#But like... Here's three dollars. I want bread. Ok here's bread
caluski · 1 year
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I'm ngl this is like. Dream life if I'm being honest.
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theocddiaries · 5 days
[JASON OPENS THE CLOSET UNDERSTAIRS AND SEES IT FULL OF GIFTS] Jason: What is this? Philip: Oh, you don't want to look in there. It's too sad. Jason: No, Grandpa, what are all these things? I mean, look at this. There must be, like, a thousand dollars worth of stuff in here. Philip:$2,735. $4,500 Canadian. Jason: What are they doing in your closet? Philip: They're gifts. For the family, for relatives, for friends… Jason: But Bruce told me you never give presents. You… Oh, my God, Donatello with pizza-throwing action! I wanted one of these when I was twelve! Philip: I know you did. I bought that for you. Jason: …No, you didn't. Philip: Yes, I did. And then, right before Christmas, your Daddy put you on the phone you called me "poopie" and hung up, while laughing. Jason: …Is that the bread maker Bruce was asking for last year? Philip: If he wants bread so much, he should write back when the man who raised him for three whole months writes to him. Oh, look, this was for my sweet sister, Martha… I spent a day shopping for it. Then she went and married a non-Jew. Jason: … Philip: Oh and that camera? For your circus brother, right before he refused to drive me to the liquor store-- ugh! All the nice things I do for people. Jason: Oh. My. God… You're crazy! Bruce was right all along… You're nuts! And evil! Philip: What are you talking about? Jason: Gifts aren't conditional-- they're gifts! You give them to people because you love them. They're not something you can take away because of some petty slight. You're not teaching people anything. You haven't gotten back at them. They don't even know they've upset you. All you have done here is-is… constructed a monument to your own insanity! What kind of a person does that?! Philip: Oh… You're right… Look what I've done. What use is all these things to me now? They could have brought someone some happiness; instead, they rot here. [Gasps] Jason: Are you ok? Philip [Melodramatic]: My he-heart… I… I think it's melting. Yes… it's melting. Quick, go get my magic sled and me and my reindeers will go and give Christmas to all the mean, stupid, rude people. Jason: Jesus fucking Christ… Philip: We'll all join hands and sing songs. And we'll sprinkle the ingrates with fairy dust and my-- Jason: I think I better spend Christmas back at the Manor. Philip: Thank fuck, that took you a while…
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bright-and-burning · 3 months
just remembered i missed all sorts of tags dkjnkjfdsanf tagged by @foggieststars @omigodyall @liamlawsonlesbian @albonoooo AND @freeuselandonorris !!!
1. do you make your bed?
not unless people are coming over (i have a studio apartment), but i also only sleep w a duvet in the summer lol
2. favourite number?
13! my first high school soccer number. i loved being the unlucky number <3 something so fun about being the shortest person on the team w the unlucky number coming on and playing aggressively lol
3. what's your job?
i'm a data analyst! for a government research group. kind of. it’s complicated aksjksjd. demographics + economics + policy stuff most of the time, i think (idk, they just pay me to do numbers and code)
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
yeah, my job'll get me my masters for free and i am definitely taking them up on that
5. can you parallel park?
6. do you think aliens are real?
the universe is mad vast there's def lifeforms out there. definitely no humanoids in our solar system imo tho
7. can you drive a manual car?
no kfjdsakfj i've never driven manual. i want to learn! but you would not believe how hard that is like, logistically. just finding someone who owns a manual is impossible lmao
8. guilty pleasure?
i simply do not feel guilt abt pleasure. jk uhhhh. ok this is so hard i did the full thing and came back to this and still dont have an answer. naps during the workday? some of my music taste is like . fjdskajf. i guess
9. tattoos?
none for now !
10. favourite colour?
all of the sunset ones!! orange and pink and purples.. beloved....
11. favourite type of music?
im sure spotify will say my top genre recently is. rap? pop? one of those two. but that's just the mood im in this summer. last summer was extremely folk americana rock indie modge podge
12. do you like puzzles?
YES!!!! it's like. why i'm in the career im in lol every project i work on is just solving puzzles w the exact same rush of satisfaction at completing it/figuring it out lol
13. favourite childhood sport?
i did . so many sports as a kid. if it was free/cheap my parents were throwing us in just to try lol. played soccer, did taekwondo, did like ten years of dance (tap >>> ballet if im honest), running, kickball every day after school for years, gymnastics for a bit, more or less self-taught figure skating w second hand skates, etc etc. to say nothing of the random sports i tried one(or two or three)-offs of with friends at like birthday parties or w/e (loved hockey ! loved softball ! loved tennis !) i liked soccer best for sure tho. perfect mix of the like quick feet agility i loved about tap dancing and the exhilaration of success and watching everything come together in the right moment of all the other things
14. do you talk to yourself?
yes and no? im actually quite quiet despite living alone but i have a constant running monologue so things slip out all the time ldkfjal
15. tea or coffee?
16. first thing you wanted to be when growing up?
an engineer!! #womeninstem. when i was 3 i would go around saying i wanted to be an engineer and make a million dollars a year and adopt 12 kids (6 boys 6 girls). that was the very first eve dream
17. what movies do you adore?
40s and 50s musicals >>>>. technicolor how i miss you so... gene kelly movies were my bread and butter as a kid. i do love wes anderson can't lie. also chris nolan movies! they hit! like they just do!! also robots (2005).
i genuinely think everyone has been tagged. just guessing based on how many times ive been tagged here. DJFLAK
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Rio x reader
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Flashabcks you slowly waking up after a hectic night of love and passion
You look next you and see your husband Rio looking at you
You morning amore
Rio morning mi Vida
You can we go back to sleep for a little longer
Rio sure sweetie
You lay on his chest and you too cuddle for a little longer
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Marcus comes into your room
Rio hi good morning
Marus morning daddy can we make pancakes this morning
You yes we can
Marcus mommy your up
You yes honey
You do you want mnms pancakes
Marcus yesss
You alright meet me downstairs
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Marcus ok mama
You put on your robe and your slippers
Rio can I have pancakes too mama
You yes of course papi
You both head downstairs
You marcus can you get two eggs please
Marcus sure mama
You three all makes breakfast and Rio places his thr batter on the stove
You looking good
Rio not as good as you
Marcus eww
You too laugh
Rio here's your pancakes
You three eat breakfast and then it time for marus soccers game
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You drive to the park where's the game held and Rio takes another car because of his job
You You ready to kick some soccer butt
Marcus yeah mama
You I be right here and dad should he here soon
Marcus yay mama
Mick shows up to watch his nephew play
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Mick hi
You hi how's business going
Mick good we kind need your help he sent me before he came
You oh alright
You Marcus really misses him
Mick yeah
Mick uhm do you think we could about 500000 dollars
You of course mick
Mick ty again
You it's all good I can drop off it at the restaurant later
Mick that's perfect
You so who stole
Mick oh umm
You mick
Mick these surban woman's
You are they here right now
Mick maybe
You is those woman over there
Mick yeah
You oh wow
Mick yeah
You well I be nice it's my son's game
Mick ty
You watch Marcus game and his team wins
Marcus mom
You yes papa
Marus do you know where dad is
Rio hey pup
Marus daddy!!!!!
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Marcus your here
Rio yes I am
Marcus our team won
Rio that's awesome bud sorry I'm late
Ps this man never said sorry
Marcus it's ok I'm glad your here now
You marus can get in the car please
Marcus sure mama
Beth Boland who you learned about today comes over
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You your a real see you next Tuesday for coming over here
Rio mama not now
You silencio por favor
Rio immediately shuts up because he know he in trouble
You go in the car with your son
Rio OK ma
You have a lot of nerve being here
Beth B I don't even know who you are
You oh let me tell you I've the person that married that man in the car . That taking car of out son.
Beth B I didn't knew this I'm sorry
You You should of apologized person who shot my husband three times
Ps your saying husband so she thinks you too are still married
You get the hell out of.my site
Mick vamos now
You walk over the car
You hey bud what would like for dinner
Marcus your pasta and garlic bread
You sounds good your uncle is going to drive you home
Marcus ok mama good luck dad
Rio ty
You head into his g wagon
You what wrre you thinking
Rio I wasn't I'm sorry
You we can't keep her around the same evioment as my son
Rio mama
You no she shot you and you expect us to be best friends
Rio no I didn't say that now
Rio mama look I'm sorry
You I have to loan you money again we can't get this up yo comprendo
Rio si mama
You ty now let's get home
Rio ok he puts his hand on your thigh to try to relieve some of the tension in the car
Surprisly you let him because you don't want to go the bed angry
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You get home and making his favorite dinner and you give Rio his money secretly
Rio ty ma
You uh huh
Rio mama's don't be mad
You I'm not I'm fine
Rio uh huh
You hug him relaxing each other
You I'm going to shower and get him to bed
Marcus I'm ready for bed and his dad is dealing here
Rio yeah
Marcus yay
You both get in the shower
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It's mostly love and passion. You you are frustrated so your kissing to let out the tension
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
2008 G6 GXP Quick Tour/Overview
- This is actually Dave and he does a good job and it's tough job it's a hard job to do then the max say it's for us too didn't workout for them last time yet they wanna go ahead with it and we're all for it it's a coupe it's nice he doesn't need a 4 door it cost too much in gas and this thing can move out the top speed is pretty fast with AV6 too it still goes A180 miles an hour it's too fast and we'd have a limiter. They did sell them with limiters on them. We know which one it is it is not this one and there is a black one. George Washington starts out with a black horse. One might be the Pontiac and that one is our sons as well and they trade off the color but not the Horse. There's other things going on but this is very important and he looked up the price and he found prices from 3500 to around$12,000. It really matters on the condition and the mileage this one he says he had 25,000 miles it's in great shape but he modified it so it's probably about $10,000 that's what happens he touched the brake calipers and structural things except he could probably get 15 to 20 thousand dollars. But that's in certain neighborhoods in areas this thing really moves out he's got new tires and rims and he's done something to the motor and it's not major and a little to the exhaust and it goes over 200. And he said I don't think I've been that fast with it but he has. These things really move I mean this car is fast for a regular coupe the Salica was going 140 and that was very fast but this in the supra can go 190 this is faster than that and it's AV 6 it does have AV8 version no but but it's fast enough. We are looking for approval for the car and we hear Jack Black and they're trying to make it they wanted to design it and they put some time into it not much and BG has started carving no he says it's an artist thing and he wants to wait and see if the art is gonna compel him to do it. And there are certain things that he does note and he says I've seen Jack Sparrow think three times and since we talked about the car and he says 0 and one of them You're a drink you're drinking some girls beer in your beer can and it's the same kind of beer. Well those are signs. It's the females beer and I'm gonna get to it he says and the other one was obscure it was like Kylo Ren who looked like Jack Sparrow but put the Kylo Ren mask on and he says ohh that's weird and he gets that kind of stuff. It might be his guys telling him. One of them looked like Tommy F. Says that's true the other one was a trumpster so he's saying ohh OK and there's more signs that have been happening but they wanna try and get the design but they need that as a backup but if this went forward it would cover up getting the design and it would cover up them trying for it. And he's interested so he's going to go ahead and try and make the wooden one and keep it kind of private and it's going forwards. We have more to announce in a moment.
Thor Freya
I can't live with a sewer who says he'll drain anyways but it's still a pain cause it's gonna ruin the septic I probably should try and dig it out
I might go dig it out from the town this is such a pain ohh really where's the knucklehead bread brad and it wasn't Brad it was Dave with the helmet on
mac daddy
I might just do that it's such a pain in the **** it doesn't require much work it just dig it out and then you put sod down but we put the same sod I can scrape it out one scrape one scoop and it put the sod back and it's done
That would be nice why don't you put your helmet on.
I might do that
I have no spare money to buy a car and I have no reason to and I have no gas money if I had a job i'd have it for a day 'cause you guys are just raring to go so here I sit.
Zues Hera
We need the code now and he needs a way to do it and he doesn't have it and you're gonna drive him around and spend gas and we have to do that nobody wants to fund our mission'cause we wanna go W and beat each other to death first perioddan
So you know the planbja
I was hoping that this might work we need to do this too though at the same time we're screwing each other.
We're gonna try and do thatbja
And why don't you try for Christ's sakemac daddy
Yeah we see ittrump
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seattlesea · 3 years
Lorien Legacies Characters as Things My Family and I Have Said (Part Three)
John: Am I cute
Six: Whatever makes you happy
Marina: Where’s my perfume?
Eight: I drank it
Nine: *squeezes bread* I just really felt like doing that
Five: I feel like doing that to you
Eight: Use your bread you fucking heathen
Five, tucking Maggie and Ella into bed: Night night c*nts
Maggie and Ella, in unison: REEEE
John: *attempts to do something but fails*
Nine: Bitch thought
John: Shut up
Six: Bitch thought
Five: Bitch thought
One: Bitch thought
Eight: Bitch thought
Adam: Bitch thought
John: I hate you guys so fucking much
Eight: Is eating this much cheese even healthy???
John: Raise your hand if you love dogs
Adam: I would but I’m eating goldfish
Five, on an Omegle video chat with a knocked-out Sam and Ella: They're dead
Nine, on the other end of the call: Tell them to get up
Six: Men are dumb. Fuck men. You know, what? To all the ladies in the chat, here's some advice.
Six: Become a lesbian
Six: Adopt a cat
Six: Plant a garden
Six: Live in a forest
Six: Destroy the patriarchy
Six: Travel the world
Six: Fuck shit up
Six: And do it with a smile and a piña colada *bites chip*
Marina: I was gonna wear a cute pink flower crown with my outfit but then I thought fuck that, I'm going low-key cottagecore, not Ohioan frolicker or Idahoan horse girl
Adam: Dude, are you high?
Sam: What? No
Sam, suddenly remembering he rode passenger while Nile smoked weed on their way home and has gotten high off second-hand smoking weed before: OH SHI-
Five: Why am I even up at four in the morning with chips and Mountain Dew???
Marina: I mean, it could be from insomnia rooting from your depressio-
Five: Depression? BITCH PLEASE that shit is so 2019
Adam's teacher: I know it's Monday, but if it's any comfort, today is the first day of the last week of April!
Adam: What the FUCK did you just say to me-
Eight, mimicking an old man: gEt OfF mY lAwN
Sam: *puts face in bowl and laughs*
Nine, knocking on the door: Let me innnnn
John, sitting against the door so Nine doesn't come in: No, I'm still mad at you
Nine: Ok ok I'm sorry, I'll pay you fifty dollars
Five, trying to be compassionate with Nine: Remember when we used to match hairstyles, you fuck?
Literally anyone: *laughs*
Eight: Giggles
Hannu: No sad, just ball
Six: fight me fight me fight me fight me fight me fight me square up square up square up sqUARE UP SQUARE U-
One: Can I use your headphones?
Adam: Sorry, I'm using the-
One: Shut up you dumb fuck
Eight, talking to himself in the mirror: Oh my god look at you in your big, baggy flannel you look sO CUTE you're adorable don't let anyone tell you differently, including you you dumb fucking insecure little bitch
Daniela: What would happen if a woman took penis enlargement pills?
Adam: Hey no offense but what the fuck is wrong with you?
John: What even goes on in your mind?
Nine: Tarot cards, money, Cotton Eye Joe on loop, applesauce, lighting a house on fire, jumping out a second-story house to see if my ankle is durable or not...
Nine: But mostly Cotton Eye Joe on loop
Five: Some people identify as she/her. Some people identify as he/him. Some people identify as they/them. I identifty as a fucking disappointment.
Marina: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Eight, naked in a bubble-filled bathtub with lit candles, a wine glass full of apple juice, and IceJJFish playing: Do I look like someone with the fucking time?
John: Hey, are you gay?
Adam, sitting on the ground blasting Ariana Grande with an iced almond milk latte and wearing a baggy flannel shirt: BITCH-
Six: *opens her online-shopping package*
Marina: Uh, those are going to make you look a little emo, aren't they?
Six, putting on her thick chain choker and leather gloves: that's the poINT-
Sam: *dances like a crab to the Crab Rave* Crabby Rave make pain go away
One: 'oH i DoNt HaVe PrOnOuNs'- what the fuck are you then, a toaster?
Random celebrity: Wow, fangirls are so sweet and dedicated, they really should get paid for all the promotions and hard work they do!
Six: Ok pay me then
Maggie, crying: All I wanted was some fucking chicky nuggies
Sam, walking up to Nine in public: Hey bestie-
Nine: I don't know you
Sam: Bitch-
Ella: I'm gonna send a celebrity a meme everyday until they reply to me
Marina: Why?
Ella: Why the fuck not?
Five: Yeah, I'm depressed *laughs*
John: Why'd you laugh?
Five: It's a coping mechanism
Maggie: I don't want a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a partner I wants the three D's
Sarah, horrified: The WHAT
Maggie: Dogs, donuts, and diamonds
Hannu: So there's this philosophy theory-
One: I will fucking drown you
Six: If you are male and you have a flat ass, don't speak to me. I need guy friends who match my level of THICKNESS
One: Oh my god she's so cute
Adam: She has a girlfriend
One: Sharing is caring
Five: If ONE MORE BITCHASS WHORE comments on my clothes and shits about how feminine I dress I swear I will be gOING TO JAIL
Nine: So I have this problem where I hate myself but I still think I'm better than everyone else
Nine: Like I'm trash but I'm QUALITY trash, I'm trash from the garbage bags of Louis Vuitton, I'm recyclable, reusable trash, I'm the trash no one wants to throw away
John: Um...
Nine: If Gucci made a limited-edition, 24-karat gold garbage bag, I'd be that garbage bag
Maggie, holding a nerf gun to Adam's head: Gimme all your fucking money
Sam: I don't know, I've just been feeling a little down lately
Six: No
Sam: What?
Six: That's not allowed
Sam: Wha-
Six: *smacks Sam in the face with a pillow*
The pigeon on the sidewalk:
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bigballofstress · 4 years
Pickpocket (Avengers x Child!Reader)
Description: You have been living on the streets for years, and over these years, you have become incredibly good at pickpocketing.  Unfortunately for you, though, you picked the wrong target one too many times.
Part 2 if you guys want it, just let me know!
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Chin up, shoulders back, even steps.  My heart is calm, my breaths slow and measured, and every muscle in my body is relaxed.  In other words, every last inch of me screams that I am a confident, kind young lady without a care in the world.
No matter what anybody says, looks really are everything.  Every time you meet someone new or even just pass by them on the street, your mind makes a snap judgement about them.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying that everyone you meet is prejudiced or anything of the sort.  Those snap judgements can easily be changed with an open-minded person, sometimes without even needing a whole conversation.  Still, that doesn’t change the fact that when you see a well-groomed person in a suit, your mind automatically thinks they are successful, and when you see someone coming at you with a hoodie covering their face and their hands in their pockets, you automatically tense up.  None of that is your fault, and actually it’s probably a good thing that you would be wary of people who are acting rather suspicious.  Really, the only issue with these immediate ideas of every person you see is the fact that it makes people like me -- people who understand how these momentary impressions work -- able to take advantage of them.
It didn’t take long to realize I had a talent for it.  I already looked the part, -- a helpless, adorable little girl -- I had a surprising knack for staying calm under pressure, and as much as I hated the old bitch, my caretaker had given me all the tools I needed.  She was a stickler for proper manners, so I learned how to speak, sit, and walk like a “proper young lady.”  Plus, her insane rules about tiny meal portions and too-early curfews taught me to be light on my feet as I often sneaked downstairs to grab a roll of bread at night.  Yes, I had everything I needed.  The only real hurdle was actually deciding to do it.  I never really wanted to be a bad person.  But the world is a heartless place, the city even more so, and by the end of my first week, I knew what I had to do if I was ever going to survive.
So, I started working -- oh, and by the way, no matter what you think, it is still a job.  I put my time and effort into a certain task, and I obtain money because of it.  I don’t know about you, but that certainly sounds like a job to me.  And it was easier than I thought it would be.  Within about a day, I realized that people saw me as sweet, innocent, and harmless -- no, more than that, they wanted to see me as harmless.  Because if I wasn’t harmless, then that meant their world was even more screwed up than they thought.  I learned quick, and by the end of the year, I had perfected my technique.  It was simple: avoid all conversation if possible, and if absolutely necessary, smile and point out the farthest adult man within reason as my dad before weaving through the small gaps in the crowd, preferably around taller people, so they couldn’t see or follow me.  I only got caught once or twice, but I’m grateful that I did.  It forced me to learn perspective, that I needed to know more than just how to talk well.  So, I learned how to run through a city.  And now, I’m practically unstoppable.  
As I take my even, not-too-fast-but-not-too-slow stroll down the sidewalk, a small, ambiguous smile decorating my lips, I can see it in each person’s eyes as they walk past that I have completely embodied my character.  My arms swung with a practiced nonchalance as my eyes flickered from one person to the next, each time going through a mental list as I weighed the chances I had of succeeding on them versus how likely they were to catch on and calculated the amount of time that both of these events would likely take to happen.  Finally, after a few minutes of this practice, one of them caught my eye.
He was larger, more muscular.  Guys like him were  a gamble.  Often, a man of his appearance simply cared a bit too much about his appearance.  Still, every now and then, they look like that because they been trained, and while past training usually meant they had no practice running in a city, it also meant that he would be much more jumpy and alert to his surroundings.  However, his deep, loose pockets with the corner of his wallet just barely sticking out and the thoughtful gaze as he surveyed the buildings tipped the scales further and further in my favor.  The wonder in his eyes just screamed tourist.
I gazed forward with an absentminded look in my eye that I’d spent months perfecting in the mirror while keeping him clearly in my periphery before bumping into him.  As I hit him, two of my fingers simultaneously dipped into his pocket, where my knee bumped against his leg to jolt his wallet up and out.  The moment the warm leather was in my grasp, I forced myself to fall backwards.  Before I could hit the ground, though, I felt one of those strong, muscular arms had wrapped itself around my waist and was helping me back up.  
My jaw clenched for half a second.  This wasn’t good.  His reflexes were too quick to have just worked out at some random gym, which meant my hunch was right: he had been trained.  And that meant that I needed to get out of there fast.  I wouldn’t be able to slip the wallet back in his pocket without bumping into him again, and that would only make me look even more suspicious, so I quickly emptied it of all of the cash behind his back and slipped the bills into my sleeve before tossing the piece of leather on the ground a few feet away.
“Are you alright?” he asked, concern evident in his eyes, and immediately I decided on my personality for the day -- bright and bubbly but proper.  Gently, he released his arm from its position on my waist once he knew I had regained my footing.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I quickly apologized, my left hand shooting up to cover my mouth in fake shock while my right hand carefully dropped the money in one of my own pockets, all the while watching every last one of his movements for any sign of suspicion.  “It was all my fault.  I wasn’t paying attention where I was going.”
“It’s ok, really.”  He scratched the back of his neck.  “I wasn’t really looking where I was going either, so it was partially my fault, too.”
“Well, thank you for catching me, sir, but I really have to go,” I smiled at him apologetically.  “I’m supposed to meet back up with my dad in about five minutes.”
“Oh, no worries,” he responded kindly before sneaking a glance at my old, slightly ripped clothes, the concern still dancing in his eyes.  “You’re sure you’re alright, though?”
“Absolutely!”  I dismissed.  “Thank you again!”
“Um, yeah, no problem.”  We both started to walk away.
I waited patiently as I listened to his retreating steps.  1... 2... 3... 4... and then-- “Hey, mister!” I called, bending down and grabbing the piece of leather from where I had tossed it earlier.  “I think you might’ve dropped your wallet!”
The man turned back, shocked, before jogging back towards me.  “I didn’t even notice,” he mumbled to himself.  “Hey, thanks, kid.”
“My pleasure!” I chirped.  “Now, sorry, but I really have to get going.  See you around, sir!”  I quickly jogged off, allowing myself to get lost in the crowd before he could even have a minute to fully understand what happened.
-- 3rd Person POV --
“I told you guys the world wasn’t such a bad place!” Steve called as he entered the living room of Stark Tower.  The rest of the Avengers looked up in surprise.  They had been having this argument for the past three days, with Steve insisting that there were still people who put others first living in New York while the entire rest of the team tried to convince him otherwise.
“Alright, show your work,” Tony leaned back against the wall, watching the captain with curiosity.
“I met a kid today who couldn’t have been older than 16.  I was trying to remember what the city looked like before I went in the ice, and I accidentally bumped into her.  She then spent the next few minutes constantly apologizing and saying it was all her fault.  And the best part is, after we’d already walked away, she found and returned my wallet.  I hadn’t even realized I had dropped it!”  The 96-year-old man finished with a triumphant grin, leaving the rest of the team silent for a moment.  That is, until Tony busted out laughing.  Steve frowned.  “...What?”
“Steve, honey, check inside of your wallet,” Natasha sighed as she turned back to the tv to watch whatever was on.
Steve frowned, reached into his pocket, and pulled out his wallet.  “I don’t understand; why do you want me to....” He trailed off as he stared at the now empty pocket that only just earlier that day held around 65 dollars in cash.  “She... but how did she...”
Tony slapped a heavy hand on Steve’s shoulder, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye.  “She scammed you, bro.  And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker,” he grinned before walking back to his room, still chuckling softly to himself at his friend’s misfortune.
------- Time Skip -------
About two weeks had passed since that godsend of a man and I crossed paths.  I can’t remember the last time I had managed to lift 65 dollars off anyone.  That kind of cash can last someone like me a really long time.  But sadly, all good things must come to an end, and after buying myself the first decent meal I’d had in weeks plus a ton of canned foods and non-perishables that I dropped off at the nearest homeless shelter, that good thing ended ended all too quickly.  Which meant it was time I went back to work.
I stepped into the public library, that same ambiguous smile painted ever so gently across my face.  There weren’t a whole lot of people here and there were almost never any big scores, but working here was a lot less guess-work, and more often than not, the target was too engrossed in their book to even notice what I was doing, so there was also much less risk of being caught.
After a quick scan of the quiet room, my eyes landed on the man sitting at one of the long tables, his bag haphazardly laying next to him on the table.  It should be easy enough to grab something from in there, and he seemed invested enough to have his guard down.  He should make for a good target.
I walked into the science section and grabbed a few scientific papers, most of which were generally about to nuclear physics, before walking back to his table and sitting down right across from him.  Scientific papers are the best way to make sure no one has the confidence to talk to you.  I opened the paper that I had read a hundred times and started pretending to read it once more, my left hand resting on my cheek as my right hand slowly made its way towards the bag.
“Excuse me.” I glanced up, pausing my movement towards his back but still being careful not to react too quickly and retract my hand.  I didn’t want to draw his attention to what I was doing, and if at all possible, I would still like to come out of this with something to show for it.  As I met the glasses-clad, clearly intelligent eyes of the man in front of me, it was easy to figure out what my personality should be -- shy, smart, and above all else, kind.  “Is that Schippers’s work?”
I blinked in surprise and allowed a soft smile to spread across my lips.  “You know Stefan Schippers?”
“Yeah, his work in antimatter is amazing,” he grinned fully now, his eyes lighting up and making him almost look like a completely different person.  “Particularly regarding his research in collisions.”
I grinned back, taking note of how his eyes were now trained on mine, instead of glancing around like before.  Maybe I should’ve started a conversation before -- clearly it was a good distraction for him.  Well, either way, it’s going to be easier to lift something off of him now, so I guess I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.  “I completely agree.  His work is amazing,” I giggled softly, glancing down at the table before looking back up at him, a slight red hue now painting the apples of my cheeks as my hand slipped inside of his bag.
“I was honestly surprised to see you reading that paper, actually,” he chuckled nervously.  “I’ve read it at least 20 times, but I figured I was the only one.”  I laughed lightly, slipping what felt like a wallet out of the bag and tucking it under my arm.
“Trust me, I’ve read this so many times, I’m afraid the library is going to have to replace it because I’ve worn it out so much.  You know, if you’re interested in Schippers, you should read some of Dr. Banner’s papers,” I laid my left hand on his arm gently while my right arm swung back over to me, pushing the wallet into my lap.  “As much as I love Schippers, Dr. Banner’s work is unparalleled.”
The man chuckled nervously again, ducking his head a bit.  “You really think so, huh?  How old are you anyways?  I don’t see a whole lot of kids brushing up on nuclear physics.”
“I’m older than I look,” I casually brushed off the question.  I was not about to give up any personal information, fellow science geek or not.  “Oh, by the way, do you have the time?”
The man glanced at his watch.  “About 6:00.”
My eyes widened in shock.  “You’re kidding, it got that late?!  My dad’s gonna kill me!”  I gasped and quickly stood up, catching the wallet in my left hand and slipping it into my pocket.  “It was really nice meeting you, sir, but I have to go home.  I really liked talking to you, though!  I hope we can meet again!”  I hurriedly gathered the papers and rushed off, waving with a broad smile.
“Oh, uh nice meeting you... too...” he tried to respond, but she was already well out of sight.
-- 3rd Person POV -- 
“What the hell?” Bruce mumbled, digging through his bag.  The pizza had just arrived, and he needed to pay his share.
“What’s wrong?” Natasha glanced at him, an eyebrow raised.
“I could’ve sworn I put my wallet in here, but now I can’t find it,” he frowned, continuing to search every last nook and cranny of the old bag.
“Don’t worry about it, buddy, I can cover you if you’re short,” Tony shrugged.
“That’s not the issue,” Bruce frowned, finally giving up and tossing his bag to the side in frustration.  “That had my credit card, my driver’s license, and my ID for Stark Tower.  If it’s lost somewhere, it could be a real problem.”
“When was the last time you remember having it?”  Clint mumbled through a full mouth of the piece of pizza that he’d already shoved in his face.  Natasha rolled her eyes and wiped off the bit of spit he’d gotten on her in disgust.
“I was at the library.  I used my library card to check out some books,” he responded confidently.
“Again?” Clint asked, once again through a mouthful of cheese and marinara sauce.  “What, do you live there or something?”
“Ok, now walk us through exactly what happened after you checked out those books,” Natasha suggested, doing her best to ignore her best friend.
Bruce sighed and nodded, sitting down.  “I checked out my books, then walked over to one of the tables to start reading.  Then I talked to that teenager for a little while about some of Schippers’s theories before she ran off--”
“You talked to a teenager about Schippers?  And she actually understood?”  Tony asked, lifting a brow in surprise.
“Yeah, she even recommended I read Dr. Banner’s work in the same field,” Bruce chuckled.  “I thought it better not to tell her who I was, but according to her, Banner’s work is ‘unparalleled’.”
“Damn, the kid knows her stuff,” Tony nodded, impressed.  “Did she say anything about--”
“Boys,” Natasha cut in.  “The wallet.”
“Ah, right,” Bruce mumbled apologetically.  “Anyways, after she ran off, I kept reading for a few minutes before leaving, too.  Then I came back to the tower and got up here just in time to decide on ordering pizza with you guys.”
“Did you use the subway?” Natasha asked.
Bruce shook his head.  “No.  I figured since it was such a nice day out, I would just walk home.”
“How did you enter the building?”
“I ran into Steve downstairs, and we came in together.”
Steve, who had been silent up until this point, finally spoke up.  “This teenager... Was she about 16?  With (H/C) hair?”
“What, you think it’s the same girl who totally scammed you the other--” Tony started, getting ready to take part in his favorite pastime of making fun of Steve.
“Actually, yeah, she was,” Bruce answered, his eyes wide in realization.
Before anyone could say anything, Tony’s incredibly loud laughter filled the room.  “Holy shit, you guys both got scammed by the same teenager!  How does that even happen?!” He wheezed, laughing so hard he could hardly breath.
“Hey she seemed like a nice girl!” Bruce defended.  “How was I supposed to know she was robbing me?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be a genius or something?” Tony asked, tears streaming down his face now.  Bruce opened his mouth, trying to come up with something but came up blank.  A heavy hand landing on his shoulder knocked him out of his stupor.
“Just let it happen,” Steve sighed, his eyes cast down as he shook his head in sympathy.
------- Time Skip -------
It had been a week since I had spoken to that science nerd in the library, and I was still pissed.  Seriously, what kind of grown man only carries around 4 dollars and 36 cents?  Well, apparently, that weirdo did.  I had thrown out all the cards and IDs to at least sell the what looked to be leather wallet to a pawn shop, but apparently the thing wasn’t even leather!  All of that time, wasted for a measly 12 bucks.  I’ll say it again: I was pissed.
So, now I was back out working again, because the money I’d made was barely enough to buy a few snacks that I had to portion out over the course of the past week.
As I walked down the sidewalk, still grumbling softly to myself about what had happened, I saw him.  
Tony freaking Stark.
I grinned.  Maybe my luck was getting better after all.  I mean, a billionaire who’s famous for having, shall we say, questionable morals?  After all, it’s not exactly nice to sleep with as many women as humanly possible before tossing them away like they’re nothing.  I mean, sure there’s the whole iron man thing, but he’s still kind of a dick, let’s be honest.  And while I usually tried to refrain from taking anything major in case my target doesn’t have a whole lot of money or the object is sentimental, billionaire jerks are fair game.  And the best part was, I didn’t even have to read him to know the part I was going to play.  Tony Stark would only ever fall for one personality: sarcastic, quick-witted, and strong.
His head was down, buried in his phone, so I casually walked towards him, picking up an old cup of coffee from one of a nearby cafe’s outdoor tables, before smacking into him head-first, spilling the coffee everywhere.
“What the hell?!”
“Oh my god!” We both yelled at the same time.
“Oh c’mon, kid, this is silk!” Tony continued to shout, staring down at the coffee covering his chest.
“Hey, I’m not the one with my head buried in my phone while walking through one of the busiest cities in the world,” I snapped back.  “And you’re not the only one whose clothes got ruined.  This is cashmere!” I lied through my teeth.  It was a ratty old sweater that I’d bought for about 3 dollars at a thrift store.
Stark scoffed.  “Do you have any idea who I am?”
“Yeah, you’re Tony Stark.  That doesn’t change the fact that my parents are gonna be pissed about me ruining a hundred dollar sweater,” I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms defiantly.
That was when he finally glanced at me and my coffee-stained outfit.  Stark sighed and put his fingers to the bridge of his nose.  “Alright, I’m sorry.” Wait, what?  Since when does the great Tony Stark ever apologize for anything?  “I’ll pay for the dry-cleaning, ok?  Just give me your parents’ numbers.”
Shit, that’s not how this is supposed to go.  Ok, new strategy.  A sassy front but a kind interior.
I sighed and shook my head.  “No, it’s not entirely your fault.  I guess I could’ve tried to avoid you better.  Anyways, you got a pen and paper?”
Stark nodded slightly and reached into his inner pocket, pulling out a tiny pad and a fancy looking pen.  I quickly jotted down the phone number and handed it back to him.  Shoot, he looked like he was about to walk away.  I had to act quick or lose my chance.  Time to add one more very important characteristic to my identity: pitiable.  “Hey, I really am sorry.  I kind of overreacted.  It wasn’t cool.  I guess I just got a little nervous.  My dad likes things to be clean, and he can get pretty mad when I don’t follow that rule...” I trailed off a bit, glancing down at my feet.  I shook my head quickly and met the billionaire’s gaze, now filled with concern, again.  “Sorry, didn’t mean to dump that on you.  I just wanted to say thanks.”  I held out my right hand, praying that I’d guessed which hand to use correctly.  As Stark grabbed my hand, I had to hold back a sigh of relief when I saw the watch casually placed on his wrist.
“It was really nice meeting you, Mr. Stark,” I smiled a bit, with my left hand closing over his wrist while three of my fingers on my right hand undid the clasp on his watch.  Then I pressed down one the buttons on either side of the clasp with my middle finger on my right hand and my thumb on my left hand, making sure to hold the watch in place.  “If you’d like, I’d be happy to buy you a coffee to make up for it.  There’s a really nice café right over there.”  I squeezed the watch tightly with my left hand and jerked my chin towards the store just behind him.  He turned his head and looked, pulling his hand back slightly as he did so, which allowed me to slip the watch off his wrist.  Immediately, I dropped it in my pocket before he had a chance to turn back around.
“Thanks, kid, but I’m good.  I’ll give your parents a call when I get home, ok?”  He said before awkwardly giving me a pat on the shoulder.  “Now go run off and play with some dolls or whatever.”
I rolled my eyes.  “Thanks, but my collection can’t be nearly as big as yours,” I bit back with a slight, good-natured smirk.  “Anyways, I gotta go home and get yelled at by my parents.  Nice meeting you, Mr. Stark,” I called, waving to him as I was already leaving.
Stark shook his head with a small smile.  “Yeah, you too, kid.”
-- 3rd Person POV --
“What, no watch today?” Tony furrowed his brows at Bruce’s question.
“Of course I have a watch today.  I have a watch for every day of the week,” he scoffed, lifting his wrist to show off the rather expensive Rolex.
“Umm dude...?” Clint started.
“Yeah, I know it’s awesome, and no, you cannot try it on,” Tony smirked.  “I have a very strict look don’t touch policy.  These bad boys cost quite the pretty penny, and I wouldn’t want any of you trying to take it from me.”  Clint just shrugged in defeat and unpaused his video game -- it wasn’t his fault his friend interrupted him trying to help.
“Tony, look at your wrist,” Steve rolled his eyes at the pompous man’s antics.
“What, just so I can admire it--” he cut himself off as his eyes landed on the bare skin of his wrist.  “...Where the hell is my watch?”
“Maybe you forgot to put one on today?” Bruce shrugged, going back to his computer as he continued to work.
“No, I didn’t forget; I never forget,” Tony snapped.  “It was there this morning, and now it’s gone.”   He yanked up his sleeve to search in vain for the incredibly expensive missing item.
“Hey, maybe Tony was pick-pocketed, too,” Clint joked absentmindedly before cursing at some ‘dumbass little camping noob’ who kept killing him.
Tony’s eyes widened in realization.  “Holy shit, it was the kid.”
“What?” Steve frowned.
“The kid!  The kid who spilled coffee on me today!”  He shouted.  “I had my watch, then she shook my hand, and now the watch is gone.  She totally took it!”
Clint paused the game again.  “Wait, so basically some kid took your custom watch, which is worth thousands of dollars, right off your wrist, and you didn’t even notice?”  Tony bobbed his head up and down frantically.  “Hold on... You don’t think...” Clint glanced between the three other men in the room.
“(H/C) hair?” Steve asked.
“(E/C) eyes?” Bruce called, suddenly no longer able to focus on his work.
Tony nodded slowly with wide eyes.  Reality crashed down on all three of them.
A wide smile slowly took over Clint’s face.  “So you mean to tell me that three of the Avengers, the Earth’s greatest defenders, got scammed by the same teenage girl in less than a month?”  The three men were silent, each of them staring at the ground as they started to question how smart they actually were.
About 30 seconds later, the silence was broken.  “Nat, you’ll never believe what just happened.  I can’t believe you weren’t home for this,” Clint talked excitedly into the phone while his teammates all slowly left the room to sulk alone.
------- Time Skip -------
It had been a whole month since I had gotten the watch off Tony Stark.  I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the amount of zeros on the offer the pawn shop had given me.  It was probably one of the best days of my life.  Immediately, I had gone out and bought myself a meal at an actual restaurant, and let me tell you, they weren’t kidding when they said restaurant food is delicious.  Every protein bar and bag of chips in the world couldn’t live up to the food I ate that day.  And with that kind of money, I could be eating like that for maybe even a year!  Still, I knew what I had to do.  
It was almost Christmas.  With the money I’d just gotten, I could afford to buy each and every kid at the orphanage actual brand new presents that year, instead of the crummy second-hand stuff that had to be shared between three or four kids that I usually brought.  So, I went out and blew a good three quarters of my new budget on toys, and not the kind from thrift shops or even the ones from the big department stores.  I could finally get them toys from one of the fancy stores that had display windows.  And it was worth it, too, seeing the pure amazement that lit up those kids’ eyes when they saw there was enough for all of them.  I then spent another quarter of the money on nonperishable foods that I donated to the homeless shelter plus one massive turkey for their Christmas feast. 
After all of that, I was left with around 20 dollars for myself.  Usually I can make money like that last with just a few extra marks, but as the month dragged on and less and less people were out on the streets at night, my budget ran thin.  Eventually, I reached my breaking point.  I’d gone I think four days now without any food.  My stomach growled loudly, begging me to give it something, anything.  I just sighed and receded further into the fabric of my thin, worn down coat that I’d found a few days back by a dumpster -- the coat I used to wear long traded in for a couple spare dollars.  Sure, the wind cut through it like a knife, but hell, it was better than nothing.
I glanced up as I heard the crunching of footsteps in the snow, my heard immediately leaping into my throat at the prospect of there being people out.  I frowned when I saw who they were.  A couple walking together, chatting away about something or another.  Normally, I would never choose a couple to target -- it was too easy for one of them to spot what I was doing to the other -- but I had gotten desperate.  I was freezing cold, and I needed food now.
So, I walked directly towards them and crashed my shoulder into the guy’s, my hand slipping into his pocket.  I thanked whatever higher power was watching over me when my hand came into contact with a money clip.
“Sorry,” I mumbled and slipped my hand back out before continuing to walk at a casual pace away from the two, tucking the clip into my pocket.
-- 3rd Person POV --
“Well that was rude,” Clint huffed, dusting himself off.
Natasha stared at the back of the young girl who continued to walk away like nothing had happened.  “Hey, Clint,” she muttered.
“Where’s your wallet?”
“I put it back in my... pocket....” Clint froze when he realized he couldn’t feel the familiar clip in his jacket pocket.  He whirled around to look at the girl, who was already a ways away.  “Hey!  Get back here!”  He screamed, breaking into a run, Natasha quickly following suit.
-- Your POV --
“Hey!  Get back here!”  I glanced back with wide eyes, my heart leaping into my throat before immediately sprinting.
I ran through the snow, turning right and left through back alleys and narrow shortcuts, thanking my past self for never eating well, as my skinny form was able to stay on top of the snow for the most part.  Still, somehow I hadn’t lost the two adults chasing me yet.  They had barely fallen a foot or two behind over the last eight blocks.  My stamina was quickly running out, the malnourishment over the past week finally catching up to me.  I felt dizzy, and my chest burned as I focused on continuing to put one foot in front of the other.  I turned down an alleyway with a brick wall at the end.
“Ha!  We’ve finally caught you!”  The man behind me panted.  I completely ignored him, not pausing a single step as I sprinted towards the wall.
“Uhh, hey, kid?  Rock beats teenager...” He called warily.  I continued to ignore him.  I was only five feet away.  “Stop, you’re gonna hurt yourself!” he shouted just before I jumped, pressing my feet into the bricks to launch my further and further up.  I reached as high as I could and just barely caught the edge of the wall with my fingertips.  I swung my other arm up and forced my arms to pull myself to the top.
I panted as I gazed down from the top of the wall, the couple staring back up at me.  “Holy shit,” the man muttered, to which the woman immediately smacked him in the arm.
“I’m sorry,” I said softly.  “I was hungry.”  I wasn’t really sure why I was apologizing.  Granted, I knew what I was doing wasn’t very nice, but I don’t recall ever apologizing before.  Maybe it’s because they reminded me of my parents -- or, at least, what I imagined my parents to be like.  Maybe it’s because I was so dizzy that I couldn’t really think straight.  I nodded slightly to the two before turning around, preparing myself to jump down the other side.
Suddenly, a massive wave of dizziness and nausea smacked me in the face.  I groaned slightly and put my hand to my forehead, trying to get a hold of myself.  Evidently, that didn’t work, because the next thing I knew, I was falling.
Time seemed to slow as I fell through the air.  I probably shouldn’t pass out right now, the surprisingly calm thought entered my mind.  If I do, I’ll most likely just freeze to death.  Then again, passing out would save me a lot of pain from falling.  Alright, I guess that’s it then.  I’ll pass out now and hope I wake up in time to not die.  My eyes fluttered closed just before I hit the ground, the fog in my brain thickening as I finally allowed myself to just give in to it.
-- 3rd Person POV --
Clint grunted as he caught the girl.  He was expecting to fall to the ground with her, only really serving to break her fall, but was surprised to find that she wasn’t even heavy enough to knock him down.  Natasha made her way over to his side, looking down at the little thief in her friend’s arms.
“She’s light as a feather,” Clint murmured with a frown on his face, “and freezing to the touch.”
“She said she was hungry,” Natasha muttered thoughtfully.
Clint grit his teeth and nodded, determined.  “Alright, that settles it.  We’re taking her back to the tower.”
Natasha glanced at him warily.  “You sure?  The others might not be so accepting.”
“They’re gonna have to be,” he stated, already walking back, holding the girl as close as he could in an attempt to warm her up.
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cleololax · 3 years
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Lotto | A | Chapter One
MafiaBoss! UndergroundCriminal! Yoongi x Strugglingwaitress! Y/N
Word Count - 3,210
Yoongles has his silver hair in this one 👌🏼. Smut will be in future chapters. Enjoy !
The smell of grease and bacon has your brain pounding in your skull. A normally pleasant smell can get old after an 8-hour work shift, 5 days a week. Dave rings the bell once again and you zig-zag between the tables trying to get there, refilling empty coffee mugs and fetching missing condiments on the way. Another day, another measly dollar.
By noon, your feet need a rest and you need a break. The sneakers squeeze your feet so much it feels like they might bring you down a size permanently. Marla comes from the back, chewing that cheap gum that’s bought wholesale. You hand over the paper tab and fill her in before heading into the back room. Lunch is spent eating a stale sandwich with stale lettuce and softening tomatoes that can leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Mentally, there’s a reminder set to see what they have at the food pantry this week.
Hopefully, your brother ate his lunch. It’s not like he likes it anyways and you can't blame him for it. Anxious thoughts are interrupted when Mina opens the door in all of her cheerfulness.
“Y/N, someone is asking for you.” She must see your furrow brows cause she continues.
“Says he needs to see you, it’s been a while. Is he a bad ex? Should I get rid of him?” Her worry makes you inwardly smile and you head to the sink. “No, it’s ok. I’ll be right there.” She leaves with a nod. The smile drops the minute she does. What could he possibly want now? Something uneasy stirs in your stomach. It could be the food just devoured, but there is something more pressing at the moment. The dim hallway is empty and you carefully walk out, counting the black and white tiles. With your head held high, you walk towards the booths.
The blue hair peeks out from the top of the divider. He always sits in the left corner of the room, drinking a lemonade. Always at the same time. Always on time. You walk towards the table and sit down. Taehyung offers a small nod of his head in acknowledgment. Or at least that’s what he says his name is. The first time he had waltzed in, he turned heads. A beautiful man in a crisp Armani suit isn’t exactly discreet. You came out to greet him and asked if you knew each other when he uttered one word. Your father's name. From then on you knew whatever came of this interaction, it wasn’t going to be pleasant. That bastard had ruined your family and still, it's not enough. He continues to cause destruction, long after he’s been gone.
Taehyung's tan skin and blue hair are a striking match. Chocolate eyes study the way you clench your hands together on the table, steadying shaky fingers. Pretending to hold it all together.
“Hello, Y/N.” He asked for your name the first time and you refused to give it. Years of watching sketchy people walk in and out of your apartment teach you to be wary. By the next meeting, he had it on his tongue in greeting. Perhaps a show of how much they really knew and were able to find out what they wanted.
“I have a note for you from Mr. Min. It’s appropriate to now set up a formal meeting. Tonight.” The previous suspicion is proved correct. This elusive Min wants to meet and it has your heart sinking.
“I have my brother to pick up from school.” Demons may thrive and bath in the night, but the rest of us don’t have that luxury to choose.
“Sorry, but you’ll have to make arrangements. We could send one of our men to do it... if you want.” Absolutely fucking not. You may be bad at surviving, but stupid is not in your nature.
“I’ll work it out.” It's the first time you keep eye contact with him since he arrived. While he notices the sudden determination, you notice the prominent mole on his nose. He’s handsome in a catalog type of way. they must have to be, to make the jobs easier. His tan skin glows, even in the gloomy shadow that the grey skies cast into the room.
“There will be a car parked outside your residence to pick you up.” Being in a car with these people doesn’t seem like such a good idea, either. The next words are painful to say.
“It’s ok, I’ll walk.” He quirks a brow and looks sideways at the droplets sliding down the window.
“It’s going to be raining heavy tonight, though.” His deep voice fills you with dread. Especially because there is an underlying tone of sympathy in it. On cue, lightning roars from somewhere above the popcorn ceiling. Hopefully, it’s enough to distract him from the fidgeting.
He gets up to leave but not before looking down at your slumped form, trying to ignore how tired and pitiful you look. Deliver and leave. That’s the job as a messenger. All of the five times he has come here have made him wonder who you are. What put you in the sights of a man like his employer. You are young, but there is so much sadness already. Ironically, he knows how you must feel. Against his better judgment, he fixes his collar and is gone as quickly as he came. Don’t ask, don’t get involved with the debtors. It’s easier that way. All you can do is place your head on the table and zone out for a little. It’s the go-to self-care these days. Just to pretend that you don’t exist in this form in time, that you can blend in with the background and disappear. Not for the first time, you curse your luck, family ties. What have I been roped into?
When the sun sets, your legs are already carrying you down the street before Lina can change her mind. Thankfully, it isn’t pouring down yet. Closing the diner is normally your job and it is a dreaded task. Anything can happen in that timespan and it keeps the adrenaline constantly flowing. A girl alone in a diner with a cash register is a golden opportunity. It’s hard to feel like beyond the windows there aren’t eyes, waiting in dark street corners. After a couple of blocks, the old orange apartment building comes into view. At one time it must have been nicer and that's hard to picture. Mr. Shihan is playing cards with another older man on the sidewalk when you come up to the gate. Their concentration is fully on the game and he doesn’t give his normal greeting. He’s a sweet man with a terrible habit. The courtyard is empty. There are barks and kitchen sinks running, loud televisions that have no consideration. Unfortunately, there are no stairs and after long days, it’s hard not to just want to sit down on the dirty, concrete floor and fall asleep. Before you reach the 5th floor, you wait at the entrance to the hall on the 4th. It’s taken time for you to stop caring what others think of your situation, the disapproving comments, and glances from the teachers at your brother's school and almost anywhere you go. Too young, give him up to the state. Can’t take care of him, look how skinny he is, look how tired. People who look from the outside and have the luxury to judge. You are old enough to take care of him and he belongs with you. You’re the only family you two have left.
It’s only when you need help that it kills you to see Mrs. Litska. She’s an old woman who was able to babysit your brother while you are at work. With one knock, the door opens and you are met with a frown on her crinkled face. You don’t have time to say much, you just give her the envelope of this month’s pay and step inside. Your brother is asleep on the brightly foiled couch in the dim living room that smells of baked bread. The sound of Vivaldi comes through the ancient radio on the side table. His little fingers hold tightly onto the Spider-Man plushie picked out at the thrift store a while ago. It’s seen better days, but they are insuperable. Placing the stuffed item to the side, one arm loops around his shoulders to him up to place his head on your shoulder. The kid could sleep through anything.
The both of you head upstairs into your own living quarters. The lights don’t turn on when the flip is switched and you sigh as you try your best to remain close to the wall.it proves to be hard with your body ready to give out, but you ultimately make it to the room and place your brother into the squeaky bed. The candles are pulled from the drawer and each one settles into every corner of the space nicely.
Finally, you take off your partially wet clothes and put them into a pile by the tub. At least the water is warm as your body slowly leans down into it. Suddenly, the room is quiet and it’s hard to let yourself float away. It’s eerie and not comforting at all. It never is. There is no next destination besides a dreaded one, no way to work yourself towards, hanging on through the blissfully hard distractions that take up your life. They allow you to not stop, to not think about where you could be. Staying busy saves you from reaching into yourself too much.
Minutes tick by, a full half-hour before your skin is soggy and the water is cold. Still, it's better to be here than think that in another hour you could be trafficked and the little boy in the other room sleeping peacefully would have no one left. Mother dead, father gone, sister missing. It brings a chill to the room and it’s suffocating. Once you’re dressed casually, you check in on your brother who is still tucked in, his breathing mellowed out. Here’s to hoping he stays asleep and doesn’t wander through the place at three in the morning to an empty apartment. You kiss his forehead and bring his plushies within reach. They crowd the space around him, cocooning him in.
With one last safety check and blowing out the candles, you lock the door from the outside and move along the hallway down to the stairs.
Your neighborhood is wet and dark at this hour. Thankfully, you are prepared with a switchblade and pepper spray bought last week. It’s three blocks to the main streets where more people walk with umbrellas. Men in suits getting home and families hurrying to their cars. The shop lights flash, shop windows showcasing fried chicken and ice cream. Your stomach automatically grumbles.
Your umbrella holds up for the most part until the lights start to separate and the streets once again turn dim and dirty. The sudden gusts of wind fold it in and it snaps. Soda cans and bags of junk food litter the edges of cement. Shops on this side are all closed, bars and steel curtains drawn. Every little sound has the back of your neck standing up. A tabby cat pops up from under a beat-up truck and it has your heart momentarily stop. Hopefully, it’s around the corner. Your hands shakily open the worn piece of paper to try and locate the street. Luckily, it’s one street down. Once you turn the corner, you head right into a narrow alley. The pepper spray is held onto tightly with clammy hands.
The situation is starting to look sketchier as you go on. Once you reach the dead end, something to the left catches your peripheral vision. Off to the side is another narrow path, much shorter than the one you just went through. It leads directly to a steel door with a neon sign right above. The letters that read Welcome bathe the entrance in blue and red. When you come closer, you notice a little plant to the side. As if it can hide the strangeness of it all when all it does is highlight. Still, the harshness of the surroundings doesn't reach this corner. For a while, you stand there as the rain continues to patter. The sign buzzes and flickers. Your clothes get more soaked but you refuse to move forward. I’m a bad bitch, I’m a bad bitch. I got this. There is vibration coming from the floor beneath your feet. The door opens and a big muscular man gestures for you to come in. This is how it starts. A cliche buff bouncer opening the rope to the gates of hell. He stares and steps aside, gesturing again. Maybe you could have made a run for it before he appeared. Not now. It would be useless. They will come looking. These people always collect. You’ve seen it before. Ultimately, the decision has been made by someone else. There's more to lose if you don't and with a tug of your bag, you trudge forward.
What you had been imagining this past week was apparently absurd compared to the vision that lay in front of you now. There was no blood, no people begging for you to help them escape. No blindfold, just plenty of men and women holding down handles at the slot machines that showed them all the wrong symbols. You walked through the desperation into another area of green felt tables and cards being dealt. The air is stuffy and it smells of smoke and alcohol. Apparently, no one else is bothered. Ahead of you, a tall man is pressing on something in his ear with a meaty hand. Darting your eyes around, you take in more. Before confusion settles in on where to go you find the answer. From the second floor, Taehyung holds onto the railing, looking around. Your eyes meet and it’s strangely intimate. Too intimate. It must not be hard to be found when your clothes are wetting the floor beneath you.
He walks towards you with a small smile. His cobalt blue suit stands out and there’s a dangly earring hanging from one ear. His appearance is much flashier than it was the last time you saw him. With one look behind you, he leads you both up the stairs. On the way, you internally chide yourself for wearing what you are now. The wet clothes make you feel like a little sewer rat. You feel like ratatouille and the confidence that brought you here is dwindling. Instead of a shoddy warehouse that was expected, you are venturing deeper into a maze of halls with red carpeting and gold-rimmed mirrors. Eyes remain forward, but your mind tries to remember every sharp turn, every step that takes you further away from an exit. It is not hard to conjure up terrible, gruesome images and they flash a mile a second. There is only silence and you do not expect anything else. Finally, Taehyung comes to a halt and you almost bump into his back. The door is red and for some reason, it hits you know what big of a mistake you have made. You feel like you’ve been personally delivered to hell’s gates. No one knows where you went tonight. They could get rid of your body and no one would look. It would be easy. Just a poor, young person who could have been tossed or thrown into the river. Another cold case, another victim. He knocks on the door in a pattern of sound and pauses. Must be a code of some sort. Loud noises and laughter get closer until the door opens abruptly and an older gentleman with peppered gray hair greets the man next to you.
“Tae, my boy. Yoongi was about to cheat again.” Tae? Yoongi? This stranger’s excitement has you even more on edge. Your palms are now sore from clenching and cutting at them with overgrown nails. Taehyung moves forward and he smiles as an arm is put around his shoulder. There’s conversation but you don’t hear any of it. Somehow you get yourself inside the room and the door shuts right after. There’s even more smoke and laughter and a champagne bottle being popped somewhere. It all whizzes by. On the outside, your face must seem neutral but the inside is ringing with alarms and warnings. It feels like there’s a hole in the pit of your stomach. Somewhere along the way, the older gentleman named Lee went off to talk to some people on a chase couch against the wall.
There is a long gambling table at the end of this well-sized room and it seems to be the destination. When you get closer, there are about eight people around it. Mostly men with frowns. It must be the small number of chips in front of them. That doesn’t matter a second later though. Not when you catch the sight of the man sitting at the head of it. There’s a force that seems to be pulling everything in space to him, everybody. Bluish Silver hair catches the lighting of the small chandelier above as he gets up with a flute in between pale hands. His fingers grab a couple of chips from his pile which is no doubt the biggest of them all. They twirl in his ring-clad fingers. The veins line them and it’s hard to not stare. The robe that hangs off his lean figure looks decadent and expensive, so much so that it would stop the question of why he is wearing it entirely. There’s so much to take in. His face is gorgeous. His gummy smile numbs the feeling of panic that set in before. He gets closer, or perhaps you do. The two of you walk up to him. Realization dawns in then. Fuck My life.
“Mr.Min, this is miss Y/N.”
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mikeluciraphgabe · 3 years
I need to see Dean sending Cas and Jack out on a grocery quest alone
The entire episode goes like this
Dean gives Jack the list
Cas asks when they are going and Dean says he can’t go today
It takes them an hour to get there despite it being 5 minutes away
The screen cuts to showing Dean doing some laundry and dishes
Back to Cas and Jack parking Baby
Cas spends a good five minutes looking for a cart when Jack finds one
The cart ends up not pushing like all so Cas ends up getting a different one
Back to showing Dean cleaning the windows
Cas starts in the produce aisle and grabs a few fruits and vegetables as Jack tries to figure out the difference between the taste of different colored apples
Cas spent a good thirty minutes in the produce aisle because he wanted all of the food to be perfect (“what the hell is a mango and where is it going” “I think it’s a fruit.” “Well yes, but my question still stands.”)
They are now in the bread aisle and freaking the fuck out about what kinda bread to get (Jack sneaks little treats like honeycakes)
Tea is like a fucking war zone. (“This looks- what the fuck is that?” “This has honey in it Cas!” “Ok add it to the cart. I have to find Sam’s.”)
The screen now shows a clip of Dean kinda wondering where they are because it’s been and hour and forty minutes
But he shakes it off as maybe a road block
Back to Cas finally grabbing white bread in a brand he thinks he knows
Now Cas is getting milk and trying to remember what milk they get (“why is there so many different milks!?!? Almond Milk!?!?!!?!?!” “Ooo yogurt. Can we get some?” “Um… ok? What the fuck is yogurt.”)
Dean is now worried but gonna wait a few minutes because this is the first time they went alone
Cas is now picking out meat
He knows Dean likes bacon (“why are there so many bacon brands” “can we get steak? I heard it’s good.” “Ok.”)
But Dean makes his own with that stuff, Cas
How much do I get???
All of it!
I wonder if sausages taste good, I’m getting some.
I think I’ve had one before with Sam
Needless to say, it take another fucking hour just to get all the food
Dean calls Cas and Cas just says he was having trouble with brands but is fine
Cas is at the self check out because that’s what Dean does
Can I scan?
My total is $96,0678,952.89?….. is that a lot? Dean only ends up paying around $300
I don’t think so
Oh well
what the fuck is a chip (the card chip)
No I don’t want my recipe
Tip the worker? He just watched my struggle
But he looks sad
…. Ok fine a three dollar tip
They runs out of room in the trunk for the food so they puts some in the backseat and upfront floor
They takes a good hour and a half to get home because stuff kept falling and Cas got lost again
They finally get home and Dean was waiting
That’s what you told us to get
“Where’s the recipe?”
Cas and Jack are now banded from grocery shopping alone.
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cocochannel00 · 4 years
Divorce Papers
Sometimes it can all get a little too much being the wife of Harry Styles... 
Kids: Connor (2), Rebecca/Becca (1)
You couldn't lie to yourself anymore. Harry had been touring for the last 5 month and you were at home with two kids under the age of 3. He rarely called, barley visited home, and was always being photographed and big glitzy parties with a bunch of supermodels. At first, you didn't worry, you and Harry were married after all so there really was no worry, but as time went by you became more and more anxious about the situation. His calls went from daily to once a week at most. At first, you thought it was just the jet lag or the time zones that made it difficult but after hearing from him once in a matter of weeks and being forced to text Jeff to get updates on your husband’s whereabouts, you there was a problem.
You understood it was his job to go tour across the world wherever they sent him but you also knew that Harry was responsible for being a father to your children and that was one thing he was not fulfilling. It was always hard to raise toddlers so close in age but when you have to raise them alone because your husband is MIA, the situation could only get worse from there. Luckily Connor always slept through the night, but Becca would start screaming every few hours with no one to help you, it was starting to take a toll on you. Gemma, Harry's sister, tried to make up for her brother’s absence but it wasn't the same.
You were starting to think your marriage was crumbling. Your friends always said it was going to be hard as marrying a celebrity always came with a high price but you had always believed that love conquers all, although this idea was starting to slip away. You had spent the last 5 months thinking strongly on how to fix this problem but you soon realized that Harry had put in zero effort and went on as if nothing was wrong. This always led to the question, Is it even worth fixing at this point? You didn't know but you would soon find out.
After waking up to your alarm clock going off at 8:00 a.m. you rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up an pee. Becca had just begun teething and you were nearly at your wits end having to cuddle her to bed every 2 hours. You manage to avoid waking her up as you crept downstairs to make yourself some breakfast peacefully before Gemma came over to spend the day with you and your kids. You started brewing some coffee as you desperately tried to keep your eyes open. Putting some bread in the toaster you sat at your island in silence, contemplating moving whether to move at all from that spot all day. As you sat there you suddenly heard feet hitting the floor upstairs as your son slowly made his way down the stair.
"Connor, what are you doing up buddy?" You asked as you picked him up in your arms, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"breakfast mama," he said in his broken English as he pointed at his high chair.
"Ok buddy let's get you something to eat," you said as you grabbed a box of Cheerios and some milk, pouring it all into a bowl. Your doorbell rang just as you finished finding him a spoon and placing a bib around his neck.
Slowly you walk over to the door revealing Gemma standing there with a bag of pastries and chocolate donut (Connor’s favorite).
"Well you look like shit," she said as she walked past you. You rolled your eyes and followed her, closing the door on the way in.
She removed the bowl of cheerios from his table and placed the donut down in-front of Connor as he clapped happily.
Gemma placed a kiss on his forehead before turning around to look at you, "still no call?" She asked quietly. 
That had been the million-dollar question for the past two and a half weeks. No call, no text, no word from Harry. You heard nothing about how the tour was going or when he would have his next break. He had essentially cut off all communications and it was ruining you slowly.
You shook your head looking away, trying not to cry about Harry's lack of presence. Gemma swore under her breath and came up to you, giving you a tight hug.
"(Y/n) I know how bad this is and I know how much you love Harry but you can't keep going like this. You've reached your breaking point and this has become an unhealthy relationship. I love my brother with all my heart and I don’t know why he’s doing this but as your friend, I can’t see you like this"
She was right. You had lost at least 10 pounds from the stress and anxiety that Harry was causing you and you knew it needed to come to an end.
"I know but I don't know what to do. I love him, but I can't reach him. I'm basically losing my mind and I don't know how to stop it all" you stated.
She stayed quiet for a minute before quietly asking, "have you thought about a divorce at all?"
In truth you had a couple of times before when it was three in the morning and Becca would scream out for her daddy and you knew there was nothing you could do, but it always felt too extreme.
"Yeah it's crossed my mind a couple times...... but I could never do it I don't think. I love him so much and I can't be alone again, I really can't." You whispered as your eyes began to gloss over.
Gemma wrapped her arms around you tightly. "Shhh, it's going to be ok. Tell you what why don't you come with the kids to my house for a bit and stay there so you’re not alone. I can talk to Michal and see if his friend John can draft up some divorce papers with you... nothing to sign but just to see what it would entail. Did you guys sign a prenup at all? " she asked as you wipe your tears with the edge of your sleeves.
You shook your head, “No, I offered to sign one for him but he refused. Regardless, I don’t want his money, that’s not why I married him”
“I know love, I know. It complicates the situation a bit but nothing that can’t be dealt with later. Besides, you know Harry is going to give you at least half of his earnings if not more regardless of if you want it. He worries about you.” Gemma adds.
“I wish he would at least talk to me if he’s so worried” you mumbled as you heard cries come from the baby monitor sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Let’s take it one step at a time. I’ll call Michal and why don’t you go get Becca” Gemma stated as you went over to wipe the chocolate off of Connor's giddy face as you made your way up the stairs. 
You slowly entered Becca’s room and greeted her with a soft ‘good morning’ as you reached her arms out to you from her crib. You smiled at your baby girl who had seemed to have woken up in a better mood than yesterday. You battle with Becca down the stairs as she attempts to take off your shirt by swatting at your boob (a sign that she’s hungry). 
"Connor says he wants to have a sleepover with me so it has been decided that you’re all staying over at my house” Gemma cheered as Connor giggled in her arms. 
“Gemma, really it’s ok. I don’t want to burden you or Michal” you replied
"Nonsense! Michal loves having these little gremlins and you around. I’ll take Connor up with me and we’ll start packing a bag for him while you feed Rebecca. We have the crib from when Michal’s godson stayed with us a couple of weeks ago so we can move that into the guestroom for you. I'll go call Michal and tell him to come help and we'll be ready in no time!" she said began to make her way upstairs.
"Ok, thanks Gem” you replied as you sat down on the couch with your fussy baby, getting ready to feed her. 
*6 hours later*
After changing Becca and double-checking that you had your purse, you and Gemma got into your car and made the 20-minute drive to Gemma and Michal’s house. Michal being the angel that he is had offered to bring all the bags in his car and drive them over. By the time you got to their house, all your bags were set up in the guest room and the crib Rebecca would be sleeping in was set up in the corner of the room. 
After you had all settled in, Gemma took Connor outside to play in the sprinkler while Becca took a nap upstairs. You sat in the living room with Michal as he began to explain the papers his friend had drafted for you. 
"I'm not gonna lie, this is going to be a long process that will bring out the worst in both of you. Custody will be a major part as well as splitting of assets and money."
You shook your head "I don't want any money. I didn't marry him for money so I'm not going to divorce him for any" you stated
He nodded as he began correcting the forms and continued to explain the legal process as well as the custody procedures. After almost two hours of staring at twenty pages of legal papers, you were finally starting to understanding it all (sort of). Rebecca had woken up ten minutes ago and was now sitting on your lap moving her head every time her name was mentioned. Gemma had brought Connor inside and helped him take a bath and they were watching a movie in her room as you and Michal finished up. You were going over the final details when the doorbell rang. Gemma got up from the couch and went to open it when you suddenly heard some shouting and a pair of rough footsteps heading towards the living room.
You looked up to see none other the Harry who looked both worried and furious at the same time.
"I came home expecting to see my children and wife but I come home to an empty house and a note saying you were gone" he shouted as you sat there in shock, seeing your husband for the first time in months. 
Rebecca whined softly as she became irritated from the loud boom of Harry's voice. Michal quickly stood and rested his hand on your shoulder signaling that he would take Becca upstairs so we could talk. You carefully passed Rebecca off to Michal as Connor came barreling towards Harry. 
“Dada Dada” Connor shouted as his chubby body knocked right into Harry’s legs. 
“Hi baby, I’ve missed you” he replied as he picked up Connor in his arms and showered him with kisses. 
“You should be ashamed of yourself Harry Edward Styles. If mom were here right now she’d have an absolute fit at your behavior. You’re so lucky (Y/n) won’t let me tell her because she would have flown out to whoop your ass. Come on Connor want to go watch the wiggles upstairs” Gemma stated as she grabs Connor from Harry’s arms. 
“wiggles wiggles” Connor cheered as Gemma and Michal carried your kids upstairs.
“If you so much as yell at her Harry I will murder you” Gemma yelled from the top of the stairs. 
Once they were gone you slowly got up from the couch and cleaned up all the papers scattered around the coffee table. As you began placing them in a folder Harry snatched them and began reading through them.
"Divorce papers? Are you serious? I've been gone for my job, a job I have to support you and the kids, and you want to divorce me for it?" He questioned as his anger started to bubble up.
You sighed, "that's not the reason Harry and you know it. It was just an idea Gemma had mentioned so I was looking into it. Besides, I would be divorcing you for neglecting not only me but our family for the last 5 months. Harry, I love you but this isn’t right"
"I had to work (Y/n), what part of that did you not understand?" he shouted as he dropped the papers on the floor. 
"The part where you stop calling your family for months and spend your spare time on yachts with supermodels instead of coming to see your children. I shouldn’t have to ask your manager how you’re doing, you should be telling me" you yell back
He chuckles angrily, "Is that what this is about, you think I cheated? I didn't, but if that’s what you want I'll get right on it? Would that solve your problems?" He replied sarcastically.
Your eyes began to water at the idea Harry described and you pressed your fingers to your eyes as to prevent yourself from crying in front of him. " Harry I love you but if that's how you truly feel then maybe we shouldn't have gotten married in the first place" you stated
"Maybe you're right" he stated as he turns around and stomps towards the kitchen. You let out a shaky breath as you watch him leave. This was not the way you thought your day was going to turn out. 
You began picking up the divorce papers as you hear a cry come from upstairs. Carefully you wipe the tears from your eyes and started to make your way up to go get Becca. You walked into the master bedroom to find Connor fast asleep on Michal’s lap while Gemma attempts to calm Becca down by rocking her back and forth in the corner.
When they spot you in the doorway, Michal gives you a sympathetic smile while Gemma’s frown deepens. You smile in return and pick up Becca from Gemma's arms and walk out of the room. You go to the guest room quickly to grab her favorite blanket and walked downstairs. You can hear Harry pacing in the kitchen, the pile of divorce papers missing from the floor most likely with him. You cautiously made your way to the glass door in the back of the living room and stepped outside into the slightly chilly night, bundling yourself and Becca up in the plush purple blanket Harry had bought Becca when she was born. You turned on the patio light and made your way to Gemma's garden to the small swing standing in the middle of it. 
You stay there crying as you rock Becca to sleep in your arms. A while later you heard footsteps slowly approach the garden and feel the weight of the swing shift as someone sits next to you. You don't dare look up as the smell of cologne gives away that it's Harry. He clears his throat a couple of times before speaking.
"Why wouldn't you take any of my money?" He asked quietly as he folded the divorces papers
You wiped your tears slowly and took a deep breath before responding, "because I didn't marry you for your money so why should I divorce you and get it. I married you because I love you"
"You need the support. I would give you all the money in a heartbeat you know that" he mumbled back
"I have a job and some savings, I could support myself and our kids" you stated. You heard him grunt as he flipped through the pages.
"Custody battle? Do you think it would come to that?" He asked quietly as you saw his shoulders shake.
"My babies are my everything....... I can't lose them like I already lost you" you stated as you caressed Becca's cheek.
"You didn’t lose- were you actually going to sign these?" He asked, voice cracking as you watched his hands begin to shake. 
"No" you replied back, barely louder than a whisper. 
Harry let out a breath and timidly let's go of the papers placing them on the ground before wrapping his arm around you carefully.
The minute your head hit his chest you began to cry. Harry quickly took Becca out of your arms and into his chest as you clung to him, sobbing into his shirt. He caressed his free hand up and down your back and placed chase kisses onto your forehead as he whispered sweet words and apologies to you.
You sobs slowly became sniffles as you wrapped your arms around yourself, leaving your head to lean on Harry's shoulders.
"Baby I’m so unbelievably sorry. I didn’t know it had gotten this bad. Why didn't you tell me you felt this way? With all the shows and starting to record the new album, I forgot about the most important thing in my life." He asked as he rubbed circles into your back.
You twiddled with your fingers, "I could never reach you. Every time I tried to call you were busy so I thought, ok he can just call me, but then your calls just got shorter and then they just stopped. I took it as you were busy but even when you had a couple days off you wouldn't come visit. You had basically broken off from us, Harry. I didn't know what to do. I spent most days with Gemma and most nights with a crying Becca keeping me up because all she wanted was her Dada singing her to sleep. I had to play your albums every night to try and get her to calm down and every time your voice played through the speaker, I died inside. It was all too much for me. I was alone Harry and you were nowhere to be found. I want my husband back. I want the man I fell in love with four years ago that use to wake up at 5 am halfway across the globe just to wish me goodnight. I want the man that cried at our wedding as I walked down the aisle. I want the man that tries to sneak chocolate chips into Connor’s pancakes while I’m not watching just to make his baby boy smile. I want my Harry back." you replied as you stared at the ground.
Harry stiffened as you finished speaking. He slowly lifted your chin up to meet your eyes. You could see tears falling down from his eyes as he looked straight at you. You could tell he was hurting and just the thought of him breakdown was making you shatter into a million pieces. You carefully got up from the swing a grabbed Becca from his arms before tucking her head into the nook of your neck as you cautiously sat down on Harry's laps. Harry let out a loud breath before he carefully wrapped his arms around your frame and staring straight into your eyes. 
"I’m right here baby, I’m still your Harry. I love you so much and just the thought of losing you and my babies hurts me more than a bullet ever could. I'm sorry I didn't call but I was so homesick that I figured it would be easier on both of us if I just kept my distance. I figured the check-ins with Jeff would be enough. I know that’s no excuse but I promise baby I’ll be better.  I love you so so much you have no idea (Y/n). I promise I'll be better for you and for our kids just please don't leave me" he said as he hugged you tighter causing a sob to escape your lips.
"I love you too H" you state in between sobs. You both sat there for a while until you had stopped crying. Cautiously Harry lifted your face to look at him.
"Can I rip up those papers when we get back?" He asked timidly as he stared at you.
You nodded furiously and quickly pulled him into a deep kiss. You pulled away breathless as you lean your forehead against his.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it that far. I should have just waited to talk with you before asking Michal about them and I..." you tried to continue but Harry stopped you with a kiss.
"Shhh we're going to get through this baby” He whispered as he caressed your hair. 
“We need to go to therapy, Harry. This was a big deal and I don’t think we can slip this under the rug and get back to where we were without it” You mumbled into his neck. 
“Of course (Y/n). I’ll go to therapy every day for the next thirty years if it means I get to keep you and my babies with me. I'm going to be better for you and for the kids. I'm going to take you all on tour with me from today on and were going to work through this. Now, why don't we head in it starting to get pretty cold." He stated as carefully helped you up while making sure Becca was wrapped up tightly in her blanket. You snuggled deeper into Harry's side and nodded your head as the two of you walked into the house once more.
Gemma and Michal sat on the couch talking quietly to each other as the tv played in the background They looked up at the two of you cautiously. Harry quickly kissed your head and grabbed Becca before taking her upstairs to bed.
You carefully grabbed one of the four full wine glasses on the coffee table and sat on the love seat next to the fire hoping to warm up a bit. Gemma starred at you as you sat there. You knew she was dying to know what happened outside, but she was too kind to ask.
"I think we're going to be ok" you state as you wrap the blanket closer to your chest. Gemma gets up and gives you a big hug.
“You’re not letting him off the hook are you?” she asked sternly.
“No, he’s not off the hook. We’re going to start therapy and we’re going to take things slow. He said he’s going to be home more and that he’s going to take us on tour with him from now on but we’ll see. One day at a time” you mumbled as you took a sip from your glass
"I'm glad it all worked out but if he hurts you again, family or not, I'll kick his ass. No one disrespects my (Y/n)" she said seriously. You laughed and simply nodded your head as you heard Harry's footsteps down the stairs.
"Thanks for watching Connor," Harry said as he shook Michal's hand and kissed the top of Gemma's head as she made her way to the spot next to her husband.
"Anytime. He is so adorable and quiet" Michal gushed.
You smiled softly and moved over slightly in your seat, making room for Harry. Harry carefully picked you up from the love seat and sat down, placing you on his lap and wrapping his arms tightly around you, burying his head into your neck. 
The four of you spent the rest of the night watching tv quietly as you cuddled in the loveseat, Harry stealing sips from your wine glass as you try your hardest not to fall asleep. After a while, Gemma and Michal said their goodnights and headed up to their room as Harry carefully picked you up and carried you to the guest room. He slowly laid you on the bed and removed all of your clothes except your underwear before taking off his shirt and helping you place your arms in the sleeves. He tucked you into bed and quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants before grabbing a pillow and getting ready to spend the night on the floor. He didn’t want to overstep and end the day on the wrong note but the minute he heard you call his name he smiled. He quickly checked on Becca that was fast asleep in her crib while Connor slept peacefully in the small bed laid out next to your bed. He gave both of them a quick kiss on the cheek before carefully sliding into bed behind you.
 You curled your body into Harry's and sighed contently as he wrapped his arms around you. You heard a faint "I love you, baby, so much" from Harry as you drifted off to sleep. For the first time in months, you were able to sleep through the night and you couldn't be happier.
Wow, it’s been a long time but I hope ya’ll enjoyed this one!!
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Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Ch 5- Bread Cat Power Pack
Co Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Jake and Stella patch up their friendship, but Evan isn’t particularly happy about it.
 Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson.
A/N:  We KNOW this is a slow burn but we promise things are going to heat up soon!!!
TLAYLI Masterlist  // Main Masterlist 
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Stella stood at the trunk of the CIA issued Sedan, grimacing. It was the middle of January, cold and snowy, and she had a few bags of shopping to get back into her apartment. She was trying to figure out if she could make it upstairs with all of it at once, to prevent having to come back down, but was failing to see how it was possible.
“Needs some help?” a familiar voice asked and she turned to see Jake coming towards her, still in his uniform, his heavy boots leaving prints in the light, powdery dusting of fresh snow.
She smiled “Yeah, actually. You can grab a couple of these, save me coming back down.”
Jake looked in the trunk and scoffed “You stocking for winter, Stel?” he asked as he grabbed three of the bags.
She snorted “I literally have nothing in my cupboards.” She picked up the remaining two, locked the car and followed him to the main doors of the Condo building. “I’ve not really been here over the last two weeks so…” “I guess you’ve been spending time at your boyfriend’s huh?” Jake asked, his voice neutral as Stella managed to open the door.
“His name is Evan.” She rolled her eyes “And yeah, you could say that.”
Jake remained quiet as they strode to the elevator. Stella called it down and once the doors pinged open, they stepped inside and Jake placed the bags he was carrying down at his feet.
“So, I haven’t seen you since New Year.” Stella looked at him “How’s stuff going? You and Britney good?” “Yeah, erm, about that…” Jake cleared his throat a little as he selected their floor.
As the doors shut, Stella turned to look at him, frowning “Is there something wrong or…”
“That depends on who you ask.” Jake mused “If you ask her then yeah.  She’ll probably tell you I’m a…what were her exact words? Oh right, a fucking asshole”
“What did you do?” Stella sighed and Jake grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I dumped her.”
Stella raised her eyebrows “Well speaking from experience, I can kinda see why she might be a little upset.”
Jake looked at her for a moment, deciding whether or not to respond to her little dig but in the end he didn’t get chance as the elevator stopped and opened on their floor. Jake picked up his bags and followed her across to her apartment. She set the bags she was carrying down, grabbed her key and the door swung open. Jake stepped in after her, nudging the door shut with his foot and instantly that familiar smell of vanilla, fresh laundry and the light tones of her perfume hit his senses. He hadn’t been in here for months. They made their way through to the little kitchen and she flipped on the lights, Jake dropping the bags onto the side.
“So are you ok about the pair of you being over or…” Stella turned to face him and Jake wrinkled his nose.
“Well, I wasn’t that into her. I mean, she was just…” he stopped and shrugged a little “I’m all right, yeah.”
Stella snorted, shaking her head “Wow.”
“Had to be honest with her.”
At that Stella couldn’t help the scoff that escaped her throat “That’s a first”
“Wow, that’s the second dig in the last 2 minutes.” Jake arched an eyebrow and Stella inwardly cursed herself. He’d done nothing to deserve either of the shots she’d taken, especially after he was being nothing but helpful
“Sorry, that was uncalled for.”
“Was it?” he asked.
There was a moment’s pause before they both spoke at the same time.
“Look, Jake, I don’t wanna…”
“I miss you Stel…you know, us hanging out.
The last bit of Jake’s sentence was added hastily and Stella took a deep breath.
“You’ve been a jerk to me recently, JJ”
“I know I fucked it all up.” He continued pleading his case “But I love you Stel, as friends, ya know?”
She studied him for a moment, and Jake held his breath before her eyes softened, the way they always did when she was coming round, and he exhaled slowly.
“Guess I miss you too.” She said quietly.
At her words Jake’s face split into a grin. “You guess or…”
“Don’t push it.”
He laughed, and on a roll he decided to see how far he could edge his luck. “I don’t suppose you’re free tonight, maybe grab a pizza, I got beer.”
Stella felt her face fall “Sorry JJ, Ev’s coming over.” and as she spoke she realised she actually was sorry. For a split second she considered calling Ev and cancelling, which in itself confused her. Why was she even thinking that? And then she realised, it was because she missed Jake. Despite everything, they’d been through too much for her not to care for him.
Jake nodded, “Okay, well, maybe another night?”
Stella blinked, she’d been expecting some sarcastic quip about Evan but none had come, which surprised her a little. That said, she smiled and nodded “Yeah I’d like that.”
Jake nodded “Right, I’ll err…let you unpack all that then and see you later I guess.”
“Yeah, great. Oh, and thanks.” She smiled “For helping me.”
“Well, you know me, I’m not one to leave a damsel in distress.” He winked. “I’ll see myself out.”
He made his way out of the apartment, closing her door behind him, taking a deep breath as he headed over the landing. Despite the setback about the pizza and beer, he felt good. The air was clearer, it was good progress, easy easy catch a monkey and all that.
He fished in his pocket for his keys and just as he was opening his door he heard hers open behind him.
“Look, I got a little while.” Stella spoke “I was gonna bake some cookies, you wanna help?”
Jensen allowed himself a grin before he turned to face her “You miss me already?”
“Don’t push it asswipe.” She shot back and he laughed.
“Gonna make extra dough so I can eat it?”
She rolled her eyes “Yes, dur.”
“Ok, gimme ten to change and I’ll come over.”
“Use your key.” She nodded, before she pulled her head back in her apartment and shut the door.
Jensen gave a little fist pump of victory as he stepped inside his hallway, smirking to himself “Operation Petunia is a go…”
**** After a quick shower, Jensen changed into a pair of grey sweats, a plain navy blue t-shirt and headed over the hall in his socks. As instructed, he let himself in and walked through to the kitchen, the sound of the radio growing louder as he went. He stopped in the doorway and watched as Stella stood with her back to him, dressed in a pair of leggings and an oversized white- slouchy vest top with a tighter cami underneath, rifling in a cupboard. He felt a sudden, nostalgic pang for the times she used to dress casually like that around their student quarters or back at home when they were slobbed in front of the TV at her Ma’s or his Parents. With a little breath, he coughed and she turned to face him, smiling before she nodded to the fridge.
“Make yourself useful and grab us a coupla’ beers will ya?”
He saluted her and she gave a snort as he headed to the fridge and pulled it open, giving a groan as he spotted the Sam Adams. Grabbing two, he popped the tops before he handed her one. She thanked him and continued pulling the ingredients she needed out of the cupboards, the pair of them falling into an easy, but still careful conversation. Stella cursed as she mumbled something about her digital scales running out of batteries and then retrieved the old faithful analogue ones.
“Why is it, when you need something, that’s always the time it’s gonna end up nor working?” she grumbled, setting the dial to zero carefully.
“One of life’s many mysteries Stel.” Jake said wisely as she began to measure the flour out. “Along with why cats always fall on their feet, snidey little bastards.”
Stella snorted, “Or why buttered bread always lands butter down when you drop it? Although I think there’s a scientific explanation to that.”
“There is.” Jake nodded, taking a drink from his beer “When the bread falls out of your hand, it does so at an angle, see, by nature of it having slipped from its previous position, and it rotates.” Jensen twisted his hand in the air to demonstrate his point “Given that it’s normally dropped from a hand or a table, which is like two feet or so, there’s enough time for the toast to rotate about one-half of a turn and thus it lands upside down relative to its original position and oh my God, I’ve just had a brainwave!” he trailed off, grinning
Stella looked at him, her mouth dropping open “What, hang on, back up!”
“No, listen. I just said a cat always lands on its feet right?”
Yeah.” Stella looked at him.
“And you said that bread with butter always falls butter side down?”
Stella’s eyes squinted in confusion. “Jake, what the fuck are you…”
“Just hear me out.” he looked at her as he placed his beer bottle on the side behind him. “If…” both his hands flew up, pointers extended, the bottom of his t-shirt riding up slightly as he did so “If you fastened bread with butter to a cat’s back, then the Cat will keep turning and never fall on the ground.”
Stella blinked and simply looked at him, the way she always did when he was being utterly ridiculous.
“And then, if I attached the bread cat to a generator…” he grinned and held his hands out by his sides, palms open facing upwards “Infinite energy.”
There was a pause before Stella bust out laughing.
“That is the dumbest thing I ever heard!” she shook her head “And that’s saying something coming from you!”
“You won’t be laughing when I’m a millionaire.” Jensen said sagely. “Bread Cat Power Pack, copyright Jacob Calvin Jensen.”
“The only way you’ll ever become a millionaire is if they give you a dollar every time someone laughs at your stupid, shit ideas.” She shook her head, her hands falling to her hips.
“Laugh all you want Stelly, but I’m planning on buying a yellow hummer with the profits.”
Stella paused. That was the first time he’d called her Stelly in…well, she couldn’t actually remember. But it felt nice. This whole scenario felt nice in fact, the pair of them, just hanging out. Just like old times, before it all went to shit.
She smiled “What is it with you and hummers?”
“I just like them.”
“They’re vile, JJ.”
“No, they aren’t. They’re classy.” He picked his beer back up.
“Classy.” Stella snorted and Jake pointed his bottle towards her.
“You never could appreciate the finer things in life.” he sighed dramatically.
“Considering I appreciated you for years that’s a dumbass thing to say.” she arched an eyebrow at him
“Aww you sayin’ I’m a finer thing, Stel?” he teased and she rolled her eyes, ignoring him.
“Why yellow?”
“Why not?” he popped a shoulder at her question before he grinned “It matches my sunny disposition.”
At that Stella gave another snort “God, Jake!”
Jensen simply grinned back and Stella watched him for a second, noticing how relaxed he seemed. Every time she’d seen him over the past month or so he’d been tense. But today, gone was the unusual sulky demeanour he’d embodied recently and he wasn’t snapping or being mean. He was simply being Jake. The Jake she adored.
“Hey, Stel?” Jake asked, dragging her from her thoughts. “Reckon we can make these cookies in the shape of Hummers?”
“Do you have a Hummer shaped cookie cutter?” she asked, turning her attention back to the job in hand, tossing the ingredients into the mixing bowl.
“No.” Jensen wrinkled his nose “Why would I have one of those?”
“Then that’s your answer.”
“Buzz kill.” He muttered, fighting to keep the smirk of his face as he knew exactly what effect those words would have on her. She hated it when he insinuated she was no fun.
“Buzz kill?” she turned to look at him.
“Fuck you.” She retorted, and Jake gave a splutter as a handful of flour hit him straight in the face, going right up his nostrils and into his mouth.
He blinked, looked at Stella before he shook his head "Oh, Stel, it's on..." he smirked before he moved towards her and she gave a shriek as he easily manhandled her out of the way and grabbed the flour she was trying to move out of his reach. The kitchen filled with yells and laughter as handful after handful went flying around into faces, hair, just about any visible body part and suddenly they were jerked from their little flour war when a clearing of a throat could be heard. Both of them turned to see Evan standing in the kitchen door, a bouquet of bright flowers in one hand and a bottle of something in the other.
"How the fuck did you get in?” Jensen blurted out before he could stop himself and Stella punched him on the arm “Ow, Stell, shit!”
“Don’t be rude.” She glared at him.
“For your information,” Evan stated as he walked into the kitchen “, not that it’s any of your business, but Stel gave me the spare key.”
“Huh.” Jake looked at him before he grinned “I got one of those too.”
Evan looked at him, his eyes squinted slightly “Good for you.”
“Yeah, it is!” Jake continued, the grin still stood on his face.
The two men remained staring at one another, Jake covered head to toe in flour as Stella gave a little groan but before she could tell the pair of them to behave, Evan spoke.
“What’s all this mess?” he asked, nodding to the flour all over the room.
“Oh, we had a mission where we seized over Forty kilos of cocaine.” Jake spoke, his voice deadly serious “I thought I'd bring it round for a good time.”
At that point Stella gave a snort of laughter, nudging Jake hard on the arm, the pair of them giggling again before she spotted the look on Evan’s face. His features were completely serious and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. So she coughed and shook her head.
“I was trying to bake some cookies and Jakey was helping me, sort of.” She shrugged “He’s more of a pain in the ass than a help, mind.”
She didn’t miss the way Evan cringed when she called Jensen ‘Jakey’ but before she could say anything Jensen grumbled.
“Well you are. You're a monumental pain in the ass” Stella rolled her eyes.
“Yeah but you love me Stel” Jake winked and Stella arched an eyebrow, folding her arms in cloud of flour.
“Jury's out”
“You know…” Evan spoke, his tone sarcastic as he set the bottle he was carrying on the kitchen side “..if i'm interrupting something I can leave.”
“Easy man! But yeah-“ Jensen flashed his trademark grin “You just interrupted us.”
Stella slapped him round the back of the head. “No, you didn’t.”
“Stop hitting me!” Jensen rubbed the place where her palm had connected.
“Well stop being a jerk!”
He turned to face her and sarcastic quip he had prepared died as he saw that she was no longer grinning at him.
“Shouldn’t you go and get cleaned?” Evan spoke and Jake looked at him, wrinkling his nose.
“I kinda like being dirty.”
Stella groaned again as she wiped her face and hands free from flour and then nodded to the bouquet Evan had in his hands “Are they for me?”
“No, I bought them for Jensen.” He dead panned with a roll of his eyes, before his handsome face split into a grin. “Course they're for you baby.”
Jensen watched as Stella smiled broadly and he took in the bunch of brightly coloured gerberas and roses, frowning a little. And then, once more he just couldn’t help but stir the pot at little bit more.
“Oh man. She hasn’t told you about her favourites, hasn’t she?” he nodded to the flowers. Evan frowned and Stella wheeled round to glare at Jake.
“Seriously Jake, shut up.”
“You should have brought her petunias.” Jensen sighed, his hands on his hips as she shook his head with the manner of a father disappointed at his child.
“Yeah, see you're talking but all I'm hearing is noise.” Evan rolled his eyes as Stella reached for the bouquet.
“I’ll put them in a vase. Thanks baby, they’re gorgeous” she beamed at him.
Jake couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the smug look on Evan’s face, most likely cos she just called him baby in front of him. But seriously, what kind of dick boyfriend doesn’t know what his girl’s favourite flowers are?
Evan then picked up the bottle he'd set on the side with a flourish and spun it so the label was facing Stella "I also saw this at one of the stalls at the market and it made me think of you."
Stella looked at him, not understanding for a moment, before she read the label and her eyes opened wide.
“Pumpkin spiced gin…oh my god!” she laughed, taking it from him.
Evan grinned “Now you can make alcoholic lattes.”
“Or just drink it neat over ice.” She smiled at him “I bet this tastes amazing.”
At that Evan smirked and when he spoke again his voice dropped an octave “Probably not as good as you but we’ll give it a go.”
At that Stella flushed and Jake gave an audible groan and then immediately wished he hadn’t as he’d given the dickhead everything he wanted. Evan turned to him with a maddeningly smug look on his face “Still here Jensen? Thought you were going.”
“You wish.” Jake mumbled, but thankfully neither of them heard him as Stella was studying the bottle label to try and hide her embarrassment. He took a deep breath, he knew he had to be careful not to make Stella pissed at him again. So, in a rare self-aware moment, he cleared his throat and spoke a little louder “Well as riveting as chatting with you is, Ev, you're right. I got stuff to do, you know, places to go, people to see..."
“Yeah, sure you do.” Evan replied flippantly “Tell Britney I said hi.”
“Ev, don’t.” Stella shook her head and Evan frowned, turning to her.
“What, I’m not…”
“It’s ok Stelly, he didn't know.” Jensen hid the little smile that was threatening to creep onto his lips at the flinch Evan had made when he used Stella’s old nickname and he gave a shrug. “We broke up.”
“You broke up?” Evan repeated, his face blank. “I’m sorry man.”
“Don’t be.” Jake waved a hand. “Actually it was me who broke it off.”
“Well, still, you must be a little bit...upset, I suppose?”
“Nope.” Jake shook his head “What's got 2 thumbs and is free, single and ready to mingle?” he jerked his thumbs at himself. “This guy"
With that he pat Evan on his shoulder “See ya later.” and he made his way out of Stella’s apartment, closing door behind him. Once it was shoot he paused and took a deep breath.
Fuck that guy.
Up until him turning up they’d been having a great time, simply messing around in the kitchen like they used to. Mind you, it had been a good afternoon, the pair of them were back on even terms, so all in all…yeah, Jensen felt buoyed. With a little spring in his step he headed over the hall back to his apartment and straight to the fridge for a beer. As he popped the lid his phone pinged with a message from Pooch. He, Cougs and Roque were heading out for a few beers and Jake’s presence was apparently “not required but welcome.” Jensen smiled, he was in a good mood so, yeah, drinks!
He showered again to get rid of the flour, changed into a pair of jeans and a casual black sweater before he shrugged on his warm SuperDry coat and headed back out. As he passed Stella’s door on the way to the elevator he could hear her raised voice and instantly he felt his skin prickle. His Jakey Sense as Stella had jokingly dubbed it was tingling. He paused and moved closed to the doors and could hear her and Evan were arguing.
He shouldn’t listen, he knew that, but they were being so loud it was impossible not to. Plus, when all’s said and done he was also a nosey bastard.
“For fucks sake, Ev! You've been fine for the last twenty minutes, why are you brining this up now?”
“All I said was I wish you'd told me about the flowers! I've bought you bouquets before and you never mentioned petunias.”
Jake smirked a little as Stella groaned.
“It’s really not that big a deal!”
“Well apparently it is according to Jensen!” Evan shot back.
“So that's what this is about. It isn't the flowers at all is it? It's Jake” Stella responded, her voice agitated and Jake could completely picture her stood there, arms folded, glaring up at him. He’d seen it often enough himself.
“And what if it is?” Evan’s voice was equally as loud.
“Oh for fucks sake...he's my friend, my best friend.”
“And your EX, Stella!”
“Carry on this way and you will be as well!” Stella shot back and at that Jake felt his smirk grow even wider.  
“Way to go Stel…” he mumbled to himself.
“What do you mean?” Evan’s voice was louder still “You hang out with your ex and I’m the problem?”
“No, the problem is you being all pissy about something that isn't really a big issue. Jake and I...” Stella sighed, “We have history, a lot of history. Even before we dated we were friends and it's been so shit recently when we haven't been talking and...” her voice was gathering in speed and Jensen could tell she was starting to get upset. He had heard it and seen it a thousand times before.
“And why do you think that is, Stel?” Evan’s voice was now quiet, but the tone was cold and threatening, and Jensen took a deep breath. He didn’t like the way this was going. “Come on, you can’t be that oblivious.” Stella didn’t reply, and Evan continued “See, you know I'm right. You were on bad terms because he was a jealous asshole, you said it yourself with the way he behaved when we had our first date in the coffee shop. And everyone knows he was only dating that Britney bint to try and piss you off. Even your own sister said that.”
Jensen could feel himself getting hot with anger at the way the bastard was using Rey against Stella, despite the fact Evan was completely right. As much as Jensen had denied it at the time, that was totally why he ended up with Brit. Call it a rebound, a stubborn attempt to prove to himself he didn’t need Stella, whatever. The core of it was always down to her.
“Huh, he aint actually as stupid as he looks.” Jensen muttered to himself.
“He wasn’t jealous.” Stella responded, her voice quiet “How could he be when he dumped me? Twice.”
At that Jensen bowed her head, the hurt in her voice was evident.
“Who knows what goes through his head or why he did that, I've no idea, but if you think he's over you then you're mistaken. And I don’t like it, Stella, not one bit.” Evan took a deep breath “I think you should stay away from him.”
Jensen felt his mouth drop open a little and he blinked, had he seriously just told her that? He waited with baited breath for Stella’s reply, which came a second or so later, in a tone he knew only too well, she’d had enough.
“You know what, I’m not in the mood for going out tonight.”
“Okay, well, let’s stay in then.” Evan’s tone suddenly flipped to the doting boyfriend again and Jensen frowned once more. This guy was unreal. “I can cook us something”
“Dumb bastard, take the hint.” Jensen grumbled as Stella audibly sighed. He could picture her, running her hand through her hair, pressing the heel of her palm to the space between her eyes.
“I need to get cleaned up and then sort out this mess.” She replied “I think it’s better if you go home.”
“Seriously?” Evan spoke with disbelief “You’re actually telling me to go?”
There was a pause “Fine.” Evan responded “I’ll leave you to it. You and Jensen can finish whatever it was you were doing.”
“We were making cookies.”
“Whatever, Stella. If you’re more interested in defending him than having dinner with me then, that’s you’re call.”
And then Jensen realised he needed to disappear before Evan came out and found him. He hastily made his way back to his apartment, and had just gotten inside when Stella’s door was wrenched open. So as not to attract attention to himself with the sound of the lock clicking, Jensen didn’t quite close his fully and stayed waiting for Evan to disappear. To Jensen’s horror he paused, looking directly at his door, before he looked back at Stella’s and then made his way to the elevator. After what seemed like an age it arrived and he stepped into it, the door pinging shut behind him.
Jensen felt bad, he really did. He hadn’t wanted Stella to be upset. But more over he felt uneasy. The way Evan had spoken to her, and directed the blame straight back onto her and then told her to stay away from him was  manipulative, controlling almost.
And he didn’t like it one bit.
“Jensen, what’s with you man?” Roque asked, placing his empty bottle on the table. “You’re being uncharacteristically non-annoying tonight.”
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Nothing, I’m fine.”
He felt Pooch’s eyes on him and purposely ignored him, looking around the bar at anything and everything. His eyes fell momentarily on a table of girls some four or so down from theirs one of them bore a fleeting resemblance to Stella actually and he hastily looked away, glancing down at his beer. He necked the rest and set the empty bottle down.
“My round.” Pooch nodded as he stood up, his hand falling onto Jensen’s shoulder “Give me a hand man?”
“Sure.” Jake stood up and followed him to the bar, passing the table of girls as they went.
“The brunette is giving you the eye.” Pooch nudged him. Jensen looked at him.
“Okay, out with it.” Pooch demanded as they reached the bar “What’s wrong Jensen, and don’t tell me everything is fine coz I know you, and you’re not being you. You’ve been positively pleasant all evening and now when some chick is giving you the eye you don’t even notice?”
Jensen sighed, “I’m just a bit worried about Stel, man”
“Arty?” Pooch frowned, “What’s wrong with her? Is she ok? I though Evan was coming over to hers tonight?”
“He did. They had an argument, he left.” Jensen shrugged.
“They had an argum-wait? How do you know? Did she tell you? Coz I thought you weren’t on particularly good terms.”
“We sorted stuff out.” Jensen shook his head
“You were listening weren’t you?” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“That’s not the point.” Jensen shook his head and Pooch groaned having been given all the confirmation he needed “The point is what he said. And how he said it. He was angry, Pooch.”
“Everyone gets angry when they argue.”
“Yeah but he…I dunno, I don’t trust him.”
“Oh come on Jensen. Stop it. Enough with that shit. Stel is with him and she’s happy, face it.”
“He told her that he thinks she should stay away from me.” Jensen looked at Pooch. “Does that not strike you as, well, controlling?”
Pooch looked at Jensen and could see on his face that he was genuinely concerned.
“Ok, start from the top.” Pooch instructed, so Jensen did, explaining and Pooch took a deep breath “So now you’re worried he could be manipulating her?”
“I'm worried he’s not everything he’s cracked up to be.” Jensen replied after a short pause “And that she could end up hurt. And I don’t mean merely emotionally.”
“Woah, man that’s…that’s a big leap.” Pooch looked at him, before he turned to the bar tender and ordered their round, before looking back at him. “From being a little narky and, ok, possibly maybe slightly overbearing to being a fuckin’ woman beater.”
“Maybe.” Jensen sighed, “But isn’t it always the one’s you don’t expect to do it that do?”
At that Pooch was forced to accept Jensen made a good point and he bit his lip, cocking his head to once side. “Ok, suppose you heard right and the guy’s dodgy so to speak. What you wanna do about it?”
“I suppose I could do some digging.” Jensen mused “See if I can find any of his old girlfriends out there, see what they have to say.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I like where this is going.” Pooch groaned.
Jensen sighed, “I honestly have no idea Pooch. My gut was to tell Stella that I was concerned but knowing her she'll just accuse me of being a dick and it would just make it look like he was right about me.”
“Which he is.” Pooch snorted “You are jealous.”
“Yeah, well that's maybe but I'm being serious here Pooch. I don't trust the guy, and if she ends up hurt when I could have done something to stop it I'll never forgive myself.”
Pooch bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at Jensen, he could see the worry etched into every line on his friend’s face. With a loud sigh he shook his head, “Listen man, whatever you want to do I have your back. Wanna go all CSI on the guy? Then count me in. But do you and the rest of us for that matter a favour and admit to your feelings for her once and for all and do something about it or leave her be.”
Jensen snorted “You been talking to Clay, Pooch?”
“What? No.” Pooch handed over his card to pay for the round. “Why would you think that?”
“He just said something similar at New Years. That's all.” Jensen took a deep breath “This would never have happened if I hadn't been such an asshole.”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Not helping Pooch.”
“Listen man, we don’t need to talk to one another to see you have strong feelings for her. We all know that and we all have been putting up with your stupid ass decisions.”
“Still not helping Pooch.”
“Ok Jensen.” Pooch shrugged, taking his card back off the man behind the bar with a thanks. “You could always try actually talking to him? You never know, he might be genuinely-“
“Are you nuts? The guy hates me!” Jensen practically exploded “And suppose I am right, which I may not be, I know, it happens occasionally.” He shrugged as Pooch rolled his eyes “Not only do I tip him off I’m onto him, he’ll rush to tell Stel as soon as I turn my back. Make it seem I’m harassing him.”
“So instead you wanna track his old girlfriend’s down and go poking into his past?”
Jake flashed his signature grin.
“Coz thats not harassing him. At all.” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“It’s not if he doesn’t know I’m harassing him.” Jake shrugged and Pooch let out an exasperated moan of a laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“I already told you Jensen. Whatever you want man. Just...oh, I dunno, try not to fuck it up with your usual chaotic dumbassery.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Jensen shrugged as he picked up 2 of the bottles from the bar.
“Sure you don’t.”
Two more beers later and Jensen called it a night and headed home, he wasn’t in the mood all things considered. Kicking off his sneakers he plopped down on the couch and reached for the remote, flipping through the channels. But it was no good, he couldn’t concentrate. His mind was working overtime as he was trying to figure out what exactly he was going to do. It was frustrating, because normally he’d just talk to Stella, they never had secrets but this was completely out of the question, and that frustrated the fuck out of him.
His rambling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Frowning, because that meant that either someone had gotten into the building or it was a resident, he stood up and made his way over to the door. He pulled it open and gave a little blink as he saw Stella stood there in a large, oversized sweater, leggings and thick socks, her hair pulled on top of her head in a messy bun, a batch of cookies in her hands.
“Oh, hey Stel.” He said, surprise evident in his voice “Come on in.”
She smiled as she stepped into his flat. “I thought you’d be out all night because Pooch said you were all out for drinks this evening. But I heard you come in so I came to bring you some cookies. After all you helped me with them, well, sort of.”
“Thanks Sel.” He smiled, genuinely as he took them from her “You want a drink or…”
“No, I’m good thanks.”
“Ok, well, go through, be with you in a second. I’ll just put these bad boys away.”
She nodded and turned, heading towards the lounge as Jensen made his way quickly into the kitchen and deposited the cookies in the tin, grabbing one as he did so. God they tasted just as good as they always did. He grabbed the empty container and headed into the lounge where Stella was sat on the couch and she smiled as he handed it to her.
“You ok?” he asked and she looked at him, nodding but Jensen could tell she wasn’t so he decided to call her out, see if she’d open up to him.
“You know, I've known you too long. You can't lie to me.”
She sighed.
“What’s bothering you, Stel?” he pressed as he sat next to her keeping a respectful distance of one seat cushion between them.
“Me and Ev, we err...had an argument before. Kind of a big one”
“How big?” Jensen asked, all the time knowing he had to play it cool or she would know he overheard.
“I… “ she fiddled with the sleeves of her sweater a little before she snorted “I sent him home big”
“Can I ask what you argued about? I mean if you sent him home it must have been pretty serious.”
Stella looked at him, clearly debating whether or not to tell him and then she sighed “He wanted to go out, I didn't. It spiralled from there.”
Jake took a deep breath as Stella looked at him having just told him a barefaced lie. What killed him the most was he knew she was doing it to spare his feelings, and he didn’t think he’d ever wanted to kiss her more. But he couldn’t, so instead he gave her a small nod and what he hoped was a sympathetic smile.
“Look, I'm sorry if any of it was my fault. And I'm sure you'll sort it out.”
“Yeah, I guess. In any case thanks for listening.”
Jake laughed “That it, we done?”
“Not much else to tell you. We fought, and maybe I overreacted to something he said. It’s just...” she studied his face and Jensen got the impression she was searching for some indication Evan was right about him being jealous. He fought so hard not to give her any, and in the end she shrugged “It doesn’t matter, it’s no big deal.”
“Big enough to make you upset though.”
“Well, it’s the first argument we’ve had.”
“Well you can drown your sorrows in pumpkin flavoured gin.” Jensen sniffed and at that she grimaced.
“Between you and me, I tried it before. It’s fucking awful.”
Jake laughed, “Then I guess Evan was right and you do taste better.”
“Jake!” Stella scoffed, slapping his arm.
“What? It was a compliment!”
“You're gross”
“Yeah but…”he smirked “…made you smile”
“Yeah, you do.” She looked at him, “I mean did. You know, just then…”
“I know.”
Stella gave him another soft smile “Thanks again, I should…” she gestured to the door with her head and Jake nodded.
“Walk you home?”
“I live across the hall.” She scoffed as she stood up
“Yeah but…” Jensen breathed in through his teeth as he also rose from his seat “Some dodgy people in this building Stel”
“Yeah, you're one of em.”
“Hey, you could be attacked by Mrs. Hunter’s Cat. You know it went for my ankle yesterday?” He looked at her seriously. “Like I said, snide little bastards. Cats are not to be trusted.”
“Alright then badass, you better see me safe across the hall.” She chuckled.
Jake followed her to the door where she turned and he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a soft hug. Pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head he stepped back and looked at her.
“You know where I am if you need me, don’t you?”
She nodded “Thanks. Night Jakey.”
“Night Stel.”
He watched her cross the hall, and when she walked inside she gave him a last smile before she shut the door.
Jensen exhaled loudly, before he turned and headed back into his own apartment, the door clicking behind him.
Jensen didn’t sleep particularly well that night. His worries and concerns about Stella kept running through his mind and at six am he gave up, hauling himself out of bed for a run. On his way back he stopped by the bakery on the corner of the street to grab himself a croissant and a coffee and headed back to the condo, munching his breakfast. As he walked across the parking lot he spotted Evan’s car was parked outside the main door, the man himself sat inside, waiting.
And then all logic flew from Jensen’s mind. Fuck treading softly.
He stalked over and round to the passenger side, yanking it open and sinking into the seat besides Evan as the man looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“S’up Agent E.” he smiled at him, taking another bite of his croissant. “You waiting for Stel?”
“Why else would I be here?”
Jensen shrugged “Maybe you like parking lots.”
Evan rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m waiting for Stella.”
“Why not just use your spare key?” Jensen asked, taking a loud slurp of his coffee before he looked at Evan. “Wait, more to the point, why are you not up there? Did you not stay?” The nerve in Evan’s jaw twitched and Jensen grinned. “You guys aint had a fight have you?” When the agent didn’t reply Jake took a bite of his croissant. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“What do you want, Jensen?” Evan looked at him, his features dark and Jake knew the time for joking was done. He took a deep breath and shrugged.
“Honestly? For you to fuck off.”
“Oh I bet you do.” Evan narrowed his eyes, his voice low and Jensen snorted.
“Not much of a bet, I just admitted it but whatever.”
“Well unlucky for you I’m not going anywhere.”
“For now.” Jensen shrugged “She’ll see through you at some point.”
“Face it Jensen, you fucked up.” Evan shook his head “Now I’m warning you, stay away from her, and me, and leave us alone.”
Jensen took a deep breath. “Ok, I was trying to be polite but I’ll get straight to the point.”
“Please do.” Evan’s voice was loaded with sarcasm.
“I don’t like you, and I don’t trust you.” Jensen stated and Evan gave a huge guffaw of laughter, Jensen merely shook his head “Yeah, you might laugh but I swear to God you hurt her and I will fucking kill you slowly and painfully.”
“Is that supposed to scare me?” Evan asked.
“Yes.” Jensen said simply “You forget, I’m a lethal trained killing machine.” He shrugged “And then there’s Clay, and Roque, and Pooch and Cougs…you kick one of us, we all shout ouch, you get my drift.”
He saw a flicker of something that might have been concern on Evan’s faced but no sooner had he spotted it, it was gone and the Agent simply swallowed and fixed Jensen with a glare.
“What makes you so sure I’m going to hurt her?”
“Because when I mentioned it before, instead of protesting that you wouldn’t, you simply turned it back to being about you.” Jensen shrugged “Now if someone had said that to me, I’d be doing everything I could to try and convince them they were wrong.”
“I don’t have to justify myself to you.” Evan snorted, shaking his head.
“No, you don’t” Jake shrugged “But you will answer to me if you do hurt her, like I said, I’m watching you shithead.”
“You know, when Stella hears you’ve been threatening me…”
“We both know you’re not going to tell her.” Jake shook his head “I mean you’ve already argued once. And I’d lay odds on that being about me. So, are you really gonna push it again when you’re hanging on by a thread? Don’t think so buddy.”
He took another obnoxiously loud slurp of his coffee and there was a pause before Evan exploded. “Ok, I’ve had enough of this, get out of my fucking car!”
“Gladly.” Jensen nodded, scrunching up the wrapper his croissant had been in. He tossed it into the foot-well and looked at it for a second before he shrugged “This car is full of garbage anyway.” And with that he climbed out headed inside, not bothering to look back.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Chapter 5: Bread Cat Power Pack Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Jake and Stella patch up their friendship, but Evan isn’t particularly happy about it.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson.
A/N:  We KNOW this is a slow burn but we promise things are going to heat up soon!!!
TLAYLI Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 4 Part 2
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Stella stood at the trunk of the CIA issued Sedan, grimacing. It was the middle of January, cold and snowy, and she had a few bags of shopping to get back into her apartment. She was trying to figure out if she could make it upstairs with all of it at once, to prevent having to come back down, but was failing to see how it was possible.
“Needs some help?” a familiar voice asked and she turned to see Jake coming towards her, still in his uniform, his heavy boots leaving prints in the light, powdery dusting of fresh snow.
She smiled “Yeah, actually. You can grab a couple of these, save me coming back down.”
Jake looked in the trunk and scoffed “You stocking for winter, Stel?” he asked as he grabbed three of the bags.
She snorted “I literally have nothing in my cupboards.” She picked up the remaining two, locked the car and followed him to the main doors of the Condo building. “I’ve not really been here over the last two weeks so…” “I guess you’ve been spending time at your boyfriend’s huh?” Jake asked, his voice neutral as Stella managed to open the door.
“His name is Evan.” She rolled her eyes “And yeah, you could say that.”
Jake remained quiet as they strode to the elevator. Stella called it down and once the doors pinged open, they stepped inside and Jake placed the bags he was carrying down at his feet.
“So, I haven’t seen you since New Year.” Stella looked at him “How’s stuff going? You and Britney good?” “Yeah, erm, about that…” Jake cleared his throat a little as he selected their floor.
As the doors shut, Stella turned to look at him, frowning “Is there something wrong or…”
“That depends on who you ask.” Jake mused “If you ask her then yeah.  She’ll probably tell you I’m a…what were her exact words? Oh right, a fucking asshole”
“What did you do?” Stella sighed and Jake grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I dumped her.”
Stella raised her eyebrows “Well speaking from experience, I can kinda see why she might be a little upset.”
Jake looked at her for a moment, deciding whether or not to respond to her little dig but in the end he didn’t get chance as the elevator stopped and opened on their floor. Jake picked up his bags and followed her across to her apartment. She set the bags she was carrying down, grabbed her key and the door swung open. Jake stepped in after her, nudging the door shut with his foot and instantly that familiar smell of vanilla, fresh laundry and the light tones of her perfume hit his senses. He hadn’t been in here for months. They made their way through to the little kitchen and she flipped on the lights, Jake dropping the bags onto the side.
“So are you ok about the pair of you being over or…” Stella turned to face him and Jake wrinkled his nose.
“Well, I wasn’t that into her. I mean, she was just…” he stopped and shrugged a little “I’m all right, yeah.”
Stella snorted, shaking her head “Wow.”
“Had to be honest with her.”
At that Stella couldn’t help the scoff that escaped her throat “That’s a first”
“Wow, that’s the second dig in the last 2 minutes.” Jake arched an eyebrow and Stella inwardly cursed herself. He’d done nothing to deserve either of the shots she’d taken, especially after he was being nothing but helpful
“Sorry, that was uncalled for.”
“Was it?” he asked.
There was a moment’s pause before they both spoke at the same time.
“Look, Jake, I don’t wanna…”
“I miss you Stel…you know, us hanging out.
The last bit of Jake’s sentence was added hastily and Stella took a deep breath.
“You’ve been a jerk to me recently, JJ”
“I know I fucked it all up.” He continued pleading his case “But I love you Stel, as friends, ya know?”
She studied him for a moment, and Jake held his breath before her eyes softened, the way they always did when she was coming round, and he exhaled slowly.
“Guess I miss you too.” She said quietly.
At her words Jake’s face split into a grin. “You guess or…”
“Don’t push it.”
He laughed, and on a roll he decided to see how far he could edge his luck. “I don’t suppose you’re free tonight, maybe grab a pizza, I got beer.”
Stella felt her face fall “Sorry JJ, Ev’s coming over.” and as she spoke she realised she actually was sorry. For a split second she considered calling Ev and cancelling, which in itself confused her. Why was she even thinking that? And then she realised, it was because she missed Jake. Despite everything, they’d been through too much for her not to care for him.
Jake nodded, “Okay, well, maybe another night?”
Stella blinked, she’d been expecting some sarcastic quip about Evan but none had come, which surprised her a little. That said, she smiled and nodded “Yeah I’d like that.”
Jake nodded “Right, I’ll err…let you unpack all that then and see you later I guess.”
“Yeah, great. Oh, and thanks.” She smiled “For helping me.”
“Well, you know me, I’m not one to leave a damsel in distress.” He winked. “I’ll see myself out.”
He made his way out of the apartment, closing her door behind him, taking a deep breath as he headed over the landing. Despite the setback about the pizza and beer, he felt good. The air was clearer, it was good progress, easy easy catch a monkey and all that.
He fished in his pocket for his keys and just as he was opening his door he heard hers open behind him.
“Look, I got a little while.” Stella spoke “I was gonna bake some cookies, you wanna help?”
Jensen allowed himself a grin before he turned to face her “You miss me already?”
“Don’t push it asswipe.” She shot back and he laughed.
“Gonna make extra dough so I can eat it?”
She rolled her eyes “Yes, dur.”
“Ok, gimme ten to change and I’ll come over.”
“Use your key.” She nodded, before she pulled her head back in her apartment and shut the door.
Jensen gave a little fist pump of victory as he stepped inside his hallway, smirking to himself “Operation Petunia is a go…”
**** After a quick shower, Jensen changed into a pair of grey sweats, a plain navy blue t-shirt and headed over the hall in his socks. As instructed, he let himself in and walked through to the kitchen, the sound of the radio growing louder as he went. He stopped in the doorway and watched as Stella stood with her back to him, dressed in a pair of leggings and an oversized white- slouchy vest top with a tighter cami underneath, rifling in a cupboard. He felt a sudden, nostalgic pang for the times she used to dress casually like that around their student quarters or back at home when they were slobbed in front of the TV at her Ma’s or his Parents. With a little breath, he coughed and she turned to face him, smiling before she nodded to the fridge.
“Make yourself useful and grab us a coupla’ beers will ya?”
He saluted her and she gave a snort as he headed to the fridge and pulled it open, giving a groan as he spotted the Sam Adams. Grabbing two, he popped the tops before he handed her one. She thanked him and continued pulling the ingredients she needed out of the cupboards, the pair of them falling into an easy, but still careful conversation. Stella cursed as she mumbled something about her digital scales running out of batteries and then retrieved the old faithful analogue ones.
“Why is it, when you need something, that’s always the time it’s gonna end up nor working?” she grumbled, setting the dial to zero carefully.
“One of life’s many mysteries Stel.” Jake said wisely as she began to measure the flour out. “Along with why cats always fall on their feet, snidey little bastards.”
Stella snorted, “Or why buttered bread always lands butter down when you drop it? Although I think there’s a scientific explanation to that.”
“There is.” Jake nodded, taking a drink from his beer “When the bread falls out of your hand, it does so at an angle, see, by nature of it having slipped from its previous position, and it rotates.” Jensen twisted his hand in the air to demonstrate his point “Given that it’s normally dropped from a hand or a table, which is like two feet or so, there’s enough time for the toast to rotate about one-half of a turn and thus it lands upside down relative to its original position and oh my God, I’ve just had a brainwave!” he trailed off, grinning
Stella looked at him, her mouth dropping open “What, hang on, back up!”
“No, listen. I just said a cat always lands on its feet right?”
Yeah.” Stella looked at him.
“And you said that bread with butter always falls butter side down?”
Stella’s eyes squinted in confusion. “Jake, what the fuck are you…”
“Just hear me out.” he looked at her as he placed his beer bottle on the side behind him. “If…” both his hands flew up, pointers extended, the bottom of his t-shirt riding up slightly as he did so “If you fastened bread with butter to a cat’s back, then the Cat will keep turning and never fall on the ground.”
Stella blinked and simply looked at him, the way she always did when he was being utterly ridiculous.
“And then, if I attached the bread cat to a generator…” he grinned and held his hands out by his sides, palms open facing upwards “Infinite energy.”
There was a pause before Stella bust out laughing.
“That is the dumbest thing I ever heard!” she shook her head “And that’s saying something coming from you!”
“You won’t be laughing when I’m a millionaire.” Jensen said sagely. “Bread Cat Power Pack, copyright Jacob Calvin Jensen.”
“The only way you’ll ever become a millionaire is if they give you a dollar every time someone laughs at your stupid, shit ideas.” She shook her head, her hands falling to her hips.
“Laugh all you want Stelly, but I’m planning on buying a yellow hummer with the profits.”
Stella paused. That was the first time he’d called her Stelly in…well, she couldn’t actually remember. But it felt nice. This whole scenario felt nice in fact, the pair of them, just hanging out. Just like old times, before it all went to shit.
She smiled “What is it with you and hummers?”
“I just like them.”
“They’re vile, JJ.”
“No, they aren’t. They’re classy.” He picked his beer back up.
“Classy.” Stella snorted and Jake pointed his bottle towards her.
“You never could appreciate the finer things in life.” he sighed dramatically.
“Considering I appreciated you for years that’s a dumbass thing to say.” she arched an eyebrow at him
“Aww you sayin’ I’m a finer thing, Stel?” he teased and she rolled her eyes, ignoring him.
“Why yellow?”
“Why not?” he popped a shoulder at her question before he grinned “It matches my sunny disposition.”
At that Stella gave another snort “God, Jake!”
Jensen simply grinned back and Stella watched him for a second, noticing how relaxed he seemed. Every time she’d seen him over the past month or so he’d been tense. But today, gone was the unusual sulky demeanour he’d embodied recently and he wasn’t snapping or being mean. He was simply being Jake. The Jake she adored.
“Hey, Stel?” Jake asked, dragging her from her thoughts. “Reckon we can make these cookies in the shape of Hummers?”
“Do you have a Hummer shaped cookie cutter?” she asked, turning her attention back to the job in hand, tossing the ingredients into the mixing bowl.
“No.” Jensen wrinkled his nose “Why would I have one of those?”
“Then that’s your answer.”
“Buzz kill.” He muttered, fighting to keep the smirk of his face as he knew exactly what effect those words would have on her. She hated it when he insinuated she was no fun.
“Buzz kill?” she turned to look at him.
“Fuck you.” She retorted, and Jake gave a splutter as a handful of flour hit him straight in the face, going right up his nostrils and into his mouth.
He blinked, looked at Stella before he shook his head "Oh, Stel, it's on..." he smirked before he moved towards her and she gave a shriek as he easily manhandled her out of the way and grabbed the flour she was trying to move out of his reach. The kitchen filled with yells and laughter as handful after handful went flying around into faces, hair, just about any visible body part and suddenly they were jerked from their little flour war when a clearing of a throat could be heard. Both of them turned to see Evan standing in the kitchen door, a bouquet of bright flowers in one hand and a bottle of something in the other.
"How the fuck did you get in?” Jensen blurted out before he could stop himself and Stella punched him on the arm “Ow, Stell, shit!”
“Don’t be rude.” She glared at him.
“For your information,” Evan stated as he walked into the kitchen “, not that it’s any of your business, but Stel gave me the spare key.”
“Huh.” Jake looked at him before he grinned “I got one of those too.”
Evan looked at him, his eyes squinted slightly “Good for you.”
“Yeah, it is!” Jake continued, the grin still stood on his face.
The two men remained staring at one another, Jake covered head to toe in flour as Stella gave a little groan but before she could tell the pair of them to behave, Evan spoke.
“What’s all this mess?” he asked, nodding to the flour all over the room.
“Oh, we had a mission where we seized over Forty kilos of cocaine.” Jake spoke, his voice deadly serious “I thought I'd bring it round for a good time.”
At that point Stella gave a snort of laughter, nudging Jake hard on the arm, the pair of them giggling again before she spotted the look on Evan’s face. His features were completely serious and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. So she coughed and shook her head.
“I was trying to bake some cookies and Jakey was helping me, sort of.” She shrugged “He’s more of a pain in the ass than a help, mind.”
She didn’t miss the way Evan cringed when she called Jensen ‘Jakey’ but before she could say anything Jensen grumbled.
“Well you are. You're a monumental pain in the ass” Stella rolled her eyes.
“Yeah but you love me Stel” Jake winked and Stella arched an eyebrow, folding her arms in cloud of flour.
“Jury's out”
“You know…” Evan spoke, his tone sarcastic as he set the bottle he was carrying on the kitchen side “..if i'm interrupting something I can leave.”
“Easy man! But yeah-“ Jensen flashed his trademark grin “You just interrupted us.”
Stella slapped him round the back of the head. “No, you didn’t.”
“Stop hitting me!” Jensen rubbed the place where her palm had connected.
“Well stop being a jerk!”
He turned to face her and sarcastic quip he had prepared died as he saw that she was no longer grinning at him.
“Shouldn’t you go and get cleaned?” Evan spoke and Jake looked at him, wrinkling his nose.
“I kinda like being dirty.”
Stella groaned again as she wiped her face and hands free from flour and then nodded to the bouquet Evan had in his hands “Are they for me?”
“No, I bought them for Jensen.” He dead panned with a roll of his eyes, before his handsome face split into a grin. “Course they're for you baby.”
Jensen watched as Stella smiled broadly and he took in the bunch of brightly coloured gerberas and roses, frowning a little. And then, once more he just couldn’t help but stir the pot at little bit more.
“Oh man. She hasn’t told you about her favourites, hasn’t she?” he nodded to the flowers. Evan frowned and Stella wheeled round to glare at Jake.
“Seriously Jake, shut up.”
“You should have brought her petunias.” Jensen sighed, his hands on his hips as she shook his head with the manner of a father disappointed at his child.
“Yeah, see you're talking but all I'm hearing is noise.” Evan rolled his eyes as Stella reached for the bouquet.
“I’ll put them in a vase. Thanks baby, they’re gorgeous” she beamed at him.
Jake couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the smug look on Evan’s face, most likely cos she just called him baby in front of him. But seriously, what kind of dick boyfriend doesn’t know what his girl’s favourite flowers are?
Evan then picked up the bottle he'd set on the side with a flourish and spun it so the label was facing Stella "I also saw this at one of the stalls at the market and it made me think of you."
Stella looked at him, not understanding for a moment, before she read the label and her eyes opened wide.
“Pumpkin spiced gin…oh my god!” she laughed, taking it from him.
Evan grinned “Now you can make alcoholic lattes.”
“Or just drink it neat over ice.” She smiled at him “I bet this tastes amazing.”
At that Evan smirked and when he spoke again his voice dropped an octave “Probably not as good as you but we’ll give it a go.”
At that Stella flushed and Jake gave an audible groan and then immediately wished he hadn’t as he’d given the dickhead everything he wanted. Evan turned to him with a maddeningly smug look on his face “Still here Jensen? Thought you were going.”
“You wish.” Jake mumbled, but thankfully neither of them heard him as Stella was studying the bottle label to try and hide her embarrassment. He took a deep breath, he knew he had to be careful not to make Stella pissed at him again. So, in a rare self-aware moment, he cleared his throat and spoke a little louder “Well as riveting as chatting with you is, Ev, you're right. I got stuff to do, you know, places to go, people to see..."
“Yeah, sure you do.” Evan replied flippantly “Tell Britney I said hi.”
“Ev, don’t.” Stella shook her head and Evan frowned, turning to her.
“What, I’m not…”
“It’s ok Stelly, he didn't know.” Jensen hid the little smile that was threatening to creep onto his lips at the flinch Evan had made when he used Stella’s old nickname and he gave a shrug. “We broke up.”
“You broke up?” Evan repeated, his face blank. “I’m sorry man.”
“Don’t be.” Jake waved a hand. “Actually it was me who broke it off.”
“Well, still, you must be a little bit...upset, I suppose?”
“Nope.” Jake shook his head “What's got 2 thumbs and is free, single and ready to mingle?” he jerked his thumbs at himself. “This guy"
With that he pat Evan on his shoulder “See ya later.” and he made his way out of Stella’s apartment, closing door behind him. Once it was shoot he paused and took a deep breath.
Fuck that guy.
Up until him turning up they’d been having a great time, simply messing around in the kitchen like they used to. Mind you, it had been a good afternoon, the pair of them were back on even terms, so all in all…yeah, Jensen felt buoyed. With a little spring in his step he headed over the hall back to his apartment and straight to the fridge for a beer. As he popped the lid his phone pinged with a message from Pooch. He, Cougs and Roque were heading out for a few beers and Jake’s presence was apparently “not required but welcome.” Jensen smiled, he was in a good mood so, yeah, drinks!
He showered again to get rid of the flour, changed into a pair of jeans and a casual black sweater before he shrugged on his warm SuperDry coat and headed back out. As he passed Stella’s door on the way to the elevator he could hear her raised voice and instantly he felt his skin prickle. His Jakey Sense as Stella had jokingly dubbed it was tingling. He paused and moved closed to the doors and could hear her and Evan were arguing.
He shouldn’t listen, he knew that, but they were being so loud it was impossible not to. Plus, when all’s said and done he was also a nosey bastard.
“For fucks sake, Ev! You've been fine for the last twenty minutes, why are you brining this up now?”
“All I said was I wish you'd told me about the flowers! I've bought you bouquets before and you never mentioned petunias.”
Jake smirked a little as Stella groaned.
“It’s really not that big a deal!”
“Well apparently it is according to Jensen!” Evan shot back.
“So that's what this is about. It isn't the flowers at all is it? It's Jake” Stella responded, her voice agitated and Jake could completely picture her stood there, arms folded, glaring up at him. He’d seen it often enough himself.
“And what if it is?” Evan’s voice was equally as loud.
“Oh for fucks sake...he's my friend, my best friend.”
“And your EX, Stella!”
“Carry on this way and you will be as well!” Stella shot back and at that Jake felt his smirk grow even wider.  
“Way to go Stel…” he mumbled to himself.
“What do you mean?” Evan’s voice was louder still “You hang out with your ex and I’m the problem?”
“No, the problem is you being all pissy about something that isn't really a big issue. Jake and I...” Stella sighed, “We have history, a lot of history. Even before we dated we were friends and it's been so shit recently when we haven't been talking and...” her voice was gathering in speed and Jensen could tell she was starting to get upset. He had heard it and seen it a thousand times before.
“And why do you think that is, Stel?” Evan’s voice was now quiet, but the tone was cold and threatening, and Jensen took a deep breath. He didn’t like the way this was going. “Come on, you can’t be that oblivious.” Stella didn’t reply, and Evan continued “See, you know I'm right. You were on bad terms because he was a jealous asshole, you said it yourself with the way he behaved when we had our first date in the coffee shop. And everyone knows he was only dating that Britney bint to try and piss you off. Even your own sister said that.”
Jensen could feel himself getting hot with anger at the way the bastard was using Rey against Stella, despite the fact Evan was completely right. As much as Jensen had denied it at the time, that was totally why he ended up with Brit. Call it a rebound, a stubborn attempt to prove to himself he didn’t need Stella, whatever. The core of it was always down to her.
“Huh, he aint actually as stupid as he looks.” Jensen muttered to himself.
“He wasn’t jealous.” Stella responded, her voice quiet “How could he be when he dumped me? Twice.”
At that Jensen bowed her head, the hurt in her voice was evident.
“Who knows what goes through his head or why he did that, I've no idea, but if you think he's over you then you're mistaken. And I don’t like it, Stella, not one bit.” Evan took a deep breath “I think you should stay away from him.”
Jensen felt his mouth drop open a little and he blinked, had he seriously just told her that? He waited with baited breath for Stella’s reply, which came a second or so later, in a tone he knew only too well, she’d had enough.
“You know what, I’m not in the mood for going out tonight.”
“Okay, well, let’s stay in then.” Evan’s tone suddenly flipped to the doting boyfriend again and Jensen frowned once more. This guy was unreal. “I can cook us something”
“Dumb bastard, take the hint.” Jensen grumbled as Stella audibly sighed. He could picture her, running her hand through her hair, pressing the heel of her palm to the space between her eyes.
“I need to get cleaned up and then sort out this mess.” She replied “I think it’s better if you go home.”
“Seriously?” Evan spoke with disbelief “You’re actually telling me to go?”
There was a pause “Fine.” Evan responded “I’ll leave you to it. You and Jensen can finish whatever it was you were doing.”
“We were making cookies.”
“Whatever, Stella. If you’re more interested in defending him than having dinner with me then, that’s you’re call.”
And then Jensen realised he needed to disappear before Evan came out and found him. He hastily made his way back to his apartment, and had just gotten inside when Stella’s door was wrenched open. So as not to attract attention to himself with the sound of the lock clicking, Jensen didn’t quite close his fully and stayed waiting for Evan to disappear. To Jensen’s horror he paused, looking directly at his door, before he looked back at Stella’s and then made his way to the elevator. After what seemed like an age it arrived and he stepped into it, the door pinging shut behind him.
Jensen felt bad, he really did. He hadn’t wanted Stella to be upset. But more over he felt uneasy. The way Evan had spoken to her, and directed the blame straight back onto her and then told her to stay away from him was  manipulative, controlling almost.
And he didn’t like it one bit.
“Jensen, what’s with you man?” Roque asked, placing his empty bottle on the table. “You’re being uncharacteristically non-annoying tonight.”
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Nothing, I’m fine.”
He felt Pooch’s eyes on him and purposely ignored him, looking around the bar at anything and everything. His eyes fell momentarily on a table of girls some four or so down from theirs one of them bore a fleeting resemblance to Stella actually and he hastily looked away, glancing down at his beer. He necked the rest and set the empty bottle down.
“My round.” Pooch nodded as he stood up, his hand falling onto Jensen’s shoulder “Give me a hand man?”
“Sure.” Jake stood up and followed him to the bar, passing the table of girls as they went.
“The brunette is giving you the eye.” Pooch nudged him. Jensen looked at him.
“Okay, out with it.” Pooch demanded as they reached the bar “What’s wrong Jensen, and don’t tell me everything is fine coz I know you, and you’re not being you. You’ve been positively pleasant all evening and now when some chick is giving you the eye you don’t even notice?”
Jensen sighed, “I’m just a bit worried about Stel, man”
“Arty?” Pooch frowned, “What’s wrong with her? Is she ok? I though Evan was coming over to hers tonight?”
“He did. They had an argument, he left.” Jensen shrugged.
“They had an argum-wait? How do you know? Did she tell you? Coz I thought you weren’t on particularly good terms.”
“We sorted stuff out.” Jensen shook his head
“You were listening weren’t you?” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“That’s not the point.” Jensen shook his head and Pooch groaned having been given all the confirmation he needed “The point is what he said. And how he said it. He was angry, Pooch.”
“Everyone gets angry when they argue.”
“Yeah but he…I dunno, I don’t trust him.”
“Oh come on Jensen. Stop it. Enough with that shit. Stel is with him and she’s happy, face it.”
“He told her that he thinks she should stay away from me.” Jensen looked at Pooch. “Does that not strike you as, well, controlling?”
Pooch looked at Jensen and could see on his face that he was genuinely concerned.
“Ok, start from the top.” Pooch instructed, so Jensen did, explaining and Pooch took a deep breath “So now you’re worried he could be manipulating her?”
“I'm worried he’s not everything he’s cracked up to be.” Jensen replied after a short pause “And that she could end up hurt. And I don’t mean merely emotionally.”
“Woah, man that’s…that’s a big leap.” Pooch looked at him, before he turned to the bar tender and ordered their round, before looking back at him. “From being a little narky and, ok, possibly maybe slightly overbearing to being a fuckin’ woman beater.”
“Maybe.” Jensen sighed, “But isn’t it always the one’s you don’t expect to do it that do?”
At that Pooch was forced to accept Jensen made a good point and he bit his lip, cocking his head to once side. “Ok, suppose you heard right and the guy’s dodgy so to speak. What you wanna do about it?”
“I suppose I could do some digging.” Jensen mused “See if I can find any of his old girlfriends out there, see what they have to say.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I like where this is going.” Pooch groaned.
Jensen sighed, “I honestly have no idea Pooch. My gut was to tell Stella that I was concerned but knowing her she'll just accuse me of being a dick and it would just make it look like he was right about me.”
“Which he is.” Pooch snorted “You are jealous.”
“Yeah, well that's maybe but I'm being serious here Pooch. I don't trust the guy, and if she ends up hurt when I could have done something to stop it I'll never forgive myself.”
Pooch bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at Jensen, he could see the worry etched into every line on his friend’s face. With a loud sigh he shook his head, “Listen man, whatever you want to do I have your back. Wanna go all CSI on the guy? Then count me in. But do you and the rest of us for that matter a favour and admit to your feelings for her once and for all and do something about it or leave her be.”
Jensen snorted “You been talking to Clay, Pooch?”
“What? No.” Pooch handed over his card to pay for the round. “Why would you think that?”
“He just said something similar at New Years. That's all.” Jensen took a deep breath “This would never have happened if I hadn't been such an asshole.”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Not helping Pooch.”
“Listen man, we don’t need to talk to one another to see you have strong feelings for her. We all know that and we all have been putting up with your stupid ass decisions.”
“Still not helping Pooch.”
“Ok Jensen.” Pooch shrugged, taking his card back off the man behind the bar with a thanks. “You could always try actually talking to him? You never know, he might be genuinely-“
“Are you nuts? The guy hates me!” Jensen practically exploded “And suppose I am right, which I may not be, I know, it happens occasionally.” He shrugged as Pooch rolled his eyes “Not only do I tip him off I’m onto him, he’ll rush to tell Stel as soon as I turn my back. Make it seem I’m harassing him.”
“So instead you wanna track his old girlfriend’s down and go poking into his past?”
Jake flashed his signature grin.
“Coz thats not harassing him. At all.” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“It’s not if he doesn’t know I’m harassing him.” Jake shrugged and Pooch let out an exasperated moan of a laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“I already told you Jensen. Whatever you want man. Just...oh, I dunno, try not to fuck it up with your usual chaotic dumbassery.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Jensen shrugged as he picked up 2 of the bottles from the bar.
“Sure you don’t.”
Two more beers later and Jensen called it a night and headed home, he wasn’t in the mood all things considered. Kicking off his sneakers he plopped down on the couch and reached for the remote, flipping through the channels. But it was no good, he couldn’t concentrate. His mind was working overtime as he was trying to figure out what exactly he was going to do. It was frustrating, because normally he’d just talk to Stella, they never had secrets but this was completely out of the question, and that frustrated the fuck out of him.
His rambling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Frowning, because that meant that either someone had gotten into the building or it was a resident, he stood up and made his way over to the door. He pulled it open and gave a little blink as he saw Stella stood there in a large, oversized sweater, leggings and thick socks, her hair pulled on top of her head in a messy bun, a batch of cookies in her hands.
“Oh, hey Stel.” He said, surprise evident in his voice “Come on in.”
She smiled as she stepped into his flat. “I thought you’d be out all night because Pooch said you were all out for drinks this evening. But I heard you come in so I came to bring you some cookies. After all you helped me with them, well, sort of.”
“Thanks Sel.” He smiled, genuinely as he took them from her “You want a drink or…”
“No, I’m good thanks.”
“Ok, well, go through, be with you in a second. I’ll just put these bad boys away.”
She nodded and turned, heading towards the lounge as Jensen made his way quickly into the kitchen and deposited the cookies in the tin, grabbing one as he did so. God they tasted just as good as they always did. He grabbed the empty container and headed into the lounge where Stella was sat on the couch and she smiled as he handed it to her.
“You ok?” he asked and she looked at him, nodding but Jensen could tell she wasn’t so he decided to call her out, see if she’d open up to him.
“You know, I've known you too long. You can't lie to me.”
She sighed.
“What’s bothering you, Stel?” he pressed as he sat next to her keeping a respectful distance of one seat cushion between them.
“Me and Ev, we err...had an argument before. Kind of a big one”
“How big?” Jensen asked, all the time knowing he had to play it cool or she would know he overheard.
“I… “ she fiddled with the sleeves of her sweater a little before she snorted “I sent him home big”
“Can I ask what you argued about? I mean if you sent him home it must have been pretty serious.”
Stella looked at him, clearly debating whether or not to tell him and then she sighed “He wanted to go out, I didn't. It spiralled from there.”
Jake took a deep breath as Stella looked at him having just told him a barefaced lie. What killed him the most was he knew she was doing it to spare his feelings, and he didn’t think he’d ever wanted to kiss her more. But he couldn’t, so instead he gave her a small nod and what he hoped was a sympathetic smile.
“Look, I'm sorry if any of it was my fault. And I'm sure you'll sort it out.”
“Yeah, I guess. In any case thanks for listening.”
Jake laughed “That it, we done?”
“Not much else to tell you. We fought, and maybe I overreacted to something he said. It’s just...” she studied his face and Jensen got the impression she was searching for some indication Evan was right about him being jealous. He fought so hard not to give her any, and in the end she shrugged “It doesn’t matter, it’s no big deal.”
“Big enough to make you upset though.”
“Well, it’s the first argument we’ve had.”
“Well you can drown your sorrows in pumpkin flavoured gin.” Jensen sniffed and at that she grimaced.
“Between you and me, I tried it before. It’s fucking awful.”
Jake laughed, “Then I guess Evan was right and you do taste better.”
“Jake!” Stella scoffed, slapping his arm.
“What? It was a compliment!”
“You're gross”
“Yeah but…”he smirked “…made you smile”
“Yeah, you do.” She looked at him, “I mean did. You know, just then…”
“I know.”
Stella gave him another soft smile “Thanks again, I should…” she gestured to the door with her head and Jake nodded.
“Walk you home?”
“I live across the hall.” She scoffed as she stood up
“Yeah but…” Jensen breathed in through his teeth as he also rose from his seat “Some dodgy people in this building Stel”
“Yeah, you're one of em.”
“Hey, you could be attacked by Mrs. Hunter’s Cat. You know it went for my ankle yesterday?” He looked at her seriously. “Like I said, snide little bastards. Cats are not to be trusted.”
“Alright then badass, you better see me safe across the hall.” She chuckled.
Jake followed her to the door where she turned and he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a soft hug. Pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head he stepped back and looked at her.
“You know where I am if you need me, don’t you?”
She nodded “Thanks. Night Jakey.”
“Night Stel.”
He watched her cross the hall, and when she walked inside she gave him a last smile before she shut the door.
Jensen exhaled loudly, before he turned and headed back into his own apartment, the door clicking behind him.
Jensen didn’t sleep particularly well that night. His worries and concerns about Stella kept running through his mind and at six am he gave up, hauling himself out of bed for a run. On his way back he stopped by the bakery on the corner of the street to grab himself a croissant and a coffee and headed back to the condo, munching his breakfast. As he walked across the parking lot he spotted Evan’s car was parked outside the main door, the man himself sat inside, waiting.
And then all logic flew from Jensen’s mind. Fuck treading softly.
He stalked over and round to the passenger side, yanking it open and sinking into the seat besides Evan as the man looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“S’up Agent E.” he smiled at him, taking another bite of his croissant. “You waiting for Stel?”
“Why else would I be here?”
Jensen shrugged “Maybe you like parking lots.”
Evan rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m waiting for Stella.”
“Why not just use your spare key?” Jensen asked, taking a loud slurp of his coffee before he looked at Evan. “Wait, more to the point, why are you not up there? Did you not stay?” The nerve in Evan’s jaw twitched and Jensen grinned. “You guys aint had a fight have you?” When the agent didn’t reply Jake took a bite of his croissant. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“What do you want, Jensen?” Evan looked at him, his features dark and Jake knew the time for joking was done. He took a deep breath and shrugged.
“Honestly? For you to fuck off.”
“Oh I bet you do.” Evan narrowed his eyes, his voice low and Jensen snorted.
“Not much of a bet, I just admitted it but whatever.”
“Well unlucky for you I’m not going anywhere.”
“For now.” Jensen shrugged “She’ll see through you at some point.”
“Face it Jensen, you fucked up.” Evan shook his head “Now I’m warning you, stay away from her, and me, and leave us alone.”
Jensen took a deep breath. “Ok, I was trying to be polite but I’ll get straight to the point.”
“Please do.” Evan’s voice was loaded with sarcasm.
“I don’t like you, and I don’t trust you.” Jensen stated and Evan gave a huge guffaw of laughter, Jensen merely shook his head “Yeah, you might laugh but I swear to God you hurt her and I will fucking kill you slowly and painfully.”
“Is that supposed to scare me?” Evan asked.
“Yes.” Jensen said simply “You forget, I’m a lethal trained killing machine.” He shrugged “And then there’s Clay, and Roque, and Pooch and Cougs…you kick one of us, we all shout ouch, you get my drift.”
He saw a flicker of something that might have been concern on Evan’s faced but no sooner had he spotted it, it was gone and the Agent simply swallowed and fixed Jensen with a glare.
“What makes you so sure I’m going to hurt her?”
“Because when I mentioned it before, instead of protesting that you wouldn’t, you simply turned it back to being about you.” Jensen shrugged “Now if someone had said that to me, I’d be doing everything I could to try and convince them they were wrong.”
“I don’t have to justify myself to you.” Evan snorted, shaking his head.
“No, you don’t” Jake shrugged “But you will answer to me if you do hurt her, like I said, I’m watching you shithead.”
“You know, when Stella hears you’ve been threatening me…”
“We both know you’re not going to tell her.” Jake shook his head “I mean you’ve already argued once. And I’d lay odds on that being about me. So, are you really gonna push it again when you’re hanging on by a thread? Don’t think so buddy.”
He took another obnoxiously loud slurp of his coffee and there was a pause before Evan exploded. “Ok, I’ve had enough of this, get out of my fucking car!”
“Gladly.” Jensen nodded, scrunching up the wrapper his croissant had been in. He tossed it into the foot-well and looked at it for a second before he shrugged “This car is full of garbage anyway.” And with that he climbed out headed inside, not bothering to look back.
**** Chapter 6
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How would our boys react to their love cooking them dinner that turned out really disgusting? Who would be honest and who would fake it?
Lol ok this is a super old prompt and I am so sorry for that. But I’ve been promised a reward if I finish something so.
Alright, the way I see it there are three potential reactions here:
First we have the Fakers who won’t ever drop the facade.
You had been seeing Marcus for a few weeks and you had agreed to keep it casual, he told you he has gotten out of a pretty serious relationship not too long ago and she had broken his heart. It was flu season in DC and he was bundled up in bed for the second day in a row and you felt terrible for him. You weren’t the greatest cook in the world but you figured chicken noodle soup was easy enough that should couldn’t possibly fuck it up. You were wrong. You were about to toss it and call GrubHub when Marcus shuffled into the kitchen looking pathetic and handsome and stuck a spoon into the pot and into his mouth before you could warn him off it. It must be special FBI training that allowed him to keep the disgust off his face. “Go on, say it, it’s terrible, I really wanted to make you something, but apparently even this is beyond me,” you explain with a frown. He shakes his head and attempts a smile. “No, it’s really good! I love it!” He eats another spoonful and isn’t quite as successful at keeping the grimace off his face. You laugh, “it’s awful, just admit it.” He hugs you to his side and puts the spoon carefully in the sink. “It was great, I’m just you know, not really that hungry.”
Catfish eats your attempt at dish his mother made for the two of you last Christmas with a completely straight face. And manages to eat his entire portion as you stare at him in disbelief, your plate completely ignored. “This is disgusting, how did you choke that down?” He shrugs and pushes his empty plate away. “It was good, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You blink at him. “Fish, that was vile, I know eating army food for decades must have ruined your taste buds, but I can’t believe the damage is this extensive.” He smiles and shrugs. You narrow your eyes at him. “Fine, if this was so great, have mine.” You see the look of panic in his eyes before he sighs, resigned, and actually starts to eat the rest of that terrible dinner you just made.
Then there are the Fakers who pretty quickly break and admit that was pretty terrible.
Max to his credit is very polite when he tells you that it’s “a shame he’s on an all liquid diet now” because that looks delicious. And holds that face for an entire minute before breaking and admitting with a grin, pressing a kiss to your temple, that his sense of smell is about four times better than a bloodhound’s and that whatever that is it smells truly awful.
Ezra tries to assure you that it isn’t burnt too terribly, really, just a little singed, completely edible, truly. His diction becomes more and more flowery and complimentary the longer you stare at the black piece of meat in front of you. He trails off when even he can no longer find reassuring words and sighs, shoulders slumping. “Alright, it does look like the desiccated husk of a beetle, but it’s the thought that really counts my dear.”
Oberyn manages one bite, one compliment that the most gullible child could see through, and when you attempt to call him out on his obvious bullshit, he attempts a tried and true Prince of Dorne tactic and tries to distract you with sex. One hand is around the back of your head, his face buried between your breasts, and his other hand is drifting into your small clothes when you manage to gasp, “admit it, that soup was disgusting.” Oberyn mumbles something and pinches your clit gently. You shudder. “What did you say?” He lifts his head from your breasts and repeats with an irresistible grin, “My apologies, lady, I can’t possibly answer you when I’m otherwise occupied.” And he bends his head to nip sharply at your neck.
Whiskey laughs when you present the loaf of bread you had made to him. You frown at him and he immediately sobers. “Well, I’m sure it’s... delicious!” He rips off a piece and shoves it in his mouth, chewing for a lot longer than any piece of bread should require. Eventually he manages to swallow it and gives you a shaky smile. “Sugar, that was wonderful. Absolutely delicious.” The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before you crack and start snickering, Whiskey soon following. You toss the loaf onto the counter next to him and climb into his lap taking his face in your hands. “I can’t believe you actually ate that.” He grimaces. “Neither can I sweetheart, it looked like Texas and tasted about what Texas dirt tastes like too.” You laugh and kiss the tip of his nose.
Din returns the plate to you, suspiciously empty. You know how bad it was, you had to eat it too, and so you’re skeptical when he says that he enjoyed it. He’s glad that you can’t see his face through his helmet when you ask him again- but even through that barrier he’s unable to deceive you for long. He sighs at the frown on your face and admits that the baby ate it. “But he really seemed to like it!” You roll your eyes. “Thanks. The baby who eats frogs live really liked that dinner. How lovely.”
Aaaaand the Boys that flat out tell you that was Not Good
Maxwell refuses to try it. Loudly. Repeatedly. Accuses you of attempting to poison him so you can have all his money to yourself. “You could pay me a million dollars and I still wouldn’t put that in my mouth,” he declares, arms crossed over his chest, smirk on his face. “Baby, you already have a million dollars, that’s not much of an incentive.” He cocks an eyebrow at you. “The sentiment still stands. You could offer to blow me continuously for the rest of my life and I still wouldn’t eat whatever that is.” You snort and roll your eyes. “Alright you big baby, where would you like to go out for dinner.”
Tovar eats the whole thing. And doesn’t make a face or say a word. Until you ask him how he liked the meat pie. He meets your eyes directly and tells you honestly that he’s tasted better food eight weeks into a siege. You scoff. “Then why did you eat the whole thing?” He shrugs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Because you made it for me and it’s wrong to waste food.” Your heart melts a little as he gets up and kisses your fingers softly, a twinkle in his eyes. “Even if I’ve eaten boiled boots that tasted better.” You gasp and smack his chest as he laughs.
Liam at least tastes it. And manages to swallow most of it. But then looks up at you with his serious brown eyes and tells you that he’s been poisoned before and it had tasted better. You start to laugh before you realize he’s entirely serious. You grab his fork and take a bite of it yourself and don’t manage to swallow any of it. “I think that may actually *be* poison,” you cough, trying to wipe the taste of it off your tongue.
Javier sticks his nose in the oven and nearly smacks his head against the top trying to get away from it as fast as he can. He won’t meet you eyes as he closes the door carefully and back away from the appliance. Finally he looks up and you see how hard he’s trying not to laugh, pretty lips pressed tight and dark eyes dancing in the late afternoon sun. He shrugs and can’t hold back his smile any longer. “You can’t be good at everything, princessa.” You sigh, acknowledging how terrible that chicken turned out. He chucks you under your chin and beats a retreat from the kitchen and your “creation”. “Let’s leave the cooking to the professionals from now on, yeah?”
Dave stares at the oven suspiciously from the doorway. You don’t blame him, you were in the kitchen for the entire dinner making process and even you weren’t entirely sure what was bubbling on the stove top. He takes a step back, a smile creasing his handsome face, hands up in surrender. “You know what. I think I might have some MRE’s in the basement still, I think I’ll just try my luck with those.” You roll your eyes and drag the garbage can over to you.
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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yespolkadotkitty · 4 years
Tinderbox, pt 19
Chapter masterlist here
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Marshall thanked Christie and made his way out of the deli, stopping to say goodbye to Rosie. She waved to an old couple who complimented the day’s special before turning to him, her tumble of hair looped in a ponytail through her deli-logo ball cap.
“Arlo, huh?” she asked, but her tone was nervous.
“He isn’t involved, Rosie. He did what any teenage boy would do - took fifty dollars to drop the gift to you.”
Her shoulders relaxed. “Okay.”
“So,” he began as the deli bustled around them, “Tonight. I, ah…. I don’t think you should be alone.”
Colour infused her cheeks. “Actually I don’t want to be alone. I could ask Christie if-”
“Stay with me? I’ll have Faye tonight, but she’s actually really stoked to meet you.”
Rosie’s eyes widened for a second. “She is?”
“She is. Although she reiterated that she doesn’t share food.”
Her lips curved, and the urge to kiss her ran through his veins like wildfire. “Smart girl.”
“We’ll pick you up at seven, then?”
“Perfect.” She looked as if she was about to lift her face for a kiss, but a customer waved her over with a request for a coffee top up. “See you later, Walt.”
It was the first time she’d shortened his name, and he liked it.
He hadn’t taken three steps out of the door when Arlo appeared beside him. Marshall folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the outer brick wall of the deli. “Uh huh?”
“Uh, Sir.” Arlo’s face flushed red, his backpack hung on one shoulder. “You don’t have to tell Rosie, do you? About the….. Er….”
“Poetry?” Marshall prompted, hiding his amusement.
“Yeah,” Arlo mumbled, staring at the ground.
Marshall put him out of his misery. “I’m pretty sure it’s against the bro code. I won’t say anything.”
Arlo’s eyebrows shot into his hairline and he nodded. “Thanks, uh, Sir.” He turned away as fast as his legs would carry him, no attempt at the cool teenage slouch Marshall had seen him adopt previously.
DAHLIA: How are you, babe? Not heard from you for a hot minute.
ROSIE: Well….. I’ve met someone.
DAHLIA: Holy shit!
DAHLIA: What’s he like? I want to know everything about him. How tall is he? What colour is his hair? Have you seen inside his pants?
ROSIE: Lovely. A bit grumpy on the surface but sweet inside. He’s very tall. Brown hair. And yes, I have.
DAHLIA: Oh my gawd.
DAHLIA: By the way, you haven’t seen Dylan around have you? It’s a big city so I guess probably not. But his old schoolteacher’s mom said he’d left for NYC.
DAHLIA: You ok?
DAHLIA: Meanwhile, back at the ranch….
DAHLIA: OK, you didn’t even laugh. I can tell even from here. Maybe I should come visit?
Rosie fidgeted by the door of her apartment. She’d packed an overnight bag, changed Salami’s litter tray, ensured his dispenser was full of enough food to last until tomorrow mid morning. She glanced around her apartment, once her sanctuary. True, Dylan - if indeed Whiskers was Dylan - hadn’t crossed the threshold, but he knew where she lived, and that was bad enough.
The buzzer rang and she almost jumped off her feet. Drawing in a deep breath, she shook her head. “Calm down.” Five in, five out.
She pressed the intercom button. “Hello?”
“Hey, sweetheart,” Marshall’s voice came clear through the speaker. “Your chariot awaits.”
“Be right down.” Rosie bent to drop a kiss to Salami’s head where the cat curled up on her painting table, eyes closed, tail flicking lazily.
She locked up behind her, the heels of her boots clicking on the stairs. The weather was getting warmer by slow degrees, but Winter’s teeth hadn’t been blunted yet, and she wrapped her scarf tighter as she pressed the door release.
Marshall stood outside in his thick black parka, the hood down. The wind teased errants curls of his thick, dark hair . Next to him, her hands in her pockets, waited the teenage girl from Marshall’s wallet picture, her hair hidden by the purple hood of her winter jacket, an expression of wariness and hope on her adolescent face.
“Hi,” Rosie ventured. “You must be Faye.”
“And you’re Rosie,” Faye replied, her tone neutral. “Dad says you’re staying with us tonight.”
Rosie glanced up at Marshall. “If that’s okay.”
Faye smiled shyly. “Well, we get to have double garlic bread because you’re coming for dinner.”
“I love garlic bread,” Rosie admitted.
“Me too!” Faye squealed, but then dropped her expression into the teenage ambivalence Rosie knew very well from when she’d been that age. “I mean, everyone loves garlic bread.”
“Come on, you two,” Marshall interrupted, rolling his eyes good naturedly. “I’d better get cooking.”
Rosie followed them into the car. Faye took the front seat next to her dad, and Rosie was happy to get in the back.
Marshall navigated the truck across the city and within twenty minutes they pulled up outside a tall brownstone. The end of its terrace, two big roman-style pillars flanked the entryway and a Victorian style lamp glowed on the wall above the buzzer panel.
Tapping in the code, Marshall let them in, first through the main door, and then into his ground floor apartment.
The living space was bigger than Rosie had expected, breezy and open plan. He’d been right though - no soul. The kitchen looked like it wasn’t often cooked in. The fridge held a selection of takeout menus and some polaroids of Faye, stuck up with magnets. Plain drapes lined the big picture window, and on the coffee table lay an official looking folder, likely full of police work.
“Dad’s place needs work,” Faye said shortly. She opened the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice. “You want some?”
“Sure.” Rosie shrugged off her coat and Marshall hung it with his own.
Faye set out three glasses and sniffed the juice before pouring. Beside her, Marshall started assembling the ingredients for lasagne and pulled frozen garlic baguettes from his small freezer compartment.
“What can I do?” Rosie asked as Faye shrugged her coat off and tossed it on the sofa.
“Dad and I usually cook together,” Faye replied from across the room, but then added, “how about you chop the herbs?”
The teenager set up her phone as a speaker and played some bubbly pop music as the aroma of cooking meat filled the space. Marshall asked Faye questions about her friends and her day as he measured out pasta sheets, and before long the dish was set in the oven, the aroma making Rosie’s stomach clench in hunger.
Marshall plated up the garlic bread and Faye practically vibrated next to him as he carried the dish to the table.
She snatched up a piece and tossed it from hand to hand. Rosie laughed at her antics. “A girl after my own heart.”
“So is it serious with you and my Dad?” Faye asked after chewing a mouthful of garlicky baguette.
“Faye,” Marshall growled.
“No, it’s okay,” Rosie allowed. “I care about your Dad very much, Faye. And to answer your question, I believe it is serious.”
Faye looked to her father for confirmation of this.
Marshall nodded. “I’m serious about Rosie. She makes me happy.”
For a second Faye looked from her father to Rosie and back again, as if deciding something. Then she smiled shyly.
“You’re happy?” she asked Marshall.
He hesitated. “Yes…?”
“So can I stay up late tonight? And can I pick the movie?”
Marshall looked at Rosie over Faye’s head, and his expression said I think we’re going to be fine.
As always thanking my beta, @ly-canthrope
Tagging: @geralt-of-baevia @hopelessromanticspoonie @just-the-hiddles @omgkatinka @dr-kayleigh-dh @cavillhavoc @princess-of-riviaa @mrsaugustwalker @dancingwendigo @littlefreya @andahugaroundtheneck @trippedmetaldetector @captain-rogers-beard @xocali @peakygroupie @rayofdawnworld @pinkzsugar @promptandpros @mitzwinchester @wanderinglunarnights​ @brokenthelovely​ @ravenpuff02​ @screamingrennergasm​ @mary-ann84​ @agniavateira​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @stxphmxlls​ @alyxkbrl​ @penwieldingdreamer​ @radaofrivia​ @thethirstyarchive​ @raspberrydreamclouds
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katefiction · 4 years
Revolution, Part 3
by katefiction (Maria) / 2014
A steaming cup of tea appeared beside me.  I leant against the fencepost and looked at it out of the corner of my eye.
‘I thought you might like one’ William said, placing it on the post when I didn’t take it from his hand.
I stared into the distance, watching the haze of the sun ripple through the sky.
‘Are you going to talk to me?’ he said, resting his arms on the fence.
I cast my eyes downwards and mumbled ‘not right now’.
‘You are happy to be here aren’t you?’
What was I supposed to say? ‘I’m happy you’re safe, but I’m not happy’?
I couldn’t so I changed the subject, ‘we should be getting back to Mary’s, she’ll be waiting for us to deliver her stuff’
‘Ok’ he said brightly, ‘wait five minutes while I lock up’
‘You needn’t come William’ I said, leaving the tea on the post to go cold while I went to collect George. He was asserting his independence a few metres away from us, pouring water onto the grass from a small watering can William had found.
‘Don’t be like this, please’ he sighed. ‘Besides I have to help you carry this it into town, and to carry your bags back’.
He looked at me expectantly, hoping for confirmation that we would indeed be coming back here with him.
But a mumbled ‘fine’ is all I gave him.
Mary’s head popped up when we entered the bar, ‘finally! I was about to send out a search party!’
‘Sorry’ I smiled tiredly.
William entered behind me carrying her order in his arms, ‘where would you like these?’
She tapped the bar, ‘right here’s good’. She looked at him with that same caution she’d given me, ‘you new around here?’
Mary had clearly made the connection between the man standing in front of her and the one I’d described to her earlier, but she chose not to say anything.
‘Fairly, I’m Bette’s new farm hand’
She nodded approvingly, looking at me. ‘I’m Mary’ she said, sticking out her hand.
‘Bill’ he said confidently and shook it as I bit my lip to stifle an unexpected laugh.
‘I take it you and Libby know each other?’
William looked perplexed as if trying to remember who he knew with that name.
‘Er yes, he’s Alexander’s father’ I interjected, before he could drop us in it.
I saw him glance at me and I knew what he was thinking. Why hadn’t I just said he was my husband?
‘Of course he is, a little doppelgänger’ she cooed at George.
‘Unfortunately!’ William laughed.
‘I better go and collect our bags’ I said. ‘Can you sort out the dollars I owe Mary?’
‘Course’ he said with a pleased glint in his eye.
I went upstairs alone and collected our things together, slowly folding each item into the bags. For some reason, I was biding my time. Perhaps it was the fear of going into the unexpected. Mary’s wasn’t exactly home, but it was the closest I’d got to it since landing in Iowa.
When I got downstairs, William and Mary were chatting easily. Mary was laughing at something William had said, a bad joke no doubt. Nevertheless it sent a pang of anguish through me as I remembered how easily William and I could laugh together. In this place, it seemed like we could never be that way again.
‘I just want to thank you for taking care of the two of them’ William said as we re-entered the bar. ‘I really appreciate it’
Mary tutted, waving her tea towel at him dismissively ‘I wasn’t gonna kick them out onto the street now was I?!’
William smiled, ‘even so, if there’s anything I can do for you. You’ll not pay for the eggs and bread today of course’
‘Have you run that past Bette?’ she asked, conspiratorially and William laughed.
I merely stood by, detached from the in joke. 
William seemed to notice me for the first time since I’d walked back down the stairs, ‘Bette’s quite a firecracker, but she’s lovely, you’ll like her’
I smiled stiffly, ‘I’m sure’
William’s face dropped at my coldness.
‘You planning on making this home?’ Mary said, interjecting the tension.
‘We’re not sure yet’ I said before William could speak.
‘Well make sure you come in to see me every once in a while’
‘We will, thank you Mary. For everything’
She waved her tea towel again, at me this time.
As we walked back to the farm in silence I took in the shops that lined the main street. There wasn’t much to see, just the usual collection of shops; a butchers, grocers and a small café were joined by one clothes shop and a pharmacy. King’s Road, it wasn’t, but I wasn’t perturbed by it. For all that I wanted to go home, I certainly didn’t feel unsafe. Especially now we’d found William.
‘So…Libby?’ William said as we meandered down the street. He had taken all three bags and I, George.
I didn’t look at him but could tell he was smirking.
‘It’s better than “Bill”’, I said. ‘At least I didn’t use my first name’
He laughed and I longed to laugh back, but wouldn’t let myself.
‘Middle names are close enough’
‘It was spur of the moment’ I retorted. ‘You had plenty of time to think of one, I was too busy thinking about other things’
The mood dipped and I regretted being so harsh for a second, before I remembered how he’d lied to me.
‘I don’t know how many times I can say I’m sorry’ he said, clearly exhausted.
‘I don’t need you to keep saying it’
‘Then what do you want?’ he said agonizingly, ‘I’ll do whatever it takes to make this up to you’
I looked at the ground, the little puffs of dirt rising around my shoes as I walked, ‘I don’t know what I want’.
For the first time since George and I had arrived, I felt as though I might break down. I’d spent the last two days completely focussed on our destination, but now all I wanted was to go home.
‘So this Bette’ I said, changing the subject. ‘When will she be back?’
‘In about a week’ William said, with what I thought I could hear was a sulk in his voice.
‘Will she mind us being here?’ George was dozing off in my arms and I huddled him close as we re-entered the farm.
‘No course she won’t’ he answered like it was the most obvious response.
I nodded, silently glad that George would have somewhere to sleep every night. ‘So does anyone else work at the farm?’
‘Nope just me and Bette’ he said, smiling. ‘It’s lovely and peaceful’
He expected me to smile back because we’d always talked about how much we wanted somewhere peaceful to live after we left Anglesey.
Instead he was confronted with my blanched face.
‘What’s wrong?’
‘You mean to say you’ve been completely alone and it didn’t occur to you to get out of here while you had the chance?!’
‘Kate…’ William followed me as I strode purposefully towards his outhouse. ‘Can we talk about this?’
‘Not in front of him…unlock the door’ I snapped.
It was our rule that we would try not to argue in front of George. William unlocked the front door and I placed George down on the small torn sofa that sat in the middle of the room. His mouth opened and arm lopped to one side in a satisfied drop.
William lead me back outside.
‘She only went yesterday afternoon’ he said, continuing our conversation.
‘Oh only yesterday afternoon. And you’ve done nothing since then to see if your family’s ok!’ I yelled.
‘It wasn’t like that’
‘You could’ve found a phone in that time…you could’ve walked into town – to Mary’s even – and called us…’
‘Calm dow –‘
‘…but no, you were too busy living out some stupid, pathetic little dream of being free!’ I raged at him and would’ve shoved him out of my way if he hadn’t looked so hurt at my words.
I turned away and steadied my breathing.
‘That was your dream too’ he said quietly.
‘And that’s all it is, it was never going to be reality. This life here isn’t reality’ I waved my arm out into the acres of land.
‘It can be…let me show you’
‘I don’t want you to show me, I want to go home!’ I turned to find him tensed, his jaw braced.
‘It’s not possible right now, it’s too dangerous, you saw that for yourself’
‘I don’t care’ I said petulantly.
For over ten years, I had been living my life according to William’s. Surely it was my turn to make the decisions.
‘I won’t put you in danger’. He was beginning to get irritated again.
‘But you were happy enough to leave us in danger?’ I sneered.
In a flash, William had pounded his fist against the wall. ‘They threatened you ok?! They didn’t just tell me to keep quiet. They said you and George were safe and they wouldn’t harm you as long as I didn’t try to return. They said they would spin you some yarn about why I’d left’
The skin had torn back from his knuckles, revealing dark red gashes. ‘And you believed them?’
‘I had no other choice but believe them. George is a baby, I know they wanted him out of the way but he posed no real threat to them. I had to believe that if they hadn’t hurt me, they had no reason to hurt you. Unless I tried to come back’
I couldn’t stop staring at his hand, flecks of brick were peppered in the cuts.
‘Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?’
He shook his hand, obviously beginning to feel the pain. ‘I was embarrassed’
‘Of what?’
William tutted and looked away. ‘Don’t you think I realise that everything you’ve said is true. I should’ve made sure you were ok, I should’ve protected you, and instead you had to travel across the world to find me. It should’ve been the other way around’
‘I suppose you didn’t have the means I did’
His big blue eyes glinted at me.
‘I was torn; it was like I had one of you on each shoulder. One telling me to do everything to get back. And the other telling me to keep away until it was safe. They fucked with my mind. If I had known…’
‘Hindsight is a beautiful thing I suppose’ I shrugged.
‘You two are all that matter to me’
I was deflated and tired, so much so that I didn’t have the energy to argue any more. Or maybe I just wasn’t as angry any more. ‘I know’.
That night after William had bathed George and put him to bed, we sat on the sofa and I silently bandaged up his hand.  
‘Do you have anything I can wear in bed?’ I said as I tied the knot on the bandage. ‘I forgot to bring anything’
‘Will a t-shirt do? It’s quite hot at night’ he said, holding on to my hand for a fraction too long before I pulled it away.
I arched an eyebrow, ‘is it clean?’
He chuckled, ‘yes. We can go and get you some clothes and things tomorrow if you want’
‘Yeh that’d be good’ I rubbed the back of my neck, kneading the flesh with my palm.
‘Are you sore? Why don’t you lie down, I’ll give you a massage’ he said.
I looked down at his hands, dry and tough, they weren’t the hands I was used to touching me.
‘It’s nothing a hot bath won’t fix’ I said and stood up before he could protest.
I know he was watching me as I walked to the bathroom, probably disappointed that I was still keeping my distance.
I sunk into the hot bath later and scrubbed my body and hair free from the dirt casing I felt was surrounding me. I pulled my body and head down under the water, and felt my knots loosen.
Maybe William had made the wrong choice, but at least we were all safe. At least we were together now.
I woke the next morning with George squealing at me, bashing his palms on my chest to wake me up.
‘Alright alright’ I heard William say and saw him through foggy eyes standing over the bed.
He was already dressed and I could tell from the sweat on his brow that he’d been working on the farm for a few hours.
‘What time is it?’ I croaked, pushing my hair from my face.
‘Nearly ten’
‘Ten?!’ I exclaimed, ‘you must be starving Georgie!’
‘You were both conked out all night, I thought I better just let you sleep’
He was right; the last thing I remember was my head hitting the pillow. George and I had shared the bed. I didn’t know where William had slept, but I knew it wasn’t in here.
‘Come here bouncer’ he said, grabbing George and kissing him ‘let’s get you some breakfast’
The three of us settled down to breakfast in the tiny kitchen. It was smaller and more cramped than Bette’s, but still had cracked walls and chipped cupboards. What a come down this was from our palace apartment.
William was in full on baby-hogging mode insisting that he would feed, and then later change George. He had prepared some orange juice and toast for me and I tucked into it greedily.
‘Is it alright?, we can go and get some cereal…’ he said, eager to please me.
‘This is fine William’
He looked me up and down, I was still wearing his t-shirt and my hair was a curly mess after sleeping on it damp last night. I felt a slight tingle run through me. It seemed all my senses were returning.
William had his red pickup truck ready once I was dressed and I wondered outside to find the two of them in the front seat, William encouraging George to press the horn over and over again.
I stuck my fingers in my ears dramatically and William stopped.
‘You ready?’ he said enthusiastically.
‘Yep’ I nodded.
I didn’t know where exactly we were going, but William was so excited that I couldn’t bring him down.
I jumped into the passenger seat, ‘urm, does he have a baby seat’
William bit his bottom lip, ‘ah yeh about that…’
‘Will we can’t go for a drive without a baby seat!’ I said sounding like a neurotic mother.
‘I’ll drive slowly…’
‘That’s not the point, and besides what if the police see us?’
A small smirk formed on his face.
‘What?’ I said grumpily.
‘There’s not really a lot of police around here, we share the sheriff with the next town’
‘That doesn’t mean people can go around breaking the law’
‘Kate, nothing as exciting as crime happens in Redfern’ he grinned and started the engine.
He placed George on my lap and I strapped the seat belt over myself and him and clutched him tightly round the waist as he tried to wriggle back over to his dad.
William set off out of the farm, through the main street and out onto the long road out of town. I recognised the route immediately as the one George and I had taken on the bus. Each way we looked was barren land, but somehow it didn’t seem as intimidating as it had two days before.
William flicked the radio on, and a blast of loud country music blared from the speakers. He began to hum along, tapping his thumb on the steering wheel.
I laughed. ‘Since when do you like country music?!’
He turned to me, ‘since the radio only picks up one station! It’s actually alright when you get used to it’
He turned up the volume on the dial and we both rolled down our windows.
‘Life’s like a road that you travel on When there’s one day here and the next day gone Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There’s a world outside every darkened door Where blues won’t haunt you anymore Where the brave are free and lovers soar Come ride with me to the distant shore’
I found myself tapping my foot to the song and stuck my arm out of the window to let the hot, fast air run through my fingers as it was doing through my hair.
Next to me, William’s humming became full blown singing, ‘life is a highhhway, I wanna ride it all night long!’.
I giggled and William glanced at me with a smile. He could tell what I was unwilling to say out loud. That I was enjoying myself. I was enjoying the wind through my hair and the way it blew up George’s little tuft. I was enjoying the greens and golden yellows of the landscape and the way our truck left a trail of dust behind us as we drove.
I even didn’t mind the way that dust landed on my eyelashes and in my mouth. I couldn’t help but revel in the clear blue sky and blazing sun that had tormented us two days ago, but now basked over us like a protective blanket. 
I turned around and looked out of the back window. No-one was following us. No security detail, no paparazzi. My heart lifted and I had a sudden urge to do something stupid and reckless just because I could.
In the back of my mind, I knew this was William’s plan. Take us on a drive and show us the simple pleasures of life. He wanted to show me that our ‘dream’ was possible and it was everything we hoped it would be.
‘I’ve missed you’ I blurted out suddenly, unable to hold back.
He placed his bandaged hand on my knee and this time I didn’t stop him, ‘I’ve missed you too’
We continued the drive in a comfortable silence. George yawned and placed his head back against my chest. I looked down at my wrist, wondering if it was his nap time and noticed that my watch had stopped.
It was as if time stood still here. We were no longer constrained by schedules. We didn’t have to limit the time we spent talking to people. I wouldn’t have to check the time and wait for William to come home any more. I pulled off the watch and gave it to George to play with.
So this is what it was like to be free.
The next few days passed with a baptism of fire into what I was trying to accept as our new life. Still, it was nothing compared to my induction into the royal family and a life of fame.
We had driven out of town to pick up essentials; clothes from the thrift stores, a cot from a second hand shop and ‘girl stuff’ as William had named my toiletries. Once I’d settled George into a routine, I got William to teach me the ropes of running a farm. He’d insisted that he didn’t need help and that he didn’t really know what he was doing either. His agriculture course earlier in the year had helped, but actually applying it was another story. I was determined to be more than a housewife and it became my task to build a new fence that had fallen in the wind.
We split George’s care between us and after four days had established somewhat of a routine.
‘Are you sure Bette won’t mind us being here?’ I said one evening.
‘Of course she won’t, she’ll be happy for the extra help and it’s not like we’re living in her house’
I nodded, aware that Bette might see me as taking over her home while she was gone.
‘And you’re sure she doesn’t know who you are?’
‘If she does, she hasn’t said anything. As far as I know she put an ad in the paper for a farmhand and was expecting me when I turned up at her door’
‘The men in the blacked out car that left you at the door didn’t make her suspicious?’ I said sarcastically.
William tensed at the memory, ‘they were smart, they used a Chevy and dropped me off at the top of the path’
I put a hand on his arm. I hadn’t thought about how scary it must’ve been for him.
A flicker in his eye told me he wanted to hug me, something we still hadn’t done since I’d arrived. He couldn’t work out whether I wanted to or if I would take it well. And still, even after all we’d talked about, I didn’t know if I wanted to either.
On the morning of our fifth day at the farm, I woke up to find George’s cot empty. William was still sleeping on the couch. I’d found him early one morning, his legs hanging over the edge of the two-seater and just a blanket covering his bottom half. It was unfair of me to keep him from the bed, but there a distance between us remained and I wasn’t sure how we were going to fill it.
I walked into the kitchen to find William, with George on his hip, standing over the stove. Around the room were long strips of what seemed to be old magazines and old newspapers that had been cut into streamers. On the tiny kitchen table was a hot pile of pancakes.
I smiled to myself. ‘You remembered’
He turned around, ‘oh morning, of course I remembered’ he said, slightly hurt.
I walked over to George and gave him a big kiss on his squishy cheek, ‘happy birthday pumpkin’
‘I didn’t mean you wouldn’t remember, I just didn’t expect you’d do all this’ I said apologetically.
‘It’s his first birthday, we have to do something’ he said, adding more batter to the pan.
In truth, I’d blocked the thought of George’s birthday out of my mind. Back home we were planning a party for our close friends and family. My mother had already provided a box of decorations other party essentials, and now they sat in a box, useless in a room back home. The thought of George not seeing his family today made me ache.
William read my mind, ‘I thought we could head into town later and see if we can find a phone somehow, maybe try and ring your family?’
I merely nodded because the words to thank him were stuck in my throat.
Later in the morning, we took George outside to play. William had gotten all of his jobs done in the early hours and insisted this would be a day off.
‘I have a surprise for George’ he said as we walked to the stable.
‘Is it a pet pig?’ I said, suddenly thinking of Lupo.
William laughed, ‘not quite’.
He opened the stable door to a majestic brown horse that was munching on some hay.
‘Is he not…um a little big?’ I said politely.
William picked up some reigns and a saddle and threw them over the horse, ‘we’re just going for a ride’
My heart quickened, ‘on that? Will, don’t you think he’s a bit young?’
He placed a reassuring hand on my arm, ‘he’ll be safe with me’
‘But what if the horse buckles…or you fall off…’ I said quickly.
‘Come on, he’s gentle, and besides it’s his birthday, he deserves a treat!’
William had always wanted to teach George how to ride a horse. I didn’t think he’d be starting quite so early.
‘What do you think GB? You wanna go on the horsey don’t you?’
George reached out to pull at the horse’s mane, which William took as a yes.
He got onto the horse with ease and gave the horse a pat. Neither William nor Harry had taken part in polo season this year, and I could see how happy he was to be back in the saddle.
‘Right, pass him up’
I handed George over gingerly and he began to kick his arms in excitement.
‘Are you gonna ride the horsey George?’ William said, placing him securely in front of him.
George smiled from ear to ear as they set off on a slow trot. I instinctively started to move back to the house to collect the camera, before remembering I didn’t have it to capture this picture perfect moment. They rode around in wide circles and I waved to George each time he passed me. He was so carelessly happy.
After fifteen minutes, they came to a stop and I reached up to get George down. He screamed in protest.
‘George’ William said sternly, ‘stop giving your mummy hassle’
He stopped his screaming but carried on making whining noises, just to let us know he wasn’t happy.
Will jumped down from the horse, ‘horsey needs a rest now, ok? We don’t want horsey getting tired do we?’
‘Say thank you horsey’ I said.
George reached over to pat the horse, ‘hossee’
William and I looked at each other, stunned.
‘Did he just say…?’
‘I think he did…’
Tears sprang to my eyes, ‘clever boy! My clever boy!’. I showered him with kisses and William too held back a lump in his throat, his face full of pride.
As we walked into town later that day, the two of us had a spring in our step. George knew a few other words like ‘mumum’ for milk, but this was his first ‘proper’ word.
‘Our boy’s a genius I’m telling you!’ William said.
‘I’m pretty sure other babies can say more words at his age’ I teased.
‘Don’t listen to her GB, you’re gonna be a brain surgeon one day aren’t you?’
It was the first time that I realised that George could be a brain surgeon, in fact he could be anything he wanted now. I glowed at the thought of his future, and how proud he would make his father no matter what profession he chose.
We walked through the length of the high street and ventured into the grocery store. The grocer was standing behind the counter wearing a brown apron over his portly stomach and weighing some apples. It was the kind of scene you only say in movies.
‘Afternoon sir’
William greeted him, ‘afternoon, we were looking for somewhere to buy a phone, I don’t suppose you know where we can find one?’
The grocer scratched his head, ‘not around here, you’ll have to go miles out of town’
‘I thought you might say that’
‘But there is that payphone on the corner next to the barbers’
‘There is?’ William said enthusiastically. ‘Brilliant, thank you’
We left the shop carrying a bag of fruit, and walked at a quicker pace than usual to where the barbers were. When we got there we found the phone box, its doors covered in dirt and adverts.
‘I didn’t know this was here’ William said, like he thought I was about to chastise him.
‘I know, it’s ok’ I said.
We pulled open the door and my heart dropped. The cord attaching the receiver to the set was cut clean apart.
William shut the door immediately, noticing my expression. ‘It’s alright, we’ll find something I promise’
Our walk home was much more solemn than our walk to town. We walked without conversation, with William pointing things out for George to look at. Half way home, ahead of me, I noticed a figure hobbling towards us.
‘It’s crow man!’ I said suddenly.
‘Who?’ William said, confused by the sudden outburst.
‘I’ll explain later…’ I said as the man from the bus got closer to us. ‘Hello again!’
‘Oh hello, I said I’d see you again didn’t I?’
‘You did indeed’ I laughed. ‘This is my husband by the way’
He reached out his hand and I saw William notice his flashy watch, ‘good to meet you’
‘I hope you’ve still got those notes’ I said kindly.
‘Of course ma’am, and see here I picked this up from the thrift store, this’ll be worth something’ he pulled out a sparkling brooch from his pocket.
I didn’t know whether he realised it was cheap tat but I didn’t want to break it to him.
A thought suddenly occurred to me, this was a man who seemed to hoard anything.
‘Sir, I don’t suppose you have a phone we could borrow? It’s an international call but we have more notes if you’d like them’ I gave him my sweetest smile.
He dug around in his pocket, ‘mine’s pretty high tech, it should do international’ he said, and produced a small mobile phone that looked about ten years old. He pressed the on button, clearly he hadn’t switched it on for a while.
William sniggered.
He handed it to me and William dug into his pocket to pay him immediately.
‘Ahh…’ the crow man said, looking at the dollars.
‘Not those notes’ I said to William as I punched in the number. ‘We’ve got the others at the farm, but you can have these too’
The crow man looked relieved as I put the phone to my ear. My heart was pounding as we stood there in the middle of the street.
‘Hello?’ came a distant voice amid the crackle of the phone.
‘Mum? It’s me’ I said, hardly able to speak.
‘Yes, are you ok?’
‘Oh my goodness, where are you, are you ok, are you safe?!’ she said. I could barely hear her and the line was quickly failing.
‘Mum listen we’re all fine, I can’t say where we are but just know we’re ok’. William and I had agreed that we wouldn’t tell my family where we were in case their line was bugged, which we were certain it would be. ‘Is everything ok there, any news from Wi-, I mean the other family?’
My mother sensed the urgency in my voice, ‘I’ve only spoken to Harry and he says everyone is safe as far a he knows, he so worried about you all’
The phone crackled harshly in my ear, ‘please tell him we’re ok’ I shouted.
‘I will, I’m losing you …’
‘We’ll call when we can ok? I love you!’
The line cut off suddenly and I let out a long relieved breath. William rubbed my back in understanding. I handed the phone back to the crow man and he rubbed his chin.
‘Not much battery left now’ he said. ‘Better keep it off from now on’
‘I’m sorry’ I said, still distracted from speaking to my mother.
He shrugged, ‘I’ll find a charger for it one day, it wasn’t in the dumpster when I found the phone’
William and I smiled, regretting finding out where he’d acquired that phone, but a wash of gratitude was given to him nonetheless.
The rest of our day was spent quietly, and by the evening when George was tucked up in his cot, I was still deep in thought.
‘Thinking about the family?’ Will said, as we were clearing up the plates in the kitchen.
‘No actually, I was thinking about the day George was born’
William grinned, ‘it was a pretty amazing day, wasn’t it?’
‘The best’, tears pushed up into my eyes, threatening to overflow.  
‘Hey, don’t cry’ he said, putting down the tea towel and resting his hands over my shoulders. ‘I promise it’ll all work out’
‘I know’ I said, clearing my throat. ‘It’s just a lot to take in; I would never have imagined us to be here a year ago’
‘I don’t think anyone could’ve predicted this’ he said, furrowing his brow.
I moved away from him, suddenly aware of how comforting his arms were. He grabbed my hand as I turned and gazed silently at me.
‘I should go to bed’ I said quietly.
He lifted his other hand and ran it through my hair, ‘stay with me’
I didn’t know what to say or to do. My heart was thumping and I was sure he must be able to hear it. His eyes were locked into mine and he wasn’t letting go. He’d had enough of me pushing him away, I knew that days ago.
Part of me didn’t want to let him close to me, I wanted him to suffer the way I had when he disappeared. But another part, the part that was now surging inside me like a wave, wanted him to take control and show me how much he’d missed me.
The hand in my hair moved down to my cheek and my stomach flipped. I took a step back and he took one forward with me. I threw my arm back to steady myself, looking for something solid to hold onto before he absorbed me completely.
My hand found the worktop and William’s other hand found my waist. He leant down and brushed his lips over my cheek, his hand still clasped over the other side of my face. The bristles on his face sent sharp ripples through me.
‘Come back to me’ he muttered into my ear.
My breathing became shallow and I tried to focus on a chip in the worktop that was under my finger. But it was too late; it was too late as soon as he grabbed my hand.
I leant my body back against the worktop and he kissed me hard on the mouth and I opened it to him so he could push his tongue inside.
He tugged at my lips with his and released my waist so he could take my head in his hands. His body pushed against mine and I felt the familiar hardness against my stomach. 
His face moved across my face and down to my neck and I placed my hand on the back of his head. I was dizzy with need, and it only heightened as he began to groan into my neck. 
We stumbled into the living room, pasting kisses all over each other and William tripped over the coffee table leg, causing a loud bang.
‘Shhh’ I said.
My insistence that he be quiet only made him more fervent and he undid my jeans as I did the same to his. The rest of our clothes followed until I was left with just my underwear.
Suddenly he slowed, sat me down on the couch and knelt in front of me, kissing me from my neck down to my chest. His hand moved around to my back and unclasped my bra and he pulled it off. The hair on his face rubbed over my breasts as he took them into his mouth and I bit down on my lip as his hand moved up my thigh and under my pants. 
Before I could take another breath, they were off and he was on top of me. He entered me slowly but surely, making sure I felt every stroke of him inside me. When the time came, I dug my fingers into his back and bit down onto his shoulder, inhaling his deep earthy scent as our bodies shuddered together, slick with sweat and relief. 
Sunrise came with William’s arm over me and me body curled into his. 
‘What are you thinking?’ he said.
My eyes popped open, ‘how did you know I was awake?’
‘Because your breathing changes when you’ve woken up’ he nuzzled his face into my neck.
‘Just about how nice it is to have you in bed with me’ I turned over and buried my head into his chest. 
‘I better get up and get started baby’
‘Don’t go’ I mumbled.
‘I have to’, he pulled himself away from me and started to get dressed. 
I noticed the faint red mark on his shoulder and smiled. 
‘I’ll be as quick as I can, we can relax later’ he came over to me and kissed me on the top of my head, and then George’s before leaving the room.
I stretched out my limbs in bed and looked over to George who was sound asleep. Being a married couple wasn’t going to be as easy now we shared a bedroom with our son. I slipped on William’s shirt and trot outside, deciding to take the opportunity. 
I could hear William opening the gates outside, ‘Will, George is still asleep, maybe we could…oh’
Standing with William outside our house was a short round woman with blonde and grey wispy hair.
‘Ah, here she is’ William said. I pulled down his shirt which was barely covering me. ‘This is Libby, Libby this is Bette’
‘Oh, of course, lovely to finally meet you’ I walked up to her, red faced and shook her hand.
‘I was just sayin to Bill what a surprise this is’ she said, her accent full and thick.
‘I am sorry, if it’s a problem, I understand, we can go somewhere else’ I grabbed at the shirt again as the light morning wind attempted to blow it up.
‘You and your bub are welcome here, though I’ll warn you now, people round here will expect a few more clothes’ she laughed
I blushed, ‘I’m so sorry of course…’
William gave me an apologetic smile and I scuttled back inside before I made more of a fool out of myself. It certainly wasn’t the impression I hoped to make.
Bette was a typical mother hen, she clucked around me and George, making sure we were fed and watered at all times. When we told her I’d been helping out at the farm, she seemed horrified and insisted I didn’t. This wasn’t to say she was completely old fashioned, she ran that farm single-handedly and William was just the brawn.   
Instead of working on the land, Bette taught me how to cook the most comforting food I’d ever eaten. From pecan pies to massive steaks, we gorged on home grown meals. My initial nervousness around her quickly dissolved as I began to see her as a mother figure, which still at thirty two years old, I was missing with my mother so far away.
Time went on before we had a chance to notice. Our days were filled with work, food and teaching George new things. We had managed to call home twice more when passing the crow man on the street. He had become bored of the pound notes we were giving him and on our last phone call, William had handed over his Omega watch. 
I had asked Bette if she had a phone and she’d dismissed the idea, ‘why would I need a cell phone?’ she said. She didn’t have a landline either and William and I worried about what she’d do if she ever needed help.
The one thing she did have was a radio in the kitchen where we listened to country music as we cooked and Bette hummed along merrily. 
The news from home was sparse, the republic were still going strong and the queen and William’s father and step-mother were still in hiding. Harry, we heard from Mum, had left for Africa.
As for William and I; we had repaired our marriage as best we could. It wasn’t the same as back home, and part of me was still angry with him and always would be, but we were stronger than ever. If we were honest, our freedom made us happier too. We were loving life with our little family and the small pleasures we had. Watching the sun go down every night across the land, laughing as William tried to teach George to play football, and talking about all the things we might one day get the chance to do. It was beginning to feel like home. 
I wish our story could’ve stopped there, happy and content with each other and living the simple life we always craved. But things were never that easy and one day, six months on from when we arrived, our past came back.
It was a chilly day in December and I warmed my hands against the oven in Bette’s kitchen to warm them. William and George were at the table cutting out gingerbread shapes while I was supervising the baking. 
‘Look at this one’ William said cheekily and showed me an oblong shaped biscuit he’d made.
‘William!’ I tutted, before turning and smiling.
‘Dada, ooo’ George said, showing him a lump of dough. He was able to speak much more now, and we’d been promoted to ‘mumma’ and ‘dada’.
The radio played in the background, a mix of country and christmas tunes. 
‘Lovely Georgie, Kate can you turn that off or put it on something else? It’s driving me mad!’ William said.
‘I don’t really want to mess with Bette’s radio’ I said reluctantly.
‘You can always turn the dial back goodie two shoes!’ William teased me relentlessly about my desire to please Bette. 
I turned the dial and was surprised to find, that unlike William’s truck, it found another station. 
‘The British Government…’ it said as I continued to turn the dial.
William’s head snapped up, ‘turn it back’
I did so and we listened in silence to the first real news we’d got from back home. 
‘…after the UK suffered one of its worst economic slumps of modern times. The Green Party has not kept its promises of a prosperous new Britain and the people are demanding a reelection before the end of the year. The are calls from opposition groups to reinstate the monarchy and the government is under increasing pressure to make a statement after sources claim that the queen is to return to the country’
I looked at William who placed one hand protectively over George’s back. His face was deep in concentration. He looked up at me and I knew what he was thinking.
In that one moment, we had lost control of our life once more. The blissfully protected cocoon we’d created over the last few months was about to be cracked wide open and shattered. 
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