#CM flying News
best24news · 2 years
CM Flying Raid: रेवाड़ी में 54 ईंट-भट्‌ठों का लाइसेंस रद्द, देखिए फाईनल लिस्ट
CM Flying Raid: रेवाड़ी में 54 ईंट-भट्‌ठों का लाइसेंस रद्द, देखिए फाईनल लिस्ट
हरियाणा: एनजीटी के आदेशो की धडल्ले धज्जियां उडाई जा रही है। सबसे अहम बात ता तो यह है सीएम फ्लाइंग की ओर से सील किए जाने के बावजूद चलाए जा रहे है। एक बार फिर प्रशासन की नींद टूटी है। रेवाड़ी जिले में 54 ईंट-भट्‌ठों का लाइसेंस रद हो चुका है। अब दोबारो से इस ईंट-भट्‌ठों को सील किया जाएगा। Rewari News: PPP डाटा सत्यापन का सुनहरा मौका, लगातार तीन दिन इन स्थानो पर लगेगा शिविरप्रतिबंध के के बावजूद इसके…
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person4924 · 4 months
brain gets mad when i eat. brain hurts when i don’t. someone fucking stab me please.
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cheesycatz · 2 months
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The Making of: Life-Size Malworm Plush
(Wormton AU)
16 ft 3 in (495 cm) long
Total time: 150 hours
Material Cost: $124
Theoretical minimum cost (based on seamstress wage): $2,524
(Progress photos and commentary below)
I'll be referring to my life-size wormton plush as "malworm" for convenience sake.
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Unlike my Spamton NEO, Caine, and Fake Peppino plushies, I didn't spend a lot of time on concept art. Since I planned to make the malworm plush as close as possible to its 2D design, I didn't have to add much stylization, other than simplifying some details (no way in hell was I going to make 104 separate embroidered stitches for the segments of his toes, sorry). I mainly used the planning stage to calculate how wide the body pieces needed to be, plotting it out in 1/4 in : 3 in scale and using circumference formula to find the values I needed. I planned to make it around 10 feet long, the length of a young adult malworm. A lot of this project was improv, but, I mean, it wasn't my first or second or third time making a spamton centipede.
The head was quite a complicated shape, so I carved a tiny model out of craft foam, covered one half of it in masking tape, then cut the masking tape mask (hah) into flat pieces. I then traced the pieces onto graph paper and manually scaled them up by using the fact that I wanted the nose to be 1 ft long as reference. The rest of the pattern pieces were very simple, as wormton's teeth, body, legs, etc were very easy to translate into 2D shapes. I used old school notes as paper for the body, as I needed a lot of it. It was entertaining cutting exerpts of Moby Dick and English Renaissance biographies into body parts. I ended up making the body significantly longer; I had to spend $100 dollars on fur anyways, so why not make a maximum size one?
Making the pattern pieces took around 8 hours. While waiting for the fur to ship, I started cutting out the teeth, legs, and eyes. By the time the fur arrived, I had already sewn 36 worm teeth. I did an 11hr all-nighter to cut all the fur in one sitting the day it arrived. After a long vacuuming session and an uptake in the amount of polyester fiber in my lungs, I finished cutting the pieces, taking about 18 hours and 40 minutes.
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As usual, the head was the first thing I worked on. It was...kind of wonky once I flipped it inside out. I trimmed some of the fur so that I could actually see what was happening. The main issues were the lack of any forehead, the nose being way too wide, and the cheeks being too flat. I did some ladder stitching as well as modifying the thing from the inside, and eventually made the head look much better. The cheeks still don't stick out that much still, but I'm happy with how the head looks now. I think it conquered the sopping wet owl resemblance. I inserted wire into the nose and jaws to help them keep their shape.
When I started this project, I wasn't sure whether to make it based off of Wormton or just a copyright-free malworm; I decided to do both. I went with red for the non-Spamton version, as I think it really fits the cartoony fly/mothman-style cryptid look malworms are supposed to have.
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I sewed a square pouch into the throat and put in all those teeth. I used hot glue to wrap blue squares around a wire for the proboscis, because I think I would've gone bonkers cuckoo bananas if I had to hand sew that entire thing. The throat pouch holds the proboscis when it's not extended, as well as anything else I wanted to shove in there. I never measured it, but it's around 4-5 ft long. I finally made the Spamton... eye patches(?) and a pair of eyelids, though I didn't end up using them in the photo shoot. I also made a new pair of nostrils, as the old ones kind of got swallowed up from all the plastic surgery I was giving him
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Now that the head was finished, I got to work on the body. I sewed the white belly and segments of the body together. I left most of the tail open, as the fur was too thick for me to flip it out at a certain point. I worked on the legs, next. After living out my cosplay dreams by putting the claws on my fingers like bugles chips, I grouped the claws together and sewed most of each leg and foot together, leaving me with many pairs of charred drumsticks (did not taste good)
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I attached an extra long wire structure into each set of claws, then threaded the wire through each respective leg and stuffed them. I ladder stitched the claws to each foot, then stuffed each with some plastic beans in order to give the feet weight. I then finished sewing each foot shut. I now had a pile of disembodied limbs and one very long scarf.
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I wound many long pieces of wire together to create an armature for the body. While the plush's body is way too heavy to be properly posable, the wire does still give some structure. I wrapped the extra long ends of the legs' wires to the metal spine, using the body's leg holes for reference. I then pulled the body up the metal armature like a sock.
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I pulled the legs through their respective holes and stuffed the body. It was the first time the malworm was huggable! It's sort of like an oversized body pillow, in a way. I had to ladder-stich all the limbs, the head, and the rest of the tail, as it would've been completely impossible to flip inside out. It was quite difficult to do on furry fabric, and my thread frequently broke from the force I had to pull with to keep the stitches tight. Eventually, I got everything attached to some degree.
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The last details I worked on were the mane, tail tufts, and scopula pads. The mane and tail tufts were ladder stitched onto the body, but I decided to use glue to attach the pads to the feet. I think the extra blue details make his proboscis fit much better, and who doesn't love spider paw pads? I also glued some velcro to the eye patches so that they stay attached better. They slide under the black eye rings.
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My malworm was finally finished! I tried to put a lot of effort into the photo shoot so that people who don't know about the AU can enjoy it. I wanted to make it seem like some weird entity whose only goal is obtaining more Spamton brainrot. Hence it making Spamton on Mario Kart DS under the bed, obsessing over the Spamton Plush, inspecting the Spamton Shrine, and just generally harassing the photographer (me, I guess?). I wanted to capture the silliness, creepiness, and lack of respect for personal space that Spamton is known for. I thought about giving him a bag of doritos under the bed like that one image of the isopods eating them, but went with the DS instead. I thought it would be funny to see this thing playing Super Mario 64 DS (or Super Spamton 64) and here the "buh bye!" sound effect when it closes the DSi XL.
That's all from me, for now. I have other Wormton related matter to attend to.
Don't let the parasitic Spamton larvae bite
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gghostwriter · 1 month
Can I request a Lil fluff with the team (mainly Spence) where the reader had a massive potty mouth (like they're from a country that isn't so harsh about swearing, England, Australia, New Zealand?) But she's all very professional when need be but when talking with the team she's cursing up a storm (maybe the terms "good cunt" and "shit cunt" turn up?
Good cunt means someones great, amazing
Shit cunt meaning well someone's bad) and Spence gets anxious but she reassures him that she's not swearing AT him but more making sure her words hit to where they need to go?
Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader Trope: Friends who Flirt (?) ; Fluff just fluff! w.c: 0.9k Warning: CM violence; citizenship inaccuracies idk A/N: Apologies again that this took a while! I am not from Australia so I had to search up some more slangs to use for this. I hope I did it justice and I had fun writing this, Anon! Thank you for requesting 💗 Main masterlist
Down Under. // Spencer Reid
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It wasn’t your fault the Americans didn’t have ‘swearing’ programmed in their DNA. It was although your fault why you ended up in the FBI—receiving looks and eyebrow raises from the team—rather than in a bustling city of your homegrown country in the southern hemisphere, Australia. 
But you really couldn’t blame yourself now could you? The idea of giving up your citizenship to be a part of the illustrious BAU was too good to pass up. So you packed your bags, entered the FBI Academy, and passed with flying colors—nearing perfect that David Rossi pulled ranks just to get you in the team even with how green you still were. 
“So what do we have?” you asked, rounding into the conference room with Spencer in tow. 
“Sadly, my precious koala, we have murder,” Penelope answered with the remote in her hand, flashing the photographs of numerous mutilated bodies. “Jacksonville, Florida reported a series of killings over the past month and it’s not looking pretty. Each victim had been dumped in alley ways and all missing a toe.” 
JJ slightly reeled back. “Well, that’s a new type of trophy.” 
“It’s not very common,” Spencer backed up. “Jerome Brudos, ‘the Shoe Fetish Slayer’ is the only known serial killer that kept a foot trophy from his first victim. He was only named as such because of his disturbing foot fetish and collection of women’s shoe catalogs that he considered as pornographic material.” 
“Ah a shit cunt,” you remarked, making Spencer shift on his seat to look at you with inquiry. 
“Y/N,” Emily warned. “Alright, wheels up in thirty.” 
The case file was too thin for the team’s liking. How was it that a serial killer with five, possibly six, victims under his belt only had a couple of pages on it and with incomplete identifications and no missing or initial reports done. 
“Emily, is this it?” Luke waved the slim folder up in the air. “I mean, I know the victims were all homeless but damn. Did they even walk and ask around?” 
She sighed. “I called it in and the only reason we were invited is due to the upcoming elections.” 
“Bogan coppers are they? Why doesn’t that surprise me at the least,” you scoffed
“Matt and Luke, you’ll visit the last location of the body—” Emily instructed before turning to the rest of the team. “JJ, coordinate with the media to get them to cooperate. Y/N and Reid, talk to the forensics. Rossi and I will settle base at the station.” 
A series of hums and agreements echoed throughout the compact jet before settling into a lull. 
Spencer shifted on his seat, turning to face you who was busy shifting through the papers. “Hey, in the office you—“ he cleared his throat. “said a phrase, what did it mean?” 
You turned slightly, noting his nervous gaze. “You mean ‘shit cunt’?” 
He nodded. 
“It means someone bad, low life, scum of the earth—wait, you don’t think I meant you, right?” 
“What—no, no!” He sighed, having spied your raised eyebrow. “Well, maybe? I didn’t know what it meant so I don’t know.” 
You giggled. “Spence, if I was going to describe you it would be—pardon my French, good cunt.” 
“For someone so tiny, you sure do curse a lot,” Rossi interjected. 
“What can I say, us from down under just have colorful vocabulary,” you shrugged. 
The team was finally back in home base after five days in the sweltering heat of Florida and you couldn’t feel any more tired than this moment as you waited for your sister to come pick you up. Granted you could taken the last train ride home but you just didn’t trust yourself to not miss your stop plus she volunteered so you hastily agreed—never one to say no. 
“I think I’ll wait until your sister arrives for you,” Spencer volunteered, taking your go bag out of your hands. 
“I am an FBI agent, Dr. Reid,” you teased. “Perfectly capable of taking care of myself”
“And I don’t disagree! I’ve seen you take down Luke in training and shoot multiple unsubs but you look dead to your feet.” 
You blushed, grateful that the night made it less obvious. “So are you my knight in shining armor then?” 
He cleared his throat, holding on to your gaze. “I could be.” 
You sucked in a breath. 
The temperature between you suddenly felt hot. Did that mean what you think it meant? Did that mean he liked you too? You opened your mouth to ask but was interrupted by a car halting to a stop in front of you. 
It was your sister, what rotten timing.
“Oh please, stop caking and get in before I get ticketed or better yet make it worth it and just pash already!” She shouted through the rolled down window. 
“Caking? Pash?” Spencer repeated. 
“Well—I have to go. Thanks for keeping me safe, Spence.” 
He stops you on your tracks, holding to your hand. “Wait what do those two words mean?” 
You laughed, squeezing his hand in return, and felt a sudden burst of confidence. “Come find me when you figure it out.” 
With a wink, you left Spencer dumbfounded and dazed on the sidewalk.
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Some notes: Bogan - an uncouth or unsophisticated person Coppers - policemen Caking - flirting Pash - passionate kiss
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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mellowwillowy · 2 months
If i was in Twisted Wonderland i would love for Floyd to pick me up like a cat (new tall world view as he's 44 cm = 1'5.32 taller than me) and i would also love to help him annoy Riddle
Floyd swinging us around... and we would fly if he just let go of us at that point.
Self-Aware AU
Riddle was torn. He hated Floyd's guts more than anything but you? You... why couldn't you stop teasing and pulling pranks on him? If it was Floyd, he would have collared him but you?
You were an exception. Because it was an honor for him to be considered as your plaything. His reaction amused you! What more could he have asked for?
It could be pranks he had seen through or expected and he would still feign surprises just to see you gleam in joy.
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WAKE UP HON WE GOT NEW OFFICIAL ROLLO CONTENT (thanks to curekibouka for the translation!) 😭 (Bless him, he came home so quickly at only 40 rolls��)
***Rollo profile, Groovy, vignettes, and chibi spoilers below the cut!!***
As you can see in the card art shown above, it looks like his official English name will be "Rollo Flamme", not some other variation.
His coffin icon has a bell on it! Very fitting.
Yes, he’s triple fire magic and has a Duo with Grim.
… LMAO his Buddies are Malleus, Idia, and Azul 🤡
He's a third-year student at Noble Bell College, Student Council President, (but we already knew this) and 18 years old
His birthday is Feb 2nd! (There was a mistake in the initial launch of the Rollo card and profile in which his birthday was incorrectly stated as Feb 4th, which is Cater's birthday. Man was so mad when he realized he shared a birthday with a NRC boy so he redid his birth certificate/j)
(Here are screenshots of before and after the change; I happened to take a picture before the update:)
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178 cm tall (LMAO I guess he doesn't meet a certain Ghost Bride’s standards)
Comes from the Shaftlands (again, we already knew this)
Best subject is Potionology
His hobby is cleaning malewife trait
He obviously hates magic 😂
Favorite food is not, in fact, croissants; it's actually grapes
Least favorite food is savarin, which is a ring-shaped cake soaked in flavored syrup and then garnished with cream and fruit
HIS SPECIAL SKILL IS GARDENING WHICH MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD... considering what he used that skill for... 🤡
His official description in the profile states that Rollo is admired by his classmates for his seriousness and no-nonsense attitude, but he also has a tendency to be… neurotic 💀 gee, ya think
His vignettes are set at NBC, not Night Raven College. They seem to be set prior to the events of Glorious Masquerade.
It's said that the reason he is at NRC now is because he is there temporarily to study.
We see Rollo going about his daily routine. He tends to the Bell of Salvation and the gargoyles early in the morning when the sky is still dark which probably explains the dark eyebags. He’s able to witness the sun rising as he does his cleaning. Rollo finds the dawn peaceful! and loves listening to the bell ring.
OMG the gargoyles are so excited when he pays attention to them 😭 They hop around like excited little puppies… NOT ROLLO WANTING TO GET RID OF THEM
Rollo also has his duties as a regular student. I believe he discusses grades with his vice president. He thinks his classmates are stupid 😂 and finds it ironic that these people look up to him and see him as a top student and a great magician…
Rollo eats his lunches alone because he finds people noisy. Bruh, he has 2 croissants, 16 grapes and 1 cup of cafe au lait (coffee with milk) for lunch every day of the year…
He shops in the City of Flowers and has a routine of buying a plain letter set, only all white paper and envelopes—even if there is a better deal on other sets. If Rollo is one thing (besides angry), he’s consistent and likes to stick to a routine and to things that are certain!
LMAO Rollo hates the City of Flowers because it’s flowers blossom because of magic ✨
Rollo runs into some trouble when a community goat wants to chomp on rhe letter set he bought in town 😂 He’s calm at first but then gets mad because he considers the goat unsanitary and it’s trying to eat his robes…
I want to stress that this boy is suppressing his rage and disgust the entire time 🤡 He’s trying so hard to pass as well-adjusted… Man’s literally going to send this goat flying but stops because he realizes there are too many witnesses…
At the end, Rollo writes a letter to his parents to let them know he is doing fine. Apparently, they’ve been worrying about him ever since “that” incident 😔 The letter reads as very formal and stiff, as though he’s writing to strangers. Maybe he has emotionally distanced himself from his parents (perhaps as a result of “that” incident), although he isn’t outright rude about it.
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The fact that he writes with a feather quill instead of a magical pen………… ….. ….. … … . .. . … … . . . . .. . … .. . . .
Also the fact that he's by default in his big, bulky uniform with tons of extra material that would make it TERRIBLE for P.E. 💀 and has nothing else to change into... The last screenshot of the group above also looks like Sebek has leaned over to Rollo's ear to spread the GOOD WORD of WAKASAMA and Rollo is trying to do his very best to ignore him...
P.S. I want everyone to know that he does THIS whenever he has a Perfect in Magic History... ROLLO'S LITERALLY A CARTOON VILLAIN PLOTTING REVENGE AGAINST HIS CLASSMATES.... .. . .......... . .. . . . . . . . . . yes, I stuck him in a class with Malleus, Idia, and Azul :))
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wildglitch · 2 months
Can i just share my weird Captain Marvel x Hazbin Hotel au? Pls? Yes? Ok thank you-
Im a fucking weirdo. Im a total and complet fucking weirdo. Cause tell me why I fully belive that the sweet summer child known as Billy Bean Batson would 100% befriend the canabalistic Alastor whike he was alive, and continue to be his friend after he found out he was a serial killer.
(Ok so, This idea is fully just based of the fact that they are both there in the early 1900 and both where radio host's. This is how I see it.)
With some (timeline fuckery) Billy and Alastor where both radio hosts around the same time. Since Billy was a child that (pretty sure canonically) spared him from Al. They would both collab and work together since they are both in the east cost area, and would grow to become good friends. Alastor liking the weird child star that didnt shy away from him, and Billy who lives in Fawcett and has no sense of sane human.
Billy would eventually find out he was a killer and try to stop him. Its a slow burn murder mystery that ends with Billy exposing Al on air and Al finding out hes Marvel. Stuff happens, big of Villian fight, Al gets away, and a few years later he dies.
Once dead, They kinda reunite since Al's such a big deal in hell. They (for some reason) reconcile saying it was pretty fun trying to keep the secrets from eachother and move on, meeting up every once in a while.
Flash forwards, its the new millenia and the JL need help defeating a Villain. Constantine suggests a really sketchy and dangerous demon that wont be easy to convince into doing something good. The League agree.
JC: *summons demon*
JL: *Ready to convince a tough demon for help*
Al: Good evening! I'm you're host the radio demon. What fo I have the plesure of doing today folks?
Batman: Radio Demon. We need your help savin-
CM: Al?
Al: Hm? OH Billy! Why its so wonderful to see you again. Gosh, how long has it been? 1? Maybe 2?
CM: 2 Decades.
Al: Boy how time flys. What can I do for you old friend *Walks out of pentagram*
JC: Im sorry you shouldnt be able to do that-
CM: We need some help saving a city. I'll give you an interview if you do
Al: Well, celebrity guest do bring in the ratings. Lead the way while I tell you what I've been up to down there
*walks out chating like the bestist of friends*
Superman: what just happend-
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
Elaborating on robot!König. He was a man, once, he believes - or that’s what his fuzzy memories tell him. He’s unsure, but he knows that this is his reality now. And he’s built to love it, to love the attention he gets When he walks onto the battlefield, and the praise from his superiors from time to time when he successfully destroys an enemy base with just a flick of the hand. His wrist opens, splitting his forearm and Hand apart, revealing a hole - and a second later, a rocket heads straight for his targets.
Within the destroyed enemy base, someone manages to escape. A frail little being, könig notes, when he scans her from afar. He chuckles to himself, seeing her run around like a lost fly hitting a window over and over again, because one second she’s running this way and the other she’s running that way. She has nowhere left to go.
He decides to kill her. He’s her enemy, and his sensors are going crazy noting that the target is trying to run away. But it all soon quiets, as he hears a voice through the earpiece built into his head. “You noted a target escaping, are they strong?” König stands on the battlefield, unharmed, talking to his superiors as if nothing particular is going on. “Ach, nein, very… weak. Not suited for war. She will to die by exhausting herself, running in circles.” He laughs loudly, making heads turn towards the 208 cm tall crazy metal-man.
“Then get her for questioning.”
He simply walks over to her, not rushing one bit. He loves the terrified look on her face when she turns around and sees him. She doesn’t even try to run away. “Stupid girl, not even trying to escape me?” You don’t answer and he grins, “A smart decision. Jetzt komm schon, hopp hopp!”
He flings her over his shoulder like it’s nothing. His mouth curls slightly upwards at the “oof!” Sound she lets out. He grabs her steadily by the back of her knees and one large hand over her butt. On his walk back to the helicopter, he experimentally squeezes a few times and decides he likes the feeling of it. He sits her down in his lap, ass on one thigh, and he bounces the other every now and then. He wants to stare at her, but he doesn’t want to scare his new little prey off.
Back on base, they keep you for questioning. You know better than to give information away, but you suppose it’s either that or you’ll leave this place in pieces - as they heartily promised to send könig to blast you away into the night sky like a firework.
When they don’t let you go, you’re still confused, but just as you’re about to speak up to the leaving soldiers, two men walk in. You recognise one as König the war machine, and the other must be in a higher position with the way he holds himself. König meets your eyes and grins toothily, not that you could see it because of the mask. But you shudder at the bright blue shining on you.
“She’s all yours, König” the older man pats his back, “we don’t have any use for her, and I could see the way you looked at her. I guess even those like you happen to to want to keep a war trophy, yeah?”
“Ja… jawohl” he keeps staring at you, eyes scanning over your body. Quite literally. The older man nods and tells him that he can take you home, “have a good time, you’ve deserved it.”
He props you up on his shoulder again and leaves to his apartment, built right beside the base to make it easy for him to come and go as commanded. He slaps your ass, and grabs a cheek through your pants, smiling and your soft gasp.
“I’ll show you a good time, trophy girl.”
(Proceeds to show you the 30+ modes he has on his vibrating dick)
WHO ARE YOU?!? Can I marry you…? 👉👈
I mean do I follow you here anon? And if not then wtf?! Give me your blog now if you’re pushing out stuff like this! Gimme! I beg of you!
(I had to collaborate to the awesome bleakness of this: here, have this as a ty gift!)
She literally prayed that some other veteran would have taken her as a “trophy”, just anyone except this machine.
It claims it was once a man, but seems to have forgotten what it is to be human, walks in and out of his apartment that’s really just an old container, disturbs your only moments of peace in the “bathroom” where you’re trying to wash yourself clean, under a bucket shower with a small bar of soap he found for you somewhere.
Doesn’t respect your privacy at all actually, stares at your breasts when you get up and get dressed, scans your body up and down when you hesitantly crawl to him at night. He has a body warmth feature which he uses to lure you in and to his arms because the metal casket you live in with this war machine is horribly cold, night and day. Of course you seek warmth from the giant radiator so that you wouldn't freeze to death.
Due to the many upgrades – or that’s what he calls them – made to his body, he has inhuman stamina. Gets his pleasure out of edging and studying your body, clearly trying to remember what human women were like... How they writhe, what makes them quiver and cum, what forces them to moan.
He wants to know how many orgasms can be pulled out of your weak body, how many times can you take his dick that’s a bit too hard and unforgiving compared to the smoother human cocks, he's especially curious whenever you start to beg for him not to stop.
You feel like you’re more like a guinea pig to him when he returns to probe and experiment on you at night. Asks why you look sad when you curl into a fetal position after the three peaks he just tortured out of you. When you explain to him that you’d like some skin-to-skin contact and cuddling after sex, the automated breathing behind you stops for a moment.
“Ah... Post-coital procedures... Ja, I remember, ganz sicher.”
He settles down next to you and draws you into an embrace, a bit too cold and rough. There’s no heartbeat, but he breathes steadily behind your back, the steady thrum of his inhales and exhales supposed to make you relax. He could probably turn his body heat system up if you asked, but you’re too shaken to even speak.
“You feel good now...?” He asks as if it’s in his protocol to do that these days. That it’s his job to make you feel nice and he must not fail…
“Yes, much better,” you lie as you spend another night with this war-torn but highly functioning cyborg, trying to cuddle and comfort you like a human man.
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crystallizedtwilight · 20 hours
🎃 LSBC Questions: Part 12! 🎃
Bringing this back! I cannot answer every Lock, Shock, Barrel, and Callope question with a drawing, but I’d still still like to respond to them in some way! Questions that call for quick answers will be under the cut in batches of 10-15 🧡
Previous bulk questions batch
New questions:
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Shock and Lock are both 5'9" (~175 cm) Calliope is 5'5" (~165 cm) Barrel is 5'4" (~162.5 cm).
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Tapetum lucidum: [1] [2] [3]
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Lock likes stargazing on the roof, climbing, listening to music. Shock likes flying, studying magic, herb collecting, tea making. Barrel likes gaming, comic books, and caring for his scorpions.
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Lock and Shock bicker often but show their heart when it counts.
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Barrel doesn't get jealous. He's happy to be allowed Lock's time and closeness when offered it.
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Yep! Despite all the drama (that Belladonna never knew about) Lock learns she's pretty cool. Aaand that the drama might have been his fault bc when Belladonna asked if Barrel was single Lock wasn't ready to commit back then.
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They definitely weren't the teacher's favs! At that young age they'd typically notify the parents but the trio didn't have any.
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Oogie. Or his friends abandoning him.
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They went on one date.
Not in this AU.
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Yes, Barrel's scar is permanent. As it turns out, Barrel loves it.
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The trio all have occasional nightmares about Oogie but they subside with time. Barrel will wake Lock if it looks like a bad time.
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Lock is best at comfort via distraction. He'll take Barrel to a diner at whatever hour it is to get milkshakes so good that he forgets his nightmares. And he won't go back to sleep until Barrel does.
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best24news · 2 years
Haryana Crime: नारनोल मे फर्जी बिल बना 2.28 करोड़ का गबन, CM Flying ने किया खुलासा
Haryana Crime: नारनोल मे फर्जी बिल बना 2.28 करोड़ का गबन, CM Flying ने किया खुलासा
CM Flying Raid in Narnaul : मुख्यमंत्री उड़नदस्ते ने जनस्वास्थ्य विभाग नारनौल मे रेड की। टीम की ओर से उपमंडल अभियंता (एसडीई), कनिष्ठ अभियंता (जेई), अन्य कर्मचारियों व ठेकेदारों समेत 17 के खिलाफ गबन मामला दर्ज करवाया है। पुलिस ने टीम की शिकायत पर विभिन्न धाराओं के तहत मामला दर्ज कर कार्रवाई शुरू कर दी है।Dog Terror in Karnal: छत फांदकर आया पिटबुल, 9 साल की बच्ची पर किया जानलेवा हमला, हालत…
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sketalya · 8 months
✨The Steam Team✨
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The Steam Team full ref's
And here are some of my headcanons about them (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
1) Thomas | 26 y.o | 165 cm
• Cheeky, a little naive, hardworking, friendly, and very loyal
• He didn't have any family left after his older brother Timothy died. So Edward, who is Timothy's friend, decided to take care of little Thomas. And that created a strong sibling relationship between them
• Really admires Edward and always tries to be the best to make his brother proud of him. He even dyed his hair (Thomas' hair was blonde before) and chose to wear blue uniform to look like him
• Teasing grumpy seniors is his daily routine
• Can be a bit stubborn and pushy. But don't worry, he always learns from his mistakes (even though it usually will happen again)
• Always ready to help his friends
• Really likes new challenges and adventures that might cause problems. Don't know how he always makes new friends after that. But yeah, that's what makes this puffball famous isn't it
• Has a huge crush on Lady after saving her. But unfortunately they have to separate because Lady has the responsibility to keep the Magic Railroad alive. Thomas didn't get to express his feelings at that time and now he only hopes to see her again one day
2) Edward | 34 y.o | 175 cm
• Before being the wise Eddie that everyone know, Edward used to be a trouble maker for his brothers and sisters in the past. But after a fatal accident that took the lives of all his siblings, Edward felt guilty for not being a good brother to them. And that made Edward turn into a good older brother figure for all young drivers just like what his older brothers and sisters did
• Always reliable for everything. In fact, because of that, sometimes he gets assignments that actually give him difficulties, but he always tried to do it himself because he didn't want to disappoint people
• Pretty good with children too. He sometimes takes his time to play with the neighborhood children. And all the kids really like him and are very excited every time he comes
• Has his own way of disciplining young drivers who like to cause trouble, Bill and Ben for example. Usually he would just advise patiently but he also don't hesitate to make a little prank to teach them a lesson
• Not very good at understanding jokes and that often makes him misunderstands it
• Actually very tired from everything but trying to look okay (He needs a little help)
• He has quite severe scars on both legs and he also has insomnia...Never let this man get drunk
3) Henry | 29 y.o | 192 cm
• Quite shy, very easy to feel anxious, gentle but can also be a little rough, one of the strongest but people sometimes forget about that because he is quite timid
• Gets along well with young drivers. But he can be a bit mean to them too when he's with other seniors. But slowly he changed now
• Has health problems and has a large scar on his body from the Flying Kipper accident. It makes him feel insecure and try cover it with his turtle neck clothes
• Really likes nature, likes to spend his free time in the forest, and his room is literally filled with potted plants. Has venus flytrap plants that he names Fairy, Bubble, and Lala that he talks to and considers them his pets
• Sometimes he would fish at night after delivering the Flying Kipper and sometimes he would ask Percy to come with him if he wasn't busy and chatting about lots of things together
• Whenever he felt anxious and had a problem, he would usually talk to Edward or Emily about it
4) Gordon | 30 y.o | 192 cm
• Overproud of himself, grumpy, and always seems to look down on young drivers and diesel drivers. But actually he also has a soft side that he doesn't show openly to everyone because of his pride. His face would change when he smiled
• Sleepyhead even though he's a coffee addict, likes to eat a lot, and sometimes smokes in his spare time
• Only likes to take the Express, and would be very lazy if he got another job besides that. Will feel annoyed if other people take the Express even if it's his own friend. But he didn't mind if it was Rebecca
• Very stubborn, only Edward and Sir Topham Hat can deal with that
• Comes from a famous family but he doesn't really like it and doesn't care. Because he has a bad relationship with his relatives and is even awkward when he is with his brother Flying Scotsman
• Really loves all his friends even though he doesn't say it. He will usually give gifts as an apology when his friends are offended by his behavior. He has a hard time accepting new people and can't let go of his friends easily
5) James | 27 y.o | 180 cm
• Splendid, a little narcissistic, and sometimes looks down on others even though he doesn't really mean to
• He looks tough but is actually sensitive, easily offended and will cry silently if someone insults him. That's why he always wants to be the best so that people will praise him more often
• The gossip in the group, literally loves to talk about any drama with the others
• Has several piercing scars on his ears from his emo past. He also has big scars on both arms from an accident but he covered them with fire tattoos and it makes him feel cooler and more confident than ever
• Doesn't like anything dirty and hates insects, especially bees
• Very knowledgeable about fashion, likes to go shopping for new clothes every weekend, happy to give advice on outfit styles. Emily was the one who helped him dye his hair
• Likes collecting cute little things but never tells it to anyone except Emily and Percy
6) Percy | 26 y.o | 160 cm
• The youngest in the group and is often teased by his friends and seniors. Cinnamon rolls but doesn't hesitate to say bad words when he gets really annoyed
• Literally can make friends with anyone even diesel drivers. But a little cynical with Harold because he calls him "Dirty Percy"
• Animal lover, friendly with wild animals, and has many pets such as dog, cat, fish, and even has a collection of insects in his room. Sometimes he liked seeing James' frightened expression when he brought his insects pet
• Admires Henry and considers him his older brother. Henry thought it was cute and was okay with it. In fact, Percy's current uniform is actually Henry's old uniform that was given to him because Percy didn't like his own uniform
• He likes to stay over at Toby's place to play with Henrietta's pet dog. And he thought it was a suitable place to write poetry at his free time (Yes, he likes poetry)
• Percy is quite often asked for help writing and sending love letters by his friends. That made him know about everyone's crushes on Sodor
7) Toby | 40 y.o | 175 cm
• Introverted and doesn't really like being around a lot of people but he still socializes because of his wife. Wise and actually always able to give useful advice but he is quite often underestimated by young drivers
• Always doing things slowly and relaxed, he doesn't like being rushed. Even every lunch time, when his friends had almost finished their food, he still on a few bites. Henrietta was the only one that patient enough for that
• Bookworm and will only wear glasses when reading. Percy says that he looks different when he wears it
• Very good at cooking and often brings food to his friends but he always says that it was made by Henrietta (He doesn't want people to know about it). But of course Percy knew about it, and every time he came to his place, Toby would make cakes and other snacks just for Percy
• He prefers to spend holidays with his wife at home or playing with his pet birds, so sometimes his friend had to push him a little to get him go out together
• Secretly has trust issues and anger issues. He doesn't put much trust in other people who he only considers as ordinary friends. He usually tries to be quiet and patient when someone bothers him, but he can become very out of control when he loses his temper.(Better no need to know what he's do and just don't make him angry)
8) Emily | 29 y.o | 170 cm
• The mature ones in the group, bossy and stubborn in the past but now she has learned to be more open-minded to other people's suggestions (Still a bit bossy sometimes but at least she tried)
• Perfectionist, always wants everything to work well and can be a bit strict about it
• Love pretty and shiny things, she and James often talk about their favorite things
• James sometimes helps her with makeup and choosing outfits every time she goes out somewhere. Which was challenging for James because Emily liked goth style
• She also often talks about flowers with Henry, literally can spending a lot of time just talking about them. Grows lots of flowers in her room with Henry's help, and as a thank you, sometimes she gave Henry some insects to feed his pet venus flytrap (Don't know where she got them but Henry is always happy to receive it...Don't worry, she didn't take it from Percy)
• Likes to borrow novels, especially thriller and mystery genres, from Toby. But that often makes Toby annoyed because she always forgets to return it
• Love to playing with her friends' fluffy hair. Percy, Henry, and Edward are always be the victims if they are careless
• Unlike Edward, she's quite strong and can drink a lot without getting drunk
Sorry if this is too long...I had a lot of fun writing all this ;D and in the future I will always use this design for my AU ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
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thlayli-ra · 26 days
Punkintyre; a twisted love story
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As anyone who follows my blog knows, I like posting my headcanons and LOVE posting about Punkintyre, and yet the two have never met... until now! This will be very long and probably split into different parts as I have a lot to say about them. So sit, back, relax and enjoy.
***Please note; this is all my own personal headcanons just for a bit of fun***
Punkintyre, at its core, is a story of obsession, possession and hate. Fiercely passionate hate. The kind of hate that consumes the soul entirely, and once it has destroyed the vessel, it goes on to destroy everything else around it.
But above all, to me, the essence of Punkintyre is that it's a story of unrequited love.
To understand this better, let's look at the players in this ship;
Drew McIntyre - 'You complete me!'
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By the close of 2023, Drew was already a good girl gone bad. Having been a popular babyface for years, his attitude had noticeably changed after a series of disappointing losses, becoming more aggressive, ruthless and caring only about himself. The crowd didn't like this new direction and were rapidly turning on him.
Then hell froze over! CM Punk made his glorious return.
And Drew had an epiphany! Here was a true villain, a man currently looming beneath a large, dark cloud. A cancer. A disease, threatening to infect the WWE with his sickness. At the Royal Rumble, he targeted Punk and injured him, putting him out on the shelf for months. Drew basked in his triumph, calling himself the Saviour of Wrestlemania and waited with anticipation for his flowers. Because, if there was one thing that was guaranteed, it was that everybody hated Punk far more than they hated Drew.
Except... they didn't! The mindless drones had already been swayed by the lies of the wolf in sheep's clothing, had already fallen for Punk and his cult of personality. Drew made it his mission to wake them up; to rip that smiling mask off of Punk's face and expose the putrid flesh beneath, show them all the monster that Punk truly was.
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To do this, he used the same weapon that caused Punk's downfall in AEW; social media. He constantly mocked and prodded at Punk, hoping to elicit a reaction from the notoriously thin-skinned veteran. He got plenty; but only from the fans. Not from the one he craved! So he pushed harder. Vandalised his signature ringer tee, used Punk's own move set, his entrance, visited his favourite bakery in his beloved hometown and bought him muffins.
Soon, he found himself flying high. His popularity had taken a massive up-swing, tongues were wagging, people were sitting up and listening, waiting on tender hooks for his next move. So he fed them, more and more. Taking pot shots at Punk every opportunity he could on every platform at his disposal.
Until Punk had become something else. Something more. Sitting cross-legged on the announce desk opposite the man who had made that particular taunt famous, Drew called him 'my muse', telling Punk that 'you complete me'. And it wasn't a word of a lie. He now needed Punk, needed him like a crutch to lean on. Needed to feed that hate.
Somewhere along the line, Drew's mission had become an obsession. Not for his goal of exposing the man, but for the man himself!
He didn't want to love Punk...
..he needed to!
CM Punk - 'I love you because you love me!'
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Punk, meanwhile, is the not-so-innocent innocent in all of this. Punk never wanted all this attention from Drew, calling him 'an ex-girlfriend that I can't get rid of' yet he's the one who's responsible for making Drew's unhealthy infatuation even worse.
Drew accused Punk of being a 'succubus', a sex demon that seduces men and sucks the em... 'life', shall we say, out of them. The metaphor fits well. Punk has a way of seducing those around him, both in the crowd and in the back, sometimes even to the point of insanity (a certain Maxwell Jacob Friedman immediately comes to mind!). Punk fans affectionally refer to it as Punk Derangement Syndrome.
Punk once told a crowd 'I love you because you love me'. He lives for the adoration! He feeds off of the spotlight and the attention it affords him, soaking up any and all reactions from the crowd. Cheer him, boo him, love him, hate him; so long as it's loud, he'll take it. Unlike Cody who struggled with the hate at AEW, Punk faced against the waves and waves of boos battering him from all sides with a shit-eating grin on his face, doing his worst to up the noise even more.
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And this is precisely why he just can't drop this petty tit-for-tat with Drew. The man's obsession with him is feeding Punk, and while his attention is a nuisance at best - and dangerous at worst - it's just not in Punk's nature to be the bigger man and let it die. He has to keep poking the bear even if it might tear his face off (which, it eventually does, but we'll get to that Smackdown later).
And so the players are locked into battle. Neither of them willing participants but their respective obsessions have honed in on one another, fingers on the trigger and aching to fire, neither taking heed of who they hurt along the way.
To be continued...
Part 2
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kkcharm · 3 months
I'm tired of wolf x bunny reader. Like, there's so many other concepts of prey and predador that i never saw someone writing it.
Orca x manatee This is my favorit because one is called an assasin while manatees are just little guys that can't defend themselves, manatees are barely hunted by other animals so i like to think that if they face the orca demi-human they would't reconize the danger.
Naga x mouse/capybara the fact that some anaconda variations can reach 12 METERS while the biggest rat possible is not even 50 cm while capybaras are around 50cm to 62cm . THE SIZE DIFFERENCE.
Polar bear x penguin little fem reader forcing the polar bear to sit on a rock since the males penguins do it to hatch the egg, poor guy confuse and scared to crack it
Owl/Hawk/eagle x mouse/small bird/bats An big ass bird with a hummingbird/bat reader or a little mouse attached on the big bird back as they fly.
Whale x jelly fish how cute would be?! A kind giant and his little shiny parther.
Jaguar/coyote/Wolf etc x sheep i love jaguars so much 😭 sheeps also don't have any defense metod, if their pastor get distracted the predador can easly attack them, even better if the sheep has lived only in a farm and know nothing about the outside dangers
If no one start writing new concepts predator x prey i will write those myself.
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, too lazy to check 💋
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bad268 · 1 month
can i pretty please request something about droid with a short s/o?? *bats eyelashes*
Droid + Short S/o
Made them headcanons because it is easier lol (else it wouldn't be out till December prolly) It's also easier to do headcanons since I'm getting kicked out of my new apartment lol
Anyways, on with the headcanons!
So, I'm imagining someone 165 cm (5'5) or shorter
Google says he's 6'1 but i feel like that's on a good day lol
ANYWAY we still go with that
things I can def see him doing:
tease you
"I'm no longer the shortest in the house!" Pezzy cheered while you were streaming with the roommates and Puffer. You had moved in with Droid, Grizzy and Pezzy, and they decided to throw you into the depend with a stream.
"I could pick you up and throw you," Droid laughed as he gestured by throwing an imaginary football. "Touchdown for the Cowboys!"
"Say something believable for once," You chuckled from your spot on the beanbag. Immediately, Droid ran over to you and threw you over his shoulder. "Droid, put me down!"
put things on higher shelves
"Droid," you shouted from the kitchen. He was setting up his new PC in the new house. You just wanted a coffee/tea/hot chocolate, but it looked like Droid put the kitchen utensils away. "I want my damn mug!"
"Oh, and where is your mug?" He asked with a smug smile on his lips as he leaned against the counter. You muttered something, but his smirk grew when he noticed your blush. "What was that?"
"I'm too short, dammit," You repeated louder this time. "You put all of my mugs on the highest shelf, Droid."
"Glad to hear you admit you're short, darlin'," Droid chuckled. He walked over, grabbed your favorite mug, and brought it down for you.
rest his arm on your shoulder
"I'm telling ya," Droid shouted over his friends as he leaned a bent arm on your shoulder, leaning forward to make his point. "It was a stupid bet, in a stupid game, and it was stupid!"
"What am I? Your personal armrest?" You interjected, trying to shake his arm off of you.
"Yes, deal with it," He gestured to you before jumping back into the conversation with Puffer. "I'm telling you, Puffer!"
"how's the weather down there?"
"Pretty hot," You mused as you fanned yourself with your hand. Being in your house with the air con on, Droid didn't understand what made you hotter. His confusion was written all over his face, which made it 10x harder to keep up the bit. "Pretty hot being closer to hell 'n all."
"That was a stupid joke," He laughed as threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into his chest.
"But you keep falling for it."
like those kinds of things
still, he'd use it to his advantage
"Babe!" Droid shouted through the house. You were doing some chores you had put off for too long, but you came running when he called, looking for anything to keep you from doing the chores.
"What's up?" You asked, peeking through the doorway.
"Can you plug this in for me? It's under my desk," Droid pouted as he held up a wire that had come unplugged during his game. By the looks of it, it was just the sound or something, but his stream was still going strong. You saw the chat flying as soon as you walked in, so you walked slowly over to him, sat in his lap, and gently took the wire. "Please, for me?"
"You just wanna see me on my knees, huh?" You joked before sliding down and looking back up at him. "Is this what you wanted?"
"I'm streaming!"
anyways, that's all I can think of tbh
i think it'd be cute
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Happy with the staff content this year but am I the only one who is disappointed with the PV we got? It's basically a slideshow of art we've already seen, major downgrade from the year 1 PV that had literally all the events. There was a drop in quality of the anniversary PVs over the years and it really shows this year. Sorry if you find this too negative I don't mean to hate I just wish Twst would do better for it's ANNIVERSARY.
[For everyone's reference, here are the anniversary PVs in order of release: 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024]
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Mmm, now that you mention it, I noticed this trend with the Halloween PVs 🤔 For year 1, there was a video that showed all members of the NRC casy, even those that did not receive cards at that time. There were then several short variants of the PV released for year 2/Endless Halloween Night (part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4). Altogether, they feature all of the characters, including the students from year 1 but heavily shadowed and with glowing eyes to indicate ghostly possession. Even Glorious Masquerade features all of the students that get new cards for the event plus Rollo, although there are notably more still shots here. The Stage in Playful Land CM, by comparison, is significantly shorter and only shows us the three SSRs (Ace, Ortho, and Kalim) as well as the two new characters (Fellow and Gidel).
As this anon has said, the anniversary PVs have changed a lot over time too. The first one was the most animated and integrated several event outfits. The second one was also animated a fair amount, but you can tell corners were cut in some places where they transition to photographs/still images. This alone works thematically given that the player is a photographer, but you can still catch dips in quality when it comes to the art style. I remember finding Deuce running and the Kalim + Silver flying scene odd, as well as Jade and Trein's faces strange in general. Then the third PV rolls around and it only features the third years; the animation also seems to be much more sluggish (although this could be a stylistic choice; not sure). A friend actually recently pointed out to me that Lilia's pose looks like he was pulled straight from other assets; his artwork in the animation is almost the exact same as his smiling expression in the game. This year's is the most different (+ most static) and, like year 3's PV, only provides "new" content for a select few characters (the dorm leaders). They also reuse pre-existing illustrations already found in the game that don't seem to be picked for any particular reason (like, there are random Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles groovies in there). This direction, I'm guessing, is less costly and more efficient than making an entirely original animation, which is what was done in previous years. (Not that Disney or Aniplex is hurting for money to fund this, lol) Would I have preferred another PV in the style of year 1's? Yeah, for sure. I want to see other events and their outfits animated! Was what we got this year bad? Not necessarily; I think the production and editing was very technically impressive, but I'm still sad we didn't get anything substantially "new" to chew on (as someone who isn't a fan of most third years or the dorm leaders). Maybe it's just something we perceive as a deficit only because year 1 set the bar so high. It is what it is; whoever was in charge of the anniversary PV was probably doing the best they could with whatever budget they were given 😔 Let's hope that next year's will be a return to form, or that at least the money/effort is being redirected to other bigger projects (maybe the anime?).
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themilkshanghai · 2 months
Mia and Marta's Profile
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" When human Mia meets witch Marta, The story of them is began… "
Mia Wynn
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Identity Name : Mia Wynn Date of Birth : August 8, 1997 Gender : Female Blood Type : O Blood Status : Muggle-Born Myer Briggs Personality Type : ISTP Ethnicity : American-Thai Nationality : American
Appearance Height : 175 cm Weight : 56 kg Hair : Dark gray, Shoulder length Eyes : Light green Skin : Tan, Scar on the waist
At Hogwarts Hogwarts House : Ravenclaw Wand : Hazel wood, Dragon heartstrings, 12 inches, Flexibility Quidditch : Beater Animagus : Gray Fox Patronus : Whale Boggart : Parents's body Riddikulus : Paper doll Flower : Red Poppy
Food/Dessert/Beverage : Candy, Chocolate cake, Omelet, Ramen, Donut, Ice cream, Black tea, Hot & Iced cocoa
Hobby : Sports, Singing & Playing music, Photography, Gaming, Traveling
Color : Gray, Black, White, Dark blue, Green, Red, Purple-Violet
Subject : Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, Flying, Astronomy
Mia is Muggle-Born who has talented and live an ordinary life. But when she was 7 years old, there was a fire at her house (America), her parents died in the fire and she was admitted to the hospital for several months. Mia's aunt heard the news and then took her to move to England for new life.
After months later something happened to Mia. The mysterious voices, sounds, Magic?! She felt shocked-excited and interesting that made wanted to learning about Magic.
Marta Waltsher
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Identity Name : Marta Waltsher Date of Birth : January 10, 1997 Gender : Female Blood Type : A Blood Status : Half-Blood Myer Briggs Personality Type : INTP Ethnicity : English-Thai Nationality : English
Appearance Height : 170 cm Weight : 50 kg Hair : Black, Long-Straight Eyes : White Skin : Light
At Hogwarts Hogwarts House : Slytherin Wand : Cedar wood, Dragon heartstrings, 10 inches, Pliable Quidditch : Keeper Animagus : White Swan Patronus : Raven Boggart : Thorny Vines Riddikulus : Flower Vines Flower : Poison Hemlock
Food/Dessert/Beverage : Herbal tea, Cookie, Salad, Vegetable soup, Beef Stew, Hot chocolate, Honey toast
Hobby : Cooking-Baking, Reading, Gardening, Dancing & Playing music
Color : White, Green, Black, Blue, Silver, Pastel
Subject : Charms, Potions, Herbology, Flying
Marta is Half-Blood witch who comes from a wealthy and strict rules family. Her mother disappeared after she was born for some reason, she heard that her father's relatives thinks she lured him with black magic to married.
Now she lives with her father and nursemaid (Younger sister of her mother) in mansion near the cemetery in the valley. Her father taught her about magic until able to use magic without a wand.
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