#Bruce Wayne is Arkham’s babygirl
emo-batboy · 1 year
Okay what is this I keep hearing about Harvery Dent and Bruce Wayne being caught kissing???? Storytime?
Okay so this is probably a much longer winded story than I’m sure you expected but here’s my whole explanation of Harvey/Two-Face in the Battinson universe:
I always like to imagine that there is a distinct difference between Harvey and Two-Face. In this world, Harvey is regarded as an accomplished man suffering from DID who is forced to live in Arkham to keep his second personality, Two-Face, behind bars. Meanwhile, Two-Face is a notorious crime boss and master manipulator. They share the same body, yes, and it almost impossible to tell them apart sometimes, yes, but Bruce is the only person that can reliably tell who is in control.
You see, over the years, Two-Face has become an expert at pretending to be Harvey, so much so that the guards at Arkham just refer to them as Dent now. There have been several incidents where doctors believed Harvey was somehow cured of his DID and they gave him more privileges due to “good behavior,” only for Two-Face to bash a prison guard’s skull in while trying to escape.
But the one person he can’t fool is Bruce, the man who knows Harvey so intimately that he can examine his facial features down to the micro expression.
They thought they would get married one day, Bruce and Harvey. It was sickeningly sweet. They were so madly in love. Then the accident worsened Harvey’s condition. Bruce will never forgive Two-Face for taking his true love away from him.
Bruce visits Arkham once a week to see Harvey. Only the guards know about their past relationship because the two can’t stop giving one another heart eyes while they play chess and tell each other about their day. They’ll talk for hours, and it’s no secret that a pretty, Bambi-eyed, lovestruck Brucie Wayne will pay off any guard to see his “friend” for another fifteen minutes or so.
But sometimes, Bruce walks into the room, sees Dent’s face, and immediately storms out. Because it’s Two-Face. Posing as his former lover, wearing his lips and cheeks and nose, but the eyes are just wrong, all wrong, and he’s giving Bruce a smile that isn’t even close to Harvey’s gorgeous smile. And it’s sick. The guards can’t tell, the other patients prisoners can’t tell, no one else can tell but oh, Bruce can fucking tell.
On other days, Bruce will be talking with Harvey one second, only to stop mid-sentence, scowl at him, and say, “Give him back. I’m not talking to you.”
Two-Face breaks into a grin. “I can never pull one over on you, can I, sweetheart?”
“Shut the fuck up. Where is he?”
“He says he loves you, and you look very nice.”
Bruce has been held back by the guards several times for this very reason. He blames himself that they can’t hold hands during visits anymore. Instead, they talk through that stupid fucking glass, but at least they get a private room. The guards now know that even if pretty Brucie Wayne looks sweet and delicate when talking to Harvey, he can also throw a decent punch.
On good weeks, it’ll be nothing but soft words and smiles.
“I finally bought those chocolates you recommended,” Bruce says.
Harvey smiles. “Did you like them?”
“I did. Thank you.”
On bad weeks, Bruce will leave with hot tears streaming down his face, and the guards will treat Two-Face just a little harsher than necessary as they escort him back to his cell.
Sometimes, it’s a mix of both. Even rarer are the days when Harvey comes back right before Bruce leaves to say goodbye to his angel. Those moments are the most tender because they all know Harvey has trouble taking control back. But he did it for Bruce, just to make him smile again before they parted ways.
One day, however, a guard thinks he can flirt with Bruce. He makes a move when no one’s looking and receives an answer in the form of a black eye. Only a day later, he gets maimed by Dent and lands in the hospital. Bruce learns about it during his next visit.
“Your boyfriend’s other half tried to kill that guard last week,” another guard tells him.
“The one that grabbed my ass?”
“Two-Face put him in a coma.”
Bruce chuckles and picks at a loose thread from his dress shirt. “What you makes you so sure it was Two-Face?”
No guard tries making a move on Arkham’s favorite visitor again. And the star-crossed lovers keep seeing one another and confessing their undying love. Even after they accept their fate. Even when Bruce tells Harvey about Selina and how he’s slowly falling in love with her too. But something is holding him back.
“I don’t want to let you go,” Bruce whispers.
“I don’t either,” Harvey says, tracing his love’s hand through the bulletproof glass, “but I want you to be happy.”
“But I’m happy with you.” Bruce was always a crybaby, but he hates crying in here the most.
“You can be happy with me in here. But I can’t bear to be the reason you’re not happy out there.”
After a bit more convincing, Bruce finally agrees. Before beginning a new relationship, he tells Selina about him and Harvey, tells her that it’s non-negotiable, and she accepts it.
The next time Dent breaks out of Arkham, Selina gets a visitor. “Break his heart, and I’ll drown you in the pier,” he says.
Selina smiles as her hoard of cats purr against the stranger. Maybe they can tell just like Bruce can. Or maybe this is Two-Face doing Harvey a favor. Either way, she doesn’t particularly care.
Selina gives him a once-over and nods. “Likewise.”
Anyway, yes, that is my BruHarvey lore. Hope you enjoyed :)
@bruciemilf this is right up your alley, bestie
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jasonsbruce · 26 days
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original text post
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shrimpyhan · 1 year
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I’m here to post the one a year drawing and leave 🙏 enjoy a Jason Todd.
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murdockbuckley · 6 months
all of it. any knowledge you can spare. all the stuff. i keep getting jason todd?? on my timeline and i have no idea who that is
i fear the jason todd stuff may be my fault he's just my babygirl 😔
today you get a jason todd crash course, it's very long:
he's bruce wayne's second son, and also the second robin - later becomes red hood
his father (willis) was put into prison (murdered later on) and his mother (catherine) died of an overdose so he was homeless for a while
he was stealing the tires off the batmobile, batman found him and jason whacked him with the tire iron called him a "big boob"
batman put him in a (unknowingly corrupt) school for troubled youths before adopting him
at 15 he found out catherine wasn't his birth mother and went to ethiopia to find his biological mother (sheila haywood)
he finds and meets her (as robin) at a warehouse, where he discovers she sold him out to the joker
the joker tied his mother up, beat him with a crowbar and then set a bomb
instead of just leaving, he went over and tried to help save sheila but the bomb detonated and they both died
batman went to get him but he was too late and found jason dead
batman sees this as his greatest failure and eventually puts up a memorial(?) in the batcave with jason's robin uniform
jason is eventually brought back to life and has to break out of his coffin (around 6 months after his death)
he's hospitalised for a while whilst recovering from the injuries from his death and also has amnesia
talia al ghul (bruce wayne ex-love, damian's mum, assassin) put him in the lazarus pit (basically a swimming pool of magic water to restore health) and cure all of his injuries and amnesia
talia helps jason believe his death was never avenged and he basically plans to confront batman about it (goes through the same training bruce did before becoming batman to do so)
batman basically isn't sorry that the joker is still alive and jason gets angry about it and becomes the red hood - an old alias of the joker
the red hood is a crime lord and made a statement by cutting off the heads of a bunch of second in commands and delivering them to their leaders in a duffle bag during a meeting
bruce finds out jason's coffin has been empty almost the entire time and questions if jason actually died
jason beats up tim drake (the third robin)in titans tower because he replaced jason and was supposedly better than him
jason kidnaps the joker for batman's attention and makes him choose between jason and the joker saying one of them has to die
batman slices jason's neck with a batarang and the joker escapes
jason gets put in arkham asylum for a bit but gets broken out by some hires mercenaries
after being broke out of arkham he slowly reforms and starts working with the rest of the batfamily again
he eventually forms his own team called the outlaws
so much more happens but thats a basic rundown of jason todd
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garryberryfabubatch · 5 years
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If you couldn't tell before, I'm obsessed.
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jeromesxreader16 · 8 years
Such a Joker (22/?)
Jim POV:
“Valeska has red hair, crazy laugh. Might be rolling with a pretty young number.” Harvey says to a suspect mentioning my daughter in the process. I clench my fist and breath deeply.
“I-I don’t know anything.” The man says scared. “You believe him?” “ Nope.” “Me neither.” “It’s the truth! But, hey, I-I can help you guys, you know, spread the word and stuff.” He says putting his hands up. 
 “Valeska killed a friend of ours. Anybody hides him, anybody protects him, they go down, too, you got it? Now spread the word! Harvey yells.
I go sit at my desk and rest my head in my hands. “Ugh (y/n) what have you gotten yourself into?”
(Y/n) POV: 
Jerome, Tabatha, and I go to visit Jerome’s father. We stand in his apartment snooping when the door opens.
“Who’s there? I know someone’s there.” The old man says in his scratchy voice.
Jerome jumps and cover the mans mouth. “Hi-ya, Pops. Long time no see.” I giggle at his bad pun. “Good one baby!” “Thanks dollface.” Jerome winks at me.
We place old man in a chair tied down. “So, how you doing? Ah, the silent treatment, eh? Here, I’ll tell you a story. You remember Kansas City, Dad? The circus went through town every spring right around my birthday. There was this guy.
Him and my mom used to drink and fornicate and beat the crap out of me. They’d make a whole night out of it. And I remember one time it was my ninth birthday him and my mom had just finished round one of boozing, boning, beating up Jerome, and were deciding to take a little break. Anyway Mm. I was outside the trailer, and you were there.
And you said, “Why are you crying, Jerome?” “It’s my birthday. And my mom and the snake guy are beating me. ” then you said, “This world doesn’t care about you “or anyone else, Jerome.
Better to realize that now. ” And that was it.”
I cross my arms over Jerome’s shoulders and hug him. “Such a bad father Mr. Cicero! How could you treat such a nice boy like that?” Jerome kisses my arm. “You see, there’s this guy, Dad. He believes in me. He believes in (y/n) and I. He thinks I’m gonna be a star. And, tonight, all of Gotham will see that, too. Except for you. ‘Cause you’ll be, you know, dead.” Jerome laughs.
“Jerome” his father tries to speak. “Is this the part where you say how sorry you are? Hmm? How you should have believed in me, how it’s not too late to start again? News flash, Dad: it’s too late.” Jerome growls. 
“You don’t have to do this.” I laugh throwing my head back. “No. I’m pretty sure he does.” “I was a bad father, but I did love you. To kill me for that.” Jerome rolls his eyes. “That’s not why I’m gonna kill you. Plans to Arkham Asylum. Look at these.
Ah. Letters between you and your troubled son.
Innocent at first glance, but Detective Gordon you remember him, right? he’ll feel little bumps. A secret message written in Braille between you and your son, discussing my escape. Finally, the knockout gas used to disable the orderlies.
'Cause, you see, Dad, this guy I was telling you about, he’s the one who broke me out of Arkham.
He doesn’t want anyone to know about that.
Obviously. So the police will find these letters, mmm, and they’ll think, “The blind old fool really loved his son. What a wonderful father.” Oh. There won’t be a dry eye in the house.” Jerome wipes his father’s eyes dramatically.
“They’ll never believe it.” “Ah, sure, they will.
Cops are dumb. Isn’t that right (y/n)?” “Oh the dumbest!” I laugh.
“There’s nothing to eat in this dump. Finish up and let’s go.” Tabitha says frustrated. “Sorry you’re gonna miss my big night, Dad. But, hey, you’re psychic. So, tell me, do I kill?”
“You Will be a curse upon Gotham.
Children will wake from sleeps screaming at the thought of you. Your legacy will be death and madness.”
“Ha, ha, ha. Well say hi to Mom for me.” Jerome says seconds away from stabbing the man’s brains.
“GCPD! GCPD! Mr.Cicero, it’s Detective Gordon.
We need to speak with you about your son.” Jerome motions for me to run out to the fire escape, and I listen not wanting to be caught by my dumb cop father.
Jerome POV: Jim waddles out of the door all loopy and such. “That gas sure packs a wallop, huh?” He tries to raise his gun at me. “That’s cute.” I laugh and take his gun away only for him to place his hands around my neck. “I’m sensing anger.” I say laughing. “You killed Sarah Essen. Now I’m gonna kill you.” “Correction! Your daughter pulled that trigger! Ah she’s a good girl Gordon. Let her be free!” I laugh and point the gun at his head.
“Don’t shoot him. How about a little flesh wound?” Tabatha says kicking him in the face and knocking him cold.
(Y/n) POV: I brush my dress down getting all the wrinkles out so it lays flat and nice against my body. “Hmm someone looks delicious!” Jerome says kissing my neck and rubbing his hands all over my sides. “Well you know. Only the best.” “Only if I could take you out of this. Oh you don’t know what I’d do.” “3 years of fucking and something new? Surprise me.” I say wrapping my arms around him and bringing his lips to mine. “Hm that comes later tonight babygirl. To celebrate our victory! Now let’s get going. Don’t want to be late baby. Can’t miss the show!” He laughs and drags me oh the door.
When we get to the banquet Jerome, Barbara and I go through the back door. “Get the magician.” I say to Babs. As the magician that is supposed to perform tonight walk through the door we tackle him and tie him up placing him in a chest.
“Thank you for filling in on such short notice.
But how did you hear our magician dropped out Mr?” “Rodolfo. Well, you know, magic.” Jerome says in his ridiculous accent. “Oh, I won’t be needing that.” Jerome says and we shut the chest.
I walk over to J and adjust his suit. “Be careful out there J. Give them the best show they’ve ever seen!” “Oh no problem there baby. Stay back here. I don’t want you getting caught.” I tug on his suit smirking. “Yes sir.”
“Without further ado, please allow me to present to you the Great Rodolfo.”
“Ha! Greetings, ladies and germs! I am indeed the Great Rodolfo. Please ogle my lovely assistant.
Ooh! For my first act, I’ll require a volunteer. Let me see. Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck goose!” Jerome points to Bruce Wayne.
Babs goes out into the crowd and brings him back. “Hello, young man. Does this handsome gentleman have a name?” “Bruce.” “Bruce! Well, Bruce, this won’t hurt a bit. Is there a doctor in the house?”
Jerome sticks one of the blades in the box along with the other one getting the audience to gasp and applauded him. “Give ‘em a wave. Some people say Bruce has a split personality. For my next illusion, I’d like to call to the stage esteemed Deputy Mayor Harrison Kane.”
From then on all hell breaks loose. Jerome kills the deputy mayor and gunfire is started along with the rest of the show because who can stop at just there? Ha! Not J.
Lee’s phone rings and Jerome picks it up. He ten looks at me and smiles. “Are you outside? You are, aren’t you? Oh, goody! I swear to God, if you’ve hurt her Breathe, James. I haven’t touched a hair on your girlfriend’s pretty head. See for yourself.
This is live television after all. The feed just came back.”
“True, but not the point. Hey, let’s talk about what I want. $47 million, a helicopter, obviously, the dry cleaning I left at Mr. Chang’s be careful, the man is a crook, your daughter and I to live happily ever after and, mm, I don’t know, a pony. Uh You got ten minutes, or I start killing people. Remember, this is being broadcast to every home in Gotham, so, you know, don’t let people die. Bye.” Jerome laughs into the phone and hangs up. “I think that went well.” “Enough! You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave.” Glavan says walking up to the stage. “Is that right?” Jerome asks with a sexy smirk. “It may be presumptuous to speak for all the citizens of Gotham. But we are sick of you! You’re a small, vicious man with a pathetic need for attention. Enough, man. For God’s sakes, enough.” “I’m curious what your leverage is here, Mr ?” Theo Galavan” “Well, Mr.
Theo Galavan, if you don’t sit down, uh, I’m going to shoot you. In the face.” I know there is some human decency left in you.
you said something about living happily ever after? If you need to take a hostage, take me. But let these people go home to their families, to their children.” Babs hits him over the head knocking him out. “Boring.” “Right?”
Jerome continues to play around with people making me laugh harder behind the curtains. “Hold very still. Oh. I can’t look. Someone tell me how it turns out.” He placed his hand over his eyes and pulls the trigger to the gun only for water to come out. “Damn! Turn around.”
Jerome turns the man around and shoots the Apple off his head. “Well, clap!” Jerome says and immediately the crowd begins to clap.
“Well I think it’s time for tonight’s first official victim, you all know and love, poor rich boy, parents murdered in an alley, and my favorite volunteer.
Where is Bruce Wayne?! You know I’m an orphan, too, Bruce.I killed my parents though. Where are you hiding? Bruce! Where are you, buddy? Kill his butler.” They get rich boys butler all roughed up. “Last chance, Bruce, but it’s about to get very butler brain out here.”
“I’m bored.” Babs says rolling her eye. “Shoot the butler.” “Stop!” Bruce yells as he steps out.
Jerome places the blade against Bruce’s neck. “Seems like we got ourselves a pickle. What do you say, Brucey boy? Want to boost our ratings, huh? Smile.”
Galavan get up and stride to Jerome. “I said, enough!” Jerome turns around. It all happens so fast. A knife is plunged into my jokersters neck. “NO!” I scream and run over to him. I fall to my knees beside him while blood spills from his neck and mouth. “Jerome. No. I love you!” I sob over him. “Doll face no tears. Smile. I want to see that beautiful smile.” He places his hand on my cheek and wipes my tears. Seconds. In seconds the light leaves his eyes and his skin grows cold. “No! No! You bastard!” I scream at Galavan.
Jerome’s body is moved out and transferred to the morgue while I am put on expected trial for murder and being insane.
Luckily my father doesn’t have that type of stomach for his own blood. He can’t send me to Arkham. He can’t even send me to a jail cell. That’s why I’ve been sitting in my room for over the past week. Barely eating. Barely breathing.
A knock on my door is heard and second later it’s opened. “Hey sweetie. I got some food if you want it. I know you don’t want to but you need to (y/n). Please for me.” My dad sits on the end of the bed and rubs my calf setting to food on the table.
“I’ll do anything honey. Just say it.” I wipe my eyes and roll over to face him. “I just need time. I need to think. Clear my mind. I need distraction.” “I can get you a job. A job is a great distraction!” “In time daddy. I’ll be ready.” I say flipping on my side again. “Of course (y/n). I’m sorry you’re feeling so low.”
“Daddy wait.” “Yes?” I get up and hug him. “Please don’t send me away.” I say crying into his chest. “Never again. Never.” My father kisses my head crying with me.
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