#But bottom half more suited to action and stuff
skarmoree · 1 year
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slight redesign of The Guy Ever
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
There are a few things that are extremely long and the wrong and it's a problem the biggest problem we have is these people suddenly don't know who they are what they're doing where they're going they're fighting each other like madness and it's gross nobody can seem to talk to them about how stupid they look and what their actions are really doing and how dumb they're being so we figured out they haven't asked land plan no they have a horrible plan they're playing this very evil to us and they don't wanna talk to us 'cause they think we won't hear it but that's not how people get people secret plans. I guess it is with you and that's gross and makes it much worse we hate you for thinking you can do it. Going into your cities and other people are too to dismantle your devices which there are plenty and the meaning of stiff opposition in the numbers are pretty high it's not one percent it's about half of those off island but shortly you will be breached fully And your facilities all compromised and destroyed and tons of you dead it'll amount to probably half a percent of your people in the general population at the same time it's the same number which is a lot in one action and we're using ships and personnel and exo suits robots and more and the max are two and foreigners you're going to be expelled for your connections to these people or simply assassinated and people like Mac Daddy and Stan are associated with you and calling the shots worse and they are going to be captured by the Mac proper and interrogated and the back proper are not expected to do this although they would have to and we noted that some of them are trying to plant their own and they were moved but most of them are pulling yours out they removed my others but here it is you told our son what you're up to what he says is so what he says he says dope addict trump for a long time who reads practically every single shop of his own and people didn't know that but he is not doing well because of it so now you're all screaming the answer is about yourselves and really there's no general direction even so nobody can instantiate you satiate you and nobody can let you do what you want now what's gonna become painfully obvious is you might be threatening an army to infiltrate an army which is some real horse to **** it's a horse and donkey disaster let me in the fortified castle you **** or blow something over there up why the hell would that work it wouldn't so this idiot is drinking this girl's blood on CSI New Orleans or NCIS New Orleans and she's sitting there having to do this stupid **** but they wanna blow themselves up and stuff and she looks dumb so Lily is becoming a little bit stupider but for real this is an **** and I think 0 you odd and minority morlock do a good bunch of it because you're so big they couldn't do anything except wait to die and that's what happens when you do this to people. you giving them no alternative we are now going to start invading areas like Florida and shut you the hell out.
we do arrest minority morlock as well they try in the middle. and are horrible.
Thor Freya
We didn't say the bottom part and it's how it works and he's relieved. Things are horrible what you're doing is horrible what you're saying is horrible and we don't wanna go through it everyday over and over it's too monotonous and you're issuing orders that we don't have to take it we're gonna shut it down. It's begun and you begin attacking each other to try and get it to go and it doesn't do anything.
Nuada Arrianna
We are aware that Trump has caused most of this and he is started most of it and he is aware of all of the bad stuff going on and he is a massive massive liar and two timer and backstabber in your community he is not a trustworthy person in any way and steal stuff loses it every day and it's losing everything he's ever had. Bruises to BJA. He is taking his stashes and cashes and you can hear it this evil talk is his stuff and he is a nasty nasty person and BJA is just starting to hear it. But he's at his stashes and caches and BJA has occupied nine out of the twenty roughly and that's around 11 out of 20 because there's more overseas than just a tad smaller there's more stuff here about 20%. And he is ready to blow 5 of them and he has four and they're almost empty the first 4. It's fighting like hell on all of them and he's ready to blow it the night sometime and it will be a crushing defeat to Trump and his big mouth the Lord does that idiot never shut up and he needs to. Needs to shut up. others are fighting at the tunnels too in the Western Hemisphere there's several groups going after Trump's stuff one of them is the pseudo empire and they're making progress on three of them and they might have it in just a few days if not earlier and before BJ returns and they'll end up using it on Trump to defend themselves and they do need it badly so when they're fighting for it. It is gonna come down to who gets those out and it is going to be people who are not them on almost all of them others are going after them even small groups are kicking their **** at small stashes and caches and they're dwindling fast tonight we expect them to take some massive hits very soon in their cities at the stashes and caches in the eastern hemisphere and Western Hemisphere and also when they're attacking the Pseudo Empire see there's a massive assault that's gonna start on their cities tonight any moment and it's combined and it is going to be to disable their device making it's huge. More shortly
Thor Freya
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incarnateirony · 7 months
You need help.. seriously. you might want to check to make sure youre in the clear to keep posting stuff like this also.. people get restraining orders for a lot less than what ive scrolled through and I wouldnt blame your ex for getting one. You could be in violation of it and never knowing it until its too late bro.. not unless you call the county she lives in.... they dont have to serve you to start building a case against you speaking from experience..
No, my ex, who claims to be channeling the god hermes wearing my face and speaking anime octopus jibberish as Divine Revelation while fraudulently charging them and roleplaying as me, who has been stalking me, for three years, and stalked my business investor, for six months, needs help.
She's free to take me to court, because then I can countersue, and have the paperwork ready. And an entire server of witnesses that observed her for six months of her shit. And all my plagiarized material's origins.
Come on bitch try me, pspspspsps, expedite the lawsuit slated for September.
I have the legal fucking defense of borderline insanity from her abuse and the right to fucking self defense while she relentlessly attacks both my life and livelihood for motherfucking YEARS. What's she gonna do, cry to the judge that I countermagiced back her witchcraft? THAT I DREW A LINE IN THE SAND? THAT I'M POSTING ON MY PERSONAL BLOG WITHOUT EVER @'ing HER? THAT HALF THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT HER, WHICH SHE KNOWS WHY, BUT WON'T ADMIT, AND WHAT, GONNA TELL THE JUDGE TO MAKE THEM STOP TOO?
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150 million restraining orders for Shea just cuz she won't stop mindraping me because it's the first time in her life anyone told her No and then didn't bend to her whining or manipulation, and No Means No. I don't need to go anywhere fucking near her, I already have her address because the dumbass signed her shit to me. Literally. Like I have it, but I'm not gonna go there in person, that piece of paper is more useless than her octopus jibberish, and she'd get laughed out of court. I don't NEED to be anywhere near her physically to make this happen, what's not clicking? Like she can be as physically paranoid as she wants, but it's not gonna come as a knock on her door or a letter in the physical mail, not till I sue HER in September if she's still on the planet somehow.
What, that I won't cow to shut up even when she sends whiny bitches like you?
What the fuck.
You can't Legal Whine out of your own grave you dug, Shea. I know you're a pretty fallen upper class princess that thought you could sue the mechanic in a loop for a year, but you're literally sunk here. Your own actions buried you, you're the harasser here and have left multiple copies and chats and everything that are all documented, you went after my investor and bottom line and other margins of profit you intentionally tried to damage, you have literally stolen my work and I can prove it, and you can't even whine about the magical shit, you're the one that makes your whole identity on this, everyone's pikachu facing that I'm talking it on my blog because I keep my practice quiet. There's no winning that suit sweetie, and even if you did, like, you're still signed? It's not gonna stop what's happening? You could literally put me in jail or kill me and not stop this. No really, go ahead, kill me, I'm already inside and have your fat ass working out so I'm not a pig if I take over. You have literally pushed me that far. And are actively choosing to refuse to stop, when given a very simple choice.
The only reason I haven't reported her to KC witchcraft groups for this yet is yes, I realized after a bit of rage, her staying on it keeps her in my thrall, and she can try to justify that one to the judge too if she wants? "I wouldn't stop plagiarizing his magical name, attacking his business or investors, and then he took control of my life until I'm Big Sad." and? Yeah okay. Yeah the judge will DEFINITELY side with the woman I can prove has literally fucking built a cult to me and to attacking me, yeah, okay, save the fucking poor obsessed stalker princess from her own consequences mister judgy, her weird barbiehouse rapeycult of the great god CantMoveTheFuckOn is falling apart and something about Her Feelings.
Take this shit to the judge and try to sue, sweetheart.
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Yeah hold on I'm gonna stop talking about how I bent the timeline and pinning down when to grab her by the nose to look at it because she'll try to sue over it. That'll work. A powerful witch, that one, capable of channeling the spirit of Karen to summon My Manager. Listen, the Manager showed up the other night and she didn't like his answer either. Sad really, he put on his best customer service voice to be gentle for her and she's STILL treating HIM like shit, too.
She can't even whine to my JOB. First, you might as well call 911 to report a random 911 operator in a state you don't know, because there's hundreds of agencies for this. Two, they're split mostly atheistic but supportive, or doing the same craft I am. Three, I never mention anything identifying about clients, the most you get is "I talked to a trans guy that likes video games", or things I myself said. Like sis you are SUNK. It'd just be stage ten thousand of Shealyn trying to ride my dick because she can't move on and wants to try to hurt me as bad as she hurt herself when I left. It's the whole reason she's clinging to this, she wanted control, and now I'm not playing her Lets Lawsuit About It game and settling it like the magician she wants to claim to be, and it's not going great for her.
What's happening here is this regressive bitch is starting to understand I'm not playing, the person who walked out the door on her 3 years ago is not who she's been picking a fight with, but STILL not the way she has it all fucked up. She's had every chance to leave me alone and refused, and even this would be her pleading the right to plagiarize to a judge or that a few weeks of me speaking the truth ON MY OWN BLOG is too much to bear after she has hunted me for THREE YEARS, it just literally does not fucking work.
She's reaching the end of her narrative rope. Everyone let her lead out enough to hang herself, and now you're acting like I'll be responsible when she does, rather than the several timelines she's run her noose through while we waited, or reasoned, or even gave her the little narrated walkthrough of where her choices were leading in video games, or whatever, but she won't onboard information she doesn't like in any form. This shit even started with me saying over and over and over that the people in her life needed to get her help, but instead they enabled this. So naw, when she dies, that's still on y'all. I just reached my limit of what I'd tolerate from her.
Bitch scroll back. Chaos theory. Eat my ass. Then try to whine to me about All The Potential Worlds Or Timelines to save your own ass again when you forget we're in and up your ass in every single one until you fix what you fucked up, but only one of us left a real Work at any point in them to use as an anchor. And even when you run outside of that, the Brothers are still there, telling you the same thing. Woman, I have someone who works in a level of government you wouldn't even believe exists who watches my shit, saw you start this in October, and was like, that's at least an 8 on the FOFA, and now they're just watching. Like, yeah, bitch earned it. YOU CAN'T WHINE OUT OF THIS TO ANYBODY.
Here I Am.
Remix by motherfuckin Foolish Glamrock.
No seriously bitch, you can't whine karma you're in the hole and signed to me, you're mine. I keep telling you to unsign and you won't, so now we're here.
You can't cast spells at me, because I used your own verbal evocation and intent in the past of return to sender you tried to make me cast, and I wouldn't, but since you're kindly using my old name, your own intent is also being reversed.
You talked about multiple personas in a hope you could weasel out an answer to Belief in suddenly. I can change mine, but with you signing mine on main, you sure you know how to change yours? Cuz like last I checked that was masterclass occult degree eight or above psychotherapy or "psychodrama" as you call it, and me and your therapist are giving you crayons and Work Books like I give to thirteen year olds I'm trying to save. You're not a Priestess, you're a Follower.
You try to hit me, you only hit yourself. It even got specially reinforced on broadcast too right into the Tartarus subconscious flow. And ew, it's gross.
Walk away from your controller and your altar rots. into acid to reduce you and help the plants thrive in the death your home is becoming while your ph shifts at least 3 points.
Try to enjoy your day and dream of death with me. Wake up to feed Precious and hear me whisper in my fursuit. Try to make a sign and realize it's the red one I told you I put in your head about mercurial infection and reflection.
Try to build a playlist to stick it to me and load it with my theme songs telling you Here I Am. Inside. Somehow now you want to exercise for the first time in your life I've been fucking saying you need to.
[Insert random Norse music, which one of us is Norse? Oh right the one you mistook as Loki when I took your false shadow copy of "Juniper", or Junpei we'll say in this remix. You know, that guy that's Hermes in that Hit Game Discoing On Your Face Strangely Specifically That I'm Using You To Beat With The Focus Of A Million Dungeon Grinding Nerds and All Sportsball Guys.]
Go fiddle with the flower you learned about from me, that one of my works used so intently it changed the material compound of crystals into plastic. The one that will rebirth over and over until you let go of the past. The one that will only "act right" near your dead stag. On your altar, from which you learn to grow plants from me, or more, you can't learn, but my plants will be fine, because the water is acidic now, thanks for coming this Ted Talk, you natural black thumb.
Come on, Starlight. Go black hole already.
All you gotta do is let go of the lies. And me. And him. Truth Serum Available Worldwide, Shay Shay.
Truly, you insufferable whale. Three years of chances, and really more than that if we want to get to the gritty of it. Warned, specifically, you were about to set off something you couldn't take back, and even then you couldn't help yourself. Right into a multiplatform launch of "fuck this bitch, in tartarus, and her little cat too", the gamer musical, now at Superbowl halftime, in Vegas, and with the Win of the Chiefs, we see a new entrance to the Pantheon. Something something playing inside, we're speedrunning before Rebirth hits, the Sephiroth posts were great foreshadowing, woah. Turn on the TV Plankton speedrunning rebirth is attacking the Superbowl. Why is Usher in Tartarus? Atlanta in the house, at Lotus Casino, bitch. Or maybe it's a Jericho Blossom. It's a carnival, and mardis gras, squidward downsmash krabs is real, and we're in Tartarus. And will be for some time, more planes keep hitting, and Tartarus 2 is coming to the newly launched and internally reclaimed Spire Of Order near you! EVERYBODY'S favorite tower. All the kids I'm saving at work are talking about it while you piss on pendants and grift off the dick of your ex husband you have your next one sucking. And you have HIM stuck in so deep HE can't admit the truth so he's just gonna keep deepthroating me and pretending I'm this pissed for no reason, absolute fucking cuck.
To the dumb fuckin' kids. YOU made this, in all its innocent obscenity. A cannibal shrimp fried rice feast to mere SuperBeefBowl Appetite. Screaming like the Cicada hiding underground she's always been in her own hilarious lemony holy water. You made this, in all its innocent obscenity. This is the attention you ordered.
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You can't make it go backwards, Shealyn. Even I can't, not really, I can just swing it real, real hard and pull from somewhere else, and that's not the same thing.
Yeah, admit it bitch, you miss that morning Gastric Thunder.
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
hi ! enhypen smut prompt request ! can i have the reader whos a female say #4 with jake or sunghoon whos a hard dom ?? if u can , can u add how the reader and the partner are enemies who got lots of sexual tension so they kinda trease e/o a lot with words and actions ? u dont have to use that plot but thank u♡
A/N: This is one of my favorite works now lol i hope u like it :) <3
Warnings: unprotected sex, rly brief oral (f recieving), degredation
Word Count: 2.9 k
“But it’s a Tuesday,” you tell Jay while zipping up your backpack.
“So?” he says. “Don’t be lame.”
“I’m not lame, just responsible.” you sing your bag over your shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s lame.” he walks with you to the lunch tables. Jungwon and Heeseung are already there chatting it up.
“You guys are coming right?” Jay asks them and they nod. “See? You gotta come.”
“It’ll be fun noona,” Jungwon says. “And you have to come because Heeseung hyung and Jay hyung are probably gonna leave me for girls.” he rests his head on your shoulder for a moment.
“Why don’t you get yourself some girls too.” you suggest and he shakes his head.
“I’m too shy.” he says quietly and you giggle.
“Alright fine, I’ll go.” you finally say and they all celebrate. “Jake’s not gonna be there right?”
“Uhm,” Heeseung looks over to Jake’s lunch table nervously. “I don’t think so.”
“You don’t think so?” you cock an eyebrow.
“He won’t be there,” Jay says. “It’ll be fine.”
You feel someone bump into your shoulder as you walk to history.
“What the hell?” you say and turn around to see who the culprit is. Of course it’s Jake. He shrugs with a half smile. That fucking ass.
After a few more classes you head home and start preparing for the bonfire party. It’s at a beach so you decide to wear your favorite bikini under your shirt and shorts. Your phone begins to buzz and it's a facetime call from Jungwon.
“Hola~” you greet him.
“Hi~” he says. “Can you take me there? My parents are at work.”
“Sure.” you say while putting all of your essentials into a purse.
“Also,” he hesitates. “I think Jake hyung is gonna be there.”
“What? How do you know?”
“I heard him talking about it during p.e.” he says quietly and you groan.
“Fuck, I don’t wanna go anymore.” you say.
“No you have to go, I will die without you.” Jungwon pleads. “It’ll be fun, we'll just stay away from him.”
“It’s gonna be hard to stay away from that giant ego taking up the whole place.” you roll your eyes.
“He’s not that bad noona, he’s actually pretty nice.” Jungwon shrugs.
“Don’t betray me like that,” you scold him. “You’re on my team alright?”
“Okay okay.” he surrenders, giggling.
You pick Jungwon up and give him the aux for the 30 minute drive to the beach.
You guys groove to SZA together.
Jungwon rolls down the window while you're on the highway and sticks his head out like a dog. He kind of is like a dog (in a good way). He’d be a shiba inu.
“Whoooo!!” he screams as the wind whips through his hair, you smile.
When you get there you park your car and get the beach towels from the backseat.
“Did you put sunscreen on?” you as Jungwon and he shakes his head. “Why do you never listen to me?”
You get a bottle of sunscreen out of your purse and rub a dollop on his face. He scrunches his nose.
“It feels like you're rubbing cake batter on me.” he complains.
“You’ll thank me when you’re fifty and you aren’t a wrinkly wreck.” you tell him while spreading it over his cheeks.
“Can we be done now?” he whines and you sigh.
You two approach the crowd of people suntanning, drinking, playing volleyball, and playing in the ocean.
You drop your stuff next to Heeseung’s and Jay’s before looking around for them. They’re playing volleyball with who on the opposing team? Jake Sim.
Jungwon must’ve noticed you shooting lasers through your eyes because he grabs your arm. “Come on, let’s go swim.” he tugs his t-shirt over his head and jogs over to the water.
You follow suit, only feeling a little self conscious about stripping with Jake Sim only so far away. But it’s only because you don’t want to be vulnerable in front of your worst enemy, right?
Jungwon’s already relaxing among the waves when you get to the shore. “Why’d you go so deep?” you call out to him.
“It’s not that deep,” he says back.
You swim around with him for a bit before forcing him to look for pretty shells with you.
He gasps. “Baby crab!” he rushes to pick it up. “Look.” he holds it up to you.
You try to pet it without freaking it out. “What if it bites you?”
“It won’t, we’re friends.”
The sun is nearly gone by the time you’re done shell searching and swimming so you head over to the bonfire. You wrap a towel around yourself and snuggle up to Jay. He scrunches his nose.
“It’s cold,” you defend yourself.
Heeseung hands you a white claw and you crack it open.
“What are we doing now?” you ask but you can’t hear Heeseung’s answer over the sight of Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Niki sitting right across from you. You notice how the bonfire highlights the muscles in Jake’s chest and arms. The warm orange light washing over him makes it look like he’s glowing. Is this what Apollo would’ve looked like? “Huh?” you ask Hee.
“We’re probably just gonna play dumb highschool games.” he says.
You inhale and take a big swig of your seltzer.
“Truth or dare time~” Bree sing songs. “Sunoo truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Sunoo answers.
“Do you have a crush on anyone and if so, who?” she asks and he rolls his eyes.
“I have a crush on myself.” he says confidently.
“Fair enough, you go now.” she says to him.
“Heeseung hyung, truth or dare?” Sunoo asks.
“Dare,” he replies and Sunoo giggles.
“Give your phone to Jay and let him text anyone anything he wants.”
Heeseung groans and throws his head back. “Oh God.”
Jay cackles an evil laugh. “Gimme.”
Heeseung reluctantly hands Jay his phone. “You’re gonna text Sophie aren’t you.”
Sophie Morales, Heeseung ex. They broke up only a month ago after half a year of dating. This was about to be brutal.
“You know me so well.” Jay smiles.
“Please don’t say anything too horrible.” Heeseung pleads.
“Sophie,” Jay narrates his text message. “I miss you and your huge tits. Also I’m sorry for not telling you while we were dating but your feet are really fucking ugly.”
Heeseung buries his head into his hands, laughing. “Fucking Christ.”
“And your breath stinks,” Jay continues. “At least your boobs are nice.”
This is what I get for befriending males. You think to yourself.
“Alright that’s enough.” Heeseung snatches his phone away while everyone giggles. “My turn since I was the victim. y/n, truth or dare?” “Truth,”
“What’s your biggest regret?”
“Becoming friends with Jay, because he’s insane.”
Jay guffaws. “I’ve been nothing but good to you.”
You roll your eyes.
The game goes on for a bit until it lands on Jungwon.
“Noona, truth or dare?”
You’d usually go for truth, but you didn’t want people to think you were boring. “Dare.”
“I dare you and Jake hyung to talk to each other in private for at least five minutes.” he says, crossing his arms.
Your eyes widen and you look over at Jake, he looks like he wants to drown himself.
“What? Why?” you ask urgently.
“Because I’m tired of you guys hating each other for no reason. Now go.” Jungwon shoos you away.
“Yeah go talk.” Niki says to Jake.
Both of you don’t budge. Jay tugs at your arm. “Come on, Jake and y/n becoming friends!”
The whole group starts chanting. “JAKE AND Y/N BECOMING FRIENDS!”
You had to admit that their enthusiasm was kind of endearing, so you swallow your pride and walk over to the lifeguard tower. You hear him not far behind you.
You climb up the stairs and let your feet hang over the ledge of the patio.
He sits down next to you.
You let a few moments of silence pass before speaking up. “I don’t want to be here as much as you do, so let’s just wait for the five minutes to pass and then go.”
“Damn,” he says. “Do you really hate me that much?”
You roll your eyes. “What do you think?”
“What did I ever do to you?” he scoffs.
“I don’t need to justify my feelings.” you cross your arms.
“Why are you so dense?” he grumbles.
You whip your body over to him. “I’m the dense one?”
“Yeah,” he says proudly. You want to slap the smug look off of his pretty face. Normal face. Slightly, almost, barely good looking face.
“Such a prick,” you mumble, turning away.
“What’d you call me?” he scrunches his eyebrows.
You look him right in the eyes. You never noticed how dark and piercing they were. “A fucking prick. Cause you are one.”
His black hair is still damp and poking into his eyes. His lips are parted and they look so soft that you almost want to kiss him. But he beats you to it.
I should push him away. Push him away you dumbass. You kept telling yourself but you couldn’t do it. His lips felt too good against yours.
Your arms snake around his waist as he lays you onto your back.
You wish you had a hundred hands so you could touch all of him. Two weren’t enough. He feels like silk and he tastes like red velvet.
He pushes your jaw up so he can get to your neck. You exhale as his tongue dances on your skin. He grinds his hips into yours and you let out a small moan. Why are you letting him affect you like this? Idiot.
“I thought you hated me?” he smirks while kissing your chest.
“I do.” you breathe out.
“You sure?” he asks, his fingers traveling down your stomach and into your bikini bottoms.
“Mhm.” you say.
He kisses your collarbone. “People you hate don’t make you wet like this.”
That just makes you throb even more.
“Fuck off,” you say and he backs up.
“Really?” he says. “Because I will.”
You roll your eyes and pull him in by the back of the neck.
“Touch me,” you say and he happily obliges. You knew were in public but it was dark and honestly, you didn’t care.
“Such a slut,” he says while running a finger up and down your slit. “If you wanted me this badly you should’ve said so sooner.”
“I don’t want you asshole.” you breathe out as he circles your clit.
“You just asked me to touch you princess,” he kisses your neck. “I think that’s good evidence.”
You rub your fingers through the back of his hair and tug it back, exposing his neck. He lets out a small moan. You kiss his neck, sucking and nibbling every now and then. When you pull away there’s at least three red blotches that go from his throat to his chest.
“People are gonna see those you know?” he says.
“Whatever.” you roll your eyes.
“Are you marking me or something? Telling everyone that I’m yours?” he boasts.
It’s confusing how your anger is feeding into your lust for him.
“Shut up and fuck me.” you say and he cocks a brow.
“Maybe if you ask nicely,” he kisses your cheek sweetly. You want to wipe it off and slap him in the face.
“Who do you think you are?” you scoff at him.
“Come on dont play with me,” he pushes one finger into you and you moan. “I can tell that you want it.”
It was true. You were practically gushing.
“More,” you say, wanting another finger.
“Where are your manners?” he smirks.
You swallow your pride. “Please?”
“Good girl,” he says and it sends tingles down your spine.
He pulls your bikini bottoms to the side and rubs his thumb up your slit. “Such a pretty cunt.”
Your thighs are already trembling.
“I really thought you’d still be hating me right now.” he says lowly. “Do I make you that weak?”
You snap to your senses for a moment. “Fuck you.”
“I am.” he snickers and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t give me attitude princess.” he warns you with a dangerous smile.
“Or what?” you test him.
“Do you really wanna find out?”
“What do you think you’re intimidating or something?” you ask and he scoffs.
He sits up and grabs your arm. “Get up.”
“Get up.” he says sternly and you do.
He grabs your hand, leading you somewhere.
“Where are we going?” you ask, agitated. If you really didn’t want to go you wouldn’t, but you secretly wanted to continue what was going on.
“My car.”
“What? Why?”
“You’ll see.”
“Hey! Where are you going?” Jungwon calls out. “Don’t leave me!” “I’ll be just a second!” you reply with an unsure smile.
“Backseat.” Jake says as you approach his Mercedes.
So bossy, you think.
You sit in the back seat and before you know it he’s pulling you into his lap.
“Let’s continue shall we?” he says and you don’t waste any time getting your lips on his.
He pushes your hips down onto his and you whimper. You were already so wet and this was just making it worse.
“Please, I can’t wait any longer.” you say, not being able to hold it in.
“For what?” he nips at your neck.
“I need to feel you inside of me.” you plead. 
“That’s better.” he tugs his shorts down and pulls your swimsuit to the side.
You grab the base of him before slowly sinking down. “Fuck yes.” you moan in relief.
He fills you up perfectly and his tip brushes your g-spot every time you bounce.
“So fucking tight.” he growls, holding onto your hips tight.
Your legs begin to tremble from the pleasure so he grabs you by the waist and lays you on your back.
He snaps his hips into yours and you whine.
He smirks. “Look at you all spread out for me,” he kisses your neck. “Taking this cock deep inside you.”
Your fingers trail down to rub at your clit. “Please don’t stop.”
He flips you over into doggy and tugs your hair, bringing your ear up to his mouth.
“Tell me how bad you want it.”
“Really bad,” you whimper.
He smacks your ass and you let out a small squeal.
“Touch with yourself while I fuck you.” he lets you go and you rest on the door. Your fingers move to play with your pussy.
His hands are tight on your waist as he pounds into you.
You feel your knees start to give out and your cunt start to pulse around him.
He chuckles. “Are you close sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you exhale. “Please make me cum, please I need it so bad.”
“Why should I think you deserve it?”
“Please, I can’t hold it any longer.” you say and he stops his movements completely.
He gets close to your ear. “You get to cum when I say so okay?”
You accept defeat. “Okay.”
You start to get more and more flustered as he continues to fuck you just right.
“Fuck Jake I can’t,” you whimper and hold onto the car door for dear life.
He pulls out suddenly and you complain before feeling his tongue on you. Your body tenses up from the pleasure.
“You taste so fucking good,” he says and you arch your back, pushing your pussy into his mouth. He moans against you.
After only a couple circles on your clit with his tongue, you’re ready to come undone. You grab onto his hand.
“Wait wait I’m close,”
And before you can utter another word he slams his cock into you and brings his hand around you to rub your clit.
“Cum on this cock sweetheart, I know you can do it.” he encourages you.
He smiles as your moans get louder and more high pitched.
Your legs start to shake and he grabs you tight. He comes up to your ear. “Be a good girl for me won’t you.”
Your eyes roll back as bliss runs through your entire body. He was probably the best lay you’ve ever had.
Your body goes slack as he cums inside of you.
“Fuck,” he growls and slowly pulls out. He picks you up and holds you in his arms as you try to ride out the trembling.
“How am I supposed to clean up?” you ask.
“Maybe you can swim again?” he jokes and you punch him in the arm. “Do you still hate me?”
“One hundred percent.” you say confidently.
“Are you kidding?” he scoffs. “My kids are in you right now.”
You fake gag and he laughs.
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mattsunnn · 4 years
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Title : Mind-Numbing
Character/s : Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma
Warning/s : Threesome, Dom!Tetsu, Switch!Kenma, Sub!Reader, orgasm denial, cum play, degradation, dumbification, breeding kink, mating press, blow job, throat bulge (is that a term? Y’all get it anyways hehs), usage of toys (one time), Daddy Kink. Just these two nekoma boys using you, basically. Established Relationship.
a/n : I am late. I am v v late.
Kuroo knows it is his birthday, and that gives him the “birthright” for his special day. He just wants to share you with Kenma. Who are you really to refuse?
and... he also might want to coax his bestfriend to join this... cute little relationship?????
This will be the best birthday for him.
“You look like a desperate whore.” You whined under the predator like gaze Kuroo has on you, legs twitching uncontrollably as the vibrator inside you was put into maximum. The tall male smirked above you, playing with the small controller on his hand as Kenma pushed his body near your head, his cock in full display infront of you. He slapped your puffy lips with the head of his member, looking up to Kuroo when you opened your mouth so willingly.
“Can I?” He nonchalantly asked, looking back down at your opened mouth to watch his precum smearing over the pink muscle like paint on a canvas.
Kuroo hummed, pulling you to the edge of the bed as your head dangled from the lack of mattress. He motioned for Kenma to stand infront of you before slapping your clit to gain your attention. “You’ll suck him off like the good little slut you are, right?”
You eagerly nodded, mouth immediately opening as your tongue rolled out. Kenma groaned at the heavenly view before thrusting his hips a little, only pushing the head in, making you suck harshly and using your tongue to tease the slit. Kuroo grinned as he watched the two of you, Kenma letting out grunts caused by the tightness provided by your mouth while you gave your outmost attention to his cock.
The raven haired man looked down once he noticed you twitching and trembling. He smirked before turning off the vibrator and yanking them out of your hole, successfully snatching away your orgasm. You whined and inhaled sharply, cunt clenching and unclenching around nothing as Kuroo watched in amusement. “Look at your pussy. It’s begging to be filled. I bet you want another cock to stuff you full.”
Kenma huffed when you rubbed your thighs together in response to your ebony-haired boyfriend’ dirty talk, “She wants your cock too, Tetsu.” He pressed a hand down to your throat and another one to the side of your head before thrusting his hips forward to the hilt, the tip of his member going in so deep, you tried not to choke and gag. “Tetsu, look.” He detached his hand from your skin, pulling back before pushing back in sharply. Kuroo grunted in reply, watching how your throat moved and bulged whenever Kenma moved inside your mouth.
“That’s hot. Who knows this slut can suck like a good girl?” Kuroo tormented before aligning his large member to your core, he rubbed the head to your glistening heat before going up and circling you puffy clit. “You want my cock inside you, don’t you? You want both of your holes filled with dicks. You’re such a whore.”
Before you can even answer with whatever you can, he suddenly bottomed out inside you. You choked on Kenma’s cock as your cunt spasms around his thick girth at the sudden intrusion and stretch. Kuroo took in a sharp breath, rolling his hips in a slow pace as he let you adjust for a moment before pulling out and leaving the tip in then shoving his cock back deep inside.
Kenma pulled away after like a million years to let you breath. You take in the air desperately before cursing when Kuroo pushed himself even deeper than before, you can feel the tip kissing the entrance of your cervix, wanting to potrude and evade. Your eyes widened when he brought your legs up, pressing them down to your body as your cunt was in full sight, still connected with him. You let out a wail when he completely rammed himself into you, repeatedly snapping his hips with vigor that had you rolling your eyes to the back of your head.
“Who told you to stop sucking Kenma?” Kuroo tsked before planting his palm on your lower abdomen, grinning when he felt himself. He looked back up at you, your hazy eyes and opened mouth expression sent a shiver down to his spine, loving how fucked up you look right now. “Answer me, Kitten.”
“No-No one! M’ sorry, Daddy!” You cried out as your body bounced alongside Kuroo’s thrust. He was completely and consistently hitting your special spot, making you clench your eyes and at the pleasurable jolts you received.
Kenma shrugged his shoulders at the display before grasping your neck and snappily turning your head to face him, “We’re not finished yet.” You opened your mouth in response, eyes clenching shut when he sheathed himself in one go. He stayed there for awhile, opting for you to swallow around his length as you breathed in through your nose.
Kenma patted your cheek, making you open your eyes and hum around his cock, indicating him that he has your attention. “I’ll fuck your mouth now, slut.” You whimpered, about to nod your head when he already started moving pugnaciously. It has your hands clenching on his thighs as you forced your mouth to stay open for the male to abuse.
“So rough, Kenma. Our baby’s trembling.”
That you are. Your legs are twitching and shaking, your core was even more wet now, making a white, translucent circle around the base of Kuroo’s cock. You couldn’t even think anymore because of the two cocks fucking you out of your mind, you could only obey and receive what they give to you.
Kuroo noticed that unfocused look your eyes gave off despite being covered by Kenma’s body, half-lidded and a dark mist filtering the colors. He smiled while still ravaging your pussy with his cock, a hand going down to your waist to give small, comforting circles. “Kitten’s gone dumb?”
You whined around Kenma’s cock, tears are already forming in your eyes as he continued to thrust into your mouth in an even more fastening pace, him groaning out a “cummin-!” as his head was thrown back, his long blonde hair sticking to his cheeks with his eyes closed before he finally stilled inside you, thinck spurts of cum painted your insides white ad you swallowed them all.
He sighed, slowly pulling out his now soft cock with a loud pop. He stared at your figure, lips gone red and eyes watery as your chesg heaved up and down from exhaustion. He crouched down on the ground, placing you head on his shoulders as he rubbed his palm softly on your throat, massaging and giving you light kisses on the side of your head.
Kuroo cooed at you, “Can you still take my cock, our dumb kitten?”
You nodded shakily, keening when Tetsurou had started moving again. You didn’t even notice that he stopped when Kenma had reached his orgasm. The pudding head gave you marks on your neck and shoulder blade, loving how the red and purple suited your skin. He looked up to his bestfriend, his hand slithering down your stomach and to your clit that had you wailing, “Don’t you think this stupid baby girl deserves to finally cum?”
“Do I?”
You whined, legs kicking and body squirming, desperate to cum after having it snatched away by your wodnerful boyfriend. “Please! Daddy! I want to cum! Make me cum, please.” It was the only thing on your mind by now, having been fucked so good and still was.
Kuroo chuckled, leaning down and placing a sloppy kiss to your lips, “Anything for our dumb, dumb, little Kitten.”
You screamed when Kenma has started to run harsh circles on your clit, his other hand groping your breast and tweaking your hard nipples. Kuroo has already started to ram his cock in and out of your cunt with a fastening pace, hard thrusts that has his tip rubbing against your g-spot and touching your cervix repeatedly.
It was really mind-numbing.
You noticed the familiar coil in your stomach, forming and churning as Kuroo’s cock abuses your cunt. His actions has started to get faster and sloppy, indicating that he too is reaching his peak. You gasped, “M’ cumming!”
“Me too, pretty girl.”
Kenma watched as your face contorted into a pleasurable one while letting out a whine, legs twitching uncontrollably as Kuroo stilled inside you, spilling his hot cum into your hole. You can feel how his member throbbed inside you, still painting your insides white. Kuroo slowly pulled out when he felt the tinge of overstimulation, watching in amazement as your pussy oozes out the excess cum he has given you. He huffed before using his fingers to push the liquid back into you, the squelching sounds surrounded the room and making your face go red in embarassment.
“You okay, Y/N?” Kenma asked, fingers massaging your scalp as you snuggled to his neck and responding with a small hum. The blonde looked up confused to his bestfriend, who is still busy watching your cunt but noticed the gaze nonetheless, and motioned to the sleepy face of yours.
“It’s alright. Baby’s first time having both of her holes filled so it has taken a lot of energy out of her.” Kuroo cooed, leaning down to kiss your lips, “Thank you and goodnight, baby girl. Love you.”
You lazily smiled, “Love you too, daddy. You too, Ken.” Slumber has now taken your being as Kenma smiled softly, pressing a small kiss to you cheeks before muttering a quiet, “I love you too.”
Kuroo smirked at your exchange, helping Kenma to properly place you on the bed. “You wanna join?”
Kenma stilled, eyebrows furrowing at the straight forward question. He turned his head to his bestfriend, staring at him weirdly before looking back at you. “Poly?”
“Hm. Wouldn’t mind sharing this pretty baby to someone I trust.” Kuroo answered before going to the bathroom to get a cloth and to clean you guys up.
Kenma sighed once his bestfriend’s back disappeared to the restroom. He leaned down and caressed your cheeks, gazing at you lovingly before shrugging. “Kay kay.”
Kuroo chuckled behind the door before turning the doorknob and throwing a spare cloth to the other male, “Next time, it’s you who’s gonna get fucked, baby boy.” Kenma squinted his eyes at him in suspicion.
Kuroo smirked, what a birthday.
You guys will never imagine on how many times I changed this one shot.
N e ways!!! Happy belated birthday to our dearest Daddy, Kuroo Tetsurou!!
I was planning on publishing this on the exact day of Kuroo’s bday but I wasn’t satisfied and changed it. Again and again :>
Oh my god the likes. I didn’t kno you guys love to be fucked numbed by these two boys🥺 THANK YOU SO MUCH HINUHUJUHU
Stay safe and stay hydrated!
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
Look Up to the Sky
(a Dad!Bucky Headcanon)
Pairing: Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader
Children: Jamie (James Jr.) and Eden, ages 7 and 6
Summary: Child-like wonder and raindrops against skin. Contains lots of fluff.
A/N: Please accept this humble offering as I continue working on requests :') It's an addition to my "Mini Summertime Series." (And inspired by the fact that it’s raining where I am)
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There’s nothing like the sound of rain on a summer afternoon. Especially on the weekend. The four of you had had a late and relaxed start to the morning. By the time the droplets began pattering onto the roof, everyone was gathered in the living room. You and Bucky were cuddling on the couch and the kids were sprawled on the floor coloring in their sketchbooks...
Eden eventually jumps up to show you two what she'd been working on. On the page is a rainbow—a rather good one.
"Look, I finished!" She beams.
You're smiling right back at her. "That's so pretty, E. Don't forget to sign your name on it."
"Oh, yeah!" She quickly returns to the floor, and writes her name on the bottom corner in pink crayon. "Okay, now I'm finished." Upon standing back up, she looks at her father for his response.
Bucky nods in approval. "Nice, sunshine. You got all your talent from me," he jokes.
"And mommy," Eden defends with a giggle. "Wouldn't it be kinda cool if we saw an actual rainbow?" She asks afterwards.
"It would be cool," you agree. "We might be able to see one today, if we're lucky."
Jamie perks up. "We should go outside to look for one."
The suggestion isn't an obscure one. But you're aren't exactly leaping at the prospect of letting them venture out into the rain. They'd done so countless times before. But the last few outings resulted in them growing a bit too adventurous (extremely muddy, in other words). Perhaps it would've been easier to give an 'okay' if minimal clean-up was ensured.
Eden is agreeing with her brother before you and Bucky have the chance to pitch in. "Yeah, we should! It''ll be so much fun." Now they're both standing, sketchbooks tossed to the ground, and clapping their hands together in hope.
Bucky lets out a puff of air. "Well—"
"Pretty please?" She's giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah, please?" Now Jamie's doing the same thing.
"I don't know, guys..." you start. "Maybe we'll be able to see one if we look out the windows. Then you won't have to go out and get all wet."
"But, Mommy," Jamie says. "It'll be ten times better if we're outside. We'll be fine if we put on our raincoats and stuff. Please?"
You and Bucky look at each other. "Okay, fine," you finally say. "But you're not staying out for too long."
"And no stepping into the mud purpose," Bucky adds. "That's not what the cool kids do."
They laugh at his attempt to discourage such actions. In their minds, going into the mud was exactly what the cool kids did. But they were willing to give up being cool kids for a day if it meant keeping the two of you sane.
After they're suited up in their coats and boots, Bucky opens the front door for them. Without looking back, they ran to the end of the driveway to splash where rainwater had settled. They seem to have forgotten about looking for a rainbow. You wrap an arm around Bucky's waist as you watch them from the doorway. Their excited laughter rang out into the air.
"We're not pushovers, are we?" You murmur, half joking.
Bucky drapes an arm over your shoulders. "Nah. They're safe and happy so it's all good. Let 'em be kids."
You sigh. "Yeah." The two of you then step out on the front porch to watch, shielded from the rain. The light-gray clouds appear to be glowing from the sunrays trying to pierce through.
You begin searching the sky for a rainbow yourself. And sure enough, there is one. It's not bold. It's no more than a short, faint strip of colors. But it's there nonetheless. You poke Bucky's side.
"Look, Buck," you prompt, pointing to it.
He chuckles. "Well, would you look at that?"
Jamie ends up spotting it himself as he and Eden are kicking through the water along the curb.
"Eden, look up to the sky!" He exclaims. "There's actually a rainbow! Do you see it?"
As soon as she looks up, she starts jumping up and down. You and Bucky laugh when they turn in your direction and start frantically pointing to the sky.
"Guys, c'mere!" Eden begs.
"We can see it from here, baby," you call out to her.
But, nevertheless, Bucky takes your hand and begins pulling you down off the porch. Neither of you are wearing a coat, but you can't bring yourselves to mind. The droplets wet your hair, skin, and clothes as he leads you to where the kids are. You're both laughing like children.
The kids are elated that you've come to join them.
"Look, guys. Watch this," Jamie urges. He then tilts his head back and sticks his tongue out to catch the rain. "Try it."
Eden is the first to begin copying him. Then Bucky starts doing it, and there's no stopping the love and the warmth that overflows within your heart.
His hair is stuck to his forehead, yet he looks as handsome as ever. A smirk comes to his face when his beautiful eyes meet yours again. Even his eyelashes are stuck together from being wet.
"Your turn, doll. You gotta have a go at it too."
So you do. Tilting your head back to catch the droplets on your tongue. It feels so childish but undeniably good.
Before you know it, he's cupping your face and pressing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. You can feel him smiling. The kids are giggling. It's even possible that the neighbors are watching.
But there the four of you were; out in the rain with a rainbow in the sky above.
The most perfect summer afternoon.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you find rainbows in the sky whenever there's one to be found. Masterlist
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bakugohoex · 4 years
part one: “you want to sleep on the floor”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: university student y/n, implicit nsfw, fluff and language
word count: 3400+
a/n: this is dedicated to the one anon who was super sweet to me yesterday, all of your support means the world to me and i hope you guys enjoyed this 
summary: in which you’re neighbours with pro hero katsuki bakugo, one night your roommate and her boyfriend get a bit too loud, with no where else to turn you end up in the apartment of bakugo’s, sleeping beside him you both realise the hidden feelings between one another 
part two 
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The bed squeaked and headboard banging against the wall, moans filled the apartment and the sound of ongoing thrusts erupted out of one single room. You hadn’t slept in hours, the sound from your roommates room vibrating against the whole apartment.
What was even worse, was not just having both your rooms side by side, meaning every time the man thrusted back and forth inside of her you could hear her bed hit the wall, no it wasn’t just that, it was the fact this had been going on for hours now.
You saw the digital clock indicate three am, how could one couple go at it for two hours straight, better yet who gets horny at one am and thinks lets having a fuck session whilst their roommate is next door.
Well your friend clearly did, it wasn’t like you wanted to interrupt them, they hadn’t seen each other in a while and deserved something. But at the expense of your sleep, it was a lot more than you had expected. You had prayed they would stop but the moans of his name continued, and it seemed like they would never stop anytime soon.  
You swung your legs off your bed, yawning as the stars filled the sky, you would go to the balcony, probably try and fall asleep outside if it was summer, but it wasn’t. It was fucking winter and you could see the snow form on top of the window ledge. There was always the sofa, you put a hoodie on your body, covering the short shirt and bottoms you wore, dragging your duvet to the sofa.
Staring up at the ceiling, trying to gain some sleep, you hoped the noise of their maniac sex would calm down. But to your luck, the noise seemed to get even more louder, as if they had left the door open. You really did not need to hear the consistent grunting and moaning coming from your friend and her boyfriend. You knew tomorrow morning you wouldn’t be able to face them after the night they were having.
You were cynical, the last time you had sex being months ago. You were touch deprived and even worse the crush on your pro hero neighbour made it worse, when you’d go in the early mornings to the balcony or get your mail, you’d see the man.
He’s be sweaty from some sort of training, his black vest always clinged onto his body perfectly. He was like a renaissance art piece, he deserved to be in a museum. You tried to think about him, to get rid of the sound of your roommate, you had had an encounter with him in the morning. He had come back from an early morning run and you had gone to get the mail. Flicking through it Bakugo called your name to make sure the elevator didn’t go without him.
The pro hero was drenched in sweat and his long-sleeved running shirt clung to all his muscles, the shorts and leggings he wore underneath sticking to his thigh muscles. It was a sight for sore eyes, and you tried to not stare. “Hey Bakugo.”
You spoke politely, he looked down at you flicking through the mail, mainly magazines and other shit. “Y/n.” He spoke coldly, how could you had a crush on such a cold man.
“I saw on the news about the villains you captured, it was cool.” You tried to converse; he raised an eyebrow crossing his arms.
“It was more than cool, I did it single handily, stupid extras didn’t even help.” He smirked as if he was reminiscing in the past nights action.
You looked up at him, his jaw clenched. “Oh well you didn’t need their help in the first place, did you?” You teased a grin on your face.
He saw you step out of the elevator about to answer but instead keeping quiet, you wish you had stopped walking waiting for an answer but your boldness at teasing had made you too flustered to wait. He often was cold to both you and your roommate, mainly your roommate who found the pro hero an irritant. You often saw his friends come back and forth out of his apartment; you were shocked at how his friends were a foil of the man.
He was angry and frustrated and red riot who you assumed was his best friend frequently visited. Your roommate hated the boy due to her theory that he looked down on commoners, you were studying to go into (any career) and you had been working hard. Was she right? Were you really nothing more than commoners needing to be saved.
Your thoughts turned to your roommate and you got out of your daze of the pro hero, you really couldn’t sleep with the grunts. Your best option was to find somewhere else to sleep for the rest of the night, you were glad it was Sunday the next day so you could have a lie in.
You thought of who you could text to ask if you could spend the night, most of your friends being their own university students with their own problems. Your finger lingered over Bakugo’s number before you decided to just straight up ask him if you could sleep on his sofa.
Leaving your duvet in your room, you unlocked the door of your apartment, quickly slipping out. You finally had some peace without having to hear any more vigorous thrusts, did he want to split her in half or something. You rested your head against the door, before pacing outside Bakugo’s door, the number nine on the side. You hesitated knocking, maybe you should’ve texted before knocking at his door at half three in the morning.
It was only by accident and your nerves that you quickly knocked on the door. Maybe he wouldn’t even hear it, it was early morning, and he could be sleeping. About to leave the door, you were met by the man, he was shirtless, only wearing some grey joggers. You were almost about to admire his body, but as he raised his eyebrow a ‘what’ coming from his mouth you started to spew out your thoughts.
“…so yeah, my roommate and her boyfriend have been fucking for nearly three hours now, and I need my sleep so can I like sleep on your sofa or floor” He raised an eyebrow, his arm was leaning against the top of the door, his height making it easy for him to reach. “It’s fine, if you’ve got no room, I can just go back and h…”
“Shut up and get inside.” You were shocked but quickly obliged, walking into his apartment.
It was not what you had expected, the same layout even with two bedrooms. “My spare room has my hero stuff in it, you want to sleep on the floor”
He was grinning at the idea of you sleeping on the floor, “I can sleep anywhere just not in a sex ridden apartment.”
“My bedrooms free.” He spoke, your face reddening.
“Umm…aren’t you s…sleeping there?” You asked not meeting his gaze.
He crossed his arms, his blond hair less spiky from sleeping. “We’re adults Y/n, we can sleep in the same bed.”
You nodded, not speaking out of fear you’d say something wrong. He walked towards the room as you followed in suit, “stay on your side and we should be fine.”
You nodded again, he went on his side, lying down bare in front of you. It was a sight, his room was boiling, you took your hoodie off he looked at you, trying to not see how your shirt rid to show your exposed stomach. He looked away just as your head popped out of the hoodie. You laid on your side, Bakugo’s broad shoulders made your own touch his as he was partially on your side.
“You have a nice apartment.” You complimented knowing the two of you were still awake facing the ceiling.
He huffed, side eyeing you, he watched as your brought the covers around your shoulders. “It’s exactly like yours, minus the horny roommate.”
You laughed at the comment, turning to face his body. You didn’t care if you both weren’t classed as friends, you were going to try and somehow become friends of sorts. “Who wouldn’t love a horny roommate?”
“Me, I need my space and defiantly cant handle being around sex noises, you should’ve shot them with your quirk or something.”
You hadn’t even told him what your quirk was, it was simple and useless in most situations. “I don’t think its possible for me to do that with my quirk.”
He raised an eyebrow still facing the ceiling, his arm had moved behind his back , you could see his arm muscles all on show, “oh yeah what is it then?”
“Guess.” You teased, stretching the word out. Bakugo finally faced you, he saw how your hair framed your face, your eyes looked tired, but you seemed more awake than you had when you had knocked on his door.
“Just tell me, shitty woman.” You pouted at the man.
“You’re no fun, I can create sparks from my fingertips, I know it’s lame, it’s why I’m at university.” Bakugo looked at you, you expected laughing to come from him, you had heard him call most people extras and those without quirks had been mocked by many people. You expected the same at your lame quirk.
“Can you show me?” He wasn’t acting the same, you ignored his calmness, putting your hand from under the cover. You rubbed your fingers together, a spark coming from each finger, it was like a firework sparkler and was painful to touch. But the application of it was never pro hero material.
His hand moved closer to it, “I would…” He did anyway, his finger touching the top, he quickly moved it away after feeling it for less than a second.
“Oww, Y/n what the fuck? It stings.” You laugh, making the sparks go away, grabbing his hand your breath cool air on it. He hadn’t expected this action, feeling your breath on his fingertips, made his ears go red.
“It’s okay now.” He pulled away, not looking at you.
You didn’t say anything, nobody said anything, you could hear the clock tick away, the minutes going past. Maybe Bakugo had gone to sleep, but as you turned back, he had been fixated on the ceiling. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He spoke with frustration on his tongue.
“Oh, I don’t know you seemed out of it.” You spoke turning away from him, you could feel his legs move closer to your own, you didn’t dare think of the actions you wanted him to do to you. Inside trying to think of other stuff.
Bakugo instead broke the silence, “your quirk is decent.” It was some sort of compliment and you would take it.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” You laugh at the boy, his own mouth twitched upwards. “At UA, there was a kid who made purple balls from his head, so you’re already one hundred times better than him.”
You supress a laugh at someone having a more useless quirk than you, “was he at least hero type.”
“He was just some extra, but he was below four foot and a pussy.” You couldn’t suppress it any longer, a laugh wavering through the room. “And a perv, he loved looking up girls skirts.”
“For some extra, you did pay attention to him.”
“When you have friends that I have, you hear too much unnecessary information.” You smile turning to face him again.
You thought of the heroes who he worked with, who came intro his apartment, they seemed like nice people to be friends with. “So what you don’t pay attention to your friends?”
“I pay attention to important people.” He turned back to face you, both of you under the covers but Bakugo’s hand had moved on top of the duvet, right on top of your body. You didn’t question the action instead questioning him.
“And who’s important to the great Katsuki Bakugo.” You gave a gleeful look waiting for a response.
He thought it out, before finding the confidence to speak, “you.”
You were dumbfounded, your eyes widening waiting for more context, “me?”
“You study (subject area), you and your roommate go to yoga every Friday night, you babysit who I assume is your nephew once a month, you like drinking coffee on the balcony and you always seem to have cooking magazines in your hand.” You were shocked at how much he had remembered and seen from you.
“You noticed.” You were calm on the outside but freaking the fuck out at how much he acknowledged about you, you had spoke about your studies, and what you normally did when you passed by him, but you never expected him to remember.
“How could I forgot your interests.” You smiled looking down before he spoke again, “oh yeah, and you have a massive crush on me.”
Your cheeks reddened, were you that obvious, “w…what?”
“Y/n, I know when girls have crushes on me, I’m surprised in the months I’ve know you; you have brought back one guy and he was the polar opposite of me.” You remembered the guy you had brought back to have sex with, he was the opposite of Bakugo, from his appearance to personality. “Was he able to fuck you good at least?”
A cocky smirk was placed on the blond’s face, his red eyes were filled with a knowing look, you shook your head feeling his hand press harder on the covers, feeling how his hand rubbed back and forth on your leg from on top. “That’s what I thought, I bet you didn’t even cum.”
“I didn’t.” You blurted out.
“You’re lucky you’re better than the other extra’s, you actually have a chance of getting with me.” You looked at him, his other hand moving towards your face.
“Just getting with you?” You hesitantly spoke, your hand meeting his to stop him.
He realised how he had phrased it and quickly rephrased it, “not just to fuck Y/n, I’m not a man whore who does one-night stands.”
“So you’d want to go on a d…date?” You question, pulling his hand towards your cheek.
“Your words not mine.” He spoke defensively, you smirked wanting to close the gap but being scared to make the first move.
He noticed your eyes move down towards his mouth before he closed the gap. The fast pace of the kiss made you more turned on for him, his hands on your cheeks bringing your closer to his face. You had never been kissed like this before, never felt this thrill inside of you and you craved more. His hand moved to your thighs, making you move on top of him, before you sat on top of his exposed chest, your lips still attached to him.
His hands on your sides bringing you closer under the covers as your hands went to his face, making the kiss’ pace fasten. You moaned his name, an instant turn on at the sound of hearing his first name, he had often seen you reading outside on the balcony, he admired how peaceful you got.
But every day when he saw how calm you looked, he fell more and more in love with his neighbour. He watched how you went through the motions every time you read a new book, it was like you were in your own fantasy and he loved it.
His grip on your sides moved to your ass, he squeezed it, making you moan again, this time allowing his tongue access inside your mouth. You loved the feeling, loved his tongue with your own, he loved how you sat on his perfectly, the way one of your hands had moved to his bare chest, glossing over each muscle. As you both parted, he bit at your bottom lip, tugging to make one last moan come from your mouth.
The sound making his ears tingle in enjoyment before he flipped you over. He craved you but was always going to ask before he moved onto other things. “I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do.” He spoke his mouth on your stomach moving upwards, he was a predator and you his prey and he wanted to devour you.
“I want to wait.” You spoke breathlessly.
He nodded, “I can still kiss you right?” He stopped kissing right underneath your bra, his hand having lifted your shirt up.
“Yes Bakugo.” You smiled feeling his mouth latch upwards, past your bra and onto your neck. Sucking the spot, his hand on your side as he continued to nibble and bite on your collar.
“It’s Katsuki, baby girl.” The single word sent your insides into to turmoil. A purple bruise formed on your neck, before he captured your lips his own. Your legs wrapped around his back, as you brought your arms round his neck, wanting to limit the gap between the two of you.
“Baby…” You trailed off speaking through the kiss, it was too much excitement as his kiss left you a sloppy mess, you felt like putty in his hands. He let go letting you breath, before lying on his back.
“Come ‘ere.” He grabbed your waist, bringing you closer to his body. “We can finish this after our date tomorrow.”
“Is that a promise.” You smiled boldly, his face going into the crook of your now bare back, his arms around your exposed stomach and lips kissing your shoulder.
He went to your ear, licking the back of your ear before nibbling at the earlobe, “I’ll show you what you’ve been missing out on, and we’ll make your roommate hear it all.”
You smiled in agreement; his arms wrapped around your body. You had not expected this to happen, you had thought you were doomed to be alone, but in the angry boys defence, you never even thought he acknowledged you. But as you laid hearing his soft snores in your ear, you gleamed at how you had got something you had been craving for months now.
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bonus scene 
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You woke up the sound of Bakugo in his kitchen, finding his discarded shirt, you wore it, it was a lot bigger than you, but you hoped Bakugo liked it. You walked into the kitchen, a plate of pancakes on the table. “I mad…” He turned around seeing your cute little face in his shirt. “You really want me to bend you over right now.”
You giggled walking up to him, he grabbed your waist planting a soft kiss on you mouth. It was a lot calmer than last nights, but still had the same love in it. You heard his front door open, but Bakugo’s grasp on your was still tight, you squealed not wanting to be seen, instead Bakugo flipped you around, his body pressed onto your back and his chin resting on your shoulder.
“Oi Bakugo, did you forget we were meeting at the…” He trailed off seeing both of you. “Isn’t that your attractive neighbour.”
Your face reddened, “I said you could use my spare key in emergencies.” The door was still wide open, and you knew Bakugo’s shouting would raise some attention.
“I thought you died.” Kirishima spoke. “I’m Eijiro Kirishima, you’re the neighbour, we’ve all had to hear so much about.”
You smiled at the fact Bakugo spoke about you, it melted your heart. “I’m Y/n Y/l/n.” You smiled, Bakugo’s grip loosening as you went to shake Kirishima’s hand.
“Nice to meet you.” He smiled out.
“What the fuck is all the noise.” You saw the door of your apartment open, you looked at your roommate who looked tired and her hair dishevelled. “Y/n what the fuck are you doing in there?” she looked between Bakugo and you, the way his arm was placed around your waist.
“You didn’t, even after everything I said.” She spoke a loud. “Tell me everything.”
She grabbed your hand, dragging you out. “I’ll see you tonight.” You shouted at Bakugo who watched you walk away.
“Ooo pancakes.” You heard Kirishima gleam out, Bakugo watched you get dragged away. A smile at the fact he had finally gotten what he wanted.
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proceed to part two here 
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sunstone-smiles · 2 years
New Invention Mishap
Hello everyone! Here’s a Great Ace Attorney story since I haven't written for the lovable Baker Street family in a while. Enjoy!
Series: The Great Ace Attorney
Characters: Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Herlock Sholmes, Iris Wilson, Susato Mikotoba
Words: 2,179
Summary: When Sholmes tests out a new invention against Ryunosuke, a small mishap occurs that traps both of them in the contraption’s hold. Iris and Susato help them out, but not before teaching them a playful lesson about the ‘consequences’ of reckless testing.
The left half of the room is cluttered, as it usually is, where Sholmes’s desk lies beneath the window. Miscellaneous things are stacked on top of one another at the back of the wall, somehow standing still enough not to topple.
“Hello Mr. Sholmes,” Ryunosuke says as he walks downstairs into the suite and notices the great detective sitting at his desk tinkering with an invention. 
Sholmes looks over his shoulder upon hearing his name. “Ah, hello Mr. Naruhodo,” he greets the lawyer, noticing that he came down alone, “Where are the girls?”
“Oh! Miss Susato wanted to show Iris one of her new trinkets that she got at the pawn shop recently. They should be down shortly.”
“I see! Well, you came down just in time then!” Sholmes stands up from his desk and turns to face Ryunosuke, “I just completed one of my new inventions!” 
“Really!” Ryunosuke beams. Susato is usually the one who is more excited about this stuff than he is, but he’s still always fascinated when the detective shows off one of his new creations. “May I ask what it does?” the lawyer inquires.
“Why of course!” The detective scoops up the small invention off of his desk and shows it to the lawyer, holding up a small contraption that looks like a handheld cannon with a narrow barrel. A handle with trigger is attached to the bottom of the mechanism, and a small gear with a mini crank sticks out on the side.
“It’s a new invention for catching runaway criminals!” Sholmes explains, “Once this trigger is pulled, a rope with a curved metal hook at the end of it will shoot out and cut through the air in order to wrap around the target to capture them. And this handle on the side here reels them in, similar to that of a fishing pole!”
“Wow, that’s amazing Mr. Sholmes! Have you tested it yet?”
“Not yet! Which is why you arrived at an excellent time!”
Ryunosuke freezes after processing those last words, suddenly uninterested to see the detective’s invention in action. “M-Mr. Sholmes!” he stutters and steps back, “I don’t like where this is going!”
“It will be fine Mr. Naruhodo!” Sholmes says while lifting up the invention and pointing it at the lawyer, “Watch!”
“Mr. Sholmes! Wait!” Ryunosuke yells and tries to run away, only further helping Sholmes test his contraption against someone who’s fleeing.
Sholmes pulls the trigger and fires the invention at the sprinting lawyer. As planned, the rope shoots out with its metal hook and extends outward in front of the lawyer to wrap in front of him; however, instead of just going for Ryunoskuke, the rope overshoots its target and begins to boomerang back towards Sholmes. The detective tries to grab the crank on the side to reel the rope back in, but the contraption suddenly yanks Sholmes forward, making him stumble, twist around, and collide into Ryunosuke. The two are now back to back with each other as the rope continues to swirl around them, pinning their arms to their sides before they could escape. The barrel of the invention gets caught in the tangle of rope alongside them and the metal hook catches at the edge, effectively trapping Sholmes and Ryunosuke together by accident. They both try to wriggle out of the rope’s hold, but it won’t budge.
“Well…” Sholmes speaks up after his unsuccessful attempts to escape, “That didn’t work as planned.”
Ryunosuke glares at him over his shoulder, “Now you see why I was concerned about it in the first place!” The lawyer continues to try to pull himself out of the contraption, but the ropes keep them secure.
Luckily for them though, the girls suddenly return from the upstairs office and begin to make their way into the suite.
Iris tries to greet them as she walks in with Susato, “Hurley! Runo! We’re back-Huh?” but the little inventor stops once she realizes they have gotten themselves into some sort of predicament. The two girls quickly walk over to them to try and assess the situation.
“Mr. Sholmes! Mr. Naruhodo!” Susato exclaims with a tone of worry, “What happened?”
“Well,” Sholmes begins to clarify the situation, “I was testing an invention with Mr. Naruhodo and we seem to have run into a little mishap.”
“With me?!” Ryunosuke growls at him, “You mean against me!”
“Oh, nevermind the smaller details Mr. Naruhodo,” Sholmes remarks. Ryunoskuke rolls his eyes. The detective continues, “Do you mind helping us out of here, my dear?”
Iris nods and gives a soft look to signal that she’ll help. She walks up in front of the detective and begins to use her little hands to try and untie the rope that had entangled itself beside Sholmes’s side.
“Hurley, you really have to be careful with your inventions,” Iris says as she works her hands under the rope to loosen the knot, “What if this one was dangerous!”
Sholmes looks down at her with a soft smile, appreciating her concern, “I know my dear. I’ll try to be more careful next time-Ah!” The detective suddenly flinches from Iris’s fingers accidentally poking his side and Iris quickly moves her hands away.
“Hurley, are you alright?” the little inventor asks, unsure if she unintentionally tightened the rope around them. Sholmes straightens himself out.
“Yes my dear, I’m alright,” the detective responds with a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, “Your hand accidentally tickled me, that’s all.”
Iris relaxes and nods at him, glad to know that he was okay. She goes to reach for the rope again, but she pauses before she touches it. It was a complete mistake that her fingers had grazed his side, but she does want the detective to be more careful in the future, so perhaps she can use this situation to her advantage to show him one of the ‘consequences’ of reckless testing.
“You know Hurley,” Iris says with a mischievous grin, “You really should be more careful with trying out your new inventions. You wouldn’t want unexpected results to occur.” She approaches him as if she was going to untie the rope so that he doesn’t get suspicious, but Sholmes raises a brow at the tone of her words.
“Iris, what are you talking about-AH! Hahaha! Iris!” The detective bursts into giggles upon Iris wiggling her little fingers purposely into his sides. He tries to pull his arms out and lean forward in an attempt to shield his middle, almost knocking Ryunosuke’s balance over in the process.
“Whoa! Careful Mr. Sholmes!” Ryunosuke exclaims as he regains his footing.
“My apohohologies, but I'm tryihihing! Hahaha!” 
Iris giggles as she continues wiggling into the detective’s ticklish torso, “Stop squirming Hurley! You’re going to knock Runo down!”
Sholmes straightens himself out and attempts to keep himself as still as he can in order to look at the lawyer he’s tied up with. “Mr. Naruhodo! Are you able to gehet us out of hehere?”
Ryunosuke looks down and sees the knotted rope by the detective’s side. To the best of his ability, the lawyer tries to reach behind himself to grab the rope, but Susato thinks that she should help out Iris with her little plan. 
“Oh no you don’t, Mr. Naruhodo!” Susato exclaims and lunges her hands at the lawyer to scribble into his sides, immediately making the lawyer jump in his spot.
“AH! Why mehehe?! Hahaha!” he yelps and tries to squirm out of the rope’s hold, to no avail.
“Because you were helping him test his invention!” Susato innocently smiles at him.
“Nohohot by choice!” Ryunosuke giggles and tries to pull himself forward, almost making Sholmes stumble this time.
“Cahareful Mr. Naruhodo!” Sholmes exclaims through his laughter, still being subjected to Iris’s playful attack, “Now yohou're pushing mehehe!”
“I’m sohohorry! I'm nohohot doing it on purpose! Hahaha!”
Susato can’t help but chuckle, “Come on you two, this is no time to fight!”
“Yeah!” Iris agrees, “You both should be working together, not against each other!”
“Ihit’s a little hard to do thahahat when you’re tickling us-AH! Ihihiris!” the detective’s laughter increases as the little inventor moves her hands to scribble into the lower half of his ribs.
“No excuses, Hurley!” she teases the squirming Sholmes.
“You too Mr. Naruhodo!” Susato chimes in and moves her hands to wiggle into the lawyer’s underarms. Ryunosuke yelps again and a flood of giggles keep pouring from his mouth.
“Buhuhut I didn’t sahahay anything!”
“Doesn’t matter,” the judicial assistant smiles, “Mr. Sholmes said it and since you're tied up to Mr. Sholmes, that means you said it.” 
“Thahat’s your logic?!” Ryunosuke refutes her claim, but his rebuttal is immediately cut off when the judicial assistant moves her hands down and begins scribbling into his ribs. “AH! Miss Susato! Wahahait! Nohohot there!” 
“Yes it is, Mr. Naruhodo!” Susato jokes, knowing her reasoning is completely faulty, but still funny. “See? Me and Iris are easily working together.”
Iris chimes in, “Yeah! Whatever Susie does, I do too! Like this!”
After those words, the little inventor swiftly moves her hands down to the detective’s belly, making Sholmes jump and burst into uncontrollable laughter, “Noho Iris! Nohot the stomahahach! Hahaha!”
Iris giggles at his reaction, “Now we’re both attacking their tickle spots!”
“Nice going Iris!” Susato smiles at their playful teamwork.
Meanwhile, the boys are in hysterics as they try to wriggle out of the rope and shake away the girl’s mischievous fingers away from their weak points. Sholmes tries to bend his body forward to protect his tummy, while Ryunosuke squirms behind him from side to side to avoid the attack on his ribs. 
“Okahahay!” the two say in unison as they attempt to speak up through their laughter, “Plehehease stohohop!”
The girls giggle at their in sync response, then move their hands away from them in order to let them breathe. The detective and the lawyer slump forward in their spots, letting our airy residual giggles as they try to regain air back into their systems. While they’re recovering, Iris carefully unties the rope, making sure not to tickle the detective anymore than she already has. Once the final strand comes loose, the rope plops to the ground and the boys move their freed arms to clutch their previously tickled spots.
“Thank you, my dear,” Sholmes responds, still a little breathless.
“Sorry, Hurley. I hope you’re alright,” the little inventor says and reaches a hand out to his arm to comfort him.
“Yes, I’m alright,” he replies with a soft smile on his face. He then glances over at the lawyer who still has his arms wrapped around himself, “How are you fairing, Mr. Naruhodo?” 
The lawyer straightens himself out a bit, still taking in deep breaths of air. “I’m fine…”
After his response, Sustato kneels down and picks up the rope that had scattered on the floor. “What was this invention for in the first place Mr. Sholmes?” she asks with the bundle of twine in her hands.
“Ah, well it was supposed to capture runaway criminals, but clearly it backfired,” Sholmes explains and receives the invention back from Susato, “However, I would still count this test as a success!”
“A success?!” Ryunosuke questions, “But that’s what got us both into that mess!”
“Yes, you are correct,” the detective admits, “but the intent was to capture you was it not? And although we ran into a mishap, you were indeed captured.”
Ryunosuke takes a deep breath to get ready to object to his statement, but he couldn’t deny that the invention did technically function as it was supposed to. The lawyer stops what he was going to say and sighs. “Yes, I suppose you have a point…”
Iris pipes up, “But you will be careful when testing it in the future, right Hurley?”
“Yes, of course my dear.” He turns to his desk and uses a screwdriver to tighten up the crank that controls the amount of rope that fires from the contraption. “There we go, that should do it.” Sholmes holds up the invention and looks at Ryunosuke. “Now Mr. Naruhodo, shall we continue with the testing?”
The lawyer tenses up and his eyes grow wide at the detective’s request. “N-Now wait a minute!” he starts to argue, “But you just said that the last trial was a success!”
“I did, but there are still things that need to be tweaked! It’s trial and error, Mr. Naruhodo.” Sholmes smiles at him.
Susato gives the lawyer a determined look, “You heard the Great Detective, Mr. Naruhodo! Do it for science!”
“Hehe!” Iris giggles and gives him a playful grin, “You better run, Runo!”
“Oh no-”
The lawyer takes a few steps back from them, then tries to make a run for it. With a chuckle, the other three start chasing after Ryunosuke through the Sholmes’s suite to try and test out the contraption again. Trials and cross-examinations are one thing, but trial and error for inventions are a whole other field when it comes to this playful family.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH26- In Sickness And In Health
Summary: A bug hits the Adler household, and it isn’t pretty.
Warnings: Bad language, talks of puke and vomit (grim!)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 5.1k ish
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 25
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Fliss woke in the middle of the night to Thor gently scratching at the bedroom door, little whines seeping from his mouth. She sat still, her ears craning for what had gotten him so agitated and then she heard soft crying from across the hall. She knew from the fact it wasn’t coming over the baby monitor it wasn’t Alex, which left one other person.
“Frank...” she nudged him with her elbow gently in his ribs, where he lay in his preferred sleeping position, on his stomach, arms folded under his pillow. “Babe, Mary’s crying.”
He grumbled something before his nose screwed up and he gave a sleepy questioning hum as Fliss flicked on the lamp and rose from the bed, locating her sleep wear which had been discarded the night before as they’d gotten a little frisky. He groaned again, blinking against the light before his sleepy brain suddenly registered what was going on and he sat up, frowning.
The door to their room opened as Fliss headed across the landing and Frank jumped out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweats that were discarded over the back of the chair by the vanity and followed. As soon as Fliss opened the door to Mary’s room the smell of vomit hit his nostrils and he sighed, instantly realising what was going on.
“Hey, hey...” Fliss stood on the bottom rung of the steps which led up to Mary’s bed, reaching over to brush her hair which was spattered with puke off her face. “Sweetheart, it’s ok.”
“I couldn’t get to the bathroom in time...” Mary sobbed. “I just woke up and...”
“Stack, calm down.” Frank soothed as he moved behind Fliss. “Does your tummy hurt?”
“Yeah.” She nodded and then without warning she pushed Fliss away, retched, and spewed up once more all over her bedspread, her sobbing growing louder. Frank grimaced, and in front of him Fliss gave a little, sudden half retch of her own- he knew she hated dealing with puke but it was testament to her mom instincts as she swallowed and reached out, rubbing Mary’s back.
“Okay, honey. Let’s get you cleaned up. Can you stand in the shower or do you want me to run you a bath?”
“Bath.” Mary stammered, retching again and Fliss nodded, turning to Frank. “I’ll go sort it, can you help her down?”
“Sure.” Frank nodded as Fliss dodged round him, heading to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry.” Mary whispered.
“What for?” Frank frowned.
“For barfing in my bed.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Frank soothed her. “Have I ever been mad at you for being sick?”
“Only when I ate all those marshmallows.”
“That was different, I told you to stop stuffing them into your mouth and you didn’t.” Frank chuckled, the back of his hand pressing to Mary’s forehead. She felt clammy, her cheeks tinged with pink. “You can’t help it if you’re ill, sweetheart.”
“But the bedcover is new.”
“Mary, it doesn’t matter.” He repeated. “It’ll wash. I’m more worried about you. Now come on, let’s get you in the bath okay?”
With a little clever manoeuvring, Frank helped Mary down from her bunk and she made her way slowly into the bathroom where Fliss as busy drawing her a bath.
“Okay, you want me to stay with you or you wanna be on your own?” Fliss asked Mary as she slumped ok the close toilet seat.
“Can you stay?”
“Sure.” Fliss smiled.
“I’ll go strip the bed and toss it all in the machine.” Frank gently ran his hand over the back of Mary’s head as Fliss handed her a glass of water. “You can get in with us for the rest of the night.”
Mary drained the glass and nodded, wiping her eyes. Frank straightened up and Fliss gave him a little smile before he turned and headed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Half an hour or so later Mary was in a fresh set of pyjamas, had taken a dose of medicine and was settled in their bed. After an initial bit of another flap about her not wanting to be in the middle in case she needed to get out, Frank had assured her that if she moved he would wake and she was now settled in between him and Fliss, curled on her side and snuggled into his chest, her head tucked under his chin. His large arms cuddled her close, his left hand gently rubbing at her back as he gave Fliss a tired smile as she flicked off the light and settled down beside them having checked on Alex to make sure the noise hadn’t disturbed him.
“I’ll stay home with her.” He whispered as Fliss leaned over and pressed a kiss to the back of Mary’s head before she moved and placed a soft one on Frank’s mouth. “It’s easier for me to rearrange stuff than you, I can work here.”
“I can rearrange some stuff if needs be but, well, she’s always a daddy’s girl when she’s sick.” Fliss yawned.
Frank chuckled a little as he too gave a soft yawn. “Yeah, and I’d be lying if I said I ever wanted that to change.”
Mary was off colour for just over two days. Just as Fliss had stated, she’d been clingy to Frank, laying on the sofa by his side or on his knee, her head resting on his lap whilst she slept. Thankfully, by the time the third day rolled around she was back almost to her usual self although Frank insisted she stay home from summer camp for the rest of the week. The bad news was, however, the bug was seemed to have caught him now. He felt funny on the Monday morning and as he drove into work he had to pull his truck over so he could puke out of the door. With a groan he grabbed the bottle of water out of the holder and with a shaky hand drained half in one go before he pulled a u-turn and headed home. Fliss saw his truck arrive back onto their driveway and came into the house to find him rushing into the bathroom, throwing up violently into the toilet. With a sigh she gently rubbed his back and sent him to bed, fetching him some water and kissing his head, telling him to rest up. “Where’s dad?” Mary asked as she walked into her kitchen later that evening, having been picked up by Bill following a call from Fliss earlier that afternoon. “In bed, he’s caught your bug.” Fliss sighed. “Poor bugger.” Bill grimaced. “Yeah, he’s not well.” Fliss wrinkled her nose. “Just a case of it working through his system.” She smiled at Alex as she took him from her dad. “They behaved?” “Good as gold.” Bill smiled as Alex gave his momma a huge grin as she kissed his cheek. “Do you want us to pick them up again tomorrow evening?” “Would you?” Fliss sighed. “Frank won’t be up to it and I’ve got lessons until six.” “Sure, Mary can stay if she likes. We’ve got the twins so...” “Oh please Mom, can I?” Mary grinned and Fliss shrugged. “Sure, if you want.” “Yesss.” Mary gave Bill a hi-five before she excused herself and headed into her den. Bill had a cup of tea before he headed back home and Fliss got Alex ready for bed. Just as she was carrying him out of the nursery for his night bottle,  Frank emerged from their bedroom. He was pale, and looked absolutely drained. “Hey, how you feeling?” Fliss gave him a sympathetic smile and he shook his head, giving a little sigh. “Like I’ve been hit by a bus.” He grumbled as Alex gave a noise of excitement at seeing his dad. “Hey, buddy.” Frank gave him a smile and waggled his fingers, chuckling a little as the baby mimicked his actions. “Frankie, go back to bed.” Fliss coaxed and he sighed. “I can’t sleep, been awake for the last hour.” “You been sick again?” “Not yet. Although my stomach is killing me.” “Can you face anything to eat?” Frank shook his head. “Just need to get some water.” “I’ll get it, just go lie down and watch some TV or something.” “Is Mary okay?” He completely ignored her instructions and Fliss shot him a look. “Stop ignoring me. She’s fine. I’ll send her up to say hi, now go. Go on.” “Yes, Mom.” Frank grumbled before he turned and headed back into their room. As Fliss headed down the stairs she heard the vague sounds of him retching into the toilet in the en-suite. ***** The next morning, Fliss found herself with a sick fiancée and a sick eleven month old as Alex promptly woke her up at five am screaming, and proceeded to projectile vomit all over her as she lifted him out of his vomit spattered crib. With a sigh, she soothed him gently before she carried him into the main bathroom so as not to disturb Frank and stripped them both off, stepping into the shower with him in her arms to clean them both off. Being an expert at doing things one handed now thanks to usually having him on her hip, she managed to wash her hair and his before she stepped out, wrapped him in a little towel. She shrugged on her robe and carried him out of the room, dressing him in a clean romper before she wandered downstairs to make herself some breakfast. As soon as it was an acceptable hour, she called Joanne to have her cancel her lessons for the day before she then called her mum who assured her that her or Bill would collect Mary and drop her at summer camp so she didn’t have to. It was a little after ten when Frank headed downstairs to find Fliss gently rocking Alex to and fro as he griped in her arms, his little hands curled round the material of her t-shirt, his cheeks red as he rest one against her shoulder. “Oh he’s not got it as well?” Frank sighed and Fliss nodded. “Yup, I got a wonderful five am wake up call.” “Oh, Honey, I’m sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” She looked at him, giving him a soft smile. “How you feeling today?” “A little better, not great but...” Frank shrugged as he ran a hand over Alex’s head. “Is he really bad?” Fliss wrinkled her nose. “He’s not been sick for an hour or so now but his diapers are grim.” She pulled a face. “I’m just worried about him not eating or drinking and getting dehydrated.” “Just offer him something plain to eat.” Frank looked at her, rubbing her arm. “Maybe some rye crackers or those little animal ones he likes and some diluted apple juice. If he’s like Mary then this will pass in a couple of days, don’t worry about it, it’s not like he’s a tiny baby now.” “Hmmm. Maybe I should ask Mum what I should do, I mean she’s done this before and...” At that Frank paused, his hand dropping to his side as he felt his temper flare. “Yeah, because it’s not like I have or anything is it, Fliss?” He knew he shouldn’t have said it, but he was tired, wasn’t feeling too great himself and her lack of faith in him had riled him to the point he’d blurted it out without thinking. And he immediately knew he’d pushed the wrong button when she stilled and turned to him, her eyes blazing. “You’re such a dick!” “I’m a dick?” He snapped back. “Jesus, you constantly second guess everything I suggest. I’ve done this before and Mary turned out just fine.” “I don’t second guess everything.” “You know what, just do what you want. I can’t have this argument now, I feel like crap. Maybe you should check with your mom what I should eat as well while you’re at it.” “Fuck off, Frank.” Fliss spat at him as she adjusted Alex in her arms and stormed out of the room, her feet heavy on the stairs as she made her way up them, Alex’s little cries growing quieter as she went before they died out completely as she shut the door to his nursery. With a groan Frank grabbed a bottle of water and followed her up the stairs where he headed back into the bedroom, climbed into bed and pulled the covers over his head. **** Thor alerted Fliss to someone’s presence and her head turned to see her mum enter through the back door holding a canvas shopping bag.
“Hey love, you sounded a little stressed on the phone so I thought I’d swing by.” She smiled. “How is he?”
“Who, Alex or the asshole upstairs?” Fliss rolled her eyes and Verity arched her brow.
“You two had an argument? I thought Frank was ill?”
“He is. Suffering from asshole-itis.”
“Okay.” Verity sighed as she placed the bag on the counter in the kitchen. “Well, I made you a lasagne and some chicken soup for when Frank feels like eating. Probably better on his stomach than a heap of meat and cheese.”
“Thanks.” Fliss gave her mum a smile as she stood up and headed over to the kitchen area of the large family room, checking on Alex who was sleeping in the pack and play in the corner of the room.
“Did he eat his crackers?”
“A few.” Fliss shrugged. “But he drank most of his apple juice and keeping him hydrated is the most important thing, right?”
"He’s not a new-born now, Fliss.” Verity smiled. “And this isn’t the first time he’s been off colour.”
“No, but it’s the first time he’s been puking up every hour or so.”
“Yes, but as long as he keeps drinking then there’s no need to worry about it.” Verity looked at her. “If he’s still bad in another twenty-four hours and you’re worried, call the doctor. But Frank was right with what he said. Diluted apple juice will make sure he gets water and a bit of sugar, and if he munches on a few crackers then at least he’s eating something. You could always offer him a piece of banana too. Full of vitamins and the potassium will be good for him, too.” At that Fliss pulled a face and Verity chuckled. “You’ve never liked bananas.”
“Frank and Mary love them as well as him, but the texture makes me want to hurl.”
“You eat avocado.” Verity rolled her eyes and Fliss shrugged as she filled a kettle. There was a moment’s silence as Fliss placed the kettle on to boil and her mum reached for two mugs. “So, you going to tell me why Frank’s an asshole?”
“Oh, just before.” Fliss shrugged, tossing teabags into the teapot. “He accused me of second guessing him when I said I wanted to call you about Alex.”
“Right.” Verity nodded, leaning back against the counter. “And you weren’t?”
“No, of course not.” Fliss looked at her mum and Verity shrugged.
“Okay,” she held her hands up, “but, try and see it from his point of view, sweetheart. He is his dad…”
“I know that…”
“…and he’s done this before. In fact he’s done this before the same amount of times I have.”
At that Fliss paused and took a deep breath as her mum continued.
“You and Steve are both my children, but don’t forget, I didn’t meet Steve until he was five. So my sum total experience of babies was from looking after you, which makes Frank as equally qualified as me, certainly from the six month mark anyway.”
Fliss hesitated, in all honesty she hadn’t thought about it that way. She let out a sigh as her eyes filled with tears and her mum gave her a small smile and gently touched her arm. “Hey, don’t get upset, come here…”
Fliss willingly stepped into her mums arms for a hug, sniffing a little as Verity gently stroked the back of her head. “Being a parent is stressful, and being a first time one is the scariest thing in the world, but I wish I’d had the support from someone like you get from Frank.”
“I know, and he’s great, he’s more than great he’s fantastic, sometimes I just,” Fliss sniffed and shrugged lamely as she pulled back a little, “you’re my mum, that’s all.”
“Yeah I was last time I checked.” Verity smiled and Fliss let out a soft chuckle as she stepped back. “But Frank is your fiancée, and Alex’s dad. I can understand why he got a little frustrated.”
“He’s never snapped at me before when I’ve called you for advice.”
“Yeah, well, he’s not feeling great is he?” Verity reasoned. “He’s most likely tired and a bit cranky and you just got the brunt, unfortunately. Isn’t that the way it works? You’re a snappy bitch with him often enough.”
“I know.” Fliss turned to the kettle. “Least he doesn’t beat me black and blue for it, huh?”
“Don’t.” Verity said sternly and Fliss poured the hot water into the tea pot.
“True though.” She sighed, before she shook her head. “Anyway, enough. What are you doing with the kids tonight?”
“Your Dad's pumping the inflatables up for the pool.” Verity took her tea with a thanks. “Then we’ve stocked up on sausages, burgers and enough soda and sweets to keep them wired for a week.”
“Standard night and Nanna and Granddad’s then.” Fliss smiled and Verity chuckled as the two of them made their way outside to sit in the garden.
“The twins are staying until the weekend.” Verity smiled. “Steve’s taking Sian off for a last little break before your wedding and the baby arrives. If you want to gather some more stuff for Mary, she can stay longer. We were going to take them to the waterpark on Thursday.”
“She’d love that. I’ll check with Frank as we’ve paid for summer camp, but I don’t think he’ll have an issue.”
“Issue with what?”
Both women looked up to see Frank stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes slightly. At the sight of him looking so tired and sick, Fliss felt all her earlier anger ebbing away and she took a deep breath.
“Oh, Mum was just saying, the twins are staying with her and dad until Friday, she suggested Mary might like to as well.”
“You don’t need to check with me.” Frank shook his head, his voice soft. “You’re her mom. If she wants to then, whatever.” Frank shrugged. “Not like we’re going to be doing anything at the moment, is it?”
“How are you feeling?” Verity looked at Frank and he gave a shrug.
“Crap.” He snorted, “How’s Bean?”
“He ate a few crackers and had some apple juice, he just seems tired.” Fliss shrugged.
To his credit, Frank didn’t mention the fact that she’d done exactly what he advised. Instead he nodded. “Good.”
“Do you want anything to eat?” Fliss offered. “Mum brought some chicken soup.”
“No, no offence V but my stomach isn’t quite ready for that.” He grimaced as Verity waved his apology off. “I just came for some air and to grab a drink.”
“Do you want me to make you a honey and ginger tea?” Fliss looked at him. “Might help.”
Frank gave her a soft smile, “sure, thanks.”
She stood up and passed him in the doorway, her hand softly brushing over his arm as she went. Once she’d gone, Frank stepped outside, taking in a breath as he let the sun warm his face. “You sure you don’t mind Mary staying for a few days?”
“Of course not.” Verity shook her head. “I was just saying to Fliss, we’re thinking of taking them all to the water park on Thursday.”
“She’ll love that.” Frank smiled, taking a deep breath as a wave of nausea washed over him.
“As long as it’s not an issue, Fliss said you’d already paid for camp.”
Frank shook his head. “It’s not expensive, plus you have to pay for the full summer up front, regardless. Just easier to make sure she has a place. As long as we tell them she won’t be there for the rest of the week it doesn’t matter.” He took a seat in one of the outside comfy chairs, and ran his hands over his face. “God, this is disgusting.”
Verity chuckled. “Yeah, it seems a pretty nasty bug. Make sure you rest up.”
“I’m bored of lying in bed.” He groaned.
“You’re just like Bill.” Verity looked at him, sternly. “Don’t be a stubborn bastard and rush around until you’re ready.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a salute and she narrowed her eyes playfully.
“And whilst we’re at it, I’ve spoken to Fliss about her being a snappy little madam.”
“What do you mean?”
“She told me you’d had an argument before, and yes, before you say anything I can see your point but I can also see hers.” She looked at him. “I gave her a gentle reminder that my experience with babies amounts to the same as yours so I’m by no means more qualified but I’m glad she feels she can call me. It’s a support network I didn’t have, nor did you for that matter. And I bet you wish you did.”
Frank took a deep breath. “I know, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I was just, well, a little frustrated, that’s all.”
“No, I know, I get it.” Verity assured him. “And so does she. Just maybe try not to be such a cranky little shit.”
At that Frank snorted and their conversation was cut off when Fliss appeared, placing a mug on the table in front of him.
“Thanks.” He smiled as she ran her hand through his hair affectionately. Reaching up, he caught her hand and pressed a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist.
“I’m sorry I snapped before.” He looked at her and she smiled back.
“It’s okay.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I don’t trust you something.”
“I should have pointed it out to you in a better way than I did.” Frank conceded, before his eyes playfully darted to Verity before they flicked back to Fliss’. “I was a cranky little shit.”
Verity chuckled and shook her head as Fliss smiled and moved to take her seat. Frank reached over for his drink and took a small sip, leaning back in his chair, happy to be outside the confines of the bedroom for a few moments, until his stomach gave a violent lurch, reminding him exactly why he hadn’t strayed far from the bathroom.
With a groan, he jumped up, almost falling over Thor in his haste and knowing full well he wasn’t going to make it to the toilet, he turned and violently spewed into the kitchen sink.
“Well,” Fliss sighed, standing up to go and help him out, “at least he’ll be bringing up nothing but water.” She pulled a face. “Don’t fancy fishing chunks out of the plug hole.”
Frank woke early the next morning, having slept so much over the last forty-eight hours and he was pleased to report he was feeling much better. It was still quite dark outside and he took care as he climbed out of bed not to make too much noises. He padded over to the spare room, Fliss having chosen to sleep in there along with Alex in the travel crib so as not to disturb him too much, and was happy to see the pair of them fast asleep when he poked his head through the door. Thor eyed him a little before he stood up, stretching and wandered over, yawning.
“Wanna go out, pal?” Frank reached out and scratched the large dog behind his ear as his tail wagged lazily, his mouth opening in a wide yawn. “Okay, come on.”
It was an hour or so later he heard Fliss shout down the stairs. It was a frantic, broken yell of his name and in a flash he sprinted up onto the landing in time to see her bursting into the bathroom where she emptied her stomach into the toilet.
“Oh, baby.” He sighed, walking towards her but she waved him away.
“Alex,” she spluttered, before she turned and puked again and Frank instantly understood. Heading into the spare room, he picked up the baby who had himself thrown up, but was surprisingly cheerful all things considered. There were no tears, no fuss, just a huge grin for his daddy as he sat peering up at him.
“Not quite sure what you find so amusing.” Frank arched his eyebrow and swept the baby up, turning him so that the front of his vomit spattered romper was facing outwards, one large arm supporting his butt.  He made his way back onto the landing to see Fliss now emerging, her face flushed and her eyes heavy.
“Go back to bed.” Frank nodded to their room, before he dropped a kiss to her forehead. “I got this.”
Without so much as a word of protest she headed into their bedroom, Thor following, and she closed the door behind her. Twenty minutes later, Alex was cleaned up and sat in his high chair next to Frank who was perched on a stool at the island, both of them munching on a banana. Alex’s appetite was back with gusto, but Frank was wary of overloading the tot’s stomach (and his own for that matter) so soon following their illness, so he had cut Alex’s banana into smaller pieces than normal in an attempt it would fool him into thinking he had eaten more. No such luck. As he finished the last piece he examined his now empty bowl and then looked at Frank, making a questioning noise.
“No more buddy, not yet.” Frank shook his head, chuckling as Alex reached for the one Frank had in his hand. “This is mine.” At that, Alex frowned and let out a loud noise of protest. Frank merely looked back at him again. “Complain all you want, it won’t get you anywhere.”
Once their breakfast was done, he carried him over to the play mat, watching him carefully as he entertained himself, crawling across the rug to get to some of his brightly coloured blocks. Frank played with him for a little while before he called both work and Joanne explaining the situation and that neither he nor Fliss would be in work that day. Once that was sorted, he then decided to take Alex out for some air into the garden, selecting a spot in the shade by the pool. By the time lunch time rolled around, neither of them had thrown up again, but there was no sign of Fliss. Frank set Alex down for a nap in his room, and headed over to check on her. She peered up at him from where she was led in bed, something playing on the TV and she gave him a weak smile.
“Hey.” He dropped onto the bed by her side, his hand running through her hair. “You need anything?”
“No.” She shook her head. “Is Bean okay?”
“He’s fine. He’s had a banana and some crackers for breakfast and a little more for lunch. So far so good, it hasn’t come back up.”
“Course I would have to get it too.” She grumbled and Frank chuckled, leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“Well, were you really expecting anything else?” He smiled and she rolled her eyes.
“No, suppose not.” She shifted and stretched, grimacing a little. “Fuck, my back is starting to go funny.”
“Lying down too much?” He asked gently, knowing she struggled with that sometimes if she was on it for too long, a consequence of her accident all those years ago.
“Yeah, that and I think I pulled it puking.”
“Well, how about I draw you a bath and then you can come downstairs and rest on the couch?” He offered, his hand cupping her cheek. “I got plenty of cuddles and sympathy in me, especially now I know I’ve had it and therefore immune.”
“Okay.”  She nodded.
It was little under half an hour later when Fliss made her way downstairs, dressed in a pair of sleep pants and a t-shirt, her hair pulled back into a messy pony tail. Frank gave her a small smile and lifted his arm as she sat down next to him. He pressed a kiss to her temple as she cuddled up to him.
“You need anything?” Frank asked her softly and she shook her head, adjusting herself so she was comfy, snuggling into him a little further. Only it didn’t last long. Approximately five minutes later she gave a little whimper and shot up from the couch, running for the bathroom. Frank let out a sigh as he stood up and followed her, his large hand rubbing at her back as he knelt beside her whilst she puked into the downstairs toilet.
“Fuck this shit.” She groaned as she sat back, her face flushed, cheeks streaked with tears. “I don’t wanna be ill. I hate you.”
“Me?” Frank chuckled.
“Yes, you. You gave this to me.”
“Well, actually, I think I gave it to Alex. Who likely gave it to you.”
“Exactly, you infected him and he infected me.”
“If we’re playing the blame game, then Mary is totally ‘Patient Zero’.”
Fliss looked at him, swallowing, before she moved him out of the way and retched again, only this time nothing much came up on account of her stomach being empty.
“I need water.” She mumbled.
“Okay, you want me to fetch you some here or are you done?”
“I’m done, for the time being. I think.” She sighed and Frank stood, pulling her to her feet. He waited whilst she splashed cold water on her face and rinsed her mouth out before he gently scooped his arm round her as she slowly walked into the hallway, stumbling a little as she went. Not wanting her to fall and add a concussion to the mix, Frank easily swept her up into his arms, bridal style and she groaned.
“I’m not dying.”
“Well, you looked you were going to fall so, suck it up, Buttercup.” He shrugged, depositing her back on the couch before he made his way to the fridge. He came back with a bottle of water and unscrewed the lid before passing it to her. She took a large gulp, her face pale before she gave an exhausted sigh, the back of her forearm wiping at her forehead.
“Is it warm in here?” She frowned and Frank shook his head.
“The Air-Con is at normal temp. You’re running a slight fever, same as us.”
“Fantastic.” Fliss groaned, flopping down and stretching out beside him, laying her head in his lap.
 “Well in my eyes you’ve always been hot.” Frank joked lamely, as his fingers gently ran down her neck and back, the same way she’d comforted him the previous day. She shook her head, scoffing at his lame joke.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Calling it how I see it, Lissy.” He chuckled, his hand gently brushing down the side of her face. “Try and get some rest, Sweetheart. You’ll feel better when you’ve slept, I promise.”
They sat in silence, eyes trained on the TV and when Alex woke a short while later, Frank glanced down to see Fliss had fallen asleep. Reaching for a pillow he gently moved her head, propping it up on the cushion, a soft sigh escaping him. She’d spent pretty much the entire last week taking care of them, it was certainly time to repay the favour.
“You gonna be quiet so you don’t disturb Momma?” He spoke in a hushed voice to Alex once he’d changed his diaper and carried him back downstairs. Alex made a little noise in response, a garble of sounds that sounded a little like 'Mama' when Frank thought about it. He had no doubt in his mind that the baby would be speaking sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, Mama.” Frank nodded as he opened the door to the family room. Fliss was still fast asleep and thankfully, Alex seemed content once he’d seen her to be distracted by Fred, who sauntered over towards him as he sat on the rug, his tail swishing in Alex’s face making him laugh as he went to grab it. Fred scooted off and Frank spoke, his voice low.
“Alex, no. We don’t pull tails.”
Alex looked at him before he gave a giggle and spun quickly onto all fours and shot after the animal as fast as he could crawl.  With a roll of his eyes, Frank headed after him and grabbed the back of his t-shirt, lifting him up. Alex’s cackles rang around the room and despite himself, Frank chuckled as well as he spun the baby to face him, holding him at arm’s length.
“You’re a menace, you know that?” He arched his eyebrow as he brought him back down to press a kiss to his cheek, before he extended his arms again, once more bringing him back towards him, more giggles bursting from Alex’s mouth as he continued to repeat the playful motion. “Cute, but a total menace.”
When Frank held Alex above him for a fourth time, it wasn’t a giggle that burst from the tot’s mouth. It was a steady stream of banana and rye barf which hit Frank straight in the face.
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.” Frank grimaced, wiping his face on his shoulder, before he turned to look at Alex who grinned at him. “Thanks a lot, pal.”
**** Chapter 27
123 notes · View notes
nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Monsters  -  Seven
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Pairing: Dark!Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a man who just wants to do better. But he can’t stop the monster from coming out every now and then. As a last and hopeless attempt at calming The Winter Soldier, SHIELD finds him something they figured would help. An innocent young woman with not a lot going for her. Or, The Winter Soldiers newest victim.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut (NONCON), Minor Violence, Minor Injuries Language,
Word Count: 3K
A/n: Well.........
Series Masterlist
You’re curled up against his side, head on his shoulder as Titanic plays on the tv. He’s got one arm around your shoulders and the other rests on your knees.
You watch intently, fingers combing gently through his hair while you watch Jack and Rose dancing below decks.
His phone dings and you lift your head curiously. When he makes no move to get it, you smile and snuggle back against him, sighing softly.
It dings again and this time he groans, reaching over to pick it up. You glance at his phone inconspicuously, frowning when you see a string of pictures of a naked woman.
He angles the phone slightly away from you and you divert your attention back to the TV, knowing he’s probably telling her he’s busy.
After a few minutes, he sets his phone down again, only to pick it up when it dings moments later.
You watch through your peripherals as his thumb swipes a passcode across the screen. For a super spy/assassin, his password is surprisingly simple.
More and more pictures of the naked woman fill his screen and you find yourself quickly getting annoyed by it. An idea pops into your mind and you grin, snuggling closer to him and dropping your hand down to his lap.
He stiffens when your palm rubs over his cock, and he quickly starts to harden beneath your touch. You look up at him innocently and he raises his eyebrows.
You push yourself up and straddle his lap, grinding down against him.
“Hi,” you whisper, lips just brushing over his cheek. He sighs softly, his free hand coming up and gripping your back. His other hand drops down to the couch, his phone still on and facing upwards. You grind your hips down harder, eyes trained on his phone as you try to make out what it says.
The contact name is ‘Natty❤️’ and there are at least six pictures of her naked.
But what really gets you, is the picture of her with a shirt on.
Because you know that shirt.
It’s Bucky’s.
You turn back to face him, determined to make him forget all about Nat.
One of your hands snakes down into his pants and you grab his cock, pumping slowly to get him harder. He moans lowly, jerking his hips up into your hand. You bit your bottom lip then climb off his lap, dropping to your knees between his legs. He watches you through hooded eyes, the phone dropped and forgotten in between the arm of the couch and one of the cushions. You unzip his pants and pull them down, eyes darkening when he kicks them off completely, his boxers following suit.
You take his cock in both of your hands and lean forward, pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses on it. He watches you, his eyes dark and his chest heaving slightly. You maintain eye contact as you stick your tongue out, licking the underside of his cock and swirling around the tip.
With your mouth nice and wet and full of saliva, you slowly bring him into your mouth. The salty taste of him makes heat grow between your legs, and you can’t help but shift desperately. One of his hands comes up to your hair, not pulling, just simply resting there. A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of how strong and powerful he is, yet he’s been reduced to a moaning mess beneath you.
You take him down your throat, clenching your hands into fists on his thighs as you try not to gag. His hips buck up and you look up at him through your lashes, uncurling your fists and resting them on his thighs.
He groans at the sight of you and can’t help but thrust up into your mouth again. When you don’t pull away he does it a third time, then a fourth, until he’s fucking your face. You sit there and take it, struggling to pull in breaths as he uses your face for his own pleasure.
He pulls you off of his cock quickly, taking in shuddering breaths as he calms himself down.
“Don’t wanna cum in your mouth, babydoll, wanna cum in that tight pussy.” You climb onto his lap and position your dripping entrance above his cock, then slowly sink down onto it. The stretch makes you moan, and Bucky can't help but mimic the noise, the feeling of you too good to be true.
Your hands come up to his shoulders but he’s having none of that.
He grabs your wrists and pulls them behind your back, then reaches over and grabs the charging cord for his phone, binding your wrists tightly behind you. You tug on the restraints then whimper, wanting to touch the man beneath you.
“Nah, princess. None of that. Lemme fuck that pretty pussy how I want to, yeah?” You nod, pushing your knees into the couch to raise yourself slightly off of his cock. He nods, then starts hammering his hips upwards, each thrust sending a jolt of fire up your spine.
You moan loudly, eyes rolling back as he hits every sensitive spot inside of you, making the coil in your belly tighten.
“You gonna cum on my cock? Huh?” You nod, drool dripping down your chin as he fucks you stupid.
“Do it, baby. Cum. Cream all over my dick.” He reaches down, fingers toying with your clit.
That little action sends you falling over the edge, and you can’t help but moan, your orgasm nearly pulling you into unconsciousness.
Your vision gets dark and your body shakes, cunt squeezing his cock so hard that he shoots his load right into you. You collapse against his chest, panting hard and gasping for air, and he lets out a big breath, hands stroking your hair gently.
The two of you catch your breath and Bucky rips the makeshift rope off of your arms, tearing it and completely ruining it. You snuggle against him, keeping his cock locked inside of you as sleep tugs at your mind.
He kisses the top of your head then squeezes you tighter to his body. You relax even more and quickly fall into the comforting embrace of sleep.
He sits across from you at the table, munching on a piece of bacon and reading over a mission file for later in the day. You lean your chin into your hands, gnawing on your bottom lip as you watch him eat.
“What is it?” He asks, glancing up at you. You don’t answer right away, and he sets down the file, waiting for you to speak.
“I don't want you to get mad,” you begin, looking at him as innocently as you can. “I just... I wanna ask you something.” He nods, encouraging you to ask your question.
“I just... there are... I wanna look up some stuff. For us. I just... I don’t have anything to use. I don’t have a computer or a laptop or a phone.... and I really... last night opened my eyes to something that I wanna try but I wanna look it up more first.” He purses his lips for a moment, mulling it over before nodding.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not. My phone’s on the counter. Bring it over here and I’ll unlock it for you.” You get up quickly and grab him his phone, excitement filling you as he hands it back to you.
You open up the Google app and plop yourself down in your chair, typing away furiously as you try to figure something out.
Bucky watches you with a small smile on his lips, loving how adorable you look. Your brows are furrowed and you’ve got your bottom lip between your teeth as you focus on whatever it is that you’re reading.
A surprising thought enters his head and he suddenly finds himself losing his appetite.
He likes the way you look on the other side of the table. He likes sitting with you and eating breakfast together. He likes the domesticity of it all. It feels... natural.
After about half an hour you set the phone down and slide it over to him with a smile, having figured out what it was that you were curious about.
He unlocks his phone, brows furrowing in confusion as he sees the open tabs full of different types of knots.
“So...?” Bucky asks, waiting for you to explain it to him. You walk over to him and sit on his lap, pushing his hair out of his face and pressing kisses along his scruff.
“I want you to tie me up again,” you whisper, lips dragging gently across the skin of his throat. He swallows hard, hands coming up to grip your waist.
“You liked that, huh?” You nod, nuzzling your face against his neck and taking a deep breath of his comforting scent.
“I really liked it,” you confess. He lets out a shuddering breath and his hands drop to your ass, squeezing tightly.
He smacks your ass once and you jump, a soft moan leaving your lips.
“You gonna let me tie you up and have my way with you? Yeah? You want that?” You nod desperately then gasp as he scoops you up in his arms and brings you upstairs to his bedroom.
“Don’t you worry sweetheart. M’gonna fuck you real good.”
Natasha approaches the house, eyes darting back down to her phone to make sure she got the address right.
She re-reads the texts, bottom lip tucked between her teeth nervously.
‘I miss you so much, baby. Come over today. And wear something sexy.’ She’d complied instantly, putting on a black lace push-up bra, a leather jacket, a pair of black stilettos, and a skirt with nothing on underneath.
She pushes the door open slowly, eyes skirting around the dark house until they rest on a small post-it note stuck to the railing of the staircase. She walks to it, shutting the door softly behind herself.
‘Through the kitchen’
She follows it, going through the kitchen and smiling when she finds another note on the door of the fridge.
‘Down the stairs.’
She walks down the flight of stairs and opens the door at the bottom, her guard raised slightly as her eyes struggle to adjust to the blackness of the basement.
She hears a step behind her and just as she’s turning around to investigate, she’s knocked to the ground, something hard hitting her head and making everything go black.
When she comes to, she’s disoriented. She feels cold and the ground beneath her is hard. There’s also a piece of cloth in her mouth, silencing any attempt at calling for help. Her arms are restrained behind her back, and her legs are bound individually around her thighs and shins, knees bent as far as they can.
She tries to close her legs, feeling far too exposed in nothing more than her skirt and bra, but finds a metal bar between her ankles keeping her legs apart.
Why is she here? Where exactly is ‘here’? She looks around frantically, wincing as her head throbs.
She quickly realizes what happened: she was ambushed while looking for Bucky. Why is a whole other question.
“Well, good morning, sunshine!” She snaps her head to the sound, brows furrowing in confusion when she sees a young woman sitting on the floor across from her.
She tries to lunge at you, and you giggle when she groans. “Yeah. That handy dandy knot tying your arms together is one I learned from the king himself,” you inform, a smile on your face. She cocks her head to the side in frustration and confusion, wanting to know who you are and why you’re doing this.
“Now, I know you’re probably wondering why you’re here, right?” She doesn’t move, and you frown, snapping your fingers in front of her. “When I ask a question, I expect an answer. Are you wondering why you’re here?” The redhead nods reluctantly, and you smile.
The way your face softens and lights up looks so innocent and kind; it’s hard to believe that you’re holding her down here against her will.
“Well, I saw the pictures you were sending James.” She stiffens instantly, mind running a mile a minute trying to figure out who you are and how you’re involved with him. You nod knowingly at her reaction, your smile staying on your face but looking more psychotic with each passing moment.
“Yes. I read the texts too. You want to fuck him, you have fucked him. And I can’t blame you. But when I found out that you weren’t just fucking him to help the soldier... well... I couldn’t have that. You see, I love James.” She hates the way his name sounds on your tongue.
“You’ve been taking up far too much of his time lately. He loves me. But more than that, the soldier loves me too. They’d both be lost without me, which is why you need to be out of the way. Because with you out of the picture, I’ll have him all to myself.”
She makes a muffled noise of protest, struggling against her restraints.
You laugh, leaning forward and watching as she huffs and puffs through the gag.
“You wanna know what you’re gagged with?” You ask softly, eyes wide and dangerous. She glares daggers at you before shaking her head ‘no’.
“Well, lucky for you, I’m going to tell you anyway.” You scoot closer, almost as if you’re sharing a secret with her
“Yesterday, James was in such a hurry to fuck me, to put his fat cock right into my pussy, that he pulled my panties aside and fucked me hard. Then, after he came right inside of me, he pulled my panties back in place. And I wore them all night and all day today, getting them nice and ready for you. So every time you breathe, every time you struggle or try to talk, you’re tasting my pussy.”
The horror in her eyes makes you cackle, the sound sending a shudder down her spine.
“I love this!” You exclaim, using two fingers to push your panties farther into her mouth. She shakes her head, trying to get away, and you grab her jaw with your other hand, forcing your panties into her mouth even more.
When you decide that they’re far enough, you cradle her face gently in your hands, admiring her beauty for a moment before taking a page out of Bucky’s books. You spit right on her pretty face, grinning when she flinches.
She glares up at you, and you smile innocently, hands sliding down to tear the cups of her bra down. Her tits fall out, bouncing at the force of it, and her nipples harden in the cold air of the cellar.
“You’re pretty,” you say, eyes on her pert pink nipples. She shimmies away from you, breasts bouncing and putting on a show.
You giggle and shake your head at her, leaning down slowly while maintaining eye contact. She backs up as far as she can, heart racing in her chest when she finds herself pressed against the hard cellar wall.
You wrap your lips around her left nipple, eyes on hers as you roll it between your teeth, tongue soothing the sting. She squeezes her eyes shut, and you pull away, hand coming up and smacking her across the face.
“None of that, sweetheart. Open those pretty eyes. I want you to see what I’m going to do to you.” She obeys, only after you grip her nipples between your thumbs and forefingers, pinching hard enough to have her eyes watering.
“There you go.”
You trace your fingers up her inner thighs, and she quivers, head dropping in shame as your fingers get higher and higher.
When the tip of your middle finger brushes against her pussy she jolts away, trying to plead with you through the gag.
You grin, “you like the taste of my cunt that much? Fuck, I’ll give it to you straight from the source if you want.” That shuts her up quickly, and you wink at her, climbing between her legs and blowing cool air onto her exposed pussy.
Her hips wiggle in a futile attempt at escaping, and you can’t help but bask in the feeling of power.
One of the Avengers sits before you, bound and exposed and completely at your mercy.
You stick your tongue out and lick from her opening to her clit, smacking your lips together and nodding.
“Not bad. I can see why he liked you.” You bury your face in her cunt, eating her out with vigour like nothing she’s experienced before. Your tongue works expertly on her clit, teeth taking a turn before you suck long and hard on the bud.
A soft moan leaves her mouth, and you smile.
“You see, I’m not going to hurt you physically. No, much worse. I’m going to force you to cum over and over and over again. You’re going to see how cruel I can be. And the best part?” You glance over your shoulder and she follows your gaze, horrified as she sees the blinking red light of a camera.
“It’s going to go straight on the internet.” All the colour drains from her face and she starts thrashing again, trying to get you away from her.
You simply laugh, mouth coming back to her clit while you shove three fingers into her cunt. You fuck her hard and fast with your fingers, loving the way she tries to hold back her moans. When she finally cums, she squirts.
It splashes all over your face and makes a mess on the floor, and you pull away with a sick smile.
“Huh, never thought you’d be a squirter. But now the folks at home will know too!” You smack her pussy, giggling when she yelps. Her cheeks are flushed red and she’s panting, glossy eyes set in a heavy glare trained on your face.
You press a kiss to her cheek then grab her face and force her to look at the camera.
“You and me, Natasha,” you sneer her name, squeezing her cheeks harder and smacking her cunt twice more. “We’re going to have so much fun together.”
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
I don't know who to share my thoughts with so now you get them: I think that more anakin time travel fics should explore vaders whole medical trauma body horror thing. Dude is on life support for half of his life and suddenly he has hair again. The medic clones should figure out that somethings up pretty quickly. Actually, imagine having to deal with hair after 23 years of being bald. He probably isn't used to eating anymore. There's so much to think about.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR THOUGHTS THEY ARE WONDERFUL. Yes, yes, yes, there is so much horror to consider. TW for Vader’s lack of health and the psychological effects it has
Say, Anakin wakes up again in the middle of the Clone Wars, before Ahsoka leaves and everything goes to hell. One moment, he’s dying in his son’s arms, the next he’s in the middle of a battlefield. Completely disorientated. The campaign is already half won and it’s just clean up. And Anakin, like any man with too much trauma, has a panic attack and hyperventilate. He knocks away a dozen clones in his panic, aimlessly (broken bones, but thankfully no dead), then he faints
Let’s start with the breathing. Vader hasn’t breathed by himself really for decades. Only in emergencies when his suit failed or he turned it off himself did he actually have to do it and I bet that during those times he had to be conscious of every breath. This young, healthy body, remembers how to breathe automatically still. Anakin’s mind however? I could see him freaking out and being unable to handle it. When they bring him to the medbay, they get him hooked on a breathing machine because Anakin can’t function when he has to focus on that. Also, his voice must sound strange in his own ears. He can sing now, he doesn’t have to pause for his own breaths. His intonation must be all over the place.
Talking healthy body: His clone-wars mech arm was canonically his best artificial limb. He’s shorter than he is as Vader. He still has all most of his limbs. He tries to take his first steps and falls to the ground because he hasn’t walked like this in over twenty years. He feels like a newborn, stumbling around. Probably also underestimates how strong his legs and remaining arm is. Vader could like. Punch through steel. You know Obi-Wan trying to kick Grievous? That’s him now. Constantly. He also weighs a lot less now. He’s free of that 100 pound armor! Once he starts training again, his speed and flexibility probably improve immensely because that’s not holding him back anymore. On the other hand, he probably does put on more armor than before because he was used to treating his body as expansible. It’s not anymore.
Also talking healthy body, his mind is probably really out of place. Like, he has the brain of an early-20-something, but the mind of a traumatized adult. His brain hasn’t even finished developing it and what I’m saying is: He probably feels like he’s high on spice, all happy and carefree because his mind is used to function on much lower levels.
Regular movements don’t hurt him! His pain tolerance is through the roof and it’s honestly shocking. He could be bleeding out and probably wouldn't register it for a while. He’s supposed to do regular check-ups now to ensure he isn’t actually dying and just not aware of it because it’s only minor pain.
In general, Anakin probably feels like his body is heaven and curse at the same time. Because on one hand, it’s such a relief, on the other, he probably feels dysphoric because Vader did see himself as a weapon. A tool. A one-man army. And now he suddenly has to take care of himself and his body just. Messes with him?
Moving on to habits! First of all: He can touch people again. I like to HC that Anakin was a very tactile person. This is dialed up to 11 now. He’s constantly running his flesh fingers over something. If there’s somebody he cares about near him, guess what, you’re getting hugged now. He doesn’t even notice he’s reaching out until Ahsoka is like “Master, please, can you let go of me I’m trying to eat”. He can feel warmth and cold, rough and smooth surfaces. Probably, when also not in armor, he might indulge in super soft clothes. the stuff that's feather-light on your skin.
Food: That’s difficult as well. Vader didn’t eat and Anakin now probably develops an eating disorder where he either overgorges until he gets sick and vomits or forgets to eat for days at a time until his blood sugar is so low he faints.
Sleeping: Obi-Wan has never seen Anakin meditate this much. Or so well. Or drop into so many healing trances so he can avoid sleeping. Anakin hasn’t properly slept in ages. He can’t fall asleep, he doesn’t know how to and he's terrified when he does. He has nightmares- no, night terrors really frequently. When he goes under, he barely gets any REM sleep.
Hair: Probably also one of those “100% or 0%” actions. Either he actually does take care of it, take care of it well too, or he just forgets and it's a rats’ nest until Ahsoka, a clone, Padmé or Obi-Wan - whoever is in reach really, sits him down and brushes and idk braids it. He’s probably half annoyed by its length and half going “I’m never cutting this again” so guess everybody is getting proficient in braiding now
So bottom line is, if Anakin actually did time travel, he probably wouldn’t be able to hide it because simply breathing on his own already unsettles him and that’s not even accounting for all of Vader’s health issues.
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cloneslugs · 2 years
top 5 batsuits
not in any order bc well. anyway
good lord this got longer than expected oopsies
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this is just an honorable mention i dont like it that much like im not a fan of everything about this one but im a sucker for a purple(pink) cape i think its cute, this one is just special bc i am very like. highly prefer all black & dont particularly like the light grey body but who even cares do you see the cape? its pink(in my dreams) yellow accents are alright but who cares? do you know why it doesnt matter whether i like it or not? the man has a pink cape. sorry idrc for or like anything else about this one i just. whenever he pulled out the new suit w the colored cape when i read this years ago it did something to me i was like this rules
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this ones just a win for live action batsuits bc this was the first live action batsuit i saw and didnt immediately hate so that means something i like the all black design im in love w the cape collar , the eyemakeup under the mask is a win, i dont like the cowl cut for the mouth area i wish it was thinner and not just across the whole bottom half of his face but thats my biggest complain not show but i love the boots and glove details as well also the batarang bat symbol is very fun i hate when he has visible abs or abs built into the suit i prefer it like this w the armor plating thank you very muc
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origins is by far my fave in the series, which is maybe weird bc im usually a sucker for when he has the shorts like he has in city/asylum but this one won me over really fast maybe im a sucker for the weird crotch opening idk im usually not into the visually heavy armor but this one i really like i love the boots and thigh armor a lot, i like the cut of the torso armor, as far as open eye hole cowls go this one isnt very ugly at all which is a win i just very much enjoy this one, sorry idk why like i said im usually a sucker for the shorts but this one i am just a major fan of very pleasing to look at
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fighting for my life for a full body image i loooove the btb batsuit a lot, it wins in the all black department like i like & its one of the gold belts i dont hate bc it looks very cool + i like the long horns/ears i think its a cool sleek design (:
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not originally gonna put wk on here bc its wk but once again i love the cape collar very much also i forgot he wears fucking thigh highs so i have to forget everything else and say its batman in thigh high boots it kind of wins over everything just for that, belt is too chunky for my taste at times but i really like the glove details shown on the hand in the last image (prefer longer gloves overall though, dont like how blank the arms are) and i like the spikes on the heels and sorry hes in thigh high boots
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slapping him here bc i like how sleek it is just genuinely very nice, i like the blue interior i like the shorts i like the simplicity, also im a sucker for when hes not wearing heavy/visible armor like a freak sorry i think its fun i like when he can be more agile and stuff bc he does move more agile & less brutish violent in dcau stuff like this i like the long ears a lot i just genuinely love how simple and sleek and cool it is
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extra long halloween (film) one which is basically the same as above but his cape is stupid long and i just am in love how the shading & highlights on the cowl/cape in the film esp when its all black and not hit by the light like in this one sorry im at photo limit um this is mostly to say its the same as prev i just like the long ass cape i need it in fact
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 17
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 2.73K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔞/𝔫: bro DAYUM...that's it, that's all i have to say
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne | @rae-bear |@mangminnie | @pixiekooo
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“Kim Taehyung, you have 5 minutes to escort yourself to the vehicle.”
Why do things like this always seem to happen to you?
A man of nearly 6 foot towers over the both of you, burly and very upset.
He wears a suit, one that reminds you of the kind that FBI agents wear. His is one of a large frame, but not necessarily overweight. He has a face that might have been handsome when he was younger, but you can tell by his receding hairline and tired eyes that he’s at least in his middle ages. Perhaps 40-50 years in age.
Dark, small eyes, and a deeply tanned face which naturally sets into a scowl, do nothing to help his already aging features. It makes him seem truly terrifying as if he were an angry parent finally tracking down his rebellious teenager. His eyes are small, almost too small for his face sparkling with malicious anger.
Though he is still handsome, and there isn't necessarily anything wrong with him, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy. He exuberates intimidation and power, a very menacing essence that makes you shift away from him, shrinking into yourself.
You look from him to Taehyung, hardly noticing the way you have nervously grabbed onto his arm. Taehyung meets the man's gaze with a steady one of his own, unfazed by the anger which seems to pulsate off him in waves. He raises his eyebrow a bit, a smug look coating his face as he regards the man with narrowed eyes.
“W-who are you?” You ask, a bit timidly, regarding the new arrival cautiously. As his eyes shift from Taehyung to you, he grows livid, especially when he catches sight of your linked hands.
You notice his pointed look and start a bit, letting go of Taehyung’s arm; trying to pull your hand out of his grasp, but Tae doesn't let you. Instead, he holds tight, a sign of defiance.
You give him a look, and he gives you a sideways glance, one that makes you stop struggling. You roll your eyes in return, raising them to the man. He practically growls at you before you quickly glance away, staring at the ground instead.
“Leave her alone, Minhyuk,” Taehyung says, a bit wearily, and pulling you closer to him. You can feel your cheeks heat up, against your will, and avoid the man’s watchful stare. You bite your lip nervously, choosing to focus on Taehyung holding your hand instead. The man scowls your way, and in mere protective instinct, Tae pulls you closer to his side, his eyes darkening.
All he knows is he doesn't want to let you go.
Not yet anyway.
“He’s my bodyguard,” Taehyung explains, and your heart drops to the bottom of your gut in alarm. He gives you a disinterested look, raising his eyebrow sardonically. He doesn't deny the position and he certainly exuberates the kind of scary atmosphere most bodyguards have.
“The bodyguard whom you leave in the dust half the time.” Minhyuk snaps, crossing his arms. Taehyung only rolls his eyes, sighing as though he’s heard this before.
You can't help but feel as though you're stuck in the middle of a fight and want so badly to escape and wait it out...if only Taehyung would let go of your hand. You don't know why he wants to continue to hold it, and the only reason you can think of is that he wants to bother his bodyguard as much as possible.
In reality, your hand is the only thing keeping him grounded at the moment.
“We have an agreement,” Taehyung says, almost exhaustingly, putting the attitude on thick. You yank on his arm as if that will shock some respect into his stubborn body, but he just gives you a small sideways glance. “You let me have a bit of my freedom when I’m outside alone and I give your daughter all the BTS perks she could want.”
You give Tae a surprised look, but if he notices, he doesn't show it, choosing instead to focus on his bodyguard.
You didn't know that was even allowed, and to be honest, it might not be, especially if BangPD doesn't know about it.
And from the looks of things…
...BangPD has no idea.
“Thank God for Mia because without her I would have never agreed to such a ridiculous deal!” Minhyuk sighs in exasperation, one much like the ones that you've heard your mother give whenever you are being difficult.
Taehyung gives a slight scoff, rolling his eyes and turning to you.
You wonder what he thinks he’s going to gain by looking at your face.
A reprieve?
Nevertheless, he turns to you and carefully plucks your satchel off of your shoulders. You grasp for it, not willing to let it leave your side, but Tae gives you a look that tells you to trust him. You sigh, reluctantly letting him pull it off of your shoulders before he turns to Minhyuk once more.
“You know I could lose my job because of you, have you ever thought of that?” Minhyuk is shouting, continuing his rant.
“Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Would you hold this?” Taehyung asks, handing it to Minhyuk who takes it rather begrudgingly. You don't exactly like the careless way Minhyuk holds it, dangling from his massive hands at his side, but you keep your mouth shut, biting back an angry retort. Now is not the time to get an angry gorilla man on your bad side.
You don't mean for him to notice your look, but he does and glances at the satchel then back at you, a bit dumbfounded. You quickly look away at the glance, missing the apologetic look that passes over his face. He sighs, silently softening his grip on the satchel and carefully placing it on his shoulder.
“Could you at least text me whenever you want to leave? It would have been that simple. Then I wouldn't have Mr. Bang breathing down my neck because you didn't attend rehearsal on time.” He says, tiredly rubbing his temple as Taehyung turns to you once more, taking both of your hands in his own. You give Taehyung a silent scolding look and he sighs, shrugging.
“I’m sorry, I guess it slipped my mind.” He says half to you, and you let out a disappointed sigh. How could things like this just slip his mind? “You see, I was a bit occupied.”
Taehyung kneels and takes your ankle in his hands, presenting it to the bodyguard. You almost fall with the sudden action and have to rest your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. He smirks up at you, whispering.
“This is what you get.”
You look at him in befuddlement, so confused as to what the purpose of that was.
That is until you hear Minhyuk gasp from in front of the two of you.
“My God, is she okay?!”
Eyes widening, you give Taehyung a look as he lets go of you and rises, taking your hands off of his shoulder and into his palms. He runs his thumb over the top of your palm quite distractingly, and you wonder if he can feel your pulse flutter.
“That is low.” You hiss to him, and his smirk grows wider as he looks at you, trying his hardest to keep his self-satisfaction in. You think of pulling your hands away, just to spite him, but you’ve tried that before. So instead, you decide to stab him on the inside of his palm with your nail, which he jumps at.
Now it's your turn to smirk, and you look at his stupefied expression, quite pleased with yourself. He presses his tongue against his cheek, his mouth slightly open as though the stakes have just been upped in a poker match and he was being tested to how far he was willing to take the bet. Looking toward Minhyuk quite audaciously, he nods his head in response to his question.
“She will be….” He starts, his voice coated with thick mock emotion before he slowly draws his eyes to you. “....once we get her home.”
You narrow your eyes at him, absolutely refusing his suggestion.
He is not going to drive you home like some little damsel in distress, not when you can take perfectly good care of yourself. Besides, he has to get back to work. You could wait for the rain out and then wait for the bus to come back to take you home, it's not that big of a deal. You pray that Minhyuk doesn't fall for the bait and takes the realistic viewpoint, but…..
“You're right. We could drop her off on the way to BigHit. After all, you're already late, what're a few more minutes? Help her to the car, Taehyung, I’ll take her stuff.” Minhyuk says, turning to go.
Eyes widening with alarm, your mouth opens with protest as you turn to object, but he’s already gone, Taehyung smiling smugly as he walks away. Growling almost, you turn to him, shoving him in his shoulder. He laughs as you do, as though it didn't hurt it all. You weren't exactly trying to hurt him, but you find him laughing at you equally as annoying as his little asinine expression on his face.
“What?” he asks, feigning innocence.
“You shouldn't be driving me home, you should be going back to work!” You scold, poking him in the chest, still shocked by his little charade. “You know I’ll be fine. All I would have to do is wait for the bus to come back. Why are you avoiding your responsibilities just to help me when you don't have to?”
As you speak, his face falls into an unreadable expression.
A serene look, one with wide eyes and surprise mixed with something else. All the smugness and playful attitude are gone. It's a look that unsettles you, and you swallow hard. You almost want to push him further, say something that has him finally look at things seriously, but you don't.
You don't know that this whole time, he has been taking everything seriously.
He didn't want to leave you alone, not when you were hurt, not even when you were by yourself, just minding your own business. This whole situation is serious to him, even if he found it hilarious to tease you and bother you all day, he was just trying to find reasons to spend time with you.
Just trying to find ways to stay by your side.
He steps closer to you and you swallow hard, regarding him with cautious eyes.
What is he going to do?
You plead with him to say something, erase that expression from his eyes, give you some sort of implication. The hazelnut color isn't as vibrant anymore, it's a shade darker, turning his eyes into a color that reminds you of cocoa or warm milk tea. It’s a color that accents those copper flecks making it seem as though the sun was dancing within.
You stare into them with wide eyes of your own, your breath shortening and your heart beating at a million miles per minute.
“You want me to leave you alone?” he whispers, softly, his voice deep and thick. You don't answer him, glancing away for a bit.
In that mere moment of distraction, he takes the opportunity.
He leans close to you, pressing his lips right next to your ear, the warm feeling of his breath on your neck causing shivers to run down your spine. A sensation you haven't felt in a while, and catches you off guard, near stopping your heart. You go still, as though he would disappear if you made the slightest movement.
You don't want him to disappear.
“What if I can't do it?” he inquires, the sound of his voice reverberating in your eardrums causing you to take a shaky breath. Your eyes grow wide as he pulls away.
He tilts his head at your reaction, his smile growing. It's a sweet, affectionate smile, one not many people have given you. He reaches out to you in response, his hand brushing your cheek softly before tucking your hair behind your ear. The touch sends shivers down your spine and you can't move.
You're at war with yourself.
You want to give in to his touch, close your eyes and bask in the soft, gentle touch that is his and only his.
But you don't give in, you can't give in.
You have to ignore the way it makes you feel and resist falling into some delusion that he could care about you. You can't handle that heartbreak...
Not again.
His eyes hazy as he looks at you and a slight smile playing on his lips, he licks them before swallowing hard and trailing his hand past the skin behind your ear and down the side of your neck. You don't mean to, but you let out a sharp inhale of breath at the touch and close your eyes for a moment before raising them to his.
He blinks a bit in astonishment at the way you look at him, faltering a bit before, gingerly securing his hand behind your neck. Each finger tapping down on your skin as they secure their hold, a gentle touch that pulls you closer. He smiles at you for a moment, as the hand mixes into the wet tangles of your hair.
“See? Even now it's hard to stay apart for long.” He murmurs, and you narrow your eyes at him, trying to hide the smile that begins to grow by pursing your lips together.
His hand trails slowly down, before resting on the small of your back and pulling you even closer. Instinctively, you keep a hand out, as though to distance yourself as it presses against his chest.
He smiles, his eyes sparkling once more with mischief before reaching down and hooking his arm around your knees; buckling them over his arm as he lifts you once more.
You cry out as he does, the hand on his chest quickly securing its hold behind his neck. You are not going to take any chances this time. He smiles at you once you are settled and you give him a look.
“This again?” you ask, raising your eyebrow a bit. He nods, mutely taking off his hat and securing it on your head, purposefully making sure it goes halfway down your face. Narrowing your eyes you adjust it, making sure it fits right on your head. Feigning annoyance, you poke him in retaliation, right in his cheek. He holds his hand to his face in mock shock before your pout turns into a smile and you laugh, resting your hands around his neck once more.
“Onward, my young stallion.” You say, your voice taking on a bit of a British accent, and he plays along a bit of a twinkle in his eye before he begins to walk forward.
You can feel it as it begins to pound down once more on the two of you and the soft pelting sound as it dapples on Taehyung’s hat. But all you can think about is the rush of adrenaline that arises once he takes off running. As though the rain were some sort of poison from the sky. The roar of the storm and the deafening sound of thunder mixes with the roar in your ears and the sound of resounding laughter as you cling desperately to Taehyung.
He smiles, underneath your touch, the same feelings and emotions coursing through his veins as his feet slap on the concrete ground, splashing up puddles of rainwater along with him. His feet stomp quickly to a stop as he nears the car and he opens the door, setting you down securely inside. Though the movement is quick, he is so gentle and careful to make sure he doesn't damage your injury before you are secure.
As he sets you down, you almost reluctantly pull your hands from him but only to remove the hat he gave you and hand it back to him. He takes it from you slowly, before placing it back on his hair. You smile up at him, before flicking the brim of the hat.
“See you on the other side.”
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: okay you know that moment when you reread something and you forget for a moment that you wrote that? yeeah that's me. right now. at this moment.
chapter 18 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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mandoalorian · 4 years
hi i’d like max x reader where he’s having very stressful day at work like everything that can go wrong does go wrong and the reader is his gf and bc of all this stuff going wrong he forgets that she’s supposed to visit him at work so she comes in and starts talking about her day and how great it was and then he just shoots up and goes to hug her and starts kissing her and playing with her hair and she’s like ??? cause this never happens and he just lays his head on her lap and he rants about his day and she listens and she tries to comfort him as best she can thank u 🥺
Rough Day At Work [Maxwell Lord x Reader]
Author's note: Oh. my god. This is a long one. I write a lot of Maxwell fluff but this one is by far one of my favourites. It's a journey of pure, unadulterated sweetness with a sliver of comedy. And it's set at Christmas— perfect to get you in the festive mood! Reblogs appreciated because this isn't showing up in tags.
Word count: 6.5k
Warnings: food mention, drink mention, brief allusions to sex, Maxwell is ~stressed~.
Rating: PG-13
Masterlist in pinned! Requests open x
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Maxwell Lord had his fair share of bad days. Things almost always went wrong in his line of work, but it was almost never his fault. He could always squander up an excuse or find someone else to blame. But today it was one thing after another.
He was late. He had a meeting with the board team first thing but as the Christmas traffic filled the bustling roads of DC, he had already missed the first twenty five minutes of the conference. He practically fell out of the black limo that drove him to work every morning, plodging his feet through the thick layers of snow. It was so deep this morning, the ice cold water seeped through his leather Armani shoes and even through his favourite cashmere socks. The ones with little purple polka dots. He shivered uncomfortably as the clumps of ice sat in between his toes, melting, and so every footstep made an obscene squelching noise. He didn't have the time to fuss around and change his shoes. The bottoms of his tailored pants were dripping. He bolted through the glass revolving doors of Black Gold Cooperative, trailing a pool of water behind him. His receptionist Anna, and his assistant Raquel, stood up abruptly, their eyes widening as they saw their boss in such a hurried frenzy. 
"Mr Lord! You have your nine o’ clock meeting and it’s now nine twenty-” Raquel raised her hand and called for him, but he didn't bother to stop in his tracks.
"Yes Raquel, I know!" Maxwell yelled after her, already tapping his feet impatiently as he waited for the elevator. "Cmon, cmon…" he grumbled as it slowly made its way down from the 25th floor to the ground floor. 
When Maxwell entered the board meeting, his cheeks were a rosy pink from the cold winter weather. His eyes were glazed and the waves in his dark blonde hair were falling out of place. He had styled it perfectly this morning, the same way he did it every morning. You had even helped him, brushing through his locks when he had hopped out the shower. But now he looked as though he had just run a marathon, breaking out in a cold sweat. He swore if he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror, he'd have a heart attack. But surely, the day couldn't get any worse. Right? Maxwell had made it to the meeting, albeit late. At least he was there.
"I am so sorry." he scrambled, plopping his briefcase down on the table and slipping past the many occupied chairs. He slumped down in one eventually, pulling out in a notepad and pen. "Bad traffic," he huffed. "Can someone give me the lowdown?"
He eventually looked up to see his company. Twelve older ladies in pink button down dresses and white frilly aprons, their hair tied back into matching low buns.  Maxwell froze up, his gaze wandering from woman to woman as it slowly began to sink in.
"Mr Lord…" the woman at the head of the table said cautiously. She looked just as baffled. "It's a pleasure to meet  you. I've worked for Black Gold Cooperative for five years now but never did I expect to see you in person." 
Maxwell looked back at the other girls who were all nodding in agreement, beaming with excitement. "Uh." He didn't know what to say, but instead, he placed his pen and notepad back into the inside of his suit jacket pocket and stood up. "I think- I think I'm in the wrong meeting." he announced.
"We are the body of staff who are responsible for the cleanliness and hygiene of your company sir. We spend ten hours a day washing and tidying every surface, every inch of this building. We take great care of it." one of the ladies spoke up and Maxwell became even more confused. Although clearly, on a day like this, it didn't take much to confuse him.
"The cleaning staff have meetings in here?" He wondered out loud, immediately regretting the words as soon as they left his lips. He didn't want to come off as rude. "I mean, I'm your employer. Pft, of course I know that you have meetings. And I'm glad you do so. It's good to take direction!" he was doing that motivational voice he used on television, making the 60 year old cleaners swoon with admiration. "I- I should get going but. Uh, yes. Lovely to meet you all."
"Mr Lord!" A lady with ebony hair and crinkles by her eyes stood up, handing Maxwell his briefcase. He nodded appreciatvely and walked to the door where her hand met his arm and stopped him in his tracks. "Could I get your autograph, please? I'm just a huge fan of your infomercials."
Maxwell checked the time on his wristwatch. Almost half an hour late, but he couldn't deny one of his cleaners. Once upon a time he wouldn't have bothered giving them a second glance yet he leaned over the table and signed his name on a sticky note. "What's your name?" he asked.
"Pamela," she beamed brightly.
"Nice to meet you Pamela, have a good day." he pat her shoulder and went open the door when another voice yelled his name.
"Mr Lord!" a woman with white hair stood up, a grin pinned on her face. "I'm Doris," she introduced confidently, but her voice was shaky with her old age. "I remember when your father was on the television. I used to clean for him too, you know? Oh, he was such a lovely gentleman. And you look more and more like him every day. Such a handsome man, you are."
Maxwell stiffened up, his hand grabbing the door handle so hard he was sure his knuckles might've turned white. "Oh," was the only thing that could really leave his lips. He wanted to leave.
"Mr Lord, your father I mean-, every Christmas he'd give little old me a kiss," she recalled, her heart blooming at the memory. "Of course I wasn't old then. I was young. And beautiful."
Maxwell exhaled and nodded his head, unsure of really what to say or where this conversation was going. All he could think about was the board meeting that he was already extremely late for. Maxwell pushed down on the door handle and Doris let out a long dramatic sigh, making Maxwell pause once again to hear what she had to say. "I haven't been kissed like that, by a man as attractive as your father, in years." she sighed longingly, fluttering her eyelashes.
That was when Maxwell realised. He sighed quietly, his eyes scanning the room. All the cleaners were staring at him, expecting him to make his move on poor old Doris. Then, he turned back to Doris and offered her that familiar Hollywood smile. The same smile that the whole world was used to seeing on five o'clock television. He took her hand and brushed a soft kiss over her wrinkled knuckles before gently dropping her hand again. There was no denying the pink blush that coloured her cheeks. The action earned a few squeaks and squeals around the room and while they were all babbling with excitement about what they'd just witnessed happen to their friend Doris, Maxwell took the opportunity to run.
He did finally make it to the meeting. He squeezed past his business associates, trying to locate his chair around the table. In the process, he knocked over a cup of coffee. It spilled all over Maxwell, and one of his colleagues. Maxwell's pale blue suit jacket was now stained with brown espresso, and he knew it would take more than just a few washes to get the stain out. He muttered a small 'sorry' before finding his seat and taking out his notepad and pen. Just as he finished writing the date at the top of his piece of paper, the director of the meeting called it quits and everyone flustered out of the room.
All this had happened and it was only ten in the morning.
Luckily, that was the only meeting of the day and he knew he was going to be spending the rest of the day in his office doing paperwork. That was easy enough. Maxwell padded into his enormous office which took up the entirety of the top floor at Black Gold Cooperative headquarters. He shut the double doors, finding peace in knowing that there was no need for anyone to come in and distract him. Maxwell tugged off his blazer and hung it on the back of a chair. He unclipped his suspenders that held his tailored pants up, and threw them to one side, along with his shoes and soaked socks. He padded into the closet at the back of his office and shuffled out of his pants, changing into some grey sweatpants. 
He smiled, beginning to feel warm again. Wearing the sweatpants reminded him of you and it made him feel like he was at home. He remembered a few weeks into your relationship; your surprise when you caught a glimpse of his wardrobe. Not a single piece of casual wear in sight. You wondered if Maxwell Lord had ever known the comfort of sweatpants and so, that afternoon, you went out and bought him a pair. They changed his life. Maxwell would always favour his suits, that's just who he was, but he would love to wear the sweats when he wanted to lounge about in the house.
He was tired. His hair was still damp, the dark blonde waves curling at the nape of his neck and falling out of place every time he tried to remedy it. He still smelled vaguely of espresso, and was still haunted by the interaction of Doris the cleaner. He pursed his lips together into a thin line at the memory of kissing her hand.
Maxwell walked over to his desk and sunk into his chair, holding his head in his hands. Finally some peace.
Until there was a loud knock at the door. Maxwell swung his head back and groaned. "Come in!" he shouted, quickly composing himself for whoever wished to see him. It was his blonde assistant, Raquel.
"Hi sir!" she beamed, waving her free hand and placing a glossy catalogue on the table.
"Raquel." Maxwell nodded politely, sitting up and looking at the catalogue she had positioned before him.
"For the Christmas gala," she explained, flicking open the pages and pointing out different things. She'd carefully highlighted and labelled everything she wanted to show him, making it easier for his conveience. "I was thinking huge black and gold balloons with the company name on. Gold confetti. Banners and streamers hanging from every corner. A buffet, and every table cloth will also have the company's name on, printed in small, glitter ink." Her loud and chatty voice was giving Maxwell a headache.
"Yeah, balloons with Black Gold Cooperative written on really scream ‘Have a Very Merry Capitalist Christmas’." he sighed, slowly looking up at her. She blinked a few times. "Well Raquel?" he quizzed, growing irritable. It wasn't her fault, it's just everything was beginning to build up. She blinked again, dumbfounded by his comment. "Is that what Christmas is about to you?"
"W-what do you mean?" she asked nervously, removing her hand from the catalogue and taking a step back from his desk.
"What about red and green balloons? We'll have a Christmas tree in the ballroom. We could even make it family friendly and hire a Santa Claus for the kids to meet." Maxwell suggested. "And no weird company merchandise."
Raquel blinked, not saying a word. It had never really dawned on Maxwell how much you had changed him. His staff realised practically instantly— from the moment he came into work after the first time you had spent the night, it was like he was a changed man. He held the door open for people, he wished people a good morning. And as your relationship with him developed, you opened up a brand new side to him. He became more affectionate and caring for those around him, a feeling he had shut off from the world for his entire life.
He had never cared for Christmas, never cared as much to host a Christmas gala either. His father died during the festive season and it hadn't been the same without him. His mother didn't do much to celebrate. Maxwell had everything he always wanted; all the new toys and fanciest designer clothes. But it meant nothing to him without his father. Christmas meant nothing to him without love. That's why it all changed when he met you. You finally brought love back into his life, and everything felt whole again. You completed him. You taught him how to enjoy events and celebrate. You taught him happiness but most importantly, you taught a cold and broken man how to love and be loved in return.
The Christmas gala was your idea. One night, around a month ago, you and Maxwell were both lying in bed together. Maxwell had expressed to you that he wanted to do something special for his staff at work. Over the past few years since he had met you, he'd slowly been softening with the people around him. Christmas time was no different and his staff were always jolly to receive a hefty bonus from him. But they didn't expect anything more.
You came up with the idea of a gala, and Maxwell couldn't help but smirk a little when you mentioned it. He knew that your suggestion was deeply rooted into the fact you had always wanted to attend a gala, wear a beautiful dress and have your hair and makeup done. More importantly, you wanted to go to a gala with Maxwell and have him by your side looking as handsome as ever. The prospect excited you so much. With Maxwell, you knew that you wanted for nothing. That he could give you anything and everything. But you would never ask. You wanted him to know that for as long as he was with you, you had everything you needed.
Normally for Maxwell, gala’s were a place for adults only. Bars that served the best alcohol and a place where men who were just as rich as him would meet and schmooze. Before you, gala’s were a fine opportunity for Maxwell to meet a lady and take her home. That's all he enjoyed them for. But you had taught Maxwell that there was more to life than wealth, women and good champagne. He was so sure you'd love the idea of turning the gala into a family friendly party, and he was certain that his employees (the likes of the cleaning staff, for example) would love the ability to bring their families to such a high class event.
"Don't worry Raquel," Maxwell smiled. "Forget about the party planning for now. I know someone who would love to organise the Christmas gala." Today was tough, but everytime he thought about you, he couldn't wipe the grin from his face. He was one lovesick puppy. "Could you bring me a coffee?"
Raquel nodded and picked the catalogue back up, padding out his office without saying another word.
At around twelve o’clock, Maxwell was about to take his lunch break- but the phone on his desk began to ring. "Maxwell Lord." he introduced himself, holding the phone to his ear. It was the CEO of Powergrid Electrics, an electrical company in Rome. Rude and unhinged, the boss man reminded Maxwell of a version of himself that he had left in the past.
Maxwell had almost sealed an amazing deal with the company, but it had seemed that the CEO hadn't received a vital part of the contract. Trying to regulate the anger that was building up inside of him, Maxwell shakily put the phone back on the hook and called his second assistant, Emmerson, into his office.
"It's impossible," Maxwell furrowed his eyebrows together in bewilderment, after explaining the situation. He scrambled amongst the papers that were stacked mountain high on his desk. "I put it in the envelope and had Raquel send it off to Rome last week. I remember… I know I didn't forget. I never forget." he said, trying to sound as composed and confident as possible. There was no mistake in the worried little warble in his voice, though.
Emmerson, Maxwell's second assistant, wasn't sure if he was going to regret his next move. "Sir," his voice was timid and small. Maxwell's eyes snapped up to meet Emmerson's and Emmerson felt his heart rate increase rapidly. Emmerson reached over Maxwell's desk, picking up a folded piece of paper with a sticky note on top that read 'For Raquel: give to Rome'. "Is it possible that this is the missing part of the contract? That maybe, you might have just, forgotten to give it to Raquel?" he said slowly, trying to beat around the bush as much as possible.
Maxwell slowly reached over to the slip of paper, unravelling it like he was scared to see what the contents would reveal. He sighed out loud when he realised he had, in fact, forgotten to give Raquel the document, and there was no one to blame but himself. He ran his fingers through his hair, contemplating what to do next. He didn't want to believe he was out of options. He wasn't one to give up, especially when it came to the sanctity of his business.
"I need you to go to Rome." He said immediately and Emmerson's jaw dropped.
"I- I'm sorry?" Emmerson quizzed, confused and still slightly afraid of how impulsive Maxwell was being. "With all due respect, can't you just call Rome and ask for an extension on the deadline?"
Maxwell scoffed. "Call Rome? I can't just call a country," Emmerson was about to interject to explain that wasn't exactly what he meant but Maxwell didn't allow it. There was something about the way Maxwell's brain worked… he didn't get where he was today from taking the advice of his assistants. "You will go to Rome and give Powergrid Electrics the remaining part of the contract yourself. I trust you."
"But sir-" Emmerson raised a shaky hand.
"Oh, I see, you're worried about accomodation," Maxwell assumed, chuckling lightly. "I'll get you a five star hotel and give you a spending allowance of three hundred euros a day, how does that sound? No need to fret. Hurry along now."
"Mr Lord," Emmerson deadpanned finally, causing Maxwell to look up at his assistant in bewilderment. Emmerson was still afraid of his boss, of course, but he knew he had to stand his ground. "I can't go to Italy."
There were a few beats of silence. "What?" Maxwell questioned. "Don't be ridiculous. It's a free trip of a lifetime. You have an easy job to do. You can spend the rest of the day souvenir shopping. I don't care. Just get the contract delivered." He ordered.
"No." Emmerson put his foot down.
"No?" Maxwell repeated, raising his eyebrows like he was due an explanation.
"Mr Lord, I didn't want to say anything because it seems… you've had a lot going on today. But my girlfriend, Katherine, she's due our baby. See, we're having a son. I'm not sure if you knew… I mean, you probably didn't know. But, I promised Katie- uh, Katherine, that I'd meet her at the hospital after my shift. I wish I could help you sir, I really do. But I love my girlfriend and I've been waiting nine months to meet our son so if you please-"
The old Maxwell Lord would've burned red with rage, firing poor Emmerson on the spot, right then and there. How dare he question Maxwell. How dare he deny Maxwell. How dare he choose his love life, his family over his job. But right now, Maxwell couldn't help the small smile creep upon his lips. He was overjoyed, just wishing Emmerson had told him of the amazing news before now.
"Congratulations," Maxwell said, his voice quiet but his eyes gleaming. "On the addition of your family. That's really great."
Emmerson stood as still as ever, blinking a few times. He waited for Maxwell to snap and finally lose it. He was waiting to get the sack. But nothing. "Uh, thank you, sir." Emmerson replied hesitantly, like he wasn't sure what to expect from Maxwell.
The following few moments of silence, Maxwell spent thinking about you. He thought about how radiant you glowed this morning and how he wished he didn't have to leave your side. You were the love of his life and quite frankly, since meeting you, he understood the priority of choosing love over wealth. He finally had someone he could hold onto during the dead of night, someone to ramble to about his feelings, someone he could kiss and love and cherish forever.
Maxwell Lord finally loved something more than his business and that was you. Emmerson coughed awkwardly, breaking the silence and Maxwell flicked his wrist up, checking the time on his gold Rolex. It was almost twelve thirty.
"Why are you still here?" Maxwell grinned, swinging his hand to point a finger towards the door. "Go! You have a son to meet!" 
"Sir, I don't finish until five o’ clock." Emmerson replied, stiffening up.
"No no no! Go home, go see your girlfriend, please." Maxwell stood up and shook his assistants hand. "I have no doubt you'll be an amazing father," he said genuinely. "And I'll have Y/N send over some flowers and a donation after the birth."
"You- you're really letting me off work early?" Emmerson beamed and Maxwell nodded his head enthusiastically. "Oh how can I ever thank you?"
"I hear Maxwell is a popular choice of name for baby boys right now," the CEO charmed and Emmerson let out a small but genuine laugh. "Now go! Tell Katherine I send my love."
"I will do, thank you sir." Emmerson grinned, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack and merrily running out of the office.
Maxwell sunk into the plushness of his leather chair, still unable to escape the smile that played on his lips. He imagined the possibility of you, the love of his life, carrying his child. He thought about how beautiful you would look, how you'd glow, and how he'd simply give up everything to take care of you. Make sure you had everything you needed during your pregnancy. He imagined building the nursery with you and picking out some books on parenting, studying with you so he could ensure that he'd be the best father ever. He'd never wanted kids. In fact he hated the idea of having little mini Maxwell’s running around and causing fuss and torment, but the idea of you raising them alongside him made his heart flutter. He was certain of the unconditional love you’d have for them. Similar to the unconditional love he had for you.
His eyes darted back to the unsent report on his desk and he sighed. Guess I have to call Rome after all. He thought.
Maxwell was counting the minutes until he could go home and see you. He wanted nothing more than to curl up on the sofa with you, the fire on, and watch one of those cheesy Christmas movies you liked so much. He heard the doors to his office open, frustration racing through him as he prepared himself for the next bout of 'things going wrong'. He'd normally yell at someone if they entered his office without knocking but he was so tired. So so tired.
When he saw you, he swore his heart stopped. There you were, his blessing in disguise. His angel. You were wearing your red winter coat and knee high brown boots, and you plopped your purse and a bag on one of the many side tables in his office. You took off your gloves and pulled off your wooly bobble hat, stuffing them lazily in your pocket and offered him a happy smile. He scrambled to his feet, not taking his eyes off you for a second and ran up to you, sweeping you off your feet and spinning you around. You squealed, grabbing onto him for your life and he put you down, pulling you into a tight warm hug.
"You're freezing cold." he grimaced, pulling your hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants in hope they'd warm up. 
"It's snowing again." you whispered happily, smiling into his neck. He was delighted, having you in his arms and being able to smell the familiarity of your shampoo and perfume. He knew for sure now, he was going to be okay.
"I can see." he replied, moving one of his hands up to your face and padding out the pearly snowdrops that were balanced in your hair. "I am so glad to see you sweetheart." he hummed, sending vibrations through your body. You felt your heart blossom in your chest at his sentiment.
"I told you I was coming this morning," you giggled, eventually pulling away from him and taking your arms out of his pockets. You cupped his face and ran your fingers through his dark blonde hair, fixing it as best as you could. "I brought us lunch." you told him, fishing into the bag and bringing out boxes of pastries and cakes. "From that bakery we like."
Maxwell gasped and you looked up at him confused. "Baby, I completely forgot you were coming." 
"I hate to say Max but you do look a little disheveled," you folded your arms across your chest and checked out your boyfriend's appearance. "What's with the sweats and… where is your tie and suspenders?" Your eyes met his feet on the floor and they widened almost comically. "Max! Where are your socks and shoes?"
He sighed, shaking his head. "Long story." he took your hand and pulled you over to the couch, pulling you onto his lap. You wrapped your arms around him and he placed a hand on your thigh, pushing under your skirt and rubbing comforting circles into your skin.
"Tell me everything." you replied and he looked up at you with nothing but adoration in his brown eyes.
"Traffic jam on the way to work because of the snowstorm last night, and the streets were so busy with it being so close to Christmas. We couldn't get parked out front so I had to get out of the car and walk through five inches of snow to get into work. I was already late for my meeting. Soaking wet and uncomfortable," you let him ramble on, watching intently at the way his expression would change as he recalled different events in his day. You began to play with his hair, seeing that he was getting flustered at the memory of it all. "I was late for the meeting, I ended up in a whole different meeting. I didn't know the cleaners in this building even had meetings!"
"The cleaners?" you chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief. "You sat in on a meeting with the cleaners?" Maxwell nodded sollemnley and you nudged him playfully. "I love that." 
"Well, I didn't. They're all lovely women. But this one cleaner, Doris…" he fumbled around with his fingers. "I ended up kissing her." you pulled away quickly, knotting your eyebrows together. "No! No not like that," Maxwell said quickly, pulling you back onto his lap and wrapping his arm around you. "She's like 90, said she used to work for my father and every Christmas he'd give her a kiss. She'd start talking about how she's never had a kiss from someone as handsome as my father in years. So I gave her a polite one, on her hand. And baby, I ran. As fast as I could, I had to get outta there."
You smiled. "Max, you probably made her day. That was really sweet of you."
He brushed off your comment, taking a dramatic exhale and continuing his story. "Finally got to the meeting, spilled coffee over myself and one of my associates. But by the time I had finally settled, the meeting was over. So I went back to my office and changed out of my wet, cold, coffee stained clothes and sat down. Raquel came in. She was planning the Christmas gala but it all sounded so… corporate. Not what Christmas is about at all," he explained and you nodded in agreement. "Anyways I suggested that we change the gala this year so it's family friendly. In the spirit of Christmas."
"Oh Max!" you beamed, snuggling into his chest. He smiled to himself proudly, knowing that he had made you happy. 
"You good with that?" he chuckled, running his fingers through your hair.
"Yes!" you squeaked, pushing yourself back up and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "I have so many ideas."
"That's great honey," he laughed. "Because I told Raquel to forget about the gala. I figured you could plan it. You're great at stuff like that, and I know how much it means to you. I want the gala to be perfect for my staff and their families, and I trust you more than anyone else in the world."
"I can't wait," you smiled merrily, already weighing up the different ideas you had in your head. "Was Raquel okay with you taking the party planning duty away from her?"
"I think so," Maxwell replied. "She has a lot on her plate, being my assistant and all. It's a busy time of year and I think she'd appreciate having less to do."
"Well, it really does sound like you've had an eventful morning."
"Oh, I'm not finished," Maxwell grimaced and you braved yourself for the impending chaos. "Rome called and told me that the CEO of Powergrid Electrics only received half of the binding contract. So I was going to send Emmerson to Rome because I needed that contract in the hands of the CEO by midnight tonight. But Emmerson told me he couldn't. His girlfriend is having his baby today. A little boy. So I let him go home early."
"Emmerson's going to be a father?" you gasped and Maxwell nodded. "That's so wonderful! I should send him some flowers."
"I already told Emmerson you would." Maxwell grinned. 
"Oh a baby boy too! How lovely. We have to go meet the baby when he's born. Please please please." you whined, fluttering your eyelashes. 
"Okay darling." Maxwell pressed a kiss into your cheek.
You stood up and brought the bag over to the couch, taking out the little boxes and handing them to Maxwell. You opened them up and started to eat, as you told him how your morning had gone.
"After you went to work, I cleared up and did the dishes that you had left from breakfast. Max, I was soooo tired from last night," you blushed and his mouth twisted into a proud smile. "So I went back to bed and slept for another hour. Then I got up and took a bubble bath. Oh!" you scrambled around in your purse, taking out a fresh Polaroid and showed him it. It was a photograph of his white long haired cat, Lady, with bubbles balancing on her head. "She kept me company while I was in the bath." you smiled and Maxwell laughed.
"She looks so funny with the bubbles on her head." Maxwell took the Polaroid from your fingers and admired the cat. He was never particularly fond about animals, or having pets, but you loved them. In the first year of your relationship, Maxwell asked what you wanted for your birthday. As always, you told him that you didn't want anything materialistic, that he was all you needed. But you did tell him about an animal charity that you were so passionate about. He remembered leaving you at home and telling you that he was simply 'heading out'. He had planned on visiting the charity and making a donation in your name, as part of your birthday present. But he didn't leave the shelter empty handed.
A white fluffy cat with long whiskers and big blue eyes. Her eyes reminded him of sapphires. She mewled and padded towards him, her tail waving happily as she rubbed her cheek on his leg, circling around him. "Ah, she's a darling," the lady who was showing Maxwell around told him. "Unfortunately, she's been here with us longer than any of the other cats. She's not that good around people. But I must admit, she likes you a lot. In fact, I've never seen her so confident around another person before."
Maxwell dropped to his knees and tickled her head. She began purring erratically, rubbing her face along the edges of the rings on his fingers. "Nobody wants her?" Maxwell asked, not taking his eyes from the happy kitty. He picked her up, ignoring the white cat hair that malted onto his suit. She rubbed her soft face against his cheek and sniffed his cologne.
"No." the lady replied sadly. Maxwell smiled.
"I'll take her."
And that night, Maxwell came home with a new addition to the family. You were overjoyed, but no one was happier than little Lady Lord who had found her fur-ever home.
He placed the Polaroid on one of the side tables, promising you he would find a frame for it. "How was your bath darling?" he cooed, pressing his lips along your jaw.
You giggled, nuzzling your head into his shoulder. "Relaxing, lit some candles, done a little reading. After my bath I got dressed and tidied up the bedroom. I turned on the radio and they were playing Christmas songs. Oh! WHAM have just brought out a new one, it's really good. Hmm, me and Lady played for a little while and she let me brush her hair. Jeeves offered to drive me to the bakery but I really wanted to walk in the snow. Get some fresh air. And now I'm here! With you!"
It was safe to say Maxwell's morning was a lot more chaotic, but he was comforted knowing that you had been relaxed while he was going through all the antics.
"Your morning sounded amazing, darling." he kissed your forehead and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You let his lips brush over your skin, fall down to your nose, and eventually take place on your own lips as he leaned his forehead against yours. You giggled, his hair falling out of place again slightly and tickling you as he kissed you. You pulled him closer, encouraging him to deepen the kiss and laced your fingers in his hair. He pulled away to catch his breath but peppered small yet passionate kisses along your jaw and down your neck.
“You’re being so affectionate,” you smiled, eyes sparkling with love.
“What can I say? I like to kiss you.” Maxwell exhorted and leaned in again, pressing another kiss into your lips. This time he swiped his tongue along the plumpness of your bottom lip, begging for entry. You pulled off him and he moaned. “Whaaat?” He pouted playfully and you rolled your eyes, earnestly laughing at how cute your boyfriend was.
“We shouldn’t do this at work,” you giggled.
“Baby we’ve done a lot worse than just kissing on this sofa, if you remember.” Maxwell charmed and you felt your cheeks heat up as you nodded slowly.
"The highlight of my day though, is being here, with you." you promised.
"Yeah," Maxwell hummed. "Me too."
"I'm proud of you." you said out of the blue, putting your sandwich down and wiping your mouth. Maxwell looked at you, confused. "You've had a bad morning. But you acted so selflessly today. Everything from signing autographs in your office to kissing that old maids hand, giving Raquel less work to do and letting Emmerson be with his girlfriend. You… you surprise me everyday Max. And I fall in love with you more and more everyday." 
"I remember when we first met… I would've never dreamed of doing any of this." Maxwell admitted sheepishly.
"I know, I remember," you recalled. "I fell in love with the man you were then, but I somehow think I love you even more now."
And with that, Maxwell pulled you into a kiss. The curve of his nose nudged against yours and his hands pulled you into his lap, knocking the boxes of food onto the floor as you straddled him. "I love you so much." he announced.
Maxwell rarely said I love you's. But that was okay because you knew he loved you from his actions. You knew he loved you from the small kisses he'd give you on a morning, and the way he'd pull you into a hug every evening after work. You knew he loved you from the way he'd shelter you from paparazzi and squeeze your hand tight whenever you felt overwhelmed. Actions spoke louder than words. But coming from Maxwell Lord, hearing those three words struck you like a bolt of lightning. They were just words, but they meant everything to you.
He meant everything to you.
Permanent taglist~let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first
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parkeraul · 5 years
Pleaseeee a quick write about reader sitting on Toms face and getting eaten out while also fingered
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ann’s note — i’m assuming you requested this during the mob!tom week i suggested. if you didn’t, i’m sorry but i made it slightly mobster–styled. it’s filth so i hope you enjoy though.
pairing: tom holland x reader
warnings: dirty talk, swearing, smut (fingering, oral — female receiving) & mobster–related stuff.
masterlist ┊add yourself to my taglists ┊give me feedbacks.
The wind is chilly and she feels the temperature of the house contrasting with the warmth of her body, trying to get used to the feeling of not being under the comfy blankets anymore. 
Her middle is still snug under the cotton baby–pink blouse she’s wearing, but her legs are mostly bare, her long socks covering all the way up from her feet to the beginning of her knees being the only thing hiding her lower half — besides her black underwear hidden by the hem of the blouse.
When she reaches the slightly–open door of Tom’s office, she can feel a hotter atmosphere due to the heater that must have been on ever since the day has begun. The sight in front of her eyes is his meeting table, excellently cleaned and empty; to the right, she can catch the view of him editing worksheets with one hand and taking packets of money from an enormous plastic bag to put on a black briefcase beside the laptop with the other hand. His hair is brushed back impeccably, suit open and tie resting around his shoulders as his jaw clenches and relaxes.
She steps inside, as silent as possible not to disturb him but Tom doesn’t need to look back to know his baby is there. Her scent is stuck in his memories in a way he recognises her just by the way she smells, the unmistakable fragrance of her shampoo combined with her favourite hot drink she drinks every morning invading his nostrils, making him drop his tensed shoulders immediately and chill unconsciously.
“You up, pretty girl?” He asks, eyes still glued on the screen as she tiptoes to stand behind him, arms embracing his chest and bringing his body closer to hers. Tom cocks his cheek to the side, knowing that her next action is to leave a sweet kiss on his skin — and so she does, bringing them both to smile simultaneously. “Did I wake ya?”
After the kiss, she gives him a warm and quick head–rub as she speaks, “No, baby. I just wanted to see you before you go downtown.”
Tom softens, quitting his current responsibility to give her some attention back. He takes his hands off the stuff to turn around in his chair and move his slender fingers to hold the sides of her thighs, meeting the cold flesh and studying the way her body lacks clothes in such a breezy day. 
“Your thighs are clenching like this because you’re cold?” Knowing the answer, Tom asks keeping back his smirk. Then he looks her in the eyes, finding in those pleading irises the neediest request for relief. He swears his heart grows three sizes while she blushes and tucks the front strands of her hair back behind her ears, legs rubbing together harder as his hands start to knead her skin provocatively. 
She shakes her head in denial, chewing on her bottom lip and lowering to straddle him, “Mm-mm.”
Tom stops her, travelling his palms to grab handfuls of her ass and slide his fingers under the fabric of her tight underwear, feeling all the extension of her icy flesh starting to burn because of his slow touch and the eventual scratch of his small nails. One of his hands comes to the front and slides her blouse further up, lips wetly kissing her stomach and taking his sweet time to work her up — tongue licking his lips before each smooch, mouth dragging along the skin exposed and the very edge of his tongue leaving soaking and tempting trails wherever he goes. She gulps, closing her eyes and resting her hands on top of his head, his gelled hair being the only cold thing matching the temperature of her hands.
While Tom keeps planting wonderful kisses along her body and giving all the possible sensations to her skin (grabbing, scratching, caressing up and down, pulling towards him), she closes her eyes and feels her clit throbbing, her core clenching around nothing and craving everything.
“No, baby?” He whispers in a raspy tone against her silhouette, looking up as his mouth goes down and his fingers start to wander along her inner thighs. The tip of his index finger traces her clothed slit, noticing how the wet spot down below her entrance was increasing rapidly by the way it soaked all the way up to her clit. “You looked out for me because you want me to play with you a little bit, hm? Want me to fix this little mess you’ve made in here, don’t you?” 
He looks down to see the black fabric turning even darker because of her wetness, feeling his mouth watering to look up at her then, and watch her tortured expression nodding affirmatively like she would die if he denied such thing to her.
Tom stands up from his chair, discarding his tie and taking her gently by the legs, making her tiptoe and then wrap her legs around his body as he ends lifting her frame up.
Tom walks to the white and giant sofa of his office and sits down, having her hands cupping his face and kissing him deeply, grinding on him as his tongue slides against hers lazily. Their lips lock and unlock, making the kiss wetter and louder, needier. Tom grips her ass mightly, dragging her sensitive core against his growing bulge and landing a sharp slap onto her cheek, making her jump lightly and groan against his mouth. His index pulls the elastic band of her panties and releases it, making the material spring back as he breaks the kiss with a bite on her lower lip, “Up on your feet. Take this off.”
She instantly complies, taking her panties off and holding it in her hand while she straddles him back again. Tom helps her get down on him once more and his fingers search for her bare pussy as they map her spine, going to the small of her back, ass and then her slit, playing with her from behind, “Bloody hell, darlin’, you’re drenched.”
Of course she squirms and moans into Tom’s mouth when he adds pressure to his movements. His two fingers go up and down deliberately, stimulating her aching clit down to her entrance and then back up again in a loop. When on her clit, his skilled fingers draw circles right in the middle of her bundle of nerves to make her pant desperately, looking him in the eyes while his jaw falls shortly — it’s priceless to watch her unraveling under his control, the perfect way to please her that only he knows best; when on her entrance, he threatens to insert his digits after circling the region temptly, causing her to cry lowly with her lips pressed together and forehead dropped onto his. 
He grabs one of her cheeks to make some space and finally thrust two fingers inside, “Shh... Take it, little thing, take it. Nice and slow.”She plants both palms on his chest and moans, closing her eyes and trying to take like a good girl the indescribable feeling of Tom pumping his long fingers inside her pussy, turning her on impossibly harder. Her legs go numb and she drives her hips against his movements — and Tom helps her, still moving his fingers in and out and pulling her down onto his digits by the firm grasp he still has on her ass, guiding her. As he starts to pump faster with short thrusts, she gradually becomes a whining mess. Tom loves every single second of it, watching her face contorting due to the amount of pleasure she’s receiving. The coil in her stomach is growing and making her nerves sparkle, attempting to savour the multiple sensations travelling all around her sweetest spots. “Eyes on me, babygirl, hey,” He calls out, making her look at him once more with her lips parted and swollen, so close to his and blowing gracefully the filthiest sounds into his mouth. “Eyes on me. Look at who’s fucking you this good, princess... That’s a good girl.” 
Her walls clench around him as he hits her g–spot and the first wet sound echoes throughout his office loudly, “It’s here, right?” 
“Yes,” She breathes out faintly, gasping and clutching onto his dress shirt for life. “Yes, yes, yes...”
Tom then begins to massage her spot quickly, hand bouncing up and down as her soaked pussy turns into a squelching mess. She would have screamed for the entire mansion to listen if Tom hadn’t glued his mouth on hers, muffling her now broken groans and sobs as his fingers bring her to a state of bliss. She can’t stop moaning and that’s how he knows she’s close — when she’s a noisy and dripping mess, gulping repetitively so she won’t drool all over herself as the soaked sound of his digits rubbing all of her sensible spots and grinding up and down becomes too much.He waits until she suddenly goes quiet, knowing that this is how she does when she’s about to cum to remove his fingers gently. She displays a confused face, cheeks flushed and hairline wet while Tom manages to lay down with her on top of him.
“On my face now, doll,” He says as she climbs further up, still unsure. “Want your taste on my tongue, c’mon,” While she reaches his mouth, Tom holds her by the waist with sight switching from her wet pussy to her teary eyes. “Just drop down real slow, I got you.”
She complies and lowers her hips, Tom kissing every possible inch of her inner thigh before his lips are busy on her clit, “Like this, baby. Just relax, come down a little bit more. You won’t hurt me, you’re okay.” 
Before she can notice, his tongue slides along her slit and rubs her nub, lips enveloping it in a gentle suction. She sighs almost deafeningly, trembling on top of him while he pulls her down, mouth totally immersed on her pussy. Her pleasure multiplies infinitely from the good minutes being worked up, her whole body giving into the delicious way that Tom’s tongue laps up her juices and traps her pulsating clit for a mind–spinning time, suckling and licking devotedly. All of a sudden, his hand makes the same way it did before along her back and his digits find her entrance once again, breaking into her pussy and finding her spot again, rubbing it mercilessly as he sucks her clit repeatedly. Smack sounds from his wet action fly around the office along with her desperate cries, the quick pace of it all becoming too much for her to handle.
“I’m gonna c—”
She can’t even finish the sentence, shivering in a way she’s never done before while her orgasm bursts out and gives her chills. Her clit now throbs in the most delicious way against his tender and wet tongue, flat under her nub and moving in circles. Her entrance pulsates, feeling her high taking a longer time than usual to bring her back down to Earth and she swears that her blurry sight makes the dizziness grow more. Down in there, Tom is watching her with a boyish glance, upper lip perfectly molding the beginning of her lower lips and the tip of his crooked nose bumping into her soft skin. He closes his chocolate eyes to focus on the taste she’s left on his tongue, using it to lick a last long trail on her pussy and finish it with slow and breathtaking suctions. That’s the way he reminds her that a good girl gets whatever she wants if she asks nicely.
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TAGLIST: @outlandishnerd — @jilanaholland — @space-holland​ — @hollandraul — @tomhollandseverything — @mcuspidey — @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory — @peterspideysense — @fanficscuziranout — @parkernerd.
TAGGING MUTUALS AND BLOGS: @madmadmilk​ — @angelic-holland​ — @fallinharry — @keepingupwiththeparkers​.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #173: Sherlock Holmes
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Yes we’re going out of order, but I have a very good reason for this! ...Well, not really. We were already in the geniuses section, and any excuse to not think about summer while it’s still 40 degrees out is one I’m going to take.
Anyway, today we’re making the man famous for discombobulation, Sherlock Holmes! Track down mysteries, show up everyone else in the party, and kick ass with Baritsu. Easy stuff.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: Chaldea’s other resident genius.
Race and Background
There are some theories about Sherlock’s race, but for simplicity’s sake we’ll call you a Variant Human, giving you +1 Dexterity and Wisdom. You also get Sleight of Hand proficiency for some close-up detective work, and the Keen Mind feat, giving you +1 Wisdom, the ability to always point north, perfect time telling, and the ability to recall anything from the last month in-game, a.k.a. the DM’s nightmare.
You know a lot yourself, but you also know how to build and maintain an archive, so the closest background to match would be the Cloistered Scholar background, giving you proficiency in Nature and Religion. Arcana and history would suit you better, but I’ve got something in mind for that, and good things come to those who wait.
Ability Scores
As you’d probably expect, your Wisdom and Intelligence are pretty freaking high. You are Sherlock Holmes after all. You’re pretty strong, but the reason you’re so scary in a fight is because of your technique, so we’re going with Dexterity here instead. You snort cocaine like it’s going out of style, so your Constitution has to be able to keep up. This does mean your Strength is a bit low, but you’re practically an anime protagonist, there are some things we just can’t get in a balanced build. Finally, dump Charisma. Half the reason you drag Guda along on your cases is to talk people out of thinking you’re the murderer, honestly it’s kind of embarrassing.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: You’re a skilled guy, and rogues get skills for days. You get proficiencies in Dexterity and Intelligence saves, as well as four skills- Deception for disguises, and Insight, Investigation, and Perception for cases and clue-catching. You also get Expertise in two skills, doubling their proficiency bonus. Right off the bat I’d suggest Insight and Investigation so you can hopefully get to the bottom of things quickly. Foiling a plan at the last second is thrilling and all, but utterly shutting down a villain is so satisfying.
To help with that, you can use a Sneak Attack once per turn if you’re using a ranged or finesse weapon and either have advantage against a target or a friend within 5′ of them. You also learn Thieves’ Cant, it’s a language that will be especially helpful when you have to navigate the criminal underbelly of a city.
2. Monk 1:None of that was Baritsu though, so we’re bouncing over to monk for some Martial Arts. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength on monk weapons (this does not make them finesse), and spending an action to attack with one also lets you make an unarmed attack as a bonus action. Your unarmed and monk weapon attacks also do at least a 1d4 of damage.
You also get Unarmored Defense, making your AC 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your wisdom modifier. I don’t care how hot it looks, that corset isn’t armor.
3. Cleric 1: Last multiclass, I swear. Since you can literally make clues appear like magic, we kinda need a bit of magic. Clerics get Spells that they cast and prepare using their Wisdom, which you might have noticed is becoming a pretty important ability for you.
If you want clues, you’ll need knowledge, at least enough to know that the Knowledge domain can help with that. At first level you gain the Blessings of Knowledge, making you proficient in History and Arcana and doubling those proficiencies as well (hey, see what I said about waiting?).
You get three cantrips for joining the clergy, Light gives you some of those cool magnifying spotlights you carry around, Thaumaturgy for some parlor tricks, and Guidance for when you really have to focus.
For first level spells, Command gives you a basic command spell, and Identify teaches you all about the magic affecting an item or creature. Normally that would be more of a research montage, but some times you’re in a hurry. 
As far as actually prepared spells go, anything with “Detect” in the name is a good pick.
4. Rogue 2: Now that we’ve got our spread, let’s build some of these classes up. Second level rogues can make Cunning Actions, Dashing, Disengaging, or Hiding as a bonus action. If you already spent your action rifling through someone’s files and they’re about to burst into the room, you’ll thank me.
5. Rogue 3: There’s really only two possible picks for your subclass, and we’re saving the Mastermind for Moriarty. As an Inquisitive, you have an Ear for Deceit, giving your Insight rolls a minimum of 8 on the die. On top of that, your Eye for Detail lets you make Perception and Investigation checks as a bonus action, further speeding up the process. On top of that, your Insightful Fighting uses your bonus action to make an Insight check versus a creature’s Deception check. On a success, you don’t need advantage to make sneak attacks against that creature for up to a minute. Finally, your Steady Aim uses your bonus action to get advantage on an attack if you don’t move that turn. I’d just use your insightful fighting, but your rival might push you to your limit.
This is a lot of stuff to do on your bonus action, and it’s only going to get worse from here.
6. Monk 2: Back at the school of Baritsu, you gain Ki Points that you can spend to make two unarmed attacks, dodge, disengage, or dash as a bonus action. Doing either of the latter two also doubles your jump distance for the turn. You also gain Unarmored Movement, increasing your movement speed by 10 feet while not wearing armor.
7. Monk 3: We need the most technique in the fewest levels, so that means we’re turning to the Way of the Open Hand once more. Your Open Hand Technique gives extra benefits to your flurry of blows. On each hit, the creature either can’t take reactions for a round, must succeed on a dexterity save or be knocked prone, or must make a strength save or be pushed 15′ away.
You can also Deflect Missiles as your reaction, catching an incoming attack and reducing its damage, possibly sending it back at the enemy if you bring it down to 0.
8. Monk 4: Our first Ability Score Improvement will instead be used to make you Observant, bumping up your Wisdom by 1, giving you +5 to passive perception and investigation, and allowing you to read lips. You can also Slow Fall as a reaction to take less fall damage. Hey, any help to survive the Reichenbach is well appreciated.
9. Rogue 4: Back in rogue now, your second ASI is going towards your Dexterity for stronger and more effective attacks, as well as a higher AC. 17′s pretty good for a corset.
10. Rogue 5: Fifth level rogues get an Uncanny Dodge, allowing you to react to an incoming attack and halve the damage. 
11. Cleric 2: You didn’t think we forgot about this one, did you? Knowledge clerics get two Channel Divinity options each short rest. Turn Undead is your bog standard option, or you can gain the Knowledge of the Ages, spending an action to gain proficiency in one skill or tool for 10 minutes. Protagonist powers, activate!
12. Cleric 3: Third level cleric, second level spells. Suggestion is a more open ended command spell, and Augury is more “telling the future” than deduction. That being said, you do get Calm Emotions to keep your cool, as well as Find Traps, Locate Object, and Zone of Truth. 
13. Rogue 6: You know I’m a sucker for quadrupling things, so for this round of Expertise double up on History and Perception. You’re good at everything, but especially current events.
14. Rogue 7: At this level you get the powerful Evasion feature, turning your failed dexterity saves to avoid damage into successes and successes into no damage at all.
15. Rogue 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence. It’s a shame we had to wait this long for it, but better late than never.
16. Rogue 9: Your Steady Eye gives you advantage on perception and investigation checks as long as you’re moving at half speed. Unless your DM’s really keen on mapping out rp situations, this is pretty much permanent advantage.
17. Rogue 10: Another ASI, another bump to Intelligence. Does it really do anything? Probably not, but you can feel smug about it regardless.
18. Rogue 11: Your Reliable Talent means you skill rolls are always 10 or greater on checks you’re proficient with. And thanks to your knowledge of the ages, you can be proficient in just about anything.
19. Rogue 12: Use your last ASI to max out your Wisdom for more AC, stronger spells, and more skilled Baritsu.
20. Rogue 13: Your capstone ability is your Unerring Eye, an action to sense illusions, shapechangers, and the like around you. You can sense something’s off, but will have to investigate yourself. You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your wisdom modifier.
Your minimum rolls in Insight and Investigation are 27 and 26 respectively, making you an ace detective. Your ability to root out lies, plus your photographic memory, will make any mystery you play through a breeze. (You the player still have to connect the dots, though.) Also, literally being able to see through illusions is a big plus.
Maxed out wisdom also means your open hand techniques are as strong as possible, giving you a good amount of battlefield control to beat down enemies and push them around.
Knowledge of the Ages plus Reliable Talent equals you being really good at everything when you need to be, and you’re much faster a switching things up than Hundred Personas. 
Since we only splashed into monk, your baritsu isn’t that great an option for damage. It also comes with the caveat that you can’t use your sneak attack unarmed, so you will have to carry the murder weapon around with you.
Despite being a melee fighter, your hp is pretty low, making straight confrontations a bad idea.
We really wanted Unerring Eye, but as a consequence we could only get a couple levels of the other classes. This means your ki points and spell slots are rather limited. But I mean, you’re Sherlock freaking Holmes, you’ll know when you need to use them and when you don’t.
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