#By breaking the Vinsmoke brothers in any possible way he can
shima-draws · 1 month
Imagine gear 5 Luffy facing Sanji's brothers. They aren't going to last a second.
Oh my god wait YEAH I have made a post about smth similar to this concept before, here
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I just love making hc's about Sanji having so, so much scars from when he lived in Germa, it's sad but also beautiful (?) because in a way, they are the proof that he isn't in the "little, stupid failure" anymore.
And one that I love THE MOST is Sanji having a scar around all his neck because of the helmet he was forced to use during A LOT of time. This would make the fact he uses clothes that cover the neck most of the time have sense too.
(He also probably has one around his hands because of WCI arc, and this possibly makes him have a whole internal crisis because he just has another scar from his family and now in his hands)
+ little ASL+S kids thing with this HC. They seeing this and panicking thinking someone hurt the 'pretty boy', and Sanji just- saying "It's old! No reason to be this way!" and this just make them even more protective because- SOMEONE HURT HIM BEFORE?!
(Also, y'know this hc that Sanji goes all "murder mode, stabstabstab" when with a knife during the time he was a kid? Just think about asl seeing this, sweet, fragile and pretty boy going into this "mode"? It's probably terrifying)
I also headcanon he wears clothing to cover his neck!! But that's about Sanji being transfem and covering her neck because she's insecure about it. Now that you add the scar thing?? It just makes it better. And I love the idea of Sanji having scars on his wrists because of WCI. It's not something he can actually cover easily and he has to look at it every day, but slowly he gets used to it and realizes that it's not only a painful reminder of his trauma but also of how much his crew loves him and appreciates him enough to save him. I like to see it this way. Scars he doesn't want to focus on turning into something he looks at with love for his crew.
And!!! The whole ASL+S Au is great because they'd be so protective of him,, I can imagine little ASL wanting to go wild against the Vinsmokes at such an early age. They're just batshit chaotic, lmao. I adore them. Sanji doesn't want to talk about it but one day he ends up opening up to them about his multiple scars and,, They'd want to do something about it, but of course Sanji wouldn't let them, so they'd stay with him to support him. Not that they handle him like he's glass about to break. In fact, they realize he's way stronger than he looks like. I think they'd admire him so much for that.
.... The stabstab headcanon is something that I love, actually. I can imagine Sanji keeping a knife for protection (because yes, he's a cook and he would never use it to hurt somebody. But that's something I think Zeff was the one to teach him and he still doesn't feel safe enough to go on his own without any type of protection) and one day he gets a bit carried away. Maybe they're sleeping together in the forest and a random animal appears in the middle of the dark and he thinks he's being attacked and, well, you know. He feels awful afterward for doing that to an innocent thing. Sanji has a whole breakdown about it and Sabo (because Sabosan my beloved) is the one to comfort him about it.
You know, I think the kids would end up wanting to teach Sanji how to fight!!! Not to be a Sabosan shipper but I am a Sabosan shipper and-- Thinking about Ace not wanting to go hard on Sanji at first to not hurt him, but Sabo understanding what Sanji wants (because he's the one asking them to teach him) and knowing he hates being treated like glass so he's just a little bit harsh with him when fighting. Sanji actually loves it because it isn't at all the same way his brothers attacked him. Sabo takes care of him and looks after him every time they fight. Sanji's so glad to have people like them now.
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melonteee · 9 months
I don't know if you ever answered a question like that. But what are your honest thoughts about the Vinsmoke kids.
*rubs my hands together*
SO! Here's the thing. The way Sanji's brothers treated him was absolutely horrible, Sanji is not obligated to forgive them nor accept any apology (if they ever give one) regarding the torture they put him through. The same can be said for Reiju, while she did help him, she was still complicit in his beatings and only helped him behind closed doors. It was the little bit of affection Sanji got, but it was still a sense of "You're only worth helping so long as I don't get in trouble" which is heart breaking.
But here's the other thing, ALL the Vinsmoke kids were in an abusive household. Blaming Sanji's siblings for what they'd done is ignoring the rotten core of this household - which was Judge. The Vinsmoke kids listened to Judge and respected Judge, even felt a sense of fear for Judge. He's their father, after all, and he's the holder of all authority.
Judge not only did not stop these kids from beating up Sanji, but encouraged it - and it was a sense of recognition Ichiji, Niji and Yonji would've received from the act of abusing Sanji. This mindset can even be shown as they meet again as adults, with Ichiji explaining how the 'hierarchy works' because THIS is the environment Judge set. He pushed that Sanji was the runt of the litter, and that Sanji needed to be punished for the sole fact he was weaker.
The Vinsmoke siblings are, obviously, not good people. Reiju herself is also by no means a good person, and the tragedy with her is she knows this, but Judge's manipulation and abusive control has her too afraid to make a change. I feel pointing at the Vinsmoke kids and saying "OH THEY'RE JUST AWFUL! THE WORST EVER!" is looking past the fact that the Vinsmoke family is an extreme example of how an abusive household can form. JUDGE is the abuser here, HE is the monster targeting Sanji in every way, and his brothers are desperately looking for their father's approval.
I think the Vinsmoke kids are incredibly sad, I think by all means they would've left Sanji alone and possibly even cared for him had Judge not found Sanji worthless. Sanji failing his experiments also left Judge in a constant bad mood, making it so NONE of the kids ever got praised, so what else would these children do but pick on the one that's getting ALL of them punished and looked over? It's why I think it was extremely purposeful that Sanji rejected ONLY Judge, I think there's a reason Sanji didn't turn to his brothers and tell them to NEVER associate with him again - his speech was specifically targeted at Judge.
I honestly think, with who Sanji is and what he's gone through, he feels remorse for his siblings. He's terrified to turn into a monster like them, but does that not lend to the idea that he also feels a sense of anguish for what they were forced to be and turned into? It's not their fault, and Sanji knows that - hence why he has such a complicated relationship with them. He doesn't want them dead, but he hates them and doesn't want to forgive them, and is that not disgustingly realistic in terms of blood ties and blood family?? It made my gut drop at just how twisted this whole family was.
It's why I was so relieved that ONLY his siblings got a moment of redemption, that Niji grabbed Sanji to save him and bicker with him in a playful way like NORMAL BROTHERS WOULD! It's just so tragic to get a glimpse of what these kids could've been without Judge, and it's so tragic to think his brothers would've had SOME sense of fondness towards him had Judge not abused his position as their father and authority figure.
I feel a lot towards the Vinsmoke kids, because looking at everything surrounding them and what they are, they just make me incredibly depressed.
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
How The OP Boys Say “I Love You” To Their S/O
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How You Know He Loves You- idk man
A/N : enjoy.
includes » Ace, Sabo, Luffy, law, Sanji, Zoro, Marco, Rosinante, Kid, Shanks, Mihawk, Katakuri, Izo, Koby, Cavendish,
Summary : the boys’ own way of saying “I love you”, with their own words and ways. Or, how you know he loves you.
? Wait did I do this before? I don’t even know. also these aren’t GREAT, but they aren’t HORRIBLE. Yk? Honestly tho, some of these seem like they’re all over the place, which yes, they might be. UGH IT WAS SO HARD THO.
Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy loves you like an adventure. Everything is new and always fun to try with him, and no matter what happens, you don’t ever regret it, because you’re doing it with him.
He’s persistent in staying with you everywhere, he wants to do everything with you. He tends to invite you ( by pulling your hand ) to do crazy things with him and away from the others so you’re alone.
He’s always showing off his skills and stupidity in order to make you laugh, because your smile is the best thing he’s ever seen and giggles are the beautiful sound he treasures.
His actions are genuine when he holds your hand and pulls you to his side all the time, with the warmest, loving grin.
Luffy always makes sure to remind you to never give up hope.
“Let’s go on an adventure together, [Name].”
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro loves you like you’re his one and only. No one has priority over you, ( except maybe Luffy ), and you will always be his, if you’ll let him.
Zoro is not a man of many words when it comes to his own emotions and feelings, so he shows it through his actions.
He always has an eye on you, so wherever you are is where he ‘sleeps’ so he can keep you close, his swords at his side to protect you from danger, ( but he knows you can handle yourself. )
Zoro is the perfect person to lend a comforting shoulder and ear. He will listen to every single one of your problems intently and if he can, will offer the best advice you’ll hear, even if it’s a bit harshly. However, whatever got you so down, Zoro will bring you back up.
Zoro is always reminding you that you are strong, no matter how tough things get.
“Oi, come take a nap with me. I could use a body pillow.”
Portgas D. Ace
Ace loves you like a gentleman, respecting boundaries, bowing to the elderly you pass by together and always ready to pick you up for your date at seven, bouquet of flowers in hand.
If Ace is good at anything, it’s knowing how to distract you with a good time. He knows the best way to bring a beautiful smile to your lips and can easily make sure to avoid the thoughts that brought you down in the first place.
He’ll share stories that will make you die of laughter or feel so wholesome that you literally melt at how sweet it is.
The few times he expresses and shares his insecurities to you, something he hides within him because he trusts you enough to do so. He loves your understanding and comfort for him.
Ace always reminds you that you’ll be okay, even at the worst times.
“You are the light of my life.”
Chief of Staff Sabo
Sabo loves you like a prince. He holds the door for you, takes your hand so you don’t fall, has the most charismatic smile on his face and is just so charming.
Sabo will remember the littlest things, the smallest details that you yourself don’t even know until he reminds you, and because of this, you are often gifted the most memorable and cherishing gifts, like the scarf you two bought for your perfect snowman, to the necklace you were staring a little too longingly at on display.
He’s always busy, but he doesn’t hesitate to drop whatever he has just for you. He will run through fire if it means you’ll stop crying or if you’ll be happy to see him. You are his lifeline, his soul, his love.
He may not know how to properly cheer you up like his brothers can, but he knows that he wants the best for you. If you need space, you got it. You need some tender loving cuddles and buckets of ice cream while watching Disney movies? Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?
Sabo reminds you that you deserve happiness and peace.
“Whenever you need me, I’ll be there.”
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Law loves you like you’re his savior, someone who’s always there during his time of need and insecurities, by his side when he needs you most.
He’s a little blunt and straightforward occasionally, but he’s honest somewhat. He won’t ever tell you his feelings until he deems it the right time, but you can tell he has feelings by the change in treatment.
He’ll keep you closer to him, making excuses by saying that he needs you to help him with the supply run, or that he needs your assistance with a particular menial task.
He’s awkward and shy about it at first but he cares and that’s all you need to know. Especially once you catch him during one of his weaker times, the anniversary of a particular someone rolling around, where he’s locked in his room. He needs you beside him, so please don’t leave him when he needs you.
Law reminds you that you are human, that it’s okay to be vulnerable.
“Just stay here with me.”
Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji loves you like a god/goddess. He will treat you with the utmost respect and care and offers you everything you could possibly want or need, just say the word.
His genuine, endless daily compliments are given to you with pure love and passion, his daily refreshments and snacks to keep you energized and hydrated keeps an eye out for your health.
He makes sure you know the true meaning of flattery, chivalry and love, because that is all he can show you.
However, under that chivalrous exterior, is his calmer, understanding loving self, where he shows his true self and when he finally shares this side with you, where he holds his insecurities, it’s the true honor and love you can receive. And it’s even better, when you become the one who loves for him in return during this time.
Sanji reminds you that you deserve to be and are loved.
“You are my world, my everything.”
Marco The Phoenix
Marco loves you like a married couple who grew old together, still playing jokes and having fun to life’s fullest, no matter your age.
He’s constantly lecturing you for the smallest things repeatedly, since you always seem to forget. His lectures lack any annoyance or malice though, he’s just kind of done with you sometimes.
Nonetheless, he’s taking care of you more than you think, always the first one there whenever you need help. He’s always prepared for whatever you need so you don’t have to look for it and get worried.
He’s stern at times but he loves you more than you could ever know, often questioning himself whenever he’s beside you. He half-lidded eyes watching you with warmth and admiration because you always look so determined.
Marco always reminds you that you are free. To live life to its fullest and however you wish.
“Let me fly you to the moon.”
Donquixote Rosinante
Rosinante loves you like a husband, he treats you like his wife, either you or him welcoming each other home after being gone for so long and greeting each other with a loving kiss each time.
He knows just how tough things can be and as much as he tries to make things right, he knows how bad situations really are and no matter how much he wants to cry or get angry, he always holds a smile, in front of you. To assure you that things will be okay.
He gives the warmest hugs, and knows that, so whenever you’re angry or sad, or just randomly at times, Rosi envelops you into a large hug, waddling you back and forth a few times, you feel instant relief and content, which makes him smile.
His priority will always be you, even if he’s hundreds of thousands miles away, he will find his way back home to you. He surprises you with the littlest gifts; being flowers, jewelry, candles, or more.
Rosi will always remind you to smile, even during the hardest times.
“I will protect you.”
Eustass Kid
Kid loves you like a game, it’s unexpected, unpredictable of what will happen and it’s exciting and thrilling. For you both, one wrong move, and the other is gone for good, but perhaps, second chances/rematches are available.
He can be brash and a bit much, but Kid has high respect for anyone who actually makes it onto his crew and can actually tolerate him, you included.
He’s loud and wild but that only makes it part of the fun. With such a short fuse, as long as you play your cards right and pick your moments to bite back, it’s kind of fun knowing how dangerous it can be with a guy like Kid, and he also loves it equally, because your feistiness is attractive.
Being a bad bitch that doesn’t play by the rules is so incredibly attractive and Kid knows how to reward and punish so tread carefully. ;) however, he has his down moments and as annoying he can be, he does appreciate the effort you give if you try to comfort him. He’ll be harsh about it but eventually, he just wants you to be with him in the end.
Kid reminds you to rebel, take risks and enjoy the thrill of getting in dangerous situation every once in a while, breaking a few rules doesn’t hurt anybody. Most of the time.
“Don’t fucking ever leave me.. okay?”
Dracule Mihawk
Mihawk loves you like you’re an empress, only the finest and highest quality for you, nothing else can compare.
Mihawk will buy you the most expensive dress that suits you, with an equally expensive matching jewelry to go with. Not to mention the heels, and, tch, how could he forget the roses you require? Despicable.
As much as he loves to show you off, he despises the stares of awe and admiration you receive whenever you go out, so his possessiveness takes over and he has an arm around your waist at all times, successfully showing you’re taken and to back off if they don’t wish to be cut into oblivion.
He trains you to handle yourself, obviously, you should know at least some basic skills. He’s not too hard on you but does push you to keep going until you truly wish to stop. It’s only because he’s worried that one day, he won’t be there and won’t be able to protect you.
Mihawk reminds you that you are a queen/king, a strong person who shall hold your ground and never back down from fear and show your bravery.
“Come here, mi amor.”
Red Haired Shanks
Shanks loves you like you’re his future. It’s an unknown journey, but he’s there for the ride and whatever may happen, he’s there staying and won’t be going anywhere, unless it’s with you.
The red head is a goofball, he drinks, parties and messes around but he is an incredible captain and genuine to a fault. So when he expresses kindness, it is purely from his heart and not out of manners.
He is extremely playful and yet when down to business, he is calm, collected, and cool. He knows just what to say in tough situations and great comforting advice, so he’s the one to go to when you’re feeling down. And as laid back as he is, disrespect to those he loves is the one shit he won’t take.
He’ll hold you close and with his signature grin, compliment you and tell you how much he appreciates you and as soon as someone lays a finger on you, his hand is on the hilt of the sword and he waits three seconds for an explanation before he cuts them down. No one messes with his beloved.
Shanks reminds you of loyalty. To always protect and care for those close to you, and keep that built up trust and bond you created with them.
“Trust me. I won’t let go of you.”
Charlotte Katakuri
Katakuri loves you like you’re glass, he’s careful, protective, cautious and treats you like you’re fragile, because he’s afraid of hurting you.
He’s larger than most, he’s aware of that, so he always takes the precautions to be aware of his surroundings, especially when you are around. He wants you safe and he will be devastated if he is the cause of your pain.
His large stature is a blessing to you though, because cuddling is so comfortable and comforting, it’s amazing. You can curl up and relax and just be at ease with him, because he’s so protective of you, even from his family members. He often keeps you away from Cracker and Perospero, in the slightest chance that they try to take you away from him.
He’ll be extremely heartbroken if Big Mom doesn’t approve of you, but his love for you is stronger, so he’ll keep it a secret if he has to but eventually, he’ll pray and wish for her blessing, asking the help of his siblings to convince her.
Katakuri reminds you of family, that even friends or crewmates are family and love you all the same.
“I will be here for you.”
Captain Koby
Koby loves you like a typical high school crush. He’s all shy and blushy, and evidently embarrassed when the pretty one at school is talking to him, ( that’s you. ).
He’s like the wallflower type, who tries to blend in but somehow, he sticks out in a way that lures you to him, like he’s hit the jackpot.
He is incredibly sweet, and his shyness is so adorable. You can’t help but coo whenever you see his red cheeks and soft smile of care he offers.
Always helps you with everything, will take the blame whenever you get in trouble, takes the suffering and pain when guys try to mess with you, and no matter how tough things get, he’s holding a brave face for you.
Koby reminds you of kindness, treat everyone with care and kindness, and it goes a long way.
“If you fall, I’ll be there to catch you.”
16th Division Commander Izo
Izo loves you like you’re a painting, he thinks you are true beauty, inside and out, you are a work of art, a true Mother Nature masterpiece born. One to be admired.
The type to be there. He’ll hold your hair while you vomit, rubbing soothing circles on your back while you cry, painting your nails while you complain about Ace, assure your perfection when you’re feeling insecure.
Best advice giver, holds no judgements at all. He’ll help with anything, because you need him. Romantic advice, friendship, sexual advice ;), he will help you any way he can.
He truly admires you, not because of your beauty, but your strength to be able to cry. Crying doesn’t mean weakness but rather, strength to be able to move forward even in the worst of times.
Izo reminds you that you are beautiful, no matter what anyone thinks or says.
“You are true beauty, my love.”
Cavendish Of The White Horse
Cavendish loves you like you’re a princess, and he is your handsome Prince Charming.
Every thing he does it like from a fairytale, if it involved a rather.. bit of a narcissistic Prince Charming. But he means well, because he still treats you like a real princess.
He gives you daily horseback rides, teaching you with his strong arms wrapped around yours and his black fancy hat on top of your head, as you two ride around and share laughs and memories.
And even through his big ego, he still makes sure to compliment you, tell you how proud he is of you and how much he truly admires you for your strong will and determination, because he really does love you. More than you know.
Cavendish reminds you that dreams can come true, sometimes it just takes a leap of faith and effort.
“I will treat you like the princess you are and deserve to be.”
A/N : 15 fucking people and having to think of different things while I’m distracted is so HARD. 😭 please tell me you enjoyed though ;-;
but did I do this already? God I can’t remember a thing, especially since I still haven’t updated my masterlists- and I’m terribly sorry if this really is all over the place ;-; also apologies if this is repetitive for some of them! It really is difficult yk ;-;
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kaizoku-pirateking · 3 years
anonymous asked:
hi there it took me lot for courage to request to your request box lolol anyways can I have a head cannon with asl brothers and there fem!s/o who wants to break up with them? what's there reactions? pls and thank you!
oh well 🧐🧐, I suck at writing stuff like this so bear with me and hope it's to your liking dear anon + I'll only add 5 bullets per character <33
ASL + Strong Trio Reaction to Fem!S/o who wants a Breakup
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Portgas D Ace
Literally freaks out, he would ask what he did and will beg you to stay with him and forgive him to whatever his doing was
If your break-up really did come true Ace would be a bit distant to you when your in the counter with him in the kitchen he would eat in somewhere not near you as possible
He will miss all of your sweet calling to him and your cuddles with him always
Probably, few days later he would act like nothing happened and will start over to first round again being friends with you
And if you ever break up with him just for another man, you may not believe it but he wished all his best to both you and this man—to take care of you
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He will try to salvage your relationship with him or he'll ask what he did to you and will try to correct his mistakes
If it's useless you'll see him trapped on his own room not bothering to go to his office for days lots of paperworks there and there
If your both back to being friends again he'll just respect your ideals and he knows you need to take a break about everything so he's relieved he didn't do anything bad
He will still come by to look at your works and what your doing and you didn't mind him still cuddling with you but you've now think for it as a friendly cuddles
Sabo just hope one day that you'll be with him again
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Monkey D. Luffy
Clueless af , doesn't get what the hell is happening
You have to calm him down before things would turn serious again, because his panicking so hard
Seriously you think you can have a break up with him? nope that's not happening. he's a stubborn selfish captain and doesn't approve of you leaving him alone
Luffy won't ever let you go, he doesn't care if there's lots of obstacles between your relationship with him he'll managed a way to fix it, he's the future pirate king after all
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Vinsmoke Sanji
It will take atleast few minutes before he got on to his knees crying while grasped your waist begging you to stay with him
He would gladly do anything to make sure you stay with him, Sanji would swim the deepest depths of ocean, Travel outside the planet, and will go to the highest mountains just to be with you
If you still insist on breaking up he would sigh and will ask you if you could join him with the last dinner date with him
The last dinner date with him is very elegant the foods the designs on top of the table are carefully organized and everything is to pour into his final sad goodbye to you
If your leaving the crew , he would kiss you one more time and will promise if he find All Blue he would take you there with him
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Roronoa Zoro
....Moment of silence before he will reply “Do as you like” and straight doze off
Inside, he feels like his world crumbled on him the very precious thing he have except his nakamas,swords are gone
Regrets everything he had done if there's any and just hope if time will allow him to go back to the past he would clean it so that he could maintain his relationship with you
Still checks on you, for example—If you ever got sick he would stay by yourside taking care of you from time to time
He would bring you back and will capture your heart again once he become the greatest swordsman in the world
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
Prompt answer for anon who requested
“may I ask for a Gin/Sanji that's happy? I loved how super sad it was in the au but I would really like Gin meeting the crew/Luffy without it being so horribly sad. (also sanji going "hey so this is my bf" amuses me)” 
SO ENJOY THE SANGIN I wrote this in a possessed haze last night.
Also @junemel this has elements from that one conversation that we had about gin meeting Duval its not close to it but I was this close to putting gin smacking the ever living shit out of Duval in it - this close
Anyway, enjoy! Sorry it took so long anon! Its a lil angsty but its very happy after that lol
Also on Ao3!
Six months after Gin’s life was changed by a hot meal and cigarette smoke on the Baratie of all places, he’s out on the Grand Line, chasing his dream – to escape from the life Krieg built, and create one better, one that is a true pirate’s life.
And six months after Gin last saw him, he sees Sanji’s grey blue eyes again… in the most hideous wanted poster he’s ever seen.
He promptly spits out his coffee when his first mate gives the paper with it to him at breakfast.
“What the fuck-“
Kinzo has the patience of a saint as he speaks while washing the coffee from his face (how the hell is the man not screaming from the hot liquid?)
“Straw Hat Luffy and crew razed Ennies Lobby to the ground eight days ago while seizing Devil Child Nico Robin from custody. All crew members received bounties and escaped Vice Admiral Garp on their way out of Water Seven, and are currently at large. Isn’t…” And here, a small smile breaks out on Kinzo’s face. “Sanji on that crew? It appears he has a bounty higher than yours’s now captain. 77,000,000 Belli?”
“That’s not Sanji.”
It can’t be.
The wanted poster is hand drawn, but the artist must be blind because there is no way Sanji’s nose looks like that, or his lips, and his eyes are sea blue not whatever that is.
The only thing they got right even slightly is his eyebrow, but even that could take some criticism.
“You sure captain?” Hashi asks from his corner of the galley. “Seems like he fits the description – blue eyes, blond hair, smoker, weird eye brow.”
“That’s NOT Sanji! It’s – its- “ Gin can’t even finish his sentence. It’s only been six months, surely Sanji hasn’t changed that much? Getting stronger he can picture (The paper is vague, doesn’t tell a lot, damn marine supporters, but isn’t Ennies Lobby the supposed home of CP9?) but this? No.
“It’s a stranger? Doesn’t have heaven made food?”
“Smile sent from heaven?”
“Eyes like the sea?”
“Super soft hands?”
“The kindest voice on earth?”
“SHUT UP! How do you even know all that?” His face is red. Man Demon Gin has never been so humiliated.
“You talk about him a lot when you’re… inebriated.” Kinzo states, taking a sip of his own coffee (is it boiling? Its boiling. Does his first mate have secret devil fruit powers or does he have no pain receptors?) to avoid continuing.
“CAPTAIN HAS A CRUSH!~” He is going to toss Hashi overboard, devil fruit or not.
“EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Gin slaps a hand to his head. “Breakfast is over, I do not have a crush, and that is not what Sanji looks like – and do you really want to insult a man who is worth twice all of your bounties and just smacked CP9 into the ground?”
Finally, his crew shuts up.
“Like I thought. Get to your stations – weather looks dark outside, might be a storm.”
And the Silver Horn Pirates rush to do as their captain orders – but not without a few passing remarks.
“Captain and Sanji Kissing in a tree – K – I – S – S –“
Another two months go by, full of teasing and laughter from his crew about Sanji, but it’s been quiet for the most part. The Straw hats haven’t made any big news officially, but there are rumors that Moira’s been kicked out of his position, and there’s only one crew crazy enough to do that unintentionally, so Gin’s sure that their doing all right.
Then the newspaper flops in his lap. It’s Kinzo again, and Sanji half expects it to be another Sanji poster – he likes to give him them, as if whoever on that poster can take the place of Sanji, but something in his face tells Gin otherwise.
He sets his cup down, and opens the paper.
Oh no – Sanji. Luffy. The rest of them – oh no.
There’s an odd note in his voice as he looks up at Kinzo. “Tell the crew to prepare to set sail. We head for Sabaody in three hours.”
Kinzo only nods – they’re five islands away, possible more because this is the Grand Line of all places, but half the crew is from Don Krieg’s armada.
They were at the Baratie when Luffy saved them, when Sanji gave them food. They know what’s at stake – they have to help the Straw Hats.
And so they will.
Three weeks later, Fire Fist Ace and Whitebeard are dead, and Straw Hat has reappeared at Marineford to ring in a new era.
Gin has tears in his eyes when he learns that Straw Hat is okay, because if he knows anyone, he knows that Straw Hat will never leave his nakama behind, and Sanji is nakama.
Sanji is alive.
(And the other straw hats, but forgive Gin for being biases, alright?)
Now he just has to find him.
On Sabaody, he does not meet Sanji – instead, he finds the face on the wanted poster, protecting Sanji’s ship.
“Duval?” Gin asks dubiously, as the man before him grins and attempts to wink, showing off his new face with the old wanted poster as comparison.
“In the handsome flesh! Are you friends of the Straw hats?”
“Yeah… One moment please?”
Gin turns to his crew with the most shit-eating grin.
“I told you it wasn’t Sanji.”
He turns back to Duval, not without catching a glimpse of resignation from his crew. He was right.
“So Duval –“
“You know when the Straw Hats are going to meet back up?” Gin wasn’t stupid. He’s seen the face of a king, and Sanji was on that King’s crew. There was no way they would be down for long.
Duval looks sad, or at least as sad as he can get with that face. “No, we do not… We don’t even know if they are coming back all.”
Again, Gin’s not stupid. Or maybe he is, he just has unwavering faith in a captain that isn’t his and a cook he’d only met once.
“But we will protect their beloved ship! Whatever it takes!”  There’s a fire in Duval’s eyes, one Gin’s sure is matched on his own face.
“Of course – but do you have any idea where they are now?”
Duval doesn’t have an answer, but he does have a rumor, and that rumor is that the Straw Hats were scattered to the winds with a swipe of a paw, more literal than the papers stated.
Gin figured it would go like this. The Straw Hats went at their own pace (their own world-toppling, war declaring, impossible pace that no one else could keep up with-) and it was unlikely that they would be seen before they wanted to be seen.
Likely in an international incident.
That doesn’t mean Gin won’t stop searching and training for the day he meets Sanji again.
He doesn’t know what the other is doing, but it has something to do with Straw Hat’s message – and Gin doesn’t think Sanji would take the death of his captain’s brother lying down.
Sanji’s getting stronger out there somewhere on the grand line, and like hell if Gin is falling behind.
It takes two and a half years to find him, but at least by then he can show his crew an actual picture of Sanji’s face – if in that stupid caricature he gets around girls.
Kinzo smiles at it, hands deep in boiling water as he washes the plates after dinner, and asks genteelly “That your man Captain?”
Gin blushes very, very hard before changing the topic entirely. “Yeah – but I’m wondering about the Only Alive bit – what do you think it means?”
“No clue – but its no surprise the bounty went up – Sabaody’s a wreck from what I here, and Fish Man Island’s got a new protectorate.”
“Rumors say Straw Hat ticked off Big Mom.”
“Only one Island in in the New World and this is what they do? Damn.”
“We better catch up then, aye Kinzo?” Gin grins.
“Aye Captain.”
Vinsmoke Sanji, the papers say, and Gin thinks back to the flowing restaurant in the East Blue and crosses it out. In its place is Black Leg, stark and true, and it’s a much better fit.
Black Leg Sanji’s Captain better get him back or Gin’s going to have to fight an Emperor and he and his crew are all going to die because Sanji went to go get married.
A week later, and Luffy had apparently plotted to assassinate Big Mom and ended up defeated two of her Sweet Commanders.
Sanji has a new bounty, and Gin doesn’t know why he even bothered to worry.
When he pictured meeting Sanji again, he imagined it in battle, showing off his new skills and he and Sanji fighting back to back.
He did not picture it in the back alley of some bar in the New World, where he was taking a break from the commotion inside.
Apparently, someone had died in the middle of eating and then rose again. Gin doesn’t want to know, so he goes out to smoke a bit.
“Damnit” he mutters, realizing he doesn’t have his lighter on him.
“Need a light?”
“Yea actually, Tha-” Gin stops dead, and stares at the face in front of him that’s gently smiling beneath a mop of blond hair.
The eyebrows are as distinct as ever, if on a different side, and the blue of his eyes stands out even now. (Privately, Gin thinks they might be the color of the All Blue that mythic ocean that Sanji plans to find – he has no doubt he will.) There’s a goatee beneath his lips, quirked up in a smile while biting on an unlit cigarette. The suit and tie is a fashion statement few wear so well on the Grand Line and that just means the person standing in front of him is none other than –
“Sanji,” Gin breathes and feels his heart swell.
“Hey Gin – long time no see.” A hand reaches out to light the cigarette between Gin’s teeth and then his own, and Sanji is almost as tall as him now, and smiling, and strong and –
A giant dork.
They found a cafe two streets over from the bar where they are now currently sitting, eating something other than greasy bar food and probably poisoned drinks.
According to Sanji, it was his Captain who had collapsed in his food and caused the commotion.
“He’s fine,” Sanji tells Gin carelessly, a smile on his face still – he hasn’t stopped smiling since he met Gin again, something Gin is not so secretly proud of – “Shitty rubber captain just does that sometimes. You get used to it. Chopper’s trying to work something out though –“
“Chopper? Isn’t he your pet?”
Sanji laughs, bright and bold, and he’s so much more than he ever was on the Baratie. “I forgot! You haven’t seen us since the Baratie have you? We have a lot more people on our crew –“
“Are they anything like their wanted posters? I’ve been trying to find you by them and it hasn’t been working out so well…”
Heck. He just admitted he had been trying to find Sanji. Way to go you dumb shit.
But Sanji just dusts the ashes off his cigarette and nods to him. “I knew you’d find us. You promised, didn’t you?”
I’ll grow stronger, without Don Krieg, and meet you all on the Grand Line!
He had, hadn’t he? And the Straw Hats put a lot of faith in promises.
“I guess I did – I definitely grew stronger too. And I have my own crew – though they aren’t as weird as yours.”
“Gin. We have a walking, talking, shitting skeleton pop star on our crew and our doctor is a reindeer. Nothing’s weirder than our crew.”
“You have a what for your doctor?” Oh god, he’s missed so much. He hates the newspaper.
Eventually, Sanji convinces Gin to introduce him to his crew after learning that Gin became his own pirate captain.
“No one can order you around, now, right?” There’s an innuendo in there somewhere, but frankly, Gin’s too nervous to care.
His crew always takes great joy in embarrassing him, and introducing him to Sanji, where most of the teasing stems from, is going to be hell.
Whatever. He’ll have proved them wrong at least. – and the rest of the crew who had only gotten glimpses of Sanji at the Baratie when he was smacking down the rest of the crew, will get the chance to meet him.
He entertains the thought of reaching for Sanji’s hand, but settles for brushing his knuckles and shoulders with him instead.
At the Baratie, he hadn’t known this man long – not long enough – and now, he’s endlessly curious to know more.
(What’s his favorite food? His favorite color? Memory? Place? What does he think of me? He thinks, casting glances at the man beside him as they talk about anything and everything down the streets, fitting like two puzzle pieces with frayed ends – perfectly matching but too old to quite click perfectly immediately.
He wonders, too, what Sanji will think of the crew.)
Eventually, they reach the Silver Serpent (sue him – he like’s the silver motif, its better than the demon one at any rate. (There are too many demons on this wretched sea anyway.)), its masts. Reaching high into the sky with the skull waving in the breeze. Sanji smiles at the engravings on the side (waves with metal inlays – Gin wanted this ship to carry them for years, and its grand enough to do so.)
“Nice ship,” He compliments and Gin grins in return.
“Wait till you see the crew.” He cups his mouth and prepares to shout. “MEN! THERE’S SOMEONE YOU NEED TO MEET!”
Heads pop up all over the ship, peering at Gin before wild expressions cross their faces.
“Holy Shit-“
“Is that who I think it is?”
“Captains brought a guy home!”
“Is that him?”
“Kinzo – Kinzo wake up you need to see this” Hashi nudges the first mate awake before pointing at the plank that Sanji and Gin are climbing up. “It’s him.”
Sanji looks positively bewildered, more so when Gin offers a meager explanation. “I, uh, may have talked about you. A lot, actually. Maybe?”
Sanji snickers, and goes to introduce himself to the crew, leaving Gin to contemplate his life decisions.
“Hello everyone, the name’s Sanji – though I hear you already know that?”
“Damn right we do – Captain won’t shut up about you.” Kinzo answers for the entirety of the crew. “I’m Kinzo, the Silver Horn Pirate’s first mate.”
“Nice to meet you then.”
“And I’m Hashi! Cook aboard this ship! Tell me your secrets!”
“Hashi, stop, damn it you can get cooking lessons later.”
“Actually,” Sanji interjects, before Gin can direct his crew to bring out food and such, “You can have them now. Luffy will want to meet all of you, and that means a party.”
In true pirate fashion, the deck explodes with joy.
“On the Sunny of course – I’ve been wanting to show you it.” And doesn’t that send butterflies down Gin’s spine. “Follow me!”
And the crew charges after the man who saved Gin’s life, leaving him to catch up.
Gin’s seen the Sunny before, not that Sanji knows, but seeing her with her crew aboard is something entirely different. The Soul King’s providing music, and there is a reindeer with chopsticks up his nose while a cyborg with two extra arms cheers him on. The owner of those arms is chuckling as she watches Sanji and a green haired swordsman – still wrapped in as many bandages as he had been at the Baratie – fight with fire and steel.
That’s nothing on the captain of the crew, whose downing ten-times his body weight in meat alone who. Laughs hysterically with the story telling sniper as the navigator punches Zoro and Sanji on the head to get them to stop.
The effect is instantaneous as Zoro. Immediately grumbles about witches and Sanji becomes pliant to her demands.
Thousand Sunny is so much more livelier now, with her crew filling up the empty space on deck and lanterns strung about the rigging. There’s platters of food and music and life and joy, things Gin had experienced before but never quite to this magnitude.
And according to Usopp, this is a small-scale party.
Bonfires on Sky Islands, parties at the Ryugu Palace, dancing with former zombies on a floating island ship in the middle of the Floridian triangle-
This crew has been everywhere.
(And, Gin knows, they are going to the end – to Raftel – and if he knows anything, they will find a way to go beyond that as well.)
“So,” Sanji startles him, now broken away from the mosshead, “What do you think?” And there’s something in his eyes that says I want you to like them but also They are mine and I won’t care if don’t. Gin understands the feeling.
“They’re wild.” Gin grins – he’s been doing that a lot today, hasn’t he? More than usual? “I like them.”
“Good!” They are close enough that Gin can smell the alcohol on Sanji’s breath, and he can see the droplets that have spattered on his impeccable suit and tie – loose now, that the party is in full swing, but still giving him an air of I know what the fuck I’m doing.
Sanji’s just like that, he guesses.
Suddenly, Sanji blinks around, noticing the crew and how Luffy has been distracted from the food by now by the swordsman’s cheering of ‘Sogeking’s theme’.
“Come on,” He says, hauling Gin to his feet, “I want to show you something.”
Gin thinks about making a dick joke, but decides to follow Sanji instead.
They go to the back of the Sunny, where the party’s music is only a mute faded sound, and the water lapping on the edge of the boat in their harmony.  The sun has just set, so there’s still pink in the sky, but the moon is already casting light upon the quiet waves of this tropical port town cove.
It’s nice as they lean arms crossed over the railing.
(It’s a good place for a confession.)
Sanji offers Gin a smoke and when he declines, shrugs and lights one for himself.
“Your crew tells me you were talking about me?”
Sanji’s trying to be suave again. Its working. Gin is so screwed.
“Maybe. What about it?” He deflects.
Sanji flicks some ashes out to the water. “Just wanted to know if it was true. If you really thought I was all that.”
“Why?” Sanji’s quiet after this.
Gin doesn’t speak up to offer an explanation, to say yes I do think you’re the most amazing cook I ever met, and that time where we held hands on the Baratie was the best in my life, and every other island we go to I hear about how kind you were, and who couldn’t think you were all that?
Because Gin doesn’t really speak in waxing poetry unless he’s had a few to many drinks, and he’s only had two tonight, shoved into his hands by the man next to him himself.
He does, however, hope Sanji understands all that.
By the look that he’s giving Gin, he does. And finally, he speaks. “Cause it depends if I want to do this or not.”
As he says that enunciated this, he reaches over and grabs Gin’s hand where its gripping the railing.
Here’s the thing. Sanji and Gin knew each other for five days before Don Krieg was defeated. In that time, Sanji cooked Gin the best meal he had ever had in his life, and shared a room with him as Giin washed dishes to work off the debt.
(Someone had to, as the new chore boy kept dropping them instead of washing them.)
On the last day, Gin had left and brought his former captain on to the Baratie, feeling so sick about what he was doing, and then left the Baratie freed and ready to create his own crew.
Before that, Gin and Sanji talked, and held hands, and it felt like a cheesy teen romance but somehow Gin had found his other half, in a way.
It’s a small history, and history that has not gone away despite the many ports they’ve visited.
Gin’s thankful for that, because it means he can smile as he grabs Sanji’s hands back, and say “Yeah. I meant it.”
And Sanji’s smile as he leans in for a kiss means everything to him.
He tastes like smoke and alcohol and the aftermath of a Straw Hat party, and something explodes in Gin’s chests.
Hell, he’s happy.
Of course, that isn’t the end of it. After a couple more heated kisses and quiet moments, Sanji jumps up and drags Gin back to the party.
“HEY!” He shouts, loud and clear from the upper deck. “HEY EVERYONE! LOOK!”
Everyone looks.
“THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND NOW!” And he holds Gin’s hand up in the air, because maybe they snuck into the kitchen before coming out here and stole drinks from Zoro’s stash, because he doesn’t think Sanji would want to raise Gin’s hand like it was a wrestling champion winner.
There’s a moment of silence after the announcement, before the deck explodes into motion and raucous cheering.
“WOOHOO! YAY! SANJI!” Gin doesn’t care though, not now, and not next morning when he has the worst headache of his life and the most handsome man in the world at his side.
Sanji smiles at him, and he smiles back.
Happy, with the man he searched for at last.
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Smoke Rings and Cigarettes [Chapter 2] Seldom What They Seem [Sanji Vinsmoke]
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Grimsdale is, or to be more precise, used to be a nice place to live.
Seven years ago, it was a famous market town; a place of wonder for tourists. Adella recalled a time – at the age of 9 – when the streets were filled with merchants – their booths lined H1 Rainey Way and spread as far as Herring Port. The smell of spice used to be so comforting to her. The townspeople would smile and welcome her to browse their imports while her father talked business. Grimsdale was a fairy land in the eyes of a youngster.
But nowadays, the town was a cesspit of disease and poverty. She honestly could barely stomach it. Her father would be so let down in the way his little town had turned out. And all because she let it get this bad.
Adella cast her eyes to the cobble street beneath her feet. The soles of her boots and the lower trim of her dress were caked in gutter filth. It was a pungent smell that even she could not wash out. She tried; her skin had friction burns and often Adella threw out and bought new clothes just to satisfy her strong desire to stay clean. It was a shame, because she honestly liked this dress.
“Auntie … I am real sorry.” Esme saw the distress in her eyes; she saw the disgust that crossed her face. Adella was not comfortable out in the open like this. It made the ten year old sad to put her into a situation where she’d have to leave the safe confines of her home, but she knew no one else would care. Her mother was a busy woman; it would tear her apart to know that Lee had been taken hostage by pirates.
Furthermore, Adella was the only one capable of keeping the town safe from pirates. She was the Witch of Grimsdale; the townspeople were scared of her.
“There is no reason for you to apologize. I would never hesitate to help you or Leland,” Adella explained. She faked a smile to raise her spirit. It seemed to help, because Esme dried her tears and reached for the writer’s hand. Adella took it.
They walked down H1 Rainey Way towards the port. In her gut Adella knew the pirates would take Leland back to their ship. The only port in town was Herring, and the only road to the port was Rainey Way. It led them directly through the center of town without impediments.
Normally this street was pretty active, but since it was still early most of the townspeople were either in bed or working at the saw house. Adella was grateful for this; she didn’t want a crowd to gather if the handoff went bad. They hesitantly walked down the dock until Adella saw it; a set of black flags swaying in the wind.
She could barely make out the design of their jolly roger, but she knew this had to be them. Adella led Esme across the gangplank and onto the deck. She noticed the grass even before treading onto it. Her soft eyes grew in curiosity. How did something like this exist on the ship? Was it real? How did it grow?
It swayed gently in the warm breeze and for a second Adella wanted to remove her worn out boots so not to ruin the lush green deck with Grimsdale muck.
She truly was in conflict with herself, up until a voice nearby called out to her; a loud and raspy voice that made her lurch in fear.
“That’s my hat. Give it back.”
The person in question leapt down from the upper deck and onto the grass in front of them – Esme cried in shock. He was quite short and wore clothes that were in her opinion too casual for Grimsdale standards. Was he really a pirate? He looked quite young.
Adella wasn’t sure. “Your captain, I need to speak with him.”
Her hold on Esme’s hand grew tense. She really did not like altercations, mainly because her powers were unrefined and chaotic. Adella had trained with it before, but not enough to reduce the damage it caused. If by chance this pirate didn’t listen, she was afraid that her power would destroy the only good part about this ship that she liked; the grass.
With a large smile, the dark haired pirate crossed his arms over his lean chest. “I’m the captain; Monkey D. Luffy.”
He leaned his head to the side and puckered a brow. “Erm … you want me for something?”
Is he being serious? She couldn’t tell. Beggars can’t be choosers though. “My name is Historia Adella. I came to make a trade with you. Lee – the little boy you kidnaped – for your crew’s belongings.”
Esme shook the burlap sack; the same burlap sack with the jolly roger on it. A bulb seemed to go off in his head, and Luffy pointed a finger at her.
“My hat. You were the one who stole my hat.” His excited voice scared Esme, for she squeaked and hid behind Adella. It also carried enough to alert the other members of the ship, because moments later a young woman with orange hair stomped out of the galley.
She clutched the railing and leaned over it as she yelled. “Keep it down, Luffy. We need to figure out where our things are, and all your yelling is making the kid scared.”
Does she mean Leland? Adella was relieved. She feared that he might have been put down, but upon overhearing her speak to the captain, she knew that Lee was alright.
“But Nami––
She interrupted him; teeth sharp and eyes red. “Don’t but Nami me. If we don’t get the log pose back, we’ll be stuck on this island until we can replace it, and none of us have the money for that.”
“As long as there’s enough to buy meat, then I don’t care. We can just sail without a log pose; that’s why you’re the navigator,” Luffy mentioned short of a clue.
Nami curled her arms beneath her chest, huffing in annoyance. “It’s great that you have so much faith in me, but I need a log pose to find the next island. And we need money to restock.”
Did he really just ignore me? Adella puffed out her cheeks – how rude. She cleared her throat and yelled over them. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I really need to speak to the captain of this ship.”
Luffy glanced at her and again tilted his head, raising his brow in uncertainty. “Erm … who’re you again?”
Is he serious? I just told him. Before she could answer though, Nami – upon recognizing Esme – let out a shriek and aimed a finger at the startled blonde. “You’re the little brat who got away with our stuff.”
Adella sighed in annoyance. She was trying to tell this to them. Taking the bag from Esme, she moved over to the side of the ship and dangled it over the banister. “Right, and if you want back the things she stole, you’ll give us back Leland. They’re just children; neither of them were aware of who they were stealing from.”
Thinking she had an advantage over them, Adella was indisputably shocked when someone suddenly grabbed her wrist and compelled her to return the bag of things back to the safety of the vessel. A pair of hands locked around her neck; another 2 around her ankles.
She upon further investigation noticed that the hands were attached to her, as if by some oddity she had grew them.
“What is this?”
Adella had never seen witchcraft like this before. She had seen many strange things in her life, but nothing as strange as this. Testing the durability of them, she frowned as the hold on her ankles would not let go. In fact, the hands tightened as if to warn her.
“I would advise against doing that, unless you want me to break your neck,” a daunting voice said.
From the right, down the stairs walked a tall and slender woman. She had her arms crossed in front of her – a strange and unnecessary gesture that baffled Adella – and despite her ruthless words, wore a smile.  
The writer shivered in fear. This woman was scary. She dared not to move; there wasn’t much she could do in any case, not with her right hand restrained. What could she do? The thought of someone like her being aboard the ship never occurred to her.
Esme bit her lip, fat and warm tears leaked down her face. She reached up and took the straw hat from her head. The captain mentioned that it was his, didn’t he? She toddled in fear towards him and offered it back, despite the writer pleading for her not to.
“I’m sorry, mister. We’re pirates too – Lee and I. Please don’t h-hurt Auntie; it’s my fault she’s h-here.”
Adella feared the worst, but the pirate captain just smiled and took back his hat, setting it onto his head.
“You’re a pirate?”
Esme bobbed her head. “I sure am. My name is Esme of the adventurous Mousy Pirates.”
Mousy? Robin narrowed her eyes in wonder. She’d heard that name before somewhere – possibly in a book. Her arms uncrossed and the hands that locked the woman in place vanished. She glanced at her in hopeful curiosity.
“I don’t know them, but that’s so cool.” His eyes sparkled in awe.
Adella shook her head. “Not to be a bother, but the reason we came here was to get Leland back.”
“He’s my brother,” Esme added with a smile.
Nami – who had been standing quiet until now – leaned over the railing and pointed over her shoulder. She was pleased that her belongings had been returned, having feared the worst just moments ago. “He’s in the galley with some of our crew; shaken up, but not harmed. You can come on up, and bring the bag with.”
“Please join us,” Robin urged. She lifted her hand to her face and smiled in assurance. “Our cook can make you a cup of tea if you like?”
Luffy agreed. “And meat; I’m starving.”
“Should have thought about that before you ate through all of what we had stocked up,” Nami hissed. She huffed in annoyance and stormed back into the galley.
Woeful and patting his empty and roaring stomach, Luffy trailed slowly behind her.
Adella should have said no; she would have, but each of them seemed nice – she hadn’t had a cup of tea in a few hours – and Esme was already pacing along side the dark haired woman, replying to her many questions. She huffed a sigh and went along too.
If only she had known the misfortune this would bring about.
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littleweeghost · 7 years
Sanji should be king of the North Blue
I’ll admit, this is a bit of a stretch and a little too fantastical for the taste of many, but I can’t help but enjoy the thought anyway. I’ll also admit that there are a couple flaws with this train of thought but hey, life is never perfect. So let’s dive into this scenario and allow me to explain what I wish to see come out of this arc if I were allowed to choose.
           I had this thought when I reread the beginning of this recent arc and was reminded of some questions I had that still haven’t been answered. One of which was Who dethroned the Vinsmokes’?
Perhaps it’s not important for the plot of the story, but if Oda does decide to leave the answer out, I’d think it odd. Granted, until this arc, no one has ever heard of the Vinsmoke’s but it isn’t as if he gave them “scrub status”. This family is still powerful enough, influential enough to effect the marines, Sanji’s bounty, the reverie, even the science community within the One Piece universe. Yet, they (well, more like Judge), lost their throne in the North and we still haven’t an idea as for who they lost it to. In addition to the Sora flashbacks, all we do know for certain is that despite the Vinsmoke’s power, they still lack in numbers or something which lead them having to need Big Mom’s help.
           So let’s break this down first:
1.      The siblings: I feel as if Reiju would support Sanji no matter what, but there is no way in hell the brothers are agreeing to this.
2.      Sanji wants to be a cook, not a king. He can’t rule a kingdom and plus, he’s too focused on helping Luffy become pirate king and looking for the All Blue.
3.      Sanji isn’t a Vinsmoke and he doesn’t ever want to be associated as one.
4.      The North Blue doesn’t want another Vinsmoke control!
5.      Sanji has nothing to gain by becoming king.
TBH, I haven’t thought through what Oda may have in store for the brothers; maybe they’ll be arrested or maybe they’ll be sent away somewhere. Sanji may have said—numerous times—that he doesn’t care if they die but I don’t think that’s completely true. As Reiju explained, the genetic modifications messed up their empathy compass so their actions aren’t completely their fault and knowing how benevolent and empathetic Sanji can be, I’m sure he won’t be the first in line to order their execution.
First let’s do a little compare & contrast. Luffy- right upon meeting him, we automatically know who he is (and what) and what he wants to do with himself—not that different from Naruto exclaiming he wants to be Hokage. We know he’s the MC, he’s a devil fruit user (and what kind it is), and we know he wants to be pirate king. Even better, we even know how he can achieve that goal just from the intro alone—find the One Piece. Zoro- similarly, we meet him, learn who/what he is, and what he wants—to be the best swordsman in the world. Notice the pattern yet?
Well, also notice how both these characters, from the get-go, have also made promises in some shape or fashion on how they are never going to give up or lose in order to accomplish their dreams?
Now let’s look at Sanji; we meet him and learn what he is and what he wants—to find the All Blue—and learn of its existence….and that’s it. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that except notice the lack of detail? How does Sanji wish to find the All Blue? When he does find it, what does he wish to do with that information? Why hasn’t he asked Nami—the navigator—about any possibilities for its location? What does he want when the journey ends? So on and so forth…
See, Oda has written Luffy’s and Zoro’s story with a beginning and an end—we’re just watching the journey in progress—but Sanji isn’t as clear cut. In fact, he’s one of the most complex characters Oda has ever written about. You could even make an argument that he’s done a thorough job of fleshing out the rest of the crew, except Sanji. So what does that mean? Well, in the world of anime, this can imply that Sanji, unlike Luffy and Zoro does not have immunity. Albeit, this is Oda’s story and he mostly likely will not kill Sanji or make it so the All Blue doesn’t exist, but the point is that there is a possibility that Sanji can die. It surely doesn’t help that Sanji is always at the ready to die! Jesus, Sanji, calm down!
Let’s move on to point #5, hm? Sanji has nothing to gain by becoming king. I disagree and there are 2 main reasons why it could be beneficial for Sanji to claim the North. First let’s bring our focus back to Luffy; why does he want to be pirate king again? According to Luffy himself, he said he wanted to be pirate king because the pirate king is the freest man of the sea. Beautiful…except that isn’t entirely true (sorry to burst your bubble, Luffy). Sure, Rogers practically owned the world prior to his death, but he wasn’t really “free”. In the OP universe, many pirates own territories (i.e. multiple islands and villages) and unless your allies with them, it’s considered trespassing and/or a declaration of war if you enter another pirate’s territory w/out permission. I’m sure Rogers owned a lot of territories, but it’s also heavily implied that he made a ton of allies too, something that Luffy seems to encompass as well. But just think how beneficial it’d be for Luffy to be able to gain guaranteed access around the North w/out even having to be “responsible” for it—because remember, Luffy doesn’t want to give orders or own any armies w/the exception of being a captain. He already is allies w/Vivi from the East and if he can find allies from the South and West (or obtain territories in those areas), that’s already half of the fucking world under his name! In summation, if Sanji claimed the North, it’d give Luffy free access to more territories and freer space to roam.
The second reason is for Sanji himself; he wants to find the All Blue and whatever that may mean for him, ultimately, this means his search needs to start by looking in one of the Blues, so why not in the one he was born in (for starters)? There are theories that suggest that the Red Line is what keeps the All Blue from being in a thing (and I’m one of those believers) and that principle can also be applied literally; if all leaders of the Blues can align together, then the All Blue wouldn’t just have to mean the ocean, but the people as well. Sanji as a king/ruler would be in an All Blue alliance. That said, I also think something of this magnitude would help Sanji mentally/emotionally; unfortunately our boy has a lot of baggage and he has trouble seeing his value in life. Something like this would be perfect for Sanji to develop confidence because of how benevolent he is, he’d see first hand how life-changing he is to other people, particularly a poverty-stricken, hungry region. 
This leads to weaknesses 3 &4, which go hand-in-hand in some fashion. This idea may be all nice but the problem is, would Sanji ever be willing to reclaim his name and would the people of the North even want/let him take over? I’m willing to bet that, no, Sanji would never take the Vinsmoke name (under any circumstance) so best bet is that he either takes his mother’s name or he takes on Zeff’s name. As for the people of the North, well, they have been suffering from corruption for what seems like decades now so I personally believe (and you’re all more than welcome to disagree) that Sanji can easily slip under the radar and successfully take over. They may not like it or try to resist but if the Strawhats back up Sanji—which they certainly would—then I don’t think it’d take long to win the people over.
Now point #2; Sanji certainly seems the type to be content just cooking for the rest of his life, at least, that’s what we’re meant to believe. Remember, he initially believed he’d be living at the Baratie his whole life as a chef until he met Luffy and realized he wanted more. And that’s no fault of his own, of course he believed that because he escaped from a dysfunctional family, a shipwreck, and starvation 10 years prior so there was no reason for him to believe he’d be living any other kind of life. My point is though, that when Sanji is in a comfort zone (as he currently is w/the Strawhats), he has the tendency of clinging onto it without thought of his future. In other words, he lives by the day, in the moment, not in the could be. That explains why he thought him going through with the marriage was the best option because it’d mean the safety of the crew. He didn’t even consider how the marriage would affect him or how his disappearance from the crew would affect them. This also explains why his self-sacrificial nature is so potent.
Because of that, Sanji may be unaware of his full capabilities, but let’s not forget that this is One Piece; he does not have to choose one or the other. If he were to become king, he could still very well continue to be Luffy’s left-hand man and chef. As ridiculous as it may sound, we have a couple of examples of rulers multitasking. Just take the previous arc—Doffy was not only king of Dressrosa, but a shichibukai, and a dealer in the black market. Even further, Doffy too came from the North; funny enough, you could argue that he’s the opposite of Sanji—the perfect yin-yang situation. So with that said, it’s not a matter of Sanji not wanting to be anything other than a chef, it’s just that he hasn’t thought about what else he can do.
Lastly, before I end this long ass post, let me just point out that Sanji becoming king would only strengthen the parallels that already exist between him and Luffy. I always found it special how it was typically Luffy who knew of Sanji’s personal story and they have some strong similarities in terms of character traits, lifestyle, and personalities. But even if not, I still think, why can’t be king? He is capable, he just has to realize it. So that’s my thought on it, sorry this was really long and tell me what you think!
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askkav-archived · 7 years
It’s very long so it’ll be under a read more.
Let’s start with the beginning of things, starting with her parents and their origins
Her father is Authoron, his own last name isn’t of any importance as he would later on discard his old identity to take on his role as a member of the World Nobles - he’s a smart man, coming from the city of Flevance, known as the White City.
His family was just one of many miner families in the beautiful city - they worked hard and made sure they lived well enough, his father was a serious silent man who only did his job and he did it right.
And his mother; though tired and aching from caring for himself and his siblings - always made sure her children were fed and well.
Authoron had 3 brothers, 3 sisters and a half brother - though no one really asked about it, it just how it always been, he was the 3rd youngest of his siblings.
And he’s always been intelligent and smart; being good with his hands and having some interests in science and technology. But his father didn’t think it was something that would work out and urged for all his sons to become nothing more than miners, like himself and keep that in their family.
Authoron didn’t want that.
One day; when he had the chance - he ditches the city, without the knowledge and permission of his family because they didn’t understand. His life was not for wasting away both his skill and smarts, when he could improve and grow!
He went out in the world; struggled, starved and met with many hardships but he still had hope and still had his dreams and ambitions. He caught a break by working under Vegapunk.
The man who was worldly known to be a genius (not sure by this time though) but he was known to be an intelligent man especially with new techinology, Authoron deemed himself lucky to be working for him.
He was happy but it would soon end.
When the government got involved, capturing Vegapunk as the things they were trifling with were deemed unnatural and illegal - especially their work with altering human beings and their genetics.
Vegapunk had some idea that he would be captured - and he thought well of his protege, Authoron and sent him away before he was captured but he didn’t want to leave. But he didn’t have a choice in the matter - but even if he escaped.
Authoron was still be searched for - his face, the government didn’t know and his name, which wasn’t Authoron
But something else entirely but we won’t give it; it’s rude to call someone by a name they discarded > : (
On the run and a new direction
You would think you can keep up running from the law and the majority of the population, right? It’s not as easy as they make it - Authoron could barely trust another without feeling a sense of being betrayed
But he was lucky, why was he so lucky?
His face wasn’t well known to call for any suspicions which was good in his case, he could do what he wanted so long as he hid his face and kept out of the public’s eye
But even so, he still felt like the government was watching him
And at times, he would let his arrogance and his refusal to accept defeat or ridicule of others’! He was a scientist that worked under the legendary Vegapunk and he doesn’t need the disrespect and... that would only lead him to having to hide out or leave towns quite earlier than scheduled.
But he was growing weary and tired of running - and he thought to himself, what sort of person could get away with anything and never questioned...
And he laughed at what a ridiculous thought because there was just no way that could work.
She’s a beauty among the world nobles and her sweet and demure disposition only made her that more attractive to other world nobles but alas, her eyes and heart were never set on anyone that asked for her hand.
Her parents never urged for her to marry and so quickly as well.
Veledia will soon enough find someone who would tickle their fancy but they hope soon as well, as Veledia was their only heir - the Kaowotso were not fairly lucky in having more than one child due to fertility and health issues.
Though things are not all rainbows and happy times, even among the World Nobles - nobody was taking kindly to being turned down.
And things happened so quickly and it only made Veledia’s head spin - her parent’s death was unexpected and unforeseen and she would soon have to marry if she wished to continue on their family line (I can imagine they would possibly strip her of her title if she cannot find anyone to take on her family’s name)
But luckily for Veledia; there would be a ball and nobles of many kind would be coming to Mariejois for an event - she would find someone who she would fall for who was willing to be her husband and carry on the Kaowotso name along with her.
She fallen for him; red hair and a face so dashingly handsome - he made all the women swoon with his cunning and smooth words, and that smile. His name, they couldn’t remember nor his origins but he was among the nobles so they didn’t question it.
Veledia and that man would soon enough marry in the coming weeks; was the wedding too fast? Yes, many believe so but... in all honesty, Veledia couldn’t see anyone else in her future like she did with him
Kaowotso de Authoron and Veledia were happily married but his past, would always remain a secret he would never tell.
Things to know for now; being from Flevance - he would contract the amber lead poisoning to which he will be able to cure himself of using his expertise in science and genetic altercations.
He would silently thank Vegapunk
Edit: Also side note, Authoron knows Judge Vinsmoke because of working under Vegapunk and they had been partners/working alongside each other and Judge does remember the face of Vegapunk’s prized assistant.
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ecassandrae · 7 years
One Piece 854 thoughts
You know when you’re home alone and quarrelling with anybodyand  in the middle of finals and pretty much everything’s going but then THIS
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appears, like a ray of divine light in the midst of stormy clouds poiting right at you and saying: 
Chill out. Take it easy. Be like Zoro. Everything’s gonna be fine.
And the day takes a turn for the better. Honestly, I think Roronoa Natsuki might be my guardian angel, somewhere in the Sunrise Land. 
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This panel doesn’t tell us much that we couldn’t have imagined ourselves, but the fact that the dudes fighting back, in particular the one bottom right, seem like Capone’s men, is rather revelant. Remember all the theories, back then  we last saw the Gangster shooting down Pekoms, that he would betray Big Mom? I’m still a fan of those or, to be more specific, fan o the possibility that Capone is not just simply an underling of Big Mom’s. That would leave us with just three factions: 
the Mugiwaras and affiliates
the Hyperglycemia pirates
the Vinsmokes who, despite having the most massive forces, are pretty much incapacitated rn - So much for the brilliant planning, Judge. 
And it seems a little too simple. 
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Ah. I love the combo Carrot + Bropper. Nami’s faces get better by the day, it’s
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all Luffy’s merit, thank you very much. 
Now basically they all - except for well, Brook, Sanji, Luffy and Luffy’s missing tooth -are safe and sound in the Mirror World. It was already some massive deus ex machina when they used to communicate, figures now...! I wonder it they will do the same with Mont D’Or book world.
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Now we know Jinbei refused to spin the well. The question on everyone’s minds is HOW: when we last saw him he was just in front of Mama and the Wheel, so ... did he just run for it? Did he distract her with a sweet bait? All of these lessen the figure of the only female Yonkou impressively. I didn’t expect her to be incredibly strong or incredibly smart... from her very first introduction in Fishmen Island it was clear. But! A little smarter than this? 
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This proves that Mama’s an unloyal bi ... woman. An unloyal, disrespectful woman. She likes games, tricks, hates the play on the fair side of the board, abd hates to be played. The worst kind of pirate you can find, basically, the one of common culture, not a Shanks or a Whitebeard. And this doesn’t automatically mean she’s more dangerous, but at the very least more unpredictable. 
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They’re like a bus school now, picking up people. Next stop, Luffy, Sanji or Brook? I think none of them. Luffy is outside the castle, not in the vicinities of mirrors; Brook’s with Big Mom and it would be unpleasant to let her or Pudding’s third eye see the merry compagy; Sanji is, HOPEFULLY, coming up with a plan. 
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Poor Brook, it must be terrible to be hold like a keychain. At least he proved his worth fully, he injured Mama’s very soul. Way to go, Bag of Bones! 
And Btw, this arc rules with nicknames. 
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Now: the fact that the signal for the slaughter is the moment Sanji lifts up the veil, makes the very presence of the bride fundamental. The role if the bride fundamental. And why? Mama said she got barmaids to put the Vinsmokes to sleep - in what manners, is left to the reader’s imagination, cause we’re reading something with an audience of minors -, so why not just let something slip in their drinks and kill them a little later? Because she wants the suspense and the surprise. Something very theatrical, extremely dramatic - she lives in a fricking fantasy world, why wouldn’t she? 
But this also makes the role of the bride fundamental. If from under the veil you cannot see a third eye, you cannot see the face. You cannot see the whole bride. So why not putting another bride under that same veil, one that doesn’t fancy becoming a widow shortly after?
Yes, I’m talking about a huge Thriller Bark parallel called Nami
We’ll know soon enough. 
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Now Mama’s clearly understimating the psycho triplets. They don’t need weapons, they are weapons. It is hinted that most of their strenght comes from their Power Ranger battlesuits, but also from their bodies and from the unwavering loyalty of soldiers who literally lay down their lives for them. If Mama intends to shoot them, thei first thing they’ll do is just a couple of soldiers to die - IF there any around, obviously. 
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Kudos to me for reading this splatter stuff and still craving the Cake and Black Tea. It’s starting to remind me of Sweeney Todd, honestly - while Pudding’s all like “Splattered brains and cake, such a lovely wedding.”
While the Nasu guard is sleeping - and continues to sleep, just like me when I’m avoiding my responsabilities - Sanji out there somewhere, and the family is having a meeting. This panel is amazing. 
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We have, from left to right
the former Baron Tamago, now Viscount Chick
a punk dude from the early 2000′s
a ... pumpkin head? 
a miss with her back exposed - is it because of the trend?
a kid with a bowler
an adult with a bowler
two more kids with bowlers
a FRICKING GIANT HEAD with a body attached to it
Mont D’Or, aka the Guy Whose Devil Fruit I’d Kill To Have
Charlotte Galette
Charlotte Amande la Mad Moiselle, aka the Girl Whose Hat I’d Kill To Wear - and that’s probably how she obtained it
a lady with a spiky head
a lady with a laarge head
Opera, aka the Dude Whose Standing Nobody Envies RN
Such a lovely family. And it’s not even all of them.
The fact that Opera is being monitored tells us that Luffy and Nami’s fake deaths will soon be found out, and that Sanji’s UMPTEENTH plan to let them escape easily will be rubbish. All the while Luffy wanders like a lonely dog in the company of a lonely dog. These are the little things that break your heart. Slowly. I can imagine Reiju being reminded of her little brother under the rain many years before as she watches him.
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To makes us feel even worse, Oda switches to Sanji’s interal strifes, as he struggles to understand what do?
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 Nope. as he decides, once again, to sacrifice himself. It’s like the 14th time? 
Also, Sanji’s logic:
I can’t let Reiju die - chapter 853- , but if I die along with her it’s fine -  chapter 854. 
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More of Sanji’s logic:
I will die a pointless death, but after I’ve fed my captain. 
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Countless words have been spent by blogger better than me on the character of Sanji. We get it. He’s willing to die for them, because they are amongst those people who demonstrated to him he deserved to live. But let me point out that this is an extreme sacrifice: if he went along with it, his sister would die too, he wouldn’t be assured of the well-being of the Baratie people, and he wouldn’t even be sure his friends would be safe in the first place, because he knows they have already made Mama way too angry for her to forgive them. He’s being delusional... for those who read it,  he reminds a bit of a certain Kaneki scene in Tokyo Ghoul, when the protagonist lies to himself, saying his friends have already escaped, when he knows perfectly well they haven’t, but is way too disheartened and tired to fight on for either of their sakes. 
And then something shakes him
Oh, food!
Talk about reading the atmosphere, Bobbin -.- but it works. And he won’t let anyone have the food he subconsciously made for his starving captain. 
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So he loses it. And that’s it, before he even realizes all his careful planning went awry: point of no return. 
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Now  you gotta fight, Cook.
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And let me express a fucking liberating
Where he heads? To Luffy, I hope. 
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monkeydluffy19920 · 7 years
Chapter 862 re-reviewed
Somehow it just felt that I overreacted to yesterday’s newest chapter and didn’t think clearly enough while scribbling so decided to read the chapter again with patience and re-write the review again after a break. So here we go, take 2: 
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There might be some old things but also something new in this re-review but anyways the chapter begins from inside the Capone (sounded so wrong) where Luffy is still fast asleep and the retrieval team is almost running out of time with their plan and the tension is real because Luffy is important part of the plan. Now after re-reading the chapter it’s almost mind blowing to see that when Jinbe tries to wake Luffy up he does not talk and question about leaving the plan but leaving Sanji. Not a minor detail but I have a feeling that this reflects to the fact that Jinbe knows after the Ace incident how much Luffy values his friends and uses this fact as a way to trying to wake him up instead of blaming him to ruin the plan or something (wow this sentence could’ve written simplier but I guess you know what I mean) Elsewhere Sanji is still wearing that ero kappa-face and having some difficulties to not to fall into the beauty trap and Pudding clearly is preparing for the assassination. The wedding cake is finally brought in front of everyone and the pair prepares to change their wedding wows.  Besides digging into the wedding cake with passion Big Mom has also other plans in her mind, to kill Vinsmokes and as we remember, only Reiju is aware of Pudding’s plan and preparing herself to die, I guess she unfortunately still thinks that she and they deserve it. “Somehow” BM made their table located so that they are quite  surrounded by Charlotte siblings of course so it’s harder for them to escape but still, doesn’t Judge really doubt anything? I mean he is a big name in underworld and even though I don’t know much about mafia stuff I bet the betrayals there are something that happens every once in a while so this is why I wonder that why Judge isn’t at least a bit doubtful but well he is so focused on his ambitions so maybe that’s why he is so trustful. Well, if you ask me, Sanji’s brothers are still douches which makes me want to see Luffy getting furiously mad at them because brotherhood for him is everything and seeing how badly Sanji has been treated would be a plausible excuse for that…
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By the way what is that cake made of?! it can easily hold on 3 adult people and I’m not saying they are overweghted or anything but that’s still quite a lot to hold onto but well on the other hand since that cake is huge anyways it needs some supportive stuff :D And yup there they stand as cake toppings meanwhile the retrieval team is rushing to fulfill their plan. I am not now dropping this following comment just because I happen to be a huge sanami trash but still I bet that every single of them are in a great worry whether they will make it in time but somehow I could imagine Nami being the most worried one. Why I’m feeling like this is because she knows personally how it feels to see someone dear shot in front of their eyes and that’s why she would prefer ths plan to work before another close person is gone (traumas about Bellemere’s death must’ve haunted her ever since Sanji flashed that “don’t worry”-smile when they separated)
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Then the unexpected happens and Katakuri foresees Pudding falling to the ground and the reason is exlpained immediately. Pudding finally reveals the third eye for the whole world and Sanji is flinched immediately BUT instead of getting disgusted he suddenly drops a compliment that eye and Katakuri’s prediction hit the nail on the top. Yup, all I can say is that even though Sanji has his ero kappa-side he also has this sensitive gentleman-side of his and it seems that Sanji really has some heart to give empathy even for those who have betrayed him and if this is the real Pudding we see now, he surely forgave woman’s lies again and like my mate @k-nico-robin said, if anyone was expecting a fight between Sanji and Pudding then it’s clear who won. Sanji beat a(nother) enemy of opposite sex with simple kindness which for me indicates that despite his ero-kappa-side he seriously has the heart of gold. 
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To be honest I was all hyped up to see a epic attempt of murder by Pudding with her badass gun but it seemed that Sanji (accidentally?) hit her weak point pretty hard. I think my mate @pernanegra summed up this very well here. Pudding might’ve had psycho tendencies when she was a kid which were triggered because of the bullying  BUT whatever your past is just shedding tears doesn’t make you immediately a good and reliable person.  ( Hope you don’t mind that I quoted  your words) 
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Also this plot twist and Pudding’s story is still really conflicting and my mate @cintanna​ brought really good points here. It indeed feels a bit confusing that a character that has waited so eagerly to murder someone and has no trouble on smiling in middle of a shooting incident or chases other kids with a stab as a kid would suddenly break down because of kindness of a man whom she’d barely known for days.  To be honest her memories makes me wonder what in the world is going on between Pudding and her mother. Pudding says her mother despised her because of her outlooks. This is rather odd because isn’t one of Big Mom’s dream is to have utopia without discrimination? Secondly it feels really conflicting to hear that Big Mom would despise her daughter because the yonko has her weird collection of animals and she did kind of “fell in love” with Brook and “adopted” him as her doll. People are now also discussing about how BM has gotten so many kids and she must’ve had lots of sex but there is also a possibility that she could have also just used some help of medication or other ways to reproduce (remember that Rouge carried Ace in her womb for 20 months). Anyways Pudding inherits from a three eye clan and another thing why Pudding’s speech keeps me on my toes is that we’ve seen how these two characters have interacted before, at least in my eyes Big Mom did not show any disgust towards the third eye or demanded her to cover it and 35th daughter of the Charlotte family was portrayed as Big Mom’s favorite (Big mom might be controllable for example when she chose the wedding dress for Puddin but still I don’t see tension between them but well I might be blind.  Then we shall also not forget Pudding’s DF, the ability to control memories and I tried to think whether this all has something to do with that and could it be that she has manipulated her own memories for the wedding day but this might be just overthinking and really really far fetched?  Also there is still a slight possibility that their mother-daughter- relationship is good but Pudding simply has become bored that Momma gives her the orders and she would like to do more desicions of her own. This is what’s been up in discussions as well the relationship between her and Lola that what if Pudding really wants to be free like her and breaking the plan without further warnings would be her escape route. 
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Along with pernanegra’s thought my mate @namibean​ also brought a important thing up. Even if Pudding now appeared to be a fragile girl it still doesn’t mean everything is fixed (or swiped under the rug) between her and Sanji. I haven’t checked any forums because this chapter has for sure caused some shitstorm but I bet that there are some people who assume things are suddenly now more than alright and sugarcoated and they could even now become a dream pair but that’s not how the healthy relationships work in my opinion. People should not forget that Pudding has shot someone Sanji holds dear, his sister and also she lead the retrieval team to a trap which lead to further troubles. To be honest I don’t think those kind of things are easily forgivable with few tears and also the fact that she broke Sanji’s heart as well.  On top of that people tend to forget that Sanji never wanted marriage in first place so would he really just out of sudden turn his direction, just because he sees few tears? 
Yeah I will admit that I overreacted yesterday badly and I still am upset that if this is now the real Pudding then she kind of is slowly turning into a victim. I am definitely not  floccinaucinihilipilificating (yes that’s a official synonyme for underestimating, can you imagine xD?) Pudding’s past if she is speaking the truth because even common sense tells that bullying is never right and simply harms the person and in her case it could be her “weak spot”. Also if her mother didn’t depsise her it can still be possible that the others really did.
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I can’t still say whether I am buying those tears or not because there are still too many gaps in that story that are mentioned above but anything can still happen. However, if this is now the truth then her story will remind too much of one other characters’ Sanji met in my opinion. In Dressrosa Sanji faced the similar pattern: meeting a damsel whom he falls in love with who later turns their back at him and then end up being good. Everything can still change but yeserday it really felt that Oda wasted great potential for her to become the greatest female villain written in the complete history of One Piece BUT like said, nothing is sure before she gets her introduction box. 
I still ponder whether this change of plot will affect on the rest of the retrieval team who came here to save only Sanji. This is a what if-scenario but it would be really hard for them if Pudding would beg for forgiveness from the others and what would be their reactions and aftermath? We are talking about a person who first mislead them and boldly told how she is going to shoot the groom an now she would be begging for forgiveness? 
This is why I personally doubt that Pudding would be even welcomed to join the Straw Hats. Things are simply so messed up and she is definitely partly to blame to because even if sh did betra her own family it still doesn’t erase everything she has done before.  BUT there is also one good aspect on this plot twist which @lovemizumikan​ brought up. If Pudding is speaking the truth now then it means that this is a valuable lession about the fact that no one should be discriminated because of their outlooks. I will salute Oda-sensei for this message even though otherwise I don’t agree with this since this character is already too conflicting. Before we move on I just want to add here one important thing. That even though me and many others are really disappointed in this twist of fate I really hope that no one gets attacked in their inbox for this because of this. I am referencing on the shipping wars because there is a serious troll problem among the fandom and in situations like this it wouldn’t be surprising if someone woud use their chance to beat the beaten so I hope that we can keep it civil !
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Meawhile Pudding is crying because of Sanji’s pure kindness the rest of the Charlotte family are dumbfounded but making their move and Sanji barely dodges the bullet shot by Katakuri (that shooting reminded me from Mr 5 who shot his boogers like that) and gives a aggressive glare at the enemy. I kind of sense Katakuri vs Sanji battle but there are many others whom to fight with so won’t place my bets anywhere.  What I have to say I like a lot was that deadly glare Sanji gave. This is something I’ve been waiting for a lot, for him to slowly becoming his old self after all the unluck and misery. 
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The gunshot brings chaos to everywhere because now Vinsmokes are aware of that it’s dangerous out there but also there are others who don’t know what they should do next and then Luffy makes the epic entrance he has ben hyping for, jumping out of the wedding cake ! ::DD (should kinda have known it was something like that because it’s Luffy ::DDddd)
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… and so the war begins !
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