#Blake likes having her ears touched
kayleen756894 · 1 year
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I’ve apparently owned this manga for 5 years but I never flipped through it until tonight??? THIS ABSOLUTE GAY TREASURE HAS BEEN HIDDEN IN MY DRAWER FOR 5 YEARS AND I DIDN’T KNOW???
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What You Want
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Alex Blake x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, sex, fingering, toys, age gap relationship (all parties are very much adults, like 30+), also fluffy times because I can't not, explicit language (please let me know if I've missed anything) Word count: 2.1k
Summary: It's your first time, and Alex treats you right. But what if you want too much from the relationship? What if she doesn't want the things that you want?
Note(s): There is a severe lack of Alex Blake content on here! I've just gotten to the Alex seasons on my Criminal Minds rewatch and she's so fine, so smart, so funny. Also, thank you to the several Alex Blake fic writers who use darling girl as her signature pet name for reader because that's fucking cute and, in my mind, it's canon now.
“Shhh,” Alex soothed from her perch in between your legs as you gasped and writhed. She planted a kiss on your thigh, letting her finger rest inside of you, letting your body stretch and adapt. “Just relax, sweet girl. Breathe. In and out, there you go. I’ve got you.”
She laced her free hand with yours, and you gripped it tight, pleasure and pain roiling underneath the surface of your skin. Three times tonight. That’s how many times she’d already made you come. From her mouth. From the vibrator she held at just the right angle, brushed against you at just the right speed to have you completely fall apart. From her body pressed against yours.
You didn’t know you could feel like this, so good, so electric, it made you nearly black out with pleasure. You’d told Alex you were a virgin, and you’d been so worried it would scare her off. After all, you were thirty. Who waited until their thirties? You did. You just hadn’t found anyone you’d wanted to do those things with. Until Alex.
And she hadn’t cared one bit. She’d just cupped your face and kissed your nose and said, “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll be gentle.” No questions. No revulsion. No why haven’t you had sex before?! Just Alex, excited to be your first. Just Alex, taking care of you all night long.
You whimpered as Alex started slowly moving her finger in and out, in and out. You could feel yourself dripping onto her as she pressed another finger inside. You could feel your stomach tighten, your hips buck against her hand, and you couldn’t control it. It was like your body was separate from your mind, or perhaps had taken it over, and left it with only one thought: Alex, Alex, Alex.
“You’re being so good for me, honey. Such a good girl.”
Alex moved to lay next to you, maneuvering for a different angle and when she hit it–Jesus Christ, you lit up like a bonfire.
“Alex,” you moaned, your hips rocking into her hand again and again. She kissed your cheek, and you tucked your head in the crook of her neck, intoxicated by the smell of her–sweat, perfume, and something else unnameable, unique to her, soft and warm like a bookshop.
Your chest heaved and you squeezed your fists together, your arms limp and stupid at your sides. You didn’t know what to do with them. She kept telling you to relax, to let her take care of you, and you had, but you still felt like you were floundering.
Alex kissed you again, deeply, hungrily, licking a stripe from your neck to your mouth. “Go ahead, baby, you can touch me,” she whispered breathily into your ear.
“I don’t know how,” you admitted, a groan escaping your lips as she pressed the heel of her palm into your clit.
She laughed, and it was beautiful. Her eyes crinkling. The way she pressed her tongue between her teeth.
“Like this,” she told you, moving your hand and placing it on the bare small of her back. Her skin felt so good under your fingertips you almost came from that alone. You gasped for breath, running your hands up and down her back, across the rise of her ass, burying your face between her breasts. She was so warm, so soft, so very, very alive.
You felt the knot below your stomach tighten and tighten until there was nothing left but for it to snap.
“Alex,” you panted, as she pressed once more into that spot that short-circuited your brain.
You moaned, high and desperate, your body contracting as you approached the edge.
“That’s it, sweet girl. Come on. You’re so close. One more for me, yeah?”
But this time was not like the others. This time you were like a surfer waiting for an approaching wave, only to realize when it arrived that it was so much bigger, so much more powerful than you’d expected. A wave that crashed into you with such force you thought you might drown in it. You were vaguely aware of someone making a lot of noises that either sounded wildly pleasurable or wildly painful. It started almost as a burning, then flamed through your entire body, from your center all the way down to your toes, to the follicles on the top of your head. Your body spasmed with the strength of it, and for Alex’s part, she held you close, her skilled fingers guiding you through, smiling softly as you jerked and shook around her.
All at once, her touch at your most sensitive spot was painful, almost unbearably so. You pushed her hands away and shook, absolutely spent from the evening’s activities.
You let Alex cradle you in her arms, placing soft kisses all over your face and hands. She wrapped herself around you while you caught your breath, undoing her messy bun and carding her fingers through your hair as you pressed your face into her chest.
“You did so good, darling girl,” she cooed. “Do you feel alright?”
You hummed and nodded.
“Do you need anything? Water?”
“Water would be good,” you croaked and she grinned at you, eyes twinkling.
She sat up a bit and you tightened your grip around her waist. “No, no! I don’t need it that bad.”
Alex chuckled and kissed your forehead. You weren’t sure how long you layed like that in her bed, limbs tangled together, just breathing each other in, just resting and basking.
But after a while, Alex decided you had to stay hydrated and brought you both glasses of water, perching on the edge of the bed as she sipped. For your part, you downed yours so fast that little streams of water fell down your chin and onto your chest and neck.
You moved to wipe the water away with your hand, but Alex grabbed your fingers and squeezed them.
“Let me,” she said, drawing a line with her tongue up your stomach, your chest, your neck, and landing on your chin.
You were breathless by the time she got to your mouth, grasping both sides of her face in your hands and kissing her. You almost hoped that Alex couldn’t read the emotion behind the kiss because, for you, there was too much. You didn’t know if Alex saw you as a fling or a secret side link situation or a real relationship, but you wanted it to be real. You wanted it so badly. You knew you were probably too young for her. Hell, you were almost twenty years her junior. But it didn’t seem to matter when you were together. You loved her mind and her sharp sense of humor. You loved that she always asked what book you were reading. You loved that when you learned something new, she wanted to learn it, too. You loved her hair and her eyes and the way her cheeks dimpled when she smiled.
The bottom line was you liked her too much. You loved her, and it was too early to love her. And so you hoped, god, you hoped she couldn’t feel how much you loved her when you kissed her. Even though it was near impossible for you to hold back.
She pinched your cheek when she pulled away, grinning at you, to sit at the side of the bed and take gulps of water. She checked her phone messages, and you watched her. Content just to be with her, in her presence.
But all of a sudden, self-consciousness flooded you like an icy river. What if Alex didn’t want you there? In the movies, the first time they had sex, it was always casual. They went home afterward. No big deal. Were you supposed to go home? Were you supposed to feel like this was no big deal?
“Alex?” you ventured, your voice hesitant.
“Hmm?” Her chin was propped up on her knee and your heart melted a little bit just to see her so comfortable.
“Should I go home now?”
She looked at you quizzically, like she was trying to solve a puzzle or translate a particularly difficult passage in a dead language. “Only if you want to.”
You avoided her eyes. “Well, what do you want?”
Alex shook her head, smiling softly. “I want you to do whatever you want.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “But I want to do what you want me to do.”
“Hey,” she said, grabbing your face so fast it made your stomach somersault. “Stop that.”
You tried to laugh it off. “No, I just–”
She interrupted you with a kiss, forceful and firm. “Y/N,” she said. “You spend so much time making sure you accommodate what other people want. You need to decide what you want. Now, close your eyes.”
“Alex–” you protested.
“Close them.”
You sighed, but obliged her, enjoying the feeling of her fingers tracing your skin.
“Pretend I’m not here. What do you want to do tonight?”
You were quiet for a moment and, even when you spoke, your voice was soft and hoarse. This was a part of yourself you weren’t used to exercising–knowing what you wanted and asking for it.
“I want to stay here.”
Alex hummed encouragingly.
“I want to go to sleep with you.”
Once you’d started, you almost couldn’t stop. You were afraid if you didn’t let it out now, it’d stay inside your head forever.
“I want to wake up next to you. I want to make you breakfast. I want to kiss you goodbye when you go to work.”
There it was. All out. Well, not all of it, but all you could manage right now. And suddenly you were afraid to open your eyes, afraid you’d look into Alex’s and see that she didn’t want the same things. It was that very fear that usually kept you from admitting what you wanted.
“Open your eyes, Y/N.”
When you didn’t, you felt the bed dip a bit next to you, felt Alex’s breath warm on your face, felt her forehead press into yours, her body soft and solid. Close, so close. Where you always wanted her to be, but were too scared to ask for.
“Darling girl,” she whispered. “Don’t ever be ashamed to want such lovely things.”
You blinked your eyes open and looked at her in surprise. “But what do you want?” you asked, almost breathless.
Alex thought for a moment, just watching you. Your wide eyes, innocent and hopeful and scared and so, so young. She sat up again, so she could look down at you, appreciate how perfect you looked in her bed. “I want you,” she told you, caressing your face. “In whatever way you’ll let me have you.”
“All the ways,” you said, probably a little too quickly, too desperately. “You can have all of me, all the ways.”
Alex smiled sadly, running her fingers through your hair. “Honey, you’re gonna find some girl who’s your age and you’re gonna fall in love, and it’ll be beautiful, and I will be happy for you. I can’t keep you all to myself and keep you away from that.”
“Alex, I don’t want a girl my age,” you said earnestly. She looked away. “If I wanted to fuck girls my age, I would’ve been doing it for the last ten years. I want you.”
You took her hand and kissed it, holding her palm to your face.
She sighed and looked at you, mulling you over, as if she were making a move on a chess board. “If that changes, you’ve got to let me know.”
“It won’t,” you insisted, pressing your lips to each of her fingers in turn.
“Promise me.”
“I promise,” you conceded. “But, Alex, I don’t want anyone else. I just want you.”
In a rare show of confidence or boldness or just plain affection you crawled into Alex’s lap and wrapped your arms around her waist, planting a kiss on her jaw.
She seemed to surrender something then, to give in where previously she’d been fighting. She hugged you tightly to her, pressing her lips to the side of your head. “Oh, my girl. You’re too sweet for me, you know that?”
“Keep calling me your girl, and I’ll be as sweet as you want,” you mumbled, blushing.
She smirked and kissed your cheek, long and firm, before pulling you up to your feet.
“Alright, darling, let’s get you cleaned up.”
“I do feel kind of sticky…”
“Well, we can’t have that,” Alex joked, eyebrows raised.
You took her hand and followed her to the bathroom, glad that, at least for tonight, you were both getting what you wanted.
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thatanimewriter · 5 months
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➳ request: Hello! Can I request Ruby, Blake, Yang, Weiss, and Neo with either a male or gn!reader (whichever is more comfortable for you) s/o who is tall (Not that tall, I’m talking like 6’0) and normally very stoic but absolutely melts when shown any affection at all from the girls and turns into a massive cuddle bear. Please and thank you! Have a wonderful day!
➳ character/s: ruby rose, weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, neopolitan
➳ warnings: you're a criminal (neo)
➳ notes: 6'0 feels tall for my little 5'2 ass LMAO thanketh for request :)), also sorry these are kinda short-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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no one knew why y'all were together initially, it was weird
why is this energetic child with this sophisticated partner????
but everyone knows you have a soft spot for ruby, because even if she's annoying you, you'll be less harsh with her
and if she ever clings to you, a nearly invisible smile rests on your lips
she could use her semblance to sit on your shoulders or cling to your bicep, yet you never pushed her away
if anything, the people saw how you kind of craved it
people wouldn't believe their eyes when they see you with your head atop hers and your arms wrapped around her waist
especially with the big, innocent looking eyes rather than your usual half-lidded gaze
they would think someone is a photoshop wizard if they showed them a photo of you cuddling in your sleep
who knew someone could have such different sides to them??
what a strict couple istg
you're both so serious most of the time, if weiss wasn't so dramatic at times, people would think you were the same person
not a big affection person, but only because she's touch-starved
when she starts initiating, she's very nervous to because she doesn't know if you want her to
but then she sees the way your face relaxes and your body slumps a bit
and now shes gonna be initiating a lot more, but mostly in private or in times of high stress
if anything, you want hugs all the time and she's the one telling you to chill out (pun intended)
she'll never reject you though, but she will look annoyed
often forgets you're perceived as stoic, because she's more accustomed to cuddly you now
wishes you weren't so tall so that you could cuddle easier though-
another stoic girlie
she probably purrs if you give her cuddles and scratch her head and behind her ears
rubs her head against you when she wants attention (only in private)
found out how much of a cuddle monster you are because of it
probably complains a little when you don't let go of her in the mornings and hug her tighter
gets whiplash from soft you and serious you all the time
the moment you're alone with her you're being all pouty and making grabby hands for hugs
secretly loves it, but she also has a reputation to uphold
has a lot of photos of you being cuddly on her scroll
you're 100% mor affectionate than she is, but it's fine
you'll never be perceived as a stoic person ever with her around
she's constantly coming to give you affection, so you'll have to give up the serious thing
she always teases you about being soft around her
you'll never escape her snide comments about how you're not as stoic as you want to be
you're the one being hugged, not doing the hugging
and she'll secretly film you every time-
hidden scroll on the bookshelf waiting for you to come in the room and get hugged >:((
when she feels sad she always reviews those videos to feel better about things
and she never tells you she's filming :))
is small enough to dangle from your arm as well
constantly clinging to you
she's very mischievous, but i think when she sees you melt a bit at any semblance of physical contact, a genuine smile would cross her face
you being softer also encourages her to be more vulnerable and less performative
she lives for the height difference though-
she won't be too affectionate in public when y'all are criminals
will let you keep the stoic facade when wreaking havoc for sure, won't jeopardise that reputation
but in private, only soft times, never serious times in the scary sense
serious times in a loving, deep talk way ;v;
she also has lots of photos of your sleeping face while you cuddle her
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hotchnisslvr · 22 days
the crossword can’t wait
pairing: alex blake x bau!reader
rating: m (18+ mdni)
genre: smut, romance
word count: 5.3k
summary: after a night out, alex surprises you in the bedroom delivering an unforgettable birthday present in the form of body worship
tags: bondage, ball gags, edging, orgasm denial, vibrators (internal/external)
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You barely remember to lock the front door as you and Alex stumble inside, hands wandering and kisses landing clumsily as you both try and move through the hallways toward her bedroom.
She tastes like the glass of cabernet she’d had at dinner, smooth and sweet. “God, you taste so good,” you moan into her open mouth. You feel her pulse pounding in her neck as you cup your hand around the back of it, her brunette curls twisting around your fingers as you pull her against your body. The way her curves meld into your own sends a pulse of pleasure straight through your core.
Alex’s fingers fumble at your waist, working the buttons of your coat open. As she unclamps the last one, her hands smooth up and over your breasts before she pushes it over and off of your shoulders. Your nipples pique in response to her touch, slight as it may have been, and it’s evident as you’d chosen to go braless tonight under your satin shirt.
Alex’s brow arches in response as her coffee colored eyes flit across your features, searching.
“Alex,” you laugh and step behind her to help her out of her coat, your fingers trailing down the backs of her arms. You revel in the way your touch elicits goosebumps across her skin as the fabric glides over her elbows and slips off her wrists. As it drops to the floor in a puddle of fabric at her feet, you loop your arms around her waist and jerk her body back into yours. You nestle your chin into the crook of her neck, turning your face into her skin to inhale the floral perfume she’s wearing. You drag the tip of your nose up along the column of her throat, shifting just so your lips can brush against the length of her jawline before you pause to whisper in her ear. “You don’t need to be a profiler to see that I’m aroused by you, Agent Blake.” You annunciate her last name, making it two syllables to draw it out and drive your point home. You nip at her ear and a surprised yelp escapes her lips. That response stokes the flame burning inside of you and you grip her right wrist momentarily before interlocking your fingers and raising that arm above her head to twirl her into a position where she’s now facing you.
“Someone is feeling rather bold, aren’t we?” she asks, her tone deep and seductive as she regards you with a challenge in her eyes.
You say nothing, eyeing her coolly as your brow slowly arches in response and a smirk plays about your lips.
Alex steps toward you, her lips puckering as a look of horror washes over her face. “Oh my God,” we skipped dessert!”
“Well, I’m looking at something sweet I’d like to sink my teeth into.” Slipping your arms around her waist, you press your lips against hers before moving them to her neck, gently suckling at the base of her throat before peppering her skin with kisses.
She moans against your ear and you smile as your hand slides over the curve of her hip.
Alex’s hands press into your waist as she interrupts your exploration with a look of concern shining in her eyes. “I’m serious! It’s your birthday. I can’t believe I forgot to ask them to do something special at the restaurant.”
Your eyes sparkle mischievously. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up to me, won’t you?”
The concern in her gaze shifts suddenly, replaced by lust and an aim to deliver something more desirable and delicious than any dessert on any menu. She pushes into you, stepping forward and driving you into the wall, rattling the picture frames hung there.
“There she is,” you remark encouragingly and the next thing you know, Alex is all animal as she kisses you, her hands fisting into your hair as your tongues fight for dominance. You smile against her lips as you step forward, holding on to her hips and guiding her down the hall toward the bedroom; deepening your kisses as you do so.
As you reach around Alex to fumble for the doorknob, her fingers dance across your body to begin unbuttoning your blouse. The satin fabric glides off your shoulders as she undoes the top buttons, your nipples pebbling as the cool air conditioning brushes against your bare skin. You don’t miss the hungry expression that flits across Alex’s face as your body continues to respond to her touch.
The door to the bedroom swings open and Alex hooks her fingers into the belt loops of the wide legged black slacks you’re wearing, the silver fabric of your blouse no longer neatly tucked into place as she pulls you in an arc through the threshold. You both laugh as her lips rain down on yours. When she pushes you down onto the bed, your hair fans around you in a halo and you swear you’re looking up at an angel the way the lamp light illuminates her from behind.
She kicks off her heels before crawling up onto the bed to straddle you, the perfect round shape of her ass resting on your thighs. Unable to resist her, your hands slide around her hips and cup her ass in your hands. It takes no effort to heft her up and throw her off balance so she falls down over top of you, her breasts pressing against yours and her hair falling against your cheek. You stare into the depths of her caramel gaze and a hundred different emotions dance across her irises; the unmistakable allure of lust and the gleam of mischief, the flicker of excitement and purity of her love all reflecting back at you in them.
“I’m not a religious woman,” you say as you reach up and tuck her hair behind her ear, pausing to palm her cheek in your hand. “but I’m fairly certain I could spend an eternity worshiping your body and it wouldn’t be long enough.”
Alex’s brow furrows and her lips purse and a thin blush spreads across your cheeks as you wonder if that line was too corny. Before you can speak, Alex presses a finger to your lips, brow arched and a playful smile on her lips. “Worshiping your body was my plan for tonight, get your own.”
She leans over you, and the way her breasts press against your chest and neck makes your pussy throb in response. You nip at her breast through the fabric of her shirt as she pulls open the nightstand and retrieves something, the drawer only half closing as she sits up. Your eyes fall on the purple box in her hand.
“What’s this?” you ask eagerly.
Alex drops the box on the bed beside her and nudges it behind her with her foot.
“Overzealous, are we?” she asks coyly. She trails a finger down your neck and chest, pausing to circle your nipple before pinching it between her fingers. A hiss of pain and pleasure erupts from your lips as Alex chuckles in response before continuing down your body to your belt.
“You know I like to be in control,” you say breathlessly. God, she’s barely touched you and you're unraveling in the palm of her hand; a loose thread on a sweater. One tug from her and you come completely undone.
“Maybe I need to challenge that behavior?” Alex suggests, eyes filled with the promise of doing just that.
You arch your brow as you prop yourself up on your elbows. “Are you profiling me, Ms. Blake?”
Her eyes shift to pointed daggers as you deliberately use her incorrect title.
“That’s Doctor, Professor, or Agent,” she scolds and you smirk in response.
“Ooo, have I been a bad student, professor?” you taunt, purposefully getting under her skin now.
“I think you talk too much,” Alex says, voice tight, as she shifts off of you. “Take off your pants and get on your knees.”
Your eyes widen at her direct tone. Usually you’re the one giving orders in the bedroom, but the fierceness in which she delivers instructions gives you no choice but to follow her demands. You’re too curious now, and frankly, too fucking horny by this change in demeanor, to not follow through.
“Yes, doctor,” you hinge, unable to resist poking the bear. You don’t miss the breathy huff from Alex as she slides off the bed and disappears into the closet.
You kick off your platform heels, unfasten your belt, and shuffle out of your slacks, casting them over the side of the bed. Playing up the ignorance, you leave your partially unbuttoned shirt on since she said to only take off your pants. As you shift onto your knees, the silky fabric falls around your hips, but there is still easy access to your slick cunt through the crotchless lace underwear you’d purchased and worn specifically for tonight. Granted, you’d anticipated being the one in charge but God, the way Alex delivered orders to you made your thighs quake with anticipation of what she plans to do to you.
You wonder if she can feel your eyes devouring her decadent figure as she steps out of the closet with a black bag in hand, one you’re all too familiar with.
“The sex bag?”
Alex rolls her eyes, though a smile plays on her lips and she saunters up to the bedside and places it down. “I hate when you call it that.”
You scoff in response. “Is there a more linguistically appropriate term for a bag full of sex toys and BDSM gear?”
She sucks her lower lip between her teeth as she ponders that for a moment, and God you want to taste her. You want to be the one to pull her lips between your teeth, feel her moan in your mouth.
She pops her lips and you break free from the trance they’d held you in.
“Masturbatory aids.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up your throat as you roll your eyes. “Alex, please. Don’t make sex clinical. I can’t.”
Her brow arches toward her hairline as she regards you. “Oh, on the contrary darling. I know you can.”
You dont drop eye contact as she maneuvers around the gilded bed frame, tugging the bag alongside her as she does so.
“Eyes forward,” she commands and a shiver runs through you at the authoritative command you’ve only heard her use in the field. You hold her stare for a moment, challenging her only for a second longer than needed, before obeying and shifting your gaze to the art on the far wall.
You hear the zipper peel open and Alex rummaging around. You and her have experimented a lot, and your pussy throbs as you wonder what exactly she’ll pick out to tease you with.
The metal poles of your gilded bed frame rattle in response to her touch.
“Hands behind your back,” she orders and you do as you’re told without hesitation. The satin cords she winds around your wrist send a rush of goosebumps across your arms and you can’t fight the moan that slips past your lips as your cunt grows slick with the ever building arousal for the woman in control of you at that moment. Alex secures your wrists together before pulling the knot taught and your movement is restricted. You tug at them but there is no give and no slack.
“Ooo,” Alex coos quietly from behind you as you listen to the sound of her withdrawing something from the bag. “I think this will do.”
Before you can ask what it is, Alex drags the tip of a pink silicone vibrator across the inside of your thigh. Your thighs tremble and you fight the urge to sink down onto it as Alex touches the tip to your slick entrance. She edges the tip in ever so slightly before withdrawing it, the smooth silicon gliding easily as she smears your arousal down the length of your slit.
Your nipples harden to diamonds as her lips brush your ear. “See, how I’ve barely touched you and your cunt is already dripping for me?”
You duck your chin and her lips press against your jawline. “God, Alex,” you moan.
“Close, but not quite,” she muses in response.
She lines the vibrator up with your entrance and gently eases it inside of you, the tip disappearing in seconds as your pussy eagerly clamps around it. The two pronged arm of the vibrator touches against your clit and you cry out as it makes contact with the thousand sensitive nerve endings there.
“Fuck me,” you groan as the slight contact threatens to send you over the edge. She’s not even turned the vibrator in and you were nearly coming in her hand.
“Not yet,” Alex states resolutely. “Now that that’s in place, I’m going to need you to hold it there.”
Your brow pinches at her request. “Hold it? Alex, my hands are quite literally tied.”
“I don’t think I asked for sass, and more so, I don’t think I told you to speak. Now be quiet and bring your thighs together.”
You bite back a response and acquiesce her request, shuffling your knees closer together so that your thighs press on either side of the vibrator holding it in place. As you balance your weight, you feel the inserted arm shift against your g-spot and a groan rumbles deep in your throat as the external prongs press onto either side of your clit.
Alex steps to the front of the bed, hands clasped against her chest as she admires her handiwork. “Don’t you look stunning?” she asks, cheeks flushed and eyes hooded. She reaches for the box on the edge of the bed and smiles at you. “I think I'm going to change into something more comfortable.”
You nod hungrily, your mouth all but salivating at the thought of the number of things could be hidden inside that purple box. Nightgowns, teddies, satin, lace, Alex looked incredible in anything she wears. You shift and stifle a moan as you inadvertently strike your g-spot once more.
Alex points at you, her gaze just as sharp. “Stay still.” With that, she turns on her heel and disappears into the master bath.
The seconds tick by and minutes feel like hours when she finally re-emerges. Your heart stops, but the pounding of your pussy rages on as you take in the strappy latex and leather bustier clinging so perfectly to her figure as though it is a second skin. A web of straps criss-cross her waist and breasts, accentuating every curve of her body and hiding her nipples from view only just. A simple black lace thong covers her front, but leaves her apple shaped ass on full display. She smoothes her hands up and down her body, pausing to palm her breast and fluff her loose curls.
Without thinking, you jerk against your restraints; needing to touch her and feel her skin and her arousal. A whimper escapes your lips when your arms don’t budge from where they are pinned behind your back and you don’t miss the smirk and wicked glint in Alex’s eyes.
She saunters forward, one long leg in front of the other, taking her time to approach her prize. She skirts one finger along your jaw line and you bristle at her touch; the feel of her one fingertip sending a rush through your entire body. You’re entirely at her mercy and she knows it.
She leans down so that her lips are just barely hovering over yours as her fingers slide between your legs and presses a button that brings the vibrator to life. You cry out at the sudden stimulation and buck forward, your face landing on Alex's shoulder. Her throaty chuckle is muffled as you twitch against her and she casually loops an arm around your neck to hold you in place as the slow vibrations pulse around your clit and the internal prong gently thrusts against your g-spot.
Just as soon as it starts, it stops and you release a stunted cry as Alex suddenly withdraws from you, and you don’t know what you ache for more in that morning; the budding orgasm or her body against yours.
“What the—” your chest heaves as you fight to control your breathing. Alex is smiling a wicked smile and there’s a devilish gleam in her eye as she dangles a remote in front of you.
Immediately, you know her game. This is sweet revenge for her.
“Alex,” you say her name with a warning tone.
“Yes, darling?” she questions innocently, batting her long lashes.
“This is payback for the jet, isn’t it?”
Alex’s brow furrows as she places a finger on her chin, tap tapping away as she pretends to mull it over. After a moment, her eyes widen and mouth forms a perfect ‘o’ shape.
“Oh! You mean, when I had to fight to control my facial expressions and pretend I was coming down with a stomach bug after you chose my debrief with Hotch and Rossi to start playing games with the remote control vibrator?”
You smirk at the memory and the look in Alex’s eyes tells you she’s not actually angry. She’d orgasmed three times after excusing herself to the bathroom, and you’d done all that from a carefully concealed remote controller in your pocket. Watching her squirm and twitch and try to contain it and write off around the team had been so hot. The sex you’d had at the office after you’d gotten back from the airport had been some of the hottest sex you’d ever had in your life.
“Yeah, I think I remember something like that.”
One manicured eyebrow arches in response to your sass. Alex doesn’t say anything, instead choosing to power on the vibrator again. You buck forward, clamping your thighs even tighter around the vibrator to avoid dislodging it. Your binds are the only thing keeping you upright as the internal prong pulses slowly against your g-spot. For now; the external prong is quiet and still.
You moan and tightly speak her name as it drones agonizingly slow inside of you. Alex stands there, devouring your pleas.
“Yes, this seems about right.” Alex cocks her head, regarding you. After a moment, her head snaps up, a devilish look alighting her face as she rounds the bed to dig into the bag. “I wasn’t able to say anything on the jet,” she starts as the sound of objects shuffling around inside the bag rattle about. “I had to keep up the professional facade despite the fact I was coming undone by your hand. I had no choice but to keep quiet.”
Your body spasms again as the vibrator thrusts against your walls. “Alex,” you beg, feeling the first dredge of an orgasm blossoming deep within your belly.
Alex exhales an excited “ah ha” as she locates what she’s been searching for. The bed sinks beneath her weight as she clambers onto the bed behind you, jostling your position and causing the vibrator to shift inside you. You cry out as the sensation overwhelms you and you struggle to hold your legs closed. Suddenly, the movement stops and you exhale a ragged breath as your budding orgasm wilts and dies. One of Alex’s hands curves around your shoulder beneath the satin of your blouse. She smoothes her hand down across your chest and palms your breast with her hand, kneading it before tweaking your nipple between her fingers. “Close your eyes,” she breathes into your ear.
You do as you're told and turn your cheek to dip toward her lips, aching to feel them all over you. Her warm breath caresses the shell of your ear as she delivers her next instruction. “Open your mouth.”
Your eyes snap open and you meet her determined gaze. “I didn’t tell you to open your eyes. Close them,” she says slowly, “and open your mouth.” The way she enunciates each word sends a shiver through you as you obey, trusting her as you close your eyes and turn face forward, parting your lips for her as you do so.
After two pounding heartbeats, Alex pushes something into your mouth. It’s round and plastic and you immediately know what it is as you bite down and feel her fit the leather straps around your cheeks; the metallic sound of the buckle fastening ringing in your ears as a satisfied murmur leaves her lips. The straps are snug, but they don’t hurt as you adjust to the feeling of the ball gag.
“Remember when we bought that?” Alex asks, her voice tinged with nostalgia. “You can open your eyes now.”
Your pussy throbs and pulses and you ache to feel any form of release; hell, as you open your eyes and take in the sight of Alex in that outfit again you’re surprised you don’t combust right there and then.
You nod. You’d just gone on a date to see the latest Fifty Shades of Grey movie. It was a rainy Saturday and you’d figured it would give you something to do on the rare weekend you’d had off together. Nothing prepared you for how ridiculous the film would be and how inaccurately they’d depicted what true BDSM dynamics are supposed to look like. At that point, you and Alex had experimented with a few things, but never crossed the line into bondage and fetishism. After all, you’ve dealt with too many cases where aspects of the culture are perverted and used to harm. However, the movie probed a dialogue between you and Alex where you’d gotten a bit more analytical and clinical (probably not what the director thought would happen, but they probably didn’t anticipate their being FBI profilers in the audience), but it also sparked a desire to explore and play around in that uncharted territory.
As you and Alex toyed around the clandestine sex shop on the other side of town, picking up different gags and blindfolds, restraints and clamps, you’d throw out words like “experiment” and “research” laughing all the while knowing you were both out of your element. You’d purchased a number of different items, both of you pretending to be less awkward than you were as the college aged sales associate smirked at you knowingly before handing you your bags and receipt.
“Have fun you two!” she’d called after you both as the bell tinkled and you made your hasty exit, falling over one another and laughing as the rain poured down and you dashed to the car to get the hell out of there. Unsubs and the threat of bombs exploding in your face had made you both sweat less than the half hour you’d spent inside that store.
And now here you are, gift wrapped tightly and neatly presented for her enjoyment. All you are missing is a bow. Unable to speak around the gag in your mouth, you roll your shoulders back, the half undone button up falling over your shoulders as you do so, exposing your breasts in full. You smirk around the gag as you note the subtle shift in Alex’s eyes. She’s just as hungry for you as you are for her. Unwilling to let you get any advantage, Alex flicks on the vibrator. You gasp and cry out as the external arm vibrates around your clitoris and the internal arm begins thrusting once more; an unrelenting pounding against your inner walls. Instinctively, you press your legs together, but that only intensifies the sensation rather than assuages it.
Your breasts heave as you moan and curse around gag. Through heavily hooded eyes, you watch Alex move toward you, slowly placing one bare foot in front of the other as she regards you keenly over the bridge of her nose.
“Alex. Your plea is muffled around the gag in your mouth.
She leans in close to you, turning her ear toward your mouth as if that will help her hear better. “I’m sorry,” she purrs. “What’s that? I can’t quite make out what you’re saying.”
“Please,” you whimper and again your voice is garbled.
“Please what?” she hedges, her voice rife with lust. She turns toward you, eyes boring into yours with a desire so profound. “Would you like to come?”
You nod vigorously, your breasts bouncing as you do so. Alex nods, affirming that she understands. She says nothing, though her fingers flick against the remote she holds by her thigh and the speed intensifies, both internally and externally. Your eyes widen in response to the dual sensations and you swear you see stars as you blink. Regardless of how tightly you pull at the restraints, they don’t give. You know that you can end this at any time by opening your legs. With how wet you are the vibrator will easily slide out and fall onto the mattress. You and Alex always ensure that the other has a fail safe during these games. You’re committed to seeing this through though, to play into her hands until you are dripping through her fingers like melted putty. You want to melt for her, to burn for her. Your brow pinches as you feel the orgasm build, that familiar heat spreading across your lower abdomen like a freshly struck match ready to ignite a forest fire. You feel it burning brighter, hotter—you’re practically riding it as you keep your thighs clenched around it. Just as you feel like you’re about to explode, the vibrator cuts off and your orgasm sputters and dies; a flame snuffed out.
You release a wail of pain and pleasure combined as a line of spit dribbles out of the corner of your mouth from around the ball gag. Your rigid posture sags under the weight of her denial and as soon as you stop seeing double, you focus your attention on her wickedly devious gaze, her petal pink lips curved in a delicious grin.
“I think I want to enjoy you like this for a little while longer,” she says and tosses the remote onto the small end table beside her. Across from the bed are two simple chairs crafted of supple leather. It’s there you’ll often sit and read together at night or enjoy a glass of wine while you debrief about your respective work days (despite the fact that you work together.) You watch as Alex crosses the room, disappearing out of sight for a moment before returning to the space in front of you. She drops down into one of the chairs, exhaling a satisfied sigh as she crosses one long leg over the other. In her hands, she’s holding a well worn crossword puzzle book and a pen. She clicks it pointedly before flipping open the book and letting her attention fall to the page in front of her.
“Alex!” you bark around the gag.
Her brow furrows as she pays you no mind and reads aloud, “Ten across. Five letters. Clue is ‘strips for club.’” She taps the pen against her chin for a second before a smile dawns on her face. “Bacon! Jeez, don’t let Spencer know it took me more than three seconds to get that.” She laughs to herself as she scribbles the word into the narrow boxes.
Christ alive, she did not just mention Spencer Reid as if you were not in the middle of sex.
You make another sound of protest and Alex looks up at you, feigning surprise. “Sorry, honey, the crossword can’t wait!”
Narrowing your eyes at her, she smirks in response. “Oh alright, very well.” She leans forward to reach for the remote, the sight of her breasts pushing together against the straps of that bustier making your pussy throb even harder. The sensation starts up again, this time slow and steady. A delighted moan slips past your lips, albeit muffled around the gag, and Alex smiles contentedly. She returns to her puzzle, narrating the clues and answers as she goes. The continuous rhythm satiates you only for a minute or two though before you need more. Sensing this, Alex presses another button the remote, eyes not ever leaving the page as she scribbles another answer into place.
As the speed picks up and the thrusting arm pulses against your g-spot you begin to squirm; less in control of the sounds of pleasure emitting from your throat as in response to the dual stimulation.
It doesn’t take very long for that familiar pool of pleasure to start rippling deep inside your core. You desperately try to focus on it and bring it to the surface, but the dual rhythm wielding its relentless beat against your pleasure centers has your head spinning.
The whimpers and cries rumbling past your lips are nearly animal-like as your orgasm crests, a wave pulling back from the shore only to double in size before crashing once more. A tear leaks from your eyes as you crack them open. Alex is looking at you, the crossword puzzle abandoned in her lap as she regards you with such fervor. It’s all you need to give into the wave as it crashes down over you, drowning you in its thrashing current as it rattles its way from the roots of your hair to the tips of your toes.Your pulse thunders in your ears as you ride it out, crying out to God and Alex and any other deity you can praise for worshiping your body enough to rend pleasure from it in such a way.
Like a marionette doll with its strings cut, your arms drop suddenly as Alex loosens the ropes from the bed frame; her fingers making deft work at the knots around your wrists. Her hand smooths over your face before she unlatches the buckle at the back of your hair, and the ball gag falls from your mouth and hits the mattress with a dull thud. Her fingers slip between your thighs, wrapping around the base of the vibrator. “You did good, baby,” she whispers in your ear. “Go ahead and let go.”
You relax your thighs and let Alex withdraw the vibrator, a quiet groan escaping you as she does so. Alex places it on the nightstand and gently loops her arms around your waist. As you finally come back down to this plane of reality, the full body exhaustion slams into you and you sag into Alex’s waiting arms.
“Alex, babe,” you huff out a breath and nuzzle into her chest. “That was—”
“Was it too much?” Alex asks, a tinge of embarrassment creeping into her voice.
“Too much?” you balk. “Not in the slightest. You were perfect.”
Alex smiles, the pink blush creeping across her cheeks betraying her performance as a bewitchingly dominating vixen. Her nose scrunches as she speaks. “I was kinda badass, wasn’t I?”
You press a kiss to her jawline before settling back against the curve of her body, eyes closing softly as the lull of sleep calls to you.
“Hey,” Alex laughs as she nudges you gently with her arm. “No sleeping yet. Come on, let me clean you up.”
You murmur some semblance of protest, but let Alex pull you to your feet and guide you to the bathroom where she cranks on the shower to the perfectly warm temperature. She unbuttons the rest of your shirt and casts it aside before stripping down herself and leading you into the shower, where she sits on the bench carved into the marble patterned shower wall and guides you down onto her lap. The wash cloth is soft as she cleans your body, careful and gentle as she moves it between your thighs, minding the extra sensitive area. Her fingers massage your scalp as she lathers shampoo into your hair, all the while murmuring about how much she cares for you and peppering your face with soft kisses.
Dried and lying atop the sheets, she pumps lotion into her hands and massages it into your wrists before pulling the duvet up and over your bodies. As you curl into the comfort of her body, your mouth searches for hers in the dark. After kissing her you whisper her name as you slip your fingers between hers.
“Yes, love?”
“This was the best birthday.”
“Hmm,” Alex muses thoughtfully, and you feel her smile against your cheek. “I guess I’ll have to try harder next year.”
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Needy Girl
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Emily Prentiss x reader x Alex Blake Warnings: language, alcohol, smut, threesome, strap on, mommy kink, daddy kink, a hint of degradation, teasing, tiny hint of cum play, breeding kink, face fucking.
Emily often extended the invitation out to you when she went out for drinks with the team after work, it just wasn’t often enough that your schedules actually lined up so you could go. Or it was late enough you were already home, showered and in cozy clothes with your make up off and leaving the couch was the last thing you wanted to do. But today, she’d managed to catch you right as you were itching for something to do. That, and you hadn’t been out with the team in ages, it was probably overdue.
Even with a little heads up you still arrived after them, you were intrigued, knowing there was a new agent you had yet to meet. Emily kept her personal life relatively private, even from coworkers, so you figured she hadn’t mentioned a partner to the new one. You dug through your mind to try and remember the name Em had mentioned to you and all you could come up with was Blake, completely unsure if it was a first name, last name, woman or man.
Penelope saw you first, letting out an excited squeal as she leaped toward you for a huge hug, kissing both your cheeks.
“Oh my goodness sugar plum! It has been way too long!”
“I know!” You apologized, “work’s just been crazy, lots of overnights.”
“Eck, gross.” She replied and you laughed, letting her drag you over to the table.
Despite your own girlfriend being at said table, Penelope took the lead on distracting everyone and introducing you to Alex Blake. You smiled softly at the woman, shaking her hand when she extended hers and did your best not to blush at the warmth that shot through you the moment her fingers touched your skin. There was a grin on her lips, a spark in her eyes that made you feel things while Penelope rattled off various facts about the two of you to each other, humble brags and boosting both of you up. Behind the barrier of the table Emily pinched at your ass, garnering your attention,
“I need a refill; you want a beer?”
“Uh..” you scrunched your nose in that way she adored, “I think gin tonight, please?”
“Course.” She shot you a grin before she disappeared into the crowd, one that you knew meant it was completely okay to get to know Alex, that you would have your own private reunion once you were home with her.
Your drink was slipped in front of you only a moment later, you tossed Emily a smile before taking a sip, turning back to Alex’s conversation. You couldn’t lie, you were incredibly intrigued with everything she had to say, especially the way her eyes sparkled while she talked. You caught yourself laughing over jokes, getting closer to her as you did while the rest of the team seemed to melt away. A few of them convinced into a game of pool, two more roped into some darts while the others were out on the prowl, Emily slipping away into the sea of people within the bar.
Alex shifted closer to you, her arm brushing against yours, lingering for a moment to test the waters, smiling softly when you didn’t move away. The conversation continued, slipping into a deeper flirtation, remarks that had your cheeks heating, little giggles escaping your lips that Alex couldn’t get enough of, wondering what other kinds of noises she could get out of you. Figuring she’d teased enough for the moment; she turned back to general chit chat.
“So… how do you know Garcia?” Alex asked and you chuckled, ducking your gaze and she boldly brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’m a nurse. I’ve had a handful of patients who were either from the BAU or victims from their cases.”
“You ever wanna tease him, Morgan’s a real bitch when it comes to stitches. And his aftercare of injuries is terrible, a bad boy.” You grinned and she laughed. The sound reached your ears like silk and you grinned up at her.
“I’ll remember that.” She smirked at you, “and what about you, are you a good girl?”
You gulped, feeling your heart rate pick up as you went to suck at your drink. Unfortunately you found it empty, glancing up at Alex, “I try to be.” You squeaked out and the look on her face made you about dissolve on the spot, “Imma grab another drink.”
You lifted the empty glass as a sign and scurried away to the bar, feeling your eyes on her as you did so. You locked eyes with Emily who raised a brow and you let out a breath, relaxing yourself and risked a glance over your shoulder, catching Alex staring at your ass. You grinned, feeling your confidence boosting and winked at her, watching as her cheeks tinged a light shade of pink before she took a sip of her beer.
Emily was on the far side of the oval shaped bar, discreetly watching the entire thing go down, facing the table the team had originally been at. You rounded the bar, leaning up against it beside her while you waited for the bartender to refill your drink.
“Looks like someone’s having fun.” Emily mused, sipping at her beer.
“Seems someone failed to mention how pretty the new girl was.” You teased back and she chuckled.
“Why do you think I’ve been trying to get you out for drinks since she started?”
“Are you sure she’s even interested?” You asked.
“You kidding me?” Emily pushed off the bar, moving so she had one arm around you, hand on the bar caging you between it and her. “Are you telling me you haven’t spent the last hour flirting with her? Or are you saying I’m blind?” She kissed at your shoulder, eyes glancing up across the room to Alex, “she’s certainly staring.” She murmured, placing another kiss further up your neck, “the way she’s been watching you? The tiny flash of disappointment when she realized you belong to daddy?” In the distance, Alex titled her head, amused smirk on her lips as she turned back to the table. Emily nipped at your earlobe, husking against it, “now why don’t you go let her know that I don’t mind sharing.”
“Really?” You breathed, trying to remain on earth as Emily’s hands began to wander, squeezing at your ass.
“Of course princess. You always look so much prettier stuffed with two cocks.” She spanked you gently, nudging you back in the direction of the table and you scooped up your drink, slinking back through the room to Alex.
“It appears I owe you an apology.” Alex chuckled as you returned to the table.
“I didn’t realize you and Prentiss were a thing. I wouldn’t have been so bold otherwise.”
“It’s alright.” You looked up to her with a grin, stepping close enough that you could smooth out the collar of her shirt, “daddy likes to share as long as I’m a good girl. Says I look so pretty on my knees that everyone should see it.”
“I’ll bet you look absolutely gorgeous.” Alex’s hand trailed up your side, fingers tracing your collarbone, up your neck until they curled under your chin, “think it’s safe to say you’d look stunning with mommy’s juices smeared all over those pretty lips.” Your breath caught in your throat, heat surging through your body as your pussy fluttered, so lost in Alex’s eyes and words you didn’t hear Emily come up behind you until her hand was on your hips and her lips met your shoulder.
“Okay…” she laughed, “how about we get out of here before you make a scene angel? I’d hate to have to punish you in front of our guest.”
Emily’s apartment wasn’t far from the bar, she was offering both of you drinks as you settled in, shoes, coats and bags being dropped by the door. You’d accepted the glass of whiskey, wandering through the open kitchen and living room, flicking on some music to fill the air, you were well aware of the other two women in the kitchen whispering, their eyes on you as if they were stalking their prey. There was no doubt the two of them were going to be in charge tonight, you were just wondering how far Emily was going to push things in front of a someone she worked with. You’d played around your fair share when it came to kinks and testing your limits, not that it came out every time she fucked you, but considering you were adding in a third player just to start off with, you knew there’d be some fun times ahead.
“She’s all yours.” Emily whispered over the rim of her glass.
“Any words I should be aware of?” Alex asked, glancing between Emily and you as she took a sip.
“Kiwi.” Emily chuckled, “and I’ll tell you right now, any kind of blindfolds are a no. Though she does love to be roughed up a bit, likes bites that leaves a mark the next day and god is she ever a cum slut.”
“Well with a partner like you that doesn’t surprise me.” Alex shot back and Emily’s loud laugh gained your attention, glancing over your shoulder at the two of them, brow raised in suspicion.
“Nothing you need to worry about angel.” Emily smirked before her voice lowered again, “go ahead, I’m content watching you torture the poor girl for a bit.”
“I’m starting to think you’re a bit cruel Agent Prentiss.” She muttered back with a grin, pulling a dark chuckle from Emily.
You could already feel your heart rate picking up the moment Alex moved from beside the kitchen island, sauntering over to you. She plucked the now nearly empty glass from your hand, placing it down on a side table as she looked you over, soft smile on her face.
“Such a pretty girl.” She cooed, fingers tickling at your jaw, curling under your chin to tilt your gaze up to her, “are you going to behave for mommy?”
Your eyes widened, breath completely caught in your throat as it took you a minute to truly absorb what she’d said, Emily’s laugh from the kitchen falling on deaf ears, Alex was surrounding you in all senses. You nodded, “y—yes. I’ll be good.”
“Good.” The hand on your chin slid up your cheek, thumb rubbing at your cheek as her fingers wrapped around your head, tangling into your hair and she stepped toward you, lips finally meeting yours.
It was almost softer than you’d expected, her lips gently moving against yours until she found the right rhythm. Your hands slid up her body, resting on her shoulders while her free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you tight to her. You let out a soft sigh into the kiss and she took advantage of your parted lips, tongue slipping into your mouth to begin to explore. She began to slowly back up until her knees hit the back of the couch, dropping against it and gently pulling you into her lap, her lips not leaving yours once.
You settled in her lap, a tiny moan escaping your lips when her hands ran up your thighs, tickling at the skin between your waistband and the bottom of your shirt. One hand trailed up your back, tangling into your hair and she wrapped your locks around her fingers, pulling tightly and this moan was louder than the last as you broke the kiss. Alex chuckled, her lips forming a smirk at the way your head fell back, your hips rocking down against her as you moaned again. Leaning forward she licked across your collarbone, her tongue making a pathway to your pulse point where she bit down, hard, and you cried out in pleasure. Her lips made home against your neck, kissing, sucking and biting at your supple skin and you began to whine.
“Looks like someone’s needy.” Emily jeered, moving from the kitchen and rounding the couch so she was behind you, her fingers tickling at your body, “why don’t you let mommy see how fucking pretty you are?”
You let out another moan as Alex’s teeth scraped the skin of your neck, her hands softly cupping at your chest through your shirt before Emily’s hands grasped the hem of it, pulling it off your head. It was only a moment later that Alex’s lips returned to your own, tongue plunging into your mouth while Emily made quick work of your bra, eager to show you off to your guest.
“Isn’t she pretty?” She purred, stepping back from the couch to scoop her drink up off the coffee table and settle into one of the arm chairs.
Reluctantly Alex pulled away from the kiss, breathless as she sank into the couch, her eyes raking over your topless form before glancing to the other woman.
“Christ you are incredibly lucky.” She glanced to Emily before stroking your cheek, “you’re gorgeous, sweet girl….”
“I’m particularly fond of the piercings.” Emily mused, “she has a pair with blue jewels that just look so pretty on her skin.”
“I can imagine…”
“They’re fun to play with. She quite likes it.”
“Have a feeling she just likes being played with no matter what.” Alex chuckled.
“She does like being used, don’t you princess?”
You glanced over to Emily to reply but in the same moment Alex’s lips wrapped around one of your nipples and you gasped, your hand coming to cup the back of her head. Her tongue played with the jewelry, lapping around it before flicking at your nipple, her teeth gently sinking into the skin of your breast.
“Oh god mommy…” you moaned, your hips grinding down against her and she chuckled.
“Should we maybe get you somewhere more comfortable?” She asked, eyes dark as she looked up at you, “somewhere daddy can watch you get all relaxed? I know she’d like to see just how good I can make you feel.”
“Mmhmm.” You whined out, nodding at her as your eyes widened, begging wordlessly.
“Well?” She glanced up to Emily who smirked.
“I said, she’s all yours. Warm the slut up for my cock, use her how you want to.”
Alex grinned, kissing you gently before her hands grasped your hips, pushing you from her lap and wrapping an arm around your waist while she stood, “show me to the bedroom darling.”
Emily trailed behind the two of you, still happily sipping at her drink just watching, by the time she got into the bedroom Alex had gotten you out of your pants, hands groping at your ass as she kissed you again. You were a whining mess already, thighs rubbing together as your panties dampened, your fingers toying with the hem of her shirt, eager to tug it over her head. Behind you Emily settled in the chair across from the foot of the bed, a small chuckle leaving her lips.
“She thinks you’re wearing too many clothes.” She pointed out and it was Alex’s turn to laugh as she pulled away from your lips, a smirk on hers as she noticed the neediness in your eyes.
“Suppose we could make that happen.”
Her tiny nod was all you needed before tugging at her shirt, tossing it to the floor, watching with hungry eyes as she undid her bra, letting it fall to the ever growing pile. She noticed the way you tugged your lower lip into your mouth, the way your eyes were raking over her newly exposed skin, her finger curling under your chin to gain your gaze once again.
“You’re so beautiful….” You murmured.
“Go ahead… you can touch.”
Your hands reached out, starting at her waist, wrapping gently around her skin before sliding upwards, thumbs brushing over her nipples. You groped at her chest, a breathy sigh leaving her lips and you closed the distance between the two of you, lips meeting her neck. You started out with just little kisses as you continued playing with her tits, sucking on the tender skin before your teeth ever so gently bit into her neck. Alex began to copy your motions on your own chest, toying with the piercings, rolling your nipples between her finger and thumb. You pinched at hers right as you bit into her pleasure point and she moaned loudly,
“Just knew you’d make mommy feel good.” Wrapping her hand into your hair she pulled you off her neck, nudging you backwards, “let’s get you on the bed, I want to see that pretty pussy.”
You dropped onto the bed with a bounce, catching Emily’s gaze on your tits as they swayed, the jewelry catching the low light in the room. She was still sat across from the bed, her legs spread in the chair, drink in one hand while the other slowly started to undo her button up, exposing the red lace bra underneath. Your attention was quickly redirected to Alex when she palmed you through the lace between your legs,
“Such a needy girl, you’ve ruined your panties already darling.” You weren’t expecting her to wrap her mouth around you, sucking through the fabric, letting out a groan into your body, “and tastes so sweet too.” Your head dropped back into the pillows when she sucked at you again and you let out a quiet moan.
“What do you say?” Emily’s stern voice broke through your pleasure and your eyes flicked open, glancing down to Alex perched between your legs, mouth still on your covered cunt.
“Th- thank you.”
“Good girl.” Alex praised, nipping your inner thigh while her fingers slipped into the waist band of your thong, tugging it down your legs to toss behind her.
She settled back between your legs, kitten licking at your pussy as you breathed out a moan above her, your hand tangling into her hair. Her tongue swept through your folds, flicking at your clit and a grin broke out on her lips when your hips rocked up to the touch. She moved back down to your entrance, tongue slipping in, pulling out as much of your wetness as she could, truly tasting you and you shuddered in pleasure, aching for more. Her mouth moved with grace and expertise around you, knowing exactly what she was doing to pull you higher and higher, your breath picking up with each suck of her lips. Her tongue flicked at you again before her lips wrapped around your clit, sucking the nub into her mouth a few times before she popped off it, sitting up between your legs.
“Such a pretty girl.” She praised, hands softly rubbing up and down your thighs, spreading you legs wider for her.
“Please…” You whined, hands roaming up your body, pinching at your tits, “more…” Emily snorted from her spot at the foot of the bed, standing from the chair, dropping her shirt in her spot.
“Don’t be dumb princess, you know you don’t get to come until she has.”
Your eyes followed her as she moved through the room, her bra dropping to the floor before she slipped out of her pants. You gasped suddenly when Alex’s hands returned to your dripping cunt, one finger easily sliding into your heat.
“Fuck…” you moaned, your eyes fluttering shut once again.
Alex’s finger pumped, twirling around within you before she added a second one, twisting and curling slowly until she found the sensitive spot inside you, a loud moan leaving your lips when she did.
“God such pretty noises.” She murmured.
“Just wait til you hear her scream.” Emily laughed and you heard the tell tale sound of the bedside table opening.
Alex chuckled at the other woman’s words right as she slid a third finger into your pussy and you cried out, hips bucking up to the touch. Your body was prickling with heat, pleasure swirling through you as it began to build deep within you. Alex’s fingers moved inside you, just enough to work you up but knowingly not enough to get you to your peak. Her fingers suddenly slipped out of you and you let out a whimper, your eyes shooting open as your lips formed a pout. Your breath caught in your throat as you were met with the sight of Emily strapped up at the foot of the bed while Alex shifted off it so she could finally rid herself of her pants.
“C’mere.” Emily crooked her finger and you scrambled to the end of the bed, kneeling in front of her. Her hand cupped your cheek, pulling you to her for a kiss, one that her tongue sunk into your mouth almost immediately, asserting dominance before her teeth sunk into your lip, pulling a whine from you as she let it pop back, “you’re gonna be a nice little slut for us, right?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Good girl.” She cooed, “now, what do you want?”
“Want your cock daddy.” You practically whined, feeling your pussy clench around nothing and Emily tsk’d, her hand darting out to pinch your nipple.
“We have a guest princess; you know the rules. She gets to come before you do.”
You glanced up towards Alex, your tongue darting out to wet your lips while your eyes dragged over her now naked form, “can I taste you?”
“Of course sweetheart.” Her hand caressed at your cheek and you nuzzled into it, accepting the gentle kiss she laid on your lips as she crawled back onto the bed, nestling into the pillows.
Her legs eagerly spread for you to settle between, hands rubbing up her legs before you leant down, lips pressing soft kisses to her inner thighs. Your tongue lapped out, swiping through her folds and she let out a soft moan, her entire body relaxing into the bed.
“That’s it sweet girl.” She praised, her hand gently tangling into your hair to have something to hold on to. Your tongue slipped into her, swirling around, pulling out her juices, your nose bumping against her clit and she moaned again feeling herself getting wetter with each stroke of your tongue.
“Little whore just loves eating pussy.” Emily commented.
“Mmhmm.” You nodded into Alex’s cunt, the vibrations from your voice rocking though her and she gasped out, hand digging into your hair, forcing your face deeper into her.
Emily grabbed your hips, pulling them up off the bed bracing you on your knees while her hands smoothed up your thighs and over the globes of your ass. She massaged at the supple skin for a moment, savouring the view of your face buried in Alex’s pussy before pinching your ass, pulling a whine from you. You pulled your face up for a gasp as Emily spanked you and you caught Alex’s eye right as your lips wrapped around her clit, sucking it into your mouth.
“Fuck!” Her head dropped back down into the pillows and your lips formed a smirk around her pulsing nub. “So good darling…”
Emily’s fingers slid through your folds, chuckling darkly at how wet you were, your juices smeared over your thighs before she slid the tip of her cock through you and you moaned into Alex’s cunt. She pushed in easily, slowly thrusting until she was completely surrounded by you and you let out a happy groan, your fingers digging into Alex’s thighs.
“Remember slut, you don’t get to come yet.” Emily warned and you nodded again, your mouth still on the other woman who let out a breathy whine at the sensation.
Emily set a steady pace, her hips snapping against yours with each thrust, her cock dragging through your walls, hitting every inch of you. You shifted your lips back up to Alex’s clit, tongue flicking at it as your hand snuck up to her pussy, easily slipping two fingers into her. You did your best to match Emily’s pace while your lips sucked at her swollen nub and you could feel her thighs beginning to tremble around you. You curled your fingers, searching for her g-spot and Alex cried out when your fingers did drag passed it.
“Oh god sweetheart.” Her hands clutched tighter into your hair, “right there…”
Alex could feel fire coursing through her body, the coil tighter and tighter within her as your fingers crooked again, hitting the spongey spot over and over while your tongue lapped at her clit. The sounds echoing through the room were lewd and wet, moans escaping your lips right into her cunt as Emily fucked into you harder. Alex’s body shook, her hips rocking up to your mouth as she moaned loudly,
“Oh fuck!” She swore, her thighs quivering around you, juices dribbling out of her as she hit her peak. Your hand slipped from her pussy, pinning one of her thighs down to the bed while your mouth left a soft kiss on her clit before sinking lower once more. You gently licked around her, sucking up as much of the wetness as you could, cleaning her up as she caught her breath. “Oh sweet girl…. you’re so fucking good at that, so good for mommy….”
“Oh god!” You moaned loudly, mouth finally free, your breath hot against Alex’s skin. Your cunt was fluttering heavily around Emily’s cock, pleasure surging through you. Emily’s fingers suddenly tangled into your hair and she yanked hard, pulling you up flush to her and you let out a whimper, your hips pushing back against her and she chuckled darkly.
“You like that don’t you, you little cock slut?”
“Yes daddy!” You moaned, “feels so good.”
“Thought so.” She grunted, her hand tugging at your hair again, tilting your head back and you gasped. She took the opportunity, tongue darting out to lick up the juices smeared on your chin before kissing you deeply, her tongue surging into your mouth while she sucked on yours, humming at the taste of Alex. Her hand shifted from your hair to your face as she broke the kiss, her thumb on your jaw keeping your mouth open so she could let the mixture of cum and saliva dribble back from her mouth into yours.
“Christ.” Alex swore quietly, having now caught her breath she was quick to sit up on her knees, caging you between her and Emily. “Look so pretty darling.” She cooed, a hand curling around your neck and pulling you to her for a kiss that you whined heavily into, the curve of Emily’s cock hitting just where you needed on every thrust.
Alex nipped at your lip before her mouth dropped to your chest, sucking a nipple into her mouth and you groaned, your head rolling back onto Emily’s shoulder. She wasn’t about to waste a perfect opportunity, her mouth making a home in the crook of your neck while she continued to fuck you, wanting you as marked and bruised as possible in the morning. You were trembling between them, so incredibly close to reaching your high and you knew if it wasn’t for Emily’s arm around your waist and Alex’s hands on your body you wouldn’t be able to stay upright. Alex’s hand trailed down your body searching out your clit and she pinched at it when she found it, pulling a gasp from you, your hips rocking between her touch and Emily’s cock. She began to rub at it in time with Emily’s thrusts, pulling whine after whine from your lips, shaky cries as you surged higher and higher.
“That’s it princess…” Emily husked, biting into your neck, “squirt around daddy’s cock, I know you want to.”
“You’re doing so good, sweet girl.” Alex’s lips brushed across your skin as she spoke, “I can tell you’re close, come for us… let go…”
“You want daddy’s cum don’t you? I know you’re a needy cum slut, you want me to breed you like the whore you are?”
“Oh god! Yes!” You cried out, between Emily’s words and cock and Alex sucking on your tits playing with your swollen clit you were shaking between them, pussy clenching down on Emily’s cock as your juices gushed around it.
“So fucking gorgeous.” Alex murmured, her tongue licking its way up your chest and the column of your neck. Emily gave her a small nod and she shifted on the bed, dropping down into the pillows once more so the other woman could shove you forward.
You let out a small gasp, hitting the bed softly, feeling Alex’s fingers beginning to play with your hair as Emily pounded into you a few more times, her hips snapping sharply against yours before she stilled with a moan, squeezing the base of the toy to shoot her cum deep into you. You let out a satisfied groan, eyes fluttering shut with pleasure at the sensation of being so full. A whimper left you when Emily pulled out and she swatted your ass in retaliation,
“None of that.”
“Oh don’t scold her.” Alex’s voice was soft, her hand stroking at your cheek and your face turned on the bed so you could look up at her through your lashes, “poor girl’s just needy.”
“You’re more than welcome to take a turn.” Emily replied with a grin, nodding toward the box of toys watching the way your eyes moved from Alex to the box and back and Alex chuckled.
“Would you like that darling? Want mommy to fuck you too?” She cooed with a small grin on her cheeks, continuing to stroke at your cheek.
“Yes please…” You nodded, shivering as your cunt fluttered at the sheer idea. Alex shifted from the bed to select the proper toy and you glanced to Emily your brow furrowing as you took in the expression on her face. Alex glanced up from you to the other woman and cocked a brow,
“I’m just trying to decide if I’m going to sit on her face and get off or if I’d rather fuck her throat.” She was looking at you while she spoke and she didn’t miss the way your eyes absolutely darkened at the second option and she let out a dark chuckle, “ohoho… you really are feeling whorish tonight aren’t you?”
“Roll over.” She demanded, walking around the bed so she was lined up with your head when you did as she asked. She grabbed your hands, yanking you so your head was resting right on the edge of the bed, able to easily drop off the side. “You know, you may be a little slut but at least you listen.”
“She is such a good girl.” Alex purred, crawling back onto the bed between your legs, her hands softly rubbing their way up your thighs as she spread them wider, fingers tracing through your dripping pussy. “Rather messy though.” She scooped up the mixture of wetness, sucking it off the tips of her fingers while letting out a pleased hum. You gasped when her hand returned to your cunt, gathering it again to smear around her cock.
“That’s what happens when you’re a needy little thing, isn’t it?” Emily redirected her gaze to you, pinching at your chin and all you could do was nod as Alex thrusted her hips, her cock sliding easily into you.
“Fuck…” You could feel each ridge of the toy as she thrusted into you, your cunt clenching around it already, still sensitive from your last orgasm. Alex grabbed one of your legs, tossing it over her shoulder so she could fuck deeper into you and you let out a louder moan, eyes fluttering shut, “oh god… don’t stop.”
“So gorgeous.” Alex murmured, her free hand sliding up your body until it cupped your chest, pinching at your nipple, earning a whimper from you as she picked up the pace. Her cock was hitting the sensitive spot inside you with each thrust, pumping deeper into you with each roll of her hips. Heat already surging through you, a shimmer of sweat coating your body as you trembled on the bed.
“Oh god!” You cried out and Emily took advantage of your open mouth, her hand wrapping around your face to keep your lips parted before sliding her cock into your mouth. You moaned around the toy, feeling it hit the back of your throat as Emily’s hand softly wrapped around your neck so she could feel it through your skin.
Alex leant forward, unable to resist getting her mouth on your skin again, the angle of her cock shifting again and your pussy clenched down around her, a muffled cry leaving your lips. Her mouth wrapped around the nipple she wasn’t playing with, tongue flicking against it before her teeth sunk into your skin. You could taste yourself on Emily, along with a hint of the flavoured lube, your tongue tracing patterns around the toy as it plunged in and out of your mouth. One of your hands reached up, wrapping around Emily’s thigh while the other one wrapped around Alex, holding her tight to you as she continued to fuck you with vigor. Hands and mouths moved with skill and ease, toying with you in the exact way to bring you to your peak.
You were a whining mess, gagging around Emily’s cock as she plunged deeper and harder into you, shaking underneath Alex’s body as her mouth swapped to the other side of your chest, hips snapping against yours faster as you soared higher. Alex could feel the way your thighs were shaking around her, the way your chest was heaving as she continued to lavish it with her mouth, her hand snuck between your bodies, rubbing furiously at your clit. Tears of pleasure pricked in the corners of your eyes as you whimpered around Emily’s cock.
“Take it so well princess.” She praised, her hand squeezing ever so lightly around your throat.
“So gorgeous while doing so too.” Alex panted, her teeth sinking into the curve of your chest once again, sucking at the supple skin in an attempt to leave a mark.
You let out a muffled cry around Emily, your body tensing, hands clenching into the two women as your pussy pulsed around Alex’s cock and your orgasm shot through you like fucking fire. Alex’s hand slipped off your clit, her lips leaving a gentle kiss on your skin as she released your leg, sitting up and slowing her thrusts. Emily plunged her cock into your lips once more, stilling as she squeezed the toy, shooting her cum into your mouth and you sucked at it until you were sure it was clean, gasping for a proper breath when her cock slipped from your lips.
“Good girl.” She cooed, her thumb wiping the stray tear from your cheek as you shuddered, yelping when Alex hit a sensitive spot inside you and she chuckled.
“Sorry sweetheart.” She softly squeezed at your thigh before pulling out, watching the mess drip onto the bedspread.
“Satisfied?” Emily asked with a grin, slipping the strap off.
“Very.” You replied with a happy sigh, finally able to properly catch your breath.
“Good.” She leant over the bed to press a gentle kiss to your lips as Alex shifted to rid herself of the strap.
“Need to get you cleaned up sweet girl.” Her hands rubbed at your legs, “how about a bath?”
“Sounds nice.” You murmured, accepting her hand as she pulled you up to sitting.
“You are rater messy.” Emily teased and you pouted in her general direction, “go, let mommy take care of you, I’ll get these sheets changed.”
Alex’s aftercare was beyond incredibly soft, her hands rarely leaving your body, slipping into the bath behind you so she could massage out your stiff joints and muscles before gently washing you. Her lips would brush against your skin every so often and you were simply putty in her hands, completely and utterly relaxed by the time the water was cooling. Emily appeared in the doorway with your favourite pyjamas, warm from the dryer and helped you get dressed, pressing a series of gentle kisses to your face while she made sure you were okay. Both of the women couldn’t help but grin at the blooming marks and bruises scattered around your body, you would certainly be remembering tonight for at least a week. Back in the bedroom Emily urged you under the covers, flicking on the television as she did so, turning to Alex,
“It’s late, you may as well stay.”
“You sure?”
“One of the reasons we have a California king.” She shrugged, reaching to the bedside table to hand you a pint of ice cream, “hungry?”
“Starving.” You murmured back, pressing a kiss to her cheek before you dug in while Alex slipped under the covers on your other side.
Between the three of you, the ice cream was gone within an hour, container placed back on the table. You were nestled into Emily’s side, Alex’s arm wrapped around your waist, fingers tangled with yours while Emily softly played with your hair, leaving gentle kisses on the top of your head. You were nearly asleep when Emily’s phone began to buzz on the bedside table and you let out an annoyed groan.
“I swear to god if that’s a case…” You weren’t even fully finished your thought when Alex’s started to go off on the other side of the bed and you grumbled.
“Sorry darling.” She chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before her hand vanished from yours and she rolled away to answer it.
“Good thing you got thoroughly fucked tonight.” Emily teased, leaning down to kiss you, “might actually make it until we’re back.”
“We?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Well, if we’re gone for longer than a couple of days there’s no limit to how needy you’ll get princess.” She slipped from under the covers, “I’ll leave my credit card, why don’t you pick out a couple of new sets, send us some pictures?”
“I do think you’d look stunning in green.” Alex murmured from the other side of the bed, leaning in to kiss you goodbye.
“Now remember, touch all you want, but you don’t get to come unless one of us says so, alright? Try to behave.”
“Yes daddy.”
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
Baby Girl
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Pairing: Niall Horan x curvy reader
Summary: after a night of drinking, you and Niall realize that you're more than flirtatious friends
Warnings: mature themes, explicit language and unprotected sex.
The music was thumping, the bass reverberating through the club as Niall and you made your way to the bar. You were both a little tipsy, having indulged in a few too many drinks during the night out with their friends. The playful banter that had become both your trademark was in full swing, as you teased each other with witty comebacks and flirtatious remarks.
"I swear that these heels would be the death of me." You said out loud.
"Thought you had that spot reserved for me?" Niall asked, smirking as he closed in.
You rolled your eyes as you turn around, grinding in front of him seductively.
"Try all you want lover boy, but you can't handle all of this." You said, biting your bottom lip as your cheeks heated up.
Niall couldn't deny of how much he needed you.
"I'll do my best."
You met on the Voice where you did a guest appearance. He thanked Kelly as you were a guest on her show to promote your latest album. Once you said you were a fan of the singing competition show, Kelly invited you with no hesitance. You kicked it off with the other judges as Kelly introduced you to Niall after the show. He was blown away by your voice and the way you brightened up the room.
You two kicked it off quite strongly, already skipping the awkward of meeting someone for the first time. Everyone witnessed it. Tabloids and late night shows were already skeptilizing that you two were an item. Kelley, Chance, and Blake would even tease Niall when he was tying the knot with you.
All he could do was chuckle and shake his head.
But tonight, with the alcohol fueling his emotions, he found himself looking at you differently. Everything about you was beautiful to him, and he couldn't help but admire how you carried yourself with such grace and charm.
As you stood at the bar, waiting for the bartender to take their order, Niall's gaze lingered. You were wearing a stunning green dress that hugged your curves in all the right places, and he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to touch you, to taste your lips.
Niall leaned in closer to your ear, whispering with his husky voice. "What can I get you, Baby Girl?"
Your cheeks flushed at Niall's sudden change in tone. You were used to your flirty banter with him, but the way he called you "baby girl" sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards him either, and the alcohol was making your inhibitions slip away.
"You know what I like," you replied, with your voice slightly breathless.
Niall ordered drinks and you two found a quiet corner to sit in. As the night went on, your conversation grew more intimate, and touches more lingering.
"I never realized you wanted to be an author." Niall asks when he just asked you what occupation you would do if you didn't pursue music.
"Yeah, I really loved to write stories when I was kid. When I got older, I took every opportunity just to write. Had to wake up from that dream when my University denied to publish one of my works I was most proud of."
"Hey." Niall said, placing a gentle hand on your thigh.
"They don't deserve to have your works publish, you can do that yourself, cause you know why? You're the most talented, gorgeous person I know. Those who say otherwise can come through me." Niall said, defending your honor.
The sexual tension between you two was palpable, and Niall found it harder and harder to resist the temptation to kiss you.
You could visibly see him staring at your lips, but you realized that this wasn't the right moment.
With enough drunken courage, you dared to say the sentence that would change your friendship forever.
"How far is your place from here?"
Before he knew it, you were both outside, the cool night air hitting you two as you stumbled towards an Uber. Niall's hand found its way to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. You didn't protest, instead leaning into his touch, your own hands gripping his shoulders. The ride felt like an eternity, as you tried to take your hands away from him but you couldn't.
When you reached Niall's apartment, the moment of truth arrived. Niall hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never been one for casual hookups, but he couldn't deny these feelings stirring inside his chest. And the way you looked at him with those dark, longing eyes made him lose all reason.
Without another word, Niall pulled the reader into his apartment and closed the door behind them.
You leaned towards the wall as you tried to untie the strings of your heels.
Niall closed the distance between you and whispered to you.
"Let me."
He slowly bends and unties the wraps around your legs. You look down, thinking this is the most sexiest thing anyone has down for you. Once he was done, you lift his chin up to connect your eyes back to his.
"I need to know what we're about to do isn't a mistake. I don't to be a regret."
Niall got up, hovering as his hand leaned over you as your back laid flat to the wall.
"You will never be a regret. I want this, and I want you... more than you know."
Without hesitation, your lips crashed together in a hungry, desperate kiss, hands roaming each other's bodies with urgency. The heat between the two of you was electric, as the desire for each other reached a fever pitch.
Niall's hands slid down to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he whispered against your lips, "You're mine, baby girl."
Your breath hitched at his words, and found yourself melting into Niall's embrace. His hands traveled to the back of your dress, trying to find your zipper as you tried unbuckling his pants.
You both staggered upstairs half dressed as you landed onto his bed. His piercing blue eyes try to memorize every part of your skin. All was left was your underwear and Niall had to resist from tearing it straight off your body. He uses his finger to drag down the little material and trailed it down your legs.
He released a breath, sitting up a bit. He combs his fingers through your hair and kisses you softly. You melt under his hot touch as you closed your eyes. Niall hastily undresses himself soon he finds his hands on your waist, steadying you on top of him.
You gasp as you began to feel him within you. His hands hold you tighter as you began to have a steady rhythm.
"God, you're fuckin''- perfect." Niall huffs out.
You smirked down at him as you bite your bottom lip.
"I can say the same about you..." you teased.
Niall became undone with your words. Your confidence, your beauty, and damn that luscious body - all he could see was stars.
You thought the same about him: the way he held you so tenderly and how his eyes looked up to you like you were a goddess.
You both wished that the night wouldn't end.
By the end, you two were breathless (almost lifeless too.) You laid down next to him, placing a hand on Niall's heaving chest.
"Next time, you're on top." You said, catching your breath.
Niall looks over at you with a twinkle in his eye.
"Next time?" He asks.
"Well, we'll just see by morning." You said, knowing he's teasing you as you're already sinking in the pillow next to him.
His hands glue back to your side as he pulls you in.
"Oh, you'll like what I have planned," he said before you two drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, you felt light-headed as you turned around to meet Niall. He was nowhere to be found. You thought he somehow left for work but you were gladly wrong when you saw him coming in shirtless, holding a tray of breakfast and drinks.
"Wasn't sure if you wanted coffee or juice, so I made both." Niall said, walking towards the bed and laid the breakfast tray on the mattress.
You smile , holding the blanket over your chest as you sat up.
"It's definitely a coffee morning." You said, grabbing the mug.
"Wanted treat my baby girl." he said as he grabbed the other glass, taking a sip.
"Thank you Ni, you're definitely the sweetest man I ever met." You said, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
His cheeks grew red by your action, so he took your free hand and kissed it.
"I want to spend these mornings with you, and hopefully to be with you if you'd like to." He asks, his heart slightly thumping as he awaits your answer.
You place the coffee down by his nightstand and turn to him, smiling like you're lovesick.
"I'd like that very much." You said, as you two began to kiss and laid down on the bed.
Let's just say the breakfast Niall just made was long forgotten.
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1-800-imagines · 4 months
drunk texts part 3 | r.c.
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series masterlist here!
cw: violence, mentions of past abuse
to say you were worried about what was about to happen would be a huge understatement. with rafe gone, your anxiety grew by the minute, your heart hammering.
since your white shirt had been ruined by fucking jungle juice of all things, you had put rafe’s shirt on and then put yours on the ground.
his shirt was huge on you and covered your shorts. but as you were lost in your own thoughts you hadn't noticed someone approaching.
but then you heard his voice. and not the voice you wanted to hear. it was blake's. your head snapped towards him.
he looked at you and registered what you were wearing. with a sarcastic laugh tinged with a deep bitterness in it, he snapped, “oh so NOW you think you can whore it up with rafe?”
your breathe caught, despite hating him, you still felt the need to justify all your actions and tell him that it wasn’t like that, “no, it’s not. my shirt.” you were stumbling on your words and pointing to your stained tank top on the ground which looked even more incriminating at this point. 
he stalked closer to you, “you think i’m gonna believe a slut like you?” his hand moved to your jaw and squeezed it. tears welled in your eyes. memories of him holding you in that position during fights surged your memory.
but little did you know, rafe wasn’t far behind blake and he was hot on his trail. rafe had gone looking for him but saw blake leave the crowd as he had already spotted you.
“hey asshole, take your fucking hands off her.” rafe shouted, grabbing blake’s shoulder to turn him around. 
before you could comprehend what was happening, as soon as blake turned to face rafe, rafe punched blake in the square in the face, causing a loud crack. 
you stood entirely still, scared to move. rafe grabbed blake by the collar of his shirt, “leave her alone, from now on.” he shoved blake away from him, blake's nose bleeding heavily.
"you could've broken my fucking nose bro!" blake shouted.
"yeah and that'll be the least of your fucking problems if you lay another hand on her. you get me, bro?" rafe's voice was laced with venom.
blake threw his hands up and backed away, "whatever you say man, not like i wanted that crazy bitch anyway."
those words punched you in the gut and you let out the smallest gasp, rafe clenched his fist and was about to hit him again but you caught his arm. "not worth it, please." you whispered softly.
as soon as he realized it was you touching him, his body relaxed slightly. blake took the opportunity to high tail it out of there. rafe turned to you and frowned. “you okay?” he whispered, touching your cheek that was still slightly red from blake’s grasp. 
you nodded and looked at his hand that you were holding, “you’re bleedin, rafe.” you took his hand in yours and grabbed your shirt off the ground, wrapping it around the fist that had protected you. “thank you,” you whispered, "you didn't have to do that for me". 
“don’t thank me sweetheart. you don’t deserve that shit. blake never deserved you in the first place. no one will ever be good enough.” his non-injured hand moved a piece of hair behind your ear, “don’t forget what you’re worth.”
you were shaking from the encounter. rafe noticed immediately. “do you wanna get out of here?” he asked softly.
you nodded too eagerly so he said, “go tell your ride you’re leaving so your friends don’t worry about you. i know sarah will be worried. i’ll be right here.” you hesitated, looking back towards the crowd where blake was. rafe, sensing your hesitation added, “i’ll wait right here for you. keep my eyes on you the whole time.” with that reassurance from him, you wandered into the crowd to find pope.
your eyes met blake’s and he scowled at you, then making it very obvious that he was enjoying what was now happening to him. there was a random girl grinding on him, dancing.
pope wasn’t far and when you walked up to him, he immediately asked you, “are you okay?”
“yeah, some shit happened with blake. i’m gonna leave.” you said softly.
“let me drive you.” pope insisted.
you shook your head, “no it’s okay. i got a ride. let the others know so they don’t worry? i’ll see you back at the chateau tomorrow.”
pope sighed, “of course. be careful.”
you smiled back at pope and made your way back to rafe. “everything good?” he asked.
“yeah, i told pope to relay the message. let’s go please.” your voice was barely above a whisper.
he slipped his non-injured hand into yours and led you to where he had parked his truck.
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itsouttherenow · 5 months
Team Mom: Kali
It was another day at Beacon within the dorm room of team RWBY. Their first year of Beacon went off without a hitch, mostly. Fighting mechs, criminals and terrorists is not something that you can really just brush or mention casually. So what is a girl to do on a Friday afternoon. What possible exciting activity could these adventurous girls do?
“GUYS! Mom is coming!” Entering the scene is our resident cat, Blake Belladonna. 
Sitting up from their respected beds, the rest of the girls quickly started firing off questions.
“When is she coming?”
“Are dad and Ghira coming too?”
The last question had eyes drawn at Weiss. 
“Hehe, just, you know, asking.” She replied sheepishly.
“Aside from Weiss touch starved condition (HEY!), she said that she be coming soon to visit us here at Beacon. Tai and my dad are staying in a hotel in Vale for the time being.”
“Cool, what time is she supposed to be coming then?”
“She said around 6.”
“It’s 6 already! Why didn’t you call us instead?”
“Forget about that, we need to hurry. QUCKLY! THROUGH THE WINDOW!”
“No Yang wait I c-“, before Ruby could say otherwise, Yang had leapt through the window of their dorms
“We can worry about her later when we’re outside. The bullhead could be arriving any minute now.”
Using her semblance, Ruby quickly took the girls to the bullhead landing pads, picking up, more accurately digging up, Yang from her earthly confinement. They eventually made it to landing pads 5 minutes late.
“Do you see her?”
“No I can’t, I’m too short.”
“Blake, what about you,?”
“No. Yang?”
“Negative captain.”
“Where could she b-“
“YOO HOO! Girls, I’m over here!”
With Weiss question answered by their target, the four girls quickly rushed to a woman with similar cat ears to their feline friend. The woman was quickly enveloped in a group hug from the girls.
“Oh oh my, eager aren’t we today?”
“Why wouldn’t we? It’s been a sooo long since we’ve last meet you in person.” Replied Yang.
During a break in they second year, the WBY of RWBY meet Kali and Ghira Belladonna, the mother and father of Blake. There, the three girls quickly took a liking to Kali, considering she was the first real motherly figure that they have had in a while. While the three may be her daughters by blood, she treats them as if they were her own.
“(giggles) That is true. And we have a whole week to spend together!”
“(gasping) A WHOLE WEEK!?” Exclaimed Ruby.
“A whole week? What’s the occasion?” Inquired Blake.
“Why the parent conference. They’re going to  discuss on how our little ones are doing and behaving.”
“Well, it is with great pleasure to say that we have all been model students.” Booster Weiss.
“We’ll see. Now, how about you girls give a quick tour of the area. I don’t want to be getting lost.”
“Alright Team RWBY, let’s lead the way!” Yelled Ruby as she jumped into Kali’s arms.
“Ruby” chasted Weiss, “get off her. You are not a child!”
“I don’t mind dear. I’m quite comfortable.” Said Kali she nuzzled Ruby who laughed.
“(Laughs) Hey, that tickles.”
“Are you sure? I can take Ruby.” Offered Yang.
“Yes, I’m quite sure. In fact, I quite like it when you girls jump into my arms. Reminds of when Blake was a little kitten.” Answered Kali.
“If it’s alright with you, then I guess she can stay.” Said Weiss.
“Good. Now let’s go and give mom the best tour of Beacon!” Exclaimed Ruby.
“I’m looking forward to this ‘awesome’ tour girls.”
(Like break.)
An hour into their tour, Ruby had fallen asleep in Kali arms so it was up to the rest of the girls to decide on where to take her next. Walking underneath an arc way of vines and growth, they enter the gardens.
“And here” Weiss gestured around, “is the Beacon Garden. Used by most to study but many can often be found eating and aswell as hanging out.”
“My, how gorgeous.” Awed Kali as tucked Ruby closer to her body.
“Gorgeous indeed. This garden is actually the newest addition to Beacon, having been made thirty-seven years ago. Furthermore, th- (BOOM)- What In Monty’s name was that?” 
The answer to Weiss’s question came in the familiar form of Beacons resident dork Knight, one Jaune Arc, who was coursing throw the air, straight into a tree. After face-planting into said tree, his limp form sliding down onto a branch. 
“Ow. Note to self, make sure that Nora does NOT help in the kitchen *ever* again. *EVER*.” muttered Jaune to himself.
“wa-wa-what’s going on?” Ask an awoken Ruby.
“Just Jaune flying into a tree. Nothing new.” Answered Yang.
“Jaune? Blake, isn’t he the boy you mentioned to me? The blonde?” Asked Kali to her daughter.
Smelling blood, Yang seized the opportunity to tease her partner. 
“Oh, keeping secrets are we now? And here I thought we were family. I’m hurt.” 
Blushing, Blake whined, “Mom. I thought I told you to keep it between us.”
“Oh my Gods so it IS true. You’ve Fall for that dolt.” Exclaimed Weiss
“Well I think it’s sweet.” Chimed Kali.
A second later, said boy fell off the branch.
“Oh, this is a perfect time to talk to him dear. HELLO dear.” Yelled Kali out to Jaune.
‘What? Who is that. I didn’t know Blake had a si-‘
Jaunes thought we’re immediately cut short when the branch he was on earlier fell on top of him.
“Oh no. That branch just killed Jaune!” Yelled Ruby.
“You bastard.” Followed by Yang.
“No you dolts. He’s just knocked out.” Explained Weiss.
“My oh my. What a shame. He needs to be tended to. And who better to wake up than you pretty face dear.” Said Kali.
“No mom, you don’t mean-“ Questioned Blake.
“Yup. Let’s take him to your room. He’s needs to be well rested on a nice comfy bed. Next to a beautiful lady.” Kali said as she picked up Jaune.
“Mom no.”
“Mom yes” 
Blake was then handed an unconscious Jaune.
“Come along girls. The day just getting started.”
Three of the four girls ran to catch up with Kali as Blake just stood in place dumbfounded.
Looking down a Jaune, she blushes abit.
“Well, I guess it would hurt to give it a try.” And then placed a kiss on Jaunes forehead and quickly caught up the others 
‘That’s my girl. Grand kittens here comes Grandma.’ 
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
Okokok, but how about this? Eddie and Reader have been dating, like, not that long, like 3 months, and then Eddie made new friends, like guys he found HideOut or something, and when he goes to present, his girlfriend is there with him, and when it's time for her to meet her new friends eddie acts awkward towards her, as if she and he are just "acquaintances" or just "friends". You decide the ending! Im so happy your requests are open again and you’re back!!!! 🤭
I love this angsty idea, you let me pick the ending so ⚠️prepare for no happy ending :) I hope this is what you wanted and looking for <3
I'm happy to be back!
⚠️little violence ( slap to the face)
Never proofread
Just a family friend
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Y/N and Eddie haven't been together very long, just hitting around three months. Both locked in that honeymoon phase where everything was beautiful and they never fought about anything. They've been locked in their small bubble but Y/N wanted to meet Eddie's friends.
He met these guys at the hideout, the bar where he performs with his band. A band she still hasn't met. But he stays out late to drink with these new friends of his. And Y/N just wanted to be part of it. Sure, he didn't have to bring her every single time, but maybe some weekends she could tag along.
Whenever she brought it up, Eddie would agree with her, but never made the step to make it happen.
So she took matters into her own hands. Eddie headed off to set up the band before his show, tonight she decided she'd go watch and wait around to see him. She figured he'd be surrounded by all his friends so that would be the perfect opportunity for him to introduce her. She grabbed a little black dress, and some tights. Excitedly getting herself ready.
She pulled up to the busy bar, walked in, and headed to a small open booth in the back. She ordered a drink and waited for her boyfriend to take the stage.
Once he was done performing she got up, taking a deep breath as she walked towards her sweaty boyfriend. He was laughing with some guys when she tapped him on the shoulder.
His eyes widened when he saw her, taking in her small dress. He was shocked to see her, he knew she wanted to see him perform but he didn't think she'd do it without telling him.
"Hi, eds!" She said excitedly, wrapping him in a hug as she pecked his cheek. Eddie stood frozen, his brain trying to get himself out of the situation he found himself stuck in.
"Y/N... hey" Eddie stuttered out, she pulled away and looked at him confused. Why was he so awkward?
"So Eds, who is this?" One of the guys asked, he had a welcoming smile, dark hair, and green eyes. She honestly felt more seen by him than her boyfriend who kept his eyes locked away from her.
"I'm Y/N, his gir-" but Eddie caught her off, "My friend! Just a family friend." He shrugged with a smile. He still wouldn't look at her.
The other two boys shuffled awkwardly, all three knew what she was about to say. The one with green eyes held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Troy." She appreciated his kindness and shook his hand. The other two followed his movement. She learned their names were Luke and Blake.
Troy invited her to play pool with the rest of them, she wanted to say no. She wanted to go home and cry that her boyfriend ignored their relationship. But she wasn't going to do that.
If he wanted to ignore their relationship, she could too.
Eddie felt himself staring at her and Troy too much. His gut was twisting as she giggled when Troy whispered in her ear. Her dress framed her perfectly and Eddie hated that his hands weren't anywhere near touching her.
He tried to focus on the game, not the fact that his girlfriend was flirting with his friend.
Y/N smirked as she watched Eddie completely suck at pool. She knew he was a good player, but she was in his head. He missed every shot and she could tell he was getting more frustrated. She wasn't sure how much of it was because of her.
It was when Troy went in for a kiss that Eddie snatched her arm and began to drag her outside. She felt herself getting pissed as she yanked her arm free but followed.
"What is your problem?" She snapped
"My problem? You are practically fucking him right in my face!" Eddie spazzed, looking at her like she was crazy for asking.
She wanted to laugh in his face, so she did. Laughing at his switch of roles. Eddie watched her with a wild look. He was getting pissed as she laughed in his face.
"Why do you care?" She asked, relaxing after her laughing stopped. She crossed her arms and glared. "Why do I care?" Eddie scoffed, "Maybe because my girlfriend is acting like a whore?"
She wanted to smack him right across the face, so she did. She slapped him as hard as she could. His head whipped to the side as he held his cheek.
"Funny, because two hours ago, I was just a family friend. I'm not a whore, I was putting you in your place. But you? You are an asshole." She sneered.
"You're right! I'm sorry. I don't know why I froze and lied. I really like you and I don't want to mess this up. I'll fix this, just tell me how. I'm sorry, okay?" He said softly. His puppy eyes stared at her as he filled with guilt.
"Okay." She smiled and turned around. She got her apology and now she was done.
"Okay? What does that mean? Are we okay?" He called after her but she just kept walking.
"Oh no, we are so fucking done!" She called back and got in her car.
Eddie stood there as she raced out of the parking lot. He tried not to be upset, it was just three months, and he could get over her easily.
So why did it hurt so fucking bad?
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months
May I request the valentines day request with vergil sparda x f!reader (dmc5 version) with this prompt [Reader/Character writes their loved one a Secret Admirer’s note and tries to deliver it discreetly. They are caught by their loved one!]
Where reader writes vergil a love poem or a confession and tries to tuck it like under his room door but he happens to be heading towards it and catches her off guard? They are not in a relationship but reader has feelings for vergil and considered the idea of confessing through the letter because she is shy :^ anyways so they encounter and reader quickly retreats shyly to her room where vergil then comes up to her to confess after reading the letter? Could be SFW or NSFW after the last part.
Totally love your writing, feel free to ignore it a shorten it if it's too much.
Love ya, xo.
(Also if u don't mind I want to be anonymous because I'm shy and anxious sorry for that :">)
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warnings: smut, love confessions, mentions of crying, Nero's mother is slightly mentioned, cunnilingus/oral sex(fem receiving) word count: 1.1k pairings: Vergil x Fem!Reader summary: you write a sweet love letter to Vergil and are so nervous about him finding it. when he does find it, he's so touched...he shows you his true feelings through actions.
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You keep rereading those words on the page. Your hands are shaking. Though you know that you won’t be getting a response right away, even just the thought of sliding this love poem/confession under Vergil’s door was making you so nervous. You had thought about doing it this way for weeks. The eldest Sparda twin had very much caught your attention, and the only way to confess to him perfectly would be to write him a love poem. Sure, you were no William Blake, but you knew he’d appreciate the sentiment regardless. That was…if he felt the same way. If he didn’t feel that way about you, you’d have to quit your job as Dante’s secretary and run very far away from Devil May Cry.
With a deep breath, you get up from your bed. Vergil had been on a mission all morning and well into the afternoon. Coincidentally, that was the time it took you to really get the nerve to even begin writing this letter. It was beginning to eat at you too, especially as you continue to reread it and desperately want to make corrections. But you know it also comes from the heart and that means everything.
So you tiptoe across the floor and open your room door. You peer outside into the hallway, looking for signs of anyone. When you don’t see any flashes of white hair nor do you spot Lady, that’s when you make your move. You grasp the letter and you walk a little further down the hallway, finding Vergil’s room door.
It’s silent save for the beating of your heart and the rushing of blood in your ears. It’s so frightening because you have this sinking suspicion that he’s going to find your letter and he’s going to toss it away. He’ll probably laugh at your sad attempt to write the literary man some kind of pathetic poetry. He won’t even look at you anymore after this, prompting him to ask Dante to kick you out.
You almost lose your nerve again when you crouch down to slide the letter under the door. Just as you’re getting back up, you notice someone is in the hallway with you. As you turn around, you come face-to-face with the man in question. Vergil cocks an eyebrow when his gaze meets yours. Your heart nearly stops as you try to come up with the right thing to say.
“Can I help you with something?” He asks, a ghost of a smirk on his face.
You shake your head, “N-no…”
You scurry away; you feel like you could faint. This was all so intense and you couldn’t believe you actually slid the letter under the door. He was seconds away from reading your confession. Seconds away from reading the contents of your heart. You couldn’t even think straight as you managed to hide yourself in your room.
For a few moments, you dive right under the covers and hide from the world. You try to convince yourself that your blankets will shield you from the rejection that is sure to come from this. And it keeps you safe and hides your tears as you feel them sliding down your cheeks. You were almost certain that Vergil wouldn’t even be the slightest bit interested in you.
Oh but you were so wrong about that. Through time and perseverance, you managed to capture the heart of the eldest Sparda twin. Even the first time he met you, he thought you were the sweetest thing in this world. A ray of sunshine in the darkness that loomed in his heart. He had his eyes on you from the very beginning, something that made his brother tease him to no end. Yet, Dante had swore not to meddle in the love affairs of his twin.
Vergil found your letter immediately as he stepped into his bedroom. He opens it up and reads it, leaning against his now closed door. Tears well up in his eyes as he reads the beautiful poem. You had reached into his chest and stolen his heart. It was almost too much. He wasn't even sure if plain old words could even be considered good enough to tell you how he felt.
After a little while, he decided to just go talk to you. He was beginning to think maybe just being able to be open with one another could help. Vergil knocks on your door, and you’re startled. Was he coming to reject you? You take a deep breath once more and open the door for him. His eyes widen when he takes in the sight of you.
“I…I…” he starts, but can’t even continue.
You gasp as he pushes you into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. His large hands cup your face and he pulls you in for the most passionate kiss you’ve ever felt in your life. It’s soft and sweet, but there’s a lingering hunger in it. 
“My love,” he says between heated kisses. “Your words have ignited a fire in my heart.”
You gasp when you feel his large hand enveloping yours and placing it over his heart. You feel the way it races just for you. Then you two meet in another sweet kiss, but the hunger lingers in this one as well. He guides you towards the bed, and within too much fuss, he begins to undress you. It’s slow and passionate, and you don’t feel pressured at all.
He tenderly spreads your legs, watching you through hooded eyes. You’re so beautiful like this. The soft lighting of your room makes you look almost like a painting. He then leans in to kiss your lips once more, making you feel lightheaded and breathless. Your eyes meet his gaze and he smirks as he begins removing his gloves. Then you let out a soft moan as his bare hands massage your thighs.
“May I taste you, beloved?”
Your heart skips a beat, but you manage to squeak out a “yes”. Vergil smirks at you, but it’s a genuine smirk. Then he spreads your legs, lowering himself onto his stomach between them. The smell of you makes him a little dizzy as he leans in to taste you. The moment his tongue touches your folds, he knows he’s done for.
He’s not ready to let you go.
Long languid laps of his tongue from your hole to your clit have you squirming beneath him. His name falls from your lips in soft pants and desperate little mewls. Vergil has never felt more hard in his entire life. This was all new, and yet there was a familiarity to it all. He wonders how he could have ever pulled himself from Nero’s mother if this is what it was to pleasure her.
He manages to push those thoughts away and focus solely on you. Just the sight of you being pleasured was enough to make him grunt against your wet skin. Your whole body feels warm, your eyes are rolled back in your head and your chest heaves as you pant to catch your breath.
“You are mine, my darling. All mine.”
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howlingday · 1 year
New Day, Same Age
Papa Arc: Don't be rude, Jaune. Go on and say hi.
Jaune: Um, h-hi, sir. I'm... I'm Jaune Arc.
Ghira: Nice to meet you, Jaune. This is my daughter, Blake. Say hi, Blake.
Blake: (Hides behind his leg)
Ghira: Ha ha... She's shy.
Jaune: (Walks closer) Um, hi. I'm Jaune Arc.
Blake: (Peeks out) Blake.
Jaune: (Smiles) Nice to meet you, Blake.
Blake: (Steps out) Nice to meet you, too...
Blake: Jaune?
Jaune: Blake?
Blake: Can I sleep with you tonight? There's a thunderstorm, and...
Jaune: You're scared?
Blake: Mhm.
Jaune: Um, okay. (Blake climbs in) Um, what should I do?
Blake: Do?
Jaune: Yeah. You need my help, so what should I do.
Blake: Just... stay with me. I... I need a friend.
Jaune: Okay... I'll be here for you... Blake.
Blake: Where's Jaune?!
Kali: Blake, stay in your room.
Blake: But Jaune is missing!
Kali: Jaune is fine, sweetie. Him and his daddy had to go back home. Just... stay in your room.
Blake: But... we didn't say bye...
Kali: I know, kitten, but you need to be in your- Oh no... Blake, go to your room! (Runs)
Blake: Mommy? Mommy, what's- (Explosion, Covers ears)
Kali: Oh no...
Blake: (Looks up, Sees flaming ship sinking)
Blake: ...Jaune.
Jaune: ...Blake? ...Dad?
Papa Arc: Oh, so I'm less important than your little friend, Blake, huh? Heh heh heh...
Jaune: Dad? Where- Urp! (Throws up over)
Papa Arc: Yeah, guess you ain't much for boats, huh?
Jaune: Where are we?
Papa Arc: Hopefully, close to Mistral. We can get home from there.
Jaune: What about Menagerie?
Papa Arc: ...We can't go back there, Jaune. Not for a long while. There's... There's some bad stuff that'll happen there.
Jaune: But Blake! She- Urp! (Throws up)
Papa Arc: Easy, son. Blake'll be fine. People like her out there.
Jaune: But... They don't like us?
Papa Arc: ...Not anymore.
Jaune: ...
Papa Arc: Hey, take a few rations and have some. Should help your belly settle.
Jaune: (Vomits) Ugh... Stupid motion sickness...
Ruby: Uh, is he okay?
Yang: Ah, he'll be fine. Just leave him to it.
Jaune: Ugh... Okay... I should be good. Now, where to first?
Blake: (Passing by) Should head to the courtyard and look around. Get a feel for this place.
Jaune: Hey, thank... you... Huh... Guess she really wanted to look around. Was it just me, or did she look like...? Nah, it couldn't be.
Blake: It... It can't be....
Jaune: No way... (Touches her hand) Blake?
Blake: Jaune! (Hugs him) You're alive! I can't believe it's really you!
Jaune: (Pushes her away) I can't believe it's you! It's been so long!
Blake: I thought you were dead! The Sea of Fire! I thought-
Jaune: Sea of Fire? What are you-
Blake: (Hugs him again) I thought you were dead. I... I missed you so much.
Jaune: (Hugs Blake, Rubs her back) I missed you, too... Blake...
Jaune: Blake? What's...?
Blake: Can I... sleep with you tonight? I know it's not like when we were kids, and it's your dorm, but-
Jaune: Come on in. Uh, but keep your voice down. The rest of the team is asleep.
Blake: Okay... I see you still have your onesie.
Jaune: Heh, what can I say? It grew on me?
Blake: More like stretched. (Snickers with Jaune)
Pyrrha: Mngh...
Jaune: (Covers mouth) C'mon. (Lays down)
Blake: (Climbs in)
Jaune: I didn't think there'd be thunderstorm way out here.
Blake: There isn't. (Snuggles) I just missed you so much.
Jaune: (Smiles) I missed you, too.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 1 year
Teased (Alex Blake x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Alex decides it’s her time to do some teasing
Words: 4.2k
Warnings: 18+, bondage, mommy kink, praise kink, teasing, edging, swearing, begging
AN: This is a follow up to Matched but could be read as a standalone.
“Good girl.”
Your eyes darted over to Alex, widening when you saw the smirk on her face. All you’d done was find the missing snooker ball nestled in the grass just feet away from the body left on display in the park. Every single body in this case had one. Still, any chance Alex could, she would praise you to see the way your eyes would darken and your pretty mouth would fall open.
It was the power of knowing she was able to make the fire ignite in your veins with so little effort.
Her hand on your waist gently moved you back. Crouching with the evidence bag, she knew you were watching her, your gaze like a heated caress over her skin. She liked that, knowing she captured your attention so easily. There was something so sexy about knowing she was desired.
“You’ve done well,” she said, as she rose.
Your lip was between your teeth as you stared at her. Her fingers brushed against the back of your hand. There was a part of her wanting more, loving the response she got from you when she touched you.
“Thanks, Alex,” you said, voice soft, just for her, the pride in it so obvious to her.
Over the last few weeks she’d been discovering all the ways you could say her name. Her favourite was the way you’d whine it as she was teasing you mercilessly, refusing to let you cum until you were a writhing mess for her. That level of control was addictive. Having so much control over your body made her want nothing more than to never let you leave her bed.
“I think this guy might be working out of one of the ranches,” Spencer said, approaching you both.
You sprung away from her, turning your eyes back to the horizon. She let her gaze linger on you before turning to Reid. He was still glancing over his shoulder, looking at the road behind him.
The two of you had agreed to not let the rest of the team know yet. Not that she was sure there was anything to tell them. Two people sleeping together didn’t make it a relationship, no matter how easily you could turn her to a melted emotional mess. She knew her feelings, but not yours. She didn’t want to bring it up, knowing it could mean the ending of what little she already had.
Because for her, it wasn’t just the sex, although she was greatly enjoying that. It was all of it. The way you’d always bring her coffee. The way you looked at her when she was curled up in bed reading. The way cooked her dinner. The way you complimented her. The way you seemed to see all of her.
“What makes you say that?” she asked but she only half listened to his answer, nodding along.
With her sunglasses on, she could watch you. You still weren’t looking at either of them, but your fingers tapped against your thigh. She knew that sign. She knew that rhythm. You were trying to stop thinking about her between your thighs.
She was also thinking about getting between your thighs.
“I’ll call Garcia on the way,” Spencer said, bringing her back to the conversation.
You were still staring out, your mind a millions miles away. She chuckled, wandering up to you.
“Boo,” she whispered in your ear.
You jumped, spinning around to look at her. Clearly you weren’t expecting her to still be so close, stumbling back a step. Her hand shot out, catching you before you tripped over a rock nestled in the grass. She dragged you closer, out of harms way, and she could see your eyes flicker to her lips. This would, typically, be the moment she would kiss you if company was not present.
“We’re heading back,” she said.
“Ah, right, yes, good,” you replied.
She placed her hand on the small of your back, guiding you back towards Spencer and the car. Relegated to the backseat, her eyes kept seeking you out in the rearview mirror. Your eyes were always waiting for her.
The precinct was busy when you returned. Alex did not appreciate the way you were dragged off immediately upon walking through the doors, wanting to reach out and drag you back to her. She did, however, appreciate watching you hold court with the police officers, so in charge of the room. Pride welled in her chest watching you so in command.
That sent heat over her skin.
Even when you weren’t trying, you managed to make desire curl in her stomach. You were nothing but temptation to her. It had been so long since she’d felt like that, like a horny teenager who wants nothing but sex. But it was only directed at you. It was as if no one else existed.
It felt like you were always the only one in the room.
She waited until you were sitting at the table, staring up at the map on the board, before she approached you again. Her hand rested on the back of your chair, leaning forward as she placed a cup of coffee in front of you. You looked up, smiling so brightly it made her heart thump loudly in her ears.
“Thank you,” you said, your voice so soft, so intimate.
“You’re going to need to keep your energy up,” she replied, waiting for the moment your eyes would dip down her body. It was like an automatic reaction with you.
Your eyes darkened when you saw the small amount of lace peeking out from her shirt, viewable from your position as she lent over. She’d been so inspired by how many lingerie sets you had that she wanted to show you something pretty too.
“Alex,” you groaned, eyes trained on her chest.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“You can’t do this to me,” you said, still not looking her in the eye.
“Can’t do what?”
With her finger she tilted your chin up until you were looking her in the face.
“Use your words, sweetheart,” she said, “or I can’t help you.”
“You’re teasing me,” you said, “Alex, you’re doing this on purpose.”
“Aren’t I allowed to have some fun, sweet girl?” Her thumb brushed over your bottom lip.
“Alex,” you whined.
“Be a good girl and I might let you see exactly what I’m wearing under these clothes,” she said, letting you go.
She liked the way you watched her walk out of that room, equal parts stunned and needy. She knew that look. It was the one you tended to give her before she found something wonderful to taste. She found herself to often giving in to you. She couldn’t help herself. Not when you gave her those eyes.
She gave you a while to yourself, part of her hoping you would manage to get yourself under control and part of her hoping you wouldn’t. She wanted to make you such a needy mess you were begging her to drag you into a cupboard and fuck you. She loved when you begged.
Returning back to the table, she sat down across from you, legs spread as she rested her chin in her palm. Leaning back, she let her eyes sweep over you for a moment before returning her attention to Hotch. You had been looking at her from under lowered lashes, bottom lip caught between teeth in the way that she always wanted to mimic. You always made such a delicious noise when her teeth sunk into your lip.
It was clear that you had stopped paying attention. Alex could feel you watching her and more than once you missed a direct question being asked of you. The sun was still high in the sky outside and Alex felt her stomach rumble.
“Sorry guys, I think I’m just a bit tired,” you said after the third missed question.
“How about we go and get some lunch, try and get your head back in the game?” she suggested.
Your eyes dragged over to her, getting stuck on her legs. You nodded, visibly swallowing as she shifted backwards in her chair, pelvis pushing forward. She rose from the chair, holding her hand out to pull you from your own chair. She let her thumb graze against the pulse pounding in your wrist as she withdrew her hand. She could see when your breath stuttered in your chest.
Sitting beside you in a diner, it was easy for her hand to find your thigh. The way her hand slowly dragged upwards had your legs falling open again. She paused, just before reaching the apex of your thighs, fingers pressing into the bruise she knew was right there. Your sharp inhale was like music to her ears.
With careful hands she brushed your hair over your shoulder, leaning forward. Her breath ghosted over your skin.
“When I get you back to the hotel, you better be a good girl for me,” she said, “I have so much planned for you, my darling, but you have to be good. I wouldn’t want it all to go to waste.”
She could feel you shift in your seat.
“I’ll be good, mommy,” you replied.
“That’s my sweet girl.”
Getting up from the table, she had to suppress her smile at your answering whine with the loss of her touch. On the walk back to the precinct, she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Your fingers grazed the back of her hand. She chose to ignore it, knowing that would make you only more desperate for her attention.
Which explained how she’d gotten into this position in the first place, if she was being honest.
For the rest of the afternoon you kept trying to get her attention. Sliding coffees over to her, the brush of fingers along her shoulder, saying her name in that tone of voice that had desire curling in her stomach. She loved the sound of her name on your tongue.
But she held strong, not giving you an inch, knowing you’d take a mile if she did. She focused on the case, knowing the sooner they caught the man, the sooner she could have you alone in a hotel room.
And of course Spencer was right. The unsub had been working out of one of the ranches, and Garcia was able to track down which one.
Which led to her cornering you on the jet as you made yourself another cup of coffee to survive the flight home.
“Do you want one?” you asked, looking up at her with a tired smile on your face.
“I suppose I’d better if I plan on doing all I want to do to you when we get home.”
The tired slope of your shoulders straightened, interest entering your eyes.
“I thought that was just for the hotel,” you said.
“I can have you wherever I want,” she replied, letting her eyes sweep over your body, “unless you’re too tired, sweet girl.”
“No, I-“ You knocked over the mug.
She chuckled, leaning across your body to right it. Your eyes had widened and you looked so sweet it was a struggle to keep herself from leaning forward and capturing your lips in a searing kiss. She dreamed of a day when she might be allowed to do such a thing. When it was more than a dirty secret for the two of you.
She wasn’t sure you’d ever want that.
“Please let me come home with you,” you whispered, ducking your head.
“Whatever my sweet girl wants my sweet girl gets,” she replied.
“Thank you, mommy.” Your voice was so quiet she almost missed it. She glanced over her shoulder, making sure no one had been close enough to hear your quiet discussion. They were up the other end of the plane, leaving the two of you to relative privacy.
“I have something new I think you’ll enjoy, sweetheart,” she murmured.
Your eyes lit up and she saw you trying to suppress a grin. Her fingers gently grazed the top of your jeans, pressing against the warmth of your stomach.
“Just have to be patient a little longer,” she said, “then mommy will take care of you.”
You nodded and when you passed her a cup of coffee it was with a secretive smile.
Upon landing she specifically got into the other car from you. You’d kept shooting her glances on the jet and if she was going to do what she’d planned she needed a moment alone to collect herself. You’d almost pouted at her through the glass of the SUV you were sitting in when you noticed. She was sure she could make you a whiny mess before you even arrived at her house.
It was easy enough to engineer a reason for her to hang back after you’d left, shooting you a text that she’d been held up. You’d sent back a picture of you pouting with your shirt off. It was cute, your attempts to tempt her. It didn’t hurt that it worked.
She didn’t bother warning you that she was on her way, wanting to find out what you’d been doing in her absence. She was glad she had.
“Aw, are you that desperate for me, sweet girl?” she asked.
Your hand stilled in your underwear as your eyes snapped open. She lent on the doorframe, letting her eyes linger on the place between your legs where your fingers had been having fun from the noises you’d been making.
“Go on, sweetheart,” she said, “I’m enjoying the show.”
You were slow to start up again, hesitant while her eyes were on you. She waited, not backing down. She knew the moment your fingers found your clit, the noise you made like music to her ears. She maintained eye contact as she stalked towards you. You moaned her name.
“How about we get you out of these garments?” she suggested, “let mommy see how gorgeous you are.”
You let her pull the pretty lingerie from your body, helpless to her touch. Her fingers curled around your ankles, pulling your legs apart, tongue dragging over her lower lip as she let her gaze settle on your slick heat.
“Want you, mommy,” you whined, reaching out to her.
“I think you’re doing a fine job on your own,” she replied.
“Please,” you whined again.
“You couldn’t wait for me, sweetheart. You don’t really need me.”
“I do,” you said, hands still reaching towards her.
Her own hands were keeping your legs pinned to the bed. You sat up, trying to tug out of her hold. She tightened her grip, tilting her head to the side, freezing you in your tracks.
“You’ve been teasing me all day, Alex,” you said, “you said you’d take care of me.”
“Only if you were good, sweetheart,” she said.
“I’ve been good,” you whined.
“You couldn’t even wait for me to get home, darling girl,” she said, “that’s not very good.”
“Just needed you so much,” you said.
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?”
You nodded, “of course.”
“Then you’ll take my punishment without complaint.”
She let your ankles go, straightening up as she sauntered towards her wardrobe. You waited, like the good girl she knew you were deep down. Returning, your eyes widened with what was in her hands.
“Do you remember the safe word, sweetheart?” she asked as she grabbed your ankle again.
“Uh huh,” you said at the click of the lock.
“I need you to tell me what it is, darling,” she said, grabbing the other ankle.
“Donut,” you said.
She looked down at your legs spread, chained to the bed, keeping them held open. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth, clearly not breathing.
“Good girl,” she said, finger running through your folds, feeling how wet you were.
She popped her finger into her mouth, rounding the bed with the taste of your arousal on her tongue. She took your arm, pulling it above your head. You willingly gave her the other one, the cuffs leaving you on display for her.
She took a moment, just appreciating the view of you bound for her, unable to move. You whined, straining against the restrains. She merely chuckled.
Her hand ghosted over your body, stopping for a moment between your breasts. She climbed onto the bed, straddling your waist, enjoying seeing her clothed thigh next to your bare skin. With a featherlight touch, she began to circle both your nipples, already hard in the cool air. You arched up, whining when the restraints kept you from rising as far as you wanted.
“Just relax, sweetheart,” she murmured, leaning forward, “I’ve got you.”
You were always so responsive to her. When her lips wrapped around one hardened nipple, you gasped. You moaned when she began to suck. You whimpered when she sat back, admiring the beginning of her work. There was nothing so lovely as mirroring her work on her other breast.
You squirmed underneath her, trying to get more from her. She sighed into your skin, teeth sinking into the flesh of your breast. You tasted so delicious, she could spend hours just dragging her tongue over every inch of your skin. It wasn’t as if you were in a position to distract her from that mission.
She took her time, feeling you beginning to tremble underneath her. But this was your punishment for not being able to wait for her to get home. She was going to savour you, not just give in to your desires as she usually did. You could hold on a little longer.
Finding the heat between your thighs, she could see how much you wanted her. You were dripping.
She groaned at the taste of you. Your breath caught in your throat, your answering moan cutting off. She knew she would never grow tired of your taste. Nor the feeling of you pressing against her.
There was something so joyful about brining you right to the edge then kissing back up your body. She would blame it on how tempting your tits were, just begging for her attention. And they really were, so tempting to her.
You were a writhing mess underneath her, pinned to the bed and unable to stop her from her continual teasing. You were begging her, your words garbled and nonsensical, but your desperation clear as day.
“You’re going to be good and patient for me from now on, aren’t you sweetheart?” She murmured against the soft skin of your inner thigh.
“Yes, mommy, please, I need…” You trailed off as she decided there should be a pretty bruise on your skin, “need you.”
“I’ve been here all night, my darling,” she said when she was done, admiring her handy work.
“Alex,” you whined.
“We’ve been over this before. Use your words, sweetheart.”
“Need to cum,” you whined, “please, mommy.”
Who was she to deny you when you asked so nicely?
You cried out when her mouth found your cunt again, pressing forward, tongue lapping at you. You made such pretty noises for her, still begging her. She hummed, turning her licks soft, coaxing you back to the edge. There was nothing about you she didn’t enjoy, nothing about this moment that wasn’t perfect to her.
When you fell over the edge, you tensed, before trembling uncontrollably. She considered continuing, dragging another from you but you were gasping and shaking and straining against the restraints. She licked you clean before sitting back on her heels, looking down at you.
“You did so well for me, sweetheart,” she said, “you’re wonderful. Took your punishment like such a good girl.”
“‘Lex,” you mumbled.
“Let’s get you out of these, huh,” she said.
“Kiss first?” you asked.
She crawled up your body, giving you a soft kiss. You sighed into her mouth, eyes fluttering closed. You whined when she drew back but she merely chuckled, reaching up to removed the cuffs from around your wrists. You tried to snag her before she could reach your ankles.
“One more,” you mumbled against her lips.
She’d always had trouble saying no to you.
You crawled into her lap the moment she let your ankles go. She wrapped her arms around you, pressing kisses to the top of your head. You sighed against her neck, melting against her. She loved when you were soft like that, clinging to her, not wanting to let her go.
“Do you want to shower, sweetheart?” she asked.
“I’m not sure I can stand right now,” you chuckled.
“Bath it is.”
She stood, lifting you with her. You squealed, arms curled around her neck tightly. She sat you on her lap as she ran the bath, fingers trailing over your skin, murmuring your praises into your ear. You kept pressing soft kisses to the skin you could reach, featherlight but it still made her heart skip a beat.
She lowered you into the hot water, the steam curling around your body. You relaxed back, letting her drag the cloth over your body to ease your muscles. You reached out to her, hovering close to her thigh, but not quite making contact.
“What is it, darling?” she asked.
“You’re still dressed,” you said, pouting up at her, “and I didn’t get to touch you.”
“Tonight was about you, sweetheart,” she said, “I didn’t spend all day teasing you for me.”
“So you were teasing me,” you said, sounding put out.
“Of course I was,” she laughed.
“You promised I could see what you’re wearing under your clothes.”
“I suppose I did,” she said, standing up.
With slow fingers she began to unbutton her shirt. Your eyes were trained on her, slowly darkening as she saw more of the black lace underneath. She shrugged the shirt off at the same time as her blazer, kicking away the pile of clothes. Bending forward, she unzipped her boots, pulling them off and putting them to one side.
When she stood up again she found your eyes feasting on her. Warmth spread through her. She wasn’t sure anyone had looked at her the way you did. Like you couldn’t believe you were so lucky to be there with her. Like there was nothing else in the universe. Like there was nothing you wanted more than her.
Pushing her slacks down her legs, it was the perfect time to regain her own composure. If she wasn’t careful she’d fuck you in the bath, and she needed to take care of you now, not let her own desires run wild.
“Do you like it, darling?” she asked, after straightening up and letting you look at her.
“You’re so beautiful,” you breathed, eyes wide.
“Stop it.” She felt her cheeks flush.
“So gorgeous,” you said.
She hadn’t expected to feel so self conscious in front of you. She’d picked out the set, expecting you to find her sexy or hot, not beautiful. She wasn’t sure how to respond to it.
“Alex.” You were holding your hand out to her, “I wish you saw yourself the way I saw you.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, sitting on the side of the bath again.
“You’re amazing. Inside and out. Really Alex,” you said, “I’ve always thought so.”
“You have?”
“I know this is just, I don’t know, friends with benefits or just sex for you, but I don’t think it’s fair for me not to tell you that I have feelings for you,” you said, looking up at her from the water.
“That’s just the orgasm talking,” she said, laughing off the hope.
“Wasn’t the orgasm talking all day. Or last Tuesday. Or before we began sleeping together,” you said, “I want to be your girlfriend. Not just your sex partner.”
“You… want to be mine?” she asked, “in every way?”
“I do.” You were looking up at her with those big sincere eyes.
“But you can do so much better,” finally burst from her.
“I can’t,” you said, voice turning soft, “there is no one better than you, Alex.”
She let herself look down at you, taking in every ounce of honesty in your face. Her fingers gently brushed against your cheekbone. You smiled up at her, not even an ounce of self consciousness at telling her your feelings.
“I suppose that would make me your girlfriend then,” she said, “if you’re sure.”
You surged out of the water, shocking her as she was splashed. She spluttered but then you were kissing her and she forgot about the water soaking her skin.
“Are you sure?” she asked when you finally drew back.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” you replied.
You kissed her again until she was dragged into the bath, lingerie and all. She couldn’t even care when she had you, officially, in every way that mattered. It was worth the money spent.
Tags: @trippol-threat​​​​​​​ @theclassicgaycousin​​​​​​​ @prentiss-theorem​​​​​​​ @nightmarish-fae​​​​​​​ @storiesofsvu​​​​​​​ @rustyzebra​​​​​​​ @emsmultiverse​​​​
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bellamyblake · 4 months
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Fine by dusk
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Smut, Angst, A/busive Relationships, veteran Bellamy working construction, Nurse Clarke;
Words: 15,415
Bellamy and his contruction crew are hired to fix the Griffin manor's back porch and garden. Clarke's stuck in an abusive marriage with Finn who's dream is to have the perfect family life so he could rise through the ranks, become mayor, then perhaps even senator and he doesn't care what he has to do to get it. Meanwhile Clarke feel sad and uncertain of what is even happening to her anymore. That is until she lays eyes on Bellamy Blake.
Bellarke Christmas exchange, written for @dark-scape
"I love it." she admitted "Used to want to go to art school."
"Why didn't you?" she shrugged and looked down at their hands that were so close to each other that all she wanted to do was take his fingers in hers and never let go of them.
"I don't know...mom wanted me to go to medschool and I did grow to love being a nurse."
"But your true passion is drawing?" she hummed and he picked up her chin with his hand, putting their faces really close to each other again. "You should keep up with it."
"I only started drawing again recently." she didn't tell him it had all to do with him but judging by the cocky smile he got on his face, he read right through her.
"Oh yeah? Was there any reason why?"
"I got inspired again." she admitted and decided to tease him as she pushed closer and now their noses touched while her hand reached over to his middle where she put the stethoscope earlier. He reached to put his beer aside and take his leg off the table too, coming in even closer to her. Two could play this game and she was intent to show him that.
"By what?" he asked and she smiled as she snuck her hand under his shirt for a brief moment and grazing his ribs with her nails. His stomach jumped, so did his dick in his pants that were getting really thight for him.
"I have no idea." she said innocently as she pulled away and made his breath hitch again. "What about you? Any passions?" she picked up the plates from the table and went to the sink where she threw away whatever was left in them and turned the water on. Bellamy wasn't stupid-he understood the signs clearly, she wanted this as much as he did and they were simply fooling around right now, playing their game.
He got on his feet and limped to the counter where he leaned on it from behind and trapped her so that she couldn't move. He leaned into her ear and whispered.
"War. I've always been good at it." he admitted. Her breath hitched and she dropped the plate she was holding as the water kept beating on it. When he pushed a bit harder from behind her, rubbing his half-hard dick against her butt, she gasped and he reached to tuck a strand of hair fallen on her cheek, behind her ear. "That and...history. Writing. I like that."
"So you're a writer?"
"Used to be. Overtime I just got better at holding a rifle as I said. Some people may find it to be fucked up but..." he let his hand fall to her side and he quickly snuck it under her arm, so he'd be able to cup her breasto over her thin shirt and make her move on her toes and press hard against his body.
"It isn't." she looked back at him and he smiled at her as he looked down on her. With his good hand he reached out and turned the tap off, then he placed it on her lower stomach, close to her crotch and pushed her harder against his body, rubbing his dick up and down her crack a little without breaking eye-contact with her. "Maybe you should pick it up again." she offered, gasping for it. Her hand flew to his wrist, desperate to hold onto something and he just smiled devilishly again. She hadn't felt that hot and aroused in...maybe ever, she was already pathetically dripping in her panties, so bad, she just wanted to touch herself and his cock pressing against the crack of her ass made it worse despite the fact that it was all happening with their clothes on.
"I don't know...I found a new hobby lately. I think you and I share it." he whispered as his other hand worked to find her nipple and pinch it between his fingers while his other hand went lower to cup her crotch through her jeans. She wasn't sure if he could feel the wetness there already but his eyes widened a little which meant he probably could.
"What's that?"
"Undressing at the window every night and making me go crazy about you." he whispered before he finally leaned down and kissed her.
Clarke lost any ground she had and almost collapsed in his arms-this felt like nothing she's ever done. His lips were so soft against hers and his tongue didn't just move uncomfortably in her mouth, desperate to do something like Finn's did, no...he just kissed her slowly, wanted to become one with her and allowed her the chance to also take charge if she wanted, which she did.
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brunossan · 6 months
Part 3: Jaune and The Girls
*in the Last Episode, Jaune Arc discovered that Witches have a way to find their mates by seeing a certain light in someone's eyes. Now, this Witch Hunter apprentice is The mate of 4 Witches: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee.*
*Now, The Narrator is gonna let Jaune tell How he is right now. After all, in The time of this AU, one week has passed.*
Jaune: Hum... I am supposed to read something?
*no, Jaune. Just Tell me, How this week has been.*
Jaune: Oh! Its... Been great. Im living pretty well actually.
*So They are treating you well?*
Jaune: I mean... In their own way. *Blushes.*
*If you do not feel ashamed, Tell me. How They are with you?*
Jaune: Can i Tell in Order? *The Narrator nods* Ok. I Will start with Ruby. She is gentle, kind and Very cute. And she loves weapons. Like, a lot!
flashback on
Ruby: Here, right here. *She shows her scythe to Jaune, focusing on The Blade* You see? Its getting blind.
Jaune: Blind?
Ruby: It means The Blade is getting Weaker. But with my Magic, i can revigorate It. *she uses her wand and The Blade is shining like New* See? Good as New!
Jaune: That's Very cool!
Flashback off
Jaune: And that night i discovered that It also affects organic things.
flashback on
Jaune: *panting, no clothes on bed* Ruby... Please... No more... Its been 6 times already... The others are gonna get angry...
Ruby: *on top of him, with a grinning Smile* Well, I was the one to bring you here. And I convinced Yang that you would Last The entire night in my First time so...
*she Takes her wand and touches The tip of his Dick with It. Without any further Warning, The massive dong rises again, Ruby smiling in a pervert way, while Jaune looks terrified.*
Ruby: Get ready for more 4 rounds of riding.
Flashback off
Jaune: Yeah... Ruby can be cute and kind. But in bed... I must pray to survive her lusy.
*And The other girls?*
Jaune: Oh, yeah. Well, Blake is like a cat. She is serious, acts like Nothing matters but... She has a Very cute and needy Side too.
Flashback on
Jaune: Is that... Cat ears?
Blake: Yep. *Reading an erotic book, sitting by his Side in The couch* I use to hide them in a bow, as Its a way Witch Hunters finds either Witches like me or Familiars.
*Jaune looks at her cat ears, an urge growing Inside of him. Blake notices his looks, grabbing its hand and putting it in her Head.*
Blake: Listen. If you ever Tell anyone that i like being petted, i Will turn you into a Frog And dissecate you. Got It?
Jaune: ... I got It.
Blake: Good. Now you can pet me.
*Jaune moves his Hand in Blake's Head, patting her. The Black haired girl then lets a small and cute purr, while clinging in The Blonde one*
Blake: You know, you have a good talent with hands.
Jaune: I was the best at polishing armors and giving massages in The academy.
Blake: Massages? *She lays in his lap, letting her back visible to him, smiling in a smug way* The girls Will take her time to Go back, so How about you give me a special massage?~
*Jaune gulps, as he looks at her back and butt. He looks around, trying to see If They are truly alone. Suddenly, his neck is pulled by a Black cat tail, making him get on top of Blake's back, his crotch near her butt. She smiles as she feels his bulge grows beetween her buttcheeks*
Blake: Oh, so you are Anxious for that~
Flashback off
Jaune: Blake is The boldest of them all. And likes to take risks. Different of Weiss. Weiss is... A princess. She is Very bossy and its on Command of everything. But there's The thing. She... Knows How to motivate everyone.
Flashback on.
*Jaune is swordfighting with Weiss in The forest, The girl overpowering him with its Rapier. Suddenly, with a fast cut, Weiss disarmed him, slicing its rusty armor in half. Jaune drops his Sword, putting his hand up*
Jaune: I surrender.
Weiss: Good. *she makes her Sword disappear* Its Very rare for a Witch Hunter to surrender.
Jaune: Im not totally a Witch Hunter, you know.
Weiss: Yes That's why i Said It, dolt. *she cleans her hands*. You need to improve If you wanna have a chance against me. Or anyone.
Jaune: I got it... *He turns around, going towards The house.*
Weiss: Where are you going?
Jaune: Im tired. I wanna rest. *he bumps into an Ice wall* ouch!
Weiss: You are not tired. I can Sense it. Come here and Tell me what's wrong.
Jaune: Im saying im Fine! Its not enough?
*Weiss opens its arms, Jaune dont understanding any of this. Suddenly, an Ice Pillar pushes him towards her, The girl embracing The taller One in a gentle hug.*
Jaune: W-weiss what are you doing? *He asks as he blushes, his Head in her chest*
Weiss: People used to treat you harsh, right? And your calming mechanism... Was hiding. Lying that you are tired Just for staying alone... *She touches his hair, stroking it.* And crying.
Jaune: I dont cry. Im Fine.
Weiss: Jaune... *She pulls him down, making him knee* You know that a week has passed and The light didnt faded away, right?
Jaune: ... Yeah.
Weiss: So dont be afraid of crying on my shoulder when you want to. Ok? You are my mate, our mate. And... I wont think you are weak If you show me your feelings.*
*Jaune Arc stopped resisting The hug and started letting himself be embraced by Weiss arms, all while sunking its Head in her shoulders and, in silence, letting The tears flow. Weiss stroked his hair, while thinking that Maybe They werent so different after all.*
Flashback off
Jaune: I like that she is The Ice Witch but gives me The warmest hugs. Even in bed. Her favourite position is anyone where she can hold in me. In my opinion, i think she is The most clingy.
*I see that your Relationship with them has improved. But i have a question for you. And Yang? You still didnt talked about her.*
Jaune: Oh. Yang. Of course. Well... She is... Difficult. Very difficult. I dont think she likes me much. In fact we still didnt did... Anything. *Sigh* I still think she wants to Crush me.
*I as The Narrator knows everything. However, i cant Tell you much. All i can Tell to you its to be patient. Because you still need to Dig deeper Into her Heart.*
Jaune: Can you give me some advice?
*Unfortunally, only on next episode. Also, If someone wants to know something more about this séries, The Askbox and The comments are always open. See you later.*
*To be Continued...*
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Touch of Your Hand
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Emily Prentiss x Alex Blake x reader warnings: language, smut, teasing, dirty talk, sexting, sending nudes, phone sex, masturbation, mommy kink, daddy kink, fingering, oral. Covers the "dirty talk/sexting" square for bingo! And yes... there are more of this collection coming. Technically a follow up to THIS piece, but can be read as a standalone.
Emily was so hellbent on getting out of work clothes and into bed she didn’t even hear the beep of the hotel lock as she tossed her pants in the direction of her go bag, letting out a happy groan when she finally took off her bra.
“Oh god!” Alex’s voice broke through the silence of the room, “I’m so sorry.” She shielded her eyes right before turning around and Emily let out a bark of a laugh.
“Would you relax.” She chuckled, picking up a tank top, “or did you forget we were naked in my bed less than twenty four hours ago?”
Alex’s cheeks tinged pink, a tingle running through her body at the memories that began to float through her brain. “I guess you’re right.” She laughed softly, turning back around to find Emily now in the tank top, the hem of it barely meeting the waistband of her panties as she dropped down onto her bed.
“I’m gonna call y/n quick.” She gestured with her phone as she leant back against the headboard and Alex stilled in her movement.
“Oh, I can… take a walk?”
“Not that kind of phone call Blake.” Emily laughed, “I’m just saying goodnight, it’ll be super quick.”
“Alright.” Alex chuckled, folding her blazer over the back of a chair before she quickly changed into pyjamas and ducked around the corner into the bathroom to brush her teeth and give Emily a bit of privacy for the phone call.
The phone rang against Emily’s ear only twice before you picked up, “Hi baby.”
“Hey. Just calling to check in, say goodnight.”
“But it’s early.” You practically whined back and she chuckled.
“It’s almost midnight in DC.” Emily replied while checking her watch.
“Yeah, I meant for you. Besides, I’m off tomorrow. I was kinda hoping for playtime.”
“Princess…” she warned, practically hearing your pouting through the phone, “didn’t you get enough last night?”
“I wanna hear you daddy.”
“I’m not alone angel...” She chuckled, her eyes following Alex as the other woman crossed through the room to the other bed.
“Fine.” You huffed, “guess I’ll just have to use my imagination.”
“You better behave…”
“I’ll try.” You giggled and Emily rolled her eyes, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now get some rest.”
“I’ll think about it.” You giggled again and Emily let out a huff.
“Night daddy.” You purred into the phone before hanging up and Emily was left to sigh, dropping the phone back onto the bedspread as Alex let out a small chuckle.
“Sounds like someone’s toeing the line?”
“You think she wouldn’t be so needy after being used like that.”
“Poor girl probably gets lonely when you’re gone.” Alex said with a shrug, “was awfully nice of you to leave your credit card.” Emily laughed at that,
“According to the email I got she’s already racked up quite the tab.”
“Hmm.” She casually picked up her book from the bedside table, fingers sliding through the pages until she found her spot, “must be nice. Wonder if she got anything pretty.”
Emily glanced up from her phone, a brow raised at the other woman whose eyes were directed toward the book in her lap, but the small smirk on her lips told another story.
The low warm glow of light in the bedroom was what you preferred for taking risqué photos, and after your shopping spree and a few glasses of wine, you’d decided that was going to be your plan for the night. Hearing Emily’s voice simply spurred you on even more, wishing that she would’ve stayed on the phone longer, maybe asked what you were wearing like she normally would on longer trips out of state. When she didn’t, you simply huffed, changing into the second set of lingerie to snap a handful of photos to torment her with later down the road. You’d just changed into the third, padding across the bedroom when your phone buzzed on the bed. You glanced towards it with a curious expression on your face, as Emily had stated, it was getting late, there weren’t very many options for who would be texting you at this hour. Scooping it up you swiped open the message, it was a group chat, Emily’s name and a number you didn’t have saved but the same area code, the only message so far from Emily.
‘How was your little shopping trip?’
‘I thought you weren’t alone?’
The next message came in from the unsaved number.
‘Relax darling, mommy just wanted to see if you got anything pretty in green.’
Ah. Alex.
A sly smile on your face as you glanced down at your body, of course you’d just changed into the green set, it was as if these women had some kind of psychic powers. You quickly saved Alex’s contact in your phone, the device buzzing in your hand as you did so.
‘Convenient we happen to be sharing a room this week, isn’t it?’
‘I’ll say.’ 
‘Now sweet girl, would you like to show off?’
‘Yes.’ You quickly typed back, ‘just one second.’
Scrambling back onto the bed you positioned yourself to show off the full set of lingerie, practically pouting toward the camera as you took a handful of shots before switching positions and repeating the process another couple of times. Scanning through them you picked your favourite, double checking you were sending it to the right recipients before hitting send.
‘Naughty girl, you were already doing this before I called, weren’t you?’
‘Sorry daddy. Just wanted to look pretty for you’
‘I do think she looks rather gorgeous.’
‘She does. As long as she asks before touching…’
‘May I?’
‘Go ahead princess. Just remember the rule. You’re only allowed to come around one of our cocks.’
‘And you better show us what you’re doing sweet girl. Go on, play with those pretty tits.’
You pulled the cup of the bra down, revealing your exposed chest to the camera, hands cupping at the flesh, pinching at your nipple as you threw your head back, taking a few more pictures before sending one off. Taking the bra fully off you tossed it to the side, falling back onto the bed and angled yourself into another couple of positions before sharing those pictures as well.
‘Well you were right, green certainly does look good.’
‘Bet you wish we were there to suck on your gorgeous tits, don’t you? Imagine the feeling of both of our mouths on you at once, would drive you wild, wouldn’t it?’
You let out a whine, hands continuing to grope at yourself, pinching your nipples harder than before, wishing there was some way to replicate the feeling of what Alex was suggesting.
‘I do mommy, I really, really do.’
‘Patience princess. We’ll have our way with you when we get back, don’t you worry.’
‘Don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off you darling girl. My mouth may be busy with your tit, sucking it into my lips, biting you hard enough to leave a nice mark so you’ll think of me every time you see it until it fades. But my fingers? They want to feel you, they’ll start to explore your skin, tickling down your body until they’re sneaking under those gorgeous green panties you’ve got on. I’ll rub at your clit softly, watching the way your mouth falls open, a breathy moan leaving you as I press just a little harder. It's no surprise you’re wet already sweet girl, I know how badly you want us, I’m sure you’ve started begging by now, that pretty pussy aching to be touched, for the feeling of my fingers slipping into you while Emily holds your legs spread nice and wide. Thankfully she can keep you pinned down while my hands bring you to your peak over and over until you’re begging me to stop. Go on darling, touch that dripping cunt, I know you want to.’
Alex could feel the other woman’s eyes on her from across the hotel room, glancing up to her, “what?”
“How the fuck are you sending shit like that with a fucking straight face?”
“Figured we were just here to torture the girl, right?” She shrugged.
“I guess.” Emily huffed out a laugh, “I just didn’t expect you of all people to be that good of a sexter.” Alex laughed, turning toward her with a teasing grin.
“I just have a way with words, what can I say?”
“As a linguist, I’m not that surprised, but.. I— er .. Jesus!” She laughed again and Alex cocked a brow in her direction, her head tilting in realization as she watched the pink beginning to creep up the back of the other woman’s neck.
“Is this turning you on Agent Prentiss?”
Emily had never been more happy to hear her phone buzz, letting out a groan at the sight of your hand slipping beneath the waistband of your panties. A moment later it buzzed again, a video clip of your hand moving beneath the fabric and a breathy whine coming from your lips, “please…” Naturally, Alex was much more composed, able to pick up her phone to type out a reply before Emily had even processed your begging fully.
‘Oh sweet girl, tell us what you want. But don’t you dare stop playing with yourself, I want to be able to hear how soaked your pussy is, want to be able to see the mess you make all over those pitiful excuse for panties.’
‘Daddy didn’t get to come last night. Need to hear her.’
Alex glanced up from her phone to catch Emily eyeing her up and she laughed, a dark gleam taking over her eyes before she typed out another message.
‘Well if both of you are alright with it I’m sure I could help out with that.’
‘Princess, you still okay with our sharing rule?’
‘Absolutely. Yes. Please.’
You couldn’t hear it, but both of the women let out a laugh at your eagerness, exchanging a glance, Alex waiting for a nod from the other woman before she stood from her bed, crossing the tiny space in between them and standing over her.
“Give me your phone?”
Emily immediately handed it over, watching as Alex flicked through a couple of screens.
Your phone began to buzz against the bedspread and you let out a frustrated whine at the interruption, your body already prickling with heat, pussy fluttering around nothing.
“Hello?” You hadn’t even bothered to check who it was, at this time was either Emily or work. One would be entertaining; one would be hell.
“Put it on speaker and leave it beside your ear.” Alex’s voice, smooth as silk, came through the speaker and you quickly did as she asked.
“Yes mommy.”
“Good girl.”
“Don’t you forget princess.” Emily’s voice broke through the speaker and you could tell she was already wound up, “you don’t dare come.”
“Yes daddy. I’ll be good. I promise. Swear.”
“For someone who’s not allowed to come you’re certainly eager.” Alex taunted before turning back to the other woman, “as for you… I do think you’re a little overdressed. What do you say sweet girl, should Emily get naked? That way I can see her gorgeous tits?”
“Y-yes. Please!”
Alex nudged Emily back on the bed, crawling between her spread legs as her fingers toyed with the hem of her tank top. There was a murmur of words between them that you couldn’t fully hear, your hand continuing to lazily play with yourself before Alex tugged off the fabric, letting it fall to the bed beside them.
“So fucking pretty.” She murmured, “bet you wish you could have your mouth on them, don’t you darling?”
“Always.” You replied with a whimper.
Alex chuckled softly, her hand wrapping around Emily’s jaw, tilting it to the side so she could have full access to her neck, her lips hitting the base of her jaw and trailing their way across the porcelain skin. Emily couldn’t help but let out a quiet moan at the feeling and the sound made you clench down around nothing. Alex’s lips formed a smirk, testing the waters with a light nip at her pulse point and Emily gasped, her hand shooting up to grab at Alex’s arm before the two fell backwards into the pillows.
“So pretty all laid out for me.” Alex murmured, her hand ghosting up Emily’s stomach before cupping her tit, groping at the flesh and Emily let out another moan, one that made your entire body tingle before she directed her words to the phone. “You’re such a lucky girl darling, having all this be yours? I bet you just can’t keep your hands off daddy, can you?”
“Fuck—” Emily mustered, back arching off the bed as Alex continued to toy with her nipple while her mouth wrapped around the other side, “she really can’t. Oh god… that feels so good.”
“Daddy…” You whined through the phone, earning a chuckle from Alex as she popped off Emily’s nipple.
“You said you wanted to hear her, didn’t you sweet girl?”
“Well then how about you tell me what I should do?” Her fingers pinched at Emily’s nipple again, earning another gasp, “should I just play with these gorgeous tits or should I do something else, hmm? Should I get rid of her panties? Ah… how about…” Her fingers toyed with the hem of her underwear, “I get my hands on her gorgeous pussy I’ll tell you exactly what I’m doing to her and you… you do exactly that to yourself? Be like I’m fucking you too. Would you like that?”
The reply was instant and in pure unison from both Emily and you, pulling a dark chuckle from Alex who leant down to bite into the curve of Emily’s tit once more before she sat up between her legs.
“Are you still wearing your panties?” She asked.
“Mmhmm.” You replied with a whine.
“Time to take them off.” She instructed, her fingers slipping into the waistband of Emily’s underwear, tugging them down her legs and tossing them aside. “And I want picture proof.”
There was a scuffling noise on the other side of the phone and they could both hear your strained breathing as you shifted around before Emily’s phone buzzed, a picture of your legs spread wide for both of them to see.
“Good girl princess.” Emily breathed out, her head dropping back to the bed as Alex’s hands ran up her thighs, spreading her legs open.
“Such pretty pussies, both of you.” Alex murmured and Emily let out a gasp when her hand glided up her cunt, fingers twisting around to fully spread her open. “Now darling, I want you to start to fuck yourself, nice and slow, one finger for now, understand?”
“Yes mommy.”
You settled into the pillows of your bed, your hand sliding down your body, brushing over your clit before you slid one finger into your drenched cunt, letting out a soft moan as you did so.
“Good girl.” Alex praised through the phone, shooting a wicked grin down to Emily who was nearly shivering in anticipation already. A finger sunk into Emily’s heat with ease, wrapped in warm wetness immediately and Emily groaned. Alex’s finger pumped a few times, a small chuckle leaving her lips, “you hear how wet she is darling? I think we should give her more.”
“Yes!” You cried out, knowing you weren’t going to get anywhere without Emily getting off. You quickly added a finger, thrusting them deep into your cunt in a desperate search for your g-spot. You whimpered as the heel of your hand brushed against your clit, hips rocking up off the bed to meet your hand. You needed more, craved more, your hands were almost never enough.
Emily let out a gasp when Alex slipped a second digit into her, curling them perfectly within two thrusts,
“Fuck! Oh god, right there.”
“Play with your tits sweetheart.” Alex directed the command toward the phone as she leant over Emily, sucking a nipple back between her lips while her fingers continued to fuck the other woman. Emily’s breath picked up, her body vibrating under the other woman. Heat was coursing through her, pussy fluttering around Alex’s fingers while her hand tangled into Alex’s hair, holding her to her, encouraging more.
“More.. please.” You whined, one hand pinching at your chest while the other continued to thrust into you.
Alex immediately bit into Emily’s tit, adding a third finger into her cunt, moving her hand faster, resulting in a loud moan from Emily, nothing but soaked sounds leaving her pussy.
“Get the toy.” She gasped out, “oh fuck Alex…” her hand clutched at the bedspread, feeling Alex’s lips form a smirk against her skin, “the pink one that you like so much.” Her words were scattered, split up by laboured breaths, her body thriving against the bed. The two women could hear you scrambling, the sound of a drawer opening before the whir of the clit vibrator started.
“Pretend mommy’s mouth is on you sweet girl.” Alex murmured, her mouth kissing down Emily’s body while her fingers continued their torture and Emily pulsed around her, hips rocking up.
“Oh god!” You gasped as the toy hit your swollen nub, “daddy…need.. need to hear you…”
“Shit!” Emily couldn’t help the outburst when Alex’s lips wrapped around her clit, sucking it into her mouth for her tongue to trace patterns on. “Oh god you’re good at that…”
Alex simply chuckled into her, her fingers curling quicker, pressing into the spongey spot inside her drenched walls while her mouth continued to torment her. Emily tasted divine and Alex almost wished she had more time to devour her, though she knew that there was a high chance something like this would happen again. Her tongue lapped out lower, smearing the other women’s juices across her cunt, truly getting a taste of her and Emily let out a whine at the stilling of her fingers.
“Patience.” She murmured into her pussy, “just want to make you feel good.”
“S— so good…” She moaned back, her hand clutching at the back of Alex’s head. Pleasure was shooting through her, building lower and lower in her gut as fire prickled right under her skin. She knew she was close and she knew Alex could tell. Alex moaned into her, the vibrations making Em’s thighs shake before she licked upwards, her fingers plunging back into her and Emily cried out, “please! Pl- don’t… don’t stop…”
Your whine came through the phone right by Emily’s ear and the sounds of you moaning were just the perfect amount to spur her on. Your little whines and whimpers that you made when you were so fucking needy and desperate to come, the ones usually swallowed by her lips, fingers or cock. The little sounds you made when you needed more, wanted it harder, faster, or to be stuffed so full you’d feel it for a week.
Your fingers moved faster, pumping harder with each thrust and you clicked up the speed on the vibrator held to your clit. Your body was trembling, coated in a sheen of sweat as you climbed higher and higher to your peak, pussy clenching down around your curling fingers. Through the phone you could hear Emily getting louder as she got closer, her vocabulary became more diminished, only broken swears and gasping moans escaping her lips as Alex fucked her with skill. Your eyes scrunched shut as you imagined her, picturing just how gorgeous she would look all spread out and needy for Alex, chest heaving as she attempts to catch her breath. You could scarcely make out Alex’s voice, knowing her mouth was likely rather occupied, urging Emily on, praising her gently, pulling more and more from the other woman with each pump of her fingers.
“I know you’re close.” She purred, “come for me…”
You let out a moan at Alex’s words, the sopping sounds echoing through the phone that you knew were coming from Emily’s pussy and your juices were suddenly dripping down your wrist as your body trembled.
Alex’s mouth latched back around Emily’s clit, sucking hard right as her fingers crooked into the spongey spot inside her and Emily shuddered, her hand shooting to her mouth to muffle her cries as her orgasm washed over her. Her hips jolted up off the bed, pleasure soared through her entire body, tingling down to the tips of her fingers. Alex softly kissed her throbbing clit, pulling a whine from the other woman before her fingers began to slow their pace, fucking Emily through her orgasm. When she was sure her cunt had stopped pulsing around her fingers she slipped them out, sitting up on her knees to suck them clean.
“Holy shit…” Emily muttered and Alex chuckled.
“Feeling better?”
“So fucking much.” She laughed, panting through her words, melting deeper into the bed at the feeling of Alex softly rubbing at her legs, pulling her back down to earth. Emily rolled her head toward the phone, “princess?”
“Yes daddy?” Came the quiet whine and she realized you’d turned the toy off, nothing but the sound of your breathing coming through the speaker.
“You alright?”
“Alright. You did so good for us, you hear me?”
“Such a sweet girl.” Alex purred, “such pretty pictures.”
“I want you to go get a glass of water,” Emily started, slowly still catching her breath, “use that lavender sleep spray you like so much, you need to rest up, okay?”
“Mmhmm.” They could hear your slight groan as you moved from the bed, the sounds of you padding through the house before the sound of you crawling back into bed, stifling a yawn as you did so.
“You tired darling?”
“Yeah.” You yawned once again.
“Shouldn’t stay up so late then.” Alex chided.
“Worth it.” You replied with a small laugh, “thank you for taking care of daddy.”
“Of course sweetheart.”
“Now you get some sleep.” Emily instructed.
“G’night.” You mumbled, yawning once more, causing the other women to chuckle again before there was a click and you were burrowing into the pillows, asleep almost instantly.
“You alright?” Alex asked, her hand still stroking up and down Emily’s leg.
“This is the most relaxed I’ve been on a case in my life.” She laughed, thanking Alex when she shifted on the bed, tossing her the discarded tank top and panties before moving back to the other bed.
“You know she broke a rule, right?”
“Hmm?” She glanced up as she tugged the tank back on and Alex nodded toward the phone.
“You may have been a little…. distracted.” Alex smirked, “but she definitely came… and without even thinking about asking. Looks like you’ve got some punishments to dole out when you get home.”
“You’re the one who caught her, it’s only fair if you get to join in too.”
“Anything you’ve got in mind?” Alex asked, her eyes darkening already.
A sly grin overtook Emily’s lips as a dark chuckle broke free from the other woman, “Oh I’m sure I can think of a few…”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots @overtrred28 @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @heidss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @aws-l @alexusonfire
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callmewrinkles3 · 11 months
Homemade food.
Summary: As the 2022 season begins to draw to a close, Em spends an afternoon trying to look after Dan.
Warnings: mentions of issues around eating and disordered behaviours.
October 2022
When Em started trying to plan dinner at two that afternoon she wasn’t really thinking. The plan was to keep chopping food until she got her frustration out, staring out at the grey October day. It was another discussion that was an argument by any other name with Michael about Dan’s meal plan and his macros and she just wasn’t in the mood. The last thing she needed was to be told how to look after her husband.
Any other day she would have been exhausted and gone for a nap, but instead she was ignoring the details of the meal plan on the fridge. It said baked chicken, broccoli, peppers, mushrooms and quinoa for Dan’s dinner but she was worried. He’d barely been picking at meals, during the red flag in Japan Seb had asked her if Dan was ok. He needed something he’d actually eat, and she had time to make something in the new kitchen she barely got to cook in yet.
It was a minor miracle she wasn’t out with Dan. It was a day of sim work and media filming with Lando, so usually she drove him out to Woking. But that morning he kissed her goodbye because Blake was heading out with him. She was to stay in and out of the rain, so she hugged him and whispered her love as he left. Blake promised to bring Dan back in one piece, and to call if Dan needed anything. She trusted Blake with the hurting heart that was her Danny. Knowing that it was the two of them out in Woking led to her call with Michael about Dan’s diet and food, Em hanging up frustrated because what was the point in serving Dan the meal if he wasn’t eating any of it?
After she calmed down from the call she got on another one, this time to the one woman she knew would be on her side about everything. The first time she’d met Grace she ended up helping in the kitchen, starting to learn family recipes with Grace’s “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” echoing in her ears. They were all worried about Dan’s appetite and disinterest in food and this could help.
In Dan’s case it was more that the way to his stomach was through his heart. The best he’d eaten since the summer was their quick week in Perth, his mother feeding him. After that he’d usually eat her recipes, but the text from Blake warning her that Dan had barely touched his lunch was what made her act. He’d played with his chia parfait for breakfast that Em had made, she needed to do something. Em was too scared that her usual recipes wouldn’t be enough. So without thinking about timezones and oh so grateful it wasn’t too late in Perth she was ok the phone to Grace for advice.
It was half an hour on the phone and a grocery order on Ocado for next hour delivery but she had the method down and started chopping veggies for one of his favourite meals. Grace sent a voice note a few minutes later reading off her own mother’s recipe, making sure that Em had it as perfect as possible so he couldn’t reject it. Not that he’d deliberately reject anything that Em had made, but this way he really couldn’t say no.
Four hours and a “thank you SO much, Grace” voice note later, the apartment smelled like glory and good enough to eat the second you walked in. Em was never one who would pat herself on the back and say she’d done something really good, but even she had to admit it smelled good. She was more than proud of herself when she lifted the lid of the Dutch oven to see how the tomato sauce was bubbling around the chicken thighs. She grinned again when she took one final look at the way she’d set the table. The little bouquet Dan had bought her the day before, two candles in her favourite holders, a floral tablecloth and one of Dan’s red wines decanted into the stupid shoey decanter he was so proud of and waiting to be poured.
She’d thought about changing her clothes, putting on a cute dress and heels to make herself look good. But Dan didn’t want all the fuss. He loved seeing his girl in his clothes, so the ancient Ric3 tee from their first run and pair of his boxers stayed on. Plus, the outfit showed most of her tattoos which would make him happier. Her phone buzzed and she picked it up to see his text.
On my way back, half an hour?
Don’t stop anywhere just get home. I love you.
He was probably thinking about stopping to pick up dinner for her, considering his meal was in their fridge. Em used it as the moment to start cooking the quinoa, her one concession to the hated meal plan instead of the pasta or roast potatoes Grace usually cooked. Her text worked, because twenty minutes later she could hear his key in the door.
“Baby, I’m home,” Dan called as the front door closed, Em leaving the kitchen to welcome him home. There was her boy, dry and safe without flowers or takeaway. Just like she wanted him. “What’s that smell?”
“Hey Love,” Emmy smiled, hugging her husband’s waist as soon as he kicked his shoes off and hung his jacket up. Then it was a kiss on her lips and a peck to her forehead like every single time he came home. “I called your mama and she gave me another recipe. I need to say it the right way, she got me to repeat it a couple of times. Pollo alla cacciatora a cottura lenta per il mio bel ragazzo.”
She smiled brightly as she looked up at Dan’s surprised face. It wasn’t new for her to make one of Grace’s recipes, she was always in the kitchen with her in Perth. But this was a big deal, it was one Grace was careful who got to learn. It wasn’t a big deal to do - chicken, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes - but the secret was in the seasonings and in the long, slow roasting.
“It smells like my mum’s. And my Nonna’s.”
“Well I hope it does, otherwise I really did something wrong. Your mum says hi and to call her before we go to Austin. It’s never going to taste as good as theirs but I hope you like it.”
“You did all this for me? Why?” She pulled him even tighter into a hug before leading him into the kitchen and getting him to sit down while she served their meals.
“Just because.”
“Just because? Really?”
“Does your wife really need a reason to make you dinner? You deserve something tasty. And it’s miserable outside, I wanted us to have something fun.” She put his plate in front of him, Dan reaching up to kiss her cheek.
“Does your husband need a reason to give you a kiss?”
“Not at all. Enjoy.” She watched Dan pick up his fork and actually start eating, a tiny weight off her shoulders. It was so much better than that morning.
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