#Belphegor OM
Y/n: Hey, it's your turn to wash the dishes.  
Y/n: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time?
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devildom-doll · 5 months
Always remember canon events 🧡
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Wehehehe >:^D angst if u don’t mind
Uuhhhhhhh situation: MC and a brother/dateable (if u wanna) broke up (kinda messy so they ended on ehhhh terms) and they still kinda have feelings for MC
Can u do the brother’s/dateable’s reaction/thoughts to MC basically courting their opposite (example Lucifer’s opposite would probably be Levi, Mammons opposite would be Belphie, ect ect)
Even if u don’t wanna, I hope ya have a great day 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I love a bit of angst so let's go!
UPDATE: guys, it's really angsty lol i'm so sorry
As an Avatar of Pride, he didn't admit his mistakes and he didn't admit that he was way too controlling, arrogant, and insensitive to your feelings.
As he now watches you hang out with Levi, he feels blind rage swelling in his chest. He can't believe he let you go and you know tend to someone so...bland and shut-in.
When he hears you giggle in Levi's room or see you two reading the same manga, he feels bitter as the two of you never seemed to spend time together like that.
He tried talking to you once. Well, he basically grabbed your wrist and forced you to stay where you were standing while he started spitting out his thoughts and emotions.
You just walked away, without even looking back. He heard you crying in Levi's room later.
"Weak and useless", he mutters whenever Levi is in his sight. His hands clench in fists as he is absolutely helpless about the situation and it drives him insane.
Okay, maybe he told you all these things but you cry easily anyway and at first, he didn't even feel guilty
He was sure you'd miss going out with him and he spent countless nights fantasizing how he will reluctantly take you back
Now he sees you spending all your time at home, with Belphie.
Just fucking HoL, sitting on the damn couch like two elderly people in a nursing home.
He passed you once or twice, in his best outfit, wearing expensive perfume and purposefully talking on the phone with a pretty witch
You never lifted your eyes on him
You never lifted your eyes from Belhie as he lied on your knees, telling you some bullshit made-up stories
He hates you for being able to move on to something more stable, something that he was never capable of giving
He barely watched his words during this last argument and that was the end
With you, his life had some sort of meaning. Now, it turned into a pitch-black tunnel again
Watching you with Lucifer hurts him so badly he could never imagine
Lucifer is the epitome of everything you wanted him to be and he never even tried
At nights, he howl alone in his room, softening his screams with a pillow, wishing you heard him and come back
When he lifts his head from the pillow, he sometimes hears you being in the Lucifer's room - all the sounds so well known to him.
With every little moan and every little sigh that he hears from you being in Lucifer's arms, his heart shatters again and again until there is nothing left of it
He never meant to say all these words and he never meant to scare you so much
His possesiveness played a cruel joke on him and you are gone forever now, dating calm and cheerful Beelzebub instead
The worst thing is that despite being older, he feels weak compared to Beel and he hates himself for that
He once caught you in the hall and pinned you to the wall, trying to force a kiss
Beel slammed him down while you stared in horror at the blood dripping on the floor
He never spoke to you or Beel again
Sometimes he hits the wall till his knuckles bleed, imagining it's Beel
Sometimes he cries, pressing your scarf to his chest, inhaling its scent and imagining it's you
He didn't talk to you till that damn day when he saw you out with Barbatos
Barbatos? Really? A fucking butler?
He was very proud of the speech he gave you when he approached you and made fun of your downgrade
After that, he locked himself in the room
He broke all his mirrors because in every mirror he saw the ghost of your smile when you used to hug him from behind and laugh happily
He once got down to breakfast without a hint of makeup and with messy hair
He looks exactly how he feels: crumbling into pieces
The only thing that hurts more than your scratchmarks on his back were your words about leaving him
He never thought you needed more...passion. Though he would call it uncontrollable wrath, considering you left for Satan
When he sees you with hickeys and other marks on your beautiful skin, he clenches his fists so tight it hurts
He can't really explain to himself when it all went wrong but one day, you were just gone
He know thinks he is just a big stupid jock if he was never able to see your fiesty and wild side
He made you cupcakes to try and apologise but you smashed them on the wall
When your eyes meet in the dining room, he feels sick to the stomach and can't finish his plate
Mammon, really? Like he cares
He now sleeps almost 24/7 and doesn't sometimes respond to Beel trying to wake him up
At least in his dreams he can apologize for what he did
In reality, he knows you hate him and he feels it growing on his skin, like an icy shell
He hates how confidently Mammon looks and talks
He observes how you now glow, being able to finally go out and enjoy all the wonderful life outside, the one he was keeping so fiercely away from you
Sometimes in his dreams, you tell him you forgive him
Then he wakes up though he sometimes wishes he didn't
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rayofsunshyne · 1 month
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Post-Shower Belphie 0_0
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poorlydrawn-obeyme · 1 month
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idk what to caption this so uh hi
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obey-me-hoe · 1 month
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Belphie is so adorable when he acts all goofy like that 🥰
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ask-belphegor · 1 month
I’m as cute as a plushie, you think so too right?
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from Obey Me IG
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hakirachan · 1 year
Obey Me! Incorrect Quotes #9
MC: What do you call a dictionary on drugs? 
Belphie: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you. 
MC: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better. 
Belphie: ...
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curatoroffiction · 7 months
Seductive Speechcraft Midterms: Part 4
It's Belphegor's turn to attempt to vie for your soul in the setting of an exam. His attempt is very different from the ones you've encountered so far.
Warnings: - Unreality tag for this one. Belphegor's magic messes with the reader's mind and alters their perception of reality ----- Previous Chapters: - Intro Chapter - Satan's Seduction - Mammon's Magnetism -----
Belphegor's Beguilement:
You don't end up going back into the exams until the next day. When you originally came back from your lunch with Mammon, the teacher checked your energy levels and told you to take the rest of the day off.
So when you come in today, you're fresh and ready, and once again excited to be here.
You have no idea who'll come through that door, but you've brought your collection of props again. The proctor assessing your performance in this exam motions for you to get ready for the first exam taker of the day, and to let her know when you're ready.
You reach into your bag of persona prompts and you pull out "Busy". Okay, you can work with that. You grab your laptop and set it up on the table and you pull up a game to play. You have headphones that you connect and use to immerse yourself. Whoever is coming in will be testing on hardmode. You motion to the teacher that they can send in the first student, and you begin playing.
The game you've chosen is an open-world RPG, so you're following quests and collecting goods and unlocking story lore.
You almost forget that you're in the middle of an exam, until you smell the soft scent of warm melon and honey. A scent you're most familiar with from the youngest of the brothers. He moves to sit beside you, and you can see that he's brought his own book.
He's planning to ignore you?
Well that's fine. You're pretending you're a busy person.
You choose to ignore him right back. You're playing a particularly difficult questline. Given that this is a game you've played a lot, and you're actually invested in the plot, it's not hard for you to ignore him. Especially given that you're wearing your headphones.
You gently yawn. Despite it being the first exam of the day, and having had caffeine just beforehand, you feel the gentle lull of every warm delight of slumber tugging at your mind. Ah, so this is his impact. Interesting.
You're a little interested, given that you've never really gotten to see Belphegor use his power in an attempt to attract you and make you want to know more. Even when he was in the attic, it was less.. 'Dreamy' and more 'Nightmarish'. But you find yourself yawning again, and this time it feels like you're struggling to keep a straight thought towards your video game. You're distracted and thinking about Belphegor.
How is his power affecting you? You're not looking at him, you haven't looked him in the eye- It can't be his scent.. Can it?
Ahh.. Dammit.
It's definitely his scent. That's how he's invading your senses. You have to cut that off, or you'll find yourself lulled out of your work. You reach into your book bag at your feet and take out a small balm of vapo rub. You usually use it to help yourself when the air of Devildom is particularly horrible - But you know it'll work in this instance. You apply a small dab under your nose to replace the scent, and your senses are flooded with the thick scent of vapo rub.
And it's no surprise to you that you suddenly feel much more awake.
You put the balm back into your book bag, curious to see how he'll deal with your resourcefulness. You return to your game, and for a while, it seems like he's not even trying. No approach. No attempt to connect.
Is he capable of affecting you in other ways?
It's not until a little while later that he produces a small soft drink and slides it across the table to you. You pause your game and look up to see the can. You glance up to him and see that he's looking to his book as he wordlessly offers you the drink.
"... Are you offering that to me?"
"Sure. You look like you could use some refreshment."
You pick up the drink, looking it over. It's a can, unopened. There's no reason to believe that it's what poses the danger here. You look him over once and pause, but you can't find a reason that a typical human wouldn't accept aside from preference. Right now, he's coming across as a gentle stranger.
You decide to take the drink, cracking it open and taking only a sip, just to test the waters.
When you do, you expect for him to ask something about it. Or maybe to follow up and see if you're responding to his influence yet.. But he just continues to passively read his book. You expect to feel his power ebbing at the edges of your mind - You expect for yourself to be overwhelmed by drinking the drink.. But nothing comes.
You feel as in control of yourself as ever.
You return to your game, once again refocusing yourself. You're meant to be busy. The game takes you into a small village where you have to use your character's senses to solve a mystery- And you can still give it your whole attention. Still, in the quiet moments, when the work is mindless and you're killing monsters that are attacking you, you can't help but to feel the... Monotony of it all.
Your mind keeps coming back to Belphegor, who is sitting only a chair away from you.
You feel his voice dancing on your thoughts, and you feel drawn to look towards him. What is he reading? You only take a glance, but you quickly catch that it's a book about artificery - Which piques some deep part of your mind that dances with the fancy of the unknown.
You realize at once that you're under his influence again, but how did he do it? His voice soothingly plays in your mind once again. 'You look like you could use a break' - But that's not what he said, right?
He knows exactly how to tantalize a human, how to play into their deepest desires. The demon of dreams. He can tell when he's got your interest piqued, and he'll make you think every point of engagement is your own choice. How is he doing it?
Was it sound?
You're not sure, because as soon as you disengaged, all you can hear in your mind is the sound of your game.
If that was his influence, did you break it, or did he release you?
It's driving you a little nuts that you can't tell the difference. Mammon's influence was easy to see because he was trying to impress - But.. Belphegor's playing a much longer game. A much slower game. The avatar of sloth. He can afford to wait.
You can hear through your headset as he opens himself a drink, sipping it as he reads. You feel a yearning tugging at your chest, wanting to engage. He seems so gentle and easy to approach. You want to ask about his book. You want to know about his interests. You want to hear his gentle, warm voice envelop you with every answer. What's wild is that it feels so.. organic. Like he's a stranger passing you on a rare chance, and you can take it.
And unlike some demons' influences, you're not feeling fear when you tell yourself not to engage. You feel regret, but it's like the soft regret you feel when you want to tell a stranger that they look nice, but you're too shy to get it out. It doesn't feel like you're being pulled by strings.
You decide to break the silence and engage with him to see where it goes. A typical human would engage. You pause your game and look to the demon. ".. Do I know you?"
He pauses in his reading, glancing to you as though surprised that you're engaging with him. He makes it seem so natural. He really does make it feel like you're the one approaching him. "Hmn? I'm sorry, I was really deep in my book. Can you repeat that?" He grins sheepishly, his hand holding the book resting in his lap as he gives you all of his warm attention. You feel shy, warm, as though you're basking in the soft glow of the embers of a campfire.
"... I was asking if I knew you." You feel almost embarrassed that you ask again. You find yourself yearning to make a good impression. Like you need to match his energy.
"Oh, no. Sorry if I confused you. I always bring extra drinks for the people around me. You looked busy, so, I figured you could use one." His smile is so warm and organic. Like he thinks your misunderstanding is funny, but in an endearing way. Wait. Your misunderstanding?
This isn't a misunderstanding.
He's really worming his way into your mind.
You have to disengage.
You turn back to your computer. "Ah, well.. Thank you."
"No problem." He's back to reading his book. It's easy for him to disengage from you. There's no pressure from him. You feel no pressure. The only pressure you really feel is the pressure to reach out. You want to reach out. You want to ask more. You want to know more...
But you keep disengaging.
He turns the page, and you can hear it through your headphones. Even when you're disengaging, you can hear it, and feel it, and each turn of the page, however slow, however long it takes... It anchors you back to him. You get lost in your game, but soon enough, the turning of the page comes through once again. It's not invasive. It's almost exciting. You almost look forward to the sound of the turning of the page as you try to lose yourself in the escapism of the game.
Soon enough, you find yourself slowly.. bored. The plots of the game are too.. Overdone. You've played RPGs before. Fight the monsters, collect the treasure, learn the lore.. But even learning the lore seems so.. Unattractive in this moment.
He turns the page, and your mind sparks with excitement. He's interesting. He's an unknown. You have no idea who he is, and yet, he seems so.. Inviting. And what of artificery? Is it a real study? Is it a fiction book that he's playing with? Who's the author? You feel like you want to know more.
You've forgotten what artificery even is.
You've forgotten who he is.
You've forgotten that this isn't real.
All that's real is this moment, and it's a chance to get to explore something magical.. Magic doesn't exist. You know that there is no magic in this world. You have no magic.
You look to your game and you feel like you're just busying yourself with escapism - But he could be a real escape from the monotony of the world around you.
You hear the distant scribbling of the proctor's notes as they watch, and it brings you back to the moment.
You know that magic is real, and that it's real because you're not in your world anymore. Artificery is your biggest passion. You're a leading mage in the field.
How did he make you think it wasn't real? How did he revert you back to a time when it wasn't real to you?
And wait, you know him. This is Belphegor.
In this brief moment of clarity where you can remember who you are and what's going on, you remember you need to stop this. You have to completely disengage. If you don't, you'll lose this. You close out of your game and close your laptop and begin getting up to leave. As you leave, you hear him call after you - "Hey, do you want your drink?"
And you look back to him reflexively, your guard being completely down as you catch a dooming glimpse of his eyes. His violet eyes soothe your soul, gently beckoning you to come back, to sit with him in this escape. He can take you to places you've never thought could exist. He can make every dream you've ever had feel insignificant with the excitement he can bring to your life.
This is a chance.
This is a choice.
You gently wave your hand. ".. No, thank you." and break eye-contact, walking out of the scene.
When you reach the wall, you lean against it, the pressure of his influence still making your heart yearn - Because his influence, though he's ended it, was tugging at your deepest dreams and desires. He stoked a flame inside you and made you want to know more. You feel like you missed out, even though the scene is over.
Seeing you lean against the wall, he breaks character to check in on you. "Hey, ___, are you okay?"
"Yeah, that was just.. intense. Still is." You look up to him and see his concern. But what you don't see is his thought process.
So when he says "I'm sorry, I tried really hard not to push it, and to not use too much of my influence on you. I didn't want to remind you of when I-..." He cuts himself off, sheepish at his own faults, worried that he's hurt you.
".... That was you PULLING your power??" Your exclamation surprises him and he is visibly startled. You begin laughing as your previous emotions bubble away. "God.. It's no wonder I'm still feeling like I missed out. You made it so real, and SO organic, I thought it was all me - And I think it was."
The professor cuts in and motions for you two to come over for your assessments.
"You did an amazing job of discretely cutting off points of influence from Belphegor. This was absolutely an instance of him just knowing his power and strength well enough to keep finding new points of contact." She explains, looking over her notes.
You cut in - "How WAS he getting through? Was it the sound?"
"Yes, absolutely. Originally, he got through to you through the scent, then through sound, and something you didn't catch onto was that he got through to you through the drink."
"But the drink was closed and felt so.. Normal. I didn't get ANY whiff of magic off of it."
"Yes, but he wasn't just getting through to you with magic. He was toying with you by tantalizing your natural human curiosity. It was truly an amazing display of cunning and an in-depth understanding of humans and how their minds work." The proctor sounds genuinely impressed with Belphegor's performance in the exam.
"It really was." You nod in agreement. He absolutely would have gotten you if you hadn't been able to distract yourself and tether yourself back to reality with the teacher's distant sounds of scribbling. Honestly, it took a great amount of effort to pull yourself back from that. You grin to him, and see that he's visibly shy about your praise.
- ".. Thank you." He smiles softly, looking away.
The teacher motions to you. "Back to you, I'm especially proud that you avoided eye-contact. You're getting better at that. He definitely pulled some tricks out to get you to make eye-contact. If he weren't so good at helping humans bring their guards down-"
You can see how Belphegor's shy warmth shifts into embarrassed guilt as the teacher goes on about how great he is at manipulating humans. You clear your throat. "And my performance?" redirecting her focus away from him, so he doesn't have to listen to how good he was at manipulating you.
"Ah, yes, your performance was admirable. You held your own, you stealthily protected yourself, and you appropriately disengaged when it became apparent that you were outmatched. Can I ask, how did his influence feel?"
".. Ahhh.." You pause, glancing over to him. He seems to be cautiously watching you. "Well, it felt.. Real. Like he was a magical stranger in the sense of being someone who was exciting and new and charismatic without even trying. I found myself forgetting core details about myself, which I think was the height of his influence. He somehow made me forget artificery, even though it's something I love dearly and am very passionate about. He somehow made it feel like it was a dream he could show me existed. I have no idea how he did that, but.. Damn."
Belphegor looks away, feeling guilty that he even did that to you. Having gotten his feedback, he heads towards the door.
The teacher is ecstatic though. She gives you both high marks for the occasion. She's about to tell you to get ready for the next one when you go "I'm gonna need a breather after that one. To get my head straight, if that's okay."
"Oh, absolutely. Please, take your time. Return soon though, we do have others waiting."
You follow Belphegor out of the room. He pauses and turns to see you.
And for a moment, you're both quiet.
"... Are you okay?" You ask, worried that he's shutting down.
He nods. "... Are you?"
You nod, giving him a gentle smile.
He feels embarrassed that you're checking in on him. "..."
"Do you wanna hang out later? I'll be pretty exhausted after the exams, and I'll definitely need someone to help me wind down."
"... Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. I still feel safe with you."
He looks away, extra embarrassed, but he holds his arms out for you. You close the distance and warmly hug him, giving him a reassuring squeeze. He hugs you back, and you can hear how he decompresses into you, his exhale sounding like he was holding a lot inside. You two stand like this for a long moment, soaking in the comfort of each other's arms, and the safety you've built with each other.
You take as long as you need to recover from this one, and he does too. ----- If you like my writing and wanna check out other works I've done, check out my Masterlist/Rules I write pieces like this and more on my AO3 too!
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inks-lil-quiet-corner · 2 months
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he's sleeping on my canvas help
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Mc: Don't be scared, I don't bite
Belphie: But do you stab?
Mc: …
Mc: I don't bite
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devildom-doll · 3 months
ACTUAL GOOD 3D MODLES?!?!!?!!??!!?!!?!?
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condemnedtranscendant · 6 months
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day 71 pt 2 | hbdb
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chronicallyleggless · 2 months
Obey me! Belphegor userboxes! (Full Pack) LESSON 16 REFERENCE
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poorlydrawn-obeyme · 2 months
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honestly this is all the introduction we need
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Hello! Could you write something for the om brothers and a (half)dragon mc? ^^ have a good day 💜💜💜
half dragon gives so many different choices of various traits
Lucifer, whose immediate thought upon hearing mc is half dragon, 'please do not be the fire breathing kind I have to clean up enough of everyone else messes as is.' Imagine him finding out they do breathe fire is because they're helping Beel toast marshmallows. And when he tries to scold them, they just give him a toothy smile claiming they have great control over their fire breath and he doesn't need to worry about them burning the place down. Famous last words when a week later they sneeze and set the dining table on fire. He struggles to get too angry with them because they’ve figured out to widen their pupils on purpose and give him the look of a wounded puppy when being scolded. 
Mammon, knows the stories about dragons guarding great treasures, so of course he comes up with the theory that mc must have a priceless treasure in their possession that would make him rich. Of course when he first asks them about it, they are aloof and don't even properly answer his question about treasure. "Life's greatest treasures are often found right around us, perhaps you should simply look closer to your surroundings." Eventually mc tells him they were being metaphorical, and even later shows him their treasure stash under their bed. It's just a bunch of shiny things, but Mammon chokes up when he notices a lot of things he's given them among the pile. He has to not talk for a while so he doesn’t cry when they start talking about how everything there is priceless to them regardless of material value. 
Leviathan doesn't even realise mc is half dragon under he gets a close up view of some of their scales. And realise that theirs are incredibly shiny, shinier then his are. Which only becomes worse when they show him that their scales can stick up and are sharp enough to be used as weapons. He's jealous. To the point where it takes a while for him to get over it. However he comes around when a neuron activates after he catches them laughing and sees how sharp their fangs are. This after it's discovered their half dragon side gives them a slight superiority complex over humans, "and the poor little worm couldn't even lift up my treasure chest, what an idiot." Levi hasn't been the same since. He'll be their poor little worm, just give him a chance.
Asmodeus spots mc’s unique characteristics from miles away. Slit pupils, and sharp teeth, is that a tail? He’s pieced together what mc might be before they tell him, and upon finding out they’re part dragon he’s surprised as he didn’t expect that. He also finds it really cute when their eyes seem to settle on whatever jewelry he might be wearing that day, and the shinier the piece is the more their pupils seem to expand. He starts using their excitement to gauge whether or not something is too gaudy, “okay so the hairpin draws too much attention away from my face, got it.” Something he also loves is how grateful they are when he gives them accessories, they always talk about treasuring each gift forever and no matter how often he hears it, his heart still melts. 
Dragon traits = cat traits. At least that's Satan's opinion on mc's half dragon nature. The first time he sees their pupils dilate widely upon seeing something they like, he's been documenting their different behaviours ever since. Their pupils also change in different light settings, they enjoy napping in warm places, can be incredibly food driven at times and have a tendency to stalk small creatures, like mice. They also have a strong like for causing chaos, which is always funny to watch Lucifer pull his hair out trying to get Belphie and Satan to stop encouraging mc. They also happen to have some ancient books in their possession that he’s coaxing them to let him borrow through trade of shiny things. 
“In my opinion that meat tastes best charred.” Is the gateway sentence said by mc, that leads to rabbit hole of bizarre bonding activities between mc and Beelzebub. Which always ends with mc setting something on fire with their fire breath and Beel rating it 1-10 on whether or not it made the food better. Between the pair of them, they can smell a steak within a three mile radius, it is ridiculous. But also Beel is a form of impulse control whenever he and mc are together, because they’ll get a sudden urge to just do something incredibly destructive and Beel will just make a sad face thinking about getting punished by Lucifer. “We’ll get in trouble.” Is all he has to say to make them reconsider being destructive. 
Belphie and mc are very alike. mc enjoys napping, specifically during the day and being more active during the night. Belphie, spends most of his time asleep, which means in weird hours of the night the two run into each other a lot. And a lot of the times mc will be sneaking around looking like they’re doing something suspicious. “I am moving everything in the house an inch out of place to see if Lucifer notices.” Is what they told him one night at like 4am, nothing has been the same since. These two gremlins have made Lucifer’s life h e l l. Things will completely go missing because either Belphie moved it, or mc was like: ‘cool shiny.’ And while mc is now the obvious choice ranking above Mammon, they’ve started making new places for their hoards of things with Belphie’s help. But neither of them will say where. Belphie pretends he’s asleep. While mc just blinks at them, cocking their head as if they don’t understand what’s being asked of them. The items do go back to their owners eventually, but not before Belphie has had a good laugh about the whole thing. 
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