#But a blind seal is amazing in that they can even swim at all using their whiskers to 'see' through the vibrations in the water
upbeatmelancholy · 1 year
As I procrastinate this lovely, blisteringly hot evening, I would like to share my tips and tricks for everyone who does not have AC this summer. My qualifications are that I grew up without AC for much of my childhood and am currently living without AC right now.
Houses love to get hot so here's a few quick tips to help keep it, and you, cool.
Use the weather to your advantage. When the sun goes down, open your windows, especially in second, third, and higher stories. Heat settles up high so let it out while it is a little cooler. HOWEVER: make sure to close them early (like 4 am early) as the sun is coming up to maximize the amount of cool air that stays in the house.
Make your house a bunker. Close up all your windows, blinds, and cover windows during the day. This especially applies to windows that get direct morning or midday sun. It likes to roast your house so stop it from doing that.
Spend as much time as possible on lower floors. If you have a basement, especially an unfinished one, it can be your best friend. Cooler air sinks, less sunlight, and usually underground are winning combos for basements. Either way though, the lower you are the cooler it is usually.
If you can/need to: insulate the outside, circulate the inside. What that means is create barriers to the outside to stop heat from entering. Put up rolled towels in windows or doors that are not sealed well. Inside, keep doors open and have fans going to circulate the air. This helps it feel cooler and stops it from becoming suffocatingly still.
Don't cook if you can avoid it, or cook outside. Definitely do not bake. If you need to cook or bake, try to do it after the sun sets so you can open the windows and air out the house. Alternatively, use a barbeque, grill, or hotplate outside. There are tons of great recipes and you can do almost all your cooking out there.
As a person, here are some things you can do to keep cool.
Drink a metric ton of water. Self-explanatory but you're going to be sweating a fair amount no matter what so make sure to replace it.
Eat cool foods. I don't necessarily mean popsicles and stuff, although those are great. But consider eating things that are lighter, easy to prepare, and easy to eat (one of my staples this time of year is beans, salsa, and tortilla chips). Also eat things with high water contents like apples, they give a feeling of coolness and help hydrate.
Shower warm. This may seem counter-intuitive but by raising your internal temperature it helps your body acclimatize. Always give yourself like 10 seconds of freezing cold water at the end just before you get out though to feel super cool and amazing.
Wear light clothes. Or wear less clothes. Whatever floats your boat. Wear materials that are breathable (more natural materials like cotton) and avoid heavy materials (like polyesters and wool).
Along with clothes, avoid putting things on your head, wrists, and feet if possible. These are places where we lose a lot of body heat and we are trying to encourage that, so don't cover them. A great thing to do is to blow gently on your wrists, it sometimes gives you the sensation of cooling down slightly when you're just too hot.
If you are overheating, use cool water or towel wrapped ice. Specifically near your face, neck, wrists, elbows, back of the knees, and feet. All of these places have arteries and veins close to the surface so it will help you cool down faster. ALWAYS wrap your ice in a towel or move it around on your skin so you don't get burnt by the ice.
Lay down on hardwood or tile floors. It feels great and helps to leech the heat from your body. Tile works better then hardwood for this but anything is better then carpets and rugs.
Right before bed:
I know tons of people have a hard time sleeping in the heat too so here's some tricks just for that too!
Get Wet. Right before going to bed, have a shower, go swimming, run through a sprinkler, or even wipe yourself down with a wet cloth. Do this right before you go to bed and it helps keep your body cool while you fall asleep. Just make sure to leave yourself a little wet and don't dry off fully so the water can act like sweat and cool you down.
Move where you sleep. If you live in a multi-story house or a room in your home is cooler guess what that's your bedroom now. Find the coolest place to sleep and set up shop there instead. It's better to get a good night's rest then not.
Alternatively, find a different surface to sleep on. If your bed is too hot and you can handle it, move to a tile or wood floor. They stay much cooler then anything made of fabrics.
Sleep without blankets and other people wherever possible. If you still need to or want to sleep with someone, don't share blankets so you don't share body heat. Making a wall of pillows is also great to keep bodies away from each other's heat.
Use a fan! Whether you direct it straight at you or have it oscillate it makes a world of difference!
I hope that helps someone somewhere. This comes from a lot of years of experimentation and errors, but it works for me at least. If anyone has anything else to add throw it in here too!
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slushyseals · 3 years
#There are many videos of seals swimming into glass#Kimjia knows her enclosure very well including where the glass is and you can even see her extend her neck#in antici...#...#PATION#of stopping herself on the glass#using the squish of her neck to slow herself at the end#She is being cute and friendly and not hurt in any way#and silly sound effects are added#But there is another video I won't share as it is in poor poor taste#in the other video you see a seal with cloudy eyes swim into the window of their enclosure#And the comments are horrible as it is a bunch of people laughing at the animal for running into the glass it can't see#The seal in the video I'm not going to share is blind#Making fun of that seal is making fun of a disabled animal#A lot of seals and sea lions in zoos and sanctuaries are blind because they cannot survive in the wild#A seal that can see knows every detail of its enclosure and exactly where the glass is#But a blind seal is amazing in that they can even swim at all using their whiskers to 'see' through the vibrations in the water#Unfortunately even though blind people can memorize the layout of their home#when you are sailing through the water it's hard to tell exactly where you are#And these poor animals often end up swimming into the glass they can't see or other objects in their enclosure#Don't laugh at them#Celebrate them for being brave enough to keep swimming despite being blind#And continuing to live their best lives even though they are facing challenges#They are amazing and incredible and deserve our love admiration and support#But of course we can enjoy Kimjia above for she is just being cute and friendly :)
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khaotic-kitsunes · 3 years
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I had so much fun writing up the introduction to this request! You’ll probably see why in just a minute too...but, fun fact, the lovely Khaos, the newest addition to the blog, helped me out with this request when I found myself a little stuck!
Khaos added a helpful amount of amazing to the ending scene, so be sure to thank them for their amazing input! Oh, and make sure ya let us know what you think, okay?
I would also like to add that I know it’s been quiet here on the blog and I’m sorry for that but personally, I’ve had some...curveballs thrown at me health wise so you probably won’t see a lot from me. So, yeah.
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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 Tamaki slowly peeked up above the ocean’s surface, keeping as quiet as possible to remain unnoticed while he allowed his eyes to land upon the object of his curiosities and affections; swallowing thickly when he realised that you had shown up at exactly sunset yet again, just like always.
 And, as always, you were alone. You had no companions that could prevent him from stealing you away to his secret cave and no one to help you if he decided to keep you to himself. An idea that appealed to him more with each of your visits to the beach.
 What interested Tamaki most, however, was the fact that with each of your visits, you made sure to only come by the secluded beach at sunset; when everyone else had gone home for the day. Tourists seemed to believe all the local’s stories of monsters beneath the water’s surface, waiting for the sun to go down so that their attacks could go unnoticed until it was too late.
 Of course, it was all nonsense. Tamaki was the only merperson to occupy this particular beach and he had been for quite a few years now; any and all monsters were long gone, migrated to places that weren’t so aware of the dangers that lurked beneath the depths.
 But it was also because of the late hour that you came to the beach, that Tamaki couldn’t approach you. He was all too aware of how a human woman might react to a random man approaching them in the water when the sun was beginning to set, shadows casting over the sky and melting the beautiful orange hues into an inky blackness.
 So, instead, Tamaki had to be satisfied with watching you from afar. Appreciating your beauty and daydreaming about all the different possibilities of meeting you; how he could befriend you and get closer, all while knowing it would be an impossibility.
 ~  ~  ~
 Tamaki stared at you with wide, saucer-like eyes, his mouth hanging open while you swam towards him slowly; your body remaining below the water’s surface, hiding the fact that you were without your bikini top.
 The very same bikini top that he held in his hands, a scrap of clothing that he had been inspecting out of confusion given that it was nearly midnight and he had thought that you had left the beach hours ago like you normally would.
 “…I think that’s mine” Your softly uttered words startled him, making him jolt and sink down further into the water while he released the bikini top; allowing it to float up to the surface, harmlessly bobbing up and down with the waves between the both of you.
 “Sorry, I uh, didn’t realise that someone else was here” He muttered out a pathetic excuse for an apology, trying his best not to let his tentacles move into your line of sight; desperate to at least seem normal, even if it wouldn’t be a lasting impression.
  Tamaki gulped nervously as he watched you reach for the floating bikini top, averting his gaze when you shuffled around to put the piece of clothing back on; the hurried movements of your fingers catching his attention with how the water splashed from the clumsy actions. The silence beginning to feel awkward while Tamaki tried his best not to look at you before you were ready, not wanting to come off as a pervert. Not to you.
 “It’s okay, I didn’t realise anyone else was here either. Not this late at night anyways and certainly not with the way everyone goes on about the monsters that are waiting for sunset so they can eat you” You rolled your eyes as the words left your lips, briefly giving Tamaki a once over before nodding your head to yourself; making Tamaki wonder if you were giving him the benefit of the doubt despite how strange it was for him to be here at this time, more so considering that he had technically been holding onto your bikini top.
 Then again, it would make sense for you to assume that he had thought it was a piece of seaweed; because honestly, that’s exactly what Tamaki had first thought when he picked it up.
 It wasn’t uncommon for people to investigate strange and/or suspicious objects that were found floating in the ocean, only to cast them away as quickly as they had been found. Tamaki had seen humans do so more times than he could count and luckily for him, he had had the brains to immediately release the skimpy piece of clothing; a guilty man would have tried to hide it, or simply kept held of it. Not Tamaki though, he had dropped it, allowed you to take it back and even averted his gaze so that you could have some form of privacy while fixing your top; even if it hadn’t been a great deal of privacy. There was only so much he could offer given the circumstances after all.
 However, even with these facts in mind, Tamaki could easily see that you were still on guard and he was happy to see such a thing. It reassured him that you didn’t trust random strangers in the water just because they had been polite enough to look away while you were topless.
 “Still, I am sorry…about your top, I mean. If I had of known what it was…” Tamaki trailed off as his face flushed with embarrassment, the tips of his pointed ears beginning to turn a similar shade of scarlet while he dipped further into the gentle waves of the night’s warm ocean waters; only stopping when his nose was beneath the salty waters.
 “It’s fine, okay? No harm, no foul” You hummed out the words in a soft voice, swimming around to face the embarrassed merman; all the while being completely unaware of what he truly was.
 “So…what brings you out so late?” Your question made Tamaki’s body go stiff, anxiety rushing through his system while his brain scrambled to think of something, anything to say in response to such an innocently asked question; anything but the truth, that is.
 There was no way known that Tamaki could tell you the truth behind his daily visits to this beach, especially when he could live happily and stealthily beneath the ocean waves for the rest of his life if it weren’t for your presence on this beach.
 Tamaki wanted to slap himself. Here he was, minding his own business in the ocean when the opportunity that he would have killed for, landed in his lap. The chance to speak with you, instead of just stare at you from afar and yet here he was, completely and utterly unable to get a single word out; instead, the fears of what could happen filled his mind.
 The terrifying what ifs of you hating him if he opened his mouth and said the wrong thing tormenting him into a nervous silence. Tamaki’s only relief from the situation, was that he would have the memories of having gotten close to you without making you scream and panic; though that also meant that no one would notice if he were to steal you away in that moment, if he took you to a place that no one would ever hope to find.
 But that was something that he couldn’t do and definitely something that Tamaki shouldn’t think about, unless he wanted to fuel the desires that he so often pushed aside. You would surely hate him if he were to do even half of the things that he had thought about.
 “Well, I guess I’ll see you around…” You mumbled out the farewell awkwardly, turning away from Tamaki in order to swim back towards the shore, no longer able to enjoy the solitude of an empty beach.
 “Uh, wait!” Tamaki called out to you again, finally able to find his voice once more as he reached out for you, his hand closing around your arm. Sealing his choice of interaction with you when you turned to face him. He should have let you leave.
 “Your…um, your strap, it’s loose…” He barely managed to mumble out the words without humiliating himself, averting his gaze when he found himself unable to meet your eyes; not needing the added kick of self-loathing on top of his nervousness.
 “You’ll lose your top again if you don’t fix it…”
 “Oh. Well, do you mind?”
 Tamaki gulped nervously as you turned your back to him once more, allowing him to reach for the loose strings belonging to your bikini top; needing to untie the knot that you had created in a rush minutes ago. If Tamaki were telling the truth, the knot probably would have held, but at the same time, he wouldn’t get another chance to let his skin brush against your own.
 Now, he was in heaven, making sure to tie a strong knot while at the same time, being sure that it wasn’t so tight that you wouldn’t be able to undo it yourself later on.
 “There…all done” He mumbled out the words under his breath when he was finished tying the knot, his fingers lingering on your skin for a brief moment, wanting more; though you pulled away before he could get ahead of himself.
 Leaving Tamaki to breathe a sigh of release, all while silently cursing both himself and all of his pent-up desires. More so when you spun around to smile at him, the radiance you gave off nearly blinding his mopey self.
 “You’re beautiful…!” Tamaki blurted out the words before he could stop himself, quickly slapping his hands over his mouth with his eyes going wide in a mix of shock and horror. Mortified that he had said something like that without realising.
 Your eyes went wide, the smile fading from your lips and making Tamaki wish that he had legs so that he could kick himself. Unaware that you weren’t upset, but rather the opposite, never having been so earnestly complimented before; it brought an unfamiliar warmth to your cheeks and to your heart.
 “Um…thanks…” Tamaki watched you as you swam closer to him, torn between escaping to the ocean’s depths and closing the gap between the two of you; desperate for both, yet knowing better than to actually reach for the object of his desires.
 With his mind struggling to choose between the two options, Tamaki froze in place at the worst time; allowing you to move closer until he felt your warm toes brush over his wriggling tentacles, fear filling him when you jolted back in surprise. Your eyes scanning the dark waters for seaweed.
 “What’s…wrong?” Tamaki mentally slapped himself for asking while he watched you lower your head closer to the water’s surface, still searching for seaweed that he knew you wouldn’t find. He was just thankful that it was so late in the night, making it nearly impossible for you to see anything below the surface; you weren’t like him, you didn’t have eyes unaffected by the dark.
 “Well, it’s just…I thought that something touched my leg…”
 Tamaki moved his tentacles as far away from you as he could, praying that the darkness would be enough to push aside your curiosity, but apparently, it was too late; your hands closed around two of his now squirming tentacles as he tried to pull them free of your hold.
 “Y-You…you’re a…” You breathed out in amazement, eyes wide as you stared at him and though it wasn’t in fear, Tamaki couldn’t take it. He wriggled his tentacles free of your grip and dove deep into the water; fearing what you would do now that you knew what he was.
 Tamaki ignored the muffled cry for him to stop, determined not to lose the strength it took to leave you behind instead of dragging you into the depths with him.
 Before Tamaki could get too far away however, he felt your hands close around his tentacles for the second time, causing him to freeze on the spot; heart thundering in his chest. He was already struggling to keep himself contained after having his tentacles grabbed the first time, but now it was too much; his tentacles were sensitive after all.
 Tamaki turned around in the water to look at you with a hunger that he had been pushing aside for far too long; using every last ounce of willpower he had left not to grab you and take you with him to his cave.
 The two of you remained submerged for a moment longer, staring at each other through the impossibly dark ocean water of the night. Tamaki knew you couldn’t see him, but your hold on his tentacles was enough to give you a direction to look at and like this, he had the rare opportunity to take in your breathtaking appearance; enjoying it as much as possible before wrapping some of his tentacles around your body and swimming for the surface.
 You were a human, which meant that you needed oxygen. A fact that he had nearly forgotten for a moment there, but either way; Tamaki wasn’t going to let you die. Not now, not when he could prevent it.
 “I’m not…I’m not gonna—” Tamaki motioned you to stop speaking as you tried to cough at the words, a suggestion that you decided to follow given that it was hard to regain your breath and speak at the same time. Given that Tamaki was no longer trying to swim away and that his tentacles were still wrapped around your body, keeping you afloat so that you didn’t have to put any effort into swimming yourself; you figured that you had time to catch your breath.
 “I was trying to say that I’m not going to turn you in. I was just…surprised, I guess” You rubbed at your neck as you explained yourself, your words making Tamaki’s stress melt away while thoughts of adoration towards you filled his mind.
 It was mind blowing to him that a human that had just discovered his secret wasn’t about to go running off telling everyone that merpeople existed and it certainly made him love you more than he already did.
 “Though, I am a little confused. I’ve heard those stories for years, listening to them as a little girl…how going out into the water at night is a terrible idea because monsters from the ocean will drag you beneath the water and steal you away” Tamaki grimaced as you giggled at the thought, clearly having no idea how close you had come to such a fate; even if the end result would have been different. Tamaki wouldn’t have hurt you, or eaten you alive like the old monsters of the ocean would have; no, he would have done so many different things to you. Things that would surely have you slap him if he dared to say them aloud to you.
 “Well, you know…don’t believe everything you hear I guess…” He managed to get a light-hearted chuckle out as he spoke, deciding that for the moment it would be better to keep you entrapped in his tentacles; mostly so that you couldn’t grab a hold of them again and push him into his instincts more than you already have.
 “I guess so, but I don’t know…you don’t seem so bad. Maybe having you steal me away wouldn’t be so terrible” Tamaki’s features twisted into unfiltered surprise at your giggled words, blood rushing through his ears and completely blocking out whatever it was that you were currently continuing on with.
 It seemed you managed to notice the faraway look in his eyes while his mind worked overtime to process your joke. Going as far as to reach out with your hand to brush your fingertips against his cheek, ripping him from his thoughts and dragging him back to reality; your eyes locking with his heated gaze the moment his attention was back on the present you instead of his fantasy version.
 “…You would let me steal you away?” He pulled your body closer to his with his tentacles as he spoke, the slippery limbs tightening their hold on you ever-so-slightly while you gulped nervously; unable to look away from the merman in front of you.
 “…I…yes, I guess so” You spoke softly, unsure words tasting foreign to your tongue but unregrettable all the same. There was a certain air of importance surrounding the spoken words and now you found yourself slowly beginning to sink into the water with a smiling Tamaki.
 It was amazing, how his eyes had lit up with joy at your uttered words. Though it made you think vaguely of the old fae stories, where your word was a binding contract and if that were to be held in the same regard with mer-people, then it seemed like you had agreed to a new way of life.
 “You won’t regret it, I promise. I’ve got the perfect place in mind for you, you’ll be safe with me…I won’t let anyone steal you away…”
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awkwards · 4 years
Kinktober Day 3. Deep Sea Desires : Oviposition | Bakugou
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Day 3: Oviposition
Title: Deep Sea Desires
Pairing: Bakugou x F!Reader
Count: 3.6k
Summary: You save a guy on the beach. Little did you know that would open your eyes to a whole world you never knew existed.
Warnings: Noncon, kidnapping, manipulation, forced breeding, oviposition, drowning
Note: man, did I spend so long trying to make tumblr accept my gif for this one ^^; Well, here we are! Also, thanks for all of the support! My inboxes are open~
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There was something so beautiful about the ocean.
For as long as you could remember, your family had always called you a child of the sea. If they couldn’t find you, it was likely you were down in the sea foam. From a young age you were more comfortable in the rolling waves than on land. Whether it was being one with the waves, traversing the sandy beaches, or bathing in the sunset, it didn’t matter.
Years have gone by and your fascination has never wavered. Even after your family passed on, this was still your home.
Even now, you found yourself returning to the sandy beaches. In your stress, it never failed to calm you down.
Making your way to the secret alcove always allowed you a peace of mind. No one knew where your little cave resided. From there, you had direct access to the ocean, and the solitude away from wandering eyes of the beaches behind your home.
Today was no different. One hard breakup led to you rushing back to the comfort of your ocean.
What you didn’t expect was the body residing inside your cave.
When you finally slipped into the hidden alcove, a startled gasp left you.
A rather large man with blonde hair looked as if he had washed up on the beach, unconscious. When the water pulled away from his body, you could see a large gash in his shoulder, as if he had been speared. Blood soaked the sand beneath him.
“Oh my god!”
You rush over, hauling your bag off your shoulders. You always kept a med kit and snacks with you just in case of something like this.
Kneeling next to the man, you immediately place your hand in front of his mouth to feel for breathing. A sigh of relief floods you. At least he was still alive.
You pull your jacket off of your shoulders and quickly drop it over his nude waste, respectfully not looking at his rather large package.
Inspecting the wound, you grimace. The skin was ripped in a way that only a spear could have done so. Cleaning the wound as best as you can, you begin prepping the line to stitch him up. Not without poking yourself first. Sucking off the blood from your finger, you start. Making quick work to not disturb the man, you work diligently to stitch up the gash. His skin is so cold...
By the time you finish, the afternoon sun has sunk to a beautiful sunset. You let out a sigh, sitting back to examine your thorough work when you notice his eyes are on you. You flinch.
Vermillion eyes appear to be examining your face. They suck your breath away.
How long had he been watching you? Why didn’t he say anything? He hadn’t even flinched.
“I just finished patching you up… how did you get here? What happened to you?”
A grunt from low in his chest has your skin crawling. He uses his arm that’s okay to push himself up into a sitting position, his face directly in front of yours now. His eyes narrow.
You can feel your heart rate pick up. He’s so close, you can feel the warmth of his breath as it washes over your face.
“I’m… y/n.” You say softly. “What’s your name?”
The scowl on his face loosens just barely, as if he recognized the name. His eyes roam around the cave.
“Whoa, sir? You don’t want to move too much! You might rip the stitches.” You touch his arm hesitantly.
In an instant he turns, his arm gripping the wrist of your hand that touched him. His eyes seem to glow as he glares hard at you.
It takes a second too long to realize he’s hurting you. Fear crawls up your spine as you try to pull your wrist out of his hold. His hand is huge, you realize, and he’s strong too. He doesn’t even budge as you try to yank yourself away.
A small tch sound comes from him as he lets you go. Before you can blink, he’s standing up and walking towards the mouth of the cave. You avert your eyes as your jacket drops to the sand beneath his feet. What a great ass…
Then, he just vanishes into the water.
You scrub your eyes. You’re sure you watched him walk out of the cave. Then a large wave crashed over the sand and he was just… gone.
What the fuck?
Despite the scare in the cave, you find yourself returning daily. Maybe it was in hopes of seeing the blond stranger again, maybe it was to try and tell yourself that really happened.
Besides, everytime you return to the cave, a new and pretty shell and stones appear. It’s almost as if the sea was offering you gifts. Who were you to refuse such pretty things? Today was no different. There was a perfectly round and smooth piece of gold about the size of a quarter.
Still, part of you misses the stranger. You couldn’t say why, but it was as if you’ve met him before?
Shaking that thought from your mind, you lay down in the sand, eyes watching the light from the ocean reflect off the roof of the cave. You hold onto the piece of gold in your left hand, the same one with a bruise from the stranger. It was cool to the touch.
Your eyes begin to drift closed with the water caressing your legs.
When you rouse from your sleep, it’s easy to notice a few things before you open your eyes. Even with a foggy mind you can tell something’s off.
Firstly, your body is chilled to the bone. The sun has made its descent, leaving you to the chill of the ocean’s water at night.
Second, your legs feel like they’re being pinned in place by something heavy and slick, all the way up to your hips.
Lastly, warm air seems to be rushing over your face.
Forcing your eyes to open, it takes them a moment to adjust to the darkness. In the darkness you can see glowing vermillion eyes.
Gasping, you try to yank yourself away from the blond who is laying on top of you. He’s braced on his arms next to your head, looking down at you.
“Finally.” He growls softly. His voice is too gravely to sound human. It’s jarring, enchanting.
You can’t move, and your eyes look down to see why. Your breath hitches when you see what has your legs pinned in place. You freeze, and stop moving completely.
Where his waist should be is a tail. A tail. A giant, dark vermillion tail.
Wonderment fills you. “A mer.”
Something akin to a cocky smirk covers his face. His razor sharp shark-like teeth glimmer in the moonlight as he nods. For some reason your earlier panic subsides as you take a close look at his face.
Your eyes glance down to his shoulder, no longer having any stitches. That’s strange. The only remnants of the wound is a faint white scar. Your hand trails up and runs over the white line. “How?”
“Healed.” He grunts out. You drop your hand down by the side of your head, amazed. That’s when it hits you. All of the shells. “Wait. Have you been leaving all of the shells for me?”
One of his hands moves, laying over top yours which lays vacant near your head. His palm presses into yours, and you can feel the cold of the gold piece pressed between your hands.
“You accept?” His voice gravels.
“The coin? Um. Yes. It’s very pretty.”
Something changes in his face. His eyes dilate. His breathing changes. It’s almost like his whole body shudders in excitement.
The rational part of your brain is screaming at you. You should probably be afraid of this man with razor sharp teeth and extreme strength, who you probably shouldn’t accept anything from. The other part of you is so transfixed with him, though, as if this was the world you belonged to.
Chilled by the waves lapping at your legs, brushing up to your hips, it takes you a moment to realize his hand grips yours with the coin in it. Not only grips it, but begins to tug on it as he shuffles back into the water.
“Whoa, where are we going?” You stumble, being pulled into the frigid water.
Your limbs lock up as he pulls you towards the mouth of the cave where the water is to your chest when standing.
Instead of using words, he makes a sound akin to a seal bark before yanking you into the water under the moonlight.
Gasping, you force your head to stay above water, all while he begins to drag you farther from the land.
He comes to a stop, pulling you close enough to wrap his free hand around your waist, eyes analyzing your face. The cave is much too far for you to try and swim back to now, with your body seizing from the cold. Shivers wrack every inch of skin as you press into the mer.
“Where are you taking me?”
His grin comes back. Instead of answering, you feel him wrap your hands around his neck, his wrapping around your waist as he nudges your legs to wrap around him. “Take a deep breath.”
You barely have enough time to before he launches the two of you under water. The rapid change in pressure makes you press your head against the mer, eyes shut tightly, the salt water rushing around you. You’re rapidly losing your breath. Panic rears up in your chest, sharp and choking. Your chest is already aching from the lack of air, and you’re not able to thrash against the mer as you’re dragged farther down. You’re so disoriented that you’re honestly not even sure what direction you’re going anymore; the salt burns your eyes when you try to open them, and everything is so dark that you can’t see anyways.
For a moment everything goes dizzy. This is how you die, clutching a golden nugget as a mythical creature drags you to the depths of the ocean.
Consciousness returns to you slowly and painfully.
The first thing you register is the soreness in your chest and ribs. Every deep breath is an effort, and it feels as if your lungs are actually catching fire. You inhale sharply, which only leads to you sputtering in pain. When you finally crack your eyes open, you think you’ve gone blind, the darkness refusing to fade even with your eyes no longer closed.
When you push yourself up into a seated position, it’s easy to feel that you’ve been sprawled on the wet, rocky floor of a cave. You move your head slowly to try and take in your surroundings. That’s when the darkness gives way to a glimmering blue light all around you. Bioluminescent algae offers a slight glow, and your breath gets caught at the absolute beauty of it all.
You’re sprawled on a ledge of the cave, the other half of it submerged in the most beautiful clear water you’ve ever seen. Beneath the clear water is a depth of pure darkness; it makes you shudder as fear clouds your brain again.
Regardless, you’re still alive, and the relief at still being alive fights the growing sense of unease in your mind. You can’t see an entrance to the cave, which means you have to be in an oxygen pocket somewhere far under the surface of the ocean.
A splash to the left of you practically makes you leap. You whip your head to the side to see where that noise comes from, and part of you relaxes when you see those glowing vermillion eyes. They seem even brighter from down here. You can only barely make out the top of his blond hair, his nose and everything else submerged in the endless water.
You jump at your name, the voice echoing in the cave. It’s like the water carried his voice. Instead of gravel, it was smooth and silky, making you shiver at how pleasant it was. You go to run your hands over your arms and realize the gold piece is still wrapped firmly in your hands.
“You said my name…”
“Katsuki?” As you say his name, the sound of water rippling catches your attention, and you watch him. His body smoothly cuts through the water until his body is perched against the front of the rock.
A pleasant rumble from him distracts you, making it feel like a nice, pleasant hum echoes in your mind.
His hand, with extra long talons that you did not notice before, wraps around your ankle and pulls you closer to him.
“Where are we?” You mumble, your words suddenly feeling heavy in your mouth.
His eyes, which were still dilated greatly, turn from your legs to your gaze. “My home. Our home.”
You blink. “I’m sorry, what?”
A soft growl escapes him as he pulls his upper half out of the water far too gracefully for someone with a body like his. He lays his torso across you, his hands gripping at your waist as his nose rubs across your stomach. “You accepted my mating advances. The gifts, our blood mixing, accepting my personal token.”
Your jaw drops. You inhale so sharly that you nearly choke all over again. “I- excuse me? No. I don’t. I don’t want this- get off me!”
His chest rumbles as he nips at your hip, making you gasp and instinctively roll your hips.
“You can’t even let go of the coin,” he chuckles, his vermillion eyes latching onto yours. “It’s already starting to take effect.”
You’re not sure what he means by that, but when you feel his chest rumble again, a pleasant haze fills your mind. The heat in your blood hurts.
“Let me show you.” Katsuki leans in.
The kiss is clumsy at first, your head far too hazy and distracted. That is until you feel the stark difference between the two of you. Your body is beginning to heat up like an inferno has entered your bloodstream, and he’s cool and soft.
He pulls away from the kiss, leaving you blinking stupidly after him. He pushes your shoulders till your back is pressed into the mossy ground underneath you, and it’s so soft.
“So fucking warm,” he coos, nuzzling your throat, and running his tongue along your pulsepoint. His hands skim your sides, the claws dragging just enough to make you shudder against his chest.
His clawed hands drag up to your wet tshirt. “Stop, please.” An amused chuckle leaves his lips. Even to your own ears you sound pathetic.
His fingers tug irritably at your clothes. In his frustration, he decides to forcefully remove them, his nails easily cut through the fabric, and the wet material is yanked away from you. Followed quickly after is your shorts.
Katsuki wastes no time in exploring your soft skin, his thumbs rolling your nipples. You gasp, and can’t help but grind your hips up into him where he’s pressed in between your legs. Katsuki laughs a breathless, snarling laugh before grinding back into you, the base of his tail just under where his human half ends. He’s gripping you by the hips, grinding against you. You can’t help but twitch your hips back against his scales when he hums against your pulse point.
He slides further down your body, easily prying your legs apart. Almost all resistance is gone from you now as the fire consumes you within. “You smell good.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, burying his face between your thighs and inhaling your scent. Your hands cover your face, but don’t make any effort to pull away. His tongue is a cool salve to the heat burning you up.
When his tongue starts to prod at your clit, your whole body jerks in surprise. His tongue is cool, and it ebbs some of the heat pulsing in your veins. He pins your hips in place, his noises vibrating against your dripping pussy.
He hums loudly, licking at your slit. His tongue finds your clit, and he sucks it so eagerly, your back arches completely off the ground. You gasp, writhing in place. Your noises only encourage him, and he’s obscene with how vigorously he eats you out.
“I wonder if you’re this hot inside, too.” He murmurs.
“Oh god.” You whimper as your head swims with pleasure. You need more.
Katsuki drags himself back up to your face, chuckling before he presses his mouth to yours again.
That’s when you feel it. There’s a bump in his tail where it presses against your cunt, about where a man’s penis should be. It moves slowly, grinding into you. Then, all at once, the tip of his penis pushes out from a slit you hadn’t seen, rubbing along your folds and your stomach.
Your breath hitches when his tail grinds between your legs. Your knees fall open wider, your head swimming with heat and pleasure. He hums again as he gives languid licks along the ridges of your neck. “I’m going to mate you now.”
A moment of clarity hits you then, just briefly. “No, wait! I don’t want this. Stop -”
You gasp as the tip of Katsuki’s dick presses into you. Your eyes glance down as the slide of his dick stretches you open.
He moans long and low as he clutches your hips. Any semblance of moving slow vanishes instantly as he snaps his hips into you, bottoming out completely. You’re full.
Your vision goes white from pain and pleasure. Katsuki’s dick is big, the textured scales of his tail pressed flush against you. He pants into your neck, flexing his hips.
He pulls his hips back only to slide back in, smooth and fast. Your toes curl as your breath escapes you. His eyes are half-lidded, locked onto your face. He holds your hand that is still clutching his gold coin, and sets a brutally fast and hard pace. His rhythm is smooth, hitting so deep inside of you that it renders you completely speechless.
Breathless moans roll from you as the sound of slapping and grunts fill the cave.
“You’re so fucking warm,” he grunts out. “Gonna fill you with pups.”
His cock rubs that perfect spot inside of you, it has you hurtling near the edge. The coil is twisting so fast, you’re barely holding on.
Katsuki pushes so hard forwards, all you can do is whimper as his cockhead kisses your cervix. He snarls, his teeth latching onto your pulsepoint just shy of ripping your skin. The pain tips you over the edge. Your body convulses as pain and pleasure make your eyes roll, gasping as you rut into him.
His body goes taut as he pins you beneath him. You whimper as his cock presses past your cervix, burying deep inside your womb. That’s when you feel something else pushing into your entrance, slipping into your stretched pussy.
Eggs. You choke on a moan as they grind past your g-spot. Crying out due to the overstimulation only makes Katsuki hold you tighter, allowing the eggs to travel all the way until they plop into your womb. You cry out, cumming again at the sudden pleasure that shakes you to your core.
He lets out a deep grunt as he rocks his hips against you, two more eggs pushing past your barrier.
“Oh fuck, oh. Katsuki-” you babble mindlessly. The burn in your veins finally disappears, leaving you shaking in the aftermath of your orgams.
Katsuki gently rubs your stomach, making you cum again. He hums softly, satisfied, as his hips roll against you again with too much force. Blackness dots your vision as you feel the dizziness return to your head.
Finally, his cock twitches inside of you as cold cum fills you up, shooting directly into your womb with the eggs. He pulls out slowly, causing your whole body to shudder at the feeling.
Your hand presses against the bulge of your stomach that he’s rubbing gently, fondly.
“Pretty mate,” he coos, kissing your lips gently.
Exhaustion crashes over you instantly.
“Why did it hurt so much?” You croak softly.
His grin turns cheeky. “You can’t expect to raise a litter of sea pups on land, can you?”
Katsuki drags your limp body into the soothing cold water. You press yourself into his arms, seeking comfort. “What do you mean?”
“Well, the King of the Mer needs a Queen of the Mer.” He rolls his eyes, although his  amusement is clear as day as he holds you close. “Soon, you’ll be just like me. A mer who can walk on land.”
Is that why he didn’t have a tail when you first saw him?
“Stop thinking.” Katsuki rubs your stomach again, making your whole body shiver as his hum lulls you towards the darkness. “It’s time to sleep. The change is a long one.”
You hum, drifting off to sleep as he drags you under the surface of the water.
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nessinborderland · 4 years
Be Mine (09)
Pairing: Niragi x Reader / Chishiya x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Omegaverse
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You were able to stay unbounded throughout your life. You didn’t want an Alpha; you didn’t need one. You would rather die than to give yourself to some random male. But the man that saved your life thinks differently.
Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Dubious Consent, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Finger fucking, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drama, Developing Relationship, Past Abuse, Scars, Death, Blood and Gore, Animal Death, Trauma, Bath Sex, Blood and Injury, Oral Sex, Dom/sub Undertones, Feelings
Notes: Here it is, the so awaited bonding chapter! A lot of you will probably be disappointed with the result, but I personally love it. Also, I have decided to write "What if reader bonded with X" when I finish this fic, so fear not. Also, would like to thank everyone that has left a heart, comment or reblog; ya'll mean a lot to me. Yes, even you, silent readers <3 Hope you enjoy :)
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You wake up to burning pain. 
It's so unbelievably painful that you almost fall off the bed as you struggle to stay still. This is so much stronger than any other heat you've had before. This is agony. Your hand is at your core before you're even fully conscious, fingers already inside as you try to ease some of the pain. It does nothing but add to the burning sensation.
You take a deep breath, cunt squeezing around your own fingers when you smell him. You open your eyes to look at Niragi, still unconscious beside you. He gives out such an alluring and delicious scent that you feel yourself both salivating and getting wetter. You're on top of him in seconds; you need him inside you as soon as possible, you need him to knot in you, to bond with you.
No. What are you doing? He's unconscious. You can't.
Is with a huge amount of struggle that you're able to step away from his sleeping form. You stumble to the bathroom, turning the shower on as you rip your clothes off you. You're so unbelievably hot that it almost feels like you're on fire. The kind of fire that only an Alpha can pull out.
You scream when the cold water hits your burning skin, but keep yourself under its stream. You need to control yourself, you need to get some illusion of power over you. You can’t let it take over you. You can’t let it consume you. 
But it hurts so much.
You fall to your knees as you go back to touching yourself, legs open as you thrust three fingers inside you, the other hand rubbing your clit. But it does nothing to help, and you almost sob from desperation. You need something, someone, that can make it stop.
He's an Alpha, and he's conscious. He can help you.
If you go to him you'll be bonded and then there's nothing you can do. That's what you keep saying to yourself over and over and over. You can't bond with him, but part of you wishes that he would just burst through Niragi's bedroom door.
The other is terrified that he will. 
Time goes by where you do nothing but cry and masturbate, forcing yourself to stay still and not do anything that you’ll regret later. It’s a constant fight with your wolf, and she’s desperate to win the war. It’s so unbelievably painful that you keep standing up to go find Chishiya or, even worse, just take Niragi’s unconscious body. But you hold on; you have to, for as long as it takes.
You smell him before you see him. His scent alone makes you moan. You stare wide-eyed at the bathroom door, jumping to your feet when it opens.
Chishiya stands there.
He looks the most out of control you have ever seen him. Wide yellow eyes, pupils so big they almost look black; body shaking uncontrollably, sweat sticking hair to his face and neck; shirtless, a visible bulge in his swim shorts.
He looks like everything you’ve ever wanted.
He throws himself at you before either of you can say anything, kissing and rubbing his crotch against your core as he presses you against the shower tiles. You let him, arms pulling him closer. He feels so good, so right, exactly what you need. Your wolf trembles with anticipation.
"Alpha... Alpha…" you beg, licking his neck. He feels so good against you. You need more. You need him to ravish you, to consume you, to make you his. "Please, Alpha, it hurts." 
When he finally thrusts inside you, it feels like bliss. It's such a fantastic sensation that you feel yourself coming immediately, cunt clenching around him as you scream his name. That doesn't stop his ruthless shoves, cock stretching you and filling you to the brim as he mates you under the cold stream of water. His teeth graze your neck and you shiver, moaning his name as he keeps fucking you through your orgasm. You beg him to bite you, to mark you, but his teeth never break the skin. His mouth goes to your ear, biting the earlobe with a light chuckle.
“I told you I was going to–”
And then he falls to the ground, almost taking you with him. You look up to see Niragi, gun in hand as he stares at you. He still looks pale, but there’s a feverish, animal-like look in his eyes that makes you gasp and squeeze your thighs together. He points the gun at Chishiya, before turning it around and hitting the other man's skull, time and time again. He only stops when you throw yourself at him, wet body pressed against his, hands pulling his head down for a kiss. He drops the gun then, arms going around you as he takes you to the bed. You say his name over and over, begging him to fill you.
And he does.
Oh, he does. If Chishiya felt unbelievably amazing, Niragi feels out of this world. 
You fall on the bed in a mess of tangled limbs, his body on top of yours as he enters you. You whine against his mouth, chanting his name as he thrusts in and out of you at a pace he never used before. Your arms and legs surround him, pulling him closer, deeper. You want him to take you, all of you. He moans in unison with you, kissing you as roughly as he fucks you. 
“Mine...mine...mine,” he repeats in time with his thrusts. His hands grip your thighs, folding you in half as he shoves himself in you, over and over. You’re coming not long after, lips on his neck as you beg again to be bitten, to be marked. He doesn’t slow down his pace, keeping it hard and fast.
You yelp when he suddenly stops, turning you on your belly and shoving himself back inside you. His pelvis slaps against your ass with each shove, making you see stars as the new position allows him to fuck you deeper. You feel so full, so unbelievably filled to the brim. You want more. You tilt your hips further up, allowing him to go so deep inside you that it hurts. But you enjoy the pain, enjoy the stretch, enjoy everything your Alpha is giving you.
One of the hands gripping your hips slides up your back with surprising carefulness, fingertips barely touching your scars. You gasp when that hand goes around your neck with barely any pressure, before pulling you flat against his chest. He doesn’t stop fucking you even then, mouth now glued to your neck and marking spot.
Then it happens.
You can’t contain the gasping moan that leaves your body when his sharp fangs break the skin at the base of your neck. It’s like you go blind for a moment, and you can’t feel anything but him. In your body, in your mind, in your soul. All around you, there’s him; nothing else matters.
You can’t really describe what happens next.
It’s like you’re him. But he’s also you. You’re one and the same. Your mind is stormed with emotions, memories, and thoughts that are not your own. Is nothing like the first time he bit you. Before, it was like you got a small taste of what he was feeling at the moment. But this is like... your souls are connected. His fears, his pain, his happy moments, his regrets, his mistakes. The good and the bad; they’re not a secret to you anymore. What was once a sealed diary is now an open book. You feel like laughing, screaming, and crying, all at the same time.
You hear his surprised gasp as he undoubtedly feels what you feel, your memories going through his mind like a slideshow. You let him take over your soul, and he lets you take over his. There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore; no one will be able to understand you as much as he does, and the same applies to him.
No more secrets.
Then you feel it; the knot. Your first reaction is to try to move away from the odd stretching sensation inside you, but Niragi’s hands force you to stay still, a growl forming in his chest as he sinks his teeth further into your skin. So you freeze, gripping his hair as he knots in you. It’s a mix of pain and pleasure; you want to make him stop as much as you want to tell him to keep going. He stays still as he keeps filling you up with cum, the swollen knot at the base of his cock making it impossible for any of it to go to waste.
“You’re mine now,” he says with a grunt, “My Omega.”
And then you're both collapsing on the bed, gasping for breath. His arms hug you as he rolls to the side, making you wince as he pulls you with him. You lay there, his heartbeat in your ear, his warmth all around you, and his knot inside you.
Is bliss. Is what you were born to do. Everything is as it should be.
“I wonder what would happen if I killed you right now and took her for myself…” Chishiya’s voice makes both of you freeze. 
Niragi’s arms tighten around you, and he growls a warning as Chishiya gets in your line of sight. He’s dressed in his swim shorts again, white hair wet with water and blood, as he lazily walks to your side of the bed. In his hand, there’s Niragi’s sniper rifle.
“Get out!” Niragi orders. Chishiya makes no mention of it, ignoring the man as he crouches, locking eyes with your mate before looking at you. You can’t exactly decipher his expression; he doesn’t look mad or disappointed. He looks...curious?
“So,” he says in a soft tone that makes your stomach curl with uneasiness. “What does it feel like to be bonded for life?”
“Give me five minutes and I’ll let you know,” Niragi says, fangs exposed. He tries to move, stopping immediately as you cry out from the pain; you’re still connected, after all. You gasp when Chishiya stands straight, pointing the gun in the other man’s direction. You close your eyes as Niragi covers your head, expecting a gunshot. However, nothing happens. “You better fucking leave, or I swear I’m going to kill you as soon as I’m able to,” Niragi says through gritted teeth. You can feel his fear, his rage, his almost desperation to keep you safe when someone else clearly has the upper hand.
You open your eyes when Chishiya huffs out a laugh. His expression doesn’t change as he leans the gun against the bedside table before going back to his previously crouching position.
“Do you know what happens with Omegas after a broken bond?” he asks. Not to you; he almost acts like you’re not there. “They go insane.” he says, a smirk pulling at his lips, “The pain of losing their Alpha is so unbearable that most of them commit suicide. That or they become an outcast, more beast than human.”
Even mentioning broken bonds is considered taboo; it’s not something that any wolf talks about like it’s nothing. The mere thought of it makes you want to scream. And here he is, an Alpha, mentioning it like he’s talking about the weather. The threat is clear to you and Niragi, though. Very clear.
You wonder for a moment if he’s insane. 
“Stop the games, Chishiya.” you gulp when his eyes lock on you, something flashing in the yellow of his iris, “Please, just...go away.". He leans his head to the side like he’s analyzing you, before standing up again.
“I just want you to keep in mind that bonding with a broken Omega would be more of a burden to me than anything,” he says with a shrug, walking towards the door, “That doesn’t mean I won’t try it, though.” he says over his shoulder, “We’ll see. Enjoy your honeymoon.” 
When he finally leaves is like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You release the breath you didn’t even know you were holding, squeezing Niragi’s hand in yours and he kisses your neck.
“He’s not going to hurt you,” he promises in your ear. Horrible thoughts of losing your mate immediately take over your mind. You don’t know what you can expect from Chishiya; not really. He’s an enigma, and it scares you. Would he be capable of committing such an atrocity? You have little doubt about it.
This is the Borderlands; who’s going to stop him?
“I don’t worry about me…” you whisper, turning your head to look him in the eyes. You cradle his cheek, and he kisses your palm. “I don’t think he makes threats in vain.”
Niragi sighs. “That’s not something I want you to worry about,” he says. You don’t say anything; you don’t have anything to say. So you kiss him, lips hungry against his.
The kiss escalates to a point where you don’t even notice that the knot disappeared, moaning in his mouth as he moves again in and out of you. He fucks you much slower but with as much passion as before. You can’t even call it fucking; mating just feels like something else entirely. It’s a sensation that both you and your wolf crave to experience, again and again, until he’s knotted inside you, your name on his lips.
And that’s what you do countless times; until day turns into night and you’re both so tired that even keeping your eyes open feels like a Herculean task. So you sleep in each other’s arms, with no more pain or doubt inside you; not the usual one, at least.
Your rational side knows that this is far from being a fairy tale; it’s not even a romance. But that is not something that you’re willing to think about, right now.
For now, you can pretend that you’re madly in love with a good man, in a country that is not going to kill you, with people that don’t concern you.
For now, you can lie to yourself.
Next Chapter
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bcbdrums · 3 years
What Happens In Vegas
A/N: A silly little gift fic for split-n-splice, partially inspired by this amazing art and also inspired by my imaginings of things she's teased are to come in her outstanding fanfiction, The Company You Keep.
Do view her art, do read her fic... Laugh at my nonsense if you so choose.
Read on:  FFn     AO3
Mature rated fic, you have been warned.
Drakken was lying on his back when he woke up to a severe throbbing at the front of his skull. As he opened his eyes to a powerful light, the pain spread like claws out across the rest of his head, and after covering his face with both forearms to block out the blinding brilliance, he realized its source was a ceiling light.
The next thing he became aware of was a very soft yet definitely solid something under his knees, keeping them elevated. And then a tight pain in his feet.
A guttural groan escaped his lips as he pushed himself upright, and he almost fell again as he wiped the drool from the side of his face.
'What happened...?'
His vision was swimming, and through the fog he saw waves of pale green on either side of his knees, surrounded by white and pale pink. His fingers gripped the fabric of what he realized were bed sheets, and before his vision cleared, as he stared at his bare blue legs and came to the realization that the rest of him was bare too, he suddenly knew just what—or rather, who—the soft green mass beneath him was.
"Shego?" he whispered fearfully.
He didn't want to jump to conclusions about what had happened, as his clearing vision began to reveal a spartan motel room surrounding them, but it seemed...like it was a fair assumption to make.
He shifted and felt the tight pain in his feet again, and his brow furrowed as he looked down and saw a familiar pair of black high heels on his feet that most definitely were not his. As he reached to pull them off with a grimace, a glinting of gold caught his eye and his eyes widened as he thrust his hand up to only inches from his nose, squinting at the metal band on the fourth finger of his left hand.
The groan from the figure face down on the bed showed his whisper hadn't been soft enough. But he was glad she was waking up, in hopes she might be able to provide answers, and not the ones his mind was insistent on hammering into his aching skull, now with images. A panicked confusion arrested his mind as he realized the images weren't mere groggy fantasies, but memories.
"Shego?" he said a bit more loudly.
Her hands flew to cover her ears as her body began to twist beneath his legs, and then she held her head as if in pain as another groan escaped her.
"What...? My head..."
She started to push upright and Drakken hurriedly removed his legs from her back. This action seemed to startle her to attention, and she sat bolt upright, eyes wide and blinking around them in confusion and fright.
"What? What hap— Dr. D.?"
He watched as she took in the room in mere moments, his nude form afterward, and then herself. Drakken snatched the only pillow left on the bed to cover himself, and then felt guilty as his eyes strayed lower than her face. It was all coming back to him. And he knew that every possible repercussion from what they had done involved him experiencing pain in some way.
What he hadn't expected, however, was for Shego to burst into tears.
"Sh...Shego?" he asked in confusion and concern as she buried her face in her hands, not even bothering to cover herself. His vision clearing at last, he glanced past her at the small purple pharmacy-type box on the nightstand with its colorful promises, and then at the mess on the floor.
The other pillows were everywhere, along with a blanket, their clothes, numerous empty and still sealed bottles of alcohol, and...a scattering of too many wrappers and used condoms.
Drakken swallowed as more and more images flooded back to his mind and tried desperately to calm his panic. He shifted closer to her and felt the tight pain again, and with a scowl he pulled her high heeled shoes off his feet and pushed them aside.
"Shego..." Drakken said again, this time his voice coming out choked and pained. He realized then his throat was hoarse. "Shego I'm sorry..."
Shego wiped her nose twice with the back of her hands, but her eyes remained closed as her bawling grew louder. Drakken glanced at where they sat and after a moment, tentatively tossed the sheet over her lap for a hint of modesty.
"I don't...I don't remember exactly how it started..." he continued, desperation beginning to take over as she wouldn't even acknowledge him. "I remember we were at the casino, and we were drinking... You ordered us two more shots after I'd said it was enough... But Shego please, please know...if I had thought for one instant you didn't want... That this wasn't... I know we were drunk, but you...you took us to the gift shop, and bought that box... You said you couldn't wait and so we got this room... I know I wasn't thinking straight but...but you wanted..."
Drakken trailed off as he wondered if Shego was even hearing him, her sobs continuing unfettered.
"I...I thought you... I know I was very drunk, but I'm...v-very...positive...that this was all your idea... And Shego it would have never, ever entered my mind to... Had I been sober I would have never dreamed of... Shego? Wh-Why aren't you saying anything?"
Drakken had expected rage, green flames, and a verbal assault at the very least. Not the endless streams of crocodile tears that kept falling down her face. Her hands remained uselessly in her lap as her shoulders shook with sobs, and glancing around, Drakken spotted a tissue box that had just avoiding falling off the nightstand—the lamp hadn't.
He leaned over and grabbed a few, and when he pushed them into her hands it startled her. She blinked down at them, and then up at him, her expression unreadable. Drakken bit his lip then as he cautiously reached over her shoulders and pulled her hair to her front to give her more modesty. Shego looked down at this, sniffled once, and then exploded into further sobs.
The panicked confusion continued to race across Drakken's nerves as he watched her cry, a response like nothing he'd ever seen out of his partner in crime save when under the influence of the Moodulator. And even that hadn't been this bad.
"Shego, I... I..."
Drakken finally hung his head with a heavy sigh. If she was so upset to not even...unleash her fury, he knew it was far too great a crime to forgive.
"I'm sorry, Shego," he said quietly, fidgeting lightly with the edge of the pillowcase. "You can...consider your contract fulfilled, and...you can have anything you want in severance. I... I'm so sorry."
He started to shift away from her, thinking to give her some privacy until she was ready to either unleash her fury or apparently leave him without so much as that. He wasn't prepared for her suddenly seizing his arm, and his breath caught. It was about to happen.
"I can't remember any of it," were the words that came from Shego's lips, choked and thick.
Drakken blinked in confusion. "What?"
"I've been trying..." Shego forced out through sobs, "to get you into bed...for two years... And it finally happened—"
Her eyes opened at last and glanced sideways into the room.
"Several times..."
Drakken followed her gaze and he bit his cheek in nervous confusion as he looked at the used condoms.
"And I can't remember any of it!"
Drakken relaxed, shifting nearer to her as she continued to cry, albeit less loudly, finally making use of the tissues he had offered. Once they were spent he hurriedly placed the box in front of her, and she took out another.
"Wait, Shego, you...you...wanted...to get me into bed?" Drakken finally asked, shaking his head in confusion—which he regretted instantly for the hangover.
"Mr. Can't Read Signals when they're literally right in front of his face," Shego grumbled.
"What signals?" he asked, still reeling from the idea that Shego was actually interested.
"All the flirting," Shego said plainly, her tears beginning to still.
"What flirting...?"
Shego looked up and narrowed her reddened eyes on him. "Are you really that dense?"
"Shego, what flirting!?" Drakken said, racking his brain for any time outside of her absurd behavior while under the influence of the Moodulator, either before or after given the time frame she indicated, that could have been considered flirting.
Shego scoffed. "You mean you didn't notice me leaning up into your space, getting so close I could blow on your ear, or putting my chest right at your eye level while you worked?"
Drakken had a flash of memory of times when Shego would suddenly be in front of him, blocking his view of what he was working on, or leaning between him and his tools, or whispering about nothing so close to him that he couldn't concentrate.
He blinked at her several times in succession as he realized...she was serious.
"...What?" Shego said, wiping her nose again and then hugging herself.
"I thought you were trying to annoy me," Drakken said.
"I didn't know you were flirting! It...didn't come across that way," Drakken said, trailing off at the end as he saw the flashing of green eyes across from him.
Shego screamed. She threw her hands up in the air for a moment and then let them fall at her sides, seemingly finally spent of tears as she blinked at nothing on the bed sheets.
"Shego...why?" Drakken asked.
Shego began gathering the sheet up around herself to wear as a toga.
"Well if it isn't obvious now, blue bonehead, I have a major crush on you. But since the feeling isn't mutual I guess I'll just stop making a fool of myself and—"
Drakken's hand on her arm halted her words at the same time a gasped 'no' left his lips.
"Let me go!"
"This is humiliating enough," she said, struggling against his grip.
"Shego. Look at what happened."
Drakken gestured broadly to the mess of the room, and Shego followed his gaze. She blinked several times as she took in what to him was a very embarrassing scene, the room looking as if it had been trashed by a group of rowdy party-goers and not just defiled by a drunken couple in lust. Or...could it be more?
"Wh-What on earth made you think it wasn't mutual?" Drakken continued, his voice a mixture of nervous, embarrassed, and annoyed. "I've spent four years trying to hide my feelings for you."
"What?" Shego asked, her eyes snapping back to his.
Drakken looked down. "Yes, well... It wouldn't be appropriate, a boss and an employee..."
"Four years?" she said incredulously.
"Sorry," Drakken said, keeping his eyes on his slightly swollen feet.
It was quiet. And then, "Hmmm..."
Drakken looked up at Shego's thoughtful, almost playful tone.
"Wouldn't be appropriate, you say?" Her tell-tale smirk was starting to return.
"No..." Drakken said, finding his mouth suddenly dry.
Shego grinned. "I quit."
"How many rubbers came in that box?"
Drakken blinked rapidly, his mind processing her intent so fast that he'd pounced on the purple box on the nightstand and was yanking its contents out onto the bed before he could realize he'd nearly knocked her down in the process.
"There's three left," he said, peering into the empty box as if more would somehow materialize at his will.
"Then put some clothes on and go buy some more," Shego said decisively.
"What, why?" Drakken asked in annoyance.
"Well I count nine all over this room," Shego said. Drakken's face flushed. "Since I can't remember any of that, we're going to have to make up for it all before we leave."
Shego scooped up Drakken's boxers from the floor by the bedside and tossed them at him.
Drakken grinned as he shimmied into them. As he did so, the light glinted off the gold of his ring, and he glanced over at Shego as she began tossing more of his clothes at him. A matching band adorned her slimmer finger. Drakken looked around, and for the first time he noticed the half-folded piece of paper stuck out of the drawer of the nightstand. His brow twisted with nerves but it couldn't stop his smile growing.
"I guess...this is a good time to point out we got married?" Drakken said.
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lilteamushroom · 4 years
Karasuno Team x reader pt 2
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(I never expected so many people to like and want a part 2! It’s so long but it’s a good one!)
Part one:
Warnings: swearing??
The RV started up and began to move, you snickered as Ukai yelled at Tanaka and Hinata to sit their asses down. You sat on a small couch near a window next to kiyoko (Pfft let me get my gay ass outta here) Kiyoko, Suga and you talked about how long your family has had the beach house.  “My family used to go to this beach house every summer when I was younger. But as I got older we stopped going as a family and now it sits with no one living in it.” You explained to them.  “Though don’t worry about bugs and dust being in the house, my mom said she sent out some cleaners to make sure the house was clean and was stocked with food for us.” You told them.  “I wish we could do something for your parents, for doing all of this for us.” Suga sighed. You smiled “Oh don’t worry, I think someone actually using the beach house makes her very happy.” you reassured Suga.  “(Y/N), I heard you work at Ukai’s store.” Asahi chimed in. That caught you off guard. You knew they would find out and to be honest you were surprised they didn’t figure it out sooner. “Oh yeah! Its a lot of fun working there. And since the coach is my boss, it makes scheduling around practice and games much easier.” You stutter a bit.  “Thats so cool! Do you get free stuff?” Nighinoya asked from across the table.  “No- I wish I did. That would be so nice.” You say as you think of how awesome it would be to get free soda pop and sweets.
The rest of the ride there, wasn’t too bad. You put on a movie, which the guys voted on fucking The Spongebob movie. what. the. fuck. Not only that but they cheered and were so invested in the movie.
Crackheads. They are all crackheads.
The RV finally came to a stop, you looked out the window to see the old beach house from your childhood. 
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They all gasped, maybe a bit dramatically. “Are you sure we are at the right place?” Daichi asked. You nodded. “This is it my friends.” you say to them as you grab your bags from under the seat. Everyone nearly jumped off the bus, you swore you watched Tanaka jump out of the window of the RV.  They all followed you to the front door.  “Wow! Is that a boat?!” Hinata asked. You nodded your head. “We can take it out sometime this week, if you want.” you offered him, he nodded happily. You pulled out the small key that had a flower key chain on it. You unlocked the door and let them inside. They all looked around in amazement. “The main room is big enough for everyone to sleep in, besides the other rooms aren’t guest rooms, the last I checked they were remodeled into a gaming room, a movie room, and a lounge/hangout area.”  “ (Y/N)!!! WHAT THE HELL.” Tanaka nearly screamed.  “WHAT?!” You yelled at him, trying your best to match his vocal range to mock him.  “THis is so CoOL!” he shouted. Ukai clapped his hands, “Set your bags down, and go get your swimsuits on.” Ukai instructed everyone. “Yes Sir!” Everyone yelled as their excitement filled the room. You went to the bathroom and changed into green plaid trunks and a yellow swim shirt. You went out to find you were one of the first people changed, which never happened. You were confused. Where was everyone else? You found them wandering the vacation house. Well you found them in pairs, first you found Hinata and Kageyama in the kitchen, then you found Tsukishima, Tadashi in the game room, Daichi, Suga and Asahi were in the lounge room, Kiyoko, Ukai an Takeda were on the back porch all sitting in on the lawn chairs put out there, Tanaka and Nishinoya were examining the boat under the deck. 
Once they were all done exploring the house, everyone met up on the beach at the volleyball net.  They underestimated how hard it actually is to play volleyball in sand. They kept slipping and falling, soon they caught on that you weren’t falling??  “ (Y/N)! How do you stay on your feet?” Hinata asked you. You smirked. “You gotta kinda, dig your feet in the sand, instead of being ontop of the sand-” You dug your foot into the sand, “-You’ll be more grounded.” You showed them. They caught on, not many falling anymore, though many still fell on their asses which was super funny to you. Nishinoya being the libero, kept face planting and getting a mouth full of sand. “Man! It sucks trying to catch the ball without getting sand in my mouth!” Noya complained.  “Maybe its because you suck.” Tanaka snickered. “Shut up! You keep on not even hitting the ball!” Noya defended.  “All right lets take a break!” Ukai yelled out. “Coach, can we go swimming?!” Hinata begged with Noya and Tanaka giving Ukai puppy eyes. Ukai sighed then smiled at them.  “Yeah sure. We are here to take a break.” Ukai laughed. Hinata, Noya, Tanaka cheered as they sprinted to the shore. Asahi came up to you “Are you gonna get in the water?” He asked. You shrug “Maybe. I’m not a huge swimmer, though I love to collect sea shells.” You say to him. “That sounds fun! I’ll come with you to look for sea shells!” Suga offered “Me too.” Kiyoko chimed in. Many of the boys splashed each other and played chicken fight. You sat high above the others on Daichi’s shoulders while Hinata was sitting on Asahi’s shoulder. You held Hinata’s hands, trying to push the other off. In the end Hinata got the upper and and Y E E T E D you into the ocean.  Everyone laughed and took turns playing chicken. Hinata and Asahi were the ones champions against everyone else. 
- - - - - - -
Soon the sun was setting and everyone was getting settled in for the night. The sea shells you got were set nicely on the window seal above the sink. The who team was sleeping in one big dog pile in the living room, in the kick ass fort they had built.  You went to brush your teeth when Nishinoya caught up with you in the bathroom. “When do you plan on telling the others about... Your secret?” He asked.  “I am tomorrow night when we sit around the fire for smores. I am nervous you know? Can you try to understand how I feel?” You asked him as you took his hand in yours. Noya felt his cheeks heat up from the contact of your hand in his. He nodded. “I’ll try my best (y/n)!” He smiled. You gave him a grin back as you let go of his hand and opened the door to the bathroom and locked it behind you. 
Your reflection looked back at you. You took off your binder that had been on for 10+ hours. You read online that you should only have it on for 6-8 hours and you shouldn’t bind when working out... You were breaking many rules when it comes to binding but it was your only way to be on the team without anyone raising any eyebrows. You stretched your hands above your head letting your chest and ribs stretch and be free. You threw on a tank top, sweatpants and a big hoodie to hide your breast size.  After getting ready for bed you went back to the living room to find the team chatting and nearly laying on top of each other. You smirked and jumped onto the pile of boys in front of you.  “Woah! (y/n)!” Tadashi laughed.  “You guys make a good pillow.” You chuckled as you laid your head on Suga’s leg. It was uncomfortable so you leaned up and wiggled your way to a small spot between Tanaka and Hinata. They all were shoulder to shoulder.  Even though they are dorks, they are family. They make your life so much better. Were you ready to tell them about everything? Or at least your gender.  Everyone kept talking til Ukai came in the room and inhaled. “GO TO BED.” He yelled then shuffled back to the room nearby. You couldn’t help but snicker before laying your head on Tanaka’s shoulder as a pillow.  You starred at the ceiling before finally dozing off to sleep.
- - - - - - - -
In the morning, you woke up 2 hours before everyone else. You wanted to make bread from scratch for them. You remembered as a child you would wake up in the morning to the smell of freshly baked bread filling the house. You wanted to do the same for the boys who took you in and made you part of their family. 
Noya shook Hinata.
“Bro bro. Do you smell that?” Noya asked. It took Hinata a minute to get himself out of his sleepy state. He sniffed the air.
“It smells like a Kneaders cafe. Like on Monday when all of the bread was just barely baked.” Hinata noted. Tanaka woke up and instantly smelled baked goods. He sprung out of bed and dashed to the kitchen.
You smiled at him when he came into the room.
“Good morning Tanaka. How are you doing?” You ask him.
“Good! What is the smell??” He asked quickly. The oven went off as you grabbed the oven mitts.
“Well everyone has been working hard so I decided to bake you guys fresh bread.” You smiled lightly as blush marks spread across your cheeks.
Tanaka grinned. “That sounds awesome!”
“I’m going to go get the rest of the team up.” You say to him “I’ll come with you!” He said as he grabbed your hand. You stood there in shook from the contact of his hand in yours. The blush on your face reddened.
“That looks pretty gay” tsukishima said from behind you coming into the room. You pulled away from Tanaka.
“Your gay four eyes!” You huff at him as you walk past him. Tanaka boomed in laughter behind you. “Dumbass. Shit like that can hive me away.” You mutter to him.
“What?! Your gonna tell the team tonight anyway.” He scoffs. You dart a glare at him as you both enter the main room where everyone was. You opened the blinds, and turned on the light.
“I made a surprise for you guys. I’m gonna make breakfast.” You inform them. Asashi groaned as he sat up. He raised his hand
“I’ll help you with breakfast (y/n).” He said as he yawned. You grinned at him. “That would be great! Thank you!” You beam at him. “The rest of you better be up in 15 minutes!” You almost hell at them. But you held back from yelling at them because you choose not to be a dick.
For now.
It had been 20 minutes and Daichi, Suga and Tadashi were still not awake. You smirked at Noya. “Wanna help me get the others up?” You asked him. “Always!” He grinned. “What you plan on doing?” Ukai asked. You looked at your cup on the counter. “I have an idea.”
You, nishinoya, and Hinata all held a cup of water as you and the rest of the team walked down the hall to the main room where you guys slept. You held your cup over Daichi’s head. You looked down on him like he was your victim. Nishinoya stood over Tadashi and Hinata over Suga. You counted down in a whisper.
The 3 of them yelled out from the sudden contact of water. The rest of you were laughing so hard that tears were forming in your eyes.
“Oi! What was that for?!” Daichi yelled.
“You weren’t up for breakfast.” You say to him almost coldly.
They apologized and got up for the day. They all changed into their swim suits when you said that it was time to take the boat out.
Noya was nearly bouncing off the walls when you got the keys out for the boat. Luckily you knew how to drive the boat. Everyone piled in as you started it up making sure it had enough gas. You drove it out fairly far the turned the key to turn it off.
“Alright guys! You can jump in and swim!” You say happily. Many of them jump in when a few stayed behind because they didn’t want to swim.
“Yo! (Y/N)!! Get in here!” Tanaka yelled waving at you from the water.
“Yeah (y/n)! Join us!” Hinata begged. You shrugged and got up from the drivers seat. You ran then jumped off the side of the boat your arms lifted in the air, your legs kicking off the deck to boost you into the air. It felt like time slowed down. Like when you go to hit the ball during a game. How you always were inspired by your teammates to do your best during a game.
You came back to reality when you hit the cold but refreshing water. The guys laughed as you reached the surface of the water. These guys were your best friends. You would do anything for them. Going through so many practice days and games. You get close to them after going through so much.
Once it got later into the day you drove the boat back and parked it. Though most of the team stayed at the beach and swam.
Soon they are going to find out your secret. Your stomach turned and did flips as you thought about tonight. When you would have to tell them who you really are. You were scared. What if they don’t accept you? What if they kick you off of the team. The only reason you go to karasuno high is for volleyball. If you got kicked off you would most likely move back into your parents house. Would they feel betrayed that you cheated the system and lied to them so you could be on a team? All these questions came to your head in waves. You forgot where you were for a while until Noya swam over to you then dunked you under water.
“(Y/n)!” He whined.
“Pay attention to me” he huffed. You stared to splash the salty water at him. “Is this the attention you wanted?” You laughed as you continued to pretend water bend at him. You swam away from him to get to shore so you could think more, of course Nishinoya followed you like a lost puppy would. You eyed Tanaka then he came over.
“Come with me for a walk.” You say to them. They nodded and followed you, walking along the shore, where the water would come up and tickle your feet every so often.
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” Nishinoya asked you. Your lip trembled. You tried to find the words.
“Well, I’m scared. I get this same feeling before a game.” You confess, your hands twiddling each other. “Scared? Of what?” Tanaka asked.
“Of tonight. I’m scared I’ll get kicked off the team. Or everyone will treat me different. I’m still the same (y/n). Or I dont know if they’ll be angry with me for lying to them for so long. Maybe they won’t want to be my friend. If that happens I will have to go back to having no friends and-“ you got cut off by Nishinoya putting a hand on your shoulder. He smiled.
“It’s okay (y/n)” he said gently. Which was weird to you because he was usually so loud. Your hand touched your cheek which was wet from tears you didn’t even know you were crying. They both brought you into a small group hug. “It’s all good (y/n)!” Tanaka laughed. “We still want you on the team. And if idiots like us still want you then I’m sure the rest of the team will too!” Tanaka encouraged. You nodded, whipping your tears away. “Thanks guys. I’m not as nervous for tonight. Still nervous but not as anxious.” You laughed. They nodded in excitement. “You got this (y/n)!” Noya cheered. You smiled from their enthusiasm.
“Thank you guys. I think I’m ready.” You say to them. They walk back to the beach house and saw the other boys some how managed to start a fire in the fire pit without setting everything on fire. “There are s’more things in the house and hot dogs of you guys are hungry.” You offer to them. They nodded and yelled at the same time as they rushed inside to grab the stuff. Ukai helped you move large logs around the fire for them to sit at.
“You ready for tonight kid?” He asked you. You didnt answer right away.
“If I’m being honest, I’m nervous. Beyond nervous. I’m scared the team won’t like me anymore.” You confess to him. He walked over to you and ruffled your hair.
“Know thing these crazies, they will accept you. Your an amazing player, and a valued member of this team. For the past 7 months you have earned a special place on this team. No matter if you were a boy, girl, black white, tall, short, this team will love you for who you are.” He tapped your forehead when he said the last part. You held in tears, wanted to hug Ukai. He truely was the best coach. You nodded to him. “Thank you coach.” You say softly. The stamped of boys came back with the s’more things and hot dog stuff. You all ate food over the fire as the sun went down. Soon it was dark. Everyone was chatting then their conversations went quiet. You made eye contact with Noya and Tanaka. They nodded to you. You were ready. You stood up. “There is something I haven’t been totally honest with you guys.” You started out. “I love this team and everyone on it. But this might change how you see me and how you play volleyball with me.” They looked at you with curiosity and a bit of confusion. “I’m... I’m a girl. Biologically I was born a female.” You confessed to them. Some were confused, some were shocked, some didn’t change there expression. “I was planning on not saying anything, but two morons walked in on me changing.” You glared at Nishinoya and Tanaka. They gave you a dorky smile. You took a breath and continued.
“I’m worried that me being a female will change how you view me and how you play with me. Or treat me for that matter. I’m still the same (y/n). The same one who cried with you, played with you, won games with you. I’m sorry I never told you guys.” You said to them. You wanted to run and hide under the covers of your bed, expecting them to yell or be disappointed. But there was silence. The silence was almost as bad as yelling.
“It’s fine if your a girl (y/n). It’s not a bad thing but why didn’t you join the girls volleyball team with michimiya?” Daichi asked. You tugged at your shirt then let it go.
“That has a bit of a story behind it. Before I came to Karasuno I went to an academy for weathly kids. They had a volleyball team but all the girls on the team joined to show off the skin tight booty shorts and the small tank tops. I joined a team to play, to gain friends, to win and to learn. All I got there was girls in skimpy outfits. I could have tried the girls team here but I didn’t want to take the chance so a little arrangement with my mom, a haircut and a binder I was a different person at a new school where no one knew who I was.” You say to them. Asahi nodded. Some still looked confused.
“The only ones who knew were the coach, and until 2 weeks ago Nishinoya and Tanaka found out.” You say to them.
Tadashi raised his hand. “What’s a binder? Sorry I feel kinda dumb for asking.” He admitted. You put your hands up “it’s okay!” You say to him Tanaka jumped up.
“It’s a wrap that goes around her boobs!” He explained loudly. You karate chopped his head
“Sit down dummy.” You say almost harshly to him. “That’s the basics of it. I wrap it around my chest so then I am flatter. Then I wear a bigger jersey so then my chest doesn’t show.” You take a breath.
“I hid this because I was scared.” Tears were filling your eyes but you didn’t let them fall.
“I was scared you were going to see me different and kick me off the team.”
Don’t let the tears fall. Do not let the tears fall.
“I didn’t have many friends before coming to Karasuno. You all are my best friends. The best people I have ever met.”
Dammit. The tears streamed down your cheeks.
“Please still let me be part of the team.” You cried bending over and bowing to them. Daichi approached you. He put a hand on your shoulder and waited for you to look up at him. You looked up and met his eyes, who had tears swelling in them too.
“You will always be accepted on this team, (y/n).” He said to you pulling you into a hug. Tadashi came up and hugged the both of you. Then Tanaka and Nishinoya. Then Hinata and Kageyama. The others followed through.
“We don’t want you to leave the team (y/n)!” Hinata cried. “Yeah don’t leave us!” Kageyama snapped. “We want you to stay.” Suga softly said. They all chimed in on how they wanted you still on the team. You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You sobbed. Simple as that. All that emotion that you had been holding in? It was coming out right now. It was a good night. It ended well with your teammates accepting who you are. You were so happy.
Now the question is, who falls in love with you, or gets blushy when ever your around?
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maswartz · 3 years
Power Rider Animaster
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(Logo by Markolios and @riceyhot)
Many many centuries ago King Trion was faced with warring kingdoms on every side. To defend his people he ordered his alchemists to create a new kind of warrior, one that took its power from various animals. They succeeded and created the Anima out of Animal Medals that harnessed the power of unique animals. However the Anima were too great of warriors and soon turned on Trion. They had the power to use Bio Medals to create more of their kind they called BioBeasts. The Anima soon waged war against each other and endangered anyone caught in the crossfire. The ensuing conflict was called the Anima War
Desperate Trion and the warring kingdoms formed an alliance and with the aid of one of the Anima named Avius a group of alchemists from all the kingdoms sealed the Anima away within a tomb, even Avius was sealed. When King Trion passed he made his own tomb the seal for the prison of the Anima.
One day an archeologist accidentally broke the seal releasing the Anima. The Anima War has begun again. King Trion’s spirit instructed the man to use his power to defeat the Anima. Avius forms a tense alliance with the man seeking revenge on his fellow Anima. The man became Power Rider Animaster.
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The archeologist was a man named Isha Maheswaran and using the Hawk Tiger and Grasshopper medals he transforms into Animaster Ha-Ti-Gra. The hawk medal grants enhanced vision, the tiger grants slashing claws and the grasshopper grants great leaping.
Face Claim: Waris Ahluwalia
Transformation Device: Wild Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: Three medals with the alchemist symbol for each animal form in front of him before attaching to his and forming the armor. As the armor forms images of the three animals appear behind him sounding off. Finishing Moves: Rider Kick (triple charged kick) Rider Slash (uses his sword charged by a Bio Medal) Vehicle: Anima Cycle: High speed cycle
Isha can use a wide array of Animal Medals to transform into many different forms, however the most powerful forms are the combos.
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The Beetle Mantis and Grasshopper combo is known as Animaster Be-Ma-Gra. The beetle grants shocking lighting, the mantis grants slashing blades and the grasshopper grants great leaping. In addition to these the Be-Ma-Gra form has the ability to split into clones of himself. Finishing Move- Rider Swarm (clones all kick a single target)
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The Lion Tiger and Cheetah combo is known as Animaster Li-Ti-Che. The lion grants the ability to produce blinding light, the tiger grants slashing claws and the cheetah grants amazing speed. In addition to these the Li-Ti-Che form has the ability to emit intense heat. Finishing Move- Rider Rush (speeds towards the enemy and slashes)
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The Rhino Gorilla and Elephant combo is known as Animaster Rhi-Gor-Ele. The rhino grants a hardened helmet with a horn to use as a weapon, the gorilla grants powerful gauntlets for punching and the elephant grants the ability to create minor earthquakes. In addition to these the Rhi-Gor-Ele form has the ability to control gravity. Finishing Move- Rider Smash (uses a quake to trap the enemy before finishing them off with a mighty punch)
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The Hawk Peacock and Condor combo is known as Animaster Ha-Pea-Con and is one of Isha’s most powerful forms. The hawk grants enhanced vision, the peacock grants wings that can be used as projectile weapons and the condor grants powerful talon like legs. In addition to these the Ha-Pea-Con form has the ability of flight and can use the Phoenix Shield to create mighty burning attacks. Finishing Move- Rider Flame (uses the Phoenix Shield charged with medals to shoot a burning blast)
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The Whale Eel and Octopus combo is known as Animaster Wha-Eel-Octo. The whale grants the power to breathe underwater, the eel grants electric whips and the octopus grants the octopus legs which split into four in  total. In addition to these the Wha-Eel-Octo form can turn his body into living water. Finishing Move- Rider Wave (turns into water and attacks with a flurry of blows)
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The Cobra Turtle and Crocodile combo is known as Animaster Cob-Tur-Cro. The cobra grants immunity to poisons, the turtle grants a sturdy energy shield and the crocodile grants a powerful slide kick. In addition to these the Cob-Tur-Cro form can summon a giant energy cobra from the wrap on his head to attack the enemy. Finishing Move- Rider Venom (the energy cobra bites the enemy weakening them leading to a slide kick)
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The Pterodactyl Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus combo is known as Animaster Pte-Tri-Tyranno. The pterodactyl grants the power of flight, the triceratops grants shoulder spikes and the tyrannosaurus grants a whipping tail. In addition to these the Pte-Tri-Tyranno form can use the wings to freeze his enemies as well as use a gun-ax charged by medals. These medals cannot be used with any other medals and this combo is powerful enough to destroy the medals themselves! Finishing Moves- Rider Blizzard (freezes and smashes the enemy) Rider Blast (uses the gun-ax to destroy the enemy)
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A young woman named Priyanka Patel was selected by an orginzation who took a quick interest in the Anima. She was picked to use the Genesis system to fight the Anima alongside Isha. This allows her to become Power Rider Genesis. In this form she can use Bio Medals to produce weapons. Face Claim: Chriselle Almeida Transformation Device: Genesis System Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: The armor forms around her Finishing Move: Rider Armor (summons all her weapons at once forming a mighty armor)
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After the original Genesis system was destroyed in a battle it was rebuilt as the Regen system turning Priyanka into Power Rider Regen. Her abilities are the same but stronger. Transformation Device: Regen System Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Finishing Move: Regen Armor (a stronger form of the Rider Armor) Power Rider Duow/Animaster: A man claiming to be the reincarnation of King Trion appears. He’s even able to transform into Animaster with his own combos. At first Isha welcomes the help against the Anima but the truth is soon revealed when Arnold Jones comes searching for the King Memster. It turns out the man was a collector of rare antiques and used his King Memory Unit to steal for his collection. One day he stole a relic belonging to King Trion and somehow absorbed the Animal Medals and gaining part of the King’s personality. However the man’s original cruel nature resurfaces and he absorbs the Royal Hawk, Tiger and Grasshopper Medals becoming a monstrous beast both Riders must defeat. In the aftermath Isha takes the remaining Medals for his own use. “King Trion’s” combos Elk, Antelope, Bull (El-An-Bul)- Combo power- Energy horns Shrimp, Crab, Scorpion (Shi-Cra-Sco)- Combo power- Swimming through the ground Centipede, Bee, Ant (Ce-Be-An)- Combo power- Turns body into living swarm Walrus, Polar Bear, Penguin (Wa-Po-Pen) - Combo power- Summons snowstorm Wolf. Porcupine, Rabbit (Wo-Por-Ra)- Combo power- Camouflage (Faces by @dream-chef-flavors)
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jikyuuryoku · 4 years
i asked:
(▰˘◡˘▰) hee
@dxving / @petrichaxx​ replied:
He’s practiced in the mirror a hundred times, his breath is a fresh cinnamon (because mint is overrated), and he’s made multiple plans on how to not crash and burn should things go awry – namely, should Ai reject him.  He should be more confident. He’s an Olympian to be, fighting his hardest day in and day out at the pool, and yet –
Something as simple as a stroll with Ai has him quaking, unnerved and unable to find the sense of control he’s supposed to have. To catch up, he half-lies. Even the ocean view as they walk along the path near the beach, something that should be calming, doesn’t quell his anxieties. Ai notices, because of course he does, eagle-eyed and with an uncannily sharp sense for the shark’s emotions, and it’s all Rin can do to manage a shaky but genuine, “I’m just really proud. I’m really happy for you.”  
Which he is, absolutely. Nagisa is not easy competition; he can win races with sheer willpower alone, familiar with the blond’s talent since their relay as children.That’s why Ai won, Rin thinks – because he has willpower, but he also has focus, an intense drive that knows no limits. He knows how to pace himself and how to endure despite his circumstances, even if it results in a heavy case of self-doubt every now and again. His technique is impeccable, of course helped by Sousuke’s training, but even so he’s always had an innate ability that just depended on his own confidence to spark into use. Rin alludes to as much.  
When Ai shakes his head, stuttering words that show he scarcely believes him, trying to push off his success on the assistance of others, and otherwise denying the compliment, Rin is unable to control his tongue.
“Leave that kind of talk in the past, yeah? It’s fine to have pride. You’ve always been amazing.” The words betray him, losing his ability to speak anything less than honestly when already so riled up. The surprised look he earns makes his heart beat out of his chest, and when Ai chooses to look away shyly, flushing pink with a murmur of Thank you, Rin-senpai, Rin thinks he is going to fucking explode.
( Okay, breathe in, breathe out, and get to the point. )
“I’ve been thinking about a lot of things in Australia – like, thinking wh-when I’m in Australia, not thinking about random things in Australia.” Oh, good! He’s starting off so well. “I’ve had a lot of time to think. Since I left.”
It’s given me time to reflect on who’s been by my side, who keeps cheering me on. Who’s cheered me on no matter what. Of course I think of Sousuke and Haru, of Makoto, and everyone else. But.. there’s some I want by my side, in a closer way. Ai—
The rest of the idea in his head, probably taken from some shoujo manga, is effectively shut down, kicked out, and obliterated. It’s too embarrassing. He can’t go that route. Even just thinking about it has the tips of his ears prickling red – maybe they’re hidden by his hair, but his scarlet cheeks certainly aren’t.
Plan B – he had a plan B, right?
“I’m not… the best with this kind of thing. I don’t really know why.. I should be able to talk, especially to you, you know? But – I can be honest, but it’s – ugh, damnit.”
Frustrated with his utter embarrassment of a speech pattern, fingers rake through a ruby mane – something meant to be a soothing gesture to himself, but it only serves to spike his nerves. He’s come so far; he can’t lose courage now. Red meets blue, and Rin finds there’s something imperceptible on Ai’s face. Almost as if he’s.. waiting for something. Which, yeah, he is, since Rin can’t spit out the words I like you to save his fucking life, but – its almost something more than that. There’s almost a quiet confidence that he’s trying to project. Unsurprisingly, even silent, he’s reassuring. Rin blinks once, twice, then steels his determination.
“Can you close your eyes?” A questioning look, but Ai does so obediently; his blind faith is incredible. A hesitant step forward, then another, ignoring the voice in his mind that says you’re going to ruin everything, stop while you’re ahead. He does consider it, for a moment, as he leans in slightly, a hand raising to gently tilt the younger’s chin.
He could be throwing away three years of friendship.
But Ai isn’t trying to move away.
Rin, lingering only long enough to spare a glace on ashen lashes, then to the mark below his eye, finally finds it in himself to seal the distance between them. Ai’s lips are soft and welcoming, and to Rin, something just clicks.
( He probably should’ve done this sooner. )
Ai had gotten pretty good at identifying when Rin was nervous or anxious, he thinks. He usually thinks back to markers he’d see before swim tournaments, or before meeting up with Rin’s Iwatobi friends in the early days of their reconciliation. He knows it by the way Rin will rub the back of his neck, or look around a lot; seemingly anywhere but right in front of him, and definitely not the people around him. Seems to exhale not-quite-sighs, not-quite-huffs that hint toward some sort of frustration. Get it together, Matsuoka!, Ai can imagine Rin saying in his inner mologue.
He knew the signs; the hair ruffling, the neck touching, the eyes roaming. He was used to seeing Rin grapple with his nerves.
He was not used to it happening around him.
If Ai thinks back to the last time Rin visited - about two months ago, in the middle of regionals - he... Well, truthfully, Rin hadn’t really visited. Ai thinks they got all of maybe an hour together before Rin was off to visit someone else, that trip being particularly short. And Ai can recall a sense of nervousness radiating from Rin back then, too, but at the time had attributed it to the amount of traveling Rin had to endure paired with having a jam-packed itinerary. Distance didn’t exactly make social interactions easy, either; Ai had assumed Rin found it a bit awkward to reconnect after such a long time apart. 
Truthfully, Ai had maybe read too much into it, and in an entirely incorrect way; assumed that maybe Rin had found his true footing while over in Australia, and suddenly conversation with Ai - his companionship - was found lacking. His nervousness being mistaken for awkward or uncomfortable. A nightmare scenario, honestly. Thankfully, even through his own self-doubt, Ai knew he could rely on absolute truths; knew that if Rin didn’t want to put up with someone, he wouldn’t.
So then, why was he nervous?
It’s a question that had been eating at him ever since. Ai thinks now, with Rin very close to sputtering between syllables and tripping over his words, he has his answer.
He can’t really believe it, though. The hopeful part of him sees it immediately; the part of him that has had a massive, undeniable crush for three long, painstaking years. The part of him that has quietly and politely sat on an invisible mountain of unspoken feelings, constantly pounding at his chest and pushing at his rib cage, begging for mercy and reprieve. The part of him Ai had gotten a little too good at ignoring when eyes were on him, and enduring. The part of him that had gotten so accustomed to remaining unrequited that the thought of it being anything but was, honestly? A little terrifying. 
But you don’t go three years with stifling feelings for your best friend and not know the signs. Somewhere between wanting to coax Rin out of his shell and Ai’s own stupid, stupid hopes shooting electricity through his veins, Ai finds it quite easy to conjure the confidence needed to meet Rin in the middle.
“Pffthth,” he laughs, soft and stifled as Rin trips over his words; Ai doesn’t think he’s ever seen Rin so flustered and it’s a visual he will store in a mental pocket forever and ever. Ai calms and grows solemn, though, as Rin seems to really try to conjure the wherewithal and get his words across.
“It’s okay, Rin-senpai.” Take your time. I’m listening.
The more he speaks, the more dire things feel; the more real it feels. A silent endurance born into a rising hope that completely threatened to overtake him. Ai feels as if he’s vibrating out of his skin; every time he’s fantasized about something like this, his dreams unanimously had him being the instigator. Him confessing, him making the first move. It felt completely unreal for that silent expectation and hope to be turned over on its head.
He’s asked to close his eyes, and Ai’s chest wells up with a breath; he complies easily, trying to remain the calm one between the two of them. He’s painfully aware of the feeling of his own eyelashes dancing over his cheeks, and the sudden heat that meets his chin. Rin-senpai’s hand... 
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Rin’s lips are amazingly soft and taste like cinnamon and it is worlds, worlds away from what he’d thought it’d feel like. 
Somewhere between seconds two and three, Ai’s hands had come to rest gently on Rin’s clavicle; between four and five, he pulls back. Six Rin is met with a second kiss, sweet and chaste, as if Ai needed it to remember the feeling; seven, and he’s settled back on his heels.
He’s completely flushed, from the tips of his ears down to his collar bones. His heart beats so fast and so loud he can’t even hear himself think; Ai is on auto-pilot as his hand reaches for Rin’s, gently tugging at the hem of his cuff for its attention. 
“Hey,” he murmurs, ice blue eyes so fucking timid in the way they dare to seek out Rin’s, yet so silently confident in wanting to meet them. “Um.” Suddenly there, though, Ai gets cold feet- but only for a second. He seems to pull in a breath before his words seem to gush out all at once. “I’ve-- I’ve spent a lot of time thinking, too. While you’ve been in Australia. And before then, when you were in Samezuka... And for, um. A very long time.” He can’t do it; Ai looks down again, but doesn’t look any less confident-meets-flustered for it. 
“I like you.
       I like you a lot.
               And I want to kiss you again.”
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Houroubing to Aruba, Chapter 3, (Branjie) - Blackhighheels
(Read at AO3)
Chapter 3: The ballgame
It is shortly before ten when Jose finally stirs. Brock has been replying to emails, checking up on social media and just surfing the net on his phone for the last hour and a half.
“What you doin’?” Jose mumbles, his eyes barely open.
“Just taking care of some things, reading emails.” Brock isn’t surprised when his boyfriend takes the phone out of his hand, throws it to the foot of the bed and places his head on his chest. His eyes close again. “You wanna go back to sleep or you up for some breakfast?” Brock runs his hands over Jose’s back, rubbing it lightly.
“You hungry?”
“Mmmh, slowly getting there.” Just then Brock’s stomach rumbles and Jose opens his eyes.
“Fine, let’s get up before you starve to death and everybody will think it’s my fault. All them cat owning lesbians will hunt me down.” Jose climbs over him to get out of bed and Brock uses the opportunity to pat his butt. “You better stop,” Jose warns him with a smile and a wink before he walks out of the room. “Lord, what did I drink last night? I have to pee so bad, I  might be dripping and dropping all over the floor already. My bladder feels like it’s the size of a fucking water-melon. Fuck…hope this toilet is built correct and you said all your prayers, ‘cause we might have the flood upon us.”
Brock titters as he gets out of bed, used to the stream-of-consciousness kind of talking Jose does on the regular, when it’s just the two of them. He loves that he has no filter and stopped censoring himself a while ago. Not only does it provide Brock with countless hours of entertainment, but it also gives him a very clear view into his man’s mind - even though peeing might not be the topic he would have chosen.
After getting ready, they make their way down to breakfast and fall into the usual routine they’ve developed while touring together: Jose gets fruits and vegetables, Brock is responsible for yoghurt, porridge, scrambled eggs and bread. Whoever is back at the table first gets coffee and juice.
They choose a table outside on the terrace which has a view of the beach. The table is in the shade, so they can eat without getting roasted by the sun. It’s really warm already and Brock sighs in relief when he sits down in his cool chair. Even the wide tank top and shorts he’s wearing feel like too much clothing.
He looks around and notices that there is just one other couple sitting a few tables to the right, since breakfast ends at eleven and most other guests are already by the pool or at the beach.
“They have a barista here to make our cappuccino right. None of the machine crap.” Jose lets him know and points to the cup. There’s a palm tree painted into the milk foam of Jose’s cup and a heart in his. It’s whimsical, typically Jose and it makes him smile.
“It’s really amazing here. Feels a bit like a dream.”
“Did you sleep alright?” Jose asks him then.
“Yeah, until like eight, maybe? Longer than I’ve slept in a while. You?”
“I think I was up around four and got up to close the blinds.”
“The moon taunting you again?” Brock smiles knowingly.
“I must be half werewolf, I’m telling ya. Full moon and I’m up for no reason in the middle of the night.” Jose rubs one hand over the stubble on his cheeks “Would explain all this, too.”
“Don’t you always say your hair grows so fast because you’re Puerto Rican?”
“Might be lyin'… sneaky cover up and all.”
They fall silent for a moment, just eating and watching their surroundings. “So, what’s the plan for today?” Brock finally asks.
“I thought you arranged it all with Henry?”
“Not really. He gave me a list of stuff we could do, if we want to, but I didn’t sign us up for nothing today. Thought maybe we just chill on the beach or by the pool? We can take a look at our options later and see what we wanna do the other days and then let Henry know?” Jose adjusts the black baseball hat he is wearing, the right way for once, and takes the sunglasses off.
“Sounds good,” Brock nods and gets distracted by his vibrating phone. It’s a text message from a booker in London and he quickly reads it.
“Hey, Brock?” Jose sounds a bit hesitant.
“Mmh?” he asks and quickly checks his calendar, so he can reply to the message.
“I think maybe we should talk about the phone and social media stuff now?”
“Just a second…” He quickly types out his answer, sends a copy of it to Steve and then puts his phone down. “What? Phone and social media stuff?” He’s lost and doesn’t really know what Jose means.
“You know, if and what we post and what rules we should have for the use of our phones while we’re here. We’ve never really decided on anything, just started talking about it and then dropped it 'cause we were too busy.”
“Oh, ok. I didn’t know we needed rules for our cellphone use, like we’re ten or something.” Brock wrinkles his nose, but the look on Jose’s face gives him pause. “Sorry,” he says quickly, realising this is not the time for flippant replies.
“No, it… I just… I don’t wanna fight. If you think it’s silly…”
“Jose, no, you’re right.” He needs to intervene and stop Jose from agreeing to everything and bending to his wishes during this trip, simply because he wants it to be perfect. It happened yesterday at the airport and again just now. “What do you think we should do?”
“I don’t really know. I’m not sure… so, don’t take this as a rule or nothin’, okay?”
“I’ll be your sounding board, just go ahead.”
“I know we can’t just vanish on the gram for like three weeks. You know, we have to feed the children or they’ll riot. But I don’t know, if I want pics from this trip to show up online: A. I don’t want no geo tags on nothing, so they don’t know where we at, 'cause some stalker ass is always close by and B. I wanna have this for us. If we take crappy pictures with fucked up lighting that we keep to remember this trip by, then that’s our business. I want no opinions or comments on how cute we look, or how we need to work out more, or if these fuckers like our outfits. When I went to Australia with Matt, no one knew shit and that was real cool. But I also don’t want you to think I’m hiding or holding back or some fucked up shit like that, like with the video.” Jose speaks calmly, but Brock can tell that it’s very important to him. “And while we at it, I think we shouldn’t work while we here. We both crazy and will get sucked in and I don’t want us to spend all the time checking mails and replying to texts on the phone, especially your micro-managing ass. We have assistants, they can take care of it for three weeks and when it’s real important they’ll call, right? Meanwhile, we can concentrate on each other.”
Brock takes a deep breath, because only the thought of being out of the loop for three weeks might send him straight into an anxiety attack. Jose takes his hand and moves his chair closer in silent support. Brock thinks about it, weighs his options and mulls over what Jose just said.
“I’ll let Steve know that he should filter the emails for me and put the really important stuff into a separate folder, so I can just ignore the rest. Give me like, an hour a day?” he offers.
“Twenty minutes?”
“Deal.” Jose gives his hand a squeeze.
“As for social media: I think we should tell Tammy and Courtney to, like,  post old pics and announcements for upcoming gigs, so we don’t vanish? Maybe they could also repost some stuff? Art we are tagged in or something? You’re right we shouldn’t worry about taking pictures for insta or about comments. We’re here for us. If we wanna share something we’ll decide spontaneously, ok?”
“Sounds good, toes.” Jose’s smile is wide and Brock knows they’ve made the right decision.
“But I think we should maybe call Andrew, Steve and your mom and let them know we’ve arrived safely and tell them what we’ve come up with so they don’t start worrying.”
“And then we go into flight mode and haul our asses to the beach to chillax and get a tan on?”
“Absolutely.” They seal the deal with a quick peck, chuckle when Jose’s hat nearly falls off as Brock bumps against it. “So, what do you say: Is it a swimming shorts or briefs kind of day?”
“With your white ass, it might be better to go with the trunks, otherwise you’ll burn the goods on the first day, which would be a shame. And you just bought new trunks. The Ralph Lauren ones look pretty fresh.”
“The Ralph Lauren ones it is,” Brock agrees and keeps Jose’s hand in his as they get up to go back to their room and get ready for the beach.
“You think Andrew’ll still be alive when we get back?” Jose asks as he spreads his towel out on the lounge bed of their beach cabana. He ist still chuckling because Brock just told him about the phone call he had with Andrew.
“I can’t believe both Henry and Apollo have already bit him.” Brock can’t help but laugh about it again.
“Told you, you spoil them kitty cats too much.They ain’t listening to shit you say. Why would they listen to Miss Nina, who thinks she’s Cinderella and they’ll dance and sing songs with her while she makes the bed?”
“But I’m their mommy,” Brock pouts, knowing full well that Jose is right.
“You definitely are, but one of those moms who always say: 'Wait until daddy gets home!’” Jose continues teasing him and sits down.
“I still don’t know how you stopped them from sleeping in our bed.”
“Girl, I kicked their furry butts out, that’s how. You can cuddle them all you want on the couch, but I never want to find no vomit fur balls in my bed, ever again.” He shudders at the memory and Brock laughs, when he remembers the incident. Jose’s screams of terror so loud, he thought he’d been attacked or something. “Can you do me?”
Brock snorts at the request. “Here? In public?” he fakes outrage.
“Stop playin’. You know I’m talking about the sun lotion,” Jose smirks and holds up the bottle he just dug out of his bag.
“Only if you 'do me’ next.” Brock takes the bottle from him and sits down behind him. He squirts the lotion on Jose’s shoulders then starts applying it and rubs it in all over his back.
“You better watch them fingers, perv,” Jose says when he swipes his hands underneath the hem of his trunks.
“As if you’d really say no,” Brock whispers in his ear and bites it gently, but takes his hands out of Jose’s pants.
“I don’t know which adult plus gay resort you used to spend your vacations at, but here at this gay friendly but very straight-people beach, shit like this will get us thrown out. So you better channel your very christian upbringing and manners, cause, bitch, I will not be kicked out of this resort, because you decide to finger me first opportunity on the beach,” Jose rants and Brock cackles when he hears his words. He really hopes no one is close by to overhear them.
“And you pretend to be a good catholic boy?”
“Don’t have to pretend. I am!” He gives him an exaggerated fake Vanjie smile, that shows all of his white teeth. “And now lay down on your stomach like a good little gay boy, so I can get the sun block on you, so you not you roasting and toasting.” Jose doesn’t simply rub the lotion in, he gives him a really good massage and by the end of it Brock is so relaxed he’s nearly asleep. “There you go,” Jose says when he’s done and presses a kiss to the back of his head, before he climbs over him once more and flops down beside him. He crosses his arms behind his head and looks around. “What do you think their stories are?"
"Huh?” Brock turns around so he can see what Jose sees.
“The other couples. What do you think their stories are? Like, why are they here?”
“I don’t know. Like, vacation or honeymoon maybe?”
“Honeymoon? These two over there haven’t spoken a single word to each other since we’ve gotten here and he stares at every ass walking by. If this is their honeymoon, she’ll better have the divorce papers ready.” Jose is talking about a couple that’s maybe in their early forties and lying a bit further down on the beach on the normal sun chairs. She keeps flipping through her phone while he ogles the other women at the beach.
“Maybe they’re not a couple?”
“They’re wearing matching wedding bands.” Of course Jose would zoom in on details like this.
“Then I’m out. But maybe we’ll find out while we’re here?”
“Maybe. If we ever get like this, boo, even Laurie might not be able to save us.”
“We won’t. I mean, you just limited my cellphone time and I’d be scared for my balls if you caught me ogling anyone like this. He’s not really subtle.”
“You’d better be, cause I’d go all Lorena on ya, but wouldn’t tell anyone where to find the parts!” Jose confirms. “But hey, maybe they have one of these open relationship things and he’s just looking for prey?”
“Honestly, as long as he keeps his paws off you, I don’t give a fuck.” Brock decides to end the speculations that Jose can get lost in.
“It’s cute when you all jealous and possessive.” Jose leans over and kisses him like it’s the biggest compliment ever. Brock has to admit, that since they got back together not only is he not missing his freedom at all, but also he has become what he’d earlier would have called “clingy”. He’s just lucky that Jose is totally into it. “You wanna go swimming?” Jose accepts the topic change.
“Not right now. Your massage nearly put me to sleep.” A wide yawn follows his words.
“Want me to put you to sleep?” Jose offers and wiggles his fingers. Sometimes when Brock has trouble sleeping, Jose makes him curl up to him and rubs his back until he relaxes and falls asleep. Usually it works.
“It’s too hot, papi. I’d be dripping sweat all over your shoulder.”
Jose guffaws. “That’s not the only thing you’re dripping all over me on the regular.”
Brock just rolls onto his side, so he is facing his boyfriend and moves a bit closer. “Just be quiet and let me nap,” he counters, but takes his hand and places a kiss on Jose’s palm and then licks it, before he closes his eyes.
“You wanna go swimming now?” Jose asks as soon as he realises that Brock is awake again. Brock stretches lazily, nods and sits up. Jose basically jumps off the bed.
“Help me up?” Brock requests and holds out his hands.
“Sure, grandpa.” Jose pulls him up and leads the way to the water. Brock watches him as he carefully dips his toes in, then walks in a bit further.
His boyfriend really is beautiful and not only because he’s in great shape, Brock muses, lost in thoughts. It’s the way he carries himself, wears his heart on his sleeve, his bronze skin, the hair that’s always falling into his face because it’s just a bit too long. His strong legs, tiny waist and delicious ass - even in swim trunks. And it’s also the way he fits right under Brock’s arm, how he loves to snuggle with him, how he makes him laugh and how he can communicate with just one look how much he loves Brock in return. “It not too bad,” is Jose’s verdict, before he jumps in and lands in the ocean with a loud splash that leaves Brock dripping wet.
“Oh wait, you little shit!” he threatens and jumps in after Jose, but his boyfriend is faster in the water than Brock thought. While he never really mastered how to do the crawl, Jose surely knows how and uses it to his advantage to get away from Brock.
“Haha! You can’t get me, grandpa!” he screams and splashes more water in his direction with both hands.
“No, but I can wait you out!” Brock yells back and keeps treading water and tries to find a moment to counter attack, but Jose is simply too fast. He decides to go back to where he can stand. As soon as his feet touch the ground, he turns around to keep an eye on Jose, but he can’t see him anymore. How far can he swim in just a couple of seconds? Suddenly something pops out from under the water behind him and a second later Jose has jumped on his back. Narrowly Brock avoids falling and Jose’s boisterous laughter is ringing in his ears.
Brock wraps his arms around Jo’s legs and holds him there, basically giving him a piggyback ride. "I think I got you, papi.” Jose’s arms tighten around his neck as he adjusts his position. A second later he leans forward and places a kiss on Brock’s cheek. When he turns his head, another kiss follows, on the lips this time.
“You taste like salt,” Jose states and smacks and licks his lips when he pulls back.
“So do you.” Brock walks them further into the sea again and dips down so only their heads are above the water. “I didn’t know you were that good a swimmer.”
“I told you. You should have believed me.”
“Ever took lessons or were in a club at school or something?”
“No, but my brother used to take me to the beach with him when we were younger. All of his friends were there and they always thought it was fun to throw the little brother around in the water like a football, or see how long I could hold my breath. I had to be faster than them to get away.” Jose tells the story like it’s a fond memory, and maybe in some ways it is, but Brock has enough knowledge to understand that Jose didn’t have too much fun back then and was scrambling for his older brother’s attention without getting it in a positive way.
“I’m surprised your mom let you go with them if that’s what was going on.”
“Mom never found out. I never told her, 'cause we would have had to stay home all day while she was working.” Brock lets go off Jose’s legs and pulls him to his front instead. Jo’s legs are now wrapped around his waist. He doesn’t know why, but every time Jose talks about his childhood, all he wants to do is shower him with love and affection to make it all better. His lips find Jose’s again and he kisses him gently, but with enough heat so Jose makes these little noises in the back of his throat that Brock loves so much. It’s a wave crashing into them that makes them break apart after a while and they both start laughing.
“Let’s get out and get dry. Then we can take a look at the list Henry gave you,” Brock suggests as they wade towards the beach. A group of people, mostly guys, is standing there, talking about something and they all turn towards them when get out of the water. Brock hopes they don’t recognise them.
“Hey,” one of the guys calls out as a greeting.
“Hey,” Brock replies and wants to keep walking towards their cabana, but Jose is already en route to them, always one for socialising even with large crowds of complete strangers.
“You’re new right?”
“Yeah, we got here yesterday. I’m Jose, this is Brock,” he introduces them.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Bill.” The guy who is talking shakes Jose’s hand and claps him on the back, while Brock remains standing slightly behind him. “We were wondering if you’d join us playing volleyball. We really need some more people.”
“Of course, I’m game,” Jose agrees before Brock can stop him, because, really, playing a ball game he sucks at with a bunch of strangers is the last thing he wants to do. Also, they have plans, right? They wanted to see what romantic things they could do over the next days, just the two of them. “Brock, you too, right?” Jose turns around to him.
“I think I’ll sit this one out,” he tells him and some of the guys grumble and try and encourage him to join in.
“Come one! You sure?”
“Yeah… uh, you’re sure you wanna play with you knee and all?” he tries to talk him out of it without being too obvious.
“My knee’s fine,” Jose shrugs. “See you in a few?"
"Yeah,” Brock nods and walks off to the cabana. He can see and hear them perfectly from where he is sitting, wrapped in his towel.
They quickly form two teams and start the game. Jose isn’t half bad, but every time he misses the ball he pretends he is the worst player ever. In no time he has all of them cheering him on and laughing about everything he does or says. He weirdly fits in with these straight men, jocks, and banker-types, who have all come together to play volleyball but instead have fallen under the spell of Vanjie without knowing it. Bock watches it with fascination and envies his boyfriend for a second. He wishes he was that charismatic and engaging in social situations. Jose lives and breathes entertaining crowds of strangers, while it gives Brock anxiety. He wishes he could be there and play as well, get some of Jose’s attention and jokes directed at him, but knows he would be all awkward and would quickly become the guy no one wants on the team.
They all love Jose and they all have Jose’s attention as he makes them laugh, makes them cheer him on, makes them feel like they’re his buddies.
His good mood fades more and more, the longer he watches the game. He doesn’t want to analyse what he’s feeling and finally lies back and closes his eyes. He can still hear them, can hear Jose’s happy laughter and hilarious comments, neither of which are directed at him.
“Hey, you asleep?” Jose pants a while later, standing beside him in the sand, completely dripping wet.
“You done?”
“Nah, half-time. We just went to cool off in the sea for a second.” Brock knows Jose is observing him closely, even though he can barely see it, because he is blinking against the sun. “What did you do?”
“Why you saying it like that?” Jose’s eyes narrow further behind his shades, Brock can tell just by his tone.
“I’m not saying it 'like that’. I’m just doing nothing.” He knows he is pouting, but he doesn’t want to talk about it. “Why don’t you go back to your game and let me get back to my doing nothing,” he suggest and closes his eyes again.
“Get up!” Jose suddenly sounds like his mother when she’s pissed, a latin accent even comes through.
“What?” he opens his eyes again.
“Now, white boy,” Jose orders and waits until Brock is standing beside the bed. Then he kicks Brock’s flips flops towards him and puts on his own, before he drags him off by his wrist.
“Hey, what are you doing? Let go of me! Where are we going?” Brock complains and tries to free his arm, but Jose just keeps dragging him through the resort until they reach their penthouse. Jose unlocks the door, drags him in and pulls out a chair from the table in the living room and places it in the middle of the room.
“Sit!” he orders and Brock is so dumbfounded he complies. “Talk!”
“What?” he crosses his arms in front of his chest and plays dumb while Jose glares down on him. His refusal makes Jose take a deep breath and he pulls out a chair for himself.
His voice is softer when he speaks again, just a bit. “Tell me what got your trunks in a twist. We done playin’, Brock! No drama on this fucking vacation! Just spit it out.”
“I thought we were making plans for all the romantic stuff and then you go off and play volleyball with all these guys.”
“You could have played with us.”
“I suck at all sports involving a ball and they would have just laughed about me.”
“You an idiot, Brock.” Jose sighs loudly. “A pouting, jealous idiot.” He gets off his chair and walks over to him. “Get up,” he says, but there is no more authority in his voice. He sounds a little bit amused, which rubs Brock the wrong way.
“You just told me to sit down!”
“Bitch, really?” Jose sniggers and raises one eyebrow. Brock knows he is acting ridiculous, he doesn’t need Jose to rub it in. As soon as Brock stands, Jose is on his knees in front of him, pulls down his swimming trunks and sucks his dick into his mouth.
“Jo, what the fuck?” Brock exclaims in surprise, but the hand that flies to Jose’s head and tangles in his wet hair is certainly not pulling him off.
“You need some attention, 'cause you’re being a jealous little whiny bitch, and I wanna suck your dick, because…do I really need a reason?” He shrugs. “Any problem with that?” He licks his cock like it’s a popsicle and Brock is sure his eyes roll into the back of his head. He moans.
“None, your honour,” Brock says when he finds his voice again.
“Then shut up and hold on tight.” With these words Jose goes down on him again. He starts slow, licks his shaft and his balls and focusses on the head for a while. Then he takes him deep, even gags one time, then continues, bops his head fast and sucks like he’s starving. It’s truly ridiculous how fast Jose has him going from being limp and jealous to coming down his throat with a loud groan.
“You really are fucking crazy,” Brock chuckles as he helps Jose stand up and pulls him against him.
“Do you feel better or not?” Jose’s hands find their way to his naked butt.
“I do. Thank you.” He kisses him deeply and gets a thrill out of the fact that he can taste himself on Jose’s lips. Take that you damn volleyball players!
“You ready to go back down and stop the drama or you wanna stay here and pout some more?” Jose is back to teasing him, which is a good sign.
“How about I return the favour first?” He cups his crotch through his wet swimming trunks and unsurprisingly finds him half hard.
“No! First you gotta earn it by playing some volleyball with me and the guys and then we gonna tackle the damn list, so the romance is back on.”
“Fine, but I might need a snack in between. I’m getting hungry.”
“I’m the snack!” Jose points out and pulls Brock’s shorts back up.
“You are, but you’re not letting me suck you off.”
“Come on, you attention whore, maybe Imma feel more giving later.” Brock smiles when he gets another kiss before they leave their penthouse. Jose stops him again just before they reach the others on the beach. “Oh and just so you know: There’s a ballgame, where it’s really good  when you suck!” His wiggling eyebrows make Brock chortle and forget about his anxiety about being faced with a group of strangers and having to play a game with them. They both learn that day that Brock likes volleyball and isn’t bad at it at all.
After cooling off once the game is done, they pack their things and make their way back to the terrace by the restaurant. While drinks were served on the beach, they needed something to eat, because dinner was still hours away.
“Hello gentlemen, what can I get you?” It’s Henry who shows up to take their order
“Henry, hi. You being a waiter today?” Jose asks him happily.
“I simply saw you coming up and decided to check in on you. I hope everything is satisfactory?”
“Everything is amazing, thank you,” Brock replies.
“We gonna make the romance plans now and then let you know, ok?”
“Very well. What can I do for you meanwhile?”
“Can you get us a large bottle of non-sparkling water and two salads with tuna and garlic bread?” Brock orders.
“Make that two bottles of water. I feel like I’m drying up from the inside out,” Jose supplies.
“Thank you and see you later.”
“Bye Henry,” Brock tells him and waits until he’s gone before he speaks again. “You think he’s spying on us? That was kind of creepy.”
“Maybe he ordered the Vanjie tracking device when he heard we were coming,” Jose jokes and leans in conspiratorially. Brock decides not to go on with this topic, because if Jose is already opening with this statement, only god knows what will come out of his mouth next.
He pecks his lips and changes the topic. “So where is the famous romance list?” Jose digs through their bag and hands it to Brock just as their drinks arrive. “You know if you wanna do something sporty or with a group?”
“I think we had enough group and sport action today. Send you right into a jealous fit. How about just the two of us? Something relaxing?” Jose changes his sunglasses for another pair, so he can read along. The lenses in the stylish other pair are great for everything except reading, because they are designed to fix Jose’s myopia.
“Tomorrow evening is the movie night under the stars. They’re showing 'Notting Hill’, but that’s with a group, I guess,” Brock thinks out loud.
“We could maybe do the picnic in the afternoon and go to the movie night after dinner. If we still feeling like being alone, I don’t think anyone will care,” Jose suggests.
“Sounds good. Should we plan the rest of the week already or you wanna be more spontaneous?”
“We could maybe do the segway tour the day after?"
Brock immediately shakes his head forcefully. "No! No way you are doing a segway tour. I saw you once on a scooter and on ski, uh-uh, ain’t happening.” His words only make Jose chuckle.
“Fine. How about this hike? Seeing the best places of Aruba and go snorkelling in between doesn’t sound too bad.”
“I like it,” Brock agrees, because he really wants to see a bit of the island and not only the resort.
“We really good at this shit now,” Jose points out.
“Planing trips together?” Brock asks just as Henry comes back with their salads.
“Talking, toes. But sure, planing, too.”
“Have you found something?” Henry asks them after placing their food in front of them.
“Yes, we’d love to go on a picnic tomorrow around noon and then join in on the movie night. And the day after, the hike with the snorkelling sounds really great,” Brock lets him know, while Jose is already devouring his salad.
“Of course. Do you have any special requests for picnic stops? By the beach, in town?”
“No, just surprise us, we trust you.” Brock shrugs and Henry leaves them alone again.
“Look at you being all spontaneous all of a sudden,” Jose points out.
“I can be spontaneous.”
“Good, but swallow before you talk or Imma tell your mama,” Jose laughs when salad nearly falls out of Brock’s mouth.
“And apparently I can be very sexy, too,” he laughs about his own mishap.
“Wanna spend the rest of the day being sexy by the pool before we have to get ready for dinner?” Jose asks him, still sniggering. Brock agrees, and once more they have a plan.
After dinner that night they go back out on the restaurant terrace and order themselves some gin tonic. Their table is on the edge of the terrace and so it takes a while when more and more couples come out, until someone comes up to them.
“We’re sorry, but may we join you? All the other seats are taken.” A tall woman, maybe in her sixties, with bright blue eyes and white hair, asks them. Her tan skin makes her eyes even more striking, even in the near darkness.
“Yes, of course, please do,” Brock nods and Jose even gets up and pulls the chair out for her.
“Oh thank you, darling. I’m Margaret and this is my husband Magnus,” she introduces them and they all shake hands as Brock and Jose introduce themselves.
“Jose? You’re Spanish?” she asks.
“Puerto Rican, but I live in LA now.”
“And you, Brock?” her husband asks. He is also tall, a bit on the heavy side and looks like Santa Claus, Brock thinks.
“I’m originally from Canada, but I live in L.A. now, too. And where are you from? I think I hear a bit of an accent.”
“And he should know about having an accent,” Jose teases him.
“We’re from Sweden.”
“Oh how nice!” Brock gushes. “I’m like a quarter Swedish or something and I’ve been to Stockholm a while ago. You live there?”
“No,” Magnus laughs about Brock’s enthusiasm. “We’re from a very small town up north. Just three hundred inhabitants.”
“Up north? Like at the north pole?” Jose asks and waves for the waiter.
“No, that’s even further north,” Margaret smiles.
“But it real cold there, right? He from Toronto that’s damn cold, too. Never seen so much snow in my life, Mary.”
“Yeah, we have a lot of snow.” She confirms.
“What do you want to drink?” Brock asks them when the waiter has arrived.
“What is it you’re having?”
“Gin tonic. Oh, you could bring us two more,” Brock decides, making use of the opportunity that the waiter is there.
“Make that four, we’ll have the same,” Magnus decides.
“You here to get away from the cold?” Jose asks curiously and places his hand on top of Brock’s leg underneath the table, his fingertips gliding over the naked skin of his knee with comfortable familiarity.
“Yeah, that too” Margaret confirms. “But mainly we’re here for our 25th wedding anniversary. We spent our honeymoon here and decided to come back. It’s even more beautiful now, with the resorts they built and all.”
“25 years, wow, that’s a long time, mama.” Jose nods his head as he speaks.
“It really is. Thirty years together, 25 married.” She nods along with him.
“That’s the goal, isn’t it? No matter if you married or not, just stick together through thick and thin,” Jose muses and Brock takes his hand that is still resting on his knee.
“It’s not always easy and we’ve had our moments, but we don’t regret it.” Magnus adds. “And what are you doing here? You’re here with your girlfriends or wives?” The question is asked good-naturedly, but still makes Brock a bit nervous. He doesn’t really know how to reply without making it uncomfortable for all of them. Jose has no such reservations, of course.
“Ha! If you want we can flip a coin and then tell you who the wifey is,” he guffaws. “We here together for our first vacation.”
“Oh you are a couple, how sweet!” Margaret seems genuinely excited. “You know you two are the first real gay couple I’ve ever met. Otherwise this way up north we only get gay people on the TV.”
“I think you’d be surprised,” Brock can’t help but snort. “My sister was married for years and had a couple of kids before she came out as a lesbian. Not everything is as it seems, no matter how small the village.”
“What’s the statistical statistics stuff?” Jose asks and turns towards Brock.
“Something like 5%, I think?”
“As in 5% of people are gay?” Magnus asks. They all wait for their drinks to be set on the table before they continue their talk. “That would be like 15 people in our village? I wonder who that could be!”
“Maybe old Sverre? He never got married and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with a woman?”
“I could google the exact percentage for Sweden, but my man here has banned cellphones for the time being.” Brock says and wraps his free arm around Jose’s shoulders.
“And you’re right to do so, darling. It’s horrible when all this people are only staring into their phones and don’t talk to each other anymore.” Margaret pats Jose’s arm.
“You had your forty minutes of internet time today, toes. The rest of your time belongs to me,” Jose smiles up at him and slurps the rest of his gin tonic. “And I’m a darling, you heard that?” He looks so proud and smug that Brock just has to kiss him.
“I heard, papi.”
“There is this couple here at the resort, they have been here for four days… or is it five Magnus?"
"Which couple do you mean?”
“Gianna and TJ.  She’s always on the phone and he keeps ogling everything on two legs?”
“Mami, we know exactly who you’re talking about!” Jose exclaims excitedly, Brock pulls him closer and they are off to kiki about the real tea at the resort until the bar closes and they stumble back to their room, so drunk they barely find the way.
“I still haven’t got to suck your dick,” Brock remembers when they are lying in bed beside each other, clad only in their underwear.
“You drunk… I’m more drunk. Can wake me up with a blowjob if you want,” Jose slurs, barely awake.
“K… blowjob t'morrow mornin'… G'night.” Brock repeats and closes his eyes, hopes that the bed will stop spinning soon.
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vexxed-soho · 4 years
Al Amor que Nunca Tuve
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When are you going to get tired of their hungry eyes stalking your every move, stripping off your outfit and chasing you down with the lust that burns in their system? I never understood why you always made the wrong choices, I never understood why you let them treat you the way you did, did you really believe that things would change? Did you really believe that they cared about you? What do you think they see when they look at you? You really think they see you for the amazing woman that you are? You and I both know that they see a woman whose bust is just the right kind of big, whose hips will sway and ride just the right way, whose lips don’t belong sealed to keep in the secrets that you hide away from the world. Does it bother you that they don’t see beyond the skin deep? I never thought the wine and dine would be enough for you to shed your facade and your clothing all at once, I see the pain that has since formed in your eyes, I see the scars that you carry from all the times you chose to believe only to be let down by the cruel truth that you looked better to them on your knees than they did on a bended knee. I see it all but I know that I am not what you would ever consider, I know that I am not what you ever choose - maybe it’s not just simply the fact that we only accept the love we think we deserve, maybe it’s that we look for a love we never had, maybe the possibility is so much more enticing than the grim reality that stares us unblinkingly in the face.
You were counting down the seconds til the world you had hoped would form imploded before your very eyes, you knew it was coming but you chose to live in the moment, you drowned in the reality that maybe something was possible.
How much longer will you let who you are inside choose the man and not your blinded eyes and jaded ears? You had a good man that came along and instead of giving it that chance you told yourself you always would, you pushed it away; you rejected it because that foreign territory was too unfamiliar, you wanted to run back to the minefields that shattered you all too many times.
I suppose it’s time I stepped back to the fading away of nothingness, I will become that figment of imagination that you tell yourself probably didn’t exist to begin with. Sometimes I wish we could trade places, sometimes I wish me telling you the putrid truth would ring more true than the sweet nothingness that they gently whisper...
Does it bother you that I chase after these fleeting moments with these fickle men? Does it bother you that they shower me with gifts that you could never give me? I never understood why you cared about the choices I made, I never understood why you care how they treat me because I never cared if things changed or not. At the end of the day I never cared if they really cared about me or not, sometimes the act is better with the mask on and sometimes the escape is sweeter than the last stand. 
I’ve counted down the seconds til the world I know would never form imploded before my very eyes, I knew it was coming and I did live in that moment, I drank it in for all it was before the heart wrenching implosion of fireworks consumed my entire world. The sad truth is that sometimes, you have to drown before you can learn to swim. 
The truth is that I always chose you over all of the rest of them, the truth is that I never told you because I never thought it would work out between us, I never thought you could ever possibly love somebody as broken and as scarred as me. I knew you were a once in a lifetime from the moment my eyes caught sight of you walking towards me on that first day we met. I wanted so badly for you to take charge for once and to just man up and tell me how you felt, I wanted so badly for you to confess to me how badly you wanted me and how badly you wanted to get down on bended knee for me and to lift me up from the position I’ve learned to assume when I’m down on my knees. 
I suppose it’s time for me to grab a hold of your hand and pull you out of the nothingness that you find yourself fading away into, you’ll always my therefore  and I am. I know you think that I don’t think that your concrete truths have fallen upon deaf ears that only ever crave for the soft nothingness that they spew....
He stepped out of the car and slowly closed the door; he looked up at the house that never felt so big. He strode over to the door, bouquet in hand; he took the hand-written letter from out of his jacket pocket and slowly placed both things down in front of the door, he went to reach out for the doorbell and paused, maybe this wasn’t the best idea, maybe it was best he just left. _______________________________________________________________
She opened the door to find a bouquet of her favourite flowers and a letter with her name on it lying lifelessly on the ground. Picking up both the bouquet and the letter she opened the letter slowly, she recognized the writing....
I never imagined somebody as amazing as you, I never could’ve thought that you were real, that somebody like you was spoken into existence, I didn’t think it was possible. Yet here you are, in the flesh, the epitome of everything that I’ve ever wanted and all that I’ve ever asked for in a woman. I understand that I am and never will be among the never ending list of suitors and men that fall over each other for even a second of your seemingly glorious attention. I know that I tried, I can’t say it was easy, I had to play it cool, I had to ensure that you never caught wind of my intentions, I had to stay in the background and only fade into view when it seemed right to. I know that this is a love that never was and never could be, I know that I’m not rich enough, I’m not good looking enough, and I don’t make you swoon the way all the other men do. I wanted you to finally stand up for your worth, to soar above all the lies and all the stories that you’re told til you ride above it all on eagle’s wings. I wanted you to be happy, for you to experience the happiness that this world cannot give, a happiness that this world does not know; at one point, I thought I would be able to give that to you but I realize now how stupid I was to think such things. 
This is the last time you’ll hear from me, I’m moving. I’ve sold everything and I’m off into the horizon to see where life will bring me. I wish you all the happiness that existed from the beginning of time til the end of days when the sun refuses to shine any longer. I hope you find somebody that sees you for you, somebody who sees beyond the luscious curves and incomprehensible beauty, somebody who will love you unconditionally until your hair turns grey and your skin begins to lose the form it once took. 
For what it’s worth, I love you, I want you to know that. I know I never told you and I know I never knew how to. I just always felt like it was something that was so unfair to you, I feel like by telling you, I’d rob you of the ability to confide in me. I didn’t want to ruin things and I didn’t want you to feel like I was, what you always tell me I’m not, just another guy. I love you to the moon and back, I love you to infinity and beyond...but part of loving somebody is being able to let them go and so this is me, learning to let you go. So spread your wings and soar, take to the skies, make the world realize that you are a force to be reckoned with, take it by storm and when you rise to the top I’ll be looking up telling everybody that I knew you could do it all along.
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Basic Betta Care Guide:
This will be a bare minimum care guide for betta care. As with most of everything on this blog, it is mostly going to be based on my experience of keeping bettas, stuff that I have researched, and full of sarcasm. Please, with any new pet, do research of your own to ensure that you know how to properly take care of your animal, or you may end up torturing or killing your animal.
There is a bit of debate on the betta community about the minimum tank size for a betta fish. In my eyes, a 5 gallon (~19L) for a permanent home. You can use a 2.5 for a small hospital tank, or for a temp tank if you suddenly came into ownership of a betta. If you choose a 2.5, please look into getting at least a 5 gallon (~19L) for your betta. Bettas love lots of space to swim and explore, as well as water quality is easier to maintain in a large tank. 5 gallons (~19L) are also the smallest tank that can safely maintain a stable tank cycle. Besides, the bigger the tank, the more you can decorate.
The niteogen cycle is this big long process that is invisible to the eye. A short hand explanation is basically benificial bactera grows in your tank when you have an ammonia source, like fish waste, and it grows and grows until the bacteria is able to convert your ammonia and waste into other chemicals and such. I'm not so great at describing cycling, so here is a great link to look into!
Cycling your tank is a long and boring process, and it can happen anywhere between 2-8 weeks. Its long and boring, but putting a fish in an uncycled tank (also called fish in cycling) can be detrimental to your fish, as it usually results in stress, ammonia burns, and even death. Here is another link in case you are reading this after you added a fish to a new aquarium.
You can use bottled bacteria, like Seachem stability, API quick start, or Tetra safe start to help speed it up, but there are some discussions on whether or not they actually help. You can also ask a friend that has tanks if you can have some of their filter media to add into your filter. I don't recomend getting pet store filter media, as you could accidentally introduce sickness or parasites.
Most people assume that a betta can just live in a cute little bowl for its whole life. Which is so wrong. Your tank absolutely needs a filter and a heater. Filters help keep a stable nitrogen cycle and helps reduce maintenance. A heater is needed as bettas are tropical fish, coming from places like Malaysia and Thailand where temps are a nice warm 78-90°. With a heater in your tank, it should keep your betta tank at a toasty 78-80° F ( 25-27° C). A cold tank can lower your bettas immune system which leads to illness, as well as it slows their metabolism and activity levels. A good filter and heater is key to a happy bettas. Here is a diagram of what wattage heater is needed for your tank size!
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Getting a new tank can be exciting when it comes to picking out decorations! But take a minute to think about them before you go hog wild on them. Bettas have very beautiful, and very delicate fins. You have to find decorations that won't cut up your new betta buddy. Live plants are a great option. They are very soft, and even help with your water quality. Low tech plants don't require a ton of additional care, and can look amazing. Here is a link to a website that gives you info on some easy to care for aquarium plants!
If you don't want to try out live plants, silk plants are also a good option for bettas. They are very papery plants that are soft and safe for a bettas fins. I have silk plants in both of my bettas tanks. They are also easier to clean, with just some hot water and a clean, non soapy toothbrush.
If you want non-plant decorations, its really inportant to make sure there are no sharp edges. You can test this by taking a nylon stocking and dragging it across the decorations. If it catches, it might not be so safe for fragile fins.
Always check the inside of your hides. It can be super soft and smooth in the outside, but the inside can have the sharp edges of seals and other things. Make sure your betta cant get stuck in them, as well.
Bettas also like to have a very heavily planted tank. They are fearful in large open spaces. Here is a couple ideas of a good betta tank.
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Picking out a new buddy can be the most exciting part of starting the hobby. Its really important to decide where you want to get your betta. If you decide to go online and order a betta, make sure there are good reviews on the breeder. If people say that their betta never arrived, died during shipping and had to pay for a dead betta, or there is just poor quality bettas, its best to look for a different breeder. A good breeder will have a variety of pictures of the betta, and will be able to answer your questions about the betta you're intersted in. They also will have some good reviews. You can always ask the betta community for recommendation for breeders. I don't have a lot of experience with getting bettas online, so I don't have a lot of info on them. ***
If you plan on getting your betta at a pet store or local fish store, there are still some things to look for. You want to make sure the betta is active, and alert. They should also have healthy fins for their tail type. Small tears are okay of you plan on keeping your water clean and healthy. I don't recommend beginners going out and "rescuing" a sick betta, as you won't have a lot of experience dealing with illnesses, and could potentially end up with a dead betta within days of purchasing the fish. If you are experienced and want to help a sick fish, go ahead and help it.
Its also a good idea to go to the store, look at the bettas, and go home and research the type of betta you liked the most. Some betta types have lots of health issues. Twin tails are more susceptible to swim bladder, dragon scales often go blind, and "rarer" breeds like black orchids and platinum can have health issues from breeding. Pet store bettas are also just in general less healthy than normal due to the disgusting amount of over breeding.
Now that you have everything set up, you have your betta buddy, don't sit down and relax yet. There is still a lot of care maintaining your new tank. Usually you need to conduct 25-30% weekly water changes on your tank, and also make sure everything in your tank is healthy. Maintence can include water changes, cleaning the inside of the glass to clean off algae, trimming back plants when the get too long, and cleaning your gravel. A lot of new fish keepers just assume you can throw a fish in a tank and that's all there is too it. Unfortunately, that's not the case. A fish tank is maintence. If that's not for you, its best to stop reading and consider a pet rock or a fake houseplant. Not keeping up on your maintence can lead to a gross looking tank and sometimes death.
Its easy to feed a betta, but harder to find a food that's actually good for your betta. Sure, it can eat goldfish flakes, but its not good for it. Usually for food, I recommend frozen blood worms, daphnia worms, fluval bug bites, and omega one betta pellets. Its good to vary up your bettas diet.
The pet store may tell you that you only need to feed your betta once a week, but thats usually because bettas are in cups and they need to reduce waste, and the bettas don't need that many calories. Your betta at home is going to need more food. I feed my bettas almost every day, with fasting days throughout the week. Its important to know that a bettas stomach is only about the size of their eye, and over feeding is really easy. They only need 2-4 pellets of food per day. You can split that up into two feedings, or do it all at once. As much as your betta begs for food, don't over feed them. It can lead to health issues.
You can do everything right, and keep your water pristine, and still end up with some sort of sickness. And that's okay! Most illnesses are very treatable. The most common illnesses with bettas are swim bladder and fin rot. Swim bladder is usually caused by over feeding. Here is a link to a website that better explains it, and how to treat it!
The other most common one is fin rot. This usually happens due to a cut on the fins that gets infected. It can look like a black or red outline on the fins, and the fins look tattered and broken. Here is a picture of my late fish Tofu that had a bad case of fin rot.
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Usually, warm clean water and taking out decorations that are sharp will help. If it doesn't, there are some awesome over the counter medications you can get to help it. Stay away from pimafix or melafix, as they are mostly tea tree oil and the oil will end up coating the bettas labyrinth organ and suffocate the betta.
If your betta doesn't look or act normal, consult a veterinarian or ask a local betta keeper/expert, and they can help you.
Here is a website that I like that helps with betta diseases.
Here is a quick shopping list of things you will need to set up a new tank!
Tank at least 5gallons (~19L)
Water conditioner (I recomend Seachem Prime)
Soft decorations/plants/gravel
Filter (depending on the filter I would get filter floss to house your bacteria)
(Optional) bottled bacteria
API master test kit to test your parameters
Water siphon/gravel vac (helps with water changes)
Betta food
Your new betta buddy (for after you've set up and cycled your tank)
I hope that this was helpful to people wanting to get into the hobby. Please feel free to reblog and add things as you see fit! I hope you guys enjoy!
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***I usually get my fish from my local pet store. I don't quite know how the fish process is when ordering from an online breeder, I only know as much as comparing it to getting a dog from a breeder. Please feel free to reblog or messege me with a more accurate explanation/guide to betta breeders!
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mspowerverse · 5 years
Power Rider Animaster
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(Logo by Markolios and @riceyhot)
Many many centuries ago King Trion was faced with warring kingdoms on every side. To defend his people he ordered his alchemists to create a new kind of warrior, one that took its power from various animals. They succeeded and created the Anima out of Animal Medals that harnessed the power of unique animals. However the Anima were too great of warriors and soon turned on Trion. They had the power to use Bio Medals to create more of their kind they called BioBeasts. The Anima soon waged war against each other and endangered anyone caught in the crossfire. The ensuing conflict was called the Anima War
Desperate Trion and the warring kingdoms formed an alliance and with the aid of one of the Anima named Avius a group of alchemists from all the kingdoms sealed the Anima away within a tomb, even Avius was sealed. When King Trion passed he made his own tomb the seal for the prison of the Anima.
One day an archeologist accidentally broke the seal releasing the Anima. The Anima War has begun again. King Trion’s spirit instructed the man to use his power to defeat the Anima. Avius forms a tense alliance with the man seeking revenge on his fellow Anima. The man became Power Rider Animaster.
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The archeologist was a man named Isha Maheswaran and using the Hawk Tiger and Grasshopper medals he transforms into Animaster Ha-Ti-Gra. The hawk medal grants enhanced vision, the tiger grants slashing claws and the grasshopper grants great leaping.
Face Claim: Waris Ahluwalia
Transformation Device: Wild Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: Three medals with the alchemist symbol for each animal form in front of him before attaching to his and forming the armor Finishing Moves: Rider Kick (triple charged kick) Rider Slash (uses his sword charged by a Bio Medal) Vehicle: Anima Cycle: High speed cycle
Isha can use a wide array of Animal Medals to transform into many different forms, however the most powerful forms are the combos.
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The Beetle Mantis and Grasshopper combo is known as Animaster Be-Ma-Gra. The beetle grants shocking lighting, the mantis grants slashing blades and the grasshopper grants great leaping. In addition to these the Be-Ma-Gra form has the ability to split into clones of himself. Finishing Move- Rider Swarm (clones all kick a single target)
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The Lion Tiger and Cheetah combo is known as Animaster Li-Ti-Che. The lion grants the ability to produce blinding light, the tiger grants slashing claws and the cheetah grants amazing speed. In addition to these the Li-Ti-Che form has the ability to emit intense heat. Finishing Move- Rider Rush (speeds towards the enemy and slashes)
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The Rhino Gorilla and Elephant combo is known as Animaster Rhi-Gor-Ele. The rhino grants a hardened helmet with a horn to use as a weapon, the gorilla grants powerful gauntlets for punching and the elephant grants the ability to create minor earthquakes. In addition to these the Rhi-Gor-Ele form has the ability to control gravity. Finishing Move- Rider Smash (uses a quake to trap the enemy before finishing them off with a mighty punch)
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The Hawk Peacock and Condor combo is known as Animaster Ha-Pea-Con and is one of Isha’s most powerful forms. The hawk grants enhanced vision, the peacock grants wings that can be used as projectile weapons and the condor grants powerful talon like legs. In addition to these the Ha-Pea-Con form has the ability of flight and can use the Phoenix Shield to create mighty burning attacks. Finishing Move- Rider Flame (uses the Phoenix Shield charged with medals to shoot a burning blast)
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The Whale Eel and Octopus combo is known as Animaster Wha-Eel-Octo. The whale grants the power to breathe underwater, the eel grants electric whips and the octopus grants the octopus legs which split into four in  total. In addition to these the Wha-Eel-Octo form can turn his body into living water. Finishing Move- Rider Wave (turns into water and attacks with a flurry of blows)
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The Cobra Turtle and Crocodile combo is known as Animaster Cob-Tur-Cro. The cobra grants immunity to poisons, the turtle grants a sturdy energy shield and the crocodile grants a powerful slide kick. In addition to these the Cob-Tur-Cro form can summon a giant energy cobra from the wrap on his head to attack the enemy. Finishing Move- Rider Venom (the energy cobra bites the enemy weakening them leading to a slide kick)
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The Pterodactyl Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus combo is known as Animaster Pte-Tri-Tyranno. The pterodactyl grants the power of flight, the triceratops grants shoulder spikes and the tyrannosaurus grants a whipping tail. In addition to these the Pte-Tri-Tyranno form can use the wings to freeze his enemies as well as use a gun-ax charged by medals. These medals cannot be used with any other medals and this combo is powerful enough to destroy the medals themselves! Finishing Moves- Rider Blizzard (freezes and smashes the enemy) Rider Blast (uses the gun-ax to destroy the enemy)
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A young woman named Priyanka Patel was selected by an orginzation who took a quick interest in the Anima. She was picked to use the Genesis system to fight the Anima alongside Isha. This allows her to become Power Rider Genesis. In this form she can use Bio Medals to produce weapons. Face Claim: Chriselle Almeida Transformation Device: Genesis System Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: The armor forms around her Finishing Move: Rider Armor (summons all her weapons at once forming a mighty armor)
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After the original Genesis system was destroyed in a battle it was rebuilt as the Regen system turning Priyanka into Power Rider Regen. Her abilities are the same but stronger. Transformation Device: Regen System Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Finishing Move: Regen Armor (a stronger form of the Rider Armor) Power Rider Duow/Animaster: A man claiming to be the reincarnation of King Trion appears. He’s even able to transform into Animaster with his own combos. At first Isha welcomes the help against the Anima but the truth is soon revealed when Arnold Jones comes searching for the King Memster. It turns out the man was a collector of rare antiques and used his King Memory Unit to steal for his collection. One day he stole a relic belonging to King Trion and somehow absorbed the Animal Medals and gaining part of the King’s personality. However the man’s original cruel nature resurfaces and he absorbs the Royal Hawk, Tiger and Grasshopper Medals becoming a monstrous beast both Riders must defeat. In the aftermath Isha takes the remaining Medals for his own use. “King Trion’s” combos Elk, Antelope, Bull (El-An-Bul)- Combo power- Energy horns Shrimp, Crab, Scorpion (Shi-Cra-Sco)- Combo power- Swimming through the ground Centipede, Bee, Ant (Ce-Be-An)- Combo power- Turns body into living swarm Walrus, Polar Bear, Penguin (Wa-Po-Pen) - Combo power- Summons snowstorm Wolf. Porcupine, Rabbit (Wo-Por-Ra)- Combo power- Camouflage (Faces by @dream-chef-flavors)
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bgharison · 6 years
Jot it Down July -- Fluffday the 20th
I did literally “jot down” the idea of this story, on the back of a school paper, on Friday.  And it’s fluff.  So I’m counting it as a Fluffday post.  Because fluff.  Fluffy fluffy fluff.
Steve had become rather accustomed -- okay, dependent -- on Danny to navigate him through huge, life-changing epiphanies.  So the fact that Danny wasn’t there for this one would have been humorous, and he might have laughed.
Might have, if he could just breathe.
Danny was stuck at the courthouse finishing his deposition after the winter formal fiasco, so it had fallen to Steve to pick up Gracie.  He’d been on the approved pick-up list since . . . well, he couldn’t remember, really, when Danny had added him.  He sat in the pickup line, thinking back to the days when Grace was in elementary and would come bounding down the steps, her backpack as big as she was.  Now she came down the stairs so gracefully, a stylish messenger bag across her shoulder.  It was somewhat routine, but still, Grace . . . every time, every damn time, she would get this look of apprehension.  Steve had quickly learned to call out a word of reassurance the minute she was within earshot.
“Courthouse,” he yelled through the open window of the passenger door of his truck.  
Grace smiled, then, and hopped up into the truck.
“Just a deposition,” Steve assured her.  “He’s going to pick up Charlie from your mom’s and meet up at our house.  You have homework?”
“Not so much that I couldn’t swim first,” Grace said, grinning at him.  
Grace was still in the shower, sluicing off the salt water, while Steve started chopping vegetables for the salad to go with the pizza that Danny was going to pick up.  Her homework was already spread neatly on the far end of the dining table, and Steve grinned as he passed it with a stack of plates and silverware in hand.  Chemistry.  Algebra.  She’d pulled out the subjects that she might need help with, ones that she knew were his favorites.  
It hit him about the time he put down the fourth plate, the smaller, melamine one they used for Charlie, in case his exuberance sent it sailing to the floor.  Again.
He wanted this.  This.  This honestly mundane, completely domestic . . . he wanted this.  The two kids, the bittersweet balance of alone time and kid time that came with shared custody, the homework, the dinner, the laundry, the smell of Gracie’s shampoo, Charlie’s sticky kisses, and Danny . . . waiting for Danny’s step on the porch.  Tonight.
Every night.
Waiting for Danny to be there . . . like a sixth sense, watching, waiting, listening, restless until Danny was there, to fill the Danny-sized void that he felt, like a missing limb, like a phantom pain, when Danny wasn’t there, next to him, where he belonged.
He had a fleeting thought that maybe it was the shared liver until he realized that he’d felt this way since . . . well, at least since Danny’s visits in prison, his lifeline . . . definitely since Danny had flung back the canvas on that truck in North Korea . . . absolutely since he’d gone to Columbia and pulled him out of that hell-hole . . .
“Uncle Steve?”  Gracie was standing at the end of the table, halted mid-way through pulling out her pencils and calculator, looking at him curiously.  “You okay?”
He wasn’t.  He wasn’t okay, not by a long shot.  He was absolutely terrified.
A muffled, gentle kick at the door.  Steve knew without conscious thought, could picture Danny, balancing pizzas in one hand, holding tight to Charlie’s hand with the other -- the kid was adorable, for sure, but he was also completely and totally reckless and unpredictable, and fast, they’d discovered, that time he’d gone chasing after a cute little gecko and Danny’s knee gave out and it had fallen to Steve to catch up to the toddler, who laughed uproariously when Steve had tossed him into the air and caught him, and blew a raspberry on his belly, and --
“Coming, Danno,” Gracie was yelling, looking at Steve quizzically over her shoulder as she went to the door.
“Hey, Monkey,” Danny said, as the door opened, and they somehow managed a seamless handoff of both pizza and Charlie, Danny kissing her on the cheek in the process.  Grace, Charlie, and pizza headed toward the dining room.  “I’ve got a cold six-pack in the car, be right back,” Danny tossed over his shoulder.
Steve stood in the doorway, watching as Danny hustled back to the Camaro, his slippahs padding softly.  He’d changed into a t-shirt which might have shrunk just a bit in the wash, the way it pulled over his broad shoulders and powerful back, and as he leaned into the car to grab the Longboards, Steve noticed the curve of his ass, hugged perfectly by faded, low slung shorts.  Steve ran one shaky hand over his face as his other arm propped him against the doorway.  He’d known, obviously, that Danny was a very attractive person, hell, anyone not legally blind would notice that, Kono had certainly made more than her fair share of inappropriate comments, especially after that little undercover situation, which had prompted her to declare loudly, without inhibition, to the entire office, that Danny was an amazing kisser and . . .
Okay, so armed with that knowledge and apparently an overwhelming episode of self-awareness, Steve realized that not only was Danny attractive, generally, he, Lieutenant Commander Steven McGarrett was attracted to him, specifically.  
Like, specifically and sexually, which, what even and oh, hell yes, there, his anatomy was already well ahead of his brain.
“You okay?” Danny asked, looking at him exactly like Gracie had.
And again, no, no, he wasn’t okay.  Not by a long shot.  He was absolutely terrified, and of course, his adrenaline-crazed system did sometimes equate terror and excitement -- okay, he’d admit it to himself even if he’d denied it vehemently to Danny, not that he thought Danny had ever believed him, and he was even pretty sure he’d caught Danny sneaking a peek to see just *how* literally accurate his assertion was that ‘maniacal, reckless plans and generalized explosives turn you on Steven, I swear to God’ . . .
“Steve?” Danny asked.  He’d reached the top of the stairs and his head was tilted, the same identical head tilt on Gracie and Charlie -- and how, how had Rachel ever thought she could deny that Charlie, blond, blue-eyed, sunshine personified Charlie was Danny’s -- the three of them, all three of them, with the head tilt, and the way they made Steve feel home and mine and love . . .
Danny snapped his fingers in front of Steve’s face, trying to get his attention.
“Hey, honey, I’m home,” he joked.
Steve would admit later that he might have made a strangled noise,  but if so, it was a very SEAL-like noise, and most emphatically not a whimper, no, definitely not a whimper as he reached, frantically, for Danny’s shoulders and hauled him to his chest.  Danny stiffened in surprise until he got with the program and let the bag slip down gently out of his hand until it could thunk, unharmed, those last couple inches onto the porch.
“Danny,” Steve murmured, one big hand coming up to cradle Danny’s head.  “Danny, you’re home.  Do you get it?   You and the kids, you’re everything that is home to me.  God, Danny, I want -- I need -- I -- you, Danny.  You and the kids, it’s --”
Danny’s arms wrapped around him, murmuring nonsense, like he would to soothe Charlie.  And at that point, Steve thought, he could pull this off, he could pull himself together, slap Danny on the back and give him one of his sincere -- God, how sincere, he hadn’t even known -- ‘love you, buddy’ hugs, tell him that he was just damn glad to have him and the kids there, you know, this was really nice, partner, sharing an evening together.  Punch him on the shoulder, thank him for the beer, let’s eat and then you can play with Charlie while I help Grace with chemistry and --
And then, he realized, that Danny had noticed.  Danny had noticed, if his sudden stillness and his stunned but careful pulling away from Steve was any indication and oh shit, oh shit,  Danny’s teenage daughter was in the house, if Danny noticed, then Danny might misunderstand and --
No.  Steve would rather risk losing Danny’s respect than losing his trust so he blurted it out --
“It’s you, Danny, it’s because of you, I swear to God.”
“It’s -- come’ere, you goof . . .”  and Danny was reaching for him and pulling him close again and . . .
Oh, thank fuck, Danny didn’t misunderstand, Danny was on board with this very new development, apparently, unless he had, like, Charlie’s sippy cup or something in his pocket.  And then Danny’s hands were reaching, one wrapping around his neck and one tugging a bit impatiently at his shoulder and --
“You giraffe, what --”
And Steve could work with that, he could, hell, everyone he’d ever kissed so far in his life had been shorter than him, he knew how to make this work, he could show Danny and so he did.  He really did, if Danny’s slightly blown pupils were any indication when they paused for air a few minutes later.
“I didn’t know, Danny, I . . . I meant it, I always meant it, I’ve loved you and the kids -- God, I love the kids -- but I didn’t know, not until tonight, I just -- “
Danny smiled up at him, soft and fond.
“You knew,” Steve said.  “How?”
“Well, not my first rodeo, Steve,” Danny said, a little wistful, but mostly still a lot turned on.
“Oh.  I -- oh.  Oh, see, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before,” Steve said.  “I didn’t know.  Until I did.  If you knew, Danny, why didn’t you -- why didn’t you say something, why --”
Danny leaned around Steve and grinned at Gracie and Charlie who were shamelessly observing the whole thing, Grace with a slice in one hand and her cell phone in the other, Charlie looking a little confused but mostly happy.
“I couldn’t risk our friendship,” Danny said.  “I couldn’t risk Uncle Steve.  I had to be sure, Steven.  When you have kids, you have to be sure.”
He looked back at Steve, his eyes questioning, challenging.
“You can be sure,” Steve said firmly.  He cupped Danny’s face in his hands and kissed him again, slipping one hand down into Danny’s back pocket.  “You can be sure of everything,” Steve whispered, a promise for later, for a time when they didn’t have the kids.
“Right now,” Danny said, clearing his throat and stepping away from Steve reluctantly, “I’m sure we have some dinner and possibly some explaining to do.”
Steve heard Grace’s giggle behind him and jumped as if he’d been tased.  He felt his ears turn hot.
“You’re funny, Uncle Steve,” Charlie declared.  “You jumped but Grace didn’t say boo.”
Late that night, Danny peeked in the door to the guest room.
“It’s late, Monkey,” he chided gently.  “Put the cell phone down and get some sleep.”
“Ok, Danno,” Grace said.  She peeked at him slyly over the top of her phone.  “Sweet dreams.”
He pointed at her in mock sternness.  “Okay, no wisecracks from the peanut gallery.”
She giggled again.  “Danno?”
“Yeah, Grace?”  Teenagers.  They could sit silent from school pick up to eleven pm, and just as you reached the end of your energy, that’s when they wanted to get into the deep conversations.  Danny took a deep breath, ready, regardless of his fatigue, to answer whatever and as many questions as Grace had.  He was only a tiny, tiny bit aware of Steve cleaning up in the kitchen, only a little bit conscious of the coffee brewing and the Irish whiskey that Steve had pulled down from the top cabinet.  Grace came first, always, and the man waiting to make him an Irish coffee and hopefully kiss him senseless knew that, and that’s why this was going to work.
“I’m glad Uncle -- I’m glad Steve decided to pick a different base,” Grace said.  “Finally.”
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/thy-kingdom-come/
Thy Kingdom Come
FCGCT Commentary: Mother of All Creation was Jesus as one of her last incarnations in her attempt to ascend the planet. All religious texts and scripture flipped this so that all energy would be sent to a masculine figure, a further representation of how the Cabal has attempted to write the feminine, Mother God, Source, out of their teachings.
Thy Kingdom Come
By Alison Dhuanna via Mahala’s Astrology
There has been so much incredible transformation of consciousness within humanity in the past few years it has at times been difficult to capture it in writing. Alongside these big shifts have been challenging events in Britain threatening to tear families and communities apart which have been some of the most challenging issues in terms of what to do or not do. This has mirrored the election of Trump in the USA and marks a turning point in history. It is in many ways a time to allow ourselves and others to grieve for lost worlds and ideals as we approach the Pluto Saturn conjunction in 2020.
What has been central in my world has been anchoring the 7th Violet Ray of the Atmic body (the auric ‘Thou Kingdom Come’) into the physical body – when this occurs it brings a deep sense of peace, purity of heart and stability and the more spacious thoughts of higher consciousness are able to permeate more and more of daily life.
Energy gathers around the heart centre and it becomes easier to let go of the things bothering or agitating the mind and emotions. Many people are experiencing this already and this will be accelerated at this New Moon 3rd June by the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ movement of billions of people across the globe praying for peace
At this New Moon at 12 degrees Gemini there is an alignment to Aldebaran one of the four Royal Watcher Stars. You may recall the extraordinary story of Saul who was a persecutor of the followers of Jesus and a military leader of the corrupt Roman State which had just executed him. On the road to Damascus Saul experienced an epiphany which threw him to the ground from his horse and left him blind. His healing three days later describes “scales falling from his eyes”. This is what this New Moon offers, the clarity which flows through the ‘Eye of the Bull’.
The north node is aligned with Juno, Goddess of the Sacred Marriage in watery Cancer. There are many dimensions to understand Juno, and an important one for now is to perceive her as a core energy opening the Seventh Seal of Solomon. As we approach the Mayan Day Out of Time this year it is a year of special significance for the number 7, and also there are important movements of Venus this year which resonate to the number 7 (see below for more on this)
In the past few years you will have heard me say many times that I perceive the opening of the Holy Grail codes through the conjunction of Astraea (Spear of Fire) and Hygiea (Grail Cup). Today however I want to refer to them as the energy of Communion, as an understanding and embodiment of the mysteries of the Eucharist and a profound experience of abundance and togetherness as One Body of life which transcends all religions, nations or even our planetary consciousness. At this New Moon Venus lies in Taurus between these two Goddess asteroids bringing a dancing, creative feminine energy and enhanced experience of Gaia’s profound beauty piercing our collective numbness. Together they are aligned with the Pleaides, the Seven Sisters.
Revelation 2.1–7
‘To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands:
This is a profound moment in time where the divine feminine really makes her mark, and to illuminate the way in which the Creator unfolds the great mystery I’d like to return to the story of Paul.
Having had his momentous experience, Paul sets out to be a very unexpected but effective apostle of Christ. He was a military man, so no doubt he had a very well thought out plan for the spread of these teachings across the world. Let us just remember for a moment the revolutionary nature of these teachings; every cultural norm from women’s’ position to cleanliness had been challenged by Jesus.
Paul’s plans though were changed after he had a dream and was sent instead by God to Macedonia in Greece. There by the river he met Lydia, a woman of substantial wealth and independence who traded in purple cloth. She, with her sisters regularly worshipped by a river. When Paul told her his story and that of Jesus, she became the first Apostle of the Western world in what must have been a most holy of places (there is still a church there to this day). Lydia’s story really moved me because she embodies so much of what I have come to know through so many years of struggling to embody these incredible Goddess Asteroid energies. Her sovereignty, royalty and wealth are very much resonant with Juno. Her independence and devotion very much resonate with Vesta the Priestess (in Aries at present moving into conjunction with Uranus). Her ability to take the ideas out into the world with such ease and grace really resonates with Pallas Athena (in Libra at the moment). It is not the first time Jesus takes his teachings first to women Apostles – think of Mary Magdalena at the tomb. Its quite astounding that women have been excluded from some areas of ministry for so long – though I am happy to say there is pretty much a gender balance now in the Church of England. When the male and female work together with dignity and respect miracles happen and this it seems from the story of Lydia, was always God’s plan. We have been wondering around in the desert for a long time figuring that out it seems. The Goddess Asteroids are the heavenly bodies which in some mysterious way transmit these ways of being to us.
Time as we know is fractal and holographic, and I feel a great deal may be learnt from how things have unfolded before and these patterns repeat themselves down the ages. Christ consciousness is here among, it is the Communion and feeling of deep belonging in the web of life.
In this next week as part of the Global Thy Kingdom Come movement, I would like to invite you to pray for 5 people every day who you would like to know the compassion and true nature of the Creator; for the scales to fall from their eyes. We can create amazing synergy in this way in the web of life and praying for others is one of the best ways I have experienced of truly connecting with the suffering and experience of humanity, and not getting too caught up in our own emotional turmoil. These prayers may be body prayers or art works, poems or stories.
Above is a painting I did of Lydia’s baptism with her sisters and the second painting below that was swimming in an Iodine infinity pool recently and feeling a complete sense of surrender and the Aqua ray of this feeling of “communion”. I’ve heard of a few others experiencing this Aqua ray recently and I feel it is very much connected to this new level of energy anchoring heaven to earth, all around and everywhere in the web of life. The number of Christ Consciousness is 33, another number which may pop up for you this year.
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lumiellle · 6 years
he tastes like summer, too;
(1.7k, iwaoi, mild n/sfw) happy birthday, oikawa!
“Is this my present?”
Tooru blinks expectantly at Hajime, index finger pointing at the gate ahead of them. “You’re taking me to the pool?”
Well. If Tooru puts it that way, it does sound lame. Hajime straightens his shoulders, back muscles popping. He’s not about to get down on himself; they had brunch at Tooru’s favorite restaurant and Hajime took him shopping for a new pair of volleyball shoes. And that wasn’t even the main event. Tooru’s just being his annoying, inquisitive self, which is to say, he’s being painfully adamant about ruining Hajime’s surprise. Hajime sighs, grabbing Tooru’s hand to maneuver them to the ticket counter. “What were you expecting when I told you to put on your swim trunks? And quit asking me that every five minutes, Tooru.”
Tooru lets out a quiet whine. “Iwa-chan, you’re being needlessly secretive! Come on, what are you hiding?”
“My money,” Hajime deadpans, pulling at the fuzzy insides of his jeans pockets. “Pay up, Shittykawa.”
Oikawa squawks. “Iwa-chan! You’re supposed to be the loving, doting boyfriend today! Where are your manners?!”
Hajime barks out a laugh before unearthing his wallet from his sports bag to get them tickets. “I like how easy it is to get you all worked up like this. Obviously I’m paying today.”
Tooru pouts, but doesn’t complain any more. He clings to Hajime’s arm while he pays the entry fee and receives two yellow chips in return, which he deposits in his coin compartment for later. They walk out into the main pool area, lined with stretches of yellowing grass and sunshades and people sunbathing on blankets. There’s a light breeze going, which is a nice change from the stifling heat inside their home. The air smells like strawberry ice cream and chlorine, two scents Hajime knows Tooru likes.
They make their way over to a secluded area in the back, shielded by a couple of drying bushes, and unpack their bags. Hajime rolls out two large towels in lieu of a blanket and weighs down the edges with tubes of sunscreen and bottled water. Next up is a slice of Tooru’s favorite milk bread, which he hands over unceremoniously because it’s not all that special. Tooru smiles anyway.
They strip off their clothes and take turns putting sunscreen on each other’s backs. Hajime finishes up by brushing a kiss against the nape of Tooru’s neck, followed by a mumbled rendition of, “Happy birthday.”
Tooru turns, face a blotchy red, but all that comes out of him is, “So this is my birthday present?”
“Again,” Hajime laughs, because Tooru hastily dabs more sunscreen on his cheeks, “it’s part of it.”
“I don’t know what you’re getting at, Iwa-chan.”
“You better not. C’mon, let’s go swimming.” Hajime stands and holds out his hand to pull Tooru to his feet, too. Tooru lets him guide him to the pool, complaining only for a few seconds about the temperature of the water, before sinking in past his shoulders, a blissful sigh falling from his lips.
Despite the sweltering heat, the pool isn’t as congested with swimmers as Hajime had feared, leaving enough space for them to swim and splash around. Tooru dives through the opening between Hajime’s legs (Hajime laughs), tickles him when he’s least expecting it (Hajime yelps), and sneaks an underwater kiss from him during a no breathing contest (Hajime swallows a lot of water).
As the hours pass and the crowd begins to thin, Tooru gets more adventurous about kissing Hajime. Hajime hopes the lifeguard is willing to turn a blind eye when Tooru cages him in against the edge of the pool and climbs into his lap, making use of the underwater ledge Hajime’s sitting on. He flashes Hajime a grin, white teeth glinting in the sunlight, and seals his lips over Hajime’s.
This shouldn’t be anything Hajime wants more of, not with people possibly watching them, but it’s Tooru’s birthday and he tastes like milkbread and ice cream, so how can he deny him? He hums against Tooru’s lips, hands skirting along his back, his hips, always just missing the elastic of his swim trunks. The water around them splashes against the tiles when Tooru starts up a slow, subtle rhythm between them, rocking his hips against Hajime’s just so, while he dips his tongue into Hajime’s mouth.
Hajime, despite his better judgment, digs his fingers into the soft skin of Tooru’s thighs and pulls him closer, tilts his head a little so they can kiss better, and allows himself to tune out everyone else but Tooru, just for a moment. No one’s watching, he tells himself as he sucks on Tooru’s bottom lip, no one cares, as he swallows the subsequent moan tumbling from Tooru’s mouth, it’s just the two of us, as Tooru starts playing with Hajime’s nipples, making him shiver. The contrast between the cold water and the heat of Tooru’s body moving in his lap feels amazing, and the way Tooru’s sucking on his tongue makes Hajime want to devour him whole, right then and there.
The idea seems appealing until Hajime is brought back to reality by the very prominent feeling of something hot and hard rubbing against his thigh.
“Woah, Tooru...” Hajime pants, reluctantly pushing Oikawa back some, “we can’t...”
Tooru’s pupils are blown and his hair clings to his temples, droplets of water dewing his skin. He looks absolutely delectable, which is not something Hajime should be thinking about at a public pool. (Especially not when he hasn’t even gotten to the final part of his birthday surprise yet.)
Tooru swallows audibly before attempting a reply. “Sorry,” he croaks, “but Iwa-chan’s exceptionally sexy today. Was seducing me not on today’s birthday menu?”
Hajime snorts, still trying to catch his breath. “I hadn’t penciled that in until later. We have an audience, in case you weren’t aware.”
“Adds to the excitement, don’t you think?” Tooru’s smile turns devious, and for a beat Hajime actually considers indulging him.
“We’ll save the pool for another time, alright?”
Tooru moans. “Iwa-chan, you tease. What kind of a birthday present is that supposed to be?”
Speak of the devil. Hajime whips his head around, making a point to ignore Tooru’s insistent erection prodding his thigh, and glances at the large clock by the lookout.
“We gotta get going or we’ll miss the grande finale for your birthday, Tooru.”
“What about my finale here, Iwa-chan,” Tooru half laughs, half whines. “At least get me a towel to cover up, will you? We both know you don’t like sharing.”
Hajime shakes his head, but he does lift Tooru off his lap and pulls himself out of the water to get him the towel. He is feeling generous today.
Thankfully, Oikawa recovers rather quickly once they’re out of the water and once more dressed in their regular clothing. They pack up their bags, but when Tooru marches towards the exit, Hajime holds him back by the wrist.
“Wrong direction. We’re going up here.” He points at the spiral staircase by the poolside café.
Tooru frowns. “Coffee?”
“No. I’ve got something much better for you. Now move, or we’re going to miss it.”
“It? What is ‘it’? Iwa-chan, wait!”
Hajime leads the way, electing to not humor Oikawa with any more answers pertaining to his relentless chants of, “Tell me, tell me, tell me!” He doesn’t point out the handwritten sign reading Reserved either. Instead, when they’ve climbed to the top of the stairs, he steps aside for Tooru to look for himself.
Under the fleeting sunlight, the roof garden with its clusters of deck chairs and picnic tables and potted sunflowers looks like it came straight out of a romance novel. As per Hajime’s wish, one of the tables holds an ice bucket containing a bottle of champagne (the sweet, fizzy kind Hajime can only stomach so much of), and two matching glasses. He opted out of food, since he’s familiar enough with the menu to know it’s not all that great. He’ll make something when they’re back home. Besides, Tooru’s focus will likely be elsewhere anyway. A delicate white tablecloth flutters in time with the many colored lights draped around the railing.
“Iwa-chan...” Tooru begins, awed. “What is this?”
Hajime takes his hand. “It’s your first row seat to tonight’s meteor shower. I asked the café’s manager to let us use the garden tonight and he said yes. Since we don’t have a balcony or a garden or anything.”
Tooru gapes, mouth falling open. “You remembered that?” he breathes. “I was totally prepared to let it go, since you said you had plans for me.”
Hajime squeezes Tooru’s hand and gives him a smile. “I know how much you were looking forward to it, silly. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I made you miss something like that?”
"Probably still an amazing one,” Tooru says quietly. Then he tugs on Hajime’s hand, excitedly gesturing towards their table. “Hurry, hurry, Iwa-chan! It could start any second now!”
The sky is dark and the stars are bright when the last meteors shoot past Earth. Tooru ditched his chair a while ago, prefering to sit on Hajime’s lap instead. He points at all of them, ooh-ing and aah-ing much like his own fans used to back in highschool. He’s a warm, comfortable weight against Hajime, and a pleasant buzz thrums under his skin that has nothing to do with the champagne they shared.
“Happy birthday, Tooru,” Hajime says, face squished against Tooru’s cheek.
Tooru shifts then, slowly rearranging his limbs to fully look at him, and when he settles back down his eyes are glazed over, stars reflecting in them.
His voice is soft, silk and satin. “Thank you, Hajime. Thank you for today, and for this. I loved it.” Quieter, he adds, “I love you.”
Hajime’s heart dances, every time Tooru tells him. Every time he says it back he hopes Tooru feels the same, hopes he can feel the weight of his love.
Tooru smells like sweat and sunscreen and summer, and Hajime breathes it all in, savors it like a rare and beautiful memory, before planting a sweet kiss on Tooru’s lips.
He tastes like summer, too.
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