#this is seriously one of my berserk buttons
silvermoon424 · 9 months
I watch a lot of Hope For Paws (an animal rescue channel) videos and it always fucking infuriates me how so many people just abandon their pets on the streets. They don’t try to find another home for them, they don’t drop them off at a shelter, they just… leave them outside.
I think a lot of these people assume “it’s an animal, they’ll use their instincts to survive” when like 2 seconds of critical thinking disproves that. Even non-domesticated wild animals that were raised by humans will usually be helpless surviving on their own because they just weren’t raised to have same skills and instincts as their wild counterparts do. That’s why sanctuaries and rescue operations for exotic pets exist; these animals will die in the wild so people want to provide them a safe space.
If it’s that bad for a captive-raised tiger, why the FUCK do idiots think a domestic dog who has never had to take care of itself will be okay being let loose? Maybe we should drop their animal neglecting asses into a jungle and see how well they do. After all, humans still have survival instincts so I’m sure they’ll be able to tough it out.
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wolfofcelestia · 2 months
Idk if u have seen this one yet but i need to hear ur thoughts :D
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I hit the ask button to early but i thought of u when i saw that post on twitter since it'sabout zayne! 😭 🤭
Thanks for thinking of me!! And giving me a reason to yap lol 😭
Right off the bat, I need to say that I think I'm an outlier in the fandom because I do not believe Astra exists in any world except Foreseer's world so I am going to disagree with a lot of things in here lmao
Warnings: Long post, me being kind of a bitch when I defend my man asdflakdfj
Don't take any of this seriously because this is just one fan theory vs another fan theory but. My theories are better because I don't discredit Zayne's feelings to fit my narrative
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I don't believe it being our "first" lives or not really makes a difference because... if you look at time and space and all that, time is irrelevant. It's a loop that feeds in on itself. One life could be considered a first or a last life. History will repeat itself again and again, so our Zayne and our MC are just one drop in a whole ocean of time and space
The LADS music video included the mobius strip prominently and what it symbolizes seems to align with this train of thought
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Regardless, to say that Zayne's feelings for MC are only because of their past lives discredits why he fell in love with her in the first place. This seems to be a reoccurring thing with this person's Zayne theories - they discredit Zayne's feelings.
He is his own person with his own feelings, not just a plot vessel for other versions of himself.
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I believe Zayne was born a normal human being. Whether he stays that way is yet to be seen. MC may have something special about her that prompted the scientists to experiment on her, or she, as an orphan, may have just been an easy target. But again, I don't believe this has anything to do with Astra.
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Like I said, I don't believe Astra exists in every world. But let's step back a bit
Foreseer isn't allowed to love because he has a duty to carry out as Astra's mouthpiece. He can't get distracted from his duties by falling in love. Astra sees Foreseer getting distracted as him deliberately going against him. Thus, he's punished.
But why would Zayne falling in love in any other world receive punishment? Even if Astra does exist, if Doctor Zayne falls in love, what betrayal has he committed for him to receive divine punishment? It does not make any sense
Take Master of Fate. He IS a god. Him loving MC is akin to him loving something he must destroy for the good of the world, but it is not forbidden. He would not be punished for loving her. The worst that could happen would be MC being killed by the other gods, so (another theory of mine that contradicts this person's theory), him sealing her away to hide her in their own private pocket dimension was the only way he could both keep her safe and love her
Take Dawnbreaker. He loves MC uncontrollably, but where is his punishment? She was separated from him from the beginning. This is not an active divine punishment
Astra does not exist in every world, nor would he punish any and every Zayne for being in love if Astra is not directly slighted
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The first actual facts in this list of "Facts" lmao
Clarification though: Zayne cannot connect to Dawnbreaker at will, nor vice versa. Zayne is not even sure who he is
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If Dawnbreaker could connected to Zayne whenever he could, he'd be a lot less depressed, but as of this point in the story, all he can do is hope that he dreams of her whenever he falls asleep
This person's wording is a bit hard to understand, but if they mean that Dawnbreaker and Zayne exist in alternate universes like two sides of the same coin, at the same time, then I agree with that, especially since Dawnbreaker isn't considered a myth.
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I really don't understand why people keep pulling Astra in here. Zayne, as in Doctor Zayne, doesn't want MC to be near him because his evol can go berserk when he can't control it. This is due to him overworking himself
But Zayne loves MC and she is the only cure to calm his evol and convince him to take breaks from work when he otherwise wouldn't, further calming him down and keeping his evol under control
Things don't always have to be super cryptic. Sometimes a doctor just wants to keep the person he loves safe, regardless of his own feelings
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I don't remember anything in the story that mentions anything about that last sentence. But this world does seem to revolve around protocores, what they can do to people, and what they can do to the world (see: that big hole in the sky)
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I have not read or seen this article? This section seems to just be taking the Jungian idea of the collective unconscious and throwing "energy" into the mix. This is a whole nothing burger to me tbh. I don't know what they're trying to say here. MC and Zayne are going to change the world?
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Or Zayne and MC just love each other in their current lifetimes. In the myths, they never mention either of them feeling familiar with each other
Scanning through the rest of this section gives me nothing else.
Is it that hard to believe that Zayne and MC would fall in love with each other despite not knowing, or even having, a past with each other? Sure, they would fall in love in every lifetime, but it's not because of that repetition that they fall in love. Down to their cores, they just fit together.
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An interesting thought, something I don't agree as canon but it's a nice idea.
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I agree with this section up until this point. Which is like 2 sentences into the theory lmao
If I'm understanding this person correctly, their theory is that MC is the personification of Life, and Zayne is the personification of Time, like gods. Yeah, it's an interesting thought, but I don't see it as canon
There are many allusions in this story to various mythologies (notably Greek mythologies) so LADS's story reflecting that isn't that wild of an idea. But until we get confirmation of any of this, I just see this as fanfic
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I agree that the aether cores are special, but the aether cores belonging to MC? That's pretty farfetched to me
And, as I've said, the way I read Master of Fate's ending is completely different to how this person read it, so I just stopped reading this section here.
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Is it?? So hard?? To believe that Doctor Zayne loves MC because?? He just?? Loves her??? He loves her for who she is?? And not because she overcame these wild stories in her past lives??
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I don't agree with the first part but I can see Dawnbreaker and Zayne collaborating
One of my theories I've written about before was that Dawnbreaker may be the key to saving MC, in every world. Because he doesn't have an MC of his own, his desperation to reach her would lead him to finding ways to transverse time and space with the intention of helping her. He may not be able to control where he lands up, so wherever he lands, he looks for MC and helps every version of her until he can reach the girl he loves
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Oh boy, we're going off the rails here. Okay...
If Zayne had an aether core, he would know eventually because through his medical training, there would be no doubt that he, his classmates, or his professors would've noticed. Maybe they practiced using the medical monitoring machines on each other or maybe Zayne got a test result one day that told him he had a core in him that was doing some crazy things to his insides, but I don't believe that someone could go their whole lives without knowing they had a core in them. He is just another human with an evol, so I agree with this...one sentence.
The aether core is something we have to sacrifice? I don't think so. It was put into us against our will. Who exactly are we sacrificing it to? If anything, it was sacrificed to US. Regardless of all that sacrificing thing, the aether core is not a singular item anyway. It's a class of powerful cores. If protocore = prototype, then the aether core would be the finished product
If Zayne is Astra, why is Astra just using himself as a pin cushion when Foreseer catches feelings? If Astra loves MC, why would this warrant punishment? Zayne would want Foreseer to treat her well and give her the love she needs, and in turn, he would want to see Foreseer be loved in return
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If Astra is the collective consciousness of all Zaynes, that raises even more questions as to why he's punishing Foreseer for catching feelings
This whole idea of Astra = Zayne makes absolutely no sense to me tbh
The idea of a higher being reaching into every possible reality is something I'm not opposed to but I still don't believe that Astra exists in any world besides Foreseer's. Outside of his myth, there's been no mention of Astra, so until we get confirmation of that, I just don't believe that EVERY ZAYNE IS FORBIDDEN TO FALL IN LOVE
Because again... if Astra = Zayne, why the fuck would he punish himself and keep both him and MC from being loved?
So lmao... yeah I'm sorry for dunking all over this, but a lot of this just does not make any sense to me. There were mentions of an article and things being claimed as "fact" that I've never heard of so if you have any proof of this, feel free to send it my way
But I mean. If someone has to discredit an entire main character just to claim something as "fact" and build an entirely new story around him, I just can't agree with it
Anyway, here's a Zayne lmao
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camgoloud · 6 months
fellow coriolanus lover here - hands down the best of his tragedies!!!
right???? coriolanus truly is the peak tragic hero… i will absolutely NEVER be over the final scene of that play. when i read the word “traitor” coming from aufidius? i had an actual physical reaction like GOD. the way it parallels act 3… the way that coriolanus’ entire self-identity is built around Not being a traitor to his own code of honor to the extent that the very word is his berserk button and yet in the end because of that very internal code he refuses to break he can’t help being a traitor after all. to BOTH sides of the external conflict around him… thinking about it makes me want to scream. more people need to read and talk about this play FOR REAL before i explode about it
also i think politically it’s a lot more interesting than people who haven’t read it give it credit for. like yes it Is the fascism play but it’s the fascism play in the same way othello is the racism play i think i.e. there’s room for a lot of discussion about whether it’s A Fascist Play or A Play About Fascism (and its assorted societal harms etc.) and whether/how much shakespeare accidentally landed on the former while aiming for the latter. because like. not that any of the plebeian/populist characters come out of it looking particularly great. but you know. neither does coriolanus! and as far as the ~centrists~ go lmao menenius comes across to me as a HILARIOUSLY contemporary caricature of your typical center right “both sides are bad but also Reagan was right hashtag trickle down economics hashtag the body politic” guy. so my personal read on the text is that. we’re not really meant to be on his side either lmao he’s just too inherently laughable to me
i don’t know there’s just so much going on! everyone read this play i’m no longer asking. if it helps convince anyone it’s also absolutely the gayest one shakespeare ever wrote (not clickbait) (seriously everything coriolanus and aufidius have going on is so fucking insane) (they have wet dreams about murdering each other)
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wild-grinders · 1 year
do you have any headcanons for goggles, jack knife or emo crys? im curious to hear about them!
all 3 characters hgrhrheggrgegegrhr gonna try (this is in the style of ye olde fandom and not like reader blogs)
engineering science major (hes not a biologist, he doesnt mess around in chemicals), but boy loves complex math and building things that he's more of an engineering sciences
gay because he engages in anime, comics, and hes even touched fandom because hes's a real fan nerd (he learned that gay ships were a thing and it clicked for him why he wasnt interest in girls)
has a lot more money than you think, but he doesnt really boast about being rich (most of that money is always going into new materials for his family to upkeep the hyperfixations they have) and his actual house is like full minimalist modernism in canon
avid fan of hot cocoa + mini marshmallows (literally from one episode, but it's in my brain forever)
last member to meet the wild grinders, aside from Flip (this was the original intention back in the Ketterville canon but has been reworked to him being Lil' Rob's first friend for the Sprawl City today)
Jack Knife (theres a ton of info on his canon life, but thats another post for another day)
oppossum hugger, he will try to befriend any wildlife that visits his home, will even try to bring said animal to let his friends see
in Ketterville canon, hes actually homeless and his family moves around a lot and hinted that he could live in trailer parks, but personally like to think he has family all over the states and they welcome his family to stay from time to time, he currently stays in one place (his grandmas house) to be near his friends while his family decides to travel for the circus
the most failgirl of failgirls, but is actually a badass when it comes to knives and is skilled at tasks like wood carving and axe-throwing but will set the kitchen on fire he made lemonade
hes not at all a redneck or the american hillbilly stereotype that the Sprawl City canon makes him out to be, he's more of an Oregon lumberjack local whos a little confused, but he does his best to understand others
would cut tires though
he has one berserk button and it's extremely rare to see him angry, but when he is, he will not hesitate to fuck anyone up
but seriously hes the kindest character ever and doesnt care if anyone insults or smacks him around, but he DOES care when you hurt anyone he cares about
100% taurus
Emo Crys (this is my kin, not like a kinnie-way, but more of a 'thats my son!!' way)
failgirl #2, but hes living his best life being cringe and actually giving a fuck about others
in Ketterville canon, he used to just be straight up 'peace was never an option', but he mellowed out after meeting Lil' Rob and learned to not be snarky and sarcastic
the sprawl city canon wants him to be a brony, but really he loves a lot of animals and cares for all of them (but hed suck as a science major to be involved in animal care profession)
doesnt have a good relationship in his family and often sneaks off to be part of the wild grinders shenanigans (it's the reason why we cannot have him wear nail polish) he's doing his best to pass as a goth in his family situation
loves horror and monsters, would happily invite himself in the woods where Mothman is and walk outside at ungodly hours just to meet a cryptid or ghost
thrifts all of his clothes because hes sick of fast fashion and would rather tailor them to his style
scarf was given to him by Lil' Rob as a way of welcoming him to Ketterville (not even canon to the series, but Rob Dyrdek demanded hed have a cute gray scarf and even presented a gray scarf to Chris, the inspiration behind Emo).
secretly loves cats (and constantly gets scratched by the said stray cats)
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gemwing1988 · 4 months
The Cuphead Show: Dreamstones Edition — The Devil TV Tropes
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(Warning, this fanmade trope will contain some spoilers.)
The main antagonist of The Cuphead Show. He remains pretty much the same in the fanfic adaption but he’s a much more active and bigger threat, especially when he also made it his goal in life to steal Lexie’s soul, take control of Natty’s magic wand and make Katie his queen.
Adaptational Achilles Heel: The Devil gets a new weakness in the fanfic adaption in the form of the Bible. Much like the invisible sweater, the Devil gets zapped whenever he unintentionally or gets tricked into touching the Bible or should either Lexie or Natty throw it at him.
Adaptational Hardcore:
And Now You Must Marry Me: He’a determined to make Katie his wife and queen one way or another. Even resorting to kidnapping and tricking her with zero success. He’s also no above threatening her friends and holding them hostage as a last resort.
And Your Little Dog, Too!:
Ascended Extra: Thanks to the combined imaginations of the authoresses, the Devil gets more action as the Big Bad he was born to be.
Baddie Flattery:
Berserk Button: He pretty much has all of the same following from the original cannon, but he gets some more when the Dreamstones came along.
Do NOT question him about his decision of trying to make Katie his bride nor suggest to him about moving on and find someone else to marry. Seriously, he was not above intimidating Henchman through Tranquil Fury when he gently pushed those two.
He hates it when Natty often describes him as a 5-year-old throwing a tantrum whenever he doesn’t get his way.
He can’t stand the mention about his past with God, much less his Daddy Issues.
Apparently, Validor is a recent button since the Devil views him as The Rival for Katie’s affections.
Compelling Voice: He often lure his victims into a dazed and brainwashed state by making his voice very hypnotic and siren-like either through talking or singing.
Crazy Jealous Guy: And how! Since Validor made his debut in Season 3 and becomes Katie’s Love Interest, the Devil gets into an envious rage and tries everything he can to get Vale out of the picture so he can have Katie all to himself.
Daddy Issues: In the adaption where it averts Devil, But No God, the Devil obviously has huge issues with God, most especially when He’s often brought up and the Devil gets called out for his hypocrisy.
The Dreaded: He’s the most feared creature in all of the Inkwell Isles.
Entitled to Have You:
Evil Can’t Comprehend Good:
Evil is Petty:
Evil Sounds Deep:
When he gets extremely angry or just to act scary, his voice gets much deeper and more demonic.
His voice gets much deeper when he turns into the size of a giant.
Faux Affably Evil:
The Ghost: He gets mentioned in some episodes/chapters in which he’s absent from every now and then such as in the special, “The aisle of Severus”.
Hidden Depths: His song and dance showmanship aside, the Devil seems to have a deep affection for a rubber duck he named “Mr. Squeaks” he likes to have as company in the bathtub. He also has a dolphin plushy he affectionately named “Mr. Pebbles” he often likes to cuddle up in bed when he’s in a mood.
Hypnotic Eyes: One of his Adaptational Hardcore abilities in the fanfic. His eyes either glow red like mesmerizing rubies or green like entrancing emeralds to lure his victims into a deep sleep-like trance or to put them into a deep slumber.
I Have Many Names: Along with Old Scratch, Mr. S and the Big D, the Devil is also referred to as Satan by Lexie as well as The Father of the Lies. Most rarely, he is also known as Lucifer.
I Have You Now, My Pretty:
No, Mr. Bond, I expect You to Dine:
No Sense of Personal Space: He is uncomfortably clingy towards Katie, mainly limited to holding her in his arms, cupping her chin and nuzzling her cheek with his own. He most especially likes to keep his “treasure” as close as possible by turning into his dragon form and coiling himself around her on separate occasions.
Noodle Incident: According to Lexie and Natty, the Devil once stole practically the Isle’s entire supply of ice cream and kept it in the Underworld to impress Katie. Of course, that plan was doomed from the very start, especially all that ice cream was melted up to the point of nearly flooding the Underworld in an entire ocean of “ice cream soup”.
Prehensile Tail: In the adaptation, he often puts his tail to some use such as occasionally holding his pitchfork to teleport as he has Katie in his arms. He also uses it to often grab her or restrain her.
Running Gag:
The scene with the elephant in the green overalls (named Eddie in the adaptation) screaming “The Devil!” in terror with him and the rest of the Inkwell residents running away, screaming since Carn-Evil had now been upgraded as this in most scenes whenever the Devil poofs up in their presence.
The Devil getting electrocuted by Lexie or Natty’s copy of the Bible in the same style as h contact with the impenetrable invisible sweater whenever he unknowingly touches it or the girls throw it at him.
You all know the small gag in Release the Demons! where Henchman adds in “Head” whenever the Devil mentions about Cuphead as “that cup”, prompting the Devil to response, “Thank you, Henchman”? Well, the authoresses were more than happy to adapt into a recurring gag every chance they get.
Sinister Sweet Tooth:
Sizeshifter: In the cannon, he had only shown this ability only once way back in The Devil’s Revenge but he uses more often depending on which fanmade episode is decided to do in.
Stalker With a Crush:
Trademark Favourite Food:
Devilled eggs. He claimed he had invented them.
Devil’s Food Cake is an obvious choice of favourite dessert.
Tranquil Fury:
In the adaption of the episode, “Roll the Dice”, the Devil started out a bit calm and making light conversation when he asked Dice if he knew Henchman and affably mentioned that Henchman is a big fan of Dice’s show and never misses an episode. Of course, it’s clear the Devil’s very angry with Dice’s failure while as he stated that Henchman, after listening to the recent episode, informed him of Dice’s first loss.
He displays this yet again as he darkly declared about unleashing the Four Horsemen to go after the Cup Brothers and the humans as a last resort in the adaptation Release the Demons!.
Would Hit a Girl:
He’s not above threatening and harming Lexie and Natty as a means to blackmail Katie into submitting to his demands of her to marry him.
He also verbally abuses and threatens Aster when he had created her to be his spy, which prompt her to defect to the Dreamstones’ side.
Oh, not to mention he had briefly gave Ms. Chalice an unnecessarily graphic demonstration of what would have happened if she had never made a deal with him when she tried to charm him out of forgetting about his demands of her to betray her friends.
Verbal Tic: When he gets extremely angry especially when he gets super serious, he will break out speaking in a mildly much deeper and very demonic voice.
Villain Takes An Interest:
Villainous Crush: On Katie.
We Can Rule Together:
Wingding Eyes: Much like in the show and his counterpart from the game, the Devil’s pupils can take on different shapes. Such as hearts upon falling head over heels for Katie when seeing her for the first time.
You Have Failed Me: King Dice learned the hard way not to disappoint Old Scratch.
Devil: You had them in the palm of YOUR HAND!!! (Angrily levitated a frantically flailing Dice as the throne room darkened and rotated) I AM VERY, VERY DISAPPOINTED!!!
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luucypevensie · 1 year
🐰 + ezzie!
1. Their berserk button: Ezzie DESPISES people who treat their pets horribly; she has always wanted to have a pet to love and cherish because she couldn’t have one growing up, and seeing people mistreat their animals who love their owners unconditionally infuriates her
2. Why their name was chosen: Ezzie’s mother loved the name Esperanza because it means “hope” in Spanish, and she wanted to give her daughter the lesson that what she desires out of life deserve to come true
3. Their favorite 2020s song: Easy (with Noah Cyrus) by Demi Lovato
4. Their biggest fear: After finding out that she had a half-sister who was missing, Ezzie’s biggest fear that she will never find her and be able to get to know her
5. One turn-on of theirs: Awkwardness (seriously, seeing Reid be his awkward, nerdy self just completely won Ezzie over)
6. Their go-to sleepover activities: Cuddle underneath a mountain of blankets with popcorn and Twizzlers while watching horror movies and perusing through the latest issue of Cosmopolitan
7. What candle they’d get at Bath & Body Works: Cinnamon Stick
8. A moment where they reached their breaking point: It was when she lost Kyle to an unsub obsessed with her; Ezzie felt like he was ripped from her before they could really become something, and seeing him get shot point blank in front of her broke something within
9. Whether they’re organized or slobby: Ezzie’s organized, but not OVERLY organized
10. Their favorite feature about themselves: Her mind
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
On Characters: Finding Backstory
Do you invent your characters before the story even starts, or do you let them explain themselves to you as you write?
Right up front I’m going to admit I’m more of a pantser than a plotter, when it comes to writing. I need a beginning scene, an end scene, and an idea who the good guys and bad guys are. But every time I’ve tried to outline a story it seems to kill it. Don’t ask me why. I like things in real life to be very predictable, and you’d think storywriting would be the same way. But that’s just not how my brain works. I figure out the world, I get a general idea of the characters and situation, and I turn them loose to wreak havoc.
Which means my characters can seriously surprise me, with “I know a guy”, an unexpected Berserk Button, or some past bit of history that’s not at all obvious when you first meet them.
...Kind of like people in real life, right?
What this in turn means is that I need to take notes as I go, so when the rough draft is finished I can go back and edit so none of these surprises leave obvious contradictions or plotholes. If I figure out that a character has seen or heard language X over here, then I need to check any prior mentions of language X to make sure either the character knew it, or is hiding that they knew it. For whatever reason. It could be a dumb reason, people are just Like That, but there has to be a reason.
Yes, I’m contemplating some edits right now, because of a certain cultivator’s habits of turning up everywhere she shouldn’t be. But that’s not what my brain is chewing on ATM.
What I’m mulling over is why a character I thought had a reasonable if teenage-frosty relationship with her parents knows how to deal with panic attacks.
Contrary to a lot of popular belief, you do not need to have been traumatized to suffer from panic attacks. If your neurology is rebellious enough to throw panic attacks at you, you may have also been traumatized at some point, but that’s more a case of people being people in the worst ways. So prior to the plot this character possibly hasn’t been through anything worse than, say, a car accident....
On the other hand, if she had been through a car accident, and had to pull herself together until help got there, it’d explain a lot about why she’s as capable and determined as she is in a much worse situation. Also a car accident is both one of those “could happen to anybody” situations, and a reason her parents might want to yank her out of what was previously a safe environment. Hmm.
Whenever you have characters, you’re going to have questions that need answering. Good luck getting them to talk!
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upvotem · 1 year
hiii what are your thoughts on the sinners also have u played lobcorp or ruina?
hii maddie i did finally beat lobcorp a few days ago after MONTHS and i'm planning on playing ruina too! idk if you wanted my opinion on all of the sinners but *smirks*
i'll skip donqi and heath since i already talked about them but as for the other guys
yi sang! i like your funny words magic man. he is a fun autism guy i'll admit i don't have a lot to say about him and he's probably the sinner i'm the least interested in BUT i still like him a lot and he gets really cool fanart on twitter
faust! my friend faustie waustie. i love her to bits i initially thought she would be my favorite because i tend to like the main girls even if this is an ensemble cast and she's still in my top 5 definitely. i think her being super arrogant is cutieful and the "faust only knows what faust knows" line was really funny. i'm definitely looking forward to seeing how much she actually is aware of she is so mysterious and pretty
DON QUIXOTE!!! already said it but the loml
ryoshu! I LOVE HER she's really really awesome i love her sangria thing and she was really funny in hell's chicken. love crazy insane sadistic characters love her design love her fixation with gore she is the best ever
meursalt! i actually didn't care for him much at first, i thought his personality was too similar to yi sang and i didn't really like his design (i like twinks mb) but i've warmed up to him a lot mostly because of the fanart with him and don quixote i think they are a funny duo. and i think he's neat too he's just got that autistic swag
hong lu! well first of all she's a trans woman to me so jot that down. i honestly don't have a ton of thoughts on hong lu yet but she is very cutieful sweetieful and has a sick design and i'm looking forward to learning more about her
HEATHCLIFF!!! also the loml
ishmael! she is so funky i love her hair and her cute little bows and i adore her personality, how she seems down to earth and reasonable but is willing to fight with heathcliff to the death over nothing it's awesome. looking forward to her chapter i love ocean symbolism and imagery GRAHHHH also she has the best egos
rodya! YAY RODYA she is so pretty and such an intriguing character. i really love the dynamics she has with the others especially gregor and sinclair and i love her personality being someone who wants to be something important and i wish she got more focus in canto ii but hopefully she will get more development down the line in future chapters focusing on her
sinclair! she is also a woman to me. like literally her icon is an egg cracking LIKE... one of my faves tbh i forgot to mention her i really love characters who are meek but have berserk buttons where they go crazy violet insane ballistic like it's one of my favorite character tropes and she was awesome in canto iii go queen
outis! she's seriously awesome a queen... i don't have too much to say about her so far unfortunately but she's really pretty and i love that people draw her kind of milfy like so true. i think her being a suck up to dante is really funny and idk i jsut think she's neat
gregor! REALLY awesome guy i love his laidback personality compared to the others and i love his quips and his story so far is really good he's a really interesting and well written character za za za zamuza
idk if you wanted me to talk about dante, vergil and charon but i'm tired so i won't BUT I LOVE THOSE THREE TWO THEYRE AWESOME
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babybluesquid · 2 years
Consequences of Karrnath Session 4
Greetings From the Grey Tide
Our Players this week:
Dagne, Vengeance Paladin, an undead soldier with the curious property of acting like a living person. Trusts nobody and acts as the leader.
Ro, Circle of Spores Druid, a Talentan halfling who survived The Mourning and won’t go home. They tend to not take things seriously.
Vaeren, Swarmkeeper Ranger, a Deathguard sent to investigate Dagne’s nature. They’re the quiet one who helps keep everyone in line.
Syv, Glamour Bard, a traveling performer turned traveling adventurer. Personas are Eshi, a sea elf, and Star, a shifter.
Adonis, Berserker Barbarian, a planetouched Shavarath tiefling. He’s large, strong, soft spoken, and not very bright, but he is filled with loyalty to his friends.
In the morning, the party wakes up still feeling the harsh defeat of a few days ago. Minroy died and Inesa, his killer, had completely escaped. Dagne notices a slip of paper by the door, something which had probably been slipped under during the night. They pick it up, unfold it, and read “Red Watcher Inesa Yanova is in Coldport. She is negotiating with the captain of the S.S. Bitterbloom, Kalina Soria, for last minute passage to the Lhazaar Principalities. - A Seeker of the Divinity Within” curiously, the note is written in three separate scripts. Immediately, the party hurries to the docks. They quickly find the dockmaster and Eshi asks after the location of the S.S. Bitterbloom. Everyone is relieved to learn that it’s still in port, and will remain for two days.
The party goes to check out the ship and find a big, fast looking warship. The docks are swarming with people of all races. Then, one changes to another face. Excited because they’ve already guessed what this is, Eshi changes back to Syv. One of the sailors approaches them and says, “Greetings from the Grey Tide, sibling!” Ro asks after the captain of the S.S. Bitterbloom, and the sailor says that she’s gone right now negotiating cargo prices, but she should be back in a couple hours, and asks why the party needs to see her. Dagne only reveals that it’s about a passenger and it’s important.
With some time to kill, the party takes to the streets to try to find word of Inesa. Syv changes back to Eshi once they leave the safety of the port. While asking around, they just so happen to catch the ears of a large tiefling man, who approaches them. His name is Adonis, and it just so happens that he’s also after Inesa because she murdered his friend. Dagne questions his motives and his ability to actually get revenge, Ro rides on Eshi’s shoulders to be closer to eye level. Eventually, the party is satisfied that Adonis is, indeed, qualified to be going after such a dangerous quarry and agree to let him accompany them.
In a few hours, after finding nothing else, the party returns to the S.S. Bitterbloom to meet with Captain Kalina Soria. They’re led aboard and taken to the captain’s quarters. She’s a Khoravar, or at least appears to be one, wearing a big pirate hat with the symbol of the Grey Tide on the side, a red pirate coat with golden buttons, poofy pants, and a cutlass at her belt. On her shoulder, a purple pseudodragon perches and eyes the party. “So, what’s this about on of my passengers?”
Eshi changes back to Syv after passing a message to Kalina in skin cant, confirming that they’re both changelings. Dagne tells Kalina all about Inesa, producing the bounty sheet as proof. Kalina is receptive, agreeing to help the party catch her as long as she herself isn’t put in front of a Tribunal for aiding a wanted criminal. Insight into her motives only suggests that she wants to avoid the harsh Karrnathi law in this grave matter. Seeing the terms as reasonable, the party agrees to keep Kalina out of the legal proceedings. In return, Kalina offers information. She is going to meet Inesa in an alley that night for payment, 200 galifars for last minute passage to the Lhazaar Principalities. The party can set up an ambush once payment is rendered and Kalina is safely out of the alley.
The party sets up their ambush, Dagne with Ro and Eshi on one side, Adonis and Vaeren on the other. The latter group manages to get the drop on Inesa, Vaeren setting a hunter’s mar on Inesa before shooting her, Adonis running up and attacking her with a thrust of his flamberge, aided by a searing smite. Shaken, Inesa produces a vial of clear liquid with a single spide suspended in it, drinks it, and then runs straight up the wall. Adonis manages to slice at her as she flees. The chase is on. Eshi and Vaeren take to the rooftops after Inesa while Dagne and Ro riding on Adonis’ back follow on the street. Dagne issues a magical command to Inesa to halt, but she continues running, unaffected. A dwarf wearing armor comes to view on the street ahead. Vaeren shoots Inesa and ghostly hands drag her from the roof. The dwarf, now clearly Valtis Redeyes, catches her. Donata shows herself as well.
Just when Adonis catches up, Inesa throws a small white crystal at his forehead. He instantly goes into a rage, then a frenzy. She looks confused, it didn’t have the desired effect. Dagne issues a vow of enmity to Inesa, runs up, crits and smites on a slash of their longsword. “You should just come quietly. Last time, you got the better of us, but you made a grave mistake. You will regret facing us again.” Vaeren shoots at Inesa, a ghost correcting the shot mid-flight so it strikes Inesa in a gap in her armor. “Don’t kill any of them!” Dagne orders the party. “They need to face the Tribunal!” Donata produces a small pane of glass from her pack and dashes it against the ground, the action letting out a painful ringing sound and causing Adonis and Ro to take thunder damage in sympathy with the glass. Focused singularly on Inesa though, Adonis runs up to her. He intends to strike nonlethally, as ordered, but in his frenzy he stabs Inesa right through the torso with his flamberge. The wound is obviously fatal. “Welp,” Valtis Redeyes says, before sticking his hand in his bag and vanishing. Quickly, Dagne disarms the dying Inesa and pushes her to her knees, their longsword against her neck. Simultaneously, their touch imbues her with a small bit of healing magic, enough to save her life.
Vaeren shoots at the stunned Donata and the ghosts drag her up to Adonis. She regathers her wits and misty steps onto the roof, attempting to flee the doomed battle. The party pursues her, Vaeren shoots her leg to slow her, Ro knocks her from the roof, and Adonis grapples her. With two out of the three conspirators captured, the party puts them in manacles and heads for the main barracks in Coldport.
Dagne, Eshi, and Adonis enter with the prisoners while Vaeren and Ro remain outside. As soon as they enter, one of the guards looks Inesa in the face. Soon, he recognizes her, “I’ll be damned, somebody caught her.” He approaches the defeated terrorist and punches her in the gut, doubling her over. “We can’t have people killing our own.” The commander of the garrison then walks in. He’s a ruinbound dwarf, two tentacles with eye stalks growing from his neck. All four eyes settle on Inesa, who puts on a show of complete calm, then Dagne, who he takes for the leader. He produces a 3000 galifar check for Inesa’s bounty, then asks about the other one. “Inesa found an accessory in Burnfrost, her name is Donata.” Dagne says. Begrudgingly, the commander flips a singular Soldarak platinum to Dagne for Donata. The guards lead the two prisoners off.
The Crimson Eyes, Crimson Hands adventure is done. The party takes 1 XP.
The party goes and cashes their check, then sets off to find a good bar. The Gold Dragon Inn is decent, but everyone is craving the good stuff after such a tense capture. Adonis approaches a place called The Bull and Anvil and walks inside, he then notices something strange with the interior doormat. He lifts the edge and finds a trapdoor. Curious, he opens it and finds a ladder. The party decides to head down. Beneath The Bull and Anvil is another bar, a sign inside it prominently displaying the name, The Hidden Hammer. A dwarf woman behind the counter eyes the party as they come down, then laughs at their confused expressions. “Come on it! We have a rule here! If you find this place by chance, you get one drink for free! Limited to our moderate priced drinks and cheaper, of course.”
The group approaches and orders. Dagne gets a nightwood ale, Vaeren orders the same as Dagne and then hands the drink over to them, intending on only partaking in tea, Syv gets a mix of rum, emberwheat ale, and horchata, Ro orders the same as Syv, and Adonis asks the barkeep to surprise him. She grins mischievously and produces an unmarked bottle, pouring a goopy red substance into a cup for him. When he drinks it, it wriggles and tries to escape his mouth, but he swallows the acidic, savory mass. The barkeep laughs uproariously and comments that it’s always a treat to watch people try Liquored Jelly. Intrigued, Dagne orders two Liquored Jellies, causing Vaeren to leave in disappointment and wait outside on the street.
The party finds a booth in the back, where Dagne will be able to face away from the rest of the patrons and drink without their face being visible. Adonis stands at the edge of the table and wanders off, finding two people who look exactly like him. They both laugh and revert back to natural form. He just stands in confusion, wondering what’s so funny. Eshi notices the encounter and realizes that the Grey Tide is in, reverting back to Syv as well. She then scans the room, looking for someone. She grins as she spots Captain Kalina Soria. Meanwhile, Dagne orders four shots from the barkeep, who comments “where’d you come across resistance to poison by the way? By all rights you should be out.” Dagne shrugs and says to her, “I’m just built different,” before returning to the booth.
Syv approaches Kalina, who’s gloating over the events of the day to her subordinates over a glass of rum, “I’m winning, I got paid 200 golden galifars for doing absolutely nothing.” Syv takes a seat beside her and asks, “wanna score again tonight?” “If you were a human I would’ve punched you in the face…” Kalina pauses for a moment and then begins a rant about how creepy single skins are. Syv agrees wholeheartedly, saying that they don’t even care for her true looks, only what she can turn into. With that, Kalina grins and reverts to true form, and Syv gasps, “woah, you are gorgeous.” “I don’t normally first face in public. I get too many suspicious glances. That’s not a problem in the Grey Tide though, you can wear any face you want without anyone getting in your business. It’s the best nation in the world,” Kalina shares. “I’m honored you showed me your face, it’s one that should be shown more often,” Syv replies. Kalina laughs, “only in the Grey Tide and Dragon Eyes,” then looks at Syv closer, “I have to return the compliment you gave me. Your first face is beautiful, as well as the form I’ve seen you choose.” “Want to explore our forms together?” Asks Syv. Kalina smirks, rests a hand on Syv’s thigh, and says, “alright. Do you have a room or should we go back to my ship?” The two agree to head back to the ship, and Kalina says to one of the subordinates at her table “Jax, you’re in charge. Make sure nobody gets alcohol poisoning,” before turning to Syv and shifting into the form of a male changeling, “I can also do a dude as well.”
As the two walk off, Adonis, watching this whole exchange, is just entirely confused. Dagne turns around and takes one of their shots, trying their best to ignore the twinge of jealousy. Ro grins, excited for her friend. Outside, Vaeren watches Syv and Kalina leave together, sipping their water and wondering what the heck happened while they weren’t there to watch the party.
With Syv gone, Ro and Dagne settle into a game of Five Crowns, gambling their crowns. Both perform incredibly well, but Ro manages to squeeze a narrow victory.
Ding dong the witch is gone. Finally Minroy is avenged.
Hope Valtis getting away doesn’t come back to bite us or anything.
Vaeren is really scary, shooting people off of roofs like that.
Adonis is super softspoken, like his player literally almost whispers.
Ro has super feral child energy for an adult.
Dagne probably needs help…
Syv had a grand time interacting with the Grey Tide.
Session 5.
0 notes
winttrader · 2 years
Beverly hills cop
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Fingertip Drug Analysis: In the first film, he does this when he searches the warehouse with Jenny and finds bags of white powder under the coffee.
Dirty Cop: Downplayed, since he does take his job seriously and goes after serious criminals, bu he isn't above breaking the law either in the pursuit of justice, or at times just for his own personal benefit, most notably in the second movie where he breaks into an empty mansion so he can stay there while he is in Beverly Hills.
Foley is not above using borderline-illegal or hastily-thought-up excuses during his investigations, but things usually end up working out for him. Despite that, his antics bring attention from the authorities who can do something about it.
Cops Need the Vigilante: Foley isn't a cop in Beverly Hills.
Clear My Name: Is forced to do this in the third film after Ellis DeWald frames him for the shooting of Uncle Dave.
Character Name Alias: At the Beverly Hills Shooting Club, he tells Karla Fry that his name is " Richard James".
Berserk Button: When Ellis DeWald taunts him about Inspector Todd's death, Foley drops the Bavarian Fire Drill act and loses it, punching him in the face in front of the crowd at a police awards dinner.
Bavarian Fire Drill: A Running Gag in the series, which is often caused by Foley getting into a normally-inaccessible place by browbeating the staff or pretending to be someone else.
Ends up at the mercy of Karla Fry at the conclusion of the final shootout in the second film, before Taggart shoots her down.
In the first film, he's captured and set to be executed by Maitland's goons, necessitating that Billy go in to rescue him.
Y'know, Victor, I know that you're into a lot of crooked shit, and I have a pretty good idea that you had Mikey killed, and when I find out for sure, I'm gonna fuck you up real bad.
Badass Boast: Delivers one to Victor Maitland in the first film:.
Audit Threat: Uses one of these against the guards at Maitland's warehouse in the first film.
He definitely breaks the law while being a cop though, being perfectly willing to lie, cheat and steal to advance a case and sometimes purely for fun and profit.
Ambiguous Criminal History: It's implied that he and Mikey were juvenile delinquents and in the second film, he mentions that he "fractured an occasional law or two" when he was a kid.
After his friend Mikey is murdered by a group of professional killers, Foley sets out to avenge his death and gets dropped into the unfamiliar world of Los Angeles, eventually returning several times to help the L.A. I think the issue should be my blatant disregard for proper procedure.Ī wisecracking, street-smart cop working with the Detroit Police Department, Axel Foley typically gets himself in (and out of) trouble with his wits and charm. I don't think cost is the issue here, sir.
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0 notes
genshinlover101 · 3 years
Male reader who is shorter than their s/o,Yae,Mona,Ganyu and Kokomi?
Her with a Short (Male) S/O
Characters: Yae Miko, Mona, Ganyu, Kokomi x male!reader
Warnings: none
A/n: this is 4 all the short kings cause these women are like all 5’3” max
Expect Miko, but like she has no cannon height listed anywhere :,) but I feel like she’s the same/around the same height as Ei so I’m sticking with that.
Link to prt 1 (Not related, just if u want more)
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• Yae Miko is 5’5” (165 cm), Miko is used to girls being shorter than her. And strictly girls, if it’s a boy and you’re shorter than her she’ll think you’re 12 years old.
• Miko knew she wasn’t freakishly tall or anything. So when she saw you? A man who was shorter than her? She’d burst out laughing and tease you relentlessly. It’ll take her a minute to catch her breath. You’d have to prove yourself via strength for her to take you seriously.
• This woman is beyond scary. She knew all the psychological loopholes of a human and exactly how to push your buttons. And she’ll push them alright, there won’t be a passing day that she’ll see you and wont tease you for it. That is unless she sees you’re insecure about your height, she’ll be willing to take a step or two back.
• Miko is a menace, literally. If she sees anyone else bullying you for your height she’ll go berserk. With just one look at their physical appearance, she’ll tear apart their confidence starting from the bottom up. No mercy, especially if they’re tearing you down to get to her.
Miko snuck up on you, resting her arm on your shoulder as she lowered herself to your right ear. You heard a light giggle that had a hint of evil laced within it. You knew what was coming and you rolled your eyes bracing for her onslaught. Your girlfriend might’ve been the Guuji of Narukami Shrine, but when it came to you her professionalism couldn’t be more lacking.
“How’s the weather down there huh?” She asked condescendingly. She circled around you, her elbow not leaving your shoulder as she wrapped her arms around your neck. Her stance still lowered, looking into your eyes. Despite her being such a meanie to you, you found her so hot. “Hmm, not answering huh? Cat got your tongue?”
You tsked, as she gave you multiple quick pecks on the cheek. You tried to kiss back but once you showed an effort she immediately pulled away. With a sly smile, her thumb made a circle on your shoulder, looking down at you admirably. “Catch me if you can shorty.” 
“You’re such a cutie~ Out of all the suitors in my ranks, how did someone like you steal my heart huh?” The answer was quite simple. Out of all the people waiting for her hand in marriage, you were the only one who could handle her sadistic temperament. 
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• Mona is 5’2” (158 cm), she’s used to only children being smaller than her. If you’re shorter than her she’ll be convinced you’re pranking her at first. Then she realizes you’re actually that short.
• Mona doesn’t look at physical appearance all too much. She can tell if you’re a scum bag from just a look. So she can tell if you have the exact opposite intentions as well. And when she looked at you she just saw a little man who loved her to death.
• Although Mona might tease you every now and then. Making statements like, “oh it says right here that on Monday you’ll grow an inch” It was quite stupid but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t give you hope the first time she pulled it on you.
• Mona knows very well the social pressure for boys to be big strong burly men. So when those types of men tried to intervene and bully you to impress her she’ll not just degrade them physically but mentally using her Astrology skills.
You couldn’t get Mona’s attention for the life of you. She had blown a chunk of her monthly allowance on a new astrology book, and her infatuation with it was undeniable. This little geek of a gremlin had her whole boyfriend over at her house and she was glued to a book. You scoffed trying to get her attention. 
You crawled on her empty lap, smooshing your head underneath her book and above her stomach. Trying to get any bit of attention she had left to spare. She must’ve noticed you somehow, placing the book over your face so that you wouldn’t bother you. You tried another opening but her cycle of ignoring you just repeated itself. 
She finally pushed your head away with her hand sprawled over your face, her sigh expressing annoyance. “Jeeze, if you wanted my attention you could’ve just asked,” She said frustrated as ever. “You’re like a little puppy dog, how annoying.” Her focus now shifted between her text and your pouting face in her peripheral. 
“You may be horribly infuriating but you are pretty cute for such a little man.” A pout of her own appeared on her face. You had a staring contest for seemingly three straight minutes before she finally gave in and you won her attention over her book. 
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• Ganyu is 5’1” (156 cm), Ganyu doesn’t care honestly at all who’s taller or shorter than her. No matter the gender, humans are humans. She’s lived too long to be concerned with it.
• Ganyu wasn’t very confident in her appearance either, but for different reasons. She knew women had to be slim in culture, and as a woman, she paid close attention to her weight. But as a man, she never put any importance on her future boyfriend being taller than her, so naturally, she didn’t care.
• Ganyu wasn’t clueless, she knew the manly stereotype that men had to be taller than their mates. But did she understand it? No. But at least she’ll know the reasoning behind your mourning if you ever complained to her about your height vs. hers.
• Qilins are peace lovers by nature, but if they need to fight they will. Meaning, if someone picked on you she’ll be as shyly disrespectful as she could. She’ll hesitate in fear, but surely she’ll come to your rescue. If it were one of her suitors? She’ll probably pull some cheesy line like “you’re just jealous” 
Ganyu was happily eating some snacks that you had bought for her short break from work. At first, she tried to humbly deny them but you insisted. You may not have been physically manly compared to her but you always took the liberty to financially have the pants and offer her little gifts and presents at random times.
“Jeeze, what are you trying to do? Get me fat or something,” She joked with a light giggle. You knew she was self-conscious about her weight, but on the same note, it was delicious food that made her so happy. And you always wanted to choose her happiness, because if she accepted you physically you’d accept her physically even if she did put on weight. “Maybe I should feed you something that’s proven to stunt growth.”
Despite her harsh jokes, her body language argued her language. Her happy dangling, her light blush, and her little dances and shimmies as she took another bite. “Although this is quite delicious, did you have Xiangling make it?”
You nodded quickly and she gave you little head pats as a reward. They were so soft and gentle, but you lived for them. You would do anything to please Ganyu, and she knew that so she rewarded you often, just like her little pet. “I find you humans interesting. Just a little head pat from me can send you into orbit huh? How cute.”
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• Kokomi is 5’3” (161 cm), she knows better than to underestimate someone because of their height. Regardless of man or woman if you were useful to her she saw your worth. That included being her boyfriend, she didn’t care as long as you loved her.
• Kokomi doesn’t pay attention to height, not to mention her own. If she can’t reach something she’ll just float a little with her vision to reach it. She’ll find it a little weird if you were obsessive over your own height. She really doesn’t see the big deal.
• Kokomi won’t ever say it because it’s too embarrassing, but she’s secretly proud of your appearance. No one would expect such a short man to have so many achievements and successes. She’ll flex you like a trophy that she bagged.
• If any of her troops of the Watatsumi Army picks on you she’ll personally see to it that they’re humbled. Especially if it were because they didn’t see you fit for the hand of Lady Sangonomiya. If her verbal torture doesn’t work, she’ll have Gorou bark at them or something. 
You and Kokomi prepared for bed like always, getting your little pajamas on and brushing your teeth together. Despite the same routine, you could sense something different about Kokomi, something lingering on her mind. You weren’t going to budge it out of her until she said it herself. “Hey, do you think I can be the big spoon tonight?” She asked meekly.
Big spoon? Kokomi normally was the small spoon, but she never complained about it before. Was she getting tired of it? What was with the sudden change? Almost as if she read your mind she answered all your questions. “I’ve noticed recently you’ve been not yourself- and whenever you spoon me I feel protected... I wanted to do the same to you.”
You felt a little shy, dangling your feet from the bed just like a little kid. Her blush made it obvious that she thought you were cute as you were. Because you were a guy, you naturally took the masculine roles. But you just couldn’t resist her offer. With a nod, she bear-hugged you happily. Knocking you down and almost beating you into submission.
Her arms snaked around your neck and your waist. Her thumbs make small circles on your belly. Her breath was quivering and you could tell she was nervous. “Ahh- this is nice.” She hesitated for just a moment. “R-right? I mean I’m not forcing this upon you am I?”
229 notes · View notes
dionnaea · 4 years
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pairing: kenny ackerman x reader (platonic), slight levi x reader
warnings: angst, character death, mild swearing
wc: 4.4k
a/n: so, so sorry this took so long!! i decided to combine these two requests and change them up a little, so i hope that’s okay! i’m really proud of this piece, so i hope you all enjoy it, too. xx
side note: technically this is a sequel to my other fic Pot Meet Kettle but it’s not entirely necessary to read that first.
Your writing’s so good I’m cryin’... Also, I’d LOVE to see what you have in mind for Kenny and Reader’s background! 👀 Were they both underground? was Reader already in the Corps when they met?? did she learn how to punch creeps from Kenny?? Plus I’m very curious about what he meant by her fixing broken hearts!
could you do a part 2 to the pot meet kettle levi fic? i really loved it and i think it would be cool if you could write a part 2 based off the kenny vs levi scene in season 3? like maybe kenny sees the reader and he's like good to see you again and levi is like mf what idk im not creative :(( sorry if this isn't enough
attack on titan masterlist | general masterlist
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After Rod Reiss had been taken down, the scouts were sent to search the ruined fields for survivors. It was unlikely that any were left, but Erwin was adamant that no soldier would be left behind. You respected him for that, and went on your way to do your job. 
As you wandered, you ran into a returning scout, someone you didn’t know the name of but were sure had been paired with the Captain for this mission. His head was down as he walked, like there was something he had seen that he shouldn’t have, and your mind began to fill with worries for Levi. Had something happened? 
Making your steps slightly heavier in the grass so that he would notice you, the man finally looked up, quickly saluting to his superior. You brushed him off, instead getting down to business. 
“Where’s Captain Levi, cadet?” 
The man’s eyes darted away from your own before he answered. “Taking care of something, I think.”
You raised an eyebrow in suspicion at the soldier’s weary tone. “Oh? And what is he taking care of, might I ask?” Everything about this seemed peculiar, and you weren’t having it. 
“I don’t know. Something… personal.” When he finally met your gaze, he relented, sacrificing the Captain’s privacy for his own sake, too scared to see what your reaction would be if he kept playing coy. “He’s that way, by the big oak tree,” he stated, pointing in the direction he came. 
You squinted, making out the shadow of the tree in the setting sun. You dismissed the cadet, and quickly made your way towards Levi, his body becoming clearer as you approached. Once you were a reasonable distance away, you called out, but were met with silence. As your worry grew, you moved faster, only stopping when you realized what was going on. 
Levi was kneeling, his body covering the person in front of him. It didn’t matter, you’d recognize those spurs anywhere. 
“Kenny?” The name was uttered in disbelief, and as you stepped around Levi, your eyes grew wide with fear. “Kenny!” 
Immediately, you jumped into action, your scout training taking hold of your body as you knelt by your friend. Your hands hovered over his burnt and bloodied body, not knowing where to start but ignoring the possibility that it was too late. “How… How do I help you? I-I don’t know what to do.” Your eyes were tearing up, and your breathing was getting ragged as you struggled to find some solution. “Please, Kenny, tell me how to help!” 
“Kitten…” His voice was rough as he spoke, his usual tones of confidence and charisma gone. You met his half-closed eyes with your wet ones, begging for him to give you some answer, some, any sort of reassurance that things would be alright. 
“Please,” you pleaded. You had never sounded this pitiful in your life, but you didn’t care, and as his shaking hand grabbed your own, a sob wracked your body. “Kenny, please. Please stay.” You couldn’t help, you knew that, but you hoped for once in his life he would listen to you. 
His eyes began to shut, and his voice fell to a whisper as he said, “Stay safe, kitten.” With a barely there squeeze of your hand, his body went limp, his hand dropping from your grasp.  
You stared in silence, shock overtaking you for a moment. But then, all you felt was anger. “No. No! You promised!” You were yelling at this point, fist reaching out to bang on Kenny’s chest in retaliation. A strong grip on your wrist stopped you, but you weren’t done. As if he could read your mind, Levi wrapped his free arm around your waist, pulling you back from the now dead man. You were screeching obscenities at both Kenny and Levi as you struggled to break free. Soon, your screams turned into sobs, and as you fell limp into Levi’s arms, you let out one last whimper, a last cry for help. “You promised.”
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Later that night, as you pulled a camisole over your head, a knock sounded on your quarters’ door. Truthfully, you had absolutely no desire to talk to anyone. You had had a long day, you had just changed into your pajamas, and you weren’t in the mood to join your fellow soldiers in celebration. Still, you pulled the door open a few inches, hoping it would be someone you could easily send away. To your surprise, Levi stood outside dressed in plain clothes and hair wet from what you presumed was a shower. Even more surprising was the newly formed bruise on his cheekbone. The reddish-purple mark stood out against his normally flawless skin, and you found yourself staring, only Levi’s sharp voice bringing you back to reality. 
“You did that, you know,” he commented with a blank face. 
“What?” You opened the door a bit more, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. “What do you mean?” 
His left eyebrow cocked up just barely. “When you went berserk earlier. Before I managed to snag both of your wrists,” he explained. He reached up a hand to brush against his cheek. “Damn, you hit hard.” 
You weren’t sure, but the tone in the man’s voice made you think that maybe, just maybe, he was trying to cheer you up. Against your will, the corners of your mouth turned up the slightest bit. “Did you expect anything less?” You quipped, wondering what his answer might be. 
“No.” He shrugged. “Just surprised it took you this long to punch me in the face.” 
At that, you let out a laugh. It was true, the man had managed to push every single one of your buttons during his time with the Scouting Regiment. The two of you were in constant conflict, arguments over the smallest things popping up out of nowhere. At some point, Erwin had decided that Mike would be the babysitter of you two, keeping you both in line during training and even more so during squad leader meetings. You started to smile at the memory, but when you remembered that Mike, like so many of the others you loved, was dead, your expression fell. 
Moving your eyes to stare down at the uneven floorboards, you spoke quietly, but sincerely, “I’m sorry.” 
Levi knew you weren’t just apologizing for hitting him but for everything, and as he studied your face, he made a decision. “Do you want some tea? I keep a special brand in my room.” It was the only thing he had to offer, and both you and him knew it. 
You froze as you tried to figure out the best course of action. Follow the Captain to his room or mope around alone until you cry yourself to sleep? In the end, it was an easy choice. Still, your heart stuttered in your chest while you gained your composure. You took a breath before responding, “Um, sure.” 
There was a beat of silence, as if the two of you were readying yourself to take on some new, mysterious foe. And in a way, you supposed, you were. About a month after Levi had joined the scouts, there had been an… incident of sorts. It wasn’t disastrous or anything like that, but Erwin had quickly ruled that the two of you weren’t allowed to be in the same room together without someone else present. A wise decision on his part, if you were being completely honest, and something that Levi nor you argued with in the slightest. But now, years later, it seemed both of you were ready to break that rule, Levi making the first move as he turned on his heel and waited to see if you would follow. 
Out of all of the scouts, you were known to be the most stealthy. Mike was usually the only one who could sense you were coming, claiming you had a distinctly pleasant smell that his nose had no problem picking up on. One time, he had even claimed that you were the best smelling person in the Survey Corps, and you couldn’t help but swell with pride. Hange had whispered to you later that evening that that was his way of flirting, but you never took her seriously. You weren’t interested in dating anyways. No one had ever really caught your eye minus one man, but you always said it was more of a fascination than a crush. 
Even your ODM gear seemed to be quieter than the rest, and you once managed to spook even the Commander when you landed on the same tree branch as him without him knowing. You naturally existed silently and sneakily so when Levi picked up on the sound of your sock-clad feet shuffling behind him, the pit of concern in his stomach grew. 
Reaching his quarters, he unlocked the door wordlessly, holding it open so that you could enter first. Your eyes widened as you took in the space. First of all, it was much bigger than your room. While you only had a bedroom and bathroom to yourself like the other squad leaders, Levi had a small living area with a couch, small coffee table, and even a desk. There were papers neatly stacked on top of it, and the rest of the area was just as orderly, his tea kettle sitting in the exact center of the coffee table. Only when you sat down on the couch did you see the small fireplace he had. It was just big enough to fit a tea kettle over it, and that’s what Levi proceeded to do. 
You let out a low whistle, capturing the man’s attention. “Wow. When did you get so important?” You asked, motioning lazily about the room with your hand. 
Levi scoffed and placed a hand casually on his hip. “Erwin gave it to me when he moved into the Commander’s quarters. Reward for the highest kill count or something like that.” His voice was so nonchalant that for a moment, you didn’t realize that he was insulting you. No, you thought, it was more of a tease than an insult. 
Now it was your turn to scoff, well aware that your fellow Captain was just trying to get a reaction out of you. Levi watched as you rolled your eyes playfully, firelight glinting off of your irises. Had they always been such a pretty color? 
The whistle of the kettle broke him out of his reverie, and he swiftly turned back to take it off of the heat. When he brought it back to the table, he was pleasantly surprised that you had already prepared the teacups, him only having to pour the water in and wait for it to steep. Hesitantly, he moved around the table to take a seat next to you, wondering when the two of you were ever this close. The events of the day popped into his head, and he did his best to ignore the fact that the thing he remembered the most about it was you being in his arms. Still, a question had been lingering in his mind, and he figured now was the best time to ask it. 
“Y/N,” he started, and you looked over with wide eyes at the use of your first name. You honestly weren’t aware that he even knew you had a first name. “Can I ask you a question?” You knew what was coming, but you forced yourself to nod anyways, giving him silent permission to know your secrets. “How do you know Kenny Ackerman?” 
It was a loaded question, and you let out a breath as you tried to figure out the best way to tell the story without getting either you or Kenny into trouble. Even the secrets of a dead man needed to be protected sometimes. Despite it all occurring years ago, the government’s threat towards you regarding the release of information hung heavily in your mind. Both you and Levi would be in danger if you revealed too much. He could swear himself to secrecy, and you would trust him, but the risk would never be worth the reward. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap, worrying your lip as you thought of how to start to explain. 
“Well,” you bit the inside of your cheek, gathering your nerves before continuing, “About a year and a half before you joined the scouts, I got myself into a bit of trouble.” He raised an eyebrow in surprise as you were widely thought to be the most well behaved and well intentioned scout there was. He thought he was the only person who could get you riled up, your scoldings from the other squad leaders and the Commander always leading back to him. You sent him a small grin. “I wasn’t always the goody two shoes I am now, Levi.” 
“Anyways, it became kind of a big deal in the Capital, and a lot of higher-ups were calling for my head.” You let out a light chuckle. “Imagine just turning 19 and having almost every MP looking for you. Scary stuff.”
“Wait.” Levi held up a hand to stop you before you could continue. The story had just started, but he was already having trouble believing that this was the truth. If not for the darkness that rested just behind your eyes, he would’ve called bullshit as soon as you said your first sentence. “What exactly did you do?” 
You looked away from the intensity of his gaze for a moment, an internal debate raging on inside your head. With a sigh, you relented. “I… I can’t tell you everything, but let’s just say it had to do with a certain Premier and confidential papers being stolen from his office.” Levi’s eyes grew wide, and you took that as a sign to continue. “No one knows except Commander Erwin, but I spent most of my teenage years in the Underground. I was born within Wall Sina, so I had papers to be up top, but I much preferred being below gro—”
“Why?” Levi was quick to cut you off, his expression hard and tone almost offended.
“My parents owned land in Wall Sina, and when they died, they left none of it to me, so folk got the idea in their head that I was a problem child. I wasn’t wanted there, so I left.” You shrugged, and Levi’s face softened. “I admit, the Underground wasn’t easy, but I was quick on my feet and smart for my age. I survived and I survived by myself. Help wasn’t something I wanted, but when you’re suddenly being chased by the royal government, it becomes something you need. That’s how I found Kenny, and it’s why I owe him my life.” 
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It had been a week since you had completed your assignment, already turning in the materials to the man who had hired you and returning back to your comfortable life underground. All had seemed to go swimmingly, and your confidence had grown tenfold. The feeling of being unstoppable was addictive, and you craved the sensation of that feeling again. You let your thoughts drift to what you could accomplish next, but sudden screams quickly snapped you out of your daydream. Straightening in your chair, you peeked out of the window of the tavern you currently resided in. Fear grew in your chest at what you saw.
Standing right outside were five MP’s, fully equipped with ODM gear and holding up a wanted poster with a poorly drawn sketch of your face on it. It was clear that they were asking for your whereabouts, and you were thankful to see that every person was shaking their heads to say no, they had no idea. Even with the solidarity of your fellow Underground citizens, you knew you had to get out of there and away from the sharp swords that hung off of the men’s waists. Before you could move, though, two of the men entered the bar, their eyes sweeping over the patrons. 
Right before their eyes could meet your frightened ones, your world was encased in darkness, the only light you could see coming from below you. You blinked, trying to understand what exactly just happened, but soon realized that a large hat had been placed over your head. Carefully, you lifted the brim so that you could see, and were met with the piercing silver stare of a man a good amount of years older than you. Apparently your confusion showed on your face because he quickly pushed the hat back down so that it shaded your features. 
He spoke in a quiet voice, only letting you be privy to whatever information he was about to share. “I’d keep that on if I were you, kitten. Don’t want the MP’s seeing your face, now do we?” You didn’t dare speak, but quickly shook your head, showing him you were listening and following instructions. “Good,” he dragged out the vowel, and the table shook as he placed his leg onto the table. Were those cowboy boots and spurs? You were pretty sure people only wore those in stories. “Now,” he stated, “We’re just gonna have a nice, pleasant conversation. Lots of giggles, ya hear me?” You nodded, the hat moving up and down your forehead. 
As the man started spewing nonsense, you did your best to play along, laughing like he said to and keeping your face covered as best you could. You could hear the MP’s getting closer to your table over the man’s rowdy voice, and the hand gripping your drink began to shake in fear. Smoothly, the man took your hand in his, making some weird comment about how soft it was. You frowned. Your hands weren’t soft at all. What was with this guy? 
The realization of what his plan was smacked you in the face, and you let out light giggles in response, putting on your most fake voice as you thanked him for the compliment. The things you were saying to each other became sickly sweet, so much so that you almost laughed at one point. As the soldiers approached your table, the mysterious man leaned in close, his alcoholic breath fanning over your face. Calmly, he swept the hat off of your head and placed it so that it covered both of your faces from the men who were now only a couple of feet away. 
A swift kick from under the table spurred you into action, and you let out a girlish moan followed by an exaggerated giggle. He followed suit, making a comment about how nice your lips were. If it were any other situation, you would punch this man in the face, but for right now, you’d listen to every command he gave you. From behind the hat you heard one of the MP’s mumble about ‘couples these days’ with a gagging noise coming from the other. With one last lovesick comment from the man in front of you, the MP’s retreated, leaving the tavern with muttered curses leaving their lips. 
Your savior leaned back into his chair, a smirk adoring his features as he placed his hat back on his head. For a moment, you both just stared at each other, you in shock and him in some state of glee. You decided to speak first. 
“Who are you?” 
“The name’s Kenny.” He kicked his other leg up on the table with a thwack! as the spur hit the cracked wood. The silence grew again, but this time you were at a loss for words. Sure, his name was Kenny, but was that all he was going to say? Apparently not, but when he spoke up again, it was entirely unhelpful. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”
You frowned, unamused. “Maybe for you. I should punch you for some of the things you said. Strange men shouldn’t talk to unassuming ladies like that.” Your tone was laced with a bit of sarcasm, and he guffawed.
“I don’t think fugitives from the crown can be considered ladies,” he shot back, and you huffed. His face grew serious. “I’ve been watching you for a while, kitten.”
You raised your eyebrows at the nickname. “It’s Y/N, and, uh, what?” Once again, this man completely took you by surprise. 
He shrugged. “You may not know it yourself, kitten, but you’re well known down here in the Underground. A mysterious girl who arrives without a sound, stealing from the above-grounders and sharing the wealth with the rest of us? You’re practically a legend; some people don’t even believe you’re real, but those that do would protect you with their life.”
This was all news to you. Yes, those were things that you did, but people recognized you for it? You furrowed your eyebrows and blinked quickly as you tried to puzzle the situation out. “I…” You struggled for words.
Kenny held up a hand. “It’s true whether you believe it or not… But, it seems that you’ve bitten off a little more than you can chew this time, my friend. Stealing from the Premier? Tsk, tsk.” His tone was more playful than condescending, and you gave him a weary grin. 
You sighed and finally relaxed back into your own chair, studying the man’s face. It showed his experience rather than his age, and you wondered just exactly who he was. Taking a chance, you pried for more information. You hated being in the dark. “So, you didn’t answer my question. Who are you?” 
His smile grew at your curiosity, crooked teeth appearing under chapped lips. “Someone who can help you. If you want it, that is. It seems clear you like to work on your own.” There was a challenge laced into his words, and you wondered what the right decision was. On one hand, getting involved with someone else, someone else you knew nothing about at that, was a dangerous game. On the other, you were in trouble and you needed all the help you could get. 
Taking a chance, you slowly nodded. “Okay. What do you have in mind?” 
He explained his plan. The MP’s didn’t know your name, so it would be easy to get above ground using your old Wall Sina papers. After you expressed your concern and with a chuckle, he dismissed their drawing of you, stating that once you got above ground and cleaned up, you would be unrecognizable from your old self. Then, with his next words, you lost your confidence in his plan. 
“You want me… to join the Survey Corps?” You shook your head in disbelief. “Uh, no way. That’s right under the government’s noses!” 
He brushed you off. “Eh, not really. The government already dislikes the Corps. They’re not gonna care who’s in it; they figure you’ll all die soon enough.” At that, you gave him a very blank stare, and he just laughed, stealing a swig from your mug. “You’ll be fine. You don’t seem like the dying type.”
It was true, you had escaped the jaws of death on multiple occasions, but you weren’t in the business of actively riding towards your demise. That seemed plain idiotic to you, and you made that known. “This isn’t a joke. It’s my life on the line,” you countered.
With a swift movement, his legs were off of the table and his body was leaning in towards yours, the weight on his elbows making the table creak. His eyes turned dark, levelling your gaze. “It’s your life either way. Would you rather die by the hands of the Military Police after they’ve done God-knows-what to you? Or would you rather die on your own terms, possibly fighting for Humanity’s freedom?” 
It was a good question, a fair question, and one you immediately knew the answer to. You sucked in a breath as you resigned yourself to your new fate. “So, how do we do this?” 
With another grin, Kenny explained the rest of his plan. It really wasn’t a bad idea, and you were grateful for the help. But still uncertainty settled in your stomach.
The day you were to join the Corps, Kenny had told you he would meet you before you left. You hadn’t seen him in about a week, and in that time, you had completely changed yourself, moving up top, getting a haircut, and finally wearing clean, untorn clothes. It was weird and different, but a part of you enjoyed it. This was a new start, you had chosen to believe.
“Kitten!” You turned towards the easily recognizable voice with a roll of your eyes, but the playful smile that toyed with your lips gave away your true feelings. “Give me a spin!” He requested, and when you did, he let out a loud whistle. “Damn, you really look like you belong up here.”
You raised your eyebrows with a grin. “That’s the point, right?” 
“Precisely, my friend, precisely.” Slinging an arm over your shoulders, he began to walk with you towards where the ferry would pick you up. His pace was slow, obviously not in a rush to say goodbye, and you felt the same. Somehow, the two of you had grown close over the past month. Even with all of the secrets you both kept from each other, there was an air of freedom when you were in the other’s presence. No lies, no false personalities, just friendship. 
It was refreshing, to say the least.
For once, you both were quiet as you walked. The weight of the future hung over both of you, pressing your mouths shut. He managed to speak first, his voice cracking for the first time since you met him and giving away his true emotions. 
“Stay safe, kitten.” The words were serious, and something in him couldn’t stand to let that be the last thing he said. “You’ll kick those Titans’ asses.” 
Normally, you’d laugh, or at least smile, at his cheesy jokes. Instead, you stopped walking and turned until you both faced each other, looking up to meet his eyes. With a swallow, you asked something of him that you knew was unfair, was selfish, was wrong. Yet, you still asked, knowing Kenny wouldn’t hold it against you. 
“Promise me you won’t die before me.” 
His eyes softened in understanding, crinkles forming around their edges as he gave you the most gentle of smiles. He knew what you needed to hear, knew it would be a lie, knew you’d hate him for it. But, he said it anyway.
“I promise.”
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nonobadcat · 3 years
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Rating: Explicit - for readers 18+ only Entire Story TW: Rape/Noncon/DubCon, gore (non-reader directed), All For One too many kinks to count them all. Highly mentally and sexually abusive relationship. This story is absolutely not for minors and readers should consult the warnings/tags at the top before reading.
This chapter’s TW: 69 (giving and receiving), the reader finds another berserk button of AFO's, ends in a bad vibes cliff hanger
Read the entire story at: Archive of Our Own
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Chapter 37 Excerpt:
Your hand grasped the front of his pajamas, fingers coiling into the expensive silk. "Please don't," you begged with a shaking smile. "Can't we just wait a little while longer? I was really having fun being with you just like we were."
Scarlet eyes bored into yours as he placed a kiss on your forehead. "You'll enjoy this more, I promise."
Your eyes rolled to the side and you grit your teeth. "...can't good enough just be enough?"
In an instant, there was a firm frown on his lips. "Are you forgetting we already missed our chance the first time? We need to take advantage of the opportunity."
Your eyes stared at the floor. “It really kills the mood when you try to turn romance into a marathon.”
"Then you want to take it slow?"
You looked up at him as he gave you a half-lidded stare. There was something eerie in his expression that made your hackles rise. When you stiffened, he grinned.
"Define slow…?" you asked cautiously.
Shigaraki hummed as he carried you into the bedroom and set you upon the sheets. He grasped some of the fluffy pillows and molded a cradle-like spot in the center of the mattress. You shuffled backward on the bed to the far edge and settled yourself onto your knees. Your hands clenched tightly over your sore crotch. You tilted your chin to your chest, curling into a ball as wary eyes watched your husband suspiciously. Once Shigaraki finished constructing his nest, he began to loosen the tie on his pants.
"Why don't we fool around a little first to get you warmed up?
You gritted your teeth and pulled your arms tight into your chest like a shield of flesh. “It’s not a matter of getting warmed up. It’s a matter of friction burns.”
Shigaraki crawled across the mattress on hand and knee, his blue orbs staring into your soul. The bed squeaked as he reached out and took your chin in his hand. Warm fingers tickled across the sensitive skin just below your jaw. Goosebumps prickled on your neck. Your devil of a husband cocked his head and flashed you a half-lidded grin that would have made Eros himself crumble to his knees and beg.
“Is my queen too urbane to be tempted by a simple general?”
Your eyes bulged as your jaw dropped. Did he seriously think you were going to roll play his favorite heroine so that he could-
With a sudden jerk forward, lush, parted lips hovered just over yours. Shigaraki’s voice was a low purr. “And what if I was a Demon King? Would that be enough to coax you down from your pedestal?”
It was at that moment that you realized that he was dead serious.
As his eyes blew black with lust, it seemed that you were now facing the culmination of All For One’s childhood fantasies, family man dreams, and his adult desires all rolled into one. The end result was a silent frozen pause like the feeling just before one falls to their death. The only noise you could hear was your heart leaping into high gear and the wet smack of his tongue on his lips.
Welp. You were screwed.
Read the rest at Archive of Our Own
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hunxi-guilai · 4 years
is there anything you /wish/ had happened in CQL? it doesn't even have to be a canon scene, just something for fun! ;)
oh man... I don’t have it with me, but while I was watching CQL, I kept a running list of “missing scenes I wanted to see” on a piece of scratch paper I had taped to my wall. A lot of those missing scenes ended up on this blog in one form or another anyway (Sunshot Campaign wangxian? Sunshot Era!Lan Wangji? Literally everything about Wei Wuxian and those three months in the Burial Mounds?)
But you know what I’m feeling, right now? Jokes on you, I’m always feeling this -- I wish CQL had more fight scenes. 
And not just like, the super quick shots we got of Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen tearing their way through hordes of fierce corpses during the Sunshot Campaign (though that was wonderful and aesthetic, thank you for that CQL production crew). I wish they had the time and the budget (and the space in the story) to really develop the ways various fighting styles inform our understanding of characters.
Ever since I took one (1) class on stage combat/theatrical violence, I’ve been fascinated by the amount of character analysis and deliberate performance choice goes into choreographing and performing fight sequences. Every little detail can be so rich in terms of character content: say person A has provoked person B to physical violence via, oh, insults about their parentage. First of all, we learn a great deal about person B -- what is their berserk button? What can get them to snap and lift a hand with intent to cause harm? Second of all, what is person B’s instinctive response? A punch indicates some level of training in combat, because 1) punches are not instinctive to throw, and 2) it’s very easy to fuck it up and break your thumb or hurt your wrist. Or does person B go for a slap? Slaps read differently from punches; for one, they have a weird amount of gendered connotations. For another, they’re open-palm blows, which seem, on the surface, to be less aggressively violent than punches, but can deliver the same amount of force. Or does person B go for a collar grab? A classic move -- inflicts no damage, but indicates how seriously upset you are. Or perhaps a shove? Does that send person A to the ground, or back into a wall? What does that tell us about person A’s experience with violence?
...and so on and so forth.
The fight between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in the Qinghe Nie courtyard lasted approximately... what, twenty-five seconds? and I went off on it for over a thousand words. Okay, fine, I wasn’t talking solely about the fight choreography itself, but the point still stands -- we can learn so much about characters in a well-choreographed fight scene, and I’m dying for more.
If Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen’s fighting styles are anything to go by, we can assume that Gusu Lan’s sword forms emphasize elegant, momentum-driven lines, all fluidity and continuity of motion (it’s about maximizing those Sleeve Aesthetics, y’know). If Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian’s fighting styles are representative of Yunmeng, we can see that the Yunmeng Jiang style focuses on strength and stamina; the two of them tend to catch their blows from their opponents on their blades/hilts/flutes rather than simply deflect and move past. Meanwhile, the Lanling Jin school of combat seems to give equal weight to both empty-handed brawling and swordwork; in the Xuanwu Cave, Jin Zixuan doesn’t seem fazed by fighting empty-handed in the slightest, unlike Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Wangji, who avoid fighting empty-handed if at all possible and pick up weapons as soon as they can. Jin Zixuan in general tends to be more willing to get up-close-and-personal in fights; he often moves into and through other people’s ranges, rather than keeping them firmly at arm’s/sword’s length the way, say, Lan Wangji does.
Again -- fascinating. What does that tell us about Lanling Jin culture? The ability to fight and defend oneself while weaponless? Does that point at a history of political turmoil, where Jin Sect members have needed to learn how to defend themselves just in case, oh, I dunno, all swords were confiscated at the door for a peace-talk that is now devolving? Or is this a fighting style unique to Jin Zixuan himself, and if so, what does that say about his training and education? does this mean that Jin Zixuan sometimes goes out bar brawling with Mianmian??? inquiring minds wish to know
We don’t get a ton of songxiao fight scenes (one of the biggest tragedies of CQL is that we never get a back-to-back badasses/battle couple fight scene with songxiao), but how does Xiao Xingchen’s movement style differ from other characters? He’s incredibly light and fast on his feet, but doesn’t seem to deliver the same amount of force that, say, Jiang Cheng could deal in a single blow. Meanwhile, Song Lan is a brilliant fighter (when he’s not, uh, being terribly provoked by Xue Yang); all swift, crisp movements backed by an immense amount of power. Speaking of Xue Yang, he and Jin Guangyao incorporate a certain amount of psychological warfare into their fighting styles, which subsequently rely on the need to maintain distance with their opponents (to avoid getting Stabbed Whilst Evil Monologuing).
...y’all I’ve got feelings about fight choreography. What I wouldn’t have given for a tournament arc, where we can just have every character fight every other character for, y’know, character development
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teaveetamer · 4 years
You know, at least everyone and their mom knew the Tellius merchant guy only ranked as high as he did last year because of bots. The fact that this year so many people are actually putting their votes into the Gatekeeper is hitting my berserk button, and I want to roll my eyes seeing Bernadetta still place so high despite /just/ getting an alt a month ago. (1/2)
Seeing Fyleth up there is also just... Ugh. I was told that JPN fandom really likes the non-Kris avatar characters, which is probably /why/ but I still don't like it considering Byleth is by and far the worst one to exist. They're a plank of wood, for crying out loud. At any rate, really hoping Chrom pushes Gatekeeper out of 2nd place even if I can't spare any votes for him. (2/2)
Like seriously I’m just really hoping the people voting him for the memes chill the fuck out. This joke is so done to death.
F!Byleth I’m not super happy about either, but as much as I dislike Byleth at least they’re a character with a non-generic design that you actually spend significant time with. And you know what, I can see a lot of cool stuff they could do with F!Byleth, like base it on Jeralt or heck even go all out and have a dragon unit. Or kind of like Micaiah had Yune over her shoulder, they could have Sothis in her art.
Gatekeeper..? Like what do you even do with a generic NPC?
And Bernadetta was always going to score high. She appeals to that specific really obsessive fanbase that’ll fanatically vote for her regardless of any circumstance. No doubt she’s gonna be the new Camilla of CYL (in that she’s ridiculously popular regardless of how many alts she gets and Reddit hates her with a burning passion and will do anything to keep her from winning)
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luucypevensie · 1 year
🐰 + the bestest Slytherin Cord!!
1. Their berserk button: Cord doesn’t like it when someone doesn’t pull their weight in school assignments/projects and leaves her to do all the work. She is not your personal servant, either you put in the effort or the two of you are BOTH going down
2. Why their name was chosen: She was named after her paternal grandmother and her mother; Cordelia’s parents wanted to honor her father’s mother, plus they love that Cordelia means “heart” because they wanted their daughter to have heart
3. Their favorite 2020s song: Penthouse by Kelsea Ballerini
4. Their biggest fear: Losing her aunt Drea and Harry because they’re the only family she has left
5. One turn-on of theirs: Seeing someone in their element (like Harry in Quidditch or teaching in DA)
6. Their go-to sleepover activities: Disney movies; seriously, Cord just LOVES having a Disney movie marathon at a sleepover, and she was so excited to do that with Daphne and Tracey when she introduced them to the movies. Also, so much junk food (a mix of wizard sweets like Cauldron Cakes and Licorice Wands with Muggle sweets like Cadbury Dairy Milk and Crunchies)
7. What candle they’d get at Bath & Body Works: You know, I actually can see Cord getting this one candle called Coffee & Whiskey (a candle that contains smells of Irish Whiskey, Vanilla, and a hint of Coffee)
8. A moment when they reached their breaking point: Pansy had just called her a Mudblood again, and Cord just SNAPPED because her family being non magical shouldn’t matter. Who she is as a person, THAT is what should matter. As a result, she jumped on Pansy (who wasn’t expecting that at all) and just starting scratching and pulling at anything she could get her hands on
9. Whether they’re organized or slobby: Cord’s pretty organized; not CRAZY organized though
10. Their favorite feature about themselves: Her smile
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