#jack maynard blurb
cali-girl-in-heart · 6 years
Prompt List
Feel free to reblog, this is for everybody who needs a bit of inspiration, or just wants his readers to choose and send requests.
I’d love it if you tagged me in the writing you make with this ;)
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“I need you.”
“You really had me worried there, love.”
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Who do you think you are?”
“But I never wanted her/him, it was always you.”
“Guess we’ll have to find out.“
“C’mon, let’s do this!”
“Do you regret it?”
“I can see it in your eyes.”
“Don’t move.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Oh, you didn’t know?”
“How could you...”
“I’m not ready for this.”
“Please, talk to me.”
“I just really needed to hear your voice, I guess.”
“What’s wrong?”
“If you’re ready, come find me.”
“He got me flowers.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“How are you holding up?”
“I can’t breathe.”
“D’you think I’ll make it?”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“Damn, this is getting really hard.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t roll your eyes like that.”
“Make me.”
“Why did you keep that from me?”
“I don’t understand.”
“You can talk to me about anything.”
“Don’t be mad.”
“I love you. For real, I mean.”
“Never thought I’d feel that way.”
“Read to me.”
“Smile for me.”
“Love? Where are you?”
“You’re my home.”
“Why can’t you see that?”
“Why do you always ruin the moment?”
“What’s that noise?”
“I told you that was bound to happen.”
“You were right.”
“I was right.”
“She’s a maniac.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Drink up.”
“Go ahead, tell me you knew that was going to happen.”
“Let me fix it.”
“I never loved you.”
“Where did you get that?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I warned you.”
“I dare you.”
“Truth or dare?”
“Just one more sip.”
“Just five more minutes.”
“You little shit.”
“It’s too late.”
“No, we can’t, and you know it.”
“The night’s still young.”
“Fuck me.” - “Gladly.”
“You’re such a perv.”
“Don’t be such a pain in the arse.”
“I have to pee.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Oh, how come?”
“Did you-”
“No way.”
“Let’s run away, just you and me.”
“Oh, I like that.”
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Could you say that again?”
“You dazzle me.”
“Are you really that unaware?”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
“Do you want to be my valentine?”
“You mean, exclusive?”
“I’ve never been more sincere.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Well, did you?”
“I hate surprises.”
“Don’t do that to me.”
“Te amo. That’s spanish.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck them.”
“Fuck all this.”
“Don’t laugh.”
“I’ll show you.”
“I’ll teach you.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“If you tell someone, I’ll kill you.”
“Wake up.”
“Kiss me.”
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Dating Jack Maynard might include...
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going on many adventurous dates together
he would always want to show you something new he found or do something with you that he had heard of
with him, nothing was ever boring
when you knew him for a bit longer, he would also love to just stay at home with you though
so much netflix and chill that you actually had to rewatch some episodes three times or more
finding out that he is actually really good at cooking
I’m talking surprise dinners here
and amazing breakfast after even more amazing nights
deep conversations
mostly in totally random moments
like you could be falling asleep anytime soon, and Jack would ask you: “If you had a chance to live your life again, would you change something?”
it’s in that moment that you know you won’t go to sleep for another hour at least
but you loved it
slowly exploring different sides of him
because he was so much more than just a pretty face
finding out that he was actually quite the fluffball underneath of his image
starting to get completely comfortable around each other
talking about anything, knowing he wouldn’t judge you for it
feeling like you dated your best friend
he’s a very physical person, so there is so much pda when you are going out
literally always touching
flirty glances your way
not so much kissing though, he would rather hold your hand in public and save that for when you’re at home or with friends
having the boys roll their eyes at you when you are around
so many sexual remarks
some are really cringeworthy though, so you scold him
him laughing very hard at that
he would be so jealous of each and everybody
because you were his and only his
it was not that he didn’t trust you, it was that he did not trust any other guy
so he made it pretty clear where you would belong
he wouldn’t hesitate to punch a guy if that would be what it takes
whenever he got jealous, you knew you were in for something special in the bedroom
like he would give you the kinds of hickeys that would last for days and would be really hard to cover up
you would most likely be to sore to walk or sit or do anything else than spending the rest of the day in bed next to him
because he loved to cuddle you
although he would never admit that
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dwwak · 6 years
Family Comfort - Jack Maynard Short
Word count: 131 Triggers: NONE Requested: NO
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Warm laces of happiness wrinkles down your spine as you watch Jack casually talk with his parents, your eyes wander his side profile. His hair recklessly placed around his ears making brunette waves to the soft blonde that welcomes your hands restlessly. With his face carved like smooth marble his movements are calculated and calm that they almost seem to be synchronized with the rhythm of his heart. His rosy cheeks sparks your heart, and as if he heard your heart he looks to you with joy and future.
You blush as you’re caught staring at the stars, “What?” you chuckle as you bundle up the blanket closer to your legs which hung over the couch.  
Jack chuckles a bit, making your heart take another leap into the open blue sky.
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jackmaynard23 · 7 years
Bedtime Routine
A/N: I’m back from the dead. I know I haven’t written in like 9 months but I was finally struck with inspiration after Jack’s tweet. Enjoy!
“Hello? Are you listening to me?” You glanced over at Jack in the passenger seat of your car just in time to see his head jerk up and his eyes pop open.
“Did you just fall asleep while I was telling you about my day?!” You asked. 
“What? No! I’m sorry!” Jack quickly replied, but he was rubbing his eyes and you knew he’d been dozing.
“God Jack if my stories are that boring just tell me.” You joked. 
“No I love hearing about your day!” Jack said, and you knew he was being genuine. 
“But seriously, what’s up with you lately? I feel like you’ve been tired a lot.”
“Really? I’m fine, I’ve just been busy I guess.” Jack brushed it off, but you’d been dating him long enough to pick up on the slight hesitation that always came before a lie. The boy was a good liar so you were proud of yourself when you started being able to detect them. (Of course, usually he wasn’t lying to you). In this case you decided to let the lie pass, partly because he had genuinely been busy lately and partly because you were almost home and there wasn’t time to discuss it further.
It’s also why you weren’t surprised to wake up in the middle of the night to find Jack’s side of the bed empty. You got up and wandered silently through the house until you found him seated on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. You stood, leaned up against the doorway for a moment, just watching your boyfriend, his hair tousled and almost imperceptible bags under his eyes. It was a different image than the confident and fresh persona he usually put out during the day. After a few seconds, you gave a slight cough and Jack looked up to notice you.
“I can’t sleep.” He said and something in his voice made you start to wonder how long this had been going on without you noticing.
“Well it might help if you put the phone down,” You started, lightheartedly, walking over to join Jack on the couch. You gently took the phone from his hands and placed it face down on the coffee table. 
“It helps to keep my mind preoccupied.” Jack said, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. “Whenever I try to sleep I just get overwhelmed with all the things I’m not doing with my life.”
“What do you mean?” You asked. You were glad he was finally opening up to you about this but you had no clue where he was getting the idea that he wasn’t doing anything with his life.
“I mean I should be vlogging more, going to more events, reaching out to get more brand deals. There’s a lot more I could be doing right now.”
“Jack.” You waited until he looked up at you from his fiddling. “You are doing so much right now. You are doing everything you can handle and that’s enough.”
“...I know.” He said after a pause. “Yeah I know.” And he seemed to actually believe it the second time.
“Here, lie down with your head in my lap.” You said, adjusting your position on the couch so that Jack could get more comfortable. Once he was lying down, you started to run your fingers through his hair and play with his curls. You told him little stories about your day, this time not the stressful ones that you had been trying to tell him earlier in the day, just the simple anecdotes about the bird tapping on your window or the couple at the coffee shop. Anything to take his mind off his own worries.
After a little while you stopped telling stories but you kept playing with his hair, knowing it made him feel more relaxed. After a while longer, his breathing slowed and his face seemed fully peaceful for the first time in a while, and you knew he was asleep. You carefully adjusted yourself around him so that you were comfortable as well, and quickly fell asleep too.
The next morning Jack told you that despite him spending the night on the couch, it was the best sleep he’d gotten in months and from that point on, telling him stories and playing with his hair simply became a part of your bedtime routine.  
A/N: Since I have no idea when I’ll have inspiration next, requests are still closed. I think I’m just going to write for myself for a little while :)
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buttercreamblog · 7 years
Lazy - Jack Maynard Imagine
Requested: Yes
 “Can you write an imagine where you and Jack have a lazy day where you just cuddle?”
Fandom: Jack Maynard/buttercream
Smut: No
Warnings: none
A/N: Thank you to the wonderful anon that suggested this. I hope you like it. If anyone wants to see anymore imagines just inbox me!! P.S y/f/m = your favourite movie.
Y/n hit snooze for what must have been the tenth time that morning, she closed her eyes trying to fall back asleep and finish the dream she had been having. She failed. Opening one eye y/n looked at the time on their alarm clock, 12:28pm it read. With a groan y/n sat up and looked at her boyfriend. Jack was still in a peaceful slumber, eyes fluttering occasionally from the dream he must’ve been having.  
Dappled sunlight leaked through the bedroom blinds and danced upon his face. She watched him for while but as boredom began to creep up on y/n she decided to wake him up.
“Wakey wakey eggs and bakey” y/n cried, jumping on Jack
“Leave me alone y/n!” he groaned in that tired voice that y/n always found sexy.
“No it’s noon 30 Jack, you’re so lazy!” Y/n argued with a laugh, pulling away the sheets and sitting on top of him.
Jack lay there in silence for a moment staring at y/n with a sleepy grin upon his face. Y/n thought he was about to surrender and get up when unexpectedly he grabbed her by the waist and twisted them around so he was on top.
“Okay a compromise.” Jack started “How about we have a lazy day in?” he pleaded with puppy dog eyes. How could y/n ever resist those?
“Fine. But I get to choose what movies we watch today” Y/n aimed to convince her boyfriend. He pushed his hand through his messy hair, his bicep showing from the lack of shirt he had on, before caving in and agreeing
“So long as I get to lie here with you”. he shrugged
The rest of the day was spent under the sheets cuddling one another, your head resting on his chest while he absent-mindedly danced his fingers across your body and played with your hair. Y/f/m played in the background and you felt content with the world. Happy that the two of you had decided to have a lazy day in.
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jackncon · 7 years
I picture Jack as being really bashful almost with you in public? Like he’d hold your hand, or have his hand in your thigh or whatever but then when someone noticed he’d be really cute and hide in your neck or go red and kiss you in the cheek?? Also lots of ‘babe’ and ‘gorgeous’ and you’d call him ‘J’ because it was simple and cuuuute ☺️ I think about this a lot ✌🏼
me too! i think he would go all red and stare at his feet n shuffle around when someone said the two of you were cute together and then once they left he would look at you still all red and blushy and place a kiss on your cheek bc bubs knows damn well you look good together. I can also see him calling you gorgeous omg my knees are weak 
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maynardtrash · 8 years
Missing You~Jack Maynard Fanfic
A/N: I should be studying for finals but I’ve been inspired to write instead oops
I sat hunched over on my bed, ready to jump out of a window. “If I have to look at free body diagrams one more time…” I thought to myself. Just then my phone lit up with a notification. A banner read “Jack” with a little kissy emoji and a heart emoji. I straightened up and began to smile as I read his text. “Sorry babe, busy day. Had a flight to catch and the airport was crazy but it’s alright now. Love you 💖” Confused, I began to type my reply. “I had no idea you were going on a trip. Where to?” Almost immediately he began to reply. “You’ll see 😉” I shook my head at the cryptic behavior and continued my studies. “Just a little while longer and maybe I’ll become a physicist in one night,” I whispered to myself. Life was super stressful at the moment. I had finals coming up and it was my senior year so I was trying to do my best to pass. Not to mention Jack and I hadn’t seen each other in months because of school. There’s also the fact that he’s English and I’m American. I had gotten so busy with work and he got so busy with YouTube so we didn’t have the time to see each other in person. I especially did NOT have the money because I was saving for college. It put a strain on us but it was working. We were strong enough to pull through, and still are. I was so wrapped up in kinetics and dynamics that I hadn’t noticed the delicious smell of food. Something I forgot existed this time of year. I went downstairs to grab dinner when my mom and dad stood there acting… off. They were standing in front of the kitchen table, grinning ear to ear. “… Hi?” I greeted them as I came downstairs. “Hiiiii honey!” My mother said more cheerful than she usually was. “How’s studying?” My dad asked in a weird tone. “It’s okay… I guess,” I replied. “What’s going on?” My parents looked at each other and smiled even more than they already were. “We have a present for you,” my father said to me. “We’re getting it after dinner.” “To reward your hard studying,” my mom added. “Okay,” I said, not sure what else to say back. “Why is everyone acting so weird tonight?” I asked myself. While I ate dinner, my parents scarfed down their meals. “They must be excited,” I thought. As soon as I finished my food they practically threw me out of the door and into the car. They were speeding towards the city, ending up getting us there in half the time it would normally take. “Okay, sweetie,” my mom said. “Close your eyes.” I gave a suspicious look then closed them. I heard the door open, and a familiar, strong hand take my wrist. “Open,” the person demanded. As I opened my eyes, I began to feel tears welling up. It was my beautiful, wonderful boyfriend standing before me. I pulled him in for a strong hug and kiss, like it was the last time I’d ever see him. It felt like an eternity until my father cleared his throat to get our attention. “Sorry,” I said to my father. “But what are you doing here!?” I practically shrieked with joy. “I came to see you, silly!” Jack retorted. “It’s been ages and I’ve been missing you like hell.” “I’m well aware,” I told him. “We only say it a million times on Skype.” I began to embrace him once more. It didn’t feel real, but in the best way. Like a beautiful, incredible, mesmerizing, surreal dream. Jack got in the car and we spoke about all kinds of stuff on the way to my house. My parents sorted everything and planned Jack’s whole trip with him. They even agreed to let him stay, as long as he stayed on the couch, that is. Maybe finals won’t be so tough after all seeing as I had the best guy in the world to help me get through it.
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bouttogolinkurbitch · 6 years
masterlist 🥀
thank you for taking time out of your day to read my fics! It honestly means so much!! Most of my Dolan fics start with edits of mine so please like/reblog them if you saved the edit or if you enjoyed the story- or both! Feed back is always welcome and appreciated.
a stressed kid with too much on her mind ;)
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🥀🌩s̶c̶r̶e̶e̶n̶s̶h̶o̶t̶s̶ 🌩🥀
Come Dine With Me: Joe Sugg
Turtle Man 🐢: Ethan Dolan
Best pics of them ever lmaooo: Dolan Twins
Haunted House vid: Dolan Twins
Procrastination scene: Dolan Twins
This was fuckin funny
🚀💫☁️saturn☁️💫🚀: Ethan Dolan Edit
S̶m̶u̶t̶ ̶: 💀
F̶l̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶:💕
❤️🖤 t̶h̶a̶t̶c̶h̶e̶r̶j̶o̶e̶ 🖤❤️
Holly Jolly: Joe Sugg
Summary: Y/N isn’t feeling festive and Joe decides to help Y/N get in the holiday spirit 💕
Home is where your heart is: Joe Sugg
Summary: Caspar is moving out right as Y/N finally meets her pin pal Joe. The boys go down memory lane 💕
❤️🖤J̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶n̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶ 🖤❤️
This isn’t the bathroom: Jack Maynard
Summary: Jack and Y/N finally come to terms with their feelings and Josh ruins the moment 💕
❤️🖤C̶o̶n̶o̶r̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶n̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶ 🖤❤️
Types of Kisses: Conor Maynard
Summary: Different scenarios where Y/N and Conor are intimate 💕
🌩🌫D̶o̶l̶a̶n̶ ̶T̶w̶i̶n̶s̶ ̶🌫🌩
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❤️🖤E̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶D̶o̶l̶a̶n̶🖤❤️
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Types of Kisses: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Different scenarios where Y/N and Ethan are intimate 💕
Just a blurb: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan and Grayson finish building their set in their new home, and Ethan comes to take a nap on Y/N after a long day 💕
Sun Glare: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Bryant and Y/N are co workers. After a long day, she comes home and has a playful photo shoot with Ethan 💕
The Kissing Booth: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Based off the movie. Mentions drug abuse (unlike the movie) so you’ve been warned!! Also there might be douche! Ethan and douche! Grayson- which doesn’t reflect them as people, just for storyline purposes :)) 💕🖤 [DISCONTINUED]
Part (one)
Part (two)
Part (three)
Weeds: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan smokes weed for the first time 💕🖤
Another blurb: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Grayson and Ethan get into an argument, and Ethan takes his frustrations out in a heated make out with Y/N 💕🖤
Bunny Babe: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan can’t handle Y/N in his baseball styled Playboy Bunny shirt. And after a long day, he does something about it 💕🖤💀
Do I Wanna Know?: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan is in a dangerous biker gang. When he finally gets to come home, they get reacquainted 💕🖤💀
Feel the Love: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Y/N and Ethan embark on a challenge that tests their relationship. They go an entire month without sex 💕🖤💀
Dope on a Rope: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Austin and Y/N had a fairytale cliché love...until Austin cheats. Ethan picks up the pieces in a way Y/N never expected, but she definitely needed 💕🖤💀
sunflower🌻: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Ethan gets really sad all the time, and Y/N teaches him it’s okay to not be okay 💕🖤
Birdie: Ethan Dolan
Summary: Addison, Ethan and Y/N’s daughter, learns some new flips at grandma Lisa’s and grandpa Sean’s 💕
❤️🖤 G̶r̶a̶y̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶ ̶D̶o̶l̶a̶n̶🖤❤️
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Wrasslin’: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Y/N is on the wrestling team. After a grueling meet, Grayson finally makes his move 💕🖤
Sugar Wraith: Grayson Dolan
Summary: After a messy breakup, Grayson helps Y/N recuperate 💕🖤💀
Shark Bait: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Y/N and Grayson go through a rough patch. When an incident happens to Grayson, Y/N wonders if leaving him was the right choice 🖤
Better Now: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Y/N and Grayson separate and they think that they are better now that they’re apart, but both soon learn they’re better together 💕🖤
There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson and Y/N have a serious make out that leads to something else 💕💀
In My Blood: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson and Y/N are hooking up behind everyone’s backs, and when Cam finds out, trouble ensues 💕🖤💀
Playboy Bunny: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson can’t handle Y/N in his baseball style Playboy bunny button down, and after a long day, she does something about that 🖤💀
Room 3A: Grayson Dolan
Summary: A pesky patient keeps Y/N on her toes. But she doesn’t mind going back and forth because the patient happens to be a heartthrob 💕
Kids See Ghosts: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson accidentally adds Y/N on Snapchat and good things come from the incident 💕
Burnin’ Up: Grayson Dolan
Summary: James plays matchmaker and it turns out he was right. Slight daddy kink, spanking, and light choking 💀🖤
yungbld: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Gray teaches Y/N how to surf! Ethan, Gray, Bryant, and Y/N have a fun beach day 💕
Fire: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Grayson is an underground fighter, and all his life he’s been striving to get gold. Y/N had always had a crush on the younger, brooding twin. And it turns out Grayson wanted her too 💕🖤💀
Types of Kisses: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Different scenarios between Y/N and Gray sharing kisses 💕
corduroy dreams: Grayson Dolan
Summary: From strangers to lovers. Shitty blurb 💕
apricot princess: Grayson Dolan
Summary: Paige(@heathendolan) and Y/N are life long best friends. They share everything from clothes to even brothers. Gray saves the day with the aid of Ethan and in turn, the girls fall hard for the two boys 💕🖤
Man on the Moon: Grayson Dolan
Y/N and Grayson switch lives for a day!! A grueling workout, waking up at ungodly hours, a trip to the mall, and all the love that’s shared between Y/N and Grayson makes for a fluffy day 💕🖤💀 [slight suggestions of smut]
🥀🌩 A̶S̶K̶/̶ ̶R̶E̶Q̶U̶E̶S̶T̶S̶ ̶ 🌩🥀
For @dolanoodle Mutual: Ethan Dolan
all the edits here are mine as well so please like/reblog the masterlist if you saved them/if you feel like it. It means a bunch ❤️
🥀M̶A̶S̶T̶E̶R̶L̶I̶S̶T̶ ̶P̶A̶R̶T̶ ̶T̶W̶O̶🥀
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Thoughts on the Squad...
So it's close to midnight where I am and I am just really in a mood to talk (well write on tumblr, cause I can't actually talk to you all but you get the idea). I also figure that what better way to get to know me a little bit better than to hear my opinions (just opinions pls don't kill me) on the boys. I was the first blog on tumblr dedicated to the buttercreams. I remember not even knowing about their self titled group name of the buttercreams and having to come up with my own ship name of sorts. It was so hard trying to squish seven names together but that's how JOMICONSPARACKOSHOLI came about. (Everyone asks me about the name so here you are). I remember how hard it used to be to say that and remember the name. It's funny how easily I say/type jomiconsparackosholi now. It's crazy how big this fandom has gotten; don't you all think? I love how it's brought together so many people - that's my favourite thing about fandoms. Okay so anyway let's cut to the chase in what will be a very rambly and unedited post (in order of who I watched first): JOE Joseph Graham Sugg was the first of the gang that I started watching. I probably started watching him three years ago (occasionally before rhat), when he was still living at his dad's house. And I won't lie, I used to have the biggest celebrity crush on Joe. I used to watch his videos again and again to cheer me up. Though I wouldn't really call it a 'celebrity' crush - what I loved most about youtubers, and Joe especially, at that time was how relatable and close to me they were. It's not like with Ryan Gosling where the chances of me ever meeting him are close to 0; it felt like I had some chance of meeting Joe. That's why my crush on Joe lasted fairly long, but I did soon come to the realisation that it was never going to work; the chances of meeting him, let alone becoming friends, when I lived in the opposite hemisphere was actually quite slim. Ah well, right? Anyway, Joe will always have a special place in my heart haha and be one of my favourites of the squad. CASPAR Caspar Lee, I started to properly watch weekly when he moved in with Joe. Like Joe, his videos always could make me smile, though his humour is a bit off for me. I don't know if that makes sense but it still makes me laugh, just that sometimes, I can see that he's just being a stupid idiot (though that probably goes for all of the boys to some extent). But yeah I liked Caspars videos more then, when he was more free and didn't seem to care so much. Still, he can always make me smile and cheer me up so. Caspar reminds me of sunshine, does he to anyone else? He just seems to be always so happy and excited; that's probably what I like about him the most. And of course, jaspar videos were my fav haha Joe and Caspar just work so well together, I love it. CONOR Now I didn't find out about Conor through youtube. I found him when his song Can't Say No became popular a couple of years ago now (that makes me feel quite old ahha). Anyways, I loved that song at the time. It was (still is) such a banger. From this, I fell upon his YouTube channel and when he began to upload covers I was hooked. Conor is really talented, I was unsure at first because of his what seemed heavy use of auto tune, but he is. He writes and puts together so many songs (my brain is starting to fail me, I can't think of the right word). His covers have to be some of my favourite versions of some songs and so when he released the album last year (it's 2017, can we believe it??) I was so unbelievably proud. Cause I had seen him grow with his music, I just couldn't help but be so happy for him. JOSH You all probably know that my favourite of the squad is Josh and Joe. And if you don't, then maybe I did a good job of hiding it (I want my blog to be about all the boys). It might surprise you to know that when I started watching josh from his first video, I didn't like him at all. I just thought he was trying to get into YouTube to be like his friends, Caspar and Joe and not for any real reason. However, I persisted, thinking that I had to give him a chance, I couldn't judge him by just a few videos. And thank the heavens I did, because now I have a cute, friendly, caring and thoughtful beanpole to watch weekly. I love Josh because of how down to earth he seems and how friendly and caring (same words as before, I know, I apologise for my brain) he is. Like how he takes care of all the guys and loves his mum and dad and everything. I did have a small crush on Josh for a while but with the same realisation as with Joe, it very quickly fell apart. Also I feel like Josh wouldn't be attracted to me like he is the super skinny pretty white girls in his recent hot tub video so lol. OLI Oli should probably be before Josh because I did watch his videos for a while before Josh made his channel, guess I was too keen for the beanpole sorry. Oli's videos never were ones that I watched weekly, I am subscribed but I only really watch the ones that seem to interest me (which does end up being most of them don't worry). What I love about oli is also how caring and thoughtful he is. One of my favourite videos of all time is his Christmas gift giving one, from maybe 2015. All the presents in it were so well thought out and kind, it just represents what kind of person Oli is. I also love how much Oli loves what he is doing with his life, it's great how much he loves youtube and his family and his life in general. JACK When Jack launched his channel, I liked him right away. He was just very charming and funny from the get go (though his humour is again quite different to mine, but not as different as Conor's is). My first memory of jack was how attractive he was lol (all the guys are attractive though, we cannot deny). Lookmy brain is really starting to struggle especially because of how his channel is fairly new. Ooh okay I've got something, I love how determined Jack is to move up in life. Like look at how far he's come since starting (or should I say restarting) youtube. He's cohosting radio shows, he's making music, he's doing everything he's wanted to ever do and it's inspiring. MIKEY I'm not going to lie, Mikey is probably my least favourite of the group. When it comes to my imagines, it's really hard to write about Mikey because I just don't really have a connection with him like I do the others. Look before you all hate on me (which you hopefully won't because you're all stars), it would be almost unnatural to like all of the guys 100%. You don't like every fruit in the world and I don't like every buttercream guy to the max. I have nothing against Mikey, like I said before, I can't judge someone just by what they choose to show me. Our humours and personalities just don't really click is all. It kinda really only started when he began his channel, I just felt as though he was only really making videos because he saw how successful his friends were. I thought he would grow on me like Josh did but it hasn't really happened so. Even though I have my favourites and my least favourites, I love the buttercream squad because of their relationship with each other. I love how much they all love each other and how they hang out heaps. Remember the summer barbecue they had at Jack/Conor/Josh's flat? I love how they all support each other with all of their goals and dreams. Just look at how they all tweet the others' books and merchandise and songs and new channels and movies. It's the cutest thing. That's why roughly a year ago (? Maybe? Not sure) I felt the need to see pictures and read ff about the seven boys. That's why I made up the longest ship name ever (#jomiconsparackosholi). They're all just so funny and good looking and cheerful and relatable and... just my favourite squad ever. Okay that's it, good night friends xx send me your thoughts, I'd like to hear them. But for now, I'm all talked out. --- #jomiconsparackosholi
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elsehuggs · 6 years
lakeside | jack maynard
chapter one, part one
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blurb: two entirely different people, who find their ways towards each other, give each other their hearts, but it all could be broken in the blink of an eye, or a snap of a finger.
an: welcome to my new fanfic, lakeside! this is a fairy tale au, hope you enjoy! I’ve done this first chapter in parts, this is an introduction thing.
Neve remembered when she found out. There was a storm outside, crashing with rumbling thunder and violent rain, and she struggled to sleep. It was the second day of the sixth month and the year was 1697.
The young princess remembers how she lay there, feeling anxious. Her brother, Alexander was coming home from a voyage, and she had been touring the kingdom, seeing all the sights before she became King. The day he came back would be the day his coronation was held. And yes, this was what princess Nevada had been worried about. The fact that he was travelling home in such dangerous weather conditions made Neve more anxious; she didn't want anything happening to her brother.
And then she remembers the worst part. The moment when she received the news. When her whole life crumbled and crashed down onto her into a million tiny, fragmented pieces. Nevada remembered how her lady in waiting, Tara Morton, ran into her room with a look of distress spread across her face. The princess still remembers how she could hear in Tara's footsteps how panicked she was, as she gazed out at the purple glow from the mysterious enchanted lake that she so wanted to visit but was forbidden to. Then she still remembers vividly, the exact sound of thunder when Tara passed over the unbelievable news. The thunder was loud and it was clear, it crashed and banged against the dusty window pains of Neve's bedroom.
When I said the news was unbelievable, it wasn't the happy type of unbelievable. It was cruel and evil and unwelcome.
"Nevada, my dear," her lady in waiting said, "I am very sorry to be the one to have to say this to you, but your brother, Alexander, has passed."
That's how her life broke into a million, fragmented pieces, and she'll still remember it to this day.
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
Old Post Masterlist: Part 1
Hey loves, here’s a part one of the old posts I’ve collected over the few years. Mind you these dates back to my high school days, the mass post will stop once we reach 2017. Hope you all enjoyed these as much as I enjoyed writing them for you all! 
Jovani Jara:
This Town
Aaron Carpenter:
Why isn’t that me Part 1
Why isn’t that me Part 2
The Sweet Life
Marry Me
Taylor Caniff:
Beach Day
Cameron Dallas:
I Love You
Envy Isn’t a Pretty Color
But They Like Each Other
Lazy Day
The Tag
Car Rides with Cam Be Like
It was always you
Imagine For Val
Imagine For Lara
Imagine For Monica
Matthew Espinosa:
It’s Alright Baby
You Can Do Better
Connor Franta:
Better Together
Cause You’re The One
I Shouldn’t Be Missing You
Tronnor Blurb
Carter Reynolds:
I Can’t Imagine a Day I Won't
Nash Grier:
I Love You
Instagram While Dating Nash
Your Relationship With Him
Hayes Grier:
Hayes The Bae
Levi Randall:
Jack Gilinsky:
Crazy For You
Shawn Mendes:
So Much Love (lost link)
Fool For You
Paper hearts
Sometimes It ends in love.
Need (lost link)
Jacob Whitesides:
Jon Klaasen:
Her Love
Chris Ganoudis:
One Of You
Conor Maynard:
Just A Little Push
Dylan O'Brian:
Not Like That
Justin Bieber:
Tell Us A Story
Is This The End
I Missed You
Fun In The Sun
Strong For You
Braiden Wood:
One and Only
David Scarzone:
Spencer Sutherland:
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cali-girl-in-heart · 8 years
“Need share” - Jack Maynard
“Today I’m going to surprise (Y/N). So she’s been quite of obsessed with Ed Sheeran lately, okay not just lately but like all the time. And the boys and I have been given some cards for his new concert. And literally everybody’s going there. Like me, Conor, Joe, Caspar, Oli, Mikey and Josh. And so I asked for two more cards so (Y/N) could go with us as well as Anna since she’s been obsessed just as much as my beautiful girlfriend”, Jack chuckled as he told his viewers what’d be happening right now.
“So I’ve been putting these little papers with letters on it in this envelope and if she gets it in the right order, it will say ‘Ed Sheeran’ and then I’m gonna surprise her. Let’s just see how long it’ll take her.”
As (Y/N) walked into Jacks room, assuming that he must have been in there since she had called for him and no one answered, she found him laying in bed on his phone.
“Hey babe”, he said as she opened the door and she was quick to go over to him for a quick peck on the lips. Jack then got his vlogging camera out and started to record.
“Say hi to them, babe”, he smiled at her.
“Hey guys”, (Y/N) said and grinned.
“So I have a surprise for you darling”, Jack said and handed her the envelope. She opened it and Jack could see that she was a bit confused as she saw the letters.
“What’s that supposed to be Jack?”, she asked as she had them all on the bed.
She then gave him her infamous ‘No-Shit-Sherlock’-Face, making him giggle.
“Just put them in the right order.”
It took (Y/N) quite a while to put them into an order which made sense, kind of.
“That makes no sense, Jack”, (Y/N) whined.
“Try a little harder babe”, Jack said grinning.
“C’mon baby”, Jack said teasingly.
“What do you need to share, Jack?”, (Y/N) said, glad that she had finally found something that made sense.
“I need to share some important news babe”, Jack said. “She’s not getting it, guys”, he sighed and turned the camera so both of them would be in shot.
Jack mixed the letters up a bit.
“Wait I got it”, (Y/N) said, finally getting excited.
“Jack?!”, (Y/N) said, finally noticing that Jack had another envelope behind his back.
“No way”, she whispered as Jack said nothing. “No fucking way.”
“We’re going to see Ed Sheeran”, Jack smiled.
“Oh my god! You’re amazing!”, (Y/N) squeeled and hugged Jack really tight.
“All of the boys are coming and Anna too”, Jack told her.
“Oh my, I haven’t seen her in ages! Thank you so much, Jack! You’re officially the best boyfriend ever”, (Y/N) smiled and kissed him.
“Anything for my girl”, he smiled, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up his cheeks in (Y/N)s hair.
This was requested. If you also want to request something, you can do this here or you can view all of my posts here.
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Lullaby - Jack Maynard
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“Tell me what I can do to help”, Jack whispered after listening to his girlfriend shuffling around for fifteen minutes straight. He heard her stop in her tracks.
“I didn’t know you were still awake”, she whispered.
“Well, how am I supposed to sleep if you can’t stop fidgeting around?”, Jack lightly laughed.
“Sorry”, she mumbled, “just trying to get comfy.”
“C’mere”, Jack said, opening his arms for her to crawl in. She immediately cuddled up to him, contently resting her head on his chest. Cuddling in bed wasn’t that common for her and Jack, considering that the both of them tended to steal each others blankets when they were laying too close. But she loved it and wished that they could do it more often. Jack loved it too, although he’d probably never admit it.
Jack pressed a kiss on top of his girlfriend’s head and started to lightly trace his fingers up and down her back. Still, he could practically feel her uneasiness radiating.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked.
Y/N sighed. “I don’t know”, she said, “I just feel so... anxious. And I have to get up so early tomorrow and I should already be asleep now and-”. Her rambling would have continued if not for Jack who lifted her chin up and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips.
“I’m trying”, she said and started to focus on the movements of his chest. She tried to sync their breathing, which was helping, but still she felt a little anxious.
“Jack?”, she asked after a few moments.
“Can you... sing to me?”, she asked. She absolutely loved it when he started to hum a tune or two when they were cuddling, but she knew that he was feeling insecure since his brother was a famous singer.
“ ‘m not good at that.”
“Please, baby. You know I love it when you sing.” She tilted her head a little so she could place a tiny peck on his jawline.
“You’re lucky I love you”, he said before he started to sing a quiet tune.
“Yes, I am”, Y/N whispered before she laid her head down on his chest again. She enjoyed the way his chest vibrated with every sound he made, and she absolutely loved how his voice sounded so pure, so vulnerable. And all that was hers.
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dwwak · 6 years
Jack Maynard Short Imagine
Requested: No (requests are open) Triggers: None Word Count: 860
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You are cozied up on your couch, wrapped like a burrito with your fuzzy blanket early in the morning watching the London sun rise, stretching it its coloured arms across the sky. Your hands are warmed by the hot coffee in one of your favourite mugs, you hear Jack’s feet patter down the hallway; getting closer to you. Hearing Jack coming closer your face raised in a smile accompanied with rosy, heated cheeks. Jack jumps over the back of the couch, landing right next to you. He puts his head in your lap and lies down.
“Morning, babe.” You say as you begin to run your fingers through his bedhead.
Jack looks up to you, “Kiss me?” his raspy voice whines a bit.
Chuckling a bit you tell him no, “You haven’t brushed your nasty breath, there is no way in hell I’m going to kiss that hole right now.”
“Oi, your breath isn’t any better than mine!” Jack whined once again.
“At least mine smells like coffee and not the dead.” You giggle as you put your mug down on the coffee table, “We need to go, before we miss our flight.”
You wiggle yourself off the couch while Jack sits himself up. You look at Jack and give a little smirk, the smirk sparks Jack with energy. Jack gets off the couch and starts to run toward you, you don’t dare to move. You just close your eyes and squeal with joy as Jack runs up to you and wraps his arms around you. Jack spreads kisses all over your blushing face, you embrace the jolt of energy from Jack.
“Okay, okay! We are really going to miss our flight.” You giggle out as Jack places one last kiss on your forehead.
“Ah, I like it here. Let’s stay home, I’m too tired.”
You laugh a little at Jack’s squirminess, “Okay. But you have to cancel everything, and I’ll go back to sleep while you do it.”
Jack’s face went straight, right away he let go of you and sprinted toward the bedroom where all your baggage sat waiting.
Hours later you and Jack finally checked in to your guy’s room at the front desk, pulling your baggage and down the hall with Jack following behind with his own baggage you head to your guy’s shared bedroom.  Right as you slid the card into the door and it opened you dropped your bags at the door and sprinted toward the bed, you flopped right onto the well-made bed; with Jack following behind. With both of you lying on the bed chuckling you bask in the simple, happy moment between you two.
“You ready to eat my snow, lover-boy?” You tease Jack ass you get up and get your things from the hallway.
“Are you ready to eat your words?” Jack teases back at you as he gathers his snow gear together.
You and Jack made it to the mountain, you both face the steep way down to the coffee house that looks like a tiny house for an ant.
You pull down your ski goggles and slide down the snowy slope, you stop and look up to Jack, “ Your move.” You smile at Jack
Jack gives you a smirk, “Eat my dust!” Jack pulls down his goggles and started down the slope with his snowboard. You let out a small chuckle and follow him down.
After just a minute you two stop for a moment, “First of all, there is no dust up here. Second, don’t go crying when you lose.” You snicker at Jack.
After a whole day of covering Jack in snow you two finally made it back to the lodge and relaxed together with some good food in your bellies. Jack was sprawled out on the bed editing one the vlog that would be going up the next day, you were occupying yourself with your phone while listening to music.
Some time later you plugged your phone, putting it down next to the bed you rolled yourself onto the bed. Rolling next to Jack you look up to his concentrated face, “You are so serious.” You say with a funny accent.
Jack looks down to you and places a kiss on your lips, “You are so hot.”
You kiss him back with a smile, “So are you.”
Jack closes his laptop and places it on the ground, he turns back to you and kisses you again. He continues to kiss you, slowly placing them down your neck and back to your lips.
You stop him before his lips carry him away, “Watch yourself before you wreck yourself, babe.”  You kiss him one more time before you snuggle yourself down into the bed’s blanket. “You have to turn the lights off.”
Jack laughs a bit, “You’re an ass.” Jack got up and turned the room lights off, walking back to the bed Jack stubbed his toe. All types cuss words run out of Jack’s mouth, without any sympathy you laugh a bit.
Jack wiggles into the bed, after whining a bit, and faces you. “You’re going to pay tomorrow.”
“Love, I’m the poor the one.”
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jackmaynard23 · 7 years
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This is Jack trying to copy his boyfriend's look and you cannot convince me otherwise
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buttercreamblog · 7 years
Thank God It’s Friday - Jack Maynard Imagine
‘requested: no
fandom: Buttercream/Jack Maynard (or should I say ‘bae’nard hahah)
smut: no
gender: y/n is a girl
warnings: alcohol is consumed.
A/N: If you guys like this imagine feel free to follow my blog and give this post a like! P.S as I’m new at writing imagines I love receiving constructive feedback (whether good or bad)! Thank you and enjoy the story:
Y/N looked over herself in the mirror, the smiling girl that stared back at her had a glimmer of joy in her eyes and a demeanour of confidence, as she stood in her favourite clubbing outfit. The week had been a long and hard one but she was happy it was over, and she was happy to be heading out to the club with her two best friends and their boyfriends. She didn’t even mind that she didn’t have a date that night, it was a big group and she was surely not the only one
“Thank god it’s friday” y/n thought to herself as she mirthfully shut her front door behind her.
Jack was in the uber with half the buttercream squad, while the other half trailed in the uber behind. He laughed as he watched his best friends sing along to Conor’s latest single. Despite the strain on his gut from laughing too hard, he felt empty inside. Every one of the boys now had a girlfriend. Jack felt alone. Sure he claimed to be happy sticking to the single lifestyle; booty calls and one night stands. But that lifestyle only lasted so long until one wanted to settle down and find a girl to call their own, that’s what Jack wanted now. Even though he dared never to say anything to his friends.
“Thank god it’s Friday!” Josh screamed as the car stopped outside the club.
Tonight Jack would go to sleep alone. Empty sheets on his bed and an empty heart in his chest. 
“Yes, thank god it’s Friday” Jack thought solemnly to himself as he shut the car door behind him.
Y/N and her friends met the rest of the group they would be with tonight outside the venue. Upon her arrival she hugged Oli and Joe, she knew them well as her two best friends were dating them. She said her greetings to Caspar and his girlfriend Maddie, y/n had met the two on a few occasions before but they weren’t too familiar. She made her formalities with 3 other boys; Josh, Mikey and Conor, along with their 3 gorgeous girlfriends.
Horror dawned upon her as she realised she was the only one out of the group that night that was alone. Y/n silently cursed y/b/f/n as she swore there would be people that weren’t in relationships there. She moved closer to her friends, afraid she’d be the 3rd wheel... or 6th wheel of the night. That was until another person approached them.
“Yep we’re on the VIP list, we’re good to skip the line and just head on in”. A tall guy with dyed blonde hair, dreamy blue eyes, and sh*t ton of confidence walked up, slapping Conor on the back in a friendly manner as he approached. The nose ring that gave him a badass demeanour helped with his looks as well. He greeted both of y/b/f/n before looking y/n up and down.
“Jack. Jack Maynard.” he extended an arm to her and she happily shook it
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you. And yes I did get that ‘James Bond’ reference” y/n laughed. 
Jack and y/n talked as the group went inside, heading to a vip area where they could sit and drink together.
A few hours later y/n had just come back to their table after dancing with her best friends and the rest of the girls, but within minutes a slow song had come on and all the couples headed to the dance floor once more. That left Jack and y/n alone. The moment he began to talk she noticed his words were slurred. He was drunk.
“Y/n can I ask you something?” despite the liquor coming from his breath the drunken stupor seemed charming, cute, in a way. 
“What’s up Jack”? She asked worriedly
“Do you ever get lonely, knowing that you aren’t alone?”
“Are you asking for me or are you asking for reassurance for yourself?” she raised her eyebrow
“I guess the second one”. he raised his arms in mock defeat, laughing
“We aren’t alone Jack. We have our friends and family that love us to pieces. But romantically I guess sometimes I do wish I had someone”. y/n shrugged, a slightly sad tone of voice washing over her
“I’ve got an idea...” Jack started “How about we go out on a date?” The boy who had been so confident the whole night had suddenly become shy when he asked y/n this.
She thought about it. Tonight was the first night they had met but sparks had been flying the whole night. And he was devilishly handsome. “Deal.” she nodded “We can get lunch tomorrow?”
That night Jack and y/n went home alone, but while the sheets beside them were empty. Their hearts were not.
“Thank god it’s friday” they both thought as they drifted off to sleep that night.
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