#jack maynard prompt
Exclusive - Jack Maynard
“You mean, exclusive?”
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Y/N felt as if she had to throw up. The music seemed to fade away, only because it wasn’t important anymore. The only thing she could focus on was him. And the girl who was grinding on him. Jack had his arms around a petite blonde, pressing her hips flush against his own, swaying to the beat that seemed like background noise to Y/N now.
Conor, who had been dancing next to her, noticed her stopping in her tracks. 
“What’s wrong?”, he loudly asked so she’d hear him. He noticed how she glanced at his brother.
“I need some air”, Y/N said and made her way through the dancing crowd without looking back.
When she finally reached the smoking area outside, she desperately tried to fight the tears that threatened to spill. Y/N wasn’t even sure why she felt that way. She shouldn’t feel jealous, she shouldn’t feel sad and angry, but that confused her even more. They had hooked up a few times, when they both went home drunk after going out clubbing like today. It wasn’t regular, it wasn’t anything special. It was just in the heat of the moment, a used opportunity. She tried to steady her breathing as someone approached her.
“Can I offer you a cigarette?”, a handsome stranger asked. He was rather tall, quite tan and muscular. Y/N found him very attractive, but he wasn’t Jack. She was surprised that this was the first thought that came to her mind when she looked at him.
“I don’t smoke”, she said, although that wasn’t even true. She did smoke one or two cigarettes when she was very drunk, and she’d actually really like to have a smoke right now. But she knew by the way the guy looked that it wasn’t just a cigarette he offered. And she didn’t want that. Looked like Jack was the only one who’d get laid tonight.
“Maybe a drink, then?”, he asked and smiled at her. He actually had a pretty smile, but it made her feel nothing. She only wished Jack would smile at her like this. He’d never, probably.
“No thank you”, she said a little more determined this time.
“Playing hard to get, I see”, he said and came a little closer. Y/N felt a little bit uncomfortable at this point.
“Look”, she said, “I don’t play anything. I just don’t want to talk to you. If you want a hook-up, go look for someone else, I’m not interested.”
“You might want to think twice before turning me down, promise you won’t regret it”, he continued.
Y/N was just about to say something when someone cut her off.
“She fucking told you to back off, mate”, Jack said and put an arm around her. You could see that his tone affected the guy. He sounded very angry and if Y/N hadn’t known him, she would have been scared.
“Hey”, the guy said and raised his hands in a defensive manner, “didn’t know you had a boyfriend. You could’ve just said that.”
Y/N contemplated whether she should object, but she was pretty glad that the guy finally seemed to stop his approach.
“She’s taken, fuck off”, Jack said and watched as the guy finally left the smoking area and disappeared in the dancing crowd inside.
“You okay?”, Jack said and turned around to look at her. He noticed how puffy her eyes were. “Have you been crying? Did he hurt you?”
She shook her head no, but didn’t look up to him.
“What is it then?”, Jack asked, worry now evident in his voice. “Hey, look at me.” When she didn’t obey, he gently took her face in his hand and lifted her chin up. Their eyes met for a second, and Y/N was surprised at how soft his eyes were, so full of concern for her and her wellbeing.
“Where is your little blondie?”, she asked him. She really didn’t want to say it because she knew she’d give herself away with that, but she couldn’t stop herself. Y/N watched his face when she said it. First, it was confusion that she could see, then realization hit him, then confusion returned.
“Dunno”, he said, “why’d you care, though?”
She shrugged her shoulders and tried to pull away from him, but he held her by the waist. She managed to look away from him, though.
“Why don’t we go on a walk”, Jack proposed as he noticed some curious stares from some social smokers. He turned around, not letting go of her waist and gently nudged her in the direction of the closest exit. They passed the security guard and walked in silence for a few minutes. Still, his arm rested around her waist.
“Are you mad at me? Because it kind of feels like you give me the silent treatment. And I don’t know why you’re mad. Please, just tell me what I did wrong”, Jack said.
As Y/N finally looked over to him, she saw that he was truly sincere. This look he had truly got under her skin, it wasn’t often that she got to see him like that.
“I’m not mad at you, Jack”, she said and stopped walking, “I’m mad at myself.”
“Now you’ve lost me”, he admitted.
“When I saw you in there with this blonde girl, I just felt so jealous of her and I know I don’t have any right to be jealous because what happened between us wasn’t important but maybe I want it to be important. And I know you don’t want that, but I don’t know if I can still be friends with you now when I suddenly feel this way and now I’ve ruined everything”, Y/N rambled until Jack finally cut her off.
“Breathe, Y/N”, he said and took one of her hands in his. She let it happen, but raised an eyebrow at him.
“Look”, Jack started but this time, it was Y/N who cut him off.
“Please just make it quick before this gets really embarrasing.”
“I didn’t know you wanted this between us to be important”, he summarized and squeezed her hands.
“Well I didn’t know that either till earlier”, Y/N said and let out a rather raspy chuckle, “but I know that you don’t want that.” “You suppose, but you don’t know for sure, don’t you?”, Jack asked and smirked at her. Unlike the smile of the stranger earlier, this affected very much. Her heart began to race and she could feel her palms become sweaty. She just wished that Jack wouldn’t notice. If he did, he was too nice to say something.
“Well, do you want it to be important?”, she asked shyly and looked away again. She was sure that she couldn’t bear to see his face if he rejected her now.
“Yes”, he said, making her look at him to see if she didn’t get him wrong.
“You mean, exclusive?”, Y/N asked.
“Yes, exclusive”, he confirmed, making her blush. He looked at her with such a wide smile that she just couldn’t help but to return it.
“Can I... kiss you now?”, he asked, which Y/N found absolutely adorable.
“Of course”, she said and felt butterflies in her stomach as Jack closed the distance between them.
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buttercreamblog · 7 years
Lazy - Jack Maynard Imagine
Requested: Yes
 “Can you write an imagine where you and Jack have a lazy day where you just cuddle?”
Fandom: Jack Maynard/buttercream
Smut: No
Warnings: none
A/N: Thank you to the wonderful anon that suggested this. I hope you like it. If anyone wants to see anymore imagines just inbox me!! P.S y/f/m = your favourite movie.
Y/n hit snooze for what must have been the tenth time that morning, she closed her eyes trying to fall back asleep and finish the dream she had been having. She failed. Opening one eye y/n looked at the time on their alarm clock, 12:28pm it read. With a groan y/n sat up and looked at her boyfriend. Jack was still in a peaceful slumber, eyes fluttering occasionally from the dream he must’ve been having.  
Dappled sunlight leaked through the bedroom blinds and danced upon his face. She watched him for while but as boredom began to creep up on y/n she decided to wake him up.
“Wakey wakey eggs and bakey” y/n cried, jumping on Jack
“Leave me alone y/n!” he groaned in that tired voice that y/n always found sexy.
“No it’s noon 30 Jack, you’re so lazy!” Y/n argued with a laugh, pulling away the sheets and sitting on top of him.
Jack lay there in silence for a moment staring at y/n with a sleepy grin upon his face. Y/n thought he was about to surrender and get up when unexpectedly he grabbed her by the waist and twisted them around so he was on top.
“Okay a compromise.” Jack started “How about we have a lazy day in?” he pleaded with puppy dog eyes. How could y/n ever resist those?
“Fine. But I get to choose what movies we watch today” Y/n aimed to convince her boyfriend. He pushed his hand through his messy hair, his bicep showing from the lack of shirt he had on, before caving in and agreeing
“So long as I get to lie here with you”. he shrugged
The rest of the day was spent under the sheets cuddling one another, your head resting on his chest while he absent-mindedly danced his fingers across your body and played with your hair. Y/f/m played in the background and you felt content with the world. Happy that the two of you had decided to have a lazy day in.
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cali-girl-in-heart · 6 years
Prompt List
Feel free to reblog, this is for everybody who needs a bit of inspiration, or just wants his readers to choose and send requests.
I’d love it if you tagged me in the writing you make with this ;)
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“I need you.”
“You really had me worried there, love.”
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Who do you think you are?”
“But I never wanted her/him, it was always you.”
“Guess we’ll have to find out.“
“C’mon, let’s do this!”
“Do you regret it?”
“I can see it in your eyes.”
“Don’t move.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Oh, you didn’t know?”
“How could you...”
“I’m not ready for this.”
“Please, talk to me.”
“I just really needed to hear your voice, I guess.”
“What’s wrong?”
“If you’re ready, come find me.”
“He got me flowers.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“How are you holding up?”
“I can’t breathe.”
“D’you think I’ll make it?”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“Damn, this is getting really hard.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t roll your eyes like that.”
“Make me.”
“Why did you keep that from me?”
“I don’t understand.”
“You can talk to me about anything.”
“Don’t be mad.”
“I love you. For real, I mean.”
“Never thought I’d feel that way.”
“Read to me.”
“Smile for me.”
“Love? Where are you?”
“You’re my home.”
“Why can’t you see that?”
“Why do you always ruin the moment?”
“What’s that noise?”
“I told you that was bound to happen.”
“You were right.”
“I was right.”
“She’s a maniac.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Drink up.”
“Go ahead, tell me you knew that was going to happen.”
“Let me fix it.”
“I never loved you.”
“Where did you get that?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I warned you.”
“I dare you.”
“Truth or dare?”
“Just one more sip.”
“Just five more minutes.”
“You little shit.”
“It’s too late.”
“No, we can’t, and you know it.”
“The night’s still young.”
“Fuck me.” - “Gladly.”
“You’re such a perv.”
“Don’t be such a pain in the arse.”
“I have to pee.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Oh, how come?”
“Did you-”
“No way.”
“Let’s run away, just you and me.”
“Oh, I like that.”
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Could you say that again?”
“You dazzle me.”
“Are you really that unaware?”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
“Do you want to be my valentine?”
“You mean, exclusive?”
“I’ve never been more sincere.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Well, did you?”
“I hate surprises.”
“Don’t do that to me.”
“Te amo. That’s spanish.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck them.”
“Fuck all this.”
“Don’t laugh.”
“I’ll show you.”
“I’ll teach you.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“If you tell someone, I’ll kill you.”
“Wake up.”
“Kiss me.”
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elsehuggs · 6 years
ben and jerry’s | joeck
anon: 97 with joeck “I don’t need a hero, I need a husband.”
this is v short because i’m lazy but tumblr is dead and i’m bored and it’s sunday so here you go
Joe and Jack hadn’t seen each other all week. Joe had been staying down at Zoe and Alfie’s as they had had a baby boy, and Joe had finally gotten time to come see his new nephew. When Jack found out about the news, he was devastated he couldn’t come. His work had been piling up recently with shed loads of paperwork and forms and he had told his boss this week he would have to get it done. It’s only on Friday when they see each other again, and even then they had only gotten time to have dinner together as Joe was driving back home from Brighton and Jack was upstairs, working from home.
The good thing is though, as Joe was driving he picked up some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for the couple and was now letting it defrost on the counter with the lid of to save some time. After eating dinner, Joe decides to go over there and spoon some out for them both. 
Only when he gets there, Joe finds that it has tipped over, and the contents of the ice cream pot has melted and spilled all other the floor, and blobs of chocolate brownie and caramel were trickling along with it down the edge of the counter.
“Oh for fuck sake,” He mumbles, and then shouts over to where his husband is sitting on the sofa, “Jack? Can you help me?” 
“What’s wrong?” He asks, not bothering to get up yet and just turning his head so he can see Joe - and the mess that comes with it. “Oh.”
“Yes, I know,” Joe says in a slightly condescending tone, “Can you come up here, please?” He wonders, and Jack gets up, walking over to him slowly, yawning, tired from the past week.
“Come on Jack, I need your help now,” Joe urges to which Jack replies, “Sure! I’ll be your hero!” He walks around the counter to where Joe is standing to observe the mess properly. He then hears him mutter, “I don’t need a hero, I need a husband.” 
“What is that supposed to mean? You have a husband right next to you!” Jack wonders.
“I know, I just - I feel as if I haven’t seen each other as much lately. We haven’t even had time to facetime. It just feels like you weren’t really there this week. Even on texts and stuff. I get that you’ve been busy, but for god’s sake Jack, I feel husbandless!” Joe exasperates.
At this, Jack gives an over-dramatized smile, much like the Cheshire Cat.
“So you’re saying you’ve missed me.” 
Jack pouts at his husband, “Baby, I can remind you of me in no time,” he murmurs, his arms snaking around the front of his husband's waist, lips attaching onto Joe's neck, nibbling slightly.
"Mhmm, I like that idea very much," Joe breathes, his words almost incoherent. He feels how Jack’s kisses sent shivers down his spine and he wanted nothing more then than to turn around in Jack's arms and press their lips together after a long week of waiting, but then he feels a cold and sticky substance touching his socks and feet, and jumps when he realizes the ice cream has now reached the floor and is traveling towards him. As he does this, Jack also pulls away from him, laughing. 
“Okay, please help me clean this up now,” He chuckles, grabbing the cloth from the kitchen sink.
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blakeyxholland · 6 years
Here are some prompts that you can use when requesting an imagine. However, you are more than welcome to request something else. Please check my fandoms list to see who I write for! Xx
1.      “Are you kidding me right now?!”
2.      “I’m so in love with you!”
3.      “He’s dead.”
4.      “She’s dead
5.      “If we get caught I’m blaming you.”
6.      “Trust me.”
7.      “I think I forgot how to breathe.”
8.      “Did you just flick me?”
9.      “Is it a bad time to tell you I love you?”
10.   “I don’t trust you!”
11.   “You don’t have to be afraid anymore. I’ve got you, okay?”
12.   “Are we in a movie or something?”
13.   “I know you’ll be the death of me!”
14.   “Leave. NOW!”
15.   “You can’t fix this.”
16.   “Sorry isn’t good enough.”
17.   “Don’t die on me, please.”
18.   “Dance with me.”
19.   “I’m never leaving your side again.”
20.   “Not you again…”
21.   “I thought you loved me.”
22.   “I can’t believe you!”
23.   “I lost everything because of you.”
24.   “I’m going to keep you safe.”
25.   “I can’t lose you too!”
26.   “Of course I remembered!”
27.   “Catch me if you can!”
28.   “There’s only one bed…”
29.   “I can’t feel my legs!”
30.   “I care about you.”
31.   “This isn’t goodbye.”
32.   “Don’t cry.”
33.   “I can’t do this alone.”
34.   “I need you.”
35.   “You’re worth it.”
36.   “Don’t lie to me.”
37.   “Forget it.”
38.   “Stay a bit longer?”
39.   “You’re the one I wanna wake up next to.”
40.   “You make me happy.”
41.   “Make me.”
42.   “I hate how much I love you.”
43.   “Stop pretending you’re okay. I can read you like a book.”
44.   “You miss me?”
45.   “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
46.   “Sometimes I really don’t like you.”
47.   “What did I miss?”
48.   “You’re mine and I don’t share!”
49.   “You’re bleeding on my carpet!”
50.   “I never imagined myself in a wedding dress.”
51.   “And now I know why you never get drunk!”
52.   “Do you ever chill?”
53.   “Have you lost your mind?”
54.   “Can I kiss you one last time?”
55.   “Can I tell you a secret?”
56.   “This is all my fault!”
57.   “I’m not giving up on you. Not now, not ever!”
58.   “After the things I’ve done, I can’t look you in the eye.”
59.   “Did I hurt you?”
60.   “That’s impossible.”
61.   “Well I’m pretty irresistible.”
62.   “Why are you like this?”
63.   “Tragic!”
64.   “I need a place to stay.”
65.   “How is my wife more badass than me?”
66.   “I could punch you right now.”
67.   “RUN!”
68.   “I had a bad dream.”
69.   “I haven’t been okay for a long time.”
70.   “I keep seeing his face.”
71.   “If you asked, I would have stayed!”
72.   “Bet you didn’t see that coming!”
73.   “Oh get over yourself!”
74.   “That’s never going to happen!”
75.   “Damn when did ______ get hot?”
76.   “Were you ever going to tell me?”
77.   “Wait, are you asking me on a date?”
78.   “Without you, I am nothing!”
79.   “Just promise me you won’t forget me!”
80.   “Isn’t it obvious? I love you!”
81.   “Oh, so now you decide to turn up!”
82.   “Is this seat taken?”
83.   “You are not going out in that!”
84.   “I’m going to regret this.”
85.   “I’m just as shocked as you are!”
86.   “You don’t mean that.”
87.   “You’re staring again.”
88.   “That looked like it hurt.”
89.   “You talk too much.”
90.   “You scared the shit out of me!”
91.   “Okay but kiss me first.”
92.   “Is that my hoodie?”
93.   “All I ever wanted was you.”
94.   “You’re cute when you’re sleepy”
95.   “You were meant to watch him/her.”
96.   “You’re insane!”
97.   “Shut up and dance with me.”
98.   “I just need a cuddle.”
99.   “Did you just… agree with me?”
100. “You look…” “Stunning, I know. Can we go?”
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janosxmaynard · 6 years
Okay....as you may of noticed or maybe haven’t. I have not been active at all recently. I’d like to apologise for just dissappearing and abandoning my blog and prompts. I’ve had some things going on in my life. I’ve had no time what so ever but I guess I feel a little guilty for just leaving without no trace.
But anyway there is a point to this post. I finally have a little spare time and i would really like to get back in to doing some prompts. So if I have any followers left (oops) please hmu with some prompts.
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its-me-theicequeen · 6 years
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Prompt: What about the weekend at that moat house, the red cottage place? That gave everyone some canon, especially for a hungover!sick Byron with Joe *attempting* to take care of him. 
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Jack Maynard - Flowers
Prompt(s): “Stop being so cute!”
Requested: Yess
Warnings: I don’t think so
A/N: I have a new prompt list check it outttt! Hope you like this!
Word Count: 1171
Heres the prompt list requests are always open
but you can request an imagine without a prompt if you would like xx
Heres where you request x
It was Saturday morning 11:30, “He’ll be here soon” you thought to yourself.
The elevator stopped on the floor you knew the boy with dirty blonde hair lived on. Someone got off the elevator so you were currently all alone and as usual he didn’t turn up until the doors began to shut.
“Almost missed!” He laughed as he ran onto the elevator. 
“So unlike you” You replied and rolled your eyes.
This was the conversation you had almost every Saturday morning since you moved into this apartment block.
“So plans for today?” You asked as the elevator doors closed, like you hadn’t had this conversation a million times and his plan were the same every Saturday. Eat breakfast, go see friends, work then getting really drunk.
Despite talking to him every week the only thing you knew about him was his Saturday routine. Neither of you had ever actually exchanged names.
“Well I was thinking about doing something different today” He laughed “...Yeah never going to happen.”
“May I ask why every time I see you you’re holding a bunch of flowers?” He asked and gestured towards the gorgeous purple flowers you had just bought.
“It’s my thing, I buy a new bunch of flowers every week.” You answered as the elevator doors opened on the ground floor.
“Well see ya” He said as you both got of the elevator.
“Bye!” You replied.
You were stood outside the elevator doors later that day waiting for the it to arrive when you heard a familiar voice behind you.
“Hey flower girl!” You turn around to see the boy from the elevator with a bunch of people who you were guessing where his friends.
“Hey” You laughed.
“Look I actually have friends” He said and gestured to the people stood with him.
“I’m surprised” You teased which made all his friends laugh.
He smiled.
Then suddenly the elevator doors opened. You all managed to fit into one elevator.
“Hey so I’m having a bit of a party at my apartment at about 10:30, come round?” He asked shyly.
“Sure” You replied.
You were trying to play it cool but really you were really excited to be invited to this party, to get to know him more.
“Cor, Jack on the pull” One of his friends said.
As he was leaving you realised you didn’t know which apartment lived in.
“Wait!” You said loudly and he turned around “Which apartment?”
“Number 44″ He replied as the doors closed between you.
You looked at the clock on your wall and realised it was 11pm. Crap you were late! You quickly shoved on your converse and ran out the door, you hadn’t really dressed up, you were wearing ripped jeans and a cute top.
When you arrived on Jack floor and began walking down the corridor to his apartment you could hear the music that was being blasted.
“Well at least I won’t go to the wrong apartment” You thought.
You knocked on the door and almost as soon as you knocked the door was swung open by Jack who was holding a can of beer and looked tipsy.
“Flower girl! I thought you weren’t coming, it’s my thing to be late no yours!” He laughed.
“I’m fashionably late” You laughed.
“Anyway come in!” He held the door open for you.
You walked in and looked around. There were tons of people dancing, making out, and drinking a lot. There was a ton of alcohol laid out on the kitchen worktops.
“Wow I thought you said a small party?” You laughed, shocked by the amount of people in his small apartment.
“I have a lot of friends” He winked and you rolled your eyes.
He walked into his living room where most of the people were and you followed.
“Hey guys flower girls here!!!” He announced to the room.
“Y/n, my name is y/n” You corrected.
Not many people seemed to care you were there other than the boys you had seen earlier.
“Hey” A few of them said and nodded at you.
“Y/n?” Jack said.
“Yes and you’re Jack right?” You asked.
“How do-” 
“Your friend said earlier, I’m not a stalker I promise” You laughed.
“Well y/n this is Mikey, Joe, Oli, Josh, Caspar, Byron and my brother Conor” He introduced you.
“Wait you guys know each other but you don’t know each others names?” Joe laughed.
“It’s complicated” Jack replied.
“Lets go get you a drink” He said and dragged you towards the kitchen.
That was the first drink of many more. You had a great time, drank a lot and danced with Jack a lot. Jack had drank a lot less than you and was only tipsy. He had said he was trying to be ‘responsible’.
You were currently sat on the sofa and Jack had one arm around you and was holding his phone with the other.
“Why is she staringgg at me?!” You slurred loud enough so the girl that was death glaring at you could hear.
Jack looked up to see who you meant and she looked away.
“Ohh thats Missy, I used to sorta date her, we weren’t really that offical” He explained
“She is death glaring me” You laughed.
“Hey lets go outside” Jack suggested.
“Outside?” You asked 
“The balcony” He said and got up and dragged you with him.
“Okay thennnn” You replied.
You sat down on the floor against the fence thing around the balcony and Jack sat opposite you.
“The suns rising!” He laughed.
“Whattt it hasn’t been that long!” You went to check the time on your phone “Shit where my phone!”
“Here, chill” Jack laughed and pulled our phone out his pocket “ I put my number in it by the way” He winked. Then put your phone back in his pocket.
“Anyway you never told me why you buy flowers every week” He said.
“Ohh yeah. It’s a thing me and my mum used to do. I buy flowers weekly based on what mood I’m in. Flower colours have meaning, they represent different emotions.” You explained.
“Aww stop being so cute! That’s adorable” He chuckled.
“How is that adorable?” You laughed.
“Because it is.” He laughed.
The sunlight hit your eyes, making it difficult for you to see.
“Come sit here” He patted the floor next to him after he saw you squinting to see.
You went over and sat near him.
“Tonights been good” He said.
“Yeah” You replied.
Neither of you said anything for a second. You got lost in his eyes. You saw him glance him at you lips, you leaned in slightly and so did he.
Before you knew it you were kissing. 
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. His touch leaving your skin tingling. He kissed you soft but passionately. 
You pulled away as the sunlight hit your faces.
“I like you a lot flower girl” He whispered.
“I like you a lot too” You replied.
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generousthots · 7 years
Grandma (Y/N)
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A/N: hello buggies! I wrote this last night. I may post a bit more before I go to work... if you want to see more, please let me know!
I sat in my hospital room, looking at the splint on my wrist. "Unbelievable..." I mutter. My gaze turns to the window- it's snowing out- an absolutely beautiful sight. If only I could go out and enjoy the weather. "Ms. (Y/L/N)? Someone is here to see you." The nurse steps aside to let my visitor inside my room. A pleasant sight to see, though my excitement is peaked through the pain medications running through my IV. "Joe! My love! My light! My reason to live!" I ramble. Joe makes his way to my bed, and sternly looks at me. "I'm away for a week, and you sprain your wrist? What did you do?!" He asks. "I'm a wreck without you~" I sing cheerfully. "Clearly." Joe gives an exasperated sigh. "But how did this happen?" “Well... I was trying to knit everyone new scarves for Christmas… So, that’s how I sprained my wrist.” I tilt my head to the side, and smile sweetly. "... what are you, an eighty year old woman?" Joe chuckles. He sits on my bed. "Uh..." I hum. "Be nice to me, I'm in pain." I pout. "Knitting too intensely?" Joe laughs. "God, I'm in love with you."
The prompt was, "I was trying to knit everyone new Christmas sweaters... and that's how I sprained my wrist"
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Never Have I Ever // Jack Maynard
Word Count-  795

Summary- Just a small imagine. Please leave feedback on my writing, I’d love to hear from you! x
Warnings; A few swear words, sorry! It just was a bit more realistic I think with them in.

A/n; Thank you so much for 100+ followers! Hope it’s okay I combined these two requests, they were originally two different ones but they were way shorter than I wanted them to be so I made it one. Thanks for requesting x
Requested; Yes, Prompt requests.
➳ 59 with jack xxx // 59. …or we could make out…. 
➳ Can you do 86 with jack???? // 86.  You’ve never smoked anything in your life. 
You sat in the living room of the flat your shared with your best friend Jack, with all of his (and your) friends; the buttercream gang. You were all sipping your drinks, chatting lightly before a tipsy Caspar decided he wanted to play a bit of Never have I ever. You all were bored, and didn’t plan to head out to the club tonight as it was just one of those stay-in type of nights, and decided it was a good idea. Not that it was, just your slightly-drunken minds couldn’t process that you were all about to humiliate yourselves. That’s what friends were for, right? Humiliating yourself? No? Okay, nevermind.
Anyways, you all gathered in a circle, putting down the drinks. Jack grabbed a bunch of shot glasses you kept for these occasions and Conor filled them all up. “Alright, you lads know the rules. If you’ve done it, you drink. If you haven’t, you don’t.” You confirmed, earning a nod and murmur of agreement. “Right. Never have I ever..” Conor started, and the game progressed quite slowly. A few shots were taken here and there, it was pretty boring.
“Never Have I Ever smoked anything.” Joe said, smirking. You filled up your glass and downed it, earning a surprised look from the others. “Y/N? Why’d you take a shot? You’ve never smoked anything in your life.” Jack said, concerned. You rolled your eyes. “Calm down, Jack. Just because you weren’t there, didn’t mean it hasn’t happened.” You said, rolling your eyes. “When?” Jack said, almost demanding. You didn’t understand why. “It was back in Year 8 I think, I smoked a small cigarette here and there. It’s not that big of a deal.” You shrugged, not bothered.
“Y/N, of course it’s a big deal! Those things kill!” Jack yelled, standing up. You followed suit, and the other boys awkwardly excused themselves and left the room and retreated to the kitchen. “I’m still here, aren’t I? Why do you care so much, Jack? It was years ago!” You said, exasperated. You frowned, and Jack ran a frustrated hand over his face. “Because I care, okay?” He yelled, making you flinch. He hardly raised his voice with you, unless it was playfully.
His eyes softened as he saw you flinch. Guilt filled his eyes. “Y/N, I care, okay? You’re not only my best friend, you’ve been there for me my whole life. I can’t even imagine a life without you. I'm sorry if I seem pushy or clingy but you mean a lot to me. I love you!” Jack admitted, all in one breath. By the end you could tell he was flustered. You could only blink as you processed it. You couldn't manage words. He loved you?
He seemed to realize what he had said too. “Shit. Y/N, I..” He said, his heartbreak evident. You were still in a state of shock, but snapped out when Jack moved to leave. You ran up to him and spun him to face you, barely registering the confusion in his eyes before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a passionate kiss.
The kiss got a bit heated, and by now you were full on making out. You probably wouldn't have stopped if it weren’t for Joe coming in and yelling “Shit! Sorry!” and leaving quickly, and if that didn’t ruin the moment, Conor peaked around the corner and shouted “Get some, Jack!”
“Fuck off, Conor.” Jack muttered, cheeks flushed. Conor shrugged and retreated back to the kitchen, laughing with the rest of the boys. “C’mon, let’s get back to the ‘party’ before they break something.” You laughed, grabbing Jack’s hand and attempting to pull him. He pulled you right back into his arms, looking into your eyes with a look of pure adoration.
“…or we could make out….” Jack said cheekily, leaning in for a kiss. You played along, but only gave him a quick peck. “Nice try, pretty boy.” You said, running off into the kitchen to meet with the other boys. You heard Jack groan, but nonetheless followed you. “Who’s up for movies instead? We’ve probably consumed enough alcohol for bad hangovers.” You suggested, earning a cheer from the other boys.
You spent the rest of the night cuddled into Jack’s side, playing with the hem of his shirt, while he played with your hair. You hardly paid any attention to the movie, and quickly found yourself drifting off. “Go to sleep, love.” Jack whispered in your ear, you smiling. His recurring nickname never meant much to you, but now it meant the world. You fell asleep listening to the quiet laughter of the boys and Jack’s heartbeat, sighing contently. This was where you wanted to be.
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arielseaworth · 3 years
Stuff I wrote in 2021.
Thank you so much for reading my fics and drabbles, and for all your prompts, likes, reblogs, comments, kudos, bookmarks and translations. I really appreciate them 💕
A Naturally Pretended Man
“So you thought, stranger, seduction. Not that I’m presuming you’re seduced by me. That’s a … process ongoing. Errm … what was I saying? Yeah … so you thought, our meeting was part of a set-up.” (London Spy, episode 1)
“Did you think I was a honey trap?”
“Honey trap? You’ve been reading too many novels by John le Carré.”
One of Me
“Grant is a Cassius looking for a Caesar,” Magnus had said. “If he doesn’t find a back to stab soon, the Agency will give his dagger to someone else.” (A Perfect Spy, John le Carré)  
His Caesar dead, and he himself driven nearly mad by his exile to Statistics, Grant wondered who it was he had really been trying to destroy, Magnus or himself.
Like Two Parents
There was the Brotherhood and there was this other chap. Said he was working for both of ’em. They were like two parents for him. Kept him going.” (A Perfect Spy, John le Carré)
“What is it about your husband, do you know, that gives us such a bad, bad conscience?” (A Perfect Spy, John le Carré) 
Jack Brotherhood and Axel meet, after Pym’s death, to talk about a bad conscience and the balance of culpability, among other things.  
Stannis Baratheon, Robert Baratheon and a conversation about Alaric Stark and Ned Stark. 
When Ser Duncan the Tall came to arrest Lord Bloodraven for the murder of Aenys Blackfyre, Bloodraven reminded Dunk of a question posed to him by Maynard Plumm at Whitewalls: if the life at stake is not your own, what then?
For the prompt: Daeron the Drunken interacting with Daemon II Blackfyre when the latter is a hostage in the Red Keep, on the subject of dreams (and Dunk).
The Accursed  
For the prompt: Maekar’s POV when he finds out he’s a kinslayer.
A True Knight Among Us
For the prompt: Egg’s sisters wonder what kind of man Ser Duncan the Tall is.
Family Portrait
For the prompt: Egg and his family sitting for a portrait.
Ripened Apple 
For the prompt: Dunk saying goodbye to Raymun Fossoway and thanking him.
The Visit
For the prompt: Was Aemon surprised when Egg visited him at Oldtown? Did he recognize his brother right away?
The Broken Knight
A flush crept up Massey’s neck. “I will not stay here to be insulted.” He wrenched his damp cloak down from the wall so hard that Asha heard it tear, then stalked past Horpe and through the door. […] Broken quick as that, thought Asha. My champion is made of suet. (A Dance with Dragons)
POV Swap: This scene from Justin Massey’s POV.
The Vanishing
On that last visit, though, [Asha] had found Lady Alannys in a window seat huddled beneath a pile of furs, staring out across the sea. Is this my mother, or her ghost? she remembered thinking as she’d kissed her cheek. (A Feast for Crows)
POV Swap: This scene from Alannys Harlaw's POV.
An Inch of Your Broad Earth
“It was hard for all my brothers. That shadow Tywin cast was long and black, and each of them had to struggle to find a little sun.” (A Feast for Crows)
The Lannister brothers, from Gerion's POV.
when the hammer shall fall upon the dragon
And talk was heard in camp of a prophecy of ancient days that said, “When the hammer shall fall upon the dragon, a new king shall arise, and none shall stand before him.” (Fire & Blood)
For the prompt: Stannis and Maester Cressen discussing this prophecy after Robert’s win.
After Robert defeated Rhaegar with his warhammer on the Trident, Stannis and Maester Cressen debated the use of a prophecy to boost the morale of the people inside Storm’s End, who were still besieged by the enemy.
A Dance with Ashara
The crannogman saw a maid with laughing purple eyes dance with a white sword, a red snake, and the lord of griffins, and lastly with the quiet wolf … but only after the wild wolf spoke to her on behalf of a brother too shy to leave his bench. (A Storm of Swords)
Ashara Dayne’s appraisal of the four men she danced with at Harrenhal.
coming in from the cold
Elenei had spent countless years watching them, these mortals with their “poor little lives” as her mother called it, with their “nasty, brutish and short existence” as her father dismissed it. Their lives seemed no more than flickering candles in the eyes of the gods, but perhaps those lives were experienced far more intensely because of it.
Find Me
He was not lost, he protested, to a nameless accuser. He was not crying out for help, he insisted, to the absent figure he was reaching out for in the nightfire. He was merely holding on to her faith, her faith in him that was stronger than his faith in himself.  
(Stannis/Melisandre, miles from where you are.)
Dunk confessed to Egg where the name Duncan came from
Egg mourns his grandfather and Ser Duncan tries to comfort him
Maester Aemon & Rhaelle Targaryen, Uncle Maester
Aegon V Targaryen & Duncan the Tall, a dragon at Whitewalls
Robb Stark & Bran Stark, brave
Rhaena Targaryen/Alayne Royce,  dragonriding
Loras Tyrell/Renly Baratheon, a secret
Samantha Tarly & Sansara Tarly, the Citadel
Ned Stark/Catelyn Tully, “Ned loves my hair”
Maester Aemon & Aegon V Targaryen, Aemon’s dream
Archmaester Abelon & Alleras, kindred spirit
Doran Martell/Mellario of Norvos, a memory
Ned Stark/Catelyn Tully, a lie
Argella Durrandon/Orys Baratheon, the opposite of love
Aegon V Targaryen/Betha Blackwood, a story
Quentyn Martell/Ynys Yronwood, unrequited
Stannis/Melisandre, shelter from the storm
Dacey Mormont & Alysane Mormont, promise
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Dating Jack Maynard might include...
Tumblr media
going on many adventurous dates together
he would always want to show you something new he found or do something with you that he had heard of
with him, nothing was ever boring
when you knew him for a bit longer, he would also love to just stay at home with you though
so much netflix and chill that you actually had to rewatch some episodes three times or more
finding out that he is actually really good at cooking
I’m talking surprise dinners here
and amazing breakfast after even more amazing nights
deep conversations
mostly in totally random moments
like you could be falling asleep anytime soon, and Jack would ask you: “If you had a chance to live your life again, would you change something?”
it’s in that moment that you know you won’t go to sleep for another hour at least
but you loved it
slowly exploring different sides of him
because he was so much more than just a pretty face
finding out that he was actually quite the fluffball underneath of his image
starting to get completely comfortable around each other
talking about anything, knowing he wouldn’t judge you for it
feeling like you dated your best friend
he’s a very physical person, so there is so much pda when you are going out
literally always touching
flirty glances your way
not so much kissing though, he would rather hold your hand in public and save that for when you’re at home or with friends
having the boys roll their eyes at you when you are around
so many sexual remarks
some are really cringeworthy though, so you scold him
him laughing very hard at that
he would be so jealous of each and everybody
because you were his and only his
it was not that he didn’t trust you, it was that he did not trust any other guy
so he made it pretty clear where you would belong
he wouldn’t hesitate to punch a guy if that would be what it takes
whenever he got jealous, you knew you were in for something special in the bedroom
like he would give you the kinds of hickeys that would last for days and would be really hard to cover up
you would most likely be to sore to walk or sit or do anything else than spending the rest of the day in bed next to him
because he loved to cuddle you
although he would never admit that
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buttercreamblog · 7 years
Thank God It’s Friday - Jack Maynard Imagine
‘requested: no
fandom: Buttercream/Jack Maynard (or should I say ‘bae’nard hahah)
smut: no
gender: y/n is a girl
warnings: alcohol is consumed.
A/N: If you guys like this imagine feel free to follow my blog and give this post a like! P.S as I’m new at writing imagines I love receiving constructive feedback (whether good or bad)! Thank you and enjoy the story:
Y/N looked over herself in the mirror, the smiling girl that stared back at her had a glimmer of joy in her eyes and a demeanour of confidence, as she stood in her favourite clubbing outfit. The week had been a long and hard one but she was happy it was over, and she was happy to be heading out to the club with her two best friends and their boyfriends. She didn’t even mind that she didn’t have a date that night, it was a big group and she was surely not the only one
“Thank god it’s friday” y/n thought to herself as she mirthfully shut her front door behind her.
Jack was in the uber with half the buttercream squad, while the other half trailed in the uber behind. He laughed as he watched his best friends sing along to Conor’s latest single. Despite the strain on his gut from laughing too hard, he felt empty inside. Every one of the boys now had a girlfriend. Jack felt alone. Sure he claimed to be happy sticking to the single lifestyle; booty calls and one night stands. But that lifestyle only lasted so long until one wanted to settle down and find a girl to call their own, that’s what Jack wanted now. Even though he dared never to say anything to his friends.
“Thank god it’s Friday!” Josh screamed as the car stopped outside the club.
Tonight Jack would go to sleep alone. Empty sheets on his bed and an empty heart in his chest. 
“Yes, thank god it’s Friday” Jack thought solemnly to himself as he shut the car door behind him.
Y/N and her friends met the rest of the group they would be with tonight outside the venue. Upon her arrival she hugged Oli and Joe, she knew them well as her two best friends were dating them. She said her greetings to Caspar and his girlfriend Maddie, y/n had met the two on a few occasions before but they weren’t too familiar. She made her formalities with 3 other boys; Josh, Mikey and Conor, along with their 3 gorgeous girlfriends.
Horror dawned upon her as she realised she was the only one out of the group that night that was alone. Y/n silently cursed y/b/f/n as she swore there would be people that weren’t in relationships there. She moved closer to her friends, afraid she’d be the 3rd wheel... or 6th wheel of the night. That was until another person approached them.
“Yep we’re on the VIP list, we’re good to skip the line and just head on in”. A tall guy with dyed blonde hair, dreamy blue eyes, and sh*t ton of confidence walked up, slapping Conor on the back in a friendly manner as he approached. The nose ring that gave him a badass demeanour helped with his looks as well. He greeted both of y/b/f/n before looking y/n up and down.
“Jack. Jack Maynard.” he extended an arm to her and she happily shook it
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you. And yes I did get that ‘James Bond’ reference” y/n laughed. 
Jack and y/n talked as the group went inside, heading to a vip area where they could sit and drink together.
A few hours later y/n had just come back to their table after dancing with her best friends and the rest of the girls, but within minutes a slow song had come on and all the couples headed to the dance floor once more. That left Jack and y/n alone. The moment he began to talk she noticed his words were slurred. He was drunk.
“Y/n can I ask you something?” despite the liquor coming from his breath the drunken stupor seemed charming, cute, in a way. 
“What’s up Jack”? She asked worriedly
“Do you ever get lonely, knowing that you aren’t alone?”
“Are you asking for me or are you asking for reassurance for yourself?” she raised her eyebrow
“I guess the second one”. he raised his arms in mock defeat, laughing
“We aren’t alone Jack. We have our friends and family that love us to pieces. But romantically I guess sometimes I do wish I had someone”. y/n shrugged, a slightly sad tone of voice washing over her
“I’ve got an idea...” Jack started “How about we go out on a date?” The boy who had been so confident the whole night had suddenly become shy when he asked y/n this.
She thought about it. Tonight was the first night they had met but sparks had been flying the whole night. And he was devilishly handsome. “Deal.” she nodded “We can get lunch tomorrow?”
That night Jack and y/n went home alone, but while the sheets beside them were empty. Their hearts were not.
“Thank god it’s friday” they both thought as they drifted off to sleep that night.
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cali-girl-in-heart · 8 years
“Need share” - Jack Maynard
“Today I’m going to surprise (Y/N). So she’s been quite of obsessed with Ed Sheeran lately, okay not just lately but like all the time. And the boys and I have been given some cards for his new concert. And literally everybody’s going there. Like me, Conor, Joe, Caspar, Oli, Mikey and Josh. And so I asked for two more cards so (Y/N) could go with us as well as Anna since she’s been obsessed just as much as my beautiful girlfriend”, Jack chuckled as he told his viewers what’d be happening right now.
“So I’ve been putting these little papers with letters on it in this envelope and if she gets it in the right order, it will say ‘Ed Sheeran’ and then I’m gonna surprise her. Let’s just see how long it’ll take her.”
As (Y/N) walked into Jacks room, assuming that he must have been in there since she had called for him and no one answered, she found him laying in bed on his phone.
“Hey babe”, he said as she opened the door and she was quick to go over to him for a quick peck on the lips. Jack then got his vlogging camera out and started to record.
“Say hi to them, babe”, he smiled at her.
“Hey guys”, (Y/N) said and grinned.
“So I have a surprise for you darling”, Jack said and handed her the envelope. She opened it and Jack could see that she was a bit confused as she saw the letters.
“What’s that supposed to be Jack?”, she asked as she had them all on the bed.
She then gave him her infamous ‘No-Shit-Sherlock’-Face, making him giggle.
“Just put them in the right order.”
It took (Y/N) quite a while to put them into an order which made sense, kind of.
“That makes no sense, Jack”, (Y/N) whined.
“Try a little harder babe”, Jack said grinning.
“C’mon baby”, Jack said teasingly.
“What do you need to share, Jack?”, (Y/N) said, glad that she had finally found something that made sense.
“I need to share some important news babe”, Jack said. “She’s not getting it, guys”, he sighed and turned the camera so both of them would be in shot.
Jack mixed the letters up a bit.
“Wait I got it”, (Y/N) said, finally getting excited.
“Jack?!”, (Y/N) said, finally noticing that Jack had another envelope behind his back.
“No way”, she whispered as Jack said nothing. “No fucking way.”
“We’re going to see Ed Sheeran”, Jack smiled.
“Oh my god! You’re amazing!”, (Y/N) squeeled and hugged Jack really tight.
“All of the boys are coming and Anna too”, Jack told her.
“Oh my, I haven’t seen her in ages! Thank you so much, Jack! You’re officially the best boyfriend ever”, (Y/N) smiled and kissed him.
“Anything for my girl”, he smiled, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up his cheeks in (Y/N)s hair.
This was requested. If you also want to request something, you can do this here or you can view all of my posts here.
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music-my-angel · 3 years
Always fussing over you
Prompt - Hi :) I love your stories!!! I was wondering if you could do a Jack Maynard Sick fic. Seeing as he’s recently been on tour. Could you do one where he becomes really ill and can’t do one of his shows but gets upset as he doesn’t want to let his fans down?? X
Prompt - Hey could you do a Conor or jack sickfic? Thx :) Love ur stories too
It is one of the things Jack was looking forward that entire month. There was actually going to be a show that reunited a number of youtubers. There were very rare occasions where Jack gets to share a stage with his older brother but this was going to be one of those very rare moments. He saw Conor perform a lot. He’s been part of the crowd who watched his big brother perform but this time, he was going to share the stage with him. Nothing could stop the boy’s excitement except a sudden onslaught of a flu right before the big day.
Jack had been a tad bit over excited as he stayed up late watching his brother go through sound checks and all, and it’s probably how he caught the flu as he sat without a coat in a freezing cold. Conor had been absolutely miffed when he saw the boy shaking slightly in the cold but Jack had brushed off any concerns from Conor, not wanting the boy to fuss over him in front of his friends.
But a day later, as he woke up with a strong ache in his bones, Jack wanted nothing than his brother fussing over him. And usually, Conor would be right there fussing over Jack but this time, Conor had simply frowned when he saw the boy walk down for breakfast looking not even close to what he could term as fine.
Jack looked a bit hurt at Conor’s lack of conversation that morning but he took comfort in the fact that he’d get to perform if Conor didn’t notice that he was sick.
Except that Conor noticed everything. He was painfully aware of Jack probably falling sick but the boy had made it clear that he didn’t want to be fussed over so Conor waited until Jack himself would tell him that he was sick.
“Dude, your brother isn’t fine” Alfie whispered to him.
“Must have caught a cold” Conor mumbled, “But he doesn’t want me to be a mother-hen!”
“He looks so close to passing out” Alfie pointed out and Conor could only sigh as he watch the boy move around gingerly.
“He’ll have to admit that he is sick eventually” Conor sighed.
“They never really admit it, do they?” Zoe added, with a shake of her head as she smiled at her own little brother.
Conor followed Zoe’s line of sight and smiled at Joe before frowning as he realized that sooner or later, he’d have to step up in Jack’s case.
Soon came a little too quick for both Jack and Conor.
“You can’t perform like this” Conor pointed out.
“I can” Jack whispered, sounding a lot more congested than before.
“Jack, your throat is probably killing you. You sound stuffy…” Conor muttered and sighed as he touched Jack’s forehead, “You’re running a fever kiddo.”
“I can’t not perform” Jack mumbled and Conor was ready to scold the boy except that when he looked up, he found Jack in tears.
“What’s going on kiddo?” Conor asked, squeezing Jack’s shoulder.
“Can’t let the fans down… They’ve travelled so far to see us… Can’t let you down! Been waiting to perform with you” Jack sniffled.
“Oh kiddo” Conor sighed, pulling the boy in a hug, as he squeezed the back of the boy’s neck fondly. “I’ll make a deal…” Conor whispered, smiling as how quickly Jack became interested.
Conor had been on the stage performing while Jack was wrapped in a blanket, backstage, lightly dozing. Alfie and Joe were tasked on keeping an eye on him while Zoe and Louise dropped by from time to time. He enjoyed his brother’s performance and even got to say a quick hello to the crowd during his brother’s stage time but that was it. Right after Conor’s performance, Jack was bundled up in the car on his way home. He’d have to wait for another time to perform with his brother but right now, he’d content himself with the fact that he never had to wait for his brother to fuss over him.
Hope you all like it.
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guernsey-island · 4 years
Please answer 1-98 >:3
Weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?      water bottles 2. chocolate bars or lollipops?      chocolate bars 3. bubblegum or cotton candy?      cotton candy, though I don't like either very much 4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?      I don't know 5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?      plastic cups??? 6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?      sportswear I guess 7. earbuds or headphones?      I only have earbuds right now, but I like both 8. movies or tv shows?      tv shows, but that doesn't mean I don't like movies too 9. favorite smell in the summer?      the ocean 10. game you were best at in p.e.?      capture the flag 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?      whatever I can find 12. name of your favorite playlist?      "Good Songs :D" 13. lanyard or key ring?      key ring 14. favorite non-chocolate candy?      I don't particularly like any non-chocolate candy. Too artificial and sweet :/ 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?      Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes 16. most comfortable position to sit in?      leaning back and with my legs out 17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?      white converse 18. ideal weather?      raining or a mild temperature like 80 degrees F paired with high humidity 19. sleeping position?      I fall asleep on my side and wake up on my back 20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?      Google docs heheh 21. obsession from childhood?      I was one of those warrior cats kids (no, I didn't pretend to be warrior cats at recess) 22. role model?      Snickers 23. strange habits?      popping my back, checking sunset/sunrise times 24. favorite crystal?     all crystals are great 25. first song you remember hearing?      Counting Stars by OneRepublic 26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?      hiking 27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?      reading 28. five songs to describe you?      Modern Loneliness- Lauv // Scared of Heights- Loving Caliber // backpack- slchld // By Now- Will Jay // Come True- khai dreams, Forrest., Biskwiq 29. best way to bond with you?      don't annoy me 30. places that you find sacred?      the beach when no one is there or deep in the mountains 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 32. top five favorite vines?      road work ahead, jared 19, damn daniel, 2 bros chillin in a hot tub, x files theme 33. most used phrase in your phone?      probably >:3 34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?      that spotify ad about peter and jumping/skipping rope. IF you knew what an 8track tape was!! 35. average time you fall asleep?      ~2:30am 36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?      the pepe the frog memes 37. suitcase or duffel bag?      suitcase 38. lemonade or tea?      lemonade but tea is also superb 39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?      lemon cake bc I've never had lemon meringue pie 40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?      I don't really remember. Let's go with Mr. Rightmyer and Mr. Mikow in general (ig matrix_multiplication). or maybe the time Sami put a lamp on her head and pretended to be Shaggy 41. last person you texted?      Snickers 42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?      jacket pockets 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?      hoodie 44. favorite scent for soap?      hmmm something tropical 45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?      sci-fi 46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?      clothing 47. favorite type of cheese?      swiss or colby jack or parmigiano-reggiano 48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?      peaches bc they're the best fruit 49. what saying or quote do you live by?      "you become what you think about" "success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal"- Earl Nightingale "the opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity" "sanity and happiness are an impossible combination"- Mark Twain "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading"- Lao Tzu "failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough" - Og Mandino 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?      let's go with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TilHylia7rE and more recently, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voncdcV648g 51. current stresses?      upcoming exams, writing essays 52. favorite font?      My current favorites are Frank Ruhl Libre, Overlock, and Rajdhani 53. what is the current state of your hands?      good, though I perpetually have a bump on one finger from writing too much 54. what did you learn from your first job?      job?? what job? 55. favorite fairy tale?      three little pigs 56. favorite tradition?      sleeping 57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?      I don't know 58. four talents you’re proud of having?      Freestyling (ground moves and juggling), shooting knuckleballs, popping my back really well, running a 5-6 minute mile 59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?      I don’t know what my catchphrase would be 60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?      a shonen where the protagonist is trying to survive in a crazy world, become the best at something, or master some special power (examples: tower of god or solo leveling if it was an anime) OR something with a mafia 61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?      "Well, if you only knew how little I really know about the things that matter"- Elio in cmbyn the movie (think about this quote all the time) "Let us cultivate our garden"-Candide in Candide by Voltaire “The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.”- Sinclair in Demian by Hermann Hesse “I wanted only to live in accord with the promptings which came from my true self. Why was that so very difficult?”- Sinclair in Demain by Hermann Hesse “Know yourself and go in swinging.”- More than this by Patrick Ness “Just leave me alone. I’m not myself. I’m falling apart, and I don’t want you here.”- Charlie in Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes Tons of quotes and references from Arthur, httyd, and other media 62. seven characters you relate to?      Lance (vld), zuko (atla), okonkwo (things fall apart), nwoye (things fall apart), bokuto (haikyuu), sinclair (demian), hiccup (httyd) 63. five songs that would play in your club?      Wednesday Girl- Elijah Who, Aso, Peachy!, Kudasaibeats, slchld // Way Back Home- SHAUN, Conor Maynard, Sam Feldt // Let Me Down Slow (Acoustic)- New Hope Club // Crush Culture- Conan Gray // All Night Long- TAEYEON, LUCAS 64. favorite website from your childhood?      animal jam 65. any permanent scars?      I have a ton of scars on my legs and knees. I ran into a cart at staples once and have a big scar from that. I have a few scars on my elbows too 66. favorite flower(s)?      columbine (CO state flower) 67. good luck charms?      none 68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?      I have no idea 69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?      I don’t know 70. left or right handed?       right 71. least favorite pattern?      cheetah or zebra print 72. worst subject?      hmmm biology but only bc I don't put in the effort 73. favorite weird flavor combo?      I don't know. I like food 74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?      I don't think I've experienced enough pain to accurately answer this question. I've only taken ibuprofen once (when I got my wisdom teeth taken out), but I didn't think it was that necessary to take 75. when did you lose your first tooth?      probably when I was six 76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?      scalloped potatoes, hash browns, Spanish tortillas, potato salad, mashed potatoes 77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?      aloe vera 78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?      sushi from a grocery store 79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?      school ID 80. earth tones or jewel tones?      earth tones 81. fireflies or lightning bugs?      they're called fireflies 82. pc or console?      pc 83. writing or drawing?      writing 84. podcasts or talk radio?      podcasts 84. barbie or polly pocket?      no 85. fairy tales or mythology?      mythology 86. cookies or cupcakes?      cookies 87. your greatest fear?      Accidentally biting off my tongue and then choking on it, seeing things in mirrors, being stabbed with a knife as I enter a hotel elevator, receiving emails 88. your greatest wish?      Happiness??? I don’t know 89. who would you put before everyone else?      Snickers 90. luckiest mistake?      I don't know 91. boxes or bags?      boxes 92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?      sunlight 93. nicknames?      let's not talk abt that,,, 94. favorite season?      spring or summer 95. favorite app on your phone?      google play books, goodreads, tumblr, kakaotalk, spotify, google keep 96. desktop background?      it's a slideshow. the background at the moment is a photo of Manarola, Italy taken by Peter Hegedus. It's one of my favorite photographs of all time 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?      three not including 911 (so four) 98. favorite historical era?     1300s in the Mongol empire or around when the spice trade was at its peak, 1800s in America during westward expansion, 1920s, ancient egypt, Harlem Renaissance 
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