#But this has also happened with me and kalluzeb
horatio-fig · 1 month
help I said I enjoyed the deep caring friendship between two fictional men and now strangers are calling me homophobic on the internet 😭😭😭
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martianbugsbunny · 9 months
I am going to continue believing that Kalluzeb will appear in the Ahsoka show together because I may look like a stupid clown bitch but it will take a better man than Dave Filoni to pry my sense of optimism and hope out of my cold dead hands
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embrose · 7 months
I need to vent.
I. Fucking HATE. When characters make a scene in public.
In this fic, a Kalluzeb fic, they're fighting. Haven't talked to each other in a bit. Then suddenly Kallus confronts Zeb in the middle of the rest of the rebel base. And they have a very personal discussion, while physically also fighting (it's a whole thing, ties to what has happened previously in the fic), and everyone hears it. And when they're done and they kiss their audience fucking cheers. Omfg, my toes curled and my stomach hurts just thinking about it, I hated it so much.
It wasn't enough to ruin the fic for me or anything, I finished it and it was good. But those kinda scenes, just, they get me every time. I skip them when I can. They make me so uncomfortable...
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mayawakening · 2 months
May's Mall Adventure
So imma preface this and say I don't just randomly go places, especially notoriously crowded places, like, ever. (Hurray autism!) However, my support person (my older sister) talked me into going to the mall with her for some exercise. Actually ended up going okay, and there was some hilarious blorbo-fication happening the entire time. (My sister knows about my Kalluzeb obsession)
So right off the bat I noticed these pants.
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There are SO MANY POCKETS. Like, literally pockets on the pockets.
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Sister laughed and said "Oh, Kallus would love those!" Y'ALL SHE'S NOT WRONG. 🤣
Found out that pretty much EVERY store window had insanely pocketed cargo pants, so apparently thats the style right now. I was giggling to myself imagining Sabine dragging an extremely uncomfortable Kallus through an Old Navy because "You need more clothes" and "everything has pockets, you like that, right?"
I also ended up taking pictures of really random things because I wanna try to make weaving patterns.
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Also we found an anatomically correct corgi (lol)
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I found @lost-in-derry at Barnes and Noble!!
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Also, I feel like out of any store at the mall, Kallus would have a Barnes and Noble membership. People would get him B&N gift cards as gifts. He would go pick up a mountain of books and exclusively use the external entrance so he wouldn't have to actually be IN the mall. Zeb has to physically haul him away from bookstores.
Took a peek inside the first Thrawn book, in case anyone needs the timeline. (I haven't read it yet, only Ascendancy)
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Also my sister bought me a tiny plastic shark. His name is Nubbins.
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Thus concludes my mall adventure!
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nicki0kaye · 10 months
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@mymblesbuir, you get it
that bitch was so ready to die. it was pure chance he was able to escape, and like. Obviously he does create a plan on the fly, but I think that shit was him moving on instinct. And even then, it was a CRAPSHOOT that the Ghost would catch his escape pod at all.
and there was no plan beyond that.
he barely integrates into the rebellion, is still talking like a bond villain, idk maybe its just how I see him, but the man is not adjusting. Not in how he speaks or carries himself, and that has to be a choice for such a calculating person. I do think there's an aspect of he just can't turn it off, but I also think that he just straight up doesn't know what he'd do if he DID. Like...he has no idea what to do with himself. He is consciously out of place, in part because he never thought he'd get out. I don't know if he still believes he should be out beyond, like, having no choice and also being a genuine asset for the rebellion.
idk, its just something I love to think about, how out of place he is and how conscious he must be of that fact and how much of it is his choice to remain so obviously Imperial-in-Rebel-Clothing. How much does the dissonance bother him? Is he doing it to keep ppl at a distance? Is he playing to ppls expectations or his own? Is he genuinely so focused on work that he doesn't care to loosen up or is he using work as an excuse to avoid having to rebuild outside the strict but known social parameters of the Empire?
is he genuinely comfortable in his own skin, or is it just the skin he's worn for so long, he can't trust what he might find underneath? There's so much more going on, after all. Him 'finding' himself is such a low fuckin priority.
I got to explore that a bit in my 'Meet the In-Laws' Kalluzeb fic for those curious. The context is he's met with his older brother, Tuz, who is giving him flack for covering his tattoos and keeping up a fake accent. Tuz insists it's because Alex was ashamed of his family. Alex goes off;
"I was an Imperial spy who had defected to the Rebellion," Alex hisses. He can hear his own voice going pitchy from stress, from the strain of keeping it lowered and this private conversation private, but he has to explain, or more accurately, he couldn't stop himself from explaining, now, if he tried. It just has to come out. Tuz has no idea what wound he's prodding at– (Would Zeb? No, Alex has never told him, not in so many words. He's never told anyone.) "I was under constant scrutiny after–after nearly two decades of pretending to be a model example of the Empire's–of humanity's superiority, hunting down and snuffing out any descent! Do you know what would have happened if I suddenly dropped that act? Hmm? After switching sides? When everyone around me was scrutinizing my every move, because they either suspected or were out right certain I was some triple agent? Still bowing and scraping for the Emperor behind closed doors? All the grace I'd earned would have gone up in smoke, that's what. Wasted on something as juvenile as ego." Blood now pounding in his ears, Alex starts punctuating each declaration with a rough stab at the table. "They needed to trust me. I needed them to trust me so I could do my job! Yes, I hid my tattoos, because I didn't have time to waste, explaining how I got them and whether they were authentic. I didn't start talking like I used to because it didn't matter, and it would have only distracted from the karking war." He cuts himself off, there. Swallows down around the rest–how isolating it was, how claustrophobic it felt at times, how maddening the contradiction of it was, that he was free and still, voluntarily trapped in his Imperial costume. How he had so many selfish reasons for leaving the Empire and near all of them were set aside for the sake of the Rebellion, and that it ate at him– –that it eats at him still, 8 standard months out and still stuck in his ways, afraid of upsetting the tentative balance he's found with Zeb in their new home. It's choking him slowly, and still he clings to what he knows, falls back on the bad habits and the lies, continues to make excuses for why it just isn't 'the right time' to begin his soul searching, to find who he 'really' is. (When is he going to admit to Garazeb how afraid he is that there's nothing under the costume to find?)
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greatunironic · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
approximately twenty years late for these twenty questions, but i'm here now so that counts rights? thank you to @aidaronan for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 40
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 711,322
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently stranger things, but i've got star wars (prequels + rebels) w.i.p.s in the google docs that i'd still love to see the light of day
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? steddie overtook my oldest fics, so most remarkable thing is my number one, with two other fics in the same universe behind it (frozen with joy and the world throws its light), followed by all the missing girls and brutalist masterpieces
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try to respond to all of them because i'm trying to be more outgoing in fandom spaces; i also feel very humbled + touched by the response to my steddie stories so i try to stay engaged there when i can
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i don't think anything is particularly angsty from stranger things -- i try to lean into optimism and hopeful endings when i can, even if something tragic happens with the story; so i would have to say the untitled companion kallus au out of rebels fandom, since part two ends on a bit of a downer.
(though various stories out of the eating in the underworld series probably qualify, especially when you're reading them chronologically...)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i like to think the whole of most remarkable thing, and other b-sides and rarities as the happiest, i would say? mainly because the idea of steve + eddie, alive in 2023 and thriving with their family, careers, and marriage is very dear to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not really
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes; allow me to be pretentious and say that it's typically serving a plot purpose, and often tender, sometimes silly, sometimes spicy
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? i like a good fusion, mainly; i think the only crossover i've written + published is an ancient avengers and battlestar galactica fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! remarkable has french + spanish translations, and crozen with joy also has a french translation
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no; i'm a solitary creature by nature, and also anxious to a fault so i've never felt it was something i'd be able to do + do right by my co-author.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? i love steddie but i gotta be honest here on tumblr dot com: kalluzeb
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i pray every day that i'll finish all my wips; but my greatest fear is that i'll never conclude the star wars f+f au, even though the google doc is halfway written
16. What are your writing strengths? once again imma be a little pretentious and say crafting the story itself; i think i'm a really solid plotter + have good outlines that allow me to tell the story i want to tell
17. What are your writing weaknesses? probably being too wordy, and having a hard time trimming + cutting things; i have a whole google doc devoted to passages i've loved that i've excised from stories but just couldn't get rid of entirely -- i'm definitely a director's cut bitch
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i've encorporated mando'a into a handful of star wars stories, and used a few russian terms of endearment for at me too someone is looking (rebels) -- so i think if it serves a purpose to the story, you gotta do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? star trek, i think?? maybe stargate: sg1??
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? i love all of my children equally but differently, but gun to my head? dogfish or the other hand knocking, because both were so interesting + challenging to write in very different ways
not tagging anyone because i'm so late to the game, but if you wanna play just say i called your name!!
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dark--whisperings · 8 months
Fic Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @mischievouschan4 & @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart! 💖✨
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
101,352. And almost all of that has been in 2023!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, only Star Wars! In the past, I've written for Transformers as well, but I wasn't as dedicated to writing for that fandom as I am Star Wars. I actually started out in fandom as a beta reader and an artist; writing is pretty new to me!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
the way you say my name - 332 kudos
Those Eyes Like Fire - 205 kudos
Falling Deep Into You - 167 kudos
out of our hands - 143 kudos
Suffocate Me (I'm Still Breathing) - 131 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! I adore all of my readers and love a good joint flail in a comment thread!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Falling Deep Into You. Let me tell you... the boys have it BAD in this one, but we do love their inability to communicate. This is the first part of a three part series. The second part (Falling For Your Body and Soul) also has an angsty ending, but things are slowly starting to resolve in this installment. There will be a third (and final part), but I haven't started working on it yet!
7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending?
That would be out of our hands. This one starts out angsty as fuck, but resolves into the most tooth rotting, disgustingly soft fluff I've ever written. Close second would be Those Eyes Like Fire, which is mostly snark with a side of fluff.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far! Though I have had hateful comments on my art in the past, and it's never fun to deal with. Fuck the haters!
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Do I write smut... *checks AO3*. Yep, everything I write is smut. 🤣🤣🤣 I do lean towards more kink-focused/taboo smut. You know what they say... write the things that you would want to read as a reader!
10. Do you write cross-overs?
Not so far, and not sure I could do it justice!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but if anyone would like to... feel free to drop me a dm! 👀
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have! Unfortunately, it's no longer posted, but it was a lovely experience that I would do again in a heartbeat. ALSO planning to cowrite one with @mischievouschan4 in the new year. 💖
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
I have a few! Obikin, Kylux, Kalluzeb, and Snarry!
15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I actually don't have one of these! I only have two WIPs at the moment... one of which I'm about to post the final chapter to (Suffocate Me (I'm Still Breathing)). The other is a long fic that I've been picking away at for a while, but fully intend to finish.
16. What are your writing strength?
I like to think that I'm really good at conveying emotion and building tension with words. I've also been told by others that I'm excellent at figurative language.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm long-winded. Pretty sure I could get the point I'm trying to make across in a lot fewer words than I end up doing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I actually LOVE reading fics with dialogue in another language! I'd love to do one myself, but I'm only somewhat passable in French, and I wouldn't want to post something in another language unless I was confident in my own ability.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Transformers... which also happens to be the first fandom that I was heavily involved in! 🤖
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
the way you bend, the way you break and Suffocate Me (I'm Still Breathing), hands down. Both of these drew on some very real personal vulnerabilities, and I feel like they more than adequately represent the piece of my life that they were intended to. I'm very proud to have put them out in the world.
No pressure tags: @tideswept, @innepttia, @anakinschmanakin, @ineffable-snowman, @tennessoui, @fishnamedsushi
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
If you're still taking asks for the WIP game:
Unbroken (Andor/Rebels), Rough Awakening (TBB), and A reason to fight (Kalluzeb) please! :D
For you, @takadasaiko of course, my darling!
From UNBROKEN (Chapter 2, I think) [This is what happens when you write no linear bits and pieces instead of the whole chapter in order 🫣]
Kallus hesitates to key the code that unlocks the cell doors, prison-wide.
"What are you waiting for?" Cassian asks.
"Are you sure about this?" Kallus shoots back, over his shoulder.
"Yes. The guards will scramble and hide like rats once the chaos starts."
Kallus raises a brow, skepticism shinning in his eyes, probably still confident in the Imperial efficiency despite having defected a few months ago, so Cassian adds, "Not my first rodeo in a prison break."
Cassian sees curiosity taken ahold of Kallus. He knows that the ex-imperial is filing the information in his head, and will ask about it in another time. Andor isn't looking forward to it. He hardly talks about his time in Narkina 5.
From ROUGH AWAKENING (Chapter 5):
“The chip had been malfunctioning for what I can guess. According to your med droid, this had happened to another clone before.”
The unexpected mention of that incident hits Echo like a physical blow. Az-3 told him a while ago how Tup’s chip degraded and malfunctioned, making him carry out what Echo suspects is Order 66 untimely and kill General Tiplar on the spot. That’s what led Fives to investigate the inhibitor chips and to his death. It’s futile, but Echo can’t help thinking that if he hadn’t been blown up in The Citadel and taken as prisoner by Tambor, he might’ve been able to save Fives. Together, they would’ve uncovered the conspiracy… saved the Jedi and even perhaps ended the war. Most importantly, prevent the rising of the Empire.
Echo allows himself to dwell on that fantasy a second longer before whisking it away. It’s pointless to brood over something he can’t change. Fives is dead. For much it hurts him, his brother won’t return from the dead as Echo did.
And from A REASON TO FIGHT (which should be a one-shot, but who knows 😆)
Kanan slips out of his meditative state as soon as the door of the room slides open to admit Ezra. Blind as he is, Kanan can’t see his Padawan’s expression, but does feel the worry and slight annoyance plaguing him through their Master-Padawan bond. Feelings that are similar to the one Kanan also experiences. Ripples of anguish and anxiety in the Force are pushing against his mental shields, stabbing with maddening insistence. His headache has grown steadily since the Spectres came back from their mission, with one of them hurt.
“Kanan, we need to do something!” Ezra whines.
“I can’t stand it anymore. He’s in so much pain.”
“I know, Ezra, but I don’t think he’d welcomed our help right now. We need to give him some space. Hera is keeping an eye on him and will let us know if she needs backup.”
“Sit and meditate with me.”
Ezra lets out a groan. “Yes, Master.” He does what he is told and settles on the floor across Kanan with the exasperation that only a midager can muster.
Send me an ask with one of these titles that most intrigue you, and I'll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Genji is being so unbearable this morning and woke my grumpy ass up at 9 something yet again. My morning has been improved somewhat by the new Ahsoka trailer.
I'm sure people are going to find reasons to nitpick and bitch because that's suddenly become the cool thing to do with any and all Star Wars content. Which hey, I feel you fam, we have definitely seen a relative downward spiral in the quality of content versus the uptick in amount. I completely agree with people's right to bitch and moan too so don't take this as me saying "Ugh you can't please everyone, all the nerds are whinging that we broke their beloved franchise again" I just don't want us to turn into say the MCU level of fandom.
I definitely don't want to see Star Wars turned into the next MCU which is definitely a trajectory we've been headed in lately. So I totally get the concerns and complaints.
It definitely feels like we get one Andor level show every 6 series or something like that. So I'm not expecting a whole lot from Ahsoka.
But do I care if it's going to most likely be a mid at best series after this trailer?
Fuck. No.
Because we got to see live action Rebels. We got to see Ezra and it's prolly just a hologram message but oh my god after years of agonizing on where he's at, with the return of Thrawn do we FINALLY get to know what happened to Ezra?
Will we FINALLY be able to retire the "Where is Ezra, is he safe? Is he alright?" meme?
Felony knows exactly what he's doing giving us just a taste with having Zeb show up in Mandalorian. We all lost our fucking minds screaming where is Kallus. And now we're going to get the Ghost crew???
Do I hate Hera's design? Yes, am I questioning what the fuck is up with her lekku from the like 2 seconds we see of her? Yes.
Did Chopper look janky as fuck? Sure. Now ask me if I care Nope. I am hyped and easily manipulated by House of Mouse. But it's also a trailer so like you gotta take anything you see with a grain of salt.
I'm looking forward to people arguing for the next three months online on whether or not Baylan and whoever the hot goth chick whose name we have no idea is are really not Sith because their lightsabers aren't bright scarlet red. I love watching pressed pedantic fanboys (and fangirls) bickering over the banalest of bullshit.
Meanwhile, I'm gonna be in my lane wondering if Kallus will be in this so we can finally get confirmation that KalluZeb is going to be canon. Whether or not I WILL FINALLY GET MY FENN RAU CONTENT and other assorted light-hearted squeeing over silly Star Wars shit.
Because it ain't that deep at the end of the day. I could definitely make the argument that it's a silly space opera with space wizards and a questionable grasp of physics at best.
If you want nitty-gritty realism then go re-watch Andor which had no space wizards in it. But since this is going to be a Jedi or Jedi-adjacent driven vehicle, I know to turn off the critical thinking part of my brain and just enjoy the spectacle.
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littleladymab · 2 years
NEXT WEEK (!!!) the Star Wars Big Bang goes live!!!! So to get you all pumped, and present a little Teaser(TM), I’m going to share with you a scene I have affectionately called “sir not appearing in this fic” -- a little side-scene for far from the world that i made of sorts. Also just an excuse for me to write kalluzeb.
Kallus blinks awake, a few heart-pounding seconds wasted trying to remember where he is and what was happening. 
Lira San. Zeb’s house — his house? — their house. Their bedroom. Their bed. 
He lifts his head, just enough that he can rest his chin on Zeb’s chest. There are stands of his hair, golden against purple, tangled in Zeb’s fur, but he’ll deal with that later. For now, he’s content enough to watch. 
He doesn’t know what time it is — hasn’t been on Lira San long enough to learn the hours of the day by the light filtering in through the window. Early, that he knows. He hasn’t broken himself of that habit yet. The chrono and his comm are on the table on the other side of the bed. A light is blinking on his comm device, indicating a new message.
Kallus hasn’t even decided what he’s going to do when Zeb stirs beneath him.
“Don’t even,” his husband grumbles without opening his eyes, then goes pfft to try and get the hair out of his mouth. 
“What? I wasn’t doing anything.” 
“Thinkin’ too loud.” 
Kallus grins because he can’t help it and presses a kiss to Zeb’s chest. “Wanted to grab my comm.” 
Zeb yawns and smacks his lips. “Sucks.” 
Pushing himself up, Kallus tries to reach for it — but Zeb’s arms are longer, and he catches Kallus’ hand in his own. “Garazeb.” 
“Alexs’ndr.” He’s too sleepy to even say the full name, though he does make a valiant effort. “It hasn’t even been a week since we’ve retired.” 
“It could be important,” Kallus says and makes another attempt. 
Zeb’s arm curls around his waist as he attempts to awkwardly crawl over the Lasat to get to the bedside table. “Retired.”
There’s a half-hearted struggle between them, though Kallus has given up on trying to swipe the comm device. Instead, he sits up, straddling Zeb, and decides that this is a satisfying enough conclusion. “Oh no,” he says on a sigh without any conviction behind it. “You’ve won.” 
He can feel Zeb coming to wake more fully, and enjoys watching the satisfied smile blossom on his husband’s face. “I thought you would have known that by now,” Zeb replies. His voice rumbles in his chest, and Kallus can feel it all the way up through his ribs. Zeb’s hands settle around his waist, toying with the band of his pants. 
“Guess I’m still learning.” Kallus press his hands to Zeb’s shoulders, and leans down to kiss him properly. 
Their lips barely have time to meet before the comm chirps again, this time from Zeb’s. 
Kallus starts to turn away on instinct, but one of Zeb’s palms sweeps up the length of his back to keep him in place. “Retired,” Zeb reminds, chasing after the kiss. 
There’s still the desire to look, because they spent nearly seven years fighting the war together, and over sixteen before that on opposite sides. Even when in the Empire, there was never truly peace. Kallus doesn’t even know what that will look like, for either of them. 
But Zeb’s a good distraction, and an excellent reminder of what they both fought for. 
Kallus allows himself to be drawn back in, enjoying the kiss for what it is: an early morning moment with his husband in their new home. 
Except then there’s a knock to the door and someone calls, “Captain Orrelios?”, and Kallus breaks the kiss with a laugh as Zeb flops back onto the mattress with a groan. 
“What?” Zeb calls as the comm beeps again with yet another message. “Karabast…” He picks up his comm and clicks it on. “What is it?” 
“There’s a distress beacon from a nearby system—” is the only thing that the guard manages before Zeb bolts upright into a sitting position, nearly smacking their heads together and dislodging Kallus. 
“Sabine—” he gasps, frozen in terror. 
“It’s not from Sabine and Master Tano’s ship,” the guard continues, and both Zeb and Kallus slump in relief. “It’s from a Chiss vessel.” 
This time, Kallus reacts first. He launches himself from the bed, scooping up his comm from the table and his shirt from the floor. His boots are still in the entryway, and he shoves his feet into them as he tugs open the door. 
His first instinct is to look down, used to having to glare at cadets and troopers. But he’s not with the Empire, and at first all he sees is an unfamiliar armored chest. So then he looks up. 
The Lasat guard looks a little surprised to see him “We’ve been trying to reach you, Commander Kallus,” he says as he pockets his comm. “Sorry, we know that the war is over, but—” 
“You wouldn’t interrupt if it wasn’t important,” Kallus finishes, pulling on his shirt. “It’s fine. Details?” 
The guard hands over the tablet as Kallus starts walking towards the Honor Guard’s headquarters. 
“Alexsandr!” Zeb calls after him. “Alexs—” 
He stops as Zeb’s hand grasps his shoulder, having immediately become so wrapped up in the situation that he rushed out. Old habits die hard. He never will stop being the information security officer he was for the Empire and the Rebellion. “Zeb… It’s probably nothing, but…” 
“If you think it involves the search for Ezra, then it’s worth investigating.” Zeb finishes shrugging into the top half of his jumpsuit, then nods to the guard. “Lead on.” 
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laurenmm62017 · 3 years
Kalluzeb Appreciation Week day 3!
Happy Kalluzeb Appreciation Week day 3! I'm a bit late, but I got it out! I chose the prompt: Adopting children.
From the first time I watched "The Honorable Ones", I knew that these two dorks were meant for each other and I so glad I got to write them. I hope you enjoy!
How Will We Spend Our Lives?
Having kids was never the highest priority for Kallus, right up until baby Jacen was born. It’s a couple days after Hera gave birth to the cutest little Lima bean he had ever seen. Then again, he was never known for being a caretaker, even before he had left home and joined the Academy. He genuinely never gave children another thought, even when he and Garazeb began to get more serious.
Hera had invited them all to see the baby after a couple of days of rest in the medbay. It was a pretty small room, so Zeb, Rex, and Alexsandr allowed Sabine and Chopper to go in first.
“I’m real happy for Hera.” Rex said, smiling faintly. “She has a part of him forever now.”
“Just hope this little womp rat doesn’t have his powers. Can’t even imagine all the chaos that’d bring.” Zeb laughed.
“Please don’t say that, Zeb. You’re going to make it come true somehow.” Alexsandr smiled, leaning against his partner, while Rex stands across the hall.
“I never thought I’d see the day we would have a baby Spectre come into the galaxy.” Zeb said, smiling down at Alexsandr.
“Neither did I. I-”
They were interrupted by the door to Hera’s room opening, and Sabine and Chopper gestured for Zeb and Alexsandr to go in next. They pushed off the wall together and entered the room.
There’s Hera, lying in the medical bed, with a tiny bundle of blankets in her arms.
“Hey, boys.” She still sounded tired, which isn’t a surprise. “Here to meet our newest crew member?”
She shifted the blanket to the side to reveal the tiniest face they had ever seen and tufts of bright green hair. The baby’s eyes were still closed and appeared to be sleeping.
“This is Jacen Syndulla.” Hera smiled down at her baby. “7 pounds even.”
Zeb leaned down to get a closer look while Alexsandr walked to the other side of the bed and placed a comforting hand on Hera’s shoulder.
“He’s beautiful, Hera. I’d say he looks just like him, but I don’t know what he looked like as a baby.” Zeb joked, making a funny face. He just couldn’t understand how small babies were. Lasat children were born to climb their parents and trees.
Alexsandr chuckled and asked, “The birth went smoothly, I heard. I expected nothing else from General Syndulla.”
“Kallus, I’m naked with a tiny baby on my chest; I’m the farthest thing from a generalat the moment. I just want to be a mother for now.”
“Of course, Hera. Sorry.”
“Do either of you want to hold him?” Hera suddenly asked. Both Zeb and Alexsandr were taken aback. Hera looked at them expectantly, then gently pulled Alexsandr closer and began to slowly transfer the little bundle into his arms.
Alexsandr’s eyes widened, his hands immediately moving to hold the baby rather awkwardly. One hand was supporting his head, and the other was holding the body, but Zeb snickered quietly as Alexsandr tried to get more comfortable.
Alexsandr ignored Zeb and Hera talking quietly. He stared into this tiny being’s sleeping fade and he felt a surge of protectiveness, like he will never let anything bad happen to him.
That night, Zeb and Alexsandr were lying in bed, about to go to sleep. They were both lying on their left sides, Zeb’s back facing Alex while their hands were tangled together over Zeb’s stomach.
“Have you ever… wanted that?”
“Wanted what, Alex?”
“A child. A family of your own?”
Zeb hummed, and turned over to face Alexsandr. He cupped his face in his hands carefully and tilted Alexsandr’s face up.
“I’ve never really given it thought. I always just assumed I’d stay the uncle of the Ghost crew. I never thought of having a child of my own. But I can tell that you have, Alex. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I… I also haven’t given it much thought in the past. Not until Hera got pregnant. I think… when this war is over… when things finally settle down, and we aren’t fighting for our lives. I want that. I want a family together. We could adopt a child or two. We can finally have peace.” Alex covered Zeb’s hand with his own and squeezed it as he spoke. “Sorry, I’m rambling on.”
“No, it’s fine, Alex. I love hearing you speak so freely. I love the idea of spending the rest of our lives together. You have to know that, right?”
Alex nodded.
Zeb smiled and continued. “It's a bit early to think about children, but I wouldn’t mind a little ankle biter running around the Ghost with Jacen.”
They smiled at each other and slowly fell asleep together, dreaming about the present and about the future.
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secretlyatimelady · 3 years
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I posted 4,709 times in 2021
78 posts created (2%)
4631 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 59.4 posts.
I added 5,800 tags in 2021
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#the clone wars - 838 posts
#star wars - 696 posts
#star wars the clone wars - 688 posts
#swtcw - 526 posts
#clone wars - 466 posts
#star wars clone wars - 390 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 347 posts
#anakin skywalker - 287 posts
#captain rex - 249 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the first season was great (so is the second season — which i’m currently watching — but i do miss the small scale screwing with the empire)
My Top Posts in 2021
I remember aaages ago I saw something about kalluzeb on tumblr, then started watching Star Wars rebels and thought what the hell was wrong with that person bc Kallus seems v evil at first and he and zeb hate each other (Zeb has a damn good reason) then I got to the honourable ones and was like oh. Ok I get it now. That episode was so freaking good and I love how it showed more than one point of view and how not everyone in the empire is evil. Some of them are just misguided and don’t have the full picture. Episodes like that which turn assumptions on their head have to be done well, and rebels managed it. It also shows just how good Zeb is. He showed mercy and compassion to his enemy, which is something I don’t think many people would have done. It’s quite an interesting contrast to the first episode where he abandoned Ezra to the imperials (to be fair he did then assist in the rescue, but still. The contrast).
51 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 19:37:56 GMT
Jedi and clone armour
I’ve noticed that in the clone wars, some of the Jedi masters (in particular: Obi-wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Plo Koon) all wear the clone trooper vambraces (the armour on the forearm). Obi-wan even wears the clone armour over his shins. I’ve also noticed that these three Jedi masters seem to really respect the clones under their command. I’m not entirely sure of the significance of some jedi wearing bits of clone armour, but if anyone has any ideas please feel free to add to this post.
61 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 13:57:52 GMT
I was just watching the empire strikes back, and noticed a worker with a similar headpiece to Echo’s in the bad batch.
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In Star Wars Rebels, Tseebo has a similar headpiece,
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Which, according to Wookieepedia, is the same as the one fitted to Lando’s employee.
“The AJ^6 cyborg construct, also known as Lobot-Tech headgear, was a cybernetic device attached onto the backside of a user's head, designed to increase the user's productivity. However, it would often erase their personality and occasionally cause their behavior to become erratic.”
That is what happened to Tseebo, but I highly doubt the batch would let that happen to Echo. It doesn’t look exactly the same, so perhaps it is a modified version? It could just store information or something. That’s what Tseebo used it for, until it malfunctioned.
Idk, I just wanted to take a deeper dive into the similarities.
86 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 08:14:03 GMT
The animators in the clone wars have quite a job because they have to convey a huge amount of emotion through body language. The clones usually have helmets on so facial expressions arent really an option.
This spawned a headcannon of mine that clones have really expressive body langauge and tone of voice (thank you dee bradley baker) because they often arent able to see each other's faces. They also dont know the meaning of subtlety.
178 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 16:46:43 GMT
To any neurotypicals with neurodivergent friends/relatives/colleagues/etc with sensory processing difficulties:
If they ask you to lower your voice/not touch them etc please FUCKING LISTEN and don’t get all offended and take it as a personal attack. It is not me criticising you, it is me having to ask you to make a tiny accommodation for my messed up senses to avoid causing me pain. (Well. Technically for me it’s more of an extreme discomfort that produces a similar reaction to pain (flinching, hard to focus on anything else, etc) but it’s easier to compare it to pain because it’s easier for nts to understand.)
It really sucks when I have to ask someone to quieten down slightly and they seem offended. I’m already having a hard enough time if it’s got to the point where I actually need to say something and having someone make me feel bad about it doesn’t help. Do you want me to apologise for having a mental disability?
On a similar note, if I tell someone I don’t like being hugged, I don’t want them to pity me and say “oh that’s so sad” then proceed to hug me anyway, or to say “then I’ll just hug you then” (which makes no fricking sense btw?) and hold out a hand as if for a handshake and by the time I’ve processed what they said I’ve already taken the hand feeling so relieved that someone actually offered an alternative to a hug but they’ve already yanked me into a suffocating embrace making me freeze up because there’s too much sensory input. (Both of these are actual examples of things that have happened to me)
I don’t need you to understand. I don’t need you to know what it feels like. I just need you to respect my wishes. It’s uncomfortable because I say it is.
On the flip side, it is wonderful when I ask someone to quieten down, and they do so. No faffing about. This happened one time in PE. The sports hall is horribly echoey, and everyone was being ridiculously rowdy and cheering very very loudly, including the person next to me. When it got to the point that I was full body flinching every time they cheered, I finally found the courage to say something, and they were really nice and chill about it. They suggested that I might want to ask a teacher if I can leave, and eventually I took their advice, and the teacher just calmly took me outside and quietly talked to me without making a fuss. Don’t underestimate the positive impact of just calmly helping. It doesn’t need to be anything big.
To put this into perspective, for me, a sensory overload is mainly focused around auditory input. Every noise feels like it’s being played by a huge speaker on max volume right next to my head. Sound loses its direction and just feels like a tidal wave of overwhelming chaos. (Please remember that all autistic ppl are different. It’s called autism spectrum disorder for a reason. It’s a spectrum.)
TLDR: please listen to someone with sensory issues and don’t take them having to ask you to do something small to accommodate them as a personal attack bc it can make them feel like shit. Also please just respect the fact that they know their own experiences.
I don’t usually make long angry rant posts, but I just needed to get that off my chest.
If anyone has any questions about autism, feel free to drop something in my ask box.
334 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 18:54:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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midwrites · 3 years
1, 15, and 20 for the writers asks , please :)
Thanks so much for asking!! <33 1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it? My WIP folder currently holds -checks- over 20 word docs. So Imma go over the projects that I currently consider priorities aka stuff I can't stop thinking about on a daily/weekly basis and thus I Must Write at some point: -Kalluzeb post Zero Hour one-shot: if you are into Star Wars: Rebels this is self-explanatory. -A multichaptered ADorCuBull fic: The three of them get lost in the desert after the Inquisition's incurssion into the temple of Dumat and they have to bond to survive. Angst and badly hidden pining ensues. -Post-Trespasser bad end IronLion: Basically, what would have happened if Mia Rutherford commisioned Bull to find his brother--who was forced to take lyrium again by the Inquisitor--before Scout Harding does in the prologue. Titanic quantities of angst, ships loaded with it--but also some slow burn and very required hurt/comfort. -Werewolf AU 2: The Sequel, Electric Boogaloo: What it says in the tin but Mid that implies that the first part is already written . I accidentally loaded this one with a bunch of supernatural murder mystery elements, as I was playing Alan Wake and watching Wayward Pines while plotting it. It's a bit of a turn from the first one, but I hope that if I end up writing it those who enjoyed the prequel have a good time with it too. -IronLion Roadtrip!AU: If you have been following me for a while here you know what this one's about. It's one of those projects I've been meaning to work on but I feel so unprepared and unskilled to write it as I want to write it. Inevitably it will get done one of these days, because I have a very clear outline for it and I'd rather die than leave it unwritten. I think this is the longest fic I've planned in a while, as my initial plan was for it to be 50k long, but it would probably get longer. 15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)? Unless a miracle happens and I've managed to come up with one while writing or editing because the text just asks for it, titles. Titles>summaries>tags.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?) Oh, this is a hard one, specially because it's been a really long time since I wrote anything long enought for me to ponder on stuff like this. Don't get me wrong, if you've read my stuff y'all already know that I love my shitty metaphors like the next guy, but I'm not aware of anything that I have included on stuff that somebody hasn't noticed in the comments or my beta while reading... Anywho, as no one has read this one yet, I'll say that I really enjoyed writing a certain scene in the Werewolf!AU because even if it seems pretty straightforward at first, I had to get a lot of lying in there from a non-POV character to another who is not very easily fooled, and as it's something that's not gonna pay off until the second part is done, I'm sitting here clutching my knees like that one meme Ask me stuff!
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thinkingdoodles · 4 years
(Hoooo boy, this got away from me, but it’s a lot of fun and I couldn’t stop!)
Modern College AU:
Kallus, Zuko, and Catra are friends that are hanging at the local college’s bar. Became friends via a group project in a class and realized they all could be friends that are BAMFs.
How the pairings got together:
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A simple Zuko was the angry loner and Aang tried to friend him at first and lashed out viciously no matter how hard Aang tries to the point Zuko is getting to violently aggressive. After Iroh gets custody of Zuko, since Ozai was declared to be unfit for raising children, the kid ends up doing time out of the toxic idea of what honor is. Gets out and gets himself a good therapist to help him heal from fucked up bullshit that Ozai put him through. Meets Aang again at the university, everything is awkward and strained on Zuko’s side, but Aang... he’s patient. Always so patient and forgiving no matter what. Zuko can’t help but fall in love. Thankfully, Aang has more balls than than Zuko and confesses first, much to Zuko’s absolute surprise. (The boy is DENSE, OKAY.) Panic happens, not because he doesn’t reciprocate, but how can AANG like him?! Cue a month or two of Aang patience®️ being stretched THIN, a therapist being exasperated and just wanting this boy to love another boy wholeheartedly, and then... of Zuko quakenly taking Aang’s hand and saying he doesn’t feel like he’s earned it, but he still wants him. SWEET ROMANCE AND COMMUNICATION THROUGH TOUGH TIMES AND INSECURITIES ON BOTH SIDES.
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Catra is 100000% someone who fell in with the wrong crowd (gang??) that Adora was apart of too. (Both grew up in a foster home of some sort) Adora realizes that this group is fucked up even though they’ve been with them for waaaay too long and bounces with the help of Bow and Glimmer. Tries soooo many times to get Catra to believe it too, but shadow weaver/Prime (w/e) have their claws too deep. Adora, With the help of Prime’s twin brother, Hordak, who got out because of his nerdy science geek girlfriend Entrapta, helped her see she’s better than that...better than the end of that bottle she’s desperate to drink enough so Catra can ignore the abandonment and hatred that fills her every day. Adora keeps fighting and says it’s what she has to do, no matter what. Cue a massive Gang fight that they both barely get out of, bodies bloodied and bruised, but they’re ALIVE. Oh my god they’re alive and Catra can’t help but wheeze out an I love you... of which Adora absolutely cries and hugs the life out of Catra shouting that she loves her too!! A loooong battle uphill with recovery (and how Kallus gets to know Catra better) but it’s worth it. Going to college and loving each other and GETTING TO LIVE THEIR LOVE!
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So, Kallus being the biggest dumbass got stupidly drunk and behind the wheel. Actions have consequences, and sadly that means he hit a car dead on, instantly killing the family inside... Zeb’s entire known family. Nooow, Kallus definitely did time for the drunk driving accident, just not as much as Zeb believed he deserved. Somehow they’re going to the same university/college, and no doubt Zeb is ENRAGED. Kallus on the other hand is finally starting to accept his responsibility for the death of Zeb’s family, and is absolutely ashamed of it of course, but he’s not going to kick himself until he’s nothing but a pile of guilt ridden anxiety (his nightmares do that enough). He’s actively trying to become a counselor or advocate for responsible drinking and driving (something like that). He accepts Zeb’s rage, but won’t cower from it.
Only reason Zeb starts to soften is he one finds out Kallus’ intentions annnnd Thrawn was being an absolute dick at a party to Kallus. (Not sure how far I want to take it... maybe trying to slip something into his drink for date rape or beating the shit out of him or SOMETHING, idk.) ANYWHO, Kallus and Zeb start hanging out and once some massive pining over a year happens, Zeb takes Kallus to meet his family (whether it’s his long lost grandmother and uncle or the family grave, something) ZEB ASKS THE GUY OUT WHICH HAS KALLUS A MESS AND HAPPILY SOBBING YES. ROMANCE WITH PLENTY OF MISCOMMUNICATION AND THEN COMMUNICATION, AND POSSIBLY ALCOHOL RELAPSE AND BREAK UP AND THEN A GET BACK TOGETHER THAT’S EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE.
Bar Buddies!!
Every time they go to hang out at their local bar, Kallus is the designated sober person all the time since he can’t bring himself to ever drink again after the accident and his rehabilitation incident.
Most of the time it’s nothing but laughs and plenty of stories, but once in a while it’s melancholy and full of comfort for any of them who need it. Who need to know that although they walk with demons, they also walk with friends who care. Often they barely get tipsy, all three of them knowing how dark alcohol can make all of them. But a night like tonight, where a nightmare of a project has yielded amazing results... the future looks a fraction brighter than usual. To them, the celebration is absolutely amazing with loud relief and excitement.
Maybe too much excitement in Kallus’ opinion. Especially once Catra loses her shirt and Zuko starts to sing at the top of his lungs... of which Kallus has NO DESIRE to even try and comprehend the drunken slurring. He isn’t as young as the both of them (five years can really make a difference...). Luckily enough, he has both Adora and Aang in a group chat for occasions such as this.
Zuko is really blushy and cuddly and loves that Aang came in his favorite “hole-y” shirt (think skater top with biiiig arm holes that Zuko gets to stare lovingly at Aang’s side abs) to pick up his boyfriend with their their shepherd dog Appa. Aang just sighs fondly and bids everyone a energetic goodbye as Zuko drapes himself over his bald, tattooed lover heading down the sidewalk.
Catra is LOUD. She doesn’t give two fucks about anyone in here... except for the blonde floof of hair that she’s currently messing up while Adora laughs brightly while carrying her crazy girlfriend out of the bar in a fireman’s hold. Adora has guns and is a massive amount of hot lesbian. Catra keeps saying how much she loves the hair poof of her big buff jock girlfriend SO LOUD. YOU HERE THAT ASSHOLES, SHE GOT HER JOCK AND HER JOCK LOVES HER BACK. Adora snickers saying how much she’s gonna hate herself come the morning.
Kallus isn’t expecting Zeb to be waiting outside of the bar, but softly smiles at his big hunk of a ratty boyfriend. Zeb snorts at the display of younger students and their partners while throwing an arm around Kallus’ shoulders. FOREHEAD KISSES ABOUND! One of Kallus’ hands goes in butt pocket and the other interlaces with the dangling hand off of his shoulder. They walk back to their apartment making comments about the youngins’ and how they’re good people etc etc.
KalluZeb have loving tender sex that night, AangZuko cuddle through the night and have sweet morning sex (even though Zuko does wake up with a hangover, but Aang has a special herbal [DISGUSTING] remedy that never fails) and CatraAdora cuddle through the night as well only to have Catra have a massive hangover and puking her guts out most of the morning, but her big jock girlfriend loves on her allllll day. END.
(I ran out of tags!! I’m so sorry if I missed a cw/tw!!)
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anathtsurugi · 4 years
1) Hey! First of all, just wanted to say that I absolutely love all of your Kalluzeb fics. super recently got into CW/rebels and even more recently got into Kalluzeb, and your fics are my favs. Second: would it be okay if I use some lasana for a (some) fic(s) that I'm writing? I SO love that you have come up with this language that's being used all over the place. SO cool to see that continuity in this little community. And if I do, is it okay if I make up some vocab to fill gaps? 1/tbc
Oh, good gods, I left you hanging for nearly a week. M'dear, I am so sorry. Welcome to the fandom! We always love meeting new people. :D And I am so very happy you've been enjoying my fic. And yes, you can definitely use Lasana in your own fics. I've pretty much given the fandom standing permission to use it, as it gives me the opportunity to grow the language further. As far as filling in vocab goes, though, I would ask that you check in with me if you have ideas, since you might not know what I have tucked away in my tangled web of notes. How we typically do this is folks'll message me with what they want to say and I'll work out a translation if any of the words don't exist yet, which happens fairly often, so the language is growing all the time.
And do let me know if you ever remember what that second part was. I'd love to know. Also...am I in the presence of someone who has actually studied linguistics? Cuz, well, confession time, I never have. This is all purely geek brain and love of language on my part. Eheh.
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primasveraas · 4 years
fic titles meme
I was tagged by @jate-kara​ ! Thank you friend!!!
Look at the most recent 20 (or however many!) fanwork titles on your AO3 account and answer the questions below.
20 most recent fics
interm / Finnpoe Quarantine Series (Finnpoe)
hear my prayer  (Finnpoe)
I’m an Ordinary Man (Finnpoe My Fair Lady AU)
Why Can’t the English? (Finnpoe My Fair Lady AU)
I Could Have Danced All Night  (Finnpoe My Fair Lady AU)
in time (Kalluzeb)
somewhere (Kalluzeb)
down the only road i’ve ever known (Kalluzeb)
to be continued (Kalluzeb)
a crazy little thing called love (Kalluzeb)
all that makes us whole (Kalluzeb)
forward (Kalluzeb)
all's well that ends well to end up with you (Kalluzeb)
What Finn Wants (Finnpoe)
Coffee (Finnpoe)
when / time freezes (Rey x Reader)
the only traveler (Finnpoe)
unconditionally (Poe Dameron)
here, at the end of all things (The Clone Wars)
This is Home  (Finnpoe)
1. How many are you happy with?
most of them! I hate titles sm. I especially like here, at the end of all things bc of the connection to lotr, This is Home bc it fits really well, and hear my prayer, because it was actually one of those rare times when I knew the title when i was writing.
2. How many are…not great?
most of the kalluzeb ones, because they don’t fit as well and they’re also super long.
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
all of them except hmp and all's well that ends well to end up with you 
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
just hear my prayer.
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
hmp is from one of my own poems. All the MFL x Finnpoe AUs are from My Fair Lady. Additionally, somewhere, down the only road i’ve ever known, a crazy little thing called love, forward, all's well that ends well to end up with you, the only traveler, and unconditionally are from all songs. woof.
I made a playlist with all the songs I’ve used in my writing (my fair lady excluded), because i hate titles and songs save me.
6. How many are other quotes?
“here, at the end of all things” is a lotr reference to Sam and Frodo on Mt. Doom:   “I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam.” After the ring has been destroyed, Frodo accepts his death and thanks Sam for their friendship- a friendship so powerful, it saved the world. I cry.
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
interim/fqs... because it really just is a finnpoe quarantine au. also, coffee. 
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story?
This is Home does an excellent job of showing Finn’s feelings towards the Resistance. when/time freezes also fits in with the theme.
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/pov of the fanwork?
hmp is the running theme for Poe throughout the story. It’s definitely an important motif, blatantly and subtly.
the only traveler, especially in the full context of the song, really captures Finn’s missed opportunity within the story.
I could have danced all night does the same. It promises more beyond what happened- and that’s what we see.
10. Which is your favourite title?
hear my prayer, because it caused me the least grief to come up with :)
I tag:
@ayashiki-i-i @myriadimagines and whoever else wants to do this!!
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