Utsuro x Tourist! Reader)
tw: red light district, implied yakuza, threats, violence, attempted s*x*al *ss**lt, savior Utsuro, language barriers, assault & battery, guns and bullets mentioned, maid Akane, eventual build up towards some kind of friendship, dark themes for the entire first half
Word Count: 2368, I thought this was longer but ok
You knew now that he could do and learn whatever he wanted, so the language barrier between you two was quick to crumble as for many other things. Being a tourist, people like him were actually quite helpful, at least for when you got lost. If he hadn't shown up when he did, you had a feeling you would've only somehow managed to get into the heart of the red light district. It's funny just how harmless places such as Kabukichō could look just from a surface level.
Many know that when he gets bored, he switches to kindness as a sort of default. One couldn't understand if that's because he wanted to be a hero, if he something from it, or if he was actually just to pass the time like he so claims to those who ask. Though, in the situation you accidently walked yourself into you wouldn't try to question him. His kindness was appreciated regardless of his true motives.
You don't even know what happened, you rounded the corner and then suddenly you were grabbed and yanked so hard that it almost dislocated your shoulder. That fight-or-flight response kicked in. You somehow were able to shake off the offender stealing a quick glance at them before dashing off. You had no idea he wasn't the only one following you but that became clear as the four of them backed you into the corner of an alley. You stood silent in fear of the men in from of you, you shouldn't have tried to use the alley to cut across town in a hopeless effort to get away. You silently cursed yourself for reenacting the actions of every bad horror movie "extra" as one of your old friends referred to them. If this didn't lead to your death, or rather, something much worse, you would praise god.
You didn't even have any idea of what these guys wanted, nor could you really understand what they were saying. All you knew was that they were really, really angry. One of them was red in the face, most likely from the long chase after you, the others were just fuming for reasons unknown to you.
"ビッチ、君を助けようとしたんだ。" ("Bitch, I was trying to help you.")
You felt as he just threatened you, as you could only understand the word "bitch". You started to regret not taking those Japanese lessons more seriously, as well as ditching the group to go take photos by yourself. You should've seen this coming, this has happened so many times back home that you shouldn't even be panicking. They either wanted money, or something disgusting out of you. You should just stop trying to be so careless, no matter where you go, bad things are going to happen and you can't do a single thing to stop it.
"美しい観光客は、この通りで自由に遊べる。そうでしょう?" ("Beautiful tourists are free game in these streets. Isn't that right boys? ")
You were left questioning once again but after then men exchanged a look and started inching closer to you, you got the message rather quickly. A feeling of despair washed over you as you realized that your fate was to become a slave, or die in the near future.
When one grabs your bag you let it happen, as you had nothing of value to any of them. There was only a small number of reactions that would be created from that, and you didn't like any of those possibilities. With four against one, the odds are way too stacked against you, the draw of your luck was rather poor this time around.
"彼らは現金を運ばないのか?うわー、多分彼らは本当にあなたが言ったように強盗された。そのような残念な人も、彼らは料金を支払うことができなかったので、そのようなかわいい顔を台無しにすることを嫌うだろう。" ("They aren't even carrying cash on them? Wow, maybe they really were mugged like you said. Such a shame too, would hate to ruin such a pretty face because they couldn't pay the fee.")
"彼らは何が起こっているのか知っているのだろうか?" ("Do they even know what's going on?"
"そうは思いません。これらの観光客は通常、教育を受けていません。しかし、彼らはかなりかわいいです。" ("I don't think so. These tourists are usually uneducated. They're pretty cute though.")
It was uncomfortable to see them just spilling the contents of the bag only to look back at you with a disappointed look, only for them to get another sinister idea. You knew what two of them were planning at least, the third seemed to be disgusted by their suggestion. Body language could say it all, and it only made you shrink further back against the wall.
"上司は、彼らが「仕事」に送られる前に、私が彼らと一緒にターンを得た場合、気にすると思いますか?" ("Do you think the boss will mind if I got a turn with them before they're sent to "work"?")
"彼らがすでにあるようにそれらを持ち込む方が多い。あなたは本当に小さな支払いをしたいですか?" ("It's more money to bring them in like they are already. You really want a smaller payout?")
"彼らはとにかく人っといるでしょう。一種のトレーニングと考えてください。" ("They'll just become a whore anyway. Think of it as a kind of training.")
"ボスはあなたを殺すつもりです。" ("The boss is going to kill you.")
"黙らせるのに殺す必要はないのか?" ("We don't have to kill you to shut you up do we?")
They looked as for a sight second the others were about to gang up on him, and it felt nice to have the attention off of you for a short moment. Sadly, the peace never lasts long.
"私はこれの一部を望んでいません。先に行くと、私が気にすべてのために死ぬ、それが撃たれる価値があることを願っています。" ("I want no part of this. Go ahead and die for all I care, hope it's worth getting shot over.")
It was rather ironic that he said that, even if you didn't know what he said at the time.
"ああ、彼らが揺れているのを見て、彼らがそれを望んでいないとは言えません。" ("Oh come on, just look at them shaking, you can't say that they don't want it.")
The next thing you know your face was being semi-crushed against the wall, and every time you tried to struggle, caused a sharp yank at your hair and a bash to the head.
"やめて!" ("Stop it!")
They only laughed at you, but unbeknownst to any of you, a certain man also heard you. He had been in the area just wandering for a while, and may have already seen you once before being chased by them. While he did nothing then, he wasn't going to let it escalate any further. His motivations seemed to have blurred even for him at that moment. Playing the role of the hero was never a bad thing, even if it didn't help him feel much.
"だから、彼らは知っている。私たちにしがみついているのか?あなたはこの種のものに乗り出す別の病気のフリーク?" ("So they do know. Holding out on us huh? You another sick freak that gets off to this kind of thing hon?")
You shouldn't have walked away from the group without getting one of their numbers first. Even if you do manage to escape this you're still going to be hopelessly lost, god forbid if you wander any further into the crime district that you don't get grabbed again trying to find your way back to the meeting spot.
They had managed to tear your shirt, and was in the middle of ridding you of your favorite jeans when Utsuro showed up gun in hand. By the time any of them noticed him, it was really too late to do anything about it. Their fates were already determined by his luck.
"彼らはあなたにやめるように言った。" ("They told you to stop")
"あなたはそれについて何をするつもりですか?私たち4人とあなたの一人だけです。" ("What's a weakling like you going to do about it? There's four of us and only one of you. ")
"傲慢なプリック。なんて退屈なんだろう。" ("Arrogant pricks. How boring.")
"あなたが神のファッカーに会う準備ができていることを願っています。" ("Hope you're ready to meet God fucker.")
"悲しいことに、私はまだ試していないのではなく、それを行うことはできません。" ("Sadly I can't do that, not that I haven't tried already.")
He dodged bullets from them rather easily. It looked like some of them just bounced off him entirely. It only took one bullet from him to get rid of them all, how that was even possible wasn't your concern at the moment though. With the support you previously had holding you up gone, you to fall onto your side onto the pavement.
He wasn't who you were expecting to help him, almost everything about him was off. From his appearance, to the cold dead eyes that was glaring daggers at you as he extended a hand to you. That messy ginger hair didn't help him fit in with the country at all, and at first you mistaken him for another tourist.
After an encounter like that, you just hoped that this wasn't just going to be a repeat of what just transpired. You gathered up the spilled contents of your bag and reached out for his hand in an almost sporadic set of movements that caused him a bit of confusion that quickly faded. He was surprisingly gentle when pulling you back to your feet too.
"ここであなたに悪いことは何も起こらないことを期待して、このような一人で歩き回ることはできません。次回はもっと注意してください。私は幸運にも再びあなたを救うために利用できるとは思わない。" ("You can't be walking around alone like this expecting that nothing bad will happen to you here. Be more careful next time. I don't think that I would be luckily available to save you again..")
Again you were left in confusion, and one that he could visibly see.
"そもそもなぜ赤信号地区にいるのですか?" ("Why are you in the red light district in the first place?")
"Um, ありがとうございました。" ("Thank you very much.")
You didn't know what else to say, you didn't know enough Japanese to really hold a conversation with anyone other than a child, and even then, it wouldn't be enough.
"You wouldn't happen to know we are would you?"
"私はあなたが何を言っているのか理解できません。" ("I don't understand what you're saying.")
"ダムミット" ("Dammit")
He only raised a brow to everyone of your attempts to communicate, it was a wonder he didn't just leave you there. Even without translations he seemed to understand some of what you were saying, even if he wasn't showing it. He handed you his school blazer and made a motion that you though meant "cover up". You were grateful regardless, when he started to walk away he motioned you to follow.
With a sigh you turn to your bag, searching around for the translations book you desperately needed right now.
".....I need my translations book."
"ちょっと待って。." ("Wait a minute.")
"Can you understand me now?"
"How did you-"
"Learning English only took a single thought."
"That's...not possible."
"For me, it is, I'm the Ultimate Luck. Now are you going to let me show you the way back or not?"
"Yeah. Sorry."
His voice is as flat as when he greeted you in that alleyway, but you could clearly understand what he was saying now. He didn't even have a remnant of his accent left. He was so quick to switch from Japanese to English that it was almost scary. You weren't about to question him and risk loosing your only way out by annoying him. You were lucky to have him walk you out and back to your hotel after all.
How he found it without asking which one you were actually staying in wasn't something that crossed your mind until after he was gone though. To say it made you a little concerned was putting it lightly.
As he was walking away, you called out to him.
You had dashed to catch him before he could disappear.
"Ah...I'm sorry, I realize I never asked for your name."
"It doesn't matter. You'll just forget about me when you go home."
"You'd be surprised. Can you at least humor me this one time?"
"Utsuro. I assume that's you last name?"
"First name."
".....I thought that was only exclusive to friends and close loved ones."
"I forgot what my last name was a long time ago. Don't think you're special to me."
"How does one just forget something like that?"
"....I'm sure anyone would choose to forget people who abandoned them." He had muttered it under his breath so quietly you almost didn't hear him.
He turned to leave when you grabbed his wrist.
"What now?"
You handed him a slip of paper with your name and number on it.
"What's this?" The surprise and confusion that found it's way to face were a stark contrast to those eyes. It seemed to bring him to life for a little while, you were sad to see it leave so quickly.
"My number, you can call me anytime."
"I want to be able to pay you back somehow, though I can't offer much. I'd like to be friends still."
"You're making a mistake."
"Just keep it. If you need anything or just want to talk I'll pick up."
"Can you let go of me now?"
"Ah... Sorry."
"Don't expect me to actually call you."
"It's completely up to you to do so."
He didn't bother to say goodbye, but you did as he was walking away. By the time you made it back to your room, you realized you were still wearing his blazer. You laugh at the remark he made earlier.
"How do you expect me to forget when I'm still wearing this Utsuro?"
Some of your blood had dried onto it, and you wonder whether or not he'd even come back for it at all. If he didn't then at least you had something new to comfort you. As intimidating as he portrayed him out to be, the fact that he helped you showed that was still a good person. You don't meet a lot of people like that very often anymore.
"I guess I could at least try to get the blood out just in case he does want it back."
"ああ、マスター!歩き方はいかがでしたか?" ("Ah Master! How was your walk?")
He didn't answer her. She noticed he was covered in blood, making a strange face, seemingly staring into space, and holding a slip of paper. She quickly yanked it from his hand to get a better look, effectively snapping him back into reality.
"あなたはそこに何を持っていますか?" ("What do you have there?")
"誰かが私に彼らの番号を教えてくれました。私はそれで何をすべきか分からない。" ("Someone gave me their number. I'm not sure what to do with it.")
"ああ、今日は外に出て友達を作ったの?それは聞いて素晴らしいです!" ("Ah so you went out and made a friend today? That's great to hear!")
"私は彼らを知らない。" ("I don't even know them Akane.")
"彼らはあなたがそれらを知ることができるようにあなたに彼らの番号を与えました。私はあなたが混乱している理由を理解することができますが。" ("They gave you their number so you can get to know them. Though I can understand why you're confused.")
She patted his shoulder, gave him back your number, and left the room to continue working, leaving Utsuro even more confused. He figured that going back to sleep would help him ignore the obvious problem, but it didn't do anything for him at all. It's been a while since he's been unable to sleep due to a racing mind. It was....different, but somewhat annoying in a way.
"彼らは皆私についてちょうど忘れていると仮定される。 私はそれらについてこれをすることを考えなかった。私はか。" ("They're all supposed to just forget about me. I didn't even think about them doing this....did I?")
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Kemetic Round Table: The Afterlife
Q: How did the Egyptians view the afterlife? How do you view the afterlife? Does this effect your practice at all?
There were always doubts by some Egyptians that a primary example being the "Harper’s song".
Tomb of King Itef as translated by Toby Wilkinson (not the only one but the only one I have on hand) "Look, no one is allowed to take his possessions with him/Look, no one who departs returns!"
I sometimes listen to Kara Cooney's (an Egyptologist) podcast "Afterlives" and her interpretation of how burial and display is just a show of wealth and anyone who couldn't afford funerary goods was just going to have to deal with these influencers and fade out of existence. Now archeology needs evidence and cited sources because you can’t ask 3000 years worth of people. This is where it differs from Kemetic practice where the revival efforts also take spiritual more intangible ideas in addition to present literature.
The main few questions people have these days as a practicing Kemetic are: Is it egalitarian? Is it open to us? It is up to personal interpretation of course, but I guess getting into whatever afterlife isn't a moral high ground in my opinion. The whole reason it exists in a meta sense is to make sure life continues past its perceived end. Even there I think the examples of stories where magician or even generations of kings being reborn imply that there was at least the concept of reincarnation existent.
Now currently my experience with the dead has been really limited, but my main god relation being Anubis has given me some UPG. While others have told me that they expect the flow of souls to the Duat to be thinned out, I personally think you don't have to be openly Kemetic to end up there. Ancient Egyptian art and history has extended to so many people and with that I think there would be more than just a few. I also think that with the guidance of the gods we won't be left abandoned when we die, honestly to have walked the path and try to battle with the meaning of Ma'at and discuss keeps Their names alive. Especially some of us who work with those Beyond probably have some idea of what they have gone through enough to feel at least a little secure.
I still believe the trials of tradition may still exist there i.e. weighing of the heart, but since most people aren't memorizing spells (I mean kudos to you if you do, I want to some day). Just for ritual purposes I think it would be neat to bury someone with the texts or do Opening of the Mouth, but I really hope one day we would be able to gather in a way before my personal end to discuss this. I visualize the Field like some texts say, as a place we have lived or want to exist in. I think it won't be some boring field of wheat (looks directly at the MCU), but in fact a garden because of the implied work and community. Time either probably works based on Egypt or it isn't even relevant. I think the gods would also be a bit more present, not necessarily each person but structural places. Because that is something I've always wanted here aka a temple/place we can make offerings to.
Okay now to get really dark; this is a warning
This is also relevant to my wish for body autonomy of wishing one day someone would preserve my heart (for science of course, I assume the medical thing I have is made of plastic but I could be wrong), but it would also fulfill the other heart preservation aspect, but in the capitalistic hellscape of you need lawyers and a will etc only gives me anxiety that my wishes could never be completed until I outlive my current circumstances and have people willing to do what I want. But then also think of just not caring because it was my body's problem and my family to not get enough to know what I want and my own relationship with a funeral god because of all these reasons that they don't even bother touching/knowing/ talking about with me. Gives me the outward vibe of I don't give a crap even though as you read all the way down I do care A LOT, and think about way more often than ever.
Note: Kemeticism has always fit into what religious afterlife ideas of Taoism and Buddhism I grew up with that the Divine determine your path in death and after there is perpetual rebirth with others you may or may not know. Taoist believe you are handed some kind of potion to forget those connections are start as a baby.
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
I Want to Write a Mikayuu Series
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So um.
If you're reading this, HELLO. All of you long time ONS fans probably don't know me, but I'm Alison and I'm a hardcore Mikayuu, Mitsunoa, Gureshin, etc shipper. I've been in the ONS fandom for almost a year and dear god. The amount of people telling me that Mikayuu is queerbait is just making me really sad 😅 I'm a writer, and I'm the type of person who honestly feels like the author of a series should have the ability to choose how a story ends without influence of their readers. I mean, if it's their story, then it should be their ending, right? However, I also do have some qualms when it comes to how this "love triangle" between Yu, Mika, and Shinoa is being portrayed. This is entirely my personal opinion, but I feel like Shinoa seems to be forcing herself to love Yu. I honestly don't think she cares for him in a romantic way, but more of a very deep-rooted admiration or even envy that she's trying to convince herself to be romantic love. And Yu has said multiple times that he values Mika's life above his own, that he doesn't know what he would do without him if he were to die again (I mean the fact that he suffered seeing his best friend and potential lover die a first time was definitely scarring enough, PLEASE STOP TORTURING OUR POOR BABIES). And it's basically confirmed by now that when Mika said I love you in the manga, it was in the romantic sense. Even though I wish, I hope, I dream, and I pray that Mikayuu will become canon, I honestly can't say for certain what I think will happen. I think it could sway any way, with Mikayuu becoming canon, Yu and Shinoa becoming canon, or it being one of those ambiguous endings where it's heavily implied but nothing actually happens. And in order to make myself feel better when stuff like this happens, I tend to rewrite the entire story with the ending that I would have liked to see ;)
You're probably wondering where the hell this stranger is going with this. Well, I want to write a book. A series, actually.
One that's inspired by Seraph of the End.
Now, if you're interested in hearing me out, then feel free to keep reading. But if not, continue on with your scrolling, no hard feelings. But if you do, and I really hope that you do, give me a chance to explain.
I want to write a series inspired by Seraph of the End called Bloodsucker (working title, obviously). And this series is going to be a reimagination of ONS with an ending that I would have loved to see in the anime and manga. I plan to have three main characters (please keep in mind that I'm going to have name changes): Yuichiro, Mikaela, and a brand new character, Epic.
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Now, I would begin this series a bit before the anime and I'm assuming the manga begins. I'd start with introducing our main three characters as they meet in the orphanage (yes, Epic would be a part of this orphanage as well) and how Epic and Yu try to make moves to run away only to be stopped by Mika and Akane.
I plan to include a scene between Epic and Akane where Epic tries to run out in the middle of the night only to be stopped by Akane, and this is what caused Epic to develop a crush on her (Epic is a girl btw). Then I would begin the whole shit with the vampires and how they set the world on fire and shit, but instead of the apocolypse, I'd make it so that most of the adults died in the fire while the kids were taken alive (because young blood is better and whatnot). This includes our little Hyakuya family. The directors would have tried to trade the kids lives for their own, and due to their selfishness, the vamps killed them and took the kids anyway.
This would begin my first story arc: the prewar.
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Epic, Akane, Mika, and Yu would all be living under the vampires at this point along with the rest of the kids in their orphanage. I plan to include lots of moments of bonding that heavily imply Epic loves Akane even though she doesn't know it yet and Mika loves Yu, but Yu is fucking oblivious. The four begin to plot their escape, but while Mika and Akane (yes Akane too) are making deals with the vampires to help out with their family, Epic is constantly finding herself getting dragged along to visit Queen Krul. The pink haired vamp has a soft spot for her for some reason and often tells her that Epic and her family are "special" or sum shit. And she's super confused and semi grossed out. But none of the vamps ever dare to hurt her so she thinks it's fine. Then one day they all plot their escape and it's much more planned out and lengthy and less rushed than it is in the anime. Things almost seem to work out until the vampires stop them
And Mika and Akane DIE.
I know. I'm horrid.
Epic is standing here in shock as she watches the love of her life die before her and Mika BEGS for Yu to take Epic and run while they can. So while in the series only Yu survives, he obeys Mika and both him and Epic survive this. They're found by Guren (a new character I haven't come up with yet lol) and Yu is super protective over Epic, not wanting anyone to take the only piece of his family he has left (he's a fucking mess without Mika let's just be honest) and Guren ends up taking them under his wing.
Now we hit the second arc. Still with me?
The War.
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Hold onto your hats everyone because this is where shit is about to get complicated. So I do plan to have a bit of a time skip into the current spot where Yu and Epic are attending school with Guren as their father figure and they've become very close. So close that Yu refuses to work with anyone else but her. They end up getting onto Shinoa Squad (obviously going to be completely different in my version) and they get put onto the battlefield. But here's the catch. Well, two catches.
Yu and Epic do have demon weapons. I do plan to try to incorporate that into this. BUT the backstory is different. I plan to make it so that the vampires obviously see the humans as fies. Insignificant things that are more playthings than threats. And they didn't want to have to deal with killing all of them, so they sent demons in their place to handle it. But the humans were able to form deals or "contracts" with the demons and therefore turned the vampires' own secret weapon against them.
Now, catch no. 2
So, Epic, Mika, and Yu aren't seraphs in this. But they are something else. I'm going to try to explain this as simply as I can, but each of them (besides Mika since he doesn't have a demon) have 3 souls inside their body:
Soul 1 is their current soul, the one that identifies as Mika or Epic or Yu.
Soul 2 is their demon soul, like what Asuramaru is to Yu.
And soul 3 is their archangel soul (I might change that name later on).
So I'm just going to come right out and say it. In this series, Epic is the villain.
You read that right.
Epic is the villain. But she doesn't know that she is. These Soul 3s were reincarnated into the current bodies of Mika, Epic, and Ari (and I know that's not exactly how it works but screw logic this is just a fucking concept) from their lives centuries ago.
These souls existed way before vampires existed and Epic (or Essie) was very close friends with Yu (or Aytigin). Aytigin was in love with Haru (Mika) but for one reason or another, they couldn't be together. Essie wanted to do something, willing to do anything to make the two of them happy. So she made a deal that brought the vampires into creation so that Haru and Aytigin could be happy. She was willing to sacrifice everything that they stood for so that the two of them could be in love together.
She had good intentions, but of course Haru and Aytigin were furious because now the vampires were turning against the humans and they all basically died. Until they were reborn respectively, but unknowingly.
Now picking back up in the present, Yu and Epic are fighting in one of the main battles and the two are very confused when the vampires make a very deliberate attempt not to hurt Epic. They're unsure as to why, but Guren tells them not to worry about it.
Suspicious bastard.
Anyway, it's revealed finally that MIKA IS ALIVE
Yes he is a vampire. And Yu falls in love all over again upon seeing him, and after a bunch of struggling, Epic gets kidnapped. At first she gets strangled by Lacus and then she gets kidnapped by Ferid who doesn't kill her surprisingly.
Oh and uh... Ferid is nice in this. He's still a fucking creep, but he's a lot nicer than he is in the series. I plan to make Queen Krul or whoever I turn her into be the villain.
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Anyway, they take Epic back to the vampire palace or whatever and Queen Krul and Epic are reunited! And Krul is the one who reveals to Epic exactly who she, Mika, and Yu are and this is what sparks Epic's fall to insanity.
I mean, she's the killer. She's the one who brought them into this world. She's responsible for every death the vampires cause.
I would go crazy too.
So, she manages to escape (partially thanks to Mika) and the two join Yu and the others again and it's revealed a second time exactly what is going on. And while no one actually blames Epic on the Shinoa Squad, that doesn't stop people like Kureto and even herself from blaming.
And this causes her demon to go haywire.
She begins losing her marbles, almost killing her teammates and trying to kill herself, all while the three begin to experience dreams or visions of their Soul 3s.
While all this shit is going on, there's heavy romance between Mika and Yu because these two lovers just got reunited and FUCK did they have glow ups but yes -
Oh. And there is another spark for Epic, even though she doesn't think she's worthy of love.
Okay. I'm just gonna say it.
Lacus falls in love with Epic. Yes. You read that correctly too.
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I plan to make the two of them get trapped together at some point and they have to work together to escape. It's during this time that Epic realizes he's not all that bad and has some form of self control and he realizes that she's the most interesting thing he's ever met in this disgusting and boring life and damn do her eyes look pretty-
But yes. She forms a permanent alliance with him that he jokes about as marriage and they meet on other occassions too, but lol yes.
Anyway, blah blah blah, more fall to insanity, the Soul 3s take over their bodies on multiple occasions and there's a lot of bonding and fighting and Epic and Mika somehow manage to get some of the vampires on the human side.
And in the end, Epic and Yu basically sacifice themselves to save the human race and kill Queen Krul. It's a very rough ending I haven't quite perfected yet, but Yu has a moment like he did with the King of Salt. But though he inflicted a lot of damage, it's not enough. So while the team is worried about him, Epic takes this opportunity to fix her and Essie's mistakes.
She allows both Essie and her demon to take control of her body and dies on the battlefield. Queen Krul is eliminated. Most of the vampires are gone. The humans won.
Epic is dead.
Kinda. Yu and Mika take her back home and this is the preview to the last arc where everyone's in the hospital and Epic's in a coma. Mika and Yu barely ever leave her side and it's only when Lacus of all people comes to visit that she fucking wakes up.
Okay. Are you still with me? Now come with me to the final arc.
The Post-War.
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No my friend. It doesn't end there. Because Mika and Lacus are still vamps and life still sucks and I drank too much coffee this morning.
No it's not over yet.
So flash forward a couple years and Kureto and Crew are working as the heads of this city. Stuff is being rebuilt, people are settling down in homes, Lacus and some of the other "good" vampires find jobs, and Mika, Yu, and Epic get a house together (in case I didn't mention before, Epic is pansexual. She loved Akane dearly and I plan to include scenes where she sees her in her mind and dreams like Mikayuu so she's never truly gone, but she falls for Lacus too when he's not being a sadistic asshole). Things are going strangely when
BAM. Epic and Yu come up with a cure for vampirism.
How, you may ask? I don't fucking know, I haven't read about it in the manga yet but before we come up with an idea for it, imma say they came up with it through a spell. They share their findings with Guren and soon all vampires are being cured, most notably Mika, Lacus, and even Rene.
BUT and there's always a but, Kureto passes a new law claiming all vampires to be property. That any vampire or previous vampire or even vampire supporter/owner that tries to disobey these new laws is to be killed immediately. Now Epic and Yu are in jeopardy because their ex-vampires are in danger (Epic and Lacus have been hanging out a lot more and he's proven himself to be a decent guy. Contrary to popular belief, I headcanon him as not really knowing what to do when he actually cares about someone since he's been a heartless vamp for so long. So when he turns to Mika and begrudgingly asks him for LOVE ADVICE of all fucking things, Mika is ready to die). So basically, Mika and Lacus end up getting locked up along with the other ex-vamps (including Ferid which was a pain in the ass) and did I forget to mention that there's a proposal?
Oh yeah, Yu proposes to Mika and the blond still has yet to give him an actual answer because poor baby is still having a hard time accepting that Yu can love a "monster" like him.
But anyways, now Epic and Yu are furious and SHINOA SQUAD IS BACK IN BUSINESS. With the help of Guren and Shinya and everyone, they form a sort of rebellion and blah blah blah they manage to get Mika and Lacus and everyone out and blah blah blah they all get separated and Lacus begins to get INSANELY protective of Epic and ends up confessing his feelings to her before he nearly dies and blah blah blah did I forget to mention that I'm making Mitsunnoa and Kimizuki x Yoichi canon and blah blah blah.
Epic kisses Lacus as an instinct. Lacus kisses her again. Mika accepts Yu's proposal then almost dies AGAIN. I kill off some characters for emotional tugs and after a ton of more fighting and revenge and psychological breakings later, Kureto is killed. And Guren (or someone else haven't decided yet) is the new head of their city.
Epic, Mika, and Yu finally let Akane and the kids go. There's a lot of Shinoa Squad bonding but this is a summary so I haven't included much besides the main three. Epic and Lacus becomes canon. Mika and Yu get married. Guren and Shinya get married. Shinoa gets pregnant.
I do plan to be slightly ruthless like the creator and include a lot of heartbreaking scenes, but it's going to be much different than ONS but I still want it to hold on to some core relationships.
I just want them to be happy. And I just want to make other people happy because fuck I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY
So. Yeah.
That's Bloodsucker...
So my question to you is... if I wrote this shit.
If I sat down and typed about 30 books roughly inspired by Seraph of the End and Mikayuu and Mitsunnoa and shit...
Would anyone read it?
♡ a.a.
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