#caspar lee x reader
imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
"Hey! It's Y/n here, again. Today we're going to talk about..."  You  sat on your bed where you filmed your videos, recording a test intro to  make sure that everything looked okay when you played it back.
You  were a fairly casual person in everyday life, but on YouTube you were  known for wearing girly, conservative, vintage clothes. Your hair was  always done, You wore plenty of lace, and red lips were present in every  one of your videos.
It had never been your intention to  hide your tattoos, but after 25 or so videos you realized you had never  shown a single one. From then on out you decided to keep them your  secret. You were almost completely covered in them so you occasionally  had to re-film a bit of your video because a sleeve slipped or a  neckline dropped too low.
You were currently setting up  for video number 200 and something and you were finally getting to  collab with one of your favorite YouTubers.
Caspar - "Almost there!"
You - "Everything is ready to go. :)"
Caspar - "Apt 423, right?"
You - "Yup! See you soon!"
The  two of you had met through some mutual friends and actually hit it off  right away. You loved his sense of humor and the fact that he was  interested in politics and charity.
"Y/n!" Caspar yelled, walking into your flat and pulling you into a dramatic hug.
"Hey, Casp." you laughed. "Have you figured out what you want to film for your channel?"
"I'm still trying to get you to do the Brain Freeze Challenge." he whined, letting you go.
"Dude, it's not happening!" you said for the hundredth time.
"Everyone says that." he laughed, dropping his bag on your couch.
The  two of you had filmed a fake "Couple's QnA" video for your channel and  had been lounging on your bed talking for a few hours.
"Are you excited about your first YouTube convention?" Caspar asked, having been to dozens himself.
"I'm  nervous, actually." you answered. "My subscribers have only seen me in  videos. I've never done live interviews and I've only met a handful of  them by accident at a store or on the street."
"Awwww, don't worry." Caspar pulled you to him. "People are going to be so excited to meet you and get pictures with you."
"I've just never had my two worlds collide like that." you said, leaning into Caspar.
"It's not as scary as you think it is." Caspar said. "Just be yourself."
You  sat there snuggled with Caspar for a few minutes thinking about what to  do about your tattoos. There was no way they'd go completely unnoticed  during a three day convention where you were going to be hugging people  and posing for pictures.
"Hey, Casp?" you said, needing input.
"Whats up?" he asked.
"I uh. I have a secret. Or a confession, rather." you said, sitting up.
In true Caspar form, he put on a show. "Let me guess, you're married." he fake cried.
"You always make me fell better." you laughed, hugging Caspar and kissing him on the cheek. "I'll be back."
You  grabbed jean shorts and a black tank top and left your bedroom.  Changing in the bathroom and staring at yourself in the mirror, you  wondered why you had kept your tattoos a secret for so long. Your family  and non YouTube friends knew about them. You were proud of them. You  loved the art and they all reminded you of different moments in your  life. The contrast made you laugh. You had just been wearing a poofy  sleeved vintage dress and tights and now you were staring at tattooed  thighs and scripted words permanently inked into your skin.
"Caspar, close your eyes." you yelled from the bathroom to the bedroom.
"They're closed!" he replied.
"Caspar, don't peek. I need to talk a bit before you see. Please just keep them closed." you asked, walking into the room.
"I promise." Caspar said with his hands covering his eyes. You couldn't help but think he was adorable.
"So,  everyone from YouTube knows me as the dainty girly girl that wears  weird clothes from when their grandparents were kids." you laughed,  watching him nod. "Well, I have a bit of a secret and I think I need to  make a video about it before the convention. I don't want people to be  shocked when they meet me in person."
"Well if you're not married, what's your secret?" Caspar asked.
"Caspar, just look." you laughed.
Caspar's mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide. "Holy shit." he said, scooting to the edge of the bed.
"This is why I wasn't going to do the ice bath." you explained.
Caspar's hands were on either side of his face and he kept looking you up and down.
"Say  something." you said, squirming. You thought of all people, Caspar  would be the easiest person to tell, but he just stared at you.
"I um. Holy shit." Caspar repeated. "Sorry, I just. Holy shit."
"Caspar." you whined, turning to leave the room.
"No, no, no. Y/n." Caspar stood up and pulled you into a hug. "I didn't mean that in a bad way."
"How did you mean it then?" you asked, laughing a bit, feeling better now that you were tucked inside Caspar's arms.
"Well,  I actually wanted to tell you earlier that I liked you but I chickened  out during the QnA." Caspar said, leaning his head back to look at you.  "And now its obvious that you're way too cool for me." he laughed.
"Oh, shut up." you tickled Caspar's side.
"Ah,  stop!" he dove onto the bed to escape. "I'm not kidding." he said,  crawling up the bed. "I know that I joke a lot about dating people, but I  was going to ask you on a proper date during the QnA."
"Then why didn't you?" you asked, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
"I told my friends and they all said you were too classy to date someone like me." he laughed.
"Well your friends are wrong." you said, sitting next to him on the bed. "I like you quite a lot."
"Wait." Caspar said, his face lighting up. "You'd really go out with me?"
"Of  course." you laughed, Caspar practically tackling you into the bed.  "You really don't care about my tattoos?" you asked, Caspar still  rocking the two of you back and forth dramatically.
"No way." he said, pulling back to look at you. "I told you, they just make you way cooler than I am."
"Impossible." you replied, pulling him in for a quick kiss.
"WAIT!" Caspar practically yelled. "Now you can do the Brain Freeze Challenge!"
"Oh, god. I'm not getting out of this, am I?" you laughed, standing up to get your bathing suit.
Sitting  back down in front of your camera wearing your bath robe, you were  going to film a different ending to your QnA. You and Caspar had just  filmed the Brain Freeze challenge and you wanted to make sure your  subscribers knew to watch it.
"Hey, guys! I know that  we've both changed clothes and I'm soaked, but I needed to tell you to  make sure to watch Caspar's video. I have a really big announcement and  you don't want to miss it." you said to the camera.
Caspar  quickly interjected at the end, throwing his arm around you. "Since  you're making an announcement in my video, I'm making one in yours." he  said, looking over at you. "Y/n agreed to let me take her on a date."  Caspar kissed your cheek.
"I did." you smiled over at him  before quickly kissing his cheek in return. Turning back to the camera, you  continued. "I'll put the link to Caspar's video in the description, so  make sure you check it out! I don't think any of you guys saw this one  coming." both of you waving to the camera.
A/n - I've never written for Caspar before. I don't know why, but I always struggle to make sure it's authentic enough. Hopefully a few of you enjoy this. <3
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hi love! I've had this idea for a bit and I think it would be perfect in the same universe of your plank all over me one shots! Okay do you remember that interview where Conor Maynard planked Tom with the fake interviewer?? What if Tom tried to do the same thing to prank y/n but as soon as the fake interviewer walks in she immediately knows what's happening so then gives super weird answers or tries to mess with tom in all the answers she gives?? You don't have to do it if you don't want to tho!
Plank All Over Me - Prank Interview Edition
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom and Connor Maynard try to prank you, but you prank then right back
Disclaimer: you don’t have to have read the others to understand, but check them out ;)
Plank All Over Me
Plank All Over Me - Yoga Edition
Plank All Over Me - Couples Tag
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“What’s going on guys? It’s Conor Maynard here and I’m joined by an old friend of mine.” Conor pointed to Tom.
“Tom Holland.” Tom smiled at the camera.
“You May have heard of him, probably not. He’s not very well known.” Conor joked.
“I know, mate. I’m so lucky you’re putting me on your channel. Could be my big break.” Tom replied.
“My other friend Josh Pieters is in the other room with Toms girlfriend, the incredibly famous and lovely Y/n L/n. If you’ve seen my video where Josh, Casper and I pranked Tom with a fake interview, you already know what’s about to go down. If you don’t, Josh has an AirPod in under his headband. We’re going to be giving him things to say and he has to say them to Y/n. We’re gonna try to really freak her out. Are you ready Tom?”
“Very ready. Y/n, I love you pretty girl but you had this coming.” Tom rubbed his hands together. 
“Looks like she’s in the room. Introduce yourself.” Conor instructed. “But make it uncomfortable.”
“Hi, I’m Josh but you can call me Josh.” Josh said with a blank stare. You vaguely recognized the boy interviewing you but you couldn’t pinpoint where he was from.
“Oh uh, hi Josh.” You laughed lightly. “I’m Y/n.”
“Tell her you had a pet called Y/n and something terrible happened to it.” Conor snickered.
“I had a fish called Y/n when I was younger.” Josh informed you.
“Aw, that’s sweet.” You smiled.
“Yeah. It was my best friend until my brother swallowed it alive.” He said with no emotion.
“Oh.” You replied, not knowing what else to say. You began to sense something was off. He was wearing a headband, for one, and he didn’t look like he normally wore them. Someone was up to something.
“Even more uncomfortable.” Tom ordered.
“I’m a big fan so it’s very nice to meet you.” Josh said. “A huge fan actually, if you know what I mean.” Josh gave you a wink and you swallowed thickly. It suddenly dawned on you where you knew him from. He was Josh Pieters, the YouTuber who pranked Tom. You’d seen a number of his prank videos with Casper Lee and Joe Sugg and had a feeling that this one would be no different. If he wanted to prank you, you’d give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Not that uncomfortable!” Tom said.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You answered, preparing to have a little fun.
“Be normal. Ask her about the Marvel making Eddie a girl.” Conor said.
“For those who don’t know, the character Eddie Brock, who later gets infected with the symbiote Venom, is a male in the comics. How do you feel about Marvel changing the role to be played by a woman after your audition?” Josh asked. You thought about your answer for a moment.
“I think it was a really dumb move, actually. I originally auditioned for the role of Anne, who’s Eddie Brocks girlfriend. I think they should’ve kept Eddie a boy since women are weak, useless creatures and I hate them all.” You answered matter-of-factly and Josh looked a little taken aback. You nodded as if it confirm your answer and Josh looked lost.
“Oh.” Josh said and leaned to the side as if he were listening to something you couldn’t hear.
“I’m kidding. I love that they made Eddie a girl. I was so excited when they called me and told me who I was playing.” You followed up. You didn’t want them to catch on too soon that you were messing with them. You had to dial it down.
“Ask about the Spider-Man/Venom relationship.” Conor told Josh.
“And me. Ask about me.” Tom added.
“If it fun getting to play Tom Holland’s on screen girlfriend as well as being his in real life girlfriend?” Josh asked you and you smirked. So Tom was behind this as well. Now was your time to really mess with them.
“Not really, if I’m honest.” You answered.
“What?” Conor laughed.
“What?” Tom deadpanned.
“Really?” Josh asked while stifling a laugh.
“It’s just, there are so many attractive men in the Marvel cast, Tom included don’t get me wrong.” You assured him. “I kinda wish they let me date one of them on screen since I already date Tom off screen.”
“Ask her who she’d want to date.” Tom demanded, watching you with hooded eyes.
“Who do you wish you were dating?” Josh asked you.
“Definitely Chris Evans.” You answered too quickly for Toms liking. “Oh, did you mean what character?”
“I’m gonna die. I’m actually going to perish.” Tom backed away from the microphone and covered his mouth with his hands.
“Keep going. Ask more about Tom.” Conor instructed.
“But you like working with Tom, right?” Josh tried to bring the conversation to a positive point.
“Again, not really.” You shrugged.
“Interesting.” Josh stated, silently begging for the boys to tell him what to say. No one was prepared for your answers.
“Ask why.” Conor said as Tom fanned himself in the background.
“Can you elaborate on that?” Josh asked.
“It’s just weird acting along side your boyfriend. I think he should leave the acting me to, honestly.” You smiled innocently, knowing Tom was somewhere freaking out.
“Do you think he’s bad?” Tom grabbed them microphone.
“Do you think he’s bad?” Josh repeated.
“Well, he’s very attractive. I’m sure that was a big factor in getting the part. But his American accent…”, you made a face, “not the best. Being from New York is such a big part of Peter Parker that I feel like Marvel should’ve gone with an American actor. No offense to Tom, of course. He’s great in all his other movies.”
“Wow.” Josh squeaked.
“She told me she loves my American accent.” Tom whispered, bewildered.
“Ask her about her favorite accent.” Conor tried to lighten the mood.
“Do you like British accents better?” Josh asked you.
“I’ll tell you what I like. Chris Hemsworth’s accent.” You gushed. “I think it’s the hottest thing ever.”
“Did you guys hear that?” Tom asked gravely.
“Hear what?” Conor asked him.
“My heart shattering.” Tom answered.
“Tom, it’s just an accent. It’s okay.” Conor assured his friend. Tom couldn’t even hear him anymore. He grabbed the microphone with a heavy hand.
“Ask her if she likes Australians better than the British.” He demanded.
“You think Australian accents are better than British accents?” Josh repeated Toms question.
“Is that even a question? Duh.” You laughed.
“I can’t breath.” Tom wheezed.
“I do like your accent, though.” You said, catching everyone off guard.
“She what?” Tom asked. “What?”
“Oh, thank you.” Josh said, beginning to panic.
“Where are you from?” You asked, leaning forward on your hands.
“South Africa.” Josh told you and you smiled brightly and you continued your plan.
“Wait, really? That’s so exciting. I’ve always wanted to go there.” You beamed.
“Since when?” Conor looked up at Tom.
“She’s never said anything about South Africa.” Tom said in confusion.
“It’s a beautiful place.” Josh agreed.
“I bet. England is so dreary.” You rolled your eyes. “Maybe you can take me to South Africa one day.”
“Maybe.” Josh nodded as he tried to send messages in Morse code by blinking rapidly at the camera. You smirked, knowing your plan was working.
“Change the subject, Josh. Before Tom dies.” Conor ordered.
“Ask her about the wallpaper.” Tom blurted.
“Why the wallpaper?” Conor asked.
“It’s the least romantic topic I could think of!” Tom exclaimed.
“So, this is some really nice wallpaper, wouldn’t you agree?” Josh changed the subject. This threw you off a little but you were determined to win this prank.
“I was just thinking that! You read my mind.” You said excitedly.
“That backfired.” Conor said as he watched Tom fall to the floor in agony.
“Your name is Josh right?” You asked coyly.
“Yes ma’am.” Josh answered.
“I love that name.” You complimented. “I always have.”
“Do you?” Josh’s mouth dried up.
“Totally. It’s so exotic.” You beamed. Toms head snapped up from the floor.
“Exotic? There is a white boy named Josh in every high school movie ever made.” Tom exclaimed. “Exotic compared to what? Toast?”
“Thank you. I like it too.” Josh said awkwardly, wishing the boys would give him something to say.
“It’s so much better than a white bread name like Tom. Who names their kid Tom? What is he, an apostle?” You laughed. “Josh is way cooler in my opinion. It’s like the name of a god or something.”
“A god?” Tom nearly screamed. “What would Josh be the god of?”
“Gingers.” Conor shrugged.
“Thank you.” Josh said and gave the camera a stern glare.
“Tell her about your quail.” Conor suggested.
“That’s perfect. She’ll think he’s a total weirdo! Great thinking Conor.” Tom patted his friend on the back.
“Not exactly my plan, but okay.” Connor nodded.
“Do you have any pets?” Josh began his segway.”
“I do. I have a dog named Tessa.” You answered. “She’s not really my dog, though. She’s Tom’s.”
“I know you’re an animal person. You must love her.” Josh smiled now that the prank was back on track.
“Honestly, I can’t stand her. She’s always sleeping in our bed with us and begging at the table. I’m this close to telling Tom to get rid of her.” You pinched your fingers together and watched Josh go pale.
“That was it. That was the thing that killed me.” Tom mumbled as he slumped in a chair.
“Talk about the quail!” Conor repeated in an effort to save Tom.
“I have a pet too. It’s a quail.” Josh told you proudly.
“A quail? How did you get a quail?” You asked with a smile.
“Well my friends and I bought a carton of quail eggs and put them in an incubator. Only one hatched but I’ve kept her as a pet.” Josh told you the infamous story. You’d seen the video he posted about it but decided to play dumb.
“You saved a quail? That’s amazing.” You gushed as if you’d never heard the story before.
“It was just a fun thing for YouTube but I’ve actually grown quite fond of her.” Josh said, beginning to enjoy the interview.
“That’s the mosh amazing story I’ve ever herad.” You swore. “You’re a hero. A real life hero.”
“Okay. He put a carton of eggs in a hot box. He’s not Mother Theresa.” Tom pouted.
“You and Tom should come over and meet her sometime.” Josh suggested.
“Good. Bring the conversation back to Tom.” Conor nodded.
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” Tom agreed.
“Tom doesn’t have time be there. It can just be you and I.” You said as you looked at him through your lashes. Josh looked panicked.
“Never mind.” Tom groaned, clenching his stomach.
“What’s your last name, Josh?” You asked as you twirled some hair around your finger.
“Pieters.” Josh informed you.
“Pieters? That’s so cute. I love the way it sounds. Can you imagine it with my name? Y/n Pieters.” You smiled. “Doesn’t that just sound effervescent?”
“It sounds lovely, Y/n.” Josh said, eyeing you strangely.
“Toms still dead but if he were alive right now, he’d be livid.” Conor sighed as he listened.
“I can hear it. And I am in fact livid.” Tom said from his newly claimed spot on the floor.
“You know who else’s last name sounds good on me? Osterfield.” You were pulling out all the guns now. “I think Y/n Osterfield sounds great. Don’t you agree?”
“Uhhh…” Josh feared for his life if he agreed.
“Don’t you dare agree.” Tom grumbled through the microphone.
“Say you like Y/n Holland best.” Conor suggested.
“That’s good. Say that.” Tom nodded.
“I think Y/n Holland sounds better than both of those.” Josh told you.
“You think?” You made a face. “I actually hate Toms last name. It doesn’t fit with anything. It’s too long.”
“Osterfield is longer.” Josh reminded you.
“I bet Osterfield is longer.” You said and winked at the camera. Tom caught the double meaning and started sweating profusely.
“Ask her if she plans to take my last name when we’re married.” Tom asked, fully panicking now.
“Are you gonna take his last name when you’re married?” Josh repeated.
“Yeah, like we’re getting married.” You laughed.
“She doesn’t want to marry me?” Tom asked, all anger draining from him. It was replaced with devastation and defeat.
“Ask her if she wants to marry Tom.” Conor said as he watched Toms fallen face carefully.
“You guys aren’t planning on getting married?” Josh asked, feeling himself beginning to sweat.
“We are.” You nodded and Tom sighed in relief. “To other people.” You added.
“She killed me and now she’s beating my corpse with a phone book.” Tom said in exasperation.
“Try to change the subject again away from marriage.” Conor pleaded for Toms sake.
“Your hair looks really nice today.” Josh blurted.
“That’s not helping!” Tom shouted.
“Thank you! I really like your hair too. I totally have a thing for gingers.” You nodded.
“Said no one ever!” Tom scoffed.
“Abandon that conversation immediately. New plan! Ask her what her favorite thing about Tom is.” Conor shrugged.
“Speaking of Tom, whats your favorite thing about him?” Josh asked, ignoring the insult from Tom.
“My favorite thing about Tom? That’s easy.” You smiled and Tom did too. “He always puts the toilet seat down after he’s done. I hate when boys leave it up. So, probably that.”
“Her favorite thing about me is how I put the toilet seat down?” Tom asked with a blank stare.
“Ask her something else about him. He’s dying, Josh. He’s on his last leg.” Conor begged.
“Finish this sentence: my boyfriend gives the best…” Josh began.
“Kisses.” You gushed. Josh looked at the camera for approval and he heard Tom sigh happily into the microphone. “Just kidding, he gives the best directions. He’s really good at giving people directions. His kisses are lack luster, but I’m sure that doesn’t surprise anyone.”
“Ask her what in the the absolutely, positively, burning, bloody hell that meant?” Tom quipped.
“Why not?” Josh asked you.
“Do I have to say it?” You asked.
“Make her say it.” Tom ordered.
“Yes.” Josh nodded.
“No lips.” You shrugged.
“Can’t argue with her on that one, mate.” Conor told Tom.
“Can you get her to say one nice thing about me before my ghost ascends into heaven?” Tom sighed in defeat.
“What do you love about him? There must be something, right? Why else would you be together?” Josh asked you. You decided it was time to let up.
“There is something I love about Tom.” You smiled dreamily.
“Thank God.” Tom said, leaning forward to hear you clearly.
“Finally.” Conor after.
“Really? What is it?” Josh asked.
“What I really, truly love about Tom,” you smiled at the camera, “is how he thinks he can prank me better than I can prank him.”
“What?” Josh laughed as he realized you’d be toying with him.
“Wait, what?” Tom stuttered.
“What?” Conor asked at the 50th turn the video had taken.
“Come on, Josh. I smelt BS as soon as I walked in here.” You declared. “You think I haven’t seen Conners video where you pranked Tom exactly like this? You boys must think I’m dumb.”
“Wait a minute, she what? What?” Tom tried to wrap his head around what he was hearing.
“Would you look at that.” Conor said, dumbfounded.
“You knew it was a prank and you let us believe we were pranking you this entire time?” Josh asked, not bothering to hide how impressed he was.
“Yup.” You popped the p.
“Come on.” Tom pulled Connor out of the room and ran to where you and Josh were. You burst out laughing when you saw Toms red face.
“Ha! I knew I’d get you.” You clapped as you pulled Tom into a hug. “You should’ve known better than to challenge me. You know they call me Prank Sinatra.”
“No one calls you that.” He mumbled as his cheeks flamed up in embarrassment that you’d gotten him so good.
“Modern day Prank Ocean.” You shrugged smugly.
“How did you know it was a prank?” Conor asked you.
“I watch you and Josh all the time. I know a prank when I see one. I got you guy so good, thinking I liked the name Josh and all that.” You said triumphantly.
“Hey.” Josh warned.
“Sorry.” You apologized.
“So all your answers were…” Tom began.
“Complete and utter lies?” You finished. “Why yes, yes they were. Every last one.”
“You made all that up? All that stuff about my accent and not liking to work with me?” He asked hopefully, needing to hear you confirm it.
“Obviously! When do I ever say “effervescent”? You should’ve known I was only joking, lover.” You assured him as you pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’d never say that stuff. I love your accent and I love working with you.
“And the marriage stuff?” He said softly. You knew you took it a little too far with that one.
“If you want that to happen, you know what to do.” You shrugged casually and he blushed.
“I cannot believe you pranked us this badly. I feel so defeated.” Conor sighed.
“You shouldn’t have challenged the queen of pranks.” You told him as Tom presses kissed of relief to your cheek.
“Wait, what about what you said about wanting to date Chris Evans?” He remembered.
“Thanks for watching everybody! Bye!” You said to the camera before running out of the room.
“Wait! You didn’t answer my question!” Tom said as he ran after you.
“Don’t forget to subscribe!” You shouted from the hallway.
“What she said.” Conor smiled again the camera before turning it off.
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @ho-ho-holland @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @m19friend @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines @loveat2am @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @delicately-important-trash @mjspxrker @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @kii-mii @maryjanee23 @spacebitch2 @vgiselle @geeksareunique
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mysummertimemusings · 8 years
Dating Caspar Lee Would Include
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*not my gif*
-Cuddling while watching the random documentaries Caspar puts on
-Helping him plan and execute pranks to get Joe back
-Also helping Joe execute pranks on Caspar whenever he needs it
-Constantly messing around with his hair
-Doing the brain freeze
-Him feeling bad once he realizes how cold you are after getting out of the ice tub and doing anything he can to warm you up again
-The rest of the boys constantly flirting with you just because they drives Caspar crazy
-Traveling to South Africa with him to meet his mum and sister
-Being nervous to meet them both because you know how important they are to Caspar
-Constantly ‘Aww’ing over how good he is with Max and Hannah
-Him doing the same thing when he sees how much Hannah and Max like you
-Him always saying the nicest/sweetest things to you resulting in a almost constant blush on your face
-Creep shot war
-Trying to teach Caspar how to cook (but end up just agreeing more with Joe that it’s just never going to happen)
-Him reminding you all the time how special you are to him and much he loves you (even more when he’s been drinking)
-Watching him play fifa
-Always stealing his jumpers and him saying that it’s okay because they look better on you anyway
-Him randomly kissing you all the time
-Showing you off to anyone who will pay attention
-Him mentioning you in almost every video even if there’s no reason to
-Going on cute little adventures together all the time
-Him posting pictures of you with cute lovey little captions
-Spending a lot of time with Joe and Josh. Even if Caspar is busy or off on a trip
-Caspar getting jealous of how much time you spend with the two boys
-Him asking you for advice on clothes so you take him shopping with the help of Joe and sometimes Jack
The other one’s I’ve done for the other boys: Joe  Jack  Conor  Mikey
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jackncon · 6 years
Friends or more?
byron for “I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.” please?? xx
Byron had texted you earlier that day, asking if you were still on for movie night at his since Joe was out. And so when you arrived at Byron’s and Joe answered the door, you were surprised to say the least. 
“Joe! Sorry, I just didn’t think you would be here.” you cleared your throat.
“Silly me, being in my own house and all.” Joe laughed, stepping aside to let you in. “C’mon, Byron’s already making popcorn.”
You entered the kitchen, Joe trailing behind as you sent Byron evils.
You pulled him aside as Joe cooked the popcorn. 
“I’m not jealous, but, like, come on, movie night is just for me and you only.”
Byron only smirked at this, “Not jealous, huh? Whatever you say princess,” he said with a wink before situating himself on the couch. 
You huffed, going to sit next to him, before an oblivious Joe sat right between the two of you.
“So the goonies, yeah?”
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dwwak · 6 years
Jack Maynard Short Imagine
Requested: No (requests are open) Triggers: None Word Count: 860
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You are cozied up on your couch, wrapped like a burrito with your fuzzy blanket early in the morning watching the London sun rise, stretching it its coloured arms across the sky. Your hands are warmed by the hot coffee in one of your favourite mugs, you hear Jack’s feet patter down the hallway; getting closer to you. Hearing Jack coming closer your face raised in a smile accompanied with rosy, heated cheeks. Jack jumps over the back of the couch, landing right next to you. He puts his head in your lap and lies down.
“Morning, babe.” You say as you begin to run your fingers through his bedhead.
Jack looks up to you, “Kiss me?” his raspy voice whines a bit.
Chuckling a bit you tell him no, “You haven’t brushed your nasty breath, there is no way in hell I’m going to kiss that hole right now.”
“Oi, your breath isn’t any better than mine!” Jack whined once again.
“At least mine smells like coffee and not the dead.” You giggle as you put your mug down on the coffee table, “We need to go, before we miss our flight.”
You wiggle yourself off the couch while Jack sits himself up. You look at Jack and give a little smirk, the smirk sparks Jack with energy. Jack gets off the couch and starts to run toward you, you don’t dare to move. You just close your eyes and squeal with joy as Jack runs up to you and wraps his arms around you. Jack spreads kisses all over your blushing face, you embrace the jolt of energy from Jack.
“Okay, okay! We are really going to miss our flight.” You giggle out as Jack places one last kiss on your forehead.
“Ah, I like it here. Let’s stay home, I’m too tired.”
You laugh a little at Jack’s squirminess, “Okay. But you have to cancel everything, and I’ll go back to sleep while you do it.”
Jack’s face went straight, right away he let go of you and sprinted toward the bedroom where all your baggage sat waiting.
Hours later you and Jack finally checked in to your guy’s room at the front desk, pulling your baggage and down the hall with Jack following behind with his own baggage you head to your guy’s shared bedroom.  Right as you slid the card into the door and it opened you dropped your bags at the door and sprinted toward the bed, you flopped right onto the well-made bed; with Jack following behind. With both of you lying on the bed chuckling you bask in the simple, happy moment between you two.
“You ready to eat my snow, lover-boy?” You tease Jack ass you get up and get your things from the hallway.
“Are you ready to eat your words?” Jack teases back at you as he gathers his snow gear together.
You and Jack made it to the mountain, you both face the steep way down to the coffee house that looks like a tiny house for an ant.
You pull down your ski goggles and slide down the snowy slope, you stop and look up to Jack, “ Your move.” You smile at Jack
Jack gives you a smirk, “Eat my dust!” Jack pulls down his goggles and started down the slope with his snowboard. You let out a small chuckle and follow him down.
After just a minute you two stop for a moment, “First of all, there is no dust up here. Second, don’t go crying when you lose.” You snicker at Jack.
After a whole day of covering Jack in snow you two finally made it back to the lodge and relaxed together with some good food in your bellies. Jack was sprawled out on the bed editing one the vlog that would be going up the next day, you were occupying yourself with your phone while listening to music.
Some time later you plugged your phone, putting it down next to the bed you rolled yourself onto the bed. Rolling next to Jack you look up to his concentrated face, “You are so serious.” You say with a funny accent.
Jack looks down to you and places a kiss on your lips, “You are so hot.”
You kiss him back with a smile, “So are you.”
Jack closes his laptop and places it on the ground, he turns back to you and kisses you again. He continues to kiss you, slowly placing them down your neck and back to your lips.
You stop him before his lips carry him away, “Watch yourself before you wreck yourself, babe.”  You kiss him one more time before you snuggle yourself down into the bed’s blanket. “You have to turn the lights off.”
Jack laughs a bit, “You’re an ass.” Jack got up and turned the room lights off, walking back to the bed Jack stubbed his toe. All types cuss words run out of Jack’s mouth, without any sympathy you laugh a bit.
Jack wiggles into the bed, after whining a bit, and faces you. “You’re going to pay tomorrow.”
“Love, I’m the poor the one.”
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whereyoustand · 6 years
Please send me ideas using my witting prompts!
here's the link!
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Blind Pt. 3 -Imagine #6
I’m so so so so sorry that it took so long! But I’m back. And I finally finished my sixth imagine. I hope you enjoy the last part. Love, Kat. XX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “They will be here any minute!” Britt shouted through the bathroom door where Y/N was fixing her hair. “Alright, I’m ready.” She yelled back and opened the door, to find Britt still standing in front of it. “Wow, you look fantastic, Y/N.” “You look stunning yourself, love.” They complimented each other. The boys as in Joe, Jack, Conor, Caspar and Josh were coming over for pre-drinks. Joe and Y/N figured it would be the best plan for the first night since they all were attending the influencers afterparty. She was nervous, her heart racing in her chest and her fingers fidgeting with everything they could grab. Britt sensed that. She could always tell when Y/N wasn’t her usual relaxed self. “It’ll be fine, Y/N.” She comforted her. “You already saw him and it wasn’t awkward, was it?” Y/N shook her head. “No, but…” She sighed. It was like stepping in a time machine and turning the time back to when Joe and her were still roommates in London. “I’m really scared.” She whispered suddenly feeling the urge to cry. Why was she like that? Couldn’t she for once be the best friend Joe deserved and not a best friend who were in love with him and fleeing on the other side of the world to forget that and then letting the feelings for him come back in just a blink of an eye? She was shit at being friends. “Hey, hey… don’t cry, calm down, love! Everything’s gonna be alright. I’ll promise you that.” Y/N just shrugged, unsure of what to say. “Just think of the date you’re gonna have tomorrow after VidCon. Think of him, okay? The things you’re feeling for Joe right now are just the echoes of your feelings you felt before. Right?” “Okay. Yeah. That seems legit.” “It’s gonna be fun.” Y/N really felt better. She even managed a half smile, although her heart still fluttered nervously in her chest. That was when the doorbell rang, announcing that the boys arrived at their flat. “I’m gonna answer the door and you’re making us a drink, alright?” It wasn’t a question as she already rushed to the front door. Y/N made her and Britt some pretty strong drinks, to calm her stupid heart and to get Britt in dancing mood. Not that she needed to get drunk for that. But Y/N wasn’t the only one drinking heavily that night. As the boys entered the apartment it became loud instantly. Y/N forgot how loud they were, when they were tipsy. “Well hello there, my lady.” Josh was the first who saw Y/N. “You look wonderful as always.” They hugged quickly. “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself, Joshy.” He hated to be called Joshy but when he drank he actually quite enjoyed it. He smiled widely at Y/N. “Ugh, I missed you. Joe’s apartment is so freaking empty without you.” “What did you just say about my apartment?” There he was. Joe looked really really good in his ripped jeans and a bomber jacket. Y/N was almost star struck and suddenly she wasn’t so sure about the date tomorrow. Yes, he was very handsome and the both of them were getting along really well, but he never made her feel such things just from looking at him. For a few seconds Joe and Y/N were just looking at each other as if they both met for the first time. Something was different between them and they both felt that. “Well Suggy won’t you greet your beautiful best friend?” Jack laughed as he came in after Joe. “No, eh, yes. Yeah. Y/N, hey, you’re looking…” He trailed off still staring at her. “Stunning, wonderful, beautiful, really fucking pretty?” Offered Jack and hugged Y/N. That loosened the tension and Y/N hugged back tightly. “Thank you, Jack. Have a beer, have a drink, make yourself at home.” Y/N smiled thankful to be focusing on something that wasn’t Joe and his eyes. She herself grabbed her drink and drank quite a lot of it at once. Britt came in Caspar and Conor on each of her side. “Let’s get the party started!” She chanted as she grabbed her drink Y/N prepared for her and Conor and Caspar both hugged Y/N hello. Joe still hadn’t moved an inch. Y/N took another gulp from her drink and finally made her way to him. “Are you alright? You haven’t moved in about ten minutes.” Y/N opened the conversation. “No, yeah, everything’s alright… it’s just…” Joe trailed off, thinking about how beautiful Y/N was and how he never looked at her the way he looked at her tonight. “It’s just?” Y/N asked, looking at him curiously. “It’s just nothing. Where can I get a beer?” And if for a moment he could see disappointment in Y/N’s eyes it was surely just an illusion. “In the fridge.” She answered looking down at the cup in her hand. The pre-party was getting messy as the night went on. Everyone was getting really drunk they were spilling drinks everywhere, singing really loud and really bad to the music and dancing like there was no tomorrow. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the afterparty of VidCon. Y/N was tipsy and things were getting out of hands. She was staring at Joe dancing with Jack and Conor and all she wanted to do was telling him that she was still and probably ever will be in love with him. “Hey. You alright? You’re looking like you gonna throw up at any second now.” Y/N shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Everything’s fine. Why wouldn’t it?” And as she tried to smile up at Josh who was asking her she felt a tear rolling down her cheek. “Oh shit, don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” He hugged her but that made it even worse. She held back a sob and pulled back from him. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I’m- just stupid. Sorry. I need a moment.” And with that she took a deep breath and yelled “Hey, who’s ready for that afterparty?” She was trying to get as many people as possible between Joe and her. But unfortunately the others weren’t on her side. Everyone was booing at her suggestion. “No, not yet.” “Nooo boriiing.” “I wanna dance to my music!” So no chance of getting away from Joe and the magnet that’s been pulling her towards him since they met again. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Joe startled her, ripping her away from the thoughts about him. She nodded. “Sure.” So she followed him out on the balcony. To her surprise Joe wasn’t nearly as drunk as she assumed from watching him dance. “Everything’s alright between us, isn’t it?” Y/N nodded unsure. “I thought so but now you’re worrying me.” Joe smiled down at her letting the moonlight sparkle in his eyes. Ugh, she was so whipped. And so screwed. “Yeah, no. I just thought I asked again, because you’ve been avoiding me this whole evening.” She sighed. “No, it’s nothing… it’s just… me trying to be your best friend.” “But you don’t have to try, Y/N. You’ll always be my best friend. Even if we’re thousands of miles apart.” “It’s not that.” At this point she didn’t even care. He had to know, that this friendship would always be ruined by her stupid heart. “It’s just not the same between us.” She prepared herself for her confession. “No, I know, Y/N. And that’s my fault. My fault for not realizing that all I ever wanted in a girlfriend was living with me the whole time. My fault for confusing love with friendship and my fault for letting you go. It’s my fucking fault, okay. And I know I had my chance and I didn’t use it and now you’re dating some other guy who’s bloody awesome, I just know he is. And you deserve that. You deserve to be happy. And in love. And …” “Joe. Shut up.” “No, it’s..” “Shut. UP. You’re rambling.” “I know. I’m.. an idiot.” Y/N smiled. She was all he ever wanted in a girlfriend? “Did you just… tell me you love me?” Joe’s eyes were brimmed with tears of frustration as she looked up to him. “I-… yes, I… I think so.” “You think so?” “Yeah.” “Alright, well, at least it wasn’t in a letter left on the kitchen counter while you’re already on the way removing yourself from my life. I have to give you that.” He grinned at that and she smiled back. “You’re beautiful, Y/N and it’s so cliché that I fell in love with my best friend and I was too blind to see that and it’s too late, but…” “Who said it is too late, Joe?” His jaw dropped. “I-I mean… it is too late, isn’t it?” She just shook her head and with another one of his pretty smiles he leaned in for their first kiss. And if they both saw fireworks in that moment, well… it made the cliché perfect.
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moonhowlerpack · 7 years
What’s it like to date Joe Sugg
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Ask Anything: {Here}
Request: {Here}
You’re Zoella’s assistant
You met him when he decided to prank Zoe but ended up pranking you instead.
You took the prank as a champ if anything you decided to get back at Joe
Your relationship started of from there.
You helped Joe with video ideas while helping Zoe with her scheduling.
You made sure Zoe’s life super easy and Joe appreciated the fact you helped Zoe relive her stress.
The buttercream’s would recruit you to do videos with them.
The fan’s hated you at first for being so close to every single of the buttercreams and Zalfie.
But after realizing you how much the buttercream’s mean to you they immediately apologized.
Sarcastic conversations
“Are you crying” “No, I’m impersonating a fountain”
 Comforting Joe when his anxiety gets to him
Always praising him
“You’re really cute and it’s ruining my life because I think about kissing you all the time.”
“What are you reading Joe?” “10 tips for beautiful hair the Government don’t want you to know.”
Super big on cuddling.
Being completely honest in the relationship.
“Safety” {You fell of the bed} “Jesus Joe that was-wow I thought Godzilla actually made it to London”
Getting Joe to open up to you about his feelings.
Said ‘I love you’s’ after nine months of dating
Literally your wedding consisted of happy tears because honestly Joe would treat you like a literal Queen.
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teaglcwn · 7 years
Pinch me  ( Jack Maynard x Reader )
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Jack Maynard x Reader Genre: fluff Word count: 517 | Requested: Could you do Jack Maynard fanfic where the reader is a dancer and she's very popular and one day the reader collabs with him. | 
a/n: Ahoihoi, so i’m just warning that this isin’t my best work ! and there are mistakes i am sorry. i wrote this on my phone cause my laptop is broken and yeah. <3
You walked into the dance studio and saw your manager with 3 guys that you recognized. Jack Maynard, Conor Maynard, and Josh Pieters. Being the fangirl you are you literally squealed and immediately covered your mouth.
All the attention went to you and you just walked to the couch where you threw your jacket and backpack. You cleared your throat and walked to your manager,
'' Hello, '' you said smiling at them trying to calm yourself. '' Yes, meet Y/n. One of our youngest and the most, let's say known, dancers. '' your manager told the Youtubers. You smiled and looked down. Your head snapped back up when you hear your name come from Jack's mouth.
'' Why are you shy? ''  he said laughing. You smiled, '' I'm not shy, I'm the opposite. '' you replied to him, he raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
''Alright Y/n, you're gonna make a video with Jack, I'm gonna then show Conor and Josh the rest of the group and their gonna make a video.'' your manager smiled and then walked out with Conor and Josh.
The door closed and you looked towards Jack who you caught checking you out.  '' Oui, stop looking me like you're gonna take a bite of me, '' you said laughing. Jack looked up and smiled '' Alright, so, I thought we could do like a Q & A with like questions for dancers which are you gonna answer, and then like teach me something. I literally came here with no ideas so let's see what's gonna come out of this.''
The door opened and Conor and Josh walked in, '' Hello!''  you screamed. '' I don't get it !!'' Jack said frustrated, you laughed and walked beside him, '' Okay, put your hands on your hips- '' you both put your hands on the hips '' - then lift your right hand and make a circle in the air and while you're doing that put your left arm behind your back. '' You both did the move.
''There you go!!'' You said excited and loud. Jack looked at you also towards Josh and Conor  '' It actually wasn't that difficult'' he said kinda shocked. '' Of course, it was easy, it would've been easier if you didn't flirt with the camera or me.'' You fired back making Josh and Conor laugh and Jack looking at you shocked.
''When are you gonna upload that video?'' You asked Jack, '' Tomorrow when we go to dinner, so i'll pick you up at 7 '' he replied bold. '' Ahh okay I'll look forward- WAIT WHAT?!'' your eyes went wide, you cleared your throat '' I mean, okay? I don't really know what to say. '' you said looking down.
'' Don't worry about it, '' Jack said walking towards you '' Wear something comfortable '' and with that, he left you shocked and confused. You sighed and whispered,
'' Someone pinch me. ''
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aligalloo · 7 years
Halloween Party
Paring: miniminter x reader Word count: 1,517 Warnings: A couple of swears, mentions of sexy times. Requested: Yes! Requests: Open (See below)
Y/N: Your name
One morning in late October, I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. “What do you want?” I ask grumpily, not even bothering to look at who’s calling.  
“And good morning to you too, love,” I hear Simon’s voice on the other end of the phone. “I’m outside your door, can you let me in?”
I let out a huff and hang up on him, clambering out of bed and heading to the door of my London flat.  I open it and turn around without saying a word, on my way back to bed.  Simon follows me to my room and I flop face-down on the bed, grabbing a pillow as I do so.  As he walks through the door I throw it at him and hide under the covers, still pissed, but also giggling silently.  I listen suspiciously for him to jump on me, but I hear nothing, so I snake my head slowly out of the covers.
“Smile!” Simon says, as he snaps several photos of my glorious morning hair before setting his phone down.  I foolishly think that this will be the end of my morning wake-up call, and relax slightly.  The next moment, however, I feel his hands on my stomach, tickling me.
“Si-i-i-mon stop!” I gasp, laughing madly, “Why are you so mean?”
He stops with the tickling and I look up at him, seeing some unreadable emotion in his eyes.  He looks away briefly, and I shake my head, dispelling whatever I thought I saw.
“Because you’re just so adorable,” He laughs, poking me nose and dropping a kiss on my forehead.  He lays down beside me and I sigh happily, ready to go back to sleep.  
“Don’t you want to know why I’m here?” He asks, looking down at me with a smirk on his face.  
“Oh yeah! Why did you feel the need to wake me at this ungodly hour?”
“Well... Apart from wanting to see your beautiful face...”
I slap him good-naturedly on his arm, “Do carry on.”
“Harry and the Cals are hosting a Halloween party this Saturday, want to come?”
“Ooh that sounds fun! Isn’t Halloween on Tuesday though?” I ask in confusion.
“Well yeah, but some people actually have day jobs, including you love,” He laughs at me yet again, “You really must be tired, Y/N, you’re losing it.”
“Ughh,” I groan, “Yeah, I’ll go with you. Now can I go back to sleep?”
I slide down the bed and instantly fall asleep.  I hear Simon put something on Netflix but I ignore it and instead snuggle into his warm chest.  
-A couple of days later-
I’m over at the Sidemen house because I want Freya to approve my costume idea.  The boys are downstairs playing Fifa so we go into Josh’s room and I take out what I bought.
“Ta da!” I exclaim, ripping the bag off and holding its contents out proudly to Freya.
“Oh my god, that is hella sexy,” She gasps, taking it from me and inspecting it. “Try it on for me?”
I nod, and head into the bathroom to change into the costume.  I pull up a picture on my phone of my inspiration as I walk back out of the bathroom.
“... And I’ll have my hair like this.” I finish explaining the idea.
“Damn, Simon is gonna have an absolute spazz when he sees this,” Freya laughs, twirling me around so she can see the full effect.
“Did I hear my name?” Simon asks innocently from outside the door.
“SIMON MINTER, DON’T YOU DARE STEP FOOT IN THIS ROOM!” Freya yells through the door.
“Ok, ok,” I hear him say, and I can imagine him holding up his hands in mock surrender.
“We’ll be downstairs soon,” I call out to him.
We arrive downstairs a couple of minutes later, and Freya goes over to Josh, no doubt telling him about what my costume plan is.  Simon comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waste, resting his chin on my head.  “What were you doing closeted in Josh’s room?” He mumbles in my ear, making goosebumps rise on my skin.
“None of your business,” I smirk, “You’ll find out soon.”
“Ooh, was it a costume?” He asks, pulling away from me and turning me around so he can see my face.
“You’ll see,” I reply, giving him a peck on the cheek before skipping over to Freya.
“Do you guys actually not know how cute you are?” She asks, “It’s a little bit sickening to be honest.”
“Cute?” I scoff, “Me and Simon? Nahhh it’s all banter with him.”
“Hmm yeah totally,” Josh says, smirking while looking over at a confused Simon.  
-The day of the party-
I show up at Harry’s flat a couple of minutes late, because whoever said you should be on time for a party?  I walk in the door and am greeted by Weller, who gives me a hug before looking me up and down and letting out a whistle.  “If you need a hand with anything tonight, let me know.” He winks at me and I laugh, walking away from him.
I make my way through the rest of the party, greeting Sugg, Caspar, Will Lenney, and the rest of the Sidemen along with their respective girlfriends, getting compliments on my costume as I go.  I grab a drink and look around for Simon.  It takes a while, but I eventually see his blonde head talking to Freya in the corner.  He’s dressed as a classic vampire and I am impressed by how good he looks.    
I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder.  “Hey spooky Simon.”
He whips around and stares at me for a second, speechless and with his mouth open.  He soon snaps out of it however, and nods appreciatively:  “Harley Quinn, yeah?  Looks good on you.”
I reach up to give him a kiss on the cheek. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Behind us, Freya clears her throat and comments, “What did I say, Y/N? Was I right or was I right?”
I just smirk, turning around and pulling Simon behind me as I search for another drink.
“What was that about?” He asks me, looking adorably confused.
“Ah, nothing.  Freya just made a comment the other day and now she thinks she was right.”
“Okkk,” He replies slowly, “Would it have anything to do with me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” I say as I reach out and grab another drink.
I get more drunk as the night goes on, and it may just be the costume, but I’m feeling much more bold than usual.  I mostly hang out with Simon, and I find myself gradually getting closer and closer to him.  We are currently sitting down resting, and I’m practically in his lap.  I can feel his hand creeping up my leg, but nobody has noticed yet, thankfully.  
“Si, stop.”  I whisper in his ear.  I can feel him shiver underneath me, but ignore it.  “There’s people everywhere.”
“I don’t care, I want you.” He replies, stroking my arm.
Without any warning I hop up and walk over to the bathroom.  Once inside, I sigh deeply and look at myself in the mirror. “What the fuck are you doing, Y/N?” I say to myself.  “This is Simon.  He’s your best friend.”  
I hear knocking on the door and go to open it, seeing Freya on the other side.  I pull her into the room with me and say, ‘Simon just said that he wants me. What do I do?”
My friend looks at me knowingly and replies, “Well what do you want to do?”
“I want him,” I whisper in realisation.  “I need to find him,” I gasp, opening the door and looking around wildly.  I see him and head straight towards him, barely sparing a glance over my shoulder at Freya, “Thanks, I owe you one.”
I walk up to where he’s chatting with Will, grab him and plant my lips on his.  He doesn’t respond for a second but then I feel his lips moving in time with mine.  I wrap my arms around his neck and he grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him.  I hear cheering behind me but ignore it until I can no longer breathe.  I then break away from Simon and look around, to see Will laughing at us.  “We’ve all been wondering when that would happen,” He says, gesturing around at the sizeable audience who have gathered.
I bury my head in Simon’s chest and he looks around at the crowd.  “Show’s over, you can piss off now.”
He leads me towards the staircase, to a chorus of whistles and cheers.  We don’t make it all the way up the stairs before he pins me to the wall, attacking my lips like his life depends on it.  
“Get a room!” I hear from below. I flip the unknown person off before grabbing Simon’s hand and pulling him up the stairs and to a bedroom.  
-The next morning-
“Well fuck.”  
Taking requests for: Sidemen, sidemen of the sidemen, WillNE, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Buttercream Boys 
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader)
Oli White's Secret
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
CAMPING (JOSH X READER) 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)  1  2  3
Never have I ever had a threesome (Jack x Joe x Reader Smut) 1  2  3  4  5
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut] 1  2
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)
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im-robins-bitch · 7 years
Another Apartment Confession | Byron Langley
Warnings: Swearing, not yet proofread
Requested: No
Summary: Byron’s leaving to go back to Africa tomorrow and your sat feeling sad and jealous all by yourself. (This is super cliche, although it doesn't take place in an airport, so if you like that, enjoy :3)
To say you were pissed would be an understatement, you were livid. There you were sat in the back of an uber, squished between Byron and Helena, your friend from back home, who were chatting with each other completely ignoring you. It might sound dramatic for you to be so angry, but this had been happening all week and they had only just met.
You had introduced the two of them last week, after you had gone on about Byron so much Helena wanted to meet him, so you complied, only now every time you were hanging out with one of them, they would invite each other along and you were just a third wheel, not to mention Byron was going back to Africa tomorrow morning.
The uber pulled up outside your apartment building, where you and Byron got out, finally separating Helena and him forcing him to actually talk to you. “That was good right,” He grinned, swinging his arms around your shoulder. He was picking up a few things that he had left from all the times he had been around.
“Yeah,” You mumbled, buzzing in the passcode. “Doubt half the boys are even gonna remember what happened though.” He continued, remembering how drunk everyone had gotten. You just nodded, pulling open the door and swinging it open.
“You ok?” He asked, “You thinking about how much you're going to miss me,” He joked, rubbing your arms. “Because I’ll miss you too.” He teased a large grin on his face.
“Not as much as you’re going to miss Helena I’m sure.” You muttered, going through your purse as the two of you walked, trying to find your key.
“Nothing.” You sighed, getting more and more frustrated because despite your bag only having your phone and cash in it, you somehow couldn’t find your keys anywhere.
“Y/N,” He groaned, spinning you to face him. “What’s wrong?” He asked, trying to read your expression.
“I-” Should you do it, you wondered, “You-” You couldn’t argue with him on his last day, that would be low, you bite your lip, stopping yourself before continuing. “I can’t find my keys…” You explained, deciding that ranting to him about how he didn’t spend as much time with you as you wanted was stupid and you were probably just being clingy.
“Oh.” He muttered glumly, fishing through his pockets. “Here, you gave them to me remember?”
“Why would I- Nevermind.” You sighed, running a hand through your messy hair, all that dancing must have taken it out of you. “Thanks.” You unlocked your door, switching on the lights, illuminating the room in an orange hue. “It’s really winter huh,” You sighed, shoving your shoes off at the door and your bag onto the counter.
You never liked this time of year, bad things always happened in the winter time, despite all the upcoming holidays, not to mention you were especially sensitive to the cold. “What did you leave here again?” You questioned. Thinking about it you couldn’t remember ever finding anything lying around that belonged to him, not that you did much cleaning anyway.
“Ah-Uh...A hoodie?” Byron proposed although it sounded more like a question that a definite answer. You nodded. “Ok stay here, It’s probably in my bedroom.” You sighed, going through the piles of clothes on your bedroom floor wasn’t something you wanted to do right now.
“I can help you look?”
“NO!” You yelled, pushing him back when he made a move for the door.
“What why? Hiding something in there?” Byron questioned with a smirk.
“It’s embarrassing, it’s so messy.”
“Come on, we’re friends aren't we?” He smiled with a nudge to your shoulder. Friend, you thought, wondering when that word became so painful. “Besides, do you even know what it looks like?” You rolled your eyes, but after his continuous encouraging smiles you caved, opening your door to the trash pile that was your floor.
Clothes were piled all over the room, some by the wardrobe, others behind the door and lastly one at the foot of your bed, that almost matched your bed in height. “Fucking hell Y/N,” Byron exclaimed in shock. “How do you have any clothes to wear?”
“It’s an organized system ok.” You scowled, reminding yourself you really needed to do some washing by the end of the week at least. “Now you sit here,” You said pointing to your bed, “And I’ll show you if I think i found it, ok.”
“Or we could both look and get it done quicker.” He suggested.
“Do you want to look through my dirty underwear?” You questioned, quirking a brow. That quickly shut him up and he sat on the bed, watching you sit in front of the bed, crossing your legs starting to look through the pile. “Are you sure you left it here? I’m sure I would have seen it.”
“You would have seen it? Have you seen how big that pile is Y/N?” Byron laughed. “You know, I’ve seen a lot of girls trying to find my clothes on their bedroom floor, but none of them have been like this.”
“Do you want this hoodie back, or not?” You warned, snapping your eyes up to his.
Almost 20 minutes later and you had looked through every pile in your bedroom, instead of the ‘tidy’ piles you now had a sea of clothes replacing the carpet. “Where is it?” You grunted, looking under a pair of jeans.
“Y/N, It’s fine.”
“How can it been fine, it’s not like I can give it to you next week when i find it can I?” You stopped, feeling hit by your own words. You looked at Byron, this could be the last time you ever see him, ever talk to him and you were crawling around on your bedroom floor like an idiot. “I-I’ll find it ok.”
“Look, Y/N your not going to be able to find it.” Byron sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“No, I can-”
“No, Y/N I lied,” Byron admitted
“What?” You spat, looking up from the cluster of jumpers you were inspecting. “So you didn’t forget anything at my apartment?” You asked, almost pouncing on him. “You made me crawl around looking for some non-existent hoodie for what? For fun?”
“No, I-” Byron sighed. He walked over to you, pulling you up from the floor. “When I said I forgot something at your apartment, what I meant was...what I meant was that I forgot you.”
“You what? What kind of bullshit is that.” You said, scrunching your face.
“All I’ve been trying to do this past week is tell you that, well I-” He stuttered.
“All you’ve been doing this past week is cling onto Helena, are you making fun of me right now.”
“No, that was part of the plan. I was, Helena said-”
“Plan, you had a plan to make fun of me?” You stuttered, feeling tears pool at your eyes.
“Y/N can you let me finish. What I’m trying to say is that I like you, fuck it I love you. I love you.”
“You love me?” You questioned.
“Come to Africa with me,” Byron requested his hands tightly gripping yours as he slowly entwined your fingers.
“Ok.” Byron smiled, wrapping his arms around you so tightly you could barely breathe, only you were doing the same, a giant grin slapped on your face you couldn't remember feeling this giddy.
You weren't sure what you were doing, why you agreed to go with him all the way to Australia but you agreed before you could even think, your heart was racing, your mind was swarming with possibilities, your brain was telling you to get away from him and start packing. But you were sure you weren't going to regret it and if anything, you knew deep down this was going to be the start of the best adventure of your entire life.
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buttercreamroyalty · 7 years
1. "For gods sake, guys! We're NOT dating" 2. "You're still the same guy I fell in love with" 3. "Gotcha!" 4. "Why would you prank me with something like that?!" 5. "There's no way in hell i'm doing that" 6. "I literally don't know how someone can be that stupid" 7. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies" 8. "What are you doing to me?" 9. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm really turned on by that" 10. "Give me my phone back!" 11. "YOU knew how important this was for me!" 12. "Oh shut the fuck up" 13. "You're the one that labeled this as 'just fun' so I don't own you shit" 14. "Don't play with me, because you're gonna lose" 15. "Forget it, you're not even worth it" 16. "Say that one more time and you're done" 17. "I'm no one's property" 18. "I have a child?" 19. "I'm done with this bullshit" 20. "Why? Why did you leave?" 21. "How could you hide something like that from me!" 22. "I panicked, okay?!' 23. "I can't believe I'm sitting in a mall jail with you of all people" 24. "Now you wanna talk? Well fuck you" 25. "How did this happened?" 26. "Just one drink" 27. "Hello? We're in the middle of something" 28. "Oh how cute! You actually think I give a fuck" 29. "Mess with me and you'll regret being born" 30. "I don't fuck around" 31. "Let's see if you can keep up" 32. "This means nothing" 33. "There's the door. Feel free to get the fuck out" 34. "Put that down" 35. "Don't do it, please" 36. "I'm not the same, I'm different" 37. "Nobody cares about me anymore, so why should I keep trying?" 38. "Listen to me, okay? We're getting out of here, together" 39. "This is so stupid" 40. And yet, you're still here" 41. "You think this is a joke? This is my life!" 42. "So this was all a lie?" 43. "We have nothing to talk about" 44. "Are you going to tell him?" 45. "Is better off this way" 46. "Hold up, you what?" 47. "You're the worst roommate" 48. "Why are you fucking a stranger in my bed?!" 49. "Please go get herpes as far as you can from this house" 50. "Be my guest" 51. "I can do whatever I want, we're not dating, remember?" 52. "You wanna get food at 2 am?" 53. "I will always protect you" 54. "You moved on, so did I" 55. "You're not the same" 56. "Yeah, well, people change" 57. "You had no right to do that!" 58. "Why do you always convince me of doing the stupidest shit" 59. "How is it that your so stupid and so hot at the same time?" 60. "Call 911" 61. "This is the last time I'm letting you in my house" 62. "It was an accident!" 63. "You almost burn my house down!" 64. "I can't keep doing this" 65. "Just be honest with me!" 66. I'm not gonna be here when she breaks your heart" 67. "Just one more night" 68. "Is this how it all ends?" 69. "You're here!" 70. "I wanna go home" 71. "I'm not letting you go and we both know that you don't want me to either" 72. "Keep talking all you want but you can't deny that you want me as much as I want you" 73. "You broke my nose!" 74. "As if you were a fucking angel" 75. "Don't make me laugh" 76. "Yeah... I don't do relationships" 77. "Let's face it! I'm just one of your many booty calls!" 78. "You're nothing like them 79. "Did I actually mean something to you, ever?" 80. "I'm starting to think I'm actually going to hell"
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jackncon · 7 years
Friends or more?
Can you do “Are you trying to turn me on?” from that prompt list with Jack Maynard? Please and thanks
You were lying on the couch at your best friend, Jack’s house, only dressed in your underwear. You had stayed at Jack’s the night prior, and there didn’t seem like a better time to chuck you clothes in the wash than when Jack was out for his brunch with Mikey. You would have waited until you got home, but spilling tomato sauce all down your front changed your plans. Of course you weren’t expecting Jack to walk in, but as the universe had it, he did.
“I’m bac- Holy shit you’re not wearing any clothes.”
Your cheeks flushed as you looked around for something to cover yourself with, “Sorry! I didn’t expect you to get back this soon!” You squealed, finally spotting a blanket.
“Are you naked?” Jack asked, a grin on his face.
“My clothes are in the wash. I’m not just walking around your place naked, unlike some of the girls you invite around” you shuddered at the memory of walking in on Ashley - or maybe it was Brooklyn - naked one morning.
“She was a bit odd.” Jack admitted, placing your brunch that he had gotten on the counter as you checked the progress of your clothes. “So is there a reason you’re naked or did you just want to get in my pants?” 
“I spilt tomato sauce down me.” you admitted, to which Jack laughed. 
“Of course you did.” he smiled, jumping onto the couch. 
“You mind if I borrow some clothes?” You yelled over your shoulder, already searching through Jacks messy room.
“I mean you can, but I prefer you wearing what you’re in now.” 
You rolled your eyes as you reentered the room, wearing a shirt of Jacks.
“Are you trying to turn me on?” Jack asked, raising his eyebrows.
“In your dreams.” You laughed, jumping on the couch next to him. 
“Oh every night, baby girl.” He said, resting a hand on your thigh.
You raised an eyebrow, but before you could say anything about it Jack muttered out, “It’s working you know.” 
You felt a shiver run down your back in anticipation. “Well I guess we’ll have to do something about that then, won’t we?”
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aluci-4912 · 3 years
Hi! Im Alu and my pronouns are She/They! I might start writing fanfic more often but feel free to request and I’ll get around to it!
I will write for:
Atla - Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee
Persona 5 - Akira/Ren (I call him Akira), Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Futaba, Haru and Akechi (I’m taking a break from persona 5)
Omori - Sunny, Omori, Kel, Aubrey, Hero, Basil and Mari
Legend of Zelda - Link, Zelda, Impa (AOC), Mipha, Revali, Daruk, Urbosa, Riju, and Sidon
Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 - Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, Sharla, Melia, Alvis, Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Nia, Morag, Brighid, Zeke, and Pandoria
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - F! Byleth, M! Byleth, Claude, Hilda, Lysithea, Marianne, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain, Ashe, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Edelgard, Dorothea, Bernadetta, Linhardt, Caspar, Petra, Flayn, Seteth, and Rhea.
Kid icarus - Pit, Dark pit, Palutena and Viridi
Friday Night Funkin - BF, GF, Pico, Senpai, Tankman, Ruv, Sarvente, and Sunday
DDLC - Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri and Monika
Parks and Recreation - Leslie, Ben, Ron, April, and Andy
Gravity falls - Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy
DELTARUNE - Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Noelle, and Queen
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K - Saiki, Nendou, Kaido, Aren, Teruhashi, Yumehara, Saiko, Hairo
Kingdom hearts 3 - Sora and only sora lmao (FOR NOW)
Inside job - Reagan and Brett
this is all character x reader
I will do emergency request
I will NOT do nsfw (I am a minor so that’s a big no-no)
pregnant reader
• I do
emergency requests
I really wanna write for
•Pyra (Xb2)
•Dimitri (Fe3h)
•Zelda (Botw)
•Zeke (Xb2)
•Palutena (Kid icarus)
• Yuri (DDLC)
•Sunny (Omor)
•Akira (P5)
I hope I get some requests soon!
Im not the best at spelling so sorry about any errors
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taetomysoob · 7 years
This is just the prologue of the story and yes my fanfiction is called “May The Timing Be In Our Favor”. Let’s hop onto this crazy ride that I let myself in together and I truly hope you guys will enjoy this. The first chapter will be up tomorrow. (PS : this sucks but it’s just to introduce the story to you.)
Not again. Not here. Not now. Melissa rushed out of the classroom under the glares of all of the other students. She quickly made her way to the girl's toilet. Hey breathing was heavy and fast. She felt like she was about to lose it. Just put your hands on something flat. She looked around but her vision was getting blurry and she felt some tears streaming down her cheeks. She tried to calm herself down as much as she could but everything was way too confusing. She suddenly felt some hands on her shoulders and the sound of a voice which seemed very far away. She couldn't hear the words straight but after a few seconds, she finally managed to hear the voice clearly. “Melissa, just count to 10 with me, okay?” The voice said and she knew it sounded familiar but couldn't find out who it was still. She nodded slowly and started counting along with the voice. 1. 2. 3. 4. Her vision was becoming clearer and her breathing was calmer. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The countdown was done and she could finally put a name on this so familiar face. Archie. She felt his two strong arms wrap around herself and she held onto him as tight as she could. “I thought your panic attacks were gone!” Her best friend exclaimed as they pulled away from each other. “I just thought it was all over but a silly thing happens and I just lose it.” She sighed and Archie took her hand in his. “It will be fine. It's almost spring break and I'll be here.” He smiled and she simply looked down. “Thank you, Arch.” She replied before they both headed out of the toilet.
It was one of the many times it had already happened this year. Her third and last year of college had been the worst she had had to face in a while. Melissa was almost 22 years old and was very close to achieving her goal in life and it had been one hell of a ride. There was only 2 weeks left but some current panic attacks were ruining everything. Every time. She luckily had an amazing group of friends that she was thankful for, she couldn't probably get through everything that happened in her life without them. She had met them in their art college which contained a lot of different activities but Melissa was into music. The fact that they were all interested by different types of art only brought them closer. The school was located in the lovely city of Edinburgh, in England, and it probably was the best place to live in the entire world. But the anxiety made it harder than that for her. It was like standing in between two lanes of traffic and not being able to move. The thing was that she never had any trouble with anxiety when she was younger but this year, it was different. Something felt different.
Melissa, including her friends, had no idea what they would do after their last summer break together but they would for sure make the best of it.
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