#Bsd taneda
originalartblog · 2 years
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"what if Chuuya joined the Armed Detective Agency with Dazai?"
My version of an AU where Chuuya left the mafia "with" Dazai and joined the ADA "with" Dazai and Taneda thinks he's hilarious (he's right)
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
I absolutely understand Dazai's decision to keep his past a secret. But why didn't Cheif Taneda tell the Agency about him?
I don't care what his reasoning was that was such a risky and dangerous move.
He doesn't know Dazai. He doesn't know that Dazai's turned over a new leaf and had character development rip the bandages off his face.
All Cheif Taneda knows is that this teenager who up until 2 weeks ago was Port Mafia Executive and apparently wants a new job.
And yeah Dazai still needed to pass the entrance exam. But even so you don't just give this kid the name and contact information of an organisation he was the prime enemy off.
Without even properly informing Fukuzawa of that either.
I absolutely believe Fukuzawa would've still given Dazai a chance and allowed him to have an entrance exam.
But at least give the man a heads up. You're not part of the Agency Cheif Taneda, you have no right to hide that kind of information from them.
And you definitely knew who Dazai was because Ango was your spy into the damn place. Even after Mushitaro activated his ability because Perfect Crime erases evidence not memories.
For all you know this could be a trap orchastrated by the Port Mafia. And thankfully it wasn't and Dazai's a beloved member of the Agency.
Like what do you stand to gain from doing this? Your sus man your hella sus.
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iwillfightformydream · 5 months
ive been damn inlove with dazai natsume father child pairing for at least 2 years now maybe i have never found anyone else with this in mind i feel like ive just stumbled across a gold mine with u!! they make me think of simon and marcy and honest to god theyre my everything keep up the great work!!
Thank you so much and as a little thank you enjoy this.
I’m debating if this should be part of Natsume and his book kit Osamu or is separate AU I’m thinking about of Dad Natsume and is dumb kit Osamu( Who is not the book).
Taneda: Ah, Master Natsume welc- Who’s that?
Natsume who currently has little feral Dazai in his arms: Is something wrong, why did you stop speaking? 
Taneda: Oh no, who is that in your arms?
Natsume: Oh this, this is Osamu, he’s going to be my son after you get me the papers and files to officially make him my son.
Taneda: Y-your son!?
Osamu: yes I’m going to be his son. Are you deaf or something? Now please hurry up and make a legally family. 
Natsume: Be nice please, and yes, this is why I asked to meet. I wish to officially make Osamu my son.
Taneda: A-Ah all right very well.
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amethystroselily · 2 years
Taneda is such a funny character to me, because all we’ve ever seen that man do is give Mori an ability permit, pawn Dazai off on the ADA, and get stabbed. While Ango does everything that entire division could possibly need to do.
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dazaistabletop · 2 years
BSD Season 4 [True Story] Screenshots Part 2
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Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
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okin-kun · 16 days
Taneda: Is it bad not to be shipped with someone?
Mori and Fukuchi: *discussing*
Fukuzawa: *ignoring the existence of Mori and Fukuchi*
Taneda: No.
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BSD + Pokemon Pt. 2 (Guild + Special Division + Extras)
Yo. I'm back. XD And I have moreeeee as well as some extra folks
Fitzgerald: Persian (Three words. Rich man vibes. Anyways.)
Louisa: Noctowl (Basic, I know, but it just feels fitting for her. Not to mention, the Pokemon twists its head 180 degrees to increase intellect, similar to Louisa able to use her ability to its fullest as long as she's alone in a private room. That, and owl, and she uses a quill to write. What's more to love? [sidenote, it's actually a pretty big birb, this birb's at least 5". *it's taller than me by an inch or two.*)
Margaret: Altaria (Margaret's ability is basically wind, Altaria might be the closest thing to something related to wind/the sky. And to be honest, I'm kinda proud of this one. I thought Margaret's was gonna be hard, but each time I keep thinking back to flying Pokemon, fluffy cloud birb came to mind and just "done. dusted. stop here, that one.")
Hawthorne: Aegislash (Not my best, once again. Given Hawthorne's ability and his person, I couldn't really find one best suited. Not to mention his ability is quite specific. So I had to go with the fact he could use his ability as bullets and a shield. Offense and defense? Why not change the bullet part to a sword? and boom, Aegislash.)
Twain: Swellow (At first I was gonna go with Talonflame, but then I saw Swellow. And then I keep running into more bird Pokemon. The only reason I stuck with Swellow was because [looks back at bulbapedia] yada yada yada- "It never misses its targets". Compliments his ability well.)
Steinbeck: Arboliva (Terrifying olive tree and the only one I could think of that could fit Steinbeck's ability. Siderant: I ran into these guys when I first played Pokemon Violet, and it was so ANNOYING. I hit it. It hits back. Harder. AND THEN IT SELFHEALS. "But Lavender, you could just run-" It was a trainer battle.)
Lovecraft: Tangrowth (Going with Lovecraft's... [looks at bsdwiki] uh- hm... non-ability, with him able to use his tentacles, Tangrowth does the same with their vines. And similar to the tentacles able to regenerate, Tangrowth losing their arms doesn't trouble them.)
Herman: Wailord (*Gestures at Moby Dick* Need I say more?)
Poe: Corvisquire ([ . . . ] Look it was either going to be a raccoon [Zigzagoon], a cat [none fit the "black cat" aesthetic except maybe Litten], or a bird [Corvisquire or Murkrow]. My guy already has Karl, he could be the Zigzagoon at default, and there are no Pokemon related to books hhhh, so he gets a bird.)
Lucy: Gothorita ([inhalesss] [exhalesss] My first choices was Banette. [looks at Q]. My second choise was Magearna. [looks further down this post]. Then I see Dollive. [Looks at Steinbeck's Arboliva]. Of all that I can manage through skimming serebii's national pokedex, I came across the Gothita line. At first, I felt bad that it was sort of a last ditch plan for Lucy, but looking at the two together, they sort of compliment each other? Maybe? And yes, Gothorita specifically.)
Special Division
Ango: Reuniclus (Just like Mori, I had trouble with this one, but in which aspect. His occupation or his ability. In the end, I grabbed a small aspect of his ability where it does quite the mental strain on him, and this Pokemon line [or rather the second evolution] has that brain aspect. Other than that, though, I have thought of Klefki [for some reason???], Munna/Musharna[what is with these pokemon-?], or just any psychic-type Pokemon.)
Tsujimura: Darkrai (Now I know what you're thinking. "WHY GIVE HER SOMETHING OVERPOWERED?" Well, not only is Tsujimura's ability Yesterday's Shadow Tag something similar when it comes to shadows and Darkrai *is* shadows, but the thought of it comes to the fact that she got her ability through her mother, just like Kyouka with Demon Snow. The idea of someone having such a powerful ability/Pokemon in their hands but is ultimately nerfed due to the fact they're inexperienced, or in Tsujimura's case, unable to control it.)
Taneda: Espeon (Don't know much about the man, but his ability lets him know the nature of another's ability upon its activation. So my guy rolls an active perception check. And of all that I've seen that could "sense intention" were either Raltz/Kirlia, Lucario, and Espeon. And I was tempted in choosing Espeon not by bias, but that they passively have perception check running [odd words there, friend-]. And ye owo)
Mushitarou: Phantump (Ignoing the Pokemon's pokedex and the implications of a Phantump coming to be, the little guy just keeps reminding me of Mushitarou's little ghost buddies of his Perfect Crime ability. So have the little guy. It he.)
Ayatsuji: Magearna (Yup, pulling these guys up. Again, I don't know much of the other light novels, but I knew enough by the fanwiki. And one thing in particular I noticed besides Ayatsuji being a detective was that he likes ball-jointed dolls. So, Magearna! And to be honest, this Pokemon was what I had in mind to give Lucy but... yeaaaahh that went well-)
Kyogoku: Ghastly (I went all out, 'cos I pulled up articles for this one. Not only is Kyogoku's ability "Possession Drop" said to be of a Yokai Possession, I went to see about Pokemon that are based off on Yokai. And it says here that Ghastly are based off from "Onibi" or just souls that turn into small flames that wander, detached from their bodies. And reading about Kyogoku, it makes sense. Oh, and that generally ghost-type Pokemon are capable in possessing people.)
Next up will likely be DOA and the Hunting Dogs with a few more extras weeeeeeee
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cosplaybyyassamet · 5 months
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I had so productive saturday omg, I can't wait for photos!!! Here you have selfie.
Me as Taneda, the most underrated character in bsd (and costume done by me)
Forever Red Ribbon as Fukuzawa (in costume done by me 😅😅😅)
Raise a glass!
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leodehurlvant · 6 months
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Grandpa, Father, Boss
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lesbiankordian · 2 years
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4:
11. Mushitarou Oguri
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12. Chuuya Nakahara
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13. Sigma
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14. Ougai Mori
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15. Saigiku Jouno
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16. Santouka Taneda
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17. Doppo Kunikida
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18. Ryuurou Hirotsu
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19. Kenji Miyazawa
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20. Gin Akutagawa
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wrenverse · 28 days
Special Division for Unusual Powers:
1. Santouka (Santōka) Taneda (Director) - human
2. Ango Sakaguchi - half vampire (made - ?)
3. Mizuki Tsujimura’s - human(?)
4. Yachiyo Murakoso - human
5. Takuichi Aoki - human
6. Tsujimura’s Mother - human
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Metropolitan Police:
1. Asukai - human
2. Jun Mitamura - human
3. Minoura - human
4. Sugimoto - human
5. Yamagiwa - human
6. Yasui - unknown [no pic]
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Ministry of Justice:
1. Tonan - human
2. Sakashita - human
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< previous ... next >
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rosalinesurvived · 11 months
I do not trust either Natsume or Taneda and i want that to be explicitly clear in all that i do. May even make a meta about it.
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Cheif Taneda: Good work with the Port Mafia, Mr Sakaguchi.
Ango: Thank you, sir.
Cheif Taneda: makes sure no ones around, quietly... Are you okay, Ango?
Ango: looks down.... He's gone... He's gone and it's all my fault. I know, I know I should've gotten close. It's the first damn rule but I...
Cheif Taneda: hugs him I know. There's nothing I can say that will erase that. But, what I can tell you is that the kid is gonna be okay.
Ango: He... He is?
Cheif Taneda: We'll need to sort some things out, but he's set to join the Armed Detective Agency.
Ango: Dazai's... Dazai's gonna be on the side that saves lives...
Cheif Taneda: Oh yes, he asked me himself. But for that I'll need his past covered up. And well I can't do such a thing as head of the Special Division...trials off with a smile
Ango: Heh... Leave it to me.
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2offayyo-kzt · 2 years
Bsd Prediction // Why I think Ango will be the next Mafia boss
I already imagined the context in which it could happen :
Taneda and Mori have been planning this deal for a long time (about five years ago), that Ango would end up being Mori's successor
Let's imagine that all the bullshit with the Hunting Dogs, DOA stops, the arc ends
Taneda is still in coma, but he made a deal with Mori just before :
(Yes I know Yosano's ability exists but fuck that)
If Higuchi uses her ability to wake him up (because I'm sure Taneda knew in advance that he was going to fall in coma (my theory) and I have the headcanon that Higuchi has a healing ability or like Eri in BNHA, a rewind shit) then Ango leaves the Special Division to join the Mafia
Because I think that after all this mess, Mori will retire in Berlin, living his best life with Elise by his side
And Ango deserves a better salary, more power, more time to sleep and certainly a more intellectually rewarding job with the assurance of not dying every second.
He hates betrayal so of course he is ready to be the head of the Mafia (he already worked for it, knows a lot of confidential information, Dazai has no chance to come back to the PM, and Ango knows exactly how his future enemy "ADA" "Special Division" works, + he will be able to have his personal revenge with Chuuya as a subordinate faithful to his orders)
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wiwiurikawa · 5 months
Special Division for Unusual Powers(taneda)- lawful good
 Armed Detective Agency(fukuzawa)- neutral good
port mafia(mori)- chaotic good
I will not elaborate.
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okin-kun · 3 months
Francis: How about we compete for who is in the worst situation in the mangá?
Taneda: I was stabbed by a boy with Alzheimer's and I have a chance of not surviving.
Francis: I was almost killed by one of my subordinates who has no memories and the others are all separated.
Fukuzawa: My best friend betrayed me, almost caused a third world war, almost died and when it finally seemed like everything would end well, a Russian appeared and turned him into a triple singularity.
Fukuchi: I am a triple singularity.
Taneda: Where is Mori?
Fukuzawa: Hidden as always.
Fyodor: *drinking tea while happily watching the conversation*
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