#But at least I got to draw my blorbos right?
cesarescabinet · 4 months
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💐Flower Festival Freebie💐
Another (belated) offering for @queer-ragnelle's May Day Parade! Since there was no specific theme, I tried to nail down some character designs with varying success (mainly a parade of characters who I either love or want to study under a microscope. Or both!)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 6 months
Hateful: multiple times in the past few months I've read fanfic about two separate characters whom I found endearing and thought "Oh my god Hux was the blueprint"
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
"Good Boy"
Masterlist here
Word count: 3,200+
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Synopsis: Eustass Kid didn't know exactly when it happened, but now he craves to be praised by you. He thrives beneath your words, but the one time you didn't call him a "good boy" has him in a bratty rage.
Themes: mutual pining, kid x gn!reader, fluffy, praise kink Kid, he just wants to be a good boy, no kisses just praise.
Notes: it's past 1am where I am, and I physically couldn't get to sleep until I got this request by @remisloves out of my mind. It's all about praise and softening rough characters lately with me. Good night everyone! Sweet blorbo dreams
Tag list: @sordidmusings @writingmysanity @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry @carrotsunshine
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A shudder erupted from the base of Eustass Kid's spine to the top of his cranium. Downturning his chin, he attempted to disguise how wide his smile had risen to his lips beneath the shadow of his blast goggles. 
Never one to shy away from a challenge, Captain Kid pushed himself to the absolute limit to best his latest opponent. Blood dripping from his body, his bones bent to the point of nearly breaking. The weight of his metal arm overencumbered his body, his brute strength no longer enough to propel his legs forward. 
Successful at last, he claimed their loot in their vast treasury, selecting a few key pieces that caught his eye to present back to you: a former thief, his ships’ appraiser, and now his curator of chronological dialogue, items and routines. 
What would possess this hulking captain to risk his body and his crew to collect this small piece of art to present to you? Why would he ever risk such a heavy physical toll for a mere trinket? 
Because he was a good boy. 
And you always informed him as such.
While Kid saw no need for a chronicler initially, he very quickly warmed to the idea of maintaining one on his payroll. When Massacre Soldier Killer suggested a small snippet of their adventures be cataloged in journals, Kid never knew that reading the words back would prompt a rapid boil beneath his skin. A craving. A need. 
Seeing those words scribed on paper held him hostage. Those doting, praising, uplifting words that held such passionate composition regarding his exploits; they pushed him to go further, drive harder, propell longer in his adventures. This was all in an attempt to dream of seeing more of those beautiful words describing him articulated upon paper. 
Well, his exploits at least. 
Most of all, he craved to hear them depart from your lips. You managed to slip a single verbalized expression of praise once upon his return from doing a menial task. Since then, he was hooked on the rush it brought him. 
“Oh, wow! Captain, you've done so well! So unbelievably well!” was that first door opening to the praise he needed. 
That small snippet from you, was all well and good in his opinion. He did enjoy your recognition of his talent, but it was not what he craved the most. 
And what he wanted the most, was to be told he was, “a good boy.” 
He couldn't explain it, but the thought of hearing those words flee from your lips had his eyelids half-hooded, eyes glazed, pupils blackened and blown, and a droopy smile lazily draw itself up onto his lips. 
You had only ever come close one time to praising him personally, rather than the talent of his exploits. He felt the flutter of his heart rapidly igniting his veins with adrenaline, screaming with his eyes for you to utter the words he so desperately craved. 
And you said it. 
You finally said it today. 
His feet thumped upon the wooden deck, after he hoisted himself over the small opening on the side of the ship. The ‘away team' had finally assembled together and began greeting those who remained behind. 
Rushing to greet your Captain, he shot you a reciprocated, triumphant and winning smile, while happily presenting a small object up to you in the center of his right, flesh hand. 
“You found it? You actually found it?” your eyes widened, reaching your hand out to Kid's extended right palm. His body was still dripping with the blood of his enemies, a visible shake in his fingertips as he elevated the trinket up to you. 
“It nearly cost me my other arm,” he winced through the words, his forearm beginning to twitch beneath the strain of his exhaustion, “But I brought it back for you-...” he halted his words, pondering whether it was now time to make his affections known or not “...-to add to the collection.”
“For me?” your eyes widened, looking at the shiny and ornate gold filigree design. In the center of the flattened piece lay a single garnet: small, something one would cast aside should more items be presented. But to you, a prized piece in an antique collection you had been dedicating your life to find. 
“It's the missing piece, yeah?” Kid smirked, huffing through his words as the rest of the crew assembled atop the Victoria Punk, “The one you told us about last Friday?”
“Honestly, Captain, I don't remember half of what happened last Friday,” you confessed sheepishly, up turning your brows as your fingers brushed against his palm, “You'd think my liver would be able to tolerate being aboard your ship, drinking that slosh alongside the crew by now.”
He barked a cracked cackle at your confession, prompting your own to rise in your chest. His laugh was contagious, a laugh that could be felt through his whole body springing and vibrating up within your own. 
“Thank you, captain,” you expressed your deepest gratitude to the taller man, your head nodding in praise, “You don't know what this means to me.”
After a moment's pause, he looked down at the object before bringing his whisky-coloured eyes back up to meet with your own. He inhaled a shaken breath, baited and waiting within his lungs while anticipating his next words. 
“S-So,” he stuttered over his words, scolding himself under his own anxiety, “Did I do good? Is this the one you needed? Am I a-...” he didn't want to lead you into giving him the praise he desperately sought, but didn't want to not hear it either. 
With all the patience you could muster upon such a triumphant moment in your life, you prompted him with your eyes to have him complete his sentence. 
“...Am I a good-...” trying so, so hard to say the final word, he physically couldn't have them pass his lips, “...-Captain?” He mentally slapped himself, knowing that those were not the words he craved and how stupid that must've made him sound. 
You took a moment to carefully think about your next words, noticing how bruised he was, how bloody his knuckles were, how a lot of the crew that went with him on this private ‘away mission' were faring upon return. 
“Of course you are. You captain us extremely well, sir,” you uttered with a soft smile, “I'll adjust my findings accordingly in the journals, if I may be excused?” 
A small puff of air flew from his lips, defeat almost tangibly thick as it shrouded his shoulders with its presence. He looked away after giving his nod of dismissal, his gaze fixed on the wood of the deck below his feet. 
Your smile widened, claiming the object from his palm and holding your hand within his for a moment longer, before withdrawing completely. Fluttering your eyes over each fixed point of concern on his features, you searched for what his body seemed to be screaming for. 
Thanking him with a curt nod, you turned on your heel and abruptly halted your next step. 
At this moment, it fully dawned on you exactly the words your Captain wanted to hear. Eustass Kid, captain of the Kid pirates, champion and leader of the Victoria punk, devil-fruit user and wielder of Haki… had a praise kink. And he wanted you to praise him. 
A playful smile spread like warm honey up your cheeks, a scrunch in your nose as you rolled your next words over your tongue. You turned your head over your shoulder, guarding your intentions close to your chest as you spoke two words that almost had your Captain fall on his knees in gratitude. 
“Good boy.”
From that moment on, he was simply smitten. No matter what he did, whether it was aiding his crew with carrying supplies, carrying out great acts of violence, defending his Nakama from their enemies, or simply finishing his vegetables at meal time - he would look to you in anticipation, that anticipation being met with those two simple words. 
“Good boy.”
They echoed within his mind, swirling around within the chasms of his brain as slumber eluded him. He did not mind in the slightest having his lack of rest consumed with praises departing from your lips. 
Your voice plagued him, haunted him as a spectral ghost would hunt down their unfinished business. He did not mind such a haunting, in fact: he wanted more. He wanted to have more praise, more compliments, more of your verbal, beautiful words crying out from your perfect lips. 
He was smitten, completely smitten, by your compliments. The way your talented tongue made his name sound, the way your lips curved up in a knowing smirk each time you told him he was a ‘good boy.’
Until the day you didn't. 
Eustass Kid was in a foul mood, one that nobody knew the cause nor the cure for such a horrid, stampeding mess of a captain. Food, ales, meads, even gold - nothing appeared to pry him from his raging temper. Breaking tankards, tipping over tables, scattering documents on his captains’ desk, nothing was safe from the wrath he was wreaking on the furniture. 
Hunched over your desk, you continued cataloging and appraising the latest haul of trinkets and treasures thrust into your office. It was overwhelming for you, the sheer number of items scattered around your room. You attempted to alphabetize them, sort them accordingly and lump them into itemized piles. 
The toll the elevation of work raised onto your shoulders had you dismiss all those who presented you with various finds, including your Captain. He rocked on the ball and heels of his feet, eagerly awaiting and anticipating his sought-after praise - but found nothing but an anxious sigh and scratch of your neck in response to his hard labor. 
This was the reason for his intense rage.
After leaving your office, and selfishly paying no mind to your exhausted expression, he began to spiral.  
“He was so good. Why didn't you tell him he was? Was there something he could've done better? Something he could've pushed harder to strive for?” all circled within his mind as he tore piece after piece of his office apart. 
Several hours had passed, and you carved a hefty chunk of your work apart and managed to get a fair bit done. It was nowhere near complete, but it had you feeling a sense of anxious accomplishment. 
A knock at the door prompted you to raise your chin, eyes panicked and overwhelmed with the amount of work still required to be completed before mealtime. 
“Need help?” The light flickered off the cerulean and pearl colored mask of the first mate, who peeked his head around the doorframe. 
“Please,” you sighed, gesturing to your position kneeling on the ground beside you. Killer promptly entered your office, crouching beside you and sifting through the uncharted treasures still needing to be sorted. 
“What we up to?” he elevated his hand, gesturing out to the various piles in front of you both, “I think I see where they need to go. You written down them all?”
“All recorded in the book, down to the last drooped earpiece,” you confirmed, nodding to the mess in the center of the room, “They just need to be put in the right piles, locked in the treasury, and then we can call it a night. Maybe have an ale, if you're up for it, Kil?”
After a moment's pause, both of you rolling the items in your fingertips and placing them within the according: gold, silver, platinum, gemstone, raw material, ceramic, wearable materials, and weaponry piles. 
“Leave this with me,” Killer uttered, placing a throwing knife within the weaponry stack, “And you go and perform your other job.”
“What other job?” your brows knit with confusion, “I've already done the journalling of the exploits, the timetabling of the crew shift-changes, notarizing the stock we need within the kitchen-.”
“-Oh, no, buckaroo,” you could audibly hear the smirk behind Killer's mask as he teased you, “the other one. The one nobody pays you to do.”
“Which is, champ?” you taunted in return, nudging him with your shoulder roughly against his, “Be specific.”
“The one where you-...” he took this brief pause as an opportunity to sigh in huffed frustration, “...-where you tell our captain he's a good boy. Although, in his current state,” Killer rotated his neck to relieve the tension on his shoulders, “I might even go so far as to suggest you call him a bad one, considering that's exactly how he's behaving.”
Your confusion knit your brow down in the center of your face, your mind focussing on when the last time you praised the puppy you had turned your Captain into. 
“Oh, fuck! I didn't praise him when he brought in the loot!” your eyes widened in shock, promptly rising to your feet and brushing over your pants, “I just got so overwhelmed by the sheer bloody number, I couldn't think of anything else. Oh, I'm an idiot.”
“You're not an idiot,” Killer interrupted you, rising to his own feet and cupping your shoulders in an attempt to halt the rise in your anxiety, “Hell, you're not even dating him. It shouldn't be your job-,” he brushed over your shirt, adjusting the crumpled material to make it more appealing to the eye. 
“-Yet here you are,” he concluded, nodding at you before glancing down at the piles of treasure, “And here I am: the first-mate, the best friend, the confidant. The one who is unable to tear him away from his absolutely shit-house mood, because all he wants is you.”
You attempted to stifle the warm flush that drew itself up to your cheeks. Captain Kid was a tall, broad and intimidating man - those were the three assessments you initially made when you were hired to serve aboard the Victoria Punk. Then you got to know him, and were made privy to truly see who he was beneath the surface. 
The twinkle behind the feral rage, the purity in his unbridled emotions, the lack of restraint in all his advances: you adored him. When he began to seek out your praises, you were immediately swooning at his attention. 
He wanted your words, not just due to the fact words were your job, but because he wanted you to speak them. Just to speak his praises to be granted the luxury of a light tingle in his ears, a blush rise to his cheeks and a smile decorating his lips with such beautiful words. 
Now within the doorframe of your captain's office, you arched your brow and crossed your arms. Leaning on the wooden panel, you continued to watch his chest rise and fall with each exasperated and berzerk breath. Your eyes never left his body, each arch of his back and ripple of his muscles straining under the taut fabrics atop his shoulders. 
“All this because I didn't call you a good boy?” you addressed him in a low and dangerous tone. His feral eyes snapped over to you, widening as he truly witnessed the devastation in the destruction in his office. 
“You've been a bad boy, I see,” you continued in your dark tone, promptly stepping into his office and closing the door behind you, “Look at all this mess. Tsk, naughty.” 
The click of your tongue had Kid arching his back, straightening his spine as he bit back a soft whimper. His brows triangulated in the center of his face, bottom lip now quivering under the weight of your disciplinary tone. 
Circling his body, fingers brushing against his large right hand beside his hip as you leaned into him. You shook your head, stooping down and beginning to collect the paper, stationary, tankards, and paperweights that had been flung against the floor. 
Before you could say a following, disciplinary word, Kid immediately fell onto his knees and began hurriedly picking up the items he threw onto the ground beside you. 
“I-I’ll pick it all up,” he nodded his head as to confirm his words further, “I'll tidy up all this shit. Please, I-I’m sorry. I just-.”
“-Just wanted to be praised, hm?” you hummed at him. He hid his head from view, his painted lips pouting while his eyes held their attention firmly against the mess. 
He nodded, the weight of finally admitting his craving lifting off his chest and shoulders as he received the items you were holding atop the stack he was forming. 
“Tidy up your mess, handsome,” you smiled, elevating your right hand to capture his pointed chin within your thumb and index finger, “I'll watch every step you take, and let you know how good you're being, if you do it properly.”
Kid’s breath caught in his lungs, a pink dust settled against his cheeks and ears. He hurriedly rose to his feet, up-turning his askew desk and dusting off his captains’ chair. He extended it outwards, wordlessly and politely gesturing for you to take a seat. 
“My, my,” you commented, rising to your feet and accepting his invitation, “Such a gentleman, you're being. But, you've gotta’ work a little bit harder to earn that title you crave.”
Captain Eustass Kid was a dutiful, whimpering puppy under your watchful eyes. He was, almost, happily rearranging all of the objects he had thrown askew. He even took the time to appropriately categorize the pages he didn't complete prior to his little tantrum.
“Hm, very good. Well done picking up after yourself.” He blushed further at your words, but craved so much more. 
“Oh, look at how much time you're taking on that bookshelf. I can even see how clean you're making each of the panels. Look at you go, big boy.” That praise had him whimpering, his eyes fluttering shut as he continued to clean in silence. 
“So strong, picking up that heavy weight all by yourself. So proud of you.” He could not stop the audible gasp, nor the rush of blood seeping to places they had no business in flooding to at that moment. 
He completed all this while glancing over his shoulder and thriving beneath the giddy feeling rushing to his chest upon being the center of your unwavering gaze. 
Upon the last paperweight being placed and straightened atop his desk, he knelt between your knees and glanced up into your eyes. He looked innocent of all wrongdoing, all prior anger and malice fleeing from within his silent pleading. 
He was desperate for those words, those two simple little words that he so yearned for. Noseying up further between your knees, his shuddering metal and flesh hands cautiously placed themselves gently on your calves. 
Soft and slow circles were traced against your legs, his eyes never leaving yours as they began twinkling with hope. All his mind was screaming, silently and internally, was a simple repetition of: “Please, please, please. Say it, say it, say it.”
And you obliged him by leaning down, caressing his left, scarred cheek and drawing your lips close enough to taste the tingle of his breath upon your skin. Hovering before contact was made, you floated your gaze between his whisky-hued orbs and his parted lips with a soft smile. 
“Good boy.”
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leafryoworks · 4 months
I'm going to tell you what your favourite character in the amazing digital carnival says about you .
Please note that this isn't serious and I'm just want this to be silly . I might overdone in a few segments . Carnival au belongs to @sm-baby .
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Caine : Autistic creature . You're probably afraid of being underachieved by people younger than you and you try so hard to not let it show . You tend to crave company but your differences also make you a tad left out by others . Still you got a special skill that you're sure only you have ! ...right ? Don't worry because while it may seem dark right know , the sun will come up and maybe the friends you need will come and find you .
Pomni : The most girlfailure . You tend to try to have your sh-uhm , responsibilities and thoughts pulled together to be a functioning adult but not all things probably pulled off succesfully . Still it's the thought that matters and the worst thing you could do is not try at all . Do that thing you wanted , you never know what might happen .
Queenie : You got underlying mommy issues . She gives you the classic wine aunt you never get to experience . There are things that you couldn't control , you might say it collars you down to your place . But...remember the loved ones by your side . They may not be able to offer the freedom you seek and...they may not be the best people they are right know but the worst thing you could do is abandon the ones that cared about you .
Kinger : Silly and a bit kooky . Trauma changes who you are and there are moments you're not at the best headspace . You probably seek entertainment to lose your sense of reality and not face the sadness and tragedy knowing it would rock your world in the worst case . You need someone to hold your hand , to give you company...eventhough you know subconciously that it's not real .
Jax : The artist who lost his motivation . You're a bit curious on how things tend to work and likes seeing the colour red on paper . The reason I only draw something so violent on paper was to let my anger out and you know what I'm trying to say connecting to this segment . And yet we all know that anger is just overwhelming sadness that you don't know how to let out . We all got problems and things that aren't aligned with others regarding in coping mechanisms . And yet...eventhough you might say you don't need them , who are you lying to ?
Ragatha : Mommy issues ! Abandoment issues ! You can't florish under pressure and negativety or else your heart will ached and cause you to not breathe . That's why you try to make things more easier for others so when they're happy , you're happy . If they're sad , you're sad . Literally . You hold on to your beliefs because no way you're wrong eventhough the evidence is right infront of you ! You live to serve for others because if you have no worth , why...did they kept you around ?...sorry , I got overprojecting , hah . The least you could do is actually let people have their say eventhough it's sad . Bottled up emotions are not healthy and might ruin you and the people you care in a long run . There are things you gotta accept eventhough it might go against on your beliefs . You can't control things in a happy get going situation , this ain't a tv show you can script 24/7 .
Gangle : Maladaptive dreamer . You don't know what's real and what's not fake . The people , the friends you make , are they real ? Your family even ? It's blurry as you toed the line and you find it hard to believe that they are real people you interact with eventhough you know it's true . Sometimes you could be doing work and panicked realizing you're in the real world and not in the world you made up in your head . You rather live your live in ecstasy while dreading the reality that awaits you outside . But enough of that , you got your blorbos in your head to keep your company because they're real ! ...but in your head or is there more...?
Zooble : The cool protector . You tend to protect those who are high up in your list and would be the one nodding your head sagely as your bestfriend rambles about their crush . You care about people just not overcaring to Ragatha's extent . People think you're cool and you probably are . And there are things , secrets that you have to hide of a friend from your other friends because...you know it's the best for their situation . Somethings have to be kept under high security for the best of your friends . You know it's for their best of them and you have to carry the burden to keep the people you care safe . That's your job .
Able : Charmer . You worked so hard to learn and understand your loved one's interests and going as far to be an expert on it . Surely when you are a master of it then you guys can talk and hang out more . What's wrong with that ? You just want to understand them a bit more closer but if that's not working then there must be something wrong . Maybe you're not trying enough so you would try harder . Time to hit the books ! There's nothing wrong with you , don't let the voices in your head fool you !
Bubble : He's so silly ! He reminds you of a pet you wanna pampare and put in a play pen .
Kaufmo : You chose the funniest guy in the cast , huh ? Excellent choice . You like jokes , bad ones even told by others because it means they have thought of cheering people up and that really touched your heart . You tend to be silenced eventhough you are right and yet sometimes they don't wanna listen . The other half is that they do listen , they just don't care . Eventhough the world may not look at it's prime for a moment , you knew you have to keep trying to make the best of it eventhough your attempts may not succeed . But it's better trying than not even trying at all , right ?
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Alright people , that's a wrap ! Sorry if it may offend some of you so just letting you guys know it's not 100% accurate , okay ? Okay .
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xxstrangeangelxx · 5 months
Hi! I just want to say I LOVE your Human Mammon!! Do you have any headcanons on him? I'd love to hear it
HII! my first azk yippee^-^!!!
n THANK YOUUUUX!! he is so silly billy and i am SOOO happy you like my interpretation😭! thats very nice of you to say! have a scrunkly blorbo drawing:
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he sure is mean! and its supposed to be a tattoo on his wrist there but i couldnt think of a design so idrew scribbles 🤕 anwayz i do have some random thoughts + random sketchy shite for ya lul
he is so stupidly tall, like 6'6 or so
really really strong obvi
he can technically still teleport but usually wont in order to keep some semblance of being a regular guy, he hates this and thinks its a really annoying waste of time to walk everywhere lol
he has a noticeable electrical energy around him. if you get close enough, you will feel your hair stand on end. if hes having a bad day, he often leaves behind a string of "freak electrical accidents"
compared to his long lifetime, he really has not spent too much of it in the human world. whenever he goes, especially for the first day or so, he occasionally slips up and thinks he is working with his usual four arms, which throws off his coordination and balance. he will sometimes try to catch/hold things with his second set of arms out of habit
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verosika 😍anyways
something he does like about his human form is that its physical limitations allow him to actually feel at least physically satiated with food, drink, and other stuff without the insane amount of effort to do the same in his true form. the satisfaction is nice for him to feel for once
likes to party on earth because its easier to get wasted
he can magic away piercings/tattoos he gets bored of, pretty epic
the world has always had its share of greed, and he enjoyed the decadence and pageantry of super wealthy noblemen and royalty but he really loves modern widespread consumerism and late capitalism. he appreciates the casualness and convenience of the present day, and nothing is nicer for him than a smog filled city.
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as clowning became less relevant, he got more involved with general show business. he especially fell in love with the rock star/celebrity image some decades ago and got seriously into the business side of the human music industry.
i go back and forth about whether he still preforms in the human world. probably, right? but i could see him satisfied just being the band manager/agent from hell, especially in recent years
that is all i can think of off the top of my head! hope you liked reading my ramble lol! he is so fun to draw and if you or anyone had any ideas about him i would also really love to hear them! thx uuu!!
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nephriteknight · 2 months
so a while back i made a post about what my blorbos' playstyles would be like in botc/social deduction games in general, and at the time i didn't include tma because they have so much highly specific trauma and dangerous eldritch appetites that this would be terrible for, but i just can't stop thinking about the very silly scenario where the tma characters play botc together. it would go so badly.
the banned character list includes fortune teller, spy, snake charmer, oracle, evil twin, vigormortis, no dashii, pacifist, cannibal, cult leader, fisherman, pixie, golem, plague doctor, organ grinder, and ojo, because elias keeps cheating. ojo and oracle somehow keep ending up in the bag anyway.
daisy gets way too into hunting down the demon. Guns Will Be Drawn.
jon and tim handle this game Extremely Predictably. i just know s1 tim would adore botc but s3 tim is having an awful time. oh great yeah one of our friends is a shape shifting demon lying to our faces? perfect. jon is on the verge of a panic attack but instead of breaking down he's just interrogating everyone very aggressively. hey, at least everyone believes he's on the good team.
basira solves the game right away and spends the rest of the game trying to convince everyone else. only georgie believes her.
martin is very good at being evil in these kinds of games (and also benefits from people not expecting him to be good at it), so when he pulls the demon he could demolish good, but, uh, he's honestly not sure jon could handle that right now so he gets caught on purpose without letting anyone else realize he threw.
elias insisted peter would attend and he did not in fact show. luckily no one believed he would come so it's not really a problem. ("you called it a 'social deduction' game, elias, it's in the name! no i'm not coming--")
...annabelle's the storyteller? i mean. she obviously would if she was there. i feel like sasha gives me st vibes as well but i might just be projecting again.
multiple games are ruined because jon accidentally compels the demon to tell him their role. one of those was not fully an accident.
simon is having a grand old time but he really doesn't give a shit about winning/the game which is less of a problem when he's good but very much a problem for his teammates when he's evil.
melanie draws the psychopath "by chance" several times and enjoys it way too much. daisy handles an outed evil player whom town can't easily execute exactly as poorly as you'd expect. i cannot emphasize enough how unlikely it is that canon team archives could play this game without at least one person getting hurt, killed, or giving in to the dark powers completely.
helen is eating it all up. literally. (elias is still pissed that the spy got banned.) she still never outright lies, which unfortunately for everyone else but fortunately for her (and simon, who thinks its hilarious) means she can't tell outright truths when she's good either or it'll look suspicious when she's evil. no one is ever fully certain what she is or what she's doing. pure chaos and we love her for it. (we being me; team archives does not in fact love her for it.)
elias is still cheating, but when they threaten to fill the room with eyeless dolls he decides to quit while he's (not) ahead and just watch from his office like an eldritch twitch chat.
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And here's my Evil X gemcyt design sheet thing. I already posted the Xisuma one, so check that one out too.
the whole gemcyt au got kicked off by @chrisrin so make sure to check out their stuff and all the stuff they reblogged if you haven't already.
Another version of the sheet above but with more notes on and for it is below the cut.
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Alright! I had a lot of fun figuring Evil X out, probably bc of him being one of my blorbos.
Evil X has a lot of 'theories' surrounding what he is and I've seen some variations. He and X are siblings, they're X's clone, he's a glitched version of X, they're X's hels. etc etc. And so trying to figure out what to do for him.
While I already borrowed sweetest-honeybee's design in the second part of my Zed/WM gemcyt post, I didn't want to do like that and make him corrupted. I know the gemcyt stuff seems to play with corruption a little looser, but it still didn't feel right. So, I went researching and found a fun lil mix that seems to fit well.
First off, the closest thing you can get to a glitch in terms of gems is being off-color. I mean technically you glitch when you're cracked, but we're not doing that. Anyway, off-color gem Evil X, which is why there's the gem comparison. Next, the clone/hels part. I don't mention it on the sheet, but specifically, I think of this Evil X as a sort of gem experiment. No wait wait don't leave let me explain!
We saw that there were gem experiments of some type on the show. They were more fusion experiments using shards, and were experiments for the cluster (which technically don't work since they only emerged slightly before the cluster so there was no telling if they worked and if then the cluster would work). Also on the show, we're told that there's a resource problem on Homeworld which results in 'Era 2' gems like Peridot, who don't have all the abilities a normal gem would have. Also also in the show, when Steven and Lars are with the off colors on Homeworld, we see the kindergartens there. And while there are normal holes, there are also holes that overlap, as well as holes that look like there's been a chunk scooped out of them.
The analogy I could think of was like when you're making cookies. you roll out the dough, get a cookie cutter, and get all the cookies, but assuming you weren't using a square cutter, there's extra dough left between the cuts. Instead of just leaving it, usually you reroll it to cut out more cookies. Well, why can't Homeworld try the same?
Evil X is meant to be an experiment on if Homeworld can successfully do that. They scooped out extra rock from a kindergarten or two, compressed it into a new boulder, then used an injector on it. Eventually after a long while, out came Evil X. And that whole thing also leans into the clone thing because I imagine some of the scooped rock was from part of where Xisuma emerged.
Anyway, with all that, I originally thought about making Evil X look similar to Amethyst's pseudo buff reformation, but trying to draw that was a mess. I meant to go back and make him look a little more lopsided, but you'll have to just imagine that. Whoops. At the very least he has the funky stripes. I imagine that's probably from where the different rock pieces met or something, and since it wasn't as solid as regular rock, he was like that.
Coloring him was tough, but eventually I just copied Xisuma over, inverted his colors, and then shifted the hue to be more red. I considered making the green parts more black, but it didn't fit, so they're just more purpley to show that Xisuma connection or smthn.
Speaking of his gem, I show what I picture a normal Cuprite to look like. Meanwhile Evil X's is a bit misshapen, as well as that darker area that mimics the one reference I had. specifically that darker bit is chrysocolla, but he's still just cuprite.
Instead of a mask, he's just got a visor similar to what we've seen with Peridot and Doc and technically those zircons. And also instead of a mask he has those... blade things. Look, the best name i could find for them were blade gauntlets, but they look more like sword brass knuckles to me so I don't know. Also yes they are based on a weapon a digimon had, what of it?
And then, he is hella amethyst coded. Popped out of his rock thing in a chamber under the kindergarten (similar to the other experiments in the show) with no one around. He was an experiment and uses rock from different gems and is off color, so he doesn't know what he's for. Doesn't even know what diamond he should belong to, so that's why he's got a grey one on his chest. And there's a lot of little things and ideas for him that are inspired by Amethyst's characterization on the show, to the point I was planning a screenshot redraw even before I had his and Xisuma's designs even close to finalized.
I also have a fic I'm working on with him and Gemsuma, as well as that quick Jevin design plus a few teeny tiny references to other people's gem designs. If my adhd allows it, i should post that 1 shot fic tomorrow.
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mistercrowbar · 9 months
Heya! Firsr I wanted to say that I love your art it always makes me smile when I see it. I'm trying to learn how to draw, and eventually want to be able to draw stuff like yours. Do you have any tips/ advice on how to improve on drawing characters?
I could give the Fine Art Answer and go on about drawing from observation, from photo reference, making master studies, gestures, linear perspective, colour theory lightning composition etc etc etc but really
Let obsession grab you and ride it
I’ve known plenty of people whose art skills took off because they got into D&D and wanted to draw their OCs and they kept drawing and drawing and learning along the way. It can start as simple as, how do I draw my character making a really angry rage scream, and so you go to a mirror and make silly faces and draw from that. Then it can go to, I want to draw my OC and their party in that funny scene we RP’d at the tavern, so you start grabbing references for the interior of such a place, dabble in that perspective thing to lay out the bar, find references for the pirate NPC’s parrot, add some other elements just to frame everything nicely and bam, you’ve drawn yourself a full scene, got experience in drawing interiors, and learned some avian anatomy.
I do emphasise starting small and having fun. I illustrate full time for a living so that’s why most of what I post is silly sketches, I just wanna get the ideas out there without stressing myself. You wanna make art a habit, you want to make it something you look forward to doing, instead of getting wrapped up in thinking every new work has to be a masterpiece. Try to learn one thing at a time and add it to your repertoire instead of lumping a bunch of lessons in at once.
One thing specifically for characters, don’t jump right into making a reference. They’re likely to evolve the more you draw them as you get a better handle of what traits you want to emphasise or details that kinda get forgotten. Like, look at Aldiirn, I’ve had him for 3-4 months and he’s put on at least 30lbs lmao but also a bunch of other changes to emphasise round shapes like nose eyes hair. No one’s holding a gun to your head to keep things consistent.
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So yeah! You can crunch and do the master studies and learn quickly, but if you’re just in it for you, have some fun! Draw your blorbo a million times and try branching out for one new thing here and there. If you are just starting out, it could be helpful to learn the basics of constructing a head and general body proportions. I don’t have any tutorials to recommend but I’m sure there must be something on youtube.
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therantingsage · 6 days
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Blogtember prompts 11-20, once again courtesy of @mod-jazzy / @jazzy-art-time! Had some fun ones this time around!
Once again, elaborations under the cut:
Day 11: Tbh I try to make most of my OCs easy to draw so I wasn't sure who to pick for this. Ended up deciding on Neura, because she really takes no effort.
Day 12: I wouldn't say Maximus is by any means the most difficult character to draw, but I distinctly remember hating having to draw him back when totemrodents was still around. His shape was annoying and I could never keep the size of his ears consistent. So I felt it would be fitting to give it one more go for old times sake.
Day 13: painted-pokes barely existed, it got zero asks and like 6 followers total, but I remember liking the vague ideas I had about the characters and setting. But looking back on the last post I ever made on there, I realized how AWFUL it looked and just NEEDED to do it more justice. Hi Inverse bye Inverse
Day 14: Paleo is the character who gets the most physical abuse in all of my blogs I'm pretty sure. I didn't want to draw how he lost his foot, cuz that's a major plot spoiler. And I didn't want to draw the scene where he got the back scar, because I couldn't figure out the framing for it. So instead. Future injury :) I'm not elaborating :)
Day 15: Haha anyway happy family on the beach! Once I get to the part of fugamsemidei's plot where they go on their Plate Quest it's gonna be so fun to draw. Much more levity in that part of the plot
Day 16: Hi Jazzy!!!!!! Hi hi hi Jazzy I drew your lizard!!!!! I wouldn't say Jody's blog is my favorite blog of yours, I honestly couldn't tell you what my favorite is I like them all a lot (gun to my head I'd probably say wastelandlabs or flakenrudy). But! Jody is your favorite blorbo and I've never actually drawn proper Jody fanart for you!!!!!! So here she is!!!!!!!
Day 17: I don't think I've ever elaborated on Cootenany? He's a Xatu/Absol hybrid who lives in the facility. He's like half the reason most of the plot happens. I cut out the part of the conversation telling the ACTUAL prophesy he's giving right here cuz I want to keep that a secret for later, but I at least wanted to draw him cuz I don't think I have more than once.
Day 18: I thought really hard about it but I don't think I really.....cut out parts of stories very much? Or at least if I do I usually do it early enough in the plotting stage that nothing but random thoughts exist of it. So the only thing I could come up with for this one was Spoop the Ditto. Initially they were just....a regular Ditto with nothing special going on? Just the youngster of my Phantump group. But now they're like. An actual character with plot importance in lots of places. Idk when I'm ever getting to that but it's something.
Day 19: I have definitely not mentioned either of them anywhere, but all my blogs are in the same universe! And this is the og Arceus and Mew of that Universe! Dhaha and Leonen! The only blog I think they'll ever be relevant in is fugamsemidei for obvious reasons but yeah. Them. They're buddies :3
Day 20: Lucy...oh no Lucy, your whimsy....they stolt it away from u....
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mayonaisalspray · 1 month
(+a size comparison drawing)
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Unstructured un edited hand made blorbo design ramblings under the cut if you don’t give a shit about these losers keep going
Okay so first I want to talk about Jester and Tetra’s normal designs and why I find them so appealing and all the little things I like abt it because I’m the only one who’s probably going to ever ask for it. Well me ask and you shall receive
Jester was the first character of the two to be made, but he came way after Trix. The two shared more design similarities early on, though they both do still share a lot of similarities. Maybe I’ll talk about that one day. Hm.
Anyway. Jester’s clown like appearance is due to his desire to not be taken seriously. Jester is a firm believer in the idea of Jester’s Privilege, which is the idea that jesters are able to talk freely and mock people on account of being a jester. Jester (whose “real” name is Jay. Btw. Because it takes up identities that have names starting with J. Just wanted to finally put this info out into the world) doesn’t want to be taken seriously, because he sees himself as a mockery of both the human and Pokémon worlds. He’s torn between the two, unable to fit in either. This is also because it doesn’t want to take himself or his problems seriously but whateva
The rest of his design is more. Hm. Practical probably isn’t the word but idk what is. His hair is long and covers his eye because 1, its eye on that side was removed and it makes his life harder if people see it, and 2, because he doesn’t care to cut it. The sweater is an old gift from Wade, and it wears it so often because it’s one of the few high quality (not ripped) pieces of clothing he has. The pants are brown to hide dirt so he doesn’t have to wash them as often. Things like that.
The only part of its appearance that Jester puts any effort into (besides the clown makeup and collar) is painting his nails. Jester’s nails are very important to it, since a Zangoose’s claws are its strongest weapon. This mostly manifests in the form of manicures.
When I tell you I’m pretty sure Tetra beamed his design into my brain you have got to believe me. I was sitting in the car listening to the mochi madness theme and then BOOM. Twink in my mind.
The most obvious parts of Tetra’s designs are the poison aspects. Tetra has a pretty clear poison motif, from the literal drip that is his sweater, to the toxic chains coming from his head, to the little Pecharunt collar.
But that’s it. He’s just poison, not a specific Pokémon. Jester’s design is (at least partially) based around Zangoose, but aside from the Pecharunt influences, there’s no clear Pokémon theme. That would be thanks to the fact that years of being mind controlled by Pecharunt’s brain poison has left him fairly devoid of identity. Tetra is more the idea of a person who once existed then any real person who still exists.
That’s also partially communicated through the fact that he’s a literal corpse! Yeah there’s a reason he’s that fucking pale, it’s cause he’s dead. Tetra, like the loyal three, ALSO died on the night Ogerpon attacked. But, with Pecharunt’s return, his body “healed” itself. Tetra is still very dead though (I could also talk at length about what I think Pecharunt’s poison can do but it already late and this is long as fuck).
This is a small thing but, before I decided to make them a thing neither of them really had canon heights? But ever since I did I knew Tetra had to be taller then Jester. It just feels right
Alright here’s the main event. I feel like it’s pretty obvious why I made the a design where Tetra finally gets a Pokémon influence and made it Seviper. But why shiny Seviper? You could argue that regular Seviper fits Tetra’s color scheme better.
Uh the reason is I think its cooler and more badass and I like how it brings out details of his design that are more subtle when he’s normal style
The original purple of his toxic chains, toxic stitches, and hell even his choker, all made it pretty clear that this was poison, but it looked like parts growing off him, not as much part of him. Now that it’s pink, it’s more obvious that this is his blood! Yep, the poison in Tetra’s body is the only thing keeping him alive. Without it, Tetra would probably just disintegrate into a bone heap.
Tetra’s eyes, which were originally yellow to match the loyal trio, now reveal their true color. His eyes have always actually been purple. He’s always been under Pecharunt’s influence, even when it isn’t there to directly control his actions. The whites of his eyes are also bloodshot now cause I think it looks cool
I’ve added a (admittedly very light) skeleton motif as well, by trying to make the triangles on Seviper look like rib bones, and modifying the ends of his toxic chains for look more like skulls. I’ve also tinted his skin slightly green, to add more to that undead aspect.
Now why did I do this? Well I got the idea for an animatic and part of it is Jester having a nightmare about Seviper Tetra because Jester has been chasing a group of people he calls his Sevipers for years because of something they did to someone he cares about, but now that the something is directly happening to it (and he doesn’t care about itself) he cannot bring himself to stop Tetra’s mistreating of him. And also because it makes Tetra hotter
Anyway thanks for reading all this if anyone will good NIGHT
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exercise-of-trust · 25 days
how it started -> how it's going:
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(left: a 10-year-old sketch of a friend's oc; kiya if you're still out there i hope you're well. right: an éowyn from last year i'm much happier with now, lmao)
it's about a year since i really got back into posting fanart! and it's been a lot of fun and you all have been very nice, and i want to get the art bug out of my system before i tackle nanowrimo this year, so i'm taking art requests all through september! send me a character, get a drawing, i'll keep going until i get sick of it (or until october 1, whichever comes first).
guidelines? info? idk i've never done this before:
open for requests september 1 through september 30 (although i do reserve the right to quit early if it turns out i've wildly misjudged things)
everybody gets at least a flat-color headshot (digital or traditional), but you may end up with a rendered painting if i'm on a roll. we'll see how this goes!
similarly, the most i'll commit to up-front is a single character per request. you're also welcome to send in pairings if you like but a) poses with multiple people are way harder and i'm lazy and b) i'm an extremely picky bastard about shipping, so, like, be emotionally prepared to just get whichever half of your duo i like better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
just to keep this sorta manageable i'm gonna say tolkien book characters only, but anything is fair game within that band - if you've got an obscure blorbo from the appendices, or a popular blorbo i never post about, now's your chance to send 'em in.
okay! think that's about it! if this goes well i might do it again next year; if it goes poorly we'll just pretend it never happened lol. have fun!
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immortalarizona · 1 year
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“I figured I’d wait.”
“For what?”
“The right partner.”
so I don’t actually ship Romanogers romantically, I personally hc Steve as quoiromantic (aka the *gestures vaguely* orientation) because All My Favorite Blorbos Are Aspec In My Heart, but I can totally see how this drawing could be read that way!! I personally hc them somewhere in the territory of being QPPs :D
and, like, ballet!! because also Steve and Nat both have a bit of a tragic history with dance (Steve with the dance he never got to have, Nat with ballet being part of her Red Room training), but I really like to think about them reclaiming the art together and finding joy in it again and also bonding <3 in my experience as a ballerina, dancing with a partner really isn’t a ~romantic~ endeavor, but it can be intimate, and it requires a lot of trust and hard work from both parties which I feel really Fits their dynamic, y’know? or at least the dynamic I have living in my head when I write them, but the real canon is the headcanons we made up along the way XD
(also Nat has her short Avengers hair because that’s honestly my favorite look of hers sooooo)
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dancegender · 1 year
Blueprints of Disaster
Heyyy, wassup! Wrote something about Alice because she's literally my blorbo fr. Also contains a healthy dose of Nori!
Not my best work but I wrote it in like 2hrs so ehhh.
In a shrouded corner, where she thought (or hoped, rather) that the sentinels couldn't reach her, Alice sat bent over her sketchbook. It was a crude device, filled with uneven pages that jutted out from under the book's inconsistent patchwork cover. It was the most valuable item in her possession, Alice guessed. If the sentinels were to confiscate anything from her, she would not let them take this book.
Every day, they'd put up with the sentinels. Constantly prowling through the facility's blindingly bright hallways, sticking their heads where they didn't belong and gnashing their teeth; the drones tuned it out the best they could, as if it were normal. And it was normal, at least for the unfortunate bunch at CabinLabs.
"Allie, there you are!" a somewhat peppy voice tore Alice from her thoughts. Snapping her head up, she relaxed upon seeing a drone she recognized. A drone she felt safe around.
Nori, Serial Designation 002, was a peculiar drone, to say the least. Alice only met her because she was in the infirmary with some split wires in her neck. Nori's bunkmate, Yeva, was on the bed next to hers, and Nori often snuck past the sentinels at night to visit. Unlike her timid roommate, Nori didn't seem to be afraid of much, especially not their higher-ups. For that, Alice admired her quite greatly; it wasn't every day that you'd run into such a confident drone so far below the surface.
Nori plopped down next to Alice, craning her neck to look at the sketchbook. "What're you working on?"
Alice shifted, positioning the book between her and Nori. The pages were segmented, covered in blueprint drawings for all sorts of contraptions, none of which made concrete logical sense. Notes had been scribbled into the margins, but the amount of shorthands used made them rather cryptic, nearly impossible to read. That'd been the point, though; her creations would never come to be if the humans could tell what they were - what they'd be able to do.
"I've been smoothin' up some o' my drawins," she spoke in a hushed whisper to keep from alerting anyone else. "I think I've got this'un on the right pretty much done, I'd just hafta build it an' test it for m'self."
"I could-" Nori started to say. She held her hand out, her body shielding it from one of the numerous cameras that littered the lab's walls. Little symbols emerged from her fingertips, her eye morphing to match them. Within seconds, the camera slumped down, no longer online.
There were a few drones in the lab that had powers like Nori's. Nobody really knew what to make of them. Alice likened it to magic, but thinking about the possible extents it could reach chilled her titanium core. She didn't mind Nori, though, so she shook it off in favor of what Nori was saying.
"I could get the parts for you! I was planning on sneaking around tonight, anyway," She ran her finger along the drawing, no doubt try to figure out how it worked. Alice turned to face her, exasperated.
"Don' nobody sneak out as much s'you do, Nor." She turned to a fresh page in her book and began writing down a list of materials she'd need, hesitating before she ripped it out. "...You sure you wanna do this?"
"Of course! Your little gizmos are the best! I love using them. Remember that little EMP gun you built?
Alice cringed. Of course she remembered the EMP gun. "Little" was quite the understatement, though; that thing was the size of a desktop computer, and its first test sent 5 bystander drones to the infirmary.
"Look, Alice," Nori leaned in, quieting her voice as the camera came back online. "You're a great inventor. And if we're ever gonna revolt, we'll need as many of your little weapons as we can get. Gimme the list," She made a grabbing motion with her hands.
Alice sighed, tearing the list out her book and handing it to Nori. She wanted to say something, but she was cut off by a man in a lab coat that had seemed to appear out of thin air. She quickly snapped her sketchbook shut, as if afraid of the contents.
"017, please follow me," his voice was squeaky and largely unimpressive, much like every other scientist she'd encountered. Between that and the amount of protective gear he wore, there was no way to determine that he was any particular member of the faculty. "It is time to begin your monthly diagnostic."
"Ugh, lame!" Nori groaned. She turned, flashing Alice a smile before springing up from the floor. "Well, see you later, I guess."
Alice followed the scientist down a corridor, watching Nori disappear through a different one. She hoped Nori was successful in her midnight raiding - that revolution she was always on about would certainly seem closer if she was.
Alice stood in the security control room, eyes focused on an array of monitors, each displaying their own camera feed. None of it felt real. Alice was half expecting to wake up at any moment. She knew, though, in the depths of her CPU, that she wouldn't. What she and the others were doing would change the reality of hundreds of drones forever.
Nori's plan had been simple. She and Yeva were going to use their magic to overwhelm the security system, which would give Alice access to the control room. While Alice distracted the sentinels, Nori and Yeva were to make their way to the uppermost layer of the lab using forged security keycards. Once they arrived, Nori was to signal to Alice in one of the cameras. This would cue Alice to temporarily shut down the doors on that floor, letting Nori and Yeva escape.
It wasn't a very large jailbreak, but it would certainly be a significant one. Once freed, Nori and Yeva would work with the drones on the surface to "Rid of the humans for good" as Nori put it, and then they'd be back to free everyone else. Alice didn't know what she had in mind, but she trusted Nori. She was willing to get sacked as another part of the plan.
Keeping all of the sentinels in check was tough by herself. She was unexpectedly relieved when Nori finally gave her the signal.
Alice took a rather hard punishment after their little stunt. It didn't bother her, though. She sat quietly in her detention cell, doodling her days away as she anticipated Nori's returned.
She waited.
And she waited.
And she waited.
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beebeewoop · 9 months
I drew mine and my friends' ocs as Evil Hall again because they're my new favorite blorbos now and I'm posting it because I wanna 💪 if you haven't read Tally Hall vs. Evil Hall (created by @salad-006) I really think you should because it's great and the guys are kinda super silly
Anyways I'm going bonkers
Spoilers for like the lastest chapter methinks proceed with caution
Starting off with the least glonked up fellas we got
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Moore (belongs to @arthurisveryrandom) as Evil Zubin
Bro just look at him... He's so sad... Covered in paint... He looks traumatized... Moore is a wet cat confirmed Arthur told me so himself /JJJJJJJJJJJ
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B (belongs to @shim0nk) as Evil Andrew
Bro's swaggin it up in here look at him all chill like that... Even tho he got burnt to a crisp... But it's ok because he's a robot he can't feel pain and his melted latex skin peeled right off he's ok guys don't worry. Burmnt chimnken nunghet... Also get this man on a billboard because whatever he's selling I wanna buy it I mean just look at him wouldn't you also want to buy what he's selling he seems trustworthy ykw I think I'll give him my credit card info and social security number /JJJJJJJJ (PSA: DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO AND SSN ON THE INTERNET 👍)
Pardon my goofy ahh rambles... It gets worse from here
Below the cut are the slightly more glonked up fellas...
//bonked up robots or something exposed wires n shii
//blood but it's green evil robot ooze and poorly drawn
//technically decapitation BUT IT'S FUNNY TRUST ME 💪🥺
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Lucius (belongs to @rose-is-fucking-cold) as Evil Rob
Ambrose keeps calling him cunty and I can't disagree... I think everyone should draw Lucius in high heels like right now. Also I'd be mad too if I got my head chopped off like bro now I gotta carry my head around or tape it on... Smh my head. But at least he has high heels those are pretty nice I mean just look at him... Slaying... Here king you dropped this 👑 but good luck keeping it on since you can't even keep your head on Lbozo skill issue (I am so sorry /gen) (I am sleep deprived) (I am mad at Tumblr still) (Tumblr hates me) (I am taking my anger out on Lucius 🙁 /hj)
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Fartlord (belongs to @stromboli-muncher) as Evil Joe
It's everyone's favorite ! The man the fart the guy himself ! Eyeless. Well missing one eye because the birds took it. He got attacked by birds this is so tragic can we get an F in the chat guys one like = eye patch for him 👍
And last but not least...
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Rosebush (MY guy 😋) as Evil Ross
Bro's mad... Fuckimg chrunchy... Listen I'd be pissed too if I fell down an upstairs escalator and came out looking like this... Like zoinks Scoob ☹️ (Well actually he got PUSHED... 😳) Pro tip: don't fall down upstairs escalators even if you're a dream demon robot you're not invincible to escalators those things are terrifying LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN FINAL DESTINATION????? Yeah never again... Escalators are also a no go. Just use the stairs... EVERYDAY is leg day 🦵🦵
And that's enough of that... El oh el ecks dee ✌️
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fanfoolishness · 2 months
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I think some of my favorite Star Wars blorbos are aroace and sex-uninterested, and write them that way. Din Djarin? Ace king. Crosshair? Doesn't even understand the question. But if Crosshair did have sex, dude would be such a tenderhearted sub it isn't even funny. Dom!Crosshair makes me laugh my fucking ass off, it's just not remotely how I see him, haha! In fact I think all of the Batch would be extremely awkward if they did do anything sexy, at least the first time around, and the only reason Tech got laid is because thank the universe, Phee knew what she was doing. (He would have gotten great at it if he'd gotten more practice, but suave he was not for whatever they did get up to.)
Unpopular opinions in general are hard for me, just because I don't really have my finger on the pulse of the fandom at large to know what the popular opinion is at the moment, and I tend to follow people with more smaller or mid-range followings as far as I can tell. Maybe if you give me some popular opinions to counter I can come up with some! :-D
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
ooooh shit this is hard! Saw Gerrera might be most on my shitlist for right now, given Tech. But good things? Yaaargh.
He raised Jyn, at least from what I can remember of Rogue One. (It was good but too depressing to watch a second time.)
His actions on Kashyyyk did enable Cal to free a number of Wookiees from Imperial enslavement.
He had to be deeply charismatic in order to always have the followers he did.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Favorite? That is an insanely difficult request BUT I will see what I can do.
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@collophora 's drawing of one of my fics is still one of my favorite things ever, between its gorgeous warm lighting, Omega and Crosshair's expressions, and the fact that someone read words that came out of my brain and put them in their brain and ART came out. Beautiful art. I can't even!!!
Thank you!!
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every even number in the love your fandom game!
Oh bro here we go...
1- 3 things you like about your fandom:
1.1- It has a lot of content!
1.2- You can experiment and play with many characters and concepts, there are no limits!
1.3- it has a lot of nice and talented people!
2- A headcanon you where not sure about first but fandom made you change your mind:
Mmmmm... not sure about this one. I think I used to Headcanon Amon as Asexual but thanks to some nice mutuals now I can see him bisexual.
3- A character that fandom made you appreciate:
Asami and Katara. Before I get in here I was neutral about all the characters (of course my three main blorbos are the exceptions), but with the right fics and art I could connect with them a little bit better.
4- Say something nice about a ship you don't ship;
Not into Korrasami really, but if there's one thing I can't deny is that the ship has good artists, (haven't read fics but I guess there are good writers too).
5- A thing you see often in fics:
We collectively refuse to accept when a character we love is dead in canon. (canon is clay and we can shape it into whatever we want).
6- A thing you see often in fan arts:
When we make Korra strong and pretty. Also Yue art, she is so pretty and I heard that if you are a cool artist you have drawn her at least once! (Please don't mind if you haven't drawn her, I am sure your art is great).
7- Tropes you enjoy to read/write/draw:
To draw- arranged marriage, basically any amorralok au where Tarrlok and Amon live, for Azulaang any modern, cute or funny comfort au, (tea or coffee shop, school au, flowershop), and love drawing dirty mechanic/prince Irosami.
I guess any cute, comfort au actually.
To read- Arranged marriage, castaway Amon, equalists plot continuation, GIMEEE.
Also love coffee shop aus and spirit traveling au's for Azulaang.
Irosami is interesting with equalist or spy Asami au's but love some good cute domestic aus.
Basically anything related with spirit travels, equalists continuation, action and fluff included.
8- Something you would like the fandom to love aittle bit more:
Any ship and character that doesn't get as much appreciation as it deserves around the fandom.
9- A ship that it's not your Otp but you ship:
Yuetara, have neglected it WAY too long but whenever I see it I appreciate it.
10- A blog or mutual that has made your experience in fandom better:
Can't name all the people that have made my experience better, fortunately, there have been too many nice mutuals. Some are no longer active but to name a few I would dare to say @flameo-trashman @crookedmouth-mountainbones @lotus-ashi @orangepanic @moreamorra @amorra-tlok @writebecauseyoucannotbreathe and @mokonahapuuuuuu
Thank you all for your kindness and your presence in this chaotic site!
11- An artwork/fic you are proud about:
Tumblr media
12- Say something nice to a mutual!
Orange, Lotus, Crooked, Neffy, Write, Mokonahapuuuu and Moreamorra: Never stop being awesome and having cool art and fics.
And for everyone else reading this: you are great too and your presence enriches this fandom.
13- Favorite fandom event?
Ship week! (loved the avatarsunkenshipweek by the way).
14- A ship that makes you smile:
Mostly Amorra but Korrlok, Irohsami and Azulaang hold an apecial place in my heart. 💜💙🤎❤🧡💛❤️‍🔥
15- A character that makes you smile:
Baby Korra, she is too precious. Baby Noatak and Tarrlok too, must protect.
16- A thing in canon you would like to get noticed by the fandom?
17- A thing in canon everyone likes, including you:
Seeing Iroh and Aang back in tlok and Jinora getting her tattoos.
18- A tag you follow?
Just Tlok
19- Current fandoms:
Again just Tlok haha.
20- Your first fandom:
Can't recall the first one I got interested in.
21- A fandom you miss:
22- Mutual you have known the longest?
Mokonahapuu, it's been a lot since we knew through this lil place.
23- A fandom you are curious about thabks to a mutual:
The dragon Prince.
24- How has fandom positively impacted in you?
Mutuals helped me to work in my art and storytelling skills. 💛
25- Advice to take care of you in fandom spaces:
Do not get too invested in any fandom, it can be overwhelming to deal with too many opinions so it's better to try to be nice and not worry about what the rest could say.
Get 2-5 psychos, (affectionate), and stick together, it will probably help you a lot.
Also, you don't have to like what everyone else does or agree to everything, not everything is made for you or a single person. Keep in mind you will have to learn to cope with the things you dislike.
Finally, look for other activities to entertain yourself, focusing too much in fandom can be bad in the long term.
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