#Book things
zukiakiraa · 3 months
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Me to literally every friends I have (my non existent friends I mean)
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belovedapollo · 2 months
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I hate receiving bad news so I made a flower garland 🌺 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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starrynightsxo · 3 months
am I into academia? if academia is the smell of old books, the calm falling of rain, creating an cozy atmosphere where I can read a book in a little reading nook in the corner of my room then yeah, I'd say I'm into academia.
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pookiebearnancy · 3 months
When he has daddy issues, is blonde, and his brother stole his girl >>>
(Grayson Fucking Hawthorne.)
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safiraerklare · 1 year
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fourth wing, by rebecca yarros
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heyteenbookshey · 1 month
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@lorynbrantz on Instagram
You Can Love Books
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sincerelyyoursg · 1 year
because it absolutely shattered my soul <3
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ੈ♡˳ now playing: achilles come down by gang of youths
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bibliobibuli25 · 6 months
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Lesssss gooooooo
Book : Quantum Physics : Illusion or Reality?
Author : Alastair I. M. Rae
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inkcurlsandknives · 3 months
Attended an embroidery workshop at my library's maker space and I'm SO EXCITED to design some Saints of Storm and Sorrow custom outfits for myself, y'all I'm about to go absolutely mad with power, and an industrial grade embroidery machine
The possibilities are endless I need a few big T-shirt designs/patches but I'm also toying with some small border designs I could stitch onto collars, shirt pockets, hems etc
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I did not need to discover this in the middle of drafting book 2 🤣🫣🤣😅 maybe I should only let myself book time with the machine as a reward for reaching word count goals with my draft 🤔🤣
You should absolutely go see what resources your local library has, my partner is going to take a 3D printing workshop next week, and all the resources are free to use I just have to bring my own things/ cloth I want embroidered and the right stabilizer. thread and machine time are both free
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nymph-of-water · 5 months
unpopular opinion: booktok girls overhate male authors, most of the time for no reason other that their gender, and old misogynistic literature that they [booktok girls] think represents all of them[male authors].
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oh-my-wolfstar · 2 months
Ok, so I love how in acotar Nesta is so stubborn that fae glamours don’t work on her. Like, my girl is such a stone cold bitch that even her subconscious told the fae magic to fuck off. But it got me thinking, what if this doesn’t just apply to her with glamours, what if she sees the whole world like this. Like, we see especially in acosf how well she understands how the social game works and how to cut people the deepest. But what if that’s because something in Nesta is so strong willed that she sees through all the bullshit niceties of the world. What if Nesta lives in a world that is several shades darker then the one her sisters live in.
if you’ve read Heros of Olympus, it’s like how Nico saw Tartarus as it truly was rather then how Percy and Annabeth saw it. Like, you know that part where Percy sees Tartarus without the mist and can’t believe Nico didn’t go crazy? I think Nesta might be like that.
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belovedapollo · 9 months
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I redecorated my bookshelf today (not all of my books fit in there) and was thinking of putting something there to make it more cozy, the blanket is handmade by my granny and it’s one of the most precious things I own 🌞 reblog is ok, don’t repost
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savage-flirtation · 1 month
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8,000+ and I need more 🙈📚♥️
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writtenbykatsworld · 3 months
Here are 5 practical tips you can apply right away.
1.Choose active voice and vivid verbs. Passive voice, or leaving the subject out of the sentence, makes it look like you are trying to avoid responsibility. For example, instead of “the ball was thrown,” write “he threw the ball.” Whenever possible, avoid the “to be” verb (is, are, am, was, were). Instead of saying “he was running the meeting with an iron fist,” say “he ran the meeting with an iron fist.” Instead of “Bill is a great employee,” try “Bill works exceptionally well on a team.”
2.Choose precise words. All writing is made up of words. Doh! you may say, of course it is. To keep your writing short and to the point, use specific words. For example, rather than “several people,” use “three people.” Did you notice the title of this article? Instead of just saying “Tips to Make Your Writing More Exciting,” we’ve said, “5 Tips ….” Using numbers draws attention and gives the reader a “specific” path to follow.
3.Choose concise phrasing. Instead of “don't have the resources,” use “lack the resources.” Change “in view of the fact that” to “because.” Rather than “at the conclusion of the meeting,” write “following the meeting.” Shorter phrases make your writing easier to read and more interesting; longer phrases, while technically accurate, muddy up your writing.
4.Choose simple words. Trying to impress people with big words and complex sentences leads to ineffective writing. Avoid words like “utilize” rather than “use,” “ascertain” rather than “find out.” Exciting writing is focused and simple.
5.Choose appropriate words. If you write a technical piece for a publication, client, or colleague, you may choose to use jargon, acronyms, and industry-speak the intended audience naturally understands. When writing a note to a roommate or friend, you may choose to use slang or ultra-casual language. Either way, the reader needs to intuitively understand your point without asking questions or using Wikipedia to figure out what you’re trying to say.
The best way to improve your writing, whether you like to write or not, is to pay attention! While that may sound overly simple, it’s true. Spend time reading and reviewing your work, even if it’s a simple email. Make sure you’ve used clear and concise words, and that you’ve stopped writing when you’ve made your point.
Word choice can showcase your knowledge and education … or make you look juvenile and amateur. As Mark Twain said: The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug 🐛 🐞🐜🦟🪲🪳🕷️
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lovrsleft · 1 year
[ Babel Spoilers and Overanalysis ahead]
Despite my life being in literal pieces, I unfortunately can't read just to 'enjoy'. I must torment myself with little details and take notes so here I am.
We rarely get a good representation of people of my kind in English books so Ramy in Babel is a little too beloved to me. Thankfully I have had some time to get over the fact that I spoiled his end myself and now I look for little things that may have hinted it. I haven't finished Babel yet, I'm barely halfway through so I could honestly just be aiming at nothing here.
The near end of Chapter 14 of Book Three had a part where the babblers were walking through a graveyard. This is where they saw Evie Evelyn Brooke's tombstone. Just a few moments ago, Robin noticed that Ramy had said a silent dua. Now who knows, it could be Ayat ul Kursi which we Muslims often recite to kind of, not feel fear but I assume it was the very specific dua that we make while passing by a graveyard.
Which is as follows;
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ أَهْلَ الدِّيَارِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمِينَ وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ بِكُمْ لَاحِقُونَ نَسْأَلُ اللَّهَ لَنَا وَلَكُمُ الْعَافِيَةَ
The translation goes;
Oh Muslims residing here, salaams on you, by the will of Allah we will also be coming to you. We seek safety for us and you.
Now it could be simply because I know Ramy's going to die but if Rebecca Kuang really meant this dua, I'll really be so happy. Everyone loves a little representation, right? Nothing wrong with that. But it's simply rare to see representation and detail.
I seriously have to thank R.F Kuang.
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itachi86 · 1 year
Evil never gathered dust. It spread, it festered, and it consistently put in the work. Bad people kept doing bad things, long after the good people called the state of affairs good enough.
The God Key
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