#But I can’t be bothered
thatlonelycactus · 8 months
I’m going to sound literally insane but I have a theory about what the “ineffable plan” might be. Is it right? Probably not but my fevered brain feels like it has some merit to it.
Anyway, in the book Crowley suggests that “Maybe it's all part of a great big ineffable plan. All of it. You, me, him, everything. Some great big test to see if what you've built all works properly, eh? You start thinking: it can’t be a great cosmic game of chess, it has to be just very complicated Solitaire.” and it is a quote that I’m quite sad didn’t make it into the show (I’m pretty sure). But back onto todays nonsensical rant: my proposal is- what if the Almightys plan is to try to make people/celestial/occult beings realize they need to work together and move away from the binary of being right or wrong. It links two of the major (imo) themes of the story in that a) it’s about connection and love and that and b) there’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” on a moral scale, there’s only shades of grey. What if the Almighty let the fall happen (as Crowley says earlier in the exchange mentioned earlier: “why did it happen, eh? I mean, it didn’t have to, did it?… Anyone who could build a universe in six days isn’t going to let a little thing like that happen. Unless they want it to, of course.”) to not only let the angels experience free will but to also let them learn, to work together, to love, to grow. What if they laced humans on earth with their range of morals beliefs, etc and showed how they, even when they are self declared enemies, can still work together? The most prominent point for the second idea is the bonds between Newt and Anathema, Shadwell and Madame Tracey, Beez and Gabriel, and obviously, Aziraphale and Crowley. I’ll talk about the witch/witch-hunter pairs first because I think the big thing here is that it all starts with humanity. Newt was essentially pulled into being a witch-hunter through circumstance, he never had any hatred for Anathema or any witch for that matter, it all just kinda happened (remind you of anyone sauntering vaguely downward???) but they’re both quick to accept the other for who they are. Shadwell took a little bit more time to realize that Madame Tracey was neither a witch nor evil. He just had to realize that they were both human and that she was, well, that she was kind. After realizing this, Shadwell began to change (def for the better), he left an order he had been with since the 60s because he realsied it was outdated and pretty much pointless in the scheme of everything, of humanity. I bring these two pairs because they remind me slightly of Aziraphale and Crowley, and Beez and Gabriel respectively. I won’t go into too much more detail but these relationships show that the hatred between heaven and hell is arbitrary, angels and demons aren’t hereditary enemies, they don’t even have to be enemies, they just decided that’s what they needed to be. These relationships prove that there’s more than just good and evil because I don’t think that any of us would refer to either Crowley or Beelzebub as “evil” nor Aziraphale or Gabriel as purely “good”. That’s what the Almighty is trying to get everyone to understand that there is no good, there is no evil, there’s just US and that’s the only side worth fighting for.
I have so many reasons why this can’t be the ineffable plan but yeah. Anyway that leaves me with one question: why did they do any of it? Whats the point of starting a 6000 year long conflict to show that the way you’d started it all out was best even though you were the one who ruined it? Whats the point of creating an entire universe and then planning to destroy it to prove this point?
Unless the universe was the apple in Eden.
Thats what makes it ineffable
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pornoes · 1 year
Sometimes I do wish I’d run into her in public, just so I can completely ignore her. She is a very self-involved and center-of-the-universe type of person so I think just completely ignoring her would crush her
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
John but basic ass bio lmao (i don’t know what i’m doing (was originally meant to be a pretend dating sim bio but here we are (kind of rushed lmao)))
Johnathon Hearst-Windsdor
Age: 32
Height: 6’5”
Birthday: July 12, 1991
Zodiac: Cancer ♋️
Gender: Male
Sexual Attraction: Omnisexual (male preference)
Sexual identity: Polyamorous
Romantic Attraction: Panromantic
Romantic Identity: Polyamorous (again)
Ethnic group: Tajik
Residence: Derbyshire County (war refugee)
Education level: Highschool (12 Years)
Nicknames: John, Johnno, Johnny, Johnny boy, Lumberjohn
-Pesto Gnocchi (based johnno)
-Tequila sunrise
-Ginger ale
-Country music
-Having to think a lot
-Maths (he isn’t good at it)
-Stick bugs (me too johnno)
-Lots of upper body strength
-Doesn’t mind partner/s seeing other people when it comes to sex
-Takes partner/s on actually interesting, memorable dates
-Just really laid back
-Lives in a farmer’s cottage in the middle of nowhere
-Lumberjack attire
-Does actually chop wood for fireplace
-Will send you letters if you’d like
-Likes animals
-Grew up under rules like “men don’t cry”
-Random, unpredictable mood swings
-Short temper
-Easily irritated
-Closed off
-Takes a lot of work until he finally starts opening up to his partner/s
-Doesn’t have good relationships with his friends
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styrofoameaterxd · 1 year
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Drew some of me and my friends fantrolls, idk if we did it right but I love them all, expect maybe Friesan- you’ll probably see a bit of Danios and Aberdeen tho, they’re my favourites✨
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faggoty-andi · 2 years
God I love it when I search a tag on my own blog that I know I used and tumblr decides to only show me half of what I posted with that tag
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
When I was young my dad offhandedly told me he thought people treated fish with so much casual cruelty because fish can’t scream.
The words branded themselves across my soul.
As an adult I think he may have been joking. He payed no especial attention to any indignities fish suffered in our household but I could never forget. I saw fish in a different light after that.
Fish kept in tiny bowls, breathing their own poisons, dying by inches. Fish kept in cold tanks, casually disposed of. Fish touted as being short lived when they could outlive the better loved family dog if only they could breathe. Fish casually won and discarded in cheap plastic bags, thrown away a week later.
How they would scream, if they could.
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burntblueberrywaffles · 11 months
Random poll but I’m curious
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gravity-knight · 1 year
Ok I had to look something up and it brought me to gamefaqs and boy has it been a while
Anyway the topics located at the bottom
Had a question I had briefly asked myself before I realized the answer but decided to look at it anyway.
The thread is between two people and OP is given completely false info
At first I thought it was sarcasm or that someone else would join to set things right or even that maybe I was wrong.
Then I thought ok it’s probably an old thread anyway and the answer was given in a later game.
It was two weeks ago. TWO weeks.
​They’re making up their own theory to something that’s been answered.
I am half tempted to make an account to rectify this.
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fulgurbugs · 8 months
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A bunch of ace attorney doodles I made to be stickers for a friend :P
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thalkon · 1 year
Just another depressing start to what could be a beautiful day.
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remxedmoon · 3 months
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yeah ok buddy
joke stolen from this post 🩶
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minjimunji · 2 months
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They make me sick (affectionate)
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I always have a soft spot for characters who have a protective streak for another out of gratitude for their kindness towards them, but Charles’ protectiveness towards Edwin really hits a particular way because it’s so so apparent that it’s specifically about wanting Edwin to feel as safe and as comfortable around him as Edwin made Charles feel in his dying moments. I’m going to shatter like glass.
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captainmaxatx · 5 days
Logan and Wade almost always do the nasty with the lights out and Wade is a little disappointed but he gets it and he resigned himself to a lifetime of dark sex long before Logan came along, sucks to know that your partner doesn’t want to look at you while getting down to business but its something Wade can live with.
Meanwhile, after a long day of stupid big bright lights Logan loves to have the lights out when making love with Wade because there isn’t any extra light bugging him and his natural night vision means he can see Wade perfectly, just the way he likes it
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linhzard · 2 months
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steady breathing now, jojo!
(this is a redraw hehe)
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tinypaperhats · 1 year
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Love that mineru can walk in with you at the blademaster’s exam cave.
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