#jack maynard drabble
Dating Jack Maynard might include...
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going on many adventurous dates together
he would always want to show you something new he found or do something with you that he had heard of
with him, nothing was ever boring
when you knew him for a bit longer, he would also love to just stay at home with you though
so much netflix and chill that you actually had to rewatch some episodes three times or more
finding out that he is actually really good at cooking
I’m talking surprise dinners here
and amazing breakfast after even more amazing nights
deep conversations
mostly in totally random moments
like you could be falling asleep anytime soon, and Jack would ask you: “If you had a chance to live your life again, would you change something?”
it’s in that moment that you know you won’t go to sleep for another hour at least
but you loved it
slowly exploring different sides of him
because he was so much more than just a pretty face
finding out that he was actually quite the fluffball underneath of his image
starting to get completely comfortable around each other
talking about anything, knowing he wouldn’t judge you for it
feeling like you dated your best friend
he’s a very physical person, so there is so much pda when you are going out
literally always touching
flirty glances your way
not so much kissing though, he would rather hold your hand in public and save that for when you’re at home or with friends
having the boys roll their eyes at you when you are around
so many sexual remarks
some are really cringeworthy though, so you scold him
him laughing very hard at that
he would be so jealous of each and everybody
because you were his and only his
it was not that he didn’t trust you, it was that he did not trust any other guy
so he made it pretty clear where you would belong
he wouldn’t hesitate to punch a guy if that would be what it takes
whenever he got jealous, you knew you were in for something special in the bedroom
like he would give you the kinds of hickeys that would last for days and would be really hard to cover up
you would most likely be to sore to walk or sit or do anything else than spending the rest of the day in bed next to him
because he loved to cuddle you
although he would never admit that
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elsehuggs · 6 years
don’t you ever find it funny how jack literally has two sides like in clubs he’s like yeah bitch lip syncing because every girl loves me and then normally he just takes these ADORABLE selfies like let’s be honest he just wants to be loved
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cali-girl-in-heart · 5 years
Prompt List
Feel free to reblog, this is for everybody who needs a bit of inspiration, or just wants his readers to choose and send requests.
I’d love it if you tagged me in the writing you make with this ;)
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“I need you.”
“You really had me worried there, love.”
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Who do you think you are?”
“But I never wanted her/him, it was always you.”
“Guess we’ll have to find out.“
“C’mon, let’s do this!”
“Do you regret it?”
“I can see it in your eyes.”
“Don’t move.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Oh, you didn’t know?”
“How could you...”
“I’m not ready for this.”
“Please, talk to me.”
“I just really needed to hear your voice, I guess.”
“What’s wrong?”
“If you’re ready, come find me.”
“He got me flowers.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“How are you holding up?”
“I can’t breathe.”
“D’you think I’ll make it?”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“Damn, this is getting really hard.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t roll your eyes like that.”
“Make me.”
“Why did you keep that from me?”
“I don’t understand.”
“You can talk to me about anything.”
“Don’t be mad.”
“I love you. For real, I mean.”
“Never thought I’d feel that way.”
“Read to me.”
“Smile for me.”
“Love? Where are you?”
“You’re my home.”
“Why can’t you see that?”
“Why do you always ruin the moment?”
“What’s that noise?”
“I told you that was bound to happen.”
“You were right.”
“I was right.”
“She’s a maniac.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Drink up.”
“Go ahead, tell me you knew that was going to happen.”
“Let me fix it.”
“I never loved you.”
“Where did you get that?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I warned you.”
“I dare you.”
“Truth or dare?”
“Just one more sip.”
“Just five more minutes.”
“You little shit.”
“It’s too late.”
“No, we can’t, and you know it.”
“The night’s still young.”
“Fuck me.” - “Gladly.”
“You’re such a perv.”
“Don’t be such a pain in the arse.”
“I have to pee.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Oh, how come?”
“Did you-”
“No way.”
“Let’s run away, just you and me.”
“Oh, I like that.”
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Could you say that again?”
“You dazzle me.”
“Are you really that unaware?”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
“Do you want to be my valentine?”
“You mean, exclusive?”
“I’ve never been more sincere.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Well, did you?”
“I hate surprises.”
“Don’t do that to me.”
“Te amo. That’s spanish.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck them.”
“Fuck all this.”
“Don’t laugh.”
“I’ll show you.”
“I’ll teach you.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“If you tell someone, I’ll kill you.”
“Wake up.”
“Kiss me.”
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generousthots · 6 years
I’m back from my super long hiatus (for now)
Request things !!
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im-robins-bitch · 7 years
How Do you Tell a Boy You Want To Kiss Him | Conor Maynard
Warnings: None
Requested: No
Summary: A small drabble about the reader and her attempt to escape the friend zone. (I might make this a small drabble series but Idk) ~x~ “Are you naked?” Conor asked, staring at you in confusion Your clothes were in a messy pile on the floor, while you were rolled up like a piece of sushi.
“I-I was cold?” You lied, curling your toes which were poking out the end of his duvet.
It had seemed like a good idea at first, he had gone for a shower wanting to clean off after a game of eat it or wear it, so you thought this was your chance, your time to seduce him and win his heart. 
So you stripped off and waited for him on his bed, trying to look as seductive as possible.Then you heard the floor creak and you came to your senses.
You did what you could and grabbed the end of his comforter, rolling across the bed until you were swaddled up.
“So you took all your clothes off?” He questioned, his feet prodding at your clothing as if it was booby-trapped “I can’t leave you for two seconds.” 
You opened your mouth to argue, but you couldn’t deny it, after all, you had got yourself into this very situation.
“Isn’t this how they do it in the movies?” You questioned, your voice muffled by the duvet. "Get naked to get some body heat going?"
“Y/N,” Conor mumbled, trying to fight a smile. “Get some clothes on ok, you can bring the duvet downstairs if you want.”You nodded your head, poking your head further out as he left.
 As he walked away, mumbling something about Fifa you unrolled yourself from your cocoon laying out across his freshly washed bedding.
You fisted at his duvet, rolling onto your stomach and screaming into the pillows, swinging your legs behind you in frustration.
You had been well and truly friend zoned.
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sunrisejoesugg-blog · 7 years
“stop staring! they’ll see you!” drabble, joe
Another night, and yet again, another bar. Joe was trying to get over a breakup at the club, drama, with caspar and jack. He wasn’t too drunk, but he was…tipsy. He had also just gone to the bathroom and now he was lost. 
Pushing through crowds of people, Joe tried to find his friends. Then he found caspar, who was holding a porn star martini in his left hand and slightly swaying along to the music. 
“Joe, I know you’re trying to get over a breakup here but theres some good looking girls over there, maybe you should go talk to them.” His best friend said. He was also quite drunk too, but he still had some common sense around him. 
Joe just looked up and blinked at Caspar, and then replied “maybe that would help me getting over her.” and then he walked off over to the girls.
He found the one and only Jack Maynard there, chatting up one of the girls. She was a brunette and was hardly wearing any clothes, clad with only a short skirt and a crop top that barely covered her breasts, paired with some six inch thigh length heels. But then again, Jack was drunk, and this was a club. They were here to have a good time. 
But then, another girl wearing a short skater dress came up slyly behind Joe and patted his shoulder. “I’m Natalie. Who are you?”
“Joe.” Joe answered wearily. 
“Joe? I like that name. How come you’re here tonight?” 
The man thought for a second, wondering weather to be honest or just to say he was here to have a good time.
“To get over my ex.” He shouted over the music. God damnit Joe. Why’d you say that? Oh yeah. Cause you’re drunk, you bastard. 
Natalie looked slightly take by surprise at the Drunk man’s answer, “Oh…o-okay.” She smiled lightly at him.
“Joe, I’m going home with this very lovely lady over here,” Jack pointed over to the brunette Joe had seen him talking to, and nodded. “Ph and by the way, Your ex is over there.” 
“Y/N?” Joe exclaimed, looking over for her.
“Yes. her and her friends are over there.” Jack pointed, noticing Joe’s staring, “Hey. Stop staring. They’ll notice you.” 
And then he left.
for the anon x
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Never Have I Ever // Jack Maynard
Word Count-  795

Summary- Just a small imagine. Please leave feedback on my writing, I’d love to hear from you! x
Warnings; A few swear words, sorry! It just was a bit more realistic I think with them in.

A/n; Thank you so much for 100+ followers! Hope it’s okay I combined these two requests, they were originally two different ones but they were way shorter than I wanted them to be so I made it one. Thanks for requesting x
Requested; Yes, Prompt requests.
➳ 59 with jack xxx // 59. …or we could make out…. 
➳ Can you do 86 with jack???? // 86.  You’ve never smoked anything in your life. 
You sat in the living room of the flat your shared with your best friend Jack, with all of his (and your) friends; the buttercream gang. You were all sipping your drinks, chatting lightly before a tipsy Caspar decided he wanted to play a bit of Never have I ever. You all were bored, and didn’t plan to head out to the club tonight as it was just one of those stay-in type of nights, and decided it was a good idea. Not that it was, just your slightly-drunken minds couldn’t process that you were all about to humiliate yourselves. That’s what friends were for, right? Humiliating yourself? No? Okay, nevermind.
Anyways, you all gathered in a circle, putting down the drinks. Jack grabbed a bunch of shot glasses you kept for these occasions and Conor filled them all up. “Alright, you lads know the rules. If you’ve done it, you drink. If you haven’t, you don’t.” You confirmed, earning a nod and murmur of agreement. “Right. Never have I ever..” Conor started, and the game progressed quite slowly. A few shots were taken here and there, it was pretty boring.
“Never Have I Ever smoked anything.” Joe said, smirking. You filled up your glass and downed it, earning a surprised look from the others. “Y/N? Why’d you take a shot? You’ve never smoked anything in your life.” Jack said, concerned. You rolled your eyes. “Calm down, Jack. Just because you weren’t there, didn’t mean it hasn’t happened.” You said, rolling your eyes. “When?” Jack said, almost demanding. You didn’t understand why. “It was back in Year 8 I think, I smoked a small cigarette here and there. It’s not that big of a deal.” You shrugged, not bothered.
“Y/N, of course it’s a big deal! Those things kill!” Jack yelled, standing up. You followed suit, and the other boys awkwardly excused themselves and left the room and retreated to the kitchen. “I’m still here, aren’t I? Why do you care so much, Jack? It was years ago!” You said, exasperated. You frowned, and Jack ran a frustrated hand over his face. “Because I care, okay?” He yelled, making you flinch. He hardly raised his voice with you, unless it was playfully.
His eyes softened as he saw you flinch. Guilt filled his eyes. “Y/N, I care, okay? You’re not only my best friend, you’ve been there for me my whole life. I can’t even imagine a life without you. I'm sorry if I seem pushy or clingy but you mean a lot to me. I love you!” Jack admitted, all in one breath. By the end you could tell he was flustered. You could only blink as you processed it. You couldn't manage words. He loved you?
He seemed to realize what he had said too. “Shit. Y/N, I..” He said, his heartbreak evident. You were still in a state of shock, but snapped out when Jack moved to leave. You ran up to him and spun him to face you, barely registering the confusion in his eyes before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a passionate kiss.
The kiss got a bit heated, and by now you were full on making out. You probably wouldn't have stopped if it weren’t for Joe coming in and yelling “Shit! Sorry!” and leaving quickly, and if that didn’t ruin the moment, Conor peaked around the corner and shouted “Get some, Jack!”
“Fuck off, Conor.” Jack muttered, cheeks flushed. Conor shrugged and retreated back to the kitchen, laughing with the rest of the boys. “C’mon, let’s get back to the ‘party’ before they break something.” You laughed, grabbing Jack’s hand and attempting to pull him. He pulled you right back into his arms, looking into your eyes with a look of pure adoration.
“…or we could make out….” Jack said cheekily, leaning in for a kiss. You played along, but only gave him a quick peck. “Nice try, pretty boy.” You said, running off into the kitchen to meet with the other boys. You heard Jack groan, but nonetheless followed you. “Who’s up for movies instead? We’ve probably consumed enough alcohol for bad hangovers.” You suggested, earning a cheer from the other boys.
You spent the rest of the night cuddled into Jack’s side, playing with the hem of his shirt, while he played with your hair. You hardly paid any attention to the movie, and quickly found yourself drifting off. “Go to sleep, love.” Jack whispered in your ear, you smiling. His recurring nickname never meant much to you, but now it meant the world. You fell asleep listening to the quiet laughter of the boys and Jack’s heartbeat, sighing contently. This was where you wanted to be.
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arielseaworth · 2 years
Stuff I wrote in 2021.
Thank you so much for reading my fics and drabbles, and for all your prompts, likes, reblogs, comments, kudos, bookmarks and translations. I really appreciate them 💕
A Naturally Pretended Man
“So you thought, stranger, seduction. Not that I’m presuming you’re seduced by me. That’s a … process ongoing. Errm … what was I saying? Yeah … so you thought, our meeting was part of a set-up.” (London Spy, episode 1)
“Did you think I was a honey trap?”
“Honey trap? You’ve been reading too many novels by John le Carré.”
One of Me
“Grant is a Cassius looking for a Caesar,” Magnus had said. “If he doesn’t find a back to stab soon, the Agency will give his dagger to someone else.” (A Perfect Spy, John le Carré)  
His Caesar dead, and he himself driven nearly mad by his exile to Statistics, Grant wondered who it was he had really been trying to destroy, Magnus or himself.
Like Two Parents
There was the Brotherhood and there was this other chap. Said he was working for both of ’em. They were like two parents for him. Kept him going.” (A Perfect Spy, John le Carré)
“What is it about your husband, do you know, that gives us such a bad, bad conscience?” (A Perfect Spy, John le Carré) 
Jack Brotherhood and Axel meet, after Pym’s death, to talk about a bad conscience and the balance of culpability, among other things.  
Stannis Baratheon, Robert Baratheon and a conversation about Alaric Stark and Ned Stark. 
When Ser Duncan the Tall came to arrest Lord Bloodraven for the murder of Aenys Blackfyre, Bloodraven reminded Dunk of a question posed to him by Maynard Plumm at Whitewalls: if the life at stake is not your own, what then?
For the prompt: Daeron the Drunken interacting with Daemon II Blackfyre when the latter is a hostage in the Red Keep, on the subject of dreams (and Dunk).
The Accursed  
For the prompt: Maekar’s POV when he finds out he’s a kinslayer.
A True Knight Among Us
For the prompt: Egg’s sisters wonder what kind of man Ser Duncan the Tall is.
Family Portrait
For the prompt: Egg and his family sitting for a portrait.
Ripened Apple 
For the prompt: Dunk saying goodbye to Raymun Fossoway and thanking him.
The Visit
For the prompt: Was Aemon surprised when Egg visited him at Oldtown? Did he recognize his brother right away?
The Broken Knight
A flush crept up Massey’s neck. “I will not stay here to be insulted.” He wrenched his damp cloak down from the wall so hard that Asha heard it tear, then stalked past Horpe and through the door. […] Broken quick as that, thought Asha. My champion is made of suet. (A Dance with Dragons)
POV Swap: This scene from Justin Massey’s POV.
The Vanishing
On that last visit, though, [Asha] had found Lady Alannys in a window seat huddled beneath a pile of furs, staring out across the sea. Is this my mother, or her ghost? she remembered thinking as she’d kissed her cheek. (A Feast for Crows)
POV Swap: This scene from Alannys Harlaw's POV.
An Inch of Your Broad Earth
“It was hard for all my brothers. That shadow Tywin cast was long and black, and each of them had to struggle to find a little sun.” (A Feast for Crows)
The Lannister brothers, from Gerion's POV.
when the hammer shall fall upon the dragon
And talk was heard in camp of a prophecy of ancient days that said, “When the hammer shall fall upon the dragon, a new king shall arise, and none shall stand before him.” (Fire & Blood)
For the prompt: Stannis and Maester Cressen discussing this prophecy after Robert’s win.
After Robert defeated Rhaegar with his warhammer on the Trident, Stannis and Maester Cressen debated the use of a prophecy to boost the morale of the people inside Storm’s End, who were still besieged by the enemy.
A Dance with Ashara
The crannogman saw a maid with laughing purple eyes dance with a white sword, a red snake, and the lord of griffins, and lastly with the quiet wolf … but only after the wild wolf spoke to her on behalf of a brother too shy to leave his bench. (A Storm of Swords)
Ashara Dayne’s appraisal of the four men she danced with at Harrenhal.
coming in from the cold
Elenei had spent countless years watching them, these mortals with their “poor little lives” as her mother called it, with their “nasty, brutish and short existence” as her father dismissed it. Their lives seemed no more than flickering candles in the eyes of the gods, but perhaps those lives were experienced far more intensely because of it.
Find Me
He was not lost, he protested, to a nameless accuser. He was not crying out for help, he insisted, to the absent figure he was reaching out for in the nightfire. He was merely holding on to her faith, her faith in him that was stronger than his faith in himself.  
(Stannis/Melisandre, miles from where you are.)
Dunk confessed to Egg where the name Duncan came from
Egg mourns his grandfather and Ser Duncan tries to comfort him
Maester Aemon & Rhaelle Targaryen, Uncle Maester
Aegon V Targaryen & Duncan the Tall, a dragon at Whitewalls
Robb Stark & Bran Stark, brave
Rhaena Targaryen/Alayne Royce,  dragonriding
Loras Tyrell/Renly Baratheon, a secret
Samantha Tarly & Sansara Tarly, the Citadel
Ned Stark/Catelyn Tully, “Ned loves my hair”
Maester Aemon & Aegon V Targaryen, Aemon’s dream
Archmaester Abelon & Alleras, kindred spirit
Doran Martell/Mellario of Norvos, a memory
Ned Stark/Catelyn Tully, a lie
Argella Durrandon/Orys Baratheon, the opposite of love
Aegon V Targaryen/Betha Blackwood, a story
Quentyn Martell/Ynys Yronwood, unrequited
Stannis/Melisandre, shelter from the storm
Dacey Mormont & Alysane Mormont, promise
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angelzrose · 4 years
Mobile Masterlist
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Welcome to my mobile masterlist! Here you’ll find the list of celebs and fandoms I write for. If you’d like a specific imagine, preference, or drabble, feel free to send in your request.
*Note: I don’t write any NSFW or smut stuff, so please don’t ask.
Dana XOX
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✧༺ Imagines ༻✧ 
✧༺ Preferences ༻✧
✧༺ Drabbles ༻✧
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Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe
Buttercream Squad
Byron Langley
Caspar Lee
Conor Maynard
Jack Maynard
Mikey Pearce
Josh Pieters
Joe Sugg
Oli White
Noah Centineo
Taron Egerton
Tom Holland
Zayn Malik
Shawn Mendes
Charlie Puth
Nick Robinson
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Credence Barebone
Percival Graves
Newt Scamander
Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones
Gendry Baratheon
Joffrey Baratheon
Tommen Baratheon
Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy
Jaime Lannister
Oberyn Martell
Podrick Payne
Jon Snow
Jojen Reed
Bran Stark
Robb Stark
Viserys Targaryen
Harry Potter Series
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle
Dean Thomas
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Taylor Caniff
Aaron Carpenter
Cameron Dallas
Matthew Espinosa
Hayes Grier
Nash Grier
Carter Reynolds 
Omaha Squad
Jack Gilinsky
Jack Johnson
Nate Maloley
Sam Wilkinson
One Direction
Niall Horan
Liam Payne
Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson
Peaky Blinders
Luca Changretta
Bonnie Gold
Michael Gray
Isaiah Jesus
Arthur Shelby
Finn Shelby
John Shelby
Thomas Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Pretty Little Liars
Toby Cavanaugh
Jason DiLaurentis
Ezra Fitz
Noel Kahn
Mike Montgomery
Caleb Rivers
Simon Lewis
Alec Lightwood
Raphael Santiago
Sebastian Verlac
Jace Wayland
Star Wars
Cassian Andor
Poe Dameron
Armitage Hux
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Bodhi Rook
Han Solo
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Jack Kline
Castiel Novak
Kevin Tran
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Mark Fischbach
Ethan Nestor
Tyler Scheid
The Chronicles of Narnia
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
The Originals
Lucien Castle
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries
Matt Donavan
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Quil Ateara
Riley Biers
Jacob Black
Embry Call
Jared Cameron
Seth Clearwater
Edward Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale
Paul Lahote
Alec Volturi
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Why Don’t We
Jack Avery
Corbyn Besson
Zach Herron
Jonah Marais
Daniel Seavey
Ethan Dolan
Grayson Dolan
Finn Harries
Jack Harries
5 Seconds of Summer
Michael Clifford
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
Ashton Irwin
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maynardmandem · 7 years
Badass - Jack Drabble
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conorpmaynard · 7 years
#24- Oli White
Summary- #24: Its six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.
Warning- break up & a lil bit of self hate
A/N- my first ever drabble & i feel like its wayyyyy to short. but this will be the normal lengths of the drabbles so :) 
You were a mess. You had just found out that your boyfriend of almost 3 years has been cheating on you. And by just you meant over a week ago. You were still grieving.
You were sat on your couch, a random sci-fi movie playing on the screen in front of you. But you weren’t paying attention to it. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.
You took another gulp from the bottle in your hand.
What did I do wrong?
What did she have that you didn’t?
Was the sex bad?
Was I too clingy?
Did I annoy him too much?
You racked your brain searching for answers. As you took yet another swig from the bottle you heard the door opening.
“Who is it?” you slurred.
“It’s me,” said the familiar voice.
“Oli!” you squealed, jumping into his arms as his figure appeared in the doorway.
“Oi, what’s happened?” he gestured to your surroundings.
You hadn’t cleaned in a while, 6 days to be exact. There were dirty clothes laying around, food from who knows how long ago, and bottles upon bottles of beer.
“Ive been busy,” you said, sititng back down.
“You’ve been busy? With what?” he chuckled, following you.
“Mourning that dumb son of a bitch,” you muttered, swirling a finger over the rim of your bottle.
“I hate to say it-” he started.
“Then don’t.” you nterrupted. You knew what was coming, and you didn’t want to hear it.
“I told you so,” you continued.
“fuck off,” you replied, bringing the bottle to your lips.
“I understand this is rough, but I cant let you do this to yourself love.” He leaned over and grabbed the bottle of vodka from your hand.
“Hey! Give that back!” you reached for it, but oli was way taller than you.
“Its six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
The sun had come up and you were just know noticing.
“I hate that I miss him,” you cried, leaning into your best friend.
He wrapped an arm around you, “I know, love. But it’ll be okay. I promise.”
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can we talk about jack as a dad? i've been thinking about it and it game me the feels™
oh my god he would be such a good dad! i think he’d be so protective of his kids and he would probably do everything for them. he’d definitely rearrange his schedule so he would have the most time with his little ones and with you obviously. he’d be so supporting, you’d never have to worry about him not showing up to a children’s play or a sports game, and he’d definitely be watching them so you could go out with your friends, and vice versa. i also feel like he’d want to spoil them rotten, especially if he had a little girl (because can you imagine jack with a little girl who has his piercing blue eyes?) but he’d hold himself back so you wouldn’t raise some spoiled brats. also, trips to his and your parents would be a regular, and anna and conor would definitely try to see them as often as they could. conor would probably give them piano lessons if they wanted to. also jack would ask conor or anna to watch them so you two could spend some quality time together ;)
i really liked writing this, send me more?
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elsehuggs · 6 years
oi you lot pls send requests!
I’ve got so many requests asking for jealous imagines and tbh I don’t really want to write them because I think it always sounds the same in every imagine. However, please send in requests! To the anons who sent in their requests ages ago, I’m sorry! They’re really good ideas I just need to get the motivation to write them so I can do my best. I wrote those last two imagines after doing a shit tone of homework yesterday, so that’s why they look a bit rushed. PLEASE SEND IN REQUESTS THOUGH!!!
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Smile » Jack Maynard
Requests: Could you do number 6 from the drabble challenge with Jack
Number 72. With Jack? :) by the way ö love your Writing :)
Warning: Mentions of rape!
You shivered as the cold London air nipped at your bare arms and the fresh tears that felt like icicles on your cheeks. You reached up to knock on the door of your best friend’s new flat and moments later, the door swung open.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Jack asked seeing the tears tracks on your face. You had planned what you were going to tell him in advance but your mind went blank as soon as he had opened the door. Instead, you just broke down in the blonde boys arms.
He gasped when he felt the coldness of your skin and dragged you inside, closing the door behind him. He pulled you gently over to the sofa and draped the blanket that had been previously used by him over you, pulling you into his chest.
“What happened, Y/N?” He repeated once more; the desperation was evident in his tone. “Please.”
“I need a place to stay.” You told him.
“Why? What happened?” He questioned. “What did he do?!”
“I left him.” You whispered. “We got into an argument again about…”
“About what, Y/N?” He pleaded.
“He always tells me how much of a prude I am.” You mumbled. “So, he… Earlier, he—”
“Please don’t tell me he took advantage of you?” He begged with tears welling up in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Jack.” You sobbed unable to look at him. He pulled you closer into him and rested his face in the crook of your neck. You felt tears fall from his face and onto your skin making your heart break.
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” You instructed him pulling away.
“How can I smile when my best friend was raped by the man she was meant to trust?!” He yelled making you jump. “I’m sorry.”
“Please, Jack?” You cried. He bit his lip and stroked your hair, forcing a smile on his face, although it reached his eyes. Much like yours never did after your ex forced himself on you. You lost trust in men since that incident, only ever trusting Jack but it took a while for you just to be comfortable around your male friends again. Even now you stick close to Jack when other men were around because it was the only way you could go without having a panic attack. You never really were quite the same since it happened but you were still his Y/N.
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generousthots · 7 years
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"You're lucky you're cute, because you're on my last nerve." Josh Pieters says, after I'd thrown some popcorn at him when it looked like he was dozing off during his silly '60 hours of no sleep challenge'. "You think I'm cute!" I smile, and bat my eyelashes at the tall ginger, who is towering over me. "Not usually. But I'm exhausted. I'm probably hallucinating." Josh says, and he sits back down near his roommates, and my best friends, Jack and Connor. "I'm hurt." I say, my hand flying to my chest. "That's not where your heart is." Connor teases me. "You doof." I dramatically fling myself off of the couch. "Jack!" I cry. "I'm being bullied." Jack rests his feet on my back, and laughs. "So dramatic." "I'm cute, though." I smile. "You're cheeky." Josh sighs. "And cute?" I ask, looking up at him with doe eyes. He stares at me for awhile. "... and cute." He blushes. I get up from my spot on the floor and give the ginger a hug. "Oh, Josh! You're nearly as red as your hair!" I tease. "Don't tease him, it's not his fault he fancies you."
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Hi I love your stories there just awesome I was wondering if you can make one where Conor just found a girl off YouTube that covers his songs and he becomes a mentor for her but ends up falling in love with her during the process. Please and thanks
“Oh my god, are you watching Y/N again?”
Conor just waved his brother away as he turned his attention back to the YouTube video playing on his laptop.
“Seriously? Just dm her on Twitter already. This is frustrating, just watching you!”
Conor was about to simply dismiss Jack again when he paused. It actually wasn’t a bad idea. He could ask to collaborate or offer to help you out with recording. Turning to Jack, he nodded, before actually sending him away. If Conor was going to message you, he needed space to do so - messaging a beautiful, talented and down to earth girl wasn’t as easy as saying hey.
“Actually, it is.”
“Seriously, Jack?”
“Okay,” Jack smirked, hands up in mock defence. “Leaving now.”
Conor again realised that Jack had a point. So he began to compose a message to send to your Twitter and it simply began with a ‘hey’.
Really though, Conor shouldn’t have worried. He could have sent a string of rude words and you still would have been excited. Conor Maynard had been the one to inspire you to start uploading your covers in the first place. He was undoubtedly talented and for him to offer to help you record a couple of songs and collab, well, it made you giddy.
Before you knew it, you were on your way round to Conor’s apartment. You had your guitar cased slung on your back and your ukulele in hand. Usually, you were one to simply film your covers and songs live for YouTube, so it was exciting times.
“Hey!” a guy holding a camera opened the door. “Oh, sorry, Y/N right? Just let me turn my vlogging camera off, I thought you were Josh.”
You just smiled and shrugged, “You can keep it in your vlog if you want.”
“I’m Jack, Conor’s just coming down.”
“Hey Y/N!” Conor said from down the hallway.
“Hi,” you called out as you followed Jack into the flat.
He smiled as he showed you to where Conor was waiting, ready with glasses of water and what looked like some crisps.
“Not even joking, those crisps are my go to snack!” you exclaimed with a grin.
Conor laughed and led you up to his bedroom, where he, very specifically mentioned, his recording equipment was all set up. You sat down on the edge of his bed as you both began to simply chat in attempt to get to know each other a bit better. You were just how Conor imagined. He thought that your videos were a true testament to your character, because now more than ever, he thought you were beautiful, talented and very down to earth. Similarly, Conor was funnier and more charismatic than you could see from his videos. You loved it, spending time with him really made you happy and it had barely been more than an hour.
Eventually, you finished recording one of your recently written originals with Conor’s help. It came out exactly how you wanted and you were so thankful that Conor had helped you out. You were both packing up now, it being close to 7 in the evening. He had suggested that you both work together over the next couple of days, giving you more time to get everything done. Conor would never admit how flushed and happy he was when you agreed (you wanted to spend time with him!).
“Hey, Conor?” you asked as you shut the clasp on your guitar case.
“Do you have any plans for dinner?”
Conor looked up from where he was winding up the cord to his amp. He quickly shook his head.
“Do you want to go grab something to eat then?”
Conor just continued to stare at you for a second, making you start to reconsider your question.
“Uh, um, we don’t have to…”
“No!” he exclaimed before running a hand through his hair. “I mean, yes, let’s go get something to eat.”
He gave you a somewhat uncharacteristic shy smile. You grinned.
“I could really do dinner right now,” you started the conversation up again as he lead you down to the front door. “Maybe that restaurant a couple blocks away?”
Conor could not stop smiling. He was glad he was in front of you so you couldn’t see how smiley he was. He was on his way to dinner with the most beautiful, talented and down to earth girl.
—Lol sorry about how long the wait was. I was just scrolling through my inbox when I found this request. A lot of the time I find requests hard to write because I don’t have any ideas for them but after some time, that changes. Xx
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