#Built-in 3D
mystery-pixels · 3 months
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more houses...lot's more houses
i've been obsessively making move in ready homes for my save and i'm so happy with them! (the price though for these are not starter homes prices unfortunately lol)
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xinyuehui · 8 months
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Last spring on Earth. ─── ⋆ ゚✩ ・。.
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stubz · 2 months
"Hey guys! 4 days and the rescue team will be here!...any luck with setting up that emergency shelter?" Quip looked towards the others.
They all groan and curse in response. The small group surrounded by pieces and parts and an instruction sheet.
"It's not hard...it's not! We have everything we need; food, water, first aid, enough to last us weeks! ...So why does our downfall have to because of a faulty packaging?!!" screams Glip throwing down the piece she was holding.
"We're not going to die! We'll just have to sleep in the shuttle tonight and bundle up close tonight..." sighs Quip.
The shuttle had crashed thanks to a malfunction on the navigation system which lead to the shuttle getting blindsided by a meteor shower.
No one was killed and the most injured would surely live and the planet they crashed on was a favorable one. They had plenty of emergency food and water but what they didn't have was a proper shelter. The planet they landed on was freezing cold in the night, reaching far below the negatives.
If only the emergency shelter included the much needed tools necessary to build it...
The night was cold and unforgiving. The shuttle creaked and groaned from the violent winds and accumulating snow on it's roof. The beings inside shivered and prayed that when they fell asleep they would wake up in the morning.
When morning came they had to dig themselves out of the shuttle. Over 3 feet of snow from last night. The roof sank in the center in a way that made everyone nervous.
"...just 3 days. We just have to make it through 3 more days and we'll be rescued." muttered Quip.
"If we don't get suffocated in our sleep that is...or freeze." grumbles Glip.
"Would it kill you to be positive?"
"Oh, I'm sorry! Unlike you I don't have a fur coat to keep me warm in the night and stayed up all night worried that I wouldn't wake up if went to sleep!"
"Stop yelling! You're making the others worry!"
"The human is awake! She woke up!" shouted a purple looking avian.
During the crash the only one to really get injured was the human on board, having hit their head on impact and been unconscious for the past 30 hours.
"...how is she?!" calls Glip
"She's lost it! She's digging through the snow like a lunatic!"
Glip and Quip share a look before heading to the other side of the shuttle where the avian was and looked.
There several yards away was the human who was digging through the snow with her bare hands.
"What's she doing?" asks Quip.
"No idea! She was already awake when I went to check on her looking for something in the shuttle and then made break for it once she saw the door was open...think she's brain damaged or something." they muttered.
"...someone should check on her." Glip says before shoving Quip forward.
After some arguing and reminders that out of the three of them he was the most people friendly Quip trudged out where the human was to check on her.
She had dug a hole nearly 4 feet deep and showed no signs of stopping. The look in her eyes and bloody bandages on her head made Quip feel she was too far gone to the Great Stars but he had to the right thing.
"...heeyyyy...Kim...what uh, watcha doing there?" he asked a safe 5 feet away.
"Looking for tools...need tools for the shelter." she muttered.
"Tools? ...Kim the shelter didn't come with tools; they weren't lost in he crash." he tried to gently explain.
"Not those, different tools. Good tools that every planet has."
"And what...tools, are those?"
"Rocks and sticks!"
"...great! Good luck on that!" he walked as fast he could to the others, practicing how to gently break the news that the human was broken.
Hours passed and the human Kim had founded 3 rocks of different sizes, some large sticks, and taken whatever pieces of the shuttle that had broken off and put them in a pile in front of the Emergency Instantaneous Shelter manual.
The others looked on with pity with some looking disturbed at how proud she was for her findings.
No one stopped her when she started to grab the pieces of the E.I.S. and smash them together with her rocks and hunks of broken metal. Nor when they heard the scraping and screeching of the metal shards she twisted against them. Without tools it was worthless...plus the determined manic look in her eyes scared everyone too much.
When night was starting to fall everyone had taken refuge in the shelter again. Everyone but the human who was too focused and entertained by the smashing of rocks and scratching of metal.
"Kim! Come inside! You'll freeze out here!" ordered Quip.
"Human! You don't have fur or anything to keep you warm during the night!" Glip shouted.
The human looked at them and smiled, waving and shouting that she was almost finished.
"...she's a little out of it but she's well enough to come inside when she should." Glip pushed her friend through the shuttle door and together they joined the sleep pile.
When Glip surfaced from the snow that landed on her face she screamed for everyone to leave. The roof had finally gave and was seconds away from dropping a mountain of snow onto them all.
She grabbed Quip and the purple avian, Kal, and dragged their half-asleep panicked bodies out of the shuttle. When out she watched with them and the others the shuttle concaving from the snow.
The wind and snow bit and scratched their faces and exposed flesh. The shrieks and howls from the dying shuttle, their only hope of surviving the nights, seemed almost organic. The fear and realization of their fate made them shiver more than the cold did.
"DONE! ITS FINALLY FINISHED! LOOK! LOOK AT WHAT I BUILT!!!" The human popped up from the other side of the destroyed shuttle, eyes wide and glowing from the flare she held for light.
When no one came forward fast enough for her liking she scrambled over and grabbed Kal and dragged them towards the thing she built.
The two disappeared from view for a minute before Kal popped his head out screaming.
She had built the Emergency Instantaneous Shelter. With nothing but the rocks and pieces of metal she found. It wasn't perfect; a wall or two was dented, the roof was scratched and somewhat held up by two strong sticks she dug up, but it was warm, safe, and dry.
"...how in the f*ck did you build this?" Quip shivered as he climbed inside.
"I just followed the instructions, its pretty simple really." the human smiled.
"...but you didn't have any of the tools!" Glip shrieked.
"Well after reading the instructions I realized that a good rock would perfectly substitute like half of the tools I didn't have. And the metals shards I found worked great as screwdrivers!"
Glip opened her mouth to argue, to scream that a rock was nothing like the sophisticated tools that great engineering minds had invented...until she realized the human was right. The tools simply added the instant to instantaneous shelter. With them you build this grand 20 person shelter in 2 minutes. Without them it would take hours of hard labor.
"...how did you know that a rock would be the perfect substitute?"
"...I don't know. Its basically instinct to most of us. The perfect tool for a simple job is a big heavy object... rock."
"...rock." Glip repeated.
"Rock." the human confirmed.
*weeks later*
"Oh my god it is instinct!" Glip screams as she watches a group of human younglings use rocks to crack open other rocks to simply see the shiny patterns on the inside at the indoor park she walks through. With others using sticks to dig up more rocks to smash.
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kosherplasmid · 10 months
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Here it is folks, the rat gun, recreated in 3D for uni.
People keep stopping by, squinting at it and asking "what the hell is that" and everytime I get to answer "No Idea! :D"
Credits to @hellenhighwater for owning the real thing and gracing me with it's existence.
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hellenhighwater · 10 months
Hmm....how hard can large scale mosaic possibly be? I feel like my plans for the room I'm working on could use something really shiny and impactful and maybe I want to make a fold-down cutting table and maybe I want to do it out of mosaic, even though that will be ungodly heavy.
It's a fun idea. I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
I haven't done mosaic since a one-off high school art class but I feel like the component skills are ones I already have, sooooo....
I have been keeping to a blue and gold celestial theme for both my guest room and my art workspaces, because if and when I move those spaces are likely to be combined. Cutting table, even though it would be for a different room, falls in the same vein, so I'm thinking something with a nice dark night sky and maybe some branches or leaves...
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girlboyburger · 1 year
new model / model update !! i've made a new custom player model, this time featuring my truesona! 🐮🌈🌼 i also updated @pepsipawz's model with new ears, hair, and a mane. there's some minor mistakes (weird butt cubes and texture issues) but, otherwise, i'm really happy with the two of them!
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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ME when the LIGHT is HOUSING !!!
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blueskittlesart · 10 months
guy who is so overconfident about their ability to fix computer software with nothing but a reddit thread and a dream but has spent the last 2 years with a broken microphone bc the idea of opening up their laptop with a screwdriver is viscerally terrifying
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three-dee-ess · 3 months
Do we need to manually disassemble a ds to check for pillowing or would it be obvious from the outside? I saw someone mention that they were taking theirs apart to check but the post about it on your pinned doesn’t say anything about that.
pillowing might not be obvious from the outside, however you don't have to manually disassemble to access the battery.
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that's like calling replacing the batteries on a remote a "disassembly"
you are just removing the battery cover with a screwdriver... something that Nintendo literally tells you do to every 5 years or so to check for pillowing.
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creaturefeaster · 3 months
I'm not sure how to word this so forgive me if it sounds odd but would the mimes be considered parasites from a more scientific standpoint? Considering they look for living hosts and such. I hope I conveyed that right I don't want to sound rude ^ ^;
Not quite, but I understand what you're asking.
Mimes can-- but do not need to if they do not want to-- seek out a host that is capable of life, but currently is not alive. Life in this instance means capable of functioning through an energy source, and not alive means not actively receiving the required energy in order to function.
So this includes: the recently but vitally intact deceased as well as animals, dying plants, unpowered electronics, dead but undamaged electrical grids.
I believe from a scientific point of view, they would be participating in some form of forceful mutualism, especially in organic hosts where they prevent further decay of the body by providing energy and reviving dead cells. In return, mimes gain near-complete control of the mind and body of the host, and are the only thing that can ensure the body continues to thrive as intended.
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xylo-art · 4 months
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I finished my first blockbench model! :D
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sneakystorms · 5 months
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xinyuehui · 4 months
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Some say a god dwell within the mountain, so one should not venture recklessly ⊹ ࣪
˙ ⋆˙⟡˖ Trace Of Divinity ⟡⋆˙
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galaxyseclipse · 4 months
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gotten (a little bit) better at Blender, so I thought it was time for an upgrade of these renders
also featuring headgear this time!
plus an extra of Four in the dark cause yea :3c
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lookit this squid glow!
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its-all-under-control · 6 months
sometimes it’s hard to remember that i’m doing the right thing by eating three meals
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autumn-opossum · 2 months
I had a dream that A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers was adapted into a 2D animated movie and now I need it to exist so badly
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