#But I'm really happy with what I wrote so far! It connects to the prompt so loosely but was an excuse to talk about something I've loved
tarmac-rat · 7 months
In honor of me not finishing this in time for SilverV week despite my best efforts, have a collection of random WIP snippets from my 'Amusement Park' fic that'll probably just end up being a regular OS someday (aka my favorite bits of Johnny and Riley dialogue because I still love penning these assholes together).
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mimisempai · 5 months
It's invisible but it's there
A funny accident between him and Aziraphale, leads Crowley to a moving discovery and causes them to discuss their relationship.
50 Types of Kisses - Writing Prompts
Kiss #48: One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s.
Completely inspired by one of Neil's recent answer on tumblr
On Ao3
Rating G -  1098 words
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"Muriel, would you be so kind as to hand me the book I left on the sideboard by the door?"
Aziraphale, perched on a stepladder, stretched his arm back without turning around.
"I'm not Muriel, but I'm happy to bring you the book."
The angel shook his head and turned to see Crowley approaching, book in hand. When the demon was close, Aziraphale reached out to grab the book, but Crowley, a mischievous smile on his lips, shook his head and said, "No, no, Mr. Fell, if you want this book, you'll have to pay first."
Crowley tucked the book behind his back and, standing on tiptoe, held his face toward Aziraphale, leaving no doubt as to the currency required.
The angel rolled his eyes at his lover's antics, but leaned over to the demon and dropped a fleeting kiss on his lips. Then, just as he was about to pull away, the demon held him back with one hand and said playfully, "Angel, I'm sure this is a valuable book, so you'll have to put the money in."
"Idiot..." the angel grumbled before pressing his lips to the demon's again, making the kiss last a little longer this time.
They soon had to stop, however, as Aziraphale leaned a little too far and the stepladder tipped dangerously, causing the angel to fall.
Crowley dropped the book and caught the angel, but not fast enough to keep his own balance, so they both ended up on the ground.
Trying to right himself, Aziraphale panicked, "Crowley, are you okay, are you in pain?"
He knelt down beside Crowley, who was holding his face in his hands, and now, the angel, genuinely concerned, grabbed the demon's hands to see that he was laughing.
Aziraphale nudged him gently and said, "Idiot, I really thought you were hurt."
Between laughs, the demon replied, "Sorry, Angel, but I'm fine, I swear."
He reached behind him and brought his hand back in front of him, holding the book, and continued, "But I'm not sure your book is undamaged."
The demon looked at it more closely and frowned, "Oh, I think a page is torn."
He opened the book and added, "Ah no, it's a note."
Aziraphale panicked and reached for the book, saying, "Oh, it's nothing. Give it to me-"
But Crowley had put the book out of reach and, looking serious, asked Aziraphale, "This is your handwriting. This note is about me. What does it mean?"
The angel shook his head and replied, "I told you, it's nothing, it was a long time ago and I..."
"Does Crowley feel that connection too? If we stay away too long, will that bond break?"
Crowley held the note out to Aziraphale and asked softly,"What did you mean when you wrote that, Angel?"
Aziraphale grabbed the book and replied, his throat slightly tight with emotion, "It's Jane Eyre."
"Yes, I've seen it."
The angel opened the book, searched for a page, and turning the book to Crowley, showed him a paragraph, "Read this."
Crowley read aloud, “I have a strange feeling with regard to you. As if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. And if you were to leave I’m afraid that cord of communion would snap. And I have a notion that I’d take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you’d forget me.”
Crowley murmured, "I see..."
Then he read the note again before placing it in the book, closing it and setting it down beside him. Still sitting on the floor, he leaned against one of the bookshelves and motioned for the angel to come and sit between his spread legs.
Aziraphale slid down and once his back was pressed against the demon's chest, Crowley wrapped his arms around him and, resting his chin on the angel's head, asked softly, "When did you write this, Angel?"
Aziraphale placed his hands on the demon's intertwined hands on his stomach and replied, "In 1941, I had just realized my feelings for you, and we had never been as close as we were that day, so when you left, I began to wonder if I was the only one who had imagined this bond between us. If I was the only one who thought about you all the time when we were apart."
He felt the demon shake his head before he said with an emotional tone, "You weren't the only one."
Aziraphale took one of Crowley's hands and brought it to his lips as Crowley continued, "And lately, you seemed to be thriving, and I felt like I was treading water, and I was afraid that one day that bond would be gone."
He felt the angel about to protest, but pressed a light kiss to the fluffy hair to calm him and continued, "Let me finish, Angel. That's how I felt, but not anymore. Now, this invisible bond, I'm firmly convinced that nothing can break it. I mean, even Metatron tried, and he couldn't. In fact, looking back, I'm even sure that if you had followed him, it wouldn't have broken."
He couldn't help but smile as he felt the angel nod repeatedly to show that he shared the same conviction.
Crowley leaned forward and said in his lover's ear, "Then you can throw away this little note."
Aziraphale replied, "Yes, I now have the answer to both questions. This bond is real and here and unbreakable."
He turned his head and their lips met in a tender kiss that lasted until a slight cough caused them to part and look up.
Muriel, hands on hips, one eyebrow raised, asked them, "What are you doing?"
Crowley grabbed Jane Eyre and held it up, saying, "We're just arranging books."
Muriel shook their head and replied, "And to think I'm the one who's supposed to be learning from you."
Crowley and Aziraphale looked at each other before breaking into a chorus of laughter, then the demon stood and reached out to help the angel to his feet.
Then he put his arm around Muriel's shoulders and said, "Come on, my little bee, I'll buy you a hot chocolate at Nina's to celebrate."
The angel asked, confused, "To celebrate what?"
Crowley took Aziraphale's hand with his other hand and as their fingers intertwined, he said in a softer tone, "To celebrate an unbreakable bond."
"A bond? But I don't see anything."
Aziraphale replied to Muriel with a smile, "It's invisible, but it's there."
Muriel thought to themself that they did indeed have a lot to learn.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable kisses series : here
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
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I'm Just a Recluse
REQUEST: Hi I saw that your requests were open so I decided to give this a go by the way I absolutely suck at doing requests but I seen almost nothing on this 'prompt' Yandere!idia shroud x reader who has a massive crush on him but thinks he doesn't feel the same way. This idea has been rotting in my mind for the longest time. (ps: I really hope that this was clear enough 😭😭😭 again I'm sorry I really suck at writing requests)
SUMMARY: Does he have feelings for you? WORD COUNT: 1.7k
WARNINGS: Maybe manipulative reader, yandere-ish Idia, Idia being possessive and jealous mostly, Azul just wants blackmail, most likely OOC, Idia getting flustered, written in less than 30 minutes so I can't guarantee the quality but this is how I write- A/N: Anon I love that you requested because I was unable to sleep, but at the same time it's nearing 3 AM as I write this authors note help 😭 (dw you're amazing and your request was perfect, I really suck at writing stuff that was requested so it's like we're two sides of a coin (if that doesn't make sense i'm sorry)) Anyways I'm like 90% sure I botched this because I don't think I know Idia that well (I am going off what I know of him so far, so there may be inconsistencies with canon and whatnot) and it ended up being less yandere?? Idk mostly because I was like "yes I'm writing a yandere but I got an idea that's not 100% yandere" (as one does) and then it went down a whole 'nother rabbit hole- so I'm so sorry if this is not what you were looking for (also the fact that I'm writing this late at night does not help either) Reading your request over I'm mostly sure that what you were looking for was something similar to "soft reader x yandere!Idia" and not whatever the thing I wrote is- but I wrote it so I might as well publish it- Also the fact that I added Azul and Floyd because I love them and my late night brain said "might as well" is uh- yeah- A/N: Also I'm really sorry Idia I suck at titles </3
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You always liked Idia. You weren’t really sure why, since you never really saw him much… He seemed to be always in his room, playing games. Mostly, you saw him while passing by the room that the board game club occupied. Other than the occasional passing by as you walked through the halls, that was the only thing.
Well, there was really nothing to go by, to explain your crush. You tried to dismiss it as just liking his aesthetics, or something like that - you didn’t know him well, after all. Or, rather, at all. And there was no way that he even knew about you.
Well, it was a good thought. Still, you joined the board game club, if only to up your chances of Idia noticing you.
The housewarden of Ignihyde had not registered you much at first. You were the person possibly isekai’d into this world (like a character from an anime), but other than that, you seemed like another regular person.
Or so he thought.
Once you had joined his club, things changed drastically.
You had been doing everything you could to try to spend some time with Idia, playing the same games as him and trying to talk to him.
The poor boy got flustered and he couldn’t do much. Here was a real person who seemed nice, talking to an otaku like him. It was unheard of.
Still, a game was enough to make him relax a bit, enough to have a semi-decent conversation.
He gradually found himself getting more and more interested in you. At first, he had asked Ortho for anything on you, but then he started to try more to connect with you. However, they were subtle.
Sometimes, a note placed in your desk, other times a flower in your room. Small, simple things, never signed, and without a trace of anyone.
Of course, he had Ortho do it - he didn’t want to get caught, that would make him want to die - but he still wished he could see your reactions.
Maybe you were happy, intrigued. But then again, perhaps you would be disgusted when you realized who had been the one sending those gifts. Perhaps you hated otakus. Weren’t they the people least likely to get into a relationship?
Still, he shook off those thoughts. He had to make sure you at least didn’t get grossed out and quit his club. That would make him so distressed that he wouldn’t come out of his room for at least ten years. He liked seeing your face, and didn’t want that light of happiness gone.
He should’ve known this was coming, though.
Unbeknownst to Idia, however, you had struck a deal with Azul. "Help me get Idia to fall in love with me by whatever means necessary," were your exact words. And Azul knew he could most likely blackmail both you and Idia later, however this turned out. So, being the benevolent person he was, he accepted. (And also? It would be interesting to see how this turned out in general, even without being able to get blackmail). As a show of trust, he didn't even force you to sign a contract with him. How truly benevolent he was.
So here you were, sitting a bit too close to Azul, leaning in slightly to him to discuss a game when you heard the door open. Your eyes flickered up slightly, meeting Idia's carefully composed gaze. "Hi, Idia-san."
Oh, how he longed to snatch you away from Azul… But no, he couldn't do that. Obviously Azul was better for you anyway… He was smart, and he could talk to people. And he had money. Obviously you'd like that more than a recluse.
But still… How he wanted you to drop the formal titles and call him just by name… Just like in all the romance anime he watched. "Oh, drop the -san and call me by name!" That's what he could've said, what he wanted to say - but he couldn't. What if you were grossed out?
He moved to the other side of the room, getting out one of the games and starting to set it up. His eyes flickered up as he met your gaze (and unwillingly, Azul's). He didn't miss how your hands were intertwined. Why were normal couples like this…
You tilted your head slightly to the side as you asked about playing the game with him. Idia was startled at first, but reluctantly agreed. He was irritated that Azul was here - didn't he hate luck-based games? Or was he so in love that he would do anything just to stay by your side? Oh, how it made him sick.
After a few rounds, he was done. He was tired of it all. The last straw was when he saw Azul wrap an arm around your shoulders.
Your eyes widened as Idia got up quickly, hitting the table in the process, the pieces scattering to the floor. He didn't seem to notice as he stepped toward you, pulling you from Azul's grasp.
Azul had been holding on lightly, barely even touching you, so there was no resistance. He just watched you and Idia quietly, thoughtfully, all the gears spinning in his head.
"You're not hanging out with a guy like him," Idia muttered quietly. "You're staying with me." He moved his grip to hold your wrist, tugging you out of the club room.
You followed without resisting. What else would you even do? Try to fight him? Of course not. Not when you were so close to getting what you wanted.
He cornered you in a deserted hallway, staring at you. You waited for a moment before tentatively speaking. "Idia…?"
Idia stayed quiet, the tips of his hair just gradually growing into a vibrant shade of pink. Finally, he got out, "…I shouldn't have done that…"
"Shouldn't have done what?" Your eyes were wide, so cute… But he shook the thought off.
"Shouldn't have dragged you away. Obviously you want a guy like him for a boyfriend and not me."
You paused. Your plan… Had it worked? Was he jealous? "Hey- I don't like Azul. Not in a romantic way anyway. The person I like is the person I'm talking to right now."
Idia froze. He had to be dreaming. This had to be some elaborate VR set that showed him what he wanted most in the world. Perhaps… It was so cheesy too. Like some scene from a romance anime. He met your gaze.
But still…
"Me? You have to be joking. I mean, who would like me? I'm just a recluse who stays in his room all day playing games-"
"But you're more than that," you cut him off, before smiling a little apologetically. "You're sweet, and kind, and I love the way your eyes light up when you're talking about your favorite anime or game."
Shit. No one had said that to him before. "W-well. I-" He cut himself off. He couldn't say it. He couldn't say something so embarrassing. Yeah, he had dragged you away from Azul in the heat of the moment, but that was because he wasn't thinking. He let the jealousy, the possessiveness, guide his actions.
And now he was paying for it.
"C'mon, Idia-san, get it out." Your voice was so gentle, so soothing.
"I like you and I really wanted to get to know you better but I wasn't sure if you liked me so I sent all sorts of weird creepy stuff like notes and I bet you're disappointed because it was just me and not, y'know, some cool ikemen."
His words were so fast it was almost a blur. Before you could even process his words, he took a deep breath and continued.
"And I really want you to stop calling me -san and just by my name but I don't want to ask that of you because I'm just some random creep who is obsessed with you and wants to keep you to himself and-"
"Stop stop stop." You laughed a little. "Hey, I'm not disappointed that you were the one sending me the gifts - they were sweet. I was worried that Rook-san might have been the ones sending them, but I'm glad to get the confirmation that you were the one."
Why would you think it had been Rook? Perhaps you had a crush-
"And, you only needed to ask if you wanted me to drop the -san, Idia." You smiled sweetly at him.
Well, at least you hadn't caught the 'obsessed' and 'creep' part? That was embarrassing of him to say.
Idia looked more and more flustered before he just stepped closer to you, awkwardly wrapping his arms around you in an embrace. His face nuzzled in to the crook of your neck, heart beating too fast and his palms sweaty. Was this okay? Would you like it - perhaps he should've cleaned up a bit more-
Your arms wrapped around him, and he immediately relaxed. What he wouldn't do to have you hold him like that for the whole night - whole week, even.
Unfortunately, at that moment, Floyd had to come skipping through the halls. "Koebi-chan and Hotaruika-senpai? What're you doing here - Is Azul done with his boring club?"
Idia let out a soft huff, glaring at Floyd even as he held on to you. "One, the board game club is /not/ a boring club, and two, I'm hugging [Y/N]."
How bold of him to say.
"Ooh, can I hug Koebi-chan too? I bet I can squeeze them so tight~"
Idia somehow held you tighter, turning you away from Floyd. "No. Now go run off and find Azul or something." How he had managed to hold a full conversation with Floyd, he wasn't sure. At least he seemed bored enough to run off… He sighed softly. He'd have to spend more time with you in his dorm. He was still holding you tightly as he walked to his dorm.
~bonus~ Azul was just around the corner and listening in to your conversation, phone recording everything that had happened. He sighed as Floyd had come in - of course he had to ruin it. Still, he had gotten some good stuff. "Hmm? Azul, you're here… Spying on Koebi-chan and Hotaruika-senpai?" Floyd's head tilted slightly to the side. "Don't say something as crass as spying. I was merely gaining intelligence." "So, spying." "Gaining intelligence, Floyd." Azul let out a soft sigh. "That you got in the way of." "I did nothing." "Yes you did."
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As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
Feel free to send requests! Check out this post for info ^^
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
shannon!!! hi!!!! i’d LOVE a director’s cut of your annie x brady one shot ‘home is an anchor’. that piece is sooooo intimate and emotional and their connection is so palpable. i’m a big annie x brady fan but i think that’s my fav of your writing on them so far. their connection!!! i could shout about it for days. so what stuck out to you about them as characters or their relationship in that one shot? did they say/do/think anything that surprised you? did it influence stuff you wrote for them after in a way you didn’t expect? i’d love to hear any and all thoughts!!! i’m just an annie x brady girlie at heart ❤️
HI ISSIE!!!!!!! thank you so much for the kindness towards that piece!!! 'home is an anchor' was by far one of my favorite pieces that i wrote because i remember i had a section of it written but didn't know where to go with it. and then all the sudden it HIT me where to actually go with it and then my fingers were practically flying over the keyboard to finish writing it. SO!!! thank you SO MUCH!!!! <3 'an annie x brady girlie at heart' - issie my friend it is an HONOR!!! so PLEASE LET ME INDULGE YOU!!! under the cut is my train of thought and dissection of this piece and all the fixings! please enjoy and thank you again seriously! annie x brady have been one of my favorites to write and one of my first to develop and so i'm glad their connection means a ton, so, please enjoy!!! :D
if anyone wishes to get another look into a specific prompt/one-shot, please feel free to send it in! <3
One of the main goals I wanted to pull across with this piece was a deeper look into Annie's background - a sort of explanation as to why 'Annie Bradshaw' is the way she is. Because there's so many factors that make up, at least to me, why someone becomes the person they are - namely, their background and upbringing. Annie's upbringing is one that forces her both to grow up fast and mature, along with lose her youth and childhood at the exact same time. She spent a majority of it caring for her younger siblings. Meanwhile, she was the oldest daughter with an older brother, Roy, who went off to work and make money, along with her father, who was trying to keep the Bradshaw family alive.
At the same time, her mother was drinking daily, not taking care of things at home, and leaving Annie to step up into the role. This is some things I didn't get into right here but: before the Depression hit, the Bradshaw's had a farm that worked fairly efficiently, the family was profitable and happy, but then once 1929 hit, things started really going downhill. Annie wasn't able to go to school much anymore because of the fact she had to care for the farm and her siblings, while her father and brother went to what jobs they could work at. So, at night, she'd usually stay up late, alongside Roy and he'd help her catch up in her studies, which led to her love for math and science. This is incredibly fundamental for her because it led to where she is now. But having this background really cemented her reasons WHY she is here.
Annie mentions that she gets a letter from her father, detailing that her mother's health is failing (because of the drinking/smoking/etc), and how Annie still holds onto guilt because she left her family to do what she could for herself. And THIS is where John Brady comes in as a main player for this storyline - and why he is so important to any in so many different aspects. Because for once, someone is stepping in and caring for her (not like she didn't have her little siblings, her father and Roy), but there's that bare spot where her mother's love should've been. And in a way, Brady fills that for her.
I think it is also an attribute to Annie's strength as both a woman and a pilot for the USAAF. She clearly has been through a lot that has made her stronger because of it and it comes off evidently as she leads as pilot for Silver Bullets. But it also allows her to know that it's okay to have a bit of a breakdown sometimes, to feel those hurt emotions that she's experiencing. It gives her a nice well-rounded balance, and a fun character to write!
SO -- for me, these are the things that mainly stuck out (1) about their characters. You have Annie who is evidently going through a rollercoaster of emotions from her past, this torment of guilt and coming into this era of doing things for herself and Brady, who is stepping in to be her sort of 'safe haven' - an anchor. Hence, why I've tilted it 'Home is an Anchor' because her home is slowly no longer back in Mankato, Minnesota - it's here in Thorpe Abbotts. It's John Brady. I feel this also applies to their relationship - as someone who is a fan of slowburns, I am stretching this out as far as I can, so by this point, I'd say we are near episodes 3/4. Meaning, Annie and Brady have known each other for some time, and are slowly developing these feelings and these emotions towards each other that they're having trouble forgetting. I would highly consider this the 'turning' point in their connection, too, in their time of knowing one another. Sharing an intimate moment that heavily emphasizes their importance towards one another in a somewhat subtle way, too.
(2) I'll be honest, writing Annie and Brady is ALWAYS a surprise for me (enter: Brady and Annie in his A2 jacket...like THAT was a surprise!). But genuinely, writing them is always me just typing away and then this idea/line hits me and I just have to do something with it. SO -- for this, Brady telling Annie that - now that they're up-close in this intimate hold they have on each other - he is now noticing her freckles and that they're cute, was by far the moment in the one shot that made me SCREAMMMM. I really wanted to take into account the fact that they're up-close to really try to bring forward this idea that, they've crossed this threshold and will recognize new things about the other - and one of those things is her freckles. A first step in a new direction!
(3) And with THAT, I would absolutely say it was influential, because then I started writing Annie and Brady in a more intimate way after that specific moment. Because we do have Annie sort of coming to the realization about her feelings - where she mentions the only thing on her mind and then trails off (that thing is in fact a Mr. John Brady, but she won't admit that). And I sort of play into that idea a bit with the entrance of Francis Montez, the co-pilot, into the scene, where she teases Annie a bit for it all (in good-fun of course). But it leaves Annie thinking. And so with that in following one-shots, I really played into that idea of 'everyone knows but them' sort of situation, which is a TREAT i must say haha!
This specific one-shot just really allowed me to explore multiple areas of Annie and Brady that was enjoyable - Annie's background, the importance of Brady to Annie and vice versa, what it means to go pass this 'friendship' (I say friendship in a very light ton lmfao) and into something else. To show that these two people both are important to one another and that they think equally very highly of one another as well - a sense of mutual respect that goes both ways.
And also, as I mentioned, I got to play around with Francis Montez's character as well. She is a pivotal person in the Silver Bullets crew, not only as the co-pilot, but as someone who watched their previous command pilot pass on, that being Captain Faulkner. Francis I will be exploring in an upcoming prompt or two (and another writing piece I have an idea for because co-pilots and their dynamic with the pilot fascinate me so....) and I'll be excited to build her character more!!!
This equally is one of my favorite pieces for these two, and I'm so glad you enjoyed it as well :) Annie x Brady will always mean the world to me, and to write them is a joy. So thank YOU Issie for indulging me!!! <333333 I appreciate it so so much and thank you again for the love and support!! :D
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exploredawhatifs · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @xottan for the tag!!! This beginner is humbled and honored that you'd think to tag me so ended up doing this instead of sleeping.
How many works do you have on ao3?
(4) in my heart; (6) according to ao3. The first (3) were meant to be one thing, but I didn’t know better. Thought a series would tie them together as one unit more than it actually did.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
157,510… I have mixed feelings about this. I love writers who have an economy of words so I suspect proper editing would cut that crazy number down, but I don't have a proper editing process.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel Cinematic Universe and Sherlock with an eye towards some anime one day
4. Top five fics by kudos
By pure kudo count, the top three go to the three parts of the
For Appearance’s Sake series (Frostiron) followed by
The Doctor’s Choices (a Johnlock WIP) and
Bend Thee Aghast Challenge (a Frostmaster WIP)
but the kudo rank is nearly identical to the posting dates so with only a four month Ao3 career, I’m not sure kudos is a fair way to judge the work
5.Do you respond to comments?
I do now! @lokislonelylady helped me get over the initial comment response fear and I’m forever grateful. Writing and posting also gave me more confidence to leave comments for others’ works and @xottan was the first writer to respond at length. That was a game changer. I didn’t expect responses and still don’t, but it was nice to feel a connection (thank you!!), so now I make it a point to respond to any comments I get as soon as I can or at least before the next post. I don’t get many so it’s easy enough
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angsty… maybe Unbinding (part three of that first series)? I was told the last part was a bit depressing before the comfort hit.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh… only 2 works have an actual ending so far… but I suspect The Doctor’s Choices will be the happiest ending of what I have in the works.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on the fics itself, not yet. More for not knowing what I’m doing, like tagging. The first version of tagging for For Appearance’s Sake series was a mess. Also for not understanding the ship I first ventured into. 
9. Do you write smut?
Ehm. Yes. Not sure that I'm particularly good at it, probably not but I only have one story that’s not explicit/dark, and that was just for a therapy assignment.
10. Craziest crossover?
None as of yet
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not yet. It’s early
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but that sounds cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. I’ve never even had a beta reader… collabs sounds interesting. 
14. All time favorite ship?
Great question. This one is hard. It was Johnlock for a long time. I started reading in the MCU eight months ago, and the MCU has so many creative pairings that I’m just confused. That said, based on the various works in progress and ideas popping in my head, it must be Frostiron at the moment.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None. This question prompted me to go fix what I hated about the wip and so, I'm good. I consider Fools’ Scheme a work in progress. Technically, it functions well enough as part 2 in the series in terms of moving the plot along, but considering the whole thing suddenly deviated to an emotional, happy ending, that middle part really needs some emotions massaged into make it work better with part 3, but emotionss are so hard.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’d love to say action with a bit of world building, but who knows? It’s hard to judge your own work, and based on the comments from the English professor in college… this ESL kid was barely understandable.
Realistically, the strength I can confidently talk about is speed. Based on the past four months, I average about 1200 words an hour when at a computer; 600 an hour on my phone (though to be fair, usually when I’m writing on the phone… I’m also supposed to be doing something else… like work). Makes me question my career choice (zero writing involved in my day job). With this writing speed, I really would have been making bang during Dickenson’s day where writers got paid per word.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Emotionsss. How other writers put emotions on paper is beyond me.  I do okay with fear and anger but the feels? like love and sadness? Absolute crap, and I don’t know that it will get better since the moment my writing starts down that path, I nope out of there so fast that I’m done writing for that day or it pours out of me in an unfiltered melodrama that I can't imagine anyone wants to read and I’m a wreck for half a week.
Other than that, choppiness. I focus so much on the action and plot that some of it comes out short and action, action, action without the why... this is especially true because my adhd has me jumping from scene to scene or even story to story as I write. Literally Johnlock for ten minutes, then it’s Frostmaster for a paragraph, jump to two separate Frostirons I have going on in the back, and a random Loki & Nebula that’s brewing before jumping back to Johnlock. =.=;;; my brain…
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Yesss. It would be fun to do it in the way Groot is handled in the MCU.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
MCU - Tony Stark/Loki, though it was without even understanding what Frostiron was. I must have read like five Tony Stark/Loki before jumping into writing an unplanned novel, and in all of them, Tony was pretty mean to some weak version of Loki. My fix was to make Loki a bit stronger so that he could send Tony to prison… turns out most people in Frostiron sees them together. Halfway through writing them, I suddenly realized why;;; They’re so alike.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It varies from moment to moment. Literally, it’s the fic I’m working on and since the last thing I typed is Let’s do ‘Just a slave’, (Thor & Loki) that is the one at the moment, even if it was a therapy assignment. 
It’s not representative of my usual stuff but I did manage to write it in a single sitting of three hours and found it fun, so I guess it counts.
Well, that was interesting. More challenging and fun than I had imagined.
Tagging someone: I also tag @lokislonelylady, though, like @xottan says, no pressure. Don’t know if you can even write until you’re fully healed. Sending my love and gratitude either way! Honestly, there should be an amazing commenters’ version of this because @lokislonelylady , you brighten people's day with your comments! I have learned to comment just as much thanks to you.
And while there's really no reason anyone else will stumble on my tumblr, but if you do and you’re writer, consider yourself tagged! (if you want)
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scoundrels-in-love · 11 months
20 Question Fic Writer Game
Thank you for @needle-noggins for tagging me! Using my limited energy right now to respond, because otherwise I never will, oops.
How many works do you have on AO3? 65. One of them is a collection of prompts with 14 different chapters so, technically, 78 fics total.
What is your AO3 word count? 169,932. Nice. (Almost half of them are written in last 7 months for Trigun.)
What fandoms do you write for? Currently, only Trigun, but there are chances I might drop a fic or two in JJK fandom for Chosoyuki and then disappear. I would also like to finish some WIPs for Braime from GOT, but I don't know if my brain will let me. Never say never, though.
What are your top five fics by kudos? What can I give that is all for you? These arms are all I have (But I hold you like I do love you) (396, Trigun, Mashwood) Everything about you is on the tip of my tongue (312, Trigun, Mashwood, my first finished proper multichapter and explicit monsterfucking) You hold me for a little (Curtains closed to the end of the world) (260, Trigun, Mashwood) If I'm gonna (lose) love someone, (don't) let it be you (258, GOT, Braime) this fucking fic that took me a week instead of day or two to write, ENJOY FUCKERS (or don't, I'm not a cop) (234, Trigun, Mashwood, Explicit monsterfucking) Really fascinating to see how much kudos my Trigun fics used to get when I now often only get 30-50 at best. But, alas. Such is the ups and downs of fandom and I hope it's not reflection of my writing quality vaning as well.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I do. When I first started using to AO3, a writer I admired had the stance that it inflates the comment number and is 'cheating' when it comes to the statistics, but I realized that, at least for me, comments aren't any parameters I search fics by and also I really wanted to feel community and connect with my readers and writers, so I wholly threw myself in responding later on.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh, that's a good question. Several WIPs come to mind, but as for actual published ones... I suppose Before you leave, Remember I was with you (You must know you are beloved) could count because it follows canon ending of the Rogue One which means all of the characters die. But it is more of a bittersweet one. In similar vein, If this is communication, I disconnect (I need you, you want me, but I don't know how to connect) I think You taught me the courage of stars before you left (How light carries on endlessly even after death) overall might win, because it ends on open wound of grief, though it is also canonical death.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't think there is a singular one that is more happy than others. There are so many shades and nuances of happiness, who am I to judge which one is the most valid, the biggest?
Do you get hate on fics? I once joked in author notes that maybe the fic did contain traces of early polyam if you squint and someone was very upset about it, though in text it was just close mutual friendship and some teasing and only the tagged main couple was openly romantically involved. I've gotten some weird comments overall through the years, but thankfully nothing more hateful than that.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Much to my own horror, yes, I do now. And apparently mostly the monsterfucking kind. I don't know what else might be meant by 'kind'.
Do you write crossovers? No, that's not something that really comes to my mind. I am too engrossed in exploring every nook and cranny of the canon and characters that are my focus at the time.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not fic, as far as I know, but I have had my poetry and RP stories and plots stolen by people I trusted, such as my teacher and close friends at the time.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I've had one podficced!
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No, but I'd really like to give it a try, I and @bienchanter have a lovely Rancher/Western Mashwood AU we'd like to cowrite, we just can't quite figure how to go about it. I've also had the pleasure of having them write a companion piece to my fic (theirs and mine) and had the joy of writing companion pieces to @needle-noggins and @frappeflamingo stories.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I am a person who cannot pick just one. I'd say some of the most Rainy defining ones have been Han x Leia, Braime and Mashwood.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? So, so many Braime ones. Especially the ones that are multichapter for fic exchanges. Their recipients deserve better.
What are your writing strengths? Emotions, evocative descriptions.
What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else. Okay, okay, before I get bonked from every direction - I struggle with dialogues and action descriptions and easily get overwhelmed when tackling larger, tightly packed plot.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I think it is perfectly valid and even good for characters that would actually mix the languages naturally. I've definitely thrown in some Brazilian words for my Wolfwood, for this reason.
First fandom you wrote for? The Labyrinth on ff.net in 2008 or about there.
Favourite fic you've ever written? I don't have a singular favorite, there is something that I love, something unique that makes me appreciate it in almost all of my bigger stories, even if it's just a joke that was made in conversations with my friends.
Whew, this was long, but fun. Tagging @bienchanter @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined @firesign23 @sdwolfpup @chickiefoo and @tardisready as well as anyone else who might just want to. But no pressure to, on anyone.
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lettalady · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Felt a little like rambling through some answers about writing and AO3. Feel free to play if you're up for it!
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How many works do you have on AO3?
200 at the moment, though of those there are a few that are prompt challenge works because they were hardly enough to be considered a full story on their own.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
985,325 words and counting, which makes me want to pull the word counts from the various WIPs that haven't made it to AO3 yet but ♫ patience is a virtue ♫ (that I'm clearly struggling with at the moment).
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for the Hiddleston, Evans, Brühl, Mikkelsen fandoms - and have a few WIPs that haven't made it to the point of being posted yet but are in development. (And always am open to prompts though I haven't posted anything about the word prompt challenge in awhile... hmm)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
You've Only Just Arrived (actor!TWH) Unsettled (actor!TWH au) The Long Journey Home (TFATWS Baron Zemo/Sokovian reader/Bucky Barnes) A Turn of the Knife (Ransom Drysdale/ Knives Out prequel) Close Quarters (actor!TWH)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Nearly always and likely far too soon after they're posted. Comments are fantastic for learning what pieces of the work really resonated, or what needs to be amended going forward because it didn't land the way that was intended.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Where we've left off in Unsettled probably allows that story to claim the title (which arguably that story wins angstiest anyway), but standing alone I'd say there's a fair few oneshots that could qualify. If you consider snippets of What If, there's one from the LJH world that would win hands down, but I don't consider those snippets as full fics...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Completed works - probably Lakeside or The Journalist (proper). Where we've left off in You've Only Just Arrived is setting us up for the happy ending that will inevitably occur.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I've had a couple comments that stemmed more from misunderstanding than seemed grounded in hate. It was easily clarified and the issue remedied (at least for the first thing that springs to mind).
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Haven't had the opportunity yet, but never say never.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Quite a shitty feeling when your work is posted without your consent. Please don't do that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
The Heart of a Villain (jaguar-villain!TWH)
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
I very much enjoy creating [insert character here]/ reader (or original character) ships within various fandoms. My current favorite ship I'm working on isn't even posted yet, but head over heels for villain!Brühl. In terms of a ship I'll always love, though I haven't written for it, is Evelyn & Rick O'Connell from The Mummy (1999)/ The Mummy franchise.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Never say never. I've had a few peter out from my attention being drawn elsewhere, but fully intend on going back and finishing out what I started.
16. What’re your writing strengths?
I'd estimate that when the dialogue flows it flows really well? When I reread that's what I tend to enjoy the most, along with the emotional connection to the characters. Then again, having lived in those worlds in order to write them... biased opinion. So very biased.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
It varies fic to fic honestly. Sometimes the scene doesn't want to be described and it's like pulling teeth to get anything in there. I'd classify the umpteen ongoing WIPs as a weakness as well. The urge to chase the other characters, the other story, and let the ones active/in progress languish... it's something I'd like to improve on, at least.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've used it as a storytelling element in a few works at this point. I tend towards including the translation in { brackets } for clarification - so long as the characters know the language they're speaking or overhearing. (And please please if you spot anything that's not correct I'm always open to amending the errors!)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First ever isn't posted here, or to AO3 either. I doubt I'll ever pull the docs and notebooks together to transcribe the Backstreet Boys works - but I suppose never say never holds in that situation too. First that is here and AO3, after I gave myself permission to start writing again, is You've Only Just Arrived.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Too difficult a question. There's too much of me in the words, in the characters. I love each of them for varying reasons.
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loveless-scribes · 8 months
I tired sending this as well to you before the new year, but I understand if you were busy. Here you go!
"Hey love! I just wanted to check in and wish you a happy late Christmas and happy new years and I wanted to check in and just send you a bit of love after seeing your post.
Now I know there is no amount of words or good things I can say or give that can make your holiday's an but better, but I wanted to let you know that even though you stopped writing your writing is one of the things that got me through the year.
I loved your depiction of the characters you wrote for the Quietus and even the small writing prompts you did for a time on the side. This year was really rough I have gone to five funerals and two of those were family pets and I can not tell you how much reading your writing helped me get out of a ditch deep in the night when I was in so much pain.
Your advice to go to therapy actually lead me to finally getting diagnosed at the late age of 21 and I am fully medicated and feeling like I have a better grasp on life finally!
Even though I haven't seen anything so far from you I just want you to know how much your writing helped me through 2021-2022 it has been such a journey and I hope the new year for you brings new connections and new tides and I can't wait to see what you do coming into my senior year at college."
Have a fantastic day and may your day be ever brighter!
Thank you so much ❤️
I'm sorry for everything you had to go through and thank you for reaching out. So glad that therapy has been helping!
Honestly, when all else fails, the idea that my writing might help someone else feel a bit better in this unhappy world, if only briefly, keeps me going.
I hope only good things come your way going forward and am sending you lots of love! ❤️
(So sorry I seemed to have missed this the first time, it wasn't in my inbox either? Let's blame Tumblr for this one XD)
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lookforanewangle · 2 years
7, 10, 18 + 25!
7) are any of your fics strangely sentimental?
hmm probably my sally jackson fic I wrote for @suchastart on here forever ago! it desperately needs a rewrite but I like the little backstory I gave to sally/posally all the way back in 2013 lol. pjo has been a fave for a long time, so this one will probably stick with me for awhile
10) if you had to change a key element of your best fic (define best in whatever way you'd like!), what element would you change? why?
defining best is so hard. if you want what I'm proudest of, it's kind of a three way tie between my batfam tog au, this spn fic, and my tg long fic. tog au I would change how I worked in jason. I do still want him gone during the fic, but I don't feel like I did him enough justice and would want to rework the bits where he's mentioned (don't worry, he'll come back later). spn fic: ...nah I'm happy with this one it's not changing lmao. tg fic: more carole!! we always need more carole in tg fics, the lack of her is a crime
18) if you associate music, media, or poems with your fics, pick one and tell us about that association and why it inspired you.
so 99% of my fics are titled from song lyrics, if that tells you anything about how I associate songs with my work 😅 it's really hard to pick!!
each one has some sort of connection to the fic itself; maybe I got stuck and a certain lyric helped me get out of the block, or the other way around--I'll find a song that fits with what I already wrote. it all goes together. I have tons of character/series playlists that I'll pull from for titles, but how the writing itself all goes together with it depends on the fic
25) how do you feel about the most recent fic you published?
most recent are my tg/tgm whumptober prompts! I'm really happy with how they're going so far, I just wish I would have kept them as separate fics instead of chapters because each prompt fill is much longer than I expected them to be, and they're each fics in their own right. too late to change it now 😔 unless I switch gears and just post solos from here on out, I've only posted 8...but. I've already posted 8 lol
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Hello!! It's been a bit since I last checked on this blog I hope you've been doing alright :))
Could I request Shuichi Maki and Kaede with an s/o who's the ultimate children's book author and makes a book based off them?
But the book is about addressing their problems- if that makes sense??- like shuichis imposter syndrome and never feeling like he's enough, kaedes tendency to overwork herself for the sake of making others happy, and maki distancing herself from others over something she had zero control over.
I'm sorry if this is really specific- this has been in my head for weeks now 😪
- 🍋anon
I really love this prompt, 🍋 anon! It's so adorable. This has to be one of my favorite requests I've done so far, actually! Hopefully it matches the idea you had in your head :)
-Mod Celeste
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Kaede Akamatsu, Shuichi Saihara and Maki Harukawa with an Ultimate Children's Book Author! s/o who writes books based on them:
-She is incredibly fond of your work! She loves your style, the cute illustrations and how you're positively impacting children.
-You're definitely her favorite author, even if she isn't your target demographic.
-Kaede is curious about where you get inspiration, and you tell her you draw it from real-life experiences.
-So when you wrote "The Selfless Fairy Godmother", a story about a titular fairy who grants everyone's wishes but never her own, she just couldn't wait to figure out what it was about.
-You explain the fairy godmother works so hard to make all of the princesses happy, but nobody does that for her, which is saddening. That's why the resolution has all of the princesses she helped return the favor, and in the end she takes a nice vacation.
- "Oh, I get it! So it's about treating yourself as nicely as you do others. That's actually really neat! Almost... familiar? Haha."
-Then she sees who it's dedicated to, and her cheeks turn pink. She laughs, and realizes the whole point of the story.
- "You wrote this all for me? Jeez, I guess I'm the fairy godmother after all!"
-Even though your books are for kids, Kaede sure does appreciate the universal message. It was a huge deal to her!
-He thought you were much more talented than him. I mean, you had so much experience in writing! And your books were changing the world!
-Shuichi's very experienced at analysis, so he enjoys finding the deeper meanings of your stories.
-Then you published "A Knight's Dilemma", about a shy knight who acts humble even though he was chosen by the prophecy. Even after staying the dragon, he denies his worth! But the kingdom was so proud of his heroism, and he ended up accepting it.
-Shuichi really enjoyed this book. It warmed his heart and felt like something he would've loved as a kid.
-Of course, he had a feeling it was about him.
- "Hey, y/n... I'm not positive, but is this story based on me? It kinda seems like it, based on context anyway."
-When you tell him, he turns bright red. Shuichi never expected to be featured in such a phenomenal book!
- "Oh, really?! It was just a guess-- I'm flattered, of course! It's very sweet... haha."
-You have no idea how much he treasures that book.
-Since she spent her childhood raising her fellow orphans, Maki read many bedtime stories. It's lead her to appreciate them and she respects your work very much.
-Maki likes to watch you in your creative process, to try understanding how you write. It's fascinating to her.
-Your recent book, " Willow The Lonely Cat", really struck a chord with her. The poor kitty was left behind by its family and raised by a group of dogs. She never fit in, which made her feel like an outsider. One day she runs away, only to see her dog family missed her very dearly and was looking for her.
-It didn't even occur to Maki that this might have a special connection written in. She just... really, really liked it.
- "I think your cat story is the best, y/n. I bet lots of kids relate to this..."
-When you clue her in that it's more for her than the kids, she's absolutely shocked. In fact, she begins to tear up!
- "It was... for me? Thank you so much. That means a lot to me, y/n."
-You two have a cat named Willow, named for the character in your book.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Tobias & Casey... My future plans...
Some of y'all know - the ADHD has been off the charts, and I've been stressing out because I have too much open and don't know what to do next.
Quick background: Generally, I believe fanfic doesn't have to be linear. But when it's a couple that isn't found in canon, there is no baseline; I have to create it. My intention was always to write Tobias & Casey's story chronologically. Well, that didn't happen.
It started during the holidays last year. I wanted to write holiday fics, and frankly, I wasn't even sure the fandom would still exist during the holidays in 2022, so I wrote. I brought the Carrick girls in and fell in love with them, so I wanted a little more. Then there were asks and prompts, and - before you knew it - their story was all over the place, and this isn't even taking AUs into account.
I recently started the series about their baby & wedding stories, Kind of for the same reason. I got a lot of asks about these topics, and, well, with the fandom thinning, I figured let me write it while there are still 10 people who care. lol
But as a discussion with a friend revealed, no one even knows how they finally got together. As I looked back, I think I need to make people understand why there was a connection to each other, even though the rocky beginning of their relationship ended up with Casey dumping him. So here is what I have planned:
I'm going post a timeline for them. Not the scribbled in my notebook for my own use timeline, but something pretty and organized one that will be posted here. I'm also going to update my Meet My MC, create a Meet Tobias (since, face it, he's really an OC), and I'll make little ones for other OCs in their world.
Since Casey & Tobias already told her parents the big news, then he stopped to "tell" his late father on the way to his mom's house, I will finish that and have them tell Vivian. But, after that, I'm probably going to pause that series and go back to the Their Start series.
Their Start is currently in the Book 2 timeline right before the attack. Casey broke up with Tobias, and he's wigging out because he cares that she dumped him. This has never happened to him before. He's desperate to get her back, but she's not biting. But she just gave him the slightest bit of hope (and immediately regretted it). He's walking around happy, believing there is a chance, but then she never calls, so he's deflated. That's when he learns about the chemical attack at Edenbrook. So I'm going to go back to the attack (that rhymes) and bridge at least the bones of their story up to where they got engaged, and then I'll take it from there.
There may be one-offs (for asks/events), but I will try to limit them until I finish this bridge.
As far as series go, I'll be wrapping up Friends * (I'm hoping to do it in one more part, but it may be two), and I CAN NOT WAIT to delve into "Where It Goes From Here" when that's over.
Why am I sharing this? T/C is not my more popular pairing, and I'm sure some of my beautiful anons are already penning a "you're so narcissistic" message... but this helps me formulate my thoughts. Also, while T/C have a small following, they are loyal and enthusiastic. I've always says, my readers matter, even if they are a smaller group. Lastly, this is what I always say it needs to be about... WRITE WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO READ. Don't worry too much about the rest. So, if you made it this far, thank you. I really appreciate it and can't wait to get more to you. I'm only tagging some of my bigger T/C fans here. Thanks for your love & support! 💕💕
@a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annfg8 @annoyingmillenialnewbie @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @liaromancewriter @lilypills @lucy-268 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @onikalover @peonierose @peonyblossom @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @secretaryunpaid @trappedinfanfiction @icecoffee90 @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
Julia lore and 3/8 from the prompt list?
I am very here for the WIP and the little nuggets of info you've dropped us so far!
:3 Thank you!!! I'm really excited about this one, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the stuff I've shared so far!!!
Anyone can send in questions from this ask game here! :3 Or really any other questions you can think of, I like talking about this stuff lol
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
I think so far my favorite line of narration/one of my favorite scenes in general is the scene where Julia hears the Story and Song for the first time. I had to reread it again because that's one of the first scenes I wrote, and I forgot how much I feel like I crushed it as a first pass on it lol Because this was one of the scenes I first wrote though before writing literally the entire rest of the story, it might change a little bit in the end result, but I'm really happy with it for right now. I can't pick a part of it that I like the most, and it's three and a half pages long, so I'm going to add that at the end under a read more lol
8. Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
Not really this time lol The closest I can think of of any of this being inspired by real people or events is that I based some of the characterization of Julia on myself in that I gave her anxiety which makes sense to me for someone who had basically their whole life taken from them along with most of the people she had ever met and was close to, and I gave her stubbornness, and that makes sense to me because of how hard headed Magnus could be sometimes lol I feel like he would have really appreciated someone else who was hard headed and would have been a good reason for him to fall in love with her, and she just felt like a hard headed individual. I also gave her a lot of my basic morals like being kind and compassionate when possible and valuing life, etc. I also kind of based her reaction to trauma and anxiety a little bit on my mom. She tends to turn her anxiety into anger and bitterness, and while anger doesn't overpower her actions most of the time, there are times where she takes it out on people whether they deserve it or not. Mostly on people who she feels deserve it though because they hurt people she cares about. Most of the time, she's like me though in that she tries to stuff it down.
Makes great fuel for when she finds out Magnus is a Red Robe and has time to process everything after Story and Song :) Prepare for at least light angst if not more after the whole main story >:3
Also, the anxiety also makes her overprotective of Magnus, especially in the beginning, but she gets better at that as time goes on, and she becomes protective of other people she gets close to too. She's terrified of having everything ripped away from again.
Which also poses an interesting conundrum for when she has to deal with her anger and her fear and her want for community when she inevitably has to talk to Magnus about it and decide what's more important to her after Story and Song >:3
Also, what inspired me to actually take on this endeavor in the first place was, I had recently wrote A Surprise Announcement (a ficlet that's canon compliant and is about Julia telling Magnus she's pregnant while he's working on the rocking chair), and I was really happy with it and the reactions everyone was having about it, and then I think I read a ficlet either by Ise or Reese or two ficlets, one from both of them, or something that was also about Magnus dealing with the loss of Julia or a canon compliant story about right before Julia dies or something like that, and I suddenly got really sad and heart broken and was like okay, I had my fun, but now I'm sad :( and I need to fix this. Thus, Julia Burnsides vs Canon Lore was born lol
Besides that though, everything else is based on taz balance itself and trying to figure out how it would be different if Julia was there and what kind of connections she would have had previously before the campaign or even before the Relic Wars started and what kind of connections she would make throughout the course of the story. Hence, she had two best friends who disappeared/died during the Relic Wars, and all of the characters plus extra that I added as being residents of Raven's Roost in other ficlets are also going to be characters referenced in this fic. Also, I really can't wait to write her relationship with Merle and Taako. Especially Taako, because I feel like they would butt heads the most, but I already wrote a scene in Chapter with her bonding a little with Merle and a scene that might happen after Story and Song with Taako that was actually inspired by another ficlet Ise wrote that I read recently, and they are so choice 👌🏽 lol
Okay! Now for the scene where Julia finds out about the birds' story! :D
Edit: Whoops! Didn’t realize it said line of narration and not bit of narration 😅 Ah well; I was super excited about this scene anyway so hopefully it’s not too much? (I say as I dump three and a half pages worth of content)
The doors to the elevator open, and the lights inside it flicker a little bit. It's a bit ominous, but so is literally everything that's happened pretty much since they stepped foot in Wonderland. Julia has about had it up to here with the danger, the weird shit, and the apocalypse, but at least the elevator music is still playing softly and invitingly. It's the little comforts in a world gone absolutely wild.
She, Magnus, and Merle step into the elevator, and the doors slide shut. She takes a moment to breathe as Merle starts humming along with the music before she turns to Magnus. “Hey, babe?”
Magnus looks over at her as he opens the tank to let the baby voidfish out. “Yeah?”
The voidfish doesn't need– you know what, whatever. Not important. She shakes her head. “Now that we're not in immediate danger and are somewhat alone, what. The fuck. Is happening?”
Merle glances over at her and shrugs with a little laugh. “If you figure it out, let me know, kid because I have no idea either.”
Julia stares blankly at him. “You literally know way more than I do, Merle. You know who the lich that came out of Taako's umbrella is who is apparently his sister I'm assuming?” Magnus nods, so she continues. “I'm assuming you know what's in the sky and currently destroying the world–”
“Yup, it's called the Hunger,” Magnus supplies.
“According to the Director, you... you're... all of you are from a different reality?” Julia exclaims, and Magnus hums in agreement. “And, what is hap–”
She's cut off by the lights flickering more erratically and the music becoming more distorted until finally, the lights and music cut out completely. Then she gets the weird feeling that there's someone or something else in this elevator with them, but it's gone in a flash of a second. The lights come back on, and at this point, it doesn't even surprise her to see that Merle's gone. She rolls her eyes and leans against the back wall of the elevator with her arms folded across her chest. “Do you know where he went?” She asks Magnus dully.
Magnus sighs and shakes his head. “Nope, but–” He cuts himself as he looks to his left before cursing under his breath. Now that she's paying closer attention, she can see that the place where Merle used to be is covered in smoke in the shape of the dwarf. “Is now the best time, Merle?” Magnus asks in exasperation.
“The best time for what?” Julia asks in confusion.
“Parlay,” Magnus grumbles.
Before she can ask what that's supposed to mean, the elevator stops, and the doors open with a pleasant ding. They step out into the hallway, and Julia's blood runs cold. The lights are flickering in here too, but the hallway is empty. The door to the Voidfish's chamber is half open and nearly smashed down though, and through the cracks in the door, she can see more of those shadowy figures laying motionless on the ground that's flooded with water. She quietly pulls out her sword at the same time as Magnus draws the Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom and lights it on fire. Julia positions herself closer to him and in front of the baby voidfish as they walk toward the door. She pushes the door open slowly and gasps.
The Voidfish is hurt. Badly. Several of its tentacles are severed and lying on the ground. Others are wrapped around the throat of some of the many fallen, half-ash bodies littering the ground. Deep cuts run up its body, and the lights inside it are going a little dim.
“Oh, buddy,” Magnus says quietly.
It hums weakly, and the baby voidfish responds with a brighter and more energetic hum. It floats over to it, but then it hangs back a little bit, looking kind of scared.
“No, it's okay!” Magnus extinguishes his sword and puts it away before taking one of the baby voidfish's tendrils and walking it over to its parent.
The parent Voidfish lifts one tendril up to nestle its baby against its body, and the baby voidfish relaxes and sings a happy song. It's cute and sad, and Julia is finding it hard to breathe.
“Fisher, buddy, I... I told you I'd bring it back.” Magnus says shakily, and the parent Voidfish hums at him. His breath hitches slightly, and Julia sheathes her sword before walking up next to him and taking his hand. She squeezes it slightly, and he squeezes hers back. “I'm so sorry I forgot you, buddy. I'm so sorry.”
It lifts up one of its tendrils and puts it on his shoulder. Magnus immediately leans his head against its tendril and hums a song. The colors inside of the Voidfish– Fisher's bell float a little bit.
“Is there anything we can do?” Julia whispers.
Fisher hums weakly.
Magnus nuzzles its tendril. “Fisher, you tell me what you need, okay? And I'll do anything. Anything, and I'll do it, okay?”
Fisher nudges a body with one of its tendrils, and that's when Julia sees him. A lump forms in her throat as her hand slips from Magnus', and she rushes to Johann's side. She places her fingers on his neck, but Magnus quietly says, “He's gone, Jules. I...” She looks up to see him shake his head slightly. “He's gone.”
Julia swallows hard as she looks down at the half elf in front of her. The last time she saw him was a week ago when she asked him if he had any plans for the Summer Solstice since the Bureau wasn't doing anything this year. She was planning on throwing a small party together before the Director dashed that idea with the Wonderland mission, and at the time, Johann had gotten pulled away before they could finish their conversation.
She never got the chance to say goodbye.
Julia feels movement dart around her in the air, and she looks up to see the baby voidfish flying around the room before moving toward the back corner with Johann's desk. Magnus follows it and looks at the desk. The baby voidfish points emphatically on something on the desk and grabs his fingers with a few of its tendrils, and he takes a sharp intake of breath before saying, “Junior, I get it. Alright?” He sighs and picks up a piece of paper. He looks it over before glancing back at Fisher.
“Is that... is that a new one?” Julia asks softly.
Magnus nods and starts walking toward her and Fisher, and Fisher's lights start to ignite. He stops when he reaches her, and he holds up a finger and says, “Hold on one second Fish– one second.” He kneels down next to her and places a hand on Johann's chest. “I will remember this. And I will make sure everyone else does too. What you have done and what you have given will not be forgotten.” He slowly stands up, but Julia grabs onto his wrist.
“Are you going to feed it to– to Fisher?”
Magnus nods. “Fisher said he needs it.”
Julia bites her lip. “Is feeding him going to heal him? Because...” She looks down and closes her eyes tight for a second. “If this is Johann's last work... we can't erase that.”
Magnus looks down for a second before looking back at her. “I know. But hopefully Fisher will understand that too.”
He takes a deep breath and gives the scroll to Fisher. Fisher weakly grasps it and raises it up into its body. Magnus holds his breath, and Julia does too though she doesn't know what they're waiting for. Then the lights in Fisher's bell begin to swirl again, and it spreads throughout its body. Bright blue light surrounds its tendrils and coursing out of its body like ink through water. It picks itself up and starts floating above the ground, its tendrils swirling around it, and it looks vital again. Then Junior's body is filled with bright green light which disperses from its body and fills the room with bright light. Too bright to see the voidfish clearly, and then she hears it.
Julia's eyes widen, and she gasps as an incredible, impossible story plays out in her mind. She hears it and sees it all. Orientation at the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration on a two-sunned world. The Starblaster's first flight and the panic of seeing that force, the Hunger, for the first time. The animal planet where they learned a new language and Magnus trained with a huge royal bear. The mushroom planet where Taako made a fake Light of Creation, Merle started a church, and Magnus, Davenport, Lup, and Barry led an expedition to find the Light. The robots Lup stopped them from wiping out. The beach year. Tesseralia. Parlay. The Legato Conservatory where Magnus met Fisher. The Judge's world where Lucretia had to survive a year by herself. The empty world where Barry and Lup became liches. The Hanging Arcaneum. The argument between Lup and Barry's plan and Lucretia's plan. The relics. The war. Lup's disappearance. Lucretia's decision to erase everything. And the Hunger. The running, the hiding, the fighting, the dying, the struggle to stay one step ahead from a force that consumes entire planes. It's here now, and this is it. It's not just the end of this world but the end of this entire plane, and then the Hunger will move on and–
The blue light washes over Julia, and this time, she hears a song. Johann and Fisher's duet. It starts off soothing with the basic melody running over his harp, and it calms her nerves. She closes her eyes and focuses on the notes as they dip and change. She starts to move her head slightly to the beat of the drums. Then the violin and some other stringed instrument comes in, and the music feels kind and understanding. It feels loving and reassuring, like everything is going to be okay. Then the high wind and brass instruments come in, and it's building up to something. It's giving her strength and will power to stand up and get ready to fight. Fight for love, for hope, and for kindness. Then the beat drops with a decisive hit of the chimes, and she can see Johann playing his heart out on his violin. It's like he's here with her right now, saying she can do this. The world can do this. We can fight. And we will win.
Then the music calms a little and begins to fade, but the song sticks with her, as does the story. She opens her eyes and watches as the lights swirl around her before moving on out of the room to touch more people. To make the world know and understand.
“Hey uh... Jules? Babe, are you good?”
Julia looks up at Magnus who's standing over her worried. She just nods, and he holds out his hand to her which she takes to help stand up. She takes a deep, shaky breath and just stares at him. What do you say after learning your husband's epic one hundred year long story for the first time from a weird space jellyfish that– wait. Where are they? She looks around the room, but it's empty except for her and Magnus. “So uh... I'm all caught up now, and I'm still... still processing that, but where... where's Fisher and Junior?”
Magnus looks around the room too and bites his lip. “I don't know. They disappeared when the lights faded. I hope they're okay.” Julia just nods and continues to stare at him. “What?”
“You...” She laughs a little. “Kravitz was right, you did die nineteen times.”
Magnus bursts into laughter, and Julia laughs too. “I still stand by what I said about getting turned into stone being the most interesting way to die.”
Julia shakes her head with a large smile spread across her face. “You'd think after the first few deaths you would have learned to stop rushing head long into things.”
“Are you kidding? I had the chance to do everything I can to protect who I needed to and act stupid and fuck up and still be able to come back the next year like nothing happened. Besides needing to take care of Fisher, which I did become more cautious after finding Fisher, why wouldn't I throw caution to the wind?” Magnus says.
“Because dying sucks?” Julia laughs. “Then again, I've only done it one way over and over again by being blown up in Refuge, but I can't imagine any other way to be killed is any less pleasant.”
“You get used to it after a while.” The smile doesn't quite reach Magnus' eyes anymore at that.
Julia's smile turns soft. “I'm sure.” She squeezes his hand, and he squeezes back. “So what do we– oh.”
The wind gets knocked out of her in a way she's only felt once before in her life: the moment she and Magnus crested the incline to the outskirts of Raven's Roost and saw the city destroyed and empty.
This isn't fair.
She swallows hard, but her mouth is dry, and it feels like she's trying to swallow sand. She takes a deep, steadying breath and tries for a small smile. “That's what Davenport meant, isn't it?”
“You have to go, don't you?”
Magnus sets his jaw and shakes his head emphatically. “No. Listen, Jules–”
“Magnus I– I heard your story. I heard what happened one hundred times before. It's too late. The Hunger's here now, and if you don't go–”
Magnus takes both of her hands in his own and squeezes them as he looks her in the eyes. “Julia, we're going to fix this. It's not too late, we'll figure out another way, and I promise you, I am not going to leave you.”
Julia's breath hitches. “Magnus... I want to believe you. I really do, but... the world is dying. If you all get caught up here, it'll be the end of not only this world, but of everything. And if Lucretia puts up her barrier, Lup and Barry said that would be the end of the world too, and they know more about how bonds work than anyone I'd reckon.”
“No no no–”
“You have the Light–”
“This world will be okay.”
“Babe–” Julia gasps and swallows hard again, forcing the lump in her throat to go down and willing the tears to recede from her tear ducts. Why does she have to be the rational one this time? This isn't fair!
“I will find another way.” Magnus' voice shakes with emotion, and she can see him fighting tears too. “I'm not going to lose you. We can figure this out. I'll talk with the others. There has to be another way.”
Julia cups his face and pulls him in for a kiss. It's desperate, needy, and wet with tears, and if this is one of the last kisses she's ever going to get to share with him before making him understand that she's not going to be a reason why existence ends, she's going to make it count and show him how much she loves him.
A loud rumble sounds from the surface of the moon base, and the two of them pull away and lean their foreheads against each other. “We'll talk more about this later. We should probably go check that out.” Julia says, panting slightly.
“Right, okay.”
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Hey if requests are open can I ask one?
Can you do a bucky or stephen strange x reader where the reader falls under the ace spectrum and they are terrified to tell him that they are ace.
I'm ace (on the spectrum) and I've been struggling with forming romantic attachments and not feeling like "complete" or "enough" so I just felt this would be nice💕
If its convenient for you then please do this request
Thank you!
On the spectrum
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | based on the request. I kinda made a little twist to it, so I hope that you like it. I am in no way saying that asexual people can only be with asexual folk, but I thought this might be cute, so I wrote it like this xx
Warnings | erection, mentions of sex, ^^
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Jolting up from your rest, your eyes widened as you get your weight lounging upon Bucky, eyes wide as felt an appendage of his jolting stiffly upon your inner thigh. It was a surprise, the pair of you, through the expanse of your short term relationship, had never had the conversation of sex, and a part of you wanted to avoid it at all costs. There was something that you needed to inform Bucky about, but you were wary of what his reaction could be.
You weren’t sure that he would understand, after all, back in the 40s he was known for his womanising reputation, and whilst you knew that you weren’t another loose fling that had no attachments, it was still a big deal to share the truth with him. Not only would it impend and possibly affect his view of a future with you, but it would promote a new side to you, that you hadn’t told many people about.
Nat knew, but that was only because years back, you had confided in her, confused about your lack of sexual attraction to anyone. She had been supportive, and prompted you to research online, to see if you were as she suggested, asexual. There were many perceptions of the sexuality, some people would still do the deed to keep their partner happy, and others swore off the act altogether.
It wasn’t that the thought and idea of sex grossed you out, in fact, you could understand that people did it to feel amounts of pleasure that came from nothing else. But the rouse of body parts brushing against the other, and slipping inside was not something that ever appealed to yourself. And then you met Bucky, and your perception of the ordeal remained the same; you weren’t blind, you knew Bucky was extremely attractive, however, there still seemed to be no pulse in your veins that was prompting you to jump his bones.
It wasn’t him, it was you, and that was more okay. There was nothing wrong with not having a desire to perform erotic acts with any partner, and more so than his appearance, you had fallen for not only Bucky’s heavenly appearance, but his soul. He had an old soul, that was a given, with all things considered. And that was what had first made you step towards the man that liked to be alone, and change his perception of that fact.
He was new to the team, Tony enjoyed picking fun at the man, who as he liked to say ‘hadn’t got any in eighty years’. Bucky hardly responded to Iron Man’s nit picks, ignoring them instead to settle the conflict in his eyes. Berating with Tony was off the table, and so were snarky remarks, otherwise the billionaire would remind him of his sins against the Stark family, although in foresight, he had just been carrying out orders.
A groan relented from the man beneath you as you uncomfortably shuffled, his cock clearly rubbing against your thigh. His sleep dazed eyes slowly peeled open, revealing the blue globes beneath that stared up at you. A furrow endorsed his features, as he came to realisation of what had you so frozen; he was hard, nothing in particular had turned him on, it was just his body’s way of rousing him from slumber, and apparently it had extracted you from your rest also.
He released his arms from around you, watching as you shyly rolled to the side, and glanced at him from out of the corner of your eye. He released a small and sorrowful smile as he glanced down to where the covers had lightly raised from his manhood, feeling guilty for how his body had reacted by itself. “Doll face I’m sorry, I didn’t- it just- ugh.” The man groaned, rubbing his face with his prosthetic hand as he tried to rid the dust from out from the corner of his eyes.
“It’s okay.” Your voice came across as meek, small to the elephant in the room. “Just I- there is something I should tell you.” You twiddled with your fingers, picking nervously at the hanging skin that had chipped its way partially off on your latest mission, that had required you to furiously try and peel a jammed car door open to get the family out. Bucky now focused all his attention on you rather than the uninvited presence of his little friend in the bedroom, his pupils sending you signals of warmth as if to tell you that whatever you were going to tell him next, he would remain here for you.
“I’m asexual, and I get that you aren’t and you probably want all of nothing in this relationship but-” You spoke, but quickly paused when you saw Bucky tilted his head, a clear frown creating a thin line through the middle of his forehead. “What is it, do you not want me or-“ he stopped you from speaking, reaching out to hold your hands, giving them a light comforting squeeze, before he happened to open his mouth to speak.
“Doll face.” That name made you gulp, afraid that it would be the last time that he addressed you in such a way. And if it were, then that emotional connection that you felt to him would be unwound, and set out to sea to float and turn under the waves. “Asexual.” He tested the word on his tongue, as he lightly nodded, for some reason the phrase feeling right upon his tongue. “Can you explain it to me, I don’t know what it is?”
Of course, he wouldn’t know what it is! It made sense, he was from the forties, where various sexualities were not explored, all because straight white men thought their opinions were inferior. Well now, everyone had the freedom to be who they wanted to, and could be attracted to whomever they pleased, as things should have always been. Brushing your hand through your hair, thinking of holding onto the locks for dear life as you felt your nerves persevere, and spur in your membrane.
“It’s where someone does not experience sexual thoughts or feelings, towards anyone. Their thoughts are primarily romantic, and that’s how I feel. I do love you Buck, but I’m not sexually attracted to you, and I understand if that is a deal breaker for you. Not everyone wants to be put on a sex ban for the entirety of their relationship, but for me, it’s not like that at all, instead it’s more so I find the little moments to be more intimate than intercourse.”
“Y/n... I, not to jump the gun, but I’ve been feeling the same way.” Bucky slowly spoke, making your eyes dart up to his guilty expression. “I guess eighty years on ice will make you think about the things that are more important, and you are the most important person to me, and I guess if we neither of us have any desire to have sex, then me and you are supposed to work.”
It was surely a surprise, but he had contained his emotions, thinking that even when Tony pried at him for his lack of involved affections, he felt ashamed, as though there was something wrong with him. But it appeared as this day and age was far more fitting for this version of him, the one that had endured the battles against aliens and his own friends.
“I’m sure we’d have found a way to sort your needs out even if you weren’t asexual.” It felt strange for him to hear himself described with that word, but it felt right. “And look, it’s gone down.” You laughed lightly, resting against his chest once more as he let out a breathy laugh, and cuddled you to his chest. “I’m with you for you Buck, I love every part of you. And I think, maybe we should move out of the compound and get a place together, maybe downtown?”
“Really?” His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, shining with festive luminescence. “You want that, with me?” You humbly nodded, pressing a kiss upon his cheek as you inhaled his scent. His hands dipped to your waist, holding you that bit tighter. He was never going to let you go, no matter who was what, or what was who. The two of you were y/n and Bucky, and you got through anything.
That way, leaving these Stark white four walls behind, Stark himself could not pry at the soldier, nor make jokes about his lack of sexual affection. The two of you were complete with the truth wading between you, there was to be no dwelling or worrying about the other thought, because you both understood.
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nieded · 3 years
fic year in review 2021
Following my rec list of 2021, I thought I'd write out a little reflection on the things that I wrote this year and what inspired them. I certainly was way more productive this year, writing over 263k words, and I definitely felt a shift in how I approached writing, how I felt about my writing, and what inspired it all.
nieded does a zine series
This was the first year I ever participated in a zine:@in-love-with-my-car-zine and @gotonyzine. I am super appreciative of these experiences because I got to interact with so much more of the fandom. I'm signed up for two more this year (so far) because I've had so much fun.
Zines also have helped me be way more concise. I panicked the first time I saw the 3k word limit, even more so when I saw 1k word limit! But it's been fun challenging myself in the opposite direction.
@goloveday -- The 2021 GO VDay Exchange
Nothing Compares to You, E, 9k priest!au
Look, I have never ever thought in my life that I would write a Priest!AU, but here we are thanks to @ladybugcaptor. I love this story because of what it represents, which is a wonderful friendship that started when we were paired for the exchange. I initially took the prompt as a challenge, and as I wrote it and blew past the word limit, it became a love letter to my new friend. So thank you, ladybug, for being an amazing human being and a bright beacon during 2021.
See in technicolor, E, 9.8k, eggpreg
Ah, uh, this may be the weirdest thing I've ever written. It's also maybe the most personal. When I said above that I felt a shift in how I wrote, this is where it began. I was having a low moment. I was upset with my body and all its foibles. I wrote something that was odd and weird and honest and threw it on the internet before I could regret it.
It doesn't have the most hits or kudos or whatever, but I personally love this story, and it broke the ice for me to try writing about other things that I find personally difficult.
Which leads to...
Sit Tight, Take Hold, E, 150k, F1 motorsports AU
I wrote this in a fugue. It was one of those rare times when I had a clear picture of how I wanted the story to be told, and surprisingly, I managed to execute it. Like the story above, this became more and more personal as I wrote it. It was supposed to be about racing fast cars and driving around like they're in the Fast and Furious, and instead, it was about agency and growth and all my raging bisexual feelings.
What really made this story, however, were the readers. I have never felt more connected to fandom than I did during posting. It helped me feel a lot less alone. I don't know how to thank everyone who reads it, comments, shares it on social media, etc. because there aren't enough words to convey my gratitude.
This list isn't comprehensive, but these are the big things I published this year that helped me grow and reflect. Happy New Year, everyone! Here's to an excellent 2022 in which I write Part Two of #rainbowroad and finish my GO/Star Wars crossover that's haunting me right now.
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sereia1313 · 3 years
20 Questions - Writers Edition
Thank you for tagging me @sagemcmae​ and @drosselmeyerwrites💕💕💕 I'm still new to this, so my numbers won't be that high, but maybe I'll do it again in a year for a comparison and see where I'm at.
How many works do you have on AO3? 4
What’s your total AO3 word count? 48,048 (well THAT appeased my OCD brain)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Only one so far, Inuyasha (SessKag), but there will probably be some Harry Potter (Dramione) in the future.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? - Locked Away (151) - Kagome and Sesshoumaru get stuck in an elevator. Normally this could lead to the connecting of hearts; the only problem is the former Lord of the West is claustrophobic. - Rainbow Road (64) - A series of one shots for SessKag Week 2021. - Time of the Season (19) - A collection of stories based off Discord Drabble Nights and monthly prompts. - First Things First (12) - A series of unrelated drabbles based on various "First Sentence" prompts.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Absolutely! I may not get to it right away, but it's one of the reasons why I love Ao3. I like to let people know I appreciate them taking the time to read and review.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I don't have one (yet). I'm all about the happy ending, so I don't know if I'll ever have one of those. You never know though!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Probably Locked Away, though most of the one shots end on really happy notes (though some are more resolved in their ending than others, I suppose).
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Not yet, but again, I'm fairly new, so it's a possibility.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I hope I'm not jinxing it by saying no, but I'm sure I will at some point.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Not yet, but I might be working on a story with some. Like... RIGHT NOW. Though I'm kind of a smut snob, there's a few terms that I stay away from.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of... Again, I hope I'm not jinxing it.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope, but I wouldn't be against it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. Again, I wouldn't be against it, but idk if my OCD/control-freak brain would be okiee with it. Only time will tell.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Definitely SessKag. Dramione would be second. Enemies to lovers is WONDERFUL.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? The amount of WIPs I have right now is staggering, so it's possible it could happen, but I REALLY hope not. I don't want to leave something unfinished.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue/banter (I really love to just go back and forth with some characters without all the "saids" and "responseds". And I hope emotionally-fuelled scenes (it seems to be going well so far).
What are your writing weaknesses? Not getting distracted while I'm writing. I've got two kids under 4 and finding the time to just sit down and write without them interrupting or getting distracted by other things is hard.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I used to use a lot of Japanese phrases when I was writing in high school, as I've taken a lot of college courses, but I haven't done it in any of my current stuff. It's hard sometimes because I want to use a certain phrase or title that is "normal" in Japanese but harder to translate (or more awkward) in English.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Inuyasha. I guess I was born and will die in this fandom.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Again, this answer will change in the next year, but it's definitely Locked Away so far. The concept was something I thought was really interesting and hadn't seen in any other fics I'd read. And everyone seemed to like it, a lot more than I was expecting.
Tagging: @mynightshining @mrfeenysmustache @mythicamagic @chierafied
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palimpsessed · 4 years
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So @captain-aralias​ did one of these and invited other writers to do the same. And I wasn't really going to because it feels a bit late now and also I've done quite a few other year in review posts for 2020. But then I got to thinking that it would be really nice to have one of these for each year to look back on and compare, which convinced me. So, here we go!
If you’re a writer, I’d also encourage you to steal this. Tag me on your post so I can see your thoughts! 🥰
List of Complete Fics for 2020 1. At the Top of a Tower, With You- General, 900 words 2. Use Your Words- Teen, 16k 3. A Man of Letters, or Five Times Baz Retreats and the One Time He Doesn’t- Teen, 54k 4. To the Manor Borne- Teen, 43k
Total: 4 fics, 113k words
Every one of these fics was written for an event, which, realistically, is the only reason they got finished. I have so many ideas I'm working on all at once, and I came into fandom with a focus on making art, so to actually find the motivation to sit down and write/finish/post a fic was entirely deadline based. And it's a technique I'm sure I will also employ in 2021.
Best/Worst Title?
Well, I've mentioned a few times before that I usually have a title before I have much in the way of a fic concept. I don't really dislike any of the my titles, because they all did exactly what I needed them to do, which was help me focus on what I wanted to accomplish in the fic. Comparatively speaking, though, I can answer this.
Best: Use Your Words - succinct, idiomatic, a book quote/motif that also has the potential to be a spell, does what it says on the tin, is probably what all of us are constantly yelling at Baz and Simon to do throughout the books and the fic itself
(Honorable mention to A Man of Letters because that title forms a perfect heart shape when viewed on mobile on AO3. ❤️)
Worst: At the Top of a Tower, With You - this is also a quote and it fits the fic perfectly, but it is a bit of a mouthful and it has a comma in the middle of it, which, while I love commas, feels a bit off-putting in terms of a title - also, it's always kind of bothered me that it's a Baz WS quote used for a CO-era Lucy POV
Best/worst summary?
Again, I don't really dislike any of my summaries.
To the Manor Borne: The gang decides to spend Christmas together at Pitch Manor. Romance, hijinks, and holiday cheer ensue.
Anything that lets me use the word hijinks is always good! - it's short and sweet - it does a fair job of setting up the premise for the fic and giving highlights, without giving anything away
Worst: A Man of Letters
I'm not going to include this one because it's so long, I had to cut down the version I posted on tumblr to fit in the AO3 field, which is really why I rank it below my others - it effectively sets up the world of Simon and Baz in Regency England prior to where the story starts, but it is prohibitively long - and it's set up, not summary, so it also loses points for not doing what it purports to do - I could have said exactly what this fic was in one sentence: "Simon and Baz meet at several Regency-appropriate venues over the course of a London season and reflect on their acquaintance in letters", but instead I did the full book jacket version because it was more interesting to me.
Best/Worst First Line?
Oh, this is interesting. I can honestly say that I have no idea where this will go. Going to pull up my docs and find out! Okay, since I only have four fics to consider, and I'm feeling split, I'm going to do two for each. I feel good about my words, but I will say that half of my first lines actually provide information, and the other half are incomplete thoughts. Those were stylistic decisions I made, but when taken alone, it does somewhat limit the effectivness of a sentence when it can't stand without the rest of the paragraph. Perhaps that decision will lure readers in for more?
In the end, we wind up at Pitch Manor. (To the Manor Borne)
I know that you won't be surprised when I tell you that I do not like writing letters. (A Man of Letters)
Kind of interesting that these both contain key words from the titles 🤔
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this. (Use Your Words)
I love how the title seems to be answering Baz's question when the two are put together like this 😂
Strange that it should end here, where it all started. (At the Top of a Tower, With You)
The title also seems to complete the first line in this one, too. I'm learning about my writing as this goes on, so that's cool!
Best/Worst Last Line?
Hmm. Okay, again, no idea. Also, a little leery of including last lines for anyone who hasn't read the fics they're from yet. (Tho I guess it's unlikely those people would be reading this😆) But let's see what we've got.
Use Your Words and A Man of Letters have very similar final lines, and both are somewhat spoilery.
Best: The ending of A Man of Letters felt risky to me, in the way that it is formatted and changes tone from the rest of the story. It was something that happened as I wrote it and I loved it. I had no idea if readers would like it, if they would feel like it worked as an ending, but I felt strongly enough about it to let the entire fic hinge on that and I think it really paid off. So, without giving you the actual last line, which is only one word, I'm going to say that one is my best ending.
To the Manor Borne: "Carry on, Simon."
It's not bad, it's just not mine.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, fewer than you thought, or about what you predicted?
I did not set out to write any fics in 2020. I was supposed to be taking a break from writing. I've been an aspiring novelist for half my life now, and have been going through major ups and downs with my writing. I decided I needed to re-evaluate and figure out if writing was something that was even going to be able to make me happy anymore. The answer is: YES! Just…not original fiction. At the moment. I'm happiest when I can write for the sake of writing and not have to DO something with that writing. Which is why discovering fan fiction was AMAZING!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
To actually answer the question, yes, I wrote more than I thought I would. I also wrote exactly as much as I thought I would, simply because these were all things I signed up for (with the exception of my Countdown fic, but I committed to it as if it were something that required a sign up).
I have a lot more ideas for 2021, but I don't know how many of them will come to fruition. I'm not putting pressure on myself to have to do anything beyond what I sign up for again, because it did work out so well for me starting off.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
I mean, the pairing and the fandom were in no way a surprise. 😆 They're my only ones, so those were both a given. The genre is also not surprising.
What's your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest?
A Man of Letters, without any hesitation. I adore it so much. It's the kind of fic I know I will unabashedly sit down to read over and over, even if I'm the one who wrote it. I had one reader to please and it was ME. By far, my most self-indulgent fic.
Okay, NOW your most popular story?
That depends on the metric.
To the Manor Borne leads in Comments (107), Kudos (153), and Hits (1992), and Use Your Words leads in Bookmarks (26).
But since To the Manor Borne is top in 3 out of 4 metrics, I'll say that one.
Story most upderappreciated by the universe?
I mean, the least popular by a wide margin is At the Top of a Tower, With You, but I don't know if I'd call it underappreciated. It's short, it's angsty, it's got a very unusual style, it's Lucy POV, it's the first fic I wrote and posted. I didn't really go into it with high performance expectations. I'm proud of it, I just didn't expect it to be popular. It would be nice if more people read it, but I'm not broken up over it.
Story that could have been better?
I'm not even going to touch this one. Everything can always be improved upon, but if I go down that route, nothing will ever be done. This is one of the things I have come to appreciate about traditional art versus digital. With traditional, there is only so much you can do before something is permanent and you have to live with it. It's an exercise in letting go and acceptance. Digital is flashier and more flexible, but I could (and have) spend months on a single piece and never feel satisfied, never stop tweaking. I think that's also the reason I started to hate my novels.
Sexiest story?
Based purely on overall vibes, I find the understated tension of the Regency the most appealing, so I'm going to say A Man of Letters. I didn't actually stray into sex territory in any of my fics (though Simon and Baz have had sex by the time To the Manor Borne starts, and refer to it, and probably do it "offscreen"), but A Man of Letters is the one that feels sexiest to me. Lots of thirsting!Baz and feral!Simon and sensual hand touching (how risqué!) - and YEARNING. That, to me, is the sexiest vibe of all. So. Much. Yearning.
Saddest story?
At the Top of a Tower, With You - for this one, I tagged "angst without plot" and I stand by that. It's Lucy losing her connection to Simon at the end of CO and trying to find a way to reconcile herself to leaving him alone again. I gave it as much of a hopeful bent as I could, with the refrain of Baz's spoken "love" to cling to, but it's very sad.
Most fun?
To the Manor Borne - All of my fics have their fair share of angst, but this one also has some good, silly, holiday fluff thrown in. Since I wrote it for the Countdown, each chapter was based on a different prompt, which led to this one going in all sorts of directions no single fic probably ever should. Plus, it has the most Shepard, and Shepard always makes things more fun.
Story with the single sweetest moment?
Oh my god. I don't know. No, never mind. I do. It's To the Manor Borne, but it's split between the two gift giving scenes, the Constellations and Secret Santa/Gift Giving prompts. These were private moments between Simon and Baz, sharing themselves with each other, being vulnerable, and communicating. It's the gifts they give each other, yes, but it's more so the reasons they chose those gifts, and how they show part of themselves and share their love for each other, through those gifts, that had me in tears writing those two scenes. I'm super proud of them.
Hardest story to write?
Use Your Words - it was written for an exchange and that made it really hard to write it knowing there was this pressure of making my gift-ee happy with the fic. I'm proud of it, and they really liked it, but the anxiety was too much for me.
Easiest/most fun story to write?
A Man of Letters - if there is a fic better suited to me as a writer, I haven't met it. I started writing after reading Pride and Prejudice in high school, so I started out writing Regency and I spent years and years and years of my life obsessed. When I transferred into college, an administrator I had never met before heard my name during orientation and said, "Oh, you're the Austen scholar." (It is a small, private college, and I was a transfer, so the pool of students was even smaller. But still. Many years later, I'm clearly not over it.) I also did my senior thesis on an epistolary novel (Frances Burney’s Evelina), and my English Lit emphasis was for that time period. So, I felt like I had been preparing for this fic my entire adult life. 😂
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
I don't think so. I tend to let my writing be dictated by the characters, so I'm always following their lead. Sometimes they'll do or say something that surprises me and takes me down a route I didn't necessarily foresee, but I don't think there was ever a point where one of them did something that made me rethink who they are as a character.
Most overdue story?
I will say A Man of Letters, since that one felt like a culmination of my seventeen-year-old self's wildest writing dreams. But I should probably say the Scooby Doo AU I still haven't managed to finish, because that one has been a WIP since I joined the fandom. Oops. (I'm hoping when I look over this in a year, I can feel smug that it's finally done.)
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Writing at all was a risk for me! And writing fan fic for the very first time! Writing an entire fic told only through letters. And then ending it in a completely different style from the rest of the fic. Doing a multi-chaptered fic for the Countdown, using a different prompt for each chapter, and publishing a chapter every single day for thirty days (with the exception of two days that had art). Signing up for fandom events in the first place!
What I learned from taking risks in my writing is the same thing I learned when I took risks in my art this year. I have a much better appreciation for what I've done when I push myself, I feel better about the end product, and I like it longer. I think it's really good for me to challenge myself creatively.
This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most?
Oh boy. Um. Therapy! Both Use Your Words and To the Manor Borne had their big HEA moments built around sending Simon and Baz to therapy. I don't think that's likely to change for future fics, either. I feel like therapy as the theme for 2020 seems very fitting. (Also, I think I keep sending the boys to therapy because I'm trying to get myself there…)
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
Just to write what I want to write, have fun, not put any pressure on myself, and to take risks in my writing and my art because it will help me to grow.
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