#Buidling Blocks
luxshine · 9 months
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Joliot is the #HorsewomanofPestilence, as well as the #harbringerofhealth in #Buildingblockswebcomic because well, everything that can cure you can also kill you depending on the dose! I made this one for my video on #Outbreak, my favorite pandemic movie. https://youtu.be/bHRYv8bqW3Q?si=SBznsaLpcmlzRg6L Also, remember that for two months, I have my #kickstarter going on for the amazing Book Chavela, Chocolate and Chthulu! So check it out, share the link and if you want, donate! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/calicochimera/chavela-chocolate-y-cthulhu?ref=creator-nav
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building-block-toys · 10 months
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ayanominitrash · 8 months
Geto Suguru x reader // of all the days//
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life is unfair, but Geto is thankfully a saint
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thinking about how you're the 4th student of the second year in Jujutsu High - the batch with the strongest sorcerers of your generation
you have a huge crush on Geto Suguru but always have his best friend Gojo Satoru cock blocking you, or should I say pussy blocking you?
you can't help it, Geto is quiet, gentle and kind. his dark eyes shine into yours, making butterflies in your stomach go berserk
so, not a day goes by where you don't try to convince the annoying white-haired man to leave out a mission so you can partner up with Geto for once. it's always the two of them, while you have to get left behind with Shoko Ieiri, who isn't assigned to many missions as she's only one of the few sorcerers who can heal
"as if you're strong enough to take on one of our missions," Gojo would scoff at you every time you beg him. "Geto's mine. Or I could fuck you over and have him partner with Shoko instead."
You're red in the face in your anger, "Principal Yaga or the higher-ups would never take her out on missions too much, you know. Just this once!"
Gojo hums in thought, hand caressing his chin. then finally looks at you with a smirk, "No"
"fuck you with all my being" you glared at him before stomping away
"that's not a threat, considering how short you are!" he shouts at your retreating figure
on your way home from a mission with Shoko one day, you find the perfect bribe for Gojo to sit one mission out - it's a limited edition daifuku, his favorite dessert
"Principal Yaga, believe it or not, I'm not feeling all that great today. I think I got the bad btch disease - that said, I'll let Y/N take the next mission with Suguru, -bye!"
"he's all yours," The tall man says before biting into the tasty treat
Finally, you meet up with Your Crush Geto Suguru, who smiles at you before opening the car door open so you can go in first
Your Crush Geto Suguru who was kind enough to ask you if you're nervous about the mission, in which you joke to him that you'd be more nervous if you were on a mission with Gojo with how reckless he can be sometimes and likes to go solo - Geto chuckles at you, eyes disappearing in the process
Your Crush Geto Suguru who politley ushers you forward once the two of you reached into the buidling of said mission, a light push from his hand on the small of your back. Once the curtains are pulled down by the assistant that drove the two of you there, he speaks in a soft voice about the situation. You nod at his words, trying to not get distracted by the gloss of spit on his bottom lip
Your Crush Geto Suguru who lets you sit down first while he clears the first floor of the building. You feel an uneasy pain in you, but you don't mind it. Instead, you help yourself to watch how Geto's broad shoulders move as he exorcise the low grade curses, his brows pinch together in concentration.
Your Crush Geto Suguru who asks you in concern when you told him you can't exactly stand up, he looks down at you with those pretty dark eyes, it makes you weak in the knees. But that's not the reason why you told him you can't stand up from your seat. Of all the days, it just had to be the day that you're finally in the mission with your crush, only to have your period come in early.
Your Crush Geto Suguru whose eyes widen when you tell him of your little unfortunate incident. You probably think he'd be grossed out by you or turned off. Or probably annoyed because you're insinuating to let him handle the mission all by himself.
Your Crush Geto Suguru who only voices his concerns for your being - are you hurting? can you move? Is there anything that I can do to help? You heart can't help but flutter of how considerate he's being with you. You tell him that you can still go on the mission with him but your skirt is probably soaked from your backside area. Maybe if you're lucky, you can find some pads in the abandoned building - gross, but what are you to do?
Your Crush Geto Suguru who removes his jacket uniform and wraps it around your waist "It's just the two of us, but if this will help you feel less uncomfortable around me, please take it."
Your Crush Geto Suguru who only puts his hand on the small of your back again as he ushers you forward to the next floor, shutting down your protests about using his jacket as your cover, how you're afraid about the stains.
Your Crush Geto Suguru who does most of the work, exorcising curses along the way so you don't have to push yourself.
Your Crush Geto Suguru who bridal carries you out of the building after the mission because your cramps got worse. You'll never forget the feeling of his strong arms around you.
Your Crush Geto Suguru who asks the driver to stop at a convenience store on the ride back to the school, so he can buy you some much needed pads and sweets.
Your Crush Geto Suguru who gives you that sweet smile of his when you return his uniform jacket the next day, all washed and clean.
Your Crush Geto Suguru who asks you if you two can eat lunch together that same day.
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(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ reblogs and comments are appreciated//do not repost my work anywhere
This is my first time writing - I think this is called a drabble? brrttt I was gushing while writing this Daddy Suguru PLEAASEEE
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theroundbartable · 6 days
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them?
Ooooooh, that is a very good question.
On my ao3 count, I currently have 125 published works. 3 of them are works in progress, one of them is discontinued. (I have a rather good publish - actually finishing ratio.)
I'm gonna list a few but in no particular order. It's just my personal highlights. For a full fic list, you can find my stories on ao3, aka, HERE.
No... just no (Merthur)
For some reason, out of all of my fics, this one is the most popular (so far). The idea was that Merlin is caught doing magic and just thinks: Lol, I'm Emrys, whatcha gonna do? kill me? I'm immortal, lmao. The inspiration was that I just wanted Merlin to carry on with his life when Uther tries to kill him and fails every time.
Connecting the dots (Merthur)
While this one doesn't have the best world building, it was definitely the most fun to write. The brainstorming had me laughing at work like an insane mad man. I loved working on this one, it made me very happy. The premise is that the knights make up stories to explain the strange things that happen in Camelot. It's a game, like D&D and they accidentally end up being right. Somehow I turned Gwaine into a god and the whole D&D game into a religion were people get babtized when you put them in the stocks. It makes no sense but it's so absurd that it's funny again XD
Chosen (Merthur)
This one is depressing but it marks a certain change in my writing style. When I wrote this, or rather, AFTER I wrote this, I swore to myself to only ever write happy endings again. This one really hurts, so I wouldn't advise to read it ;)
I realised how my writing influences my own mood and what I needed to do to keep myself happy. And that making myself happy is a good thing!
Clockroom (Merthur)
This is my oldest ongoing project that requires an enormous amount of work. Because of historical research, working with literal transcripts of the episodes, and because it's timetravel and time travel is IMPOSSIBLE to write... at least well... at this length.
Reversed (Merthur)
The premise is that everyone knows Merlin has magic - except Merlin. Before I wrote this, I actually had writers block, so I told myself: You always think backwards. How can you make BBC Merlin backwards? This was the result.
And I really think that this is one of the best fics I've ever written. Merlin's stubbornness and the way magic works in this fic have really influenced later one shots, but this one is very special to me because it wasn't meant to turn out as deep as it has.
The magic realm (Merthur)
Likely my best world buidling concept, challenged only by Dragon island. Well except for Incarnation but that's a novel I'm working on, not a fic. The idea is that the day Merlin loses his magic, Arthur is ready to turn to magic for help. Gaius sends them into the magic realm to learn magic there. Only that Merlin IS magic and so everything in there is connected to him in some way. I loved how the characters turned out and how magic is seen, depending on who is looking at them.
Mirror of truth (Merthur)
This one was an accident, really. Originally, Merlin was meant to be Camelot's champion, but then I thought about borders and how would the mirror know how to show Merlin and I got so deep into it that I eventually realised that Merlin couldn't be Camelot's champion at all. It was mind blowing. As I believe it is to you when you read the summary:
Every ten years or so a tournament is held between all the five kingdoms. In which one (strongest of the kingdom) sorcerer is chosen as a representative of their king/queen/crown bearer. The monarchs, however, do not choose the sorcerer for themselves, which Arthur is thankful for, since magic is still banned in Camelot. Instead, they are chosen by the mirror of truth. It shows the face of the strongest sorcerer in said lands, so Arthur can reach out to them. When the mirror finally chooses the participants, Camelot's champion is......... well i mean, who is the strongest magic user in Camelot? Exactly! It's Morgana. After all, Merlin was born in Cendred's kingdom.
8. The eternal suffering (Leon & George)
This one is special because it's not about Merthur. This is a fic that marks me as one of the two first people within this fandom who wrote Leon & (servant) George fanfics. And I am very proud to have coinvented this ship (although I'm more inclined towards them being entirely platonic). The idea was that I saw many parallels between Leon's and George's character and started imagining them complaining about their jobs to each other.
9. Everything I do, I do for you. (Merthur)
This one isn't even good. The reason this one is dear to me, is because of how much honesty and truth I put into these words. It was inspired by real life and I should warn you before you read it. It's a bit heavy. This one and Regent have the same/ similar orgigins and themes and may be the most painful for me personally to revisit.
10. Haunted (Merthur)
The ghost!Arthur Au no one asked for. It switches between funny moments and heartbreaking pasts and I think it's one of my better paced and thought through fics.
I just often keep wondering what Arthur does in Avalon and then I sometimes wonder, what if he didn't go there at all?
11. Free Delivery (Merthur)
This one is definitely one of my better thought through fics. I made notes and everything! Haha XD This one was inspired by DIrty Laundry, THE Klance fanfiction. I was rereading it and it somehow - I dunno - developed into this fic.
12. The Joker (Klance)
I can't believe how old this one is. Personally, I liked Alternative realities better, but people keep commenting on this one more. And well... comments inspire. That's why I've started a new fic in the godforsaken year of 2024. The Joker was just me mary sueing Lance. Because why not?
13. Second Chances (Drarry)
So far, this is my only Drarry fic and it is the LONGEST fic I've ever written. Including the clockroom. This one has been 2 years in the making and over 300 pages and I am TIRED. Anyways, I hope I'll be able to finish this one eventually. Otherwise my gf will kill me, I'm afraid XD
The idea is that Draco is a therapist, because I love psychoanalysing him and I wondered what he would do with himself after the war. I also tend to write time travel on accident, so that happened too. This was once supposed to be a one shot. Can you believe it?
I think 13 is a good hill to die on. Thank you for the ask, anon ^^
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
Name: Kitty/Cat
Age: 25, looking for 20+ rp partners
Platforms: Discord preferred, Tumblr acceptable
Experience rping in these fandoms/characters: Yautja (Scar, OCs), Apex Legends (Bloodhound, Octane), Overwatch (Genji, Zenyatta, Reaper), Warrior Cats (OCs), NBC's Hannibal (Hannibal, Will), RDR2 (Arthur, Charles), Titanfall (OCs), Friday the 13th (Jason), Halloween (Michael Myers), Dead Space (Isaac Clarke), Diablo (Tyrael, OCs), assorted DND settings
I'm mainly looking for someone to rp a Bloodhound yautja AU, but I would very much be open to any of the other fandoms listed above. I love love love horror themes, hurt/comfort, widescale world buidling, and writing for characters that allow me to play around with robotics or body horror themes. I'm comfortable with NFSW themes if the story leads to that direction, but it's not particularly what I'm looking for at the moment.
I'm very lax when it comes to reply times, no pressure! And if you find yourself struggling with writer's block, I'm more than happy to brainstorm until we figure it out!
Please shoot me a DM on this Tumblr account if any of that seems interesting to you, or even if you'd simply like to chat about ocs, headcannons, and lore!
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patchesjam · 1 year
BM rant:
People telling Dream to “get good” at BM don’t understand that Dream has tried, genuinely tried, to get better at the game. He thrives when he can practice a game, there is no way he can practice buildmart as there’s no version of the game on the practice server. Dream tried to work around this back in season 1, when they used the same 27 builds in rotation throughout the game. BOTH Dream and Techno compiled them and practice each one to memorize them. This allowed them to do marginally better in the game where they suffered before. Well guess what Noxcrew did? They decided to change the game so that strat was obsolete! Now it creates new builds every game so there’s no way to practice these builds off server.
What did Dream do? He found another solution! He wrote down what he needed. Well that was banned too. It’s banned to write a list using the in-game chat and physically writing it down. Which is banning a tool that many people with adhd use on a daily basis! I was ALWAYS encouraged to make a list and break down tasks to help me! Telling someone with ADHD to not use a tool to help them with their short term memory is handicapping them for no reason.
MCC’s color and block palette is extremely busy and tends to be too vibrant at times leading to overstimulation for players and viewers alike, especially when the player is using the elytra to whizz past rows and rows of blocks. Couple that with loud, grating music that feels like you’re taking an ice pick to the brain and three other people shouting at each other and you’ve got a recipe for the complete and utter overload on the senses for those with ADHD. It absolutely makes my head spin when I watch and I’m on ADHD medication. Dream is not. He’s experiencing all of this with no aid whatsoever, which would make everything about 10x worse for him.
Yet Buildmart is the “perfect game” /s
I very much agree with the first two paragraphs and personally i believe it's a big part of why i am loosing interest quite a bit. instead of almost celebrating the bending of the rules (like techno and dream planning all the builds) they go out of their way to prevent work arounds. i also have issues with the banning of a list although i am not sure if noxcrew confirmed they did ban that.
one change i advocated for on the reddit was the implementation of an in-game auto checklist for the entire team - i thought this would solve a lot of issues with little actual effect on gameplay or mechanincs. and would actually encourage teamwork because people 'fetching' blocks would have to communicate based on the checklist what they would each get.
the last para is difficult for me because you could claim that with all games to some extent and its where the line is drawn. i agree with you quite a bit, i do find bm a difficult watch and get overstimulated but i also find that a lot with gridrunners and hitw to some extent too. i thought a good solution would be to have a much less 'noisy' arena, so theres not much background colours to focus on and its just the buidling blocks!
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xaneyyy · 10 months
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I'm fucking emo now...
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blazedrawsstuff · 2 years
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Meet Terra Firma, the son of an earth elemental!
Terra Firma
Son of an Earth Elemental
An Earth Elemental
Killer Style
I'm a fan of "work clothes", stuff that feels comfortable when you're on the job. 
Freaky Flaw
Aside from stubborness, I can be very ridgid when it comes to my daily routine, one wrench thrown into the works and I'll freak!
Dune, my pet prairie dog. He was a bit snappy at me when I first got him, but she's warmed up to me since.
Favorite Activity
I'm a natural born builder. I build with my toy bricks almost every day. 
Pet Peeve
As down-to-earth as I am, I can't STAND celebrity relationship drama, it's such a waste of time and energy to read about when you could be doing something more productive.
Favorite Subject
Geology, naturally. Architecture is my second fav. 
Least Favorite Subject
Swimming, I sink like a rock...quite literally.
Favorite Colors
Brown, Green, and Yellow
Favorite Food
Those gummy building blocks, and toy block shaped waffles. And they say "don't play with your food".
Geo Firma (OC, Little Brother)
Lupita Ahogada (OC, Girlfriend)
Rochelle Gargoyle
Venus McFlytrap
Brock Chelicerata (OC)
Abbey Bominable
Naturally, as an earth elemental, Terra can create, shape, and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements (soil, sand, rocks, etc)
Terra has a fondness for building structures, wether it be with earthy materials or with toy building blocks and thus excells at it. 
Terra is, at his core, a down-to-earth guy. He's kind and caring to others, and prefers to remain modest and unpretentious. He cares more for the pratical and productive things in life than the frivolous nonesense of it all (such as celebrity drama). He focuses a lot on hard work, and as such is a rather patient and honest fellow. 
However, like a big rock or a mountain, it's difficult to get him to budge, as he is pretty stubborn, rarely backing down from a decision or viewpoint he's made unless thorougly convinced otherwise. He's also ridgid when it comes to his schedule, and tends to get agitated or panicked when things do go as planned for him. 
Trivia/Additional Information
Terra's name comes from "Terra firma", a term referring to dry land.
Her birthday is April 14th, the month comes from the atomic number of Beryllium (4) and the day comes from the atomic number of silicon (14). This makes him an Aries.
His headcanon voice is Matthew Mercer, the voice of Chrom from Fire Emblem
Terra has a love-hate relationship with rainy weather. On one hand, he appreciates the benefits it creates for the earth and the feeling of it on his hair, but on the other hand he doesn't like how it makes his skin all muddy (which makes it all cracked and hard later when it dries).
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b4nanaa · 6 months
A gene pool refers to the combination of all the genes (including alleles) present in a reproducing population or species.
GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT: where populations are as speciation proceeds applies to all organisms
Sympatric speciation: Speciation without geographic isolation
Allopatric (different places) speciation = Speciation after geographic evolution (Live in different places and there's no gene flow between them)
Isolation populations adapt to local conditions in different regions
Reproductive isolation can evolve as accidental by product
They can't/won't interbreed if they meet again
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Where does biodiversity come from?
Diversity within species -> microevolution
Where does it go?
Extinction (loss of species)
Family contains 1 to many genera
Genus contains 1 to many species
Speciation + extinction: Biodiversity increases and decreases
Mass extinction: Rapid loss of large % of biodiversity
There have been 5 so far
Biodiversity takes over 10s of million years to recover
Biggest example: Permian-Triassic extinction
750% of families lost
Best supported reason why: run away climate change
Anthropocene Extinction
New geological age, beginning @ industrial evolution
Ex: Insects (group with great biodiversity)
Extinction will have reverberating effect on biodiversity of other groups
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Ways complex traits can evolve:
1) Simple transformation series: (what it does) stays the same
1A) Series of (gradual) stages from ancestral to present day forms
Trait function stays the same
Ex: Horse feet: evolution towards use of middle toe for walking
1B) Plausibility argument
Do prospectively intermediate stages exist in different species
Ex: Eye evolution in molluscs (squids in this case)
Flat retina: Cells with opsin on skin
Cup shared retina: Detects light direction
Pinhole pupil, lens, iris: improves acuity (at diff light levels)
2. Functional shift: Function changes as trait evolves
2A) A trait with 2 functions specialize to do only one of those functions
2B) 2 traits sharing the same function specialize to do diff functions, or one is lost
3. Simplify a more complex trait
Ex: Insects have 2 pairs of wings
All flies have 1 pair of wings, reduced hindwings (also a functional shift)
Irreducibly complex? Eliminate all three!
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Geological context:
1) Age of Earth: ~ 4.6 billion years old
2) Oldest bit of crust: Zircon crystals 4.37 billion years old
3) Oldest rocks: ~4.2 million tears old
(Biological) Life originated:
4) First candidate for biochemical signs of life: 3.8 billion years ago
5) Oldest fossil so far: 3.465 billion years old (looks like fused cells)
Sun gradually becomes dominant energy source for life
02 is a waste product
Cyanobacteria: 2.7 billion years ago. May have had primitive photosynthesis.
Atmosphere reaches O2 concentration 2.4 billion years ago
6) O2 rich atmosphere: ~2.4 billion years ago
Earliest modern photosynthesis ~2.7 billion years ago
Present day earth: Highly environmental O2 concentration
Pre-biotic Earth: Earliest rocks with fossils, lowest O2 environmental concentration
Energy sources before sunlight:
Key feature of life: Highly organized chemical reactions
Requires chemistry-based energy sources
Creating/breaking chemical bonds to release energy
Ex: Photosynthesis uses light to create chemical bonds
Energy-rich chemical environments deep sea vents:
Warm (not hot) temperatures -> faster reactions
Sources of "building blocks" for nucleotides, lipids, amino acids
Many inorganic catalyst to build them and facilitate other pre-biotic reactions
EX: Lost City, hydrothermal vent (low seepage rates)
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"Tree of Life": Phylogeny of all organisms
Last Universal Common Ancestor
Must of had:
With genetic code
With 20 amino acids
Plasma (cell)
Cell cycle (mitosis, cell division, etc)
Biochemistry of complex metabolism: glycolysis, Krebs cycle, etc
Evolution is a chicken and egg problem, DNA, RNA, proteins, membranes, and metabolism had to all arise and work together at the same time.
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Natural selection began as soon as RNA began to self-catalyze
RNA molecules are different
Some RNA molecules copy themselves better than others because of their nucleotide sequences
Nucleotide sequence differences are inherited
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Evolutionary tree of the homins
Bipedalism -> walked up right
1) Sahelanthropus: 6.5 - 7 mya
Evidence: Femur structure, hip joint, foreman located under head's center of gravity
2) Ardipithecus: 5 mya
Opposite toes=climbing and walking
Monkey like
Key insights to what great ape ancestors might look like
FACT: Complex trait can revert functionally, but rarely to original morphology
Did humans evolve from chimpanzees? No.
Austrapolic afarenis
Fat, human like foot
Australopithecus garnhi
2.6 mya
Earliest manufactured stone tools
Large brain size evolving
Large brain possible when high meat diet
As many as 9 species of human coexisted at the modern humans evolved (7 shown here, 2 more known from DNA)
South Africa
350,000 - 200,000 years ago
Deep in South African caves
May have used fire (buried and sacrificed their dead)
and 2 hobbits
Died out around when modern humans arrived
On islands till humans got to them
Independently evolved from Australopithecus
Small brains
Flat feet, so no arch
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DNA-based phylogeny
Last 800,000 years
DNA extracted from bones
Neanderthals: Eastern and Western
Lived from 400,000 to 35,000 years ago
Lived in Europe and North-Central Asia
Had pale skin and red hair
Denisovan: North-Central Asia
Lived from 400,000 to 70,00 years ago
DNA reveals: alleles for darker skin
Known for a few teeth and small bones
Ancient human species interbreed.
At least 6 cases of interbreeding in early humans
One girl from Denisova cave had a Deni father and Neanderthal mother
Look at bone structure and chromosome
Modern human chromosomes carry small pieces of other species DNA
Sub-Saharan African: from mystery hominin #2
East Asian and Europeans: From Neanderthals and Denisovans
East and Central Asians, and Europeans: From Neanderthals
1.5 - 3% of Neanderthals DNA in Europeans
Many deleterious: risk increase for heart disease, skin cancer, and depression
Benefits: pathogen resistance, and more expected
What can mitochondria and Y chromosomes tell us?
Have their own DNA = mDNA
Inherited from mother via egg
Y chromosomes:
Inherited via father only
High diversity of human mDNA variants:
Color: Major groups of genotype, each with their own minor variants
Where did first ancestors of all modern humans live?
"Mitochondrial Eve"
Woman who carried common ancestor of all humans' mtDNA
2 daughters -> one mutation
208,000 and 60,000 years ago (2014 estimate)
Y-Chromosome Adam
Man who carried common ancestor of all men's y chromosomes
-230,00 and 60,000 years ago
Difference not statistically different (2015 estimate)
Difference not statistically different
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galacticneighbor · 4 years
By the amount of trouble that delivery drivers always have finding my apartment you would think I live in the center of a fucking labarynth. It’s not that hard if you put in the correct address and look at the big numbers on the buldings. 
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luxshine · 1 year
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While I work on new art, I just wanted to remind you that you can get a lot of very cool merch with my art at my #Redbubble store! Like this amazing full tote of Uriel rocking the #Aquarius look!
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alixpress0101 · 2 years
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tinachristeen · 2 years
The Girl Next Door
part 1
'Oh God, again this morning?'
Matt thought to himself as he groaned and struggled to sit up in his bed. His ribs ached as his lungs filled with air, and the fresh bruises from the night before were making themselves more known with each breath he took.
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Last night was one of the more painful night's Matt had this week. At the beginning of the night, perched on the edge of a nearby building, Matt Murdock was listening to the horrifying sounds of the city. Screams of terror, pounding footsteps, and sirens wailing drifted through the chilled night air. The cold breeze made the hair on his neck raise. The familiar smells of New York overwhelmed his nostrils when he took a sniff at the air. He breathed in a short breath and sensed a dog, most likely a pug, lifting it's leg on the side of a brick building three streets down, followed by the shouts from it's disgruntled owner. He took another whiff. street food. Empenadas, hot dogs and thai food. All of them smelled extra salty. His stomach rumbled, but His thoughts about the thai food he had earlier were suddenly interrupted by the faint sound of a gun chambering a round, followed by a man screaming,
"Nobody fucking move! Or I'll blow your god damn heads off! Now open the register and put everything you've got in the fucking bag!"
Matt jumped up from his kneeling position on the roof and began sprinting for the origin of the disturbance.
'Two- no! Three blocks over, third building on the left side of the street.'
he repeated to himself in his head, as he did a fowards flip onto the building in front of him, effectively clearing the narrow alley way below. With each building Matt cleared, he heard more bills being tossed in to the laundry sack the robber was holding. He could hear the rattling of a gun when the robber made stiff movements, stiff clicks and metal rubbing on metal echoedin Matts head.
He cleared another buidling.
As he grew closer, He heard the panicked, labored breaths of the cashier and the customers in the little store. A woman around the age of fifty, a loaf of bread lay in her shopping basket, along with a can of beef barley soup. A man, about forty, nothing in his grasp except another persons hand. One more person. A little boy, holding a pack of gum, tears streaking down his eyes, and clinging to his fathers arm for dear life.
Matt skilfully repelled down a nearby fire escape, landing in the alley below. To his left were two things. A back entrance to the convenience mart, and a metal box containing wiring to the shop's electric. This would be easier with the lights off.
He opened the box with one swift movement, and pulled the wiring out of it's place.
He unsheathed his devil sticks and kicked open the door beside him.
"Who the fuck turned out the light?! I swear, I WILL kill you!"
Matt silently walked in between the shelves behind the guy and approched him from the rear end. Even in the dim street lights that reflected in to the building, Matt's frame cast a large, intimidating shadow over the man.
"Who the-?!"
Was all the man could say before Matt had him caught in a struggle, pulling him in ths opposite direction of the counter to prevent anyone from getting harmed.
A gunshot went off.
Matt heard the sound of the bullet hit the wall directly above the cashier, followed by everyones frantic screaming. The man threw multiple elbows to Matt's side and face, which winded him for a small second. When Matt caught his breath, he heard the creak of a hairline fracture on one of his ribs. Even though he was hurt, Matt still managed to keep the man in a somewhat submissive hold as the struggle continued.
Another gunshot went off.
More screams and the little boy wailing in fear.
He heard the bullet go through a few bags of chips on a nearby rack of snacks and shatter the glass of a large freezer display door behind it. A million tiny shards of shattered glass hit the now sticky, chip covered floor in an instant.
Matt grabbed the man's hand that was holding the gun and gave a hard twist backwards, causing a teeth rattling crack to fill his ear. The gun dropped to the floor with a loud crack, and the robber did the same, cradling his now broken hand with his other arm and crying out in agony. With the man still laying on the floor screaming, Matt picked up the laundry sack of money and set it on the counter. He heard the echo of sirens in the distance. Taking that as his sign to leave, he raced to the backdoor to slinked back in to the darkness of the city.
It was about five in the morning when he finally staggered back into his apartment and collapsed on his sofa to pass out.
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' Why must she start beating on her punching bag this early in the morning?'
He said in his head.
It really wasn't that early if he was being honest, he was just in a sour mood from the fractured rib and multiple aches in his legs. But did she still need to do this every morning? It's almost like she didn't know her upstairs neighbor was a black masked vigilante that beat the shit out of people at night.
This neighbor of his had the apartment on the floor directly below him, and has been beating the ever living shit out of that punching bag she has hanging from her ceiling every day since she moved in.
Due to his heightened senses, Matt could tell when a punch is coming before it happens, he could tell when someone was lying to him based off their irregular heartbeat, and he could smell and hear things he wish he couldn't. This whole superpower thing made it incredibly hard for him to rest. After the accident when he was a child and his senses were heightened, he thought he would go mad from exactly how much he could hear and smell. He felt every fiber of every thread on his sheets, and he tasted every god awful chemical in the food he ate. But over the years, he learned to drown out the sounds of traffic and voices. he learned how to focus on a single thing, like a persons heartbeat, to fall asleep. However, it is hard to do so when you live right above the source of so many damn noises.
His downstairs neighbor was constantly up all hours of the night. Mostly Eating and tapping away on her laptop. Once in a while she would find a new TV show to watch and binge entire seasons in a single night. she also had a deep rooted love for seafood, specifically salmon. She cooked salmon at least once a week, and at least once a week Matt would have to open up the windows in his apartment to air out some of the stench. She wasn't a bad cook or anything, quite the contrary actually. He could taste the sauces and seasonings in the air. He just despised the smell of cooking fish.
There was one thing she did that he definitely didn't mind though. She sang sometimes. in the shower, while drawing in what matt assumed was a sketchbook, and sometimes she would even pick up the guitar she kept in the corner of her room or the ukulele she kept in the closet, to play a song and sing to it. She only ever played soft songs though, songs that sounded like lullabies. On those nights, Matt would fall asleep listening to the sound of her fingers sliding over the strings, creating a rhythm so sweet, it made his ears tingle with joy. She had the best voice he ever heard.
The sound of a loud blow followed by chains rattling brought Matt back down to earth. She just threw a round kick
From what he could tell, she was a pretty good martial artist. She seemed to know a bit of Muay Thai and some other MMA he couldn't quite put his finger on. She also sounded like she was in decent shape based on how controlled her breathing was for doing so much kicking. He put together that she was in to fitness when he heard her fill up a gallon jug of water one morning, that he assumed was her water for the day. The fish was also a dead giveaway. Protein.
As the bangs from downstairs continued, Matt got up and prepared himself for work by showering, brushing his teeth, and combing his absolutely disheveled hair. By the time he was done, so was his downstairs neighbor apparently, because he could smell the vegetables she was chopping up and throwing in to a bowl for her morning side salad.
Despite knowing so much about her daily habits, he didn't actually know her name, and he had never met her in person before.
He checked the time on his alarm clock with his fingers and realized he was late for the meeting he had with foggy and a potential client at the office. If he didn't get there soon, then foggy would start questioning him about where he was, and Matt would have to make up an excuse, most likely involving a woman. So he grabbed his cane, sauntered to his door, and left his apartment to deal with the other half of his double life
(part 2)
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Things Supergirl has taught me:
-guilty pleasure is good, but the key here is pleasure, not constant pain, disappointment, frustration, facepalm and feeling done. There are gazzilion other shows, movies, books, games, series,w hatever to happily waste time on them
-when things start dissapoint you, just leave it. No matter how attached you are to it. It’s not worth, it won’t get improve, for 95% it will stay shit or become worse
-details. If the writers, producers, whatever, don’t pay attention to small, simple, obvious shit, like what fucking happened or was said two eps ago, then it means the show is shit
-it’s a super bad sign if the writers change every season. Aka they don;t know a shit, so they will write the shit
-block. Just block the fuckers, don’t sweat, just block them all
-the more actors, writers, producers, staff whatever talk about how important, modern, fresh the topics the show approaches are, the worse shit gets. IF you watch a show and suddenlt think how the storyline is going to be completly irrevelant in two years (or, for example, when the president of USA is going to be replaced) the worse for the show. If the show can’t stay revelant and tell you something important a few years later and it’s outdated, you know it was shit
-message is not as important as the story and characters, if you sacrifice the story, world buidling, characters for the message then you end with shit
-if the characters repeats all the time something (you are stronger than superman!) without actually showing and establishing, it’s fake
-pep talks and big pompous speeches can kill any scene, arc, ep, show
-any fandom can kill the show too
-you can keep watching for the character you love, but it’s really not worth the time, energy and nerves
-there are not breadcrumbs and hints in bad shows, they are just writers mistakes that are not going to be remembered, believe me
-fans have usually better ideas than the writers so don’t hope for something satisfying, good and complex
-shows don’t owe you a shit
-people see what they want and interpret it how they want, changing their minds or explaning your point of view is not going to work in 95%
-if you are not the part of the biggest idiot fandom, you are going to suffer
-if you aree the part of the biggest idiot fandom, you are going to suffer becasue of what that fandom does
-don’t watch a shit form CW
-basically, watch only the shows that already ended and fandoms were not moaning like fuck
Anything to add?
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suna-reversed · 3 years
4 seats away
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College!AU Iwaizumi x gn reader (part1/?)
Iwaizumi Hajime was an absolute mystery to you when you first met him. Despite being just 4 seats away, the distance between you seemed like oceans apart. Little did you know of just how the tides would turn to bring the two of you a little closer.
slowburn-friends to lovers-flufff
(warnings- cuss words, mentions of harassment)
a/n; this is my first ever fic so feedback would be appreciated!
Stepping onto your college campus for the first time, you felt both exhilarated and scared, but nonetheless, you were ready to take on your new life and all the adventures that it had in store for you. 
On the other hand, Iwaizumi Hajime was absolutely baffled by just how much california was different from the place that he had called his home. He had expected some adjustment difficulties but still, he wouldn't have guessed the cultural shock that hit him harder than that one ball he spiked at shittykawa’s head when they were second years. His lips twitched upwards at the thought of his best friend who he was miles away from. But then his eyes moved to the mess of cardboard boxes he still had to unpack, and just like that his face was set back into it’s usual stoic expression as his shoulders slumped and he got to work.
2 months into college life and it had surpassed all your expectations of the freedom you had deemed to gain as a high school student. No, you weren't going to parties every single night, spending your day away drinking booze or getting high at 2 am while listening to arctic monkeys. But you could get waffles at 2:30 am if you wished to, eat nutella straight out the jar AND play the yarichin bitch club’s theme song on the living room television and dance around with your roommates with no judgment whatsoever. 
Who was there to judge you after all anyways?
Unfortunately, that carefree attitude crumbled to dust as you walked out your class, absentmindedly texting your friend, and immediately slammed into what seemed like a walking brick wall. It took you 3.5 seconds to hear the clutter of the books and stationery the stranger was carrying to fall onto the floor, and another second to snap back to reality. You hurriedly bent down and hastily gathered the mess while a string of almost incoherent apologies left your mouth.  Realising the lack of response from the mystery person, you snapped your head up wondering if you may have given them a concussion with just how hard you knocked into each other. Instead, you were met with honey brown orbs peering down at you from a face as cold as ice. You didn't even realise how hard you were staring until the unknown boy bent down, taking the items from your hands gently and gathering the rest from the floor. His husky but tender voice snapped you of your trance. He seemed to murmur an apology before slightly bowing and then stopping halfway as if he caught himself doing something wrong. Another “sorry” and a slight nod was all you got before he walked away. 
That was your first encounter with what seemed to be an ever perplexing and mysterious boy. Fortunately, it wasn't the last. 
The next time you saw him was on the bus on your way to the cafe where you worked part-time. You didn’t realise his presence until you felt a pair of eyes boring into the back of your head with an intensity hard enough to cut through stone. As you turned your head around, your eyes locked onto each other. He was standing around 4 seats away from you, partially blocked by a middle aged man talking loudly on his phone. Instinctively, you waved at him with an awkward smile. To your surprise, he raised his hand back in greeting while giving you a slight nod. Just then, your pressed smile turned into a genuine one as the distance of those 4 seats seemed to lessen just a bit. 
Since then, you had learned a little bit more about him. He had a class right next to yours. He didn't seem to interact much with too many people, but was always polite to everyone and had one constant friend who he was most often seen with. He was somehow also extremely oblivious to his popularity amongst the girls he had classes with (they had given him the title of the “mysterious hot foreign boy”). You truly questioned that when you once saw him try to baby talk to a cat while waiting for the bus, only for the cat to poke him right in the eye with its paw, leading to a very awkward 5 minutes of you asking him if he was okay and him reassuring you he was even though his eye twitched every two seconds. 
It was just another regular day for you travelling back from work. You had gotten onto the bus, followed your daily routine of acknowledgement given and received with “that one guy from college”, and went along your business bobbing your head along to the song you were listening to on your earphones. The bus was oddly crowded that day for a late afternoon in the middle of the week. Your senses seemed to heighten a little as you felt a tall figure enter your personal bubble. You tried to move around, but the task proved to be a little too difficult with the crowd and a seat right next to you blocking your way. A single road bump was all that was needed for the stranger to further invade your space as they pressed up against you, a hand slowly inching up your hip. Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked around with a panic filled expression, your eyes locking onto a pair of almond orbs you had grown too familiar with. 
It didn't even take Hajime a second to read your terror filled eyes and look down to realise the situation. And before he knew it, he was pushing through the crowd and physically placing himself right between you and the man. 
“Is there a problem?” he asked in an ever threatening tone to the man who was currently chuckling nervously as he cowarded away from Hajime's terrifying build. The man stuttered out an incoherent string of words that you were too shaken up to register before Hajime took one frightening step towards him, sending him scrambling away as far as possible in the stuffed bus. 
Hajime turned towards you, intending to move a step away from you to give you the much needed space. But before he could do that, he felt something tug onto the fabric of his jacket. Looking down, he saw your fist bundling up the corner of his jacket and he could have sworn he felt the sound of his heart break a little as he looked up to see a tear fall from your eyes as you sniffed slightly. 
“Hey, it's alright. Your name’s y/n right? You’re safe now y/n.” 
You were still too shaken up to wonder how he came to know your name or to even answer when he asked you if he should walk you back to your college dorm building. He took your fragile state as a yes as he simply signalled you to walk before him with a light tap to your arm when your stop came. You both walked in silence with you leading the way. When you reached right outside your dorm buidling, you finally looked up at him to thank him, only to see the smallest of smiles grace his lips as his eyes slightly darted down in between you two to where you still held onto his jacket. Your eyes widened as you realised you had never let go of it. That caused a small chuckle out of the usually stoic faced brunette. You found yourself letting out a nervous laugh as you pulled your hand away. 
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even realise it. And also sorry for the extra journey you had to make. I honestly don't know how to thank you for what you just di-” 
“It’s really not a problem. Besides, anyone would have done that. I just hope you are okay?” 
The ice between you and Hajime hadn't been a slow process of thawing and melting. Instead, it had come crashing down and swept away as if in a thunderstorm. From that day onwards, Hajime himself had taken the initiative to cross the everlasting distance of those 4 seats between you. Small talks while standing next to each other soon enough turned into dying of laughter as Hajime made stupid faces at the baby in the arms of the woman in front, or the time you sneaked in a wholeass tub of ben and jerry’s and shared it with him right in front of the “no-food” sign on the bus. 
You learned something new about him almost everyday. He was majoring in sports science. He used to play volleyball in high school. He has a best friend who currently plays volleyball in a professional team in argentina. The said best friend also blames himself for why they did not go to nationals as third years even though that is absolutely not the case. Not that Hajime would ever tell him that. Hajime sometimes has extremely soft moments when you’re texting late at night, thus leading to appreciative conversations about his best friend. Not that he would ever address him as that on a regular day, instead opting for shittykawa or trashykawa and many other terms, that, as pointed by you, seemed to be getting lazier by the day on a creative level. At this point, you’re sure you know his best friend more than he knows himself. 
Anyways, back to Hajime; he’s weirdly good at carnival games (much proven by his 5 time winning streak over you in the bucket toss). He always ends up choosing the dinosaur plushie as his prize (you now have an ever increasing collection of dinosaur plushies by your bed). 
He loves staying healthy and learned how to make all his favourite foods from back home in the first two months of coming to Cali. His favourite being agedashi tofu, which he now has to make for you at least once a week since you have been obsessed with it ever since you first tried it from his plate (he acts like he’s pissed about it but low key loves seeing how your face lights up whenever you see him with a lunchbox in front your class). He’s very attentive to whatever you say or do and will happily watch your favourite anime/movie/show as long as you're willing to watch all the godzilla movies with him. 
There is still so much to learn for you to learn about Hajime, and you are more than willing and ready to do so. However, there are a few things that you don’t know of and Hajime would like to keep it that way. Like how he looks over at you with such tenderness in his eyes while you’re laughing at a video of puppies falling over, or how his heart swells with joy whenever you get on your tiptoes to fix his hair, or how sometimes he’ll catch your face just right in the sunlight and suddenly he’ll feel like everything would fall apart if he so much as breathes too loud. But you’d always snap him out of it by poking your tongue out at him while making the silliest of faces and he’d flick your nose in response, and once again he’d ground himself into the moment, simply enjoying the fact that you exist, you’re here, and you’re with him. He mentally thanks himself for crossing those 4 seats that led him to being this close to you almost every other day. But he wonders if he’ll ever be able to get past his cowardice and admit that maybe he wants you to be just a little bit more closer. 
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harleysarchive · 4 years
No Fear from Me - Jonathan Crane x reader oneshot
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Fandom: Dark knight Warning: Kidnapping, fear toxin  Pairing: Jonathan Crane x neutral!reader Summary: You gets kidnapped by Jonathan Cranes henchmen, but what they don’t know is that you are his student and can’t feel fear.
Gif from this blog X
I’m not too happy with the ending but I hope it’s okay anyway. But enjoy :D
You were a psychology student, going your last year at the university in Gotham. You had to write your master's thesis on a subject of your choice, which was hard enough to pick a damn topic but you wanted to write about something that you were interested in. You have always been interested in fear and the neural correlates that are associated with fear. Mostly because you didn’t really feel fear as you classmates did, you could walk home late at night in the bad neighborhoods in Gotham without feeling frightened. You were waiting for that one night when it would bite you in the ass to be so reckless, and tonight it happened.
You had been at the school library until closing time, for like the third time this week, because you were reading up about fear and different measurement you could use to measure fear on the participants that you were recuriting for you thesis. But the librarian told you that she was closing and you left the building. It had already gotten dark outside and you started to walk your way back to your apartment. 
You had like one block left to go before you were home when a car next to you started slow down and stop. From the car it came two men that grabbed you by your arms and legs and threw you into the back of the car and drove away. You tried you kick the door open to escape, but one of the guys sprayed you with something that knocked you out instantly. 
A cold sufface and muffled voices was the first things that you percieved when you woke up from your unconscious state. Your head hurt a bit and your eyes tried to adjust to the lighting in the room. You were on a metal bed or an operation table, in a big warehouse looking buidling. It smelled musty and you felt a little cold. The voices came closer and soon a door opened to reveal how the voices belonged to.
“I’m sorry boss, we didn’t know that.... We just took someone of the street and yeah...” the henchman said defeated. 
You looked over and saw none other than you professor in your psychology class. 
“Professor Crane?” you said confused. Jonathan pinched the bridge of his nose hard and the henchmen flinched when they heard you speak. “What am I doing here?”
“Ask the idiots behind me.” he mumbled and walked past you to his briefcase that were place not too far away from where you were sitting. You looked over at the henchmen again and they really looked like they had gotten a good scolding, which they had.
When Jonathan saw the person that his henchmen had kidnapped he almost had a heartattack. It was you, one of his students, one of his more brilliant students as well. 
“You absolute idiots.” he had said in a almost too calm voice. “Of all the people in Gotham, you had to pick one of them that knew ME PERSONALLY.”
“They know you?”
“It’s one of my students you morrons.”
“Oh shit...”
Jonathan gave away a big sigh and looked over at you. Your sleeping body looked so peaceful, and he was sad to have to kill you know. He couldn’t let you go when you woke up, because you would know too much. Jonathan looked over at you now, when you were awake and looked so confused, only confused. Not scared, you weren’t screaming or shouting or crying for help. This interested Jonathan.
“What am I doing here? Where am I?” 
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” Jonathan said and put on his scarecrow masked and sprayed you with his fear toxin. “But I can’t let you go now, you know too much.” 
The fear toxin spread through you and Jonathan waited for you to scream and cry, but nothing happened. You just sat there on the operations table and looked around. He sprayed you again.
For you everything was just blurry, like you had taken some hallucinogenic drugs or something, but nothing else, until Jonathan sprayed you again then you saw something in the corner of the room. But it disappeared as soon as you noticed it.
“Why aren’t you afraid?”
“I can’t feel fear, I never have been able to.” you said looking at him directly. He still had his mask on so you couldn’t see his face or eyes. Jonathan however looked at you like you were a treasure that had fallen into his lap. You were the perfect guinea pig for his experiments. He couldn’t let you go, not now that he knew that your fear mechanims didn’t work. 
The fear toxin wore of and he took of his mask and looked at you. You now realized how beautiful he was upfront, sure you had noticed it in class as well but there you weren’t the only one drooling over him. Everyone wanted to take the psychology class at Gotham Uni to be near the gorgeous teacher. Now that you had the chance to really inspect his features, your eyes just kept going back to his icy blue eyes. 
“I can’t let you leave now.”
“Because you are perfect. You are the perfect test subject to my experiments and I can’t let you leave.”
“What is it that you are testing professor?”
“How this toxin in the mask causes fear on different subjects.”
Your eyes went big. “That is what I choose as my subject for my master’s thesis. Not fear toxin, but about fear and it’s neural correlates, I would love to help you, and if I help you I also help myself with my work. But I have one condition to do this with you.”
“That is?”
“We only work on bad guys.”
“Maybe we can arrange that.” he said and touched your cheek gently. “But I’m choosing the bad guys, deal?”
“Deal.” you said and smiled.  
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