#Borders have changed so much that I don’t know the proper group names for things that are the same in several countries
cosmicnovaflare · 4 months
I like your drawings of Cinder in nice dresses. What inspo do you use for designing her clothes?
Thank you! Basically, when I was younger I had the delusion of “memorise every country in the world or else you’re a bad person,” followed by, “learn a brief history of every country in the world within 8 years or else you’re a bad person.” I learned in the order of history-mythology/religion-clothing, and I ended up loving the traditional clothing around and in Iran, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia, Bhutan, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, etc. It’s fairly difficult to find information about clothing in English, so I mostly pull from Hanfu for Cinder. Currently, I pretty much design how people would wear one today, ignoring old colour rules, pairing it with hair/accessories from separate dynasties, keeping bangs in hairstyles that otherwise would not have them, and sometimes adding in things that are more fantastical than historical. I would love to one day make futuristic designs, but I want to do that tastefully and respectfully, so, for now, I’m sticking closer to current-day interpretations.
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
Hello! May I please request something with a reader who's hosea's daughter and she starts a romantic relationship with either Charles or Arthur? (I can't decide I love those both those boys too much)
AN: Hi babe! I chose Arthur for this! 
Warnings: implied smut
The moon hung high in the night sky and thousands of stars littered the empty space surrounding it. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen. 
Cicadas and crickets chirped. Raccoons chattered from high up in treetops. Occasionally there was the sound of a coyote as it strayed too close to camp then scurrying away upon realizing that there were people nearby. 
You made your way through camp, finishing your braid over your shoulder. 
Everyone was settling down for the night after having a few drinks. 
You moved towards the tent you shared with Karen and Sadie when a hand suddenly wrapped around your mouth from behind. An arm latched around your waist. Panic was just about to set in when you heard his voice in your ear. 
“Easy there, pumpkin.” Arthur whispered. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
He let you go but held on to your wrist as he tugged you around to the backside of the wagons. 
“Arthur Morgan!” You whispered his name loudly, hitting his arm. “Don’t you do that again! I almost had a heart attack!”
“Shh.” He chuckled, holding a finger to his lips. His hands found your hips and he backed you up against the wagon. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him down to kiss him. He pinned your hips against the wagon with his own then brought his hands up to cup your face. 
“Let’s go for a ride.” Arthur pulled away from you, his hand finding your wrist once more. He started to pull you away from the wagon but you stopped him. 
“What has gotten into you tonight, Arthur?” You asked him, a little smile playing on your lips. You enjoyed his playful moods, but they were rare and it wasn’t often that they came about. Usually it only happened when he was drinking. 
“I just wanna spend time with you without worryin’ about anyone, pumpkin.” He tugged on your hand. 
“And you wanna go for a ride?”
“How much have you had to drink?”
“How much could you taste?” He countered. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’ll only go with you if you let me control the horse.” 
“Oh, pumpkin. Come on. I wanna take you somewhere.” 
“You can tell me directions.”
“Fine.” He grumbled. “Come on.” 
Arthur guided you across camp to his horse. He helped you up onto the saddle and then got up onto the back of the horse himself. 
Slipping past Bill on guard duty was easy. 
The place Arthur took you to was just on the other side of the border of Lemoyne and New Hanover. The spot was along the shore of Flat Iron Lake. 
“What’s special about this place?” You looked over your shoulder to Arthur as you brought the horse to a stop in the grass. 
“You said the spot was special. What’s special about it?”
“Well…. it’s away from camp.” He held his hand out for you. You got down from the horse and passed him the reins. He tethered the horse to a tree so it could eat grass while the two of you went closer to the water. 
Arthur held his hand out for you again, making a grabbing motion. You furrowed your brows together before putting your hand in his. 
He walked alongside you with your fingers laced together. 
“I been doin’ a lotta thinkin’.” 
“Uh-oh.” You giggled. “Should I be worried?”
“Yeah, probably.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
Arthur was silent for a few moments, so you looked over at him. He was looking out over the lake. 
“Arthur, what is it?” You stopped walking and turned to face him. 
He shook his head, eyes flickering down to his boots. 
“It-It’s nothin’. Just stupid thoughts.” 
“It ain’t stupid if it’s got you thinkin’ so hard I can see the smoke coming out of your ears.” You reached up to cup his jaw. You brushed your thumb along his cheek. “Come on. It’s just me. You can say whatever it is you’re thinking to me.”
His eyes met yours and he nodded, a little smile tugging at his lips. 
“I…. Y/N, I want whatever it is we got…. I want it to be real.”
You furrowed your brows together, tilting your head to the side a little. 
“I thought…. Well, I guess I thought it was real.” Your voice was quiet. 
“No, not like that.” He shook his head. “I meant that I-I want to be real. To have a real…. a real thing with you.”
A smile spread across your lips as you realized what Arthur was struggling to say. 
“A real relationship, Arthur Morgan?” 
He nodded his head. 
“Now I-I put a lotta thought into it. Even talked it over with Charles. He’s a smart feller.” 
“He is. You want this?” 
“I want you.” Arthur slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you against him. “I ain’t felt that way about somebody in a long time.” 
“Only if you’re sure–,”
“I am sure.” He cut you off, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes.” You answered without hesitation, holding his gaze. “Yes.”
“Okay then.” He grinned, large hands slipping down to your backside. 
The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when you and Arthur returned to camp. You parted ways where the horses were hitched, leaving with only murmurs of goodbyes. It was bad enough you’d spent the entire night out. You didn’t need to risk being caught just yet. You’d tell everyone when you were ready. But neither of you saw Hosea Matthews–your father–watching from the opposite side of camp as you slipped into your tent. 
Arthur wasn’t very fond of romance from the get-go, and being that you were Hosea’s daughter made him ever more hesitant to start anything with you. However, that changed when he got to know you better. 
Being that you didn’t grow up in the Van Der Linde Gang, you didn’t know the outlaw the way everyone else did. 
Though Hosea was your father, he didn’t raise you. He and his late wife and your mother, Bessy, had agreed that the life they had wasn’t suitable for a baby. So they gave you to Bessy’s sister and brother-in-law so that you could be raised in a proper setting and have a chance at a good life. Hosea and Bessy made sure to visit you when they could, and even after Bessy passed away Hosea continued to visit you and let you know that he cared about you. He wanted what was best for his only daughter. He didn’t want you to have the same life as him or to be subjected to the horrors he had faced.
But here you were, the newest member of the Van der Linde Gang. 
You managed to only get a couple hours of sleep before Karen nudged you awake, warning you that Susan would be by to raise hell if you weren’t up soon. 
You got dressed and went out to get a cup of coffee. You spotted Hosea sitting at a table reading through a newspaper, so you decided to join him. 
“Good morning, Hosea.” You greeted. 
“Good morning, dear.” He gave you a smile. “How’d you sleep?” 
“Not too bad. I’m getting used to the nighttime noises so I’m not waking up so much. Anything interestin’ in there?”
“Not yet.” 
“Mornin’, Hosea.” Arthur crossed through camp, heading for his tent. “Mornin’, Y/N.”
“Good morning, Arthur.”
“Good morning, Arthur.” You smiled just a little before looking down at your coffee. 
You wanted to tell Hosea about you and Arthur. Now that things were serious between you two, it felt like you needed to tell him. Before, you were just flirting and messing around. There was no need for anyone to know what was happening because it was just two grown adults keeping each other company. But now…. Now it was different. 
You sat with Hosea for a bit, chatting about what was in the newspaper. 
Then you noticed a group began to form around the horses that consisted of Javier, Charles, Arthur, Sean, and John. 
“What are you staring at, sweetheart?”
You turned your head look at Hosea. You didn’t realize you were staring. 
“Nothing, Hosea.”
He looked in the direction you had been staring in. 
“Which one is it?”
“Which one of them numbskulls were you gawking at?”
“None of them.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” He shook his head, eyes lingering on you. When you made no effort to carry on the conversation, he reached into a pocket on his vest to check the time. “Your mother used to get that same look in her eye when she saw somethin’ in a shop window she wanted.”
Curious, you glanced up from your coffee which you had been staring at rather intently. You weren’t really reading anyways. 
“She would?”
“She would.” Hosea nodded, a fond smile coming to his lips as his eyes left you to look out over the lake behind you. “And usually, I’d go back to the shop some time later when she wasn’t with me and steal it for her.”
“How romantic.”
“She thought so.” He chuckled. “She certainly knew how to put up with me and my antics. But she was about as good of a liar as you are, my dear.”
You put the book down on the table.
“I really wish you’d stop reading me like I’m one of your marks.”
“I can’t help it, sweetheart. It’s a bad habit. A very bad, nasty habit.” Hosea turned his head to look at the group of men gathered around the horses. “I don’t think it would be John. He’s far too dim for you. But if we go by brains, I don’t think any of them have a lick of sense. Well, except for Charles.” Hosea paused to gauge your reaction. You kept your lips pressed together in a firm line, adamant on not giving him any reaction. “If it was Bill Williamson, I’d be disappointed in you.”
“Ew, no.”
“Good girl. Javier?”
You didn’t answer.
“Hmm. Arthur perhaps?”
You shifted in your seat and took a small breath. The actions didn’t seem that big, but apparently they meant something to Hosea. 
The con-man leaned back in his seat, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out a little sigh. 
“That dimwit, Y/N?”
“He’s not a dimwit, Hosea.”
“I swear, Y/N, I’ve seen fish with more sense than that boy.”
“I’m serious. Me and Dutch were real concerned about him. Well, that was until John came along. Made Arthur look a goddamn genius.”
You stood up and picked up your coffee cup. 
“Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Hosea put his hand out to stop you. “I know you’re sweet on him. I saw you coming back into camp together this morning.” 
Your eyes immediately met his, panic finding its way into your veins. Then you looked over to Arthur. Did your father know what you were doing with Arthur while you were gone? 
“I’m a little hurt neither of you told me, but I know why you kept it to yourselves. This camp ain’t the place for romance.”
“Hosea.” You whispered, eyes meeting his once more. “Don’t…. Don’t let Arthur know that you know, okay? I-I think he wanted to tell you himself. We just…. We didn’t want everyone here to know, and he’s…. Arthur’s a funny guy when it comes to being sweet on a lady.”
“Oh, I know. He’s had his heart broke real bad before. Don’t you think about breakin’ it, you hear? You’re my daughter so I’ll be sure to tell him the same, but he’s like a son to me, you know.”
“I know, Hosea. Don’t worry. I have no intentions of hurting him.”
Taglist:  @winterwolf @doggone-cowgirl @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @nonodino @krenee1drful @thefirelordm @sargeantsea @sokkasdarling @thecollection @mayday1284  @kashasenpai
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
You know, it’s an interesting thing to see RWBY fans act like it’s a bad faith criticism when people don’t automatically assume that everything Ruby does is one hundred percent good and justified. In fact, ever since season six, it seems like people consider the only proper way of thinking to be A) assuming that anything bad that’s happening is entirely not Ruby’s fault. B) assuming that anything Ruby does in these situations is justified, needed, and good. And C) assuming that Ruby is going to fix anything bad that’s happening shortly.
I’m becoming more and more convinced that much of the so called ‘bad faith criticisms’ that mega fans and simps are concerned about are frequently just people not assuming that those three things are always true. Many fans have taken to filling in the blanks for CRWBY, which is something that’s generally expected in all media with a strong fan presence, but is taken to the extreme in RWBY where many fans are now deciding things and deeming them canon all in the name of making Ruby look as blameless and good as possible. That’s why there are fans insisting that Ironwood invaded Vale and has no combat experience, it’s completely untrue with no canon to support it, and yet is seen as the only definitive reading allowed by many fans, and that’s because it makes Ironwood look like he’s always been a horrible incompetent fool, so Ruby no longer looks bad by lying to him and then casting him aside. That’s why there are fans insisting that Ruby and co had to get across the border to Atlas quickly and couldn’t waste any time waiting, that’s why fans insist that Cordovin forced Ruby’s hand by not giving her a peaceful option despite the peaceful option she literally offered on screen. That’s why there are fans insisting that Ruby only stayed in the mansion in volume eight because she couldn’t leave Nora or because Ironwood would’ve arrested her and she was forced to prioritize her safety because she knows she’s imperative to the war. That’s why there are fans saying that no reading where any single person was left behind in the evacuation from Atlas to Vacuo is acceptable despite Qrow, Maria, and Pietro all being left behind, and the concept of ‘Ruby saved everyone’ being unequivocally false due to the soldiers that died facing Salem, the on-screen deaths of named characters including Penny, and anyone who Cinder knocked off the bridge.
These fans are ignoring canon things like that, canon things like there being a clear and peaceful solution to getting over the Atlas border, and Ruby spending episodes and I think around an in-show day despairing that she doesn’t know what to do and wants someone to come save her where characters are literally telling her she needs to leave the mansion and Ruby gives no solid reason why she shouldn’t except that they shouldn’t pick sides. They ignore any indication in canon that Ruby is just wrong or just faulty and construct a narrative where Ruby is one hundred percent right and sympathetic, and then they consider anything that didn’t automatically adhere to that rule to be ‘bad faith.’
“Why didn’t you just assume that Ruby was going to apologize to Ozpin next season? That’s a bad faith criticism, this is a story, so not everything is gonna be resolved super fast.” “Why didn’t you realize that Ruby was right to be upset with Ozpin and was justified because Ozpin lied to her about important things? Oz should be the one apologizing to her, that’s a bad faith criticism.” “Why didn’t you realize that Ruby only lied to Ironwood because she wasn’t sure she could trust him? Her situation with Oz is completely different, he isn’t learning his lesson and hasn’t apologized. Ruby is going to trust James later and prove she’s better than Oz.” “Why didn’t you realize that Ruby never would have trusted James because he’s always been shady and she knew that and she only worked with him in the first place because she had to in order to use his resources?” “Why didn’t you realize that James was the one not trusting Ruby and she was the one trusting and he broke that trust and Ruby was willing to work with him only he wasn’t willing to work with her?” “Why didn’t you realize that Ozpin was always bad and incompetent and Ruby is being gracious to allow him back in her group now that he apologized for not trusting her?”
What we have is a bunch of people deciding what’s going to happen (and quickly forgetting they said that if it doesn’t happen,) re-writing what did happen, ignoring the canon as it’s happening, and filling in any blank they get with whatever makes Ruby look as good as possible, and then they consider anything that doesn’t comply with that to be bad faith.
Ruby is a flawed protagonist. In fact, she’s way more flawed than what the show expects us to think. She’s naïve, she lacks foresight, she’s reckless, she overestimates her own abilities and her friend group, she’s stubborn and only listens when she wants to, she’s arrogant at times, she’s become unforgiving, she’s at least somewhat controlling with her friends, she only sees in black and white and alienates anyone who doesn’t fit her exact moral code, and she’s recently taken to mood swings, shutting down, and bouts of indecisiveness that freeze her up and prevent her from taking possible life saving actions, she’s more ‘ends justify the means’ than she admits, and she’s hypocritical.
Now, if you don’t read Ruby with all of that and think I’m being a bit too harsh, that’s fine. There are good things about Ruby too (though admittedly I’m seeing her amazing traits from the early seasons way less in the recent seasons,) and she does some good things. But she does have flaws and she does make mistakes, and what I’d really like to see is less people constantly making excuses for literally everything she does or says, and more people admitting when she makes mistakes. Maybe a “she really should’ve asked Penny before turning her into a human” instead of a “of course she asked her it was just off screen you loser!” Maybe a “she shouldn’t have decided to lie to Ironwood without talking to her team about it at least,” instead of a “the team trusts Ruby and she would’ve asked them if she’d been given a chance you stupid freak!” Maybe a “Ruby really froze up for a good portion of season eight, she made quite a few mistakes, I wonder how she’ll come back from it,” instead of “Ruby was forced away from the fight because Ironwood would’ve had her executed and she’s smart enough to know that!”
Main characters in stories are supposed to make mistakes and have flaws, it gives a personal growth that’s relatable to their victories and gives opportunity for growth in character dynamics, and goes towards making them feel more realistic and likable. Of course not everyone is going to like, say, a main character who is arrogant and over steps boundaries, but that character also can therefore grow and change and adjust, and that is very likable to most audiences. The best protagonists in media are deeply flawed characters that try hard to overcome not only the big problems they face, but the small conflicts that come from their own actions and the reactions they have to what other people do. Ruby should have flaws, she should make mistakes, and she does! One of the biggest problems with the show RWBY is their refusal to treat Ruby’s flaws as flaws and their inability to let her grow. And one of the biggest problems with the fandom is people’s inability to treat Ruby’s flaws as flaws and their insistence that everyone adhere to the rules of ‘Ruby is always justified, always right, and will always fix everything.’
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iamdarkness · 3 years
Letters from Fodlan.
(Not Sent.)
 The accounts of the missing parts in To Feed a Tiger
These are Dimitri’s memories of those missing parts in forms of letters never sent to you. A/N at the end.
This is Feral Dimitri POV.
Chapter one.
 Now that I have left Askr to try my luck to beat destiny; I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. I want to gift you my memories of the events that changed me for ever that had to do with you and them. This is the account of the times I encountered Lif, including the times I never told you, I witnessed for fear you would think badly of me.
  Then I gain I was in a bad place at the time and making bad decision. I am very aware that I can not send this to you ______, but I still want to put these memories to paper and preserve them for the time being. Then one day when I am a king and my battles done, we will meet each other again and then I will be able to tell you my self about this…And we will see each other again, of this I am sure. I will not bend or break. I must prevail and save my people and my self.
   The first night I saw him was the night you game me leave to use Corrin’s tree house. The half dragon had come to Askr in a bad state of mind and considered himself a danger to everyone. You had commissioned a tree house for him to live in, not too far away from the castle complex. It was a cabin proper but high up and propped up by four high trees. Prince Alfonse had been the one who wanted it that big you told me later. I suppose he liked the stories Corrin told you all of his childhood and his tree house. I can see the prince coming to spend some time away in here tom relax…but I digress.
  That had been a dark night. The moon was half full and there were groups of clouds lazily moving across it, blocking its light by intervals. That had been also the night you had come to visit me. That small act of kindness, had been the start of my recovery. The light at the end of the long tunnel of darkness. You had brought me dinner and I had done the best to get you to keep your distance but you never judged me. You stayed until I was ready to leave. I was in truth reluctant to do so. I felt you could understand my pain. You offered me apologies for intruding in my life, when you were right to do so and then you offered me a safe heaven where I could heal. You trusted me to follow you into the darkness of the night, to the woods, where the tree house I was to stay in was located and hidden. You knew what I could do and still you trusted me. I thought you foolish at the time, but this trust was what has kept me alive. After you left me to go back to the tree house I spent some time “conversing with the dead” as my hallucinations would not give me rest.
 After I had lost my eye my other senses had sharpened with the exception of taste. I heard the heavy steps of an armored unit make his way through the forest and as it neared the house I looked out the window. The house was high up and magically hidden as you had said, so I was invisible to the person below. My demons were never physical and even in my poor mental state I knew he was real, but it could not be so. He glowed brighter than the moonlight and a bluish color. His piercing red eyes searched the night for what I did not know. For a second I thought Death himself had come to get me and punish me for my sins. I could feel the rage and hate emanating from his blade like poisonous miasma, but he was not looking for me. The next thing I thought was that this was a spy and that he was wearing some strange armor that had some hidden virtue.
 I went down as silently as I had learned to move in my later years. He was, I suppose not expecting anyone around and was too distracted with his thoughts to detect my presence. Near the border of the fores he started to move in silence too. He moved like a predator; the same as I.
   Before he reached the edge of the woods he covered his glowing chest and mask, but before he did so I got a glimpse of his chest. I could see his ribcage inside the armor and the glowing matter was akin to water or crystal. It looked so in my eyes at least at the time. Once again I thought he could not be real, that he was a phantom made real to torment me and take away the only person in this world who had been kind to me. So I waited to see what he would do. If he was a spy come to do any harm I would finish him and if he was indeed a phantom I would still defeat it, or die trying.
   He stayed there in the darkness looking in at the light of the torches and the guards patrolling. He did not see to be surveying or to even care for the pattern of the guards. Then it happened. He tensed up and seemed to see something far away. It was two figures who had come from around the corner. It was you and Alfonse. He seemed to melt into tree he was hiding behind. I was about to pounce on him when you started singing softly. Your voice carried to where his hidden form trembled with a hidden emotion. The way he said your name, send shivers down my spine. It was the the prayer of the dying. The emotions in that sole word…Devotion, longing, sadness, love…
   Not too far from where you and I had sat you stood talking to a guard. They were giving their reports, not aware of the two persons intruding on their useless watch.
   -Do you want to go to the library and drink some tea?- You ask Alfonse.
   -It is late. Are you not tired?- Asked the prince.
 - It’s never too late to drink tea with you.- You say smiling while your hand touches his, almost by accident but his hand hand reacting at once catches your fingers in his. At this distance I can see him blushing hard.- But if you are tired…
   -No!- He answers faster than necessary, but he does not seem to care.-We should take it in the study. That way we can go right to sleep after.- You nod and the both of you turn to leave. Such an innocent, yet intimate exchange.
   The stranger moved and my attention had returned to him. He had said the name with such hate and sadness. No… Not hate.. it felt more like jealousy. His Gauntlet-ed hand had carved the surface of the tree with its metal nails. He made to follow as you walked away, but he stayed in place. When you turned the corner he turned away but stayed a while. His figure leaned on the tree while he covered his face with one his hands.
  I turned away then. I felt I was intruding on a pain beyond what I had ever experience and too personal to witness. I only looked again when he made to leave. He uncovered his chest and face then and looked at the moon. From behind the mask the words of your song reached me with the voice of the specter. The whisper low and sad.
   -If I could,then I would…I’ll go wherever you will go…
   He came back a few nights later and I noticed that it was always the nights you were out on patrol.He had memorized your schedule it seemed. I got the idea, that even though he was jealous of Alfonse, he did not seemed to care for him or tried to harm him. There were nights when the prince would do a round by himself and the specter never came those days. I learned later that Alfonse was doing Sharena’s patrol since she had been working with the refugees and my specter friend had taken to spying her at town during the day,
   Then came the night my hallucination returned while we were talking during my dinner. You looked so sad that day and it sobered me up to see how haunted you were by the deaths you felt you had caused. You took responsibility instead of denying it, the way cowards always did. I knew then you felt the same way I did, but where I had become a monster you were becoming a light. I felt I should warn you about him. He was surely coming tonight and you were warned.
   Still I new you were not going to resist and that after my show of lunacy you would dismiss my warning as a product of my mind. I waited for him, hidden by the edge of the woods where he always hid to see you.
   He appeared again from deep within the woods. His slow determined walk turned quiet and again he covered his glowing chest and face. He stood there like I had seen him the previous nights. By the talk we had had earlier I guessed now that this was Lif, the person that had helped you before, but I was still unsure.
  Thankfully my demons were quiet that night and I was able to keep my sanity while this happened. The time when you came from around the corner of the building arrived. You were talking to Prince Alfonse and your hand movement reflected it was a quite emotional subject. Since I was closer to the clearing this time I could hear you better that the last time.
 -Luckily the potion was created fast and it is very safe.- I could hear the voice of the prince and his tone was almost soothing.
 -Yes. Even then I can’t help but worry about him not wanting to take it.
 -Why wouldn’t he take it? He must know you are only trying to help him.
 -He may not Alfonse. Most people that have this kind of psychological trauma and have hallucinations think they are real and there is no convincing them of the truth. I fear Dimiti may not understand that he is sick and that his demons are only the product of his sick mind. I worry so much about him Alfonse… I can’t…I don’t want him to die..
 This is when I noticed you were talking about me. What I felt at the realization was a jumble of feelings coming at me so fast it gave me mental whiplash. I was surprised at first and then I felt cold anger that you would think everything was just my imagination. I felt invalidated in my pain. Part of my mind, the one that was sick and delusional told me you did not believe me and did not care for me the way I had thought. But the part of my mind that had been touched by your efforts told me this was not the truth. I knew I was sick; and I knew I had been sick even before this. I had been told this so many times and I didn’t want to listen. What was worst was that my position as a prince meant that it was easier to ignore my mental problems than to risk their positions and this way the problems went unchecked until it was too late. Still, here there was a way for me to get better and people that cared for me. It made me feel a wave of warmth I had not felt since my childhood.
 -We will come up with a way to help him. Don’t worry.- He says softly and takes your hand. I hear a gasp from my right where the person watching you lays in wait.
 -Oh Alfonse. I am so sorry to drag you in. You keep telling me to not get close to the heroes and I know it is because you got hurt, but …
 -I have to learn to let go or I will never grow… but it is hard..
 -That’s because when you care for someone you give them your heart. You are so passionate Alfonse…You don’t do stuff by halves and that is the reason…-You let the silence end your sentence as you both stay watching one another. The steps of the guards may have been what brought your attention back to reality.- Any way…Yeah you better learn to let go or your future children will suffer for it.- You say with a laugh. He is taken aback by this and is visibly flustered.
 -What? My kids… erm…the things you say _____.
 -It’s true! I can see you not letting them marry until they are 40.
 -Not true.- He says and he sounds so young,- Forty years are a perfect time to get married.
 -Alfonse are you getting married until you are forty? Because I am not waiting that long.-You say and turn around to engage a guard. The prince stand there rooted to the spot with an expression between happiness and bashfulness.
 -I would marry you right now…- He says too softly for you and the guard to hear but I could hear them because he was closer to the tree line and because these words were echoed by the man standing near me at exactly the same time.
 The prince then joins you and the guard to take the reports and after a while I see you step aside and watch the place where we have dinner every night. Then you turn to the moon now past full and  the soft words of a song start to fall from your lips.
 - Come to my window…crawl inside and wait by the light of the moon. Come to my window… I’ll be home soon…I would dial the numbers just to listen to your breath. And I would stand inside my hell and hold the hand of death.- The reaction to the song was quite visible. Knowing I had told you someone would be coming, it felt to me like an invitation and it was plain he had taken it as such. But the words that had followed had truck him harder than the first. From where the prince was standing he gave you a look that seemed at the time unreadable to me at the moment. Now I know that he knew what you were doing. There was not much that would escape his sharp mind.- You don't know how far I'd go to ease this precious ache end you don't know how much I'd give or how much I can take. Just to reach you…
 -Ready? - He asked you suddenly ending your quiet singing. He looked troubled. You nodded and went to meet him to get back. Your patrol had ended. When they were at a distance I saw him lean to your ear and say something to which you shrugged in return.
 I looked back at him. He had one knee on the ground and he was leaning on the tree.It took some time but finally he got up and took some time to move. I suspect he was making up his mind about something.
 As you know I am quite tall and most of the time it takes some effort to be hidden well from all angles, but in my last years I had leaned well how to do so. I had sat among some leafy bushes between two trees.These bushes protected me from all sides. I was lucky they did as he did not walk in the same direction in which he went when he left the earlier times. He walked past me along the Western side of the grounds due North and I could see he was too distracted to notice me in my hiding spot. There was resolve and purpose in his steps and there was fire in his shinning crimson eyes. It was as if life had once again entered his being.
 If I was correct he was trying to get to your room that overlooked the central gardens and he had to get past the stables and the guards to do so. He seemed to have a very detailed outline of the castle and the location your room. I supposed then he had been in there before as a guest, but if he was an ally why hide from view? Had he done something to fall out of grace with the Order?
He hesitated before going past the stables and I soon understood why. I could hear the beasts grow restless as if sensing his presence. I heard Gerome talking to Minerva and asking why she was behaving this way. He stopped and listened for the hero’s presence. Indeed Gerome came out and talked to the guard who agreed to search for the source of the unrest. While they were at it the stranger had gone past the guards and crossed the grounds towards the entrance to the inner gardens. He was as agile and stealthy as a ninja.
  I decided then to come out of the shadows and let them think it had been me all the while the source of the beasts unrest. I knew if the stranger did something against you it would have been all on me, but I was sure I could stop him if it was necessary.
They saw me and asked me what I was doing, but a look in their direction shut them up. They knew who I was and I felt no need to explain myself to no one in any case. Lucky for me the stranger was already gone inside and had not heard the exchange. Once in the garden I too took to the shadows and surveyed the place. The gardens are vast as you well know and it took me a long time to locate my target. I found him by some rose bushes near the entrance to the entrance to the room complex where your room was located. He sneaked past the door and on to the side of the building until he came to the side of the camellia tree surrounded by laurels just under the balconies of your rooms. As expected there was no light in your room,nor the the prince’s. Instead of climbing up he waited in the shadows of the trees.
  I don’t know if you remember coming out to your balcony that night. Your light came on and after a while you came out of the room. You stayed there a while looking sadly at the gardens. He came out of the shadows to look at you and the soft and deep whisper of his voice reached me. I could not make out everything he said but I heard something like “… is the sun(1).” and as he talked to himself he quietly questioned if he should speak to you, light in the prince’s room went out. You went inside then. After a while he went out again and after looking over for prying eyes he climbed the wall to your balcony. By then I suspect you were asleep.He peeked inside and opened the door, but before going inside he paused unsure of his actions. He tried leaving but again he could not resist and opened it again and went inside. I was ready to climb and tear him apart if he was doing something untoward but just was soon as he went inside he had come out. He took out a flower he had taken from the garden and left it on the rail of the balcony…then he took it again and squished it in his hand. I found out later that he had placed a single kiss on your forehead and it had taken all of his will power not to spend the night watching you sleep.
 He sneaked out then and I did not follow. There were so much I needed to think about that night. Not only about the stranger but about what I had heard you say. That night I decided to give it a chance and try the potion I knew you would offer. The first thing I did that morning was take a bath in the gelid waters of the river that ran close to the tree house. I still feel shame about this but my logic was that by not being inviting to the senses I felt safer. It was an extra shield for me and if it made my enemies fear me then it was for the better.
   Knights later when it was again your turn to patrol I learned the prince was not going to be available to accompany you. I knew there were plenty heroes who would want to go patrolling with you, including my other selves who were very protective of you and the Fell Dragon whom you and Alfonse had almost adopted (2). I did not even offered to go out with you since I was ready to watch from the shadows and I wanted to see what the stranger would do now that you were alone.
   I watched over you from the beginning of your patrol. Even when stood outside in the garden looking up at the prince’s balcony and threw a small stone at the glass door, even knowing he would not be in there. I went to my spot near the clearing. Now with a cleared mind after taking the potion you had offered me it was easier to make better choices. I could not believe I had let him go so far as to get inside your room the nights prior. I was thinking of confronting him tonight and I was in for a big surprise when you appeared in the distance.
   The stranger had been waiting in the same place as before. Looking at him and knowing you were alone made wish he would not be wearing that mask. I knew by the glowing in the mask that part of his face was made from the same matter as his chest and I was not only curious to see his facial bones but mostly his expression when he saw you coming.
   Then you came and waited for the guards to report and stayed for a while writing down something on a small book. When the figures of the guard were gone you put the book inside your coat pocket and turned to fave the tree line. Unknown to me you had come earlier with Alfonse and had searched for signs that would let you know if he had come. Alfonse had found the scratches in the tree and so you knew where he would be hiding.
   You started walking towards us not knowing I was also hiding nearby. He seemed to panic for a second when we heard you speak. They were the lines of a poem I only remember but little.
 - “ Stay Shadow of my shy treasure. Image of the charmer I love best. Fair dream for which I die with joyful breast. Illusion sweet for which I live in pain…”
   He steps back and a shaky “No” leaves him, but he is now frozen in place as your figure enters the line of trees. You were guided by the sign of the scratches he had left on the tree so many nights ago.
 -“ It matters not that you slip through chains and embrace… when fantasy builds a prison just for you.” (3) - Now that you were standing just in front of him, his demeanor changed. It is as if he was steeling himself to fight. A fight I guessed then, that was against his feelings and one that was already lost.
 -Those words should be saved for Alfonse and I am not him.
 -You came to visit the other night.- You tell him, dismissing his words. He keeps quiet a moment.
 -I had an invitation. One you should not have given lightly.
 -I am glad you took it. I’ve wish to see you for a while…and I had thought it had been a sweet dream.
 -Why? I almost killed you and Alfonse. You should fear me and stay away from me.
 -I do not blame you for that; and it was you who saved us all in the end. I owe you everything.
 - It wasn’t just me who…
 -Alfonse please!
 -Don’t…not anymore...- He starts to say but your head leans on the glowing chest he had failed to keep covered. His arms jerk forward as if to embrace you, but he keeps them away.
 Until this point I had been confused by this interaction. Your words had been meant for a lover and I had thought you loved only Alfonse. Anger was beginning to seep into my heart. I had thought you better than so easy to flirt with another. Flirting while having a love so heartfelt and pure as the prince’s. Then hearing you say his name with such love made the truth sink in. You had talked about another Askr and that there was someone who had helped you defeat Hel called Lif. If this young man was the person that helped you and his real name was Alfonse and this meant that this man was that Askr’s prince Alfonse. All the pieces to my puzzle now fit perfectly. Now I understood how he new everything so well in the castle. It had been his home.
 -Can only Thrasir call you that now?
 Your words held no reproach, but his answer came in the form of his left hand caressing your head. His battle was truly lost.
 -I have words for him as well. Love and Innocence being some of them. Sometimes I feel I am polluting him.- There is a smile and fondness in your statement.
 -You think him pure…when he worships your memory every night before sleep and gilt takes him? Only to dream of you again.- I heard your gasp and your head turns upward to see his face. He does not flinch from your gaze, even after that personal revelation. I take it you understood he had done this as well.
 -Every night.- He responds still not flinching. Your face is scarlet red. You lower your dead to his chest again. (4)
 -He…He’s the perfect gentleman with me. He barely touches me. Sometimes I feel like I am back in square one with him, but I don’t want to rush him if he is not prepared for more.
 -Fool…- He says with little venom and he takes to caress your cheek.- Why does he not act on his feelings? Was I this foolish myself? Yes…I lost so much precious, time I could have spent with you…You could both die any minute …has he learned nothing from my past?
 - You kind of told us and I quote "Get close to someone, and the pain of parting will be much more acute. You and Alfonse must remember this."
 -I meant the heroes.
 - I know this, but I think Alfonse took it more seriously. He still think I will go back to my world despite me telling him I will stay.
 -Fool...If only you were mine…- I saw him change again. He let go of you and even tried to repel you.-But you are not…My ______ is gone for ever… I need to go. I should have never come back here. This is not my place and you are not mine.
 -Alfonse…Lif- You change the name when he flinches away from you.
 - There is nothing I can offer you…nothing I can give you…Alfonse…how I envy him…
 -What is it that you think I want from him that you can not give me yourself?
 -...I don’t even have a heart to give you now…- He turns to leave.
 -Time…Time and friendship…That is all I ask…That is all I asked from the beginning.
 -I could never be your friend.
 -Please, I just want to help you…
 -Help me? How? I don’t need your pity or your friendship…I want...-He was about to leave but turns around and looks at you. He slowly takes off his mask and approaches you again. I could see he was waiting for you to flee or to be disgusted. I when I could no even see bone or teeth inside where his jawline would be. Whatever he though you would do however, he did not expect for you to take his face in your hands like it was a precious treasure. -So much more than that…-  He finished in a whisper. Once enthralled by your caress, he leaned over and kissed you.
 That kiss…How I longed then to be touched so lovingly, the way you kissed him then. He barely touched your lips, but you circled his neck with you arms and he deepened it while his arms sough to embrace you by the waist. Your hands tangled in his hair and I imagined how they would feel in mine. The moan of need that left his throat, appeared to have brought him to his senses once again and he let go.
 -I love you…I may not have a heart, but I love you with everything I have and I will continue to love you for ever…But so does he and I will not break his heart. If only one of us can be happy, then let it be him. Happiness was not made for me.
 -I love you too, Alfonse. Whatever form you take…but you are right… it is not his fault and it is not fair for neither of you. Forgive me for my selfishness.
 -Now go before the guards return and raise the alarm…He will be waiting…
 -Where will you go?
 -Does it matter?
 -It matters to me…to us. You can always return here.
 -There is…I have no place here. Now go.
 You sigh, say your farewell and leave. He watches you go and he puts his mask on again after touching his translucent lips with a sigh. After your form is gone from sight he turns and leaves. It may have been my imagination ____, but it seemed to me like his form did not look as somber or sad as before.
   I confess that… I felt jealousy of that love. No only your love for him but his love for you. He loved you beyond death and you loved him beyond appearances. In my life no one had loved me so. Yet you were giving me a part of your heart as Alfonse his friendship and Lif his pain. It had to be enough for me.
    A/N: Since Alfonse is a very intelligent man who loves to read and acquire knowledge, I am sure he asks the Summoner often about all kinds of stuff that the summoner has learned in their world. If the summoner can speak more than one language, he would be asking the summoner how to say  or write different words and phrases because he loves languages as you can see by him being a lost language translator. He remembers much of it because he has nearly perfect memory and loves the summoner very much that he tries hard to remember everything; specially the summoner’s favorite lyrics to songs poems or quotes from different media. Because The summoner does not share his perfect memory many of the quotes are not nearly exact and so I paraphrased quotes because this way the Summoner seems more like our real self who does remember parts of something but can’t access goggle to find the right quote.
  MY summoner is indeed Lif’s summoner as well. When the time line broke apart, she became two but when Lif’s Summoner died her part of the soul returned to the point when the time line broke, memories and all.
 (1) “ What Light through yonder window breaks? It is the East and ____ is the sun.”
“Should I listen for more, or should I speak now?”
Romeo and Juliet.
 (2) I love Grima and sometimes I feel like this dear dragon is still that child who is lashing out after being abused and neglected and knows no better.
 (3) Full Poem.
Stay Shadow of my shy treasure. Image of the charmer I love best.
Fair dream for which I die with joyful breast.
Illusion sweet for which I live in pain.
Your winning graces all my heart enchain,
It follows as the steel, the magnet’s test.
But wherefore you win my love and made me blest.
If thou must mock me, fading soon again.
Yet canst thou never boast, with fullest pride,
That triumphant o’er me is thy tyranny.
For though thou from the dose embrace doest glide.
That held thy visionary form from me,
But fancy builds a prison still for you.
 Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz. Paraphrased in actual text for plot reasons.
 (4) Alfonse taking Lan Zhan words to heart. “ Every night is every night” Lan Wanji Master of Demonic Cultivation XD . Sorry I could not resist.
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caspianjames · 3 years
BONUS Up And Coming: Julie and the Phantoms
Up and Coming: Julie and the Phantoms Jennifer McCreedy, Junior Correspondent 
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On this month’s issue of Up and Coming I had the privilege of sitting down with one of America’s biggest up and coming bands, Julie and the Phantoms. Julie Molina (17), Reggie Peters (18), Alex Mercer (17), and Luke Patterson (17) began rapidly gaining popularity as YouTube stars last fall. They created music videos for songs they wrote themselves, editing them to appear as if the band were ghosts “popping in” behind Julie. Don’t understand what I mean? You can click here to check it out for yourself!
The band has a strong air of camaraderie, and it’s the first thing I notice when I walk into the room with them. They’re all piled on our big interview couch, Molina and Mercer are pressed together whispering. Patterson is bantering with Peters and flicks him in the forehead. They’re like any group of teenagers bordering on adulthood, excited and eager to please. It’s immediately apparent that to all of them, the band has a deep meaning of friendship and support. 
Of course, the first topic of conversation was about the band - what inspired the structure of their music videos, how they got their name, and which came first - the ghost music videos or the ghost band! 
“Since my mom died, my brother has really been into ghosts,” Molina explained to me. “It was actually his idea for the band to pop in like that. My dad does videography as his job, so he was able to help us film and edit. My best friend, Flynn Taylor, came up with the band name.”
The boys all laugh when I ask if they liked the name right away or if there were discussions before they went public with it. “Flynn doesn’t do discussions,” Mercer smiles at Julie like there’s an inside joke there. There probably is, seeing how close these four are. “They came up with the name and made us posters, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter before even asking us what we thought.”
“We loved it,” Peters is quick to jump in. “And we love Flynn. She knew we’d like it, or they wouldn’t have gone ahead with everything.”
Flynn Taylor, Julie’s best friend, doubles as the band manager - she is on tour with them, but opted not to be present for the interview. 
Since beginning their tour with Panic! At the Disco, all their videos have amassed over one million views each on YouTube and their music has been released on Spotify with startlingly quick success. Molina, I discovered, is actually the newest member of the band, although I would never have known from watching the four bandmates interact. She is also the youngest by a year, having just had her seventeenth birthday as the boys are all turning eighteen, but she holds herself with a quiet confidence that all the boys seem to look to. Even this early into the interview they defer to her to answer questions and look to her for reactions to their own answers. 
This made it especially surprising to find out that the band existed before Julie joined it, just under a different name. Sunset Curve. Clearly, it did not have the popularity that Julie and the Phantoms has even a few months into their creation. “We played a couple school shows and stuff,” Patterson told me, “but nothing clicked until we met Julie.” Luke Patterson carries a humming energy with him that comes across in his words. In true rocker fashion, he struggles to sit still, tapping his fingers on his thighs and softly bouncing on the couch. 
Unsurprisingly, Molina used similar words to describe the band’s first meeting. “The first time I sang with them at school we just clicked,” she says, smiling at Luke. 
Of course, given their success, I had to ask the question everyone wants to know. How did they end up opening for Panic! At the Disco, despite being relatively unknown outside the Los Angeles music scene previous to their debut at The Orpheum?
“We’ve seen some wild theories,” Mercer confides to me with a small smile on his face. He is arguably the most subdued of the group and generally seems content to watch his bandmates answer my questions. Don’t be fooled, though - not only is he a phenomenal drummer, he also sings backup vocals for Julie and the Phantoms. “My favouirte theory was one that caught a lot of steam on Twitter about us using ‘ghost powers’,” he adds air quotes with his hands and laughs, “to hide the scheduled opener’s tour bus and then pop into the venue in their place at the time they were supposed to perform.”
The whole band laughs at this - clearly it is a favourite theory amongst them. Peters adds, though, that it was clearly an unfounded theory given that “Julie doesn’t have any ghost powers, anyways. That’s why it’s Julie and the Phantoms. But I’d kill for ghost powers in real life.” When I ask what he’d use them for, though, he seems stumped. “I think it would just be cool to walk through walls.” We’re with you on that one, Reggie!
But what actually did happen to get them into the coveted opening spot at The Orpheum? Molina gives me a modest smile when I ask. “We were honestly just in the right place at the right time,” she explains. 
Patterson picks up the story from there with a little bit more flair, telling me that the opening band had actually gotten food poisoning - “from a street dog vendor, believe it or not” - and the manager of the Orpheum happened to be familiar with the Julie and the Phantoms YouTube page. 
“Since we were local,” Peters explains, “It was just a phone call. And then suddenly we were on stage doing a proper professional soundcheck for the first time in our lives.”
“Everything moved so fast after that,” Patterson adds. Each of his bandmates nod in agreement as he speaks. “We blinked and we were on a tour bus, suddenly.”
It seems that the band is handling the change well, though. 
“It’s definitely different,” Molina tells me. “We have to be responsible for our own school and make sure we’re turning in assignments on time. There’s a lot of driving and a lot of time to kill. We can get on each other’s nerves quite a bit, but there’s always a lot of time for songwriting, too.”
When I prompt her about who gets on who’s nerves, the whole band turns in tandem to look at Luke. He laughs and shrugs at me. “I’m an early riser,” he explains. “I like music in my hands twenty-four seven. I always have my guitar, but it isn’t always appreciated.”
“We’ve had to compromise,” Mercer says with a long-suffering sigh. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was the oldest of the group. “Luke isn’t allowed to start playing music until eleven in the morning the day after a show.”
As for being on tour with Panic!, none of them seem all too bothered by the fame of the headliners. “They’re really cool,” Peters explains to me. “They’ve been doing this a long time and they always have advice for us which I think we really value right now.”
Otherwise, though, the band seems to keep to themselves. When asked about their favouirte hobbies, Peters speaks at length about Star Wars. “I can’t watch the prequels before bed,” he says. His bandmates groan and shake their heads, although he seems unbothered. “Jar-Jar gives me nightmares.”
Other than Star Wars, “We try to make sure we get time and space for ourselves every day,” Molina says. “It’s a lot of us in a small space, and if we don’t get away from each other for a bit we argue a lot more.”
When I ask each of them who their favourite bandmate is to live with, all the boys say Julie and then turn expectantly for her answer. “I suppose Flynn doesn’t count as a bandmate,” she said with a sigh. “Probably Alex, but we live together normally so it’s not something that’s new.”
Mercer confirms this piece of information with a nod and a smile. “I prefer sharing a room with your brother to sharing a bus with you, though,” he says to Julie. She just rolls her eyes. 
When pushed, Mercer elaborates a little bit. “I’ve been living with Julie’s family for my senior year. It’s a better environment for me and is much closer to our school than where I lived. My parents are happy that it gives me more time to focus on school.”
Since I have Mercer’s attention now, I ask him a question I’ve been dying to know the answer to. Does he know what a role model he is to gay and questioning children and teens that get to see him be himself so publicly? 
As all the boys have been doing, he looks to Julie before answering. “I don’t think about it much, to be honest,” he says candidly. “If people think I’m a role model then I’m glad, but I’m just me. And being gay is part of me, a part of me that’s always been completely accepted by my band, just like my drumming or my singing.”
There was no tension, the band members explain, upon finding out about Alex’s sexuality. “No one was surprised when Alex came out,” Patterson adds. “We were only, like, twelve when he came out to us, anyway. It’s just a fact about who he is. Like, Alex is gay and hates mornings and I play the guitar and love mornings and we’re best friends.”
“Plus, I’m bisexual,” Peters adds, “So it would be hypocritical to have a problem with Alex.”
“I’m pansexual,” Patterson pipes up again. “And Alex being himself helped me figure out that part of myself.”
Molina doesn’t seem to have much to add. “Alex was already out when I met him,” she says. “It was never a surprise and someone’s sexuality shouldn’t be something that causes tension or makes people upset anyways.”
When I point out that it has seemed to cause some tension among fans, they all sigh. For unaware readers, the band has been stirring up quite the debate on Twitter and Instagram amongst fans and haters alike as to who is dating who. Patterson and Molina confirmed their relationship before going on tour and have been dating since before their band became popular. Recently, a Twitter user attending a Julie and the Phantoms meet and greet noted the closeness between Molina and Peters, causing fans to speculate that Molina is cheating on Patterson with Peters. When I ask if they'd like to address it, however, they all nod. 
“Luke and I have been dating for a few months,” Julie says, “very happily. Neither of us have cheated on each other, nor would we ever. But we’re both also dating Reggie.”
When I ask for clarification, Peters adds, “I’m dating Luke and Julie, just like Julie is dating me and Luke and Luke is dating Julie and me.” Although it doesn’t sound clear, it does seem to be clear for them. 
“We’d like people to give us our privacy, although we know that probably won’t happen,” Molina says. “We’re allowed to define our own relationships in the way that works for us, we don’t have to hold them up to anyone else’s expectations or preconceived notions of what a relationship should look like.”
When I ask if there’s anything they’d like to add before we wrap up, Patterson pipes up with a confident “Yes.” 
“We’re Julie and the Phantoms,” he says, prompting Peters to follow up with “Tell your friends!”
Tell your friends, indeed. You can find Julie and the Phantoms everywhere that Panic! At the Disco is playing for the next four weeks. 
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
I’ve recently seen posts encouraging people to support Romani/Roma people in the Balkans and that’s supreme!!! With that in mind, I wanted to post about how the Roma identify in Greece (I repeat, this is solely for Greece). The dominant voices on this site are from the US, so we mostly hear about the identification of Romani / Americans with Romani heritage. But what is used by the Rom in Greece might surprise you.
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I will use “Rom” as the proper identification for Roma/Romani in my text. For non-Rom people I will avoid using the Romani word gadje / gadjo / gadji, as it’s derogatory towards non-Rom people (it means “being of lower social class”, “barbaric”, “peasant”, used in a belittling way). I see Rom from other countries here using it often and that’s perhaps the meaning has been lost for them, but I don’t feel comfortable using it. In some Rom communities of Greece there is still some belief that being “pure”/”true” Rom by blood ratio is better, and I don’t want to enforce that either.
For the non-Rom I won’t use the words balamos (μπαλαμός) (m) / balami (μπαλαμή / μπαλαμοί) (f. / pl.) either because it means “White” and we all know that is a complicated issue for this site. But it’s worth mentioning that Greeks are usually considered “Whites” by the Rom of Greece, so balamos (m) / balami (f. / pl.) apply. I use the term “non-Rom”, as I think it’s better suited for an English text and for readers of different cultural backgrounds.
I will also use the full words of identification and slurs for educational purposes only and with no ill intent. If you don’t know much about Rom identification, you can’t know what words not to use if you don’t see anything more than the first letter! (And also “just google it”, especially for information on the communities of Greece, rarely helps foreigners). Also, whatever I am writing comes from my own experiences and may not apply to all the Rom communities of Greece.
The popular identification and self identification of the Rom in Greece is  tsiganos (τσιγγάνος) (m), tsigana (τσιγγάνα) (f), tsigani (τσιγγάνοι) (pl.). Yes, I know, it’s the word Rom from many countries tell you to never use. And please, don’t use it for Rom from the US or anywhere else Rom don’t want to be called that! But in Greece the identification has stuck and it’s not a slur (as of 2021). In fact, it’s currently acceptable for Rom and non-Rom to use in private and public life. This is how they introduce their heritage, or, if offer a service/sell anything they have made, they use the term to describe it - when speaking in Greek.
I will give examples from a PDF availiable online, the Greek-Romani Lexicon, written by the Rom (and Rom speaker) Ioannis. Georg. Alexiou. (2000s) (Find it >> here <<). He has collected phrases and words from different Rom communities in Greece and he includes the entry Τσιγγάνος (tsiganos) as simply meaning “Rom” and. He repeatedly uses the word Tσιγγάνος for any Rom (seen in the pic) , “Τσιγγανιά” for “Romanipen” (seen in the pic), and “Τσιγγάνικη” to describe the language, when he describes in the Greek language.
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One of the many examples is the introduction of a Rom contestant in Greece’s Next Top Model (2020), where she identifies herself as “tsigana” and the other Rom women as “tsiganes” more than five times (0:13, 4:23 ++) and there is also no problem when non Rom use the term for her in front of her (5:12, 7:04, 7:08 ++) Yes, the judges are not the most knowledgeable people when it comes to the Rom culture(s) in Greece but I am using the example for demonstration purposes. Also notice all the people in the comments who use it naturally (search the words “τσιγγάνα”, “τσιγγάνοι”). No, they are not hate comments and they don’t use it as a slur. (Google translate exists, just translate them to make sure). >> Link to the video <<
Using it is not offensive to the Rom of Greece. It’s likely the most suitable word, as of 2021. (You will see later why the other terms don’t apply that much and/or might be confusing). Tsiganos is a word like any other, and yes, it can be used in a derogatory way, the way the word “woman” can be used in a derogatory way by sexists. It’s only about the tone and intent, and not about the etymology of the word. And, speaking about the etymology, you might already know that the word “tsiganos” comes from the Greek word αθίγγανος (athiganos) can mean “untouchable” / “not to be touched”. But it might not have come from the (indeed) bigoted Greeks around them.
The Greek philologist Dikaios Vagiakos (Δικαίος Βαγιακάκος) tells us that Athigganoi was called the religious group Melchizedekites (Manichaists) or Katharoi in Greek (”Clean ones”). The Athiganoi were practicing divination, and so it came that whoever was practicing divination at the time was also called Athiganos. (The word just stuck and the meaning left, because a divination practitioner wasn’t considered actually unclean). When the Rom came to the area, they also practiced divination, so they also were given that name. (Source in Greek - sorry it was super hard to find anything in English, as many parts of Greek history are obscure to the world).
No matter the origins, people in Greece (including the Rom) rarely know what it means (if you live in Greece, you must be very interested in linguistics to dig it up), as the meaning has been been lost in time for the Greek residents. It’s like the world “girl“ (κοπέλα) in Greece, which comes from the word “slave”, but Greek speakers use it because they have forgotten the meaning and have no idea where it comes from.
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Roma (f) / Romis (m) / Rom (m. / pl.), Romalen (pl.), is many times the term the Roma of Greece use to refer to themselves in their own language (Romani / Tsigganika). In this article (where the word tsigganos / tsigganikos is again used casually, as various Greek articles) we find the word “Ρόμης” for the Rom man (and it can also be used as “husband”).
Greek speakers don’t use "Rom” and when they hear it they mostly get confused. “Rum” was the name of the regions were Greeks lived inside the Ottoman empire so that complicates things further for Greek speakers, as Rom and Rum sound very similar. What is more, the Hellenic region of the Byzantine Empire was called Romania, adding another “Rom-” to the Greek history.
“Roma” (singular and plural) is gaining popularity amongst the Greek Rom and Greeks alike. But still falls far behind “tsiganos“.
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“Gyftos” (Γύφτος) (”Gypsy” in English) is a negative/derogatory term for the Greek Rom. Implying someone is from Egypt is not bad on its own, but the word has been weaponized against the Rom of Greece by the Greek speakers. What is also important, is that a lot of times “gyftos“ ISN’T meant to describe a Rom. This doesn’t make it any less of a slur against the Rom, but let me explain its other use. Greeks often use it for dirty, homeless people (and not those who beg for money necessarily). Of course, that is probably because historically the Greeks saw Rom people that way, and then they attached the stereotypical negative traits to other people. What is peculiar is that I’ve heard Greeks say “gyftos is the guy you see with rags on the street, Greek or not. The nomadic people are called Tsigganoi! It’s a different thing!”. So yes, anyone, even a super pasty Greek can also be called “gyftos”. It’s just worth mentioning that some Greek speakers have the word “gyftos” detached from the Rom (because meaning is lost and diverted as time passes) and so if you hear that word from a Greek, better ask them what they mean and if they know the origins of the word. There is a chance they might not actually know.
To my knowledge, the word “Romani” is not often used to identify a Rom person in Greece. I’ve only heard it for the language. But, again, I can’t know what happens in all Rom communities of Greece (and there are many, with different linguistic influences). “Romani” as someone’s identification is very slowly gaining some popularity among the Greeks because it’s used in nearby countries - and even because of the influence from the US. But still, it’s mostly among the Greeks and not the Rom. (At this point, I should also say that many Rom feel Greek and most have a Greek citizenship, I just that that distinction inside the Greek borders for simplicity’s sake.)
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That’s all! Keep in mind that the identification of Rom in Greece might change the next decades, so always be aware of the changes and, if you can’t find any information simply ask the Rom person how they wish to be called!
>> Anyone can interact but if you are not part of or not close to a Rom community of *Greece*, I advise you against of trying to “correct” anything. This isn’t about your experiences or ways of expression. It’s about the Rom of Greece.
>> Rom from Greece or/and people close to a Rom community of Greece can, of course, add or correct stuff - always with respect to Rom sources and voices from Greece.
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The new director
Rex and Quetz were laying in bed together the night before the new director was to arrive and all the servants were to be unsummoned.
Rex: Quetz... I dunno if I can handle you leaving me...
Quetz: it'll be OK mi amor... I told you we'll be reunited eventually.
Rex: how can you be so sure?
Quetz: have faith mi amor, we will be together again! You'll see
Rex: ...if you say so...
Quetz: just believe me. But for now... we will have to part ways
Rex: I don't think I can handle that
Quetz: I know you can. Just hold on for long enough.
Rex: ok... just hold me... for tonight.
Quetz: of course
That night the two fell asleep together, but the next morning Rex was alone for the first time in a while.
Rex: ...dammit all... why...
Later that day Rex, the twins and Da Vinci met up with the new director and the staff he brought in
Gordy: as the new director I will be bringing in some changes to Chaldea. *reffering to the twins* you two, don't expect to stay much longer after everything is said and done. *now to Rex* you on the other hand have far too much potential to let go.
Rex: ...thank you director
Gordy: ooh! Surprisingly obedient of you! Tho a bit quiet
Rex: ...
Gordy: when the other Clock tower mages arrive they'll definitely have some questions for you regarding your predecessor and all that magecraft knowledge he refused to share.
After Gordy says this Rex shoves a journal onto him
Rex: here, all the knowledge the old man left me. I don't need it anymore anyways.
Gordy, taking the book: this is all he left? No proper teachings?
Rex: no, he just left me the book the crest, made me come here and kicked the bucket
Gordy: under normal circumstances I wouldn't believe you. But considering the stories I've heard about him that checks out.
Rex: good to hear...
Gordy, to Da Vinci: why is he so quiet anyways?
Da Vinci: he's upset, since he had to separate from the servant he was in a relationship with.
Gordy: in a relationship?! With a servant?! Bloody ridiculous! Servants are tools! Not romantic partners! How absurd
Rex was ready to punch the hell outta the new director, Da Vinci grabbing his hand before he could was the only thing stopping him
Da Vinci, quietly: no! Do not! I know you're upset but you can't harm him!
Rex, relaxing his arm: fine...
Later on Rex was in the halls with Fou, when he ran into Gordy's "assistant"
Vitch: oh! Well if it isn't the "world saving" master ...and his stupid pet
Rex: well if it isn't Gordy's lil pet. Wtf do you want?
Vitch: just walking through my new workplace.
Fou immediately got aggressive with the new assistant
Fou, trying to fight Vitch: fou! Kyou!
Vitch: stupid little runt! *she retaliates by stepping on him* ha!
Fou: fou!
Rex: hey!
Vitch: you may have been a threat once upon a time, but now... hmph. You're nothing
Rex, pissed enough as is decided to do something about it. He uses a magecraft trick he learned. Enhancing his speed, strength and endurance to turn himself into a human battering ram! Knocking Vitch down. Soon after he grabs the lil beast and runs off before Vitch could recover.
Vitch: stupid little master...
Rex mostly stayed in his room, alone waiting for the new guys to finish up. Then eventually... things go wrong
Mysterious soldiers clad in black invade Chaldea with a servant leading the charge. Rex, the twins, Mash and Da Vinci have to fight off the invading force to get to Da Vinci's secret project.
Rex: dammit these assholes are annoying!
Mash: why are they here?! What do they want?!
Da Vinci: doesn't matter! They invaded Chaldea so they're a threat!
Rex, despite just being a human master isn't defenseless. He wields the sword given to him by Zerkerlot and the gun Emiya assassin gave, even if he hoped to never use it.
Rex: damn this sword is useful!
Mash: senpai, I'm surprised you can wield it so well
Rex: lots of practice with servants paid off!
Eventually the group makes it to the shadow border, only to hear the desperate plees of the new director
Gordy, over comms: no! I don't want to die! I haven't done anything worthwhile with my life yet! No one's ever praised me before!
Rikko: you guys heard that?
Rikka: just like Olga!
Rex: dammit all! I really don't want to but I guess we have to help!
Rex and Mash go to save him, fighting off the soldiers and dragging him back to the shadow border.
Gordy: you all are helping me?! After all I did?! Why?!
Mash: is now the time for such questions?!
Rex: it's because you reminded us of someone we couldn't save! Now stopping questioning your saviors!
Gordy: ...thank you
They then run into the servant
Rex: dammit...
???: why if it isn't the master and his lil demi-servant. This is actually very good, now I can kill you here and now before you become a problem.
As she says this she launches a wave of icicles towards the two, Mash blocking them with her shield.
Mash: senpai! Director! Go! I'll hold her off!
Rex: we can't just leave you!
Mash: there's no time!
Rex: wait... the sword
Gordy: what about that sword?! What's it going to do against a servant?
Rex: it's a noble phantasm dumbass!
Gordy: wait what?! How do you have access to a noble phantasm!?
Rex: by treating my servants like people!
Rex: I don't know how to use it but...
While trying to use the sword's power he remembered what he heard Caster Cu tell Mash when she struggled to use her shield
Flashback Cu: she's a servant, even if she doesn't know the noble phantasm's true name, instinct will help her
Then Rex's sword becomes surrounded by a dark black tendril like energy. Similar in appearance to whenever Zerkerlot uses a weapon.
Rex: alright! Here ya go bitch!
He thrusts the sword forward towards the servant and wave of the black energy blasts from the sword, hitting the servant's shoulder and knocking her down
???: ah!
Mash: you did it senpai!
Gordy: how the devil?!
Rex: no questions! Move!
The three rum back to the shadow border, bow everyone getting back in, with Da Vinci not far behind until...
Da Vinci: ugh!
Priest, with his hand through her neck: well well well, where do you all think you're going?
Rex: Da Vinci!
Mash: Da Vinci!
Rikko and Rikka: no!
Da Vinci, : I'm sorry you guys... but it looks like... I won't... be coming with you...
The priest tries to remove his hand but Da Vinci won't let him
Da Vinci: now now now! You just murdered a genius! You have to face the consequences!
Priest: dammit!
The group enters the shadow border, which is launched out of Chaldea.
While inside Rex runs into Holmes, who he never saw since he stayed in his room
Rex: Holmes!?
Holmes: in the flesh
Rex: why are you still here?!
Holmes: Da Vinci said I would be needed so I hid.
Rex: how the fuck are you more needed then Quetz!
Holmes: now now, don't get mad at me.
Rex: whatever!
Eventually much later, after they finally erase the Russian lostbelt. Rex is reunited with Quetz and he's never been happier. While in the shadow border headed to their next destination.
Gordy: ...Rex
Rex: hmm?
Gordy: I would... like to... apologize... I know it's far too late, by the root is it too late. But I'm sorry for my behavior. And for doubting your relationship with your servant. Clearly you two... are very much in love.
Rex: well... it's a start. But I won't be able to forgive you so easily.
Gordy: that's alright... I don't blame you...
Eventually after the priest attacked them and took Kadoc back, Rex was in his new shadow border room. Finally laying in bed with Quetz again, after so very long.
Rex: Quetz... it's been so long. It's nice to... finally be with you again.
Quetz: it's nice to see you again too mi amor. I told you to have faith we'd meet again.
Rex: yeah... it was just... so depressing... without you... here with me...
Quetz: I know... but we're together again mi amor. You'll never have to worry about us separating again
Rex: I hope you're right.
A/N: so here's what happened with Rex before the lostbelts and a bit after. The beginning was difficult to get through but the rest of easy enough.
@hasereshdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @hasabbydoneanythingwrong @exmeowstic @panyum @grievouslyxorvia @siegfaerie @valiantstrawberrymilk @nureenarts
Edit: forgot a tag
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neil-jortson · 4 years
It’s only a matter of time
This is a hc about what I think would happen to the foxes in quarantine. I made this as a part of the gift exchange from @aftgexchange for the Tumblr user @wishbonetea . It was an awesome experience to do this exchange and I hope to do it again! 
Summary: a collection of ideas about how the foxes lives would have to adapt during quarantine 
word count: 2k 
The foxes in quarantine: a bullet point fic 
The year is 2020. Matt, Kevin, Andrew, and Neil are all professional exy players. Neil and Andrew fought hard and finally got put on the same team that past season.
Dan is an assistant coach for a college team in the same city that Matt plays in. Nicky lives in Germany with Erik and Aaron is just finishing up his residency in medical school. Allison is a major fashion designer who donates more money than she keeps. Renee works with the peace corp and is currently out of the country. Everything is good. 
Dan and Matt are expecting their first child in less than two months and are trying to clean up the spare room to begin making a nursery for the baby. 
On the tv in another room plays a news reporter talking about a virus on the horizon in China. They don’t think much of it and continue about their days.
Andrew and Neil lived a fairly domestic life, one they never thought they would live, with two cats and a nice set of kitchen knives. (They were a house warming present from Aaron: “it’s ironic” he would say when asked why he purchased the set.) 
When Andrew and Neil heard about the novel virus, they simply changed their in-depth arguments about a zombie outbreak to arguments on what to do in the event the virus becomes a big deal. Little did they know some of their “predictions” would turn out to be correct. 
Everyone went about their normal lives just keeping an eye on the news before things seemed to change at the drop of a hat. The country was shutting its borders and not allowing flights in from other countries. There was even talk of cities going into lockdown. 
Renee was trying to catch a flight home with the rest of her crew. When she made it back into the states, she found she had nowhere to go. Allison invited her to stay at her apartment in NYC. She was not aware of how long they were going to be stuck there (not that Allison was against sharing an apartment with a beautiful girl like Renee). 
It became more real to the rest of them as the Exy season was postponed until further notice. 
Kevin didn’t know what to do with himself and Neil. Was. Devastated.
It was only a matter of days before they began to get antsy about not going to the court daily. Neil and Kevin had shared anxious words as they hadn’t heard what the Moriyamas would think about them not receiving the normal amount of money this season. Andrew tried to put their minds at ease, but with no words of communication from the crime syndicate, they were getting worried. 
Dan and Matt were probably the most stressed of the bunch. The information they had gathered was that most of the Foxes were in good shape to handle the virus even if they were to get sick, but there wasn’t any data on how the virus would affect pregnant women. Dan feared for the health of the baby because of this uncertainty. She and Matt decided that they would follow the government regulations for quarantine and that when groceries needed to be picked up, Matt would be the one to go out and get them. 
Wymack’s thoughts were focused on his foxes and how they would be affected by the pandemic. He thought of Matt and Dan bringing a baby into the world at an unlikely time. He thought of Andrew and Neil who never could commit to quitting smoking (even if Neil just liked the smell). He worried about Aaron working in a hospital. For Nicky's mental health while being stuck at home and away from people. He worried that Kevin would start drinking again without the regime of Exy to keep him on track. He was concerned about Renee and Allison living in one of the worst cities to be stuck in when a pandemic hits. He thought about every person he had had as a fox before them and after them. He spent most of his time checking up on the foxes and the other portion of his time reaching out to organizations to see what they needed. He volunteered when he could and spread the word when he couldn’t. 
As the foxes settled into their lives stuck at home and thousands of miles apart from one another, things settled into a new normal. 
Andrew and Neil lived in quiet harmony when the quarantine first began. Neil went running every morning in a park that was not very crowded and when he would come home he would head straight to the shower. Eventually, Andrew convinced him to buy a treadmill because he was worried about Neil getting sick. Although, the way that he phrased it, it would seem he didn’t care either way. (Neil saw right through him)
Life for them was simple but draining. 
The longer the quarantine went on, the worse off Neil and Andrew became. 
Andrew found himself talking more and more with Betsy as being stuck at home was leaving him alone with his thoughts more than he would like. He felt old emotions creeping to the forefront of his mind as he was stuck in a two-bedroom apartment with two cats and a man he “hated.”  
Being stuck at home for Neil was his own personal hell. He paced around the apartment often and felt no true release from running on the treadmill. Neil felt the same way he did when his mom and he were snowed in at a safe house in the mountains. He walked to the corners of each room and took stock of the items in the home. He felt himself get more and more on edge as the days went by. 
Dan and Matt were better off when it came to mental health. It also helped that they tried not to take out their worries on one another, they were a team. They enjoyed each other's company and would try to hang out on opposite sides of the house as much as possible. They knew when they started to push each other's buttons and would back off when they started going too far. 
Matt knew that Dan felt bad about not being able to leave the house so he got a kiddy pool for her to sit in outside. It wasn’t much, but Dan enjoyed the fact that Matt was thinking of her when he went out shopping. They spent many afternoons sitting in the tiny pool that barely fit them and laughing at the different antics of their crazy neighbors that day. 
Nicky got a hold of everyone's schedule and decided that they should do group facetime calls every week. It was really hard to find a good time because everyone lived in different time zones and Aaron had a rotating doctor’s schedule, but Nicky was able to find 45 minutes a week when everyone was awake and not at work. 
Dan and Matt had finally found proper places to put all of the items that had been in the nursery and were just beginning to start the vacuum cleaner when they heard an alarm go off on Dan’s phone. 
It was time for them to talk with their old team. 
Everyone slowly joined the call and Nicky was just as enthusiastic in welcoming every person who joined. 
Nicky was especially delighted when Kevin answered the call and the foxes came to find out his hair had grown out longer than he ever let it before. (He claimed it wasn’t professional to have longer hair but he looked better than ever with the length.)
When Allison joined the call, some of the foxes were surprised to see Renee sitting right beside her. Renne’s hair had grown out and Dan noticed that there was a distinct line from where she had been bleaching her hair
Dan asked, “Hey Renee, what are you going to do with your hair?”
Renee responded with “I’m really not sure yet, but I think I want to grow it out with my natural color”
Allison whispered something in Renee's ear and she blushed. 
All of the foxes took notice of this and decided that maybe it was time to settle one of the few remaining bets from college. 
Neil and Andrew were the last to join the call and they seemed pissed off. Right before they noticed they were a part of the call, they seemed to be arguing in Russian. They quickly noticed they were on camera and stopped arguing but they wouldn’t really look at one another. 
Nicky asked them how they were doing which Neil responded with “We’re fine” and Andrew scoffed at the word. 
Nicky knew better than to dig around in their personal business so he let it drop and began to ask Aaron and Katelynn how their dog was, was it still cute, can they show it on the camera? 
They responded by turning the camera to let everyone see the sleeping puppy at the edge of their bed. This answered two of the questions because as everyone could see, the dog was still very cute. They told them about a run into the vet they had to make because “the little fiend” has a knack for eating things he’s not supposed to. 
Dan and Matt told everyone how the pregnancy was going and told them the tale of woe trying to find the perfect crib for the baby’s room. 
“When it arrived, we opened up the package and it was bright green! Who in their right mind is going to put their baby in a bright green crib? It’s ridiculous is what it is” complained Matt when Dan had finished telling them how long the package had taken to arrive. 
While everyone was talking Andrew and Neil had seemed to calm down and Neil had placed his head on Andrew’s shoulder. Things weren’t always sunshine and daisies but they weren’t really mad at each other when they fought. 
After everyone had caught up there was a lull in the conversation that Neil began to fill. He told them about the time they had to rescue King Fluffkins. They had gotten King recently just a few months prior to the quarantine coming into effect. This was the first time that the team had heard Neil say the words “King Fluffkins” out loud. It is needless to say that they laughed for a long while hearing Neil say the ridiculous name the team had given to their cat. When they calmed down they listened to Neil explain how King had gotten out of the window they kept partially open for smoking. Andrew had to hold on to Neil’s waist as Neil propelled himself out the window to get a hold of the cat at the edge of the window sill. King had dug her claws in and Neil almost fell out of the window. They got her inside but put a lock on the window to ensure she didn’t make her way out there again. 
That story pushed their time to when they needed to say goodbye. Aaron’s shift started in under an hour and he needed to get to work. They all said their goodbyes and set up a time for the following week. 
It helped everyone to talk amongst themselves and to hear what had been going on while they were at home. They were all worried about what was going on, but it seemed as though they were becoming more connected, even across the vast distance. 
It was only a matter of time before this came to pass and Neil and Andrew would get to see Dan and Matt’s baby. 
It was only a matter of time before the exy season started up once more and the Moriyamas demanded a larger cut from Neil’s salaries for the break he was on during the pandemic. 
It was only a matter of time before Nicky could come and visit the twins for Christmas. 
It was only a matter of time before all of the foxes felt their lives returning to a slightly new normal. 
It was only a matter of time.
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agardenofmonsters · 4 years
Fae BF | Pollux | Part 2
TransMasc Reader x Masc Fae Boyfriend
You x He/Him
Yay you get to meet my new  character who I absolutely adore <3 hope you like him too!
The world seems to tilt. The sky shimmers.
You back away from the Fae until your back hits a tree. Looking at your hands, you could almost feel the manacles clamping onto your wrists.
“Don’t act so upset,” the Fae calls. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“My whole life…” you whisper frantically. “I’ve been trapped by a name that wasn’t mine...and now that I have my proper name...I am trapped yet again!”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” he says unsympathetically. “Life is what you make of it….now look alive.”
You snap to attention, feeling a little dizzy. His hand is outstretched.
“Come to me, pet.”
Your body straightens and starts walking over to the Fae.
You hate how natural it feels to obey him.
You pause as you reach him, and you watch your hand lift and place itself onto Pollux’s. He takes your hand and leans down to kiss it, sending a surge of goosebumps up your arm.
“Let’s get out of here.”
He grips your hand a little tighter. And like he did earlier, he takes you quickly through the meadow towards the monolithic rock formation like you’re fast forwarding through a movie. He uses the stone as a staircase, but his feet keep stepping even though he runs off the top of it. Despite not being able to see any of the crystal-clear steps, Pollux does not stumble, and neither do you. 
Only when you’re a couple stories up do the steps level out onto a platform. Pollux slows down and looks at you with bright, shining eyes.
“Now remember,” he taunts with a shit-eating grin. “Be on your best behavior! Don’t want any Fae to get mad at you….Trust me.”
You don’t respond.
“Alright, let’s go!” He says cheerfully, turning you around so he’s behind you. He plants a hand on your back and pushes you forward.
It’s like walking in the air, except the treetops poke through the crystalline floor. Soft, fluffy pink clouds furnish the space, billowing in giant mounds and spanning across the ground. Tree branches poke up out of the ground like flowers.
Everything was dusted with sparkles...or at least that was how everything looked.
Pollux pushes you towards the middle of two rows of booths, each with its own sets of fairies talking amongst each other in this little marketplace.
But the romantic air of the environment starts dropping in pieces as each group of Fae realize that you are there.
Then they all just stare. With their big gemstone eyes.
They would be beautiful if you weren’t completely angry or terrified.
You see now where Pollux is taking you—a giant stone obelisk stands proud at the end of the marketplace in a large clearing, and at the bottom of it is an extremely tall Fae with a crown on his head giving instruction to two smaller Fae.
“Pollux, Pollux!” you murmur urgently to him.
He ignores you.
“Ohhhh Aubergine!” Pollux yells in a sing-song fashion. “Guess what I found!”
He gives you a hard push and this time you fall to your knees. The tall Fae pinches the bridge of his nose before turning to actually look at Pollux. His gaze then falls upon you and your stomach knots with anxiety; he is breathtakingly beautiful. His ice blue eyes are accentuated by his dark purple skin, and his hair is a beautiful silvery white. You scramble to stand under his intimidating gaze, but his countenance shows no emotion.
He looks back at Pollux, cool demeanor turning icy: “What have you done?”
“Saving this poor human from the woods, obviously,” he replies, unfazed by Aubergine’s chastising.
“You know the consequences of interfering with the mortal realm, and yet you refuse to take heed of the warnings.”
Pollux rolls his eyes: “Don’t be so dramatic. I found this one alone, miles from society.”
“I don’t care for your attitude, Pollux. You have stolen a human from their home to which they can no longer return. Have you no sympathy?”
Pollux’s wings flutter angrily: “You’re just jealous that I caught one.”
“I have no need for jealousy—I just want you to understand the gravity of your actions.”
Aubergine turns to you: “On behalf of the Fae realm, I apologize for the actions of Pollux and what it has led to.”
Before you can say anything, Pollux grabs your arm and starts dragging you away from the Fae, muttering angrily under his breath.
“I’ll show him…”
“Ouch, Pollux,” you say, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. “You’re hurting me.”
Pollux halts and lets go of you: “I’m sorry....he just really gets under my skin.”
“Who is he?”
“Prince Aubergine of the Fae realm. He basically just makes sure everything runs smoothly...and that rules are followed absolutely.”
“Oh, yeah I noticed his crown.”
He looks at you with a smirk: “He’s pretty handsome, isn’t he?”
You feel your cheeks get red: “I mean sure but it’s like...whatever!”
Pollux pinches your cheek: “I’m just playing with ya, don’t worry. Come on, I’m gonna show you my place.”
You follow him to a facade of white marble columns draped in luminescent fabrics. You take the large marble stairs up to a wall of drapes. Pollux parts the wall and gestures you inside with a highfalutin smile.
The inside is a large room with white marble flooring, gossamer fabrics billowing in the breeze at the outer borders. Some expensive-looking sofas sit near the middle of the room as what could be an elegant area for hosting, and a large bed waits at the very back, dressed in red linens. It was a bedroom fit for a king; and you get the strongest feeling that you don’t belong here.
Pollux is looking at you with a searching expression, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.
You go up to a sofa almost in a trance and lay your hand on it, feeling the smoothness.
“Wow,” you whisper.
“What was that?” Pollux says, appearing suddenly behind you and making you jump.
You put a hand on your chest to slow your heart: “It’s amazing—what else do you want me to say?”
Pollux puts his hands on your hips and moves in close: “My bed’s pretty great too.”
Your heart jumps to your throat and you instinctively put your hands up between you two: “I’m sure it is, but it’s a no from me.”
Pollux sighs and releases you: “One day, pretty thing. One day.”
“I highly doubt that,” you mutter.
Pollux then flies over the seating area to plop down onto his bed. He stretches loudly and then turns to you.
“Very well, very well. Fetch me some food then.”
You feel your body engaging under his control but are confused: “Where do I even get food?”
“The booths near the entrance, darling. Someone will help you—oh! But first,” he says flying to the cabinets behind the sofas. “Let’s get you out of those clothes!”
He pulls out a pair of pants with an elastic-like waistband and leg cuffs: “These should fit you well.”
“I don’t need to change my clothes—”
“It’ll be fine; it’ll help you fit in better.”
“I doubt that,” you mutter under your breath.
He gives you a stack of clothes and crosses his arms, looking at you expectantly.
“Fine, I’ll wear them, but you can’t watch,” you demand.
“Alright, alright,” he says holding up his hands appeasingly. “I’ll go...here.”
He then goes to his bed and throws the covers over his head so there’s only his feet showing.
“Is this alright with you?” He asks, voice muffled from the sheets.
You don’t answer him and instead just start getting dressed. You pause for a breath because you don’t know what to do about your binder, but in the end you just decide to leave it on. 
You look over at the lump of sheets where Pollux is hiding and shake your head confusedly. For a Fae who could do anything he wanted with you, he certainly doesn’t as much as he could. And for a second, you are almost grateful.
“Okay,” you tell him, rolling your eyes. “I’m done.”
He sits up, sheets ruffling up his hair: “Well now, you look fantastic.”
Standing there, clutching yourself self-consciously while dressed in foreign clothes, you most certainly do not feel that way.
“Now, go get me some food, and be snappy!” He commands lightly.
You straighten up and leave the room without another word, wandering the path where you had been dragged by Pollux—and notice someone coming towards you.
Prince Aubergine.
Heat rises in your cheeks and you clutch your arms in reaction.
Just relax it’s fine, you’ve done nothing wrong…………….right?
You wonder whether to ignore him or give him a nod in deference and decide to go with the latter.
He watches you with icy, unrevealing eyes, but passes by you without saying anything.
You feel your blood pumping to your ears and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
Alright, it’s over….now where do I get food?
Reaching the clearing where the booths were located, you are again met with stares.
“Uh—um. Pollux requested food. Is this where I can get some?”
After a beat, a kind fairy with dark skin and bright yellow eyes fetches a plate full of various fruits from one of the booths.
“This’ll do fine, hun. Pollux isn’t picky when it comes to food,” she says warmly.
“Th-thank you very much!” you sputter, taking the extravagant tray of food. You look around quickly and then do a quick bow as you rush away with your quarry.
On the way back you have more time to inspect the plate in all its glory: fruits with lustre and golden skin adorned the plate like a display fit for royalty. You are tempted to eat one, just to see what it would be like, but you remember the tales and decide against it.
I guess the Fae really do live in luxury. 
As you approach the front with the plate, you hear two voices speaking in a repressed passion.
“I knew you couldn’t stand being away from me,” says Pollux.
“Of course I care about you, how could I not?” says the second.
“You only care about getting some, and I’d be okay with that if you didn’t treat me like I’m a fool when we’re not being intimate.”
“There are rules to be followed and you treat that as if they’re mere suggestions!”
“See, just admit you love controlling me more than you love me and get it over with.”
You trip.
On one of the curtains.
Fruit goes everywhere.
But you see.
And...Prince Aubergine.
Looking up from where you are on the ground, you scramble up, sputtering apologies.
Pollux storms over to you, face unreadable. He takes you…….and dips you, pressing a kiss on your lips. Pulling you back up on your feet and leaving you bewildered.
But the look.
On the Prince’s face.
It barely cracked the surface, but you saw it.
Heat in those icy blue eyes.
What does it mean?
Pollux picks up a glittering pear that lay on the ground next to his feet, he brushes it off on his clothes, and takes a bite, juice dripping down his chin.
“Still tastes good to me,” he says cheerfully, laying an elbow on your shoulder as if the whole interaction never happened.
The Prince sighs, shaking his head, and leaves, stepping around the scattered fruit. Pollux eyes him the whole way, not even trying to be clandestine.
Before he exits he looks at Pollux: “We’re not done talking.”
15 notes · View notes
starrynite7114 · 4 years
things you never knew: three
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I kept writing and writing, and here we are with 5000 something words. The story is definitely starting a little slow, so many secrets and questions popping up, but I promise, things are going to pick up soon.
If you guys ever want to discuss the story, please feel free! I love questions! <3 
I also added new characters on the characters post, please check it out!
Also, requests are still open if you would like to make a request! 
Thank you all for the recent follows and likes, I really appreciate all the love!
TYNK: Characters one : two
Request list
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​​ : @carlaangel86​​ : @marvelmaree​​ : @woahitslucyylu​​ : @encounterthepast​​ : @enamoured-x​​ : @whyisgmora​​ : @briana-mishell24​​ : @bribri-82​​ : @briannab1234​​ : @chibsytelford​​ : @agirllovespasta​​ : @twistnet​​ : @everyhowlmarksthedead​​ : @trulysuccubus​​ : @jadert15​​ : @sammskellington​​ : @cind-in-real-life​​ : @mheart27​​ : @claytoncardenasbabymama​​ : @sadeyesgf​​ : @thickemadame​​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​​ : @gemini0410​​ : @robbosugdens​​ : @elcococruz​​ : @samcrobae​​ : @sesamepancakes​ : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle​ 
If you would like to be added to this specific tag list or everything tag list, let me know! <3
Also, credit to original GIF creator!
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“Please Theo, I just want to go home.” Ailee sobbed, as she held her stomach, on her knees, head against the concrete. 
“You have no home.” Theo spat out venomously. “How can you be the best at Maquina if you’re going to long for home? Personal relationships exhibit weakness, they give your enemies a target.” He looked at the four men that surrounded Ailee. “Again.” 
The four men approached Ailee one at a time, Ailee was able to defend herself, and take a few down. That was until there were multiple people who attacked her, then Ailee was back on her knees, holding her stomach once again. She coughed, blood coming out of her mouth, her whole body was aching.
“This is your home till I see fit, till you’re prepared to be the best in Maquina.” Theo stated. “Who do you want to go back to? Angel Reyes?” Theo chuckled, shaking his head. “He is a waste of space my darling sister, you have no future in Santo Padre with him. You have romanticized this life with the Reyes’, but let’s be honest, you don’t fit in that life. You belong to this world, to keep the balance of power as your uncle fondly tells you.” Theo scoffed. “We can take over the world Ailee, we can have the governments of this world pleading to have us on their side, to have us manufacturing weapons of mass destruction for them. Do you not want that for me? For me to be able to bring back honor to my family’s name?”
Ailee did want to help her older brother out, but this was insane. She wasn’t cut out of this, she didn’t want to be a monster. 
“What did I tell you?” 
Ailee remained mum, not saying anything to Theo. She didn’t want to be here. This was the last place she wanted to be. She was only supposed to be here for a few weeks, but when she arrived, Theo took her passport and her cell phone. She couldn’t even contact John and Vince and it frightened her, but she didn’t let it show. Theo pounced on fear, and she tried her best to not be afraid.
“What did I tell you?!” He yelled out, hitting her with the stick he held in his hand. She fell to the ground, her forearm holding her up as best as she could.
“Fear is a concept for the weak. You have to face your fears in order to become the best.” She repeated his mantra in a monotone voice, three months of pain and suffering sinking in. She terribly missed Angel. Her saving grace, her fucking Angel. Whenever she thought about killing herself, ending this miserable life, she thought of Angel. His stupid jokes. His stupid smile. His warmth. The way he would hold her whenever she had a hard day at the academy. The way he would tell her that everything was going to be okay when a thunderstorm frightened her. The way he would make silly faces at her while she was eating dinner with his family, her family.
She fucking missed him.
He was the light at the end of her tunnel. 
If she focused on that, she could survive this fucking hell. 
“I’ve done everything I can for you since we were children, Grace. I’ve always taken care of you, made sure you were okay, read you bedtime stories, it was all me. When you were here, you were free from the scrutiny and hardships your parents put you through. All I’m asking is for you to give this training your all, to beat John and Vince.” Theo squatted down in front of her, lifting her chin up. He slapped her, blood spurting out of her mouth. She couldn’t even cry, the tears only further aggravated him. “I’m doing this because I love you.” He took his phone out, a live-stream of Angel at the scrapyard was on his screen. “You don’t play by my rules and I’ll kill him. See, as I’ve said, personal relationships are a cause of weakness.”
Ailee felt her tears welling up again. She looked down, taking a deep breath. She stood up, and looked up at the four men before her. Theo saw the way her face hardened, smirking at the victory he achieved.
Creeper watched Ailee as she unloaded her SUV. He heard the grand opening was in three days and he wanted to check on his younger cousin. He’s given her space since her release from jail, but like Angel said, she was an adult, she had to handle adult conversations. But somehow he knew that wasn’t the issue. 
“Are you just going to stand there or are you at least going to help me?” Ailee’s question broke him out of his trance, giving her a sheepish smile. 
“I got you.” He took off his gloves, picking up a box from her trunk. Walking inside, he was surprised to see a few people inside working, they looked at him, greeting him so uniformly it was creepy. 
Ailee walked in behind him, raising an eyebrow as to why Creeper stopped.
“Creep, why the hell are you blocking the way?” Ailee questioned.
“Didn’t know where to bring it.” He turned to her. 
“Counter.” She nodded her head forward.
They both placed the boxes on the counter and went back outside. Ailee sat at the trunk of her car, watching her cousin slightly pace in front of her. Creeper was her cousin from her father’s side. His mother was Jin and William’s half sister. She was the middle child in between them. They got on well and Creeper has been a part of her life since she was younger. Truth be told, he was one of the few members of her dad’s side she was fond of. He was a good dude and was loyal to a tee. He was always so kind to her. Whenever she would get in trouble with her parents, she would sneak over to his house which was just a house over and let him distract her with stupid shit he would do.
He also taught her how to box to release pent up aggression she had. Ailee was taught to keep her feelings to herself, to not show your emotions as it was a sign of weakness. Due to this, when she would become angry, frustrated, sad, whatever negative emotion, she was never truly able to show it. Instead of letting her brood, he would take her out, taking Angel along and letting her box. Sure, maybe him and Angel were punching bags along with other people at the gym, but Ailee needed it. 
“How are you?” Creeper questioned. 
“Good, just busy with setting up the shop. How are you?” Ailee began to slouch, and she immediately corrected her posture, feeling the smack of the stick one of her trainers used to carry around whenever she would slouch. 
“Slouching is a sign of laziness, improper posture is not allowed for an agent of your caliber. Fix it, it will help you in life later on considering all the injuries you have sustained.” 
Prim and proper, that’s how they were supposed to be. Always clean shaven, hair tied in a ponytail, no messiness. It was a dress code, which was comical to Ailee, but she figured there had to be a code somewhere.  
“We have a run tomorrow. I just wanted to check on you. I know we’re far from forgiven, but you have to know that we tried to see you multiple times.”
Ailee’s eyebrows furrowed. She kept hearing that, they tried to see her yet it never happened. “I doubt that. Felipe saw me, so did Jin and Theo.”
“Theo? Your psycho half brother?” 
Ailee nodded her head tensely, recalling how her brother visited her a few times and remembering how uncomfortable and irritating it was. He wasn’t allowed on American soil, yet, he risked it to see her. It was idiotic and there were so many times she wished he was caught. For some reason, he was always evading the authorities. He was only on their radar if he stepped foot on US soil, he technically didn’t have a warrant on him since he hasn’t done anything to catch people’s attention. Selling weapons to lowly Eastern European countries didn’t really alarm government officials. Who didn’t sell weapons to militant groups? When he starts having bigger clients then that’s when the problem arises. But with him seemingly using a rebel group too close to the border, that’s when things changed. Rebel groups against the cartel were unpredictable, their loyalty was fluid, much like the governing governments of the world. If you fit their purpose, then they were loyal to you. 
“Yes, and before you ask, I don’t know how he got to American soil, he just did.” Ailee shrugged. “Look, I think we can all just move on, whether or not you attempted to visit me or not, it’s no longer my concern. I’ll stand clear from you all and you stand clear from me.”
“You know we can’t do that, Angel wouldn’t agree to that.” Creeper knew how much Angel was itching to confront Ailee. From what he heard, he already did and he met her boyfriend, Alexander. He was almost sure that information was incorrect and Angel was just being dramatic. Any man around Ailee was not accepted by Angel. 
“Well tough shit, Angel doesn’t really have a choice does he?” Ailee scoffed. “It’s my only request primo, please respect it.” She knew this was an awful request, but she could keep tabs on the Mayans without actually being involved with them. There was too much history and hurt to actually work with them. Ailee wasn’t willing to face that demon, facing that would cause things to resurface she long buried.
“Angel isn’t going to give up on you. It’s been five years, that’s enough time to get past grievances.” Creeper knew it wasn’t but Ailee blocked them off, how could she be angry at that?
“Let me ask you something, if you took the fall for the MC and they never visited you, would you welcome them with open arms?”
“Of course, there must have been a reason why they didn’t and we did try to visit you, you shut us down.”
“I didn’t have a ‘no-visit’ list. If those other people were able to visit me, then how were you not able to do so?”
“I don’t know Lee! You fucking tell me!” Creeper was frustrated. It was like going around in circles with Ailee. “We tried, we really did, but you made it very apparent that you didn’t want to speak to us.”
“Look, there’s no point in arguing about things. Like I’ve said, let's all move on.”
“Lee, you were never this heartless. I get it, you’re upset because you feel like we’ve abandoned you, but I can guarantee you we didn’t. We’re family.” Creeper knew Ailee could hold a grudge, but this was different. She couldn’t hold this against them all. 
“Family is such a strange concept. One abandoned me and the other uses me as a weapon to serve a purpose that is a joke to be honest.” Ailee scoffed. “Look, again, my stance is quite firm. Let’s all be cordial, but otherwise, I want nothing to do with any of you.” 
Before Creeper could reply, a voice interrupted them.
“Heads up.” 
He looked to where the voice came from and it was Alex, Ailee’s childhood friend. What surprised him was the little girl, five years old at most running towards Ailee. He watched as Ailee jumped out of the car and opened her arms for the young girl.
“Baby!” Ailee kissed her cheek, lifting her up. “This is Tio Creeper, this is my daughter, Melody.”
Creeper tried his best for his mouth not to drop open, the shock of being introduced to Ailee’s daughter shook him. The little girl looked just like Ailee, but she didn’t have Ailee’s hazel eyes, she had brown eyes, much like Angel. He couldn’t believe this, Ailee couldn’t have had a child while she was in jail. Money talked, he knew that, but he doubted that Ailee would have a kid with Alexander while she was in jail. 
Nothing was making sense. 
He noticed the hearing aid then, eyeing Melody curiously. “She can hear?”
“Yes, of course she can. She’s just more comfortable with signing still because she thinks her voice is weird.” Ailee kissed the implant on her baby’s forehead. “She’s fine. Baby, come on, say hello, Tio Creeper would love to hear your voice.”
“Hello,” Creeper did note that her voice didn’t sound normal, but she was adorable. She hid her face at the crook of Ailee’s neck. 
Creeper noticed Alexander appear behind Ailee, the little girl reaching for him. 
“I got you babe,” he picked her up, kissing Ailee at the top of her head. “Creep, nice to see you.”
“You too man, didn’t know you were allowed outside of Europe.” He knew the business the Leon’s had. Regardless of their real estate venture, cocaine still made their world go around. 
“Helps to be attached to this one.” He nodded his head towards Ailee. “I’ll leave you two.”
“It’s fine, Creeper was just leaving.” 
“Does Angel know you have a daughter?” Creeper knew those brown eyes anywhere, he’s been brothers with the man for years and known him before that due to Ailee. 
“Why would he need to know?” Ailee gave him a look, but he could tell that she wasn’t comfortable, that being back in Santo Padre was biting her on the ass.
No one could hide anything in Santo Padre, especially not from the Mayans.
“Well for one, that kid looks like Angel.” 
“She isn’t Angel’s kid, she’s my kid.” Ailee countered. “Why does she have to be Angel’s kid if she’s my kid?”
“So she isn’t your actual kid?” Creeper was beyond confused. He had a hunch that Ailee was never inside, it was all but confirmed for him. Jin would never have let Ailee remain in jail. Hell, her brothers would have never let her remain in jail. How could he be so naive to think they would do so? He knew Ailee was upset, but there was no way she would have them in a ‘no-visit’ list.
“That’s none of your business. She’s my child. There are plenty of people with brown eyes primo, stay away, this is your only warning.” Ailee took her child inside, Alexander following after her. 
He had to do some digging, but he was going to need some help. Taking his phone out from inside his kute, he dialed the number that he knew could help him.
“You busy?” 
Melody looked nothing like Alex. She was Angel’s kid and he was going to get to the bottom of this.
Olivia walked out of her apartment, frowning when she saw Kevin across the street. She unlocked her car and watched as Kevin walked over to her. 
“EZ hasn’t been answering my calls.” Kevin informed her.
“And this concerns me why?”
“Don’t be difficult Liv, he needs to check in with me, you know this.” Kevin sighed. “I’m still trying to figure out how you managed to get this deal for him.”
“I know people.” Olivia shrugged. Kevin was such a lowly agent, he could never know of the existence of Maquina. Hell, only high ranking officers knew of their existence and even then, it was a hand selected few who knew of their existence. A shadow organization that helped the balance of power in various regions of the world.
“You must know high ranking people.” Kevin always tried to pry on what Olivia did for a living. He knew she headed an IT department for some company, but Olivia always kept him within arms length. Much like EZ, he’s known Olivia too yet, she was very hesitant to be alone with him. “Who do you know?”
“Doesn’t matter Kevin, if you nail Galindo, it’s beneficial for your career and keeps EZ away from jail.” She placed her things inside her car, turning to face Kevin. “I don’t see why there is a need for you to know who my connections are.”
“What happens to EZ when he serves his purpose?”
“Whatever he wants.” Olivia didn’t understand his question. EZ could do whatever he wants. “He could just tell the MC that this wasn’t the life for him and go from there.”
“You’re not worried he’s going to go back to Emily?” Kevin knew that Olivia had feelings for EZ. Only EZ didn’t seem to know she had feelings for him. 
“That’s none of my concern. EZ is a big boy, he can do whatever he pleases.” Olivia slammed the door to the back passenger. 
“After everything you’ve done for him, don’t you want him to at least return the favor?”
“Kevin, I didn’t do this so EZ could pay me back. He’s my best friend, I’m glad I was able to,” she sighed. “I want to help him. He can get his second chance in life, he’s far too brilliant to rot in prison.”
“Just tell him to call me.”
“Sure will.”
She watched as Kevin made his way back to his vehicle. She slid in her car, locking it immediately out of habit. She’s had a few close calls and would rather be safe. 
Olivia wasn’t going to lie. She wondered if EZ would go back to Emily once Miguel was in jail. He most likely would.
His first love.
Love of his life.
Olivia chuckled, shaking her head. She gave those hopes long ago. She deserved better than waiting for someone who would never see her. 
“Once this is done, you should come back to Spain.” She recalled Jin telling her. “Your talent is wasting away in Santo Padre. Ezekiel will be safe and can start over, you’ve given up so much for Ezekiel. It’s time to move on.”
Jin was right. It was time for Olivia to move on. She deserved a happy ending as well.
And maybe it was with Nathan, Alexander’s younger brother.
Olivia parked behind Carniceria Reyes, turning her car off and sliding out. She wanted to stop by before she spent the rest of her day at the coffee shop.
She knew EZ would be there.
And like she predicted, he was there with his father. 
“Mija, you’re here.” Felipe fondly greeted her.
“Hey pops.” Felipe refused to acknowledge her whenever she called him Mr. Reyes. He said they were family and she agreed. Her real family was basically non-existent. The family that she recognized 
“Hey Liv,” EZ greeted Olivia, giving her a quick hug. 
“Kevin came to see me.” 
EZ frowned. “Why?”
“You’ve been ignoring him, he wanted you to call him.”
Before EZ could reply, he heard a motorcycle making its way down. He watched as Angel stopped in front of the Carniceria.
“I’m going to tell Kevin to stop approaching you.” EZ didn’t feel comfortable involving Olivia in this whole ordeal. He told Kevin time and time again that his point of contact with him would be his father, not Oliva. He knew of the crush that Kevin harbored for Olivia ever since they were children, but Olivia was off-limits, Kevin knew that, he made sure of it. 
“EZ, it’s fine, he just wanted to make sure things were okay.”
“Let me rephrase that, I don’t want him talking to you. He’s putting you in danger.”
“Be reasonable, he’s hardly doing that.” Olivia wanted to tell him that her life was always on the line. That whenever she went to Europe, it might have been the last time she would see EZ when she visited him. Sure, she wasn’t a field agent, but the work she did for Maquina was immensely valuable. Taking her out of the picture would greatly blind Maquina.
Felipe had to hold back a chuckle as he saw how bent over Ezekiel was about Kevin approaching Olivia. Whenever they would have family parties and Olivia attended, Kevin was always far away since Ezekiel did not like how much Kevin tried to impress her. Olivia never seemed to mind Kevin’s presence, which further irritated Ezekiel.
“He’s staying away from you, that’s that.” EZ walked out to meet with Angel. 
Olivia looked at Felipe and sighed. “I’ll just go and say hi to Angel.” She walked out, Angel whistling as she did. 
“Knew there was a reason God wanted me to come to the carniceria.” Their flirty banter was always fun, but Olivia knew it was nothing, hell it was nothing to her and everyone knew who Angel belonged to.  
“Shut up Angel.” EZ put on his helmet. 
Olivia laughed. “Keep your brother safe.”
“Yes mom,” Angel winked at her. “You know I got him.” 
“You coming to give me a hug?” EZ opened his arms. 
Olivia shook her head and hugged him. She loved hugging EZ. It always brought her comfort when she was young and there was no difference now. When she first picked him up from prison, it was such a satisfying feeling. She hugged him tightly and he ended up sleeping over her place that night, catching him up on all the pop culture things that she could do in one night. Ever since then, EZ slept over often and they would just watch endless television shows. 
Currently they were watching Stranger Things, almost caught up with the series. 
“Be safe.” She kissed his cheek.
“Of course, we have to finish Stranger Things.” He smirked. 
She watched as the two brothers drove away. Looking across the street, she saw Alexander outside, shaking his head. The smirk on his face made her chuckle. Alexander was the older brother she never wanted, but she was truly glad to have him in her life. Crossing the street, she made her way towards Alexander, shaking her head. 
“Knew you couldn’t stay away.” 
“You know me, wherever she goes, I go.” Alexander shrugged. “Nathaniel will be disappointed to know you’re around Ezekiel again.”
“Nathaniel isn’t my boyfriend and even if he always understood my relationship with EZ.” Olivia walked in the cafe, a smile immediately spreading across her face. “Melly!” She fondly called out to Melody,
Melody turned around, smiling as her eyes landed on Auntie Olivia. She ran up to her and Olivia caught her, lifting her up in her arms. “Look at you, you’re so big now.” She kissed her cheek. “Mommy is going to be so much nicer now cause you’re here.”
“Haha,” Ailee shook her head. “Liv, did you get the tickets for the Safari Park?”
“Yes, I emailed them to Sierra last night.” Olivia was pretty sure she did, especially since Ailee wouldn’t stop bothering her about it.
“Sierra did get it and I emailed it to both of these difficult people.” Sierra Ayala, Alexander’s assistant and right hand woman replied as she walked towards them. “If you two actually checked your emails, this wouldn’t be an issue.” 
“You’re the best Sierra.” Ailee bowed to her. “We’re all going right?”
“Yes, I figured it would be nice to give everyone a break.” Olivia placed Melody back on the ground. “We can get an AirBNB there and enjoy a few days off after the opening?” 
“Sure, that sounds like a plan.” Alexander agreed. “Sierra, mind booking it for us?”
“It’s what you pay me for.” Sierra teased. “Would you mind if I skip out? I have friends and family in Los Angeles I would like to visit.”
“Sierra, why didn’t you say so? Alexander can handle his vices for the next week. Take the time off, spend time with family.” Ailee suggested. “I can have one of the trainees tend to Alex’s needs.”
Sierra looked apprehensive with Ailee’s suggestion. She’s been on vacation before, but the longest she had been away from Alex was about a week and half before she came back. She was antsy. Alexander was an adult and could handle himself, but she also knew how disorganized Alex was, how terrible he was at checking his calendar. Even though she got a temp while she was gone, she knew how unbearable Alex could be. 
“I see that look, I’ll be fine.” Alex promised her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I know I seem helpless, but I promise I’m not. How much trouble can I get with going to the zoo?” 
Ailee, Olivia and Sierra gave Alexander a look. Alexander rolled his eyes and took Melody. “Come on Melly, we’re not appreciated here.” He walked away, leaving the three women laughing. 
“Is everything in place for Alexander to take over or is Nathaniel and Victor making noise?” Ailee questioned Sierra as they all took a seat around the table.
Sierra placed a tablet in front of Ailee. “Nathaniel doesn’t care much for the illegal side of the business, he however wants to manage the real estate side. Victor, well, you know he has his own business.”
“Matchmaking is hardly a business.” Olivia chuckled. 
“It’s working for him.” Sierra shrugged. “Alexander is poised to take over, but Nathaniel switches his mind every once in a while. Though, it doesn’t seem that their father would hand the business to Nate anyway.” 
“Why, Nate is competent enough.” Olivia had a soft spot for Nate. He was her first boyfriend, the man who made her see a life away from EZ, but they broke up a year ago since Olivia didn’t want to make the move to Spain as he had been requesting.
“Nate also acts on impulse and is not very business minded. He doesn’t think of the long run and thinks of the short run.” Ailee knew that handing Nate the business wouldn’t benefit the Leon’s especially since he wanted to break ties with Maquina, believing they were limiting their potential. “And he wouldn’t keep the relationship with Maquina, which, you know, to each their own.”
“He thinks that they would be fine without Maquina’s protection.” Sierra confirmed Ailee’s words.
“Without our protection, they would be indicted.” Olivia frowned. She knew Nate always just thought that everything was so simple and Olivia couldn’t blame him. Everything was handed to him, whatever he wanted, his parents gave to him. He thought that they were untouchable, that this deal was for Maquina’s benefit, but that was hardly ever the case. 
Maquina swept in before a government agency could indict a certain crime organization, offer them immunity and the ability to continue their operations with no government interference, as long as they remained the most powerful organization in their area, keeping the balance of power and unabling any other organization to take over. It seemed simple, but it was complex. 
It didn’t always work out.
There were eastern european countries that had too many players in the game to truly fully control it, but Maquina had some strongholds in Poland and Romania. Otherwise, every other country was still free for all.
Maquina’s purpose was so fluid. On one hand they were used to assassinate government officials to install a new power. Then other times, they were implanted to empower rebel groups to overthrow out of control regimes. There truly was no black and white in this world, it was whoever benefited who. 
But the Leon’s had a stronghold in West Germany, Spain, and Italy for the last thirty years. With Alexander taking over, they expected for it to continue, even if they were trying to become legit, which was a hoax. 
No one ever went “legit”. Illegal work was always so much more beneficial. 
Creeper parked his motorcycle under the shaded area of the yard, right beside his Hank’s motorcycle. His eyes landed on Vince, as he ate chips atop the picnic table. He knew that Vince was in town as well, which was never a good thing. Two Maquina agents in one place was far too many. It meant that they were implementing a program here, which meant that something or someone has piqued their interest. 
“Creep, this is a sudden phone call.” Vince finished off his chips, crumpling it and making it in the trashcan a few feet away from the picnic table. 
“Something isn’t adding up.” Creeper didn’t want to beat around the bush. Ailee was his younger cousin that he always protected. It killed him to not be able to see her while she faced this jail sentence. He didn’t know how to help her and all he wanted to do was just that. 
“Numbers wise? I don’t do book keeping, you know this.” Vince knew why Creeper called him over. Maybe he was laying devil’s advocate, but he didn’t give a fuck. It was time the Mayans found out what was going on. He was never onboard about keeping them in the dark about Ailee, especially not Angel. 
“Your sister seems haunted.”
“She was in jail for five years.” 
“You know what I mean, that’s not jail.” Creeper sat beside Vince. “Come on, we were all close once. It killed me knowing she was in there. She was the little sister I never had. Be truthful with me, you know you could trust me.”
Vince sighed. He retrieved the folder he was sitting on, handing it over to Creeper. “All the information you want, you need, is in that folder. John and I figured that it would be best for us to be as honest as possible.” John thought it was best to set up life for Ailee after Maquina. Once they took care of Theo, both brothers wanted her away from Maquina. What better place to stay than her safe haven?
“She has a kid?” Creeper questioned.
“Melody is here?” Vince was surprised that his niece was in town, but he figured Alex brought her along. Melody only could be apart from her mother for so long. 
“Is she Angel’s?”
“No, Ailee adopted her from an orphanage in Europe.” Vince explained. He understood Creeper’s confusion, the kid did look like a mixture of Ailee and Angel. But as far as he knew, the kid was adopted. Ailee brought Melody home one day, explaining she was from an orphanage in Spain. “Not Reyes’ kid.”
Creeper eyed him, but ultimately chose to move on. 
“Your sister wasn’t in jail was she?”
“I’ll be back with John later tonight, might want to share that with your brethren.” Vince got off the table, making his way over to his car.
“We have a run later.”
“Tomorrow then.” 
“Vince, why is Maquina setting shop in Santo Padre?”
Vince chuckled. “Why else would we set up shop? There’s a threat that has to be controlled.”
“We have bigger cartel’s to worry about before we worry about the Galindo cartel.”
“Who is it?”
“We don’t know yet, but we’ll keep you all updated.” Vince unlocked his car.
Creeper watched as Vince’s car disappeared, sighing. He opened the folder and his hunched was confirmed. Ailee’s release date stated December 14, 2014. Closing the folder, he made his way inside the clubhouse.
“She was never in jail.” Creeper threw the folder down at the table where Angel, Bishop and Taza were sitting. 
“The fuck you mean?” Angel questioned. 
“Vince dropped off all those records right now. You guys saw him.” Creeper sat beside Angel. “She was in jail for that initial two weeks, but otherwise, no other fucking records.”
“That’s fucking impossible.” Bishop had to play charade. He knew Ailee wasn’t in jail, he didn’t make a deal with her uncle for no reason. “Your father saw her.”
“That was during her first two weeks.” Angel looked at the records and she was booked in the jail, her release date was what fucked him up. “It says her release date was December 14, 2014.” 
“Exactly. Ailee was arrested around Thanksgiving when we had that run to Vegas. She was released two weeks later.” Creeper knew something was off. Ailee didn’t even look like she had a hair touched on her head. She looked hardened as if she was in jail, but it wasn’t for survival. 
“Jin most likely bailed her out, using his connections.” Creeper, Taza, Hank and Bishop knew what Maquina was, the rest of the members didn’t, not even Angel. They knew that Jin was a powerful man, but they just had their guesses as to why he was so powerful. Creeper knew of Maquina, the details, not as much, but he knew not to fuck with them. They could make anyone disappear. One call, and it was done.  
“She made a deal.” Angel looked through the paperwork in front of him. It was her release forms. “Jin bailed her out, this is his signature.”
“Well if she made a deal, what could it possibly be?”
It dawned on Angel that whatever business Ailee’s family was involved in, it wasn’t exactly safe. He remembered when they were younger, how Ailee was always in physical activities that involved fighting. Her parents were very adamant that she learned how to defend herself, get good grades and not interact with many people. She was always in her books, books that kids her age at that time shouldn’t be reading. Angel always thought that her parents were strict and rarely let their kids have any fun. Ailee was a very affectionate child, but she was always rejected by her parents. The only time she could enjoy any affection or praise were from his own parents. It was weird how his parents seemed to understand Ailee’s hardship along with her brothers. 
Ailee always said that she didn’t want to get in the family business, it cost your soul, she had told him. But it seemed like that’s what happened.
“It’s her soul. She exchanged her soul for freedom.”
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His Blood Runs Gold II
Percy is a God: Part II
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
we’re just kids
we aren’t supposed to be heroes.
It had been three months since his birthday, and last visit to Camp when Percy was summoned by demigods once more. This time, the call of Latin rushing through the waters.
New Rome. It never failed to amaze him. The stone buildings, and cobbled streets. The cafes bursting with energy and the people bustling as if the only care is whether there’s enough whipped cream in their Frappuccino. It is his eternal amusement that New Rome somehow mixed American culture and Italian heritage so well that it offended both Italians and Americans.
Percy walked through the Little Tiber and relished in the fact that the water no longer leeched him of power, but embraced him as if saying welcome, it’s nice to know you.
“Oh well if it isn’t Percy Jackson,” A husky, rolling voice called.
Percy smiled wide and unrestrained as he took in the sight of his friend and former co-praetor.
“Good Morning Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano,”
“A good morning indeed if I get to see you.”
He laughed and embraced her. It was this relationship that had perhaps, changed the most since their initial encounters. Reyna had become a source of steadiness, and common sense during his time of immortality. After fighting side by side in the Giant War Percy had thanked her personally for the Athena Parthenos, for looking after Nico. Most importantly he stood beside her as they had a proper ceremony for Scipio and when all the tears had dried, Percy had manipulated the waves to look like a horse ready to fly and Reyna had laughed and cried, and hugged him so tight he wondered if she’d leave an imprint in the shape of her on his ribcage. But he had hugged her back and they had walked to the stables, donuts in hand, to say hello to the pegasi there.
When he chose to accept godhood, that second time, after the second war, it was Reyna who walked him through the power; who trained him to handle it. Although she didn’t have ichor running through her veins, she knew how to handle power, how to have control. They had spent many long days, and even longer nights practicing that control.
“I was called here by someone,” He said, as they walked towards the camp.
“Mhm,” She frowned, “Guess we’ll find out soon enough.”
And with a quick hello to the border sentries, the two strolled into the heart of New Rome. There were many stops, and hellos, and how are you’s on the way to the temple. Percy paused often and happily, as he greeted old friends and learned the names of new ones.
It was Frank, however, who caught them on their last stretch.
They barreled into each other, laughing as Frank lifted him clean of his feet. The brothers saw each other as often as their schedules would allow. Sometimes it was in the form of fish and friend at Poseidon’s palace. Sometimes it was an Iris message that simply made sure they were both alive.
“How are you?” Frank asked, slinging an arm over his shoulder.
“I’m just the same thank you. Can’t complain when I get to eat as many of mom’s cookies as I want and just change into a fish to swim off the calories.”
Frank laughed, loud and boisterous, it was the only thing that contrasted his usual shy personality.
“Where are you and my favourite Praetor off too?”
“I’m your only Praetor Frank,” Reyna rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at her lips.
“That’s why you’re my favourite!”
She shook her head, laughing.
“I’m here,” I said, “Because someone summoned me.”
“Oh,” Frank frowned, and immediately he changed from goofy brother to son of Mars and Praetor to New Rome.
“Wanna head up to the temple with us?”
“No, no just let me know who it is. I actually have to snatch Reyna. There’s been some arguments between the cohorts and we have to sort it out before someone challenges someone to do something stupid.
Percy smiled, “Go ahead, I’ll let you know who called for me.”
With a final hug from both of them, they hurried into another building and out of sight. He loosed a soft breath, turning to walk the rest of the way.
And when Percy stepped onto the marble floors of the temple, he was suddenly very glad Reyna and Frank had things to do, because leaning against the wall, eyes closed, hands stuffed into pockets was Jason Grace.
 “I didn’t know if you would come,” The son of Jupiter spoke, eyes still closed, leg propped against the wall like caring was too much of an effort.
“I didn’t know who called, and I don’t make a habit of ignoring my summons.” Percy stood stock-straight at the entrance.
Jason didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything for a long while. Once, years ago, Percy would have fidgeted and hopped and paced, unable to stop moving, but now he could stand for hours, waiting, watching, being. It was as if time, once a waterfall racing to reach the bottom, had slowed to droplets that caught themselves on every nook and cranny before falling delicately to the pool below.
“I wanted to ask you,” Jason finally started, “If you would guide me on a quest?”
Percy startled, staring at his former friend in shock, “But I thought you hated me?” He spluttered.
“I don’t hate you Percy. I can’t hate you.” The blonde finally turned to him.
“You completely cut me off after the War? You didn’t even come near me for weeks?”
“Can we not get into this right now? I had- have my reasons, but I need your guidance on this one.”
“Of course, I’ll protect you. That’s literally what I’m the god of.”
“Thank you,” A sigh escaped the demigod. “I leave tomorrow.”
“What is the quest?”
“I have to retrieve the Arrows of Cupid, Eros, whatever.” A strong jaw clenched.
“Why you?”
A sour grin graced his features, “Why not?”
“There is always a reason.” Percy said softly, trying to catch those blue eyes.
Jason’s laugh was bitter, “Apparently ever since mine and Nico’s encounter with the lovely divinity he has taken a liking to my ‘courage and love for my friends.’”
“And what other demigods are supposed to be with you?”
“No-one. Eros wants me to do it alone.”
“But quests have to be in groups of three.”
“I know, I tried explaining that, but he just laughed and said, ‘What is three Jason Grace, but a number?’ and then left.”
“Where are you going first?”
“The Oracle said I need to follow the north star. I don’t know how in Hades’ name I’m supposed to do that but whatever, that’s tomorrow’s problem.”
Percy nodded, “Okay, well I’ll see you then, I guess.”
“Bye,” Jason gave a curt nod.
“Bye Grace.” He hid the hurt unfolding in his eyes and started out the temple.
“Yea?” He turned.
“Thank you, for doing this.”
“Anything for you.”
Percy met Jason at sunset on the outskirts of Camp Jupiter.
“Let’s get this over with,” Jason scowled, hefting his backpack and walking through the Little Tiber.
“Well hello to you too.” Percy raised a brow.
“Sorry,” The blonde winced, “I didn’t get a good sleep last night.”
“Well I hope the rest of the quest isn’t so dower. I’d hate to have to share my mom’s cookies with someone who looks like they’d rather be anywhere else.”
“You brought cookies?” Blue eyes widened in surprise.
“Yea, I went to visit my mom before I left, and she insisted I bring you some since you used to love them so much.” He shrugged
“Oh, well tell her I said thank you.”
“You can tell her yourself when we get back.”
Jason mumbled something under his breath but before Percy could ask him to repeat it a storm came barreling towards them.
“Hi Tempest, thanks for coming buddy.”
“Are we to be travelling by air?” Percy asked anxiously.
“I figured it’d be easier to follow the star if I was above the clouds.”
Percy knew Zeus wouldn’t zap him with lightning, but he was still wary of taking to the skies. He spent some moments contemplating while Jason got himself situated on the storm made beast.
“You coming?”
Holding back a wave of fear he nodded, and with a flick of his hand shaped a cloud into a pegasus.
“I name you Zarya.” Percy said softly. The winged animal blinked, once, twice and then looked at Percy and bowed its head.
With a soft brush down its strong neck, he mounted.
Jason stared at him.
“What? Is everything okay?”
“You can just do that now? Just create animals out of thin air?”
“I can only manipulate water but yes I can create animals.”
The demigod just stared at him before shaking his head and tapping his horse.
Before Percy could blink, they were gone.
“What am I going to do with him Zarya?”
The Pegasus didn’t respond but Percy could feel it’s noncommittal shrug.
“Not a talker, are you?”
“Hardly anyone to talk to, my Lord.”
“Oh please, none of that ‘my lord’ stuff. My friends rinse me enough. Percy will do just fine.”
He could feel her laugh. “Ready to go then Percy?”
“Lead the way.”
They caught up to the storm and his stallion, in half a breath.
“Trying to get rid of me that easily Grace?”
“If it was that easy, I’d be questioning your godly hood.” He threw a smirk over his shoulder.
“Oo ouch,” Percy put a hand to his chest.
Jason laughed and it may have been the most glorious sound the God had ever heard.
Give me your thoughts, darling warriors!
Tags (If you want to be added to the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open):
@nishlicious-01 (So you can stop shouting at me about not getting to read my fanfics)
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vallonde-laid-bare · 5 years
DM Tip #3: Signposting and Player Autonomy
On player hand-holding and plot advancement
One discussion I see pop up time and again in tabletop gaming circles is the classic "Open-world Vs. Railroading" argument. Do you run your games open-world and allow your players to influence that world, or do you run story-heavy games where the players move along a predetermined path to experience a story you've meticulously crafted? While both of these are legitimate styles of play with their own pros and cons, I think many people miss the fact that you can, and in my opinion should, incorporate both of these into how you run games to best fit achieve what you and your players want out of a campaign. Let's run over both extremes and then we'll talk integrating both fluidly into how you run session. This discussion will probably be most useful for inexperienced DMs since most of this is fairly basic, but feel free to read on regardless.
OPEN-WORLD, PLAYER-DRIVEN PLOT: This is a very enticing style of game for a lot of players. Getting dropped into a whole fantasy world with little more than your wits and your companions to keep you alive and win your fortune is very fun, and getting to explore and effect the world as you see fit can be exhilarating. These games often involve a large number of smaller plots happening simultaneously, sometimes with a larger plot tying them all together, many of which directly involve the players or are affected in some way by what they've done. There are obvious pros to running this style of game:
- You have the freedom to include a lot of different things, from plots to monsters to organizations, which is great for DMs and players who have tons of ideas or get bored of doing the same thing easily.
- Player choice is given a high priority and this can greatly improve immersion and player investment.
- When properly run, open-world games can truly feel alive. Story-driven games may tell a great story, but feeling free inside that story is much more rare.
- It's great improv experience!
But, while there's a lot of good to go around here, there are also cons to consider:
- Open-world games are a LOT of work for the DM. Where plot DMs usually start a campaign already knowing where things will be going at any given time, open-world DMs will usually be writing the plot as it happens which means drastically increased amounts of prep if you don't want the stories you tell to come off as shallow and unrefined.
- Not all players do well in these types of games. Some need direction and purpose otherwise they'll just feel lost and listless.
- As the DM of an open-world game, you HAVE to be able to improvise. A DM that isn't a skilled improviser is going to make plot and interactions incoherent and stilted. Names, backstories, connections to people and places within the setting, you need to be able to come up with this stuff on the fly, even more-so than in a standard story-driven game.
- You'll need a fleshed out world to make this work. Even as a skilled improvisor, if you don't have a large world with compelling details and realistic interactions between its people, places, and events, your players will feel it as a lack of compelling choices
STORY-DRIVEN, PLOT-CENTRIC: On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have campaigns that are plot-driven. In these games, players follow a path that takes them through a pre-written story and are generally discouraged from moving beyond the boundaries of that plot. Modules and official campaigns follow this formula, which makes it the "Default" mode of play for a lot of people; when you think of D&D, plot-centric games tend to be what you imagine. As with open-world games, there are obvious pros and cons to playing like this
- The story told will almost always be better, or at least more coherent and sensible, and usually more well-paced. Knowing what is happening and where your players will go with what you give them makes writing compelling content worlds easier. Your twists can be readied far in advance and tweaked to make them perfect. Your NPCs can be fleshed out and perfectly placed. Story pacing will be less difficult to maintain and often more intriguing.
- Campaigns like this are much easier on the DM. You have less prep and the prep you do will be more focused and effective. Instead of trying to flesh out 10 plots in a week, you can focus on making the story you tell the best it can be. A lot of prep time is wound up in moving plot forward and maintaining coherency, and if you already know where things are going that's a far easier mountain to climb.
- Players have less decisions to make! This may seem like a negative, but a lot of groups suffer from choice paralysis or become split on what they'd like to do at any given point. By giving them an obvious road forward and making it the only viable road forward, you bring your players together and give them unity of purpose which is something you can't discount. 
Since this is real life and nothing is perfect, let's go over what I see as the major cons of this play style:
- It's narrow and doesn't encourage creativity and player initiative. When your players are given the obvious path forward on a silver platter, they often become complacent and let the plot happen to them instead of guiding the story with their actions.
- These games aren't always good for those of us (player or DM) that doesn't focus well. If your players aren't connecting with the plot happening around them or you're not having fun with the direction things are going, too bad. As a DM running a homebrew game you can fix this if you're not enjoying the path you've laid out for the campaign, but as a player you have little recourse other than petitioning your DM for some sort of shakeup. This is especially difficult with published campaigns because everything is already written down and finalized. If you change things much, that book is no longer going to help you run your game.
- In a lot of circumstances, running these games can make your world feel small. Adventure may be just over the horizon, a new civilization just beyond that border, but those aren't for you. You've got other things going on.
There are plenty of ways to mitigate the drawbacks and play to the pros of both styles, but there are two things to consider before choosing one for your campaign.
1.) What do your players want? This is a session 0 or pre-session 0 question. If you start with a foundation your players will enjoy, you're already on your way to running a successful campaign. What you want is important as well, but if what you want doesn't align with what the players want maybe you should reassess the viability of running that game with those players. Even if your players are having a great time, if you're not enjoying yourself it will become obvious and the game will feel tedious. Remember, D&D is a collaborative game; EVERYONE should be having a good time, not just the players and not just the DM. 
2.) What are you and your players equipped to handle? Do they have the motivation to push a plot without hand-holding? Do you have the time to effectively run that game? Does your world have the content for that kind of game? Even if you and your players want to run an open-world game, if you can't commit to making it work then the odds are it will fall flat fairly quickly.
From my experience with both game styles, I can say with some amount of confidence that some degree of hybridization of the styles will usually be the answer to this question. Since every group and every game is different, the best I can give you a couple of pointers and let you take it from there.
- The illusion of choice is a powerful tool. Even if there’s a choice of ten different towns for the players to go to, you only technically need to build one; the one they choose to visit. If you build a dungeon and then your players choose not to check it out, they’ll never know if you reuse it later on. This can help you keep up with the large amount of prep that open world games require while preserving the experience for your players.
- Figure out how important the story, alongside other elements of game play, is to your players. The more important they find the story, the more you should consider playing a linear game. When beginning a campaign, I have my players rank these different categories from 1-7 in order of importance to them, 7 being the most important and 1 being the least. By doing this I can get a numerical ranking of different aspects of the game and build sessions that will best cater to their desires and expectations. - Combat - Social encounters - Puzzle solving - Dungeon crawls - Story - Side-quests - Loot 
- Build the beginning and end of the story, but let your players fill in the middle. A gentle guiding hand can connect even the most random events with a little finesse, so even if your players are choosing where to go, the fact that you’re influencing your player’s choices may as well mean you’re calling the shots.
- Even if you hand-hold your players at every turn of the story, you can give them choice in the form of non-essential side quests. Sprinkle these bad boys throughout the story and have the outcomes of the party’s decisions have some call-back further into the story. Proper management of side quests can go a long way toward making a railroad seem more scenic.
- Have your players visit somewhere exotic at some point in the campaign. Doesn’t matter if it’s only brief, moving beyond the boundaries you’ve set for the campaign can make the world feel much larger.
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Ok so that was very long and rambley and probably nothing the pros out there don’t already know, but I hope there was something in the non-sense that may help a new DM decide how they want to structure their first game. Being prepared for what you’re getting yourself into can make actually getting into it a lot easier lol. (Art by Grimley Fiendish)
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devnicolee · 5 years
The Chosen Ones (2)
A/N: I hate how long it has taken me to write anything new! But I am really excited about this series (hope y’all still are) so I am going to keep writing it. This definitely classifies as a slow burn FYI. But the timeline for the story is short. Hope you enjoy it! 
Word Count: 10,603
The soft clicks of Asha’s sandals filled the silent halls of the palace as she walked toward her brother's office. Her early morning summons left a sour taste in her mouth and a disgruntled look on her face at having to get up even earlier than she needed to for their meeting with Lord M’Baku; but she begrudgingly obliged her brother’s request. Dark clouds stole the natural light that would have usually provided the corridors with a warm glow causing the journey to fill more ominous than usual. She didn't understand what it was, her inability to shake this anxiety she felt since Killmonger. She knew it was just her. The rest of the country and palace seemed to return to business as usual since T'Challa reclaimed his throne. She, however, felt like everything around her was changing. And that was perhaps because, thanks to her siblings, it was.
Though her life amounted to little more than an imprisonment, Asha had grown used to her simple, peaceful and quiet life cooped up in her room, the palace gardens or the library. A life as peaceful, quiet and mundane as the constraints of royalty would allow it to be, of course. She had little desire to change that and potentially destroy her family in the process. But now it seemed as though everyone else had other plans for her future, plans to make it the opposite of mundane, quiet, and ordinary.
Has the power of King gone to his head?
She wondered as she navigated the nonstop demands he lobbed at her as of late. It seemed as if, in addition to the powers of the Black Panther, T'Challa had another superpower: the ability to know when Asha had more than five minutes of alone time. She could not retreat to her bedroom for long before he was calling her to review treaties and paperwork, go over official requests from the Council or citizens as part of her new role as "political adviser to the King." She didn't understand why he was going to such lengths for a fake position, something that she knew only existed to make her feel valued and included.
Her smile brightened when she turned the corner to see Okoye outside of T'Challa's office. 
"Good morning, General."
"My princess," Okoye nodded and saluted her before her body relaxed out of its usual rigid stance and a small but clear smile fell on her features. "He is expecting you."
"Thank you," Asha smiled. "Oh wait, I need to check with Nakia but you are still free for girl’s night after the state dinner, yes?" 
Asha laughed lightly at Okoye’s look of disgust at the phrase "girl’s night." But it had become their tradition over the years, the group would get together after official events and parties to update Asha on the night's events, any new gossip and drama. She knew Okoye found the name and custom somewhat childish but she was a constant at the gatherings nonetheless.
"Of course, I'll be there."
"Perfect, have a good day, Okoye," she said before opening her brother’s office door. 
Asha truly valued the relaxed and loving relationship she shared with Okoye. She was cold to almost everyone except the Royal Trio but she always seemed to have an especially soft spot for Asha. Asha was blessed to have big sisters in her and Nakia, people outside of the Golden Tribe to turn to when the solitude transformed from sanctuary to prison.
Her brother’s back was turned to her as she approached his desk.
"If your idea of being king is just dragging me out of bed then perhaps we should have left Killmonger in charge?"
He turned to offer her an eye roll and a playful glare.
"Too soon sister... too soon. My wounds have barely healed."
She lifted her hand in surrender before starting to sit down in the chair across from him.
"No, don't sit! We are not staying, I have something to show you." 
He ushered her back out of the door and into the hallway.
The journey was quick, literally two doors down the hall to an office near his.
"The reason for this early morning meeting is to show you this," he said as he opened the door to a spare office. 
Asha smiled at the childlike enthusiasm and excitement in his eyes. And so, she tried her best to hide her confusion when she looked around at the decorated office. It was beautiful, clearly he put a lot of effort into its decoration: the red and gold decor and gold-trimmed office furniture. But still, Asha did not understand why she needed to be there for this.
"This is nice! Will this be Nakia’s office?" She asked as she looked around the room, highlighting the only logical purpose for using the space. "Shouldn’t you have decorated it green though? For the River Tribe? Though it is the thought that counts I suppose. But next time, ask for my advice earlier."
The office was beautiful, yes, but certainly not Nakia’s style.
T’Challa let out an exasperated laugh, "You are one of the smartest people in this family and are still the most clueless. This is not Nakia’s office, it is yours. Your favorite color, paintings of your favorite place in Wakanda and by your favorite artist, pictures of us and Shuri, views of the gardens, your favorite flowers on the table?" he listed, finally drawing her attention to all the things that would make this office for her and not her brother’s girlfriend.
"Wait what? I mean it is thoughtful and beautiful but why do I need an office?" she asked bewildered as she examined the space more closely, finding even more personal touches. 
There was a fireplace, which was not actually needed anywhere else in the palace. Little golden panther and rhinos found their home on the fireplace’s mantle. She even spied a picture of T’Challa and W’Kabi next to a few of the border rhinos, her favorite animal since a young age, on a side table.
"Yes, you have a real job now. You are cementing your place in the tribe. And as liaison with the Jabari and political adviser to the King, you need a real space to work. It requires an office. Shuri and I worked on it for the last few days, everything is reinforced with vibranium to make them fire-resistant by the way."
She snorted, "'Political adviser to the king?' The title and position you made up to make me feel included and important?"
"Every ruler has advisers, Asha. It is a new position, yes. But one with very real work to utilize your genius. You spent half your life cooped up in the library reading books. You know so much more than Shuri or I about our history, our allies and our enemies. You have a far better mind for politics than I… or baba, I imagine. A good king utilizes the people who know the things he does not. And so, as an adviser, I expect to see you in this office every day, understand?"
Asha rolled her eyes. First her father forced her into isolation and now her siblings were forcing her out of it. 
Why is no one content with simply leaving me alone?
"Yes, my king," she answered.
"Perfect. This is a good thing, Asha, I promise. Besides, I also want you to help me figure out how to undo the damage father has done, help me with a project... change public opinions ab-"
He was unable to finish when Alexis poked her head in. 
"Apologies my king and princess but Hasani is here to see you. He has been looking for you."
Asha's heart immediately sank, she lacked the will and energy to deal with her intended. However, she knew him well enough to know that it would invite further troubles to turn him away. 
"Yes, please send him in. Thank you."
She went to the small mirror and quickly checked over herself and her outfit, refusing to give him any reason to criticize something about her today. 
"Be nice, T'Challa," she whispered as she fixed the high pony her braids were in. She chuckled lightly at the look of pure disgust coloring her usually mild-tempered brother's face. "I will settle for a lack of open hostility then," she muttered after acknowledging his inaudible no.
Hasani wasted little time before barging into her office. He was aesthetically gorgeous, the epitome of the American adage: tall, dark and handsome. His face was pulled into a permanent scowl but he knew how to turn on the charm and pull out his award-winning smile when required. Aside from T'Challa, he was considered one of the most eligible bachelors in Wakanda. Women in the Merchant Tribe were in an Olympic-style race to gain his affections, to be the last one standing. His courtship with the Princess? A mere hurdle to jump over for many. Their relationship did little to curtail the women vying for his affection, nor had it stopped Hasani from accepting their advances.
"T'Challa," he greeted, not bothering to address his king by his proper title or salute. 
If looks could kill, the young man's soul would have been halfway to meet Bast in person. However, her brother quickly recovered and maintained his cool, understanding that Hasani wanted a rise out of him.
Hasani knew the two siblings in the Golden Trio despised him. But it was clear to all parties involved that he did not care. 
"Asha," he greeted her shortly. "I would like to speak alone."
"Uh, yes... of course. Brother, could we get a few moments alone?"
T'Challa nodded, "Yes, we have a meeting in 10 minutes in preparation for your trip and meetings with Lord M'Baku. Shuri has sent everything you need to get started to your tablet and beads." 
The hug he bestowed was quick and the head nod in Hasani's direction barely noticeable as he made his exit. Asha was thankful to him and Bast for the out her brother just gave her. She only had to suffer for 10 minutes before she had an excuse to get him out of her office.
"Lord M'Baku?" Hasani asked disgusted. "Why on Earth would you have a meeting with him?"
Asha sat down on the edge of her desk, "I am surprised your mother did not mention it. He is a member of the Council now and he and the King tasked me with serving as a liaison to the Jabari as they integrate into Wakanda."
"I don’t know why those savages would want to join nor why T’Challa would let them."
Asha’s face pulled up in frustration at his bias toward the Jabari. "They are not savages. Living differently and valuing different things does not mean they are less Wakandan. And that is the point of these meetings, to lea-."
"Very well. Just ensure it does not interfere with our engagement announcement. My mother has spent a great deal of time coming up with a plan," he interrupted her, seemingly bored by and uninterested in her new project and job.
Asha went back and forth mentally on whether it was worth it to inquire about this plan. She knew she needed to know the details, despite not being consulted on it in the first place. But she did not want to prolong this or spend anymore time with Hasani than she needed to prior to their marriage. She always thought that arranged marriages were primitive. For a country as advanced as Wakanda, she could not fathom why her father would essentially give her away when she was too young to choose or consent herself. And now she would never get an answer. Though she supposed she would be ungrateful to complain, she would not find someone to marry and love on her own, not in these circumstances. But she knew she was not signing up for eventual love and potential happiness. These were things a marriage to Hasani could never bring her.
To her father's credit, he pushed off their official courtship as long as he could, citing her "illnesses" and poor health. She knew it had far more to do with maintaining his lies than her happiness. But she wasn't complain. However, months earlier, Elder Shani demanded he stop pushing and her freedom ceased.
The early days of their courtship were complicated, proof that the web of lies her father had weaved was not sustainable. Everyone else knew it, that the web would unravel eventually... everyone except him. Elder Shani was never shy in spreading her doubt that nothing was physically wrong with the young princess, that her isolation or the delay of their marriage was due to something entirely different. She certainly wasn’t the only person across the country who conjured conspiracy theories as to what was actually wrong with her, being a mutant was at the top of the list. She was surprised that the charade lasted as long as it did. But she guessed the palace staff who knew the truth also knew that her father was not a ruler to be trifled with. Underneath his kind disposition, there was certainly a figurative fire and ruthlessness that most people knew to avoid.
Their initial dates and visits were brief and supervised but still pleasant. She enjoyed his company, was taken by his thoughtfulness and empathy. He seemed perfect initially.
However, after a small argument about her not wanting to go on a date outside the palace walls, Hasani confirmed his mother’s suspicions that his future wife was not sick at all. She was a mutant.
Asha hoped his mother would call off the engagement, she hated mutants after all. But instead, she realized that, for some, greed and power were far more motivating than hate. Shani promised to maintain her secret in exchange for more influence and power on the Council and the position of Commander of the Wakandan military forces for her son. 
It took little time for Asha to realize that any hope that the pair could be happy together was gone, that he inherited his mother's bias toward people like her. Now, of course, she saw the red flags as if they were waving in a sea of white... no longer obscured or hidden. His controlling nature, his abuse, his philandering ways. 
He made it abundantly clear that he would never love her, protect her, or affirm her as a husband should. That was devastating to her at first but like she had done countless times before, she quickly accepted her fate. No amount of prayers or tears would get her out of this one. The chains of her obligations were tight and heavy, restricting her in a dark cell with no hope of escape. She wanted to hate him, cast him as the villain in all this. And in some ways, he was. But he was just as burdened by chains as she was, both pawns in their parents’ quests to gain or maintain their grips on power. Every time she saw him, that was all she saw: them chained too far apart to be any comfort to the other in that dark room for the rest of their lives.
"Was anyone going to inform me of this plan?
"I am informing you now," he answered coolly. "First, I will be your date to the Caanan state dinner this weekend. You will attend my mother's birthday party the week after the announcement, you will accompany on tours of the Merchant Tribe's provinces so the people can meet you."
"I-I was not planning on attending the dinner on Satur-"
"I was not asking," he snapped. "We are going. I need to begin meeting with heads of state. I trust you have something decent to wear? I can't have you looking like this on my arm. You should work out with the Dora before the festival, lose a few pounds."
And there it is. 
Asha knew it was coming, the harsh criticisms and snipes. Every conversation was filled with them. It never mattered what it was: her powers, her appearance, her intellect. Every conversation was a battle and since she was unable to use her only weapon, she always walked away with the wounds and bruises.
"I did not realize I needed to lose weight," she mumbled, looking down at her body. She tried not to let his words bother her, after all this was pretty commonplace at this point in their relationship. She could feel the panther beating against her cage, baring her teeth, body filled with the desire to attack the person hurting her owner. But she thanked Bast that the bars around the monster were thick. Killing her intended would not help her case much.
"Well, you do. And I assume you will wear those to ensure there are no issues at any of these events? Do not embarrass me."
Her eyes flickered away from his as the threatening tone of her last statement settled in her mind. Physically, there was nothing he could do to hurt her and he knew it. But emotionally, there was all sorts of damage he could cause and he knew that too.
Asha nodded, eyes trained on the ground. "Yes, I will wear them. As I always do."
"Good, I cannot have you revealing your illness to the entire tribe and dragging my name into the gutter with you."
"Yes, I understand. Is that all, Hasani?" she asked quietly, desperate to get him out of her office, to be alone.
"Yes. I will see you on Saturday. Do not be late."
He got up without saying goodbye and stalked out of her office. Tears stung the back of her eyes as his words oscillated through her head. She lifted her eyes to the ceiling, refusing to let any fall for him.
Useless… an embarrassment.
She shook her head, not wanting to contemplate all the times she heard those words before or fall down the rabbit hole of painful memories. She took a few deep breaths, trying to bring her emotions back to neutral. She didn't want T'Challa to see her like this, give him any more reasons to hate Hasani.
Once she felt more in control of the beast within, she gathered her tablet and walked across the hall to her brother's office. She had a trip to prepare for and time wouldn’t wait for her to get it together.
Tuesday arrived faster than Asha anticipated and now instead of being cooped up in her library, she was zooming through the mountains toward Jabariland. This is a far more enjoyable way to travel here, she thought to herself, thinking back on her first journey there on foot. She enjoyed the views as Ayo flew them toward the Great Lodge. Immediately, Asha thought to the times Baba was out of the country and T'Challa and Shuri would take her out in the Royal Talon. They would fly around and just marvel at the beautiful landscapes of Wakanda: the rainforest, the rushing waterfalls, the vast sun-kissed fields, the snow-capped mountains. Every trip, they found a new hidden gem, a spot secluded enough for Asha to see but for no one to see her, the rare opportunity to experience the country she called home. 
The mountains were the one spot they couldn't venture too far into so now was her chance. She did wish Shuri and T'Challa were there with her. There first trip here was rushed and emotional, there was little time to soak in the sights. But selfishly, she liked that there would finally be a place in Wakanda she could truly experience first. She looked out the Talon windows at the forests to see a fresh blanket of undisturbed snow covering every tree.
"We are here, your highness," Ayo called from her position in the cockpit. 
Asha tore her eyes from the forest to her left as the plane settled on a small cliff. She nodded, a wave of nausea washed over her. Her anxiety settled in her stomach like a small ball as the end of their journey arrived. She was surprised at how quickly the ride transitioned from peaceful to nerve wrecking due to one simple sentence. Now instead of venturing farther into this winter paradise, she just wanted to turn around and scurry back to the comfort of her palace. The stakes were unbearably high for her... her first official task representing the Golden Tribe. She couldn't mess it up.
"Thank you, Ayo. See you in a few days." 
She motioned for Alexis to follow her down the ramp into the snow-covered cliff. The familiar smell of ash immediately invaded her senses and the cold air hit her hard initially as she stepped off the ramp. Her body quickly jump started its own heating system, her flames brewing beneath the surface causing the frigid cold to become pleasant within seconds. She felt bad disrupting the soft snow, hearing the soft crunch beneath her feet as they approached a small group of Jabari waiting for them. She regarded the young man at the head of the pack with great interest, controlling her facial expression to hide her disappointment that a certain someone was not a part of her welcoming party. She shouldn’t be surprised though given the coldness she experienced from him in their meeting earlier that week.
"Good afternoon your highness. Welcome to Jabariland. My name is N'Danna, I am Lord M'Baku's personal adviser. He regrets that he was unable to retrieve you himself, he is tied up in meetings this evening. However, he will see you in the morning for breakfast. One of our guards, Kide," he motioned behind him as a stone-faced young man stepped forward, "will be escorting you during your stay. Anything you need at all, please let him know. This way, your highness."
Asha nodded, "Thank you!" 
She offered him a soft smile before following behind him. Daylight was starting to fade, giving way to the soft yellows and oranges of sunset before the darkness of nightfall. She glanced off to her right and off the cliff her ship landed on. She could see the edge of the village below them and the wooden profile of a larger-than-life statue of Hanuman that held the Great Lodge up on the side of the mountain. She stood for a few minutes, just admiring the sunset over the mountains. Sunsets in Wakanda were unlike anything in the world, she knew they would be equally as breathtaking here.
"This way, your highness," he called again as he walked toward the glass door on the side of the Lodge. Despite her longing, she quickly fell into a step behind him. "Don’t worry, Princess Asha. We have sunsets everyday here, I will make sure we carve out time to see it. They are truly breathtaking."
Asha blushed slightly, her adoration for the view must have been evident to everyone. 
"Thank you, I would appreciate that. We are just very excited to be here," she called after him.
"We are excited to have you. And we will have extra blankets brought to Alexis's room. The cold does take some adjusting."
She glanced at Alexis to see that the woman was indeed shivering, despite being wrapped tightly in a border tribe blanket. Asha nodded and thanked him before silence fell over the group again.
N’Danna briskly walked them to their rooms in the palace, only stopping once when Asha slowed down to see the gardens in the center of the Lodge. She made a mental note to find a spare moment to visit the gardens.
"You should meet the royal gardener as well. I believe you would like him," N’Danna called over his shoulder as he resumed his trek toward the residential wing of the Lodge.
"Here we are. You can go to the dining room for dinner if you choose. However, we are sure you both are tired so we completely understand if you would like it delivered to your room instead. Just let Kide know what you wish to order. Again, anything you should need, do not hesitate to ask."
"Thank you N'Danna." 
They shared salutes before Alexis and Asha retreated to their respective rooms.
Her room was slightly larger than her accommodations the first time around. The bed was certainly inviting, covered with soft black fur blankets. The fire was always lit across the room, not that she needed it. There were gorilla statues across the room and a small one of a panther, which she guessed was added to make them feel at home.
Asha stared at the bed longingly. All she wanted to do was wrap herself in those soft furs, but she remembered the mountain of readings she still needed to complete to be fully prepared for tomorrow. She, instead, settled on the small couch in front of the fire and set to work, refusing to embarrass her brother or herself.
Her stomach growled slightly, making her consider going down to dinner. She wanted to have it delivered to her room but she knew she wouldn't get to see him if she stayed cooped up in her room all night. She couldn't deny the tinge of disappointment that he did not greet her when she arrived. She was sure he had better things to do but she wanted to see him. She hoped he was warmer today than he was the last time they spoke.
Wishful thinking, she thought to herself before redirecting her energy to the work in front of her, shaking her head slightly. She needed to push out all the distractions, immerse herself in her job, that was the only way she would be able to ignore these feelings... the only way to ignore him.
"It was rather rude of you not to welcome our guest earlier," N'Danna remarked as he glanced up from the pile of paperwork in front of him.
"I was busy, a day full of meetings," M'Baku responded casually, not taking his eyes off the paper in front of him.
"As yes, your riveting meeting with my father so you could listen to his many complaints about your leadership style... a meeting you had been putting off for a week but mysteriously added to your schedule just this morning. I know you just could not postpone that any further. That, coupled with your coldness on the phone calls with her over the last two weeks... you should be nicer to her, M'Baku. She was quite disappointed that you were not there."
M'Baku rolled his eyes, frustrated by his best friend and adviser’s need to stick his nose and mind every place it did not belong. But his ears did pick up on his last statement. 
She wouldn't have been disappointed if she didn't have feelings for me... right? 
"I was perfectly pleasant to her, despite being a low lander.
"Yes, you were perfectly cold and just shy of being rude to her. But you are right, disappointment does imply feelings and yes, she is quite beautiful," he added slyly at the end.
"I never told you she was beautiful! Stop doing that, my mind is not yours to pick at," he snapped. The corner of N'Danna's lips curled into a slight smile, knowing that his chief's bark held no bite.
"Really? I find that hard to believe given the fact that your mind is just an express train of thoughts about Princess Asha. Everything else is merely a rest stop along the way before you jump back in the conductor's seat. But I understand. Pushing her away to try and stop thinking of her makes sense. It is frustrating."
"You know your psycho-analyzing is not worth much when you are stealing all the information directly from someone’s mind right? I wish you would consider some personal form of policing yourself and those powers of yours. Besides, it doesn't matter what my mind says... she is taken, engaged."
"I cannot turn it off anymore than I can turn off breathing. But I am sorry, I know you don’t like it. Why are you so upset about her engagement if you are not interested in her?"
M’Baku cut his eyes, opting for anger instead of a real conversation with his friend. 
"I can finish the rest of these myself. That is all for this evening N’Danna. Thank you."
N’Danna sighed, "You do not want to talk about it, I understand. But I am the one person you cannot hide from M’Baku, at least not forever. So it would not kill you to actively share every once in a while. Good night."
He nodded as his friend turned and left his office. M’Baku was as annoyed as ever. Two weeks since the Council Meeting, two weeks since he had last laid eyes on her and the tug he had for her had yet to diminish, despite his extensive efforts. He only spoke with her over the phone to avoid looking at her, he was cold toward her during those conversations, he invited a different Jabari woman to his bed almost every night, he refused to welcome her when she landed. So much hard work and thought into the simple act of dampening his feelings toward her. And yet, it was as if the moment her soul entered his home, all his hard work flew out the window as fast as the Talon left Jabariland. He didn't need to physically see her or be in the same room to know she was present and desire nothing else but to be around her. No amount of dispassionate sex, coldness or time seemed to change that.
You can't have her... and even if she was not engaged. You don't deserve her. Why would she want to be with someone ordinary? His subconscious whispered to him. 
He sighed deeply. Why would she want to be with someone like him? There was nothing special about him... nothing extraordinary. He was perfectly average... a part of the group that was not chosen.
She deserved someone just as extraordinary as she was. Someone who understood her gift. And that was not him. He had learned a long time ago how to live with things he cannot change, and accept disappointments. He could do it now too. He did not have a choice.
He shook his head before burying it back in his work. This was the only thing that would help him move on and forget about her.
Early evening transitioned into night as Asha worked, checking, double-checking and triple checking the working treaty and paperwork T'Challa sent with her to iron out. She wanted to be able to answer any question he could throw at her, defend any clause or identify a solid solution. She knew that level of attention and detail would show the Jabari that the Golden Tribe cared, that they could offer ideas and then adjust to their way of life. By the time midnight fell, Asha finally felt prepared enough to rest.
Asha knew she could just absorb the fire in the hearth in front of her and have enough energy to not sleep for days but she didn't want to be up staring out the window all night. She watched the snow fall for a bit before deciding that she was too anxious to rest anyways. She paced, contemplated solutions before she realized that staying in this room would not cure her anxiety but a late-night visit to the library could. She pulled on her shoes and a light sweater and crept out of her room.
After wandering around for a bit, she realized she had no idea where she was heading. She was hoping to easily find her way back to the library but she seemed to be just walking aimlessly. She was so in her head that she did not hear footsteps approaching until they were directly behind her.
"Your highness?"
"Oh my Bast!" she yelped, turning around quickly to find N’Danna standing behind her. 
She clutched her chest as she tried to right herself, slightly embarrassed for being so easily shaken in front of a high ranking member of the tribe and a few soldiers.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just heading home for the evening and thought I heard someone." he offered. 
She was slightly surprised at the warm reception she was getting, the lack of confusion over her ambling around their palace at night. He didn’t seem confused or annoyed by it. Instead, he just eyed her with gentleness and curiosity.
"No, no. Please do not apologize. I should be apologizing, wandering around at night. It was rude of me. I was just hoping to find th-"
"The library?" he finished for her. 
She blinked a few times at him, confused as to how he would know that. 
"I am happy to show you before I leave. I was just finishing up some work with Lord M’Baku in his office." He motioned for her to follow him down the hall.
"He always works this late?" she asked curiously, wondering why he was not asleep at an hour like this. 
Well he was not asleep the first night you met him either. A night owl, she thought to herself.
"Yes, our chief has always been a bit of a night owl. But there is so much behind the scenes work to rejoining Wakanda as you will see during this trip, treaties and such to draft, negotiate, etc. More than just attending a council meeting every month. So, he has been quite busy since the initial meeting. Likely why he asked for your help, we certainly need it."
It doesn’t seem like it, she thought to herself.
N’Danna laughed, seemingly at nothing. "I know, I know. It does not seem like it given his attitude. But you must excuse him. He can be rough and cold around the edges to outsiders, er… well Jabari outsiders. He is just protective of the tribe."
"Understandable. Well, I am happy to be here… excited to be here, truly. I do not want anyone to think I am coming here to change the Jabari. I am just here to serve in whatever capacity he and T’Challa need," she offered politely, choosing to ignore how the man managed to seemingly read her thoughts again.
N’Danna smiled, "We appreciate such willing-"
A door to their left swung open as Lord M’Baku stuck his head out of a door. 
"N’Danna? Did you forget some-" his words faltered and he fell silent as his gaze shifted to Asha. 
There was a pregnant pause as the trio simply stared at each other. Or rather, Asha and M’Baku stared at each other while N’Danna’s eyes bounced playfully between the pair like he was intently watching a riveting tennis match. A small knowing smile graced his face and he swayed slightly on his heels with anticipation, waiting for one of them to say something and seemingly enjoying their growing distress.
"No, I ran into the Princess as she was trying to find the library, I was just taking her that way," he answered, ending their misery.
M’Baku’s eyes narrowed, words returning to his voice and a knowing expression filling them. 
"But the library is in the opposite direction? Did you forget where it was?" 
N’Danna was not slick, M’Baku knew exactly what he was doing and he was not amused.
"Yes, I thought she would enjoy the scenic route," he answered casually, unbothered by the death glare he was receiving from his best friend and chief.
"The scenic route?" M'Baku repeated. 
That leads her right by my office? He added in his head, knowing his best friend would hear it.
"The scenic route," N'Danna affirmed quietly, choosing to ignore the mental earful he was getting from his chief. "But it seems she is now in far more capable hands than I. Lord M’baku was just considering having a nightcap before retiring for the evening. Perhaps you can join him so he doesn't have to drink alone? You wanted to try Jabari rum yes? M’Baku has the best in his office."
Asha stared between the ground and M’Baku, torn between wanting to say yes and spend time with him and wanting to escape back to her room. 
"Uhhh yes… if you are free. But if not, I will just find my way back to my room."
"No!" he almost shouted at her, his annoyance at N’Danna dissipating at the thought of spending time alone with her. 
He knew it was pointless, what was the point in spending time with a woman pledge to marry someone else? He was dedicated to his mission to be as cold as he could but it was clear that was doomed from the start. His yearning for her only seemed to magnify, not shrink. He had not thought of anyone else but her all evening. He just wanted to be around her, learn about her, and soak up everything there was to know about her. It was selfish, he knew that. But he didn’t particularly care. 
"I would love some company and he is right, I do have the best rum in the mountains."
"That is an offer I cannot refuse. Thank you N’Danna," Asha said, smiling at him. 
He nodded with a smile, saluting M’Baku before briskly walking back in the direction he came. Asha stared at his back for a few minutes, trying to figure out what struck her about him… something odd. Not dangerous, just odd… it was as if he knew everything.
She walked into M’Baku’s office and immediately took in the smell. It smelled like him, which made a sigh of contentment almost escape her lips.
"Have a seat, please," he offered, motioning to the chair on the other side of his desk. "Apologies for my adviser. He has a knack for sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong."
He turned away from her, pouring her a glass and handing it to her.
"No need to apologize. He is very sweet... and helpful. He seems to know what I need before I even ask it," she laughed lightly.
"Yes, he... um... he has a certain knack for that I suppose. Well, let us raise a glass to new partnerships and new beginnings," he offered as he prompted her to raise her glass.
"To new partnerships and beginnings," she repeated before their glasses clinked and she took a sip.
"Many new beginnings for you. Are you excited for your engagement?" he asked. Asha paused before answering, detecting the thinly veiled bitterness in his tone.
"Uhh… yes, I suppose. Hasani is a good man, and will be leader of the Merchant Tribe. It is a good match."
"'You suppose...' 'It is a good match,'" M'baku repeated back to her. "Not necessarily what one would want to hear before getting engaged. What about love?"
"It is an arranged marriage… we do not love each other," she scoffed quickly. 
Her eyes clamped shut immediately as she realized what she said. It was highly inappropriate to disparage her intended to another member of the Council. But there was some small part of her, a part she did not particularly understand, that needed him to know that this was not her choice, that she was a prisoner in all this.
"I-I am sorry, I should not speak like that to you as a member of the Council. Hasani is a great person. I pray Bast blesses us with a happy and prosperous life together."
Asha looked him in his eyes as she spoke and that made it so much harder. There was something in them that begged her to be vulnerable, to be honest, that pleaded with her to fall into the sea of him. And she wanted to... Bast she wanted to. But that was the issue with falling, the high of it was beautiful, thrilling. It fills you with inexplicable euphoria. But you never know what awaits you at the bottom: a calm oasis that envelops you in safety and warmth or the rough waves and jagged edges of rocks that end the thrill with deafening pain. Asha had no idea what awaited her at the bottom, in the sea that was Lord M'Baku, and the risks were too high to find out.
M'Baku let out a deep sigh but nodded, respecting her wishes not to be honest. But he saw it: the crack in her ironclad demeanor. He could tell he struck a nerve... the bright smile in her eyes that immediately fell at the mention of her engagement, the quickness of which she corrected him about the reasons behind it, the clearly forced words when she caught herself being too honest. But this girl's walls were high, and he was slowly putting the puzzle pieces of why together. It would take more than a few stolen moments in the dark in a library to break them down.
"No need to apologize, your highness. An arranged marriage though? How primitive. I would think the Golden Tribe would be more progressive. Are T’Challa and Nakia?"
"You would think wouldn’t you? And yes originally but they fell in love on their own, T'Challa encouraged her to become a War Dog... they drifted apart but love eventually helps things drift back together in the end. But things with T'Challa and Nakia were not as complicated."
"Because she is not gifted?"
Asha sighed, putting the glass down before responding, "Yes... it just complicates everything, every interaction and relationship. A nuisance I would not wish on my worst enemy," she muttered, more to herself than him, as she picked up her glass to take another sip. "This is very delicious by the way. Thank you."
He raised his glass in response. "So is that nuisance why you wear those rings?" He gestured down at her hands.
She sighed, "Yes. Without them... without them, I wouldn't be able to control it. I could hurt people, it- I am dangerous."
"You believe you are dangerous?"
She held his gaze for a moment, before it became too overwhelming and she looked back down at the cup of rum in her hand. She tilted the glass back and forth, watching the brown liquid moving around her wooden cup as she stared.
"You don’t?" She asked softly. "I could injure or kill someone without a second thought. You don’t think that makes me dangerous?"
"I think Hanuman doesn’t create weapons… I don’t worship Bast so I cannot speak for her but I would like to think she would not either. The Chosen are here to help elevate, advance or protect the Jabari and Wakanda. Yes, all of their gifts can be used as weapons when needed but that is their choice. Powers only become dangerous when we fail to foster the beauty in it. It seems no one has taken the time to foster the beauty of your gift. Perhaps that is why you feel that way?"
He doesn’t know what he is talking about. He has never seen what you can do. How you can hurt people.
"Perhaps. But very few people are willing to risk their lives for that, especially for us with powers capable of hurting others. Wakanda will never accept mutants, never consider them as anything other than a danger. Tolerate? Avoid open hostility? Maybe… But what you’re talking about? Respect, admiration... That will not happen in my lifetime. I can't even fathom what that would be like."
"Is that why you haven't read that book yet?"
Asha's eyes snapped up to look at her host, surprise coloring her face. 
“How did you know?” 
She didn't get it, how he knew her...saw her so clearly and vividly. She didn't want to admit he was right... that book that she had opened several times, read a few pages about the reverence the Jabari held for mutants only to close it angrily. The longing for a different life, a different custom too painful to bear.
He chuckled, “It was not that big of a leap to be honest. I figured if you read it, you have questions, want to know more about them. Since you haven’t asked about the Chosen yet, I took a stab in the dark.”
"I-I wanted to read it... I just haven't had the opportunity. I can give it back, I have had it too long, I suppose." 
She avoided his eyes, opting to stare at a portrait of a couple across from her seat. She assumed they were his parents, both shared a striking resemblance to the man before her.
"No... I gave it to you. Keep it, until the opportunity arises." She nodded, refusing to catch his eye.
They sat in silence for a few moments, M'Baku staring a hole into her side of her face as she actively avoided his gaze. 
"Well, thank you for the drink Lord M'Baku but I think I should retire for the evening. It is getting late."
"O-of course. Amari will show you back to your room." He quickly stood up and ushered her toward the door. They saluted each other before she turned to walk down the hall behind his personal guard.
"Princess Asha!"
She heard her name behind her causing her to turn around. She was secretly thankful, unready to say goodbye to him just yet. She turned around quickly, facing him again. 
"I go on a morning walk every day. W-w-would you like to join me?" he stammered slightly, his nerves getting the best of him.
She smiled softly, having to bite down the immediate yes that almost fell from her lips. She knew it likely was not a good idea, spending more time with him would not help her. But simultaneously, she desired to be around someone who thought so highly of her.
"Y-yes, Lord M’Baku. I would like that very much."
He nodded before sliding back into the door frame of his office. "Good. Goodnight, your highness."
They saluted each other before she turned back down the hall with his guard leading the way, a bright small on her face as she went.
Asha tossed and turned throughout the night. She didn’t mind the lack of sleep except that the nights dragged on without it. She instead spent most of the night replaying her conversation with M’Baku in her head. She wished she could go back and relive it over and over again. She checked her beads every ten minutes it seemed to see if they were any closer to their morning date.
It’s not a date! She screamed at herself. Engaged princesses can’t go on dates.
Fine, not a date. A friendly walk between acquaintances? Friends. She settled on quickly. That is what they were… friends. It sounded far less appealing than how she truly wanted him. But that was all she could get. He didn’t feel that way about her, and even if he did, she had a fiancee in the way.
She huffed and flopped over in bed, annoyed with the voice of logic in her brain. She stared intently at the ceiling.
The guard told her that Lord M’Baku typically took his walk at sunrise. She waited and waited and waited until the alarm on her kimoyo beads, set to alert her 30 minutes prior to sunrise went off. She felt absurd, the way she nearly catapulted out of bed the moment her alarm rang in the still air once. But thankfully, there was no one around but Bast to witness it.
She threw on her outfit for the walk, a sweater, leggings and snow boots. It was casual but she paired it with some light makeup, like Shuri taught her. She still wanted to look her best.
She pulled half of her braids into a half up, half down style. She pulled her rings back on before examining herself in the mirror.
Asha never considered herself to be beautiful. She wasn’t ugly by far but beautiful? That was Nakia and Okoye… women that men sought after. But today, even she had to admit that she looked good. She adjusted herself in the mirror for one last moment before opening her door to find Kide.
He said nothing, responding to her "good morning" with a polite head nod before heading down the hall. She quickly followed after him, trying to keep up with his brisk pace. Soon, they were at the front of the Lodge. Two guards framed the entrance of the Lodge as Kide led her down the staircase to meet Lord M’Baku.
"Good morning Princess," he said as she approached. 
She replied with the same as she took in his fidgeting hands, the way he moved his weight from one side to the other as he stood, the lack of certainty in his eyes. She wanted to ease his anxiety somehow but how could she when she felt it too? She just was better at hiding it.
They set off down a path to the left of the Lodge. A comfortable silence fell over them as they listened to the rustling in the trees, the early morning calls of birds. They stole glances at each other every few minutes but otherwise, Asha simply enjoyed the walk.
They walked until they reached a small hill overlooking a creek in the forest. It appeared to be a hidden oasis, a picturesque scene plucked straight from a movie.
"This is beautiful," she marveled as they approached the rocks that led to a cliff over the creek.
"I know." 
He motioned toward a few large rocks they could sit on at the top of the hill. He dusted the snow off before she sat down.
“Do you come here often?” She asked as she looked off the hill onto the creek. 
She imagined it looked gorgeous in the summer with lush green grass, full trees and a babbling creek.
“Yes, N’Danna and I found it some time ago. It has been a secret haven for us ever since. He comes more than me though, for the solitude. For when he doesn’t want to hear anymore.”
Asha perked up, eyeing his profile, wondering how much she could probe. 
“Doesn’t want to hear anymore? What does that mean?”
M’Baku smiled slightly, “I am shocked you hadn’t picked up on it by now, as a Chosen yourself. He can read minds… his ‘knack for anticipating your needs.’”
Realization washed over her. She felt stupid really, now every interaction with him made even more sense. She stopped the wave of embarrassment from washing over her as well, refusing to think about what other thoughts he picked up swirling around her head about his chief.
“He wouldn’t bring up anything he heard to you or anyone else, just so you know. But sometimes, constantly hearing is too much for him so this spot helps. For me, it is just peaceful. I know it should be the temple but this is where I come to pray… be one with Hanuman.”
Asha nodded, “When I was young, there was a statue of Bast laying in the Royal Gardens. I used to sit next to her and read or pray and it was the only place in my small world that I thought Bast heard me, actually listened to me.”
M’Baku sensed the sadness in her voice, the tinge of pain in her eyes as she spoke of the past. “‘Used to?’”
“I don’t really pray anymore,” she whispered, pressing her hand into a new patch of snow next to her. M’Baku watched as the snow around her hand immediately melted into a puddle of water, the heat flush under her skin too much to allow it to stay in its solid form. 
“What kind of God curses children as Bast did me? My father used to call it an abomination. It is hard to believe… it is hard to trust in a God who does things like that.” 
“What did your father have against mutants?” 
Asha looked off to the side, her eyes trained on the tree branches weighed heavily with snow. 
“He believed that Bast only ordained one enhanced being in Wakanda… the Black Panther. You are not born with it. By winning the tribal combat, by surviving the visit to the Ancestral Plane… Bast chooses you. Her power, her gift chooses you. You earn it. He took offense to anyone being born with powers he had to earn. It is the opposite of your custom. We were not chosen and so, in his mind, our existence is against her will.” 
“If only you had been born here instead of with the lowlanders. Things would have been different.” 
“Yes, I suppose they would have. But then I wouldn’t have T’Challa and Shuri… Nakia, Okoye and Ayo… Alexis,” she listed. 
M’Baku smiled to himself as he saw her face light up at the list of people she had in her life. It was probably the first genuine smile he had seen on her face when she was talking about home. 
Silence fell over the two as they sat, they watched the sun finish rising high in the sky before M’Baku stood and helped her up. 
“My home life isn’t all tragic and sad, you know?” she said randomly as they found their way back to the trail that would lead them back to the Lodge. “I feel like it may seem that way, given our conversations but there is good there too. My life isn’t overflowing with amazing people, I haven’t really had the opportunity to meet many people honestly. But the people that are there… the love that is there… It is bright, it sustains me through everything. I wish some things were different, it is true. But all of them make my life worth living.”
“I don’t doubt it. I saw your grief, your relief when you saw T’Challa. I imagine there are few siblings with a bond as deep as yours. I don’t mean to judge your life or the lowlanders. I just believe you and people like you deserve more. Which is why I would like to ask you to do something for me as my guest here.” 
“I would like you to not wear those rings for the rest of this trip.” 
Her eyes bugged out of her head as his request cycled into her ears and registered in her brain. 
“What? No. No. I am sorry Lord M’Baku but I do not think that is wise. I could lose control… burn your house down, hurt someone. It is too great a risk when I am supposed to be here winning the affections of your people.”   
He laughed, “You think you are so out of sync with your powers that taking those off for a few days would lead to a forest fire? You did not seem to have this many reservations in the library that night? Or was a room full of paper books not as important? You are afraid to truly let your powers show and I understand given the way you were raised. But you are only here for three days… You wish things were different yes? Here they can be. Why spend the next three days hiding when you have to go back to that when you leave? This is the one place in Wakanda that you do not have to hide. Enjoy it.”
His proposition did sound alluring… freedom for more than just a few moments. She was still hesitant though. She hadn’t been without her rings for more than a day or two since she was a teenager. And had she become so accustomed to pretending to be someone else that she forgot how to be herself? She never learned how to effectively use her powers, she didn’t even know the extent of them. Hell, she had no idea she could float, possibly fly, until her breakdown after T’Challa’s death. How many more abilities did she have that she didn’t even know about. Was now, as a guest in someone else’s home the best time to find out? 
What other time or opportunity would you have? You certainly can’t do so at home. He is right, now is the rare moment to be free. 
Her slender fingers fiddled with the delicate rings on the opposite hand as she looked up at him with eyes filled with skepticism. There it was again… that indescribable thing about him that made her want to fall. She could feel it too, every moment she was with him, he pulled her closer and closer to the cliff’s edge. She would pull back and he would be right there tugging her forward again.
He smiled at her, his eyes filled with mischief and delight as her fingers started pulling one ring off after another. Before she knew it, she could feel the tension in her body release, feel the panther slowly ease out of her cage. She took a step back from him as sparks and smoke emanated from her hands. She took a few deep breaths, regulating her body’s response until they stopped. He gave her an encouraging nod as he took a step toward her. It was not tentative or hesitant like people have done in the past. It was deliberate and confident, as if he was determined to let her know that he was not afraid of her. 
“Deal,” she said softly. 
They stared at each other for a few moments before they both noticed soft embers rising between them. She had only seen those once before, with him in the library, and now she wondered if that was her body’s natural response to the affection she felt toward him. 
“U-um, we should head back yes? I don’t want your guard to think I kidnapped their chief,” she chuckled awkwardly. 
He nodded and they set back on their way, their bodies closer together, hands brushing against each other every few steps. Asha anticipated it, longed for that brief physical contact each time. It provided warmth and comfort her body hadn’t experienced in a long time. 
Before she knew it, they were back in the Lodge and standing outside her door. 
“Well this is where I leave you. I will see you in,” he quickly checked his watch for the time,” two hours for our first meeting, your highness?” 
“I will be there,” she answered as she pushed against the heavy wooden door that lead to her room. “Oh Lord M’Baku? I now have a request for you. It is just Asha. No your highness or Princess. Just Asha.” 
A big grin spread across his face as he took in her request. “Ok then, ‘just Asha.” Only if you call me M’Baku.” He held his hand out for her to shake on their new deal. She started to raise her hand before remembering their previous deal and quickly clutched it to her chest. 
“We will work up to that, yes?” He retracted his hand and let it fall back to his side. 
“Yes, please.” 
He nodded, giving her one last longing look before heading down the hallway. 
“M’Baku!” She called after him, unable to let their last private moment for the day pass without saying one final thing. “Thank you,” she said as he turned around to look at her again. 
He offered her another smile and a head nod before turning back around. The thank you required no explanation, he knew what it meant and knew it was unnecessary. He didn’t deserve a thank you for recognizing her humanity. He was just excited to realize that those high walls were coming down brick by brick. He wasn’t sure if he was prepared for what lays behind them but he knew it would be glorious.
@destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @missmohnique @jellybean531 @afrolatinpami @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation (Gen II) - Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 - The Miracle of Darna
"Long ago, during the first holy war, the liberation army's fort was located here in Darna." Lewyn said and looked up as if he was remembering those times like he had experienced them himself. "They lost time and time again against the oppressive might of the Lopyrian Empire's army, and in the end, only had a handful of soldiers left hiding inside the fort. They were all injured, and already knew the next battle would be their last.
“But then, a miracle occurred.
“Gods came down from the heavens and granted strange weapons and powers to twelve of the young soldiers. They were soon named the Twelve Crusaders, and led the liberation army into battle."
"That's the Miracle of Darna of legend, isn't it?" Seliph asked.
"Yes, you're right. And another miracle is occurring now. The Crusaders are once again rising up, this time against Loptous' resurrection."
"Huh? What are you referring to? Shannan retaking Balmung? Ares joining our army and wielding Mystletainn? And what is Loptous' resurrection? Is that really happening? Or are you talking about the child hunts?"
"Yes, it is happening. I think my wording was just bad. But you don't have to think too hard about that. You'll learn in time."
'Lewyn knows things that I don't.' Seliph thought. 'I know he doesn't mean us any harm, but he's definitely hiding something big.'
The liberation army, now further south, spread out near the border. Just as they finished their preparations, Bloom's army arrived.
There were only two roads that lead across the border, so Bloom's armored knights and mages chose to each go down a different path. Both roads were narrow, so the liberation army was able to defeat each of them before they could get into proper battle formation.
Two joyful reunions occurred during the battle. First, Arthur found his younger sister.
She'd been kidnapped when she was a child, and Arthur had suspected for a long time that she was a member of Bloom's mage unit. His clue was that if they were siblings, she would have the same pendant he had. 
Arthur concentrated his thoughts and tried to connect himself with his pendant's telekinetic energy. Finally, he noticed a telekinetic wave that was the same as that of his pendant.
He went in that direction, and saw a young female mage coming towards him. Her hair was the same lavender color as their mother, Tailtiu's. And when they got closer to each other, he could see that she had their mother's eyes and nose as well.
'She has to be my sister!’ He boldly rushed up to her and said, "W-Wait!"
She tried to cast an Elthunder spell, but could tell that he didn't want to fight her, and canceled it.
"Look at my pendant. It's the same as yours, isn't it?"
"It is! It's exactly the same!"
"Where did you get it?"
"It's a keepsake from my mother."
 "I knew it! You're Tinny, right?"
"How did you know my name…?"
"We're siblings! I'm your older brother, Arthur!"
"Your mother's name is Tailtiu, right?"
"Mother was a member of the liberation army during the Battle of Belhalla. After the battle, she took me with her as she fled to Silesse, but you and her were kidnapped by someone just after you were born, and all that she left behind for me was this pendant. Recently, I figured out that you were taken by King Bloom of Alster, but I also heard at that time that while Mother had already passed away, my little sister… Tinny should still be alive. I wanted to do whatever it took to find you, so I left Silesse. Even though we're in the middle of a battle, I wondered if you were with Bloom's army, panicked, and went searching for you."
"So that's what happened! Mother was forced back to Friege by Uncle Bloom… I didn't know. But your words have reminded me that she always looked sad. You're right. You are my brother."
"Anyway, Tinny, stop fighting us. There's so much that I want to talk to you about."
"Yeah, don't really want to fight, either. I'll do as you say."
And that is how the liberation army gained one more powerful fighter.
The battle at the border ended in defeat for Bloom's army, and the liberation army took advantage of the momentum and marched onwards. Along the way, they met with the isolated Prince Leif.
Seliph's father Sigurd, and Leif's father Quan, had been the best of friends, and Quan's wife Ethlyn had been Seliph's aunt. When Sigurd's army was still tiny and fighting in Verdane, Quan and Ethlyn had rushed to his aid with reinforcements, a group that included Finn, who'd still been just a squire at the time.
Right before the Battle of Belhalla, Quan and Ethlyn, leading Leonster's cavalier unit, tried to join up with Sigurd's army. However, while crossing the Aed Desert, Travant, the Thracian king, and his dragon knights surprise attacked them. Because Quan's army had terrible footing in the desert, they couldn't put up a good fight, and no one survived. Ever since then, the Earth Lance Gáe Bolg, which Quan had with him, was still missing, along with Leif's older sister, whom Ethlyn had been carrying at the time.
Because he'd been ordered to be Prince Leif's guard, Finn stayed in Leonster. When he heard that Quan's army had been annihilated, he blamed himself.
'Why wasn't I able to be in the most important place in the world? If even Lord Quan lost, then I don't think my being there would have made a difference. But I might have at least been able to save Lady Ethlyn. Or at maybe the princess…'
He took his Brave Lance and rushed out of the castle. Since he was usually a very reserved man, this change in behavior surprised those around him, and made them wonder what had happened.
Finn took his horse out of the stables, galloped out to the riding grounds, and knocked over the training dummies one by one.
'Why couldn't this lance be of any use?'
He thought to himself countless times, then finally stopped his horse.
'Lord Quan, Lady Ethlyn, I'm so sorry I couldn't help you. In exchange, I'll protect Prince Leif, even if it means risking my life. Then, when he comes of age, I'll help him defeat Travant and Arvis, and avenge you both.'
When Bloom's army began to invade, Finn immediately took Leif and fled the castle. He treasured his vow to Quan and Ethlyn more than his honor as a knight.
Since then, Finn had protected, raised, and educated young Leif.
After they failed to raise a powerful enough army and were surrounded by the enemy army, Finn told Leif and Nanna to escape, and yelled towards the heavens, "Lord Quan, with the Brave Lance you gave me, and the fighting techniques you taught me, I will protect Lord Leif! Please watch down on us with Lady Ethlyn."
Finn then rode his horse into the enemy lines and tirelessly wielded his Brave Lance, striking the tip into one enemy after another. Even the enemy commander's thick armor was no match for it. With their commander gone, the remaining enemies fled.
It had been six months since then, and Finn, Leif, and Nanna had now appeared before the liberation army.
Seliph and Leif shook hands and vowed to fight together. Finn also had a joyous reunion with Shannan and Oifey.
After that, there was one more reunion - that of siblings Nanna and Diarmuid. He'd always been searching for her, making this reunion yet another joyous one.
The Liberation Army first recovered Leif's homebase, Leonster, then marched towards Bloom's main castle, Alster. Since he'd lost most of his force at the border, Bloom couldn't put up a proper resistance, and as such gave up on Alster, instead fleeing to Connaught Castle.
At the party celebrating the liberation of Alster, Seliph said to Lewyn, who was sitting next to him, "Hey, Lewyn, there's something I've found strange recently."
"What is it?"
"More and more children of the people who fought with my father are joining our army, don't you think? Some who joined earlier, like Arthur, even knew beforehand… I realized it even when people like him joined us… And the enemy leaders are the same. Their mothers and fathers were our mother's and father's enemies. There's also some blood families split up into allies and enemies. We're repeating our mothers and fathers' war, aren't we? At least, that's what I think sometimes. Is this all related to what you said in Darna Castle?"
"Of course it's related." Lewyn answered.
"But it's not a repeat, though it may sometimes look like one. It is another side of this war."
"What does that mean?"
"This is one of the many times that the people have risen up against the empire's tyranny."
"This is one of many?
"What I mean is, this is the Twelve Crusader's war. So was the Battle of Belhalla. No, you could also consider this a continuation of the Battle of Belhalla. That's why they are so similar. But this will not be a repeat. It cannot be a repeat. We must win."
His last few words were spoken more strongly than any Seliph had ever heard him speak before. 
Alster Castle's capture at the hands of the liberation army had a huge effect on the delicate balance of the Thracian Peninsula.
Thracia had already been split in half from the beginning.
The northern half had many rich farmlands, whereas the southern half was made up of rugged mountains and barren wastelands, leaving it to be controlled by the powerful Kingdom of Thracia, with its valorous dragon knights.
Each king of Thracia inherited Gungnir, and in attempts to take the rich lands of the north, had tried to invade countless times. However, they were stopped each time by the Leonsterian king, who inherited the Earth Lance Gáe Bolg.
Right before the Battle of Belhalla, the Thracian king, Travant, had annihilated the Leonsterian cavalier unit, and taken Gáe Bolg. With that, Thracia's dream seemed to have come true, but then, House Friege's Bloom entered the north with a huge army and conquered it. Even the ambitious Travant was powerless against the might of the empire's military, and ever since, for about a decade, northern Thracia remained a territory of the empire's and maintained a strange sense of peace.
Now, the majority of northern Thracia was in the liberation army's grasp. Bloom now only controlled the western regions of Connaught and Munster, but his forces were growing stronger by the day.
And, on top of that, the liberation army would have to be wary of King Travant's movements.
Travant received a request from Bloom to provide reinforcements, but he still had yet to order his dragon knights to deploy.
He planned to let the liberation army and the imperial army fight and weaken each other. Then his soldiers would swoop in and he would take over control of the entire Thracian peninsula. 
The first side to make a move was the imperial army. A unit of knights in Alster, led by General Muhammad; and a cavalier unit and the three mage sisters, led by General Ovo; began to march towards Leonster, which Leif was protecting.
Leif's army wasn't strong enough yet, so Seliph needed to send him reinforcements.
"I agree to sending in reinforcements, but that would mean splitting our army into two, wouldn't it, Oifey?" Seliph asked.
"In this case, the enemy was the first to split their soldiers into two groups. If they attacked either us or Leif as one, they'd have very good odds, so why didn't they do that? Perhaps Bloom is panicking. He probably wants to send a good report to the emperor.
"This is a big chance for us. We can meet both units in a place where we can most effectively attack them. If we do so, then I think there's also a chance we can attack Connaught all in one go."
And so, the liberation army split in two for the first time.
"We should split up based on movement speed. If different parts of an army all move at their own speed, then the slower members won't be able to keep up, and everyone won't be able to fight as a group. I think the fastest of us should go to Leonster.”
Soon after, two fights broke out at the same time, one at Leonster Castle, and another in a field close to Alster.
After sending out his units, Bloom suddenly began to worry.
'Are we really sure to win? At first, we thought lightly of them as an army like Leif's ragtag group, but this liberation army seems different somehow. If we lose again, then I won't have any excuses left to tell His Majesty. And I won't have an army left, either.'
After thinking it over some more, he decided to send an assassin after Seliph.
'If Sigurd's brat is gone, then the whole army should fall apart.'
The first assassin he called in was a mercenary named Febail.
Febail was known as an expert bowman. He was so skilled because (though he didn't make it known) he was a descendant of Holy Archer Ulir, and inheritor to Holy Bow Yewfelle.
Febail did not know how to respond, so Bloom brought up his younger sister, Patty. "I heard that you are taking care of a large group of orphans. You surely need money for that, so your sister is stealing to make that money, isn't she? Are you really okay with her being a thief?"
Febail was always concerned about Patty's work. Though she said she used the money and objects for a good purpose, stealing was still bad. "She's always thinking of the children. But she certainly wants money."
"Then you have no reason to be indecisive. If you bring me Seliph's head, I'll give you however much money you want. It would make your little sister happy."
"I understand. I don't want to, but I'll help you, just this once." Febail agreed to the proposal.
After that Bloom brought in his daughter, Ishtar.
Ishtar was the next in line to inherit Holy Thunder Tome Mjölnir.
"You called for me, Father? What do you need?"
"The liberation army is coming to attack us. I need you to lend me your power."
"I don't think those words are your own. A ragtag group like this liberation army would never make you panic."
"But they've already killed your brother Ishtor, and your cousin Tinny is missing. Vampa and her sisters also fled and returned home during the last battle. You're the only person I have left to rely on. I want you to kill the enemy leader, Seliph."
"Understood. Then please give me Mjölnir. If I have it, then I will take out the entire enemy army by myself."
"W-What? You want Mjölnir?" Bloom hesitated for a moment.
Handing over his Holy Weapon would mean forfeiting his authority as the head of House Freige. But when he thought about what would happen if they lost this battle, he had no other choice.
"Hmph, fine. You may take it. In return, you must bring me Seliph's head."
"Understood. Please leave him to me."
The battle was a grueling one for both sides. 
The mage sisters were particularly threatening to the liberation army, as they vowed not to run home again and fought even more viciously than usual.
However, Leif's army cleverly split the three apart little by little, so they couldn't fight together, then counterattacked once the sisters were sufficiently distanced from each other. Ares and Mystletainn, Finn and his Brave Lance, and Iuchar and his Brave Axe were the ones to take them out. With that, the battle in Leonster was over.
The hero of the battle in Alster was Shanan. He ran deep into the enemy formation by himself and killed the commanding officer, General Muhammad. Then, until his allies caught up, he continued to fight and take the enemies' attacks on his own.
Once the rest of the liberation army arrived, the enemies lost their will to continue fighting, and began to flee. Seliph chased after them and continued to advance forward.
Shannan and Patty stayed close to his side. They were both worried about the assassins sent for Seliph (though Patty was really only worried about Fabail).
And Patty's worries were the first to be proven right when she saw an archer slowly walking towards them among the fleeing enemies.
'That's Big Brother!’ She thought, and immediately ran towards him. "Big Brother, what are you doing here?"
Febail was totally lost on how to respond to her question.
"No way, you aren't working for Bloom, are you?"
"P-Patty, why are you with the rebel army…?"
"It's obvious, isn't it? I'm here to save everyone. And this isn't a rebel army, it's a liberation army! Have you forgotten? All the parents of the children we care for were killed by Bloom. And our parents died fighting the imperial army, right? Working with Bloom is the same as siding with the imperial army, so I won't agree to it!"
"I'm sorry. You're right. I… don't know what I was thinking."
"Anyone can reflect on their actions. If you think you're doing something wrong, then work with us! We can defeat Bloom together!"
"Okay, Patty!"
'She's changed.' Febail thought. 'Her eyes are sparkling. I wonder why?'
"Please introduce me to Prince Seliph. I need to apologize to him.”
"Of course! Come this way!" Patty led her brother up to Seliph and introduced them to each other.
"I may have only been lost over what to do for a moment, but I still tried to kill you. I'll do more than just apologize for it. If you find my actions unacceptable, I want you to do whatever you want to me."
"You said your name is Febail, right? I don't care about that. The present, and the future, are much more important than the past. I want you to think like that, too."
"I was wrong. It was stupid of me to allow the empire to hire me. I'm very embarrassed by it. Prince Seliph, please allow me to make up for it."
"Thank you, Febail. I'm happy you've decided to join us."
"It looks like you already have a chance to do that." Shanan said while staring straight ahead.
A female mage was walking towards them.
"She is no ordinary person, and is probably here for you, Seliph. Stay back."
Everyone obeyed, and stepped back.
"In a battle against two people with Holy Weapons, the first person to attack has the upper hand. In other words, it's all about judging the perfect time to strike. That's what makes it different from a normal fight."
The female mage continued towards them with confidence in her steps.
Shanan and Febail both moved in a flash. Balmung's blade and Yewfelle's arrow hit her at the same time.
"How could… this be…" She muttered, then collapsed where she stood.
At that moment, something strange happened.
A beam of light fell from the heavens, and a young nobleman appeared from within it.
The nobleman picked up the mage. "Ishtar, you will return to Belhalla with me. You cannot die in a place like this."
Her eyes opened in response to his words.
"Now let's go."
Her wounds closed up.
The light shone once again, engulfing them.
It was all so strange to those around them, that none of them could move, and simply stared in bewilderment.
Finally, the light disappeared, and the two were gone.
"Who were they? Does anyone know?" Seliph called out, and looked around to see if anyone would provide an answer.
"The woman was Princess Ishtar." Tinny answered.
"You know her?"
"Yes, she adored me like a little sister."
“And what about the man?"
"He's probably… Prince Julius."
"What? Prince Julius?"
"Yes, I've seen him in Belhalla several times, so I'm pretty sure that was him. Prince Julius and Lady Ishtar are in love, so he probably came to save her."
"What kind of person is he?"
"How can I put it? ...He has a very strange way of attracting people to him… and he's cold, like ice. Those who meet him are both charmed and afraid all at once. It's almost like he isn't human… "
Though that event left them feeling uneasy about the future, Seliph and Prince Leif's units merged, then started marching towards Connaught.
Capturing Connaught Castle was no easy feat. The long-range magic users in particular worried the members of the liberation army. But because they targeted each area with enemies guarding the castle one at a time, they were finally able to rush the castle gate.
Febail's vow to atone for his actions were no lie. He rushed to the throne room faster than anybody else, aimed at Bloom, and pulled back Yewfelle's bow string.
"Damn you, Febail! How dare you betray me!"
"Sorry, but after thinking long and hard about it, I decided that I cannot help you. Don't think badly of me for it. This is all the result of the seeds you planted."
Yewfelle's arrow flew through Bloom's face.
When Bloom's soldiers learned of his death, they all surrendered.
Meanwhile, at Munster Castle to the south, a mage named Ced and his army of commoners had risen up.
Since most of the imperial soldiers stationed at Munster had been pulled out to fight on the front lines, there were few left. In addition, they'd lost their leader, Ishtar, so they had no interest in putting up a serious fight. Just the news alone of the liberation army coming to attack the castle made them flee, and Munster was freed with little bloodshed.
When he learned of the news, Seliph thought that all of Northern Thracia was freed. 'We should go to Munster next.'
However, things were not that simple.
The Thracian king had finally begun to move.
2 notes · View notes
Ch4 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Warning this is M bordering NSFW
Chapter 4:
Clutching the thin cotton sheet towel to her chest, her bare feet slapped against the cold stone floor. Wild eyes glanced back over her shoulder. 
InuKimi's laughter filled the corridor. Her sharp teeth glinted in the natural light. 
Her chin tilted up, and her laughter abruptly ended. 
Why? Kagome's heart pounded, breaths quickened, and smack! Her hands hit something soft and hard all at once. Shocked blue eyes took in the firm planes of a heavily muscled chest.
Walter205Last Wednesday at 2:11 PM
Her eyes continued to widen as she looked up the oddly familiar chest before she stepped back upon seeing the face of Bankotsu looking down at her in bemusement. 
 "Bankotsu!" she cried in sudden fear and amazement. 
 "Well well, so this is one of the candidates that your mother brought me back from hell for? And here I thought doggy boy had you all tied up, I guess he couldn't pass muster after all," Ban replied with a shit eating grin on his face. 
 "Brought you back from hell? What's going on?" Kagome asked incredulously as she half turned to glance back at Inukimi. No way was she turning her back fully on the former leader of the Band of Seven. 
 Inukimi looked rather sullen as she glowered at Ban before replying, "My necklace contains a portal to other dimensions. I was browsing through your history the other day to look for suitable candidates for my daughters. Bankotsu, she is off limits to you and I thought I told you to wait in your quarters? I'm afraid I'll have to impose a penalty on your eligibility," scowled Inukimi before dismissing him from the area. 
 "Please tell me you didn't bring back an associated member that was height and esteem challenged?" Kagome asked in a suddenly even greater fear. 
 "No, he was the only one from that group that I found sufficiently suitable. Although there are...others...," Inukimi replied with a smile.
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 2:15 PM
"It's of no matter my dear now back to the dressing room for you." Inukimi grabbed Kagome's  wrist and drug her back into the room with all the kimono and accessories
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 2:34 PM
She was held hostage until thoroughly layered like some silk mummy. Kagome winced after the eighth layer was added, "I'm not sure I can walk like this..." 
InuKimi shrugged, "Who needs to walk?"
And so the servants continued.
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 3:22 PM
The servants were still adding, removing, and fitting garments when Kagome felt another presence behind her. She looked up into the mirror as she heard a growled warning coming from Inukimi before the female version of Inuyasha suddenly appeared close behind her. 
 "Hummm, you do look so much better now and your skin has a much more...appealing quality to it now," Inukui said before leaning forward and sticking out her tongue, making contact with the nape of her neck before tracing around to her lower right ear lobe. Kagome blushed furiously as she thought that the intimate contact had no business being anywhere near as hot as it was weird, but for some reason it was. 
 "Hunh, hey, what do you?" Kagome tried to stutter out as words seem to fail her over the sensation she was now feeling. 
 "Oh you taste so good. I wish I could just scoop you up and take you far away from here," enthused Inukoi with a smile on her face. Kagome couldn't tell if she was being serious or playful and what scared her most is she couldn't decide whether she was more afraid or anxiously excited at the prospect. It had to be that she was the female lookalike of Inuyasha, it just had to be. 
 Inukoi let out a slightly pained 'eeep' as Inukimi strode forward and grabbed ahold of one of her ears, dragging her youngest away from the prospective Kagome. 
 "Daughter dearest, whatever am I going to do with you? You know I prefer to see you with a proper man, how else are you to be properly pupped with my grandchildren?" Inukimi admonished with a frown on her face. 
 "But ma I don't like men, women appeal to me so much better. Besides there's plenty of adoptable orphans that need care, do these newcomers and your eldest not have some of their own?" Inukoi protested in a huff. She pouted for a moment before huffing 'fine' and stomping out of the chamber.
 SlayerLast Wednesday at 3:28 PM
Kagome turned and looked at Inukimi. "You know maybe I do like females....." her cheeks were as red as Inuyasha's  legendary fire rat robes as she watched his half whatever sister walk out of the room.
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 3:33 PM
"Oh hush dear that's just your untouched nature speaking. Spend some time with a male that wants something more from you then just being a backup option and you'll find yourself in bliss, I'm quite sure of it," Inukimi gently admonished with a reassuring nod. 
 Forty layers later, they finally found the right combination of five layers that accented her in all the best ways possible. Inukimi didn't say anything about how good she looked in the outfit but to see Inuyasha's mother looking at her such a hungry look while licking her own lips, while having shown no previous inclinations at all towards being interested in other females, let Kagome know just how good she must look at the moment. 
 After taking the time to recover, Inukimi placed a hand to still her overactive heart. 
 "My...I think this will do quite nicely."
 revangLast Wednesday at 6:05 PM
Blushing, Kagome asked, “I look okay? I don’t really think these kind of clothes suit me very much.” 
“Of course dear! You doubt your mother?” Inukimi scoffed, bringing her to a full-length mirror. “See for yourself.”
Kagome almost didn’t recognize herself. Who was that elegant, traditional beauty gazing back at her? They were right, even her skin seemed to glow in a way it never had before. Somehow it made her stand straighter and move with more grace, like she had seen in the movies.
The spell was broken as a loud growl came from her stomach. When was the last time she had even eaten? 
Inukimi laughed delicately. “I suppose I have held you captive here long enough. You are ready to be presented. You look positively prime for mating,” she hummed in appreciation.
Feeling equal parts beautiful and awkward, Kagome was finally sent back to the banquet hall.
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 7:05 PM
The debut ceremony was nothing short of an astonishing spectacle in of itself. With all of the prospective males and females now present, it was time for Inukimi to present the first eligible mating partner that she had chosen herself. Previous to Kagome's arrival, Blood Hound Dog Demons had played trumpets, Fox Demons had spun their magic into fancy displays of fireworks and other spectacles, and some of the female servants dressed up as gypsy dancers had performed before pixies came in laying down rose petals. An honor guard of a dozen half ogres deployed before an imp appeared, to some at first it looked like Jaken, but it was actually Juken, Lady Inukimi's personal retainer. 
 "Ladies and Gentleman, Demons, Half Demons, and Humans alike, please rise and pay homage to the first eligible mating partner, Miss Kagome Higurashi of Edo!" declared Juken before standing aside and bowing. 
 A few dozen startled gasps were drawn from the occupants gathered within the banquet hall as Kagome entered the room at full blush, followed by a smiling Inukimi. 
 "Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, please present yourselves as eligible suitors," asked Juken. 
 Kagome gulped nervously as both of them approached with hungry looks in their eyes.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 7:23 PM
Sesshomaru reluctantly stood in the large room amongst the riff raff his mother thought to sully her home with. She had taken it upon herself to present Kagome as some sort of trophy mate, along with a circus. He doubted that she had been asked beforehand, and, if past experiences with her told him anything, he doubted she wanted this attention. As Juken presented her, dolled up in his mother's finest silk, he narrowed his eyes. He preferred her in the indecent clothes she usually wore, the green things. While they were strange and inappropriate, they suited her. Before him, she was dressed as a stranger. His fists curled to keep himself from reaching out and ripping the costume from her trembling form.
 revangLast Wednesday at 7:54 PM
Kagome flushed from all the attention. In the back of her mind she was mortified to be put through this spectacle, and involving Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru as “eligible suitors”?? Soooo embarrassing!
It was hard to focus much on these thoughts though. On top of the sheer mental and physical exhaustion from all the craziness of the past few days, her blood sugar was dangerously low. She just needed to get through this so she could eat. 
Her body wafted on trembling limbs.
 imjaneeesLast Wednesday at 8:12 PM
By the end of all the introductions, nothing was accomplished other than making her even more hungry. She didn't even bother remembering the names of those presented to her other than the ones she already knew. Though she was bound to remember the face of that one guy with rainbow coloured hair. Very memorable. Guy's probably highly poisonous with all that colour. She didn't even notice she was being talked to until she noticed that Inukimi was looking at her expectantly, but not in the kind of was that she would urge to agree.
So she went with her guts and answered, "Umm, no?"
The triumphant glint in Inukimi's eyes made her want to go back a few seconds back just to change her answer.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Wednesday at 8:41 PM
"There you have it suitors!" InuKimi clapped her hands together, "She said she can't wait, so we won't keep her waiting any longer!" Jukencame out with a short scroll, "You have until the sun sets to bring Lady and Miko Kagome of Edo nourishment, judgement will be based purely on her preference." InuKimi snapped, "Well, get to it! Her stomach is growling!"
 Walter205Last Wednesday at 10:27 PM
"Keh, all right, finally a chance to hunt!" yelled Inuyasha excitedly, throwing Sesshomaru an arrogant smile before running out of the banquet hall and jumping off of the Sky Castle to head down to the forest floor below. 
 Sesshomaru waited until he had jumped before using his poison whip to snatch a smoked salmon with marmalade glaze plate off of a server's tray fresh out of the kitchen, catching the dish in his hand without spilling or disrupting the contents in any way, holding it before Kagome while offering a fork. 
 "Sesshomaru wins the nourishment contest," announces Juken, to the cheers and laughter of the audience present.
 Stormie Like WeatherLast Thursday at 3:30 PM
"But I didn't..." Kagome glanced from Sesshomaru, to his mother, and to Juken. 
His Mother shoved a bite of salmon into her mouth, "It was written all over your face how impressed with my son you are." Her chuckle sounded even more arrogant than Naraku's, "Obviously you and Sesshomaru are two lights in the sea, coming together, to make me grandpups." She sighed.
Complaints were being filed with Juken. From foxes to horse demons, they all felt special privileges had been given.
Kagome swallowed hard, "Is she always like this?" 
"This is no where near as awful as it could get." His gaze went to his Mother, "What do I win?"
"Oh, that I will leave up to the Miko. Make it something private and on all fours if you would dear."
"Uh...you get to...take me home?" Kagome shoved another bite into her mouth as InuKimi's eyes flashed red.
 Walter205Last Thursday at 5:53 PM
The flashing of the red eyes was accompanied by the releasing of the sudden boiling of anger at what Kagome had requested, thinking she could slip out of Inukimi's grip so easily. Her aura grew and became menacing, warning any and all not to approach her, even as she approached the two of them. 
 "My dear, perhaps I misheard. What was that you said again?" Inukimi asked in a icy tone of pure death promised. 
 "My Lady, perhaps we could move on to presenting the next AUGH!" yelled Juken as he was fried by her aura while approaching with his suggestion. 
 Before Kagome could answer, Sesshomaru placed a finger over her lips before half turning to mother. 
 "Hnn, you would present me to your parents?  Very well," Sesshomaru said curtly. As what he said was processed through Inukimi's mind she calmed down back to normal as the entire room returned to their normal breathing patterns. 
 "Ah yes, of course. We must arrange a bridewealth and dowry before things proceed to far," Inukimi nodded while fanning herself. She seems to have become quite heated for some reason. 
 "But...," Kagome started to protest, but Sesshomaru swiftly swept her up into his arms and took off for the village. He knew what she really wanted was to get out of this mess, but he knew mother would have none of it. Now that they were away from the Castle they could honestly talk about what was going to happen next.
 imjaneeesLast Thursday at 6:54 PM
Kagome has never been more thankful to be so high in the air, regardless of whose arms, or arm, she was in. In her embarrassment, her mouth started to run itself, "Good Lord, that was embarrassing. How is your mom again? Why's she so desperate for grand babies? And did you hear what that horse youkai said? He should write a book on what comes out of his mouth. I can already see the title, 'How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less'. And then make a higher scaled sequel, 'How to Ensure You're Lonely and Miserable for the Rest of Your Life'!"
 Walter205Last Thursday at 7:19 PM
Her appeal to him dropped lower and lower every second that she continued to prattle in such a nonstop fashion. If he were mated to her Sesshomaru knew that this was something that he would have to put up with. All of her vices in addition to her lovely virtues. 
 His hands twitched as she continued, he needed to make her stop but couldn't take either of his arms from around her. 
 "And what was up with that Jaken lookalike? Juken? What are toads and dogs a thing now? Do you guys pond dive for all of your retainers?" 
 Sesshomaru's eyes started twitching red. 
 "And Inuyasha never told me he had two sisters! Can you believe that there's one each of a full demon and half demon and that they're half sisters? It's just like you and Inuyasha! And you know what else?"
 His lips smashed down upon hers at that point.
 revangLast Thursday at 8:30 PM
Kagome’s eyes grew wide as he suddenly kissed her. Though it shocked her too much and was too brief for her to respond in any way, she did feel a slight spark between them.
“Sesshoumaru- what..?”
“Your chatter is most vexing, Miko.”
Her hackles raised at that. Her eyes flashed and her face darkened, and unseen flames seemed to rise up behind her dangerously. “So you thought you’d just sexually harass me into silence??? What the hell is wrong with you? I always respected your intelligence but apparently I was wrong! If you thought I’d be quiet after that you have another thing coming! I swear! This is worse than the time Inuyasha hugged me just to get the jewel from me! At least that he did trying to protect me. You didn’t think to just ask me to be quiet? No, you just had to jump straight to that! You think just because you won some stupid little food contest you can just do whatever you want? I’m not actually presenting you to my parents or going along with any of this other craziness either!”
“Hnn.” Perhaps that was ill-advised on my part. Truthfully, he had known she was rambling due to her great embarrassment and upset over what had occurred at the palace, and her distress was giving him an unfamiliar, discomfited feeling. He had wanted to calm her somehow, but clearly that had backfired.
Noticing their direction, Kagome narrowed her eyes dangerously. “Where are you taking me, anyways? Edo is that way.”
“I have a cave hidden behind a barrier not far from here.”
“Excuse me???”
“I am merely getting away from Mother’s ridiculous scheming, though she certainly won’t leave us alone for long. But the barrier will keep her from spying so that we may discuss what to do about all of this.” He gave a small exhale, which she was pretty sure was the stoic demon’s version of a sigh. “You have my word that I will not touch you in such a way without your consent again.”
 imjaneeesLast Thursday at 8:37 PM
Understanding dawned on Kagome's eyes, "Ahhh, I see. We really didn't have any chance of getting away from your mom without doing the dirty, did we?"
She sighed, then pouted, lower lip jutting out adorably, "Why do these things always happen to me? Who did Kikyo piss off before that it's all chasing me until now?"
 Walter205Last Thursday at 8:57 PM
Once again the miko had set herself apart from the normal women you would find in these days and lands but this time it had worked against Sesshomaru's benefit, unlike the view of her legs he used to have with her odd garments. Normally it would be easy to sweep a woman off her feet and wow her with such a display but the odd way she used the terms 'consent' and 'sexual assault' suggested that Edo was a much different place apart from the various villages and towns that dotted the Western Lands.
 Another sigh from him then, this one fully internal. He had gotten such a sensual taste of her flavor from the brief kiss that he now longed to plunge his divining rod back past the sealed lips of her crass cavern and battle her cherry picker for dominance amongst the ridges of her tantalizing teeth. 
 It seems that such things would have to wait now.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 3:08 PM
"So, what are you proposing?" Kagome asked, once they settled into his cave that was somehow more bare than the one Kouga had taken her to. She leaned against the rock wall with her arms crossed, annoyed that she hadn't gotten to eat more than a couple of bites of food before being whisked away. Tired, cranky, and still hungry, she blamed Sesshomaru for the situation as much as she blamed his mother. "Just tell her I'm barren, all this will go away, and I will be able to get some rest." 
"You reek of fertility, your egg is readying for fertilization as we speak. My mother may be ridiculous, however she is intelligent enough to know that would be a lie."
She covered her lower stomach and glared at him, "Keep your nose out of my bodily functions."
 imjaneeesYesterday at 7:59 PM
A white brow raised in such a  miniscule scale it was almost unnoticeable, "Are you suggesting I refrain from breathing, miko? Your fertility comes off of you in waves, it is impossible for anyone with senses such as mine to overlook. Though I suppose we can steer clear of her until your fertility period has come to past. How soon will this end and come again so that we may plan ahead if you wish to avoid my mother's attention?"
Okay now she was just embarrassed again. Face beat red, she turned her eyes at anywhere but the youkai holding her," Errr, that may be a bit difficult because I'm fertile for a whole week every month?"
And she was greeted with silence.
 SlayerYesterday at 8:02 PM
Sesshomaru  turned and stared at her, "Miko are you telling  me that humans have a fertility  cycle once a moon?"
"Ah yeah. Every 28 or so days it's slightly different  for different  women. But I am regular  as a clock every 27 days." Kagome looked down and blushed. She could not believe  she was having this conversation  with him of all people.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 8:29 PM
It was a problem of mass proportions, Kagome thought back to her backpack and the giant box of condoms that had once, pre-Jaken's theft, been in her possession. They could have come in handy at a time like this. Not that she wanted to be banging anyone to appease his mom, it would have been a nice peace of mind to have.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 8:34 PM
Call her old fashioned but Kagome had plans on how her first time would go. It would preferably be when she's already married, actually had a well paying job and fully equipped to raise possi le children. Doing it for the sake of appeasing what seemed to be a steadily growing senile mother of her best friend's half brother wasn't even on her plan z.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 8:53 PM
"So..." She shook out her hands and let her courage rise as she looked up at said half brother, "I refuse to have any children without being in love, for one, and very much secure. I also won't be doing any breeding activities until I'm married, so honestly, your mom is barking, quite literally, up the wrong tree." His stolid mask fell into disarray. He didn't look mad, so much as surprised and possibly constipated. "Why don't you help me get your sisters to mate someone, and have pups, then your mom will be sated." The more she talked the less happy he looked. "What's wrong with you?"
 SlayerYesterday at 8:55 PM
The look on his face was something  she had never seen before it made her feel weird and warm.
 Walter205Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Never before had he felt so conflicted in such a short time period. When the odd Miko had mentioned that she would be in heat a full week once a month, he had become very excited at the prospect of renewing his lifetime dream of Supreme Conquest since he could pump out a full litter of pups once every nine months and have a veritable legion of litters under his command by the time she reached her birth-able expiration date. 
 But now she was piling on all of his nonsense about love and suggestions of him looking elsewhere, I mean with the knowledge he had gained he could round up a full harem of human women for his army of moldable offspring but there were none quite like her, she was unique, clean, and very powerful to boot.��
 This would require some deep thought.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:05 PM
Also, Kagome didn't know why, but she felt like she had to mention it. "Also, just so you know, multiple babies are a common thing in my family. I have an aunt who had two sets of twins, and an uncle who had quadruplets. And that's just my mom's side of the family. My dad's have an even bigger one."
They say that the way to scare a man off on a first date was to mention babies. Could the same thing be said about demons though?
 SlayerYesterday at 9:08 PM
Now his wheels were turning. Surely his great and terrible father had had a plan to keep his little human princess beside him.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:09 PM
If he could only extend her lifespan, the future would be limitless.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:13 PM
Oh she did not like the way he was suddenly giving her the elevator eyes and staying too long on her breasts and hips. No no no no, this was Sesshomaru! He's supposed to be dead waist down! And so she said the age old certified way of deflating a man's sex drive, "Just curious, but have you ever caught your parents while doing the dirty? I mean, your mom doesn't seem to be all that against displays of, errrr, affection."
 Walter205Yesterday at 9:14 PM
What were a few false platitudes of love compared to the limitless potential that her body would offer his ambitions? 
 But then, there was the annoying little trait called honor. 
 Perhaps he could twist the love of what she could do for him into her believing that he loved her for all of what she was? He would need to channel his inner Trash Prince for this scheme to work.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:15 PM
Suddenly Sesshomaru, all powerful badass ice prince of the west, turned green at the memory flashing through his mind.
 SlayerYesterday at 9:17 PM
He remembered listening to his mother's  screams as she struggled to bring his youngest sibling  into the world. He had nearly lost his mother to the birthing bed that night.
 imjaneeesYesterday at 9:20 PM
Kagome's brows furrowed, she didn't know why but it popped in her head all of a sudden and she never really got the answer she was looking for. Maybe Sesshomaru would know, he was old. Not really noticing the sudden green hue to the youkai's features, she pressed on, "Umm, Sesshomaru? I know youkai live really long, but they still grow old too right?  What does it mean when a youkai says that someone is immune to time?"
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:28 PM
Immune to time? It couldn't be... Sesshomaru caught her by the hand and brought her wrist up to his nose, "So that is why you smell so delectable..." Kagome let him pull her closer as his nose drew along the underside of her wrist. Her breath caught and her heart began to pound. His warm lips caressed her palm and fingers. "It means you belong with one that will not die for many centuries."
"Oh?" She was caught up with images of very naughty things having to do with him and his mouth, and that hot breath on her skin.
 SlayerYesterday at 9:31 PM
"Hnm." He drew his tongue  across her wrist and then scraped his fangs against it, drawing the faintest traces of blood. He tasted it. Pondering at her unique  taste.
 Stormie Like WeatherYesterday at 9:34 PM
Her sharp gasp did things to his nether regions, but now was not the time for that as she needed to be handled with care. "I wish to sire your pups, state your conditions once more." Pups so powerful couldn't be passed up.
 Walter205Yesterday at 9:36 PM
Their series of awkward conversations and moments came to an abrupt end when a crack and fizzling sound indicated the collapse of the barrier sealing them off from the world outside. Into the cave entered Inuyasha, Red Tetsuiga in hand and bearing some cooked fish on sticks in the other hand. 
 "Sesshomaru you bastard! I saw you take off from the Sky Castle above with Kagome! So, you thought you could kidnap her for your own nefarious plans eh? Keh!" yelled Inuyasha as his sword changed from red to a deep blue color. 
 "Inuyasha! Please, take me home, take me away from this madness back to my REAL home!" yelled Kagome. The mention of 'Real Home' in that odd tone distracted Sessohomaru just enough that Inuyasha's attack slipped past his guard. 
 "Freezer Barrier Sealer Reaver!" yelled Inuyasha as shards of icicles emerged from his sword, striking Sesshomaru and encasing him within a solid block of ice. All he had to do to break out of it was to release his demonic energy, but by the time he had done so they were out of the cave and heading in the direction of Edo. 
 "I let you keep the Tetsuiga little brother, but in taking my Miko and ambitions along with it, you have officially signed your death warrant, half whelp," Sesshomaru growled, eyes glowing red as he exploded out of the cave in his true form and took off in pursuit.
28 notes · View notes
lswritingdesk · 4 years
2. Seers
In which baby Kyrie learns to be a Seer. No mention of Daniel Jackson in this particular fic. We’re still setting the stage here.
Kyrie had to take a teleporter to get to the City Cube where the bulk of House Jezerinac resided. It was inland, far away from the oceanic City Cube where her own House lived and ruled the seas. Kyrie found the streets oddly quiet without the dull roar of the ocean acting as background noise. She was nervous. Aside from the fateful day that she had visited the Fragment, and the odd days that she had accompanied her mother to the main market in Rata Sum, this was one of the first times that she had been outside of her City Cube. In fact, it was her first time unaccompanied. Now that she had accepted her veil, she was considered old enough to make the journey alone, and so when she received Elder Rhea’s instructions to appear at the Jezerinac City Cube’s Educational Centre on the sixth day of the week, her parents had sent her alone.
She had spent the week fiddling with her veil like she had been instructed, and she could now see relatively well without the veil darkened to its highest intensity. She was still getting used to the occasional flicker that occurred on one’s vision when using an electronic veil, but for the most part, she was getting used to it. 
The Educational Centre bordered the main square like it did in her own City Cube, which made sense, considering they were all designed by the same Architects. It was a blessing to her, because it meant she didn’t have to stop anyone to ask for directions. She wasn’t sure she would have been able to get out the words. She already looked different in her clothing of blue hues compared to these people’s greys and whites. She was dreading going into the Educational Centre. She entered anyway and found herself standing in a lobby with others milling about. She backed into a corner, trying to hide herself.
The tactic did not work. A young person came over to her, hands on their hips, and seemed to look her up and down, though Kyrie couldn’t be sure as the woman? was also veiled. “So you’re the Tethyos Seer.” It was a statement, not a question.
“Uh, yes,” Kyrie stammered. The person’s voice betrayed a woman, Kyrie thought, though she wasn’t sure. “My name is Kyrie.”
“Oh, we know what your name is. After Lilac came out of the Fragment not a Seer, and then you came out after triple the amount of time as the others and almost bled out on the lawn, almost everyone knows your name.”
“Oh,” Kyrie said. She didn’t like the thought of people knowing her without her knowing them. A second person joined them. 
“Don’t you have other clothes?” the second person asked. A male, this one, maybe. Also young.
“Clothes?” Kyrie asked, smoothing her hand over her tunic. It was one of her nicest. The maybe-male gestured at the cut-off sleeves.
“You’re not going to like it if someone brushes your arm,” they said.
“I don’t understand,” Kyrie said, genuinely confused. 
She could almost hear the eyeroll in the maybe-male’s voice when he said, “Like this.” He pulled off his glove and touched her hand. Her eyes rolled back in her head at the shock of his touch. She could feel everything he felt, hear every thought in his head. He thought she was an idiot, that was clear. “Didn’t they tell you anything?” he said, as rough hands separated him from her.
“Hey! Not cool!” the first person, the girl, said, pulling them apart. “She’s practically a baby and from a House that hasn’t had a Seer in generations. Who do you think would have told her the protocols? A ghost?”
“I don’t know, maybe an Elder? They should have sent her here better prepared than that.”
“We’re all sent here to learn, Tyrus. You were once clueless, too. And if I catch you pulling a stunt like that again, I’ll report you to a Teacher.” Tyrus huffed and slunk off. The girl turned back to Kyrie.
“I’m sorry he did that. He knows we’re not supposed to touch each other, even if you don’t.”
“What was that?” Kyrie asked, still shivering from the seconds of contact. 
“After your Thirteenth Cycle, after the Fragment, you can’t just touch people anymore. Not bare-skinned. If you do, it opens up their mind to yours. That’s why all of us are covered in cloth head to toe. I’m surprised they didn’t warn you.”
“They didn’t really tell me much,” Kyrie murmured.
“Well, it’s been a long time since a new Seer came from an outside House, so they probably just forgot that they have to tell you little things like that. They’ll get your clothing sorted soon, I’m sure, and tell you all the little things you don’t know. I’m Iris. Lilac is my sister. That’s how I know about you. I was there at the Fragment when you came out. I’m three Cycles ahead of you.”
“You’re not...mad about your sister? Isn’t there supposed to be one Seer per Cycle? Shouldn’t it have been her?”
“Mad? No. It could have been anyone. There were 7 Jezerinacs in your Cycle. Yes, it’s weird that none of them were the Seer, but we are taught that the Eternal Alchemy keeps balance in its own way. Don’t you get non-Tethyos Wavewalkers?”
“Frequently. But Wavewalkers are a lot more common than Seers.”
“Are you sad not to be a Wavewalker?”
“No, I wanted to be a Scholar and study the old Cities.”
“Is that what your sacred geometry showed you, before it took you on your side path?” Kyrie froze.
“Are- are we allowed to talk about that?”
“Who is going to tell a Seer, a Keeper of the Timelines, that they aren’t allowed to talk about timelines? You don’t know much because you weren’t raised around Seers, but you get a lot of free range being one. My mother is a Seer, so I grew up with the lore.”
“So we’re Keepers of the Timelines?”
“That’s one of our official titles. Our visions, our side paths- we have ‘extra duties’, as they call them, to help keep the timelines pure. There are a lot of forces and people who seek to corrupt the timelines for their own gain.” This was a lot to take in for Kyrie. Seers had always been mysterious figures to her growing up. She didn’t know their purpose or function, other than that they had visions and saw futures beyond the sacred geometries.
“Well, yes, it showed me that I would be a Scholar before it showed me my visions.”
“Don’t talk about your visions,” Iris warned, before Kyrie went any further. “Those have to stay your own, unless Elder Rhea asks. She’s the only one who can ask about your visions. But you can talk about your regular old sacred geometry all your own. I’m going to be a Teacher of Eights,” she said with a smile. “Old Cities sound interesting, though. We went on a field trip to one when I was a Ten. Did you?”
“Yes, and that was when I knew that I wanted to study them, though I knew I wanted to be a Scholar before then. I always preferred books over the sea.” A bell chimed and doors opened.
“We have to go in now. It’s the beginning of a Cycle, so there’s always an introductory presentation before they split us up based on skill level. Come, you can sit with me.”
The presentation filled in a lot of details that Kyrie did not know about Seers, though most of the people around her radiated a feeling of boredom. She drank it all in, though. In the end, she and Iris were sorted into the same learning group, and by the time the day ended, Kyrie felt like too much had been stuffed into her brain. Iris assured her that every learning session would be like that. 
Kyrie was sent back to her City Cube with instructions for proper clothing, exercises for her veil and Dreamscape, and more. When her parents asked her about her day, she found herself speechless. In a way, she had never felt so far apart from them. They would never fully understand that she couldn’t just embrace them anymore or share the contents of her studies, because they were so foreign to them. Part of her wished she was a Wavewalker so she had that in common with the family and House at least. But...she was beginning to embrace that she had a larger role to play. 
Her mother helped her find pale blue clothing in the market that would cover her newly sensitive skin and allow her to hold onto a piece of Tethyos without standing out in the navies and royal blues she wore the rest of the week. She wouldn’t let becoming a Seer take away everything. 
Her classmates in her regular classes gradually got used to her changes, and though they did not invite her to join in their activities as they once did, they no longer regarded her with outright fear. She no longer thought of transferring completely to the Jezerinac Educational Centre, where people wouldn’t mind her veil or Seer-ness. 
Gradually the Cycles passed, and the end of Kyrie’s Eighteenth Cycle came upon her. She applied and was accepted to the College of Statics, just as her sacred geometry had indicated. She had not dreamed of the garden in years, and she thought maybe her ‘extra duties’ would not come to pass after all. 
She and Iris had remained close, though the older girl had passed through the College of Dynamics and become a Teacher of Eights the year before. They still saw one another monthly at the Educational Centre, where they proved that their skills were still up to snuff in various tests and games. Neither had yet felt the pull to re-enter the Fragment as some of their peers had.
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