#But then on the flip side I have no fancy clothes anyway beyond like 3 shirts and 2 pants
privateerstudies · 5 months
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nikosheba · 4 years
Okay I read your defense of Turin & yeah!! I also did not like his chapter in the Silmarillion but CoH has left me very much spiraling about him and what he represents - elvish vs mortal perspectives, doom & reactions to it, possibility of overcoming it, etc... I don't always like him but I LOVE thinking about him (and characters around him!) and there's so much more to Turin's story than like. a tragic unlikable guy, and I get why it's one of the chief 3 stories of the whole legendarium
Yeah!!! He really frustrates me sometimes--it was only like two months ago that I was like....oh man how am I going to write Turleg when Túrin is such a piece of work lmao. And I started rereading CoH looking for quotes, and the more I flipped through that book, the more I fell in love with him. 
Part of it is, I can’t think of anyone else in all of the Tolkien legendarium who just...cannot understand how other people think, the way Túrin does. He’s always fair with other people (this is stated outright with the Gaurwaith), and cannot understand why people aren’t fair with him. He never comprehends that he’s being deceived--which I think is unfair to lay on his shoulders tbh. 
One great example of how he just cannot understand other people, even other humans, is the knife-giving scene (which I believe is cut out of the Silm), which just totally encapsulates the frustration of him all at once. For those who haven’t read CoH, at one point when he’s very young, his father gives him a very fancy knife of elvish make. It’s Túrin’s last birthday before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, not that he knows it. Túrin then immediately runs out to find his best friend, a lame older man named Sador who does little woodworking projects for Morwen and Húrin, and gives him the knife, entirely not understanding why this would be perceived as a bad thing. So it’s very like:
In Túrin’s mind: Got lovely knife > Sador does a lot of woodworking > the knife made me happy to receive > it will help Sador in his work > give Sador the knife
But no one else sees it like that. Húrin is fine with it but a bit baffled, and tells Túrin basically, “Fine, but idk when I’ll be able to get you another knife like that.” Morwen actively dislikes this, and says that she thinks it’s useless to give something so fine to someone who’s just going to waste it. Even Sador is unhappy, because Edain custom says he can’t refuse the gift, but he knows it’s far beyond what he even can make use of, and that he cannot give it back to his young master without causing offense.
So here we have a 8-9 year old boy (sorry my copy is downstairs, I forget whether he’s 8 or 9), who has something nice happen to him and immediately his first thought is to pay it forward, and he winds up making everyone unhappy. And that just sort of....sets the tone for his life. 
It isn’t that he doesn’t love Finduilas. He does! He loves her like a sister--and textually, he never even really understands that she’s in love with him. She hints it, but she never tells him outright, and he is baffled when people talk to him about her in a romantic context. But he loves her! Like a friend and a sister--and has no idea why Finduilas’s mysterious (to him) feelings mean that now Gwindor, his friend who saved him from his madness, is angry with him, or why people keep placing this huge emphasis on his relationship with her.
The really tragic thing about Túrin, for me, is that he’s not genre-savvy. He thinks he’s in a Great Hero Tale, and has no idea he’s in a tragedy. I’ve said before that Children of Húrin feels like a dark inversion of Tolkien’s work to me. Acts of heroism are unrewarded. Acts of love are punished. Valiant stands get everyone around you killed. Beleg “yields to his love over his wisdom” and dies for it. There’s no reason that Túrin should have known the lovely maiden who kept begging him to marry he was his sister--he yields to his own love, and they both die for it, along with their unborn child. (For the record: he does love her, it’s not one-sided, she just wants to hustle the relationship along because it’s wartime and she fears to lose him, and he wants to wait for a more peaceful time.)
He even casts his sword aside at one point and is determined to live a peaceful life. But peace will not find him, and he is forced to take up the sword again, because his bow can do nothing against Glaurung.
A good portion of the angry, violent things he does are actually in defense of those who can’t defend themselves, or in defense of women. He’s oddly chivalric--with Saeros, his cry is, “Run, mocker of women!” When he goes back to Dor-Lómin, it isn’t until Brodda brags about sexually assaulting Túrin’s aunt-figure and scorns Túrin’s mother that Túrin goes super violent on him--and again, in anyone else’s story, killing Brodda would be the stuff of great songs. Alone he goes into a fortress that was stolen from his birthright, to find that there’s a drunken, abusive, cruel tyrant in his father’s place, and Túrin rouses the downtrodden, kills the usurpers, and casts out the rest. 
And everyone blames him for it. They tell him he shouldn’t have, even though they fought alongside him, because now more wil come, and they will suffer for it. Túrin even begs them to come with him to Doriath or at least Brethil--he was safe there, after all--and they refuse, preferring to starve in the mountains or commit suicide in Dor-Lómin rather than follow him on a difficult trek.
ETA: I forgot to add that he also becomes Captain of the Gaurwaith because he kills Forweg to protect Larnach’s daughter; he never questions what’s going on, he just sees a girl with torn clothes being chased and immediately murders the guy chasing her--and when he sees that it’s Forweg he doesn’t exactly feel bad about it, just offers to do the same to Andróg if Andróg doesn’t start drinking his Respect Women Juice.
Anyway YEAH I also love thinking about him...and the fact that Elrond names him as one of the great Elf-Friend Heroes in LotR makes me so freaking emotional every time, WOW. The fact that the Lay of the Children of Húrin was composed by a minstrel in Sirion, that Elrond would have heard it as a little child and remembered him as an Elf-Friend and a Hero, makes me absolutely SOFT inside. 
Túrin did legitimately deserve better. He deserved to be in the story he thought he was in. And dammit, I’m a fanfiction writer, I’m going to give it to him.
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"Tell who?"- Part 2
Remus smiled into his pillow. Why’s he so cute? He felt something rustle under his stomach. Reaching under himself, he pulled out a wrinkled piece of parchment. His resolutions list. Remus flipped onto his back and squinted at the letters. Warmth was pooling in his chest. Something is missing here. He patted the bed in search for his quill and ink, then wrote:
5. Fuck this I wanna tell him I love him
The paper slipped to the floor as Remus’ arms gave out and he drifted into an instantaneous, profound sleep.
The Marauders are in their 6th year at Hogwarts, it's New Year's Eve and Remus writes a New Year's resolutions list. Sirius finds it the next day. The story is written from Remus' point of view. It's wolfstar and lighthearted. Kinda inspired by this fanfic.
This is part 2 of the story. I will be posting the other parts separately here and also the full fic on ao3 (I will link everything when it's done, check this post for that in some time). Warnings: underage drinking and smoking, mentions of anxiety disorder.
Part 1 Part 3
Enjoy! :)
“Moony! Get up, mate!” Like it was that easy. He couldn’t even get himself to pry his eyes open. It was James that woke him. “Come on, mate. We gotta show up at breakfast, so nobody gets suspicious.” Remus groaned and turned onto his back. A dreadful headache split his forehead.
“Ugh, fuck me.”
“Not right now, Moony. We gotta dash.” He could practically feel James’ stupid grin.
“Fine, fine. I’m getting up.” He blinked his eyes open, pushing onto his elbows, then slowly sat up. The throb in his temples was menacing. He got up gingerly. No nausea. Good. Picking out clean clothes from his neatly organised wardrobe, he headed for the bathroom. “Pete and I should probably go as soon as possible. Will you be alright to bring him down to the Great Hall,” he heard James question as he shut the door.
The shower did wonders to Remus’ hangover. It diminished his headache and helped clear his vision. It also felt nice to be in clean clothes, even though it was devastating having to take Sirius’ shirt off. But letting himself feel his emotions was no more, so he pushed down that thought. Remus walked back into the dorm, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. Lifting his gaze, he noticed Sirius leaning against his bedpost with one ankle crossed over the other. His lips were pulled in a small smile. Their eyes connected.
“Tell who?”
Remus’ stare fell on the yellow paper in Sirius’ hand and the realisation hit him momentarily. His heart dropped all the way to the floor. Oh, no. Oh, no no no no no... His mouth was utterly dry. Fear and panic washed over him like a thousand giant ocean waves coming down at once. ‘I wanna tell him I love him,’ he had written. Holy fucking fuck, he thought, Sirius knows I like a boy. There was a deafening, high pitched ringing in his ears.
“M-my dad... I never tell him that.” He was grasping at straws.
“Remus, come on,” Sirius huffed out a short laugh as he pushed himself off the board. He was shooting Remus this terribly meaningful look, and Remus begged the ground to crack open and claim him.
“I...“ Then before much further thinking, Remus turned on his heel and darted out the room and down the stairs as Sirius called out his name.
Fucked. He was so fucked. Idiot. Imbecile. How could he have written that and then just left it lying around?! Idiot. He smacked his forehead as he rounded a corner, then scuttled down the hallway. He was headed for his favourite hiding spot- a cosy alcove in the wall behind a tapestry on the fourth floor. Settling on the stone ground, Remus went through his breathing exercises. It wasn’t the first time he’d had an anxiety attack, except it was usually something associated with his lycanthropy. Shit, thank Merlin I didn’t write his name. He exhaled a shaky breath. It could have been worse, at least. He’s never drinking again, he concluded. Well, Sirius knew Remus liked boys. A boy. That was that. He rested his head on the wall behind him and closed his eyes. He stayed like that for a while, just breathing.
“Moony,” a voice called behind the tapestry. It was Sirius. Remus’ heart rate spiked again. “Stop freaking out, mate.”
“I can’t,” Remus replied.
“Can I come in?”
Sirius pulled back the tapestry and gracefully climbed inside. He was clutching the map. He sat opposite Remus and drew his knees to his chest so they could both fit in the alcove. Remus was looking at the ground.
“Here, I brought you a sandwich. You skipped breakfast. Can’t imagine it helped your hangover.”
Remus took it without looking up. “Thanks.”
After a moment, Sirius started: “This is because it’s a him, right?”
“Well...” Remus cleared his throat. It’s also kinda because it’s you. “Yeah.”
“And what? You think I wouldn’t be okay with that?” Silence. “I don’t care about stuff like that, you idiot.” Sirius’ voice was incredibly soft and comforting. Remus finally looked at him. He shook his head and buried his face in his knees.
“Christ. Of course you don’t. It’s just... It’s a big deal for me. Nobody knows.”
“That’s alright, Moony, I get it. It’s all good with me." He paused. "So, are you... if you don’t mind me asking...” Remus drew his head back up. Sirius was asking if he was gay.
“I have no idea what I am, honestly. This has never happened before. Then again, it hasn’t happened with a girl, either.”
“Well, that’s fine. You have your whole life to figure it out.” Sirius flashed him a sympathetic smile.
“Yeah.” Remus’ lips curved as well.
After a few beats of silence, Sirius continued: “Moony in love... Blimey, this bloke must be something else, eh?” Yup.
“Well, I don’t know about love... I was pretty pissed last night when I wrote that.”
Sirius chuckled, throwing his head back. “Right. So... Does he fancy you back, d’you reckon?”
Remus couldn’t suppress the panicked short laugh that escaped his mouth. “No.” Sirius liking him back? What a joke.
“Well, how do you know? He doesn’t even know you fancy him, it seems.”
“Nope, and I hope it stays that way until the end of time.”
“Merlin, who is this lad anyway?”
“I’m not telling you!” Remus’ cheeks were flaming. There wasn’t a force in the world that could have made him look Sirius in the eye. This was a little too close for comfort.
“Hah, fine. One step at a time.”
They sat in silence for a few moments. Their ankles were touching. Remus pushed down his feelings of affection with all the mental strength he could gather.
“Um, could you not tell Wormtail and Prongs, please? I’m just not ready for people to know.”
“Of course, mate. You know you can talk to me about it, though?” His expression was soft and understanding.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Brilliant. Okay then.” Sirius pushed himself up and dusted off his trousers. “Should we get out of here? This is definitely a secret snogging spot.” He offered a hand to Remus and pulled him to stand as well.
“Please don’t taint the aura of my favourite hideout, Padfoot.”
This is why Remus liked Sirius so much. Of course, he was strikingly good-looking and cool as hell, but Remus liked his personality more. Sirius was a troublemaker and joked around with everyone, but when it came to moments like this, he was an incredible and supportive friend. Never short on advice (even if it was questionable a lot of the time). He never hesitated to go above and beyond for the people he loved. These were also the reasons why Remus reckoned he’d had a crush on his best friend for much longer than 4 months. Sirius’ looks just made it crystal clear, but Remus had been falling for him for years. Maybe love wasn’t such a strong word after all...
On the way back to their dormitory, Sirius asked: “Is it that Ravenclaw guy you study with at the library? What’s his face? Oliver?”
An obvious choice, but wrong. “Shut up,” Remus said, looking straight ahead, but the corners of his mouth lifted.
“Okay.” Sirius put his hands up, smiling. “Not Oliver, then.”
Sirius kept prodding him like that every once in a while for the following two weeks. Sometimes he would point at a random bloke in the hall and ask if that was Remus’ mystery crush. It made Remus laugh. Generally, it didn’t bother him at all and even became rather amusing. It grew into a sort of an inside joke between them.
They were sitting side by side at dinner one evening after all the students had returned from the holidays. Sirius was in his curious, mischievous mood.
“Oh! The- the muggle kid we hung out with last Christmas? When we were at James’,” he tried.
“Hah, no,” Remus answered, “I saw him like twice.” Sirius huffed.
“Is it somebody from home, then? Somebody I don’t know?”
Remus could’ve lied. He could’ve lied so easily. Still, he decided against it, given how dreadful he was at keeping life-changing secrets. He shook his head, looking at his plate. Sirius leaned so close to him, their shoulders touched. He all but started bouncing in his seat.
“So it is someone from Hogwarts!” Remus didn’t bring himself to answer. Instead, he shoved a particularly packed fork into his mouth. They were silent for a few moments, then: “Is it Snivellus?”
“Yuck, Sirius!” Remus shoved his shoulder as they both laughed.
“So, why don’t you just tell this bloke of yours, then?”
“Ha. Because he’s straight.”
“Oh, bummer. Sorry, Moony.”
Remus wanted to bang his head on the table. If only Sirius knew he was apologising for himself being straight. “It is how it is.”
Back in their dorm, a parcel was sitting on Sirius’ bed. “Padfoot, something arrived for you earlier. I paid the owl,” James explained.
“Oh, yes! They arrived! Cheers, mate.” Sirius leapt onto his bed and started tearing the paper. “What is it,” James asked, leaning closer to Sirius’ bed and peering at the package. Remus and Peter were doing the same. “My rings,” he exclaimed, sliding a silver loop onto his finger. He placed one on his ring finger, one on his thumb and two on his index finger, then stretched out his arm to examine his hand. They were all different shapes.
“Wicked,” James blurted out.
“Yeah, wicked,” Peter repeated. Remus could just sit and gawk like his mouth was sewn shut. What the fuck, Remus thought. He’s trying to kill me. It was hot. It was hot. Like his hands could get any sexier.
“Don’t worry, Moony, it’s not real silver,” Sirius said with the biggest grin on his face. Remus could just nod, swallowing thickly. Yeah, that was a good excuse for why he was baffled.
Sirius wore his rings everywhere. To class, to every meal, sneaking around the castle at night to arrange their next prank. And Remus loved it. After the initial bewilderment subsided, he adored looking at them. However, it didn’t help reduce his massive fucking crush on Sirius. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. Girls would come up to Sirius at lunch to tell him ‘his rings look amazing’, and Remus would almost start growling. It was a bit of a problem. He needed to repeatedly tell his brain to shut up in these moments.
Sirius was running out of ideas for who Remus' infamous crush could be. Remus was a bit concerned he would actually figure it out. However, Sirius just started bringing it up less and less. It seemed like the entire thing was blowing over and Remus was getting away with it.
They were sitting on James’ bed, leaned over the map. There was nobody else in the dorm. Their bodies were close together, Remus’ right shoulder behind Sirius’ left.
“Good old Prongsy,” Sirius said. James’ dot on the map was in the hallway outside the Great Hall. Lilly’s dot was right next to it. “He’s probably making an idiot of himself again. Poor lad’s gonna get himself hexed.” Remus laughed.
“I admire him,” Remus said, “I would have died from embarrassment by now.”
“Oh, have you seen it?!” Sirius suddenly turned to look at him, their noses almost brushed. Remus’ heart skipped a beat.
“Seen what?”
“The abomination James made for Evans for Valentine’s day!”
“For Valentine’s? But it’s January,” Remus said as Sirius opened the drawer of James’ bedside table and reached inside. He pulled out a wooden cube that fit in the palm of his hand.
“It opens on my voice for now. Later he’ll change it to activate when Evans says ‘James’.” In that moment the top of the box popped open and the sides fell to reveal a petit yellow bird figurine. Just as Remus thought: Oh, this is cute, a blearing sound spread through the room. “Evans,” the bird boomed in James’ voice, “go on a date with me this Hogsmeade weekend!” Remus grimaced at the volume of the noise.
“My idea to make it loud,” Sirius said with a proud grin.
“Oh, why did you help him with it?!” Remus started laughing.
“He’s gonna transfigure it into a real bird and make it sit oh her shoulder giving her compliments the whole day. I haven’t decided whether I’m gonna let him go through with it. Reckon it might be worth it to see the look on Evans’ face.”
“This is bad.” Remus couldn’t stop sniggering. “This is so bad.”
“The lad has no shame. Maybe you could make one for your mystery man. I bet it would change his views,” Sirius joked. He was being incredibly charming. Remus couldn’t help it. When you’re not supposed to look at something, it’s all your eyes want to do. He dropped his gaze to Sirius’ flawless lips. It wasn’t discreet at all. Remus realised he was leaning towards him, smiling stupidly. Sirius’ eyes flickered between Remus’ as realisation flashed across his expression. He drew back a little. “Oh,” was all he said. Remus’ smile dropped suddenly as he pulled back as well.
Remus’ heart was thumping in his ears. It kind of felt like his soul was leaving his body. No, actually, he was sure his soul was leaving his body. Suddenly, he scrambled off the bed frantically, saying: “Fuck, sorry,” then crossed the room in three large, quick steps and bolted out the door. “Moony,” he heard the dim and distant shout. Deja vu. Only this time he’d had enough sense to grab the map.
Part 1 Part 3
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
marry me?
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Title: marry me?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff: engagement
Rating: G
Tags: none that I can think of, kissing, taking shots, proposals, getting down on one knee, saying yes to the rest of your forever.
Mentioning: @sweetness47
Created for @spnfluffbingo
Fluff list   part 1   part 2   part 3
by this point you have had an amazing almost 2 years. fell head over heels with a man who makes you feel like your more than just a top notch ace reporter. 
you confessed your feelings for said man at a wedding you were supposed to be covering not making a huge fool of yourself. your best friend well she had also found love, hers wasnt as vaste as yours but she got the other half of a very stunning package. 
the article written by your best friend Beth became your new fave article. though you still wrote fabulous wedding articles, that story put beth on the article map. your editor loved it, loved the entire scope, the plot, everything. 
she also enjoyed meeting the men who had enriched both yours and beth’s lives. Jensen and Jared the two men who had stolen your hearts, had decided that you both were important enough to keep. 
what you didnt know is that on this day the anniversary of when you had first met Jensen would be the day that your life would change once more. this time a bit more drastically i suppose the story shall continue from hence forth. 
we pick up in the penthouse you and Jensen are living in, both of you preparing for date night. well double date night anyway. it was the one thing both couples could agree to do, once a week both couples went on a double date. it was that easy. 
Jensen knew you had just finished your shower, he didnt care he was having trouble finding what he wanted to wear.
Jensen: hey babe, where is my dark navy faded jeans?
YN: on top of the dresser in the pile of clothes you still need to put away.
jensen: oh umm right silly me. 
YN: do you want me to wear my hair up or down?
Jensen: half and half, its gonna be a magical day. one that has been planned for a while now. one that we both will not soon forget. 
now you were really curious, he said this had been planned for a while… what the hell could the surprise be. 
YN: why do i not get to know where we are going?
Jensen: cause that would spoil the fun of the surprise. now ive laid out your outfit on the bed hurry up we have a schedule to keep. 
YN: schedule. babe we have never had any kind of schedule other than when you are filming. so what are you planning? and why this outfit? 
Jensen comes over to you and kisses you to get you to stop talking. thats when he pulled back looking at you with smiling faces. 
Jensen: so curious babe, why cant you just enjoy the surprise for once. 
YN: fine ill put it on and enjoy whatever you have planned. but im gonna say this you better have something extra special planned otherwise you will have me to deal with.
Jensen: never fear babe i will always have lots of surprises for you from this day forth. now what kind of mischief can we get into if you dont put on your outfit. or do you want me to put it on you?
YN: I can do it but it’s just I haven’t used this outfit since our anniversary last year.. Why do I need to wear it again, not that I’m complaining…
Jensen: just do it and when we get into the car i have to blindfold you and cover your ears so that way you dont spoil the rest of the surprise. 
now you were curiouser, this made you pull Jensen onto the bed and pin him there… 
YN: why do you insist on tormenting me like this? 
Jensen could only smile as he flipped you onto the bottom as he held you there. 
Jensen: cause its fun now hurry up and get ready we are gonna be late.
the following happened like this:
you finish getting ready
both you and jensen walk out of the apartment and down to a limo where jared and beth are waiting. 
beth and you both are curious as you both are blindfolded and ears are covered before you both are allowed to exit the vehicle. 
once Jared and Jensen knew it was safe for you both to see and hear again they were to remove the blindfolds and earplugs. 
you both are revealed to be in the airport. you both plea to your men but they instead of saying anything give you both money to go and buy anything from the boutiques. 
you both come back with another backpack and a whole bunch of things. random objects, but ones that would provide great entertainment later on. come fancy things in case of whatever your boyfriends had planned. 
then Jared and Jensen ear plugged you both when the flight number was called. though they had spoken to the flight attendant when you both were gone, told them of their plan, told them that you both would have ear pluggs in when you both board. 
both you and beth still oblivious, as the boys remove the ear plugs as the plane takes off. thats when it made you both question really badly. Where your boys were taking you.
the flight wasn’t long but one of the boys sat in the aisle then the respective girl would sit beside then so on and so forth. The one on the end would get informed when it was time to blindfold and ear plug you both again. 
 Sure enough you both were unsure of how much time had passed, but eventually one of the flight attendants came round and whispered something to the guy on the end. It was ear plug and blindfold time again. 
You both didn’t question when the guys did their handy work of blindfold and earplug it wasnt like you were strangers to it. Jared and jensen led you both off the plane, through the busy airport and into the taxi landing bay. 
They unplugged both your ears. 
Jared: in a moment we will take off your blindfolds but first we want you both to listen to the sounds. What do you both hear.? 
You and Beth listened very carefully to the sounds around you both. 
YN: people talking 
Beth: something about taxis so we are definitely on a taxi landing of some kind. 
Yn: the smell in the air is familiar. Wait a minute. I think I know where we are I just hope I’m right. 
Jensen: you both may step forward and remove your blindfolds. I guarantee you both that where we are is gonna be a fun spot for all of us. 
You and Beth remove your blindfolds, your eyes land on the sight before you of a place where your story had began all those years ago. 
Yn: you did this? 
Jensen: happy anniversary sweetheart! Now we need to find a taxi or a ride or something. 
You look around and you start walking toward the person at the small stand near by. 
Yn: excuse me sir, I was wondering if you had any cars available to rent? 
Rental dude: what kind of car were you looking for? 
Yn: do you have anything sporty but easy to get in and out of? 
Rental dude: what about a lack 2021 jeep wrangler Rubicon unlimited 4x4? 
Yn: can you show it to me? 
The guy flips round his monitor and shows you the car, you whistle and the others bring the bags to where you are. 
Yn: babe can I use the card? 
Jensen: what kind of vehicle are we getting. 
Yn: you will see. Now sir, do I need to sign anything. 
The rental guy laid out papers told you to sign/ initial at the spots marked with “x” that’s what you did. Then he handed you the papers in an envelope, the license plates and insurance for the vehicle and then sent you guys to the spot where the vehicle was. 
You led your boyfriend, best friend and her boyfriend to the vehicle. Their eyes went wide as they loaded the bags into the jeep. 
Jensen: babe this is style. But whose driving? 
Yn: me silly cause I have a feeling I know where we are staying. The place where we spent our vacation together.
Jensen: correct, now everyone in the vehicle so we can get this show on the road. commence vacation immeidately.
everyone piled into the vehicle and you began to slowly pull out of the parkade. you hit the highway and sped up, within 45 min you were pulling into the resort. you told the guard that your reservation was under Ackles. 
the guard handed you a packet with park passes, roomkeys, parking pass and your receipt. along with the list of nearby stores, and the hours for the resorts amenities. and then opened the gate for you to drive through. 
upon arriving at the parking space you handed a room key to Beth discovering it was a side by side. this vacay just got a whole lot better. 
You all seperated into accommodations to settle in. 
Jensen: I have made reservations at gastons where we shared that big plate of nachos and grab us some champagne to celebrate the start of our vacation!
YN: i like that idea. i wanna get out of these shoes first. i want to put on something more suited for walking in the parks that wont kill my feet. these heels will kill my feet from walking through the park. 
you sat down to take off your heels but Jensen was now kneeling by your feet undoing them for you. he placed gentle kisses on your legs as he removed the shoes from your feet. 
he then slid on your slip on runners. he smiled as he got off the floor, helped you up and he spun you around like the love struck man he was. you had no idea what was about to happen but you were gonna enjoy yourself. 
now in comfy shoes you and jensen head to meet up with jared and beth as you all head to the car and head off to main street magic kingdom. To where you and jensen first met. Course ya know it was also to enjoy the fireworks and eat the nachos and such as well.
you look around still amazed by everything you see around you. but you are the way Jensen kept looking at you was what made you feel normal. like the disaster at the wedding of Misha and vic didnt almost ruin your reputation. 
your vacation was finally in the bag, your happiness was now in sight. your new life awaited but nothing would prepare you for events of the future. upon your arrival to Gastons tavern, Jensen had started talking to the waitress, she took something from him and smiled as she led you all to a booth.
Jensen could not help but smile, all he could do was smile. he was beyond excited for what he was about to do.
waitress: welcome to Gaston’s is this your first time here?
Jensen: for me and the lady across from me no, but the other 2 yes. can we get 4 rounds of your finest house shots right away, and 4 glasses of your finest champagne and bring the item. on a tray with the shots.
waitress: coming up sir. your shots will be out in a moment.
thankfully for jensen you were too engaged in conversation with Beth and Jared to hear what jensen had discussed with the waitress. Jensen placed his arm around your shoulders, his own breathing shifted, he was nervous about what was about to happen.
Jensen: ah good shots. we each get one i have a toast to make. but ill make the toast after we take the shots. now i dont know whats in these but they are sure to be good. on 3.
You all swig back your shots, Jensen kisses you after you both have downed yours. Then Jensen turns to you and smiles as he gets up from his seat and whistles to get the restaurants attention.
Jensen: I invite you all to bare witness to this momentous occasion. Me and my girlfriend are celebrating 2 years together this very day. I have to know YN did I mention that I'm in love with you.
That's when music starts playing. And jensen begins to sing.
Jensen: I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked and now I live just for you and I won't ever stop, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me but now look at what you've done you have got me down on one knee.
You look down and see Jensen kneeling in front of you.
Jensen: it's us against the world, us against those who are jealous, those who dare to throw outrageous accusations our way or print stuff that isnt true. now and evermore i will have the most gorgeous woman on my arm. Will you do me the honor of marrying me.?
The entire restaurant now looking at you as Jensen unveiled the 24k rose gold emerald cut diamond ring surrounded by yours and Jensen's birthstones.
You begin nodding your head before your mouth would let you speak.
Yn: yes yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!
You felt the cool metal ring slide around your finger as Jensen helped you off your seat and kissed you in front of the entire restaurant.
Lifting both your hands in the air he then yelled.
Jensen: shots for the entire restaurant on me. She said yes!!!
Then he turned to you and you leaned in his ear.
Yn: descendants 3 proposal nice touch.
Jensen: thanks to our best friends for helping set this up.
the hugs and congratulations poured in from everyone in the tavern. it wasnt till a few hours later as well as several shots and drinks later that you, jensen, beth and Jared all exited and went to watch the fireworks. 
the moment of yours and jensen’s first kiss under the fireworks was just recreated. you and jensen waited till the first firework cracked lighting up the sky before creating once more your first kiss. 
~to be continued~
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intomyshadow · 4 years
Meet Mari
Word count: 1600 (3 to 13 minutes) | Rating: T | Story: Into My Shadow
Note: Fantasy races (common and original), magic
Read Dira’s character introduction
Read Noyo’s character introduction
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The Blossoming of Year 185: Dawn’s Strike Era
The streets of Garres were like veins, carrying goods and people wherever they needed to go in the city. Sometimes, to places they’d rather not be. Reliable and chaotic, the contradictory way life worked anywhere else. It made the cobblestone streets easy to map in her mind, especially with practice. Anyone could tell the sunbaked almshouse walls from the lofty towers of the governmental district, but only a local could get from one to the other without being late or lost.
Exactly why living in one place for years wasn’t so bad.
Mari knew the routes and schedules of most carriages there. Not to mention basically everyone who kept the city’s blood pumping. Not that any of them really saw her. She was known for her ties to the Union. Only the half-elf who ran their errands and did their chores. Beyond that, she was no more than one of the strangers outside. And it was incredible, the things people let you see and hear when you were invisible.
But if there was one skill she had mastered, it had to be knowing when to wait for the right moment.
The morning mail coach came soaring down the road, and everyone knew they had the run of the road. Stopping one meant paying a fine—even if you did it by mistake. Mari was in a hurry too, poised to hop across the street on the raised steppingstones the moment it went by. She was close enough to feel it rush past, and a small splash from puddles of yesterday’s rain hit her boots. Nothing that wouldn’t dry. Especially if she ran, and she always did.
Her boots barely tapped against each roughly circular stone that kept people above the water, waste, and manure, then she was on the other side. The poor ladies and gentlemen serving the country from its capital couldn’t do that in their fine heeled shoes and fluffy wigs. Their jobs seemed important with all the shouting, but pretty stifling. So long as she did hers to avoid getting yelled at herself, it didn’t matter.
Darting around frantic storeroom maids in the center of the market square, Mari made her way to the weapons and armor marketplace. The heavy smell of molten metal and coal from smithies burned her nostrils before she even saw the magic shops. All the stores there were more like workshops where you could buy goods, not like the tents and stalls of most other places. Maybe the merchants of magical wares didn’t quite belong there, but there they were. No one really wanted to see them while they picked out a new suit before the festival season or resupplied on early summer vegetables and wines.
Pulling the empty satchel up her shoulder, Mari kept her eyes up and stuck close to the wall. The only people around the weapons shops were assistants to the Guard Captain, hunters, and mercenaries. They covered the whole nation’s people: dwarves, elves, people with mixed descent like her, and even the lone chiali now and again. None of them were gifted with patience for anything that didn’t apply to their work, or none that Mari knew. All she had to be was fast and out of their way. She had to move quickly anyway since it would be hot and muggy soon, and Mari wouldn’t be up to as much running.
She ducked into the open rounded doorway of the mages’ goods shop soon enough. Could have done it with her eyes closed, but it was better that she didn’t.
“Hm?” The shopkeep frowned over the counter, glaring down at her from his stool. That sternness was just part of his expression, she learned that shortly after they first met years ago. He was framed by jars of all kinds of magical goods, some open and easy to reach and others sealed and locked on the top shelves behind the front counter. His thick, black moustache with flecks of grey twitched with his ‘tsk’. Fat fingers tied off the thin rope around some gathered stems of faintly glowing thistles that she didn’t recognize. Not yet. The dwarf was no mage, but he knew more than she’d ever forget about magic in the wild—and he liked to remind anyone who came in of that. “Just you, is it?”
“Yeah,” she said with a nod, dropping the rolled parchment on the counter. The Union’s crest was emblazoned on the outside beside the ribbon holding it closed—a precaution for all their parchment in case something important was lost, supposedly. “Got the whole Union order here.”
He kept that surprising delicate touch from the flowers when he swept up the scroll, pulling the ribbon loose to unroll it. From habit, he muttered it out loud as his dull blue eyes moved down the list.
That week’s resupply trip called for more of what Mari recognized. No Union storeroom run was complete without basic healing herbs, but this one included various roots and powders to carve into protective sigils on armor and shields. Plus some fake-sounding items like will-‘o-the-wisp dust. Mari read about them in the Union’s in-house library when most people were asleep, and she doubted they gave off anything like dust. If finding your way back to your original spot after getting tricked by a will-‘o-the-wisp only meant following a dust trail, why did people stay lost?
But if the Union mages asked for it, it had to be real. Maybe it wasn’t literal. Like sprigs of baby’s breath.
“The glass is new,” she interrupted his mumbling and pointed to the windows. Usually, just fancy clothes and jewelry stores had glass windows, but they had gotten more common in other shops with decent sales. Having the Union buying through him most of the time would do that for his profits. She heard him stomping down the ladder from his stool while she leaned to check for outside hinges through the window. “Kept the shutters. Smart.”
“Mmhm. Wait here.”
Wait, he said, like it ever took him long. Mari was barely taller than him when she did her first supply run for the Union, and she was amazed at how quickly he measured and packaged everything. While he worked, she put her satchel up on the counter and flipped it open for him just in time for him to nestle the first bag of herbs in.
“Walk gently,” he ordered as he pat down a box of packed powder.
“Not how you usually dart around here.” He pierced her with another glare, tossing the tired leather flap over her bag to close it.
“Yes, sir.”
“I mean it.” Punctuating that with a calloused fingertip pointed at her, he moved the bag over to her open hands at the counter’s edge.
“I said yes,” she repeated with an uneasy grimace, not sure what else he wanted. Mari raised the shoulder strap over her head for the steadier carrying it obviously needed.
“And this.” Less gently, he brought a package up onto the smooth wooden countertop and pushed it over to her. The wrapping job wasn’t like his usual. No practical plain paper held in place with twine, but deep slate blue paper with thick silver ribbon adorning it. The contents were clearly a book. Mari softened her grimace but didn’t reach for it. In all the years she knew him, he didn’t adorn anything. If someone wanted to get a gift to a member of the Mages’ Union, they wouldn’t go through him and definitely not her. Even a surprise gift would be better off handled by actual delivery people.
“What’s this?”
“For you.” Glancing back down to it and again to him, Mari closed her hand around the strap over her chest. This just got more and more confusing. Who would give her something? Mari didn’t talk to anyone she didn’t have to, so there was no one to send her an unexpected present.
“What for?”
“A gift,” he observed, being his usual blunt self, but without any of the clarity that usually came with it. He must have read something in her glance at the present because he muttered something before offering something she could hear. “If you’ve got your mind set on working at that place ‘til you’re grey, be serious about educating yourself. Before you get killed.”
“Alright,” she asked, as bewildered as ever. No one got a nice shop with glass windows and shutters because they gave out gifts to the spry little stray running tasks for the Union. Still, she picked up the package. It was heavier than she guessed it would be… Probably two books, then. Trading the grimace for a level stare, Mari thanked the stars she was talking to someone who didn’t waste words. “But what’s that to you?”
The long hairs of his moustache ruffled in his scoff as he settled back up onto his stool. Leaning over the counter, he almost looked like he was smirking. “You have a birthday, don’t you?”
“Suppose I do.” Giving him a shrug, she continued her answer. “Not sure when it is, though.”
“In that case, doesn’t matter when you get a present.” Nodding to the book, he scooched back into his seat and reached for another bundle of glowing thistle. “There’s your gift.”
“From?” He quirked an eyebrow, clearly at his limit for questions. She should have figured it was straight from him anyway. There weren’t many people who remembered Mari and her interest in magic. Add in apparently having a reason to present her with a new book… Well, that didn’t leave a lot of choices. “Right. Thanks.”
“Mmhm. Don’t die.”
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taintjisung · 5 years
[17:31] minsung
kinks: first time, nipple play, a little oral
words: 3592
top: jisung
enjoy some cute awkward minsung <3
“let’s watch running man,” minho smiled to himself, reaching for the remote.
“i’m watching this,” jisung protested, grabbing it back. “it’s funny.”
minho scoffed. “how do you enjoy a comedy show with subtitles? it’s all about the expressions, the inflections, the—“
“speak english,” jisung shrugged arrogantly, and minho narrowed his eyes, trying to get the remote back. jisung’s grip was firm, though, and the two playfully wrestled for the device. minho was standing slightly over jisung, and he put one knee down on the couch to hold his balance. jisung, seeing a window, yanked the remote back, and accidentally pulled minho into his lap, the boy sitting directly above his...
oh, god, he was hard. or, semi? minho couldn’t tell, he could just feel jisung’s... pushing...
“u-um,” minho laughed awkwardly. “you can have the, uh...”
jisung’s hands came to minho’s sides, the remote falling onto the couch as he held him in place where he was straddling him.
both boys were beyond nervous as minho, as hesitantly and un-smoothly as he possibly be, reached down to kiss his boyfriend. it’s not that they hadn’t kissed before, they certainly had. made out, even. it was that minho had never straddled jisung before, and jisung had never held his hips like that before. both of them knew the underlying motive there as they deepened the kiss, minho awkwardly apologising as he bit the younger boy’s lip.
“i, um...” jisung slid his hands beneath minho’s shirt a tad, “i liked that.”
minho grinned and took the boy’s bottom lip between his teeth again, hands starting to roam his body as well.
jisung pulled minho closer suddenly, and his crotch collided with his thigh, making him let out a sharp gasp. he groaned and rolled his hips against his again, growing more frustrated that their clothes restricted him from finding the right place to push down on. even more so that jeans hurt to be so hard in, especially so quickly. and as jisung’s lips questioningly touched his neck, he knew what he wanted.
“jisung, i wanna go all the way,” minho breathed into the kiss, and jisung smirked; “i figured.”
“shut up,” minho mumbled shyly, and jisung rolled his eyes, standing him back up off the couch.
“come on, let’s take this to the bedroom.”
minho followed him like a puppy and tackled him onto the bed, and jisung immediately flipped them over and started eagerly kissing down his neck.
“calm down baby, you’re acting like you haven’t seen me in years,” he laughed.
“sorry, i’m just...” he reached for the hem of minho’s shirt, “excited. really excited, i didn’t think you’d be ready so soon.”
for a moment the sexual tension was gone and the two shared a sweet kiss, remembering why they were here in the first place. they weren’t just boyfriends; they were best friends, lovers, and as awkward this first time was indefinitely going to be they got to share it with each other, and that’s all that mattered now.
minho sat up slightly to let jisung pull his shirt off, then did the same to him, and they shivered at the cold air on their exposed skin as they searched for the warmth in each other’s.
jisung had an idea. he brought his hand against minho’s chest and gently pressed the pads of his fingertips onto his right nipple. minho let out a soft gasp, and jisung put more pressure, taking the hardening bud between his fingers. his lips left minho’s and slowly trailed along his chin, down his neck, and the elder prepared for what he knew was coming; jisung wrapped his pretty pink lips around his nipple, and minho’s hands grabbed at jisung’s hair in response. he had no idea he liked it, but with the way jisung’s mouth worked so almost professionally he couldnt help but reach to unbutton his jeans, sliding the zipper down as he reached below the fabric to palm himself.
“feels that good, huh?” jisung grinned, hands roaming minho’s chest firmly. “stay right here, i’ll go get the, um... stuff.”
minho hummed in response and jisung hurried to the bathroom, his heart racing faster than his feet. he grabbed onto the edge of the sink, eyes darting around for which cabinet had what he was looking for. he jumped up onto the toilet lid and opened the cupboard above it, reaching toward the back. beneath the first aid kit was the box he was looking for; it was rather fancy and still unopened, a gift from chris as he saw them making out on the couch. he’d gotten embarrassed and simply said, “stay safe,” before leaving the room with red cheeks.
jisung grinned as the memory ran over in his head, and he pressed his uncut nail into the tape to break it in half before opening the top. inside was a set of condoms and a little bottle of lube which he took, leaving the empty box on the sink.
he stopped right before the door, taking in a deep breath to calm himself. then, he opened the door again and headed inside.
his mouth fell open as he took in what he was seeing. minho’s pants were already on the floor as he slowly moved two fingers inside himself, face flushed with an expression of utter bliss across his red cheeks.
“hy-hyung,” jisung breathed, head in a knot between embarrassment and eagerness, feeling himself grow in his pants as he approached the bed. minho’s eyes followed him, opening more as he came closer, but his legs stayed closed nervously. he watched jisung’s eyes as his knees brought him up onto the bed, not breaking eye contact both from the tension and from the amazement. the amazement he felt with the way jisung’s eyes changed. the way they transformed from their beautiful, deep, chocolate shade into a dark, lustful black, barely reflecting any light as the items in his hand dropped onto the bed, his hands coming to his knees.
“open,” he demanded, and minho’s face grew hotter as he stopped moving. “are you scared?”
minho nodded, lips parted slightly as he drew in a shaky breath. “i-i’m nervous.”
“don’t worry,” jisung soothed, eyes down at his finger as he ran it slowly along minho’s knee. “i’ll make you feel so good you’ll regret being so nervous. i’ll make you see stars if you let me.”
minho let go of the hold through his thighs and jisung grinned with a soft, “good boy,” before gently pushing them apart, taking in an eyeful of what he had to work with.
what he had to work with was probably the prettiest dick he’d ever seen. it was so small, barely four inches, but grew by the moment in his hand. the head was so pretty and pink, the shaft not overly veiny or thick. he rubbed his thumb over it as he marvelled at the sight, really taking in what he saw.
“stop staring,” minho spoke softly, pulling his knees up shyly, but jisung held them in place.
“minnie...” he cooed. “your cock is so pretty. stop hiding it. let me see.”
minho obeyed and jisung leant down. “may i?” he asked simply, and as the boy nodded, he gently parted his lips over the head, taking it into his mouth and enjoying the taste. it was sweet and warm where it sat on his tongue, and he closed the space further that minho clearly reacted well to. as he reached up and closed his fingers around his nipple once again, he could practically see the shivers run up his body; he let out a shaky gasp, back arching off the bed slightly as he grabbed onto his boyfriend’s hair, so desperate, so needy for more.
jisung couldn’t help but smile at how pretty minho sounded. and to think how they got here, minho’s first words to jisung being mocking his accent. nothing romantic like most couples, something that should have put a negative sticker right onto minho’s forehead, but it didn’t. jisung heard that minho tended to act cold to new people and it was his goal to make him open up and find what was inside. and it was by far his best decision; what was inside was a shy, sensitive little boy who loved cuddling and baking and kittens. and here, taking the sensitive part to its extreme as he moaned so loudly for jisung, moans that made his stomach do flips, his knees turn to jelly, that made him so unbelievably hard it hurt to be dressed any longer.
how sensitive he seemed combined with that he had been fingering himself prior, he knew the cute boy would cum too quickly for his liking this way anyway. he released with a pop, watching as minho replaced his mouth with his hand, and got to his knees on the bed in front of him as he unbuttoned his jeans.
“i wanna, i wanna,” minho breathed, pushing his hands away and touching the button himself. his mouth came to the fabric and with his teeth he removed the button, bringing down the zipper the same way. with both hands he pulled the jeans down, then eagerly advanced to his pants. he placed his open mouth right on top of the bulge that protruded the cute paw print boxers, and jisung had enough. he removed both the articles and threw them to the floor, and in moments he had minho pinned down by the wrists.
“you’re taking so long it aches.”
“you don’t like foreplay, do you?” minho hummed, and jisung smirked in response; “i can’t wait to fuck you, don’t make me.”
he eagerly reached for the condom he’d grabbed and tore open the package— he ripped it. stuttering, he put his foot down on the floor, about to turn back to grab another when minho grabbed it out of his hand and threw it across the room.
“you’re clean, i’m clean, no one can get pregnant, and you’re gonna keep breaking them with how much testosterone is in your goddamn system,” minho laughed. “do it raw, pussy.”
minho wasn’t usually so assertive. jisung’s lips were parted in shock as his eyes moved back to him from the broken condom on the floor, and he gulped as he steadied himself back onto the bed.
he lined himself up against minho’s entrance. “ready?”
“lube,” he reminded, and jisung stuttered out an embarrassed, “right,” as he reached for the bottle that sat beside his foot. he accidentally poured too much onto his hand, a bit spilling onto minho, who gasped at how cold it was on his bare skin.
“sorry, sorry!” jisung quickly apologised, and minho covered his face with both hands. they knew the first time would be awkward, but this was just painful. especially with the gross squelching sound the lube made as jisung practically slapped it onto himself, but his cute laughter lightened the air. calmed minho, who laughed too, and calmed him in return.
“now?” he grinned, and minho laughed again gently, “now.”
his smile fell as jisung slowly pushed inside of him, and his eyes rolled back slightly in pleasure. he’d only fingered himself before, and two fingers felt nothing like jisung’s entire size filling him up to the brim. it felt so warm and soft, his shaft so firm as it shoved against his tight walls that in response closed around him.
“does it feel okay?” jisung asked gently, and they shared a few silent breaths before minho nodded; “you can move.”
jisung nodded and slowly pulled away, freezing as he saw the expression on minho’s face twist into a tenser one, that which looked almost in pain.
“are you okay? does it hurt?” he started to worry, almost regret this, but minho wrapped his legs around his waist and pulled him back.
“just keep going,” he breathed, and jisung hesitantly obeyed, pulling out and pushing back in again. he couldn’t stand minho’s expression and closed his eyes, leaning forward to grab him by the hips.
it felt so good, like nothing else he’d ever felt. his body knew it was the one and only lee minho, and it was as if every positive switch in his body flipped. he was in utter euphoria, unable to shake the fuzzy feeling as he took in the texture and feel of every bit of minho’s hot, wet skin, the way it throbbed and pulsed around his aching cock, this feeling he’d been craving forever, ever since he met him... it felt as if his every need were being filled, his every desire, all that he craved for directly below him.
jisung didn’t even realise minho had been calling his name, it had all felt too good for him to hear. he froze, eyes opening as he looked down at him worried.
“god, don’t stop! you were going so fucking slow,” he panted. “just— just fuck me already, god!”
“o-oh,” jisung turned redder as he went back to thrusting into him, this time with more speed. he easily found a rhythm they both liked and minho’s moans grew, especially as jisung rolled his hips rather than hitting straight on.
“do that again, do it again,” minho groaned, and jisung did, watching the pleasure come clear atop his beautiful, rose cheeks. he couldn’t help but reach up and cup his hot cheek, smiling at its temperature knowing the reason. especially as the boy’s eyes opened enough to look up at his boyfriend ever so lovingly that jisung wished he could capture forev—
he reached above minho’s head to the desk behind the bed and with a bit of a stretch he grabbed his phone.
“look at me, baby,” he cooed, and as minho repeated the expression, he snapped a photo. “so beautiful... you’re so fucking pretty.”
jisung tossed the phone back onto the desk and leant forward to kiss minho, and as he did the boy cried out and grabbed onto his waist.
“fuck, jisung!”
“oh, god, did i hurt you?” he panicked, movements idle once again.
“no, no, the spot, you hit the spot, fuck!” he cried, grabbing for jisung in every way he could think to do. his hands were grabbing him everywhere, his legs tangled with the other’s pulling him forward.
“again, again, i need more, fuck, please,” he rambled, rocking his body forward needily. jisung grinned with this power he now had, knowing where exactly minho’s prostate was and how to make him absolutely braindead just by hitting it.
he rolled his hips forward in the right direction and minho moaned so loudly, digging his nails into the boy’s back. it hurt; his nails weren’t filed all the way down, but the pain felt so fucking good to jisung. it made him want to go harder, as he did, fucking his lover painfully slowly, not much faster than before but with much more force as he took a slow build to ram against his prostate with every thrust.
god, was minho loving it. with every thrust he cried out again, and a beautiful string of curses, begs, straight up wordless gibberish, all followed by jisung’s name, all spilt out of his pink lips, his eyes teary as he tried to keep eye contact with him. he could barely keep his reddened eyes open, feeling them roll back every time their bodies moved together, and after a bit he gave up. his lashes fluttered closed as his brows shoved together high on his forehead, and his mind had gone entirely blank aside from the overwhelming pleasure that was running through his body as jisung once again began to play with his sensitive little buds, his mouth now connecting with the soft skin on his neck, sucking dark marks into his nape. as he found the right vein to push on, minho could have sworn he mistook the ceiling lights for stars, never having felt that much pleasure in— well, forever. he felt like his brain was going to explode as he felt every feeling possible, but nothing legible or understandable in his completely blackened mind. he was completely braindead as he knew no words aside from “please” and “jisung”, moaning the two over and over threaded between desperate noises, every sound going straight through jisung’s spine and to his dick as he picked up his speed further, going from slow teasing into hard fucking and minho barely seemed to notice, not even as jisung finished inside of him, and he was so overwhelmed by the sensations that had tears streaming down his red face the younger couldn’t stop until he’d finished, too, thrusting the thick, creamy substance back into him.
he suddenly tensed, pulling jisung closer as he squeezed his thighs together, practically screaming out as his hot cum painted jisung’s chest, dripping back down onto himself.
“don’t stop, don’t stop,” he cried, and though cautious at first, jisung obeyed, grabbing onto his hips and eventually finding himself fucking him so aggressively, almost using him like a sex toy. he was far too sensitive having just cum himself he couldn’t take this slowly; he, too, practically lost any thought at all as he fucked everything into minho, getting out all of his emotion in his thrusts. he lost all rhythm, pace, and posture as he sloppily, carelessly shoved himself inside of the bottom, solely determined to make them both finish a second time. which, minho did, almost on cue of jisung’s thought, but he showed no mercy in chasing his own. minho grabbed onto the bedpost, barely able to handle it, and in no time the very sight of him all fucked out, covered in his own fresh cum, jisung couldn’t take it any longer and froze as he came as deep inside minho as he could reach, buried all the way to his balls and holding in place as the cum began to ooze back out of him and onto the bedsheets.
the two froze in place for a moment, just their heavy breathing out of sync as they came down from their highs.
“clean up later,” minho eventually mumbled, exhaustedly reaching for his lover. “dont pull out. just lay with me.”
it took a bit of work for jisung to duck behind minho’s leg and spoon him without pulling out, especially with the two so sensitive, but he managed, arms wrapping around his hot, nude body as it slowly cooled in his arms.
minho felt jisung soften inside of him and smiled at the feeling of the two of them so close, close in a way they couldn’t copy with anybody else.
“i’m gonna marry you someday,” jisung impulsively spoke, but minho was already fast asleep and drooling on his arm. he laughed lovingly and with his foot he grabbed the blanket waiting at the base of the bed, pulled it up over them, and snuggled his chin into the boy’s neck, quickly falling asleep as well.
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dramaticskeleton · 4 years
Chapter 3: Oliver
He’s handsome. That’s the only thought that passes through my head as I stare at the boy in front of me. He’s got a dark shirt on that clings to his body, showing off the muscles of his stomach. His black hair hangs in loose curls on his forehead and he stares at me intently with hazel eyes that have an expression I can’t place. I was going to be sharing a house with this person. The thought gives me a thrill of excitement.
“My name’s Freddy,” I say, sticking my hand out in greeting.
“Thank God for you, Freddy.” I can feel a spark flare up where he touches me, shaking my hand in a firm grip. “If not for you, I’d be stuck choosing between one thirsty girl or another.”
“You had a host of girls throw themselves at you, and you chose me for a roommate instead,” I laugh, “You don’t have very good taste.”
“Is that so? What are you like, then?”
“Well, I like art and getting drunk on the weekends, for starters.”
“We’re going to get along splendidly.”
A few weeks later, I sit at the table, editing the photos I took of Fancy. This one is particularly enticing. Her naked back is toward the camera, her spine sticking out faintly as she hunches her shoulders forward. She holds a green silk sheet against the front of her body with one hand, exposing just enough of the side of her breast to be tasteful. She looks at me over her shoulder, her other arm raised to run her hands through her hair. The photos capture the brilliant red strands slipping out from her fingers. Her makeup is sultry, making her eyes stand out.
My phone buzzes next to me. I ignore it, continuing to the next photo.
Fancy is on the ground, the camera angled to fly over her body. Her face is off to the side, so the focus is her fingers twirling a string of pearls around her neck. The light reflects in the blue nail polish. In the background, her breasts swell under the thin pink fabric of her bra. Her legs are bent, knees knocked in toward each other.  I feel an appreciative growl escape my throat, remembering how I took her on the floor after I snapped the photo.
I flip to the next one - she’s on her stomach, her ass in the air - when a series of texts come in, one after another. After the fourth one I finally pick up my phone. They’re all from Fancy.
Come to Oxford ;) I want to see you ;) Please Freddy I know you’ve got your phone on you
I want to see you more often And I don’t want to drive an hour to do it.
I think about her implication. What had started as a night here and there had turned into a biweekly event and she had started staying with me during her visits instead of running off in the mornings. Our rough sex had turned into almost passionate love making. There is a different feel to whatever is going on between us now. Our fling had somehow become something more.
I type out, Maybe.
You can stay at my place. My cousin won’t mind
You live with your cousin? Is she going to join us? ;)
HE wouldn’t mind it, but I definitely would :P
Ah. I hadn’t been with a man in five years and I wasn’t about to start. When?
Come tonight. I’ve got a new set I want to show you ;)
I chew on my bottom lip, seriously contemplating it. I don’t have any solid roots in London, and there’s nothing left for me here anyway, seeing as I don’t go out anymore.  My life has dwindled down to working at the table and fucking Fancy in the bed, or the other way around. Moving to a different city would be good for me. I could start over, maybe turn this thing with Fancy into something serious.
Give me a couple hours.
By the time I pull up to the quiet neighborhood, it’s nearly one o’clock. The dark stone house peeks out under strands of ivy climbing up the walls. It’s quaint, with stairs leading to the door and little flower boxes under the windows. I pull out my phone, messaging Fancy. Within minutes, I see a light turn on in an upstairs window. She comes out smiling radiantly. She grabs my hand.
“Oliver’s still asleep, so you’ve got to be quiet.”
I check at the name for an instant but she pulls me through the house, not noticing. The sitting room that looks like it’s straight out of a magazine. The blue couch is illuminated by the moon coming through the large bay window. A fireplace with low burning embers is on the adjacent wall. We go under an ornate archway into the kitchen and then through another one to a set of stairs. I let her lead me down the hall.  
When we tumble into her bed, Fancy starts giggling.
“I didn’t think you’d actually come.”
“You asked, didn’t you?” I kiss her, slipping a hand under her shirt. “Haven’t you got something to show me?”
I wake up to the feel of Fancy trailing kisses down my chest. She’s got her ass waving in the air and she lets out little hums as she moves. When she lifts her head, her caramel brown eyes sparkle. God, she’s hot. Fancy crawls to the top of the bed and kisses me, her fingers roaming my chest.
“Morning,” she mumbles into my mouth.
Fancy pulls away and sits up. “Did you sleep well?”
“Like an angel.” My eyes slip to the art on her walls, drawn specifically to a vivid red cardinal, perched on a snow-covered branch. Its beady eye stares back at me. “Are these yours?”
She blushes prettily. “Yeah. I’m not very good.”
“They look good to me.”
With a happy smile, she leans in to kiss me again and then jumps off the bed sliding into the shirt and shorts I tore off her last night. “I’ll make lunch, yeah?”
I glance at the clock on the bedside table. It’s 12:45. “Alright.”
I stretch on the bed for a second more before getting up, admiring the drawings as I pull on my own discarded clothes. Next to the cardinal is a grove of trees, brilliant green foliage dappled with sunlight. Next to that, a gazebo covered in snow. She’d paid such attention to detail, it’s astounding. I give the cardinal another curious glance before lighting a cig and leaving the room.
By the time I get down the stairs, Fancy is already working at the stove She’s got the radio on and is swaying her hips to the music.
“Put that out,” she says without turning around. “There’s no smoking in the house.”
I douse the cigarette in a pot of water in the sink and sneak up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and nipping her ear. I leave kisses on her neck, giving her a particularly possessive bruise on the area between her neck and shoulder. I start to slip a hand under her shirt. She whacks me with the spatula.
“Go sit down, you insatiable cad.”
I laugh, giving her ass a pinch before sliding a chair out. It affords me a view of the backyard. Purple and yellow flowers spill out of pots along the edge of the patio. The grass beyond is littered with brown leaves, though most of the trees are still bright red, orange, and yellow. There’s a little greenhouse off to the side, still green plants flourishing. It’s got a domestic feel to it.
Fancy brings my attention back inside by plopping a plate of eggs in front of me.
“I’m not the greatest cook,” she admits, “But I thought after all the breakfasts you’ve made me, the least I could do is try.”
I take one bite and grimace. “This is terrible,” I say as I spit it out into a napkin.
She giggles. “That bad?”
“I’ve had escargot that tastes better than this.”
She rests a hand on my knee. “Well, you can’t say I didn’t attempt.”
“Please don’t ever do this again,” I say, unable to keep the grin off my face.
She takes the plate with a playful scowl, dumping the food in the trash as I get up to take over the cooking. Fancy dances around the kitchen as I throw together eggs and spices. She comes up behind me and slips her hands up my chest, placing kisses on my back.
“Who’s the cad now?” I ask. I hear the front door open in the other room.
“Fancy, are you really making breakfast?”
I freeze. I’d know that voice anywhere. I had left it pleading and on the verge of tears in Greece and never expected to hear it again, least of all here. I can still see his face, sorrowful and distraught, begging me to stay. Telling me we’d get through everything, that we could do this. I shut my eyes, taking a shuddering breath in.
Fancy misinterprets my reaction and gives me a reassuring squeeze. “It’s just Oliver,” she whispers.
I know. I don’t say the words out loud, as if by not admitting it, he’ll disappear. I’m afraid to turn around, even as a part of me begs to see his face.
“Well I was trying,” Fancy is saying. “But Freddy didn’t approve, so now he’s doing it.”
“God, did you bring your flavor of the night home with you?”
I wince at the derision. Fancy moves away from me. “Don’t be rude. My flavor of the night, as you say, has actually been my flavor of the last few months.”
“Oh, is this why you’ve been running up to London every other week?”
“This is Freddy. Freddy, come meet my cousin.”
There’s no avoiding it now. I dump the food from the pan onto a plate and turn around. He’s sitting at the table, flipping through his phone. His hair is an array of curly tufts, just like I remember. The sun lights up his face and highlights the light stubble on his chin. The corner of his mouth is twisted into a frown as he says,
“What makes this one special?”
“Well, he can cook for one thing.” From the side of my eye, I can tell Fancy is looking at me, a grin on her face, but I only have eyes for the man in front of me. I set the plate in front of him.
“Thanks mate,” he says, finally looking up. His eyes, his beautiful, brilliant hazel eyes, flare wide within seconds and his mouth drops. All we can do is stare at each other. I drink in his features greedily, memorizing the shape of his face, the arch of his eyebrows, the sharp edges of his jaw. For a moment, it’s as if the years have fallen away and we’re eighteen again, meeting each other for the first time. He had looked at me the same way, making me feel like I was the only person in the world.
I bite my lip and hear him mutter under his breath, “Shit.”
Fancy steps up to my side, interlacing our fingers. She kisses me on the cheek, saying, “He’s different, Oliver.”
When he looks at me again, he doesn’t look angry like I expect, like he should be, but there’s a touch of coldness that makes me flinch. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Don’t be jealous because I found him first.”
He scoffs. “You can keep him. He’s not my type.”
I deserve the chilly statement, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Fancy leans against me in what I suppose is a supportive gesture.
“Listen, I’ve invited Freddy to stay with us for a bit.”
“You did what?” He turns his fierce eyes to his cousin, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, he’s in Oxford and needs a place to live,” she lies. She crinkles her nose. “I’ve just remembered that I promised Mica I’d help her find a dress for tonight, so I’ll leave you two to become friends. Be nice.”
When she leaves the kitchen, a heavy silence falls. I’m not sure what to do so I just stand there as he picks up a fork and shovels the food around the plate. Fancy comes back down, waves bye, and leaves. Still, he doesn’t say anything. I feel nauseous and my head hurts. I wish I had finished that cigarette.
After another minute, he points the fork at the chair opposite him. “You can sit down, you know,” he rasps out.
I hesitate, unsure of if I want to run away or not. I decide to take the seat slowly. I watch his hands as he plays with the eggs, noticing with a jolt that he’s still wearing the silver and emerald ring I gave him years ago. I had gotten it for him as a graduation present, but it had meant something more too. It had been a promise. And I broke it.
I fiddle with my fingers, figuring out how to speak to this person. I settle for, “Hello, Ollie.”
He lifts his head, looking at me. Really looking. I think I see the frozen gaze crack and concern shine out for a brief second. I know what he must see - a pale, scrawny creature with gloomy eyes and a hollow face. I’m nothing like the vibrant, bright person he used to know.
“You look fucking terrible,” he finally says when an uncomfortable number of minutes pass. “You look worse than when you thought you could live off popcorn and biscuits.”
“I’ve been busy,” I say by way of explanation.
“Too busy to eat?”
“I’ve been eating.”
“Not enough,” he snaps.
A laugh slips out as we fall back into the old argument. “Alright yeah, my diet mostly consists of Bacardi and nicotine.”  
His eyebrows immediately furrow, the worry too obvious to miss. He puts the fork down and folds his hands. He seems to fight himself before he asks, “Are you okay?”
I feel a pang at the question. Somehow, his ability to care for me hasn’t changed. “I’m fine,” I say quietly.
“That’s what you said in March, and then you disappeared again.” His voice sounds accusing, but when I catch his eye, he just looks sad. I think about that call, the kindness in his voice back then, the love that I could still feel radiating down the line. I hadn’t felt like I deserved it, so I had ignored the second chance he had given me. I had fucked my way around London to forget about the fact that he had invited me to visit him, and that he had said he missed me. The shame of it slams into me. I don’t have any words for him so I just look stare helplessly at the table.
Ollie runs his fingers through his hair and sighs, leaning back. “I don’t know whether to punch you, or kiss you.”
My lips twitch. I deserved the one and I desperately wanted the other. I give a weak shrug. “Both?”
He rubs his face, frowning. “I waited for you to come back, you know.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I stayed in Greece for two extra weeks, thinking you’d walk through that door again, like you’d just gone out to walk it off. And then I waited at every damn stop on the tour we planned, expecting you to show up. I hoped for for weeks that it was all just an nightmare and I’d wake up with you in my arms again, and I’d kiss you, and love you, and everything would be alright.”
I can feel my heart breaking. “I’m sorry,” I choke out again.
“And then I woke up one morning and it hit me. You were gone. For good. You weren’t coming back, you weren’t going to call. So when I checked out of that last hotel, I shut the door on us.”
His face starts getting blurry. I try to blink away the tears but just succeed in spilling them. Through them, I see Ollie’s nose twitch, the way it always does when he’s lying. A flutter of hope rises in my chest. “I wanted to.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Why hadn’t I? Because I had been so afraid of my past coming between us, that I had let it do just that. I had been scared of what he would say to me if I walked through those doors again after a week, two weeks, two months. I hadn’t wanted to see his anger, or sadness. I had betrayed him, and I hadn’t been ready to face that. So I had let the months slip by until they became years. And the more time I kept silent, the more scared I was to talk to him.
“I couldn’t.”
Ollie scoffs. “That’s a bullshit answer. God, we had three years together. We were building something; we were happy.”
“Happiest three years of my life.” Not a lie.
“Then why’d you leave?”
I fidget with my hands, unable to look him in the eye. “I didn’t want you to be bothered by her anymore. I thought if I walked away, she would leave you alone.”
“I never would have let Leah come between us, if you had just trusted me.”
I flinch at the name of the girl who had ruined everything. The messages that had followed us across Europe still haunt me to this day. Leah had tried to drive a wedge between me and Ollie, and while she never succeeded in making him hate me, she still managed to destroyed our relationship. At least, she’d played a hand in helping me destroy it.
“You were so angry about it,” I whisper, wiping my face. “I hated seeing you like that.”
“Of course I was angry! She was ruining our trip.” He looks down at his hands. “I was going to ask you to marry me, you know. At the end of it all.”
It’s like a punch to the face. I watch him play with his ring, twirling it around his finger. “You should have done it at the beginning,” I say.
“Would it have changed anything?”
“It might have.”
“Yeah, well, hindsight is always twenty-twenty, isn’t it?” He sighs deeply. “Well, it doesn’t matter now. I’ve moved on and you’ve got Cici.” His nose twitches again.
I blink. I had almost forgotten about her. That’s right, I was only here because of her. I had entertained the idea that I was starting to feel something for her, maybe enough to start a real relationship with her. Those thoughts had gone right out the window at the sight of Ollie.
“How long have you been sleeping with her?”
In the rare moments when I had allowed myself to imagine meeting Ollie again, this was definitely not the topic of conversation. I shift awkwardly. He lets out a mirthless laugh. “Oh come on, it’s not a secret. I heard you fucking all night.”
“You still make that noise right before you get off.” I blush furiously and shoot him a rapid glare. He smirks mischievously for a second, and then it falls from his face. “You’re the first guy she’s brought to the house, you know. Says a lot about you.”
I don’t know what to say. I think of all the girls I’ve had between here and Russia and think it just means Fancy’s got poor taste in men. “I got the impression she had a lot of mates to sleep with.”
“Yeah, but she never brings them here.”
“I guess she thought it was time to meet you.”
“How long have you been seeing each other then?”
“Since June.”
He looks surprised. “That’s incredible.”
I scratch the back of my head, embarrassed. “It’s just three months.”
“That’s a record for her. Listen,” Ollie leans forward, placing his forearms on the table. “You can’t tell her about us, alright? She finally looks happy for once. It would devastate her.”
I furrow my eyebrows. “She wasn’t happy before?”
He hesitates for a second, as if debating what to say to me. Then he says simply, “She’s better.”  
“I won’t,” I say. “Tell her, that is. I don’t even know how I’d have that conversation.”
“You would start by telling her you’re gay.”
I smile a bit, dropping my gaze. “More like bi-curious.”
“I’d hate to think you were just experimenting with my cousin.” His sharp tone makes me look up. He’s giving me a mild glare, his brow lifted. “She’s like a sister to me and I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her.”
I laugh, raising my hands defensively. “I’m not. I think I’m starting to feel something for her.” I’m a little startled as the words leave my mouth. I think of her smile from this morning and it sends a little thrill through me. I feel a bit guilty as I glance at Ollie. Nothing I feel for her could ever top the emotions that well up at the sight of him, but if he was trying to convince himself that he’d moved on, then maybe it was time for me to do the same.
“Good,” Ollie says, getting up. “I’m happy for you.”
I realize he means it. He might be sad to see me with someone else, but he’s not bitter about it. If I was happy with his cousin, then he would bury his own feelings for my sake. Like always, putting me before him.
“This you?”
I turn to see him standing by the sink, holding up my soaked cigarette. “Sorry, yeah. I didn’t have anywhere else to put it. I was gonna get it out.”
“You’re smoking again?” He sounds upset, and I catch his eye. He’s looking at me with such overwhelming concern that I feel my throat start to choke up.
“I picked it up in France,” I manage to sputter out.
Ollie drops the cig in the trash and then  crosses his arms. “Come on, you know it’s not good for you.”
I remember the first time he caught me smoking, a couple days into our second month of living together. He had held my hand and cupped my face, and said exactly the same thing. I smile a bit at the memory.
“It’s a stress habit.”
He takes a step forward and rests a hand on my shoulder. “You’ve got to stop.”
“I can’t,” I say, looking down at his hand
He lifts my chin. “Try. For me.”
“Alright.” I find I mean it. I’d try, if he wanted me to.
“You want a cup of tea?” he asks, moving back to his seat at the table. I nod dumbly, still feeling his warmth on my shoulder. He points to the counter. “The kettle’s just there. I like Earl Grey, one sugar.”
He shoots me a smirk and it makes me laugh. I set about making a pot for the two of us
“Well, tell me about the last five years then. I expect there’s a lot to catch up on.”
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snowrobin-133 · 6 years
Ninja Stars
Hope you enjoy!
Chapt. 4 [Ao3]
Moon was sore. She groaned as she sat up straight in her chair while rubbing the back of her bandaged neck.
"Great another injured neck." She mutters under her breath.
"Oh stop whining. It's not that bad." Gladion says to her and she sends him a pout.
"Unlike you. I injured my neck two times. TWO TIMES" She remarks back and he just shifted in his seat while reading a book. Moon looked at the book curiously before trying to read the title.
"Alternate Life, huh." Moon hums and Gladion looks at her with an eyebrow raised.
"What's it 'bout?" she asked while putting a pocky in my mouth.
"Where did you get that pocky??" He asks slightly confused, "You know what, don't answer," He says as Moon's mouth opened to reply, "The book is about two characters switching places in a storyline." He explains and Moon nodded.
"Ah, okay." She replies and continues to eat her pocky. She looked around before taking out her book. She flipped to the page she was on which was about the Moondrop. She put her hand in her bag trying to find the small test tube. Moon felt the tube and inwardly sighed in relief before starting to read the page. The explanation of the Moondrop was very long, 3 and a half pages to be exact.
'The Moondrop is a sacred liquid of the Lunalans. It has been said in the legend of the people that the Moondrop was given to them by the legendary dragon, Lunala itself. Ancient legends also say that the Moondrop has the ability to heal any kind of illness or disease as well as granting the user their wish.'
Moon scoffed quietly and Gladion glanced at her from the corner of his eye slightly confused as he heard her scoff.
"Something wrong?" He asks curiously and Moon glances at him.
"No. It's nothing..." Moon replied and closed the book before placing it in her bag and started to fade into her thoughts.
"The Moondrop is a dangerous liquid, and so is the Sundrop. Based on your intentions, whether good or evil, it will grant your wish. Utilizing it can be difficult and if used incorrectly, it could possibly end the world." Moon thought as she looked out the window.
"Alola cousins!" someone called out and Moon turned around to see Kukui. She walked to her seat and sat down.
"So Lillie, how's the egg?" Kukui asked Lillie and she grew flustered as the attention turned to her.
"Oh! U-uh w-well... it's doing fine..." She replied as she took out the egg and it rocked a few times.
"Great! Woo!" Kukui says excitedly, "Today will be defense techniques!" he announces and motioned for us to follow him.
Moon walked side by side with Gladion and Lillie, talking to them before she was pushed to the floor face first.
"Ack!" Moon cringed as she felt her injuries start to sting and squeezed her eyes shut. She managed to open her eye a bit to see Plumeria holding onto Gladion. Kukui and Hau helped Moon up and everyone else glared at Plumeria.
"what was that for?!" Dexio asks glaring at her through his sunglasses and Plumeria just sticks her tongue
"Get off me." Gladion says with annoyance.
"Awww...don't be like that lil' Gladi~" she says sweetly.
"Fuck off." He replies and pushes her away and she pouted.
"Gladi!!" she whines as she followed Gladion as he walked to Moon with a slightly concerned expression and asks her something while she sits and she nods with a small smile. Plumeria watches the exchange before storming off while muttering something.
"So...Lil' Gladi huh?" Moon teases at him and he blushes embarrassedly before looking away.
"S-shut up." He replies annoyed and Moon snickers quietly.
"So Moon, will you able to do what we're doing today?" Kukui asks her and she nods with a small smile.
"Great! Just tell me if you need to go to the nurse though, ok?" Kukui asks.
"Okay." Moon replies and stands up with a small stumble. They all continued walking to the arena and Moon and Lillie talked the rest of the way.
"So Moon, could you tell me about your family?" Lillie asked and Moon raised an eyebrow.
"And why do you want to know?" Moon replies.
"I'm curious, you never talk about them when we're talking about our parents." Lillie replies.
"She's right you know." Ilima cuts in and I look at him in surprise.
"Uhh...well...um..." Moon stutters.
"You're going to have to tell us soon anyway," Dexio adds and she looks at him questioningly, "Parents day is coming soon where all parents come to the academy to see how their child is doing and there are lots of events." he explains.
"ah" Moon replies.
"Now spill!" Hau yells out and Moon jumps. She turns to him and he has a malasada in his hands.
"How the hell do you have a malasada?" Moon asks, "You know what, don't answer." she interrupts as he was about to speak.
The others kept on bothering her, trying to get Moon to talk about her parents until they were outside. As soon as they got outside, a shadow covered them. Everyone looks up to see a dragon flying above and their eyes goes wide. Then Moon realizes something.
"PLEASE SAY THAT IS NOT HIM." I yelled mentally.
"Hey there's someone riding the dragon!" Someone yells from beyond and I go pale.
"Fuck." is all I say and the others turn to me in slight confusion before I hide behind Gladion.
"hide me please." I say quietly. Gladion was about to ask me before the dragon swooped down to us. The dragon landed gracefully and a boy around Gladion's age dropped down. He had messy blonde hair and light tan skin and wore fancy-ass clothes. He patted the dragon before looking around and noticing our group. He had a serious face on as he approached us.
"Do you know a girl named Moon?" He asks and almost immediately everyone's eyes turned to me except for Gladion's. The boy then notices my foot appearing from behind Gladion.
"Who's behind you?" He asks looking at Gladion.
"Who are you?" He retorts back and the boy looks at him annoyed but replies.
"Chad T. Wellington." He says acting cocky and I let out a laugh.
“What’s the T for?” Hau asks and I held in another laugh.
“You don’t need to know.” Chad bluntly says and flipped his hair around.
“Stands for Trash.” I blurted out and I immediately put a hand over my mouth, I looked over to see Chad looking completely shocked while the others held in a laugh and then he notices me. I quietly cursed and he tilts his head to look at me.
"Is that you Moon?" Chad asks and I freeze.
"IT IS YOU!" He says in realization.
"Fuck." I said before running away.
"MOONIE COME BACK TO ME PLEASE." he yells and starts chasing after me leaving the others completely confused and speechless.
"FUCK NO, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE." I yelled back and runs even faster.
"S-should we help her...?" Sophocles asks.
"I don't know..." Everyone else replies simultaneously. They continue watching me run until I ended up in front of them trying to catch my breath. I heard his voice and looked up before hiding behind the nearest person which happened to be Gladion.
"EH?! Moonie pie! Why are you hiding behind this mess called a boy?" He asks in total shock and I felt Gladion tense at the same time.
"Well, at least he's better than you," I hissed and he goes to a corner and sulks, "Besides, why the hell are you here?" I ask and he's back up on his feet immediately looking proud.
"It's because your father, the chief may I add, has declared that we'd be married!" He replies with full confidence on his face and I just stared at him, "amazing right?!" he asks and puts an arm around my shoulder. I put my palm under his chin and push up. He falls down head first and sits up rubbing his head.
"No, tell him I won't accept it," I tell him, "besides he's not MY chief. Now go back, I don't want you to keep on causing a scene " I said after a pause.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I'm going to this academy now." He immediately mentions and I tense. I swerved around and pointed a katana at his throat.
"No." is all I say with annoyance.
"Hey, I don't want to go to this stupid academy, but your dad ordered me to go to watch out for you." He replies.
"Then why the hell didn't he send my brother?" I ask with my patience running out.
"I don't know either." Chad replies while holding up his hands. A vein pops in my head and I sheath my katana, not in the mood.
"Let's just go." I say storming off with the others following after me. We walked a distance to where we thankfully couldn't see Chad anymore and I knew immediately what the others wanted to know.
"Just ask it." I mutter and they jump, even Gladion.
“Where did you get that katana anyway? Would've sworn it wasn't there an hour ago…” Kiawe asks.
“I don't know either.” I replied
“...um...well...so your father is chief?" Lillie asks anxiously.
"Yes, but I'm not apart of his tribe." I replied bluntly.
"What do you mean you're not apart of his tribe?" Dexio asks confused.
"My parents are from different tribes and when me and my brother were born, when I was old enough, I chose to live with my mom while my brother chose to live with my father, I visit his tribe from time to time though and my brother does the same." I explain while crossing my arms.
"Is your mom also chief?" Hau asks and I shake my head.
"She's not chief but she's an adviser for the elders." I reply.
"So you must have an important family." Kiawe says and I nod.
"I guess so..." I mutter quietly. We finally arrive at the arena to see a very complicated machine made out of wood and I stare at it in surprise.
“We’re here!” Kukui announces and turns to us, "This is a defense mechanism that will raise up your defense skill, it has several layers full of wooden models and you need to defend yourself from arrows, swords, and more. We will have a race and the one to reach the top first will win." he explains and continues to explain more minor and major details and we started.
It was evening by the time we finished. I had just gotten out of the shower as I entered the room with a towel on my head. I noticed Lillie reading my book to the egg. I disregarded that as I jumped onto my bed with a sigh. Lillie flinched as she heard me and turned around to see me laying on the bed staring up at the roof. I put an arm over my eyes as I tried to relax.
“Um...Moon…?” Lillie quietly calls out.
“Yeah?” I replied.
“C-could you t-tell me...urm...a-about how you met C-Chad…? Lillie stutters quietly and I tensed as I heard that name. I sighed and sat up still looking at the roof before looking at Lillie.
“...sure…” I quietly replied, “We knew each other since age 5, the first time I met him was when I visited my father...he was as bratty as he is now. Apparently...he fell in love with me at ‘first sight’,” I paused and laid back down, “Every time I visited my father and older brother I would have to either hide behind my brother or just run.” I finished explaining with a sigh.
“A-ah…” Lillie replies, “May I ask who your brother is?” she asks.
“My brother?...He is 5 years older and his name is Sun, but everyone calls him Elio, he’s supposed to be the next chief.” I answered hesitantly.
“Oh...he sounds important…” Lillie replies. I looked to the clock next to my bed to see it was late and I sat up.
“Welp it’s time to go to sleep...night.” I said quietly before turning off the light and laid back down on my bed. I heard a quiet goodnight as I drifted off to dreamworld.
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heretic-altias · 7 years
Things sso needs to update that nobody thinks about
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