#Buy Accent furniture
loominaire · 1 day
Elevate your space with handcrafted home decor that speaks to your unique style. Pair it with modern hand-woven rugs for timeless elegance, and a living room ottoman with storage to blend functionality with flair. Design a home that’s as beautiful as it is practical,
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pluto-sims · 1 year
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Emotionally Table - a mid-century modern inspired console table
YES i did this table recolour TWO YEARS AGO and YES i'm only uploading it now. oopsies. anywaaaaaaay just a fun console table recolour with some mid-century modern inspired graphics. groovy!
details and download under the cut!
Recolour of the Eco Lifestyle console table (eco lifestyle pack is required)
21 swatches - 7 shape colour variations, each available in dark, mid and light wood tones
Custom catalogue thumbnail, correct colour tags and all that jazz
aaaaaaand i think thats it lmao? yes i am a wee bit ashamed it took SO long to upload this. like the table was finished two years ago! i just hadnt done a thumbnail. that was it. oopsies. as always let me know if there's any issues, if not, i hope you enjoy! also YES I realise i wrote eco living instead of lifestyle on the preview picture. i cba to change it. sozzies
Download: Curseforge / Patreon (both 100% free for everyone, always.)
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miaoua3 · 2 months
As Sweet As You
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Pairing: scoups x f!reader
Genre: oneshot, fluff, comedy
Description: seungcheol takes his daily coffee intake very seriously. so when the company coffee shop temporarily closes, he faces a very big problem. or maybe, several bigger problems.
so, here’s the thing. seungcheol knows how pathetic he must look like. jeonghan made sure to let him know every day since he has learned about this situation, always followed up by that stupid smirk of his.
a few weeks ago, their company cafe announced that it will undergo a big renovation due to bad conditions of the pipes, which meant seungcheol needed to find a new place to buy his daily coffee intake or else he probably wouldve killed somebody in cold blood.
hey, what can he say, he’s a little grumpy in the morning, thats why he always makes sure to have his morning coffee, otherwise he will make his bad mood everybody else’s problem.
on the day he walked down his usual route to the coffee shop and saw a paper with the info about the shop being temporarily closed glued to the glass window, he was sure he was going to punch somebody that day.
thinking about what he should do since going to jail wasn’t really his top choice of activities to do on that day, he decided to walk down the block to see if there’s another coffee shop.
as he was walking, he came across an alley. he could loosely remember walking past it many times, but he has never walked in the alley itself. for some reason, seungcheol felt like something inside of it was calling his name, like it was trying to show him something.
seungcheol, never the one to ignore his instincts, walked down the alley.
and right there, on the left side of the alley, stood a little cozy looking coffee shop, a coffee shop that would forever change his life.
with almost to no thinking, seungcheol walked in.
the inside of the shop looked like something straight out of a movie. fairy lights strung along the edge of the counter, as well as on one of the walls. dark furniture was decorated with dark green accents like pillows and vases on top of the tables. on the left side, the whole wall was just a big shelf filled with books.
seungcheol felt both the moody and mysterious side of this shop, as well as its cozy and comforting side.
as he was looking around, he noticed that there wasn’t anyone around. unsure if he maybe entered during its closed hours, he decided to call out for somebody. with an unsure voice, he uttered “um hello?”
surprisingly, beneath the counter came a sweet voice, “just a moment!”
and really, after a moment, somebody popped out beneath it.
and seungcheol felt his heart come to a stop for a brief moment.
there, behind the counter, appeared what must’ve been an angel.
and then you smiled gently at him.
and the rest was history.
well, not really.
ever since that day, seungcheol has been going to your shop to buy his morning coffee, in hopes that maybe that day your conversation would go beyond him saying his order and wishing you a good day.
but seungcheol must be 13 years old mentally, because he simply can’t talk to you beyond those two topics without blushing like a teenage boy.
never has he ever felt this stupid, it literally made him want to bang his head against the wall in hopes that the force of the banging will maybe split his single remaining braincell into two braincell.
every day, while he was getting ready for work, he would stand in front of his mirror and would repeat the same words like a mantra.
“today is the day. today you will talk to her. today you will pick up your balls from the floor and ask her if she would like to grab a dinner sometimes. today is the day.”
and every day he still wouldn’t do it, no matter how much he would repeat those words.
it has become his routine.
a routine that has been kind of broken today.
because today jeonghan wanted to come with him.
and seungcheol didn’t like that one bit. but trying to stop jeonghan from doing something he dead set his mind on is right behind the word “impossible”.
as they were walking, seungcheol tried to warn his best friend.
“i swear to god jeonghan, do not even thinking about trying something”, seungcheol repeated for the nth time since they’ve met in front of their company.
jeonghan, ever the good friend, rolled his eyes. “relax, i just want to see who got your panties in a twist so much. plus, i havent had a good coffee since our shop closed.”
jeonghan’s words did nothing to calm down seungcheol.
if he knew his best friend even a little bit, he was 101% sure that he was going to do something.
and seungcheol was dreading it.
soon, they walked into the alley and a few second later, into the coffee shop.
you were stood on a ladder on the left side, cleaning the book shelf when they walked in. upon hearing the door open, you turned your head and smiled.
cheol swore he felt his heart fall down to his feet and skyrocket out of his body all in the same second you smiled. and the worst thing-he felt his cheeks get warmer, which only meant one thing, that he was blushing.
“ah i see you brought a friend with you today.” you said as you stepped down the ladder, scanning jeonghan from head to toe.
“u-um well y-yes, or, well, uh, he, uh, invited himself”, seungcheol stuttered out like an idiot and immediately regretted ever waking up today.
you chuckled as you rounded up the counter and got behind, ready to serve your costumers.
jeonghan turned his head in a way you couldn’t see his expression, but cheol certainly did, although he wished he didn’t, because nothing was quite as annoying as seeing that smirk of his.
“wow, it really is as pretty as you said it was”, he says with a smirk, obviously not talking about the shop itself, and cheol feels like not even your tasty coffee will stop him from murdering his best friend.
you chuckle lightly, a hint of blush on your cheeks, and cheol feels his heart squeeze so much that he unconsciously places his hand on top of his chest.
“thank you. now, what may i get you two?”, you say.
the two men place in their orders, jeonghan going first.
as his drink was being finished, jeonghan turned towards cheol. “i’ll wait for you outside.”, he more-so informs him.
cheol, with furrowed eyebrows, just nods at his friend.
“so, here’s your incredibly sweet drink that you for some reason like.”, you joke as you push a cup towards jeonghan.
“thank you.”, he smiles kindly at you, taking his coffee, turning around to exit the shop.
but of course, it wouldn’t be jeonghan if he kept his mouth shut for once in his life.
in the last second, he turned around and asked you “oh has this idiot asked you out already? no? oh well.”, he smiled innocently as he exited the shop this time for real.
cheol felt both the blood from his face drain and the temperature of his cheeks jump exponentially high.
for a second, you both stay silent.
and then he starts word vomiting.
“w-well, what he meant by- by that is that- see, uh, you’re obviously very p-pretty and uh, well, its presumptuous of me to think that you are single but uh, truth be told, you got my attention on the very first day i came in here so uh, i was just- i mean you can feel free to say no but, uh, i-id really like to t-take you out to a dinner, that is if you’re single of course, if not then im really sorry-“
cheol was a little too busy to notice you leaning on the counter, your chin resting on your hand, gentle smile grazing your features.
to stop his adorable rambling, you put his coffee in front of him, still resting on the counter.
and it seems to do the trick, because he stops talking all together and just looks at the coffee.
“on the house.” , you inform him.
just as he was starting to feel the disappointment seep into his bones, you speak up again.
“or well, not really. i’d really like that dinner in return for this free coffee.”, you smile blush-fully.
and so does he.
usually, he’d think of this as the end of the story, but in this case, it was just the beginning.
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whimsiwitchy · 2 days
we broke up (one shot)
hugh jackman x f!reader
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summary: you get dragged to a work event by your boyfriend of three years when Hugh comes to flirt with you. after you reluctantly tell him you’re taken, he backs off for the most part. a few months later, Hugh tells the story during an interview but little does he know you’re single now. 
warnings: implied age gap (not mentioned), flirting while in a relationship (kinda)
authors note: here's a little oneshot I wrote tonight. enjoy <33
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You’d been with your boyfriend, Rowan, for a few years now. He earned a degree in marketing and immediately got a job for a studio. While he enjoys his job and it brings in good money, the events he dragged you to were unbelievably boring. The company he worked for always had big parties after a success on a project. At first they were interesting, often running into celebrities here and there given that it was the success of their movie, but lately you found yourself sitting at the bar more often than not. It was routine at this point. Rowan would show you off for the first hour, then he would toss you aside to fend for yourself. You weren’t the biggest social butterfly, hence why you liked to sit alone, drinking. 
Tonight wasn’t any different. You were at another party for the successful marketing for Deadpool and Wolverine. You’d heard a few whispers that the stars of the movie themselves were somewhere wandering around but you hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing them. Rowan dumped you at the bar a little over thirty minutes ago and you’ve been sipping on some fruity little drink ever since, completely in your own world. You made small talk with the bartender every once and a while but you were mainly people watching. 
“Mind if I join?” A deep Australian accent asks. You look up and see a gorgeous older man. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a pair of black expensive looking glasses. He was deliciously tall and had a thich salt and pepper beard. “Uh no, go ahead.” He sits in the bar stool next to you. He orders a drink from the bartender before returning his attention back to you. “Pardon me if this is too forward but you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” The comment takes you aback. “Oh um, thank you. That’s really sweet of you to say.” He looks down to your glass that’s nothing but melted ice at this point. “Can I buy you another drink?” He asks. “You probably shouldn’t. I’m taken…sadly.” You whisper the last part, unsure if he heard it or not. “Oh! I apologize for coming on to you. You’ve been sitting here by yourself for so long, I thought you might have come alone.” You huff out a laugh. “My boyfriend works for the company. He’s out there socializing or whatever.” You shrug and signal to the bartender, asking for another drink. “That’s a shame. If you were mine, you’d be on my arm all night.” He smirks. “Is that right?” You smile at him. Before he can answer, you feel your phone vibrate with a text from Rowan that reads ‘where are you babe? Time to leave.’ 
“Well, the boyfriends calling, I gotta go.” You carefully climb out of the chair and grab your jacket and purse off of the back. As you start to walk away, the man speaks again. “Wait! What’s your name?” You turn back to face him. “Y/n.” He smiles and repeats it. “I’m Hugh.” His answer surprises you. “Oh! Congrats on the movie. I didn’t even recognize you at first with the beard and all.” He laughs. “Bye Hugh.” You wave before walking off.
It’s been a few months since that night in July, it being September now. You and Rowan had broken up mid-August, both of you agreeing that the relationship wasn’t going anywhere. It hurt for a little bit but you knew it was for the best. Living with him had been awkward as you searched for a new place, deciding that he can keep the current apartment. You wanted a fresh start, which is where you are now. Tonight was your first night in your new apartment. You didn’t have any furniture yet but you were happy. You bought an air mattress to make do until you could afford an actual bed. 
It was around midnight and you were doing your nightly youtube watch. You were scrolling through your recommended videos when you saw Hugh’s face pop up. It was an interview posted a few minutes ago from him on some late night show you’d never heard of. You clicked on it, wanting to hear what the man was up to these days. The interview was a standard one, mostly questions on his upcoming movie about some sheep. You weren’t really paying attention, close to dozing off when a question peaked your interest. 
“So Hugh, it’s almost been a year since the announcement of your divorce and the fans wanna know…How’s your dating life doing? Are you seeing anyone?” The woman asks, wiggling her eyebrows. Hugh lets out a big laugh. “I’m actually not seeing anyone. It’s funny you ask because the last time I even attempted to flirt with a woman she turned me down.” The interviewer's eyebrows shoot up in shock. She gasps before asking, “How could anyone turn you down? We need to know the full story here.” 
“Ryan and I were at this party for the marketing team that worked on Deadpool and Wolverine and I saw this absolutely gorgeous girl sitting at the bar all alone.” The interviewer is nodding her head, engaging with every word Hugh says. “I eyed her for a while to see if anyone was with her but she sat there alone for a good thirty minutes before Ryan hyped me up to go over there. When I finally did, I ordered a drink and tried to play it cool but I felt the urge to tell this girl how stunning she was, so I did.” You giggle to yourself and you hear him tell the story from his point of view. “She thanked me and I offered to buy her another drink. I kid you not, in the prettiest voice I’ve ever heard she says ‘you probably shouldn’t, i’m taken.’” His hands go up to his chest, gripping right above his heart. “My heart broke mate. I flirted a little more in true Hugh fashion but she had to go. I haven’t been able to get her out of my head since.” 
“What a lucky woman, I’m sure she regrets it.” 
“Hey, I tried my best.” He shrugs before looking at the camera. “Y/n, if you ever break up with him. I’m all yours baby.” 
Your jaw drops, the sound of cheers blasting from your phone.  
‘we broke up. I’m all yours. @/RealHughJackman’ 
You hit send on the tweet and hoped it would be enough to bring him back to you.
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thank you for reading <3
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gatorlovebot · 1 year
nsfw. mdni. this is self indulgent but its my right as a 20 something who is getting ready to move out on their own for the first time to write about landlord john price ok <3
landlord price who buys a nice looking duplex in the city and fixes it up himself. lives in the top floor because he doesn’t need much space to himself and rents out the bottom unit. so far it had mostly been couples or smaller familes renting out the bottom unit, until you came along.
you, who had been saving money to rent something nice for yourself, something with a little extra space. the two bedroom downstairs unit is perfect for you, but you have pretty mixed feelings about your landlord living right above you. until you actually meet him.
upon moving in your greeted by the warm accent of john price. his eyes crinkle when he smiles at you and you can pick out grey hairs in his full beard. it’s so cliche, feeling butterflies for an older man whose kind to you but what are you supposed to do when he offers to help you bring in boxes, muscly arms on full display?
he allows you time and space to get settled in, with a promise of, “i’m just upstairs if you ever need anything.”
you don’t see him for the next few days until there’s a knock at your door and its him, looking soft and sweet in a grey henley, just in time for the colder fall weather. “would you care to join me for dinner? i tried a new soup recipe and seems like a i have enough to feed a small army.”
and that’s how you end up in his space for the first time. it’s tiday yet lived in. furniture dark and worn. you can tell a man lives here. dinner is nice, soup rich and filling. but john makes it so much better. effortlessly making you laugh with his bad jokes and stories. he’s warm and personable. your little crush grows when he walks you back downstairs to your unit when the sun goes down. you find yourself struggling to go inside to your empty apartment.
some days you see him and some days you don’t. your work schedule is consistent but you can’t get a read on his schedule, coming and going unpredicatably. life of a retiree, you think.
sometimes you catch him when you’ve come home from work. usually you’re thrilled to see him, an immediate smile stretching across your face and a blush on your cheeks as soon as you see his smile and hear his voice.
sometimes you curse his presence. like now, when you can’t even wait until you get inside your place before the tears start to fall. and of course john has to be in the front yard racking up leaves. you try to give a polite hello and walk up the steps inside, but john price can already read you like a book.
he’s pulling you into his chest before you even know it, big, solid arms wrapped around your shoulders holding you snug to him. “what’s got you so upset, huh?”
and you let the tears fall in earnest, feeling safe and secure with john. “work…just fucking sucks.”
“oh you poor thing,” he coos before gathering you up in his arms and leading you up to his place. he brews some tea as you sink into his couch, the leather warm and soft underneath you. once the teas done, he settles next to you and let’s you warble on about how unsupportive your work environment is and how your boss never follows through on his promises. he mostly just lets you talk, letting out an occasional hum in affirmation. that night he’s not very talkative, he’s much more tactile. running his hands up and down your arms, rubbing the tension from your shoulders and back as he allows you to lean on him until you’re practically in his lap. you’ve exhausted yourself crying and he thanks you for being so vulnerable with him and tells you that even though you don’t deserve all the bullshit at your job, you’re such a brave girl for fighting through it.
things continue to get more and more comfortable between you two. you would almost go as far as to say you would consider him a friend. you do still sometimes have awkward moments though. like when you go down to the basement to change your laundry from the washer to the dryer and you find him already placing your garments in. “oh sorry,” he says, flustered, a tinge of pink dusting his cheeks at being caught. “i spilt some paint on myself earlier while touching up the trim outside and really needed to get some stuff in the washer. i was going to message you asking if all this stuff could go in the dryer.”
he’s so thoughtful, you think. “yeah, it can all go in. thanks, john!”
hours later when you’re finally putting away your clean laundry you realize some of your panties are missing. oh well, its an older dryer, must have eaten them.
its months layer when your stomach drops as you read a text from john asking if you could come upstairs later tonight, there was something he needed to talk to you about. you feel a flash of panic, his text sounding serious. did you do something wrong? you had just seen him the previous day and everything between you seemed fine. you thought you were a great renter, but now you weren’t so sure.
you make your way up to his place and he greets you at the door, usual soft smile on his face.
“i just wanted to get something out in the open,” he starts as you both take a seat on the couch. “i’ve noticed an odor coming from downstairs late at night.”
for a moment you have no idea what he could be talking about, an odor, you think and then it hits you. your late night smoke sessions. “oh, yeah.” it dawns on you. “i’m so sorry about that.”
“no, no, it’s fine.” he reassures, “i would be a bit of a hypocrite myself to be honest, i smoke cigars constantly. try to keep it to just the back balcony but sometimes i break my own rules.”
“yeah, i don’t do it in the apartment because that would be rude, but,” you wince, “sometimes i get a little too lazy to go outside so i just do it out my bedroom window.”
“ah, no worries, dear. just wanted to let you know that i know.”
with your panic subsiding you feel a little bold, “would you like to smoke a little, john?”
“if you’re offering, i’ll be on the balcony.”
you would have never imagined sharing a joint with john would lead you here. in his lap, legs splayed open with your pants around your ankles. listening to the wet sounds of your pussy as he dips his big fingers inside you, hitting all the right spots. your brain is floaty and your limbs feel weightless against his big body that surrounds yours.
there’s a constant stream of nonsense and whimpers that leaves your lips as you dumbly watch him pet your swollen clit. but its the filth from his mouth that really gets you. “such a pretty little thing fo’ me, huh?”
“this little cunt ‘s all mine, right?”
“i’ve been thinking about touching you like this since the day you moved in.”
“cum on my fingers, sweet girl, i know you want to.”
and you do, clenching around his fingers as you keen and moan through it. there’s a whispered, “good girl,” deep and gravelly in your ear before you’re being lifted into john’s arms as he carries you back inside, to his bedroom.
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thespineoftherighteous · 11 months
more more more more aftg show bloopers (p 4?? I think?) whoop whoop de fuckin whoop
Neil's actor being a huge Duolingo dork and in the behind the scenes while the other actors are fooling around between takes you can often see him with his head bent and hear the little 'ping!'s coming from his phone
also during late night shoots, as it gets closer to midnight he always has a point where he's like SHIT my Duolingo streak. and then just blocks out everyone while his fingers fly over his screen
(fans make compilations of him proudly showing his Duolingo streak to the camera and the number grows as the seasons progress)
(he definitely is the kinda bitch who cares more about maintaining the streak than actually learning languages)
actually omg while we're on the topic of languages
Kevin's actor tenderly reciting his French lines to Matt's actor and Matt's actor is just smitten. and he goes "say something else, love" and Kevin's actor strokes his cheek while saying another one of his lines and Matt swoons
(then Kevin's actor turns to the camera and goes "I just told him that he's a disappointment and is going to get his ass handed to him by ravens if he doesn't do exactly as I say" and, from the ground, Matt's actor goes "hell yeah you did. talk dirty to me any day of the week you sexy, sexy man")
coach's actor is always swearing to the point where they implement a swear jar...really it's just something for the kids to jokingly rag on him about, but he goes with it, and every so often they'll empty the jar to buy the cast and crew pizza
they're filming outside at night and it's cold and in between takes Matt's Aaron's and Renee's actors are all huddled together for warmth and Matt's actor gets pulled aside to get his makeup touched up and the other two just shriek at the absence of his heat and catch up to him to tuck themselves against him again
Andrew needs to snap his fingers in one scene but everyone finds out that day that his actor doesn't know how to snap so he has a little impromptu snapping lesson and of course it turns into everyone else trying to one-up each other with their snapping abilities
Nicky's actor telling everyone what he's going to steal from set (will literally say"[about Allison's bathrobe] damn that shit soft as hell. Ive been needing a new bathrobe actually. I'm stealing this" or "I'm stealing this lighter/bandana/sunglasses/etc") but because his humor is so dry everyone thinks he's joking. until months later. when the prop department can't find shit
Renee's actress is doing something completely mundane but Neil's and Allison's actors start narrating what she's doing like they're in a nature documentary (always with Australian accents for some reason??)
"and our specimen now reclines herself vertically on a piece of furniture us humans know as 'a desk.' this clearly less-developed creature seems not to understand the purpose of such an object. but given that this is her first time outside her natural habitat (the jungle) her lack of familiarity with modern technology is to be expected"
Renee's actress: *flips them off*
"ah and here we witness one of the most common behaviors of this specimen. specialists have dubbed it 'flipping the bird,' and explain it as a nonverbal expression of affection" "oh fuck off"
photo from another cold night-shoot and it's of Matt's and Dan's actors, she's standing in front of him zipped up in his hoodie, just her head poking out and they're having a conversation with other castmates like it's the most normal thing in the world, looking the very image of the couple they play
so much glorious content from shooting the dorm sleepover scene. the most popular thing to come from it is a picture from after they wrapped where the cast and some members of the crew had moved even closer to each other amid all the blankets and are asleep on top of each other
Andrew's actor will sometimes actually eat the ice cream he's given instead of just pretending to eat it, and halfway through the scene he casually mentions that he's lactose intolerant and sends the crew into a worried frenzy
if you haven't clocked it yet, these bitches are competitive. and one day, one thing led to another, and soon a bunch of the actors are all being filmed having a plank-holding competition. Dan's actress is the first to drop and she gets booed at for it because "you're an ex-stripper where tf is that upper body strength?"
she flips them off and goes to sit on Kevin's actor, hoping to squash his plank, but instead he starts doing push ups with her on his back. she grins
(Rikos actor wins that competition btw. and Neil's actor goes on a rant about "we succumbed to the ENEMY? a RAVEN? your characters would be ashamed of you" (he also lost?))
Allison's actress pretending to do a get-ready-with-me using all the stuff on Allison's vanity
Wymack's actor falling asleep in The Dad Pose™ when they're shooting a scene on the bus. and everybody gathers in to take pictures
when Kevin and Neil get all up in each other's faces their actors will pretend like they're going to kiss each other
not really a blooper but just all the actors for the foxes and the ravens mingling together in between takes and it looks so wrong
give me all the actors constantly taking the piss out of their characters
for ex during a scene where the monsters are in the car on the way to Edens, Nicky's actor looks towards the backseat where everyone is in character and goes wow what a fun crowd we are you'd never believe we're about to hit the club
night shoots are a. struggle. for Dan's actress. and the others love to take videos of her just standing on her mark with the most spaced out expression on her face
Andrew's and Neil's actors are shooting one of their typical intense, deep scenes and after one take, as soon as "cut" is called, Andrew's actor grabs Neil's face and starts serenading him with the song that's been stuck in his head all day
Renee's actress getting scolded for sneaking snacks into her costume
when Nicky's actor messes up a line (and he's the least likely of everyone to do it) he starts spewing Spanish
Andrew's actor constantly teasing his brother and Katelyn's actress whenever they have scenes together
like the two of them will just be talking together in between takes and Andrews actor will be behind the camera recording them and saying shit like "look at that MINYARD RIZZ" (or he'll use their actual last name) "hey btw [Katelyn's actor] I taught him everything he knows"
that scene where the foxes are rushing out of the dorm to check on their destroyed cars and Matt's actor just faceplants (Neil's actor: "wow. the dedication")
in one scene or other Allison's actress is drinking an iced drink and during one take she just keeps calmly shaking the ice around in her cup until one by one everyone cracks
in one scene Allison's actress is wearing sunglasses. and in between takes she lies down and on camera you can see Kevin and Matt's actors whispering trying to figure out whether or not she's sleeping because they can't see her eyes
Aaron's actor always using Neil's actor as a pillow during car scenes because they're always next to each other and they're actually hella tight irl
the kids love to steal any props that coach's actor needs to use (pens clipboards etc) before they start rolling just so they can watch him try to subtly fidget trying to find his prop before they get to the point in the scene where he actually needs it
all the actors just taking pictures together in the most brutal settings on set.
like Neil's makeup has his face all busted and everyone wants a selfie with him. they all have a photoshoot with the trashed cars. they have another one in front of the "happy 19th birthday junior" set. Neil is tied up at The Nest while they change his hair and Jean's and Riko's actors take selfies with him. another photoshoot with Neil handcuffed in the police car. all these settings in terrible scenes and the actors are in front of them with grins and peace signs
they're terrible.
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seeingivy · 4 months
long story short
actor!eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting fic
songs mentioned: saturn by sza, so american by olivia rodrigo, lover by taylor swift, good luck babe by chappell roan, margaret ft. bleachers by lana del ray, make you feel my love by adele, false god by taylor swift, only angel by harry styles, and long story short by taylor swift.
an: buckle in friends. songs and tweets and all :D
previous part linked here
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six months later
The two of you decide that it would be smarter not to stay in the townhouse, for the time being. Because while Eren had bent backwards and forwards to buy the house without Levi noticing – which included paying a hefty tip to the realtors dealing with the sale – there was something too melancholy about staying there – and not having a plethora of voices echoing across the walls. 
Eren’s first plan – to stay in the cabin in Ireland that his parents owned – was your next best bet. And really, it was the quietest little patch of land, accompanied by what might be the coziest town you’ve ever been in – and it was every bit of perfect. 
The cabin was two stories and maybe the uniquest little house you’ve ever been in. With gold accents, a green kitchen, and what might be the prettiest garden –  it was almost far too easy to pretend that you and Eren had left the bright shimmering lights and camera flashes behind. 
Eren’s morning usually starts hours before yours – only because he insists that he has to run in the mornings to get a good start to the day. If you’re in a good enough mood, he’s able to coax you to come with him and the two of you choose to walk instead. Sometimes you wonder if Sukuna and Teddy talk about the same thing on their walks that you and Eren do. 
The neighbors are either too old to mention anything or perhaps too polite. Because they show up here and there, unassumingly with a fresh loaf of baked bread, that they simply couldn’t let go to waste. And their kids that you happen to see on holidays, their eyes linger for a little too long – almost like they’re trying to convince themselves that it really is the two of you – but never make a comment about if they ever do get the shred of confidence. 
There’s a kid, barely eleven, who brings homemade yogurt around on Friday, as an errand before he can go play with his friends. Sometimes Eren makes him late to his basketball games, because he finds himself lingering by the door too long, talking about things that are entirely lost to you. Though you should have figured as much, because Eren was always popular with the kids.
And you find a stray cat three months in – one that Eren lovingly names Milo. A tiny british shorthair, with light green eyes and white fur. Upon first inspection, you told Eren jokingly that you simply had to keep him, because he had Eren’s eyes. Eren took the joke a little too seriously, but the little diva that Milo ended up being always kept things interesting. 
The only thing annoying about the cabin is Eren’s placement of the furniture, specifically the well loved coffee table that, in your opinion, needed to be centered in the main room. And that’s only because every morning, you’d get your breath nearly knocked out of your chest when you walked straight into it. 
“You know, you need to move that goddamn coffee table.” you grumble, rubbing at the side of your hip. 
Eren looks over, before placing his hands on your hips and lifting you up onto the counter. It’s a lingering kiss that he presses to your knuckles, as you use your free hand to rub at your eyes, before looking over at the pan. 
“Connie’s on his way?” you ask. 
“An hour out.” Eren responds. 
“Okay, I’ll go set the clothes out. Anything specific you want?” 
“The green hoodie. That you stole and thought I didn’t notice.” Eren grates. 
You jump off the counter, pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek, before padding back into the room and setting the clothes aside. And it’s only a few minutes before Eren’s at your side, giving you a half-appreciative smile for returning the hoodie. 
“Are you nervous? You know he’s going to have a meltdown right?”
Eren scoffs. 
“Serves him right for what he did. Walking around talking about his girlfriend – you know, I’m half convinced she doesn’t even exist, Y/N.” 
You roll your eyes. 
“He’s literally bringing her along. You should have at least told him I would be here so you know…he doesn’t have a heart attack or something.” 
The two of you took the idea of privacy too seriously. A little too serious, because now six months had passed and most of your friends didn’t even know you were together. And really, the two of you were very close to getting found out since you had an awards show to attend at the end of the month. 
If Eren was any bit as hopeless as the neighbors mentioned, they would have the two of you figured out within a split second. 
Levi and Hange knew, naturally. And then Colt and Falco, and by extension Gabi, since Falco seemingly could keep secrets, just not from her. And it extended out slowly – your parents, his and Zeke, Lana and Sukuna, and Jean and Mikasa. 
Lana and Sukuna was an accident. Because Eren had been calling Teddy and you accidentally walked in the background. Jean and Mikasa were similar and only because you accidentally let his name slip from your mouth when you called them after their honeymoon. 
The secret was well kept, but you knew the news was about to spread around to everyone, because Connie was about to find out, when he realized that you were living here with Eren during his little visit. 
“Well, it serves him right. He’s about to tell everyone we know. Because he’s going to have to tell Reiner, who will tell Annie who obviously can’t keep it from Armin and it’s just going to snowball from there.” Eren mutters. 
You shake your head at him, as the two of you pad out to the front where Eren’s left the plates of eggs steaming. You shuffle into your chair – making it a point to slam your notebook shut – and naturally, the gesture doesn’t get past Eren. 
“What are you writing?” Eren asks. 
Eren grins. 
“Are you writing a song about me?” Eren jokes. 
You roll your eyes. And Eren’s too quick with it – guising it by putting his arm around your waist – but he all but snatches the book from underneath your elbow. And he looks to you for confirmation before he starts flipping to the page he was looking for you can see the recognition clock on his face, before he looks over at you.
“Saturn, hm?” 
You take the book back from him, running your fingers over the inked lines and the tiny drawing in the corner. 
If karma's really real How am I still here? Just seems so unfair I could be wrong though If there's a point to being good Then where's my reward? The good die young and poor I gave it all I could
Stuck in this terradome All I see is terrible Making us hysterical There's got to be more, got to be more Sick of this head of mine Intrusive thoughts, they paralyze Nirvana's not as advertised There's got to be more, been here before
Ooh (ooh, ooh) Life's better on Saturn Got to break this pattern Of floating away Ooh (ooh, ooh) Find something worth saving It's all for the taking I always say
I'll be better on Saturn None of this matters Dreaming of Saturn, oh
It plagues Eren, in the smallest of ways. It was almost like he could tell that on certain days, the reality of it all seemed to wear you down, to the point where you really didn’t say too much and spent far too much time by yourself outside. He figured this is the closest he would get to really understanding what it was like for you, in the two years that you spent by yourself. 
And it does really bother him, that this is the only thing he can’t help you with. Because having six months of the still, quiet life gave you time to think, to really process everything that had happened. 
And it was chilling. Because it would almost be easier, if this wasn’t the only thing plaguing your mind. But he had asked you time and time again and the answer was always the same – that you didn’t have any regrets, about how the two of you came back together, the relationships that you repaired, or even the havoc you wrecked at the award shows. That really, they were all means to an end. 
But there was one regret you did have, and maybe in the cruelest of ways, it was the one you couldn’t put to rest in this lifetime – which was taking Marco for granted. 
The smaller things helped – the sweet stories about him in the two years you missed, the voicemail that Eren had gifted you at the funeral, and all the polaroids you pulled off the wall. But deep down, in the pit of your stomach, it was the only piece of it all that you hadn’t been able to rectify yet. 
“Yeah, Saturn.” you respond. 
“Have you given any thought to my offer?” Eren asks. 
You wrote songs about Marco often. And Eren read all of them, helping you work through piecing together the composition. But one of the songs – one you called Bigger Than The Whole Sky – seemed to concern Eren so much that he left a tiny little card on your pillow that night. 
With the number to his therapist. 
Eren doesn’t say much, only because he knows it’ll fall on deaf ears, and that sometimes with you – sometimes his hands in yours are the only thing that he can offer. And the quiet offer of the therapist he gave was more of a think piece for you – hoping that you’d at least give it a chance someday.
But the resolve of it all is quickly shattered when the doorbell rings – with Connie and his girlfriend behind the door. 
Eren sighs. 
“Are you ready for everyone to know our secret?” Eren asks. 
“No. And yes. I’m kind of just excited to watch him kind of have a meltdown.” 
Eren grins. 
“You and me both. I’ll go get him.” 
You pad into the kitchen, reaching for two empty dishes and plating the extra eggs for them as you hear Connie hollering at the door, and relish in the little wave of excitement that rises in your stomach. 
“Okay, well. I made breakfast so just kind of help yourselves. Do you need the bathroom?” Eren asks. 
“We’re good.” Connie responds 
Eren gives you a bright and glimmering two dimpled smile as he stops in the kitchen, before looking over at Connie who now looks like he’s some mix of constipated and fraught. 
“I made you guys some plates. I do hope you still like eggs, Connie, because we haven’t had a chance to do groceries lately.” you respond. 
Connie’s eye twitches as you give him a bright smile before walking closer and opening up your arms. And he’s almost too confused – because he barely hugs you back before turning to Eren. 
“What’s she doing here?” Connie asks. 
Eren smiles. 
“You’re not the only one with a secret girlfriend, Connie. Two can play that game.” Eren responds, as he takes the plates and gestures for Connie’s girlfriend to follow him to the main table. 
Connie pauses, before looking over at you. 
“You guys are pranking me, right? Because I didn’t tell you? Because that’s in no way funny.” Connie asks. 
You point to the polaroids pinned on the fridge – a mix of old and new – before turning back to him. 
“While we do love to mess with you, even we wouldn’t be that committed to a bit like this. Now come eat, you’ve had a long flight.” you respond. 
Contrary to your wishes, Connie, in fact, does not eat. He spends the first ten minutes staring the two of you down – to the point where it’s almost creepy – before asking you an insane amount of questions. 
When did you start dating? 
Or better yet, when are you getting married? 
How does it feel to be a traitor? 
And it’s only after an insane amount of questioning, before he slumps back down into his chair, before offering the two of you a sweet smile. 
“You’re really dating, right?” Connie asks. 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“That’s the tenth fucking time you’ve asked me that. I’m starting to think that it’s insulting – is it really that shocking to you that a pretty girl would date me?” Eren asks. 
Connie rolls his eyes right back. 
“Yeah, when that pretty girl spends her time being just as clueless as you.” Connie responds. 
You avert your gaze to your left, where Connie’s girlfriend – Maryam – is sitting and give her a smile. It’s one that she returns right back, before whispering underneath Connie and Eren’s bickering. 
“You’ll have to forgive him. This is a really big deal to him.” she mumbles. 
“Don’t worry, I’m well aware. He’s spent half of his young life trying to play cupid, I would only assume that it’s overwhelming to finally see your dreams come true.” 
She gives you a smile, as you elbow Eren in the side, and signal for him to stop. 
“Speaking of cupid, how did you and Connie meet?” you ask. 
It’s horribly bad timing – because the big sip of water she took goes immediately back in the glass as she gives Connie a weary glare. And he gives her a bright grin, before turning back to you. 
“See, it’s kind of funny. She –” 
“Connie!” she whispers. 
“What? You’re going to have to tell them eventually.” Connie responds. 
“Yeah, but I just met them. This is the kind of stuff you tell people years later, as in "haha want to know something crazy?” not like…two seconds after you meet them.” she whispers back. 
You and Eren turn to each other, giving each other a look, before turning back to Connie. 
“They won’t care, I promise.” Connie responds.
She gives him a weary look, before turning back to the two of you with wide, doe eyes. 
“Listen. I swear to god, I’m not a stalker. Y/N, I didn’t even know you were going to be here…and…and I didn’t even know I was like…talking to Connie before I was talking to Connie.” 
Eren interrupts her. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks. 
She sighs, before lifting her palms and burying her eyes in the heels of her hand and Connie, for some unknown reason, seems to be enjoying himself a little too much. She gives you both one last look, before dropping her hands. 
“I met Connie on stan twitter.” 
“What?” you ask. 
“Well, he was one of my mutuals. And I…I always talk to my mutuals and we used to text all the time. And then I started really liking him and…and we made a deal to kind of meet up when he was in New York. And then I showed up and he was just fucking standing there. I knew for years that Connie was on stan twitter since he always used to accidentally send his burner tweets to his main but…I didn’t think I was talking to fucking Connie.” 
You and Eren bite down on your cheeks, fighting the urge to laugh. 
“Connie, I think you’ve finally met your match. This is kind of perfect.” you respond. 
“I know, right?” Connie responds, giving you a bright smile back. 
“You didn’t like…think he was punking you?” Eren asks. 
“Oh, I totally thought he was punking me. It was only until he mentioned all the things that we had talked about, over the years mind you, that I actually realized it was him I was talking to all this time. And it started to make more sense, because he always seemed to know more about things that were happening than what was kind of shown on the surface.” Maryam replies. 
You shake your head. 
“So who did you run a fan account for? Was it Connie?” you ask. 
She pinches her face. 
“Right. Well, I…I actually ran a fan account for you. Both of you. You’ve actually both interacted with me on Twitter…multiple times.” 
You slam your fist down on the table. 
“Oh my fucking god. You’re THE fan account girl. Your username is y/n jaeger and you…you have that green profile picture?” you ask. 
“Holy shit. We’ve like literally talked about you multiple times.” Eren adds. 
Connie takes his free arm and slings it around her shoulder, before flinging it around her shoulder. 
“Told you, they literally don’t care.” 
“I swear though, I’m really not a stalker.” she adds again, almost like she’s entirely embarrassed. 
You and Eren shake your heads. 
“Well, you didn’t even know I was going to be here.” you respond. 
“And you didn’t even know that the person you were talking to on Twitter was Connie.” Eren adds. 
“And for what it’s worth, if I remember right, you’ve been one of the people who’s been defending us since the start – especially when it wasn’t a very popular thing to do. Which is something we’re really grateful for. And well…I’m happy if Connie’s happy, which he very clearly is.” 
Connie gives her a smile, one that she returns, before turning back to you guys. 
“I know it’s kind of silly, but I just really liked you guys. I was really into fashion when I was a kid and I really liked your stylists. And then I watched your show and listened to your music – and I just really loved it. Classes and medical school and all that would get really stressful, but it was fun to talk about the little hints that you seemed to leave in your music and the beautiful documentary you made.” 
You and Eren turn to each other and smile. 
“We appreciate that, really. And well…this kind of worked out perfectly, because we might need your help in a few months.” you respond. 
“With?” she asks. 
Eren sighs. 
“We kind of want to keep the public off of our tails for some time. While we’re fine with telling our friends now –” 
“You better be fine with it because I already told Reiner and Sasha.” Connie adds. 
Eren gives him a glare before turning back to Maryam. 
“I know you have a lot of followers and if…if you made it seem like…” 
“Like you guys weren’t dating, other people would believe it.” she finishes. 
“Yeah. We’ve just spent so much of our relationship out in the open, we…we kind of want to share it with everyone when we’re ready.” you add. 
She smiles. 
“I’ll do what I can.” 
Connie helps you make dinner on the last day of his visit – only as a gesture to thank the two of you for your hospitality and for finally getting back together. It gives Eren time to show Maryam the final scripts of Attack on Titan that he has saved, delighting her by sharing all the scenes that got cut or edited in the final season. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Connie asks. 
“Are you happy?” 
You smile. 
“Very happy, Connie. Really.” 
Connie gives you a smile, before leaning forward. 
“But?” he asks. 
“No buts. I am really happy.” 
“I don’t doubt that, but…surely there must be other things you’ve been thinking about. I feel like there’s something else kind of lingering in your…aura.” 
“Don’t talk to me about auras, Connie.” 
“You’ve got a weird and off putting vibe every time I interact with you on your own, princess.” 
You sigh. 
“Did you talk to Eren?” you ask.
“No. I can just tell. So there is something that’s bothering you?” 
You pause, abandoning the spoon in the pot, as you look down at the mix of noodles. It’s a pink sauce – one that Connie swears by – that included a decent amount of the leftover vodka that you and Eren had gifted to you by the neighbors. You made a passing joke that Jean and Mikasa would love this dish and it made Connie laugh so hard he nearly burned his own hand off. 
And you’re not sure where it comes from but before you know it, there’s hot tears pouring out of your eyes and Connie’s warm arms around you. And it’s a quiet whisper that you’re able to muster out in response. 
“Yeah. There’s something bothering me.” you respond. 
“Well, no shit, princess. You’re getting snot all over my shirt. What is it?” 
You fight the urge to laugh at the sarcasm before pulling back and looking up at him. 
Connie sighs, before giving you a nod.
“Yeah, that’ll do it.” Connie responds. 
You pause. 
“I just…feel like something’s wrong with me. Everyone else seemed to have moved forward from it or…or seem like they’re handling it better than me.” 
“I think there’s different circumstances. What you have to move on from is entirely different from what the rest of them do.” Connie offers. 
You heave another sigh, using the back of your hand to wipe the wetness away. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What you went through was entirely different than what someone like…Sukuna struggles with or Eren for that matter. They’ve had their fair share of struggles, but yours is just different than theirs. That means you can’t compare the two. They talked to them right until the end. And because of your circumstances, you didn’t. It must be hard not to blame yourself for it.” 
Connie pauses. 
“When I was struggling after rehab, being…being around things like that again, at afterparties and stuff…I found it really hard to even keep my head level in situations like that. It was so overstimulating…so overwhelming, that I found myself locking myself in my house alone with her for a week.” 
“You sound like me.” you respond. 
“That’s exactly the point. Sometimes things are so overwhelming that you can’t do anything but that. Locking yourself in the house till you have a bearing on it. And people like Sukuna and Eren, I…I almost envy them sometimes. They find a way to keep moving forward when all I can find myself doing is standing in one place and staring at myself from the outside in.” 
“Eren’s really hopeful. And I know deep down that he is right. That Marco wasn’t mad at me, not in the slightest. But…I can’t help but be mad at myself. I feel like sometimes I’m reliving the entire thing over again.” you respond. 
Connie smiles. 
“You sound like me.” Connie murmurs. 
“You seem fine, though. For the most part.” you add. 
Connie reaches forward, cupping the side of your face. 
“I’m lucky enough that the people I’ve wanted to make amends with are still here. But even then, that wasn’t enough, not for the blame. Sometimes…you need a little extra help. And really Y/N, there’s nothing wrong with that.” 
Connie’s ears seem to ring in your ears as you watch him and Maryam drive away. And even more so when you and Eren settle in for bed that night and he reaches over to shut the light switch. 
You reach for Eren’s hand, locking your fingers in with his in the sheets, before squeezing three times, a gesture that he returns. 
“Do…do you still have that card that you gave me? A few weeks ago?” 
Eren leans closer to you and you take the invitation to crawl into his open arms. 
“Of course I do. Did you want to use it, sweetheart?” he whispers. 
The warm tears return and Eren’s quick to wipe them away. 
“Yeah, I think so.” 
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At the end of the month, Connie’s beloved girlfriend helps devise the best plan known to man. Which involved a little bit of acting, lying, and theatrics – something you and Eren were no strangers to. 
It was fairly obvious, after everything that had happened, it would be hard to make people believe that you and Eren hadn’t ended up together. And she figured it would only work if you admitted to the fact that you were dating other people and really sold it in your last press tour and awards campaign that you were soulmates – but in the platonic type of way. 
It’s why you spent three weeks in the press talking about your new beloved boyfriend, Bruce, who was just a normal guy that you met at your recording studio. Coupled with the newest song you released – so american, something Eren most definitely wouldn’t call you – people were quick to switch the breaks and think otherwise. 
Eren was doing the same, fawning in any and every interview, about his sweet new girlfriend Margaret, one of the assistant costume designers that he met on the set of Attack on Titan. About how she was the sweet love of his life, who had shown up right when he needed her. 
It wasn’t an entire lie. 
Besides the fact that it really is so fun to pretend in plain sight, the awards show was the first time that the group of you got to be together again. You were seated right next to Lana and Sukuna – the former of which is exuding the sweetest glow from her baby girl that’s due any week now and the latter who has a set of choice words for you when you take your seats together. 
“I don’t get it. Why don’t you just fucking tell people?” Sukuna mutters. 
You smile. 
“Simple. We don’t want to.” you respond. 
“Yeah, but your boy toy is about to win the award of his dreams, again, and you’re about to be ten feet away getting cock blocked by lesbians.” 
You smile. Eren, in all of his brilliance, was nominated for the Best Actor in a TV Show, yet again. And truly, it was no competition – you were all positive that he was going to win, something that he wasn’t so keen about himself. 
“We can hear you.” Ymir mutters. 
“We can switch seats if you want Y/N, for that part. If you want to sit next to Eren.” Sofia adds. 
You give her a smile, before sinking back into your chair and looping your arm through Ymir’s – who was going to be accompanying you as the opener on the Birds of a Feather tour, with her lovely Sofia, who she married last weekend. 
“Where are Jean and Mikasa? I have an itch to get blackout drunk right now.” Ymir mutters. 
“No point in trying.. They’re already back there and borderline blackout drunk with empty flasks already..” you respond. 
“They pressed some really wet kisses to my cheek earlier. If I didn’t love them, I would find it absolutely disgusting.” you add. 
You give Ymir and Sukuna a light nudge at your sides, before standing up to the group of people walking up to you. 
“Oikawa, right? From Haikyuu?” you ask. 
He towers over you, looking down at you as he offers you a smile. 
“That’s right. We’ve replied to each other a lot on Twitter.” he responds. 
“Right. It’s nice to meet you in person, again. I feel like we’ve probably walked past each other a bunch of times, but…it’s nice to talk.” 
He smiles. 
“Listen, I was planning on telling you this last weekend, but I’m planning on bringing my girlfriend to your opening show next weekend. She’s a really big fan…and she’d love to meet you.” 
You place a hand on his bicep, and really, only because you can’t reach his shoulder. 
“Of course. I’ll get you a seat in the VIP tent with everyone else coming, okay?” 
“What was last weekend?” Sukuna asks. 
Oikawa turns to his left, giving an entirely unassuming smile.
“You said you were going to ask her last weekend.” Sukuna clarifies. 
“Oh! Right, I just figured you’d be at Historia’s wedding that’s all. But she told me, it really is a shame that you were all too busy.” 
You’re dumbfounded as he gives you all one last smile, before walking away. And Eren and Connie are quick to join you at your sides, Eren’s hand ghosting across yours at his side. 
“What did that tool want?” Eren asks. 
“Did Historia tell you that?” Sukua asks, to which you shake your head.
“Was he hitting on you? I’ve seen him on Twitter, don’t even get me started.” Eren mutters. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“Dude, this is so not the time to be getting your panties in a twist.” Sukuna responds. 
“What did he say?” Connie asks, nudging you in the side. 
“Historia got married. Last weekend.” Ymir states, an almost gravelly tone to her voice. 
Connie and Eren give you a weary look, before turning back to her. 
“She didn’t invite any of you and told all the guests that you guys were all too busy to come. Too busy to come because you were at my wedding, with the date I've had set for months now.” 
Sofia stands at Ymir’s side, looping her arm in with Ymir’s as she offers a small smile. And it gets worse – because the horribly timed news made you all forget that Historia was the opener for the show that you wer eall sitting at. 
You can’t help but admit it, but the willowing white dress that she wears is beautiful. But there’s a part of it that haunts you, almost like she’s a ghost instead of a bride, as she takes the center of the stage with a pink guitar and a glimmering ring on her finger. 
“My name’s Historia Reiss. This is my newest song, everyone – it’s called Lover.” 
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my Lover
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue All's well that ends well to end up with you Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever) You're my, my, my, my Oh, you're my, my, my, my Darling, you're my, my, my, my Lover
You watch as Ymir sinks into her seat, securing her own hand in Sofia’s, as you look over at Eren. And in the few seconds that you have between the commercial break, before you have to head backstage to announce the award, you lean forward and place your chin on her shoulder. 
“Are you okay, Ymir?” you ask, shooting Sofia a pinched smile over the way. 
“She’s fucking insane.” Ymir mutters. 
You’re taken off guard by the hostility. Only because in every rehearsal that you’ve shared with Ymir, she’s all but remorseful for how things ended with them – and even moreso, was looking forward to being friends again. 
“What do you mean?” you ask. 
“She’s trying to piss me off. I’ve heard that fucking song – it’s one she wrote about me when we were still filming season three.” 
You wince, sharing a look with Eren, before turning back to her and squeezing one of her shoulders. 
“I don’t know what her problem is. If she’s trying to make me feel…regret over what I did last weekend, that’s far from it. I have no regrets about the people or the person I’ve chosen for myself. She can sing herself sick about it if she wants to.” Ymir finishes. 
“Good for you.” Connie states. 
“Huh?” Ymir asks. 
“Good for you. Really. You know what you want and you’ve had it by your side this entire time. If she wants to be bitter about it, she can go right ahead. That won't stop you from having that by your side or make her feel any better – and I’m sure she’ll realize that eventually.” Connie finishes. 
You give Connie a smile, before gesturing to take your open seat as the ushers arrive to take you backstage. And you’re met with the sight of Hange and Levi – with a glimmering golden trophy and an envelope in their hands. 
“He won, didn’t he?” you ask. 
“We don’t know.” 
“Do you think they’d like kill me if I opened it?” you ask, as Levi places the glittering envelope in your hands. 
Hange smiles. 
“In all seriousness kid, I think they’re kind of anticipating you will. WIth you as the announcer and us handing over the trophy, it’s fairly obvious they’re expecting something great.” Hange responds. 
You give the two of them a smile as you turn over the envelope, breaking through the latch of the sticker, and pulling the little cardstock slip out. And surely enough, it’s in bright, bold letters. 
Best Lead Actor in a TV Show - Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan: The Final Season 
You look up at them and smile, trying to contain that scratchy feeling in the back of your throat. 
“He did it.” you whisper. 
They both give you bright smiles as they link in their arms with yours, the three of you waiting for your cue at the side of the curtains. And on their mark, the three of you walk out into the bright lights, as you scan the crowd for where Eren’s sitting – noting the bright smile on his face and the wink he offers you. 
“I think the fact that I’m standing here, with Hange and Levi at my sides, is proof that one of the best actors of our generation has won one of the most special awards here tonight.” 
And you watch as Jean and Connie’s eyes go wide, as they reach forward and secure their hands on Eren’s shoulders, jostling him as he brings his hands up to his cheeks – in utter disbelief. 
“While he’s winning an award for acting tonight, I truly do think that the recipient is a jack of all trades. Because he’s been so involved in this beautiful show – from picking the co-star in his first chemistry screen reading, to bringing life to the pages, and at the end, actually writing them. It’s been a joy to watch him in his element for the last ten years and really, to share such a big part of my life with someone who is so special.” 
You look down at the envelope, pulling out the slip again. 
“The award for Best Actor in a TV show goes to Eren Jaeger, Attack on Titan: The Final Season.” 
It’s an obscene amount of hollering – mostly from Reiner, Connie, and Jean – as you watch Eren hug Gabi and Falco before pressing a kiss to Lana’s cheek and making his way to the stage. And it’s almost too sweet – getting to watch the lingering hugs that Hange and Levi give Eren, before he turns to you to give a polite hug. 
You take the few seconds you have to say your piece. 
“Hey. Guess what?” you whisper. 
“I told you so. All those years ago.” you respond. 
Eren presses a kiss to your cheek, before the three of you all shuffle off to the side, and watch Eren from a few feet away. And you watch as he runs his hand nervously through his hair, before looking down at the award. 
“I promise I’ll make a speech this time.” Eren starts. 
You all laugh, as he looks over at you, before turning back to the crowd. 
“I…I truly have no words for what this show has meant to me and what it has brought me. Almost ten years ago, two writers turned screenwriters, for whatever god awful reason, saw a film in which I had all but ten minutes of screentime before I got killed off. And for some reason, it spoke to them – so much so that they decided to make me the lead of their show. It seems strange at first, but they’re the first people I find myself being the most thankful for, because they’re the only reason that anything after came. I’ve made…” 
Eren’s voice cracks and you swallow hard. 
“I’ve made lifelong relationships and…and a real family. I’ve had the privilege of meeting my partner in crime, Connie, the sweetest friends I’ve ever had, Jean and Mikasa, and maybe one of the only people who understands me best, Armin. I’ve met maybe one of the most important people in my life, Y/N L/N, who gives definition to being the best friend and partner everyday, and most of all, I’ve met the love of my life, my sweet Margaret. There are no words for how thankful I am, really. Thank you so much.” 
There’s a resounding sound of cheers as Eren links his arm in with yours and the four of you clump together backstage. And in the few seconds of quiet you have, you reach forward and cup the side of his face before pressing another kiss to his cheek. 
“I’m so happy for you, Eren. You dream came true – the right way this time.” 
Eren smiles, before linking one of his hands in with yours. 
“You next.” Eren states. 
You scoff. 
“Leave it to you to make your award about me. Just be happy.” you respond. 
“I am happy. But really, you’re next.” Eren states. 
“You can’t become triple threats twice, Eren.” 
“You know, I’ve happened to write very convincing letters in the past. To have them accept demos from me on behalf of you, to consider you for awards for years on end. I think I’ll try my luck on that one and see where it gets me, sweetheart.” 
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The following week, Eren’s standing by your side backstage with Sofia on the other side, in the mere minutes before you perform. If your timing was correct, Ymir was halfway into her set and seriously killing it, meaning that you were going to follow in under an hour. 
Gabi and Falco are the first ones to greet you backstage – and the first guests on the Birds of a Feather tour. 
When you think back to the past, all the memories of touring are the worst. Because the only thing you can remember is your legs shaking from the exhaustion, your ears deaf from the screaming, and your chest hurting from the pain – before you were dragged onto stage another time by Danny and Sareen and forced to do it again. 
It’s why you kept the tour relatively short by your standards, with thirty-six shows, and your friends by your side. 
If they wrote the songs with you, they could perform them with you too. And while Glue Song was technically Gabi’s request, Falco’s the feature – so it was only fair to let both of them sing it with you on the first day. 
And you watch from far as Eren stands behind both of their little vanities, hearing the ends of their conversation – as Eren reassures both of them before taking pictures of the two of them together. And it’s almost like he can see you watching him, because he turns to look over his shoulder, before offering you a smile and walking over. 
“Not that people know, but you and I are kind of the first ladies of the Birds of a Feather tour.” Sofia states. 
“What do you mean?” Eren asks. 
“My wife is the opener. Your girlfriend is the main set. We’re the first ladies.” Sofia states. 
Eren snorts as he reaches for the back of your hair, readjusting it against your bodysuit, before giving you a smile. 
“I think so.” 
Sofia gives the two of you a sweet smile, as she loops her arm in with yours and leans her head against your shoulder. And three songs in, you feel her tense you at your side. 
“Oh god. Here it comes.” Sofia murmurs. 
“Here what comes?” you ask. 
She turns her head to the side, confused. 
“She didn’t tell you? She added a new song to the setlist, it’s…about Historia.” Sofia responds. 
“Does she know that Historia’s actually here in the tent? With her husband?” 
Marcus, Historia’s newly wedded husband, was nice. It’s really the only word that you could use to describe him, because honestly, it didn’t seem like there was much else going on besides that. He mentioned a plethora of niceties when you met him hours prior – that he had missed you at the wedding, that he had memorized all the songs before the show started so he could fully enjoy it – and that was it. 
You could tell that he didn’t have the faintest idea about Historia and Ymir, or Historia at all. 
But he was kind. And he wouldn’t hurt Historia and you supposed that was all that mattered.
“That’s kind of the point, Y/N.” Sofia mumbles. 
The three of you inch closer to the edge of the stage, just out of view of the curtains, as you watch Ymir’s visuals change – bright graphic letters spelling out Good Luck, Babe! 
It's fine, it's cool You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth And guess I'm the fool With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
I don't wanna call it off But you don't wanna call it love You only wanna be the one that I call "baby"
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling You can say it's just the way you are Make a new excuse, another stupid reason Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
You look over at Eren, who is crushing your hand to oblivion at your left, before turning back to Sofia. 
“Jesus Christ.” Eren whispers. 
“I can’t even blame her. Historia came for blood last weekend.” 
“That’s not even half of it. It gets worse.” 
You and Eren widen your eyes, before leaning forward and paying attention again. And it’s insane, because Ymir’s crouching on the ground – before she fully lies down and starts belting into the microphone. 
When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife And when you think about me, all of those years ago You're standing face to face with "I told you so" You know I hate to say, "I told you so" You know I hate to say, but, I told you so 
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling (well, I told you so) You can say it's just the way you are Make a new excuse, another stupid reason Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
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a year and a half later 
After almost two years of being married, Jean and Mikasa welcome a baby girl, named Olivia, in October. And on her fourth week of life, they invite all of you over to meet her in Seattle. 
You’d be lying if it didn’t fill you with dread. 
“Why are you freaking out?” Eren asks, reaching down to adjust the charms of your necklace, the Saturn charm now accompanied by an ocean wave, against your collarbone, before looking back up at you. 
“Babies don’t really like me.” you state. 
“You know, they can kind of sense when you’re all…tense and stuff. Just relax when they ask you to hold her.” 
You groan. 
“Jean and Mikasa can keep their empath baby to themselves. What do you mean it can sense if I’m stressed?” 
“You’ll drop her if you’re being too stiff. Just cradle her head against you.” Eren responds. 
“That’s exactly why I can’t hold her!” 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“She’s basically like your niece. You’ll have to hold her eventually.” Eren deadpans. 
“Maybe when she’s older. Fully conscious and talking and stuff, you know. Like Teddy.” 
Eren sighs, almost acutely aware of how hopeless you were when it came to this, from the way you acted with Lily. Except Sukuna was far less faith in you than Jean and Mikasa and agreed with you every time you refused to hold her out of fear. 
Eren locks his hand in with yours as he drags you to the porch, only to be met with Zeke and Carla answering the door. 
“You’re finally here!” 
Eren’s mom pulls you forward, nearly side sweeping Eren and trapping you in a crushing hug as you give Zeke a pained look at your side, to which the two of them only laugh in response. And when Carla lets go, she brings her hands down to your wrists, before squeezing. 
“You’re a vision in yellow! This dress is beautiful, Y/N.” 
“Mom. You’re laying it on a little thick there.” Eren mumbles, placing his hands on her shoulders before pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Shut up, Eren. This is the closest I’ve gotten to having a daughter.” Carla states. 
You look over at Eren – entirely aware of how much his parents, or more specifically Carla had been, about how he needed to propose soon. But Eren rolls his eyes as he walks off, greeting Lana and Teddy in the kitchen as you turn back to her and wrap one of your free arms around her. 
“Did you see Olivia yet?” you ask. 
“She’s beautiful. Oh, she looks just like Jean.” 
“Well, that’s a shame.” you respond. 
“I heard that, twerp.” 
You look over to find the source of the voice – a very tired Jean, with a stubble and a well grown out mullet – glaring at you. But the second you look at him properly, he gives you a smile as you run forward, wrapping your arms around him as he returns the gesture. 
“Hi, Mr. Dad.” 
“That’s the best you could come up with? Mr. Dad?” 
“Saying just Dad is weird. But I had to acknowledge the fact that you…have a whole child just out here and breathing and stuff.” 
“Wow. You really have such a way with words.” Jean states, as the two of you trail down to the kitchen, where Eren and Jean do their weird handshake. 
You feel a tugging at your legs, before you pick up Teddy who leans his head against yours. 
“You get bigger everytime I see you, kid. 
“I’m a growing boy.” Teddy shrugs, as you turn to Lana and laugh. 
“He’s getting every bit of sass from Sukuna.” Lana states. 
“I can tell.” you respond, before turning back to him. 
Sukuna presses a kiss to your cheek as a greeting, before Connie and Reiner join the group as well and do the same. 
“How are you today, Teddy? Did you see baby Olivia yet?” you ask. 
You smile as you turn over to Eren, who leans against the counter and watches the two of you from a few feet away. He fights the urge to take a picture – only because Sukuna would tease him into oblivion – and makes a mental note to ask for one like it later, of Teddy snuggled in your arms and resting his head against your cheek. 
“Did you like her?” you ask. 
“She’s cute. For a baby.” 
“You wanna tell Y/N what you told me, Theo?” Sukuna asks. 
Teddy sits up, turning to Sukuan with confusion. 
“Tell her what, Dad?”
“About what you did when you saw Olivia.” Sukuna clarifies. 
He turns back to you, a smile on his face. 
“I held baby Olivia all on my own.” 
You turn back to Sukuna and Eren, the two of them laughing with irritating smiles on their faces as you stick their tongues out at them. 
“Oh, be quiet.” you murmur. 
“If my literal child can carry that baby, so can you.” Sukuna states. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, before taking Teddy from your arms. 
“I’m gonna grab a drink.” Sukuna states. 
“I’ll come with.” you respond. 
The two of you walk quietly out to the little backyard, as you fill three glasses of lemonade and hold one out to each of them. 
“So do you just not want kids in the future?” 
“What? Of course, I do.” you respond. 
Sukuna snickers. 
“Are you not going to hold your own child?” 
You roll your eyes. 
“Pump the brakes, Sukuna. Eren and I aren’t even married yet.” 
“Speaking of. Are you two ever going to tie the knot?” 
You shrug. 
“We’ve talked about it before. It’s definitely in the cards but I told him that he should wait until he feels ready. And things are really nice now, the way they are. I figure he’s just soaking in it all.” you state. 
“Would you say yes if he proposed?” Sukuna asks. 
“Are you crazy?” 
“I mean…you’re saying that you told Eren to wait until he was ready. There’s no doubt you will of course, but are you ready for that?” 
You nurse the little glass of lemonade close to your chest, before looking up at him and smiling. 
“I’ve been waiting to marry him since I was like sixteen. Of course I’m ready.” 
Sukuna gives you a smile, before gesturing for you to follow him back inside where Eren’s waiting for you patiently. And you can tell by the excited smile on his face and the way that he grabs your waist exactly where he’s leading you next. 
“You should be excited. This is literally both of our best friends, in one person.” 
“I am excited. I just want her to like us, that’s all.” 
When you enter the room, it’s quiet – with Levi, Jean, and Mikasa’s mom by the crib and Mikasa sitting in the bed, rearranging the little toys. 
You and Eren beeline in different directions, with him heading straight for the baby and you heading straight towards Mikasa’s side. And you can’t help but do it – reach forward and cup her cheeks before hugging her full on. 
“Mikasa, you look so cute.” you mumble, as she nearly crushes you with her death grasp of a hug. 
Mikasa pulls back, rolling her eyes, as she eyes your dress. 
“Are you saying I look different after Olivia?” 
You roll your eyes. 
“You’re all full in the face. With rosy pink cheeks. It’s adorable.” you whisper. 
“Well, you’re quite adorable too. This is a beautiful dress – I’m going to side sweep Eren and propose first if he doesn’t get around to it.”
“I heard that, Mikasa.” Eren deadpans, from his far corner of the room. 
“That was the point, goofy.” 
Eren frowns as he walks over to her side, offering her a hug before sitting down with the two of you. 
“Goofy is the best you’ve got?” Eren asks. 
“There’s a baby in the room. I can’t exactly call you an asshole now, can I?” Mikasa whispers.
You both giggle, only to be stopped by the glare that Levi gives the three of you, as you clear your throats. 
“She’s perfect, Mikasa. She’s got your eyes.” Eren states. 
“Oh thank god. Carla gave me a heart attack downstairs when she told me the baby looked like Jean.” 
It’s only then that Jean walks over, with the tiniest bundle of little pink blankets in his hand, that the three of you stand up. And you take the natural position, standing slight behind Eren as he looks up at Jean, eyes wide. 
“Can I hold her?” 
“Dude, go ahead.” 
You and Mikasa share a look, irritated by their nonchalance, as you watch Jean carefully transfer Olivia over to Eren’s arms. She’s quick with it – securing all five of her tiny fingers around one of Eren’s fingers as he laughs, looking over at you. 
And Eren’s quick to notice that despite all your self-proclaimed fears about holding babies and giving birth, you have the same curious look in your eyes that you had when you met Lily. 
“Olivia, my name’s Eren and this is Y/N. Your parents are basically the coolest people we know.” Eren whispers, almost like he’s not trying to disturb the quiet peace in the room. 
“Well, not your dad. He could use a little help in that department.” you respond. 
“Stop badmouthing me in front of my child.” Jean responds, reaching forward to flick you on the forehead. 
But it’s right at that second that Olivia lets out the quietest little coo, before readjusting in her little blankets. And it’s enough to make the group of you laugh, teary eyed smiles from you and Eren, as Jean walks over to Levi and hands him the camera to take a picture of the five of you, together for the first time. 
And in the thirty minutes that Eren spends holding Olivia and whispering with Mikasa, it’s the free second that you take to talk to Levi. 
“Look at you. Trying to butter up Mikasa’s mom.” 
Levi glares. 
“She’s my sister.” 
“Right. I kind of forgot about that.” 
Levi rolls his eyes, as the two of you look out of the window, at the group of them all chattering downstairs. You can’t help but smile at Teddy and Lily sitting at the table, who are showing a very interested Ymir and Connie all of the drawings that they’ve allegedly done together. 
It was mostly Teddy of course, but he just liked to include Lily in everything he does. Which is something you’re told that Sukuna and Yuuji do together all the time – and it makes your heart warm all the same. 
“Is there a reason you never had kids, Levi?” you ask. 
Levi smiles. 
“Hange can’t have kids.” Levi states. 
You feel your throat dry the slightest, as you look over to the left, where Hange and Sofia are playing a very intense game of chess. 
“I didn’t know that. I always figured that you two weren’t…”
“A lot of people did. And I suppose that made it easier, because it really did break our hearts that we didn’t get to have any.” 
You smile, before leaning your head against his shoulder. 
“If it makes you feel better, I know that myself and fifteen of my peers have always seen you as a father figure.” 
Levi smiles. 
“It does actually. Only because my self-proclaimed children are all so talented that I have so much to brag about.” 
You press a kiss to Levi’s cheek as Eren beckons for you to join him downstairs, now that Olivia’s fallen asleep. And you all but oblige, trying to memorize the sickeningly sweet kiss that he gives you on the way down. 
“Do you ever think we’re going to have kids?” Eren asks. 
“Eren. You’re basically like born to be a dad.” you whisper. 
“Every kid we’ve ever met loves you. Of course, we’re going to have kids. I’ve even taken the liberty of naming them already.” 
Eren gives you a confused look, before knocking on your forehead. 
“Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?” 
“Hilarious.” you deadpan. 
“No seriously. I’m shocked Mrs. Scared of Pregnancy because of Reddit threads from when you were thirteen is saying this to me right now.” 
You roll your eyes, trying to make your way down the stairs, before he pulls back, pressing a kiss to your cheek as a consolation. 
“Okay, I’m joking. But tell me the names.” 
“No. You’re being rude.” 
“Come on. They’re going to be my children too. I want to hear it.” 
You sigh, crossing your hands over your chest, as you look up at him. 
“If it’s a boy, we’re going to name him Marco.” 
Eren smiles, giving you an approving nod, as you twist the rings on your pointer finger. 
“And if it’s a girl, we’ll name her Maya.” 
“Well, the plan is hopefully that we have a boy and a girl. We’ll name our kids after Marco…and his favorite poet, Maya Angelou.” 
Eren leans forward, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. 
“That’s a deal.” 
Two days later, you and Eren seem to right a historical wrong, in your long winded history, in the mere hours before you attend Lana’s album listening party.  
By visiting the Seattle Aquarium, the way you were supposed to all those years ago. 
It was your idea when you made your weekend plan to be in Seattle. Because Eren had three extra days before he started shooting and before you headed back to New York to record with Niccolo – and it only felt right. 
Despite your horrible track history of attendance, the owners of the Seattle Aquarium granted you entry on Sunday, the day they were closed, and offered you the place for the entire day. Though you suppose, it’s only because you’ve given them such gracious donations over the past years. 
When you walk in, you run your fingers over the bronze plaque as Eren looks over your shoulder, admiring the lettering. 
With special thanks to Bruce and Margaret, whose generous donations have benefitted our environmentalist efforts and preserved over forty-five species of fish over the past year, nearby in the Pacific Ocean. 
Eren takes your hand, the two of you taking the little blankets and pillows, and setting them up right in the center of the aquarium, before you lie down against the little makeshift fort you made. 
And you’re not sure what it is – the dim lights and the overwhelming blue – or the fish swimming all around you and Eren in their not so little fishbowl, but you can’t help but feel the strangest sense of nostalgia. That a few years ago, you saw Jean and Mikasa get engaged for the first time, and it pushed you so hard that you were ready to confess to him under these same lights. 
“Do you ever think about what would happen if we actually ended up coming here last time?” you ask. 
Eren looks over at you, pressing a stray kiss to your forehead, before messing with one of the strands of your hair. 
“Sometimes. I figured we’d have to fight out of there someway, just in a different way.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Eren pauses. 
“They’d run a slander campaign against you. They’d probably dox Falco and Colt and your parents would get in the crossfire by proxy.” Eren murmurs. 
“I figured they’d probably give Connie all the big roles so he wouldn’t have any reason to leave. Everyone would know about Lana and Teddy and well…I don’t know if Sukuna would be on our side the way he necessarily ended up being.” 
You lean closer to him, interlocking one of your free hands in with his. 
“I don’t know if we’d stay together.” 
“We’d stay together.” you murmur. 
“Yeah. I do figure it would be harder though. We kind of lucked out, twice, with how isolated the set was and then the cabin.” 
And Eren reaches into his pocket, wrapping one of his free hands around you as he opens up a little green box, to a glimmering diamond ring. 
“I figure this would happen farther down the line if things went that route.” Eren mumbles. 
You’re taken aback as you sit up in the little pile of blankets as Eren follows suit, a sweet smile on his face as he presses the little box into your hand. 
“I don’t necessarily know how things would have ended up if we got to be together all those years prior. All I remember, really, is watching you drive away from me and feeling like I had just experienced the loss of my life. For a second time. It only feels right to me that we get to promise to seal the deal here, for good, like we should have all of those years ago.” 
Eren takes the box from your hands, plucking the ring out of its little slot, and takes your hand in his. 
“Will you marry me?”
You can’t help but lean forward, nearly knocking him back down into the pillows as you press a kiss to his lips, which he smiles into. 
“I’m taking that’s a yes?” 
“Oh my god, Eren. Yes, obviously.” 
Eren sits up again, this time carefully securing the ring around your finger, before lifting your hand and pressing a kiss against your knuckles. 
“Did you tell anyone you were doing this?” 
Eren shrugs. 
“I asked for your parents and Falco and Colt’s blessing. Then I remembered that Levi exists and asked him for good measure too. And Lana, of course, just because I can’t keep anything from her.” 
You smile. 
“Was there someone else I was supposed to tell?” 
You pinch your lips into a line. 
“Oh my god, there totally was. Who did I forget?” 
You fight the urge to laugh as he reaches forward, tickling at your sides as you shove him off. 
“No one, Eren. I love the ring.” 
Eren twists his face in confusion, before leaning forward. 
“Who said anything about the ring?” 
You pinch your eyes shut, before reaching forward and placing your hands on his cheeks. 
“I love the ring. And I love you, it’s really not –” 
“You told someone what type of ring you wanted, didn’t you?” 
You sigh, as you look down at the sparkling diamond on your finger, that really is perfect. 
“It was a tiny request that I had. I should have known that you’d tell Lana and not Mikasa, in hindsight.” 
Eren shakes his head. 
“That’s not a big deal. I’ll just get you another one.” 
“Really, I was planning on getting you multiple anyway. You have to have one that has a silver band and one that has gold, because I know that you hate mixed metals. So really, you can tell me what it is that you wanted and I’ll keep it in mind.” 
You sigh. 
“It’s kind of cheesy.” 
“I’m not lactose intolerant, Y/N. Just tell me.” 
You sigh. 
“I like the diamond, but I wanted it set with another stone.” 
“I do like unique rings. Which one were you thinking?” 
“An emerald. Because it’s green, you know?” 
And you watch as Eren grins, fully understanding your request this time, as he leans forward, his lips a few feet away from yours as he whispers. 
“Are you telling me you want a green emerald because my eyes are green?” 
“Sue me, Eren!” you deadpan. 
And it’s a lingering kiss that Eren presses to your cheeks, before he leans back and looks up at the fish. You follow his gaze to the two yellow fish swimming near the top, as they make their way down to the other side. 
And Eren looks over at you and smiles. 
“No, I don’t think so. I think I’ll just marry you instead.” 
You’re slightly late to Lana’s listening party and the two of you sneak in towards the back door, where you greet everyone waiting for you backstage.  And it’s quite obvious that Lana and Sukuna shared the news with everyone the second you arrive – because Mikasa reaches for your hand the second you walk up to her and Lana gives you a lingering hug. 
“Oh thank god, I was starting to get worried.” Mikasa states. 
“All the comments got to you the other day, didn’t they?” Sukuna asks. 
Eren rolls his eyes. 
“On the contrary, asshole. Though the comments did start to piss me off, because I was doing so well at hiding it before you all started bringing it up and making her think about it.” 
There’s a little dinging overhead, signaling that Lana had to start, as the group of you all head out to the little audience – filled with about fifty of Lana’s fans who nearly start screaming the second you all walk out to listen with them. 
“Hey.” Eren whispers. 
“I’ll be back, but you should keep your hair in the front.”
“What? Why?” 
“I left a mark earlier.” Eren responds, squeezing at your shoulder as you glare at his retreating form. 
He shoots you a wink over his shoulder, before he walks backstage and Lana walks on. And it’s sweet, the flowery dress she’s wearing and the purple guitar as she takes the stage. You feel a tap on your shoulder, to find Sukuna at your side, smiling at you. 
“Congratulations, stinky. There’s not many times that I find myself believing in things like this, at least not before anyways, but you’ve proven me wrong, time and time again.” 
You loop your arm in with Sukuna resting your chin against his shoulder, as you watch Lana start to tune the guitar. 
“I could say the same thing about you.” you respond. 
The two of you quiet down as Lana starts and Eren walks behind her, taking a seat at the piano. He shoots you a smile from his spot, starting to play the piano composition as Lana starts talking. 
“I’ve written lots of songs about people in my very long career of music, now. And I’ve had many songs written about me by my friend Eren here. I figured it was only fair that I returned the favor by writing about him and his beautiful fiancee, with his help of course.” 
Eren smiles as he leans closer to the microphone. 
“This song is called Margaret.” 
This is a simple song, gonna write it for a friend My shirt is inside out, I'm messy with the pen He met Margaret on our rooftop, she was wearing white And he was like, "I might be in trouble" He had flashes of the good life He was like, "Should I jump off this building now or do it on the double?
'Cause, baby, if your love is in trouble Baby, if your love is in trouble Baby, if your love is in trouble When you know, you know When you know, you know
It kinda makes me laugh, runnin' down that path When you're good as gold 'Cause when you know, you know 'Cause when you know, you know And when you're old, you're old
Like Hollywood and me, that diamond on your ring The soul that you bring to the table One that makes me sing In a minor key Diamond on your ring 'Cause when you know, you know When you know, you know
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The two of you tie the knot a year later, on a chilly December night, back in the old townhouse. It’s decorated to perfection – the walls that you originally took down are now covered again with polaroids of you and Eren, but all of your loved ones too. 
True to Mikasa’s statement all of those years ago, the flower girls at your wedding are Olivia and Lily – but they can’t exactly walk yet, so it’s only fair that Reiner and Connie carry them and their little flower baskets down the aisle. 
As busy as Mikasa and Jean are with the baby, they give up their spots as best man and maid of honor to the more seasoned parents, Lana and Sukuna. Though it feels entirely wrong to have Lana standing on your side and Sukuna on Eren’s, so you decide to switch the roles. Teddy’s quite possibly the best ring bearer and Levi’s the perfect person, who gives a sweet passionate speech about holding out for love, as the officiant of your wedding. 
Levi, however, is full of all sorts of tricks – which is something the two of you only note when it’s time for you to do your first dance. Because instead of the piano quartet that you organized, he’s sitting on the bench next to Hange instead, tapping on the microphone to get your attention. 
“I believe it’s time for the first dance.” Levi states. 
Hange rolls her eyes, before taking the microphone. 
“You’re so stiff, Levi.” 
“You talk then.” 
“No, you always tend to have a way with words.” 
You look up at Eren, admiring the two little pins on the lapel of his jacket – a crescent moon and the Saturn pin – before looking back at the two of them and their antics. 
“Eren and Y/N. You’ve written quite a few love songs, not only about the beautiful love that you share with each other, but the love that we all seem to have for one another as well. And really, we figured it was only fair that we all repaid the favor, by writing a song about the two of you for you to dance to.”
“And well, we know how much being surrounded by the love in the room means to you. So we’re going to invite everyone to join you on the dance floor, so you can be surrounded by it.” Hange states. 
The group of them all give you sweet smiles, as you all walk out onto the little makeshift floor, as Hange and Levi start playing the piano, Levi’s quiet voice filling the backyard. 
When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years To make you feel my love
You pause from looking at Eren, as you pull him closer – resting your ear against the beating sound of his heart – and catch it all again, the love in the room so warm it’s almost suffocating. Because it’s Falco still stepping on Gabi’s feet after all these years, Ymir spinning Sofia way too many times, and Jean and Mikasa dancing with Lily in their arms. 
“Can you believe they wrote a song about us?” you whisper. 
“I’ll fucking say. It was about time. Do you know how many weddings we’ve carried on our backs by writing songs?” 
“Don’t exaggerate, Eren. It was only like three.” 
“Three too many. I was expecting the damn fanfare when I walked in.” 
You both laugh, before leaning forward, and looking over at Hange and Levi – soft smiles that they give each other, as they play the piano together. 
I know you haven't made your mind up yet But I will never do you wrong I've known it from the moment that we met No doubt in my mind where you belong
I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue I'd go crawling down the avenue No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do To make you feel my love
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Eren makes his SNL debut three months after the fact and you figure that there's no better time to announce the fact that you and Eren are together. A silly little skit – where your fake characters are both named Margaret and Bruce – is the perfect end to what the two of you started at the beginning of the week, when you released your songs False God and Only Angel on the same day. 
But unbeknownst to Eren, you change the original plan you had – to play False God at the end of the show – and choose to play a different song at the end. Eren turns to you, giving you a last wink as the show starts rolling, and he turns to the camera. 
“Once again, Y/N L/N-Jaeger.” 
There’s a resounding sound of cheers as Eren takes his side next to Connie and Maryam at the front, as you start strumming on the guitar. 
Fatefully I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me Misery Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep
And you passed right by I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides The knife cuts both ways If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break
And I fell from the pedestal Right down the rabbit hole Long story short, it was a bad time Pushed from the precipice Clung to the nearest lips Long story short, it was the wrong guy Now I'm all about you I'm all about you, ah Yeah, yeah I'm all about you, ah Yeah, yeah
The first thing you catch sight of when you look out is Hange and Levi. And the first thing that comes to mind is that speech – watching Hange spilling tears into that microphone, watching it in your pajamas with Colt at your side and Falco fast asleep somewhere in the corner – and it makes your stomach jolt. 
Actually I always felt I must look better in the rear view Missing me At the golden gates they once held the keys to When I dropped my sword I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door And we live in peace But if someone comes at us This time, I'm ready
Ricky comes to mind next, but it’s only because you can see Lana and Sukuna in the third row – their heads leaned against each other as they hold hands. Because it’s not exactly the justice she exactly deserved, but years after the fact, his horrible mouth had landed him on a blacklisted list of actors – and really, he was never to be seen again. Hyla and Scott were always around, but never warranted a second thought after what you had done to them – tearing their once empire to the ground with your own bare hands and a pencil. 
No more keepin' score now I just keep you warm (keep you warm) No more tug of war now I just know there's more (know there's more) No more keepin' score now I just keep you warm (keep you warm) And my waves meet your shore Ever and evermore
Past me I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things Your nemeses Will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing And he's passing by Rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky And he feels like home If the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go
The raw spot of hurt that was reserved for Marco softened over the years and the over-consuming feeling it once used to give you was now open – for you to give to other parts of your life. To your friends, to your family, and to Eren. 
Now I'm all about you (and now) I'm all about you, ah (and now) I'm all about you (and now) I'm all about you, ah Yeah, yeah I'm all about you (and now) Yeah, yeah I'm all about you
You can’t help but smile at him, feeling your heart nearly pounding in your chest, as you look at him – smiling back at you from the front row, his hands pressed to his chest, with a silver band around his ring finger. 
Long story short, it was a bad time Long story short, I survived 
Hange had told you, indirectly all those years ago, to show people the real you. And as much acting as you and Eren had done - method and otherwise - you supposed there was nothing more real than the love that existed between the two of you.
Eren closes the distance and you swing your guitar to the side as he brings his hands around your cheeks and presses one last kiss to your lips before the camera cuts. 
an: a very bittersweet goodbye to one of the most special fics i've ever written. i truly do not think that there are enough words that i can string together (which as ironic as someone who is a fic writer) to explain what this fic has meant to me, what your interactions have meant to me, and everything else in between.
this fic has truly been a piece of my heart - not only because i've poured so many of my real emotions into each of the characters, but also because it's brought me so much joy to share with people - and to have them nitpick and find all the little clues i've been leaving along the way.
whether you've been reading since july or just picked it up in the few days before it was finished, thank you so much for being here 💌
PS: method acting fun fact! this fic was actually a REQUEST that I wrote for someone, if you can believe it. further proof to kind of interact with writers and show ur love bc u can ask for a fic and then be stuck with this mumbo jumbo of almost 270k words at the end of it.
peace and love!!! ronnie out <3
(if you request any side pieces about this stories/ask any questions/etc!!! I am more than happy to always answer. i've thought of so much lore in my head)
taglist: @k0z3me @sugu-love @yihona-san06  @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon  @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @cutiejg @bokutosthings @bookwrmm @mblrrr @wheredidmycrowngo @somethinginyoureyes7 @chilichopsticks @okaystopwhore @you-always-made-me-blush @itzmeme @firelordazulaaaa @whoami-72 @g-ghostly @intimacywithceline @erensmoodygf @cocomellxn @princess-ackerman @jaegerfiles @cacapeepee @rui-0836 @moonmalice @invisible-mori @sofiasber @bbybeeb @timetobegone @tee4str @ttokki2 @leave-rae-alone @ec3lipsy @officialsimpp @gojojang @yookayyo @lordbugs @multiplefandomthings @iobeyfandoms @camilo-uwu @justanotherkpopstanlol @mel-star636 @fvckingeetar @ttalgi @najaemism @ilovekimchi123 @youraggedybitch @xoyumiqls @leafguitar @spiidergirlsworld @luvs4kim @levin4nami @florichun @hoonmyluv
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my heart is my armor for @thefreakandthehair's Spicy Six Spring Challenge (mwah mwah!) | *ao3 link here*
Eddie doesn’t understand Steve’s sudden interest in having a garage sale. Everything that they own is junk disguised as furniture. None of it is worth looking at, let alone buying.
Besides, they don’t even have a garage. They’re still slumming it in this dingy duplex, too broke to afford decent cutlery.
“A garage sale with no garage is just false advertisement, babe.” Eddie flops onto his stomach, hears the boxsprings of their shitty mattress groan underneath him.
“We need to do some spring cleaning anyways.” Steve sinks his nails into Eddie’s hair, scratches at his roots the way Eddie likes it best. It’s all mindless now, physical affection. Five months ago, both of them would’ve been scared shitless to behave this way. Now, it’s easy.
Routine bliss.  
“Might as well make a few extra dollars out of it.” Steve adds.
Eddie scoffs. Flattens his face into the mattress, ignores the questionable dude smell. “What the fuck is spring cleaning anyways?”
“Just a thing. Always has been.”
Spring cleaning sounds like a tradition that rich assholes invented as an excuse to throw away the winter jackets they never even wore - never even took the tags off of. Eddie can just imagine a gaggle of housewives, swishing their wine and speaking in some fake transatlantic accent: ‘Oh sweet darling lambchop, it’s not wasteful. It’s simply a bit of spring cleaning.’
“I never agreed to do spring cleaning.” Eddie says.
“You never agree to do cleaning, period.”
“That’s not true. I did the laundry last month.”
Which isn’t a lie. Eddie did three (two) loads of laundry after Steve refused to go anywhere near it. Claims that the final straw was seeing some sort of mutated rodent emerging from their hamper.
“Oh that?” Eddie had fished his brain for a plausible explanation. “That was just a mouse or a rat or a… miniature possum. Something like that.” At the time, he phrased the whole thing like the weirdest multiple choice quiz - the most suitable answer being Something Like That. 
“Whatever.” Steve snorts, likely recalling that same night. He turns off the lamp, lets the dark bleed into the room, swallowing the light. 
They both inch into the middle of the bed, where it’s naturally starting to dip at the center. All of their belongings are used, including this mattress. If money weren’t an issue, they would invest in a new one.
Or not. Eddie kind of likes that it sags in the middle, where they always meet. Like it’s giving in, shaping itself around the weight of their relationship.
The thought makes him smile, a stupidly smitten grin at his stupidly pretty boyfriend.
“What?” Steve pokes a finger at the corner of Eddie’s mouth.
“Nothing.” He catches Steve’s finger, pretends to gnaw it off his hand till Steve laughs. Best fucking sound, even better in their bed. 
Christ, he’s so in love. Wants a megaphone to scream about how in love he is with Steve Harrington. Wants to call a local radio station and request the sappiest love songs imaginable. Wants to be able to just say it, then never stop saying it.
That feels colossal though. Like the playfulness will fizzle out or the blissful routine will rupture. 
So he just says it in other ways, like tonight. 
“Okay, fine. You win.” Which is a direct translation to those three important words, because Eddie hates losing. One of his top ten least favorite things in this world is losing. 
He folds Steve’s fingers into a fist, kisses over every knuckle. Looks up to see Steve blinking slowly, half-asleep. Looks happy. 
And damn, that makes it all worth it, right? Losing so Steve can win. That makes it tolerable, almost enjoyable, for a soft expression like that.
“I’ll do the non-garage garage sale.”
Steve yawns, nuzzles into his side of the pillow. “I knew you would.”
Eddie complains the entire time they clean. Makes the biggest fuss, stomps from room to room. Their place is small, sure. Yet somehow, they generate enough dust and dirt to fill multiple trash bags. Which means multiple trips to the dumpster.
Fuck Spring for making cleanliness a seasonal personality trait.
It’s late into the afternoon when they finally take a break. Both of them are pretty disgusting, so they sit on the front steps of the duplex.
“Quit scowling, you big baby.” Steve passes a glass of water to Eddie. Takes a long chug from his own glass, throwing his head back to get more down. 
No human being has the right to look this sexy without proper legal representation. But Steve wears dirt and sweat like an accessory. Makes the grime so damn rugged, utterly hot.
Yeah. Eddie finally can relate to all the women that drool over erotica novel covers. Fully gets the appeal.
“So, find anything worth selling?” Steve asks. 
“As a matter of fact, yeah. I did.”
Eddie reaches to his side and grabs a black binder: Steve’s baseball card collection. An extensive one at that. 
He smooths over the plastic cover, fluttering his lashes up at Steve, who seems to be seconds away from hulking out over the suggestion.
“Oh fuck that, man!” Steve yanks the binder from Eddie’s hand. “I’ve had those since I was a kid!”
“Which is exactly why it’s time to retire them. Give them a new home. One that’s not a brothel for cockroaches.”
Really, Eddie gets far too much pleasure out of this. Watching people squirm under the uncomfortable magnifying glass of his sense of humor.
Steve cracks his neck to one side and snarls.
Ha. Perfect. Eddie has dwindled him down to nonverbal replies. Just caveman actions that are equally as sexy as the dirt and sweat.
But Steve throws a curveball, too quick to catch. He slips into the house and returns with one of Eddie’s favorite cups. “And what about these, huh? What about your dorky Star Wars glasses?”
Okay, ouch. This game is not funny anymore. Totally bypassed Humor and went straight to Dire territory.
Han may have shot first, but Steve Harrington is aiming where it hurts. Cutting him deep (deeper than that very unlucky tauntaun…).
“These are collectibles, Steven. Collectibles!” Eddie exaggerates every syllable, first-grade teacher style. “I spent two years tracking down the complete Empire Strikes Back set. Still missing three from Return of the Jedi, but whatever. Progress is progress.”
“What’s your point?”
“My point is, these are valuable.” 
“Like, worth a lot of money?”
“No. You know what I mean…” Eddie stands. He carefully grabs the glass from Steve and holds it up to the sun. 
All the designs are just as vibrant as the day he found them. Him and Wayne had searched almost a dozen Burger Kings before he found this design - the scene on Endor. Eddie will never forget that day. 
“The memories.” He finally answers. “These are sentimental and shit.”
Steve hums, nodding. “They mean something to you.”
“Noted.” He takes the cup back inside. There’s silence for another minute before Steve lurks around the door, saying: 
“Then I guess we’ll have to sell one of your guitars instead.”
Oh shit.
Another direct hit to Eddie’s blackened heart. 
“You little fucker!” He chases Steve all around the kitchen and into their bedroom. Wrestles him down on their saggy bed, instantly dirtying up again.
They end up with a decent amount of items to sell that Saturday morning. Duplicate records and cassettes, a few kitchen gadgets from Steve’s grandma, and some trinkets that Robin kindly donated. A hodgepodge of treasures, that’s what Steve keeps saying.
He’s so proud of their three tables of junk. Hodgepodge treasures, whatever. Just keeps rearranging things and straightening them out. Concentrating so hard that his eyebrows crease together. Adorably focused. Eddie loves when he gets like this. If they weren’t in a conservative small town in broad daylight, he’d kiss Steve’s twisted-up lips, make him relax a little.
“I…” Eddie starts, quickly tripping on his own tongue. Stumbles over that dumb fucking word. Four letters should not hold the power of an entire emotion, goddamnit. 
He scoots out of his lawn chair, stretching upward. “I think I’ll go pester the lemonade stand across the street. Haggle the price down to a penny or something.”
Steve huffs out a laugh. “You get more bizarre every day, Munson.”
“So does the economy, Harrington.”
The lemonade stand is an immediate mistake. A little girl peers up at Eddie, eyes starting to swell with tears. Maybe the clouds are casting a big, scary shadow over him, making him look twice as evil.
Or maybe he severely underestimated how badass his look really is, who fucking knows.
He dives right into his haggling-monologue, when the girl points to his latest Iron Maiden patch on his vest. Asks in the thinnest voice who the ‘skeleton man’ is. 
And look, Eddie doesn’t mess around when it comes to educating this fine nation’s youth. So he answers honestly:
“Eddie the Head. A vessel for soul-sucking metal.”
The answer is probably what makes her run. But it’s definitely the voice that opens up the floodgates.
Anyways, he’s not just gonna let all this freshly-squeezed goodness go to waste. That would be a shame. A travesty, even.
So he helps himself to two full cups of lemonade. Makes a quick escape before the kid’s parents bring pitchforks.
Eddie sneaks up behind Steve, whispers nervously in his ear. “Well… there’s good news and there’s bad news.” 
“What did you do?” Steve doesn’t miss a beat. 
“I got the lemonade for free.” He hops up on the table, waves the proof around with a big, cheesy grin. Still no reaction from Steve, so what the hell? Might as well get all the information out there. 
“Bad news is, I made the pigtailed kid cry.”
“It’s not my fault!” Eddie is suddenly very defensive. “She asked who this ‘skeleton man’ on my vest is and I couldn’t lie.”
“You lie about shit all the time.”
“Not about history, Steve! Get your head out of your perfectly-shaped ass.”
Steve puts his hand over Eddie’s mouth, gesturing to the nearby shoppers. Not that Eddie is overly concerned about what the elderly couple can hear from this distance. And he assumes that the suspender-wearing dude admiring the Barry Manilo record, would probably agree on his Ass Opinions.
However, Steve is shrinking further into his chair from Eddie’s commentary. Grunting something unintelligible but mostly likely explicit. 
“Here.” Eddie determines that the safest solution is to back down. Ease off until Steve’s complexion returns to normal colors. “You can have the lemonade that isn’t diluted with the tears of a child.”
Steve laughs into the cup and takes a long swig. Chases it with an exaggerated ‘aaah’ like all of those airbrushed models do in the commercials. 
Eddie is just so damn crazy about this guy. Would drink a thousand tear-soaked beverages for Steve if it meant getting to experience every day just like this. With a smile like that.
“How is it?” Steve asks. 
“Tastes like citrus and fear.” Eddie responds proudly with a wink.
There’s a pause before they both erupt into laughter. Steve slapping Eddie’s knee rather than his own. Eddie snorting like a sitcom dweeb. He’s laughing so hard that he almost misses Steve uttering the most incredible sentence:
“God, I love you.”
Says it just like that. Clear as water. Easier than oxygen. Like he has told Eddie that very phrase a thousand times before.
And Eddie… Eddie can’t locate a single word in his brain. His access to language is padlocked after hearing that. Experiencing that. 
All he can do is move. Move away from the table. Move behind the clothing rack full of used jackets. Move his arms outward, pulling Steve along with him.
He kisses Steve before he does something stupid like scream or flail around. If he’s going to open his big mouth, it’s going to be against Steve’s lips. Licking the drops of lemon clean off his mouth. Pushing his linen-soft hair back and holding it between his fingers.
They’re obscured by clothes and scarves, but it’s risky. Too risky to linger into a deeper kiss like Eddie craves to do. So he lets go of this moment and ducks into the house to catch his breath.
The rest of the day goes by at hyper speed, too fast to notice details. Not that anything could possibly top hearing Steve say what he said. It’s tattooed deep into everything Eddie hears, permanently inked in his mind. 
Once they head back inside, Steve flicks through the wad of cash, counting their profit. It’s not much, merely pocket change - but certainly more than either of them expected. Eddie chalks up the surprising amount to Steve's charm and short-shorts. The yummiest eye-candy of the whole damn neighborhood.
“We should save up for a trip.” Steve suggests.
Eddie raises his brows. “A trip?”
“A vacation. You know, get away from this shithole town for a weekend.” The more he talks, the more Steve’s face glows. Fucking shines with daydreams. “A change of scenery might be nice.”
Eddie holds back the urge to remind Steve that he’s the best scenery in the solar system. He already gushes too much, too often. It’s bound to scare Steve off at some point.
So he simply kisses Steve’s shoulder instead, agreeing with a soft hum. 
He starts to fall asleep while listening to Steve name all the places they should travel to. The last one he remembers is Boston.
“Boston would be fucking awesome, right?”
Eddie nods. Drifts off.
Thinks that anywhere with Steve Harrington would be fucking awesome.
Eddie heads up north for a couple of weeks to help Wayne move into his new place. Since Hawkins was previously sliced apart like pizza, Wayne wisely decided to retire early. Used his government hush-money in the most predictable way he could.
“All I need, son, is an empty mind and lake full of fish.” And that’s exactly what he gets. A one-story house near the top of Lake Michigan. Has one hell of a view too.
They head out to the private dock to chat and fish. Except Eddie isn’t too keen on jabbing sharp metal into a water-dweller’s mouth, so he keeps Wayne company on the dock. Lends an ear for all of his stories.
“Shame that Steve couldn’t make it.” Wayne waits to bring him up till they start packing up for the evening.
“Yeah. It is.” Eddie agrees. Misses him already. “Next time though.”
During his last weekend with Wayne, a package arrives on the front porch. It’s addressed to Eddie, which is strange. The only people that know he’s here are his boyfriend, his bandmates, and his boss. More than likely, Steve probably told their crew of demon-destroyers too, but still…
Why would anyone bother to send him a package if he’s driving back home in three days? Doesn’t add up.
He cuts into the cardboard, practically ruins the box. Inside, there’s an absurd amount of tissue paper. It’s stuffed in every corner, overflowing at the top, just a sea of noisy paper.
“Whatcha got there?” Wayne peers over his shoulder.
“Not sure yet.” Eddie sifts through the noise. Digging around more carefully now because he takes notice of the ‘Fragile’ labels on every side of the box.
He pulls out one of the overly-wrapped items, begins removing it from the tissue paper. After twirling through a few layers, he realizes exactly what it is. 
Glass. Colorful designs. Fits in the palm of his hand.
The Star Wars cups. The last three Star Wars cups that had been missing from Eddie’s collection. 
“No fucking way.”
“Watch it.” Wayne warns.
“It’s a warranted response, I promise.” Eddie hands the pristine Darth Vader glass over to Wayne.  “Look!”
Wayne examines it for a while before letting out a long whistle. “Well I’ll be damned. Haven’t you been looking for these since-”
“1983.” Eddie answers. He gently picks up each glass, thumbs over the artwork to feel the tiny ridges of paint. 
They’re in perfect condition too, more than perfect. No chips, no blemishes, no smudgy fingerprints (except for Eddie’s now). He has to place them back into the box because his hands are shaking with excitement. Smooths his palms against his jeans, head shaking in disbelief.
“That romantic asshole.” Eddie grumbles. “Couldn’t just wait to give me these once I get back home.”
Wayne cuts him a vicious side-eye, one that makes Eddie’s spine shiver. He's received this look many times throughout his childhood, even more in his teenage years. It’s Wayne’s signature stare before he calls Eddie out on his bullshit.
Apparently, it still has the same effect on him too. Works like witchcraft.
Wayne looks over the gifts, then back up at Eddie. His edge melts away, turns into something softer. Kinder.
“You know… some things can’t wait, son.”
With that, the tension in Eddie’s spine unravels. His chest inflates, warming up a few extra degrees. His whole body knows exactly what he needs to do - the thing that can’t wait another second.
The phone only rings through one time.
“This is Steve.” That voice. Hits like a homemade remedy.
“Hey, it’s Eddie.” His nails are tapping next to the phone speaker, rapid and impatient. “Listen, I just got your package and-”
“Oh, god.” Steve sounds pained all of a sudden. “Was it too much? Is it gonna be too difficult to transport back home? I know it would’ve just been easier to wait, except-”
“I love you.”
There it is. The words that can’t wait. The phrase that demands power.
“You… what?”
“I love you. Just, so much.” Eddie feels lighter, weight lifting from his lungs each time he says it. “And I couldn’t wait another second to tell you. So, yeah. Really, really in love with you, Steve.”
All Eddie can hear is Steve’s breath. Just as rapid as his nails tapping.
“Wow… um.” Steve clears his throat, but the sound comes out small. Strained.  “Do you mind if I call you right back?”
Not the response Eddie was expecting. “Oh. Uh.”
“Just - hold on a sec.”
And the line clicks dead.
After the third hour of organizing pans in the kitchen, the only room close enough to launch himself at the phone if it were to ring, Eddie accepts defeat. Retreats to the guest bedroom, contemplating what the fuck went wrong.
He groans into the bedspread, claws at his hair till it’s a fucking jungle. Frizzed out beyond repair, just like his nerves.
“That’s enough moping.” Wayne knocks at the door, creaking it open. “We’re going down to the lake.”
There’s no point in arguing with him. The man is the human embodiment of Stubborn - more so than Eddie, which speaks volumes.
Besides, moping in a different location won’t make him any less pathetic.
Wayne is a master in the art of distraction. Doesn’t waste any time before telling Eddie all about the local gossip he overhears downtown. He quickly transitions into asking Eddie questions about his job. Continues this pattern till the sun falls into the horizon. Not allowing Eddie’s mind the chance to jump to conclusions until they get back to the house. To the phone. 
The phone that’s still not ringing.
Wayne nudges Eddie’s arm. “Wanna give him a call?”
Yes. Desperately yes. 
“Maybe. Gonna go change first.”
Eddie opens the door to the guest bedroom, and his lungs slingshot out of his chest.
Steve is there. Sitting on the bed. Looking at him with that knockout smile and slightly tired eyes.
“Hi.” He sits up a little straighter. Gives Eddie the tiniest wave. 
“You’re… you-”
“Caught the first flight out here.” Steve cuts him off. “Had to.”
“The vacation cash jar.”
No no no. 
Eddie’s throat feels swollen with that realization. Knows just how fucking much that potential trip to Boston meant to Steve. 
“Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not, I’m not.” Eddie spits out. Needs to swallow this barrier of emotion in his throat so he can form an actual sentence, for christ’s sake. “Fuck. You just… have no idea how much I love you.”
Steve perks up even straighter, seems fully awake now. His smile creeps up to one side of his face, outright mischievous. He tilts his head to the side and holds an arm out, reaching for Eddie.
“Get over here and show me then.”
In one fluid motion, Eddie lands on the bed, draped in Steve’s arms. They kiss and cling to each other as if they might float off somewhere. It’s all too good, too delicious. Just can’t get enough of how Steve tastes, needs to savor it after not having him around for ten days. 
Being under the covers, kissing wildly, is becoming dangerous. And if Wayne weren’t in the room directly across from them, Eddie would have Steve in unspeakable positions by now. Steve tugs multiple times at the zipper on Eddie’s jeans. Causes physical damage to Eddie’s horny soul to pull Steve's hand away.
They stay like this instead. Leisure, molasses kisses. Knotted fingers and tangled legs. Closer than skin.
Steve lifts up onto his elbow, swipes Eddie’s bangs off of his forehead to make room for another place to kiss. “Can’t believe it took a few dorky cups to make you realize you were in love with me,” he says, lips still smushed in that spot before backing away.
Eddie flips onto his back with a heavy sigh. No way he can look at Steve’s face while admitting this outloud. “I’ve loved you since the day you fed me a curly fry that you had twisted around your pinky.”
“That was the moment?”
“That was the moment.”
He can hear the smile in Steve’s voice. “Why am I not surprised?”
“Never gonna dodge that ‘freak’ reputation, am I?”
“Not a chance.”
The sky is dusted with stars that night. Not the kind of night sky they ever get to see in Hawkins. Steve marvels at them, mentions that he’s never seen so many at once, not even through a window.
“We could go outside?” Eddie offers. “See even more, if you want.”
“Fuck that.” Steve burrows his nose into Eddie’s neck. “Too comfy.”
Eddie agrees with a laugh. “It’s a good bed, isn’t it?”
“Ours is better.”
It’s not, it’s really not. Their bed is rotting, the oldest relic of their home.
But it bends with them, forms to their bodies perfectly.
And since this bed has yet to learn their language, Eddie takes the lead.
“You’re right.” He curls himself around Steve. Leans in closer and Steve follows. “Ours is definitely better.”
Even miles away from home, they somehow always manage to meet in the middle.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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Nice restoration on this 1890 Italianate Victorian in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It's white, but the restoration is very good, so it needs the new owners to put their own stamp on it. 4bds, 2.5ba, $525K.
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The wood has been stripped, but they accented the posts in black and brightened the rest up with white.
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I can't tell if they oiled the bare wood or put a satin finish on it, but I like it.
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The sitting room has a wonderful original marble fireplace.
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What were they thinking with that modern light fixture and modern furniture. Why do buyers feel that they have to make their beautiful historic Victorians look new?
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Totally in love with the way they did this kitchen. No ugly new or 80s style cabinetry. How refreshing.
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And, they left the ancient fireplace. Wish they didn't paint it white, so you could see the details of the old brick.
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This is cool. They left the scullery untouched and didn't make it a home office or something.
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And, there you see the original maids stairs going up to their quarters from the scullery.
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Look at the sink in the guest powder room. What a beauty.
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The primary bedroom is large and has another original marble fireplace, but unfortunately, they never put in a closet. I would have to get a carpenter to come in and design one against this back wall.
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Small bath with modern tile, vintage tub & sink.
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If this became a child's room that mantle would look adorable painted in pastel colors.
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Look at the fireplace in this room. Beautiful.
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This bedroom is huge and has an en-suite.
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It was renovated with a modern shower, but the light and mirror look original.
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The basement isn't finished, but they brightened it up with white paint. Look at the old foundation. And, there's a vintage sink.
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It's not bad.
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Looks like they watch TV and exercise down here.
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They have a patio and fenced in yard in the back.
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I wonder if that was an extension they build on the original home. I would buy this house, it's cool.
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Looks like a nice neighborhood, but it's on a service road. That wouldn't bother me.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
mb4 + "are you sure that’s right??” + setting up furniturefromhell ikea furniture
flat packs II m.bright
"do you think the grey or the charcoal mills?" you questioned with a frown holding up both pillows as your girlfriend sighed tiredly knowing too well the question itself was rhetorical.
"i like whatever one you like baby." millie mumbled as she had done over and over as you'd dragged her around ikea for the last three hours. if you asked her there was absolutely no difference between the two cushions you had in hand.
"mmm i think the charcoal. mill?" you glanced at her over your shoulder as the footballer only hummed, leaning against the cart with her chin resting on her fist making you smile. tossing four of the cushions in you returned to her side.
"i love you." you spoke, well aware that shopping was only really enjoyable for one of you and that was not your girlfriend. "love you too." millie sighed with a tired smile as you pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.
"i think thats everything. we just need to go and find the flatpacks in the warehouse bit and pay for it all, then i'll buy you some lunch grumpy." you teased, your girlfriend exhaling and straightening up.
"baby i'm gettin beyond grumpy and dangerously close to hangry."
"and you definitely don't want any help? not even from the instructions?" you hinted, waving the small stack of papers around in your hand as millie shook her head and laid everything out in front of her.
"baby. its a desk, i've got this easy! you're good at the buying, my strength is the building." the blonde flexed her arms with a smirk making you roll your eyes. "fine! call me if you need me." you bent down to peck her lips, sending her a glare as her hand shot out and smacked your ass as you walked off.
"it slipped!" she grinned twirling a screwdriver around in her hand as you hummed. "sure it did bright, sure it did."
an hour or so later you looked up from your book with a smile of amusement hearing yet another thud and a groan, some colorful language filling the air as you heard your girlfriend kick off for what felt like the tenth time since she'd commenced building.
"want a hand mills?" you called out with a grin. "no! i'm fine." the blonde huffed back and you could hear the obvious scowl of frustration in her voice as you shook your head at her stubbornness and tuned back into your book.
easily another hour and six or so chapters later your book was ripped from your hand and the defender towered over you with excitement plastered all over her face.
"i did it!" she announced proudly, marking your page for you and tossing the book onto the coffee table. "only took you...two and a half hours, not bad!" you teased making her eyes roll as she held her hands out to help you up.
"don't be cheeky." the blonde warned in her thick northern accent you adored dearly, pecking your lips a few times as you hummed and allowed her to drag you off to the study.
"ta-da!" she dropped her hands and wiggled her own at the desk, a slight frown curling into your features as you moved closer and inspected it. "what!" millies hands dropped to her hips as she stared down at you in annoyance.
"are you sure thats right? it doesn't look like the display model babe." you hummed, ducking down to inspect it properly as your girlfriend scoffed.
"well thats gratitude innit! slave away buildin this for ya after bring dragged round shoppin for hours on my day off, hardly any kisses and hardly any attention only for you to question if i did it wrong!" the footballer threw her hands up in protest.
"i was only asking! i am very thankful for you. my big strong brick wall turned builder!" you teased playfully, standing on your tippy toes to kiss her as her head swiveled away from you with a huff.
"you know its quite hot that you can do a flat pack baby." your hands crept up her top, nails scratching at her sides as her eyes dropped down to meet yours, smug smile on your lips and eyebrow raised as her face softened.
"i can do a lot of things." millie purred, bad mood melting away as her grin matched yours, hands finding refuge on your hips as she ducked down to connect her mouth to yours.
a small moan dropped involuntarily from your lips as her large hands moved around to grip your ass, a quick tap all you needed to jump up as she easily caught you, lips not even leaving yours for a second as your legs wrapped around your waist.
walking you backwards the defenders tongue made itself at home in your mouth for a moment before her teeth nipped at your bottom lip, tugging on it teasingly as she sat you down on the desk and pulled on the hem of your shirt wordlessly asking you to take it off.
but before you could even move an inch there was a squeaking and suddenly the desk was giving in, legs concaving as you let out a yell and grabbed out for your girlfriend who yanked you up and off the desk right in time for it to fall completely apart on the floor.
"i told you it didn't look right!"
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loominaire · 1 day
Elevate Your Space with Wall Art for Living Room | Wall Art Decor | Buy Wall Art at Loominaire
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Wall art is a powerful way to bring personality and character into your living room. Whether you're drawn to bold abstract pieces or serene landscapes, the right wall art for living room spaces can instantly transform your home's ambiance. At Loominaire, we offer a stunning collection of wall art decor that caters to a range of styles, helping you to create a visually captivating space.
Why Wall Art for Living Room is Essential
Your living room is often the heart of your home, a space where you entertain guests, relax, and spend time with family. Incorporating thoughtfully selected wall art decor can elevate the overall aesthetic of the room. Here's why wall art is essential:
Express Your Style: Wall art allows you to showcase your unique taste, whether you prefer modern, rustic, or eclectic styles.
Create a Focal Point: A striking piece of wall art serves as a focal point, drawing attention and anchoring the room's design.
Add Depth and Texture: Art can bring texture and layers to an otherwise flat wall, making the room feel more dynamic and engaging.
Types of Wall Art Decor for Living Room
At Loominaire, we offer a wide variety of wall art decor to suit every taste and living room design:
Abstract Art: Perfect for modern interiors, abstract art adds color and intrigue.
Landscape and Nature Art: Bring the serenity of the outdoors inside with calming scenes of nature and landscapes.
Geometric and Minimalist Art: Ideal for contemporary or minimalist spaces, these pieces are clean and simple yet impactful.
How to Choose Wall Art for Living Room
When selecting wall art for living room, it's essential to consider a few factors to ensure your chosen pieces harmonize with your existing decor:
Size: Choose a piece that fits your wall space appropriately. Larger walls may require oversized art or a gallery wall, while smaller walls suit more modest pieces.
Color Scheme: Select wall art that complements the room’s color palette, either by blending in harmoniously or providing a pop of contrast.
Theme: Align your art with the room’s theme or mood. For a tranquil space, opt for calming, serene pieces. For a vibrant, lively room, go bold with energetic artwork.
Why Buy Wall Art from Loominaire?
At Loominaire, we provide a carefully curated selection of wall art decor, ensuring that each piece is crafted with attention to detail and high-quality materials. Here’s why you should buy wall art from us:
Handcrafted Quality: Our artwork is crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring you receive pieces that are unique and made to last.
Variety: From modern to traditional, our collection features diverse styles, so you're sure to find something that resonates with your aesthetic.
Eco-Friendly Options: Many of our pieces are made using sustainable practices, allowing you to decorate your home responsibly.
Shop Wall Art for Living Room at Loominaire
Whether you’re looking to buy wall art to add a finishing touch to your living room or to completely revamp your decor, Loominaire has the perfect collection of wall art decor for you. Explore our wide range of artwork, from hand-painted pieces to modern prints, and find something that elevates your living room with creativity and style.
Transform your living space with striking wall art from Loominaire—where every piece tells a story!
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saeransangel · 2 years
i will actually consume anything of dealer ellie pls🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Summary: Your girlfriend Ellie is a dealer that everyone goes to on campus. Unbenounced to everyone else that knows you two, you've never smoked before. Ellie takes it upon herself to change that.
A/N: i will be h!gh while writing this!! ;) NOT PROOF READ also first time writing smut
CW: MDNI!! Mentions of weed, swearing, r receiving (oral/fingering)
WC: 1.9k
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You were sitting on the couch next to Ellie in your shared apartment off campus. The two of you had just moved in. It was nice to finally be off campus. You wouldn't have to be interrupted by Ellie's customers' constant knocking on the door. Her stuff was good. or so you heard. You actually wouldn't know because you have never smoked.
You never judged Ellie for it. In fact you like that it made her more mellow. No one would know but you, but Ellie was so clingy when she was high. If she was in front of her friends no. With you on the other hand, she let her wall down and put all of her devotion into you.
The apartment was newly decorated and furnished. All thanks to Ellie's job. You two spent the past couple days putting furniture together and decorating the house, which basically consisted of her building shit and you asking her if the decorations and accents you had put up looked pretty. Of course she said "Yes baby." Every time.
The two of you were snuggled up on the couch under a white fluffy blanket. Music was playing in the background on some expensive speakers Ellie insisted on buying with her hard earned money. Ellie had one arm snaked around your neck as she rolled up a joint for the two of you. She let you pick out the cherry flavored rolling papers special for tonight.
"You excited babe?" She eagerly asked.
You giggled at her excitement. "Yeah I guess so." You laughed. Truth is you weren't really nervous. You didn't think smoking was bad by any means but it was just never something that interested you. Until now.
Ellie brought the paper to her tongue and licked a thin line up the spliff. She finished rolling and set the joint on the table.
You looked at her, ready to question why she set it down. "Are we not-"
She cut you off. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked, eyes showing slight concern. "I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring you. We've been together for a year and I haven't minded that you don't smoke, you know?"
You smirked at her and leaned in for a kiss. You grabbed the collar of her hoodie and pulled her closer to you, deepening the kiss. She was being so sweet to you. But you were ready.
Once you pulled away you giggled. "I know you're not pressuring me Ells" You grabbed the joint and the lighter off the table and handed it to her. "I wanna."
She took the two items from you hands and pulled your chin towards her, connecting your lips once more. "That's my girl." She says. "Open up."
You blush and open your lips slightly. She places the spliff in between your soft lips. You press your mouth down on it slightly. You lock eyes with Ellie and she strikes the lighter up. Your heart starts beating faster as she brings the flame closer to the edge of the paper. You kept your eyes on her the whole time, showing her that you could handle it. The flame touched the paper and smoke started to fill the air, the smell of the plant flowing into the room.
"Breathe in slow baby." She whispers, watching you cautiously. You follow her instructions. You take two fingers and take the joint from your lips. You let out a small cough. Not bad, you thought. You bring the joint back and take a couple more inhales, then pass it to Ellie.
She looked at you with wild eyes as she took a hit. "Damn, Y/N/N. I did not expect that out of you, let me tell ya." She laughed.
You started to feel the euphoric effects hitting you. Your head felt light and your body felt tingly. "What, did you think your girlfriend wasn't as cool as you?" You laugh. "I can be cool."
Ellie pushes your shoulder and you can feel it through your whole body. "Cool people don't say they're cool."
"Like you would know." You say, continuing to make fun of her. She has the biggest smirk on her face. She passes the joint back to you and you take another pull. The cherry flavor seeping into your lips. The two of you continue to joke back and forth as you got higher and higher.
Ellie takes the joint from you and sets it in the ashtray. You were not complaining. You were high out of your mind, but in the best way. You finally understood why this was such a popular recreational activity. You felt euphoric. Your entire body was light. You swore you were floating at some points. Ellie noticed you didn't look all there and she laughed. "Damn, you're high."
"Yeah no shit." You laughed too. You gazed over at Ellie. She looked absolutely stunning. Her green eyes were more noticeable with the red hue her low eyes now had. She stared back, looking at your face up and down. She licked her lips. The music that was playing was so right for this moment. You felt it in your body and soul. You don't know what came over you, probably the drugs, but you wanted Ellie. She couldn't just sit there looking that good and get away with it.
It was almost like she had read your mind. One second you two were sitting apart on the couch, the next you were on top of her, arms wrapped around her neck, kissing her deeply. As the kiss deepened your head spun. You kissed her desperately, a soft moan slipping past your lips. She smirked into the kiss, but never stopping. Her hands were grabbing your hips, slowly starting to grind them down onto her. You continued like this for a few minutes, each second your movements getting more and more desperate. You had done this with her a million times but being high just made it feel so much better.
"Ellie please," You whine into the kiss.
She pulls away for a moment and gazes up at you. "What do you want?" She smirks, using her finger to tilt your chin down towards her. "Tell me."
Your breath is shaky with anticipation. You were flustered by her request. "I want you to touch me." You pleaded, grabbing her fingers and putting them at the waistband of your shorts.
She flips you over so you're laying on your back. Your heart was beating so fast and you had a dreamy smile stretched across your face. Ellie took a moment to look at how beautiful you looked with now hooded, red eyes. She leaned down to kiss you one last time before putting her fingers back onto your waistband.
"I'm about to show you the best part of smoking with me." She said lowly. Your heart was beating faster if that was even possible, anticipating what was to come. Ellie began to slide your shorts down your legs and your breath hitched. She tossed them aside and positioned herself in between your legs, her leg brushing against your clothed cunt. A whine leaves your lips at the contact.
"Ellie stop teasing me." You grab her hoodie and tug it off of her, leaving her in only a sports bra and shorts. She drops the sweatshirt on the floor and leans down to kiss your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses down the side of your neck, down your chest. Your shirt was still on, not allowing her to leave marks on your tits. She quickly removes your shirt to reveal your chest. She takes a moment to gaze down at you, you blush under her stare.
"So beautiful," She whispers. Ellie then picks up were she left off, kissing down your chest. She cups your right breast in her hand and squeezes it roughly while she worked her tongue over your nipple.
You let out another soft moan. The feeling of her tongue on your nipple was electric. She grabs at your tits for a while longer then moves down to kiss your stomach all the way down to your core. Her fingers return to the waistband of your panties. She looks up at you for approval. You nod eagerly. She takes your nod as an okay and slides them down your thighs. Her face hovers over your dripping cunt. She blows cool air lightly on your clit, causing you to buck your hips up. She loves teasing you and if you thought this was the end of the teasing you were wrong. She inches her face closer and presses her lips softly against your clit giving it a small kiss.
"Ellie," You groan. You were growing impatient now.
The brunette took this as her sign to get to work. She was desperate to make you feel good while you were under the euphoric influence. Her tongue licked a long strip through your folds. You moaned as you felt the feeling of ecstasy flow through your whole body. She swirled her tongue around your clit taking her time speeding up and slowing down sending shocks of pleasure through your core. Your hands found a home in her hair, holding on for dear life. You couldn't help yourself from grinding your pussy onto her face as she ate you out. The wet noises coming from her mouth and your cunt were making you wetter by the second.
"Fuckkkk, baby you feel so good." You sighed in pure bliss.
Ellie lifted her head up and replaced her tongue with her fingers, circling your red clit with her pointer and middle finger. "You taste so good pretty girl." She said, eyes filled with lust. You threw your head back at her words. She slide her two fingers inside you and connected her mouth back to your cunt. Slowly, she pumped her fingers in and out of your core as she sucked and licked your wetness, not wanting to waste a single drop. The speed of her fingers increased as she continued to suck on your clit.
You could feel your orgasm coming as you pushed her head further down onto your pussy. She moaned at the way you forced her head down, her moans vibrating through you core. You couldn't contain yourself. You rode her face as you moaned in ecstasy, moaning louder than you have in a long time.
"Ellie, baby fuck." You cried out. "'m gonna cum."
The brunette moaned again, as if to urge you to finish. Her tongue worked eagerly up and down your cunt and around your clit. As she continued to work her fingers in and out of your hole, her lips pursed down to suck on your clit again. Heat was building up in your core and flowing into your stomach. A wave of pleasure rode over you ask you reached your orgasm, cumming all over Ellie's pretty face.
You rode out the wave on her face loudly. After she was done she lifted her face and gazed up at you in awe. Your slick dripping down her face. You licked your lips and pulled her up to kiss you. Your lips smashing together. You opened your mouth for her to side her tongue in, tasting yourself from her mouth. She moaned into the kiss.
You pulled away and pushed her so she was laying on her back on the couch. She sighed and put her hands behind her head, leaning back.
"Your turn." You smirk.
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drewsarms · 2 days
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ʜɪᴄᴋ!ʀᴀғᴇ ɪs ᴀ ʙᴏᴜɴᴄᴇʀ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴀʟ ᴅᴏᴜʙʟᴇ ᴅᴇᴜᴄᴇ
ᴛᴏᴏᴛs!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪs ᴀ ᴛᴇᴀsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ғʟɪʀᴛ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴜsᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴅ “ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ” , ᴍᴅɴɪ
The night was alive. Wild some would say. It was the same old same old at Double Deuce. Guys getting so drunk they forgot their name. Girls buying drugs and letting guys feel up on them. Some people would turn their nose up and shout in disgust. But you, you loved the atmosphere. Most of all you loved the sexy man eyeing you from across the bar.
You were well known. Not because you slept around but because the men there loved you. You were Americas Sweetheart after all. You made your way over to the bartender coming in between some drunk and that sexy guy. He was already staring at you before you looked over. His shirt hugged his body just right. His jeans fit his waist perfectly. “What can I get for you honey,” the bartender asked snapping you out of your thoughts. “Vodka on the rocks please,” you say turning your attention back to the man. “What’s your name sir?” He looks at you and then looks away. You raise your eyebrow in confusion. “Well…you have a name don’t you,” you asked while giggling. “Rafe.” His voice is thick, deep, with a sexy country accent. You could tell he was a stern man. Didn’t play around. “Wait. The Rafe. The guy who beats up people and is good at it?” He nods his head in agreement. The bartender hands you your drink and you take it. Your friends are yelling at you from across the bar wanting you to join them. You inch closer to him. “I hope I get to see that tonight.” Your lips are close to his ear and you could’ve sworn you heard him mutter “fuck” under his breath. “As long as you don’t cause me any trouble sugar, I think it’ll be fine.” His words made thoughts turn in your head. You wanted to see what he could do. Not just hear about it. You loved a challenge.
The night grew heavier and heavier. Even more violent than it was 20 minutes ago. Guys were starting to fight and get thrown out left and right. As you took another sip from your drink you remembered what Rafe said. So, being the girl that loved for a man to put you in your place, you decided to get the men even more rowdier. It started of “calm”. Men hooting and hollering at you as you danced on the table. One of the other bouncers politely told you to get down from the table. You listened but it didn’t end there. You started to dance on one of the guys who was all up on you. Grinding your hips against his crotch. The guy gripped your waist so hard that he was bound to leave handprints. As you kept dancing you felt a shift in weight and when you turned around Rafe was lifting the guy up off the ground by his shirt. “Get this piece of shit out of here,” he said to one of his guys. He turns to look at you. His normal stern look turning even rougher. He pointed a finger in your face. “And you…you’re coming with me.” He grabs your wrist tightly dragging you to the back of the bar. He was so manly. So big. So strong. You wanted him. All of him.
He had you bent over the nearest piece of furniture in the break room. “You wanted my attention so bad, huh? Dancing on other guys just to make me mad.” You didn’t think you had that effect on him. I mean he wouldn’t even look you in the eye when you tried to talk to him. “I didn’t think you’d care daddy!” He chuckles at your answer. “Didn’t think I’d care? You strut your pretty ass right on over next to me making my jeans feel tight and you didn’t think I care?” You smile when you feel his hand reach for your throat. He leans down to whisper in your ear putting all his body weight against you. “I don’t ever want to see you in this shitty bar again. Do you understand?” You nod your head frantically. “Yes daddy! I won’t ever step foot in here again!” He groans feeling your pussy clench around him. “That’s a good girl. You’re mine. You’re gonna limp out of this room and take your pretty ass home. You got that?” You couldn’t say anything back. He was squeezing your neck so hard. It turned you on and scared you at the same time. You managed to let out a whine. “Such a good little girl. Already listening to her daddy.” He places a sweet kiss on your forehead before he shoves your head down and starts pounding into you so hard that your feet lift off the floor. It excited you with how possessive he got.
- for my love @shawtycoreee
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mysticalsoot · 2 years
dadbur hc's to feel something
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a/n; I am struggling to write full fledged fics rn so I let the brainrot win and I've now done...this. don't ask. also, thank you to lilly and elliot for decided what hc's I was meant to write, y'all are awesome and I love you both dearly<3
warnings; not much!! mentions of pregnancy, health issues (just general idea), pain mentions, this may worsen baby fever, sorry not my fault, blame wilbur.
reader is gn but in some cases afab!! (it's optional to read those parts, dw!)
masterlist (requests are open btw!)
- absolutely hated children as a teen and early 20-something
- babysat one baby of his friends and it was over for him
- absolutely adored that little baby and nearly cried when he had to leave them
- now as a husband, he wanted a kid so bad
- constantly gushing when he passes by baby shops or just melts when he sees a baby
- horrible baby fever. sorry to you.
- won't ever push the issue, but still mentions it and communicates clearly that he does want kids but he especially wants kids with you. heart melted
- if you don't want kids at the moment, he will absolutely respect that and will definitely do his best to shut up during bouts of baby fever
- I mean how could he not!! they're so adorable!!
- once you do actually have a kid, regardless of what way—he's doing anything and everything he can to prepare.
- he's buying parenting books; how to create healthy habits with your baby, how to raise a compassionate child, what to do and what not to do when becoming a parent
- he bought soo many baby outfits and onesies—all the way up to a year old. even grabbed some premie sizes, just in case.
- the nursery was set up almost immediately, a nature theme. he suggested a Minecraft theme but you shot that down immediately. there was pouting involved.
- but, you came to a compromise; dark green walls, light yellow accents, browns, etc. you even let him make Minecraft bees out of those wooden blocks and you thought they were the cutest thing ever. there were also stuffies of Minecraft animals scattered on shelves and on furniture. (please take Amazon away from this man, it's so dangerous).
- in the case of pregnancy; he was very insistent on being sure that both baby and you were in perfect health. and he never let you do more than he thought was appropriate.
- dishes? nope that's a father's job. going down the stairs? right by your side, watching your every step and yes, will make you hold his hand.
- to most others he was overbearing—but he was always like that and the whole pregnancy thing just enhanced it
- Wilbur is anxious and he never does well with medical or health things at all, his mind constantly running wild with various possibilities. it was scary for him.
- so yes, you'd get off dish nights and would be chaperoned down the stairs.
- but he also made sure you had your medicine on time, he documented every pain and complaint you had.
- he had already learnt the face you made when you were in any sort of pain—so he was right on top of it almost immediately.
- asking what hurt, what number of pain, how he could help, etc.
- he is an absolute sweetheart all of the time, but his softness was brought out by the entire experience.
- when the baby was born, or rather adopted—whichever way it happened—he cried. he cried a lot.
- he held the little one so gently, but so tightly in his arms
- he was insistent to not push gender roles onto the kiddos, but he did have two names picked out for a boy or a girl (or rather you picked them out and he agreed with them before you told him the reasoning)
- Willow for a girl and Spencer for a boy
- you didn't tell him until after the name was finalized that both options were after him
- he was so flustered and jokingly scolded you, but in reality, he loved it
- he felt so happy and so proud
- so joyful that you felt he was worthy enough to indirectly name a child after him, your child, his child.
- he was an absolute sweetie to the little one, and they took very quickly to him as well—immediately grasping onto his fingers as soon as they had the ability and cooing any time they saw him
- it melted his heart each and every time and it never stopped
- when the little one was older, they often took up the habit of grabbing at his hair or his glasses and sometimes his ears
- you found it to be the cutest thing ever and so did he he cried almost every time
- they absolutely adored their father, and if you didn't know better, you'd say they liked him better than you!
- when it came time to go back to work, to back to gigs and shows with Lovejoy
- Wilbur took off two weeks of work entirely beforehand, just to spend with you and the little one
- obviously he'd been on some sort of break since the baby was born/adopted/etc, but he still did things here and there, streamed a couple of times, went into the studio occasionally, etc
- but now that he was going to be physically gone a lot more, he knew he had to spend it wisely. and wisely did he spend it.
- most of the time was spent lying in bed with you on one side, him on the other and the baby lying on their back between you too.
- you'd both coo at them, tickle them, and talk to them
- oh did Wilbur love to sing to them, anything at all!
- he even came up with a few lullabies for them
- you'd watch from the door of the nursery as he'd rock them to sleep, humming a tune or singing the lyrics he came up just for them
- it killed you and totally didn't make you want another
- he was overall the sweetest father, and it became more evident when he had to leave for a while
- he'd call every morning, lunch and dinner as long as he didn't have anything
- and he would be so so sure that it was that time for you, it didn't matter what time it was for him as long as it was that time of day for you and his little baby
- he may have FaceTimed you and the baby during a few soundchecks, shh don't tell Dave!
- he would smile so big at the camera and wave at your little one
- he'd show them off to his band mates and they'd all coo at the little one, talking about how much alike they look like you and wilbur
- you personally thought they looked most like their father, his eyes, lips, ears. they might as well have been a spitting image of him! you looked at baby photos too
- Wilbur, on the other hand, begged to differ. he was very very insistent they looked just like you and nothing like him.
- it was most likely perception and bias that caused you both to think this way, but neither of you really cared all that much
- on days he couldn't call, for whatever reason, sometimes you'd play one of his old streams on the TV.
- the little one always responded to his voice and it seemed to calm them, usually into a sleep
- so just chatting streams and ycgma were go tos for sleepless nights lovejoys stuff kept them up and giggling
- when he was there for sleepless nights, he'd walk them around in his arms and talk about the most random things until they fell asleep
- he even offered to baby wear a lot more than most fathers did
- he just wanted to be close to them, and it always gave you a break, so he thought it'd be a double deal
- and it was! you'd get your nap, and so did the baby and Wilbur would just be gushing over his little one a few tears always shed
- he would sit with the baby on his leg when he was at his desk working, one arm snaked around them and his other on his mouse or keyboard
- at first, working was very cumbersome with the kiddo but he eventually found a work flow that worked and bouncing them on his knee helped keep things calm
- you were both hesitant to show your child on the internet and you didn't for a very long time, while people knew of them, it wasn't like photos were posted or they showed up on stream
- until, when the kiddo was about 2 or 3, they decided they missed their daddy and went running into the office when you weren't looking (I'll be using Willow as an example)
"Daddy!" Willow yelled or rather screamed out in that typical toddler way, running over to her dad's office chair.
She didn't know her father was live or working and she was much too young to understand it anyway—and the color drained from Wilbur's face when he realized. It was much too late now, chat was already spamming "Dadbur?!?" and "Baby Gold!!!"
Willow did her best to climb the side of her dad's chair before he sighed, a big smile on his face and he lifted her up by her armpits and placed her on his knee, first facing him so the camera didn't see.
"You wanna be on camera, sweetie?" He asked, realizing now how much trouble he may get in with you—but the giggle from his daughter and the smile on her face was so worth it, he didn't care.
"Yeah! Yeah!" And so he turned her around to face his PC and the camera.
"Wave to chat, lovebug!" He snaked his arm around her waist and waved with his own hand, his head dipped down to watch her. He had the softest, most loving smile on his face. He loved his little girl so so much, and he knew how it showed.
Willow waved and giggled, "Hi chat!!" and chat began spamming; "Baby Gold, hi!!" and "WILLOW!!"
It was the cutest thing he had ever seen.
And he desperately hoped he wouldn't get in too much trouble.
He spent the rest of the stream talking to chat, but mostly looking at his little girl as he conversed with her.
- it was over by then, and the little kiddo would make an appearance as much as you would allow
- and you were far from angry—you cried when you saw the clips—you were just frustrated he didn't go to you first yet you realized, he couldn't. your kid was much too like his father and much much too like you. stubborn and energetic.
- they only got more sassy and opinionated as they grew, and they most definitely became a spitting image of wilbur
- maybe #2 would look more like you
- oh, and don't let him wear plain tshirts unless you want more kids, that's all I'm saying
tags; @lillylvjy @lvrboysoot (if you want to be on a taglist thing, just send an ask and I'll add you!)
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