bbrissonn · 5 months
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sorunort · 21 days
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i don't read fic too often, much less draw fic fanart unless its for friends, but !! i found human after all by @dunkalfredo and i keep thinking about it. aaaa cryptid sif... cryptid sif my best friend. we're gonna get you outta there buddy. please go check out the fic if you haven't yet :D
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atticollateral · 2 months
Autism Assessment Update (bc it's been almost 3 months since I mentioned it haha oops) (it's a novel. you've been warned.)
tagging @examishbookwyrm bc they did comment on my autism assessment post I made in MARCH!! n i didn't respond...(adhd moment) get honourable mention'd.
--- SOOOO. BIG ASS PERSONAL LIFE UPDATE!!! I have... literally the worst news? Like the worst-worst news I think I will ever share. So imma start from the beginning :> [I detail everything about the assessment in this post. The process, the assessment itself, and the after.]
So. This is part of the NS Pilot Program for assessing people who were going to age out of the early-childhood-assessment waitlist (because hey! it is a 5 year long wait! haha!) which was led by NS Health and the Gov. of Canada (who paid for all the assessments.) It's safe to say that NOBODY is happy! (if you look it up you will find articles on how... awful it's been. Also if you look up articles I might have left out details bc my brain is VERY SPOTTY bc i am enraged) but anyway,
The first part of this is they had been calling my mom during the day; my mother had been working days. So she wasn't picking up. And they weren't answering her calls back or her messages! Already a big red flag. Because they can't get ahold of her they call me. Me! The person they're going to assess, who, at the time, was 18, and perfectly capable of consenting, as an adult, and taking care of their own medical records and appointments and such. They go "Hello, is this (deadname's) mom?" And I go "This is (deadname); and my name is [Chosen]" and they go "Oh, Well. Can you get your mother to call us?" And I said in a tone I believe was very clearly annoyed bc wtf? "Oh, no, you can tell me whatever you're going to tell her!" They tell me "Well we're looking to get you into the NS pilot program for autism assessments" yada yada "is that something you'd be interested in?" And me being me (poor and reasons to think I'm autistic and being on the waitlist) go "yeah!" AND THIS FUCKING WOMAN GOES "ok then get your mom to call us. this is the date. we need her to confirm." and I go "...why?" and they go "we just need to talk to her." and I go "...why can't you just talk to me?" and she just repeats herself so I go "um. ok. well. you have a good day? bye?" and hang up. So i'm simmering; bc I am literally an adult. I don't need my mom. I should be treated like an adult and I'm getting infantilized. I got the woman's name and # so I give it to my mom. It takes another month to get a date for the assessment approved bc they STILL WONT ANSWER HER CALLS OR MESSAGES.
My mother was required to do two prerequisite assessments a week or two before my in-person one. One over the phone and one over zoom. I am above the age of 16 (as stated) and perfectly capable of consent and being an informant. (you are legally allowed to consent to a majority of medical assessments in NS when you turn 16 w/o alerting ur parents, and clearly allowed to do that over the age of 18 as that is age of majority.) So i'm just miffed. They tell her not to tell me anything. She says fuck that (thank the gods) and so she tells me things they tell her. So the night before the assessment I help her with the form they MAKE HER FILL OUT before the assessment like "when did your child start walking/running" "when did they learn to ride a bike" "when did they start talking/writing" stuff like that. and I go ok. sure. autism can show in early childhood, it's a neurological developmental disorder. I get it. Even though autistic individuals can have average, slowed, or accelerated development (IT'S ALMOST LIKE ITS LITERALLY CALLED AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER) There's a question that catches me off guard. "what is your child's dominant hand" ...i'm sorry. back it up. *Yes.* There are studies that say many people who have ASD are left handed or ambidextrous. But oh. My. Gods. Above. THAT IS NOT GROUNDS FOR DIAGNOSIS; and you can also ASK THE KID during the assessment! What kind of question?! [I am right-hand predominant but I am ambidextrous.]
I move on.
I go into the assessment. On the table; the dr's introductory sheet in a photo frame. His title sits atop the document with a head, MADE OF BLUE PUZZLE PIECES alarm bells alarm bells alarm bells oh my fucking god help me jesus christ please help me i promise i'll believe in you if you help me right now please please plea "Hi!" A woman greets us, sitting in an office with the door open. I don't know her name. She doesn't stand from her desk. "I'll be with you in a moment." I laugh awkwardly. My mom says ok as the woman shuts her door. I tell my mom "I hate it here; can we go home?" Because I genuinely feel unsafe; I'm shaking. She laughs softly and goes "It'll be okay." So I put a brave face on bc I love my mom and she's nice and wait for the lady. She calls us in a few minutes later. I don't remember her introducing herself. I don't remember her offering a handshake or any other "polite" gesture. That would be something important to do, and I would have remembered it. She tells us how long it will be and a lay down of what's gonna happen and asks MY MOTHER FOR CONSENT TO FILM ME. Not ME for consent to film ME, an 18 year old. My mom turns to me confused and asks me if I'm okay with it instead. I go "yeah." (I was not okay with it); the woman told us the assessment would not happen if they could not film it. So I agreed; giving *assent* rather than *consent* was something I was pissed off about then and there. The woman asks HER if she'd like to stay so my mom asks ME if she wants me to stay, I hug my mom after I ask her to leave because I'm an adult and can handle myself. I don't need my mom to be there. I sit down. I have my pompompurin stuffed animal with me and a messenger bag with pens and stuff in it because I know there are things to write and don't like using other people's things. She doesn't ask about the bag. She sets up the camera and such, explaining that she'll have to occasionally turn to her laptop to make sure the recording is still going. I have pompom in my lap along with a fidget while she talks. She says something along the lines of "um, you'll want to put that away, you'll need your hands." And I go, rather firmly, something along the lines of; "I'll put it away when I need to use my hands. I am focusing on you right now." To which she seems surprised and goes "um... okay, that's fine." And continues on. (Was she not expecting an adult to have clear boundaries and be able to state their needs?) She offhandedly mentions something about [Dr] perhaps coming in to see me at some point during the assessment. My heart drops. She's not the doctor? She isn't the psychiatrist? What the hell?
The assessment begins. They're giving me tests for children, she said she made it harder. I disagree. I find the tasks easy. Simple games/puzzles. I tell her I like puzzles. She keeps throwing positive affirmation at me; I become annoyed with it after awhile because I know she's only doing it to make me continue doing the activity. It's common for people who work with children. She is infantilizing me. I know I was thinking it subconsciously.
The tests are not geared towards my age range, I notice immediately. I become miffed, going "these are too easy for me so far" or something to that effect. She laughs at me. I become upset. We start the reading part of the test. I read to show reading speed and comprehension. I read out loud to show my pronunciation. I read words that don't exist to show my reasoning skills when it comes to language. I am in my 5th year of high school (I struggle with school). This task is mundane and annoying. I feel like I am in third grade. I feel infantilized. I feel like the tests aren't going to be accurate. I am annoyed. I do it fast as I can to get it over with. Some of the reading pieces she makes me do multiple times.
We begin the mathematics part. I am not good at mathematics. She has upped the difficulty for the mathematics, she tells me. I begin; The first test is a Working Memory test; listing numbers she reads to me in a specific order. I am bad at it after the more convoluted ones. Some of the work is recognizing shapes and patterns. There is addition, fractions, multiplication and division questions. She points out I'm 'doing the test wrong' multiple times. I tell her that this test is stupid (or something to that effect) due to the structure. She laughs at me. There are a few tests I can't do or become quickly annoyed with (naming mean, median, and mode, prime numbers, fractions.) As I haven't done them since 11th grade level (I took a different math course and haven't done math since I finished my credits 2 school years ago.) We break for lunch after doing half of the mathematics.
I return to continue with the mathematics. I am still annoyed even after eating lunch. I had complained to my mother how it felt like torture: No eraser, No Calculator, no Tools, and no asking for help (She is not allowed to give me help, even if I don't know something.) I am on the brink of actual tears in frustration because I cannot receive help. I understand the potential why, but I think it's idiotic.
We begin the writing and listening comprehension. I am made to write an essay on a game I like and why I like it, I am given 10 minutes. I write it about Minecraft and it's offshoots. For listening comprehension, there are a few tests. I tell her about certain parts of what i've heard. Most of them are ads, so telling her what they say is easy for me, because it feels like slush and I have trained my ears to pick up more important information because of APD (Auditory Processing Disorder). She repeats them a few times to get me to tell her more. There are more working memory tests. Something with shapes, form, and colours. One about things she's listed. There's a test where I tell her a story in a picture book based on photos only. I am becoming tired. There's a test where I need to copy a picture. I am not allowed to trace the picture. I am not allowed to hold the picture. I am not allowed to use a tool. She says something about how I should like it because I told her I am an artist. I start going on while begrudgingly doing the test that this is horrible, this isn't what art is, and i'd like to not be doing it this way because it is impractical. She laughs at me again. I am annoyed. I get to take another short break after that.
There is another test when I come back with shapes. I see there are 8 pieces and a grid I must put them in; observing the grid, I go "I need all 8 pieces." She gives me 4 pieces. I frown. I say "I need all 8 of them, can I have them please?" as I put the 4 she gave me into the grid. She hands me 2. I put them in. I repeat myself. "I know I need all 8 of them. Can you give them to me please?" She gives me 1. I become insanely frustrated at that point. "What is this?" I go, "Can I have the last piece?" I ask her annoyedly, and she gives it to me. She's smiling. She thinks this is funny? I put it in the place. I rearrange the pieces into a nicer pattern in the grid because she annoyingly gave me the pieces while she takes her notes.
There is an activity where I have to tell her a story using 5 random pieces of garbage. She shows me how to do it first when I already understand the premise and was going to do it after the verbal instruction and presentation of the items. I know it is to assess my imaginative play. I am an 18 year old artist. This is easier than breathing to me. I do it begrudgingly because I am embarrassed to do it. She laughs at me again. I am so annoyed at this point I am thinking the most angry thoughts. What is her issue??? I don't say anything while I wait for the other tests.
I am presented with a test with over 100 questions. I say out loud multiple times "I don't have OCD" to multiple questions I've been asked before to assess me for OCD. She says something about 'Don't think about it. just answer.' and I say something along the lines of "I've been to therapy since I was about 12. I do therapy speak. I know what the questions are asking me. I can't not think about it." She scoffs at me. I am so irritated. Many of the questions ask me if I am suicidal. Many of the questions ask me if I am paranoid. There are questions about ego, and questions about self-worth, questions about poverty, questions about things that don't pertain (to see if I'm paying attention.) I finish the test. She asks if I answered honestly. I say "I think so." But I my answers will be different tomorrow. They're always different later. That's how surveys work.
One of the last tests is asking me questions and having me answer. Things like "do you have friends?" "how do you feel about relationships?"; I ask her "Well, how do you define relationships? Are you in any? Are you asking me about friendship or dating?" She tells me she has a partner; a husband if I recall. I say something about marriage and romance. She asks me more questions about feelings, boundaries, relationships, and experiences in my life. It is the last test.
We leave the room to talk to my mother in the waiting room. I have not seen [Dr] once. Girl asks me what my pronouns are. I tell her it/its. She complains. I tell her too bad flat out. We leave.
I only learn upon getting home that her name is Alison.
I wait a month for my draft results. I had to get my teacher to fill out a form. I had to sign a consent form for them to do that which they made me do digitally after the assessment and CLEARLY wanted my mother to sign. She gets me to sign it because I'm an adult. She understands.
My mom sits me down. She goes "You aren't going to like this." I frown. "I'm not autistic?" She nods. "You aren't. But they said you have 3 or 4 other things."
Alarm bells again. I get her to bring up my draft assessment on the computer for me to read. I am enraged. They refer to me as "transgendered". They misgendered me. There were numerous, insane typos that would be easy to catch on the first pass.
I begin work on an Essay/Paper telling them why their assessment is bullshit and how I meet the criteria for autism spectrum disorder. (I READ THE DSM-5 AND DSM-5-TR FOR THIS CRAP.) I also berate them the whole time for their behaviour, the nature of the assessment, and lack of care. A week or so later I get the final draft. They still misgendered me; and there are still typos. I get my mom to email it to me and I send it to multiple of my friends, my Therapist, and give her my consent to share it with my Psychiatrist and anyone else she sees fit with her discretion with the password for the protected document, along with a screenshot pointing out the most glaring typo (being misgendered.) My therapist and psychiatrist show it to the Autism Lead in their district with my consent.
I receive an overwhelmingly positive onslaught of "this assessment is bullshit! You SHOULD be angry." The autism lead tells my therapist I do likely have autism based on what was shown and told to her, and to get a second opinion (as she can't diagnose me without assessing me herself). I tell my therapist more about the assessment. She does some research.
The Psychometrist (someone who administers psychological tests/assessments) is underqualified during time of assessment.
Medical Negligence.
[Dr.] Is clearly on grounds to be tried for Medical Malpractice.
I am now working on submitting a complaint and finishing my paper.
I may potentially be involved in legal trouble against the psychologist I never even got to see or speak to.
Fuck that guy.
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that-lego-frog · 1 year
so i spoke with a friend from my hometown and there is apparently so much community theatre drama that i simply HAD to go see a show in town when im there for my pre top surgery physical
and of course the show theyre doing is one i was the lead in 4 years ago that directly led to the community theatre schism that fractured our small town theatre industry forever as well as several lawsuits and general facebook drama
i am so excited
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wtftaylr · 5 days
I love Companion Benny. I love the idea that he gets huffy-puffy and “just a little” jealous if you switch him out for another companion. He simply cannot cope with the fact that you’d toss him aside like yesterday’s trash for… what, some scribe in rags? A boring-ass first recon guy? A vaquero ghoul? (ok he thinks Raul is kinda cool actually but he won’t openly admit that)?? Benny has STORIES, baby. Interest. Intrigue. You wanna know all the juicy strip gossip? Guess what, you CANT now because you DISMISSED him. How DARE you.
Benny is VERSATILE, baby. His tagged skills are guns, melee, and unarmed. Good luck finding another companion that can do what he can. Yeah Craig “Frowns” Boone can headshot a cazador from a million yards away or whatever, *mumbling* show-off, he would’ve seen that cazador eventually *end mumbling* but Benny can shoot, stab, AND punch. Hey courier, watch this. I’m gonna punch the fuck out of this deathclaw. He does it (you gotta administer a few stimpaks) BUT HE DID IT. And he was only at half health. 400+ health honeybaby, Benny can take a few whacks from those deathclaw freaks. What was that? Showing off? Benny doesn’t have to show off, sugar plum. He’s just that good.
He also won’t complain that his feet are getting tired. Yeah he’ll complain about minor inconveniences and wants you to do something about them regardless if you realistically can or not, but at least he’ll walk miles upon miles in a day and not complain. He also won’t complain about going back to the Lucky 38. (he’ll just complain about not being able to get in there before the Courier showed up.) What, no one else complains about their feet hurting? Uhhhh BOOT-RIDERS. Silly name. But that’s how they rode the Mojave, dig? On their feet. He’s done this before. Experienced.
AND ANOTHER THING. how many companions shout words of encouragement during a fight. Go on. He’s waiting.
You’re doing great, baby! Show these punk losers what you got!!
I bet all the caps in Vegas you’ll miss that while getting shot to shit by the Fiends or whatever. Grumble. Benny hopes you come back in one piece, of course. He’d just rather see to it himself that you remain in one piece. Uhh BECAUSE HE’S JUST THAT GR-
(The courier left with their choice of companion hours ago. Swank is trying to work but Benny won’t stop gabbing his ear off. Dear god Benny just go be the Head of The Chairmen somewhere else. Swank is trying to do actual work here.)
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critterly · 5 months
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How to enter:
⭐ Like and reblog this post
⭐Comment your favourite animal
⭐ Fill out this Google Form
I'll be drawing as many as possible while these are open!
I cant wait to see your lovely characters :D
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johnskinda-vibin101 · 4 months
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haiii :3 don't mind the fuzziness, thats for aye eye disturbance. I love them so much fr, I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT SEASON (please i need it or i will implode)
ive been thinking of doing headshot commissions as a side thing cus of my job, so be on the lookout for that yall !! Hope y'all have been doing well, and hopefully no bitchass storm comes again this week
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lyloneliness · 1 year
Okay, I'm frustrated that bones changed some details in the anime since it suppressed the proofs that Dazai is alive and I'm also tired of seeing this chaos... So I'm gonna share the complete explanation of how it is he survived and no one will be crying anymore!!!
So first of all, look closely at the bullet impacts on the wall.. ..... There are only three even though chuuya shot four times. There no impact behind dazai's head, when the bullet would normally go through dazai's head.
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At this point of the reflexion, some think that it's a point blank bullet, which makes sound and all but doesn't kill. But I don't think it is cause :
When did chuuya put it in his gun? If it was really one, asagiri would show chuuya recharging
It would hurt dazai much more than that since the gun is literally ON his forehead, the impact itself greater than what we've seen
There is no shot sound for this shot if you look closely
BUT, there are three shot sound on the next panel, which means chuuya hurt dazai on the forehead with his ability somehow (I think since dazai isn't touching him directly he can still augment the mass of his gun and direct it forward in order to leave a round mark on his forehead), and THEN shot three times to fool Fyodor into thinking that the wound on dazai's forehead was made at that time and that he shot him in the head, shoulder and hip.
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But then, where did the 'headshot' go? If you remember what dazai said just before the 'we're destined to-' speech, he screamed at chuuya saying "where the fuck are you aiming at, you lousy shooter ?! ". And we've seen when chuuya arrived that he can respond to dazai's provocation... Now, look at the first shot impact on the wall :
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It's two times bigger than the others. And the first shot sound on this panel is different from the two that follow, meaning it hit something other than flesh. So I think chuuya made a Pinpoint shot in the first hole as an answer to dazai's provocation and to make Fyodor associate it with the head wound, and then shot two times to enforce the feeling of violence and comfort Fyodor into thinking he won.
Note that this theory is plausible because we've seen on the screens Fyodor is looking at that the camera is in chuuya's back, and that chuuya knows it since he was in the control room with Fyodor before coming here. Which means Fyodor cant see the moment of the impact on dazai's forehead, but only the three shots after and the wound on dazai's head.
Also note that none of dazai's injuries are dangerous for his life, none of them are situated on vital points or nerves and all. And since dazai is bleeding much more from the first wound than the two last, I think at that time chuuya hit his artery and that's why he complained... And chuuya ajusted after that.
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Aaaand that's what everyone is saying so you probably already know it but, he COULDN'T speak if he were really shot in the head (which they suppressed in the anime to make it more realistic and leave the suspense) .
Also his 'last words' could be talking about how he waited for the proof chuuya was still on his side, and not about how he waited for death as a suicide maniac.
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Let me also remind you that a vampire can chose to ignore the order to kill when it's someone important to them, like we've seen with aku. That doesn't keep them from hurting them (shots, atsushi's leg... AGAIN) but at least, they can chose not to kill them. Or even to sacrifice themselves, like akutagawa when he didn't activated his armor, willing to take atsushi's punch..
I'm sure most of you know that the 'goodbye' in chap 101 isn't just a farewell to chuuya but also the title of the last book of irl dazai. And we know from several fights that the tactics soukoku uses are named after the irl authors' book, meaning dazai said this code to tell chuuya that he wants to use that plan.
Also dazai's rambling about how many time he imagined this scene could also refer to that, but since he says he imagined it the other way around, the original 'goodbye plan' was probably more about chuuya playing dead and dazai saving the day, unlike how it happens here.
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Alright! Hope you feel better after reading that and thanks for getting to the end! ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
And if you like it and/or don't want ppl crying anymore please reblog this, we need the truth to come out!!! And I made it with all my heart (❀╹◡╹) ❀~
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thdrama2 · 2 months
I'm not taking art offers from toyhouse users anymore for anything y'all cant finish jack shit. I've been waiting on these people for months, every time I ask it's "im working on it still" "i have burnout" its one headshot get over it already you've had almost half a year to do this by now. I don't know if I'm allowed to just put my foot down and say im not gonna do this trade with you anymore because you're taking forever and I'm done waiting because they've already one of two drawings months ago but I'm tired of waiting and I've asked for updates several times. I'm done with this.
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blivy-on · 9 months
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also cant wait til the day i get to show you all this guy with more than just a headshot sketch
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terrapin-might · 1 day
Uh, can i get one boy tortured by future horrors?
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ugh i think i made the bg transparent by accident but i cant tell arrgh
This design is up to change but I kinda like it, so I don't think it'll change much; the hair definitely won't, my man is stressed.
Finally decided to call this au "Echoes of Cassandra" cause i couldn't think of anything else. Get it? Because Cassandra of Troy, Cassandra Jones, and Cassandra Jones Jr. It's all an echo! I'm a genius! This didn't take me a week to think of at all!
Also ignore any mistakes, this was a random doodle that turned into something more I didn't use a reference 😞 also it's not plot relevant, gift of prophecy doesn't give you like, light powers. (Or maybe it does, I'll think on it)
Headshot is just for a clearer view of his face and to take up space.
i wonder if i should make an ask blog, seems fun, but if I do I'll wait till i get some comics out for this au.
Also @inkyrainstorms I don't know if you still want to be tagged about posts of this au, if you don't I'll stop after this. Either way thank you for being interested in my au!
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eminsunnytoons123 · 4 months
Class of 3000 characters as vines #1:
Lil' D, playing a video game: come on come on- BOOM! headshot!
Tamika: you better stop- YELLING!!!
Lil' D: oh, okay.
Eddie: someone please help!
Philly Phil: hey!
Eddie: oh, thank god!-
Philly Phil: I'm a vegan. *Runs away*
Salieri: hey, baby boy. You, me, And the pizza.
Sunny: cant wait for some pizza-
Salieri: what are you talkin' about?
Sunny: but you said-
Salieri: Pizza's for me, silly.
Mila: does this dress make me look fat?
Sunny: you look fine.
Sunny, has mila's dress she wore on his face:
*phone ringing*
Lil' G: hey, man. Your Sunny is callin' you.
Lil' D: ey, can you Pick that up for me?
Lil' G: I dont answering People's phone, but- *he picks up the phone* EY, WHAT UP, B-TCH?
(note: thats just how lil' D called Sunny here in a friendly way.)
(I didnt put Sunny's quote from that early vine with The officer And the Guy in the car that represent the early 'bite the curb' trend because I didnt understood what the officer Said at the start ^///^;)
Salieri: I dont know, did you already forget? *Wheeze*
Sunny: get out the car, spread yo Butt cheeks, And put your teeth on the curb.
Salieri: wha-
I'll make more later after I come back from school ^_^
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askribbonmiku · 1 year
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hELLO lovelies! Is been such a long while since that post ! ya gurl is in Uni now ! attending art courses ! Imma gp straight to the point about this lil comeback yee ?
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So apparantly my artstyle has been changing drastically and ive been learning stuff!
And since the motovations has been coming back lately i HAVE been planning to make a small comeback ! But with the story being stuck like this i decided to let the girls have a resetted timeline , where everything goes back to zero and starting over !
It will be a better for me to actually think about what lore should be focused on , and lately ive been standing on the angst side so be sure to be ready for a bubbly moment to went down angsty pretty quick >:D
It be possible to actually draw half bodies or specific headshots in this style , while the others might be on chibi style for bubbly moments !
So the banner will be taken down and will be replaced within the story progressing ! If you would like to see the store up and running again feel free to interact to progress it further more ! and even maybe a chance to participate in the lore as a side : D
pss- side characters CAN be a main key to further stories , yknow-
but anyway its been such a long while i came back to the vocaloid tumblr community and i hope to meet some more friends and local artisits and mutuals !
As said i think i may or may not be super distracting and be very much losing motivation easily , so i opened up another blog specifically for a minecraft character i owned ! Send asks its way to interact with you from the blocky world ! It'll keep me up to update one and another for it to not died down so quickly so do pls look foward !
Blog right here ! ---> @thebookinthecorner
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Thats all the updates for now!
Cant wait to start a fresh new life , and be able to interact with ya;ll once more !
Stay ribbonized!
-luv , da coming soon back mun and wanna say why does uni hostel and school area needed to be seperated by a street b r u h
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little-jey · 1 year
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making a page of wwe simplified headshots on aggie.io! pls feel free to go in my asks and request a wrestler for me to add ^^ stay within wwe pls but i cant wait to add to this and make a big ahh collage of faces
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anachronisticbones · 8 months
i cant wait to watch shaka get headshot in hd
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desirablered · 1 year
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Some Headshots facial designs i made for my lovely partner’s dnd campaign of their characters, Magnolia and Doresa. I cant wait to play more of the campaign
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