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yakultindia · 6 months
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Ultimate Guide to Building a Strong Immune System Naturally
To strengthen your immune system naturally, prioritize a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, manage stress, and stay hydrated.
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pixelyssa · 4 months
★彡 reanswering an old ask below:
as a high r3str1cter here’s what i do:
★彡DRY F4ST!NG: 7pm-11am (i have water/meds/gum only if necessary)
It is beneficial when done for 16+ hours. and the best part is we do it in our sleep every night! 
dry means no f00d, no water. since starting this, i’ve noticed less bloating, my “morning sk1nny” lasts longer. i’ve gotten used to my dry f4st times and no longer overe@t at night, which also makes me feel good in the morning. I have acid reflux, and e@ting before bed triggers it. It also triggers, slower met@bolism, difficulty digesting and can disturb your sleep! So even if you aren’t comfortable dry f4sting before bed, atleast not having solid f00ds a couple hours before bed helps, and you will see/feel a difference.
If you tend to get cravings at night, this may be hard at first. here’s how i stopped mine:
(warning, im delulu hehe)
-i always remind myself how i feel after the fact. or the morning after. (guilty, embarrassed, weak) and eventually i was strong enough to let that feeling take over. 
-watch a mukbang or e4ting challenge for the f00d im craving and chugging water until im full lol
-i have insomnia so i have an as needed medication for sleep that knocks me out. if you also struggle to sleep, i def recommend finding ur cure. whether its rain sounds, complete darkness, shutting ur devices off, or melatonin (PRO TIP: do not buy melatonin gummies. Do not consume the 5mg or 10mg or 20mg supplements of melatonin. when our bodies lack melatonin, we only need .5mg MAX, which is sold in pill form or can be prescribed by your doctor! anything higher will just make you immune and it will stop working eventually, it also will make it difficult to get up in the morning.)
-i drink coffee as soon as my dry fast ends. It suppresses my app3t1te for a while and it helps my bowels hehe (i also need the caffeine to get me through the day)
-i HATE black coffee, i prefer brown stevia and a splash of cream/almond milk. but whatever you like!
-i usually have 1-2 cups to start my day. 
-if you don’t like coffee, tea is also good. there are certain types that can do different things for you ofc, i like green tea for the caffeine and metabolism boost (same reason i drink coffee). but i’ve heard good things about ginger tea, mint tea, etc. (if youre a tea person i don’t need to even explain, you know.)
-i try save them for the end of the day, that way when its dinner time and i’m hungry, I’m not feeling like i need to find something small to fit the rest of my lim1t. (the coffee helps with this step)
-i stay distracted and i really worked on self discipline to be able to get through this one lol.
-for example, 2 oreos and juice is the same amount of c4lories as my chocolate chip pancakes r3cipe. cookies aren’t filling, you’ll just want more. theyre a filler. whereas 3 chocolate chip pancakes with berries and syrup is filling and satisfies the same craving. 
-if you like to use ur c4lories for snacks that’s completely fine, im not judging you <3 it just leads to overe@ting for me.
-i usually have 1 meal and 1-2 snacks throughout the day. I have my google doc link ready to go if anyone 18+ would like to see, comment and let me know youre of age and ill message u it (DONT DM ASKING I WONT SEE IT) <3
-by now you’ve probably heard the term “meta” or “metab” day. most people will do this once a week, it is basically where you spike your l1mit for the day. constantly lowering your intake will slow your metabolism and eventually you’ll start maintaining, or plateauing. This is to help boost your metab! Its also good for holidays, or days where you have plans involving f00d. It’s hard at first, but if you’ve been stuck at the same w3ight, its good to start doing this. 
-i do one once a week, but i’ve seen people do them in 10 day increments or even twice a month.
-a friend of mine told me metabolism days should be -200 of your bmr (you can calculate your bmr online) that would make my metab day l1mit around 800-900 c@l. (which is 300+ higher than my normal limit, incase you want to just add to your current intake instead of calculating your bmr) it should be a close to a “normal” l1mit. 
-there are chances of g4ining, of course, from metab days. don’t shy away from it if you feel too scared to g4in, this was my mistake and i was stuck at 102 for WAY TOO LONG. metab helped me break 100, and now im almost at my next goal. Metabolism days are for everyone, it’s not just sk1nny people who plateau and demolish their metabolisms. try it out, its a nice treat <3
we should be drinking over 2L of water a day (you can google and calculate your specific amount needed per day, im just a girl) 
-drink your necessary amount THROUGHOUT THE DAY. it is sm water to have in one sitting so the only possible way to get it all in is to have it all day. tt’ll make you feel better too.
-this is something i struggle with, i just don’t enjoy water. I’m on and off with when i enjoy it and when i can’t get myself to drink it. If anyone else struggles, i’ve realized that ice cold water is easiest for me to drink.
-water gives the illusion of feeling full, it literally keeps you alive, and obviously sm more lol
-i take vitamin d, vitamin c, calcium and a women’s multi vitamin for metabolism every day. the water is important for helping my body absorb these. Look into other vitamins but these are what i take based on my deficiencies. 
-i take gummy vitamins, they have more c4lories than a pill, but its like a sweet treat after my meal so i’ll probably stick to gummies <3 make sure you chew them all the way through if you get these!
★彡IVE BEEN DOING THIS WAY TOO LONG Our b0dies are all different. what works for me might not work for you, and that’s fine, love! I’m sharing what i do because there is a lot of general knowledge in my routines, so i thought i’d share. 
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babykisses · 1 year
Complete Guide : How to looksmax & drastically improve your appearance
Looksmaxing refers to the practice of enhancing one's physical appearance through various methods like grooming, skincare, fitness, etc. It's about YOU and feeling the need to constantly remind yourself that you can be better. In this guide, I’m sharing with you ridiculously specific tips to drastically improve your appearance.
body language
Being beautiful is not only about having big lips and a striking jawline. No, it's about the feeling you give to other people, about your energy. Furthermore, it's about how you have embodied your energy. The only way you can embody this truly, is by accepting your authentic energy.
· make eye contact
· keep your head up
· don’t play with your jewelry
· be extremely, obnoxiously confident
· stand up straight, push your shoulders back slightly and open up your chest
· smile more often, it will make you look more charismatic & happy, so you will appear more attractive, as many say “be happy and you will be beautiful”
Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in transforming your skin from the inside out. By eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, you can help to maintain healthy, glowing skin. You will not only look your best, but also feel your best. Your diet should look like this :
· low carb
· low sugar
· 3L of water daily
· lots of veggies & fruit
· high protein, fibre & potassium
· only eat organic grass-fed meat (for meat)
· 3 Brazilian nuts a day, they improve your skin health & hair health
· ginger shots, a combination of ginger, freshly squeezed lemon juice & water or coconut water. The health benefits of ginger shots include : decreasing inflammation, calming indigestion, and boosting immunity. Keep in mind that ginger shots are meant to be drunk all at once as a quick shot. Be careful not to drink more than one shot a day since too much ginger can cause heartburn.
· keep it natural, don’t overdo it and remember, less is more
· curl your lashes & mascara (Dior iconic overcurl is my fave mascara!!)
· contour & bronze cheeks (Chanel bronzer 395)
· wear skin tint, NOT foundation. Less is more.
· sublte white highlight on the inner corner (I recommend dior glow palette) DO NOT grab a white pencil and think it does the job. It doesn’t. It will make you look tacky.
· black or brown liner on the upper waterline
· blend your skin tint in with your hand, then go in bak with a damp beauty blender for a flawless finish
· for a natural eye lift effect, draw a line (with a skin coloured pencil) from your outer crease all the way to the temple & blend in a sculpted effect
lashes & brows
Facial harmony is important to the face, and your eyebrows need to work well with all of your face.
For face harmony ask the eyebrow tech this: the eyebrow arch of the eyebrow should be aligned with the upper orbital rim of your eye, reaching it’s highest point slightly lateral to the outer edge of the iris.
For the length the eyebrow should start at a point above the inner corner of the eye and end diagonally from the outer corner of the eye, extending slightly past it.
Also the thickness of the eyebrows should be balanced and in proportion to your facial features.
Ask to maintain thick eyebrows if you do and ask to get it if you don't. Thick eyebrows are good because thicker eyebrows are preferred for a more youthful appearance like you're still in your 20s. Think of an example as Brooke Shields.
Also the distance between the eyebrows should be approximately equal to the width of one eye.
Furthermore the overall shape of the eyebrows should complement your face natural contours, and tell them to take into account your facial structure and features.
Also, your tech needs to be well skilled and knowledgeable to even know these. So I highly recommend going to a very qualified professional in order to get your brows done. At the end of the day, it’s like you’re giving your beauty in their hands. You alternatively do it at home, remember to be precise.
· get fuller brows : brow serum, micro blading, brow pencil, etc.
· grow out your eyelashes with a mix of aloe vera & castor oil (apply as a serum) or use a lash serum (I recommend Latisse)
· dark brows & lashes are more attractive, in order to darken them here’s some advice :
solutions to darken brows & lashes
· brow tint & eyelash tint
· hybrid dye : lasts up to 7 weeks on the hairs & 10 days on the skin
· tint : lasts up to 4 weeks on the hairs & 3 days on the skin
· brow pommade & brow pencil
· in order to achieve your perfect skin tone, eat more carotenoids.
what are carotenoids?
Carotenoids are yellow, orange & red organic pigments that are produced by plants and algae. Carotenoids give the characteristic color to pumpkins, carrots, corn, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, salmon, shrimp, kale, broccoli, cantaloupe, papaya, mangoes, oranges, bell peppers, watermelon, apricots, tangerines.
(In summary they are brightly colored fruits and vegetables)
So make sure to include these foods into your diet. If you want a shorter list of the foods that are the highest in carotenoids :
spinach, kale, corn, oranges, bell peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, broccoli, carrots.
· get custom spray tan
· get laser hair removal (don’t forget to shave before your appointment)
· smile line removal : volufiline
· for clear skin, STOP eating sugar & dairy
· drink CELERY JUICE everyday for glowing skin
· a rich moisturizer, spf & a good diet is all you need
· it is better to get a real tan, not fake tanner
· laser mole removal
· to prevent ageing, you should SPF every single day, never use tanning beds, never smoke, use a retinoid nightly, wash your makeup off & maintain a skincare routine
· stay hydrated: drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated help maintain healthy, hydrated & plump skin
Brushing your lips with a toothbrush. Brushing lips with a toothbrush each day can temporarily increase lip fullness. The brushing may stimulate blood circulation in the lips, leading to temporary redness and slight swelling. This increased blood flow can create the appearance of fuller lips for a short period. Brushing the lips with a toothbrush can help exfoliate the surface layer of dead skin cells, promoting smoother and potentially plumper looking lips, removing the buildup of dead skin cells.
· lip liner (love the Charlotte Tilbury liner & MAC lip pencil)
· ombré lips effect
· keep them plump & glossy
· if you want to whiten your teeth I suggest you get professional teeth whitening or use whitening teeth strips (if you have sensitive teeth, make sure to buy the right kind because you risk damaging the area)
get rid of face fat & bloating
Bloating significantly impacts your appeal by concealing the underlying bone structure, which plays a crucial role in defining the contours of your face.
Without well-defined bone structure, your facial features appear less distinct & with a rounder appearance, and it becomes challenging to achieve the desired prominent cheek bone effect.
This is probably the simplest way to get the perfect jawline ; all you have to do is massage your face regularly. A good massage will boost blood circulation and tone your facial structure. Make sure to start massaging from the bottom to the top, to prevent sagging. In case you’re asking yourself if this really works, believe it does. Stay consistent.
Even though you will hear many people say that 5-6 hours of sleep is sufficient for them, it isn’t enough to look your best. Without 8-10 hours of sleep, your body will start looking tired, and your face will look bloated and fluffy. 
· avoid SALT & SUGAR & CARBS
Why? Because salt, sugar & carbohydrates each have distinct effects on your body that contribute to bloating. Refined carbohydrates, as well as excessive sugar intake (particularly added sugars that convert into glucose), can cause blood sugar spikes and subsequently lead to bloating. These substances, such as sugar (glucose), have the ability to draw water from your body or hinder its proper absorption.
· eat POTASSIUM (spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, spinach, tomatoes, watermelon)
· do intermittent fasting
· rub an ice cube on your skin in the morning, as ice tightens your skin and helps reduce puffiness.
· drink 3L of water daily
It is very important to prioritize the consumption of a substantial amount of water every day. Water plays a vital role in flushing out sodium from the body, effectively reducing sodium levels. Also, water intake helps regulate the body's water balance, preventing unnecessary water retention that can lead to facial bloating and puffiness.
· do face massages
· contour & bronze your cheeks
· mewing : smile with closed mouth and swallow, don’t force your tongue. It’s about keeping your tongue in the correct position at all times. There is also a bunch of videos on YouTube.
· working out
· intermidate fasting and calorie deficit
· drink a ton of water
· try to eat less salt, sugar, carbs
· eat more potassium (bananas, potatoes...)
· rub an ice cube on your skin
· Kerastase shampoo & conditioner and dyson for styling
· when doing a high ponytail or bun, don’t forget to slick back your baby hairs around your ears
· rinse your conditioner with cold water
(locks in the moisture, makes your hair look smooth, shiny & reduces frizz)
· use a scalp massager 5 minutes
(stimulates & exfoliates the scalp)
· do Aloe Vera hair masks
· use homemade rosemary oil
· microfibre towel - dries your hair x2 faster plus it is so much better than a regular towel! Why? Microfibre treats your hair with care to help prevent frizziness
· add coffee to your shampoo (stimulates and exfoliates the scalp). It’s a great alternative to scalp scrubs
· rice water rinse twice a week
The ideal waist to hip ratio backed by science is 0.6. The target 0.6 ratio is ideal and is genetic, so don't blame yourself if your natural physique doesn't fit it. Enhancing it to 0.6 requires hard work & surgery, implants if you're not naturally gifted. 0.6 is ideal and 0.7 is average. It's bone structure / genetic, if you're already slim and don't have 0.6 it's not your fault. You can only get the desired (0.6) by surgery or possibly by extreme diet if you don't have it genetically.
Our bodies as women influences the type of men we attract. You attract and get chased by higher quality, financially well and genetically attractive men. It's because slimness is associated with elegance, higher class and higher social status. It also signals good health and youthfulness and that you respect your body enough to keep it healthy.
Capture body images
Take photos from the front, side, and back angles, along with a face selfie. This step is crucial and can serve as a powerful source of inspiration in the future when you feel demotivated or lose interest.
Measure your weight
I strongly recommend stepping on the scale on day one, the day you genuinely embark on your weight loss journey. This will be another significant step as it helps establish your starting point and, as you make progress, serves as motivation to keep going.
Develop a plan
Whether your plan is to follow a diet (ketogenic diet & intermittent fasting), to get a gym membership or to buy a scale : reflect on your goals and determine what you want to achieve such as how much you want to lose weight. You need to make a plan that you can fully commit to. And get it done.
Portion control
Although what you eat does matter, its about how much of it you eat. You’re going to consume smaller portions of whatever food, but make sure your plate is smaller because it’s all about calorie deficit. Also try to limit snacking as such as you can, because it’s not a little bar that’s going to make you any fuller. For 15 minutes maybe, but at at what cost? Eat proper meals (in smaller plates). But if you really have trouble with restricting yourself to a smaller plate I advise you to eat foods that are voluminous but low in calories. For example one cookie (15g) is small & thin, filled with 150 calories. But on the other hand, 1 kg of lettuce is 150 calories. See the difference? Same calories but different amount.
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shadowdaddies · 8 months
So being sick with covid and being on my period at the same time is not fun so I was wondering if you haven't already done it a sick reader head cannon? With whatever Sarah J. Mass male you want or all of them whatever you want.
ah I'm so sorry you're sick love! covid definitely seems to be making the rounds right now, stay safe and I hope you feel better soon💜
SJM Males When You're Sick Headcanons
⁃ Azriel knows you’re sick before you do
⁃ His shadows wake him up in the night when they hear your sniffled breathing, notice your fever
⁃ He’s up and getting you water and a cool rag, making some tea with medicine from Madja as soon as you are up
⁃ If he has to go anywhere, he leaves his shadows with you to keep him updated on how you’re doing or if you need anything
⁃ He gets you your favorite flowers and a book, which he reads to you as you take a warm bath, the water helping with any congestion 
⁃ Picks out your favorite clothes for you to sleep in, keeping an eye on you while being careful not to pester you too much
⁃ Rhys secretly loves the excuse to take care of you
⁃ You usually tease him for using magic to do the smallest things, so he takes every opportunity to make anything you could need appear in an instant. You want warm soup? Right there. Another blanket? Five blankets of various fabrics appear without hardly a thought. 
⁃ You are not leaving the bed. Rhys pushes any meetings or responsibilities he has to stay with you, taking the opportunity as the perfect excuse to spend quality time with you, absolutely spoiling you in every way
⁃ Cassian gets anxious, immediately going to Madja for any possible medicine you could need
⁃ He would ask for step by step instructions on how to best care for you while you’re sick, and stick to that routine
⁃ He makes sure to make you food with lots of nutrients to boost your immune system 
⁃ Azriel and Feyre both tell him to calm down and that you just need to rest, so Cassian carries you everywhere. He is undressing you, lifting you into the bathtub, washing your hair…
⁃ And then he discovers how much he likes carrying you everywhere, cradling you to his chest bridal style. It becomes a tough habit for him to break once you’re feeling better
⁃ listens to you and what you need
⁃ He’ll do lots of small things, like bringing you a sweet treat or small gift to cheer you up
⁃ Knowing you feel terrible, he consistently tells you how beautiful you look and how lucky he is to be your mate, despite your laughter and protests
⁃ Plans a special night for the two of you once you’re better doing something he knows you love 
⁃ this sweet baby is on high alert the moment he notices something is wrong
⁃ Once you’ve assured him that no one hurt you, you just aren’t feeling well, he checks you over thoroughly
⁃ He will make sure that you are tended to for everything you could need, assigning various people to give you medicine, cook you whatever meals you like, etc
⁃ But he’ll complain that they’re not doing a sufficient job and take over, halting his duties to take care of you
Throne of Glass
⁃ Teases you for getting sick, saying you’re being irresponsible and not taking care of yourself
⁃ But he’ll insist on caring for you, making no sure you get plenty of rest and that no one bothers you with responsibilities
⁃ He’s the perfect one to hold you when you’re sick, his warm body soothing against yours as he wills a gentle, cool wind against your face
Crescent City
⁃ he’d hear your small cough when he came in the house and immediately crumble
⁃ He’d rush over to you, asking what hurts and if he can get you anything to drink or eat, ordering your favorite food to be delivered
⁃ He’d pick you up in his lap, bundling you in blankets as he held you close until you fall asleep
⁃ He’d let you watch whatever show you wanted, even if the sunball game was on (but once you’re asleep, sunball is back on the TV)
⁃ Forehead kisses. Constantly. Carrying you into the shower, softly washing your body while he kisses all over your head and shoulders, wherever he can show physical affection
⁃ This cute dumbass would tease you at first, probably ask if you’re hungover 
⁃ Once he realizes you’re sick, he’d go all out. Messaging Flynn and Dec to gather food and medicine for you while he sets you up in your shared room with blankets, pillows, TV, etc
⁃ He lays in bed with you, absentmindedly playing with your hair, watching tv, just to be there if you need anything and so you don’t feel alone
⁃ He’s definitely searching on his phone “will I catch my girlfriend’s sickness if I go down on her?”
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bumblinv · 2 years
Hi! Are your requests open? If they are I'm just gonna leave this here, Neteyam, Ao'nung, Lo'ak (sperate) x OmaticayaGnReader who is sick, like flu for the na'vi or something like that, they have a fever and the chills and everything could it also be fluffy and absolutely adorable
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--- personal doctors ☆゚.*・。゚
neteyam, ao'nung, rotxo (seperated) x gn!metkayina!reader
you catch a cold, its time for your lover to take care of you
a/n ; im not good at writing lo’ak, so i bring you rotxo instead! i hope you dont mind<3
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: ̗̀➛ neteyam
realizes your sickness even before you did
when you first sneeze or cough, his mind goes straight to the day before, recalling any peculiar food you've had
neteyam would notices too, when you pause between chores to massage your forehead
he will take over cleaning. making sure every corner is clean so you won't sneeze from the dust. he also makes sure you stay hydrated and even whips you up nutritious meals until your condition got better. usually, the fever never got up to you
but when it does, he goes in full momma mode
this man grows with 3 younger siblings, caring for someone is natural for him. he would stay by your side, whispering your name every few hours to wake you up, so he could feed and help you drink
neteyam might not be the best healer, like her sister, but he can make certain herb drinks
makes you ginger tea regularly to warm up your shivering body
you tend to get all sort of nightmares from your sickness, but dont worry, you’re waking up to neteyam since he’s cuddling you all night long. he will run his slender fingers through your hair, whispering comforting words to your ear
“everything’s okay, dear. i’m here” 
we all need neteyam in our lives:(
: ̗̀➛ ao'ung
acts like he doesn’t care, but the moment your temperature starts to rise, he brings his mother straight to you
the tsahik would probably do nothing. she tell him to go ask kiri for some herb tea, and to make sure you drink and eat well, since fevers could heal by itself
but mans stressed
would refuse to let you lift a single muscle. he will be the one helping you change, wipe your face to keep you fresh, feeding you
since he’s not the best cook, he would ask tsireya to make you soups, wich she happily does. she makes great food, but your tongue tastes sour and your appetite is no where to be found
so ao'nung scolds you
“quit acting like a baby and please, just eat” 
you know ao’nung. none of his scolding are anger, he’s just extremely worried.
watching you go to sleep after being scolded makes him feel like a villain. he would join you in bed and whispers an apology. gently bringing you closer to his chest as the both of you fall asleep
remember he's a worrier? it makes him act too much like a mom. he will insist on taking care of you, even when you're feeling better. will only stop until he's sure you're 100% healthy
ao'nung is a big softie
: ̗̀➛ rotxo 
most clueless compared to the other 2
pls dont be mad, its not his fault
something tells me he’s an only child, a one that rarely got sick too, so he doesn’t know anything about caring for ill people
rotxo might be confused, but he’s not an idiot
the moment he touches your forehead and realizes you're scorching hot, rotxo instinctively wraps a fluffy blanket around you. the man will make you drink a lot of water, and went off running to the sullys
“what the fuck?” 
“sorry lo'ak! its an emergency!”
he got home with omaticayan food wraps in hand. you’re too sick to say anything, so when he lifts your head to feed you, you don’t protest
the one thing that scares you the most is that his jokes completely disappears
all his stupid jokes, gone.
not in a bad way, this man is just so dedicated on you that he stops joking around. he cannot stand that you're feeling all sick and uncomfortable and wants you back to your healthy self
this man is so serious, even when he tried feeding you raw cloves of garlic
one time, he heard kiri saying that garlics are ‘good for boosting the immune system’ 
he’s not wrong😭😭😭
but kiri hits him on the head once she founds out
instead of feeding you raw garlic, she gives you a mix of aged garlic and honey as medicine such an asian mom move
he feels bad afterwards, would kiss your entire face despite your protest
the next day, you wake up feeling fresh. but your lover boys voice got so hoarse from sore throat and complains about his sore limbs
yes, he got your fever and yes, he never regret kissing you, even when you're sick
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mintkookiess · 1 year
Miles Morales headcannons #7
How he would treat you when you're sick
Okay I know I have like reqs on pending, but I wanna be self-indulgent atm cause I have the shittiest case of colds rn but I finally have the energy to post something again, so here you go (๑>ᗜºั)
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The moment you text Miles that you can't go to school cause you're sick, he's already out the classroom
It's quite common for him to skip classes to do Spiderman things, and often times he'd regret it. But when it comes to you? He's ready to drop em all in a heartbeat and would always think it was worth it
It doesn't even matter if it's just colds or cough or something simple, it always sends him in a state of panic and treats it like some life-threatening emergency
Let's go with the headcannon that he is very aware of the love interests of every Spiderman in almost every universe that doesn't really end well
So you best believe he's going to treat you with the utmost care and make sure that nothing every inconveniences you
He'd already be up into his suit and swinging into the drug store and supermarket
As I've mentioned, he deals with this things like you're about to die (you're not) so he grabs all the medicine he could find, even the ones that aren't exactly for whatever sickness you have
And because of this, you have a medicine box full of the many pills and such that he brings to you but weren't exactly needed at the moment (at least you got a lot of supplies right?)
He also buys you snacks, drinks, anything that would get you to eat since he knows people often don't eat when they're sick and he wants to make sure you're well fed and hydrated.
So he goes into your room with a bunch of bags in his hands, and if he sees that you aren't in bed (could be that you're making yourself food, or sitting on the couch or trying to do work despite being sick)????
"Please get in bed." "Miles, I'm fine! What are you—" "YOU'RE LITERALLY DYING JUST GET IN BED." "MILES oh my god—I'M NOT DYING."
Ever since he's become Spiderman, it's quite rare for him to get sick given the boost in his immune system from his powers. So he always ALWAYS confides in his mom but makes her think that you've got some critical illness every single goddamn time.
You have to reassure his mom that you weren't actually on the verge of passing away and that you're just not feeling well and need rest
There's no point in telling him to get back to class, he WILL spend the entire day tending to you and he won't let you do ANYTHING at all by yourself, and if you want to go somewhere around your place, he always has to hold you against him because he fears you might fall or trip or something. (This does not include going to the restroom, but he'd stand by the doorway)
Mans just worried and scared okay?
He also likes to feed you even if you're quite capable of doing so
"My baby is sick okay? Let me take care of you." "Miles, honey, I can eat on my own." "Just say aahh—" "Fucking hell..."
At this point, just let him do it.
Also, he loves to cuddle you up on your bed while you're sick and it's totally fine because he's Spiderman and he doesn't get sick even though you always tell him to scoot away or he'll get sick too (He gets sad when you do this and goes all pouty, pls don't)
Unfortunately for him, being Spiderman isn't guaranteed to keep him sick-free, so he does get your sickness too (if it's infectious)
"Miles... You got colds too?" "What no I don't." "I've been hearing you sneeze all morning, boy don't lie, I told you to stay away for a while." "Babe you know I can't do that."
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Taglist: @ii01vp @laylasbunbunny @missusmorales @fiannee @faeriesberries
(If yall wanna be on the taglist feel free to let me know!)
More of my Miles content here babes!
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poemsfor-her · 1 year
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hello! today i'll be talking about the benefits of drinking tea. the only thing i drink besides water is tea and i love it (except the fruit ones). my personal favorite is green tea and it's so beneficial for our health.
1. green tea - the best tea there is for weight loss and treating your skin, good for diabetes and it boosts heart and brain health.
2. chamomile tea - amazing for sleep, reducing anxiety, good for the heart, for soothing coldes and sore throats. (in my country we also use it for treating conjunctivitis)
3. peppermint tea - good for bad breath, improves energy and digestion, helps in relieving menstrual cramps, good for sleep and relieves clogged sinuses.
4. white tea - improves immune system, promotes weight loss and heart diseases, good for skin health, dental health and cancer prevention.
5. black tea - promotes heart health, reduces the risks of strokes, improves focus, lowers blood sugar levels.
6. matcha tea - helps you manage weight, makes you think more clearly and reduces disease risks.
7. jasmine tea - boosts immune system, improves mental clarity and alertness, aids in digestion and reduces inflammation.
8. hibiscus tea - lowers blood pressure, fights inflammation and bacteria, good for liver health, promotes weight loss and it lowers cholesterol.
9. lemon tea - reduces anti-aging, good for mental health, antibacterial activity, anticancer activity and good in lowering blood pressure.
10. yellow tea - promotes digestion health and heart health.
with love, 𝒯
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vctrvn-ls · 1 year
Being Sick |Beta Squad|
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yeah im sick, v sad but #not3ambutsickthoughts
nice and short
「 ✦ Chunkz✦ 」
Would pull out any and every trick his mom did in his youth when he was sick. He’d tell you all about Somalian herbs, plants and how they’re good for you. For example Pelargonium and the boost it gives to your immune system. I don’t really see Chunkz as the “I’ll get off work just to take care of you” typa guy, like don’t get me wrong he’d be worried as hell but he’s too much of a busy man to drop everything, and you’d respect that because as soon as he got home all of his attention would be on you and you only, baby. Besides he believes that the best cure is a good rest (I feel like I know that for a fact)
「 ✦AJ ✦ 」
Now AJ thinks the best cure is laughter. He knows how boring it could be, staying at home for a week and lying in bed all day, so he’d try and make your days less miserable. He wouldn’t change too much, he’d still violate you and bully you, saying stuff like “you’re the only one who got sick, loser” but at the same time he’d be bringing you your medicine, food and whatever else you needed. He’d definitely feel bad at first, but as soon as you start getting better he will not hesitate to annoy you again. Honestly AJ would be around you so much that your body would fight off the disease faster just so you could get out of the house. Lovingly tho cause AJ is the best <3
「 ✦Kenny ✦ 」
Gosh where do I start? The fuss this guy would make!! First when he finds out that you’re sick he’d lecture you like a mom. “Didn’t I tell you to dress warmer?” , “Why’d you have ice cold drinks if you already had a sore throat?” , “Why didn’t you tell me straight away that you were sick?” He’d walk up and down the room waving his hands around while you sat there with a guilty look on your face. But you know he’s mad only because he cares that much for you, and it’s not long before he apologizes for acting pissed and starts running around you, bringing every type of medicine he could think of. He’d order your favorite take out, get you a warm beverage and turn on a movie for the two of you to enjoy before you dozed off to sleep on his shoulder.
「 ✦Niko ✦ 」
Yeah he’d drop everything he’s doing for you and make sure you are well before continuing on with his life. First thing he’d do is call in a nurse, and after that buy everything the nurse suggests. He might even go a little over the top with the buying. Medicine aside, he’d make sure youre happy and aware that he’s ready to do anything you need. Like cmon Niko is the most SELFLESS man on this planet, he’d actually be ready to do anything!! He’d sleep next to you, just in case you woke up at night feeling unwell, but he wouldnt sleep too close since he wouldn’t want to get sick as well, which would result in him not being able to help you get well as much as he would want to.
「 ✦ Sharky ✦ 」
Girl he’d do the opposite of Niko and literally have you in his embrace every second (unless you feeling like you need some alone time) He’d make chicken soup and as shitty as it might actually taste, you’d still eat it because he made it with aaallll his love. When you’re napping, he’d be beside you editing his videos (in headphones of course) or he’d be replying to emails and whatever else work related. Would he care that your sick? NO! KISSES EVERY DAY AND NIGHT!
“Sharks you’re gonna get sick!” You giggle and try push him away from you. “Nahh.” He’d shake his head before sprinkling your face with kisses. With all his love and support, you’ll be getting well in no time.
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celestialtiger · 2 months
Chao Guardians!
Had this idea about chao gardens floating around in my head and finally decided to write it down! It is part of a bigger AU that I have in mind that I'll eventually get to.
Chao gardens are a rare sight with only a handful of locations being known. Any Chao garden found is under the protection of the law as well as the community they are found in. Many take interest in caring for the Chao by ensuring their water supply is kept clean and providing fresh fruit for them if needed. Chao in gardens cared for by local volunteers thrive and enjoy all forms of enrichment through toys and treats.
However, many chao gardens hidden within forested areas aren't so lucky. With construction and deforestation on the rise, hidden Chao gardens are unknowingly destroyed. Chao and their animal companions who lose their homes wander aimlessly until they find another place to stay. Chao who lose their gardens also struggle to find a reliable source of fresh water and don't have the best chance of survival if the local water source is tainted in any way. Chao are very smart however and will often follow people like campers to rivers and lakes.
Displaced Chaos can sometimes end up in places they don't belong though. This can include pools which can make them sick if they drink the water due to the chlorine and other chemicals used in the pool's water treatment. Volunteers do what they can to find and rescue these Chao when a destroyed hidden garden is discovered. These Chao will sometimes decide to stay with their care takers and help them patch up any new friends that suffer the same fate.
Recently, many hidden Chao Gardens have been discovered after chaos energy levels spiked within them. High levels of chaos energy are not uncommon in areas with Chao. However, chaos energy doesn’t usually increase above a certain threshold unless a chaos emerald is present in or around the garden. Gardens that absorb extra chaos energy see dense vegetation and thick trees that serve as an extra layer of protection for the chao and the animals in the garden. Fruit is abundant and flowers are always in bloom no matter the weather. The water in these gardens is always clear and clean. Additionally, the gardens are also much larger and can support almost double the amount of Chao a typical garden can. With plenty of space, Chao can live comfortably without worrying about feeling overcrowded.
Gardens with increased chaos energy did not seem to have any other notable changes until recently. As of late, a mysterious phenomenon has began to occur in certain Chao gardens with high amounts of chaos energy. The Chao are generally found to have no abnormal changes and only experience an increase in skills and enhanced abilities like flying or swimming. However, certain animals within a garden began to experience physical changes as well as a change in their abilities.
With the increase in chaos energy, animals are found to be to mutating. Mutation first occurs when an animal comes in contact with an area bursting with chaos energy. The animal slowly begins to absorb the energy surrounding them. Eating food and drinking water in the area helps them absorb more of it, and if they can withstand the constant power flow, they begin the mutation process.
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The animal grows larger and their abilities surpass their non-mutated counterparts. Mutation is complete once the animal absorbs all of the excess energy in the area and chaos energy levels return to normal. The newly mutated animal gains a new level of intelligence and are granted the ability to speak telepathically. They are also able to share their power with others to heal wounds or provide a boost to the immune system when sick.
It was believed that only mythical type animals such as dragons and unicorns could handle the mutation process. These animals already posses a high amount of chaos energy and are able to withstand the additional power. However, there have been rumors that other animals are mutating to protect their own gardens.
It is encouraged to keep these Chao Guardians and gardens a secret from outsiders. This is because curious people may go searching for a glimpse of these powerful creatures which may result in them getting hurt. Chao Guardians are very territorial and some may not always give warnings to passers by. Keeping them a secret also protects them from people like Eggman who may try to capture and use them for their power.
The Guardians:
Spiral the Unicorn
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Spiral is a mutated unicorn and one of the first Chao Guardians to be found.
The Chao Garden he guards is located in ancient ruins within a lush forest. The ruins provide hiding spots for the chao and shelter from the rain. A large, old fountain holds the clean water the Chao need to survive.
He is extremely protective of his garden and will stop at nothing to defend it.
Most of the time he's a big grump, but when it comes to the Chao he's very affectionate. He treats them as if they were his own children. The Chao adore Spiral and constantly want hugs and to play games. He can almost never say no to them.
The first to come across Spiral was a researcher who had heard about the ruins. He had just made it when he heard an angry whinny and the sound of hooves getting closer. Spiral made himself known with a loud snort and his horn pointed at the researcher. Spiral spoke no words, but he didn't have to. The researcher got the message and cleared out as quickly as he could.
Spiral has been spotted outside of the Chao Garden several times. Each time he is spotted he ventured further away from the garden. It is assumed that he is searching for something. When spotted, he quickly retreats.
Twister the Dragon
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Twister is a mutated dragon and was found some time after Spiral.
The Chao Garden she guards is located in a cave surrounded by tall trees. The cave has a large pool of fresh water and colorful crystals decorating the inside.
Twister leads the Chao outside the cave to pick fruits from the trees outside. She shakes the trees for the chao and helps them pick out the most tasty looking of the bunch.
Amy is the one who discovered Twister and her Chao garden while on a walk to clear her head. After accidently wandering too close to the garden, Twister blocked the way and urged Amy to return to the trail. Shocked that a giant dragon had suddenly appeared in the forest, she knew this had to be a new guardian. She has now made it her mission to make friends with the dragon guardian.
Despite her appearance, Twister is a huge goofball and extremely mischievous. She encourages her Chao to play tricks on anyone who wanders too close. Stealing hats and sunglasses has become a habit among the Chao now.
She loves to laze about in the sun and take long naps after a patrol.
While she doesn't allow anyone into the garden, people are permitted to walk the trail nearby. The only one who has been close enough to entering is Amy. Twister doesn't trust her yet, but she's certainly winning her over with the fresh baked goods she makes! A good donut is hard to resist, after all.
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The first Phoenix Chao Guardian and the most mysterious. Phoenixes are extremely rare and seeing one is considered a good omen.
The Chao Garden she guards has not been seen, mostly because she protects it so fiercely.
Almost nothing is known about Phoenix. Her name is also unknown which is why she is only called 'Phoenix.'
She made her first appearance when Tails was heading home from a short trip in the Tornado. Startled by a shrill screech, he began to look around frantically. Believing it was an Eggman attack, he prepared for a fight. What he didn't expect was an enormous flaming bird to try and dig its claws into the Tornado's side. Tails swiftly maneuvered the plane away from the bird and sped up to put some distance between them. It took almost ten minutes of flying through a valley to shake her off. Terrified and confused, he made a mental note not to fly over that stretch of land again.
It has been noted that there has not been any recorded Chaos Energy surge in the area making her appearance suspicious. When Tails first spotted her, he saw that there was a strange band on her right leg with a 'G' on it. He believes that she is an escaped artificial guardian created by G.U.N.
Thank you for taking the time to read my silly AU I love these guys and I'm happy I to get to share them :)
A lot of the mutation stuff was inspired by Chaos being a mutated Chao. So why not have mutated animals that also protect the Chao? These guys aren't as powerful as Chaos, but they get the job done!
Feel free to ask any questions about the AU or the Guardians!
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nourishandthrive · 4 months
Natural Remedies for Common Ailments
Turning to natural remedies for common ailments can provide relief without relying heavily on medications. Here are some effective and easily accessible natural remedies for everyday health issues.
Peppermint Oil: Apply a few drops of diluted peppermint oil to your temples and massage gently. The menthol in peppermint can help relax muscles and alleviate headache pain.
Ginger Tea: Brew fresh ginger slices in hot water and drink. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce headache severity.
Cold and Flu
Honey and Lemon: Mix a tablespoon of honey with the juice of half a lemon in warm water. This soothing drink can help relieve sore throat and boost your immune system.
Elderberry Syrup: Take elderberry syrup to reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms. Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that support immune health.
Digestive Issues
Peppermint Tea: Drink peppermint tea to relieve symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and gas. Peppermint helps relax the digestive tract muscles.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink before meals to aid digestion and reduce heartburn.
Chamomile Tea: Drink a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. Chamomile has mild sedative properties that can help promote sleep.
Lavender Essential Oil: Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your pillow or diffuse it in your bedroom to create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep.
Skin Irritations
Aloe Vera Gel: Apply fresh aloe vera gel to soothe and heal minor burns, sunburns, and skin irritations. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties.
Oatmeal Bath: Add colloidal oatmeal to a warm bath to relieve itching and irritation from conditions like eczema or rashes.
Muscle Pain
Epsom Salt Bath: Soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts. The magnesium in Epsom salts can help relax muscles and reduce pain.
Arnica Gel: Apply arnica gel topically to sore muscles. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and bruising.
Ginger: Chew on a small piece of fresh ginger or drink ginger tea. Ginger is known for its anti-nausea properties.
Peppermint: Inhale peppermint oil or sip peppermint tea to help alleviate nausea symptoms.
Local Honey: Consume a teaspoon of local honey daily to help build immunity against local pollen and reduce allergy symptoms over time.
Neti Pot: Use a neti pot with a saline solution to rinse nasal passages and reduce congestion caused by allergies.
Thyme Tea: Brew thyme leaves in hot water and drink. Thyme has antimicrobial and expectorant properties that can help soothe a cough.
Marshmallow Root: Drink marshmallow root tea to coat the throat and relieve irritation from coughing.
Stress and Anxiety
Ashwagandha: Take ashwagandha supplements to help reduce stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that supports the body's stress response.
Passionflower: Drink passionflower tea or take supplements to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety levels.
Tips for Using Natural Remedies
Consult a Professional: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new remedy, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Quality Matters: Use high-quality, organic products to ensure the best results and avoid harmful additives.
Monitor Reactions: Pay attention to how your body responds to natural remedies and discontinue use if you experience any adverse reactions.
Combine with Healthy Lifestyle: Enhance the effectiveness of natural remedies by maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
By incorporating these natural remedies into your routine, you can address common ailments effectively and support your overall health and well-being.
Share your favorite natural remedies in the comments below! Let’s exchange tips and support each other in our journey towards a healthier, more natural lifestyle.
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yakultindia · 6 months
Ultimate Guide to Building a Strong Immune System Naturally
Boost your immune system naturally with a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and hydration.
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toghrahkunok · 2 months
Not making a post about every class because wow that'd be long (and heck apparently Swashbuckler getting extra skill boosts slipped under the radar, who knows what else's been missed), but I at least want to make a post covering the coolest parts of
The PF2E Alchemist, Remastered (which is not out yet, just leaked from early copies!)
Infused Reagents are gone.
From the ground up: You start every day with Advanced Alchemy giving you 4+Int free Alchemical Consumables of your level or lower. You need the formula for anything you make, but the fun part is that you only need the lowest-level version of that formula. Only have the recipe for a level 1 Lesser Alchemist's Fire? Who cares, that's still enough for your level 17 Alchemist to make a level 17 Major Alchemist's Fire.
Quick Alchemy (QA), then, is now fueled by Versatile Vials (VV). You get 2+Int of them every morning, and can use QA to turn them 1:1 into no-shelf-life Alchemical Consumables like you used to be able to with Infused Reagents. They still need to be immediately used then and there, and have a new restriction that anything with a duration longer than 10 minutes gets shortened to 10 minutes. The twist is that you can spend 10 minutes in exploration to recover 2 VVs (3 at level 9), repeatable as much as you want up to your max of 2+Int. You don't even need to specifically spend your time on that, you can just passively get 2/10 minutes with no imposition on whatever other Exploration task you wanna do. The final cherry on top? QA gains a secondary function: It allows you to make a temporary VV that last until the start of your next turn, although you can't QA again to turn those "Quick Vials" into other Alchemical Consumables. What's the point then?
Oh yeah, Vials can be thrown as acid bombs (d6 damage +1 splash, scaling 1/4/12/18 like normal bombs). Every subclass also gets an expansion on them! Bombers can change the damage type to Lightning/Cold/Fire, and at later levels can fill them with metal shavings to make them trigger precious material weaknesses (i.e. you can throw Cold Iron Fire Vials at a Fey). Chirurgeon can feed them to allies to heal those d6s instead of harm, or in a pinch just bean them over the head with a healing vial from 20 feet away. Mutagenists can drink them to suppress the drawbacks for a round if they're under the effects of a Mutagen, and later even get some free physical resistance from that. Finally, Toxicologists can apply them to a weapon as a poison, and I feel I should also mention that Toxicologists now get to ignore poison immunity.
There's a few other big changes: Master in Bombs, Simple Weapons, and Unarmed Attacks at level 15; permanently Quickened at 17th level to use QA (only to make a single Quick Vial, no benefit from level 9 Double Brew with this action); Powerful Alchemy at level 5 making every Alchemical Consumable you make from your class use the better of it's own DC or your class DC; Additive feats no longer increasing the level of the items you use them to make (which before often prevented you from using Additives on you more powerful items); heck basically every feat is better in at least one small but not insignificant way so it's hard to really cover. For anyone who wants to get the more specific details, check out Ronald the Rules Lawyer's video (the best and most consolidated source of all the changes), or if you just want to read about it I can send you the relevant screenshots (too many to fit into a reblog).
Overall, Alchemist now gets at-will alchemy (infinite Quick Vials), per-encounter alchemy (2+Int Versatile Vials), and daily alchemy (4+Int Advanced Alchemy). With QA limiting the duration of items you make with it, you only get to exploit the hour-long duration items with your limited supply of Advanced Alchemy, which is going to number a lot fewer than what the old Alchemist could do with their whole "doubling/tripling Infused Reagents" thing. Still - the 10 minute duration on QA combined with the 10 minute interval to restock VVs means that you basically get 2 (3 at level 9) indefinite ongoing effects of your choice.
My thoughts? This is the biggest glow-up I've ever seen! There's so much more for you to do both in and out of combat, to the point where I'm slightly concerned. With the formula convenience explained at the top letting you diversify instead of constantly needing to get more recipes just to keep up the formulas you already have, you can easily end up with basically every single Alchemical Consumable at your fingertips. Move out of the way Spell Substitution Wizard, we have a new master of having-the-perfect-tool-for-every-job.
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lestappenforever · 1 year
Hii, could I request prompt no 9 🥺 (and if its something you'd enjoy writing could you include maxes cats in this prompt, I feel like including them or them being part of the plot would work for this specific prompt) -> but ofc no worries if you'd rather write about other things, I'll still love whatever you come up with cause I adore your writing! <3
Hello, my darling anon. ❤️
9. with Sassy and Jimmy coming right up! I also snuck in a little 32. "I love you. So fucking much."
9. “It’s all taken care of.” “Even the–?” “Everything.”, and 32. "I love you. So fucking much."
It doesn't happen often, Max getting sick. In fact, Max takes preventive measures on a daily basis to make sure he doesn't get sick.
He takes every vitamin the medical team has recommended for him, drinks every disgusting concoction Brad makes him to boost his immune system, and denies himself foods and snacks he desperately wants to have in order to make sure he stays in the best shape possible.
So no, it doesn't happen often, Max getting sick. But when it does, it has a tendency to hit him hard.
And of course it hits him on December 20th.
He starts feeling it a few days before, with his energy levels dropping and waking up with a headache for no apparent reason. Max finds himself thinking it's just the common cold and it will pass in no time. Then his throat starts hurting, his nose feels stuffy, and his lungs feel constricted with every inhale. By December 20th, he doesn't even have the energy to get out of bed.
It's not a cold. It's the flu, which Max hasn't had since he was a fucking kid. And it couldn't have come at a worse time, because this year, he and Charles are supposed to host Christmas at Max's Monaco apartment, with their mothers, Charles' brothers, Max's sister and her family all invited.
It's less than ideal, to say the least.
He spends the entire day in bed, but on December 21st, despite feeling even worse than the day before, he gets out of bed to start getting things ready for Christmas Eve.
Charles finds him in the kitchen when he lets himself into Max's apartment an hour and a half later, hunched over the kitchen counter with his forearms and forehead resting on the cool marble, breathing labored and wheezing.
"Merde, Max, what the hell are you doing out of bed?" Charles groans, putting the shopping bags down on the floor by the fridge and hurrying to the Dutchman's side.
"I need to start preparing for Christmas," Max tells him as Charles rubs a soothing hand up and down the length of his back.
"Like hell you do," the Monégasque snorts. "You need to get your ass back into bed."
Max lifts his head to look at Charles, and he must look like death because Charles visibly winces at the sight of him.
"Nothing is ready. The tree isn't even up yet!" Max tries to argue, but it's not a compelling argument when he can barely get the words out with his hoarse voice and reduced ability to breathe.
"I'm putting the tree up tomorrow. Now come on, back to bed," Charles says as he winds an arm around Max's waist and carefully eases him upright.
"But what about Christmas dinner? You can't cook, Charles," Max whines as he lets Charles guide him out of the kitchen and down the hallway.
Charles makes an offended noise by his side, but he doesn't argue.
For obvious reasons.
"I've booked a caterer," the Monégasque informs him.
Max blinks in surprise, staring at Charles.
"This close to Christmas?!"
"A very expensive caterer."
"I still need to wrap the gifts," Max continues to argue, even as he lets Charles sit him on the edge of the bed. The Dutchman sighs, but settles back against the pillows and pulls his legs up anyway.
"I wrapped them last night." Charles says it as he pulls the duvet up and over Max.
"The guest rooms aren't ready. My family are coming tomorrow evening," he continues with his never-ending list of things that need to be done, none of which Max has been able to get to.
"They're going to stay at my apartment until Christmas Eve, to give you more time to recover. I went to clean and get everything ready this morning," Charles declares, not at all worried. Not at all stressed.
Unlike Max.
He lays in bed, staring up at Charles through his glassy, red eyes.
"But what about Jimmy and Sassy's litterboxes? I need to clean them," Max says, trying to push himself up into a seated position.
Charles stops him with a gentle hand in the center of Max's chest, pushing him back down.
"I've cleaned them this morning. I gave them breakfast at seven on the dot, and I'll give them dinner at five."
"Their water fountain —," Max starts.
"I washed it last night. It's clean," Charles cuts him off, running a hand carefully through Max's hair.
The gentle motion makes Max's eyes flutter shut and he sighs, exhausted.
"Go to sleep, Max."
"But what about —,"
"It's all taken care of."
"Even the —,"
Max opens his eyes to meet Charles' gaze. He knows he probably looks horrible. But Charles still looks at him as if he's the single most stunning person he has ever laid eyes on.
"I love you. So fucking much," Max tells him seriously, and Charles smiles, letting his hand slide from Max's hair to his cheek, thumb sliding over his cheekbone.
"I know. I love you too."
Max is about to say something else, but then Charles is getting to his feet and hurrying out of the room, throwing an 'I'll be right back' over his shoulder.
Max watches him go, but he's too tired to keep his eyes open.
When Charles returns, he places Jimmy and Sassy on the bed next to Max, and the Dutchman opens his eyes to see Charles pointing at him.
"Heal him," he instructs the cats, who look at him like he's lost his damned mind.
But then Jimmy moves to settle on Max's stomach, curling up in a ball and purring. Sassy watches her brother before she goes to settle by Max's shoulder, laying her little head on Max's collarbone. And then she's purring, too.
Charles looks at the three of them, pleased.
"Good. Now make sure he stays in bed," he tells them.
Max huffs a breathless laugh, and Charles winks at him.
"Now sleep," the Monégasque demands as he leans down to press a soft kiss to Max's forehead.
And Max is asleep before Charles can straighten back up, lulled into it by the soothing purrs of his cats and the warmth spreading within at being so cared for, so loved, by Charles Leclerc.
Max doesn't know what he did to deserve Charles, but he's never letting him go.
Not in a million years.
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theworldvsyoshiko · 8 days
Our heroine will, of course, be a follower of Hyper-Bushido.
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In short: "we are better than everybody else because we live simply and are really good with swords. If you use any drugs or ranged weapons or have a fancy bedroom, you should feel ashamed of yourself. If you are bested in combat, you should fucking kill yourself bro."
If you're thinking 'this doesn't sound like good people' then you're right. I'm going to be avoiding banditry for vibes-based reasons, but they would be perfectly okay with it. However, murdering and looting anybody who's already hostile is just fine. We will save + recruit every child we reasonably can, and back down from as few fights as possible. I'm probably also going to make an attempt to rely on traps and mortars less than normal, which is going to be a great combination with an ideology that dislikes ranged weapons. The first mech cluster might be a real shitshow.
And as for our protagonist herself:
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Mephizel Bloodlove, a kind-hearted orphan who fucking loves murder. As you might expect from somebody with the surname Bloodlove.
For Succubus:
You might expect some sex stuff in there, but thankfully not so much. They can form a Highmate-style psychic bond with their lovers... but while it gives them a mood bonus, they don't get any penalty if their lover dies, and they can cut off the relationship at any point. They're romantic mood parasites.
As you can see in the traits, they're genetically ridiculously pretty, pansexual, and inclined toward murder. They're also genderfluid and can swap genitals at will, so Mephizel may decide that it's more expedient to be a He/Him at some point.
They can eat people's souls, either by using a power on a downed foe, or by dealing the killing blow with a melee weapon. When this happens, they steal a tiny bit of XP in the victim's highest skill, and gain a small amount of permanent stat boost named Anomalous Power.
They're immune to fire and disease, tough, psychically inclined, and don't age past adulthood, but nowhere near as indestructible or dangerous as sanguophages.
They also lose 18 hemogen per day, almost twice as much as a sanguophage. They need to drink blood almost every day to stay healthy. It takes multiple people to provide enough for a single succubus to survive. There's a reason I made this scenario start out with 30 bloodbags.
They have the ability to turn into a giant obviously-demonic version of themself by burning a pile of hemogen. I'm not actually sure what bonuses this confers, apart from the ability to breathe fire.
The starting map is pretty standard, apart from a cliff face to the south.
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tia-amorosa · 3 months
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol & Clark - break time (longer Part)
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After spending some time with his son, Clark put him back in his crib. "Hi mom, we were playing music and dad just gave me something to drink"/ "oh, that's good, I almost forgot, oh man... I'm so sorry I can't breastfeed him"/ "is that very bad?"/ "well, it's important, for mother and child. It strengthens the bond between us and boosts his immune system when he gets breast milk".
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Marisol had finished writing and got up from her chair. Clark walked over to her with a mischievous grin on his face. “hn, what?”/ “mh, well, … The little one has a full belly and is deeply relaxed. So I thought… We two could relax a bit too". Marisol had to smile a little. “Hmm, and how?”/ “Maybe in the hot tub? Only if you want to…". She looked out of the window for a moment, then kissed him. “Whirlpool sounds good…”.
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It took a while before the whirlpool was ready for use. The pump wasn't working properly. But Clark was able to rectify the fault and so they took the opportunity to be alone together for a bit. “Hey, wrong place”/ “why? Oh, I see, hnhn… Wait…".
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Marisol grinned as she changed places. “Better?”/ “Much better, yes. Oh man…"/ ‘hn, what?’. . “Sweetie… you know it yourself, but I still have to tell you again… you're beautiful”. She felt flattered. "hnhn, thank you. And you, uh…"/ ‘what?’.
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"I… Clark, you know I'm not one to look much at appearances. I… I like your hair and… your eyes…". He was a little amused by the way she was trying to find the right words to compliment him. “hehe, hey… I know I'm not the prettiest guy”/ “that's not true… Your mouth, I really like your mouth”…
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Clark had to laugh because she was just too cute. She wasn't shy, and neither was he. And he knew what he could do with his lips…
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While his parents enjoy themselves, baby Enrico listens to the sounds around him. It's quite quiet in his room, but he can hear a little from outside… The bubbling of the water… the voices, sometimes a little higher and then a little lower. That calms him down, but he doesn't like complete silence. And he has a little pout ♥ :),
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Over dinner, they talked about the latest rumors. “I heard that Don is making out with that redhead, what's her name again?”/ “Which one?”/ “The one with the short hair… Not Kitty, I don't know the other one's name”/ “Pansy. Hm… let him do what he wants…I have nothing more to do with him"/ ‘o.k., then we'll talk about something else….’.
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“Lennon has a new lover and now guess who it is, you'll never guess”/ “I don't know, Kitty, his neighbor?”/ “ooh no - Evangeline Finch”. Marisol suddenly coughed and laughed at the same time. "*Cough* that, that's not true, is it? The old lady? What's wrong with him?".
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Clark receives a phone call during the conversation. "Hello, Ozzy? Hey, what's going on? Man, take it easy, okay? Have you packed a bag yet? OK, that's good. Is the tank full? Stupid question, you're supposed to take her to the hospital… They'll do the rest, and try not to fall over, you hear? You must just holding her hand, …yeah, don't worry about it".
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Of course Marisol had heard the conversation. “Is it starting already?”/ “Yes, Vivienne has been in labor for almost an hour.”/ “Oh, OK, well, then they should probably go to the hospital soon… I hope everything is going well.”/ “Yes, I hope so for her too, even though I have never gotten along particularly well with her, I hope the best for her. After all, me and Oscar want to set our children up with each other". Marisol looked at him with wide eyes and laughed. ”Really? Haha, o.k.".
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She put the rest of the food in the fridge and continued talking. “And what if they both have a boy too?”/ “That would be okay, wouldn't it?”/ “Do you want our son to be gay? Gosh, Clark…"/ ”Oh, come on, in this day and age it's almost normal. Hnhn. well, let's wait and see." It's not that Marisol has anything against gays, but thinking about it so early on is a bit crazy.
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A little later. Marisol gave her son the last bottle of the day. "Your father may have some ideas, hnhn. Ultimately, of course, it's you who decides who you want to love. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you develop. But don't become a cop, okay? Cops are stupid".
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After Marisol had put the little one to bed, she went into the bedroom. Clark was standing at the window looking up at the sky. But he was happy to be distracted by her. "Hmm? What do you want?" he asked her with a grin. "Well, I'd like to... continue where we left off in the hot tub..." She gave him a gentle look that said so much. Up until now, he had always held back because he didn't want to pressure her, even though he often felt strong desire. But he waited patiently until she wanted the same thing of her own accord.
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The second time. It was the second time that Clark and Marisol had been able to be so close. The difference was that this time they weren't drunk, their senses weren't fogged, but both were clear-headed and with all their senses with the other.
End of this Part
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