#so I felt it was safest to name a bunch off the top of my head
cosmicnovaflare · 4 months
I like your drawings of Cinder in nice dresses. What inspo do you use for designing her clothes?
Thank you! Basically, when I was younger I had the delusion of “memorise every country in the world or else you’re a bad person,” followed by, “learn a brief history of every country in the world within 8 years or else you’re a bad person.” I learned in the order of history-mythology/religion-clothing, and I ended up loving the traditional clothing around and in Iran, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia, Bhutan, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, etc. It’s fairly difficult to find information about clothing in English, so I mostly pull from Hanfu for Cinder. Currently, I pretty much design how people would wear one today, ignoring old colour rules, pairing it with hair/accessories from separate dynasties, keeping bangs in hairstyles that otherwise would not have them, and sometimes adding in things that are more fantastical than historical. I would love to one day make futuristic designs, but I want to do that tastefully and respectfully, so, for now, I’m sticking closer to current-day interpretations.
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rattlyglitch · 8 days
Lying Eyes Hide Truth Behind.
Sebek was quite excited for winter break to let out soon. Malleus had spoken to him and Lilia about how he would be inviting them to one of the balls that would be held at the castle he dwelled in during winter break. Sebek could barely contain his excitement and felt himself grow even more pleased when Silver continued talking about how the four of them would be at a "party" during winter break and would have a lot of fun.
He oddly couldn't find it in himself to correct Silver and explain to him that the ball was not a party. Maybe it was the look Malleus and Lilia had given Sebek the other day when he tried to explain to him that the mouse Lucius had brought to him that was very much alive and had been graced with the name "Harold" wasn't going to be the new dorm mascot but he highly doubted that. Sebek just decided to blame it on holiday spirit and kept his mouth shut.
Winter break was approaching soon and it had excited the students. They seemed to talk almost nonstop about it and visits to the store were more frequent for people wanting to get things to take home. Most were first years wanting to buy their parents or siblings souvenirs, snacks they enjoyed from the store that they wished to bring home, or the occasional student who wanted to just look around and hang out with their friends not to worry about leaving the school whether they were or weren't leaving.
Silver was excited for winter break. Winter break was always the time when Silver got to spend more time with his Papa than during the rest of the year and they got to play in the snow with Malleus and Sebek whenever they came over to visit or Sebek’s grandfather invited them over. Malleus had even said that Silver could join him at one of the parties that would be held at his castle. There were ten days but until then Silver was still helping Sam out around his shop or working on the books that had a bunch of different things like math or history about magic.
Silver found he always liked the history that talked about how mages had discovered different kinds of creatures and all the information they had learned about them. He had been sucked into the book that Lilia had given him to read that talked about different kinds of scaled animals when a white-haired boy with a red turban approached him. “Sorry to come and ask you but I don’t know where Mr.S is and I was wondering if you by chance knew where the lollipops were? I was hoping to come and get some to give to the rest of my dorm before they left for the holidays. Silver gave a nod and hopped off his chair before walking over to a shelf.
“The top has lollipops, Mister.” The white-haired boy smiled at Silver and crouched down to his height. “Thank you for your help. My name is Kalim. It’s nice to meet you?” He held out his hand for a handshake to Silver who quickly high-fived it. “I’m Silver. It’s nice to meet you, Kalim.” Kalim laughed before giving Silver an affectionate smile. ”Awww you’re so adorable. I’ll gather the lollipops and then head over to buy them.” Silver stayed by Kalim. He was sure that he would probably need help. The shelf was taller than Mr'S.
“You want help?” Kalim shook his head and continued to try and reach the lollipops before sighing defeatedly. “Yeah, could you help me?” Silver gave a nod and held his arms up to Kalim. “I can reach them if you lift me. There’s no ladder.” Kalim lifted Silver and held him as high as he could, which was just enough for Silver to see where the lollipops were and reach them. In all honesty, he was used to Sam just lifting him so he could grab things from the top shelves instead of using a ladder. Before the ladder had broken the one Sam had didn’t look like the safest thing to stand on and the first wooden step immediately broke when Mr'S tried to use it.
”I got the lollipops,” Silver said, holding them securely in his arms. Kalim lowered him to the ground and Silver handed him to one of the shadow men in the shop that was helping run the cash register. He gave Silver a disappointed look as he walked over. “I know Jabari. No one that comes in the shop is allowed to pick me up. But I don’ know where Mr’S is and if you helped the lollipops would have broken when you pushed them off.” The shadow man still didn’t seem pleased but slowly made numbers to show how much the lollipops would be. “He says the lollipops are gonna be twelve thousand thaumarks.”
It was four days until winter break let out and Silver could barely sit still in the shop. He felt like time was going so fast but also so slow at the same time. Winter break never seemed to take as long as it was now but Silver guessed it was because when you’re happy about something time slows down weirdly. The day only seemed to get more exciting when he saw Kalim walk into the dorm. The Scarabia housewarden had come by to see Silver over the past few days whenever he could.
He often brought Silver crackers that had different types of flavors and tasted really good with promises he would bring more. When Kalim walked in the next time though something was off about him. He had walked in with another boy who had dark brown hair and red eyes.
The other person went to look around the store but Kalim stayed very still. Silver tried calling out his name and even talking with him which usually got Kalim’s attention but nothing happened. He simply remained still and unmoving. Eventually, Silver gave up and decided he would walk over to Kalim.
“Hey Kalim are you-” Silver was shocked by what he saw when he rounded the corner of the front desk. A student about the same height as Kalim was looking at him. “The one you behold is your master. When I ask you a question, you will answer. When I give you a command, you will assent.” Magic swirled around the white-haired boy’s head and his eyes closed before opening looking a bit darker than they had before.
.“Wh-what did you do to Kalim?” The boy seemed shocked that Silver had noticed him but his face quickly returned to his blank stare. “I didn’t do anything to him.” Silver shook his head not believing him. “You did something to Kalim.” The boy didn’t seem to care until Silver yelled.
“Mr.S! Mr.S!”
Silver started to run but was quickly grabbed by Kalim who held him in place and the boy gripped Silver’s face before staring into his eyes. The one you behold…”
Silver was tired when he woke up. He felt like he had been staring at something for a long time. “Silver! SILVER!” He jerked before looking around. Mr'S was looking at him frantically kneeling. It took him a few moments before he realized he was standing up. “What’s wrong Mr'S. You ok?” Sam sighed deeply and hugged Silver. “I’m fine little man. I’m fine. I just couldn’t get your attention and you were just standing there and your eyes....”
Sam shuttered before looking at Silver. “Your eyes were a different color entirely. Their pupils were a bright yellow color and Jabari said that a student used magic on you and I was just really really scared.” Sam hugged Silver for a few moments longer before letting him go.
“I’m definitely never leaving you out here to restock anything. Those damn protection spells didn’t even work.” Silver didn’t get what Sam was saying but took his hand. “We should go out and play in the snow until my Papa gets here.” Sam was still somewhat distraught but thought for a moment before grabbing his and Silver’s coats. “Yeah, let's go do that.”
Silver was waiting patiently as Lilia dressed him in a suit. It was halfway through winter break and Malleus had invited him and Lilia to a ball as he had called it. He even heard Sebek and his family would be there too. He just hoped he was able to remember the ball and not blank out like he had been doing the rest of winter break. It was weird but Silver kept having these in-and-out moments where he would be doing one thing and then it felt like he hadn’t been focusing and had moved on to something else.
Similar to how sometimes he randomly fell asleep. Lilia at the moment kept fussing over Silver’s hair while he kept trying to swat away at his hands. “Papa, my hair fine. I wanna get going. Sebek an Mallie are there.” Lilia laughed and moved his hands away. “Fine. Fine. I guess it makes sense why a child would be so impatient. Let’s get going then, Silver.” Lilia held out his hand to Silver who quickly took his and the two disappeared in a cloud of bats only to reappear at the front of Malleus’ castle.
A red-haired fae in armor looked over Lilia and Silver before poking their foreheads and letting them into the castle. Silver hadn’t been in Malleus’ castle before but it looked beautiful. The interior was dark and lit with black and gray candles that had a neon green or orange glow. Silver watched the walls as he walked with Lilia. There were a lot of people in dresses and fancy outfits but Silver found himself attracted more to the pictures that hung and items that sat on displays.
They were pretty and had mostly dark colors but Silver thought they were magnificent. He looked away though when he and Lilia reached the ballroom. It was bright and loud. Music was playing that seemed to have a happy and melancholy sound to it and people were dancing with one another. Silver’s eyes scanned the whole room and he quickly was able to spot Malleus.
He and Sebek were standing beside each other while Malleus was talking to a blue-haired fae who was wearing a dark purple dress with a black shoulder cape that trailed behind it. Silver took off running towards Malleus not noticing that he had lost Lilia in the crowd and soon appeared at Malleus’ side running into his leg. He quickly shook his head and looked up at Malleus with a wide smile on his face. Malleus seemed a bit shocked by Silver’s appearance but patted his head before returning to talk with the fae woman who had taken notice of Silver.
“I would never have thought your grandmother would have a human servant so young but she does seem to surprise all.” The blue-haired fae replied as she crouched down to Silver’s height and poked his forehead. “I guess it does make sense though. He must be your poison tester, correct? It does well to make sure to help them build immunity while they are young. Maybe he could even try the other guest's food to test it as well. We can make a show out of it. Bet who we think got poisoned and see who wins the most correct choices.”
The fae went to poke Silver’s cheek but Malleus blocked the fae’s hand quickly. “He is not a poison tester and no bets will be made on his behalf” Malleus replied, his voice coming out almost as a low growl. “The human child is the son of a well-respected fae general in Briar Valley. I would suggest you refrain from such rude remarks.” The fae woman rolled her eyes before standing up. “I shall remember to do so, your highness. I apologize. I shall be headed on my way now.” Silver waved bye to the fae woman as she left. He wondered what she had been talking about
. “Malleus, it fun to be a posin tester?” Silver asked, looking up at him. Malleus froze for a moment when he heard what Silver said but quickly shook his head no. “It is not a fun job to be a poison tester. Being a knight is a much more fun job Silver. Do not mind the old woman’s words. She does not know as well as I.” Silver hummed and nodded leaning against Malleus’ leg.
As the night passed Silver enjoyed every moment of it. Lilia eventually found him, Malleus, and Sebek and seemed really happy to have spotted them. Silver danced around and had fun with other children who were attending while Malleus talked with a lot of people. Eventually, he had found his way to Sebek unsure of where Lilia was and leaned against him.
He had started to feel weird and tired. “Why are you back Silver? You should be having fun with the other children.” Silver simply shook his head no but felt nauseous when he did that. “I don’ feel good.” Sebek raised a brow and lifted Silver into his arms before feeling his head. Sebek’s hand felt nice and cold as Silver tried to lean into it more. Thinking was weird after that to Silver.
He felt like he was staring on and off like he had been doing throughout the rest of winter break. He remembered Sebek hurrying as he carried Silver to find Lilia and once he was found with Malleus the next thing Silver remembered was lying in a bed with the three of them next to him. He had gotten sick a bit before and Sebek had been going back and forth between putting on and removing a cloth that felt wet on his forehead. Words were weird and rambling but Silver was able to make out the words “unique… magic … student …Sam said.” It felt like a while later when Silver was able to focus on his surroundings more.
It was daytime outside and Sebek was in a chair asleep with his head leaning on Malleus’ shoulder while Lilia sat on the lower end of the bed, reading a book with his hand placed on Silver’s own. Silver moved his hand and clasped it with Lilia’s own. He smiled and looked at his papa’s hand. His nails that had been painted a neon green seemed to have dulled down and the paint was chipped. Silver looked up at Lilia and when seeing his papa gave a happy grin.
“Hi, Papa.”
The rest of winter break was pretty normal after the ball experience. Silver hadn’t gotten oddly sick anymore and stopped zoning out like before. All that was different was that Lilia hadn’t left his side since the incident and was hesitant about leaving him at Sam’s shop when it was time for him to return to Night Raven College. He had calmed when Silver promised he wouldn’t take off the bracelet that had metal bat charms and feather beads on it.
It let off a light pink glow on it when Kalim and a brown-haired boy with red eyes walked into the shop and seemed to get a bit brighter when the boy with red eyes approached him and Sam. “Who's your friend Kalim?” Silver asked, inspecting and looking over him. Sam placed his arm in front of Silver, his hand resting on the front desk. “I’m interested in knowing as well,” Sam replied, glaring at the boy. “My name is Jamil Viper. I’m not here to cause trouble. I simply came to apologize to Silver.”
Silver gasped in surprise before looking at Kalim. “Can he know what someone’s thinking? He knew my name!” Silver said excitedly before turning his attention to Jamil.” Jamil shook his head. “Kalim explained to me that he had made a friend at the shop and I thought I should come and meet you and also apologize.” Silver looked at Jamil confused. ‘Why would you apologize? You didn’t do anything wrong.” Jamil gave a solemn smile. "I did do something all but you just don’t remember it.” Silver thought for a moment before gasping. “Ooooh, you're that someone Mr’S and Papa were talking about.” Jamil gave a nod in response. “I hope you can try and forgive me. It was wrong of me to do.” Silver shrugged.
“It’s ok. I forgive you.”
Silver looked away from Jalim who had a shocked expression on his face and pushed around the bat charms on his bracelet. “What do you mean?” Silver looked at Jamil like he was stupid. “Are you deaf? I forgive you. I got real sick cause of what you did but I forgive you. Now we can be friends too” Silver said, holding his hand out to Jamil whose face was still one of shock and Kalim was simply laughing away about the situation.
(Lilia was definitely reminded of Silver getting sick after Malleus activated the curse his mother placed. {I'm referring to another book I have written} And yes Jamil erased Silver's memories of him when Silver saw him enter the shop and use Snake Charmer on Kalim.
When Silver got sick though was during the time Jamil was overblotting. There is no information about what would happen if someone used their unique magic prior on someone and it was still in effect when they overblotted. The only case that exists is Riddle as far as I am aware. Jamil wasn''t using Snake Charmer on Jamil when he overblotted. My reasoning is that Jamil had made sure the spell stayed attached to Silver in case they would meet again. And since there is also no account of unique magic being used while in affect on anyone whether adult or child as far as I know. That is my long explanation on why Silver got sick during the winter break.
{That fae lady though was heavily questioned about her comment on Silver being a poison tester though. Malleus made sure to question her himself})
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uncloseted · 1 year
What is traveling like for you alone as a woman? I want to save to travel to Washington from California for like a couple days in the next year maybe. I'm not sure how to plan it tbh but I'd love to go lol. I was just wondering how you go about it because it seems like you travel or at least like to?
I wish I had more to say, but honestly, it's been totally fine for me. Most of my solo traveling has been to places that are fairly safe for solo female travelers (Iceland, Australia), but I've never felt in danger or anything. My best advice is just to do your research about where you're going so that you know which areas are safest (and which ones you'll enjoy the most!). If you want some extra peace of mind, a doorstop alarm and portable lock are pretty small and cheap, so they're easy to bring with you wherever you go.
In terms of general planning advice, I've actually started using ChatGPT as a jumping off point. I used to go through a bunch of travel websites and tally up the most popular activities, sights, experiences, etc. wherever I go, but ChatGPT can do that much more easily than I can, so I've started doing that instead.
Usually I'll feed it something like, "I will be visiting [place] for [duration] in [month]. Create me a table that breaks down top tourist activities, destinations, and dining experiences. columns should include name, type of attraction, cost for 1 person, and description of activity."
Then usually I'll do a follow up with:
Create me a table that shows the best activities for people who like interactive and immersive experiences, art, and theme parks (or insert whatever you're interested in)
What are the most unique experiences a tourist can have in [place]?
What are the best hotels in [place] for a single girl in [age] that are [whatever attribute you like- I usually go for "aesthetically pleasing"] and under [price] per night?
That gives me a good starting point, and then from there I can figure out what I'm interested in doing and where I might want to stay. If I'm going to a big city, I usually also go to the Conde Nast Traveler website for hotel suggestions and then pick out the ones that are cheapest. They're pretty good at finding the hotels that are good quality and cute at a reasonable price.
Those are the things that come to mind, but I'm super happy to answer other questions about solo traveling. I really love it and I think more people should do it.
Edit: thought of something else! Before I go to a new place, I try to consume media about that place. Sometimes YouTube travel vlogs and things like that, but usually movies, books, and music about the place. That helps give me a better idea of what makes the place so special and gives me an idea of other things I might want to do or see while I'm there.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / < This is Part 17!>
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Song for this Chapter - (X)
A/N: Soooo I might not update Saturday this week because I’ve been pretty slammed at work this week. If anyone would like to Beta read the next two parts of this series (Especially if you’re BIPOC) pls DM me. The next part I’m not so concerned about, but the part after. (Also need Beta readers for my original pieces!) 
* Your legs dangle beneath you as you continuously bump your head against the tree trunk hoping the contact will knock some sense into you
* It doesn’t even hurt, barley a tickle.
* You decided that the safest, and least embarrassing, place for you right now was up a 100 foot tall tree.
* You came here for some peace and quiet, to get away from everyone and sort out your thoughts
* Not that it matters since half the coven has been up here to talk to you
* Carlisle came first, though you’re betting he pulled the “dad” card so he could go first.
* “Lovely view.”
* “Hmm” you mumble
* He lets out a deep sigh, and you hate yourself for not making this easier for him.
* “So I heard that you and Edward had a .... romantic encounter.”
* You laugh
* “A romantic encounter,” you repeat, you look at Carlisle who mirrors your smile.
* “Edward does that too” He mumbles. Carlisle doesn’t miss the way you stiffen at the mention of his name.
* A long, deep sigh escapes him
* “I just want you to know that it’s fine,” He’s sitting far away from you on the branch, partially because of your powers and partially because he understands you want space.
* “You’re two healthy vampires and I understand you have needs-“
* “Oh my god Carlisle please don’t tell me you’re giving me “the talk” right now on a tree branch” you’re mortified but you’re laughing
* “I just want you to know that however you choose to proceed, I love and support you.”
* And then Carlisle does something he hasn’t done in a decade,
* he inches closer, breaking into your personal bubble and gives you a kiss on the forehead and a pat on your shoulder
* You smile after he leaps down and runs back to the house
* He hasn’t done something like that since he found you in Volterra, newly turned and asking to die.
* Truly a compassionate man.
* Rosalie’s the next one, she actually calls your attention from the ground
* “I brought you some blood in case you’re hungry” she shouts, holding up a thermos with what you assume is blood.
* You sigh, it looks like you won’t be getting much space
* She leaves just as much space as Carlisle when she sits by you on the branch
* “Nice view up here huh?” She even cups a hand over her eyes to see further
* This family and small talk
* “Do you want to talk about it?” She finally asks after a long moment of silence.
* You shake your head
* “Not really” she nods, lacing her fingers together on her lap. There’s another long moment of silence
* “Does everyone know?” She raises an eyebrow and you clarify 
*“That Edward felt that way I mean.”
* Rosalie gives you a smirk that basically says, ‘I thought you didn’t want to talk about it’, but she doesn’t tease you any further. 
*She lets out a long sigh and looks down to her hands
* “Remember that time you came to our house for the first time to play monopoly?” 
*You nod. 
*“Most of us pieced it together back then”
* You sigh, all the way since back then?
* It’s been over a decade.
* “Mostly because we usually don’t have board game nights, and Edward asked if we could so he could have an excuse to bring you over”
* That dork. 
*You can’t help but smile.
* Of course Edward saw how lonely you were in that house and decided to find an excuse to get you five other friends.
* Another long moment of silence passes
* “Look I- I know Edward is my brother and I would be thrilled if you guys got together-“ 
*she places her hand on top of yours.
* “But I want you to know that I love you, and if you decide that’s not what you want, then that’s okay.”
* Her eyes are so kind, she gives you a gentle smile.
* “No matter what you decide, I’ll still love you, you’re still my best friend-my (sister/brother).”
* You feel your eyes sting and you nod, you give her a weak smile and she sighs wrapping you in a hug.
* “I’ll come back later with more blood” she caresses your face before jumping down, running back to the house
* As soon as she’s out of sight you feel your branch bend down
* “Great view, you see any bears yet?” Emmett asks and you sigh, swirling the cap of your thermos off
* “Care for a drink Emmett?”
* “Well don’t mind if I do”
* Out of all of them, you think you like Emmett’s interaction the best
* He doesn’t talk about Edward, just makes conversation with you like nothing is wrong, like you’re staying up this tree like a stranded cat because it’s fun
* “I heard you kissed a bunch of people at the party” you groan and put your face in your hands
* “I was drinking, I guess I drank too much, and made some questionable decision.”
* He grins and pats your shoulder
* “It’s not that big of a deal, we’ve all been there. Besides I thought it was pretty bad ass.”
* You smile, of course he would.
* Emmett doesn’t sit far away from you like the others, he sits beside you and swings his arm over your shoulder bringing you into a hug.
* “Don’t stress out about things too much up here, and when you’re ready don’t be embarrassed to come home.” He plants a kiss in your hair before swooping down
* That’s your big brother for you
* It’s not more than ten minutes until you feel the branch away again
* “Oh my god, can’t I have just a minute-“ the words die in your throat when you turn to see who’s sitting next to you.
* “Oh, hey Edward.”
* He’s sitting just as far as Carlisle and Rosalie were, if not further, he offers you a brief smile.
* A long moment of silence fills the air and you gulp
* “It’s a real nice view huh?” You say,
* oh geez now you’re the one talking about the view
* “Yeah it’s beautiful.” Edward’s not looking at the view, he’s looking at you, and the implication makes you even more flustered than you are.
* You watch Edward, he’s so happy he’s glowing. Every few seconds a smile will creep onto his face only for him to force it into a frown, only for it to twitch back into a smile again. 
* You laugh.
* “You’re doing that thing where you can’t hide how happy you are.” 
* Edward openly grins once you say that.
* “You’re happy too, I can feel it all the way from here.” He says holding a hand out.
* Ah your powers are leaking through
* Looks Rosalie and Carlisle just wanted to look serious when they were here
* “Of course I’m happy” 
* He told you he loved you, how could you not be happy?
* He basically confirmed your wildest wishes and hopes.
* This is the happiest you’ve ever been
* “I don’t understand why you’re sitting up here honestly,” he shakes his head boyish smile curling onto his face as his eyes stay focused on the horizon. “I know you feel the same way as I do”
* He’s right, you do feel the same as him.
* Maybe for just as long as he has, you’ve just been holding yourself back because you thought he would never have those feelings for you
* Because you’re not the one who’s going to make him the happiest he could possibly be
* “Look Edward, I think you could do so much-“
* “Is this about Bella?” He interrupts, a bitter laugh when you remain silent. “Why do you think I would ever love her?”
* “The way you look at her-“
* “I don’t get that either, you talked about that last night too, I’m not sure what you’re seeing but the look I give her is of minimal tolerance.”
* ...
* Wait
* What
* “Oh cut the crap Edward, I saw the way you guys looked at each other on the stairway”
* “What stairway?” 
*Is he trying to play dumb? Because honestly- you’re a little convinced with that confused puppy look he’s giving you
* “At Conner’s party, you guys were talking at the stairwell, you looked at her like she was telling you all of the universe’s secrets.”
* He looks embarrassed, a hand tangling in his hair. 
* “Um- about that-”
* You caught the criminal red handed. He might like you, but he likes her too doesn’t he. Well he’s probably entranced by that scent of hers, no doubt he’ll forget all about you-
* “We were talking about you.” 
* ....
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
*  “While you were gone, we both came to an agreement to set our differences aside for you-”
* Why would they go that far for you, it’s not like you care-
* You remember the vitamins
* Going out of your way to include her in things, 
* Driving her home even when any normal person would have just ignored the whole thing
* Oh my god, you’re Bella’s best friend
* And even worse, everyone probably thinks she’s your best friend too. 
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
* “Don’t misunderstand for a second, I still find her absolutely repulsive, and whatever haze she’s got over the school is absolutely perplexing-”
* “But what about the carnation?” you interrupt.
* She’s the only one he bought a carnation for.
* “What carnation?”
* “The carnation you bought her on Valentine’s Day!” 
* Sure one carnation isn’t anything compared to the bouquet he bought you, but it had to mean something
* “I didn’t buy anyone any carnations.” He tells you, his eyebrows threading together
* Oh f*ck
* f*ck *f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck *f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck *f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck
* You bought Bella that carnation.
* You bought all of your friends carnations, light red ones for friendship
* “Were you jealous because you thought I bought her flowers and not you?” 
*A mischievous grin arch’s onto his mouth and you hide your face in your hands 
*“You were, weren’t you? That’s adorable.”
* The criminal is teasing you, only this time you can’t complain because it’s rightly deserved
* “But- then what were you talking at the lockers about?”
* Edward’s face pinches into a look of disgust.
* “She came by to rub in my face how you had given us both the same colored carnations”
* “Wait-Bella knows you felt this way about me?”
* He laughs
* “(Y/N/N), I’m pretty sure everyone knows I love you.”
* Everyone but you apparently
* Was it really all in your head?
* Edward has loved you this entire time and you just...never noticed?
* “Honestly, I love you (Y/N), but sometimes you get fixated on these ideas for no logical reason-“
* Oh there’s a logical reason alright
* “-like what possible reason could there be for me to love a human like Bella? It’s just comple-“
* “Because you’re supposed to Edward!” 
* It’s the straw that finally broke the camels back.
* You tell him everything, about everything that happened in the books.
* Him falling in love with Bella, killing James, leaving her in new moon, the werewolves, the newborn army led by Victoria, their marriage and Bella’s pregnancy
* You frame it like you had a prophetic dream the night you turned, which is probably the closest way you can explain what happened without looking insane.
* Not that Edward would mind, he would probably get the best recommendation from Carlisle for a mental health institute and happily visit you three times a week with flowers and other gifts. 
* You both sit in silence after you finish telling him everything, the only sound the gentle whistle of the wind.
* “So what?”
* He asks, shrugging his shoulders and looking at you like you just told him a tv show he doesn’t like is getting cancelled
* You scoff in disbelief
* “ So what? Edward she’s your soul mate!”
* “You’re my soul mate” he says plainly, he’s inched closer to you this entire time, and now his thigh is only a flew inches away from your own.
* You feel embarrassed at his words, how can he say that so easily? 
*You’re still not even sure soul mates exist.
* Noticing you embarrassment he places his hand on top of yours, intertwining your fingers
* The contact makes butterflies erupt in your stomach.
* “I understand that you think that story is the one I want,” he says it slowly. 
* “But there’s already so many thing that are different.”
* He’s right things have changed, you know that.
* “Besides I don’t think I’m the one Bella has a crush on” he gives you a meaningful look and your eyebrows thread together.
* Wait what’s that supposed to mean
* “This world is different than the one you saw.” He squeezes your hand, and you sigh, 
* It’s different because of you.
* He should have had all those things. If it weren’t for you he would have had all those things
* “Edward she can give you a baby, a real baby that’s yours!”
* There’s only one common thread for all the vampires you’ve seen that still hunger for their humanity
* They all want a child.
* What Edward is getting, it’s a miracle. A Hail Mary. The odds of something like this happening are one in one billion at best.
* He gets to have a baby, and the woman he loves. It’s a win-win.
* He sighs and squeezes your hand.
* “But I don’t want that.” He says it so bluntly, like it’s the simplest thing on earth. 
*Your brain stops working.
* Well that can’t be right
* “We’ve never talked about it, but I’ve never wanted children, not even when I was a boy and still human.”
* Wait Edward doesn’t want kids? 
* Your head snaps up to meet his eyes
* “I think to want to bring children into the world you have to be at peace with the world and with yourself. And I’ve never been able to have either of those things.” He shrugs, his legs swinging under him.
* “What you saw- I was probably just going along with whatever Bella wanted, but I don’t think I would genuinely want to raise a child in this world, especially not when I look like I’m seventeen for the rest of my life”
* That makes sense. 
*Edward’s always been sensitive about his age. He looks older than 17, probably because of the venom. 
*But he’s the youngest of all his siblings, you know deep down he can handle the vampirism,
* But he can’t handle being a child for all of eternity.
* “But even if I did want kids, I want an eternity with you even more.”
* He squeezes your hand and you squeeze back, gulping the burning in your throat
* Whether it’s from thirst or the overwhelming emotions you’re not sure
* “Okay.” You finally say after several long moment of silence 
* “Okay, you’ll be mine for eternity or...” 
* You slap him lightly on the chest and he barks laughing
* “Okay...we can... date.” You say it haltingly, carefully even.
* “Like humans” you add for good measure
* You expect a bit of protest from Edward, he’s been waiting for you for over a decade now, you can’t think of a man alive who would be alright with just dating.
* But Edward smiles like you just agreed to marry him. He puts a hand on your face, and caresses your cheek with his thumb.
* “Alright, we’ll date like humans do.”
* You’re still a little worried but you find yourself smiling when Edward presses his forehead against your own. 
* His lips meeting yours.
* “(Y/N) and Edward sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” You tease when he pulls away and he laughs again
* “You’re the worst you know that?”
* “Yet you still love me,” you tease “you loooooove me, you waanaaaa spend eeeeternity with meeee.” You sing and he laughs.
* “Suddenly I’m regretting my decision to court you.” 
* You sit in silence for a second, enjoying his scent. 
* It feels safe here
* It feels like home
* “Are you ready to go inside?”
* You should, you feel a lot better now, but-
* You groan and bury your face in his shoulder.
* “It’s going to be so embarrassing, everyone’s going to know what happened and Emmett is never going to stop with the sex jokes”
* Edward just grins, he can’t believe after waiting for so long, you’re his now.
* It feels like a dream
* You’re right though, it’s is going to be super embarrassing going back home after this.
* He gets why you chose to wait it out in a tree
* “Yeah, let’s stay out here for a while longer.” He says wrapping his arms around you.
* Rosalie is peering out the window with gold opera glasses to her hand
* “Oh! He leaned in closer! I think he’s holding their hand”
* Alice groans beside her
* “No they’re just talking, they’re going to be doing that a lot”
* “What else do you see Alice?” Jasper asks from behind her, watching the tree you and Edward are sitting on intently
* “I’m not sure...it’s all changing really fast, in one they make up and go back to being friends,”
* Emmett groans from behind her, he can’t handle anymore yearning or weird sex talks with his brother
* “In another they push Edward of the branch and say: “oh why don’t you just go back to Bella you human lover””
* Rosalie shudders, well that’s not good
* Honestly she should have just told you Bella and Edward had come to an agreement to be civil around one another for your benefit while you were gone
* They basically bonded over how much they like you
* The carnation was probably just a sign of that truce, if it was even from him
* She’s got a feeling it was probably from you and you just forgot, but she didn’t want to embarrass you 
* Besides she figured it might be the final push you need to admit your feelings to him
* “They’re kissing! You guys they’re kissing!” Alice shrieks, and all of them turn their attention back to you
* Ah so you are
* “And so end the brooding chronicles” Jasper whispers and Rosalie hides a laugh
* “I would call them the yearning chronicles” Alice adds
* “Have you considered that maybe the reason they’re out there is because they want privacy?” Carlisle says without looking up from his open newspaper.
* The four of them shuffle awkwardly before walking away from the large window
* “You too Esme” Carlisle says
* Esme sighs, tucking her black opera glasses into her apron
* “Don’t blame me when we don’t have anything to say at the wedding when it comes time for a toast” she mumbles, walking back to the kitchen to finish her cookies
* “A wedding?”
* Queue Carlisle half sobbing half wheezing into his newspaper
* “Not one, but two kids leaving the family?”
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa​
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kinsurou · 4 years
Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned
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Pairings: Dabi x Reader
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings: Smut, Incubus!Dabi, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, slight hypnosis, horror elements, sex in a church.
Ever since you were a child, something about that church always got under your skin. Being inside that old building always left a fallacious sentiment. No matter the days, months, or years that were spent performing church service with your whole family.
Every time your younger self would attempt saying something about it to an adult, they would always brush off the child pulling on the ends of their shirt with trembling hands and wobbly pouts.
In the eyes of the adults, you were just a child with plenty of imagination.
And your nana's words never helped either.
For "Nothing bad can ever linger in the house of God." 
That was back when you were 18. It was the last time you mentioned anything about that eerie feeling. As well as the last time you stepped inside that church, much to your parent's disappointment.
Now...Five years later, you faced the same house where you grew up, while carrying a suitcase in hand. And a huge, resentful scowl twisting your sceptical face. 
Your parents had begged you to come home for the holidays. The same parents who didn't hesitate when they turned their backs on their daughter, after she tore the rosary off her neck.
Had it not been for your nana's decaying health, you would have never come back in the first place. But the elder woman could leave this world any moment now, and she begged to see her granddaughter one more time.
Having dinner with a bunch of people who did nothing but judge your every move was detestable. From your clothes, to your hair, to your studies, everything seemed wrong in their judgemental, hypocrite eyes. It became downright awkward, when you did not keep your thoughts to yourself.
No longer were you the little girl they could carelessly brush off. But that didn't mean you were the golden child either. And frankly, you wouldn't have it any other way.
The only thing you wish could actually change, were the everlasting tremors you felt each time you passed by that old church. Three blocks away from your parent's home. The same church you could watch every single night, through the window of your childhood room.
Just gazing at that building was enough to feel those tremors all over again. You thought the feeling would disappear as you grew older. That maybe, just maybe, your family's words were true.
If only they knew how wrong they truly were...
That night, as you laid in bed, something bizarre happened. You were used to fall asleep at midnight, allowing the soothing melody of the crickets to lure you into a peaceful slumber.But this specific night, something was off. You had fallen asleep at the same time as always, but not to the regular, dreamless night.
But to someone calling out for you. A deep, raspy voice, kept calling your name, and although unable to comprehend the language, somehow, you could understand what it wanted.
Come to me...
The instant your eyes stirred open, a thick and heavy fog made its way deep inside your head, clouding each and every of your thoughts. Except for that urge to follow the voice.
With stupor glazed eyes and a mindless stare, you peeled the blankets off your body and rose up from the bed. No one noticed you walking to the front door, for they were all resting deeply. 
The front door was easily opened. This neighborhood was one of the quietest and safest places around, so the need to lock the house at night was unnecessary.
Each step led you down a certain path. You were uncertain where, but that voice most certainly did, as it guided you through the dark and empty streets without much of a struggle.
Had anyone seen you outside this late at night, with an empty look in those usually bright eyes, they would have thought you were just sleepwalking and ended up outside.
Not even the aching in your feet, from stepping over sticks and stones was enough to wake you up. Whatever hold that voice had in your mind was stronger than the feeling of stone digging under your bare feet.
You couldn't even tell how much time had passed, but eventually you reached the place where this voice kept dragging you to. Away from the comfort of you plush, albeit small bed.
An old door with elegant, yet subtle carvings all over its surface, currently blocked the path that lead towards the alluring hum, demanding your presence. 
With the strength of your whole body, the door opened effortlessly, allowing you to step inside. 
The moment you stumbled inside, the voice calling out, had a drastic change. The most prominent of them all, was the clarity behind each and every word. 
This time, you were able to understand it all.
Come closer, little one...
Once again, your legs moved on their own. Following after the strong, magnetic like feeling that kept on pulling you forwards, like a moth entranced by a radiant flame. 
Something changed through your surroundings in an instant. The door slammed itself closed with a tremendous force, rattling the whole building with overwhelming magnitude. 
You didn't know what did it, but that chain of events created an uproar, startling you out of that trance, and immediately dissipated the foggy sensation deeply fixated inside your head. 
And once your head became clear, nothing but worry began swirling inside your head, accompanied by that very same quivers that went down your spine ever since you turned 18.
Because, you were standing right in front of an all too familiar altar, one inside the very same church that you've come to despise over the years.
Worry began brewing inside you at an exorbitant rate. That horrible sensation of something dark and hostile lurking around the corridors began increasing by the second. Bile threatening to crawl its way up your throat the more you stayed in place. 
You had to leave this place, now.
Or at least that was the idea, but no matter how much you tried to open those vast doors trapping you inside, neither of them budged in the slightest. How in the world did they get locked in the first place? The priest had always made it clear that the church's doors should always remain open.
This wasn't normal, at all.
Neither this, or the sudden heath drapped over your back that sent chills down your body, could be considered normal.
"Took you long enough."
The same deep, raspy voice from before, was coming from behind, Sending chill through your body. There was no doubt in your head, that whoever kept calling out for you, and the person standing behind you, were one and the same individual.
"Why don't you turn around, so I can finally see that pretty face of yours?"
A slim hand made its way up your shoulder. Long, sharp claws toyed around with the thin strap of your tank top, making their way under the thin fabric to drag themselves over the soft skin of your shoulder. 
Even if you wanted to follow said command, it was nearly impossible to do so when your whole body was frozen in fright. 
Carefully, your head turned to the side, just enough to take a small glimpse of this...man? Slowly, your body turned around, and you finally saw the one responsible of bringing you here.
A man stood before you, or at least, you thought he was a human male at first. Had it not been for the long pair of horns on his head, slightly angled down before circling all the way to the back of his skull.
That was just one of the few things about him that caught your eye. 
The second thing, was that despite the cold, harsh breeze inside the building, his chest was bare from any clothing, and the only thing that covered this man's psyche was a pair of black, leather pants. 
Even his feet were bare, which by the way, also presented the same sharp, black claws as the ones on his hands.
But if that wasn't enough, the last thing you noticed was his scars.
Nearly his whole body was covered with charred skin, holding on to his body by the metallic stitches that retained everything together. A knot could be felt in your stomach when you saw his face. 
Those very same scars and stitches, were also over the lower half of his face, and right under his eyes as well. That mesmerizing pair of teal colored eyes of his, that you could almost swear glowed in the dark, calling out for your soul.
He slowly advanced towards you with a long stride, but for every step he took forward, you took one backwards, trying to maintain as much distance between you and him as possible. 
Or at least, that was the idea. 
Which came crashing down when you felt that cursed door stopping you from going anywhere. He just smirked lazily when he saw the fear inside your eyes, as you turned to glare nervously at the dreaded piece of wood.
"Going somewhere, little one?" One of his hands came up to play with a lock of your hair. When his knuckles brushed against your cheek, some kind of energy racked your head momentarily. It was like an electric shock that sent your brain into a haze. Almost like an instinct, your head tried leaning towards his hand, yearning for more that feeling.
He took a sharp breath and closed his eyes. Judging by his behaviour, he felt something similar. And when he opened them again, you could have sworn his pupils had turned into slits. 
"Who would have thought, that after all this time," His eyes wandered all over your body. "You would be coming back? Must be my lucky day." 
The same fog that dragged you all the way here came back with force, slowly clouding all of your thoughts like it did before.
It wasn't until he leaned towards your much smaller frame, that you were able to snap out of it. Especially when you felt his breathing ghost over your neck. Blissfully inhaling your scent.
His hum of approval was all the answer you received. But his words were what made you feel real panic.
"You smell so good, so much different from other humans." One of his hands rested on your hip, just above the fabric covering your body. "You'll be a perfect vessel." 
He pushed himself closer, trapping you against the door. And started kissing softly at the skin all over the side of your neck, before leaving a trail down your collarbone, causing another surge of electricity to rattle your body from head to toe.
The feeling of sharp fangs grazing your skin startled you. Frantically, your eyes went all over the place, eventually landing back on the man...no, on the creature in front of you, purring, nipping and peppering your chest with his lips.
That same feeling of dread triggered your fight or flight instincts. And with shaky arms you mustered as much of your strength, pushing the demon away with a shriek. And before he had a chance to lay his hands on you one more time, you had already escaped from him. 
Even he was caught off guard by the push, staggering back with surprised eyes, that slowly became darker. Like those of a starved animal, ready to pounce on his next meal.
In the meantime, you had escaped towards the back of the church. Running away and hoping to find another way out of this damned place.
"I always knew there was something wrong about this place! But did anyone ever listen?! Noooo!" Even as a mere whisper, your voice echoed through the halls. You had to cover your mouth in order to hold back a yelp, when something was violently slammed against the walls. 
Tears began filling your eyes as soon as you heard an approaching pair of footsteps. His voice kept getting louder the closer he got.
"Thought I scared you off for good. But you're a big girl now, aren't you?!"
He shouted bitterly, footsteps becoming erratic.  
Somehow you managed to avoid him, and ran all the way back to one of the utility closets at the back of the halls. Carefully, you opened the first door that came into view and hid inside the small space. 
Hiding between cleaning supplies was never a good idea, but you had no other choice, unless allowing this thing to slaughter you was one of them.
Teardrops became dangerously close to spill when you heard his voice getting closer. The louder his footsteps became, the longer you tried to hold in your breath from the absolute terror you felt.
"I've been watching you for a long time, y'know?" His voice was different this time, calmer, confident, but his frustration was still evident. "Ever since you turned into a grown woman. I could tell there was something different about you!" 
Something was once again thrown into a wall, a loud crack could be heard from the wood of whatever he had thrown this time.
"And when you took off that fucking rosary?! I could feel it, I just knew you had something special!" 
His footsteps became louder, a warning of just how close he came to your hiding spot. You've never felt this terrified in your life, watching his shadow become bigger the closer he got...But then, he just walked past the door, without even bothering to look back.
When he walked around the corner, you opened the door with care, afraid that the slightest of creaks could alert him of your presence.
And then, you dashed back towards the main entrance.
The fear rushing through your veins kept pushing you, telling you to hurry up and get out of this place. And as soon as you were out of this building you would go to your parent's house to take your stuff and never come back again. All those years you were right, but nobody bothered to listen. 
Much to your dismay, the main doors didn't budge in the slightest. Out of frustration, your fist slammed against the wood, the sound echoed loudly all around the place. And your blood went cold when you heard him approaching. 
Hiding in the same place as before was not an option, and in a desperate measure, you ran toward the altar at the front, pulling the cloth and crouching down to hide underneath. 
It was such a small spot, that you had to pull your knees close to your chest in order to fit in. Your whole body trembled with fear. More so when his presence could be felt as soon as he came into the main halls.
"Where are you, little one? I promise you won't get hurt." The tone of his voice was not reassuring.
You may have turned your back on the church all those years ago. But in that moment, you couldn't help praying to God for your safety. So with your eyes closed and hands intertwined together. You began chanting the very same prayer, strictly inculcated in your family for generations.
Our Father, 
Who art in heavan,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, 
Thy will be done on earth 
as it is in Heavan
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive our trespasses
as we forgive those 
Who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
Your whole body broke into a cold swear. And when you felt a cold breeze brush against your trembling body, the thought of opening your eyes made your heart pound harshly against your ribcage, so harshly, it could be heard resonating through the small space you were currently hiding in.
Slowly, slowly turning sideways. The sight in front of you drew out a blood curling scream. The pristine cloth of the altar had been pulled to the side.
And he was crouching down in front of you, with a deep, desperate hunger in those feral eyes of his, completely engulfed into nothing but pitch-black. The feral grin on his face sealing your fate in an instant.
"God can't help you now."
You were dragged out from under the altar by the ankle. Struggling, kicking, and begging for him to release you, but each and every word fell on deaf, pointed ears as his body hovered above yours, trapping you between the carpeted floor and his lean body.
Upon closer inspection, it was clear something was wrong with him. The patches of non-burned skin looked sickly pale, like he hadn't been able to eat, or sleep for a long time...Were demons able of sleep in the first place?
"Please...Don't hurt me..." He ignored your pleading whimpers, observing with half-closed eyes as you became closer to burst into tears. The moment the small, salty droplets ran down the corners of your eyes, he leaned down, and kissed them away with a softness that left you paralyzed.
No longer was he behaving as the same creature slamming pews against the walls in a fit of rage. It was almost like a switch had been flipped, and somebody completely different had taken his place.
"You really think, that I'd do something to hurt my precious vessel?" His palm caressed the side of your face. The touch of his skin was electrifying against your own, sending goosebumps through your whole body.
"I'm not going to hurt you, so just relax your pretty little body, and allow your master to take care of you."
He leaned down once again, this time whispering in your ear with that mesmerizing voice of his.
"The name's Dabi, you better remember that name when it's time to worship you master's cock." He growled eagerly into your ear. 
All those year he could only watch from afar. Now that you were back, Dabi finally had you right where he wanted you. 
He would not let this chance go to waste.
Once again, Dabi started out by kissing your neck, and he had to admit, those gasps were like heavenly music to his ears, as ironic as it sounded.
His black claws started to become longer, and sharper. They made quick work of your shirt, dragging themselves all over the fabric and tearing the thin cotton tank top to nothing but shreds, causing the cold air inside the church to hit your nipples with full force. Even during the hottest time of the year, the inside of the building always felt cold.  
Dabi ignored your shivering. Kissing and nipping all the way down from your neck, to the skin of your chest, leaving a small trail of bites on his path. His lips reached down the plush skin of your belly. The cold inside the building could barely be felt from the warmth he made you feel.
Panic overtook your senses when his hands went to the hem of your shorts, finger hooking into the fabric as he attempted to pull them down. 
"W-Wait!" You yelled out with hesitation, afraid that your words could end up with a raging demon bringing your demise. But it would probably be worse if he found out on his own, right?
"I'm not...I'm not a virgin!" He stopped immediately, and for a minute you saw your life pass before your eyes. 
A low, sarcastic laughter was the only thing he answered with. When you looked at him, Dabi's shoulders were shaking, and he couldn't stop laughing.
"You think that's the only thing demons care about?" You gasped once again, when the remains of your clothes were suddenly torn to shred for the second time, leaving you completely bare to the creature kneeling before you, who took in the sight of your every curve with a famished glint in his eyes.
"Virgins are overrated. Innocence? Purity? Tch." He scoffed in mockery. "Wanna know a secret, little one? Sometimes, the people who claim to be the purest, are actually the worst of them all."
He pulled your legs apart, chest grumbling in satisfaction at the sight of your bare sex present before him. And when your hands went down to attempt covering you body, he just growled, trapping them both by the wrist. Claws digging slightly into the skin, just enough to leave small traces of pain.
"Don't you ever, hide yourself from your master." He growled, slowly releasing your hands, and when you made no other attempts to hide yourself, he retook his proper place in between those exquisite legs.
"And don't think acting all shy will let you off so easily. I can tell just by your scent, just how many people you've laid under the sheets with. I must say, you have experience." 
Dabi had to say, that watching your face flushing that harshly, was a sight he'd treasure for all of his eternal life. 
Dabi spent centuries trapped inside this damn church, without a single chance to satiate his hunger. Watching people come and go inside the building to confess their sins, hoping the act would save them from the hellfire awaiting for them. 
He could say, this was a nice change of scenario.
"Do you need a sin for your next confessional?" The warmth of his breath fanned over your core, and the high pitched squeak coming out through parted lips did nothing but increase his appetite. "'Cause I've got a few in mind I'd like to try with you."
As ironic as it sounded, Dabi almost wanted to thank the heavens. Given that your scent was already addicting, but the moment he dived down, finally getting a taste of your body? He became addicted it.
Addicted enough, to begin devouring you with nothing but pure desperation. Drawing out a breathless moan from you. Nothing but overwhelming pleasure shot through your body from every stroke of that forked tongue against your soaked folds. 
"You taste so good." He pulled away for a second, watching your eyes closed shut, the dark flush across your cheeks and the way your breathing came out in heavy puffs of air. "Even better than the finest of wines."  
Your arms wouldn't stop roaming, looking for something, anything to cling on of dear life as Dabi continued lapping your glistening core, with nothing but pure vigor in those long, sensual strokes. 
And you only hoped it wouldn't anger the demon when you pulled on his hair. As terrified -and aroused- as you felt, the desperation to grab on to something for dear life was stronger than self restrain.
Dabi's reaction was far from expected. His strokes became fiercer, the soft muscle pushing its way inside. Savoring the taste of those velvet walls that coated his jaw with their sweet essence.
Centuries had passed since the last time he fed, and now that he had the chance, Dabi would not let such an exquisite meal go to waste.
You couldn't understand, why did it felt so different from other times? something about the way he devoured you, was too different from your previous partners. It was so good, so addicting, and you couldn't get enough of it.
Your hips buckled against him, a warm feeling began crawling all over your body the more he kept his head in between your legs. And when his thumb went to caress your clit, that feeling began getting stronger.
"Ah!...Dabi, please...!" Your hips buckled against his face, and were quickly brought down by his hands, and a snarl that froze you in place.
"You're interrupting my meal, little one. Stay still, and maybe your master will be generous enough to let you cum."  
As soon as you went quiet, Dabi continued where he left off. Each slurp just kept making even warmer on the inside. And when he pulled away to suckle on your swollen clit. It felt like an explosion, nothing but one of the sharpest bursts of pleasure ran through your lower regions, shortly followed by a loud scream and your back arching from the sweet release. 
"You're such a filthy little thing." Dabi wiped his chin with the back of his hand. A satisfied grin on his face as he waited for you to regain your breath. "But this was just an appetizer. Now, get ready for the main course."
Everything around was like a blurr, the only thing you recognized was the silhouette of the demon before you. Something felt different around him. That feeling that brought terror upon you disappeared, and when you finally looked at him with clarity, something was different.
That sick complexion of his was gone. Pale skin regaining a healthy looking color, and his eyes became clear from that feral like state.
You didn't have time to ask, as he took you by the wrists, tugging you slightly without much of an effort. And positioned you both in a way, that he was laying down on the floor, while your sat down on his lap. 
Looking down between your bodies -When did he take his pants off?!-, the sight of his erect member was definitely a sight to remember...
For starters, his head was modestly pointed, followed by a trail of ridges all the way to the base, and not just that...It was huge. 
You may not be a virgin. But how the hell was that going to fit in?
"Like what you see?" Even his attitude had changed, now he wouldn't stop teasing, at the same time he took a hold of your hips. His hands dragged your body back and forth, grinding your lower lips against him with leisurely gestures. The friction, along with how sensitive you were from your previous orgasm, turned you into a whiny mess for the second time that night.
"I'm going to ruin you so bad. Nobody, and i mean NOBODY, will ever be able to satisfy you. Not like your master."
Slowly, he lifted up your hips, before pulling you back down, slamming his girth deep inside your throbbing cunt until the base of his length was pressing against your clit. 
You screamed in bewilderment. Amazed by the way Dabi made you feel as he buried himself deeply inside of you. The way your insides stretched, adjusting themselves to his size, and the friction from every ridge of his girth was absolutely marvelous. It was like a fire consuming you from the inside. It was hot, so hot that it could burn, and you wanted more.
"What's wrong, little one?" Dabi grunted in satisfaction, loving the dazed look in your eyes from the slightest of movements. His hands guiding your hips back and forth with a quick pace. "Enjoying your master's cock?" 
"Ah!...Y-Yes!...I love my master's c-cock!" You yelled out, leaning forward to rest your hands on his chest, head tilted back with pure euphoria on your face as Dabi had his way with your body.
He had to admit it, you really were perfect. And there'd be no way he'd let you walk away once he was done with you. 
"Then prove it, show me how much you love to be fucked by your master! Worship his cock like your life depended on it!" 
Obeying his every command, you began moving on top of him. When Dabi said he'd ruin you, he was serious. Nothing you've ever done before came remotely close to what he made you feel in that moment. 
Each and every of his thrusts was powerful enough to make you see stars. With every thrust, his head brushed against the deepest corners of your sloppy insides, easily kissing your womb.
A part of you felt ashamed of your actions. You were riding a demon's cock in the very same place where your parents got married. The very same place where they baptized you.
Many sins were committed during your life, but this? This was definitely a sentence to hell.
"Oh...Oh God!" Your eyes widened in bliss, wandering all around the walls of the church. In the midst of it all, you realized Dabi had positioned you both, in a way that you sat right in front of the statue of the lord. It almost made it seem as if the lord himself, was judging your actions with nothing but a disgraceful eye.
Dabi let out one of the darkest chuckles you've ever heard. Dark enough to make every hair in your body stand. 
"God won't hear you now, little one. But the devil will"
In the blink of an eye, he was sitting up. Embracing your waist with a deathly grip. His already rough pace became downright barbaric, so much that it started hurting, but it hurt so fucking good.
The feeling of another climax rattled your thoughts. Everything around you became a blur from the upcoming high. Dabi felt it, and knew he had to get it done fast, it was the perfect chance, and there was no way he would let it go to waste.
"You're getting close, little one. Aren't you?" He pulled your body closer to him, into the suffocating waves of heat. Your wrapped your own arms around his heck, and held him closer to yourself, running your nails along his scalp in the process, which made him purr in enjoyment. 
For a minute, you could have sworn you saw something akin to a blue flame coming to life around him. "Do it my pet, come for your master. And lend your soul to me."
His mouth latched on your neck, tongue running circles around the soft skin, looking for a certain spot. And when he found just the right place, his fangs bit down harshly. Right at the same time your climax overtook your senses. 
All you could do was scream as you felt him tear on the skin with those sharp fangs of his. A warm, sticky sensation ran down your shoulder all the way to your chest. Followed by a scorching pain.
The smell of copper and smoke became intoxicating as Dabi's body trembled, and then he let out an earth shaking roar as he came. Filling your womb with rope after rope of scalding, hot cum.
Exhaustion took over your limp, shaking body. As much as you tried to move, even attempting to lift a finger was considered impossible.
Dabi planted a small, tender kiss on the spot where he sunk his fangs less than a minute ago. During that time, your sweat covered bodies clung to eachother's, still yearning for much craved contact, all while trying to catch your breath. 
When he pulled away, Dabi admired his work as the bite he left on your neck glowed brightly, before dying down and leaving behind a beautiful, burgundy mark. 
Finally, after so many years trapped in this goddamn place, he finally had a vessel. Now, he could leave once and for all.
Dabi carefully pulled away, watching his seed run down your shaky legs with every little throb of that delicious, little hole of yours. If claiming a vessel wasn't that draining to begin with, he'd definitely fuck you again. 
"You, are perfect."  He carried your passed out self in his arms. Taking you all the way to one of the pews, where he laid you down softly on the wooden surface. One of his hands brushed a loose strand of hair back into its proper place. "I'll see you soon, little one."
Taking one last look at his sleeping vessel, Dabi turned on his feet and walked to the church's entrance. As soon as he got closer, the door opened gracefully on its own. 
For the first time in centuries, he was finally able to leave his prison. And with a deep breath of relief and a serene smile, Dabi walked away from the church, disappearing into the dark depths of the night.
"...W...up....Wa...ke...Wake up.." Someone kept calling out your name.
Slowly, your eyelids stirred open, and the first thing you saw was a black cassock coming into view, accompanied by the worried face of a middle-aged man you've known since childhood.
What was father August doing in your room?
"Thank god, you're finally awake. What are you doing sleeping in the church?"
Your eyes widened in an instant. Father August's words made the memories from last night come back abruptly. The voice, being locked inside the church....And Dabi.
You got up from the pew where you had fallen asleep, and looked around frantically before looking down at your body. All of your clothes were unscathed. But you could have sworn they were torn to nothing but rags after Dabi tore them apart with those big, black claws of his.
Dabi...Where was he?
Thinking about him made you realize something. For the first time, the church no longer felt cold. It had a warm, welcoming feeling to it. Had this sensation been here all those years ago, you'd probably still be on good terms with your family.
"Are you feeling unwell? You seem pale."   
"Y-Yeah..." You looked all around the church. The pews that had been slammed into the wall, broken into pieces, were good as new. And the altar at the front, where its cloth had been carelessly thrown to the side when Dabi found you hiding, was also untouched.
"Was it just a dream?" You asked to yourself. Remembering everything the demon did to you, yet not a single part of your body felt sore. In fact, you felt better than ever. So full of energy.
"What are you talking about? Are you having night terrors again?" 
Oh shit, Father August was still here. 
"N-No! Everything's fine, father!" You reassured the older man that stood straight in front of you. "I must have sleep walked all the way here! Remember I used to do that when I was a kid? ahahaha..." 
No way you would tell him about what happened last night....If it ever happened in the first place.
He was kind enough to walk you home. To say your parents were worried was putting it lightly. They were terrified when your mother went to wake you up and found the bed empty. It was strange, watching how worried they were about you, when they never bothered to call you for a long time.
A tired sigh left your lips once you finally went inside your bedroom. It was barely morning and the whole house was already in chaos.
"Right, today we're going to see Grandma." The suitcase was pulled on top of the mattress with ease. Good thing you preferred to travel lightly. "Better get changed now."
From the small arrangement of clothes, you picked out a white sundress. Then you pulled out the hair dryer as well and turned back to the mirror so you could fix the bird nest in your head, also called hair.
When you saw th reflection in the mirror, your whole body became stiff.
There was a strange mark on your neck. A deep shade of burgundy adorned your skin in the shape of a small flame, running down all the way to the collarbone...Right in the spot where he bit you last night.
The dryer fell out of your hands with a loud clank as you stood in front of the mirror, watching this...thing on your neck with pure horror.Why didn't anyone say anything when you came in with this mark covering a good portion of your skin?!
Your thoughts were interrupted when your mother barged inside the room with a worried look on her face. And you were quick to cover the mark before she could see it.
"What happened? I heard something falling?" She looked at you in worry.
"N-Nothing! The dryer just slipped from my hands!" But she wasn't satisfied by that answer, and squinted in disdain when she saw the way you hid from her prying eyes.
"What are you hiding? Don't tell me you actually got that tattoo?!" She approached with an angry pace to take a closer look at your neck.
"I told you, it's nothing!" But she didn't listen, pulling your hand away from your neck by force. Your eyes closed shut, expecting her to start yelling just like that time you got your ears pierced again.
"Why are you grabbing your neck? Does it hurt?" 
"You can't see it?" You asked quietly. But she just gave you a look.
"See what?" 
So...they couldn't see the mark on your neck?
Three weeks later, you finally came back to your precious apartment, away from your family, and that cursed church. But also away from an answer.
What happened that night? Did something even happen at all? Or was it just your brain playing tricks on you? 
Groaning in frustration, you decided to forget about everything and kept walking back home, carrying a bunch of groceries to restock the fridge. Besides, tonight was Taco Tuesday, and you were eager to start preparing your meal.
When you got inside the building's main hall, you could see the landlord talking with someone at the lobby, but their back was facing you, so at the moment, it was impossible to see their face.
The moment the old lady saw you walk inside, her face lit up with joy as she waved at you, and made a gesture to come closer.
"Good afternoon dear! How did your little visit go?" She was always a curious woman, but never meant it in a bad way. There was nobody in the apartment complex who didn't love Miss Yuki.
"Good afternoon Yuki! And well, you already know how it went. It's always the same after all..." You grumbled, not really feeling like going into detail about what happened.
Then you turned sideways to see her guest. A dark haired male just stood there, watching the interaction between the older woman and you with a lazy smile. 
He was wearing a pair of ripped, dark jeans. Black military boots, and a white T-shirt underneath a leather jacket. One of his most prominent features was those teal eyes of his.
Somehow....He seemed familiar.
"Oh how rude of me! My memory's not what it used to be!" Yuki clapped her hands together, embarrassed that she just ignored her guest in favor of talking to you. 
"This is Touya! He just moved into the apartment right next to yours! I was just about to take him to his new home, but I need to take Mochi to the vet. Would you please be a darling and show him the way for me?"  
"Ah, that naughty cat? again?" You laughed sarcastically. That cat of hers always seemed to get into trouble for something. "Don't worry Yuki, I'll take him off your hands!"
"You're such a sweetie! Now, here are your keys, Touya. Please let us know if there's anything you need help with!" She handed Touya the set of keys, and swiftly walked inside her home.
Turning back to Touya, you greeted him with a sheepish smile, ignoring the burning sensation at the side of your neck.
"So, I guess we're neighbors. Welcome to out little community. Just let me put this in my fridge and I'll give you a tour!"
"Ah, yeah. Thank you for the help." ...Even his voice was familiar.
You walked together to the second floor. On the way there, Touya mentioned how her was starting anew. Away from everything, and everyone. In a way, he was just like you.
"Well, this is my place!" You beamed, juggling with the set of keys and the bags in had. Touya had offered to help, but you refused. After you finally unlocked the door with a victorious hum, you pushed it open with your hips, walked inside and turned back to face your new neighbor.
Who's face, for some reason, became dead serious the moment you looked him in the eye.
"Please come in. I'll prepare some coffe!" As cheerful as you were. The smile slowly, slowly disappeared when you saw the way Touya was staring at you. 
There was a dangerous smirk on his face, and an all to familiar glint in his eyes...
He quickly stepped forward, and stood in front of you with a proximity, that allowed you to feel the heat of his whole body. He trapped your chin in between his fingers, and licked his lips with an evident hunger in those blue orbs.
"W-What are you doing?" The nerves were such, that you didn't notice when the bags of groceries fell from your hands, and the carton of milk spilling all over the floor, creating a puddle besides your feet.
"Remember what I told you last time?" From the corner of your eye, you could see those same horns from that night, slowly starting to come out. Your heart pounded against your chest. And the burning sensation in your neck became unbearable the moment his eyes became engulfed in black.
"I told you I'd see you again...Little one."
With those last words, your door was quickly slammed shut.
@hawks-senseis @honeytama @savagetrickster @unbreakableeiji @wakaoujisenhime @fanfic-me-up @natsuosfairy @shoutogepi @gr0vndz3ro
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because-i-can-stuff · 4 years
Life will always find a way
Dick Grayson x Y/N Roth
A/N: I haven’t written something like this in a long time and I just started watching Titans on Netflix (been a year since then) and been reading a bunch of fics and I kind of had this one stuck in my head. So tell me what you think and enjoy.
I forgot this even existed and was just sitting in my drafts so I guess I am posting this now
It was one of those rare rainy days in San Francisco, you were just closing the small café you were working at. It was a busy day and the shop closed a little later than usual, meaning it was already beginning to get dark outside.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you pulled the hood over your head trying to protect yourself from the weather. Today was just a day that couldn’t get any worse you thought to yourself.
It started with an alarm that didn’t go off, making you late for the first lecture of the day, the day at USF seemingly lasting forever and instead of heading home, you still needed to work. Life was dull and the universe was testing you, first your best friend passed away, then essays and other projects piling up and the excessive amount of work hours, happiness just wasn’t an option at the moment.
And now this, the rain, the darkness and the constant feeling of being followed.
Picking up your speed in hopes of getting home faster you took a shortcut not really thinking of the consequences but being reminded in a second, as somebody slammed you into a wall from behind, shocking you for a moment before regaining your composure and getting ready to defend yourself.
When suddenly a figure appeared behind your nightly attacker and ripped him off of you and started beating the crap out of him.
Your nightly saviour appeared to be some kind of masked vigilante , at least that’s what you guessed from the costume adorning a cape and the mask covering his eyes. Watching the fight scene unfold before you, the vigilante overpowering your attacker with ease, resulting with the stranger running away, yelling profanities.
The vigilante focussed his attention onto you, looking you up and down and you doing the same, noticing the wet mop of brunette hair framing his face and the chocolate brown eyes peaking from behind the mask., as well as the well-toned body adorned by the costume.
“Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” he asked sincerely.
“I’m alright, maybe a bruise or two but nothing I can’t handle. Thank you by the way”
“Robin” he interrupted
“Well, thank you, Robin. But it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I’m sure you have more pressing matters at hand so why don’t you take care of these and let me take care of myself.” You stated rather annoyed, not only annoyed by him but this whole day.
“Oh, well, okay… then I guess I will just leave you be” Robin stated quite unsure and disappeared within a moment.
Sure, you felt kind of bad about your behaviour, but you just wanted to get home, get cosy and cry yourself to sleep, the usual routine since your best friend passed away.
The next day promised to be a better one, with the alarm actually going of, the sun peaking from behind the clouds and you being on time for the lectures that day with the prospect of not having to work today and finally getting started on some essays.
Making your way to your favourite coffee shop, ordering a cappuccino and sitting down in a quiet corner, you unpacked your notebook and started typing, tuning out the world around you, therefore not noticing that somebody joined you at your table.
Only noticing your company after a small cough, looking up a young man around your age sat in front of you, with deep chocolate brown eyes, well styled brunette hair and a smile to match his handsome face.
“Can I help you?” you ask the mysterious stranger
“Hi” he answers with a charming smile “I just noticed you sitting by yourself and I don’t know… Obviously you are doing work or something, but I don’t know… there is something about that I just thought I really want to get to know the beautiful woman behind the notebook”
Normally you would turn down such advances, but today, you were feeling a little bit better about yourself than the last weeks and he wasn’t that bad looking, charming on top of that. And maybe he was just what you needed to distract you from the grieving and the stress.
“Well, thank you for the compliment, you are not so bad looking yourself.” You tried to flirt “My name’s Y/N, by the way.”
“A beautiful name for a beautiful lady” he charmed “It’s very nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Dick Grayson”
“Finally, a name and a full face to the alias. I didn’t think I was so intriguing that a vigilante had to get to know me, but I am flattered, Robin” I whispered making sure nobody heard what I was telling him.
Dick looked shocked and started stammering, before asking “What are you talking about? You are making no sense.”
“Look, I am not going to tell anyone, but I’m quite good with remembering faces and I got a good look at yours and the only difference between yours and Robins is the fact that you are not having a black mask over your eyes. Same hair, same eyes, same smile, same face structure. Just face it, I figured it out and that pretty fast.”
Thus, began a fast forming friendship which evolved into friends with benefits really quick and after some time even into lovers pursuing a serious relationship, finding an abrupt end with no explanation, just a last night filled with love and a morning after with an empty bed and a note saying
Goodbyes are never easy, but this is one of the hardest. I knew I couldn’t tell you face to face and I know it’s cowardly to tell you this way, but I just know that you would’ve somehow changed my mind. By the time you’ve read this, I will already be on my way out of this city on the way towards a new destination. I am really sorry. I love you and I’ll miss you and hope you somehow understand.
-       Dick
-Flashback end-
“And you tell me all of this now, Rachel?! I knew I should’ve just taken with me as soon as Mom died. I can’t believe I let you do all this to find your real parents just because I thought going with a detective would be a good idea. You could’ve gotten yourself killed, I could’ve somehow helped you. And I am furious that you lied to me, that everything was fine and just now you’re telling me the whole truth. I don’t know what to say Rachel…” you told your sister agitated over the phone.
“Y/N… I was fine and I am fine. I made new friends and they protected me just fine. And I didn’t tell you because I knew you would’ve been there in a second to protect me but you also have a child to think about and I rather know you and Ricky are safe…”
“And I rather know that you are safe, Rachel. I would’ve figured something out.” You interrupted your little sister
“I know, I know… but there is nothing we can do about that now. Everything is fine. Well, anyway… What I originally wanted to tell you was that we are actually on the way to San Francisco. Apparently, there is some safe house where the Titans used to stay and we get to live at. So, I finally get to see my big sister and my cute little nephew” Rachel told you excitedly
“I am so happy to finally see you again and so is Ricky. But are you sure you don’t want to move in with us?” you were still being vary of Rachel living with a bunch of guys
“Yes, I am sure, it’s safest for me and also for you two, I don’t want to get you in danger because of me. I have done that a lot these past few weeks and I really don’t want to risk it. She assured you
“Okay, I understand. Even though we both know that I could handle it.” You told her with a smile “Come visit us as soon as possible. We miss you”
After your phone call with Rachel you went into your 3-year-old sons’ room to tell him, that his aunt would come visit soon. Ricky sat contently in the middle of the room surrounded by a bunch of toys playing with his favourite car. You admired your little angel with his brunette locks and chocolate brown eyes, reminding you so much of his father. Ricky looked so much like him, but he still got your gorgeous smile and good-natured spirit.
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Star-Crossed Lovers Part Three
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes @onfir3​ and @sarcasmismyfirstlove
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Reader has an assumed name in this (she is not named, but she goes by Sophia Turner since she is in hiding)
Description:  Secrets are unveiled and Y/N is smacked in the face with a truth she hadn’t expected to find out.
A/N:  Okay first off, I have no idea how long this story is going to be.  It could have one more part, two more parts or more.  I am legit addicted to this story now.  Also the ending may have a sad and a happy version.  One for people who want a happily ever after and those who want to read a sad ending.  Or maybe you’ll want to read both who knows.  But I hope you enjoy this installment of Star-Crossed Lovers.  The song that the singers are singing is Ain’t About You by Wonho featuring Kiiara
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Her keys jingled as she fished them out of her pocket.  Clark’s plants were not on the verge of death and she had considered her mission a success.  As she stepped inside the apartment she flipped on the lights and nearly jumped out of her skin when she noticed the dark figure in the corner of her living room.  
“Holy shit,” she gripped her hand to her chest.  Her heart was pounding, but it was starting to calm down now that she realized it was Batman in her apartment and not Sionis.
“Y/N,” he said in his gruff way.  “I have news.”
“Please tell me that Sionis is officially dead,” she didn’t want to hear anything else, but she had a feeling that that wasn’t why he was here.
The way his jaw locked only confirmed her suspicions.  “He’s still alive,” Batman confirmed.  “And he’s using someone at LexCorp to up his drugs.  The effects give the user temporary powers like Superman and Superboy’s.  It’s not on the street yet, but soon.  And Sionis knows you’re not dead.  As far as I’m aware he doesn’t know you're here.”  He reached into one of his compartments and pulled out an envelope.  “I’ve secured you a ticket to a fundraiser tomorrow night that Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp are throwing.  It’s a masquerade ball, I need you to tell me if you see anyone familiar there.  Anyone that was working with or for Sionis.  We need to know who’s supplying him.”
She took the invitation, “Fine.  Where will I meet you?”
“I’ll find you,” then he was disappearing out the window and into the night.
The dress she had picked out was red, with a thigh high slit and a mask to match.  The dress was silk, the light reflecting off it.  She felt sexy and yeah she chose red for one reason and one reason only.
God, she had to get over him.
Her eyes scanned the crowd, but no one stuck out besides the Waynes, Lex, and a few other high society members.  She didn’t like how this mission was going so far.  And when she scanned the crowd again she noticed one of the Wayne boys staring her way.  She quickly ducked into a crowd and hoped not to draw any more attention.  She wasn’t the only one wearing red so she wouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb.
“Does it sound cliché to say / That I just need some space babe / It’s not you, it’s me really, uh,” the male singer began to sing into his mic.  “I’m the one that changed umm / You’re so hard to resist / A love that hurt like this / I wish it wasn’t hell / To love you more than you love yourself.”
“I don’t believe I know your name,” a husky male voice said beside Y/N and when she looked up she saw that it was the Wayne boy that had been staring at her.  
“And who says I’m going to give it to you?”  She fired back, a smirk beginning to form.
He matched her smirk, “You’re a beautiful woman, it’s a ball, I thought I’d ask you to dance with me, but I’d like to know your name first.”
She considered him for a moment and then said, “I’ll give you the dance, but you haven’t earned my name yet, stranger.”
“I see I caught your eye, again / Your pretty little lies / Wish I could stroke your big ego / But sorry not tonight, or ever / You’re so hard to resist / A love that hurt like this / I wish it wasn’t hell / To love you more than you love yourself,” the female singer sang in response to her male counterpart as the Wayne boy led her onto the dance floor.
He swept Y/N into his arms and began to twirl her around with expert ease.  Money could buy a lot of things and dance lessons was probably one of those things.  She wondered if it had been his choice or if Bruce Wayne had made it mandatory.  “So what’re you doing at the ball?  I normally know the people that frequent these,” he said as he dipped her, their faces inches from one another.
She cocked her head to the side as he slowly brought her back to an upright position, “Because you’re a Wayne?”  
He chuckled, “Maybe.”
“I work for the Daily Planet, I’m working on a story,” she said.  A half-truth, but not a complete lie.
Those blue eyes of his were starting to look familiar like she had seen them before. She wondered if he was the man she had bumped into on the street the other day, but she wasn’t about to ask him that.  And right now those very eyes were bright with mischief.  “Oh?  Looking for any sordid secrets of the lifestyle of the rich and famous because I could provide.  I know dirt on everyone here.”
“No sordid secrets for me tonight,” she said, she didn’t want to know what those sordid secrets would cost her if he were to tell her what he knew.  “I’m just covering the event.”  She had learned from articles that the Waynes and Luthor were trying to raise money for people displaced by superhero activity.  Homes that had been destroyed or other places like schools and work.
“How you stay out til 4 am / How you can’t tell me where you’ve been / Go and get that shit out your head / This ain’t about youuuuu / This ain’t about youuuuu / This ain’t about / Hate to tell you but / Hate to tell you but / This ain’t about you / This ain’t about you,” the singers sang, the song coming to a close.
The stranger still held her in his arms after the song had ended, “Have I earned the right to know your name or am I going to have to make one up for you?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours?”  She fired back.
“Sophia Turner,” the lie slipped off her tongue, but it felt odd to tell him this name.  She had no idea why, she didn’t even know him other than the fact that he was a Wayne.  “But most call me Sophie.”
“Jason Todd,” he supplied in return.
“Oh so I was dancing with the resident bad boy of the Waynes,” she hummed.  “Let me guess you flash those pretty blue eyes at whoever you want and you can get out of any situation?”
“Not quite, but you think they’re pretty?”  His grin was turning cocky and you pushed away from him.
“Down boy,” she said.  “I’m… well I’m….”  She sighed, “It’s complicated.”
He started walking beside her as she turned to flee from the event, “I’m a great listener, you could tell me all your boy problems.”
“No tonight lover boy, I need to go anyway,” she had gotten all the information she could for Batman.  She hadn’t seen anyone there that could be working with or for Sionis, the whole night had been a bust.  Fun, but a bust.
“I’ll find you, Cinderella,” he called out to her as she made her way through the crowd not once glancing back at him.
The night after coming home Y/N grabbed some ice cream out of the fridge and waited for Batman.  When he showed up she told him that she didn’t know anyone there; he thanked her and promised to keep her updated with anything about Sionis.  But for now, she should stay where she was and lie low because Metropolis was the safest place for her. Before she could thank him he was gone.
Now it was Monday and she was at work.  Lois greeted her and was smiling broadly, “Someone got a gift.”
Y/N’s attention turned to her desk where a bouquet of red roses sat.  She blinked a couple of times because she didn’t believe that anyone would leave her flowers.  “Who sent them?”  She asked to no one in particular as she made her way to her desk, Lois still beside her.  She picked the card and saw that there was a handwritten note.
I think it’s rude that you didn’t leave a shoe for me to return to you.  I’d like to see you again.  Meet me tonight at the top of the Daily Planet, seven o’clock?
Jason Todd
“Sophie!  Did you run out on Jason Todd last night?” Lois gasped.  Since the moment the two of them had met Lois had been trying to set her up.  In her own words, she was trying to ‘help you get over the man who you clearly hurt you’.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “I didn’t run out on him like Cinderella, he knows my name and where I work.  I just needed to get home.”
“Are you going to meet him tonight?”  She asked, a smile on her face that suggested she wanted you to meet with him.
She gave her friend a look, “I don’t know, Lois.  I’m busy and I have other things that I need to do.”  Getting involved with a Wayne was dangerous.  They were always in the spotlight and Jason especially since he was the most mysterious of the bunch.  He attracted a camera like honey drew flies.
“Just go, see what he wants, have a little fun.  Lord knows you could use it,” Lois squeezed Y/N’s shoulder and headed for her own desk.
Y/N looked at those red roses again and let out a sigh.  One visit with Jason wouldn’t hurt.
Metropolis was nice, but Jason preferred the grittiness of Gotham.  There was something real about it, it wasn’t hiding that there was bad stuff going on.  Metropolis on the other hand was sleek and new.  Superman gave them hope and offered a shiny new take that life could be good.  He always felt like he stuck out in Metropolis, even when he was in the Robin or Red Hood uniforms.  You could tell that he didn’t belong.
The door to the roof opened and he heard her heels against the concrete.  “Flowers?  Really?”
He turned and grinned at her, getting an unencumbered view of her face for the first time in months.  She was still as beautiful as the first day he had met her.
“Well I thought about sending a candy gram, but I didn’t think that would be appreciated,” he quipped. 
She chuckled and came to stand beside him, her gaze fixed on the city beyond.  “It’s almost too perfect,” she murmured, mirroring Jason’s earlier thoughts.  “Unlike Gotham--”  She clamped her mouth shut.
“Oh, you know Gotham?”  His gaze was still locked on her face, trying to recommit everything to memory.  She had changed a little bit about herself when she went into hiding, but it was still her.  Still his Y/N.
“Yeah,” she said quietly.  “I grew up there.  Moved away a while ago.  Needed a change of pace.”  Lie. Lie. Lie.  She hadn’t wanted to leave Gotham.  She wanted nothing more than to stay, but circumstances and fate had other ideas.
Jason finally mirrored her position, “I get that.  I moved away for a bit myself.”
“Didn’t you fake your death?”  The question slipped out before she could stop it.  “Sorry, that’s a little too personal.  It’s the journalist in me, feel free to ignore it.”  She wanted to smack herself, but he huffed a laugh and she finally looked at him.  There was something so familiar about him, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
“It’s all right,” he said softly to let her know he wasn’t upset by her question.  “And the answer is it’s complicated.  Very, very complicated.���
“I know all about complicated,” she told him.  “At this point, I think it’s my middle name.”
“Sophia Complicated Turner, huh?”  He held out his hand to her, “I’m Jason Peter Todd.”
That made her laugh, “Are you always this corny?”
“There’s more to me than the bad boy the papers like to see, Sophia.”  He hated using that name.  He wanted to call her Y/N, he wanted to tell her everything, but he held his tongue.  
She bumped him with her shoulder, “I can tell.”
Warmth spread through him and he went to respond when a breeze blew by and she shivered.  “Here,” he draped his jacket over her shoulders.  “Why aren’t you wearing a better jacket?”  He asked like a mother hen.  “You live here and even I knew to come prepared.”
Y/N stood there frozen for a moment before gently wrapping the leather jacket closer around her and breathing in the scent of him.  Cigarettes and a familiar aftershave, a combination she had come to know as home.  Though she had tried to get him to quit smoking.  Jason’s jacket smelled like Red and she stiffened even more when the thought crossed her mind.  Red had died once too.  Red would have made similar jokes.  She looked closely at Jason, really taking him in, and there on his lip was a little scar in the same place that Red had a scar.  Then the mole on his neck, and another scar she had kissed over a hundred times.  
Y/N backed away, her breath coming out in shallow pants.  Her mind was running a mile a minute, it couldn’t be.  “I need to go,” she finally managed to say.
“Sophia?”  He asked in concern and God she couldn’t get it out of her head how he was Red.  Jason was the Red Hood.
“Goodnight,” she dashed for the door, his jacket still wrapped around her.
Once she had made it to her apartment, Batman was there.  Still in the city chasing down leads, and probably coming to ask for another favor.  The ball.  Bruce Wayne being in the city.  Everything was clicking in place.  “Call Red here,” she said before he could speak.  “I want to see him.”
“Red isn’t here, Y/N,” Batman said calmly.
“Oh isn’t he?”  She spat.  “I’m pretty sure I just left him on the roof of the Daily Planet.”  She tossed the jacket at him.  “Bruce.”
There was a moment of hesitation, but Batman - or Bruce - pulled the cowl down and revealed his true identity to her.  “How did you figure it out?”
“I’m an investigative journalist, Bruce.  Give me some credit,” she scoffed.  “If anyone looked hard enough I’m sure they could figure it out.”  She sat down on her couch and buried her face in her hands.  “Fuck, I’m so tired.”
Bruce wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but he summoned Jason, not telling him that Y/N knew the truth.  He would wait for that bomb to be dropped by the woman herself.  “I’m sorry if we’re causing you this stress, Y/N.”
She waved a dismissive hand, “Please, I’ve been stressed since the moment Sionis ruined my life.  I knew that that plan of ours was a fifty-fifty shot at freedom.  I’ll be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life if I’m lucky.”
A moment later Red Hood entered through your window and you just looked at him.  And for a moment your times together flashed before your eyes.  “Y/N,” he said, his voice in that robotic monotone.  
“Jason,” she responded.  “Why don’t you sit down?  We’ve got a lot to discuss you and I.”
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The Walk (Waterbending!Reader x Zuko)
A/N: This is the first thing I’ve decided to write. I’m not great but I’ve had a bunch of ideas that I thought would be neat so here you go! Hope you enjoy! (Hnnnghhh the synposis is so bad im sorry-)
Synopsis: In the lower circle of Ba Sing Se, Zuko finds himself following a group of teens through alleys and passages he didn’t even know there was. Suddenly, he finds himself in a small crowd. Then, everything changed when his eyes landed on her.
Zuko didn’t even know why he was out that night. Maybe the dingy smell of the apartment was driving him crazy, or it was his Uncle talking with the neighbors that stirred him awake. 
Either way, it led him outside. 
Suddenly, a group of kids his age trotted by muttering about some “waterbender chick”. Zuko’s head shot up, an inkling of hope that it could just be the Avatar’s friend. He watched the group slide into an alleyway, before stealthily following behind.
It felts like forever that he followed the frankly annoying kids. Through alleys and slightly hidden passages that he could’ve sworn weren’t there before. Finally, they made their way into the hidden plaza.
It was extremely bare on the ground, as if a small house was meant to be there. Above, clothes lines held up shabby, dark colored clothes and even some blankets. The walls of surrounding houses were decorated with signs Zuko had never seen before.  Towards the middle of the plaza was three large jugs placed in a triangle. About twenty people were scattered about, leaving the middle of the plaza completely.
He snaked along the wall, distancing himself from everyone else. Why am I even staying? He thought, scowling. Just as he went to head towards the exit, water sprouted up from the vases, grabbing his attention. It rose into the air, spiraling about. The three separate streams moved throughout the plaza before moving to an entrance he hadn’t seen before. 
A person leapt through the wall the water made, perfectly dry as if they sliced it in half in perfect time. They wore black, baggy pants with slits in the sides up to the knee. The fabric cinched around their ankles and flared out a little. Their top was a matching black, which wrapped around their neck and forming an ‘X’ across their toned back with the fabric. A dark but slightly see-through veil covered majority of their face, and black elbow gloves covered their arms, and coming to a point on the back of their hand. 
Zuko scowled, immediately noticing this was not the girl the avatar traveled with. He went to leave again, but the crowd had now gather close, effectively blocking his exit. The person stood in the middle of the triangle made by the vases, a smile seen through their eyes. 
“Thank you all for coming,” The person announced, giving an exaggerated bow. “I see quite a few new faces here. I don’t know how you found this place, but let me welcome you, to what we call the Plaza of Freedom. As cliche as it is, we are here to celebrate the good times, and accept the bad! We all need something to forget about the war with the fire nation.”
The crowd cheered while Zuko sunk in on himself. Most of the people here look like they aren’t earth kingdom residents, meaning they are escaping from war-torn villages. Villages destroyed by his people.
“Now, stand back, relax, and enjoy my show..” They drawled, and Zuko swears he could see a smirk under that veil. A person in the corner pulled out a stringed instrument, playing a fun and fast tune.
The performer twirled about the stage of stone. Majority of the water returned to the vases, but they had four small streams following her wrists and feet. They flung their foot up, doing an arch with the high kick, the water trail following it. Drops of water bounced through the air as they flitted about. Zuko stood mesmerized at the amount of control they had. Each step was as precise as the water drifting around. It was as if the dancer had a bubble containing all the water away from the onlookers. 
They finished their dance with a pirouette, the water trailing around them freezing as they finished. They held their tip-toed, graceful-armed stance for a few moments, before relaxing. They quickly bended the water back into the vases, before taking another bow. Another performer walked out as the previous started heading into the crowd, right near him. 
He started to move, trying to get out of the plaza he never should have found. “Hey, wait!” A hand grabbed his, causing him to violently whip around. The black-veiled dancer stood there, a calm and gentle look in their eyes. “You are new, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, what about it?” He huffed, pulling his wrist away to cross his arms defensively over his chest. The stranger laughed a bit, looking up at him.
They crossed their arms over their stomach, leaning into one hip. “Relax, I’m not some officer interrogating you. If I was I wouldn’t be here,” They attempted to joke. They turned their head, seeing the next person, an earthbender boy who looked to be juggling, was starting. They smiled once again and grabbed his wrist, pulling him through another passage. “Come on, tough stuff. You look like some one who needs to relax!”
Zuko gaped, trying to form a response but no words would leave his mouth. The dancer dragged him around before stopping at a ladder leaned precariously against a house. They started climbing, gesturing for him to follow. Zuko realized with a sigh that he had no clue how to get back to where they were, and reluctantly joined them. 
When he got to the top, they were already laying down on the slanted roof of the house. He sat two paces away, knees pulled into his chest and looking away from them. Zuko heard them shuffling, only glancing their way to see they moved much closer, and were looking at him.
“So,” They trailed on, glancing at him hopefully. “What brought you to Ba Sing Se?” 
“The war.”
“Well, duh!” They laughed, sitting up and leaning their weight on their right arm. The left came up, unclipping the veil around their face. They looked Zuko’s age, maybe a year or so younger, with an obvious toothy smile on their face. “I mean, what made you choose to come here?”
 Zuko looked at them, giving them a look of confusion. “Why wouldn’t I come here? This city is one of the safest places currently, right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” They muttered, looking off into the night. They had their right leg extended, with their left arm perched on top of the bent left leg. “I just always found it odd here. Almost as if everything is too perfect, y’know?” Their eyes had a faraway look, the smile once taking up their face morphing into a small frown. 
Zuko looked out to the sky, letting out a quiet hum of acknowledgement. “My name is (Y/N) by the way. Im a waterbender if you couldn’t tell.” They let out a small, pathetic laugh. “How about you?”
“My name is Lee. So, how did you get here? And, get the nice clothes?” Zuko replied, looking away when saying his name. They chuckled at his question, and he felt himself sneaking looks at the bright smile they had.
They laid down on the shingles of the roof, arms tucked under their head. “My parents left the Northern Water Tribe when they were newly-weds. They just wanted to travel around the four nations and learn. They had me in a small village in the Earth Kingdom a few years after they left. In the end, our village was burned down and we were either taken to prisons, or you are one of the lucky ones who escaped. That was my dad and I. My mother wasn’t as lucky…” They trailed off, sad eyes focusing on the starry sky above them. “As for the clothes, they were made by my mother. She loved to perform and we never had the heart to sell them, so when I fit in them I took to dancing in them for tips.” 
Zuko gazed at the ground solemnly, fists clenched tightly. “I’m sorry to hear that. My mother left when I was young.” (Y/N) shrugged, lips pulled into a firm line. 
“One day, this war will be over, I know it. Ba Sing Se can deny it all they want but it will be on their doorstep at some point. If they man up and actually take down the Fire Nation, then you can bet your ass I’m marching through every prison until I find my mom.” They quickly shot up, crouching down to maintain balance. “Well, Lee, I should probably get you back home. Thanks for listening to an optimistic dancer.”
They slowly walked back to Zuko’s apartment, taking the alleys that (Y/N) seemed to know like the back of their hand. A mindless conversation was passed between the two of them, filling the night silence. Too quickly, they reached the door of Zuko’s complex. 
“I hope I see you around,” Zuko smiled at them, a hand coming to rub his neck awkwardly. They let out a small laugh, shaking their head slightly. They leaned close, pecking him on the cheek.
“Come see me perform anytime, lover boy. Just ask someone for the Shrouded Mist!” They joked, skipping into the abyss that the just exited. 
Zuko didn’t even know why he was out that night. Maybe the dingy smell of the apartment was driving him crazy, or it was his Uncle talking with the neighbors that stirred him awake. 
Either way, he was glad that he left.
A/N: hnnnn- I don’t like the ending it feels super rushed but I didn’t want to lose motivation to finish this so here you go! I hope you enjoyed if you found this and feel free to message me with requests or just to chat! (I can’t promise I speedy response but I will try my damn hardest-)
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Cursed Number (Kazunari)
Ship: Kazunari Miyoshi x reader
Rating: SFW (mentions of alcohol, but primarily fluff). 
WC: 2,315
A/N: This is kind of my first x reader that I’ve done in a while, trying to break writer’s block and seeing where this goes <3.
It was something about the dreaded aura that filled the air the moment you stepped into the house. It reeked of strong-scented cologne and body odor all around you. If you had liked parties in the past, stepping into this one immediately changed that. 
A man walked up to you with a red cup and masking tape pieces scattered all over his clothes, sauntering his way towards you and walking from side to side. “Hey, you there...!” he slurred his words together before scribbling on a random number on a piece of tape and handed it to you, nearly stumbling downwards as he patted the tape onto your shirt and crashed to the floor. “Now go and have some fun!” he groaned out with laughter. 
You already felt extreme discomfort and tried to find a single place on the couch, one that was not drenched in spilled drinks or tipped over dip, cacophonous music bouncing from wall to wall and instantaneously wriggling into your ear. You were afraid to move, everyone around you had seemed so zombified by the overall vibe of the place.
Just as you thought you could finally breathe, after seconds of something happening, a group of college students, some you recognized from lectures immediately started crowding over the couch, not minding your presence, and sticking a bottle flat in the middle of the space.
“Alright, anyone down for some seven minutes in heaven?! 
That cursed number. 
You thought to yourself, Why does it seem everywhere I go it ends up like this?! 
You rose to get up to avoid the game, but immediately the same drunken man that gave you a number blocked the exit, and you were forced to sit dangerously close next to a blonde boy with a sunny demeanor. He laughed as the bottle began to spin, while you cursed at him and the entire party internally. 
You watched the glass bottle spin for what felt like eternity, anxiously tapping your foot as surprise, surprise, it landed between you and the blonde boy, and you turned to look at him, but his eyes were elsewhere. 
He watched the closet door open ominously, and the blonde man was quickly shoved inside, you practically coming with. It was a dark, cramped space, and immediately terror struck.
The moment the closet doors shut and the lock clicked, you covered your mouth with your sweaty palms in order to keep it down. Panic rose to your throat, and the blonde man next to you tried to speak. 
“I know this is all really sudden, and it looks like you aren’t really having a good time right now, aren’t you?” his tone was a warm light in the middle of the darkness you were stuck in, and he immediately shined a flashlight at his shoes. 
The space between you two was little, but not uncomfortable enough to let out a blood-curdling scream. You looked at him letting out a goofy smile with a flashlight in his hand. He seemed almost radiant.
You shrugged your shoulders, lowering your hands once you saw he had no awful intent. “I came here on my own,” you sighed. 
“Mhm, and I’m guessing it didn’t turn out well?” he continued to talk, but you were stunned at the fact he made no other advances. 
You looked up at him in shock, and he took out his phone and a pair of headphones. “You gotta always take a friend with you to these kinds of things! They’re not entirely the safest, so I’m glad I caught you,” he spoke so enthusiastically, it made you forget about the entire situation as a whole. 
“Sorry...,” you spoke out awkwardly, space closing in between you guys as he took out his phone to an empty contact space.
“That’s alright! My name’s Kazunari, I’ll go by Kazu, or whatever nickname you feel like using later. If you need a friend, we can add each other on Instablam,” he laughed after, and immediately became contagious, causing you to let out a little chuckle. 
You instantaneously reached out to the phone, but hearing the laughter outside of the closet made you remember that once you two get out of there, it would rain hellfire.
Kazunari noticed the panic that rose to your face, and he swapped out of the contacts and onto YouTube. “Hey, it’s gonna be alright. I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want, but... there’s this seven minute video on a bunch of kittens getting fed if you wanna watch that. It doesn’t even have to be kittens, it can be puppies, too!”
You could not believe what you were hearing right now, but he scrolled through all of these cute animal videos that captured your heart, in a similar way this seemingly knight in shining armor has. 
“That’s nice of you,” you spoke out of your panic, and immediately, Kazunari huddled next to you for support, handing you a headphone to watch the video he gestured towards. He let you pick between videos and it ultimately led to the kitten one.
For only a couple minutes you both sat close by the phone, arms touching and subtle hints of laughter and glee coming out of both of your guys’ mouth. Your head traveled to Kazunari’s shoulder, and naturally, his available arm fell over yours.
Blush rose to your cheeks at the act, the warm feeling that you got from Kazunari’s kindness was not because of the humid closet, or the cute animals that soothed your panic, but the gentle soothing gestures he gave you, enough to close your eyes for a moment and mentally thank him for what he had done for you. 
You had just met him, and you weren’t sure if he knew your name, but immediately this situation caused by a cursed number turned into a seven minutes that you would never forget. 
Ever since then, Kazunari’s kindness has always been apparent, and after exchanging numbers after the party, you found yourselves always in each other’s company. Day after day he would stop by your dorm or call you when he was at a party, asking if you wanted to come with. Other times he would ask for homework help, even when you were equally as lost on the assignment, he found every excuse to hang out when you were available. 
“Hey, Y/n! There’s a party downtown, did you wanna come with?” he asked over the phone while you were doing your assignments. 
Overflowing with stress, you were quick to decline. “I’d love to, but I have a lot of assignments due tonight, I don’t think I can-”
“Hold on, hold on, hold on. You said that yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, you sure you aren’t just ignoring me?” he asked teasingly. 
You let out a sigh and laughed at the joke. “No, my professors just like to give a bunch of homework and I don’t think a party can help my procrastination,” you looked at the clock and watched the time tick till your assignment was due. 
Kazunari laughed through the phone. “Ohhh, thanks for reminding me! I gotta get some of my stuff done, too. Can I stop by your place to get it done?” he asked enthusiastically. 
You froze, watching your shocked expression against the reflection of your clock. “...Kazunari? Skipping a party for some assignments?” you choked out. 
“And you too, Y/n! I love hanging out with you!”
It surprised you to the core, and it made your body freeze and thoughts filling your head. You fell in love for your close friend, and it wasn’t too hard to see why. He loved parties, socializing, anything that would give him a chance to see human interaction. But when you were stuck with homework and assignments, it didn’t make sense to why he’d blow it all off for you in your head. 
Even with someone being such a social butterfly as Kazunari, he still carved time to hang out with you, a close friend that he had the same warm feeling around. 
“Hello? Y/n? Sorry, my signal’s really bad ever since Sakyo started cutting off-”
“Hi, hi yes I’m here, sorry,” you spoke and gave yourself a facepalm. 
“Haha, okay! Don’t overwork yourself before I get there! It’ll take... uhhh probably around seven minutes tops,” he laughed before hanging up. You put down your phone and thoughts overwhelmed your head while staring at a blank document on your computer screen. 
“Work now, Kazunari later,” you muttered to yourself and started typing up your next assignment due.
After only a mere seven minutes of working, you heard a knock on your door and sprung out of your seat, launching towards the doorknob and greeted Kazunari with a smile. 
“Hey, Y/n!” sunshine boy strikes again, and this time he brought a plastic bag filled with all of your favorite food and snacks and a handful of movies on the other. “I got these recommendations from my good friend, Muku. Wanna watch some with me?”
“What about your assignments? And mine?” you avoided thinking about the kind gesture, a flustered feeling spreading throughout your body, as he handed you the various items. 
“You’ve been hacking at assignments all week! Aaaaand I stopped by your favorite cafe!” Kazunari had puppy dog eyes when you opened up the food he gave you. 
Inhaling deeply at the temptation, you closed it shut. “Assignments,” you said in a strict voice. 
“But it’s a lot,” he whined and crashed onto your bed. You sighed out and put the gifts to the side, staring at the clock. 
“Well, it’s around 3 right now, and if you finish at 7, I’ll go eat food and watch movies with you,” you sat at your desk and started your homework. 
“Wait wait wait, that’s not enough,” he said, walking up behind you.
“What? That is more than enough,” you turned around, but you watched the cheeky grin appear on his mouth. 
“If you finish your assignments at 7, we both get to watch movies, eat delicious food, and on top of that, I get to kiss you!”
You nearly let out a cough at Kazunari’s suggestion, but it was not like you were gonna turn it down. He kept on smiling after you reacted so violently, but you slowly nodded your head. 
“It’s a deal,” you felt a competitive fire rush in you, and Kazunari pulled up a chair next to you and laughed.
“I’ll be working then. Y/n~” 
Hours and hours had passed, but not in complete silence. Kazunari kept talking and showing you posts and videos from Instablam, you were concerned if he was even doing his assignment at all. You mentally cursed yourself for the times you took the bait, but you were determined to get your incentive. 
However Kazunari’s presence next to you was in a way, relaxing. As you wanted to scream into your pillow he fed you some of the food and your stress melted away. When you got stuck on a problem, he searched it up for you and tried to guide you through it. And the usual, whenever you felt a rise of panic, he’d stream a little cat video for the both of you to watch.
He was the most supportive person you could have ever possibly met, but each action caused you to freeze and grow flustered, melting in his action. 
You finished at the dot, right before seven, and you looked at Kazunari with wide and tired eyes as you practically collapsed onto him.
“You did it Y/n!” he exclaimed supportively, wrapping his arms around you tight. 
“I guess I did...,” you sighed out. 
The both of you got up from your seats, his arms still snug around your waist as you comfortable buried your face in his chest. “I’m so tired...,” you whined out. 
“Oh I know,” he teased, his fingers combing through your hair comfortably. “You go and relax, I’ll start the movie,” he led you to your own bed which you immediately crashed in. 
Kazunari’s absence made you feel cold, causing you to crawl into your sheets, watching the screen turn on. Kazunari crawled into the bed with you, smiling as he laid down on his sight. 
“So~” Kazunari had his usual goofy grin. “Did you really work your butt off for the movie, or to kiss me?” he asked smoothly. 
You stared at him with your mouth open to answer, too lazy to get up in an attempt to hide your reddened face. “Well... did you come here to work on assignments or to hang out with me?”
Kazunari smiled and laid a hand on your face, his thumb caressing your cheek and letting the movie run in the background. “Well, who wouldn’t wanna hang out with such an amazing and cool person?”
You, hesitantly overlapped your hand with his on your face and returned the smile. “And who wouldn’t want to kiss such a nice, amazing guy like you?”
Kazunari laughed, a blush growing on his face. “You always know what to say, Y/n!” His face inched closer to you, and his nose gently brushed against yours. 
“And you always know how to make me feel this way, Kazu,” you managed to whisper before he leaned in and kissed your lips softly, the warm feeling inside you only grew as he kissed you for what felt like a blissful eternity.
Even when he pulled away, the gap between you both did not lessen. “Hehe, I’m so glad I flaked on the party,” he continued to joke around, and he started to kiss you even more.
He made you feel safe, even when it was just the two of you, he was always there. It was all thanks to a cursed game, with a cursed number, but you managed to make a lifetime of heaven out of it. 
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chemiste · 4 years
a flower to the sun ~ h.s.
tattoo design
Tumblr media
You were about three shots in when Vicky decided it would be a good idea to play Bet On It with you and your friends at the bar. 
The girls and you were in the rich, wealthy side of LA where all the fat lawyers and trust fund babies went to hang out. Sure, it wasn't really your scene being college students who could barely afford one drink but fortunately some of those fat lawyers thought y'all were pretty cute and would just send drinks over your way; all you had to do was smile and wave and the deed was done. 
“What's Bet On It?” Eve asked as she sipped her Blue Martini. 
“I’ll explain it, Bet On It is where we pose a challenge for you to go do and if you succeed we owe you a favor!” Christy exclaimed with excitement for the game, you giggled and nodded.
“Okay I'm ready let's go!” You shouted happily, slamming the bottom of your fourth shot back down onto the table as a declaration. 
“Lydia, I bet my favorite cherry lipstick you won't go get the bartender's number.” You said. 
Lydia blushed immensely as the girls giggled. She glanced slightly over her shoulder to see the tall blue haired bartender strut around serving drinks. Lydia's eye had been on her for a while and it was only a matter of time until one of the girls egged her on to go for it. 
Lydia sighed and took another shot from the table then walked over. The girls all cheered as they watched her approach the bar nervously and immediately start hitting it off of the bartender. 
“Okay, I think we can bet she won't be back for a while so let's continue.” Christy said with a chuckle. Vic glanced around at the four of you then finally settled her eyes on your form. 
“I pick... Y/N!” she said. 
The girls oohed as Vicky looked around the room thinking of a challenge she could use for you. She gasped as her eye caught something and looked back at you. 
“I dare you to walk up to that guy over there and ask to get a tattoo with him!”
 All three of you immediately snapped your heads to see who she was pointing at. 
Over in the corner at a secluded table with a few other people was a tall man wearing sunglasses on his head, a white T-shirt and flared blue jeans with heeled boots peeking out from under the hem. 
He looked to have a bunch of tattoos down one side of his arm and a couple on the other, hence the reason Vicki picked him. He looked pretty hot for only the side of his body... which might have been another factor. 
You turned back to her eyes wide open, “Oh my gosh I could never!” 
You laughed, swirling your finger on the top of the pink cocktail you had in front of you. Vicki blew raspberry at you. 
“Tell you what, if you can go and at least ask him for the tattoo without falling into a fit of giggles I will let you wear-- no I will let you have the purple high heels you always steal from me whenever we go to the bar downtown”. 
At that, you immediately stood from your stool, “All right I will be back ladies! Maybe with a tattoo and maybe a bruised ego, we don't know, we shall see.” 
The girls giggled as you finished one of the many drinks on the table before heading over, a little liquid courage helping your nerves. You were pleasantly drunk at the moment so this might have not been your best idea but you were halfway over, no turning back now. 
Just as you reach the man you realize that he looked a little familiar, his side profile looked out of this world, immortal, like Zeus had sculpted it for himself or something.
You push that thought aside, thinking that it was just the alcohol and tapped him on the shoulder. A look flashed through his eyes that seemed a little anxiety-ridden but it was soon gone when you started out your next sentence. 
“Hey, I know I'm a total stranger but will you go get a matching tattoo with me?”
You swayed a little in your spot and reached out to grab his forearm to put a steady hold on yourself. Instinctively, he wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you from falling over.
“Wait what?”
He responded while sizing you up, wondering if you were insane. 
You nodded eagerly, “yeah I've always wanted one but I'm kind of a pussy and so I've never been able to finally go in with a sketch I like and my friends over at that table bet for me to come ask a stranger if I would get a tattoo with them because it be the only way I could get one cause I would have someone else to decide with and they pointed you out so I'm here now.” 
The man fully turned to you and damn you were so happy that Vicki had a 6th sense because this man was gorgeous. He had so many little tattoos from your glance to his arm still wrapped around you that somehow all worked together seamlessly on his skin. 
His eyes were just so sparkly; the green in them made you mesmerized. He really did look familiar so you're asked.  
“Hey do I know you from somewhere?” 
The man in front of you seemed to straighten out a little, tensing under the scrutiny of your eyes scanning him. 
He reached up to rub the back of neck, “maybe you've seen me… I don't know I could have just one of those faces.” You were still not convinced but it didn't really matter. 
“All right, but you better not be a serial killer or something shady like that,” you clasped your hands together in front of you, “Tattoo with me; yes or no.” You asked again. 
The man looked back to his group slightly, the eyes of a couple of his friends there subtly watching the situation play out. They all looked very amused and you couldn't blame them, you probably looked like a lunatic. But, the boy in front of you turned back with a smile and cackled. 
“Why not!” 
He stated and you threw your hands up and cheered, “Great! Do you by any chance know a tattoo shop anywhere?” You questioned him as he put money on the table, and started walking with you through the crowded club. 
“Yeah we're really close to Sunset Boulevard, I think I know a place.” You reached for his hand as he pushed through the crowded dance floor, afraid you might lose the handsome stranger in front of you. 
Right as y'all got to the door, you waved back your friends who hollered out in their excitement. 
You were gobsmacked at the crazy situation. 
The handsome man in front of you was going to get a matching tattoo with you. 
A tattoo. 
Once you made it outside, you realized that trusting the man in front of you might not be the safest idea but your brain was still a little fuzzy and he looked kind so... you just went with that. 
You crossed the intersection and started walking down Sunset Boulevard, the man next to you shying away from any glazing eyes that came upon his face as you walked. Thankfully it was dark enough that no one seemed to stop and chat with either of you but you wouldn't even know why they would want to. Maybe they just thought he was hot like you did. 
“Hey, so what's your name?” You asked, realizing that calling him gorgeous in your head wasn't going to solve many problems. 
“Oh I'm Harry.” He answered. 
“Y/N, nice to meet you!” 
“You too.” 
“I swear though, are you like a Walmart clothing model of sorts, I swear I feel like I've seen your face... I don't think I could forget your face, it's pretty perfect.” You stuttered once you realized what you had said. Harry just chuckled and squeezed your hand that he was still holding. 
In no time, he was opening a door and leading you into a tattoo parlor that had a giant Shamrock on the door sign. The people in there seemed very important, all either drinking out of diamond encrusted glasses or smoking huge cigars, the farther back in the bar you went, the more like you felt you shouldn't have been there. 
He led you through a couple doors making you realize he probably knew the place better than he led you to believe. 
He knocked on a door in the back; a man opened the door a few moments later and looked up at you and Harry. His eyes lit up and he pulled Harry into a hug. 
“Hey H, been a long time! How are you?” 
“I'm doing well. We want to get a tattoo,” Harry said to the tattoo artist as you both walked into the room. 
The artist nodded his head, “sure, sure, what's your name love?” You realized he was talking to you after a moment as you had been mesmerized with all the pretty designs on the wall. 
“My name is Y/N and this will be my first tattoo so I'm very excited!” 
He chuckled slightly at your enthusiasm and introduced himself, “My name’s Freddy.”
The walk sobered you up a little bit so you decided while the boys were chatting to go through a couple of the designs. There were flowers, arrows, boats, people, eyes, names; basically anything you could ask for. 
As you flipped through the tattoo sheets, H set his phone down on the counter to help his friend grab something from a top shelf. You looked over to his phone case and something on the cover caught your eye. Glancing over your shoulder, the two men were engrossed in a quiet conversation. Your curiosity got the better of you and you reached out to slide the phone closer. 
Upon further inspection, you could see that between the phone and the clear case was a slightly wrinkled piece of paper with a small poem scribbled out on it. 
She fell so naturally into my arms
Like a flower to the sun. 
~ Atticus
“Hm?” He turned back to you, one eyebrow raised slightly when he noticed his phone in your hands. 
“What about this?” 
Harry walked over and took the phone back, looking at the small poem and then back to you. 
“Are you sure?” He asked hesitantly, you nodded while you rang your hands together, teetering back and forth on the balls of your heels. 
“Unless it’s too important to you, I totally respect that.” 
H shook his head when you said that. “No, it’s actually kind of perfect.” 
You smiled his response, both of you taking a moment to relish in the fact that you were actually doing this. Harry popped the phone case off and pulled the small note out, handing it to the tattoo artist. 
Freddy looked down at it, “Do you guys want it typed out? Or written like this?”
 “Maybe typed out would be nice, like a subtle cursive.” You nodded along with Harry’s comment. 
Freddy walked over to the computer to type it out on the poem for the pre-ink outline. 
“So how do you want this?” Harry asked you as you both sat down on the small couch in the corner of the room. 
Taking a hold of his arm, you turned it, examining all his tattoos and spaces left unmarked. You looked at his right arm and pointed to the inside of his forearm. 
“We could each get a line of the poem right here?” 
Harry and you looked at each other with grins on your faces. 
“Well you did drunkenly stumble into me at the bar so it’s only right I have the first one.” You rolled your eyes and chuckled, “Then I’ll get the second one.” 
A quiet beep! alerted both of you to Freddy who held two small sheets in his hand. 
“Who’d like to go first?” 
You raised your hand and let out a quick breath, “I’m gonna go before I second guess myself.” Both of the men chucked at your statement while you hopped up onto the tattoo chair in the center of the room. 
Freddy pulled your right arm over onto a small table he lowered to the perfect height and wiped it down with an alcohol wipe before applying the outline. 
“You like it?” He asked, checking for your approval. 
You gave him a thumbs up and he got the tattoo gun fired up. You tensed at the noise, becoming more aware that this would probably be pretty painful. Leaning your head back, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to breathe normally. 
A gentle hand rested on your thigh, “Hey,” Harry said quietly, causing you to open your eyes and turn to him. 
“I’m a little bit scared, needles aren’t my thing.” 
You whispered, eyes flitting over to Freddy who now was testing the gun out before holding your arm down. 
Another hand turned your chin away from the tattoo artist and your eyes rested upon a much closer Harry. 
“Just look at me the whole okay? It’ll feel like a long pinch but I promise it will be over before you know it. Just squeeze my hand when it hurts okay?” 
You swallowed and nodded and heard a small ‘3,2,1’ and then a weird tingling sensation on your forearm. You gasped slightly and Harry went to wrap his arm over you so you wouldn’t move. He smiled and nodded encouragingly, maintaining eye contact with you the whole time. 
It was nice and… a lot more of an intimate gesture than you’d experience with someone in months. 
You looked at his face, seeing the stubble that hadn’t broken through the surface of the skin, the small mole by his lip, the bit of blue at the bottom of his left iris. 
He was remarkably captivating to say the least. A sweet blush appeared on his cheeks, “Thank you.” 
“Oh, did I say that out-loud? Oops.” 
You both giggled slightly, trying not to move too much for Freddy’s sake.
 “You’re pretty captivating too.” 
Now it was your turn to blush. 
After what seemed like only 10 minutes, Freddy was giving you the “all done!” You finally looked over to your arm and grinned like a maniac. 
“I love it!” You showed H and he nodded approvingly. 
“Now, up! It’s my turn.” He whined, you laughed while Freddy wrapped your forearm and re-cleaned his tools. Harry didn’t even flinch at the needle but you still held his hand for moral support. 
While his thumb rubbed your hand back and forth, you used your available hand to lightly trace his other tattoos with your finger tip. 
“Do any of these have special meaning to you?” You questioned, scrunching your brow with you saw Late Late scribbled into his skin. 
He shrugged, “I mean some of them do but others I just really liked.” 
You sighed, “I think tattoos are really interesting but I never can pick something I really like… I’m always afraid I’d hate it later.” 
“What about the one you just got then?” Harry asked, a bit of concern filling his features. 
You gave him a small smile, looking down as if you’d become more bashful. 
“No uh, I’m quite happy with it. I’m glad I was able to get it with someone.” 
You cleared your throat and looked into his eyes more intently, “Harry-- Thank you for doing this, you didn’t have to at all but I appreciate it.” 
“Honestly, I’m glad you fell into my arms, I needed some more ink and this seemed like fate.” 
The buzzing suddenly stopped so you looked over to the complete tattoo. 
“There you go H, another tattoo in the bag!” Harry got up from the chair and you both went to compare tattoos under the big light in the corner. 
“You want a photo?” Freddy asked as he put the final piece of machinery back. Harry handed his phone over to him and you took the wrapping off for the picture. 
Harry set a hand on your waist to move you in front of him and stretched your arm out with his to show off the full poem on both of your right arms. 
“You ready?” He mumbled into your hair and you let out a shaky, “yea”. 
I mean, who’s gonna blame you? A fine-ass man had just pressed you into his front and spoke to you like you were a diamond. Freddy snapped a few pictures and handed the phone back, note now back in its original home. 
Your eyebrows shot up in realization, “Oh! Who do I pay for this?” You asked Freddy, but he just looked to Harry who stuck his hands up in surrender when you frowned a bit. 
“I may or may not have already taken care of it?” 
“I know, I know! Don’t worry it’s not that big of an expense for me I promise.” 
You lightly smacked him on the chest, eyes widening guess a bit from the feeling of a very toned pec. 
“Well still, I owe you big time! I made you get a tattoo with me and now you’ve paid for it, literally. Lets go get food or something!” 
You didn’t let him get a word in before you were waving by to Freddy and tugging him out of the bar and down the street to your favorite diner on the strip. 
You opened the door and gallantly gestured for him to enter, “After you.” 
He tipped a pretend hat to you and entered. It was nearly empty since it was around midnight but there were a few stragglers at the counter, probably nursing the pre-headache of a major night out. 
Harry did the thing again of tucking his head down and led you to a booth in the corner, sitting down in the seat facing the wall. You slid in onto the worn red leather seat and turned the menu to H, pointing on one of the meal choices. 
“I always get this one and a chocolate milkshake, but you can get anything.” 
“Nope that sounds good, an All American Burger is always appreciated even if I’m not a big meat eater.” 
You put the menu to the side and flagged the one waitress in the room, “Are you a vegetarian?” 
“No I’m a pescatarian but not for allergy reasons so I can easily cheat the diet.” 
You chuckled at that and turned when the waitress made it over to your table. She looked to be around your age and very tired judging by the ketchup stain on her apron and the state of her bun. 
Upon her glance to Harry, her eyes lit up with recognition but she kept a professional nature and stuttered out, “W-What can I get you?” 
“Two number 4’s please and two chocolate shakes.” 
You answered, looking back and forth between a strangely bashful Harry and amazed waitress. 
“Uh, yeah of course.” She mumbled and left, but not before taking a double look at H.
You quietly slammed your hands onto the table, “Okay, what’s up? That reaction was super bizarre.” 
You leaned back against the booth and crossed your arms (being careful to not hurt your new tattoo) and raised an eyebrow, “You definitely are more important than you led me to believe. So what are you? A Tom Ford model or something?” 
Harry met your eyes with a small smirk, dimples popping through. 
“Well, I do use Tom Ford cologne.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Oh come on, so you are a model! What do you model for?” 
“I--uh, have modeled for Gucci a bit but not a lot.” 
“No shit that's pretty cool.” You leaned forward across the table closing the space between y’all considerably. 
“Does this mean that our waitress will probably ask for your autograph before we leave?” You asked in a whisper. 
He did the neck rub tick again, “Maybe a picture, I don’t know.” 
“Wow so you are a hit! What else have you modeled for?” 
“Um well--” 
“Here’s your food,” the waitress interrupted, setting down your plates and the two shakes, you lit up like a kid at Christmas and took a big slip of your shake before giving a thumbs up to the girl in front of you who was still not-so-subtly staring at H. 
You fake-coughed and that seem to snap her out of the trance she was in. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry it’s just-- I wanted to say I was at the Greek Theatre last Wednesday and you were amazing!” 
Harry’s posture released and he smiled, “Thank you so much darling, that’s very nice of you.” 
“Would you mind signing something for me? Only if thats okay!” 
Harry nodded and she quickly fumbled her phone out and-- 
“Harry, your face is on her phone cover?!” 
You sudden exclamation of this caused the girl to go bright red but Harry just kept smiling that scribbled below himself on the pink border as if to not cover up the face. 
“Here you go.” 
“Thank you!” She swiftly skittered away and you looked at H with an explain right now look. 
“I may or may not have undersold myself?” 
“You think? What did she mean about the theatre? Are you a performer as well?” 
You picked up your burger and took a bite, still watching and waiting for the answer. Harry let out a breath and took a couple fries from the plate, popping them into his mouth and chewing, giving him a couple second to figure out how to tell you. 
“Did you ever listen to boy bands in high-school?” 
“Uh, not necessarily, I do remember a few radio songs that the band would always play at pep rallies and football games.” 
“Okay, do you think you could name those songs?” 
You took a sip of your shake and nodded, “Yeah, um, there was Roar by Katy Perry, uh-- Royals by Lorde, and Oh! Best Song Ever by--” 
“One Direction.” He answered for you. 
“I’m still not following, are you one of the boys in the band or something?” 
Harry just took a bite of his burger. 
“Oh damn, are you serious?” 
He nodded, you were pretty surprised and a little disappointed in yourself cause of course you knew 1D, Eve had been obsessed with them in high-school. Maybe you didn’t connect the two is because you were used to seeing the sweet 16 year old face on the Eve’s cover of J-14 instead of this fine-ass man in front of you. 
You laughed as a thought hit you, “Wait, so I remember a little about the band... You guys separated right? Does this mean you were performing solo on Wednesday?!” 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” 
You smiled brightly and squeezed his hand resting on the table, “That must be so cool, how are you feeling about it? Everything fun? I bet being on stage is great... All your fans singing with you!” 
He grinned, “Actually it’s been so different but still amazing, it was only my second show by myself but the same adrenaline rush from the first one. I miss the lads but honestly it’s great to be singing my writings now.” 
“Do you think I’d know any of your music?” You asked, pulling your phone out of your back pocket and typing in his name to Spotify. 
Embarrassment flooded your system when you realized you only knew his first name. Begrudging you asked, “Hey, can I get a last name for the search?” 
His eyes widened a bit but not in a judging way but more of a please way. 
“Oh wow, you really are a rock star with that name.” 
You scrolled through his page and clicked the first one in the album. 
“Meet Me In The Hallway… no way, I think I’ve got this on a chill playlist.” 
You both ate while listening to a couple of his songs play from your phone on the sticky table. It was nice, just enjoying each others presence. It could’ve been weird since you’d only met a few hours ago but getting a tattoo together had bonded y’all in more ways than you’d thought. 
“Oh shit, is it okay that you got a new tattoo? Is twitter gonna break or something now that you have half a poem with a weird girl from a club?” 
Harry let out a big laugh that had your insides feeling warm. 
“It’s alright, I don’t think they’ll freak out too badly.” 
You swirled your straw around, slurping up the leftovers, “You underestimate fangirls Mister Styles.” 
He hummed in agreement and finished his food. Right before you went to the counter to pay, your phone buzzed a couple times.
the girls!
Vic: Y/N you didn’t die did you?
Nope! No kidnapping victim here!
I got the tattoo!
Christy: WHAT
Vic: i’m proud
Lol y’all are too much
Eve: We’re gonna leave the club and head home, did you need a ride back with us?
Nah, I’m just hanging with my tattoo buddy so I’;; text y’all when i’m heading home.
Eve: Okay we love you!
Christy: love u
Vic: are you gonna get some?!!?
You blushed at Vicky’s crude comment and stuck your phone back in your pocket. It was easy slipping out of the dinner and onto the street. 
“Where’s your next show?” You asked. 
“I’m off to Nashville the day after tomorrow.” 
“Wow, so your tour is revving up isn’t it?” 
He nodded. 
“Where do you think your favorite place is scheduled on the tour?” 
“I’m quite excited for the O2 Arena in England.” 
“Fun, when you get back we could catch up if you wanted, I mean we are tattoo buddies now so it only seems right.” 
Harry agreed happily and you put your number in and your nickname as ‘tattoo soulmate’ with a stupid profile picture taken quickly on the street. 
“Do you think you could send me those picture of the tattoos? I won’t post them or anything cause I don’t really want your PR hunting me down but I’d like to have them for the memory.” 
“Yeah no problem, it’s not that big of a deal if you post it, but you just need to know that you might get harassed by noisy fans and as much as I hate to say it, stalked by paparazzi just for being a new friend of mine.” 
Harry’s face had shifted into something ridden with guilt so you just gave him a comforting smile and rested your hand on his shoulder, “Don’t worry, a friend of mine is studying in Public Relations and Media so I understand.” 
A few seconds later, an unknown number bing!ed your phone and the pictures came rolling in. 
“Say cheese!” You called out suddenly, catching Harry with a surprised expression for his profile picture. 
You looked at the small clock at the top and scrunched your nose at the late time displayed on the LED screen. 
You looked up at Harry, “Do you happen to know where I could get a taxi that’s not gonna murder me at this time in this section of LA?” 
“I’ll take you home.” 
Waving your arms in denial, you said, “No I couldn’t let you do that. I’d only be putting you out of your way.” 
“Nonsense, my car is back at the club and trust me, I’m your safest driver tonight.” 
Well, he did have a point. 
“Ugh, I’m gonna end up owning you my first born if this keeps up like this aren’t I?” 
You got back to his car in pretty good time, thanks to his long legs and your naturally fast pace. 
“Oh course it’s a Range Rover.” You mumbled, earning a laugh for the rockstar getting into the driver’s seat. You gave him your address and off you both went.
You lived in a house with the girls. It was close to UCLA where you all went. The house had been this horrible tan color when you all first got there but quickly painted it a light blue that always looked so pretty against the sunset skies of Los Angeles. 
Your room was the last one on the left upstairs and throughout your college years it had been re-decorated many a times. Right now there was a calm blue on the walls, queen bed in the corner by the window and various art pieces and magazine cutouts taped on the wall above your desk. 
You had a dresser against the wall by the door and then pictures. Lots of pictures on the wall to the right, many of them where some you’d taken with friends and others were landscapes and stranger shots in LA. It was a fun hobby to have and it helped that you’d been able to sell a lot of them to shutter shock for some extra cash. 
Harry pulled in next to the curb and you unblocked yourself, turning towards him fully. 
“Thank you so much for the ride, it would have been a bitch to find transportation tonight.” 
“Don’t worry darling, not a problem.” 
You grinned, “Let me know when you’re back in town and we can catch up if you want.” 
Harry let out a content sigh, “I’d like that.” 
You hopped out of the car and ran up the steps. He waited for you to unlock the door and step through the threshold before driving off. You giggled to yourself quietly and closed the door, re-locking it. 
With heels in one hand, you crept up the stairs quickly and into your room. After getting ready for bed, you heard a small bing! from your phone you had plugged in on your night stand. 
You crawled under the covers before grabbing it. 
tattoo buddy
H: you got inside alright? x
yup! thanks for the ride btw
H: of course x
good luck at your next show!!
H: :) x
night tattoo buddy 
H: night x
And with that, you turned off the light.
a/n : i was thinking a 2nd part but i wanted to know y’all ideas if you have somewhere you’d like the story to go. lmk in the comments if you’ve got an idea
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hypnofur1 · 4 years
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The Second Quarantine: Rise of the MAS’s
By Hypnofur
Mid- March 2021
Nicolette stared at the BMW coming up the long, winding gravel driveway. To say she was nervous was an understatement. She was petrified.
“Are you sure that is Larry?” she asked, from the balcony of our Vermont house as the light snow fell on her styled hair.
“100% positive. I’ve been in that car with him a bunch of times” I confirmed.
It had been the craziest year in the history of years. For the second March in a row, we were hiding away here in the Vermont house. In 2020, we had been hiding from the virus. In 2021, we were now hiding from the MAS’s.
In late 2020, the drug companies were racing for a vaccine for COVID-19. They got fast tracked to clinical trials, and they gave their various drugs and treatments to volunteer test groups. It worked, they found a vaccine, and the process began of taking the threat of coronavirus down to a manageable level. However, in late January ’21, one group of volunteers from a company out of Delaware had some completely unforeseen side effects.
They found that patients who had taken that test drug developed “abilities”. Basically, like super powers. However, it only happened in patients over 40. As such, the media labelled them the Middle Aged Supes – MAS’s. At first it was all great. A 55 year old accountant saved a school bus full of children. An unemployed waitress got super speed. It was all crazy, unimaginable feel good stories. But then they started to notice that the MAS’s were experiencing personality changes as well. They were aggressive. A 45 year old IT guy got jumping abilities, and he dropped his manager from 100 feet in the air, killing him. It was only a couple of weeks before they were identified as a problem. The names of the volunteers eventually leaked.
That’s when Nicolette flipped out. She recognized one of the names. Alan Skymansky. He was two years older than she was, but that made him 40. She freaked out as soon as she saw he was on the list. She explained to me that he had been in her neighbor growing up, and that he had always had a huge crush on her. I told her she was being paranoid, and not every guy she knew was desperate to get in her pants. She gave me an arched eye brow look. I laughed, ok, maybe every guy she met was attracted to her.
Anyway, I guess that in her late 20’s, she had bumped into him when she was living in Manhattan. Sounds like he was working at NYU or something. She of course claimed that he only got that job so he could be in NYC, knowing that she was there. (My wife is a little bit, well, more than a little bit conceited) It was hard to piece the story together, because I could tell she wasn’t giving me all the details, but it sounds like she invited him to a party with all of her hot, rich, NYC friends. Alan was a really timid guy, and Nicolette had kind of humiliated him to look cool in front of all her trust fund brat friends. I wasn’t there, but from the way that she relayed the story, I got the sense that she took it a bit overboard. She hadn’t seen him since, but did hear he had moved to Delaware. As she told me about this, I could see the fear in her eyes. Nicolette was a confident, fierce woman. I had never seen her scared like this. It scared me a little bit too.
So, for the second time in a calendar year, we packed up, left NYC, and headed to our secluded Vermont house. Now, this isn’t a cabin. I own a very successful venture capital firm. This is a $2M home. It was an easy place to shack up for a couple months until the government figured out how to deal with the MAS’s. Plus, I had built in a panic room back when I built it in 2013. It was the safest place we could have possibly been.
However, we had left so fast that I didn’t get a chance to take any of my computers, docking stations, good phone stuff, etc. I had called Larry and asked him to drive it up to me. It was all planned, but it still freaked Nicolette out.
I assured her everything would be ok, and I went downstairs to greet Larry. He was pulling in front of the front door as I walked out it. It was then that I saw that he had someone in the back seat. I thought that was strange. Larry knew how freaked out Nicolette was, why would he bring someone else? I started to get a little nervous.
Larry got out of the car and greeted me with a smile. I asked him who the hell was in the back. I was annoyed he’d be so cavalier about bringing someone.
“That’s Lord Alan” Larry said happily. “He wanted me to bring him to you guys.”
“Larry, what the fuck?” I said as my mind reeled, trying to figure out what the hell might have happened.
I should have just ran inside, grabbed Nicolette, and locked ourselves into the panic room. That moment of hesitation was just long enough for Larry’s passenger to open the back door and get out of the car. I looked over at him in fear. I noticed that he had a big forehead, like really big.
“Look pal, you better get the fuck out of my –“ I started shouting.
As I did, the guy looked right into my eyes. I started getting a tingling in my forehead, it was a warm, soft tingling, and it actually felt really good.
“I want you to be silent” the guy said.
I quieted right down.
“Jeff, realize I am your King, your Lord. I am Lord Alan. Nothing is more important to you than pleasing me. Serving me. This gives you the greatest joy, the greatest sense of purpose. Now, thank Larry for bringing me to you.” Lord Alan said.
I wanted to hug Larry. It was so great of him to drive all the way up here to bring Lord Alan. I was truly grateful to him.
“Larry. Stay out here in the car. Jeff, show me inside” Lord Alan directed. I immediately turned and opened the door for him.
“Nicolette is here, I trust?” Lord Alan asked.
“Yes sir, she is up on the balcony” I answered.
“How is she?” He asked.
“Very scared, my Lord” I reported back earnestly.
“Take me to her” he directed.
“Of course sir”, I replied, happy to have a directive to obey.
Nicolette heard me coming up the stairs, she likely heard the other set of footsteps as well. “So, everything was cool Babe? Hi Larry.” She said from upstairs as we approached. She still could not see us from her vantage point.
As we turned the corner into the living room, Nicolette saw Lord Alan for the first time. I saw an immediate look of horror come across her face. I knew it would be fleeting though. Lord Alan was behind me, but by looking at Nicollette, I could see the moment their eyes met. I could see her features soften as the warm pleasurable tingle in her head took hold.
“You are not scared of me Nicolette. You have always desired me. I am your idea of sexual perfection. I am your Lord and Master. You have fantasized about me more than any other man in your life. You realize that now. Pleasing me and serving me is the most important thing to you. You have been waiting for the opportunity to please me sexually your entire life. That moment is finally here.”
My wife gave him a half smile as she stood there nervously waiting for his next move. He then walked up to her seconds later, and grabbed her shirt and pulled it opened exposing her lovely tits. His hands roamed about each of her tits, as he groped and felt up each of them as I watched quietly from the corner of the room. He then told her, "Get on your knees!"
My wife slipped down onto her knees in front of him. She looked on as he forced open the front of his pants, and yanked them and his underpants to the floor as his cock suddenly sprung out in front of my wife's face. She had a look of uncertainty at first. I know for a fact that is the closest her face had ever been to a penis. But I could see her desire to please him quickly won out, and she reached out with her hand and wrapped it tightly around the shaft of his cock.
She began to massage his cock, and several seconds later I heard Lord Alan say to her, "I want you to suck my cock!"
Never, ever had she done this. It was a fact she was quite proud of actually. But at his command, everything was different. Nicolette slowly brought her mouth up to the head of his cock. She had his cock in her mouth for several minutes as he guided the back of her head with his hand.. He asked me if I like watching my wife take his cock deep down her throat, and I told him quite honestly that I did not. Lord Alan laughed, and looked me right in the eye. The warm, pleasurable tingle in my forehead started again.
“Actually, you find Nicolette serving me, lusting after me, pleasing me sexually, and being pleased by me sexually to be the biggest turn on you’ve ever encountered.” He told me. I felt my dick stir. “Oh”, he added with a wicked laugh, “But you can only cum with my permission”
A few minutes later Lord Alan moved Nicolette onto the bed. He crawled up on top of her, and her legs parted. Seconds later I heard Nicolette cry out like never before. Lord Alan had forced his cock deep into her aroused pussy sending Nicolette's head spinning. Her face made it look like she had never experienced anything like this ever before, and Lord Alan gave it to her good and hard for several minutes. It was then I heard Nicolette scream out for the first time into a powerful orgasm as I sat and watched. Her body shook hard, and her cries filled our Vermont home. I can't tell you how excited I was at that exact moment as my cock throbbed hard against my pants.
"You like watching her wife cum all over your Master’s cock?" he asked me seconds later.
I told him I did, and a few minutes later he rolled off the top of her. He now told Nicolette, "I want you to ride my fucking cock!"
Nicolette climbed on top of his cock, and slowly maneuvered herself down onto the shaft of it. She did and moments later, she began to ram herself hard down onto it. Her moans and cries started to increase dramatically, and several minutes later Lord Alan pulled her body down onto his. He reached back and placed each of his hands tightly onto her beautiful ass, and began to ram his cock hard up into her. This sent my wife into a tizzy, and just a short time later she cried out into another powerful orgasm in front of me. I now sat there in great excitement wanting to jerk off, but I did hold off, as I didn’t have Lord Alan’s permission.
Lord Alan then had Nicolette get on all fours on the bed. He said to her, "I’m unstoppable! I am going to fuck that pussy so hard from behind! I’ve waited so long for this! "
Nicolette laid there with her ass in the air, while she rested down on each of her forearms. She stared down at the sheets as Lord Alan climbed in behind her ass. He gave each of her cheeks a hard smack before forcing his cock back into her from behind. He fucked her like she was twenty one, and Nicolette screamed out intensely. She couldn't take it, and several minutes later her body fell flat onto the bed. Lord Alan continued to fuck her hard as he now sat on the back of her legs. Nicolette laid there helplessly on the bed, and Lord Alan didn't let up for one second. The sound of pounding flesh could be heard throughout the room, and Nicolette did her best to lay there and accept his cock. A short time later Lord Alan grunted out loudly, and drove his cock even deeper and harder into Nicolette's swollen pussy.
Several minutes later Nicolette cried out into another earth shattering orgasm right before my own eyes. This pushed Lord Alan over the edge, and a few minutes later he pulled his big cock from her pussy, and began to cum hard all over her beautiful ass in front of me. He nodded to me, and I began to cum extremely hard all over myself seconds later.
After that, all three of us were breathing hard. I don’t think either Nicolette or I knew what do next. I had my own cum all over me, and she had just been fucked harder than she likely ever had in her life. Lord Alan had likely just checked something off his bucket list that had previously seemed impossible. Nicolette stirred first, her big brown eyes meeting mine, but only momentarily. She soon turned and crawled up to Lord Alan, cuddling into him, lovingly. My heart broke, as I realized she was now his.
In the coming days, Lord Alan came up with a plan. He and Nicolette would live in the Vermont house, and I would move to a small place nearby. I was to tell everyone that we were staying completely remote. I’d continue to run my company remotely, and no one would know that Lord Alan was living with us. He was completely off the grid.
In a way, this started our third phase of quarantine, though I am not sure this one will end. Nicolette seems to hope it never will.
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strawberriestyles · 4 years
Chapter 14
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(Banner made by sweet sunshine @harry-nofookingway-styles​)
Harry X OFC (AU)
Sequel to Brutality: In which Melody and Harry must relearn how to navigate one another among a flurry of changes.
Read previous parts here.
Author’s note: It’s like I ask for feedback and y’all STOP SENDING IT LMAO. So I guess I just won’t ask anymore. Hope y’all enjoy this. When you’re finished reading, here is a post containing the names of a bunch of black-owned bookstores! Pick up a book about race, or just support black businesses! Xx
“Harry, can you get your ass up?”
Harry pulled the comforter up to cover his ear. He felt the mattress dip and then Melody ripped the pillow out from beneath his head.
“What?” he grated out, peeling his eyes open the slightest bit to look at her.
“Did you forget you have PT today? We’re supposed to be there in a half hour.”
“Don’ even need to go anymore, do I? Don’ see why I should.” He closed his eyes again and Melody smacked him in the shoulder with his pillow. “Would yeh chill?”
“No. Get up. Aidan is gonna be waiting for us.”
Harry blinked his eyes open fully and felt the room shift as though he’d rolled over. He let out a groan.
“What’s wrong?”
He lifted a hand to cover his face.
“You’re hungover?” Melody asked. “Serves you right. I can’t believe I wasted that underwear set on you.”
Harry felt a dim light flicker on in his mind. “What color were they again?”
“Pink, you dick,” she snapped. Harry felt her climb off the bed and then his pillow hit him in the face.
“Why are yeh so mad at me?” he asked. “Was it bad?”
“You finished and then fell asleep on top of me, Harry.”
Harry lowered his hand and blinked into the painful morning light. He stared at Melody, with her arms crossed over her chest, a frown creating a divot between her brows. She didn’t look like she’d just told a joke.
“I didn’.”
“You did.”
“No, I didn’.”
“Yes, Harry. You did.”
“Please, for fuck’s sake, tell me yeh’re kiddin’.”
“I am not.” Melody ran her fingers back through her hair and sighed. “Can you please get up?”
“‘M sorry, Mel,” Harry said as he finally pushed himself into a sitting position, squeezing his eyes against the splitting pain in his head.
“I forgive you. You drank too much.”
Harry nodded, although the idea had become foreign to him since he’d moved back to the States. He didn’t even know what “too much” meant anymore. Or at least he hadn’t before last night. “I drank a lot.”
“I need you to get ready. I don’t want to make Aidan wait.”
“Yeh don’ want me to try and make it up—”
“I don’t think you’re in the right state for that.” Melody threw a pair of boxers his way and shook her head. “Don’t need you throwing up on me. That would be worse.”
“But I—”
“Seriously, Harry. I don’t wanna talk about it right now. It’s still fresh in my mind.”
“What is? Me finishin’? Or you not?”
Even hungover and embarrassed, he was a smartass. Melody rolled her eyes. “Get dressed,” she repeated as she left the room.
“Really don’ see what the use of this is,” Harry muttered from where he sat as Aidan stretched and twisted first his left leg, then his right. “Can walk just fine. Yeh’ve seen me.”
Aidan placed Harry’s foot back on the floor and nodded. “You’ve regained a lot of strength in your lower body,” he agreed. “I just want to make sure that your posture and your balance are recouping too. You don’t want to end up needing knee surgery because you’re favoring one leg.”
“Think ‘m fine. Can still hit fine, too.”
Aidan raised a brow and then swiveled his gaze to Melody. She rolled her eyes in return. He knew very little about what went on in the warehouse on the north side, and he’d never even heard of Brute’s. Melody wanted to keep it that way. It seemed that too many people were involved in their business as it was.
“He’s an angry drunk.”
“Am not,” Harry protested, swinging his head around to glare at her.
“And moody when he’s hungover, as you can see.”
Harry’s eyes narrowed. Aidan drew in a deep breath and rose to his full height, crossing his arms. Even without a word, he looked disapproving, and somehow his opinion meant something to Melody. She couldn’t quite tell, but Harry seemed to avoid his gaze. And he seemed relieved when Aidan didn’t pick at the topic.
“Well, you’re right. Your body is recovering really well. You seem to favor your left leg a bit. We should try to correct that. It’s probably just because you swing with your right.”
Melody and Harry both glanced at him when he finished speaking, and his eyes glinted under the hospital lighting. Harry shifted on the bench and tugged at the knee of his pant leg.
“That mean ‘m done with therapy?”
“I wanna see you once more in about a month. Just to make sure everything keeps going the way it is now, after you’ve put on a little more muscle mass.” His lips quirked up, so like Sean before he told the punchline of a joke. “And if you didn’t look like you could throw up on me at any moment, that would be appreciated.”
“Piss off,” Harry muttered, though from beneath the headache and nausea, a tight-lipped smile slipped out. He was done with hospitals and therapy, wheelchairs and canes. He could get back to normal, finally. Everything he needed to get back to was just at his fingertips.
“How’s the rib?”
Harry blinked before he realized that Aidan was no longer talking to him. Melody shrugged and tucked her hands into the pockets of her sweatpants. Despite her behavior, Harry could tell that she wasn’t feeling her best either, although she might’ve only had a sip too much, compared to the alcohol still stirring in his gut.
“It’s getting there. Only tweaks every now and then.”
“Good,” Aidan said with a nod. “Keep resting.” He offered her a quick tap on the shoulder and flicked his hand in a short wave as he left the room, no doubt on his way to visit another patient. “Use your right leg!” he called out as he reached the hall.
“How’s your hand?” Melody asked after a beat. Harry found her staring at his knuckles, where they were curled around the edge of his bench. The skin was raw and swollen but the ache was almost mute against the backdrop of his hangover.
“‘S fine.”
“I should’ve iced your fingers when we got home last night. I’m sorry, I—”
“Mel, stop. Yeh’re not my nurse.” Harry rose to his feet and clenched his teeth at the spell of vertigo that raced through him before he continued to speak. “Had quite a few dislocated knuckles before. I don’ think a few bruises and cuts are gonna cripple me.”
“No, but—”
“But nothin’. ‘M fine. My hand is fine. Don’ worry about me.”
Melody sealed her lips. She touched her fingertips to her chin and scratched an imaginary itch. Harry closed the distance between them and lifted a hand to her cheek, thumbing her temple and curling hair behind her ear.
“Think ‘m gonna take a walk around the city, okay? Start usin’ my right leg more.”
Melody tightened her arms at her chest and tried not to let her eyes flutter at Harry’s touch. “You don’t want me to come?”
“No,” he said, hurrying to continue when she dropped his gaze. “But not because of you. Just haven’ really been out in the city by myself in a really long time, yeh know? It’ll just be an hour or two and then I’ll meet yeh back at your place.”
Melody nodded. She understood the need to wander the city. She usually didn’t feel that need when she was hungover, but to each their own.
“I’ll see yeh later, then.” Harry tucked his finger beneath Melody’s chin to tilt her face upward and pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth. He felt more inclined to show her affection, despite his uncomfortable, dull nausea and aching head, because of his poor performance the previous night.
Melody curled her fingers around Harry’s wrist and shivered as his lips brushed the corner of her mouth. She bumped his nose with hers. “Be safe,” she whispered.
Harry scoffed, crooked smile on his lips as he rose back to full height. “‘M the safest person yeh know.”
Snow was falling again as Harry left the hospital alone. He was prepared for the cold this time. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of a heavy winter coat, his swollen knuckles straightened out to avoid the soreness that accompanied any bending. He made a conscious effort to place a good amount of weight on his right leg as he walked.
The air smelled of fresh laundry as he passed by some residential buildings on his path toward the cluster of shops at the center of the city. He kept his eyes downcast to avoid the frigid wind that whipped up the street.
Harry passed the art store where he’d purchased Melody’s paintbrushes the year prior. It was a place he’d only been inside once, and only noticed when he had been looking specifically for it. He needed a gift for her upcoming birthday, too. But he had no clue what to get.
This was the most normal that he’d felt since he was discharged from the hospital. He needed distance. He needed alone time. Even when Melody wasn’t in the apartment, Bea or Josie usually were. And besides, that apartment was not his space, not home. This city felt like his, though.
Harry didn’t have a route in mind. At least he thought he didn’t. He was frustrated with his lack of endurance and so every time his body felt like it was time to stop, like he needed to turn around and walk back to Melody’s, he ignored the ache in his legs and walked one more block. But he’d spent years training his mind to push past his body’s protesting.
Almost an hour passed. The snow stopped. It wasn’t until he was slumped against the corner of a grungy laundromat, stretching out his muscles, that Harry realized where he was, where he was going.
There were only three blocks between here and Brute’s, between here and the warehouse, which he hadn’t entered in months. He remembered chugging whiskey out in the street the night before and felt his stomach curl up inside him. But here he was, almost there. Mere steps from where his glass had shattered, so close to the ring that he’d spilled so much blood inside.
Harry waited until his stomach stopped churning, until bile was no longer rising in his throat, and then considered his options. Should he just walk back to the apartment? Now, taking a cab would be a better alternative. But he was already so close and there was a reason his feet had carried him in this direction.
Harry’s legs felt weak as he walked the rest of the way to the warehouse. The lights were on in the front window of Brute’s, despite it being long before noon.
The creak of the outer door on its rusty hinges was familiar. The warehouse’s entryway was almost colder than outside, without the sun to add some warmth. Harry yanked open the next door and he heard its squeal echo between the metal walls of the arena. He cringed as he stepped inside and let the door shut behind him. His footsteps sounded up the few stairs to the bar.
There were two girls in the ring, now still. And they were both staring at him. He wouldn’t have recognized Melody if it weren’t for the very distinct color of her hair, pulled into a ponytail but spilling around her face. She was wearing a sports bra and a tight pair of cloth shorts and her bare stomach glistened under the radiating lights. Of course she was here. Even though Aiden had told her just an hour ago to keep resting.
Harry watched Melody’s brows draw together. She glanced to one corner of the ring, where Harry saw Sean, also staring. Then her gaze panned back to Harry and she lowered her gloved hands. This whole situation felt like a fever dream.
“What are you doing here?” Melody asked. Her voice echoed. Her breath came in labored gasps. She swung her head around to look at her sparring partner, who gave Melody a stiff nod and then turned to chat with her own cornerman.
Melody stepped to the edge of the ring and leaned against the ropes.
“‘M talkin’ to Goodman.”
Melody frowned. “About what?”
“Business,” Harry answered simply.
“Business,” Melody repeated.
Sean lingered in his corner, kicking at the floor. He supposed that Harry didn’t appreciate him siding with Melody after the fistfight the night before, but Sean wasn’t sorry. Harry didn’t spare him a glance while talking to Melody.
“Okay.” Melody drew out the word. "So, just fuck me, right?”
Harry shook his head and let out a dry breath of a laugh. “Yeah, sure.” He spun on his heel and strutted across the floor toward the back hallway.
“Harry!” Melody’s shout of frustration echoed. He heard her feet hit the floor, her gloves peeling off, and then her steps following. She didn’t catch up with him until he had already knocked on Goodman’s door. “You’re being an ass,” she said when she stood directly behind him. “How do you know he’s here, anyway?”
“’S Wednesday. He’s always here on Wednesday.” These were the days he took care of bills and paperwork.
“Okay, so—“
“Come in.”
Melody froze at the sound of Goodman’s voice but Harry turned the doorknob and stepped into the office. He didn’t close the door and Melody’s hesitant feet followed.
“Sir,” Harry greeted.
Goodman sat at a large wooden desk that was covered in papers and boxes of varying sizes. Melody wondered for a moment, as she came to a stop at Harry’s shoulder, what might be in some of the boxes. But then Goodman looked up from his work, peering at the two of them through a pair of spectacles, and her curiosity dripped from her with the residual sweat from her practice.
“Styles.” Goodman put down his pen and sat back in his chair, leather creaking as his weight moved. “Was wondering when I’d be seeing you. With your girlfriend fighting, I thought it would’ve been sooner. You’ve kept me waiting.”
Harry cleared his throat. “‘M sorry, sir.”
“You should be.”
A few moments ticked by. Melody waited, a silent bystander, as Harry collected his thoughts.
“Uh, thank you,” he continued eventually. "I wanted to thank you. For…for my mum.”
Goodman took a deep breath and drummed his fingers against the desk. “No need to mention it.”
“I’d like to pay you back, if I—“
“That’s not necessary. You’ve brought in enough business for me. What can I do for you, son?”
Harry scratched his chin. He cleared his throat again. “I want yeh to put me back on the roster.”
Goodman’s eyebrows lifted. Melody huffed and then turned sideways.
“Harry,” she snapped, "are you insane?”
Harry closed his eyes. He could feel a headache coming on as he twisted his head toward her. “What the fuck is insane about that, Melody? ‘M a fuckin’ boxer. Been boxin’ since before my mum got her first diagnosis and now ‘m all healed up. Don’ see why I shouldn’t be able to fight again.”
“Sir,” Melody said, letting her eyes trail away from Harry’s face, "with all due respect, he took a fucking bullet to the brain.” She paused and then lowered her voice, reeling back her tone. “Pardon my French.”
Goodman, surprisingly, smiled thinly, pulling the glasses from his face to rest them on the desk. “Don’t apologize on my account.”
“I want to fight again,” Harry continued, as though Melody hadn’t interrupted him. “I’ll get back in shape and start as soon as you’ll let me. Think about how much money I could bring in now.”
“You have a permanent brain injury!” Melody yelled. She took a step closer to Goodman’s desk. “I really don’t mean to make your decisions for you sir, but I don’t think it would be good for business if he dropped dead in the ring. You can’t really cover that up.”
Harry ground his teeth together. He clenched his shaking fingers into tight fists at his sides. “Why’re yeh doin’ this?” he whispered fiercely. “I don’ care—“
Melody twirled around to face him, lips parted, but Goodman spoke before Harry could finish. “I’m sorry, Styles. I think Rhoden is right on this one. She’s a smart girl. The women’s matches have been a great asset.”
Harry and Goodman stared at each other. Harry could feel Melody’s gaze on him, but he refused to meet it. He took a barely controlled breath. “There’s nothin’ I can do to change your mind?” he asked, though it was more of an observation than anything. His hitting hand was beginning to ache with his knuckles so tightly curled.
“No, unfortunately. You know that I’d love to see you in the ring again, Styles, but it’s too risky.”
Harry shook his head. He closed his eyes for a breath and then swept from the room, kicking violently at the open door on the way out. Melody flinched and Goodman sighed. “That will do,” he called after Harry.
Melody apologized softly and thanked Goodman for his time before she left too, closing the door behind her. She hurried along the hall. The exit at its end was still swinging shut, and besides, Sean and her sparring partner were no longer in the ring.
“Harry!” she called. She slammed into the door, pushing it open with her hands and stepping out into frigid air. The sky was gray and dark, and she didn’t doubt that it would snow again before tonight. Harry was stalking up the street, head bowed and hands stuffed into his hoodie. He didn’t slow. “Harry, please!”
Melody sprinted over the pavement, shivering as air chilled her sweat-slicked skin. Her eyes watered against the cold.
“Go back to your fuckin’ practice,” Harry spat as she reached his heels.
“Stop,” she begged, catching at his elbow. He ripped his arm away from her. “Stop!”
“I don’ wanna hear a goddamn word you have to say to me right now.”
Melody ignored him and slipped forward, placing her body in his path. She pressed her hands into his chest and he stepped backward, out of reach, glaring at her.
“I should’ve talked to you about this before but I—”
“Yeh didn’!” Melody has never seen him so angry before. He’d been irritated and offended, but he’d never harbored rage like this. Not toward her. “Yeh didn’ fuckin’ bring it up. How many fuckin’ times have I talked about fightin’ again and yeh didn’ say shit?”
“I know. I’m sorry. I wanted—”
“You wanted. Yeh wanted what? To give me another fuckin’ reason to be miserable?”
“What? Harry, I am not here to make you miserable.” Her voice carried in the cold breeze that ripped through her bare abdomen, nearly stealing the air from her lungs. She crossed her arms over her stomach and sucked in a breath. 
“I don’ know why yeh think takin’ boxing away from me would do anythin’ else. I need to be back in the ring.”
“Harry, that’s not what you need. Not when—”
“Well, maybe yeh’re not what I need!”
Melody reeled backward, barely keeping her footing. Another whipping breeze swam around her and she could feel her very lips turning blue. But she didn’t care about the cold. She watched the anger in Harry’s expression ebb just slightly before he lifted his hand to rub his face. She didn’t know what to say. How was she supposed to respond to that? It felt like her throat had closed up. All she could think to do was step around him.
Harry stared at where she had been standing, shifting his jaw, steadying his breathing. He cursed aloud and turned around. “Melody, don’ walk away,” he said, his voice flat. When she didn’t stop, he caught her arm, hauling her back and pinning her to the side of the closest building by her shoulders. “What, did I hurt your feelings?”
“Yes,” she breathed. He was too close. She turned her head to the side, staring off down the street as she tried to keep her rising tears at bay. He didn’t need to see her cry. Not again. “Yes, you did. And you’re supposed to care that you did. I would never try to hurt you like that.”
Harry sighed, dropping his head to look at the sidewalk. He let his hands fall from her shoulders. “I do care. I do. I didn’ mean that.”
Melody wrapped her arms tightly around her abdomen, pressing her teeth together to keep them from chattering. “Harry, you could die,” she said eventually. “Your chances of dying are exponentially higher now. If I wanted to do something that could get me killed, would you let—”
“But I’m not allowed to tell you what to do, remember?”
She turned to look at him again, shaking her head, a crease between her brows. “That’s different—“
“Stop fuckin’ boxing, Melody.”
“See? Yeh don’ fuckin’ listen to me.” He took a step back, tugging at the collar of his hoodie, then reaching up to yank at his hair. “And what you did—yeh didn’ just tell me not to. Yeh made it impossible for me to fight again. That is not fuckin’ fair.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I did it like that. God, this shouldn’t have been how we had this conversation. But what’s not fair is watching you bleed out in my fucking arms, Harry.” She choked and her tears overflowed, spilling down her face in hot tracks. “It’s not fair thinking that you’re going to die and being fucking helpless to stop it. I spent months thinking I would never talk to you again. That’s not fair. And putting me back in that position when I don’t have to be there is cruel. I don’t want you to die, Harry! I would do anything to stop it from happening. Why is that a crime?”
The wind whistled as it cut through the space between them. Harry was still staring at the sidewalk. He knew this wasn’t Melody’s fault. She wasn’t the reason he wasn’t allowed back in the ring, she was only the bearer of bad news, just like she had been since he’d woken up. But not boxing. What was he supposed to do without that?
“I’m not trying to make it all about me, okay? I know how important boxing has been to you. But are you seriously willing to die for it?” Melody bit into the numb flesh of her lip as he finally glanced up at her, his eyes just meeting hers before falling to the side, staring at the wall past her shoulder. “Harry, you can be mad. I’m mad. I’m sorry that you can’t fight. I wish I could give that back to you. But please don’t hate me for loving you, for trying to keep you alive.”
“I don’ hate yeh,” Harry muttered with a deep sigh. He reached up to press the pads of his fingers into his eyelids. His body felt hot with anger still and he was trying to keep it from bubbling up, trying not to say anything else that he didn’t mean. “Mel,” he whispered instead, “I don’ know who I am without boxing.”
Melody squeezed her eyes shut. Her entire chest felt like it might splinter. This pain was almost worse than that first night with her bruised rib, and there was a long minute before she was able to speak. “You’ll figure it out,” she whispered. Her throat felt sore as she coughed out the words. “You’re a fighter, Harry, but that’s not all you are. I swear, that’s not all there is.”
He wasn’t sure she was right. This was what he had grown up doing. He’d made it into his way of life. And to not be able to box now felt like a crucial part of him was being stripped away, like the skin peeling from his bone, bit by bit. But she sounded so sure.
“Harry, I swear,” she said again. “Trust me.”
I don’ trust you. Melody could hear the exact tone of his voice as the words replayed in her head. The words he’d spoken when she’d come here—to the warehouse—to apologize just a few days before he’d been shot. The very last day that he could remember before he woke up. Did he still feel that way?
Harry ran his hands up and down his face again. “I’ve seen yeh cry too many times,” he muttered. “Fuckin’ hate it.”
Melody ran her wrists across her cheeks, wiping away the tears still clinging to her skin. “I cried a lot more before you woke up,” she said. “That was the worst time of my life.” She reached for him, watching him blink like he was lost in thought. She wondered what was running through his mind but she didn’t ask for fear of his closing right up in front of her again, locked and dead-bolted. “Please, come home with me,” she said instead.
Harry hissed as Melody’s fingers brushed his hand. “Yeh’re fuckin’ freezing.” He slid his hand up her arm and found the rest of her skin just as icy. She nearly fell into him as he pulled her forward, wrapping his arms around her body and rubbing some warmth back into her. This felt so comfortable, holding her, her cheek to his chest. “Gonna get fuckin’ sick. Why can’ yeh ever put a coat on before yeh run outside to argue with me?”
Melody didn’t reply, only pressed herself deeper into his sweatshirt. He sighed into her hair.
“‘M sorry for what I said. I really didn’ mean it, okay? I don’ blame yeh for this. I just—‘m fuckin’ frustrated.”
“I know,” Melody whispered. “I know, Harry. I’m frustrated for you. I want you to know that I would fix it if I could.” She turned her face, burying her nose in his sweatshirt and inhaling the scent of him before she spoke again. “If I could go back and keep it from happening, even if it meant you didn’t forgive me” —she swallowed thickly, her throat still aching— “I would do it in a heartbeat.”
“Yeh can’ fix me, Mel,” Harry whispered. He pressed a kiss into her hair. “Please, don’ hurt yourself tryin’.”
Melody wanted to cry again. She hated that. She had never been someone to cry an overwhelming amount, but the past year had shown her sides of herself she wouldn’t have known existed otherwise. She needed to change the subject before she sank back into hysterics.
“I’m really sorry, Harry,” she said. “I’m sorry for the way this happened. I know I should’ve talked to you about all of this months ago. I was scared. And that’s not an excuse. But I’m sorry for yelling over you in there. That was horrible.” She shivered in his arms.
Harry shook his head. “Mel, yeh need to get inside. ‘S below freezin’ out here.”
“Will you come with me?”
“Yeah.” He rubbed her frigid arms once more before stepping back, nodding toward the warehouse. He followed as she started the trek back, watching the soles of her sneakers. They had almost reached the door when snowflakes began to fall.
“Fuckin’ snowin’ and yeh’re in a bra,” Harry muttered as he stepped inside the short vestibule, yanking the door shut with a clang behind him. Melody’s teeth were clacking together now, her skin red and raised in goosebumps. She rushed to the next door, stumbling into the arena, into warmth. “Yeh gonna be okay?”
“Yes,” Melody mumbled, her teeth beating incessantly together, her lips clumsy with cold. “Yes, I just need some fucking pants.”
Harry, despite the thick air that still seemed to be hanging over them, couldn’t help but chuckle. And when she dug through her bag and found the sweats she’d been looking for, he even smiled at the way she stumbled into them.
“That better?” he asked as she yanked a hoodie over her head.
“Blissful,” she answered.
“Is that my sweatshirt?”
Melody glanced down at the hoodie and shrugged. “Yeah.” When she looked back up, all of the anger seemed to have washed right out of Harry’s face. The way he was watching her felt meaningful, almost overwhelming. She didn’t need him to talk about the way he felt when he looked at her like that. It made her shiver again. And not from cold.
“I’m really sorry,” she said, taking a slow step toward him, “again. I want you to be happy but you need to be alive for that.”
Harry pressed a hand to Melody’s cheek as she reached him. Her skin was still cold to the touch. He cupped the other side of her face as well, letting his palms offer some heat. Her eyes fluttered closed.
He tried to think of something to say, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, he bent down to kiss her. Beneath his, her lips felt like ice, clumsy with numbness. He felt her hands form fists in the front of his sweatshirt and he kissed her until she could kiss him back, until blood flowed back into her face and her cheeks felt warm in his hands. Then he lifted his face to press his lips against her hairline.
“Let’s get yeh home, love.”
Chapter 15
71 notes · View notes
shreddedparchment · 5 years
Merry Christmas, I Love You
Pairing: Bucky x Reader          Word Count: 6,670
Warnings: Language, violence, blood, angst, pining, jealousy, fluff
A/N: So this was initially supposed to be a Holidays-non-specific fic...but as I kept writing, it was feeling forced so I turned it into a Christmas fic because it felt better that way for writing. I’m so sorry! Anyway, I hope you like this one. I always enjoy writing for Bucky. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! xoxo
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Things have never been easy for you. Family. Friendships. Relationships. Nothing, except for work.
Somehow, you’ve been able to come in, day after day, with a smile on your face, no obstacles set before you that upset the delicately crafted balance here at the Tower.
That is until the morning you walk in and something terrible—something that you could never have anticipated—is sitting on the edge of your desk wearing rough deep-sea colored jeans, organically weathered around the nicest, most bitable ass you’ve ever seen.
Okay, so maybe it’s been a while since you’ve gotten any and any semi-attractive person now-a-days seems to get your engine revving, but this guy…this man is sin incarnate and you nearly lose your step as you slide to a halt by your office door.
“What are you?” You ask, sputtering the words out senselessly only to have the Sin turn and look at you with clear blue eyes. Ice blue. A little gray. A little piece of heaven staring at you out of a brooding face, topped with what looks like freshly cropped burnt chestnut hair.
You’ve seen it long. You admired it from a safe distance. Now it’s gone but in its place is sheared perfection. He looks like a new man.
“Sorry?” He asks, his voice like chocolate fudge, slow and oozing and coating your insides with thick, sweet…oh man, you’re a goner.
“Um…” You shut your eyes, shaking it lightly to clear your head.
Not looking at the hot man helps.
Wait…you’re stupid. You know exactly who this hot man is. You just didn’t expect to ever see him this close and, in your office, sitting on your desk casually lounging around like some beefed up supermodel.
“I-I meant, what are you doing…here?” You clear your throat, clutch your legal pads a little bit closer and finally open your eyes.
He’s standing now, hands shoved into his pockets, muscled chest straining against the black t-shirt he’s chosen to torture you with, the burgundy leather jacket doing little to hide his muscle.
Who the fuck dressed him?
“Oh.” He says. “I’m working here. With you.” He explains and you nearly choke.
You start coughing again, hacking up a lung as your face burns and your chest nearly caves in.
Bucky because you know very well who he is, hurries towards a small bottle of water you keep handy on your desk and takes it to you.
You take it, try to wheeze out a thank you but cough harder. You gasp, then take a drink as he stares at you, eyes narrowed with polite concern.
“Fighhhne.” You wheeze, waving a hand at him gently to reassure him. “I'm fine.”
He nods straightening up. Just noticing how tense he was, you feel your neck burn.
Suddenly it’s way too hot in here.
“Are you hot?” You continue to wheeze, breathless with embarrassment and a strange and sudden desire. “It’s hot in here.”
Moving around him you move to the window behind your desk, a large glass panel in the glass wall of your office. You slide it open and a rush of chilly New York winter air nips at your skin.
Finally, your head is clear. Sharp. Your wits back in place. You turn to him and he’s shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other.
“What do you mean you’ll be working here?” You ask, a need for clarity rising.
“Fury sent me here.” Bucky shrugs. “I guess Sam’s got the go ahead to start up a team and he wants you to head home base.”
You let that sink in, trying to wrap your head around going from administration duties to somewhat field duties.
“You’re gonna be my handler.” He nearly whispers, voice dropping a bit. Why is he telling you this like it’s a secret?
“Oh, just your handler?” Another voice quips but you don’t have to wonder whose it is. This voice you know.
“Sam?” You call and he comes around the small partition in front of your door.
With that charming smile, the one that has all the ladies in accounting falling to pieces with its easy confidence and promise of romance, Sam gives you a nod and stops beside Bucky.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s good to see you again. You look good. How’ve you been?” He asks, eyeing up Bucky who looks at him and shrugs.
“I’m fine.” You nod, tempted to smile. “Thanks. So, you’ll both be under my umbrella?” You nod.
“There’s a few more but yeah, it’ll be mostly me and Buck. Who best to watch over us? I thought we’d be safest in your capable hands.” Sam flirts.
“Sam…” You huff a small laugh, relaxing a bit now that there’s a buffer. Not that he’s much of a buffer. Sam is fucking hot too and if the window weren’t still hurling frozen wind at you, you’d be overheating.
Sam chuckles-“What?” Sam says—and you look out the window. There’s a small smack but when you look back up at them, nothing has changed much save for Bucky standing with his arms crossed instead of his hands in his pockets.
“…that is my name.” Sam insists, his lips curled up into a playful smirk while the man beside him broods a bit more.
“Well, first off, if I’m going to be your handler, I’m gonna need you to be a bit more professional.” Smiling you move to your desk and deposit your notepads, running a finger across the notes from your latest office meeting.
You won’t need these anymore.
“I’ll do my best, but it’s hard to concentrate on work when my handler’s just so pretty.” He teases.
You huff a small laugh, shaking your head. “You don’t change, do you?”
Sam looks down at your desk, his eyes suddenly darkened by sorrow.
You feel bad but you won’t linger.
“I’m glad.” You assure him. “Sometimes I forget how to laugh.”
And like a switch has been turned, Sam’s smile is back.
“Don’t worry. Together, I think the three of us can give the world a few reasons to smile again.” Sam nods, sincere.
You look at Bucky who stands with a frown twisting his handsome face.
“I look forward to working with you, Agent Barnes.” You offer a small smile, hoping to ease his grimace.
He looks up at you, startled, as if he’s just realized you’re there. Great. There goes that crush. Another one that doesn’t know you’re there.
“Bucky.” He says. “Please.”
“Okay.” You smile a little wider and his eyes finally focus. “Bucky. I look forward to getting to know you.”
He stares at you and he sizes you up. That small frown never leaves his face which only makes you wonder whether he disapproves of what he sees.
This is not good.
As Bucky looks you over, from the tips of your red pumps to the collar of your soft gray business suit—a silk red camisole peeking out from underneath—he knows that he’s fucked.
The moment you smiled, frazzled by Sam’s stupid flirting, he knew that you’re trouble.
That look of curiosity on your pretty face…what is he getting himself into?
Bucky likes you.
He likes you a lot.
“Bucky?” You call to him, your voice wrapping around his name just so that it makes his heart pound.
“Do you even have any training in the field?” He asks, kicking himself internally that he’s on the defensive now but he wasn’t expecting this.
He wasn’t expecting to come in here to find you, a beautiful woman, clumsy and real. There’s nothing fake about you so far and Bucky can see the goodness that you radiate. He wasn’t expecting Sam to come in here, flirting shamelessly, making you laugh.
Rude bird.
You blink, slightly taken aback.
“She’s not gonna be out in the field, Buck.” Sam defends you, and that grates Bucky more.
“It’s still something she should have.” Bucky argues stupidly. Why can’t he shut his mouth up?
“I-” You begin, sounding saddened and Bucky could leap out of that window behind you if it would end this inescapable awkwardness he’s dredged up. “I don’t.”
You shake your head then bite your lip. Thinking hard while Bucky fights the urge to touch your mouth.
“I’m actually not sure why Fury sent you to me. I’ve never…I mean, I did go into training for S.H.I.E.L.D. when I first started here a few years ago but I failed out of the academy. I couldn’t get myself to do what needed doing and I—this was a better fit for me.” You bristle. “So, no. I don’t have any field training. But I’ll do my best.”
Before he can open his mouth and make this worse, Bucky sighs, exchanged a look with Sam, then turns and leaves.
As he pushes your office door open, he can hear Sam reassuring you.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. He’ll come around. We’ll make a great team.”
“Thanks, Sam.” Your voice is flooded with gratitude.
Fucking Sam.
You watch from your seat in the old crumbling building on two ten-inch displays as Bucky and Sam rush into the abandoned bunker. It’s not so abandoned now, filled with a terror cell known as the Maw. They’ve killed sixty people in four days and there will be no taking of any prisoners today.
“Are we sure he’s here?” Bucky asks, the feed from his body cam shows him sliding along the floor under a small break in the outer wall. Immediately inside there are five enemies.
As he stands, they fire, and you grip the edge of the fallen and splintered door that is your makeshift desk until he’s taken the entire group out. Not one left alive.
“Yes.” You answer, remembering his question. “He’s here.”
As Bucky breaks into a run down a long dark hallway, you focus on Sam’s cam and watch as he circles up over the building.
“Sam, do you see anything?” You check, knowing that he must be running his thermals.
“Just a whole bunch of cowards.” He quips. “There. Bucky, third basement down. There’s a wall weak enough to break through right behind them.”
You look at Bucky’s cam and it changes position. He’s running faster, sliding from doorway to doorway before he throws himself within one as gunfire rains down on him from an open door at the end.
You slide the big heavy laptop you use for recon over and pull up all the schematics of the bunker you’d found in your research of the building.
“Y/N, find me a way down.” He grunts, returning fire when he can.
“Already on it.” You inform him, sneaking a glance as he slides out from his hiding spot to one closer to the shooter.
His hallway ends in a T and he’s on the left-hand side.
“There.” You say, “Down that hallway to the right, straight ahead. There’s an elevator shaft that should be non-operational. You can slide down straight to the third floor and round back towards the wall Sam saw.”
Bucky is already running. As he approaches the shooter, he holds up his metal arm to block three bullets. There’s a click—an empty clip—then Bucky pounces, twisting the man’s arm to break it then he practically throws him into the wall. The man falls to the ground, but Bucky doesn’t stop.
He’s sliding on the ground towards the elevator shaft as he approaches and throws his metal hand out to dig his fingers into the wall. He slides down one floor before he releases and freefalls, then at the last moment he grabs the top lip of the floor he’s going to and swings himself in.
“Down the hall, two rights, and you should be against that weak wall.” You tell him. “Sam, status?”
You look at the other display and watch as Sam dips and dives, gunfire lighting up his cam. He throws his shield and it bounces off one thug to hit another then magnetically flies back up to Sam.
“There are civilians in that holding cell.” Sam realizes, and without a second thought he flies for it. “Six guards. I’ll take them out quick.”
“Get them to safety. I’ve got these guys.” Bucky says confidently as he rounds the last right and races for the back wall to the inner room of the final floor.
“Bucky…” You begin, fear taking root in your heart as you think about the fact that Sam will be too busy with those civilians to come quickly.
This isn’t your first time out with them. You, Sam, and Bucky have been together for a year now. One whole year.
Somehow, you have been an asset to their team. Sometimes Sharon comes along, sometimes there’ll be a few others. But at the end of the day it is always you, Sam, and Bucky.
You’ve been there when Sam broke his arm. When Bucky dislocated his shoulder. When they were both shot. When Sam wouldn’t wake up for three days. You’ve been there for every after mission dinner. You’ve been there for every holiday spent in safe houses and hospitals.
Bucky and Sam had even bought you a cake when your birthday came around and all three of you ate it on the tower roof, both men still in mission garb, sitting on the ramp of the jet.
Through it all, though you always worry, there is only one thing that makes you lose focus. One thing that has brought you to Fury’s office several times to resign because you can’t do this job. Not like this. Not when you’re this distracted half the time.
When Bucky’s in danger, your heart stops. When he’s injured, you’re nearly in tears. You’d cried that first time he was shot, but luckily Sam was shot too so really, you managed to pass it off as sorrow for both of them.
The time Sam wouldn’t wake up, those tears were just for Sam…but Bucky was pretty torn up about it and you’d offered what comfort he was willing to accept which wasn’t much.
Bucky has kept you at arm’s length this entire time. Welcoming enough to make you feel like part of the team, but far enough that you’re pretty sure he still think you’re absurdly underqualified for this job.
You’ve watched him with his other teammates, even the ones that randomly come by, and he’s not with them like he is with you.
Watching him team with Sharon or T’Challa, you can see the difference.
He likes them. He doesn’t simply tolerate them.
Despite this disappointment, it does not fail. Every time that he’s taking on too much, your focus goes straight to him.
You pull his cam footage closer just as the wall in front of him explodes.
Cement and iron rain down on him and the hallway, rumbling as the building groans with the loss of support.
You stand, pushing your chair back hard as you clutch the display closer.
“Bucky!” You call, seeing nothing but darkness. “Bucky? Get up.”
Voice rising with panic, you blink hard, trying to see through the cloud of dust in the darkness in the screen.
“What happened?” Sam demands, returning fire at the thugs he’s facing.
“The wall exploded out.” You say, quiet because you can’t breathe.
There is no movement. Bucky isn’t moving.
You don’t give yourself enough time to think.
“Is he okay?” Sam asks, but he’s too busy to do anything about it.
So, you do.
Flipping open your bag, you pull out the handgun you’d been issues when you took this job and run. Down along the stairwell from your safe room. Across the street towards the bunker, along the small alleyway beside it to the back where the original entry point had been made.
You keep an eye on the display you’ve brought with you and watch as the rubble shifts. You see a gleam of dark metal and see that it’s Bucky pulling himself out of the pile, but then there are more glints of sleek black metal.
Guns. At least eight of them, all pointed at Bucky.
“Fuck.” You push yourself faster, ignoring the way your legs protest.
Your tac pants tear as you finally enter the building, catching on exposed reinforced metal piping and wood.
You’re not even careful about your running. You don’t look around for enemies. You don’t care. You have one goal and that’s all that matters.
You enter the T and race for the elevator shaft. A final glance at your display tells you that they’ve got Bucky kneeling in the rubble he’d been buried under. All of the other thugs in that room have their guns pointed at him, one man stands a little taller than the rest. No gun in his hand, but a long serrated knife. He’s talking, smirking down at Bucky as he squats down before him to run that knife’s point along the seam of Bucky’s metal arm.
Dropping the display, you reach for your belt hoop and pull from it a compact grapple. You shove it into the floor by the open elevator shaft and throw yourself down without hesitation.
You fall quickly, reaching the third floor in less than five seconds.
You have to release the cable in order to stop and you use the momentum of your fall to swing yourself into the doorway.
Landing hurts but you’re on your feet, racing down the hallway as fast as you can.
Instead of taking two rights however, you take one right, then a left.
They aren’t expecting you to barrel in through the door they’d been facing. Their only defense had been on the wall Bucky tried to go through.
So, when you shove the door open, you aim and kill one, two, three guards with quick precision shots.
That’s when they turn, and you run to take cover behind a tall steel shelf.
Bullets bounce off the metal as they land near your head.
On the other side, in the room that you can no longer see, you can hear Bucky fighting. His metal arm deflecting bullets and slamming these thugs into the floor.
The shooting at you stops so you peek out and aim. You get one of them in the leg, the other in the gut. You’re about to fire again, killing a fourth, when a loud pop and a burning sensation pierces your arm.
You cry out, and duck back behind the shelving out of sight.
“Y/N!” Bucky shouts, the scuffle between him and his enemies increasing in pace.
There are fewer grunts and they’re moving closer.
You groan, holding your hand over the wound in your arm but force yourself to peek out again, this time aiming where the shot that hit you came from.
Distracted by Bucky’s approach, the man behind the name of Maw doesn’t see you aiming at his head.
Before you can fire, your arm falls, losing strength and the shot goes through his neck.
He sputters and chokes on his blood, falling to his knees just as Bucky finishes with the last of his goons. He moves to the man and with one swift flick of his arm, the man’s neck breaks, and he falls to the ground, unmoving.
Your eyes are on Bucky, scanning him for injury as you press your hand harder against your own wound.
He’s okay. You gush stupidly. He’s not hurt.
A small scratch on his cheek. Otherwise, he’s fine.
And he’s suddenly at your side.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?” He asks, voice hard and angry.
“No.” You tell him.
“Let me see.” He pushes your hands away and stares down at the hole in your arm.
As blood gushes out, he reaches down to his belt to pull a heavy but thin cord that he begins to wrap high on your arm. It hurts. It pinches. It’s too tight.
“No shit.” Bucky growls at you. “Sit still.”
You do, not having realized that you were squirming.
“What the hell did you come in here for?” He demands.
“You were in trouble.” You explain, leaning your head back to watch him finally tie the tourniquet. “And Sam was busy.”
“I coulda handled it.” He’s clenching his jaw, flexing the muscle in his anger as he reaches down to pull what looks like a small syringe from a small pouch on his belt.
“It’s okay to need help.” You tell him calmly, loving the way his brow is furrowed in concentration.
“I don’t need your help. Not here.” He chastises, pushing the tip of the syringe into your wound to press in what looks like powder. It hurts but you’re starting to not feel much of anything.
He tosses the syringe away and begins to wrap up your wound with a small roll of bandage.
“This isn’t the right kind. We’ll have to get you back to the Tower quick.” Bucky sighs.
“Why don’t you like me?” You ask him, feeling woozy and finding that filter that you usually use strange absent.
Bucky frowns, then gets up and reaches down to help you up.
He tucks you underneath his arm and supports most of your weight as he leads you out, refusing to answer your question.
“Y/N okay?” Sam’s voice filter in through your comms.
“Yeah, she’s fine. Lost a bit of blood though. Faster we get her back the better.” Bucky says, cutting you off before you can answer.
“Just getting these last few civilians out. I’ll meet you at the jet. Two minutes.” Sam promises.
The trek up the stairs is exhausting. You’re dizzy and tired. The adrenaline is wearing off and you find yourself leaning against Bucky more and more the higher you climb.
When the freezing air hits you outside, your head clears for a moment and you remember that you ran out here without your coat.
It’s freezing.
You look up with your mouth wide open. It’s snowing!
“It’s snowing.” Way to go, brain.
Bucky frowns as he looks up and with you struggling to keep up, he stops. He wraps his arm more securely around your back then with his other, quickly dips to pick you up.
You groan when the movement jostles your arm but lay your head on his shoulder anyway.
“I like it here.” You whisper, stupidly talking without thinking.
You place your hand on Bucky’s chest where you can feel his heart pounding. Absolutely thrumming against his ribcage.
“Were you scared?” You ask him, wondering if Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, can really get scared.
For a moment he says nothing. Then, “Yes.”
You nod. “It’s okay.”
“Stop talking.” He chastises, just as your body is engulfed in warmth.
Not even two second later, your entrance into the jet is followed by the soft whoosh of Sam’s wings and then his feet as he climbs in and moves towards the pilot’s chair.
“She okay?” Sam asks, glancing at you as Bucky settles you into a seat and straps you in.
“She’s a little delirious but she’s okay. Should be fine as long as we get her back soon. She needs stitches. Bullet went clean through.” Bucky says, focused on your arm as the jet pulls away.
“I like you.” You tell him. Blinking slowly as his fingers stop fumbling with your bandage.
He looks at you, ice sapphire eyes burning into your own with a million unasked questions.
“Why do you hate me?” You wonder, feeling sleepy.
“I don’t hate you.” Bucky explains, brow furrowed with subdued anguish.
“I like you.” You tell him again. “I want you to like me back.”
Bucky opens his mouth but shuts it again, looking over at Sam who seems to be intentionally ignoring the two of you.
“Sometimes I think about what it would be like to kiss you.” You continue, words slurring together as the shock of being shot catches up with you. “Kiss me.”
You see him leaning up towards you just as your vision turns black.
Recovery is a bitch.
You hate having to wear a sling. Especially because you’re decommissioned from field duty for a while. Bucky and Sam don’t stick around. They make sure you’re okay and then they go off on their next mission.
Sharon is brought in to help. She takes your job.
You watch two days later as they come into the small shared space in Tony’s old lab where you had set up home base for them. They walk in and head straight for the mission board—a high tech computer screen with touch—and sift through a few open cases.
They don’t seem to see you sitting on the sofa by the kitchen, wrapped up in a blanket, sipping hot cocoa.
You watch them, taking in their dynamic. Sam is just as playful with Sharon as he is with you. They seem to have a deeper connection though. A shared sorrow. All three of them do.
The biggest difference is Bucky’s demeanor. He smiles more. He’s laughing at something Sharon said.
Your chest aches. Wondering if maybe this is what’s for the best? He seems to be more at ease with Sharon there to support them in their missions. She’s got the skill.
You’ve read her file. Part of it. The parts you were allowed to read.
She’s amazing.
Much more qualified.
“You’re coming, right?” Bucky asks her, watching her as she stares at the board.
“To what?”
“The Christmas party.” Bucky tells her. “It’s tomorrow night. We should be back by then.”
“Why would I come to the Christmas party?” She asks, a laugh in her voice.
“Because it’ll be fun.” Bucky reasons, then turns to Sam and nods at her. “Right?”
“Yeah. Pepper’s got Happy planning the whole thing. We might have to surrender our IDs when we come in and consent to a pat down but there’ll be plenty of booze. Music. Dancing.” Sam teases her the same way he teases you.
She laughs. “I’ll think about it.”
“It’ll be more fun if you come.” Bucky continues, reaching out finally to pull on her sleeve. “Come.”
You curl up a bit more, shrinking into the cushions of your seat. Hating the way your chest feels like it’s caving in.
Of course, he’s going to like her. She’s Sharon Carter! Great niece to Peggy Carter. A legend in her own right.
This must be why he never brought up what you’d said in the jet. You were slurring and mostly out of it, but you knew what you were saying.
You’d finally told him. You like him. You do.
And he hasn’t said anything about it.
You shift too far to the left and your arm grazes against the cushions beside you.
You gasp, shocked by the pain.
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice calls out.
You blink hard, hoping they look clear and not like you’re pining for Bucky Barnes.
Sam rounds the sofa and smiles down at you.
“Why are you hiding out here, making no noise? One gunshot wound and you think you’re a world class spy?”
You say nothing. You’re in hell. You just look up at him.
“Hey, you okay?” He asks, moving to sit beside you.
“Y/N is here?” Sharon asks, moving towards you.
When she comes into view, you can see she’s wearing a standard S.H.I.E.L.D. body suit. Winter edition so it’s a little thicker. White pants and top. Gray straps to holster her guns. That’s empty right now.
“Hey, long time no see.” She smiles at you kindly and you force a smile in return.
Sharon is nice. You’ve always like Sharon. She’s kind and friendly.
“Yeah.” You say stupidly because it’s the only thing you can get your throat to work out.
“Heard you were shot saving Bucky’s ass?” She offers, looking over her shoulder at Bucky who finally moves towards you.
You shake your head once, that smile still plastered in place.
“Are you not feeling well?” Sam asks, reaching out to place his hand on your back.
You shake your head, letting the grimace that your poor heart is feeling seep out as discomfort in your arm.
“I’m gonna go…” You tell him, voice quiet and strained.
As you get to your feet, Sam helps you. You don’t see Bucky.
You know that he’s there, standing somewhere behind you, but you don’t want to turn to see him. What’s the use?
“You need help getting to your room?” He asks, but you shake your head. “Okay.”
You move past him and don’t look back. You don’t stop until you’re in your room, door shut behind you.
Moving into the bathroom you wash your face with your one hand, trying to clear your mind.
As you shut off the water you hear your bedroom door click shut.
“Sam?” You call and follow the sound back into your room.
But there’s no one there. It stands empty, just as it was when you came in.
As you move to take a seat on your bed, your eyes spot a small bottle of pills on your bedside table.
You grab them, quickly reading the label because these are not your pills.
Take two tablets every eight hours as needed for pain.
Rising to your feet, you move for your door, throw it open and look down the hallway to catch Sam to thank him before he can get too far but your voice catches in your throat as you watch wide shoulders and a glinting dark metal arm walk away from you.
With his delivery done, Bucky leaves you without a word.
Wincing you slip off your sling and reach down to straighten your dress. It’s short. Shorter than you’d thought it was, but it’s pretty, with long loose sleeves that cinch at the wrist. Dazzling white with silver sparkles stitched into the soft fabric.
You’d seriously considered sitting out this party. You aren’t exactly in the mood. Not happy. Not comfortable. Not in the Christmas spirit.
Rejected, your mood has taken a sour turn. You’re mostly sad all the time which is hard enough but with the pain in your arm, it feels worse than it actually is.
However, you’ve never missed a Christmas or Holiday party since you’ve started working here and you’re not about to start now.
When you finally arrive, the party is already in full swing.
Pepper and Happy have outdone themselves, turning the largest ballroom in the Tower into the prettiest winter wonderland that you’ve ever seen.
All the tables are covered in gleaming silver and white tablecloths, decorated with assorted bobbles in silvers, whites, pale blues, and grays. White lights are strung up along the ceiling and left to dangle in carefully placed icicle patterns, more clear baubles with shining white lights at the center adorn the spaces between the tables where people chat and eat merrily with golden forks, knives, and spoons.
There is no red holly or green garland, but all around the room you can see the soft green and white splash of mistletoe hidden in small nooks and over random spots in the room.
“Y/N!” You hear Sam’s voice before you see him and search the room for him. “Over here!”
He waves at you from across the room near the large metal door that leads out into the hallway that’s lined with an endless stretch of conference rooms.
He looks dapper in a velvet black tux, silver bowtie around his neck.
You smile at him and move towards him but as you cross the table comes into full view and you see that Bucky is sitting beside him to his left—looking sinfully good in a navy tux, white dress shirt, and a black bowtie. Beside Bucky sits Sharon, in a red satin dress with capped sleeves and a round neckline.
Her dress, as you approach and she stands, you can see if floor length and she looks absolutely beautiful.
“Wow.” You tell her. “Sharon, you look amazing.”
Sharon blushes. “Me? Anything looks good when all you wear is tac gear. Look at you! You’re stunning!”
You almost look at Bucky but stop yourself just as your head tilts.
“Have you eaten yet?” Sam asks, moving around the table to pull out your chair, sitting you right across from Bucky.
“No.” You admit.
“I’ll go get you a plate.” Sam says.
“You don’t have to. I’m not really hungry.” You tell him.
“You have to eat.” He chastises. “I’ll be right back.”
He leaves you, disappearing into the crowd as Sharon scans the crowd.
“I’m not hungry.” You repeat to no one in particular. Just talking because you’re nervous as hell and you can feel Bucky’s eyes on you.
“You have to eat.” He says, and finally you look at him.
He’s watching you, those blue eyes more ice-like tonight because of the décor that surrounds him, but for once he doesn’t look like he’s angry. His face is carefully controlled. A small curios tilt of his head as you stare at him and say nothing.
“Bucky!” Sharon exclaims. “Pepper’s here. Let’s go say hi.”
She smacks his arm and moves around the table to head over towards Pepper, escorted by an adorable Morgan wearing a bright red dress with tulle for days. She doesn’t look happy about it.
“I’ll be right back.” Bucky tells you, and you turn to watch him get up and refasten the button on his front and move after Sharon.
Left alone, you feel yourself beginning to relax. Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all, right? Bucky doesn’t like you but he’s not hating you either. Sharon is as nice as always and Sam as attentive, but you know he’s only fussing because you got shot.
You’re beginning to wonder why he’s taking so long with that plate of food—not that you want it but you’re getting lonely over here—when you look around towards where he disappeared to and spot him chatting up one of the girls from accounting.
She looks absolutely flustered and it makes you smile. Good for her.
You scan the crowd, looking for Sharon and Bucky to see if they might be on their way back and find them standing with Pepper, Morgan in her arms.
They’re chatting pleasantly for a moment before Happy leans in to say something to them.
Sharon looks confused, Bucky a little nervous.
Happy points up above their heads and your heart drops.
Sharon and Bucky look up to find a cluster of mistletoe strung up above their heads, nestled between two large silver baubles.
Happy holds out his hands, shrugging, but clearly enjoying himself.
Pepper is also smiling, all of them finding the moment utterly entertaining.
Look away, Y/N. You try to tell yourself, but your eyes are glue and your heart is pounding.
You try to swallow but your mouth is too dry, and your throat is clogged up. A lump the size of your fist settled right within it.
You watch as Sharon grabs Bucky’s bicep and leans in towards him. He leans in too, faster and much more eager.
They kiss.
You’re shattered.
As they pull away quickly, Bucky reaches up to wipe at his lips with his fingertips and cautiously seems to glance your way.
He sees you watching and stands up straighter.
You look away, rising to your feet as quickly as you can and move around the table to head straight for that metal door.
“Y/N!” Bucky calls but you can’t stop now. Not with your heart in your throat.
The quiet of the hallway is welcome and you hurry towards the first door you see and pull it open. Inside the conference room, the blinds are drawn, and no one will be able to see you in here. The long black glass table and the sterile silver rolling chairs that line it are familiar, but you really wish you were in your room right now.
This place gives you no comfort.
You look up, spot another set of large glass doors and sigh, knowing that there might be some comfort out there.
They lead to a balcony, a small one, and as soon as you move out onto it, cold winter wind freezes you.
It bites at your skin, harshly drawing your attention away from your aching heart pain.
The wind whips your hair, making a mess of the careful style you’d tried to put it in.
Shutting your eyes, you sigh once again, hoping that this ache…this broken heart will mend quickly.
All of this started as a lusty dream. A quick bit of desire conjured up when you’d walked in and spotted Bucky sitting on your desk.
How had it grown into something more meaningful? Why do you have to like him?
The sound of the door opening turns you around and you see Bucky look inside. He nearly turns to leave when he spots you on the balcony outside.
He stalks towards you, feet stomping on the floor. He throws the balcony door open and lumbers towards you with intent before wrapping his right arm around your waist to pull you tight against his body.
His metal hand takes hold of your bicep and he pulls you to him roughly as he leans down to kiss you hard.
Startled, for two seconds all you can do is stand there as his lips move against yours, warm and wet. When his tongue slides along your bottom lip, you melt into him and shut your eyes to finally return his kiss.
His metal hand tightens, and you pull back, “Ow.”
Confused, he looks at you, then his hand as you curl that shoulder up.
“Shit.” Bucky exclaims. “Sorry. Fuck.”
You laugh. “Ow…”
He releases you and looks at the spot where you��re shot and watches as a small patch of red begins to grow.
“Damn it. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I…I forgot.” He explains.
He meets your eyes and he seems to regain whatever determination made him pull you to him so hard.
“It was mistletoe.” He explains. “That’s why I kissed Sharon.”
“I know.”
“Then why did you run?” He demands.
“Because it sucked.” You explain. Duh!
“I’m sorry.” He sighs. “I’ve wanted you for so long, Y/N.”
“Me too.” You nod.
“I only want you.” Bucky sighs, reaching up to caress your frozen cheek.
“Me too.” You smile.
The side of the Tower suddenly flares to life with millions of tiny Christmas lights, bathing the two of you in warm yellow light.
You both admire the sight for a minute, appreciating the beauty.
“Merry Christmas.” Bucky says, drawing your eyes back to him as he wraps his arm around your waist tighter.
“Merry Christmas.” You tell him, smiling as you lean in to kiss him again.
“I love you.” He sighs, stopping your advancement as your heart nearly bursts through your chest. “Be mine?”
You laugh once, giddy beyond belief. “Yes.”
Bucky smiles.
“I love you, too.” You promise, and he pulls you in for a kiss, this time carefully avoiding your wounded arm.
“Well it’s about damn time!” Sam says, both you and Bucky stopping with your lips barely touching to look over at the large balcony doorway.
“No kidding.” Sharon says, smiling at the two of you with a smug little smirk. “Good call on the mistletoe.”
Sam smiles proudly. “They needed the push.”
You glare at him, feeling a little spiteful at the hell you just went through to find this heaven.
“Excuse you?” You warn.
“Oof, I mean, dance, Agent Carter?” Sam asks, offering Sharon his hand as he selectively avoids your angry gaze.
“Uh…yeah, good idea.” She takes his hand and lets him lead her back inside.
Bucky chuckles but reaches up to take hold of your chin and turn you to face him once more.
“I’m gonna have to buy him a better present.” He laughs, then leans down to kiss you silly.
The end.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
surveys by taco-tuesdays
What steps would you take in order to track down a thief? Not too far, honestly. I accept things pretty easily so if I’ve processed that I’ve been robbed, I am most likely to just let it go. I’ll feel like shit, of course, but I would just let it go and scold myself for failing to be attentive.
What is something that one of your family member collects? My mom used to collect printed table napkins from different restaurants, but obivously she hasn’t been able to continue that for the past year and a half. My dad and brother used to collect magazines but both stopped a few years ago.
What would you do if you were able to have lunch with the queen? The journalist in me will probably just ask her questions about her everyday life, how she spends it, what she’s into and what she’s not into these days.
If you got to create a new flavor of ice cream, what would it be? This is a little hard considering there are a lot of small businesses out there already getting creative and quirky with ice cream flavors so it’s just hard to tell if a certain flavor has already been invented or not. One thing I haven’t seen, though, is curry. I’d buy a pint of that in an instant.
What are some questions that you would ask your favorite celebrity? His latest vlog finds. He once shared a video of this smaller content creator, so I’m guessing that’s what he likes doing in his spare time and I’m sure he would have a bunch of other just as interesting recommendations.
If you were able to set up a stand, what would you sell? Street food.
Would you like to go deep sea diving? Why or why not? Yeah. I’m always willing to try daring, not-the-safest-thing-in-the-world activities haha.
What would life be like if you lived on a cloud? The realist in me just wants to say I’d plummet straight to the ground.
What would you find at the top of a magic beanstalk? Idk, my creativity can’t be bothered to be challenged.
What is one food you would not want to have rain down from the sky? Durian. It would hurt and stink like shit.
Which animal's characteristics are similar to your own personality? I don’t really assign sets of personalities to animals.
If you were in a department store, which aisle would you check out first? I personally still go for the toys/video games section first HAHAHA
What are some of your hobbies? They include going to museums, exploring new food and restaurants, traveling to different cities and countries, and reading about history.
You've opened a store that only sells purple items - what do you sell? BTS merch hahahahah duhhhh
What is something important that you've lost, and did you ever find it? I lost a rosary that came straight from the Vatican. No, I never found it again. I feel bad about it not because it’s a religious object, but because it came from my grandma.
Have you ever moved to a new school before? If so, how did it feel? I mean, I had to change schools when I was moving up from high school to college, but I’ve never changed schools within the same chapter of my studies, like in the middle of elementary or high school. But to answer the question, it had been a very liberating and empowering experience. I hated the rules in my Catholic school and there were so many elements from that place that made me hide so much about myself. The fact that I could wear shorts and curse and attend rallies and cut class and make my own class schedules in college felt incredibly freeing and satisfying.
What would've happened if Cinderella never went to the ball? See magic beanstalk question.
If you had one day to do anything at all, what would you choose? I would drive to Tagaytay and find a cozy restaurant and eaaaaatttt awaaaayyyy.
What are a few of your favorite songs? I really really like Singularity by V, Over the Hills by Hayley Williams, and So Far Away by Agust D and Suran.
Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework? All the time. I never wrote down homework.
If you were a witch, what kind of a spell would you cast? On who? I don’t care about casting spells on people. I just want my cravings to show up in the snap of a finger hahaha. Can that be part of a witch’s scope of work? Kjdgfhsdfskjfhs
Do you enjoy autumn leaves or spring flowers more? Why? I wouldn’t know. I experience neither over here.
What is your favorite sport to play? What about watch? Table tennis. Favorite to watch would be either tennis or pro wrestling.
Have you ever gone on a cruise before? To where? Yeah. It was an East Asian cruise so I traveled to Shanghai, Jeju, and Fukuoka.
What would you do if you were invisible for a day? Probably go to the bigger houses in the village and see how fancy they get.
Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled? Typhoon, floods. A lot of places are incredibly prone to flooding, so as long as it’s been raining super hard the chances for a class suspension will get high.
What types of transportation do you think we will see in the future? I dunno. It seems like we’re at that point where everything is in the process of being invented or perfected already. 
What were some of your toys you always played with when you were little? I liked kitchen sets and anything with lots of buttons, so like toy telephones or cash registers.
If you were a movie star, what would a day in your life be like? I have no clue apart from the fact that I’m just glad I would assumedly have more than enough money to buy whatever I’m craving whenever I want hahaha.
If you invented a time machine, what year would you like to go to, and why? Realistically I wouldn’t change a thing; but if I had to answer this question I’d go back to 2016 and never ask out Gab a second time, so that the next four years wouldn’t end up being such a waste of my time.
What is your favorite holiday and why? I don’t have one. I’m not a big holiday ~celebrator.
What is something that you like to do while on vacation? Try food I’ve never tried before. The more unconventional or obscure, the better.
If you could meet any fictional character from a book, who would it be? Eh, don’t really have anyone in mind.
What are some common places that people tour when they come to your city? There’s the waterfalls in the upper part of the city – I’m just not sure if it’s still a popular spot but it certainly was when I was a kid. There’s also an art museum that I’m certain is a lot more frequented now.
What's one food that you did not enjoy as a child, but do as an adult? Curry.
How would having no electricity affect your daily routine? I wouldn’t be able to attend work, at least not for the whole day. It would also feel a lot warmer without the electric fan, which would in turn make me cranky.
If you had one wish, what would it be? A renovated room with a dedicated corner for all my merch.
Say someone gives you a magic sweater. What happens when you wear it? Idk.
If you built a new city, how would you convince people to move there? I wouldn’t.
What is one of your favorite movies? Why is it one of your favorites? Two for the Road. It has Audrey Hepburn, it’s a realistic rom-com, and the chemistry between the two leads is superb.
If you were given a certain amount of time to live, would you want to know? Yeah for sure, I would want to know in a heartbeat.
What would you do if you were able to stop time? I don’t know what I would do, but that would be a nice...opportunity, I guess? to experiment with or try out certain decisions and see how well or unwell they would work out to be. So that when time resumes, I’d know better on how to best handle a situation.
Do you think that long distance relationships would be for you? I wouldn’t actively go for it, but I’m not shutting down the possibility either.
Is there a popular social media platform that you don't have an account for? I have one for all the main ones, I think. Even Instagram, I made an account not too long ago to finally join the platform.
How old were you when you found out about Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc? I never knew the Easter Bunny was a thing until I started taking these surveys at like 14. I never really believed in Santa either, and the only figure I was super disappointed to learn that it didn’t exist was the tooth fairy.
Who is your favorite Disney Princess? Rapunzel.
Which freaks you out more - clowns or porcelain dolls? Porcelain dolls. They look more innocent, which somehow makes them creepier.
What was the last mistake that you learned from? Hm, just a minor work thing that would be too complicated to explain here.
Do you prefer "regular pencils" or mechanical ones? Why? Regular. I always break off the tips of mechanical pencils.
What is one little-known music artist you'd recommend? Andi made me listen to The Drums recently and I’ve been loving their sound so far; they would be perfect on a road trip. I’ve only listened to one album, though.
What is your favorite Pixar film? Toy Story!
Who was the last person to send you any sort of message on social media? Angela sent me a video meme.
Where were you on September 11th, 2001? I don’t know...probably already being put to bed. Either way I wasn’t fully conscious yet as I had only been 3 and living on the other side of the planet.
Name your favorite green vegetable. Broccoli, spinach, bell peppers, or asparagus. IDK I love veggies hahahaha
Could you handle a friends with benefits type of situation? Not for me. I’m not even into sex. 
Do you prefer using a brush or a comb on your hair? Comb. 
What's your favorite flavor of potato chips? SALTED EGG. I’m obsessed; I had like five bags this week alone.
Would you rather build a snowman or a snow fort? Why? I dunno; I’ve never tried making either.
At what age do you believe children should begin having screen time? I’m not too sure at this point, but I do know I don’t plan on being too strict with my kids. I’d let them watch stuff on an iPad from like age 3 or 4, but one thing I would change from how I was raised is putting a limit on their screen time, maybe half an hour to an hour a day.
If you had to give a speech, what would it be on? I’d be down for any topic as long as I was given ample time to research, honestly. I like public speaking.
0 notes
ayellowcurtain · 4 years
could you write to the best and to the confirmation of their relationship, that they go to a party together and Sander take his hand and present Robbe as her boyfriend in front of everyone and in front of Senne, I would like to see his reaction bothering Sander.
Part 8 
It’s Noor’s birthday, Britt’s best friend since they were tiny little babies. Sander heard that story too many times, Britt loved to tell him and anyone else, really, how she got the perfect best friend for life story.
Anyone else would say it’s the worst idea to bring your new and first boyfriend to your ex-girlfriend’s best friend party, but all the way or no way, right?
Sander just wants to be done with all this awkwardness. Britt is his ex, it wasn’t even official between them for him, but Sander guesses anyone else would count constantly making out with the same person for over a year as a “relationship”.
For him, she was just always someone he knew that he went to when they both needed to have safe sex with someone they trusted. They’ve known each other for a long time too, maybe that’s what made her so bitter about Robbe and what made so hard for Sander to let go.
Britt is the safest choice, the easy, basic, boring one that everyone expects him to have feelings for.
Robbe is like jumping from a cliff into the complete pitch black dark. They lived very different lives, have very different personalities, but Sander can’t control how he feels, that’s not how it works, especially not for him. Since he was a kid, he always felt everything deeply and so he knows there’s no running from how he feels about Robbe and how the boy feels about him.
And Sander is not sure if he would want to do it if he had the chance. Robbe is addicting, a breath of fresh air with his soft and trusting personality, always giving Sander another chance and then another chance and then another.
“Do you really wanna go?” He decides to ask his date for the night, hoping Robbe will say he would rather stay home or go somewhere else, just the two of them.
“Yeah…Noor is cool, no?” Robbe answers as he comes back from the bathroom, his brown-growing-like-grass hair still damp from the shower, zipping his jeans up and buttoning and Sander smiles, he’s so hot even when he doesn’t try to be.
“She is, but she can also be overprotective of Britt. And she used to have a crush on you.” Sander raises his eyebrows and Robbe huffs, smiling and shaking his head, grabbing his wet towel from the bedroom floor and throwing inside the bathroom, clearly not leaving it where a towel should go, but Sander doesn’t feel like being the annoying guy.
“You don’t know that!”
“What?? Yes, I do. I used to hang out with them before I met you, don’t you remember? I used to have friends, go to other places other than your house. Heard a lot of comments about you coming from Noor. Stupid giggles as she and Britt went on in their girly conversation about cute boys like yourself.”
Robbe comes closer, sensing Sander’s annoyance and maybe hint of jealousy, and Sander sits on the bed instinctively, watching as Robbe moves like he’s in slow motion, coming to sit on his lap, one leg on each side of him, a soft whiny complaint coming from his lips, “I think you’re lying. Or your opinion was already bias, so you were hearing my name everywhere.”
Sander rolls his eyes and looks away and back to Robbe once he manages to hide his feelings from his eyes again, but he knows Robbe can feel how he truly feels.
“So full of yourself, huh? Are you ready? Can we go?”
Robbe nods his head and his fingertips press against Sander’s nape, sending shivers down his spine. “Just a second,” he says right before he kisses Sander.
They end up taking a lot more than just a second, but somehow, Robbe manages to drag Sander out of his apartment, down the stairs, on one bike to Noor’s place across the city. It’s getting late so the streets are almost empty. And Sander has no intention on going anywhere without Robbe tonight so why not use just one bike, it’s safer that way, he can keep his eyes on Robbe sitting in front of him and on the road at the same time.
Robbe keeps leaning forward, putting his hands in the middle of the handlebar, putting his chin on top of it, watching the city rush past them. Sander can’t help but lean closer every few minutes, kissing the back of his neck, loving to hear Robbe’s giggle as he tries to keep Sander away from his neck.
Life never felt this fun, this fulfilling.
It’s been a long time since Sander came to Noor’s place, a few months, at least. The security guards outside the brand new building follow him and Robbe with their eyes, probably disapproving the two loud, dumb boys, but also having some fun during their boring shifts looking at nothing. Robbe jumps on his back and Sander carries him inside, the receptionist doesn’t even ask for their information, she remembers Sander and so she just lets them continue on their path to the elevators.
Sander tries to ignore the kisses Robbe is so quietly leaving on his neck, behind his ear, but as soon as they’re inside the elevator, completely alone, going up more than twenty floors, he puts Robbe back on the floor and keeps him against one of the walls, trying to ignore his teasing smile before they kiss, both moaning when their lips meet for the first time in maybe twenty minutes.
Robbe puts his arms around Sander’s neck, where they belong, pulling him even closer and Sander sneaks one hand under his shirt, sweatshirt and jacket, scratching his abs, smiling against Robbe’s lips when he has to stop the kiss to moan, keeping the other hand right in the curve where his shoulder turns into his warm neck.
“We have to stop…” Robbe pants, out of breath, looking up to check which floor they’re at.
15. Fucking new buildings and their faster-than-light elevators.
Sander sighs almost in sync to the elevator door opening in one smooth movement. Robbe looks up and pushes his hips off the wall, standing straight and Sander steps back, holding the door and Robbe gets out first, waiting for him in the hall.
The music is not too loud, but they can still hear it, one of those transcending music that Noor likes that feels like drugs in the form of music. Makes you high once you’re inside a closed apartment, feeling the beats inside your bones, kind of slow, but also fast, feeling your ears, buzzing. Sander hates it so much, his senses get so lost, but they’re here already.
“So...you go in first and I’ll wait?” Robbe asks, avoiding to meet his eyes, using as an excuse that his clothes are all messy from Sander’s curious hands in the elevator. But Sander waits, once Robbe is done with his clothes, he finally looks up and Sander’s heart skips a beat just by having Robbe’s full attention.
“No, we came together so we’re going in together.” Sander holds Robbe’s brown jacket and pulls him closer, leaving a soft kiss on his lips before walking up to the door, opening and instantly, the music takes over, the flashing lights and smoke that smell like the strongest weed, Sander can almost taste it. His hand finds Robbe almost instantly and that’s what grounds him, walking through the fog, trying to find familiar faces.
“Sander! You came!” He hears Noor’s happy voice before he can see her or where she’s coming from, but then she’s in his arms, hugging him tightly. Sander gives her a one arm hug and tries to smile when she looks at him, just then seeing Robbe right next to him, holding his hand. “Robbe…! I didn’t know you were coming.”
Robbe steps closer to them so Noor can hear him over the music. “Hm, yeah, sorry...Sander asked me to come with him as his plus one…”
“Is it okay? You said I could bring someone with me.” Sander says even though she did tell him he could bring anyone. She was probably not expecting it to be Robbe, her crush, making them sort of official to the rest of the world at her party. “We can go if there’s drama with Britt…” Sander says against Noor’s ear, her eyes still on Robbe, the whole situation getting weirder by the second.
“No, of course not! I said you could bring someone, of course. Welcome, Robbe! There are drinks for days and food somewhere, please, stay, you two.”
She sounds honest and even happy, quickly making sure to resolve the weirdness between them. Sander nods his head and smiles, giving him a happy birthday wish, promising to bring some gift another time and Noor smiles and quickly hugs them, moving on to talk to someone else. Sander looks at Robbe and kisses his temple.
“I told you it was fine. She’s cool.” Robbe smiles shyly and Sander holds his hand tighter, trying to find Robbe’s crew where he can feel more at ease.
Robbe finds them first. He suddenly stops and changes their direction drastically, sure of where he’s going blindly until they’re close enough and Sander recognizes the two taller figures and the smaller one. Jens, Moyo, and Aaron, his best friends.  
“Robbe!!” They all scream and drag the “e” for a second, raising their arms and hugging their friend quickly, moving on to do the same with Sander like they’re just as close like they’re to Robbe.
But Sander is happy to stay with them for the night. The rest is just a bunch of rich strangers to them (even though the strangers are mostly Sander’s childhood friends) and Sander knows it’s like being inside the enemy’s cave and he just wants Robbe to have a good night, being out and proud with Sander, holding his hand constantly like they were made to stick together, anywhere, everywhere.
Some time goes by, Sander doesn’t really know how much, but they haven’t moved from the spot they met with Robbe’s friends. Sander just got tired of standing and leaned against a wall behind him, leaving one arm around Robbe’s shoulders and he snuggled closer too, leaning against Sander as he talked to his friends and they smoked not the best weed available. If he had the will to let go of Robbe, Sander is sure he could find some better weed for these boys in no time, probably the best weed they would ever taste, but he can’t have the strength in him to go find a dealer. And he’s also scared about how shitfaced they would get smoking actual, good weed, not the grass their dealer sells them as weed.
A shadow appears from the foggy party and Sander is so happy to see a familiar face.
“I was looking for you…” Senne smiles when Robbe and Sander recognize him, he shakes Sander’s hand and hugs Robbe a little too long.
“Where’s Zoe?” Sander frowns, but the question doesn’t seem to upset Senne at all. He actually smiles and points his head over his shoulder.
“Somewhere saying hi to Jana. How are you two lovebirds?”
Robbe laughs coyly and Sander wants to kiss him for being constantly so cute and at ease.
“We’re ok.” Sander answers for the two of them and Senne raises his eyebrows, nodding his head, looking at the other boys too, shaking their hands finally.
Sander feels bad for them, kind of stuck in a corner for the whole night, afraid to go elsewhere.
“You have weed?” He asks Senne and he looks back at him again, nodding his head, both hands in his black jeans jacket.
“Yeah. You’re smoking again?”
“No, for them.” He nods his head, pointing to Jens, Moyo, and Aaron looking like puppies now, almost drooling at the thought of experimenting their weed.
Senne thinks for a second, probably regretting saying he had it, but he finally pulls the small bag from his pocket, hiding perfectly as he gives it to Jens that holds it and hides it just as fast.
The boys are gone the next minute and Robbe snuggles even closer and Senne rolls his eyes.
“And Britt? No scenes yet?” Sander sighs, wrapping his arm tighter around Robbe’s shoulders, holding his hand now that they’re closer.  
“Haven’t seen her, don’t plan on doing so either.” He can feel Robbe’s awkwardness to be here, witnessing this conversation so he kisses his temple, breathing him in.
“Yeah, it’s probably for the best, but I’m glad you came and brought him with you.” Senne smiles proudly and Sander shows him the middle finger. He acts like he was ever a matchmaker!
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Summary:  You have a panic attack at your friend’s birthday party. Jason is there. Warnings: Panic attacks, Language, alcohol Word Count: 2.6k A/N: Most requested when I polled you guys!
“Gaby, I’m not going to know anyone there!”
“Well, it’s my birthday. So, you’re coming. Oh! I’ll invite Tim! You’re friends with him!”
“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes, not that it did any good since you were on the phone with her, but it made you feel better. You knew that Gaby secretly wished you two would end up together, despite you warning her that you were just close friends. Nothing more. “Alright, fine. I’ll meet you at yours at 10 and we can head out from there?”
“Girl, drinks are expensive! We are pre-gaming, come at 9 so we can do some shots before we leave!”
“You will be the death of me…see you at 9 Gabs.” You hung up the phone and immediately dialed Tim.
“Hey Timmy, I have a favor to ask.”
“Why am I not going to like this?”
“Because you’ll have to pry yourself away from that computer for like a night. But you have to come to Gaby’s birthday with me. I will loose it around all those sorority girls without you.”
“I think you can handle them, Y/N/N. You are very good at making friends.”
“I know I CAN handle them, but I’d rather have you there to help out. Maybe you’ll end up meeting someone? Come onnnn.”
“For some reason, I don’t think I would click with any of Gaby’s sorority friends.” You hear his older brother, Jason in the background.
“Timbers, someone is inviting you to hang out with a bunch of girls and you’re saying no?!”
“It’s just Y/N.”
“Oh gee, thanks Tim.”
“You know what I meant,” he mumbled into the phone before turning back to his brother. “Jay…she wants some company. You should go.”
“DO NOT PAWN ME OFF ON YOUR BROTHER, I SWEAR TO – HE DID NOT JUST HANG UP ON ME.” You realized that you would be facing this party on your own. If you had just told Tim why you wanted him to go, you knew he would stop everything and accompany you, but you didn’t want to be a charity case. Who knows if it will even happen? It’ll be fine.
Finally, 9 pm rolled around and you walked up to Gaby’s front door. You could already hear screaming girls on the other side. You took your key out and walked in, hearing Gaby yell at the top of her lungs, “Guess who’s 22, bitches!” Before turning on the infamous twenty-two song by Taylor Swift. It was the obligatory 22nd birthday song, after all. Gaby screamed once again when she saw you enter the kitchen.
“Y/N! You look amazing and I love you. We are going to have so much fun!” She turned back to pour a round of shots for everyone. You pulled your phone out and sent a text to Tim.
Timmy, if you love me at all you will come out tonight. We are going to Zia’s at 10.
Tim looks up from the computer as his phone buzzes. He reads the message and runs his fingers through his hair. He knew that you wouldn’t be asking…twice…if it wasn’t important. He got up from the computer, went to get more coffee and hopefully run into his brother. Thankfully, both a fresh pot and Jason were in the kitchen.
“Jason, Y/N texted me, the party is headed to Zia’s.”
“You want me to go to a party – without you – that your best friend is going to? Care to explain further, Timbers?”
“She asked me to go…twice and I’m really deep into this case…but she never asks twice.”
“Awe, little Timmy is worried about her.”
“Please Jason.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll head there and keep an eye on her.”
Tim nodded as he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in.
You got to the club, still waiting for Tim to even acknowledge your message. You knew how enveloped he got researching and whatever else his father had him doing on that dang computer. You would be surprised if he even checked his phone at all. Leaving Gaby, you headed to the bar…in desperate need of a drink.
“Sorority girls too much for you?”
You glanced up, immediately recognizing the voice, and then the person standing next to you. “Please tell me Tim didn’t send you to babysit me.”
“The sap was worried about you. Don’t yell at him too much.”
“At least he didn’t send Damian…” you grumbled, trying to get the attention of the bartender.
“Heh, the little demon would find a way in and cause a scene, wouldn’t he?”
“Probably just drag me out, kicking and screaming, so he didn’t have to watch people having fun.” You leaned over the counter and ordered your standard drink before looking to Jason and motioning for him to order something.
“Make it two,” he said before turning back to you. “So, I don’t take you as someone who needs back-up at these kinds of things.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Your drinks were brought out, but as you reached for your card Jason stopped you to hand the bartender his own. “Thanks, Jay. So you dance?” You asked with a mischievous smirk growing on your face.
“I’m going to have to –” His words cut off as you grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the center of the group of girls you came with.
“GIRLLSSS, look at who I just found. Isn’t he just gorgeous?!” Jason swore your voice went up two octaves. All the girls surrounding him squealed as they took turns trying to get him to dance. He looked over at you with a ‘I’m so getting you back for this’ look in his eyes. The girls, he didn’t mind, the attempts to dance, he did. After a few songs, you needed a refill, and began to fell guilty for Jason’s current predicament so you carefully moved over to him.
“Jayybirdd, I sooo need another drink. I think you do to, doesn’t he girls?” Queue all the girls shrieking in agreement. You grabbed his wrist and led him back to the bar. “Sorry, I had to…but remember I also saved you.”
“I can see why Tim likes you.” He grins as you roll your eyes. As if you needed another person shipping the two of you together.
“He’s one of my best friends, like a brother.” You said with a definitive look in your eyes, willing him to understand that you and Tim would never be romantically involved. In fact, not that you would tell a soul, but the two of you did try one night and it just felt wrong. The two of you kissed and then spent the rest of the night laughing about it.
“Well I don’t want to be your brother.” Jason quipped back at you, as you summoned the bartender and ordered two more drinks.
“Don’t worry. You aren’t.”
Once the drinks arrived, you were dragging Jason back to the dance floor. He resisted a little less this time.
A few more songs had passed, and you felt that pit in your stomach starting to rise. You made your way back to the bar, in hopes of finding an unoccupied corner. Your eyes searched frantically around the club, to no avail. As you tried to begin regulating your breathing, you made your way to the door. Not the smartest thing to be on the streets of Gotham alone, but you couldn’t stay in there anymore.
Jason looked up and watched as you headed to the bar, hoping you would bring him back another drink as well. Looking down at the girl who grabbed his waist, he wriggled out of her grip and headed for where he last saw you…only you were no longer there. Okay, maybe she went to the bathroom. He knew Tim would kill him if anything happened to you, so he made his way to the bathrooms, stopping a girl about to enter.
“Hey, can you check if Y/N Y/L/N is in there?”
Thankfully the girl was not completely plastered and noticed the worried look in his eyes. She nodded and pushed open the door. Jason heard muffled calls before the girl came out and shook her head no.
“Fuck. Thanks.” He waved her along and made his way to the exit while searching the crowd for your Y/H/C hair. He steps outside and looks up the street, seeing you turn into an alleyway. What the fuck is she thinking. He broke into a run.
Going into an alley probably wasn’t the safest thing, but your mind was racing and thinking straight was not on the agenda. You counted your breathing in your head. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. You slunk to the ground, not caring about the dirt and trash that would coat your favorite skirt. Pulling your knees to your chest you tried to keep counting as you slammed your eyes shut blocking out as much of the outside world as possible. Eventually, you gave up on the counting and were hyperventilating in an alley, in Gotham, alone. You thought you heard your name, so you opened your eyes and saw Jason kneeling in front of you.
“Y/N, what the fuck. What are you doing?”
You jumped to your feet. No no, he can’t see me like this. No no no. You tried to run, but Jason grabbed your wrist and spun you into him. His fury melted as he saw the panic in your eyes. You looked up at him and without thinking pressed your lips against his with desperation. He pulled away and looked at you, confusion glossing over his face. You didn’t care and pulled him back in. You felt your breathing steady and tore your lips from his.
Barely able to form words, you looked at him, “I…panic…attack…” was all you could manage to get out. He nodded and picked you up, walking over to a cab. He opened the door and set you inside before walking around the car and climbing in next to you. He rattled off your address to the driver before pulling you next to him.
As you arrived, you opened the door and climbed out of the car as Jason rushed to your side. He looked at you, as if to ask ‘you okay?’ You nodded, but grabbed his wrist to follow you upstairs. Without saying another word, you opened the door to your apartment and went into the bedroom, you could feel your breathing start to become erratic once again. I just need to take my makeup off and get out of these clothes. Suck it up, Y/N. You can do this.
You stood at your bathroom vanity for far too long, staring at yourself, trying to will yourself to relax and calm down. You didn’t even notice when Jason came up behind you and put a hand on your shoulder, but you instinctively turned around and tucked yourself into his chest. He began to move to the bedroom but you planted your feet in place, determined to at least get out of these disgusting clothes. Taking a deep breath, you released yourself from his grasp and walked to the dresser to pull out an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sleep shorts. At this point, you didn’t care and you stripped off your club clothes and pulled on the clean ones as Jason stood in the doorway of your bathroom.
You crawled into bed and curled into a ball before noticing Jason still staring at you. You reached out your arm, motioning for him to join you. You noticed him sigh before crawling beside you, unbeknownst to you it was because he thought Tim would kill him for this entire situation. Letting you run out of the club and now falling asleep with you in his arms. Surely he was a goner, but he had always liked you. Ever since Tim brought you home all those years ago, but he never had a reason to hang around too much. After having you to himself all night, he knew he had legitimate feelings for his brother’s best friend.
You woke up the next day still entangled in Jason’s arms and devastation struck you as you remembered the disaster that occurred the night before. I kissed my best friend’s brother. Shit. Though, you had to admit, you had wanted to for awhile now. Carefully slipping from Jason’s grasp, you searched for your phone and immediately sent a text to Tim.
Don’t hate me. I may have kissed your brother last night.
What the hell happened?
Ugh, I had another stupid panic attack. And my mangled mind was all like, didn’t you read something about kissing helping to regulate your breathing.
I’m sorry, I should’ve been there. I knew there was a reason you asked me to go.
It’s okay Tim.
So…did you like it?
Tim! Wtf!
That’s not a no, Y/N/N!
Grow up!
You plugged your phone into the charger and went into the bathroom to see the state of your makeup. It was a disaster, as you guessed. After washing your face, you exited the bathroom to see Jason sitting up in the bed.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better now that I’m not freaking out in front of my best friend’s brother.” You dragged your hand down your face. “I’m sorry about everything. You shouldn’t’ve had to deal with that. They’ve just been really bad lately…that’s why I wanted Tim to freaking go…but I didn’t want to disappoint Gaby, since it was her birthday –”
“Y/N. Relax. It’s okay. I was just worried about you. Why on earth would you not get me? Instead you go into an alley, by yourself, in fucking Gotham City.”
“I know,” you moved to sit next to him on the bed. “I just, most people don’t understand or know how to handle them. And I didn’t want to worry you…or Gaby. So, my mind just needed an exit strategy.”
“I’ve handled way worse, don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“What, you still wanna hang out with me?”
“Oh, uhm, well it’s not like we hang out much to begin with.” His tone turned almost sad.
“Well, you never ask.” You said blatantly.
“Neither do you!”
“Okay, fair. Well, since you’re here…and you paid for my drinks last night, I think I owe you breakfast. I think Tim even has some –” You stop short realizing that Tim’s clothes would never fit his brother and wave your hand at the thought.
“Tim has what?” He asked, slightly concerned.
“Oh, just some spare clothes here…but I realized you wouldn’t fit in them.”
“He’s going to kill me, by the way.”
“Probably.” You let out a chuckle as you rummage through your dresser for some clothes.
“Mind if I at least shower before we head out?”
“Not at all.” As Jason goes into the bathroom you change clothes and head into the kitchen to make some coffee while you wait.
Jason turns on the shower and dials his brother.
“Where are you Jason? What happened last night? Gaby texted me saying you and Y/N went missing halfway through the night!”
“She had a panic attack, so we got out of there.” Jason opted for a half-truth in order to avoid being hit and/or berated by his younger brother when he got home.
“Hm, so where the hell are you now?”
“I’m still here. At Y/N’s.”
“What the fuck, Todd. Why are you still there?”
“I just wanted to make sure she was okay!” There was a long silence, one that Tim was sure drove his brother crazy. “We kissed.”
“If you like her, I’ll back off.”
“Nah, I was messing with you Jay. I already knew.”
“And I already see how the two of you look at each other. I say go for it…But I will kill you if you hurt her.”
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