#Buuuut it wouldn't wrong
working on some lisa stuff and like. no wonder birdie can't budget or plan easily. how do you plan for this, ESPECIALLY as a single parent, ESPECIALLY as one with a seriously ill kid who might require you to take sudden and unexpected absences
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kits-shrine · 1 year
“Wrong heart, smart guy,” Alyssum sassed.
That made his eyes widen a bit "I thought most only had one?"
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evilminji · 2 months
Waaaaait a fuckin second >.>
You know the Agricorps? Where Obi-Wan almost went?
Where generations of JEDI YOUNGLINGS who "aged out" may have gone, along with the OTHER Corps? Such as the Explorer corps? Who are probably off in Force knows where, poking at rocks, going "hmmmm, yes, it appears..... I am HELLA fuckin lost."???
THEY? Are not "jedi" as far as most people think of them.
JEDI are the whooshy swooshy dudes with the lightsabers, right? The KNIGHTS! Fancy robes and live in the temple.
J'onn, who is a farmer, that got assigned by... somebody? SOMEBODY after it all went to SHIT around here? Yeah, J'ONN isn't a JEDI! What the fuck are you talking about? He grows space yams.
Buuuuut you're wrong! Ain't'cha? J'onn sure fuckin IS a Jedi. He went to Jedi school. Grew up in the temple. Probably looks up one day, in the middle of the fields, as the force tells him "take the fucking jedi logo off your overalls NOW" and?
Whooop! Naked J'onn! Oh dear, lost his overalls in the compost heap. Unfortunate.
Time to gather the kids he's technically not allowed to have but no one ever checks on them so screw the rules! Honey! We gotta leave! Yeah, all of us!
Cause like???
Look me in the eyes. Look me in the FUCKING EYES. (o.o) (as I stare creepily into your soooul~) and tell me Papadapaline would even fuckin REMEMBER the Corps.
Sure, eventually, he might. If he finds the crumbled note he threw somewhere. But they're not "important" right? Not like the KNIGHTS. The WARRIORS, in his eyes.
Because? He is a SITH.
And the Sith value POWER.
Not education. Not agriculture. Exploration or hyperlane maintenance.
And HEALING? Medicine? Psssshhhhh. Only in so far as they can twist it! What use is the Corps to him? They are NOBODIES.
Buuuut? Funny thing about nobodies? They tend to be the most dangerous sort of all. The tiny spark. The well placed word. That one form filled JUST were you hoped it would not be. The Force LOVES nobodies. They are the butterflies that blow galaxies apart. Bend and reshape destinies. Steal somebody's stapler.
They are not Jedi, they are Corpsmen.
Order 66 wouldn't effect THEM.
@spidori @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hdgnj @nerdpoe @mayfay
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saturngas · 3 months
Hello! I hope you are well 🩷
E It may sound cliché or a bit stupid, but I'm genuinely curious about the fandom's opinion on Gojo's ideal type. The few things I found are a little shallow and nothing very elaborate, or from a few years ago when we didn't have so much Gojo in the manga. SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? 🥺
gojo’s ideal type
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helloooo thank you so much for this ask. I love this kind of asks because they make me think hard hhaha
but anyways I really think gojo wouldn't have like an exact idea of an ideal type regarding personality and appearance, the only thing he would focus on/prefer is that his s/o understands him.
so we are hinted multiple times throughout the whole story that gojo feels alone, especially after geto's departure, and that the main reason is his unreachable strength. he is the strongest sorcerer. he doesn't really look for a super strong partner, but I would definitely think he prefers someone strong or with a cool technique.
some people affirm that gojo values people measuring their strength, and I kind of agree with it, but to say he only see the strength of people is wrong, I would say that he looks for people with potential (like he has stated before with megumi) and definitely people with a strong mindset.
so I really dont wanna make this a gojo's character analysis hahah sorry so ill answer your question directly, just wanted to make that clear before stating my beliefs.
I think gojo would settle for someone who thinks like him, regarding the jujutsu world. he wants to change it, so he wants people who think like him to be next to him.
if that person, like I said before, has a strong mindset and unbreakable personality, I think that would be a huge plus. I feel like gojo likes dense people, someone who doesn't really changes their opinion like super fast, someone in control of their beliefs.
now regarding a bit of personality, I think gojo would get along with almost all personalities. he is very smart and honestly very kind at heart, so he would look for positive traits in every personality. buuuut if I had to be a bit more specific, I think he would like a bit more a woman with a demanding personality. like not exactly someone who is dominant over him, but kind of. hahah he likes seeing someone trying to boss him around considering he is the strongest and can do anything he wants, so meeting someone with such guts makes him wanna know more about that person.
a kind person would also be a plus. well, not exactly super kind, but someone who helps others. lets remember he is a teacher after all, so he would look for someone who cares for others, especially the younger generation. I think he would prefer someone with a similar profession as his. it doesn't have to be an educator just like him, but like I said before, someone who cares for the youth.
a bit of an unpopular opinion hehe but I simply cant see gojo with someone who doesn't have a similar humor as his. like we always see people getting annoyed at gojo for being such an idiot, so I really think his partner needs to-has to be just as silly and goofball as he is. like someone who supports his jokes and antics. I cant see him with someone super serious or someone who is plainly boring.
I think the perfect match for gojo is someone with the same energetic and passionate energy as him. he would love someone who is also clingy or physical as him, I feel like he loves giving and receiving physical affection. that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate the other love languages, but I think he loves receiving touches, words of affirmation, and service acts.
so in summary, I think gojo's ideal type would be someone who agrees with him/has the same purpose as him regarding the corrupted jujutsu sorcery, someone who is fraternal and supportive of the youth, someone who can match his silly and quirky personality, someone with a corresponding humor as his, someone physically and emotionally strong, someone passionate and intense about their own dreams and goals, someone who understands his position as the strongest and is there next to him anytime he needs reassurance, someone who can read him easily since he isn't overly open, and someone who would love him and demonstrate love just as him or even more (he would love that).
I definitely think he is a tits guy.
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taglist: @snwvie @fanficsforkicks @soulaires <3 so guys right now im out of town so I won't be making super long and specific content for a few days. but once I get back to home ill be working on parts 2 of some fics :))
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a small part broken or separated off something.
"Hey, Sebby, look." You pointed towards a dead wall dweller. The sight was disgusting and morbid, the 'flesh' had already hardened. You didn't seem to mind it all that much.
"What about it? You wanna buy it?" Sebastian absentmindedly replied, looking down at you with a cocky grin.
"Nah. Too expensive, think I'll just eat crackers." You walked past him towards the wall dweller, kneeling down to poke at it.
"I don't think I've had the chance to see one so close before, honestly." In all fairness, you weren't wrong by any means. They were hostile and hid when spotted, you never went after them since they went back a door or two.
Sebastian found it hilarious how you squealed when its head easily fell off of its body, gagging afterwards from the horrendous scent that hit your nostrils. "Reaaaal smart of you. You break it, you buy it."
You groaned, "how much?"
"A thousand." Your shocked expression turned into one of irritation. "Are you... being deadass?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Buuuut, since you're my most LOYAL customer, I'll give you a discount! How does two hundred sound?" He rubbed his hands together, grinning so widely it irritated you even more.
"Fine." You slung your bag that was on your back to your chest. You opened it and counted very, very, very slowly.
Sebastian just... watched. Were you really this dumb?
"Oops. Messed up. Need to start over." You had to look back down to hide the snarky grin your face held.
"Alright, alright! I get it. I was joking." He crosses his arms.
"Huh, really? Sweet. Guess all this data is mine."
He grumbled, ear fins wiggling in irritation. "I should put three bullets into your head."
"You wouldn't dare. I'm your most loyal customer, aren't I?" You bat your eyelashes at him in a playful way.
"Damn you."
"That's not very polite, Solace."
Sebastian sat up, seeing his cat sleeping peacefully next to you, claw in the yarn ball that you were using while you were knitting.
He pulled his esca down, letting the light illuminate the garage, or, his room.
"Feeling better?"
"A little bit."
"Better than nothing. I'll be making us lunch, anything you want?"
You gave a quick 'okay' before you left, your cat curled up on your little knitting project, claws ready to rip it if he woke up.
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Im so happy to see someone finally not worshiping Lumity 😭 Dont get me wrong, i like them, they are cute and a good example of a healthy relationship... BUUUUT at the same time is kinda... meh. Like there isnt any conflict between them?
And also, people should top calling them "enemies to lovers" Cause that was more rivals to lovers.
yeah, i think lumity is still better than ships like c//a but it was just lacking something. i feel like amity's sudden shift in personality made the ship so bland. it would have been more entertaining if she had retained some of her sassiness.
i didn't want any unnecessary drama or conflict between them, but i wouldn't have minded some cute bickering. just some fun back and forth between two people who are comfortable around each other.
i'm not sure i would label them as rivals to lovers either, the rivalry between them was one-sided and very brief. they weren't competing with each other for a common goal, they just disliked each other. i guess you could call it hate to love, but definitely not enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers.
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chaoticyumelikes · 11 months
Astarion x Gn! Reader
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Astarion gracefully demonstrates his experience as a rogue by avoiding all the traps and fantastic feats of stealth to get to a treasure and comes back to the party just as gracefully with a taunting smile towards Shadowheart.
"I must say I'm impressed, Astarion. You've been getting exemplary lately. Care to share? “
"Oh my dear, just experience that's all. You'll get it... Eventually."
Shadowheart's lack of a smile brought his smile even upwards. He would never tell a soul about his "training" however. And the reason for why was able to become an artist in the ways of subterfuge was none other than you.
You see.... At night when he has come to feed he has encountered... Some challenges. Though it is true you gave him permission to feed now and then it would seem your sleeping body had other ideas...
One night, he opened his mouth to bite and got immediately struck with the back of your hand as if you were shooing a mosquito.
He would be quite offended had he not known you were asleep. He tried to change to the other side of your neck that night but as he was placing his leg over you to get to the other side you gave him a kick that swept him off his balance making him fall ungracefully to the floor. How you didn't manage to wake up was a mystery but he had decided not to push his luck that night and retreated.
The very next night he had had your permission again and confusion as to why he didn't bite you the night before and he lied with all his teeth saying you were so peacefully sleeping that it would be wrong of him to disturb.
Knowing you to be deep asleep, Astarion took matters seriously and approached you silent as a mouse. Unfortunately for him that night Scratch was feeling playful and barked. Astarion tried to shush him stressfully but fortunately you haven't awaken just changed your sleeping position mumbling something in your sleep. Unfortunately for Astarion he didn't have time to deem that action cute, as your palm was suddenly facing his general position and magic was gathering there and released a fire spell he barely managed to avoid. The action however woke everyone up and as the party was at the ready fearing an attack. Astarion managed to lie again saying there was an attack but he dealt with it saying they could thank him. Everyone narrowed their eyes at him and went back to their respective resting places.
Astarion sighed in relief, they bought it, but gave you a fearful glance... So you can cast spells while asleep too?.... Well that's just perfect isn't it?..... And here he thought the tadpole was the weirdest thing it happened to him... But he wasn't a man to simply give up such a lovely treat as your blood and now his honor was on the line. Game on.
Astarion went through everything, brilliantly planning his next move while pacing around his tent. "I could use a heavy armor.... Nooo... Too much noise... Maybe I could go butt naked, less noise! Buuuut.... If the party were to wake uuup.... It could lead to something unpleasant. Ah HAH! I got it! I'm simply brilliant ~!"
And so as nights went on Astarion managed to find you better resting places. Gentlemanly clearing away all the sticks and leaves and making sure you were clear from anything that could provoke sound. Next he asked for Gale to spare him a magical armor for no reason other than he needing to face a big enough prey. It wasn't a complete lie...
On this quest Astarion bought Scrap's silence and talked to him. The dog was apprehensive when he mention he was going to bite you but he promised he wouldn't hurt you and the dog nodded.
After all that Astarion's mission was a success. Your blood all that much sweeter after all he went through. He suddenly open his arms to the night in victory.... But soon his eyes open wide to his mistake as he feels the magic gathering around your palm. "Shit-" is all he can say as he is blown away. His cries heard by the party and when they arrived on his less than ceremoniously landing site he just shrugged them all off saying he they should have seen the other guys.
So yes, Astarion would rather die again than to let anyone know how he got better at stealth. Little did he know they all already knew and there was a bet going on.
And little did they all know the real reason your sleeping body was so much in defence mode.
The Emperor smirks, he is your protector after all~
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nogenderbee · 8 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℕ𝕠𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Could I request Akito, Shizuku, and Toya finding out their s/o is from a noble family?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Ofc!! I was thinking about making it fantasy at first buuuut it wouldn't make much sense then because I'd literally choose their status there... So yeah! I settled for modern in the end! Hope you still like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ despite Shizuku bring a bit surprised and worried at first... she actually fits in great
✧ surprisingly though she gets used to it rather quickly... She loves you and nothing will change that so maybe that's just it~?
✧ she's quite an elegant person by nature... and so is your family! So she definitely made quite good impression on them just by being herself
✧ it also made her calmer when she saw your family wasn't too obsessed with rules and likes her for being herself
✧ she doesn't really care about money status! Tho she will react if she sees you gave her something fancy...
"Oh my! This necklace is lovely! But... it doesn't look cheap... I hope you're not straining your budget for me, sweetheart..."
✧ now status isn't that important... but even if the news spread around school about you being from noble family, she'll make sure to spoil you in compliments and always assure she truly loves you!
✧ honestly... the only thing that may bother and pain her the most is when people assume she's with you for status or money... she's really not! She honestly just loves you!
@bleachtheidiot @ravenmoon903 @qwnelisa @miya-akane @miguelito-maruti-blog - come get your beautiful model~
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✧ if you said it randomly during conversation, Akito'd be stunned. If you'd make a fuss about it, he'd act as if it's nothing. You can't possibly fit to his reaction...
✧ if you randomly drop it tho, you'll see the IS-THAT-HATSUNE-MIKU the OoO face just for a second because he tries to regain composure quickly and act as if it's nothing
"You're WHA- EHEM- I mean... Yeah, that's cool. Totally."
✧ he doesn't want to make you think it'll change anything in your relationship... because it won't! He may try to impress you by being extra elegant but that's it!
✧ he knows how to act like gentleman so he's not that afraid if meeting your parents... more annoyed... He's afraid they'll turn out to be just hunch of snobs...
✧ but don't worry! Because once he's been proved wrong, he actually changes his mind about certain group of people!
✧ if you or someone ever says he's with you for money, he'll immidietly get defensive and call them a dumbass. If it's you, he'll give you additional kiss as he does that though~
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @hayillaaaaaaa @stellas-starry-stories13 @hakulivesformusic @luhvashh @akiritoz @sucodelaranja86 - come get your pancakes lover~
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✧ Toya is also from quite a rich family! So he certainly knows how to behave, which isn't hard to notice in the first place~
✧ so he actually takes news about you being from noble family quite well! He only assumed you that nothing between you will change and... that's all about it he said!
✧ though he is worried you may have... parents that are hard to deal with... so when first meeting comes up, he's VERY nervous
✧ but when he sees that your parents aren't actually bad at all, he quickly softens up and from just gentleman, he makes opinion of a soft boy~
✧ in the end, family meeting was definitely successfully! Though he still thinks his dad should stay unknown to your parents... and you too if possible...
"You... want to meet my dad? Well uh... how do I phrase it... I think we should leave this meeting for... another time in the future..."
✧ he most likely forgets about the fact you're actually from noble family most of the time... Not because he doesn't care but because he doesn't find it like information important to your relationship!
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @toyaslove @stellas-starry-stories13 @sucodelaranja86 - come get your cookie lover~
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funishment-time · 2 months
4-8 for Junko on the ask game? (Sorry if you've already answered for her)
(from this ask game)
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
junko4smash. she can sheik/zelda with Monokuma. also unrelated she would kill everyone in harry potter and it'd be so so funny
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
lots, but these days it's "JOYRIDE" by kesha
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
hmm. hopefully no one takes this Out of Context in a shitty way, buuuut...
in my early 20s i had intense anhedonia where everything bored me so much it was agonizing: not even music perked me up, which is one of the tell-tale signs that you have Something Wrong on like, a chemical level. i was dopamine-deprived and it almost physically hurt. hard to describe unless you've been there. i spent days listening to audiobooks for hours at a time while staring at the ceiling, going to class, and sleeping. nothing was interesting, nothing was stimulating, nothing was new or exciting or fun, and i looked forward to nothing. it was Advanced Depression in a way that wasn't even depression because i wasn't sad, necessarily, just...unable to genuinely feel.
this is small-scale shit but the anhedonia was so intense i would have done anything to end it, so like. i mean. i don't want to say "i get it" but i don't think Junko is unrealistic is what i'm saying, from my own experience.
also. we're both big sexy bears
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
that people can openly like Junko at all without 5000 disclaimers is a blessing to me. you all know there'd be some Fandoms where she wouldn't fly as a character and there'd be DNI lists about her fans due to her problematic, totally non-fictional real life behavior in Danganronpa, a story that totally happened
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
forgetting that, at least in DR1, Monokuma really isn't his own guy. he's a persona of Junko's. he isn't in V3, obviously, and you can argue both ways in DR2, but DR1 he is Junko, he is Junko's way of fucking with everyone and not revealing herself, and a lot of what Monokuma says tells us a bunch about her Worldview and her Relationships with her class. i don't know why this is so important to me But It Is so deal with it yo
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omgthatdress · 10 months
Everything I know about the royals comes from Tumblr memes and one bonus episode of a totally unrelated podcast but now I'm morbidly curious, so: what's up with William? And the Middletons? Or if that's a longer story than you want to explain, do you have recommendations for where to read about this that is likely to be fairly accurate?
I don't have any facts I just have pure fucking speculation if that's okay. :)
Like I've been saying for a long-ass time the one thing I absolutely LOVED about The Crown was its portrayal of generational trauma. It very skillfully showed how being a shitty husband who cheats on his wife and treats his kids like garbage was passed down from Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark to Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh to King Charles and then to Prince William. Hell, it probably started long before that but holy shit THE CYCLE OF DYSFUNCTION AND ABUSE BE REPEATING ITSELF.
And if you really want to dig into it, well.... I think he and Harry followed a pattern that a LOT of siblings of bitter and messy divorce fall into, one kid sides with the mom, one with the dad. It's been said a LOT that Harry was Diana's favorite son, so it probably started with that. And OF COURSE William is gonna side with Charles because well... he's the heir. They have that shared trauma.
And then there's the way the whole "heir and spare" thing absolutely perverts any relationship they might have had as brothers. Charles managed to have a decent relationship with his siblings, I think, because first of all, Anne was a girl, and then Andrew and Edward were significantly younger than him and Anne, so there wasn't this unnaturally massive imbalance of power between them. One of the reasons I've come to believe the monarchy should be abolished is because of how badly it damages the structure of a family in a way that no one should have to deal with.
I think Diana might have been able to guide William into being a better person if she'd have lived, but idk. It may be wishful thinking. His relationship with her became kind of strained when he was a teenager and she was going on TV to tell the whole fucking world about her sex life. I think Diana did the right thing exposing the family like she did, but I can also understand how a 13 year old boy would be absolutely humiliated by that.
THEN there's the whole way he was a MASSIVE heartthrob as a teenager, and was intensely sexualized for it. Like it will absolutely mess with you when you have girls screaming and throwing themselves at you when you're still trying to figure your own sexuality out. It will also massively inflate your ego and convince you that the whole world loves you and there's nothing you can do wrong.
as for his relationship with Kate. She's much harder to pin down because she hasn't spent her entire fucking life in the spotlight, and the Middletons are sill granted a certain degree of privacy that the Windsors aren't. I don't think they're as absolutely fucked up as Diana's family was but I still definitely think her mom was a major driving force behind her staying with William.
I think there actually was some initial mutual attraction and that they may have even actually been in love. Buuuut then he waited ten years to propose to her, during which he cheated and they broke up and got back together. Honestly, I don't know what Kate's damage was with all of that, whether or not she was able to convince herself that William wouldn't be another shitty husband, or if she was willing to put up with his bullshit if it meant she would be queen.
Diana was more or less picked out as a bride for Charles because it was assumed that she would be a meek and beautiful wifey who never caused any problems. I mean, she was 19 and he was 32 for fuck's sake. She very much wanted to be queen. BUT what everyone wasn't counting on was that Diana would *gasp* have some serious emotional needs. She was deeply traumatized by her own parents' incredibly bitter divorce, overwhelmed and deeply lonely in her position as princess, and on top of that, suffering from bulimia and then post-natal depression. She needed love and support and Charles spent the whole marriage balls deep in Camilla.
Kate had a much more stable upbringing and had more than a few months to get to know both William and what her role as a princess would be. Ultimately, the vibe I get from her is that she's willing to be the perfect meek beautiful wifey who puts up with William's bullshit if it means she can be royal, which is exactly what Diana was supposed to be.
And I don't mean that to knock or belittle her. She's good at it. She looks incredibly happy when she's doing that. It's her career. It's an exchange I can actually really understand making, especially when your only other prospects involved working for your parents' party company.
But I could be extremely wrong about all of this Maybe she's absolutely miserable but she feels like she has no other options and worried about losing her kids and is terrified of what happened to Diana. It's hard to know, and I wish The Crown would have at least committed to *something* rather than just brushing all of this off.
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firegirl888101 · 2 months
Imagine reader getting an anemo vision after they come to Teyvat
(Why anemo bc I read that "anemo vision is given to the people who seeks freedom" or something like that if you have free time pls write how they would react to such news.)
(And I deeply apologize if you don't take requests, you don't have to do mine! Have a great day!)
As much as I'd love to give our Y/N (from Insatiable Madness) a vision, it just wouldn't make logical sense according to the lore.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure one of the requirements to getting a vision is being in Irminsul. (And being recognised by Celestia)
Y/N is from the real world, coming to Teyvat would make them a Descender like the traveller.
It's quite funny you mention this actually, since I was thinking about how the story is going to progress into Teyvat. (Yes, it's official, the sequel will take place in Teyvat... If I get to writing it that is)
^ I did think about giving Y/N an anemo vision considering that yes, their desire for freedom away from the Harbingers would count. Buuuut, then I read the known and theorised lore about vision-giving and realised there isn't enough evidence to prove it could be possible.
Plus, considering the fact that Y/N doesn't want to be tied to Teyvat, they'd probably reject the vision very strongly since that would insert them into Irminsul. (Just like how the travellers sibling became apart of Irminsul when they helped the construction of Khaenri'ah.)
Ignoring all the lore, Y/N would definitely be an anemo catalyst because of their self-defence capabilities. I remember talking about this in an ask before, I decided on aikido since Y/N isn't the biggest fan of violence.
And yes, Childe wouldn't be able to stop himself from asking for a spar if they got a vision since it would reflect to him as an 'Oh, they must be strong if they're recognised by the gods and have a vision'
Thank you for requesting this <3
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z-iridest · 1 year
Hi, can you do a pov of the yu-gi-oh boys finding out you’re pregnant
(I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO! I love this idea, Anon! {as if I didn't have a good enough excuse to have baby fever XD})
Finding Out You're Pregnant (Yu-Gi-Oh Boys x Female reader)
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Yugi Moto
If Yugi's being honest with himself, he's always dreamed of having a family with you since the two of you started dating five years prior
But, since you wanted to wait until the two of you were married, he respected that wish, showing his affection in any way he could think of (flowers just because, kisses and hugs and gentle touches that he knew made you melt)
Once the two of you were married, though...
Let's just say that night was pretty damn spicy
Fast forward about 2 months
You'd been feeling extremely nauseous lately, most days beginning either with that feeling or by throwing up.
When talking to Téa about your symptoms, she suggested taking a pregnancy test
Yugi, like the sweetheart he is, waited outside your shared bathroom, pacing a little bit
He couldn't help it, he was nervous!
But, when you came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and showed him the test result, he went from nervous to elated.
"We're gonna have a baby... We're gonna be parents!"
Does one of those moves where he picks you up and spins you before kissing you and your stomach
Good luck convincing Yugi to get you to do anything for the next 6 months or so lol, he can and will pamper you during your pregnancy
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Yami Yugi/ Pharaoh Atem
Unlike Yugi, he hadn't really given kids much thought
But, he noticed the way your eyes lingered on children running past while the two of you were dating
After about two years, the question came up in a conversation the two of you had about the future
He admitted that he hadn't thought about it, but that he loved you and if he were to have children, he wanted them to be with you
About 2 years later, the two of you were married, and anxiously waiting for the results of a pregnancy test
Atem held you close, in that moment, he felt nervous
Even if that result did pop up with a positive, that wouldn't mean that he would be a good father...
When you saw the results, you were thrilled, but you saw the doubt in his eyes
You snapped him out of his thoughts with a touch, reminding him of the feats he's accomplished, and that any child would be lucky to have him as a father
It didn't really hit for him until he got to hold the baby in his arms 9 months later
The nurse had showed him how to hold a baby before placing the little one in his arms
It was pretty hilarious seeing him tense up with a look like a deer in headlights
But... The more he held the baby in his arms, the softer that look became and the more relaxed he was
"I promise my son/daughter... I'll do everything I can to protect you" He promised before gently kissing the baby's forehead
Overall, just a big softie for his little prince/princess
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Joey Wheeler
Believe me, with all my heart, I wanna say that Joey was calm and collected when he found out, but... He wasn't (the picture is pretty close to his reaction, honestly)
Joey has always wanted kids, don't get me wrong
Buuuut, he wasn't expecting to have kids this early
For context, you guys were two years into the relationship, but you'd used protection
The only problem is that the one specific time in question fell into the 3 percentile that condoms aren't effective....
He was in a panic when he found out
"Huh?! But, we used protection an' all dat... Didn't we?"
When he looked at you, you were crying, which only made him panic more
"No, no, no, baby, don't cry. It's gonna be all right. We'll figure this out togetha, I promise."
True to his word, he was at every Dr's appointment, every checkup, and at your side every moment of the delivery
All the while during the pregnancy, much like Atem, he was extremely nervous about being a father
He didn't exactly have the best father to compare to....
But, all those doubts faded away when that baby was placed in his arms for the first time
He smiled softly, a smile that told you he was gonna be a sucker for his kid
Good luck getting the baby away from him, because he wants to be there all the time
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Seto Kaiba
As for Kaiba....
He's a CEO and a Duel Monsters Champion, he doesn't have time for kids
Except for Mokuba, but that's his brother...
So, when you found out you were pregnant, you were understandably nervous and afraid
Afraid that the worst would happen, that Seto would leave you and want nothing to do with his child
While your fears were understandable, you forgot that Seto Kaiba has a soft spot for his loved ones, you especially
You tried to avoid him, but a couple days of that had him pinning you against the wall in his office to get you to talk to him
He was worried about you, and asked you what was going on, telling you to be honest with him
He was more alarmed when you broke down
Through tears, you told him you were pregnant, and he was the father
He held you close to him, his heart breaking when you begged him not to leave you
"I'm not going anywhere." He made you look at him. "I won't lie, the thought of being a father scares me... But, I promise, I'm going to do everything I can to be the best father I can be."
Seto Kaiba is, above all things, a man of his word
When Seto wasn't around, Mokuba helped you out, and you better believe that baby's been spoiled since before their birth...
Once he held the baby for the first time (ngl, the sight of his giraffe self cradling a tiny baby is both endearing and hilarious), it was hook, line and sinker
Safe to say, he ended up being a better father than he gave himself credit for
(Again, I'm SO sorry this took a while! But, hopefully you enjoy it!)
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batcastlesociety · 3 months
poorly constructed netflixvania rant under the cut,,, and yes i will be using capital letters for once! don't question it.
small warning because my rant is all over the place and by no means professional. i'm still relatively new to castlevania and may or may not get a few things wrong,,, sorry, if i do! 🙇🏻‍♂️ i plan on adding more to this later to make it seem less like alphabet soup, if you will.
Obviously, I'm aware that I'm a tad late to the whole "netflixvania ranting" thing, but honestly, I really don't care if I'm late or if this gains traction somehow or not. I just want to put this out there and get this OUT.
Now, I'd say that I'm awfully new to the Castlevania community itself. I'm a minor, so it's not like I grew up playing the games when they came out. 💀 Hell, I actually found out about Castlevania through watching its Netflix adaptation. But honestly, when I got Smash Bros Ultimate and found out about Richter and Simon, then doing further research and finding out about the games themselves, I'd say I abandoned the show immediately after that. Like, immediately. The games just interested me MUCH more!
Netflixvania is just... boring. It feels uncanny. Not canon, of course, just.. uncanny. Weird. Honestly, I feel horrible considering the large amount of people that actually LIKE Netflixvania compared to the games and say it's better, or even not have heard of the games in the first place! It's so stupid, when you compare the games and show.
Honestly, comparing the show to the games is... wild. I've seen people say that "oh, yeah netflixvania SUCKS, buuuut the first season is still badass!!!" Like... no, buddy... no... Netflixvania refuses to adapt Castlevania from the very start. The get-go, if you will. The very first season of this wretched show starts off completely off the rails. Not even the first season is above "sub-par".
The games have an immersive, charming, compelling storyline with a bunch of really well-constructed lore, at least in my opinion. I absolutely LOVE the whole plot of a massive feud going on between mortals who have to start a bloodline to fight this immortal Big Bad, and their reactions, their bad reputation with the Transylvanian townspeople despite the fact that the Belmont clan is pretty much the only thing keeping the former alive, and much more.
Anyway, back to this godawful adaptation.
First off, the goddamn showrunner of Netflixvania, Warren Ellis, literally CUT OUT A CHARACTER from the VERY VIDEO GAME THAT HE WAS ADAPTING INTO A SHOW, just because he thought that the character's name "sounded stupid", and that having a "pirate" character apparently wouldn't make sense, because ooh romania is a landlocked country!!! YOU IMBECILE. GRANT DANASTY IS NOT EVEN A PIRATE.💀💀💀 That was a mistranslation, for crying out loud! Isn't Grant a thief??? Not a pirate??? Also, who gives a shit if he even was a pirate?! This is the same adaptation that turned Trevor 'FUCKING' Belmont into a stumbling drunkard and Alucard into a horse-faced sex object. Everyone else is out-of-character enough by themselves! Who CARES if there's one single """pirate""" character??? This is the same show that has mages and Devil Forgemasters and, oh, let's not forget; FUCKING VAMPIRES??? This is a fantasy setting!! Why would you deny a canon character his chance in the spotlight for the sake of historical accuracy in a fictional world like this??
Besides, as aforementioned, Grant wasn't even a pirate in the first place! Ergo, it wouldn't matter if the story took place in a landlocked country or not!
Anyway, next point. Still about the characters, though. Mostly how they talk. Almost very single word these characters say is emphasized with a few "fuck"s and/or "shit"s, "bloody hell"s, etc., ESPECIALLY with Trevor. It's as if they're using curse words to sound more witty or mature, which is literally one of the first (and frankly, most obvious) of Red Flags for Horrendous Adult Media. In my opinion, at least. I just don't understand the reason why. I don't recall any of the Castlevania games having a single curse word in them (correct me if I'm wrong on that bit), but the games were still marketed for more mature audiences, too! You don't need profane language and a few splashes of vomit to make a compelling story for adults. Really, truly.
Back on that bit, it feels as if the writers REALLY wanted to make Trevor really witty. A bit of a whimsical jokester. Which, by the by, also if I recall correctly, isn't what his personality is really like at all. At least, not for the most part. In Curse of Darkness, Trevor was definitely a bit witty and cunning, but he also had a pretty damn big ego. He was confident, blunt and hotheaded. He's an arrogant bastard. CoD Trevor is intimidating as well. However, he's also honorable and likeable. Just a neat little guy.
Netflixvania Trevor, on the other end, is... odd. He's aloof, cynical, still having a bit of arrogance, but I don't know. It didn't feel like Trevor. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I'll come up with something better someday else.
Well, now that I'm mostly rambling about Trevor now, I think I should talk about his actual outward design as well. Truly, none of the members of the Netflixvania cast have retained any of their ingame designs, at least for the most part. Except for Alucard, of course, but I'll mention that a bit more later. I'll only talk about the main trio (RIP Grant Danasty, you were never nasty and will be here in spirit...) and their designs right now.
Starting off with Treffy himself. His design is... a bit odd. Now, I feel as if it's his eye that irks me the most. Let me just pull up some visual aids for this one:
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THIS is Netflixvania Trevor. I apologize in advance for the low-quality PNG I've just slapped here.
Anyway, look at his eye. It has a scar on it. Keep that in mind.
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THIS is Trevor's actual, ingame design for the game that was supposed to be adapted correctly, and there's no sign of any eye injury here.
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And in Trevor's CoD design, he ALSO has a scar... but this isn't all that similar to his DC design, either.
Personally, I feel as if Netflixvania Trevor looks more like Judgement Trevor, than anything...
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You can see the scar on his eye (IGNORING the outfit...), but even then, JuD Trevor still has an eyepatch. Netflixvania Treffy does NOT have an eyepatch. These are just differences in design, mind you, i know absolutely nothing about Judgement itself.
Anyway, Treffy (i'll just be calling him that from now on) looks like a weird mix between JuD Trevor, because of the hair and body structure, and CoD Trevor, due to the visible scar, I guess.
...Which is even worse, because it just goes to show how much the creators of Netflixvania really deviated from the source material. Maybe I'm just fucking blind over here, but really I see no similarities between Treffy and actual DC Trevor. Except, maybe, like, the boots, but really?
Now, on to the rest of the party: (except for my boy Grant, who got fucking excluded...)
Sypha actually looks like this in DC:
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She looks pretty different! Luckily, not the most different compared to what happened to my rotten soldier, my good time boy Trevor, but still quite different. Firstly, Sypha's face is covered, and her robes are quite big on her, and this was actually intentional!
For the record, if you haven't played DC, the whole reason why Sypha looks more boyish is because she was hiding her gender for the whole game in order to travel safely. Her true gender is only revealed at the end of the game. (Truly an iconic Samus Metroid moment you conjured up there, Konami.)
Anyway, this is Sypha's Netflix version.
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Again, sorry for the weird pixel outline on the image. I didn't even edit these.
Anyway, luckily, this one isn't all that different, except the obvious fact that Sypha isn't hiding her gender in this one. Although, I still do definitely believe she was done dirty. I mean, look at that hair! Christ. I'm not sure why they didn't make Sypha hide her gender until the end like in the original game, but then again, a pretty concerning amount of canon events from DC and Castlevania as a whole I guess didn't make the cut, so I doubt it'd be wise to set the bar any higher than the floor.
Next up, oh no. Alucart. I'll be referring to his horse-faced counterpart as this, because although his design is still game-accurate... It was for the wrong game.
This is his Netflix design:
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See, it's okay. It's a biiiit inaccurate to his SoTN version... (for SoTN swag, see here) but! This isn't a SoTN adaptation!!! THIS, chaps, chapesses, and chapsticks is supposed to be for Dracula's Curse! and this is Alucard's DC design:
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See? Now, this is just completely different! In this version, Alucard definitely gives off traditional, pop culture vampire vibes, definitely taking after his father in this one. But Alucart... Poor Alucart... he's just an odd mix of SoTN and.. not SoTN. It's literally just his SoTN self, but in a more revealing outfit with random ass belts. It's as if they simply went on a quick Google adventure and looked no further for Alucart's to-be design. But seriously, why exactly are they showing his bare chest here? Why is he muscular? Huh?????
... These redesigns are... something else, that's for sure! Of course, I know that with every adaptation, there's bound to be some changes, but with Netflixvania, there are a LOT of changes, and absolutely none of them are necessary.
For one, characters like Godbrand and Lenore were never in the games! The writers just slapped in some random OCs and scrapped an actual, canon character for petty reasons. They also nerfed Hector because of a behind-the-scenes argument between writers. They let their own pettiness ruin a show. Hell, Warren Ellis himself didn't even know anything about Castlevania. He just took everything from secondhand sources! It's not professional or sane.
I honestly didn't even watch the full show myself. I probably should, so maybe I can edit this rant a bit. Anyway, I only watched S1 and a bit of S2. Honestly, I have no idea why they didn't just stop the show when Dracula got pounded into the ground for the umpteenth time. There wasn't any real need to continue the show for even more seasons. Just... I don't know. It's really weird??? The show just seems... boring. Like, seriously. What's even the point, at that point? Our favorite three stooges Johnny Test'ed Drac into oblivion, just as they needed to do, so why continue? It just seems as if they're milking it.
...Yeah i don't know how to continue this. In summary, play the games instead. Watch let's-plays, if you can. As I mentioned earlier, this rant may not be too professional or well-written, and I apologize if I mixed anything up. I plan on adding more to this later, but right now, my hands are getting numb q(╥﹏╥)p
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steventhusiast · 1 year
STWG daily prompt 13/10/23
prompt: friday the thirteenth
pairing/character(s): steddie
"Stevie, I've decided what my latest tattoo is gonna be." Eddie starts as he races out from their bedroom and to the living room, where Steve is lounging and watching TV.
"Oh yeah?" Steve prompts.
"Yep! I'm gonna get a spider flash from the local tattoo studio. I just gotta call them and see if they have a spot today-"
Steve sits up from his laying-down position quicker than Eddie can blink, and has a hand held up to stop Eddie with wide eyes.
"You can't get a tattoo today!" He says, and Eddie tilts his head and squints at him.
"Eddie!" Steve scoffs, and gestures over to the calendar hanging by the front door of their apartment.
"I don't get it." Eddie mumbles, dramatically tapping his chin as he tries to think through why Steve would be so upset. He hasn't forgotten an important event again, has he?
(Steve still hasn't forgiven him for forgetting when Robin's dog's birthday was.)
"It's the thirteenth today." Steve says as if that'll explain anything, and when Eddie just continues to squint at him he rolls his eyes, "Friday the thirteenth!"
"Like.. the movie? Babe, it's not real." Eddie says with a chuckle, and finally walks over to the couch to flop down next to him.
Steve lets out a little annoyed noise and lets his head fall onto Eddie's shoulder now he's sat beside him.
"It's unlucky! You can't make any big decisions today, okay? Any."
Eddie looks at Steve for a second, and presses a kiss to his hair as he thinks.
"Why's it unlucky?" He asks finally, and Steve huffs.
"It just is! So no tattoos today. I don't want something going horribly wrong and- and you ending up with an open wound or an infection or something."
"Technically, tattoos are open wounds. Wouldn't matter when I got one-" Eddie says cheekily, but is cut off by Steve's glare and a single word.
"Eddie." He warns, and it's then that Eddie notices the genuine stress in Steve's eyes.
"Alright, I won't do it today." He agrees, and then flops back even further into the couch, "What can I do today? What's an example of a low risk activity for this day, hm?"
He's aiming for sounding sulky, but Steve's grinning from Eddie agreeing to follow his superstition, and simply leans in to give Eddie a long kiss on the mouth.
"That." He says, and leans back away from Eddie, smile so wide it scrunches up his eyes a little.
"That I can get behind." Eddie murmurs, and pulls Steve back in by his shirt's collar.
No tattoo, buuuut he gets to make out with Steve Harrington instead. So. Tattoos can wait.
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wulf59-stuff · 1 year
What is your biggest critique of Carmen Sandiego?
Well I have to re watch it again to be sure buuuut. The fact that even when we are at VILE we don't see the faculty and Black sheep interact (except when she was a baby and that comes later in the show). I mean we do get the one with Brunt protecting her, establishing that she was the "nicest" to her, but like it could have been anyone of them and it wouldn't have made a difference. (Like oh it was Cleo but I still think Brunt saved me. Oh Shadow San is nice to me but I'm sure that Brunt saved me.). And maybe if we had at least one more scene with her and Black sheep they could have shown that. Heck they could have foreshadowed that Brunt is very easy to get on her bad side and could actually seriously hurt you.(I know that's kind of what happened but I mean like, what if a student dose something stupid talks back to her or something like that and she sends them to the infirmary?)
The deleted scenes with her and the VILE gang are actually really good and kind of showed my point. It showed the extent of how much Tigres and Black sheep hate eachother, it shows how far she's willing to take a stupid competition. It shows that Gray is the closest one to Black sheep. (Don't get me wrong they show all that already, but it's later on. I like seeing what they are the way they are with eachother.) Also we saw more of our gay boys!
I would have also liked to see a scene in 'The Stockholm Syndrome Caper' of Julia going off on Chief and Zary(I mean she did but I want more I want to see that woman be furious). Of her actually panicking because they can't find her and because it's getting cold too cold for someone so lightly dressed. And when they find her I honestly would have liked if they just kept the one frame or so that they planed on.(in it Carmen looks at Julia, Julia is sad, and it goes back to Carmen showing that she forgives her). Also them TALKING in the Egypt episode!!!!😡
And in the last episode everything after she got her memories back can fuck right off and they could give me a good ending!! Or at least her saying something to the twins before leaving or staying and explaining herself. Or even team Red and Julia chasing her. They could even be like 'LA FEMME ROUGE!!!!!' I just needed *More*
A bit more time with the mom would have been nice too. Like them talking or even just an exclamation someone drops something and a simple hug. We spent 3 season wondering who she was and then we don't even get a face!?
Well that's most of it I think. If I remember something else I will add it. And I would like to hear what everyone else thinks.
For those that don't know what cut scenes I'm talking about it's a video called 'Found Carmen Sandiego Content' by 'Cartoonishly_Carmen'. And there is a video by "Jackie_Shitposts" 'The lost Carmen Sandiego Content Caper' that explains the situation.
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thewiddershinsme · 6 months
Finished Spinning Silver! What a satisfying ending, the last few pages had me grinning. I think this may be my favorite book of 2024
- I was wrong, Rebekah was not the kid to show the cost of bargains, it was Mirnatius! So clever, to show what happens to the child bargained away to a demon before birth (but one whose mother never found a way out of it)
-I honestly wouldn't call this a Rumpelstiltskin retelling so much as one inspired by it (and honestly loved it even more for not being a direct adaption)
- poor guard that had a crush on Irina (was starting to wonder if I should start shipping them cause I just wanted Irina to be personally happy in her marriage somehow and then he's no longer even an option). But that brings me to...
-omg the last scene where Irina claims everyone in Lithvas and then Mirnatius himself. So clever demon rules lawyering and so satisfying after the repeated "only me and mine" phrase.
-my real only nitpick of the book was I feel like we were missing a final pov section with either Irina or Mirnatius. Don't get me wrong, the final sentence of their section was perfect (especially since my fave part of the book was Mirnatius desperately drawing her and thrusting pages into people's faces shouting "Why do you think she's beautiful?!?!?). Buuuut I wish we could have had a little epilogue with the two of them, just to see how they were doing both politically and marriage-wise. We got to kinda see Miryem and the Staryk King get to know each other without the tension, and a glimpse into what their lives will be like, so their marriage and relationship felt like it made sense (which was needed cause Miryem was legitimately trying to kill him not that many pages ago). I'm a romantic, so I believe that Irina and Mirnatius had their own happily ever after (and I caught that Irina sent a mirror to Miryem as a wedding gift, visits in the future?) but I wish we could've seen it to KNOW they worked out
- of the two, I preferred Spinning Silver more than Uprooted. It just hit so many of the right notes for me personally. I would have to say Miryem was my favorite character, there was never a time I wasn't straight up rooting for her (even when she made decisions that could've turned out so bad I still understood why they were made and it made sense). However Irina had my favorite storyline, I love books of overlooked girl becomes queen and shows everyone she is good at this, especially if perfectly arranged marriage also factors in (plus her plot line with the three silver pieces of jewelry and jumping through mirrors and even how she talked to the demon felt so fairy tale esque) Even Miryem who literally became a fairy/elven queen brought a level of practicality to her situation (which was one of the reasons I loved her), but Irina's felt like it could literally have started like a winter fairy tail (Once Upon A Time a girl had a drop of fairy blood and three magic items, and she was married to a demon that she outwitted, and won her husband and kingdom's safety in the end)
-and all the other characters and their warm and safe and happy endings made me feel so cozy. And also nice to read a fantasy book with two alive loving parents (and even grandparents!)
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