sahljournal · 2 years
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Wodaabe women watch men dancing
Wodaabe women with tribal scar tattoos on their faces watch as men dance infront of them. In a remote part of the Sahara desert near lake Chad, the nomadic Wodaabe tribe (a subgroup of the Fulani ethnic group) take part in an annual courtship ritual competition called Gerewol ( Guérewol ) during which young men dressed in elaborate ornamentation and made up in traditional face painting gather in lines to dance and sing, vying for the attentions of marriageable young women. The Wodaabe are also known as the Bororo tribe.
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antonioarchangelo · 11 months
O Brasil e suas 170 línguas maternas
O Brasil é uma nação conhecida por sua riqueza cultural e diversidade. Essa riqueza não se limita apenas à música, dança e culinária, mas também se estende às línguas faladas por suas comunidades indígenas. No vasto território brasileiro, mais de 300 línguas indígenas foram identificadas, formando um mosaico linguístico único e intrigante que representa um patrimônio inestimável da nação. As…
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manessha545 · 4 months
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Cuiabá, Brazil: Cuiabá is the capital city of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. It is located near the geographical centre of South America. Also, it forms the metropolitan area of Mato Grosso, along with the neighbouring town of Várzea Grande. The city's name is an indigenous Bororo word meaning 'arrow-fishing', The city was founded in 1719, during the gold rush. Wikipedia
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libero-de-mente · 1 year
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Non alle falde del Kilimangiaro ma più su, quasi sulla vetta. Una storia avvincente con una giovane keniota dal tipico nome Heidi, un pastore di gnu, nomade del Bororo di nome Peter e un'amica del cuore Clara, tipico nome senegalese, che danno vita a un romanzo romanzoso e romanzato. A tratti romanzante. Da leggere assolutamente.
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cosmicanger · 3 months
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NIGER. Near Tanout. The Bororos “peuls” tribe. 1993.
© Raymond Depardon/Magnum Photos
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iseo58 · 2 years
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Niger, Bororo Culture
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friendswithclay · 1 year
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“Bororo women making ceramics” c.1935
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nowhere-star · 1 year
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Nowhere Star Chapter 1: "Unfinished Business" — Out Now!
Read it on Archive of Our Own, Wattpad and Google Docs! Fun facts and behind the scenes stuff under the cut.
So.... yeah, it's real. After 3 months of work (the first draft was made on March 12, 2023), Nowhere Star finally has its first chapter! I really don't know what to say.
We were initially throwing around ideas for the chapter in discord dms, thinking of what would be a good introduction to the story at large and the protagonist — Jet C. D. Lynn. Eventually we settled on a murder mystery to set the tone and establish the themes of the story, and this is what came of it.
We ended up scrapping a few things, namely a beat in the Jet v. Bossa fight, where Jet makes a hopscotch grid out of tables via transporting them to the Evidence Room, and then throws the document actoss as a marker. Hugo ignores his setup and goes straight for the doc, upon which Jet releases all the tables he disturbed, launching them at high speeds. Other than that though, the main sequence of events in Chapter 1 stayed relatively consistent, though some of the things during the fight scene were added in the spur of the moment.
The media references featured in this chapter are, in order of appearance:
Mr. and Mrs. Maturana's family name is a reference to the Chilean artist Carlos Maturana, also known as Bororo.
The name of the protagonist, Jet C. D. Lynn is a double reference! The Jet C. D. part is after Puffy Amiyumi's Jet CD album. His last name is referencing a verse from Jellyfish's The Ghost at Number One.
Hugo Bossa's name isn't just a reference to the famous fashion brand Hugo Boss, but is also a play on bossa nova, a genre of music that originates in Brazil.
Pasillo y Avena Consultores Ltda is a reference to Hall & Oates!
Jet's stand, Ghost at Number One is named after the eponymous song by Jellyfish.
You already know what Comfortably Numb is a reference to
Multiple scenes in the Jet v. Bossa fight directly reference QTEs from Yakuza 0 — namely the beat where Jet and Bossa wrestle for a knife:
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Silly screenshots from the drafts:
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Big thanks to everyone who read our drafts and gave us feedback! It's been really helpful in making this story into something great. We look forward to sharing more and more bits of it with you as we make progress along the way!
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ocombatenterondonia · 3 months
Ultramacho Toroari 2024: Aventura noturna em Cuiabá celebra cultura e natureza
No dia 22 de junho de 2024, o condomínio Ginco Cidade Jardim, em Cuiabá, será o cenário da Ultramacho Toroari, uma corrida noturna de trail run que promete uma experiência única sob a luz da lua cheia. O evento, que chega à sua quinta edição, homenageia as raízes culturais e geográficas da região, utilizando o termo “Toroari”, que significa “morro do gavião” na língua bororo, conectando a corrida…
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rococo-loco-coo · 4 months
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Macaw Parrots represent grace and ease. It is the guardian, the protector of the air element and of the winds, carrying prayers to the heavens. The Bororo Tribe of Brazil considers the macaw a messenger of the gods and ancestors. The macaw is often a symbol of sacred union and lasting relationships
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brasilcalling · 5 months
Katu Mirim - Bling Bling
Born in the interior of São Paulo, Katu Mirim was adopted by a non-indigenous couple. At the age of 13, she learned that she was the biological daughter of an indigenous father and a black mother. The artist’s maternal great-grandmother was kidnapped from the village where she lived and has as her ancestor the Boe Bororo people, originally from Mato Grosso and enslaved in Jundiaí (SP). The…
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szaratorium · 6 months
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laopiniononline · 1 year
El programa "Hora 25" de NTV se emitirá por TVN ampliando su alcance en el país
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/6R
El programa "Hora 25" de NTV se emitirá por TVN ampliando su alcance en el país
La quinta temporada del emblemático espacio cultural que conduce Blanca Lewin, se emite los miércoles por NTV y debuta mañana viernes además por TVN.
El reconocido programa “Hora 25”, magazine cultural que ha cautivado a los espectadores con su oferta de teatro, arte, música, cine, literatura y danza, expandirá su audiencia al sumarse a la parrilla programática de TVN en su señal abierta.
De esta forma, “Hora 25”, que ya lleva 12 capítulos al aire, continuará su emisión cada miércoles a las 23:59 y los domingos a las 21:00 horas en NTV, y ahora además se emitirá en TVN los viernes después del Best Seller, llevando su enriquecedor contenido a un público aún más amplio, consolidándose como uno de los programas culturales más destacados de la televisión nacional.
Conducido por la actriz y comunicadora, Blanca Lewin, “Hora 25” ha logrado cautivar a los espectadores con su mezcla única de contenido cultural diverso y entretenimiento de calidad. La quinta temporada de este programa, recordado y querido, ha sido enriquecida con la participación de destacados columnistas y colaboradores. Entre los que destacan Sergio Parra, reconocido poeta; Isabel Plant, periodista especializada en cine y fundadora de la plataforma Mujeres Bacanas; Gonzalo Planet, periodista e investigador de música popular y bajista de la banda Matorral; y Carolina Gutiérrez, periodista de espectáculos del área de prensa de TVN.
“Hora 25” ha brindado a su audiencia momentos inolvidables, presentando en vivo a talentosos artistas nacionales como Nano Stern, Pascuala Ilabaca, Quilapayún, Niños de Cerro, Dulce y Agraz, Alain Johannes, Tata Barahona, Masquemusica, Jonas Sanche y Kuervos de Sur, por mencionar solo algunos. Esta semana, Princesa Alba conversará sobre su nueva producción y la influencia de la música urbana en la cultura popular.
Directores de cine y teatro de renombre, así como actores destacados como Jaime Vadell, Coca Guazzini, Francisco Reyes, Javiera Díaz de Valdés, Gabriel Cañas y Juan Cano, han sido invitados. Asimismo, escritores y poetas como Alejandro Zambra, Ariel Florencia Richards, Raúl Zurita, Mariana Enríquez y Andrés Montero, y reconocidos artistas como Bororo, Cecilia Vicuña, Catalina Bu y Mono González, han aportado su perspectiva y talento a “Hora 25”.
“La incorporación de “Hora 25” en la señal 1 de TVN permitirá a más hogares en todo el país acceder a este valioso contenido cultural. Un programa histórico creado por Augusto Góngora y Diana Massis hace más de 15 años que vuelve a tener un espacio en la televisión masiva en Chile”, comenta Roberto Cisternas, Director de Programación de TVN.
Además de NTV y TVN, “Hora 25” está disponible en las plataformas digitales TVN Play y Tvn.cl. 
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Projeto prevê que língua Boe Bororo seja incluída nas escolas de Rondonópolis
Adonias durante visita – Foto: Assessoria Está tramitando na Câmara Municipal um Projeto de Lei de autoria do vereador Adonias Fernandes (MDB) para que seja oficializado a língua Boe Bororo nas escolas de ensino fundamental de Rondonópolis. O vereador Adonias explica que o principal objetivo é oferecer a população indígena acesso na prática de leitura e escrita e alfabetização na língua Boe…
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holofotedigital · 1 year
Acidente na rua Bororos com Independência deixa uma pessoa ferida em Barra do Garças
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iseo58 · 2 years
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A Wodaabe or Bororo woman from southern Chad photo © Marie-Laure de Decker
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